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Precomposing fixes a multitude of problems - won't help you get a date though

2009.11.09 01:54 BigBuddhaCheese Precomposing fixes a multitude of problems - won't help you get a date though

After Effects help and inspiration the Reddit way.

2011.09.01 19:34 Sprays for CS, TF2, and all Half-life 2 mods.


2024.06.02 20:19 Mezzichai Have to use useLayoutEffect to transition auto widths, running into issues between the animation frames. (sandbox available)

Here are the two important files in a live example: (I recommend fullscreening this and zooming out by clicking thing top-right "open in new tab" button of the "preview" tab)
LineageGeneration.tsx - nodebox - CodeSandbox (lines 88 -150 are the important parts)
useChangeContentWidth.tsx - nodebox - CodeSandbox
(to expand an aggregate node, just hover over and click it)
First of let me start off by explaining why I need to use the hook in the first place. You cannot transition collapsing or expanding sections whose sizes are completely drvien by their content with "auto". As far as I have toyed, there are two solutions, setting width explicity (hell), and what I've done with finely controlling the animation with a hook.
The issue that arises is apparent in this gif:
Sandbox - CodeSandbox
Notice the animation skipping effect when I hover over other nodes quickly
I believe this has to do with the time it takes the animation to complete (.3s) and what can happen inbetween then that causes the cancelling. I have toyed around with timeouts on hovers and animation to no avail. Perhaps that is the correct way to approach, but I havent got the combination right. Maybe an interval can be triggered somewhere to wait for an animation to finish? Please help.
submitted by Mezzichai to reactjs [link] [comments]

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submitted by hernomkele to GroundDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:39 __Jor Crashing when I open a chest

Crashing when I open a chest, theyre lootr chests, Forge 36.2.29, 1.16.5
---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // There are four lights! Time: 6/2/24 1:12 PM Description: Rendering screen java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: me.shedaniel.math.Rectangle.setBounds(DDDD)V at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.client.gui.widget.FavoritesListWidget.func_230430_a_( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.client.gui.ScreenOverlayImpl.renderWidgets( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.client.gui.ScreenOverlayImpl.func_230430_a_( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.RoughlyEnoughItemsCoreClient.lambda$registerEvents$19( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.RoughlyEnoughItemsCoreClient$$Lambda$8685/556887466.render(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {} at me.shedaniel.architectury.event.forge.EventHandlerImplClient.event( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.ASMEventHandler_242_EventHandlerImplClient_event_Post.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[eventbus-4.0.0.jar:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus$$Lambda$2828/2018683696.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {} at ~[eventbus-4.0.0.jar:?] {} at ~[eventbus-4.0.0.jar:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.drawScreenInternal( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.drawScreen( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at net.minecraft.client.renderer.GameRenderer.func_195458_a( ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:A,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_195542_b( [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.concurrency.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.world_leaks.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin_Forge,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:perf.skip_first_datapack_reload.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chat_heads.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:entity_texture_features-common.mixins.json:cacheReloaders.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.json:MixinMinecraft_PipelineManagement,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.betterthirdperson.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chunkpregen.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:architectury.mixins.json:MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:enhancedblockentities.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fallingleaves.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.mixins.json:client.MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:iceberg.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:sodium-extra.mixins.json:gui.MinecraftClientAccessor,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.options.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.gui.fast_fps_pie.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:securitycraft.mixins.json:camera.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.concurrency.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.world_leaks.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin_Forge,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:perf.skip_first_datapack_reload.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chat_heads.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:entity_texture_features-common.mixins.json:cacheReloaders.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.json:MixinMinecraft_PipelineManagement,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.betterthirdperson.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chunkpregen.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:architectury.mixins.json:MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:enhancedblockentities.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fallingleaves.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.mixins.json:client.MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:iceberg.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:sodium-extra.mixins.json:gui.MinecraftClientAccessor,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.options.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.gui.fast_fps_pie.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:securitycraft.mixins.json:camera.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( [?:?] {re:classloading,re:mixin,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider.lambda$launchService$0( [forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar:36.2] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider$$Lambda$493/ Source) [forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar:36.2] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {} at [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {re:classloading} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {re:classloading}sssssssssss A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Head -- Thread: Render thread Stacktrace: at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.client.gui.widget.FavoritesListWidget.func_230430_a_( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.client.gui.ScreenOverlayImpl.renderWidgets( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.impl.client.gui.ScreenOverlayImpl.func_230430_a_( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.RoughlyEnoughItemsCoreClient.lambda$registerEvents$19( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at me.shedaniel.rei.RoughlyEnoughItemsCoreClient$$Lambda$8685/556887466.render(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {} at me.shedaniel.architectury.event.forge.EventHandlerImplClient.event( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.ASMEventHandler_242_EventHandlerImplClient_event_Post.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.ASMEventHandler.invoke( ~[eventbus-4.0.0.jar:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus$$Lambda$2828/2018683696.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] {} at ~[eventbus-4.0.0.jar:?] {} at ~[eventbus-4.0.0.jar:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.drawScreenInternal( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} at net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.drawScreen( ~[?:?] {re:classloading,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A} -- Screen render details -- Details: Screen name: net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.inventory.ChestScreen Mouse location: Scaled: (480, 254). Absolute: (960.000000, 508.000000) Screen size: Scaled: (960, 509). Absolute: (1920, 1017). Scale factor of 2.000000 -- Affected level -- Details: All players: 1 total; [ClientPlayerEntity['__Jor'/202, l='ClientLevel', x=-336.62, y=69.00, z=702.66]] Chunk stats: Client Chunk Cache: 1024, 269 Level dimension: minecraft:overworld Level spawn location: World: (-272,66,704), Chunk: (at 0,4,0 in -17,44; contains blocks -272,0,704 to -257,255,719), Region: (-1,1; contains chunks -32,32 to -1,63, blocks -512,0,512 to -1,255,1023) Level time: 1039 game time, 1039 day time Server brand: forge Server type: Integrated singleplayer server Stacktrace: at ~[?:?] {re:mixin,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.vertexformat.json:block_rendering.MixinClientLevel,pl:mixin:APP:betterbiomeblend.mixins.json:MixinClientWorld,pl:mixin:APP:architectury.mixins.json:MixinClientLevel,,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.mixins.json:client.ClientWorldMixin,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.sndctrl.json:MixinClientWorld,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:BreakProgressMixin,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.world_ticking.MixinClientWorld,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.chunk_rendering.MixinClientWorld,pl:mixin:A,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d( [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.concurrency.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.world_leaks.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin_Forge,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:perf.skip_first_datapack_reload.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chat_heads.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:entity_texture_features-common.mixins.json:cacheReloaders.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.json:MixinMinecraft_PipelineManagement,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.betterthirdperson.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chunkpregen.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:architectury.mixins.json:MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:enhancedblockentities.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fallingleaves.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.mixins.json:client.MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:iceberg.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:sodium-extra.mixins.json:gui.MinecraftClientAccessor,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.options.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.gui.fast_fps_pie.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:securitycraft.mixins.json:camera.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d( [?:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.concurrency.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:bugfix.world_leaks.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:feature.measure_time.MinecraftMixin_Forge,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-forge.mixins.json:perf.skip_first_datapack_reload.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chat_heads.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:entity_texture_features-common.mixins.json:cacheReloaders.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.json:MixinMinecraft_PipelineManagement,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.betterthirdperson.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:chunkpregen.mixins.json:client.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:architectury.mixins.json:MixinMinecraft,pl:mixin:APP:enhancedblockentities.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fallingleaves.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.mixins.json:client.MinecraftClientMixin,pl:mixin:APP:iceberg.mixins.json:MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ShaderCloseMixin,pl:mixin:APP:sodium-extra.mixins.json:gui.MinecraftClientAccessor,pl:mixin:APP:create.mixins.json:WindowResizeMixin,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.options.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:embeddium.mixins.json:features.gui.fast_fps_pie.MixinMinecraftClient,pl:mixin:APP:securitycraft.mixins.json:camera.MinecraftMixin,pl:mixin:A,pl:epic_rei_lmao:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( [?:?] {re:classloading,re:mixin,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,pl:mixin:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider.lambda$launchService$0( [forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar:36.2] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.FMLClientLaunchProvider$$Lambda$493/ Source) [forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar:36.2] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {} at [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {re:classloading} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( [modlauncher-8.1.3.jar:?] {re:classloading} -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Minecraft Version ID: 1.16.5 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 577999640 bytes (551 MB) / 3587702784 bytes (3421 MB) up to 7575961600 bytes (7225 MB) CPUs: 8 JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx8128m -Xms256m ModLauncher: 8.1.3+8.1.3+main-8.1.x.c94d18ec ModLauncher launch target: fmlclient ModLauncher naming: srg ModLauncher services: /mixin-0.8.4.jar mixin PLUGINSERVICE /eventbus-4.0.0.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar object_holder_definalize PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar runtime_enum_extender PLUGINSERVICE /accesstransformers-3.0.1.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar capability_inject_definalize PLUGINSERVICE /forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE /mixin-0.8.4.jar mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE /forge-1.16.5-36.2.42.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE FML: 36.2 Forge: net.minecraftforge:36.2.42 FML Language Providers: javafml@36.2 minecraft@1 Mod List: saturn-mc1.16.5-0.0.3.jar Saturn saturn 0.0.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE grappling_hook_mod-1.16.5-v13.jar Grappling Hook Mod grapplemod 1.16.5-v13 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE SkyVillage_1.0.0_1.16.5.jar Sky Villages skyvillages 1.0.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE create-stuff-additions1.16.5_v1.1.6.jar Create Stuff Additions create_stuff_additions 1.1.6 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Hats-1.16.5-10.3.4.jar Hats hats 10.3.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE TRansliterationLib-1.0.4.jar TRansliterationLib Mod transliterationlib 1.0.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE constructsarmory-forge-2.0.0-alpha.2+1.16.5.jar Construct's Armory constructsarmory 2.0.0-alpha.2+1.16.5DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE pixelcringe-1.1.0+1.16.5.jar PixelCringe - Pixelmon fixer pixelcringe 1.1.0+1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE CTM-MC1.16.1- ConnectedTexturesMod ctm MC1.16.1- DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Prism-1.16.5-1.0.1.jar Prism prism 1.0.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE modernfix-forge-5.17.0+mc1.16.5.jar ModernFix modernfix 5.17.0+mc1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE citadel-1.8.1-1.16.5.jar Citadel citadel 1.8.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE alexsmobs-1.12.1.jar Alex's Mobs alexsmobs 1.12.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE YungsApi-1.16.4-Forge-13.jar YUNG's API yungsapi 1.16.4-Forge-13 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Bookshelf-Forge-1.16.5-10.4.33.jar Bookshelf bookshelf 10.4.33 DONE Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5 secretrooms-1.16.5-1.1.4.jar Secret Rooms 6 secretroomsmod 1.16.5-1.1.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE mcw-doors-1.1.0forge-mc1.16.5.jar Macaw's Doors mcwdoors 1.1.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE abyg-1.2-forge.jar [BYG Addon] Enhanced Vanilla Bbygvanillabiomes 1.0.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE immersive-armors-1.5.1+1.16.5-forge.jar Immersive Armors immersive_armors 1.5.1+1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE carryon-1.16.5- Carry On carryon DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE chat_heads-0.6.0-forge-1.16.5.jar Chat Heads chat_heads 0.6.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE supplementaries-1.16.5-0.18.5.jar Supplementaries supplementaries 0.18.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE emojiful-1.16.4-2.1.6.jar Emojiful emojiful 1.16.4-2.1.6 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE embeddium-0.3.18+mc1.16.5.jar Embeddium embeddium 0.3.18+mc1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE structure_gel-1.16.5-1.7.8.jar Structure Gel API structure_gel 1.7.8 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE corpse-1.16.5-1.0.6.jar Corpse corpse 1.16.5-1.0.6 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE AdvancementPlaques-1.16.5-1.4.1.jar Advancement Plaques advancementplaques 1.4.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE entity_texture_features_forge_1.16.5-4.3.1.jar Entity Texture Features entity_texture_features 4.3.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE AmbientSounds_v3.1.11_mc1.16.5.jar Ambient Sounds ambientsounds 3.0.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE BiomesOPlenty-1.16.5- Biomes O' Plenty biomesoplenty 1.16.5- DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE ToolStats-1.16.5-6.1.7.jar ToolStats toolstats 6.1.7 DONE Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5 projectvibrantjourneys-1.16.5-3.2.11.jar Project: Vibrant Journeys projectvibrantjourneys 1.16.5-3.2.11 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE endrem-5.0.3-R-1.16.5.jar End Remastered endrem 5.0.3-R-1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE cavesandcliffs-1.16.5-7.2.0.jar Caves and Cliffs Backport cavesandcliffs 1.16.5-7.2.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE RoughlyEnoughItems-jei-internals-workaround-6.5.43REI Internals Workaround rei-internals-workaround 6.5.436 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE lightspeed-1.16.5-1.0.5.jar Lightspeed lightspeed 1.16.5-1.1.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE L_Enders Cataclysm-0.48 Changed Theme -1.16.5.jar Cataclysm Mod cataclysm 1.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE oculus-mc1.16.5-1.4.8.jar Oculus oculus 1.4.8 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE collective-1.16.5-5.49.jar Collective collective 5.49 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE camera-1.16.5-1.0.14.jar Camera Mod camera 1.16.5-1.0.14 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE betterbiomeblend-1.16.4-1.2.9-forge.jar Better Biome Blend betterbiomeblend 1.16.4-1.2.9-forge DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE createpixelmon-1.16.5- Create: Pixelmon createpixelmon 1.16.5- DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE FramedBlocks-2.16.3.jar FramedBlocks framedblocks 2.16.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE BetterThirdPerson-Forge-1.16.4-1.9.0.jar Better Third Person betterthirdperson 1.9.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Chunk-Pregenerator-1.16.5-4.4.3.jar Chunk Pregenerator chunkpregen 1.16.5-4.4.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE cavebiomeapi-1.16.5-1.4.2.jar CaveBiomeAPI cavebiomeapi 1.16.5-1.4.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE constructionwand-1.16.5-2.6.jar Construction Wand constructionwand 1.16.5-2.6 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE brrp-forge-0.8.2-1.16.5.jar Better Runtime Resource Pack better_runtime_resource_pack 0.8.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE architectury-1.32.68.jar Architectury architectury 1.32.68 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE ebebackforged-1.1.0.jar Enhanced Block Entities enhancedblockentities 1.1.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE cloth-config-4.17.101-forge.jar Cloth Config v4 API cloth-config 4.17.101 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE FastLeafDecay-v25.2.jar FastLeafDecay fastleafdecay v25.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE mowziesmobs-1.5.27.jar Mowzie's Mobs mowziesmobs 1.5.27 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE geckolib-forge-1.16.5-3.0.106.jar GeckoLib geckolib3 3.0.106 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE doubledoors_1.16.5-3.3.jar Double Doors doubledoors 3.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE EasyMagic-v1.0.4-1.16.5.jar Easy Magic easymagic 1.0.4 DONE Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a VisualWorkbench-v1.1.0-1.16.5.jar Visual Workbench visualworkbench 1.1.0 DONE Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a The_Graveyard_2.1_(FORGE)_for_1.16.4-1.16.5.jar The Graveyard (FORGE) graveyard 2.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE the-conjurer-1.16.4-1.0.13.jar The Conjurer conjurer_illager 1.0.13 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE obscure_api-11.jar Obscure API obscure_api 11 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Waystones_1.16.5-7.6.4.jar Waystones waystones 7.6.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Fallingleaves-1.16.3-1.2.4.jar Falling Leaves fallingleaves 1.2.4-alpha+20220121DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE journeymap-1.16.5-5.8.5p7.jar Journeymap journeymap 5.8.5p7 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE RoadRunner-mc1.16.5-1.5.1.jar RoadRunner roadrunner 1.5.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE tumbleweed-1.16-0.4.9.jar Tumbleweed tumbleweed 1.16-0.4.9 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE TravelersBackpack-1.16.5-5.4.51.jar Traveler's Backpack travelersbackpack 5.4.51 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE NaturesCompass-1.16.5-1.9.1-forge.jar Nature's Compass naturescompass 1.16.5-1.9.1-forge DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE configured-1.5.4-1.16.5.jar Configured configured 1.5.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE BotanyPots-1.16.5-7.1.41.jar BotanyPots botanypots 7.1.41 DONE Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5 BotanyPots-Pixelmon-1.16.5-1.0.3.jar BotanyPots-Pixelmon botanypotspixelmon 1.0.3 DONE Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5 lazydfu-0.1.3.jar LazyDFU lazydfu 0.1.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE starlight-1.2.jar Starlight starlight 1.0.0-RC2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE iceandfire-2.1.12-1.16.5-patch-1.jar Ice and Fire iceandfire 2.1.12-1.16.5-patch-DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE iChunUtil-1.16.5-10.7.0.jar iChunUtil ichunutil 10.7.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE skinlayers3d-forge-1.6.4-mc1.16.5.jar 3d-Skin-Layers skinlayers3d 1.6.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE forge-1.16.5-36.2.42-universal.jar Forge forge 36.2.42 DONE Manifest: 22:af:21:d8:19:82:7f:93:94:fe:2b:ac:b7:e4:41:57:68:39:87:b1:a7:5c:c6:44:f9:25:74:21:14:f5:0d:90 TravelersTitles-1.16.4-1.5.jar Traveler's Titles travelerstitles 1.16.4-1.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE ForgedAPIFork-1.0.0+1.16.5.jar ForgedAPI (Fork) forgedapifork 1.0.0+1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE idas_forge-1.5.5+1.16.5.jar Integrated Dungeons and Structidas 1.5.5+1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE DynamicSurroundings-1.16.5- §3Dynamic Surroundings dsurround DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE selene-1.16.5-1.9.0.jar Selene selene 1.16.5-1.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE ironchest-1.16.5-11.2.21.jar Iron Chests ironchest 1.16.5-11.2.21 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE DungeonsArise-1.16.5-2.1.49-beta.jar When Dungeons Arise dungeons_arise 2.1.49 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Pixelmon-1.16.5-9.1.11-universal.jar Pixelmon Mod pixelmon 9.1.11 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE forge-1.16.5-36.2.42-client.jar Minecraft minecraft 1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE TConstruct-1.16.5- Tinkers' Construct tconstruct DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE LypakaUtils-1.16.5-0.4.8.jar LypakaUtils lypakautils 1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE pixelditions-1.0.3P.jar Pixelditions pixelditions 1.0.3P DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE voicechat-forge-1.16.5-2.5.14.jar Simple Voice Chat voicechat 1.16.5-2.5.14 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE EnchantmentDescriptions-1.16.5-7.1.27.jar EnchantmentDescriptions enchdesc 7.1.27 DONE Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5 Jade-1.16.4-2.8.3.jar Jade jade 2.8.3 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE CreativeCore_v2.2.1_mc1.16.5.jar CreativeCore creativecore 2.0.0 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE smoothboot-forge-1.16.4-1.2.2.jar Smooth Boot smoothboot 1.16.4-1.2.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE RoughlyEnoughItems-6.5.436.jar Roughly Enough Items (REI) roughlyenoughitems 6.5.436 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE notenoughanimations-1.2.4.jar NotEnoughAnimations Mod notenoughanimations 1.2.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Iceberg-1.16.5-1.0.45.jar Iceberg iceberg 1.0.45 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE flywheel-1.16-0.2.5.jar Flywheel flywheel 1.16-0.2.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE create-mc1.16.5_v0.3.2g.jar Create create v0.3.2g DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Pixelmon Create Compat-1.0.2.jar Pixelmon Create Compat pixelmon_create_compat 1.0.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE createdeco-1.1.2-1.16.5.jar Create Deco createdeco 1.1.2-1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE SpartanShields-1.16.5-2.1.2.jar Spartan Shields spartanshields 2.1.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Mantle-1.16.5-1.6.157.jar Mantle mantle 1.6.157 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE LegendaryTooltips-1.16.5-1.3.1.jar Legendary Tooltips legendarytooltips 1.3.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE rubidium-extra-0.4.18+mc1.16.5-build.107.jar Rubidium Extra sodiumextra 0.4.18+mc1.16.5-builDONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE AutoRegLib-1.6-49.jar AutoRegLib autoreglib 1.6-49 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE Quark-r2.4-322.jar Quark quark r2.4-322 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE [1.16.5] SecurityCraft v1.9.9.jar SecurityCraft securitycraft v1.9.9 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE sit-1.16.5-v1.3.2.jar Sit sit v1.3.2 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE DiagonalFences-v1.1.1-1.16.5.jar Diagonal Fences diagonalfences 1.1.1 DONE Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a PixelTweaks-1.10.5.jar PixelTweaks pixeltweaks 1.10.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE mvs-2.6.1.jar Moog's Voyager Structures mvs 2.6.1 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE lootr-1.16.5- Lootr lootr DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE ferritecore-2.1.1-forge.jar Ferrite Core ferritecore 2.1.1 DONE Manifest: 41:ce:50:66:d1:a0:05:ce:a1:0e:02:85:9b:46:64:e0:bf:2e:cf:60:30:9a:fe:0c:27:e0:63:66:9a:84:ce:8a Chisel-MC1.16.5-2.0.1-alpha.4.jar Chisel chisel MC1.16.5-2.0.1-alphaDONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE PuzzlesLib-v1.0.15-1.16.5-Forge.jar Puzzles Lib puzzleslib 1.0.15 DONE Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a byg-1.3.6.jar Oh The Biomes You'll Go byg 1.3.4 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE textrue_embeddium_options-0.1.2+mc1.16.5.jar TexTrue's Embeddium Options textrues_embeddium_options 0.1.2+mc1.16.5 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE CosmeticArmorReworked-1.16.5-v5a.jar CosmeticArmorReworked cosmeticarmorreworked 1.16.5-v5a DONE Manifest: 5e:ed:25:99:e4:44:14:c0:dd:89:c1:a9:4c:10:b5:0d:e4:b1:52:50:45:82:13:d8:d0:32:89:67:56:57:01:53 aquamirae-5.4.API11.jar Aquamirae aquamirae 5.4.API11 DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE createaddition-1.16.5-20220129a.jar Create Crafts & Additions createaddition 1.16.5-20220129a DONE Manifest: NOSIGNATURE FramedBlocks BlockEntity Warning: Not applicable RoadRunner != Lithium: This instance was launched using RoadRunner, which is an *unofficial* Lithium fork! Please **do not** report bugs to them! Crash Report UUID: 153bf412-758c-4fe0-836c-13f5c638ce0c Loaded Shaderpack: (off) Launched Version: forge-36.2.42 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.2.2 build 10 Backend API: AMD Radeon RX 6650 XT GL version 4.6.0 Compatibility Profile Context, ATI Technologies Inc. GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.0 Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'forge' Type: Client (map_client.txt) Graphics mode: fancy Resource Packs: vanilla, mod_resources, quark:emote_resources (incompatible), file/, file/gen 9 better, file/, file/, file/Authentic, file/, file/, file/, file/Dramatic Skys Demo (incompatible), file/Stay True Compats v3 [1.16].zip Current Language: English (US) CPU: 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100F CPU @ 3.60GHz 
submitted by __Jor to ModdedMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 FlakySplit2756 Why Doesn't Changing the Batch Size in Llama Inference Produce Multiple Identical Results for a Single Prompt?

Why does setting batch_size=2 on a GPT-2 model on an inf2.xlarge instance produce two outputs for the same prompt, while trying the same with the Llama model results in an error?
my code :
import time import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer from transformers_neuronx import LlamaForSampling from huggingface_hub import login login("hf_hklYKn----JZeF") # load meta-llama/Llama-2-13b to the NeuronCores with 24-way tensor parallelism and run compilation neuron_model2 = LlamaForSampling.from_pretrained('meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf', batch_size=5, prompt_batch_size=1, tp_degree=12, amp='f16') neuron_model2.to_neuron() # construct a tokenizer and encode prompt text tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf") prompt = ["Hello, I'm a language model,"] #input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors="pt") encoded_input = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors='pt') # run inference with top-k sampling with torch.inference_mode(): start = time.time() generated_sequences = neuron_model2.sample(encoded_input.input_ids, sequence_length=128, top_k=50) elapsed = time.time() - start generated_sequences = [tokenizer.decode(seq) for seq in generated_sequences] print(f'generated sequences {generated_sequences} in {elapsed} seconds') 
submitted by FlakySplit2756 to LLaMA2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:20 minamixie Mismatched ui push/pops. Correcting.

It would be great if anyone could help me!!
14:59:20INFOSMAPISMAPI 4.0.8 with Stardew Valley 1.6.8 build 24119 on Microsoft Windows 11 Home 14:59:20INFOSMAPIMods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods 14:59:24DEBUGSMAPIWaiting for game to launch... 14:59:26DEBUGSMAPILoading mod metadata... 14:59:26DEBUGSMAPILoading mods... 14:59:29INFOSMAPILoaded 26 mods: This section is hidden. Click here to show it. 14:59:29INFOSMAPILoaded 13 content packs: This section is hidden. Click here to show it. 14:59:29INFOSMAPIFound 20 mods with warnings: 14:59:29ERRORSMAPISkipped mods 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI-------------------------------------------------- 14:59:29ERRORSMAPIThese mods could not be added to your game. 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI- Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI- Quest Framework 1.4.3 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI- NPC Adventures 1.0.2 because it needs the 'Quest Framework' mod, which couldn't be loaded. 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI- NPC Adventures - Content 1.0.2 because it needs the 'NPC Adventures' mod, which couldn't be loaded. 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI- Json Assets 1.10.14 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at or 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI- NPC Adventures - Quests 1.0.3 because it needs the 'NPC Adventures' mod, which couldn't be loaded. 14:59:29ERRORSMAPI- Three-Heart Dance Partner 1.1.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at 14:59:29WARNSMAPIChanged save serializer 14:59:29WARNSMAPI-------------------------------------------------- 14:59:29WARNSMAPIThese mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if 14:59:29WARNSMAPIyou uninstall these mods. 14:59:29WARNSMAPI- SpaceCore 14:59:29INFOSMAPIPatched game code 14:59:29INFOSMAPI-------------------------------------------------- 14:59:29INFOSMAPIThese mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if 14:59:29INFOSMAPIyour game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning. 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Anniversary on Calendar 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- AntiSocial NPCs 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Custom Bush 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Custom Companions 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Dynamic Reflections 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Farm Type Manager 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- FauxCore 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Happy Home Designer 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Platonic Relationships 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component) 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- SpaceCore 14:59:29INFOSMAPI- Stardew Valley Expanded Code 14:59:29DEBUGSMAPINo update keys 14:59:29DEBUGSMAPI-------------------------------------------------- 14:59:29DEBUGSMAPIThese mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these 14:59:29DEBUGSMAPImods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem. 14:59:29DEBUGSMAPI- The Only One For Me (Abigail Route) 14:59:30DEBUGSMAPILaunching mods... 14:59:30INFOStardew Valley Expanded CodeStarting Installation Checker... 14:59:30INFOStardew Valley Expanded Code(Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe) 14:59:30INFOStardew Valley Expanded CodeInstallation check completed. Everything seems fine! 14:59:31DEBUGAntiSocial NPCsAntiSocial Mod performing stand-alone setup. 14:59:33DEBUGSMAPIMods loaded and ready! 14:59:35ALERTSMAPIYou can update 3 mods: This section is hidden. Click here to show it. 14:59:36INFOSMAPIType 'help' for help, or 'help ' for a command's usage 14:59:36DEBUGCustom CompanionsSuccessfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher. 14:59:36DEBUGCustom CompanionsLoading companions from pack: Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.12 by Rafseazz 14:59:36DEBUGDynamic ReflectionsSuccessfully hooked into spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu. 14:59:37INFOContent PatcherSome content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed. Affected content packs: - (CP) RDE-Ridgeside Dialogue Expansion - The Only One For Me (Abigail Route) For mod authors, see how to update a mod: 15:02:36ERRORgameAn error occurred in the base update loop: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'give_pendant' was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at StardewValley.Dialogue.chooseResponse(Response response) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Dialogue.cs:line 1529 at StardewValley.Menus.DialogueBox.receiveLeftClick(Int32 x, Int32 y, Boolean playSound) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Menus\DialogueBox.cs:line 360 at StardewValley.Game1.updateActiveMenu(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 4798 at StardewValley.Game1._update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 4010 at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 3185 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate) in SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1084 15:02:36WARNgameWARNING: Mismatched UI Mode Push/Pop counts. Correcting.14:59:20 INFO SMAPI SMAPI 4.0.8 with Stardew Valley 1.6.8 build 24119 on Microsoft Windows 11 Home14:59:20 INFO SMAPI Mods go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods14:59:24 DEBUG SMAPI Waiting for game to launch...14:59:26 DEBUG SMAPI Loading mod metadata...14:59:26 DEBUG SMAPI Loading mods...14:59:29 INFO SMAPI Loaded 26 mods: This section is hidden. Click here to show it.14:59:29 INFO SMAPI Loaded 13 content packs: This section is hidden. Click here to show it.14:59:29 INFO SMAPI Found 20 mods with warnings:14:59:29 ERROR SMAPI Skipped mods14:59:29 ERROR SMAPI --------------------------------------------------14:59:29 ERROR SMAPI These mods could not be added to your game.14:59:29 ERROR SMAPI - Expanded Preconditions Utility 1.0.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at ERROR SMAPI - Quest Framework 1.4.3 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at ERROR SMAPI - NPC Adventures 1.0.2 because it needs the 'Quest Framework' mod, which couldn't be loaded.14:59:29 ERROR SMAPI - NPC Adventures - Content 1.0.2 because it needs the 'NPC Adventures' mod, which couldn't be loaded.14:59:29 ERROR SMAPI - Json Assets 1.10.14 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at or ERROR SMAPI - NPC Adventures - Quests 1.0.3 because it needs the 'NPC Adventures' mod, which couldn't be loaded.14:59:29 ERROR SMAPI - Three-Heart Dance Partner 1.1.1 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at WARN SMAPI Changed save serializer14:59:29 WARN SMAPI --------------------------------------------------14:59:29 WARN SMAPI These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if14:59:29 WARN SMAPI you uninstall these mods.14:59:29 WARN SMAPI - SpaceCore14:59:29 INFO SMAPI Patched game code14:59:29 INFO SMAPI --------------------------------------------------14:59:29 INFO SMAPI These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if14:59:29 INFO SMAPI your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning.14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Anniversary on Calendar14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - AntiSocial NPCs14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Custom Bush14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Custom Companions14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Dynamic Reflections14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Farm Type Manager14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - FauxCore14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Happy Home Designer14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Platonic Relationships14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Ridgeside Village (SMAPI component)14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - SpaceCore14:59:29 INFO SMAPI - Stardew Valley Expanded Code14:59:29 DEBUG SMAPI No update keys14:59:29 DEBUG SMAPI --------------------------------------------------14:59:29 DEBUG SMAPI These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these14:59:29 DEBUG SMAPI mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem.14:59:29 DEBUG SMAPI - The Only One For Me (Abigail Route)14:59:30 DEBUG SMAPI Launching mods...14:59:30 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded Code Starting Installation Checker...14:59:30 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded Code (Installation Checker provided by shekurika and moe)14:59:30 INFO Stardew Valley Expanded Code Installation check completed. Everything seems fine!14:59:31 DEBUG AntiSocial NPCs AntiSocial Mod performing stand-alone setup.14:59:33 DEBUG SMAPI Mods loaded and ready!14:59:35 ALERT SMAPI You can update 3 mods: This section is hidden. Click here to show it.14:59:36 INFO SMAPI Type 'help' for help, or 'help ' for a command's usage14:59:36 DEBUG Custom Companions Successfully hooked into Pathoschild.ContentPatcher.14:59:36 DEBUG Custom Companions Loading companions from pack: Ridgeside Village (Custom Companions component) 2.5.12 by Rafseazz14:59:36 DEBUG Dynamic Reflections Successfully hooked into spacechase0.GenericModConfigMenu.14:59:37 INFO Content Patcher Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed.Affected content packs:- (CP) RDE-Ridgeside Dialogue Expansion- The Only One For Me (Abigail Route)For mod authors, see how to update a mod: ERROR game An error occurred in the base update loop: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'give_pendant' was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) at StardewValley.Dialogue.chooseResponse(Response response) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Dialogue.cs:line 1529 at StardewValley.Menus.DialogueBox.receiveLeftClick(Int32 x, Int32 y, Boolean playSound) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Menus\DialogueBox.cs:line 360 at StardewValley.Game1.updateActiveMenu(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 4798 at StardewValley.Game1._update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 4010 at StardewValley.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) in D:\GitlabRunner\builds\Gq5qA5P4\0\ConcernedApe\stardewvalley\Farmer\Farmer\Game1.cs:line 3185 at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.OnPlayerInstanceUpdating(SGame instance, GameTime gameTime, Action runUpdate) in SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 108415:02:36 WARN game WARNING: Mismatched UI Mode Push/Pop counts. Correcting.
submitted by minamixie to SMAPI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:15 benyokumfarzet_ VCDS No drivers are installed for this device

VCDS No drivers are installed for this device
Been trying to fix it for days. Nothing worked. Found no solution anywhere. Did everything said on the blogs, but nothing helped. The cable is Dual-K + Can. It used to work on my previous laptop. I disabled core integration, installed legacy drivers, nothing worked
submitted by benyokumfarzet_ to Vcds [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:09 bqb445 Home user Core to Scale Migration Success Story

I've been using TrueNAS since it was FreeNAS. And I've been using FreeBSD and Linux professionally for three decades, though I haven't used FreeBSD professionally for many years now. So although I don't mind FreeBSD, the idea of migrating from CORE to SCALE was appealing to me since CORE was first announced. About a year ago I gave SCALE a try but reverted to CORE since SCALE obviously wasn't ready for prime time yet. This past weekend I decided to give it another look. I have a fairly simple system:
Friday evening, I installed SCALE into a VM on a separate PVE server just to see how SCALE looks these days. I read the CORE to SCALE migration guide. I read through the Jailmaker code and was happy with its quality, so I downloaded it and used it inside the SCALE VM. I was happy with how it worked. By late Friday evening, I decided it was worth trying to migrate to SCALE. (As long as I didn't update the ZFS version on my data pool, I could always go back to CORE if I needed to.)
Yesterday I began the migration. I rebooted the server, downloaded the config, and took screenshots of all the settings.
First, I tried using the built-in migration to SCALE Was not successful. The server rebooted into GRUB rescue mode ("error: no such device: . error: unknown filesystem."). So that wasn't a great start.
Downloaded the SCALE ISO to a thumb drive, rebooted from the ISO, told the installer to wipe and re-install over the boot-pool, and booted into a fresh SCALE install. Restored from my downloaded config and... everything mostly worked.
My Proxmox Backup Server VM couldn't reach the network because the ethernet interface name changed. Fixed that inside the VM and the VM couldn't NFS mount from TrueNAS. To fix that I had to setup a bridge interface on the host, then redo the networking inside the VM again. Finally the VM could talk to both the network and the host. I should point out that the TrueNAS documentation covers this scenario, but the auto-migration did not handle it correctly.
Next was rebuilding my jails. This was pretty straight-forward. I used to create a pair of containers, installed Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish into each, configured them both with macvlan, bind-mounted what I needed from the host into each container, then re-installed the various software. I keep the data directories outside of the jails, so I simply had to bind mount the data into each container and I didn't even have to do a backup/restore for each program. They all just worked. I also may be imagining things, but the mono-based programs seem to run a lot faster.
So in the end, CORE 13.0-U6.1 to SCALE migration is a success, took about 4 hours total, but required some manual intervention.
submitted by bqb445 to truenas [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:06 DTG_Bot [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2024-06-02]

Daily Modifiers

Vanguard Ops

Dares of Eternity

Onslaught: Playlist

Riven's Lair

The Coil


Legend/Master Lost Sector

Exotic armor drop (if solo): Arms

Aphelion's Rest: Legend

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Disruption] Overload, [Stagger] Unstoppable
  • Threat: [Stasis] Stasis
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Epitaph

Aphelion's Rest: Master

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Disruption] Overload, [Stagger] Unstoppable
  • Threat: [Stasis] Stasis
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Epitaph


Guns & Materials

Banshee's Featured Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Timelines' Vertex Energy Fusion Rifle Signal MS5 // Transmission MS7 Accelerated Coils // Liquid Coils Lead from Gold Demolitionist Tier 2: Charge Time
Ogma PR6 Energy Pulse Rifle Fluted Barrel // Full Bore Accurized Rounds // Extended Mag Adaptive Munitions Dragonfly Tier 2: Reload Speed
Austringer Kinetic Hand Cannon Full Bore // Polygonal Rifling Armor-Piercing Rounds // Ricochet Rounds Air Assault Rangefinder
Bump in the Night Heavy Rocket Launcher Countermass // Linear Compensator Alloy Casing // Implosion Rounds Field Prep Chain Reaction
Lunulata-4b Kinetic Combat Bow High Tension String // Natural String Carbon Arrow Shaft // Straight Fletching Well-Rounded Adrenaline Junkie Tier 3: Handling
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Master Rahool's Material Exchange

  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Dark Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Phantasmal Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 25 Herealways Piece)
  • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 10000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Alloy (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard
Name Description Requirement Reward
Fast and True Defeat combatants with Primary ammo. Bow final blows in Vanguard playlists grant additional progress. 75 [Bow] Bow XP+
Long Distance Plan Defeat combatants with Special ammo. Sniper Rifle final blows in Vanguard playlists grant additional progress. 30 [Sniper Rifle] Sniper Rifle XP+
Rocketing to Prominence Defeat combatants with Heavy ammo. Rocket Launcher final blows in Vanguard playlists grant additional progress. 20 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher XP+
Show Them the Light Defeat combatants with your Super in Vanguard playlists. 5 Super XP+
Lord Shaxx, Crucible
Name Description Requirement Reward
By the Code Defeat opponents. 10 Opponents defeated XP+
Slice and Dice Defeat opponents using Strand damage from any source. 5 Strand final blows XP+
Area of Effect Defeat opponents with grenades. 1 [Grenade] Grenade XP+
In the Zone In Control, capture zones. 3 Zones XP+
Saint-14, Trials of Osiris
Name Description Requirement Reward
Orbs of Lit As a fireteam, defeat opponents using grenade final blows in Trials of Osiris. 5 [Grenade] Grenade XP+
Lane Plinker As a fireteam, defeat opponents using Scout Rifle final blows in Trials of Osiris. 20 [Scout Rifle] Scout Rifle XP+
Quantitative Hostility As a fireteam, defeat opponents with Submachine Gun final blows in Trials of Osiris. 20 [SMG] Submachine Gun XP+
Slow Burn As a fireteam, defeat opponents with Solar weapon final blows in Trials of Osiris. 20 [Solar] Solar weapon XP+
The Drifter, Gambit
Name Description Requirement Reward
Big-Game Hunter Eliminate a high-value target in Gambit. 1 Targets XP+
Fistful of Motes As a fireteam, bank Motes in Gambit matches. 100 Motes banked XP+
Not Your Mama's Combat Drill Defeat enemies in Gambit. 50 Targets XP+
Pins and Needles Defeat targets in Gambit matches with Strand abilities. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand ability final blows XP+
Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name Description Requirement Reward
Pulse Rifle Calibration Calibrate Pulse Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Pulse Rifle] Pulse Rifle XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Submachine Gun Calibration Calibrate Submachine Guns against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [SMG] Submachine Gun XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Rocket Launcher Calibration Calibrate Rocket Launchers against any target. Earn bonus progress against opposing Guardians and for additional targets defeated with each shot. 100 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 Kinetic weapon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Requirement Reward
Shockingly Direct In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Arc damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Arc] Arc XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
The Old Standby In Neomuna, defeat combatants. Vex combatants grant additional progress. 90 Targets XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Flawless Dance In a single life, defeat combatants in Neomuna using Sidearms, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, or Swords. 20 Targets XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Terminal Rewards Open chests after completing Terminal Overload. 3 Chests opened 1 Terminal Overload Key & 50 Neomuna Rank & XP+
Lord Shaxx, Hall of Champions
Name Description Requirement Reward
Onslaught Defender Deploy and upgrade defenses in Onslaught. 30 Defenses completed 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Loot Summoner Open a Witch's Chest in the Altars of Summoning using a Witch's Key. 1 Chests opened 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Bombastic Defeat targets with grenade abilities. Combatants in Onslaught and Guardians are worth more. 100 [Grenade] Grenade 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Fallen Down On The Job Defeat Fallen. Those defeated in Onslaught are worth more. 100 Fallen 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Spirit of Riven, H.E.L.M.
Name Description Requirement Reward
Will of the People Complete public events in the Dreaming City. Heroic completions are worth more. 6 Public events XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Rapid Lair Defense Rapidly defeat combatants. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil are worth more. 60 Rapidly defeated XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragon's Fang Defeat targets with Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, or Trace Rifles. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Auto Rifle], [Pulse Rifle], or [Trace Rifle] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragonflame Defeat targets with Solar or Stasis damage. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Solar] or [Stasis] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:06 DTG_Bot [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2024-06-02]

Daily Modifiers

Vanguard Ops

Dares of Eternity

Onslaught: Playlist

Riven's Lair

The Coil


Legend/Master Lost Sector

Exotic armor drop (if solo): Arms

Aphelion's Rest: Legend

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Disruption] Overload, [Stagger] Unstoppable
  • Threat: [Stasis] Stasis
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Epitaph

Aphelion's Rest: Master

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Disruption] Overload, [Stagger] Unstoppable
  • Threat: [Stasis] Stasis
  • Shields: [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Epitaph


Guns & Materials

Banshee's Featured Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Timelines' Vertex Energy Fusion Rifle Signal MS5 // Transmission MS7 Accelerated Coils // Liquid Coils Lead from Gold Demolitionist Tier 2: Charge Time
Ogma PR6 Energy Pulse Rifle Fluted Barrel // Full Bore Accurized Rounds // Extended Mag Adaptive Munitions Dragonfly Tier 2: Reload Speed
Austringer Kinetic Hand Cannon Full Bore // Polygonal Rifling Armor-Piercing Rounds // Ricochet Rounds Air Assault Rangefinder
Bump in the Night Heavy Rocket Launcher Countermass // Linear Compensator Alloy Casing // Implosion Rounds Field Prep Chain Reaction
Lunulata-4b Kinetic Combat Bow High Tension String // Natural String Carbon Arrow Shaft // Straight Fletching Well-Rounded Adrenaline Junkie Tier 3: Handling
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Master Rahool's Material Exchange

  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Dark Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Phantasmal Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 25 Herealways Piece)
  • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 10000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Alloy (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard
Name Description Requirement Reward
Fast and True Defeat combatants with Primary ammo. Bow final blows in Vanguard playlists grant additional progress. 75 [Bow] Bow XP+
Long Distance Plan Defeat combatants with Special ammo. Sniper Rifle final blows in Vanguard playlists grant additional progress. 30 [Sniper Rifle] Sniper Rifle XP+
Rocketing to Prominence Defeat combatants with Heavy ammo. Rocket Launcher final blows in Vanguard playlists grant additional progress. 20 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher XP+
Show Them the Light Defeat combatants with your Super in Vanguard playlists. 5 Super XP+
Lord Shaxx, Crucible
Name Description Requirement Reward
By the Code Defeat opponents. 10 Opponents defeated XP+
Slice and Dice Defeat opponents using Strand damage from any source. 5 Strand final blows XP+
Area of Effect Defeat opponents with grenades. 1 [Grenade] Grenade XP+
In the Zone In Control, capture zones. 3 Zones XP+
Saint-14, Trials of Osiris
Name Description Requirement Reward
Orbs of Lit As a fireteam, defeat opponents using grenade final blows in Trials of Osiris. 5 [Grenade] Grenade XP+
Lane Plinker As a fireteam, defeat opponents using Scout Rifle final blows in Trials of Osiris. 20 [Scout Rifle] Scout Rifle XP+
Quantitative Hostility As a fireteam, defeat opponents with Submachine Gun final blows in Trials of Osiris. 20 [SMG] Submachine Gun XP+
Slow Burn As a fireteam, defeat opponents with Solar weapon final blows in Trials of Osiris. 20 [Solar] Solar weapon XP+
The Drifter, Gambit
Name Description Requirement Reward
Big-Game Hunter Eliminate a high-value target in Gambit. 1 Targets XP+
Fistful of Motes As a fireteam, bank Motes in Gambit matches. 100 Motes banked XP+
Not Your Mama's Combat Drill Defeat enemies in Gambit. 50 Targets XP+
Pins and Needles Defeat targets in Gambit matches with Strand abilities. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand ability final blows XP+
Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name Description Requirement Reward
Pulse Rifle Calibration Calibrate Pulse Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Pulse Rifle] Pulse Rifle XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Submachine Gun Calibration Calibrate Submachine Guns against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [SMG] Submachine Gun XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Rocket Launcher Calibration Calibrate Rocket Launchers against any target. Earn bonus progress against opposing Guardians and for additional targets defeated with each shot. 100 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 Kinetic weapon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Requirement Reward
Shockingly Direct In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Arc damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Arc] Arc XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
The Old Standby In Neomuna, defeat combatants. Vex combatants grant additional progress. 90 Targets XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Flawless Dance In a single life, defeat combatants in Neomuna using Sidearms, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, or Swords. 20 Targets XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Terminal Rewards Open chests after completing Terminal Overload. 3 Chests opened 1 Terminal Overload Key & 50 Neomuna Rank & XP+
Lord Shaxx, Hall of Champions
Name Description Requirement Reward
Onslaught Defender Deploy and upgrade defenses in Onslaught. 30 Defenses completed 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Loot Summoner Open a Witch's Chest in the Altars of Summoning using a Witch's Key. 1 Chests opened 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Bombastic Defeat targets with grenade abilities. Combatants in Onslaught and Guardians are worth more. 100 [Grenade] Grenade 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Fallen Down On The Job Defeat Fallen. Those defeated in Onslaught are worth more. 100 Fallen 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Spirit of Riven, H.E.L.M.
Name Description Requirement Reward
Will of the People Complete public events in the Dreaming City. Heroic completions are worth more. 6 Public events XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Rapid Lair Defense Rapidly defeat combatants. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil are worth more. 60 Rapidly defeated XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragon's Fang Defeat targets with Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, or Trace Rifles. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Auto Rifle], [Pulse Rifle], or [Trace Rifle] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragonflame Defeat targets with Solar or Stasis damage. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Solar] or [Stasis] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:21 Used_Acanthisitta897 Alternatives to Sketchup Pro for exporting 3D models as EPS files

used to use SketchUP Pro to create 3D models and then export them as EPS files to use in Adobe Illustrator. I want to get back into this but I am finding the price points too high for what is essentially a hobby. Can anbody recommend free programmes I can use to do this? I have found Inkscape to replace Illustrator but not a good one for SketchUP.
More info:
Any ideas are welcome.
submitted by Used_Acanthisitta897 to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:20 Used_Acanthisitta897 Alternatives to Sketchup Pro for exporting 3D models as EPS files

I used to use SketchUP Pro to create 3D models and then export them as EPS files to use in Adobe Illustrator. I want to get back into this but I am finding the price points too high for what is essentially a hobby. Can anbody recommend free programmes I can use to do this? I have found Inkscape to replace Illustrator but not a good one for SketchUP.
More info:
Any ideas are welcome.
submitted by Used_Acanthisitta897 to Sketchup [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:00 LameE_ Fix or sell?

Hello! This might be a little long but I’ll put a shortened version down below. It’s been a while since I’ve messed with it so trying to remember as much as I can.
98.5 ram 2500 2 door extended cab 24v auto 2wd pretty sure it’s a 53 block
TLDR: Clapped truck runs for about 30 sec then dumps white smoke and dies out. PO claimed to have installed new vp, lift pump, and pcm. OP can’t decide to try to fix or sell as is.
I finally decided to do something with my 1999 24v auto truck. I got it on a trade and it had issues and parked it ~4 years ago. I don’t have much $$$ in it or attachment to it. I haven’t touched it since and can’t remember everything. I’ve decided I need to do something with it. (Sell as is, pull engine & trans, or fix and sell)
Little background on the truck: Ex asphalt truck with 500k rusty and rough. No blow by surprisingly. Tweaker got ahold of it wiring is hacked. Was blowing a fuse for something that caused the truck to not run. Vp,lift pump,pcm and steering column were “replaced” before I got it. Vp and pcm look clean and new but harness is hacked. I did put new crank sensor, apps and alt in. Ps pump bad is and leaking everywhere.
Had some fuel codes that I can’t remember (I think 1688? 1689?) I’ll hook a scanner back up to it when I go up there soon. (It’s at my dads and I’m 700mi away)
When it was driving..ish. When I got it it ran and drove but couldn’t go over ~2200 rpm. It’d get up there then go down to about ~700 rpm so you had to baby it to go anywhere.
My issues now. It still starts but only runs good for about 30-45sec then white smoke and runs rough and dies out. Starts back up and does the same thing. Still has the issue of cutting out at ~2200 rpm.
I figured it’s time to get it out of my dads yard. Don’t know where to start or selling it as if it’s going to cost to much being what truck is. Thanks for reading!
submitted by LameE_ to Cummins [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 simba_csgo The key to finding consistency in your game

I see many threads started in this sub regarding consistency, or rather, the lack of it. We all want to perform well in our games as frequently as possible. For some of us, consistency might mean enabling us to have more fun, more often. Nobody likes to play bad. For others, it might take on a more competitive meaning. Climbing the ladder in Premier or FACEIT means winning more than you lose, and that requires some semblance of consistency.
Consistency is one of, if not the toughest thing to achieve in Counter-Strike, especially for those of us who queue with less than 5 players often. There’s a lot outside your control when you roll the dice with who your teammates will be, but there is something you can do to control the drift of your own performances from game to game.
I’m simba, i’ve got 7000 hours of playtime and 13+ seasons of ESEA league where I climbed from the doldrums of the Open division to the heights of Advanced, playing with some incredibly talented players along the way. I didn’t have the juice to make it any further, but I did recognize I had more to give, and that came in the form of teaching this beautiful game of ours. Those who can’t do, teach, right?
I created a free 6-day CS2 course that teaches the fundamentals of the game. The first lesson tackles this consistency issue quite well.
Here’s that lesson for all of you in this subreddit:
Consistency is the ideal we’re striving for, and to get there, we need to eliminate the inconsistent parts of your game. Looking at the big picture, a lot of players who complain about inconsistency often feel inconsistent. Their mouse doesn’t quite feel the same, their movement is out of sync with their shooting, the list can go on.
There’s a reason why professional athletes complete some kind of warmup before the game, and don’t just jump head first into the field of play.
Hockey and basketball players stretch and do a “shoot-around”, Golfers hit the driving range before they tee off, etc etc. We can learn a lot from the habits of professionals, even if they don’t practice the same discipline as us.
Warmup routines matter!
Don’t neglect this part of your game. There’s a lot of science behind it, but I’ll keep that in the full lesson.
Here’s a breakdown of how you should structure your warmup routine in CS2:

Beginning activity (5-10 minutes, low intensity)

Just to get your hands moving and activate the muscle groups in them. Focus on hitting every shot. If you’re missing, slow down a bit.
Workshop aim training maps, such as:
Prefire maps, such as

Intermediary activity (10-20 minutes, medium-high intensity)

Mix up your shooting techniques, practice swapping between spraying, bursting and tapping. Ramp up the speed here.

’Cool down’ activity (5 minutes-indefinitely, low intensity)

Great activities for if you’re waiting in FACEIT queue or for your party to hop online. Just chill, but make sure you don’t fully “disengage” either though.
These are the building blocks of a good warmup. Following this loosely will net you benefits in the long run, with consistency of routine. You might not feel any differently after day 1, but I guarantee you’ll be a different player by day 60.
I go further in depth on the psychological benefits of these pre-performance routines and why they matter so much in the first lesson of my Bootcamp course.
Developed in conjunction with TL;DR Media, (the same folks behind the spicy weekly CS2 newsletter covering the pro scene) we set out to create a course that would cover 6 different fundamentals of Counter-Strike, but in a way that everyone can benefit from, players old and new. It’s completely free, and always will be. Signing up also gets you access to some pretty sweet bonus content, like a free access code for Refrag, an upcoming AMA with former Virtus.Pro AWPer snatchie, and much more.
Sign up, and while you’re at it send it to that one friend who really needs it. You know who I’m talking about.
submitted by simba_csgo to LearnCSGO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 Used_Acanthisitta897 Alternatives to Sketchup Pro for exporting 3D models as EPS files

I used to use SketchUP Pro to create 3D models and then export them as EPS files to use in Adobe Illustrator. I want to get back into this but I am finding the price points too high for what is essentially a hobby. Can anbody recommend free programmes I can use to do this? I have found Inkscape to replace Illustrator but not a good one for SketchUP.
More info:
Any ideas are welcome.
submitted by Used_Acanthisitta897 to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:46 JMakazu is this a good build?

Looking to build a mATX pc thats compact but powerful, the thing i want it to properly run is Coding softwares, Photo and video editing tools and games like Helldivers, Cs2, Valorant, fortnite or any big game thats out right now and with some room for upgrades
submitted by JMakazu to buildmeapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 xkenshinx10 FPS games dropping A LOT after couple minutes

I am not sure what happened but after playing a few minutes games like Ghost of Tsushima, Counter-Strike 2 my fps goes from 70 (Ghost) 146(cs2) to 10, 5 fps...
My legion space is set to Performece, AMD settings are all disabled and in BIOS is set as 6GB.
Always worked well but since 27/05 I cant play anymore....
Even using Adobe Premiere PRO my legion go restarts when I try to export videos...
Anyone has the same problem? How can I solve it?
Many Thanks!
submitted by xkenshinx10 to LegionGo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:25 laidbackguy7 NYC - $15 Off First 2 Orders from Wonder, A New Concept Food Hall (Pickup/Delivery) - NYC

Wonder is a new concept food hall which serves dishes from dozens of some of the most popular restaurants across the country such as Difara Pizza, Bobby Flay Steak, Streetbird by Marcus Samuelson, Tejas BBQ, etc. all in one place! Now you can order many items from different cuisines and restaurants all in one order! This new concept food hall specializes trains their chefs to cook all of these recipes and is specifically designed for localized delivery so that your food is always hot or you can order takeout. They have many locations across NYC. If your nearest Wonder location is out of their delivery area, you can simply just order pickup.
Use this referral link to get $15 off your first 2 orders! After your first order, they will email you a very short survey asking how your order was and you get an additional $5 credit making your second order $20 off! It's like eating free twice!
submitted by laidbackguy7 to Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:25 laidbackguy7 NYC - $15 Off First 2 Orders from Wonder, A New Concept Food Hall (Pickup/Delivery) - NYC

Wonder is a new concept food hall which serves dishes from dozens of some of the most popular restaurants across the country such as Difara Pizza, Bobby Flay Steak, Streetbird by Marcus Samuelson, Tejas BBQ, etc. all in one place! Now you can order many items from different cuisines and restaurants all in one order! This new concept food hall specializes trains their chefs to cook all of these recipes and is specifically designed for localized delivery so that your food is always hot or you can order takeout. They have many locations across NYC. If your nearest Wonder location is out of their delivery area, you can simply just order pickup.
Use this referral link to get $15 off your first 2 orders! After your first order, they will email you a very short survey asking how your order was and you get an additional $5 credit making your second order $20 off! It's like eating free twice!
submitted by laidbackguy7 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:24 laidbackguy7 NYC - $15 Off First 2 Orders from Wonder, A New Concept Food Hall (Pickup/Delivery) - NYC

Wonder is a new concept food hall which serves dishes from dozens of some of the most popular restaurants across the country such as Difara Pizza, Bobby Flay Steak, Streetbird by Marcus Samuelson, Tejas BBQ, etc. all in one place! Now you can order many items from different cuisines and restaurants all in one order! This new concept food hall specializes trains their chefs to cook all of these recipes and is specifically designed for localized delivery so that your food is always hot or you can order takeout. They have many locations across NYC. If your nearest Wonder location is out of their delivery area, you can simply just order pickup.
Use this referral link to get $15 off your first 2 orders! After your first order, they will email you a very short survey asking how your order was and you get an additional $5 credit making your second order $20 off! It's like eating free twice!
submitted by laidbackguy7 to PromoCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:23 laidbackguy7 NYC - $15 Off First 2 Orders from Wonder, A New Concept Food Hall (Pickup/Delivery) - NYC

Wonder is a new concept food hall which serves dishes from dozens of some of the most popular restaurants across the country such as Difara Pizza, Bobby Flay Steak, Streetbird by Marcus Samuelson, Tejas BBQ, etc. all in one place! Now you can order many items from different cuisines and restaurants all in one order! This new concept food hall specializes trains their chefs to cook all of these recipes and is specifically designed for localized delivery so that your food is always hot or you can order takeout. They have many locations across NYC. If your nearest Wonder location is out of their delivery area, you can simply just order pickup.
Use this referral link to get $15 off your first 2 orders! After your first order, they will email you a very short survey asking how your order was and you get an additional $5 credit making your second order $20 off! It's like eating free twice!
submitted by laidbackguy7 to promocodes [link] [comments]