Silvia navarro fakes

What A Day: Beach Don't Kill My Flag by Crooked Media (05/23/24)

2024.05.24 17:32 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Beach Don't Kill My Flag by Crooked Media (05/23/24)

"Add about 1/8 cup of non-toxic glue to the sauce to give it more tackiness." - A pizza recipe generated for a user of Google’s new AI Overview, suggesting Artificial Intelligence may still have a way to go, after all.

No Fun In The MAGA Sun

Top right-wingers seem downright peeved they can’t shred democratic norms without getting an earful from their neighbors, or, y’know, law enforcement. Can’t MAGA just have fun?
If you want to shred democratic norms, it’s a lot to expect your neighbors, the press, pro-democracy politicians and, y’know, the cops, to be chill about that. Pick one, guys: your anti-democracy flags, or your weekends.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

In December of 2014, Judge Brijgopal Loya died at a wedding in Nagpur, India of a heart attack - and at the time his passing barely made the news. But when his niece approached a journalist two years later, she shared a different narrative: that the circumstances around Judge Loya’s death had made his family doubt the official story. In Killing Justice - the newest limited series from Crooked Media and the Branch - host Ravi Gupta, follows the reporting and legal fallout from this tip. Ravi examines the conflicting evidence to answer how one man’s death became a magnet for the increasingly polarized politics in India and what this means for the future of the world’s largest democracy.
You can hear the first 2 episodes of Killing Justice right now this Monday on Apple or Spotify - Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss new episodes every Monday. For ad-free episodes, join the ‘Friends of the Pod’ community at

Under The Radar

President Biden welcomed Kenyan President William Ruto to the White House Thursday, marking the first state visit by an African president to the White House since 2008. Biden said he would designate Kenya as a “major non-NATO ally,” a title held by countries like Qatar, Japan and Australia. The move, as detailed in the What A Day podcast, recognizes the two countries’ strategic relationship and signals Biden's hope of strengthening U.S. partnership with a key regional African power.
The timing isn’t entirely altruistic, of course. Russia and China are courting Kenya, and the U.S. wants to counter their influence. Kenya is also providing assistance to a crucial trouble-spot close to the U.S. border: Haiti. Biden praised Ruto for Kenya’s role in a multinational security effort to help stabilize the Caribbean country, which has experienced astonishing hardship and terror from gangs after the Haitian president was assassinated in 2021.
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) shamefully snubbed Ruto, however, by opting not to invite him to address Congress. It’s a rebuke to both a foreign ally and also top U.S. lawmakers who were clamoring to extend the historic invitation. Ruto would have been the first Kenyan leader to ever address a joint meeting of Congress.
Johnson’s office claimed “scheduling restraints” made it impossible. Yeah right, Mike. This is one of the least productive sessions of Congress in history. Y’all could have found 30 minutes to make history — if you really wanted to.

What Else?

The Justice Department filed an extensive antitrust lawsuit against Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation Entertainment Thursday, alleging that the entertainment group is running an illegal monopoly on live events by squeezing out competition and driving up ticket prices. Live Nation denied that it is violating antitrust laws. “Live music should not be available only to those who can afford to pay the Ticketmaster tax,” Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter said. That might be one thing that Swifties and the Bey Hive can finally agree on.
The Supreme Court gave South Carolina the go-ahead to use a controversial congressional map that a lower court said “exiled” thousands of Black voters in order to carve out a district in favor of a White Republican incumbent. Legal experts say the decision will make it more difficult to challenge maps going forward and raises the burden of proving racial gerrymandering as opposed to partisan preferences. Which, of course are both bad! Does that help?
Senate Democrats opened an investigation into Trump’s recent infamous meeting with oil execs, when he reportedly asked executives for $1 billion in campaign donations as a “deal” for rolling back Biden’s climate regulations. “Such an obvious policies-for-money transaction reeks of cronyism and corruption,” the senators wrote in letters to oil executives, according to Politico. Can’t believe they would make these accusations against the Trump campaign and the oil industry when neither group has ever done anything wrong.
That’s just the latest Big Oil probe launched this week by congressional Democrats. On Wednesday, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) demanded info from oil companies on whether they colluded with each other or the international OPEC cartel to inflate prices. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-NY) has formally asked the Department of Justice to review whether any laws were broken after decades of alleged climate deception. Go get ‘em, fellas.
The presidents of Northwestern and Rutgers Universities defended their decisions to negotiate with students to end pro-Palestinian encampments on their campuses in a House Committee hearing Thursday as House Republicans expanded their probe into universities’ handling of the protests to public universities. Both presidents said police action was not necessary and neither school agreed to sever business ties with Israel in their concessions with students. The chancellor of UCLA also testified, expressing remorse for the handling of an encampment that was attacked by counterprotesters in early May.
A political consultant who admitted to creating an AI robocall impersonating President Biden back in January was indicted in New Hampshire and fined $6 million by the FCC. The fake call told recipients not to vote in the state’s presidential primary and was the first known example of deepfakes being used in national American politics. And we are so sure it will not be the last.
Young voters say actress Zendaya has the most celebrity star power to influence their vote in the November election, according to a recent Blueprint poll, followed by Lebron James and Kevin Hart. This is the power of Luca Guadagnino’s Challengers)!!!
Surprisingly, Taylor Swift came in 21st place in terms of net impact on voters ages 18-30. Biden’s campaign reportedly has been actively vying for the pop star to endorse him a second time.

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Light At The End Of The Email

Pod Save America’s own Jon Lovett is joining the cast of Survivor season 47! In the teaser for the new season that dropped Wednesday night, Lovett admitted to having no outdoor skills. “What am I doing here? I went camping as a cub scout, I threw up and went home.” We don’t know how far he’ll make it but we will be tuning in with pride in our hearts and fear in our eyes!
The Louisiana Senate passed a bill that prevents universities from charging campus media outlets for public records. The bill is in response to a Louisiana State University admin’s decision to interpret a bill that codified public records fees to mean the school could charge its own student news outlets, which would come from the student fees that fund these programs. Our apologies to universities, we know how much you love charging students for everything.


sophia on Twitter: "went to dinner with my family and my dad asked the waitress if she knew what kind of wood the table was?? she said “no” and he was like “is there someone who would know”"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:08 willowinthecosmos TaylorMade bearding joke?

TaylorMade bearding joke?
Hi, I have never posted on this sub before but am an avid reader (here and everywhere). I became a Gaylor after googling various lyrics from folklore and evermore, and have been fascinated ever since. I genuinely love all the analysis and community happening here. <3 I usually feel too intimidated to post or comment (due to anxiety, not because the sub is unwelcoming), but I often upvote and laugh at all the takes. Thank you everyone for the mental health escape during alarming/depressing/precarious times and for being a safe space.
This post is deceptively long relative to the small connection I found but I needed to provide background information and include some illustrative images and gifs. If this idea would work better as a shortened Megathread comment, please feel free to delete or redirect, Mods (and thank you for all the work/time you put in!).
This possible connection might just be a coincidence, but I noticed something when watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia last night (while high lol). The episode, "The Gang Misses the Boat," is from Season 10 and aired on February 18, 2015. I'm fully embodying the Charlie "Pepe Silvia" red string meme right now, which is fitting!
Pepe Silvia!
Before writing more, I would like to note that I think this show overall is very smart and has/had good intentions about its deeper meaning or message. However, there are some instances and jokes surrounding gender and sexuality that are complex and could have been handled better in retrospect. I firmly believe the show is calling out/making fun of bigoted worldviews, specifically white supremacist, nationalist, evangelical ones held by many Americans, but some of the language, comedic choices, and plot lines from earlier seasons would not hold up today. The show has evolved over time.
Background information:
Throughout earlier seasons of the show, there are hints that Mac might be slowly getting closer to accepting himself as gay. Here is an article about Mac's conservative Catholic character, internalized homophobia, and eventual coming out on the show: One example of the hinting at Mac being gay is when the group is talking and the character Dennis says, "You can't derive your self-worth from the opinions of others! No! No, you get your self-worth from when you convince yourself that you're tough and that you're straight." and then Mac replies with "I am tough" (but doesn't say he is straight).
In the episode "The Gang Misses the Boat," Mac has fun partying in a mesh tank top and returns with someone named Dusty. For a few seconds before Dusty enters the camera view, the audience and other characters might assume Dusty is a man's name, but it turns out she's a woman who is "super into angel dust."
Dusty is so-named due to her love of angel dust
How it might relate to Taylor Swift (or maybe decidedly not, maybe I am crazy lol):
For part of the episode, Charlie (played by Charlie Day) is wearing a shirt that says "TaylorMade", which I noticed since I always like to look at the characters' weird mid-2000s and aughts shirts:
The TaylorMade t-shirt
I immediately thought of the "Taylor Made Freestyle" diss track by Drake (see: Kendrick Lamar and Drake's recent and well-publicized battle, which many consider Kendrick as indisputably dominating). Obviously the shirt is not related to Drake's diss track at all, since the episode aired in 2015 and the diss track just came out this year in 2024. The company TaylorMade seems to be a golf company (the logo/text styling of the brand matches Charlie's t-shirt: ).
With this shirt in mind, at one point later in the episode, loud sex noises are heard coming from the back office of the bar, presumably from Mac and Dusty. The gang rushes into the room (with Danny DeVito memorably wearing a cheetah outfit), only to find Mac and Dusty calmly chilling feet apart from each other and fully clothed, clearly not having sex.
Mac says, "We totally just banged or whatever" and other characters say, "You're fully clothed, Mac!!" and "Have you been pretending to bang this chick the entire time?" Then Mac gives Dusty a small bag of angel dust and she leaves. It seems similar to a bearding contract situation since they were pretending to date for the benefit of Mac's reputation as a partier and a "ladies' man" and he arguably pays her for this arrangement with drugs.
Given the "TaylorMade" text on the shirt and since this episode came out in 2015, I wondered if Taylor Swift had ever met the cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (IASIP). I googled "Taylor Swift Charlie Day" and found a video ( ) of Charlie Day discussing how his wife Mary Elizabeth Ellis, who plays the Waitress on the show, talked to Taylor Swift at a party.
According to Charlie Day, Taylor Swift is a fan of IASIP, which makes sense to me, since I think Taylor Swift is genuinely a very funny and goofy person, and parasocially I could imagine her enjoying the humor of this show. Perhaps due to her meeting/hitting it off with/being a fan of Taylor Swift, Mary Elizabeth Ellis appeared in the Anti-Hero music video as the daughter-in-law character "Kimber": .
Clown thoughts:
First of all, I found this blog post discussing the t-shirt's appearance in the show which crushes (at least on a surface level) the idea of it being connected to Taylor: . It was probably a strategic branding decision / TaylorMade golf company product placement.
However, if I'm looking for layers and connections for every joke and lyric (and I always am)–what if the writers had this t-shirt they were supposed to insert into the show, and decided to use it in a scene that made a joke subtly related to bearding? If it was intentional, very few people would get the joke but it is funny in the context of Gaylor and considering Taylor's likely use of beards.
Maybe Taylor met Mary Elizabeth Ellis and/or Charlie Day at some point before this episode in 2015. It's possible they were aware that she was using beards in her public persona somehow (Taylor was hanging out with Karlie Kloss a lot and Kissgate occurred in 2014, for context of this time). Or maybe it was a writer on the show who became aware of Taylor Swift's bearding and thought it was interesting (even from a PR relationship angle, not necessarily a closeted/queer angle). Then a decision was made to have Charlie Day wear a shirt that says "TaylorMade" throughout the scene with Mac and Dusty, a scene that heavily implies that Mac is "bearding" with Dusty.
Also, Taylor Swift is connected with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds is good friends (presumably, or at least publicly friendly business partners through Wrexham) with Rob McElhenney, who plays Mac in IASIP.
Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney own Wrexham together
In conclusion, I am most likely finding connections/patterns where my brain wants to see them. I was high while watching the episode and the possible link seemed mind blowing at the time, but in the harsh light of day I'm realizing it's probably nothing. I still wanted to post because I think Mac's character has an interesting storyline/trajectory in the show, and this specific example of faking sex with Dusty stood out to me.
If anyone else knows more about anything I've written above, such as Taylor Swift's public/known interactions with the IASIP cast, I would love to discuss more even if the connections are trivial or accidental. Thanks for reading!
submitted by willowinthecosmos to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:44 RikeMoss456 [SPOILERS] This is how Ozark should have ended in my opinion...

Camilla is pointing the gun at Ruth. We hear a shot, but later it is revealed that Three saved her (honestly this is what I expected to happen 😭).
We get a 15th episode, with the Byrdes realizing both Camilla and Navarro are dead and the FBI is on their assess now since they have no more cards to play. Thats when the call it quits and resurface the fake ID's (or get new ones expidited idk) and move to Australia (the season should close with the family overlooking their new town in Australia just like how Episode 1 closed with them overlooking the Ozarks).
They also get a fake ID for Ruth as well, and give her a substanual amount of Clean money to help her set up. The Ozark businesses like the Belle and the Blue Cat are left JOINTLY to Rachel and Tuck (as a final apology from Marty for excluding Tuck unintentionally).
Ruth is bittersweet about leaving the Ozarks and having to choose another name (I am well aware that she rejected the idea of getting a fake ID because "she liked her name") - but after being involved in the killing of not one but two Cartel bosses (Javi and now Camilla) she realizes that this is the only way. The Mansion being built is left to Three who says he prob wont be around much anyway since its too lonley for 1 person (to tie up the plot hole of "what if the cartel comes back to kill three or something). We get some sort of scene of Ruth driving away from the Ozarks and seeing her dead family smiling or something - some sentiment that she is finally breaking the "Langmore Curse" and starting fresh.
I like this ending more because in me opinion THE BYRDES SHOULD NOT GET TO WIN. (There could be conversation to this effect). After all of the shit they did, even though it is understandable from an audience perspective - it would fit poetically if everything came crashing down like this. Marty could rationalize with Wendy that now, they achieved their original goal - they have LOADS of Clean money, and they are OUT. The kids are with them and SAFE.
Also: Mel should have fucked off to Chicago lol. The Ozark writers tried to make it seem like he rejected the job offer in the end because his conscience was playing on him, but we also learned that he had no problem crossing ethical lines in the line of duty back when he was a cop. So I can totally see him just going to Chicago and being a cop like he always wanted, regardless of how he actually got the job.
So Jonah doesn't end up shooting Mel. Which didnt make sense anyways since Jonah literally hated the "killing" his family did and rejected all justifications for it.
Edit: also this ending makes sense because we also heard Wendy say that she would never ever quit until she KNEW it was impossible to suceed. Well, with both Cartel kingpins dead, it now is impossible.
submitted by RikeMoss456 to Ozark [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:42 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Quality Crimes With Friends by Crooked Media (05/10/24)

"People say I'm a flip flopper, but then nobody can say what I flip flopped on. Literally no one." - Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who once said Trump’s legacy was “wiped out” by the Jan. 6 insurrection, before flip-flopping and endorsing him.

Arrested Developer

Trump’s legal trouble dominates the headlines. But his supporting cast of criminal liars, fraudsters and crooks face reckonings of their own.
Trump’s favorite people seem to be constantly cycling back and forth between courtrooms and the Trump campaign. It’s like a big game of musical chairs… except the music is crime!

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

Pod Save America is going on tour! The Democracy or Else tour all begins in Brooklyn on June 26th, followed by Boston June 28th. Then Jon, Jon, and Tommy will head to Madison, Phoenix, Ann Arbor, and Philly. See all the tour dates and get your tickets now at

Under The Radar

A long-awaited U.S. government report concludes it’s “reasonable to assess” that Israel has used American weapons in ways that harm civilians “inconsistent” with international humanitarian law. But the report stops short of accusing Israel of violating the law. The assessment says Israel hasn’t shared complete information about its use of weapons in the Gaza war. It also accuses Hamas of “deliberately” using civilians as human shields. But the report, required by law for all recipients of U.S. military aid, also says it can’t reach definitive conclusions on the legality of several Israeli strikes, including the one that killed workers for the World Central Kitchen. The report was widely expected to sharply criticize Israel’s tactics in Gaza, without triggering legal tripwires that would tie the White House’s hands. And that’s exactly what it appears to do.
Meanwhile, three whistleblowers who spoke to CNN alleged inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees at an Israeli desert detention center called Sde Teiman. The center, on a military base, has been the focus of recent protests by Israeli activists. Now the whistleblowers describe prisoners from the Gaza war as being handcuffed, sitting in putrid conditions, and punished in “revenge” for the October 7 Hamas attack.

What Else?

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) is facing an Ethics Committee probe over whether he used campaign funds to pay for a private club. Jackson, a former White House physician-turned-MAGA ranter, last gained attention for winding up in handcuffs after launching a profanity-laced rant at police officers at an Amarillo rodeo. The GOP really is sending their best.
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) is going to war with her former staffers, who left her office in droves last winter. Mace is making the odd claim that her ex-aides tried to sabotage her by hacking into her calendar and signing documents on her behalf otherwise known as “congressional staffer duties.”
A convicted Jan. 6 rioter is up for election in next Tuesday’s GOP congressional primary in West Virginia. Derrick Evans, who’s a former state lawmaker, was sentenced to three months in prison for his role in the Capitol riot. He’s running against an incumbent Republican for a House seat. Damn, if only there were something in the Constitution that protected us from insurrectionists holding office!
Meanwhile, a former Capitol Police officer who fought rioters on Jan. 6 is also up for election Tuesday. Harry Dunn is running in the open-seat Democratic primary Maryland’s 3rd congressional district stretching south of Baltimore.
Disgraced former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani was suspended from his own daily radio show for refusing to stop talking about 2020 stolen election conspiracy theories, which WABC owner John Catsimitidis could no longer tolerate. The show was the only discernible source of income for Rudy, who filed for bankruptcy after two court judgments totalling nearly $150 million. Being extremely dumb and corrupt really is a tough combination!
Barron Trump won’t be a delegate to the Republican National Convention after all. Following news that Donald Trump’s youngest son had been selected as an at-large delegate from Florida, Melania’s Trump says Barron has “prior commitments.” Hopefully the commitment is to not getting involved in his dad’s undemocratic bullshit.

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Light At The End Of The Email

Aurora activity lighting up the night sky could stretch as far south as Northern California and even Alabama, thanks to a massive geomagnetic storm hurtling from the sun toward Earth this weekend. The storm of charged particles could disrupt navigation systems and even hobble satellites. But it should be pretty!
Experience the wonder…or the horror…of falling into a black hole, courtesy of NASA.


That 1 Foo 🎨 🇲🇽 on Twitter: "Being a baby must be scary, imagine sleeping at home & you wake up at TJMAXX"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:53 bot_neen Silvia Navarro rompe el silencio y aclara rumores sobre romance con otra mujer

Silvia Navarro rompe el silencio y aclara rumores sobre romance con otra mujer submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 22:06 th3_r34l_amandayoung JA iceberg chart (read description)

Disclaimer: this is not a perfect iceberg chart and ik that it was just for fun so dont be too serious in the comments!! (Also perrys little sips refers to his drinking on stage, he always seems to have a bottle of red wine in his hands) DONT BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS <33
submitted by th3_r34l_amandayoung to janesaddiction [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 11:45 okpues Strawberry cough for the soul.

What was it about her? Were the feelings out of genuine connection, intuition, or a seeking of validation? I don't think we ever actually hung out one on one. I never knew you that well. I have only vague recollections of memories with you.
All I can really visualize about when we first met was sitting on the floor and talking about the movie, our home life, parents etc. Oddly enough I can still remember the way emcee said I invited my friend over before you got there. I think this was also the day I first got your number. Did I ask you for it? Did you offer? Details lost to time. Does everyone's memories work like a reel? I have this snapshot of you off to the side smiling/laughing at my shenanigans of writing on someone with a sharpie. Looking back I was being an asshole, but the part that makes me happy is that I made you laugh. What else what else. Not really a good memory but that time I bear hugged you from behind. Did you not talk to me for a while after? Did I apologize to you? I wish the memory was more clear.
Did I ever walk with you home? Maybe it was just once. Do you remember that time I asked you to winter formal over Facebook message but rizz had already asked you. Did I tell you how I felt back then? I will never know. Another snapshot is pretty blurry, but I remember the interaction like it was yesterday. It was new years eve, a few years post high school, and people were looking for a party. We ended up at tealeafs house but there was nobody there. I was putting a tincture in my mouth. I think it was a fentanyl tincture that miles talked me into buying. I was putting the drops in my lip and holding it as you were glancing at me. You asked to try some. Then we went separate ways, but you told me to text you if the party we were gonna try going to happening was happening. Other than those details, the rest is a blur. The interaction doesn't mean anything, but the way it stuck in my mind is odd to me. Maybe that was 2011. I have 2 other memories that at the time should have made things obvious for me. But I've always been riddled with self doubt and a paralyzing fear of rejection. After some night of partying at mugs house. I was getting ready to sleep on the long couch. I believe the other ones were already occupied. You and Johanna came in(to the living room). She began to take the other side of the couch. I got up to let you take my spot so you wouldn't be on the floor. You gave my a sly smile, and said it's okay and stopped me. I have no idea why it wasnt clear to me like hey if this girl is letting you spoon her, she might be feeling you. I remember feeling excited to talk to you sober as I fell asleep. I woke up and you were gone. Mug made a comment along the lines of you and blah blah huh? Which I dismissed by saying what happened. This had to be between 07-09. You had been drinking.
Another one that should have been very obvious was sometime after. My self doubt has me questioning whether it actually happened or if it was a dream. However, what I remember happening after is undeniable. It was a party at mugs house. I can't remember moments before. I was in the kitchen but next to the mini living room with a TV that was off to the side. You came in and you were pretty drunk. We maybe talked and you kissed me. Then you invited me over. For whatever reason, I said I would be right back. I went to go look for my best friend but apparently he had left. When I went back to find you, you were gone. Now this is where I'm certain of my memory. I was going to sleep at my cousins house that night so I started looking for him. I walked to his house and he wasn't there. So I went back to mugs and he told me that my cousin left with you. I could have walked home but back then I didn't like dealing with my mom smelling me to see if I was high. I called both of you guys so many times. I'm taking 20 missed calls. My cousin responded through text and told me he wasn't home. I kept calling and he kept ignoring me. I ended up sleeping on the cement for what felt like hours till I woke up to him opening the door. He told me nothing happened and that you guys were just talking. I don't recall being outwardly being upset with blah blah, but she felt some distance or something. All I recall her saying to me is that she asked my cousin if I was mad at her. I was pretty pissed at my cousin. Just talking as a reason didn't make sense to completely ignore me. I don't remember any significant times I saw you between then till December 2010. I had called miles and he told me he was at brosmans house and they were gonna go to a party. He told me to come there so I could drive them. As I got there, I saw blah blah and her boyfriend. I remember asking miles why he didn't tell me she was there and that I wouldn't have come had I known.
Eventually I started talking to Bobo and I shoved all these memories of what felt like rejection deep down. Ironically I ran into blah blah working at Disneyland on one of my dates with Bobo.
I of course saw you like once a year since then but once I was dating her, the awkward feeling I once felt around you wasn't there anymore.
Fast forward to 2012 right before I started dating Bobo. It was your birthday, and I left the most cringe message on your wall about how I remembered that time I bear hugged you inappropriately. The weekend after, my cousin invited me to your birthday party. I told him "I don't think she likes me" as in I'm not welcome there. He reassured me it's okay. It's been 12 years and I still remember this. You opened the door, and looked right at me as I walked by. We made eye contact but I didn't say anything. Later when we sat down on the couch, I spoke up or laughed at something that was being said. You then said "oh bodg123, I didn't even see you there. We were just talking about you(probably because of the wall post)" I don't recall after, but I recall thinking you looked right at me, what do you mean I didn't see you. And that was that. I went on being captivated by texting Bobo.
2016 I was doing very unwell overall. My life had just been pretty rocky for a while. Ignoring my intuition and dating someone who I knew from the start wasn't a good fit sent me down a terrible detour. I missed the chemistry I had with Bobo and just wanted anyone to help fill the void in my heart. But Pam was a terrible terrible fit. We had nothing in common. We didn't like the same food, TV, movies. We didn't have a similar life philosophy. She didn't respect my silliness. We didn't even agree with each other's moral compass. But I stayed with her. I didn't want to be alone and she was easy. She finally broke up with me in May 2016. But for months I wanted to back. Why did I want so badly to drink poison? I guess it was a kind of warmth.
Come Oct 2016. I saw you at a Halloween party my cousin brought me along to. Some of you and joannas friends were hosting. I was sticking with my cousin because I am not good at socializing. I think there were like 4 people there from high school, everyone else was a stranger. But even the people there I did know never really treated me with respect aside from you/joanna. At one point your friend bney passed by and my cousin had mentioned how he's met her 3 times and she never remembers him. He then pulled out his phone to show me a picture of her top less. I asked why or where he had the nude from. He said something like it was to compare who's looked better. He got it from blah blahs boyfriend. He mentioned something like they(you, your bf, and bney) were going to have a 3 way. Not gonna lie, I was very envious of your bf. Like dam she's kinky too...
My cousin walked away(I think to get beer) so I was just leaning against the balcony guard rail enjoying my high. The stranger next to me started taking to you. You said something like you hadn't seen him in a long time. Then you pulled me into the conversation saying something like there's alot of people here I havent seen in a while. You grazed my wrist to get my attention(I was looking off to nowhere) as you said I haven't seen bodg123 in years. That action that you probably meant nothing from stumped me. It was either before or after, but another comment you made that night stuck with me. You were smiling and you apologized for the fact that you used to always make fun of me for wearing a batman belt buckle. This wasn't even something I remembered I did. Nor did I ever really take offense from you doing it. I instantly began to wonder why you remembered something so insignificant about me. And looking back, wasn't teasing me just flirting? If it was, why apologize? that paired with the way you innocently touched me made me very confused. I didn't really understand why, but as we were leaving I became really irritated with my cousin. That innocent touch just brought back up things I hadn't thought about in years. I know the years leading up I'd occasionally creep on your profile or like your photos but i wasn't ever certain you ever liked me in the past.
I had no friends I could talk to. The only family I had was my cousin. So I had no one to try to ask an opinion on what your behavior meant, if anything at all. When I would Google what it means when a girl touches you innocently, it kinda reaffirmed what I thought I was feeling was a possibility. And having dated Bobo when she had been with her boyfriend for over 5 years, I knew sometimes a boyfriend doesn't necessarily mean a woman couldn't have a crush.
When I tried to talk to my cousin about it, he didn't offer any insight. All I can remember from what he said is blah blah is crazy.
The realization that my gut instinct way way back then may have been right broke me. Having no one to talk to about it led me to realize that I had no close friends. In the months following I spiraled down till it was full on psychosis.
I'm sorry for having bothered you or said anything that made you feel uncomfortable.
I ended up quitting my job and spending nearly a year not bothering to look for a new one. When I finally started applying and trying to get an interview, I found one in LA at a jewelery start up. It was in LA by skid row. On the day of my interview I got a little lost. The building had no numbers so I started to look around to figure out if I was at the right place. I was but that's not the relevant part. There was a mail box on the corner so I thought it might have an address on it. What graffiti do I see? "blah blah" written in sharpie. Immediately I kinda laugh. I then googled how common of a name blah blah was. It is a common name, but really what are the Chances I see your name. Not even written like ghetto tagging, but just someome put their name on it. It just felt like the universe was mocking me for making a fool of myself over you.
It's been 7 years since I publically melted down. I don't speak to anyone from my past, and the only person I try to talk to(bobo) no longer wants anything to do with me. Even after my breakdown she still gave me a chance to rekindle what we had, but I couldn't let up on asking things she wasn't close enough with me to answer. So why am I even thinking about this?
I retrieved my second Facebook account a few weeks ago. I forgot i made it when the original one got locked for all the spam. I only used it for 2 days, but there were hundreds of posts I made. I immediately felt so much shame and cringe. I went through and deleted everything. I deleted the 3 people on my friend's list. There were 3 pending friend requests I also deleted. At first there were no suggestions. I did the search bar trick to see if any names were automatically suggested. It didn't show anyone but strangers. I also put a b for blah blah to see if her name showed up. It did not. The only person I looked up to creep on is Bobo. When I put the first letter of her name, nothing popped up.
After a day I began getting friend suggestions. Usually some random people from high school with a bunch of random people I never met. Even though I don't want to talk to anyone from my past, I looked through the suggestions to see faces. I made a point of not clicking on anyone's profile so I don't show up on their suggestions or in case there is a way of seeing profile views. I don't mind Bobo possibly knowing because she did once love me.
In case these observations about how the search algorithm could work just seem like crazy talk:
I would click remove suggestion on each friend till the list was empty. One day I saw Joanna show up on the top of the list and so I put a j in the search bar and her name wasn't a suggestion. 2 days later I see your boyfriend or probably husband now in the middle of the list. The next day I see you at the top. I let out a oo shit and clicked remove so fast. I once again but a b for blah blah and nothing showed up. This was on my lunch break at like 5pm. At 1am I was getting ready to shower and I began to wonder, if she saw me pop up as a suggestion, would she have clicked my profile? So I tried putting a b again. This time "blah blah" was the first result with just the letter b. Then I searched reddit to see if anyone had ever experienced something similar. And there were people who have. 1 who even confirmed what he thought by using a fake profile to look at his own. Of course this is all speculation. But that's what got me reflecting on my past enough to write this.
For all I know it suggested your name because I used to creep on you with my original profile. Within 30 min it no longer showed your name after a letter. I don't understand what it could have indicated. Strange coincidence more than anything else.
All of this is just seeming like the Charlie pepe Silvia meme. All I can think looking back on all this is what a shame. I liked that I made you laugh. I liked the silly dorky vibe.
I might as well include this too. I've had 2 dreams about you. Since I smoke alot dreams are fairly rare for me. And when I do recall them, they tend to be vivid. The first one is pretty vague, I don't remember when it was but I recall feeling embarrassed and ashamed. The other however I managed to write in my note log before I forgot it. It happened on 1/6/23.
“I had the strangest dream I was inside someone's house or some place. I can no longer remember the people that were around me. They opened the door and Blah Blah was there. It felt as though I was looking at someone short, mid length hair, wearing jeans. I followed her out to a silver camry. I'm not sure why I thought camry in my dream, but looking back on it awake, it didn't look like a camry but a warped sedan. There was some kind of emblem on the side. I apologized and she said something to me that in my dream felt audible, in a serious tone, but awake I can't remember.
Dreams man. "
I read somewhere, life tends to be alot of loose ends. You don't always get the answers or conclusions you want, and not everything gets wrapped up with a neat little bow. Sometimes you are just left wondering. Who knows where I read that, or how it actually went.
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2024.04.17 15:16 lazymentors Here’s what happened in marketing and advertising last week (social is evil?)

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


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My Fav; Marmite’s new ad campaign aims to hire smugglers to solve New York City’s marmite scarcity problem.

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Pinterest

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

All the sources and needed context can be found linked in the archive post of this recap.
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2024.04.17 15:15 lazymentors Here’s what happened in marketing and advertising last week

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Instagram & Threads 🗂️

Meta 😅

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Brands & Ads 🏓

My Fav; Marmite’s new ad campaign aims to hire smugglers to solve New York City’s marmite scarcity problem.

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Pinterest

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

All the sources and needed context can be found linked in the archive post of this recap.
submitted by lazymentors to copywriting [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 15:13 lazymentors Here’s what happened in marketing (Social Media is a threat?)

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Instagram & Threads 🗂️

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

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Agency News

Brands & Ads 🏓

My Fav; Marmite’s new ad campaign aims to hire smugglers to solve New York City’s marmite scarcity problem.

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Pinterest

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

All the sources and needed context can be found linked in the archive post of this recap.
submitted by lazymentors to ProductMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 14:59 lazymentors Here’s what happened in marketing & advertising recently (Banking = Advertising)

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

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My Fav; Marmite’s new ad campaign aims to hire smugglers to solve New York City’s marmite scarcity problem.

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Pinterest

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

Source: The Social Juice Newsletter.
submitted by lazymentors to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 17:01 lazymentors Here’s what happened in marketing & advertising recently

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

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My Fav; Marmite’s new ad campaign aims to hire smugglers to solve New York City’s marmite scarcity problem.

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Pinterest

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

Source: The Social Juice Newsletter.
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2024.04.16 17:01 lazymentors Here’s what happened in marketing & social recently

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Instagram & Threads 🗂️

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

Brands & Ads 🏓

My Fav; Marmite’s new ad campaign aims to hire smugglers to solve New York City’s marmite scarcity problem.

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Pinterest

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

Source: The Social Juice Newsletter.
submitted by lazymentors to socialmedia [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 17:00 lazymentors Here’s what happened in marketing (Social Media is a threat?)

Top 6 Updates of the Week:


TikTok 🎶

Instagram & Threads 🗂️

Meta 😅

X (Twitter) 🕹️

Youtube 🕹️

Google 🔦

Agency News

Brands & Ads 🏓

My Fav; Marmite’s new ad campaign aims to hire smugglers to solve New York City’s marmite scarcity problem.

AI 🤨

Snapchat & Pinterest

Microsoft & LinkedIn

Marketing & AdTech

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2024.04.08 20:20 TonyYumYum LGBTQ+ Free Audiobook Megathread

Free Audiobook with a free trial of Audible
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo Audiobook By Taylor Jenkins Reid cover art
  1. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
A Novel
By: Taylor Jenkins Reid
Narrated by: Alma Cuervo, Julia Whelan, Robin Miles
Length: 12 hrs and 10 mins
Release date: 06-13-17
Language: English
4.5 out of 5 stars84,903 ratings
Regular price: $17.99
Try for $0.00
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The House of Hidden Meanings Audiobook By RuPaul cover art
  1. The House of Hidden Meanings
A Memoir
By: RuPaul
Narrated by: RuPaul
Length: 7 hrs and 7 mins
Release date: 03-05-24
4.5 out of 5 stars598 ratings
Regular price: $25.19
The House in the Cerulean Sea Audiobook By TJ Klune cover art
  1. The House in the Cerulean Sea
By: TJ Klune
Narrated by: Daniel Henning
Series: Cerulean Chronicles, Book 1
Length: 12 hrs and 12 mins
Release date: 03-17-20
4.5 out of 5 stars16,643 ratings
Regular price: $20.24
Untamed Audiobook By Glennon Doyle cover art
  1. Untamed
By: Glennon Doyle
Narrated by: Glennon Doyle
Length: 8 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 03-10-20
4.5 out of 5 stars37,331 ratings
Regular price: $20.25
On the Same Page Audiobook By Haley Cass cover art
  1. On the Same Page
By: Haley Cass
Narrated by: Lori Prince
Length: 16 hrs and 18 mins
Release date: 03-26-24
5 out of 5 stars151 ratings
Regular price: $25.79
10 Things That Never Happened Audiobook By Alexis Hall cover art
  1. 10 Things That Never Happened
Material World, Book 1
By: Alexis Hall
Narrated by: Will Watt
Series: Material World, Book 1
Length: 10 hrs and 9 mins
Release date: 10-17-23
4.5 out of 5 stars314 ratings
Regular price: $25.00
Angela Davis Audiobook By Angela Davis cover art
  1. Angela Davis
An Autobiography
By: Angela Davis
Narrated by: Angela Davis
Length: 19 hrs and 28 mins
Release date: 02-08-22
5 out of 5 stars293 ratings
Sale price: $7.99 (66% off)
Regular price: $23.90
Sale ends in 13d 15h 50m 34s
Hidden Scars Audiobook By Andi Jaxon cover art
  1. Hidden Scars
Darby U Hockey Boys, Book 1
By: Andi Jaxon
Narrated by: Teddy Hamilton, Iggy Toma
Series: Darby U Hockey Boys, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 10-10-23
4.5 out of 5 stars321 ratings
Sale price: $5.99 (82% off)
Regular price: $33.90
And There He Kept Her Audiobook By Joshua Moehling cover art
  1. And There He Kept Her
By: Joshua Moehling
Narrated by: Linda Jones
Series: Ben Packard, Book 1
Length: 9 hrs and 28 mins
Release date: 06-16-22
4.5 out of 5 stars656 ratings
Regular price: $20.00
Whistleblower Audiobook By Jen Lyon cover art
  1. Whistleblower
The Senator's Wife Series, Book III
By: Jen Lyon
Narrated by: Abby Craden
Series: The Senator's Wife, Book 3
Length: 13 hrs and 50 mins
Release date: 03-29-24
5 out of 5 stars131 ratings
Regular price: $24.95
Contract Bound Audiobook By Elle Mae cover art
  1. Contract Bound
Blood Bound, Book 1
By: Elle Mae
Narrated by: Dana Dae, DaeTime Productions
Series: Blood Bound, Book 1
Length: 14 hrs and 53 mins
Release date: 12-03-23
5 out of 5 stars90 ratings
The One Audiobook By John Marrs cover art
  1. The One
By: John Marrs
Narrated by: Clare Corbett, Vicki Hall, Simon Bubb, Jot Davies, Sophie Aldred
Length: 11 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 02-20-18
4.5 out of 5 stars4,461 ratings
The Good Liar Audiobook By C.P. Harris cover art
  1. The Good Liar
Infidelity, Book 1
By: C.P. Harris
Narrated by: Aiden Snow, Liam DiCosimo
Series: Infidelity, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 5 mins
Release date: 08-29-23
4.5 out of 5 stars86 ratings
Martyr! Audiobook By Kaveh Akbar cover art
  1. Martyr!
By: Kaveh Akbar
Narrated by: Arian Moayed
Length: 10 hrs and 39 mins
Release date: 01-23-24
4.5 out of 5 stars146 ratings
Regular price: $22.50
Waiting for You Audiobook By Cora Rose cover art
  1. Waiting for You
By: Cora Rose
Narrated by: Blake Lockheart, Tim Paige
Length: 7 hrs and 45 mins
Release date: 10-03-23
4.5 out of 5 stars73 ratings
Fakers with Benefits Audiobook By Willow Dixon cover art
  1. Fakers with Benefits
Crimson Club, Book 2
By: Willow Dixon
Narrated by: Alexander Cendese, Aiden Snow
Series: Crimson Club, Book 2
Length: 8 hrs and 26 mins
Release date: 04-16-24
5 out of 5 stars3 ratings
Cover Story Audiobook By Rachel Lacey cover art
  1. Cover Story
By: Rachel Lacey
Narrated by: Quinn Riley
Length: 10 hrs and 28 mins
5 out of 5 stars85 ratings
Regular price: $30.09
Pageboy Audiobook By Elliot Page cover art
  1. Pageboy
By: Elliot Page
Narrated by: Elliot Page
Length: 8 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 06-06-23
4.5 out of 5 stars1,176 ratings
Regular price: $14.99
Don't Want You Like a Best Friend Audiobook By Emma R. Alban cover art
  1. Don't Want You Like a Best Friend
A Novel (The Mischief & Matchmaking Series, Book 1)
By: Emma R. Alban
Narrated by: Mary Jane Wells, Morag Sims
Series: The Mischief & Matchmaking Series, Book 1
Length: 10 hrs and 47 mins
Release date: 01-09-24
4.5 out of 5 stars145 ratings
Sale price: $7.99 (62% off)
Regular price: $21.59
Losers: Part 1 Audiobook By Harley LaRoux cover art
  1. Losers: Part 1
By: Harley LaRoux
Narrated by: Jaclyn Kelso, J. Tipstone
Series: Losers Series, Book 1
Length: 16 hrs and 1 min
4.5 out of 5 stars684 ratings
Regular price: $49.90
Red, White & Royal Blue Audiobook By Casey McQuiston cover art
  1. Red, White & Royal Blue
By: Casey McQuiston
Narrated by: Ramon de Ocampo
Length: 12 hrs and 15 mins
Release date: 05-14-19
4.5 out of 5 stars12,667 ratings
Magdalene Nox Audiobook By Milena McKay cover art
  1. Magdalene Nox
The Headmistress, Book 2
By: Milena McKay
Series: The Headmistress, Book 2
Length: 13 hrs and 12 mins
Release date: 04-09-24
5 out of 5 stars47 ratings
Regular price: $20.99
Under the Whispering Door Audiobook By TJ Klune cover art
  1. Under the Whispering Door
Narrated by: Kirt Graves
Length: 14 hrs and 54 mins
Release date: 09-21-21
4.5 out of 5 stars5,249 ratings
Regular price: $24.74
Fake Dates and Fanged Mistakes Audiobook By Alice Winters cover art
  1. Fake Dates and Fanged Mistakes
By: Alice Winters
Narrated by: Michael Ferraiuolo
Series: Fanged Mistakes, Book 1
Length: 10 hrs and 11 mins
Release date: 03-25-24
5 out of 5 stars165 ratings
The Guncle Audiobook By Steven Rowley cover art
  1. The Guncle
By: Steven Rowley
Narrated by: Steven Rowley
Series: The Guncle, Book 1
Release date: 05-25-21
4.5 out of 5 stars4,438 ratings
Regular price: $15.75
In the Form of a Question Audiobook By Amy Schneider cover art
  1. In the Form of a Question
The Joys and Rewards of a Curious Life
By: Amy Schneider
Narrated by: Amy Schneider
Length: 6 hrs and 47 mins
4.5 out of 5 stars58 ratings
A Guy Walks into My Bar Audiobook By L. Blakely, Lauren Blakely cover art
  1. A Guy Walks into My Bar
By: L. Blakely, Lauren Blakely
Narrated by: Shane East, Joe Arden, Full Cast
Length: 10 hrs and 21 mins
Release date: 08-17-20
4.5 out of 5 stars2,462 ratings
Sale price: $6.99 (71% off)
Dragon Queens Audiobook By Kathleen de Plume cover art
  1. Dragon Queens
By: Kathleen de Plume
Narrated by: Gabrielle Baker
Length: 10 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 12-13-22
4.5 out of 5 stars122 ratings
Regular price: $17.19
The Bastard and the Heir Audiobook By Eden Finley, Saxon James cover art
  1. The Bastard and the Heir
By: Eden Finley, Saxon James
Narrated by: Liam DiCosimo, James Joseph
Length: 9 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 03-11-24
4.5 out of 5 stars69 ratings
Regular price: $19.95
Top Secret Audiobook By Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy cover art
  1. Top Secret
By: Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy
Narrated by: Teddy Hamilton, Christian Fox
Release date: 05-31-19
5 out of 5 stars2,689 ratings
A Game of Hearts and Heists Audiobook By Ruby Roe cover art
  1. A Game of Hearts and Heists
Girl Games, Book 1
By: Ruby Roe
Narrated by: Islay Jacobs, Kyo Sija
Series: Girl Games, Book 1
Length: 12 hrs and 38 mins
Release date: 01-02-24
4.5 out of 5 stars118 ratings
Origin Audiobook By AJ Sherwood, Jocelynn Drake cover art
  1. Origin
Scales ‘N’ Spells, Book 1
By: AJ Sherwood, Jocelynn Drake
Narrated by: Joel Leslie
Series: Scales 'N' Spells, Book 1
Length: 13 hrs and 13 mins
Release date: 08-10-21
4.5 out of 5 stars681 ratings
Pirates of Aletharia Audiobook By Britney Jackson cover art
  1. Pirates of Aletharia
By: Britney Jackson
Narrated by: Lindsey Dorcus
Length: 16 hrs and 47 mins
Release date: 11-22-22
4.5 out of 5 stars408 ratings
Regular price: $21.49
Better Living Through Birding Audiobook By Christian Cooper cover art
  1. Better Living Through Birding
Notes from a Black Man in the Natural World
By: Christian Cooper
Narrated by: Christian Cooper
Length: 10 hrs and 25 mins
Release date: 06-13-23
4.5 out of 5 stars168 ratings
Regular price: $18.00
Who's Afraid of Gender? Audiobook By Judith Butler cover art
  1. Who's Afraid of Gender?
By: Judith Butler
Narrated by: Judith Butler
Length: 11 hrs and 47 mins
Release date: 03-19-24
5 out of 5 stars8 ratings
Late Bloomer Audiobook By Mazey Eddings cover art
  1. Late Bloomer
By: Mazey Eddings
Narrated by: Ellie Gossage
Length: 9 hrs and 32 mins
Not rated yet
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet Audiobook By Becky Chambers cover art
  1. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Wayfarers, Book 1
By: Becky Chambers
Narrated by: Rachel Dulude
Series: Wayfarers, Book 1
Length: 14 hrs and 23 mins
Release date: 05-21-19
4.5 out of 5 stars3,826 ratings
Regular price: $28.79
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous Audiobook By Ocean Vuong cover art
  1. On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
By: Ocean Vuong
Narrated by: Ocean Vuong
Length: 7 hrs and 19 mins
Release date: 06-04-19
4.5 out of 5 stars3,320 ratings
My Mother and Other Wild Animals Audiobook By Andrew Sean Greer cover art
  1. My Mother and Other Wild Animals
An Essay
By: Andrew Sean Greer
Narrated by: Andrew Sean Greer
Length: 56 mins
Regular price: $1.99
A Vicious Game Audiobook By Melissa Blair cover art
  1. A Vicious Game
The Halfling Saga, Book 3
By: Melissa Blair
Narrated by: Kyla Garcia
Series: The Halfling Saga, Book 3
Length: 14 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 02-06-24
4.5 out of 5 stars120 ratings
Regular price: $21.02
The Senator's Wife Audiobook By Jen Lyon cover art
  1. The Senator's Wife
The Senator's Wife Series Book 1
Series: The Senator's Wife, Book 1
Length: 13 hrs and 30 mins
Release date: 09-18-23
4.5 out of 5 stars404 ratings
Somewhere Beyond the Sea Audiobook By TJ Klune cover art
  1. Somewhere Beyond the Sea
Series: Cerulean Chronicles, Book 2
Length: 12 hrs
Release date: 09-10-24
Regular price: $25.51
Pre-order: Free with 30-day trial
Losers: Part 2 Audiobook By Harley LaRoux cover art
  1. Losers: Part 2
Losers, Book 2
Narrated by: J. Tipstone, Jaclyn Kelso
Series: Losers Series, Book 2
Length: 15 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 07-18-23
5 out of 5 stars453 ratings
If the Shoe Fits Audiobook By E. J. Noyes cover art
  1. If the Shoe Fits
By: E. J. Noyes
Narrated by: Kelsey Navarro
Length: 11 hrs and 36 mins
Release date: 11-19-19
4.5 out of 5 stars1,559 ratings
Giovanni's Room Audiobook By James Baldwin cover art
  1. Giovanni's Room
By: James Baldwin
Narrated by: Dan Butler
Length: 6 hrs and 49 mins
Release date: 04-01-13
4.5 out of 5 stars2,423 ratings
Regular price: $13.96
Less Audiobook By Andrew Sean Greer cover art
  1. Less
Narrated by: Robert Petkoff
Series: An Arthur Less Novel, Book 1
Length: 8 hrs and 17 mins
Release date: 07-18-17
4 out of 5 stars7,749 ratings
Regular price: $19.48
Raven: Part Two Audiobook By Piper Scott, Virginia Kelly cover art
  1. Raven: Part Two
A Forbidden Desires Spin-Off Story
By: Piper Scott, Virginia Kelly
Series: Forbidden Desires, Book 8
Length: 9 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 04-04-24
5 out of 5 stars24 ratings
I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love with You Audiobook By Harper Bliss cover art
  1. I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love with You
By: Harper Bliss
Length: 7 hrs and 16 mins
Release date: 02-27-24
4.5 out of 5 stars80 ratings
In the Lives of Puppets Audiobook By TJ Klune cover art
  1. In the Lives of Puppets
Length: 15 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 04-25-23
4.5 out of 5 stars665 ratings
Call Me by Your Name Audiobook By André Aciman cover art
  1. Call Me by Your Name
By: André Aciman
Narrated by: Armie Hammer
Series: Call Me By Your Name, Book 1
Length: 7 hrs and 48 mins
Release date: 10-03-17
4.5 out of 5 stars13,371 ratings
Product List
Caught Sleeping Audiobook By Jen Lyon cover art
  1. Caught Sleeping
The Senator's Wife, Book 2
Series: The Senator's Wife, Book 2
Length: 10 hrs and 1 min
Release date: 12-08-23
5 out of 5 stars301 ratings
Unprotected Audiobook By Billy Porter cover art
  1. Unprotected
By: Billy Porter
Narrated by: Billy Porter
Length: 12 hrs and 22 mins
Release date: 12-14-21
5 out of 5 stars2,778 ratings
The Step Bet Audiobook By Devon McCormack, Riley Hart cover art
  1. The Step Bet
Peach State Stepbros, Book 1
By: Devon McCormack, Riley Hart
Narrated by: Tim Paige
Series: Peach State Stepbros, Book 1
Length: 7 hrs and 32 mins
Release date: 02-15-24
4.5 out of 5 stars141 ratings
This Is How It Always Is Audiobook By Laurie Frankel cover art
  1. This Is How It Always Is
By: Laurie Frankel
Narrated by: Gabra Zackman
Length: 11 hrs and 7 mins
Release date: 01-24-17
4.5 out of 5 stars13,590 ratings
The Once and Future Witches Audiobook By Alix E. Harrow cover art
  1. The Once and Future Witches
By: Alix E. Harrow
Length: 16 hrs and 3 mins
Release date: 10-14-20
4.5 out of 5 stars3,525 ratings
Regular price: $30.41
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date Audiobook By Ashley Herring Blake cover art
  1. Iris Kelly Doesn't Date
By: Ashley Herring Blake
Narrated by: Kristen DiMercurio
Length: 11 hrs and 52 mins
Release date: 10-24-23
5 out of 5 stars401 ratings
The Rachel Incident Audiobook By Caroline O'Donoghue cover art
  1. The Rachel Incident
By: Caroline O'Donoghue
Narrated by: Tara Flynn
Release date: 06-27-23
4.5 out of 5 stars307 ratings
Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married Audiobook By Georgia Beers cover art
  1. Aubrey McFadden Is Never Getting Married
By: Georgia Beers
Narrated by: Lula Larkin
Length: 8 hrs and 57 mins
Release date: 03-04-24
5 out of 5 stars68 ratings
Blurred Lines Audiobook By Andi Jaxon cover art
  1. Blurred Lines
Darby U Hockey Boys, Book 2
Series: Darby U Hockey Boys, Book 2
Length: 8 hrs and 48 mins
Release date: 11-07-23
4.5 out of 5 stars131 ratings
The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers Audiobook By Samuel Burr cover art
  1. The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers
By: Samuel Burr
Narrated by: Penelope Keith, Russell Tovey
5 out of 5 stars2 ratings
Putting Out for a Hero Audiobook By C. Rochelle cover art
  1. Putting Out for a Hero
Villainous Things, Book 3
By: C. Rochelle
Narrated by: Philip Alces, Nick J. Russo
Series: Villainous Things, Book 3
Length: 11 hrs and 28 mins
5 out of 5 stars39 ratings
The Night and Its Moon Audiobook By Piper CJ cover art
  1. The Night and Its Moon
The Night and Its Moon, Book 1
By: Piper CJ
Narrated by: Natalie Naudus
Series: The Night and Its Moon, Book 1
Length: 16 hrs and 24 mins
Release date: 02-07-23
4.5 out of 5 stars493 ratings
Regular price: $44.99
The Revenge Agenda Audiobook By Saxon James cover art
  1. The Revenge Agenda
Accidental Love, Book 3
By: Saxon James
Narrated by: Teddy Hamilton
Series: Accidental Love, Book 3
Length: 6 hrs and 41 mins
Release date: 03-15-24
4.5 out of 5 stars63 ratings
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2024.04.07 17:41 Wolfman5155 Cyberbullismo

Ragazzi presi in giro per l'aspetto fisico in Rete, vere e proprie persecuzioni con commenti sgraditi nei profili privati, video ripresi di nascosto e poi pubblicati per deridere la vittima: di questi episodi ormai si sente parlare quotidianamente e tutti rientrano sotto il fenomeno conosciuto come cyberbullismo.
Il cyberbullismo, il bullismo perpetrato in rete quindi, rappresenta una vera e propria emergenza sociale (il 34% del bullismo è online) e i dati raccolti negli ultimi anni confermano l’incidenza del fenomeno. Da una ricerca europea svolta nell’ambito dell’“Europe Anti-Bullying Project”, su un campione di ragazzi provenienti da 6 Paesi EU, e svolta in Italia da Telefono Azzurro – su un campione rappresentativo a livello nazionale, composto da studenti di diverse scuole secondarie di I e II grado – è risultato che il 15,9% dei ragazzi italiani è vittima di bullismo, online o offline.
Nell’ultima indagine condotta da Telefono Azzurro e Doxa kids su un campione di 600 12-18enni italiani quasi 1 ragazzo su 10 (8%) di quelli intervistati ha dichiarato di aver diffuso informazioni/video che umiliano qualcuno. Più di 1 ragazzo su 6 (21%) ha dichiarato di essere stato vittima di bullismo e più di 1 su 10 (12%) individua in Internet il contesto in cui sono avvenute queste violenze con maggiore frequenza. Ciononostante, il reale impatto del cyberbullismo è spesso sottovalutato.
Per fare maggiore chiarezza, ma soprattutto per capire come far fronte a questo fenomeno, che può anche avere gravissime conseguenze (non sono pochi i ragazzini che decidono di farla finita a causa del cyberbullismo o del bullismo), abbiamo chiesto delucidazioni a Katrin Di Lorenzo, psicologa, psicoterapeuta con adulti, bambini e adolescenti in setting individuale e di gruppo, psicodiagnosta in età evolutiva ed esperta in Psicologia Giuridica (ambito civile e penale). Ecco cosa abbiamo scoperto. «Il cyberbullismo è una particolare manifestazione di un fenomeno più ampio che è il bullismo. Si tratta di comportamenti di prepotenza volti a intimorire, mettere in imbarazzo, escludere, molestare altri individui spesso coetanei, attraverso l’uso di Internet e delle tecnologie digitali. Questi atteggiamenti sono perpetrati nel tempo da un soggetto o da un gruppo verso un soggetto percepito come più debole; la vittima è spesso scelta tra il gruppo dei pari. È importante precisare che è sempre più difficile, forse anche poco sensato, distinguere la vita reale dalla vita online di preadolescenti e adolescenti; la prima entra, contagia e sfuma nella seconda senza confini precisi e questo anche per quanto riguarda i comportamenti dei bulli». «Il 18 maggio del 2017 è stata approvata la legge 71/2017 a tutela dei minori per la prevenzione e il contrasto del cyberbullismo; questa legge riguarda in modo ampio diversi comportamenti che possono essere espressione del cyberbullismo: diffamazione, ricatto, molestia, trattamento illecito di dati personali, furto d’identità, denigrazione… La legge, inoltre, dà alla scuola un ruolo importante nella prevenzione e nella gestione degli atti di cyberbullismo. Il corpo docente ha molto spesso un compito importante nella gestione di questo fenomeno, proprio perché nella maggior parte dei casi queste dinamiche hanno origine e si sviluppano in ambiente scolastico». «Un aspetto molto importante del cyberbullismo è che lo spazio e il tempo vengono alterati. Mentre nel bullismo il pubblico degli atti di bullismo è il gruppo dei pari presente e il luogo in cui questi avvengono e sono visibili sono quelli in cui sono presenti bullo e vittima, nel mondo online le prese in giro possono essere visibili in tutto il mondo e da un numero infinito di persone». «Secondo i dati Istat del 2019 il 22% delle vittime di bullismo è stato colpito da cyberbullismo, le maggiori vittime si registrano tra gli 11 e i 17 anni; si registra, inoltre, un aumento di questo fenomeno tra i preadolescenti (11/13 anni). In entrambi i casi si riscontrano maggiori vittime tra le ragazze rispetto ai ragazzi. Il fenomeno del cyberbullismo è tipico e in larga misura più presente negli ambienti scolastici, ma può anche verificarsi una modalità di vessazione, molestia o messa a disagio di adulti in ambienti lavorativi sempre attraverso l’uso delle nuove tecnologie». La vittima ideale del cyberbullo è molto spesso un soggetto debole, che ha degli aspetti di diversità rispetto alla maggior parte del gruppo (credo religioso, difetti fisici, fragilità mentali e/o emotive, etnia differente…), inoltre spesso è un individuo introverso, timido e non bene inserito nel gruppo dei pari. Lo caratterizza anche una bassa autostima e una predisposizione all’isolamento. La modalità degli attacchi del cyberbullismo rende la vittima ancor più disarmata e indifesa: i suoi segreti, le sue fragilità e i suoi difetti possono essere resi visibili in pochissimo tempo a un numero enorme di persone conosciute e non». «Il cyberbullo è spesso una persona conosciuta dalla vittima; può agire da solo o può essere supportato da altri cyberbulli. Rispetto al “classico bullo”, in questo contesto chi compie questi atti è protetto dall’anonimato, può agire dalla sua stanza lontano dalla vittima, può avere anche un profilo fake (falso) o un nickname. Il cyberbullo ha spesso atteggiamenti e comportamenti aggressivi e di predominanza nei confronti dei coetanei e, spesso, anche degli adulti. Si mostra incurante delle regole che caratterizzano la vita sociale e comune, mostra un'immatura capacità relazionale e affettiva e una scarsa capacità di gestire le proprie emozioni. Il cyberbullo può agire per noia e/o per divertimento, spesso queste azioni sono a lui utili per scaricare frustrazioni o vissuti personali negativi di cui non è consapevole e che mette nel mondo attraverso azioni aggressive e denigratorie verso i più deboli. Infatti, spesso, dietro ai suoi comportamenti e al come si mostra agli altri, si cela una struttura di personalità e un mondo interno caratterizzato da insicurezza e fragilità. Ovviamente questo non giustifica il disagio, il dolore e la grave situazione della vittima». «Non esistono temi precostituiti, ma si possono trovare aspetti generali intorno ai quali ruotano le denigrazioni, le offese o i comportamenti esclusivi: aspetto fisico o abbigliamento particolare, colore della pelle, orientamento sessuale, credo religioso… Oppure alcune vittime possono essere prese di mira per delle loro eccellenze che fanno provare al cyberbullo vissuti di inferiorità. Solitamente si tratta di una vittima che fa parte del gruppo dei pari (a scuola o in ambito sportivo) del bullo. La vittima viene umiliata e il cyberbullo fa in modo che anche il gruppo sia portato ad accanirsi contro di lei. Nel cyberbullismo l’essere “protetti” dall’anonimato può creare un accanimento maggiore verso la vittima e una sorta di distorsione cognitiva per cui si tende a minimizzare la gravità e l’importanza delle accuse, degli insulti, delle denigrazioni fatte verso la vittima. Il non vedere in faccia la vittima durante questi comportamenti può far credere al/ai carnefici che in fondo il soggetto non stia soffrendo così tanto e, contemporaneamente dietro lo schermo di un computer, il cyberbullo perde i freni inibitori e può lasciarsi andare maggiormente». «Può trattarsi di minacce vere e proprie, ma soprattutto di commenti, pareri, scritte, foto e pensieri messi online che denigrano, offendono e/o rendono pubbliche informazioni private della vittima». «Innanzitutto è fondamentale ricordarsi che per preadolescenti e adolescenti non è mai facile parlare ai propri genitori di aspetti personali della loro vita, a questo si deve aggiungere la vergogna che in questo caso specifico possono provare e il pensiero di non voler far preoccupare i propri genitori. Per questo spesso i ragazzi parlano ai genitori solo dopo diverso tempo che sono vittime di cyberbullismo. Quando il ragazzo si apre è importante che i genitori ascoltino senza giudicare e in modo empatico. I genitori per aiutare il proprio figlio devono poi essere attenti a non cancellare le tracce del cyberbullismo (gesto che potrebbe venire spontaneo) perché esse sono prove importanti, devono immediatamente cercare un riscontro degli accadimenti con la scuola o gli adulti del contesto di riferimento, non sottovalutare questi gesti considerandoli “ragazzate”, aiutare il proprio figlio a non perdere la fiducia negli altri e a recuperare la propria autostima, aiutarlo a vincere la paura di andare a scuola, allertare (se necessario) la polizia.
È importante consigliare al ragazzo di ampliare il proprio cerchio di amicizie e a coltivare le proprie passioni alimentando i propri punti di forza, in modo da poter nuovamente credere in se stesso. Se questi comportamenti volti ad andare oltre i fatti accaduti non risultano efficaci, è molto importante consultare un esperto che aiuti la vittima a superare i suoi vissuti di vittima». «Il cyberbullismo può essere molto dannoso per la vittima, per il suo benessere sociale, scolastico, psicologico e fisico. I ragazzi oggetto di questi atti possono sviluppare gravi stati d’ansia, di angoscia e importanti vissuti depressivi (fino a profondi stati depressivi veri e propri che possono anche portare a comportamenti suicidari). Possono anche vedersi inficiate le abilità cognitive (concentrazione e attività mnestiche) con un conseguente calo, anche importante, nel rendimento scolastico; inoltre si può manifestare una forma di isolamento tale per cui la vittima tende a uscire sempre meno di casa (anche fino a una chiusura sociale totale). Fisicamente possono svilupparsi malesseri e somatizzazioni simili a quelle che si verificano in forti situazioni di stress o in seguito a eventi traumatici». Negli ultimi anni molte scuole, a partire dalle secondarie di primo grado, stanno prevedendo all’interno del loro progetto formativo attività mirate alla prevenzione del fenomeno del cyberbullismo. Tra queste è in fase di partenza “Cyberbulli Noo!”, un progetto ideato da Oreste Castagna, volto televisivo amico di genitori e bambini, in collaborazione con Silvia Barbieri, attrice, regista e drammaturga: un vero e proprio viaggio mediatico nel fenomeno del cyberbullismo per sensibilizzare alunni, insegnanti e genitori su questo tema così delicato.
Un laboratorio innovativo che coinvolge gli studenti in prima persona con metodi multimediali e tecniche teatrali, “Cyberbulli Noo!” è stato creato in risposta a un fenomeno che non accenna a diminuire. Durante lo spettacolo, i ragazzi possono condividere le proprie sensazioni con il pubblico attraverso la piattaforma, mentre Oreste Castagna rinforza la convinzione che Internet sia un luogo fantastico che offre una ricchezza inestimabile di informazioni, conoscenza e contatti umani. Ha però anche gli stessi difetti, e può trasformarsi in uno strumento che ferisce. I ragazzi vengono poi invitati a salire sul palco per interagire in modo teatrale, provando emozioni vere fatte di sguardi, voci ed esperienze. La provocazione porta quindi a una riflessione, ad un’azione: “Parlatene e fatevi aiutare” è il monito di Oreste. Presenti anche gli insegnanti e i genitori, che hanno un ruolo fondamentale nella prevenzione di questo fenomeno, ma che troppo spesso restano all’oscuro di ciò che accade in rete. Lo stesso stimolo è rivolto a enti, istituzioni e associazioni che partecipano al progetto, con l’intento di creare una rete tra i partecipanti affinché tutti, insieme, possano diventare attori del cambiamento.
Dopo il via dal polo scolastico di Grumello del Monte (BG), comprendente 7 istituti e più di 1000 ragazzi, l’obiettivo è di portare “Cyberbulli Noo!” nel maggior numero di scuole italiane per sensibilizzare alunni, genitori, insegnanti e istituzioni verso un fenomeno che si sta imponendo con sempre maggiore frequenza. Fonte Articolo:

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2024.04.04 18:00 chanma50 'The First Omen' Review Thread

I will continue to update this post as reviews come in.
Rotten Tomatoes: Certified Fresh
Critics Consensus: Frequently frightening even as it plays within the confines of a nearly 50-year-old film series, this prequel is The First Omen of a bright future for the franchise in quite some time.
Score Number of Reviews Average Rating
All Critics 78% 121 6.90/10
Top Critics 80% 30 7.10/10
Metacritic: 65 (30 Reviews)
Sample Reviews:
Stevenson’s consistently unsettling and gleefully sacrilegious offering packs its share of legitimate shocks en route to one glaringly obvious “surprise.” - Peter Debruge, Variety
Ultimately, it all feels very familiar, and not just because this is the second movie in as many months to revolve around nuns and the birth of an Antichrist. - Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter
The new movie’s twists can only exist if they don’t contradict the previous films, so only a few surprises are even possible and those surprises can only happen in unsurprising ways. - William Bibbiani, TheWrap
The film revels in mashing up familiar genres: the monster movie, body horror and the Gothic church thriller. But it injects a revitalizing juice into the franchise — smartly edited and well paced, with a good cinematic eye. - Brandon Yu, New York Times
The First Omen may have a noble predecessor in one of the scariest films of the 1970s, but it has little to distinguish it from the last 665 mediocre horror features I’ve seen. - Kyle Smith, Wall Street Journal
“The First Omen” takes us right to the doorstep of the 1976 film in chillingly effective fashion. It’s the Damien origin story we never knew we needed. 3/4 - Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times
Full of splurchy callbacks to various hangings, impalings and characters from the Richard Donner hit but with a visual confidence and personality of its own. 3/4 - Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune
It sets itself up for more, but more so, it gives the story a reason to continue. Consider the series born again. B - Adam Graham, Detroit News
Kudos to the suits for backing a horror film this provocative and spine-chilling. 3.5/5 - Richard Whittaker, Austin Chronicle
While unable to fully deliver on the promise of its artistic potential, The First Omen remains, nonetheless, a fun, low stakes introduction for horror newbies to The Omen franchise and an enjoyable enough tribute to the original film. - Sarah-Tai Black, Globe and Mail
It’s far more artful and striking than it has any right to be, thanks in overwhelmingly large part to the TV director Arkasha Stevenson, whose bravado works incredibly well until it really doesn’t... 3/5 - Benjamin Lee, Guardian
It’s a statement debut from director Arkasha Stevenson, and a vicious, blood-slicked, coiled-up, oddly beautiful expulsion of horror, rooted in a distinctly Catholic expression of sexual turmoil. 4/5 - Clarisse Loughrey, Independent (UK)
Stevenson has configured her tale as female body-horror fit for a dissertation, without giving it much of a spine: while slick, the set pieces are few, far between, and over too fast. 2/5 - Tim Robey, Daily Telegraph (UK)
As for the graphic birth scenes, let’s just say that one of these is definitely not born every minute. This is Call the Midwife directed by Satan. 3/5 - Ed Potton, Times (UK)
It hardly needs to be said that, as it goes on – and it does go on – the film loses coherence and slips into rampaging chaos. But, coming a year or so after that catastrophic Exorcist sequel, The First Omen feels a lot better than it needed to be. 3/5 - Donald Clarke, Irish Times
If horror is all about loss of control, about feelings of helplessness conjured in the audience to reflect the helplessness of the characters, then this is a true horror film. - Bilge Ebiri, New York Magazine/Vulture
For veteran viewers who’ve seen it all before, it’s not exactly the Second Coming. But novice nunsploitation audiences might find this habit-forming: a stylish enough entry-level initiation. 3/4 - Catherine Bray, Empire Magazine
Forget the devil: the film ends up being seduced by its own Prince of Darkness; Hollywood’s insatiable desire for fertile intellectual property. - Tim Grierson, Screen International
Telegraphs its bombshells from the outset and dutifully shuffles toward a conclusion that tethers this saga to Donner’s "The Omen." - Nick Schager, The Daily Beast
The rare prequel (sequel, requel, what have you) that fits seamlessly inside the existing franchise and makes tracks toward a chilling new future. In short, it births something new and genuinely scary. Remember when that wasn’t so rare? B - Alison Foreman, indieWire
Forget what you think you know about horror prequels. The First Omen gets it, goes for the throat, and never lets go. B+ - Matthew Jackson, AV Club
Pulsating in the film’s veins is an eerie eroticism and a tactile awareness of the way the Church is controlling the bodies and minds of its women. 3/4 - Kyle Turner, Slant Magazine
The First Omen offers generous splashes of gore, jump scared, and dread. So if you're seeing something more spooky than scary, or more haunting than horrifying, this religious thriller will scratch that itch with a long, putrid claw. - Kristy Puchko, Mashable
An engrossing trip into the dark heart of evil and what it means to be chosen by the cruel hand of fate — and surprisingly, it lives up to the strength, power, and overarching dread of its source material. - Lex Briscuso, Inverse
Arkasha Stevenson doesn’t just helm a prequel worthy of Richard Donner’s classic but establishes herself as a bold new voice in horror. 4/5 - Meagan Navarro, Bloody Disgusting
Elevated by a remarkable lead performance from Nell Tiger Free, "The First Omen" does what is expected in terms of scares, and manages to be both creepier and more coherent than its more recent predecessors. 4/5 - Linda Marric, HeyUGuys
The whole thing is so provocative, beautifully cinematic and in touch with its head-decapitating roots. 3.5/4 - Tomris Laffly,
When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a darkness that causes her to question her own faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.
DIRECTED BY: Arkasha Stevenson
SCREENPLAY BY: Tim Smith, Arkasha Stevenson, Keith Thomas
STORY BY: Ben Jacoby
PRODUCED BY: David S. Goyer, Keith Levine
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Tim Smith, Whitney Brown, Gracie Wheelan
EDITED BY: Bob Murawski, Amy E. Duddleston
MUSIC BY: Mark Korven
CASTING BY: Kharmel Cochrane, Teresa Razzauti
RUNTIME: 120 Minutes
RELEASE DATE: April 5, 2024
submitted by chanma50 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 20:17 newmusicrls Best New Afro House / Organic House Releases 22-Mar-2024 (392 Tracks)
AAL - pi (Original Mix) 05:45 113bpm 7A AAL - sleepy owl (jonajosu remix) 05:48 111bpm 9A AAL - sleepy owl (Original Mix) 06:33 100bpm 9A AAL - sleepy owl (skarú remix) 08:03 115bpm 9A AAL - swinemünde orchestra (Original Mix) 06:24 105bpm 3B AAL - yorck's schlösschen (Original Mix) 07:08 110bpm 7A Aero Manyelo - Eastern Hemisphere (Original Mix) 06:42 122bpm 9A Aero Manyelo - Herbal Track (Original Mix) 06:54 123bpm 9B Aero Manyelo - Real Stories (Original Mix) 06:54 123bpm 5A Afro Exotiq - Ragged N Raw (Original Mix) 06:39 118bpm 9A Afro Exotiq, Shredder SA - Lost Souls (Original Mix) 07:17 120bpm 2A AJourneyOfMilez - ikhwela (Original Mix) 08:24 122bpm 10B AJourneyOfMilez - Kwa Dumizulu (Original Mix) 07:55 122bpm 7A AJourneyOfMilez - Mujo (Original Mix) 09:03 122bpm 10B AJourneyOfMilez - Umboko (Original Mix) 07:56 122bpm 9A AJourneyOfMilez, Born Kxng - Kwa Dumizulu (Intro) (feat. Born Kxng) (Original Mix) 02:15 123bpm 7A Akmaral - Stay (Original Mix) 05:58 124bpm 4A Alex Demez - Oloro (Original Mix) 07:24 122bpm 9A Alex Spite - Criminal (Original Mix) 06:31 120bpm 6A Amir Telem - Rasa (Madraas Remix) 06:58 122bpm 12A Amir Telem - Rasa (Original Mix) 06:15 124bpm 12A Amir Telem - Send Your Love (Beije Remix) 07:17 124bpm 6A Amir Telem - Send Your Love (Original Mix) 06:15 124bpm 6A Andres Volta - Pantera (Fuentes Remix) 07:24 121bpm 10A Andres Volta - Pantera (Original Mix) 07:08 122bpm 10A Andres Volta - Toekan (Original Mix) 06:16 123bpm 7A Andres Volta - Yaku (LADS Remix) 06:00 120bpm 5A Andres Volta - Yaku (Original Mix) 07:06 122bpm 5A Angelo Ruis - African Tribe (Original Mix) 06:21 126bpm 7B Animalic Drum - Mwendwa (Extended Mix) 05:26 120bpm 6B Animalic Drum - Terre Sacrée (Extended Mix) 08:00 120bpm 8A ARALÉZ, DARNO, Beard2Beard, - Lady Of The Moon (Original Mix) 06:57 115bpm 10A ARALÉZ, DARNO, Beard2Beard, - Lady Of The Sun (GEORGO Remix) 05:03 128bpm 8A ARALÉZ, DARNO, Beard2Beard, - Lady Of The Sun (Original Mix) 07:14 115bpm 8A Aura, Emanuele Esposito, Gianni Romano, Thieuf Ndiaye, Trick Beat - Clandestin (Original Mix) 06:13 122bpm 10A AVIVI - Hopa (Original Mix) 05:21 124bpm 6A Badbwoy - Loving You (Extended Mix) 05:56 124bpm 7A Basement Jaxx, Peppe Citarella - Mermaid of Salinas (Club World Remix 2024) 06:26 126bpm 9B Bastille, Lost Frequencies - Head Down (Samm (BE) Extended Remix) 06:25 121bpm 9A Bora Uzer - I Will Find You (JAMIIE Extended Remix) 07:25 120bpm 8A Bora Uzer - I Will Find You (Sam Shure Extended Remix) 06:54 126bpm 8A Boy From Suburbs - Journey (Original Mix) 06:17 122bpm 12B Boy From Suburbs - Senya (Original Mix) 05:36 120bpm 11B BT - Time Moves So Fast (PROFF & Volen Sentir's Timestop Extended Remix) 08:31 122bpm 3B Bukeka, Ajna (BE) - Kwenze (Mosoo Remix) 06:23 121bpm 12A Busi Mhlongo - Awukho Umuzi (AJourneyOfMilez Remix) 09:22 124bpm 7B Cafe De Anatolia, Aglaia Rave - Vortex Veil (Original Mix) 05:51 123bpm 7B Cafe De Anatolia, Anzhelika Bass - Enjoy the Life (Original Mix) 05:09 93bpm 1A Cafe De Anatolia, Blauge - Spiritual Fusion (Original Mix) 04:08 123bpm 9B Cafe De Anatolia, CLXUS.MVNN - Night in Sonoran (Original Mix) 03:15 99bpm 12B Cafe De Anatolia, DARNO, Georgo, Basiani Ensemble - Gandagana (Original Mix) 04:49 125bpm 4B Cafe De Anatolia, Diana Kramer - Amercy (Extended Mix) 03:36 120bpm 11B Cafe De Anatolia, ELIHU' - Kanua (Original Mix) 07:04 120bpm 9B Cafe De Anatolia, ELIHU' - Karimu (Original Mix) 06:59 120bpm 9B Cafe De Anatolia, Elisey Lehman - Angestammter Ruf (Original Mix) 06:57 115bpm 1B Cafe De Anatolia, FADUM - Cicek (Ozkan Ugur) (Original Mix) 06:24 125bpm 11B Cafe De Anatolia, HARMAK, Momo Ryuk, Yassine Almass - Khamlia (Original Mix) 07:20 120bpm 8B Cafe De Anatolia, jovoj - Howl (Original Mix) 07:00 120bpm 7B Cafe De Anatolia, KovaX, Rocco Lazzaro - Ngoma (Original Mix) 05:39 122bpm 8A Cafe De Anatolia, Libero Reina - Harāb (Original Mix) 03:24 120bpm 11B Cafe De Anatolia, Max Kazakov - Sahara Spirit (Original Mix) 05:23 120bpm 11B Cafe De Anatolia, Maxv - Kasbah (Original Mix) 05:58 158bpm 7A Cafe De Anatolia, MESH (SA) - Taal Elwaqt feat. M-farag (Karno B Remix) 05:59 115bpm 8A Cafe De Anatolia, Noah Jaegson - Jumanji (Original Mix) 06:49 116bpm 8B Cafe De Anatolia, Rameff - Elema (Original Mix) 05:03 124bpm 12B Cafe De Anatolia, REŸES (US) - Call to Rise (Original Mix) 07:21 120bpm 10B Cafe De Anatolia, RMNY - El Sol (Original Mix) 06:25 122bpm 8A Cafe De Anatolia, RMNY - Luna (Original Mix) 06:48 120bpm 6A Cafe De Anatolia, Semad - The Ghost Tales (Original Mix) 05:09 118bpm 4B Cafe De Anatolia, Southcent - Fama (Original Mix) 06:09 120bpm 5A Cafe De Anatolia, Vav Vardanian - Insomnia (Original Mix) 05:28 120bpm 11B Cafe De Anatolia, WAALAAXX - Karimu (Original Mix) 05:53 122bpm 6A Carlo Riviera, LemonSouldj - El Amor (Tribe Mix) 06:16 125bpm 11A Cesar Abril - Modern Times (Original Mix) 08:27 121bpm 8A Cesar Abril - Think About You (Original Mix) 07:20 122bpm 7A Chapacan - Tea Time (Original Mix) 05:54 120bpm 9A Cheyne Christian - El Cuco (Original Mix) 05:52 92bpm 9B Conde, Ayah Tlhanyane - Kuwala (Extended Mix) 07:05 123bpm 7B Consoul Trainin, Vanilla Ace - Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Zaheera Extended Remix) 06:05 122bpm 9A Contra, Skrillex, Ahadadream, Priya Ragu - TAKA (Extended Mix) 03:26 128bpm 8A Dani Masi, kano dj, Mathieu Ruz - Bullerenguera (Ronny Santana Extended Mix) 05:13 127bpm 9A Daniel Hokum - Cage (Original Mix) 06:30 110bpm 9A Daniel Hokum - Mindshift (Original Mix) 06:13 108bpm 9A Danny Deleon - Echoes of Afrique (Original Mix) 07:18 125bpm 7A DARNO, Georgo, Beard2Beard, - Bollywood (ARALÉZ Remix) 06:34 122bpm 7B DARNO, Georgo, Beard2Beard, - Bollywood (Original Mix) 04:48 122bpm 7B David Hopperman - MILO (Original Mix) 04:48 120bpm 12B Deep Andi - Niemegk (bawab & Sydka Remix) 06:21 116bpm 10B Deep Andi - Niemegk (Iorie's Rabbit Hole Remix) 06:08 97bpm 7A Deep Andi - Niemegk (Original Mix) 05:50 111bpm 10B Deep Lo - I Like The Way You Do (Original Mix) 04:57 120bpm 3A Deep Lo - Lush (Original Mix) 05:04 120bpm 1B Deer Jade - Jukurpa (Extended Mix) 04:59 118bpm 9A Denise Belfon, Isaga - Work (Original Mix) 06:09 122bpm 10B DiMO (BG), Massianello, Flagrant Drvms - Two Latin Girls (feat. Joseph Royal) (Remix) 06:11 124bpm 10B DJ Dove, DiMO (BG) - Bailando (PolyRhythm Extended Remix) 06:05 121bpm 8B DJ Feevos, Tabia - Mngoma (Original Mix) 07:30 120bpm 9B Dj Jim Mastershine, Korie Minors - Nihambile- Nihambile feat. Nuzu Deep (Bassfinder Remix) 07:26 121bpm 2A Dj Jim Mastershine, Korie Minors - Nihambile- Nihambile feat. Nuzu Deep (Giorgio Bassetti Remix) 06:36 121bpm 5B Dj Jim Mastershine, Korie Minors - Nihambile- Nihambile feat. Nuzu Deep (Original Mix) 05:45 121bpm 5B DJ Pantelis - Misirlou (Original Mix) 05:08 122bpm 11B DJ Pippi, Pierre Ravan, Habib Meftah, Ali Boustan - Persic (Dream Pads Mix) 05:27 100bpm 8A DJ Pippi, Pierre Ravan, Habib Meftah, Ali Boustan - Persic (Dub Mix) 05:28 100bpm 8A DJ Pippi, Pierre Ravan, Habib Meftah, Ali Boustan - Persic (Original Mix) 07:09 100bpm 8A DJ Pippi, Willie Graff, OliO, Chilani, WALTHER - Soul Free (Original Mix) 03:46 114bpm 11A Dj Revilla - Flautin (Original Mix) 04:55 125bpm 8A Dj Roberto Da'Silva, EVELIO ESCOBAR - Salamanca (Original Mix) 04:13 94bpm 8A DJ Taplaberry SA, Thabiso Vocalist - Ekhaya (Original Mix) 05:37 117bpm 12A Double Drop, Tsimo - Wena (Original Mix) 05:54 91bpm 8A Double Drop, Tsimo - Wena (Sunset Mix) 05:31 118bpm 8A Dre Guazzelli, Sued Nunes, Talbot - Concha (dre Guazzelli & Talbot Remix) (Extended Mix) 05:38 122bpm 6A DrumN - Indlela Zami (Original Mix) 06:28 120bpm 8A DrumN - Ndoni Yamanzi (Original Mix) 06:28 120bpm 8A DrumN - We Move (Original Mix) 06:26 120bpm 9A Dulus - Harmonaig (Original Mix) 07:24 122bpm 9A Dulus - It Was Worth It (Original Mix) 07:49 123bpm 7B Duwayne Motley, Ranky Tanky - Freedom (Afro Dub) 04:46 92bpm 9A Duwayne Motley, Ranky Tanky - Freedom (Afro Vocal Mix) 04:46 92bpm 9A Duwayne Motley, Ranky Tanky - Freedom (Original Mix) 04:13 121bpm 9B Eduardo Romero - Pachanguear (Original Mix) 05:13 125bpm 2A Edwards, frank-lo, 4Step - La Nuit (Original Mix) 06:29 122bpm 6A Elias Fassos, RisK (Gr), Cafe De Anatolia - Hamopoulia (Original Mix) 05:50 120bpm 11B Ellle Fach - Crisol (Alberto Hernandez MX Remix) 05:44 123bpm 7A Ellle Fach - Crisol (Original Mix) 07:16 122bpm 7A Ellle Fach - Dancing in the Sand (Original Mix) 06:08 122bpm 7A Ellle Fach - Eleusis (Original Mix) 06:43 122bpm 12B Emanuele Esposito, Gianni Romano - I See You (Original Mix) 07:28 122bpm 6A Emanuele Esposito, Gianni Romano - It's Not Right feat. Helen Tesfazghi (Original Mix) 06:22 123bpm 5A Emanuele Esposito, Gianni Romano, Tim Schou - Possibilities & Harmonies (Original Mix) 07:00 120bpm 8A Enam, Cafe De Anatolia, Katie Pride, Yazid Oihidi - Lmhayn (Original Mix) 05:23 115bpm 6A Enzo Siffredi, The Wild Child, Habibi Jam - La Hess (Original Mix) 04:35 122bpm 5B Eren Yildiz, Alya Gozacan - Back To Black (Original Mix) 07:21 123bpm 11A Eternal Moment - Like That (Original Mix) 07:15 94bpm 7B Eternal Moment - Mission (Original Mix) 07:11 108bpm 12B Eternal Moment - Rich Me (Original Mix) 07:00 101bpm 5B Fade - Light And Steel (Original Mix) 04:56 120bpm 5A Faya - Simple (Original Mix) 05:11 124bpm 7B Geeyo Ibra - Fake Id (Original Mix) 04:02 122bpm 10B Gianni Romano - All Around Me feat. JAMILA (Extended Mix) 07:04 120bpm 6A Gledd - Delekele (Original Mix) 05:16 123bpm 7B Gledd - New Roots (Original Mix) 05:03 121bpm 1B Goeran Meyer, Mario Navajo - Boundless Chains (Instrumental Edit) 07:34 120bpm 10A Goeran Meyer, Mario Navajo - Boundless Chains (Vocal Edit) 07:34 120bpm 10A Goyanu, Laschian Records - Luztopia (Original Mix) 07:37 122bpm 5A Gustavo Voz Perdida, Animalic Drum - Que Loquera (Extended Mix) 04:19 122bpm 8A Halia, Cafe De Anatolia, Ablozé - Dahab (Original Mix) 06:11 100bpm 9B Hoax (BE), KÖNI, Qualista - Hajde (Dj Phellix Remix) 06:23 124bpm 3B Hoax (BE), KÖNI, Qualista - Hajde (Majnoon Remix) 05:25 122bpm 3B Hoax (BE), KÖNI, Qualista - Hajde (Original Mix) 05:34 122bpm 3B House da Buun - Limpopo Lounge (AfroDeep Edit) 07:02 124bpm 11A House da Buun - Limpopo Lounge (Original Mix) 05:54 124bpm 12A HyperSOUL-X - Sing That Song Again (Feat. Lulu Bolaydie) (Afro HT) 05:52 118bpm 12A HyperSOUL-X - Sing That Song Again (Feat. Lulu Bolaydie) (HT Remake) 05:37 123bpm 12A ivan masa - It's Time (Original Mix) 06:01 124bpm 9B ivan masa - Make Your Transition (Original Mix) 06:07 124bpm 9B Jane Ryse - Under The Sun (Extended Mix) 05:15 124bpm 2A Jane Ryse - Under The Sun (Kususa Remix - Extended Mix) 05:55 121bpm 2A Jerome Sydor - Ano Derirwo (Original Mix) 06:06 120bpm 9B Joe Hard, Ricardo Criollo House - Atardecer (Original Mix) 04:07 126bpm 5A Jolyon Petch - Insomnia (Moomba Bros Remix) 05:39 121bpm 10A Jon.K - Patadas De Ahogado (Extended Rework) 04:34 117bpm 4B Jordan John - Matrix (Original Mix) 06:26 120bpm 2A Jordan John - Mon Groove (Original Mix) 07:02 120bpm 8B Jorke - Liquid Luck (Antaares Remix) 04:35 112bpm 4A Jorke - Liquid Luck (Original Mix) 08:14 106bpm 7B Jorke - Nebulizer (Felix Wittich Remix) 06:42 120bpm 8B Jorke - Nebulizer (Ninze Remix) 07:19 108bpm 5A Jorke - Nebulizer (Original Mix) 08:17 111bpm 5A Jose Alves - Guarandinga (Original Mix) 03:55 158bpm 10B Jose Alves, Dj Roberto Da'Silva - Rockstar (Original Mix) 05:33 92bpm 1A Junglewood - Angola Drums (Original Mix) 05:47 123bpm 11B Kadien - Icicle Marimba (Original Mix) 06:53 122bpm 10B Kalitos - Virus (Original Mix) 06:41 110bpm 4B Kalitos, Mauromaat - Synergy (Original Mix) 07:20 115bpm 10B Karol Colomb - Osmosis (Original Mix) 06:28 120bpm 4A Karol Colomb - Willful (Original Mix) 06:40 120bpm 4A KIDY - Ytsc (Original Mix) 07:20 122bpm 8B Kiko Navarro, Hugo Navarro - Una Mattina (Edit) 03:25 120bpm 8A Kiko Navarro, Hugo Navarro - Una Mattina (Original Mix) 07:43 120bpm 8A Kiko Navarro, Hugo Navarro - Una Mattina (Senza Ritmo) 05:03 120bpm 8A Kiko Navarro, Hugo Navarro - Una Mattina (With Poem) 07:44 120bpm 8A Kiriku, Yalisaxx, Monblume - Santa Rita (Jay Fase Remix) 06:10 122bpm 12A Komashov - Maka (Original Mix) 05:57 124bpm 7B Komashov - Podiya (Original Mix) 05:26 124bpm 12B Komashov - Wama (Original Mix) 05:57 124bpm 2A Konvex (FR), L'Amorosso - Back to Life (Original Mix) 05:53 120bpm 7A Kora (CA), Madota - Feel (Original Mix) 07:06 125bpm 5A kośa records, Minas Connect - Dle Yaman (X Nairui Alaverdyan) 08:11 104bpm 11A kośa records, Minas Connect - Roots (Original Mix) 06:57 108bpm 8A Kostik Makso, Tibetania - Maitu (Original Mix) 03:28 123bpm 6A Kurd Maverick, Merk & Kremont - Bim Boom Bam (Extended Afro House Mix) 04:00 128bpm 3A KVRVBO, Mphozil - Papino's Revenge (Mphozil's Southside Remix) 07:14 117bpm 12A Laaar - A Great Ball of Light (Original Mix) 03:01 86bpm 9A Laaar - A Great Ball of Light (Thea & Schtu Remix) 06:49 105bpm 9A Laaar - Cowboy (K2w0) 05:38 112bpm 9A Laaar - Cowboy (Original Mix) 07:16 139bpm 9A Laaar - Cowboy (Sydka & Iorie) 07:08 104bpm 9A Laaar - Drifting (Farn & Bawab Remix) 06:48 103bpm 9A Laaar - Drifting (Original Mix) 06:41 136bpm 9A lalo leyy, CHRIS TEMPO - Azuca (Narf Zayd Latin Mix) 06:48 123bpm 7A lalo leyy, CHRIS TEMPO - Azuca (Original Mix) 06:30 123bpm 8A lalo leyy, CHRIS TEMPO - Azuca (PolyRhythm Tambores Cruzados Mix) 06:36 123bpm 8A Landikhan, MÖW - Unicorns (Landikhan Remix) 06:23 120bpm 10B Lemurian, KÖNI, Qualista - Echoes From the Underworld (DIBIDABO Remix) 06:48 120bpm 8B Lemurian, KÖNI, Qualista - Echoes From the Underworld (Original Mix) 05:44 120bpm 8B Lexx - Chambara (Original Mix) 06:00 124bpm 12B Lexx - Lady Of The Moon (Original Mix) 06:07 122bpm 8A Lil'M, jOk - Boys Talk (Original Mix) 05:18 122bpm 9B Lil'M, jOk - Boys Talk (REBRN Remix) 05:50 124bpm 9B Low Steppa, Crusy - Bullerengue (Extended Mix) 06:35 125bpm 2B Lucas Ramos - The Beginning Of The Road (Original Mix) 08:19 123bpm 11B Lucas Ramos - The World Of Thought (Original Mix) 07:28 90bpm 11B Luis Radio - Funbuka (Original Mix) 06:06 124bpm 10B Luis Vargas - Fuck (Original Mix) 05:16 77bpm 10B Luis Vargas - Marungueo (Original Mix) 05:46 124bpm 11A Luis Vargas - Plov (Original Mix) 06:24 125bpm 3B Majed Salih - Bligraya (CamelVIP Version) 01:10 113bpm 11B Majed Salih - Cairoplazm (CamelVIP Version) 00:58 105bpm 2A Majed Salih - Droqemcia (CamelVIP Version) 01:37 101bpm 7A Majed Salih - Fliceschic (CamelVIP Version) 01:53 97bpm 9A Majed Salih - Jara'alia (CamelVIP Version) 02:04 98bpm 10A Majed Salih - Suphiwhirl (CamelVIP Version) 01:39 76bpm 8B Majed Salih - Yelokolaim (CamelVIP Version) 01:55 103bpm 4A Manybeat - Ruanda Conection (Original Mix) 05:17 124bpm 7A Marce Parisi - D Tox (Original Mix) 07:04 122bpm 6A Marce Parisi - Rena (Original Mix) 06:35 122bpm 7B marchesan - Kids (DeepFade AR Remix) 08:44 121bpm 11A marchesan - Kids (Original Mix) 07:00 121bpm 11A Mars Monero - The Mapmaker's Dementia (Kalima & Zambo Remix) 08:04 121bpm 4A Massio, NuKreative - Remembrance (Extended Mix) 07:14 121bpm 6A Massio, NuKreative - Remembrance (Greg Ochman Extended Remix) 07:58 121bpm 6A Matizze - Sigi Sigildan (Original Mix) 06:00 120bpm 12B Mauro Masi - Moment Remember (Original Mix) 07:28 120bpm 4A Mauro Masi - Synthesizer Sing (Original Mix) 07:52 122bpm 11B Mauro Masi - Volcano Dancer (Original Mix) 08:07 122bpm 9A Maxi Degrassi - I'm Happy for You (Molac and Nicolas Viana Remix) 06:49 123bpm 12A Maxi Degrassi - True Bonus (Awka and Edu Schwartz Remix) 06:57 121bpm 1B Mekki, Ed Raissi - Timeless Echoes (Extended Mix) 04:51 122bpm 6B Meloko, LKF Project, Selim Sivade - Simple Child feat. Rondo Mo (Bondi Remix) 05:01 122bpm 11B Meloko, LKF Project, Selim Sivade - Simple Child feat. Rondo Mo (Illusory Remix) 05:52 120bpm 8A Meloko, LKF Project, Selim Sivade - Simple Child feat. Rondo Mo (Kasango Remix) 05:54 122bpm 8A MI.LA, Ka:lu - Sugnai (Original Mix) 06:21 122bpm 10B Michael Simon - Glory (Original Mix) 05:53 121bpm 5A Mijangos, George Vibe - Happy Drums (Original Mix) 05:23 124bpm 11B Mikp - Far East Trip (Original Mix) 06:09 122bpm 9B Missfeat - Ash in the Sea (Extended Mix) 07:22 120bpm 7A Missfeat - Celeste (Extended Mix) 07:36 120bpm 6A Missfeat - Celeste (Instrumental Mix) 07:36 120bpm 6A Missfeat - Omorfia (Extended Mix) 07:36 120bpm 10B Missfeat - Yanonami (Extended Mix) 07:32 120bpm 6A Molac, Adrian Matos - Alchemy (Original Mix) 06:53 123bpm 12A Molac, Adrian Matos - Dark & Dirty (Original Mix) 06:00 123bpm 8B Molac, Adrian Matos - Liquid Night (Original Mix) 06:04 122bpm 12A Molac, Adrian Matos - Spire (Original Mix) 06:13 124bpm 9A Monojoke - Daruma (Original Mix) 08:29 122bpm 2B Monojoke - Okame (Original Mix) 07:28 122bpm 9B MÖW - Dance & Dream (Original Mix) 06:22 121bpm 11B MÖW - Unicorns (Original Mix) 07:06 120bpm 6A Mr. Moudz - Gana (Original Mix) 06:07 121bpm 4A Mr. Moudz - La Familia (Original Mix) 06:40 121bpm 9A M-Sol DEEP, Sateyed - Midnight Rice Fields (Original Mix) 06:20 102bpm 6A Must Have - Swarm (Original Mix) 06:52 120bpm 7A Natema, Curol - Xica (Original Mix) 05:23 125bpm 11B Nico de Andrea, Jono McCleery, iMAD - Legion feat. Jono McCleery (Extended Mix) 05:04 115bpm 7A Nikoow - Given Thoughts (Original Mix) 08:10 120bpm 10B Noam Garcia, Diego Galloso, M-Sol DEEP - Sad Reality (Original Mix) 10:10 114bpm 9A Nohan - A New You (Flowers on Monday Extended Remix) 07:02 119bpm 6B Nohan - A New You (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 07:24 122bpm 6B Olive, Dallerium - How Do I Sleep Now feat. Olive (Extended) 04:13 124bpm 9A Ooshmann - Banh Mi La (Nino Amarillo Remix) 06:46 105bpm 11B Ooshmann - Banh Mi La (Original Mix) 08:11 122bpm 11B Ooshmann - Matuya (Alex Doering Remix) 07:06 120bpm 5A Ooshmann - Matuya (Andrew Shartner Remix) 06:02 105bpm 8B Ooshmann - Matuya (Catatonique Remix) 07:01 115bpm 1B Ooshmann - Matuya (Original Mix) 07:28 123bpm 5A Oscar P - Where Were U (Original Mix) 06:09 122bpm 10A Oscar P - Wheres The Dub (Original Mix) 06:09 122bpm 10B OVEOUS, QVLN - Queimar (Coflo Remix) 05:05 125bpm 11A OVEOUS, QVLN - Queimar (GUAPO (AO) Remix) 07:28 120bpm 6A OVEOUS, QVLN - Queimar (Javi Torres Remix) 03:55 126bpm 5A Pahua - Espantapájaros (Captain Planet Remix) 04:25 124bpm 4A Pansil - Cada Vez (Original Mix) 06:46 122bpm 10A PEATY - Diaspora (Original Mix) 08:39 122bpm 3A PEATY - Esodo (Original Mix) 06:50 124bpm 8A Peter Soul, Cafe De Anatolia - Conclusion (Original Mix) 09:01 94bpm 1A Peter Soul, Cafe De Anatolia - Evolution (Original Mix) 09:02 88bpm 3A Peter Soul, Cafe De Anatolia - Freedom (Original Mix) 09:09 112bpm 4A Peter Soul, Cafe De Anatolia - Liberation (Original Mix) 10:00 88bpm 2A Peter Soul, Cafe De Anatolia - The Beginning (Original Mix) 08:50 104bpm 5A Piccaya - Sedna (Elie Ô & Dolbytall Remix) 07:11 122bpm 8B Piccaya - Sedna (Original Mix) 06:16 155bpm 12B Pink Cat Empire, Chik - Chik - Gen (Original Mix) 06:14 116bpm 8B Pissi - Fa Fa Fa (Original Mix) 06:45 122bpm 11B Provenzano, Andrea Gulisano, Mathieu Ruz - Barranquilla (Instrumental Mix) 06:30 124bpm 7A Provenzano, Andrea Gulisano, Mathieu Ruz - Barranquilla (Original Mix) 06:30 124bpm 7A Putri Cinta - Euphoria (Dub Mix) 05:04 122bpm 7A QARAQOOM - Oasis (Original Mix) 05:45 120bpm 9B QARAQOOM, DeepWake - Memories (Original Mix) 05:33 110bpm 8A Rafael Aragon, mandruvá - Mandragora (AmuAmu Remix) 05:45 110bpm 7B Rafael Aragon, mandruvá - Mandragora (Breger & Timboletti Remix) 07:31 120bpm 3A Rafael Aragon, mandruvá - Mandragora (Ground Remix) 06:08 110bpm 8A Rafael Aragon, mandruvá - Mandragora (Original Mix) 05:57 110bpm 7B Rafael Aragon, mandruvá - Pássaro Cantor Autômato (Da Iguana Remix) 06:34 104bpm 7B Rafael Aragon, mandruvá - Pássaro Cantor Autômato (Miret Remix) 06:43 110bpm 7B Rafael Aragon, mandruvá - Pássaro Cantor Autômato (Original Mix) 05:26 104bpm 4A Ramy, Cafe De Anatolia - Desert Gold (Original Mix) 07:47 120bpm 6A Ramy, Cafe De Anatolia - Eternal Recurrence (Original Mix) 07:04 120bpm 6A Ramy, Cafe De Anatolia - Nomad (Original Mix) 05:08 114bpm 8B Ramy, Cafe De Anatolia - Out Like the Bedouin (Original Mix) 06:49 92bpm 10B Rapossa, Cafe De Anatolia - Savana (Original Mix) 08:08 115bpm 4B Realm Of House - Get it Good (Arawakan Drum Mix) 05:34 125bpm 6A Red Circle - Erol (Original Mix) 07:09 114bpm 5A Red Circle - Izidora (Original Mix) 06:53 116bpm 7B Riascode - Phase 2 (Ancestors) (Original Mix) 06:39 122bpm 12B Ricardo Criollo House - El Mar (Original Mix) 06:38 124bpm 7B Ricardo Reyna, Fernando Avila - La Cumbia (Original Mix) 05:30 124bpm 10B Roni Iron - Inside My Head (Extended Mix) 05:28 120bpm 7A Roni Iron - Inside My Head (T.Markakis Extended Remix) 07:17 121bpm 7A Salah Fafah, Enskyver - Amnay (Original Mix) 06:02 122bpm 5A Salah Fafah, Enskyver - River (Original Mix) 06:29 120bpm 2A Saliva Commandos - Phonk (Extended Mix) 06:22 125bpm 5A Saliva Commandos - Rapunzel (Extended Mix) 06:01 127bpm 12A Sebastien Leger - Kasiope (Original Mix) 07:46 120bpm 8A Sebastien Leger - Krackles (Original Mix) 09:51 121bpm 3B Shredder SA - Ancestral Telepathy (Original Mix) 06:29 120bpm 8B SHRI (IND) - Pirinska Kitka (Original Mix) 07:41 122bpm 10B Sides - Angi (Original Mix) 06:52 120bpm 2A Sides - Hima (Original Mix) 08:41 120bpm 8A Sides - Meru (Original Mix) 08:04 121bpm 12A Sima Ka Mthembu, Xingo & Malako - Mapula (Original Mix) 06:46 120bpm 7A Skeleton Army, Rockin Moroccin - Touch (Extended Mix) 07:22 122bpm 10B Sky White - Alien Soil (Original Mix) 06:22 123bpm 5B Sky White - Olha Você (Original Mix) 06:27 122bpm 12B Smalltown Collective - Missing (Extended Mix) 07:08 124bpm 4B Smalltown Collective - Missing (Manuel Moreno Remix) 07:23 122bpm 4B Smalltown Collective - You (Extended Mix) 07:08 122bpm 6B Soire - Breathless (Original Mix) 04:32 110bpm 2A Soire - Dahab (Original Mix) 05:36 120bpm 7A Soire - Deep Dreamz (Original Mix) 04:59 122bpm 2B Soire - This Life (Original Mix) 07:05 122bpm 6A Somelee - Adagio (At Dawn Remix) 05:17 122bpm 3A Somelee - Adagio (Original Mix) 07:38 122bpm 3A Somelee - Adagio (Taylan Remix) 06:52 124bpm 9B Soul Star, Vincent Voort, Afriindi - Hard Time Lover (Extended Edit) 07:16 122bpm 3A St.Ego - Moonwalk (Original Mix) 06:19 122bpm 11B Stefan Obermaier, Cafe De Anatolia - Vibhu (Original Mix) 08:04 121bpm 8A Sunar - Desert Rose (Extended Mix) 07:40 121bpm 1A Sunar - Desert Rose (Molac Remix) 06:55 123bpm 1A Sunup Musiq, Nozipho Mbili, Xtrovet-Dj - Masibambaneni (Original Mix) 07:12 120bpm 5A Supermode, James Carter - Tell Me Why (James Carter Extended Remix) 03:37 124bpm 10A The Guetto Squad - Afro From Petare (AFRONAUTAS Remix) 06:17 124bpm 10A The Soul Brothers - Amor (Original Mix) 07:13 124bpm 8A the YONA - Maybe I Should Change (Original Mix) 07:17 123bpm 2A Tibetania, Bahri Bekil - East & West (Original Mix) 04:31 78bpm 9A Tibetania, Chris Goa - Evolve feat. Karmanand (Original Mix) 07:35 87bpm 4A Tibetania, Chris Goa - Evolve feat. Karmanand (Sans Voix Mix) 06:19 132bpm 4A Tibetania, Kaiotto - Zubu (Original Mix) 07:51 121bpm 8B Tibetania, Nada Com Nada - The Seeker (Original Mix) 05:18 91bpm 4B Tim Green, Dulus - Silver Fade (Original Mix) 08:41 122bpm 8A Tlazohtla - Conjuro (Original Mix) 06:03 76bpm 9A Tommy Farrow, Arodes - Let's Just (Arodes Remix) 06:03 123bpm 6A Toni, Muzari - Get This Feeling (Instrumental Mix) 06:30 118bpm 4A Toni, Muzari - Get This Feeling (Original Mix) 06:30 118bpm 4A Touzani - Dhermi (Extended Mix) 06:21 120bpm 9A T-Puse, Lev Tatarov - Nobody Knows feat. Rufus (NL) (Original Mix) 05:54 158bpm 9A T-Puse, Lev Tatarov - Nobody Knows feat. Rufus (NL) (The Oddness Remix) 07:15 112bpm 9A T-Puse, Lev Tatarov - So Much Love feat. Katty Heath (Original Mix) 06:25 95bpm 9A T-Puse, Lev Tatarov - So Much Love feat. Katty Heath (Rapossa Remix) 08:58 115bpm 9B Trippin Jaguar, Mara Tieles - Turia feat. Mara Tieles (Original Mix) 05:33 100bpm 8A Tryger - Youth feat. Natalie Exland (Extended Mix) 07:02 124bpm 6A Tryger - Youth feat. Natalie Exland (Max Effe Extended Remix) 07:29 122bpm 6A Tryger - Youth feat. Natalie Exland (Savin Extended Remix) 06:13 124bpm 9B Tswex Malabola & Mouzai - The Light (Original Mix) 07:15 118bpm 10A Tswex Malabola, Mouzai - The Light (Dark Mix) 06:46 118bpm 10A Tswex Malabola, Mouzai - The Light (Deeper Mix) 07:07 118bpm 10A Tuba Twooz - Gotta Be A Freak (Original Mix) 07:31 119bpm 4A Tuba Twooz - Night Tribe (Original Mix) 06:34 115bpm 9B Tusso, Jefer Maquin - Que Sera (Original Mix) 06:01 124bpm 8B Valeron, Aaron Sevilla, Carlos Tadros - La Vida (Original Mix) 06:21 123bpm 6A Vasco C, Cafe De Anatolia - Indian Alt (Original Mix) 05:40 120bpm 8B white flamingo, Alacrán del Amor - Ryujin (Bām̐dara Remix) 07:15 100bpm 11B white flamingo, Alacrán del Amor - Ryujin (Mikhail Catan Remix) 06:10 107bpm 11B white flamingo, Alacrán del Amor - Ryujin (Original Mix) 06:00 96bpm 11B white flamingo, Alacrán del Amor - Ryujin (Ramazan Kahraman Remix) 07:01 96bpm 11B Wilgenis Vergara, Massianello, Call me Juana - Hace Calor (Original Mix) 05:29 124bpm 9B Xewst - Stengere (Soulis Sarris Rework) 06:09 122bpm 9B YAROKI - CoD 503 (Original Mix) 07:40 121bpm 1B Yaw Appiah - Gluten (Original Mix) 06:53 122bpm 8A Yaw Appiah - Into the Times (Original Mix) 07:39 121bpm 1A Yves Eaux, Rehatta - Open the Doors (AkpaLa Remix) 07:16 120bpm 5B Yves Eaux, Rehatta - Open the Doors (Original Mix) 07:27 120bpm 5B Zumzumbang, Junior Ben - Kangchenjunga (P A N Remix) 06:27 122bpm 10B 
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 14:04 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Joe Slidin' by Julia Claire & Crooked Media (03/19/24)

"Doesn't the buck stop with you?" - Don Lemon asking Elon Musk to take responsibility for his own company’s failures, illustrating why Elon never wanted the interview to air

Campaign And Gain

President Biden is somehow still polling behind disgraced former president Donald Trump in most pivotal swing states. The Democratic nominee has a lot of work to do if he wants to remain at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue next year.
Donald Trump, of course, does not care in the slightest about the plight of the average renter or homebuyer, being that he literally inherited and presided over a commercial real estate company for decades. But as with other priorities for American voters, Biden needs to clearly differentiate himself from his opponent in the eyes of voters.
Leading climate organization the League of Conservation Voters announced a pledge of $120 million to Biden’s campaign, bringing the total expected pro-Biden spending from outside groups this year to about $1 billion. Biden is expected to raise and spend $2 billion as part of his reelection campaign. Donald Trump is struggling to raise funds, but that far from assures his defeat (Amy McGrath, anyone?). Biden will need to throw every piece of spaghetti at the wall until something sticks, because the other guy certainly isn’t playing by the rules and looks increasingly poised to win.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

Yesterday on Strict Scrutiny, hosts Leah, Melissa, and Katie dug into arguments from two conservative states who assert that fake news on social media is protected under the first amendment. Try explaining that to a founding father! They also previewed the mifepristone case that the Court will hear next week, though nothing can ever really prepare us for hearing a bunch of old Catholics talk about women’s healthcare. Make sure to listen and follow Strict Scrutiny on Amazon Music so you never miss an episode.

Under The Radar

With no end in sight to Israel’s war in Gaza, it’s important to look ahead to what the conflict could look like in a potential second Trump presidency. Trump’s son-in-law and former senior White House adviser Jared Kushner (does anyone know if he succeeded in bringing peace to the Middle East?) In an interview at Harvard on March 8, Kushner, a former property dealer, praised the potential of “Gaza’s waterfront property,” which he said “could be very valuable…if people would focus on building up livelihoods.” He continued: “It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up.” He then went on to say he would “just bulldoze something in the Negev”—a desert region in southern Israel—and would “try to move people in there.” What he described sure sounds an awful lot like ethnic cleansing! When asked whether he supports a two-state solution, or Palestinians having their own state, Kushner called it “a super bad idea,” that would, he said, “essentially be rewarding an act of terror,” implicating all Palestinians for the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7.

What Else?

The Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that it will allow Texas (for now) to enforce a brutal immigration law expanding the powers of local police to arrest suspected migrants. The law can now go into effect while litigation continues in the lower courts, and could still be blocked at a later date.
Canadian foreign affairs minister Mélanie Joly announced on Tuesday that Canada will halt future arms shipments to Israel following a nonbinding vote in the nation’s parliament late Monday. The coalition that supported the resolution to stop arms sales cited frustration with what they see as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s failure to sufficiently protect civilians in Gaza.
The grifters du jour over at No Labels are pressing ahead with a third-party presidential bid despite having no candidate to run. More than a dozen prominent potential candidates have said no to the group, which is gorgeous. No Labels, No Candidate, No Problem!
Trump-appointed federal judge Aileen Canon issued an unusual order late on Monday in which she told lawyers to file proposed jury instructions by April 2 on topics related to defense motions to have Trump’s indictment for classified documents dismissed outright—even though she has not yet ruled on when the trial will be held.
Speaking of Trump, he sued ABC News and George Stephanopoulous on Monday for defamation over the latter’s questioning of Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) about her endorsement of the former president. Mace is a rape survivor, and she accused Stephanopoulos of trying to “shame” her by asking why she would endorse Trump given his verdicts related to E. Jean Carroll’s sexual battery and defamation lawsuits.
Moving on to a different Trump legal matter, attorneys for his co-defendants in the Fulton County election interference case are asking a Superior Court judge to let them appeal his decision to allow District Attorney Fani Willis to continue leading the prosecution.
Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) said in an interview with Pod Save America that she regrets calling the recent California Senate primary “rigged” after losing the contest to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who received a huge war chest of mega-donor money.
Disgraced former president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro was indicted Tuesday over accusations that he falsified his personal COVID-19 vaccine records.
Trump-backed businessman Bernie Moreno is projected to win the Ohio GOP Senate primary, beating the establishment candidate State Sen. Matt Dolan (R-OH) who was endorsed by Gov. Mike DeWine (R-OH).
Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) says he will not support Donald Trump for president. Welcome to the club, you goofy-ass Hoosier.

What In The World?

Back in January, two members of an Al Jazeera crew—Hamza Dahdouh and drone operator Mustafa Thuraya—were killed, along with their driver, and two other journalists were seriously wounded. The following day, the Israel Defense Forces said it had “identified and struck a terrorist who operated an aircraft that posed a threat to IDF troops,” and then two days after that, the IDF stated that both journalists killed actually belonged to militant groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. But a new report in the Washington Post calls those claims into question. The Post obtained and reviewed footage from Thuraya’s drone—a device commonly used by journalists to capture images and footage in dangerous areas, the kind anyone could purchase at Best Buy—and found that no IDF soldiers, aircrafts, or other military equipment are visible in the footage taken that day. The Post also found no indications that either man was anything other than a journalist, as both passed through Israeli checkpoints, and Dahdouh had even been approved to leave Gaza, a privilege which would not have been granted to a known militant. The Post’s exhaustive report now raises questions about whether the journalists may have been targeted for simply operating a drone. In response to multiple inquiries and detailed questions from The Post, the IDF said: “We have nothing further to add.” Ninety journalists and other media workers have been killed in Gaza since October 7, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

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Light At The End Of The Email

The Montana Supreme Court on Monday overruled the state attorney general’s January decision that a ballot initiative to explicitly protect abortion in the state constitution is “legally insufficient,” meaning the ballot proposal can proceed!
Former Trump aide Peter Navarro reported to federal prison in Miami on Tuesday, becoming the first former White House official to be imprisoned for contempt of Congress. “The very best people!”
A new poll from Florida Atlantic University found that Americans who voted for president Biden and Democrats are happier than people who voted for Trump. Turns out that not having a permanent, frothing contempt for your fellow man really does a lot for your mood.


No Context Brits on Twitter: "Next they will say this photo was edited."
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 13:47 questison Here's what kind of "and it's only Monday" that we're having • Trump can't come up with his half a billion dollar bond • Convicted criminal Paul Manafort working his way towards a Trump campaign job • Chief Justice Roberts told Peter Navarro to go straight to jail

Here's what kind of
Here's what kind of "and it's only Monday" that we're having
• Trump can't come up with his half a billion dollar bond
• Convicted criminal Paul Manafort working his way towards a Trump campaign job
• Chief Justice Roberts told Peter Navarro to go straight to jail
• Stefanie Lambert, Trump's MI election fruad lawyer was arresred in DC today
• The first insurrectionist to have worked for Congress AFTER January 6th was arrested. Zeldin and Gosar should be afraid.
• There's now video of insurrectionists bringing the gallows to the Capitol early on 1/6
• Judge Cannon can't understand the Presidential Records Act
• Judge Merchan ruled that Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen can testify in Trump's NY criminal trial but prosecutors cant show the genital grabbing tape
• More fake Kate Middleton pics/video were made public so we'll likely never see her alive again
submitted by questison to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 22:03 EscapingKid PUBG Americas Series 3 - Event Guide

PUBG Americas Series 3 is the premier regional series for the Americas in the first half of the competitive season.
New to PUBG Esports? Check out the Esports Guide to learn all about it.

Useful Links

Official Page Esports Guide - Regional Series Liquipedia - PAS 3 Twire - Leaderboards Twire - Matches


Here are all of the stages of the event.
Group Stage:
Last Chance:
Grand Finals:
PAS 3 is played on patch 28.1 with v5.0.0 of SUPER.
The event has a $50,000 prize pool.

Road to PGS & PGC

The top 3 non-Global Partner Teams on the final PAS 3 leaderboard will qualify directly to PGS 3 and 4.
By placing well in the Grand Finals of PAS 3, teams can earn PGC Points which will earn them qualification slots at the PUBG Global Championship at the end of the year.
PAS 3 is the first of three regional events in the Americas to award PGC Points this year.
Here is the PGC Point distribution for this event:
Rank Points Rank Points
#1 300 #9 80
#2 210 #10 70
#3 185 #11 60
#4 160 #12 50
#5 135 #13 40
#6 110 #14 30
#7 100 #15 20
#8 90 #16 10


Here are all of the participating teams, their rosters, qualification routes, and Group Stage groups.
4NATION 55 E-Sports Aces Crew Also Known As
NA Qualifier SA Qualifier NA Qualifier SA Qualifier
Group A Group C Group B Group A
DANGYO slabyy dan1mon L1P7
itsZeiko ZxLopes f1nna Luizeer4
Maffooo glock J4M nahnouh
TheSpectro ps1co Zealot Rafex
BESTIA Bonde do Galo Elevate Future
Invited SA Qualifier Invited SA Qualifier
Group C Group A Group B Group B
SzylzEN HazeteN Shinboi FROGMAN1
Dr4FTk1NG s3xylts Poonage Shapp2k
PIPAA Paidim Vegas terezoca4ever
Sharpshot AndrewTD Balefrost samcrofps
C: TecTH0R HGfps
Gascans Gatos Chicos Legacy Luna Galaxy
NA Qualifier NA Qualifier Invited Invited
Group B Group B Group B Group A
Adam HUGHLIGAN guizeraa Fakezin
Pentalol Justus lfp1 Haven
RichyB KEEGAN rbN v1n1
Vox REFRAY vhz zkrakeN
Mercy Gaming Not A Hobby Old Guard PanelaGood
NA Qualifier NA Qualifier SA Qualifier SA Qualifier
Group A Group C Group C Group C
Luciid Arsson Killdemo SonycX
pwddddddddd Baccmonster NecroAQN Warlockk_1
SAyFoo Quicks hiagguin AbsTDaryl
SneakAttack ZulMox kyshenn Srlutinhoo
Pichau Gaming RATZ Shoot To Kill Synergy Esports
Invited NA Qualifier NA Qualifier SA Qualifier
Group B Group C Group C Group A
Netenho Chun aLOW FaKe
Ykuz gats luke12 mArtins4n
santa GRANTLANTIS Purdy Kalniixx
bielmtcalmo DaSpoon sparkingg Sukehiro
C: and1FPS C: woo1y
Soniqs Spacestation Gaming SPAM Team Falcons
Invited Invited SA Qualifier Invited
Group A Group A Group B Group C
hwinn PaG3 gebeeri Fludd
Kickstart PiXeL1K Rds149 M1ME
Shrimzy Roth pheroz Relo
TGLTN CowBoi KeramTMz Snakers
C: GUNNER C: go_bang C: Trevor


PAS 3 takes place from March 15th to April 7th.
Group Stage:
Last Chance:
Grand Finals:
Group Stage and Last Chance stages begin at 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT / 11pm GMT / +1 00:00 CET.
Grand Finals stage begins at 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT / +1 12am BST / +1 01:00 CEST.


Meet the folks bringing you all the action on the English broadcast!


Here's where you can watch the tournament:

Subreddit Resources

Know exactly when each day of the tournament is by keeping an eye on our Upcoming Tournaments calendar! Check out the sidebar of CompetitivePUBG and PUBATTLEGROUNDS.
Discuss the current tournament day and find all necessary information in our daily discussion threads posted on CompetitivePUBG during the tournament!
Support your favorite team by setting a user flair! Click the "edit user flair" button on the CompetitivePUBG subreddit sidebar.
submitted by EscapingKid to PUBATTLEGROUNDS [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 22:01 CompetitivePUBG PUBG Americas Series 3 - Event Guide

PUBG Americas Series 3 is the premier regional series for the Americas in the first half of the competitive season.
New to PUBG Esports? Check out the Esports Guide to learn all about it.

Useful Links

Official Page Esports Guide - Regional Series Liquipedia - PAS 3 Twire - Leaderboards Twire - Matches


Here are all of the stages of the event.
Group Stage:
Last Chance:
Grand Finals:
PAS 3 is played on patch 28.1 with v5.0.0 of SUPER.
The event has a $50,000 prize pool.

Road to PGS & PGC

The top 3 non-Global Partner Teams on the final PAS 3 leaderboard will qualify directly to PGS 3 and 4.
By placing well in the Grand Finals of PAS 3, teams can earn PGC Points which will earn them qualification slots at the PUBG Global Championship at the end of the year.
PAS 3 is the first of three regional events in the Americas to award PGC Points this year.
Here is the PGC Point distribution for this event:
Rank Points Rank Points
#1 300 #9 80
#2 210 #10 70
#3 185 #11 60
#4 160 #12 50
#5 135 #13 40
#6 110 #14 30
#7 100 #15 20
#8 90 #16 10


Here are all of the participating teams, their rosters, qualification routes, and Group Stage groups.
4NATION 55 E-Sports Aces Crew Also Known As
NA Qualifier SA Qualifier NA Qualifier SA Qualifier
Group A Group C Group B Group A
DANGYO slabyy dan1mon L1P7
itsZeiko ZxLopes f1nna Luizeer4
Maffooo glock J4M nahnouh
TheSpectro ps1co Zealot Rafex
BESTIA Bonde do Galo Elevate Future
Invited SA Qualifier Invited SA Qualifier
Group C Group A Group B Group B
SzylzEN HazeteN Shinboi FROGMAN1
Dr4FTk1NG s3xylts Poonage Shapp2k
PIPAA Paidim Vegas terezoca4ever
Sharpshot AndrewTD Balefrost samcrofps
C: TecTH0R HGfps
Gascans Gatos Chicos Legacy Luna Galaxy
NA Qualifier NA Qualifier Invited Invited
Group B Group B Group B Group A
Adam HUGHLIGAN guizeraa Fakezin
Pentalol Justus lfp1 Haven
RichyB KEEGAN rbN v1n1
Vox REFRAY vhz zkrakeN
Mercy Gaming Not A Hobby Old Guard PanelaGood
NA Qualifier NA Qualifier SA Qualifier SA Qualifier
Group A Group C Group C Group C
Luciid Arsson Killdemo SonycX
pwddddddddd Baccmonster NecroAQN Warlockk_1
SAyFoo Quicks hiagguin AbsTDaryl
SneakAttack ZulMox kyshenn Srlutinhoo
Pichau Gaming RATZ Shoot To Kill Synergy Esports
Invited NA Qualifier NA Qualifier SA Qualifier
Group B Group C Group C Group A
Netenho Chun aLOW FaKe
Ykuz gats luke12 mArtins4n
santa GRANTLANTIS Purdy Kalniixx
bielmtcalmo DaSpoon sparkingg Sukehiro
C: and1FPS C: woo1y
Soniqs Spacestation Gaming SPAM Team Falcons
Invited Invited SA Qualifier Invited
Group A Group A Group B Group C
hwinn PaG3 gebeeri Fludd
Kickstart PiXeL1K Rds149 M1ME
Shrimzy Roth pheroz Relo
TGLTN CowBoi KeramTMz Snakers
C: GUNNER C: go_bang C: Trevor


PAS 3 takes place from March 15th to April 7th.
Group Stage:
Last Chance:
Grand Finals:
Group Stage and Last Chance stages begin at 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT / 11pm GMT / +1 00:00 CET.
Grand Finals stage begins at 4pm PDT / 7pm EDT / +1 12am BST / +1 01:00 CEST.


Meet the folks bringing you all the action on the English broadcast!


Here's where you can watch the tournament:

Subreddit Resources

Know exactly when each day of the tournament is by keeping an eye on our Upcoming Tournaments calendar! Check out the sidebar of CompetitivePUBG and PUBATTLEGROUNDS.
Discuss the current tournament day and find all necessary information in our daily discussion threads posted on CompetitivePUBG during the tournament!
Support your favorite team by setting a user flair! Click the "edit user flair" button on the CompetitivePUBG subreddit sidebar.
submitted by CompetitivePUBG to CompetitivePUBG [link] [comments]