Swollen eyes and headache

Extensive Vole Tunneling

2024.06.02 17:48 Ignignokt13 Extensive Vole Tunneling

Good afternoon lawn care peoples. I have quite the system of vole tunnels around my yard, some of which are actual trenches (3-5 inches wide, 2-3 inches deep), and some of which are above ground squishy eye sores.
We plan on selling this house next spring and I know for a fact the lawn will need to be handled before then. I’m not afraid of DIY solutions here, but I’m also wondering if it would be worth to just hire a local expert to fix it up right in half the time.
Anyone here deal with this recently? I’ve seen some videos on good product to use to deter the voles but it seems like they’re a constant headache especially for people in the woods like me. Any help or input here is appreciated!
submitted by Ignignokt13 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:48 sonderqueen Finally leaving the job and field. I can feel all my stress leaving my mind and body!

I’ve been working with children since I graduated college. My first job was a residential counselor, then a swim instructor, and then a PreK teacher. Never have I left a job because of the children - it’s always been because of administration.
I’m currently working at a daycare as a PreK teacher and I’ve been doing that for almost three years now. I love the kids, love my coteacher, and enjoy the overall autonomy I get in the classroom.
I cannot do it anymore - because of administration, again. This time I’m leaving childcare all together and is going to work in an office setting. My mom is helping me get a job at her work where they understand I don’t have any office experience, but are patient and willing to train me to help set me up for actual future careers! They’re so kind!
The admin at my school have constantly belittled me, made me feel like I’m the age of the students I take care of, refuse to understand sudden health issues just because of staffing issues, and play favorites and it’s been made very clear that I’m not one of them.
When my car needed to get work done and I got the call at work saying it’ll be $3k to fix my car, I broke down. My boss said that I’m “just a baby and have time to build that back up.” WITH WHAT PAY?? It’s been over a year and I’m still NOWHERE near putting that back into my savings!! Also I’m 27, trying my hardest to be an adult, please don’t call me a baby!
I get cluster headaches and have chronic stomach issues, but barely call out. On the rare occasions I do, my coteacher will tell me that one of the admins will come in to let her know I won’t be in but will roll her eyes over the situation - as if she isn’t going to tell me??
My planning time always gets cut, when no one else’s does.
I’ve made multiple reports over concerning issues regarding stories some students tell me or behaviors I see, and they refuse to intervene. One time I suspected a student of mine was getting mistreated at home and talked to them about it… so they called the kids parents and told me it was “all a big misunderstanding, I need to calm down.”
This new job is willing to give me a $5 increase in pay. My coteacher, who has been working at the daycare for 11 years, is only now starting to receive that same amount of money. I refuse, I refuse, I refuse.
I’ve been crying before coming into work just because of how bad they make me feel. I deal with a mental illness but I’m not allowed to be anything but happy, smiling, and okay while at work. I’m not allowed to be a human being who goes through stuff sometimes.
I cannot wait to be free.
submitted by sonderqueen to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:37 bluewinter1 4-5 hours sleep, still feel tired

I have been struggling with insomnia for months. I couldn't sleep at all for the first two months. I'm better now. I sleep 4-5 hours. but it still doesn't seem enough. My eyes are swollen, my under eyes are purple and I feel tired all day. What do you think I should do?
submitted by bluewinter1 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:24 sgsduke Can't get my Emgality because of inane insurance insanity 😭 (TW excessive swearing)

Context: American health insurance system. Long story short emgality is the only preventative that keeps me able to work. I was unable to work for over a year. I have a whole handful of chronic illness issues but the MIGRAINES. Jesus CHRIST.
I have migraines that have been a daily constant for 4.5 years, like this migraine never fully goes away. I have cluster headaches and trigeminal neuralgia. So my head is the biggest freaking issue. (Also fibromyalgia, hyperPOTS, inflammatory arthritis, and just found out also autism lol cool cool cool.)
Point being it has been a JOURNEY and I have tried everything. The things that work are: emgality, memantine for brain fog, nurtec for an extra option, propranolol (for pots but also good for migraines I guess), ginger, magnesium, riboflavin, dry needling and trigger point injections in my neck and jaw. Also I use weed when I'm not working. But the Emgality is KEY and I've been on it for a couple years.
But we all know insurance can just MEH change your coverage. So my emgality stopped being covered in February and it took 3 months to figure out why and get the savings card from the manufacturer. It sucked and my migraines absolutely got worse, significantly worse, which makes everything worse really. They denied it, I appealed it 3 times and had my doctor do a consult, they still denied it. My neurologist re prescribed it with the loading dose because of the gap, insurance required another prior authorization be process so they could they deny it again.
Finally they officially denied it for the 4th time. Got the savings card, got the loading dose, the pharmacy told me they would accept the card every month.
Tried to refill it this month and the savings card doesn't work. Takes me a few days to figure out what the fuck is going on and honestly I'm still not 100% positive because they don't have to tell you lol. It seems that my insurance has not denied this prescription in their system now since it is a 1 dose / month prescription which is technically different than the loading dose. So because they haven't technically denied this version of the prescription, the system won't take the motherfucking savings card because it's waiting on insurance which is waiting on prior authorization which took THREE WEEKS for them to process last time but oh they're requiring it! Again! Literally the 5th time this year! They're gonna deny it again because they always do, but it could take a mystery amount of time and I NEED my meds.
I tried so hard to prevent this happening again but I couldn't do anything else. I refilled it as soon as it was refill-able so that I would have as long as possible but it's still only a few days extra so I literally could not force this to be processed.
I also pay so much for my meds with this insurance and spend so much of my income on Healthcare even with insurance. Like fuck me. What am I supposed to do? I swear I'm doing everything my neurologist suggests and I've found meds that help me so that I can work like a good capitalist adult and I'm still fucked. I will miss work and I will be fucked, again. My relationships suffer because I'm in pain, I'm useless, I'm more sad and grumpy. I don't feel like doing anything fun. My partner is amazing but like obviously this situation makes us both sad and frustrated and I can't do as much and I hate it.
Idk what I'm supposed to fucking do. I'm gonna call the Lilly line for the savings card and my insurance on Monday. My partner asked if this is when we call a lawyer but I don't think the company is even doing anything they're not allowed to do. The industry is just designed to fuck us as thoroughly and roughly as possible.
If I could call the president of the board of my health insurance company and the CEO and whoever is in charge of "authorizing" meds then I would like to say. First of all dishonor on you dishonor on your cow. Second of all, did your mother die birthing you from the sheer evil passing through her? Third of all, who gave you the AUDACITY to fucking shit radioactive waste on every doctor that doesn't work for you and ignore their prescribing decisions? Fourth of all, I've collected the radioactive shit and mailed it to you and I need you to FUCKING EAT SHIT. Fifth of all, I wish you the worst migraine I have ever had for the rest of your miserable life and I'm going to pin you to one of those spinning wheels and spin you around while people toss rocks at your head. Then I'm going to pour vinegar on you and salt your eyes. I hope your socks are full of thorns and soggy. I hope you find sandpaper in an orifice where you don't expect or want it.
submitted by sgsduke to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:07 wander__well No Longer Chronic After Treating Medication Adaption Headaches AMA

Over a year ago, I was going through a particularly stressful time and went to my neurologist concerned that I was possibly having Medication Adaption Headaches (MAH aka Medication Overuse Headaches aka Rebound Headaches) or would develop them.
I was having a migraine or headache almost daily. I had been cycling through pain meds to avoid using too much of the same thing and too many triptans mistakenly thinking that this would keep me safe.
My neurologist didn't take any time to discuss why I thought I might be having MAH or what should be done if I was already having them. He did give me the prescription for Aimovig that I asked for, but also a recommendation and prescription for Panadol migraine (same as Excedrin migraine) which I had never taken before. The prescription wasn’t needed to get the Panadol migraine, but it was needed to have it reimbursed by my insurance. I thought because it is OTC in the US (which is where I'm from) that it would be better (again mistakenly) than taking so many triptans.
The aimovig was like putting a bandaid on a gash that needed stitches. I made it another year before I had an absolutely horrible flare-up about 60 days ago that led me to do my own research because my neurologist had failed me horribly and I decided it was most definitely MAH and I needed to detox.
The Detox
I quit taking all pain OTC pain meds and triptans for 60 days (as is recommended in most treatment guides). It took me roughly 9 days to have a noticeable drop in my migraines back to episodic. My migraines have lessened in severity and length over the last 60 days. Though the first week or so was the most challenging to get through, I also had hormonal migraines that were tough. The few other non-hormonal migraines I had later in the 60 days, I was able to clearly identify triggers for. This hadn’t been the case for me in the past. I've also now been able to abort a hormonal migraine with other methods listed here.
Other Options for Pain Relief
(for any meds or supplements always consult your doctor)
Ginger is a great natural painkiller. There is some BS study that says it is as effective as sumatriptan, it most definitely isn't and I'm not going to try to sell it as that, but I would say it is probably as effective as an NSAID. Unfortunately, I’m unable to get GCRP inhibitors where I am so I didn’t have other migraine abortive options, just this.
Benadryl (note: this is the brand name in US & CA, it’s different in Europe) helps me with migraine pain during an attack (sometimes even helps avoid an attack).
A TENS unit was very helpful with migraine pain, but also with cramps during my 60 day detox and I’ll definitely continue using it going forward.
Migraine Cap was especially helpful after the migraine to help with the residual soreness.
Migraine Relief Nasal Inhaler, hot showers, decongestant meds, and decongestant nasal spray* help me because nasal congestion is a major symptom for me. When the congestion is worse, the pain is worse. If I can relieve some congestion, I can also relieve some pain. So I use these as needed depending on the severity of the congestion.
*It is important to note that decongestant nasal sprays can cause rebound congestion if used frequently, follow dosage and warnings on the label.
Myofascial Release & dry needling - this isn’t so much for migraine pain, but it helps me manage back and neck pain that contributes to my migraines and helps me with pain management overall.
The Pain Relief Options That I Wish I Could Have Used or Tried
Balms and patches that you put on your forehead- personally my skin is too sensitive for it, I have tried in the past and it just makes my skin burn (but so does most sunscreen when applied to my face). I’m mentioning these because I think they are a great option for some people and as I was looking through this sub for more ideas of what I could use, they are something that I saw repeatedly that I wish my skin would allow me to use.
Celafy, Nerivio, and Relivion all looked like interesting devices, but sadly aren’t available where I am.
Heated eye massager also looked very appealing and should have been available, but the wrong item was delivered when I tried ordering it and I didn’t feel like trying my luck again. I will definitely get one when I go to the US.
GCRP-inhibitors - these aren’t available where I am so I didn’t have the option to use these as abortives while detoxing from pain meds. I definitely would like the option to be able to use these as abortives for migraines. One study did note they could cause MAH (this is listed below and linked) but there's no good research regarding this as they are so new. I just feel obligated to mention this.
About MAH
I have included links to sources. Please educate yourself with these sources and with your own research. Consult your doctor if you think you might have MAH and advocate for treatment.
1 You have to add up your pain med use!!!
2 OTC Pain Meds+ Triptans + Rx Pain Meds* = 10 Days Maximum Per Month
*Opioids and butalbital may lead to MAH in about 5 days
3 Approximately 50% of patients with chronic migraine have MAH that may revert to episodic headache after drug withdrawal.
Chronic migraine is classified as 15 or more headache days w/ 8 migraine days a month.
Episodic Migraine is classified as 14 or fewer headache and migraine days a month.
4 The name for MAH changed a few times and the one I chose to use is focused on the mechanism that causes the condition rather than the name that sounds like it is blaming the patient (Medication Overuse Headaches). Here’s an article regarding the name dispute.
5 One article even listed GCRP inhibitors as possibly contributing to MAH. But as these medications are new, the research isn't there yet to say if they really do contribute. I just had found it surprising to see and felt obligated to note it.
6 Risk Factors
8 Withdrawal treatment does not only reduce the headache attacks, but also improves responsiveness to acute or prophylactic drugs. Withdrawal symptoms normally last between 2 to 10 days, and do not persist longer than 4 weeks.
Going Forward
I have a number of MAH risk factors including migraines, other chronic pain, anxiety, family history of substance-related disorders, being less physical activity (especially during the time that the stressful situation was happening), and cutaneous allodynia. Had I known about all of these risk factors and that alternating meds would not protect me from MAH, I would have done things very differently. I’ll have to be very careful to not develop MAH again, and actually am thinking of extending my detox because of my risk factors and some concerning statistics regarding allodynia in particular. For now I'm going to try to continue managing my pain with other methods while I can comfortably. Actually just last night I had a hormonal migraine that I managed to abort with a combination of things I listed here that just 2 months ago it would have been at least a level 4 with triptans.
When I do start using pain meds again, I’ll definitely be tracking meds more carefully and adhering to a strict 10 day max per month for OTCs plus triptans. I’ve made an annual tracker that you can print with the maximum days noted for reference.
submitted by wander__well to ReboundMigraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:58 Difficult-Term6271 Surviving Trauma and Trying to find Healing

I happened upon this reddit group while looking up those who are/have been on lovenox shots and decided it would be helpful for myself to share my story with others who could somewhat understand what I really went through.
I'm a 34F recovering from some traumatic events.
October 2023, I found out I was pregnant after several years of my husband and I trying. I was over the moon. Then began the 1st trimester fun. Over the next month, my morning sickness was more of an all day sickness. I pretty much survived on crackers and toast while I hid in my office and tried to survive my days at work. I started to experience shortness of breath but I though it could have been just because I was so fatigued. But then it got worse. I could hardly walk from office to office at work without being short of breath and having pains in my chest. No way could this be "normal".
I had my initial OB appointment set but it was still a couple weeks away. I saw my PCP and told her about my symptoms. During that office visit I told her just how bad the shortness of breath was and that it hurt in the center of chest. Since I had a little cough cuz it was so dry in the doctor office she diagnosed me as having "issues with allergies" but also had me tested for flu, strep, and covid. All negative. No blood tests or any scans done.
Two days later in the evening, I was sitting on the side of my bed when I had a coughing spell. The next thing I know I'm on the floor. At first my body felt heavy and I thought I was dreaming. When I opened my eyes I realize I ended up on floor face first and there was blood EVERYWHERE. I started screaming for my husband. I have no clue if I had passed out for just a few minutes or if it was longer. Judging by how much blood was there, it had to be at least a little while.
911 was called. I had a head wound several inches wide. I think when I passed out my head hit the corner of my nightstand and the floor kind caught my face. EMTs arrived and helped me off the floor (I think I passed out in the transport chair briefly). I was taken to our local ER. The doctor working that night stitched up the laceration carefully (29 stitches later) and said they were going to do some scans and bloodwork. I was worried about how all this would affect my unborn child but I also needed answers. The hushed whispers of some of the techs taking care of me had me starting to feel this cold fear creep into body and soul. Doctor said there was a huge embolism in my chest and they were going to get me transferred ASAP.
Once they found a hospital that could take me, off I went in the ambulance. At this point I had already spent most of the night and early morning in the ER. My husband and family had been up with me all night. My pregnancy wasn't known to my parents yet. What a way for them to l find out.
Once admitted to a different hospital, the staff went to work. Changed into a hospital gown. More scans. More blood work. Heart echo. Later that afternoon I was wheeled down to my thrombectomy. I found out right before the procedure just how life-threatening my condition was and due to my pregnancy I'd have to be awake for the procedure. I thought, not for the first time that day, that maybe I wasn't going to survive. The procedure took about 3 hours I believe. As I layed on the operating table I had felt every tug as they removed blood clot after blood clots. When the procedure was finished, I got to see how huge the clots in my chest were. They removed 15 of them.
During all this time I didn't sleep a wink. I was scared I was losing my baby. I was scared I was going to lose my life. That night when I was recovering, I was still terrified but exhausted. My right eye was swollen shut. I looked like I had gotten into a fight and lost. Found out that I had fractured my orbital socket in my fall but the following appointments in the next couple weeks would reveal that everything would heal okay on its own and my eyesight (once the swelling went down) would be okay.
While I was recovering from the thrombectomy, they did an ultrasound. I saw my baby on the monitor for the first time. I found out that I was about 8 weeks along and the baby was okay. I waS in the hospital for 4 days and then discharged home.
The following week it took me a while for me to stop being scared of being home alone. Thankfully I had family and friends willing to sit with me to keep me company. God bless the people who brought meals from my church. I couldn't enjoy them due to my morning sickness (still hadn't told anyone outside my family) but the love and food was appreciated.
The next couple months were full of appointments, high risk visits, lovenox shots, and trying to survive my first trimester. Every ultrasound I was nervous to see if my baby would be okay or not. Every time they said everything was progressing okay I'd sigh in relief.
However. I ended getting hospitalized again with severe pre-eclampsia at 25 weeks (March 2024). Blood flow in my placenta wasn't good and my baby wasn't growing. A few days later my kidneys and heart were having issues. My daughter had to be delivered via c-section. They couldn't wait any longer. At first I had hope. My spunky premie was a fighter. But her body/lungs were too weak. They tried everything in the NICU. My daughter died in my arms after being part of this world for 6 days.
I'm still recovering physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually from this ordeal. I'm still on lovenox shots at this point. Currently in the stages of working with a hematologist to figure out if my clotting issues were just pregnancy related or if I have some underlying condition.
So. If you stuck through this entire post, thanks for letting me share my story.
submitted by Difficult-Term6271 to ClotSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:36 meganwrites_ About to start treatment w/ concerns about sequence and care team. Do I need to know my root cause? Long history; just diagnosed at 36

Just diagnosed with methane and GI ordered the Xifaxan + neomycin combo. While I'm waiting on those to be filled, I've been thinking. Is it wise to jump into treatment without knowing the root cause? Without knowing food sensitivities? Without a care team who knows my history? Or should I just go forward with this treatment that's finally here after at least 4 years of dismissal and suffering without a diagnosis?
I'm at such a point of low trust in healthcare, I'm feeling on edge about next steps.
Some additional context about my care team:
Is it too much to expect that just any GI or primary care doctor will effectively manage a SIBO case? My sense from this subreddit is yes, but asking to get clarity.
I have a phone consult with a doctor a few hours away from me who specializes in SIBO. Wondering if I should become his patient and let him guide me through a more clear, methodical roadmap and streamline my care through his team?
Not expecting anyone to diagnose my root cause here lol, but wanting to share the overview of my history in case it makes a difference for the questions above. Also, I'm curious about others' similiar symptoms/experiences and hope maybe it can help someone to read mine.
Health history and symptoms:
submitted by meganwrites_ to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:14 cai_loser22 Conclusiveness?

So I had unprotected sex 5 months ago, then 5 ish weeks later I started getting morning nausea (no vomiting) and a sore throat. I thought I was pregnant but it was negative and my dr gave me antibiotics because I tested negative for strep,Covid, the flu and everything else but I had a sore throat for longer than 5 days which signaled an infection. The antibiotics worked and my sore throat and nausea went away after my antibiotics were done (took about a week)
Fast forward 2 months
I had unprotected sex again and then I started developing everyday headaches behind my eyes after so I got really scared. I decided I was going to abstain from sex and at day 72 post any sexual encounter I did a full STD panel, including a 4th gen HIV AG/AB test and it came back non reactive as did all of my other tests.
Did I test outside of the window period? I’ve been told I should’ve waited 6 months and the HIV can hide and multiply and it won’t show up on tests and that I could’ve possibly gotten a false negative so now I’m paranoid. Btw my tests were blood draw from a vein. Am I in the clear from guy #1? How about guy #2?
submitted by cai_loser22 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:46 Ill_Pudding8069 I don't understand how this works (photophobia, apparently clinical)

Hello! I really hope this is the right sub for this; if not feel free to correct me and redirect me somewhere else. Apologies for the scrambled paragraphing, I am writing this with the beginning of a headache.
I have a question about an eye conditiion I was born with, to estimate if this is normal and just not written much on the internet, or if I would need to make my neurologist aware of it. My mother told me I got diagnosed at 12yo, but she forgot to tell me a diagnosis had been done, and by now (I am 30) she forgot completely what the name was, so I am really struggling to look it up online to assess if I need to be concerned about this or not, and all I find is raising more questions amd confusion.
So, I am photophobic: I have issues with blue, fluorescent, and white light, and get a great deal of eye pain and headaches from it - on days where the sky is white from clouds I can reach the point of ending up bedbound. I am currently waiting for sunglasses to arrive, and so far so good, right?
The problem: well, apparently I am a weird case - the ophtalmologist back then called to colleagues to look at me while they chimed how weird I was. They said my case happens usually with people with very, very light eyes (I have dark brown eyes)
What they saw: my pupils constrict, but then immediately relax afterwards with light exposure, so they explained it as me having less protection from light. It has always been this way with me and light. Eyesight-wise I am miopic with astigmatism, both of which I got from my parents, but I had 10/10 vision until I was roundabout 17, ans have been slowly declining, like one does. My colour vision seems above average, and my night vision also seems better than my peers. I get snow vision.
I am just... confused on how my eyes work.
I keep reading brown eyes should not be so light sensitive, and should have scarcer light vision, and here I am guiding my blue-eyed husband at night and being the one with frequent headaches because the sky is (yikes) too light. I have no issue with sunny days, as long as there is no white surfaces around (marble and such), but white is my bane.
I cannot find anything that this could be; all conditions listed on the internet either point to this being impossible, or to similar conditions only being unilateral, or due to trauma and/or infection, so I really don't get why my eyes are like this.
Could anyone explain to me and tell me if I need to keep an eye (ah!) on this?
submitted by Ill_Pudding8069 to eyedoctors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:33 Obvious-Otter-2828 37F- East Coast, US ( Virginia)

Hello!! 👋 I am teacher about to go on summer break looking for friends to chat with and share my day with. Or if you live local go on adventures with!( after we have chatted for a bit) I am friendly, bubbly, and chatty but tend to shut down if if I feel like youre not respecting my boundaries. I don’t respond to those who want a sexting buddy or quickie online. Thats not what Im asking for, I want someone to TALK with and share our day, feelings, and random thoughts with.
Friends who are a few years older or younger then me would probably be who I vibe with the best.
I dont have Snap, or IG, really any other platform? Why? Im a teacher and the less social media I have, the less likely itll cause me headaches.
For those who need to know who they are talking to: ( i dont mind sharing pics but usually wait to see if we vibe before doing so) Im 5.5” ( that .5 is very important lol 😆) . Im fluffy and working on being healthier. I go to the gym 4-6x a week. Ive lost 50 pds already 🙌 ( having a workout buddy to celebrate with would be a awesome!) I have red hair ( not orange but more golden) and hazel eyes( they are what people notice first about me)
I like scifi ( doctor who, star trek, hitchhikers guide and others), I like being outside ( hikes, picnics, lounging on the porch),dancing and see live bands are always fun. I am down for a good alcoholic beverage and do get tipsy occasionally, the girlie side of me loves retail therapy and getting all cutesy and going out.
If after this novel 😂 you think we could vibe message with something you did this weekend or recently that you really enjoyed and if you would share the experience with me. Look forward to getting to know ya!! Toodles!
submitted by Obvious-Otter-2828 to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:28 Informal-Biscotti-24 beginner cat owner + allergy advice

beginner cat owner + allergy advice
hi all! i just adopted my new 3 year old siberian cat named lacy! she’s the sweetest thing, but i need help. me and my boyfriend drove 5 hours away from maryland to new york to get her, she’s the sweetest thing and was so comfortable the entire ride. i’m pretty allergic to cats, and the entire 6 hour drive back with stops, i had no allergic reaction. i would pet her, her fur was all over the seats and clothes, and i even kissed her a couple times. no reaction. then i got home, and i started getting sniffly, my eyes started getting swollen. i just woke up and my eyes are itchy and red, im also pretty sniffly. i really want to keep her, she’s honestly my dream cat. i haven’t tried any preventative measures, only allergy meds on myself. so if anyone had a similar experience and can offer advice i would love that.
she’s also a really picky eater, her previous owner told me she only eats purina. i splurged and got her the allergen friendly purina and some wet purina food as well, she hasn’t even looked at it. the only thing she’s been eating are catnip treats. i know it’s been less than 24 hours but i just am stressed on if this is normal or not.
thanks so much if you read all of this! i’ll include a picture of my new kitty lacy as a gift 😊
submitted by Informal-Biscotti-24 to SiberianCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:14 MacoCouple AITA for abidding by my(25F) BF(27M) and I's "contract" and refusing to budge even if it meant the end of the relationship?

Hello everyone,
This might be a lengthy story as a background to this is necessary. This is also my side/POV of the events, so bear that in mind and thanks for reading in advance. This is a serious post, and I am not joking or making up things. If you won't be nice enough to offer help/opinion/support, please just ignore the post instead of leaving hateful comments. It might sound like a joke to you, but it's causing someone else a headache on how to defuse the situation.
Thanks <3
******** So some background and context: ********
So my bf and I met and started dating 5 years ago as freshmen in college. During the first months of getting to know each other, I came to meet his younger sister, 18 at that time, let's call her Y, and his friend, 20M, when he invited them to a party my sorority was hosting. It is safe to say, she didn't like me. I was fine with that at that time since he and I weren't a thing yet and she didn't even know me enough to hate me, so I treated her with the basic human respect. I hosted her in my room that night and made her and I breakfast and lunch before my bf took her home. A month after that, my bf and I started dating and we decided to go out. Y tagged along on the date, brought their other sibling (16F), and basically linked arms with my bf the whole "date," leaving me with the younger sibling. I voiced my concern to my first-time bf later, and he apologized, saying he didn't know it was "an intimate" date, so he just accepted them coming when they said they wanted to.
Fast forward to Spring, Covid hit, and we had to go LDR. During those discord calls we had at night, by each passing day, the times Y would barge into the room at 11PM without knocking increased. She'd downplay it by waving, then chatting with my bf for 30min or asking him to come do the simplest of things for her... At midnight... while she's well aware him and I are having our intimate time of the day, after bf informed her he's spending time with me... It became so unbearable that I had to ask my bf to either install a lock on his door or it's better to end it because the disrespect he was allowing was too much.
The second year of college, she went to France to study. I thought that maybe she would focus on her Med studies and forget about me and loosen up her obsession with her brother, but little did I know that would only make it worse. In our Uni, we were allowed to either go for a semester, a year, or two to study somewhere else. The moment bf became aware of her leaving, he applied for the semester leave to join her, while he and I agreed during freshman year that the best course of action for us is to finish college in 3 years and start work ASAP. Despite that, I helped him get his documents in order, spoke to some teachers I was close to, and helped financially as well. What I didn't know during that time, is that Y spread rumors about me and my "commoner origins" and how unsophisticated I was for her brother and he deserves better than a h** as she asked around my town, and that is what came up when my name was mentioned (which is absolutely not true, and my bf was my first relationship ever at the age of 20). My dumb of a bf believed her without even asking me about it and was planning to ghost me and break up with me the moment he landed in France too. And that was what exactly happened. I spent 15 days doubting my self-worth and my self-esteem hit rock bottom. My bestie (25M today) didn't like that and he tried to mediate between us and he got him to apologize a month later. But the damage to me was already done, and I was emotionally manipulated into believing I was the bad guy, so like a dumbass, I gave it a second go. During the time they both were in France, Y would constantly come up to him, while video chatting with me, and kiss him on the cheek, or pat his head. She would sometimes tell him to turn off all light in the room and make no sounds as she wants to sleep at 8 PM. It was too much, and she no longer hid her hostility towards me.
In the third year, I applied for a two-year Master's Degree and got accepted into a prestigious engineering school in France too. We moved in together, and things were okay for the first few weeks until I started noticing things (as in objects) that indicated different information than what I was told while LDR. When confronted, and after a few hours of retaliation, bf finally gave in and confessed to lying to me for the 8 months we were apart. All those times he said he was sleeping early, he was actually at parties with her because she didn't want to go alone. When he promised he'd go to Disneyland Paris with me for the first time, he lied as he already had gone with her. He traveled Europe with her instead of waiting 4 weeks for me to come to France (it was a promised plan we made). The truths just kept coming to the point where he admitted that the hostility Y has towards me is a result of him telling her about our private and intimate matters, but only my reactions and my deeds, with zero mention of why I reacted and what he did, basically making me the villain.
Some of you guys would think that these are petty things and that I should let them go. It is true that those "things" are petty, but the meaning behind them isn't. The way I saw and see it even now is that I was deceived, lied to, and manipulated. I was also far from being a priority for a couple that's been together for 3 years at the time.
In the fourth year, we were back at the LDR despite my objection due to the trauma of him ghosting me happening again. The only reason I gave in was him promising me an apology from Y as he was sure she was a good person at heart and would recognize her wrongdoings. Surprise surprise, she wasn't. Y yet again manipulated her way out of an apology, telling my bf she would absolutely apologize to me if that was what he wanted, but she would also tell me about how he goes to parties behind my back and that he just doesn't want to reply and answer my calls and other things that aren't even close to being true. Basically coercing him into forgetting about her apologizing.
I threw my first ever tantrum and told him past this point, it's been already 2 years of her being an ignorant lil disrespectful of a b-word, and the only reason I still didn't pay her back for all the rumors and slander is out of love for my bf, that he needs to make a decision to either cut her off until she apologizes, or to let me go instead of feeding me hopeless and empty promises of being on my team while deceiving me, as this is a waste of my youth.
******** a lengthy background but necessary... ********
Now, during this past March, we were attending a Cosplay Event and had a blast. We went home together with my bestie. While we were eating, we were talking about our friends and how they are managing their lives and such, and a couple was brought up that had trust issues, probably worse than what my bf and I have. My bf then proudly stated that we don't have the kind of trust issues they had and that he is so happy about that (opposed genders, cheating, inappropriate conduct, etc...). I said jokingly that being delulu isn't the solulu and that we do have as big of trust issues as they do if not even worse, and I asked him if he solved the issue of his sister's disrespect to us as a couple and me as an individual, he stayed silent. I asked again if he had made up his mind concerning this issue as it took longer than it should. He stayed silent again. I asked, "So did you block her at least?" He said no.
I told him as calmly as I could that it is so hypocritical of him to say we don't have trust issues while he still fails to show necessary trust in the relationship, that it is shameful of him to play with me and my time because he can't make up his mind and that instead of being a man about it and admitting he can't punish Oh-little-angel-sister for her conduct and siding with me as he keeps claiming "we are a team," he is wasting my time, pushing this issue to the back of his head, just wanting to sweep it under the rug hoping I won't notice or that time will make it alright. I told him the more time he's wasting, the harder it is for me to forgive her and him specifically. I can't control what she feels or says, but Y's behavior is his responsibility, and I shouldn't be a target of her hatred. He failed to control his family and prevent complete strangers to me's harm coming my way that if not for him, I wouldn't have to deal with, that alone is proof he isn't trustworthy.
He silently walked to the balcony and stayed there for 30 min. When he came in, he started crying, saying I am bullying him and that I have no right to yell at him and tell him what to do concerning his family matters. Bestie then interrupted and told him he was sitting with us, and not even for a second was I disrespectful or raised my voice and that I was right in saying what I did. He then asked bf if he even had any intentions of cutting Y off. He said no. I told bf then that this relationship has no solid base to it as it was built on lies and deception and that I'm done, that he can sleep somewhere else until he finds his own place and that I don't wish to speak of this or to him anymore.
The bestie stayed talking to him. After 30 min, he came to me saying he wanted to talk. I kept rejecting until he said that he is willing to write an agreement with me where we agree on expectations and a time frame, with the end result being either I get an apology or he's siding with me.
The two months period of time ended on 12th May. Shocked but not surprised, he asked me to give him 10 more days to talk to Y as she had a jaw surgery and is unable to speak for now, and he used that time to mend things with other family members that wronged me. I granted the 10 days as I was flying to see my family anyway. When I came back, I asked about the outcome, and he stated he did speak to her but didn't finish saying what he wanted to say and asked me for 2 extra days, and he'd take full responsibility for the days he made me wait. I brought it up again after that period of time, and he said, on the 25th May, that it saddens him that it came to this but "what should be done will be done." I left it at that and never asked again.
Yesterday we were gaming, and notifications kept popping on his phone. I said, "I hope that's not your sister and her shenanigans again but no, since you blocked her, it can't be." I looked at him, smiling, and he was quiet. I stopped playing and asked him again if he blocked her, to which he responded, "No, I talk to her still about money that I send my father." The fact that we were both tipsy to drunk didn't help, and I lost my cool and told him he is a disgrace to what a man is for deceiving me after I yet again trusted him with this. That I should've blocked her number and deleted it along with everything by my own hands. I told him this is definitely not worth what I put into this relationship, and I deserve so much better than this, taking into account what I've done for him. That if this is what romantic love is, I'm better alone like I was before him, with my cat and parents since at least they won't deceive me and use me for their own good. He kept looking at me like I'm accusing him of something he didn't do, and he kept repeating that I'm looking for trouble now and that "contract" isn't something we should have as a couple and we should be more flexible, and he started guilt-tripping me saying, "how can I live with myself after asking him to 'abandon' a family member," and kept going. I kept yelling at him that an agreement is an agreement regardless of what he's accusing me of being and that if he doesn't abide by it, we are done as I don't wish to spend the rest of my life with someone who isn't sure about wanting to be with me and isn't ready to pay the price to do so.
He pulled up his phone and proceeded to block her and showed me that he did it, saying he'll only unblock her to talk about the money. I called BS on that as he used to send money to his dad's friends before, and it was all fine, and now Y is suddenly the key to money transfer? I demanded his phone, saying that it's been already a week since cutting her was scheduled, and I demanded an explanation of why he didn't do it and why he didn't consult me with the money thingy, especially because Y is involved as well as the trust in this relationship, that if he's saying the truth, he should have no issue handing his phone over. As I walked to the table where his phone was at (we have the same passwords to everything and we use 1 account for Meta, for those who would say that he has a right to privacy. There is a difference between privacy and hiding secrets), he sprinted across the room and hid it behind him, saying, "no you won't look at it as I have decided I won't let you meddle with my family matters anymore." To say I was baffled is an understatement. I told him he has until tomorrow (today) to give a valid reason why I should believe anything he says concerning this matter and if he doesn't, he'd better be ready to deal with the consequences.
When I said y'all, what I've done for him, beyond the "turning a blind eye on his behavior" thing, I spent hours and hours talking to him and understanding him and why he says and does what he does, as it turns out the ways of the family he grew up in are so weird, if not abnormal, even for a religious person. How he was raised to deal with people and feel is just too much. No wonder Y turned out the way she did. I also supported him financially while he was going through school while I was a student myself (I'm now a graduated engineer with 2 masters). I provided the emotional support as well as a place for him. I helped him with the paperwork multiple times and considered him a priority over myself (a huge mistake, I know).
I'm in a tough spot now as we are living together off of his income while I'm supposed to go back to school for another master's. I do odd jobs, but they are nowhere near enough to support myself. He promised he'll take care of me financially as I did to him, and he'd always do no matter what (he's keeping that promise at least), but my pride won't allow me to keep accepting money from my manipulative and disrespectful ex. I am considering dropping out of the master's program and going back home, but I am not ready to spend my time with my parents depressed about my wasted 5 years...
I thought I would post this in true off my chest, but I really want to know... Am I being stubborn for not letting the issue of his disrespectful sister go? I feel like him allowing her to live her life after such behavior with no consequence is establishing that it's okay for her to disrespect me and he is okay with her disrespecting us, as well as feeling like he's protecting her feelings and neglecting mine. I know I'm a toxic empath and I am in therapy for various reasons. I shouldn't doubt that he is in the wrong for this but i don't know how to navigate this anymore...
Please be kind...
submitted by MacoCouple to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:02 _Minty-Honey_ I'm sick of whatever my brain's doing (panicking over literally nothing)

Yeah. You read the title. I am absolutely tired of whatever my brain's got going on. Also sorry if the flair doesn't fit, I didn't find any of the others to fit, because I know that it's probably a medical issue with my brain being all fucked.
Like, one moment I'm just chilling, maybe listening to music, and the next I feel like I can't breathe, and that the world's ending or something. Then comes the fun part of hyperventilating, and still barely getting air, and having to force myself ro take deep breaths, which can take a minute or so.
This happened a couple minutes ago, and now I have a headache because I didn't breathe for like, 10 seconds. Fun.
Like, it feels like I'm just having a good time and them by brain decides to take the "untreated trauma (most likely from when you were 5-8) you can't even remember" card out and self-destruct. Like WTF. I'm just trying to chill, man.
And this happens like once or twice every week or so, so you can see how it gets annoying very fast. And like, it's really sudden, so I can't even prevent it :)
Also bonus points if this happens during class. Then it's double the 'fun' when you feel like every eye is on you while you're having a panic attack.
submitted by _Minty-Honey_ to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:43 ZestyEmu24 I think I'm connecting to my children's energy and emotions

I'm hoping this is the right place to post this, and I apologize for the length.
My whole life, I've felt highly sensitive to other people's energy and emotions. I've always felt like I could feel others' emotions within my body. It's hard to explain, but it feels like an intense knowing and sometimes a strong feeling in my chest. I've always attributed this to my anxiety and tendency to overthink.
Over the past six months, I've become really interested in learning about energy. I've started listening to self-guided energy healing meditations, and they've helped me a lot, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed. However, outside of meditation, I feel like I'm sensing energy much more intensely, to the point where I dread being around people other than my family.
This is where I need advice. Lately, I feel like I've been feeling my children's emotions to an extreme degree.
For example, I was sitting at home alone when, out of nowhere, I was filled with intense panic. It felt like a panic attack; I couldn't sit down and felt like I couldn't breathe. However, I felt like this panic wasn't mine—it felt like it belonged to my eldest son. This feeling lasted for about 30 minutes and then disappeared as quickly as it came. When my son got home from school, I asked him what happened at 2 PM. He looked at me with wide eyes and asked why I was asking. It turns out he was preparing to present a dance in front of his class and felt very scared and nervous about it.
Yesterday, while picking up my kids from school, I started getting a headache as I approached the school. It felt strange because it came out of nowhere, similar to the anxious feeling I had before. When my kids got in the car, my headache intensified. My younger son then told me he had a bad headache. As we got closer to home, my headache became almost like a migraine, and I started feeling nauseous. My son started crying, saying his head hurt really badly and he felt like he was going to be sick. I got him home, gave him some medicine and cold water, and after about 15 minutes, my headache completely disappeared. My son looked much better, and when I asked if his headache was gone, he said it was and asked me how I knew. I asked him when his headache had started and he told me it was while walking to the pick-up bay, which was when my headache began as well.
I know this sounds like anxiety and could be coincidental, but it feels like something different. I'm looking for more insight or any resources on energy sharing/connections. I love being connected to my children but don't like physically experiencing their feelings.
It feels weird to write this out because I'm not entirely convinced that what I'm experiencing is connected energy. I'd love to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences.
submitted by ZestyEmu24 to energy_work [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:40 thefarmerjethro Do I have a brain hemmorage

Do I have a brain hemmorage
34m 155lbs 5'10. No known medical conditions. Have been taking some dietary supplements and aspirin/tylenol for occasional headache or muscular pain.
Around 14 hours ago, while driving through a hilly area, I performed a valsalva maneuver to "pop" my ears. About half an hour later, I was hit with a splitting headache behind my left eye.
It remained steady for a while at a 5-6 out of 10. I had about 2 hrs left of driving and stopped for some fresh air and to take tylenol.
I noticed I was blinking more as if almost aggressively.
I carried on with getting to my destination, having a snack and heading to bed. I woke up to it being still a 4/10.
Could I have ruptured a blood vessel with the valsalva?
submitted by thefarmerjethro to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:14 throwRAratfacee Chronic Nausea - what is it?

Does anybody know what this is or how to deal with the symptoms?
Hey this will be a long one, I have had a year of constant debilitating nausea, retching, acid reflux, severe weight loss, diarrhoea and constipation. The main symptom right now is nausea, it’s affecting everyday life.
I will go into more detail of the symptoms after this explanation.
This all came on when I did a few night shifts, I assumed it was me messing up my sleep so went back to day shifts but the problems hung around, it's still here over a year later.
I was in the UK when it started and was tested by my GP for a full blood count, chrons, colitis, celiac, ibd. They then put me on a year long wait to see a gastro specialist and stuck me on cyclizine.
In the meantime they were sure it was GERD and tried me on many different medications for it. I tried Lansoprasole, Omeprazole, Famotidine, Gaviscon, Nizatidine. All with the same results (no change for around 5 days followed by horrendous stomach cramps to the point where I can't stand up straight or walk. That symptom always went away around 2 days after stopping each h2 or PPI.
So I took the initiative to go back to Australia (my home country) to see a specialist here as the wait was around a week, they ran more bloods, breath and stool samples and ruled out helibactor, parasites, all hormone levels are perfect, all vitamins and nutrients are perfect, liver, kidneys all good.
The specialist said I could have a backed up colon after an x-ray and put me 2 bowel preps, coloxyl with senna, magnesium and prucalopride. After a few weeks of pooing water nothing changed.
He then took me for a gastroscopy where he found my throat was slightly eroded, and where my stomach connects to my intestines is dilated slightly. He has given up at this point and has prescribed me Mirtazapine as he thinks it will help. I think this is a band-aid solution and want to know what is actually wrong. Im not in a position to take it for a few reasons anyway.
Figures for reference: 23 Year Old White Male Croatian, Kiwi, English background, born in Sydney Was 85kg before all these issues, now 65kg 185cm tall Ex Smoker (on and off for years) Do not drink alcohol Was vegan for 3 years, went pescatarian 6 months ago, didn't help the symptoms Was a firefighter before all this in very good shape 10% bodyfat
List of symptoms:
Dry Mouth & Sore Throat
GERD-style symptoms (heartburn & tasting stomach acid)
Chest Pain
Tingly sensation in fingers and feet
Stomach Pain
IBS-style symptoms (constipation & diarrhoea)
Thinning Hair
Weight Loss
Debilitating nausea affects me every single day, I can feel a slight betterment to this symptom in the morning maybe for an hour or so and then it becomes worse throughout the day. For most nights I have been taking cyclizine to be able to try and get some hours of sleep, sleeping upright and waking up every few hours.
Dry Mouth & Sore Throat:
I wake up with both symptoms, and I've always and still drink 3L of water each day. It doesn't matter how much I drink I am constantly with a sore throat and dry mouth.
GERD Style Symptoms include heartburn and tastes of stomach acid.
I experience these alongside the nausea, I get heartburn and have to eat in small amounts. I am not hitting my calorie goals throughout the day, I think I am very malnourished and I constantly feel the need to burp but I can't. I also feel the acid come up my throat into my mouth - this happens with the burp too, if I am able to.
Chest Pain:
The chest pain feels like someone sitting on my chest, imagine your dog or child sitting on your chest, that's how I feel most points of the day. I feel short of breath and am almost trying to breathe more because I feel my lung capacity is reduced.
Tingling Sensations:
This doesn't happen every day but probably 3-4 times a week. It lasts for 30-minute bursts and comes along especially when the nausea is bad. It feels like "pins and needles" and comes along with shooting pains from my fingers up my arm. I also experience this in my feet and it goes into my shins.
Stomach Pain:
The stomach pain is in the top right corner, under my rib and it is a dull, intense pain that can last hours. I also get stomach pain in the lower left of my stomach which feels like a generic stomach ache that lasts for an hour or so at a time - this is random and does not correlate with exercise or food.
I have headaches on the left and right temple of my head and it feels like someone is pressing their thumb into my temple. Sometimes, this can feel like my head is being pushed forward from the highest point of the skull at the back of my head. These also travel into my eyebrow/eye area.
Constipation and Diarrhoea:
This is random, with no distinct cause or correlation. Sometimes it is constipation and diarrhoea in the same toilet run. This is ongoing throughout the night too, waking me up and not allowing me to sleep. The left lower side pain I feel (the stomach ache) also accompanies these symptoms. I have to constantly be near a toilet in case of this.
Thinning Hair:
I'm not sure if this is a coincidence but during this time period I have noticed more hair falling out and thinning hair.
Long Healing Times:
I've noticed bruises, cuts or anything else I seem to take a long time to recover whereas, I never used to bruise easily and if I had a cut it'd heal quickly.
Weight Loss:
I assume this is because I've not been able to keep any nutrients or energy in my system but I've lost about 20kg
I wake up tired, I'm sleeping longer than I have before and wake up exhausted. I am tired throughout the day.
Cyclizine helps about 40% in the fact that it stops me gagging and retching but the nausea never goes. Ondansetron doesn't help and makes me feel out of it. Metoclopramide did nothing too with weird sides.
submitted by throwRAratfacee to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:56 Ptaylordactyl_ Red puffy eyes after dupixent loading dose

I went on dupixent for severe face eczema. I was told it’s common to get conjunctivitis as a side effect. I got my loading dose on 5/23, and by 5/30 my face was clear. This morning I woke up with my eyes burning, looked in the mirror and they are red and swollen. Is this the start of the conjunctivitis? Something else?
When I was using different creams to treat my eczema I got super sun sensitive. I might have gotten over confident and spent the day in the sun yesterday. First time in over a year I didn’t blister up after 30 mins out. But I’m wondering if this is from the sun and not dupixent too
submitted by Ptaylordactyl_ to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:51 Ptaylordactyl_ Red swollen eyes

Hi all, I had my loading dose a week and a half ago. Got put on dupixent for severe face eczema. I was told there are ocular side effects such as conjunctivitis. I was finally clear the last 72 hours, but woke up this morning with super red and swollen eyes. Is this part of the ocular side effects?
I was also in the sun all day, could this be an interaction with the meds?
submitted by Ptaylordactyl_ to dupixent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:38 thefarmerjethro Do I have a brain hemmorage

Do I have a brain hemmorage
34m 155lbs 5'10. No known medical conditions. Have been taking some dietary supplements and aspirin/tylenol for occasional headache or muscular pain.
Around 14 hours ago, while driving through a hilly area, I performed a valsalva maneuver to "pop" my ears. About half an hour later, I was hit with a splitting headache behind my left eye.
It remained steady for a while at a 5-6 out of 10. I had about 2 hrs left of driving and stopped for some fresh air and to take tylenol.
I noticed I was blinking more as if almost aggressively.
I carried on with getting to my destination, having a snack and heading to bed. I woke up to it being still a 4/10.
Could I have ruptured a blood vessel with the valsalva?
submitted by thefarmerjethro to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:45 Cod_dataminer935 I have a weird feeling in my limbs

I’m posting this hoping for anyone that can relate or share similar experiences or maybe have an idea of what is happening but for context I’m 18 and for abt a few months I have been getting random feelings that I can’t really explain ill list a few of them… my limbs somtimes feel like there not mine or as if they are on backwards it’s kinda a tingly feeling to I can’t tell I also have a lot of the feelings that come with depersonalization and derealization like I feel like I’m not in control or as if everything is fake or out of place I just feel really off a lot I also feel like I am a bit of everyone like I feel like I’ve lived everyone’s life atleast once or smt n I feel like I have memories that are not mine I feel like everything is foggy a lot and like my eyes are not focusing right sumtimes I get this strange feeling like I’m lightheaded but not bc it doesn’t feel how lightheaded normally feels like and I feel like “impending doom” or etc bc I feel like I’m gunna die any second and don’t know why like it feels like my life is abt to collapse and I feel fuzzy or as if I’m falling or on a rollercoaster or like my heart just dropped I really wanna know what’s wrong with me also something to note is I had a feeling before bed abt a month ago were my hand felt numb then my leg then half my face and I was seeing zigzag pattern on the same side of my vision as the numbing feeling (right side) and the docters said it’s just a “complex migraine” but I think that’s bullshit they are probably just to lazy to go the extra mile and help bc that situation sounds exactly like how a stroke sounds also to note a couple months back maybe even a year I had what I assume was a “thunderclap migraine/headache” bc I randomly had a very sharp pain in my head that lasted a few seconds I had to stop what I was doing and lay down bc holy shit did that hurt it felt like I was shot in my head a few times and it was like a sharp pulsing beat like my brain had a heart beat and then for the rest of the day I had just a mild headache please if anyone knows what’s wrong with me or has an idea or any suggestions please reply and even if your having similar symptoms and feelings please share I’ll do my best to see if I can relate and see if I understand what you mean cuz I’ve tried Google TikTok Reddit and ChatGPT and no one seems to relate to any of the things I’ve listed and I’m really starting to worry and stress out abt it hope everyone has a good day :)
submitted by Cod_dataminer935 to Depersonalization [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:41 OkStuff7290 My story so far.

Strange sensations in head. Which eventually makes me feel light headed like pre syncope. Pressure feeling in head. Tingly sensation on top of head. Fatigue dizziness. Neck pain/headache at base of skull top of neck either side like pulsing blood flow. Sometimes sensitive to light. Sometimes I do feel like I hold my breath and then feel crappie so then I remember to breath.
All symptons are usually releaved by Anti inflammatory medication and also laying down.
Sitting for long periods or standing or walking usually makes it worse. Recently feell like I have become agoraphobic due to the symptoms occurring more frequently when out and about.
The most recent symptom that has been bothering me is On and off sleep disturbances. Either struggle to get to sleep at all or waking up a lot. I feel like im stuck in light or rem sleep never getting that deep sleep I used to get. Then waking io exhausted.
Symptoms on and off for nearly 10 years.
1st bad flare up started back in 2013 I had brain scans which initially thought I might have chiari malformation but after further investigation they decided it wasn't chiari malformation. However they found a small cyst on right frontal lobe with no medical significance.
I then left Australia to move back to the UK where my parents convinced me it was all in my head anxiety/stress.
So then I ignored the smaller symptoms and for the best part of nearly 2 years they subsided and I got back into fitness and so on.
Then in 2016 I had an feeling of dizziness/faint or lightheaded while I was training to be a firefighter and I was off work for a few months getting scans on my heart and brain.
During this time I then became asymptomatic again and the scans didn't reveal anything of medical significance. They said it was just vasovagal syncope.
Then I went nearly 7 years without a big flare up. I might have had the odd feelings and some symptons here and there but nothing that caused me to go off sick fron work. I would get pulsing neck pain/back of head ache sometimes during exercise or feeling faint/dizzy but it was never enough to cause me to worry again.
And recently about 2 months ago it felt like they flared up again. The symptoms appear to be predominantly worse in the evenings after all day. Sometimes can be brought on after even light exercise but that isn't consistent. Sometimes laying down provides relief.
I had full blood work done about a month ago which showed as normal. I had an eye test to check pressure behind my eyes which showed normal. Also had an ECG which didn't show anything significant but they have sent an urgent referral to cardiologist.
My GP initially treated my symptons as anxiety and panic attacks. Stating that the type of symptoms were unlikely to be the cyst. There was a brief mention of POTS like symptoms as apparently these can replicate panic attack symptoms.
Although I do accept I am anxious and I have had panic attacks I feel confused and concerned that maybe there is a physical issue underlying. I feel I am stuck in limbo. And now that everyone around me has almost labeled me as anxious and panicky then I feel noone will take my physical symptoms seriously. I also understand that what I have just said is something someone with anxiety would say 😂
I agreed to see a therapist through work for anxiety and panic just incase. I have been seeing the therapist for nearly 4 weeks.
Recently decided to pay for a private nuerologist appointment, in the appointment I basically had a panic attack 🙃 which I can accept. The nurse was kind enough to blame me down. The nuerologist went over the last scans I had ib 2017 explaining there is no sign of chiari malformation and the cyst/lesion in my brain is in a location that would suggest its been there since birth and likely of no significance regarding my symptoms. He said I was likely suffering from dissociative panic attacks and anxiety. He did agree that he would consult with his colleagues to see if a further brain scan would be beneficial more for my reassurance than anything else. I have to admit leaving that appointment I felt reassured and slightly better until the adrenaline wore off and I felt like I had a panic attack hangover.
My symptoms are still present and completely disrupting my normal every day life,I feel like my body is just not working properly. This is basically my story so far, I feel like I am a walking medical mystery, which is why I am here.
P.S I am currently off on sick leave, I work as a firefighter.
submitted by OkStuff7290 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:17 thefarmerjethro Do I have a brain hemmorage

34m 155lbs 5'10. No known medical conditions. Have been taking some dietary supplements and aspirin/tylenol for occasional headache or muscular pain.
Around 14 hours ago, while driving through a hilly area, I performed a valsalva maneuver to "pop" my ears. About half an hour later, I was hit with a splitting headache behind my left eye.
It remained steady for a while at a 5-6 out of 10. I had about 2 hrs left of driving and stopped for some fresh air and to take tylenol.
I noticed I was blinking more as if almost aggressively.
I carried on with getting to my destination, having a snack and heading to bed. I woke up to it being still a 4/10.
Could I have ruptured a blood vessel with the valsalva?
submitted by thefarmerjethro to BrainAneurysm [link] [comments]
