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/r/Honda - for the love of all things Honda & Acura

2009.04.19 06:12 hax0r /r/Honda - for the love of all things Honda & Acura

Home for Honda & Acura enthusiasts.

2015.01.10 10:51 Car Sketches

show your ideas for car designs and show off your skill (OC only). submissions of drawings should be signed. preferred links are via Imgur or DeviantArt

2014.04.16 19:29 graneflatsis Unusual vehicles, auto tech and art. Welcome and have fun!

We are dedicated to presenting and discussing the odd, unusual and obscure in vehicles, technology and automotive art. We like concepts, prototypes, customs, obscure, industrial, commercial, special use vehicles, you name it.

2024.06.02 19:27 cozysleet (S) RD1/RD3 Cars with top Tent / Pictures & Infos

Hey Guys, anyone here with a (black) RD1/RD3 with a top tent?
Im planning to bought my 2nd Honda, now it should be a CRV.
But i dont know yet if i choose the RD1 or RD3, i like the RD1 old school look, but i dont know bout the comfort or advantages and disadvantages for a RD1 to RD3.
I want this car for 7-10 Day outdor Trips, with a top tent :)
Hope you can help me!
submitted by cozysleet to crv [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:19 JMO_the_1st My Village People - Chapter 1

I hear footsteps approach and turn to see Dr. Berie with a plate in his hand. As he sets the plate down on the table with a ‘Bon appetit’, I turn my gaze back to the ceiling and continue trying to decide how many atoms there are in a single ceiling board. A fruitless effort obviously since that would have been a difficult task even for a bonafide genius and I’m not even anything close but it’s a worthy distraction.
“Eat your food, Duke.”
“I’m not hungry. And besides, what’s the point? My life is as good as over anyway so might as well starve to death.”
“Young man, if you do not eat something now, then you can take your chances out there because I will not allow you stay in this house any longer like this.”
When I shoot him a mortified expression, he says matter-of-factly. “Yes now, whose house do you want to come and die inside? Not mine for sure. You haven’t eaten anything in six days and you still don’t want to eat. Well, you don’t have to, I won’t force you to.”
With that, he gets up and claps his hands together like it’s a decided matter. “So, you can just pack everything of yours and leave now. Of course, you have to leave all my protective charms behind when you go out.” He threateningly points toward the window where raindrops pattered on the glass. I instinctively inch away from it on the couch and look at the doctor pleadingly.
“Don’t look at me like that. There are no two ways about it. It is either you eat or you leave. Simple.” I reluctantly sit upright in my chair and begin my meal. It isn’t bad in fact, it’s really good. Roasted yam and roasted vegetables is nothing to sneeze at. Thing is, eating and drinking one thing for two straight months does nothing to improve your impression of that food.
Seeing me eat my food, Dr. Berie nods. “Good choice. You know, I never would have followed through with kicking you out. I’ve grown rather fond of you in the time we’ve spent together. Well, keep your strength up, good night.”
I clear out my plates and lay back down in the chair. I haven’t eaten anything else because Dr. Berie says these are the only foods he can completely rid of water, along with a drink he continuously assures me is freshly squeezed fruit juice – it isn’t like any fruit I’ve ever tasted but… I have to drink it. Not like I can leave here to go get myself something else for the same reason none of my food can have water in them.
You’re probably wondering what problem I could possibly have that would make me put myself under such conditions. Well, it might shock you, but I have a spiritual problem. Now, I know lots of Nigerians say this, but in my case, it’s actually true. My village people are after me. No, seriously, they are!
Here, how about I give you a little backstory and you’ll see just how dead serious I am?
It all started with an innocent visit to my hometown. I don’t ever really go back there but I had to attend my twin sister’s traditional wedding right? If I’d known how it would turn out, I probably would have just mailed them a gift or something.
Anyway, I got there for her wedding and it was a total shutdown. Like, really, I danced and sprayed money on the couple like there was no tomorrow. Took pictures with my brand new phone and just generally showed off. Nigerians in general believe it is unwise to show off in the village but I’ve never been as superstitious as the rest of my nation y’know?
When the party was nearly done, I decided it was time to mingle and probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen caught my eye. She wasn’t dressed spectacularly or anything, but there was no denying how she radiated elegance. It was a surprise she wasn’t already crowded by men trying to ‘shoot their shot’ but I suppose everyone was just turned off by her plain clothes. Were people honestly so shallow nowadays?
“Nice evening isn’t it?” I ventured when I found myself in front of the lady without even realizing how I’d gotten there.
“Not really.” She replied with a smile. “I just cannot stand gatherings like this. Dellia.” She added, motioning to an empty seat beside her.
“Duke. Duke Obaìsàlè. Pleasure to meet you.” I said as I settled into the seat she’d shown me. “Personally, I love weddings.” It was true. As a social animal, a wedding for me was just another opportunity for me to meet people.
“But that’s just it, isn’t it?” She seemed to reply to my thoughts. “We have to mingle with all these people and pretend we like or even know them. Tell you the truth?” she looked around like she thought someone was eavesdropping before using a fan to hide her face. She seemed to pull that fan from thin air (I hadn’t noticed it before.) “I can’t stand any of these people.”
“You know, now that you mention it,” playing along, I looked round and leaned in conspiratorially. “People in general really can be such a pain to be around.”
She gasped and affected a hurt expression. “All people?”
“Well… there are a few – oh, so very few – notable exceptions.”
“Hmm.” With a smile that could start wars, she lifted her glass. “To the exceptions then.”
I returned her smile and lifted a free glass I found on the table. “To the exceptions.”
After the toast, we talked for hours and hours. I honestly don’t remember much of the conversation but you can’t blame me, I was looking into her eyes all through. You wouldn’t be able to pay attention to anything either if you were in my shoes.
Shortly after sunset, Dellia said she had to leave for home. Something about her father needing her help to prepare for guests.
“Are you sure you can’t stay just a little bit longer?” I asked, trying my best to sound like a heartbroken child.
“Aaw… aren’t you just the cutest? Don’t worry darling, we’ll see each other again really, really soon. I’m sure of it. So, chin up, yeah?”
I didn’t reply. Mainly because I knew the chances of meeting her again were slim to none. After all, I never came to the village.
“Seriously, smile for me before I leave.” She asked. I affected my best smile for her.
“That’s more like it. Bye now. Mwah!” She blew a kiss, picked her purse and left the venue heading off into the village beyond. I watched her walk away and it was only after she’d turned a bend and gotten out of view that I realized I hadn’t even gotten her number.
Well, no use now. She was gone, probably forever. It was already dark out. Time to go find the newlyweds before they left for their traditional honeymoon. What the hell was a traditional honeymoon anyway?
I found the couple about to leave for the airport. As soon as my sister saw me, she got down from the car and would have ran to me if her tight gown had allowed her anything beyond a hurried walk.
“Duke! Where have you been, ehn? My husband and I have been looking for you for only God knows how long.”
“I’m fine, baby sis. I no fit loss inside my own village now.” I replied her, switching to pidgin English.
“Which your village? You wey you no dey ever come house. Make I tell you something, this village people no mean betta for you o! Me, I no know why you no go just pack your things dey go house now as us too we dey comot.” She replied me, also using Pidgin English to emphasize her point.
“See Duchess, forget all that village people nonsense. I, Duke Obaìsàlè, do not fear witches. I don’t believe in any of that crap.” I returned to English this time. “Besides, Uncle Jimmy said he wanted us to go meet Bámí together later tonight.”
“NO!” my sister shouted with perhaps a bit too much force. “What do you people want to go to his house for? I don’t trust that man one bit. Just tell them you have work tomorrow or something.”
“I don’t work Saturdays sis. But tell you what? I won’t eat anything at or from his house and from there, I’m going straight to the hotel room so no harm done. Deal?”
Duchess sighed. It was the same sigh she sighed whenever she gave up asking my mother for a favor when we were kids. “Fine. But please promise me you’re not going to eat anything, hug or touch anyone. Please promise me.”
“My superstitious sister!” I teased. “I’m not afraid of witches. I’m not.” She didn’t look convinced. "Yo Ricky!” I addressed her husband who was leaning on the car watching us argue with amusement. “You afraid of witches man?”
“Well, damn man. Uh… pftt” he blew out some air while he thought. “Well, my grandmother was a witch. So… ain’t no reason to be scared of family right?”
“There you have it.” I joked. “The witches are family. I’m good.”
“I’m serious Duke.” She insisted, trying her best not to smile at the jokesters that were the men in her life.
“Okay, okay.” I finally became serious. “Even though I don’t believe in all the superstitious nonsense, I won’t eat or drink or touch anyone until I leave. And for good measure, I’m leaving before daybreak tomorrow morning.”
“Good. Still be careful though, because there is night before daybreak and-“
“Darkness functions best at night.” I chorused it with her.
She’d said that so much, it might as well be her anthem. How I got such a superstitious sister, I’ll never know.
Going with Uncle Jimmy to Bámí’s house was an uneventful, almost boring thing and the visit was looking to be the same until Bámí called for his daughter to bring out refreshments.
“Dellia!!” The elder bellowed into his house. “Where is this girl now? Dellia!”
I didn’t want to get my hopes up even though it was unlikely to be another Dellia. I was proven right when Dellia walked out with plates of food in her hands. My Dellia, not any other. The same one I had met during the traditional wedding. At this point, I was certain she was the one fated for me.
When she set the plates down in front of us, I attempted to initiate a conversation. “Hello Dellia. Remember me?”
No response. She simply walked back into what I assumed was the kitchen since I saw a fire in there. “So you’ve met my daughter ehn?” Bámí asked me. Seems he was her father and I was the visitor she had to prepare for.
“Yes sir, yes. I met her at the traditional wedding earlier today.” I said, trying to look my most respectful and respectable.
“Good, good. That is a very good thing.” Bámí seemed pleased with that development for some reason.
“Yes sir.” I replied while eyeing the food set before me. The bushmeat looked especially delicious but I had promised my sister I wouldn’t eat and so it would be. “I hope you won’t be angry sir, but I’ll be taking my food back to my hotel room with me.”
“No problem at all young man.” Bámí replied. “In fact,” just as he gestured toward the curtain, Dellia appeared there. “my daughter Dellia will take the food to your hotel room with you.”
I leaned in to whisper so only Uncle Jimmy could hear. “Do you think she’ll stay for dessert?”
My uncle knew exactly what I meant. “If I were you, I’d even turn my dessert into the main dish.” He whispered back with a grin. If Bámí or Dellia heard us, they didn’t let on.
Back at the hotel room, I tried initiating another conversation with Dellia. She remained unresponsive. I thought perhaps it was because of the situation we found ourselves in so I tried putting her mind at rest.
“Dellia listen, if it’s about sex, we don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. If it’s your father forcing you, we can just talk. We don’t even have to talk about that, we can talk about anything. Come on now, I really enjoyed our conversation earlier.”
More silence.
“Dellia, say something.” Even more silence. “Toh, if you don’t want to say anything, let’s just go to sleep then.” I said laying on the bed in frustration, facing away from her.
“You say something.”
“What?” I was happy to hear her voice again but her words confused me.
“I said you should say something. But not just anything. I want you to tell me you love me.” She said as she got up and walked toward me while undoing her gown. “Unless that’s a problem?” She asked with a raised eyebrow and the naughtiest of looks in her eyes.
“No problem here, no problem at all.” If this was what it took to get her worked up, I’d play along. Some answers first though. “But can I ask why you refused to speak to me all this while? I thought it might have been something I-“
“Shhh.” She shushed me with a finger to my lips. “Say everything else later. For now…” she punctuated her line with a kiss on my lips. The best kiss I’d ever had. “…just say you love me.”
“Oh my God! I love you Dellia!” I gasped as she broke the kiss and undid my shirt buttons.
After pulling my shirt off, she traced her fingernails across my bare chest. The sensations she gave me were like nothing else. “I love you Dellia, I love your hair, I love your deep, beautiful eyes, I love ev-“
“Seriously Duke, just say you love me. Don’t say anything else, just say you love me. Say you love me seven times.”
“Uh… sure.” I thought I was making it better complimenting different parts of her and the specific number of times kind if weirded me out but whatever she wanted was alright with me.
As she worked her fingers down from my chest to my stomach, I told her I loved her again, by the time her hands got to my belt, I’d said it again. On the third ‘I love you’, she was unbuttoning my trousers and going “Yes, tell me you love me.” Like some sort of high had taken over her.
My trousers were already off by the fourth ‘I love you’ but then something shifted. I couldn’t place my finger on it, but I could tell there was an off vibe in the room. I remembered my sister’s warning. I’d definitely done more than hug Dellia.
“Dellia, stop. Get off me.”
“No, no, no. Don’t stop now, keep going. Keep telling me you love me. Just three more left.”
“I don’t want to Dellia. This isn’t doing it for me, okay?”
“Don’t be silly. Look, I’ll blow you if you just say it three more times.” She motioned to pull down my boxers, I had to stand up, knocking her off me.
“Dellia, why do you need me to say ‘I love you’ seven times?” I was now standing in a corner of the room with my hands over my manhood with Dellia kneeling where she’d fallen on the floor.
“Just say it and you’ll find out. Trust me.” She crawled towards me on the floor with movements so seductive, they should have been illegal. I was starting to consider just going through with it.
“By the way, you have to start over from one now ‘cause you broke the chain.” She winked up at me. When had she gotten across the room? She looked so pretty. What was the worst that would happen? Maybe I should just-
RIINNGG!! RIIIIIIINGG!! My phone interrupted my thoughts. “I-I’ll get that.”
“No. Leave it. Don’t let anyone interrupt us right now okay?”
“It could be important. Let me just-“
“Just shut up and say it!!!” She screamed. My phone and a few other things got knocked clear across the room seemingly by nothing. My phone even embedded itself in the wall. It also stopped ringing which I believe was what she aimed for.
That settled it. This girl was no normal woman and I needed to get lost immediately. She stood up, and pulled me by the chain I wore around my neck, guiding me to the bed.
Seeing an opening, I reached into a reserve of power I didn’t even know I had. I pulled my neck back with enough strength to cut the chain and sprinted out the door only bending to pick up my briefs. I wore them as I ran. I could hear Dellia in the distance calling me back.
I didn’t listen, I ran to the taxi that brought me to the village. Driver always slept in his car. I knocked frantically on the windscreen as I ran up to him.
As soon as the car was unlocked, I got in and locked all the doors.
“Lagos. Take me to Lagos now. Quickly, quickly!”
“But boss, why are you not wearing any clothe?”
“I said drive!!” I yelled at the poor man as loud as I could. “Can you imagine? He’s asking why I’m not wearing clothe. Better face what you’re being paid to do and mind your business.”
“Yes sir, sorry sir.”
On our way out, we met a curious trio. Fat, elderly women. Typical village grandmothers except in that they stood blocking the only way out of the village in the middle of the night.
Driver had to stop in front of them when he saw them. Once he stopped they moved toward the car. I didn’t know what they wanted, and I did not care. I motioned with my hand for driver to move as soon as they’d cleared the way.
As though they knew, they moved to block the way again. This scared me even more since I’d put my hand in a place they couldn’t possibly have seen it.
Turns out, all they wanted was for me to advertise some handmade wooden beads for them back in Lagos. They seemed ominous though. Especially when one of them spoke to me and I could swear she had at least ten voices leaving her mouth at once.
All in all, I’d left the village in one piece and thought I was free, little did I know, the village went back to Lagos with me. And that the hotel would be far from my final encounter with Dellia.
This is a series based on a movie of the same name which I think had a great concept but terrible execution. I am also aware that I had a series I begun here but did not finish and that is because i haven't worked out some things. But once I do, I'll get back on it.
submitted by JMO_the_1st to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:18 NaturalHighh Got myself an early Birthday present! 🎁 🥳

Got myself an early Birthday present! 🎁 🥳
It’s funny how a year ago I sold my silver Honda beat and spent the money on a 1977 Star Wars #1 9.8 graded comic book and used the rest towards paying off bills. Then about month ago I saw this yellow Honda beat for sale and reached out to the seller, we worked out a deal together and I went ahead and sold my Star wars #1 comic book for a profit along with the extra money I made from my stocks.
I did have to put in a new car battery, changed the air filter, oil filter, spark plugs and wires and now the Beat runs great! I absolutely love this car! 😍
Shout out to Rob EtsuRyu Crosbie for providing the parts I needed 👍
submitted by NaturalHighh to HondaBeat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:09 Secure-Theory-6487 Frustrating mistake

I got into a car accident with my 2024 CRV, and I bought the car full cash, I got the cash price back and decided to buy a Honda 2023 accord EX assuming it had the blind spot sensors on the sides of the mirrors. I was wrong. Sad thing is, I went to test drive this without thinking about the sensors since I assumed it did, it’s only 1 year older than the 24. I leave the lot, spent around $27,400 via cashiers check on the car (after taxes and registration fees) and noticed no side mirror sensors going off while I drove back 2 hours home on the highway. I am extremely frustrated and I forgot there was a great deal on a 2024 accord EX I saw around my area that completely flew over my head as I was car searching. I really like the sensors in my 2024 CRV since they’ve helped me avoid colliding into cars speeding right past me in the fast lane. I literally feel like trading in this 2023 accord I just bought yesterday but I don’t know what the dealerships going to say about the trade in value. Plus the extra $2500 plus for the taxes and registration on this new one. I have very high anxiety when it comes to big mistakes such as this and I can’t get it off my mind. Please, I need genuine advice. The 2023 has around 20,780 miles on it, no accident history, minimal scratches, only on the side mirrors and they’re mild. This new 2024 has 363 miles on it. Valued in the $26,000 range. What would you do in my scenario?
submitted by Secure-Theory-6487 to Honda [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:09 AlternateBabie Should I sell my car and finance a new one? Or maybe do something else?

Hello everyone, looking for financial advice on a sorta tough decision. My 2005 Dodge Stratus SXT I feel is nearing the end of its life. I bought it for $1,500 back in highschool over a year ago now. I know it wasn’t the best car but I needed it and it got me very far. The person before me did not do the best with maintaining the car, it does have over 202,000k miles on it and still runs. I needs two new rims, two new tires(I bent them and scratched the tires), a new left drivers side CV axel, two rear end struts/shocks, the ac squeaks but works, an alignment, it stalled the other week and since then has had a knocking noise under the hood.
I tried to get a quote to get it fixed but the dealership that checked my car still hasn’t gotten a quote for me so I looked up the car parts myself and I’m looking at over possibly 2k in fixing it. My bf and his family can help fix it so I wont have the dealership do most of the work. The problem is I know how this type of car and brand can be and I do no want to fix it just for it to give out on me. I also don’t want it to stop running on me randomly as it’s my own way of transportation right now.
I make over $2,400(it varies since I am a waitress but I plan to save anything extra since last time I did not save enough to fix my current car within a timely matter, you live and learn) a month and my main concern is I know since I an young my insurance will skyrocket. I am looking to finance a used Toyota or Honda. I have a co-signer and I want to sell my current car and use it for part of the down payment.
My question is does it make sense to buy a new car or should I just fix this one? I could just sell this one and buy a new car from FB like I did with this one but I need something reliable and where I wont have to keep car hopping. Any suggestions?
Btw I live in the South. Public transportation is not really and option and in the city I live in biking is very dangerous. I just saw a guy get hit yesterday near where I work.
Btw I have noticed a fishy smell when the air conditioner is on. I am pretty positive the person who owned the car before me smoked cigarettes since there are a few burns on the top left interior of the car. Also the car has a hard time accelerating now. It did not have that issue before.
submitted by AlternateBabie to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:01 MatheusAgostin The role of light/seeing and air/breathing in Divers

Ok, we know for a decade that Divers is about time, love and death.
So, just the other day I posted my views on A Pin-Light Bent and why I thought Amora is just “love-chamber” or our hearts and light is love. This is settled for me. Then it occurred me that, just like the theme of circles are persistent all over the songs meaning time, so is light meaning love and aibreathing meaning death.
Let’s dive in. Themes of light: 1. Anecdotes: “It ain’t about how rare you are But how hard you are to see…”
“Then all along the road, the lights stream by I want to go where the dew won’t dry I want to go where the light won’t bend— Far as the eye may reach—nor end But, inasmuch as that light is loaned…”
“Will you come down, before the sun is gone?”
Air theme: “I was only just born into open air”
  1. Sapokanikan: “The text will not yield, nor x-ray reveal With any fluorescence” (x-rays are light too, but I’d focus on fluorescence)
“Look, and despair”
Air theme: “the snow swallows me whole” Also the whole imagery of a civilization being interred, sanded and suffocated by powerful people. The plane crash too.
  1. Leaving the city: “Here, the light will seep”
“And I could barely breathe, for seeing All the splintered light that leaked her fissures Fleeing, launched in flight: Unstaunched daylight, brightly bleeding Bleached the night with dawn, deleting In that high sun”
  1. Goose Eggs: This is not a direct one, because we’re talking about facsimiles of love and death, not the real thing: “And we cut facsimiles of love and death (Just separate holes in sheets Where you cannot breathe, and you cannot see)”
Other air the: “the wind blows coals over the sea”
  1. Waltz of the 101st Lightborne Elite: (This one appears right at the title, I guess. Lightborne meaning those carried by light?) This one have tons of references I could paste the whole thing here. I’d focus on the concept of “simulacra” in philosophy and
“Make it stop, my love! We were wrong to try Never saw what we could unravel In traveling light”
Air theme: “That's why we are bound to a round desert island 'neath the sky where our sailors have gone Have they drowned, in those windy highlands? Highlands away, my John”
  1. Things I Say:
“There's an old trick played When the light and the wine conspire To make me think I'm fine I'm not, but I have got half a mind To maybe get there, yet”
  1. Divers: “but would cost her less Than laying at low tide To see her true love phosphoresce”
And also all the shiny pearl references all over the song! But here it is really interesting, because she is clearly connecting love to light (phosphorescent)
Breathing theme: a lot!
“Who takes one breath above, for every hour below the sea;” “How do you choose the time you must exhale And kick, and rise?” “And ever hold my breath Till I may be the diver's wife”
  1. Same Old Man: A little trickier because it is a cover, you can’t just put things in it, but I think she’d put the cover on the album because it matches:
“Hey little leaf, lying on the ground — Now you're turning slightly brown! Why don't you come back on the tree Turn the color green the way you ought to be?”
Again, that theme of lit and obscured by the colors of the leaves.
“My mind is fading and my body grows weak And my lips won't form the words I speak” (lost of breath?)
  1. You will not take my heart alive: “Fine capillaries, glowing with cars? The comfort you drew from the light of the stars?” “And how long did you climb that night With the ice in your lungs, on the rungs of the light?”
Air: “In martial wind, and in clarion rain We minced into battle, wincing in pain;” “Where the lonely wind abides”
  1. A Pin-Light Bent: Well, basically the whole song, but I’d emphasize: “From the Great Light that shines through a pin-hole”
Air: all the flight part. As in Sapokanikan.
  1. Time as a Symptom: “Hardly seen, hardly felt– Deep down where your fight is waiting Down 'till the light in your eyes is fading: joy of life”
“A cave, a grave, a day: arise, ascend”
“A shore, a tide, unmoored–a sight, abroad: A dawn, unmarked, undone, undarked”
Air: “Bow like the field when the wind combs through it: Joy of life And every little gust that chances through Will dance in the dust of me and you”
PLUS - Make Hay: (because make hay was written for divers)
“And the sun stares, stalling Into the dimming barrel of night Where the stars are falling?” (This song reminds me of Cosmia, about a friend’s death. She said she could not keep the night from coming in. Also with lots of agricultural images)
Air: “Where wind made the dust And sin made the snake”
submitted by MatheusAgostin to JoannaNewsom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:50 extaaz0106 Doute sur ma paternité

Bonjour, voila je voulais publier une histoire qui pour l'instant me laisse dans une situation psycologique très fragile avant mon séjour en hopital psychiatrique et je cherche des réponses/conseils de la communauté
J'ai 36 ans et je suis Papa de 2 garcons (5 ans et 18 mois) avec mon ex fiancée (35 ans).
Tout se passait plutot bien dans notre couple malgré les disputes assez souvent mais rien d'alarmant en soit on étais juste un couple fort explosive mais rien de physique
Mais apres plusieurs années, mon ex a changé radicalement de comportement, se trouvant de plus en plus absente et notre libido était en chute.
Jusqu'à l'annonce de notre deuxieme enfant, deja elle insistait pour qu'on aille en vacances. Ce que je pouvais comprendre mais faisait deja un état d'alerte qu'elle avais un retard de regle, un premier test c'est révélé négatif lors de notre séjour, c'est une semaine plus tard qu'un nouveau test a eu lieu et la il étais positif, j'étais supris mais heureux.
Une première alerte a eu lieu lorsque la gynécologue annonce qu'elle étais bien enceinte mais que la date de conception ne correspondais pas à un de nos ébats, ce jour là, on s'étais disputé mais au matin elle avais un selfie montrant qu'elle étais bien au lavoir, j'ai trouvé cela étrange
Pendant la grossesse, celle-ci se distanca de plus en plus jusqu'à un jour, je découvre un billet de train pour la mer alors qu'elle étais enceinte de 7 mois. De rage j'arrachais le ticket de train et m'inventa 3 histoires différentes.
Je l'ai flanqué à la porte mais de bon coeur et étant la mère de mes enfants, j'ai décidé apres meme pas 2 heures qu'elle pouvais revenir, elle reviendra le lendemain et les ponts ont coulés.
La naissance se passera plutot bien mise à part, que dans sa douleur de fin de grossesse, elle s'isola dans la chambre parce que soi disant ca me genais qu'elle criait. Or c'était faux j'ai pris donc ca sur le coup de la douleur
MAIS la tout changea à la naissance, l'aide à la jeunesse a été appelé et je devais aussi m'occuper du grand, et mon ex trouvais toujours des prétextes pour me dire de partir, je ne savais pas rester longtemps dans l'hopital ou dans la chambre sinon elle se metait en colere ou moi en colere.
Nous étions en probleme financiers et ce qui m'a surpris c'est qu'elle recu de l'argent bizzarement soi disant par la femme de ménage soi disant…. c'est vrai qu'elle nosu aida pour le manger mais je sais pas pourquoi j'ai senti que ce bébé n'étais pas le mien, il aura fallu attendre le 10eme jour pour la reconnaissance. J'ai meme découvert qu'un papier laissé par une infirmière que le nom du bébé était le nom de mon ex et non le mien, soi disant parce que j'ai pas encore été faire la reconnaissance.
Apres le séjour, mon ex me sauta dessus et nous avons fais l'amour comme jamais on l'avais fais depuis fort longtemps.
Et les mois passent mais les problemes avec l'aide à la jeunesse se transforma en dispute régulières et va meme jusqu'à me pousser à bout nerf avant leur arrivée des fois, ce qui transforme l'aide de la jeunesse en protection de la jeunesse.
Son comportement deviens de plus en plus mystérieux des abscences de plus en plus répété et des révélations choquantes :
  1. j'ai appris par coup de pression qu'elle avais couché avec le parrain d'une soixante d'années
  2. J'ai entendu le parrain dire je t'aime et embrassé lorsque j'étais dans la salle de bain
  3. Que le parrain avais beaucoup de chose pour un fils caché
  4. Des odeurs d'un autre homme
Les mois passent et le sentiment que mon deuxieme enfant n'étais pas le mien se fait de plus en plus opressant, mais elle s'absentait pour voir ses filles dans un parc animalier en comapgnie de mes fils et surtout du père de ses filles. Alignant Grosse peluche, cadeau tres cher, je me suis dis c'est obligé c'est lui le père
Et voila ce qu'il en est ….
Madame est parti en centre maternel pour éviter le placement des enfants, et j'ai commencé à examiner les photos et soit je suis devenu parano à force d'avoir été rejeté par elle mais
  1. Mon premeir enfant a les joues et la forme du nez du Parrain, son comportement ultra protecteur me fait penser que c'est lui le père
  2. Mon deuxieme enfant a le nez et la couleur des yeux du père des filles de mon ex
  3. Un lapsus du Parrain : "Comment il peut être allergique au gluten, j'ai jamais été euh euh euh, comment il ont trouvé ca"
Depuis la protection e la jeunesse a décidé de placer les enfants en placement d'urgence et madame a coupé les ponts envoyant des coeurs au père de ses filles
Elle coupa les ponts 2 mois mais revena apres ma tentative de suicide apres Noel, j'ai fais 2 mois en psychiatrie mais entendez bien que j'étais devenu un jouet pour elle, car elle n'a pas arreter de me faire passer pour le coupable (sans amertume), me manipulant
J'ai eu beaucoup de probleme financier par la suite de mon séjour, j'ai crié au téléphone car elle étais aussi mon ami, j'ai partagé des photos de ma colère et c'est la qu'elle m'a bloqué, j'ai renvoyé des messages haineux car pour moi c'était la trahison la plus totale que la mère de mes enfants, mon amie a decidé de me tourner le dos lorsque j'étais au plus bas
Malheureusement les enregistrement audio ont été transmis à la protectiond e la jeunesse et le droit de visite sur mes enfants a été retiré, elle demanda également si le parrain pouvais avoir droit au visite, qui a été refusé.
Sauf que apres le stalking de MON compte facebook, j'ai découvert que la visite a été autorisé.
Que faire maintenant, est ce que j'ai été avec une manipulatrice (qui m'a juré que je n'étais pas un jouet pour elle), fiare un test de paternité pour les deux . Mais si je fais ce test que faire dans ce cas la si il est négatif, est ce que je dois renier les enfants ou au contraire montrer encore que j'aime ces enfants ce qui laisse un lieu avec elle, car malgré tout ca je l'aime encore et que je peux prouver que je peux pardonner tout le mal que j'ai fais, ou qu'elle m'a fais.
Que si il est négatif, que sera l'avenir des enfants, est ce que je dois prévenir de la protection de la jeunesse de mes suspictions que je suis pas leur père.
C'est tout ce qui me reste dans ce monde, je n'ai pas d'amis, pas de copains, je vis reclu chez moi, à tenter de me soigner.
J'attends votre réponse avec impatience, sachez que tout ce que je dis est la verité et la stricte vérité, je n'ai pas su ajouter d'autre détails qui me pousse à penser que je ne suis pas leurs pères ou qu'elle entretenais plusieurs relations car la on rentre dans l'intimité la plus totale mais sachez que meme dans le physique des reds flag ce sont enclenché.
submitted by extaaz0106 to ParentingFR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:43 ALDO113A Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory



Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to Marvel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:38 MightyZizz Should i buy the Successor, Volt or Concept.

I have 1.1M right now and I made a post 3-4 days ago asking what car I should buy, the responses were Successor, Volt or Concept. I don't know which one to get yet. Can someone give me a reasonable response to which one to buy.
submitted by MightyZizz to robloxjailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 MeatBrick64 Ranking towns that I have delivered in (Amazon)

Only towns I've delivered to, obviously. some not mentioned (oxford, new britain, Westbrook) I have delivered to but never more than maybe just a few packages on smaller routes or bordering other towns. towns aren't ranked within each tier, consider them all equal


Downtown is easy, neighborhoods are even easier, MAYBE a little more difficult up towards Winchester but not bad at all.
West side is great, not super familiar with the east side but also pretty great whenever I've been there. Love the lake harwinton community and honestly the whole town
Never done a route in the main town area of Litchfield but I've never had any issues in Northfield, great area and great people
Beautiful town, great people. Not much else to say honestly, just good & easy
East Haddam
Probably some of the most difficult driveways in the S-Tier but usually an easy day (except in the snow but that goes for any of the rural towns in this list). and Two Wrasslin' Cats is a great little coffee shop
Beautiful town, never super busy even on main roads, usually an easy day if I'm there
another easy town and great people


easy in the suburbs and most neighborhoods, but downtown can be downright terrible to work in depending on the day and time of day. usually not too bad though
Watertown as a whole may be ranked lower but anytime I get a route in Oakville specifically it's a cakewalk. roads are just a bit too tight and people are a bit rude (please stop honking at the fully branded Amazon truck with hazards on parked on the side of the road, yes there's barely any room to go around but you know why I'm there)
great town, rt 69 can be a little tricky and the longer driveways are a little more difficult but overall pretty easy
only did a route or two out here but one of the easiest places I've ever worked in
Essex/Lyme/Old Lyme/Deep River
lumping these all together for lack of anything to really elaborate on, but anytime I'm ever out here i have no complaints. similar to Chesteeast haddam
New Hartford
probably the most difficult town in the A-Tier but I've never had any major issues up there. +1 for probably having the most delivery van-friendly driveways out of all the rural areas
Berlin turnpike and Silas deane can be a pain but the surrounding neighborhoods are some of the easiest work I've ever had
another one without much to say, never did too many routes in either of these but pretty easy areas overall


RT 6 is usually pretty dreadful, but after delivering there so many times it has become tolerable. also definitely the point in the list where some of the longer driveways just start becoming downright dangerous at times. can definitely be a pain but again, tolerable
biggest thing knocking Morris down is just how slow it is. deliveries are usually more spread out, which isn't always a bad thing, but at some point I just want to be done for the day lol. love popey's burgers though
haven't done too many routes out here but they've usually been okay. queen street is a MAJOR pain, and some areas are just frustrating but it's definitely manageable
not really much to say, only ever did one route out here. I don't think I really even had any complaints, i just remember it mostly being meh. probably raining or something honestly
East Hampton
did a couple routes out here, not really bad but I remember it being frustrating at times. lake area was pretty nice though


could honestly probably be in B-Tier, but I really never want to be in Watertown. some neighborhoods are nice, easy & fast, while other areas are just slow and cumbersome to navigate and the outskirts on the Bethlehem/Morris end are just frustrating
was only ever out here once, honestly wasn't horrible but I'd rather not go back. idk what it is, just bad vibes from this area. like I wouldn't want to be caught delivering in some of these longer driveways after dark if the customer isn't expecting a delivery lol
similar issues I have with Morris, just worse. one of those towns that id rather not be in. cell service is also by far the worst out of any town I've delivered in, which causes issues with our delivery app. it does work offline but some specific functions won't work without data


it's similar to the issues I have with terryville/plymouth but significantly worse. driveway accessibility/usability by far the WORST out of any town I've ever delivered in, and south main is a train wreck half the time. the more residential neighborhoods are honestly pretty easy though
only ever did one route out here, and it was more towards the Wethersfield side which I've been told is a "better" area to be in. that being said within about an hour of me being there I had some people drive by and yell "AYO THROW ME SOME PACKAGES I'LL DELIVER THEM FOR YA" which, if I was in anywhere other than Hartford, i'd probably think was funny lol. but tbh the neighborhoods I delivered to were relatively quiet and easy, but I'd rather not go back if I don't have to


yep, it's lower than Hartford. maybe if I had delivered in worse parts of Hartford, they'd be together. but I've done just about all of Waterbury and I've never wanted to leave a town faster.
THE GOOD: for the most part the outskirts are fine. easy neighborhoods and you don't feel like you're in Waterbury which is always a plus
THE BAD: Christ, everything else? thomaston ave is just a depressing place to be, neighborhoods surrounding the mall all seem to be not great. people just come off hostile for no reason. had a coworker get told he was wearing the "wrong colors" out there. another caught a bullet to the van (he was fine and not hit, but still). on the more annoying side of things, these neighborhoods were seemingly not designed with the concept of vehicles in mind because good luck finding a sliver of space that isn't taken up by a parked car. seriously. driveways are too small to fit more than one or MAYBE 2 cars which is not enough for the number of cars people own out there. and on top of all that you KNOW at least 10% of the packages you deliver are getting snatched, it by far has the highest DNR (delivery not received) rate of any are I've ever been to
submitted by MeatBrick64 to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:33 elf_2024 Father possible high functioning autism?

What I noticed during my dad’s several week long stay at our house lately:
For those of you who wonder: i didn’t grow up with him and haven’t spend this much time with him in a row and he was just a house guest for several weeks.
Is it possible my dad has high functioning autism?
submitted by elf_2024 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:24 Mother_Strain_2554 Fair selling price for a 2024 Honda Odyssey EX-L

I am looking to buy a new 2024 Honda Odyssey EX-L in zip code 30005. What do you think a fair selling price would be? I checked and it says 38,418 as fair price, According to the invoice price is 38,748. Plus add tax, title and other dealer fees.
submitted by Mother_Strain_2554 to HondaOdyssey [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 jkerr838 The One Thing Missing in Every Budget App: Spending Commitments

The one thing missing in every budgeting application is the "Spending Commitment".
Definition: "A thing I am already committed to paying for"
This concept a fundamental part of any budgeting system. Why?
Let’s back up. Why does one create a budget in the first place? I have thought hard to distill a clear answer for this. Here it is.
A good budget must answer:
  1. Is my lifestyle sustainable?
  2. Should I buy this thing in front of me right now?
To answer the first question, I absolutely need to know how much money I’ve already committed to spending. These are all those repeating payments I have. This total will tell me if my lifestyle is sustainable. If it is not, I will need to make dramatic changes like move, get a cheaper car, or add a side job.
To answer the second question, I need need to know how much cash is not already committed. To get this number, I take my income and subtract the committed spending. This is my "free cash". Can I buy this thing in front of me right now? If I have the free cash to spend, yes, otherwise no.
In so many budgeting apps, this information is not prominently displayed.
Take the classic bar chart of how much I've spent each month. This was my go-to chart in Mint for years. Since my committed and free spending are not separated, even if I was the most frugal I've ever been during one month, a single large yearly expense would make it appear that I overspent. The data is polluted. I would need to make an extra effort to see if I actually overspent or not. Maybe you've felt this pain too. We need to clearly separate the things we can control month-to-month (free spending) from the things we can't (committed spending).
A chart that only shows me how much free cash I've spent each month would be so much more helpful. It would compare apples to apples. If the bar is high one month, it actually meant that I went crazy with the credit card.
This separation of committed spending and free spending is so helpful for understanding your personal finances, I'm surprised it's not built in to most budgeting apps.
submitted by jkerr838 to budget [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:17 Sumito is there anyway to justify a 10 year old Mercedes?

I currently drive a honda fit sport, I bought it 3 years ago with 101k miles and it's currently sitting at 111k miles.
I bought the fit obviously because the idea of such a reliable car was attractive, but since I don't drive for work anymore I hardly put any miles on it and the thought of this car being capable of 200k+ miles means I'd could be driving this thing forever.
Which don't get me wrong is a fantastic spot to be in if it were my dream car but between watching my elderly dad struggle to get in and out of it and not being any to see past any SUV in front of me it's made me look into alternatives.
Currently one of my favorite SUVs (purely on looks) is a Mercedes GLK 350 from before the 2016 refresh. I've found a few for under 18k with around 60k miles fully loaded and with leather seats, moonroof and a naturally aspirated V6 they kind of offer everything I'd be looking for in a new CRV or whatever but in something a little less common on the roads and personally speaking one of the best looking cars I could reasonable obtain.
My question is - if I'm hard set on owning one of these is there a combination of preventative maintenance that would allow me to buy this thing at 60k miles and keep it to 150k+? or is any luxury vehicle thats this old just going to cost it's purchase price in repairs every year?
In my mind only driving 4k miles a year on average means I could easily buy this SUV at 60/70k miles and get 5+ years of driving before it even hits 100k, and ignoring the sin of selling my honda fit it would go from a cheap commuter car to something I'd proudly spend weekends detailing with a toothbrush.
Any insight is appreciated. The fit is paid off, it's less of a question of affording the GLK and more about if mercedes have any legs to last without spending a car payment on repairs if possible.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Sumito to UsedCars [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:06 881redditor honda prelude 1995 2.0i

Im new to this "car world" i got myself a honda prelude 1995 2.0i (european model) I do not know where to start.. Like idk where to get the best body kits... what upgrades i should do... its got the f20a4 engine (cant do engine swap in my country) thanks for helping in advance
submitted by 881redditor to hondaprelude [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 Fally11204 First car for a 20 year old.

Hey, 20 (f) here. Currently I am driving a 2007 Honda fit with 160,000 miles. My parents own the car but I have been the primary driver for about 3 years now and I know I will be required to purchase a car soon as my sister will be getting her license soon.
My main problem with this car is the closeness to the ground. Steep hills almost always scratch and then the under carriage cover scrapes off, it has been replaced multiple times and now just doesn’t have one anymore.
Features that would be preferable
If you have any suggestions or recommendations please let me know!
submitted by Fally11204 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:54 woowoo293 Is now through the remainder of 2024 a good time to purchase a new car?

I was planning to purchase a new car next year, but looking around at what's out there, I'm now wondering if this is the time to buy. I know prices for new cars aren't falling as quickly as they were several months ago, but they're still down quite a bit from last year. And in addition, used car prices, while also down, are still pretty inflated. So maybe now is the time that I could land both a good deal on a new car purchase and solid sale price for my old car. To an extent that would offset any advantage from waiting another 9 months or so.
I am looking at VW and Ford, so I'm not as concerned about the price premiums commanded by Toyota, Honda, etc. (another factor is that one of the cars I'm looking at, the Ford Escape, is possibly not going to be around next year)
The biggest question to me (and the most difficult for anyone to answer) is what things will look like in 2025. On balance, I feel like there are more reasons for prices to go up or at best hold steady than to drop. Markets feel much more fragile now, and you never know if some kind of bizarre supply or other logistical issue is going to cause a product shortage. And if interest rates drop, that will probably create a surge in demand and an uptick in prices.
I realize this is very subjective, but does anyone want to share their intuitive sense of where the market might be headed over the next twelve months? Thanks.
submitted by woowoo293 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 LGBTQIA_Over50 2012 Honda Accord molded heater hose wasn't the issue, now its water pump & thermostat housing

Update from my prior post from yesterday Sat 6/1
158,000 miles, original owner.
Leaking coolant.
Service desk technician spoke with me and not the mechanic at Firestone.
With a coolant leak they said they did a cooling system pressure test.
They put one of their own molded heater hose, and not the one that is curved to fit the car, and since its in the back of the engine, I personally can't see it.
They topped the coolant off.
This a.m.
They said it is a water pump that needs to be replaced. They said the thermostat also has to be replaced.
I did replace the thermostat housing a couple of years ago. I have the receipts, to find the date. Is that necessary to do both? Do the thermostat again and the water pump. They said it's not the alternator.
Yesterday the initial diagnosis was a molded heater hose, but that was not the issue when I spoke this morning with the mechanic.
$72 hose $124 labor
They did the pressure test yesterday and said it was a heater hose (?) that hose was replaced yesterday. But the temp guage was moving to H.
2012 Honda Accord LX-P sedan.
$20 coolant flush $71 labor $172 new water pump $407 remove & replace water pump
$87 housing & thermostat $160 remove & replace thermostat housing
This morning he does the pressure test again and says water pump and thermostat.
$670 water pump with coolant flush
$246 thermostat housing.
I did the thermostat housing a couple of years ago. And they want to replace it again with the water pump.
How do we know if this it it and not a head gasket? They said, "Oh, its not the gasket, its the water pump and thermostat housing.
But yesterday it was the heater hose, was it?
submitted by LGBTQIA_Over50 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:49 TheGamerOfKnowledge My predictions for D23 2024

D23 2024 is just over two months from now, and many insiders are saying that Disney wants the event to be a “return to form” with the event being back to how it was in 2017 and 2015. It is important to also note that this year, the parks panel will be combined with the games panel, but since this is the parks subreddit, I will mostly focus on just the parks side.
⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️: I am not claiming to be an insider in any way. These are just my personal predictions completely based off of my own guesses. (Some of these are based on rumors from actual insiders, however)
Walt Disney World
Disneyland Paris
Tokyo Disneyland
Hong Kong Disneyland
Shanghai Disneyland
submitted by TheGamerOfKnowledge to disneyparks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:47 LGBTQIA_Over50 2012 Honda Accord over heating again

158,000 miles, original owner.
Leaking coolant.
Service desk technician spoke with me and not the mechanic at Firestone.
With a coolant leak they said they did a cooling system pressure test.
They put one of their own molded heater hose, and not the one that is curved to fit the car, and since its in the back of the engine, I personally can't see it.
They topped the coolant off.
This a.m.
They said it is a water pump that needs to be replaced. They said the thermostat also has to be replaced.
I did replace the thermostat housing a couple of years ago. I have the receipts, to find the date. Is that necessary to do both? Do the thermostat again and the water pump. They said it's not the alternator.
Yesterday the initial diagnosis was a molded heater hose, but that was not the issue when I spoke this morning with the mechanic.
$72 hose $124 labor
They did the pressure test yesterday and said it was a heater hose (?) that hose was replaced yesterday. But the temp guage was moving to H.
2012 Honda Accord LX-P sedan.
$20 coolant flush $71 labor $172 new water pump $407 remove & replace water pump
$87 housing & thermostat $160 remove & replace thermostat housing
This morning he does the pressure test again and says water pump and thermostat.
$670 water pump with coolant flush
$246 thermostat housing.
I did the thermostat housing a couple of years ago. And they want to replace it again with the water pump.
How do we know if this it it and not a head gasket? They said, "Oh, its not the gasket, its the water pump and thermostat housing.
But yesterday it was the heater hose, was it?
submitted by LGBTQIA_Over50 to StupidCarQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 IndyMod [#DetroitGP] RACE // 2024 CHEVROLET DETROIT GRAND PRIX

Round 6: 2024 Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix
👋 Welcome to the INDYCAR race discussion thread for the 2024 Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix.
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  • Do NOT discuss or otherwise refer to the results of any current sporting event, or sporting event which has taken place within the last 24 hours.
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All broadcasts commencing in approximately 15 minutes from the posting of this thread — at the top of the hour — unless otherwise specified.
Race Broadcast Green Flag
🇺🇸 USA Network or Peacock 12:45pm EDT
🇨🇦 TSN+ 12:45pm EDT
🇧🇷 Cultura 1:45pm BRT
🇮🇸 Viaplay 4:45pm GMT
Africa Canal+ Sport 2, 4:50pm GMT 4:45pm GMT
🇬🇧 🇮🇪 Sky Sports F1 5:45pm BST
🇵🇹 SPORT TV 4 5:45pm WEST
🇪🇸 M+ Deportes 4, 6:30pm CEST 6:45pm CEST
🇫🇷 Canal+ Sport, 6:30pm CEST 6:45pm CEST
🇳🇱 Ziggo Sport Select or Ziggo Sport Racing 6:45pm CEST
🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇦🇹 Sky Sport F1 6:45pm CEST
🇩🇰 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇵🇱 Viaplay 6:45pm CEST
🇩🇰 TV3 SPORT, 6:30pm CEST 6:45pm CEST
🇳🇴 ??? 6:45pm CEST
🇸🇪 V Sport Extra or V Sport Motor 6:45pm CEST
🇭🇺 Arena4 or Net4+ Sport 6:45pm CEST
🇸🇮 🇭🇷 🇧🇦 🇷🇸 Arena Sport 1 6:45pm CEST
🇿🇦 SuperSport Motorsport 6:45pm SAST
🇫🇮 🇪🇪 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 Viaplay 7:45pm EEST
🇫🇮 V Sport+ Suomi 7:45pm EEST
🇹🇷 S Sport Plus, 7:30pm TRT 7:45pm TRT
🇦🇺 Stan Sport 2:45am AEST
🇳🇿 Sky Sport 5 4:45am NZST


Official Starting Line Up & Tire Designation
submitted by IndyMod to INDYCAR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:44 Secure-Variety-1732 Car Sound

Does anyone know by any chance what this sound could be , when ever turn on the car and start driving it does this squeaky and kinda scratching noise when I accelerate but when I’m idle it only does a squeaky noise, anyone know what it could be ? I drive a 2016 Honda Civic
submitted by Secure-Variety-1732 to Honda [link] [comments]