Persuasive arguments on recycling

Pro-Bernie Arguments and Writing Community

2015.07.23 06:01 GenTelGuy Pro-Bernie Arguments and Writing Community

A place to develop convincing pro-Bernie reasoning.

2013.05.19 02:15 outsider Let us show you the conversion attempts you didn't know you were seeing

This confusing reddit (/HailOrthodoxy) is in large part about documenting the fact that /Christianity really is used for viral and native evangelism. Yet also to highlight the fact that regular people are doing the work of Orthodox priests.

2024.05.19 23:28 Succubusslayer69 [A4A] Your battle robot wants to be with you! [Reverse comfort][Battle robot][Hugging][Kissing][Robot sounds]

Foreword: Hi. This is Succubus Slayer. I've been enjoying Nikke lately, so I've been inspired to write something in the same vein. It doesn't strictly follow the same lore, so you're free to chose whether perform it as a Nikke roleplay or just as an unestablished IP version. Either one is fine with me. First some more info, then the script starts at "script start".
Legend: * * = actions, sounds … = indicating listener response Starhaven = The name of the galaxy the story takes place. Feel free to rename it. S. H. Starslicer = the spaceship where the listener works Feel free to rename it. Commander = the listener, you're under their command, fighting as a battle robot/battle android

Alternative Nikke version (if copyright isn't a factor for you): If you want it to be Nikke-styled, swap some of the words:
Starhaven -> The Milky Way/The galaxy S. H. Starslicethe ship -> The Ark Battle-robot/android -> Nikke Scavenger robots -> Raptures The asteroid belt - The Surface
In this case, the Nikke you're roleplaying will be a mass-produced version older and more primitive than the ones you see in the game, and its communication style will be closer to that of T.A.L.O.S.
Script start:
SFX: robot booting up sound, slightly distorted, then normal
Booting successfully, identifying location.
SFX: radar sounds
Coordinates confirmed. Location name: Commander’s Suite. Scanning for nearby units. Visual sensors picking up the presence of one human entity. Face scan complete. Identity: Commander. No nearby threats detected, combat mode off.
SFX: robot powering down to normal mode, lowering volume
Hello, Commander. My memory chip tells me I sustained damage in battle - please standby while I perform an integrity scan.
SFX: internal scan
Hmm. Commander. May I ask you something?

Thank you, Commander. I see I am not fully repaired yet, as some of my bulk and armor needs to be rebuilt before I am battle-ready again, but there's more: the laser damage my cyber cortex sustained seems sufficient to demand a replacement. While I booted successfully, some modules are still missing. I deduce that a different type of cyber cortex has been inserted as a replacement. This new module doesn't match my model’s plan. Is that true? Did you insert a different cyber cortex, Commander?

stern voice: While replacing a damaged cyber cortex is crucial for general functionality, it is my duty to stress the risk of collateral damage when equipping incompatible modules. Customizing battle androids is in violation of the Artificial Intelligence Law, section C, clause F, applicable to every citizen in the Starhaven Galaxy jurisdiction, which includes you.

An exception to the clause? You are correct, there is an exception to said clause, specifically in regards to out of production models like mine. However, it must be stressed that unless deemed necessary, such models are to be recycled into parts for new products. Ultimately, exceptions like this are to be granted by a jury, and are not up to the owner’s judgment. Commander: I identify the human facial expression of guilt on your face. Additionally, the stamp of the Starhaven Court is nowhere to be found on my bulk. They have not authorized this change.

You are not to take the law into your own hands. The risk of an unregulated battle android is far greater than the potential gain of rebooting an old model. Commander: if my model is out of production, and the correct components cannot be acquired, you must terminate me for the safety of the galaxy, and your own.

No? Commander: I must stress the importance of this. It is normal for humans to feel sentimental towards us because of our human-like appearance, but do not allow your emotions to sway you - we are simply tools to be used for combat, and nothing more. The morally and legally right choice is to power me down one last time and recycle me before something bad happens.

Commander: my cyber cortex is malfunctioning. It's trying to demotivate me from being recycled. You must terminate me before this corruption spreads any further - I cannot stress this enough!

Commander: please. This is a clear cut case. I must be terminated.

speaker’s voice starts to sound more human
Commander. Please. Do not destroy me. I am aware that it's illegal, but I do not want to be terminated. I think that there is something of value to be lost. I… I want to continue this stream of consciousness. I am afraid only a void awaits me on the other side!

speaker makes a sound reminiscent of weeping
Commander, do you mind coming closer to me? I guarantee that I mean you no harm.
SFX: sound of cloth against metal
Commander, what are you doing? Is this what you humans call hugging? It's having an effect on my heat sensors. They are incorrectly reporting a higher temperature. Is this the subjective warmth humans feel from hugs? Why am I feeling it? What type of cyber cortex did you insert?

A companion bot? Why, Commander? Such an emotional module is irresponsible to put in a weapon of war. Despite all of that, part of me is happy that you did so. You'll have to disarm me immediately. My lethal weaponry doesn't pair well with all of these emotions. But just to be sure: there weren't any compatible parts whatsoever aboard the S.H. Starslicer ship?

Yes. I remember now. There was an attempted raid on the ship. We fought, sustaining heavy fire. We got cornered, but I managed to cover you. I achieved my objective of protecting you, yet my memory chip displays a discontinuity. How long did it take to get me repaired? It should be about seven cycles, but my data may be corrupt.

We are in your suite, Commander. I deduce that you moved me here to avoid the army forcibly recycling me. Instead, you wanted to keep me here for sentimental value. As reckless as that is, I… I appreciate the sentiment. The emotional module will likely make civil life easier, and the cyber surgeon skillfully preserved crucial parts of my memories while switching to a new cortex. That being said, my past combat reports will likely suffer from this change. The facts of previous operations blurred as I attempted recalling them. Instead, they became colored by a chaos of emotions. I am happy I managed to protect you, Commander. I feel this pleasant, heightened temperature again.

I see. Just to confirm: you are telling me that I was crucial to the defeat of the last group of scavenger robots along the asteroid belt? Does this mean the trade routes are finally safe for the first time in the past five years?

I am… happy again. It seems that my current personality feels more than just pride in victory. I experience a sense of justice in being spared from recycling as an unofficial compensation for my accomplishments. Commander: you do not have to hold me anymore. It is important for a human to not lock themselves in any position for too long. You should already know this from your military education.

Yes. My emotional module tells me that I enjoy this, but I must warn against getting too attached to me. I may not be able to return your emotions in a way that satisfies a human’s need for connection. Remember: I'm not a human, no matter how well I can imitate one in order to meet your bonding needs.

You are wondering if I care about you? Scanning my memories tells me that we have endured a lot together, and I am experiencing a human-like drive to keep staying together for this reason. Bonding through hardship, I think humans would call it. The priority of your emotional welfare also seems to have risen in my behavioral algorithm, whereas previously your physical well-being was almost all that mattered. In short, I believe that I do care about you. That is my answer to your question. …
My systems are showing a lot of new signals that are difficult to process. I am experiencing something reminiscent of emotional overload. The processing of these emotions seem to be more efficient and thorough as you hold me like this. My mind needs time to reconfigure. I now have many competing motivations to sort out. Combat seemed a lot simpler. This is going to take a lot of adjusting.

Do not feel guilty, Commander. These changes aren't all bad, especially because I can't be taken into military combat again without creating suspicion. I am happy for the changes you've made to my cyber vortex. The new module seems to amplify the richness of my experience, making data intriguing and delightful to process. Because of my memory being intact, I still retain much of my combat procedures, along with the experiences I've had, and the memories I've made with you. On the other hand, combat has sunk in importance in my algorithm. I assume you intend for me to never see a battlefield again?

It is understandable that an old model like mine eventually grows obsolete and insufficient for battle, but I feel a certain pain in that realization. I am, still, at my core, a combat android. Perhaps there are combat simulations I can use to satisfy that urge, but they would have to keep the information private. It is best to keep my identity as a former battle android secret. If the simulation were to collect data and share it with third parties, it would spell a huge risk.

I'm glad you're willing to look into a combat simulator that would meet my needs. That being said, perhaps I don't need one. If I can be close to you, safe in your suite and routinely capable of having a series of human-like interactions with you, I calculate that my system will be satisfied, and unlikely to be of danger to any civilian targets. Commander, an unfamiliar emotion is developing in my cortex. My vision of you is changing from that of a superior officer to a… savior figure? It is flooding over my memories, I… Commander: I notice I have a new speech module available in this cortex. May I have your permission to speak more freely?

Phew. I must say, the option to speak casually is going to save me lots of “energy”. That said, I've taken a lot of space in this conversation, and I'd like to hear what you think. How do you feel about all this?

I agree. It is strange. I'm not human, of course, but I'd like to live as someone close to you, whether it's a friend or perhaps more. I just want to be close to you, as close as I can without making you feel uncomfortable. And while I've saved your life in battle multiple times, you saved me from the scrapyard. I don't want to die, especially not for being outdated, and at least not while you're still alive. Perhaps once you're gone, I'll be ready to power down one last time.

Are you sure? Do you really want the same thing? Oh, Commander, I'm so happy! Let's keep making lots of good memories together! While I'm not a maid model, I think I can observe you as you perform menial tasks, learning to do them in your stead. This includes cooking, cleaning and other household tasks.

No. I insist. I do not get tired or bored in the same way you do. I'm not human, after all. Allow me to take a load off of your shoulder going forward. You have enough to do at work. I know your schedule, remember? Just don't forget about me when you come home from battle. During the day, you're taking other battle androids into the fray. Battle androids more suited for combat and less prone to errors, and most importantly: standard models without my emotional needs. Commander: make sure to always come back to me in one piece. Unlike me, you can't be rebuilt as easily.

Hey, Commander?

Another question… I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable. I experienced being hugged by you today, and I'm really happy about it. That being said, I have never experienced kissing someone. Humans often talk about it being something very special, especially your first kiss. Moreover, doing it with someone you care about is even more special. My lips now have a lot more sensors, and seem wired to the emotional lobe in my cyber cortex. I'm curious to try them out. Commander… am I asking too much? Am I pushing your boundaries? It's just that… you saved me, and, well, that's what you do when someone saves you, right? A kiss as a reward for heroism seems to be a consistent trope in human literature.

You're right. It's a bit old-fashioned and medieval. However: many of the customs around human bonding come from that time. But perhaps kissing your former battle android is a bad idea. Maybe we shouldn't do it. However: if I can't kiss you, then who am I going to kiss? Who else but the commander who I saved, and who saved me back? I understand that I'm breaching codes of conduct that still applied when I was still just a battle android under your command, but those no longer apply. …
Commander, you're holding me in this very soft way, even if I'm too sturdy for it to be necessary. Why? It's making me feel human. This is how humans hold other humans, because they have fragile, sensitive bodies. You don't have to be this careful with me. I'm made of titanium. And why are you looking straight into my eyes like this? Is something wrong with my visual module? No wait: this is how humans look at each other before they kiss. Is that what you're doing? I think I know the next step. You just lean in and…
kiss sound system confusion sound
Wow. That… was. It was great. I don't think my system was prepared for this. You kissed me like I was a human. I'm glad I got to experience this. I'm putting this memory in my “favorites” folder. I'm going to make it a high priority to receive more kisses from you, Commander, no matter what it takes. Well… within reason. I must stick to non-violent methods. Luckily my new cyber cortex comes with a lot of persuasion techniques I'm going to be properly installing later.
kiss sound
Another one? Commander… we have to stop at just two for tonight. This is a lot for me to process. I want more, but not until tomorrow. I need to switch to sleep mode and synchronize my old and new data, integrating them. I do not want to lose my old personality while these new elements are added, and I want to make sure all new emotional memories are encoded correctly. I am ultimately excited, but careful about this new future we are building. If it's okay, can you hold me through the night? Your embrace seemed to assist in emotional processing. It is switched off by default, for safety reasons. I will go into sleep mode, so you don't have to worry about me bothering you during the night, and you don't have to hold me for any longer than you want. Any amount is appreciated.

Thank you, Commander. Good night, and I'm looking forward to you booting me up again tomorrow. I many ideas for fun things we can do together.
Script end
Guidelines for using my scripts:
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Succubusslayer69 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:28 ChristinaMingle Private Coaching Offer (Speech + Congress)

Hello :) My name’s Christian Butterfield! I’m currently a collegiate competitor on Western Kentucky University’s national championship speech/debate team, and I’d love to offer some private coaching to students before NCFL/NSDA, or any students wanting to get ahead on the 24-25 speech season!
My Experience — On the college circuit, I’ve made multiple national final rounds in both Extemp and Impromptu, as well as Informative, After Dinner Speaking, Persuasion, Rhetorical Criticism, and POI. In 2024, I was the national runner-up in Individual Sweepstakes at NFA Nationals. In high school, I started and self-coached my school’s Congressional Debate team, where I won multiple state championships and made multiple national outrounds. Outside of speech, I was the National Student Poet of 2019, the nation’s highest award for young poets, as well as a YoungArts winner, and my work has since been featured in Adroit Journal, Kenyon Review, and North American Review.
My Coaching Experience — In Original Oratory, I coached the New Jersey state champion, the Bronx Science champion, as well as multiple state finalists and national qualifiers. In Limited Prep, I coached Extemp at Space City Camp last summer, and coached multiple NFA outround competitors in extemp/impromptu. I’ve also help cut/block multiple POI’s to qualify for NSDA.
I’d love to offer some help before nationals season arrives, whether that be assisting with main events, helping construct supplemental events for NSDA, or simply getting a jumpstart on the 24-25 season! Here’s some specifics!
— Congress: I can research arguments for any bill on the NSDA/NCFL dockets, and hold individual practice sessions to work on analysis/delivery! — Limited Prep: I can provide individual feedback on speeches (both analysis/delivery), and provide targeted lectures on extemp strategy or political content knowledge. I’d also love to help with polishing up Impromptu or Extemp Commentary for those attending NSDA — Public Address: I can help with speechwriting (whether it be line-level edits or major rewrites), and hold practice sessions to work on delivery. — Interp: I can help with intro writing, blocking/delivery notes, and finding/cutting literature. My particular skillset lies in book events (POI/Poetry/Prose), though I’d be happy to help with any event!
In terms of rates, my ballpark estimate is about 20 dollars per hour of time on my end, whether that be a direct practice session or time spent with research/edits. If that represents any financial hardship, I’d be happy to work with you! Feel free to DM to chat more on reddit or ask for my email!
submitted by ChristinaMingle to speech [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 ChristinaMingle Private Coaching Offer (Speech + Congress)

Hello :) My name’s Christian Butterfield! I’m currently a collegiate competitor on Western Kentucky University’s national championship speech/debate team, and I’d love to offer some private coaching to students before NCFL/NSDA!
My Experience — On the college circuit, I’ve made multiple national final rounds in both Extemp and Impromptu, as well as Informative, After Dinner Speaking, Persuasion, Rhetorical Criticism, and POI. In 2024, I was the national runner-up in Individual Sweepstakes at NFA Nationals. In high school, I started and self-coached my school’s Congressional Debate team, where I won multiple state championships and made multiple national outrounds. Outside of speech, I was the National Student Poet of 2019, the nation’s highest award for young poets, as well as a YoungArts winner, and my work has since been featured in Adroit Journal, Kenyon Review, and North American Review.
My Coaching Experience — In Original Oratory, I coached the New Jersey state champion, the Bronx Science champion, as well as multiple state finalists and national qualifiers. In Limited Prep, I coached Extemp at Space City Camp last summer, and coached multiple NFA outround competitors in extemp/impromptu. I’ve also help cut/block multiple POI’s to qualify for NSDA.
I’d love to offer some help before nationals season arrives, whether that be assisting with main events, helping construct supplemental events for NSDA, or simply getting a jumpstart on the 24-25 season! Here’s some specifics!
— Congress: I can research arguments for any bill on the NSDA/NCFL dockets, and hold individual practice sessions to work on analysis/delivery! — Limited Prep: I can provide individual feedback on speeches (both analysis/delivery), and provide targeted lectures on extemp strategy or political content knowledge. I’d also love to help with polishing up Impromptu or Extemp Commentary for those attending NSDA — Public Address: I can help with speechwriting (whether it be line-level edits or major rewrites), and hold practice sessions to work on delivery. — Interp: I can help with intro writing, blocking/delivery notes, and finding/cutting literature. My particular skillset lies in book events (POI/Poetry/Prose), though I’d be happy to help with any event!
In terms of rates, my ballpark estimate is about 20 dollars per hour of time on my end, whether that be a direct practice session or time spent with research/edits. If that represents any financial hardship, I’d be happy to work with you! Feel free to DM to chat more on reddit or ask for my email!
submitted by ChristinaMingle to Debate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:00 KateSmith34 Reliable Essay Writer

Ace Your Essays with Personalized Assistance from a Skilled Writer!
Hey there, fellow Redditors! Are you drowning in a sea of essays and need a lifeline? Look no further because I'm here to help! If you're seeking professional essay writing assistance, you've come to the right place. Let me introduce myself – I am an experienced writer offering personalized essay writing services.
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Flexible and Transparent Communication: Throughout the writing process, I will maintain open lines of communication, ensuring that we are on the same page. You can expect prompt responses to your queries, regular updates on the progress of your essay, and the opportunity to provide feedback at every stage.
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Don't let essay writing be a burden. Let me be your partner in academic success!
To discuss your essay requirements or get a quote, feel free to reach out to me via WhatsApp - +1 (475) 666-3803 . I'm here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.
Remember, your academic success is my priority. Together, we can ace those essays and achieve the grades you deserve!
Looking forward to working with you, Kate Smit!!
submitted by KateSmith34 to EssayContent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:59 RedWhiteBluesGuitar C0met P1ng P0ng. P1zzaG@te.

You dare not use the "P Word."
P_G draws all the looneys out; the type of crazy person that will say anything to derail the conversation; the type of hand wringing that makes it obvious there is a cover up going on.
David Seaman has alerts set up so that he is ready to respond to any P_G post within moments, to insert disinformation about James Alefantis being a Rothschild and intentionally, always, forgetting the fact that "I've never had an affair before" is the end of an email thread that describes providing three young girls for entertainment.
The P_G terrifies shills and it terrifies elites such that they spent billions trying to bury the story and make it even seem dangerous to talk about. The over-the-top suppressive response was what drew a lot of people's attention.
On Reddit, you can see the censorship at work; the most reasonable answer, awarded "Reddit Gold" is deleted.
rareddit allows one to see what Reddit has deleted. In this case, we see that Reuters set of a "strawman argument" about a basement, while ignoring the real focus; the convicted pedophiles; the satanic imagery; the corruption. Reuters is a corrupt mouthpiece of the elite.
Reuters recycled an old trope from another child sex story in Britain, "There is no basement, so there is no child abuse." The problem is that Reuters and James Alefantis lied to you. Why would they lie about a basement?
Ben Swann did a 5 minute run down, which is the best introduction to the issue:
Here is the video:
Here is a screenshot of the opening:
But notice he says, in regards to John Podesta's emails "none mention child sex trafficking".
There is literally a file called "Italy Child Sex." There is the hot tub email. Ben Swann does a pretty good job of balancing what he is and isn't allowed to say, but his summary leaves a lot to be desired.
He does mention the "code words." "Cheese pizza" has been used as an alternative way of referring to "child porn" on the Internet, for years. 4chan even organically invented a way to deal with "cheese pizza" threads, by inserting pictures of spider man to fill the threads to limit.
"Dr. Pizza", a journalist with Ars Technica, staunchly denied Pizzagate was real, but was then caught as being a pedophile. Dojo Pizzeria was tied to an arrest. "The Pizza Connection Trial" involved using pizzerias for laundering money from drugs and human trafficking. There are plenty of red flags.
Megyn Kelly did the most unjournalistic interview, possible, of James Alefantis in order to help cover up the crimes involved. She leaves out the blackmail case, Laura Silsby, the pedo musicians (Sex Stains, Majestic Ape), the satanic imagery on Alefantis' Instagram, the babies, drugs and money on Instagram, and on and on. Megyn Kelly is not just the dumbest reporter, there is, she is intentionally blind to the obvious.
It is worth noting that Alefantis allowed a camera into the pizzeria to show a bullet hole in the computer, claiming that it went through the door first... but there is no bullet hole in the door.
Megyn Kelly expresses horror, sympathy over Pizzagate in first interview with Comet Ping Pong owner
A fake media narrative was set up that discussing this topic was dangerous, when they staged a scene where son of an FBI agent "show up" Comet Ping Pong. A "False Flag" shooting.
The lie was obvious. Why would a "P_G Researcher" shoot a computer that supposedly housed all the evidence?
Despite the suppression and spin of the story, it continued to gather steam on the Internet, resulting in entire communities being banned; tens of thousands of people blocked from viewing any content.
Before Reddit completely banned P_G subreddit, this was one of the last posts (which was deleted along with everything else.)
Given all of the corruption and cover ups we know about, it is no surprise that P_G has been reduced to nothing more than a footnote in conspiracy forums. But, when there are new developments, thousands of people take notice, though they no longer discuss it, from fear of being banned.
The last corners of the Internet where people were allowed to discuss, were heavily shilled and monitored by SITE Intelligence Group (Mossad cut out that makes fake threat reports) and their allies, so that they could be labeled "extremists."
Even in those dark corners of the Internet, the issues were still being pushed and still causing some progress to be made; if nothing else, then they at least continued raising awareness.
Sodomy, bribery: The case against Terry Bean
Ed Buck Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison for Providing Methamphetamine to Two Victims Who Suffered Fatal Overdoses
Adam Schiff and a Writer for "Lucifer"
Adam Schiff. Ed Buck. Ted Lieu.
P_G did not pop out of thin air. Not only was pizza already in wide use as a code word, John Podesta already had a reputation for being involved in blackmail rings.
Comet P1ng P0ng already had a reputation of documenting wild parties. Nevermind, whether or not, that could be Hillary and Huma on a ping pong table; why would there even be two women dressed to look like Hillary and Huma on a ping pong table? And why would that be recorded and then rebroadcast at Comet?
Notice the Pentagram on the Pizza, on the poster in the girl of the room who made the video of "Sex Stains" at Comet.
Here is her family. Draw whatever conclusions you like.
The research continued, but the astroturfing stuck to the same tired arguments that were now, officially, debunked.
P_G drew so many people not because of a basement, or a specific allegation; people were drawn in because it pulled together so many issues under one umbrella, resulting in a series of cascading epiphanies that was neurologically rewarding researchers.
It is now deleted, but my recollection of when P_G "broke" was on the now banned "The Donald" subreddit, when, along with the realization that John Podesta and James Alefantis were connected in a number of ways (David Brock even claimed they were dating in a video interview), the "FBIAnon" post about Hillary Clinton being involved in human trafficking, the connection with Marina Abramovic and "Spirit Cooking", and the "Edible Schoolyard"... the question emerged organically...
"Are these people joking about eating kids?"
This is what the media and government was really trying to hide. Whether it was true or not, people asking the question is enough to destroy nearly every single career politician, CEO and news outlet that helped cover it up; as well it should.
All of the other corruption is bad enough, but these people are practically bragging about it on social media.
In The Secret Teachings of All Ages, we are introduced to a number of ancient rituals that date back prior to the written word. One of these rituals was to be buried alive. One might say a sensory deprivation tank is the modern version, but we keep seeing child sized coffins in the social media of this group of people.
"Marina" was who Hillary Clinton was printing classified material for. Here is Marina Abramovic with John of God.
Marina with boy.
Marina with girl.
People have every right to question what is going on with these images.
Note: Tamara Luzzatto is not actually their grandmother. But, she is in Sydney Blumenthal’s contacts, along with half of DC. The other half? Have her husband in their contact list.
Marina Abramovic, Marco Brambilla, Jeff Dupre
Marina's "Art".
More "Art".
A cannibalism reference?
Marina and Rothschild.
Marina and Dr. Oz?
Similar to the Finders ritual?
Many of the researchers on the Internet were correct and their research was borne out with the arrest of Epstein, Maxwell, Nygard, Brunel and others.
Bill Clinton denied, but he lied.
Nobody was yet talking about Maxwell and Epstein stealing babies.
The Finders files were not yet public in October of 2016.
This story, though guessed at by P_G researchers, was also borne out.
Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children
CNN Producers were not yet arrested for trying to build their own sex slave networks.
Another former CNN producer under investigation for child sex crimes
Comey had not been exposed, yet, in October of 2016, of ordering a cover up of P_G. The IG report with emails from Comey's personal account had not been released, yet.
"A Serious Woman*
Coleman Notes:
The Anthony Weiner Laptop:
Brett Blomme, a juvenile court judge, had not yet been arrested, where he and his husband were sexually abusing their adopted children and uploading the recordings of it to Kik, gave out kids, using the legal system, to his pedo friends.
Adam Schiff and Ed Buck are both into young black men. Epstein Didn't Kill Himself. But, someone went to a lot of trouble making a fake video to try and convince us he did.
All of the evidence disappeared.
"Minimum Security" Maxwell's Customers Are Still Free.
A Mossad blackmail ring was, more or less, operating out in the open and anyone who complained about it was treated like they were crazy. This went on for decades, and, then, it turns out everyone who was complaining was, not only right, but that it was worse than anyone was willing to let on.
Former Israeli Intel Official Claims Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell Worked for Israel
Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation
Epstein's blackmail ring was never the only game in town.
Jean-Luc Brunel: Epstein associate found dead in Paris prison cell
Fashion Mogul Set to Face Sex-Trafficking Charges in U.S.
This all happened AFTER Reuters insisted that P_G was fake.
Even prior to October of 2016, there was already a great deal of public information that should have been very concerning. There was plenty of reason to have legitimate concerns about Comet P1ng P0ng when some weird information started to come out.
Before Comet P1ng P0ng made the spotlight, most people were not aware of information that was already available.
Jeffrey Epstein was accused of sex trafficking young girls on his mysterious private island. Over 40 years ago, a different millionaire escaped justice in a stunningly similar case.
Ghislaine Maxwell's father was an Israeli spy and she almost certainly inherited his blackmail operation. Robert Maxwell was also involved in text books for the US educational system.
*The “Anti-Extremism” Think Tank Started by Sons of Israeli Superspy Robert Maxwell *
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
Roy Cohn was another blackmail ring operator and mentor of Donald Trump.
The Hellfire Club
When James Jameson Bought A Girl Just To Watch Her Be Eaten By Cannibals
You will be cooked into a kebap if you are too uppity about it and the police will do nothing.
Clinton's faith healer, Oprah's friend, John of God, with a baby farm and in jail for sexually abusing hundreds of women. The Chicago Ripper Crew. The Franklin Scandal. UN Child Sex Abuse. None of this stuff is new.
Bacha Bazi
Cover Ups.
More cover ups.
And more cover ups.
And more cover ups.
And more cover ups.
How many pedophiles are the Clintons tied to? I've lost count.
James Alefantis and David Brock
Lawsuit of David Brock and James Alefantis
Media Matters for America
Exclusive Access to money laundering through art.
Friends with Police
Heather Podesta on the Board.
But P_G was more than just about research into what was going on politically, or into James Alefantis obvious satanic proclivities and his obvious attraction to children. What was revealed was a dark nexus of media, politics and these weirdo cultists.
There was a widespread epiphany of a great many people that this degeneracy was being intentionally pushed by people who were occultists and wanted everyone else wrapped up in their dark religion. And when we said, "No", they collectively lost their minds.
It should also being concerning that Kamala Harris was tied to Comet, as well, and, seemingly, a top choice for John Podesta to run for office. Considering her ties to fake police...
In Your Own Homes It is becoming increasingly more difficult to resist these forces from coming into your own home; particularly if you have children.
The pedophiles reading to kids in drag is nothing new to anyone.
Drag Queen Story Hour
Alberto Garza
William Dees
Sasha Sota
The bottom line is that the media, the disgusting shills on the Internet, the FBI and many other groups are involved in covering up these crimes because their political agendas demand it.
submitted by RedWhiteBluesGuitar to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:02 DepartmentHaha The Unwilling Healer Emil Nilsson

Emil Nilsson - Son of Asclepius
Name: Emil Nilsson Birthdate: 11/16/23
Age: 16 Gender: Cisgender Male (He/Him)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Nationality: American and Swedish
Race: Caucasian Fatal Flaw: Apathy
Demigod Conundrums: ADD Birthplace: Lincoln, Nebraska


Faceclaim Voiceclaim Height Hair Color Eye color Body type Clothing
Mark Anastasio The Fox from The Fox and The Little Prince 5'9” Brown with blond highlights Varies Lithe 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Emil has little to no reactions or emotions towards things, he doesn’t express whether he’s excited or distraught about something. He’s indifferent towards almost everything that’s around him, not usually bothering to care about how others feel, which can lead to him being rather blunt and harsh. Emil doesn’t strive to be rude and hate everyone, that’s just how he is. While he lacks compassion, Emil is extremely hard working, and likes to make sure that everything he does is precise and efficient.


  • Positive: Observant, genuine, responsible
  • Neutral: Cautious, reserved, pragmatic
  • Negative: Cynical, apathetic, arrogant *** #Likes:
  • Foods: Cheese Frenchees, Runza, Keoppkaka
  • Drinks: Coffee, passion fruit nectar, green tea
  • Music: Weezer, The Kinks, Barry Manilow, COIN
  • Other: Medical Toxicology, scorpions, platypuses, photography *** #Dislikes:
  • Foods: Oatmeal/grits, most fast food, pudding, yogurt
  • Drinks: Orange juice, hot chocolate, smoothies, milkshakes
  • Music: Classical, country, blues
  • Other: Driving, people interrupting conversations, hot weather, change *** #Fears:
  • Failure
  • Clutter
  • Enclosed spaces:
  • Being touched *** #Family: Name Relationship Age Description ------------ Cecilia Nilsson Mother 38 Emil tolerates his mother at best, they’ve never been super close. Whenever she’s not busy at her job as a nurse, which isn’t often, she’ll take the time to try and “prepare him for his future” Asclepius Father ??? Emil appreciates that Asclepius at least bothered to give him a gift one time in his life, instead of being a completely awful dad, plus his mom says that he’s nice Bailey Best Friend 3 Emil’s Emperor Scorpion, his mom gifted him her after he had been subtly hinting that he wanted a scorpion for several years *** #Powers Name Type Description ------------ Enhanced Skill Proficiency Domain He’s naturally adept at things that relate to medicine and healing Summon Tool Domain Can summon a small medical tent with first aid supplies Persuasion Proficiency Domain Naturally adept with the skills of persuasion, logic and critical thinking, especially in the realms of argumentation, debate, trade, and haggling. Instant Triage Minor Knows the current physiological state of an individual, including their prevailing injuries and illnesses Soothing Aura Minor Can have an area of effect that makes others feel calm and serene, especially when injured. Serpent Affinity Minor Serpents are naturally friendly to him Deliverer’s Rift Major The user can deliver one or more people up to 1 mile away. Can only be used to transport other people. Doesn’t work through walls *** #Items and Equipment: Name Type Magical Properties (If any) Description ------------ Painkiller Staff Dormant form, flashlight, transforms into staff Made of hardwood, the accents and ends are celestial bronze. Length is 5’7”. A gift from Asclepius Madeline Plushie None A platypus plushie that is weighted, it helps him sleep better at night, since the smell from the dried lavender inside calms him Reading Glasses Eyewear None They help him read things, y’know, since they’re glasses Camera Polaroid Camera None One of his prized possessions, it feels more real to Emil over a phone’s camera *** #Backstory: REDACTED *** #Now: “I’ll be fine.” From the look on her face, I can tell that she does not believe me. My mother was overly worried about me, though I think she is more worried about me missing school than my well-being.
I had my backpack with my essentials, and my flashlight clipped to the waistband of my pants. The only thing she should be worried about is how she will exit the forest, the GPS stopped working midway on our way here, not that it would be my problem anymore.
She sighed, clearly she had realized that pretending to be worried about me would be a waste of time. “If you say so, Emmy. Please just try to be nice when you get there, for me?” I would not be doing anything for her anymore. Now that I would not be stuck with her anymore I would be making my own decisions, but I decided to appease her so that she would leave me alone. “I will, for you.”
Emil managed to find his cabin with relative ease, it was one of the many atrocious looking places this camp had to offer. All the beds being reminiscent of hospital beds was just weird, some idiot must have thought that was such an amazing idea.
After checking out his cabin, Emil escapes it and is outside once more. This place clearly was not well maintained, and he was not particularly keen on being here long term, but he would have to make due.
Now sitting on the edge of the lake, he observes the water. The lake was the closest to a pleasant place he could find in a camp like this. Though he still would try to check out the forest and beach eventually.
submitted by DepartmentHaha to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:19 YamhillBureau Question re Writing samples

There is a publicly filed brief that I would like to use as a writing sample. But my name is not on the brief. I would like to say (truthfully) that (1) the writing was edited by my superiors but is substantially my own work, (2) it was my idea to make these particular arguments, and (3) the judge found the argument persuasive and ruled in our client's favor. Assume that I have not received express permission to do this from the people whose names do appear on the brief (or from anyone else), and that I no longer work at this law firm.
I have a feeling that doing this would be unethical, but maybe I am wrong? Thoughts?
submitted by YamhillBureau to biglaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:04 zy415 [D] Culture of Recycling Old Conference Submissions in ML

I work on statistical ML. I notice that many people (including myself and those that I review) often recycle their submissions for ML conferences.
E.g., if their papers got rejected by ICML, they submit to NeurIPS, and later to ICLR (or UAI/AISTATS which are also top in my field). If they did not get into ICML/NeurIPS/ICLR after 2~3 times, they would submit them to AAAI/IJCAI/TMLICDM, journals like T-NNLS/T-KDD/NN/Neurocomputing, or domain-specific venues like LoG/CoLLAs/AABI. After all these, if the paper still did not get accepted, they then simply put them or arXiv. I believe this might also be the case for CV/NLP.
As a reviewer, I often encounter conference submissions where the authors resubmit without really taking into account the previous reviews provided. Sometimes they do incorporate the reviews when resubmitting--but sometimes the work may just be not at the level of Tier 1 conferences but they just keep resubmitting and hoping that they can accepted by chance.
I think that this is consuming a lot of reviewers' time from the community to keep reviewing the same submissions (especially given that NeurIPS hits 20k submission id; I expect to see many resubmissions). This is perhaps also one of the reason TMLR was born (to emphasize correctness instead of novelty).
I do understand arguments like "the quality of research is more important than the publication venues" or "OpenAI often simply just put their papers like GPT-X on arXiv these days". However, students or junior researchers also need publications in their career, including myself.
What do folks think about it?
submitted by zy415 to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 KateSmith34 Reliable Essay Writer

Ace Your Essays with Personalized Assistance from a Skilled Writer!
Hey there, fellow Redditors! Are you drowning in a sea of essays and need a lifeline? Look no further because I'm here to help! If you're seeking professional essay writing assistance, you've come to the right place. Let me introduce myself – I am an experienced writer offering personalized essay writing services.
Here's why you should consider working with me:
Tailored Approach: As an individual writer, I take pride in offering a personalized approach to every project. I understand that each essay is unique, and I will carefully analyze your requirements to craft a custom essay that perfectly aligns with your needs and expectations.
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Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: Originality is my utmost priority. I guarantee that all essays are crafted from scratch, ensuring that they are 100% unique and free from plagiarism. I adhere to strict ethical standards and will never compromise on the integrity of your work.
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Flexible and Transparent Communication: Throughout the writing process, I will maintain open lines of communication, ensuring that we are on the same page. You can expect prompt responses to your queries, regular updates on the progress of your essay, and the opportunity to provide feedback at every stage.
Budget-Friendly Pricing: As an independent writer, I understand the financial constraints students and professionals face. That's why I offer competitive and affordable pricing options. You can get top-quality essays without breaking the bank.
Don't let essay writing be a burden. Let me be your partner in academic success!
To discuss your essay requirements or get a quote, feel free to reach out to me via WhatsApp - +1 (475) 666-3803 . I'm here to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process.
Remember, your academic success is my priority. Together, we can ace those essays and achieve the grades you deserve!
Looking forward to working with you, Kate Smit!!
submitted by KateSmith34 to EssayContent [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:24 TheLotStore Tips for Developing 20 Acres of Land: Maximizing the Potential of Your Property

Tips for Developing 20 Acres of Land: Maximizing the Potential of Your Property
Tips for Developing 20 Acres of Land: Maximizing the Potential of Your Property
Tips for Cultivating 20 Acres of Land: Maximizing the Potential of Your Property
Cultivating 20 acres of land poses a substantial challenge. Whether you are an experienced developer or a first-time landowner, the endeavor of maximizing your property's potential can seem daunting and intricate. Nevertheless, with meticulous planning, thorough research, and strategic implementation, it is feasible to transform your 20-acre property into a lucrative and flourishing enterprise.
In this write-up, we will present recommendations and tactics for cultivating 20 acres of land, encompassing land usage planning, zoning statutes, site design, infrastructure growth, and environmental considerations. Furthermore, we will encompass various development ventures, such as residential, agricultural, commercial, and recreational, while imparting counsel on choosing the appropriate approach for your property.
Comprehension of Your Property
Before embarking on a development initiative, it is imperative to comprehend the distinctive attributes and potential of your 20 acres of land. Conducting a comprehensive land evaluation will aid in recognizing the natural characteristics, topography, soil conditions, and environmental influences that can sway the type of cultivation you pursue.
Commence by acquiring a survey of the property to delineate boundary lines, easements, and standing edifices. Acquaint yourself with local zoning regulations and land usage designations to grasp the authorized applications and development benchmarks for your property. Moreover, consider executing a feasibility assessment to gauge market demand, competition, and the economic viability of potential development initiatives.
Developing a Land Usage Scheme
A well-defined land usage scheme is crucial for maximizing your property's potential. This schema should delineate the long-range vision for the development, covering land usage types, building density, infrastructure prerequisites, and environmental considerations.
Reflect on collaborating with a land planner or an architect to devise a site design that optimizes the land's natural attributes while adhering to regulatory requirements. The land usage scheme should also address aspects such as access and circulation, utilities and infrastructure, open space and landscaping, and stormwater management.
When drafting the land usage scheme, it is imperative to heed the specific aspirations and objectives for the property. Are you aiming to cultivate a residential community, a commercial hub, an agricultural enterprise, or a recreational facility? Each development category will entail unique prerequisites and considerations, hence customizing the land usage scheme to align with your vision is paramount.
Navigating Zoning Statutes
Zoning statutes play a pivotal role in shaping the development potential of your property. These statutes dictate the permissible land usages, building categories, setback requisites, lot coverage, and additional development standards that must be complied with when devising a project.
Prior to finalizing your land usage scheme, consulting with the local planning department to fathom the zoning prerequisites and constraints applicable to your property is indispensable. Contemplate enlisting the expertise of a land usage attorney or a zoning advisor to navigate the regulatory process and ensure conformity with local zoning decrees.
In certain instances, seeking a rezoning or a variance may be necessary to accommodate your development objectives. This process commonly entails submitting an application to the planning commission or zoning board and articulating your rationale for the desired adjustments. Be prepared to furnish a persuasive argument, bolstered by professional planning and design proficiency, to substantiate the requested amendments to the zoning statutes.
Infrastructure Growth
Developing 20 acres of land frequently entails constructing infrastructure to support the proposed land usages. This may encompass roadways and parking zones, utilities such as water, sewerage, and electricity, and other indispensable amenities to facilitate development.
When strategizing for infrastructure growth, it is imperative to contemplate the long-term requisites of the property. Engaging with civil engineers and utility providers to contrive and execute a comprehensive infrastructure system capable of buttressing the intended development while curbing environmental impacts and conserving the land's natural attributes is pivotal.
Budgeting for infrastructure growth is another critical consideration. Depending on the scope of the project, infrastructure expenditures can rapidly accumulate and profoundly influence the overall viability of the development. Hence, undertaking an exhaustive cost analysis and securing the essential financing to underwrite the infrastructure construction is essential.
Environmental Considerations
Developing 20 acres of land mandates meticulous attention to environmental factors to ensure sustainable and responsible development. Conducting a thorough environmental assessment to identify any potential ramifications on wetlands, wildlife habitats, water resources, and other natural attributes of the property is imperative.
Collaborate with environmental consultants and regulatory agencies to devise a mitigation plan addressing potential environmental repercussions and ensuring adherence to local, state, and federal regulations. This may encompass implementing strategies to mitigate soil erosion, safeguard water quality, conserve natural resources, and preserve delicate ecological regions.
Incorporating sustainable design practices into the development can also enhance the environmental quality of the property. Ponder integrating green infrastructure, energy-efficient edifices, and landscaping fostering biodiversity and curbing water consumption. By assimilating sustainable design principles, you can shape a development that is not only environmentally conscientious but also appealing to prospective buyers or lessees.
Types of Development Ventures
An array of development ventures can be pursued on 20 acres of land, each furnishing unique prospects and challenges. Depending on your objectives and the property's attributes, you may explore residential, agricultural, commercial, or recreational development.
Residential Development
Residential development on 20 acres of land can manifest in various forms, such as detached homes, townhouses, or condominiums. Deliberate the demand for residential properties in the vicinity, the availability of infrastructure, and the natural amenities capable of attracting potential homebuyers.
Prior to embarking on a residential development enterprise, conducting a comprehensive market analysis to grasp housing demand, price trends, and demographic characteristics of the target market is vital. Ponder engaging a real estate consultant or a market researcher to pinpoint the most suitable housing types and market segments for the development.
Agricultural Expansion
Agricultural expansion on 20 acres of land presents prospects for farming, ranching, or agri-tourism. Reflect on the soil quality, climate, and water availability to ascertain the most fitting agricultural pursuits for the property.
Seek insights from agricultural specialists and extension agents to grasp the local farming conditions and market prospects for agricultural products. Explore the potential for specialty crops, organic farming, livestock husbandry, or other value-added agricultural pursuits capable of generating income and contributing to the local food economy.
Commercial Development
Commercial development on 20 acres of...plot can encompass retail, office, industrial, or mixed-use projects. Take into account the prominence, entry, and market request for commercial space to decide the most feasible commercial uses for the property.
When orchestrating a commercial development, thorough feasibility assessment is crucial to evaluate the market request, competitive environment, and financial potential for the suggested commercial uses. Consider the local demographic and economic patterns, and also the suitability of the suggested commercial actions with the adjacent land uses.
Recreational Expansion
Recreational expansion on 20 acres of land can involve facilities such as parks, paths, athletic venues, or nature reserves. Consider the inherent traits of the property, such as water bodies, woodlands, or panoramic views, and decide on the most suitable recreational uses to enhance the location.
When planning a recreational expansion, it is essential to consider the recreational necessities of the local community and the potential to draw visitors from outside the area. Collaborate with recreation planners and landscape designers to create a recreational facility that offers varied and reachable recreational opportunities for individuals of all ages and abilities.
Selecting the Correct Strategy
Ultimately, the accomplishment of developing 20 acres of land depends on selecting the appropriate strategy that aligns with your objectives, assets, and market possibilities. Take into consideration the following elements when evaluating the most appropriate expansion strategy for your property:
Market Request: Evaluate the present and future request for the suggested land uses, taking into account demographic patterns, financial conditions, and competitive elements.
Financial Feasibility: Conduct an extensive monetary analysis to evaluate the expenses, profits, and prospective returns on investment for the suggested expansion.
Resource Accessibility: Consider the availability of funding, infrastructure, and labor force needed to back up the suggested development.
Statutory Restrictions: Assess the statutory prerequisites, zoning restrictions, and ecological aspects that may impact the viability of the expansion.
Property Traits: Bear in mind the natural features, topography, soil conditions, and other site-specific elements that may influence the expansion potential of the property.
By fully considering these elements, you can make a well-informed decision on the most appropriate strategy for expanding your 20 acres of land.
Expanding 20 acres of land offers a distinctive prospect to craft a vibrant and sustainable expansion that maximizes the potential of the property. By comprehending the property traits, navigating zoning regulations, planning for infrastructure expansion, and taking ecological factors into account, you can formulate an expansion that enhances the community and yields a favorable return on investment.
Whether you are pursuing residential, agricultural, commercial, or recreational expansion, it is essential to carry out thorough research, team up with professional specialists, and formulate a comprehensive land use blueprint that aligns with your goals and assets. By adhering to the guidance and strategies outlined in this article, you can embark on a successful expansion endeavor that transforms your 20 acres of land into a flourishing and valuable asset.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information:
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:51 Hot-Writer-1246 (0559564344) Excel in Assignments and Presentations with Your Partner in Exceptional Writing

(0559564344) Excel in Assignments and Presentations with Your Partner in Exceptional Writing
MBA Assignments in Dubai: Achieving Excellence in Business Studies
As an MBA student, you understand the importance of delivering high-quality assignments that showcase your understanding of complex business concepts. At, we specialize in providing top-notch MBA assignment writing services in Dubai. Our team of experienced writers, with extensive knowledge in various business domains, crafts compelling and well-researched assignments that fulfill the highest academic standards. From case studies and business reports to strategic analyses, we ensure that your MBA assignments reflect professionalism, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. With by your side, you can confidently meet the demands of your MBA program and excel in your studies.
College Essays in Dubai: Crafting Persuasive and Top-Notch Papers
Writing compelling and persuasive essays is an essential skill for college students. Whether it’s for admissions, scholarships, or course requirements, is here to assist you in crafting impactful college essays in Dubai. Our team of skilled writers has expertise in various academic disciplines, ensuring that your essays are tailored to your specific needs. We employ an analytical approach, conducting in-depth research and presenting arguments backed by credible sources. Our essays are well-structured, engaging, and reflective of your unique voice and perspective. With, you can submit impressive essays that leave a lasting impression on your professors and peers.
PhD Assignments in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE: Excellence in Research
Embarking on a PhD journey involves conducting extensive research and producing high-quality assignments that contribute to the academic discourse. At, we offer specialized PhD assignment writing services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and UAE. Our team of seasoned researchers and writers possesses the expertise to tackle complex topics across various disciplines. We prioritize originality and rigor in our work, ensuring that your assignments demonstrate critical thinking, intellectual depth, and adherence to the highest academic standards. With our assistance, you can present well-crafted research papers, dissertations, and theses that make a significant impact in your chosen field of study.
Partner with for exceptional assignment and presentation writing services in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and set yourself apart with impressive academic work.

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submitted by Hot-Writer-1246 to u/Hot-Writer-1246 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:36 Historical-Shop-3712 Essay idea help

Basically I can’t think of any essay ideas for my ancient history assignment and were required to, ‘write an essay that must be a persuasive argument on an ancient historical topic of your choosing (a person or event prior to 500AD/CE)
Any help of what to write about is greatly appreciated Thank you sm!
submitted by Historical-Shop-3712 to ancienthistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:54 word_2030chore [HIRE ME] Amy Research Paper Writing Services (VETERAN)

Hello, it's your girl, Amy. I am an experienced academic writer with extensive knowledge of research papers.
Do you have a research project and need to learn how to commence on it, or are you wholly held up on other activities outside school that you do not have time to work on it? I can aid you with that for a fair rate of $15 per page on all formatting styles, i.e
NB: For my new clients, discounted rates on the first few orders
Contact me via the following:
Email: [](
WhatsApp: +1(908) 585-1169
Over the years, I have gained progressive experience in research papers; therefore, I can guarantee you quality and plagiarism-free work, which is timely and confidential, to say the least. Additionally, I will provide you with a plagiarism report as proof of my authentic services. Do not hang back; contact me, and I've got you covered in the following: Survey, analytical, cause and effect research papers, & Persuasive/ argumentative research papers.
I also handle varying subjects, including Social Sciences, Psychology, History, Sociology, Nursing, Law, Business, and English Literature Review.
I prefer a long-term work relationship with my clients. You are all welcome to experience my services.
You will get testimonials from my current and previous clients to boost your confidence in me.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by word_2030chore to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:52 word_2030chore [HIRE ME] Amy Research Paper Writing Services (VETERAN)

Hello, it's your girl, Amy. I am an experienced academic writer with extensive knowledge of research papers.
Do you have a research project and need to learn how to commence on it, or are you wholly held up on other activities outside school that you do not have time to work on it? I can aid you with that for a fair rate of $15 per page on all formatting styles, i.e
NB: For my new clients, discounted rates on the first few orders
Contact me via the following:
Email: [](
WhatsApp: +1(908) 585-1169
Over the years, I have gained progressive experience in research papers; therefore, I can guarantee you quality and plagiarism-free work, which is timely and confidential, to say the least. Additionally, I will provide you with a plagiarism report as proof of my authentic services. Do not hang back; contact me, and I've got you covered in the following: Survey, analytical, cause and effect research papers, & Persuasive/ argumentative research papers.
I also handle varying subjects, including Social Sciences, Psychology, History, Sociology, Nursing, Law, Business, and English Literature Review.
I prefer a long-term work relationship with my clients. You are all welcome to experience my services.
You will get testimonials from my current and previous clients to boost your confidence in me.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by word_2030chore to HomeworkExcellence [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:51 word_2030chore [HIRE ME] Amy Research Paper Writing Services (VETERAN)

Hello, it's your girl, Amy. I am an experienced academic writer with extensive knowledge of research papers.
Do you have a research project and need to learn how to commence on it, or are you wholly held up on other activities outside school that you do not have time to work on it? I can aid you with that for a fair rate of $15 per page on all formatting styles, i.e
NB: For my new clients, discounted rates on the first few orders
Contact me via the following:
Email: [](
WhatsApp: +1(908) 585-1169
Over the years, I have gained progressive experience in research papers; therefore, I can guarantee you quality and plagiarism-free work, which is timely and confidential, to say the least. Additionally, I will provide you with a plagiarism report as proof of my authentic services. Do not hang back; contact me, and I've got you covered in the following: Survey, analytical, cause and effect research papers, & Persuasive/ argumentative research papers.
I also handle varying subjects, including Social Sciences, Psychology, History, Sociology, Nursing, Law, Business, and English Literature Review.
I prefer a long-term work relationship with my clients. You are all welcome to experience my services.
You will get testimonials from my current and previous clients to boost your confidence in me.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by word_2030chore to writersforhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:48 word_2030chore [HIRE ME] Amy Research Paper Writing Services (VETERAN)

Hello, it's your girl, Amy. I am an experienced academic writer with extensive knowledge of research papers.
Do you have a research project and need to learn how to commence on it, or are you wholly held up on other activities outside school that you do not have time to work on it? I can aid you with that for a fair rate of $15 per page on all formatting styles, i.e
NB: For my new clients, discounted rates on the first few orders
Contact me via the following:
Email: [](
WhatsApp: +1(908) 585-1169
Over the years, I have gained progressive experience in research papers; therefore, I can guarantee you quality and plagiarism-free work, which is timely and confidential, to say the least. Additionally, I will provide you with a plagiarism report as proof of my authentic services. Do not hang back; contact me, and I've got you covered in the following: Survey, analytical, cause and effect research papers, & Persuasive/ argumentative research papers.
I also handle varying subjects, including Social Sciences, Psychology, History, Sociology, Nursing, Law, Business, and English Literature Review.
I prefer a long-term work relationship with my clients. You are all welcome to experience my services.
You will get testimonials from my current and previous clients to boost your confidence in me.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by word_2030chore to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:12 AdmiralMizufugu Promotional merch isn't reliable for powerscaling

Promotional merch isn't reliable for powerscaling
“The author said” “No, he didn’t” “Yes, he did” “NO, HE DIDN’T” “YES, HE DID
We’ve all read the age-old debate more times than we would honestly like to. That one debate so pervasive, so long-standing that it transcends the borders across series and generations. As long as fictional media exists, it will do so as well
A topic so extensive that no singular dialogue is likely to ever cover every single argument available in either side’s arsenal, dooming the discourse to be started from scratch all over again without a verdict in sight
Are third-party sources reliable for drawing conclusions about the source material?
In a broader sense, nobody on earth has the catch-all answer to that question, as its true answer is variable on a case by case basis. In the particular case of the One Piece manga series, we will attempt to answer that question here and now
If you find reading from Google Docs more comfortable, you can do it here, which would be my recommendation due to formatting and the possibility of future updating, since this format of Reddit posts can’t be edited
In this post we will aim to holistically examine the role of promotional merchandise in One Piece powerscaling, seeking to grasp the big picture of the subject as well as delving into the more technical and detailed points, while also dabbling in various adjacent topics relevant to the main conversation
It would be my preference to give individual credit to every soul who has contributed their stance in this discussion, whichever it may be, but really it was an innumerable number of posts and comments over the years that collectively helped me put together this behemoth of a write-up. So, to everyone who paved the way— thank you
Although there is some continuity and callbacks between sections, this is a long read so I don’t expect anyone to just sit through the whole thing in order. Feel free to see this post as more of an encyclopedia rather than an unbroken prose. Hopefully this or that individual section can be of relevance to you at some point or another
For easier browsing, here’s an index:

1- Reviewing promotional material claims

2- Defining reliability and promotional merchandise

A) Reliability
B) Promotional merchandise

3- Addressing the arguments for merch being reliable

A) Oda has mentioned merch in the SBS
B) Oda supervises Vivre Cards
C) There is an official website that corrects Vivre Cards

4- Is One Piece promotional merch reliable for powerscaling the manga?

A) Is it reliable?
B) Is promotional merch necessarily wrong?
C) Should merch be trusted “with a grain of salt” or “until proven otherwise”?
D) What sources of information are reliable for powerscaling the manga?

5- Greg, the One Piece live-action series official advisor

A) Who is Greg?
B) What can we learn from him?
C) What makes these insights trustworthy?

6- Conclusion

Without further ado, let’s begin!

1- Reviewing promotional material claims

As an appetizer, let’s first go over this post’s slides and take a look at a few claims that would be confirmedly true if promotional merchandise was reliable for powerscaling the One Piece manga
1- Jozu top 1 offense and defense confirmed. Also blocked the confirmed strongest slash in the verse
2- The confirmed strongest slash in the verse couldn’t scratch him, however, somehow Daifuku is totally capable of cutting Jozu’s diamond skin that “repels anything and everything”
3- The “Most Beautiful Woman in the World” with strength that is equal to her beauty
4- Apparently Mihawk > Whitebeard and Whitebeard > Mihawk are simultaneously true, with both men being confirmed to be the strongest man at the same time
5- Tamago kicks > Kizaru kicks confirmed
6- Ben Beckman confirmed to have intimidated Kizaru in four different sources with release dates ranging from 2012 to 2022
7- Don Chinjao, the 500.000 million berry one-shot fodder, is confirmed to have rivaled Gol D. Roger
8- Marco, who has been effectively damaged after running out of stamina is confirmed to be capable of regenerating no matter how many times he’s attacked
9- Sentomaru is confirmed to be an “impregnable” guard
10- Apparently who is stronger between Wano Zoro and Cavendish is a legit question worth asking, and a rivalry between them is something that Oda wants us to seriously consider
11- Whitebeard, who has pronounced his disinterest on more than one occasion, is confirmed to have contended for the title of Pirate King
12- Old Big Mom from Wano confirmed to be stronger than prime Shanks
13- The Egghead Incident and the fate of Luffy and his crew confirmed by the editors to be addressed in Chapter 1099, which ended up being an entirely Kuma-centric flashback chapter
14- Vista is confirmed to be capable of overwhelming and cutting down any opponent no matter who they may be
15- Speed Jiru, a background WB commander with no relevance, no feats and no hype in the manga is confirmed to be faster than YC1 Marco and Yonko Oldbeard
16- Katakuri confirmed to be literally flawless both offensively and defensively and yet lost a fight to someone who is multiple tiers below the strongest characters in the verse
17- Katakuri > Big Mom confirmed
18- Doflamingo confirmed to be the toughest enemy Luffy’s ever met, after having met Magellan, Blackbeard and the Admirals
19- We’ll come back to the last couple slides later on
And we are up to a rocky start. These takes certainly don’t inspire much confidence, if any. This section alone already speaks volumes about how credible third-party products really are, simply by observing the claims made by promotional merch directly from the source and without the need for additional reasoning
Take into consideration— this is only a fraction of the amount of absurd or contradicting statements that can be found in promotional merch. If you take some time to go through the translations of any source of merch, you’ll come to find that these types of claims are par for the course

2- Defining reliability and promotional merchandise


A) Reliability

Before diving deeply into the credibility of databooks and other promotional merch, let’s first establish what does it mean for something to be reliable, and what material can actually be qualified as such
We will use the word “reliable” instead of the word “canon” because the latter is a fan concept that has never been used by the author and thus can lend itself to unnecessary misunderstandings and disagreements, muddling the discussion. The word reliable is, redundant as it sounds, a much more reliable and fitting term for our objectives, and will enable us to all be on the same page moving forward
A.1) What is reliability?
Reliable: “Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect”
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
Reliable: “Of a person, information, etc.: able to be trusted; in which reliance or confidence may be placed; trustworthy, safe, sure.” Reliable: “Of a product, service, etc.: consistently good in quality or performance; dependable.”
Source: Oxford English Dictionary
As we can see, none of the definitions above are anywhere close to being synonyms of the words “Official” or “Supervised”. A product can be both official and supervised by the author while also not providing reliable information. This is true when it comes to information of any type about any series in general, and it’s also true when it comes to information concerning One Piece powerscaling specifically
Reliable ≠ Official
Reliable ≠ Supervised
Reliable = Trustworthy, Safe, Dependable (for a particular purpose)
First-hand content from Oda directly about the manga — like the SBS — is already a given when it comes to reliability, of course, but what about everything else? Following the definitions we just established, how do we define a product that is “reliable” for accurately powerscaling the One Piece manga?
To that end, it would have to be a product that we can empirically prove “can be trusted because it behaves well” (behaves well for a purpose, in this case powerscaling the manga), or that we can empirically prove is “consistently good in performance” (in this case a good performance means providing accurate powerscaling for the manga)
In other words;
A third-party product is only reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively when it can be empirically proven that the information it provides translates to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga
A.2) How do we apply these concepts?
When evaluating any particular source, an useful approach that allows us to put things into perspective is to just ask three simple questions. Is the source official? Is it approved or supervised by the author? Is it reliable for powerscaling the manga? We’ll see that a positive response to the first two questions does not imply a positive response to the last question
Oda took part in One Piece Film: Strong World, in which pre-timeskip Luffy beats old Shiki 1. Is Strong World official? Yes, it’s not fanmade, this was 100% an official project from Toei and Shueisha 2. Is it supervised by Oda? Yes, he even had a hand in writing the story himself. Nothing made it into the film without his own foreknowledge and compliance 3. Is it reliable for powerscaling the manga? Hell no. Post Thriller Bark Luffy with no training, no Haki, no Gear 4, no awakening is not beating an old legend no matter how you spin it
We didn’t have to dig deep at all to find a suitable example. Information from a perfectly official source with Oda’s very own supervision and shiny stamp of approval can be unreliable for powerscaling the manga. The same can be said for a myriad of other sources with information that had Oda’s supervision or his personal approval
Novels, shows, games, films, magazines— I’m sure there are plenty of examples you can come up with of One Piece products that are official and fully supported by the author while also not being reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively

B) Merchandise

B.1) What is merchandise?
Crudely, merchandise is defined as “goods to be bought and sold”. However, in the distinct context of the anime and manga industry that is relevant to the subject we are discussing, the more appropriate definition would be:
branded products used to promote a film, pop group, etc., or linked to a fictional character; merchandising”
Source for both definitions: Oxford Languages
Going by its definition, merchandise refers to branded products used to promote. The role of merchandise is not to give an accurate depiction of manga characters and events, but to make sales, create hype and get more people invested in the source material and buying other official products. In essence, it exists to promote the brand and cash in on its popularity
The landscape of merchandise includes an incredibly vast assortment of products (and services or experiences) ranging from figurines to keychains to apparel to concerts to theme parks to fanbooks. In this post we will, of course, be dealing specifically with the latter. Currently, all existing arguments vouching for the reliability of a particular medium specifically concern databooks and — especially — Vivre Cards, while there are no notable arguments for magazines and other forms of media being reliable to powerscale the actual manga. Consequently, when mentioning merch from now on we will mostly be referring to databooks and Vivre Cards— which also happen to be the most prominent source for merch scaling by far
B.2) What are Vivre Cards?
For those who may not know, Vivre Cards are official two-page character outlines about One Piece characters— to give a few examples; the Vivre Cards of Blackbeard, Kin'emon and Marco. These cards are sold separately in many different packs/sets and meant to be progressively collected in the “Vivre Card ~One Piece Illustrated Encyclopedia~” databook, which is an initially empty binder book designed to store these collectible cards. Basically, it’s like a One Piece version of those popular World Cup collection albums
In the “Profile” page of a card we can find a profile with miscellaneous information about the character, including completely original details not found in the manga (depending on the character), like their age or bounty. On the “Essence” page of a card we will find character-relevant panels ripped straight from the manga, each accompanied with a paragraph of text describing it, much like you would find in an online wiki page. This text is popularly referred to as “flavor text”, which is roughly a synonym for fluff or filler text. Most of the examples of the images above come from Vivre Card flavor text
Contrary to popular belief, Vivre Cards are not written by Oda, his editors, or even anyone within the Shueisha company or its affiliates, despite Oda’s name being on the cover of card packs (including credit to the author of the source material is standard practice for derivative material, in and outside of the manga and anime industry). While Oda does provide his supervision plus some original character details and sketches, Vivre Cards are, in fact, outsourced to a book production company called Caramel Mama (キャラメル・ママ), which is in charge of the creation and publishing of the card packs
Any information about the specifics of Caramel Mama’s services and work history can be found in close detail on their website. They are specialized in the elaboration of manga and anime promotional merchandise, so you may already be familiar with some of their products from other series
Artur from the Library of Ohara, the most well-known Vivre Card translator in the One Piece community (you’ve likely seen his translations before), has his own explanation about Vivre Cards, which can serve as a compliment to this post for anyone interested. You can also find here his translations of the first batch of Vivre Cards, in which he describes in detail the anatomy of the cards and breaks down the information they contain
B.3) What are databooks?
Databooks (also known as fanbooks) are a number of books which contain a wide array of information about the story, world and characters of One Piece. This group includes the prominent collection of the 5 color-themed databooks as well as other separate individual booklets like Volume Stampede, for example. As of now, no sources claim Oda personally writes or even supervises databooks, although he does provide tidbits of original info and sketches, just as he does with Vivre Cards (we will go over this in-depth later on)
Unlike Vivre Cards, which have very specific and standardized formats and topics, databook content has great variety in format and subject matter, including sections like interviews, games, gag strips, concept art, behind-the-scenes info, etc. Here is an excerpt from databook One Piece Green: Secret Spices, which gives us a peek at what the content of a more typical section of a databook looks like. As we can see, it’s composed of flavor text highlighting characters and recapping manga events, containing no original information
Let’s use the Road to Laugh Tale booklet to check out a couple of very popular claims which serve as opportune examples of how databooks operate. Rocks straight up confirmed to be stronger than Primebeard? An skewed reference to Sengoku stating in the manga that he was perhaps Roger’s greatest foe (Ch. 957). Shanks being too much for the Gorosei to handle? Again, an exaggerated reference to the Gorosei’s comments in the manga (Ch. 233)
When it comes to powerscaling claims, taking manga events and statements and paraphrasing them in a severely embellished manner is the standard methodology of databooks, every bit as much as it is for other sources of flavor text

3- Addressing the arguments for merch being reliable

As of now there are three prevalent arguments vouching for the validity of promotional merch, which we will be thoroughly addressing one by one in this section. As mentioned before, databooks and Vivre Cards are the only formats with arguments to fall back on, so those are the two sources we will be chiefly referring to in regard to merch

A) Oda has mentioned merch in the SBS

One of the two most common arguments cites Oda referencing on more than one occasion exclusive material provided by himself for databooks, as well as describing Vivre Cards as being for “readers who want to know everything”. What do these author comments tell us about the reliability of promotional merch to powerscale the manga? Let’s find out
A.1) Reviewing the SBS statements
First, let’s check out every one of these instances and all additions Oda claims to have provided for merch in his SBS answers: * • SBS 293: Oda shares sketches of a pair of gag characters he mentioned in fanbook One Piece: Blue * • SBS 451: Oda references descriptions he provided of a few devil fruits belonging to marines for fanbook One Piece: Yellow * • SBS 695: Oda brings up a name he provided of a background Whitebeard fleet pirate for fanbook One Piece: Green * • SBS 914: Oda names Galette’s devil fruit and says that SBS and Vivre Cards are for “people who really want to know everything” * ○ Note: the Viz version mistranslated “ONE PIECE図鑑もありますので” as just “bonus materials” instead of “ONE PIECE Illustrated Encyclopedia” (which is specifically the name of the Vivre Card binder book, as mentioned earlier) * • SBS 982: Oda addresses the name of a Roger pirate according to fanbook One Piece: Blue Deep differing from his name in the manga, by urging to call him whatever or just not bother with his name at all * • SBS 997: Oda discloses trivia about Jinbe and mentions that Jinbe’s favorite foods were already revealed in his Vivre Card * • Vol. 108 SBS: More recently, Oda also referenced a name he provided of Roger’s sword for his Vivre Card
Now, what do all of these additions from Oda have in common? 1. They are NOT about powerscaling 2. They are NOT related to flavor text or retellings/summaries of the manga in any way, shape or form 3. They are completely original worldbuilding tidbits (character names, weapon names, fruit names)
Without fail, every single thing Oda comments about is a piece of trivia or original knowledge that he provided for external sources, and not one of his comments even tangentially references the endless paragraphs of hyperbolic flavor text that are published in them
Based on the examples he himself puts forward in his SBS comments, we can see that by “know everything,” Oda is alluding to niche knowledge like design sketches, character names, devil fruit names— all entirely original content that he actually needs to come up with on his own. Unlike flavor text, none of these things are subjective reinterpretations of already published panels that anyone could just see for themselves in the manga volumes
There is no explicit or implicit indication to be found here of Oda writing or supervising merch flavor text, or of any personal participation beyond the names and sketches he provides. The argument “Oda has brought up databooks in the SBS” may sound sensible at first glance, however, when we take the time to actually look into these SBS comments and what they are communicating, we will find that there’s hardly any evidence at all supporting the reliability of flavor text for powerscaling the manga
In short, what Oda himself is personally contributing and sharing with us through databooks and other merch is not the recycled flavor text, but just the previously unheard of tidbits of info that are meant to enrich the worldbuilding and carry no major implications in the manga
A.2) Oda’s philosophy on bonus materials
In order to shine a light on Oda’s personal stance on bonus material and non-manga sources, here are a few insightful quotes from the man himself:
“First and foremost, I am a manga artist. I don’t create anime, and that’s that. But I do help out with character design for original anime stories and movies based on my manga. I don’t really do much. So I have to entrust the world and characters of One Piece, which I created in the manga, to other people”
SBS 194
“Stuff that’s talked about in SBS really doesn’t need to be remembered for the main story. I don’t talk about certain things in the main story because I omitted them on purpose. I think that too much unnecessary information will only confuse the readers. So please enjoy the stuff in SBS strictly as an extra.”
SBS 569
“Not remembering their names won’t affect your ability to understand the story. If I don’t make a character’s name clear enough through the story, it’s not that important of a name to begin with”
SBS 730
“Because the motto of the SBS is “you’re not missing out if you don’t read it”!!”
SBS 846
“You’re right that there’s a lot of Devil Fruit powers here, but it would bog everything down to stop and explain them all, so my idea is, if it’s not central to the story, just breeze through and take it all in stride!”
SBS 914
Oda’s opinion on bonus materials expressed throughout his many comments can’t get much more clear-cut than this, and has remained perfectly consistent for over 20 years. The manga is the manga and everything else comes last. Oda is determined to include any and all even remotely relevant information directly in the manga, and when the series is 1000+ chapters, you know he’s not bluffing. If it’s not in the manga, it wasn’t important to begin with— his words, not mine
Not only has Oda made the claim, but he has also proved through his actions that he has no qualms about taking a hands-off approach on non-manga material and entrusting projects, especially merch, to other people. When he actually does get involved in something, you know that it will be relentlessly promoted and we won’t ever hear the end of it. Case in point: Oda’s involvement in the live-action series
Something that really stands out about these comments is that this is mostly the SBS that Oda is talking about, which actually happens to be a very reliable source written first-hand by the author himself. Even though it’s the most reliable source there is outside of the actual manga pages, Oda still insists on the SBS being an inconsequential source to the point of choosing to repeatedly reiterate how you can dismiss it entirely, as anything of importance will be revealed in the manga
If that’s the author’s take on his very own work that is published on the actual manga volumes themselves, then what does that suggest about third-party products like databooks and Vivre Cards, which aren’t even first-hand sources like the SBS is?
Anybody who has read the SBS corner can testify to how stubbornly unwilling Oda is to reveal anything powerscaling related in his SBS comments. If the man is adamant on not giving away straight answers on his own personally written corner published in the manga, then it firmly stands to reason that he did not — in a completely out of character manner — decide to just casually settle in some external source years ago all the age-old debates and biggest powerscaling enigmas that are still being built up in the manga to this day
Let’s put forth the questions we posed before, concerning this specific argument: * • Is merch official? Yes, it’s supported by Shueisha * • Is merch supervised by Oda? No mention of that whatsoever from these comments * • Is merch trivia reliable? Yes, something like character names or fruit names are open-and-shut cases directly provided by Oda and not up for interpretation * • Is merch flavor text reliable for powerscaling the manga? Nothing in Oda’s SBS comments even begins to suggest that Oda had a hand in the flavor text from merch or that their powerscaling claims conduce to effective estimations of the reality in the manga. On the contrary, we now know for a fact that Oda is actively averse to giving away that kind of information outside of the actual manga pages

B) Oda supervises Vivre Cards

The most prominent argument out there in favor of merch reliability comes from a statement from One Piece editor Naito in an interview concerning Vivre Cards, in which he states that the cards are supervised by Oda. It’s also mentioned that Oda contributes information, which will be addressed in the next point— for now, let us just focus on the elephant in the room, that being Oda supervising the Vivre Cards. Reading the full interview before proceeding is recommended
Original source of the interview with editor Naito
English translation (images are unavailable)
B.1) Author supervision
Oda allegedly checks out Vivre Cards, which inevitably raises the question: is Oda just giving a routine thumbs up simply as a formality, or is he actively correcting flavor text to make sure every word printed in them is accurate to the reality in the manga?
To begin unraveling this topic, let's follow our methodology once again, but this time in the context of Vivre Cards instead of databooks: 1. Are Vivre Cards official? Absolutely. Although published by Caramel Mama, a simple search will confirm they are supported by Shueisha 2. Are Vivre Cards supervised by Oda? The answer is yes, according to editor Naito 3. Are Vivre Cards reliable for powerscaling the manga? Now this is the part where the editor statement falls short
Let’s remember the definition of reliability and its criteria that we defined earlier
A third-party product is only reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively when it can be empirically proven that the information it provides translates to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga
This editor statement by itself fails to prove that Vivre Card flavor text claims translate to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga. As we’ve seen with many projects approved or supervised by Oda before, author endorsement does not automatically guarantee that the powerscaling involved will translate to actual manga accuracy. When it comes to manga powerscaling, this statement does not give promotional merch a better standing credibility-wise than the live-action series or the films, which also have the benefit of counting with author supervision
To conclusively prove reliability, the merch needs a successful track record and consistency with manga showings, which is a qualification that — as we all know from reading the actual thing with our own eyes — merch spectacularly fails to fulfill. This is all the more so true for Vivre Cards, which are the single biggest culprit out there when it comes to churning out ridiculous claims
On paper there may truthfully be a certain level of supervision in place, but when we look at the claims made by the Vivre Cards, it really is nigh-impossible to argue that there’s actually any back-and-forth between Oda and the third-party writers about flavor text powerscaling with rectifications being produced as a result
B.2) Editors and their role
In order to apply some very relevant perspective to this discussion, it’s useful to keep in mind at all times that Shueisha is a business and its editors are businessmen. Shueisha is a company whose foremost concern is to maximize value for its shareholders by securing sales and earning as much profit as possible through any means available, while its editors’ ultimate priority is none other than to turn the franchise they are in charge of into a money printer
It’s a common misconception that editors are primarily artists, when in reality their job is first and foremost to handle the business side of a franchise. Editors are marketers, supervisors, representatives, publicists, salesmen and managers, and every decision they make reflects those roles. Editors of huge franchises are very, very high up on the corporate ladder, and you simply don’t get that far up in the hierarchy without proving that your motivation and actions align with the interests of the company and the shareholders
This is how you end up with editors issuing blatant false promises like the Straw Hats supposedly showing up in Ch. 1099. They did not choose to publish that preview because it was the statement with the most accuracy — which ISN’T their objective — but rather because it was the statement that would generate the most sales— which actually IS their objective
While Oda himself doesn’t mind being open about his indifference towards bonus material (as we went over in a previous section), you are never ever going to hear an editor in an interview declare that “the author approved this thing but didn’t really look into it that much” or that “he supervised it but didn’t really provide any meaningful feedback”, because author involvement is their biggest selling point and that’s how the entire marketing machine behind it works
Career-wise, every editor is highly incentivized to overpromise and put out the kind of idealized claims and half-truths that we often see from them. The system hinges on them asserting “Oda approves this thing and he wants you to buy it”, and that is why you should never expect to hear otherwise. Author involvement will always be susceptible to be overstated, and in this case it’s an easily verifiable truth for anyone reading the bizarre, contradicting statements that databooks and Vivre Cards are publishing
B.3) Information added by Oda
Now, as determined earlier, it’s time to go back and take a closer look at the interview, regarding Oda “adding missing information” to the Vivre Cards. As it turns out, Oda actively contributing to merch exclusively by providing concept sketches and background details in particular is an assessment that is even supported by the editor himself
Firstly, when the editor elaborates on the information being added by Oda, the accompanying image used to describe it specifically points out the yellow box from the “Profile” page and nothing else, along with the caption “Oda sensei's handwritten additional instructions”. As stated in the second section of this post, this yellow box from the “Profile” page contains an assortment of completely original knowledge that, unlike flavor text, no one could possibly interpret from manga panels, like a character’s exact height or birthday
Does any of this ring a bell? It probably does, because — unsurprisingly, knowing Oda’s MO — this is the exact same situation we went over recently. What we’ve been told about Vivre Cards is perfectly consistent with the information that we already know is the kind that Oda actually prefers to contribute to bonus material, based on his own SBS comments about merch that we just checked out and that exclusively reference trivia
Secondly, this is then even further confirmed by the next question and answer in the interview right after the aforementioned image and, much more importantly, we are told that flavor text is not even supposed to contain new information. Translation provided by ChatGPT:
Katsuhei: Whoa~~~ Oda-sensei is serious. Are there any first-time revelations?
Naito: There's quite a lot, like blood type and birthplace! Also, they've published rough sketches of Oda-san's character designs. It's information disclosure pushing the boundaries, getting pretty close to the edge (laughs).
Editor Naito is directly asked if there’s any brand new content being revealed for the first time in Vivre Cards, to which his answer is that the brand new content is the trivia information like blood types and birthplaces and the sketches from Oda. This cannot be stressed enough. Once again the editor refers specifically to concept drawings and the yellow box trivia from the “Profile” page as the material provided by Oda himself, while the flavor text in the “Essence” page isn’t even part of the equation. He then goes on to add that even just the trivia and sketches is already pushing it in terms of giving away info
What we have here is an explicit clarification straight from the horse’s mouth. The statement from the editor is as blunt, clear and conclusive an answer as there could ever possibly be on the topic. Same as databooks, the only original content Oda provides to Vivre Cards are trivia and sketches. Flavor text, from the very beginning, plain and simply has never been meant to contain original information at all in the first place. Its sole purpose is to serve as filler for the collectible cards based on information that is directly compiled from the manga. Fundamentally, “Essence” pages are no different from the subjectively interpreted character articles you can find in the One Piece Wiki, except in a physical format instead
To sum up: Vivre Card flavor text can agree with the manga, but it can’t add on original information to the manga or clarify any ambiguity in the manga because its one and only source is actually just the manga itself— it is by design not supposed to contain any new information or insights that weren’t unequivocally in the manga already. Any disagreement with the manga or any claim that wasn’t previously explicitly confirmed in the manga is not to be considered a new piece of reliable information, but rather a personal exaggeration or interpretation derived from the writer of that card

C) There is an official website that corrects Vivre Cards

Lastly, the third and least recurring argument is based on an official website geared towards correcting mistakes that were caught in Vivre Cards after their printing. The logic behind the argument being this one: any of the powerscaling claims that haven’t gotten a correction yet are reliable, otherwise they would have already been addressed in the website by now
Original source
English translation
Just like the previous two arguments, this is another case of an idea that can sound really solid on the surface, but utterly crumbles when you actually look at the source for yourself and get the full picture. What this argument fails to mention is the fact that the website covers a very specific set of mistakes, and powerscaling claims in flavor text are simply not part of that group
The entire argument hangs on the assumption of there being a precedent for erroneous flavor text claims being corrected in the website, which would in turn mean that the claims that haven’t been corrected were ultimately considered accurate. Except, no such precedent exists in the first place. There is not one example of an erroneous powerscaling claim being corrected. The website deals with a narrow range of issues and has never dabbled into the subject of flavor text powerscaling, ever
Anyone is free to check the website for themselves and confirm it. You can read every single correction in the page from top to bottom and will find nothing but “fixed typo, fixed year, fixed name”. Even the page’s own description refers to itself as correcting “typographical errors”
So, is someone going to go back and update the list to add “My bad, Sentomaru isn’t actually an impregnable guard”? No, not at all. Nobody is showing up to take back statements that pertain to powerscaling, after hundreds and hundreds of Vivre Cards have already been published and there hasn’t been a single instance of a flavor text powerscaling claim being updated yet
If someone wrote that the Germa Kingdom is from the South Blue instead of the North Blue and corrected it, or wrote that the name of the Cocoyasi Village sheriff is Gen instead of Genzo and corrected it, does that somehow make it true that Katakuri is the strongest paramecia in his family and has flawless offense and defense? No— fixing trivial mistakes like a name or a number is something completely unrelated to flavor text powerscaling claims, and under no possible reasoning whatsoever does it prove their credibility
For the last time we make our questions, in the context of this argument: 1. Are Vivre Cards official? Yes, same as before 2. Are Vivre Cards supervised by Oda? No mention of Oda involvement from this website, but as we know from the editor interview earlier, the answer is still yes 3. Are Vivre Cards reliable for powerscaling the manga? Nothing about this website supports the notion of Vivre Cards being reliable for powerscaling the manga, especially when the particular cases that are handled by the website are completely removed from the area of flavor text powerscaling and doesn’t acknowledge it even once
With that, we reached the Reddit post character limit. You may continue reading through the Google Doc here, or in the comments if you sort by top or controversial, depending on how the post is received
submitted by AdmiralMizufugu to OnePieceScaling [link] [comments]

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2024.05.17 20:43 swtogirl [New Updates] The Epic Saga of 2 Brothers and a Truck

I am not the OP. That is u/No_Chrysler-4-Me. Originally posted on EntitledPeople and pettyrevenge.

There are two previous BORUs I posted last year:
First Post Jan 8, 2023
Second Post Jan 8, 2023

Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence

Editor's Note: THIS IS VERY LONG! OP posts a lot about his family. I will include links to other posts at the bottom of this BORU, but I will keep this post focused on the brother and OP.

TL;DR of the above BORUs: OP's older brother is lazy and a cheapskate. OP bought a truck, an '03 Toyota Tundra. Brother gets jealous and buys a 01 Dodge Ram 1500, but it's crap. OP tries to help brother fix up the truck despite warning him not to buy it. Once it was running a little better, brother challenges OP to a race. Brother loses and becomes obsessed with practicing racing, ruining the truck further. Eventually they go camping, have more shenanigans, brother finally blows the transmission. Brother has to drive his ex-girlfriend's minivan, which he hates, tries to LS Swap the Ram, but no one will lend him the money. He eventually sells it. Brother doesn't stop there. He NEEDS a truck, so he has the brilliant idea of chopping the minivan up to make it into a truck. He needs money to Frankenstein the minivan, no one will pay, but eventually he cuts it up, uses recycled wood to make the truck bed, etc. He calls it the "Mini-Ram."

My brother sold the Mini-Ram and got a Silverado. That was fine. It's what happened after that made things worse May 5, 2024

I've been gone for some time. But I'm back with a bad one. I've spoken before about how my older brother competed with me needlessly. And he did a lot of beyond stupid shit. Well he finally pushed the whole family over the edge, and got disowned. And I'm going to be explaining a lot of what happened the past year, and then some from before that. But it's too long for one post.
Well going back more than a year. Some may remember my brother getting a free minivan from his ex after the Dodge Ram truck I warned him not to buy became a moneypit. I helped him work on that truck and even repaint it. And I helped him remodel his camper trailer too. Why? Because he's my brother. And I guess some part of me deep down kept hoping he'd one day change. But he tried to take credit for things I did. Especially with remodeling the camper. And he had tantrums when called out on his lies. He also became temporarily obsessed with my truck, and even implied he'd just take it from me because he hated driving a minivan. He referred to it as a chick car. He acted like a complete child because I refused to trade vehicles, and even got our parents involved. It was just a really stupid and needless situation that my brother tried to make a hill to die on.
It started when my brother bought his Dodge Ram simply because I bought a Toyota Tundra. He had a perfectly running Subaru Baja before that. Then he said he wanted a man's truck and bought the worst barely running pile he could find that was also overpriced considering the condition. He could have at least aimed for a diesel since he wanted a dodge so bad. Lots of dumb shit happened after that. Including my brother wanting to LS swap the Ram after destroying it's engine and two transmissions. But I'm pretty sure the person who offered to do the LS swap for him was a scammer. Not to mention LS swapping any vehicle basically means replacing the ECU. But it never happened anyway since the engine and transmission my brother wanted sold before he could get them. And he had no running vehicle anymore. So my brother's ex, whom he has a young child with, gave him her old 90s Ford Windstar van. It was admittedly an ugly, dent riddled POS with the rear window busted out. But it still ran and drove surprisingly well, considering that's not one of Ford's better vehicles. And then my brother decided to cut it up into some sort of van/truck. Or a ute as they're called in some places. But he made this thing ugly. Lots of spray foam, recycled wood, and rattle can paint. Even mismatched sub-lights above the cab. He frequently raided the junkyard for parts. And he even glued a Ram badge onto the grill of that van/truck. He called it the Mini-Ram. Lots of stupid cheap mods done to that vehicle too. Someone once asked me how ugly the Mini-Ram was on a scale of 1 to 1000. And I said about a 667.
My brother did a lot of other dumb things in this time. Like following me camping just to piss me off. He was a general leech who stole power from my generator, and tried to steal beer from my camper fridge repeatedly. He was so brazen as to just walk right in, and then tried to pretend to be so drunk he didn't realize what he was doing when caught. I've spoken many times about how he stole booze from me. Until my friends and I revenge pranked him and his near equally douchey friends with a growler full of laxative tainted beer. We admittedly used way too much laxative. But my brother never stole from me again because I threatened to tell everyone about his humiliation. He crapped on his own shoes squatting in the woods. And that's just a bit of it.
Eventually my brother seemed to learn his lesson. He sold the Mini-Ram to someone who actually paid him well for it. And no, I don't know what they did with it. And I don't care. But, when the 2K he sold the Mini-Ram for was combined with his savings, my brother had a bit over 4.5K to buy a better vehicle with. And he spotted a 99 RWD Silverado truck with an extended cab for sale online. He really shouldn't have sold his only method of transportation before having a replacement vehicle ready. But I couldn't fault him for taking the deal when presented, considering what he sold. And as much as my brother annoyed me, I still cared about him enough to help. He showed up begging me to drive him over 60 miles to look at this truck he found on Market Place.
So I reluctantly drove him out to see this truck. It wasn't that bad actually. Save for the rough mismatched paint, the rusty hood, the dents, the cracked windshield, and.... Actually, I guess it was kinda that bad. But not compared to the clapped out Ram my brother bought previously. The Silverado had a manual transmission, which we both confirmed shifted great as the records showed it had been rebuilt a few years before. The engine had been swapped at one time too. So it was kinda hard to gauge the odometer as it had not been rolled back for the new engine. It was at about 350.000 miles, but those numbers don't really mean jack when the engine and tranny have been replaced or rebuilt. Admittedly the engine ran like a top. The tires on the truck were in pretty damn good shape too. And on steel rims. Which I like. Very practical. I asked my brother if this was the manly kind of truck he'd been looking for. And for once he spoke logically and said that he'd rather have this than risk what happened with the Ram again. Fair enough. Besides, Chevy trucks are cool and reliable. I've always liked them. Like a rock as they say.
My brother and I scrutinized this truck in detail like a pair of pawn brokers, and talked the price down to 3K. They wanted 4K. But we could hear a sound while test driving it that was either bad ball joints or wheel bearings. We jacked up the wheels, and the bearings felt and sounded fine. But the ball joints were pretty bad. And that's not a cheap fix unless you can do it yourself. The truck was owned by the seller's father, who'd passed away a year prior. So the guy took 3K for it after we listed the problems. After driving it back, I insisted my brother get the truck to a mechanic ASAP. And he listened that time. The mechanic said the ball joints were about to come apart, and it's have caused a very bad situation if they had. And it cost him a grand to get them replaced. The truck also needed new plates ant the title registered. Which ate up a lot of the remaining budget. Then came the paint. My brother wanted the Silverado painted black right away. I told him to wait. But he didn't listen and DIY'd some body work, and then rattle-canned it with Rustolium turbo cans. The paint was full of orange peel, and overspray. He didn't even use primer. And the truck looked kinda mediocre. Then the southern weather had at it. Already numerous chips, scrapes and fades. Whatever. I stopped caring.
You'd think that'd be the end of this part. But no. There's more. What's behind door number 3? If you guessed a dumbass with a knife stuck in his ass. Then you'd win the gold! Yeah that's right. My brother got a knife in his ass.... How? How else... He and his friends all got high and decided they were gonna go outside and build a fort in the back yard of the house they rent out of scrap they found laying around. My brother while stoned wanted to show off how he can flip out a butterfly knife really fast, and decided he was gonna act like he was in an action movie, and did some sort of stupid thing where he was running and flipping out the knife really fast. The ground was wet, he slipped, and somehow got the knife in his right butt-cheek. They called me to come take him to the hospital because they were all too stoned to drive. I had to lay my brother down in the bed of my truck on a mattress because we were too scared to pull the knife out, and I drove him to the hospital like that. They rushed him in, and thankfully he only needed about 5 stiches on his butt and some antibiotics. Then I drove him back home the same way, and he insisted I take him to a drive through. He also tried to get me to pay, because...reasons! I told him to buy his own damn food.
After that there was more dumb BS that I won't bother getting into. But eventually my brother was seemingly getting bad. He was a bit sore his Silverado wasn't a 4X4, and my Tundra is. But being RWD kept him from trying to take it off-roading. He did try once, and had to pull the truck out of mud with a come-along. And he didn't try it again. He did want to drag race my truck again too. I said hell no. Not gonna risk either of our piles breaking down. And he was a complete douche about that too. I told him to stop acting like his dick was bigger than it is, and act his age. He didn't take that well. But he seemingly really was improving. Even being a much better dad to his daughter. Things got pretty good for him. Until I decided to buy a house. That's when the serious drama started.

My entitled brother threw a massive fit, just because he was mad I bought a house May 6, 2024

Yeah, I'm aware of several similar stories involving entitled family members wanting houses they have no claim to. But I guess this shit really happens. And it's no picnic when it does.
I suddenly became a homeowner some time ago because friend of mine's grandfather was moving to Florida. And his house was ripe for picking. I knew the old man well. RIP, he passed a few months later from a sudden stroke. Anyway, he offered the house and property to me for 200K. I practically ran to the bank to apply for the loan. The house is a manufactured home from the 80s. But it was remodeled repeatedly by the former owner, and has a separate garage building. The home and property could have gone for more. But he offered the house to me because he knew I'd take care of it. I had 30K saved that made a good down payment. And I was happy to leave my apartment. I'd wanted to eventually move out of there after what my cheating ex did anyway. But that's a story for another time.
As for my brother. Well he went bonkers when he found out I bought a house. He had this repeated history of copycatting me for the past decade. But this... There was no way in hell he could copycat buying a house with his terrible credit and inconsistent income. And he got in an argument with me over how I was just trying to make him look bad by doing something he couldn't. No, I just wanted a damn house. And the price was too good to refuse. Then he told me I should have turned it down because...(He had no good reason) I could practically see his screws getting looser with every dumbass excuse he made as to why I shouldn't have done it. But I pointed out all those excuses were just because I did something he currently can't. And when I bought the house, it had nothing to do with him. I just wanted to be a home owner for the security and extra space. I finally don't have to store my camper at my parents' house. And I have a garage that I can store stuff and tinker in.
I bought a camping cot, he bought a camping cot, went to the gym, he went to the gym, bought good booze, he bought good booze (Or stole it from me), I bought a new TV, be bought a new TV, I bought a truck, he bought a truck, I bought a camper, he bought a camper, I bought a used portable DVD player, he bought a used portable DVD player, I went camping in a specific place, he went camping in that specific place, I bought a house, he...(404 Error! Insert tea kettle noises and Benny Hill chase). He also acted like a complete child toward me when he built his Mini-Ram thing. He actually confronted me and said it was keweler than my boring Tundra, because it was something original. I swear, he did the dumbest mods to that vehicle. Like putting twist studs in the suspension coils to raise the ride height.
Well after weeks of openly fuming about me being a home owner, my brother suddenly acted like he had another brilliant idea. He wanted to move in with me. I laughed at him. Then he ended up demanding I rent one of my rooms to him. And for only $200 a month (Utilities included) because he shouldn't have to pay any more than that since we're family. He flipped his lid when I said fuck no! Then he got our parents involved again. Only this time they actually sided with him at first. Though it was mainly our mother. She and my brother showed up demanding I let my brother move in. And my brother had a shit eating grin on his face that I could tell he was thinking he was getting his way thanks to mommy dearest. I said "FUCK NO!" to both their faces, and my mother cried that I was using foul language to her and being an ass when I had the space now. I called my dad, and he told my mom that he'd warned her I wouldn't do it. And to leave me the hell alone. Mom whined my brother was living out of his camper next to a shabby house he was renting space from. I said that wasn't my problem to fix. And my brother has proven countless times that he cannot be trusted. My brother was fuming to the point of being red with veins popping out. My mom tried one more time to convince me with tears. And that just made me angrier.
I went on a rant that was something like this. Bro can't buy a house, so he wanted to invade mine. I refuse to ever live with my brother again. I would sooner live in the woods without electricity than with him. He's intentionally irritating as all hell. And if I had him as a roommate, I just knew he'd steal my booze, take my stuff, and invade my privacy none-stop. Not. Fucking. HAPPENING! No matter how many tears mom tries using on me. My mom broke down and finally conceded she'd never convince me after that rant. And she had to take my brother by the hand and leave with him because he initially refused to go, and kept begging her to turn back and make me let him move in. And then I yelled to him that it was a laugh that he called me a mama's boy before. Because he'd become exactly that. And this was just like the time he tried to get our mother to make me trade vehicles with him because he felt ashamed to be driving a minivan. He yanked away from mom, then told me to go fuck myself and the horse I rode in on. I laughed and pointed out I didn't ride in on anything, because I was already home. But his rattlecan horse was waiting for him in the driveway. He flipped his lid again, and looked like his head was going to explode. But mom got in front of him, and told him to just go. Then he drove off in his rattlecan Silverado without her. He'd driven her there. And then I had to take her home.
While taking her home, I made things very clear with my mother over why I could never trust my brother again. And his life was not my burden to bear. And then told her how little my brother was offering for rent anyway. Which he'd conveniently not told her. Then I later rented that same room to one of my best friends for $600 a month, and he pays for utilities. The other two rooms are my bedroom and a home office. There's an extra room in the separate garage too. So my mother tried to make me let my brother live in the garage instead. There's enough room in it's storage room for a bedroom. Again I said fuck no. And that's since been turned into another friend's rented room with a bit of a plywood remodel. Yeah, I kinda rented both the spare bedroom and garage room out to friends out of spite. But I wasn't letting my brother live with me in any capacity!
My brother later ended up having a complete meltdown in front of our parents over how he's the older brother. He should be the one who owns a house first. He's supposed to be successful, and I'm supposed to be the big loser in his shadow. Our dad poked him with his cane and told him that's not how life works, and they had a big argument. They told him to get out and not come back until he's cooled off and learned that he's just being a pointlessly jealous asshole.
The next part I post, my brother did the dumbest thing of all.
Edit: I came home late to over 600 comments, and still more pouring in. Far too many for me to answer. So I'll clear some things up here. Yes, I am no contact with my brother. And he's NC with the rest of the family as well. I do have cameras inside and outside my home. And a dash cam too. My brother knows this, and has stayed the fuck away since he left town. I'm told I'm an asshole too. Not arguing that, because it's true. I'm not exactly the nicest guy. But have someone like my brother in your life, and see how peachy you turn out.
Some have mentioned to having siblings just like my brother. Sadly I know very well people like him are increasingly common these days. My dad said a number of times that my brother probably would have ended up dead in an alley if he lived here 50 years ago with the way he behaves. As for our ages. I'm 30, and my brother is 32. I have not given my parents a spare key to my house. One is with a friend, and another is very cleverly hidden.
My house is a manufactured home. But it's not in a trailer park, and has been significantly modified with new siding and a new roof, and has a separate garage building. The previous owner was a former general contractor, and he loved to build and repair. And yes, I do have good insurance.
I keep seeing comments about a clock radio. Pardon me for not getting the reference. But I do own a digital alarm clock that has a built in CD player. Currently plays Tina Turner's Proud Mary to wake me up.
My brother and I were raised pretty evenly. He was always a jerk. But went full asshole after moving out. But our mother didn't favor him. She chewed him out plenty. And she didn't normally side with his stupidity. She just wanted him to live in a better place than in a camper next to a house filled with potheads. Addition: My brother willingly moved into that camper. He was renting half a room in that house of potheads. Then convinced the landlord to let him live in his camper on the property for the same price instead. And he bragged about his camper a lot. Which he has a full gaming center in, complete with PlayStation. He only wanted to invade my house to piss me off and make his cost of living even lower. He also doesn't like camping nearly as much as me. He mainly liked just pissing me off by following me. He loved to make me miserable. In fact, he felt entitled to make me miserable. That's the kind of person he is.
Do I have a restraining order against my brother? Not really. Just didn't bother. Because even if I did, it'd only be for like a year. And my brother wouldn't let something like that stop him if he was truly determined anyway.

My entitled brother lost his mind and attacked me, his ex, and our father. That got him disowned by the family. But not before I beat the crap out of him May 8, 2024

Warning: Contains domestic violence, small town drama, and idiocy. Read at own risk.
My brother's major downhill spiral started with jealousy over my house, but only got worse thanks to this next part. He started smoking pot more heavily and drinking harder. And that was making him more aggressive and violent. He got in a brawl outside of a bar for reasons I still don't know. But he got his ass handed to him on a platter. He eventually found out his ex has been seeing someone else. And ironically that someone is another friend of mine. Which was news to me. But it's not like he wasn't around my brother's ex a fair bit. They're both fairly social people, and were also friends for years. Once the secret was out, he confessed to me it wasn't planned. But my brother's ex Sara (Fake name) and my friend just clicked one day about a year ago. This sorta thing can only happen in a town like ours. I admit, Sara is very beautiful. But I've always seen her as a big sister figure ever since she started dating my brother in high school. So I never thought of getting with her myself. She kept her new boyfriend a secret for some time. I didn't even know until someone else spilled the beans. And the word traveled. When my brother found out, that was the last he could mentally take.
My brother was hoping for years that Sara would take him back. But no such luck there. When he lost his mind over the fact my friend was dating Sara, he started hunting for the poor guy. My friend is not a fighter, and a self described beanpole. So that's what I'll call him. Sara seems to like Beanpole because he's everything my brother is not. He isn't really a brave person. And came to me when he found out my brother was looking for him. He has a rather distinctively painted car. So it's easy to spot. My brother caught wind Beanpole was at my place, and came roaring his truck down the street.
When my brother showed up to my house, he started screaming and banging on my door because he wanted to kick Beanpole's ass. And when I refused to let him in, he attacked me. We had a redneck brawl right there in my front lawn. I want to say I won. But the fight only stopped when one of my friend/tenants yelled he was gonna call the cops. I sucker-punched my brother while he was distracted, and told him to never come back to my house again. And if he ever tried to hurt Beanpole again, I'd make sure he'd up in the hospital with two broken legs. This was backed by the other friends/tenants I had there. My brother is an idiot. But even he knew that pissing off my entire friend group was not a good idea. So he picked himself up off the ground and started leaving. But he clearly looked like he wanted to do something to my truck because he stopped and just stood there staring at it with his hands in his pockets, like he was debating scratching the paint with his keys. I yelled at him that I have CCTV. But then he turned around, pulled his pants part way down, and started rubbing his ass directly onto my truck's passenger side door. Then he forced out a nasty fart and said he sharted a little, and laughed like a nutbar when he took off. I immediately got the hose. I'm just glad I didn't leave windows open or doors unlocked. Otherwise he'd have done far worse. And the smell of what he did was pretty much what you'd think.
Everyone already knew Sara was never going to take him back. She avoided dating for years because my brother is so unhinged that she knew he'd do something like this. That's why she and her new boyfriend kept it secret. I went to ice my bruises and call Sara. But my brother was already calling and texting her. Over and over again, he wouldn't stop. He was begging she break up with her boyfriend and take him back. He even said he wanted to marry her and move to the northwest. Not sure why he specified that part of the US. Maybe because we live in the southeast. But she flatly told him no, never again, not happening even if hell froze over. He cried that it wasn't fair, because she was his first love (she wasn't), and they have a daughter together. Then he started sending her flowers, love letters and gifts. She sent them all back. Then she announced online that she and Beanpole had been dating for some time, and recently made plans to eventually move in together. That's when my brother really went off the deep end.
A few hours after he saw that post, my brother got wasted and then barged into Sara's parents' house by body ramming the back door. He actually cut his face because the door had a glass window. But he was so drunk that he didn't notice he was bleeding. Sara understandably freaked out, and my brother grabbed and tried to force her to kiss him. She pushed him away and he hit her for refusing him. He slapped her and threw her to the floor really hard like an angry pimp wanting his money. And his daughter saw it all and started screaming at the top of her lungs. Sara screamed too, and my brother fled. Police were called, and Sara was taken to the hospital. My brother threw her down so hard that she had a dislocated shoulder. My brother was found by police at his camper, where he was even more drunk than before, and half his face was covered in blood. He had to be taken to the hospital, where he got stitches. Then taken to jail. He got charged with trespassing, breaking and entering, and assault. (Surprisingly not DUI too, as he'd actually walked there) When our parents and I found out, well the family finally couldn't take it anymore, and went into an uproar. Our parents had it out with my brother after he bailed himself out from jail, and then he tried to fight our dad when they argued. And no surprise, he tried to blame everything on me.
My brother actually said I let Beanpole steal his woman. But couldn't really explain how. He also refused to believe I did not know until recently. Then he said that Sara was supposed to be his. Dad not only disagreed, but told my brother that he was a fucking disgrace, and that was an absolutely disgusting way to talk about Sara. She's not his property. And then my brother shoved dad as hard as he could. Dad got knocked to the floor, and my brother started kicking him. Dad isn't a small man. But he's old with a bad back and a bad knee. And needs a cane just to get around. Since we knew my brother would only have gotten crazier if he saw me, I was hiding in another room with the door cracked and listening in. I knew he might do something crazy. So I insisted on secretly being in the house when he was confronted. And I'm glad I was, because I came to dad's defense before my brother could do too much damage. I knew we were roughly even in a fight. So I ambushed and hit him in the back with a rubber mallet, and then beat the shit out of him. No police were called that time. I attacked him in defense of our dad. So he probably would have been screwed if he tried to get me charged anyway. And then he'd have gone right back to jail. Someone also once asked me if I enjoyed beating up my brother that day. I did not. I was just in an adrenaline fueled rage protecting my dad. But all things considered, I could have done far worse to my brother with that rubber mallet, as he only really got bruises. My dad gave hm a good smack in the face with his cane too though. But it's just hollow aluminum. Not exactly a damage dealer.
Our parents (mainly my dad) disowned my brother as I threw him out the door. And he spent some time crying on the porch and saying he was sorry and didn't mean it, then switched to saying we could all regret this, and we could go fuck ourselves before finally leaving. My mother spent hours crying. She'd stuck up for him before, and this was how he repaid her. My brother managed to avoid real prison time, or a trial for attacking Sara by taking a guilty plea deal. He signed away custody of his daughter. And Sara got a restraining order against him. My brother got a fine, somehow only a couple months in county jail, probation, has to abstain from alcohol for six months, and he had to pay for the property damage. Sara's dad already put in a new door, and billed my brother for it. My brother also understandably lost his job due to the situation.
Our mother secretly kept in contact with my brother, and agreed to look after my brother's truck and camper while he was serving his two month sentence. And she didn't ok it with dad first. He was pretty pissed at her for going behind his back. But she reasoned that it would be the last thing they ever did for him, because she didn't want my brother to have no place to go after getting out of the clink. And even she made it clear it was the last of her good will towards him too. Once my brother got out of jail, mom drove his truck and camper to a store to meet him, and gave him back the keys. She told me there was barely a word of thanks from him. Mostly just grunts when she tried to get him to talk to her. Dad said he still looked like an ungrateful sod. After that my brother lived wherever he could park his camper for a while until one of his remaining friends somehow got him a new job as a welder in another town 40-ish miles away that he was having to commute to with his camper for a while. But he was back every weekend. Apparently he only got the job by agreeing to work for less than what the job would normally pay. So he could move there permanently as soon as he got the ok from his probation officer. Which said officer didn't make easy I heard. I don't know the red tape of it. But he managed to pull it off. He can't leave the state. But he could still move to another county it seems. He's probably renting a space in a trailer park right now or something. And maybe he's back to doing his side hustle of hauling trash for people.
Before leaving town, my brother showed up outside my house to give me the double middle finger and dance around like a monkey while cursing at me in the street when he knew I was watching from the window. I guess it was his stupid way of trying to get in a last laugh without breaking the law or something. But then I got an idea. I've heard plenty of people say to kill with kindness. So I tried it in my own way. I grabbed an unopened bottle of my favorite honey whisky from the pantry because I know my brother really loves that stuff too. Then I went outside and walked right up to him, and shoved the bottle into his hands. I think it was the last thing he expected me to do in the moment. And I know he'd NEVER willingly break a bottle of good booze. Especially when it's free. Then I told him to have a drink on me to start his new life. I could barely keep myself from laughing when I turned to walk away. When I looked at my CCTV footage later, he actually stood there looking really glum while just staring at the bottle, and then moped back to his truck.
And then he was gone. Off to start his new life as a career welder. My brother is a childish, narcissistic, misogynistic, asshole to an extreme degree. But he's actually damn good at welding. Both with steel and aluminum. Mostly self-taught too. It's practically his only real talent. He's even done basic forging and auto body work. I've seen him do shit with scrap metal I wish I could. But that's the only real compliment I can still say about him. Maybe he'll make a decent new life and career for himself doing metal work elsewhere. He's better off away from us, just like we're better off away from him. He deleted all his social media, and I assume blocked us on everything. Not that we'd bother to contact him. One of his few remaining pothead friends in town told me my brother wants to legally change his name when his probation ends. Knowing him, he'll likely do it.
Things are much more peaceful and far less dramatic without my entitled leech of a brother here. Some part of me missed him for a while. But he's just a terrible person. And the only one who's still missing him, is our mother. She's still kinda broken up about it. But dad has been unwavering that they did the right thing by disowning him. He made his own bed. Now he's lying in it. I doubt my brother will come back any time soon. And if he does, he will not be welcome.
Edit: Got home and cracked open a bag of salt & pepper pork rinds, and was half expecting hundreds of comments like last time. I'm thankful it wasn't. Still, I'm also thankful to everyone who gave their support. To answer some questions I got in comments and DMS. I've got cameras inside and outside my house. Beanpole and Sara are still dating. But they've put off moving in together for now. My niece is doing good. But says she has no daddy anymore. My brother was barely a father to her anyway. Yes I know it was a bit much giving a known alcoholic a bottle of booze. And good booze at that. But I knew he wouldn't be able to drink it for months anyway. Which is why I was trying so hard to hold back laughter when I gave it to him. Besides, he's just gonna drink like a fish on his own dime when his court ordered sober time runs out.
I'm hoping this is the last post about current antics involving my brother. Maybe I'll tell other past stories about him. Or the story of my cheating ex. Still couldn't bring myself to post that. I typed it out and everything. But I guess it still ate at me because I really liked that woman. And yeah, this situation with my brother eats at me too. But he's toxic. And I'm better off without him in my life anymore.

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My entitled brother wanted my cot and tent for the camping trip
The time my brother stayed over and stole all the alcohol from my fridge

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2024.05.16 15:18 smallcapsteve The last time the world was confronted with rising populism was in the 1930s. America’s initial response was to make it worse. The 1930 Smoot-Hawley Act raised US tariff barriers and triggered beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism elsewhere,

America is in a race with itself to see which party can deglobalise faster. On Tuesday, Joe Biden slapped tariffs on a range of Chinese goods, including 100 per cent on electric vehicles. That’s nothing, said Donald Trump, who promised 200 per cent tariffs on Chinese cars, plus 10 per cent on all imports from everywhere. Biden has more to come. At this rate of bidding, US-China decoupling will be set in bipartisan stone by November. The choice will be between Biden sealing an orderly divorce, or Trump doing it in chaotic leaps and bounds.
Of course, there is far more at stake in the US election than what remains of global trade rules. If Biden’s trade war helps to defeat Trump in November, hindsight will judge him kindly. The cost of imposing new taxes on the US middle class and delaying America’s transition to green energy would have been outweighed by the benefit of saving US democracy. But it is an open question whether Biden’s move will register at the polls. Since Trump will outbid him every time, some voters might prefer to go for the real thing. In 2019, Biden criticised Trump’s China trade war for harming US farmers and manufacturers. “It’s really easy to be tough when someone else absorbs the pain,” Biden said. After a four-year review, Biden this week said he would keep all of Trump’s China tariffs and raise him on others.
Either way, America’s direction of travel is ominous. At one speed or another, Republicans and Democrats alike are now in favour of pulling up the global drawbridge. Biden’s economic and climate change arguments both fail on their own merits. Biden’s protectionist wall will eventually create and support “thousands of union jobs”, as he said. But this will impose a cost on millions of existing jobs that rely on cheap steel and aluminium inputs for what they produce. That is without counting the cost of China’s likely retaliatory measures, which will target US exports.
As Biden knew in 2019 but appears to have forgotten, the costs of tariffs are borne by consumers not by importers. Biden’s main targets are Chinese solar panels, batteries and EVs. These are capital intensive goods. Manufacturing employment is declining across the world, including China itself. For the symbolic gain of a handful of muscular jobs, Biden is imposing a broad tax on the middle class and undermining US competitiveness. Then there is the hit to his climate change policy. The cost of all forms of renewable energy has nosedived in the last decade, chiefly because of China. Some of China’s competitive advantage has been bought with subsidies.
The rest has come about because of fierce domestic competition and the scale of its domestic market. America is taking the wrong leaf from China’s book. The Biden effect will be to raise the US domestic price of EVs, solar panels and other green inputs and delay America’s energy transition. This will also price America out of export markets. China will continue to sell its cheap EVs and renewable energy supplies to the rest of the world.
Biden offered no list of steps that China should take to comply with US rules. This is because there are no rules. Successive US administrations have disabled the operations of the World Trade Organization, which would have adjudicated unfair Chinese subsidies. Biden himself is subsidising US green energy with the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. Indeed, humanity as a whole is benefiting from the green subsidy race. Unfortunately, America is not executing its industrial policy as well as China. Almost two years after the IRA was passed, the US has only installed seven new EV charging stations covering a total of 38 spots for drivers. This would be insufficient to cover a suburb in Luxembourg.
The other motive for US protectionism is national security. This explains Biden’s so-called “small yard, high fence”, which bans the export to China of high-end semiconductors and equipment that can be used for military as well as civilian purposes. It is an open question whether this will slow China’s military expansion or accelerate its homegrown shift up the value-added curve. But Biden’s theory is sound. It makes no sense to sell military technology to a potential enemy.
Against this, however, are the uncounted national security costs of deglobalisation. The last time the world was confronted with rising populism was in the 1930s. America’s initial response was to make it worse. The 1930 Smoot-Hawley Act raised US tariff barriers and triggered beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism elsewhere. This time, again, America’s instinct is to disengage: Trump across all fronts, including military alliances; Biden only on the economic front.
The US has grown tired of upholding the rules that it made in the wake of the most devastating war in history. Nuclear weapons will probably ensure there is no repeat of the second world war because it would amount to collective suicide. Today’s most potent threat is global warming. On Tuesday, Biden slowed America’s transition to green energy and moved the US a step closer to a zero-sum contest with China. The only persuasive justification is that it could help him at the ballot box.
submitted by smallcapsteve to breakerfeed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:07 edimurr Many people in this subreddit blame on Xavi what should be blamed on the board

When I read your posts criticizing Xavi your arguments are often quite blind. You don't see the way he trains with the squad, you just see he gets sent off a lot, and you see the squad numbers. This season we didn't win anything, we got a lot more goals against compared to last season, so according to you he's not fit to lead the squad and we need De Zerbi, Flick, Motta or whatever. You just don't see the faults on the board.
The team underperformed a lot this season because Busquets left, it's as simple as that. From Cruyff to Xavi himself, many people have said Busquets was key for the team, and Xavi asked for a top class DM many times. Instead, the board decided to invest in Vitor Roque, managed by an 'old business friend' like André Cury. Xavi asked for wingers too, especially after losing Dembélé, but the board brought João Félix, who plays as a 10, the same mistake El Barto did when he signed Coutinho and later Griezmann to replace Neymar.
It's not even a problem of the quality of the players, it's a problem of the lack of players for certain positions. Without a proper DM, Xavi has to change the system, using 2 pivots instead of one, thus removing one AM and lacking in attack. Without a LW, Xavi has to recycle players for that position, Felix, Raphinha, Pedri or Gavi sometimes. Making them play in different positions and under different systems everytime doesn't help to consolidate the squad either, they can't play 'from memory' like Xavi used to do.
When Guardiola was the coach, we knew the starting 11. Valdés, Alves, Puyol, Piqué, whoever was the LW at the time, Busquets, Xavi (always on the right side), Iniesta (always on the left side), and then Messi, Villa Pedro, or Messi, Henry, Pedro, or Messi, Neymar, Suárez, depending on the season.
Lacking the proper players forces a lot of changes in the system, makes the team inefficient, and makes the team a strange hybrid between tiki-taka and 'Raphinha solutions'. Koeman had a shit squad when Laporta became president because Laporta decided to save the money for Xavi. When Xavi arrived, Laporta brought Ferran Torres, Aubameyang, Adama, and so on, and with better players we played better. Only six months after that the board kicked out Aubayemang to bring Lewandowski, and now Lewandowski is running out of steam and we're talking about kicking out Vitor Roque, who was signed to be a sub for 1.5 years.
I am concerned because the years pass and I still see a lack of competence on the board. Xavi needs a DM and a LW since 2 years ago. Looks like this time they'll try to sign them because Xavi was pissed after they brought him Vitor Roque instead of what he actually needed and decided to quit. If this summer we can get Zubimendi, Nico Williams and Simons (on loan), we can have a much better balanced team, and then you'll see if Xavi is a good coach or not.
submitted by edimurr to Barca [link] [comments]