Can i take anything for a cough while pregnant

A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

2009.04.20 19:43 A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

A safer space for all pregnant people.

2016.01.10 19:38 RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

Roast some rubber!

2013.02.02 14:35 AtomicTacoCanada Penises showing up mildly in public.

A subreddit dedicated to items that unintentionally have some sort of phallic nature.

2024.06.01 16:01 Choice_Video6390 Forgiveness and Rage

My PA has been in recovery for almost 10 months now and is doing well. Unfortunately, I am not. We have a toddler together, and I am the primary parent. I am extremely bitter about my level of burnout. Even when my husband steps in to care for our kid, which he does frequently, it doesn't change things for me.
I've realized a big reason for this is that he acted out (cam girls, VR, and all the usual sites) while we were trying to get pregnant (the day I first ovulated, I came home to a "tired" husband and found lots of wet kleenex in the trash and later an account made on a porn site that day), while I was pregnant (and had HG), and he especially acted out in the first 5 months postpartum when I was at my most vulnerable, sleep deprived, and suffering from postpartum anxiety and depression. Our last D-Day was shortly after our baby turned 5 months.
Anyway, I'm now struggling a lot with rage toward my husband despite him being clean. I want to forgive myself and start on the road to forgiving him, but I am so filled with hate. I feel like he owes me a debt that he can never repay.
That's pretty much it. Looking for any advice or support anyone has to offer. If anyone is in a similar boat, I feel for you.
submitted by Choice_Video6390 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 rottenfruits__ Feeling crazy because of so called normal people

I like a tweet that goes as “i’m forever jealous of people who are not sensitive, who don’t take things seriously, who don’t panic, who know how to ignore, who don’t waste their time in overthinking, who don’t have attachment issues, these are the most blessed ones whom i alway envy”
And then I see a reply where someone says “being one of them, i can say we failed to return the love & care given to us, we are taking it for granted, and hurting the one who looked after us by not taking anything seriously or by ignoring them
It’s seemed blessed, but on the other side we do feel hurt”
Shit like this is why I get so fucking upset. I had an ex who painted me as the crazy overthinking one attached piece of shit freak when HE DID things that purposely hurt me, he also enjoyed seeing me being in pain. NOBODY NO ONE talks about how fucking unfair this is and how humiliating it feels to be seen as a disgusting needy thing who doesn’t deserve love ALL just because I was loving towards them. It’s my “fault” for having boundaries and needs, so they have to cheat on me and it’s my fault too because I’m a crazed woman who isn’t as normal as him.
Please I want support in the comments.
submitted by rottenfruits__ to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 messygarance AITAH for ruining my step-sister's evening by arguing with her friends ?

This story takes place almost a year ago. I (18, non binary) have known my step-sister (17 F) for around five years. My mom and her dad are in a long distance relationship and we often spend weekends or holidays at eachother's houses, so that our parents can be together. We have very different personalities, but we always got along. For the sake of this post we will call her Stacy.
Our parents have this sort of tradition to go on holidays for one or two weeks during the summer with a bunch of friends and their kids. Each year, more people come, and this year we were almost 30 people. It's not a very fancy holiday, we go camping in little french villages (we are all french) but it's nice to hang out with the same people every year. The parents go on activities, the kids play together, and us teens hang out.
We are a little group of 5 teenagers; A (20M); E (15M); P(17M); Stacy and me. I've never been really close to E and P, i hang out more with A but im friendly with everyone.
This year, E and P became friend with 2 boys from the place we are camping at. They all looked very immature to me but again, I did not speak to them very much. I heard them make quite misogynistic comments, so I made a joke about "that's why I hate men". They all started trying to debate with me but as soon as i tried making the conversation "serious" (explaining the roots of misandry, the fact that it is more of a reaction to misogyny than true hatred) I realised they did not want to learn at all and just wanted to annoy me. Also, they were clearly less educated than i thought on the subject (they didn't know what patriarchy was, and seemed truly baffled when i told them rape was a real issue for women and not isolated incidents). I soon ran away from the debate, and left thinking they were idiots and wondering why my friends/acquaintances would hang out with them.
The next day, we were hanging out outside after dinner as usual. We passed by a big wooden structure (made for kids to play) and realised the two dumb boys were at the top of it. When they saw us (and, particularly, me) they started screaming "nique les femmes" ("fuck women") to annoy me. I didn't react at all. So they kept on screaming various insults and laughing, until they said "nique les pds" ("fuck f@ggots", although i feel like the french word is even more hurtful but i don't have an english equivalent). I am a lesbian, and even before coming out i have always been proudly defending LGBTQ+ rights. E and P are not outright homophobic but they are a bit uncomfortable around the subject, which is why A asked me to keep the secret about him being pansexual around them so that it would not be awkward. Stacy always acted like an "ally" to me ; she's a bit of a stereotypical straight girl who loves her gay best friend, but i thought : "at least she has the right spirit !".
Anyway, when I hear the homophobic slur i react very seriously : it is not childish provocation now, but serious slurs that i do not tolerate. As i felt like they were a little bit scared of me, i asked them to come down, implying if they did not, there would be consequences. Scaring them worked, but they did not come down, and tried justifying their words by even more homophobic sentences. It has been over a year so i don't remember exactly what they said, but it was along the lines of "im not homophobic, i just hate f@gs" ; "lgbt are unnatural, it's not my fault it's just true" ; "be glad you're alive because you should'nt" ; "i have no issues with gays and their life choices"... etc It felt very violent to me but i did not let it show. At some point, what they said was so illogical it was funny (one of them said "im not homophobic, i just say homophobic things !" And his friend answered "wait, homophobic is hating lgbt people right ? So we are homophobic !"). I looked at A in disbelief and he thought the situation was comic too, but did not intervene as he wanted to stay closeted there (which i fully understand).
So i turned to Stacy, E and P, thinking they would also see how comical this whole situation is. P and E said coldly they "did not want to enter the debate" and Stacy ignored me completely. It came as a shock to me : how could they see it as a debate ?? It was just two guys screaming slurs at me and telling me I should die ??? I felt on the verge of breaking down and i walked away, still hearing them screaming after me and laughing.
I had a big panic attack after, slowly realising what just happened, and i called a friend to calm down. Nobody from the group checked up on me. After around an hour,I walked back to our mobil-home in the shared room of stacy and I. The next morning, we did not speak. I was still very angry and disappointed. At lunch, i talked about the literal hatecrime that happened (not mentioning my step-sisters lack of reaction) but she intervened and said angrily "C'est pas à moi de mener tes combats" ("i dont have to fight your battles"). I was again, shocked, and did not say anything so that the situation didn't escalate.
In the afternoon, I asked to talk to her and told her what i thought about what happened, and how hurt i was. Her explanation was that she was annoyed i "debated with her friends and ruined the soiree" and that the evening sucked because of me. I told her that it made no sense because she always says she "accepts everyone" but when something happens right in front of her, she is quiet. She said that her definition of accepting everybody was accepting "people like me" and "people like them". Finally she admitted her reaction (or lack thereof) was wrong. I told her i did not forgive her, and the conversation ended there. We did not talk for the rest of the holidays, i have unfollowed all (except A, of course) of them and i feel a lot better. Also, i already have my own flat and study away from my parents, so i wont have to see Stacy anymore. So, AITA for ruining the soiree and making a big deal out of it ?
submitted by messygarance to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 Crazy-Concern8080 Lambs Among Wolves - (Part 51)

Shout out to SpacePaladin15 for the original universe and credit to Soggy_Helicopter8589 for the AU lore, check out his story The New Age of Wolves.
There might be a hiatus on the horizon for this story. I was hoping my writer's block would have dissipated by now, but it seems it's not going anywhere. Anyway, enough about that, storytime.
Memory Transcription Subject: Woef, Diplomat, Warrior in Training, Project Manager
Date [Post Cataclysm]: March 7, 1291
I bounced my leg in frustration, staring across the table to the newest addition to my list of problems. When I saw that the Arxur had brought back some more Federation species, I was initially delighted. More people like them were just more power under my belt, more people I could influence to think like me. However, once I found out about a certain opinion they held, my dreams had taken a back seat.
During their time in the Viking pens, they were held with the Arxur, not separate like Kort and the rest of the original rescues. This led to a very… peculiar relation between them and their Arxur. They viewed them as protectors, guardians. The Arxur would jump in the way of thrown rocks and accept the most labor-intensive work, letting them handle only the menial work. They weren’t just accustomed to Arxur, they wanted to be around them.
That is where my problems came in. The Zurulian in front of me, as far as I knew the only one on the planet, wanted to treat an Arxur. But that wasn’t enough. This Arxur wasn’t just any old Arxur, it was Salisk. Even if Salisk wasn’t an Arxur, he and I had some negative history with each other. It would be pretty hard to forget when it burst into my room and threatened to kill me. And now I was supposed to let Hulop here waltz up to him and provide aid.
“I’m sorry, but I just can’t let that happen. And not just because you are trying to heal an Arxur. You are the only real medic we have, I can’t just let you go for who knows how long to handle this. You are needed here, you never know when something can go wrong.”
Hulop tried his best to look intimidating, but with how small Zurulians are he didn’t accomplish much. “You know that’s bullshit. This place isn’t going to fall down if a single newcomer leaves for a couple of days.”
“Maybe, but Toji will take notice. He’s the leader, and he’s on edge. I-”
I caught myself. Hulop didn’t need to know that I was in the process of taking over. I was confident that I could swoop in and take power once I had the opportunity, I just needed it. One moment where I could point out his incompetence and prove my capabilities, and it was all over for the old Gojid.
“I can’t let you go on good faith. He might start a figurative hunt for you.”
“Why not? Aren’t you in charge of me, not him?”
“Look, Toji doesn’t like me. He’s looking for any reason to knock me down a peg, if you know what I mean. Even if he doesn’t know where you are going, he would use your disappearance as ample enough ammunition.”
“I don’t care! Your politics don’t mean anything to me. Do you know what we’ve discovered? The Arxur feel emotions beyond hunger. We’ve seen irrefutable proof. All of us. They. Are. Sapient.”
I focused both eyes on him. “No. They. Aren’t. They were simply acting in a way that they thought would give them the best chance of survival.”
“How does taking a beating guarantee survival? Hmm?”
I shook my head and sighed. “I don’t know. I can’t think like an Arxur.”
“We all think like Arxur. They are sapient like us.”
I was getting tired of this. I had better things I could be doing. “List, I’m putting my foot down. You are not leaving this village, end of story. You are lucky you are here already, if Stephanium wasn’t at that meeting, you would be at the fortress. When you were given to me by the Knights, I didn’t know what to do. I had just gotten through dealing with one group, now I have another to handle. Make it easier for everyone, and just stay put. It’s not like you have any equipment anyway. Even if you did somehow convince me, you can’t work without your equipment.”
Hulop leaned back. “I already have a plan for that. There are life pods and crashed ships all over this planet, and I know where some are. Just let me travel with a few of the Arxur, and we can snag more than just some medical equipment.”
I waved a paw. “You and I both know that those have been picked clean. There is no way that they have gone unlooted for this long.”
“No, they haven’t. There is no way that the humans are getting in without knowing how to break the lock. And there is zero chance that they brute-forced their way in, not without a plasma cutter. And I really doubt that these humans have that lying around.”
I flicked my ear and leaned back. “Hmm, interesting. Still, I’m not letting you go. Forgetting the fact that you are still doing this for an Arxur, there is the process of bringing all of that equipment back with you. I know you said to send Arxur, but I still don’t trust them, no matter what you say. And before you say send the Knights, too many are already away with Stephanium taking care of the Viking problem.”
Hulop snarled. “You know what it sounds like? It sounds like you are more of a predator than the Arxur.”
I slammed my paws down and leaned close, causing Hulop to back away. “The fuck did you say to me? I’m more of a predator than the Arxur? Just because I won’t let you heal one?”
Hulop shrunk away. “Y-yeah! That’s what I said.”
I got even closer, almost touching him with my snout. “So, let me get this straight, you think that I am more evil than an Arxur just because I won’t let you wander into a camp full of Arxur who aren’t accustomed to you, one of which is the one you are trying to heal. I’m more evil than the fear-mongering, child-killing, people-eating, planet-destroying predators?”
Hulop couldn’t respond, forced into a corner by my onslaught of words. I shook my head and slumped back into my seat. “Think before you speak.”
“W-what if I don’t care about that?”
I snarled. “What?”
Hulop tried to regain his courage by standing up straight. “What if I know that Salisk did all of that, but I don’t care and want to heal him anyway?”
I tried to hold in my laugh, but couldn’t. I leaned back in my chair and slapped the table as I giggled at the absurdity Hulop had just spewed. “You- You really know how to make me laugh.”
Hulop wasn’t as amused as I was. “I’m serious.”
“And that makes it soohohohooo much funnier. You think you’re some big, bad, brave Zurulian who can just waltz into a town of Arxur like he owns the place, completely disregarding the mountains upon mountains of facts that these creatures are irrefutable cruel, and heal one.”
“They were only cruel because they weren’t given a chance.”
I couldn't stop my tail wagging, but tried to put on a somewhat serious face. “It really doesn’t matter the circumstances. When what you do is that horrible, there is no forgiving it. Context and coercion can only go so far to absolve a sin that bad.”
“That might be so, but we have the opportunity for them to do more than just use context and coercion. They can apologize. They can work with us, go through the same hardships, understand what it’s like to be on our side.”
I tilted my head and tried to keep my amusement contained. “Can they really? Do they have the intelligence to do that? Can they really know what we have gone through? Truly? After just a little stint in a slave cell? That’s equal to what they have done to the Federations for how long now?”
Hulop looked like he wanted to punch me. “We have to at least give them a chance!”
“Like the chance they gave us? Oh, wait, there was no chance. As soon as they got to the stars, they started hunting us down.”
Hulop stared at me, frustration about to boil over into something more physical, when he suddenly calmed. I could see his eyes connect some pieces, forming a plan that most likely wouldn’t work.
“Hulop, whatever you are thinking of, it won't work.”
“Oh, I do. You place me under Toji, give him authority over me, and then I sneak out. I’ll find my way over to the Arxur village and do my work. If I do get mauled, the blame falls on Toji for letting me escape.”
“But what do I get if you succeed?”
“You get a powerful ally. I’ll tell the Arxur that you let me come to their aid and you will get the support of the Arxur. Imagine what you could do with a group of thirty Arxur under your control.”
I was about to rebuff Hulop’s statement, when I caught my own words. I really like the sound of having a group of Arxur fall to my whims. I could forgive a little bad history if it meant more power for me. Either way this turned out, it sounded like I was going to get some power. I do like power.
“You know what? You were right. I do like that plan, but I’m going to make one tiny alteration. I’m coming with you, and I’m bringing some guards. When the Arxur betray you and go for the kill, me and my soldiers are going to swoop in and protect you. We bravely tracked down the lost Zurulian medic and found him in a camp full of Arxur. Stricken with bravery, we charged in and fended off the Arxur, rescuing the medic before the Arxur could kill him. That’s the story I’m going to tell, and you better back it up.”
Hulop relaxed a little. “Fine by me, when do you want to do this?”
I began standing as I spoke. “Tomorrow night, or the next one. First, we have to inform Toji that you are now under his command, then I want to inform some Knights, and a few of my own, about the plan and that might take a bit. You are the only real medic we have, losing you would be a big problem, so I am taking some serious precautions.”
Hulop stood and followed me to the door. “You won’t lose me, I promise.”
“Eh, whatever. We’ll see.”
I stepped outside and sighed amusedly. Once again, I was living a joke. That had become more and more common lately, but I didn’t care. Even if it was a joke sometimes, it was my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I navigated my way through the village and found Toji at the top of the wall. He only ever looked out of the village, never inside. Yet, he still was beginning to become aware that people were losing faith in him. We had been stagnant for far too long, people were becoming bored beyond measure, and my ideals were beginning to spread to the final few pockets that resisted it.
I wagged my tail as I walked up to him. “Hey Toji, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
He barely glanced away from Cocus to talk to me. “And that is?”
“Hulop. I need you to take him off my paws. He has proven to be too problematic for me to handle along with all the others. If you could just look after him for me, that would be great.”
Toji blinked and turned to face me. “What are you planning? You… What’s going on?”
“Nothing’s going on. Nothing more than what I just told you.”
“Woef, don’t think that just because I’m looking at you I haven’t picked up on the change behind me.”
“Pfft, you think I’m behind that? I don’t care what happens to this village, only the rescues.”
“Is that why you are giving me one?”
“Like I said, just for a little bit. Think of it as babysitting, you can handle that, right?”
Toji sighed. “Sure. Whatever it is you are planning, I have a feeling that I am powerless to stop it anymore.”
I blinked and put on a serious face. Did Toji really know what I was up to and just didn’t care? That makes no sense, he wants to hold power. Everyone wants power.
“Hey Toji, this is a weird question, but why do you want to be a leader?”
“To keep people safe, isn’t it obvious? When we crashed here, I knew that I had to keep everyone under me safe. I used what I was given to the best of my abilities, but sometimes I think it’s never enough. I feel like the Humans are always one step ahead. I hate it.”
I stared for a moment, before looking down to Cocus. He noticed me finally and waved. I returned it and sighed. “You know Toji, I used to hate you. It seems that every interaction we have had is negative. Even when we were in space you thought I had PD. We never got a chance to talk. It’s very difficult to hate someone you know.”
Toji chuffed. “Where did you learn that one? You never struck me as the philosophical type.”
“Believe it or not, the Humans.”
“Ah, I don’t.”
“I don’t get your hate for them. They aren’t the Arxur, they haven’t even made it into space. Yeah, they might eat meat, but they also eat plants. They have clear empathy and emotional drives beyond hunger and cruelty. And it has been far too long for this to be some kind of long con. I mean, I’ve been with them for how long now and I’m still safe?”
“That might be true, and my reason for hating them hasn’t stayed the same. At first, it was just because they were predators. Forward-facing eyes, meat-eating, culture based around war, I thought that was cut and dry. But after discovering that they were… what did they call themselves?”
“Omnivores, I think.”
“Yeah, that’s it. After we found that out, I ended up more confused than anything. I started gaining a little trust, then bam, I found out they were working with the Arxur. Honestly, I tried to understand where they were coming from. They never experienced an Arxur raid, they just saw strong workers. If I didn’t know better, I would agree. But the point that sealed it for me was that Stephanium lied through his teeth the entire time. Maybe it’s just because they are a different species, but someone who can lie that effectively should be feared.”
I sat silently for a moment, finally understanding why Toji hated the Humans so much, when I came to a realization. “Wait, do you care about power?”
“No, only what it can do. It’s just a tool, not a goal. No one in power should have the goal of power, it should be a tool for something else, something good.”
I paused for a moment, taken aback by what Toji said. This was the fearmongering exterminator who always seemed to be on my tail for any minor infractions, shoving his snout in everyone’s business, and directing everyone with an iron claw. He always had power, there was never a moment where he didn’t have power, and now he is telling me he doesn’t want it.
Oh, wait, it must be a joke. I guess I’ll play into it.
“Would you be willing to give up that power?”
“No. Unless I held absolute certainty that whoever would take it could keep them as safe or safer, I wouldn’t dare release it.”
I shrugged and stepped back. “Ah, just wondering. Well, this was a pleasant surprise. I thought you would have shooed me away by now.”
“I was just about to, Woef.”
I laughed loudly. “Heh, I’ll leave you to your staring contest then. Have a good night, Toji.”
submitted by Crazy-Concern8080 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 WithoutPrejudice777 My boyfriend’s scoliosis has led to his apartment being overwhelmingly unclean, & I’m not sure how best to support him.

Apologies if this is not the correct community to post this in, but this post has previously been deleted from the dating community.
For background context, my boyfriend (35M) & I (26F) have been in a relationship for almost 2 years. From the beginning of our relationship, we were both open about our chronic illnesses (with me having arthritis, and him having scoliosis). He explained that from time to time, he may have ‘twinges’ in his back, but for the most part, he still leads a pretty robust life.
Among other factors, I realised after some time that he may have downplayed his symptoms quite a lot. Our relationship began as long distance, so I never got the chance to see his living conditions. However, when he got an apartment in my city, I began noticing some things; for example, not washing his bedding for months, same unwashed plates in the sink when I would come over a week later, piles of the same dust on the floor for weeks, shaved beard hairs in the sink and floor for days and some bad smells due to bin rubbish building up. I also noticed that he would also wear the same clothes often, only washing them after many uses. I didn’t say anything about this as I didn’t know how to raise my concerns without belittling or offending him, but it all came to a head when I once went to use his bathroom, and there was a splash of faeces in the toilet bowl. I called him over to ask him to clean it before I use the toilet myself, and he said, “oh, that thing?”. I don’t know why but I got so angry at that remark, which made me bring up other instances of his uncleanliness up.
He stated that while he understood where I was coming from, his scoliosis means that he has difficulty cleaning his apartment, and he wears the same clothes often because they’re more accessible (e.g. button up shirts). At first I was defensive about his response because I explained even though my spine is degenerating due to arthritis, I still manage to do the above. However, as he pointed out, all disabilities are different.
My question is, how then can I best support my boyfriend? He explained that now that I’ve finished my lawyer bar exams, it would be helpful if I cook and clean more when I come over to visit him. However, when I clean his place, it’s already very unclean again by the next time I visit as he’s unable to keep up with the cleaning in between, which I find very overwhelming. I’ve also suggested hiring a cleaner, but he’s not willing to invest in this right now.
Any suggestions are welcome, thank you.
submitted by WithoutPrejudice777 to scoliosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:00 HighwayIntelligent45 Sexuallt assualted?

Hi, i’m just a bit confused. I(19F) have dated this guy (24M) for a month now and yesterday i was at a party with him. I ended up getting blackout drunk so i don’t remember much. He followed me home and slept over and we had sex? However i don’t remember anything and i don’t even know if i gave consent. I’ve been raped before by an ex while i was passed out and the guy i’m dating knows this. I just don’t know if it can be considered rape since i was conscious and apparently participating?
Anyways mentally i think i’m in denial but my body feels icky and it feels like how i felt last time it happened. I also don’t know what to do cause when i woke up he spoke about it normally like he didn’t do anything wrong? I feel like i should tell him what he did and end it with him but idk how to.
submitted by HighwayIntelligent45 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 Ok-Party-2471 Please pray that my girlfriend isnt pregnant.

Me and my girlfriend are young and recently started having sex, we use protection and pull out while wearing protection to be as safe as possible. Im scared that there was a leak of somesort. A month before this i had a scare over a somewhat similar situation, and i've fully, fully learnt my lesson. Im so scared that she will be pregnant and if that happens it would ruin her life and mine. Im scared that God thinks i havent learnt my lesson and makes her pregnant, or tries to punish me by having sex before marriage, i dont know how to show that im truly sorry and wouldnt do it again. I've been praying every day, im also very new to religion, none of my family are religious so this whole thing is new to me. I have made one of the biggest mistakes by committing sin and im really really scared, i gave in to temptation and i would do anything to take it back, i just hope God understands that im so sorry and never meant for this to happen and that i will never do something so stupid again.
submitted by Ok-Party-2471 to PrayerRequests [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 mortalha92 Persistent Headache After Thunderclap Headache

21M, 5'9, 168 and white.
Early January I woke up to what was the worst pain i haver felt in my life. I got this pain in my forehead and behind my eyes that I can't describe, I remember crying while i was taking a shower before heading to the doctor. If I had to rate it I would say 10/10 pain level, and before that I never used to get headaches. Gave up drinking, smoking and drugs long time ago and was having such a good time in my life (got a job, gf, gym everyday, got into the masters i wanted, graduated, and much more). I got to the doctor and end up feeling dizzy and vomiting. The pain was at his peak when i woke up, and eventually faded away at the hospital. The doctor was quite young and told me it was just a migraine. I didn't know what the hell those were but said ok. My eyes that day were so red that I remember my gf being scared. Next 3-4 days I was quite fine, but still worried. A week or so went by and then I started feeling a persistent dull sensation behind my left eye and a consistent dull headache aswell. I can't tell you how the headache was right now but I just now it was annoying, as it is right now. I took some time off, went to a nice hotel and it persisted.
Decided it was time to go to the GP cause i had enough of this low pain headache (2/10 pain) and dull sensation behind eyes. He wanted to rule out any major causes so went for a CT scan and came back clear. That was a relief at the time. He said it was probably migraines, which I still didn't know what were those and gave me Propranolol. I thought the headache and eye pain at the time was because of my glasses that caused me a weird sensation, especially on my left eye, so I stopped wearing them.
Started taking Propranolol (40mg a day) and things got better, got a normal life again, but my heart rate change a bit and I was still getting some nasty headaches some days, especially when waking up. The frequency of the headaches stopped but I felt like they never left, they were just asleep (the headaches). I couldn't live without Propranolol and if I missed a dose, I would feel it. I got my eyes checked at the time, he didn't see anything strange and gave me a new prescription. Dumb move by me but i didn't buy my new glasses immediately.
As I am not currently studying but will next year, I went to see a Neuro, to see if I could stop these headaches 100%. I never felt like they left me and wanted to see if he knew what was going on with me. He said it was migraines (to this day I only saw one aura and it didn't even gave me an headache after it) and gave me Topamax (50mg daily 1st week and then 100mg daily) and reduced Propranolol from 40mg daily to 20mg.
Symptoms on 40mg Propranolol and no glasses:
-headaches after waking up, would get better when i got up;
-headache with some eye movement, like looking up;
-some daily persistent headache that I would just live with them;
-maybe I had 3 days without headache but I would always have 3 headaches in a week and that would be during the whole day;
-had to sleep x hours otherwise would get headache;
-headache was kinda more like tension headache (on both sides of my forehead);
-got progressively worst and more frequent, thats why i went to a Neuro.
Should mension that throughout this all time my neck popps a lock while moving it and I can hear a liquid like fizzing rocks going through it??? I also felt something on my throat and one time i went to an osteopath she told me I had 3 vertebrae pressing on one of my arteries? I don't even know, I don't understand I lot about this. My brother is almost finished with is med school and can't understand all this symptoms. My eyes are now always quite red, before that day in January they didn't use to be like this.
Now it's when it gets worst. I don't know if all this came from Topamax side effects or redusing the those of Propranolol but it starts to get deep.
Symptoms on 100mg Topamax and 20mg Propranolol with glasses:
-I got my new glasses in a week but before that I was getting immense eye pain and behind the eye pain with some temple headaches and headaches all over my head, my eye pain got better with my gfs polarised sunglasses so maybe that was just eye strain. The eye strain has since then got better with the new glasses.
-headaches when waking up got worst, had crazy pressure on top of the skull/head and temple pressure. Still, they get a bit better when I get up;
-start getting some nosebleeds (have now stopped);
-I feel like I can hear double, I have so much pressure on my ears that make social environments unpleasent (felt like I had this before);
-tinnitus when lying down and waking me up at 4 a.m.;
-have some weird constant flashes on my vision like old tv horizontal lines?? I don't see then when looking at the distance but can definitely see them in any room;
-left lower eyelid always twitching;
-headache pretty much 24/7, wake up with pressure, get up, gets better, drive to work, gets worst, gets better during the day and will gradually get worst till the end of the day;
-on the worst days I will still get the pain behind eyes, but not so much with eye movement;
-The pressure on the temples is crazy, before i never used to get pain in the temple area, only forehead, which is weird.
I won't deny this whole situation put me on so much stress and anxiety, so maybe thats why the propranolol was making a slight difference, anyway knowing my family history I don't want to be the rest of my life on a drug that affects my cardiac system and I think there must be an underlying cause in all of this messed up headache, especially that thunderclap headache.
I will now look for some specialist in this area and do some more testing, since all I got was a CT Scan.
submitted by mortalha92 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 a15minutestory [WP] Saying you dedicate your hunts to the Goddess Artemis started as a weird private joke to yourself. You never thought it would result in the actual goddess visiting you and asking to teach her how to hunt with a rifle. [Part 8]

The room was quiet.
No one said a word.
I looked around at their grim faces, and decided to break the silence. "Ares?" I asked. "As in... the god of war?"
"The very one," Apollo acknowledged. "We are doomed."
"Well, actually," Artemis said from the doorway. "He is... just sort of walking around."
Athena lifted her eyebrows, "What? Explain, Sister."
"I do not know how to further explain," said Artemis, adopting a pained expression. "He is not tearing this lodge to shreds as he would if..."
"... If he knew we were here," Athena finished her sentence. "Do you think he hasn't detected us?"
"Impossible," Hephaestus huffed.
"I agree with Hephaestus," Apollo said, leering at the windows on the north side of the room. "Ares can detect us almost anywhere on Olympus. Certainly he can feel us from the other side of this wall, no?"
"Out there?" I asked, gesturing toward the north wall.
Artemis nodded gravely. "Yes. He must be preparing something."
I started toward the window when Apollo jumped in front of me. "Excuse me, are you mad?"
"He wouldn't recognize me," I said, scooting past him. He lifted a hand as if to stop me, but simply looked to Athena for help.
She tilted her head and shrugged, "He has a point. We're all finished anyway. What could it hurt?"
I stood at the window and peered out at the people gathered around the fountain. There was a taller than average man in gleaming golden armor standing among them. His donned a crimson cape that blew in the breeze— he was a magnificent sight to behold. It was as though his very being was shimmering-shiny.
"He's... asking people questions," I narrated. "He's the guy in the golden armor right?"
"Yes," came Artemis's voice next to me. "If he is speaking, I may be able to hear him if I sharpen my focus. I am good at this. Everyone, please remain quiet." She knelt down, closed her eyes, and pressed her ear against the wall.
I watched him speak to people and occasionally point to the sky. Everyone around him seemed taken by his fancy appearance, but they were all shoulders; they had no idea what he was on about.
"None of you?" asked Artemis. "None of you saw a group of people come from the sky?" She spoke slowly as she listened. "I sensed them here in this town when I arrived. Now they have disappeared. Have you done something?"
"I don't believe it," Hephaestus spoke, a spark of hope in his heart. "He cannot sense us. But how?"
"Perhaps this lodge is magical," Apollo said, a small smile appearing on his face. "What luck! What unbelievable luck!"
I couldn't help but smile at our good fortune as I watched them breathe sighs of relief. My gaze stopped on Athena however, as she was staring at me with narrowed eyes as though deep in thought.
"It is... possible that I was mistaken," Artemis spoke. "But I could have sword upon my steel that I sensed all of them this way." She looked up at me and smiled. "Buck, he is leaving!"
I watched through the window as the god turned and heaved a frustrated sigh. He looked up at the sky before leaping up and out of view. The people by the fountain gasped so hard I could hear it through the walls of the lodge.
"He's gone!" I exclaimed. "He took off!" I turned to find Athena right next to me and my back hit the wall. Her eyes were inches from mine. "Oh- uhh- hey, Athena," I said nervously, sidling away from her. "You, uhh... You good?"
"What is it?" asked Artemis as she stood up. "What do you sense in Buck?"
The others gathered near the window caging me in as Athena stared into my soul. I swallowed and glanced around. "What?"
"Nothing," Athena smiled.
"I sense... nothing." she clarified.
"Now that you mention it," Apollo leaned in. "I too sense no aura from the new god."
"Hm," Hephaestus scratched his temple. "You know... I cannot sense him either. Not even a little of him."
"Can't sense me?" I asked. "I don't know, you're all looking awfully hard at me."
"You have no aura," Athena clarified. "Every god and goddess has an aura without exception," she explained.
"To put it to you in terms you will better understand," said Apollo. "Think of when you go to visit someone you know at their house. Their house has a distinct smell, no?"
"Yeah," I nodded cautiously. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Not always like a bad smell, but a scent."
"Now imagine," Artemis chimed in. "That you can smell that person's home-smell when they are close."
"Within a mile," Athena added. "We can sense others of our kind in such a way. Some can sense it stronger than others."
"... And you're saying I don't have one?" I asked. "Like at all?"
"Perhaps because he was first human," Hephaestus offered.
"No," Apollo smiled, looking at Athena.
"We're on the same page, Apollo," Athena smiled back.
"Hm?" Artemis placed her hands on her hips. "If you have figured something out, please share it."
"I believe," said Athena, pointing playfully at me. "That our friend here is camoflauge, so to speak."
"A god of isolation," Apollo said in wonderment. "If he does not wish to be found..."
"My word," Hephaestus smiled. "If that is truly a power of yours... I am jealous."
"You think I'm hiding your auras?" I asked, a half-smile on my face. "Seriously?"
"Seriously," Athena answered with a relieved sigh. "I believe merely being close to you erases our presence from those that seek us."
I looked down at my own hands and tightened them into fists. It was amazing. I was emitting godlike powers without even trying. It was just a part of who I was now. What luck that I was lonely enough in life to assert a domain that could hide me in plain sight from those that would wish me harm. I was so happy to be useful I couldn't even form it into words.
"We should run further still," Artemis cut in. "I am a piece of Father, and if I know him, he will still not give up the search. Unable to sense our auras, he will still search high and low with his eyes and ears. He will follow our trail."
"Agreed," Athena answered quickly. "We must not stay here."
"Well, where do we go?" I asked.
"To Asgard," Hephaestus answered firmly.
"I believe it was you who said Odin would not take us in, yes?" asked Apollo.
"We are not going for shelter," Hephaestus smiled a devilish grin. "We are going... for materials."
Asgard wasn't what I expected. Truth was, I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this. The sky was a splauched watercolor painting of blues and violets, and even black in some places as the winds blew across the roiling water beneath. The plane seemed to be on the brink of a major storm that never quite arrived. The air was salty and cold as we were rowed across the noisy waters toward the great hall on the hill. I could see it through the fog with a mighty hearth fire burning at the port.
"It's kind of dreary," I noted as the Norseman rowed us to shore.
"I adore this type of weather," Artemis grinned widely. "It is so exciting, would you not agree?"
"I must admit, I too enjoy the calm before a storm," Hephaestus agreed. "Great power swells within the clouds. The potential is hair-raising."
"I would oft come to earth just for this feeling," Apollo spoke next. "There's nothing like it."
"Perhaps it is a sense of godlike nostalgia among Zeus's children," Athena said before taking a big wiff of the air. "We all love storms, it seems."
I preferred sunny weather, but it wasn't like I didn't understand. There was something exilerating about a storm so intense that it knocked the power out. We'd gather together in the living room and light all our candles, and play board games while we listened to the rolling thunder over our heads.
I missed that.
I missed my family.
And it was striking me just then as we pulled up to the shore that I might never see anyone I loved ever again. I had been so caught up in getting away from an angry deity that I hadn't really had the time to sit and think about the state of my life.
The longboat rumbled beneath us as it bore into the rocky shoreline. The other gods climbed out and onto the shore, and I followed quietly behind them. We marched up the torchlit path to the great hall under heavy fog. The rocks crunched under my boots as I moved up the incline. I never did tire or run out of breath— divinity had robbed me of such mortal difficulties. I should have been thrilled, but my heart was heavy. Would I never know the challenge of exercise again?
I shook the thoughts away. I kept thinking like a poet inside my head. It was so weird having my inner monologue change. Would I be speaking like Artemis eventually? Or could I keep a more natural sentence structure like Athena? At least she used contractions. Artemis sounded like a language model; like Microsoft Sam, or Starfire from Teen Titans or something— like she was still getting a grasp on the language after thousands of years.
When we reached the top of the path, we stood before the great hall's massive wooden doors. We beheld them for only a moment before they parted in the middle and creaked open. A tall man— taller than any of us strode out of the hall. He wore what looked like an animal pelt across his silver shoulder pauldrons, and the rest of his outfit was made up of dark leather that thinly veiled his abdominal muscles. He surveyed us through a single eye, brushing his long grey hair out of his face and behind his ears. I couldn't tell if he was smiling beneath his thick beard.
"You have ten seconds to explain," he spoke harshly.
It was a safe bet that he wasn't smiling.
"It's the new deity," Athena spoke quickly. "Brian," she clarified, turning and looking over her shoulder at me.
"Me?" I cried out in surprise. "I haven't done anything yet!"
"His domains are indulgence, isolation, and humor... so far as we know. It the second of his domains that concerns you."
"But we promise," Artemis interjected. "He cannot control it yet! And you will understand, soon enough, that it is best that we cannot be detected."
The man looked me over, his frown softening into a look of curiosity. "How about that?" he asked, moving through the crowd of gods nearer to me. "I didn't know about it," he said in a deep tone. "Do you have any idea," he asked, looking me dead in the eyes. "... How long it has been since I didn't know something?"
The valleys of age that ran across his face didn't for a single second betray the enormity of his might. I could feel the weight of his power on my shoulders as he studied me. I didn't have to ask who he was. I could feel it in my bones— this was Odin.
This was the All-Father.
Athena appeared at his side and smiled sweetly at him. "How does it feel?" she asked.
"Unnerving," he answered. "And yet... exhilerating, I could not sense any of you approaching. I didn't know you would be here before I heard the horns of the boatmen." he turned to her. "How is this possible?"
"Well, now," Athena said in her most charming voice. "How would you like to hear a story you haven't heard before? One you didn't immediately know as the pen met the page?"
"Ha," he placed a thick hand on her shoulder. "I knew I would like you, Athena." He turned to the others and smiled genuinely. "Come! Join me at my table! We have about an hour before Poseidon shows up asking for you."
I was in awe.
He was completely omniscient it seemed.
He knew all— except for me.
I couldn't help the feeling of unease as we followed him into the hall and the gargantuan wooden doors closed behind us. If Odin felt I was a threat to him...
I was certain none of us would be able to stand up to him.
Writing Prompt Submitted by u/blablador-2001
submitted by a15minutestory to A15MinuteMythos [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 DamnedestCreature Is it possible to migrate an anonymous fic to a different account without un-anoning it?

I have written a oneshot that is a lot more extreme than my usual work. Just some real good ole depravity. Dove has been nuked from orbit in the additional tags. What I usually do with these types of works is that I post them on anon first and then I un-anon them after a while once I've built up the courage to slap my name on the thing.
This has worked well for me so far, but this work is really far beyond anything I have written before, and so I'm contemplating maybe making another account to house my Most Extreme shit.... The thing is that I'm not sure yet. Would I have to decide now and just post it on the new account? I know it is possible to move works between accounts by adding the other account as co-author and then removing the 'original' co-author, thus moving the fic fully to the second account. Can this also be done on anon? As in, if I decide to make a second account later, can I go through this usual process (add new acct as co-author, remove original co-author) without the fic ever ceasing to be displayed as anonymous until I remove it out of the anonymous collection on the new account?
I'm getting a feeling that the answer is 'yes, of course' and I'm just being paranoid here, because why would the anonymous collection suddenly stop working as intended when a fic has two authors, but my biggest fear regarding this fic right now is accidentally blasting my subscribers' email inboxes with it when it's un-anoned before I'm ready :'DDD
submitted by DamnedestCreature to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 Ordinary-Success-206 125 gal aquarium for piggies?

I have an old 125 gal (6' L x 18" W x 22" T) glass aquarium that does not hold water, I got it for basically free and it's been empty for a while.
I just took in two piggies from a rescue and used it for temp housing, but am wondering if there's anything I can do to make it suitable long-term housing for them?
I was thinking installing an air ventilation system and/or drilling holes in the glass? I'm worried I don't have the skill to drill holes and would hate to break the whole tank.
If I go a ventilation route, I was thinking of putting air quality monitors in & using fleece instead of substrate, to decrease dust/ammonia.
If I have to, I can switch to a cage/hutch setup, but I also have an ex barn cat who is a very keen hunter and the aquarium is much safer as far as keeping him out (he could easily reach thru cage bars).
TIA for any help!
submitted by Ordinary-Success-206 to guineapigs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 ClintonLS90 Was I misdiagnosed with asthma?

Long story short I went into the E.R a week and a half ago ago because of a feeling of choking and felt like something was stuck in my throat and a chronic cough with phlegm that had been bothering me for months. They took a few tests and gave me some blue medicine which I inhaled and my tight lumpy throat went away almost instantly told me they think I have asthma so set me up with an appointment to see a specialist which is June 17th. They gave me a nebulizer and 4 boxes of albuterol sulfate that are good for a month I am supposed to take the medicine 4 times a day, every six hours which I have but after the 4th day of taking the medicine my original symptoms returned. Super tight throat like something is stuck and very difficult to eat even soft foods or drink water. It feels like it's going down super slow but the feeling eventually passes that sometimes leads to a burp or two. I have been drinking lots of water and creamy soups.
So what do you think gerd or asthma or possibly both. I guess I will find out but it's gonna be weeks until I can see the doc unfortunately
submitted by ClintonLS90 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 crizzleshere Am i being catfished?

All the signs are there. Sometimes when im board i go on IG and try to find all accounts for one of the content creators i follow. I found one.... wow... so far im up to 50+ account all posting a few times a week since 2022 or so. Same person in this pictures, identifiable by their tatoos. Across the accounts the puctures may differ but all the same person.
The location varies, on FB they have accounts as well, anywhere from the Cali to FL as location. On IG the location is europe, which checks out with the builing style in the content posted.
So, one day i found an account with only a few pictures, labeled back up account. I started to follow that one. A few days later they follow me back and send a DM. Chatted through IG for a bit and then asked to go to snapchat instead, as thet are being stalked and may need to shut down that account. For a few days we talk on snap, and then the IG is shut down...
The snap name is different from IG as well as the profile pic, not even close. Reason: to avoid tge stalker from finding them, they used a friends name and account. Searched for the name online, cant find anything no match of name +pic.
At first its broken englush but it gets better with time. They share not much, a few personal things that are either really sad or meant to manipulate. Then after 3 days talking on Snap they ask if i can buy them dinner as their card was blocked while traveling. I say no, they get reaaly annoyed and disappointed and try to guilt me. Next day all is well again.
submitted by crizzleshere to catfish [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 E6E6FA_FFB6C1 Chinese Reactions to Ahri Skin

I saw the Korean reaction post and I wanted to make one for Chinese players because I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how Riot is betting on the Chinese player base to buy this skin given the price and the potential for Uzi to be next so I think it’s worth looking at how the Chinese players are reacting.
Some necessary context:
  1. There were leaks about the skin’s price being 400 dollars that were widely circulated before the official announcement, they were obviously wrong but this had prepared the community a bit for the insanity.
  2. The Tencent run server has always had insane mark up on price skins to a point where there have been skins sold for even more money than this Ahri skin so this is not some out of the left field move in the view of Chinese players.
Top comments from the BiliBili announcement video in order of likes:
  1. There may be many players in the Hall of Legend, but only one can show up for with four World trophies, would it not be awkward for those in the future who have none to show? (this is a diss against Uzi who has never won Worlds)
  2. Oh my god, Ahri’s getting some insane treatment, four World trophies, is this the value of Faker’s first love?
  3. A lot of references, I see the broccoli, the Ryze expression, the Galio and Azir icons, and the Hide on Bush ward looks fun, and the two skins are pretty good as well.
  4. Oh no, the Rift will have Faker’s signature, customized Rift (this is a joke about some recent hate Faker’s been getting as some people have been calling the Worlds he’s won “customized Worlds” claiming Riot specifically tailored the meta to his advantage)
  5. Ahri’s skin quality is amazing, with the kill and turret take down effects, it’s a T1 skin.
Top comments from BiliBili video showing the price of the skin in order of likes (note that the views on this video have surpassed the original announcement video):
  1. What we thought: Riot, to honor Faker’s performance, will create a historical skin to celebrate him. What Riot planned: Riot, to use Faker to earn a lot of money, will create a historically expensive skin.
  2. I will only ban Ahri in ranked, no one will be allowed to have this skin against me.
  3. 15 dollars I can support it, but 500 I just wanna ask who is Faker? I don’t know him.
  4. Just buy some food and treat yourself, Faker probably wouldn’t buy this skin with this price either.
  5. If you really like Faker just buy the normal version and work on the pass, the pass gives a lot. As for the other two just leave the rich kids to buy it, it’s not better than buying something practical for you or your family, it’s seriously not worth it for a skin.
  6. OK OK let’s stop arguing, all I can say is that Riot can’t even exploit its player base well. Just lower the cost by a bit and so many more people would be willing to buy it.
  7. My god if all this money was used to buy bananas, how many could you buy? (Faker’s favorite snack is bananas)
  8. All I can say is that this legendary skin is also insane.
  9. As Faker has said on stream before, don’t buy skins if they are too expensive, buy something you actually need. Greatness, needs no explanation.
I wanted to speak a bit more about Uzi in particular because the perception here of how Chinese players think of Uzi is a bit wrong. While Uzi is without a doubt iconic, he is also pretty widely looked down upon for never having won Worlds. There is a very VERY widely known meme amongst the Chinese League community called the shockwave, stemming from his then mid laner Cool getting caught in chat on stream calling Uzi the World’s most fucking overrated player which in Chinese sounds the same as shockwave. It spread like wildfire and Chinese players call any underperforming players shockwaves for this reason. This is why I caution people to not overestimate the Chinese player base’s willingness to pay for an overpriced Uzi skin because he does not have as much love or as many Chinese fans as you think he does. Chinese players are absolutely ruthless (very much overall so) towards players who cannot win, in fact Bin of all people has become a big meme post MSI after BLG’s loss.
submitted by E6E6FA_FFB6C1 to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 tunky18 5’9” 69kg / 154 pounds - just need advise on what to do

5’9” 69kg / 154 pounds - just need advise on what to do
Looking for advice on what to do, I had a bulk phase which I was taking seriously last year but just completely fell off from that. Currently in a prime skinny fat zone.
I have been cutting to try and get some fat off while also getting back into the gym consistently, drinking water and more steps, diet is also clean again with high protein. currently 5 pounds down in 3 weeks (no pics unfortunately).
Not sure if I should continue as I am for a little bit, I know that I will not be cutting down to anything, but just to put me in a better position to bulk up, I have very little muscle on my frame.
submitted by tunky18 to GregDoucette [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 freerangehulahoop Pumping Breaks at work

Hey y’all! I work in retail and I’m a manager. Usually there is coverage of other managers when I am in the store and it’s no problem to let one of them know I’ll be taking a pumping break. I live in NY and I am required to punch out for my breaks.
As summer is here and people start calling out a lot, there is less coverage for other managers to cover me when I need to take a break. This is resulting in me shifting the times of my pumping break so there is always a manager available while we are working.
What happens if I’m the only manager in the store and I need to take a pumping break? Do I let my manager know I will be taking my breaks at the time I need to and I cannot cover the store solo? I’m not sure what my legal rights are but I see myself in a situation where I “can’t” take a pumping break when needed due to being the only manager. Not sure how to handle this if it comes up. Thanks!
submitted by freerangehulahoop to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 runningonadhd_ MODS: It Would Help New People if You Could Filter This Woman’s Delusions Into Tags & Break Down the Overwhelm.

MODS: It Would Help New People if You Could Filter This Woman’s Delusions Into Tags & Break Down the Overwhelm.
Oh yeah, only you’re psychotic ass would think someone who lives in the same town as another TikToker & shared a photo to 3 people while saying “OMG, they lied about where they work and are here…” is stalking someone.
Never mind the $100 ILLEGAL bounty you offered for the private information where her CHILDREN also live…
And bragging about it on a live where you claim to be rescuing a DV victim.
Didn’t have anything to do with your low down, crazy ass, conspiracy spouting, wanna be shaggy and Scooby-Doo, half baked, don’t got two brain cells to rub together because you’re hopped on something, four drinks into a Captain Morgan foolishness.
Just someone who watched you prove you & Blu can’t be trusted, and single-handedly wrote me out of a narrative.
Have fun fighting with Blu & B. I’ll be watching you continue to self implode — and make whoever this Nicole lady is have to side with & attack innocent people… Or recognize how your false allegations of her and threats to get her involved make her appear complicit… and not be okay with that.
submitted by runningonadhd_ to RTWhy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 Remarkable_Cash1797 She gonna end up…

Locked up in the BSU again, or dare I say it? She will end up fucking shot at this rate… I’m here to tell you, local law enforcement are a bunch of gun nuts who will shoot first and ask questions later. They’re all morons. So, those of you trying to call local authorities? Please don’t waste local tax payers dollars on this shit. They’re not going to do anything. Troopers likely won’t either, bc they need charges that actually stick. Everything she has been doing lately is too vague to charge.
CPS is not going to do anything. I know parents who live in almost squalor and have mental health issues and all still have their kids. The standard is: will this kid die if they stay in this situation? Yes? CPS takes them for placement. No? CPS monitors for 60-120 days. I’m sure everything for these two morons has been unfounded.
Eddie Oropollo used to be Corning PD and he caught charges as an Elmira PO for I believe manslaughter for pinning a man down while he had a mental health crisis. He was found not guilty, but it was huge that he was charged. He and his wife Trish are absolute trash. Besides the point, but that’a a pretty typical response, locally.
That’s the local temperature on mental health in this area. We are so rural we don’t have any mental health professionals let alone anyone who could deal with the complexities of this issue. Morgan likely has an undiagnosed dissociative identity disorder, her coping mechanism for stress or triggers is a huge spectrum and you all say “we see demons in her eyes” yet she can still function and not get in trouble etc bc she’s still somewhat there… This is my own arm chair diagnosis!!! I’m not a professional!!
I can say from personal experience when I was overprescribed adderall, I was not in a healthy place. That’s the last drug she needs to be on, in the midst of a manic spiral? Yeah, no fucking way. She needs a week in the BSU just to SLEEP!
If she has DID from the cPTSD? From everything Justin does to her etc? She’s an asshole for not getting real with herself and getting the help she deserves to get for her child’s sake. And, in the same breath, fuck Justin for triggering her to this point. That’s cruel.
Justin is quietly proving what a control freak she is, and she just happily hops in the trap he sets for her every single time.
Again, she’s not gonna get in trouble. She’s simply not. She might get a two day stay at chateau deux saint Joseph’s, but she’s not going to get in trouble. Mark my words.
As a local, stop wasting our tax dollars on these two assholes!!! Lol, everyone is aware!! There’s truly nothing they can charge her with. Even riding with a bumper on her kids lap? Not a sound idea to you or me, but also still not illegal!!
submitted by Remarkable_Cash1797 to morgankempsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 plushyriceball Doctors and nurses need empathy training and a TON of psychological analysis before they're even allowed to look in the general direction of a patient

MOST OF THEM ARE ONLY IN IT FOR POWER, I know they are! I know those fuckers are!
YEARS. For YEARS I was dealing with pain, pain so severe I couldn't stand up, and I was so, so fucking depressed for so long, so tired, this entire time it was hypothyroidism???
"Oh if we caught it earlier we could've found a better way to manage it too, why didn't you call your doctor if you were experiencing pain?"
"mmmm you just need exercise, maybe cut down on the 'tor-till-uhs' and tacos too, try eating an apple, you know what that is, right?" THEY'RE CALLED TORTILLAS YOU RACIST WHITE BITCH! Mexican food can be helathty! I eat nopales so often for my blood pressure! I drink jicama for my blood sugar! I eat corn! I eat beans for iron and protien!
My mother too, every time all because she had an accent. Shes so smart in spanish, but everyone thought she was so stupid all because of her accent.
As far as I'm concerned doctors and nurses are on the same level as cops. Evil, power hungry pigs. I dont trust a single one of them anymore. I havent in a while.
The only reason I still see them now is because its the only way to get my medicine that i need. The medicine that takes the pain away. The medicine that finally is allowing me to lose weight. The medicine thats finally allowing me to feel alive.
Im human... why cant they see im human...
submitted by plushyriceball to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 Appropriate-Juice209 I don’t deserve to live anymore

I put down my dog of 6.5 years, my beloved first dog who I adopted when I was 22, back in April. The circumstances could not have been worse and I was not in my right state of mind. I didn’t think of all the other options and I never imagined something like this could happen.
I adopted her when she was 8 weeks old. For the first 18 months it was just the two of us. When all the trainings up to canine good citizen, she did dog daycare every day because I worked long hours. After work we’d always go on trail runs and she was perfect and never even pulled on her leash as she had no concern for other dogs or people. When I’d travel she’d always be watched by rover sitters with other dogs and kids. I’d often watch friends dogs and vice versa. She was the smartest and best dog.
When she was 18 months, I got married and we moved due to the military. My husband and I then go our second dog, a female vizsla at 8 weeks old. They instantly got along perfectly, always playing and chasing eachother. For 5 years it was bliss. They did everything together. They even lived with my family and 5 siblings and their two dogs for a year while we deployed. Never any issues, and again I’d often watch friends dogs and vice versa. My life revolved around them and they always got runs and fetch and hikes every day. I loved it.
Then when she turned 6 and my other dog was 4.5, she started to change. In November, I took her to the vet because she has been reclusing herself and acting uncharacteristically aggressive, attacking my other dog twice and growling, snapping, and barking at me. She had never done anything like this towards another person or dog, let alone towards me and her buddy of almost 5 years. It was very erratic but it seemed like she must have not been feeling well because she would always be with me, it was very odd she’d go in her crate by herself for such long periods of time. But she wouldn’t always act aggressively so it made no sense.
The vet did blood work and said it was normal so she was prescribed fluoxetine and trazodone. I should have pushed that something much more serious was going on, but I figured if the meds wouldn’t help I would’ve seen that quickly. But the meds seemed to help, she was back to hanging out with me and playing with my other dog and no more weird aggressive outbursts. I stupidly let my guard down. It was all perfect again for 4 months. I attributed her lethargy, slower mentation, and laying in weird places to the meds. She went back to the vet twice once for weird leg swelling that went away and again for vaccines. No issues were noted and she was again her sweet self so I thought everything was good.
Then at the end of March, she suddenly attacked my other dog again. We were heading out the gate for our daily , drawing blood this time from my other dog’s ear. I went to check on her a little while later and again she was barking and growling at me. I called my vet who didn’t have any appointments available that day. I should have immediately taken her to the ER vet or somewhere else but I stupidly didn’t. We were going out of town the next day for my friend’s wedding and then I had a work trip right after. When we picked up the dogs from their kennel, she was totally her usual self. We thought it was maybe a fluke. We kept them separate and then while he as gone just husband brought them back and said they seemed fine so we just separated them when we were not home.
Then a few days later, she attacked my other dog again out of nowhere. The dogs had been sitting on the couch all morning while I was in my office. I walked into the room and my other dog got up to go to the back door. She followed and stood next to her. All of a sudden she launched right for her neck. My other dog was just screaming. I tried everything to get her to let go without getting my hands in there and nothing would work so I was afraid she’d kill my other dog so I used my heads to separate her jaws from my other dogs neck. I was somehow able to hold her down and open the back door for my other dog to run out. She was still frenzied for a few seconds then when she calmed down I put her in my room and went to check on my other dog. She was in the back corner of the yard shaking and had cuts to her face, neck, and ears and I received a bite that needed stitches to my hand while trying to get her off of her. My parents and my husband told me I had to put her to sleep that I couldn’t take the risk anymore before she kills my other dog or hurts me or someone in our neighborhood. That I could never trust her again and something was wrong with her.
In my state of panic I made the vet appointment while at the ER. When i got home we took her to the vet and without even doing other tests or offering a solution, our vet just said she felt putting her to sleep was the right decision and this was likely in her brain and not fixable and in my state of trauma and shock I somehow let that happen. Ever since I have been wanting to throw up. I hate myself I don’t know how I did that to her and I feel like my husband and my parents betrayed me for telling me this was the only way when I was obviously not in my right state of mind and I was the only one who saw it happen. I wasn’t thinking straight. It never even occurred to me go see a behaviorist or a neurologist and that was never suggested.
She was my first dog, I had her from 8 weeks and she was always perfect and trustworthy. I can’t believe I threw that all away. I feel like an idiot for taking her to this vet and trusting her and for making it seem so hopeless. I should have gotten multiple opinions before ever doing something as big and irreversible as this. Something must have been going on with her and I didn’t help her. I feel just emptiness and regret and can’t believe she is gone or that I killed her. Maybe I could have rehomed my other dog and everything would have been okay and they could both still be alive.
I’ll never forgive myself. I want to die so the pain will go away and I can be with her again. I totally failed her and succumbed in a moment of panic to what everyone told me I needed to do but not what I wanted to do and I hate myself.
submitted by Appropriate-Juice209 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:55 Lost-Actuary-2395 How do I(26m) deal with my gf(27f) rejecting potential solution to her problem?

My(26) gf(27) is going through uni exam period right now, aside from dealing with the stress that come with it.
She has been extremely irritated about noises from neighbours, talking, street noise from outside etc. While she studies for the exam.
A week ago I've bought her a noise cancelling headphones for her birthday, but she haven't even tried it she is adamant that "it won't work", that she doesn't believe in "those stuff", "doesn't have time to set it up"(it takes about a minute to connect to bt)
Personally I've used one of those and it works fantastically at cancelling outside voice, basically perfect for studying especially when you have to listen to online lectures.
As the exam coming up sooner she become increasingly agitated at the noises from outside/neighbours, but she just refuse to try the headphones.
I am frustrated to see her like this. What can I do?
TL;DR gf is annoyed at the noise from outside, I've bought her a noise cancelling headphones but she refused to try it even just one time because she is adamant they don't work
submitted by Lost-Actuary-2395 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:54 Southern_Piglet2233 How to deal with rude concierge?

(Or can I sue him or get him removed or sacked?)
Context: 22F, Asian which I feel like could be the reason why he feels like it’s okay to be rude to me/that I’m a pushover. He’s nice to me when there’s other guards around but the complete opposite when it’s just the two of us.
Moved into this apartment complex in Manchester a couple months ago and there’s a system which when you want to take your meter readings you have to go ask the concierge the day before and the security guards do it for you overnight and you check it at the concierge again the morning after.
I’ve never had a problem with other receptionists or guards there but there’s this one guy who always gives me loads of shit for not speaking up. Every time I go down there he would mimic me speaking and tell me I wasn’t loud enough, and that I was just whispering. Now I don’t mind repeating myself but it was his rude snobbish attitude that’s been pissing me off, he gets me to repeat the same sentence for over 5 times for him which I’m sure by the second or third time he would’ve definitely have heard me cuz I would raise my voice gradually every time and there’s just no way he couldn’t hear when I could even hear my voice echoing in the lobby.
And this morning when I went down to get my meter readings I just decided I had to put an end to this cuz I’ve had enough, so I just told him everyone else could hear me except him, to which he responded by he’s 67 years old and his ears are old. Then he just continued mimicking me speaking which is just super childish behaviour but definitely worked cuz I was pissed off after. And the whole time he was complaining I wasn’t loud enough he was playing YouTube on full volume and after I confronted him about it he just straight up ignored me and continued watching his videos.
I couldn’t google the name of the security/concierge company so I’m checking with my landlord about it - but aside from filing a complaint is there anything I could do? I’m not super familiar with uk law but I really wouldn’t mind spending a bit on this just to get this man removed cuz I’ve really had enough of the bullying.
submitted by Southern_Piglet2233 to AskUK [link] [comments]