Adderall theanine

Adderall: Getting Shit Done!

2010.04.03 05:34 dxmdma Adderall: Getting Shit Done!

A Subreddit for discussing prescription psychostimulants (Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Ritalin, etc.) and topics directly related to them.

2012.03.30 22:30 earcaraxe Stack Advice - personal advice, feedback and recommendations


2008.03.03 07:46 Supplements

A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose. Not a place for discussion of illicit and illegal compounds.

2024.05.18 18:21 xSwampLadyx Advice for increasing REM sleep

I've never had a lucid dream before, but would like to learn how. My current problem is I get little to no REM sleep. I currently take escitalopram, wellbutrin and adderall every morning and been taking triple magnesium complex, vitamin c, active vitamin B complex, l-theanine, fish oil, MSM, and recently added 5mg of melatonin to my evening supplements.
I do consume caffeine throughout the day, usually just one redbull, and indulge in some Marijuana smoking or gel capsules (I mainly use it to treat nausea, so I can eat without feeling like I'm going to vomit) but usually is worn off by the time I go to sleep.
I have no problem falling asleep, I can take adderall, or drink a redbull before bed and fall asleep without issue.
Regardless, my Garmin watch is constantly showing that I hardly get any rem sleep, and always have poor sleep score. I tend to go to bed late and naturally wake up early which decreases the amount of sleep I actually get.
Honestly any advice is welcome, whether it's routine, supplements, lifestyle changes please do so. I know that Marijuana can effect REM sleep but my nausea can be crippling and i haven't had success with anything else.
submitted by xSwampLadyx to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:57 LastOutlandishness Supplements to help that mushy brain feeling

I have adhd and migraine. It’s obviously super fun, but I truly feel like after every migraine I’m not recovering. The postdrome brain fog just hangs around & low energy. I just feel like my brain is just mush all the time.
Now I’ve been stuck in a cycle of migraines and have finally had a few good days.
I take Aimovig injection monthly preventative Cymbalta & Zonegran as daily preventative Adderall for adhd (instant release) daily (well through the week).
Ubrelvy as an abortive.
I’ve added CoQ10, B12(Riboflavin), & Magnesium Glycinate and I think they’ve helped some with the day to day?
The adderall doesn’t seem as effective for my adhd especially when I get stuck in a cycle of migraines, but it does help get the wheels turning and help immensely with the executive function and the like.
Does anyone supplement with anything else to help that feeling? Either daily or as part of a recovery? I’ve been reading a lot about omega 3, vitamin D3, and L-theanine.
I just miss feeling sharp. It feels like those moments are farther between.
submitted by LastOutlandishness to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:26 rbecca08 Do any of you take these supplements?

Howdy!! was a really good resource for me when I was taking Adderall XR. I’m curious if anyone has ever taken any of the recommended supplements with Vyvanse and what their experiences have been.
I’m definitely going to do more research on this. It mentions Ritalin too so I wonder if the advice works for all stimulants?
Here are some of the supplements listed:
“Memantine (Rx) can work well to reduce tolerance
Selegiline (Rx)
L-Tyrosine (after) (Helps replenish dopamine, which will help even out the highs and lows)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids (before/whenever) (General brain health)
Vitamin D (morning) (Mood)
Inositol (Reduces nail biting, hair pulling and other obsessive symptoms)
“Before 10-30 minutes before.
Magnesium Glycinate: 1x200mg Pill (2,000mg magnesium glycinate, which is equivalent to 200mg elemental Mg)
(Use the linked brand. Many brands or formulations of magnesium have low absorption rates)
R-ALA: 1x100mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
ALCAR: 1x500mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
L-Theanine: 1x200mg (Helps prevent tolerance buildup, however more for reduction of anxiety/paranoia/irritability)
CoQ10: 1x100mg ("Extremely long half life antioxidant, various beneficial effects on mitochondrial function")
1-2x Tums, or 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water (Potentiates Adderall due to reduction in stomach acidity)”
“After To help you: Go to sleep easier and feel better tomorrow.
Magnesium Glycinate: 1x200mg Pill (2,000mg magnesium glycinate, which is equivalent to 200mg elemental Mg)
(Use the linked brand. Many brands or formulations of magnesium have low absorption rates)
R-ALA: 1x100mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
ALCAR: 1x500mg (Reduces neurotoxicity)
Vitamin C: 1000-2000mg (The acidity of vitamin-c will help reduce the effects of Adderall, making it easier to sleep)
Melatonin: 5-10mg roughly 30 minutes before bed (Keep in mind we are using a higher dose here for it's antioxidant properties. Normal dosages should be .5mg to 1mg.)”
Edit: formatting things to make it more readable (list above is copied directly from ***Also please consult your doctor before taking anything!!
submitted by rbecca08 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:59 Illustrious_Row3651 Mind Vitality Review: Is it Worth Buying This Nootropic Blend?

Ayo guys! Just wanted to share my experience with Mind Vitality, a new nootropic supplement I've been trying out for the past few weeks.
For context, I'm a 28 year old software engineer and was looking for something to help with focus, mental energy and memory.
I came across Mind Vitality while researching natural nootropics online. The ingredient list looked solid - stuff like Bacopa, Ginkgo Biloba, Rhodiola, L-Theanine, etc. So I decided to give it a shot.
I've been taking the recommended 2 capsules per day, usually with breakfast. And I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed so far!
Here are some of the positive effects I've noticed:
So yeah, Mind Vitality has been a great productivity booster for me.
The effects are not super intense like Adderall or anything. But the improvements in focus, energy and memory are definitely real. And it's nice to get those benefits from natural ingredients vs. pharmaceuticals.
The only minor downside is it's a bit pricey. But I feel the benefits are worth it. I'm planning to continue using it, at least on workdays.
Anyways, just wanted to share my positive experience! Obviously everyone's brain chemistry is different, so YMMV. But if you're looking for an effective natural nootropic, I'd say give Mind Vitality a try. It's worked really well for me so far.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
👉Find the latest Mind Vitality Discount Here
submitted by Illustrious_Row3651 to EffectiveNootropics [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 04:49 ThrAwyAcctForMyMedQs Sleep deprivation & other side effects when just starting Adderall

19M, 6’2” (188cm), 240lbs (109kg) Taking: Escitalopram 20mg Tab 1POQDHS (Lexapro) Bupropion HCl 150mg XL Tab 1POQDAM (Wellbutrin) Trying out Celecoxib 100mg Cap 1POQD (Celebrex) Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine Salts 20mg Tab 1POBID (Adderall)
Conditions: Sebaceous dermatitis, chronic idiopathic joint discomfort, slightly shaky hands, probably ADHD
You’d think as a pharmacy technician I wouldn’t be so self-conscious about taking several medications but, whatever.
I was prescribed Adderall 6 days ago for long-suspected ADHD. The doctor wants a 4wk follow up to confirm diagnosis based on the effects of the medication. I have to say I was surprised to be given such a high starting dose, but I guess I’m pretty hefty :p
The first day, I felt amazing, it felt like I finally had the energy and desire to do things. I had trouble falling asleep each day though, usually only sleeping 2-3 hours and tossing and turning for hours beforehand. Each day afterwards, my energy level dropped a bit at a time.
On day 4, I noticed I was actually tired for the first time. I assume that the lack of sleep slowly overtook the stimulant effect that was masking it. By the end of the day, I had difficulty with speech and recall, and would stutter and freeze up if I tried to hold more than 1 thought at a time. I felt similar to when I was falling asleep from IV Ket during my Wisdom teeth extraction. Assuming I needed more sleep, I took 50mg Benadryl, 500mg Tylenol, and 20mg Melatonin. (I thought they were 1mg gummies not 5mg yikes)
I got the worst hypnic jerks I’ve ever had, I assume from melatonin, but sat my bed up and ended up getting 5 hours of sleep. My Fitbit said none of my sleep was REM. I felt better but still iffy the next day, temporarily relieved for 2 hours each dose.
I took 75mg Benadryl, 500mg Tylenol, 10mg Melatonin and L-Theanine+Passion flower supplements. I tossed and turned but no sleep starts, and ended up getting of 3hr 20min of sleep with no REM. I feel better today, about where I was on day 3, but plan to keep taking things for sleep to make back the debt.
It’s only been 6 days, so I know my body is still adjusting. The Adderall has helped me focus and got me out of the months long funk I was in.
It’s been hard to differentiate side effects of the Adderall vs Sleep deprivation but I did have a few side effects I can for. Fast and excessive talking, Insomnia, and a few tics like toe curling and squeezing tip of nail and finger together.
Symptoms that onset after missing sleep include forgetting to eat or drink, dry mouth and lips, eye strain, mild headache, restlessness (similar to caffeine and starts as the Adderall leaves my system), irritability, mild dizziness, cold hands and feet that peaks ~5 hours after dose, and loss of interest in some hobbies.
I know some are Adderall but not sure about all of them.
I essentially need to know 1) if these symptoms are normal, especially the insomnia 2) if my response to the medication has been indicative of an proper ADHD diagnosis 3)whether I should ask about lowering second or both doses, stopping completely, or changing other medications. 4)what I can do to deal with the side effects, especially the insomnia again.
The internet searches I’ve done haven’t helped much and the prescribing doctor has been too busy for a phone consult. I have a follow up for the Celebrex in a couple days, with a doctor in the same network, so if changes are necessary they could be done before my 4wk. If you need more info, I have blood test results that could help.
Sorry for the long post and thank you for any help you can offer!
TLDR: New to Adderall; Adderall->Insomnia->Sleep deprivation please help :)
submitted by ThrAwyAcctForMyMedQs to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 10:23 kratomburneraccount Something for after work slump to get me through rest of day?

So I’m a pretty busy person and often find myself extremely tired after my 9-5 job, as most people. But I most days have more work to do after my shift because I run a business.
I only work 3 days a week at my 9-5, but these days can really set me behind if I don’t stay on top of other work. Sometimes after a long day, I come home and literally pass out for hours. Yesterday I came home and slept for like 4 hours straight. I just sit down momentarily and lose all motivation and pass out accidentally.
Most nights I get adequate sleep, I drink coffee, take l-theanine most mornings, I even take adderall occasionally. I need a little more slep and a better schedule in that regard, and I’m trying, but it’s hard. I also drink a ton of water.
Almost nothing helps that post work slump, and I don’t want to take adderall after for obvious reasons. I just need a solid 3-4 hours of awake motivation before I can rest.
Anyone have anything? I’ve noticed that I don’t think it’s actual physical lethargy, I think it’s something mental. It’s a lack of excitement. Work drains TF out of me. I’m in a hot ass warehouse enviroment and by the end I feel mentally out of it. I really don’t like my job that much and by the end I almost feel depressed.
Appreciate any insight or thoughts
submitted by kratomburneraccount to NootropicsDepot [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 06:44 your_local_supplier Mid term comeback guide

A lot of my academic career has been trailing behind until midterms and then coming back. There’s been classes I’ve been in 30s during midterm and finished with 70s, not great but that is a crazy comeback. If I had my 2nd half form all year I’d surely be a 90s student but I’m working on being motivated by myself without the fear of failing. However if my chronic procrastination has taught me anything it’s how to comeback from low marks. Before I get started it can’t be stated enough try your hardest to at least be in the range of your goal marks by midterms. Things get much tougher by the end and you want to preferably calculate for the exam dropping your grades by a little instead of hoping for a 90 on the exam to pass the class.
  1. Get healthy.
    It can not be stated enough how important sleep nutrition exercise and at least a decent mental health state can be for good grades. If you’re at 60s but get 4 hour sleep eat processed food and rot in your bed all day, I’m certain without even changing your study habits that much you can get to 70s just by living a healthier lifestyle. You’ll retain more information, you will procrastinate less, you’ll be less stressed, more motivated, and far more productive. I’m no expert and you can find much more qualified advice in the internet but a simple min 7 hour sleep meal prep at least 1/3 of your meals and throw in a 30-1h workout at least 3 times a week or at least get some cardio wherever you can throughout the day works wonders.
  2. Organize HEAVILY.
Write down every little bit of what you plan to do how long it should take you get an excel or google doc if u have to and put whatever you have coming up and how you plan on doing it. Bit of advice for planning leave some cushion room things can unexpectedly come up and you should prepare for it. Also be as realistic as you can don’t act like you’re going to study for 6 hours a day and leave no space for free time if you know you get distracted often.
  1. Experiment a lot.
Try studying in different rooms or the library. Try studying with and without headphones. See how long you can go before you lose focus. See what classes you get the most work done and the ones you have no interest in. The best students are the ones who know themselves and study according to what works for them. There’s few investments that pay off as well as investing in yourself.
  1. Make some friends that are academically successful.
My mom was a perfect 90s student. All throughout my childhood she told me make as many friends who are “better” than you. As in, a gym friend who’s stronger than you, a friend who is more academically successful. These people have the same goals as you and hold you accountable like no other. Having a real life example of where you could be if you got good grades or consistently hit the gym is also a solid motivator. Some friendly competition does wonders. Also these kids are incredibly clutch in group work or to check answers with/ask questions.
  1. Be punctual.
You would be surprised how effective just being punctual is. Do whatever work you’re assigned on time and you’re almost guaranteed marks in at least 70s assuming you aren’t doing an exceptionally difficult course. You will have to go above and beyond if you want the high 80s-90s but this is a solid foundation for your comeback especially if you aren’t already doing it. And please, don’t not submit an assignment or half ass an assignment. This is by far the biggest reason students fail.
  1. Study DAILY
Even if it’s 1 hour before you sleep, hell even if its 30 minutes on your lunch break. Small revision and practice everyday even for 30 minutes a class would do more good than cramming for hours. It’s ridiculously easy and manageable as well.
  1. Do work in short bursts
I like to do a 25/5 split. Ex. Math hw 6-6:25 and then 5 minutes for some snacks, meditation, a 10 minute nap (be very careful to not fall asleep), just a quick visit to your parents or a quick walk around the block or just sitting in your backyard for some fresh air. Try not to go on your phone believe me 5 minutes go by much quicker on social media and it will likely leave you distracted. I like to rotate classes doing this as constantly switching between classes is a great way to realistically study and test your knowledge. I like to do 2 sets of 4 classes for 1h per class or 4 hours in total but if my work is done for a class I would just remove it from rotation and keep doing this until every class is finished. Some people prefer 45/15, some like 1h30/30 min whatever works for you I personally can not focus for more than a half an hour tops.
  1. Meditation
This is the most effective way to increase focus and productivity. Going time/efficiency meditation is argubaly the best bang for your buck up there with gym and basic hygiene. Just 5-10 min a day will make a substantial impact with some consistency.
  1. Supplements/substances
This is last for a reason. For supplements some students claim success with Bacopa Monnieri, ashwaganda is another popular one, Theanine is another one I’ve heard of. Theres are all pretty safe and could potentially help with academic success but it’s all pretty anecdotal do your own research. Secondary we have legal substances. Caffeine is very very common with students I would advise against daily use for me an energy drink if I’m nodding off in class and 3 high caffeine fueled sessions a week works pretty solid. Some students claim cannabis helps them study for me it kills any productivity could be a decent treat after a long session. Some students wind down with some alcohol I personally hate alcohol but if you’re responsible it’s not the worst. Nicotine is pretty solid in terms of keeping you awake and focused but I’d highly advise against it tolerance builds quick and you don’t want to associate studying with smoking. Finally and most controversially is illicit drugs. Adderall is a very common one along with other prescription stimulants. I’d highly advise against it unprescribed but I’d be lying if I said it’s not something I’ve done and is highly effective. Once a week some adderall to power through boring assignments works incredible I get days worth of work done in some hours. I have insomnia but dont get medication as my parents highly oppose to it so I self medicate with a kolonopin or ambien so I can rest well before a big test or exam. Again highly do not recommend I’m just stating the objective facts and a lot of students do this so if you’re going to do it please do a fuck ton research and test your stuff. It’s almost never worth doing but I feel that it would be highly disingenuous to leave it out.
Sorry for the yapfest but with midterms coming around (at least for me) I know a lot of kids aren’t where they want to be and I wanted to combine all the most efficient tricks used by 90s students and what works for me to turn a semester around. Stay focused I promise it’s all going to be worth it when you’re excited to get your grades back instead of dreading it.
submitted by your_local_supplier to GetStudying [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 16:06 backpackoffrogs Is there anything I’m missing?

background: 23F, hispanic, diagnosed w psoriasis as a teen, vitamin d deficiency, anxiety, depression, ADHD. regularly take Zoloft- 100mg and a variety of vitamins (ashwagandha w L-theanine , vitamin d, inositol, women’s multivitamin, probiotic, recently added turmeric w black pepper and ginger to help with inflammation/swelling), use Epiduo on my face regularly, prescribed adderall and only take as needed.
family history: cancer on both sides, thyroid issues on my moms side, mom had graves disease and needed radiation - now she has a hypo thyroid. diabetes on dads side. dad has psoriasis. younger brother psoriasis and has thalassemia (nothing major, he wasn’t diagnosed until he was about 14 - 18 now) unsure of the carrier.
more helpful info: in late 2020 i started birth control, minocycline, and Epiduo to control acne. after about 1.5 months i switched to doxycycline (after an incident described below) and completed a 3 month dose of that, continued birth control up until june 2023. acne came back and i personally suspected pcos and started taking inositol and have noticed hormonal acne is gone. no history of any allergies. I recently graduated college and durning my last year i experienced extremely debilitating mental health issues as well as extreme fatigue. For the last 4 years i’ve attributed any physical symptoms to how bad my mental health got. After focusing on my mental health for about 6 months, I feel the best i’ve ever felt mentally, but my fatigue has stuck around and has been accompanied by worsening joint pain and other strange symptoms as well as abnormal blood tests. I also had a patch of psoriasis on my chest that was around for about 1 year with no others appearing. this plaque was misdiagnosed and i finally began treating it as psoriasis about a month ago and it’s cleared up. After an initial visit with my doctor (March 18), some of my routine blood work came back abnormal so she’s ordered follow up tests.
joint pain: I’ve had some kind of joint pain for the majority of my life. when i was younger i had chronic tennis elbow as well as runners knee (there is still a constant popping in my L knee) as well as the occasional ankle pain and popping. i’ve always been pretty active so i didn’t think much of it. As I continued playing sports in high school my joint symptoms began to progress. hand writing anything started to (and still does) leave my thumb swollen and my wrist, elbow, and fingers stiff. this joint pain has continued. However now i am starting to develop other symptoms like lower back pain and I recently had a weird case of swelling.
swelling: in early march i experienced night sweats for a few days in a row and developed a rash on my neck. I assumed it was a heat rash and treated w otc hydrocortisone and it cleared up. about 2 weeks later the rash on my neck came back and also developed around my eyes, accompanied by slight swelling in those areas. I assumed i was having an allergic reaction to a new face lotion I was using and again treated the rashes with otc neosporin and hydrocortisone. the rashes and swelling cleared up. on april 4th (day of blood test #2) my eyes, under my chin/jaw, in my armpits, and my forearms to my wrists were all swollen. my armpits and arms have continued swell randomly and it took about a full week for my facial swelling to go away. i’m not in pain and there’s no lumps in those areas. I tried benedryl and it had no effect. 800mg of ibuprofen had a marginal effect on the swelling.
i’ve had occasional sensitivity around my eyes prior to this that has caused some swelling, which i attributed to my use of epiduo. in early 2021, about 1.5 months into using minocycline for acne my face swelled like it did this last time. I went to urgent care and they basically told me it was allergies being triggered by a weakened immune system due to the antibiotics. they gave me prednisone and i switched to doxycycline. since then i’ve only had very minor swelling around my eyes that i typically write off as general puffiness. this time around my doctor didn’t prescribe anything specific and ordered more blood tests and is checking specifically for lupus, RA, and PsA.
Blood work: march 18th: TSH: was borderline hypothyroidism, typically on the low end of the spectrum so this was kind of surprising, but unsure if related to anything
TPO AB: normal
vit d: normal
lipid panel: some slight elevations but nothing notable
HGBA1C: normal
WBC: elevated RBC: elevated HGB & HCT: normal MCV & MCH: low MCHC: normal RDW: borderline elevated, still within normal range platelets: elevated
april 4th (started menstrual cycle this day): WBC: still elevated RBC: borderline elevated, in normal range now HGB & HCT: normal MCV & MCH: low MCHC: normal RDW: borderline elevated, still within normal range platelets: elevated
lymphocytes: elevated monocytes: very slightly elevated platelet estimate: increased
c reactive protein (non-cardiac): high
ESR: borderline elevated, still normal
ferritin: normal
iron: low iron binding capacity: elevated iron saturation: low
april 16th: AST: normal liver function panel: normal BUN: normal Creatinine: normal
WBC: normal !! RBC: elevated !! HGB & HCT: normal MCV & MCH: low MCHC: normal RDW: very slightly elevated platelets: elevated
lymphocytes: still elevated monocytes: in normal range now
my doctor isn’t concerned about blood cancers and i’m personally pretty sure it’s autoimmune related because i already have psoriasis. I’m currently waiting for the autoimmune indicator tests to come back as well as a retest of my iron and thyroid. very sorry for the long post, I just wanted to post here to get some opinions and ask if i’m missing anything that I absolutely should be tested for??
submitted by backpackoffrogs to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 18:23 Successful_Rice_2181 Strangest experience this morning vs yesterday’s whoah- Vyvanse 30-40-50mg

Hi, I’ve posted before- im on 30mg that putters out within 3-4 hrs; my doctor added 2x 10 mg boosters this week & said I could try all at once (50mg) or staggered thru day as boosters.
FWIW I also take Gabapentin 300x3/day, Wellbutrin 75mg, and klonopin (as needed, usually .25 or .5 but have 2mg a day RX), so definitely been trying to figure out best timing for these all to be taken. These meds are needed & have been on them for years, so can’t cut. I have drastically cut my caffeine since starting the med 6 weeks ago- 9-10 shots of espresso a day down to 1-2 max. Today, I’ve had no caffeine at all.
Yesterday I tried the 30, it did its thing for about 2-3 hrs, then the booster. YES. Felt normal for once. For about 2 hrs. Tons of protein, sporadic sips of my one espresso. So much water. Crash. Okay… booster 2…. Got me thru afternoon into evening even, but then the crash was the worst I’ve ever had (even aided with klonopin & CBD) and throughout the day I was an absolute monster to my partner, and several normal life situations that I realized later I completely blew out of context.
FWIW I also have slowly cut out THC gummies at night (<5mg dose, very low but was told it could make huge difference if I cut it ) & was actually able to sleep with just melatonin & a magnesium/l-theanine/vitamin b complex mixed gummy.
Today, I decided decided to try something new since yesterday was so drastic. I took 40 this morning, no coffee whatsoever. Protein breakfast shortly after, tons of water. No caffeine. Within 40 minutes of taking it, I literally felt like I’d been shot with a tranq dart. I’d just woken tho…. Wtf. Anything or anyone that I had been worried about or I was thinking about, could not give two shits. Even got a bit nauseous. I legit pushed some shit to the side & I curled up on my couch; getting to my bedroom even seemed too much. Pulled the blanket over me and fell asleep. Right before doing this I was like well, Fuck it, if I’m gonna go to sleep and today is a waste (adhd pressure to accomplish a lot of shit I’ve left pile up, since during my work week i can get zero things done at home), I might as well take the other stuff now, so I took my Wellbutrin, and .25 Klonopin.
Now I’ve woken up, and don’t feel great, but at least don’t feel like a zombie. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I could sit here and just stare at the wall. So I’m thinking the 40 was too much at once, but now I have no idea what to do. It’s been about 2.5 hrs since taking it.
I feel like Coffee might turn me into a monster, but also can’t just sit here like a bump on the log all day. I’ve even tried to get up and start doing some shit and I just end up standing there. I feel just enough now that sleep can’t happen, so I can’t rest.
I truly don’t know what to do- I can’t even relax and watch TV or anything. At this point I might try the booster in a little bit. The crash yesterday sucked, but at least I got shit done in a normal, not speedy, just handling shit kind of way, albeit having to booster quite a bit & shit crash.
Has anyone experienced this? Really frustrated (and due to past issues, I can’t take Adderall or other IR meds.) Vyvanse or nothing- which I also can’t go back to doing.
I’ve had such a varied experience, depending on so many factors, I’m just trying to find the sweet spot where I feel normal, and could use some input. Thanks.
submitted by Successful_Rice_2181 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 16:56 SwampWaffle85 I'm having a conflict with my meds and my quality of life. Would love to get some input.

I'm a 38yo male, married with a 4 year old. I take two 10mg xr adderall every day, once in morning and another in the early afternoon when the first wears off. It has done wonders for my ability to focus on tasks at work, I'm the only controls engineer at a big name manufacturing plant, so I have a lot of responsibility and pressure on me, which my adhd makes very difficult to get work done and focus on problems and listen well to my coworkers and leadership.
The problem is when I get home, and my meds have sort of worn off but I still have this "task oriented" mindset. It's hard for me to relax and unwind. It makes it hard to just chill and play with my kid and I just feel very mentally drained. If I don't take my meds, I find that when I'm at home later I'm a lot more relaxed and can enjoy myself a lot better, but my work suffers and I get really stressed out at work, which bleeds over into my home life.
How does everyone deal with this? I can't smoke herb anymore which used to help, it was just giving me bad memory problems and I just don't like the feeling it gives me anymore. I take L-Theanine which kind of helps take the edge off but I still feel very mentally drained and sort of brain foggy when I get home and as the evening progresses the brain fog just doesn't go away.
Any advice is welcome...
submitted by SwampWaffle85 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 02:16 Successful_Rice_2181 Vyvanse 30-40mg - not sure if dosing issue or other rx meds?

Hey crew- pardon my extremely unmedicated at the moment, exhausted, frustrated, ADD brain.
After a decade going unmedicated (and suffering), I finally got my psych to agree to put me on Vyvanse. Finally! We started me at 20mg 5 weeks ago, then added a 10 mg booster 3 weeks ago; now I’m at 30mg in the mornings w an optional 10mg booster that basically lessens the crash but does nothing for the brain fog that comes on (5 weeks in on the med)
When it’s good, it’s good. I just feel normal. To the point that I didn’t realize how not normal Ive felt. But, I putter out real quick at about 4/5 hours regardless of dose. Literally just go brain dead, like I’d had zero coffee and no sleep, tho not the case.
I work 12 hour shifts, so I’m trying to get at least 10 hours out of my medication, and the most I’ve been able is 6-7; 8 max with the booster. The first 4-5 days I hit maybe 7-8 without booster, but that’s it. The crash is unbelievable, and usually right in the middle of my afternoon. It’s like nothing else can happen at work or even at home after 3 PM.
I eat well, hydrate like crazy, take magnesium & vitamins at bed, l-theanine, all the things. I’ve gone from 6-8 espressos a day to just one in the AM (I was self medicating with coffee- get sleepy after four shots of espresso, easily) & I’ve really been working to up my protein and healthy snack at least every hour, & no vitamin C.
I’m still trying to figure it out the right timing and order of meds/coffee/etc..
Diagnosed: ADD/CPTSD/MDD/anxiety/neuropathy & spinal issues from an accident years ago
Meds im RX’d that I think may be affecting things:
*Gabapentin 300mg x 3 a day (we just bumped me down from 400mg a few days ago)
*Wellbutrin 75mg around noon (we also just bumped me down from 150mg last week)
*Klonopin as needed (.25-1mg dose- rarely used but sometimes seems to make Vyvanse more effective?)
*Tylenol #3 (acetaminophen with codeine) - very rare- 1/4 pill once a day at most (leftover from spinal issues for years- weaned way down!)
*melatonin & THC gummy- legal where I am- to sleep (sleep has been great unless I booster after 4pm)
Currently, depending on last dose of varying meds, I either take gabapentin first thing in the morning around 6am, and then wait at least an hour before taking Vyvanse, or I take Vyvanse first thing, and other meds later in the morning. I have my one shot of espresso (and savor it bc it’s my only one lol) after taking the Vyvanse & before it kicks in. Wellbutrin usually middle of the day.
Has anyone experienced this/dealt with any of these meds interacting?
Thanks all!
Edit to add: not interested in switching to another med & hesitant to mess with doses too quick- my doc is letting me try this, but she’s literally made me wait five years to do so. She knows I went thru a phase of life where I was Rx over 100 mg of Adderall, different doctor, years ago. Never want to take that stuff again, because who knows where it could lead.
submitted by Successful_Rice_2181 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 10:25 OkRoll1308 Dopamine

My father was chronic paranoid schizophrenic, which is believed by some to be caused by dopamine dysregulation, usually too much dopamine. It has a genetic component related to ADHD.
I have been extremely depressed in the past, and SSRIs had so many side effects and didn't really work. So I wondered if maybe my problem was not serotonin but dopamine, and I had a genetic link to dopamine dysregulation, but not enough instead of too much like my poor father. So I studied and bit and started taking tyrosine, which is one of the building blocks of dopamine. After a while I stopped being depressed, and was actually happy. If I stopped taking tyrosine, I would get depressed after a while. When I would then take tyrosine, I'd be happy again in 90 minutes. A definite connection. I still had all the ADHD symptoms, caused me a LOT of problems, and was really anxious as well. I don't think more dopamine would have helped that with ADHD, because I think the problem is I don't use it right, and the Adderall helps with that. However there's got to be a pool of dopamine to draw on.
I'd also get restless legs as I got older, another dopamine problem. Tyrosine helped that as well.
So at 70 I finally got diagnosed and medicated with Adderall, the next step in Dopamine Adventure. My whole world changed, I calmed down inside. I could actually stop and make a decision of what I wanted to do, and do that thing. I make a list each day of what I want to do least, and do it without problem. The piles of papers are gone, the disgusto box of disgusting things is cleaned, put away or discarded, etc. It's amazing, I never knew I could be this way. Clutter is disappearing, phone calls are made timely and without panic. I Pick the Thing and Do It (non anxiety version).
A little over a week into this, the restless legs came back. I figured I was burning through the dopamine, and went from AM and PM with the tyrosine instead of just a morning dose. I also added Theanine, and all of this has helped. I'm going to get a good vitamin B. I also brought it up with my primary doc, and we agreed dopamine enhancing meds might be on the table in the future, but wanted to avoid them now.
Has anyone else here noticed the dopamine effect in their lives? Has anyone found other ways to help dopamine production with food and/or supplementation or medication? Ways to keep the dopamine level good?
I also want to note: I am not a doctor, or specialist, or any such thing. This is just my experience. If anyone else tries them, it might not work for them or even cause problems. I'm just asking away...
submitted by OkRoll1308 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 11:05 LargerAccountant What are the best medications and supplements for modafinil comedown?

Aside from benzodiazepines, can anyone recommend any pharmaceuticals, nootropics, or supplements that can help with modafinil withdrawal? The comedown isn't as severe as with Adderall or other illegal substances, but I always feel tired and depressed later in the evening. I'm wondering if there's anything a doctor could prescribe that doesn't put me to sleep but instead balances things out. I've tried gabapentin, kratom, cannabinoids (such as THCv, CBG, and CBD), l-theanine, magnesium, ashwagandha, phenibut, ketamine, and a few alcoholic beverages, which were the least effective option.
submitted by LargerAccountant to ModafinilLounge [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 17:33 sirCota I can’t find anyone with the same ADHD issues as me. adderall as major pain reliever… not from clenching etc. … long post.

Hi, so I’m a 41yo male 190lbs living a relatively sedentary lifestyle but have a daughter who does get me moving more than i ever would without her motivation (or begging :)
I know the greatest ‘hack’ is sleep, exercise, and just a well balanced natural varied diet and often changing the exercise and food patterns so you can get your body used to a wide level of input and output which keeps us young. i worded that poorly, oh well, you get it.
So, I have severe severe ADHD inattentive mostly.
in the 80’s nobody knew, so I would bounce from gifted and remedial classes etc, always procrastinate.. but in general the best summary for my ADD is that my brain spends so much effort calculating and juggling that any interaction is exhausting, and motivation is weak. i had a good streak as a grammy winning audio engineer because that life is so bizarre and chaotic, my ADD thrived until i burned out.
That’s pretty typical for ADD.
Here’s where it changes. As an adult, I suffered acute pancreatitis, twice. rumored to be the male equivalent of the pain of child birth (i can’t speak to that)… worse than kidney stones.
I was in the hospital for 15 days. I lost 50lbs. My immune system has never felt the same.
This also happened while Inhad a newborn and around the end of peak covid and during the months of hospice care i was providing for my dad who passed shortly after. It was a tough stressful time in life.
during peak stress then, i would get mild psoriatic like patches that I’m only not calling hives because my dad had psoriasis. my skin only gets visibly weird like once every few years and barely. the pain is the thing.
(long post but i’m getting there.. i want to be detailed, cause i would love informed help)
After a few days rashes gone, but anxiety is monster and joints and bones and nerves ache particularly in the morning.
Okay, psoriatic arthritis then right? Docs can’t find any inflammatory markers, but i can feel inflammation as if i ate a pound of salt. No thyroid problems, bloodwork normal (after liver enzymes returned to normal). I was anemic, i’m much less so now.
Current symptoms:
Upon waking up, my body is in excruciating pain predominantly in my arms and legs / hands feet. It makes going to bed emotional for me because i know the next feeling after falling asleep (which is hard enough) is going to be pure pain and a brain fog so strong I can’t do anything but find something to lessen the pain. it’s so bad my brain can barely process info at all.
So, I began to notice that my adderall prescription heals my pain better than anything else.
I don’t have tense clenched muscles much from stimulants and it’s not that kind of pain. I get that pain too, but it’s not a problem. , i don’t have tachycardia, tho i am out of breath quickly.
Adderall itself comes in a few forms… one thing i noticed is
Adderall Salts XER cause terrible vasoconstrictions that last too long. dosage is not very dependent but of course some.
Adderall IR isn’t so bad, but it also gets my hands and feet cold but is better for the pain.
Dexedrine (one of the 4 amphetamine salts) actually is the best pain reliever with minimal side effects. hard to get tho.
I have not tried Vyvance as there’s a shortage on everything, so my doc prescribes any one of those 4 depending on stock, outside of vyvance which is never in.
Okay, so what is that helping my pain and why are these two things connected?. I can tell the pain is gonna be bad the night before sometimes.
So, being an ADD, i tunneled further …
the relationship between neurotransmitters, citicloline, catecholamines, precursors, antagonists, agonists, reverse *ists …
it’s all related to pain, motivation, attention, muscle coordination, memory, and on and on.
So, what in adderal is helping my pain?
There are two chemicals, L-phenylalinine, and D-phenylalanine (and the synthetic DLPA of both).
They are precursors to tyrosine, which down stream makes dopamine. (simplified).
D-Phenyl has been known to have pain relieving properties. L- supposedly more for focus.
At first it was a mild pain reliever, but less effective now. I’m worried about taking too much because i don’t understand the phenylneuric disease, and have read too much in the brain is bad bad. None of the physical symptoms really got me until after my stressful years.
Dopamine like other neurotransmitters need balance between them all. So i’m always careful not to just throw my amino acid levels out of whack .. it makes you chase your tail even harder.
So with the shortage , i’ve had to try pharmacology approaches.
Then there are the racetams noopept phenylracetam fasorscetam … i think that’s all i’ve tried. heard aniracetam is good for this?
They uh, i don’t know … some say take big doses with ALCAR and ALA (or cdp-choline).
Sometimes they work like a less determined version of adderall… sometimes they put me to sleep. No major headaches to report.
Modifanil and the like …. sometimes do nothing, sometimes get me tunneled in, but not the best for the pain.
I have tried the standards: various magnesium, quality fish oil, coq10, theanine, taurine, lysine, gaba (gaba direct kinda sucks , try passion flower and lemon balm). tryptophan. I don’t like htp5 or SAMe, and haven’t figured out egcg. Selenium does … smells like eggs lol. NAC i have but i naturally stop taking it after 2-3 days and maybe some wilder thought patterns calm down
I’ve tried vasodilators (argnine, cialis) to help .. mild blood thinners etc. Those help sometimes. Creatine helps sometimes. Thing is the vasoconstriction is a different pain from the stimulant, it’s not deep in. my nerves/bones like when i wake up. But it is annoying to get pain relief only for it to give you a different pain.
The thing is, nothing fixes it consistently. The pain and fatigue is so bad in the morning, i’ve missed all sorts of life because it. Wake up in pain and i scramble to just toss whatever i can reach down w water because in 30 min i gotta get the kid to school and i don’t want anyone seeing me move like an orangutan cause i ache so much.
  1. can i take multiple racetams at the same time?
    • with the D-phenylalinine?
    • with nsaids (won’t stack blood thinners etc)?
  2. with modifinil?
Yeah, that’s a lot, I know.
There’s scary research about the Acetylcholine and I can’t tell how that plays into things?
I’ve also tried Uridine, Jaoguan (sp)… mexidol, ugh.. i’ve tried everything in different amounts and stacks and taken breaks …
The doctors don’t understand, and nothing significant is coming up on testing.
What’s the easiest way to do my own genetic testing?
I’m clearly grasping for relief… and as a life long ADD sufferer, the chase for relief is something i’m used to, but i’ve lost my baseline, don’t want to hurt myself, don’t want to flake on my family or job, i just want to be able to do happy positive things in and for this world.
Everything I’ve tried has been just been moments of hope and disappointment as things that help are so unpredictable, I am no longer a reliable person.
Sooo, either i need to find a steady supply of Dexedrine so i can have the motivation to exercise and try tilting towards the more holistic approach and knock off all the questionable supplements.
is anybody else like this ?? can anyone with better medical knowledge condense and correct my research.
doing this alone and using the internet is not the best way to get help, but the doctors i see are failing me.
thank you. that was long.
submitted by sirCota to ADHDers [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 17:20 sirCota Too many systems are connected in the body… every positive has a negative. I can’t find anyone who shares my disability. I’d like to know more science…

Hi, so I’m a 41yo male 190lbs living a relatively sedentary lifestyle but have a daughter who does get me moving more than i ever would without her motivation (or begging :)
I know the greatest ‘hack’ is sleep, exercise, and just a well balanced natural varied diet and often changing the exercise and food patterns so you can get your body used to a wide level of input and output which keeps us young. i worded that poorly, oh well, you get it.
So, I have severe severe ADHD inattentive mostly.
in the 80’s nobody knew, so I would bounce from gifted and remedial classes etc, always procrastinate.. but in general the best summary for my ADD is that my brain spends so much effort calculating and juggling that any interaction is exhausting, and motivation is weak. i had a good streak as a grammy winning audio engineer because that life is so bizarre and chaotic, my ADD thrived until i burned out.
That’s pretty typical for ADD.
Here’s where it changes. As an adult, I suffered acute pancreatitis, twice. rumored to be the male equivalent of the pain of child birth (i can’t speak to that)… worse than kidney stones.
I was in the hospital for 15 days. I lost 50lbs. My immune system has never felt the same.
This also happened while Inhad a newborn and around the end of peak covid and during the months of hospice care i was providing for my dad who passed shortly after. It was a tough stressful time in life.
during peak stress then, i would get mild psoriatic like patches that I’m only not calling hives because my dad had psoriasis. my skin only gets visibly weird like once every few years and barely. the pain is the thing.
(long post but i’m getting there.. i want to be detailed, cause i would love informed help)
After a few days rashes gone, but anxiety is monster and joints and bones and nerves ache particularly in the morning.
Okay, psoriatic arthritis then right? Docs can’t find any inflammatory markers, but i can feel inflammation as if i ate a pound of salt. No thyroid problems, bloodwork normal (after liver enzymes returned to normal). I was anemic, i’m much less so now.
Current symptoms:
Upon waking up, my body is in excruciating pain predominantly in my arms and legs / hands feet. It makes going to bed emotional for me because i know the next feeling after falling asleep (which is hard enough) is going to be pure pain and a brain fog so strong I can’t do anything but find something to lessen the pain. it’s so bad my brain can barely process info at all.
So, I began to notice that my adderall prescription heals my pain better than anything else.
I don’t have tense clenched muscles much from stimulants and it’s not that kind of pain. I get that pain too, but it’s not a problem. , i don’t have tachycardia, tho i am out of breath quickly.
Adderall itself comes in a few forms… one thing i noticed is
Adderall Salts XER cause terrible vasoconstrictions that last too long. dosage is not very dependent but of course some.
Adderall IR isn’t so bad, but it also gets my hands and feet cold but is better for the pain.
Dexedrine (one of the 4 amphetamine salts) actually is the best pain reliever with minimal side effects. hard to get tho.
I have not tried Vyvance as there’s a shortage on everything, so my doc prescribes any one of those 4 depending on stock, outside of vyvance which is never in.
Okay, so what is that helping my pain and why are these two things connected?. I can tell the pain is gonna be bad the night before sometimes.
So, being an ADD, i tunneled further …
the relationship between neurotransmitters, citicloline, catecholamines, precursors, antagonists, agonists, reverse *ists …
it’s all related to pain, motivation, attention, muscle coordination, memory, and on and on.
So, what in adderal is helping my pain?
There are two chemicals, L-phenylalinine, and D-phenylalanine (and the synthetic DLPA of both).
They are precursors to tyrosine, which down stream makes dopamine. (simplified).
D-Phenyl has been known to have pain relieving properties. L- supposedly more for focus.
At first it was a mild pain reliever, but less effective now. I’m worried about taking too much because i don’t understand the phenylneuric disease, and have read too much in the brain is bad bad. None of the physical symptoms really got me until after my stressful years.
Dopamine like other neurotransmitters need balance between them all. So i’m always careful not to just throw my amino acid levels out of whack .. it makes you chase your tail even harder.
So with the shortage , i’ve had to try pharmacology approaches.
Then there are the racetams noopept phenylracetam fasorscetam … i think that’s all i’ve tried. heard aniracetam is good for this?
They uh, i don’t know … some say take big doses with ALCAR and ALA (or cdp-choline).
Sometimes they work like a less determined version of adderall… sometimes they put me to sleep. No major headaches to report.
Modifanil and the like …. sometimes do nothing, sometimes get me tunneled in, but not the best for the pain.
I have tried the standards: various magnesium, quality fish oil, coq10, theanine, taurine, lysine, gaba (gaba direct kinda sucks , try passion flower and lemon balm). tryptophan. I don’t like htp5 or SAMe, and haven’t figured out egcg. Selenium does … smells like eggs lol. NAC i have but i naturally stop taking it after 2-3 days and maybe some wilder thought patterns calm down
I’ve tried vasodilators (argnine, cialis) to help .. mild blood thinners etc. Those help sometimes. Creatine helps sometimes. Thing is the vasoconstriction is a different pain from the stimulant, it’s not deep in. my nerves/bones like when i wake up. But it is annoying to get pain relief only for it to give you a different pain.
The thing is, nothing fixes it consistently. The pain and fatigue is so bad in the morning, i’ve missed all sorts of life because it. Wake up in pain and i scramble to just toss whatever i can reach down w water because in 30 min i gotta get the kid to school and i don’t want anyone seeing me move like an orangutan cause i ache so much.
  1. can i take multiple racetams at the same time?
    • with the D-phenylalinine?
    • with nsaids (won’t stack blood thinners etc)?
  2. with modifinil?
Yeah, that’s a lot, I know.
There’s scary research about the Acetylcholine and I can’t tell how that plays into things?
I’ve also tried Uridine, Jaoguan (sp)… mexidol, ugh.. i’ve tried everything in different amounts and stacks and taken breaks …
The doctors don’t understand, and nothing significant is coming up on testing.
What’s the easiest way to do my own genetic testing?
I’m clearly grasping for relief… and as a life long ADD sufferer, the chase for relief is something i’m used to, but i’ve lost my baseline, don’t want to hurt myself, don’t want to flake on my family or job, i just want to be able to do happy positive things in and for this world.
Everything I’ve tried has been just been moments of hope and disappointment as things that help are so unpredictable, I am no longer a reliable person.
Sooo, either i need to find a steady supply of Dexedrine so i can have the motivation to exercise and try tilting towards the more holistic approach and knock off all the questionable supplements.
is anybody else like this ?? can anyone with better medical knowledge condense and correct my research.
doing this alone and using the internet is not the best way to get help, but the doctors i see are failing me.
thank you. that was long.
submitted by sirCota to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 08:02 davinky25 Needing advice

Hello I (20f) just barely joined this group. I have adhd along with depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety I was diagnosed at 13, adhd at 19. I have been on straterra for a year, and honestly can’t tell if it helps. I have tried adderall but it actually made it worse for me. I’m also on citalopram and welbutrin. I randomly will have days I feel so irritated over the smallest things and it makes me so sad that I am not as patient as before. I also have issues with memory I’m only 20 but I feel like my memory is so terrible I need to make reminders for every little thing. It’s just really tough. Someone in a Facebook group recommended L theanine supplement to help and it honestly doesn’t do anything for me. I just feel so stuck. My psychiatrist recommended I try abilify but I heard it causes weight gain and I already have a history of eating disorders. I just feel stuck and I hate having to add another medicine and another supplement to feel normal. Any advice on what I should do?
submitted by davinky25 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 03:21 Femto027 Calling all "high performers"

not necessarily audit related
High performers, Tier 1's , Goldstandards, Employees of the month, how do you do it ?
History- used to be a Tier 1 /Goldstandard performer in Early 20s, now at 27 in industry, found that i do just above average only. I been qualified about 7 years now, 5 years of which were in Big 4.
Want to get back that fire and jolt myself. Im young, have no inheritance, and hoping to have a family someday ( already have the spouse) . For context- came from a 3rd world country and grinded my way into the first world . For more context- about to hit my first Quarter end in a listed company.
That motivates me, but any crucial tips you guys have to share on how to be the absolute best version of yourself at your job? I've lost a bit of that flame;
Some probing questions:
  1. How do you think about difficult times at work- hey we are just about to hit quarter end- do you fret for it? How do you prep for it?
  2. How do you stay focused throughout the day? i.e no redditing i'd hope? I found i get distracted a bit sometimes and take a " 10 min " break on reddit...
  3. How do you deal with anxiety- i.e something is due within an hour- and boss is hovering around?
  4. How much lunch time do you take, in minutes- and do you stay by the laptop, or take a break from it?
  5. How is your health- i understand YMMV, but how much times do you workout a week?
  6. What time do you wake/sleep? I am a 1am sleeper..definitely got to pull that back to like 10 am..
  7. How much time outside of your job, do you spend on your job- e.g reading articles, reading a 10k, learning a skill like Power BI, python etc.
  8. Why are you doing this? What is the personal ambition? Of course I know money factors in, but do you want to be an industry leade expert?
  9. How do you deal with down days?
  10. Any diet, sleep, mental tips? E.g the last thing you need is to be checking an email on your watch in the middle of a lovemaking session; jkjk ; Any nootropics? L tyrosine, L theanine, adderall?
Thanks all, - i too enjoy the memes on the sub, but think we can all help each other here. Yea, our profession may be seen as a gimmick /soft by some, or not as intellectual as IB/Wall street/Actuarial, but we are all in it together- it pays the bills and many others don't even have a job/deterministically difficult to pull off ( i.e upbringing, genetics, location born) . So yea, hoping to contribute more productively to the sub, i am bad at memes anyway.

submitted by Femto027 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 14:23 paulrudder Any warnings, interactions or cautions about taking sabroxy?

I bought this stuff from ND without really knowing much about it, but I have ADHD and no longer taking adderall and am always trying to find natural or herbal remedies that can help me focus and remain motivated.
I read some worrying posts in old threads about sabroxy after purchasing and now I’m afraid to take it. One guy said 200mg made him manic and these pills from ND are 500mg.
In terms of potential interactions I also take l theanine, taurine, Shilajit, rhodiola rosea (cycle), ashwagandha (cycle), lions mane (cycle), l tyrosine, NAC (few times a week), fish oil, black seed oil, sulforaphane, cistanche, magnesium, multivitamin. Also cycle medicinal mushrooms sometimes like lions mane, cordyceps and reishi.
submitted by paulrudder to NootropicsDepot [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 19:31 G-bear97 Amfexa vs other generic Dexamfetamine brands ADHD Medication

Hiya, fellow ADHDers
I’m on dex myself. I’m 27 and from the UK. I’ll try to make this as short as possible, lol as I know what our attention span can be like. I just wanted to share my experience with different generic brands.
Just to state, I’m in no way a doctor or somebody with medical knowledge. I’ve just been doing some research over the past couple of weeks on Reddit itself and also online and then comparing it to my own experience.
I’m not normally one to comment or make a thread. I just like to sit back and read threads, but I just wanted to make this comment, just in case anybody else is in the same boat and feels a bit lost.
So I’m practically I think I’m at the end of titration with my psychiatrist. I’m currently taking 15 mg in the morning followed by 10mg at 12pm, then another 10mg at around 4pm, so I take x3 doses a day.
I’m gonna ask about upping it to 15mg for the other two doses as I’m finding the later doses are not as effective as the morning dose.
For me, I think 15mg is the sweet spot - there’s not any nasty side-effects. I have good concentration, but I can still pull away from a task if I have to, but we’re all wired differently.
I was originally on the brand called Teva, then last month got given Amfexa, but am now going back to Teva from Friday (Tomorrow).
So here’s my findings with different brands of the drug…
Like I said above, for the past month, instead of Teva (in my opinion a good brand) I’ve been given Amfexa instead. If I’m being honest, it might not affect some people but it does have different fillers and binders compared to Teva and Waymade and that will affect how your body absorbs it and the effects it produces.
So maybe I’m just slightly more sensitive to how Amfexa works or the change from one to the other. Personally, amfexa feels more abrupt when it kicks in and not a smooth as Teva, and in my experience it feels like it doesn’t last as long either, (I could be wrong) which can be good or bad, it depends on which way you look at it.
Don’t get me wrong it works ok-ish, but it’s given me different, worse side-effects than Teva.
I find amfexa gives me slightly racey, anxious thoughts and I’m not a very anxious person at all, I’m super laid back in fact. (Seem to forget my problems within 5 mins haha) So with my job I do worry from time to time about finishing projects and getting work completed to the timescale, but never to the point where it bothers me that much. But I find when on Amfexa it worsens it, on Teva I didn’t have this.
I’ve actually played round with the dose (not advised but not gone over an amount that is in titration) by taking less or more and it hasn’t got rid of the side effects, so, comparing it to Teva, in black and white terms for me I think it’s a pile of crap haha.
Anyway, I find that with Teva medication in general (not Amfexa) it relaxes me mentally all throughout the day but also gives me the drive to be ready to get up and do anything.
I found that with Amfexa, it has also actually increased my heart rate compared to Teva.
For reference, my diet is fairly healthy, I take extra magnesium as that really helps the medication, and I also have high protein meals which help it to work too. I don’t have any circulation problems but I know stimulant medication can cause changes in blood flow so I’ve been taking beetroot supplement tablets alongside zinc and iron (spacing the intake of iron and zinc out) to help combat this.
I’ve also been taking l-theanine, an amino acid that generally helps you to feel relaxed as before medication struggled to settle for the night.
Also if anyone would like I can link to other Reddit threads of other people who have experienced stuff with Amfexa?, and also the same with me re the anxious thoughts.
Also there was a test done in the Netherlands I believe, where a lot of people complained about the brand after being switched to Amfexa, and also it hasn’t had amazing reviews on post them on here too if any interest?).
I’ve actually got some more Teva coming tomorrow (Friday). so happy to comment again to show my findings when going back on Teva.
I had to chat with my psychiatrist about the different brands. I don’t think he was fully understanding what I was trying to get at when speaking to him, as I specifically said that I feel like I get on better with Teva as it’s more subtle with the effects so I specifically asked him for Teva.
(I’m pretty sure he just went along with it but didn’t necessarily disagree with what I was saying.) but he did mention again they have different binders and fillers so I think he was open to me specifically having these again.
If you were thinking of switching brands, obviously your health comes first, but I would just be careful about how you word it to your psychiatrist as they might not have been around for too long in the game and might think that all the dex brands are the same. Oh and probably don’t mention you’ve been on Reddit getting lost in a wormhole of people’s experiences - I don’t think the psychiatrist would take you seriously if you tried backing up your points from Reddit lol.
I’m not trying to plant anything in anyone’s head or slag off the brand. It’s just something I know doesn’t work for me. I just wanted to make people aware of it if they’ve been in a similar situation and thinking why aren’t they getting on with their medication anymore.
Again, this is my personal opinion and experience. I’m not a healthcare professional. But I just thought this would help.
Cheers ears 👂😝
Links Amfexa side effects some in comments:
Similar experiences but with Adderall American adhd med:
Teva vs others :
Teva and Amfexa :
General talk about other brands :
Threads about trying other generics:
Experiences with Amfexa :
Amfexa and Teva
Amfexa top ups
submitted by G-bear97 to ADHDmeds [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 19:27 G-bear97 Amfexa vs other generic Dexamfetamine brands ADHD Medication

Hiya, fellow ADHDers
I’m on dex myself. I’m 27 and from the UK. I’ll try to make this as short as possible, lol as I know what our attention span can be like. I just wanted to share my experience with different generic brands.
Just to state, I’m in no way a doctor or somebody with medical knowledge. I’ve just been doing some research over the past couple of weeks on Reddit itself and also online and then comparing it to my own experience.
I’m not normally one to comment or make a thread. I just like to sit back and read threads, but I just wanted to make this comment, just in case anybody else is in the same boat and feels a bit lost.
So I’m practically I think I’m at the end of titration with my psychiatrist. I’m currently taking 15 mg in the morning followed by 10mg at 12pm, then another 10mg at around 4pm, so I take x3 doses a day.
I’m gonna ask about upping it to 15mg for the other two doses as I’m finding the later doses are not as effective as the morning dose.
For me, I think 15mg is the sweet spot - there’s not any nasty side-effects. I have good concentration, but I can still pull away from a task if I have to, but we’re all wired differently.
I was originally on the brand called Teva, then last month got given Amfexa, but am now going back to Teva from Friday (Tomorrow).
So here’s my findings with different brands of the drug…
Like I said above, for the past month, instead of Teva (in my opinion a good brand) I’ve been given Amfexa instead. If I’m being honest, it might not affect some people but it does have different fillers and binders compared to Teva and Waymade and that will affect how your body absorbs it and the effects it produces.
So maybe I’m just slightly more sensitive to how Amfexa works or the change from one to the other. Personally, amfexa feels more abrupt when it kicks in and not a smooth as Teva, and in my experience it feels like it doesn’t last as long either, (I could be wrong) which can be good or bad, it depends on which way you look at it.
Don’t get me wrong it works ok-ish, but it’s given me different, worse side-effects than Teva.
I find amfexa gives me slightly racey, anxious thoughts and I’m not a very anxious person at all, I’m super laid back in fact. (Seem to forget my problems within 5 mins haha) So with my job I do worry from time to time about finishing projects and getting work completed to the timescale, but never to the point where it bothers me that much. But I find when on Amfexa it worsens it, on Teva I didn’t have this.
I’ve actually played round with the dose (not advised but not gone over an amount that is in titration) by taking less or more and it hasn’t got rid of the side effects, so, comparing it to Teva, in black and white terms for me I think it’s a pile of crap haha.
Anyway, I find that with Teva medication in general (not Amfexa) it relaxes me mentally all throughout the day but also gives me the drive to be ready to get up and do anything.
I found that with Amfexa, it has also actually increased my heart rate compared to Teva.
For reference, my diet is fairly healthy, I take extra magnesium as that really helps the medication, and I also have high protein meals which help it to work too. I don’t have any circulation problems but I know stimulant medication can cause changes in blood flow so I’ve been taking beetroot supplement tablets alongside zinc and iron (spacing the intake of iron and zinc out) to help combat this.
I’ve also been taking l-theanine, an amino acid that generally helps you to feel relaxed as before medication struggled to settle for the night.
Also if anyone would like I can link to other Reddit threads of other people who have experienced stuff with Amfexa?, and also the same with me re the anxious thoughts.
Also there was a test done in the Netherlands I believe, where a lot of people complained about the brand after being switched to Amfexa, and also it hasn’t had amazing reviews on post them on here too if any interest?).
I’ve actually got some more Teva coming tomorrow (Friday). so happy to comment again to show my findings when going back on Teva.
I had to chat with my psychiatrist about the different brands. I don’t think he was fully understanding what I was trying to get at when speaking to him, as I specifically said that I feel like I get on better with Teva as it’s more subtle with the effects so I specifically asked him for Teva.
(I’m pretty sure he just went along with it but didn’t necessarily disagree with what I was saying.) but he did mention again they have different binders and fillers so I think he was open to me specifically having these again.
If you were thinking of switching brands, obviously your health comes first, but I would just be careful about how you word it to your psychiatrist as they might not have been around for too long in the game and might think that all the dex brands are the same. Oh and probably don’t mention you’ve been on Reddit getting lost in a wormhole of people’s experiences - I don’t think the psychiatrist would take you seriously if you tried backing up your points from Reddit lol.
I’m not trying to plant anything in anyone’s head or slag off the brand. It’s just something I know doesn’t work for me. I just wanted to make people aware of it if they’ve been in a similar situation and thinking why aren’t they getting on with their medication anymore.
Again, this is my personal opinion and experience. I’m not a healthcare professional. But I just thought this would help.
Cheers ears 👂😝
Links Amfexa side effects some in comments:
Similar experiences but with Adderall American adhd med:
Teva vs others :
Teva and Amfexa :
General talk about other brands :
Threads about trying other generics:
Experiences with Amfexa :
Amfexa and Teva
Amfexa top ups
submitted by G-bear97 to adult_adhd [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 19:23 G-bear97 Amfexa vs other generic Dexamfetamine brands ADHD Medication

Hiya, fellow ADHDers
I’m on dex myself. I’m 27 and from the UK. I’ll try to make this as short as possible, lol as I know what our attention span can be like. I just wanted to share my experience with different generic brands.
Just to state, I’m in no way a doctor or somebody with medical knowledge. I’ve just been doing some research over the past couple of weeks on Reddit itself and also online and then comparing it to my own experience.
I’m not normally one to comment or make a thread. I just like to sit back and read threads, but I just wanted to make this comment, just in case anybody else is in the same boat and feels a bit lost.
So I’m practically I think I’m at the end of titration with my psychiatrist. I’m currently taking 15 mg in the morning followed by 10mg at 12pm, then another 10mg at around 4pm, so I take x3 doses a day.
I’m gonna ask about upping it to 15mg for the other two doses as I’m finding the later doses are not as effective as the morning dose.
For me, I think 15mg is the sweet spot - there’s not any nasty side-effects. I have good concentration, but I can still pull away from a task if I have to, but we’re all wired differently.
I was originally on the brand called Teva, then last month got given Amfexa, but am now going back to Teva from Friday (Tomorrow).
So here’s my findings with different brands of the drug…
Like I said above, for the past month, instead of Teva (in my opinion a good brand) I’ve been given Amfexa instead. If I’m being honest, it might not affect some people but it does have different fillers and binders compared to Teva and Waymade and that will affect how your body absorbs it and the effects it produces.
So maybe I’m just slightly more sensitive to how Amfexa works or the change from one to the other. Personally, amfexa feels more abrupt when it kicks in and not a smooth as Teva, and in my experience it feels like it doesn’t last as long either, (I could be wrong) which can be good or bad, it depends on which way you look at it.
Don’t get me wrong it works ok-ish, but it’s given me different, worse side-effects than Teva.
I find amfexa gives me slightly racey, anxious thoughts and I’m not a very anxious person at all, I’m super laid back in fact. (Seem to forget my problems within 5 mins haha) So with my job I do worry from time to time about finishing projects and getting work completed to the timescale, but never to the point where it bothers me that much. But I find when on Amfexa it worsens it, on Teva I didn’t have this.
I’ve actually played round with the dose (not advised but not gone over an amount that is in titration) by taking less or more and it hasn’t got rid of the side effects, so, comparing it to Teva, in black and white terms for me I think it’s a pile of crap haha.
Anyway, I find that with Teva medication in general (not Amfexa) it relaxes me mentally all throughout the day but also gives me the drive to be ready to get up and do anything.
I found that with Amfexa, it has also actually increased my heart rate compared to Teva.
For reference, my diet is fairly healthy, I take extra magnesium as that really helps the medication, and I also have high protein meals which help it to work too. I don’t have any circulation problems but I know stimulant medication can cause changes in blood flow so I’ve been taking beetroot supplement tablets alongside zinc and iron (spacing the intake of iron and zinc out) to help combat this.
I’ve also been taking l-theanine, an amino acid that generally helps you to feel relaxed as before medication struggled to settle for the night.
Also if anyone would like I can link to other Reddit threads of other people who have experienced stuff with Amfexa?, and also the same with me re the anxious thoughts.
Also there was a test done in the Netherlands I believe, where a lot of people complained about the brand after being switched to Amfexa, and also it hasn’t had amazing reviews on post them on here too if any interest?).
I’ve actually got some more Teva coming tomorrow (Friday). so happy to comment again to show my findings when going back on Teva.
I had to chat with my psychiatrist about the different brands. I don’t think he was fully understanding what I was trying to get at when speaking to him, as I specifically said that I feel like I get on better with Teva as it’s more subtle with the effects so I specifically asked him for Teva.
(I’m pretty sure he just went along with it but didn’t necessarily disagree with what I was saying.) but he did mention again they have different binders and fillers so I think he was open to me specifically having these again.
If you were thinking of switching brands, obviously your health comes first, but I would just be careful about how you word it to your psychiatrist as they might not have been around for too long in the game and might think that all the dex brands are the same. Oh and probably don’t mention you’ve been on Reddit getting lost in a wormhole of people’s experiences - I don’t think the psychiatrist would take you seriously if you tried backing up your points from Reddit lol.
I’m not trying to plant anything in anyone’s head or slag off the brand. It’s just something I know doesn’t work for me. I just wanted to make people aware of it if they’ve been in a similar situation and thinking why aren’t they getting on with their medication anymore.
Again, this is my personal opinion and experience. I’m not a healthcare professional. But I just thought this would help.
Cheers ears 👂😝
Links Amfexa side effects some in comments:
Similar experiences but with Adderall American adhd med:
Teva vs others :
Teva and Amfexa :
General talk about other brands :
Threads about trying other generics:
Experiences with Amfexa :
Amfexa and Teva
Amfexa top ups
submitted by G-bear97 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 18:12 gobirds271 Best supplements for adhd?

I’ve tried a number of things. First was adderall. Which the first time I took it was amazing. Was feeling productive, getting a lot done, not overthinking. Then it started to wear off. Tried Vyvanse, nothing. Higher dosage of adderall, nothing. Was prescribed some non stimulants that still didn’t take.
Wondering if it’s more my lifestyle and diet that are somehow blocking. Working on getting more daily physical activity. Other OTC I’ve tested with no real luck
L-theanine Magnesium Threonate Omega 3
Is there something else I should be testing out?
submitted by gobirds271 to Supplements [link] [comments]