Graalonline era status codes

Il Presidente Iraniano Raisi E' Morto In Un Incidente Aereo: E Adesso?

2024.05.20 08:14 RassegnaTaStampa Il Presidente Iraniano Raisi E' Morto In Un Incidente Aereo: E Adesso?

La Mezzaluna iraniana ha confermato la morte del Presidente Raisi in un incidente aereo. Il comunicato stampa parla di "martire del dovere", per cui almeno per ora è esclusa l'ipotesi di attentato. Ipotesi peraltro smentita rapidamente da Israele, che ha velocemente negato ogni coinvolgimento nel caso. Sulle cause della caduta dell'elicottero, sapremo maggiormente nelle prossime ore, ma il maltempo ha contribuito all'accaduto. Oltre al fatto, si trattasse di un elicottero americano modello Bell212 degli anni 70, anche per via delle sanzioni che bloccano il rifornimento di nuove attrezzature all'Iran. Il tempismo dell'incidente è realmente particolare, perché domenica era appena circolata la notizia di colloqui tra Teheran e Washington per evitare ulteriori escalation in Medio Oriente.
Ma chi era Raisi?
Raisi ha iniziato la sua carriera nel sistema giudiziario iraniano tre decenni fa, diventando procuratore generale di Karaj, vicino a Teheran, a soli 20 anni. Prima di diventare presidente, Raisi è stato a capo della magistratura iraniana, un ruolo che ha assunto nel 2019. È stato eletto presidente nel giugno 2021, con il sostegno della Guida Suprema Ali Khamenei. Le elezioni sono state caratterizzate da un’astensione record e dall’assenza di reali concorrenti.
Durante la sua presidenza, tutti i rami del potere in Iran sono finiti sotto il controllo delle fazioni estremiste anti-occidentali, fedeli a Khamenei. Si è intensificata la repressione del dissenso, in particolare dopo il movimento di protesta “Donna, vita, libertà” del 2022. Raisi inoltre è stato coinvolto in controversie, in particolare per il suo ruolo nelle esecuzioni di migliaia di prigionieri politici nel 1988, che gli è valso l’appellativo di "macellaio di Teheran". In politica estera, Raisi si è presentato come un avversario risoluto di Israele, sostenendo Hamas e salutando con favore l’attacco lanciato dall’Iran contro Israele nel 2023.
Quali sono le implicazioni della morte di Raisi?
In politica interna, ben poche, almeno all'apparenza. Secondo gli analisti di Eurasia Group, la sua scomparsa non dovrebbe sconvolgere seriamente la stabilità interna dell’Iran, poiché le forze di sicurezza, l’esercito e il Corpo delle guardie rivoluzionarie islamiche (IRGC) rimangono sotto il controllo del leader supremo. La Costituzione iraniana prevede che in caso di morte improvvisa del presidente, il primo vicepresidente - attualmente Mohammad Mokhber - assumerebbe l’incarico, con l’approvazione del leader supremo. Questo assicura che non ci sarà un vuoto di potere e che il Paese sarà guidato fino a nuove elezioni, dove l'opposizione non ha rappresentanza perché le liste sono scelte dai leader religioso, che dovrebbero svolgersi entro un periodo massimo di 50 giorni dalla morte del presidente. Il vero dilemma riguarda la successione di Khomeini, di cui Raisi era il delfino designato, anche se mai ufficialmente. Potremo assistere ad un rinvigorirsi delle proteste di piazza? Può essere, in queste ore è saggio non escludere nulla.

submitted by RassegnaTaStampa to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 adulting4kids Lyrical Exploration

These are prompts designed for responses that are songs and song lyrics. Visually they xan provide you with the inspiration for crafting a scene that speaks in rhymes and rhythm!
  1. Prompt: In the moonlit embrace of a city park, two hearts collided. Craft lyrics that capture the magic of unexpected love.
  2. Prompt: Amidst urban chaos, find harmony. Create lyrics that celebrate the rhythm of city life and the music hidden in everyday sounds.
  3. Prompt: Dive into the ocean's depths with lyrical prowess. Tell the tale of a mermaid's longing for the surface world in a melodic masterpiece.
  4. Prompt: Unravel the mystery of a forgotten forest. Let your lyrics paint the enchantment of ancient trees and whispered secrets in the wind.
  5. Prompt: Capture the essence of a summer romance on a sandy beach. Craft lyrics that evoke the warmth of sunsets and the sweetness of fleeting moments.
  6. Prompt: Explore the cosmos through lyrics. Write a song that dances among the stars, narrating the celestial love story of constellations.
  7. Prompt: Unveil the emotions of a lone wanderer in a desert landscape. Your lyrics should echo the yearning for connection under the vast, starry sky.
  8. Prompt: Create a lyrical battle between light and shadow, exploring the contrasts and connections found in the play of sunlight and darkness.
  9. Prompt: Dive into the bustling energy of a vibrant marketplace. Craft lyrics that capture the colors, sounds, and stories echoing through crowded streets.
  10. Prompt: Conjure lyrics that embody the spirit of rebellion. Tell the tale of a revolution through the passionate voices of those who dare to challenge the status quo.
  11. Prompt: Explore the journey of self-discovery in the lyrics of a song. Paint a vivid portrait of personal growth, resilience, and embracing one's true identity.
  12. Prompt: Weave a lyrical tapestry that reflects the changing seasons. Capture the essence of spring's renewal, summer's warmth, autumn's reflection, and winter's stillness.
  13. Prompt: Tell a timeless love story through lyrics. Create a ballad that spans generations, expressing the enduring nature of true love.
  14. Prompt: Craft lyrics that resonate with the rhythm of a train journey. Capture the fleeting landscapes, diverse faces, and the emotions carried through each station.
  15. Prompt: Immerse your lyrics in the tranquility of a mountain lake. Paint a picture of serene reflections, echoing winds, and the silent poetry of nature.
  16. Prompt: Spin a lyrical web that tells the tale of a misunderstood villain. Explore their motives, struggles, and the shadows that led them astray.
  17. Prompt: Dive into the emotional waves of a stormy sea. Craft lyrics that mirror the turbulence of heartbreak and the eventual calm that follows.
  18. Prompt: Tell a lyrical tale of a time-traveling adventurer. Explore the highs and lows of navigating through different eras and the wisdom gained along the way.
  19. Prompt: Create lyrics that dance with the flames of a bonfire. Capture the warmth, camaraderie, and shared stories around the crackling firelight.
  20. Prompt: Explore the melodies hidden within a rainstorm. Craft lyrics that celebrate the beauty of rainfall, the rhythm of droplets, and the cleansing nature of storms.
  21. Prompt: Dive into the magic of a carnival with your lyrics. Paint a picture of whimsical rides, cotton candy dreams, and the laughter that echoes through the night.
  22. Prompt: Craft lyrics that embrace the untamed spirit of a wild horse. Explore the metaphorical journey of breaking free, galloping through open fields, and finding one's own path.
  23. Prompt: Tell the lyrical story of a celestial dance between the sun and the moon. Capture the beauty of their cosmic connection and the poetry in their eternal chase.
  24. Prompt: Explore the concept of dreams within your lyrics. Dive into the surreal landscapes, aspirations, and challenges found in the realm of slumber.
  25. Prompt: Capture the allure of a hidden garden in your lyrics. Paint a poetic picture of blooming flowers, whispered secrets, and the beauty that thrives away from prying eyes.
  26. Prompt: Craft lyrics that embody the resilience of a lone tree in a vast desert. Explore its endurance, silent wisdom, and the stories etched in its rings.
  27. Prompt: Tell a lyrical tale of a cosmic love affair between a comet and a star. Explore the beauty of their fleeting encounters across the vastness of space.
  28. Prompt: Dive into the lyrics of a mystical forest. Uncover the secrets of ancient trees, mythical creatures, and the whispers that guide wanderers through its depths.
  29. Prompt: Create a lyrical journey through a carnival of emotions. Explore the highs of joy, the twists of surprise, and the bittersweet melodies that accompany life's rollercoaster.
  30. Prompt: Explore the lyrical landscape of a ghost town. Capture the echoes of forgotten stories, abandoned dreams, and the lingering spirits that still roam its deserted streets.
  31. Prompt: Craft lyrics that tell the story of an abandoned lighthouse. Explore the symbolism of its guiding light, lost sailors, and the loneliness that echoes through its tower.
  32. Prompt: Tell a lyrical tale of a resilient phoenix rising from the ashes. Explore themes of rebirth, transformation, and the fiery spirit that conquers adversity.
  33. Prompt: Create lyrics that celebrate the beauty of diversity. Explore the metaphorical garden where different flowers bloom together, forming a vibrant tapestry of unity.
  34. Prompt: Dive into the lyrics of a haunted mansion. Uncover the ghostly tales, creaking corridors, and the melancholic melodies that linger within its forgotten walls.
  35. Prompt: Craft a lyrical ode to the enduring power of friendship. Explore the shared laughter, the comforting silence, and the unwavering support that defines true companionship.
  36. Prompt: Tell the lyrical story of a nomad wandering through open landscapes. Explore the freedom, solitude, and self-discovery found in the journey of a wandering soul.
  37. Prompt: Explore the lyrics of a cosmic love triangle between the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. Capture the cosmic dance, eclipses, and the eternal romance in the skies.
  38. Prompt: Craft lyrics that celebrate the resilience of a lone wolf. Explore its untamed spirit, the moonlit hunts, and the echoes of its howls through the wilderness.
  39. Prompt: Tell a lyrical tale of a forgotten pirate's treasure. Explore the map, the buried chest, and the adventurous spirit that seeks the fortune hidden in the sands.
  40. Prompt: Dive into the lyrics of a celestial symphony. Capture the harmonious dance of planets, the cosmic melodies, and the grandeur of the universe's orchestration.
  41. Prompt: Create a lyrical journey through the vibrant colors of a market bazaar. Explore the spices, textiles, and the lively exchanges that define the heartbeat of the marketplace.
  42. Prompt: Craft lyrics that echo the call of a siren luring sailors. Explore the enchantment, the treacherous waves, and the irresistible song that guides ships towards an unknown fate.
  43. Prompt: Tell a lyrical tale of a mystical library that transcends time and space. Explore the endless shelves, the ancient manuscripts, and the stories that come to life within its walls.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 goodboixx69 Dealing with Occasional 502 Errors in AWS Setup: Application Sending 200

Hey AWS Community,

We've hit a bit of a snag in our AWS infrastructure and could use some insight. Occasionally, we're encountering 502 errors from one of our applications. Here's how our setup looks: ALB -> NLB -> EC2 Instances.

Our application logs show that despite our EC2 instances processing requests successfully and returning a 200 response, clients are receiving a 502 status code on their end.

After diving into our LB access logs, we've noticed that while request_processing_time and target_processing_time have values, response_processing_time is -1 and target_status_code is -.

Here's where we need a hand:

  1. We stumbled upon an article [here]( suggesting this might be related to TCP RST and TCP FIN scenarios. Can anyone confirm if this assumption holds true or if we should explore another angle?

  1. The article hints at the issue being caused by the keep-alive timeout for the target being shorter than the load balancer's idle timeout value. Does this refer to the keep-alive timeout of the EC2 instance?

  1. Assuming the above is correct, what are the potential repercussions of setting a very high keep-alive timeout value?

Any insights or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by goodboixx69 to aws [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:01 AutoModerator ProDentim is unlike anything you’ve ever tried or experienced in your life before.

In the ever-evolving landscape of dental care, one name has been making waves – ProDentim. This revolutionary approach to oral health has left many in awe, challenging the norms and setting new standards. Let's delve into what makes ProDentim stand out and why it's causing a stir in the dental industry!

Unraveling the Innovation

ProDentim's uniqueness lies in its innovative approach to dental care. Unlike conventional methods, it adopts a holistic perspective, considering not only the teeth but the overall well-being of the individual. The integration of cutting-edge technology and a comprehensive understanding of oral health sets ProDentim apart. It's not just a dental solution; it's a lifestyle shift towards complete oral wellness!

Breaking the Mold

Traditional dental practices often focus on reactive measures, addressing issues as they arise. ProDentim, on the other hand, emphasizes preventive strategies. By encouraging regular check-ups, personalized dental plans, and a commitment to education, ProDentim challenges the status quo. It's not merely a quick fix; it's a paradigm shift towards long-term oral health.

Community-Centric Care

One of the striking aspects of ProDentim is its community-centric approach. In a world where healthcare can feel impersonal, this innovative dental solution brings back the human touch. From educational workshops to local outreach programs, ProDentim is not just about treating individuals; it's about fostering a community committed to better oral health.

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submitted by AutoModerator to Puravive_review [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:36 anthonyteran 2007 Subaru Outback Impreza Engine Light Code P0456 (please help)

2007 Subaru Outback Impreza Engine Light Code P0456 (please help)
This code has my check engine light and cruise control light blinking. I’ve cleaned my gas cap with wd40 cleaner but not sure if I did it right or that is the issue. Any help?
submitted by anthonyteran to subaruimpreza [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:15 Digibloger Addressing High Unemployment in the Modern Era

Addressing High Unemployment in the Modern Era

The modern era, characterized by rapid technological progress and globalization, is paradoxically facing a staggering 65% unemployment rate in some regions. This high level of unemployment poses significant challenges and requires a closer look at its causes, effects, and possible solutions.

Causes of High Unemployment

1.Technological Advancements
Automation and AI Many jobs, especially those involving repetitive tasks, are being replaced by machines and AI. For example, factories are now using robots for assembly lines, reducing the need for human workers.
Digital Revolution The rise of online businesses has affected traditional retail jobs. As more people shop online, physical stores close down, leading to job losses in retail sectors.

  1. Skill Mismatch Outdated Skills Many workers find their skills are no longer relevant due to the rapid advancement in technology. Often, training programs and education systems do not keep pace with these changes, leaving workers unprepared for new job requirements.
Education System Many education systems fail to equip students with practical skills needed in today’s job market, like coding, data analysis, and other technical skills.

  1. Economic Factors
Globalization While opening new markets, globalization also results in jobs moving to countries with cheaper labor. This can cause job losses in higher-wage countries.
Economic Downturns Recessions lead to reduced consumer spending, which in turn forces businesses to cut jobs.

  1. Demographic Changes
Population Growth In many areas, the population is growing faster than the number of jobs being created, leading to higher unemployment rates.
Aging Workforce An older population might face difficulty in retaining or finding new jobs, contributing to higher unemployment.
Impacts of High Unemployment

1.Economic Impact
Reduced Spending High unemployment leads to less consumer spending, slowing down economic growth.
Increased Government Spending Governments have to spend more on unemployment benefits and social services, straining public resources.

2.Social Impact Mental Health
Unemployment is often linked to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The stress of joblessness and financial insecurity can have serious psychological effects.
Social Unrest High unemployment can lead to higher crime rates and social instability, as people struggle to meet their basic needs.

3.Long-Term Impact
Skill Erosion Long-term unemployment can cause skills to become outdated, making it even harder for people to find jobs.
- **Youth Disadvantage**: High unemployment among young people can hinder their long-term career prospects and financial stability.
Potential Solutions

  1. Education and Training
    Continuous Learning There should be more focus on reskilling and upskilling programs to help workers adapt to new technologies.
    Updated Curricula Schools and universities need to align their programs with the needs of modern industries, ensuring students graduate with relevant skills.

  1. Support for Entrepreneurship
Incentives Governments can provide financial incentives and support for startups, fostering job creation and innovation.
Innovation Hubs Creating hubs where new businesses can grow helps develop new industries and job opportunities.

3.Economic Policies
Stimulus Measures Governments can implement stimulus packages to boost economic activity and create jobs, especially during downturns.
Fair Trade Balancing trade policies to protect domestic jobs while promoting international trade can mitigate the negative effects of globalization.


The high unemployment rate in the era of modernization is a complex issue that needs a multifaceted approach. By addressing the root causes, such as the rapid technological changes and skill mismatches, and by implementing supportive economic and educational policies, we can create a more resilient job market. Ensuring continuous education and fostering innovation will help societies adapt and thrive amidst the challenges of modernization.
submitted by Digibloger to u/Digibloger [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:14 Several_Marketing_33 What’s next

What’s next
Received 811 code on may 3rd, been 2 weeks and I still didn’t get a 846 code….. how long before I should see 846 or a new update???
submitted by Several_Marketing_33 to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:12 fragdelta [US][Selling] Slipcovers for Sale!!

I accept Zelle, Cash App, and Venmo F&F
Selling some 4K and Blu-Ray slipcovers. Unless otherwise marked, a 4K UHD slipcover is $5 each and a Blu-Ray slipcover is $3 each. I'm happy to take pictures of the items for you, just ask.
Shipping is $5; free if total is over $50. Please note that these are SLIPCOVERS ONLY, no movies are included.
Disney 4K UHD Slipcovers ($5, unless marked)
Studio 4K UHD Slipcovers ($5, unless marked)
Boutique Blu-Ray Slipcovers
DisneyMarvel Blu-Ray Slipcovers ($3, unless marked)
Blu-Ray Slipcovers ($3, unless marked)
submitted by fragdelta to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:45 ChipyMagz I belive my father is not loyal to my mother.

For context, I am a member of a happy family of 4. I have an older sister, my mom (50F) and my dad (47M). I admire both my parents imensely, my mother being a wonderfull woman and my dad being an awesome guy with cool taste in a lot of shit. Most of the income of our family coming from my father, a successful doctor with a secondary income coming from my mother, wich works with our farm and is trying to make it work.
A while ago, i was playing iracing, and i got home late at night while my parents slept. Hopped on iracing to play some races and i realized my subscription expired, so i entered in my bank account and realized that to pay i would need a security code to do so, that would go to my dad's phone, so i went in their room and got his phone, entered in whatsapp and got the code, but i remember seing a freshly spoken-to contact that belonged to an apparently young woman, and it said underneagh domething between the lines of "you are smart, rich and hot" coming from my dad, but i let that slide and went to play iracing.
2 months later, I find myself in the same situation, got to renew my subscription and ask for his phone, but i remember slightly that old message exchange that my dad had with that woman (who from now on i will call michelle, not her name but whatever) so I end up not just getting my code but looking over my dads phone, and lo and behold, I find old texts of my dad asking for nudes (I do not know michelle, nor her status of relationship with my father, so idk if they were joking) in a jokingly tone, but also coming with complements and flerting, but it was all in the same day of chatting, which means if it happened it was problably a fling or my dad hid it all very well. Later on he asks for the phone and i give it to him. I ended up searching michelle's name in instagram and i find out she has a son, (that wierdly looks like me but i belive that to be a coencidence) and I also found a groupchat of michelle, my dad and some friends of his where they talked about similar shit.
I am planning on doing the same with my mom and trying to find out more about this woman to see if my dad is realling having an affair, or if my mom is having an affair, as i cant trust anyone anymore. So i came here seeking refuge, as I dont know how i confront my parents about this or if i should talk to my sister first, but i dont want my family to fall apart, as my mom cant handle herself all on her own and it would break my dad's heart, and my sister's too. I need advice, all I want is to forget this shit. But what worries me the most is the fact my father's social circle is smaller than my mother's, considering people who have more friends, tend to party more and are more exposed to such enviornments are more susceptible to cheating. I dont know what to do and need advice. Any stem i take is a risk and i must do everything with caution, as my familie's faith is problably in my hands.
submitted by ChipyMagz to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:44 Steffy_Cookies I managed to write part of the lore of my world, its 14 pages and I'm only like 50% done 😔

Evergreen, a rather welcoming name. Perfect for a land full of calm, peace and beauty. Evergreen in this case is the name of a vast kingdom. This kingdom is an incredibly complicated but majestic land and its people as well. Now sit back, relax and enjoy as I tell you about Evergreen.
First of all, where did Evergreen come from? Well the most early evidence of anyone living here was over 8000 years ago though if you truly think about it it could be as far back as 50 000 years. You see, the oldest trace of civilization in the kingdom is a large ancient hotel in the center of Heatherlea. No other building outdated this and that record is still held up to this day. The actual date of foundation of the kingdom is completely unknown and absolutely no one can tell when it could ever be because of the incredibly vague amount of information on anything before the recorded history of Evergreen. Though not everyone is so clueless, one person may know the answer on the timeline and that is The One Hundred.
You may be asking who this One Hundred person is. He is the oldest person in Evergreen and supposedly some sort of God. Very little is known about him but all that is known is whoever this person is, they are the most powerful in the kingdom.
Now I think you’ve heard enough about the kingdom itself and the basics on it now why don’t we get to work on actually unraveling this massive mystery. But with so many things to explain, how can this ever have an order? Well that’s very easy to do, this is a catalog of everything to know on the topic of Evergreen. Let’s begin.
Cities of Evergreen
Evergreen is the main city of the kingdom, it is used as a capital as well as the largest megalopolis of the city. Though in Scriptorium, the language of Evergreen, they don’t have terms for city, megalopolis or metropolis. So to them everything is a settlement, village or town. In this kingdom the size of a village does not matter only its population and Evergreen having over 1 000 000 people living in it, it’s considered the largest village in the kingdom. Which is quite a fitting label for the capital of such a large kingdom. Though not only Heatherlea contains an important building. Evergreen has the Main Hall and Steffy’s Mansion, both constructions are very important because they contain Aletine. Aletine is a rare gem that will be explained later on but for now all you need to know on Aletine is that it is very rare and very precious. The buildings each have an arch constructed fully of this material.
The whispers of Evergreen
Not everyone in Evergreen is happy with what they know about the kingdom. Certain things are very secretive and though on the outside it seems like a perfect place it is shrouded in mystery and entangled in a web of unknown like a huge tapestry of mystery. The people of the villages are mostly happy with how everything is going except for one thing. They want to know more about the village’s origin. You see, Steffy, The One Hundred, Heathotel and Aletinian do not want too much information to escape into the public’s hands. A disquiet hums beneath the seemingly idyllic surface of Evergreen. Whispers flit through bustling marketplaces, hinting at an enigmatic past shrouded in secrecy. Kept under lock and key by Steffy and the other main powers of Evergreen, the population never ceases to speculate what they could be hiding. Is it a secret civilization before us? Or could it be that Aletine is the secret to the lost time? No matter what the citizens say not one word has been spoken by anyone in control. And there is a good reason behind all of that which will be explained later on.
Architecture and style of Evergreen and it’s settlements
A warped image of Evergreen is fabricated when you dig deeper than what’s on the idyllic surface of Evergreen. But the kingdom is still a majestic land. Its architecture is primarily biomimicry as the villagers are very connected to their surroundings and the flora that they share the world with. The respect for nature in Evergreen is reflected everywhere, in the architecture, in the culture, celebrations and many more subtle depictions. The style that the land has adopted over the millenia is a very calming one, they believe in living life to its fullest so the architects try to make things as pleasant to live in as possible in almost every way possible. You will never find any hostile architecture in the city as its capital status means that it must show a good example for the other settlements to follow. However, the pervasive calmness of Evergreen's architecture raises questions. Could this serene aesthetic be a deliberate ploy? Is biomimicry a way to mask the secrets hidden beneath the tranquil surface? The One Hundred, with their knowledge of the lost civilization and the interdimensional threat, may have a vested interest in maintaining this facade of idyllic peace. Steffy, with his atmosphirec gem of unknown origin, might also find solace in the calming influence of these biomimicry structures. No one can know for sure but until more is learned why not enjoy centuries of perfected design and let the peacefulness wash over you as you stroll through the markets and quiet neighborhoods of the town.
The rest of the settlements
Evergreen does not have that many large towns, only about 4 main ones, Evergreen, Azalea, Heatherlea and Islafield. Those main towns are surrounded by much smaller ones but the main focus is on the four towns above.
Islafield is, as the name suggests, mostly for farming hence the ‘field” in its name. The town is near a lake also named Isla The lake is used for fishing as well as a way to water the crops of the town. This majestic town is the main source of nourishment for the entire kingdom with 60% of its land consisting of fields and crops. The kingdom contains 5.6 million inhabitants which is a vast amount of mouths to feed and according to the way Steffy wants to run the kingdom, everyone should have the same chance with life per se he just doesn’t want anyone to starve or die before their time that is the primary reason why he allowed Islafield to become such a large producer of food. He would usually want people to get their produce from the same town in which they live in though since he has 5.6 million people to feed he made the exception that Islafield can export its harvest to the other towns. Other than the beautiful fields of flowers and crops Islafield doesn’t really hold much interest in the eye of the population of Evergreen. Though it is considered the most naturally beautiful town in the kingdom, its beauty does not help it much with population, it has been on a decline ever since the vault of Aletine became public knowledge. Perhaps the Aletinians, a secretive cult entrusted with crafting tools made of Aletine, might hold knowledge about this strange and sudden decline. Despite the dwindling population, Islafield remains a vital part of Evergreen. However, its idyllic facade now masks a layer of intrigue, begging the question: is Islafield truly just a farming town, or is it a cornerstone in a larger, undisclosed operation of the Aletinians?
Heatherlea, a town of beauty and intrigue
Heatherlea, nestled in Evergreen's north, throbs with a unique energy.This bustling town transforms into the kingdom's prime tourist destination during warmer months, welcoming an influx of 700,000 visitors. The undeniable allure? The enigmatic Ancient Hotel, an 8000-year-old structure, the oldest human-made wonder in Evergreen. However, Heatherlea's charm extends beyond the Ancient Hotel.,underneath the ancient hotel hides a vault. The most secure place in the entire kingdom. Inside of that vault is a supply of Aletine. Since Aletine is only found in that singular spot underneath the hotel a vault was built around the mine to keep everyone out of there given how precious Aletine is.Other than its main attractions, its marketplace features the kingdom's tallest stand, showcasing the rare blue and orange Heatherberry. Yet, the exclusivity of these berries in Heatherlea raises questions. Found primarily in the south, their presence here seems curiously deliberate. Is it simply a marketing ploy, or could it be part of a larger scheme? Heatherlea's vibrancy and tourist appeal are undeniable, but a disquieting question lingers: is it a genuine haven, or a meticulously crafted facade designed to distract from the secrets buried beneath the surface?
Azalea, a town shrouded in floral mystery
Azalea is known for one reason, if you look closely at its name you will notice that it contains the name of a flower. Azalea is named after the rhododendron by the same name, Azalea. This specific flower only grows in the town for unknown reasons and once again the reason for the flower's appearance in this one part of the kingdom is gatekeeped by the main powers The One Hundred, Steffy with his atmosphirec gem, and the Aletinians, each with their vested interests in the mysteries of Evergreen, all seem particularly invested in keeping the reason for the Azalea's exclusivity under wraps. Intriguingly, Azalea attracts a disproportionate number of Aletine sellers, who use the flower's beauty to showcase their wares. Why this specific town, rather than a more prominent location? Could there be a connection between the Azalea's unique properties and the Aletine gem? The motives of the sellers remain shrouded in secrecy, adding another layer to the mysteries swirling around Azalea and deepen the mystery of Evergreen.
Shadows in Evergreen: Unveiling the Kingdom's Cults
Evergreen's power structure extends beyond the readily apparent figures like Steffy and The One Hundred. Shrouded in secrecy, a network of cults weaves its influence through the kingdom. While some, like the Aletinians, maintain a relatively benign presence, crafting tools from the enigmatic Aletine, others operate with a more veiled agenda. The Heathotels, shrouded in mystery themselves, stand out for their potential hostility. Their enigmatic purpose and unknown connection to the Aletinians, an exclusive society rumored to possess knowledge on the craftsmanship of Aletine weapons, fuel speculation about their true motives. Do they cover the Aletine's power for their own gain, or are they safeguarding Evergreen from a yet-unknown threat? The secrecy surrounding these cults casts a long shadow, leaving the question unanswered: are they guardians or hidden dangers lurking within the kingdom's idyllic facade? The Heathotels: Enigmatic guardians of the ancient stone The heathotels are a mostly harmless cult. They are in charge of the protection of the Ancient Hotel and are the only ones who have full access to the vault containing all the Aletine. They seem to worship the hotel itself and treat Aletine adorned objects with the same respect as they would do to Steffy himself. They are highly secretive with the reasons on why they respect the precious stone so much and what connection they seem to have with the ancient hotel. While the other power players, like The One Hundred and Steffy himself, strive to keep the Heathotels' activities shrouded, their efforts only heighten the intrigue. This raises the question, if the Heathotels are truly a benign force, why such a concerted effort to conceal their practices? The Heathotels' enigmatic presence throws a long shadow, leaving the question unanswered: are they protectors of the Aletine and the Ancient Hotel, or are they guardians of a far deeper secret? The Aletinians: Sworn Crafters of Aletine Wonders Among Evergreen's enigmatic factions, the Aletinians occupy a distinct position. Eschewing the rigid structure of traditional cults, they follow a oath instead of a set of rules.The specifics of this oath remain a closely guarded secret, fueling endless whispers and speculation. The Aletinians, as their name suggests, possess a unique bond with Aletine. Interestingly they do not worship the Aletine but instead they treat it with reverence, viewing it less as an object and more as a potent material.The true purpose of the Aletinians is to forge everything that is created out of Aletine. They are hand picked, allegedly to safeguard the kingdom's precious Aletine supply, to ensure the safety of the kingdom’s supply of this majestic gem they can only be of a certain sanity. Once again the villagers have their own theories, whispers abound about an Aletine-infused substance used in the selection process, a method to ensure only the "worthy" wield the gem's power.Though to be granted the incredible privilege of handling Aletine directly is very prestigious as only 30 people have the privilege of handling the precious Aletine. But many things are still unclear with them as well. Why do these artisans operate outside the Ancient Hotel, traveling all the way to Azalea to practice their craft? And why, despite their seemingly benign nature, does Steffy strive to keep them hidden from the public eye? The Aletinians remain a captivating enigma, their purpose and connection to Azalea hinting at a deeper role within Evergreen's veiled secrets. The Nevergreen: Shadows Reaching for Forbidden Power In stark contrast to the Aletinians, who utilize Aletine for crafting, stands the enigmatic Nevergreen cult. Driven by a sinister agenda, they seek to weaponize the gem's power, a truth known only to Steffy and The One Hundred. Whispers abound of their attempts to breach the Aletine mine's containment, a reckless act that some speculate triggered a deadly conflict, the War Of Gods, shrouded in secrecy. Steffy himself, it seems, remains unaware of the Nevergreen's potential role in this ancient war. He and The One Hundred instead attribute it to a nebulous embodiment of darkness. The Nevergreen also strive to make the deepest secrets of Evergreen public knowledge. They are the reason why the Aletine vault became known to the villagers of Evergreen. The One Hundred and Steffy tried to cover it up by saying that the villagers deserved to know the truth of where the Aletine came from. But in reality it was an elaborate plan birthed by the leader of the Nevergreen. The identity of the Nevergreen's leader is a captivating mystery. Villagers whisper of a connection to Steffy's ancient enemy, this enigmatic embodiment of darkness. They are also rumored to have connections to the mysterious interdimensional threat looming over the kingdom, a danger only The One Hundred seems fully aware of. This raises the question, if The One Hundred knows everything about Evergreen, why do they still remain passive? Are they truly guardians, or are they somehow entangled within the complex web woven by the Nevergreen?
Gleams of Forbidden light and beauty Aletine, gem of untold power Aletine, a captivating gem shrouded in mystery, sits at the heart of Evergreen's enigmatic power structure. Its existence fuels whispers, speculation, and a fierce struggle for control amongst the kingdom's secretive factions. Here, we delve into the mystery concerning this precious stone. First of all, what are the origins of Aletine? Evergreen's bustling streets are rife with speculation regarding Aletine's origins. Villagers, known for their colorful theories, theorize that it is a form of interdimensional material, arrived here at the mysterious cataclysmic event that destroyed everything. Rumors abound of a ripped veil between dimensions, spewing Aletine into Evergreen while leaving devastation in its wake. While most of these village tales are dismissed as mere flights of fancy, the recent revelation of the Aletine vault beneath the Ancient Hotel has given some credence to the notion of an extraordinary origin. However, the truth remains shrouded in secrecy. Only Steffy and the other powerful factions possess any concrete knowledge about Aletine's arrival in Evergreen. Unveiling Aletine: Myth and Reality Clash The truth behind Aletine shatters some village myths while confirming others. While not interdimensional as some theorized, the gem undeniably originates from beyond Evergreen's reality. Its arrival coincided with the cataclysmic event that reshaped the kingdom, a truth only The One Hundred truly understands. This revelation validates a part of the villagers' extravagant theories, a devastating event did occur. However, it disproves the notion of a dimensional tear bringing Aletine here.The gem's origins remain shrouded in secrecy, fueling speculation about the civilization it hailed from. Unveiling the Secrets of Aletine Aletine is the most precious and most protected thing in all of the kingdom. The amount of secrecy surrounding Aletine is almost enough to rival the secrecy surrounding The One Hundred. With so much secrecy surrounding the gem you might be wondering why it is such a big secret. Well as explained before Aletine is hidden under the ancient hotel, the oldest building in Evergreen. Located beneath the ancient hotel, the oldest structure in the kingdom, Aletine predates all other known resources. The exact date of its arrival remains locked away in the archives of The One Hundred, who possess the sole understanding of its properties. Historically, they reveal information only in dire circumstances to safeguard the kingdom. Steffy's mansion and the main hall boast massive Aletine arches, a testament to the gem's power: repelling dark energy and matter. Steffy had the arch built in his mansion after the battle with The Embodiment of Darkness. The gem releases an aura around it stopping anything that contains darkness from passing through whatever it is built in. The shape of the arch is also a key detail to securing the room at the maximum. The arch shape lets the aura bounce off of it and spread to the rest of the mansion but in smaller quantities. Steffy and The One Hundred are the only two who possess this key information about Aletine. Aletine's potential extends beyond this defensive ability. Could it hold further, untapped properties? The possibility of weaponizing this powerful gem remains a question with potentially far-reaching consequences. Aletine’s connections Aletine is not only known to Steffy and The One Hundred. The public knows about this gem as well but so do all the cults in Evergreen. The Heathotels’s archives contain the largest collection of knowledge on Aletine other than what Steffy and The One Hundred know. A single, crucial truth about Aletine's connection to an interdimensional entity eludes even Steffy. Only The One Hundred and the enigmatic leader of the Heathotels are privy to this knowledge. Aletine is connected to some other worldly being. Since its roots can be traced to outside of Evergreen’s world, there must be some other civilisation that made contact with the gem before the Great End. Another thing to take into perspective is that Aletine is one of the oldest substances in the world. Its age could suggest a lost civilization predating the cataclysmic "Great End." Could this civilization have been the first to harness Aletine's power? The gem's connection to another world fuels this speculation. Aletine has undoubtedly passed through countless hands over millennia. Are the Aletinians, with their oath of secrecy, truly in control? Or is Steffy merely a pawn in a larger game? Perhaps a hidden organization, like a rogue faction within The One Hundred or a descendant of the lost civilization, manipulates events from the shadows. The question of who truly controls Aletine lies at the heart of Evergreen's mysteries. Aletine’s potentials Aletine reigns supreme as Evergreen's most potent gem, rivaled only by the enigmatic atmospheric gem. It has many magical properties,Its most celebrated property being the fact that it can repel dark energy and dark matter which came in handy during the War Of Gods. It can also be used for a multitude of different things. One of the most outstanding creations with Aletine is the arches in the Main hall and Steffy’s mansion. They are guarding the archives which contain precious and secretive documents on Evergreen as well as artifacts that have not been exposed to the public. With so many possible uses for Aletine only a select few are actually used. The Aletinians have been told only 6 times in the last century to forge weapons out of Aletine. With those orders coming straight from Steffy himself. With the looming interdimensional threat it is highly likely that a war will start in the next millennium. Who will be the 2 sides is still a mystery. Steffy is also worried about a rebellion, Aletine has caused unrest in the villages which have caused small riots and raids of the libraries and archives yet all of them end in failure. It is another very likely possibility that a civil war will start in the next few hundred years. The main powers may be aware of this and are preparing to defend themselves if this possibility becomes a reality. Yet, the question lingers: with Aletine's apparent defensive capabilities and no documented harm to Evergreen, why such secrecy? Are the powers hiding something more sinister? Could they be preparing for a threat far greater than a civil war, a threat hinted at by the whispers of an interdimensional entity connected to Aletine? Lempty, a gem of mysterious beauty Lempty gems, with their captivating light blue hue and characteristically rough, quadrilateral edges, are a ubiquitous presence in Evergreen. Lempty is not much of a very interesting gem. It is mostly used for decorative purposes and not very much in weapon smithing.Though it has a lack of properties, It has very famous use, Steffy himself has a 5000 year old Lempty encrusted egg. It is originally made out of the bedrock of Evergreen, Eslud, with a few pieces of Lempty embedded in it’s surface. Even with such a useless facade with no redeeming qualities, it is still widely used in architecture especially in the northern villages to portray the cold and the snow that those villages usually experience. Lempty can be found in almost every mine in Evergreen, since it is very widespread it has a very small value. Compared to Aletine it is 7 000 000x less valuable. Since it is so cheap it can be found in almost every piece of jewelry and almost every building contains even a bit of Lempty. Rumors of Lempty's untapped potential for healing pique curiosity. Though currently as mere folklore, such mystery raises intriguing questions. Is Lempty truly just a decorative gem, or is there more to its story? Perhaps Steffy's undying devotion to the Lempty egg holds the key to unlocking its secrets. The parasitic presence of Lempty throughout Evergreen hints at a potential significance waiting to be discovered. Eslud, the foundation of Evergreen Eslud reigns supreme as the most common stone in Evergreen. It literally forms the foundation of the world, as the very mines themselves are carved from this versatile material. Eslud is used most commonly in construction since it can resist high temperatures and immense amounts of pressure. The only interesting property of Eslud is that no matter how much pressure is on it, it stays flexible allowing for buildings made out of it to withstand high winds and earth-shattering quakes. It is also the stone of choice when making heirlooms since it can withstand so much damage keeping the heirloom good as new for generations. The most famous example of this is the 3000 year old Eslud box that has been passed down as the Retule family heirloom. More than just a common stone, Eslud embodies the resilience and unwavering spirit that lies at the heart of Evergreen itself. Atmospheric gem, a power of nature The atmospheric gem is the true rarest gem in Evergreen as it is only found in one place, on the tip of Steffy’s magical staff. It has the power to control the atmosphere hence the name atmospheric gem, thanks to its power to control the atmosphere, Steffy chose this gem as his crystal of choice to harness its magical properties. Though Steffy never found this gem in nature since it is a mix between Aletine, Lempty and Celusi. The exact process of how the Atmospheric gem came into existence is still a closely guarded secret with only Steffy and The One Hundred knowing how the gem was fabricated. The exact origins of the Atmospheric Gem remain a closely guarded secret. While Steffy acknowledges the possibility of finding such a gem naturally in a faraway corner of the universe, he downplays the chances of it existing on Evergreen. It takes intense heat and pressure to let it form correctly and there were many failed attempts to create Atmopsheric with the failures themselves playing a crucial role in the final product. It is quite obvious what Atmospheric does, however, how it achieves this control remains a mystery. Steffy and The One Hundred keep the details shrouded in secrecy. This secrecy fuels speculation: what truly powers the gem, and what drove Steffy to dedicate over a century to crafting it for a seemingly limited ability to control the weather? Could there be a grander purpose behind its creation, a power yet to be revealed? Celusi, the geriatric gem of Tyrlosuh Celusi is one of the rarest gems in the kingdom rivaled only by Aletine. It can only be found in Heatherlea, usually near a patch of heatherberry; studies have shown that the heatherberry benefits from the light residue that emanates from the Celusi. The major families of Evergreen usually have a reserve of Celusi to pay the more hefty fines as well as create new heirlooms for each generation. Unlike the highly sought-after Aletine, Celusi possesses no outwardly magical properties, at least to the casual observer. Steffy and the other major powers seem largely uninterested in the gem. Yet, a single, magnificent purple Celusi, a rarity in its own right, resides with the Tyrlosuh family, one of Evergreen's wealthiest and most prominent lineages, containing almost 250 current living descendants and over 10 generations are currently in the lineage which means they’re are 140 year old people in the family. Botinelosi, is the oldest person in the family standing at 164 years old and is the first person to ever use Celusi in the art of crafting. He stumbled across it while mining in the outskirts of Heatherlea near the village where the family originated, affectionately also named Tyrlosuh. Steffy originally seized control of the mine where Botinelosi found it. The quick seizure of the mine raised suspicion on the properties of Celusi. Steffy eventually allowed Botinelosi to have full control over the mine. Rumors spread through the kingdom like a wildfire, Botinelosi's silence on the matter, coupled with the Tyrlosuh family's secrecy, fuels the rumors. What truth are they hiding? Could Celusi's beauty mask a more significant purpose, a power that rivals even Aletine's? Polompty, a concoction of nature Polompty, a breathtaking gem with an allure unlike any other, shimmers with the colors of Lempty, accented by veins of Eslud embedded deep within its interior. It also comes from the same location as Celusi, near the Tyrlosuh village. By taking its location into consideration it may lead you to believe that Polompty is simply an underdeveloped version of Celusi, which is what Botinelosi originally believed when first discovering it in the abandoned Reveras mine right near the Tyrlosuh mine. Polompty was originally put under extensive studies to discover more information on it, all the studies ended up coming with one answer: Polompty is a marvel of nature, a harmonious blend of 6 different stones and gems. Which explains the presence of Eslud in its core as well as the colors of Lempty. Since it has such a strange yet intriguing beauty it captivated crafters's curiosity which caused an influx of its use to fabricate jewelry. However when Lomi, daughter of Botinelosi, became head of the family the mine was closed off to the public and all sales of Polompty stopped causing shockwaves in the gem market, sparking the infamous Polompty rush. The Polompty rush, a desperate search After Lomi shut down the mine, the supply of Polompty slowly trickled to a stop. Lomi's aged father, Botinelosi, allowed his son Bisel to sell the remaining stones stored in the Tyrlosuh archives. With the Polompty market back on its feet, the family had satiated the market’s hunger. However, Lomi had a different vision for the family's future. She declared her son, Utigo, as her heir, bypassing Bisel's claim. Bisel sadly accepted to avoid being ostracized by the family ending the power struggle for the leadership of the Tyrlosuh lineage. The gem market, unable to sway Lomi, eventually turned its attention elsewhere. It wasn't long before the Retule family, sworn rivals of the Tyrlosuh family, discovered a small grove of Polompty near their Heatherberry fields. With the supply restored, markets everywhere flourished and the Polompty rush ended. This new source rekindled the market for three years, until this supply dwindled as well. Now, with both sources depleted and demand still high, a question lingers: Why did Lomi close the mine, causing economic turmoil? Does she possess knowledge of a hidden danger associated with Polompty, or is there a deeper secret to this extraordinary gem's origin? Families of Evergreen, cults in disguise Tyrlosuh family, from gemstone guardians to fallen shadows The Tyrlosuh family is the largest and wealthiest family in the entire history of the kingdom, they originate from Heatherlea and their family founder is Botinesoli and his loving wife Temorla Tyrlosuh who had 2 children, Lomi Tyrlosuh and Bisel Tyrlosuh. Bisel was originally the next heir for the head of the Tyrlosuh family but after Lomi took power as the first heir she decided to declare her son Ugito as the next heir. Bisel accepted his fate to never be head of the family to avoid being exiled by Lomi. With her decision she completely bypassed Bisel’s bloodline from the lineage, completely extinguishing any chance for any of his descendants to ever ascend to the title of head of family. Though this has never been done in the family, Lomi received backlash from both family members as well as the public as this was seen as an unforgivable act of treason to her own blood. With her destructive decision she removed over 30 descendants from having the last name Tyrlosuh. Bisel’s new family line, the Bisenoty, decided to declare a familial war against the Tyrlosuh. Sparking the Biserlosuh familial war. The Biserlosuh Familial war After Bisel declared a familial war against the Lomi, the population of Azalea and the, affectionately named, Tyrlosuh town, started to pick sides. At the time Bisel had the most support by the villagers considering Lomi was the cause of the Polompty rush. Which brought both fortune and misfortune, and had threatened to burn villager’s houses unless they followed her orders as their new leader, which sowed distrust between the populace. The war was not particularly disastrous since it was between 2 armies of around 400 people. Though the amount of lives lost caused an impact in the surrounding area and sent a shockwave in the gem trade market since the Tyrlosuh family were the largest exporters of stones and gems. Both families ended up losing a combined 86 members, 21 from the Bisenoty family leaving only 13 people left and the rest were from the Tyrlosuh family. This disaster would leave over 1300 civilians injured and over 700 dead, it also caused the partial destruction of the town of Tyrlosuh and the complete destruction of the Bisenoty town. Though not only the family’s town were left in ruin, entire neighborhoods of Azalea were utterly ravaged thanks to the supporters of the 2 families. With Evergreen on the brink of a civil war, Steffy himself had to step in and end the war. Though his attempts failed and the war continued for another 2 years before Lomi and Bisel decided to end the battle for the safety of the kingdom as more and more supporters began to sprout and begin fighting in the other towns. With Evergreen on the brink of absolute and utter chaos, Evergreen’s main entrances were shut down and the capital went into lockdown as protests arose, those protests leading into more chaos with the 2 sides arguing and fighting right outside the Main Hall. The Tyrlosuh archives were burned, the Tyrlosuh and the Reveras mines caved in in certain parts and the majority of the Tyrlosuh made jewelry was either sold to another crafter or destroyed entirely sending hundreds of thousands of objects into the Gray Realm causing a widespread jewelry shortage as well as worries on the safety of the Gray realm. After the war ended the Tyrlosuh family was fined 400 pieces of Celusi and their entire Polompty fortune was seized by the Heathotels. Downfall of the Tyrlosuh After the end of the Biserlosuh war, the Tyrlosuh family lost control over the Polompty mine, the majority of their Celusi hoard, their archive was burned to the ground and their hometown was partially in ruins. With Lomi’s dictatorship over the family and her undying hate for the Bisenoty family as well as the Retule family, she forced the Bisenoty family, which was ravaged by the war, to merge back into the Tyrlosuh family name, unifying the rivals and stopping any further familial civil wars from happening. Bisel decided to step down from the lineage and instead become the first person in the history of Evergreen to not be part of a family, whether it is big or small. With Bisel now gone Lomi had no one to challenge her in her dictatorship of the Tyrlosuh family. Until Botinelosi, founder of the family, decided that the lineage had embarrassed itself enough and removed Lomi as ruler. But Lomi refused and since Botinelosi was in his early 160s he couldn’t fight back against her and allowed her to continue her rule. The public had already lost interest in the family and was now fully against it destroying any hope of any new ruler to repair the damage caused by Lomi’s reckless decisions. The Tyrlosuh family, once revered, now exists as a cautionary tale. Their fall from grace serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the devastating consequences of family discord. However, whispers still linger. Is Lomi truly broken, or is she biding her time, waiting for the opportunity to reclaim her lost glory? And what secrets lie buried beneath the ashes of the Tyrlosuh archives? The answers to these questions may hold the key to the Tyrlosuh family's redemption or their complete downfall. Retule family, fruit fanatics or fantasy fighters? The Retule family stands as a beacon of peace in the often-turbulent world of Evergreen. Unlike their gem-obsessed counterparts, the Tyrlosuh, the Retules view conflict with a deep aversion. Witnessing the devastation of the Biserlosuh War solidified their pacifistic stance. They famously disarmed themselves, donating all their Aletine weaponry to the Aletinians. But they still needed to make a profit, so their founder, Ruservi, created the Reveras mine right near the future area for the Tyrlosuh mine. Ruservi was the first person to explore and exploit that part of the kingdom since it was usually used as a tourist attraction for the rest of the towns to visit the lovely northern flora. He eventually discovered a cave which led into a large cluster of Celusi, which eventually led him to create the Reveras mine to mine out this new source of gems for the kingdom. After extensive testing his scholars noticed that Celusi had positive benefits to Heatherberry and enhanced its growth which led Ruservi to found the largest Heatherberry farm in the history of the kingdom. He led the family into a fruit empire for 140 years until he grew too old to lead the family anymore, at his 178th cycle he decided that his son Rymo would become the new leader of the Retule family. This decision came after the end of the Biserlosuh war which started a large change of ruler in many sections of the kingdom, families were giving way to new rulers and the cults were discussing the leaderships. Steffy decided to join in the massive leadership change adding new managers into the departments and a new Head Librarian into the archives. By the end of the leadership changing era Ruservi had already been ruler of the Retule family for a few months, during those few months he had commissioned the construction of a new town for the Retule family and everyone else who wanted to live there. Though this new project was a cover up for a more devious plot, he was in fact commissioning the Aletinians to forge Lempty weapons for his descendants, which caused distrust in the family after news of this plan came into the light. This revelation cast a shadow over the family's pacifistic ideals. Was Ruservi preparing for a war he alone foresaw? Or was there another, undisclosed reason for the clandestine weapon production? These questions continue to plague the Retules, a family caught between their commitment to peace and the shadows of a hidden agenda. Gatosi family, shadows of the kingdom Hidden within the bustling kingdom of Evergreen lies the Gatosi family, shrouded in secrecy and wielding a power unseen. The Gatosi are in charge of the safety of the archives which explains their secrecy and low popularity amongst the populace of Evergreen. They do not have any famous appearance nor have they ever participated in a war since their founding 3000 years ago. Their founder, Guvn, created the family after he noticed the amount of hate that the concealed archives would get from the public. Forever haunted by the everlasting threat of misuse in the archives. He decided to found a new family that would be in charge of protecting these archives and maintaining their secrecy. But considering the fact that Guvn founded the family over 3000 years ago it means he is long dead, he was 343 at the time of his death which leaves him as the longest serving Head Of Family in the history of the kingdom. They originally were treated with hate because the archives were seen as a threat thousands of years ago. But nowadays the archives are a staple in the culture of Evergreen. Captivating the public’s knowledge on what could be hiding in those labyrinth-like buildings. Now, nestled away in the secluded neighborhoods of Islafield, the Gatosi cultivate their unique Yoern vegetables, rumored to enhance mental clarity, a necessity for navigating the labyrinthine archives. While whispers of their reclusive nature follow them, the Gatosis family silently fulfills their role, the shadows of the kingdom their only companions. Fruits of Evergreen, source of nourishment and mystery Heatherberry The humble heatherberry is a ubiquitous presence in Evergreen's northern villages, especially Heatherlea, its namesake. This incredibly common fruit harbors a rare variant, the purple and orange heatherberry found only in one singular farm in Heatherlea. The farm’s owner has kept their identity to protect this incredibly rare variant of heatherberry. The whispers of Evergreen have always condensed into a wide array of conspiracy theories, in this case they believe that the heatherberry is a mystical edible stone that was brought to the kingdom from the forgotten civilization before Evergreen. Despite repeated debunking. A plethora of people still believe that this outlandish theory is true. The purple and orange heatherberry has been widely known for its rarity but also for its properties. The purple and orange heatherberry has been subject to multiple tests, including Eshwar Mestec’s famous 7676AGE experiments. Controversy and mystery cling to the heatherberry, yet it remains the kingdom's beloved snack, a daily indulgence for an impressive 96% of the population.
If you took the time to read everything please give me feedback or some sort of constructive criticism please
submitted by Steffy_Cookies to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:27 Objective_Purpose970 [F playing M 4 A] Looking for a Star Wars/SWTOR story!

Hello lovely people! I'm female in my late 20s looking for other writers at least 21+ for a good Star Wars plot. The Old Republic is one of my favorite eras, but I've got plenty of inspiration for the Imperial and post-civil war era too. If you aren't familiar with the Old Republic era but might be interested, I would love to infodump on you - the very brief tl;dr is the galaxy is at war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and there's about as many Sith as Jedi.
I prefer to write Imperial characters, but have a handful of Republic and unaffiliated/underworld OCs, too. I also love, with the help of an RP partner, to fill in the world around our mains with an interesting supporting cast.
I'm hoping to find someone who loves helping to plot and plan, and is willing to help with fleshing out the world around our characters. I'm fairly laid back about reply length and speed, and prefer quality over quantity always: sometimes dialogue or a fight scene only takes a paragraph to drive action forward, but a new setting and character intro requires a dozen. Give me enough to work with and move the plot and I'll usually roughly match length. I'm also entirely ghost friendly. Communication is always appreciated, but this is a hobby, we're adults here, and sometimes real life happens or you lose the inspiration.
I love slow burn romance and enemies to lovers, but prefer not to force chemistry that isn't there and don't require romance in an RP. I also don't write smut. MxF preferred for romance, but any sort of pairing is welcome if we're not going that route. I also dearly love unlikely allies, morally gray characters (but also genuinely good characters - I adore Jedi characters who are truly devoted to the Jedi code, even the "uncool" parts), strongly held ideals (whether good or bad), characters who do good things for bad reasons or bad things for good reasons, realistic strengths and weaknesses and characters who do fail and fall and struggle but get back up.
If any of this appeals to you please shoot me a message with just a little bit about yourself and some character and/or plot ideas! I've got plenty of ideas as well and an exhaustive list of OCs, but I'd really love to create something new with a partner and make these ideas our own. I can't wait to hear from you!
submitted by Objective_Purpose970 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:27 Objective_Purpose970 [F playing M 4 A] Looking for a Star Wars/SWTOR story!

Hello lovely people! I'm female in my late 20s looking for other writers at least 21+ for a good Star Wars plot. The Old Republic is one of my favorite eras, but I've got plenty of inspiration for the Imperial and post-civil war era too. If you aren't familiar with the Old Republic era but might be interested, I would love to infodump on you - the very brief tl;dr is the galaxy is at war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and there's about as many Sith as Jedi.
I prefer to write Imperial characters, but have a handful of Republic and unaffiliated/underworld OCs, too. I also love, with the help of an RP partner, to fill in the world around our mains with an interesting supporting cast.
I'm hoping to find someone who loves helping to plot and plan, and is willing to help with fleshing out the world around our characters. I'm fairly laid back about reply length and speed, and prefer quality over quantity always: sometimes dialogue or a fight scene only takes a paragraph to drive action forward, but a new setting and character intro requires a dozen. Give me enough to work with and move the plot and I'll usually roughly match length. I'm also entirely ghost friendly. Communication is always appreciated, but this is a hobby, we're adults here, and sometimes real life happens or you lose the inspiration.
I love slow burn romance and enemies to lovers, but prefer not to force chemistry that isn't there and don't require romance in an RP. I also don't write smut. MxF preferred for romance, but any sort of pairing is welcome if we're not going that route. I also dearly love unlikely allies, morally gray characters (but also genuinely good characters - I adore Jedi characters who are truly devoted to the Jedi code, even the "uncool" parts), strongly held ideals (whether good or bad), characters who do good things for bad reasons or bad things for good reasons, realistic strengths and weaknesses and characters who do fail and fall and struggle but get back up.
If any of this appeals to you please shoot me a message with just a little bit about yourself and some character and/or plot ideas! I've got plenty of ideas as well and an exhaustive list of OCs, but I'd really love to create something new with a partner and make these ideas our own. I can't wait to hear from you!
submitted by Objective_Purpose970 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:26 Objective_Purpose970 [F playing M 4 A] Looking for a Star Wars/SWTOR story!

Hello lovely people! I'm female in my late 20s looking for other writers at least 21+ for a good Star Wars plot. The Old Republic is one of my favorite eras, but I've got plenty of inspiration for the Imperial and post-civil war era too. If you aren't familiar with the Old Republic era but might be interested, I would love to infodump on you - the very brief tl;dr is the galaxy is at war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, and there's about as many Sith as Jedi.
I prefer to write Imperial characters, but have a handful of Republic and unaffiliated/underworld OCs, too. I also love, with the help of an RP partner, to fill in the world around our mains with an interesting supporting cast.
I'm hoping to find someone who loves helping to plot and plan, and is willing to help with fleshing out the world around our characters. I'm fairly laid back about reply length and speed, and prefer quality over quantity always: sometimes dialogue or a fight scene only takes a paragraph to drive action forward, but a new setting and character intro requires a dozen. Give me enough to work with and move the plot and I'll usually roughly match length. I'm also entirely ghost friendly. Communication is always appreciated, but this is a hobby, we're adults here, and sometimes real life happens or you lose the inspiration.
I love slow burn romance and enemies to lovers, but prefer not to force chemistry that isn't there and don't require romance in an RP. I also don't write smut. MxF preferred for romance, but any sort of pairing is welcome if we're not going that route. I also dearly love unlikely allies, morally gray characters (but also genuinely good characters - I adore Jedi characters who are truly devoted to the Jedi code, even the "uncool" parts), strongly held ideals (whether good or bad), characters who do good things for bad reasons or bad things for good reasons, realistic strengths and weaknesses and characters who do fail and fall and struggle but get back up.
If any of this appeals to you please shoot me a message with just a little bit about yourself and some character and/or plot ideas! I've got plenty of ideas as well and an exhaustive list of OCs, but I'd really love to create something new with a partner and make these ideas our own. I can't wait to hear from you!
submitted by Objective_Purpose970 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:19 I_AM_LEGEND123 trying to torrent ghost of Tsushima but i keep getting this. Any fix? ignore background

trying to torrent ghost of Tsushima but i keep getting this. Any fix? ignore background submitted by I_AM_LEGEND123 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:14 hubb2001 Translation Status Update/Discussion - May 19

Previous thread
This is the weekly translation status update thread. Use this thread to discuss translation news, issues, titles you're looking forward to, etc.
Note: This is simply a mirror from 4chan's weekly thread on the /jp/ board. All credit goes to the user VNTS there. I'm simply copying and pasting for discussion sake here since some people can't access 4chan.
Entries in Bold have had changes since last week
Entries in itallics denote my own changes

Fan Translations

  • 12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 42% translated
  • Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated and edited, 70.11% through QA
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated, 42,368 lines edited (69.69%), 4,793 (7.88%) through QA
  • Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
  • CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 70.54% translated, 22.70% edited
  • CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated, 55.30% edited
  • Chusingura 46+1 - 36843/82770 (44.51%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
  • Dragon Knight 4 - 60% translated, playtesting also ongoing
  • Fate/Stay Night - Partial patch released with a new translation for Fate/UBW/9 days of HF
  • Haruka na Sora - Sora and Yahiro routes translated, Kozue 75% translated, Sora 90% edited
  • Honoo no Haramase Oppai Nyuu Doukyuusei ~Oppai mo Haramase! New Class Zen'in Harama-sensation!~ - Picked up, porting to Ren'Py
  • If My Heart Had Wings: Snow Presents - 100% translated, 100% edited
  • Jisatsu no Tame no 101 no Houhou - 17% translated
  • Junketsu Megami-Sama - 2nd Alpha patch released, Astarotte route finishing up
  • Kaseki no Uta - 100% translated, 4770/15389 (31%) edited
  • Ken ga Kimi - 58% translated
  • Koukan no Toriko-Tachi - Prologue, common, and Cuckold Play route translated, Swinging Route 35%, Yukari POV 40%
  • Kud Wafter - AA Version 23,835/31,579 (75.5%) Lines translated, 18+ Version 19,240 / 33,113 (58.1%) lines translated
  • Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~ - Translation finished, fully edited
  • Lover Able - 100% translated and edited, 9419/32258 lines approved (29.47%)
  • Lucky Star ~Ryouou Gakuen Outousai~ - episode 1 patch released
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A - Ryouken Route After - 2,647/3,494 (75.76%) lines translated
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A Plus Disk - Preparing files
  • Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru - 66% translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o - 1 of 4 routes translation finished for the restoration patch, Houkiboshi Hika 2 of 4 H-scenes translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o: Interstellar Focus - 100% translated, 89.6% edited
  • Nursery Rhyme - 100% translated and edited, text insertion 100% complete, testing ongoing
  • Pure Pure - 100% translated, needs proofreading, partial patch released, all routes have been inserted
  • Sakura no Uta - Chapter I 30% translated
  • Sakura Wars 2 - Demo patch released, ADV, Battle, and "Long Day in the Theater" mode fully translated, disc 1 text inserted
  • Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki - Both original and fan disc 100% translated, in need of editing
  • Shirotsume Yubiwa - 100% translated, 50% beta patch released
  • Shizuku - 120/197 script files translated, 20/197 edited
  • Taima Seiko Alice - 45% translated, 35% edited, 35% proofread, 1st partial patch out
  • Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu - 100% translated, Editing ongoing
  • To Heart - 720/993 scripts translated, 200/993 edited
  • Tokimeki Memorial 2 - Being translated
  • Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 4 - 55% translated
  • Tsui no Sora Remake - 100% translated and edited, finalization progressing
  • Umi kara Kuru Mono - 91/138 scripts translated
  • Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete - 23243/35416 (65.6%) lines translated
  • Yosuga no Sora - Translation finished, editing and TLC ongoing, Total: TL 100% TLC 71% ED 55%, Common/Kazuha/Motoka/Sora routes fully edited

Official work


  • The Pillagers of Raillore - Out of Beta
  • Ciconia - Phase 1 Released
  • Hadaka Shitsuji fandisc - Picked up
  • Rance 03 - 79% translated, 41% edited
  • Rance X - 94% translated, 5% edited
  • Luckydog1 - 100% translated and edited
  • Funbag Fantasy 4 - 84% translated, 80% edited
  • Eve of the 12th Month - 100% translated and 88% edited
  • DEAD DAYS - 100% translated and edited
  • Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - 88% translated and 81% edited
  • Welcome to a Sexy, Open World - 98% translated and 90% edited


  • Sisters: Last Day of Summer - June 3rd release
  • Sumaga- Slow progress ongoing
  • Katahane - Progress being made again
  • Django - Not actively making progress
  • Tokyo Hero Project - Translation finished, dealing with bugs
  • Machine Child - Still being developed
  • Yomegami: My Sweet Goddess - 100% translated
  • Yamizome Liberator - Picked up
  • Mojika: Truth Rears Its Ugly Head - Picked up
  • Djibril - 100% translated, in editing
  • Masquerade: Hell Academy - Through 1st QA pass, in 2nd QA pass


  • NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN - In QA Testing, 2024 release
  • Happy Saint Sheol - 100% edited, 40% QA, Demo released
  • Harumade Kururu - Waiting on build
  • Rewrite+ Harvest Festa - 100% translated, 40% edited, Steam page up, 2024 release
  • Subete no Koi ni, Hanabata o. - 50% translated
  • Sumire - Picked up
  • Sanarara R - 100% translated and edited, waiting on build
  • Glass - Picked up
  • New Glass - Picked up
  • Karakara 3 - 100% translated and edited, 70% engine work
  • Yume to Iro de Dekiteiru - 100% translated, 35% edited
  • Zutto Mae Kara Joshi Deshita - 100% translated, in editing
  • A Maiden's Serenade - In Editing
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi 10% translated
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi AA - Announced
  • Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka - 50% translated
  • Hamidashi Creative - Announced
  • Inupara - In Development
  • Nekopara After La Vraie Familie - In Development
  • Raspberry Cube - Announced
  • Wagamama High Spec OC - In Translation


  • Angel Chaos RE-BOOT!- Delayed after Steam rejection
  • Dracu Riot - Waiting on Build, Release date announcement on hold until after Angel Chaos
  • Melty Moment - 80% translated
  • Fureraba Complete edition - Vita exclusive content to be added to Fureraba a couple months after the fandisc release
  • Floral Flowlove - 100% translated, 70% edited, enging port ongoing
  • Kakenuke Seishun Sparking - 80% translated, 70% edited, QA started
  • Love, Elections, & Chocolate - 100% translated and edited, Engine port nearly finished, entering QA shortly
  • Love Love Love, Burning in my Heart! - 100% translated and 74% edited
  • Ready or Not: The Deadline is Coming! - 100% translated, 99% edited, waiting on build
  • Mysteries of the Heart: The Psychic Detective Case Files - 100% translated and edited, engine work in progress
  • Secret Project 2 - 100% translated and edited, queued for Unity port
  • Secret Project 3 - 100% translated and edited, 50% though QA


  • SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky - Announced




  • Lilja and Natsuka: Painting Lies - July 25th release
  • Revue Starlight El Dorado - August 8th release
  • Everlasting Flowers - Where there is a will, there is a way - August 29th release date
  • Sharin no Kuni - Working to resolve remaining issues


  • Radiant Tale -Fanfare- - June 27th release
  • Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch - Summer release
  • Virche Evermore -EpiC: Lycoris- - Fall release
  • Despera Drops - 2025 release

Age titles

  • Kiminozo - Aiming for a Summer 2024 release


  • Two Beasts Or Not To Beast!! - 2.0 version, editing in progress
  • Forbidden Ward - In Pre-Production

Saikey Studios (mix of official/unofficial)

  • The Reason For Your Smile - Steam page up, Happy and NTR routes translated
  • Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ - 50% translated


  • Knight Case Files - Trial released, upcoming release


  • Corpse Party II - Darkness Distortion - 2024 release

Voltage Inc.

  • Project Code Kaleido Tower - 2024 release
  • Project Code Neon Mafia - 2024 release
  • Project Code Vampire Hunter - 2025 release


  • Re;quartz Raid - 2024 release

MediBang Inc.

  • Cocktail Magic - Upcoming release

Kamitsubaki Studio


Dayu Zixun

  • Voice Love on Air - Upcoming release


  • AMANATSU ~Perfect Edition~ - Released
  • Destiny Star Girlfriend 2 - Q2 2024 release
  • Real Hentai Situation! 2 - 2024 release
  • NYO-NIN-JIMA -My New Life in Charge of a Tropical Island- - 2024 release
  • An Aunt After My Own Heart - 2024 release, rejected by Steam
  • Kara no Shoujo III - Announced
  • Sacrifice Villains - Announced

Dramatic Create

Kagura Games

  • Forsaken Quartet - Released
  • Yoru ga Kuru! -Square of the Moon- Remastered - 2024 release
  • Angel Tear: Goddess Betrayed - Upcoming release


  • Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - June 27th release
  • Fate/stay night REMASTERED - 2024 release
  • Hookah Haze - 2024 release
  • Tanetsumi no Uta - 2024 release

Spike Chunsoft

Love Lab

  • Ever Maiden - 2024 release


  • Friendly lab - unlock(); - Upcoming release
  • Club Suicide - Picked up

Idea Factory

  • Cupid Parasite: Sweet and Spicy Darling - May 28th release
  • 9 R.I.P. - Fall 2024 release
  • Date A Live: Ren Dystopia - 2024 release


  • Geminism - English version announced


  • Monkeys! - English release planned


  • Haunted Obachestra Vol.1 Awaking - Upcoming release

Alice In Dissonance

  • Fault Milestone 2 - Side Below - Upcoming release


  • Shinjuku Soumei - Demo Released, May 24th release

MiKandi Japan

  • Libra of the Vampire Princess - All versions of the patches in testing


  • Paradise Cleaning! -Tutor X Hypnosis- - Upcoming release

072 Project

  • Princess Paradise - 2024 release


  • NTR with hypnosis application - Upcoming release

Eroge Japan

Tensei Games

  • Unfaithful Wife: Ayano's "Netorare Report" - My gentle wife is fucking another man - - Q2 2024 release


  • Tokyo Psychodemic - Demo released, May 30th release

Dark Nyaa

  • Master & Succubi Hentai Lessons 2 - April release


  • Him, the Smile & Bloom - August 8th release

Cherry Kiss

  • Cosplay Cumdump: Doing it Doujin Style - May 23rd release


submitted by hubb2001 to vns [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:47 raphaguasta Desafiando o status quo: uma reflexão sobre inovação no mundo digital

“Desafiar o status quo” pode parecer só mais uma frase clichê que pode ser usada num post do Linkedin pra chamar a atenção e contar uma história bonita.
Mas eu acredito que se essa ideia for realmente levada a sério, pode sim trazer reais benefícios, independente do contexto em que for aplicada. 📝
Perguntei ao ChatGPT o significado dessa frase e recebi a seguinte resposta:
“Desafiar o status quo significa questionar e desafiar o estado atual das coisas, especialmente em termos de normas, práticas, e sistemas estabelecidos. Isso envolve não aceitar as coisas como são simplesmente porque sempre foram assim, e em vez disso, buscar melhorias, inovações ou mudanças que possam trazer benefícios ou resolver problemas existentes. É uma atitude que pode levar a novas ideias, abordagens mais eficazes e progresso em diversos campos, incluindo negócios, tecnologia, sociedade e cultura.“
Claro que isso não é exatamente uma definição oficial, mas achei que o resultado explica bem a ideia! 💡
Sabendo disso, podemos pensar: como desafiar o status quo no mundo de tecnologia e produtos digitais?
Essa reflexão pode ser direcionada tomar diferentes rumos, mas agora eu quero focar em como algumas empresas já estão fazendo isso - e talvez você nem tenha percebido.

É assim desde sempre

Sabe aqueles produtos ou mercados em que rapidamente você identifica um ou dois líderes?
Você pensaria em criar uma empresa que desafia algum desses líderes absolutos? Investiria milhões em uma empresa que tem uma iniciativa para concorrer com algum destes grandes players?
Bom, existem empresas tentando fazendo isso - algumas até conseguiram! 🧐

Novas experiências, necessidades antigas

Aplicativo de email 📧
Por onde você acessa seu email pessoal, provavelmente pelo Gmail ou Outlook, certo?
E não tem motivo pra mudar, tudo funciona bem há mais de 10 anos. Envio e recebimento de emails, guardo, organizo e apago emails, tudo ok.
Lembra que eu falei sobre o status quo? Pois é!
O pessoal do Superhuman foi maluco o suficiente pra tentar criar uma experiência melhor do que o Gmail - e na minha opinião conseguiram!
Você pode continuar usando o seu []( enquanto aproveita todas as facilidades do aplicativo do Superhuman.
Eles conseguiram fazer melhor do que aquilo que “era assim e pronto”.
O resultado: um valuation de U$D 825mi.
Escrever documentos e textos digitais 📃
Você usa o Google Docs ou o bom e velho Microsoft Word, certo?
Você pode escrever documentos de todos os tipos, colocar títulos, formatar textos, colar imagens, inserir links, etc. Não há outro jeito de criar documentos escritos de forma online, certo?
Hoje em dia, não mais.
O Notion foi lançado em 2016 e já conseguiu um valuation de U$D 10 bi!
Sabe aquela coisa de linkar um documento no outro e organizar tudo em pastas? O Notion criou uma forma diferente e única de fazer isso.
Os próprios documentos do produto são páginas que assumem diferentes formatos, podem ser incorporadas e ligadas umas as outras, podem carregar preview de links externos, vídeos do Youtube, etc… E tudo é organizado em um workspace.
É uma proposta bem diferente do que a maioria está acostumada!
CMS - Content Management System
Talvez você não conheça como CMS, mas já ouviu falar de Wordpress?
Isso, aquele sistema de “fazer blogs” que já tem 20 anos de idade e um ecossistema mega robusto.
É impossível combatê-los: serve para criar sites rápidos, com conteúdos gerenciáveis, funciona para blog, ecommerce, ainda dá pra usar um construtor visual super legal, dá pra fazer quase qualquer coisa! Não há nada melhor que o bom e velho Wordpress (apesar de alguns críticos).
Mas como você deve imaginar, tem gente tentando ocupar esse espaço. O mais legal: são brasileiros!
O pessoal da fundou a empresa em 2022 e lançou seu produto para o mundo há poucas semanas.
A proposta deles é ser ainda mais simples, rápido e eficiente do que o tradicional CMS, além de ter uma pitada de “2024“ - já vem com uma integração GPT powered para e-commerces.
Ao contrário dos exemplos acima, eles estão chegando agora, vamos acompanhar!
Redes sociais
Antes de conhecer o Facebook, a gente imaginava que o Orkut nunca ia sair de moda (eu odeio acordar cedo - entendedores entenderão).
Depois que o Facebook surgiu, ninguém imaginava que o Instagram seria uma ameaça.
Bom, agora tudo é no Insta, nada a ver esse Tiktok. Ops, quer dizer…
Claro que todas essas redes são diferentes e tem diferentes propostas, mas percebe como “de um dia pro outro“ o status quo de qual é a rede social mais legal do momento muda de vez?

Que assim seja 🚀

Essas e outras movimentações no mundo digital tem me indicado que isso vai acontecer bastante nos próximos anos. Torço por isso!
Imagino que se você está aqui lendo essa edição, deve estar acompanhando a possível ameaça da OpenAI ao Google, certo?! Isso vai ser uma briga das grandes!
Que venham as pessoas corajosas, com empresas empenhadas em superar as consolidadas; as startups com sonhos maiores do que apenas chegar à próxima rodada de financiamento; os fundos de venture capital dispostos a investir em teses realmente ousadas. Que venha a inovação! 💡
Esse texto é parte da edição 13 da newsletter O Digital.
Para receber as próximas edições no seu email, se inscreve direto lá na página da newsletter! :)
submitted by raphaguasta to devBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 The_Navage_killer He is not the last. There is another.

Ever wished there was an LOK magazine? Here's a scenario.
The hylden seer, assuming she was already a thing in earlier timelines, remains as the last vampire after Raziel kills Kain with the reaver, races to the silenced cathedral to rid the world of any remaining Kain spawn, and then politely folds himself away into the blade for safekeeping. Ahh, Timeline 2.
Elder god seemed to believe this was the end, that the worldwide vampire count would be brought to zero after the time loop completed its work.
So Elder missed one. The fun is in figuring out what made The Seer invisible to the many eyed god. Because that's a trick Kain could benefit greatly from learning. Could be she carries a magic artifact that cloaks her similar to Elder's own ability to go Unseen, or powerful magics went in to crafting her unique hybrid status with the result that she's a cosmic exception to the rules, not only escaping Banishment but also escaping detection by the true enemy the hylden knew they were fighting? A truly invisible person would probably be trying not to have any impact on history, to avoid drawing the god's many eyes to themself, and she failed that test as soon as we met her. Hmmm.
Does one Timestreamer have difficulty spying another??? The "prophet's camouflage." Or she may be hiding in plain sight by making sure her fate line reads as harmless when scanned by other Powers. For example, Elder may "know" she's a sterile mule, incapable of spreading the vampire curse to others. This could cause him to overlook her as a non-factor. And if she's discovered a way to overcome this sterility she knows not to reveal this until a moment comes when Elder can be blindsided by a new era of vampirism, her hybrid species brood.
Siring hylden vampires would be a way for the Seer to make friends and influence people, creating a pathway for her ascendence to the hylden throne, etc. Creating an army would make her an interesting mirror image of Vorador, perhaps ultimately tracing back to whatever passed between them that left her owing Vorador a favor. What if Vorador only unlocked her ability to sire vampires in the most recent BO2 timeline, after vampire paradoxes caused Elder to lose control of the timeline?
As paradoxes improve Kain's fate, the Seer watches. She's watched Kain go from dead to an increasingly relevant player in Nosgoth's endgame, whatever that might be. Yet she still claims her fate lies along a different path than his. What? How is this town big enough for the both of them? How is her plan for the future not even going to run into his? I listen to her on this because she said it with more current timeline knowledge than Kain who's been winging it ever since SoulReaver2. She's seen something he knows not. His fade? Time is vast. He could grab the center and hold on for another 2000 years with a hylden return happening on the far side of Kain's eventual retirement from history. Maybe Kain tires of one planet and hylden science makes it possible for him to take off for the stars. Or he and Elder knock one another out of existence, leaving the world to the hybrid hylden and humans.
If the forever war is ever to end, the hybridizing of vampire and hylden into one species is a serious attempt at smoothing out their differences, is it not? Kind of a sad concession to have to make. Yet it's a Nosgoth style solution. And Kain would fight it, then maybe come to see the wisdom of it. Once it was clear he was an outdated old world remnant, would he let the species go in a new direction and step aside as a warrior the world no longer needs? The Seer takes the reins to usher in the long peace now that Balance has been restored?
There's lots of permutations of how it might play out, giving both Kain and Seer their wins vs fate, each for their own species, whether their efforts are separate or coordinated. That's why I favor a game format where we could play through numerous conclusions. Like a chronoplast that lets you dive in to the various future visions and join the action.
submitted by The_Navage_killer to LegacyOfKain [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 bekknqvv M.Sc Math Curriculum Guide

*This post is intended for aspirants and B4 freshers.
Broadly the B4 CDC curriculum at BITS is divided in the following manner:
Applied Math courses:
Graphs Networks(very relatable to Neural Networks)
Numerical Analysis
Differential Geometry
Differential Equation Courses
Pure Math Courses:
Functional Analysis
Electives: DSA
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Cryptography
Applied Stochastic Processes
Statistics Electives
Number Theory
Game theory etc.
The very nature of these courses:
Pure math courses are focussed around exploring the nuances of nature, the mathematical constructs and questioning their behaviour about the way they are, which we often take for granted.
Think of an open interval. Isn't it basically a set of all points in a 1 dimensional space with distance from the chosen origin less than some specified number?
(-1,1) is basically all the points on the 1D space(number line) with distances from the origin(0) less than 1 unit?
Now let's talk about the 2D space. Does this remind you of anything similar?
Well we can have a disc of radius 1! Voila!
In 3d? We have a solid sphere
You see these patterns repeating over and over, but you took this analogy for granted till date.
What about a 4D space? How would this look like in 4d? Let's talk about an nD space! Or wait.... an infinite dimensional space, even better!
Since this pattern keeps on repeating, we need to describe a general rule that applies to ever dimension space, this is called abstraction. Distances in abstract sense are called Metric. Spaces in abstract sense are called Metric Spaces.
So number line is a metric space, a-b will be it's metric
Similarly Cartesian Plane is a metric space too, root((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2) will be it's metric,
Etc etc. This is what pure math courses feel like.
In no time you will be dwelving into even higher level of abstractions. You will discover at one point that A donught and a Mug are basically two abstractions of the same thing. The theoritical aspects nature reconstructed right from the very basic, question the unquestionned.
Now let us talk about Applied Math courses:
These concepts manifest in the real world. How do you design an algorithm that helps the computer calculate derivatives? How does the computer manage to find areas under almost any curve? You will learn how Machine Learning is Basically an hijacked domain of Mathematics, Called Statistical Learning, How every other ML Model (a so called domain of computer science) is nothing but making computers run mathematical optimization algorithms like stochastiv gradient descend, linear regression, , and how that translates to More Powerful Models like Transformers, Resnets, etc.
If you stay loyal to this major, i doubt that there exists a more rewarding major to pursue on campus.
Side note, I went throught the curriculum of MNC it is is justfocussed on making computers do all these things I mentioned above, which you will be doing manually as a math major.
If Coding is handwriting, then Math is Poetry.
submitted by bekknqvv to BITSPilani [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:19 LiljaGu How should I add these two pieces of code to nginx.conf?

GNU nano 7.2 /opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

Based on

user daemon daemon; ## Default: nobody
worker_processes auto;
error_log "/opt/bitnami/nginx/logs/error.log";
pid "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/";
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
access_log "/opt/bitnami/nginx/logs/access.log" main;
add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
client_body_temp_path "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/client_body" 1 2;
proxy_temp_path "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/proxy" 1 2;
fastcgi_temp_path "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/fastcgi" 1 2;
scgi_temp_path "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/scgi" 1 2;
uwsgi_temp_path "/opt/bitnami/nginx/tmp/uwsgi" 1 2;
sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay off;
gzip on;
gzip_http_version 1.0;
gzip_comp_level 2;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/javascript text/xml application/xml+rss;
keepalive_timeout 65;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
client_max_body_size 80M;
server_tokens off;
absolute_redirect on;
port_in_redirect on;
include "/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/server_blocks/*.conf";

HTTP Server

server {

Port to listen on, can also be set in IP:PORT format

listen 80;
include "/opt/bitnami/nginx/conf/bitnami/*.conf";
location /status {
stub_status on;
access_log off;
deny all;
How should I add these two pieces of code to nginx.conf?
code a:
fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;
proxy_buffer_size 128k;
proxy_buffers 4 256k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k;
code b:
pagespeed on;
pagespeed FileCachePath /opt/bitnami/nginx/vangx_pagespeed_cache;
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thanks a lot!
submitted by LiljaGu to nginx [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:15 Killy728 Did the DSi Capture Card End with Katsukity?

Did the DSi Capture Card End with Katsukity?
This is an essay, of sorts, compiling all of the information about the Dsi Capture Card that I could find. Information may be missing or inaccurate, but what I present is my current understanding of the project.
I have an interest in reviving the concept and properly archiving every step of the process so that anyone can make a Dsi capture system. Though I didn't succeed in making the project available for people to purchase, I do hope this is a step in the right direction.
I’ll start the story and go into as much of the technical side as I can manage. If you wish to skip the story, head to the “Technical” section.


Is there a practical reason to have a Dsi capture card when the Original DS and the New 3DS/2DS family of systems can do everything the Dsi can do and more?
No, no there isn’t.
For someone like myself who adores the Dsi platform, the idea and novelty of a Dsi capture card is of great interest to me. From what I can find, the Dsi Capture card has been lost to time. Thanks to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, what was once lost can hopefully be found.
Kastuskity was the sole provider of Dsi Capture systems and far as I could tell, one of the major players in the DS/3DS capture card providers and installers in the mid 2010s. That was, up until September 13th, 2016, when the Dsi Capture systems were removed from Katsukity’s shop. I was unable to find a direct reason as to why the sale stopped, but a quote from the Nisetoro Wiki suggested difficulty as over 40 cables were needed. On the store page, you can see how a custom bottom shell was needed in order to house that capture unit.
That, and I’d assume a lack of of sales due to the prevalence of 3DS capture systems must have lead to that product being phased out. This is just my best guess based on nothing
On February 2nd, 2019, Twitter (X) user .
Their Twitter (X) has been inactive since July of 2018, their YouTube has been inactive since June of 2018, and their website and blog have all been shuttered ( I won't hyperlink these two as one redirects to a scam). Their Facebook Page also seems to have the same fate, but I cannot confirm that. From my current understanding, Katsukity has disappeared from the internet and took whatever knowledge and software with them.
Katsukity’s partner in Europe, Stefan Merki and American Inventor Neal Tew (Loopy) appear to still manufacture, install, and sell capture cards on their website, but only for the Classic DS and New 3DS/2DS. As of the writing of this post, Merki is still active on the website’s Discord Page (see their website for the invite link) and Loopy is active on their forum
It is on Merki’s Discord Server that I was able to receive a lot of information regarding the Dsi Capture System and its development. The most important, being, a video posted to Nicovideo by the user ピピン (Pippin).
This video, dating back to May 21st, 2010, shows the process of making a Nisetoro Capture card for the Dsi and its success (The videos loaded better for me on Firefox).
Their blog, which can only be accessed through Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, has their blog posts of the project as well as a ZIP containing the pinout for the Chameleon USB and various pieces of software (For lack of a better term for .svf, .dpf, .pin, .pof, .qpf,.qsf and .v files)
From here, I’ll go into the technical side of this.


~(((((From here, I have to stick a disclaimer. As much as it pains me to say, anything involving Circuit Boards and programming is well beyond my understanding. I will continue with any and all information that I have pointing to the components and software used for the project, but I will not pretend to understand any of it. Forgive my ignorance in advance. )))))~
In Pippin’s video, all of the test pins tapped and attached to a Chameleon USB were listed on their blog.
There, with the pinout sheet is a ZIP file containing various pieces of software (more on that later). I have the Pinout Sheet below in English.
Katsuity’s store page for the Dsi capture kits mentions a different capture card.
On the Fake TroCaptcha website, the process for creating a capture card for the Original DS was explained further. I can only vaguely see the images of the Chameleon board that Pippin has in their blog, but as far as I can tell, it is the same board.
Following the link on the board to this website with the Chameleon USB FX2 featured prominently /)as a “Hot” item. When searching their shop, which is local only as far as I can tell, the Chameleon USB FX2 MiniB Kit is out of stock and appears to have been discontinued in 2019 (If it means anything, that board version was V1.2 instead of V1.1, so even if it was available, I do not know if that’d cause issues).
Searching Google for the Chameleon brings up an OSHPark shared fine of a Chameleon USB FX2 by user splash5. Though this board appears to use the same chips, it's circuit layout and components looks entirely different than the one Pippin used and the one on the “How to make a Fake tro capture” page. I really cannot wrap my brain around trying to follow traces to see if this would work, but given the amount of components on this board vs the one for the DSi Capture Card, I imagine i'd have to spend time bridging traces where components went.
Going through splash5’s Github page, it would seem they are implementing a Chameleon for game capture on the Wonderswan.
That is the first major hurdle. Where can I get a comparable board? Does the Chameleon USB FX2 need to be recreated from the images in these forums?
For the software side, it is my understanding that Pippin already provided it within the ZIP. In the description of their video, they say that the software is the same as the Original DS. This is, of course, assuming that the software is the same as the one used back in 2010.
Recreating DSi capture system is well beyond my ability, I will be the first to say that. I do hope this information can help some who can revive this unique blip in DS console history.
====Resources and Additional Links==== Wayback machine last image of Katsukity’s sites:
Videos, and other webpages not used in this essay, but may be interesting:

====DSI XL Capture System====

I have this pie-in-the-sky dream of assembling and using a DSi XL with a capture card in it, but what my research dug up was a need for commissioning people much smarter than I to create the capture board and injecting the code.
That is simply something I can not do right now.
For anyone who reads this, I do hope that this pinout I made is helpful.
This is a pinout referencing the pinout from Pippin as well as the DSi XL test points on DSiBrew. I have to trust it is accurate as I do not know of a way to test it otherwise. Entries highlighted in Red have the same comment, but the numbering sequence suggests the order I put them is correct.
Anyway, that is enough for me.
(This post was intended for GBAtemp, but new people cannot post links sooo.... Here you go Reddit)
submitted by Killy728 to nds [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 Naganosupreme Crow Country- Beginning of the Game Recap and Review

Right off the bat, seeing a counter go down from 2024 to 1990 made me think there's some kind of flashback at play. Given the reverence the devs have for the past and the fact literal first second of the game is spent in 2024 (on a technicality), maybe we play across multiple characters and eras at some point? It could just be a nice visual gimmick telling the player the game takes place in 1990 but given the stellar reviews, Im expecting everything to have some kind of hidden purpose insttead of just being a gimmick.
And to follow up on that, Mara is very insistent she is Mara Forest and I better really remember that she is Mara Forest, Special Agent. Me thinks the lady dost insist too much! Given what I said before, I'm sure you know what Im already guessing about her identity.
First screen- a small, run down employee parking lot with an abandoned car covered in debris, some chain link around me and some trash bags sitting around. This screen gave me some time to figure out things, like I had no clue I could move the camera at first, thought it was like RE with tank controls and static images. A few screens later I'd look around while running down a straightaway and realize "Omg thats right, I can see this area in full 3D, it's not static. Oh cool look at the back of this thing! Oooo memos on the walls!" The notion I could look around for tons of info and puzzle? Loved it.
But Im getting ahead of myself. FIrst screen. Unlimited ammo in the trunk? You bet I started trying to shoot out car windows and objects. Nothing broke, I was sad. Welp, reload, lets go to the next screen. (There are some things to find here, so search around)
Ticket booth comment- lol.
I was asked if I want to pick stuff up and I quickly got the notion I should NOT pick up many items yet bc the ammo may be scarce, the car is loaded.
My assumption is I can keep reloading at the car early on to save ammo until the car gets compromised, then Ill be wanting all the ammo around the early areas of the park.
The moving mushrooms, staff memos and fog are all appropriately creepy as are the occasional spots of blood and an empty backpack. I skip the first area I can go into because I havent finished running all the way down this alley and I- oop, there's a guy. I had a small and a large med kit, you get the small one buddeh and you be grateful for it.
Later on I find out large med kits have antidotes and this guy also complains in my car about not feeling well. Uh oh. I think I was supposed to give him a large kit to stop him from monsterizing. I try shooting him through my window multiple times...Ok I tried shooting him in the dick when he was on the ground, too. Sue me, Im a 90s kid. BTW slight error, I hadnt aactually encountered any monsters yet but she tells the reporter she ran into a monster and it hurt her. I notice blood on her back, too. Now I DID step on a bear trap earlier so maybe having any damage triggers her to say that line? Or maybe she says it no matter what bc the devs assume I'd go forward and find trouble before heading all the way back to the car to check on this dude? Or did something happen to her before the game starts? Guess Ill find out.
I make note of the MULTITUDE of key holes, potential puzzles, codes on the floor, etc and finally encounter my first enemies in the hall. I get the distinct vibe they're reluctant to hurt me. If I put just a minor amount of distance, they stop chasing. Unless I shoot them, then they come after me. After I go down the hall, save at the fireplace and exit, I let one attack me. It's just a push and then he sounds kind of broken up about it as I lie there dead. The fact I could still spin the camera while dead had me excited there'd be something unique that'd happen but after a minute I restarted. At this point, my veteran survival horror game instincts were like "yea, just run around these dudes, dont waste ammo"
I found a few more nice areas like the excavation site and saw something about Roots being disturbed by the excavation company. Very shady. between that, gold in a trunk and a book about the gold rush, Im expecting greed gone horribly wrong, releasing something like in Ghosts of Mars. But why are there so many humans contaminated? I get the feeling the park was closed and no one was there. It doesn't sound like there was a horrible publicized accident. Maybe they're the excavators? Doubt it. And then I find a mega skeleton man. By luck I got him stuck on a metal pipe near the crow, so I could pick easy close range headshots. Stilllll took forever, tons of wasted ammo. And he was super easy to avoid AND he dropped nothing. At that point I decided to restart, avoid grabbing most items and ammo and go from there.
Throughout, there is a great atmosphere of claustrophobic tension. Nothing revolutionary, about the vibe, just a great, well done vibe, exactly what it needs to be. Gameplay-wise, some real good QOL enhancements like full 3D camera movement and the ability to move my aim up down, left right, diagonal, etc? Great. Found some environmental stuff to shoot eventually, INCLUDIING key puzzle spots. Missed my PS1 aesthetics.
Im dying to uncover the mystery of whats going on, why fake Mara...I mean Mara is here, why she's dying to meet Mr. Crow, what this monster outbreak is, etc.
Life gets in the way so Idk if Ill continue these write ups but I figured fans of the game might enjoy reading a breakdown and recap from the perspective of fresh eyes.
submitted by Naganosupreme to CrowCountry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 Blooper_Bot The Braves fell to the Padres by a score of 9-1 - Sun, May 19 @ 07:10 PM EDT

Padres @ Braves - Sun, May 19

Game Status: Game Over - Score: 9-1 Padres

Links & Info

1 Arraez - 2B 5 1 2 0 1 0 0 .309 .356 .372
2 Tatis Jr. - RF 5 1 1 2 0 2 3 .255 .346 .435
Solano - 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .462 .563 .538
3 Profar, J - LF 4 2 3 1 1 1 2 .335 .422 .522
1-Azocar - LF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .286 .340 .306
4 Cronenworth - 1B 4 1 1 2 1 1 4 .275 .344 .485
5 Machado, M - 3B 4 1 2 0 0 0 4 .224 .279 .341
a-Wade - RF 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 .246 .333 .275
6 Bogaerts - DH 4 0 1 1 0 1 2 .220 .266 .317
7 Merrill - CF 5 0 1 1 0 1 3 .291 .338 .392
8 Campusano - C 5 1 1 1 0 1 2 .264 .309 .421
9 Kim, H - SS 4 2 2 1 1 1 0 .212 .325 .370
Totals 41 9 14 9 4 9 20
a-Struck out for Machado, M in the 8th. 1-Ran for Profar, J in the 7th.
BATTING: 2B: Tatis Jr. (7, Elder); Profar, J (9, Elder). HR: Cronenworth (8, 1st inning off Elder, 1 on, 2 out); Campusano (4, 5th inning off Kerr, 0 on, 0 out); Kim, H (6, 7th inning off Kerr, 0 on, 1 out). TB: Arraez 2; Bogaerts; Campusano 4; Cronenworth 4; Kim, H 5; Machado, M 2; Merrill; Profar, J 4; Tatis Jr. 2. RBI: Bogaerts (14); Campusano (25); Cronenworth 2 (30); Kim, H (22); Merrill (18); Profar, J (31); Tatis Jr. 2 (24). 2-out RBI: Cronenworth 2; Merrill. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Cronenworth; Campusano; Merrill 2; Machado, M 2. SF: Bogaerts. Team RISP: 4-for-13. Team LOB: 10.
FIELDING: DP: 2 (Machado, M-Kim, H-Cronenworth; Solano-Arraez-Cronenworth).
1 Acuña Jr. - RF 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 .242 .354 .335
2 Albies - 2B 4 0 1 1 0 1 1 .279 .340 .414
3 Ozuna - DH 4 0 1 0 0 2 1 .323 .398 .606
4 Olson - 1B 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .222 .326 .392
5 Arcia, Or - SS 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 .245 .268 .400
6 Harris II, M - CF 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .253 .295 .373
7 Short - 3B 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 .156 .308 .219
8 Kelenic - LF 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 .247 .291 .351
9 Tromp - C 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 .220 .233 .341
Totals 29 1 4 1 1 11 5
BATTING: 2B: Ozuna (8, Darvish); Tromp (5, Kolek). TB: Albies; Arcia, Or; Ozuna 2; Tromp 2. RBI: Albies (20). Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Olson. GIDP: Harris II, M; Ozuna. Team RISP: 1-for-3. Team LOB: 2.
FIELDING: E: Acuña Jr. (1, fielding).
Padres Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Darvish (W, 4-1) 7.0 2 0 0 1 9 0 99-70 2.08
Morejon 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8-7 2.55
Kolek 1.0 2 1 1 0 0 0 17-13 4.50
Totals 9.0 4 1 1 1 11 0
Braves Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Elder (L, 1-2) 3.0 9 7 6 3 3 1 93-54 6.46
Kerr 3.1 4 2 2 0 4 2 64-46 2.89
Chavez 0.2 1 0 0 1 1 0 19-12 2.00
Lee, D 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12-7 1.27
Williams, L 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-7 0.00
Totals 9.0 14 9 8 4 9 3
Game Info
Pitches-strikes: Darvish 99-70; Morejon 8-7; Kolek 17-13; Elder 93-54; Kerr 64-46; Chavez 19-12; Lee, D 12-7; Williams, L 11-7.
Groundouts-flyouts: Darvish 6-4; Morejon 1-0; Kolek 2-0; Elder 2-1; Kerr 2-4; Chavez 0-1; Lee, D 0-1; Williams, L 1-2.
Batters faced: Darvish 23; Morejon 3; Kolek 4; Elder 21; Kerr 15; Chavez 4; Lee, D 3; Williams, L 3.
Inherited runners-scored: Kerr 1-1.
Umpires: HP: Tom Hanahan. 1B: Phil Cuzzi. 2B: Alex Tosi. 3B: Tony Randazzo.
Weather: 81 degrees, Partly Cloudy.
Wind: 5 mph, Out To LF.
First pitch: 7:10 PM.
T: 2:53.
Att: 39,203.
Venue: Truist Park.
May 19, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Top 1 Jake Cronenworth homers (8) on a fly ball to right field. Jurickson Profar scores. 2-0 SD
Top 1 Jackson Merrill singles on a ground ball to right fielder Ronald Acuña Jr. Manny Machado scores. Xander Bogaerts to 2nd. 3-0 SD
Top 4 Padres challenged (tag play), call on the field was overturned: Fernando Tatis Jr. doubles (7) on a fly ball to right fielder Ronald Acuña Jr. Ha-Seong Kim scores. Luis Arraez scores. Fernando Tatis Jr. to 3rd. 5-0 SD
Top 4 Jurickson Profar doubles (9) on a line drive to right fielder Ronald Acuña Jr. Fernando Tatis Jr. scores. 6-0 SD
Top 4 Xander Bogaerts out on a sacrifice fly to left fielder Jarred Kelenic. Jurickson Profar scores. 7-0 SD
Top 5 Luis Campusano homers (4) on a line drive to left field. 8-0 SD
Top 7 Ha-Seong Kim homers (6) on a fly ball to left center field. 9-0 SD
Bottom 9 Ozzie Albies singles on a line drive to left fielder José Azocar. Chadwick Tromp scores. 9-1 SD
Team Highlight
ATL Starting lineups for Padres at Braves - May 19, 2024 (00:00:09)
SD Yu Darvish's outing against the Braves (00:00:26)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Padres 3 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 9 14 0 10
Braves 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 1 2


Division Scoreboard

WSH 5 @ PHI 11 - Final
NYM 7 @ MIA 3 - Final
Next Braves Game: Mon, May 20, 12:20 PM EDT vs. Padres
Posted: 05/19/2024 10:05:16 PM EDT
submitted by Blooper_Bot to Braves [link] [comments]