Low grade fever and tired


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2024.06.02 20:39 RafterRattlerVT OEM Scissor Jack Question

So I'm still struggling with creating a spare tire 'kit' for my '23 Limited w/o OEM spare. I decided not to do the full OEM conversion, and instead buy a plug kit, lug wrench and a jack. Well I found out that there's no way the bottle jack that I bought will fit under the jack point if I have a flat (especially with an adaptor for the pinch weld), so now I'm looking for a scissor jack. I took a good look at the corner pinch weld jack points, and it looks like there's some plastic trim in front of the laminated weld, and the body behind the weld slopes upwards. Looking at a few videos on the OEM scissor jack, it looks like the jack plate is shaped to conform to the surface around the weld - ie: thinner in front of the weld to avoid the trim, a slot for the weld, and then a slope behind the weld.
What's the deal here....does the weld carry the weight of the car with the OEM jack, or is the weight distributed around the weld with the slot removing the pressure from the weld? It seems like all the aftermarket scissor jacks either have a groove or not, and the groove is pretty much centered - ie: it won't conform to the shape around the weld. Even the Modern Spare kit jack just has a symmetrical slotted plate....so it looks to me like the weld will be holding the weight of the car.
Does anyone have any recommendations on which jack I should get? I don't want to carry a full floor jack, so I'm looking for something low profile that won't damage the weld and provide a seed for rust to start.
submitted by RafterRattlerVT to ToyotaSienna [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:30 _fixmenow Stressed…but who isn’t right?

Money is always tight. But as of late it’s been bad…real bad. I’m a SAHM, husband gives me money to buy food and whatever the kids need but lately there’s been nothing…he’s notorious for being bad with money and keeping me in the dark about what he chooses to do with “his” money bc “he” works. I’ve had to skip out on a few things and events concerning the last month of school for the kids and the fridge right now has 2 eggs and half of a half gallon of milk and a few apples with some hamburger buns that I’ll have to make work for kids lunches this week. It’ll be Mayo sandwiches since their school is nut free and they’re not allowed to bring PBJs. I really can’t use credit cards bc he close to maxed them out and was just asking me the other day if I purchased the summer pool membership and if I could buy extra passes for his siblings. I flipped out, maybe I shouldn’t have but I did. I was like how could you be so concerned about going to the pool with your brothers when you barely give me money for food. He’s like I just want to have some mornings where I can swim with my bros…dude what the actual fuck. Yes we are both stressed out but he is totally checked out and disconnected from me and the kids…I mentioned volunteering next year for one of our kids’ class fundraisers to which he replied I don’t have time for that shit. He also asked one of our kids what grade they were going into because he genuinely did not know. Last week we went to a local high school play which was amazing, and when we came home he asked where we went…he said oh was (oldest child) in it? Like dude, what the actual fuck again. No, she wasn’t in it. She’s not even in middle school, let alone high school….he also conveniently misses our other kid’s sporting events religiously and calls me in the middle of the game with a half hearted apology and an oh I forgot.
I don’t know what this post is just a vent/rant bc I’m so confused, sad, tired, mad at myself for being this naive and throwing my kids in the middle of this bullshit. I also know that the grass is greener…but it’s hard to not wish my husband was as involved and present as some of my kids’ friends’ fathers. Ugh.
submitted by _fixmenow to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:24 mikewinddale Why are yellow speed limits so low?

Why are the yellow "suggested" speed limits so low? I'll be driving on a highway at 75 mph and the yellow sign for a curve will say 65, but I have no trouble going 75.
Other times, I'll be on a 55 mph road and the yellow sign for a curve will say 35, but I'll have no trouble going 55.
I have fairly premium tires, but I don't think they're that amazing. My car is a 2022 Hyundai Elantra with Yokohama Avid Ascend GT 195/65R15.
Just now, my GF has no trouble taking a 65 mpg yellow curve at 80 mph in her 2021 Nissan Rogue with Nokian WR G4 SUV 235/60R18. Hardly a performance vehicle with sporty tires.
So why are the yellow suggested speed limits so low?
submitted by mikewinddale to cars [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:22 Optimal-Reception814 I want to die change my mind

I'm 16 i had thoughts of commiting since 7th grade I'm really close to actually commit ,i once almost did it but i couldn't find any piils that could kill me so i didn't do it . right now I'm really close to doing it i want to die and I don't think i have a reason to live i made my mind if i fail to pass this grade im going to commit maybe I won't but I don't really think that there would be any reason for me to be alive if i fail to pass.i hate my self my body everything about me i hate it I'm not able to love myself i don't know why.to my mom I'm just a burden and I don't think anyone would actually miss me if i died my extended family and dont talk much they are in different countries so they wouldn't even notice I'm dead. I'm tired i really don't want to do anything I just want to sleep forever i don't even know why im writing this but i want someone to know and talk to i guess
submitted by Optimal-Reception814 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:22 dust-hunter 18, jobless and no life goal. How to stop wanting to die??

Hey, so basically I'm kind of in a life crisis at the moment? I don't know what I'm doing with my life and don't know where to go. I'm completely lost in life and tired of living in a toxic household.
A bit of information for better context. I am 18 years old, F and I have no highschool diploma. I was kicked out at age 15 as I was not able to go pass grade 8th. I tried an adult education center and was also kicked out earlier this year as I could not find a job within 2 weeks. I have no job still and live in my unhealthy household. My parents are in constant arguments because they love and hate each other at the same time.
I can't go out with friends since I can't afford to. I can't go talk walks or else I get men following me around trying to take me to their places and whatnot. I have a boyfriend of almost 6 years now, but when we hangout we mostly just go to his place and he smokes weed everyday. I don't have the same joy he has of taking weed. It doesn't relax me or anything. I have constant anxiety and I'm paranoid. I never got anything truely diagnosed under my name other then PTSD, so no I do not receive any mental help and no I can't afford 120$ an hour for some.
I have no goals, hobbies or whatever. I used to have a small temporary side gig and loved it. The minute it ended I felt like joint off a 5 story building or in front of a truck because I had no other purpose. I don't have anything to work for. I don't have a life goal I want to reach some day, I don't have small enjoyable hobbies that can brighten my days, nothing.
Please keep saying "oh don't rush things you're do young!!". I don't care wether I'm old or not, I'm an adult and I shouldn't be living in this shit of a household, no one should. I only had 1 job that lasted only a month in my entire life and it was shit fast-food that got me so badly injured I had to crawl for a week just to take a damn piss.
I don't know why I'm alive. I'm just existing, I'm not living. I want to live, but I'm getting close to understand life might just not be for me. Amy help before it's too late, please?
submitted by dust-hunter to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 abundantwaters For a $10,000 reward, how are you driving 330 miles on a single 100% charge on a 2020 Kia Nia Niro EV?

I have a logistics challenge, I want to drive a route from northern Mexico to Central Mexico in a Kia Niro EV.
I know it’s nuts, but my constraints are:
  1. I want some AC (not much, 68 degrees, minimum settings, recirc, auto)
  2. No stops to recharge (not even level 1)
  3. The roads have moderate mountains and winding hills, some traffic, but the road is dry and paved asphalt.
My proposal is:
Tires well inflated, low tread depth
Cruise control at 55 MPH on flat straight ground, 40 MPH on winding hills without AC.
No rainy day drives.
Any thoughts on my plan, what are the holes in my plan?
This is an EV dead zone because Mexicans are usually pro petroleum.
submitted by abundantwaters to KiaNiroEV [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:18 kd556617 Low T and varicocele

Hey everyone, I’m 25 m with a grade 3 varicocele on the left side. I’ve had both fertility and low T issues over the last year. My T is around 160ish ng/dl. Sperm concentration was around 10-15 million/ml. My wife and I were ttc for 12 months then Found out two weeks ago she is pregnant! The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow and I’m still going through with it to hopefully improve Sperm health for baby #2 in the future. Also I still want to get it so that it might help my testosterone? Anyone experience any significant testosterone improvements after varicocelectomy?
submitted by kd556617 to varicocele [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:12 Calm-Tax-5834 My Life!!!

I don't even know if I should be writing this. I am an 18 year old male living in India. Idk where to start with this. So I belong to a middle class family consisting of me, my parents and my younger brother. My life was fairly average till I was in 10th grade. I was academically good. Although I was not a bookworm but my classmates and my teachers considered me one. I was never athletic or took a lot of interest in co-curricular activities. I had lots of friends in school but now that I think of it, I never had any close friend with whom I can share anything. That is probably why I have to vent it out here. I was an ideal student (academically) who any parent would give an example of to their child. I was very conscious about my impression on the teachers because that was what was ingrained in me by my parents. My parents especially my mother was quite strict about my academics all through my school life. So I never got myself into any trouble or mischief and was a very well behaved boy. I was never bullied my by classmates. As I said I was never a bookworm and mostly studied a few days before the exams and got really good grades. I was not someone who would go to play after school. I just stayed in my home. My whole life was just school and home. From 5th grade, my mode of transport to and from the school was a private van. And there used to be two of those vans which commuted daily. I used to go in Van-1 from 5th to 7th grade. In 8th grade, my van was changed to Van-2. There I met a girl. I'll call her 'Chandni' for this post. She was not from my school. Since it was a private van, students of different schools used to be there. She was one year elder than me but was in same grade. We became really good friends over time. And I gradually fell in love with her. I obviously was never able to confess it. But I really enjoyed the time I spent with her. Then 8th grade ended and 9th grade started. And summer vacations came. After summer vacations when the school reopened, I was waiting for the van and Chandni was not there. I came to know her van was changed. I was devastated. I never knew I was meeting her for the last time before the summer vacations. I remember the last time I met her before the vacations, she playfully gave me a light tap on my head. I then knew she was active on social media. I joined Instagram and found her account. We chatted but not much. I remember I wished her on her birthday and now that I think of it, it was actually very embarassing how I wished her. Then gradually our conversations got less and finally stopped. They were very casual conversations. She definitely had a lot more friends and I was not as important as I thought I was. I was not upset over this. Then I think she changed her account or something and I didn't knew what her new account was. So our communication stopped. Then came 10th grade and COVID. I got busy in online classes and stopped thinking about her. Then came 2021 and my life took quite a turn. In April 2021, I randomly found Chandni's Instagram account. I sent her the request and she accepted it, even though my profile didn't have my photo and had a random name. I saw her profile, and again my suppressed feelings for her reemerged even more intensely than before. I left my old school which I studied in till 10th grade, and joined a new one. This is something I regret a lot. Actually the new school was a non-attending school. I joined it because I wanted more time to prepare for my medical entrance exam. So this way I just had to attend the coaching classes for the entrance exam and not go to school. Any Indian reading this would understand this situation better. Then my 11th grade classes started few days later which were also online because of lockdown. Initially I was very regular with the studies as I genuinely had passion for the subjects I had chosen. But this regularity lasted only 1.5-2 months. Then I started feeling very lonely as I started to lose contact with my friends from my old school. And also around this time my overthinking started. Initially it started with the fake scenarios I made in my mind involving Chandni. Now I am a vegetarian and Chandni is a non vegetarian. I know this seems very random. But this is from where my overthinking started. I started overthinking whether eating meat is ethical or not. I know this seems very silly. But trust me it was a very heavy thought for me and I just couldn't stop overthinking about it. Gradually I started overthinking about various things, if they were ethical or not, I started overthinking about religious things, god, philosophy, spirituality etc. These are some very heavy topics. Combine that with my loneliness and fake scenarios. This is where my downfall started. I didn't used to pay attention in the class and just used to lie on the bed and keep screenshot-ing whatever was displayed on the screen by the teachers. During the class I used to keep overthinking about above mentioned things, creating fake scenarios or just brood in my loneliness. I remember during the New year 2022, I was constantly watching different videos on youtube, where the spiritual gurus used to talk about masturbation and they obviously advocated against it. And watching them just made feel like I am doing something terribly wrong. And I remember how it made me so upset for few days. Chandni was in my mind 24x7. I never messaged her since I found her account in April. I just didn't had the courage. Or maybe I just wanted to get over with the entrance exam before confessing. I still used to talk to some my old friends on DM but they were very short conversations and quite rare. There was this one friend, we used to send each other funny reels quite often. Apart from that I barely had any conversation with anyone except for my family. All through the year I felt very guilty of not focussing on the studies but I just couldn't do it. My mind was constantly overthinking something or the other. Then came final exams of 11th grade. I was shit scared because I didn't study anything. All through my life uptil then I had passed just studying few days before the exams. But atleast I used to pay attention in previous classes which I didn't do this time. I still remember that anxiety. When you have been academically great from the start, your parents have high expectations from you. What would I tell them? It was one of the worst time of my life. But somehow I studied from Internet and passed the exams. Then came 12th grade. My parents had always been overprotective of me. They had never let me out of the house on my own. At that time, I didn't even know my own neighbourhood properly. This was something which always embarassed me. People my age were travelling here and there with my friends and I couldn't even get out of the house. In 12th grade, offline classes were started and COVID was pretty much over. It took a lot of pleading to convince my mother to let me go to the coaching on my own even though it is just 15-20 minutes walking distance. So I was in a room full of new faces and I was feeling very uncomfortable because I am not a very social person. And my height and physique were already an insecurity then (I will get to this later). Gradually I made some friends (Again not close friends whom I can share all this with). And honestly had a good time with them in the coaching. But apart from the 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM coaching, my life was pretty fucked up. The overthinking was still there. The fake scenarios were still there. At this point my behaviour started to change. I started to study on the 2nd floor in my home, so my conversations with my own family became very less. I used to come down only for food and sleep. Otherwise I used to stay on the 2nd floor. So I started to become distant from my own family. Add on the fact, that whenever there were mock tests in the coaching and if a test didn't go good, I used to get a scolding at home as I previously stated that my mother is quite strict about my academics. And she wanted me to clear the entrance in the 1st attempt. Also add in this the habit of my mother to constantly shout at small things. She doesn't particularly shout at me but in general. So yeah I started becoming distant from my own family. It's like I didn't have anything to talk about with them even if I wanted to. Uptil then I was like any other elder brother. I used to tease my brother, fight with him, but now I became distant with him aswell. It's not like I wanted it. But I just didn't have anything to talk about. Writing all this is just making me so sad right now. I had just become pretty silent at this point. Only little fun I had was in coaching with my friends. Chandni was still in my mind 24x7. Studies were again initially good but then I started procrastinating. I had become tired of life. Then as 12th grade started coming to an end I became more and more insecure about my height. I gave 12th exams. Passed it. Then I gave the entrance exam and failed to clear it. So I decided to take a drop (prepare another year for the entrance). This year (2023-24) has been the worst phase of my life. I was still distant from my family. The only thing we talked about was my study. All my previous year friends had now joined different coaching so I was very alone. My school friend who used to send me reels also stopped conversing because he got busy in his college life. So I had literally no friends. I didn't even tried to make any new friends this year because I was just tired. I didn't had any energy. My insecurities were killing me. I used to study on the second floor and the voice of my mother shouting and my parents arguing used to reach there and drive me mad. I was again not able to focus on the studies. Overthinking was still there. Fake scenarios were out of control. I just couldn't stop thinking about Chandni. At the same time I kept blaming myself for never being good enough for her and not deserving of her. I just used to sit in the class staring at the walls while everyone else is talking to their friends and enjoying. Seeing Chandni with other boys made my heart sank. I know they are much better than me but I feel fucking jealous. I don't have anyone to share all this with. I then somehow gave the medical entrance exam again a few days ago and I cleared it. I should be happy right? I am not able to feel that happiness for fuck sake. I always used to console myself that somehow clearing the entrance will fix everything in my life. But nothing changed. Here I am hating myself. Still my insecurities are killing me. My short height (5'4), my very thin wrists, my skinny body, make me feel so fucking insecure. I am tired of my parents constantly arguing about finances, I am tired of my mother shouting at small issues. I don't feel like going out. Sometimes even if I think to go out just to challenge my parents authority, I procrastinate that thought because I don't have any energy left to argue with them. It is not like my parents are bad. Maybe they won't stop me from going out, and I am just assuming they would. The thing is I don't have any excitement left for anything. The guilt of not being a good son, a good brother, a good friend is killing me. The guilty of not being good enough for the girl I have been secretly loving for 6 years is killing me. I still don't have the courage to confess to her because of my insecurities. I always feel weak, inferior to others and worthless. And the fake scenarios are still here. I don't know if they will ever stop. Earlier I had studies to distract me but now I have nothing, and whole day I am just thinking about my insecurities. Just before I started writing this, I was using Instagram and saw Chandni's likes on reels suggesting she likes tall men with manly hands. I don't even know if I am supposed to laugh or cry at myself. I don't know how to express myself. I still feel distant from my family even though we live in the same house. I feel extremely bad for sometimes shouting at them but I am just tired of this fucking life. The loneliness I feel, I just can't describe it.
submitted by Calm-Tax-5834 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:12 jazor11 Does this sound like MG?

I'm 32M, and I've been dealing with muscle weakness in almost every muscle in my body. This has been happening on and off for about a month, but in the past two weeks, it has become constant. I am generally very active, exercising at least 5 times a week.
The issues began after a particularly anxiety-filled week, with some nights with zero sleep. During that time, I skipped a few meals and started running again to cope with the anxiety, despite not having run for almost 2 years. One day at the beach, I noticed numbness in my hands and feet. The next day, the numbness disappeared and the muscle weakness started. Initially, I thought I was dehydrated, so I began drinking electrolyte drinks, which helped significantly. The weakness nearly disappeared, but I still got tired faster than usual during exercise. Eventually, the weakness returned and has now become a constant issue. The intensity varies, but it feels like my stabilizer muscles aren't working properly. My legs shake a lot when going downstairs, my hands shake when holding my phone, and every muscle I try to use shakes and gets exhausted fast, even my facial muscles. I can't hold a smile without shaking, sometimes when eating my jaw gets tired, and I feel weird when I talk, which is not very noticeable to others, but is very frustrating. I feel clumsy all the time.
Recently, my hands and legs feel kind of numb (I'm not sure, but it's a weird sensation) and also my legs have started to feel very cold, and I occasionally get chills (without fever). I also experience muscle twitching all over my body, memory problems, and a severe sense of brain fog. This brain fog is much worse than what I've experienced before. Additionally, I've been feeling a weird pressure on and off in my right eye and the right side of my head, though there is no pain, and recently I noticed I have blurry vision, it's like I can't focus properly. Currently, I'm on Lexapro (cause my Dr thinks i'ts anxiety related) and my eye doctor attributes the eye problems to the Lexapro.
I can still work out, but I get tired much faster than before, and something I have noticed is that muscle weakness does not get worse after exercising (at the beginning it does but then improves). I'm also having sleep problems, I wake up tired almost every day.
So far, I haven't had any problems breathing or swallowing (although sometimes I feel like I have food stuck in my throat, but nothing mayor). I had some blood tests done, including a CMP panel to check for electrolyte imbalances (including magnesium), a CBC to check for anemia, and a thyroid blood test. All the results came back normal except for a slightly elevated white blood cell count and neutrophils. My reflexes were fine, and my doctor believes all these symptoms are anxiety-related, as I said before. However, I'm panicking because many of my symptoms could also be indicative of MG. I will get checked, but I'll have to wait at least another 3 weeks for that, and the process could take a long time, so I would appreciate any information you can give me.
submitted by jazor11 to MyastheniaGravis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 ABalazs Please, suggest alternative cars for Sardegna 800 grind

I bought an LM55, and later a 962C and an SC430 to grind that race, but want to try something else to make the task a little less tedious. Could you please suggest viable cars (preferably ones available from the brand center at any time), that can be tuned to 800 pp, while has low enough fuel/tire consumption to make the race with one or less stop?
submitted by ABalazs to granturismo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 DuePersonality6123 I started off college with a 0.5 GPA before i even took any courses, how do i come back from this?

In November of 2020, I was hospitalized and spent one week in a mental hospital. My grades slipped as a result and barely passed 10th grade. I then transferred out of the colligate program I was attending and went to a normal high school, where i passed with around a 3.7 GPA. After graduating, I attended college and started off with a 0.5 GPA because they used two of the classes I took in 10th grade to calculate my GPA. Instead of starting off with a blank slate for a GPA, I had to work my way up from a really low point. I only managed to get a 1.68 by the end of the term I had finished. Because of this, I have been suspended from receiving financial aid. I know I can do a SAP appeal, but I don't know how to even go about it because from my understanding, you appeal for the term that you had failed. I don't know what to do about any of this, and when I asked the college why I had my GPA calculated from only two of my colligate program classes, they didn't give me an answer.
submitted by DuePersonality6123 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 gangrelion For beginners: Suggestions, Recommendations and Mistakes to Avoid

Thanks to the anniversary and its freebies, there's an influx of beginners this month, so this is a post to help them. If you're a veteran, please, feel free to add to this. If you're a beginner, please, feel free to ask anything not mentioned below.
Recommended Daily Routine:
*This should clear all dailies and help preparing your resource stack for the future.
Recommended Weekly Activities:
Other Tips and Recommendations:
Recommended top-up items:
That's all for now. I might add more to this later if necessary. Hope this is useful.
submitted by gangrelion to AetherGazer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:48 Mediocre_Bill6544 Burnt out on doctors

I'm really struggling to keep up on doctor stuff. I don't want to make needed appointments, I dread going in, especially to new doctors, and I'm so so tired of the ups and downs from trying new meds and treatment plans.
This is kind of made worse by a big set back a couple months ago. We found cysts on my spine and one of my doctors increased a medication I was already on for my migranes to try and help with them. He thought that since I'd already been taking it it was a safe place to start. I was on a very low dose and tolerating it really well, but the increased dose really messed me up. My resting blood pressure and heart rate went from just above hypotension numbers to omg, should we go to the emergency room and wouldn't come down. I had to start beta blockers to get my heart rate and blood pressure back down and they still aren't to where they were before two months later. I can't take the medication he increased anymore at all now so my migranes are unmedicated and kicking my butt (and obviously the pressure stuff isn't helping that). Before I also didn't have too much trouble with getting winded, but now I can't cross a room without being out of breath. My PT is struggling to find any exercises for me to do that don't spike me out of control. I was doing well enough before that I was gardening again and could do trips to the store.
I talked to my gp about how much it was getting to me and she perscribed an antidepressant that I also had a bad reaction too and am just starting to get over the affects of that.
I feel like I've lost what little mobility I had left and I just don't want to go back to any doctor now because I'm so tired of dozens of appointments with different specialties to find something that works at all only for one appointment to tank all that progress and then some. I miss my life.
submitted by Mediocre_Bill6544 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:44 CatLeading23 Damaged pituitary, working testicles

In march of 2024 after 2 months of digging through possible causes for my low T, my endocrinologist ordered an MRI of my brain. Came back as a non functional pituitary adenoma. Doesn’t secrete any hormones, but FSH and LH are barely hanging in range. But my endo said I’m fine and sent me home. Now before that, in the two months of digging, I did a sperm test and judging by the result he said “you could be a donor”, so my testicles work. I was advised to do hcg monotherapy, bc I’m young and my balls work. But every pharmacy grade drug says: “men with tumours on the pituitary or hypothalamus shouldn’t use”! But do they mean malignant or benign tumours? I’m basically left to deal with this alone. So I dont know if it’s safe. I preferably don’t want to jump on TRT just yet. Should I avoid any HCGs and HMGs? What should I do?
submitted by CatLeading23 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:38 lemonsaintsour Low 9th grade GPA

I'm currently in 11th grade and am worried about my low GPA in 9th (2.8). But since then i have improved a lot and I scored 3.74 GPA in 10th. If i do well in 11th, 12th, SAT and AP's will i have a chance to get into a decent college in US??
submitted by lemonsaintsour to chanceme [link] [comments]


Hey all! Got a great sale :)! All shoes are $100 or less, making this the biggest sale I've ever had! Most shoes have discounts of at least $15, if not even more!
Plus they're brand new and deadstock. Doesn't get better than that!
With the status of agents in limbo, get these for a great price and fast domestic shipping!
CURRENT VOUCH THREAD: https://www.reddit.com/RepVouch/comments/ntvbpw/usaca312_part_3/
• • •


I have a certain process with shoe orders to best serve you, the consumer. The following is a breakdown of important things to note:
1.) ÅJ1 x UN!0N BL@ĆK TOE
2.) ÅJ1 1 x B@SEL PINK
3.) ÅJ1 1 x T$ OG HIGH BROWN
5.) ÅJ1 x T$ OG L0W M0CHǍ


SOLD.) ÅJ4 0R£0
SOLD.) DEADSTOCK B@l3nc1@ga Apparel
SOLD.) ÅJ1 x T$ "PH@NT0M" L0W
SOLD). ÅJ1 x T$ "0L1V£" L0W
SOLD.) ÂJ1 x T$ x FR@GM£ÑT L0W
SOLD.) ÅJ4 0R£0
SOLD.) ÅJ1 x T$ G0LF "N3UTR@L 0LIV3" L0W
SOLD.) RETAIL (USED) ÄJ4 BL@ÇĶ CÃT$ SIZE 11 (eB@y Authenticated) - $335 SHIPPED
That is all for what I have! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
If you ever encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via PM or chat. I'll do my best to resolve them for you. If anything falls short of your expectations, please send me a message, as I'm committed to ensuring your satisfaction with your purchase. However, please understand that certain factors like shipping delays are beyond my control, and I won't be able to provide refunds in those cases. Your satisfaction with your purchase is my top priority!
Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for taking the time to browse through my items. If you're interested, feel free to PM, chat, or comment!
submitted by Saca312 to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 holyshititskk venting about my old lead!

this is gonna be a doozy but good lord, i just want someone to tell me im not crazy. my career in ECE has been a little less than ten months, with prior experience in elementary schools as a tutor and after school counselor / private nanny. i don’t think ive met this level of petty since high school.
i was bounced around rooms for a little bit as an assistant - i did early 2’s, late 3-4's, before landing in a room with my last lead, who i will call A. she also did three’s but these were kids who wouldn’t be turning 4 until summer for the most part. if you look at my post history, i’ve made a post about this lead before. she and i used to get along and now it has divulged into what feels like WWIII, and to make it worse, her son is in my class that i am now a lead in.
i will sum up some of the things she has done to kids in my presence, or to me directly. (all of these things have been reported by me)
things were fine for a little bit, but then recently shit went sideways again. for context, my relationship with her has always been rocky. when we first were working together i can honestly say i saw her as a friend. she was nice, said i was the little sister she never had, and did try to teach me things and was a mentor. things soured over time. it got worse after i was promoted to lead and i was now dealing with her on a parent and co worker level. she did not like that i got promoted
recently what happened that made shit go down was i found out she was telling people i don’t take care of my room. i don’t clean, my cleaning supplies are dirty, and she had to take care of messes leftover from the day before when she comes in to open and she uses my room to open in. this made me extremely upset because my room always gets special mention during meetings for staff for being clean, organized and that the kids are always happy and we (myself and my own TA) have really turned that room around from what it used to be.
the walls in our rooms don’t touch the ceiling, the building used to be a gym and because of how it was built, it just doesn’t make sense to make them go 50 feet up in the air. they walls reach up the way a regular rooms wall would, making them feel like closed off rooms.
she threw a bunch of fucking rags over her side of the wall. and told her TA (my best friend, who i got hired here) it was because all my cleaning rags/cloths were disgusting and dirty… i wash and clean my rags every day before i leave. we have a washer and dryer in the center, and i make sure all my stuff is washed by the end of the day.
i told my boss. my boss said she would handle it, and watch the cameras to see if she threw things over the wall at me. found out she got written up and of course now A doesn’t talk to me and gives me stink eye and whatever, that’s fine. i ignore it. i always do. i’m too young to have beef with a 35 year old (im 22!)
then i found out she was fully demoted, and moved. she’s now a TA in another room, far from mine. i’m honestly shocked they did that. up until now she’s not really had repercussions for her behavior because this is just things she has done to ME.
but i feel slightly bad. she has a child, and so she will be taking a pay cut. i know her husband has a nice job but still. i just want to know if i should’ve just let it go about her talking shit about my room? especially because most people who walk into can tell it’s extremely clean and well organized.
that’s my rant! sorry for how long it is.
submitted by holyshititskk to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:32 Neat-Bar-3092 Feeling misunderstood/unheard by the bosses

Anyone else feel misunderstood or unheard by their supervisors/bosses? I’m at an outpatient D&A/behavioral health clinic now where we are incredibly busy. The groups I’m responsible are teetering on noncompliance because of how full they are. It’s burdening, I’m tired, and feeling worn out. Last week at one of our staff meetings, a challenging case was brought up and I made audible noises (“ugh”) which, to me, were moreso about my frustrations overall with how things are, however, my boss - instead of checking in on me to discuss, just followed me after the meeting and told me how inappropriate my noise making is. I feel invalidated, unheard, and burnt out as it is, but now we can add low morale. Being reprimanded for something that was taken out of context and not what they assumed it was about.
Can anyone relate?
submitted by Neat-Bar-3092 to therapists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:32 Meawmeawwoof I think I'm depressed/adhd

Hello world, I don't know why I'm writing this, maybe for advice or reassurance but I'm almost 23 in 27 days and I feel weird about it to be honest. Last time I was happy was when I graduated in photography. I was enthusiastic about taking pictures and learning video production. I wanted to be involved in this industry so badly but with time and being in toxic relationships. Break up after break up shattered my self resilience and ambition for life. So I lost my passion in the process of it and wanted to pursue something new. I'm studying Massage therapy now. I'm really interested in it. It has a lot of opportunities after graduation but the status of that position sounds a little icky when mentioning it to friends/strangers because of the assumption of it being a sex working job instead of a health care practitioner. I honestly chose it to be a healer through touch therapy. I'm really interested in helping people. The problem is that I keep juggling from one job to another because I just get bored or demotivated. I'm having a hard time staying focused in school and not think about how unenthusiastic I am with life. I just feel time is slipping away from me and one day I will wake up with no achievements. I look back at my accomplishments and I'm just embarrassed instead of being proud. Even when showing my work to people. It feels like they will find out I'm a fraud or a sell out, I show people my work for validation but art shouldn't be like that. It's a way to express yourself. I also chose massage to be under my belt so I'm not just a photographer but also a healer. I do my art on the side and I get paid for it so I do feel like my work is appreciated though I'm still scared to get out of my comfort zone and I'm just doing it because it's a job. What I'm trying to say is that my creative outlet/drive is disappearing. I'm not seeing light eventhough it's sunny outside. I do things to help me see like working out, it does help but I'm not consistent. I'm praying, but not consistent, even with friendships I'm not giving it my full 100% because I'm convinced I'm useless. I know this whole thing stems from family trauma but I'm acc tired. The only thing I'm proud about right now is that I quit weed for a month now because it's been a habit since 2017. Now I'm vaping nicotine and I know it's not better but I'm trying to quit it's just hard. I quit for 3 days then vape again. I also was diagnosed with bpd I want to find resources on how to navigate my low moods like maybe having a daily mood coloring to be grateful. I don't know I just feel like I have nothing to offer because I keep forgetting people, forgetting information that I'm gaining during my studies. I just am so forgetful nowadays it's kinda scaring me. To conclude what I'm trying to say is that I have no sense of direction/self
submitted by Meawmeawwoof to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:30 Salmone_ita best build for 1.2k

Hi, ive been using a low-mid laptop for 2 years and i want to get something better. Whats the best build i can get with around 1.200 €? I want a performance pc, amd or nvidia doesnt matter to me (i read that amd has better price to performance ratio, but nvidia is more efficient and higher quality), also, if its relevant, im from italy. Im not looking for anything fancy, so the case can even be a stolen tire. Thx in advance
submitted by Salmone_ita to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:30 thesilverpoets96 Song of the Week: Evelyn

Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Today we are going to be talking about “Evelyn” which is the fourth song from the band’s debut self titled EP.
Now before we start talking about this song, I did want to let everyone know that unfortunately we are nearing the end of the road with these song discussions. We are down to about two songs left off each album. We have some bonus/unreleased songs we can talk about in the future but I think I’d like to save those for future reissue box sets. Once we cover all the studio songs I’ll make a master list for individual song discussion. Until then, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Now not every song from a band’s debut project can be a winner. And I’m not saying “Evelyn” is a bad song. But I feel like it’s one of band’s earlier songs that sounds a little outdated and it’s less interesting than where the band would be sonically on the next couple of releases. It should also be noted that this song was written solely by Sinclair.
The song actually begins with the chorus which is a really fast paced drum beat, an insanely fast tambourine sound, and a 80’s reverb drenched guitar riff. It’s simple three note guitar riff but it sounds so fast that if this song came out today you’d think that someone sped it up intentionally. On first listen it really doesn’t sound like the Hip, especially if you heard other Hip songs before this one.
Vocally we have Gord, with Sinclair singing back up, singing “Evelyn, Evelyn, where were you last night?” As you may have noticed, a lot of early Hip songs have to do with a male character waiting for a female character to come home and then asking her where she’s been all night. I did hear a 1987 concert where before they played this song, Gord mentioned a 1971 movie staring Clint Eastwood called Play Misty For Me. In that movie there is a character named Evelyn, so it’s possible that movie was the inspiration for this song.
The verses are pretty straightforward with mostly chords and a couple small transitional riffs. We do have Gord singing with a little grit in his voice as he describes waiting at this woman’s porch all night for her until eventually dawn breaks and he gets tired and leaves. The one thing I do like in this song is the way the lyrics transition from the verses to the chorus. The first verse ends with “but when dawn broke I could no longer wait for….” and then the chorus begins with “Evelyn…Evelyn.” It was smart writing to make Evelyn’s name be the ending of that verse while also the beginning of the chorus. And that happens with each verse and chorus.
In the second verse we have Gord’s character calling Evelyn to no avail and he starts questioning why he’s playing this “game” with her because he ends up just feeling like a fool.
After a shortened third chorus, Gord finally decides he’s had enough of this waiting and that he’ll “even up the score” by leaving her. It’s an idea he continues with during the last verse where he sings “if you must have your way you won't have me. But I can't be pushed around, I must get free from…..Evelyn” It basically sounds like a one sided relationship that he’s no longer going to put it with.
After the last chorus we get the only real big change in the music. While Gord is repeating the phrase “where were you last night” the drums, guitars and bass do these emphasized stop and go with the rhythm to make a dramatic ending. It’s a nice change of pace and I like how Gord’s vocals become very low for that ending.
But other than that ending this song is extremely simple in a way that doesn’t warrant too many repeated listens. Again, I give the guys credit since it’s still their first release. But this song is definitely missing elements we’ll get from them later on like guitar solos, memorable riffs, tasty bass playing and thought provoking lyrics.
But what do you think of this song? Is this a better deep cut from the debut? What do you think the song is about? Favorite musical or lyrical moments. And did you ever catch it live?
submitted by thesilverpoets96 to TragicallyHip [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:27 Jazzi_Rose My Religious Household

(So this might the only thing I'm going to post on this sub but this is a rant)
I'm almost 18 and I have been living with my very Christian grandmother ever since my mom gotten sick and when my mom told her last wish to my grandma.
So living with my grandma have been unbearable sometimes and it's mainly because on how deeply passionate over her religion, and I respect her and I love being Christian but my grandma takes it too harsh based on the things she have done to me after my mom passed away.
When I was 5 my mom signed me up for praise dance classes and I enjoyed it but things was starting to get really repetitive and tiresome. So when I was 9 or 10 I asked my grandma to take me put of it and she started lashing out at me and telling me that I'm not going to get out of it. Then I would start attending to these rehearsals so mad and low of energy and hungry because I would get out of school from 4 pm or 5pm and I would have to go to praise dance classes at 6 pm and dinner was around 6pm/7pmn.
So of course I was cranky and low energy and I would whine and complain about being hungry but be told that I should of eaten when I was at home by my dance teacher "My Aunt" even though I was not allowed to get any strands of food without asking my grandma.
My grandma would say "if you do well in praise dance rehearsal then you can eat" but surprise surprise I was an absolute low energy mess and I would come home and my grandma would always ask "so how was PD rehearsal?" and I would always have to lie to her just for me to eat because I would not eat because I was not performing well and my grandma would call my aunt to know if I was telling the truth but of course I would be beaten because I lied to her and I beg my grandma to take me out of it but she never did until I finally turned 17 that's when she took me out of it.
I still do stuff for my church and my grandma told me that I have to do more for the church than just sing in the choir like you always have ever since you were 5 (even though choir rehearsal when I was 5 was WAY BETTER than the childish brain dead choir rehearsal we have now) so I have joined children children church services and ushering service.
Of course every Sunday I get up way too early and just scared stiff because I was anticipated my grandma shouting at me, my brother, and my two older cousins to get up and get dress and we sometimes have to get up at 7am or 8 am to get dress to go to church to rehearse the song we have to sing and church starts at 10 am and ends 12 or 1pm.
Now I have never felt so horrible about being religious until the 9th grade incident where I was really close friends with a transmasc friend and my grandma absolutely ABHORS them and she wanted me to end my friendship with him because my grandma was gonna report cps if they see me with them because she thought they had intentions of raping me and grooming me (let me explain to y'all my ex friend is a year younger than me so that means I was older than my ex friend) How in the world were they grooming me we were just normal friends but it had to be broken up.
she is constantly paranoid about me being part of the lgbtq community (secretly I am) but get so paranoid about it so much so that after I came back from prom I was tired and overwhelmed and I asked her can I take off my press on nails which she said "no, so what else don't you hate about yourself" at that moment I wanted to Cuss her out because she always does this when I go against anything feminine and I started yelling and after she left the room I literally looked up how to take off press on nails with nail glue because they HURT alot so I successfully took them off and washed my face and everything then shes asked me to come to the living room just to do the same LECTURE THAT SHE KEEPS DOING EVER SINCE ME AND MY EX FRIEND BROKEN UP and she have done this annoying nonsense WAY TOO MUCH AND ITS GETTING ON MY NERVES.
So I have decided to go to college far from where I live and I will make plans to live in the UK because my online friend really want me see her irl and she's nice, understanding, and very accepting. So I plan things ahead and I ask questions to many people and Google on how would things work if I had plans on moving after graduation out of college and I started planning things out and hopefully somethings go down as planned if not it will go down its own way.
submitted by Jazzi_Rose to Christianity [link] [comments]
