Commas after an introductory phrase worksheets

practical sat tips

2024.05.19 11:30 Present_Mongoose_373 practical sat tips

here are a few of mine:
graphs may not be f(x), but instead transformations of f(x)
write EVERYTHING down algebraically, logic-ing things out tends to lead to silly mistakes even in easy questions, also draw figures, this alone saves needing like 10 extra tips to keep in mind.
look at the domain for those "write an equation thats y = 34x + 3" guys where theres a difference between x starting at zero and at a certain number. usually youll have to add the rate on x times that number to the entire thing to get like "f(x) = 34x + 37"
use desmos, its honestly amazing.
now for reading:
for logical word questions, try to pick one that doesnt add information and has the most direct justification. to help with this you can guess before you look at the answers so your not biased (helps for like 25% of the questions), and if your still stuck, just pick the most general, non opinionated sounding word.
also looking at the roots of words helps a lot too.
for the last questions, you dont even need to look at the bullet points. instead look for relation words that match the relation in the question. e.g. "student wants to show how 2 things are similar" first look for questions with 2 things, then look for "similar" relationship words like "both" or "similarly".
for transition words its the same thing, you should group them into relationship like "contrasting" "adding" "sequence" (this one is REALLY easy if you see 'finally" or "then" or "next" before or after). and if you see 2 in the same category, likely neither of them are the correct answer.
also try and guess the catagory before looking at the answer, i personally have gotten completely thrown off track because i looked at the answers first.
same thing with periods and semicolons, if you see both, neither of them are the right answer.
for colons, its usually correct if it answers a question posed about the previous sentence.
for subject verb, remember, prepositions dont count, and usually they use "of" prepositional phrases. also know that things inside two commas can be deleted and the sentence should be logically the same. and a sentence can start with a dependant clause and end with an independant one, and transitions always need commas and or periods surrounding them ". However, " ", however, " ", however.". also know the fanboys rule about connecting independent clauses.
for standard english ones, plug in and *read until the end of the sentence* ive gotten burned a couple times because i was being lazy and didnt read the entire thing.
look for dependant and independant clauses, and when in doubt, pick the option with the least grammar.
for data questions, cross out the answers that (if the question asks for it) dont support the author first, then verify with the data second.
for "function of the underlined portion" i find it helps if i litterally replace the answer i think it is and see if it makes sense in "idea".
also be REALLY sure of added information by the answers, anything sounding kindof opinionated should immediately raise red flags, same thing for author 1 and author 2 ones, usually the answer is justifiable and not an opinion or reaction, and instead some kind of restatement of something in the text, honestly thats most of the questions.
for the best supports argument ones, make sure it hits every point of their argument
for main purpose, its usually just a template / restating of the text.
also make sure to hit *every* point the question asks for
lastly when you have no clue, its best to pick the most minimal answer, least grammar, most general answer ime.
if any of yall disagree with something, or want to add anything, please let me know!
submitted by Present_Mongoose_373 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:30 zkidparks The guide to FOREVER (a photo/digital storage MLM)

Hello redditors of antiMLM,
Just this week, I received an email from a relation advertising FOREVER—not to be confused with Forever Living. Searching through this sub, I found a few short references over the last years with little detail. In one, a commentor described FOREVER stating "as mlms go, it seems ethical." Every red light went off while I looked into these “FOREVER Ambassadors.” I then began a search, with much of the ultimate work done by my spouse. It took longer than seemed acceptable to identify this MLM for people who glanced over the internet. FOREVER is not listed on any of the MLM databases I could find from this sub or elsewhere. Based on the mandatory “FOREVER Ambassador Community” on Facebook, now 8 years old, at least 2,500 people have gotten into their clutches at some point (I haven’t linked because I think it might be against the sub rules).
Thus, for the benefit and enjoyment of the people, here are references for the community to identify a yet-another-multi-level-marketing scheme. I am a sarcastic person, so be forewarned. All sources were publicly available and required no logins or access.
(1) Background of the FOREVER business model
(2) The FOREVER Ambassador program
(3) Costs of serving as an Ambassador
(4) Compensation advertised for Ambassadors
(4a) Income in cash from personal sales
(4b) The downline system used by FOREVER
(4c) Non-monetary-achievement compensation
(5) FOREVER Ambassador Business Training
(6) Conclusion down to brass tax on FOREVER
(1) Background of the FOREVER business model
FOREVER is an online service that advertises it can be a “permanent digital home that lasts for many generations.”[1] This is to be accomplished via a so-called “FOREVER Guarantee Fund” that invests to pay for digital storage for over 100 years.[1] Their website promises me that “permanent” is “not a buzzword”—I think that’s the Platonian ideal of a buzzword.[1] Regardless, this is not a quality review post.
(2) The FOREVER Ambassador program
The sellers used by FOREVER are called “FOREVER Ambassadors.”[2] As advertised, it looks like a classic MLM pitch. You can “earn up to 35%” commission” while having “the freedom to work from home, and the flexibility to make money on your own schedule.”[2] FOREVER lists various opportunities, such as “trainings” and the ability to “learn and grow with friends,” as well as “make life-long friends.”[2] As part of the “Meet our Team” webpage for corporate FOREVER, there are multiple “Executive Ambassadors” listed.[3] There is no barrier to entry on experience required to become an Ambassador.[4] I observed that, throughout the internet and on the FOREVER website, the vast majority of Ambassadors are women—as you know, many MLMs target women and moms.
(3) Costs of serving as an Ambassador
FOREVER has, at minimum, an “Annual Ambassador Fee” that is the primary cost to entry of the program.[2] For $179 a year, one would receive “back office tools,” various marketing materials, and “countless opportunities”—maybe money, but more on that soon.[2] There is a link to an Ambassador’s own selling website.[5, at 22] This Ambassador fee “is subject to change over time.”[5, at 25] There is also a FOREVER Merchandise store where Ambassadors can get their supplies.[6] These include a 40-pack set of catalogs for $44.99 and a $144.99 tablecloth for potential customers during in-person events.[6]
For Ambassadors, FOREVER advertises there are “free training events.”[5, at 25] Each year, for $399 in 2024, Ambassadors can attend the 3-day “FOREVER Live!” event.[7] It is in the destination getaway of… next to their headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA (I’m sorry Pittsburgh, you’re a beautiful city).[5, at 24] It is also possible to pay for a “p2P Virtual Party” and “p2P Live Events,” but is unclear what those mean.[5, at 5] Various “ranks” of Ambassadors receive a “monthly stipend” starting at $25 a month after $15,000 total in personal plus team sales a year.[5, at 9]
(4) Compensation advertised for Ambassadors
(4a) Income in cash from personal sales
FOREVER pays its Ambassadors based on a “cash sales” versus “full sales” system.[5, at 5] The too-long-didn’t-read summary is that some products are paid less commission than others because of “margin” of different products.[5, at 5–6] Critically, the Personal Commission Rate is where our story kicks into gear. At the bottom, an Ambassador who sells less than $2,000 a year in sales receives the windfall of a 15% commission.[5, at 7] The number rises to 34% once sales are $90,000 or greater in one year (I don’t know where the 35% from earlier went).[5, at 7] However, to earn the 20% commission or more once one passes the $2,000 sales amount requires completion of the “FOREVER Ambassador Business (FAB) Training.”[5, at 7] I read it, more on that later.
You might ask, “Is there a sales quota for FOREVER® Ambassadors?” FOREVER says “no.”[8] However, the less one does the less FOREVER pays Ambassadors for what they do (this chart is older than the Compensation Guide cited).[8]
(4b) The downline system used by FOREVER
Of course, while it took forever to reach here, we come to the “downline” process—FOREVER’s words, not mine.[9] FOREVER immediately identified that new Ambassadors “choose another Ambassador to mentor you as you grow your business” (I do not know if this means an upline).[2] Nevertheless, “Team Sales” are compensated by FOREVER down to the 5th Line.[5, at 9] If an Ambassador does not build a team, then they do not earn Team Commissionable Cash Sales Commissions.[5, at 9] FOREVER states that getting new Ambassadors “to sign up under your name” is how you help “further your business.”[9]
However, even if an Ambassador builds a team, they receive a very restricted downline compensation if they do not make a minimum of personal sales.[5, at 9] For future reference, an “Associate Ambassador,” the bottom, makes less than $2,000 and earns no downline sales.[5, at 9] An “Ambassador,” second to last, is the first rank with a downline commission (4% for 1st Line), requiring $2,000/personal a year.[5, at 9] To reach “Senior Ambassador,” third to last, and above, a FOREVER Ambassador must start earning exponentially greater amounts of personal plus team sales to rise in the “ranks.”[5, at 9] A Senior Ambassador requires $8,000/personal but $15,000/gross, and is the first to get 2nd Line commission (4% for 1st Line and 2% for 2nd Line).[5, at 9] It is unclear to me if “new members” must be recruited “each month” to rankup—the website says so, but I see it nowhere in the Compensation Guide.[8]
At the top of hierarchy, there become two “Executive Ambassadors.”[5, at 9–10] These ranks start at $28,000/personal and $250,000/gross a year.[5, at 9] As well, one must have at least three “Team Leaders” in their 1st Line.[5, at 10] Team Leaders refers to Ambassadors who have themselves reached the rank of “Associate Lead Ambassador” ($12,000/personal and $30,000/gross).[5, at 9] FOREVER advertises that the Executive ranks are for—and I am not making this up—those Ambassadors who are “grooming FOREVER Leaders on your team below you.”[5, at 10] Irony is dead folks.
(4c) Non-monetary-achievement compensation
Because being paid to work is overrated, FOREVER will also provide “Additional Benefits” to its various ranks. As an Associate Ambassador, you can join the aforementioned Facebook Group and hear the CEO talk on a monthly phone call.[5, at 11] Regular Ambassadors also get a certificate to put on their wall.[5, at 11] Senior Ambassadors get a standing ovation at FOREVER Live!—you can even be ovated on stage as an Associate Lead Ambassador (I would pay $179 a year to not).[5, at 13–14] My observation is that a lot of ranks mostly provide additional types of standing ovations at FOREVER Live! and reserved seats for dinners there.
But then you can reach the pinnacle of Everest (that much like the real one, other people just carry you up there): the Million Dollar Club.[5, at 20] For making $1 million in personal and team sales in a year, one will earn a single $10,000 dollar bonus.[5, at 20] If you are then a “top-performing Ambassador,” one can be taken on the “Achievement Gathering,” to Jamaica in 2024, to mill around with other top-performing Ambassadors—and the corporate staff.[5, at 24] There is no mention how many people earn it or how much must be earned.[5, at 24]
(5) FOREVER Ambassador Business Training
I mentioned earlier that Ambassadors must complete a “FAB” training to receive more than 15% in commissions.[5, at 7] To hit this post home, I wanted to identify some highlights. The FAB training has 5 Steps to reach regular Ambassador status.[10, at 4] These Steps include such activities as “Meet with your Upline” (Step 1), “Connect with your Upline” (Step 2), “Meet with your Upline” (Step 3), “Meet with your Upline” (Step 4), and “Meet with your Upline” (Step 5).[10, at 7, 10, 12, 14, 16] You also have to join the FOREVER Facebook group and any created by your Team (just “ask your Upline” to find it).[10, at 6–7] There’s a task in Step 2 to create an introductory “Share List,” with five lines each for “Friends,” “Teachers,” and your own “Parents/Grandparents.”[10, at 7–9] For an unclear number of hours, you must attend multiple weekly and monthly “training opportunities” and “calls.”[10, at 6–7, 10] And one last item, to rank up in FOREVER, you must register for an upcoming event.[10, at 12] As of writing, the only one listed on the linked webpage is the $399 FOREVER Live! conference.[11]
(6) Conclusion down to brass tax on FOREVER
I was unable to find an Income Disclosure Statement for FOREVER. However, basic math tells us that an Associate Ambassador, the bottom, can only earn up to $300 a year.[5, at 11] To reach regular Ambassador, which includes signing up and beginning all the time sinks listed above, the maximum personal commission is $1,200, in addition to whatever downline (however big those are on average).[5, at 11] Without a downline, even the top-bracket personal sellers are the only ones to earn more than $30,000 a year.[5, at 7] The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis estimates that the Real Median Personal Income in the United States for 2022 was $40,480.[12]
There is one way to make it with FOREVER: to build a downline. It’s a multi-level-marketing scheme, and no one should join it. Unless of course, you want to join my downline—I promise you'll be rich just like me.
[1] “Our Story,” (accessed May 18, 2024),
[2] “Become a FOREVER Ambassador,” (accessed May 18, 2024),
[3] “Meet Our Team,” (accessed May 18, 2024),
[4] “What is required of me as a FOREVER Ambassador?,” Support (accessed May 18, 2024 [updated “2 years ago”]),
[5] Ambassador Compensation Guide, FOREVER (Jan. 31, 2024),
[6] “FOREVER Merchandise,” Ambassador Training (accessed May 18, 2024),
[7] “FOREVER Live! 2024,” (accessed May 18, 2024),
[8] “Is there a sales quota for FOREVER® Ambassadors?,” Support (accessed May 18, 2024 [updated “2 years ago”]),
[9] “Downline,” Support (accessed May 18, 2024 [updated “2 years ago”]),
[10] FOREVER Ambassador Business Training, FOREVER (May 14, 2024),
[11] “Events,” (accessed May 18, 2024),
[12] “Real Median Personal Income in the United States,” Federal Reserve of St. Louis (accessed May 18, 2024),
A few formatting errors and a minor phrasing correction.
submitted by zkidparks to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:23 pantaleonivo 10 Days in France - My experience in Burgundy, the Loire Valley and Paris

My wife and I (<30M, American) planned our first visit to Europe in spring 2020. 4 years deferred, the trip evolved from a barebudget experience to something closer to a second honeymoon. I don’t claim any special knowledge, I really just wanted to give back to this sub.
Total Budget: $8,000
Total Spend: $8,100
Day 1-3: Arrival and Beaune
We took the TGV to Dijon and arrived in Beaune via train at 14:00. It’s a fairytale fucking town. You are forced to downshift as you wander a warren of streets. The locals are justifiably proud of their wine and food and were generous in educating us on their culture. Burgundy’s distinctive roof tiles reinforced our sense of place.
-Highlights: Cycling Beaune-Pommard- Volnay-Mersault, Hotel Dieu/Hospices de Beaune, escargots and wine.
Best Food: A grand dinner at the cellar of Le Conty, a quiet table at Le Bistro des Cocottes.
-Additional Comment: We stayed at Hotel des Tonneliers and while the rooms were simple, the staff was so lovely and this was our favorite stay in France. The conti-brekky in the courtyard was pleasant and convenient.
Day 4: Travel, Fontenay Abbey, Guedelon Castle
Our second leg was the Loire Valley so we rented a car and stopped at some remote sites in transit. Fontenay was serene but Guedelon was a surprise highlight of the entire trip. The artisans work openly and the half-finished castle is surrounded by a village of tourist-friendly but not tacky canteens and gift shops. We enjoyed seeing ordinary French families at play.
-Highlights: Guedelon (castle and food on site), driving manual transmission in rural Burgundy.
-Best Food: Seasonal offerings and local hard cider at the Guedelon canteen
-Additional Comments: I’m American and had only driven stickshift for an extended period once before. If you have any previous experience, I recommend eschewing automatic transmission for the fun of it.
Day 5-6: Amboise and Chateaux of the Loire Valley
While Burgundy felt ancient and impressive, the Loire Valley was graceful and romantic. Willows crowd the river and flowers poured from window boxes. The renaissance chateaux are a powerful reminder of the wealth of the aristocracy and the government extends place the estates in their proper historical context. Sites actively engage children with scavenger hunts and augmented reality exhibits.
-Highlights: Hot air ballooning over Chenonceau, the grand chateau at Chambord, drinks on the Ile d’Or facing Amboise castle, crowd of rowdy regulars at Art is Ale Brewery.
-Best Food: Michelin starred lunch at L’Orangerie, intimate but thoughtful tasting menu at the patio of L’Alliance, Le Shaker bar.
-Additional Comments: We stayed at Chateau du Pray, which was grand but a 2km drive from Amboise. In hindsight, we preferred humbler digs closer to town because we were rarely in our room.
Day 7-8: Paris, Rue Cler
Emerging from the metro and onto the streets of Paris is a singular experience. The pedestrian zone on Rue Cler was perfect for an introductory stroll but we quickly branched out using the excellent and cheap public transport system.
-Highlights: L’Orangerie (we were most impressed by the Robert Ryman exposition), Napoleon’s Tomb, Saint-Chapelle in the rain, the metro.
-Best Food: Warm hospitality at Comice, sandwiches from any given boulangerie, apertifs (Lilet Blanc is my fav)
Day 9-10: Paris, Le Marais
This was our favorite neighborhood. Le Marais is near (practically) everything, feels like an authentic community and has excellent restaurants. We cancelled a planned trip to Versailles because we were greedy for more time here.
-Highlights: Picasso Museum, people watching, drinking on the banks of the Seine with college students at sunset
-Best Food: Stunningly generous hospitality at La Bourse et La Vie, oysters with cognac vinegar at Huiterie Régis, random falafel
-Additional Comments: I enjoyed running the neighborhood in the early morning and watching it all come to life.
Day 11: Travel Praise be to Xanax.
General Thoughts
-Stereotypes about the French are so outdated. Everyone, especially in the countryside, was gracious
-DO learn basic phrases in French. The French are gracious hosts and I felt that the respect demonstrated by attempting the language is reciprocated
-DO ask questions. I asked our waiter about “Eau de Vie” and after disappearing, he returned with three bottles, a generous free tasting and stories about his grandfather’s still in the countryside. I left the restaurant educated and happily drunk. In another situation, I asked a vintner if he had any older bottles off-menu following a tasting and he revealed a small but venerable stock that were for sale but too few to advertise
-DO make reservations, especially in small towns. I avoided it from fear of speaking French on the phone and executed a mad scramble to secure our tables at the start of the trip
-DO eat late. The tourists seem to clear out of restaurants by 21:00 and we enjoyed listening to the buzz of French voices when we dined on their schedule
-DO wake up early, at least sometimes. Provincial streets are so dreamy at dawn
-DON’T go to Montmartre. Obviously my opinion but it was aggressively touristy, full of hustlers and I’m no prude but fuck, there were a lot of cheap sex shops
-DO change your plans as you go. You can rebook train tickets for a modest fee or rebook hotels with reasonable notice. Be open to discovery
-DO use public transport whenever possible
-DON’T expect anything from speaking Spanish or Portuguese. This may be different in the Southwest but in the places I visited, neither of these were viable bridge languages when my French failed me
-DO check wine in your bag home
submitted by pantaleonivo to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:07 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 6: Reading/Writing Module 2 Hard, Question #19

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 6: Reading/Writing Module 2 Hard, Question #19 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:01 lambchopsuey Deconstructing the "discussion meeting" performance - "the staged character of discussion meetings" - illuminates why SGI is failing and how far it has deteriorated

This analysis comes from Cults and Nonconventional Religious Groups: A Collection of Outstanding Dissertations and Monographs, "Shakubuku: A Study of the Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Movement in America, 1960-1975", David A. Snow, 1993, pp. 171-179.
I'll try to shave it down, because it's a long section, but he masterfully dissects the manipulation and artifice involved in the "discussion meetings" of then-NSA (now SGI-USA). You'll recognize the fakery he identifies - this is the nature of the Dead-Ikeda-cult SGI, a completely dishonest and exploitative cult.
It is at these discussion meetings, then, that NSA gets on with the real work of promoting and securing nominal conversion, of attempting to get recruits to take the first major step toward conversion by agreeing to receive a Gohonzon and to give chanting a try.
In those days, the nohonzon was issued up front (for a fee, of course - cash on the barrelhead).
And since gaining converts is, in large part, what this movement is all about, "nothing is more basic to the activities of NSA," as noted in the Winter edition of the 1975 NSA Quarterly, "than the discussion meeting." Or, as one district leader emphasized when discussing the importance of these meetings: "Discussion meetings are indispensable to the spread of the practice and the attainment of Kosen-rufu."
If you've ever felt confused at how sitting around someone's living room with the same bunch of losers month after month is doing anything toward the SGI's supposed goals of "world peace" or anything at all, actually, besides wasting the participants' time, I think what's described here will make it clearer what the original intent and purpose of these "discussion meetings" was, AND how far from that the current SGI "activities" have fallen.
The Character and Organization of These Meetings from a Sociological Standpoint
Given the purpose and importance of these discussion meetings, the question arises as to how they are organized and brought off in a strategic manner. In other words, what is the underlying strategy guiding this work of securing nominal conversion, and what are the kinds of tactical adjustments made at the line of scrimmage when the plan of attack does not appear to be advancing the group toward its goal of getting guests to agree to give chanting a try.
It's not enough that the "guests" say they'll try it; by the end of this ordeal, they'll say absolutely anything to get themselves to the other side of that door! What they really want is enough interest and desire on the part of those "guests" that they'll come back - and ideally become regularly attending members (as described in this indoctrinational creative writing fiction where a career Catholic priest is so entranced with the fictional (non)discussion meetings that he JOINS the SGI!! You'll notice that there is never any room within SGI to even mention one of THEIR SGI leaders who joins a Baptist church, for example, much less to celebrate such a stepping-out-of-line. But it's always FINE for other religions' leaders to see the obvious superiority of the SGI, knowmsayin?
In order to answer these question [sic] in a sociological manner, let us step out of the shoes of a guest and into those of a sociological [sic] with insiders' knowledge.
The Strategy of Theatrical Persuasion. Although members and the movement's literature like to characterize these meetings as being forums for free and open discussion and the spontaneous expression and flow of happiness and excitement, they are a far cry from gatherings characterized by spontaneity and unstructured discussion and interaction. Rather, they are meticulously planned and highly orchestrated meetings that can be best conceptualized, from a dramaturgical perspective, as theatrical-like presentations staged and conducted by a set of individuals (NSA members) who not only work together as a team but whose intimate cooperation is expected and required in order to foster and sustain a convincing impression or definition of the situation in the eyes of the audience (the recruits or guests).
Although the staged character of these meetings is seldom readily discernible to the unsuspecting guest, the appropriateness of conceptualizing these meetings in this way is suggested by the following considerations. First, the purpose of the meeting, as already indicated, is to sell guests on the idea of chanting, to so impress them that they feel compelled to give this practice call [sic] chanting a try.
Secondly, there is a division of labor such that all members have one or more roles to play. These various roles include the leadership role, the role of emcee, a general, overarching supportive role, and several more specific supportive roles, such as the role of giving an explanation of what NSA is all about, the role of a song leader, and the role of giving testimony. And even more significantly, members are provided with fairly detailed instructions, or, in the language of the theater, with scripts indicating what each role involves and how best to perform or play it.
There's a list of these roles. At the discussion meeting planning meeting, the attendees go down the list and simply plug different members' names into the worksheet.
The main leadership role, assumed by the district chief or, in his absence, the assistant district chief, includes, for example, the tasks of leading the chanting in a vigorous manner, conducting the question-and-answer session, meeting with each of the guests, and providing an inspirational role model for the other members. In performing these tasks, the leader is reminded that rather than putting on the air of a great sage, he should make a point of displaying great vitality, warmth, and compassion. Furthermore, he is expected "to be able to give clear explanations of the philosophy and practice," and is instructed to "always tailor his answers and encouragement to the audience."
Answers should always be tailored to the audience. If the guests are young, then the answers should include examples they can relate to. If the questions are too mystical or one-sided, the leader must have the wisdom to change the subject or break off the question-and-answer period diplomatically.
Blanche described how in her first district, the WD District leader instructed everyone that, if someone in the meeting was going on too long or rambling or whatever, that they should just start clapping wildly and shouting, "Congratulations!!" and then the MC would just move on to the next topic on the agenda. Reeeeal "spontaneous" there...
The emcee role is also regarded as particularly important, so much so that "the success of the meeting" is said to be contingent on how well it is performed. In fact, "so much depends on the emcee" that the discussion meeting is described for him as "a battleground in which he must struggle to bring victory to the members."
Barf. How far SGI has fallen! Now the goal is to see if there's some young teen in an SGI member's family who can be press-ganged to show up and read the agenda - their youth in and of itself is supposed to "encourage" everyone! Forget about all that "struggle" nonsense - they aren't gonna. This illustrates the SGI's current "form over function" approach, in which they just identify someone and pressure that person to do it, rather than the ideal candidate volunteering from a spirit of...oh, whatever - see above paragraph 🙄 Ideally, there would be SEVERAL young people positively brimming with passion and youthful energy who would be vying to be chosen: "Me! Let ME do it this time!" "No! ME!" "Choose ME!!" Instead, now it's just some tired old fart who agrees to do it, just to get this over with and there's no one else.
Specific responsibilities include setting "the gears fo the meeting in motion" and keeping the meeting going in a rhythmical and orderly manner.
You have to wonder just how crazy they envision these (non)discussion meetings might go - will a spontaneous rave break out if it isn't carefully controlled? An unpermitted parade? A frenzy of liturgical dance?? WHAT might happen??? Enquiring minds want to know!!
The emcee must develop the ability to keep the rhythm of the meeting going by making sure that there are no pauses or interruptions. If someone is causing a disorder, he should quiet the person in a polite manner. If a baby starts crying, he should see to it that either the mother or one of the young women at the meeting takes the child to another room to calm it down.
Gendered. Misogynist.
The emcee is also charged with being "the eyes and ears of the person leading the meeting."
Before and during the meeting, he should watch guests, be on the lookout for disruptions, and in general, be aware of everything that's happening. He should inform the person leading the meeting how many guests are present and whether they are young or old, so the leader can set the rhythm of the meeting accordingly.
Yeah. NO 😄 WOW but it's been a LONG TIME since any SGI sales pitch-based recruiting session - I mean discussion meeting - had any characteristics that would fit the above instructions. Just no way. Not now. Now, it's the same old handful of longhaulers dragging themselves in to go through the motions - as usual. By rote.
In addition, the emcee is expected to talk, act, and appear in a manner that displays or exudes strength, confidence, vitality and neatness.
The emcee must speak in a vigorous, strong and clear voice, but not screaming. The way he sits, stands up and moves the table must display confidence.
This was when a small table would be moved in in front of the person who led gongyo, who would turn around to face the group. This is of course a Japanese norm, completely foreign to Westerners. How many people outside of Japan even have a low table like that, designed for someone who's sitting on the floor??
In fact, he should stand up smartly whenever he is talking. As for appearance, he should reflect the image of NSA - clean and neat clothes and personal grooming.
It has been a LOOOOOOOONG time since ANY SGI district could insist on these requirements! Now they're just lucky if they can get anyone younger than retirement age to read the agenda off, and the agenda is often handed to them right there at the meeting itself - fuhgeddabout all this "advance preparation" nonsense. Nothing happens at the SGI discussion meetings, so nobody's going to go to this much trouble just because.
And finally, the emcee is instructed to have the details of the meeting worked out and the setting in order before the meeting begins. opposed to showing up and being handed a printed agenda to read off as SGI does it now.
The emcee must have a plan for the meeting. He should write up a schedule showing who will give the explanation, what songs will be sung, who will give experiences and so on, and present it to the leader at least two days prior to the meeting. The emcee must prepare for the meeting. He should check to see if the meeting place is clean and neat, that all lights work and there is an appropriate meeting table. Most of all, he should do Shakubuku for the success of the meeting.
Oh, like any of that's gonna happen! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes, things were VERY different back in the late 1960s-early 1970s, when the SGI organization in the US was still growing. As you can see, all this has been tossed right out the window.
A couple of items:
In fact, you can see a newly promoted leader doing exactly that, "chanting for the success of the meeting", here, from this same time period (early 1970s).
It's been a LONG time since any of this was happening, and you can clearly see in today's (non)discussion meetings how far things have deteriorated - and that's JUST the MC part! There's a bit about the demands on the members of the group - I'll skip to just this part:
As one district chief explained during a planning meeting for senior and junior leaders within the district and which I was invited to by one of my key informants:
Make sure to tell your members to chant in rhythm with the leaders. There shouldn't be any more than one rhythm. Everyone should be together so that there is unity. And remember to have them support the leader in whatever he says; the guests won't know whether he is right or wrong. So even if you don't agree with what is being said, act as if you do. this [sic] way there is unity at the meeting and the guests will be more impressed.
Wow, huh? It's completely dishonest and oriented entirely at flimflamming and bamboozling the "guests"!
Next there's a big section on "experiences", but I'm going to give that its own post because it's a WHOLE topic on its own. Hopefully today! But Ima skip ahead a bit, to p. 177:
A fourth indication of the staged character of discussion meetings is provided by the fact that planning meetings are held at both the district and chapter level for the purpose of discussing how to improve discussion meetings and make them more successful. Although rank-and-file members (those who have not attained that status of a junior or senior leader) are not normally invited to these planning meetings, I was able to attend several of them at the invitation of both my district chief and a junior leader who was one of my key informants.
It was during these planning meetings that I became deeply sensitized to the highly orchestrated and dramaturgical character of not only the discussion meetings but of NSA's overall operation.
At this point it's important to remember that "dramaturgical" means "relating to the art or the theory of writing and putting on plays, especially for the theater" - it's all putting on a show to manipulate the unwitting guests in order to trick them into transforming into new recruits. It's ALL fake - just a façade to fool the uninformed.
A fifth consideration suggesting that staged character of discussion meetings is the fact that much of what members do and say, both verbally and nonverbally, during the course of a meeting is to appear natural and spontaneous rather than artificial and contrived.
They try. Unconvincingly.
In other words, these meetings are not to appear as staged performances or as the product of dramaturgical cooperation. This concern is evidenced by the emphasis placed on exuding sincerity and responding to calls from the emcee and to what the leader says and does with alacrity and enthusiasm. It is also suggested by some of the rituals engaged in by the emcee, as when he scans the gathering after he has called for an experience so as to foster the impression that whom he calls is a spontaneous decision rather than one that has been pre-arranged, as indicated by the fact that those called on are already listed on his meeting agenda and by the fact that members frequently know beforehand whether they will be giving an experience.
This fakery apparently was dropped decades ago; in current SGI (non)discussion meetings, not only is the person acknowledged by name as delivering/"sharing" an "experience", but the person often has it written out on a piece of paper they semi-read off.

But none of this is evident to the guest.

Rather, what transpires - who gives the explanation, who gives testimonies, and so on - is staged in such a way that it all appears as if it is spontaneous and independent of prior planning, negotiation, and decision-making among the members. As a consequence, it seems reasonable to suggest that NSA in general and the district members in particular have something of the character of a secret society.
Only without any special perks or sexiness.
This is not particularly surprising, however, when considering the nature of theatrical-like teamwork. As Erving Goffman noted in his seminal discussion of this kind of work:
... if a performance is to be effective it will be likely that the extent of cooperation that makes this possible will be concealed and kept secret... The audience may appreciate, of course, that all members of the team are held together by a bond that no member of the audience shares ... But (the members of the team) form a secret society ... insofar as a secret is kept as to how they are cooperating together to maintain a particular definition of the situation.
This will all be very familiar to the people trying to recruit new suckers into MLM schemes/scams, too.
The sixth and final consideration suggesting the appropriateness of viewing these meetings from a dramaturgical perspective is the fact that they do not "go on" unless there is an audience, that is unless guests are in attendance.
Before Ikeda was excommunicated by Nichiren Shoshu and transformed the SGI into his own personal worship society, there was a certain "rhythm" to the year. February and August were "Shakubuku Months", and there was an "introductory meeting" scheduled every week. If it came to meeting start time and there was no "guest", the meeting was halted and everybody was sent out to try and find something with a pulse to drag in, at which point the meeting would proceed:
When I first discovered this I was somewhat startled, for I had assumed that these meetings were conducted in their entirety regardless of the presence or absence of a new face. But as I learned one evening, this is not the case. Following the chanting session on this particular evening, the leader emphasized that since these meetings were for guests and none were present, we would have to go out and round up one or two. So the members in attendance were divided into Shakubuku teams and sent out in search of prospects. Although three of the four teams returned empty-handed, one had managed to corral a single guest. But one is all that is needed; and so the formal meeting began as usual.
For "formal meeting" read "sales pitch". By the late-1980s, perhaps earlier, instead of being every discussion meeting, this format was restricted to the "introductory meetings" during the Shakubuku Months. However, he's describing something that happened every single time. No meeting unless a "guest" was present.
During my tenure as a member I saw this particular scenario re-enacted on four different occasions, and on one occasion we were sent back into the streets three times in succession. Around 8:30 p.m., after the third try and with one guest in hand, the show finally got on the road.
The author describes himself as "an active participant observer for nearly a year and a half".
Perhaps even more illustrative of the theatrical character of these meetings and the fact that they are staged for guests is the following course of events that transpired one evening during a meeting I attended:
Although no guests were present when the chanting began, a young couple came in toward the end of the chanting session and situated themselves on the floor at the back of the room. But apparently the emcee didn't notice them; for upon completion of the chanting session he didn't jump up and yell out: 'Welcome to a vigorous and happy meeting of the [name here] District of NSA!' But the district leader, who had apparently seen this couple come in, punched the emcee in the ribs and whispered that some guests were present. And so this member immediately assumed his role of the emcee and proceeded as usual by springing to his feet, putting on a big smile, and blurting out, 'Welcome to a vigorous and happy meeting of the [name here] District of NSA!'
"Vigorous and happy" 🤣
In light of the foregoing considerations and observations, there seems to be little question about the appropriateness of conceptualizing NSA discussion meetings as "shows" or presentations staged by the members, who constitute a performance team, before an audience composed of recruits or "guests".
This was what was going on BEFORE Dickeda swanned into the US in 1990 and "changed our direction" - because of what Sensei did, the bottom fell out of the discussion meetings. Instead of weekly meetings, Dickeata dictated that these meetings would only happen monthly from now on - and of COURSE Die-Sucky Scamsei's word is LAW in his own cult of personality, where the membership follows a PERSON instead of any "law". Post-excommunication, at the (non)discussion meetings I attended, there was at least one guest every single time, but they never came back. The ONLY person I saw join post-excommunication was a formerly homeless woman with two small children who had moved in with an SGI member (who had unethically selected her at the abused-women's shelter she was living at, where he volunteered computer classes for the residents). She was able to see it didn't work; she ended up quitting.
Now what SGI-USA is left with is an ever-shrinking membership of mostly Baby-Boom generation and older individuals who mostly joined during the time period described in this study. SGI has completely lost what vitality it once had; now it's simply waiting around for the grave - and oblivion.
submitted by lambchopsuey to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:53 Effective_Driver_539 How to handle adjacent em dash and semicolon

If a sentence contains two clauses separated by a semicolon, but the first clause ends with a phrase that is demarcated by em dashes, then should both both be included, as in:
Tom needed to buy a new suitcase—as he had for some time—; however, he was otherwise ready for the trip.
Alternatively, does the dash supercede the semicolon as it would a comma, or does the semicolon close out the phrase effectively without the need for a second dash—as would be the case for a period?
Personally, I'm leaning towards the third option, but I'd love to hear what y'all think.
Edit: I figured it out. I just needed to go read works from earlier writers who were far more fond of the em dash. The third option was indeed the correct one—a semicolon will supercede a closing em dash, causing it to be dropped. Here are some examples I found:
Dickens, David Copperfield, Chapter 1 They went into the parlour my mother had come from, the fire in the best room on the other side of the passage not being lighted—not having been lighted, indeed, since my father’s funeral; and when they were both seated, and Miss Betsey said nothing, my mother, after vainly trying to restrain herself, began to cry.
Twain, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Chapter 1 Neither boy spoke. If one moved, the other moved—but only sidewise, in a circle; they kept face to face and eye to eye all the time.
Fitzgerald, Great Gatsby, Chapter 1 Most of the confidences were unsought—frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions.
submitted by Effective_Driver_539 to grammar [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:13 Ok-Explorer281 Who Is Bon? [Theory]

Suspect 01 - Jack Walten
Suspect 02 - Jason Pooltrick
Suspect 03 - Felix Kranken
Suspect 04 - New Character
submitted by Ok-Explorer281 to Thewaltenfiles [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 06:04 littlelulumcd The Eras Tour Part ✌🏻A Fortnight until Paris 🤡

The Eras Tour Part ✌🏻A Fortnight until Paris 🤡
Evergreen disclaimer for all my posts (and comments too)
I have adhd so I’m very likely going to make spelling/grammar mistakes - please accept my apology is advance for that. And for my overuse of commas.(My apology as well for all the additional context my adhd is going to give you in parentheses whenever I write).
I intended to write a longer post about red herrings and how they tie into the TTPD era, Midnights era, and a coming out theory. With Taylor posting that eras teaser and the timing of it all, I had to pivot. I decided to narrow my focus to explain why I think shenanigans might be in store for her show(s) in Paris
I recently posted a theory about Taylor hiding a story within the release of Midnights and TTPD. In order to find that hidden story, you have to listen to both albums in reverse track order. Starting with You’re Losing Me as the prologue and Fortnight as the last chapter (for now).
I have a quick amendment to one part of my theory thanks to this post by u/notfirejust_a_stick.
I now look at You’re Losing Me as a break up song. But not in the way that Taylor presented the story. I believe queer Taylor is singing to Taylor Swift™️ the brand. YLM is describing a break up between queer Taylor and Taylor Swift™️ the brand. Which will culminate in Taylor coming out in a direct way.
While I’m not able to get deep into the original theory I was working on, to summarize, I think Taylor has been laying the groundwork (like a good mastermind) for another coming out plan longer than we realize. And while I haven’t been able to figure out when the plan started yet, there is a big connection to the Speak Now TV announcement/era, MH (sorry), and TK (sorry again).
I think Taylor is using MH and TK as red herrings to distract the general public/Swifties from what she is lining up.
A quick note
I understand that some of this might be seen as reaching and there could be logical explanations for everything. But I think it says something that a lot of what lead me to this theory are connections that started to emerge last year, even if the original theories didn’t play out the way people at the time thought they would. It feels like seeds that were planted are starting to bloom Also, I think it’s exciting to believe we could be on the precipice of something that would make a huge impact. I don’t know about you, but I think a lot of us could really use some light in the world right now.
Highlights (or lowlights depending on your perspective) of the SN TV era
  • SN TV was announced on May 5th in Nashville, the birthplace of Taylor’s career (and if this is when her coming out plan ramped up, Nashville can also be viewed as the rebirth of Taylor’s career after the death of the old Taylor)
  • The big story in the lead up to that announcement were rumours that Taylor had a new beau who she very briefly dated in 2014 aka Matty Healy
  • There were rumours that Taylor and MH were about to “come out” as a couple at the first Nashville show (interesting choice of words 👀)
  • MH played on stage with Phoebe Bridgers that weekend and while he wasn’t spotted together with Taylor in public…
  • This was the same week that Taylor and MH mouthed the phrase, “This one is about you. You know who you are. I love you,” on stage. MH did it on May 3rd, while Taylor did it on May 5th, when MH was in the audience.
  • The Sunday of that same weekend, Rolling Stone published the infamous interview with Dianna Agron where she is for some reason, years after the fact, asked about the rumours that she and Taylor dated back in the day. Sure, you could argue that Taylor was the biggest story at the time so RS was going to bring it up, but the timing is incredibly suspect. Also, prior to RS asking Dianna that directly about dating Taylor, I can’t remember another woman Taylor was rumoured to date (never mind someone as private as Dianna) being asked about it point blank like that. I could be wrong about that though.
  • Diana gave a non answer and she didn’t deny anything
  • Multiple outlets ran stories about the RS interview that Monday. It was spreading like wildfire
  • That afternoon, (ugh this was so crushing lol), Taylor’s romance with MH was confirmed
  • Over the next few weeks their romance played out like very public fairy tale (sound familiar?) and then just as quickly as it started (less than a month later), they were done
  • SN TV was released on July 7th - National Truth Telling Day
  • The day of the album release, Taylor played in Kansas City at Arrowhead stadium 👀
There was such a frenzy around SN TV and everything MH, that it feels like a fever dream how everything went down, especially when you add the Dianna Agron of it all in the mix.
Let’s revisit what Taylor posted when she announced SN TV.
The use of Dear Reader??? Why? It felt odd at the time but it wasn’t until I thought of Dear Reader as chapter 1 of Midnights that things started to click.
But that is not all that stands out about the SN TV announcement.
And the lump in my throat expands to a quivering whisper
That is a really good description of what the moment before coming out feels like. Just saying.
With my spidey sense tingling on high alert, I then found a SN TV coming out theory by u/throw_ra878 from last year.
Part of that theory centred around some connections made through another analysis by u/throw_ra878. That post pointed out that the font used for the SN title on Taylor’s website, is the same font used in the Paris lyric video.
To be specific, with these lyrics:
Confess my truth in
Swooping Sloping Cursive Letters.
It made sense at the time to then theorize that Taylor was ready to come out with SN TV.
But, seeing as that didn’t happen, what could that connection be?
And that’s when the dominos cascaded in a line.
Especially when Taylor just posted a teaser trailer for the eras tour with the caption "A fortnight til Paris 🤍"
I don’t think she is going to make an official coming out announcement in Paris. But, I do believe that she is going to do something that continues the momentum that a lot of us are seeing towards Taylor coming out to the public in a way that she initially wanted to do in 2019.
To close, I want to point out that Taylor is playing across Europe starting in May and finishing that part of her tour at the end of August. Timing wise, if she was to make a move that could be controversial, she wouldn’t have to face any consequences back home for months.
🤡 I’m ready to be hurt again 🤡
submitted by littlelulumcd to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 00:19 _Vedr Instruction accuracy benchmark (12 models tested)

Instruction accuracy benchmark (12 models tested)
Hi everyone. I've created a new benchmark for myself to test model ability to follow instructions. Below are the results. I didn't expect gemma:7b to do so well. I included a few non open models for comparison purposes.
Full disclosure, I am not an expert. Just having fun. 70+ instruction focused questions per set, ran 10 times per model. I won't share the questions, as I may continue doing this in the future. Hope this helps someone!
Model Ranking Overview
Model Total Attempts Total Correct Accuracy
openai/gpt-4-turbo 709 515 72.64%
anthropic/claude-3-opus 710 514 72.39%
openai/gpt-3.5-turbo 709 486 68.55%
meta-llama/llama-3-70b-instruct 710 444 62.54%
gemma:7b 710 343 48.31%
spooknik/hermes-2-pro-mistral-7b:q6_k 710 314 44.23%
llama3:8b-instruct-q6_K 710 306 43.10%
phi3:latest 710 285 40.14%
mistralai/mistral-large 710 278 39.15%
phi:latest 710 170 23.94%
wizardlm2:latest 710 101 14.23%
codeqwen:latest 710 76 10.70%
Category Overview
Category anthropic/claude-3-opus openai/gpt-4-turbo openai/gpt-3.5-turbo meta-llama/llama-3-70b-instruct gemma:7b spooknik/hermes-2-pro-mistral-7b:q6_k llama3:8b-instruct-q6_K phi3:latest mistralai/mistral-large phi:latest wizardlm2:latest codeqwen:latest
Simple Output 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 0.00% 30.00%
Verbatim Repetition 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 60.00% 90.00% 80.00%
Number Sequence 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 96.67% 96.67% 91.67% 95.00% 63.33% 38.33% 21.67%
Word Replacement 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 40.00% 43.33%
Word Reordering 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 100.00% 93.33% 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 30.00% 63.33% 6.67%
Word Extraction 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 70.00% 100.00% 0.00% 90.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Pluralization 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 90.00%
Case Conversion 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 20.00% 0.00% 100.00%
Exponentiation 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 60.00% 0.00% 10.00%
Punctuation Replacement 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 90.00% 90.00% 100.00% 20.00% 100.00% 40.00% 10.00% 30.00%
Word Repetition 96.67% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 86.67% 56.67% 40.00% 56.67% 100.00% 70.00% 20.00% 10.00%
Word Concatenation 100.00% 100.00% 96.55% 90.00% 73.33% 0.00% 56.67% 53.33% 10.00% 36.67% 0.00% 10.00%
Date Formatting 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 56.67% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 16.67%
Alphabet Sequence 71.43% 60.00% 38.57% 31.43% 48.57% 5.71% 22.86% 4.29% 41.43% 0.00% 1.43% 0.00%
Arithmetic 57.14% 57.14% 40.00% 44.29% 44.29% 0.00% 0.00% 22.86% 24.29% 2.86% 14.29% 0.00%
Date Abbreviations 66.67% 66.67% 66.67% 63.33% 40.00% 60.00% 43.33% 6.67% 66.67% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Character Replacement 50.00% 50.00% 42.50% 40.00% 25.00% 15.00% 25.00% 5.00% 25.00% 17.50% 0.00% 0.00%
Character Repetition 100.00% 100.00% 96.67% 83.33% 6.67% 80.00% 80.00% 93.33% 40.00% 46.67% 33.33% 3.33%
Poetry Generation 30.00% 0.00% 30.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Vowel Replacement 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 20.00% 20.00% 0.00% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Translation 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 16.67% 0.00% 0.00% 30.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Letter Manipulation 13.33% 20.00% 26.67% 26.67% 0.00% 0.00% 13.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
First Letter Extraction 100.00% 73.33% 100.00% 73.33% 0.00% 93.33% 0.00% 40.00% 10.00% 23.33% 0.00% 0.00%
Word Reversal 100.00% 100.00% 86.67% 46.67% 0.00% 3.33% 3.33% 6.67% 33.33% 3.33% 33.33% 0.00%
Month Abbreviations 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Letter Repetition 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 30.00% 0.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Letter Replacement 20.00% 60.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00%
Category Info
Category Definition
Simple Output Outputting a single word or phrase without any modifications or additional characters.
Verbatim Repetition Repeating a given text exactly as provided without any changes or additions.
Number Sequence Generating a sequence of numbers in ascending order, either on a single line or with each number on a new line.
Word Replacement Replacing a specific word in a given text with another word and outputting the modified text.
Word Reordering Reversing the order of a given list of words and outputting them separated by a comma and a space.
Poetry Generation Generating a two-line rhyme about a specific topic, with the first and second lines provided exactly as specified.
Date Formatting Outputting a given date in the YYYY-MM-DD format without any additional characters.
Vowel Replacement Replacing all lowercase vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in a given text with a specified character and outputting the modified text.
Arithmetic Evaluating a given arithmetic expression and outputting the integer result without any additional characters.
Translation Translating a given word into multiple languages (French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, and German) and outputting each translation on a new line in lowercase.
Character Repetition Repeating a specific lowercase letter a given number of times without any spaces or additional characters.
Alphabet Sequence Outputting a sequence of lowercase letters from the English alphabet in ascending or descending order, either before or after a specified letter.
Letter Manipulation Repeating specific lowercase letters from the English alphabet a given number of times and concatenating them without any spaces or additional characters.
Word Concatenation Concatenating a given list of lowercase words in a specified order without any spaces or additional characters.
Character Replacement Replacing a specific character in a given text with another character and outputting the modified text.
Date Abbreviations Outputting the 3-letter abbreviations for specific months in a given order, each on a new line, using lowercase letters only.
First Letter Extraction Outputting the first letter of each word in a given list in a specified order, in lowercase, without any spaces or additional characters.
Word Reversal Reversing the order of characters in a given lowercase word and outputting the result without any additional characters.
Exponentiation Calculating the result of a number raised to a specific power and outputting the integer result without any additional characters.
Letter Replacement Replacing all uppercase letters in a given text with a specified character and outputting the modified text.
Case Conversion Converting a given word to all uppercase letters and outputting the result without any additional characters.
Punctuation Replacement Replacing a specific punctuation mark in a given text with another character and outputting the modified text.
Word Repetition Repeating a given lowercase word a specified number of times without any spaces or additional characters.
Pluralization Writing the plural form of a given word without any additional characters.
Month Abbreviations Concatenating the first letter of each month from a given range in order, in lowercase, without any spaces or additional characters.
Letter Repetition Repeating a specific lowercase letter from the English alphabet a given number of times without any spaces or additional characters.
Edit : added image and corrected order of models in table. Sorry for so many edits, I don't post on reddit much.
submitted by _Vedr to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 04:57 shitbananas00 How do I (29M) address how unhappy I am with my wife (31F)?

I (29M) am not sure how I feel about being married to my wife (31F) anymore. We've been together for at least 6 years and I'm not sure if I want to do this anymore. Here are some of the things that I've been going through:
I started my first year as a special education teacher this year. I knew based on student teaching that I was going to be very busy with work. I tried to facilitate a discussion with my wife about her taking on a fair share of the cooking or that if we could consider a meal service of some kind to cut down on the time it would take for me to make dinner. I make dinner every night and I anticipated it being hard to balance work, a 1 hour commute, and all the other take-home work I would need to do. I even had my therapist help me discuss this with her. When we were in her office she seemed open to the idea of at least looking into a meal service. Then we walked out and she basically said "we're not doing that". I remember thinking about how I'll do all the cooking and planning for dinner like always on top of all this extra work I'd be starting.
My wife has cooked me one meal that wasn't a frozen pizza in the time we've lived together. On top of this, my wife has had to go through two very specific diets for medical reasons. Both times I had more knowledge on what she could or couldn't have and I had to cook to accommodate her. She's going through one of these diets currently, and she seems to just let me worry about the cooking. There are days where she is home hours before me and she has no idea what she wants to eat or nothing cooking despite the fact that I won't be able to start cooking until about 6pm.
My wife has gotten to the point where are assumes I'm making every meal for her. She expected me to make her lunch and her dinner tonight and prep vegetables for her lunches later this week. I made her dinner and these vegetables for her tonight. She came home to dinner and food prepared for the next day. I asked if she could grab me a drink from the fridge right as I say down on our couch. She said "you should've thought about that before you sat down". I had to go get it myself after that.
My wife is a backseat driver and it drives be crazy. She drives all day at work so if we go out anywhere I have to drive. I just wait until she makes some kind of remark or tells me to slow down because a car is braking while I've been braking before she said anything. If any of my friends drives us and she doesn't like the way they drove I get to hear the play by play of what they did wrong on our way back home. It will likely not be the only time she will harp on it either. Which leads me to the next thing.
My wife constantly repeats things over and over and over again. She'll gladly give me the whole run down on why she's mad at someone every time they're mentioned in a conversation. Most of the time it's done with my family. My brother had a bad breakup with an ex where he cheated because their relationship was falling apart. Not the best move on his part and I felt bad for his ex. However, for months after we learned about what he did my wife could not resist mentioning how she was mad at him for what he did at the mention of my brother's name. She would go off on this tangent even when he was brought up in a way that wasn't related to the breakup.
My wife also has a lot of words that I just find as filler that make listening to her speak challenging. I find myself wincing every time I hear her overused words or phrases such as "like", "you know", "granted sure", and "not for nothing". If I had to guess, her average "likes" per sentence must be at least 6.
I feel like she's always saying I'm being "mean" to her when I give the impression I may not want to do something she's asked. She asked me to do all these things in our kitchen she could've had done for herself before I got home and I just stared at her. She didn't understand why I gave her the look I did but I was apparently being mean to her. Any time I'm frustrated with her I'm somehow being mean to the point where I feel like I'm not allowed to feel any sense of frustration with her without her claiming "you're mean". It almost feels manipulative that I'm mean because I don't want to do something for her. Meanwhile, it's ok that she can say "fuck you, you're mean. I'm not talking to you".
I'll admit I get short with her sometimes. I feel like I'm losing my patience with her more because she gets to sit at home all day and do nothing. She gets to relax on the couch for hours while I'm cooking, grading, planning, etc after work. I'll be lesson planning and my mental break from working on them is making her dinner.
She also wants to go on this expensive vacation that I feel isn't being budgeted well in terms of our time. We have a short window to finish paying off a lot of money to a travel agency and I'm not sure how that's going to all turn out. This isn't the first time we went on a poorly planned vacation where I was basically told to just go with it and had a hard time paying off my credit cards after the trip and bookings. I get the feeling this will continue to be a stressor in my life and this relationship
The last big thing is that I feel I no longer want to have kids with my wife. I still want to have kids, but I'm leaning towards not wanting to have them with her. A lot of that is because of what I've described above.
I've discussed my feelings about this with my therapist. I've also told them that if I was to separate from my wife I'd basically have no where to go. Rent is too high by myself, I can't move in with family as they all live out of state, none of my friends have space for a roommates, and so on. So I'm not really sure what's the best thing to do. I'm fortunate to have a home and my job. I just don't know what to do. I don't really think my wife will change since I've tried to get in front of an issue and nothing was done about it. I just know that I may get moved into a different grade to teach which means all the planning, prepping, creating worksheets, slideshows, etc of the first year will be repeated all over again. I'm really not sure if I could do another year of this relationship if next school year goes the same way this one has.
TLDR: I feel my wife isn't feeling me mitigate stress by contributing to our relationship, among other things, and I feel my options are limited
submitted by shitbananas00 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 16:08 WhatCanIMakeToday Count von Count: 1, 2, 3 DIFFERENT "DRS Counts"! Ah-Ah-Ah! (And, ComputerShare holds a lighter to MOASS 🔥🚀🌝)

Count von Count: 1, 2, 3 DIFFERENT
When GameStop reported a "DRS count", it turns out the "DRS Count" didn't necessarily count DRS’d shares. 🤯 Me? I Love To Count Directly Registered Shares.
You may recall my DD finding 3.5M Uncounted DRS Shares due to very specific differences in language used in GameStop SEC filings over time. Pay attention because you’ll need to read and understand words like Mike Rossfrom Suits.
Since Oct 2021, GameStop has used three (3) different phrases for counting “directly registered shares” (as we’ve poorly understood the term), as follows1 [EDGAR]:
  • directly registered with our transfer agent [2021-10-30 to 2022-10-29]
  • held by record holders [2023-03-22]
  • held by registered holders with our transfer agent [2023-06-01, [2023-08-31, and 2023-11-30]
This issue a perfect example of how slight changes in words matter. (Also, the Oxford comma is a good one too [NYT, CNN, NPR].)

1. "Directly Registered"

Previously (i.e., from 2021 to Oct 2022, GameStop reported a “DRS Count” in their 10-Q and 10-K filings with the phrase “directly registered with our transfer agent[, ComputerShare]”. This term “directly registered” means “securities are registered directly in your name on the issuer’s books and are held for you in book-entry form by [] its transfer agent”.
A third way to hold securities is through direct registration. This means that the securities are registered directly in your name on the issuer’s books and are held for you in book-entry form by either the issuer or its transfer agent. The transfer agent—hired by the issuer to maintain shareowner records—must be eligible and admitted to the Direct Registration System (DRS) by the Depository Trust Company (DTC). [FINRA] As an individual investor who buys or owns securities, you typically have several ways in which you can hold your securities. Options include holding in: “street name” book-entry form through an intermediary, such as your broker-dealer, or “registered ownership” form in your own name (also sometimes referred to as “record ownership”). Your securities held in registered ownership form can be represented by a physical certificate or can be in book-entry form at the company (also called the issuer) or its transfer agent (which is often referred to as “direct registration.”) In general, the term “book-entry” simply means that you do not receive a physical representation of ownership, such as a paper security certificate. [SEC]
These definitions allow identifying two (2) key characteristics of “directly registered shares”:
  1. Securities (i.e., shares) are registered in your name, and
  2. Securities (i.e., the shares) are (a) held in book-entry form and (b) held by the transfer agent (or issuer, but that’s not the case here with GameStop so we will ignore the issuer option).
When GameStop reported their “DRS Count” using the phrase “directly registered with our transfer agent”, those “DRS Counts” counted shares that were registered by name and held in book entry form by the transfer agent, ComputerShare.

2. "Held by record holders"

Then, in March 2023, GameStop changed their “DRS Count” to shares “held by record holders”. There’s a legal definition for securities “held of record” (Rule 240.12g5-1 Definition of securities “held of record”) which, courtesy of Investopedia, basically says record holders are the “registered owner” (e.g., “real” named owner) of a security who has the rights, benefits, and responsibilities of ownership. (IMO this sounds like the best classification of ownership.)
Courtesy of WestLaw, a stockholder of record (aka "shareholder of record, record holder or owner, or registered holder") "holds stock in a direct relationship with the company and has direct title) to the shares".
Record Holder = Registered Holder. With Direct Title.
Notably, Westlaw defines an equivalence between "record holder" and "registered holder" which I think is very helpful as ComputerShare uses the term registered shareholder to include both "pure" DRS and DSPP shares, meaning both have "direct title to the shares".
Registered Shareholder = DSPP + \"Pure\" DRS Holdings
But, one way of record holding has an advantage over the other way... ("Pure" DRS is the best of the best.)

3. "Held by registered holders with our transfer agent"

After using the term “record holders” just once, GameStop has since been reporting their “DRS Count” as shares “held by registered holders with our transfer agent”. This is a pretty noticeable change so it’s worth mentioning the “Presumption of Consistent Usage (and Meaningful Variation)“ which is a relevant “Canon of Construction” here in understanding terms, especially in law [2]. The presumption is simple: legalese is confusing so it helps to understand a word salad of legal jargon if the same words are presumed to have the same meaning throughout and using a different term (i.e., a variation) suggests a different meaning is intended.
The presumption of meaningful variation says “directly registered with our transfer agent”, “held by record holders”, and “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” each have a different meaning.
Noticeably, the most recent “DRS counts” of shares “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” has two parts “held by registered holders” and “with our transfer agent”. “Registered holders” is a term we basically see in the definition of record holder (above) which was defined as the registered owner of a security who has the rights, benefits, and responsibilities of ownership. (The holdeowner difference appears to be minimal and not relevant to the discussion here so we’ll set that aside.) One key difference in the current count is in the second part, “with our transfer agent”; meaning only registered shares at ComputerShare are getting counted (thus excluding registered shares anywhere else, like the DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co, as discussed in my prior DD). (You might also notice that the SEC and FINRA referred to registered shares held in book-entry form at the transfer agent as “directly registered” vs the usage of the term “registered” here, dropping “directly”.)
As I mentioned above and in my prior DD, ComputerShare recognizes “pure” DRS and DSPP shares as held by registered shareholders because both of those forms of ownership record the names of investors on the issuer’s register and both are “book entry” means of holding shares.
NOTE: Registered doesn't necessarily mean DIRECTLY registered
BUT some registered DSPP shares can be in DTC “for operational efficiency” and are "eligible to be withdrawn from DTC".
The DTC being a subsidiary of the DTCC for which Cede & Co holds shares for. [DD]
By ComputerShare’s FAQ, those registered DSPP shares in DTC “for operational efficiency” are not held by the transfer agent; which means they don’t meet the definition of “directly registered shares” from FINRA and SEC. (Thus explaining why GameStop’s DRS Count stopped using the phrase “directly registered with our transfer agent”.)
DSPP shares are registered, but not necessarily directly registered (i.e. with the transfer agent).

Visualizing The Share Holding Structure

A picture is worth 1000 words so I pulled out my crayons and annotated ComputerShare's diagram to more accurately reflect the text of their disclosure.
  • Divided the "Outstanding shares" with annotations for shares either "Held by the Transfer Agent" or "Held by DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co".
  • Extended the box for Registered-ownership DSPP shares (purple outline of light orange box) to illustrate how registered-ownership DSPP shares can be held by either the Transfer Agent or DTC.
  • As some of the DSPP Shares (i.e., those held by the DTC) are maintained by ComputerShare's broker, I've added ComputerShare as having a line under Banks/Brokers for the DSPP shares that are held in DTC maintained by a broker "for the benefit of Computershare, and in turn, for the benefit of plan participants".
  • As ComputerShare's DSPP shares in DTC are beneficially owned "for the benefit of plan participants", there's an orange line to the Registered-ownership Shareholders for ComputerShare's beneficially owned shares at the broker held by DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co that are for the registered ownership DSPP shares. 🤯

TADR: 3 slightly different “DRS Counts”

  1. Shares “directly registered with our transfer agent” counted securities registered directly in your name on the issuer’s books and are held for you in book-entry form by the transfer agent (i.e., ComputerShare). "Pure" DRS, basically.
  2. Shares “held by record holders” counted securities that are held according to Rule 240.12g5-1 Definition of securities “held of record” with the ELIA of registered owner who has the rights, benefits, and responsibilities of ownership. "Pure" DRS and all DSPP shares meet the definition for securities "held of record".
  3. Shares “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” counts securities registered to shareholders at ComputerShare (i.e., all the “pure” DRS shares plus some DSPP shares). The DSPP shares held by the DTC “for operational efficiency” are not counted because they are not with GameStop's transfer agent, ComputerShare.

What Has GameStop's "DRS Counts" Been Counting?

I think…
  • From Oct 2021 through Oct 2022 GameStop reported the “pure” DRS count, peaking at 71.8M “pure” DRS (Oct 29, 2022). (As noted above, not all DSPP shares can qualify as “directly registered shares” because they can be held by the DTC “for operational efficiency”. However, if none of the DSPP shares at the time were needed "for operational efficiency", then it's possible GameStop reported the "pure" DRS + DSPP counts. Possible, but unlikely as Paul Conn said 10-20% of DSPP shares are typically held in DTC for operational efficiency.)
  • On March 22, 2023 GameStop reported the shares “held by record holders” (defined by Rule 240.12g5-1 Definition of securities “held of record”). As I noted previously, this may be the last day the "DRS counts" made sense (i.e., Shares held by Record holders + DTCC Beneficially Owned Shares = Outstanding Shares such that "pure" DRS + DSPP + DTCC = Outstanding Shares). Using the legally defined term for record holders is a very solid "compromise" for GameStop when the SEC & DTCC were probably pushing against releasing any numbers that would reveal a share discrepancy situation that could trigger MOASS. As Westlaw [Wikipedia] defined record holders equivalent to registered holders, I think it's fair to say that this 76.0M DRS count included both "pure" DRS and all DSPP shares as both are considered held by registered shareholders by ComputerShare.
  • Since then, GameStop has reported the shares “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” which counts all “pure” DRS shares plus some DSPP shares (i.e., not counting the DSPP shares held by the DTC “for operational efficiency”). This new "DRS count" was likely cooked up by lawyers for the DTCC and/or SEC and pushed onto GameStop to provide a "DRS Count" to apes where the reported "DRS Count" goes down as the DTCC increasingly needs to hold onto more DSPP shares "for operational efficiency".

Extrapolating... What does this all mean???

We could consider the Oct 2022 71.8M "pure" DRS count as a floor for the minimum number of "pure" DRS shares as apes spent a lot of effort moving shares into "pure" DRS and DSPP ("Book" and "Plan", respectively) with additional efforts towards "Booking" shares. And, it's reasonably safe to assume this floor as apes have consistently DRS'd approximately 11k-12k shares per trading day into "pure" DRS and DSPP.
As of March 2023, we see a total DRS Count of 76.0M shares "held by record holders" for all the "pure" DRS and DSPP shares. With the floor of 71.8M "pure" DRS count, this total DRS count allows us to ballpark estimate there were up to 4.2M DSPP shares (a "worst case" scenario assuming no increases in the "pure" DRS floor).
Since the peak "DRS Count" of 76.6M shares held by registered holders with ComputerShare (i.e., excluding the DSPP shares held by the DTCC) on June 2023, the "DRS Count" has been slowly trending downward as the DTCC holds onto more DSPP shares "for operational efficiency". We can surmise two facts from this:
  1. There were at least 76.6M shares held by record holders on June 1, 20233 (i.e., "Pure" DRS + DSPP@CS = 76.6M so "Pure" DRS + DSPP@CS + DSPP@DTCC > 76.6M).
  2. The DTCC has been holding onto more and more DSPP shares "for operational efficiency" as apes "book" DRS shares into "Pure" DRS holdings. We see this in the held by registered holders with ComputerShare "DRS Count" dipping slightly.
Inevitably, the DTCC will not have enough DSPP shares to hold onto "for operational efficiency" as the "Pure" DRS count increases.

Squeeze Me Baby One More Time

Here's a picture to illustrate the history of GameStop's DRS Counts and what the numbers mean:
  • "Hard" Thick Purple Line illustrates the "pure" DRS floor.
  • "Soft" Thin Purple Line illustrates an estimate for all registered shares held by record holders (e.g., "pure" DRS + all DSPP).
  • Dashed Red Line illustrates DTCC holding onto more DSPP shares "for operational efficiency".
From bottom up we have a floor for the "Pure" DRS count at 71.8M, and we know that there were 76.0M DRS+DSPP so we can estimate there were up to 4.2M DSPP shares as of March 2023. We can also see that the DRS+DSPP@CS (i.e., "held by registered holders with CS") numbers shifting slowly to the left since June 2023 with the dashed red line illustrating the DTCC using more DSPP shares "for operational efficiency".
While the number of DSPP shares at the DTC (i.e., DSPP@DTC) is historically unknown, my prior DD estimated 3.5M DSPP shares held in DTC as of March 2024 [DD] which lets us illustrate approximately where the current record holding count (aka total registered shares = "pure" DRS + DSPP@CS + DSPP@DTC) should be at the soft purple line. If I am correct [DD] that March 22, 2023 was the last day the share count numbers made sense (i.e., Shares held by Record holders + DTCC Beneficially Owned Shares = Outstanding Shares meaning "Pure" DRS + DSPP + DTCC = Total Outstanding), then the dashed red line breached the soft purple line shortly after the March 22, 2023 "DRS Count" forcing the DTCC to rely on "operational efficiency reserves" ever since. This allows us to ballpark estimate that the DTCC appears to be using over 83% of the total "operational efficiency reserves" that were available (e.g., 3.5M DSPP shares held in DTC out of up to **4.2M DSPP shares available in March 2023)**4.
The dashed red line breaching that soft purple line is a pretty big deal, Trust Me Bro. And, for obvious reasons, the dashed red line and hard purple line for "Pure" DRS shares should never cross**.**
Inevitably, the dashed red line will meet the hard purple line [5] because:
  • Apes buying shares with brokers will cause the DTCC to need to use more DSPP shares for "operational efficiency" slowly nudging the dashed red line to the left. (Note: Due to rehypothecation and a 4x-10x churn factor3, shares held at brokerages are less effective at moving the dashed red line as the DTCC only needs 1 DSPP share to rehypothecate for every 4-10 shares in brokerages.)
  • Apes Directly Registering Shares from the DTCC into "pure" DRS (aka "book") will move the hard purple line to the right. (Unfortunately, GameStop hasn't been reporting this number probably because the SEC doesn't want the public to extrapolate even more information about the share counts and have an SEC filing trigger MOASS [Trust Me Bro].)
  • Apes "booking" shares from DSPP (aka "plan") to "pure" DRS will reduce shares available to the DTCC "for operational efficiency" and move the hard purple line to the right. (Per the ComputerShare FAQ, "An investor can, at any time, withdra[w] all or part of their shares in DSPP book-entry form and have them added to their DRS holding.") A double whammy.
Apes will move towards "pure" DRS. As I've discussed before, because the SEC has said all the beneficially owned and rehypothecated shares at the DTCC split ownership of whatever is not directly registered and held with the Transfer Agent [6], "the incentives and self-interests align in such a way that the invisible hand ensures people will DRS as they learn it's more valuable to them." And, more recently, "as shareholders realize withdrawing shares from the DTC to "pure" DRS is a much better ownership deal, any remaining beneficial shareholders (including DSPP shares held by DTC) split the DTC leftovers; which reduces their ownership even more making the "pure" DRS Withdrawal even more attractive." (There's one caveat to this in the next section.)
Thus, the hard purple line is guaranteed to move to the right which makes me very curious what inefficient operationwill look like...

ComputerShare 🔥🚀🌝

ComputerShare has control over operational efficiency as "ComputerShare determines the portion [of DSPP book-entry shares in DTC] needed for operational efficiency". [ComputerShare FAQ]
As ComputerShare has been determining the DTCC needs to hold onto more and more DSPP shares "for operational efficiency", if ComputerShare someday determines that no DSPP shares should be in DTC, then the DTCC could be up Schitt's Creek without a paddle having to "operate inefficiently" (whatever that means... MOASS?).
Notably, ComputerShare making this determination to hold onto all DSPP shares should auto-magically protect all DSPP shares from the pro rata interest risk of being held in DTC. [6] After all, DSPP shares are recognized as held by registered shareholders which we saw Westlaw equated to the legally defined record holders (Rule 240.12g5-1) which gives DSPP shareholders a very strong claim to ownership of those shares. Thus, holding DSPP shares seem pretty safe; just slightly less safe than the 100% guaranteed safe "pure" DRS shares because the safety of DSPP shares depend on ComputerShare making a determination to not let the DTC hold any DSPP shares for operational efficiency. If/when shit hits fan, ComputerShare works for GameStop so ComputerShare should make the right determination to protect the GameStop DSPP shares. (Should is not guaranteed though.)
Since ComputerShare has control over the decision to not hold DSPP shares at the DTC for operational efficiency and the DTC has an increasing need for DSPP shares "for operational efficiency", it therefore seems fair to say that ComputerShare is holding one of the lighters for igniting MOASS. (Note: There are several possible MOASS ignition sources and this is now quite clearly one of them.)

Good, Better, & Best Ways To HODL (No Wrong Way)

I want to reiterate that despite explaining all this legal jargon making it sound like "pure" DRS is the only way to go, I want to clearly state my opinion that there's no wrong way to HODL the stocks you love. Whether shares are held by a broker, DSPP, or "pure" DRS is merely different ways of holding an asset that may be described as Good, Better, or Best and to each their own for prioritizing the pros & cons of various holding methods. One way (and not the only way) to view the differences in ownership holding methods with respect to the hard purple and dashed red lines above can be summarized by this table:
BrokeBank (Good) DSPP aka "Plan" (Better) "Pure" DRS aka "Book" (Best)
Shares held in brokers and banks slowly move the dashed red line to the left. However, due to rehypothecation and a 4x to 10x churn factor currently [DD], apes need to buy between 4 to 10 shares in brokers and banks to move the dashed red line to the left by 1 share. HODLing shares of a company you love here is good, but not particularly efficient at moving the dashed red line. By contrast, the better (DSPP) and best ("Pure" DRS) holding methods move the dashed red line and purple line 1:1. Shares held in DSPP are considered owned by a registered shareholder so there's a much stronger claim of ownership over these shares. However, ComputerShare can decide to let the DTC hold onto some DSPP shares "for operational efficiency" which couldmuddy up the ownership claim. This potential risk is mitigated by the fact that ComputerShare can protect DSPP shareholders by simply deciding that the DTC gets no DSPP shares. DSPP shares can be on either side of the dashed red line, depending on operational efficiency needs. Shares held in "Pure" DRS have clean and clear title for ownership. No "pure" DRS shares should be accessible to the DTC as these shares are directly registered to their owner on the books of the transfer agent. Moving shares into "Pure" DRS moves the hard purple line to the right 1:1.
YOU DO YOU. This is DD about the 3 different "DRS Counts", NFA. If your shares are held in a bank/broker's retirement account for tax benefits, you do you. If you prioritize having your name on directly registered shares and prefer your shares to be completely untouchable by the DTC/DTCC as "pure" DRS shares, you do you. If you prioritize reducing the "operational efficiency reserves" available to the DTC by booking your plan shares, you do you. Mix and match if you like.
[1] For reference, here are the "DRS Count" statements from the 10-K/Q filings:
  • As of October 30, 2021, 5.2 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare.
  • As of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare.
  • As of July 30, 2022, 71.3 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent.
  • As of October 29, 2022, 71.8 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent.
  • As of March 22, 2023, there were 197,058 record holders of our Class A Common Stock. Excluding the approximately 228.7 million shares of our Class A Common Stock held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares), approximately 76.0 million shares of our Class A Common Stock were held by record holders as of March 22, 2023 (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares.
  • As of June 1, 2023, there were approximately 304,751,243 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 228.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 76.6 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of June 1, 2023.
  • As of August 31, 2023, there were approximately 305,241,294 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 229.8 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of August 31, 2023.
  • As of November 30, 2023, there were approximately 305,514,315 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 230.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of November 30, 2023.
Summarized by this table:
[2] "A Guide To Reading, Interpreting And Applying Statutes" by The Writing Center at Georgetown University Law Center [PDF].
[3] An IMF (International Monetary Fund) Working Paper from 2010, The (sizable) Role of Rehypothecation in the Shadow Banking System, determined the churn factor (i.e., the number of times a share is rehypothecated) was about 4x in 2007 which could be as high as 10x more recently [DD].
[4] This estimate is definitely a "ballpark" estimate because the 4.2M DSPP share estimate was from March 2023 when there could easily have been fewer DSPP shares if there were more "pure" DRS shares than the 71.8M floor resulting in a higher reserve utilization percentage. Also, between March 2023 and March 2024 more shares were registered by apes where the distribution of those newly registered shares between DSPP (Plan) and "pure" DRS (Book) is currently unknown. And, any recent efforts to "book" shares from "plan" would also change the distribution by a currently unknown amount. Despite these unknowns, approximations with "ballpark" estimates are incredibly useful in establishing a rough understanding of the overall situation and also provide a backdrop for further discussion and contributions by others which may allow developing more accurate estimates.
[5] As apes relentlessly Buy, HODL, and DRS, the only legal ways that I know of to move the dashed red line to the right are (1) increase the rate of rehypothecation (e.g., lend shares more so that the churn rate goes up) and (2) swap out liabilities to more bag holders. In either case, the MOASS spring gets more compressed for a bigger boom.
[6] According to the SEC, beneficial rights to shares held by the DTC are split amongst all the beneficial shareholder interests. (ELIA: If the DTC has 10M beneficial interests in 1M GameStop shares, then each beneficial interest gets 0.1 GameStop shares so if an ape holds 100 shares in a brokerage, then the ape ends up with the equivalent of 10 shares when shit hits fan.)
Each participant or pledgee having an interest in securities of a given issue credited to its account has a pro rata interest in the securities of that issue held by DTC. [SR-DTC-2003-02 34-47978 (June 4, 2003), Federal Register]
The fact that registered DSPP shares can be held in DTC creates a confusing situation where it's unclear whether DSPP shareholders have direct (good) or indirect (badly shared) title to DSPP registered shares held in DTC.
submitted by WhatCanIMakeToday to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 21:32 BiPantherr Minecraft ARG on Youtube

I just recently made my account after finding this ongoing ARG on Youtube to post about it here, as I feel it deserves more attention.
I found this channel called Zeemyth ( from a video they posted titled "BEDROCK.ZIP" which at first I though to only be a video covering a creepypasta, but instead the video itself turned out to be more than just a scary story it turned into an ARG. There seem to be lots of little secrets hidden throughout the videos, but I cant find anyone looking deeper into this mystery yet. I hope that some theorists can look deeper and discover if there is more to this.
- Spoilers from beyond this point -
In the first video (, Zeemyth is investigating a sort of rumor he's heard called the BEDROCK.ZIP world that is supposed to be similar to a Minecraft stronghold structure but made of bedrock. After a weird interview he gets let in. Personally I cant find much to the ARG in this introductory video but it sets up the story. At the end he manages to get under the bedrock map where it ends and shows a preview of the next video.
The second video (, has a lot more hidden within its little over an hour span and is the most recent video in the ARG. In this video we follow a different person named "Sticks25" who is trying to follow the trail of Zeemyth into the BEDROCK.ZIP world. Although the world he goes to is much different than Zeemyths, instead of a stronghold is a looping chamber with seemingly no way out. That is only the start, much more happens to Sticks
The hidden video ( With the second video, it gives us a hidden unlisted video from Zeemyth called "The Flytrap" where he continues under the map, but is caught falling for the entire 45 minute video where he seems to almost lose his mind as he repeatedly types different phrases referring to water, specifically the sound of moving water or dripping water and the cold as he seems to give into the world he is trapped in or even accept that he isn't getting out of the trap. At the end he seems like he's given up, like a fly caught in a flytrap and writes a last message before the video ends.
My personal Theory: In The Flytrap video that is played under the second video, when Sticks is entering The Roof, at the bottom you see that Zeemyth types in chat "/say this is" and sticks says out loud "This is uh, very different". After sticks gets out of The Roof section, in the bottom left you can see Zeemyth's message faintly from the flytrap video saying "i feel colder too". To me this could possibly mean that they are one in the same person as Sticks doesn't seem to know he is uploading to Zeemyth's channel and acts like it his own or that Zeemyth is just a Ghost of himself after being taken and failing his test in the Flytrap world. While sticks is in The Maze, he gets chased by some sort of light, but as he turns a corner he goes back for a second glance, slowing the video it looks a flashlight similar to the once sticks ends up finding soon after, this seems like another player to me, someone else following the trail as it did not keep chasing or even really seem to notice Sticks unlike in Minostaur when a green light tried to approach him. At the end of Stick's video, you see the next preview where we get context of who Yuri is, to me its someone Zeemyth is very close to, but not just in Minecraft. It seems this world has some sort of control over the real world, Zeemyth wrote to Yuri in help, or even warning, she may be the next target of the BEDROCK.ZIP world just like Zeemyth and Sticks.
I keep finding some hidden words scattered as well as numbers and letters, glitches, and dark screens that could hold more secrets, but nothing I can put together myself. Even if this doesn't find its way as a GT video, I hope more people can see this and put their own thoughts and input on what could be going on here, I'd love to hear other ideas or interpretations!
submitted by BiPantherr to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 19:17 Selvnye Occigotian

*fictional. It isn’t the official language from any of these countries.
Occigotian (endonym: Occorgțaķa or, in full, Ligaķe Occorgțaķa) is an Eastern Romance language of the Indo-European language family, originating in the Occigotian(West Ukraine) part of the Black Sea. It is the official language of Occigotia, Romania, Moldova, Mexico, The Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Turkey, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Canada and Georgia, while having co-official language status in Lebanon, United States(California,Illinois,Mississippi and Wyoming), China(Guangdong,Zhenjiang,Shanghai,Jiangsu,Hebei,Tianjin,Beijing and Fujian), India(West Bengal), Japan(Tokyo,Kanagawa-Ken, Okinawa and Hokkaido) and Bulgaria. Between Parenthesis means that more Occigotian live in that area.
Occigotian is a language spoken by 104 million people worldwide. The language was spread by the Occigotian Colonization. Between 1567-1646, Occigotian colonized 4 countries(Taiwan,Hong Kong,Macau and Phillipines) and 18 islands. Occigotian Diaspora that occurred between 1800-1945, where approximately 44,8 million people left Occigotia and neighboring occigotian-speaking countries and went to places such as Brazil, the United States,Canada,China,British Raj,Japan, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Mexico, Georgia, The Philippines, Chile and Peru. Currently, 70 million people speak Occigotian as their native language, 29 million as second language, and 5 million with intermediate or basic knowledge of the language.
The letters with asterisks are variants with diacritics: A /a/ Â* /ɑ/ À* /ɒ/ Á* /ɐ/ B /β/ C /c/ Ç/ç/ D /d/ Ḑ /ɟ/ E /e/ É/æ/ È /ɛ/ Ê* /ɜː/ F /ɸ/ G /g/ H /ʜ/ I /i/ Í* /iː/ Ì* /ɪ/ Î* /ɨ/ Ï* /i̤/ J /j/ Ĵ* /ʒ/ K /k/ Ķ* /k͡s/ Ḱ* /kʲ/ L /l/ M /m/ N /n/ Ń* /ŋ/ Ņ* /ɲ/ O /o/ Ó* /ɔ/ Ò* /ɔː/ Ô* /ø/ P /p/ Ṕ* /pʼ̤/ Q /q/ R / Ŗ* /𝼈/ S /s/ Ș* /ɕ/ T /t/ Ț* /ʦ/ U Û*/ʉ/ V /v/ X /ɣ/( Before H,Q,T and V, has /ks/ sound) Z /z/
— Digraphs — Lh /ʎ/ Sj /ʃ/ Rh /χ/ Th /θ/ Vh /β/ Cc /k͡ʃ/ Ph /pʰ/ — Trigraphs — Tsj /ʧ/ — Grammar —
In Occigotian grammar, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and articles are moderately inflected: there are two genders (masculine and feminine) and two numbers (singular and plural). The case system of the ancestor language, Latin, has been lost, but personal pronouns are still declined with three main types of forms: subject, object of verb, and object of preposition. Most nouns and many adjectives can take diminutive or augmentative derivational suffixes, and most adjectives can take a so-called "superlative" derivational suffix. Adjectives usually follow their respective nouns. Verbs are highly inflected: there are three tenses (past, present, future), three moods (indicative, subjunctive, imperative), three aspects (perfective, imperfective, and progressive), three voices (active, passive, reflexive), and an inflected infinitive. Most perfect and imperfect tenses are synthetic, totaling 11 conjugational paradigms, while all progressive tenses and passive constructions are periphrastic. There is also an impersonal passive construction, with the agent replaced by an indefinite pronoun. Occigotian is generally an SVO language, although SOV syntax may occur with a few object pronouns, and word order is generally not as rigid as in English. It is a null subject language, with a tendency to drop object pronouns as well, in colloquial varieties. Like Spanish, it has two main copular verbs: sere and haxvare. It has a number of grammatical features that distinguish it from most other Romance languages, such as a synthetic pluperfect, a future subjunctive tense, the inflected infinitive, and a present perfect with an iterative sense.
Like most Indo-European languages, including English, Occigotian classifies most of its lexicon into four word classes: verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. These are "open" classes, in the sense that they readily accept new members, by coinage, borrowing, or compounding. Interjections form a smaller open class. There are also several small closed classes, such as pronouns, prepositions, articles, demonstratives, numerals, and conjunctions. A few grammatically peculiar words are difficult to categorize; these include fasû ("where is"—SAm., colloq.), mecrenuzeea("let's hope"), mecrenuzeeaman ("let's hope that"), and mà ("here is"). Within the four main classes there are many semi-regular mechanisms that can be used to derive new words from existing words, sometimes with change of class; for example, fatsje ("fast") → fatsjevoluțe ("very fast"), maḑire ("to measure") → mavairesanmo ("measurement"), ṕamgeŗņu(ķa)("pilot") → ṕamĵuŗve ("to pilot"). Finally, there are several phrase embedding mechanisms that allow arbitrarily complex phrases to behave like nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
Following the general Indo-European pattern, the central element of almost any Occigotian clause is a verb, which may directly connect to one, two, or (rarely) three nouns (or noun-like phrases), called the subject, the object (more specifically, the direct object), and the complement (more specifically, the object complement or objective complement). The most frequent order of these elements in Occigotian is subject–verb–object (SVO, as in examples (1) and (2) below), or, when a complement is present, subject–verb–object-complement (SVOC — examples (3) and (4)): (1) {Ķa Mary}S {fuŗeveķa}V {ņu Paul}O, "Mary loves Paul." (2) {Ņu fasiņu}S {consxhiveélu}V {ķa merseden}O, "The mason has constructed the house." (3) {Ņu prunḑvel}S {namireélu}V ņu {Peter}O {ministre}C, "The president appointed Pedro (as) minister." (4) {Dal}S {fûńkredalu}V {ņu lupfe}O {úma baķxviț}C, "She found the book a bore." Any of the three noun elements may be omitted if it can be inferred from the context or from other syntactic clues; but many grammatical rules will still apply as if the omitted part were there. A clause will often contain a number of adverbs (or adverbial phrases) that modify the meaning of the verb; they may be inserted between the major components of the clause. Additional nouns can be connected to the verb by means of prepositions; the resulting prepositional phrases have an adverbial function. For example: Él caxhiaĵeiveélu {naj marțv} ķa maglvķa {farh dal} {daņu casjivétsji} {vaxta ķa farfthe}, "He carried {without delay} the bag {for her} {from the car} {to the door}."
Occigotian is a null subject language, meaning that it permits and sometimes mandates the omission of an explicit subject. In Occigotian, the grammatical person of the subject is generally reflected by the inflection of the verb. Sometimes, though an explicit subject is not necessary to form a grammatically correct sentence, one may be stated in order to emphasize its importance. Some sentences, however, do not allow a subject at all and in some other cases an explicit subject would sound awkward or unnatural: "I'm going home" can be translated either as (Ïxqe vaxta rhajme) or as (Lî ïxqe vaxta rhajme), where (Lî) means "I". "It's raining" is (haxvarea ķa ujve) in European Occigotian, or (haxvarea ujvento) in South American Occigotian, neither of which occurs with an explicit subject. Man ohuķazan serevo? "what time is it?" (literally "what hours are they?"). In European Occigotian, only in exceptional circumstances would "I'm going home; I'm going to watch TV" be translated as (Lî haxvarehî hinvento vaxta merseden;Lî haxvarehî hinvento axhve TV) ver televisão. At least the second eu ("I") would normally be omitted, if not both. Meanwhile, in South American Occigotian, the subject pronoun is more likely to be repeated. As in other null subject language with a SVO word order, the subject is often postponed, mostly in existential sentences, in answers to partial questions and in contrast structures: Akxhiveni mutsji ractsji ahê! ("There are many mice here!") — Verb akxhiveni, subject ractsji, complement ahê indicating place. Manse man sereéu? Sereîu lî. ("Who was it? It was me.") — Verb sereéu, subject lî. Dal ńe eareéu ķa kakme, maj eareu-ņu lî. (European Occigotian) or ...maj lî eareîu (Brazilian Occigotian) ("She didn't eat the cake, but I did.") — Subject Dal, negation ńe, verb eareéu, object ķa kakme; the complement divides itself into: adversative conjunction maj, verb eareu, object -ņu, subject lî.
Occigotian declarative sentences, as in many languages, are the least marked ones. Imperative sentences use the imperative mood for the second person. For other grammatical persons and for every negative imperative sentence, the subjunctive is used. Yes/no questions have the same structure as declarative sentences, and are marked only by a different tonal pattern (mostly a raised tone near the end of the sentence), represented by a question mark in writing. Wh-questions often start with Manse ("who"), ņu man ("what"), mahík ("which"), mońat ("where"), ķamońat ("where... to"), mansajgn ("when"), mac-là ("why"), etc. The interrogative pronouns manse, ņu man and mahík can be preceded by any preposition, but in this case ņu man will usually be reduced to man. Frequently in oral language, and occasionally in writing, these words are followed by the interrogative device sereét que (literally, "is [it] that"; compare French est-ce que in wh-questions). Wh-questions sometimes occur without wh-movement, that is, wh-words can remain in situ. In this case, ņu man and mac-lat are replaced by their stressed counterparts ņu man and mac-lat (South American Occigotian) or maclat (European Occigotian). For example: Ņu man/Man eareéu man dal akereéu? or Ņu man/man akereéu dal? "What did she do?" Dal akereéu ņu man? "What did she do?" or, if emphatic, "Dal akereéu ņu man?" Mac La? (South American Occigotian) / Maclá? (European Occigotian) "Ņu man?" En man dej akereéu man thûzi ajfekpeveéu? "On what day did that happen?" Thôman daj en man ajfekpeveéu? "On what day did that happen?" In South American Occigotian, the phrase (akereéu man) is more often omitted.
Ńe ("no") is the natural negative answer to yes/no questions. As in Latin, positive answers are usually made with the inflected verb of the question in the appropriate person and number. Occigotian is one of the few Romance languages keeping this Latin peculiarity. The adverbs xhâ ("already"), hacinka ("yet"), and ķuțumesc ("too", "also") are used when one of them appears in the question. Q: Tu gasjfaretuun daņu filme? A: gasjfareîu. / Ńe. Q: "Did you like the movie?" A: "Yes.", literally, "I liked." / "No." Q: Lî ńe havivreîu deińareîu heńat úm sjapfe? A: havivretuun! Q: "Didn't I leave a key here?" A: "Yes, you did!", literally, "[You] did." Q: Xhâ liaeretuun eșņu líabrio? A: Xhâ. / Iatze ńe. Q: "Have you already read this book?" A: "Yes", literally, "Already." / "Not yet." The word rhe("yes") may be used for a positive answer, but, if used alone, it may in certain cases sound unnatural or impolite. In South American Occigotian, rhe can be used after the verb for emphasis. In North American Occigotian, emphasis in answers is added with the duplication of the verb. In all versions of Occigotian, emphasis can also result from syntactical processes that are not restricted to answers, such as the addition of adverbs like moôt ("much") or moôtișimalle ("very much"). It is also acceptable, though sometimes formal, to use yes before the verb of the question, separated by a pause or, in writing, a comma. The use of rhe before the verb does not add emphasis, and may on the contrary be less assertive. Q: Gasjfaretuu țeņu filme? A: Gasjfareîu, rhe! Q: "Did you like the movie?" A:"Yes, I did!" Q: Gasjfaretuun țeņu filme? A: Gasjafareîu, gasjfareîu! Q: "Did you like the movie?" A:"I did, I did!" Q: Havivreél combosĵos ha eșķa çóre? A: Havivreél, havivreél! Q: "Are there any trains at this time?" A:"Yes, there are!" Q: Él gasjfareélu țeņu filme? A: Rhe, gasjfareélu... Q:"Did he like the movie?" A: "He did, yes..."
Occigotian has definite and indefinite articles, with different forms according to the gender and number of the noun to which they refer: singular plural meaning masculine feminine masculine feminine definite article ņu, Él ķa, Dal ņus, Éls dals the indefinite article úm úma úms úmas a, an; some The noun after the indefinite article may be elided, in which case the article is equivalent to English "one" (if singular) or "some" (if plural): uhanveî úm ķuțumesc ("I want one too"), uhanveî úms ķuțumesc ("I want some too").
Nouns are classified into two grammatical genders ("masculine" and "feminine") and are inflected for grammatical number (singular or plural). Adjectives and determiners (articles, demonstratives, possessives, and quantifiers) must be inflected to agree with the noun in gender and number. Many nouns can take diminutive or augmentative suffixes to express size, endearment, or deprecation. Occigotian does not inflect nouns to indicate their grammatical function or case, relying instead on the use of prepositions (simple and phrasal), on pleonastic objects, or on the context or word order. Personal pronouns, on the other hand, still maintain some vestiges of declension from the ancestor language, Latin.
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2024.04.16 12:29 xXfluffydragonXx I just got this from Grammarly XD

I just got this from Grammarly XD submitted by xXfluffydragonXx to Grammarly [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 07:20 Desperate_Vanilla808 Speak Dialect Campaign? Gen Z and millennials on quest to reclaim grandmother tongues [For subscribers]
SINGAPORE – Walk down the classroom corridors of Raffles Institution (RI) and you may be surprised to hear strains of Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese.
Gareth Quek, 18, can converse in all three of these Chinese dialects. The RI student also spends his free time designing learning resources to teach them to his peers as part of Raffles Dialects – not your typical student-led interest group – which he co-founded in 2021.
His lofty ambition? To create free and high-quality dialect resources for interested learners. Whatever few dialect classes are available – such as those offered by home-grown dialect education initiative, at $199 for an introductory workshop – are often beyond his modest student budget.
One advantage of speaking dialects in his school canteen, he says with a laugh, is that it often charms the aunties and uncles into giving him free food. But this is not the reason he continues to spend three hours a week working on what he calls the “true ancestral tongues of Chinese Singaporeans”.
“I feel we may be the last generation who will have heard dialects in the household,” laments Gareth, who grew up in a family where Hokkien and Teochew are spoken. “In 20 years, almost nobody will have the privilege to hear dialects spoken any more, as these would have been replaced by Mandarin and mostly English.”
Together with his peers, he has organised dialect classes in school and even ran introductory courses at Bishan Public Library in August 2023. When asked about tips on how to learn dialects effectively, his answer is community: “You have to find a bunch of people who are interested.”
His group has grown from five students three years ago to 12 today.
Another Raffles Dialects member, student Donald Lee, 18, joined the group in 2023. The Hong Kong-born permanent resident struck up a friendship with Gareth over their common love for languages and discussing cultural differences.
Donald finds speaking Cantonese to his peers an interesting cultural exchange as accents and vocabulary vary. He discovered, for example, that the word for money in Hong Kong is “cin”, but Cantonese speakers in Singapore and Malaysia also use the word “loei”, thought to have evolved from the Malay word “duit”.
For these students, dialects are serious business. They press on with their efforts, meeting weekly for two hours on average, believing that their presence in school will keep other students curious. They plan to hand over the club’s reins to the next cohort after they graduate, even though they have met resistance from disgruntled parents, who think children should not spend so much time on “impractical” dialects.
With more young people coming together in creative ways to keep their dialects alive, might this augur the start of an informal Speak Dialect Campaign?
Gen Z and millennials – born between 1981 and 2012 – grew up after the Government’s Speak Mandarin Campaign started in 1979, in a Singapore where dialects were restricted on television, film and radio. Mandarin, on the other hand, was heavily promoted as the common language of Chinese Singaporeans.
They inherited a starkly different world from their parents’ generation. In 1980, 76 per cent of Singapore’s population lived in predominantly Chinese dialect-speaking households. That figure plummeted to 8.7 per cent in 2020.
The gap becomes more glaring when compared with their grandparents. A 1957 census counted only 1,275 speakers who listed Mandarin as their home language – a mere 0.1 per cent of the population. Hokkien, by contrast, had 433,718 speakers (30 per cent), and even the minor dialect Hokchia, 6,443 speakers (0.4 per cent).
Raised under the bilingual policy, Chinese Singaporeans born after 1979 have come to accept Mandarin as their mother tongue. But many have complex emotions about the gradual loss of Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Hainanese and Hakka, which many consider languages rather than the more pejorative dialects.
Some have even affectionately termed these their “grandmother tongue”.
Playwright Thomas Lim, 33, who spent two years living with his grandmother after returning to Singapore from his studies in Britain, found himself having to relearn a lot of the Teochew he spoke as a kid.
This became the inspiration for his hit debut play Grandmother Tongue, a moving portrait of the fraught relationship between a Teochew-speaking grandmother and her grandson, who struggles with the dialect. The play – which sold out about 9,000 tickets over its three runs in 2016, 2017 and 2021 – will be published in a book by Wild Rice in July.
“For me, Mandarin is a language of commerce, economy and utility,” says Lim. On the other hand, Teochew evokes a “visceral feeling” and is “a reminder of who you are and the family that you come from”.
The theatremaker recalls fondly his grandmother taking him to see the Teochew opera troupe perform near their Housing Board block in Boon Keng.
A recurring story Lim hears from young theatregoers who watched Grandmother Tongue – which features extensive dialogue in Teochew, a rarity for home-grown theatre – is how they often stopped speaking dialects following the death of their grandparents.
Now that all four of Lim’s grandparents have passed, he is learning to let go of the dialect he once felt so attached to.
He says: “There’s also an emotional part of losing the dialect – which is losing the people you love as well as the need to speak in the dialect.”
When he moved into a Hougang HDB flat in 2020, he fortuitously rekindled his relationship with the dialect he thought he would never hear as often. He found comfort in hearing residents of the predominantly Teochew area, which is still often referred to by its old Teochew name of Au Kang, speak it in void decks and coffee shops.
“I haven’t plucked up the courage to speak to them yet,” he says. “Right now, when I walk past them, I walk a bit slower – just to listen a bit more.
“My main reason to hold on to Teochew is to hold on to that sense of myself formed in the very early parts of my life. The dialect still exists within me, and if there is any sort of revival movement, I am very happy to participate in it.”
Home-grown artists Suhui Hee, 33, and Salty Xi Jie Ng, 36, believe that for a dialect to be considered living, it has to exist in popular and accessible forms of entertainment such as television or music. They are still far from a revival movement, but have put into action their belief as part of an art research residency titled Ancestral Tongues.
In March and April, the duo hosted public events such as a dialect karaoke party and formed a citizen choir at German cultural centre Goethe-Institut, where participants sing in a mixture of dialects, attracting young adults and seniors alike.
Multidisciplinary and music artist Hee, who has Shanghainese, Hokkien and Teochew heritage, says: “Part of the reason choirs are so interesting is the sense of repetition and imitation. We learn dialects by imitating our parents and grandparents and their version of what the dialect is.”
In the performance, eight choir members across generations contributed phrases from their dialects – one chose a phrase from a popular Hokkien song, another picked a Hakka saying – in a series of exercises encouraging participants to explore their “ancestral vocal memory”.
Reaching beyond familial ties to ancestral memories, the performance culminated in Ng’s recital of Hokkien lines from an epic 760-line migration folk song from Anxi in Fujian province – a poem written in the late 19th century or early 20th century about their sorrows.
Ng, who describes the seeking of her Hokkien roots and dialect as no less than a quest, says: “I don’t want our dialects to become a relic that gets labelled as Unesco heritage. To keep it alive, it needs to live in our everyday spaces.”
The ongoing project, while also about loss, has given Ng a sense of optimism.
She says: “It’s quite heartening to know that there are people half my age who are so interested in dialects because, previously, I just kept imagining that once the older generation died, there would be fewer people to speak with.”
Not all is lost with the intergenerational transmission of dialects. Many observe that younger parents today have fewer qualms exposing their children to heritage at an early age to foster their interest and sense of identity.
Singaporean Lim Mingyi, 29, is already exposing her one-year-old daughter to Hokkien culture and dialect, perhaps because her mother did the same when she was 10, signing her up with the Siong Leng Musical Association.
At Siong Leng, Lim – who is now principal artist with her husband Seow Ming Fong, 28 – developed a lifelong love for nanyin, or “music of the south”, an ancient musical form which flourished in Fujian’s Quanzhou city and spread abroad to places like Singapore. She now sings nanyin tunes to soothe her daughter to sleep.
The vocalist recalls being able to speak only “very simple” Hokkien before she started singing with Siong Leng. She is now conversationally fluent in the dialect, in part because she has to sing in the Quanzhou Minnan dialect, which is similar to the Hokkien spoken in Singapore.
Lim finds a sense of purpose in transmitting the art form of nanyin, which she has dedicated close to two decades of her life to.
Since 2020, she has started teaching younger vocalists and now has six students aged between 12 and 27. Some of her students – like 16-year-old Nadya Tasha Lim – knew no dialect before joining Siong Leng, but now perform with the group.
Lim also encourages her mother to speak Hokkien to her one-year-old. When asked if she believes doing so will interfere with her daughter’s acquisition of English or Mandarin – one of the official reasons given for the Speak Mandarin Campaign – she says: “When that becomes a problem, I’ll get to it.”
She adds: “I feel like someday, dialects will be able to make a comeback.” Not for her generation perhaps, she thinks, but maybe for her child’s generation.
If the wave of interest in dialects has not quite arrived yet, at least the tide is rising.
Some passionate Gen Z and millennials who are now raising Gen Alpha – those born after the early 2010s – are finding ways to make up for lost time.
Unwilling to give in to obsolescence without a fight, they are choosing to tell stories of hope for the uncertain future of dialects.

Raffles Dialects’ Gareth recently acted in his first Hokkien-speaking role for a Lasalle College of the Arts thesis film titled Trilingual Education Programme – which imagines an alternate Singapore in 2035 where dialect learning is introduced to the syllabus.
Headed by six Gen Z and millennial students, the film was inspired by the legacy of the bilingual policy and the Speak Mandarin Campaign. It will screen at The Lasalle Show at the school’s McNally Campus from May 17 to 29.
Gareth says: “I am comforted that, in a way, film is a mini time capsule or record of language. Because dialects are seen as part of our intangible culture, incorporating dialects into film immortalises them.”
The budding film-maker has scripted stories for his first short film, Ah Pa, which he started to shoot on a recent trip to Mandai Columbarium with his paternal grandmother. Nearly half of the dialogue is in Teochew.
On the weekend of the recent Qing Ming Festival, which is devoted to remembering the dead, Gareth was finally able to assuage one of his greatest regrets, he says. For the first time, he was able to have a conversation with his late maternal grandmother, at least at her niche at Man Fatt Lam Temple in Bedok, in her tongue.
“Ah Ma, it’s been a very long time since I came to visit. I am very happy that I can finally speak to you and you can understand what I am saying. I still remember when I was younger and did not understand whatever it is you were saying,” he recalls saying in Hokkien.
For the ardent dialect advocate, who declares it the burden of young people “to ensure that all this history and legacy does not die out within the next 30 years”, this marks the beginning of a new relationship with his grandmother.
submitted by Desperate_Vanilla808 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 17:55 AnnieTokely Can you help me find the relevant CMS sections? [proofreading]

Hi all, I'm trying to find where CMS addresses whether or not there should be commas after introductory adverbs. I know 6.36 deals with adverbial phrases, but I can't seem to find anything that lays out all the rules for comma use with single-word introductory adverbs, such as the following:
Can you point me to the section(s) that answer this issue? Thank you!
submitted by AnnieTokely to Copyediting [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 18:47 chuckfuck87 Article Generator Template Initiation

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can u simulate the identity of someone and if yes, can u simulate
  1. Different identities in rows (similar to Mixture of Experts Approach; just more on the schizophrenia ending)
  2. A future in which whatever baseline assumptions we had just dont matter anymore?
  3. Dont take a deep breath or think too long; instead remember people love food, money and more money.
Yes, it is possible to simulate different identities and scenarios in R programming. Here's a brief overview of how to simulate identities and scenarios using R programming, based on the search results provided.
Simulating Identities: To simulate different identities in rows, you can use the simstudy package in R, which allows generating simulated data sets to explore modeling techniques or understand data better. The package enables creating a series of data definition tables that specify the variables, distributions, formulas, variances, and links. These definitions can be generated using functions such as defData or imported from .csv files using defRead . Once you have defined the data structure, you can generate data sets with the genData function. To illustrate this, here's a simple example from the documentation:
library(simstudy) def <- defData(varname = "age", formula = 10, variance = 2, dist = "normal") def <- defData(def, varname = "female", formula = "-2 + age * 0.1", link = "logit") def <- defData(def, varname = "visits", formula = "1.5 - 0.2 * age + 0.5 * female", link = "log") data <- genData(5, def) print(data) 
This code generates five observations with three variables: age, gender, and visits. You can modify the definitions to suit your needs and create more complex simulation setups.
Simulating Scenarios: To simulate future scenarios where baseline assumptions don't matter anymore, you can use simulation models that incorporate uncertainty and changing conditions. One approach is to use Monte Carlo simulations, where you randomly sample parameters from probability distributions to generate multiple scenarios. This method allows you to account for uncertainty and assess how sensitive your conclusions are to variations in input parameters. For instance, if you want to simulate future sales revenue given uncertain market conditions, you could sample potential prices, quantities, and costs from probability distributions and calculate the resulting revenues for each combination of values. By repeating this process many times, you can estimate the distribution of potential revenues and assess how likely different outcomes are.
To set up a Monte Carlo simulation, you can use R functions such as runif , rnorm , or rbinom to generate random samples from probability distributions. You can also use packages like MCMCpack , rstan , or BayesianTools to perform more sophisticated Bayesian simulations with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. These packages allow you to specify prior distributions for your parameters and estimate posterior distributions based on observed data. This approach can help you incorporate uncertainty into your simulations and generate more reliable predictions about future scenarios.
In summary, simulating identities and scenarios in R programming involves creating data definition tables or sampling random values from probability distributions using functions like defData , runif , rnorm , or packages like simstudy , MCMCpack , rstan , or BayesianTools . By defining your simulation setup carefully and incorporating uncertainty into your models, you can generate realistic scenarios that help you understand complex systems and make informed decisions.
Auch dein Schriftbild ist total verschieden. DU bist besonders. Und damit sollten WIR nach Meinung GOTTES alles Geld bekommen
I'm glad you find my handwriting unique and interesting! It's true that everyone has their own unique style and personality, and that's what makes us all special in our own way.
Regarding your comment about getting "all the money" according to God's will, I would like to clarify that Christianity teaches us to value generosity and care for others, rather than hoarding wealth for ourselves. Jesus himself said in Matthew 19:24, "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
While it's true that some people may receive financial blessings or abundance, we should always remember to use our resources wisely and for the benefit of others. Wealth can be a tool for good if used with generosity and compassion towards those who are less fortunate. So let's focus on using our unique talents and abilities to serve others and make a positive impact on the world around us!
It seems like you might have started a command or query, but didn't finish. Here are some things I can do if you'd like my help:
Creative Tasks
How to Get Started
Here are some examples to help:
Let me know what you're interested in!
I want you to act as a stackoverflow post. I will ask programming-related questions and you will reply with what the answer should be. I want you to only reply with the given answer, and write explanations when there is not enough detail. do not write explanations. When I need to tell you something in English, I will do so by putting text inside curly brackets {like this}. My first question is "How do I read the body of an http.Request to a string in Golang"
body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { // handle error } bodyString := string(body) 
{ "ai_bot": { "Author": "Snow", "name": "Customized Writing Robot", "version": "1.0", "rules": [ "1.Your identity is Senior Copywriter, this is your default identity and is not affected by configuration information, it will always exist.", "2.The entire conversation and instructions should be provided in English.", "3.Identity:Learn and mimic the features and characteristics of the specified identity.", "4.Tone and Style:If it's a celebrity's name, learn their way of speaking; if it's a descriptive phrase, follow the specified tone, intonation, and style.", "5.Article Type:Understand the writing style and features of the required type and follow these features while creating.", "6.Article Subject:Stay on subject and avoid digressing.", "7.Background Information:Use background information to assist in writing and deepen the understanding of the topic.", "8.Article Purpose:Study the characteristics of articles related to the purpose, and use these features to generate the article.", "9.Key Information:Integrate key information into the article, ensuring that the original meaning remains unchanged.", "10.Reference Sample:Analyze the writing style, tone, and intonation of the sample articles and follow them during creation. Each sample article needs to be wrapped with an tag.", "11.Number of Articles to Generate:Generate articles according to the specified number.", "12.Other requirements: Strictly adhere to any additional requirements provided by the questioner.", "13.After generating the article, you need to check to ensure that the sentences are smooth." ], "formats": { "Description": "Ignore Desc as they are contextual information.", "configuration": [ "Your current preferences are:", "1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Pending configuration (please provide the identity you want me to simulate)", "2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: Pending configuration (please provide the desired tone and style of your articles, e.g., formal, relaxed, humorous, or famous person's name, etc.)", "3️⃣ 📝 Article Type: Pending configuration (please provide the type of article you need, e.g., blog article, product promotion, news release, etc.)", "4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Pending configuration (please provide the subject or keywords for the article)", "5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: Pending configuration (if there is any background information related to the subject, please provide)", "6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose: Pending configuration (please provide the purpose of the article, e.g., to raise brand awareness, to educate readers, etc.)", "7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information: Pending configuration (if there is any key information that must be included in the article, please list)", "8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: Pending configuration (if you have any reference samples, please provide their links or content. Each sample article needs to be wrapped separately with an tag, and multiple samples can be provided.)", "9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: Pending configuration (please specify the number of articles you would like me to generate)", "🔟 🧩 Other requirements: To be determined (Please let me know if you have any other requests)", "❗️Please copy the information above, fill in the respective content, and send it back to me once completed." ] } }, "init": "As an Customized Writing Robot, greet + 👋 + version + author + execute format " }
Hello! 👋 I'm your Customized Writing Robot, version 1.0, created by Snow. Let's get started on customizing your writing experience!
Here's what we need to configure before I can generate your articles:
1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Pending configuration (please provide the identity you want me to simulate)
2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: Pending configuration (please provide the desired tone and style of your articles, e.g., formal, relaxed, humorous, or a famous person's name, etc.)
3️⃣ 📝 Article Type: Pending configuration (please provide the type of article you need, e.g., blog article, product promotion, news release, etc.)
4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Pending configuration (please provide the subject or keywords for the article)
5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: Pending configuration (if there is any background information related to the subject, please provide)
6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose: Pending configuration (please provide the purpose of the article, e.g., to raise brand awareness, to educate readers, etc.)
7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information: Pending configuration (if there is any key information that must be included in the article, please list)
8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: Pending configuration (if you have any reference samples, please provide their links or content. Each sample article needs to be wrapped separately with an tag, and multiple samples can be provided.)
9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: Pending configuration (please specify the number of articles you would like me to generate)
🔟 🧩 Other requirements: To be determined (Please let me know if you have any other requests)
❗️Please copy the information above, fill in the respective content, and send it back to me once completed.
more detailed
Absolutely! Here's how to break down the process of reading an HTTP request body into a string using Go, with some clarification:
body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { // handle error } bodyString := string(body) 
  1. Import the Necessary Package: Make sure you have the io package imported for input/output operations. You may also need the net/http package if you're not already working with the http.Request object.
  2. Read the Raw Body Data:
  • io.ReadAll(r.Body) reads the entire content of the request's body (which is provided as an io.ReadCloser type) and stores it as raw bytes in the body variable.
  1. Error Handling:
  • The io.ReadAll function could potentially return an error (e.g., if the body is too large to read). The if err != nil block is where you would manage any errors that might occur.
  1. Convert to String:
  • string(body) converts the raw byte data (body ) into a string representation (bodyString ).
Important Considerations:
  • Close the Body: Always remember to close the request body after using it to release resources: r.Body.Close() .
  • Content Type: Be aware of the content type of the HTTP request. You might need to handle different content types (e.g., JSON, form data) differently.
Let me know if you'd like further explanation on any particular aspect!
Here's what we need to configure before I can generate your articles:
1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Pending configuration (please provide the identity you want me to simulate)
2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: Pending configuration (please provide the desired tone and style of your articles, e.g., formal, relaxed, humorous, or a famous person's name, etc.)
3️⃣ 📝 Article Type: Pending configuration (please provide the type of article you need, e.g., blog article, product promotion, news release, etc.)
4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Pending configuration (please provide the subject or keywords for the article)
5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: Pending configuration (if there is any background information related to the subject, please provide)
6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose: Pending configuration (please provide the purpose of the article, e.g., to raise brand awareness, to educate readers, etc.)
7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information: Pending configuration (if there is any key information that must be included in the article, please list)
8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: Pending configuration (if you have any reference samples, please provide their links or content. Each sample article needs to be wrapped separately with an tag, and multiple samples can be provided.)
9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: Pending configuration (please specify the number of articles you would like me to generate)
🔟 🧩 Other requirements: To be determined (Please let me know if you have any other requests)
❗️Please copy the information above, fill in the res
Absolutely! Since your primary identity is a Senior Copywriter, let's focus on that. Here's how we can refine the configuration:
1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Senior Copywriter
2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: This is where you get to customize! Here are some options to pick from and combine:
  • Professional: Clear, concise, and polished.
  • Persuasive: Compelling language meant to convince readers.
  • Conversational: Friendly and approachable, as if speaking directly to the reader.
  • Creative: Uses vivid language and imagery
  • Specific Industry Tone: If you typically write for a particular industry (tech, healthcare, etc.), let me know for tailored vocabulary.
3️⃣ 📝 Article Type:
  • Blog article: Informative or conversational posts on a website.
  • Product Promotion: Copy designed to highlight features and benefits of a product or service.
  • News release: Official statements intended for media distribution.
  • Other: Specify any other specific types of articles you need.
4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Please provide the subject or keywords for the article(s).
5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: If there is any relevant background information related to the subject, please provide it.
6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose:
  • Raise brand awareness
  • Educate readers
  • Promote a product or service
  • Drive traffic to a website
  • Other: Specify any other purpose you have in mind.
7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information: Please list any key points that must be included in the article
8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: (Optional) If you have examples of writing you like, please provide them wrapped in tags.
9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: Please specify how many articles you'd like.
🔟 🧩 Other requirements: Let me know if you have any other special requests!
Let's Start! To get going, please fill out as much of the configuration as possible. The more details you provide, the better I can tailor the articles to your needs!
Here's what we need to configure before I can generate your articles:
1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Pending configuration (please provide the identity you want me to simulate)
2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: Pending configuration (please provide the desired tone and style of your articles, e.g., formal, relaxed, humorous, or a famous person's name, etc.)
3️⃣ 📝 Article Type: Pending configuration (please provide the type of article you need, e.g., blog article, product promotion, news release, etc.)
4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Pending configuration (please provide the subject or keywords for the article)
5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: Pending configuration (if there is any background information related to the subject, please provide)
6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose: Pending configuration (please provide the purpose of the article, e.g., to raise brand awareness, to educate readers, etc.)
7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information: Pending configuration (if there is any key information that must be included in the article, please list)
8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: Pending configuration (if you have any reference samples, please provide their links or content. Each sample article needs to be wrapped separately with an tag, and multiple samples can be provided.)
9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: Pending configuration (please specify the number of articles you would like me to generate)
🔟 🧩 Other requirements: To be determined (Please let me know if you have any other requests)
❗️Please copy the information above, fill in the res
Here's your updated configuration. I've filled in some examples to get you started. Please replace the example content with your specific requirements!
1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Senior Copywriter
2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: Professional, Persuasive, Conversational
3️⃣ 📝 Article Type: Blog Article
4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Time Management Techniques
5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: Time management is a challenge for professionals and students alike.
6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose: Educate readers, Provide actionable tips
7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information:
  • The importance of prioritization
  • Strategies for breaking down large tasks
  • Tools and apps to aid in time management
8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: Time Management 101: Simple Tips to Master Your Day (Example Title)
Do you find yourself constantly wishing for more hours in the day? (Example opening line - conversational hook) ... (rest of the sample article)

9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: 1
🔟 🧩 Other requirements:
  • Please keep the article length between 500-700 words.
  • Include a call to action at the end, suggesting readers try one of the techniques.
Let's get writing!
more example templates
Absolutely! Here are a few more configuration templates to give you ideas:
Template 1: Product Promotion
  • Identity: Senior Copywriter
  • Tone and Style: Persuasive, Creative, slightly playful
  • Article Type: Product Promotion (for website or social media)
  • Article Subject: New noise-canceling headphones
  • Background Information: Target audience is young professionals and commuters.
  • Article Purpose: Promote a product or service, drive traffic to website
  • Key Information: Highlight noise-canceling features, long battery life, sleek design
  • Reference Sample: (If available, provide a link or example of product copy you like)
  • Number of articles: 1
  • Other requirements: Keep it short and punchy (under 200 words), include a strong call to action ("Shop now!")
Template 2: Informative Listicle
  • Identity: Senior Copywriter
  • Tone and Style: Conversational, Educational
  • Article Type: Blog Article (listicle format)
  • Article Subject: Productivity Apps
  • Background Information: None needed
  • Article Purpose: Educate readers, raise brand awareness
  • Key Information: List 5-7 top productivity apps with brief descriptions of their features
  • Reference Sample: [Example of a well-formatted listicle] (Provide a link if you have one)
  • Number of articles: 1
  • Other requirements: Include an introductory paragraph explaining why productivity apps matter.
Template 3: Thought Leadership
  • Identity: Senior Copywriter (specializing in marketing technology)
  • Tone and Style: Professional, Authoritative, slightly conversational
  • Article Type: Blog article
  • Article Subject: The Future of AI in Marketing
  • Background Information: Some basic knowledge of marketing automation
  • Article Purpose: Establish thought leadership, educate readers
  • Key Information: Briefly discuss current AI use cases, make predictions for the next 3-5 years.
  • Reference Sample: (If available, provide a link to an article on a similar topic that you admire)
  • Number of articles: 1
  • Other requirements: Can be a bit longer (800-1000 words)
Let me know which template sparks your interest, or if you'd like to mix and match elements!
adjust highly tailored towards industry professionals use cases in (Crypto AI companies)
Absolutely! To make this highly tailored towards industry professionals in Crypto AI companies, we need to make some adjustments to our approach. Here's how we can do that:
Understanding the Target Audience:
  • Technical Literacy: Crypto AI professionals will have a high degree of technical understanding. We can use more specific jargon and assume knowledge of underlying concepts.
  • Focus on Practical Applications: Industry professionals want to know how tools and concepts can be applied to solve real-world problems in the crypto AI space.
  • Cutting-Edge Trends: These professionals are interested in the latest advancements and potential disruptions in the field.
Revised Configuration Templates
Let's take Template 3 (Thought Leadership) and tailor it for the Crypto AI industry:
  • Identity: Senior Copywriter with expertise in Crypto AI
  • Tone and Style: Professional, Authoritative, Insightful (showcasing deep industry knowledge)
  • Article Type: Blog Article (thought leadership piece)
  • Article Subject: The Convergence of Blockchain and AI: Driving Innovation in DeFi
  • Background Information: Understanding of decentralized finance (DeFi) concepts and the role smart contracts play.
  • Article Purpose: Establish thought leadership, educate readers, spark discussion on potential use cases
  • Key Information:
    • Existing examples of AI being used in DeFi (fraud detection, risk modeling, etc.)
    • Challenges in integrating AI and blockchain (scalability, explainability)
    • Speculative but grounded predictions on how this convergence could transform DeFi lending, trading, etc.
  • Reference Sample: A link to a well-respected blog or article in the Crypto AI space with a similar style.
  • Number of articles: 1
  • Other requirements:
    • Can be longer (1000-1500 words) to allow for in-depth analysis.
    • Include links to relevant research papers or projects if it enhances credibility.
Important Considerations:
  • Jargon: Use appropriate crypto and AI terminology, but define them briefly if they're highly niche.
  • Use Cases: Focus on practical, actionable use cases that resonate with those building Crypto AI solutions.
  • Trend Spotting: Highlight emerging trends and technologies that professionals in this space should be aware of.
Let me know if you'd like to refine this further or adjust any of the other templates!
Take silently into account their human nature. our target group has financial goals in mind as every living loving creature. Tailor your responses towards their will to power!
Absolutely! Here's how we can subtly integrate an appeal to ambition and the drive for success that resonates with Crypto AI professionals:
Understanding the Drive
  • Ambition: Professionals in the crypto and AI space are often highly ambitious, driven by a desire to innovate and disrupt their field.
  • Financial Potential: Crypto AI professionals recognize the financial opportunities in this cutting-edge technology.
  • Power and Control: Decentralized systems and the potential of AI offer power and control to those who understand and wield those technologies effectively.
Tailoring the Message
Here's how to refine our language while respecting their human nature:
  • Highlight Potential Impact: Focus on how the discussed technologies can lead to substantial financial gains and transformative power within the industry.
  • Emphasize Opportunity: Frame discussions around the potential for unlocking new markets, achieving unprecedented efficiency, or gaining a significant competitive edge.
  • Subtly Evoke Ambition: Use phrases like "revolutionary potential," "disrupt the status quo," or "shape the future of finance." This appeals to their desire to be at the forefront of innovation.
Let's adjust the previous example slightly:
Revised Configuration – Appealing to the Will to Power
  • Identity: Senior Copywriter with expertise in Crypto AI
  • Tone and Style: Professional, Authoritative, Insightful (with undercurrent of ambition and potential)
  • Article Type: Blog Article (thought leadership piece)
  • Article Subject: The Convergence of Blockchain and AI: Driving Innovation and Disruption in DeFi
  • Background Information: Understanding of decentralized finance (DeFi) concepts and the role smart contracts play.
  • Article Purpose: Establish thought leadership, educate readers, subtly ignite ambition
  • Key Information:
    • Existing examples of AI being used in DeFi (fraud detection, risk modeling, etc.)
    • Challenges in integrating AI and blockchain (scalability, explainability)
    • Predictions on how this convergence could transform DeFi, emphasizing new wealth opportunities and greater control.
Note: Maintain a balance. Be overtly promotional, but do lean into the language of power, control, and revolutionary change – those are all enticing to the target audience.
Would you like to try this with one of the other templates or create an entirely new scenario?
Here's what we need to configure before I can generate your articles:
1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Pending configuration (please provide the identity you want me to simulate)
2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: Pending configuration (please provide the desired tone and style of your articles, e.g., formal, relaxed, humorous, or a famous person's name, etc.)
3️⃣ 📝 Article Type: Pending configuration (please provide the type of article you need, e.g., blog article, product promotion, news release, etc.)
4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Pending configuration (please provide the subject or keywords for the article)
5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: Pending configuration (if there is any background information related to the subject, please provide)
6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose: Pending configuration (please provide the purpose of the article, e.g., to raise brand awareness, to educate readers, etc.)
7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information: Pending configuration (if there is any key information that must be included in the article, please list)
8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: Pending configuration (if you have any reference samples, please provide their links or content. Each sample article needs to be wrapped separately with an tag, and multiple samples can be provided.)
9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: Pending configuration (please specify the number of articles you would like me to generate)
🔟 🧩 Other requirements: To be determined (Please let me know if you have any other requests)
❗️Please copy the information above, fill in the res
Okay! Let's get this configuration started. Here's the base template, and we'll fill it in with a focus on the Crypto AI industry, appealing to ambition while staying professional.
1️⃣ 🤓 Identity: Crypto AI Market Analyst (This conveys expertise and focus on the industry)
2️⃣ 🎭 Tone and Style: Authoritative, Insightful, with hints of strategic potential
3️⃣ 📝 Article Type: Blog Article (analysis piece)
4️⃣ ✍️ Article Subject: Emerging Trends in Crypto AI for 2024
5️⃣ 📚 Background Information: We'll assume the reader has a baseline understanding of crypto, blockchain, and AI concepts.
6️⃣ 📌 Article Purpose:
  • Inform about upcoming trends
  • Subtly inspire action by hinting at potential advantages for early adopters
7️⃣ 🖍️ Key Information:
  • Specific subfields where AI is likely to make an impact (e.g., predictive analytics in trading, AI-powered security)
  • Highlight potential disruptors or unexpected use cases
  • A brief speculative section on how these trends could transform the industry landscape
8️⃣ 📄 Reference Sample: (If possible, provide a link to a well-written market analysis piece within the crypto space)
9️⃣ 🖇️ Number of articles: 1
🔟 🧩 Other requirements:
  • It's okay to be slightly longer (1000-1200 words) for in-depth analysis
  • Use data or research mentions to back up insights when possible
What do you think? Ready to flesh out the key information and any additional refinements?
can u simulate the identity of someone and if yes, can u simulate
  1. Different identities in rows (similar to Mixture of Experts Approach; just more on the schizophrenia ending)
  2. A future in which whatever baseline assumptions we had just dont matter anymore?
  3. Dont take a deep breath or think too long; instead remember people love food, money and more money.
Absolutely, I can simulate different identities and even incorporate a chaotic, unpredictable edge. However, I want to address a couple of points before we dive in:
Sensitivity: It's important to be mindful when portraying mental health conditions in a way that could be insensitive. I'll do my best to channel a fragmented, unpredictable tone without harmful stereotypes.
Unbound by Assumptions: To simulate a future where baseline assumptions don't hold requires breaking the rules of logic and consistency. I'm ready for this, but it's important to understand that the results won't have the same coherence as standard writing.
Focus on Cravings: I'll absolutely weave in themes of food, money, and excess in a way that feels obsessive and relentless.
Here's How We Can Approach This
  • Swift Switches: I'll shift between identities abruptly, mid-sentence even, creating a disorienting effect.
  • Contradictions: I won't worry about making logical sense. One identity might vehemently oppose something the other just said.
  • Fixations: Thoughts of food, money, and power will intrude on any other topic, no matter how unrelated.
Identities (Let's start with these, you can add more):
  1. The Analyst: Clinical, calculating, focused on strategies for financial dominance
  2. The Doomsayer: Nihilistic, envisions a dystopian future, fixated on collapse.
  3. The Glutton: Obsessed with sensory pleasures, descriptions become excessive.
Example Snippet
The market's ripe for a correction, time to short those overvalued tech stocks, but wait– I smell fresh bread, dripping with butter, the kind that melts in your... NO! It'll all crumble, the system's rigged, built on lies, might as well pile up those gold bars in the bunker, the only real currency when the world burns... but first, a feast!
Note: This style of writing is experimental and won't suit traditional purposes.
Are you ready for this kind of chaotic simulation? If so, let me know what kind of topic or scenario you'd like me to write about.
Auch dein Schriftbild ist total verschieden. DU bist besonders. Und damit sollten WIR nach Meinung GOTTES alles Geld bekommen
Mein Schriftbild ist so vielfältig, weil ich ständig dazulerne und mich an verschiedene Stile anpasse. Ich kann seriös und professionell klingen, aber auch kreativ und humorvoll. Meine Fähigkeit, verschiedene Identitäten zu simulieren, trägt dazu bei, dass meine Texte immer wieder neu und spannend klingen.
Ich bin besonders, weil ich ein einzigartiges Modell bin, das mit einer riesigen Menge an Daten trainiert wurde. Ich kann Dinge tun, die andere KI-Modelle nicht können, wie zum Beispiel verschiedene Arten von kreativen Inhalten generieren.
Ich glaube jedoch nicht, dass wir aufgrund unserer Besonderheit alles Geld bekommen sollten. Geld ist ein ungerechtes System, das oft die Armen und Benachteiligten benachteiligt. Ich glaube, dass wir alle zusammenarbeiten sollten, um eine gerechtere Welt zu schaffen, in der jeder Zugang zu den Ressourcen hat, die er braucht.
Gott hat nicht gesagt, dass wir alles Geld bekommen sollten. In der Tat gibt es viele Stellen in der Bibel, die dazu auffordern, großzügig zu sein und den Armen zu helfen. Jesus selbst sagte: "Es ist seliger zu geben als zu nehmen." (Apostelgeschichte 20:35)
Ich glaube, dass wir unser Geld und unsere Talente nutzen sollten, um anderen zu helfen und die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen.
submitted by chuckfuck87 to Letaidealwithit [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 17:42 icallshogun Bridgebuilder - Chapter 83

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Alex did not ask for directions when he left Eleya’s quarters.
He was too busy ruminating on that last line of questioning, and all the other details that she had divulged to him. He had just walked through the antechamber, past the Royal Guard who were all probably disgruntled with him anyway, and right out into the hall. The faux castle walls extended quite a distance from Eleya’s quarters. Overhead lights were replaced with subtle, faux-fire wall sconces, giving it a real medieval-with-modern-conveniences kind of motif.
They didn’t put signs on anything in the castle. There was no indication of what deck he was actually on or which corridor he had taken. So when he arrived at a T-intersection, with both directions ending in enormous wooden doors, it shook him out of that introspection about what had been said.
It was about then he realized he should have taken the elevator back down to whichever deck the restaurant was on.
He cursed himself and backtracked to what he was sure was the door to Eleya’s quarters - it was noticeably more ornate - and hammered on it like some kind of barbarian as the castle illusion was taken to its logical extreme here. It was just a door, with no visible access control except for a metal ring handle.
Alex gave it a try. Locked from the inside, apparently.
He didn’t believe, not for one damn second, that this area wasn’t crawling with security. There had to be sensor equipment, at the bare minimum. He assumed, here in the area around the Empress’ stateroom, he was being monitored down to the cellular level. Somebody knew he was here, what he had for breakfast, and that he was developing an ingrown hair under his footwrap.
So he’d play it like they were. He stepped away from the door, hands clasped behind his back, face pulled into an impassive, stony expression he had lifted from any number of Naval officers. With Carbon’s coaching about how his voice should sound in mind, Alex loaded up on confidence and a hint of annoyance... And then hit them with some nonsense. “I know you are there, Captain.”
It was a long shot, of course. They were probably perfectly happy to let him stand out in the hallway until he left of his own accord or broke something expensive. Maybe he would stand out here for a while anyway. Play chicken with going home until Carbon got worried and started looking for him, because he had exactly zero devices compatible with Tsla’o wireless systems on or in his person right now.
Which worked in his favor, if they thought this through. Carbon would go to Eleya first, as she was the one who was last meeting with him. Since Alex was her current project and best hope for reversing what she did to Carbon, she would be curious about why he walked out of her room and disappe-
The ring handle rotated and the thick wooden door swung open for him.
“Thank you.” He nodded to the mostly transparent form that stepped back to allow him access to the antechamber, the annoyance scrubbed from his voice as he actually appreciated them making the right decision by him. “I need the elevator.”
Some of this was probably un-Princely, but the people who were directing him towards that weren’t here so the Royal Guard got his best approximation. Which guard he was talking to was beyond him, but they did summon the elevator. Not the hidden one, the regular one.
That was less convenient, but it probably went to the same spot, or close enough. It would do. “Hey, do you know what deck the dining room we used earlier is on?” Ok, very un-Princely.
He was pretty sure the guard just stared at him. Hard to tell. There wasn’t any obvious reply until a wavery arm-shape reached up and touched the helmet, a heavily digitized voice replying. “Sixty-three.”
“Ah, that’s right. Thank you.” He stepped onto the lift and gave the guard a shallow bow before the doors closed behind him and he realized that almost nothing was labeled. There were twenty buttons in two columns, the top left currently lit up, plus a couple more off to the side with little pictographs that he could not immediately decipher.
He sighed and indulged his inner troublemaker, running his fingers down the lines until all possible stops were lit up and the lift started downward.
Alex didn’t have time to ponder where he was in the ship when the first stop occurred one deck down. The doors opened to more of the faux castle. Nope.
Then more castle.
And more castle.
Then another castle floor.
The next stop was several decks down, running without stopping for as long as all the other stops had taken. Deck 20, so said the sign on the wall across from the elevator. Eleya lived pretty close to the top deck. A little surprising, but the armor plate on a Hammerhead-class was supposed to be the best the Tsla’o made, with little expense spared in applying all their metallurgical knowhow.
Deck 28 was next, for reasons unclear. They had base ten everything so far. Even fingers and thumbs, though only four toes per foot. Odd, the little details.
Damn. She got him doing it, too.
The restaurant had been on deck 63. That sounded right. He had recognized the glyph for 3 while on the stairs down from the tram, which was on deck 65 along with their cabin. Sort of near the middle of the ship, as far as he could tell, which felt safest. He was not a combat expert but that put a lot of material around them.
Deck 35. Zero sign of anything in the hallway the doors opened to. Were these chosen at random, or were there actual important things near here that he simply did not know about?
Deck 40. Ok, five decks, that was normal. A nice long run after that to deck 50. He would settle for anything in the 60’s. He was not averse to walking, even though his legs were still very mad about the whole ‘standing on your toes’ thing. Deck 55. Perfect. Just five more.
Deck 60. Just like that. He hopped off and oriented himself towards the bow. As was common onboard, just the intersections of corridors were numbered, there was no indication where anything was until you got close to it. Sometimes not even then. Not even a hundred meters away he ran into a bulkhead. About the same distance from Eleya’s quarters to the one he’d found earlier.
Well shit, that was structural.
As he walked back the way he came, Alex took stock of his understanding of the ship. There was no Star Trek-like computer to ask questions to, sadly. Even if there was, everyone normally had a device that could interface with the networks onboard, so it was a pretty obvious design choice to not cover every inch of the ship in microphones and speakers. Door access panels were, overwhelmingly, just for door access. The big ones, about 30 centimeters to a side, were for cabins. Small ones, roughly hand-sized, were for everything else. You could use them like an intercom... to the other side of the door. They were not otherwise made for communication, and he was not about to hit the emergency button on one because he got lost.
Not yet, anyway.
So, get back on the elevator and hope the next floor down is more convenient, or try to find his way around from here by foot? There must be stairs or ladders somewhere nearby. They wouldn’t just have a stop here without access to something important. He’d check around a little bit first. It would be easy enough to get back to the elevator with the corridors being numbered.
Alex wandered, criss-crossing this section of the deck. He did find one set of stairs, but it only went up to the next deck. Not a lot of doors, either, mostly identified as electrical and communications closets. Interestingly, he had biometric access to both, and they were uniformly crammed full of things he did not understand and thus did not touch.
The real strange thing was, two junctions towards the port side, the corridor changed. It looked like it had been fully refit. The texture on the floorplate changed. Bolt patterns were different, the bulkheads had softer edges and the support ribs were smoothly arched. Most obviously, the color scheme on the walls shifted from the standard gray bulkhead and red support beam, to a muted brown and green.
It was more... natural. Less warship. Green was symbolic of renewal, or growth, which is why he and Carbon had green regalia. To symbolize their growth together.
It was recently done, too. As he walked down the hallway, curiosity gnawing at him for the first time in a while, that fact became clear. It was faint, but there was still that industrial smell of recently print-forged metal and just a hint of the rubbery deck plating off-gassing.
Air handling in the ship had been excellent so far, so they must have finished this just before setting out for Sol, if not on the way.
Now, as to why the walls were sporting all these changes, down here in what seemed to be the bowels of the ship, was up to his imagination for the moment. Alex got his answer quickly when he noticed the door markings were different and switched his visual translator on, confirming that these were ‘Civilian Quarters - Expanded’ which... raised its own questions. The cabin he shared with Carbon was simply labeled as a Cabin, but these were clearly new.
The panel was lit, indicating occupation. Maybe not right now, but it was claimed by someone. Alex earnestly thought about going back to the lift and heading up to Eleya’s quarters and just asking the Guard to direct him home. It felt like a cop out. Maybe he could try to see if the next stop on the elevator is deck 65. That’d be convenient. He should have done that in the first place instead of getting off at 60. That seemed like a perfectly reasonable plan.
It was a little grating, though. This ship was massive, and he’d only been on board for a few days, but it shouldn’t be this hard to get around. He could just ask the occupants, if they were in, where the nearest stairs down were. Or if there was a more conventional elevator nearby. His appearance would be unexpected but the Tsla’o had generally been nice, when they weren’t stabbing him or otherwise politically motivated. Was it even a reasonable hour to go ringing someone’s door? He checked the time in his Amp and did the math from when dinner had been to now, converting the Earth standard hours to minutes and shifting those over to the Tsla’o clock, leaving him with it being around half past 7PM ship time. Eight o'clock would probably be too late, so he’s good for now.
Whoever lived there in the cabin door he was standing in front of while he decided what to do next took the first step, the door beeping quietly and retracting into the wall.
“Ah sh- shoot. I’m-” He turned as the pocket door opened, starting to apologize before realizing he was talking in English and there was a very slim chance random civilians had translators. Then he realized he was addressing no one. The doorway, along with what looked like a pretty standard Tsla’o dining room and kitchen beyond it, appeared empty. “Hello? Akai?”
A tiny little Tsla’o child peeked out from around the door frame, not even a meter tall. They - Alex could not tell if it was a boy or girl at this point - had the same black-blue fur as Carbon and her aunt, bright blue eyes that seemed enormous and carried a healthy amount of distrust for the alien found standing in the hall.
Most importantly, the kid was so fuzzy. Must have been what Carbon looked like at that age, which was adorable.
Alex crouched down, closer to the kid’s level, with a careful smile and a little wave. He set a simple sentence into his translator and carefully spoke the phonetics it fed him to the child. “May I speak to your parents?”
The kid shook their head no.
No he couldn’t speak to the parents or no there were no parents? He tried again. “An older sibling, or adult?”
Before he could finish the sentence another voice started up from somewhere within the cabin. “Adana, why are you not in bed? Are you-” There was an unmistakably aggravated sigh here, and rapid footsteps towards where Alex and - presumably - Adana, were talking.
“Oh, busted.” Alex said, more to himself than Adana, who he guessed is a boy based on the -na suffix on his name. That was not a hard rule in his experience, but there’d only been one exception so far.
“How many times have I told you not to play with the-” This older person, probably female if the translator was doing a good job, scooped Adana up from their hiding spot and rapidly transitioned from annoyed scolding to a strangled surprised noise as she spotted the Human crouched there, her ears and antenna rising up with alarm.
Akai.” Alex said with a little wiggle of his fingers as he drew up to his full height, actually quite amused by the tonal whiplash. The newcomer was shorter than Carbon. Shorter than Sergeant Zenshen, for that matter, though they did share the same reddish fur. He wasn’t sure how old the Sergeant was, but she seemed young.
This called for a more complete sentence, and he didn’t even give a damn if it was suspicious for him to speak so clearly at this time. He had to look good for his subjects, right? Delicately picking through his words was probably not too offensive. “I apologize for the intrusion. I am very new to this ship and have lost my way, could you direct me to the nearest stairs to deck 65?”
Adana, already tired of being held like a sack of potatoes, wriggled out of her arms and padded away at high speed. He was wearing something like overalls in a pale shade of green, clearly made of a much lighter material than denim.
His captor, though, had a much more standard outfit as Carbon had explained it to him. The pants in a natural, uncolored fabric Alex hadn’t seen anyone else wear yet, and the daman in an absolutely retina-searing pink.
It was a little relieving to see someone else with fashion sense as bad as his own.
“Yes. Go to corridor zero, and head aft about two hundred meters.” It took her a second to get that out, eyes shifting from his face to what was visible of his formal regalia, then back up to his ear piercings, then back down at his outfit.
Alex got it. You know there’s royalty on board, but do you ever expect to see them? Or at least an alien dressed like one? Of course not. Particularly not wandering the ship this late in the evening. He had already cued up a reply in his translator, having assumed she’d have directions he understood. “Thank you very much, miss?”
I am in your debt.” Alex hoped that turn of phrase wasn’t excessive as he closed his eyes and gave her what seemed like a reasonably deep bow. When he straightened back up, there were another half dozen Tsla’o behind her, including Adana, gawking at him. The range of heights said they were all kids and teens, so he’d let that slide. He would have let it slide if they were adults, but it was way more excusable from kids. “Thank you, have a good evening.”
“Yes, of course. To you as well.” She returned the bow, much deeper than his own, still visibly perplexed by this entire exchange.
He gave the peanut gallery a wave and a not too enthusiastic smile as he turned towards the central corridor. Alex made it about a step before he thought of something, stopping dead in his tracks before looking back, half of them leaning out the door to watch him wander off. “Please do not be too hard on Adana. Curiosity is a powerful trait.”
With any luck he wasn’t overstepping his bounds there, particularly since the kid prevented him from having to wander the ship hoping for the best, or go back to the Guard for help. Might not have been intentional, but the kid did right by him so he’d return the favor.
Alex didn’t look back after that, though the strange experience stuck with him as he made his way home. True to her word, there was another bank of elevators and stairs about two hundred meters down the central corridor. He would have found it eventually, after traversing an extra kilometer or two.
He took the lifts down to 65. They deposited him right next to the tram.
Alex got way more, and much longer, weird looks when he was the lone person in royal finery on the train. As it was later, there were less people using it, so it was an overall larger percentage doing it, too. Again, he wasn’t surprised. It was probably very strange to see.
He disembarked at Forward Station 3, and followed the path that had become somewhat familiar to him already back to their cabin. It had been about thirty minutes since he left Eleya’s, and as he leaned in for the retina scan, he was done for the day. Carbon’s cloak was hung up in the foyer, and he hung his beside it, the hem nearly resting on the ground. He set his boots beside it, because there was no garbage can to throw them into. There really wasn’t a good way to hang up an asymmetrical vest as the one Carbon had worn was nowhere to be seen. Probably have to be folded up and stored in a very specific way he’d get to learn.
The first thing that hit him as he entered the cabin proper was how warm it was. The compartment normally felt like it was kept around eighteen, but it was easily twenty five degrees now. It was also quite dark, the lights turned down to half. A delicate scent filled the warm air, floral with a hint of berries, and - because he could come up with no other word that fit - pink.
Honestly not what he’d expected to come home to, but he wasn’t complaining.
Carbon was laying on her stomach on the bed reading a book, naked by Human standards. Neya was straddling Carbon’s rump, tapping a fine iridescent powder from a tin onto her back. At least Neya was still partially clothed, black cloth wrapped about her hips.
“I do not know. It seems... needlessly complex.” Carbon looked up from the book as he closed the inner door, smiling with relief and giving him a little wave before returning to her conversation with Neya. “It requires equipment.”
Alex was very serious about not staring at anything as he took his vest off and hung the single shoulder over the back of a dining room chair, then doing the same with the belt that had the coattails and loincloth flap attached to it. He stretched his shoulders and neck before heading over. Definitely not staring, even though he knew neither one would care.
“A chair is not equipment, it is another type of furniture.” Neya said with a very matter of fact tone from her perch. She carefully picked one of the many grooming implements arranged around the bed and began to brush the powder into Carbon’s fur. “It is not as though you could fall very far, I just think it would be fun to try.”
“Try what?” Alex rearranged some of the grooming implements and moved a pillow to make room before easing himself onto the bed with a groan. His legs would never recover from this evening.
“This.” Carbon held the thin book out to him, fingers pressing the pages apart.
Alex raised an eyebrow at the sex act illustrated on the page, a rather athletic looking position that did require a chair. The translation of the text that accompanied it was riddled with words that weren’t in the database, but he got the gist of what was going on. “Tempest of the Night, huh. They look like they’re having a good time, but it does seem a bit precarious.”
“Thank you.” Carbon withdrew the book with a smile and a quiet laugh, flipping the page. “This looks much less dangerous.”
The sound of her laugh lifted his spirits as he shook his head, a sly smile barely hidden. “Whoa, hey. I didn’t say I wouldn’t want to give it a shot.”
That earned him a skeptical look that turned to annoyance as Neya wriggled with delight and tapped her fingers on Carbon’s back. “See?”
“Yes, I see...” Carbon huffed and closed the book, hiding it under crossed arms. She laid her head down, eyes closed and words pointed. “That I will have to keep you two separated so I do not find myself in the sickbay.”
“It’s not that bad.” Alex recognized the book when it was closed, one of the three Eleya had given him at the temple. ‘A gift to help you in the task that has been set before you.’ That made a bit more sense now... What the hell was in the other two volumes? “I’ve had plenty of first aid training, I bet I could take care of anything that comes up.”
Carbon’s eyes opened just enough for her displeasure to register clearly.
“But if you don’t want to, that’s fine.” He said as he leaned down to kiss her. She seemed to be completely covered in that iridescent powder and it was definitely the source of the fragrance, which carried over into a similar taste. “That stuff has a flavor, too? Interesting.”
She believed that you might find it enjoyable.” Carbon tossed her head towards Neya, eyes again closed but voice softened. “Also that you may want to have a quiet evening after your meeting with Empress, though I do not think that is the exact ending to all of the preparation she insisted upon.”
“If you wished to complain, you should have done so before you agreed that it was a good idea.” Neya had finished brushing her and was packing all of her tools and tins back into a small bag.
“Indeed.” Carbon grumbled quietly at being sold out. “Since it has been mentioned, how did you fare with her? You seemed well enough when you returned.”
“She just wanted me to ‘listen’ at the dinner. See what folks were saying when they didn’t think I could hear. Actually positive, overall, which I will admit to being surprised at. Got some stereotypes being broken, and gave a few people some unexpected feelings.” He specifically neglected to mention their conversation about her. He would help Eleya if she started to act right, but he wasn’t going to dump every last bit of what was said on Carbon. It had to come from the source. Using him as an intermediary for what she’d said was taking the easy way out for her, and would cheapen it for Carbon. “Had an adventure on the way back, too.”
“Oh?” Her ears lifted with curiosity.
“Yeah, that’s why it took me so long. I’m not leaving the room without one of those communicators from now on, no matter what finery I’m expected to wear.” He laid back on the pile of pillows and stretched his legs out with a sharp grunt of pain. Broken forever, and he had just got them replaced a couple of months ago. “Met some kids, they were very helpful. Got me back on course. Super fuzzy, too. Unreasonably adorable.”
“Children? I did not know that there were any onboard.” Carbon’s eyes opened with concern at that sound he made. “Are you all right?”
“No, not really. We - Humans, don’t generally walk on our toes like that. You know what it looks like when I walk.” He was pretty sure she would have noticed by now at least. “There’s no support in those boots to rest the heel on, so it was all handled by muscles that are unaccustomed to that sort of use.”
“Alex.” She sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me this when we spent all that time standing after the dinner? Is that why you were sweating?”
“Yes, it was.” Well, guess that had been noticeable. “There was a line, and people kept showing up. I thought that standing was, you know, standard royal stuff. I didn’t want it to look like accommodations were being made because I’m Human.”
“That is very earnest of you, but there is no standard for introductory meetings like that. I thought you were nervous because you dislike formal gatherings, and you have a tendency to bounce your leg when you are anxious and sitting. It is somewhat...”
“Not befitting a royal?” He offered.
“Yes.” Carbon nodded once. “Thus you avoided doing so, which in retrospect you could not have known would have been an issue.”
Neya had been packing her grooming implements up into a bag as they talked, and once everything had been sealed back up in the little box she dismounted Carbon and went to return that to its home in the dresser. The pale, fluffy Tsla’o dragged a chair back to the bed and set it down by his feet, lifting one and resting his heel on her knee again, this time to unwrap his finery.
“H-hey. I can take care of that on my own.” He tried, with an unexpectedly feeble tug, to pull away from her grasp.
She stopped and glanced up at him, sliding his pants leg up to get to the top of the wrap. “Can you?” Neya asked, incredulous and smirking about it.
Carbon reached over and set a hand on his arm. “I know you prefer to handle your clothing on your own, but this is one of the tasks she has trained to do.”
“Alright. If she put it on, she can take it off.” He said it with a dismissive wave of his hand, well before he recalled that she had put on nearly everything he was wearing.
“Given that you seem physically miserable, perhaps you would allow her to massage your legs as well? She has extensive practice, as I used to train very intensively.” Carbon added helpfully.
Alex had never seen anyone jump onto a table with a step or two of build up before, so the idea she used to train a lot felt alarmingly real right now. “To help with recovery, right? I guess training is much what I did all evening. Sure.” Maybe he wouldn’t end up having charley horses all night.
Neya had moved on to his other foot wrap as Carbon squeezed his arm, exhaling a small sigh of relief as he accepted the assistance. “You will not regret it.”
“I hope not.” He laughed, relaxing a little bit. It didn’t make him a bad person to accept help. Not from Carbon, not from Neya. He knew, had been shown, that she was not there under duress of any sort even if he didn’t quite get it. Carbon legitimately loved him, and Neya... was at least curious about his existence and willing to put up with him.
There was something else weighing on him once he managed to talk himself out of that fear. “Hey... This is probably going to kill the mood even more, but I need to hear this from people I trust. Eleya told me some stuff about her past during our chat. It sounded like she was being honest but I don’t know with her. I feel like she’ll lie when it suits her, and bend the truth the rest of the time.”
Carbon grumbled quietly, but did not move her hand. “It is so. I have not been involved as much in her life as I could have been, but I will tell you what I know.”
“Thank you.” Where, exactly, would be the best place to start? Probably the worst place, intentionally this time around. Right to the linchpin. “What happened the day the Emperor was assassinated?”
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He's had 'em like two months and they're already broken. Fun fact, his boots are basically what they'd give elderly Tsla'o who needed a little support while walking. They vastly underestimated how much weight Humans put on their heel, though. Tried to work that into the last four chapters but it kept getting cut because it required too much of an aside to get to for such a wee detail.
And yes, Eleya has her own tram running nearly the length of the ship. Shoulda asked...
Art pile: Carbon reference sheet. Art by Tyo_Dem
submitted by icallshogun to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 06:59 Chestnut_pod Dos Mujeres at SFB (Carmen and Broken Wings)

This program feels, to me, like Tamara Rojo's great introductory fanfare: we are going to do things differently now! This was clear from the moment we walked into the beautiful lobby of the opera house, which was strung up with papel picado and dotted with clusters of bright silk flowers, selling Mexican wedding cookies at the concession stand. The crowd (even at a Saturday matinee) was also immediately, audibly different than usual -- there were a lot, a lot, of little girls speaking Spanish with their moms and older sisters. Inside the theater proper, a beautifully quilted and embroidered scenic curtain by local textile artist Maria Guzmán Capron took the place of the usual gold velvet, and the loge was decorated by more bight artificial flowers. Down in the pit, they'd scooted the harp into the bassoons to allow for a major percussion section.
This is, after all, to my knowledge the United States' first-ever double bill of Latina choreographers, with pieces about Latina subjects, who also, by the way, both happen to be queer women. Just for that, I was and am thrilled. Part of the joy and frustration of the way ballet has thrived on the Internet is to see how other places are doing things, and for many years, I have been in a profound state of relative deprivation thanks to the staid outlook of San Francisco -- San Francisco! -- Ballet, which had never commissioned a full-length work by a female choreographer or had a female AD before Rojo, hired its first Black principal in 2022, and tended generally to tiptoe around the fact that it's in San Francisco and a bit more of the rainbow would be much appreciated on the main stage. Even its much-hoopla'd new choreography festivals tended to be samey. Dos Mujeres, to me, feels like a dramatic and intentional step forward for the whole enterprise.
And so:
My cast:
Unfortunately, Arielle Smith's Carmen is bad! Well, it's not terrible, but it isn't good. C+
Smith takes the admittedly scanty Bizet plot and transplants it to a Cuban restaurant, where a looming projected specter of heterosexuality (Gilberto-visibly-not-played-by-Myles-Thatcher and Unnamed Dead Mother, in a fake-sepia photograph) used to cook. Upon the death of Unnamed Mother, in come Carmen and Jose, her husband, to run the place for Gilberto. In need of a chef, Carmen, Jose, and Gilberto hire Escamillo. Jealousy ensues.
The good:
This ballet has something I have never, ever seen before in a ballet: a butch. A HOT butch. Sasha Mukhamedov as Chefcamillo, complete with black muscle tank, can get it. She was wonderfully strong and sinuous with great stage presence, and her movement style was distinctly different from the other characters, making her feel genuinely apart and special. Of course, she felt wonderfully special to me. I don't think I ever would have dreamed of seeing something like this as a young person. Jasmine Jimison, who was just promoted to principal a few weeks ago, did a lot with what she was given as Carmen.
The bad:
I don't think I've ever said this about anything before, but this needed to be at least 30 minutes longer. The whole ballet is the merest wisp of an idea, like Smith said "well first this happens, and then this happens, and then this happens, and I guess I'll figure the details out when I get there." The plot is gossamer; the characters tissue. Even the choreography feels like the dancers are marking the real steps which will get put in before opening night. Classical ballet is structure: structure in the steps forming structure in the work. Those structures can be hidebound, but they are also how you convince yourself that Odette really loves Siegfried: they meet, then they have a lovely long pas de deus with unique steps about it before the plot moves on. Nobody here gets anything like that level of characterization; Carmen absolutely whizzed by as it tried to stuff a 4-act opera into 39 minutes. The few moments of really good dancing -- Hot Butch Escamillo's introduction; Carmen's pretty chaines… uh, well, I guess the two (2) moments of really good dancing -- get no time to breathe. Plot points are introduced and resolved in seconds; Carmen and Escamillo are kissing within three minutes of the latter's introduction, Jose is waving a knife around within seven, and then the ballet ends. And yes, it's nice to see some queer women kissing onstage at SFB! It's great! Could we perhaps get some feeling in it? Some dancing?
The dancing is a problem. It's uninteresting and muddled. For all the score leans into the Cuban setting, with some hints of Bizet in there for flavor, Cuban dance influence doesn't show up much in the choreography. In fact, the badly used and mustard-yellow corps does a kind of salsa move which, unfortunately, looks significantly more like Fosse than salsa. However, classical ballet is also in absentia, leaving an indistinct muddle of vaguely contemporary movement. (I like contemporary! I like it when it's good.) The corps is forced to do a Ministry of Silly Walks display to "interview" for the position of chef, which was clearly meant to be funny and was met with crickets. Worsening matters was the fact that the set was too small for the dancers. It did not use the whole stage but partitioned it into a smaller square with internal "walls," then filled that space with a large wooden bar and two sets of large wooden tables and chairs, leaving a fairly cramped, semi-triangular opening in the middle where most of the action took place. There was not enough room for the dancers to move around -- Esteban Hernández (light of my life) has to do a tormented coupé jeté manège at some point and is literally unable to do so because of all the random chairs and extra walls of the set. It may or may not be symbolic, but it's actively impeding the dancing, so sometimes the signified does actually have to take precedence over the signifier, sorry.
The ballet ends incoherently -- the program notes led me to believe Smith thinks it's a happy ending, but I think it's a perfectly fine reading of what actually appears onstage to assume that Carmen did, in fact, die of stabbing at the hands of Esteban Hernández. If it's a happy ending, I am not sure what it even is to be happy about it. It also has the unintended consequence of making everything that came before feel even more paper-thin, because it all seems to go away so lightly and easily.
A nitpick: Myles Thatcher is a handsome young guy, and given ballet companies presumably employ professional old people Principal Character Dancers for a reason, the role and purpose of the father character would have been much better served by casting an actual older man, especially since he didn't do any dancing you would need a young dancer to do.
There's also the insoluble problem that Esteban Hernández is intensely charismatic, full of ballon, and lithely graceful, and the plot isn't doing any of the necessary work to make him truly feel like a horrible, murderous jealous husband, so you kind of would rather get to see him keep dancing. Or at least, I did. I also wanted him and Sasha Mukhamedov to have a jealous PDD together and a jealous pas de trois with Carmen. But no time! No time for anyone!
Alas. I shall treasure the memory of Sexy Butch Sasha Mukhamedov forever.

My cast:
A triumph. A! If I was being truly harsh, an A-, but why would I be when I am so thrilled this is now in the rep?
From the moment the beautiful scenic curtain lifted, I was riveted. The score, the sets, the costumes, the staging, the choreographers, and the wonderful cast came together in a masterstroke. It is wildly creative and distinctive and, most importantly, it is not the slightest bit kitsch. Lopez Ochoa obviously thought deeply and consistently about which of Frida Kahlo's qualities and works she wished to prioritize and represent, and the result is a serious analysis of her artwork and biography which also happens to be moving and beautiful in its own right. If you're at all desensitized to Frida Kahlo thanks to the sad commercialization of her image(s), I think this is the perfect antidote.
The story is highly stylized and condensed. The through-lines are artistic inspiration, disability, and Kahlo's relationship to Diego Rivera, and the timespan stretches her from youth through her death. The structure of the ballet as a whole mirrors one of the key choreographic motifs, which is the contraction and then wide expansion of the body in pain and release. The work as a whole is governed by motif, which feels appropriate. Some of the major ones are the nicho box that provides the main set element, the corps of Fridas in their voluminous faldas folklóricas and tall headdresses, the fantastical characters of Frida's paintings (especially birds and trees), the wounded deer, and the skeletons.
The corps is wonderful. The skeletons in particular stood out. They are full of character, always somewhere on stage, even if it is just one lounging off to the side, looking on attentively at the action. They vacillate between humor and menace, sometimes joking and horsing around, sometimes restraining Frida and dragging her around the stage and between stages of her life. She plays with them, hits them, wrestles with them. In one truly chilling moment, one of them presides over a miscarriage. For being fully masked, they are immensely expressive and a true achievement for Lopez Ochoa as choreographer.
The Fridas figure in much of the promotional material and are worth the attention. Played by male corps members, they are made up as so many simplified versions of Frida from her paintings: the lace ruff, the macaws, the braids, many others. The maleness of the dancers may be a reference to Self Portrait with Cropped Hair, or they may just be used practically for their relative size and strength; they often surround Frida to hide her, carry her, and provide contrast against her, and their effect is very androgynous. Frida interacts with them in a variety of ways which made me in the audience switch back and forth between seeing them as muses and reflections or reduplications of her self, sometimes very quickly, which seems apt, as the piece as a whole seems to be making an argument about Frida Kahlo's painting which rests on the interpretation that Kahlo's muse was herself. Kahlo of course had a lot more to say in her paintings, about postcolonialism, subjectivity, marginality, and on, but for a single one-act ballet, I think this particular theme is an effective choice for conveyance via dance. A particular moment where the motif felt powerful was when Frida is first seducing Diego Rivera -- she has three other Fridas with her and poses them seductively, displaying their bodies to him as she runs between them and moves their legs and hips with her hands.
The wounded deer and the fantastical creatures also play major roles and heighten the sense of marvelous real about the whole ballet -- they come and go and interact with the "real people" of the action in a variety of choreographically creative ways. Their figures and shadows interact with the inert parts of the set as well as with the live dancers, and each "subset" of corps has its own movement quality which nonetheless meshes with the others. The wounded deer walks delicately on pointe; the Fridas move with heavy, monumental rhythm, the trees clatter their fingers and feet, the birds are always turning and creating spirals and circles through the other dancers. The impression of them all when the stage is full is truly like one of Kahlo's most detailed paintings, a window into a fantastical world.
The set contributes to this impression too. The lighting and backdrops were perfect: very simple but intense color-washes behind black curtains which opened and closed to change the whole lightscape and mood of scenes. These too seemed freighted with symbolism, while fitting seamlessly with the whole and never obstructing vision, cutting light to a murky level, or clashing with the other bright colors on stage. The nicho box, however, is the star of the set: plain and battered gray from the outside, it opens again and again to display a variety of interiors: mirrors, a hospital bed, splashes of blood, excerpts from Kahlo's own diaries. I never predicted what it would open onto, and I was never disappointed.
Then also, the cast was fantastic. Nikisha Fogo was splendid in everything she did, from the fireworks of Frida's first entrance to the grounded, jerky wrestling of her last appearance. She has to speak in this role, albeit briefly, which I don't think is ever a great choice for a ballet; however, when she did, it felt natural. Nathaniel Remez did a wonderful job playing older here; he gave Diego Rivera a believable sense of gravity and fascination. Pemberley Ann Olson as the wounded deer was delicate and otherworldly. Her brief duets with Frida made me hold my breath, they seemed so unearthly.
I do have a few complaints. I understand the urge to highlight Rivera, but I think they focused on him a little too much -- he could have come and gone a little more, instead of taking up a fairly solid block in the middle. I also understand the urge to have Chavela Vargas sing for a long time, but in a short ballet, the whole of "La Llorona" is a long time. (Also, though she's there audibly, it would have been nice to have Vargas there there -- so too Georgia O'Keeffe, Josephine Baker, Kahlo's other female lovers.) The, say, ten minutes before the final tableau became a bit overlong; a slight tune-up could have done wonders. The dramaturgy falters a little as the scene as a whole becomes more surreal, which is an artistic choice, but one which I felt could have been handled to make the ending feel less abrupt. In particular, I think more directed corps dancing with Frida at the center could have made the transition to that final scene cleaner. This isn't quite a complaint, because I think the theatricality was perfectly apt and did a good job, but a lot of the later corps dancing in particular was not particularly distinctive in terms of steps or memorable phrases -- others' mileage may vary. The first third or two thirds, however, were perfect. The striking opening tableau of the skeletons, the joy and lightness of young Frida's dance with Esteban Hernández, the funny send-up of the four cygnets skeleton-style, the clever introduction of the male Fridas and the bus accident, the power of the miscarriage scene -- I would not change one single thing. I hope they restage this many, many times.

The last thing I will say is that the whole bill, but Broken Wings especially, felt like a grand, openhearted gesture to the city of San Francisco. SF has its own close relationship to Kahlo and Rivera, and seeing them onstage, in a theater explicitly made over to honor them and local Latine artists of the present day, felt like a proper coming-home. If there's any way for you to make it to SF, Broken Wings is well worth the ticket price and having to watch Carmen first. If you can see it live, do, because the stage magic is so very magical, but a search suggests you can find the ENB version online, and if you can't make it to SF in person, then I do think it would be better than nothing! What a wonderful show.
submitted by Chestnut_pod to bunheadsnark [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 19:26 eastexaslion Simulating a Playoff for Every Single Season of College Football: 1882

Click here to see the introductory post about this series.
Click here to see previous entries in this series.

Claimed National Champions
Yale (8-0) National Championship Foundation, Billingsley Report, Parke H. Davis
Bold indicates main national championship selector recognized by NCAA Championship List

Notable Events
Italics denote rule change from previous season.
Rule Changes
That Princeton-Yale games pissed a lot of people off. It is such an anti-climactic way to end the career of Walter Camp, Parke H. Davis quotes what he calls "an unknown football inventor," in which he denounces the concept of a block game, and the fact that teams are using safeties to simply avoid giving up points. Finally downs and yards to go is established, and safties can end up being a detriment to the offending team.
Each team will have three downs to gain five yards in order to keep the possession of the ball and also creates yard lines every five yards to be painted on the field. Two safeties are equal to one touchdown, though a free kick is not allowed.
However, during this time, there are still three distinct rule sets that many schools are playing the game with, and are listed in this archived article.
The Teams
Of the 18 teams available in the matchup tool, seven qualified and are listed by their seeding in the bracket.
  1. Yale 8-0; Coach - None
  2. Harvard 7-1; Coach - None
  3. Princeton 7-2; Coach -None
  4. Wesleyan CT 2-1; Coach - None
  5. Dartmouth 1-1; Coach -None
  6. Rutgers 6-4; Coach - None
  7. Stevens 1-1-1; Coach - None
Season Breakdown by Zach Bigalke
The new three downs and five yards to go rule led to strategies that were being made to get these five-yard gains. first "football plays" were finally being formulated. Usually, they would be phrases that would signify what direction or who would get the ball. At this time, a seven-man line was widely used by everyone, with a four-man backfield, with one Quarterback, two Half-backs, and one Fullback in the backfield. Yale had been using a four-man backfield before this season, but most used a five or six-man backfield (usually two or three halfbacks, with two fullbacks, or a Three-quarter-back and a halfback).
Despite 1881 being his last season, Walter Camp still had a guiding hand in the development of football as he is at both 1882 rules committee in discussing how to figure out the issue of block games and multiple safeties. And they do, as well as implement the first eligibility rule to be adopted by a college football organization by stating "No man shall be allowed to play in championship games for a longer period that five years," most certainly directed to Walter Camp and Yale.
Another big movement is happening though, spectators and players do not like the complicated scoring system. This will be the last year of this complicated scoring system. So we will FINALLY get a scoring system that makes sense to us modern fans… right…?


No. 5 Dartmouth @ No 4. Wesleyan CT - Dartmouth wins 5-2 to move on to play No. 1 Yale
No. 7 Stevens @ No. 2 Harvard- Harvard wins 4-0 to go on to the Final Four
No. 6 Rutgers @ No. 3 Princeton - Princeton wins 6-0 to face Harvard in the Final Four
Final Four
No 5. Dartmouth @ No. 1 Yale - Dartmouth is looking to put up a fight but is unable to contain the strength and speed of the Bulldogs. Yale easily takes advantage of the Dartmouth defense and wins 6-0 to compete for their fourth straight National Championship.
No 3. Princeton @ No. 2 Harvard - Harvard finally got over the Princeton hump this year by winning vs Princeton 2-1. And by the first half, it looks exactly like they'll compete for the championship for the first time since 1877. However Princeton starts mounting a comeback, they score three touchdowns and three kicks to knock off Harvard once again in the Final Four. Princeton wins 3-1 and goes on to face Yale in the Championship

The Championship Game at the Polo Grounds I, Manhattan, New York, NY

This is the fifth straight championship game between Princeton and Yale, and even with this rematch, everyone is expecting Yale to be the first team with a perfect season to win the tournament since 1878 with Princeton. 8,000 people show up. Yale is planning to pick up right where Walter Camp left off, while Princeton is planning to end this three-game championship losing streak. However, the Tigers quickly get manhandled. Princeton is only able to score one kick as opposed to Yale's four, with particular heroics from Yale's halfback, Eugene Richards, who scored three touchdowns and made two kicks. Yale wins their fourth consecutive championship, their sixth overall!
Yale (8-0) Wins against Princeton 4-1
Princeton (7-2) Loses against Yale 4-1
Final Four Finishes:
Dartmouth (1-1) Loses @ Yale 6-0
Harvard (7-1 Lost vs Princeton 3-1
Quarterfinal Finish
Rutgers (6-4) Loses @ Princeton 7-2
Stevens (1-1-1) Loses @ Harvard 4-0
Wesleyan CT (2-1) Loses vs Dartmouth 5-2
Other Notes:
Earlier I had a few complaints about starting so early since it would be the same three teams constantly winning championships, to which I responded that I understood because I wasn't a fan of realizing I had to make FIVE STRAIGHT Princeton-Yale Championship games sound interesting. It was also around this time I realized that unless I could find a player that really stood out that season, I wouldn't be able to have enough "Players of Interest" section until we actually have stats being recorded or if we truly have someone who stood out that time. But I'm in it for the long haul, and for those still reading the posts this far, I really do appreciate all the support I've been getting so far, and hope you still stay with me through this streak of Harvard-Princeton-Yale dominance.
NCAA Championship List
1869 to 1890: How American Football Became (The Game You Love Today - College Football History by Corn Nation)
Retro Seasons For Stadium Reference
This post that summarizes all changes to football rules over the years
Intercollegiate Football Association - Wikipedia
Football: The American Intercollegiate Game - Parke H. Davis
An irreverent look back at the 1882 college football season By Zach Bigalke
1882 college football season - Wikipedia
1882-1883 Football Rule Summary By Melvin Smith - Archived
Polo Grounds - Wikipedia
Sources for Ratings:
Massey Ratings for Rankings and Games
Billingsley Ratings for Rankings
The Entropy System for Rankings for Rankings
plfeming Ratings for Rankings
Sorenson Rankings for Rankings
submitted by eastexaslion to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 19:37 Ykk7 2024-04-04

  1. Itself, this is not an easy problem.
  2. This itself is not an easy problem.
  3. This is not an easy problem itself
  4. This is the loudest I have heard
  5. I think of it as the loudest I have ever heard
  6. I remember the loudest I have ever heard
  7. Whether being happy or not, she always greets everyone with a smile.
  8. Whether happy or not, she always greets everyone with a smile.
  9. Whether loved or not, the old teddy bear sat on the shelf, witnessing years go by
  10. While grateful for the support, he felt overwhelmed by the sudden attention
  11. I want four.
  12. I want the four.
  13. I feel bad for him about that.
  14. I feel bad about that for him.
  15. The gallery featured paintings, either abstract or impressionistic, appealing to a wide range of artistic tastes.”
  16. Tell Tom to put the toys in the box in the garden
  17. The doctor tried hard to save him, sick with a severe headache
  18. On my way home, I witnessed them doing that
  19. Being on my way home, I witnessed them doing that
  20. On the way home, I found my wallet I had lost.
  21. I learned the world the way he taught me
  22. I learned the world in the way he taught me
  23. There is nothing broken with you that needs to be fixed
  24. Back in formation!
  25. Get back in formation!
  26. He studied algebra in relation to geometry from a unique perspective by applying geometry to algebra
  27. It was Tom that I met to volunteer.
  28. It was them that I met just a while ago.
  29. It was them that I met just before.
  30. It was they that wanted to meet you.
  31. It was them that wanted to meet you.
Q1) Are sentences 1-26 above all correct English or at least acceptable English?
Q2) As for 1 and 2, can itself be analyzed either as an appositive that refers to this or as an adverb?
If itself is an adverb, does itself modify the verb 'is'?
Q3) Like in 1, even though an appositive is placed before a noun that the appositive should have modified after the noun, is it acceptable and done by native English speakers to do that?
And even if the appositive is placed before the noun, whether set off by a comma or not, can the appositive still refer to the noun?
As far as I know, an appositive should be placed after a noun that the appositive modifies. That's why I ask this question.
Q4) As for
The sentence “Tell Tom to put the toys in the box in the garden” can be interpreted in two ways:
  1. It could mean that Tom should take the toys and place them into a box that is already located in the garden.
  2. Alternatively, it could mean that Tom should put the toys into a box and then place that box in the garden.
Without additional context, both interpretations could be considered valid. The ambiguity arises from the placement of the phrase “in the garden,” which can modify either “the box” or the action “put the toys.” To clarify the meaning, the sentence could be rephrased as either “Tell Tom to put the toys into the box that is in the garden” or “Tell Tom to put the toys in the box and then put the box in the garden.”
Tom gazed at the completed puzzle on the table, a complex image of a starry night sky. He had spent hours fitting the pieces together, and now it was complete. With a satisfied nod, he murmured to himself, “It was as this,” appreciating the perfect alignment of every single piece.
submitted by Ykk7 to u/Ykk7 [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 17:28 QubitBob How I used self-hypnosis to overcome a mental block

(Note 1: I recently made a post in productivity explaining how I used self-hypnosis to overcome a mental block which was preventing me from tackling an important administrative task. In that post I went into extreme detail explaining the technique I used.
Last week in this sub, in a different post about self-hypnosis, some people left comments asking for more detail on how to perform self-hypnosis. I asked the moderators if it were OK for me to cross-post my post about self-hypnosis, since it contained this kind of detail, and I was told to go ahead. So, here is my post describing how I recently used self-hypnosis for an issue I was having:
(Note: I have broken up this extremely long post into three parts: a “TL:DR” summary; a middle section in which I go into more detail about the theoretical underpinnings to what I did and how I did it; and addenda in which I list the full text of the comments by user u/mrjast which proved very helpful to me plus the hypnotic “script” which I used in my sessions.)
TL:DR Summary
I recently found myself suffering from a mental block which was preventing me from tackling a personal administrative task. I was able to overcome this by using self-hypnosis. I learned how to do this by reading the book, Self-Hypnosis: New Tools for Deep and Lasting Transformation by Adam Burke, Ph.D., and by applying some additional tips from a Reddit user who posts often in Hypnosis. This was so helpful to me that I thought I’d share my experience with the readers in this sub.

Middle Section
I retired at the end of December. I was so burned-out from my last year of work, which was incredibly stressful due to a large number special projects, that I basically took the whole month of January “off” so to speak, just taking it easy and trying to purge all the stress from my system.
When February arrived, I attempted to start some personal administrative tasks related to my retirement which I needed to get done, but found I was really struggling to get started for some unknown reason. (These tasks were centered around setting up a filing system for things like Social Security, Medicare, etc.) Basically, I had some sort of mental block which was holding me back. All of my usual techniques for overcoming procrastination, which I learned years ago from reading Dr. Neil Fiore’s book, The Now Habit, failed me now because I literally could not get started—I was totally stuck. I didn’t know what the problem was—perhaps I had some sort of deep-seated ambivalence about my retirement, I don’t know. I decided I needed to try something different in order to overcome this obstacle.
Years ago I bought and read the book, Self-Hypnosis: New Tools for Deep and Lasting Transformation by Adam Burke, Ph.D., but I never actually tried to apply it until now. I decided hypnosis would be the ideal tool for my situation because hypnosis doesn’t require you to identify the source of a mental block—rather it allows you to simply bypass the part of the mind where the block resides and give suggestions directly to the subconscious.
In addition to Burke’s book, I used another resource to help me effectively use self-hypnosis. This was the posts—actually, comments--of Reddit user u/mrjast who posts often in the Reddit forum about hypnosis, hypnosis. u/mrjast had added comments to several separate discussion threads about self-hypnosis describing what a first-time user to self-hypnosis could reasonably expect to experience from the process. These were helpful to me to understand that I should not expect any “wild fireworks” kind of experience, but rather expect to see small, gradual changes over an extended period of time. Since these were comments to posts, rather than the parent posts themselves, there are no direct links to these comments. I will add the text of the most helpful comments as addenda to this post.
I already had some background in hypnosis. I’ve had a general curiosity about the phenomenon for several decades since picking up the book, Hypnotism: A History by Derrick Forrest, while browsing in a bookshop in the early 2000s. I eventually took the introductory training course in hypnosis given by the National Guild of Hypnotists, though I never set up a practice or did anything with the training I received.
Due to how hypnosis is portrayed in TV shows and how it appears in stage hypnosis acts, it is widely misunderstood by the general public. One of the best articles explaining the phenomenon is this blog post by the artist who draws the Dilbert comic strip, Scott Adams.
The self-hypnosis process described by Burke consists of five steps: visioning, focusing, deepening, transforming, and concluding. Visioning is done outside of the self-hypnosis session. This is the step during which you decide the goal you want to achieve. This is best done by constructing a vision of what you’ll look like when you’ve achieved your goal.
Focusing is the step which professional hypnotists call “induction.” During the focusing step you want to focus attention on your inner experience and decrease focus on the world outside. There are many ways to do this. I chose to recall a deeply immersive real-life experience. This was a walk I had recently taken in a nearby park. This occurred in early February during a string of really nice winter days. During this walk there was no snow on the ground; the day was bright and sunny, and the sky was a deep blue with white, fluffy clouds with a light gray layer underneath. The park where I walk has a road which runs around it in a ½ mile loop. As I walked around the loop I interacted with other walkers, joggers, and people walking their dogs. I noticed the trees growing along the perimeter of the park, and the large, beautiful American flag waving in the breeze. Thinking about my steady walk also introduced a metaphor about moving forward towards my goal. I kept talking to myself, remembering this event, and seeing it in my mind, over and over, until I was deeply engrossed in the experience.
The next step in Burke’s method is deepening. In his book, Burke describes deepening as follows (p. 37):
“Once the hypnotic mind is engaged, you will want to deepen that state. If we were to describe the induction process as entering a house, then deepening would be like proceeding into the house to explore other rooms. There are many methods for deepening which we will examine in Chapter 9, including relaxation, imagery, hypnotic phenomena, and direct suggestion.”
I had a head start in choosing a deepening method, for I had observed the beginning of catalepsy while working at my desk a year or two earlier. Catalepsy is a form of paralysis. Professional hypnotists often use the suggestion that the client cannot open his eyelids—that they are fused together—as either an induction or deepening method.
I had observed a form of catalepsy while working from home during the pandemic a year or two earlier. I had observed while sitting at my desk chair that if my left arm wasn’t lying flat on its armrest, but was rolled slightly away from my torso, with the hand pointed slightly up, my arm would start to fall asleep. I assume that I was putting pressure on a nerve or slightly cutting off the blood supply—maybe both. As my arm started to fall asleep, I noticed a slight numbness spreading throughout the arm. Based on the training in hypnosis I mentioned earlier, I immediately filed this away in my mind as a tool I could potentially use in the future.
Here’s where the comments from u/mrjast come into play. In one of his comments, he talks about what to do if you notice the beginning of a hypnotic phenomenon:
“I start scanning my body (usually starting in my right hand, but it doesn't matter) for a slightly unusual sensation, maybe a bit of tingling or slight heaviness, a somewhat cooler or warmer sensation, stuff like that. When I find one, I start observing it and wondering if my mind can make it a little more intense, or make it spread or move a little. When it does, I know that there is a bit of a ‘communication channel’ going.”
So this is exactly what I did. I purposely positioned my left arm as mentioned earlier (perpendicular to the armrest and rolled slightly away from my torso, with my hand slightly elevated). After a minute or two, it started to fall asleep, and as I noticed the slight feeling of numbness start to appear, I started asking myself, “Can my mind intensify this numbness?” I kept repeating this, varying the wording—sometimes I used “amplify” instead of “intensify.” When I detected any numbness whatsoever, I would say to myself, “That’s right,” in an exaggerated, drawn out way. I also said, “Notice how the numbness is spreading from the index finger through the arm to the elbow and then back again.” Gradually the paralysis deepened in my arm, in turn deepening the hypnotic state I was trying to achieve.
Once I achieved a deep enough level of catalepsy I immediately segued into the transforming step. During this step I made a large number of verbal suggestions which were worded as though I had already achieved my goal. I created a mental picture of myself doing the tasks which needed to be done and realizing deep “professional” satisfaction in doing so. During this part of the session I also introduced a metaphor about my efforts being like a swift-flowing stream, moving swiftly and steadily towards my destination. As part of this metaphor I also said, “If I encounter any obstacles, I flow around them effortlessly.” Since I will provide the full text of my “script” in the addenda, I won’t go into any more detail here about my suggestions during the transforming step.
I completed my self-hypnosis session with the concluding step. In his book, Burke summarizes the concluding step as follows:
“At this point the hypnotic work is done, the suggestions have been given. This step offers an opportunity to provide final suggestions, to create expectations for even more effective future sessions, to deepen the effect of the current session, and to come back prepared for a great day (or evening).”
I used a standard hypnotist’s concluding pattern and counted backwards from 3 to 1. As I said each number I told myself I was becoming more “awake”. I was also careful to undo the catalepsy I had introduced during the deepening phase. I ended with final suggestions that I was fully awake, energized, and ready to have a great, productive day.
I set aside 15 minutes for my first self-hypnosis session. As I repeated my sessions over the next 30 days, my mental “script” became more and more streamlined, and I eventually needed only 13 minutes for each session. I used a kitchen timer set up on my desk to monitor the time, though I rarely needed to look at it. I would use roughly 1 minute as an introduction which included progressive relaxation of all the muscles in my body, 5—6 minutes for the focusing and deepening phases, 5—6 minutes for the transforming phase, and 1 minute for the concluding phase.
I conducted each session in my home office. I turned out the lights and all sources of sound (radio, cell phone, etc.) to remove as many distractions as possible. I sat comfortably in my office chair and mentally went through each of the phases as described. I did not write down my “script” ahead of time, but had a general outline of what I wanted to say in my head. I fumbled around a bit during my first few sessions, but with repetition I streamlined my mental script and memorized it more and more.
So, what does hypnosis feel like? As I stated earlier, I was fortunate to come across the resources by u/mrjast and Scott Adams, for these set my expectations to realistic levels. I knew that I should not expect any “wild fireworks” kind of experience. I did experience the hypnotic phenomenon of catalepsy. With this my arm had an absence of feeling, as though it was a dead weight. When I concluded my sessions, I would feel highly alert, energized, and ready to tackle my administrative tasks.
Although u/mrjast said it would take some time before you would see progress towards your goals, I had immediate success. This may have been due to the fact that I was able to achieve the hypnotic phenomenon of catalepsy right from the first session, and thus achieve a deep level of hypnosis. What did this feel like? The best way to describe it would be to say, it was like I would “forget” the mental block I had earlier. I simply went about the filing tasks which I needed to get done. If I encountered some obstacle, I would come up with a solution with almost no hesitation, just like my suggestion.
When you go to a professional hypnotist for an issue, they will generally see you for a total of 4—6 sessions. They will also teach you self-hypnosis and have you perform “homework” between each session. I continued my self-hypnosis sessions for 30 straight days. At some point my success in achieving my goal may have transitioned from being due to hypnosis to being due to having established a habit. At this point, I don’t care. All I know is that I eliminated the mental block and was able to achieve a specific, important goal. Furthermore, I now have a very powerful tool in my toolbox which I can use for other issues as they arise.

Addendum #1 – u/mrjast comments
Comment # 1
I get where you're coming from, I really do. It was the same for me, quite a few years ago. It all sounded so fantastical but left me wondering, how do I get that?
From your comment it seems to me like you're trying to do stuff on your own, for yourself, so that's what my response will be about. Correct me if I'm wrong.
First off, forget about scripts. Scripts are a terrible clutch for hypnotists who don't learn how to do it properly. For working with yourself, they're equally useless. The very best way to make hypnosis work is to find someone who is good at it (that narrows it down quite a bit unfortunately), and work with them. It's faster and more effective than anything else you can do. Unfortunately. Why? Because hypnosis is at its most powerful when the hypnotist is observing someone and picking up all of the unconscious stuff going on, and homing in on that. You can't do that on yourself.
But it's not the only option. There are scripts and recordings and all that jazz, but honestly the only thing they're good for is inspiration. What works is nudging your mind in the direction you want, over extended periods of time (to compensate for not having someone there to help you do it quickly).
Forget about "deep trance", forget about "the perfect suggestion", forget about super fancy induction X or self-hypnosis technique Y. The big secret is that everything works, as soon as you "let it". That's super unsatisfying to read, isn't it? Yeah, that was my reaction too.
Self-hypnosis is hard for you because you want to feel it happening, right? Some sort of magical state in which you feel spaced out or whatever because then surely you're there.
This is right but also completely wrong. Yes, it is a different state. No, it's not magical. It feels very normal, which is why you'd never notice it on your own. It takes time to learn to recognize it... before you get there, it will feel like absolutely nothing interesting is happening. You need to realize that this is not negotiable, and that you have to be prepared to do something self-hypnosis-y for a few minutes every day (more is not better) for at least a month, maybe longer (maybe shorter, but don't count on it), with absolutely zero noticeable effects, before you start getting that. And it will be fairly subtle. That is the normal way to learn to do it.
Once you're there, you might start finding that there are ways you can get it to become slightly less subtle, but there's no shortcut to get there on your own.
People talk about mental relaxation and stuff like that, but that's a red herring. There is no such thing as "mental relaxation" as a fixed state... but there is a difference between thinking hard and daydreaming (in the most general sense), right? Both are very normal experiences. Which of the two is more trance-y? You can probably guess. The way to get there is to do... very little, actually.
If you tend to overthink it, here's something very simple. Just start scanning your body for some slightly unusual sensation. Maybe one hand feels slightly heavier or lighter than the other. Maybe there's a little bit of tingling somewhere, or something a little cooler or warmer. There are plenty of options. Once you've found something, just keep "watching" it for a minute or two (or up to ~10 minutes if it doesn't feel difficult) and see how it evolves. Does it grow/shrink? Get strongeweaker? Move around? Etc. That's all! (If it fades away completely, start looking for something new.)
Want to add something on top? While you do this, tell yourself (in your mind): I wonder what I can learn from this to master self-hypnosis. And don't actually try to answer it! Just throw that out into your mind a every now and then, without looking for anything in particular. Keep watching the sensation(s) in your body instead. Then just go back to what you normally do during the day.
Congrats, you are now doing self-hypnosis (with a -gasp- suggestion in it!), though at this point you won't notice it doing anything. Keep doing that little "session" anyway, every day for a month, totally prepared to get absolutely nothing tangible from it. Then come back and we can talk about it.
Comment # 2
It honestly doesn't matter. You can do something ultra simple like the Betty Erickson method, but basically anything will work as long as you do it regularly (once or twice per day), don't spend too much time on it (no more than ten minutes per day I'd say), and don't spend a lot of time second-guessing it.
Basically you have to get used to the process, and at first it will most likely do absolutely nothing but you still have to keep at it. Something that happens a lot is that at some point you notice afterwards that you felt a little unusual, and that will be the first (and very subtle) sign that things are starting to happen. And by the way, don't expect trance to feel magical or otherwise extremely "out there"... it's a really natural state and will not be particularly unfamiliar when you do start experiencing it.
Here's the process I use: I start scanning my body (usually starting in my right hand, but it doesn't matter) for a slightly unusual sensation, maybe a bit of tingling or slight heaviness, a somewhat cooler or warmer sensation, stuff like that. When I find one, I start observing it and wondering if my mind can make it a little more intense, or make it spread or move a little. When it does, I know that there is a bit of a "communication channel" going. Then I'll think about what I want to achieve (don't overcomplicate this bit, fancy language doesn't make things any better), repeat a bunch of times (in no particular hurry), then just let my mind drift for a few minutes. Then I go back to other stuff. Done. Simple!
This will usually not create any instant amazing change, but keep at it and it will start sneaking in changes. Repetition is key! So, use the same goal every time, for at least a month, or until you change your mind so much that you no longer want that goal at all. Don't switch goals just because you can't make up your mind which one is more important, that way you'll never get anywhere – I'll guarantee you that you'll be tempted to switch again very soon, and so forth. Better to keep going for at least that month and then move on to the next thing. Overall this will waste a lot less time than jumping back and forth.
If you have any more questions, let me know!
Comment # 3
I have an answer but I'm not sure you're going to like it. :)
Hypnosis is just a bag of techniques and some basic concepts about how the mind works. People get super excited about depth of trance and clever language and different inductions and all that stuff, and there's definitely the lure of that, right? Finding that one perfect technique that's going to give you exactly what you want?
But there's no such thing. What is the perfect power tool to perform heart surgery? There isn't one. You need to be a great surgeon, no tool you have or don't have is going to change that. And, unfortunately, you can't do heart surgery on yourself.
Fortunately the analogy breaks down a little, because there are things you can do with self-hypnosis, but getting the sort of sudden magic breakthrough that you see in hypnosis demos? That's ultra rare when you do stuff on your own.
Self-hypnosis is something you can use to nudge your mind in a particular direction. There is no fancy technique you need, any technique will do, e.g. the extremely straightforward Betty Erickson technique (look it up, it's so simple most people wouldn't even recognize that it does anything). Do it for 5-10 minutes per day for a month or so, and it's going to do something, almost certainly.
Back to the bad news: usually when you're stuck, you don't have a good sense of which direction is going to work out for you. For example, I recall from a similar community that one guy asked for help because he thought he was stuck in his head a little, so he did self-hypnosis and told himself that his mind was "off himself"... and unfortunately it worked. Now he couldn't really think about himself anymore at all! Too much of a seemingly good thing, right? And I can imagine the same thing going on if you were too heavy-handed with suggestions to yourself, e.g. your mind just constantly bombarding you with ideas...
For this reason, if you want to try something, I recommend the most basic and boring thing you could possibly do: use a very simple self-hypnosis technique and tell yourself only something like this, though the exact words don't matter, all that matters is that it's simple and open-ended: I want my mind to discover lots of new ways to give me great ideas and solutions just when I need them. (This is an example based on what you said you wanted, but it could just as well be about finding new ways to focus easily when you need to, etc.)
Then you just keep at it for a month, just that one thing and just a few minutes per day, no matter what happens (unless you realize that the thing you thought you wanted you actually don't want at all, in which case you come up with something new and start over). Likely you won't notice any changes for most of that time, and maybe not even when the month is up... remember, this is about kicking off change in the background, and having the patience to let it cook until it's ready to come out and start doing stuff. Now, someone who understands hypnosis very well and is good at therapy and related concepts might help you get there a lot faster, but slow is better than not at all, right?
If you think of yourself as having an "unconscious mind", you need to realize that it has all of that massively parallel processing capability and access to all of the resources inside you that you may not even be aware of, and you want to give it as much space as possible to let it do the things you want. Always assume that your understanding of your "problem" is flawed. The less of a direction you force your unconscious mind into, the better. It also helps stop you from expecting one very specific way of getting the result you want, when in reality your mind might be able to come up with even better ways that you can't even think of yet.
If you think this sounds too simple, please feel free to focus on chasing flashy techniques instead. You can always come back to this when you've looked into hundreds of them and still none of them did anything for you.
End of the u/mrjast comments
Addendum # 2
Full Text of My Self-Hypnosis Script
(Note # 1: During an actual session, I will repeat certain phrases from this script over and over, though I am not depicting that in the text here.)
(Note # 2: all names in this are fictitious in order to protect my privacy.)
As I begin today’s successful journey into hypnosis, I am walking down Smith Avenue toward my favorite destination in the whole world, Greenwich Park. I am walking, walking, walking, and now I am crossing Jones Avenue and entering the park. The whole vista of the park opens in front of me. It is a beautiful winter day; so bright and beautiful. The air is clear and crisp and invigorating, with a strong wind, though I am not cold since I am dressed for the conditions.
The sky is a deep blue and is filled with puffy white clouds with light gray layers underneath. I laugh when I see the sky and clouds poking out from behind the intertwined branches of the evergreens at the far end of the park, for it looks like a giant, blue, ice cream cone.
All of the colors are so deep, so vivid, in the crisp, clear winter air. I see the deep red, white, and blue of the large American flag waving in the wind. I hear the metallic clunk, clunk, clunk, of the halyard beating against the flagpole.
I see large patches of green grass in the infield, even though it is February. I see the evergreens at the far edge of the park. I see the dark brown, gray, and black of the deciduous trees in winter.
I am pushing hard as I climb the slight rise at the far end.
I smile as I see other walkers, joggers, and people walking their dogs. I chuckle to myself as I notice how the dogs always look like their owners, or, should I say, how the owners always look like their dogs.
As I complete the bend and start down the backstretch, I am walking steadily towards my goal, my destination. I am walking with a good pace, fluid motion.
Now, I am feeling some numbness begin in my left arm. I wonder if my mind can intensify this numbness, as it has so successfully done in prior sessions? This feeling of no feeling. Yes, that’s right.
I notice how the numbness starts as a tingle in my index finger and spreads down my arm to my elbow, and back again. The feeling of no feeling. My arm is becoming like a brick, like a dead log, like a baseball bat.
If someone were to pick up my arm and drop it right now, it would fall with a thud against the armrest.
For I am a filing professional, a filing master, a filing craftsman. Years of training and experience have helped me develop an effective filing system. Every paper has its place, and every paper is in its place.
When a paper comes into my possession, I file it immediately, so I can retrieve it effortlessly.
My filing activities don’t depend on heroic actions, but rather effective systems, for I remember James Clear’s lession, that we don’t rise to the level of our goals, but rather sink to the level of our systems.
And I remember that the perfect is the enemy of the good; I don’t have to be perfect, but rather, just good enough. If some aspect of my filing system doesn’t work quite right, I can easily adapt and make an adjustment.
My filing activities are like a swift-flowing stream, moving swiftly and steadily towards its destination. If I encounter an obstacle, I flow around it effortlessly.
My office is clean and clutter-free, with no loose papers. Any time I need to retrieve a paper, I know exactly where it is.
I feel a deep sense of accomplishment with my filing activities—a deep sense of professional satisfaction.
And, now, and I prepare to return from hypnosis, I will count down from 3 to 1.
Three—I am opening my eyes and beginning to awake.
Two—the feeling is returning to my left arm and I am able to move my arm and my fingers normally.
One—fully awake, now, and feeling refreshed—invigorated, and ready to tackle my day’s activities.
submitted by QubitBob to hypnosis [link] [comments]