A mm ruler life size


2011.08.11 08:21 SidewaysGate BigDickProblems

Discussion, memes, stories, and advice about Big Dick Problems.

2013.01.29 00:24 aelendel Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

Dedicated to identifying mysterious rocks and minerals.

2019.04.18 07:27 Comrox Life After School

Discuss life after college, high school, university, etc., such as the social, emotional, career, and overall lifestyle transition and challenges after graduation.

2024.06.02 21:02 mauri383 More Brains! No Brian Peck Edition

More Brains! No Brian Peck Edition
So, I'm halfway through removing the convicted child molestor, Brian Peck, from the documentary "More Brains", the definitive documentary about the making of The Return of the Living Dead".
For those who are unaware, Peck played the character Scuz in the cult classic and has a very prominent role in the documentary (not only does he appear as an interviewee, but he also provides narration throughout the whole thing).
He was arrested in 2003 for lewd conduct with a minor, charged with 11 counts. Peck pleaded no contest to two charges and was sentenced to 16 months in prison. He was subsequently ordered to register as a sex offender for life. Despite this, he continues to work in the industry (he must really know where all Hollywood's corpses are buried).
I learned about all this after watching the documentary "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" and after that, it kind of ruined my enjoyment of the ROTLD movies and the documentary (yes, Peck has a role in every movie of the trilogy!). Since erasing him from the movie would be practically impossible since he's one of the characters and has some lines and scenes with other characters, I decided to at least erase him from the documentary (which is the best making of and retrospective a cult movie could have) in an attempt to make it whatchable again.
I am removing all his interviews (he doesn't add many interesting bits, to be honest). Also, I'm using a picth shifter compressor to change his voice from the narration in order to stop my skin from crawling every two minutes. I even went to the length of removing his name from the main credits, using After Effects to mask his title card without losing the animation behind it.
As a source, I'm using the German bluray, which I ripped as a passthrough (no loss in quality, basically), and to share it, I'll probably encode it to a more "shareable" size (something between 6-10GB).
I'll be updating you as soon as I'm done. Thanks for reading.
submitted by mauri383 to fanedits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:00 baconbaphomet Losing weight and my girls are shrinking, anybody know how to prevent this? Supplements?

Hi, I'm 22 and I've mostly had a flat chest for most of my life. I got on Nexplanon and my boobs quadrupled in size over the course of a year with a bit of extra weight. I don't like the extra weight but I do really like the boobs, and it seems like the boobs are leaving first. I'm really disappointed about their departure and was wondering if you guys know of any way to keep them. Have you guys ever taken a boob growth supplement that worked?
submitted by baconbaphomet to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 ZealousidealRow2182 Narc Mom? Read!!!

Okay, so for starters, I (20F) recently learned that I was suffering from a deformity called ‘tuberous breast deformity”. I won’t go into much detail but it’s basiclly when a woman’s breast does not develop “normally” and looks more cone-shaped, and that also some women cannot produce milk because of this. Now you will ask me how is this even related with this community, and let me explain. I’ve always felt insecure about my boobs, from when I was 10 years old to my current age. I cannot recall a time that I looked at my naked chest in the mirror and not felt utter disgust about my body. I always assumed I had “ugly” boobs. And recently, after learning it was actually a condition, I was devastated. Constantly crying, over-eating, not wanting to go out, feeling like less of a woman… It’s affected my grades, my social life, and my relationships (I don’t want to date anymore because of this because I feel like I’ll be a disappointment to men). Like 2 days ago, I was depressed, as usual, about this situation, and my mother came into my room, asking me what was wrong, and I immediately burst into tears, not wanting to tell her but I did eventually. At first, she tried to understand and comfort me, but I could feel it in her eyes that she did not see this “issue” that big of a deal. She’s seen my boobs before and she thinks they are normal. She told me why are you crying for something that you cannot change… And I told her that was exactly why I was crying, like??? Then she told me to get surgery at some point if it made me feel THIS bad, and I agreed, I said I consider getting implants and after that, she suddenly CHANGED. She asked me how I could even consider implants, how I would be able to breastfeed with implants, that it poses terrible health risks etc. but the “understanding” look in her eyes completely disappeared and I even started feeling like she was judging me even though I explained it wasn’t only for COSMETIC reasons. She did not believe that this was a “deformity” and she thinks that it’s made up by plastic surgeons, she won’t accept it no matter what I say, she told me to do whatever I wanted but that she wouldn’t call it a deformity and that she didn’t support me in the surgery, and trust me when I say it feels SO, SO INVALIDATING. She was like “what do you expect me to do/say?” in a condescending tone and we eventually started arguing and I told her to get out of my room because I got so angry at her. She then sent me pictures of other women with small breasts to try to make me feel “better” even though I constantly explained to her it was about the SHAPE and not the size, I eventually sent her a picture of my breasts and a normal picture of some other woman’s breasts and NO, SHE WON’T ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG. To her, breasts come in all shape and sizes and mine looks “perfect”, I guess I am a schizophrenic for having a breakdown for a good 8 years. I tell her this deformity is not my only problem but also a mother that doesn’t understand me, she tells me to think about her struggles and that I would feel “lighter”, completely making it about her now (she suffered from brain hemorrhage and has to take medicine for the rest of her life not to have seizures) and I understand, this was/is very traumatic for me too, but WHY are you bringing it up now that I tell you I am in PAIN and that I HATE my body, why make it about you, the fuck???? Then I tell her I will never speak to her again and block her from whatsapp. She went to a drawing course afterwards and by the time she came back I was at the kitchen preparing something to eat. She tried to talk to me and I just glared at her, and because my profile picture was still visible to her somehow she didn’t see that I blocked her, so when she asked me “did you see the messages I sent you?” And I was like I blocked you. Then she got angry, we had an argument again. A day later, she sent me a picture of a text message from whatsapp, turns out she wrote something along the lines of “I support you” but because I blocked her I did not see it. Upon seeing this I went to her room and asked her why didn’t she sent me that sooner, she was like because you blocked me, you never understand me, etc. I got frustrated and left again. A day later, she sends a picture to the group chat about a quote saying “Even though I did not understand you, I loved you, and it hurt when you couldn’t do the same”. It was clearly for me, and I felt so annoyed because she was still making it about her, I went into her room and asked her why she sent that to the group and she was like “I sent it for no reason, it was just a quote I liked etc.” and I was like it’s clearly about me, why are you making the situation about yourself??? She was like why are you still insisting, I told you it was not about you, etc. but it WAS. I was like you never understood me and you never backed me up in anything so don’t worry, I will leave, she was like “Okay okay, leave then, just leave me alone” then I got angry and she got angry, telling me “what about the times you did not understand my problems??” making it about her again, she called me obsessive, she said that I was “not normal”, that I was pushing a subject she did not do, she told me she didn’t see me as her child anymore and that she started hating me, I asked her what I did to deserve such words and she said “So you can tell me you hate me and you will leave but I can’t?” then she started telling me she was sick and using medicines and I was bothering her, she asked me “what do you want from me??”, I calmly told her I did not push anything, I was simply asking her a question without saying anything offensive to her, but then she says I called her sick in the head and other mean words that she made up, I was fucking shocked, I was like I DID not say anything like that, I did not say anything bad at all, but she insisted I did, what the fuck? I told her I was so done with her narcissistic behaviors, she started screaming at me to get out, I didn’t, I kept asking her what I did to deserve this bad of a reaction, she got in my face and screamed louder for me to “GET OUT”, eventually my father got involved and I went out of the room. Now there is a guest at the house and she’s acting all perfect as if nothing’s happened between us, interrupting me when I speak, she even answered a question our guest asked to ME for ME, and I was like my mother is writing my bipography, then I turned to her and said “I have a mouth, you know? That question was asked to me.” Had she understood my pain and been there for me, I wouldn’t have gone through this fucking “rollercoaster.” I am going crazy because of her deranged behavior, is she a fucking narcissist or just traumatized because of her own disorder is what I can’t decide on. I know she is really upset about developing epilepsy and she had a seizure recently, which I know is the reason she’s been feeling bad recently, but is this really an excuse not to be on my side? What do you guys think?
submitted by ZealousidealRow2182 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 muttheart Unstable mood during withdrawal

God, this is the worst symptom of withdrawal. I have drastically reduced my sugar intake starting about two weeks ago, and at first it was just straight depression, headaches, and sugar cravings. Now I’m getting really intense mood swings - one hour I’m on top of the world, I have insane amounts of energy, everything feels right with the world. The next hour I’m feeling the worst depression, no energy, crying, irritable, pushing everyone away.
Can someone reassure me that this gets better? I’m at the point I want to start eating sugar again because these moods are really disrupting my life, but the benefits of reducing sugar are so good - my skin looks AMAZING, way less inflammation, my hunger feels normal/manageable for the first time in my entire life, I’m eating way more vegetables, digestion is great. I’m working with a dietitian and he thinks it could be that I’m experiencing low blood sugar symptoms because my body was used to getting a steady supply of easily accessible sugar on hand and that things will get better, but it would help to hear some experiences from people that have gotten past this.
I’m still eating fruits and starches btw, just drastically reduced my processed sugar intake (one row of chocolate instead of 3-4 full sized chocolate bars a day). I’m bmi 25, just insanely skinny-fat (40% body fat), and am starting to fix my diet before working on my exercise routine.
submitted by muttheart to sugarfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 TurtleBox_Official I think I was almost Abducted as a Child

There are very few things I remember from my childhood, but earlier last year I began a therapy program and began to attempt to discover what truama had caused me to begin to block out so many years of my childhood. My Therapist says it could be caused by a single truamatic event or in some cases an overall truamatic living situation. I am still not quite sure which category I fit into, or where I fit into all of this at all for that matter.
I was not a special child, I did not come from a good home. Growing up it was just myself, My mother, and two of my sisters, the only one relevant to this story being named Meg.
Two weeks before Halloween, my mom took us all to the near by K-mart to pick out one cool thing for Halloween as well as our outfits. I picked out some knight outfit because at the time I was obsessed with Final Fantasy Tactics. My sister, Meg, picked out one of those weird Voice Changers, like the ones they used in the Scream Movies, you know? My mom just gave her one rule, she wasn't allowed to use it to scare me or annoy people.
About four days later, some bizarre things started. I began to hear her out in the hallway using the voice changer from her room. The almost growling low pitched voice setting was quite haunting. She was only really saying one thing though...her own name. This went on for two nights before she started sleeping in my older sisters room instead of her own, sharing a bed with each other.
Around this time is when she began to use the stupid voice changer to keep me awake. She would stand outside my bedroom door, in random hours of the night, and just say my name. "Zachary....Zachary..." Over and Over. In that eerie painful voice. It kept me awake for hours, and whenever I did sleep I would have nightmares. Nightmares that gave shape to the voice. Always a lonely looking creature, with skin that looked charred with white eyes that dripped back into it's sockets like runny eggs, always keeping it's head down low as if to hide itself from embarrasment or guilt like a child would.
This went on for days... then the tapping would begin. First on my door, then somehow on my window. This simple tapping turned into hard scratching at the door which at first I would assume was our cat or dog. Every few nights the the being within my dream would be see more detail added to the body. First a thin layer of what seemed like fur, then eventually clothes, a visably moldy jean jacket and and on it's head a thin layer frayed hair. On it's feet it wore no shoes and but wore ripped tattered shorts. It had a small mouth, very child like and immature facial features. It always seemed so helpless and lonely.
I stopped talking out of this overbearing sense of guilt I felt the more the dreams continued. I kept hearing the voice every where I went. At school, to the store with my mom, at home, in the bathroom...sometimes I would even hear movement where the voice was coming from...While taking a bath one night, I heard the bathroom door open, next came very soft steps...almost soft enough to be our dogs...
"Zachary...are you in here?" I'd never been so horrified in my life before then. The door closed behind it. I sat in the bathtub for about an hour listening to it scurry around. Eventually my mom came in and asked for me...she hadn't remembered that I was still in there.... I'm convinced to this day it was hiding just outside of the shower curtain that provided me privacy during these bathtime hours.
A few days pass, still hearing it calling my name at night, still tapping, still scratching...Halloween comes. I put on my costume, my sister put on hers, everyone was getting ready to go out for the night. A friend of mine was coming with us and I naively figured I'd be protected in my knight outfit. It was still around midday as Mom prepared our Trick-or-treat bags so I went outside by myself to on the side of our lawn that faced the huge abandoned vineyard. Every parent in our neighborhood always used to stress about how we were never allowed in Vineyard. Eventually it all entirely blocked off by the township and is currently said to be filled with various homeless camps despite friends of mine in the town saying they only ever find the bodies of the homeless and never actual evidence of camps.
I was swinging my plastic sword, fighting imaginary bad guys when I heard that there was someone moving in the bushes. I could hear it vividly, It wasn't normal like a cat or dog or even a person. It was precisely weighed footsteps inched apart bit by bit. I moved a bit closer to my house and farther back from the thick bushes. If my mom knew I was on that side of the house, she would have killed me.
Then it all happened so quickly The voice began calling my name from the bushes. It was only saying my name. It wasn't telling me to come over or anything, it was simply saying my name and moving back and forth. I could see the outline of it's clothes...a jean jacket, some shorts, and it was wearing boots. It was wearing a mask however, one of those old 90s alien mask like you'd see in the Halloween store, the flat plastic kinds with the small eye holes and horizontal mouth slit. It moved down on all fours and began walking closer to the ledge. And that's when I noticed it's legs and hands...they were absolutely burnt, charred to an almost unrecognizable crisp like exaggerated burnt bacon. I could tell it was looking right into my stupid eight year old eyes. It whimpered and seemed to press it's belly to the ground before speaking in a voice that instantly put me over with fear. "Zachary...I will...You...Come..." My eyes grew twice their size and I ran inside, dropping my sword and shield in the grass.
My mom got furious. Shes stomped around before calling my sister into the room. Upon being asked about the voice changer and teasing me for weeks...my sister told us that it broke, that it had stopped working one night after she dropped it in the driveway. She even showed my mom...it was smashed. My mom just looked out the window into the Vineyard. My sister looked over at me. We weren't allowed to go out that night. My mom made up some story about Halloween being cancelled because another kid in the town had gotten hurt like a few years before, something I still don't really remember.
That night my Sister and I just sat in our living room. We didn't really speak. We didn't pay attention to whatever Disney Channel Halloween movie was playing. We both knew the other had something to say but couldn't open our mouths.
After what felt like hours of silence she moved closer to me and spoke -
"It tried to take you too, didn't it?"
I nodded.
submitted by TurtleBox_Official to joinmeatthecampfire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:52 ThrowRAmoveorno My (30m) wife (30f) wants to move back to home state after kid. My career is set here. What to do?

My (30M) Wife (30F) wants to move back to home state after having kid, I’m worried about career. Should we move back?
Wife and I recently had our first child, and birth was very tough on her. We had moved out of state 2 years ago for my career as I had the opportunity to open a new branch of the company I work for. For context, home state is a 1 hour plane ride away / 10 hour drive.
Wife has not settled in well in new state and has not made many friends. Works from home, although now on maternity leave for the next year. Prior to having our child she was hesitant to staying long term in the new state, but more open to it.
We both agree that this state offers more in all aspects, except cost of living. We owned a house in previous state, but can only afford a condo here as it’s HCOL. wife really misses her family as they are all close, and all live in the same area of our previous middle sized city.
Career wise, my salary has doubled (200k a year now) and I am partner at this firm with ownership stake. I run this states branch. If I were to move back, I would have to come in at a lesser role in our head office and severely limit career trajectory. Given my ownership stake and niche career it’s unlikely that I would change company.
Thinking about future for our family - it’s not unlikely that we’d be able to provide a much better quality of life for our children if we were to stay in this current state.
How to tackle this with my wife? Do a hybrid where I spend half here / half there? Accept a lesser role and lower career growth and move back? Try to convince my wife to spend vacations in our home state?
I’m at a loss.
submitted by ThrowRAmoveorno to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:49 Sylesth Combat Artificer - 69

Heh. Nice.
Creativity is returning, and I promise that the series doesn't devolve into a slice of life between Valteria and Xander (not that that's necessarily a bad thing, just not where I want to go - you'll have to instead content thyself with slices of slice of life here and there). Going to try and keep to updating roughly every 7-10 days, but again, I don't hold myself very strictly to any schedule so that may not always happen. Enjoy!
First Previous Next
Elements are, well… elemental. Not in the sense that they are beings comprised of a single physical element - though they generally are. I mean they are created by a conflux of a single type of elemental mana. This is often seen at ley lines, areas where mana flows and rushes like a river, but it can happen anywhere two errant streams of mana of the same type collide. Not every collision results in the formation of an elemental core, around which an elemental will concrete rapidly from a physical material local to the area that aligns with the core’s mana type. Some happen with no discernable effect. Others produces auroric lights, or short lived ‘will-o-the-wisps,’ which are not to be confused with actual spirits or other ethereal monsters.
-Brant Colis during a lecture on elementals, College of Magical Studies, part of the esteemed University of Sempta
Xander smiled at her and planted a quick kiss on her lips, causing Valteria’s eyes to widen at the suddenness of it. “Thanks,” he told her. “I couldn’t have had a better teacher.”
Valteria blushed at his glowing commendation, and perhaps from the kiss as well. “You’re sweet,” she said. “But there are better teachers than me,” Valteria told him in a more serious tone. Her serious face cracked a little bit into a smile as she said, “Too bad you don’t know any of them! You’re stuck with me, instead.”
“Mmm, I don’t mind one bit,” Xander said. Thinking to check his watch, he briefly glanced at the time. “Say, what time do you usually close up shop? It’s getting to be late afternoon, and I imagine we’ll want some light if we’re going to test out that crossbow.”
“Hm? Oh, right, damnit, I’d forgotten already.” Valteria glanced at one of the clocks in the room to confirm the time. “Ah, hell, I’m ready to call it quits for the day anyways. I doubt anyone else is going to come in today anyways. Let’s walk to guild training area.”
“Certainly, I would be most happy to escort the lady,” Xander said, as formally as he could manage.
“What did I say about bowing and scraping?”
Valteria locked up the shop as they exited, and the two of them made their way to the training yard that the guild had set up. Xander was glad that Valteria seemed to know where it was, because he had never actually been there. His practice for the tournament had been conducted out in random fields, as he’d worried he’d be taking up too much space swinging around all that chain. During the walk there, they chatted about how Valteria hoped the crossbow would perform, and she reminded him that she still wanted to see the guns that he had mentioned. He agreed to show her, as long as the training yard was safely positioned in such a way that he didn’t need to worry about anything down range.
After about half an hour of walking through the city, and then through the outskirts of the town, Valteria led them to the training yard. There were a few mercenaries training throughout the area, some sparring together in a sandy pit, while others were practicing their aim with bows, crossbows, and spells by firing at targets placed at the ends of a set of lanes. Xander was pleased to see that there was a berm build up behind the targets to prevent anything that went through the targets escaping the bounds of the training yard. He supposed that certain skills attached to a bolt or arrow might necessitate it. It would certainly work well enough for his firearms. He was glad he’d silenced them, as it would be rather disturbing to the rest of the mercenaries present if he hadn’t.
“So, which do you want to try out first? The guns or the crossbow?” Xander asked.
Valteria thought for a moment. “Hmm,” she said aloud as she pondered. “I think the crossbow first. I’m eager to see how it performs so that I can work on properly pricing it, as well as seeing if we need to tweak the design before we make more.”
“Sure, that makes sense. Guns can be a treat for after we do our official business,” Xander replied.
“Shame there’s only a wooden target, I’d like to see how it does against something like a chest plate,” Valteria sighed.
“You forget who you’re with!” Xander reminded her. “I can make us a steel target in no time at all. But we probably ought to test it out on the wood first, just to make sure it even works.”
“Oh right, I forgot you could just make one. That seems like a good idea. Would you mind making me some bolts, too? I didn’t even think to stop to get any,” Valteria said, slapping her forehead lightly.
“Coming right up.” Xander went to work creating a few crossbow bolts for Valteria to fire, handing them over one by one as he made them. He stopped after creating ten bolts. “That should be enough to test the thing out, right?”
“Mmhm, I would think so.” The two of them walked together to a lane at one end of the yard, making sure that there were a few empty lanes between them and the next closest merc. No one paid them any mind, save for an occasional glance in their direction as people briefly wondered who the odd couple they didn’t recognize were. Still, the yard was free to use, and no one bothered them.
Valteria cranked the crossbow arms back and took a knee as she placed a bolt into the channel of the crossbow. She took some time to aim at the target at the end of the lane before firing. The increased force of the arms snapping back into place jerked her forward a little, but the shot still found its mark, at least for the most part. It went a little wide, hitting the left edge of the target. The bolt punched through the wood with what seemed to be ease, burying itself fully into the berm behind the target.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting it to jerk like that,” Valteria said, looking down at the crossbow. “It’s certainly got some power to it.”
“Shall we see how it does with steel?” Xander asked.
“Sure, though I have my suspicions that it’s going to either blow right through the metal or the bolt is going to shatter. So, it is going to require higher grade bolts from a good [Fletcher] to really operate at full efficiency,” she explained.
“Makes sense,” Xander said with an absent nod as he created a sheet of steel of about the correct thickness for a chestpiece. Once he was done, he jogged down to the target and leaned the sheet of steel up against it before jogging back to Valteria. “All you,” he said to her.
“I have to do all the work?” She said sarcastically.
“I mean, if you don’t want to shoot it, I’ll be happy to,” Xander replied. “But what’s more fun than putting holes in things with a weapon?”
“Uhm, a lot of things?” Valteria asked.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right. But it’s still fun!”
“It is.”
Valteria was able to land most of her shots on the metal target, which proved equally flimsy as the wood had to the runically enhanced crossbow. Two went wide, embedding in the berm instead, but overall she seemed pleased with the test. “I’m not exactly the best shot,” she told Xander. “I’m surprised I only missed two, in all honesty.”
“Considering that you don’t have a combat class, I think you did pretty well for someone who doesn’t regularly go out and fire a crossbow,” Xander said approvingly. “Ready to try out a gun?”
“Yes!” Valteria said excitedly.
Xander chuckled at Valteria’s enthusiasm, manifesting the tube fed .22 rifle from his inventory, along with some ammunition. “We can start off with something small.” Carefully placing the rifle down, he held up some of the small rounds for her to see. “This is a bullet. A twenty-two caliber long rifle bullet, to be specific. It’s designed for small game, so it has essentially no kick behind it, but it’s very reliable. It’s a good one to get acquainted with before I swap you over to trying out my pistol and shotgun, since they have a little more kick to them. Here’s how you load it.” Xander went through the process of pulling the spring loaded rod out of the tube that held the ammunition, Valteria watching carefully as he loaded it up to capacity. “So you’ve got eighteen shots right now. This right here is the safety,” he indicated the push button near the trigger that operated the safety mechanism. “You can’t pull the trigger unless this side is pushed in. Helps keep accidents from happening. Now, before I hand this over to you, you’re going to indulge me and listen to the four rules of firearm safety, okay?”
“Okay,” Valteria said with a firm nod.
“Alright, so the first rule is this: always assume that a gun is loaded. Messing around with one just because you think it’s unloaded is a great way to accidentally get someone killed. Two, never point the end of a gun at something you don’t intend to shoot. Keep it pointed down at the ground at all other times. That way, if you do accidentally discharge it, no one can get hurt. Number three pertains to your target. Be sure of your target – make sure you know what you’re shooting at – and just as importantly, know what’s beyond your target. You don’t want to shoot through something and end up also shooting something or someone you didn’t intend to. And the last rule is to keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot. Simple enough, right? They could all easily followed with a crossbow, too. Got it?”
Valteria nodded again. “Got it,” she replied.
“Alrighty, well then let’s get you shooting! I’ll show you the three postures for shooting, as well as how to use the sights and then I’ll let you run through a full tube or two before we swap to something a little more fun to shoot.” Xander held rifle downward and indicated the scope on the rifle. “This is a magnified scope. Think of it like a little telescope with an X in the center. You look through it like this,” Xander held the rifle up to his cheek, pointing it downrange, “and line up the center of the X with where you want to shoot. The position I’m in right now is how you should fire while standing. See how I’m a little leaned forward and my right foot is to the rear? That’s to help absorb recoil, not that this gun has much. It’ll help with the larger one, though.” Xander then kneeled down, placing his elbow on his knee to brace his arm. “This is how you’d fire while kneeling. Very similar to how I saw you do it with the crossbow.” Finally, he laid down and said, “And this is how you fire when prone. If you step behind me, you’ll see that the gun, my shoulder, my body, and my right leg are all one straight line.”
“I see,” Valteria agreed, looking at him from behind.
Standing up, careful to keep the rifle pointed downwards, he said, “I’ll let you choose how you want to shoot. Here you are.” He held the rifle out for Valteria to take, who did so gingerly. Xander was pleased to see that she was keeping her fingers away from the trigger.
Valteria moved into position at the opening to the lane and knelt. Xander went to stand behind her. She took up the proper position, mimicking how Xander had shown her.
“I’m going to adjust your posture slightly, so don’t be startled, okay?” Xander softly said.
“Okay,” Valteria replied.
Xander leaned over slightly and put his hands on her shoulders, squaring them a little bit more. “Okay, now aim, and when you’re ready, pull the trigger.”
Valteria took her time aiming, getting used to the scope and the position her head needed to be in to properly use it. “This scope thingy is quite handy. I can see things so much closer!”
Xander laughed, saying, “Yeah, I use it all the time just for looking at things that are far away.”
Valteria took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger, eliciting a small crack from the rifle, most of the relatively minimal noise of the rifle being silenced by the runes Xander had engraved on the end of the barrel. A ping could be heard as the bullet hit the metal sheet, putting a tiny hole in it.
Valteria looked around. “That’s it?” She asked. “I was expecting something... more.”
“Well, this one is a small caliber round, so there’s not a lot of oomph behind it compared to something larger. But if we take a walk down there, I’d wager we could find the hole it made in the steel.”
“Strange how something so small could penetrate a piece of steel armor...” Valteria said, trailing off thoughtfully.
“I don’t think it would penetrate really well-made armor from a higher leveled [Smith], and I’m certain it wouldn’t penetrate armor that I’ve done runework on. This is completely unimproved steel, after all.”
“That’s fair,” Valteria agreed.
“So, do you want to finish off the other seventeen rounds, or is this one too boring?”
“I want to try the bigger one!” Valteria said excitedly.
“Fine, fine,” Xander relented. “Same rules for this one, okay?” He took the rifle back from Valteria, unloading it and stashing the gun and ammo back in his inventory. He pulled out the shotgun and a handful of shells, opting for slugs to reduce the chance of any kind of ricochet from the steel target. “This is a pump-action shotgun.” He held up the shotgun in one hand. “And this is the ammunition it fires.” He held up his handful of shotgun shells in the other hand. “Quite a bit bigger than the other one.”
Valteria nodded along. “That one looks more exciting.”
“You load the round into the tube on the bottom like so,” Xander said as he pushed five rounds into the tube. “And to load a round, you pump the slide towards you and then away from you.” The shotgun made the classic cha-chuck­ noise as he pumped the slide, loading a round. “This is loaded now. Safety works the same way. Here you go.” He carefully handed the gun over to Valteria, who took it with a little more confidence than she had with the small caliber rifle.
Watching her get into a kneeling position and shoulder the rifle, Xander commented, “Adjust the buttstock a little, you want it more on the meaty part of your shoulder, not on the outside. It’ll absorb the recoil better.”
Valteria complied, shifting the rifle slightly to adjust. “This one doesn’t have a scope,” she said.
“Oh right, yeah this one is a bit shorter ranged. You just line up the bead on the end in the center of the sight posts closer to you to aim.”
“Oh, oh I see,” Valteria said, returning her cheek to the stock of the shotgun.
“Fire whenever you’re rea-“ Xander was interrupted by the muffled crack of the shotgun firing. Valteria let out a noise halfway between a squeak and a grunt as she rocked backwards, falling backwards slightly from her position of kneeling to sitting on the ground.
“Oww,” She muttered. “This one hurts! You didn’t tell me it would hurt!”
“I did tell you it would have more kick, though,” Xander laughed. “That one packs a lot more punch than that little twenty-two. Do you want to shoot it again?” He asked.
“No,” Valteria said sullenly, holding the shotgun out for Xander to take. “I’m already going to have a bruise from just that one. How do you use that thing?”
Xander shrugged. “Eh, you get used to it. And with proper form, you learn to take the recoil better. Here, watch.” Xander stepped up to the lane and demonstrated, firing the remaining four rounds in quick succession, the slide clattering as he quickly pumped rounds into the chamber.
“Hmph,” Valteria huffed, seeing that Xander had had no issue with the recoil.
“Oh don’t be like that,” Xander chided her, giving her a quick, one armed hug as he stowed the shotgun in his inventory.
Valteria let out the kind of whine one does when they’re mildly inconvenienced and want to be dramatic about it.
“I have one more that I think you’ll like. It’s got more to it than the little rifle, and less than the shotgun. And it’s a lot smaller. It’s called a pistol. I guess you could think of it like the hand crossbow of guns?”
“I think smaller might be good after that last one,” Valteria said, still cautious.
Xander pulled his final firearm from Earth from his inventory into his hand. “This is the pistol.” He manifested a magazine, and said, “and this is the magazine, which the rounds go in.”
“Why’s it called a magazine?” Valteria asked, interrupting him.
“Uh, I actually don’t know,” Xander admitted. “Just what it’s called,” he said with a shrug.
“Anyway, the magazine goes in the pistol like this,” he firmly seated the magazine. “And you load the first round like this,” he said as he racked the slide. “The safety is a little bit different on this one – it’s this lever here. You toggle it down and then it can fire. You’ll want to hold it like this,” he told Valteria as he demonstrated a classic pistol shooter’s pose, both hands in use and slightly leaned forward.
“Ready to try it? I promise it’s not as bad as the shotgun,” he said. “I do feel a little bad about not telling you.”
“You should!” Valteria said as she took the proffered pistol.
“Make sure you keep it pointed down, still,” Xander reminded her.
“I will, I will,” she grumbled. Valteria took up her spot at the lane and mimicked Xander’s posture as best she could from a single demonstration. She looked back at him briefly, expecting some kind of comment or correction, but Xander was silent, just giving her a smile.
“Not bad,” he said. “Give it a try, just make sure you keep a firm, even grip.”
Valteria pulled the trigger, flinching slightly after her experience with the shotgun. Her flinch made the round miss the target. She looked at the gun with a little more favor in her eyes as she realized that it wasn’t going to hurt like the shotgun had. “I think I like this one better,” she told Xander.
“Try not to flinch like you did. I guess that’s my own fault after the shotgun,” he admitted, “but it’s bad for your aim. Other than that, you’re doing just fine,” he encouraged.
Valteria let off another round, this one hitting the large, steel target, letting out another ping across the training yard. “This is rather fun,” she admitted.
“You’ve got sixteen left before you need to reload. I’d recommend a steady pace to start out with, though. Take your time to aim. You can pop off rounds quickly on the next magazine.”
The two of them spent their time, and more than a few magazines – Xander would load one up while Valteria used the other – together at the range amicably. From an outside perspective, the two of them would have seemed more like good friends than a new couple. For his part, Xander appreciated that Valteria wasn’t seemingly needy, or overly touchy or intimate. He wasn’t sure if that would change, at least regarding touch, but right now, considering how fresh their relationship was and the fact that he was still feeling more than some guilt over even being in a relationship, he was perfectly content to move slowly for the most part. It would probably be best for Valteria too, he considered, as she was new to dating in general. He didn’t want to inadvertently take advantage of her in some way or push her boundaries.
As dusk began to fall, Xander and Valteria stopped their target practice. Xander had convinced her to wrap up with the shotgun and a few more shots from it as a finale, and she’d agreed now that she knew what to expect, the annoyance of the sudden recoil having faded. Before they left, Xander brought the steel target up for Valteria to see. It was riddled with holes, Xander pointing out the impacts left by each different caliber. He set it aside and out of the way to disintegrate, and the two began to walk back into town.
“Where do you want to eat?” Xander asked Valteria.
“Mm... I’m not sure. I hadn’t put much thought into it, honestly,” Valteria responded.
“Well, the only two places I know are Charles’s place and the inn my team and I are staying at. Though, if we eat there, prepare to be mobbed by the team and teased about dating me.”
“You’ve already told them?” Valteria said, sounding a little nervous.
“Only one, and I assume that she has kept it private, but the other three would immediately assume if they saw us together at a table. You know they thought that us comparing notes after the match was a date in disguise? They kept giving me dating tips like I wasn’t the only one of them that had ever held down a long-term relationship before,” Xander said with a laugh.
Valteria laughed. “I suppose it makes sense that they’ll tease us about it having come true, then. I suppose you’re worth a little teasing,” she said sarcastically.
“Damn right I am!” Xander replied. “But you still haven’t answered the question. Where are we – well, you, really – eating?”
Valteria slowed her pace, considering for a moment. “Hmm... I have to admit that I’m interested in who your team is. The people you keep company with are an important aspect of one’s self, after all,” she said discerningly.
“Ahh, so you want to know if I hang out with the wrong sort of crowd?” Xander teased. “They’re good people. Took me back without blinking an eye when I returned as... what I am now. I’d be happy to introduce you to them.”
“Then it’s settled, we’ll be eating there. What’s the name of the inn?”
“Uhh... shit. I can’t ever remember the name of the place. But I know how to get there!” Xander admitted.
“You’ve been staying in the city for how long?” Valteria asked, in disbelief.
“Uhm... more than a month.”
“And you still don’t know the name of the place?”
“I just never think to look at the sign when I’m leaving or coming back!” Xander said, vainly trying to defend himself.
Previous Next
submitted by Sylesth to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:47 iamClancyoo Abnormal bleeding

Hi there, I’m going to make an appointment with the OBGYN first thing tomorrow but I wanted to hear what other people have to say.
After delivery I only bled for about a week and a half. I was breastfeeding until my baby was about 4mo. For reference I’m 8 months postpartum now. I got my first period in the middle of April and it lasted about a week. On May 5th I started bleeding again and I’m STILL bleeding. Not one day has gone by where there’s been no blood. It would get lighter but yesterday i noticed it was a bit heavier. This morning I passed a HUGE blood clot. Probably about the size of my palm. Has anyone gone through this? I’ve never in my life had any of these problems until I gave birth to my baby. It worries me a little bit I hope there’s nothing seriously wrong…
submitted by iamClancyoo to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:47 Suitable-Medicine904 ISO roommate for Aug 1 move-in in Manhattan

Hi! I'm looking to move to Manhattan with an August 1 target move-in date and am searching for a roommate.
About me:
25M who works in finance in Midtown. My hobbies are sports/being physically active, urbanism, technology, the arts, and traveling. I live in the outer boroughs right now but find that Manhattan is a much better fit for me. I'm on the quietemore independent side, generally go to bed/wake up early, and have a 4/1 office/WFH day split. I'll be out of the apartment for a good chunk of my free time since I'm involved in several activities/hobbies that meet on a weekly/biweekly basis.
Living preferences:
Location: I'm most passionate about the UWS between 59-96 and the UES west of First. If those are unreasonable requests for my budget, then I'd be open to expanding my search to 97-116ish on the West Side and possibly Hell's Kitchen in the 50s. I spend most of my free time either at Central Park or somewhere on the West Side, and would like to have a reasonable Citi Bike commute to/from the things I do.
Amenities: I honestly don't care aside from having a bedroom large enough for a full-size bed/closet/maybe a desk as well.
Budget: up to $1625/person/month (so $3250/month total). I'm willing to pay up to this amount, but it's a hard maximum.
Lease length: 12 months
What I want from my roommate: someone who is on the cleaner side and has a life of their own. It would be great if my roommate is around the same age as me as well, but I'm more flexible regarding that. All else is fair game!
Let me know if you're interested! Have a great rest of your weekend!
submitted by Suitable-Medicine904 to NYCroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 A-Matter-Baby Neighbor spray painted my patio furniture

Never a dull moment!!! For background, we live in a complex with large buildings, but where we all have our own outside facing front doors. Our neighbor nextdoor, a strange old lady who we haven’t really ever talked to, has a habit of digging through the dumpster for trashed furniture and then spray painting it in her driveway (which is right next to our front door). Always thought it was weird but harmless, maybe just enjoys “flipping” broken furniture, or needs an excuse to huff some paint.
Yesterday, we found our beautiful vintage wooden wicker front porch reading chair spray painted completely metallic rose gold, top to bottom. Not only was it painted, but it was painted ON our porch, with the spray paint on the sidewalk to prove. It wasn’t moved to her porch, nor was there any explanation. She just came on our porch, fucked up a beautiful chair, and moved on?! It baffled us. My roommates took to exacting confrontation after discovering this, and knowing exactly who the vandal was. They duct taped our life-sized skeleton to the chair and covered him with signs saying things along the lines of “Stay off our property, dont touch our stuff, rose gold is ugly,” etc. While this wouldn’t have been my approach had I been home, I appreciated the humor.
We deliberated on what to do or how to try to understand such a bizarre act of vandalism, when the neighbor in question pulled in her driveway and started removing the signs from the skeleton. My roommate stepped onto the balcony just above the neighbors driveway and confronted her. The lady was apologetic and obviously embarrassed , but her only reasoning was “I thought it was going to be brown!” Im sorry?!!? What difference does the color make?!
After letting the leasing office know, fully knowing they arent really action-takers, we just let it be. This mornign she left a can of brown spray paint and a note apologizing and saying “I don’t know why I did it”
Though I feel a little bad after receiving a semi-genuine note, I still cannot wrap my head around what she did. Is she addicted to spray painting furniture and the dumpster dives weren’t scratching the itch anymore?! I am beyond lost… What would you do/think in this situation?
submitted by A-Matter-Baby to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 Straight_Random_2211 Do you think the Titanus Ape in the Monsterverse is much smarter than real-life apes?

Do you think the Titanus Ape in the Monsterverse is much smarter than real-life apes?
I've been fascinated by the portrayal of apes in popular films. In the Monsterverse movies like Kong: Skull Island, Godzilla vs. Kong, and Godzilla x Kong, as well as the Planet of the Apes series (Rise, Dawn, War), apes play significant roles. While the apes in Planet of the Apes are confirmed to be much smarter than real-life apes, I believe the ape titans in the Monsterverse might be similarly intelligent, although this is not explicitly acknowledged.
Between the Monsterverse's Ape Titans and the apes in Planet of the Apes, the most obvious difference is their size: Monsterverse apes like Kong are enormous, standing about 300 feet tall or even taller. Another distinction is that the apes in Planet of the Apes can speak, while the Ape Titans in the Monsterverse cannot.
Despite not having the capability to speak, I believe the Monsterverse apes exhibit intelligence nearly on par with those in Planet of the Apes, based on their actions. The apes in the latter gain remarkable intelligence from a sci-fi chemical that, while fatal to humans, significantly boosts apes' intelligence. This same chemical also triggers a pandemic that nearly wipes out humanity. Caesar, having inherited this enhanced intelligence from his mother, uses sign language to communicate with other normal apes in his zoo. Initially, only an exceptionally intelligent orangutan understands him.
Understanding sign language is a remarkable feat, suggesting a level of intelligence not typical of real-life apes (not all real-life apes can understand sign language, only the smartest ones can). Compared to Monsterverse titans, not only can Kong casually understand sign language—which is something basic to him—but the average Ape Titans in the Monsterverse can also recognize traps such as ropes laid out on the ground, which many human characters in movies fall for. Even young ape characters like Suko demonstrate high cognitive abilities by instantly understanding the mechanism of Kong's trap and then climbing a raised path to manually trigger it, a feat that might challenge many young human children of a similar age (around 8-9 years old, if we use human age to approximate Suko's age).
So, if we exclude the ability to speak, the comparison stands as follows:
Monsterverse's Ape Titans ≈ Planet of the Apes' Apes + Enhanced Intelligence from a special chemical >> real-life apes
Both appear to be much smarter than real-life apes, capable of creating traps and even building primitive civilizations. Do you agree with me? Are the ape titans in the Monsterverse much smarter than real-life apes?
submitted by Straight_Random_2211 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:32 BlabbyZebra33 New brawler concept for funnies please rate

Ping - Controller (Name from Ping-Pong)
Lore: Ping is very athletic, but she has 1 game she destroys everyone in: Ping Pong. One day she challenged the gods to a game of Ping pong and won, leading to her reward: A ping pong ball that grows stronger after every bounce. She has 7k health at P11.
Basic Attack: Pong (500-1000 Damage)
Ping shoots out a small, nani-super sized projectile that lasts for 30 seconds. The catch? Every bounce increases its size, damage, and speed by 20% additively. This attack also bounces off enemies, but there can only be one of these projectiles on the map at once. If the Pong is near Ping and a basic attack is used, the ball will be shot in the direction of Ping’s aim and will count as a bounce.
Super: Target Acquired.
Ping shoots a smaller Ping pong ball at the speed and range of Melodie’s attack, and wherever it lands (or if it hits an enemy it’ll stick to them!) any Pong bounces will redirect to beeline directly for the mark. Can’t be removed until death if it hits an enemy, otherwise lasts 15 seconds. Charges after 1500 damage.
Gadgets: Hard Hit: Ping’s next Pong starts with 2 bounce credits, meaning 40% more damage reload and speed. Retarget: Remove a mark from the floor and instantly recharge Ping’s super.
Star Powers: Life of the Pongty - Every time Pong hits an enemy, restore 10% of the damage dealt in health. Mayhem - removes the size increase from every bounce, but makes speed and damage increase by 30%
Hypercharge - Paddle whack!: every time Ping hits her ball with her paddle, she gains +10% Move speed, damage, and shield for 15 seconds. This stacks. Hypercharge lasts 10 seconds, and gives +10% Damage, 10% Shield, and 20% Speed.
submitted by BlabbyZebra33 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:31 Rare_Mission Kali Yuga

Kali Yuga Timeline- The Age of Demon Linga Purana describes the following symptoms of the Kali Yuga. • Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves. • Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly. They will cease to protect the people. • Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages. • There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another. • Predatory animals will be more violent. • Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers. • People will prefer to choose false ideas. • No one will be able to trust anyone else. • People will be envious. • There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16 years. • People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in underground shelters. • Young girls will do trade in their virginity. • The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of the rains. • Shopkeepers will run dishonest businesses. • There will be many beggars and unemployed people. • Everyone will use hard and vulgar language. • Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power. • The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth. • Water will be lacking. • Pre-cooked food will be readily available. This Kali Yuga spans for a long time period of 432,000 years, although multiple other durations have been proposed by many. Human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga,which is referred to as the Dark Age because in it people are as far away as possible from God. Ancient Vedic religion often symbolically represents dharma as a bull. In Satya Yuga, the first stage of development, the bull has four legs, but in each age dharma is reduced by one quarter. 
By the age of Kali, dharma is reduced to only a quarter of that of the golden age, so that the bull of Dharma has only one leg now.
submitted by Rare_Mission to AshokaTheGreat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:27 ENTExplains Happy Birthday but also y’all make me sad about the decency of your friends/family that didn’t clean up.

Happy Birthday but also y’all make me sad about the decency of your friends/family that didn’t clean up.
Birthday Celebration decorations that has become likely abandoned trash on the “Waiting for the Interurban” statue in Fremont. I would like to clean it up, but holding off just in case they set it up for today… but it’s been up since Friday.
The statue is a life-size, cast-aluminum sculpture depicting five adults, a child-in-arms, and a dog with a human face, all waiting for a trolley car. The statue was created by local sculptor Richard S. Beyer and dedicated on June 17, 1978, during the Fremont Fair.
submitted by ENTExplains to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:22 triss14 Max cushion shoes with wide toe box but normal heel?

I started wearing max cushion shoes a few years ago (more for retail work then running) and can't go back to life without them. I have always worn a wide sized shoe. I've been having a problem lately though with my foot slipping sideways off the sole inward. I'm not entirely sure if it's a problem with the fit, but I don't think I have any pronation or walking issues.
I think the problem is that I need more room in the toe (especially because my bunion is starting to get more painful) but I don't think the rest of my foot is a wide. The shoes I've tried but had this issue with so far are the brooks glycerin 21, new balance fuelcell, and Nike invincible (although the problem with the invincibles had more to do with the upper rubbing on the bunion and before that started bothering me they were fine).
The only ones that worked well for me were the new balance more v4s, which recently got a tear in the side. I guess I could just get another pair, but honestly I just kinda wanted to try something new. Anyone else with similarly weird shaped feet able to help me out?
submitted by triss14 to AskRunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 shuggamuffin I want to see a new therapist but don’t know how to say goodbye to my current one.

Context, I (23F), have been seeing my current therapist since Jan. 2022. She’s very sweet, supportive, and has helped me through a tough time moving on from college to early adult life.
However, lately I have been struggling with my body image, anxiety, depression, and anger issues. I have gained a lot of weight (no one tells young girls about their 18 body going to their 20s body and it sucks, it makes me so angry and upset). I’m also engaged now as of 5/15/24, so looking at my size 12-14 ass makes me sad. I have a nutritionist I see once a month, and I’m eating better and going to the gym/dance classes regularly, but I’m not seeing results as I would like. I’ve been at it since March. I think my cortisol may be high as well, so I’m seeing my doctor about that soon, which may be a factor to the issues and weight gain.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, It’s all self inflicted, I’m very very hard on myself. sure, I know I’m doing all the good steps and I should be proud of myself, but I’m not. I honestly hate myself so much. Thus, I want to start seeing someone else because of these things.
“Why OP? Just address it with your current therapist.” My therapist and I have become very close. It feels more like girl talk than a professional helping and giving advice. While I feel good after talking during our sessions, I don’t feel as if I’m moving forward. I also think she enables my behavior sometimes. I definitely see a growth in maturity and emotional development since staring to see her, I have a tad more patience and empathy for others but just not me— I believe I need a different therapist for the new focuses and struggles in MY life.
I see my current therapist again this upcoming Friday. Scheduling issues have occurred thus I haven’t seen her in three weeks. I also began working full time so her availability is slim because she has clients that have been with her for years and take up the 1pm-5pm windows throughout the whole week- so I can’t even see her after work. I need to see someone around 6:30pm+, which is probably impossible…
I’m honestly so upset to say goodbye, she’s been a great help to me and she’s so kind. I know this is a good choice for me, I’ve thought on it for a while now. But I don’t know how to go about it. Help?
submitted by shuggamuffin to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 SneakyTheSnail Aquarius the.. airbender?

So I don't care too much (if at all) about the zodiac and all that mumbo jumbo BUT I recently found out that Aquarius, the life giver, the water bearer, represented by a dude literally pouring water out of a vessel, linked with the planetary ruler Neptune (roman god of freshwater and the sea) is actually an..... wait for it... AIR SIGN 🥲🥹😱😯.. like WTF? come on horoscope people, make it make sense ffs
submitted by SneakyTheSnail to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 FMCam20 Could city states help the urban/rural divide?

Random idea but could the existence of city states if a city's metro area gets to a certain size be a way to tackle the urban/rural divide in politics? Rural parts of states wouldn't have to worry about the 1 big city in a state drowning out their voice and urban areas wouldn't need to worry about rural politics affecting their way of life either. I'm not sure what the right size of a city is before it would become a city state but it seems like a good idea.
submitted by FMCam20 to AskConservatives [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 meattwinkie307 I mean DAMN!

So I just got my ACER predator 18” yesterday, and this thing is freaking enormous. I didn’t get a chance to game on it yet, but I pulled up a trailer on Xbox and I cannot believe the incredible picture and smoothness. I’m 43, and have been an Xbox gamer for all my life, but this definitely changes things. Can anyone recommend a few things.
  1. A computer bag that will fit this “ too beaucoup” beast?
  2. A decent pair of mobile speakers that will plug in the 3.5 mm jack(I can’t use headphones at work)
The best, most kick-ass game a console player has never played that is exclusive to PC. I want to break this bad boy in right!
submitted by meattwinkie307 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:15 hansen_arthur Is the game worth it for someone who last played cod back in BO2?

Some context: I used to play a LOT of call of duty on my teenage years, back in og mw2 and BO2, and I know the game is not the same anymore, but is it a still a fun experience? I have no idea on what the community is feeling towards the franchise right now. I have seen a lot of mixed opinions on the past few days, from both friends and online. It seems the game went free to play for a few days but i didn't have time to give it try, but since it is on sale, I might buy it.
I also don't have time to sink in thousands of hours, but at least a couple dozens on the following months, since my life is going to become a little bit calmer, i'll have more time to play, given that, if the game is it at least fun, I might consider buying it.
Also, another thing, I don't like battle royal, and the game size actually scared me because I play on xbox series S, 300GB is too much given that I dont intend on leaving all space reserved for this game, but since I dont intend on playing warzone, is it possible to not install it and save some storage space? It seems its possible on steam, but I know about it on xbox.
Anyway, thanks guys, I will really apreciate if you could share your opinions on the current state of the game.
submitted by hansen_arthur to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:11 SwannSwanchez Dev Server Datamine -> Part 1

As Gszabi noted, i am both busy with exam and currently feeling very despresso. So thanks gszabi for doing most of the job right now even tho i'm supposed to do it, so go give him some muny for his phone. I can still answer questions in the comment and I should (hmm) be better in a few days after I decompress from my exams (or not). -> Part 1

Oshida's busy with exams, so this dev server it's mostly me (gszabi). My phone died recently, so if I could get some help for a replacement, I'd highly appreciate it. :)
New vehicles : [BR legend: AB / (ARB / GRB) / (ASB / GSB)]
Aircraft FM changes: https://www.reddit.com/Warthundecomments/1d5p1o7/seek_destroy_dev_server_fm_changes_2351111_236016
Aircraft DM changes:
Current Dev version :
Current Dev-Stable version :
Current Live version :
submitted by SwannSwanchez to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 peescheadeal Grey outside my window

I posted here a few months back about a UFO sighting I had, where I tried to film it but it wouldn't show up except for a single frame I managed to screenshot. Then I got tired of social media and deleted Reddit, but I missed having a judgement-free place to discuss this stuff, so here I am again.
The aforementioned encounter was actually a result of giving CE5 a try. I wasn't exactly confident it would work, but I didn't doubt it either and went in with an open mind, and to my astonishment it did work, and it didn't take long either. Maybe 10 minutes before I opened my eyes and saw that orb hovering over me, morphing shape and changing color. I preface this with that example because, for me at least, that was enough evidence that this idea that NHI can be contacted through meditation is legit. So ever since that experience I've been practicing meditation. Not always with the intention of reaching someone, though sometimes, but also for its well-established benefits.
Here's the exciting part. One night a couple of months ago I did a little meditation before going to bed, just letting my mind wander and observing the observer and how it connects to the universe and all that. I think I started to dose off, and in that half-awake state I suddenly heard rapid whispering in my head. Multiple voices speaking very fast in a hushed whisper, but I couldn't understand it. This jolted me awake, and it immediately stopped. I assumed I had just been slipping into a dream, so I rolled over to go back to sleep, when I heard it again. And this time I was wide awake. Opened my eyes and I could still hear it. I looked around, and right outside my window there was a strange pinkish-blue light about the size of a basketball gently bobbing around right outside my window, and there was a small black square in the center of it. My first instinct was that this was an optical illusion caused by the headlights of a passing car, but as I stared at it waiting for my eyes to adjust, it quickly became apparent that wasn't the case. I was then able to just barely make out a figure behind the light, and for a split second I saw a greenish-gray skin and a pair of huge black eyes. The light was some sort device this creature was pointing at me. The moment our eyes met, it was as if he then realized I could see him, and he and the light vanished before my very eyes. The light faded out towards the center and he was gone with it. Also, my bedroom is on the second floor of this house and there's no balcony or terrace, so he had to have been floating.
This experience definitely shook me up a little bit. I'm not afraid of the being or NHI in general as every experience I've had has been friendly, but having what is to you irrefutable proof that this stuff is real is still pretty jarring. Suffice to say I slept the rest of the night with the light on. My first UFO sighting was initiated by them, as two red orbs followed me down the road one night and did a magnificent aerobatic performance for me when I pulled over and got out for a better look (which is still to this day the single most profound experience of my entire life). The second one I initiated with the CE5 protocol. So this third experience strikes me as a gentle continuation of our friendly "correspondence" and an invitation to keep exploring this stuff.
Sorry for the lengthy post. Would love to hear your thoughts.
submitted by peescheadeal to Experiencers [link] [comments]
