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[UK] Upward Bullying and Grievance

2024.06.01 13:35 barefootinjandals [UK] Upward Bullying and Grievance

Hi, I wanted to know what my rights are and what options I have available to me for the below situation. I've only been in this job for 6 months and am currently off work with stress (my GP has signed me off for a month).
I started a new job in January this year. Before I started I was made aware that one of my direct reports. let's call them Bob, had unsuccessfully applied for my role and would I be happy to coach them to help them should any other senior roles became available. Which I was and did! Bob didn't want to be coached by me.
My second day in my new job and Bob is notably not happy. There's atmosphere but I don't feel it's directed towards me as they are also cold towards others. In contrast, they happily chat away to two of their colleagues, who I later discovered are a clique.
We have our first team meeting, during which I wanted to discuss how the team work so I can get a feeling of the team culture. One of the questions I ask is how do they inform each other their location; working from home, in the office, sick, holiday, training, etc, is there a team calendar? I'm told they don't, so I show them a location tracker that was used in my previous job. Bob speaks up and says they think I am a micromanager and it's no business of mine where the team are. My response is that I'm sorry Bob feels that way but as a manager I do need know where my team are. Bob continues on this 'micromanaging' trajectory and says the person they will inform is Sue because Sue won't come into the office if Bob is not there. I ask the rest for their opinions, they all put their heads down and say nothing; Bob says they're speaking for the team. I assertively interrupt Bob and move on to a different subject, which is also not well received by Bob.
I was shaken by Bob's behaviour during the team meeting but I thought it through and decided that perhaps it was the way I approached the subject. I set-up in-person 1:2:1s with my team, and mention to Bob that I would discuss what happen during the team meeting to gain an understanding of how they felt it went and to discuss their ideas. Bob refuses to meet with me, to which I remind them that it is important that we have 1:2:1s and that we discuss what happened in the team meeting as from a new manager's perspective I want to learn if I could have handled the subject better; if it made Bob feel comfortable we could have the meeting away from the workplace, in a nearby cafe. Bob replies that I am harassing them, could I please leave them alone. I eventually convince Bob to talk to me, but it's on-line only (I'm in a private meeting room, Bob's at home). Bob denies they called me a micromanager, however, when pressed they suddenly remember that I am a micromanager and call me some unsavoury names. Before I have a chance to retort, Bob says they want to move on from all this and could we start again. I agree to. I don't want this hassle during my first week.
Shortly after my meeting with Bob, my manager asks if everything is okay. When I say everything is, they say that's not what they've heard, could we have a private chat. I tell them about the micromanaging accusations and the name calling. They're appalled and state that they have also had similar problems with Bob, as has others, so it's off to HR we go. HR's advice is not to take formal action but to keep a diary of events, which I start doing.
Bob's behaviour doesn't improve, they don't follow my instructions and everything I say is because I'm out to get them. There was one incident whereby Bob wanted to take time off just before a big project deadline was due. I ask how they were getting on with the project and were they on track to meet the deadline. I get no response. I state that I can't approve any leave until I'm satisfied that the deadline will be met because the deadline cannot be moved. Bob says that our dept director approved their leave. I say, that's fine and I will speak to the director. No response from Bob. I instead speak to my line manager who agrees, no leave until they can prove that they are on track with the deadline ahead of schedule. I report this back to Bob, no response.
The next day I'm called into HR, Bob has raised a formal complaint against me. HR have told Bob that they have no grounds to raise a formal grievance as I am within my right to decline leave for the reason I gave but recognise there are issues with our working relationship therefore they would like explore mediation. Bob initially refuses the mediation. In the meantime, I discover that Bob has been having regular meetings with my line manager to gain clarification on my instructions and to complain about me. They started to going HR when my manager refused to take their complaints further. Not once did Bob ask me to clarify anything nor did they raise any issues with me.
We eventually have the mediation, during which Bob reads out a statement which was an attack on my personality and there was very little about our working relationship. During the statement Bob states that no-one in the organisation likes me as they see me as problematic and I have created an unsafe environment for all to work in (there are 1000+ staff - so I know this isn't true). I'm a liar and I'm not to be trusted. Bob is scared of me because they've seen what I am capable of and are scared I will turn violent. Bob has had to take over management of the team because of my actions. Again, not true.
I leave the mediation visibly upset, my colleagues show concern and my manager clears their calendar for the afternoon. I'm sent home and HR contacts me as my manager has said I may want to raise a grievance. HR advise I can't raise anything based on the mediation nor can I discuss what happened in the mediation with anyone, including my line manager (which I already have but they kindly chose to ignore this), but I can regarding the alleged malicious complaints and upward bullying. So, I do.
Bob raises a counter grievance, which I expect they would. In their grievance, Bob included what I allegedly said in the mediation, what others (their clique) has said about me, and also raises my health issues. Bob says I only disclosed my health issues because I wanted to gaslight and control the team. My health issues are/were; I'm going through the peri-menopause and was experiencing adverse side-effects with the HRT I was prescribed; I experienced heavy bleeding to the point I couldn't leave my home. Just as I was starting this job, my GP changed my prescription which would eventually stop the heavy bleeding but it brought on vertigo attacks. As a result I needed to work from home most days and thought it was best to explain to my team why. Prior to doing so, I referred to company policy, spoke to my line manager, and referred to ACAS's advice on disclosing menopause to staff. I'm now fine, the side-effects are no more.
It's this counter-grievance which is worrying me, why is Bob able to use:
Following the union's advice I have pushed back on point one with HR. HR have said they would add my concerns to the grievance. Please note that the union are unable to formally help me because my membership started after the first complaint which lead to the grievances.
I'm also worried about my sick leave, a month is a long time and I am still my probation. But I can't work, I'm paranoid that people do hate me plus if I do go to work that Bob will find more things to complain about - honestly, I get a new complaint every week, even when I was holiday I offended Bob. I can't deal with the constant complaints, they've taken over my working life. I've spoken the Occupational Health nurse and they've reassured me that the best place for me is home to recover, at this time they wouldn't agree for me to return to work before the sick note expires.
While I'm awaiting the outcome of both grievances, what should I be considering? I know that in the UK I have limit rights as I've only been in the job for 5 months, but is there something I can consider? Or should I just wait for the outcome and deal with it then?
Thank you
submitted by barefootinjandals to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:25 GlZM0O AWS Batch + EventBridge

Hi, I have AWS Batch with ECR image in it, created job definition, job queue just everything that is needed to work. To make it clear it's a job that fetches data from steam in chunks for about an hour because of the steam api constraints, then creates json file. I wanted to make a cron job out of it using AWS EventBridge, I set up the scheduler to be running everyday at 8 am. and I chose the SubmitJob target and provided JSON data. Now the problem is when I create the job by hand, it's logging out the chunks correctly (0-100, 101-200, 201-300... up to the end), but when it is scheduled by EventBridge it logs out 0-100 then the job end. What should I do?
submitted by GlZM0O to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st
Disclaimer: Some of these events have unknown June dates. They are identified with a '*'
1974- The Jacksons play their 6th of seven nights at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada
1977\* - The Jackson go back to Sigma Sound Studios in Philidalphia to record their new album, Goin' Places, with Gamble & Huff
1978\* - The Jacksons record the Destiny album in Los Angeles after recording song demos at their Hayvenhurst home studio
1979 - The Jackson perform at Milwaukee County Stadium (closed- 2000) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on their Destiny tour
1979 - (June 1 -3) Michael, Quincy Jones & Bruce Swedien complete the recording & mixing of the Off The Wall album Westlake Studios in Los Angeles.
1979* - The Jacksons start recording the Triumph Album.
1982\* - Michael would come across a studio demo produced by John Barnes and request a meeting.
In an interview with The MJCast podcast, John recalled their first meeting:
“Michael said I heard you can make your own sounds and play them. How many sounds can you make? And, I responded, ‘How much time do you have?’”
The meeting lasted a few hours and was the beginning of a friendship and musical partnership with Barnes being hired as a core member of Michael Jackson’s team. Their partnership would continue until Michael's passing in 2009
1984* - Michael meets with other supporters of Camp Good Times, a non-profit organization founded by parents of children with cancer, in Malibu such as OJ Simpson, Dustin Hoffman, David Soul, Neil Diamond & Richard Chamberlain
The first Camp Goodtimes event would be held in Vashon Island at Camp Sealth in August of 1984. Ninety-three children, cancer patients and siblings attended and twenty-five American Cancer Society volunteers, who staffed the camp along with the summer staff at Camp Sealth
1985\* - Michael starts rehearsing for an upcoming 3D science fiction musical short film named Captain EO to be shown exclusively at Disneyland and Disney World. Francis Ford Coppola will direct and George Lucas will produce the film
1986\*- Michael & Corey Feldman go to Disneyland . Michael is seen for the 1st time wearing a surgical mask in public
In Moonwalk, he says he was initially given a mask by a dentist to keep germs out after having his wisdom teeth pulled
1987\* - Michael shoots the “The Way You Make Me Feel” short film at Skid Row, Los Angeles. It was directed by Joe Pytka and choreographed by Vincent Paterson & Michael. It featured Tatiana Thumbtzen & Latoya Jackson
1988\* - Michael Jackson : The Legend Continues is released on home video.
1988 - Michael sets another record as the first artist ever to have three albums with US sales of more than six million copies each as Bad & Off The Wall were both certified 6x platinum by the RIAA
1989\- Michael goes back to Westlake studio with Matt Forger and Bill Bottrell. He meets Brad Buxer who will work with him until 2008. Together they work on new songs for a compilation named *DECADE 1979-1989
Quincy Jones is not part of this project. "Black Or White" and "Heal The World" are among the first songs worked on.
1991 - David Ruffin, a member of The Temptations, dies of a drug overdose
It was found that Ruffin was peniniless and Jackson contacted Swanson Funeral Home in Detroit to make arrangements to cover a large portion of the June 10th funeral costs. He also sends a heart-shaped arrangement of carnations to the New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit with the note, "With Love, from Michael Jackson"
Jackson was a big admirer of The Temptations. He would not attend the funeral ceremony to not divert attention from it (it was however reported that he did attend but in disguise)
1991\* - The Sun publishes leaked pictures from a photo session of Michael by Herb Ritts. It had been rumored that multiple photographers were battling in out to shoot Michael's new video & album cover. Steve Meisel, Bruce Weber and Herb Ritts had been in the running to give Michael a new "sexier" look
1991* - Michael enlists the help of producers L.A Reid & Babyface for his new album, which deeply upsets Jermaine who is also working with them.
Jermaine is quoted in the tabloids as saying:
"I could have been Michael. It's all a matter of timing, a matter of luck"
1992*- Michael rehearses for his new tour & shoot the video for “Who Is It”
1994\* - This summer Heal The World Foundation, in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District, "I Have A Dream Foundation", "Best Buddies", "Overcoming Obstacles" & "California One To One", provide 2000 children with tickets to see Janet Jackson, the L.A. Laker Jam and The Beach Boys in concert
1995\* - Issue #2 of History Magazine reveals that Travis Thomas, a 5-year old boy who suffers from cystic fibrosis, wished to meet Michael.
“One evening, we were watching TV and Travis hadn’t eaten for a couple of days. He was on TV”, the boy's mother recalls, “and we came across the American Music Awards and Michael Jackson… Travis sat up and wanted to eat… He said, ‘I love Michael Jackson, Mama!”
His wish comes true in June through Jackson and the Make A Wish Foundation.Travis and his family, along with 20 other seriously ill children, spent a weekend at Neverland Ranch and were allowed to roam around the compound’s private amusement park.
Travis’ mother:
“The love this man has on his face when he is with these special children is unbelievable. He is one of the kindest and most gentle men I have ever met"
1999 - Michael cancels his participation in the Pavarotti & Friends Charity Concert in Modena, scheduled for tonight.
Jonathan Morrish of Sony Music issues a statement informing the media, that Michael will not be performing due to the illness of his son, Prince:
"Prince suffered a seizure early Saturday due to a high temperature. This is the third seizure over the last year"
He added that the concert meant so much to Michael but,
"he is an artist like the others, but also a parent"
and that he waited until the last moment to cancel because he was still hopeful about making it. Michael is reportedly constantly at Prince's bedside
2000\* - Concert promoter,Marcel Avram, sues Michael for breach of contract for the Millenium Concerts and asks for $21 million
2001\* - Michael hires Marc Schaffel and they create a new company,Neverland Valley Entertainment, with a common bank account.
2004\* - Randy Jackson fires Bob Jones, vice president of MJJ Productions since 1987, after discovering that he is writing a tell all book on Michael. He also stops paying Marc Schaffel.
2005 - Trial Day 64
Michael goes to court with Katherine, Joe & Randy. Judge Melville gives the Jury the rules of Jury Deliberations
2005\* - Michael allows visits from fans inside his home while awaiting the verdict. They're impressed by his generosity given the circumstances
2007 - A glittery jacket once worn onstage by Michael, his MTV Music Award for "We Are The World", as well as gold discs for his album Off the Wall and the Jackson 5 single "I Want You Back", all sell at an auction in the Hard Rock Café in Las Vegas, Nevada. The total raised from the sale of Michael related artifacts at the auction is reported as $1-$2million
Michael's bullet proof vest
Sculptural prototypes from the movies E.T. & Alien
2007\* - Michael, Grace and the kids leave their Las Vegas house and fly to Middleburg, Virginia. They check into the Goodstone Inn, a 640-acre estate of open pastures, for a summer vacation. They are welcomed by Raymone Bain.
2007\* - Michael “Brother Michael” Amir Williams is hired as Michael’s new assistant.
2008\* - Michael and producer Neff-U start working on songs at 'Thriller Villa', his 2710 Palomino Lane home, in Las Vegas. They work on a new version of “A Place With No Name”.
2008\* - Late in the month, Michael's duet with Akon, "Hold My Hand" is leaked online. Michael is devastated
Longtime recording engineer, Michael Prince, who was working with Jackson at the time “Hold My Hand” leaked, recalls:
“He was truly upset when the song he did with Akon leaked. He would just get this sad look on his face like, how could this happen? Because 20 years ago this would not have happened. And somehow everybody in the world has a copy of it. And that really upset him because he liked that song a lot.”
Akon gave a detailed account of the events surrounding the leak during an appearance on Tavis Smiley’s PBS television show in January 2009:
“Me and Mike did this incredible record called Hold My Hand and the record is amazing. Phenomenal. And the concept was that this would be Mike’s first release off of his new album, and then I would stripe it on my album – on my following release. That way we could have the outlets open for everyone to be able to receive the record. You know, Mike came up with this brilliant marketing launch for the record. You know, he’s the best at launching a record.”
Akon continues:
“He’d have the whole world paying attention in two minutes… And before we could get to that point, the record got leaked over the internet. And we got over 15 million downloads on the song for free. So we couldn’t [release it]. You can’t at that point. Everybody already has the record. But in a way, you gotta look at it like… that’s just a gift to the fans.”
2008\* - (Late June) Michael hires Dr Thome Thome as his new manager and president of MJJ Productions. As a result of a financial reorganiation of the Neverland Valley Ranch, all of Michael’s personal belongings have to be removed from the property. Dr Tohme contacts Darren Julien of Julien’s Auction House
2009 - The This Is It team leaves Center Staging for a bigger place : The Forum in Inglewood, California.
2009 - (June 1-11) At Culver Studios in Culver City, Michael shoots “The Dome” Project which consists of seven works:
  • “Smooth Criminal” (Jackson inserted into classic 2D black-and-white film noir chase sequence)
  • “Thriller” (3-D movie starting in a haunted house with a ghostly image of Vincent Price, then moving into a graveyard where the dead awaken)
  • “Earth Song” (3D short film featuring little girl who wanders through rain forest, takes a nap and dreams of the splendor of nature, and awakens to find the natural world has been devastated)
  • “They Don’t Care About Us” (a/k/a Drill, 2D film in which a sea of soldiers march in unison; 10 male dancers replicated hundreds of times)
  • “MJ Air” (3-D movie in which a 707 jet pulls into the frame; hole was to open in screen for Michael Jackson to enter; jet flies away)
  • “The Final Message” (3-D movie of a little girl from rain forest embracing the earth)
  • “The Way You Make Me Feel” (2D theatrical background featuring male dancers fashioned as historical construction workers.
2009 - Michael goes to Dr Klein’s in Berverly Hills with Blanket.
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:51 Sinfolix_Tech_Pune Sinfolix Technologies content on Twitter marketing

For Sinfolix Technologies Twitter marketing content, you'll want to focus on engaging, informative, and visually appealing posts that highlight the company's expertise, services, and value proposition. Here's a suggested outline for Twitter marketing content:
  1. Engaging Posts:
· Pose questions to spark interaction with followers.
· Use polls to gather feedback or opinions from your audience.
· Share interesting facts or statistics related to technology or your industry.
  1. Informative Content:
· Share blog posts, articles, or whitepapers written by Sinfolix Technologies experts.
· Offer tips, tricks, or best practices related to technology solutions.
· Highlight case studies or success stories showcasing the results achieved by Sinfolix Technologies clients.
  1. Visual Appeal:
·Use eye-catching images, infographics, or videos to accompany your tweets.
·Incorporate branded visuals to maintain consistency and increase brand recognition.
.Utilize GIFs or memes when appropriate to add humor or personality to your tweets.
  1. Promotional Content:
·Announce new products, services, or features offered by Sinfolix Technologies.
·Share discounts, promotions, or special offers available to followers.
·Encourage followers to sign up for webinars, demos, or other events hosted by Sinfolix Technologies.
  1. Customer Engagement:
·Respond promptly to comments, questions, or mentions from followers.
·Retweet positive mentions or testimonials from satisfied customers.
·Run Twitter contests or giveaways to encourage engagement and attract new followers.
  1. Industry News and Trends:
·Share relevant news articles or updates about the technology industry.
·Comment on emerging trends or developments that could impact your audience.
·Position Sinfolix Technologies as a thought leader by offering insights or commentary on industry topics.
  1. Community Building:
·Use hashtags to join relevant conversations and increase the visibility of your tweets.
·Retweet or engage with content from industry influencers or partner organizations.
·Encourage user-generated content by asking followers to share their experiences or opinions related to technology solutions.
Remember to maintain a consistent posting schedule and monitor the performance of your tweets using Twitter analytics to optimize your content strategy over time. By providing valuable, engaging, and relevant content, Sinfolix Technologies can effectively leverage Twitter as a marketing platform to connect with its audience, showcase its expertise, and drive business growth.
submitted by Sinfolix_Tech_Pune to u/Sinfolix_Tech_Pune [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 ToolezCasts HCS London 2024 MEGATHREAD - June 1st - Day 2

Welcome to the 2024 HCS London MEGATHREAD - June 1st - Day 2!
If there is any additional information you find helpful please post and our mod team will update this thread throughout the event!
HCS Socials
Follow Along
Pools & Rosters
Pool Play
Championship Bracket
Twitch Drops
submitted by ToolezCasts to CompetitiveHalo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:34 ExpressGlobe24 T20 World Cup 2024: Full agenda, match dates, companies and layout, squads, locations, and live streaming information.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule: Here are the full suit fixtures, dates, venues, squads, and live streaming information for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup, which will take place in the United States and the West Indies beginning June 1.

T20 World Cup 2024

Everything You Need to Know The ninth ICC Men's T20 World Cup will begin on June 1 in the United States and the West Indies (June 2 in India).
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 5, 2024
For the first time since its establishment in 2007, when India was crowned champions, the event will feature 20 groups spread among four organizations in the first round.

Here is an overview of all you need to know about the T20 World Cup 2024:

Format, Groups, and Seeding

Four companies from five groups will compete in a single round-robin style in the league stage. The top two teams from each university will advance to the Super Eights. If the top eight teams from the T20I format advance to the Super Eight, they will be grouped mostly based on their predetermined seedings, regardless of whether they finished first or second in the league stage.
The league-stage firms include India, Pakistan, Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
Group B includes Australia, England, Namibia, Oman, and Scotland.
Group C includes Afghanistan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and the West Indies.
Group D includes Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nepal, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.
In the Super 8, the groups will again be divided into agencies in a single-spherical robin league, with the top two groups from each organization advancing to the semis.
The predetermined seedings for the Super 8s are:
Group 1 includes India (A1), Australia (B2), New Zealand (C1), and Sri Lanka (D2).
Group 2 includes Pakistan (A2), England (B1), the West Indies (C2), and South Africa (D1).

Venues of T20 World Cup

The United States

New York, Texas, and Florida will host sixteen matches within the United States. Eight of these disputes, including the highly anticipated India-Pakistan conflict, will take place in New York.

West Indies

Six Caribbean countries will host as many as 39 matches. Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago will host the video games over three tiers of the event. The final performance can take place on June 29 in Barbados.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule:

— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
June 1: Match 1: United States v Canada, Dallas – 06:00 AM IST (June 2 in India) (07:30 PM Local)
June 2: Match 2: West Indies v Papua New Guinea, Guyana; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 2: Match 3: Namibia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 3 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 3: Match 4: Sri Lanka v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 3: Match 5: Afghanistan v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (June 4 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 4: Match 6: England v Scotland, Barbados – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 4: Match 7: Netherlands v Nepal, Dallas; 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM neighborhood)
June 5: Match 8: India v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 5: Match 9: Papua New Guinea v Uganda, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (07:30 PM local)
June 5: Match 10: Australia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 6: Match 11: United States v Pakistan, Dallas – 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 6: Match 12: Namibia v Scotland, Barbados – 12:30 AM IST (June 7 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 7: Match 13: Canada v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 7: Match 14: New Zealand v Afghanistan, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 7: Match 15: Sri Lanka v Bangladesh, Dallas; 06:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 16: Netherlands v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 8: Match 17: West Indies v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 18: Australia v England, Barbados – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 9: Match 19: India v Pakistan, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 9: Match 20: Oman v Scotland, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 10: Match 21: South Africa v Bangladesh, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 11: Match 22: Pakistan v Canada, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 11: Match 23: Sri Lanka v Nepal, Florida; 05:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 11: Match 24: Australia v Namibia, Antigua – 06:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 12: Match 25: United States v India, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 12: Match 26: West Indies v New Zealand, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 13 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 13: Match 27: Bangladesh v Netherlands, St Vincent; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM nearby)
June 13: Match 28: England v Oman, Antigua – 12:30 AM IST (June 14 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 13: Match 29: Afghanistan v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 14 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 14: Match 30: United States v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 14: Match 31: South Africa v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 15 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 14: Match 32: New Zealand v Uganda, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 15: Match 33: India v Canada, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 15: Match 34: Namibia v England, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 15: Match 35: Australia v Scotland, St Lucia – 06:00 AM IST (June sixteen in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 16: Match 36: Pakistan v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 16: Match 37: Bangladesh v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 16: Match 38: Sri Lanka v Netherlands, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 17: Match 39: New Zealand v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 17: Match 40: West Indies v Afghanistan, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM local)
June 19-24: Super 8s
June 26: Semifinal 1, Trinidad – 06:00 AM (June 27 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 27: Semifinal 2, Guyana – 08:00 PM (10:30 AM Local)
June 29: Final, Barbados – 07:30 PM (10:00 AM neighborhood)

T20 World Cup 2024 squads

Group A T20 World Cup

India: Rohit Sharma (c), Hardik Pandya, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant, Sanju Samson, Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohd. Siraj. Reserves: Shubman Gill, Rinku Singh, Khaleel Ahmed, Avesh Khan
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
Pakistan: Babar Azam (c), Abrar Ahmed, Azam Khan, Fakhar Zaman, Haris Rauf, Iftikhar Ahmed, Imad Wasim, Mohammad Abbas Afridi, Mohammad Amir, Mohammad Rizwan, Naseem Shah, Saim Ayub, Shadab Khan, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Usman Khan
USA: Monank Patel (c), Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, Corey Anderson, Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, Nitish Kumar, Noshtush Kenjige, Saurabh Nethralvakar, Shadley Van Schalkwyk, Steven Taylor, Shayan Jahangir. Reserve Players: Gajanand Singh, Juanoy Drysdale, Yasir Mohammad.
Ireland: Paul Stirling (c), Mark Adair, Ross Adair, Andrew Balbirnie, Curtis Campher, Gareth Delany, George Dockrell, Graham Hume, Josh Little, Barry McCarthy, Neil Rock, Harry Tector, Lorcan Tucker, Ben White, Craig Young.
Canada: Saad Bin Zafar (c), Aaron Johnson, Ravinderpal Singh, Navneet Dhaliwal, Kaleem Sana, Dilon Heyliger, Jeremy Gordon, Nikhil Dutta, Pargat Singh, Nicholas Kirton, Rayyankhan Pathan, Junaid Siddiqui, Dilpreet Bajwa, Shreyas Movva, Rishiv Joshi. Reserves: Tajinder Singh, Aaditya Varadharajan, Ammar Khalid, Jatinder Matharu, Parveen Kumar.

Group B T20 World Cup

Australia: Mitchell Marsh (c), Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins, Tim David, Nathan Ellis, Cameron Green, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Mitchell Starc, Marcus Stoinis, Matthew Wade, David Warner, Adam Zampa. Travelling Reserves: Jake Fraser-McGurk, Matt Short.
England: Jos Buttler (c), Moeen Ali, Jofra Archer, Jonathan Bairstow, Harry Brook, Sam Curran, Ben Duckett, Tom Hartley, Will Jacks, Chris Jordan, Liam Livingstone, Adil Rashid, Phil Salt, Reece Topley, Mark Wood.
Namibia: Gerhard Erasmus (c), Zane Green, Michael Van Lingen, Dylan Leicher, Ruben Trumpelmann, Jack Brassell, Ben Shikongo, Tangeni Lungameni, Niko Davin, JJ Smit, Jan Frylinck, JP Kotze, David Wiese, Bernard Scholtz, Malan Kruger, PD Blignaut.
Oman: Aqib Ilyas (c), Zeeshan Maqsood, Kashyap Prajapati, Pratik Athavale, Ayaan Khan, Shoaib Khan, Mohammad Nadeem, Naseem Khushi, Mehran Khan, Bilal Khan, Rafiullah, Kaleemullah, Fayyaz Butt, Shakeel Ahmad, Khalid Kail. Reserves: Jatinder Singh, Samay Shrivastava, Sufyan Mehmood, Jay Odedra.
Scotland: Richie Berrington (c), Matthew Cross, Brad Currie, Chris Greaves, Oli Hairs, Jack Jarvis, Michael Jones, Michael Leask, Brandon McMullen, George Munsey, Safyaan Sharif, Chris Sole, Charlie Tear, Mark Watt, Brad Wheal.

Group C T20 World Cup

West Indies: Rovman Powell (c), Alzarri Joseph, Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Shimron Hetmyer, Oshane Thomas, Shai Hope, Akeal Hosein, Shamar Joseph, Brandon King, Gudakesh Motie, Nicholas Pooran, Andre Russell, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario Shepherd.
New Zealand: Kane Williamson (c), Finn Allen, Trent Boult, Michael Bracewell, Mark Chapman, Devon Conway, Lockie Ferguson, Matt Henry, Daryl Mitchell, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips, Rachin Ravindra, Mitchell Santner, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee. Travelling Reserve: Ben Sears.
Afghanistan: Rashid Khan (c), Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Ibrahim Zadran, Azmatullah Omarzai, Najibullah Zadran, Mohammad Ishaq, Mohammad Nabi, Gulbadin Naib, Karim Janat, Nangyal Kharoti, Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Noor Ahmad, Naveen-ul-Haq, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Fareed Ahmad Malik. Reserves: Sediq Atal, Hazratullah Zazai, Saleem Safi.
Papua New Guinea: Assadollah Vala (c), Alei Nao, Chad Soper, CJ Amini, Hila Vare, Hiri Hiri, Jack Gardner, John Kariko, Kabua Vagi Morea, Kipling Doriga, Lega Siaka, Norman Vanua, Sema Kamea, Sese Bau, Tony Ura.
Uganda: Brian Masaba (c), Simon Ssesazi, Roger Mukasa, Cosmas Kyewuta, Dinesh Nakrani, Fred Achelam, Kenneth Waiswa, Alpesh Ramjani, Frank Nsubuga, Henry Ssenyondo, Bilal Hassun, Robinson Obuya, Riazat Ali Shah, Juma Miyaji, Ronak Patel. Travelling Reserves: Innocent Mwebaze, Ronald Lutaaya.

Group D T20 World Cup

South Africa: Aiden Markram (c), Ottniel Baartman, Gerald Coetzee, Quinton de Kock, Bjorn Fortuin, Reeza Hendricks, Marco Jansen, Heinrich Klaasen, Keshav Maharaj, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada, Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tristan Stubbs.
Sri Lanka: Wanindu Hasaranga (c), Charith Asalanka, Kusal Mendis, Pathum Nissanka, Kamindu Mendis, Sadeera Samarawickrama, Angelo Mathews, Dasun Shanaka, Dhananjaya De Silva, Maheesh Theekshana, Dunith Wellalage, Dushmantha Chameera, Nuwan Thushara, Matheesha Pathirana, Dilshan Madushanka. Travelling Reserves: Asitha Fernando, Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, Bhanuka Rajapaksa, Janith Liyanage.
Bangladesh: Najmul Hossain Shanto (c), Taskin Ahmed, Litton Das, Soumya Sarkar, Tanzid Hasan Tamim, Shakib Al Hasan, Tawhid Hridoy, Mahmud Ullah Riyad, Jaker Ali Anik, Tanvir Islam, Shak Mahedi Hasan, Rishad Hossain, Mustafizur Rahman, Shoriful Islam, Tanzim Hasan Sakib. Travelling reserves: Afif Hossain, Hasan Mahmud
Nepal: Rohit Paudel (c), Aasif Sheikh, Anil Kumar Sah, Kushal Bhurtel, Kushal Malla, Dipendra Singh Airee, Lalit Rajbanshi, Karan KC, Gulshan Jha, Sompal Kami, Pratis GC, Sundeep Jora, Abinash Bohara, Sagar Dhakal, Kamal Singh Airee.
Netherlands: Scott Edwards (c), Aryan Dutt, Bas de Leede, Kyle Klein, Logan van Beek, Max O’Dowd, Michael Levitt, Paul van Meekeren, Ryan Klein, Saqib Zulfiqar, Sybrand Engelbrecht, Teja Nidamanuru, ⁠⁠Tim Pringle, Vikram Singh, Viv Kingma, Wesley Barresi.

When and where to watch the T20 World Cup 2024 on television?

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule: T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule: Here are the full suit fixtures, dates, venues, squads, and live streaming information for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup, which will take place in the United States and the West Indies beginning June 1.

T20 World Cup 2024

Everything You Need to Know The ninth ICC Men's T20 World Cup will begin on June 1 in the United States and the West Indies (June 2 in India).
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 5, 2024
For the first time since its establishment in 2007, when India was crowned champions, the event will feature 20 groups spread among four organizations in the first round.

Here is an overview of all you need to know about the T20 World Cup 2024:

Format, Groups, and Seeding

Four companies from five groups will compete in a single round-robin style in the league stage. The top two teams from each university will advance to the Super Eights. If the top eight teams from the T20I format advance to the Super Eight, they will be grouped mostly based on their predetermined seedings, regardless of whether they finished first or second in the league stage.
The league-stage firms include India, Pakistan, Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
Group B includes Australia, England, Namibia, Oman, and Scotland.
Group C includes Afghanistan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and the West Indies.
Group D includes Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nepal, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.
In the Super 8, the groups will again be divided into agencies in a single-spherical robin league, with the top two groups from each organization advancing to the semis.
The predetermined seedings for the Super 8s are:
Group 1 includes India (A1), Australia (B2), New Zealand (C1), and Sri Lanka (D2).
Group 2 includes Pakistan (A2), England (B1), the West Indies (C2), and South Africa (D1).

Venues of T20 World Cup

The United States

New York, Texas, and Florida will host sixteen matches within the United States. Eight of these disputes, including the highly anticipated India-Pakistan conflict, will take place in New York.

West Indies

Six Caribbean countries will host as many as 39 matches. Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago will host the video games over three tiers of the event. The final performance can take place on June 29 in Barbados.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule:

— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
June 1: Match 1: United States v Canada, Dallas – 06:00 AM IST (June 2 in India) (07:30 PM Local)
June 2: Match 2: West Indies v Papua New Guinea, Guyana; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 2: Match 3: Namibia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 3 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 3: Match 4: Sri Lanka v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 3: Match 5: Afghanistan v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (June 4 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 4: Match 6: England v Scotland, Barbados – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 4: Match 7: Netherlands v Nepal, Dallas; 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM neighborhood)
June 5: Match 8: India v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 5: Match 9: Papua New Guinea v Uganda, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (07:30 PM local)
June 5: Match 10: Australia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 6: Match 11: United States v Pakistan, Dallas – 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 6: Match 12: Namibia v Scotland, Barbados – 12:30 AM IST (June 7 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 7: Match 13: Canada v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 7: Match 14: New Zealand v Afghanistan, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 7: Match 15: Sri Lanka v Bangladesh, Dallas; 06:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 16: Netherlands v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 8: Match 17: West Indies v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 18: Australia v England, Barbados – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 9: Match 19: India v Pakistan, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 9: Match 20: Oman v Scotland, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 10: Match 21: South Africa v Bangladesh, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 11: Match 22: Pakistan v Canada, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 11: Match 23: Sri Lanka v Nepal, Florida; 05:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 11: Match 24: Australia v Namibia, Antigua – 06:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 12: Match 25: United States v India, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 12: Match 26: West Indies v New Zealand, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 13 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 13: Match 27: Bangladesh v Netherlands, St Vincent; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM nearby)
June 13: Match 28: England v Oman, Antigua – 12:30 AM IST (June 14 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 13: Match 29: Afghanistan v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 14 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 14: Match 30: United States v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 14: Match 31: South Africa v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 15 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 14: Match 32: New Zealand v Uganda, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 15: Match 33: India v Canada, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 15: Match 34: Namibia v England, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 15: Match 35: Australia v Scotland, St Lucia – 06:00 AM IST (June sixteen in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 16: Match 36: Pakistan v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 16: Match 37: Bangladesh v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 16: Match 38: Sri Lanka v Netherlands, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 17: Match 39: New Zealand v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 17: Match 40: West Indies v Afghanistan, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM local)
June 19-24: Super 8s
June 26: Semifinal 1, Trinidad – 06:00 AM (June 27 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 27: Semifinal 2, Guyana – 08:00 PM (10:30 AM Local)
June 29: Final, Barbados – 07:30 PM (10:00 AM neighborhood)

T20 World Cup 2024 squads

Group A T20 World Cup

India: Rohit Sharma (c), Hardik Pandya, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant, Sanju Samson, Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohd. Siraj. Reserves: Shubman Gill, Rinku Singh, Khaleel Ahmed, Avesh Khan
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
Pakistan: Babar Azam (c), Abrar Ahmed, Azam Khan, Fakhar Zaman, Haris Rauf, Iftikhar Ahmed, Imad Wasim, Mohammad Abbas Afridi, Mohammad Amir, Mohammad Rizwan, Naseem Shah, Saim Ayub, Shadab Khan, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Usman Khan
USA: Monank Patel (c), Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, Corey Anderson, Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, Nitish Kumar, Noshtush Kenjige, Saurabh Nethralvakar, Shadley Van Schalkwyk, Steven Taylor, Shayan Jahangir. Reserve Players: Gajanand Singh, Juanoy Drysdale, Yasir Mohammad.
Ireland: Paul Stirling (c), Mark Adair, Ross Adair, Andrew Balbirnie, Curtis Campher, Gareth Delany, George Dockrell, Graham Hume, Josh Little, Barry McCarthy, Neil Rock, Harry Tector, Lorcan Tucker, Ben White, Craig Young.
Canada: Saad Bin Zafar (c), Aaron Johnson, Ravinderpal Singh, Navneet Dhaliwal, Kaleem Sana, Dilon Heyliger, Jeremy Gordon, Nikhil Dutta, Pargat Singh, Nicholas Kirton, Rayyankhan Pathan, Junaid Siddiqui, Dilpreet Bajwa, Shreyas Movva, Rishiv Joshi. Reserves: Tajinder Singh, Aaditya Varadharajan, Ammar Khalid, Jatinder Matharu, Parveen Kumar.

Group B T20 World Cup

Australia: Mitchell Marsh (c), Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins, Tim David, Nathan Ellis, Cameron Green, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Mitchell Starc, Marcus Stoinis, Matthew Wade, David Warner, Adam Zampa. Travelling Reserves: Jake Fraser-McGurk, Matt Short.
England: Jos Buttler (c), Moeen Ali, Jofra Archer, Jonathan Bairstow, Harry Brook, Sam Curran, Ben Duckett, Tom Hartley, Will Jacks, Chris Jordan, Liam Livingstone, Adil Rashid, Phil Salt, Reece Topley, Mark Wood.
Namibia: Gerhard Erasmus (c), Zane Green, Michael Van Lingen, Dylan Leicher, Ruben Trumpelmann, Jack Brassell, Ben Shikongo, Tangeni Lungameni, Niko Davin, JJ Smit, Jan Frylinck, JP Kotze, David Wiese, Bernard Scholtz, Malan Kruger, PD Blignaut.
Oman: Aqib Ilyas (c), Zeeshan Maqsood, Kashyap Prajapati, Pratik Athavale, Ayaan Khan, Shoaib Khan, Mohammad Nadeem, Naseem Khushi, Mehran Khan, Bilal Khan, Rafiullah, Kaleemullah, Fayyaz Butt, Shakeel Ahmad, Khalid Kail. Reserves: Jatinder Singh, Samay Shrivastava, Sufyan Mehmood, Jay Odedra.
Scotland: Richie Berrington (c), Matthew Cross, Brad Currie, Chris Greaves, Oli Hairs, Jack Jarvis, Michael Jones, Michael Leask, Brandon McMullen, George Munsey, Safyaan Sharif, Chris Sole, Charlie Tear, Mark Watt, Brad Wheal.

Group C T20 World Cup

West Indies: Rovman Powell (c), Alzarri Joseph, Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Shimron Hetmyer, Oshane Thomas, Shai Hope, Akeal Hosein, Shamar Joseph, Brandon King, Gudakesh Motie, Nicholas Pooran, Andre Russell, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario Shepherd.
New Zealand: Kane Williamson (c), Finn Allen, Trent Boult, Michael Bracewell, Mark Chapman, Devon Conway, Lockie Ferguson, Matt Henry, Daryl Mitchell, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips, Rachin Ravindra, Mitchell Santner, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee. Travelling Reserve: Ben Sears.
Afghanistan: Rashid Khan (c), Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Ibrahim Zadran, Azmatullah Omarzai, Najibullah Zadran, Mohammad Ishaq, Mohammad Nabi, Gulbadin Naib, Karim Janat, Nangyal Kharoti, Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Noor Ahmad, Naveen-ul-Haq, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Fareed Ahmad Malik. Reserves: Sediq Atal, Hazratullah Zazai, Saleem Safi.
Papua New Guinea: Assadollah Vala (c), Alei Nao, Chad Soper, CJ Amini, Hila Vare, Hiri Hiri, Jack Gardner, John Kariko, Kabua Vagi Morea, Kipling Doriga, Lega Siaka, Norman Vanua, Sema Kamea, Sese Bau, Tony Ura.
Uganda: Brian Masaba (c), Simon Ssesazi, Roger Mukasa, Cosmas Kyewuta, Dinesh Nakrani, Fred Achelam, Kenneth Waiswa, Alpesh Ramjani, Frank Nsubuga, Henry Ssenyondo, Bilal Hassun, Robinson Obuya, Riazat Ali Shah, Juma Miyaji, Ronak Patel. Travelling Reserves: Innocent Mwebaze, Ronald Lutaaya.

Group D T20 World Cup

South Africa: Aiden Markram (c), Ottniel Baartman, Gerald Coetzee, Quinton de Kock, Bjorn Fortuin, Reeza Hendricks, Marco Jansen, Heinrich Klaasen, Keshav Maharaj, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada, Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tristan Stubbs.
Sri Lanka: Wanindu Hasaranga (c), Charith Asalanka, Kusal Mendis, Pathum Nissanka, Kamindu Mendis, Sadeera Samarawickrama, Angelo Mathews, Dasun Shanaka, Dhananjaya De Silva, Maheesh Theekshana, Dunith Wellalage, Dushmantha Chameera, Nuwan Thushara, Matheesha Pathirana, Dilshan Madushanka. Travelling Reserves: Asitha Fernando, Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, Bhanuka Rajapaksa, Janith Liyanage.
Bangladesh: Najmul Hossain Shanto (c), Taskin Ahmed, Litton Das, Soumya Sarkar, Tanzid Hasan Tamim, Shakib Al Hasan, Tawhid Hridoy, Mahmud Ullah Riyad, Jaker Ali Anik, Tanvir Islam, Shak Mahedi Hasan, Rishad Hossain, Mustafizur Rahman, Shoriful Islam, Tanzim Hasan Sakib. Travelling reserves: Afif Hossain, Hasan Mahmud
Nepal: Rohit Paudel (c), Aasif Sheikh, Anil Kumar Sah, Kushal Bhurtel, Kushal Malla, Dipendra Singh Airee, Lalit Rajbanshi, Karan KC, Gulshan Jha, Sompal Kami, Pratis GC, Sundeep Jora, Abinash Bohara, Sagar Dhakal, Kamal Singh Airee.
Netherlands: Scott Edwards (c), Aryan Dutt, Bas de Leede, Kyle Klein, Logan van Beek, Max O’Dowd, Michael Levitt, Paul van Meekeren, Ryan Klein, Saqib Zulfiqar, Sybrand Engelbrecht, Teja Nidamanuru, ⁠⁠Tim Pringle, Vikram Singh, Viv Kingma, Wesley Barresi.

When and where to watch the T20 World Cup 2024 on television?

You can watch the live telecast of all the T20 World Cup 2024 suits on Star Sports Network.

How to live to move T20 World Cup 2024 suits?

You can live movement the T20 World Cup Group Stage fits on Hotstar.
Get the latest updates on IPL 2024 from IPL Points Table to Teams, Schedule, Most Runs, and Most Wickets at the side of live score updates for all matches. Also get Sports news and more cricket updates. Here are the full suit fixtures, dates, venues, squads, and live streaming information for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup, which will take place in the United States and the West Indies beginning June 1.

T20 World Cup 2024

Everything You Need to Know The ninth ICC Men's T20 World Cup will begin on June 1 in the United States and the West Indies (June 2 in India).
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 5, 2024
For the first time since its establishment in 2007, when India was crowned champions, the event will feature 20 groups spread among four organizations in the first round.

Here is an overview of all you need to know about the T20 World Cup 2024:

Format, Groups, and Seeding

Four companies from five groups will compete in a single round-robin style in the league stage. The top two teams from each university will advance to the Super Eights. If the top eight teams from the T20I format advance to the Super Eight, they will be grouped mostly based on their predetermined seedings, regardless of whether they finished first or second in the league stage.
The league-stage firms include India, Pakistan, Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
Group B includes Australia, England, Namibia, Oman, and Scotland.
Group C includes Afghanistan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and the West Indies.
Group D includes Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nepal, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.
In the Super 8, the groups will again be divided into agencies in a single-spherical robin league, with the top two groups from each organization advancing to the semis.
The predetermined seedings for the Super 8s are:
Group 1 includes India (A1), Australia (B2), New Zealand (C1), and Sri Lanka (D2).
Group 2 includes Pakistan (A2), England (B1), the West Indies (C2), and South Africa (D1).

Venues of T20 World Cup

The United States

New York, Texas, and Florida will host sixteen matches within the United States. Eight of these disputes, including the highly anticipated India-Pakistan conflict, will take place in New York.

West Indies

Six Caribbean countries will host as many as 39 matches. Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago will host the video games over three tiers of the event. The final performance can take place on June 29 in Barbados.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule:

— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
June 1: Match 1: United States v Canada, Dallas – 06:00 AM IST (June 2 in India) (07:30 PM Local)
June 2: Match 2: West Indies v Papua New Guinea, Guyana; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 2: Match 3: Namibia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 3 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 3: Match 4: Sri Lanka v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 3: Match 5: Afghanistan v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (June 4 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 4: Match 6: England v Scotland, Barbados – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 4: Match 7: Netherlands v Nepal, Dallas; 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM neighborhood)
June 5: Match 8: India v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 5: Match 9: Papua New Guinea v Uganda, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (07:30 PM local)
June 5: Match 10: Australia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 6: Match 11: United States v Pakistan, Dallas – 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 6: Match 12: Namibia v Scotland, Barbados – 12:30 AM IST (June 7 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 7: Match 13: Canada v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 7: Match 14: New Zealand v Afghanistan, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 7: Match 15: Sri Lanka v Bangladesh, Dallas; 06:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 16: Netherlands v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 8: Match 17: West Indies v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 18: Australia v England, Barbados – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 9: Match 19: India v Pakistan, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 9: Match 20: Oman v Scotland, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 10: Match 21: South Africa v Bangladesh, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 11: Match 22: Pakistan v Canada, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 11: Match 23: Sri Lanka v Nepal, Florida; 05:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 11: Match 24: Australia v Namibia, Antigua – 06:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 12: Match 25: United States v India, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 12: Match 26: West Indies v New Zealand, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 13 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 13: Match 27: Bangladesh v Netherlands, St Vincent; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM nearby)
June 13: Match 28: England v Oman, Antigua – 12:30 AM IST (June 14 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 13: Match 29: Afghanistan v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 14 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 14: Match 30: United States v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 14: Match 31: South Africa v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 15 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 14: Match 32: New Zealand v Uganda, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 15: Match 33: India v Canada, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 15: Match 34: Namibia v England, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 15: Match 35: Australia v Scotland, St Lucia – 06:00 AM IST (June sixteen in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 16: Match 36: Pakistan v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 16: Match 37: Bangladesh v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 16: Match 38: Sri Lanka v Netherlands, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 17: Match 39: New Zealand v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 17: Match 40: West Indies v Afghanistan, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM local)
June 19-24: Super 8s
June 26: Semifinal 1, Trinidad – 06:00 AM (June 27 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 27: Semifinal 2, Guyana – 08:00 PM (10:30 AM Local)
June 29: Final, Barbados – 07:30 PM (10:00 AM neighborhood)

T20 World Cup 2024 squads

Group A T20 World Cup

India: Rohit Sharma (c), Hardik Pandya, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant, Sanju Samson, Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohd. Siraj. Reserves: Shubman Gill, Rinku Singh, Khaleel Ahmed, Avesh Khan
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
Pakistan: Babar Azam (c), Abrar Ahmed, Azam Khan, Fakhar Zaman, Haris Rauf, Iftikhar Ahmed, Imad Wasim, Mohammad Abbas Afridi, Mohammad Amir, Mohammad Rizwan, Naseem Shah, Saim Ayub, Shadab Khan, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Usman Khan
USA: Monank Patel (c), Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, Corey Anderson, Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, Nitish Kumar, Noshtush Kenjige, Saurabh Nethralvakar, Shadley Van Schalkwyk, Steven Taylor, Shayan Jahangir. Reserve Players: Gajanand Singh, Juanoy Drysdale, Yasir Mohammad.
Ireland: Paul Stirling (c), Mark Adair, Ross Adair, Andrew Balbirnie, Curtis Campher, Gareth Delany, George Dockrell, Graham Hume, Josh Little, Barry McCarthy, Neil Rock, Harry Tector, Lorcan Tucker, Ben White, Craig Young.
Canada: Saad Bin Zafar (c), Aaron Johnson, Ravinderpal Singh, Navneet Dhaliwal, Kaleem Sana, Dilon Heyliger, Jeremy Gordon, Nikhil Dutta, Pargat Singh, Nicholas Kirton, Rayyankhan Pathan, Junaid Siddiqui, Dilpreet Bajwa, Shreyas Movva, Rishiv Joshi. Reserves: Tajinder Singh, Aaditya Varadharajan, Ammar Khalid, Jatinder Matharu, Parveen Kumar.

Group B T20 World Cup

Australia: Mitchell Marsh (c), Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins, Tim David, Nathan Ellis, Cameron Green, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Mitchell Starc, Marcus Stoinis, Matthew Wade, David Warner, Adam Zampa. Travelling Reserves: Jake Fraser-McGurk, Matt Short.
England: Jos Buttler (c), Moeen Ali, Jofra Archer, Jonathan Bairstow, Harry Brook, Sam Curran, Ben Duckett, Tom Hartley, Will Jacks, Chris Jordan, Liam Livingstone, Adil Rashid, Phil Salt, Reece Topley, Mark Wood.
Namibia: Gerhard Erasmus (c), Zane Green, Michael Van Lingen, Dylan Leicher, Ruben Trumpelmann, Jack Brassell, Ben Shikongo, Tangeni Lungameni, Niko Davin, JJ Smit, Jan Frylinck, JP Kotze, David Wiese, Bernard Scholtz, Malan Kruger, PD Blignaut.
Oman: Aqib Ilyas (c), Zeeshan Maqsood, Kashyap Prajapati, Pratik Athavale, Ayaan Khan, Shoaib Khan, Mohammad Nadeem, Naseem Khushi, Mehran Khan, Bilal Khan, Rafiullah, Kaleemullah, Fayyaz Butt, Shakeel Ahmad, Khalid Kail. Reserves: Jatinder Singh, Samay Shrivastava, Sufyan Mehmood, Jay Odedra.
Scotland: Richie Berrington (c), Matthew Cross, Brad Currie, Chris Greaves, Oli Hairs, Jack Jarvis, Michael Jones, Michael Leask, Brandon McMullen, George Munsey, Safyaan Sharif, Chris Sole, Charlie Tear, Mark Watt, Brad Wheal.

Group C T20 World Cup

West Indies: Rovman Powell (c), Alzarri Joseph, Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Shimron Hetmyer, Oshane Thomas, Shai Hope, Akeal Hosein, Shamar Joseph, Brandon King, Gudakesh Motie, Nicholas Pooran, Andre Russell, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario Shepherd.
New Zealand: Kane Williamson (c), Finn Allen, Trent Boult, Michael Bracewell, Mark Chapman, Devon Conway, Lockie Ferguson, Matt Henry, Daryl Mitchell, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips, Rachin Ravindra, Mitchell Santner, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee. Travelling Reserve: Ben Sears.
Afghanistan: Rashid Khan (c), Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Ibrahim Zadran, Azmatullah Omarzai, Najibullah Zadran, Mohammad Ishaq, Mohammad Nabi, Gulbadin Naib, Karim Janat, Nangyal Kharoti, Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Noor Ahmad, Naveen-ul-Haq, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Fareed Ahmad Malik. Reserves: Sediq Atal, Hazratullah Zazai, Saleem Safi.
Papua New Guinea: Assadollah Vala (c), Alei Nao, Chad Soper, CJ Amini, Hila Vare, Hiri Hiri, Jack Gardner, John Kariko, Kabua Vagi Morea, Kipling Doriga, Lega Siaka, Norman Vanua, Sema Kamea, Sese Bau, Tony Ura.
Uganda: Brian Masaba (c), Simon Ssesazi, Roger Mukasa, Cosmas Kyewuta, Dinesh Nakrani, Fred Achelam, Kenneth Waiswa, Alpesh Ramjani, Frank Nsubuga, Henry Ssenyondo, Bilal Hassun, Robinson Obuya, Riazat Ali Shah, Juma Miyaji, Ronak Patel. Travelling Reserves: Innocent Mwebaze, Ronald Lutaaya.

Group D T20 World Cup

South Africa: Aiden Markram (c), Ottniel Baartman, Gerald Coetzee, Quinton de Kock, Bjorn Fortuin, Reeza Hendricks, Marco Jansen, Heinrich Klaasen, Keshav Maharaj, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada, Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tristan Stubbs.
Sri Lanka: Wanindu Hasaranga (c), Charith Asalanka, Kusal Mendis, Pathum Nissanka, Kamindu Mendis, Sadeera Samarawickrama, Angelo Mathews, Dasun Shanaka, Dhananjaya De Silva, Maheesh Theekshana, Dunith Wellalage, Dushmantha Chameera, Nuwan Thushara, Matheesha Pathirana, Dilshan Madushanka. Travelling Reserves: Asitha Fernando, Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, Bhanuka Rajapaksa, Janith Liyanage.
Bangladesh: Najmul Hossain Shanto (c), Taskin Ahmed, Litton Das, Soumya Sarkar, Tanzid Hasan Tamim, Shakib Al Hasan, Tawhid Hridoy, Mahmud Ullah Riyad, Jaker Ali Anik, Tanvir Islam, Shak Mahedi Hasan, Rishad Hossain, Mustafizur Rahman, Shoriful Islam, Tanzim Hasan Sakib. Travelling reserves: Afif Hossain, Hasan Mahmud
Nepal: Rohit Paudel (c), Aasif Sheikh, Anil Kumar Sah, Kushal Bhurtel, Kushal Malla, Dipendra Singh Airee, Lalit Rajbanshi, Karan KC, Gulshan Jha, Sompal Kami, Pratis GC, Sundeep Jora, Abinash Bohara, Sagar Dhakal, Kamal Singh Airee.
Netherlands: Scott Edwards (c), Aryan Dutt, Bas de Leede, Kyle Klein, Logan van Beek, Max O’Dowd, Michael Levitt, Paul van Meekeren, Ryan Klein, Saqib Zulfiqar, Sybrand Engelbrecht, Teja Nidamanuru, ⁠⁠Tim Pringle, Vikram Singh, Viv Kingma, Wesley Barresi.

When and where to watch the T20 World Cup 2024 on television?

submitted by ExpressGlobe24 to u/ExpressGlobe24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:30 Secret-Tadpole7519 Boyfriend shares dog with ex

Hi i 30f have been with my boyfriend 35m for 2 years the only issue we currently have is the fact that he shares a dog with his ex. He was with his ex for 6 years lived together and had a dog together , this was about 2 years before we became an item ourselves. The relationship ended on mutual terms, but they currently share custody of their dog . I did not have an issue about this till recently as i have been patient about it , he currently takes the the dog all the time and she takes him whenever she feels like it, w hich is all fine but when she wants to take him, she asks for him at bad times and when we have plans ourselves as a couple and we have to change our plans to accommodate her , i have expressed to my boyfriend that they do need a better schedule in place so that its fair , but my main concern is in the long run if we are still together in the future will this always be the arrangement, or will one person have full time care of the dog and no contact . Just for a bit extra i was previously in a relationship of 6 years we planned to have a home together and build a life but my ex cheated on me with an ex. This completely broke me and i'm still healing. My now boyfriend is the best to me, so caring and kind and gives me the time i need we are both active and enjoy going to events together, as we both have the same interests and we both work hard at our jobs and work in similar fields. i'm just afraid the contact between him and his ex will grow again, i dont think i could go through that trauma and heartache again as i was so heartbroken . I fear our relationship will never be how i imagined I always dreamed of a relationship where its just the two of us no contact of any sort from previous partners, but i cant address this fully without sounding controlling .
submitted by Secret-Tadpole7519 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 knights_fin_estates Knights Fin Property Expo 2024: Unlocking Tomorrow's Investment Opportunities Today

Knights Fin Property Expo 2024: Unlocking Tomorrow's Investment Opportunities Today
The Knights Fin Property Expo 2024 is set to take place in the dynamic city of Dubai, a hub of innovation, luxury, and rapid growth. Scheduled for early next year, this premier event promises to be a pivotal gathering for real estate enthusiasts, investors, and industry professionals from around the globe.
  1. Exclusive Property Showcases
  1. Insightful Seminars and Workshops
  2. Networking Opportunities
  3. Innovative Solutions and Technologies
submitted by knights_fin_estates to u/knights_fin_estates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Original-Loquat3788 Number One Fan

I was her number one fan.
I subscribed to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
And I messaged every day saying how much I loved her content.
Crikey Moses, the excitement I’d feel when she was unboxing the latest gadgets.
Eventually, I was blocked by the content moderators for 'spam.'
Those Moderators!
And Business managers!
I had all her merchandise.
The collab she did with Mattel (Little Miss Barbie Starshine) and the Amazon Prime line.
She released an autobiography, saying how much she valued hard work, and I knew in my very bones she was being exploited; I could see it in the circles under her eyes.
She needed saving from the vultures ‘taking care’ of her.
Her whistle-stop book tour passed through the mall where I was a cleaner.
The event was scheduled to last four hours.
Those goddamn hyenas.
Eventually, she’d have to use the bathroom, so I waited, and sure enough, some big oaf opened the door and said to holler if she needed anything.
The brute didn’t know there was a storage cupboard leading to a fire exit.
And I grabbed her.

‘Little Miss Starshine, oh little Miss,’ I said.
She looked at me groggily.
‘Who are you?’
‘I’m your number one fan… We’re gonna do our own unboxing videos from now on.’
‘Wh, wh, Where’s my Mom?’ she said.
‘Your handlers? Those bottom feeders? Well, they’re on the news, but forget that.’
She started crying.
First sobs, then screams, and, finally, a full-blown tantrum.
I don’t know if you’ve ever had to quieten an 8-year-old girl, but it is a tricky business.
I took her by the arms, the mouth, and finally the neck, squeezing.
She fell limp.
‘Little Miss Starshine?’
I prodded. Her ivory face was frozen, her glassy big blue eyes still.
It affected me deeply.
I took to my bed and left her in the next room.
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.
I began to collapse in on myself, and so did she.
What was left?
And it dawned on me.
Her parents had caused this tragedy.
They’d exploited her. Those scavengers.
The force of retribution was a powerful prime mover.
Tying the bow atop the package and mailing, I imagined her Mom and Dad(those cretins) as they opened it up and saw that sweet girl’s blonde locks on a head removed from a torso.
Little Miss Starshine’s final unboxing.
submitted by Original-Loquat3788 to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:37 GamingWithAwesome Asphalt 9 🗓️ - SUPERCHARGED SUMMER 1 007S SPECIAL HUNT TUATARA Event Full Schedule 🔥

Asphalt 9 🗓️ - SUPERCHARGED SUMMER 1 007S SPECIAL HUNT TUATARA Event Full Schedule 🔥 submitted by GamingWithAwesome to GamingWithAwesome [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:30 AutoModerator Daily Discussion - Saturday, June 01 r/FanFiction Rules, FAQs, Weekly Schedule & Current Event Threads

Welcome to FanFiction, I love you!

New to this subreddit? Here are links to get you started: Rules & Overview Wiki FAQs
Got a fic to promote? Click HERE to find the current Weekly Fic Showcase thread

Current Events

Click for today's scheduled threads:
Don't forget to participate in our special events:
Got a question or concern? Feel free to message the mod team.
submitted by AutoModerator to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:05 el0sia [EU][PvE] Sunspear Order [SO] is looking for active members!

Ahai, fellow Tyrians!

About Sunspear Order

Sunspear Order [SO] is an EU-based PVE guild consisting of many casual and veteran players enjoying the game in our friendly guild environment. We have an active discord community and host many events each week. Our goal is to offer a relaxed environment for people to connect, try different aspects of the game and have fun.
When you join Sunspear Order you’ll find a great core group of active players who are invested in the game and the guild. We are community-driven and value the input of all members.

What do we offer?

Event Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Raid Training SotO Strikes EoD Strikes - Raid Training Open Raids Guild Missions
18:00 UTC 18:00 UTC 18:00 UTC - 18:00 UTC 18:00 UTC 14:00 UTC
- Guild Convergence Lowman/Meme Comp Raids - - - -
- 19:00 UTC 19:30 UTC - - - -
We also run other one-time events that are not part of the weekly schedule.

Our Requirements

  1. We have a friendly community and we don’t accept disruptive behavior.
  2. No discrimination/racism etc.
  3. Be respectful!
  4. No in-game guild representation required.
  5. We do not require people to speak in voice channels (but do require joining during events to listen only)
  6. Have fun!

How to Join

Join our Discord and post your account name in our #welcome channel! An officer will get you invited to the guild as soon as they can! Everyone is welcome!
submitted by el0sia to guildrecruitment [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:57 Clandestine-Crow I’m starting to hate my best friend.

Maybe hate is a bit strong, but I (18) am getting sick and tired of my friend's (19) low prioritization of me. This will probably end up being a little long and I'm sorry in advance, I just don't have anyone to talk to about this. Reddit kinda scares me but I really need some kind of third party advice, and maybe to vent a little. I'll keep the context as brief as possible, but I think a little bit of history is necessary to understand why I'm so irked. If you don't want to read it, though, it'll still make sense, so you can skip the next paragraph if you want.
Context: We've been friends since about 13 and have talked about every day for years, even if only for an hour or so. We bonded over our shared creativity of original characters and that's what's been the bulk of our conversation topics through the years, but we also talk about our lives and share events whenever something interesting or significant comes up. We'll also share smaller things like pictures of our pets. Typical stuff. I'm a very studious person, I prioritize schoolwork over friendship, but even when I'm in the midst of finals I've always made an effort to at least say hi in the chat every day, and for a long time we still talked for hours multiple times a week. I was literally doing assignments from 3 PM until 1 AM for years. Last year, I was completely drowning in schoolwork, and communicated so. For those 4 months or so, we didn't talk nearly as often, and that was the first occurrence of us losing daily communication for an extended period of time. Back to how our main conversation topic is our OCs, my friend--who I'll call Avery--started talking more to a friend--who I'll call Casey--that they had for a couple years and made a new OC world to talk about with them, point-blank telling me while we were hanging out that they needed someone to get their OC fix from. That was fine and understandable, basically just another way of saying they needed a friend to talk to more often. At that point school had lessened and we started talking a little more again. Except from that point on, conversation started to fall more and more on me. They no longer thought of "things" about their characters to tell me, which we'd both do frequently before. They no longer had anything interesting about their day to tell me. I had to reach out first a lot of the time, and when it was their turn to say hello they'd take a couple days. And it sucks a little, because they've effectively replaced me. Not even "almost," it's pretty literal.
Now fast forward to present, it's been about six months and school has been a lot easier. I mean I've had more time to myself than ever before and I actually have weekends again (who knew college would be easier). Avery didn't go to college, but has been helping their grandma out and living with her. Avery and Casey are now dating. Casey is very sweet, I like her, I have nothing against her at all. She's the best girlfriend Avery has had so far and they seem very happy. It's Avery I'm pissed at. I still reach out whenever it's my turn, but I am the one to think of conversation and Avery hasn't thought of a single thing to tell me about their life in the past two months. Casey is very clingy, and seems to message Avery multiple times a day, to which they'll respond and it seems like, from what I can tell, they talk almost every day. We haven't talked about our characters in months, and that singular occurrence that prevents that from being longer was short. Our conversations are often stilted by responses that are hours apart and dry responses that I can't continue the convo with. When I do the dry responses back, they don't bother trying to pick up the convo, but do another dry response and toss the ball back into my court. It's fucking tiring. Just last week they went to a convention and got a tattoo, but I didn't hear anything about this until we met up today and they only showed it to me after my mom pointed it out. Their first tattoo was of my art (which was sweet), but I would've thought that getting another would be something notable enough to tell me? They showed me art they've done recently this time meeting up, and pulled it from a recent chat with Casey where they shared it with her. It's pretty clear she's the first one they go to with anything notable enough to talk about now, and I'm left with the "No, I don't really have anything to talk about"s.
The thing that makes this tricky is that I've talked to them about this several times before, and they acknowledged that they've been bad at reaching out, and implied that I'm still their favorite person and they try to prioritize me (which I did not ask, they said on their own). When we meet in person we get along great, but talking online is fucking abysmal now. They are a very flaky person in general, with low general drive to do anything and a low attention span. I think a lot of this is that their girlfriend simply takes up a lot of brain space, and whatever duties they have helping out their grandma takes up a lot of their time. But I'm still pissed off because I've always made an effort to talk to and spend time with them, as much as I can, and I KNOW they have more time than I did then and have more than enough wiggle room in their schedule to make an effort to maintaining a friendship with them. Part of this might be that they take me for granted; we've been friends for a long time, and they probably don't think I'll ever fully leave their life. Maybe they're right, because our moms are friends. But I'm less attached than they probably think I am and I'm willing to drop them. I just don't know if I should really give them up yet, especially because of all the history between us. All I know is if this goes on much longer I'm going to, because now it's summer break and we have all the time in the world. If they can't make an effort now, they never will.
submitted by Clandestine-Crow to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:31 cynycal Washington Journal: 'News Headlines & Viewer Calls' Live: 7:00-10AM EDT (Optional audio-only)

Washington Journal: June 1, 2024
7:00 thru 10AM. Every. Single. Day.
"Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington." The Washington Journal is C-SPAN's early-morning news show--with some body heat. During the 'Public Forum' segments, viewers are invited to participate by phone-in or social media. (BTW, getting yourself on the air entitles you to special flair; just come back to the thread and boast!)
After all, variety is the hot-sauce of life. Besides, we dig the calls.
Today's Guests:
Center for Strategic & International Studies' Mariana Campero previews Mexico's presidential election this weekend and U.S. Mexico relations and 24sight News' Tom LoBionco discusses Campaign 2024 and potential impact of the Trump verdict.
Line-up: with links to the individual segments where you might check a real-time transcript, create clips (Show us yours to get special flair!) or watch/share individual segments. This page is viewable a bit ahead of time.
Home page: The 'just press play' page gets going at 7am sharp with no previews or running transcript.
C-SPAN 1: (Use your provider guide for channel line-up.) Good for a co-watch with grandma. Ring her up! Have her turn on her set; that it's this or no calls at all! (YMMV) :)
Audio only:
C-SPAN Radio: Livestream audio. Try your smart speaker even: 'Play C-SPAN radio live.'
If you'd rather get the app, go straight to the download page: C-SPAN Now
submitted by cynycal to PopcornPundits [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:27 CallMeJack_ I’ve a major issue regarding my holiday and I need advice.

So me and my partner both work nights.
We booked a holiday 2 months ago and made our manager aware of this and we have the time off for the holiday which is next Sunday at 1am in which we neee to leave to Gatwick.
The issue is, for the last 2 months, I’ve wanted to get the Friday and Saturday off as well since we leave Sunday morning at 1am - I’m scheduled to work the Saturday night meaning it cuts into me leaving to get to the airport.
I wanted the Friday off as well since it’s my birthday weekend and the Friday is the only day I’ll have to celebrate with friends/family before we both leave for the week.
Now, I’ve asked my manager for the last 2 months about those days - Friday and Saturday - and he said that I can not have those days since he isn’t willing to book just 2 days, and that I’ll need to book my holiday in advance in chunks and use up around 8 days worth I had remaining.
I didn’t do this because how am I to know in advance what days I’d want off? Like, if an event comes up in the future I won’t be able to book it off if I’ve already randomly booked days off.
My shift leader told me last month that only 1 person is off on holiday on those days at the time but now there’s 5 and I don’t know what to do. So now I’m at a crossroads. I can’t just be “sick” since my percentage is 7% out of 3% and they, and most colleagues, know about the holiday.
I’ve a meeting with both managers on Monday to see what they can do, and I’ve asked around about shift swapping but nobody is able to as they’re on holiday too.
What can I do about this? My manager has caused this due to him not being willing to sit with me and let me take those 2 days off and instead tell me to book in chunks - which I didn’t as per the above reason.
Also, I was trying to get those 2 days off for 2 months and he said he didn’t want to do it for the above reason but he did it straight away for my partner and not me???
Thank you.
submitted by CallMeJack_ to tesco [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:01 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread Jun 01, 2024 - Upcoming Event Schedule - New players start here!

Yahoooo! Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread! Have a very cool day! Luigi numbah one!
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread. This is the place for asking noob questions, venting about netplay falcos, shitposting, self-promotion, and everything else that doesn't belong on the front page.

New Players:

If you're completely new to Melee and just looking to get started, welcome! We recommend you go to and follow the links there based on what you're trying to set up. Additionally, here are a few answers to common questions:
Can I play Melee online?
Yes! Slippi is a branch of the Dolphin emulator that will allow you to play online, either with your friends or with matchmaking. Go to to get it.
Netplay is hard! Is there a place for me to find new players?
Yes. Melee Newbie Netplay is a discord server specifically for new players. It also has tournaments based on how long you've been playing, free coaching, and other stuff. If you're a bit more experienced but still want a discord server for players around your level, we recommend the Melee Online discord.
How can I set up Unclepunch's Training Mode?
First download it here. Then extract everything in the folder and follow the instructions in the README file. You'll need to bring a valid Melee ISO (NTSC 1.02)
I'm having issues with Slippi!
Go to the The Slippi Discord to get help troubleshooting.
How does one learn Melee?
There are tons of resources out there, so it can be overwhelming to start. First check out the SSBM Tutorials youtube channel. Then go to the Melee Library and search for whatever you're interested in.
But how do I get GOOD at Melee?
Check out Llod's Guide to Improvement
Where can I get a nice custom controller?
I have another question that's not answered here...
Check out our FAQs or post below and find help that way.

Upcoming Tournament Schedule:

Upcoming Melee Majors

Melee Online Event Calendar

Make a submission to the tournament calendar here. You can also get notified of new online tournaments on the Melee Online Discord.

submitted by AutoModerator to SSBM [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:14 nimdgp Hotel Management System

Hotel Management System
Creating a Hotel Management System involves designing a software application that can handle various aspects of hotel operations. The system typically includes modules for reservations, guest check-in and check-out, room management, billing, and reporting. Here's a high-level overview of what such a system might include:

1. **User Interface (UI)**

a. **Guest Interface**

  • **Booking and Reservations:** Allows guests to check availability, make reservations, and receive confirmation.
  • **Check-in/Check-out:** Enables self-service check-in and check-out.
  • **Profile Management:** Allows guests to manage their profiles, including preferences and loyalty points.

b. **Staff Interface**

  • **Dashboard:** Overview of current bookings, occupancy rates, and other key metrics.
  • **Room Management:** Manage room status (clean, occupied, vacant), maintenance requests, and assignments.
  • **Reservations Management:** Handle reservations, cancellations, modifications, and special requests.
  • **Billing and Payments:** Manage guest bills, process payments, and handle invoicing.

2. **Backend Components**

a. **Database**

  • **Guest Information:** Stores guest profiles, reservation history, and preferences.
  • **Room Information:** Details about each room, including type, status, and features.
  • **Bookings:** Records of all bookings, including dates, guest details, and special requests.
  • **Transactions:** Financial records related to bookings, payments, and refunds.
  • **Staff Information:** Employee details, roles, and permissions.

b. **APIs and Services**

  • **Booking API:** Interfaces for third-party booking sites to interact with the hotel's reservation system.
  • **Payment Gateway:** Securely process payments and handle various payment methods.
  • **Notification Service:** Send email/SMS notifications to guests for booking confirmations, reminders, etc.
  • **Reporting Service:** Generate reports on occupancy, revenue, guest demographics, etc.

3. **Core Features**

a. **Reservations and Booking Management**

  • Real-time room availability checker.
  • Booking engine with support for special rates and packages.
  • Group bookings and event management.

b. **Guest Management**

  • Comprehensive guest profiles with preferences and history.
  • Loyalty program integration.

c. **Room and Inventory Management**

  • Track room status and housekeeping schedules.
  • Manage inventory for room amenities and hotel supplies.

d. **Billing and Payments**

  • Automated bill generation.
  • Integration with various payment gateways for online and on-site payments.
  • Handling of discounts, vouchers, and refunds.

e. **Reports and Analytics**

  • Daily, weekly, monthly occupancy and revenue reports.
  • Guest demographics and booking trends.
  • Financial reports for accounting purposes.

4. **Technologies and Tools**

  • **Frontend:** HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React or Angular for a responsive web application.
  • **Backend:** Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or Java (Spring) for building APIs.
  • **Database:** MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing data.
  • **Payment Integration:** Stripe, PayPal, or local payment gateways.
  • **Hosting:** Cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for scalable deployment.

5. **Security Considerations**

  • Data encryption for sensitive information.
  • Secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Regular security audits and compliance with relevant standards (e.g., PCI DSS for payment processing).

Sample Implementation Outline

Here’s a simplified outline of how you might start implementing this system:

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

  1. Choose your technology stack (e.g., MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js).
  2. Set up a development environment with version control (Git).

Step 2: Database Schema Design

  • Define tables for users, bookings, rooms, transactions, etc.

Step 3: Developing the Backend

  • Create RESTful APIs for core functionalities (CRUD operations for reservations, guest management, etc.).
  • Implement authentication and authorization.

Step 4: Developing the Frontend

  • Create components for the guest interface (booking form, profile management).
  • Create components for the staff interface (dashboard, room management).

Step 5: Integrating Payment Gateway

  • Set up a payment gateway for processing transactions.
  • Handle webhooks for payment status updates.

Step 6: Testing and Deployment

  • Write unit and integration tests.
  • Deploy the application to a cloud platform.
  • Perform user acceptance testing and gather feedback.

Example Code Snippets

Here are some example code snippets to illustrate the basic structure:

Backend (Node.js + Express)

// server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const bookingRoutes = require('./routes/bookings');
const userRoutes = require('./routes/users');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/hotel_management', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
app.use('/api/bookings', bookingRoutes);
app.use('/api/users', userRoutes);
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is running on port 3000');
// routes/bookings.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const Booking = require('../models/Booking');'/', async (req, res) => {
const booking = new Booking(req.body);
try {
} catch (error) {
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const bookings = await Booking.find();
} catch (error) {
module.exports = router;

Frontend (React)

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home';
import Booking from './components/Booking';
import Admin from './components/Admin';
function App() {
return (

export default App;
// components/Booking.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Booking() {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ name: '', checkInDate: '', checkOutDate: '' });
const handleChange = (e) => {
setFormData({ ...formData, []: });
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
try {
const response = await fetch('/api/bookings', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(formData),
const data = await response.json();
console.log('Booking successful:', data);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
return (

export default Booking;
This is a simplified example to get you started. A real-world hotel management system would be more complex and require thorough planning and testing.
submitted by nimdgp to u/nimdgp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:10 giantspeck Welcome back to /r/TropicalWeather!


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to /TropicalWeather! It is great to see you all again and we look forward to tracking tropical cyclones with you again this year.

A look back to 2023.

Last year's Atlantic season was memorable, particularly because it was very active despite the presence of a very strong El Niño event. In fact, with 20 named storms, it tied with the 1933 season to become the fourth-most active Atlantic season on record.

Seasonal highlights

Storm highlights

What's expected for 2024?

Scientists surmise that a combination of environmental factors—such as the emergence of La Niña conditions later this summer and abnormally warm sea-surface temperatures across the Atlantic Ocean—will lead to a very active season. A full rollup of the seasonal forecasts which have been issued in the days leading to the start of the season can be found here.
The National Hurricane Center issued its most aggressive seasonal forecast ever, projecting 17 to 25 named storms, 8 to 13 hurricanes, and 4 to 7 major hurricanes, along with a seasonal accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) of 150 to 245.

A reminder of the rules.

As the season gets underway, we'd like to give you a brief reminder of our rules. For the sake of brevity, we invite you to read them in our wiki. Some highlights:


This is a reminder that we have an active Discord server! A link to our server is also featured in the sidebar on all three desktop versions of the subreddit.

Verified user flair

We have special user flair for degreed meteorologists, atmospheric scientists, and emergency management personnel! If you would like this flair to be applied to your username, please contact us!
submitted by giantspeck to TropicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:02 SEND_ME_UR_DRAMA VCT 2024 — Masters Shanghai / Playoffs — Day 3 / Live Discussion Thread

VCT 2024 — Masters Shanghai / Playoffs — Day 3 / Live Discussion Thread
Masters Shanghai is an international event featuring the top three teams from each of the four international leagues. Players compete for a $1,000,000 prize pool.


Coverage: Liquipedia THESPIKE
Official Information: Website VCT 2024 Masters Shanghai
Event Resources: Event Photography Playlist
General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies Global Contract Database subreddit guide to VALORANT Esports
Event Information:

Schedule — Swiss Day 4

Type Match * CST/PHT (Tournament Time Zone) EDT BRT CEST JST/KST
Lower Round 1 (Elimination) FUT Esports (EMEA #3) vs FNATIC (EMEA #1) 4:00 PM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM
Lower Round 1 (Elimination) Edward Gaming (China #1) vs Paper Rex (Pacific #1) 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 PM
Check here for times in your area


Participants — 8 Teams

Americas EMEA Pacific China
100 Thieves FNATIC Paper Rex EDward Gaming
G2 Esports Team Heretics Gen.G Esports FunPlus Phoenix
Leviatán FUT Esports T1 Dragon Ranger Gaming

Broadcast Talent

Hosts & Interviewers Commentators Analysts Observers
Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez Seth "Achilios" King Mimi "aEvilcat" Wermcrantz David "prius" Kuntz
Yinsu "Yinsu" Collins Clinton "Paperthin" Bader Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Doug "EsportsDoug" Cortez Alberto "Tiie" Chavez Benitez
Salome "Soe" Gschwind-Repp Andrej "babybay" Francisty Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
Victoria "Chubbyninja" Cheng


  • Swiss Stage (May 23-27):
    • 8 teams play in a Swiss System, where teams play opponents with the same record as them
      • For first matchup, 2nd seeds were drawn against 3rd seeds
    • Teams with two wins advance, teams with two losses are eliminated
    • All matches are Bo3
  • Playoffs (May 30-June 9):
    • 8 team double elimination bracket
      • 4 teams from Swiss Stage
      • 4 1st seeds
    • All matches are Bo3 except Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final
    • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5


$1,000,000 USD are spread among the teams as seen below:
Place $ USD Team
1st 🥇 $350,000
2nd 🥈 $200,000
3rd 🥉 $125,000
4th $75,000
5th – 6th $50,000
5th – 6th $50,000
7th – 8th $35,000
7th – 8th $35,000
9th - 10th $25,000 Leviatán
9th - 10th $25,000 FunPlus Phoenix
11th - 12th $15,000 Dragon Ranger Gaming
11th - 12th $15,000 T1
submitted by SEND_ME_UR_DRAMA to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:01 AutoModerator SELF-CARE SATURDAY

“Take time to do what makes your soul happy”
On this thread, please share any new ideas of self-care or share what you are going to do for yourself this weekend!
Happy Self Care Saturday! This is a NEW weekly post that is here to remind us about the importance of taking care of ourselves. It is here to share ideas and motivate each other to take some time out of our busy schedule to RECHARGE. We are living in a time period that is filled with so many distractions that take us out of the present moment, and I want this post to remind you to do something for yourself this weekend. Recharge your battery because after all we cannot pour from an empty cup. Many of us work long hours at work, have families to take care of, and have a million other obligations. This makes it way too easy to forget to dedicate time in your day for YOURSELF. When reading this, I hope you are filled with motivation to dedicate 10 minutes or even a whole day doing activities you enjoy or activities that are healthy for you. Here are several examples of self-care ideas!
1. Nature for the win! - Take a walk somewhere new with your phone on airplane mode. If you find yourself drifting off into thought that is focusing on a past negative situation or worrying about an event that is coming up, try counting all the new items in your surroundings that you have never noticed before. Do whatever you can to keep yourself in the walk instead of letting the mind trap you into a daydream that is causing stress.
2. Exercise! - One of the healthiest things we can do to help our body and mind is taking out time in your day to be active. I personally love to run. It is difficult getting started, but once I get ten minutes into my run, I get in the zone. Afterwards, I feel like a new person! If you are someone that really struggles with finding the motivation to exercise, start small! Even if you only watch a five - minute workout video on YouTube, at least it is a start! You can DO this!
3. Sleep is Key! - Set your-self up for success and plan out a peaceful nighttime ritual that will help you fall asleep earlier while dedicating 7-8 hours of your night to sleep. Try not to let a screen rule your night with a scroll that keeps you up till 3am. Remember, you are in control! Without a good night’s sleep, chances are your anxiety, depression, or any other mental health items you struggle with will be much worse the next day.
4. Start a new hobby! - Try something you have never done before such as journaling, hiking, biking, reading a new book series, taking time to meditate, etc.
5. Get excited! - Watch a motivational video that makes you want to achieve your dreams.
6. Have a date night…With YOURSELF! - Go out to eat by yourself even if it feels weird and plan a drive or walk to somewhere new after.
7. Can’t have a post without a gratitude reminder! - Think about all the things you are grateful for. Then go the extra mile by calling up someone you care about and telling them you appreciate their presence in your life.
There are so many more ideas for ways on how to practice self-care! Please share any you may have for the rest of OFam to see!
You. Are. Enough.
submitted by AutoModerator to OptimistFam [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:51 Saeigan MASS FOR THE DEAD Director’s Letter vol.18
June has arrived and with it comes the season of June Brides.
This is the time of year when many weddings take place, and a festive atmosphere prevails. How are you all doing?
This is Fujita, director of “MFTD.”
Now, in the world of "MFTD."
the story event "A Young Lady Casting a Shadow of Ambition" has begun, featuring Lupusregina and Renner in gorgeous dresses. Please enjoy the story of these girls in gorgeous outfits!
Now, I would like to tell you about the current development status and future improvements.
■About the next update
We are currently working on renovating the UI of the strengthening screen, and in order to focus on this development, the next update is scheduled for July.
This UI renovation of the strengthening screen is expected to dramatically improve the "convenience" of character strengthening.
It will take some time until the next update, but please look forward to it.
We are also continuing to work on "Bug Fixes (including crash issues)."
We apologize for not being able to provide an update on the progress, but we would appreciate it if you could give us a little more time.
We will contact you with further details as they become available.
■ Regarding shop item renewal
We are planning to renew our shop items from the beginning of July.
Currently, there is a wide variety of items for sale in the game, making it difficult for users to choose items.
Therefore, we will implement the following improvements.
  1. Narrowing down the number of items
- We will carefully select the number of items for sale and review the lineup and pack contents, focusing on items that are in high demand and popular among users.
  1. Organizing the "Recommended" and "Pack" tabs
- Regular packs, whose purchase limit is reset once a month, will be moved to the "Pack" tab as a general rule, and regularly purchased packs will be collected in one place.
- Special items such as the "Fantasy Nostalgia Chaos Relic Pack" will be placed in the "Recommended" tab, making it easier to find limited-time items and special items.
We are preparing for a renewal so that users can purchase items more easily.
■ Repost & Like Campaign” to be held irregularly
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who have participated in the "Repost & Like Campaign" held every month on X (formerly Twitter).
This campaign will be renewed after July and will be held more irregularly.
We understand that some of you may be concerned about the loss of rewards such as chaos stones that were distributed in the campaign, but will continue to make improvements to the game, such as enhancing rewards for logging in and game play, so that everyone can enjoy “MFTD” even more.
We will contact you with more details at a later date.
the characters who scored high in the June survey will be promoted to 5 stars.
We will be introducing attractive characters unique to “Overlord,” so please look forward to the announcement!
We are also planning to conduct our second user survey after the transfer of management around mid-June.
Our goal is to grow and develop “MFTD” together with our users.
If you have time, we would appreciate it if you could fill out the survey.
Our entire team will continue to work hard to provide you with an even better gaming experience.
We will continue to strive to live up to the trust you have placed in us, and we look forward to your continued support.
We hope you will continue to support "MASS FOR THE DEAD."
MASS FOR THE DEAD Director Fujita
submitted by Saeigan to MassForTheDead [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:49 SteamedSpy4 [EVENT] Briefing on the 2100 Initiative for Incoming Supreme Baraza Representatives




... in brief, the premise of the 2100 Initiative is that the African demographic pyramid is not moving in a favorable direction. By 2100, the Union will be approaching a situation in which the working age population quickly becomes insufficient to support the aging population without major restructuring, due to the rapid population growth of the mid-century trailing off as the UASR becomes a more developed economy. For historical reference, the problem is similar to the well known ‘demographic cliff’ faced by China and the East Asian democracies, before the collapse of the PRC and subsequent developments in the region.
The proposal of the 2100 Initiative is to, over the next 30 years, achieve a 75% post-scarcity economy. In layman’s terms, this means the ability to sustain current levels of economic productivity with 25% of the work force. The economic basis for this project is to combine the Africosmos/Pact space mining initiative with the Union robotics program. Kaabu inherited a large amount of android/drone infrastructure via captured ADIR “gigafactories”, while Union developments after the Great Liberation War included both advanced combat drones and theoretical research into improved actuation technologies.
The availability of space based resources is expected to improve dramatically in the next two to three years. The SOLOMON mining program entered low rate production in early 2072 and will ramp up to full rate delivery by 2076. Two space elevator-class tethers are currently in transit from the Zuhuramji carbon mills over Venus, and will be docked with the orbital and ground installations for the New Mombasa and New Libreville space elevators in 2073 and brought online by 2075, reducing the cost for delivery of material from orbit essentially to zero.
On the automation front, various state-owned and communal groups have iterated on a large number of industrial automatons that have been rolled out in limited numbers. Industrial automatons are most prevalent in Kaabu, which had an enormous need for workers in construction and industry during the reconstruction effort after the Great Liberation War, and to an extent still has not completely recovered. The animal-like designs first introduced by Nakuru Arms during the 2060s rearmament program remain prevalent; the body plans of African wildlife are well suited to African terrain, and drones resembling elephants, rhinos, and buffalo are common in agricultural and construction applications. These drones are typically powered by hydrogen or advanced battery technologies, as the nuclear batteries favored by military variants are considered unsafe for commercial sale.
Socially, the program has proven controversial. Sawahil, Kaabu, and Cuanza have all historically been extraction-based economies, and transitioned to industrial-based economies in the past fifty years. Mass automation of skilled manual labor therefore threatens to eliminate large swathes of the job market. Large-scale retraining, as was policy during the restructuring of the industrial sector in the depths of the resource crisis, can only go so far when the fundamental nature of employment is changing. The problem is not mass poverty, as the Initiative will introduce vast material wealth into the commune system, but managing the societal repercussions of this transition.
Kaabu is of note as both the republic that has advanced furthest along the Initiative, and the republic that has seen the greatest social challenges. Organized Islam was badly discredited by the Arab League’s religiously-motivated mass killings during the Great Liberation War; in only ten years, Kaabu plummeted from an extremely religious republic to one with 48% of citizens self-identifying as atheist, rivaling Sawahil’s 57%. A notable sub-population has proven to be particularly skeptical of replacing human labor with machines- the so-called “empty shells” movement. The empty shell protests have been most directed at the humanoid drones used primarily as industrial labor. The growth of this movement has been the subject of several studies…


CLEARED FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION [NO INFORMATION CONTROLS] of the New Libreville and New Mombasa space elevators consists of three primary programs. The elevator tethers were constructed at the Zuhuramji carbon mills, condensed in Venus’ upper atmosphere. One tether remains at Zuharamji, where it is being installed at the colony proper. The other two were shipped to Earth for installation over the UASR and are currently in transit as of 2072, with arrival in early 2073.
The ground facilities consist of two Oshun platforms installed 20 kilometers off the coast of Libreville, Equatorial Guinea and Mombasa, Kenya respectively. Unlike most Oshun platforms, the surface anchor platforms use the Waaq 2 architecture developed by the Navy for durability against accidents and attack, and are anchored to the ocean floor by reinforced nanocomposite steel tethers instead of being free to move under their own power. Both platforms are ringed in major port facilities, and are connected to the mainland by a 20 kilometer rail bridge serving the RPAfricaRail system.
The orbital facilities include a series of large orbital transshipping docks defended by nine Iron Beam 2MW-class lasers, analogous to the defenses at the Daraja Mbinguni L4 station. Construction began in 2068 and the major station components were launched from Daraja Kuwa in 2070, with the orbital sections completed in late 2072. Docking of the tethers is scheduled for early 2073, and construction of the elevator infrastructure is currently projected to be complete by mid 2075...
submitted by SteamedSpy4 to worldpowers [link] [comments]