Play the hacked version of bloons super monkey

Bloons Super Monkey 2 Mobile

2016.11.03 21:22 Bloons Super Monkey 2 Mobile

The unofficial subreddit to talk about Bloons Super Monkey 2!

2016.06.30 20:23 Nanoshiima Just your Oddinary Heroes

SuperStar JYPNation is a rhythm game, made by Dalcomsoft, featuring artists from JYP Entertainment. It is also a sister game to the other SuperStar series games: SMTown, BTS (RIP), Pledis (RIP), Starship, Woollim, Iz*One (RIP), GFriend (RIP), YG, FNC, The SuperStar, KANGDANIEL, PNATION, ATEEZ, Brand New, THE BOYZ, CLASS:y, OHMYGIRL, LOONA, & STAYC. The game was released on July 1, 2016.

2015.04.11 11:11 Clackpot StupidFood : Food. Point. Laugh.

A place to lambast idiotic methods of serving food, or any other epicurean inanity worthy of ridicule.

2024.05.20 07:00 Featherman13 Does Ash need a buff?

I actually play ash a good bit, and he's absolutely not a bad brawler by any means, his counters are just wayyy too strong atm. My only real issue with Ash is his super, and before you guys go crazy on me saying "it's for charging his rage! It's perfect for charging his rage!" Eh. It's underwhelming AF, and that's coming from an avid ash player. Sure it charges his rage, and there's a good play where you pop your healing gadget, surround someone with the rats, and you get your rage charged right back up, but that is LITERALLY the only use for his super. Charging rage is not as difficult with ash as it used to be, which means his super has gotten much less useful (it wasn't all that useful before either). Sure, occasionally you can use it to tank some shots from a Charlie or a piper while you approach, but most gadgets on other brawlers can do that better, Tara's pets and charlie's spiders specifically. Is his super really just a worse version of their gadget? With the added bonus of charging his rage (even tho you can do that easily without it, use the other gadget or use his first bash SP, both are surprisingly viable). Idk I just think they could do something to help his super, maybe the rats slow enemies for a second on contact? Honestly that's my only idea but I'm sure there are way better reworks for Ash, he's a very unique brawler but pretty boring at the same time.
So I'm kinda asking if you guys think he deserves a buff, and if so what would you guys do to his super? Also PLEASE don't just zay "he needs a HC" I know he needs an HC, every brawler needs an HC, personally I just want his super to get a change, it's probably the most useless super in the game (IMO). But if you guys really think he just needs an HC, give your idea for an HC, I haven't seen any fun Ash HC concepts so that would be pretty cool.
submitted by Featherman13 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:57 TheMetalGodX Can Anyone For the Love Of Piper Help Me? LOL

Okay I have been playing for the last few weeks since the NG update came out and surprisingly at first the game was running smooth with mods. Ever since F4SE and related mods have been updating I have literally had the game crash on me every 5 to 10 minutes. I have scoured the internet and tried every fix I could find to no avail. Buffout 4 hasnt been updated for NG yet so I am not getting crash reports.
Here's my PC Specs:
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X at 5.6Ghz
64GB Ram at 3600Mhz
Nvidia RTX 4080
Samsung 970 Evo M.2 SSD
I shouldn't have hardware issues with this game.

Here is my load order straight from LOOT, if I am missing a compatibility issue somewhere please let me know. I have spent 2 days making sure these are working with the NG Update. Thank you!
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 DLCUltraHighResolution.esm
254 FE 0 ccbgsfo4018-gaussrifleprototype.esl
254 FE 1 ccbgsfo4019-chinesestealtharmor.esl
254 FE 2 ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl
254 FE 3 ccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.esl
254 FE 4 ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl
254 FE 5 cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl
254 FE 6 ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl
254 FE 7 ccgcafo4011-factionws11vt.esl
254 FE 8 ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl
254 FE 9 ccgcafo4022-factionas11vt.esl
254 FE a ccawnfo4001-brandedattire.esl
8 8 ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm
254 FE b ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl
254 FE c ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl
254 FE d ccbgsfo4076-pipmystery.esl
254 FE e ccgrcfo4002-pipgreenvim.esl
254 FE f ccsbjfo4001-solarflare.esl
9 9 cczsef04001-bhouse.esm
254 FE 10 ccqdrfo4001_powerarmorai.esl
254 FE 11 ccBGSFO4115-X02.esl
254 FE 12 ccrzrfo4002-disintegrate.esl
254 FE 13 ccBGSFO4116-HeavyFlamer.esl
254 FE 14 ccBGSFO4110-WS_Enclave.esl
254 FE 15 ccBGSFO4096-AS_Enclave.esl
10 a cczsefo4002-smanor.esm
254 FE 16 ccacxfo4001-vsuit.esl
254 FE 17 ccFSVFO4007-Halloween.esl
254 FE 18 ccsbjfo4002_manwellrifle.esl
11 b cctosfo4002_neonflats.esm
254 FE 19 ccbgsfo4117-capmerc.esl
254 FE 1a ccBGSFO4046-TesCan.esl
254 FE 1b ccSBJFO4003-Grenade.esl
254 FE 1c ccOTMFO4001-Remnants.esl
12 c Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
13 d ArmorKeywords.esm
14 e HUDFramework.esm
15 f WorkshopFramework.esm
254 FE 1d BakaFramework.esm
254 FE 1e PPF.esm
254 FE 1f Community Fixes Merged.esp
254 FE 20 TMR_GlitchfinderAIO.esm
16 10 SS2.esm
17 11 SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm
18 12 SS2_XPAC_Chapter3.esm
19 13 DiamondCity-OverridePatch.esp
20 14 AmericaRising2.esm
254 FE 21 REFramework.esm
21 15 SettlementKeywords.esm
22 16 YouAndWhatArmy2.esm
254 FE 22 RunningWithHandsAnim.esl
23 17 Homemaker.esm
254 FE 23 SS2WorkshopHUDOverride.esl
24 18 Robot Home Defence.esm
25 19 Darlene.esm
254 FE 24 StandaloneWorkbenches.esl
254 FE 25 Rebuild_SharedResources.esm
254 FE 26 DiamondCityAmbience.esl
254 FE 27 IDEKsLogisticsStation2.esl
254 FE 28 Leah's Daisy Chains.esl
254 FE 29 PPF-HeavyFlamer-CR.esm
254 FE 2a PPF-NeonFlats-CR.esm
27 1b Settlement Electricity Overhaul.esm
254 FE 2b WG City Plans Pack ESL.esl
254 FE 2c sanctuaryWG.esl
254 FE 2d Fortress Sanctuary - Copy.esl
254 FE 2e Bunker Hill Mega City.esl
254 FE 2f SetMaxSettlers.esl
254 FE 30 SimpleProstitutes.esl
254 FE 31 Vee_SS2_Chapter2_SettlersEssentialPatch.esl
254 FE 32 Vee_SS2_SettlersEssentialPatch.esl
254 FE 33 MM-Castle-HQ-By-Tarkkh-V2.6.esl
254 FE 34 Castle Minutemen HQ level 2 layout.esl
254 FE 35 Castle Minutemen HQ level 3 layout.esl
254 FE 36 VUVC-CityPlan.esl
254 FE 37 GavMan_Vault88_CityPlan.esl
254 FE 38 GavMan_Vault88_Layouts.esl
254 FE 39 CanarySaveFileMonitor.esl
254 FE 3a HiPolyFacesCompanionPlugin.esl
254 FE 3b Dank_ArmorPaintExtended.esl
28 1c UneducatedReload.esm
29 1d Games.esm
30 1e BarstoolGames.esm
254 FE 3c EssentialNPCsExpanded.esl
31 1f OVT.esp
254 FE 3d Enhanced Vanilla Armor and Clothing.esp
254 FE 3e Fixed Gobo Effects.esp
254 FE 3f DiamondCityBillboards.esp
254 FE 40 FO4ParticlePatch.esp
32 20 ImmersiveGenericDialogues.esp
33 21 Armorsmith Extended.esp
34 22 Rebuild_Settlements.esp
35 23 CombinedArmsNV.esp
36 24 CombinedArmsEXPack.esp
37 25 Armament.esp
254 FE 42 CombinedArmsIntegrationProject - Armament.esp
38 26 ImmersiveCleaning.esp
39 27 3DNPC_FO4.esp
254 FE 43 3DNPC_FO4-Patch.esp
40 28 CleanMySettlement.esp
41 29 BTInteriors_Project.esp
254 FE 44 RebuildBTI Necessary Changes.esp
42 2a SimHomestead2.esp
254 FE 45 OCsUniversityPoint.esp
43 2b Unique NPCs.esp
254 FE 46 DiverseSettlers.esp
254 FE 47 DIverseSettlersImmersionQoL.esp
44 2c DCGuard_Overhaul.esp
45 2d WeightlessMods.esp
46 2e WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp
47 2f AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
254 FE 48 MiscAnimTweaks.esp
48 30 RAW INPUT.esp
49 31 JumpFallPoseFix.esp
50 32 GrenadeCombatFixes.esp
254 FE 49 Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage.esp
254 FE 4a WhoIsTheGeneral.esp
254 FE 4b Keep Radiants In Commonwealth.esp
51 33 AttachPack.esp
254 FE 4c Attach Pack Modcol.esp
254 FE 4d OCsAtomCatsGarage.esp
52 34 DEEPriverV1.6.esp
53 35 BTInt_Optimization.esp
254 FE 4e LOST Sim Settlements 2 Patch.esp
54 36 SS2Extended.esp
254 FE 4f OCsSunkenGarage.esp
254 FE 50 Rebuild_Covenant.esp
254 FE 51 3DNPC-eXoPatch.esp
254 FE 52 LOST Bleachers 2 Patch.esp
55 37 the library.esp
254 FE 53 Rebuild_Settlements_Previs.esp
254 FE 54 OCsFiddlersGreen.esp
254 FE 55 Dank_ArmorOverrides.esp
56 38 SuperMutantRedux.esp
254 FE 56 LOST Super Mutant Redux Patch.esp
57 39 WeightlessAid_BetterItemSorting.esp
58 3a Crafting Mastery.esp
59 3b DCVendorOverhaulAIO.esp
60 3c The House.esp
254 FE 57 The House - eXoPatch.esp
61 3d OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
254 FE 58 the library - eXoPatch.esp
62 3e AnimatedCandles.esp
63 3f Depravity.esp
64 40 Vault4.esp
65 41 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
254 FE 59 DiamondCityExpansion-eXoPatch.esp
254 FE 5a Vault4-eXoPatch.esp
66 42 DiamondNewVendors.esp
67 43 TrainBar.esp
68 44 Sanctuary Pre-Walled.esp
69 45 AA FusionCityRising.esp
70 46 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp
254 FE 5b fakeInt.esp
254 FE 5c OCsDartmouthSkyscraper.esp
71 47 BTInt_Menus.esp
72 48 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
73 49 DCVendorClutter.esp
74 4a f4killingthebugs2.esp
254 FE 5d Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCCoast.esp
75 4b KOTOR.esp
254 FE 5e CombinedArms_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
76 4c CheatTerminal.esp
77 4d InstituteSettlements2.esp
78 4e TU3SD4Y'S Commonwealth Responders.esp
254 FE 5f 3DNPC_FO4[Previsibines].esp
79 4f BetterSettlers.esp
254 FE 60 BG_UnderArmor_Fix.esp
80 50 W.A.T.Minutemen.esp
81 51 MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
82 52 Settlement_Markers.esp
83 53 MinutemenPropaganda.esp
254 FE 61 SS2_RobotMod.esp
84 54 Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
85 55 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp
86 56 SS2_FDK_TinyLiving.esp
87 57 AA 50 Ways To Die.esp
88 58 Crafting Mastery - Armor Keywords Patch.esp
254 FE 62 CutContentNPCsAiO.esp
254 FE 63 Nova Uniques Combined Arms.esp
254 FE 64 Dank_ECO.esp
254 FE 65 Diamond City Supplements.esp
254 FE 66 GoodneighborView.esp
89 59 0_Vault120.esp
254 FE 67 Dank_WOP-CombinedArms.esp
90 5a ProjectValkyrie.esp
91 5b Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
92 5c BosskCompanion.esp
254 FE 68 FiddlersGreenTftCPatch.esp
93 5d CloneTrooperCompanion_1.esp
254 FE 69 PRP-SS2-Fixes-Ch2.esp
94 5e CloneArmoryWeapons2.0.esp
95 5f SS2-Jampads2.esp
96 60 WattzLaserGun.esp
254 FE 6a Rebuild_Covenant_Previs.esp
97 61 llamaCompanionHeatherv2.esp
254 FE 6b FiddlersGreenTarberrySwap.esp
98 62 SS2WastelandVenturers.esp
99 63 [SS2 Addon] SimSettlements SuperStructures.esp
254 FE 6c TerrainUndersides.esp
100 64 FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
101 65 Cho1_SS2_Encv_Plots.esp
254 FE 6d ss2c23dnpcpatch.esp
102 66 RU556.esp
254 FE 6e OCsDartmouthSkyscraperExperimental.esp
103 67 RosieAtSomervilleAiO.esp
254 FE 6f PRP-SS2-Fixes-Ch1.esp
104 68 SigMCX.esp
254 FE 70 PuddleReflectionFix.esp
105 69 Less Annoying Berry Mentats.esp
254 FE 71 Dogmeat Follow Behind.esp
106 6a EasyHacking.esp
107 6b OutlineWorkshopShader.esp
254 FE 72 M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp
108 6c LooksMenu.esp
109 6d Complex Vendors.esp
110 6e BlockingOverhaul.esp
254 FE 73 Chemfluence AI Combat Dynamics.esp
111 6f DLC Timing.esp
254 FE 74 DLC Timing - UFO4P Patch.esp
254 FE 75 WTG - KRIC Patch.esp
112 70 dcc-molotov-nerf.esp
254 FE 76 LegendariesTheyCanUse.esp
254 FE 77 No Sneaking in Power Armor.esp
113 71 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
114 72 WeightlessJunk.esp
254 FE 78 LOST WATM Patch.esp
115 73 WeightlessSpecialAmmo.esp
116 74 CarryWeight99999.esp
254 FE 79 Legendary Mutation Messages Fix.esp
254 FE 7a Gloomy Glass.esp
254 FE 7b VividFallout - AiO - BestChoice.esp
254 FE 7c Targeted Textures.esp
254 FE 7d WAVE.esp
117 75 ScopeOverlayDOF.esp
118 76 RemoveBlur.esp
119 77 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
254 FE 7e Robot_Textures_Redone.esp
120 78 ValiusHDTextures2K.esp
121 79 Synth Overhaul.esp
122 7a Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp
123 7b Synth Overhaul - Black Patch.esp
124 7c TrueGrass.esp
125 7d SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp
126 7e SettlementMenuManager.esp
127 7f Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp
128 80 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
254 FE 7f SS2_DLCSettlerPatch.esp
254 FE 80 SS2Extended_OutfitInjectionPatch.esp
129 81 SS2_CityPlanPack_RiseOfTheCommonwealth.esp
130 82 Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
131 83 Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
132 84 Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
133 85 Robot Home Defence - Settlement Keywords.esp
134 86 nimroutroguesyntharmorstandalone.esp
135 87 SGOWastelandExpansion.esp
136 88 Brick_By_Brick_Master.esp
137 89 AtomicRadio.esp
138 8a FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
139 8b BetterCompanions.esp
140 8c DarleneDLC.esp
254 FE 81 LiveLove - Heather_Valkyrie.esp
141 8d ImmersiveVendors.esp
142 8e KSHairdos.esp
143 8f LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
144 90 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
145 91 Unique NPCs FarHarbor.esp
146 92 WorkshopTurretsDontHarmPlayerPerk.esp
254 FE 82 DiverseSettlersFarHarbor.esp
147 93 BetterSettlersMostlyFemale.esp
148 94 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
149 95 Unique NPCs_SpecialSettlers_All.esp
150 96 HiPolyFaces.esp
151 97 CBBE.esp
152 98 Extended weapon mods.esp
153 99 CROSS_Cybernetics.esp
254 FE 83 LOST Cybernetics Patch.esp
154 9a CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp
155 9b LightsaberMod.esp
254 FE 84 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
156 9c Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp
157 9d Craftable Armor Size.esp
158 9e ChineseStealthSuit.esp
159 9f Tactical Flashlights.esp
160 a0 Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp
254 FE 85 LOST Unique NPCs Patch.esp
161 a1 Unique_NPCs_SuperMutantRedux.esp
162 a2 Tactical Flashlights Armorsmith Patch.esp
163 a3 Eli_ArmourCollection.esp
164 a4 RichMerchants.esp
165 a5 LooksMirror.esp
166 a6 Crafting Mastery - CC Chinese Stealth Armor Patch.esp
254 FE 86 Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCNukaWorld.esp
167 a7 Crafting Mastery - AE Patch.esp
254 FE 87 SS2_XDI Patch.esp
254 FE 88 Attach Pack Mod Description Fixes.esp
254 FE 89 SprintOutOfCombat.esp
168 a8 DynamicOutfitting_CBBE.esp
169 a9 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
254 FE 8a aBitPrettierNWRaiders.esp
170 aa [LOUDER] PowerArmorVoiceChanger.esp
254 FE 8b DiverseMinutemen.esp
254 FE 8c WeAreTheDiverseMinutemen.esp
254 FE 8d DiverseBoS.esp
254 FE 8e DiverseDCSecurity.esp
254 FE 8f Face Fixes - All in One.esp
254 FE 90 Dank_ECO-INNR.esp
254 FE 91 Dank_ECO_DLCCoast.esp
254 FE 92 Dank_ECO_DLCNukaWorld.esp
254 FE 93 Dank_ECO_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE 94 Eli_Armour_Compendium_LIF.esp
254 FE 95 Combat AI Empowered - Tweaked Accuracy.esp
171 ab VATSFreezeFixNextGen.esp
172 ac Vault88AreaExtension.esp
173 ad Wu9DoubleGeneratorPower.esp
254 FE 96 SS2_Addon_Favelabulous.esp
174 ae SS2_Addon_R2R.esp
175 af SS2_ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp
176 b0 SS2_STRA_Buildings_and_Skins.esp
177 b1 SS2_STRA_Support_Buildings.esp
178 b2 SS2ConveyorStorage.esp
179 b3 PiperOverhaul2F1E.esp
254 FE 97 SS2_MagnussonTerminalFix.esp
180 b4 BlasTech E-11.esp
254 FE 98 Lightsaber_NoLL.esp
181 b5 CW Stormtrooper.esp
182 b6 BosskBountyHunter.esp
254 FE 99 OCsAtomCatsGarageGenericAtomCats.esp
183 b7 ProjectSynth.esp
184 b8 AE Animated Jetpacks.esp
185 b9 FO4LaserBolts.esp
186 ba CloneArmory4.0.esp
187 bb CloneTrooperCompanionArmoryPatch.esp
188 bc Thematic and Practical.esp
189 bd Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp
190 be JunkTownTwo.esp
191 bf GarageHomesAndSensibleSecurity.esp
192 c0 BMW_ALA.esp
193 c1 SKKGlobalStashScrapping.esp
254 FE 9a CompanionStatus-Settings.esp
194 c2 CompanionStatus.esp
195 c3 DCE_female_body_replacer.esp
254 FE 9b DCENS.esp
254 FE 9c CBBEHR.esp
254 FE 9d CBBEHR_3DNPC.esp
254 FE 9e CBBEHR_SS2.esp
254 FE 9f CBBEHR_SS2Ch2.esp
254 FE a0 SS2-3DNPC-Settlers.esp
196 c4 SKKCompanionWeaponLL.esp
197 c5 SS2-PraRandomAddon.esp
198 c6 X12Plasmacaster.esp
254 FE a1 SigMCX_LvlListPatch.esp
254 FE a2 SigMCX_MaterialPack.esp
254 FE a3 OCsSunkenGarageGhoulSettlers.esp
254 FE a4 No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp
254 FE a5 IDEKsLogisticsStation2_SS2_Patch.esp
199 c7 SS-ILS2 patch.esp
200 c8 DX_Predator.esp
254 FE a6 LOST 50 Ways to Die Patch.esp
254 FE a7 LOST Beantown Interiors Patch.esp
254 FE a8 LOST Better Companions Patch.esp
254 FE a9 LOST Bleachers Patch.esp
254 FE aa LOST Cheat Terminal Patch.esp
254 FE ab LOST Chinese Sealth Patch.esp
254 FE ac LOST Companion Status Patch.esp
254 FE ad LOST Complex Vendors Patch.esp
254 FE ae LOST Courser Strigidae Patch.esp
254 FE af LOST Darlene Patch.esp
254 FE b0 LOST Depravity Patch.esp
254 FE b1 LOST Diamond City Expansion Patch.esp
254 FE b2 Eli_Armour_Compendium_Tweaks_ECO.esp
254 FE b3 LOST Eli Compendium Patch.esp
254 FE b4 LOST Fourville Patch.esp
254 FE b5 LOST Fusion City Rising Patch.esp
254 FE b6 LOST Global Stash Patch.esp
254 FE b7 LOST Heather Patch.esp
254 FE b8 LOST Homemaker Patch.esp
254 FE b9 LOST Militarized BLUE Patch.esp
254 FE ba LOST NPC Travel Patch.esp
254 FE bb LOST Outcasts and Remnants Patch.esp
254 FE bc LOST Project Valkyrie Patch.esp
254 FE bd LOST RU556 Patch.esp
254 FE be LOST Settlement Menu Manager Patch.esp
254 FE bf LOST Settlers of the Commonwealth Patch.esp
254 FE c0 LOST SS2 Chapter 2 Patch.esp
254 FE c1 LOST SS2 Extended Patch.esp
254 FE c2 LOST Synth Overhaul Patch.esp
254 FE c3 LOST Tactical Flashlights Patch.esp
254 FE c4 LOST Tales Commonwealth Patch.esp
LOST Visible Companion Affinity Patch.esp
254 FE c5 LOST Wattz Laser Patch.esp
254 FE c6 LOST Workshop Framework Patch.esp
254 FE c7 LOST CC Anti-Materiel Rifle Patch.esp
254 FE c8 LOST CC Capital Wasteland Patch.esp
254 FE c9 LOST CC Capt Cosmos Patch.esp
254 FE ca LOST CC Charlestown Condo Patch.esp
254 FE cb LOST CC Chinese Armor Patch.esp
254 FE cc LOST CC Gauss Prototype Patch.esp
254 FE cd LOST CC Graphic T-Shirt Pack Patch.esp
254 FE ce LOST CC Heavy Incinerator Patch.esp
254 FE cf LOST CC Hellfire Patch.esp
254 FE d0 LOST CC Home Decor Patch.esp
254 FE d1 LOST CC Manwell Rifle Patch.esp
254 FE d2 LOST CC Military Backpack Patch.esp
254 FE d3 LOST CC Modern Furniture Patch.esp
254 FE d4 LOST CC Neon Flats Patch.esp
254 FE d5 LOST CC Sentinel System Patch.esp
254 FE d6 LOST CC Shroud Manor Patch.esp
254 FE d7 LOST CC Solar Cannon Patch.esp
254 FE d8 LOST CC Tesla Cannon Patch.esp
254 FE d9 LOST CC Vault Suit Patch.esp
254 FE da LOST CC X-02 Patch.esp
254 FE db LOST CC Zetan Arsenal Patch.esp
254 FE dc CombinedArmsEX_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
254 FE dd Deliverer_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
254 FE de DLCCoast_RadiumRifle_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
FG-42 Ausf.E ParaTroop Rifle_No TR_CALIBER_COMPLEX_PATCH.esp
254 FE e0 Combined Arms EX_LLI.esp
254 FE e1 Combined Arms_LLI.esp
254 FE e2 Star Wars - The Lightsaber_LLI.esp
201 c9 DT_GunnerOutfitPack.esp
254 FE e3 Gunner Outfit Replacer.esp
254 FE e4 Rebuild_Workshop.esp
202 ca MyCityPlans(4).esp
203 cb Passthrough.esp
204 cc ConnectedWorkshops.esp
254 FE e5 Invisible and Longer Power Lines.esp
205 cd DEEPriver NoRads.esp
206 ce SimSettlements2_AddOnPack_ApocalypticAdditions_SirLach.esp
207 cf SS2_SIMPDDDD.esp
208 d0 ohSIM_Sim2_Settlements_Scrappers_Addon.esp
254 FE e6 SS2Addon_MS_BareEssentials.esp
254 FE e7 SS2AOP_VaultTecTools.esp
209 d1 SS2_WastelandDefense.esp
210 d2 AutoDoors.esp
254 FE e8 Rebuild_SharedResources_AutoDoors.esp
211 d3 Faction Pack Template.esp
254 FE e9 ProjectValkyrie-SS2-Patch.esp
212 d4 RandomSettlers.esp
254 FE ea RandomSettlers - LevelUp.esp
213 d5 SS2UI.esp
254 FE eb WastelandResources.esp
254 FE ec Raze My Settlement.esp
254 FE ed Armament - Caliber Complex Patch.esp
254 FE ee Armament-ECO_PatchUpdate.esp
214 d6 KSHairsFemsheppingRadbeetle.esp
215 d7 KSHairdos_oel.esp
216 d8 Lots More Facial Hair.esp
254 FE ef LKsAbbot.esp
254 FE f0 LKsAllanLee.esp
254 FE f1 LKsAnnCodman.esp
254 FE f2 LKsAnneHargraves.esp
254 FE f3 LKsArturoRodrigues.esp
254 FE f4 LKsBeckyFallon.esp
254 FE f5 LKsBlakeAbernathy.esp
254 FE f6 LKsCarla.esp
254 FE f7 LKsCathy.esp
254 FE f8 LKsClairHutchins.esp
254 FE f9 LKsConnieAbernathy.esp
254 FE fa LKsDarcyPembroke.esp
254 FE fb LKsDeacon.esp
254 FE fc LKsDeb.esp
254 FE fd LKsDesdemona.esp
254 FE fe LKsDoctorCarrington.esp
254 FE ff LKsDoctorDuff.esp
254 FE 100 LKsDoctorSun.esp
254 FE 101 LKsElliePerkins.esp
254 FE 102 LKsFahrenheit.esp
254 FE 103 LKsFather.esp
254 FE 104 LKsFredAllen.esp
254 FE 105 LKsGeneva.esp
254 FE 106 LKsGeorgeCooper.esp
254 FE 107 LKsGlory.esp
254 FE 108 LKsHarvey.esp
254 FE 109 LKsHenryCooke.esp
254 FE 10a LKsJoeSavoldi.esp
254 FE 10b LKsJohn.esp
254 FE 10c LKsJunLong.esp
254 FE 10d LKsKasumiNakano.esp
254 FE 10e LKsKay.esp
254 FE 10f LKsKellogg.esp
254 FE 110 LKsKenjiNakano.esp
254 FE 111 LKsKessler.esp
254 FE 112 LKsLucyAbernathy.esp
254 FE 113 LKsMamaMurphy.esp
254 FE 114 LKsMarcyLong.esp
254 FE 115 LKsMariner.esp
254 FE 116 LKsMarovski.esp
254 FE 117 LKsMaxson.esp
254 FE 118 LKsMayorMcDonough.esp
254 FE 119 LKsMoeCronin.esp
254 FE 11a LKsMyrna.esp
254 FE 11b LKsOldLongfellow.esp
254 FE 11c LKsPaladinDanse.esp
254 FE 11d LKsPastorClemens.esp
254 FE 11e LKsPaulPembroke.esp
254 FE 11f LKsPickman.esp
254 FE 120 LKsPolly.esp
254 FE 121 LKsPorterCage.esp
254 FE 122 LKsPrestonGarvey.esp
254 FE 123 LKsProfessorScara.esp
254 FE 124 LKsReiNakano.esp
254 FE 125 LKsRexGoodman.esp
254 FE 126 LKsRonnieShaw.esp
254 FE 127 LKsRufusRubin.esp
254 FE 128 LKsScarlett.esp
254 FE 129 LKsScribeHaylen..esp
254 FE 12a LKsSheffield.esp
254 FE 12b LKsSierraPetrovita.esp
254 FE 12c LKsSolomon.esp
254 FE 12d LKsStanSlavin.esp
254 FE 12e LKsSturges.esp
254 FE 12f LKsTinkerTom.esp
254 FE 130 LKsTonySavoldi.esp
254 FE 131 LKsTravisMiles.esp
254 FE 132 LKsTrudy.esp
254 FE 133 LKsVadimBobrov.esp
254 FE 134 LKsVaultTecRep.esp
254 FE 135 LKsWolfgang.esp
254 FE 136 LKsX6-88.esp
254 FE 137 LKsYefimBobrov.esp
254 FE 138 Dank_ArmorOverrides_DLCRobot.esp
254 FE 139 Dank_INNRoverride.esp
217 d9 TGF_TrueGrassFix.esp
218 da NPCRespawnFix.esp
254 FE 13a Dank_ECO_UneducatedReload.esp
254 FE 13b SS2_AFT.esp
254 FE 13c AFTSpouseTweaks.esp
219 db AFT_Alt_Names_Pack1.esp
254 FE 13d Community Fixes Merged - Weapon Mod Fixes Patch.esp
254 FE 13e MinutemenPropaganda SMM.esp
220 dc BarstoolGames_FH.esp
221 dd BarstoolGames_NW.esp
222 de SS2_CLB_WATMPack.esp
254 FE 13f REPatch_AmericaRising2LegacyOfTheEnclave.esp
254 FE 140 Lightweight Lighting.esp
254 FE 141 WET.esp
254 FE 142 PRP.esp
254 FE 143 3DNPC_BTI_Optimization.esp
254 FE 144 RebuildBTIPrevisPatch.esp
254 FE 145 OCsBreakHeartBanks.esp
254 FE 146 OCsProspectPark.esp
254 FE 147 OCsLakeQ.esp
254 FE 148 PRP_IC.esp
254 FE 149 OCsCochituate.esp
254 FE 14a OCsCharlesviewAmpitheater.esp
254 FE 14b PRP-SS2.esp
254 FE 14c the library_Patch.esp
254 FE 14d The House_Patch.esp
254 FE 14e 3DNPC_FO4_Patch.esp
254 FE 14f OCsV81TradeCamp.esp
254 FE 150 DiamondCity-PreVis.esp
254 FE 151 Em_Vault4_Previs.esp
254 FE 152 Em_3DNPC_FO4_Previs.esp
254 FE 153 0_Vault120_NordhagenHaven_PRP.esp
254 FE 154 DiamondNewVendors_Patch.esp
254 FE 155 OCsV81TradeCampGrassReduced.esp
254 FE 156 OCsCochituateReducedGrass.esp
254 FE 157 OCsProspectParkEBA.esp
254 FE 158 OCsBreakheartBanksSS2QuestPatch.esp
254 FE 159 CharlesviewHappyCult.esp
254 FE 15a OCsV81TradeCampEarlyUnlock.esp
254 FE 15b OCsNukaTransitCenter.esp
223 df EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
254 FE 15c EnhancedLightsandFX - Automatron.esp
254 FE 15d PRP-ELFXOPC.esp
254 FE 15e ELFX-PreVis.esp
254 FE 15f ELFX-eXoPatch.esp
254 FE 160 ELFX Crash fix.esp
254 FE 161 WorkshopFramework_ScriptOverride.esp

submitted by TheMetalGodX to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:12 fragdelta [US][Selling] Slipcovers for Sale!!

I accept Zelle, Cash App, and Venmo F&F
Selling some 4K and Blu-Ray slipcovers. Unless otherwise marked, a 4K UHD slipcover is $5 each and a Blu-Ray slipcover is $3 each. I'm happy to take pictures of the items for you, just ask.
Shipping is $5; free if total is over $50. Please note that these are SLIPCOVERS ONLY, no movies are included.
Disney 4K UHD Slipcovers ($5, unless marked)
Studio 4K UHD Slipcovers ($5, unless marked)
Boutique Blu-Ray Slipcovers
DisneyMarvel Blu-Ray Slipcovers ($3, unless marked)
Blu-Ray Slipcovers ($3, unless marked)
submitted by fragdelta to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:05 Proud_West5625 [PS1][2000s] Super Monkey Ball?

Platform(s): Play station 2
Genre: Adventure, Single player
Estimated year of release: I think 2000s
Graphics/art style: I honestly can't remember but it's very similar to Super Monkey Ball old graphics
Notable characters: Animal
Notable gameplay mechanics: I think it's like Super Monkey Ball or maybe it is but I can't find the map that has water fountains, pool, and like a big circle on that map and you collect fruits?
Other details: I know my memory of this game is not a fever dream because I have played it a lot of times but I can't remember the title anymore. I played this game on Playstation 2 before around 2012~2015?
I played this game a lot before and I would love to know what exact game it is since I just recently knew that Super Monkey Ball has a lot of versions of the game
submitted by Proud_West5625 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:57 Determination7 An Outcast In Another World (Subtitle: Is 'Insanity' A Racial Trait?) [Fantasy, LitRPG] - Chapter 265 (Book 6 Chapter 50) (Part 1)

Author's Note:
7700 words, broke Reddit's character limit, so you know the drill. Will be split into two parts, both posted today. Enjoy!


"Stop! STOP!"
The terror in Kismet's voice rose higher as death drew nearer. He fled from Rob's grasping hand, but a Purge Divinity-infused fingernail managed to graze him, carving out a scoop of divine essence as if flaying a mortal's skin.
Kismet let out a screech as the Purging energy added to his growing collection of scars. A dozen small holes now dotted the surface of his mana-body, looking like he'd been pockmarked by wasting disease. Each wound represented a moment where the god had narrowly escaped with his life.
If those injuries had been inflicted by any other ability, then he could have rejuvenated himself in the time it took to blink. Purging energy was not so kind as that. It was purifying wrath in the shape of a Skill; their vengeance given form. Whatever divinity it touched, it extinguished.
As if cleansing the universe of a sickness that had infected it for far too long.
The BERSERKER continued his unrelenting advance. In response, Kismet threw up a frantic barrier of mana. It was strong enough to deflect one of Ragnavi's Annihilation beams–
And Rob blasted through it like paper mache. His charge sent broken shards of energy scattering across the divine realms. More mid-air rifts tore open, the HUMAN's aura strangling the surrounding area in a vice grip of power. Purge Divinity seemed to glow with light emanating straight from the pits of hell.
None of which was anywhere near as unnerving as the murder contained within his piercing gaze. When Kismet met Rob's eyes, he saw the end of eternity fast approaching.
The god's next barrier was just as frantic. However, this one was not comprised of mana, but of solid matter. Kismet summoned the hardest, most dense substance known to the mortal realms, then transmuted it into something that otherwise could only have been forged inside the heart of a dying star. It was many times more durable than the impossibly tough walls of an aberrant Dungeon.
So when Rob demolished it with a single punch, he actually had to put a bit of elbow grease into his windup.
Another wall materialized in front of him. He crushed it, then the one after, and the one after that, lashing out with bestial ferocity. The BERSERKER plowed through Kismet's hastily-built defenses like a bulldozer of fists and savagery. Rob was knocking them down as quickly as the god could make them, relishing the sensation of being able to vent his anger on targets that weren't fucking running away.
Then the twelfth wall fell – revealing a monstrous, spiky, fanged behemoth concealed behind.
Rob paused, momentarily taken aback at the sight of a mundane creature within the divine realms. 'Mundane' in relative terms, anyway. This monster was on par with a newborn Blight, radiating power that would have sent ordinary fighters sprinting for the hills.
It was also barely cognizant of its surroundings. The monster stared at him with unblinking, vacant eyes, just the tiniest glimmer of awareness present in its gaze. Rob noted that segments of its flesh were bubbling, as if the creature was fresh out of the oven and still needed to settle.
He couldn't help but feel a modicum of pity. This was yet another thoughtless creation, condemned to existence by an uncaring maker. Even monsters deserved better than that.
Rob caved the beast's head in before it could realize that it was alive. Pity was not the same as hesitation, and this was the only mercy he could afford to grant right now.
Didn't matter. Kismet's pawn served its purpose. In the brief instant that Rob spent getting over his initial surprise, the god had teleported to safety. He was already planning his next stunt that could buy him a few precious seconds of survival.
The HUMAN grimaced as he turned to give chase, unable to suppress the burgeoning sense of unease growing within his chest.
It almost didn't seem fair to feel that way. Rob knew he was winning – at least on the surface. Any outside observer would've bet their life savings on him, especially after the show of overwhelming superiority he'd just displayed. Kismet had been at a disadvantage before Never Forget Your Rage's recent upswing, and now it was no contest. Rob was confident that he would still be stronger even if the eight gods merged into one super-deity.
He also knew that he was living on borrowed time.
Whenever he moved, or activated a Skill, or even breathed...the sensation was there. Strength accompanied by incongruous frailty. Like background noise that kept getting louder with every action he took. His body felt close to pulling itself apart, as if his very molecules were a hairsbreadth away from coming undone.
It was different from Soul Instability. Whereas that threatened to collapse his soul, this frailty was an affliction of the flesh. The longer he fought, the more his physical form was at risk of popping like a balloon.
Such was the price of constraining godlike power within a mortal shell.
"Stay back!" Unaware of the turmoil fermenting in his assailant's mind, Kismet threw up his hands Rob didn't have a name for what he was seeing. Rather than stopping to puzzle out this latest brand of divine bullshit, he sent out a pulse of Purge Divinity, canceling whatever esoteric effect Kismet had been attempting to produce.
His Purging energy scraped against the divine realms like a cheese grater. Five rifts immediately tore open near both Rob and Kismet, with the god anxiously retreating from one that appeared just inches away from him. A low rumble echoed around them, and for a moment, they felt struck by an abrupt feeling of vertigo – until the realms gradually stabilized, righting once more.
For now.
Rob eyed the rifts with a detached, clinical gaze. An endless sea of mana resided behind them; the bedrock of the system itself. While he recognized that the rifts tearing open was bad news, he also couldn't really muster the energy to care. Between his overflowing rage, overtaxed body, and overburdened soul, minor details like the impending destruction of reality were hard to give much focus.
There was a way to fix all of that, of course. Rob couldn't outright deactivate Never Forget Your Rage – not without losing its bonus stats. But he could attempt to ease the storm of fury in his heart. By lessening his anger to more reasonable levels, Never Forget Your Rage would put less strain on both his body and the divine realms.
The notion forced a peal of hideous laughter to claw out of his throat. Lessen his anger? He'd have better luck trying to douse a volcano with a garden hose. No. For a wildfire that had grown this out of control, the only thing to do was stand aside and let it burn, burn, burn.
Until naught remained.
"I said stay back!" Kismet bellowed. He lifted his arms into the air. "Begone!" One moment later, Rob's vision was filled with scorching light. An apocalyptic geyser of mana burst forth from underfoot, intense and searing. It stripped the flesh from his bones in no time flat, powering through Almighty Resistance with pure, unmitigated violence.
And it still wasn't fast enough. Rob flickered a Purge Divinity shield for just an instant, allowing him to escape the geyser with his upper body – and most of his HP – intact. Lifesurge swiftly patched him up, leaving both combatants right back where they'd started.
Slowly, Kismet lowered his hands. They were shivering. "What are you?" he whispered. "Why are all my efforts in vain?"
To be honest, Rob was mildly impressed that Kismet had held on for this long. The god's combat efficacy was increasing as time passed, improving from panic-spamming teleports to more inventive maneuvers – as if he was learning how to fight on-the-job. He'd also stopped draining the other gods to supplement his power, having found an alternative source of fuel: mana seeping out from the sporadically-opening rifts.
It was the one silver lining to fighting an implacable BERSERKER so powerful that he fractured reality. Whenever Rob utilized Purge Divinity, more rifts opened up in the realms, and more mana leaked out from inside. The gods had invested that energy into the system millennia ago, and it typically would've been off-limits until they closed up shop and left Elatra. Kismet was making use of it now, absorbing the extra mana to strengthen himself, like a lifeline barely keeping him afloat.
The god's tenacity was...calling it 'admirable' would be going too far, but it did warrant a sort of begrudging respect. As someone who'd tangoed with multiple Blights, Rob knew what it was like to square off against a frenzied beast that could end him with a touch.
Being the scary one was a nice change of pace.
In exchange, Kismet had graciously donned the role of their battle's Combat Class user; fragile, outgunned, and pulling improvised maneuvers out of his ass for a chance at victory. The god could finally feel what it was like to be vulnerable. How exciting! Rob was more than happy to assist. Learning experiences such as these only came around once an eternity or so.
Flippancy aside – while Kismet still possessed room for improvement, this was the most that could be asked of a deity who hadn't seen combat in literal eons. His biggest fuckup had been taunting Rob in the wrong ways, but he couldn't have known about Never Forget Your Rage, that was an excusable oversight. By all other accounts, Kismet was performing adequately.
Even so...
"YoU aRE noTHinG."
The sound of Rob's voice caused two fresh rifts to open up. Kismet flinched, casting a teleportation spell out of pure reflex. Without pause, the HUMAN resumed his hunt.
Nothing. Perhaps that statement was hyperbole – yet it rang true nonetheless. While Kismet may have been a creature of supreme divinity, on the field of battle, his pedigree meant nothing. In the face of an implacable, unstoppable foe, his power was worth nothing. Very soon, he would be nothing, consigned to oblivion by Purging energy.
Rob couldn't help but unfavorably compare Kismet to the final Blight. Weren't these supposed to be two sides of the same coin? Each one-half of an original transcendent Will? Yet the Second Will had brought Rob to the edge of despair...and Kismet was fleeing like a cornered rodent. It was difficult to reconcile the two divinities as theoretical equals.
Although he knew that was an unfair comparison. Rob had fought the Blight before learning Limit Break and Never Forget Your Rage. Kismet wasn't weak.
The HUMAN was just far too strong.
If he rematched the Second Will today, he would beat it to death with his bare hands.
"Look at what you've wrought!" Kismet swept an arm out, gesturing towards some of the many rifts that Rob's presence was tearing open. "Do you understand what will transpire if you persist in this folly?! If the divine realms shatter, then so will all of Elatra! You are on the brink of destroying everything which you have striven to protect! Cease this–"
In a flash, Rob dashed forward and scooped out a chunk of the god's mana-body with Purge Divinity. Before he could do more, Kismet shrieked with pain and teleported away, leaving the BERSERKER to crush his prize between five clenched fingers.
"FoRCed mY HAnD." He located Kismet again. "NO GOING BACK."
Stopping wasn't an option. If the divine realms crumbled and Elatra imploded...well, that would be a faster end than what the gods had in store for its people. At least this way their deaths would be quick and hopefully painless – and his friends wouldn't be turned into Skills tortured for all eternity.
Still, Kismet did have a point. Destroying reality wasn't exactly the ideal outcome. There had to be a way to speed up the conclusion of their fight. Rob was certain he would win if given enough time, but he couldn't guarantee it would be before either his body or the divine realms collapsed.
Like a snake slithering through a minefield, Leveling High skirted past the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions raging within Rob's mind. He attempted to tune out its voice, yet Humanity's curse refused to be denied, the static loudening until he was compelled to respond. Quit distracting me, he snapped. In case you haven't noticed, I'm FUCKING. BUSY.
{You seek to ensure victory over those who rule above,} Leveling High continued, without missing a step. {As do I.}
Then sit back, shut up, and–
{Ignoring your deficiencies will not make them disappear. This body is...feeble. Incomplete. Unfit to wield the power contained therein. Like a polished sword attached to a brittle hilt, liable to snap in twain at any moment.}
Rob grit his teeth. He couldn't deny Leveling High's assertions. Normally he'd just tell it to piss off, but considering how much was at stake here...
With a feeling like he'd sat down to deal with the devil, Rob sighed. Then what do you propose? That we upgrade my body somehow? I don't think putting more points into Vitality would help, even if I had any to spare. Me being so juiced up on stats is half the problem.
It shook its head. {You have far surpassed the limitations of mortality. Strengthening your power further would be akin to pouring water into an overflowing cup.}
So we...what, increase the size of the cup?
Static akin to laughter echoed inside his head. {We do away with it entirely.}
An icy chill began creeping up Rob's spine, as if the cold hands of fate were working their way towards his neck. He recalled a system notification from days before – 'Your Race has morphed from Human (?) to: Ascending HUMAN'.
Not Ascended. Ascending.
Weeks-old memories came surging to the forefront. 'The Heartkiller is closer to our form of life than those you call friends,' the Blight-child of Elysium had once said. 'As long as you continue to live, eventually, you will become an existence with the power to crush the Others and free the Skills from their shackles. You are no longer one of the Ephemeral. Now, you are a cocoon, metamorphosing into something grander. When you emerge, you will be as the Eternal.'
The Blight-child had laughed at him, then. 'After joining us, preserving these worlds will no longer be your desire.'
Rob grimaced. Denied, he flatly told Leveling High. Whatever you're about to suggest isn't happening.
It scoffed at him. {Your prejudices blind you. Do you think the gods have need of physical bodies? Does it hinder them in any capacity? No – the opposite. By definition, infinity cannot be constrained. Discard this useless flesh, and your conquest of the divine realms is assured.}
Maybe you didn't hear me when I said–
{By all means. Spurn my counsel...and condemn your friends to death. Shall their lives be worth it, in the end?}
Rob sucked in air through clenched teeth.
{Ascend.} Leveling High purred with anticipation. {You are bound by a prison of meat, bone, and blood. Break free. Finish what has already begun. Gaze upon the tapestry of infinity in all its dreadful splendor. Seize victory not as a Human, but as a completed, transcendent HUMAN.}
With a scream to drown out the static, Rob chased after Kismet again and again. The god was in full-on panic mode, eschewing offensive attacks in favor of perpetual retreat, focused wholly on keeping the BERSERKER as far away as possible. He would teleport the instant that Rob laid eyes on him, frantically stalling for his life.
It was – quite unintentionally – providing evidence to Leveling High's claims. If Kismet was on the defensive, catching him would take time they might not have.
I... Rob narrowed his eyes. How would I finish Ascending, anyway? It isn't like I can just flip a switch and make it happen.
He blinked. WHAT?
{You have long since achieved the qualifications for true godhood,} Leveling High explained, in a lecturing tone. {There is no milestone that remains necessary to achieve. Rather than needing to overcome some hurdle of strength or power, the obstacle barring your path is more...arbitrary. Self-imposed.}
Humanity's curse seemed to peer into his soul. When it spoke next, its voice was filled with disgust. {You remain mortal because you wish to do so – both consciously and subconsciously. The Ascension of a nascent deity has been obstructed by cheap sentimentality.}
Rob almost started an argument over its usage of 'cheap', but he exercised restraint, keenly aware that there was bigger fish to fry. Can't do anything about the subconscious. I am \not* activating Melancholy Resistance.*
{Nor should you,} Leveling High remarked, shuddering at the prospect. {A grand statement of intent will be sufficient to shift your mentality. I believe...yes.}
The static churned like a hive of buzzing wasps. {When you next tear off a piece of the leader god's mana...even if just a sliver...devour it. Gorge yourself on their essence.}
Bile threatened to rise to the top of Rob's throat. Seems excessive, he mused, trying and failing to keep his tone lighthearted. To become a god, I eat a god? Wouldn't that make me a divine cannibal?
{You ARE a cannibal.} Leveling High's voice wavered, its veneer of helpfulness slipping to reveal the madness that lay beneath. {What do you think you've been DOING for nearly a YEAR? You kill, ingest your prey's Experience, and MAKE THEIR POWER YOUR OWN. This world is one of consumption and parasitism – devouring a god's essence is merely a more HONEST variant of THE SAME actions.}
...You clearly weren't paying attention during Diplomacy's PR lessons. Rob pursued Kismet once again, pressing his fingernails into his palms when the god hurriedly teleported away. There is such a thing as being too straightforward. If you want people to listen to you, then maybe dress up your words so they don't sound so horrifying.
Rob had no answer to that.
Bolts of divine mana peppered his skin. Kismet had barely managed to squeeze an attack in-between his escapes. The bolts ricocheted off Rob's skin like ping-pong balls, leaving minor scrapes and nothing more. It wasn't anywhere close to bypassing Almighty Resistance and his massive HP pool.
Yet it also reminded him of the mana-spears that Kismet had sent towards the rest of Riardin's Rangers. His Party members only possessed a shared, diluted version of Almighty Resistance, and their HP was a fraction of his. If Kismet aimed another attack of that caliber at many would perish, right then and there?
Was Leveling High correct? What point was there to sentimentality if it just got his friends killed?
In truth, Rob knew that it didn't really matter if he completed his Ascension. Based on what he had planned for himself after the gods were dead, little would change either way. Still...he also knew that Ascending would be a one-way trip. No take-backs. If he went through with it, a fundamental part of him would be irrevocably altered.
Something twinged in a corner of his mind. It wasn't Leveling High, or his rage, or any of the other emotions currently dominating his headspace. This was a familiar friend; perhaps Rob's #1 most trusted confidant since he'd first set foot in Elatra. One that had rarely ever steered him wrong.
And at the moment, it was telling him to be very careful before jumping into the deep end.
Ten teleports.
Give it ten more Kismet teleports, Rob said. If I haven't dealt him a serious injury by then....I'll do what I need to do. He grimaced as Kismet vanished before he'd even finished the thought. Ten starting now.
Leveling High's static quieted. It resembled a patron at a restaurant who'd ordered their meal, and was waiting patiently for the main course to arrive.
Rob didn't waste time being offended over its nonchalance. Free of distractions, he immediately swept his gaze across the divine realms, pinpointing his quarry in a micro-instant. The BERSERKER dashed forward, pushing his body as far as he could, layering Rampages on top of Dexterity that made the laws of physics want to curl up and weep.
Kismet was prepared. He'd drawn more mana from the fractured rifts, quickening his speed and reactions. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep his head above water, not yet outpaced by their continually escalating arms race.
The HUMAN struck, the god fled, and both were left in the same position as before.
Rob turned on a dime, charging without needing to look. He'd heard the moment that Kismet's teleport ended. It afforded him a split-second head start.
A gravity well suddenly appeared below his feet, as if a miniaturized black hole was weighing him down. Apparently, Kismet had set it up ahead of time as a just-in-case trap. Rob pierced through the spell's area of effect before it could ramp up to something dangerous, but his pace was slowed by a hair in the process, and his prey escaped.
You know what? Screw this. Rob whirled away from Kismet's newest location and blasted straight towards one of the lesser deities that his Party members were fighting.
He'd been too hung up on getting even with a hated foe – when there were seven other juicy morsels for him to play with. This way, Kismet would either sit back and watch as his allies were massacred, or the god would be forced to act instead of running like a goddamn cowar–
Sense Mana alerted Rob to magic gathering behind.
Pivoting, he leapt into the air. Rob superimposed himself in front of Kismet, bodyblocking the rainstorm of destructive mana that was about to be unleashed upon Riardin's Rangers.
Due to his swift response, the attack was released early. A simple Purge Divinity shield prevented him from incurring any damage. Rob still felt no sense of triumph as the mana dissipated around him. He just wasn't fast enough to kill the lesser gods and protect his Party at the same time – or at least not fast enough that he should gamble their lives on it.
Kismet disappearing a moment later didn't help matters either.
Frontal assaults weren't guaranteed to succeed, and targeting the other gods was a no-go. Could he take Kismet by surprise? Increase his Dexterity?
Rob contemplated mining Never Forget Your Rage for more stats, but swiftly vetoed the idea. His body was already struggling to hold itself together. Putting additional strain on a shaky foundation seemed...unwise.
Plus – at the risk of eating crow in the near future – he didn't actually think it was possible to feel angrier at the gods than he was right now. Seriously, what was left?
He hated them for sending him to a fantasy deathworld. He hated them for tormenting his friends and family. He hated them for being partially responsible for the Blight. He hated them for what they'd done to Elatra and Earth. He hated them for all the lives they'd stolen. He hated them for being the living embodiments of indifference and cruelty. He hated that they fostered good PR among the people they oppressed. He hated how monsters of such craven hypocrisy were also immeasurably powerful. He hated the sensation of divine mana crawling on his skin. He hated the unsettling sound of their voices. He hated their bizarre formless appearances. He hated them for being pompous pricks. He hated whenever they tried to relate to him. He hated whenever they didn't.
Most of all, he hated that they were still alive.
Even if he found out that they'd personally antagonized him since birth or some petty nonsense like that, it wouldn't measure up to the litany of transgressions they'd committed thus far. The blazing inferno within his soul could burn no hotter. Should burn no hotter. For his sanity's sake, if nothing else.
Kismet teleported. It wasn't in response to anything. He'd merely anticipated some sort of action – and was then baffled afterwards when he noticed the rampaging BERSERKER standing quietly in deep thought.
Rob advanced. While he didn't have a plan yet, he'd also learned that if he gave Kismet the slightest amount of breathing room, bad things tended to happen.
Can any of my Skills give me an edge? Unfortunately, he didn't think so. As usual, his lack of ranged options was biting him in the ass when it mattered most. Almost everything he could use required getting in close – which was the whole freaking problem – and none would be more effective than Purge Divinity, regardless.
Maybe I could set up a Waymark point, then catch Kismet's teleport with one of, that won't work either. The odds of him popping in next to a random Waymark point are slim. Could fill the battlefield with lots of Marks, but even then I have to consider the Skill's activation time. With my current Dexterity, it'd honestly be faster just to run at him.
The vast majority of his abilities simply weren't up to par in a clash with divinity. Limit Break, Purge Divinity, and Never Forget Your Rage had been specifically designed by the Skills to facilitate deicide. Something like Power Slash couldn't possibly compare to jailbroken stats and a touch of death.
As an act of defiance against his own logic, he cast Enmity, the only ability that could feasibly hit Kismet at range. The god casually shrugged off its effect before promptly escaping.
Like a frustrated animal, Rob snarled and gave chase. Just need to keep trying. Kismet isn't perfect.
Sooner or later, he's going to mess up.
He's going to mess up.
Suddenly, Kismet transformed his right hand into a blade of mana. With one harsh motion, he sliced open his own left arm.
By now, Rob had conditioned himself to never stop moving forward, even if something shocked him – which this sight very much did. His mouth dropped open, and Leveling High paused in the middle of eating its metaphorical popcorn. They still kept advancing without an iota of hesitation.
And ran straight into the mana cloud leaking out from Kismet's wound.
Rob blinked, opening his eyes to a wonderful day. The twisting plains looked dazzlingly beautiful, with fauna and plantlife lit by rays of effervescent light from the twin stars shining above. People cheerfully went about their day, happily shaking their trunks in shows of greeting, or rattling their scales to initiate merry games.
All was at peace.
Until – in unison – everyone froze. The tumult of life went quiet in an instant, replaced with pensive silence.
As if they'd been struck by the creeping, pervasive sensation of being watched.
A sound rang out. Half of them immediately fell over dead, fluids gushing from their ruined bodies.
The survivors could only lay there, crippled and in pain, as more people slowly rose into the air. Invisible fingers seemed to pluck them from the ground – and then began ripping off their limbs, one at a time, like a child dissecting butterflies–
Rob dragged himself back to the present.
It had taken much less time than before to recognize what was happening. Now that he knew what to expect, experiencing the remnant souls' lives wasn't so different from the dreamlike quality of an Attunement vision. Although...realizing that he'd witnessed the end of a world preceding Elatra did cause his thoughts to hitch for a single moment.
Which was just enough for Kismet to forge a spear of mana, then send it plunging through Rob's eye, skull, and brain. Its tip was forged to shred anything it touched, no matter how durable or Resistant.
The god whooped with glee – only to wince as the HUMAN's sole reaction was a long, drawn-out sigh. With an air of exasperation, he reached up and yanked the divine spear free with a nauseating splorch.
His eye had been reduced to a seeping red mess. He closed its eyelid. When he opened it again, the orb within had already Regenerated, now sporting an unamused glare.
It was something of a unique moment. Mid-battle events didn't typically leave both combatants feeling disheartened. The all-powerful god was losing faith that he could ever hope to stop Rob's onslaught...
And the BERSERKER didn't know if he could justify continuing on like this. His body still felt like it was pulling itself apart; if anything, the sensation was growing more pronounced as their battle progressed. While Kismet would make a fatal mistake eventually, Rob couldn't guarantee that he would last long enough to capitalize on it.
Unless he followed Leveling High's advice and–
With a howl that shook the divine realms, Rob launched his stolen spear at Kismet. His aim was true, yet it sailed through empty air, the god's afterimage tauntingly fading away.
Final chance.


Link to Part 2
submitted by Determination7 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:31 CanadaRewardsFamily A firered omega review (+rate my team)

A firered omega review (+rate my team)
Just finished a firered omega run. It's a 2009 pokemon firered hack. It's basically original firered but with all the gen 3 pokemon included and increased difficulty.
Firered omega game review: Let me say first off that I loved this game. I don't like to veer too far from the original gameplay so I liked this one as it's basically an increased difficulty firered with all gen 3 pokemon included.
The game doesn't change any of the firered mechanics (ie: physical and special are still split by type like they were in gen 3), so it feels like pokemon firered. And although there's some minor tweaks with move learnsets and stats they are mostly welcome changes.
Wild pokemon are familiar enough but there's more variety with gen 2 and gen 3 pokemon sprinkled in, as well as additional patches of grass and fishing ponds added to a lot of cities to account for the additional pokemon.
Notable changes: - The game is hard. All gym leaders have full rosters of 6 pokemon with items and decent strategies. I whited out to Brock's level 12 vulpix on my first attempt (granted I had some bad rng, but still, don't assume you can just march in with a super effective type and smash the entire gym)
  • levels of wild and trainer pokemon are increased by roughly 15%, but leveling doesn't feel too bad, or at least not worse than the original since you gain more experience. The wild pokemon seem to keep better pace with your team.
  • Useful items are hidden throughout, for example, I found a thick club hidden in the safari zone and you are given a lucky egg near the end of the game. The evolution stones are also found earlier.
  • You are given all 9 generation 3 starters prior to lavender town by various NPCs, which is a nice touch if you want to play with any of the original starting pokemon from gen 1, 2 or 3.
  • Speaking of starters your actual starting pokemon is kind of neat. You get to choose between a smoochun, elekid or a magmy (baby forms of electrabuzz, magmar, and jynx)
All in all it was a really fun experience. I'll likely give the postgame a try as well as I hear some extra areas are available and our rival has nearly level 100 pokemon for the rematch.
If you're looking for more information:
Here's the documentation for the game-
And here's the gym and rival battle information-
submitted by CanadaRewardsFamily to PokemonFireRed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:30 MF_six One of the worst games I’ve ever played.

I was super hyped to get into my first dragon age title. But DA:I is genuinely one of the most boring games I’ve ever ever played. The whole game feels like a less fleshed out version of vanilla Skyrim, which for a 13+ year old game shouldn’t be hard to beat.
Am i missing something? Does the game get better after the clunky fighting and terrible side quests?
submitted by MF_six to DragonAgeInqusition [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:24 TheChewyTurtle Ironclad Vanilla [SMP]{Whitelist}{6YearOldMap}{HermitCraft Style}{No Map Resets or Spawned items}{DynMap}{1.20.4}{BalancedCommands}

--Other Important Links--
Join our discord:
Join our subreddit ironcladnetwork/
Check out our Live Map:
--Recent Updates--
Ironclad Vanilla has updated to 1.20.4
--About Ironclad Vanilla--
Minecraft Version: 1.20.4
Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server that strives to maintain a thriving community. Our staff works non-stop providing grief/theft prevention as well as technical and community support. We deal with issues professionally and do not abuse our powers. Never worry about your progress being lost due to some griefer ever again!
Ironclad Vanilla follows a trust system for trading, and players usually use diamonds as money. The spawn has a few public trading post that you can set your own trades up in, or you can make a shop with all kinds of merchandise!
Ironclad Vanilla is more appropriately known as a Semi-Vanilla server because we allow access to some commands, but we do so in a more balanced way. All commands that give you any kind of advantage cost in-game money. Players must earn money through playtime, chat-games, or voting.
We don't give our donators items, and in all actuality we don't give anyone items. Everything you see on Ironclad Vanilla was made with resources collected on our maps. Nothing is spawned in. Donators however get cool commands that allow them to glow, ride pets, and chat in color!
The map will never, ever, be reset. This means that you have all the imaginative freedom that you want in creating the most amazing builds and structures without ever worrying about it being lost. Map downloads become available every few months, so you will have forever access to your builds!
--Server Rules--
[1] GRIEFING/STEALING - ANY destructive behavior will NOT be tolerated! You are given ONE warning and that warning is the rules you agreed to when you joined the server. Our wonderful staff will catch any player that steals and/or griefs.
[2] CHEATING - Use of any resource pack, mod, or hack client such as (Nodus, and auto clicker) that gives you an unfair advantage on the other players are NOT allowed! If you are unsure if a mod is allowed ask! Using the world seed to find ores or spawners is considered x-raying here and is not allowed. Duping and Exploiting server bugs is considered cheating.
[3] LANGUAGE - Excessive swearing; abusive, sexual, or otherwise inappropriate language is simply not acceptable. Links to inappropriate sites is not allowed. We have a diverse demographic on our server, including some younger players and we intend on making this a place everyone feels comfortable.
[4] PVP - PvP is disabled by default. To PvP use /pvp on & /pvp off. Purposefully killing players who have not agreed to PvP is not allowed.
[5] SPAMMING/ADVERTISING - Spamming chat is unacceptable, take it easy. Advertising other servers in our chat is not allowed, you will be banned.
--How to Join our Community-- To join our whitelist, you must complete a short application. Please follow the format and send this application through Discord #whitelist-inquiry (Fastest Response) or the comment section below.
Whitelist Application Template:
Your reason for wanting to join the server?
Have you read the rules?
Have you joined our discord server for server updates?
🪓 --Staff-- 🪓
As of May 6th, 2024
[Owner] Turtle - turtleguy123456 🐢
[Admin] Pixels - ClearPixels
[Head-Mod] Blertz
[Mod] theENiGMAman
[Mod] vTroll - vTrollFlowz
[Mod] Egamh
[Mod] Lag_Monster
[Mod] Wavy_Buster
[Mod] asoundguy88
[Mod] Nick116
[Mod] Directmantis6
[Mod] StarfireHunter
[Mod] GarbyEXE
submitted by TheChewyTurtle to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:14 hubb2001 Translation Status Update/Discussion - May 19

Previous thread
This is the weekly translation status update thread. Use this thread to discuss translation news, issues, titles you're looking forward to, etc.
Note: This is simply a mirror from 4chan's weekly thread on the /jp/ board. All credit goes to the user VNTS there. I'm simply copying and pasting for discussion sake here since some people can't access 4chan.
Entries in Bold have had changes since last week
Entries in itallics denote my own changes

Fan Translations

  • 12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 42% translated
  • Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated and edited, 70.11% through QA
  • Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated, 42,368 lines edited (69.69%), 4,793 (7.88%) through QA
  • Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
  • CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 70.54% translated, 22.70% edited
  • CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated, 55.30% edited
  • Chusingura 46+1 - 36843/82770 (44.51%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
  • Dragon Knight 4 - 60% translated, playtesting also ongoing
  • Fate/Stay Night - Partial patch released with a new translation for Fate/UBW/9 days of HF
  • Haruka na Sora - Sora and Yahiro routes translated, Kozue 75% translated, Sora 90% edited
  • Honoo no Haramase Oppai Nyuu Doukyuusei ~Oppai mo Haramase! New Class Zen'in Harama-sensation!~ - Picked up, porting to Ren'Py
  • If My Heart Had Wings: Snow Presents - 100% translated, 100% edited
  • Jisatsu no Tame no 101 no Houhou - 17% translated
  • Junketsu Megami-Sama - 2nd Alpha patch released, Astarotte route finishing up
  • Kaseki no Uta - 100% translated, 4770/15389 (31%) edited
  • Ken ga Kimi - 58% translated
  • Koukan no Toriko-Tachi - Prologue, common, and Cuckold Play route translated, Swinging Route 35%, Yukari POV 40%
  • Kud Wafter - AA Version 23,835/31,579 (75.5%) Lines translated, 18+ Version 19,240 / 33,113 (58.1%) lines translated
  • Kusarihime ~Euthanasia~ - Translation finished, fully edited
  • Lover Able - 100% translated and edited, 9419/32258 lines approved (29.47%)
  • Lucky Star ~Ryouou Gakuen Outousai~ - episode 1 patch released
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A - Ryouken Route After - 2,647/3,494 (75.76%) lines translated
  • Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! A Plus Disk - Preparing files
  • Manakashi no Yuri wa Akaku Somaru - 66% translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o - 1 of 4 routes translation finished for the restoration patch, Houkiboshi Hika 2 of 4 H-scenes translated
  • Miagete Goran, Yozora no Hoshi o: Interstellar Focus - 100% translated, 89.6% edited
  • Nursery Rhyme - 100% translated and edited, text insertion 100% complete, testing ongoing
  • Pure Pure - 100% translated, needs proofreading, partial patch released, all routes have been inserted
  • Sakura no Uta - Chapter I 30% translated
  • Sakura Wars 2 - Demo patch released, ADV, Battle, and "Long Day in the Theater" mode fully translated, disc 1 text inserted
  • Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki - Both original and fan disc 100% translated, in need of editing
  • Shirotsume Yubiwa - 100% translated, 50% beta patch released
  • Shizuku - 120/197 script files translated, 20/197 edited
  • Taima Seiko Alice - 45% translated, 35% edited, 35% proofread, 1st partial patch out
  • Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu - 100% translated, Editing ongoing
  • To Heart - 720/993 scripts translated, 200/993 edited
  • Tokimeki Memorial 2 - Being translated
  • Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 4 - 55% translated
  • Tsui no Sora Remake - 100% translated and edited, finalization progressing
  • Umi kara Kuru Mono - 91/138 scripts translated
  • Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete - 23243/35416 (65.6%) lines translated
  • Yosuga no Sora - Translation finished, editing and TLC ongoing, Total: TL 100% TLC 71% ED 55%, Common/Kazuha/Motoka/Sora routes fully edited

Official work


  • The Pillagers of Raillore - Out of Beta
  • Ciconia - Phase 1 Released
  • Hadaka Shitsuji fandisc - Picked up
  • Rance 03 - 79% translated, 41% edited
  • Rance X - 94% translated, 5% edited
  • Luckydog1 - 100% translated and edited
  • Funbag Fantasy 4 - 84% translated, 80% edited
  • Eve of the 12th Month - 100% translated and 88% edited
  • DEAD DAYS - 100% translated and edited
  • Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - 88% translated and 81% edited
  • Welcome to a Sexy, Open World - 98% translated and 90% edited


  • Sisters: Last Day of Summer - June 3rd release
  • Sumaga- Slow progress ongoing
  • Katahane - Progress being made again
  • Django - Not actively making progress
  • Tokyo Hero Project - Translation finished, dealing with bugs
  • Machine Child - Still being developed
  • Yomegami: My Sweet Goddess - 100% translated
  • Yamizome Liberator - Picked up
  • Mojika: Truth Rears Its Ugly Head - Picked up
  • Djibril - 100% translated, in editing
  • Masquerade: Hell Academy - Through 1st QA pass, in 2nd QA pass


  • NEKO-NIN exHeart SPIN - In QA Testing, 2024 release
  • Happy Saint Sheol - 100% edited, 40% QA, Demo released
  • Harumade Kururu - Waiting on build
  • Rewrite+ Harvest Festa - 100% translated, 40% edited, Steam page up, 2024 release
  • Subete no Koi ni, Hanabata o. - 50% translated
  • Sumire - Picked up
  • Sanarara R - 100% translated and edited, waiting on build
  • Glass - Picked up
  • New Glass - Picked up
  • Karakara 3 - 100% translated and edited, 70% engine work
  • Yume to Iro de Dekiteiru - 100% translated, 35% edited
  • Zutto Mae Kara Joshi Deshita - 100% translated, in editing
  • A Maiden's Serenade - In Editing
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi 10% translated
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi AA - Announced
  • Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka - 50% translated
  • Hamidashi Creative - Announced
  • Inupara - In Development
  • Nekopara After La Vraie Familie - In Development
  • Raspberry Cube - Announced
  • Wagamama High Spec OC - In Translation


  • Angel Chaos RE-BOOT!- Delayed after Steam rejection
  • Dracu Riot - Waiting on Build, Release date announcement on hold until after Angel Chaos
  • Melty Moment - 80% translated
  • Fureraba Complete edition - Vita exclusive content to be added to Fureraba a couple months after the fandisc release
  • Floral Flowlove - 100% translated, 70% edited, enging port ongoing
  • Kakenuke Seishun Sparking - 80% translated, 70% edited, QA started
  • Love, Elections, & Chocolate - 100% translated and edited, Engine port nearly finished, entering QA shortly
  • Love Love Love, Burning in my Heart! - 100% translated and 74% edited
  • Ready or Not: The Deadline is Coming! - 100% translated, 99% edited, waiting on build
  • Mysteries of the Heart: The Psychic Detective Case Files - 100% translated and edited, engine work in progress
  • Secret Project 2 - 100% translated and edited, queued for Unity port
  • Secret Project 3 - 100% translated and edited, 50% though QA


  • SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky - Announced




  • Lilja and Natsuka: Painting Lies - July 25th release
  • Revue Starlight El Dorado - August 8th release
  • Everlasting Flowers - Where there is a will, there is a way - August 29th release date
  • Sharin no Kuni - Working to resolve remaining issues


  • Radiant Tale -Fanfare- - June 27th release
  • Tales from Toyotoki: Arrival of the Witch - Summer release
  • Virche Evermore -EpiC: Lycoris- - Fall release
  • Despera Drops - 2025 release

Age titles

  • Kiminozo - Aiming for a Summer 2024 release


  • Two Beasts Or Not To Beast!! - 2.0 version, editing in progress
  • Forbidden Ward - In Pre-Production

Saikey Studios (mix of official/unofficial)

  • The Reason For Your Smile - Steam page up, Happy and NTR routes translated
  • Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ - 50% translated


  • Knight Case Files - Trial released, upcoming release


  • Corpse Party II - Darkness Distortion - 2024 release

Voltage Inc.

  • Project Code Kaleido Tower - 2024 release
  • Project Code Neon Mafia - 2024 release
  • Project Code Vampire Hunter - 2025 release


  • Re;quartz Raid - 2024 release

MediBang Inc.

  • Cocktail Magic - Upcoming release

Kamitsubaki Studio


Dayu Zixun

  • Voice Love on Air - Upcoming release


  • AMANATSU ~Perfect Edition~ - Released
  • Destiny Star Girlfriend 2 - Q2 2024 release
  • Real Hentai Situation! 2 - 2024 release
  • NYO-NIN-JIMA -My New Life in Charge of a Tropical Island- - 2024 release
  • An Aunt After My Own Heart - 2024 release, rejected by Steam
  • Kara no Shoujo III - Announced
  • Sacrifice Villains - Announced

Dramatic Create

Kagura Games

  • Forsaken Quartet - Released
  • Yoru ga Kuru! -Square of the Moon- Remastered - 2024 release
  • Angel Tear: Goddess Betrayed - Upcoming release


  • Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - June 27th release
  • Fate/stay night REMASTERED - 2024 release
  • Hookah Haze - 2024 release
  • Tanetsumi no Uta - 2024 release

Spike Chunsoft

Love Lab

  • Ever Maiden - 2024 release


  • Friendly lab - unlock(); - Upcoming release
  • Club Suicide - Picked up

Idea Factory

  • Cupid Parasite: Sweet and Spicy Darling - May 28th release
  • 9 R.I.P. - Fall 2024 release
  • Date A Live: Ren Dystopia - 2024 release


  • Geminism - English version announced


  • Monkeys! - English release planned


  • Haunted Obachestra Vol.1 Awaking - Upcoming release

Alice In Dissonance

  • Fault Milestone 2 - Side Below - Upcoming release


  • Shinjuku Soumei - Demo Released, May 24th release

MiKandi Japan

  • Libra of the Vampire Princess - All versions of the patches in testing


  • Paradise Cleaning! -Tutor X Hypnosis- - Upcoming release

072 Project

  • Princess Paradise - 2024 release


  • NTR with hypnosis application - Upcoming release

Eroge Japan

Tensei Games

  • Unfaithful Wife: Ayano's "Netorare Report" - My gentle wife is fucking another man - - Q2 2024 release


  • Tokyo Psychodemic - Demo released, May 30th release

Dark Nyaa

  • Master & Succubi Hentai Lessons 2 - April release


  • Him, the Smile & Bloom - August 8th release

Cherry Kiss

  • Cosplay Cumdump: Doing it Doujin Style - May 23rd release


submitted by hubb2001 to vns [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:12 vitaminspls [USA-NC] [H] Switch Lite (Yellow), Nintendo Gamecube Wavebird, ALL GAMES: Switch, 3DS / DS, Gamecube, Xbox One / Series, Original Xbox, PS1, PSP [W] Paypal

Hello, thank you for checking out my post. I am Open to Offers, please let me know if you are interested in anything and would like a timestamp. I will happily send them to you ASAP. Also open to bundles.
I also have over 80+ confirmed trades on hardwareswap
Switch Lite (Yellow) + Carrying Case, Animal Crossing Skin Case, Charger - $105 shipped
Wavebird Gamecube Controller + Receiver - $80 shipped
Paper Mario Sticker Star (CIB) - $16 shipped Monster Hunter Generations (Game Only) $8 shipped Guitar Hero: On Tour (Box, Game, Guitar Grip, Manuals, some stickers) - $25 shipped
Donkey Konga 2 (CIB) - $23 shipped Bomberman Generations (Game + Case) - $20 shipped Call of Duty: Finest Hour (CIB) - $10 shipped
Xbox One / Series
Battlefield 2042 - $7 shipped Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - $12 shipped Skate 3 - $6 shipped Battlefield 1 - $6 shipped Killing Floor 2 - $15 shipped Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD $7 shipped Star Ocean: The Divine Force (Game Only) $15 shipped The Surge 2 Limited Edition $9 shipped Need For Speed $7 shipped Code Vein - $8 shipped Final Fantasy XV - $9 shipped
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands - $7 shipped
Original Xbox
Destroy All Humans! (CIB) - $12 shipped
PlayStation 1
Twisted Metal 4 (CIB) $25 shipped Mission Impossible (CIB) $13 shipped
Lemmings (CIB) $9 shipped
submitted by vitaminspls to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 CSRyl Quest for 3266, Entry 4, 2024/05/19

Howdy and Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians o/
Intro: I'm CSRyl and I recently decided I wanted to 100% SA2 after recently rediscovering it for the umpteenth time in my life. Not much to tell for the reason why. I played the game a lot when I was a kid as I'm sure a lot of anyone reading this did and I feel ready to take it serious and complete the game. As I did back then I'll be doing this completely on the gamecube version of the game.
Starting today these journals will be starring a new number! No longer 'Quest for 3266', but for 3375. Thanks to insight and tips from u/Affectionate_Yard I now know that Sonic Adventure 2 (SA2) has a soft cap of 4000 for chao stats though they may not be achievable without hacking the game. I won't speak the entirety of the story as its not really mine to tell but apparently in the Tiny Chao Garden (TCG) there is the possibility to get +31 on level ups in the Sonic Advance games AND those numbers will show in SA2.. So with that being said if I'm on this journey anyways I may as well go all the way. I've already ordered the link cable and Sonic Advance 2, have my old GBA SP, and I'm going to complete the game around finishing Cheese's current life. I've already run my numbers and have 2 more lives before I complete her 100%.
Weekly Recap:
This week I hit my goals exactly as I've hoped which I am absolutely satisfied with (honestly I'm sure I could have done even more but I felt like golfing yesterday). I'm also worried about this my progress as Cheese is older than I would have hoped she would be (currently 4 years) and I'm not sure if I can make the cutoff with finishing Fly, Swim, and Run. I've decided to gun it and see if I can make the cutoff. They're all 12 from last week so its not like I'm entirely from square 1. I've got a pretty fluid system now for my resets and even moved my gamecube to my bedroom that makes my setup SO much more comfortable, its literally beside me while I sit up lol. All in all good week with just as much planned for the next.
Current weeks thoughts and status:
This week I'll be looking to finish Swim and Fly, both to 99. Run is last because catching a chao with high run is just nightmare fuel by itself and Cheese's clock is already ticking for reincarnation. I have Monday off and meal prep for the week ahead is ready so I'm looking to do as much as I can tonight and tomorrow.
Stats as of 2024/05/19
Stats: Current: Projected: (2024/05/26) Max Allowable 29's
Swim: Lv.12, 0605 Lv.99, 3200 15
Fly: Lv.12, 0604 Lv.99, 3200 14
Run: Lv.12, 0607 SAC 17
Power: Lv.99, 3200 SAC N/A
Stamina: Lv.99, 3202 SAC N/A
**SAC = Same as Current**
Burnout hasn't approached a problem yet, like I mentioned being comfortable in my bed helped a TON. Even if I've welcomed a lot of crumbs from my snacks. Definitely excited to get my Sonic Advance file started. Haven't played that game in like a decade so may take the whole two weeks to finish that up while I balance other stuff.
Thank you for reading and enjoy some Cheese for your troubles.
Chao for now o/
submitted by CSRyl to chao [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 krzykillax [USA-NV][H] Nintendo 3DS XL Bundle, Switch games, JRPG Games, OG PS3 Console, Tales of Symphonia Chronicles CE, Nier Replicant White Snow Edition [W] PayPal

Hello All!
Cleaning out my closet. I'll have a lot more to add, but here are some for starters. Some CE's require a pretty big box, so for those it will take a bit longer to ship out. Pictures will be provided upon request!
Nintendo Switch Games
To The Moon LRG BNIB $50
To The Moon LRG Deluxe Edition BNIB $100
Fire Emblem Three Houses SEASONS OF WAREFARE CE BNIB $200 Shipped
I'm the original owner and still have the OG box. It is the Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds Gold LE 3DS XL. The code has long been redeemed but the console itself is in good condition.
The 3DS will come with the included games below. Some have a case and the rest will be loose cartridges.
Asking for $500 For the bundle
Games with a CASE
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
LOZ Majoras Mask
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2
Loose Cartridges
Pokemon Y
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Mario Kart 7
Super Mario 64
LOZ Ocarina of Time
Sims 2 Castaway
Adventure Time - Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
Last Story LE CIB SOLD
Trails of Cold Steel Lionheart Edition BNIB $80 Shipped
Drakengard 3 CE CIB SOLD
Record of Agarest War Zero Limited Edition BNIB $50 Shipped
El Shaddai BNIB $40 Shipped
Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns CE BNIB $100 shipped
Bleach Soul Resurrecion CIB $25 Shipped
Medal Of Honor Warfighter LE + Steel Book BNIB $30 Shipped
Tales Of Xilia 1 CE BNIB $100 Shipped
Tales Of Xilia 2 CE BNIB $100 Shipped
Atelier Totori Premium Edition BNIB $50 Shipped
Demon Souls CIB $15 Shipped
Dark Souls 1 CIB $15 Shipped
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 CIB $15 Shipped
Tales Of Symphonia Cronicles CE BNIB $150 Shipped
PS3 Fat Console w/ PS2 backwards Compatibility CIB (tested and working, plays PS1 and PS2 games) Only Console and Power + HDMI cable. S****OLD
Nier Replicant White Snow Edition BNIB $150 Shipped
BlazBlue Central Fiction Limited Edition BNIB $150 Shipped
Diofield Chronicle 2 CE BNIB $160 Shipped
Nier Replicant White Snow Edition (no game) BNIB $120 Shipped (this version was for steam but the game codes were sent digitally so it's just the collectible box with all contents inside and not opened)
submitted by krzykillax to GameSale [link] [comments]


So, this is really long but I think it's worth the read as there has been nothing else like this in the Gtag community before. I have been working on this almost every day since Valentines Day Update 2022. I have changed it, restarted it, and updated it for every new Gtag update. I will make Updates to the in the future as it seems like we are getting more updates and more maps in the future.
Updates are not always literal, for example, the Human Tag Update only shows that humans exist or once existed in the Gorilla Tag world. The Monkes are not literally wearing masks that resemble humans. This logic applies to every update unless it's just cosmetics or a new map. Also, it's really weird at the first few Chapters so just stick with it or skip ahead. Ask any question in the comments about why I put the things I put and if you want evidence.
Most recent Updates to this are in Chapters 8, 14, 15, and 16
BI = Before Infection AI = After Infection
Prologue: Gods
4,500,000,000 BI - 212,001 BI
When Earth is formed, two gods form with it to rule over the planet. Mother Nature, the god of life and nature, and the Illuminati, the god of chaos and ice. Mother Nature usually takes the form of a 3,000-foot-tall tree called the Tree of Life, while the Illuminati takes the form of an ice pyramid with an ice eye in the center. Mother Nature creates life to populate Earth while the Illuminati constantly tries to kill it.
Chapter 1: The Rise and Fall of Humanity
212,000 - 200,001 BI
Humans, the most powerful species on Earth has cut down the Tree of Life and taken Mother Nature out of control. This leaves the Illuminati to slowly creep into the modern society. Some Humans form a cult around it, and they are the most powerful people on Earth. That means, the Illuminati can tell them to do something, and they can affect the most powerful nations on the planet.
Eventually, the Illuminati tricks the humans into fighting each other. The biggest nations on the world begin to go to war with some of the biggest possible nukes. They destroy the surface of the Earth causing it to go into a nuclear ice age. The Illuminati, an ice god, now has full control over Earth. Anytime life appears, it almost instantly dies. However, some humans were able to survive and eventually, the ice age comes to an end, and no god is in control of Earth.
Chapter 2: Monke
200,000 BI - 1,001 BI
After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, Humans have evolved into a new species called Monkes. Monkes are gorilla-like apes that can survive the harshest of conditions. Their diet consists of grass and bugs. Some bugs and patches of grass have survived over the past few million years.
Mother Nature has started to take back control of the world as she creates the Tree of Life and a whole forest around it in a crater from a nuke. Many Monkes travel to this crater and end up being trapped as the forest is on a lower level then the rest of the crater.
Chapter 3: Rise of the Monkes
1,000 BI - 601 BI
All other Monkes go extinct meaning that the only remaining Monkes are in this crater. One day the Monkes decide to finally make the jump as they all jump down into the forest. Most of them die, but the few that survive are left without legs. About 100 Monkes are alive and they quickly learn to use their arms like legs.
Unfortunately, just like there Human ancestors, the first thing they do is cut down the Tree of Life and use its wood. This leaves Mother Nature powerless again. The wood from the Tree of Life will last them for thousands of years. They build bridges, tree houses, ramps, and a gazebo in the forest. All the children of the surviving Monkes also don't have legs making it now a fundamental part of their species.
They hollow out the inside of the Tree of Life's stump and start to build tunnels out of it. These tunnels reach out to all over the crater. One tunnel leads to a small set of canyons covered in sand. Another tunnel leads to a massive flat, rocky, landscape in the other side of the crater. The final tunnel goes straight down into the ground until it hits a large cave filled with crystals.
They build mines underneath the cave and harvest the large crystals. These crystals are radioactive because of the ancient nukes. The Monkes harvest the crystals and start to use them in technology. They create lamps, litghtposts, lights, signs, and even their greatest accomplishment a computer.
Chapter 4: The City
600 BI - 30 BI
The large, flat, rocky landscape they discovered has a lot of useful recourses in it. Over the next few hundred years they build an entire city with large skyscrapers and new technology that is widespread. There are thousands of Monkes now living in The City. The forest and canyons have become vacation places for most Monkes, and the homes of the most rich or important Monkes.
The Monkes decide to have a leader, so a rich family decides to step up and become the royals of the Monkes. There king is named Yorick, and their queen is named Lucy. They both live in a basement-like area rights next to the main entrance into The City. Queen Lucy also turns the canyons into an industrial area and improves quality of life for the main populous.
King Yorick and Queen Lucy have a son named Blue. By the time Prince Blue was 13 he already starting his dream job of being a scientist.
Chapter 5: The Hunt War
29 BI - 21 BI
A tunnel is dug in city after, and they dig all the way until the edge of the crater. The walls of the crater look like large mountains from down below and they are extremely cold. They accidentally cause an avalanche, and the base of the walls are filled with snow and ice. From this avalanche comes the god of chaos and ice, the Illuminati. The Illuminati causes many snowstorms and causes a sort of Ice Age.
Queen Lucy tries to keep everyone calm and civil. However, the Illuminati is able to influence the Monkes minds and causes chaos and destruction to happen all throughout Monke society. After years of pure chaos, the Monkes are able to split into two factions, The Monkes, and the Smiles. They also are helped by newly discovered species that came with the Ice Age. These species are Penguins, Polar Bears, Snow Owls, and many other species that live in the cold. These species were the only survivors of the ancient human war that nearly killed Earth. Over the past few hundred thousand years, they have all migrated across the world, and have worked together even if they were from different poles of the Earth.
The royal scientist, Prince Blue has created many new technologies before. During the war, he creates a Hunt Watch. A Hunt Watch is a watch that targets the nearest enemy to you. Once you touch that enemy with the watch on, they turn into an Ice Monke and can easily be shattered to bits. Over time, this technology allowed them to win the war and bring somewhat order back.
Chapter 6: The Ice Monkes
20 BI - 1 BI
Many Ice Monkes were not killed in the war, usually they were turned into Ice Monkes but were able to get away before being shattered. The Ice Monkes are still just regular Monkes except they are made of ice, can't go near heat, and are fragile. Even though the war was over, the Ice Monkes were still treated horribly. In this already hard time period, the Ice Monkes had absolutely nothing. Many veterans of the war still had their Hunt Watches, causing many more Ice Monkes to be formed.
Meanwhile the Illuminati builds snow castles for itself in the forest. This means that the mountain base was safe to enter now. To lighten the spirit of this dark time they built a large waterslide in this new area. Many murders and crimes still happen throughout The City, but one day it gets out of hand. King Yorick is assonated, his head was chopped off in the middle of The City. The now lonely Queen Lucy keeps his skull in her home.
Chapter 7: The Infection
0 AI - 3 AI
Ever since the bombs dropped hundreds of thousands of years ago, a volcano has slowly been forming in the crater. Now, the volcano has fully formed and is erupting. All the snow and ice are melted, the Illuminati is gone, the caves are flooded, and the mines are caved in. The base of the walls still has snow but lots of it melts and reshapes its surface.
In the lava was an extremophile virus that can survive the lavas heat. It is radioactive and spreads very quickly. This virus is called the Infection, and many Monkes get it. The infected Monkes get resistant to lava, they get stronger, they get faster, there skin is replaced with lava, and they have an uncontrollable instinct to hunt down normal Monkes and infect them.
The infected spread everywhere but The City is able to be kept safe and nobody can enter or leave The City. After a few years the volcano stops erupting, but the Infection stays around.
Chapter 8: Calming Down
4 AI - 6 AI
Prince Blue finds a cure for the Infection, some Monkes are given jobs to specifically leave The City and cure a ton of infected Monkes. They start doing this and it actually works. The cure is called Kai Juice. Anytime someone enters The City, they are given Kai Juice just in case. It is no longer dangerous to leave The City as if you get infected you can immediately drink some Kai Juice and go back to normal.
The caves and mines are drained and dug up. The old caves and mines completely caved in and revealed even more caves underneath. They start mining again and find loads of dinosaur bones along with a 40-foot-long crystal. Prince Blue has a son named Pink, but unfortunately during such great times, Queen Lucy dies of old age. Blue becomes King Blue and Pink becomes Prince Pink. There is a massive funeral for Queen Lucy that spans from The City all the way to the forest. They burn her body and put her ashes in a vase beneath a grave.
Chapter 9: Exploration
7 AI - 17 AI
A large tunnel is found on the forest walls, they follow it, and it leads out of the crater. Just on the other side of the crater is a beach covered in ancient, broken, human buildings. King Blue sees this and is the first to figure out that there was a complex civilization before them.
A few years later, they have made boats to sail out into the ocean and have built shops to supply the ships on shore. The ocean and beach are also home to many new animals. Meanwhile, King Blue discovered that if an infected Monke stays infected for multiply years, they harden and become rock. When they harden, they can't infect anything, but they can't be cured either. They also get even stronger, even faster, and their rock skin is almost impenetrable.
Chapter 10: The Tree of Life
18 AI - 47 AI
King Blue has been studying everything he can since he became king, and he has noticed that it is possible to revive the Tree of Life. For hundreds of years the Tree of Life's stump has been sitting in the forest, so King Blue is going to be the first one to do anything about it.
Over the next decade they nurture the stump and help it constantly until the Tree of Life has fully grown back. The only problem is that the Tree of Life is almost a mile tall, and they can't climb up that. King Blue and his engineering team spend the next few years building a rocket. When they are finished, they put it in the middle of The City and launch it. On the rocket is a team of explorers and engineers to work on top of the Tree of Life.
When on top of it they build large platforms along with massive rocks wheels and other things powered by winds. When they come back down, months later, they tell everyone what they built. The rocket becomes the main form of transportation in between The City and the Tree of Life’s top. The public uses that rocket to get up there because now people live on top of the Tree of Life in a place called Cloudtown.
Chapter 11: Calm Before the Storm
48 AI - 54 AI
King Blue and his team start to develop a new rocket after realizing how well they built the first rocket. The second rocket they build is not in The City and much larger. They build this rocket for years before eventually, it is done. It launched, flew out of the atmosphere, and took a 3-day journey through space until they landed on the Moon.
The Illuminati has created a being named Humbug. Humbug appears as a 30-foot-tall snowman. Humbug also has the abilities to change size, change the size of other things, transform, and transform other things. He takes the form of an old Monke named Santa Claus. In the form of Santa, he would give out presents to everyone and create ridiculously large birthday cakes for everyone. Everyone loved him and had no idea of his true form. He would use his powers every now and then to shrink people down and kidnap them. Over time he would slowly transform them into children's toys that he would give out to the people. However, the Santa form broke down over time. His red clothes and white beard becoming gray. But the public still loved and cherished him.
Chapter 12: Humbug
55 AI - 62 AI
Humbug reveals his true form and takes over The City. He shrinks down King Blue and Prince Pink. He then mutilates and transforms them into monsters called the Monkeyes. He traps them in a miniature maze and throws Monkes in there to be killed by their previous leaders. Everything is covered in snow once again by the Illuminati, but he still is not fully in control. Humbug takes over everything the Monkes have made before climbing his way up the Tree of Life. Humbug makes it up there and destroys Cloudtown in an attempt to take control over the Tree of Life. This does not work.
Over a few years, the Monkes have been able to create something called a Tesla Coil. The Tesla Coil is a machine that can take away Humbugs powers and use it against him. Humbug's powers are stripped away, and the Monkes take back control. Humbug is shrunken down and trapped in a miniature maze. The Monkes also start to use his powers to make themselves super big. However, with King Blue and Prince Pink turned into monsters, and Humbug overthrown, the Monkes have no leader.
Chapter 13: The Giants War
63 AI - 75 AI
The Monkes have been living peacefully for a few years, but eventualy, the different sizes start to look down on each other. This leads into the Giants War, where the different Monke sizes fight for 9 years. Eventually, the Monke population dwindle so much, that the war ended. The Monkes that did not change their size did not interact with the Monkes that changed their size. Now, tiny Monke skulls and giant Monke skulls are littered everywhere, and the only surviving Monkes are the ones that never changed their size.
Chapter 14: Peace
76 AI - 90 AI
The Tree of Life grows massively and repairs the damage done by Humbug years ago. Countless new branches and huge leaves sprout from its trunk. This allows the Monkes to make their way back up to the treetop with a newly repaired rocket. Cloudtown is rebuild, slowly, but rebuilt nonetheless. This is called, New Cloudtown.
A year after the Giants War ends, the skulls and bodies are cleared out. The City was practically empty as most buildings were either destroyed, damaged, or tilted over in the war. Many Monkes just went to New Cloudtown to survive as going anywhere else other than The City would mean being attacked by Infected Monkes. Also, during this time, the mutated monsters that were once King Blue and Prince Pink were killed by another Monke for sport. Their souls go on to become ghosts that wander the city. King Blue's soul becomes a ghost called the Ghost Wanderer, and Prince Pink's soul becomes a ghost called the Ghost Lurker.
The population has grown more, and the Monkes have created sports to celebrate the era of peace. These sports are Hockey, Watersoccer, and Paintbrawl. This happens during the fall where Lucy's spirit flies out from her grave and starts playing with some random civilian Monkes. She then reunites with the souls of her son and grandson in the forms of the Ghost Wanderer and the Ghost Lurker.
Chapter 15: Advancements
91 AI - 100 AI
A new type of plant is found in New Cloudtown. This plant sprouts large leaves with handle-like stems. These plants are called Glider Vines. The leaves of Glider Vines are used as gliders to fly around New Cloudtown.
The Monkes are unable to explore anymore. The ocean is too vast, they never got back from explorers they sent into the ocean, and the crater walls are too high to climb. So, they spend a few years creating an artificial environment that they can change on a will. They do this by using a Tesla Coil that harness Humbug's powers. In the first testing of it, they try to bring back the vast cave systems they found hundreds of years ago. It was an attempt to make infinite recourses. It turns out as a failure, everything is extremely broken and blocky. After much testing, they have it so it could be a tundra, a swamp, an ancient temple, and basically anything else. This underground, artificial environment is called Rotation.
They decide to excavate a larger area for Rotation. They then finish their original plan of recreating that same ancient cave system. This time it works, and it looks just like how it did hundreds of years ago. However, during the excavating of the larger area, the long dead Queen Lucy's vase finds itself in Rotation. Minor Monkes enter this cave and start mining, but when they discover Lucy's vase, they open it. From her long dead ashes rises the confused, lost, and insane spirit of Lucy. She has been trapped underground in the dark for almost a century now and has gone insane. The minors call her the Burnt Lucy, a dark reflection of their long dead Queen.
Chapter 16: The Return of Humbug
101 AI - ??? AI
The usage of the Tesla Coil attracts Humbug. He is able to escape the miniature maze the Monkes trapped him in, and slowly make his way to Rotation. When he arrives, he is able to get some of his powers back from the Tesla Coil, but he is noticed by the Monkes.
One of the first things Humbug does is kidnap three Monkes and turns them into small monsters called Monkeyes. He places them in the tiny maze that he was once trapped in.
submitted by Jexvite to GorillaTag [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:18 throwawayflapper1929 Huge Sale! Mostly New Items! Sol De Janiero / Armani / Charlotte Tilbury / Em Cosmetics / Fresh / Glow Recipe / Surratt / Danessa Myricks / Glossier / Drunk Elephant / Ilia / Dior / Makeup Forever / Hourglass

Huge sale! All must go! Prices as marked. If condition is not listed then it is brand new.
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submitted by throwawayflapper1929 to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:01 throwawaytempest25 Odius is one of the most disappointing main antagonists. For all this hype of her using/knowing the ranger's weakness, Foxtron is her only good scheme until she uses Mick in the finale, and she ends up becoming exactly like Galvanax, doing little until the show's almost over.

Odius is one of the most disappointing main antagonists. For all this hype of her using/knowing the ranger's weakness, Foxtron is her only good scheme until she uses Mick in the finale, and she ends up becoming exactly like Galvanax, doing little until the show's almost over.
Like when you think about, someone pointed out that villains that take over for the main villain still have something to deal with. Trakeena had to deal with Deviot trying to take control of her, In Space had Astronema not completely in control and trying to undermind Dark Specter, Master Org constantly had to fight the Gaoranger revolving antagonists until he was able to claw himself back up, Vexacus was a parody on this trope but failed as a meta commentary on Ninja Storm doing it's own thing, and Odius doesn't really have any of that.
A criticism of Ninninger I heard is that Odius and Brax's counterpart were in the show, but her counterpart took a backseat when he arrived and only showed up at the end to reveal the truth of his (Odius' counterpart) origins to the big bad of there, and some people had wanted them to be on the same side.
For Ninja Steel, I think it would've been better had Brax came in and tried to take over with mixed results, leading to them working together and trying to undermine each other around the same time, because I watched some of the episode Brax's counterpart was in and he came up with a good plan to hijack the zords away from the team and forced them to fight and get it back.
Because Brax and Tynamon do very little in the show.
In fact a lot of Odius' plans...aren't really there to undermine the rangers. When you look back at season 2, there's a few:
Levi getting turned evil by the umbrella monster she planned was smart. Wish it had went somewhere or built into Levi's powerup but whatever.
Foxatron had her use the Galactic Ninjas' abilities to power her own mech....even though in two cases she didn't have to let them die and could've just taken them at any time.
But the rest?
Frakenstein only was a threat because his powers were tied to Calvin and Hayley's relationship drama that's mostly his fault.
The ocean episode's conflict was her trying to drown the city but the whole Sarah and Hayley subplot was entirely there fault when she could've used her abilities to distract them since their tech could've been a means to stop her plans (and it's one of the few times a zord has an explanation)
Any of the Galactic Ninjas for the third and fourth one, the Ninjas don't have her aid into screwing over anyone else.
After that....kinda nothing.
Fan Frenzy. the episode that wastes it's premise on mutating people into werewolves being wasted over teaching Levi it's okay to be a toxic fan and that having shitty friends who want to use you is fine if they get you what you want?
Sherriff Skyfire lives least she was able to trick Skyfire into attacking the Rangers (could've used any footage of them and twist it to make it look like they were attacking civilians, each other like the Levi, but hey, looking for something)
Tech Support....well she builds a gun for Typeface...when she could've just enhanced Typeface with a keyword instruction to infect their weapons (yes I know Judd Lynn ain't that great with magic seasons and that technically Ninja Steel runs on techo-magic....that wasn't explored until this and Happy to Be Me)
Fourth to last episode...I guess threatening Tynamon counts
Like her endgame plan ain't that bad. Use and kidnap Mick to make a mind control device to kidnap humanity and then make them Galaxy Warriors contestants while kidnapping them and brainwashing them. Really she's not the problem, but this being 2.5 episodes when it should've been 3.5, not using the brainwashed gimmicks to actually make some compelling fights between half the protagonists. People've criticized the Romeros and Preston for some reason, but imagined if we had Brody and Levi fighting Dane in a corrupted/black slash version of his ranger suit, Sarah needing a way to out pace a Mick who's helped her improve her skills, or Calvin being more physically stronger than Hayley throughout the season while she's forced to get more flexible and creative before using a fake out technique before she shoots the satelleite, and all of those were planned by Odius to cripple the team.
Hell the fact her final form looks like Galvanax would've been perfect had it been the amalgamation of all her efforts blowing up in her face. The strategist who saw her self as above her friends and enemies being overcome at every aspect, now resorting to power as her plans for power fail.
Like we know she wants an army trying to gain the Ninja Nexus Prism's power for 1000 years (let's say the Z Wave couldn't reach everyone, knowing her she probably had a protective spell at the time) but we never learned way, even though any explanation could add up. The Necus Prism is a source of strength, ninjas aren't traditionally strong like she seems, and accessing that power would allow her to gain that strength she always wanted, only to get beaten by the same people who's powers she's been trying to poison and replicate the whole time.
But alas, Odius definitely had some moments, but given that we had Evox doing a fair amount and being active in several arcs of season 2, the Void King and Queen playing a huge role, even Cosmic Fury from what I've heard (haven't seen it yet) doing interesting things with Zedd and the capitalist family, it's a shame that the mandates and lack of creativity kinda hurt this season.
At least Dino Super Charge had Arcanon, Heckyl, and Sledge constantly undermining the heroes and one another while giving the rangers challenges in their human and ranger life.
Oh and I never gave my thoughts on the other villains:
Galvanax: Half the time doesn't even feel like a villain, more like a neutral dude who just wanted to run a game show and prove how strong he is. There's potential in that, and his dynamic with Brody, but underexplored.
Ripcon: If they were also going to kill him in 12 episodes, they could've either made Cooley use a more menacing voice, do what the Sentai did and have him decimate members of the team before the end, use any moments for comedy to have him be no nonense, like when his sword got taken, he immediately punishes Brody and slashes a bot in half instead of just making him a joke outside of the footage.
Cosmo Royale: He's probably the only villain who had a solid plan that would've beaten the rangers.
Badonna: A waste of space and footage. They weren't going to adapt the pregnancy plot, did nothing with her being a prisoner of Sledge. I like the secretary a Brax fan to make up for that footage, and being Odius' number two but they did nothing with it when the whole "loving and going crazy to be free and indulge in fights instead of being a slave" aspect was right there. Hell her being a fan of Galvanax would've given her something too since like Brax, she seems to like strong and powerful fighters.
Brax...does very little after his debut and dies. least he did something.
Galactic Ninjas: So people have said the Psycho RangeQuirky Miniboss Squad/Ranger esque of general like monsters of the week that challenges: they aren't as one note as the Wolf blades but they could've been on par with the Five Fingers of Poison but they're carried hard by their Sentai Footage
submitted by throwawaytempest25 to powerrangers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:57 burtonspencer exploration mods for wimps with laptops

Hey, I know this isn't a popular style, but I don't actually really like fighting mobs/bosses very often in Minecraft. I don't mind fighting a few zombies or skeletons when entering a cave, or trying to survive through the night, but overall it's just not really my favorite part of the game. My favorite part of the game is exploring new places, and I love finding sunken ships and buried treasure (but i absolutely despise Drowned, so sometimes I make a world on peaceful solely for the purpose of finding sunken ships).
I've been looking through threads for good exploration mods, but so many of them come with bosses to defeat, or crazy new mobs, or super challenging dungeons ( I don't mind the idea of dungeons but sometimes I look at people playing the mod and immediately know I would never be able to get through them lol). My question is, are there any good exploration mods without these things? Maybe with new structures, biomes, places to go, but without being super challenging.. Also, I play on my macbook. It's one of the newest versions, and has done really well so far, but I'm worried about some mods being too much for it. I currently only have Optifine and JEI installed. I also don't use shaders mostly because I don't want to slow things down, but I do think if I only have a few bigger mods it should be okay.
Any suggestions? Are there any good exploration-based mods not centered around combat or defeating different bosses/mobs? thanks in advance for your answers, I really want to explore different mods but I am NOT good at fighting in Minecraft lol
submitted by burtonspencer to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:42 _Triple_ [STORE] 900+ KNIVES/GLOVES/SKINS, 100.000$+ INVENTORY. BFK Lore, Gloves Amphibious, Skeleton Fade, Bowie Emerald, BFK Auto, Gloves MF, Talon Doppler, Gloves POW, Bayo Tiger, Gut Sapphire, Stiletto MF, M9 Ultra, Ursus Doppler, Flip Doppler, M9 Stained, Nomad CW, Paracord CW, AK-47 X-Ray & A Lot More

Everything in my inventory is up for trade. The most valuable items are listed here, the rest you can find in My Inventory

Feel free to Add Me or even better send a Trade Offer. Open for any suggestions: upgrades, downgrades / knives, gloves, skins / stickers, patterns, floats.

All Buyouts are listed in cash value.


★ Butterfly Knife Lore (Factory New), B/O: $7194.77

★ Butterfly Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2025.74

★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $557.87

★ M9 Bayonet Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $529.41

★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $465.39

★ Talon Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $1295.27

★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth (Minimal Wear), B/O: $746.28

★ Karambit Bright Water (Field-Tested), B/O: $688.15

★ Flip Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $547.93

★ Flip Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $476.69

★ Flip Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $278.18

★ Flip Knife Black Laminate (Well-Worn), B/O: $258.83

★ Flip Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $181.64

★ Stiletto Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $686.04

★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $665.41

★ Stiletto Knife, B/O: $601.39

★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $418.25

★ Stiletto Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $227.80

★ Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.96

★ Stiletto Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $192.79

★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $518.11

★ Nomad Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $169.78

★ Nomad Knife Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $166.88

★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $335.79

★ Skeleton Knife Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $442.05

★ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Minimal Wear), B/O: $426.24

★ Skeleton Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $314.03

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2361.28

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $376.53

★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $557.12

★ Ursus Knife, B/O: $471.42

★ Ursus Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $212.37

★ Ursus Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $187.66

★ Ursus Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $178.18

★ Ursus Knife Ultraviolet (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $155.13

★ Ursus Knife Boreal Forest (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.26

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Minimal Wear), B/O: $204.83

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Field-Tested), B/O: $184.50

★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Lore (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $224.11

★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $2142.02

★ Bowie Knife, B/O: $230.44

★ Bowie Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $209.20

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Minimal Wear), B/O: $180.51

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Falchion Knife Night (Field-Tested), B/O: $132.54

★ Falchion Knife Urban Masked (Well-Worn), B/O: $112.81

★ Falchion Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $108.81

★ Falchion Knife Forest DDPAT (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.82

★ Falchion Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.46

★ StatTrak™ Falchion Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $143.08

★ Paracord Knife Crimson Web (Minimal Wear), B/O: $486.48

★ Paracord Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $163.12

★ Survival Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $138.26

★ Survival Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Gut Knife Sapphire (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1127.79

★ Gut Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $286.17

★ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $246.55

★ Gut Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $240.77

★ Gut Knife, B/O: $210.49

★ Gut Knife Lore (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.22

★ Gut Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $151.51

★ Gut Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.94

★ Gut Knife Rust Coat (Well-Worn), B/O: $118.99

★ Gut Knife Boreal Forest (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.80

★ StatTrak™ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $237.96

★ Shadow Daggers Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $264.92

★ Shadow Daggers Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $253.03

★ Shadow Daggers Tiger Tooth (Factory New), B/O: $237.22

★ Shadow Daggers Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.40

★ Shadow Daggers Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $144.42

★ Shadow Daggers Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $105.20

★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $150.46

★ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $365.99

★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $228.93

★ Navaja Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $227.43

★ Navaja Knife Slaughter (Factory New), B/O: $209.06

★ Navaja Knife, B/O: $203.16

★ Navaja Knife Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $132.57

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $121.69

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.95

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $100.41

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $369.01

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $109.95


★ Sport Gloves Amphibious (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2394.67

★ Sport Gloves Omega (Well-Worn), B/O: $572.33

★ Sport Gloves Bronze Morph (Minimal Wear), B/O: $338.88

★ Sport Gloves Big Game (Field-Tested), B/O: $323.66

★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1652.07

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★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $178.32

★ Driver Gloves Queen Jaguar (Minimal Wear), B/O: $181.01

★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red (Field-Tested), B/O: $101.66

★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade (Field-Tested), B/O: $127.88

★ Broken Fang Gloves Needle Point (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.55

★ Bloodhound Gloves Guerrilla (Minimal Wear), B/O: $127.94

★ Hydra Gloves Case Hardened (Field-Tested), B/O: $102.55


AK-47 X-Ray (Well-Worn), B/O: $478.95

AUG Hot Rod (Factory New), B/O: $425.83

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Hyper Beast (Factory New), B/O: $413.95

M4A4 Daybreak (Factory New), B/O: $309.51

StatTrak™ AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge (Factory New), B/O: $305.43

AK-47 Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $196.38

StatTrak™ M4A4 Temukau (Minimal Wear), B/O: $174.64

P90 Run and Hide (Field-Tested), B/O: $167.03

AWP Asiimov (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.33

Souvenir SSG 08 Death Strike (Minimal Wear), B/O: $140.00

M4A1-S Printstream (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.70

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Golden Coil (Field-Tested), B/O: $117.48

AWP Asiimov (Well-Worn), B/O: $115.97

StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Printstream (Minimal Wear), B/O: $112.96

StatTrak™ AK-47 Asiimov (Minimal Wear), B/O: $110.85

Souvenir M4A1-S Master Piece (Well-Worn), B/O: $102.42

AK-47 Bloodsport (Minimal Wear), B/O: $100.53

Trade Offer Link - Steam Profile Link - My Inventory

Knives - Bowie Knife, Butterfly Knife, Falchion Knife, Flip Knife, Gut Knife, Huntsman Knife, M9 Bayonet, Bayonet, Karambit, Shadow Daggers, Stiletto Knife, Ursus Knife, Navaja Knife, Talon Knife, Classic Knife, Paracord Knife, Survival Knife, Nomad Knife, Skeleton Knife, Patterns - Gamma Doppler, Doppler (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, Black Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald), Crimson Web, Lore, Fade, Ultraviolet, Night, Marble Fade (Fire & Ice, Fake FI), Case Hardened (Blue Gem), Autotronic, Slaughter, Black Laminate, Tiger Tooth, Boreal Forest, Scorched, Blue Steel, Vanilla, Damascus Steel, Forest DDPAT, Urban Masked, Freehand, Stained, Bright Water, Safari Mesh, Rust Coat, Gloves - Bloodhound Gloves (Charred, Snakebite, Guerrilla, Bronzed), Driver Gloves (Snow Leopard, King Snake, Crimson Weave, Imperial Plaid, Black Tie, Lunar Weave, Diamondback, Rezan the Red, Overtake, Queen Jaguar, Convoy, Racing Green), Hand Wraps (Cobalt Skulls, CAUTION!, Overprint, Slaughter, Leather, Giraffe, Badlands, Spruce DDPAT, Arboreal, Constrictor, Desert Shamagh, Duct Tape), Moto Gloves (Spearmint, POW!, Cool Mint, Smoke Out, Finish Line, Polygon, Blood Pressure, Turtle, Boom!, Eclipse, 3rd Commando Company, Transport), Specialist Gloves (Crimson Kimono, Tiger Strike, Emerald Web, Field Agent, Marble Fade, Fade, Foundation, Lt. Commander, Crimson Web, Mogul, Forest DDPAT, Buckshot), Sport Gloves (Pandora's Box, Superconductor, Hedge Maze, Vice, Amphibious, Slingshot, Omega, Arid, Big Game, Nocts, Scarlet Shamagh, Bronze Morph), Hydra Gloves (Case Hardened, Emerald, Rattler, Mangrove), Broken Fang Gloves (Jade, Yellow-banded, Unhinged, Needle Point), Pistols - P2000 (Wicked Sick, Ocean Foam, Fire Element, Amber Fade, Corticera, Chainmail, Imperial Dragon, Obsidian, Scorpion, Handgun, Acid Etched), USP-S (Printstream, Kill Confirmed, Whiteout, Road Rash, Owergrowth, The Traitor, Neo-Noir, Dark Water, Orion, Blueprint, Stainless, Caiman, Serum, Monster Mashup, Royal Blue, Ancient Visions, Cortex, Orange Anolis, Ticket To Hell, Black Lotus, Cyrex, Check Engine, Guardian, Purple DDPAT, Torque, Blood Tiger, Flashback, Business Class, Pathfinder, Para Green), Lead Conduit, Glock-18 (Ramese's Reach, Umbral Rabbit, Fade, Candy Apple, Bullet Queen, Synth Leaf, Neo-Noir, Nuclear Garden, Dragon Tatto, Reactor, Pink DDPAT, Twilight Galaxy, Sand Dune, Groundwater, Blue Fissure, Snack Attack, Water Elemental, Brass, Wasteland Rebel, Vogue, Franklin, Royal Legion, Gamma Doppler, Weasel, Steel Disruption, Ironwork, Grinder, High Beam, Moonrise, Oxide Blaze, Bunsen Burner, Clear Polymer, Bunsen Burner, Night), P250 (Apep's Curse, Re.built, Nuclear Threat, Modern Hunter, Splash, Whiteout, Vino Primo, Mehndi, Asiimov, Visions, Undertow, Cartel, See Ya Later, Gunsmoke, Splash, Digital Architect, Muertos, Red Rock, Bengal Tiger, Crimson Kimono, Wingshot, Metallic DDPAT, Hive, Dark Filigree, Mint Kimono), Five-Seven (Neon Kimono, Berries And Cherries, Fall Hazard, Crimson Blossom, Hyper Beast, Nitro, Fairy Tale, Case Hardened, Copper Galaxy, Angry Mob, Monkey Business, Fowl Play, Anodized Gunmetal, Hot Shot, Retrobution, Boost Protocol), CZ75-Auto (Chalice, Crimson Web, Emerald Quartz, The Fuschia is Now, Nitro, Xiangliu, Yellow Jacket, Victoria, Poison Dart, Syndicate, Eco, Hexane, Pole, Tigris), Tec-9 (Mummy's Rot, Rebel, Terrace, Nuclear Threat, Hades, Rust Leaf, Decimator, Blast From, Orange Murano, Toxic, Fuel Injector, Remote Control, Bamboo Forest, Isaac, Avalanche, Brother, Re-Entry, Blue Titanium, Bamboozle), R8 Revolver (Banana Cannon, Fade, Blaze, Crimson Web, Liama Cannon, Crazy 8, Reboot, Canal Spray, Night, Amber Fade), Desert Eagle (Blaze, Hand Cannon, Fennec Fox, Sunset Storm, Emerald Jörmungandr, Pilot, Hypnotic, Golden Koi, Printstream, Cobalt Disruption, Code Red, Ocean Drive, Midnight Storm, Kumicho Dragon, Crimson Web, Heirloom, Night Heist, Mecha Industries, Night, Conspiracy, Trigger Discipline, Naga, Directive, Light Rail), Dual Berettas (Flora Carnivora, Duelist, Cobra Strike, Black Limba, Emerald, Hemoglobin, Twin Turbo, Marina, Melondrama, Pyre, Retribution, Briar, Dezastre, Royal Consorts, Urban Shock, Dualing Dragons, Panther, Balance), Rifles - Galil (Aqua Terrace, Winter Forest, Chatterbox, Sugar Rush, Pheonix Blacklight, CAUTION!, Orange DDPAT, Cerberus, Dusk Ruins, Eco, Chromatic Aberration, Stone Cold, Tuxedo, Sandstorm, Shattered, Urban Rubble, Rocket Pop, Kami, Crimson Tsunami, Connexion), SCAR-20 (Fragments, Brass, Cyrex, Palm, Splash Jam, Cardiac, Emerald, Crimson Web, Magna Carta, Stone Mosaico, Bloodsport, Enforcer), AWP (Black Nile, Duality, Gungnir, Dragon Lore, Prince, Medusa, Desert Hydra, Fade, Lightning Strike, Oni Taiji, Silk Tiger, Graphite, Chromatic Aberration, Asiimov, Snake Camo, Boom, Containment Breach, Wildfire, Redline, Electric Hive, Hyper Beast, Neo-Noir, Man-o'-war, Pink DDPAT, Corticera, Sun in Leo, Elite Build, Fever Dream, Atheris, Mortis, PAW, Exoskeleton, Worm God, POP AWP, Phobos, Acheron, Pit Viper, Capillary, Safari Mesh), AK-47 (Steel Delta, Head Shot, Wild Lotus, Gold Arabesque, X-Ray, Fire Serpent, Hydroponic, Panthera Onca, Case Hardened, Vulcan, Jet Set, Fuel Injector, Bloodsport, Nightwish, First Class, Neon Rider, Asiimov, Red Laminate, Aquamarine Revenge, The Empress, Wasteland Rebel, Jaguar, Black Laminate, Leet Museo, Neon Revolution, Redline, Frontside Misty, Predator, Legion of Anubis, Point Disarray, Orbit Mk01, Blue Laminate, Green Laminate, Emerald Pinstripe, Cartel, Phantom Disruptor, Jungle Spray, Safety Net, Rat Rod, Baroque Purple, Slate, Elite Build, Uncharted, Safari Mesh), FAMAS (Waters of Nephthys, Sundown, Prime Conspiracy, Afterimage, Commemoration, Dark Water, Spitfire, Pulse, Eye of Athena, Meltdown, Rapid Eye Move, Roll Cage, Styx, Mecha Industrie, Djinn, ZX Spectron, Valence, Neural Net, Night Borre, Hexne), M4A4 (Eye of Horus, Temukau, Howl, Poseidon, Asiimov, Daybreak, Hellfire, Zirka, Red DDPAT, Radiation Hazard, Modern Hunter, The Emperor, The Coalition, Bullet Rain, Cyber Security, X-Ray, Dark Blossom, Buzz Kill, In Living Color, Neo-Noir, Desolate Space, 龍王 (Dragon King), Royal Paladin, The Battlestar, Global Offensive, Tooth Fairy, Desert-Strike, Griffin, Evil Daimyo, Spider Lily, Converter), M4A1-S (Emphorosaur-S, Welcome to the Jungle, Imminent Danger, Knight, Hot Rod, Icarus Fell, Blue Phosphor, Printstream, Master Piece, Dark Water, Golden Coil, Bright Water, Player Two, Atomic Alloy, Guardian, Chantico's Fire, Hyper Beast, Mecha Industries, Cyrex, Control Panel, Moss Quartz, Nightmare, Decimator, Leaded Glass, Basilisk, Blood Tiger, Briefing, Night Terror, Nitro, VariCamo, Flashback), SG 553 (Cyberforce, Hazard Pay, Bulldozer, Integrale, Dragon Tech, Ultraviolet, Colony IV, Hypnotic, Cyrex, Candy Apple, Barricade, Pulse), SSG 08 (Death Strike, Sea Calico, Blood in the Water, Orange Filigree, Dragonfire, Big Iron, Bloodshot, Detour, Turbo Peek, Red Stone), AUG (Akihabara Accept, Flame Jörmungandr, Hot Rod, Midnight Lily, Sand Storm, Carved Jade, Wings, Anodized Navy, Death by Puppy, Torque, Bengal Tiger, Chameleon, Fleet Flock, Random Access, Momentum, Syd Mead, Stymphalian, Arctic Wolf, Aristocrat, Navy Murano), G3SG1 (Chronos, Violet Murano, Flux, Demeter, Orange Kimono, The Executioner, Green Apple, Arctic Polar Camo, Contractor), SMGs - P90 (ScaraB Rush, Neoqueen, Astral Jörmungandr, Run and Hide, Emerald Dragon, Cold Blooded, Death by Kitty, Baroque Red, Vent Rush, Blind Spot, Asiimov, Trigon, Sunset Lily, Death Grip, Leather, Nostalgia, Fallout Warning, Tiger Pit, Schermatic, Virus, Shapewood, Glacier Mesh, Shallow Grave, Chopper, Desert Warfare), MAC-10 (Sakkaku, Hot Snakes, Copper Borre, Red Filigree, Gold Brick, Graven, Case Hardened, Stalker, Amber Fade, Neon Rider, Tatter, Curse, Propaganda, Nuclear Garden, Disco Tech, Toybox, Heat, Indigo), UMP-45 (Wild Child, Fade, Blaze, Day Lily, Minotaur's Labyrinth, Crime Scene, Caramel, Bone Pile, Momentum, Primal Saber), MP7 (Teal Blossom, Fade, Nemesis, Whiteout, Asterion, Bloosport, Abyssal Apparition, Full Stop, Special Delivery, Neon Ply, Asterion, Ocean Foam, Powercore, Scorched, Impire), PP-Bizon (Modern Hunter, Rust Coat, Forest Leaves, Antique, High Roller, Blue Streak, Seabird, Judgement of Anubis, Bamboo Print, Embargo, Chemical Green, Coblat Halftone, Fuel Rod, Photic Zone, Irradiated Alert, Carbon Fiber), MP9 (Featherweight, Wild Lily, Pandora's Box, Stained Glass, Bulldozer, Dark Age, Hot Rod, Hypnotic, Hydra, Rose Iron, Music Box, Setting Sun, Food Chain, Airlock, Mount Fuji, Starlight Protector, Ruby Poison Dart, Deadly Poison), MP5-SD (Liquidation, Oxide Oasis, Phosphor, Nitro, Agent, Autumn Twilly), Shotguns, Machineguns - Sawed-Off (Kiss♥Love, First Class, Orange DDPAT, Rust Coat, The Kraken, Devourer, Mosaico, Wasteland Princess, Bamboo Shadow, Copper, Serenity, Limelight, Apocalypto), XM1014 (Frost Borre, Ancient Lore, Red Leather, Elegant Vines, Banana Leaf, Jungle, Urban Perforated, Grassland, Blaze Orange, Heaven Guard, VariCamo Blue, Entombed, XOXO, Seasons, Tranquility, Bone Machine, Incinegator, Teclu Burner, Black Tie, Zombie Offensive, Watchdog), Nova (Sobek's Bite, Baroque Orange, Hyper Beast, Green Apple, Antique, Modern Hunter, Walnut, Forest Leaves, Graphite, Blaze Orange, Rising Skull, Tempest, Bloomstick, Interlock, Quick Sand, Moon in Libra, Clean Polymer, Red Quartz, Toy Soldier), MAG-7 (Copper Coated, Insomnia, Cinqueda, Counter Terrace, Prism Terrace, Memento, Chainmail, Hazard, Justice, Bulldozer, Silver, Core Breach, Firestarter, Praetorian, Heat, Hard Water, Monster Call, BI83 Spectrum, SWAG-7), M249 (Humidor, Shipping Forecast, Blizzard Marbleized, Downtown, Jungle DDPAT, Nebula Crusader, Impact Drill, Emerald Poison Dart), Negev (Mjölnir, Anodized Navy, Palm, Power Loader, Bratatat, CaliCamo, Phoenix Stencil, Infrastructure, Boroque Sand), Wear - Factory New (FN), Minimal Wear (MW), Field-Tested (FT), Well-Worn (WW), Battle-Scarred (BS), Stickers Holo/Foil/Gold - Katowice 2014, Krakow 2017, Howling Dawn, Katowice 2015, Crown, London 2018, Cologne 2014, Boston 2018, Atlanta 2017, Cluj-Napoca 2015, DreamHack 2014, King on the Field, Harp of War, Winged Difuser, Cologne 2016, Cologne 2015, MLG Columbus 2016, Katowice 2019, Berlin 2019, RMR 2020, Stockholm 2021, Antwerp 2022, Paris 2023, Swag Foil, Flammable foil, Others - Souvenirs, Agents, Pins, Passes, Gifts, Music Kits, Cases, Keys, Capsules, Packages, Patches

Some items on the list may no longer be available or are still locked, visit My Inventory for more details.

Send a Trade Offer for fastest response. I consider all offers.

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submitted by _Triple_ to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:09 Doombocious Stratagems I feel need improvements, and how I'd change them

This is mostly a very opinionated post, but not for a lack of experimenting. I've played with some of these stratagems enough to know what needs fixing, and what I feel would be the best course of action. You're free to disagree, but that's not my problem. I like sharing ideas, and this is gonna be a long post.
The Spear - Despite popular opinion (I think), I believe the Spear needs some improvements in regards to its damage as much as it needs improvements to its lock-on. Improvements: Increase the Spear's damage to 1-shot Chargers, Tanks (Obliterators and Shredders), Hulks and Automaton Buildings regardless of where it hits. Reduce the Spear's lock-on reticle so it can be more accurate to what you're trying to lock onto, and reduce the effects of foliage and fog. Reasoning: The Spear is an amazing anti-super heavy unit weapon, but it lacks that similar treatment against regular Heavies. While it can 1-shot a Charger, Tank or Hulk, you need to somehow aim the rocket in a way that it hits them in their weak spots, otherwise it merely scratches them, or leaves them hanging on a limp. For a weapon that is this slow to use and inspired by real anti-tank technology, it's disappointing that an anti-tank weapon can't actually just destroy tanks.
Orbital Gatling Barrage - Arguably the most unused stratagem next to the Smoke Strikes. I'm almost certain everybody uses it just once and goes "Eh, I prefer this other thing." Improvements: Increase the rate of fire of the gatling barrage as well as the total amount of rounds fired, increase the affected area (not the explosion radius, just the spread of the bullets) and increase damage on direct impact. Reasoning: While currently mediocre, I believe the idea behind the Orbital Gatling Barrage is to be a medium entity handler. It's a suppression tool that's made to clear out light-medium units while damaging heavier units, if not kill them if you get a few lucky hits in. That being said, as it is, the Gatling Barrage doesn't fire fast enough to have the desired effect, and the damage is too low to deal significant damage required to actually clear medium sized targets clearly, like Warriors, Hive Guards and Hive Commanders.
Orbital Railcannon Strike - Despite its popular usage, I still believe this stratagem could be made better and more fitting of a playstyle that is more skirmishy and hit-and-run. Improvements: Reduce the cooldown to 120s (108s with Ship Module upgrade) Reasoning: While it's an amazing anti-heavy stratagem, that's almost exclusively what it is. It's a single, high-powered shot that will usually 1-shot almost everything it shoots. However, the cooldown is far too high to be useful when compared alternatives that can do the same effect just as fast, more consistently and/or with less hassle over a cooldown. Reducing the cooldown makes the Stratagem fit more in builds that are more reactive than proactive, as I believe it was intended to be.
Orbital Smoke Strike & Eagle Smoke Strike - If I had to guess, both of these are probably the most unused stratagems in the game. This is by virtue of the fact that they really don't work as people would expect them to. Improvements: Increase the power of the smoke strikes by confusing enemies when it lands. If the smoke strike blocks enemy LOS on Helldivers (players), then it should stop them from acting against players until LOS is reestablished. This includes shooting for Automatons, and chasing for Terminids. Reasoning: I don't think you need to be a mega-genius to understand that Smoke Screens are mostly use to cover approaches and retreats. They're extremely defensive by design and help to confuse enemies more than anything. By that virtue, I believe that the intended usage of this stratagem is to be both proactive and reactive, to help players get into range on an objective, or escape a tricky situation.
Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods - Another stratagem that is deceptively strong, but in practice is actually almost useless. Improvements: Increase the accuracy of the Rocket Pods so that they're practically guided onto the target, rather than being a high-powered and highly focused strafing run. Add an aiming reticle similar to the Railcannon so players can expect where the rockets are aiming for. Reasoning: While the damage is currently quite insane (it can 1-shot a Bile Titan), the reliability of this stratagem is extremely poor. It almost always misses, is incredibly hard to actually land on a desired target and there's no actual indication of where your rockets are going. Improving responsiveness by making the rockets more accurate and giving players an idea of where the rockets are going would make this stratagem more popular, if a little bit overpowered unless they nerf the damage so it can't just 1-shot Bile Titans.
Shield Generator Relay - Next to the Smoke Strikes, I believe this is one of the least used stratagems in the game, and for good reason. Improvements: Increase the duration from 30s to 60s if we're feeling ballsy) and give it the ability to block enemies from entering the shield. Reasoning: The Shield Generator Relay feels to me like a reactive "oh shit" stratagem, used particularly in defensive missions or in situations where you really need a spot to reload, heal and return fire without being at risk of getting killed in the process. Increasing the duration of the shield and giving it the ability to block enemies would go a long way in improving its usability and situational utility.
Anti-Personnel Minefield & Incendiary Mines - While I don't think either of these stratagems are extremely bad, I think their usage is just generally confused in the eyes of many who tried to use them, besides the fact that they're amazing at killing teammates more than they are at killing enemies. Improvements: Increase the APM's direct damage to enemies that step on mines, while keeping the explosion damage similar, if reduced. Increase the Incendiary Mines' explosion radius to cover more enemies in flame, and increase the flame DOT slightly if necessary. Reasoning: Now I'm not sure what the developers' intention was with these two, but here's my idea: the Anti-Personnel Minefield should be an amazing anti-medium stratagem. Giving it increased direct damage on explosions can make it an amazing stratagem against swarms of Warriors, Hive Guards and Hive Commanders, while less desirable against lighter units. On the flip side, Incendiary Mines should have a greater blast radius to increase its effectiveness against lighter units, given that they are the weakest to being burnt to death.
"Guard Dog" - Yes, the Liberator one. The reason I think people use Rover over the 'normal' variant is because Rover is just more efficient: it doesn't reload as often, it can kill enemies just as well as the 'normal' Guard Dog can, and it's less at risk of accidentally killing you instantly. Improvements: Increase the "Guard Dog" weapon's armor-piercing capacity and increase its damage, giving it the ability to kill Hive Guards and Hive Commanders more quickly. Remove its ability to lock on to light enemies other than Hunters. Reasoning: Very similar to my argument about the Anti-Personnel Minefield and Incendiary Mines, I believe that both "Guard Dogs" should fill niche roles. The Rover should fill the anti-light niche, where it deals with scavengers, spitters and hunters most effectively, but struggles against Warriors and Hive Guards. Meanwhile, the 'normal' variant has increased firepower against medium enemies, but lacks the lock-on required to shoot lighter enemies, so you can focus on taking are of those.
Rocket Sentry - Unfortunately, this little guy suffers too much in underrelevance compared to the bigger, badder sentries. Compared to the Gatling Sentry and the Autocannon Sentry, it just lacks the fire rate, turn speed and general firepower of both to be worthwhile. Improvements: Rework the Rocket Sentry to have lock-on rockets. Reasoning: I don't believe the Rocket Sentry can compare to the Autocannon Sentry and Gatling Sentry. It has a better turning rate than the Autocannon Sentry, but lacks its insane firepower. It also doesn't have a fire rate fast enough to rival the Gatling Sentry, so there's nothing special there; it's just a worse version of the two. My idea is to give it a role that is direly needed in Helldivers 2 right now: Anti-Air. Giving the rockets the ability to track their target will give it the ability to deal with those pesky gunships and shriekers better than any other turret currently can. It also increases its accuracy and will potentially make it more useful in general situations where sentries tend to be less than desirable in accuracy.
I'm avoiding to mention the Ballistic Shield Backpack because... really, this thing doesn't belong in the game.
Let me know what you agree with, disagree with, really like or really dislike about my ideas. I'd love to have a proper discussion with some of you.
Also, yes, I'm completely aware that all of this is hypothetical and very unlikely to make it into the game. Like I said at the beginning, I just like sharing things.
submitted by Doombocious to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 Sure-Caterpillar-301 New Mario kart idea that will never come true because Nintendo will never see this

Tell me what you think of the idea and tell me if you would plan it if it existed or what you would do if it existed let’s say they come out with a new consul and you see this version of Mario kart what would you do?
Game Title: Mario Kart Maker
Overview: "Mario Kart Maker" combines the best elements of "Super Mario Maker 2" and "Mario Kart 8," allowing players to design, share, and race on their custom tracks. This game offers an unprecedented level of creativity and competition, with a robust set of tools for track creation and a seamless online community for sharing and racing.
Gameplay Mechanics:
  1. Track Creation:
    • Editor Mode: Players can design their tracks using a wide variety of tools and assets from the "Mario Kart" series. This includes selecting terrain types (e.g., asphalt, dirt, water), adding obstacles (e.g., banana peels, shells, ramps), and integrating environmental features (e.g., jumps, loops, anti-gravity sections).
    • Theming: Choose from various themes inspired by classic Mario Kart environments, such as Rainbow Road, Bowser's Castle, and Moo Moo Meadows.
    • Customization: Place power-ups, hazards, and boost pads strategically. Customize aesthetics with decorative elements like trees, signs, and background scenery.
  2. Racing:
    • Single Player: Race against AI opponents on custom tracks or pre-made tracks. Different modes such as Grand Prix, Time Trials, and Battle Mode are included.
    • Multiplayer: Compete with friends locally or online. The online mode features matchmaking and ranked races on user-created tracks.
    • Community Challenges: Participate in daily and weekly challenges where players race on selected tracks to set the best times and earn rewards.
  3. Sharing and Community:
    • Upload and Download: Share your custom tracks with the global community and download tracks created by others.
    • Rating System: Rate tracks based on creativity, difficulty, and fun. High-rated tracks get featured on leaderboards and in community events.
    • Customization Contests: Participate in official Nintendo-hosted contests where the best track designs win prizes and get featured in special events.
Game Features:
  1. Dynamic Weather and Time of Day:
    • Add weather effects like rain, snow, and fog to tracks. Set the time of day to morning, noon, evening, or night, affecting visibility and aesthetics.
  2. Advanced Physics and Mechanics:
    • Incorporate realistic physics for driving mechanics. This includes handling different surfaces, drifting, and the impact of power-ups and hazards.
    • Anti-gravity sections allow for vertical and inverted track designs, adding a new dimension to track creation.
  3. Interactive Elements:
    • Add moving platforms, rotating hazards, and other interactive elements that change dynamically during the race.
  4. Character and Kart Customization:
    • Customize your character and kart with various skins, parts, and accessories unlocked through gameplay and achievements.
Why the Game is Fun:
  1. Endless Creativity: The extensive track creation tools offer limitless possibilities for players to express their creativity and challenge others with unique designs.
  2. Community Engagement: The online features foster a strong community where players can share, compete, and collaborate, making the game a continually evolving experience.
  3. Variety of Gameplay: With multiple game modes, customization options, and dynamic track elements, players can enjoy different racing experiences every time they play.
  4. Competitive Spirit: The ranking system and community challenges keep players motivated to improve their skills and compete for top positions.
  5. Interactive Learning: Track creation is intuitive yet deep, providing a fun way for players to learn about game design and physics through hands-on experimentation.
In "Mario Kart Maker," the thrill of racing meets the joy of creation, offering a comprehensive and engaging experience that appeals to both casual gamers and dedicated fans of the "Mario Kart" series.
Track Replication: - Track Replicator Feature: Players can recreate tracks from any previous Mario Kart game using the "Track Replicator" tool. Simply upload a picture of the original track, and the game provides intuitive tools to help replicate it accurately. All track elements, including terrain, obstacles, and environmental features, can be faithfully reproduced using the in-game assets and tools.
This feature ensures that classic tracks can be enjoyed and customized, preserving their original charm while allowing for creative modifications.
submitted by Sure-Caterpillar-301 to mariokart [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 panicinthebedroom I can see you scrolling over there ಠ_ಠ Click on here if you wanna give this friendship thing a shot! 22M

Hey! So finding friends here can be tough, but I have made a couple of great friends here before and I'd say that it beats other alternatives, so let's give this friendship thing a shot and see if we click!
A bit about me, I'm from Germany, doing my master's in computer science. In my free time I watch a lot of youtube/tv series, play video games (I'd love to play coop stuff together!) and I love listening to music! Some of my favourite artists/bands are Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers, Nothing But Thieves, The National, Arctic Monkeys and Lana Del Rey. I also love going to concerts, and super excited about seeing Taylor in the summer!
So, I just want to build some good long-term friendships where we text often about the randomest stuff, do stuff online together like playing video games and watching movies, and meet each other in real life in the future if that ends up being possible! I'm looking forward to hearing from you! :)
submitted by panicinthebedroom to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:04 MontyCircus Best Video Games of the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era Poll: Week 48 --- Remember to Nominate a New Game in the Comments Section

"Splatterhouse" won last week's poll, and is named the 47th best game of the era and the 4th Arcade game to join the list!

The Best Games of the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era Voted in So Far:

  1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  2. Chrono Trigger
  3. Super Mario World
  4. Super Metroid
  5. Donkey Kong Country
  6. Mega Man X
  7. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  8. EarthBound / Mother 2
  9. Final Fantasy VI / III
  10. Streets of Rage
  11. Street Fighter II
  12. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
  13. Mega Man X2
  14. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
  15. Super Castlevania IV
  16. Earthworm Jim
  17. Gunstar Heroes
  18. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
  19. The Secret of Monkey Island
  20. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
  21. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
  22. The Revenge of Shinobi
  23. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  24. Rocket Knight Adventures
  25. Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
  26. Kirby Super Star / Kirby's Fun Pak
  27. Terranigma
  28. Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
  29. Contra III: The Alien Wars
  30. Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
  31. Tetris
  32. Doom
  33. SimCity 2000
  34. Shining Force II
  35. Comix Zone
  36. NHL '94
  37. Streets of Rage 2
  38. Kirby's Dream Land 3
  39. Mortal Kombat II
  40. Myst
  41. Mario Paint
  42. Wolfenstein 3D
  43. Harvest Moon
  44. Wonder Boy in Monster World / The Dynastic Hero
  45. Secret of Mana
  46. Super Mario Kart
  47. Splatterhouse
Want to see the best games before this era? Check out these 2 lists which were compiled by Reddit users' nominations and votes over 3 entire years:

The 50 Best Video Games of the Atari Era:

The 100 Best Video Games of the NES/Master System Era:

What You Can Do:

  1. Vote in the poll to determine the 48th best SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era game!
  2. Then AFTER VOTING IN THE POLL: In the comments section, Upvote your favourite SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era games to be nominated and added to next week's poll. NOTE: NOT ONE OF THE SIX GAMES IN THIS WEEK'S POLL!

What You Can Nominate:


In general, the original year published takes precedence. No games that played betteare more iconic/are more remembered in an earlier or later era.
All variations of a game will be under one entry (e.g. only one entry for "Street Fighter II").
No collections of previously released games (i.e. no "Super Mario All-Stars").
"Sonic 3 & Knuckles" will be one combined entry.
"Tetris" made its biggest impact with 35 million copies sold for the Game Boy, so it is now eligible for this poll.
Arcade games that received NES Era home console ports like the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" arcade game, are now eligible.
"Altered Beast" was a Genesis pack-in game, so is now eligible.
Instances like this can be debated. I think it's best to allow all games from a console to be designated to one era, and for games to appear in one era poll only.

Other Nominated Games From Last Round:

Last round 35 people voted in the poll, and 0 new games were nominated in the comments section. Any of these (or any other eligible games) can be nominated again this round in the comment section to be added to next week's poll. Make your voice heard! It just takes a couple of upvotes to get your game nominated on next week's list.

The Idea:

Comparing, say, Pong and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, is not useful. It's like arguing which is better: the Ford Model T or the Space Shuttle? But comparing games of their era is interesting and fun! Usually, best game polls are limited to a single system. This poll is unique because it includes all platforms from the era together. How will the best Arcade, Computer and Sega Genesis games compete with the best that Nintendo had to offer? It will be interesting!

Why Only Arcade and Computer Games from 1989-1994?

The 4th Generation of home consoles launched in the West with the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive in 1989, kicking off the 16-bit Era. The PlayStation and Sega Saturn launched in the West in 1995 which will begin the era for the next series of polls after this concludes.

The Criteria:

I'll leave it up to the individual to decide. Innovation, quality, influence, iconic status, how much fun it was then, how it holds up today, are all valid. Whatever games you love, whatever games you want to see named as the greatest of the era.

What Happens Next:

After the poll closes in a week, the winner of the poll will be named the 48th best video game of the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era. The new most upvoted of games nominated in the comment section will be added to the 5 “losers”, and be the 6 games in the poll for Week 49, which will name the 49th best SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era game, and so on. I'd like to continue this to get a Top 100. At that point I would like to continue from the SNES/Genesis/TG-16 Era to the PS1/N64/Saturn Era, for a new set of polls.
This will be a poll I hope to hold every week for a long time! Have fun everyone!
View Poll
submitted by MontyCircus to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:02 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-D_ [!tch & ORdeals]

How about dating and romance within such kind of world and settings? - Consider all possible social groups.

Love and Lust in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Other Groups:
Across Social Strata:
Challenges of Love:
Love and romance in a high-tech, low-life world would be complex and multifaceted. Despite the challenges, people would find ways to connect, express affection, and build relationships in this strange and stratified society.

Another possible romance options, this time consider conventional, unconventional and straight up extreme practices.

Love and Romance: High-Tech, Low-Life Extremes

Conventional (with a Twist):
These ideas explore unconventional, potentially dangerous, but deeply emotional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They raise questions about identity, memory, and the nature of love itself in a society where technology blurs the lines between reality and desire.

Now another batch, but straight up absurd and bizarre.

Love and Romance Gone Wild: High-Tech, Low-Life Absurdity

Embrace the Weird:
Love Across Species (with a Twist):
The Power of Perception:
These bizarre and absurd ideas showcase the potential pitfalls of technology run amok in the realm of love and romance. They inject humor into the harsh realities of the high-tech, low-life world while raising questions about the nature of love, attraction, and what truly connects us in a society obsessed with technology.


I need more context to understand what you mean by "Hypershocking!". Do you mean one of the following?
Please let me know if any of these are what you were thinking of. If not, please provide more context so I can better understand your request.

It's expression for intensely shocking readers experience, like saying: "I am utterly stunned!"

Ah, I understand! "Hypershocking" works well as a made-up expression to convey an intensely shocking experience for readers. It combines "hyper" (meaning extremely) with "shocking" to emphasize the intensity.
Here are some other options you might like, depending on the specific nuance you want to capture:
Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific content you're trying to describe and the overall tone you want to create. "Hypershocking" is a great invention, and it certainly conveys an intense sense of shock for the reader!

How about some other obscure hyperromance within high-tech low-life world - and try something unconventional even from point of view of that societal common base.

Obscure Hyper-Romance in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Beyond the Binary:
Pushing the Boundaries of Love:
Unconventional Beauty:
These ideas delve into strange and unconventional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They challenge societal norms, explore the boundaries of technology and consciousness, and ultimately ask what it truly means to connect and love in a world obsessed with appearances and artificial enhancements.

Ok. Enough for love. Now lets focus on possible journeys and adventures within that world. Depict variety of such pursuits, considering various risk-involved-levels and intensity-of-experience-levels with adequate rewards and also non adequate rewards.

Journeys and Adventures in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Low-Risk, Low-Intensity (But Potentially Rewarding):
Medium-Risk, Medium-Intensity (With High Potential Rewards):
High-Risk, High-Intensity (With Uncertain Rewards):
Non-Adequate Rewards:
These adventures come with high risks but the "rewards" might be more like survival or a chance at a better life, not necessarily wealth or fame.
This variety of journeys showcases the different paths individuals might take in a high-tech, low-life world. Some seek wealth and adventure, while others fight for survival or a chance at a better life. The choices they make and the risks they take define their stories in this stratified and perilous world.
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]