Vitamin b hemmorrhoids deficiency


2019.08.11 06:10 PXaZ B12_Deficiency

A forum for people to discuss vitamin B12 deficiency of all causes, including Pernicious Anemia.

2022.06.02 18:44 continentalgrip B12deficiency

The main b12 deficiency sub is b12_deficiency . This is more for compiling info.

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.20 04:53 Quiet-Skill-1667 Autism & COMT

Are autistic individuals more likely to have slow comt or fast comt?
I'm personally mildly on the spectrum but have symptoms of both slow and fast comt.
I'm diagnosed with ADHD (Inattentive Type) which I think is correlated with Fast COMT?
I also have an addictive personality and do quite a bit of novelty seeking.
That being said, I also have slow comt symptoms such as decreased stress tolerance, OCD tendencies, PTSD, and very high anxiety levels.
I'm still waiting on my genetic results but what would you guys guess is my comt status? I bought these multivitamins designed for people on the spectrum and they have very large doses of methylated b vitamins in them. They recommend that you taper up but I'm still very nervous.
Any advice? Thanks!
submitted by Quiet-Skill-1667 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:49 Acceptable_Bad_ Gastric Erosin two years ago - could that have caused the deficiency?

I had a stomach ulcer almost two years ago, which was treated with 40 mg Prilosec/day for about six months. I know both can cause B-12 deficiency. My extreme fatigue and mental health issues exacerbated once I started feeling pain from the ulcer. My biopsies came back normal though, but seeing another gastro tomorrow.
submitted by Acceptable_Bad_ to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:45 Business-Low-3317 strange circle on skin?

21, Female, 5’8, 150 LB, Prozac 20mg, Hydroxyzine 25mg, Zofran 4 mg. I vape, drink rarely. I have a Vitamin D deficiency, chronic Sciatica, Raynaud’s disease, Anemia, hypertryglyceridemia, Retrolisthesis, and Scoliosis.
So, i noticed this near perfect circle on my thigh tonight. It appears that a second one is forming as well. I’m not sure if this is at all related, but I have been getting these extremely tiny red dots all over my skin for the past month or so and are slowly appearing in different spots. Any thoughts are appreciated! I will post a photo of the circle in the comments.
submitted by Business-Low-3317 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:30 wreckless78726 30F 100lbs chronic pain for years and most recent x ray indicates coccyx resorbed

Hey Reddit,
Really hoping you can help, I’ve been struggling with chronic pain for about 2 years that’s got increasingly worse since spine surgery (c5-c6 disc replacement) Jan ‘23. I just got back the weirdest x ray of my sacrum with a “an interestingly, seemingly completely resorbed coccyx” (which is weird, because I fractured it in 2018??)
Anywho, tried to sum it up below.. (obviously failed wow)
Female, 30yo, 5’2 103lbs
History of coccyx fracture (‘18) and cervical spine surgery ‘23). Acute injury (without fall, while moving boxes) in Dec ‘23 showed bulges at l4-l5 and l5-s1, rupture at l4-l5 and moderate to severe stenosis at l5-s1. Recent diagnoses of ehlers danlos, pots, osteoarthritis, si joint disfunction, health anxiety, and (also) daily struggle with chronic pain. Historical diagnoses of high blood pressure, skin rashes / sensitivity, shingles in back of neck & aural migraines (‘19), PTSD, etc etc
Medications: Adderall 15mg 2x daily (debating stopping as I am p underweight) Gabapentin 600mg daily Botox for migraines every 3mo Heavy nightly medical marijuana user / sometimes dabbler in NyQuil (sleeping is really hard since Dec..) Methocarbamol 750mg as needed
Supplements: Vitamin C gummy’s, K2D3, NAC, Magnesium Glycinate, inositol, B complex
Do I just need to get strong and weigh more?! I am so tired of being in pain, I know I also need to change some things in my personal life that’ll contribute to me feeling better but I am just at a loss. And also maybe the answer is therapy (which I start next week) lol
Many thanks in advance🙏
submitted by wreckless78726 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:09 ConferenceLonely9285 You are the light at the end of the tunnel

You are the light at the end of the tunnel
Surprised this went on as long as it did. Seems like I finally tired them out but will update if I get any more replies.
submitted by ConferenceLonely9285 to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:57 live_serve_die Am I just setting myself upon a fools errand?

So, my wife recently gave birth to our first child. A BEAUTIFUL baby girl. We had to conceive via IVF due to male factor infertility. My sperm DNA fragmentation index is over 90%.
I love our baby girl, but we are already talking about how much we want her to have siblings. We have a few siblings "in the freezer", but IVF is expensive, insurance doesn't cover any of it, and there are no guarantees. But, of course, neither is the potential fools errand my headline is referring to either.
I've been scouring for any information about DNA fragmentation, as well as my low ejaculate volume (about 1/3rd normal volume) and while ejaculatory ducts are not comorbid with high DNA fragmentation, I figure, if I take supplements with the intention of helping the DNA and increasing my volume, this might give us our best chances for successful natural conception. (My basic thought is if I increase the volume, I would hopefully increase the odds of there a few good men who could take the hill).
Here are the supplements I am contemplating taking, it's a lot, it's from lots of my own research, as well as others who have successfully reduced their DFI:
Zinc 15mg
Vitamin c 1000 mg
Vitamin e 1000 mg
Astaxanthin 6 mg
Resveratrol 250 mg
Tumeric extract 300mg
Vitamin B complex
Fish oil
CoQ10 800 mg
NAC 600 mg
Carnitine 1000mg
Pygeum 500 mg
Lecithin 1200 mg
Citrulline 5-9 g
Lysine 1000 mg
Greens smoothie (celery, spinach, pineapple, pom juice)
I feel good about almost all of them having the potential to help (or at the very least, I am confident they won't make things worse- at over 90% DFI, how could things get worse amirite?) the only one I am potentially concerned about is the pygeum. It's supposed to help with increasing volume, but it's also supposedly a DHT blocker. I have been trying to figure out how much a DHT blocker would affect spermatogenesis, but I have literally found articles stating "DHT isn't needed for spermatogenesis" and then others that say it does impair it.
Any feedback is appreciated, specifically if anyone has experience/insight about the pygeum.
Thanks everyone
submitted by live_serve_die to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:52 Adventurous_Fail_825 Due to the great women here ::

I have added supplements to the program to help combat brain fog and low energy levels; aka chronic exhaustion!
-Liquid iron supplement (my levels were low)
-Testosterone lotion (not eligible for estrodial)
Others I take that aren’t new :: - D3
Excited to see if they make a difference over the next 30 days. Any others working well for you and how long before you felt a difference?
submitted by Adventurous_Fail_825 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:37 Thecooldad271 You are not alone

I came across this page a month or so ago . To be honest, I’m glad I’m not alone when reading these posts . Some backstory about my journey…. I’m a 32yr(m) I have struggled with anxiety / depression all my life . I only started taking Lexapro when the pandemic hit . I only needed the Lexapro for about 6 months and was able to stop taking it . Fast forward to July of 2023. I had my normal routine of a day. Had a good day at work , had dinner with my growing family, took my pre-workout and to the gym . After the gym I always smoked before I went to bed . I’ve been smoking the same strain(hybrid) for months now and never had any issues . That night changed everything for me …… I had my first ever panic attack. Super tight chest, pounding heart rate, shaking uncontrollably , and my face going completely numb. Since July of last year, I’ve lost 60 pounds, had 3 EKG and one ER visit. My EKGs come back completely normal and perfect. For almost a year, I have tried Lexapro, Setraline , Vylar, and busiprone. I’ve had had terrible side effects to all of them…. Busiprone being the worst. As of two months ago, I said screw it and went to an internal medicine doctor and had a full blood panel done . My cortisol levels came back super high( shocker) vitamin B and D super low, testosterone very low, and my thyroid t4 levels high . I now currently take all natural supplements, eating paleo style diet, no caffeine or alcohol. Still struggle daily with anxiety bouts and usually have about 3-5 panic attacks a week . I’m trying my best to be patient… but my god does things ever become semi normal again . Stay strong everyone
submitted by Thecooldad271 to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:18 cessationoftime A theory of the effect of zinc on hair loss

This link contains a theory I have been working on about why zinc deficiency is associated with hair loss and yet patients receiving zinc do not make substantial improvements in androgenetic alopecia symptoms.
My conclusion is that though zinc deficiency is associated with hair loss, Zinc supplementation without Vitamin A can resolve the zinc deficiency but exacerbate hair loss. Vitamin A inhibits conversion of testosterone to DHT while zinc can increase both testosterone and DHT levels. DHT blockers are used as treatment for hair loss.
submitted by cessationoftime to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:12 ni4v Spironolactone?

I’ve heard bad things about spironolactone-
I have been on estradiol for 10 months and have just now reached 4mg (2 in the morning 2 at night)
I also take 50 mg of spironolactone.
On most of my tests my estrogen levels have been below the target range and I have a vitamin d and b-12 deficiency
I’m really nervous about losing bone density and developing osteoporosis
I have an upcoming appointment and am wondering about how to approach these concerns with my PCP
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
submitted by ni4v to TransHelpingTrans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:12 battce Did anyone cure hair loss with vitamin D?

Question mostly in title. I have strong suspicion my hair loss is due to vitamin D deficiency. For those who cured their hair loss with vit D supplements how long did it take? What levels were you and how much did you take? I am 13/ngml taking 9k daily
submitted by battce to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:07 Adorable_Compote_164 anxiety

hey everyone, please help me. im so convinced i have a brain tumor. okay so a week ago, i noticed this head pressure. mainly when i get up, bend down, it's like a squeezing for a few seconds..and then i get headaches on my right side, does that mean that mean there's a tumor there ?! if it was big enough to be causing headaches on one side wouldn't there be more symptoms? the headache is mostly when i get up to do things. and head just feels weird when i stand up, like weird. lightheaded, fuzzy, pressure , and idk it feels tight by my nose. please reassure me this isn't a brain tumor. im making a appointment tomorrow and if it's to far im just gonna go to the ER but I'm terrified to sleep because I'm like what if I die in my sleep? how would I know if it's a brain tumor ??? I'm only 21. i have bad anxiety. this is so scary if it's not a brain tumor my anxiety is saying what if it's a vitamin deficiency and it stops my heart it won't right?.. also the spot below my eyebrow is twitching non stop my head mainly hurts when I get up and do things UPDATE: was at the ER today. told him about this. he said he didn't feel like a CT scan was needed plus I was already having a stomach ultra sound so he said he didn't want to use to much radiation. he checked my pupils, had me follow his fingers with my eyes, walk in lines and do more stuff with my hands and I passed. does that mean I'm okay? I'll def go back if I feel worse .
submitted by Adorable_Compote_164 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:54 CollegeOwn7014 sunbathing.

Anyone else notice getting exposed to the sun for the majority of the day seems to increase stamina by ten fold? since I started sunbathing everyday my fatigue problem has vanished and I can now function like an adult, I still have those pesky neurological issues though, I'm guessing, it has something to do with vitamin D, but I've been taking 10000iu vitamin D3 supplement for years every single day and I never thought I can be deficient in it, I didn't even bother to get tested because of it, Could the whole long covid thing is just a glorified Vitamin D deficiency?
submitted by CollegeOwn7014 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:12 Intelligent-Jelly320 My brain feels tired all the time. I feel like I've tried everything. Any thoughts or suggestions on how to manage this?

22F. I feel so exhausted all the time- but my body doesn't feel tired, only my brain? For nearly all of every day, it feels like I can't hold a simple conversation or think seriously about things because I don't have the mental energy to do so. But it also doesn't feel like I'm going to fall asleep; if I try to nap, I can't. After work, I don't even feel like watching TV or doing anything. I joke around saying all I feel like doing is staring at the wall.
I've been trying so hard to fix this for years but nothing seems to help. Here's where I'm at:
Other maybe relevant details:
This is seriously affecting my life - I feel like I'm not performing well at work and my LDR is also taking a hit because I'm often too tired to talk on the phone. Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts people have on this- even if you're not a doctor but are experiencing something similar!
submitted by Intelligent-Jelly320 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:11 TheEverlastingMoment NAC and B12 coexist?

I've just stared self administering b12 injections but I'm concerned with my NAC supplements. NAC helps me tremendously and isn't something I want to remove.
So my question is, how can I make these two get along? Would more frequent injections work?
Right now I'm doing 1000 mcg injections every 3rd day and take 1200 - 1800 mg of NAC daily.
I also take a muti vitamin, b complex, methyl folate, and magnesium daily plus vitamin d3 and k.
submitted by TheEverlastingMoment to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:39 i_swift_you_would My first gratis 😍

My first gratis 😍
This is the main reason I took the job tbh.!!
Face cream- I’ll likely give to family/friend- too much fragrance for my face.
SPF- a bit of an alcohol smell but after a bit that goes away and I enjoy the smell.
Love always wins- I LOVE this smell, I even bought a candle for it.
Solar Sunshine- everyone loves the Vacation Vibe, but this is my favorite of the collection. ( I also bought myself a travel Pink Paradise, it’s a bit more subtle of the 3 scents, but that’s what I enjoy about it. )
Cherry Blossom Soju candle- this was by far my favorite of the collection. The other scents were good but nothing I’d love burning as a candle.
submitted by i_swift_you_would to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:37 Lvl100Magikarp I have intense cravings for plain corn flakes. What gives?

For the past 10+ years, almost every day I crave plain cornflakes with 3% milk. Do I have some kind of nutritional deficiency?
My blood panels are normal. I supplement magnesium and vitamin D. I'm not pregnant. I have healthy bmi. I can't think of any nutritional reason I'd be craving corn flakes.
There aren't any life-altering events associated with corn flakes, or any type of nostalgia involved. It is not psychologically fueled. I just like the taste. I rarely even had it as a kid. I started liking it as an adult.
Help. Because corn flakes are expensive now. All the other more popular sugary cereals are like $2-3 at Dollarama, but corn flakes are not there (not popular) and they are consistently over $6 at other stores
submitted by Lvl100Magikarp to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:18 soicey2 Tried magnesium oxide, b2 and coq10.. now adding this and Magnesium Glycinate to see if theres any difference. Giving it three months 🤷🏾‍♂️🙃

Tried magnesium oxide, b2 and coq10.. now adding this and Magnesium Glycinate to see if theres any difference. Giving it three months 🤷🏾‍♂️🙃 submitted by soicey2 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:51 Idiopathic_Sapien What is the deal with Vitamin B?

Is there a causal or correlative relationship between Vitamin B malabsorption and Relapsing Remitting MS? My doctors tell me to take more B vitamins because I test low during symptom relapses.
submitted by Idiopathic_Sapien to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:47 Frostaid My research so far.

Enclomaphine - 6.5mg RAD-140 - 10mg MK-677 - 10mg - 15mg
Protective substances:
Liver support : milk thistle
Blood sugar supple : GDA (Glucose disposal agent) - (berberine) (L-Carnitine, Tartrate-L-Carnipure)
Glucosamine (for joint stiffness) Vitamins minerals(if deficient)
Taking a GDA is a requirement in my opinion, if you are on MK-677, it affects ghrelin hormone which makes you hungry, mix that with the fact your insulin peptide will be high you have a higher chance of entering pre-diabetic state.
Liver support is a requirement because sarms can be harsh, especially RAD-140, take something small like milk thistle or something more heavy hitting because your liver enzymes will need it.
im not a genius, this is what ive learnt, i dont know everything
submitted by Frostaid to sarmsinformation [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:26 orcasorta Rate this immune stack

Been taking this daily on trips when traveling for immune support:
Vitamin C 1,000 mg (Ascorbic Acid).
Vitamin D 125mg (5,000 IU) (D3).
Zinc 15mg (Picolinate).
Echinacea 400mg.
Vitamin B complex:
Thiamine (vitamin B1) (as thiamine HCI) 100 mg Riboflavin (vitamin B2) (as riboflavin and riboflavin 5'-phosphate) 75 mg Niacin (as niacinamide and niacin) 100 mg Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate) 100 mg Folate (as L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate calcium salt) 680 mcg Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) 300 mcg Biotin 1000 mcg Pantothenic acid (as D-calcium pantothenate) 500 mg Calcium (as D-calcium pantothenate, dicalcium phosphate) 50 mg
How does this stack look?
Do I need to worry about taking the zinc without copper, and the D without vitamin K? And no potassium/sodium seen in things like Emergen C?
submitted by orcasorta to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:15 mel2811 safe vitamin b complexes to purchase?

i’m low on b vits but all the supplements i can find are ridiculously high and potentially toxic. what are some good brands? im from the UK so anything i can get here would be appreciated!
submitted by mel2811 to Supplements [link] [comments]