4d formula

ABB FIA Formula E World Championship

2012.12.04 02:46 adaptablefuton ABB FIA Formula E World Championship

A subreddit dedicated to the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, the world's most high profile all-electric racing series.

2013.03.21 05:49 thebenolivas Fake Album Covers

Where the covers are made up & the music doesn't matter

2009.09.29 03:57 azreal156 Borderlands

The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels.

2024.05.26 03:51 HealthandFitnesswo Giving My Liver Some TLC: A Review of the Liver Cleanse and Detox & Repair Formula

Our livers work tirelessly behind the scenes, filtering toxins and keeping us healthy. But with today's busy lifestyles, it's easy to put a strain on this vital organ. Concerned about supporting my liver health naturally, I started researching herbal supplements. That's when I came across the Liver Cleanse and Detox & Repair Formula, and I'm thrilled I did! Here's why this formula has become a key part of my wellness routine.
A Natural Blend for Liver Support
Unlike some supplements with synthetic ingredients, this formula takes a natural approach. It features a carefully chosen blend of well-known herbs specifically targeted for liver health. The hero of the formula is Milk Thistle, packed with Silymarin, a potent antioxidant that research suggests may help protect and even regenerate liver cells. Dandelion Root, a natural diuretic, joins the party by potentially aiding in flushing toxins from the body. Artichoke Extract rounds out the team, with studies suggesting it might contribute to healthy bile production – essential for proper liver function. This comprehensive blend ensures I'm nourishing my liver with a variety of natural ingredients that may work together to optimize its function.
Simple and Convenient Daily Ritual
The capsules are small and easy to swallow, making them a breeze to incorporate into my daily routine. The recommended dosage is just three capsules a day, which requires minimal effort and fits seamlessly into my schedule. No more complicated routines or messy concoctions to deal with – the Liver Cleanse and Detox & Repair Formula offers a simple and effective solution. This convenience allows me to easily maintain consistency, which is crucial when it comes to reaping the potential benefits of herbal supplements.
Transparency and Quality You Can Trust
While I prioritize natural ingredients, scientific backing is also important. The manufacturer prioritizes transparency by providing clear and accessible information on their website about the research supporting each herb in the formula. They cite studies that showcase the potential benefits of these natural powerhouses for liver health and detoxification. Additionally, the product is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility, ensuring adherence to strict quality control standards. This transparency and commitment to quality give me confidence in the safety and effectiveness of the supplement.
A Brighter Outlook for My Wellbeing
It's important to note that individual results may vary. However, since incorporating the Liver Cleanse and Detox & Repair Formula into my routine, I've noticed a positive shift in my overall well-being. I feel lighter and more energized throughout the day. While I can't definitively attribute this solely to the supplement, I believe it's playing a role in supporting my liver function, which in turn may be contributing to this newfound energy. Knowing I'm taking a proactive step towards my liver health gives me peace of mind.
Investing in Long-Term Liver Health
Taking the Liver Cleanse and Detox & Repair Formula has become a way for me to show my liver some TLC. The powerful blend of natural ingredients with scientific backing, the convenient dosage, and the focus on quality make it a standout choice. If you're looking for a natural way to support your liver health and promote overall well-being, I highly recommend giving this supplement a try. It might just be the key to a healthier and more energized you! Visit this official website Click here:https://amzn.to/4dYxo4j
submitted by HealthandFitnesswo to u/HealthandFitnesswo [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:37 Honeysyedseo How We Achieved 1M Monthly SEO Traffic with 100% AI-Generated Content

How We Achieved 1M Monthly SEO Traffic with 100% AI-Generated Content
We finally hit 1 million monthly SEO traffic using 100% AI-generated content.
  • 7K total pages generated
  • 1.07M current monthly sessions
  • 9.2M total sessions since day 1
  • 41K first-page ranking keywords
  • New links from 1,648 domains
1 million monthly SEO traffic
Here's how:
This is the World’s largest AI SEO case study.
But don't just take my word for it:
largest AI SEO case study
Quick overview:
We ran a large-scale SEO campaign using only AI-generated content.
Website: B2B SaaS company
Industry: Finance
AI language model: Started on GPT-3, then moved to GPT-3.5, and now on GPT-4
AI tool used: http://Byword.ai
Google Core Updates
Here's how we did it:

1. Understand your target audience

A large part of a successful AI SEO campaign is knowing what your audience is searching.
How I research:
  • Ideate around products
  • Keyword research tools
  • Competitor keyword data
  • Scraping competitor sitemaps
1A. Ideate around products
Ideate around products
Understand the problem(s) your product solves and what pain points users will likely be searching.
E.g. Creating business-focused spreadsheets 10x easier than Excel.
1B. Keyword research tools
Ahrefs How to Excel Matching Terms
Use ‘seed’ keywords and the ‘matching terms’ report (or similar) to find keyword patterns.
1C. Competitor keyword data
Ahrefs exceljet.net Organic Keywords
Analyse your product and SEO competitor keywords to find keyword patterns.
1D. Competitor sitemaps
Byword Write From URLs
Scrape competitor sitemaps and use AI to find topics and steal your competitors’ traffic.

2. Choose scalable topic frameworks

Byword Title Structure
Start with a title or keyword framework that has 100s or 1,000s of potential searches to target.
For example:
  • Calculate {Formula} in Excel
  • How to {Do Thing} in Excel
  • {Thing} Shortcut in Excel
  • What is {Financial Term}?
Generate all of your title variations using your keyword framework(s).

3. Plan the website architecture

Website Architecture
Plan an area on your site to house your AI content. This can be your blog page or a new dedicated page.
Financial Modelling Glossary
Each of these pages then houses the individual articles for that topic framework...

4. Batch generate articles

Use http://Byword.ai to batch-generate articles from your list of topic frameworks.
  • Connect your website
  • Enable internal linking
  • Select the AI image model
  • Tweak the article settings
  • Test the output
  • Generate all articles
4A. Connect your website
Byword Integrations
Integrate Byword with your CMS to instantly publish the articles straight to your website.
4B. Enable internal linking
Byword Internal Linking
Add your sitemap and let Byword implement internal linking between your new and existing pages.
4C. Select the AI image model
Byword AI Image Settings
Byword has an upgraded AI image model option that also allows you to add brand colours.
4D. Tweak the article settings
Byword Article Settings
Change your language, word count, tone of voice and more to ensure you get the best output.
4E. Test the output
Byword Article Settings
AI doesn’t always give the best output the first time. Play around with custom headings and article settings before running all articles.

5. Publish quickly

Byword Enter Your Domain
The sooner articles are published, the sooner they will rank. Publish first, edit later.
You can generate a sitemap to submit in Search Console for Google to find the pages quickly.

6. Get traffic

51 Domain Rating
Wait 3+ months to see traffic.
However, this project saw traffic as soon as the next day.
The time to rank will depend on the existing authority of the website.
9.2M total sessions
  • 7K total pages generated
  • 1.07M current monthly sessions
  • 9.2M total sessions since day 1
  • 41K first-page ranking keywords
  • New links from 1,648 domains
What does it cost?
Byword Unlimited Monthly Plan
Large-scale AI campaigns like this require the 'Unlimited' monthly plan.
But you can try Byword for free...
Simply enter your topic here and generate your 1 of 5 free articles.
Enjoyed this post?
  1. Join pSEOnewsletter for more.
  2. Share the post with others.
submitted by Honeysyedseo to pSEOnewsletter [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:03 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 20 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 20 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 14:03 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 20 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 20 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:30 AutoModerator Super Formula: Autopolis - Race Discussion

Super Formula: Autopolis - Race Discussion

Super Formula - Autopolis
F1FS Wiki: Super Formula - 2024 Teams & Drivers - 2024 Calendar

Session Times

All Times in JST (UTC+09:00).
  • Saturday 18th
    • Qualifying - 14:00
  • Sunday 19th
    • Race - 14:50
A table of the weekends timetable can be found here: Link
You can convert the session times to your local time through the service: timeanddate.com

Circuit Information

  • Layout: Here.
  • Length: 4.673 km (2.904 miles)
  • Turns: 19
  • Distance: 41 Laps (191.593 km) or 75min.

Timing & Streaming

The Super Formula Series has its own official Streaming & Timing Services

F1FS Guide

New to Super Formula? You can watch our dedicated video guide that introduces the series HERE!

Twitter & Discord

For up to date information regarding this series, follow these Twitter accounts:
We have a Discord server for the subreddit, check it out here: Link


Full championship standings can be found Here.

On-Demand Race Replays

You can access previous races of this series and more here: Race Replays

submitted by AutoModerator to F1FeederSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:01 AutoModerator Super Formula Lights: Autopolis - Weekend Discussion

Super Formula Lights: Autopolis - Weekend Discussion

Super Formula Lights - Autopolis
F1FS Wiki: F3 & Formula Regional Guide - Teams & Drivers - 2024 Calendar

Session Times

All Times in JST (UTC+09:00).
  • Saturday 18th
    • Qualifying - 11:05
    • Race 1 - 15:30
  • Sunday 19th
    • Race 2 - 09:00
    • Race 3 - 12:35
A table of the weekends timetable can be found here: Link
You can convert the session times to your local time through the following link: timeanddate.com

Circuit Information

  • Layout: Here.
  • Length: 4.673 km (2.904 miles)
  • Turns: 19
  • Distance:
    • Race 1: 21 Laps or 40'
    • Race 2: 14 Laps or 30'
    • Race 3: 14 Laps or 30'

Timing & Streaming

The Super Formula Lights Series has its own official Stream via YouTube.
  • Stream - YouTube
    • Race 1
    • Race 2
    • Race 3
  • Timing
YouTube Channel: Link

Twitter & Discord

For up to date information regarding this series, follow these Twitter accounts:


Full championship standings can be found Here.

On-Demand Race Replays

You can access previous races of this series and more here: 2023 Race Replays

submitted by AutoModerator to F1FeederSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:45 carpetkicker Underrated chess moves on Kendrick's part

There's a few things I want to talk about regarding the beef now that it's simmered down for the moment.
  1. Kendrick is a genuis for how he constructed the "certified lover boys, certified pedophiles" line. If you're following the structure, in that part of the song specifically right before he drops the line he's talking about Drake's camp.
    'i heard chubbs the only one that gets your hand-me downs'
'baka got a weird case why is he around?'
Certified lover boys? Certified Pedophiles.
This is genius because he's being slightly ambiguous here, pointing the finger at everyone in the camp. Who specifically are the pedos he's referring to? It could be just chubbs and baka.
Now we know there are pedos on OVO and Drake never denied this. By telling us he is "so not a pedo" on THP6 he only made it worse by drawing that attention on him. Kendrick doesn't directly address drake since that line is addressing the plural. Now obviously it's aimed at drake bc of the "I hear you like em young" line but still such a fuckin 4D chess move if you ask me.
It's like he baited Drake into the 'but I'm so not a pedo' defense, without directly calling Drake a pedo. (Tho, very heavily implying it)
  1. Kendrick comes out the top of the "fake daughter" situation either way and this is the other genius part of how Kendrick came at Drake. Fake daughter or not, you can't really call someone a liar for using information that they thought was true. You can however say that Drake was lying to Kendricks camp by planting fake info. Also by coming straight out the gate on Euphoria calling Drake a master manipulator, his point is only proven by Drake's claim.
Congrats Drake. You really showed em. You showed the world how petty and manipulative you could potentially be... Plant fake info just to give a rapper some ammo to fake expose u? Petty ass middle school drama shit. And Kendrick called it out right away. Multiple times
  1. Finally someone calling out drake for his shitty formula of "lemme work with a rapper that's hot rn because everyone's forgetting about me" pattern
Anyways that's all. Just some stoned ramblings of a Kendrick listener
  1. "I'm what the culture feeling" is another genius line because it also gives credit to the shitty argument I've seen about Kendrick "stealing" tweets for one liners. Like we all know Kendrick could write a million one liners about Drake but somehow it stings even worse to me seeing those old tweets, it only strengthens Kendrick argument 😂 People BEEN THINKING THIS about Drake for a while now. Kendrick just made a fucking banger about it to remind everybody
submitted by carpetkicker to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:44 geopolicraticus Shedding Disconfirmed Theories and False Prophets

The View from Oregon – 288
Re: Shedding Disconfirmed Theories and False Prophets
Friday 10 May 2024
Dear Friends,
In last week’s newsletter I repeated a claim that I have made previously, specifically, that there is no science of science. As I have been thinking about this claim over the past few years, the consequences of individual sciences (which I often call “the special sciences” in order to distinguish them from science simpliciter) being reasonably well-founded while the enterprise of science itself is, on the whole, not well-founded, have slowly unfolded for me, and every so often I see a new angle to it. I also discussed this in my Wilhelm Windelband and the Place of History among the Sciences, and here the new angle was my realization that idiosyncratic efficacy in science—some people are good at science and others are not—means that individuals and their personalities loom large. This partly explains the heroic narrative of the history of science, treated as an intellectual parallel to Carlyle’s “great man” theory of history.
I have also argued that, contrary to appearances, ours is not a scientific civilization. Many people who have not thought deeply on civilization have asserted that contemporary civilization is scientific. I would say that science plays a crucial role in the development of technologies, but when you step back from all the claims made about science today, it is easy to see that it is not science calling the shots. During the Enlightenment, there was an integration of Enlightenment political thought and science, and it seemed that Enlightenment ideologies translated into state structures (the American Revolution and then the French Revolution) would place science at the center of political deliberations. However, as Enlightenment ideology has developed over the past quarter millennium, it has increasingly diverged from science. With Enlightenment institutions effectively in charge of scientific institutions (higher education, scientific publishing, state funding of science, etc.), Enlightenment ideology has been gradually shaping science to suit its purposes.
If ours were a scientific civilization, it would be science calling the shots, and Enlightenment institutions would be bent to the will of science, and not vice versa. But we can easily see the problem here. Since science cannot make itself fully and completely scientific, science answers to the dominant personalities within scientific institutions, and these personalities can be as benighted and corrupt as any other human beings on the planet. One of things that I have learning by attending conferences over more than a dozen years is that individuals focused on their field can be rational, creative, and interesting in their work, but as soon as they leave their specialization, they are babes in the woods. James Burnham in his The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom, made a passing remark about Einstein’s views on economics, and this is very much to the point: an individual can be so gifted that they see something that everyone else has missed, but outside their field they endorse ideas that are insipid.
So if Enlightenment era institutions were bent to the will of science, that would mean little more than that these institutions would be bent to the will of prominent scientists, and prominent sciences are men of their time: they would (and they do) simply repeat the platitudes of the society of which they are a part. This is how Enlightenment ideology triumphs over rationality, no matter how fulsome representatives of the Enlightenment are in the praise of science and rationality. It’s all hollow. It is a political program that is in the driver’s seat. And, invoking this metaphor, we can compare our Enlightenment civilization to Mark Manson’s consciousness car metaphor: reason has the map, but it’s sitting in the passenger seat, while emotion is at the wheel. So it is with our civilization: science has the map, but it is in the passenger seat, while Enlightenment ideology is in the driver’s seat, and it is free to ignore the advice of science (with the map) at any time.
Science in Enlightenment societies is not, however, a perfectly rational actor, in possession of a map that the rest of society lacks. Since institutional science, also known as “big” science, involves large institutions like universities and the government funding that universities receive for their research, these institutions have now shaped generations of scientists after their own image. So, to recur to the consciousness car metaphor, we have to imagine that science is not only sitting in the passenger seat, but that the only thing that science can see is the map it holds, and it must rely on reports from the driver about what the driver sees out the window: landmarks, signs, other traffic, people in the road, and so on, are all communicated to science by the driver, i.e., by Enlightenment ideology, and then science must attempt to figure out where the car is at, and how to get to the next destination. Needless to say, it is the driver making the choice as to what the next destination is to be. Hume, among the greatest of Enlightenment thinkers, said that “Reason is and ought only to be the slave of the passions.” I don’t think that Hume intended this as a prediction, but that is exactly where we find ourselves today.
One could plausibly argue that no institution at the center of a civilization has ever been a pure exemplar of itself and nothing else, a self-contained and autonomous monad, which is what I seem to be implying with the possibility of science practiced according to a science of science, and not according to the non-scientific whims of its practitioners. The institutional religions that served as the focal institutions of pre-modern agricultural civilizations had long histories and were embedded in a social and agricultural context that gave them meaning. We could point to any number of developments in these traditions where it was climate, geography, or available cultivars that were really driving the development of institutional religion, and not the other way round.
Not directly relevant here, but also not entirely irrelevant, I recently realized a structural similarity between Chinese and Western civilization, and this is that the axialization of these traditions did not emerge from a traditional mythology. The Greeks that their traditional mythology, but it was the expansion of philosophy, and especially the turn to moral and political philosophy after the Peloponnesian War, that served the function that appeared in other societies of the Axial Age through the medium of moralizing religions. China, too, has a traditional mythology, which is as marginal and as entertaining as Greek mythology today, but the axialization of Chinese civilization appeared through Confucianism. Of course, it has been traditional to count Confucianism as a religion, sometimes with certain qualifications, but Confucianism is no more of a religion than the tradition of philosophical ethics in Western civilization. I think it would more plausible to argue that Greek philosophical ethics made possible the appearance of the religious ethic of Christianity as it eventually claimed its central status within Western civilization than to argue that Confucianism is a religion.
The two other contenders here for status as an institutional religion determinative of a civilization are Hinduism, and Buddhism, which latter grew out of Hinduism. Zoroastrianism may have been a contender in its day, as Egyptian civilization was once a contender (not as a religion, but as a civilization), but both ceased to be influential before the advent of modernity. We could also count Judaism, but Judaism has never been a proselytizing religion, so it didn’t have the same influence on history of religious traditions that were actively expansionist. Christianity and Islam both appear well after the Axial Age, and, I would argue, as consequence of the Axial Age, continuing to play itself out in history over a civilizational scale of time.
In any case, institutional religions as the central institutions of agricultural civilizations were in no sense pure in their provenance. Why should science need to be pure in its provenance—which, in this context, means being in possession of a science of science that completes the extant special sciences and provides a map for the indefinite elaboration of science? Arguably, science derives its legitimacy from its rationality, and this requirement of rationality can be turned against itself. Analogously, institutionalized religions derive their legitimacy from a metaphysical claim about the supernatural world, however, in the case of institutionalized religion, this claim doesn’t have traction when invoked reflexively.
The supernatural is the gift that keeps on giving: anything unprecedented can be credited to a new manifestation of the supernatural within the mundane world. It is subject to change without notice, so it can literally accommodate anything that happens, or anything that fails to happen. This is not the case with science. Rationality, too, is a gift that keeps giving, but in a rather different sense than the appeal to the supernatural. Disconfirmed theories can be shed as easily as false prophets, but the evidence upon which the disconfirmed theory is built is stubborn fact that cannot be wished away. Not only can stubborn fact not be wished away, but the new scientific theory that takes the place of the disconfirmed theory must not only explain everything that the disconfirmed theory explained, but it must also explain the result of the crucial experiment that became the pretext for the disconfirmation of the old theory. With false prophets it is rather different: any miracles attributed to them can be consistently denied with no knock-on consequences for the institutionalized tradition that managed to rid itself of the unwelcome prophet.
On stubborn fact—which I will assume is one and the same as brute fact—and returning to Windelband, Windelband provided a gloss (also quoted in my Wilhelm Windelband and the Place of History among the Sciences) on this nomothetic/idiographic distinction that is relevant here:
“A description of the present state of the universe follows from the general laws of nature only if the immediately preceding state of the universe is presupposed. But this state presupposes the state that immediately precedes it, and so on. Such a description of a particular, determinate state of the arrangement of atoms, however, can never be derived from the general laws of motion alone. The definitive characteristics of a single point in time can never be immediately derived from any ‘cosmic formula.’ The derivation of the description of a single temporal point always requires the additional description of the previously existing state which is subordinated to the law. General laws do not establish an ultimate state from which the specific conditions of the causal chain could ultimately be derived. It follows that all subsumption under general laws is useless in the analysis of the ultimate causes or grounds of the single, temporally given phenomenon. Therefore, in all the data of historical and individual experience a residuum of incomprehensible, brute fact remains, an inexpressible and indefinable phenomenon.”
The juxtaposition within empirical science that Windelband here describes between general laws and brute fact is the empirical parallel to the problem that the formal sciences face in regard to their foundations. A formal system must begin with axioms (or, today, formation rules and transformation rules, but it’s the same thing), and if we don’t accept the axioms, at least hypothetically, then we can’t go any further. Well, sort of. The knowledge of intuitive mathematics that is formalized in an axiom system could be pursued even if it is never formalized, or never fully formalized. Accepting partial formalizations is like accepting the results of the special sciences without a science of science that can be used as a point of reference that all is well in the special science. This is, indeed, the state of formal knowledge, as full formalization is rare, but it exists as an ideal, and the reasoning that lies behind this ideal has been developed relentlessly over more than two thousand years. The current compromise is to accept axioms in the spirit of hypothetico-deductivism: we don’t claim that they are true, certain, necessary, or anything of the properties traditionally ascribed to axioms; we only claim that we can’t go further in our deductions without accepting an axiom hypothetically.
Empirical science, as Windelband has shown, faces a similar dilemma, but the underlying reasoning has not been as relentlessly worked out. We have to accept brute fact in the same way that the formal sciences have to accept axioms, but in addition to the brute fact we also require the theoretical framework within which the brute fact can be rationalized, and this theoretical framework includes the mathematics that has, as we have seen, its own theoretical compromises. Thus empirical science has a double compromise, with the source of brute fact and with the source of the principles to which it must appeal if it is to rationalize brute fact. With this degree of theoretical complexity, it is no wonder that there is no science of science.
Best wishes,
PS—In a PS to last week’s newsletter I wrote that I had prioritized rapidity of production over quality of outcome for my video series Today in Philosophy of History. After covering an entire calendar year of philosophy of history birthdays, perhaps next year I will slow my pace of production and focus on producing fewer videos of higher quality. After hitting the highlights, I can then afford to explore lesser known nooks and crannies. I am keeping a list of the philosophers that I have missed or passed over so far in 2024, hopefully to produce episodes on their thought in 2025 (fate willing). For example, I was so focused on the birthdays of Hume and Gibbon on successive days, the 7th and 8th, that I missed Ortega y Gasset’s birthday on the 9th. Hopefully I will be alive next year to record an episode on Ortega y Gasset, whose philosophy of history comprehends several interesting features that deserve more attention. Even prioritizing rapidity of production there is a limit to what I can do, or what I am willing to do. I could have recorded a quick episode on Ortega y Gasset, but I would not have been satisfied with the result. While I can criticize my other episodes, I am at least marginally satisfied with what I had to say.
PPS—I have been staying at my country house in Clatsop County, and today was the nicest day of the year so far. Winters in Clatsop County are wet and cold, and it is mostly miserable to be out in the weather—for comparison, it is the kind of weather you might expect in Scotland, Ireland, or the west coast of Norway. Last week I was still building fires every evening to stay warm, but today was sunny and beautiful. On such a beautiful day it is tempting to stay in the country just to enjoy the peace and quiet, but today I drove to the beach—Peter Iredale beach at Fort Stevens state park. I was at this same beach a few months ago, and it was so cold that it actually hailed at the beach while I was there. Today I was in shirtsleeves and it was warm.
PPPS—The new IBHA newsletter EMERGENCE is available with a Frontiers column by me. This column is about my recent paper, “A Complexity Ladder for Big History.” Some of the ideas in this column will be incorporated into the expanded version of the paper that I mentioned in a PS to newsletter 286.

Newsletter link:


submitted by geopolicraticus to The_View_from_Oregon [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:11 ApexHunterZero1 Is this run considered good without boosters?

submitted by ApexHunterZero1 to Asphalt8 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:57 Dave_vans_ CV review

CV review
Questo è il mio CV, mi sembra abbastanza completo. Nelle prime richieste inviate però mi hann o sempre ghostato o detto che non sono abbastanza qualificato. Avete consigli? Grazie in anticipo.
submitted by Dave_vans_ to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 06:50 RiverAffectionate646 Sziasztok! Cellulite krémet keresek. Nektek van ami bevált láthatóan? Köszönöm

Sziasztok! Cellulite krémet keresek. Nektek van ami bevált láthatóan? Köszönöm
(Nem érdekelnek a normális étkezés, mozgás, folyadék dumák.)
Odafigyelés mellett egy pluszt szeretnék még, mivel nem akar eltűnni.
submitted by RiverAffectionate646 to szepsegtippek [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 07:35 Electrical-Sir-39 Chance Me's Be Like:

HOOKS: Venezuela🇻🇪+ Congolese🇨🇩+ Native American🙋🏿, zero income, orphan, homeless😿, women in stem🧪(international president and founded sister club men in stem), first-gen, legacy, was diagnoses with cancer and Neural Diseases💀, Have to take care of my 16 sisters and brothers.
STATS: GPA: 4.0/4.0 UW 5.01/5.0 W🔥SAT: 1600/1600(E: 800, M: 800)👍ACT: 37(extra credit because elected as creator of this year's test) 🙏 25 AP Courses(All perfect scores💯) 20 DE Courses, Top 0.1% in my school and on the Earth🔝. Senior course Load: AP Literary Theory📖, AP Sleeping💤, AP Flexing💪, AP Nano-Economy🪙, AP Gender Studies🧑‍🦲,AP Rizzics C🤩, AP Inorganic Chemistry⚗, AP Lunch🍲, AP Algebraic Structures🤯, Honors Quantum Computer Science⚛, AP Macedonian Language and Culture🇲🇰, AP Middle East History📝, AP Advance Research Method in Sociology 🕵, AP Underwater Basket Weaving🧺, AP 4D Art and Design🎨, AP Pre-Algebra🤮and AP Biophysics🧫. Had a PHD in Philosophy🤔, Computer Engineering💻, Biology🔬and Egyptology🔺.
AWARDS: Nobel Price in Physics🧑‍🔬, Peace☮, Chemistry⚛, and Literature📖, Oscar best actor award🧑‍🎤, Pulitzer Prize📷, Grammy Award🎤, Olympic gold medal🥇and world record holder in 3200m🏃(missed world record for 400m by 0.0001s because ran on 1 leg), 100m swim 🏊, and gymnastics, Fields Medal➗, Turning Award🖥, Medal of Honor (US military: Served in Korean + Vietnam War and saved 4071 brother in arms and took a nuke for them)🎖, Formula 1 champion🏁, World Chess Champion ♕ (beat 4000elo chess bot), 10x IMO Gold Medal🥇, ISEF 1st Place, Original Oratory 1st place, 5x FRC World Champion(run team 254 by myself), AP Scholarist Summa Cum Laude (5 on 32 AP Exams), Named Forbes Person of Eon, and Valedictorian in a class of 7892.
ECs: Donated 3733 buildings to universities🏢. President of the USA 2024-2036🇺🇲(was so popular that I am in office 3 times). The Supreme Leader of North Korea🇰🇵.(made it a democratic country), Ethiopian Minister of Secretary🇪🇹. Self made Trillionaire.💲Open up 317 start ups, all become trillion dollar companies💹. Projects: Invented time machine (went back in time to invent English)⏰, warp engine🚀, and a universal cure to cancer💊, as well as Artificial super intelligence🤖. Donate Trillions to Africa💰 and help them build infrastructures🏗. President of UN🌍(not model, real). Found 28205 non-profit organization, including the red-cross🇨🇭. Volunteering: 70000000 hours, 1st person to land on Mars and Jupiter (will land on Sun next year)🪐, a mission to stop an incoming asteroid to save countless humanities 🌠, became a firefighter in Hong Kong and saved 3740 lives 🧑‍🚒, created Covid 19 vaccine, world record holder for most world records, and work in a Japanese toilet factory🚽, internship at 863232 companies. Was the CEO of Google, Apple🍎, NVIDIA, and Collegeboard (had to step down because was breaking world economy for making too much money)💩 Exchange student with Keplar 29c.👽, Navy SEAL + Top Gun, Started 342354 clubs, and is a member of 293493 Honors Society📜. Anthropology & Chemical Engineering professor in MIT 👩🏾‍🏫. Led a research that led to the discovery of multiverse.🔮 My dad is the principal of Stanford 🏫. My mom is the principal of Harvard 🏫. I am the principal of Brown and UC Berkeley 🏫. My Grandma is the principal of Cal Tech.🏫. Youtuber with 236 million Subscribers 📹, top 0.00001% Spotify artist🎶. Veteran at the US Civil War and WW2 European Theater 🪖, saved 3435 fellow soldiers. Creator of famous video games such as Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, League of Legends, and Valorant🎮. Speak 3425 languages fluently 🗣. Organize 34234 climate change and human right protests🔊. Ended Russian-Ukrainian War with a Twitter post 🇺🇦, and became a medic in Ukraine. Solved world hunger, climate change and overpopulation 🌐. Went on year-long missionary trips in deep Amazon and Sahara desert 🌴. Author of some of the world-famous novels🖊, as well as the head-writer of the CNN, Fox News, New York Times, and Wall Street🗞, as well as the sole writer of US Constitution📜. Hobby: The Grand-Master of Telekinesis and Teleportation Kung Fu for 435 years🥋. Drive Tunnel Boring Machines, went to the inner core of earth🕳 Raising Dinosaurs and open a Dino-Zoo at home🦖. A level 100 Grand wizard🪄. Defeated Mechagodzilla👺. Play in the Argentinian team in WorldCup⚽.(As famous as Messi) The owner and the cook in a free of charge Michelin 7 Star restaurant🧑‍🍳. Climb the highest mountains in 7 continents in 7 days 🧗. Farm black holes with a home-made particle accelerator🕳. Reddit admin with 1 Billion karma ⇧. Well known revolutionary abstract artist 🖌, creator of Bitcoin (shhhhh). Perform miracles and resurrected 14 people. 🤷. Directed 80 films such as Avatar, Titanic, Endgame, and The Godfather, IQ of 489, and
Wrote my essay about how I escaped North Korea, got caught, and singlehandedly decimated entire army and overtook government to establish democracy and world peace. Then I was attacked by China's 3 million strong army but I could only handle 2.9 Million :( so I was imprisoned but I still escaped using my warping telekinesis
Safeties: MITEA, Caltechnology, Hardvard, Samford, Prince Tam, Harry Mud, Yail, 🟫
Target: UCLA, UIUC
Reach: De Anza Community College😩, Ohlone Community College😩😩😩😩😩😩
I am only 10.25 years old so if my application is lacking I can still wait to apply next year🥺
Sadly, could not cure heart attacks by the time I apply to college I am sooo cooked. Please wish me the goodest luck.
submitted by Electrical-Sir-39 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 09:56 Panaginiptayo Is the 4D charger a unique car?

I was discussing about the modern muscles of today to some people. As i put it simply, the challenger is the last real muscle in the modern age to follow the "traditional" muscle formula. 2nd being the charger(big, somewhat boxey, straight line power, cant turn well), the camaro and mustang being the more "track" muscle due to their slighty lighter weight but more aerodynamic and smaller frame and the option to have big wing spoilers, or to put it simply, Ponies(muscle power but some turning capability of a lighter sports car).
I like to coin the 4D charger as a "utility" muscle, after all its the only american 4 door muscle car so far, or at least that i know of (cough 1971 Dodge Coronet cough). I mean, I'm pretty sure compared to a challenger you'd have a easier time and faster time shoving something like a BMX in the back seat like i did. The utility uses while emphasizing on the muscle aspects and being a 4 door american V8(or 6), do you feel as though the Charger is quite unique for its class? Or at least when it comes to American Muscle/American Cars?
submitted by Panaginiptayo to Charger [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 12:56 liynjordann Idealica: Gotas para una fórmula segura y sostenible para bajar de peso (Spain)


La solución líquida conocida como Idealica fue diseñada con la intención de acelerar el proceso de pérdida de peso. Este producto está disponible en España y es muy apreciado por personas con sobrepeso u obesidad. La formulación contiene microelementos saludables, lo que ayuda a que el proceso de adelgazamiento sea sencillo y exitoso. Ya ha habido miles de personas que se han beneficiado de él y han expresado su satisfacción a través de comentarios y pensamientos publicados en sitios de salud. Idealica asegura que producirá resultados sorprendentes en términos de pérdida de peso sin producir efectos secundarios ni contraindicaciones no deseados.

En el contexto de la pérdida de peso, ¿qué es exactamente Idealica y cómo funciona?

Aumentar el metabolismo, reducir los antojos de comida y el hambre y suprimir el apetito son todos los beneficios de tomar Idealica, que es un suplemento dietético elaborado íntegramente con ingredientes naturales. Esta formulación acelera el proceso de quema de grasa, lo que a su vez inicia un proceso de adelgazamiento natural. El uso de la fórmula de manera constante no produce ningún efecto adverso o contraindicación por ningún esfuerzo de la imaginación. De hecho, la composición herbaria de este producto, que se compone principalmente de vitaminas y minerales beneficiosos, revitaliza el cuerpo y facilita una pérdida de peso eficaz. Según estudios clínicos, se ha demostrado que los adultos de cualquier grupo de edad son seguros y confiables cuando usan Loosaf.

Las gotas para bajar de peso ofrecen una serie de beneficios y ventajas a sus usuarios.


Página web oficial

submitted by liynjordann to u/liynjordann [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 08:32 Specialist_Climate64 Could this be what we’re missing in our stack? Or is it just twitter propaganda

Could this be what we’re missing in our stack? Or is it just twitter propaganda submitted by Specialist_Climate64 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 16:52 Rovinovic My first automatic. Opinions?

My first automatic. Opinions?
WAZ2014.BA0842 for reference. Did I make a mistake buying Tag?
submitted by Rovinovic to PrideAndPinion [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 20:14 wideamogus Integrals for calculating surfaces

I have looked for something similar but I've only got "surface integrals". I haven't seen them yet, but they appear to be the corresponding of a line integrals for a 4d function
I was just looking for an integral expression for calculating the surface of a 2 variable function, Similar to the Arc Lenght integral for single variabels function. Is there such formula?
submitted by wideamogus to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 19:33 Comfortable_Catch108 😭I AM COOKED😭 Chanceme into community college

HOOKS: Queer, Lesbian, transgender🏳‍⚧, Venezuela🇻🇪+ Congolese🇨🇩+ Native American🙋🏿, zero income, orphan, homeless😿, women in stem🧪, first-gen, legacy, was diagnoses with cancer and Neural Diseases💀. Have to take care of my 16 sisters and brothers.
STATS: GPA: 4000000.0/4.0 UW 5000000.0/5.0 W🔥SAT: 16000000/1600(E: 8000000, M: 8000000)👍ACT: 360000🙏 10000 AP Courses(All perfect scores💯) 20000 DE Courses💪, Top 0.00000001% in my school and on the Earth🔝. Senior course Load: AP Literary Theory📖, AP Sleeping💤, AP Nano-Economy🪙, AP Gender Studies🧑‍🦲,AP Rizzics C🤩, AP Inorganic Chemistry⚗, AP Lunch🍲, AP Algebraic Structures🤯, Honors Quantum Computer Science⚛, AP Macedonian Language and Culture🇲🇰, AP Middle East History📝, AP Advance Research Method in Sociology 🕵, AP Underwater Basket Weaving🧺, AP 4D Art and Design🎨, AP Pre-Algebra🤮and AP Biophysics🧫. Had a PHD in Philosophy🤔, Computer Engineering💻, Biology🔬and Egyptology🔺.
AWARDS: Nobel Price in Physics🧑‍🔬, Peace☮, and Literature📖, Oscar best actor award🧑‍🎤, Pulitzer Price📷, Grammy Award🎤, Olympic gold medal🥇and world record holder in 3200m🏃, 100m swim 🏊, and gymnastics, Fields Medal➗, Turning Award🖥, Medal of Honor (US military)🎖, Formula 1 champion🏁, World Chess Champion ♕, and 3457 scholar awards.
ECs: Donated 3733 buildings to universities🏢. President of the USA 2024-2036🇺🇲(was so popular that I am in office 3 times). The Supreme Leader of North Korea🇰🇵.(made it a democratic country) Ethiopian Minister of Secretary🇪🇹. Self made Trillionaire.💲Open up 317 start ups, all become trillion dollar companies💹. Projects: Invented time machine⏰, warp engine🚀, and a universal cure to cancer💊, as well as Artificial super intelligence🤖. Donate Trillions to Africa💰 and help them build infrastructures🏗. President of UN🌍(not model, real). Found 28205 non-profit organization, including the red-cross🇨🇭. Volunteering: 70000000 hours, 1st person to land on Mars and Jupiter🪐, a mission to stop an incoming asteroid to save humanities 🌠, became a firefighter in Hong Kong and saved 3740 lives 🧑‍🚒, and work in a Japanese toilet factory🚽, internship at 863232 companies. Was the CEO of Google, Apple🍎, NVIDIA, and Collegeboard💩 Exchange student with Keplar 29c.👽 Started 342354 clubs, and is a member of 293493 Honors Society📜. Anthropology & Chemical Engineering professor in MIT 👩🏾‍🏫. Led a research that led to the discovery of multiverse.🔮 My dad is the principal of Stanford 🏫. My mom is the principal of Harvard 🏫. I am the principal of Brown and UC Berkeley 🏫. My Grandma is the principal of Cal Tech.🏫. Youtuber with 236 Billion Subscribers 📹, top 0.00001% Spotify artist🎶. Veteran at the US Civil War and WW2 European Theater 🪖, saved 3435 fellow soldiers. Creator of famous video games such as Minecraft, Roblox, and XBox 🎮. Speak 3425 languages fluently 🗣. Organize 34234 climate change and human right protests🔊. Ended Russian-Ukrainian War with a Twitter post 🇺🇦, and became a medic in Ukraine. Solved world hunger, climate change and overpopulation 🌐. Went on year-long missionary trips in deep Amazon and Sahara desert 🌴. Author of some of the world-famous novels🖊, as well as the head-writer of the CNN and Fox News🗞, as well as the sole writer of US Constitution📜. Hobby: The Grand-Master of Telekinesis and Teleportation Kung Fu for 435 years🥋. Drive Tunnel Boring Machines, went to the inner core of earth🕳 Raising Dinosaurs and open a Dino-Zoo at home🦖. A level 100 Grand wizard🪄. Defeated Mechagodzilla👺. Play in the Argentinian team in WorldCup⚽.(As famous as Messi) The owner and the cook in a free of charge Michelin 7 Star restaurant🧑‍🍳. Climb the highest mountains in 7 continents in 7 days 🧗. Farm black holes with a home-made particle accelerator🕳. Reddit admin with 1 Billion karma ⇧. Well known revolutionary abstract artist 🖌. Perform miracles and resurrected 14 people. 🤷
submitted by Comfortable_Catch108 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 19:47 BestBeating Best Chair for Gaming to Buy in 2024!

Looking for the best chair for gaming Reddit has to offer? Gamers everywhere know the importance of having a comfortable and supportive chair during those marathon gaming sessions. But with so many options on the market, finding the perfect gaming chair can feel like a daunting task. That's where this guide comes in! We've scoured Reddit to bring you a curated list of the top gaming chairs recommended by fellow gamers. Whether you're a PC enthusiast, console player, or somewhere in between, there's sure to be a chair on this list that suits your needs. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of gaming chairs!

1. Secretlab Omega Series Gaming Chair

The Secretlab Omega Series gaming chair has established itself as a favorite among gamers for its blend of comfort, durability, and sleek design. Whether you're engaging in long gaming sessions or need a supportive chair for work, the Omega Series delivers on multiple fronts.
  1. Superb Comfort: The chair's high-density foam padding provides excellent support, ensuring that you remain comfortable even during extended periods of use.
  2. Ergonomic Design: Secretlab has incorporated ergonomic principles into the Omega Series, with adjustable lumbar support and a multi-tilt mechanism that allows you to find the perfect sitting position for your needs.
  3. Premium Materials: Crafted from high-quality materials such as PU leather or SoftWeave fabric, the Omega Series exudes luxury and durability. The materials are easy to clean and maintain, ensuring your chair stays looking fresh for years to come.
  4. Customizable Options: With a variety of color schemes and special edition designs available, you can personalize your Omega Series chair to match your aesthetic preferences and gaming setup.
  5. Sturdy Construction: The chair's robust steel frame and aluminum base provide a stable foundation, capable of supporting users of various sizes without compromising on durability.
  6. Attention to Detail: From the stitching on the upholstery to the embossed logos, every aspect of the Omega Series reflects meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail.
  1. Price Point: While the Omega Series offers exceptional quality, it comes with a premium price tag that may be out of reach for some budget-conscious consumers.
  2. Assembly Required: Assembling the chair can be a bit time-consuming, especially for those who are not accustomed to putting together furniture. However, the instructions provided are clear, and most users should be able to complete the assembly process without major issues.
  3. Firm Seat Cushioning: Some users may find the seat cushioning to be firmer than expected, especially during the initial break-in period. However, this firmness often contributes to better support over time.
Overall, the Secretlab Omega Series gaming chair stands out as a top choice for gamers seeking a combination of comfort, style, and durability. While it may come at a higher price point compared to some alternatives, the investment is well worth it for those who prioritize quality and performance in their gaming setup.

2. DXRacer Formula Series Gaming Chair

The DXRacer Formula Series gaming chair has earned its reputation as a staple in the gaming community, known for its sporty design, ergonomic features, and durability. Designed with gamers in mind, this chair aims to provide comfort and support during long gaming sessions, making it a popular choice among enthusiasts.
  1. Racing-Inspired Design: The Formula Series features a sleek, racing-inspired design that not only looks stylish but also provides ample support for your entire body. The high backrest, coupled with adjustable lumbar and neck pillows, ensures proper spinal alignment and reduces fatigue during extended periods of use.
  2. Ergonomic Adjustability: DXRacer has equipped the Formula Series with a range of ergonomic adjustments, including adjustable armrests, recline function, and tilt mechanism. This allows users to customize their seating experience to fit their individual preferences and body type.
  3. Durable Construction: Constructed with a sturdy steel frame and high-quality materials such as PU leather or fabric upholstery, the Formula Series is built to withstand the rigors of daily use. The durable construction ensures longevity, making it a worthwhile investment for avid gamers.
  4. Comfortable Padding: The chair features dense foam padding throughout, providing a comfortable seating experience without sacrificing support. The seat cushion and backrest contours to your body, offering a snug fit that promotes good posture and reduces pressure points.
  5. Wide Range of Models: DXRacer offers a variety of models within the Formula Series lineup, catering to users of different sizes and preferences. Whether you're looking for a compact chair for a smaller space or a larger chair with extra features, there's likely a Formula Series model that suits your needs.
  1. Limited Color Options: While the Formula Series offers a decent selection of color combinations, some users may find the options to be somewhat limited compared to other brands. Those seeking more variety in color choices may need to explore alternative gaming chair options.
  2. Price: The Formula Series is positioned at a mid to high price point, which may be a deterrent for budget-conscious consumers. While the chair's quality and features justify the cost for many users, it may not be the most affordable option available.
  3. Firm Padding: Some users may find the padding to be on the firmer side, especially during the initial break-in period. While this firmness can provide adequate support, it may take some time to adjust for those accustomed to softer seating surfaces.
Overall, the DXRacer Formula Series gaming chair offers a winning combination of style, comfort, and functionality, making it a popular choice among gamers worldwide. Despite a few minor drawbacks, its ergonomic design and durable construction make it a worthy investment for anyone in search of a reliable gaming chair.

3. AKRacing Masters Series Pro Gaming Chair

The AKRacing Masters Series Pro gaming chair is designed to provide gamers with a premium seating experience, combining ergonomic features, durability, and style. With its sturdy construction and ample padding, this chair aims to keep users comfortable and supported during long gaming sessions.
  1. Superior Comfort: The Masters Series Pro features generous padding throughout the seat, backrest, and armrests, ensuring optimal comfort during extended periods of use. The chair's ergonomic design promotes proper posture and helps alleviate discomfort associated with prolonged sitting.
  2. Adjustable Features: AKRacing has equipped the Masters Series Pro with a range of adjustable features, including 3D armrests, recline function, and lumbar support. These customization options allow users to tailor the chair to their individual preferences and body type, enhancing overall comfort and support.
  3. Durable Construction: Built with a robust steel frame and high-quality materials such as PU leather or fabric upholstery, the Masters Series Pro is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use. The chair's sturdy construction ensures longevity, making it a reliable investment for serious gamers.
  4. Stylish Design: With its sleek, racing-inspired design and attention to detail, the Masters Series Pro adds a touch of sophistication to any gaming setup. The chair is available in a variety of color options, allowing users to choose a design that complements their personal style.
  5. Wide Seat and Tall Back: The chair's spacious seat and tall backrest provide ample room for users of all sizes, accommodating both taller individuals and those with broader frames. This ensures a comfortable fit and optimal support for a diverse range of users.
  1. Price: The Masters Series Pro is positioned at a higher price point compared to some other gaming chairs on the market. While the chair's quality and features justify the cost for many users, it may not be the most budget-friendly option available.
  2. Assembly Required: Assembling the chair can be somewhat time-consuming, especially for those who are not familiar with assembling furniture. However, the included instructions are clear and easy to follow, and most users should be able to complete the assembly process without major issues.
  3. Firm Cushioning: Some users may find the chair's padding to be on the firmer side, especially during the initial break-in period. While this firmness can provide adequate support, it may take some time to adjust for those accustomed to softer seating surfaces.
Overall, the AKRacing Masters Series Pro gaming chair offers a winning combination of comfort, durability, and style, making it a top choice for serious gamers. Despite a few minor drawbacks, its ergonomic design and premium construction make it a worthwhile investment for anyone in search of a high-quality gaming chair.

4. Noblechairs Epic Series Gaming Chair

The Noblechairs Epic Series gaming chair is widely recognized for its luxurious design, ergonomic features, and premium build quality. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this chair aims to provide gamers with unparalleled comfort and support for long gaming sessions.
  1. Luxurious Comfort: The Epic Series features dense cold foam padding throughout the seat and backrest, providing exceptional comfort and support. The chair's ergonomic design promotes proper posture and helps alleviate fatigue, allowing users to stay comfortable even during extended periods of use.
  2. Premium Materials: Noblechairs has spared no expense in the construction of the Epic Series, using high-quality materials such as genuine leather or premium PU leather upholstery. These materials not only enhance the chair's aesthetic appeal but also contribute to its durability and longevity.
  3. Ergonomic Adjustability: The chair offers a range of adjustable features, including 4D armrests, recline function, and lumbar support. These customization options allow users to tailor the chair to their individual preferences and body type, ensuring optimal comfort and support.
  4. Stylish Design: With its sophisticated design and attention to detail, the Epic Series adds a touch of elegance to any gaming setup. The chair is available in a variety of color options, allowing users to choose a design that complements their personal style and preferences.
  5. Sturdy Construction: Built with a robust steel frame and aluminum base, the Epic Series is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use. The chair's sturdy construction and high-quality materials ensure longevity, making it a reliable investment for serious gamers.
  1. Price: The Epic Series is positioned at a higher price point compared to some other gaming chairs on the market. While the chair's premium materials and features justify the cost for many users, it may not be the most budget-friendly option available.
  2. Assembly Required: Assembling the chair can be somewhat time-consuming, especially for those who are not familiar with assembling furniture. However, the included instructions are clear and easy to follow, and most users should be able to complete the assembly process without major issues.
  3. Limited Color Options: While the Epic Series offers a decent selection of color combinations, some users may find the options to be somewhat limited compared to other brands. Those seeking more variety in color choices may need to explore alternative gaming chair options.
Overall, the Noblechairs Epic Series gaming chair offers a combination of luxury, comfort, and durability that is hard to beat. Despite a few minor drawbacks, its premium construction and ergonomic design make it a top choice for discerning gamers who demand the best.

5. Vertagear Racing Series S-Line SL4000 Gaming Chair

The Vertagear Racing Series S-Line SL4000 gaming chair is a popular choice among gamers for its combination of sleek design, ergonomic features, and durability. Engineered to provide comfort and support during long gaming sessions, this chair aims to enhance the gaming experience with its ergonomic design and stylish aesthetics.
  1. Ergonomic Design: The SL4000 features an ergonomic design with contoured padding, adjustable lumbar support, and a high backrest, promoting proper posture and reducing fatigue during extended periods of use. The chair's ergonomic features ensure optimal comfort and support for users of all sizes.
  2. Premium Materials: Constructed with high-quality materials such as PVC leather and high-density foam padding, the SL4000 exudes luxury and durability. The materials are easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your chair remains looking fresh for years to come.
  3. Adjustable Features: Vertagear has equipped the SL4000 with a range of adjustable features, including 4D armrests, recline function, and tilt mechanism. These customization options allow users to tailor the chair to their individual preferences and body type, enhancing overall comfort and support.
  4. Stylish Design: With its racing-inspired design and attention to detail, the SL4000 adds a touch of sophistication to any gaming setup. The chair is available in a variety of color options, allowing users to choose a design that complements their personal style and preferences.
  5. Sturdy Construction: Built with a sturdy steel frame and aluminum base, the SL4000 is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use. The chair's robust construction and premium materials ensure longevity, making it a reliable investment for serious gamers.
  1. Price: The SL4000 is positioned at a mid to high price point, which may be a deterrent for budget-conscious consumers. While the chair's quality and features justify the cost for many users, it may not be the most affordable option available.
  2. Assembly Required: Assembling the chair can be somewhat time-consuming, especially for those who are not familiar with assembling furniture. However, the included instructions are clear and easy to follow, and most users should be able to complete the assembly process without major issues.
  3. Firm Cushioning: Some users may find the chair's padding to be on the firmer side, especially during the initial break-in period. While this firmness can provide adequate support, it may take some time to adjust for those accustomed to softer seating surfaces.
Overall, the Vertagear Racing Series S-Line SL4000 gaming chair offers a winning combination of comfort, style, and durability, making it a top choice for gamers seeking a premium seating experience. Despite a few minor drawbacks, its ergonomic design and high-quality construction make it a worthwhile investment for anyone in search of a reliable gaming chair.


submitted by BestBeating to ReviewTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 05:15 DistinctBlueberry818 Love seeing more and more of these type of comments

Love seeing more and more of these type of comments
Does any body realize that the pump isn’t even on😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
submitted by DistinctBlueberry818 to basicmegsnark [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 21:09 Ok_Tourist_4489 [GET] Tyson 4D – 4D Copywriting Academy 2.0

[GET] Tyson 4D – 4D Copywriting Academy 2.0

Tyson 4D – 4D Copywriting Academy 2.0
“Tyson 4D’s ‘4D Copywriting Academy 2.0’ provides essential daily practices for rapid skill development and career jumpstart. The program introduces new structures and frameworks for consistently writing converting copy. Learn the art of ‘selling without selling’ to achieve striking results. Dive into techniques such as evoking powerful emotions, activating the ‘Unbreakable Mind’ for efficient copywriting, and applying ‘No-Brainer AI Formulas’ to enhance copy quality and speed. Master the craft of persuasive writing for impactful results in the world of copywriting.”
Get the course here: Econolearn. com
submitted by Ok_Tourist_4489 to OnlineEducationEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 18:01 CrispyNaeem Movie Transformers Scaling (Universal+, possibly Hyperversal)

Movie Transformers Scaling (Universal+, possibly Hyperversal)


In the Revenge of the Fallen novelization when the Allspark is possessing Sam Witwicky during his class on the Universe and Einstein's theory of relativity on the four-dimensional universe, Sam quickly says "But your book doesn't address the physics and mathematics of the other seventeen dimensions, which if entered can provide access to physical energies that operate according to entirely different formulae. Nobody ever talks about the other seventeen- what's that about?"
  • It's important to note that this implies a total of 21 dimensions in the space-time of the Transformer's universe.
  • "As one line of higher mathematics after another" could imply that the higher dimensions include higher forms of mathematics that we can't understand.
  • The dimensions include a formula for interdimensional energy creation (interdimensional meaning existing between dimensions of space or time) that mass and light can't explain even if dark energy is thrown into the equation.
  • This is also shown in the IDW comic Revenge of the Fallen #2 Official Movie Adaptation (linked here).
For clarification, energy=mass times the Velocity of Light is Einstein's famous (E=mc^2) equation that asserts that energy and mass are interchangeable. The reason why it's light speed squared is because kinetic energy is proportional to mass. Therefore, acceleration causes the kinetic energy of an object to increase to the level of speed squared. However, it's important to note that an infinite amount of energy is required to reach light speed in our dimension.
  • Now what's important is that according to Sam, even if you add dark energy (which is over twice the speed of light), the figures don't match. This is clear evidence that the physical energies, mathematics, and physics operate on a higher level.
  • This would mean that the 17 other dimensions are possibly spatial mathematic dimensions.
  • Lastly, we should know that the 17 other dimensions are in conjunction with the already existing four-dimensional universe because of the context of the scene; they were originally talking about Einstein's theory on the universe having only four, but then Sam interjects and says that there are a total of 21.


All Spark (Lowball Scale)- 3-A (Universal)
All Spark (Midball Scale)-Low 1-C (5D)
All Spark- 1-B: Hyperverse level (21D)
  • A portion of the All Spark had the possibility of destroying the entire Solar System.
  • According to Transformers Defiance Issue #4 (linked here) the Dynasty of Primes (including the Fallen) we're trans-dimensional beings in power.
Trans-dimensional means (Relating to a dimension other than those of the normal three-dimensional world.)
  • Because the Fallen was referring to their trans-dimensionality in a power sense, this should mean that they scale to at least Universal.
Dynasty of Primes (Lowball Scale)-3-A (Universal)
Dynasty of Primes (Midball Scale)-Low 1-C (5D)
Dynasty of Primes-1-B: Hyperverse level (21D)
  • In Tales of the Fallen Issue #4 the Fallen is shown tanking the power of the Star Harvester.
  • Which can destroy entire suns according to Jetfire from the Revenge of the Fallen novelization.
  • And The Fallen eventually evolves beyond the Allspark which would make him scale between 3-A/Universal and 1-A/Hyperversal.
  • According to the Revenge of the Fallen Movie guidebook the Fallen has the power to open dimensional portals, utilize inter-dimensional interface nodes (for communication across space-time), have "almost limitless power", and channel unquantifiable amounts of energy that possesses awesome power to unmake creation at will.
  • The Fallen is referred to as an "Omniversal Tyrant" (Omniversal means the coexisting set of universes, multiverses, etc.)
  • His power level is listed as 5+.
  • The Fallen can teleport in a microsecond.
  • This was when The Fallen was sealed into a pocket dimension by the power of his brothers, so we can give the Dynasty of Primes Pocket Dimension Manipulation.
  • In another guidebook, Optimus Prime is stated to have the strongest spark in energy levels after the Allspark.
Optimus Prime (Lowball Scale)-3-A (Universal)
Optimus Prime (Midball Scale)-Low 1-C (5D)
Optimus Prime-1-B: Hyperverse level (21D)
  • Optimus Prime has a strength level of 10, which would make him 2x higher than the Fallen's at a maximum.
  • KSI Drones from Transformers Age of Extinction are powered by miniature black holes.
  • And Megatron can fly at 17,156,063,679,227c (Massively FTL+) in space (Credits to unknown.)

Big Note

  • In Transformers 2007 we were told that Megatron's technology was reverse-engineered, meaning that you can't use real-life military scaling to downgrade Movie Transformers because the humans in their world had Cybertronian-like technology.

Final Scales

Overall, the lowest scale for the Movie Transformers is Moon Level, with Large Planet-level/Star Level/Solar System Level feats, and the All Spark creating the cosmology (which either scales to 4D-5D at a lowball or 21D at its highest interpretation) with MFTL+ spatial travel speeds and Hypersonic-Sub Relativistic Reactions to Possibly Infinite Speed via the Dynasty of Prime's being stated to "hop" between Dimensions in microseconds.
submitted by CrispyNaeem to powerscales [link] [comments]
