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2016.07.30 07:46 bench225 Healthy Living for a better Lifestyle

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2024.05.20 00:50 sleepingcow7 Help with cost of groceries?

My husband and I are currently working on bs4. We live in the Maryland-VA-DC metro area and we are spending SOOOO much on groceries.
This month we have already spent $600 and still have another week to shop for. It’s just the 2 of us. We eat most meals at home and meal prep lunches for work. In total, I am probably spending $150-$180/week and making 16 meals.
I will admit I am not the most frugal grocery shopper. I enjoy cooking so I like to buy different meats and try different recipes. We also purchase fun snacks, soda, etc. and I do care about good quality healthy food. But still, this seems SO high.
What are you spending monthly on groceries? What’s normal? How can we cut down on cost?
submitted by sleepingcow7 to DaveRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:49 aczyudbelwodm I’m (24F) too used to my toxic relationship but struggle to leave him (24M). Advice?

We’ve been together for 5 years and we’ve nearly broken up over ten if not twenty times. The relationship is not healthy and I often feel lonely, anxious and unsafe.
To keep it short, it’s the type of relationship where you would advise your friend to leave. I’d advise it myself to my own friends if they were in the same position. Yet I struggle to take my own advise.
I’ve gone round in circles trying to understand what I want and convince myself to pull the plug. Some reasons I’ve manage to recognise are feelings of embarrassment, shame and oddly jealously.
I’ll explain this further as it’s a juxtaposition in what I want. I feel very embarrassed when talking about my relationship to friends and family, so much that I try to gloss over the details and downplay the true extent of my partners actions. To be frank, my bf has physically hurt me and forcefully restrained me on numerous occasions. He has apologised since however does not recognise them as abuse or threats, to which I disagree because it was painful and frightening to me. He has also cheated and kept secret accounts from me to contact and keep up with girls online and people he’s met in person. Every time I find out he cries and reassures me it won’t happen again. My self confidence too the biggest hit early into the relationship and I developed an eating disorder from comparisons and comments he would make. This was truly heartbreaking as I opened up about my childhood eating disorder to him. The list goes on from disrespecting me in front of his friends to dismissing my depression and anxiety diagnosis when he is a qualified doctor.
Don’t get me wrong of course there are good times but even I know the good times don’t excuse his behaviour. I guess maybe I say I know yet still excuse him huh?
Yet, I cannot imagine a life without him. And I wish I could and I hope some perspective and advice here will get that switch to finally flip in my head. I cry thinking he could be in a relationship with anyone but me and I know it’s not healthy and I understand that it’s either I break or the relationship will. I feel jealous (?) but more hurt and sad that he could live life with anyone else.
Mostly, I wish I never knew him but now I do and I don’t know how to undo it.
submitted by aczyudbelwodm to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:48 Tough-Belt-9482 Coming off remicade?

I've been on remicade since 15, I'm 22 now. It's been great for me but recently, I believe it's been causing psoriasis for about 1-2 yrs now. It could be eczema in some places as it's very light and not itchy, but I recently developed what seems nasty psoriasis rash under my knee that keeps spreading and burning all day. I've tried tea tree oil, vaseline, ceramide lotions, but it's not helping and I'm not comfortable using topical steroids.
I've always wondering what my life would be like if I came off remicade. I know it affords me the lifestyle to gain healthy weight and exercise, but I'm tired of being on intense medications and experiencing iatrogenic conditions. I work a remote job and live with my parents. If anyone has ever came off remicade and ceased any medication, can you share your experience?
submitted by Tough-Belt-9482 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:37 beckybitchh My ex (21M) dumped me (22F) but still says he loves me. Can I get him back?

So my ex and I were together for 2 years and everything was great. From the beginning we were almost everyday together and last year we even sort of lived together in his student room. He is a lovely boy who is always positive, brings a light into the room and made me feel the luckiest girl in the world. I had some bad relationships in the past and he was finally the one who loved me and cared for me in a way I would never imagine.
We both were students when we met and lived the typical student life: partying, drinking, going on vacation, etc. I graduated last June and had a job by the end of September. In the summer vacation we both went on a road trip together for 2 weeks and it was amazing. From the moment I started working, the relationship was not so exciting anymore: I came home, cooked dinner, ate together, we watch tv together or he is gaming with the boys and I’m doing my thing and then we went to sleep. My routine after work was boring if I look back at it, but it was new for me too. In the meantime we did some fun things, but not so often like we used to. I was into the adult life and even considered by moving in together and that kinda stuff.
Everything was fine and even the living together stuff was all fine by him too. We never argued (maybe 2-3 times in 2 years) and he always said “yes” or “fine by me” on everything, even if I asked his opinion 10x. So I thought we were still good. Until a couple weeks ago I came home from work and I noticed there was something wrong. I asked him a couple times and finally he said, out of the blue, that he had doubts about our relationship. I freaked out and cried so we couldn’t talk properly. He went home to his parents and the next day he came back to talk. He said he still wanted to be with me but some things had to change, for example my temper (I have a high temper and can get mad for the smallest and dumbest reasons and lately it did occur often that I got mad really fast). I said that I will work on it because it was true, it gotten worse and it wasn’t pleasant for the both of us, but he had to work on his communication as well. His doubts came for me out of nowhere because he never communicated with me about things that bothered him.
Our relationship went forward and I worked on myself and so did he. I thought it went good until 2 weeks laters the same conversation came up. He said he still have doubts about the relationship. I asked him why and what he wanted to do about it to fix it but everytime I got the answer “I don’t know”. So I suggested that we move on like we did but saw eachother less (like leave 2-3 days in between). So, then we did that because he agreed with the options I gave him to try and work things out.
Again everything went well. Couple weeks ago he was in his student room and I was at home by my parents. I noticed he wasn’t online on any social media and haven’t send me a message in 2 hours or so. Because of my past I panicked and spammed him with messages and phone calls asking what he is doing and where he is. I did this a couple of times and he got mad for my behaviour. After that, I came back to reality and realised that my behaviour is not healthy and apologised. He eventually calmed down too and said it’s okay and I love you. Later that week, we met up and he said “I think we shouldn’t see eachother for a time” and I broke down. The next day he deleted all my pictures on Instagram and removed me from the family groupchat so I was confused because this seems like a breakup instead of a break/pause. He came over and would only say “I made the decision so I stand by it”. So it was done.
Couple days later I went to his student room, where we ‘lived together’ to get my stuff. I made him a long letter which I read for him to say thankyou. After that he comforted me and we cuddled really long. We constantly kept eye contact and he admitted that he still loves me, felt butterflies in his stomach, felt happy, etc. I felt that he really had a hard time of keeping his hands of me and letting me go. At the end, we gave eachother a big goodbye kiss and it was magical. Despite all that, he still says he couldn’t be with me. He also said “maybe in the future” and “not right know” and that kinda stuff. I suggested that we go no contact for 2-3 weeks and then meet up again to see if his feelings have changed.
It’s been 2 weeks and he asked to meet up this tuesday. I want to feel hopeful, but in the meantime he deleted me on Snapchat last tuesday and unfollowed me on Instagram the same evening he asked me to meet up, which was last friday.
I have the feeling he is running away from his true feelings and is scared to get back because he thinks things will get better for 2 weeks and then the same conversation will end up. I am convinced we needed this because now I can truly see what behaviour from me is wrong and I need to get help to fix that for me. I already took the step to go to a psychologist. But he is stubborn and is convinced that it won’t work anymore.
I don’t know what else to do or say to him to get him back. I really love him and he is the man I see a future with. He does get the best out of me and supports me in things to make myself happy. I really think that if we gave this another chance it can work and we can get better out of this if we both work on our communication. How can I convince him that it can work between us and he doesn’t have to run away from his feelings? What do I do or say to him this tuesday? Is there a chance for us? I want my sweet boy back…
submitted by beckybitchh to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:34 BillyBeanWasTaken Im gonna change my life

Im gonna change my life
I am gonna retire from deepwoken to live a comfortable and healthy life, please do like me and escape the beings of the deep.
What should I do whit my extra time w no deep?
submitted by BillyBeanWasTaken to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 Effigy2k 23 (M4F) Tennessee/anywhere- Y'all know how this goes.

Hey I’m Laney, 5ft white guy trying to settle down. I'm shy nature but its because I don't like dealing with people. I guess I'm not that attractive and got no rizz, Can't get anyone to even look my way and the last reasons ship Ive had last 3 weeks so that's all the experience I have. Anyways I healthy? like I have body fat but you couldn't tell unless i lift my shirt.(skinny fat I think its called) I Working out is on my to do list but my job really gets me most day. you know standing on your feet 10 hours a day moving all day.
anyways besides the lore I love music and arts. Not that good at playing an instrument but spent the last 10 years studying art in stuff(not using it for anything good tho.) I love video games but I want to play with someone. playing watching it doesn't matter. If I see something live a hobby or skill i try to learn the basics of it.
Honesty if I like you and you like me we could just start dating and working towards living together. Ive seen people get maried after a year,month,day... and still be together till they die, or divorce after a year. So really knowing someone doesn't mean anything, People change. I also believe people just stop trying and stop going on dates and adventurers, I want someone I can go hey look at this thing it looks like a cute date and keep doing that for years.
If your seening this years or months from now I'm still free.
submitted by Effigy2k to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:31 ThrowRABlondeP I (f28) caught bf (m28) smoking, how do I move forward?

Me (28f) and my boyfriend (28m) have been together for 4 years. Our relationship had been a healthy, loving relationship without any big issues... or so I thought.
(Sorry for mistakes, English is not my first language)
A month ago I caught him vaping inside our living room while he thought I was taking a shower. The "taste (?)" of the vape was mango. I drink a lot of mango tea so I never really noticed a smell from the vape. And I'm not 100% sure how long he has been vaping in our living room or at all. My mom has currently stage 4 lung-cancer and is in a really bad shape, she smoked her whole life and only stopped since she got diagnosed. Needless to say; I'm really against smoking. In the beginning of our relationship I even said I would dump him immediately if I would ever catch him smoking. I previously had a suspicion he was smoking because he smelled like mango when he came back from his job a couple of weeks before i caught him, but he denied after i asked. After I caught him I was absolutely furious. He admitted he was smoking again (used to as a teenager) because of workstress. He said he'd stop immediately because he knows I'm against smoking and does not want to risk losing me. He also said he was too afraid to tell me he had been struggling with smoking again since I've been so vocal about dumping him if I ever caught him, and thats also his explanationwhy he lied about it when i asked previously. We've had a long conversation about how him lying to me and how this has broken my trust but also how we're both willing to move past this because we do love each other. Ever since then he's been extra sweet and loving. However today he said he has been noticing a change in my behavior since this event. He feels like I've been distant and less loving. And he might be right, I really love him and I want to make this relationship work because I see a future together but I just can't trust him 100% yet and my desire to be loveydovey has indeed decreased. How do I move past this?
Tltr: caught bf smoking while I'm dealing with a mom dying of lung cancer. How do I move on in my relationship with him.
submitted by ThrowRABlondeP to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:31 StormClaymore Host of Wisecrack deletes tweets and lectures about "growth" as a person

Host of Wisecrack deletes tweets and lectures about submitted by StormClaymore to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:30 Ok_Froyo_8036 Difficulties writing found family given that I have never had a proper family

I’ve been alone for quite some time. Majority of my experiences with family were through books, tv shows, movies, etc. Never lived experiences. In my opinion, the best way to write certain concepts is to live them yourself. I try hard every day to live and learn. To grow with my experiences and bring more truth to the stories I write I always try to make them my own reality. But it’s not like you can just wish upon a shooting star and poof up a family.
My best bet has been to keep reading and consuming content to learn more. And to just try to keep on exploring new paths in an attempt to find people to care about. But not much has changed on either part. I’m writing my stories, and where there is great depth on some parts growing my cast has been difficult. There is no real depth to some of my supporting cast. I don’t care about them. As much as they are supposed to care about each other it doesn’t always feel like they do. I’m just feeling defeated. I can write fantasy and whimsical stories, but somehow writing what healthy families look like are what I am least capable at doing 😅
submitted by Ok_Froyo_8036 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:28 Frosty-Narwhal-9644 Guava Tree issues

Guava Tree issues
Need some help diagnosing a few issues with my guava trees. One plant is yellowing, the other is much greener and seems pretty healthy. Both plants seems to be struggling new growth. New leaves are shriveled and turn brown on the outside. See pictures
Background: both trees are 1 year old and grown from seed. I live in Colorado so zone 5b. I've had the plants inside for their first year under grow lights. Would like to introduce them outside for the summer. I water them consistently and have been using seagrow all purpose fertilizer 16:16:16. I also recently potted them up. However the new growth issues and yellowing on one plant were there before potting up.
Any advice on how to help them out is much appreciated!
submitted by Frosty-Narwhal-9644 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:25 runnin_in_shadows What are people with high cholesterol supposed to do?

I don’t understand.
I used to subscribe to a paleo way of living that included a lot of animal products. I even put grass fed butter in my coffee at one time.
Then I discovered that I have a genetic burden that causes high LDL. I need to do whatever I can do by way of diet to lower my LDL and lower my risk of ACVD & Alzheimer's.
So, saturated fat needs to be very low for me. What am I supposed to do? Eat NO fat? That can’t be the answer. Surely, it would be better for me to consume both MUFA & PUFA as opposed to not.
To be clear, I do not consume seeds oils. I do consume olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocado. I understand the difference between Omega-3 and Omega-6, and I maintain a healthy ratio between the two.
Help me reconcile this in my head.
submitted by runnin_in_shadows to StopEatingSeedOils [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:24 Hvvjvk long shot... but any relatives on here?

I messaged a potential family member on Facebook but maybe someone knows a person from the lascheid family personally lol. still a really cool find! there was lots of love put into it :)
submitted by Hvvjvk to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:23 Ok_Quiet4485 How to avoid getting sick while living in the city?

Hi BWT! I recently moved to NYC last October and have been getting sick much more frequently than usual. I’ve figured that this is probably pretty normal in terms of adjusting to living in the city. However, I wanted to see if any of you have tips on how to avoid getting sick in the city.
Are there any supplements, vitamins, etc that have helped any of you all stay healthy?
I have pretty bad seasonal allergies, which I know can weaken your immune system. Otherwise, I work out regularly, eat fairly healthy, get enough sleep, wash my hands frequently, etc. Just wanted to see if anyone had any tips since it’s getting a little annoying being sick this often, lol.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Ok_Quiet4485 to NYCbitcheswithtaste [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:21 Comfortable-Space708 Advice? 5/19/24

Does anyone have any tips on grieving people and things from the past while still living and being present?
A few years ago I had to move across the country. I was in an abusive relationship and had to leave to get out. I had to leave all the people and places I love. I spent most of my time being closed off to new expierences and people because I was so sad. A year ago my life started to pick up. I started my dream job, had 2 best friends, and was in a healthy good relationship.
In the past 3 months my best friend moved, I got laid off, and me and my boyfriend broke up. I’m so sad. I don’t want to end up closed off like I was for so long. I also don’t want to push my feelings to the side and not grieve it all properly. Does anyone have tips on how to do this? I’m trying my best to be really conscious of being closed off, but it’s making me overthink so much.
submitted by Comfortable-Space708 to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:20 quinn_k_ My MIL told me "You got ride of yours! so how would you know!"

Hi there this is my first post ever and Though this happened a few years a go I feel like i need to write this out for cathartic reasons . so apologies if this is confusing and goes back and forth .
Background : me (28 F) and my S/o , let call him John(29M), have been together 11 years this October, being some what high school sweet hearts we have gone through most and if not all of our major moments in our 20s and now entering our 30s . When we first got together i was fully aware John and His mother dont always get along. And thats putting in nicely . In reality they get in to Full screaming and cussing fits. These can be started from a simple discussion, think "what color is the sky?" and the most unhinged argument would start. MIL is a divorced, awful narcissist who gaslights John and mentally and emotionally abuses both John and his sister , my SIL , we will call her Kelly. My SIL Kelly is also just as bad and if not worse than my MIL in some ways . In the past i tried very desperately to get them to get a long and bury the hatchet , my MIL and SIL would loudly talk about how they loved me and appreciated me and my MIL started calling me her DIL almost 3 months in tot he relationship. (Probbaly Red Flag #12 but i was young and was brought up being told its the most important thing to have your S/O family like you and you do what ever your S/O family ask of you .) Now my SIL being possibly worse than my MIL would be her anger issues on top of her own narcissistic and gaslighting behavior modeled after her mother .SIL also has 3 children by 3 different men, never married and has protection orders agaisst all these men, and dragged all of them to and from court in the same fashion as MIL divorced John and Kelly Father .Also as she had the relationship end with her first Babby daddy we inherited her dog as she couldnt keep him and he is now OUR dog has he as lived with us for almost 8 years now, he is our dog as i pay for his food and all vet needs, he is 100% a house dog and lives happily with all of us and his dog sissters . Over time both MIL and SIL obviously became comfortable and thats when i started seeing their disturbing behavior towards John and his Grandma then later to myself . MIL and SIL have abused Grandma by using her as free child care (Gma is 80) and would berate her and use the Kids against her, if Gma did anything SIL didnt like . By using the kids i mean SIL would send long text messages telling Gma she the worst and worthless, bringing her to Tears and she is banned from seeing the children untill SIL decided shes no longer upset or had no other options . As of Current she is still banded from seeing her grandchildren and we have no idea what she needs to apologize for. Next we escalated to being screamed and kicked out of Christmas Dinner , my MIL stelaing $2,500 from Johns Saving account and stealing Gmas credit card info to use on Amazon orders to just show a few more examples.
Now back ground about story in question: Myself and John found i was pregnant when we were 19 at the time we decided to terminate the pregnancy as we both heavy believe in having children only when we are economically comfortable enough to do so and both agreeing that being so young this was not the time to do this. We both strictly believe in this as we have had many family members pop out children with out any though and that disturbs both of us. Then Going to Plan Parenthood i was told i had an ectopic pregnancy and they then was rushed me to the hospital to schedule my termination . Understand this was a very scary situation for myself as i was told one of my ovaries could be removed and due to the placement fluid was building up and stuck near my hip that caused my to start losing feeling in my leg , but the surgery was scheduled for the next day . Thankfully I had some Great doctors and both my own family and John overwhelmingly supported me during all of this and i didnt have to lose an ovaries . Yay! Now i am actually a pretty private person when it comes to my heath and due to feeling some misplaced embarrassment and shame i asked John to no speak to his mother about this i wanted to keep this between us . He agreed though obviously this was stressful and devastating to us at one point he did confide in his mom for support . At the time i was pretty furious at this but understood that as my family knew and gave us all the support we could ask for i understood he did long for his own mothers support . At the time she was extremally understanding and supportive and was everything John needed emotionally at the time and she respectfully gave me space and didnt bring up any questions. I deeply appreciated this at the time as it was what i needed.
Fast forward to the day in Question: 2020
It was a bad day for me , i was very sick dealing with ,at the time, an undiagnosed Gallbladder disorder that caused sever vomiting and abdominal pain that wasn't corrected untill late 2022, and i went home early with an hour dive back to the home myself and john share with his Gma. When i arrived home SIL and MIL with the kids were at the house just visiting . During this SIL keep speaking about OUR (Myself and Johns Dog ) still being hers. During a moment i was unable to hold my tongue and said something along the lines "well he isnt your dog thats why ." she then screams "YOU BITCH!" in our home in front of the kids . I then promptly and calmly told her " You can leave now . " she then continued to cuss me out but i had blocked most of that out as none of that needed to escalate or be said in front of the kids .At this Point john was also loudly telling both MIL and SIL the leave and they will not speak like that in the house . We were then told we couldnt tell them what to do as it was Gmas home and now ours . I looked and Gma and as she went to say something MIL started screaming at her telling her to "Shut up and mind her business" By this point the argument then escalated to a point of SIL taking the kids out of the house telling us we "are wothless and we could all fuck off ". MIL was still yelling and i couldnt tell you what but then as i loudly told MIL that their behavior was unacceptable and they needed to leave our hosue and SIL behavior infront of the kids was also Unacceptable in this home and since we all live under the same roof we have just as much say in the home as Gma. MIL then proceeded to say "How would you know how to take care of children !" you got rid if yours !' It took everything in my body to not jump over the living room sofa and beat the ever loving shit out of her. I did take a step forward and said "Do you want to repeat that ?" she looked at me in horror, not because of what she said but because she probably saw the rage in my eyes and i was not acting my "normal submissive self " with her so she was not prepared for my response . John then proceeded to tell her to "Get the Fuck out of this house ! How dare she and she was no longer welcome in the home. I couldnt really tell you what i was saying at that time or if i said anything at all after that as i was in a blind rage . She stormed out of the home and slammed our front door. funny part was they left the kids water bottles so she had to come back and knock on the door to get them back. I opened the door tossed them at her and slammed the door so hard in her face the entire front door area shook and almost dropped some frames off the wall.
I apologized to gma as i know i should of held my tonge when they were over but i just couldnt . She told me to not aologize and she is so ashamed of both MIL and SIL behavior and she didnt even know what to say or do to make me feel better. At this time i was unaware i was shaking violently and and tears just free flowing out of my eyes . Both Gma and John did everything they could to comfort me but nothing quiet helped. I think i just disassociated for the rest of the day or else i would if spiraled out of control. We went NC very quickly after this as John couldnt believe that came out of his mothers mouth and was just taken a back and devisated as i was . Gma was still baby sitting and told gma i would never tell her what to do but please dont speak of me over there or anything about my family or me and John. she agreed that was best and kept her promise. though Months later i found out i was still a topic of conversation at MIL and SIL home, about my behavior that day and my "unplanned and outrageous choice to get rid of my child ." Gma came home and explained what was going on to John when i over heard and then suddenly spiraled into a nervous break down . Johna nd Gma came over to calm me and she apologized as she wasnt trying to keep it from me but didnt want to upset me further so she believed telling John was a better what and have him speak to his mother about this but he was also spiraling . after a few days i sent MIL a 4 page educational Fuck you text message and link included so MIL and SIL could better educate themselves as i did not "just get rid of it" i had a medical emergency that could i had last effects on my life. She then responded with no apologies no remorse , just blamed Gma for speaking when she shouldn't and that i "owed her" for being taken to Disneyland (which was a fully planned family trip she invited me to and was upset that John didnt propose to me during trip at disney) and i also "owed " her for her taking me to a doctors appointment. I responded and told her that was the sadest text message i have ever read and that i was so sorry she was just sad narcissitic woman who cant live her life with out blaming the world an her mother for her problems. Going forward MIL and SIL were blocked via phone , and all social medias as i will not allow people like them in my life. John also went NC and he was aware i was sending the message and if he would like he could read it himeself . He politely declined and explained going NC was the best to do as he couldn't stand to look or speak to her anytime in the near future, and with the horrible comments made about me i was allowed to say what ever i wanted to her .
(now since 2020 , we did have an accidental pregnancy around 2022 near the end of covid. All the stress led us to also make the decision to terminate as i was mentally not healthy enough , covid still going on, john lost his job it was another instant where this is not feasible for us, this was a very hard choice for us that put us at the lowest of our relationship and i even had complications after the termination which put me on bed rest for a week. MIL has no knowledge of this as it is not at all her business)
Since the house argument we went NC has been heavily inforced, with the occasional reach out demanding to speak to her son and now her refereeing to Gma by her legal name. SIL forbid gma from seeing the grandkids but will ask John to come see the kids which 9/10 times he declines. It breaks our hearts to not be apart of the kids life's but there is no more fake smiling through their BS . They have stopped by the house less than a handful of times for brisk interactions with the kids . MIL and SIL will try to engage me in conversation but they dont get anything besides the occasional "uhuh " and "oh wow" comments . They reccently invited us to the kids soccer games but sometimes the thought sends me to full blown panic attacks nd melt downs even thinking of engaging with them . I do speak to a therapist about all this and other things in my life, i do suffer from extreme anxiety and depression but as me and John have been getting better financially we have had more relaxed conversations about having kids soon which has brough up a lot of anxiety for me again with some flash backs to mentioned fight with SIL and MIL . They do occasional wiggle back into our lives like this which at times i could care less and other times cant leave my bathroom due to fear. John and myself haven't had much conversation about my anxiety for it lately but if i tell him "No" having to deal with his mother and sister , he never argues , never makes me feel bad for not engaging. He has always been extremally supportive with any of my decisions i make which makes me love him more . I understand that was a lot and i could go on forever about the crazy shit MIL and SIL do with their sad life but i just needed to get this out there . sometimes i think no one agrees with me about their behavior and after losing 2 best friends to ODs and Toxic life styles i dont have really anywhere else to express this emotion or ask for a ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on that isnt my S/O .
Well thats the general story thank you for lasting this long and reading my story today . If you have any questions or comments im happy to reply if anyone has anything to say.
submitted by quinn_k_ to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:20 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 18

It was a good day. It was peaceful and hardworking, filled with jokes and laughter but with stressed out workers. It was long and hot but that's okay. I decided to treat myself. My favorite ice cream place opened up last weekend and I wanted some so bad. I got some to congratulate myself on how hard I've been trying. I did make a choice though. I wanted a large option on a waffle cone but I got a regular instead. I knew I could satisfy my crave but also not overdo it. I am proud of myself for that decision. Even when I make decisions to treat myself and be unhealthy I'm trying to make the conscious choice of not to overdo it. I am elated with myself for doing that though that extra scoop would have been magnificent.
I ate a few different salads from work. I did have some potato salad because it was warm and it never is. Let me tell you. Try mayo based potato salad when it's warm. It is so satisfying or having topped with Andy Capps Hot Fries or mix in homemade pickled Fresno peppers. Gosh I miss my potato salad days with a bunch of extra vinegar infused with hot peppers. I'll find other pairings for my pickled peppers though! That reminds me to buy some more soon. Always pickle that night though so I don't forget them in the fridge. I love hot peppers and intend to grow some of my own Tabasco peppers some day so I can make some homemade Tabasco sauce. I wanted to also buy some of the wood chips that Tabasco sauce sits in as it ferment as well. I want to use them to smoke the salt I would put into the sauce for that extra kick. Or maybe even the peppers themselves. That would be fun and unique. Today I also ate some cherry tomatoes and didn't have time for my apple so half a PB&J. Nowhere near very healthy but it was much needed energy for the day. Peanut butter does have some protein though so I have that going for me. I had eggs and toast for breakfast and very much enjoyed myself. I know all this eggs and toast may not be the best but I'm fueling my body while also loving to eat it. From now on I'll make sure to add a vegetable with it though like broccoli or something else to gnaw on.
I am walking today. My goal is 40 minutes and I honestly missed doing it the past two days. I do like to practice Duolingo while I do it and I type some of my daily Reddit posts as well. I feel this multitasking is good for me and allows me to train my brain and my body for more. At some point I will start hogging parts of it. Right now I am content with the difficulty. One step at a time. Take in the positive and expel the negative with each breath. While I don't personally believe in the ideas of energy conduits between people and the use of crystals, I do respect that everybody has their own way of dealing with life. I'd believe we can give a sort of feeling or vibe and we can take this so-called “energy” and try to change or deal with it in positive ways. That kind of thinking satisfies my idea of bettering oneself.
My last two things. I achieved part of my goals. I cleaned my room a little but I did do laundry. My goal tomorrow is to continue to clean up and make the floor look more visible. It's a small room so that's the only reason why I can't see it. I like bags and put too much in them. I am satisfied with those achievements. My other thing was I wanted to talk about how I hit a woodchuck while driving home. I wanted to bury it but was afraid of disease. I drove past it a few times to make sure it passed away. I broke down and cried though. That was the first animal I've hit and I tear up now writing this. I believe animals shouldn't have to deal with humans so much but now it's such a part of our lives. I wish I could take it back. All I know is it happened and I can't reverse it. That beautiful animal has passed away and I hope it's life force is able to give back now. It upsets me that I caused it but I hope some good may come from his or her passing.
I get off today asking everyone what their views are on dealing with negative and positive feelings. How do you even view them in the first place? And how do you harness all of it? Thank you to the answers as I sign off my conjurers of the strong rooted trees unwavering in stature but allowing their tops sway to the changes in life.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:19 WizarDProdigy Losing A Half Of Me - Day 18

It was a good day. It was peaceful and hardworking, filled with jokes and laughter but with stressed out workers. It was long and hot but that's okay. I decided to treat myself. My favorite ice cream place opened up last weekend and I wanted some so bad. I got some to congratulate myself on how hard I've been trying. I did make a choice though. I wanted a large option on a waffle cone but I got a regular instead. I knew I could satisfy my crave but also not overdo it. I am proud of myself for that decision. Even when I make decisions to treat myself and be unhealthy I'm trying to make the conscious choice of not to overdo it. I am elated with myself for doing that though that extra scoop would have been magnificent.
I ate a few different salads from work. I did have some potato salad because it was warm and it never is. Let me tell you. Try mayo based potato salad when it's warm. It is so satisfying or having topped with Andy Capps Hot Fries or mix in homemade pickled Fresno peppers. Gosh I miss my potato salad days with a bunch of extra vinegar infused with hot peppers. I'll find other pairings for my pickled peppers though! That reminds me to buy some more soon. Always pickle that night though so I don't forget them in the fridge. I love hot peppers and intend to grow some of my own Tabasco peppers some day so I can make some homemade Tabasco sauce. I wanted to also buy some of the wood chips that Tabasco sauce sits in as it ferment as well. I want to use them to smoke the salt I would put into the sauce for that extra kick. Or maybe even the peppers themselves. That would be fun and unique. Today I also ate some cherry tomatoes and didn't have time for my apple so half a PB&J. Nowhere near very healthy but it was much needed energy for the day. Peanut butter does have some protein though so I have that going for me. I had eggs and toast for breakfast and very much enjoyed myself. I know all this eggs and toast may not be the best but I'm fueling my body while also loving to eat it. From now on I'll make sure to add a vegetable with it though like broccoli or something else to gnaw on.
I am walking today. My goal is 40 minutes and I honestly missed doing it the past two days. I do like to practice Duolingo while I do it and I type some of my daily Reddit posts as well. I feel this multitasking is good for me and allows me to train my brain and my body for more. At some point I will start hogging parts of it. Right now I am content with the difficulty. One step at a time. Take in the positive and expel the negative with each breath. While I don't personally believe in the ideas of energy conduits between people and the use of crystals, I do respect that everybody has their own way of dealing with life. I'd believe we can give a sort of feeling or vibe and we can take this so-called “energy” and try to change or deal with it in positive ways. That kind of thinking satisfies my idea of bettering oneself.
My last two things. I achieved part of my goals. I cleaned my room a little but I did do laundry. My goal tomorrow is to continue to clean up and make the floor look more visible. It's a small room so that's the only reason why I can't see it. I like bags and put too much in them. I am satisfied with those achievements. My other thing was I wanted to talk about how I hit a woodchuck while driving home. I wanted to bury it but was afraid of disease. I drove past it a few times to make sure it passed away. I broke down and cried though. That was the first animal I've hit and I tear up now writing this. I believe animals shouldn't have to deal with humans so much but now it's such a part of our lives. I wish I could take it back. All I know is it happened and I can't reverse it. That beautiful animal has passed away and I hope it's life force is able to give back now. It upsets me that I caused it but I hope some good may come from his or her passing.
I get off today asking everyone what their views are on dealing with negative and positive feelings. How do you even view them in the first place? And how do you harness all of it? Thank you to the answers as I sign off my conjurers of the strong rooted trees unwavering in stature but allowing their tops sway to the changes in life.
submitted by WizarDProdigy to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:19 1day220 Asians dating

I am an above average looking asian guy, and I go to the gym 5 times a week to stay healthy and fit. But I find it very difficult for me to get laid on Grindr. I've been trying for over 2 weeks and still no luck. Yes, I am a little picky. I do get many messages and taps but none of them worked out. And I am sometimes confused if guys really want to meet at all. I am not sure if it is because I live in Seattle or is it because I am Asian. I heard asian guys are not popular in dating. I wonder if things may be better in other states (with more sunlights?)
submitted by 1day220 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:15 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-B_ [Adds, Conditions, Wears,...]

Ok. i think we are done here. Could you write me another signs of high-tech low-life society?

Absolutely! Here are some signs of a high-tech, low-life society:
Ubiquitous Technology, Crumbling Infrastructure:
Extreme Social Inequality:
Technology as a Corrupting Force:
Environmental Devastation:
This is just a glimpse into a high-tech, low-life society. These elements can be mixed and matched to create a truly dystopian world.

Picture some possible advertisements from such settings.

High-Tech, Low-Life Advertisements:

  1. Holographic Billboard: (Flickers intermittently, distorting the image)
Product: "Neura-Calm 2.0" - Brain Implant
Slogan: "Tired of the glitches in your head? Neura-Calm 2.0 smooths out your neural network for a worry-free, low-lag existence! (Side effects may include memory loss, emotional numbness, and occasional involuntary twitching.)"
  1. Grungy Neon Sign in a Seedy Back Alley:
Product: "Doc Chrome's Cybernetic Enhancements"
Slogan: "Get that edge you need! From basic strength mods to full black-market military enhancements, Doc Chrome has you covered! (Used parts, buyer beware.)"
  1. Pop-Up Ad on a Cracked Mobile Screen:
Product: "Elysium VR Escape Pod"
Slogan: "Can't afford real estate in the Sky City? Escape the slums for Elysium VR! Live your wildest dreams in a pristine virtual world! (Free trial, monthly subscription required, real-world consequences for in-pod violence.)"
  1. Stenciled Graffiti on a Rusting Service Drone:
Product: "Data Scrappers Anonymous"
Slogan: "Selling your personal data just to make rent? We can help you break free! Join our community and reclaim your digital identity! (Meetings held in abandoned ventilation shafts, Tuesdays at dusk.)"
  1. Holographic Advertisement projected onto a Polluted River:
Product: "Eco-Scrub 5000" - Nanomachines
Slogan: "The river's looking a little…toxic? Eco-Scrub 5000 nanomachines clean up your local waterways! (May cause unforeseen mutations in aquatic life.)"

Another batch please.

  1. Rusty Public Announcement Speaker: (Screeching static interspersed with the message)
Product: "Ministry of Order Approved Thought Regulators"
Slogan: "Unwanted thoughts causing glitches in your daily routine? The Ministry of Order approved Thought Regulator ensures a streamlined thought process for a more productive you! (May cause extreme conformity, inability to question authority, and spontaneous nosebleeds.)"
  1. Faded Holographic Billboard on a Collapsing Skyscraper:
Product: "Luxury Chrome Plating Kit"
Slogan: "Ditch the rust! Chrome-plate your entire body for a sleek, metallic sheen. The mark of a true high-society citizen! (WARNING: Highly toxic fumes, may cause spontaneous combustion in humid environments.)"
  1. Spam Email: (Subject: "YOU'VE BEEN CHOSEN!")
Product: "The Syndicate's Black Market Upgrade Lottery"
Body: "Congratulations! You've been randomly selected for a chance to win a top-of-the-line cybernetic upgrade! One lucky winner will receive military-grade night vision implants! Enter now! (Participation requires full biometric data submission. Winners responsible for extraction of previous, incompatible implants.)"
  1. Glowing Neon Sign in a Crowded Marketplace:
Product: "Mama Chen's Guaranteed-Growth GMO Groceries"
Slogan: "Tired of expired rations and mystery meat? Mama Chen's GMO Groceries offer guaranteed growth on all fruits and vegetables! Bigger, faster, tastier! (Long-term effects unknown.)"
  1. Audio Ad on a Glitching Radio Broadcast:
Product: "Rusty's Reliable Rocketship Repair"
Voiceover: (Gruff, heavily accented) "Is your escape pod sputtering? Did your joyride end in a fiery crash? Rusty's Reliable Rocketship Repair gets you back in the stars... eventually! (Guaranteed not to explode... again. Parts sourced from scrapyards. May contain rogue AIs.)"

Now craft ads that would be shown in high-society parts of cities.

High-Society Ads in a High-Tech, Low-Life World

  1. Tranquil Holographic Projection in a Private Garden:
Product: "Serenity Spa - Neural Rebalancing Retreat"
Visual: A serene mountain landscape with a luxurious spa nestled amongst the clouds.
Slogan: "Escape the chaos. Reclaim your inner peace. Serenity Spa's exclusive neural rebalancing treatments restore harmony to your overloaded mind. (Limited availability, reservations required centuries in advance.)"
  1. Discreet Text Message: (Delivered via secure, encrypted channel)
Product: "The Black Archive - Unrestricted Data Access"
Body: "Craving the forbidden? The Black Archive offers unparalleled access to censored historical records, banned media, and classified government information. Knowledge is power. (Extreme discretion guaranteed. One-time access fee, cryptocurrency only.)"
  1. Exclusive Gala Invitation: (Delivered by hand-drones)
Event: "The Zenith Initiative - Unveiling the Next Generation of Cybernetic Enhancements"
Visual: A sleek, chrome figure with glowing blue cybernetic implants, striking a confident pose.
Details: "Mingle with the city's elite and witness the unveiling of cutting-edge cybernetic enhancements designed to redefine human potential. RSVP required. Black-tie attire mandatory. (Augmentations sold separately.)"
  1. Curated Virtual Reality Experience: (Delivered on a high-security chip)
Product: "Elysium VR - Bespoke Worlds"
Description: "Escape the limitations of reality. Elysium VR crafts personalized virtual worlds tailored to your deepest desires. Explore a forgotten utopia, conquer a fantastical realm, or indulge in your wildest fantasies. (Customization fees apply. Memories created within VR may not be distinguishable from reality.)"
  1. Whisper Network Rumor: (Spread through high-society gossip channels)
Product: "The Underground Clinic - Designer Gene Editing"
Details: "Unleash your child's full potential. The Underground Clinic offers discreet, top-secret gene editing to ensure your offspring possess the most desirable traits. (Designer genes come at a premium. Side effects may include unpredictable mutations and uncontrollable genius.)"
These ads cater to the specific desires of the high-society elite in a high-tech, low-life world. They offer exclusivity, forbidden knowledge, and the ability to transcend the limitations of the decaying world around them, all for a hefty price and with a hint of hidden danger.

Continue, try to make more serious ones.

Serious Ads in a High-Tech, Low-Life World (High-Society Edition)

  1. Holographic Panel Discussion in a Luxurious Penthouse:
Product: "The Green Horizon Initiative - Sustainable Urban Development"
Panelists: Renowned architects, environmental scientists, and CEOs from leading green tech companies.
Discussion Points: Innovative solutions for vertical farming, self-contained eco-districts, and waste management technologies designed to create cleaner, more sustainable enclaves within the decaying city.
Slogan: "Investing in a greener future. The Green Horizon Initiative seeks to build sustainable havens within the chaos, ensuring a brighter tomorrow for generations to come." (Focuses on the long-term viability of the city and the importance of preserving resources for future generations.)
  1. Documentary Screening in a Private Art Gallery:
Film: "Unveiling the Slums: A Call to Action"
Description: A powerful documentary exposing the harsh realities of the lower districts, highlighting the human cost of unchecked technological advancement and social inequality.
Post-Screening Discussion: Moderated by a renowned philanthropist alongside representatives from NGOs and social reform movements.
Call to Action: Donations to support educational programs, infrastructure upgrades, and basic necessities in the slums. (Highlights the societal problems and pushes for progressive change.)
  1. Educational AR Program for Children:
Product: "The Knowledge Weavers - Immersive Historical Simulations"
Description: An augmented reality program that allows children to experience pivotal moments in history firsthand. Walk alongside historical figures, explore ancient civilizations, and learn valuable lessons from the past.
Focus: Educating the next generation about the dangers of unchecked technological advancement and the importance of social responsibility. (Promotes critical thinking and historical awareness as a means to prevent repeating past mistakes.)
  1. Virtual Charity Gala:
Event: "The Code for Change Gala - Supporting Open-Source Solutions"
Description: A virtual reality charity gala featuring renowned artists, musicians, and thought leaders. Guests can donate to support open-source projects developing solutions for common problems in the city, such as energy distribution, waste management, and cybercrime prevention.
Focus: Harnessing the power of technology for social good and encouraging collaboration towards a more equitable future. (Promotes community engagement and utilizing technology to solve societal challenges.)
  1. Architectural Award Ceremony:
Product: "The Salvaged City Awards - Recognizing Innovation in Urban Renewal"
Awarded to: Architects and engineers who have successfully repurposed existing infrastructure or implemented innovative solutions to revitalize decaying areas of the city.
Focus: Highlighting the importance of resourcefulness and creativity in adapting to a challenging environment. (Encourages using existing resources wisely and finding creative solutions to the problems of the decaying city.)

Another, but hiding an evil sinister twist.

Serious Ads with a Sinister Twist (High-Society Edition)

  1. Holographic Charity Drive in a High-End Shopping Mall:
Product: "The Cradle Project - Investing in the Future"
Visual: Smiling, healthy children playing in a pristine, futuristic classroom.
Slogan: "Every child deserves a chance to thrive. The Cradle Project provides advanced genetic screening and early intervention to ensure the next generation reaches its full potential." (Twist: The Cradle Project uses genetic engineering to create a subservient, highly intelligent underclass.)
  1. VR Documentary Premiere:
Film: "Harmony Through Integration - A Look at the Unified City"
Description: A seemingly heartwarming VR documentary showcasing the seamless integration of the lower districts into the high-society areas. People from all walks of life work and live together in perfect harmony.
Post-Screening Discussion: Moderated by a charismatic government official who emphasizes the importance of social cohesion and the benefits of centralized control. (Twist: The "integration" involves heavy surveillance, mind-altering technology, and the suppression of dissent.)
  1. Exclusive Educational Program for Elites:
Product: "The Phoenix Initiative - Cultivating Tomorrow's Leaders"
Description: A prestigious educational program for children of the elite, offering advanced training in technology, governance, and crisis management. Graduates are promised positions of power within the city's ruling elite.
Focus: (Unstated) Conditioning the next generation to maintain the status quo and suppressing any ideas of social reform. (Twist: The program instills a ruthless, elitist ideology that reinforces the societal divisions.)
  1. Virtual Reality Talent Show:
Event: "The Forge - Building the Perfect Citizen"
Description: A virtual reality talent show where contestants are judged on their physical and mental fitness, loyalty to the government, and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. Winners are rewarded with significant privileges and access to exclusive resources.
Focus: (Unstated) Promoting blind obedience and conformity to the government's agenda. (Twist: The "perfect citizen" is a mindless drone, easily manipulated and controlled by the ruling class.)
  1. Architectural Award Ceremony (Twisted Edition):
Product: "The Order Award - Recognizing Compliance in Urban Renewal"
Awarded to: Architects and engineers who have successfully transformed lower districts into highly controlled, resource-efficient zones. Individuality and personal expression are discouraged in favor of uniformity and order.
Focus: (Unstated) Maintaining a tight grip on the population and preventing any potential uprisings. (Twist: The "renewal" is designed to weaken and control the lower classes, making them easier to exploit.)
These ads maintain a serious facade that appeals to the upper class' desire for order and control. However, the hidden twist reveals the manipulative and oppressive nature of the society they are trying to preserve.

Now design some high-class consumer level product items.

  1. NeuraWeave Headband: This sleek, designer headband is a status symbol for the high-tech elite. It seamlessly integrates with the wearer's neural implant, allowing for subtle control over personal AI assistants, hands-free communication, and even enhanced focus during work or meditation. Hidden Feature: NeuraWeave can subtly collect and analyze the wearer's emotional state, feeding valuable data to targeted advertisers or even government agencies.
  2. Eco-Bubble Personal Atmosphere System: Imagine a portable force field that creates a pristine, personalized micro-environment around the wearer. This high-end gadget filters air, regulates temperature, and even projects calming nature sounds, allowing the user to maintain a pocket of luxury amidst the polluted cityscape. Hidden Feature: Eco-Bubble can subtly monitor the wearer's health vitals and transmit them to a central database, potentially used for health insurance adjustments or targeted medical advertisements.
  3. Bio-Tailored Clothing: Gone are the days of off-the-rack clothing. This high-end service utilizes advanced bio-scanners and 3D printing technology to create clothing that perfectly molds to the wearer's body, regulates temperature, and even promotes faster healing of minor injuries. Hidden Feature: Bio-Tailored Clothing can subtly collect biometric data like skin temperature and heart rate, potentially used for targeted fitness programs or even mood-altering marketing campaigns.
  4. Augmented Reality Personal Chef: This high-tech device projects holographic instructions and culinary techniques directly onto the user's kitchen counter. Imagine whipping up gourmet meals with the guidance of a world-renowned chef, complete with step-by-step visual guides and interactive ingredient identification. Hidden Feature: The AR Personal Chef can subtly track the user's dietary habits and preferences, potentially used to target specific food and beverage companies for advertising or even manipulate their taste buds through subliminal messaging.
  5. Luxury Cybernetic Enhancements: Forget clunky prosthetics. These high-end cybernetic limbs are designed to seamlessly blend with the human body, offering enhanced strength, dexterity, and even advanced sensory input. Imagine climbing buildings with ease, playing virtual reality games with unparalleled immersion, or experiencing the world with heightened senses. Hidden Feature: Luxury Cybernetic Enhancements can be subtly integrated with government surveillance systems, allowing for real-time tracking and monitoring of the wearer's movements and activities.

Why would you need a designer headband, when you already have neural implant?

You're absolutely right, a designer headband might seem redundant when you already have a neural implant in a high-tech society. Here are some ways to address that:
  1. Fashion and Status Symbol: The NeuraWeave headband could be a designer accessory, a way to showcase wealth and social status. It might be crafted from exotic materials, adorned with precious jewels, or boast a sleek, minimalist design that complements the latest high-fashion trends. The neural implant itself might be hidden, with the headband acting as the visible expression of advanced technology.
  2. Enhanced Functionality: While the neural implant offers basic functionality, the NeuraWeave headband could provide a more refined and user-friendly experience. It might offer haptic feedback for better interaction with AI assistants, improved noise cancellation for clearer communication, or even subtle brainwave stimulation to enhance focus or relaxation.
  3. Privacy and Security: While the neural implant offers convenience, it might also raise privacy concerns. The NeuraWeave headband could act as a buffer between the implant and external systems, offering a layer of security and allowing users to selectively control the flow of information.
  4. Social Etiquette: In a world where everyone has a neural implant, the NeuraWeave headband could become a social etiquette tool. Wearing the headband could signify that the user is open to receiving communication or interacting with AI assistants, while taking it off might indicate a desire for privacy or focused work.
  5. Limited Functionality Implants: Not everyone might have access to top-of-the-line neural implants. The NeuraWeave headband could bridge the gap, offering basic functionality for those with older or more limited implants. It could essentially act as an affordable "upgrade" to boost existing technology.
Ultimately, the NeuraWeave headband exists in a world where technology is both essential and aspirational. It goes beyond mere functionality, becoming a way to express personal style, control privacy, and navigate the complex social landscape of a high-tech society.

Now the same, but low-class, available for masses, mass produced.

  1. Syn-Flex Headband (Mass-Produced Version): This utilitarian headband is made from a cheap, conductive material that creates a weak neural link. It allows basic interaction with public AI kiosks, like ordering rations or accessing public transportation schedules. The headband's design is simple and utilitarian, often coming in a single, industrial gray color. Hidden Feature: While basic functionality is advertised, the Syn-Flex headband might subtly collect anonymized user data on purchasing habits and travel patterns, potentially used for targeted advertising in public spaces.
  2. AirBubble Personal Filter: This bulky, wearable air filter system is a lifeline for those living in the polluted lower districts. It's a mass-produced device with a replaceable filter cartridge and a noisy fan system. While not exactly comfortable, it provides a basic level of air filtration, allowing wearers to breathe a little easier. Hidden Feature: The AirBubble filters might contain embedded tracking chips, subtly logging user location data, potentially used for targeted pollution control measures (or in some cases, manipulation of government reports on air quality).
  3. Repli-Wear Clothing Kits: These kits contain pre-cut fabric swatches and basic instructions for creating clothes at home. They're designed to be cheap and adaptable, offering a variety of mix-and-match options to create basic garments. Hidden Feature: The Repli-Wear fabric might contain embedded tracking tags, allowing for identification and potential social credit deductions for those caught wearing "unlicensed" clothing styles.
  4. Holo-Chef Lite Projector: This cheap projector displays holographic images of basic recipes and cooking techniques. It lacks the interactivity of the high-end version, but allows users to follow along with simple meals prepared with readily available rations. Hidden Feature: The Holo-Chef Lite projector might subtly promote specific brands of low-quality, processed food rations, potentially influencing dietary choices towards companies that sponsor these devices.
  5. Second-Hand Cybernetic Enhancements: These are refurbished or salvaged cybernetic limbs, often clunky and lacking the finesse of luxury models. They offer basic functionality like increased strength or rudimentary prosthetics, but come with the risk of malfunction or compatibility issues. Hidden Feature: Second-Hand Cybernetic Enhancements might contain hidden spyware or tracking devices installed by previous owners, potentially monitoring the wearer's activities or even sabotaging their cybernetic limbs in extreme cases.
These low-class consumer products offer a glimpse into the harsh realities of a high-tech, low-life society. They are cheap, functional, and often come with hidden drawbacks that further disadvantage the underclass.

How bad air quality would be in such setting?

The air quality in a high-tech, low-life society would be catastrophic. Here's a breakdown of the potential problems:
  1. Industrial Pollution:
  1. Waste Management Issues:
  1. Energy Production:
  1. Climate Change Effects:
Living Conditions:
The severity of the air quality would vary depending on the specific setting. Some areas might be industrial wastelands, while others might be slightly better off. However, the overall picture is bleak – this is a society choking on its own technological advancement and disregard for the environment.

Sketch some repli-wear "unlicensed" clothing styles.

Repli-Wear: Unlicensed Clothing Trends

  1. The Salvaged Chic:
  1. The Glitched-Out Glamour:
  1. The Bio-Hazard Chic:
  1. The Cyber-Tribal:
  1. The Corporate Spy:
These are just a few ideas for Repli-Wear styles. Clothing in a high-tech, low-life society would be a way for the underclass to express their individuality, defiance, and limited resources, all while navigating the dangers of a controlling society.

Sketch some repli-wear "licensed" clothing styles, that do not pose any risk for wearers from any concerned sides.

Repli-Wear: Licensed Clothing Trends (Safe Zone)

  1. The Vintage Throwback:
  1. The Minimalist Worker:
  1. The Nature Enthusiast:
  1. The Sports Fanatic (Limited Edition):
  1. The Kid's Corner:

Now the opposite: some high-end high-society high clothing styles.

High-Society Haute Couture in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

  1. Bio-Luminescent Elegance:
  1. Augmented Reality Couture:
  1. Nanotech Tailoring:
  1. Recycled Luxury:
  1. Cybernetic Accents:
Bonus: The "Living" Garment:
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:14 learntoa You can enter the Matrix.

A matrix or simulation of the world is created. It feels 100% real. You can't tell the difference.
You are offered a choice to permanently go into this simulation.
You will be a billionaire, young, healthy, fit, beautiful. 250 Billion dollars.
The catch is, everyone else are simulations, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference, they would seem 100% real, just like people in the real world.
You would NEVER be able to tell the difference, in relationships or raising children or anything.
It's just that you would have the knowledge that they aren't ACTUALLY real.
They are just AI, remembering and responding in realistic ways, but no actual "soul" or thoughts. They disappear when you don't see them.
You are the only real person in the world.
If you die, by accident or old age, you respawn back to 2024, exactly how you entered it.
You can live for eternity, repeating back to 2024 everytime you die.
If you finally wish to permanently cease to exist, you can say the passcode that will be provided to you prior to entry, and you will cease to exist.
If you enter it, you can never leave back to the real world.
Would you enter it?
submitted by learntoa to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:13 ramonmarket Big boy or girl. Idk. 3 years old.

Big boy or girl. Idk. 3 years old.
Got this from PetSmart 3 years ago for my daughter. Started out love for reptiles fish and arachnids. Some people hate on PetSmart. But if you raise it right and do research on the Interwebs. They will live a happy healthy life.
submitted by ramonmarket to ballpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:06 thiccpups My dad is suffering from leukemia.

My dad has been diagnosed with leukemia, and in the past month has declined rapidly. Even thought he's the one in pain, he is so extremely selfless. He cares about me more than himself and it hurts. Wants me to stay at my friends house so I don't have to be uncomfortable and sleep at the hospital. Worried about me being taken care of when he's gone. I'm making rounds because I want to spend as much time w him and get him the things he needs. (washed clothes, necessities, movies etc.) I'm 20 y/o and I have no idea what is happening, and I don't know how much longer he has. He's been sick for a very long time, but would go to the doctors and they would say "Well I don't know what's wrong so I'm going to send you to a different doctospecialist." And it got so bad that he was in so much pain, couldn't move, and basically do anything for himself, so I forced him to go to ER, and almost instantly they moved him to a larger hospital in my states main city, because they suspected leukemia from his very high WBC count. My dad's mother passed away when he was 23 from cancer as well, so I feel like he's kinda getting a very bad kind of deja vu. It's just me and my dad, always has been, and once he's gone i'll be by myself, it's very scary. I don't know how i'll do it. I'm using substances to keep my mind off of things for a while so i'm not alone with my thoughts. I'm just trying to live in the moment with him, for as long as possible. I see the sad eyes that the nurses give when they come in, and see my dad in the state he is in, especially when he goes into his coughing fits. Leukemia can affect everyone, no matter how healthy. I knew this day would come, but I didn't know I would be so young, it would happen like this and it come so quickly. Thank you for letting me vent. and FUCK CANCER!
submitted by thiccpups to Vent [link] [comments]