Sayings about mom

Teen Mom Reddit is More Classier

2017.08.19 20:47 beccaASDC Teen Mom Reddit is More Classier

This community welcomes ALL shows within the Teen Mom franchise ----- Our cup runneth over with snark thanks to this stupefied band of mystifying misfits- so snark, snark, snark away! ----- The bar is incredibly low here, so come on in & join the fun! ----- Bein a felon ain't illegal, after all!

2013.06.08 22:14 flignir Am I the Asshole?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /AITAFiltered!

2012.08.04 20:44 TroubleEntendre If youre memes and im memes then whos transing yhe plane

Trans people making fun of themselves, others, and the situations they find themselves in with memes and gifs. For more detailed descriptions of the rules and posting guidelines, check out the wiki

2024.06.02 18:42 Fermentationnn My 30 year old sister is wasting her life

Hey everyone, My mom and I need advice. I have a sister who is 30 years old. She has been a stripper since her early 20’s. She was making decent money up until about 3 years ago. Didn’t save a dime, wasted it on luxury goods and perfumes. She has slowly stopped getting bookings cause of her age. She was living in a very expensive city and couldn’t support herself anymore so we offered for her to move back home to get on her feet. She doesn’t have a degree and has no real world experience such as a normal job. She now spends her days from 8am - 12pm chatting on discord with randoms. She suffers from BPD2 so her anxiety and mood problems make it harder for maintain real life relationships. Anyways my mom is getting older and she is very stressed cause she spends her days smoking weed, and yapping on discord, and blows all her money on DoorDash. Anytime we try to bring up figuring out her life, she gets very defensive and gives us the “I can’t mentality” she’s to prideful to go on disability but also shows no motivation to get her life together and become independent. My mom is worried that if she passes away that I’m going to have to deal with the burden of her life decisions and that she’s going to burn through her part of the inheritance. I keep saying to my mom she needs an ultimatum or some sort of pressure to motivate her to get her life together. We just don’t know how to approach the situation because she gets very defensive, angry, and shuts down any suggestions we give her. I know she uses discord as an escape from the actual issues in her life. We want the best for her but she doesn’t want the best for herself. What the hell do we do?
TLDR: my sister is a 30 year child that has no motivation to better herself and it is putting stress on my mom and I.
submitted by Fermentationnn to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 Significant_Rise_368 AITA for being rude at my mom and her new partner?

English is not my first language.
16m, so my mom and dad divorced when my dad discovered that my mom was cheating. Fortunately, neither my mom or dad had any feelings for each other anymore so my dad took this a sense of relief because he now has an excuse for divorce (dads side is very religious). Now for me, it's been difficult, I hate the act of cheating because it's the biggest kind of selfishness I can think of. The fact that my mom didn't care about how my dad or me could feel about her adventure. I don't hate her but it's been months and the anger has not reduced.
My parents have a 50/50 custody and not until recently I had to meet my mom's new partneaffair partner. My dad told me that I had to try to make amends with my mom and that I have to try to have a good relationship with the new partner, he says that I shouldn't be angry because my mom could have hurt him because at that point he didn't care anymore, I told him I would try but I would not promise anything.
I've spent this last week at moms house and I really tried to be friendly with him. Political views? Fucking shit. Humour? Barely. House rules? Strict as fuck. And to finish the job, he is fan of the rival football/soccer team and let's say I don't like that team very much (I hate it with all my soul).
He started making some very rude comments about something and I just snapped at him and insulted him and my mom, my mom tried to calm me down and her AP also tried to calm me down but told them to fuck off. My mom called my dad and told him what happened, my dad then called me and told me I was an asshole for telling that to my mom and AP and that I may be angry at my mom but that is no excuse for insult my mom. I told him that I was not going to allow any rude comment and that if my dad wants me to be educated AP has to be educated also. I was just defending from his rude comments but since my dad called me I've been thinking about it so, AITA?
(I know how this sub is, please don't start insulting my mom or anyone in here.)
submitted by Significant_Rise_368 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 personqueen Possessive Little Sister

Hello everyone, im not sure if this will be more of a rant, or me seeking advice, but if you have some it would be greatly appreciated.
For context, my boyfriend (20M) and I (20F) have been dating for around 9 months but “together” for over a year”. When we first started hanging out, everything with his family was fine. The more I started going to his house the more I heard about his abnormal (IMO) family dynamic.
His parents are in their early 50s and he also has a 10 year old sister. Now, I’m the youngest in my whole extended family, so i don’t have much experience with pre-teens or children of that age. From being at his house so often, I’ve sorta gathered that his parents have somewhat given up on parenting his sister so to speak. His sister, let’s call her Ella, and his parents fight A LOT. Like multiple times a day there will be screaming matches and several temper tantrums which includes her screaming, crying, stomping, etc. I know every family has their own dynamics, but this is just unhealthy and very unfamiliar to me. Additionally, she is pretty spoiled. If she wants something, she gets it, no questions asked. Based on her upbringing, she has become entitled and possessive and very bratty. I can’t fault her for this because she is only 10, she doesn’t know any better. While her parents and my boyfriend try to stop her behaviours, it doesn’t get very far. I feel that their methods aren’t very conducive to helping her (yelling, etc).
All of the context above brings me to the incident yesterday. My boyfriend was upstairs, about to come downstairs where I was, when Ella asked him for a hug. For whatever reason, he said no. Maybe he just didn’t want one. Well this drove her absolutely crazy. She started screaming, crying, and stomping around saying things like “she’s stealing him from me” (about me). I totally understand how her feelings could have been hurt from him rejecting a hug (she asks for hugs literally everytime she sees him). However, this made me feel totally uncomfortable and I wondered what tf it had to do with me. When she was throwing this tantrum, her mom and my boyfriend were telling her “stop” “that’s not nice”. I see the attempts to change her behaviour, but I just don’t think it’s good enough.
It’s hard to grasp the severity of her tantrums over a Reddit post, but they’re so frequent and when they’re targeted towards me it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I’ve never stopped my boyfriend from doing things with his family or spending time with his sister, in fact, I encourage it because I know she must miss her brother sometimes. But this tantrum here makes me just not want to come to his house anymore or be around his family. She ended up saying sorry to her brother yesterday (not to me lol) but I just honestly don’t really want to hear it. While I understand she is 10 and she’s young and her feelings were hurt, it was still really inappropriate behaviour and I heard all the things she was saying about me and felt very uncomfortable, like I don’t belong here.
I don’t really know where to go from here, I told my boyfriend that it made me feel really weird and told him that that’s not normal behaviour for her to be this possessive over him. Also just remembered he showed me a video yesterday of her saying “hey everyone, this is my brother, MINE, keep your hands off” lol. Anyway, he told me that him and his mom agree that it’s not normal and that they told her to stop, but it doesn’t really change how she feels or how I feel.
Sorry for the very long post
submitted by personqueen to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 gaegulyeo How do I confront my grandpa about his porn addiction?

Now I know what you may be thinking from the title, but hear me out.
My sister and her boyfriend currently live with my grandpa, and they’ve both said that he is constantly watching porn. On its own that really isn’t our business or our problem. However, he watches it anywhere and everywhere on full blast. According to my mom, this has been going on since before my grandma passed away in 2022 because she used to catch him! He’s not out here beating to it or anything because he has ED (again according to my mom), but it’s to the point where my sister and her boyfriend have began avoiding him because it’s constant.
I also clean his house once a week to help out, I’ve been doing this since my grandma passed away because for a while it was just him and his dogs. It’s come to the point where when I go over there, I catch him watching it too.
At first we weren’t going to say anything, but at this point, I think we have to say something about it because it’s making all of us uncomfortable. What should I say? I’m not even sure how to approach this subject with him it’s so awkward, but it’ll be worse in the long run if we don’t say anything.
submitted by gaegulyeo to WhatShouldIDo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 iEatAppIes3465 My parents won't listen to what I have to say

Ugh... I wish this situation never happened, but it got so bad that I had to post this. So in 5/31/2024, at about 6:30AM EDT, I found myself waking up not tired, and ended up getting bored in my room. So I decided to go to the living room and sit at the brown chair to gather my thoughts up to start my day. So I spent a few minutes talking to myself about what I'll do today, which was setting up my drink packs, making a griddle cake, washing my face and brushing my teeth, ask my mom for TV remote at 7:00AM EDT, get my games at 9:00AM EDT, pretty much play and watch TV for the day. So after I talked to myself about what I'll do in the last day of May 2024, my mom started to open her door from her room and called my name and I said "yes mom?" This is where it all started. So the first thing my mom told me is "What are you doing in the living room?" I said "I was sitting in that brown chair telling myself that I'm gonna make myself 3 drink packs and a griddle cake" and she said "No, you were on the computer" I said "No I wasn't, and plus I never saw the computer when I woke up to begin with". She still assumed that I was on the computer when I clearly wasn't and she told me I was punished from internet access for 2 days because she thinks that my bad behavior this morning is from having internet acesss the other day. But in reality, that's not the case. Me having internet access actually calms down my behavior and tries its best to prevent myself from going out of control. Somewhere in her mind thinks that there is my computer in the living room when clearly there was no sign of my computer in sight. (My computer is a school computer and I finished my first semester for the year in GACA so I can't be on it anyways. I did remember to bring my school computer to my mom's room after I was done with the first semester of GACA on 5/21/2024 so I wouldn't be able to sneak on it to prevent my mom from making false accusations of me being on the computer when I wasn't on it) I tried to convince her I was only trying to get myself prepared for the day, but she still assumed I was on the computer and now she said she was done talking about it. I said "Just because I was only sitting on the brown chair preparing for my day doesn't mean you can punish me from internet access for 1 day" and she said "No, you're not getting unpunished for 2 days." Now I'm starting to think that mom saying "You were on the computer" was just an excuse so my mom can punish me from internet access for a day and secretly put the computer somewhere in the living room that I can't see it anywhere. It's like setting up a stupid trap. My school computer disappeared from my mom's room floor at 5/22 (A day after I was done with the first semester of GACA) My first thought was that it was in my mom's bathroom, which would be literally impossible for me to get that computer no matter how hard I tried. (I wouldn't get the computer from my mom's bathroom if that were the case because it'll keep me out of trouble) She seriously doesn't understand me at all. Why can't my mom just listen to what I have to say for once? I'm 14 years old.
submitted by iEatAppIes3465 to horribIeparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:39 Lazy-Artichoke-2877 So Has The Kumbaya From The Reunion Ended

So the girls talk about this bond since the reunion and how they plan to still hang out like how they planned to go to Arizona for Chloes birthday and they all were meeting up in Pittsburg for pride since Jojo was preforming there but non of that happened. I kind of knew this would be the case but didn't expect it to happen so soon. I get not going to Arizona since the Hylands probably didn't want to leave their mom in pittsburgh(If that was the reason) but Jojo was in Pittsburgh for pride and non of the girls from Pittsburgh hung out with her. Even when I saw the matching tattoos I was thinking why would they get matching tattoos with someone you just met at the reunion (Kalani) and someone you haven't interacted with for a long time since before the reunion (Kendall) and the fact that Jojo was invited to get matching tattoos but chose not to also spoke volumes. Even for Kendalls birthday that happened after the reunion in Las Vegas only Kalani was there.(I dont know the circumstances with that one like if Chloe Brooke and Paige were invited but didn't/couldnt go or they just weren't invited which would be fine because Kendall is allowed to invite who she wants to invite). I also know that Chloe Brook Paige and Kendall met up for Chloes birthday.
And before people talk about me commenting on their relationships Im allowed to my opinion. Also before you say anything about they might hang out off camera I dont think that's the case because Kendall, Paige, and Brooke post a lot when they are with Dance Moms girls(like get ready with me's on TikTok and insta stories) its Maddie, Kenzie, and Nia who dont post everytime they hang out which makes the friendship seem more genuine and less for show to me. Not saying the other girls friendships are fake but if every time you hang out its on social media(as in you dont just hang out just to hang out) it doesn't seem as genuine to me. I think maybe Brooke Paige and Chloe might hang out without making it known but anytime they are with Kendall or Jojo or Kalani we all know about it.
submitted by Lazy-Artichoke-2877 to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:38 Ok_Project2538 can a dysfunctional family alone cause cptsd ?

hey guys, my cptsd has not been diagnosed but i relate to pretty much everything that has been said here and my symptoms are very extreme even for this subs standarts so i have no doubt that i am a very traumatized person. currently because of my situation i had to move back home about one year and i am absolutely devastated by the fact that there is so much dysfunction in my family. which leads me to my question if you guys would think that growing up in a dysfunctional family where fights and abuse, mental illness, threats of violence, open talk of sex and pornographic material, alcoholism is something that is almost presented on the daily would be enough to cause cptsd for children ? my family is not the typical "antisocial" family and the violence and abuse is sometimes more obvious sometimes more subtle but i am very afraid for my siblings and i feel like all of this alone is enough to cause cptsd for children,
my little sister already shows signs of dissociation and my younger brother is also kind of special sometimes. i am probably the most broken person in my family but i wouldn´t strike others as a particularly negative or toxic person, in fact i can be very uplifting and caring, which is probably due to the fact that i have survived tons of trauma.
i hate to say this but overall i feel like especially my stepfather with his nihilism and alcohol abuse has contributed to the antisocial vibe at home, as well as my grandmother who is an evil narcissist with no compassion for others. my mom has cptsd as well and is also very abusive and extremely toxic. her vibes alone can put me and my younger siblings in fight of light mode.
i have a different father than my younger siblings and my childhood was very stressful, because my mom did not have her cptsd under control at all, she would abuse the shit out of me, and my father yeah, i don´t want to even start to talk about him in this post. overall i feel like my mom confuses her constant dissociation with a good pain free life but all of this leads more or less to the fact that she is never really present and it is very bad for my younger siblings. i always try to teach them stuff but i´m very ill myself and i isolate most of the time.
other than that my stepfather has pretty much pushed me out of the family when i was younger and he threatened me and my mom with violence more than once saying he would punch me in the face and stuff and he drinks beer in front of my siblings all the fucking time. when i was a small child and he visited my mom before they were married i always told him to go home, and i guess children have very good instincts about this. i feel sorry that he is that way, but something about him is just not good for others and my mother is not herself with him. she lets herself go and forgets about her identity leaving me the weakest part of the family because i didn´t have anyone to relate to anymore. my identity got stolen when she remarried and my father was never around really, and if he was, it meant trouble for me. idk why i write all of this. this is very emotional for me and it is not even half of my story and what happened to me , but somehow it felt good to put this into words. maybe some of you guys can relate
submitted by Ok_Project2538 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:34 risesth3moon how to let go of a relationship you thought would be your last one?

for context we’ve been long distance for almost two years, and occasionally i travel to go be with her and i usually stay for a week or so.
yesterday we had another one of many fights and for the first time i’m realizing how exhausting it is talking to her. we’ve come a long way, she wasn’t exactly the best at communicating but she’s better now and i appreciate that. but lately, whenever something happens and my feelings get hurt, she fails to comfort me. i shared with her that i feel like she doesn’t support me emotionally in the way i need her to, she said she’d try but i’m not really seeing much of a change.
the argument was about something her mom said to me, and how inferior and like an idiot it made me feel. instead of comforting me and making me feel like i wasn’t alone, she started to get defensive and saying her mom wasn’t like that or she didn’t mean what she did/said. i felt completely alone and misunderstood, i told her i just needed to tell her about what happened, not meaning to point any fingers. i simply wanted to let her know i was hurt by that, and to feel heard.
i’ve been hurting in this relationship for a while. but i can’t leave her because i’ve been planning the rest of my life with her and it doesn’t seem fair to just give up on us because of things that can easily be worked on. at the same time, i’m tired of voicing my concerns and getting my feelings invalidated, ending up feeling more alone when she’s next to me, constantly holding my tears and not understanding how we got to this.
submitted by risesth3moon to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:33 Anoynmusthrowaway Feeling Heartbroken After a potential randomly ended it – Seeking Advice F28 M 29

Assalamu Alaikum,
I'm feeling quite heartbroken and could use some advice and support, prayers. I was talking to a brother, and things seemed to be going well. We discussed various aspects of our future together, including religious practices and family values. He would often talk about our future, which made me hopeful and excited. However, after not hearing from him for a day, I was suddenly hit with a message saying we are not compatible and that it's not his fault for wanting someone who comes from a fully Muslim household.
He mentioned my Christian mother as a negative, despite me being a practicing Muslim (I was born Muslim) and striving daily to get closer to the deen. My dad is Muslim, and my parents are still married. I grew up primarily with my dad's side of the family and was raised with strong Islamic values. My mom, although Christian, pushed me to learn how to read the Quran and to understand its meaning, and she raised me to be Muslim. On top of that, I have aunts who are devout Muslim women and all wear hijab..... So him saying I have no Muslim role models is hurtful and false. The thing I agree only with is me traveling alone which I think was really the main factor but I had said if we were married I wouldn't travel alone without a mahram id obliged to the Hadith. This is the first and only time I'm traveling alone.
I pray all five prayers and Tahajjud, and I'm committed to living according to Islamic principles. I even agreed with him about the dangers of the West trying to modernize Islam and expressed my desire to adhere to traditional Islamic roles as a wife. I'm well-educated and career-oriented, but my ultimate goals are marriage and motherhood.
Despite my efforts to explain my commitment to our faith and my willingness to grow, it seems like his mind was made up. I had even told my parents about him, and they were willing to meet him and his family. I feel like I'm being penalized for having a Christian mother and for growing up in the West.
I'm struggling to cope with this sudden change and the hurt it has caused. I really liked him and even saw a future with him. Any advice on how to move forward or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. I really do want to get married and complete half my deen😞😩 but I feel being highly educated and having a career before marriage and my age is frowned upon.
JazakAllah Khair.
submitted by Anoynmusthrowaway to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:29 Capital-Register4788 AITAH for showing up to my step-son’s soccer game knowing his mother hates my presence?

TLDR will be on the bottom, this is fairly long.
For context, I (34F) showed up to my step-son’s (4M) soccer practice because he, and his other siblings (16F) and (11F) asked me to go. I had a weird feeling about going knowing that their mother (39F) hates my presence. She has been diagnosed with BPD but states “I was misdiagnosed” and does have narcissistic tendencies when it comes to me and my partner (her ex husband 40M).
My partner works off shore and stated the kids requested I go (recently the bio mom blocked them from talking to me so I can only talk to them through my partner). I have never approached her in a negative way. I attempted to build a relationship with her from the beginning and the entire time throughout our conversation she had already built an image of me in her mind that I could not convince her wasn’t true. So I stick to facts within our interactions, the few we have.
I have been in her kids’ lives for going on 4 years now and they love me, their mother and stepfather are both diagnosed with cluster B disorders and are in denial but have all the behaviors (gaslighting the kids, not communicating, withholding event information, manipulating court order interpretations, etc) for context and I am in the field of psychology and qualified to recognize behavior patterns.
Back to the issue at hand, and if anyone has questions for clarification etc. I will answer. I showed up to the park where the kids were practicing soccer, I was walking by myself ahead of everyone else, the kids see me and run and hug me, but their mother comes up behind me and shoos the kids away with her new husband and says “You don’t need to be here. Please leave!” I looked at her and say “This is a public park, what is the issue?” She says “You wouldn’t understand the issue and (your partner) states he does not want to talk about it!” And I asked “Does it pertain to me being here right now? At the park? I’m not sure how a past conversation pertains to this moment?” She retorts with “Just give us this practice, please!” Again I’m confused and asked, “Again, ‘give you this practice?’ This is the only one I have shown up to because the information of his soccer games and practices was not passed to us for a month.” Now getting I am adrenaline dump from the lack of communication. At that time her husband (NPD, 6’2” man, I am 4’10”) and stands there quietly glaring at me with his arms crossed when she states “I don’t want to start and argument or cause a scene” I looked across the field at the kids who were staring at us and I told them both to have a nice day and walked back to the car.
I decided to stand on the fence line and watch them play from afar, which made their mom, and step dad visibly upset (pointing at me, flailing their hands around). The kids texted their father and were very upset and embarrassed at their mom and didn’t understand why she felt she need to “bully” and “start drama”. Two days later (yesterday) I went to the soccer game with my partners’ sister and we brought the kids snacks, etc. Bio mom was very nice and had a way different attitude in front of the other parents but made sure the other kids weren’t there. Except for her new baby (I cannot have kids and she has said to the kids that ‘God did not let me (their bonus mom) have kids for a reason’ and while she was pregnant, made it a point to flaunt her belly (which she admitted she did) and now I’m assuming “the baby” as well. Not clear if she’s flaunting the baby, but that’s my assumption.
They (bio mom and new hubby) were also angry that we showed up to the 11yr olds’ baptism recently because they intentionally withheld the information (they admitted they did, but gaslit the children) we found out through my partners’ mom who was asked about it by bio-moms’ new husbands’ ex wife. Husbands ex-wife and partner’s mom, as well as bio mom were in a church group together and have been friends for about 6 years. Bio mom obviously unsubscribed to the friendship when she married new hubby. Bio mom and hubby stated “we were heathens” to sum it up and that they “let the wolves in the church to sit next to their children”. So apparently they didn’t want us to “taint the church”. My partner and I have done nothing inappropriate with our children, we both have great jobs, live in a nice house, we don’t yell or berate the kids (as they report their mother does to them often ESPECIALLY if they want to see their dad more). My partner fights for his kids and has to constantly because bio mom violates the court orders or “interprets them in her own way” so partner deliberately gets less time and it’s very sad to watch.
My sister (who is also BPD) says I don’t understand I am “crossing a boundary” and “unless I am a mother, I wouldn’t understand”. Her own grown children do not talk to her for a reason. So, AITA for showing up to support my step-son in a public place even though my very presence is crossing a “boundary” with mom? Am I not seeing it because I am not a “mom”? Can someone give me an unbiased explanation because I genuinely want to know. Being told “You wouldn’t understand because you’re not a mother” is very upsetting to me, so if there is a way that could be stated in a nicer way if that is the issue I politely ask to keep that in mind. I want to support my step kids, but I also don’t want drama and I know the more they see their mother act out, the more damaging it is for their relationship with her, which is also not what I want.
TLDR: Borderline bio mom doesn’t like me and sees my presence at public kid events is “crossing a boundary” even though I am there to support the kids at the kids’ request and told me to leave the public soccer practice. I only show to support the kid’s and try to avoid bio-mom. I was told because I couldn’t have kids and am not a “mother” I don’t understand how it’s crossing a boundary to support my step-kids.
submitted by Capital-Register4788 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:29 TBRayMIAFin Is it Weird to not have a Relationship with your Parents.

I 36F came out to my parents when I was 24. I always knew I found women attractive and had many crushes, but in high school and college, I was so distracted by friends, activities, and sports, I didn’t think much of it - I was just loving life.
Back to age 24, I met my then GF through a friend and we clicked. The relationship was very intense, I think partially because it was our first, and she refused to make things official unless I came out to my parents. She was obsessed with the idea, actually. Looking back, it was totally wrong of her, but at the time, I was so “in love” and caved, even though I wasn’t ready.
My Dad took it well as I suspected. My Mom, however, was very cold and distant, and proceeded to act as if we never had the conversation. She didn’t want to hear anything about my GF, what we did for fun on weekends, etc. Here are some comments she made during our two year relationship:
My then GF ended things after two years, partially because of my Mom. Though it was a toxic relationship in general, looking back.
For the next two years, I was single and casually dating around. My Mom and I had many arguments during this period about my sexuality :
Eventually, I met the love of my life by happenstance at a conference and moved three hours away to be with her. She has a wonderful, accepting family, and I more than love my life here, which is now boarding on nine years . 😍.
However, in those nine years, I have seen my parents 9 times, and at one point, did not see them for 3.5 years. My Partner has only met them once, very briefly before my Dad needed major surgery. We do text monthly and talk on the phone for Birthdays and Holidays.
A part of me feels guilty about this (more so for my Dad), but I cannot move past my Mom’s hurtful comments as she has never apologized, attempted to understand, or think she’s done anything wrong. All she ever says is “I was shocked, I had a different life in my mind for you, you’re so pretty. So many guys really liked you.” The thought of my Partner and I ever spending a Holiday with my family causes me much anxiety and fortunately, she is understanding and not demanding of a relationship with them.
When my Mom becomes upset about our lack of time together, and I try to explain why I am not comfortable with a closer relationship, she deflects, stating I am hurting my Dad, Sister, who are upset I don’t have relationship with my niece.
Are any of you in similar situations? Sometimes, I wonder if I am the problem when I see so many happy LGBT families.
submitted by TBRayMIAFin to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:26 Halcyon0132309 I feel like i cant function unless im home alone.

Not exactly sure where to post this but i feel like i cant do anything unless im home alone wether its playing violin, cleaning my room, making food, or anything really. i cant do it unless im home alone. i cant do it even if my grandma is the only one home in her room. i also get really bothered with certain things by my mom. if she asks me to do something no matter how small even if its just getting out the house i feel like i cant cause it instantly feels like a chore or something. idk how to even explain it but my mom doesnt understand no matter what i say and idk what to do. i feel like shes the reason i cant do alot cause she makes me feel like im being forced to do it because of her and not because of me at all. i feel like im not in control of my life. i just dont know what to do right now. anything you can say would be very appreciated (sorry for all the spelling errors and stuff, also not sure about the flair so sorry in advance) i just need help with this.
submitted by Halcyon0132309 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:24 Acceptable_Web_6772 At a breaking point with my mom. Just tired at this point.

First time poster, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes there might be.
I've always had a rocky relationship with my mom. She was able to cut me off from the rest of the family, so I kinda grew to be an outcast, with no emotional support. My family lives in another country, and the only one of them who still speaks with me is my aunt, my mother's sister in law. I have no contact with my bio dad or his family, and my stepdad doesn't care much for me. I also have a younger brother, but we don't have that sister-brother bond. We're cool, but we don't talk much.
I left my parent's house at 19 (I'm 26 now), which is quite early in the country where I live, just to escape from my family. My mother was abusive fisically and verbally, and when I needed her help or advice I often was ridiculed. Also I couldn't visit friends and wasn't allowed to have a job, so my only option to move out was to move in my then boyfriend's house. I lived with him for four years, and my family didn't visit once. We only saw eachother when I went back, once or twice a month. He lived in a different city, so it was a perfect way to finally gain some freedom.
Fast forward, my life is great. I'm studying for my master's, I have a steady income from my two jobs, my boyfriend of three years is amazing and I fell pregnant. My mother now suddenly wants to spend more time together. She even went as far as coming all the way to my city to hang out for a day. I was gratefull. She for once didn't yell at me or belittle my work or my relationship. Everything was fine, untill at 7 weeks pregnant she suddenly started asking if she could "break the news to everybody". I told her that we weren't ready, and that I was the one who wanted to break the news in he first place. I mean, it was my baby, my pregnancy. She kind of agreed to wait a little bit, but continued on bombarding me with questions that I wasn't confortable with.
And then... I miscarried. The embryo stopped developing at 8 weeks, and the whole process was very hard to go through. Let's just say that I was pregnant for 12 weeks, and the last 3 I went aroud perfectly aware that I was carrying a dead child. Finally last tuesday the doctors managed to set me free of my little burdain. My sweet angel baby. It's been only 4, maybe 5 days, so I'm still recovering fisically. Mentally, I'm a mess. I've spent so many days crying during the whole process and I'm still heartbroken
The only thing I asked of my mom was to give me some space. I begged her not to ask me if I was bleeding yet or not, I begged her not to ask me when we were going to try again for a baby. She just couldn't comprehend why I wasn't willing to talk about it. Yesterday I broke down. I told her everything over the phone, that I didn't want to call her because I was scared of her, because she always finds a reason or another to judge me or the people I love, to yell at me and to remind me of how useless and shitty I am. She seemed to listen for once, and we left it at that.
This morning she wanted to continue the conversation, but I was totally not in the mood for it. I asked her why she couldn't wait maybe a couple of weeks or a month, to just leave me be for the moment, and then we could try again to find a connection. I told her that I was in pain and bleeding, but she didn't care. She only wants to have the perfect daughter now, the one who goes to her for support and advice, and only wants to talk to her. The one that doesn't exist. She is jealous of my aunt, of my boyfriend, of every person with whom I may be in contact with and to whom I would rather talk. I finally gave up and hang up on her, after wasting so much energy trying to explain to her that I just lost a very much wanted pregnancy and I couldn't work on my relationship with her just right now. She answered that it wasn't a big deal, since I was only pregnant for three months.
I'm honestly just exausted. I've accepted the abuse I went through my whole life, the beatings, the humiliation, hearing that I was the reason for every single bad thing that ever happened. I'we been working on letting that go, and I think I'm doing great. But she keeps intruding my life, never to support me or just be there for me, but wishing to be entertained or using me as an outlet. I'm tired of it and really tempted to go NC. Thanks for hearing me out.
TLDR: my mom hasn't supported me for the last I don't know how many years of my life and wants to work on our relationship 5 days after my miscariage
submitted by Acceptable_Web_6772 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:23 Capital-Register4788 AITA for showing up to my step-son’s soccer practice despite the fact that his mother hates my presence?

TLDR will be on the bottom, this is fairly long.
For context, I (34F) showed up to my step-son’s (4M) soccer practice because he, and his other siblings (16F) and (11F) asked me to go. I had a weird feeling about going knowing that their mother (39F) hates my presence. She has been diagnosed with BPD but states “I was misdiagnosed” and does have narcissistic tendencies when it comes to me and my partner (her ex husband 40M).
My partner works off shore and stated the kids requested I go (recently the bio mom blocked them from talking to me so I can only talk to them through my partner). I have never approached her in a negative way. I attempted to build a relationship with her from the beginning and the entire time throughout our conversation she had already built an image of me in her mind that I could not convince her wasn’t true. So I stick to facts within our interactions, the few we have.
I have been in her kids’ lives for going on 4 years now and they love me, their mother and stepfather are both diagnosed with cluster B disorders and are in denial but have all the behaviors (gaslighting the kids, not communicating, withholding event information, manipulating court order interpretations, etc) for context and I am in the field of psychology and qualified to recognize behavior patterns.
Back to the issue at hand, and if anyone has questions for clarification etc. I will answer. I showed up to the park where the kids were practicing soccer, I was walking by myself ahead of everyone else, the kids see me and run and hug me, but their mother comes up behind me and shoos the kids away with her new husband and says “You don’t need to be here. Please leave!” I looked at her and say “This is a public park, what is the issue?” She says “You wouldn’t understand the issue and (your partner) states he does not want to talk about it!” And I asked “Does it pertain to me being here right now? At the park? I’m not sure how a past conversation pertains to this moment?” She retorts with “Just give us this practice, please!” Again I’m confused and asked, “Again, ‘give you this practice?’ This is the only one I have shown up to because the information of his soccer games and practices was not passed to us for a month.” Now getting I am adrenaline dump from the lack of communication. At that time her husband (NPD, 6’2” man, I am 4’10”) and stands there quietly glaring at me with his arms crossed when she states “I don’t want to start and argument or cause a scene” I looked across the field at the kids who were staring at us and I told them both to have a nice day and walked back to the car. I decided to stand on the fence line and watch them play from afar, which made their mom, and step dad visibly upset (pointing at me, flailing their hands around).
The kids texted their father and were very upset and embarrassed at their mom and didn’t understand why she felt she need to “bully” and “start drama”. Two days later (yesterday) I went to the soccer game with my partners’ sister and we brought the kids snacks, etc. Bio mom was very nice and had a way different attitude in front of the other parents but made sure the other kids weren’t there. Except for her new baby (I cannot have kids and she has said to the kids that ‘God did not let me (their bonus mom) have kids for a reason’ and while she was pregnant, made it a point to flaunt her belly (which she admitted she did) and now I’m assuming “the baby” as well. Not clear if she’s flaunting the baby, but that’s my assumption.
They were also angry that we showed up to the 11yr olds’ baptism recently because they intentionally withheld the information (they admitted they did, but gaslit the children) we found out through my partners’ mom who was asked about it by bio-moms’ new husbands’ ex wife. Husbands ex-wife and partner’s mom, as well as bio mom were in a church group together and have been friends for about 6 years. Bio mom obviously unsubscribed to the friendship when she married new hubby. Bio mom and hubby stated “we were heathens” to sum it up and that they “let the wolves in the church to sit next to their children”. So apparently they didn’t want us to “taint the church”.
My partner and I have done nothing inappropriate with our children, we both have great jobs, live in a nice house, we don’t yell or berate the kids (as they report their mother does to them often ESPECIALLY if they want to see their dad more). My partner fights for his kids and has to constantly because bio mom violates the court orders or “interprets them in her own way” so partner deliberately gets less time and it’s very sad to watch.
My sister (who is also BPD) says I don’t understand I am “crossing a boundary” and “unless I am a mother, I wouldn’t understand”. Her own grown children do not talk to her for a reason. So, AITA for showing up to support my step-son in a public place even though my very presence is crossing a “boundary” with mom? Am I not seeing it because I am not a “mom”? Can someone give me an unbiased explanation because I genuinely want to know. Being told “You wouldn’t understand because you’re not a mother” is very upsetting to me, so if there is a way that could be stated in a nicer way if that is the issue I politely ask to keep that in mind. I want to support my step kids, but I also don’t want drama and I know the more they see their mother act out, the more damaging it is for their relationship with her, which is also not what I want.
TLDR: Borderline bio mom doesn’t like me and sees my presence at public kid events is “crossing a boundary” even though I am there to support the kids at the kids’ request and told me to leave the public soccer practice. I only show to support the kid’s and try to avoid bio-mom. I was told because I couldn’t have kids and am not a “mother” I don’t understand how it’s crossing a boundary to support my step-kids.
submitted by Capital-Register4788 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:22 vaniiiii_25 Please help I need advice

Am i wrong in this situation?
Need advice regarding relationship with sister
Please read..please I don't have anyone to talk to
So long story short
Me and my sister have some issues, i feel she doesn't acknowledge my emotions
She is married and I used to live with her..and I have a chosen a career path that is some what non conventional and I was working on it but nothing was working out and sometimes I felt depressed and so I felt like doing nothing, I know it's my fault
My sister paid my rent and some one time tution fees (18k) and other little exolenses,when I was in College, it was a depressing phase and i felt suffocated in that degree but somehow cleared the exams . My parents don't know this as my sister felt that they can't afford it
Now when I finished my degree, i came to my sister's home and lived with between I had a surgery too so she used to go to hospital with me too which I am eternally grateful for
Now i acknowledge all this she did for me but I would say she is quite controlling and I feel there were some emotional issues..i used for feel she totally disregard my emotions..she used to tell me how I cry too often and I am too sensitive and sometimes during agruements she also told me I am of no use and this career path I have chosen i will go nowhere..i understand she might be frustrated due to financial responsibility of me and her kids and her office it's expected to get frustrated..but I feel like she used to take that on me and she also told me i don't care about our parents (which i kinda don't cause I feel like there is no emotional connection between us I know it's my responsibility to care but again I can't force emotions but I know i might be selfish and irresponsible))
Now a big fight happened some days ago when she forced me to do teach maths at academy and told me you will have to do this otherwise leave this house...I don't like maths at all..and iam working on my own career which isn't going anywhere I know ..but then I stared crying and she told me bas kuch bhi bolo toh yeh aansun nikal aate hain...bojh ban kar bethi hai
Then I feel really bad and left her house and cake to live with my parents
Now it's been a month
Yesterday she called me a couple of times and i didn't pick up cause i knew there are still resentment fro my side and I don't wanna fight and I don't wanna talk with her cause kya fayda vo samjhti hi nahi hai...
Then she called my mom today and told her all that, how she paid for my expenses and how ungrateful and egoistic I am, she told my mom Jo mehengi cheez boli vo dilayi
Now I am really hurt, this isn't true, while I know she paid for my rent and other expenses but never did i once asked her to buy me anything like clothes , or other stuff ...only necessities like rent, spectacles, phone( it was 20k and I gave her 10 k from my savings which I saved in college) i needed to buy phone as my old phone went dead and it was all she did on her own ..i didn't particularly force her .I know she bought me quite expensive things but i didn't tell her to..I waa like Jo tujhe theek lge
Never did once i asked her to buy me clothes or said that I want the eat food from outside. Never. Even when I didn't use to have that good clothes,i I never asked her to buy me..if she saw while washing clothes that this is of no use..she herself bought me one or two ...but i never asked her, i never demanded anything, i swear
I know she has done a lot but I feel so bad that she told mom all this i feel like she is trying to say ki ehsaan Kiya are relationships supposed to be like these? Kya sirf pesa hi sab hota hai?
And i promise the day I earn I will pay her everything back that too with interest
What made me leave that house and cut contact was she forced me to reach in that academy knowing I hate maths and how difficulty i cleared my degree exams... she said kuch nahi kar that's true kabhi kabhi when I feel depressed I don't do anything but I was working on my career (I'm in writing)
And then after telling me ki bojh bankr bethi hai , she came to me telling me ki khana khila degi kya shiv ko(my nephew)she saw me crying and said bas yhi shuru ho jata hai hmesha ka and hum konsa tujhe maar Peet rhe hain
Then i felt like enough is enough and left the house
And I know she went to hospital in my surgery but there was no emotional support, it was a task for her and once she was telling some relative ki.hum pareshan ho Gaye Hain ...i know he has a lot on her plate, her family, job, kids
But isn't this emotional abuse?
When she called mom yesterday telling all this ki I paid all her expenses and apne bache ki tarah rakha and she isn't even talking , apne bache ki feelings koi consider nahi karta kya? I feel so bad and I know she has done a lot but I don't if I am wrong here
submitted by vaniiiii_25 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:22 Rzrbl7 AITAH for cutting off my best friend because of her boyfriend?

I (19m) recently invited my best friend of 10 years (18f) on a mall trip with a mutual friend and she and her boyfriend (21m) ruined the whole thing for me and said mutual friend. I'm not sure if I'm just being emotional right now or if I'm being reasonable, but this mall trip resulted in me blocking the two of them on everything.
When my best friend got into a relationship, I understood that I was no longer going to be her main priority socially and that she was going to spend most of her time with her new bf, who she's now been dating for around 7 months. When they began dating, I didn’t really like him for a various amount of reasons, one of the reasons being that his bad habits really rubbed off on her or maybe enabled her to do the same things (this will be important later on). I only talked to her about it a little though, as she's never gotten very involved in my relationships or overly criticized them, so I felt I couldn't do the same.
Anyway, last week I invited her and a mutual friend on a mall trip together since, of course, it's been a while since the three of us hung out together. Since my best friend still lives with her parents and has very strict parents, she tells me she's going to ask her mom and see if it's okay to go. She informs me she'll tell me about her moms decision the next day on campus, and when we meet on campus the next day for coffee, she then asks me IN FRONT of her bf if he can come with us. I don't handle being put on the spot like that very well, so of course I agree and try to give her the benefit of the doubt since she's never done this to me before and I try my best to think she did it on accident.
Anyways, now comes the actual day of the mall trip. I had work until 5 pm and told them I wouldn’t be able to pick them up any earlier as my work place is at least 20 minutes away (my best friend agreed to this and I was under the impression her mom agreed to it to). I pick them up around 5:30 and when they get in the car, my best friend claims she has a bunch of missed calls from her mom and picks up frantically.
The phone discussion with her mom was kind of frantic because her mom is really just expressing worry for her, which I felt was reasonable so I mostly ignored. I was ignoring her phone call until I hear her mom ask her "What were you still doing on campus at 5? I thought you guys were supposed to leave at 4:30" At first I thought this was just miscommunication on my best friends part, and that she was going to explain that to her mom. However, my best friend them flips the script and tells her mom "I thought the trip was at 4:30 but supposedly it's 5", making it seem like it was MY fault she was on campus so late.
After she ended the call with her mom, I asked her why she lied to her mom in the first place and she said that she didn’t know why, but "next time she'll tell the truth". Her and her boyfriend then get in a discussion in the back of my car about how "crazy" their parents are and how HE lies to his mom all the time because she's "too strict". At this point I was really over it but we go to the mall anyways and look for the mutual friend I invited to come with us. While looking, I realize that my best friend and her bf are GONE and that they left me sometime when I was looking for the said mutual friend. I end up hanging out with that mutual friend and when I'm about ready to go, I call her and tell me to meet up at this store by the entrance. Now I have slightly bad eyesight and because of this, I don't like to drive when it gets dark. I tried to leave before sunset but because our trip was so late (my fault) of course it was already night by the time I was ready to go home. When her and her bf meet up with us, she then asks me in front of him AGAIN if he could get a ride home (this was very last minute and the only reason I'm so upset is because she invited him but he didn’t plan anything out himself) and I say yes. And to wrap up the night he fails to describe his neighborhood or where he lives, having my driving around looking for his vague description, and they make out in the back of my car.
I thought that surely my best friend would apologize for AT LEAST lying to her mom about it and making me look bad but she didn’t, and acted like the whole thing never happened. So last night I blocked the two of them on everything and I've been getting calls from random numbers and dms on random accounts ever since. My mutual friend and a few other friends have told me that what I've done was just too far and that they're just in their "honeymoon stage" and that I should unblock them. AITAH?
submitted by Rzrbl7 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:20 Isometimes-think Could my soul guide be a deity?

When i was meditating a month ago, i suddenly felt this extreme feeling of comfort, almost like how you feel when you sleep on your mom as a kid, and this beautiful lond red haired woman reached out to me. i thought that i mustve been falling asleep, but the woman gently held me and strictly said: "listen to me very carefully. i am not you, nor your thoughts. if you dont take measures to change your life, noone will do it for you." thats not all that she said but its the one that i remember most because it deeply affected me. Later on, when i meditated the day after that i tried to contact her somehow and i managed, when i asked for a name, she said she didnt have one, and asked me if i would like to give her a name, and the name Rosieanne immediately came to my mind(idk why, i never really heard of it before) so her name is Rosieanne, shes beautiful, around her mid 20's, has long red magic hair that floats around, and has the prettiest blue eyes. But sometimes when she talks to me with my thoughts she looks(and acts) like a teenager around my age. She is super kind and says that her goal is to help me. I asked her if she was a god of any sort but the only answer i got was "not really?" which she didnt explain further
That's just a simplification of my experience with her but im really uneducated about stuff like deities, spirits and so on so i thought maybe someone would have an answer there. Does your spirit guides have to be known deities?? If not then is Rosieanne really a spirit guide? If someone knows a being that might be similar to her, I'd be glad to hear it
submitted by Isometimes-think to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 Previous-Concept-134 I officially know that Walmart doesn't care about me

I have epilepsy, and one thing that can make me have a seizure is excessive heat. Everyone in my town lost power on the twenty-sixth of May due to storms. It didn't take long for the house to feel like a sauna, and my head started pounding. I said to my mom that I would be upset if I had a seizure, and three days later, that is what happened. I was at work when it happened. I didn't lose consciousness, I only spaced out for a few minutes. But no one did anything to help me. The last thing that I remember is my team lead saying, "I am so confused." I have always been up front about my condition. My mom is listed as my emergency contact for this exact reason, and no one called her. It has been four days, and no one, not even the store manager, has said anything to me. I know that they are aware of it because I only had two hours of ppto. I called in the next day, even messaged the HR lady, and I have yet to receive even half of a point. That is why a former coworker, who also has epilepsy, quit. She passed out three times, and no one helped her.
submitted by Previous-Concept-134 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 WholeAttorney3704 Did I overreacted or am I being gaslighted?

TLDR: bf and I had argument because I want to move in together now, he thinks it’s not necessary and we’re better of saving the money even though we can afford it. Bf thinks i overreacted and being dramatic.
I (F32) have been dating my bf (M39) for almost 2 years now. We live in the same area and we see each other almost everyday. I live with my 3 brothers, one has recently moved away but still come back every month or so. Another brother recently got married and his wife and their dog moved in. They still go back and forth to her place to see her mom. I dont pay rent because the apartment is my parents’ and they live in a different city. My bf rents a duplex with another housemate.
Our place is relatively near, but not exactly walking distance either, around 25 minutes by foot or same duration with bus. Most of the time I stay over at his and he’d come over around once a week. Ive been bouncing the idea for us moving in together but he keeps on insisting that the current arrangement work and we should save the money for our future home which we can only buy in ~2 years. I cook a lot and I like to do it in my kitchen as it’s bigger and fully functional (4 gas stoves+oven+ other appliances). His kitchen is not as functional with only 2 inductions and very small space with almost no room to walk around. I’m growing sick and tired of packing so many different things and carrying heavy food container back and forth, there’s always something that got forgotten behind.
My bf keeps on telling me that I just need to be better at planning and we should consider ourselves lucky for what we have. Last night before bed, I was trying to decide which day of the week I should come over, I groaned in frustration and he bursted out, calling me dramatic and making a big deal over such a small thing. I kept on thinking about the current living situation and went to bed crying.
I want us to have OUR own space and enjoy DINK before we started a family. With brothers and his housemate in the apartments, I feel like we always have to be considerate and can’t enjoy the space fully because of the shared spaces. This morning I woke up with this in mind and felt like I was about to cry again, my bf noticed how off I was and asked me multiple times what’s wrong, we talked about the situation again and he’s saying that I focus on a minor thing and creating stress for myself, there are times where no-one’s home and we got the whole place to ourselves, none of the things that are bothering him, he’s extremely extroverted and is used to having people around all the time.
He offered to help more when I have to bring heavy stuffs ove back. He also asked what would be a good middle ground, ie. I can move in to his place next year when his housemate’s lease ended. I appreciate him trying to find a middle ground, I do love him and I see a future with him.
It does sound fair and seems more sensible to stick with this and save the money for a house that we will eventually buy, doesn’t it? Did I overreact or am I being gaslighted?
submitted by WholeAttorney3704 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:15 Traditional-Pen5197 I don’t know where else to go..

Hi, I just want to say… I feel so lonely, I guess that is why I’m here..? I have no friends, my coworkers exclude me from everything… I go out of my way to please them just so I will feel like I’m part of their circle, but they made plans in secret all the time and it hit me like a million bricks when I found out. Of course , they are just co workers… right?
I can’t quit my job, I’m the sole bread winner in my family, my mom is a senior citizen, I just lost my dad two years ago. I can’t talk to my mom about how I feel because all she will say is “hey everyone has problems. Why not u pray more? Come with me to church. Don’t be so sensitive. You only have yourself to depend on.”
I love my mom, maybe we just have different values.
I will that I could have someone to talk to.. after a long hard day. I’ve been single for almost two years.. got dumped by the man I loved but yet he belonged to someone else.. :’) is my life a joke?
What am I supposed to learn from it? Just ranting here… I don’t know where else to go. 🙂
submitted by Traditional-Pen5197 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:15 starcatstar Really struggling right now, at the end of my rope.

I had to move back in with my parents after my breakup. I’m over that now but being back here I’ve been in a deep dark hole for so many reasons.
I took a really low paying job and felt obligated to stick it out until the end. The job ends mid June, I’ve spent 7 months here making 21k working full time at an emotionally draining, physically draining job that I hate. It’s a long story how it happened and why I stayed. But now I’m so depressed having anxiety attacks and breakdowns multiple times a week, I’m $3k in debt.
I cannot move out anytime soon, I don’t have the money to even get a roommate. I need a new to me car soon, I have two dogs, I need to pay off my debt and I’ll soon be working and in school full time.
Every aspect of my life is making me so depressed and pushing me further into this hole.
When I moved away I lost 50 pounds, I was eating better than ever, hiking, walking my dogs everyday for at least an hour. I was in great shape, happy. My ex used to tell me I was a source of warmth and light in his life.
We traveled a lot and most of my money went towards that and moving 3 times. I came back to my home state broke but determined to pay my debt off in just 3 months. Family friends desperately needed someone for a job, they wanted me and talked to their bosses about me and the job was mine if I wanted it. I took it, and the first day I wanted to quit because I knew I’d be miserable but the guilt of leaving and my parents pressure to stay and not quit kept me there.
I could have spent this past 7 months making more at Walmart or even McDonald’s. I feel like I wasted and set myself back completely.
I’ve been falling apart. I’m 25, making 21k, my car is old, I can’t support myself, I’m in debt, I’m so depressed, I’m lost, I feel like I’m at rock bottom. I gained 10 pounds, I’m eating like shit on a daily basis. I stopped walking my dogs. I stopped taking care of myself, my hygiene is slipping, my room is a mess. Everything in my life is an absolute mess.
I have a plan to get out of this hole but I’ve been so depressed I just want to give up.
Living with my parents doesn’t help. My mom has a way of making me hate myself, she thinks I’m stupid, she thinks something is wrong with me because I’m introverted. She calls me rude when I want alone time. She pushes and breaks my boundaries. She yells at me if I ask to use the washer or dryer or if I want to make food if there are already dishes (not mine) in the sink. Her and my dad both think I’m still functioning at a 12 year old level and their words really bring me down and affect my self esteem and motivation. I don’t know why they think so low of me. They always have.
I try talking to my mom about how I feel (depression , anxiety) due to money and how much I hate my job and she tells me I’m the most negative person she’s ever met and I’m bringing her down. She also tells me I just need to think positively. I told her I want to die and she said “don’t say that” but I was being serious. It’s all very hard and lonely right now.
I know this is all my fault. My choices led me to this point. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so lost.
submitted by starcatstar to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:13 AlternativeTutor9709 Help with harassment from mother and brother

Hello, I am posting on this thread for help and advice to stop harassment from my mother and brother. I am a female in my 30s, my younger brother is in his 30s and going through a divorce. He lives several states away from me in the same town as my mother.
He has struggled with mental health most of his adult life and disclosed that he has been diagnosed with personality disorders. This is no excuse for his behavior towards me and others that ranged from physical abuse (he went to Juvenille Detention Center as a teenager for beating up my older sister, has beat up my late father) to verbal and emotional abuse (mainly towards ex-wife, accusing her of incest). He currently owns several guns.
I have tried to be supportive of him over the years and have only been in sporadic contact because he always ends up verbally abusing me if we spend any amount of extended time together. I stopped interactions with him and my mom following their abusive actions towards me centering around the time I had my kids. In 2019, my brother and his then-wife visited my home when my child was not yet 3 months old. He verbally berated me while I was making dinner over some family history stories of an uncle we never met. He ended up leaving my house with his wife and blamed me for not being welcoming.
In 2022, my mom came when I asked for help watching my daughter while my husband went with me to the hospital where I gave birth to my nearly 9 lb son. Less than 48 hours after giving birth, she screamed at me for disrespecting her when I told her not to make dinner for my husband because we were bringing take out. She called the airline to change her ticket and left me and my family the next morning.
Three months ago my brother told me he was filing for divorce and was very upset. I tried being supportive. A month ago we were talking on the phone and he just started berating me again for no real reason. I tried to push back and he hung up on me so I blocked him. Two weeks after he tried to call me and noticed I wasn't picking up. He went ballistic calling me from other phone numbers and trying to get my mom to contact me.
I told him by text and email to stop contacting me or I would call the police and file a restraining order. He said "Sure" and then continued harassing me saying what a bad Christian I was. I changed my cell number and filed a police report.
I heard nothing from them for a week. Then, I noticed on my Ring camera yesterday that two members of the local Crisis response center came to my house while I was out walking with my family. My brother had called them seeking a welfare check. He and my mother then repeatedly called my husband leaving voicemails that they were concerned for our well being. I then received an email from my mom that they were planning to get on a flight to come to my house in person unless I responded to their email that I was ok. I told them I was fine, to stop contacting me, and if they came to my house I would call the police.
I called the local police about their plan to visit me in person and calling out the crises team to my home. The officer I spoke to agreed to call my brother and tell him to stop inappropriately calling the police in my state and to leave me alone. He said my brother responded "Oh, ok".
This morning, my father-in-law sent my husband a voicemail he received from my mother asking him to contact her with information on me and my family. I had it at that point and called her on my husband's phone. I told her to stop contacting me and members of my husband's family. She wanted to know why I was so angry and I screamed at her that I was sick of her and my brother's drama and emotional abuse. She agreed to never contact me again and tried telling me she loved me. I hung up on her. I recorded the conversation.
I plan to go to the local domestic violence center to seek help. I wanted to first try sending my mom and brother cease and desist letters to get them to stop. I feel if I try to file a restraining order now that they would try and make it seem to the judge that I am overreacting. I also don't want my life further disrupted with seeing them at court and going to trial. I feel lost and scared. TIA
submitted by AlternativeTutor9709 to domesticviolence [link] [comments]