Anne archer plastic surgery


2024.06.01 12:51 Kor08Bella 🚨MARRY ME🚨

🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:45 Ill-Aardvark6734 Plastic Surgery while on Suboxone

Hi, I’ve been sober 18 years. I take suboxone. I’m wanting to get a TT and wanted to ask if anyone here takes this medication and has had PS. If so, how was your pain control afterwards. Thank you.
submitted by Ill-Aardvark6734 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:29 BigToast6 OK my HONEST opinion

Because I know you're all dying for it more that any critic or YouTuber.
Finally a catchy beat. Jesus fucking christ was it that hard to figure out over 10 years?
Lyrics are OK. Some humour which is good. Few hokey parts. It highlights how boring em has become trying to put on this tough, serious image.
The video is OK. Some funny parts, nostalgia, cameos etc but his plastic surgery face is just weirding me out. It's especially jarring when you have 26 year old em in the video.. did they put his new nose on his old face?
Overall its a decent effort but it has to be noted that he had to pull out all the old tricks which he seemed to really want to move on from to get people truly excited. His recent stuff just wasn't it. And hmm I dunno how to feel about a 51 year old mincing around doing the whole slim shady act... I've a feeling live performances of this might be a bit 😬
Now let's see what the album has to offer. Is he gonna keep relying on cameos and what is he actually gonna say ... houdini was pretty tame/lame lyric wise.he can't keep saying "slim shady is back" and then the worst he says is his cat is transgender or telling Paul etc to fuck off 😴
I've seen quite a few comments from randoms who don't really pay attention to em that he looks like David Gest now which cracks me tf up!!
So overall, you're all doing too much with the masterpiece overhype like it's a bit cringe but not the worst shit he's put out ever.
submitted by BigToast6 to Eminem [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:52 Kor08Bella 🚨Marry Me🚨

🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:43 No-Strawberry1933 Collecting Tax Refund from Purchases Made Years Ago?

Since April 2022, ive been coming to Seoul (and leaving within 3 months each time).
However, in 2022 & 2023, I never asked tax refunds for aesthetic clinic/plastic surgery procedure purchases I’ve made which range from hundreds to thousands of US dollars.
Is it still possible now that I’m back, in 2024, to go back to the clinics and ask for a tax refund? Will those purchases still be eligible for a tax refund?
submitted by No-Strawberry1933 to korea [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:31 CrazyWay6884 How I learned to appreciate my flat chest!

I've been struggling with accepting my body for a long time. I've lost track of the number of hours I've spent on this subreddit over the past few years, trying so hard to tell myself that what I was feeling was normal and that there are other women who look like me, and that I don't need plastic surgery or some miraculous second puberty to hit.
I realized today that I've gone from hating my boobs to loving them over the past year. For context, I'm basically completely flat chested (my breast size is very similar to Clara Dao, though the rest of my body is not). I'm posting here for the first time ever because I wanted to share my story and hopefully be able to help anyone else going through a similar journey!
TL,DR: Grew up super insecure about my flat chest, but now love it! Read bold text & list at the bottom for main points.
Growing up, I endured a lot of cruel comments about my breast size which really tore away at me. It was the ones that came from close friends and family which hurt the most, and I eventually believed that my body was so hideous that it took literal miracles for people to be able to see past it and want to get to know me as a person. I had myself convinced from a very young age that I would never experience romantic love because of my body.
As much as I'd like to say that it was self love that got me past these feelings, it was my first relationship that did. Realizing that it was actually possible for me to experience mutual attraction tore down all of my beliefs and left me with no foundations to continue hating my appearance. It got easier for me to view myself as attractive, even after the relationship ended.
But this was my key realization: my boobs were exactly the same size before, during, and after my first relationship. I never needed anyone to prove to me that my body was worthy of love, it always has been. I just never saw it before.
Of course experiencing a relationship wasn't enough to singlehandedly eliminate my insecurities. I'm sure others have brought up similar steps in their journeys to self love, but these are the things that helped me most!
I would like to acknowledge that I have been fortunate enough to come across numerous friends throughout this journey who have either been very supportive or perfectly neutral about my breast size. All of my romantic interests and casual hookups have also shown appreciation for my boobs. I have had setbacks due to comments from relatives who I can't avoid, but for the most part, I've found that people have been much kinder to me as an adult than when I was a teenager, and this has also helped immensely.
To everyone else here, I hope that you can love and appreciate your beautiful, perfect, small boobs too.
submitted by CrazyWay6884 to smallbooblove [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:24 Kor08Bella Marry Me!

Marry Me!
🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:18 Oneaesthetics1 Facial Plastic Surgery Cost in Gurgaon

Oneaesthetics provide the best Plastic Surgery Face Cost in India. Our trained and experienced dentists provide cost effective Non-Surgical Injectable Facial Fillers with advanced technology, elite and luxury dental services in Delhi and Gurgaon, India. Facial Aesthetics Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Cost, Facial Plastic Surgery Cost in Gurgaon.
Web-link: -

submitted by Oneaesthetics1 to u/Oneaesthetics1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:16 Kor08Bella 🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨

🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:12 Kor08Bella 🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨

🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:11 Kor08Bella 🚨Marry Me🚨

🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:10 Kor08Bella 🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨

🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:04 Kor08Bella 🚨🚨🚨MARRY ME

🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:01 Kor08Bella 🚨🚨🚨🚨Marry Me

🚨🚨🚨🚨Marry Me
🚨Asian is looking for a husband!🚨
hello. I'm a Korean girl born in 2008. I live in Michigan, USA in a dormitory as an international student. I need citizenship badly. So I will get citizenship from marriage.
Some people ask me if this is too hasty, but I have my own personal reasons. I am more serious about getting citizenship than anyone else.
[ ME ] I am 5'5, 121 pounds. I will be attending University and working a part time job after graduation. I am a good cook. I am loyal and do not cheat. I can prove to you that I don't cheat by talking to you 24 hours a day on the phone if you want. I like children and I am open to raising children if you want. I am open to any religion, you can follow yours. I have never had plastic surgery or tattoos. My high school graduation will be in June 2026, and I will get married right after I graduate. I will be attending University as a social work major.
[ You ] I don't care if you are ugly or not. I don't care how much money you have or don't have. I don't care how short you are or are not. I am just looking for someone who fits the following criteria.
  1. your age should be between 18-22.
  2. you must be an official "American" that I can marry after I graduate (someone who was born in the U.S. and has U.S. citizenship)
  3. if you live too far away from Michigan, please do not message me.
  4. anyone who is horny and constantly asking for pictures or videos of me will be reported and I will block them because I am really serious about citizenship. I want someone with a normal brain.
Looking for my angel who can give me citizenship :)
🚨Never ask me for nude pictures.🚨
submitted by Kor08Bella to u/Kor08Bella [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:41 WildPractice7228 Quoted 7k for keloid removal with exomes and amniotic graft, does that sound correct? (Pic attached)

So I am a firm believer in good plastic surgery isn’t cheap and cheap plastic surgery isn’t good. I understand that the surgeons are well trained and deserved t be compensated. But I also know some do over charge.
I suffered from a dog bit about a year ago that didn’t heal well. I have been working with a surgeon at the big university hospital in the state and they seem great and competent. We have been doing a series of steroid injections which have been helpful. My only issue is that I’ve only read good reviews on the hospital website, with only one or two discussing an actual procedure, and never seen their work. I also had a consultation with another surgeon, recommended by a friend who is a surgeon, at a private practice with someone who is 100% the real deal. I’m seen dog bite and keloid revisions that are extremely good. I know for a fact that I would be weak taken care here. The issue is that this is my first plastic surgery and I just want to make sure I’m making the right choice and the difference in cost i large, and I haven’t found anyone inbetween yet.
They both just want to remove the bottom scar.
submitted by WildPractice7228 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:39 irdfk_irdfc How do I grow taller?

I (15f) am like 155cm (ish?) and my family is MUCH taller than me (although not tall tall). I used to be quite tall (for my age) and then it kinda just stopped. I'll admit I'm not the healthiest or most physical, and although my dream is to be 180+ I'll settle for like even 160 atp. I just, I feel so idk, this is probably not enough information, I'm well aware of genetics and the fact that this is reddit and not my doctor's office, but like I'm genuinely considering saving up for that height increasing plastic surgery because it's so hard to even look in the mirror.
submitted by irdfk_irdfc to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:34 EclosionK2 My siblings’ imaginary friend wants to kill me

Something grabbed my leg at the pool.
I was on my last lap—just doing a leisurely breaststroke—when massive fingers wrapped around my thigh and dragged me down.
I squirmed and tried to get away, but the fingers were wrapped tight. They had some form of suction cups. My ensuing struggle attracted the attention of the lifeguard. As soon as he came to my aid, the massive fingers let go.
The guard believed me when I said that something had caught my leg. He inspected the area. But all he could find was a pink plastic wristband.
“That’s not what pulled me down,” I said.
He shrugged and put on the wristband.
In the locker rooms I swear I could hear something walking around, making large, squishy, plodding sounds. I stayed hidden in my change room, waiting for the sounds to stop.
From beneath the change room curtain I could see wet footprints. I could literally see large, towel-length footprints appear on the ground—out of nothing.
Of course it freaked me out. And of course I gasped out loud.
Before I knew it, the curtains opened and closed on their own.
I was cornered in the back of the changeroom.
I let out a half a scream before invisible wet fingers wrapped themselves around my face. My head was shoved against ceramic tiles.
Fear froze me completely.
A hot breath arrived, smelling like moldy fruit. Then a voice came. It was high pitched and squeaky, choking a little on its own words.
“No need to be scared. It's just me. JUMPY!”
Like a chameleon, the skin of the creature slowly solidified into gray. One of its eyes was the size of my head. I would say it looked like one of those red-eyed tree frogs, except it was nine feet tall and it could easily kill me.
It switched from holding my mouth to pressing its sticky fingers against my throat. “Remember me? Remember me?”
‘No’ seemed like the wrong answer, so I just repeated the name it told me. “...Jumpy?”
“YES! YES!” The creature jumped up and down—still holding me by the throat. If I hadn't grabbed hold of its fingers, it might have hung me on the spot.
“Jumpy! Jumpy Frog! That's me!”
I was dropped to the floor as it started to clap. The massive webbed hands created a deafening applause.
“Marie-Anne and Jamie made me when they were babies! I was their best friend!” The frog jumped onto a wall effortlessly and peered down at my struggling body. “Every day I was with them—every day I helped them!”
It was referring to my older twin sisters, who died last year in a car accident. Part of the reason I was out swimming so late is because that’s how I’ve been coping with their passing. We all used to do synchronized swimming for many years.
“But now they’re gone… They're gone! How terrible is that?!” The frog sounded like an overdramatic, sad cartoon. It teared up, and pounded the very wall it was climbing. “And now, no one believes in Jumpy!”
I was still recovering, breathing through a pinhole, but that didn’t stop Jumpy from hoisting me by the leg.
“You’re the only Whitaker sister left! You have to believe in Jumpy!”
It felt like I was speaking through a tiny straw. “Have to?”
“Yes! Can’t you see? I’m fading! I used to be green for frog’s sake!” Jumpy shoved its forearm against my face. Some of the gray slime stuck to me.
“If you don’t believe in Jumpy … I’ll die! And I don’t want to die!”
The frog crawled to the ceiling and dangled me by the leg, high above the marble floor. “You have to believe in Jumpy! You HAVE to!”
If I landed in the wrong way, I could easily break my neck, or skull. I forced myself to sound happy. “I believe in Jumpy, I believe in Jumpy.”
For the first time in the entire encounter, the creature treated me like a porcelain doll. I was gently lowered to the floor, and then patted on the head.
“Good. Keep believing in Jumpy. Think about Jumpy every day.” The frog made a gagging sound, then leapt back to the ceiling, leaving wet marks along the wood. “And if you stop believing in Jumpy, don’t worry … I’ll come back to remind you!”
The frog smiled in a way that made its giant eyes bulge and look in two opposite directions. I thought for a second it had a tongue lolling out of its mouth, but I peered closer, and could make out a human hand in its lips.
A human hand with a pink wristband.
Jumpy slurped it up.
Since that encounter I’ve basically been in a permament state of fear, praying that Jumpy never visits me again.
I’m an animator so drawing is a hobby of mine. I’ve drawn countless sketches of Jumpy and left them around my house, my work, on my phone, etc. Not a day goes by without me seeing a picture of that frog.
I believe I’m fulfilling my promise. I’m thinking about Jumpy every day. But I also haven't slept properly in like … months.
I’d like to stop thinking about the frog. But that also sounds terrifying.
I’m pretty much forced to think about my worst fear all the time.
Its wearing me down. I’m so exhausted…
What am I supposed to do?
submitted by EclosionK2 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 banaana_bread 15F I have no boobs

So I don’t have boobs and no my boobs aren’t small they are just flat. People make fun of me by saying even the guys have bigger breast than me and that I should wear push up bras or get surgery whenever possible. But my boyfriend tells me he doesn’t care about the size of my breast. BUT I DO! Is there any way to make them actually bigger or is surgery the only way. I dont want to get surgery because I am against plastic surgery.
submitted by banaana_bread to Puberty [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:24 Timely-Republic1032 Exceptional Breast Plastic Surgery Experience at Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital

Under the expert care of Dr. Choi Jeong Sik and the consultant team, my breast plastic surgery journey at Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital was exceptional. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, their professionalism and genuine care were evident. The consultant team's guidance was invaluable, addressing all my concerns and ensuring I felt comfortable and prepared. The tailored procedure exceeded my expectations, and post-surgery, swelling was expertly managed. I'm delighted with the results and wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Choi Jeong Sik, the consultant team, and the entire team for their expertise and exceptional care. Swelling is common after breast surgery and can be managed with proper care and patience. After surgery, I felt a mix of relief and discomfort, but the swelling gradually decreased over time. Before the surgery, my concerns revolved around the outcome and recovery process. I wanted to change my appearance and boost my confidence. To manage swelling, I followed my surgeon's advice, which included wearing compression garments, elevating the affected area, staying hydrated, and avoiding strenuous activities.
submitted by Timely-Republic1032 to u/Timely-Republic1032 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:46 Ordinary_Key6522 Khloe’s face

Khloe looks unrecognizable in the interview sessions with all the plastic surgery she has gotten. It makes me kinda sad for her because I genuinely thought she was pretty & gorgeous and she has been my favorite sister since day 1. It’s unfortunate how bad the media treated her and you can tell that even people in her personal life never made her feel beautiful. From her mom favoring Kim to all her partners cheating on her in the worst ways possible I understand what that has done to her self esteem. It is such a shame. Self love needs to go a long way.
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2024.06.01 07:35 CT_Phipps (Pride) Ten Recommended LGBTA Friendly Fantasy/Scifi series

(Pride) Ten Recommended LGBTA Friendly Fantasy/Scifi series
Let's hope this isn't downvoted to oblivion.
Queer reads are something that has always existed among fiction, especially genre fiction, but it is has only recently been the case that they've allowed to start emerge from the shadows. That doesn't lesson the role they've always had, though, as many people have a compelling argument that the driving force for Trekkiedom (the godfather of all modern fandom) was actually slash fiction.
Still, it can sometimes be hard to find fiction where the characters aren't minor, killed off quickly, or allowed to express their sexuality. Plenty of other readers also assume any queer friendly work has to be focused on romance. As a queer friendly author, I know it's not THAT hard to put a prominent character in your stories but finding books containing said content can sometimes be a chore.
What are the books where the characters are LGBTQA and simply allowed to be? Well, here's my picks as a CIS heterosexual man as clearly everyone is clamoring for my insight. JK. I've tried to pick a mixture of indie and traditional.
10] Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
Blurb: The first book in #1 New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison's Hollows series!
All the creatures of the night gather in "the Hollows" of Cincinnati, to hide, to prowl, to party . . . and to feed.
Vampires rule the darkness in a predator-eat-predator world rife with dangers beyond imagining—and it's Rachel Morgan's job to keep that world civilized.
A bounty hunter and a witch with serious sex appeal and an attitude, she'll bring 'em back alive, dead . . . or undead.
Review: The Hollows is an extremely fun urban fantasy series following the adventures of Rachel Morgan and her best friend Ivy that just about everyone wanted to hook up among the fandom but, sadly, didn't. Still, while Rachel seems mostly straight, Ivy remains a fantastic bisexual motorcycle riding vampire detective that really could have handled her own series. She's also a rare Asian American protagonist.
9] Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar
Blurb: Tashué’s faith in the law is beginning to crack. Three years ago, he stood by when the Authority condemned Jason to the brutality of the Rift for non-compliance. When Tashué’s son refused to register as tainted, the laws had to be upheld. He’d never doubted his job as a Regulation Officer before, but three years of watching your son wither away can break down even the strongest convictions.
Then a dead girl washed up on the bank of the Brightwash, tattooed and mutilated. Where had she come from? Who would tattoo a child? Was it the same person who killed her? Why was he the only one who cared?
Will Tashué be able to stand against everything he thought he believed in to get the answers he’s looking for?
Review: Legacy of the Brightwash is a fantastic book that is up there with Kings of Paradise for being an argument that indie doesn't mean lack of literary quality. Tashue is a bisexual man and one torn by the obligations of duty in his steampunk world that treats everyone with magic with horrifying rules as well as suspicion. Unfortunately, the choices forced on him include dealing with it appearing in his own family.
8] Miskatonic University: Elder Gods 101 by Matthew and Mike Davenport
Blurb: Miskatonic University is bathed in the blood of the students who have walked its halls. A place where the darkness is more than just shadows.
As with many of the best universities, many students having a distinguished family name—but at Miskatonic this can be as much a curse as a blessing.
Such an aged repository of occult histories has secrets of its own. Miskatonic University is an anchor for all reality. Held tentatively in place by spells woven into its walls over generations.
Someone, somewhere, is breaking those spells and all of the universe is on the brink of tearing apart.
Review: I am going to be biased toward any queer friendly HP Lovecraft material and had quite a bit to choose from (as another entry will show). In this case, I had to recommend a delightful SUPER POWERED's esque urban fantasy that is more Buffy the Vampire Slayer than cosmic horror. Still, I love the character of Ralph who wants to leave his isolated religious community to play football as well as express his sexuality. It's just that community is Innsmouth.
7] Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Blurb: Come take a load off at Viv's cafe, the first and only coffee shop in Thune. Grand opening!
Worn out after decades of packing steel and raising hell, Viv, the orc barbarian, cashes out of the warrior’s life with one final score. A forgotten legend, a fabled artifact, and an unreasonable amount of hope lead her to the streets of Thune, where she plans to open the first coffee shop the city has ever seen.
However, her dreams of a fresh start filling mugs instead of swinging swords are hardly a sure bet. Old frenemies and Thune’s shady underbelly may just upset her plans. To finally build something that will last, Viv will need some new partners, and a different kind of resolve.
Review: The archetypal example of "cozy" fantasy these days. Viv is an orc who just wants to open a coffee shop in a Medieval Dungeons and Dragons-esque setting. She's also a lesbian. This results in her having an awkward relationship with her succubus employee, who everyone has dismissed as a tart because of her species. It's actually really sweet and something that I would have loved to have a sequel to follow up on (instead we got a prequel).
6] The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
Blurb: Katherine Addison returns to the glittering world she created for her beloved novel, The Goblin Emperor, in this stand-alone sequel
When the young half-goblin emperor Maia sought to learn who had set the bombs that killed his father and half-brothers, he turned to an obscure resident of his father’s Court, a Prelate of Ulis and a Witness for the Dead. Thara Celehar found the truth, though it did him no good to discover it. He lost his place as a retainer of his cousin the former Empress, and made far too many enemies among the many factions vying for power in the new Court. The favor of the Emperor is a dangerous coin.
Now Celehar lives in the city of Amalo, far from the Court though not exactly in exile. He has not escaped from politics, but his position gives him the ability to serve the common people of the city, which is his preference. He lives modestly, but his decency and fundamental honesty will not permit him to live quietly. As a Witness for the Dead, he can, sometimes, speak to the recently dead: see the last thing they saw, know the last thought they had, experience the last thing they felt. It is his duty use that ability to resolve disputes, to ascertain the intent of the dead, to find the killers of the murdered.
Celehar’s skills now lead him out of the quiet and into a morass of treachery, murder, and injustice. No matter his own background with the imperial house, Celehar will stand with the commoners, and possibly find a light in the darkness.
Katherine Addison has created a fantastic world for these books - wide and deep and true.
Review: I love THE GOBLIN EMPEROR but, sadly, Katherine Addison wasn't interested in continuing to write for the character of Maia. However, she was interested in continuing to write for her world. Thara Celehar is a priest who has the ability to talk to the dead. He's also a gay man who has had tragedy in his backstory but may well find love again (but isn't actively looking). Through him we get to explore the steampunk fantasy setting of Addison's world and its many mysteries. Who murdered an opera singer and what was their motivation? Will anyone accept the disgraced priest who, nevertheless, now has friends in high places?
5] Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice
Blurb: Here are the confessions of a vampire. Hypnotic, shocking, and chillingly sensual, this is a novel of mesmerizing beauty and astonishing force—a story of danger and flight, of love and loss, of suspense and resolution, and of the extraordinary power of the senses. It is a novel only Anne Rice could write.
Review: It's interesting to note the subtext was never particularly subtextual but a lot of people insisted it was until the movie and television show made it impossible to deny. Yes, Louis and Lestat are lovers with their adopted vampire daughter Claudia. There's also a bunch of musings about immortality, God, killing to survive, and the ennui of living in general. The series goes off the rails after the fourth book and was already pretty strange by the third. Still, the first two books are classics for a reason.
4] Villains don't date Heroes by Mia Archer
Blurb: Night Terror. The greatest villain Starlight City has ever known. The greatest supervillain the world has ever seen. She rules her city with an iron fist, and there are no new worlds to conquer.
Needless to say life is pretty damn boring.
All that changes when she decides to shake things up by robbing a bank the old fashioned way and runs into the city's newest hero: Fialux. Flying Fialux. Invulnerable Fialux. Super strong Fialux. Beautiful Fialux?
Night Terror has a new archenemy who might just be able to defeat her, but even more terrifying are the confusing feelings this upstart heroine has ignited. She doesn't like heroes like that. She definitely doesn't like girls like that. Right? Only she can't deny the flutter she feels whenever she thinks of Starlight City's newest heroine!
The line between hate and love is a razor's edge that the world's greatest villainess will have to walk if she wants to hold onto that title!
Villains Don't Date Heroes! is a lesbian scifi romance novel that explores the world of villains, antiheroes, and heroes in a whole new way!
Review: I admit this book is probably not going to be anyone's idea of a classic but it's also nice just to have something that's just plain fun. This is basically Megamind if the protagonist was a lesbian and in love with Supergirl. It's not remotely serious and yet has a lot of fun with our mad inventor heroine dealing with her very unwelcome crush that is interfering with her plans to take over the world. I didn't really gel with the series as a whole but the first book is just plain fun.
3] Dreadnought by April Daniels
Blurb: A trans teen is transformed into a superhero in this action-packed series-starter perfect for fans of The Heroine Complex and Not Your Sidekick.
Danny Tozer has a problem: she just inherited the powers of Dreadnought, the world’s greatest superhero. Until Dreadnought fell out of the sky and died right in front of her, Danny was trying to keep people from finding out she’s transgender. But before he expired, Dreadnought passed his mantle to her, and those secondhand superpowers transformed Danny’s body into what she’s always thought it should be. Now there’s no hiding that she’s a girl.
It should be the happiest time of her life, but Danny’s first weeks finally living in a body that fits her are more difficult and complicated than she could have imagined. Between her father’s dangerous obsession with “curing” her girlhood, her best friend suddenly acting like he’s entitled to date her, and her fellow superheroes arguing over her place in their ranks, Danny feels like she’s in over her head.
She doesn’t have time to adjust. Dreadnought’s murderer—a cyborg named Utopia—still haunts the streets of New Port City, threatening destruction. If Danny can’t sort through the confusion of coming out, master her powers, and stop Utopia in time, humanity faces extinction.
Review: Probably one of the best superhero novels I've ever read that just so happens to also be a trans lesbian coming of age story. Danny is a girl who lives under a homophobic father when she gains the idealized form she's always dreamed of (which was being a beautiful superpowereful woman). Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is ready to accept that the heir to the Superman equivalent is a trans girl. This includes a TERF-esque druidess and what is basically Elon Musk (surprise-surprise). I want the third book in the trilogy now.
2] Of Honey and Wildfires by Sarah Chorn
Blurb: From the moment the first settler dug a well and struck a lode of shine, the world changed. Now, everything revolves around that magical oil. What began as a simple scouting expedition becomes a life-changing ordeal for Arlen Esco. The son of a powerful mogul, Arlen is kidnapped and forced to confront uncomfortable truths his father has kept hidden. In his hands lies a decision that will determine the fate of everyone he loves—and impact the lives of every person in Shine Territory.
The daughter of an infamous saboteur and outlaw, Cassandra has her own dangerous secrets to protect. When the lives of those she loves are threatened, she realizes that she is uniquely placed to change the balance of power in Shine Territory once and for all. Secrets breed more secrets. Somehow, Arlen and Cassandra must find their own truths in the middle of a garden of lies.
Review: Sarah Chorn is an incredibly underrated indie author and a fantastic reviewer as well. Her Song of the Sefate books are the ones that everyone should read, though. Basically, Wild West stories set in an alternate world where they harvest a magical substance called shine. The protagonists are a lesbian and a transman who are primarily dealing with the plot of resistance to corporate control. It can get dark but it is fantastically written and written from a place of heart.
1] Winter's Tide by Ruthanna Emrys
Blurb: After attacking Devil’s Reef in 1928, the U.S. government rounded up the people of Innsmouth and took them to the desert, far from their ocean, their Deep One ancestors, and their sleeping god Cthulhu. Only Aphra and Caleb Marsh survived the camps, and they emerged without a past or a future.
The government that stole Aphra's life now needs her help. FBI agent Ron Spector believes that Communist spies have stolen dangerous magical secrets from Miskatonic University, secrets that could turn the Cold War hot in an instant, and hasten the end of the human race.
Aphra must return to the ruins of her home, gather scraps of her stolen history, and assemble a new family to face the darkness of human nature.
Winter Tide is the debut novel from Ruthanna Emrys, author of the Aphra Marsh story, "The Litany of Earth"--included here as a bonus.
Review: Ruthanna Emrys is a Jewish lesbian woman as well as a massive HP Lovecraft fan. You can understand why she has a different perspective than Howard Phillips on a few things. Her Innsmouth Legacy series (which needs a third book dammit) follows the adventures of Aphra Marsh as she investigates the supernatural with a closeted Jewish FBI agent, a lesbian professor of mathematics, and her bisexual debutante associate. Aphra herself is ace and someone who just doesn't think about human men or women that way.

Honorable Mention

Velveteen Versus the Junior Super Patriots by Seanan Maguire
Blurb: "How dare you? I never asked for you to hunt me down!" No, Velma Martinez hadn't. But when you had once been Velveteen, child super-heroine and one of The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division, you were never going to be free, even if your only power was to bring toys to life. The Marketing Department would be sure of that.
So it all came down to this. One young woman and an army of misfit toys vs. the assembled might of the nine members of The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division who had come to take her down.
They never had a chance.
Velveteen lives in a world of superheroes and magic, where men can fly and where young girls can be abducted to the Autumn Land to save Halloween. Velma lives from paycheck to paycheck and copes with her broken-down car as she tries to escape from her old life.
It's all the same world. It's all real. And figuring out how to be both Velveteen and Velma is the biggest challenge of her life, because being super-human means you're still human in the end.
Join us as award-winning author Seanan McGuire takes us through the first volume of Velveteen's - and Velma's - adventure.
Review: I'm a big fan of this series and am sad that it's not available on Kindle or paperback. The story follows Velvet Martinez who is a girl who can animate toys. Which is a deceptively powerful ability. One of the most interesting plotlines in the book, though, is her relationship with Sparkle Bright. Velvet assumed she had been going for her crush going up but she was actually a closeted lesbian girl (because of the Marketing DepartmentTM). Sparkle Bright gradually achieves self-actualization and starts a relationship with steampunk heroine, Victory Anna. Plus, there's the Princess who is a trans girl representing all princess tropes.
submitted by CT_Phipps to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:05 officially_dah what is standard routine blood work while on T?

Hello all, hoping to start on T soon and İm accessing care in Japan. İve meeting with a psychiatrist to get a GİD diagnosis (necessary for gender affirming care here), who can also administer the shots in his clinic.
From what İ have researched, HRT in Japan is generally provided through clinics that do plastic surgery an the like, and not necessarily endocrinologists. İ want to make sure İm advocating for the care İ need. Aside from checking my T levels are in normal male range, what kind of lab work is standard for taking T?
edit: took out specific informstion to keep focus on main question!
submitted by officially_dah to ftm [link] [comments]