Car loans with bankruptcy

Car advice for people who know jack about cars

2013.10.14 02:21 Syncdata Car advice for people who know jack about cars

Car model advice and general buying discussion.

2014.09.14 12:21 daiyuesen Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

Student Loans Defaulters

2008.12.05 06:42 Credit Repair - Improve your credit, your score, and understand how to manage your credit

CRedit's main goal is to improve your credit, keep it healthy, and support you in decisions that you make that may affect your credit livelihood. We are here to support you if you need an advice on closing/opening a credit card, improving your credit scores, removing inaccurate information from your report, qualifying for a new card/mortgage/loan, investigating unknown information on your report and much more.

2024.06.01 13:54 evanp36 File Chapter 13 to get rid of vehicle?

Hello, I take home $5200 a month, every month without OT included. Naturally for filling I would not to mention any OT. as all OT for me is optional. I would want to also do a 100% plan.
The car is want to surrender i bought for 81k with 20k negative equity rolled over been paying for a year and still owe about 67k while it is worth 30k at minimum. For this truck I pay $1400 a month at a 6.9 interest rate.
I owe nothing on my credit cards as I pay them off monthly.
I owe 2290 to collections for an account i was never aware of that just popped up.
I owe 5500 to a personal loan i have been paying for around 2 years that original loan was around 7000 but the interest is 30%. Monthly payment is $249
I have a second car that i would like to keep. It is worth about 38k and i owe about that much as well. For this car I pay $779 a month
That is all i pay for under my name.
I live out of an rv, which my company kinda also helps pay for which all comes out to $290 a month. Rv is in parents name.
Also have my favorite sports car worth about 30k total balance owed is 13k. Monthly payment is $550 a month, no intention to get rid of it, and the loan is in my parents name.
Now i have no problem paying the debt. I just want to get rid of the truck, but the negative equity is too high to do anything other than surrender it?
I have no obligations against a 100% plan, But i also don’t want to lose my disposable income. I already typically have $800-1500 every month extra after everything is said and done. I also get a yearly 10% bonus of my annual salary yearly.
Before this collection popped up i had no interest in BK as i had an 800 credit score. After this though it has tanked my credit and i was unaware that I would get a collection on my report my credit has tanked. Yes it is a legitimate debt, that I somehow did forget about.
Will I be able to lower my debt payments with a chapter 13, would it give me more disposable income? Would I need to surrender my bonus? could I pay it off early, like jn 1 year?
Thanks. i am in young 20s and in 7 years i will still be under 30. (edit to add: i would like to keep credit cards and everything other than the truck if possible. naturally the debts not in my name shouldn’t apply on the BK, correct?)
submitted by evanp36 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:50 ixBerry My ongoing nightmare with Spinny

Describing my horrible experience buying a car from Spinny.
tl;dr - Spinny sold me a car without doing proper background check on the car and its seller and now the RC transfer process is not getting completed. It has been 1.5 years since I bought the car from them.
I am a first time car buyer, and bought a car from Spinny in January 2023. The process went quite smoothly, and the car I was interested in was nicely maintained and ran well. The salesmen at the showroom assured me that Spinny takes utmost care that they purchase cars from good sources, and that all the processes needed in transferring the car are completed by the company itself, without any intervention required from me. I was convinced and went ahead and bought the car.
After a few months, the RC transfer process is where the nightmare begins. IT HAS BEEN 1.5 YEARS SINCE I BOUGHT THE CAR AND STILL MY RC HAS NOT BEEN TRANSFERRED.
I have been communicating back and forth with their customer care, and it is the most frustrating experience of my life so far- these people on their customer care line have absolutely no concern for you, and will lie and give any wrong information to you, without any remorse. Absolutely 0 help from them.
Eventually I got to know that the reason my RC transfer hasn't happened is because the seller of the car had taken out a second loan on the car. Spinny claims they did not know about this second loan. Of course when selling the car, they assured me that they had done all the requisite background checks. Spinny now tells me that the seller has closed all loans, but needs to appear at the RTO with the NOC he has received for closing the second loan. The seller isn't showing up at the RTO during all these months, and this is what is holding up the RC transfer process, as per Spinny.
Now, I am in a bit of a pickle. I love the car as it works very well, but I have no faith that Spinny will get the RC transferred to my name. I would appreciate any suggestions you guys might have on how I move forward with this. Spinny has told me that most of the process is done and the only thing remaining in RC transfer is that the seller of the car show up at the RTO with the NOC he has ( I don't know if he has actually closed the loans or not, but Spinny claims he has ). They tell me that if I like the car, please wait for a while more, but honestly it has been a long time since I bought the car and I have very little patience left.
To anyone reading this and thinking of buying a car from Spinny - I have one word - Don't ! Their customer service is nightmarish, and they have no problems about lying about the car itself or about the things they claim they will do for you, like the RC transfer process.
submitted by ixBerry to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:31 DisorganizedSpaghett I have no idea what to do. Am I (34M) not being enough, or is my wife (33F) being too much?

Summarizing a long story, my (33F) wife and I (34M) have been together for almost 6 years now. We moved in very quickly, got married very quickly, and both made many dumb mistakes very quickly and very frequently. We've never gone to therapy or counseling to specifically address any of these.
The chain of blame begins with me confiding in my family that I think she had a drinking problem. She was so unhappy with this, that she became an alcoholic with pancreatitis for the next several years. Every time we argued about it, she said that it was because of my lack of romance and my indifference to the situation, that she would continue. I would of course argue is that my lack of romances because of this, and because of all the financial issues that we are now having, on top of my own poor coping mechanisms of addiction to gaming and weed.
She's in her home country right now, has been for 2 months, and while we keep talking as if we're still planning things together, she has been building up walls and almost specifically ignoring my text messages, her response being that I'm not trying hard enough. That I'm not badgering her enough, despite that being a specific way to accomplish the opposite of whatever you want her to do. If you wanted her to take her medicine, just keep asking her to do it and you can guarantee she'll never take her medicine.
To me, this is preposterous. When somebody communicates to you, you can see it, you know it's there, and you know to return the communication. My wife is one of those kid at heart because she was pushed into too many classes as a child and not giving enough play time, she's all about that Disney life. She has a verbal love language, whereas I have a kinetic one.
I have one of those connections with her, where we just kind of feel each other no matter the distance. I'm a pretty sciencey person, so I don't really have a way to explain this. I treasure this connection, even though some of her behaviors do really bother me, like the fact that in America she still doesn't want to tip waiters. I don't want to separate from her, but I can't tell if I'm the one that's doing something wrong or not here, because this has been going on for several weeks.
When we left to her home country, it was because her health was failing quite thoroughly due to her decisions. I came back after two week and it's been 2 months since then. When we left, we were approximately 4K in debt. Utilities, landlord, car loan, credit cards. Admittedly, I have been kind of a man child and not doordashing everyday after work. I've been smoking tons of weed and playing video games, and we've been fighting everyday almost, or she'll just be ignoring me. If I were to finance my wife's return to me, it would be about 700, or 2K if I went there and we took a small short vacation nearby before returning. I've been eating for about three to five dollars a meal, and I've sent almost 1k a month, while making 4K and spending 2k on utilities and bills without paying for debts.
submitted by DisorganizedSpaghett to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 AutoModerator Reviews of banking services & products thread for June 2024 : Request or post reviews here.

You can also ask for a general review of a particular product or services that you have been researching:
Is bank X good? Is it recommended for basic services no-frills accounts?
but please avoid asking for personal advice.
The discussion is meant for consumption by a broader audience.
For advice regarding your personal situation (like My family is pressurising me to take a home loan, what would you suggest?), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended.
Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services.
Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the thread only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services.
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submitted by AutoModerator to IndiaInvestments [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 DisorganizedSpaghett I have no idea what to do.

Summarizing a long story, my (33F) wife and I (34M) have been together for almost 6 years now. We moved in very quickly, got married very quickly, and both made many dumb mistakes very quickly and very frequently. We've never gone to therapy or counseling to specifically address any of these.
The chain of blame begins with me confiding in my family that I think she had a drinking problem. She was so unhappy with this, that she became an alcoholic with pancreatitis for the next several years. Every time we argued about it, she said that it was because of my lack of romance and my indifference to the situation, that she would continue. I would of course argue is that my lack of romances because of this, and because of all the financial issues that we are now having, on top of my own poor coping mechanisms of addiction to gaming and weed.
She's in her home country right now, has been for 2 months, and while we keep talking as if we're still planning things together, she has been building up walls and almost specifically ignoring my text messages, her response being that I'm not trying hard enough. That I'm not badgering her enough, despite that being a specific way to accomplish the opposite of whatever you want her to do. If you wanted her to take her medicine, just keep asking her to do it and you can guarantee she'll never take her medicine.
To me, this is preposterous. When somebody communicates to you, you can see it, you know it's there, and you know to return the communication. My wife is one of those kid at heart because she was pushed into too many classes as a child and not giving enough play time, she's all about that Disney life. She has a verbal love language, whereas I have a kinetic one.
I have one of those connections with her, where we just kind of feel each other no matter the distance. I'm a pretty sciencey person, so I don't really have a way to explain this. I treasure this connection, even though some of her behaviors do really bother me, like the fact that in America she still doesn't want to tip waiters. I don't want to separate from her, but I can't tell if I'm the one that's doing something wrong or not here, because this has been going on for several weeks.
When we left to her home country, it was because her health was failing quite thoroughly due to her decisions. I came back after two week and it's been 2 months since then. When we left, we were approximately 4K in debt. Utilities, landlord, car loan, credit cards. Admittedly, I have been kind of a man child and not doordashing everyday after work. I've been smoking tons of weed and playing video games, and we've been fighting everyday almost, or she'll just be ignoring me. If I were to finance my wife's return to me, it would be about 700, or 2K if I went there and we took a small short vacation nearby before returning. I've been eating for about three to five dollars a meal, and I've sent almost 1k a month, while making 4K and spending 2k on utilities and bills without paying for debts.
submitted by DisorganizedSpaghett to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:10 No-Debate2873 The Pandering Brown Sisters Still Grifting

The Pandering Brown Sisters Still Grifting
After a faulty start setting up a charitable tax-exempt organization in their deceased sister’s name, to support domestic abuse victims in late 1994, the Browns had appointed at the helm to run it a convicted violent domestic abuser and swindler. A 1995 Los Angeles Times article cited that….”the founding president of the Nicole Brown Simpson fund, records show, is a convicted felon and accused spousal batterer, who was once named in a domestic restraining order for posing a “clear and present danger” to his estranged wife and two children. Jeff C. Noebel, a 40-year-old Dallas businessman, is currently awaiting sentencing in U.S. District Court for lying to federal authorities in a savings-and-loan investment scam, one of his many shaky business ventures that have left a trail of bankruptcies and lawsuits from Texas to California.” Yet, the Browns pretended they did not know his background though Noebel stated that he had told them about the abuse charges, apparently his silver tongue offer to build them a successful, donation-seeking, organization was too juicy for the Brown family to pass up.
Yet, here we go again, the Brown sisters grifting during the 30th anniversary month of the OJ Simpson case in conjunction with the Lifetime cable network with the two-night streaming of The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson.
It should be an interesting dichotomy, since for 30 years someone has been lying. The father, Louis Brown, stated to the police detectives and later coroner’s investigator less than 12 hours after the murders occurred that his daughter, Nicole Brown Simpson, was last known to be alive the night before at 11PM talking to her mother, Juditha Brown, regarding glasses left behind by the mother at Brentwood’s Mezzaluna restaurant.
Two days later the mother would give the same time on two different occasions, first to the Simpson defense investigators, and then after they told Attorney Robert Shapiro, he would ask her himself what time that last call took place. Juditha Brown would tell Shapiro the same thing, that she talked to Nicole at 11PM on or about June 16, 1994.
When Shapiro asked how she knew it was 11PM she stated that when she arrived home from Brentwood that night she checked the clock and it said 11PM. However, within 7 months the 11PM last call would be changed, in another flim-flam slid past all of the American viewers whose attention was generally diverted to some tabloid unrelated event outside the courtroom. The time of the last phone call was changed in a low-key stipulation entered in open court and offered surprisingly by the defense team’s Robert Shapiro. He was now agreeing to accept a new time of 09:37 PM as the last call shown on an exhibit document, the Exhibit 35 POSTERBOARD claimed to represent the phone calls of Juditha Brown. The importance of the stipulation in California is that by their long-established state law it allows the evidence to circumvent examination by a jury.
This may be one of the most important tools to allow that state to have their notable celebrity show trials. Supposedly, all times on the Posterboard were accepted by Shapiro as his covering excuse to speed the case along since the Simpson defense lawyer was posturing that the prosecution witness, Karen Crawford, Mezzaluna weekend manager and bartender, could not accurately be certain of the final time anyway. So, the defense would simply accept the times shown on the posterboard, including the alleged phone call from Juditha Brown at 9:37 PM as seen in the blown-up section provided above. Defense lawyer Johnnie Cochran would do the same 5 months later and leave tell-tale evidence of their cooperative malfeasance as shown in the following video clip. This video clip of Cochran stumped OMIG investigators for about 7 years as to why he would enter what appears to be a false stipulation, until realizing based on other information that the Simpson trial and its malfeasance was to be utilized by Cochran for a more important trial he had lost where an innocent man, that was his client, would spend almost 29 years of his life behind bars as a result of Cochran’s naivety until Cochran could maneuver his release.
11 PM is important to this case because it places OJ Simpson in the backseat of a chauffeured limousine on its way to LAX for him to catch an 11:45 PM flight to Chicago while his ex-wife was still alive. The waitress, Tia Gavin, stated that the Brown party departed the Mezzaluna restaurant at around 8:45 PM, and now the last phone call from the Brown home in Dana Point, Orange County was at 09:37 PM approximately 52 minutes after departing Brentwood in West Los Angeles. Everyone, i.e. news commentators, highway patrolmen are on tape saying the distance was a 90 minute to two-hour drive between Brentwood and Dana Point, Orange County. This includes the two lead LAPD detectives, Phil Vannatter and Tom Lange, who stated in their book EVIDENCE DISMISSED below, that the drive was at least an hour and a half drive.
Since two of the Brown sisters were in the car on that fateful drive back home that night from L.A.’s Brentwood to Dana Point, someone is lying, and it certainly does not appear to be our side since all of the evidence appears to support our findings that the Brown family did not arrive home in approximately 45+ minutes. The highway data regarding traffic volume and density due to highway construction to build the HOV lane imply more like a 2-hour drive. This is what the data indicates the drive home for the Browns looked like on the southbound I-405 the night of June 12, 1994 between the hour of their departure from Brentwood between 8-9PM.
We at OMIG predict that the truth is going to ultimately catch up to all of these charlatans and grifters and expose them for this reckless and dangerous lie that they have placed before the public for the last 30 years sucking up all oxygen in the media space. The phone records were removed by court order from the Simpson case file to continue this lie so that the records could not be examined. However, these corrupt officials beyond the Brown sisters have continued to conceal the truth.
Several people pull this angelic cloak off of their unfortunate deceased sister, Nicole. Even Kato Kaelin, who Nicole invited to move into her pool guest house on Gretna Green before moving over to her condo on Bundy spoke in his book about Nicole throwing drug parties, where the party goers were making a bee-line upstairs, going up and down to the point Kato asked why. Someone pulled his coat during his recent meeting of Nicole as an invited guest to her party and told him “That’s where the cocaine is”. Kato who resided a year with Nicole and her children, would go on to state in his book that he witnessed Nicole becoming very belligerent and out of control when drinking too much tequila when out in social settings. Having to have the keys wrestled away by her girlfriends from preventing her being a drunk driver on the streets and highways. On one occasion it became so embarrassing with her being out of control that he simply left the gathering, which appeared to be par for the course for the Mousey looking house guest. He also accused Nicole the obsessive party gal of being a chain smoker; hence, he undermines the pristine image that the prissy Brown sister-grifters seem to be attempting to portray in all probability for the sake of making a dollar once again.
They knew that the so-called Bruno Magli shoe prints found in the sidewalk tiles did not fit Simpson’s foot, so they have attempted to conceal that until OMIG investigators examined the police photos and attained verification that the sidewalk tiles were only 11- and 1/2-inches square.
Because OMIG investigators stood firm during an interview with former FBI agents that one of their peers had lied about his true knowledge concerning Simpson’s foot in those size 12 Bruno Magli shoes, they in turn called back and provided OMIG with 53 pounds of documents some of which was associated directly with the Simpson trial indicating that the agent, Roger Martz, had been lying and committing perjury as it related to the blood the FBI lab was asked to examine. He wrote a letter back to the LADA’s office and the deputy DA who had asked for their help, Rockne Harmon, telling them that he, Roger Martz, had completed an examination of the blood samples of Simpson found on the back gate and blood of Nicole found on socks on Simpson’s bedroom floor. Martz said that he could find no contamination with the blood preservative EDTA. It appears that Martz lied, and was called out for his lies by other FBI examiners in the lab in a complaint filed with the Office of the Inspector General of the USDOJ.
That document, entitled by OMIG as the Whitehurst Complaint due to the author who filed it, former FBI Agent Frederic Whitehurst, became a hidden document as well one in which OMIG has filed at least 3 Freedom of Information Requests to attain from the Office of the Inspector General. This all is predictably going to unravel, and exposes the weakness of using the Brown sisters to promote a false narrative with its subtle yet powerful racial undertones to the detriment of so many more important events that have taken place over the last 30 years. This promulgation simply exposes the recklessness in doing something like that by exposing the soft underbelly of vulnerability as a national security threat to the nation by providing a cheap and cost effective tool to weaponize to fragment and polarize a nation, with that being the use of racial animus to create national mass hysteria.
submitted by No-Debate2873 to ojsimpsondidntdoit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:04 zazeauzena Quite large capital for my age, but unbright future. Save, ETF, property?

Hi All

After reading lots and lots of questions and answers on this Subreddit, i completely lost my thoughts. I have a good understanding of how investing works, why i should do it, and the power of compounded interest on long term, combined with the ease of an ETF like Iwda. I have a quite complex situation which confuses me a lot when it comes to investing and saving money. I already saw a lot of 'professional' explanations and theories here, so i would like to ask an objective opinion.

This is who I am:

I think i'm in a quite well situation given my age, and that's why i want to seize the opportunity as thoughtful as possible.

when i was 19, i started putting 5k in seperate stocks, mainly tech and Uranium as i am a strong believer of nuclear energy. That's doing very well as it's already 18k now.

invested another 5k in iwda last year, which is doing well aswell.

Reason why i am stuck:
I don't know what to do with my cash.
I want to invest some money for long term (10 a 15 years +) I want to invest some for very long term to retire comfy I have the houses, 1 renovated, bungalow from '60, which is now beginning EPC C, so quite efficient for the age. Only large expense for the future: removing asbest roof and replace it with shingles. Note that this house is with our future in mind, to start for the first 10 years or so. My final goal is to renovate the house of my grandparents in the future, to make it as good as possible for the rest of our lives (my girlfriend is fine with the situation, it's beneficial for her too). It's a 'landhuis' on a larnge plot of land. So i guess it will take arround 150k to renovate the house.

The approach i am thinking off:
I invest another 15k in Iwda as lump sum and DCA from now on 300 euro's a month. I keep my own money to live from and to invest When i would ever renovate the house of my grand parents, i could get a loan for renovation purposes and use the bare minimum as downpayment. Then i renovate the house, and will live in it afterwards. The house i live in now is modern, detached , and easy to rent out. I would use the rental income from this property to pay off my loan I got to renovate the other house. I could eventually do a downpayment to make the rental income more than the loan, so I get let's say 200 euro's spare which i could park on a high yield growth savings account. This amount would come in when i have a cost at the property which is rented out. In the meanwhile i still have a filled savings account which keeps all roads open for investing oppertunities or to increase the value of the property i will be living in, in let's say 10 years or so (I hope it takes as long as possible as I love my grand parents, i want them to live as long as possible and stay at home while they can.) Once the renovation loan has been paid, i still have a lot of savings, so has my girlfriend, so in the further future, we could eventually buy an investment property together aswell.

Would you change strategy? Or come in mind with another strategy that could work for me? I am willing to take moderate risk. I don't want to invest all in individual stocks as they are too volatile for me, especially sectorbased like energy. But ETF's, i am fine with. If it crashes, everything crashes, and after a crash, it will climb anyway in the long run.

My goal is not to stop working or so, or to retire at 40, but i want to be able to say 'fuck it' and do something I really really enjoy, even though I would earn half the money. I never want to stress about money. I am quite economically-minded and think a lot before i purchase something expensive. Working 4/5 when i'm around 40 and 3/5 when around 55 would be ideal i think.

My main motivation; based on the lifestyle of my grandfather, i like to walk arround on my property, thinking how beautifyl it is, washing the car on saturday, play with the kids, take them for a ride in a old porsche 911 (passionate about that car since when i was 6, posters all arround my room, till to date haha, that's the life strive for, the life i WANT to work for . not to sit at home at 50 all day long as everyone i know will still work then.

Thank you so much for your insights


submitted by zazeauzena to BEFire [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:54 Robthatguy After learning how amortization and mortgages actually work, I've about lost faith in pretty much everything

Single male 30 make good money but because I'm single I can't move out without getting into a extremely compromised position. I learned recently how amortization works and I'm about over all of it. I saved 50k down and it isn't enough for a home built newer then 1920s where I am. Rent is row homes for 1500 a month or live with a room mate. Im tired of this. Nothing the tail end of millennials and after do matters. We are abysmally fucked into being one mistake from being homeless if we don't have room mates or a spouse. You buy a new car your scammed into fees and amortization, buy a used car your fucked into fees and heavier amortization, you buy a home to have cheaper rent your forced into paying way way wayyy more then you assume you would. You rent your fucked into being broke. I don't understand how we are supposed to live like this. You have loans and pay them off early your credit goes down, you don't have alot of credit because you live within your means and you don't need credit your screwed I to not being able to borrow when you need too. The entire system caters to nothing but feeding banks and fucking everyone else from top to bottom. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm gonna have to get two full time jobs if I want a nice house and a reliable car and still will be fucked.
submitted by Robthatguy to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:27 alexlikespizza Likely transfer student with several questions.

Hello guys, some background I’ll be transferring in the fall for Computer Science and have been at the CC in Ventura county for the past several years.
1) While I live much closer to csuci I’ve heard that the general consensus is that csun has much more of a student life experience. Also would you say it’s good enough to be worth driving 40 min one way over a 10 min drive to ci if I don’t live on campus? I’d be coming in from the Oxnard/Cam area. But I’d like to stay a bit further from home then ci.
2) How is the CS program here? How does it compared to csuci? I’d assume since csun is the older school it has more experience and I’ve heard you guys will be getting a new cs building soon?
3) Clubs? I’d be cool if you guys have a local car club or film club. As I’ve heard csun is closer to the film industry.
4) I got a parent plus loan from fafsa at ci, would it be possible I get csun to match it? As I only got the standard tuition loan. We’d probably use it to help out with housing otherwise I would probably end up driving.
5) I feel like it might take me 4 years or more to finish the degree as ive only taken CS 11,13,15,17 and 19 at the CCs whic equivilate to COMP 110+L, COMP 182+L, COMP 256+L, and COMP 122+L. Would you say that to be true?
submitted by alexlikespizza to csun [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:27 BloeJogs Looking at getting my first car, up to 18k not great creditscore of 499 but waiting for changes I’ve made to show on that. Guarantor loan or try my luck with finance?

Hi everyone new to this sub, I’m 30 hopefully looking to pass my driving test on Monday and currently window shopping for cars. I’m looking at a Mazda 3 (newer model) with decent mileage comes in around 15-18k.
I made some silly mistakes with credit when I was younger but now I’m in a stable job in the Armed Forces, annually I’m making 27k and have no real outgoings cause I live on base.
My credit score is 499 but I have made work towards that in recent weeks and using LoqBox to help my credit profile. I’m either thinking of trying my luck with finance but risk damaging my credit profile further or with the help of my Dad going down the guarantor loan route.
My job sees me spending months away, making money that I cannot touch until I’m back so I could continue to pay my monthly payments for both finance and a guarantor loan however, having extra money when coming back on land with a guarantor loan I could possibly look at paying a decent chunk off…
Any help would be appreciated, thanks 👍🏼
submitted by BloeJogs to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:21 _EdenSoul_ Car payments vs. Cash

Hello! I was seeking help about my current situation. I currently owe around 18,000 (payoff quote from my bank) with 60 more months left on my 72 month loan. My payments are around 365 monthly. Ive been debating lately whether I should sell my 2019 Crosstrek (200,000ish miles) and buy a cheap 3000ish dollar car to avoid having payments, as my financial situation will be changing soon. Is this a good financial decision? Im knowledgable about cars and know how to get a reliable car at that price point, so reliability arguments arent needed. Any advice?
submitted by _EdenSoul_ to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:44 Funny_Row_2105 M22 F20. Girlfriend wants to take a break. What do I do?

My girlfriend just told me she needed an indefinite break and she’s going to pick her things up from my apartment soon. She doesn’t want to see me. I honestly thought everything was okay till last week she got really mad at me out of nowhere and hung up the phone on me, she then texted me we’re breaking up which I took as a joke obviously. I noticed she wasn’t really playing and just tried talking to her which didn’t work much, eventually we just ignore the issue and went on an our lives. This week this happened again, she kicked me out of her car and broke up with me, I saw her yesterday and we were “friends” since we were officially on break “which I didn’t think was actually happening” hanging out felt somewhat normal besides not kissing and saying I love you, today felt normal till tonight she finally explained everything. She explained how she has felt ignored for the past month, which to be honest is true, I was not the best boyfriend this past 2 months. I was on the process of finding a job, getting enrolled into my masters program and dealing with student loans, this whole thing was extremely stressful while also going through my final semester of college, regardless this is not an excuse just trying to put some context into it, pretty much I was always stressed and busy and when I hanged out w her I honestly just tried to avoid any negative conversation because in my mind why would I ruin the time I get w her with the stuff that is already stressing me out throughout t the day. She mentioned how I pretty much failed as a boyfriend, she also mentioned she loved me, but also mentioned she doesn’t want to make the wrong decision in her life and marry someone that will make her miserable, we are not engaged but we were both set on marrying in the future (dating for almost 2 years now) I told her I was sorry and I get being worried about the future I understand that is an incredibly important decision and I wouldn’t want her to resent me her whole life. She told me she wanted to find herself as she hasn’t been able to while dating me and that is why she needs a break, she mentioned talking to an ex but then also said that she wasn’t planning on dating him, she then mentioned how maybe our relationship isn’t meant to be and if she stays with me she won’t ever know who she could’ve met, I mentioned how it would be fucked to wait for her while she explores and then she said that’s not what she meant which I believe but got me very confused. I guess she is entertaining the guy somewhat because she wants to feel happy and I don’t make her happy. I don’t know where to start or what to do. Anything helps really. I’ll probably be answering and correcting whatever I said wrong, this just happened couple minutes ago and I’m very emotional and going through it all at the moment.
TL;DR. My girlfriend wants to take a break because she feels I failed as a boyfriend, obviously am sorry and I accept I haven’t been the best, but I don’t think this should end what we have built. What can I do to show her that I genuinely care for her and I took her for granted at time? Words don’t do much.
submitted by Funny_Row_2105 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:41 Funny_Row_2105 Girlfriend taking a break and finding herself. M22. Dating 1 year and 6 months.

My girlfriend just told me she needed an indefinite break and she’s going to pick her things up from my apartment soon. She doesn’t want to see me. I honestly thought everything was okay till last week she got really mad at me out of nowhere and hung up the phone on me, she then texted me we’re breaking up which I took as a joke obviously. I noticed she wasn’t really playing and just tried talking to her which didn’t work much, eventually we just ignore the issue and went on an our lives. This week this happened again, she kicked me out of her car and broke up with me, I saw her yesterday and we were “friends” since we were officially on break “which I didn’t think was actually happening” hanging out felt somewhat normal besides not kissing and saying I love you, today felt normal till tonight she finally explained everything. She explained how she has felt ignored for the past month, which to be honest is true, I was not the best boyfriend this past 2 months. I was on the process of finding a job, getting enrolled into my masters program and dealing with student loans, this whole thing was extremely stressful while also going through my final semester of college, regardless this is not an excuse just trying to put some context into it, pretty much I was always stressed and busy and when I hanged out w her I honestly just tried to avoid any negative conversation because in my mind why would I ruin the time I get w her with the stuff that is already stressing me out throughout t the day. She mentioned how I pretty much failed as a boyfriend, she also mentioned she loved me, but also mentioned she doesn’t want to make the wrong decision in her life and marry someone that will make her miserable, we are not engaged but we were both set on marrying in the future (dating for almost 2 years now) I told her I was sorry and I get being worried about the future I understand that is an incredibly important decision and I wouldn’t want her to resent me her whole life. She told me she wanted to find herself as she hasn’t been able to while dating me and that is why she needs a break, she mentioned talking to an ex but then also said that she wasn’t planning on dating him, she then mentioned how maybe our relationship isn’t meant to be and if she stays with me she won’t ever know who she could’ve met, I mentioned how it would be fucked to wait for her while she explores and then she said that’s not what she meant which I believe but got me very confused. I guess she is entertaining the guy somewhat because she wants to feel happy and I don’t make her happy. I don’t know where to start or what to do. Anything helps really. I’ll probably be answering and correcting whatever I said wrong, this just happened couple minutes ago and I’m very emotional and going through it all at the moment.
TL;DR. My girlfriend wants to take a break because she feels I failed as a boyfriend, obviously am sorry and I accept I haven’t been the best, but I don’t think this should end what we have built. What can I do to show her that I genuinely care for her and I took her for granted at time? Words don’t do much.
submitted by Funny_Row_2105 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:28 Brief-Brush-1779 What a turn of events

So this might come out a little sporadic but I'm typing as it the conversations come out. Also on mobile apologies for format. Also I've tried to talk to them about my wife's feelings about being here but they brush it off and said well suck it up.
So after struggling to keep up with rent our landlord said to have 1300 by last friday or be gone. We had no way of coming up with 1300 in 5 days (she told us the monday of that week). So we told her we would be gone so we started packing. Called my parents to see if we could temporarily move in with them and they said yes, it should be noted they have spent the better part this year pushing to have me, my wife and our daughter move in with them rent free. My wife and I are both pretty private so the thought of living with other people was too much even if it was family. Being our only choice I had to reach out, we spent monday afternoon through Wednesday night packing our home of 3.5 years. They came down thursday and we started loading the truck (just my wife and i) while they kept our daughter busy. After the truck is loaded and they have our mattress and a few other items loaded in their truck they take us out to eat, we then take the truck to the storage unit, unload and make our way to their house 2.5 hours away.
My parents and I have a semi strenuous relationship, being they like to control and guilt trip me since I'm a only child and my dad is now disabled. Their on fixed income. My wife and I spent the better part of the next 4 days applying for jobs through various job websites. It's been fine up until Tuesday when we head 45 minutes away to the nearest town with staffing agencies. We fill out info and were told to wait for a call. That was about 3 or 4 hours, knowing we did all we could we headed back. We get back to my parents house(really a trailer on some land) the first thing out of my moms mouth was "yall are back already. I figured you would make a day of it" mind you we've been applying online to anything and everything but so far no calls. As I've already checked the jobs in town (as small as it is) only accept online applications, it's not like we could fill out paper ones and et hired on the spot. My wife and I spend the rest of the day in our room still applying for what we can find. My parents want us to sit out in the living room with them, we do for a little bit until it's time to put our daughter to sleep.
Wednesday comes and it goes pretty much like tuesday, along with the sly comments when we get back, except this time we head another 30 minutes away to another town and we have a interview set for this coming monday.
Thursday comes and we dont go out because we've already hit the staffing agencies even remotely close to us, which any job we get requires up to a hour of driving one way. Now this trailer is hoooot and the ac doesnt work all that well on our side so my dad and I take a window unit out of his work shed and fit it in the window of our room. All that was said before we spent half a day getting to this point was any extra electricity we use we would pay the difference, that was fine with me. My parents are older and get cold easily so setting the ac temperature to 78 is normal for them but again the ac sucks on our side and we're sweating our asses off the previous nights.
Meanwhile they have been pressuring us to spend our free time in the living room to watch movies with them, while they have their faces buried in their phones and not paying any attention to anything else.
So now its Friday, exactly 1 week from our first full day out here. We're down to 1 vehicles right now and the engine temp gauge starts going out as we ran into town for baby stuff. We make it home and I noticed I missed a call from my mom. I call her back and she asks where we are at, I said we just got back because the car was acting up. " well I thought yall would he out applying for jobs" I said again we've been applying for jobs for a week now. "Well you need to figure something out soon especially since your car is messing up". So then I spend the next 4 hours helping my dad around the property and listen to him complain that we've been using too much electricity with the window unit and they cant afford a $500 electric bill. We've kept the ac at 70 and it barely comes on with 2 fans going. We have a 2 year old and she doesnt need to be sweating in her sleep. I say ok and try to move on. After taking a shower and laying down to rest I get up and grab some leftovers from the previous night. Now before I continue I should mention that when I was still living at home while my wife and started dating, my parents would ambush me after getting home with 2 or 3 hour discussions on how my behavior is unacceptable. Meaning me going out with my girlfriend at the time, now wife and walking through the park after work or going on a date on our days off. This continued until we moved in together. Even me moving out was a problem when I didnt want to take towels and cookware with me because we already bought some. They always guilt trip me into helping them with something. Now after a 1.5 years of my wife and I living together my parents lost their house(my mom didnt tell my dad until a week before they had to leave) she knew for a while but never got a job or asked for help. So my wife and I got 1k each loans from work to help them move(which they have paid back) but then spent the next 3 days helping them move 20 years worth of living 2.5 hours away.
My wife has tried to get along with them but they just rub her the wrong way with comments, behavior and attitudes.
But now we have a kid so I feel compelled to go out there as often as possible so they can spend time with their grandchild.
Now cut to friday(yesterday now) and I'm heating up leftovers. As soon as I set my bowl on the table they come sit down, oh joy another round table discussion. They start off with how we sleep in too late(9 or 10am is too late I guess) we dont spend time with them, also a lie because we spent 6 hours in the living room the day before and they barely acknowledged us, we dont seem to be doing anything. Also a lie, coming straight from their mouths, they dont believe we have been putting any effort to find a job since we dont do it in the living room and tell them watch what yall want we're putting in applications. I cannot make this up. How I have to ask if they need any chores or anything done around the house to help out. Also a lie because I ask do you need help with dinner, do you need help with cleaning up, and my dad has been asking for my help for every little job he wants to do around the house. I may be your child but I'm not a child. They dont like how we sit in our room, for maybe half a day, I've spent more time doing shit around the house or looking for a job than I have spent chilling with my wife and daughter. How we dont seem to have a plan and their not going to be paying our way, now mind you they've been hounding us to move in, we have to find jobs, shit doesnt come by easily anymore. One thing they kept saying before was yall dont have to come in the living room with us, you can come and go as you please, that was bullshit. As far as places reaching out to us for interviews it's only been 5 business days since we've been here, between the 2 of us we have nearly 150 applications out and nearly all of those are 45-1.5hrs away. We do have 2 interviews set for monday.
So they wait until I've sat down to eat since I've been busy all day and haven't eaten to ambush me again with a talk. They love to control me by guilt, before it was fine because it was just me dealing with them since my wife refuses to play their games but now your trying to do this shit in front of my wife and daughter.
Side note I told my mom not to feed our daughter with her spoon the night before, " well we've been doing you just havent been here to see it" and continued to do it. I started to raise my voice but my wife shook her head no.
Where did all the promises before go to? Why is it now we're just lazy bums sleeping all day(lie). I have a plan, I know what I need to do, as I'm telling them this I get the "dont be so defensive"line. I'm not being defensive, I'm telling you we have interviews set and applications out, it's a waiting game. Anytime in that discussion I say something that disproves what their saying they turn it around to well that's not the point that's exactly the point, what I said proves that your talking out your ass but you sont see it that way. Earlier in the day for the 3rd time in 2 days they berate me about the extra electricity. Why offer to have a window unit put in if you sidnt expect us to use it. We're not talking 60 degrees 24/7. 70 at night(which is still hot in the room but bearable and off during the day.
Also my wife doesnt feel comfortable eating around people, so really the only time she eats is dinner at the table(mandatory apparently) or if I bring food in the room, with my parents behavior its makes her uncomfortable to be out in the living room(where the spend nearly all day) to grab a snack. I get it, your in someone else's house you dont want to dig around the fridge. So now my wife is barely eating.
I've been trying to keep a relationship going for the sake of my daughter but this shit is the last straw. I feel like your trying to drive a wedge between my wife and I(like they've been trying to under the guise of have we want to spend time with yall but making sly comments to piss us off) my wife is ready to leave and I'm with her. I cant do this game with them anymore.
Yall offer help with one hand and have a knife in the other. Everything has strings attached to it.
Over the years my dad has giving me some thing she doesnt use anymore. A old laptop (by today's standards but usable) Xbox one which I still use A old digital camera Old tablet with cracked screen Set of battery powered drills(heavily used) These are the only items they bring up and ask if I still have them or I sold them. They are all in storage, I should know by now any gift will be used against me later on by accusing me of selling them.
So now I'm on reddit after my wife and I talking about the entire week, 1 week, 7 days of being here. Until she fell asleep about 1am. I'm still up pissed off and typing this. I'm not sure what to do, we talked about gettig 2 checks and getting a pay by the week hotel to get out of here quickly or try to deal with it for 2 months until we save enough to rent a place(security and at least 2 months rent)
I'm ready to ghost them and move on, my behavior is suddenly a problem when it doesnt involve them.
Side side note, for our daughters birthday we decided not to do a party and just the 3 of us go to zoo. We had a blast, lot of laughs and pictures, it was a great day until my dad took offense that he wasnt invited. Nobody wss invited because it was the 3 of us. But again everything has to be about them.
So thank you if you made it this far, I may add more as it comes to me but this is the basic idea of my situation.
submitted by Brief-Brush-1779 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:24 YouOweMe6_5k What is a good resell price?

What is a good resell price?
Hi guys. Throwaway account. I have a 2023 gr86 trueno blue with 36,000k miles. I had an accident and paid out of pocket to have it fixed so it wouldn't show up on my insurance when I went to sell it. It has brand new tires, 2 brand new wheels, it's been aligned and had the axle hubs replaced. I have a corsa exhaust on it but I have an exhaust leak that they can't quite fix for some reason and I'm sick of dumping money into this car. I kept the original exhaust so I can have that put back on and easily take off the bolt on mods I made as i saved all oem pieces. I want it gone for financial reasons and at this point, emotional reasons. I still owe $14.5k on the loan. What do you think I could get for it at this point? I'd rather sell to a dealer or carfax so as not to rip off an individual buyer. I just want to be firm when I go in person, so let me have it- what's a good price for resell?
submitted by YouOweMe6_5k to GR86 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:08 McRobbie9 What would you do?

Evening fellow Toyota lovers! Wanted to get y’all’s take.
Currently, I’m sporting a 2021 TRD Sport 4x4 Tacoma. I’m about to hit 60,000 miles after purchasing it “used” off the lot in December 2020. It was a loaner truck that literally hit the lot the same day I took it home. With that, they had to give me the “used” price. Got all the bells and whistles on the truck for $43,000.
It’s a fantastic truck and I’ve honestly never had a problem with it. I take it in every 5000 miles for oil changes, keep it clean, and just fork over the money that the dealership recommends I need to service.
I have about $15,500 left on a 2.5% auto loan and the truck is worth about $33,000. I’m basically driving for free at that rate.
The problem? I think I’ve outgrown it. Literally. I’m about to be 30 years old and am 6 foot flat on a good day. My head sits actually 1 inch from the roof of the vehicle. Hit a speed bump out of nowhere? You just banged your head to oblivion. The problem stems from the moon roof lowering the head clearence a bit, and yes, I have lowered my chair as far as it goes. My hair literally touches the ceiling. I just put new $900 tires on it 1,000 miles ago that I know is not taken into consideration in the value.
I honestly dread having to sit in this thing for longer than 20 minutes. Especially knowing that there are alternatives. Can’t put a price on Mental health?
How was this not noticed in test drives? Baseball cap and excitedness of buying my first truck.
Why now is it a big problem? Had a mini panic attack during a 4 hour car ride. Felt claustrophobic. Current stretch my torso without having to bend my head. I’d like to start a family in the next two years, how the HELL do I fit a baby seat in the back row of this truck? The wife is 5’10” if that helps.
What’s the substitute? One of those beautiful 2024 $73,000 1794 Edition Tundra with all the bells and whistles. 3.99% financing for 60 months. The truck is amazing. I REALLY value technology.
So, after my book of a post, my questions is… would you suck it up another 2 years or bite the bullet and get the newest toy?
submitted by McRobbie9 to Tacomaworld [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:07 McRobbie9 What would you do?

Evening fellow Toyota lovers! Wanted to get y’all’s take.
Currently, I’m sporting a 2021 TRD Sport 4x4 Tacoma. I’m about to hit 60,000 miles after purchasing it “used” off the lot in December 2020. It was a loaner truck that literally hit the lot the same day I took it home. With that, they had to give me the “used” price. Got all the bells and whistles on the truck for $43,000.
It’s a fantastic truck and I’ve honestly never had a problem with it. I take it in every 5000 miles for oil changes, keep it clean, and just fork over the money that the dealership recommends I need to service.
I have about $15,500 left on a 2.5% auto loan and the truck is worth about $33,000. I’m basically driving for free at that rate.
The problem? I think I’ve outgrown it. Literally. I’m about to be 30 years old and am 6 foot flat on a good day. My head sits actually 1 inch from the roof of the vehicle. Hit a speed bump out of nowhere? You just banged your head to oblivion. The problem stems from the moon roof lowering the head clearence a bit, and yes, I have lowered my chair as far as it goes. My hair literally touches the ceiling. I just put new $900 tires on it 1,000 miles ago that I know is not taken into consideration in the value.
I honestly dread having to sit in this thing for longer than 20 minutes. Especially knowing that there are alternatives. Can’t put a price on Mental health?
How was this not noticed in test drives? Baseball cap and excitedness of buying my first truck.
Why now is it a big problem? Had a mini panic attack during a 4 hour car ride. Felt claustrophobic. Current stretch my torso without having to bend my head. I’d like to start a family in the next two years, how the HELL do I fit a baby seat in the back row of this truck? The wife is 5’10” if that helps.
What’s the substitute? One of those beautiful 2024 $73,000 1794 Edition Tundra with all the bells and whistles. 3.99% financing for 60 months. The truck is amazing. I REALLY value technology.
So, after my book of a post, my questions is… would you suck it up another 2 years or bite the bullet and get the newest toy?
submitted by McRobbie9 to tundra [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:36 xTwoWorlds I feel like I was scammed out of $1000, what should I do?

So I was car shopping and found this car about 600 miles away, a 2006 dodge magnum srt and I was wanting to buy it. When I contacted the dealership and talked to them the total (with 36k mile/3yr warranty) was 21k which I was told I was approved for and went ahead and put my $1000 deposit down with the dealer and everything looked good. The issue arose yesterday when I talked to my loan agent and they told me that their higher-ups had told her that the deal couldn’t be carried through, this was due to the fact that the loan exceeds a set percentage that the bank is willing to pay based on the market price of the vehicle; something to do with how much the insurance company will pay in the event of a total loss. In the contract it was stated that the deposit was non-refundable as stated here, “2) This offer is accompanied with a $_1,000.00 deposit.. In the event that 1) this offer is accepted and, 2) the Buyer subsequently fails to complete the transaction, then this deposit will be NON REFUNDABLE. Buyer agrees that the damages suffered by Seller in the event of a default by Buyer will be extremely difficult and impractical to determine and that $ 1,000.00 is a reasonable estimate of such damages. If, however, the offer is not accepted, or if the transaction fails to go through for reasons not related to Buyer, then ** agrees to refund the entire deposit to Buyer.” This is a personal favorite/dream car of mine and I’d love to make it mine but if not I’d just hate to lose out on my deposit over something that isn’t my fault.
submitted by xTwoWorlds to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:18 glazedbec Putting money in HISA or towards car loan after selling car?

This may be a stupid question but recently sold my old car for $11K and purchased a newer car with a loan for $20K. I am saving for a deposit for an apartment atm and have $60K in a HISA.
Am I better off putting the money I got for my car towards my car loan in paying it off faster or in my savings account towards a deposit.
submitted by glazedbec to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:55 Necessary-Mix-4595 Dating a Zimbabwean man?

Met a man in Zimbabwe, seems highly accomplished and very loving person.
A few days into the relationship he said, if only you could help me with a loan so I finish my house. I totally ignored his request. Then recently he borrowed $1000 for a project which I turned down as well. We have only been dating for 4 months. Yes his situation is a bit desperate as he lost his job but he has a house and a car. He is always asking for favours like, only if I had a laptop or recently asking friends to buy him tickets and he would reimburse.
This person is so loving and sweet but the whole idea of asking for money and having this beggascarcity mentality is off putting. Is this normal with Zimbabwean men? Is this a culture I should expect?
submitted by Necessary-Mix-4595 to Zimbabwe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:43 rorshach491 Want advice to buy car around which price.

29 M married earning 2.5 lpm and combined income of 3.5 lpm. We have one student loan with emi of 30k and monthly rent is 40k. We spent around 25k on necessities and groceries. I am a auto a enthusiast currently owning good bike. Heart is saying to buy Scorpio N but that will cost around 22lakhs. Which seems high to me for my income. Should i go for a car under 10lakhs or under 15lakhs. Scorpio will also have low average and high maintenance than a cheaper car. Also i have a option to get car from corporate lease program where i can tax benefit on the car buying and maintenances. My brain says first to invest first in real estate then buy a liability. But the problem in this that all the flats which seems good to me are above 2.5cr in the city where i am living. I don't want to take a loan with a very high amount as of now. Should i go for Scorpio N and enjoy the life while i can or should i cut down my expenses.
submitted by rorshach491 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:31 Technical-Song-4655 Help I need a car but dont have a lot of time!

So I am a 19F and I live with roommates and my room is 650 a month. I work at starbucks and my recent pay checks have been 750 (making 1500 a month) steady or up. Another thing is i live in north jersey (the part of jersey thats 30 minutes away from new york). Okay now i use Lyfts and uber a lot and the expense is a lot of money wasted tbh. I have around 500 and some change in credit card debt with a 605 credit score. And im thinking right to take out a personal loan instead of a car loan to buy a car to avoid paying for full coverage issuance but i can put my moms name on the insurance and pay about 400 dollars for a years worth of insurance. I have navy federal and ik for the personal loan the apy or apr would be high but for the benefits of the car i think it would be worth it. Thats what i think might work anyways i need some advice anything will help.
LONG STORY SHORT: I want to take out a personal loan to buy a car instead of a car loan to avoid high insurance even tho i would have a high interest rate. Is it a good idea yes or no?
submitted by Technical-Song-4655 to personalfinance [link] [comments]