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2008.08.04 07:02 indonesia

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2023.10.22 17:00 sumpitsakit Indonesia tanpa politik

Basically /indonesia without the politics. Also serves as an archive of removed/deleted posts.

2024.05.29 23:14 jusbuahpenang Tahun Baru Imlek: Perayaan Penuh Makna dan Tradisi

Tahun Baru Imlek: Perayaan Penuh Makna dan Tradisi
Tahun Baru Imlek, juga dikenal sebagai Festival Musim Semi, merupakan salah satu perayaan terpenting bagi masyarakat Tionghoa di seluruh dunia. Perayaan ini menandai awal tahun baru dalam kalender lunisolar Tionghoa, dan biasanya jatuh pada akhir Januari atau awal Februari.
Sejarah dan Makna Tahun Baru Imlek:
Tahun Baru Imlek memiliki sejarah panjang dan kaya yang berawal dari tradisi Tionghoa kuno. Dipercaya bahwa perayaan ini dimulai sebagai ritual untuk menghormati para leluhur dan dewa-dewa, serta menyambut musim semi yang membawa kehidupan dan kesuburan.
Tradisi Tahun Baru Imlek:
Perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek diwarnai dengan berbagai tradisi yang unik dan penuh makna. Berikut beberapa tradisi yang umum dilakukan:
  • Membersihkan rumah: Sebelum Tahun Baru Imlek, rumah dibersihkan secara menyeluruh untuk membuang kesialan dan menyambut energi positif.
  • Menyiapkan makanan khas: Berbagai hidangan khas Imlek disiapkan, seperti kue keranjang (nianniang), pangsit (jiaozi), dan ikan bandeng. Makanan-makanan ini memiliki makna simbolis yang berkaitan dengan kemakmuran, kesehatan, dan kebahagiaan.
  • Memberikan angpau: Angpau, amplop merah berisi uang, diberikan kepada anak-anak dan orang yang belum menikah sebagai tanda keberuntungan dan harapan baik.
  • Menonton pertunjukan barongsai dan liong: Barongsai dan liong adalah tarian tradisional Tionghoa yang dipercaya dapat membawa keberuntungan dan mengusir roh jahat.
  • Membakar petasan: Petasan dibakar untuk menyambut Tahun Baru Imlek dan mengusir roh jahat.
Tahun Baru Imlek di Indonesia:
Di Indonesia, Tahun Baru Imlek merupakan hari libur nasional bagi masyarakat Tionghoa. Perayaan Imlek di Indonesia ( biasanya dimeriahkan dengan berbagai acara, seperti pertunjukan barongsai dan liong, festival kuliner, dan pameran budaya Tionghoa.
Makna Tahun Baru Imlek bagi Masyarakat Modern:
Meskipun memiliki sejarah panjang, Tahun Baru Imlek tetap relevan bagi masyarakat modern. Perayaan ini menjadi momen penting untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga dan kerabat, memperkuat hubungan silaturahmi, dan menumbuhkan rasa cinta terhadap budaya Tionghoa.
Tahun Baru Imlek adalah perayaan yang penuh makna dan tradisi yang indah. Bagi masyarakat Tionghoa, Imlek merupakan momen untuk menyambut tahun baru dengan harapan dan optimisme, serta memperkuat rasa kebersamaan dan identitas budaya.
Berikut beberapa informasi tambahan tentang Tahun Baru Imlek:
  • Tahun Baru Imlek 2024 jatuh pada tanggal 29 Januari.
  • Shio yang akan memerintah di tahun 2024 adalah Naga Air.
  • Warna yang identik dengan Tahun Baru Imlek adalah merah, yang melambangkan keberuntungan dan kebahagiaan.
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat!
submitted by jusbuahpenang to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:52 xoxefo3952 Terjerat Cinta Milyarder Seksi dari agneslovely2014 untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Cinderella complex. Situasi ini sama-sama dihadapi Elena dan Deasy. Kedua gadis muda yang cerdas dan menarik berusia belia yang terjebak pesona pria-pria berumur. Deasy menyukai petualangan yang memacu adrenalin, sedangkan Elena adalah gadis kalem yang belum pernah berpacaran. Mereka harus menikah diam-diam tanpa restu orang tua. Seperti apa reaksi orang tua si gadis ketika mengetahui secret marriage ini? Dapatkah mereka bertahan melewati ujian cinta ini? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:52 b00dzyt TIL: Operasi SAR US Navy di wilayah Indonesia pada Masa Lalu

Inspirasi buat bikin post ini karena awalnya ngumpulin informasi tentang salah satu kapal induk US Navy. Setelah baca sedikit sejarahnya, aku menemukan setidaknya ada tiga operasi penyelamatan warga Indonesia yang pernah dilakukan US Navy pada masa lalu.
  1. Desember 1960. Tiga warga Indonesia ditemukan terombang-ambing di lautan selama 74 hari. Tiga warga itu dirawat di rumah sakit US Naval Hospital, Guam. Pada Desember, mereka dikembalikan ke Ternate lewat kapal bernama USS Haverford (DDR). Besar kemungkinan ada eror dalam penulisan kapal yang semestinya USS Haverfield (DE-393) karena kapal perang itu bermarkas di Guam pada tahun itu.
  2. 1 Juli 1980. Kapal USNS Sealift Antarctic (T-AOT-176) menyelamatkan 9 warga Indonesia dan 176 pengungsi asal Vietnam setelah kapal mereka mogok di Laut Cina Selatan. Entah insiden yang sama atau berbeda, kapal berbendera AS LNG Virgo milik Energy Transportation Corp. juga membawa pengungsi asal Vietnam dan pada bulan Juli memindahkan para pengungsi ke kapal Sealift Antarctic. Para pengungsi Vietnam kemudian tinggal selama 5 bulan di Pulau Galang, Prov. Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. Insiden itu diangkat ke dalam cerita yang ditulis oleh salah satu pengungsi pada tahun 2016 dengan judul My Florida Reunion: 36 years of Gratitude to Seafarers.
  3. 16 Maret 1981. Sebuah pesawat serang A-6 Intruder dari skadron VA-115, USS Midway melakukan patroli rutin melintasi Laut Cina Selatan. Pilot lalu menyadari ada helikopter jatuh dan Midway mengirimkan helikopter untuk mengevakuasi 17 orang yang semuanya merupakan warga sipil dari berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Dua hari kemudian Midway tiba di pelabuhan di Singapura dan menurunkan keseluruhan penumpang yang selamat tadi. Salah satu kru VA-115 menceritakan kejadian hari itu.
Tetapi nyaris semuanya klaim dari US Navy berdasarkan manual yang berjudul A Sampling of U.S. Naval Humanitarian Operations oleh Adam B. Siegel tahun 1990. Aku coba crosscheck kedua sumber di Google, tapi hasilnya kutipan atau parafrase dari manual tadi.
Oh iya, ternyata dulu US Navy pernah punya kapal bernama USS Gyatt.
I know it's trivial. Just want to share with my fellow Komodos, that's all.
submitted by b00dzyt to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:13 6that-guy9 Pc wont start

Motherboard :ASUS B650E-F CPU:R 7800x3d Ram: lexar 6000 mhz (downclocked to 5600)
Solid orange dram light
So I built a new pc and ik worked fine played games voor about 2 hours no problem stopped for a while and started up again en then when I tried to start riot client it crashed started again played valorant closed it and crash it started crashing faster and faster even in Bios and now it just stays like this (foto in comment )
Themps we’re all fine during user benchmark and no errors
Tried fixes:
CMOS replaced
Ram replaced
Ram downclocked (when it didn’t crash before boot)
Single g Chanel ram
Unplugged for a while
submitted by 6that-guy9 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:29 lalalaidontcare Indonesian passport ID page, ID card, and residence permit design concepts

Indonesian passport ID page, ID card, and residence permit design concepts submitted by lalalaidontcare to PassportPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:12 Inner-Chart121 Menjelajahi Jenis Taruhan Sabung Ayam di MPO11: Panduan Singkat untuk Pemula

Menjelajahi Jenis Taruhan Sabung Ayam di MPO11: Panduan Singkat untuk Pemula
Sabung ayam adalah tradisi tua yang telah mengakar dalam budaya banyak negara di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia, sabung ayam tidak hanya menjadi bagian dari warisan budaya, tetapi juga merupakan hiburan yang populer bagi banyak orang. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, sekarang ada platform daring seperti MPO11 yang menyediakan pengalaman taruhan sabung ayam secara online. Bagi pemula yang tertarik untuk mencoba peruntungan mereka dalam taruhan sabung ayam, penting untuk memahami jenis taruhan yang tersedia. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan menjelajahi beberapa jenis taruhan sabung ayam yang bisa Anda temui di MPO11.
1. Taruhan Pemenang
Ini adalah jenis taruhan paling sederhana di mana Anda memilih ayam mana yang menurut Anda akan memenangkan pertarungan. Odds ditentukan berdasarkan kekuatan relatif dari masing-masing ayam. Taruhan ini cocok untuk pemula karena cukup langsung ke depan.
2. Taruhan OveUnder
Dalam taruhan oveunder, Anda bertaruh apakah jumlah ronde yang akan terjadi dalam pertarungan tersebut akan melebihi atau kurang dari jumlah yang ditetapkan oleh MPO11. Ini bisa menjadi taruhan yang menarik karena Anda tidak hanya memperhatikan kemenangan atau kekalahan, tetapi juga durasi pertarungan.
3. Taruhan Ganjil/Genap
Taruhan ini mirip dengan taruhan oveunder, tetapi Anda bertaruh apakah jumlah ronde akan berakhir dengan angka ganjil atau genap. Ini adalah taruhan yang sederhana namun menyenangkan bagi pemula yang ingin menambahkan sedikit variasi pada taruhan mereka.
4. Taruhan Warna Ayam
Dalam taruhan ini, Anda memilih ayam berdasarkan warna bulunya. Setiap ayam akan diidentifikasi dengan warna tertentu, dan Anda bertaruh pada ayam dengan warna yang Anda pilih. Taruhan ini menambahkan elemen keberuntungan dan kecocokan visual pada pengalaman taruhan Anda.
5. Taruhan Spesifik pada Bagian Tubuh
Beberapa situs taruhan sabung ayam, termasuk MPO11, mungkin menawarkan jenis taruhan yang lebih spesifik di mana Anda dapat memasang taruhan pada bagian tubuh mana dari ayam yang akan menang. Misalnya, Anda dapat bertaruh apakah ayam akan menang dengan cara mematuk atau menggunakan cakar.
Sebelum Anda mulai bertaruh pada sabung ayam di MPO11 atau platform taruhan online lainnya, penting untuk memahami berbagai jenis taruhan yang tersedia. Dengan memahami opsi taruhan yang ada, Anda dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan menikmati pengalaman taruhan sabung ayam secara lebih menyeluruh. Selalu ingat untuk bertaruh secara bertanggung jawab dan tidak melebihi batas keuangan Anda. Semoga panduan singkat ini membantu Anda memulai perjalanan taruhan sabung ayam Anda dengan baik!
submitted by Inner-Chart121 to u/Inner-Chart121 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:40 iman_yudha Brio Satya vs. Brio RS: Honda's Hatchback Showdown, Which is the Best for You?

Honda Brio, a popular hatchback in Indonesia, comes in two main variants: the Brio Satya and the Brio RS. Both offer unique advantages and features, making it a tough choice for potential buyers.
Brio Satya: The Versatile and Budget-Friendly Option
The Brio Satya, classified as an LCGC (Low Cost Green Car), is a favorite for those seeking an economical and fuel-efficient car. Despite its affordability, it comes with decent features such as air conditioning, power steering, and an audio system.
For those who enjoy customizing their cars, the Brio Satya is the perfect canvas. With minor modifications, it can be transformed into a stylish and sporty ride. Adding body kits, racing wheels, and interior accessories can elevate the Brio Satya's appearance.
Brio RS: The Performance Champion
The Brio RS emerges as the sporty version of the Brio. Its exterior exudes a sporty aura with a more aggressive front and rear bumper design, 15-inch alloy wheels, and LED taillights. Inside, the Brio RS boasts a 6.2-inch touchscreen head unit, semi-bucket seats with orange stitching, and a leather-wrapped steering wheel with orange accents.
Powered by a 1.2L i-VTEC 4-cylinder engine, the Brio RS delivers 90 PS and 110 Nm of torque, providing a more powerful and responsive driving experience compared to the Brio Satya. Its braking system is equipped with ABS and EBD, as well as Hill Start Assist (HSA) for easier uphill starts.
Which is the Best Choice for You?
Choosing between the Brio Satya and Brio RS depends on your individual needs and budget. The Brio Satya suits those looking for an economical, functional car with modification potential. On the other hand, the Brio RS is the right choice for those who crave a sporty-looking car with more power.
It's important to note that there's a significant price difference between the Brio Satya and Brio RS. The Brio Satya is priced lower due to LCGC tax incentives. However, if budget isn't a concern, the Brio RS clearly offers more features and performance.
The Brio Satya and Brio RS both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Both are attractive options in the Indonesian hatchback segment. Choose the one that best suits your needs and budget, and enjoy the driving experience with your Honda Brio.

BrioSatya #BrioRS #HondaBrio #LCGC #CityCar #Hatchback

submitted by iman_yudha to u/iman_yudha [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:57 Signal-Beat4468 Mengapa Mpoyou adalah Pilihan Terbaik untuk Bermain Sabung Ayam dan Mencari Cuan

Mengapa Mpoyou adalah Pilihan Terbaik untuk Bermain Sabung Ayam dan Mencari Cuan
Sabung ayam telah lama menjadi bagian dari budaya dan tradisi di banyak negara di Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia. Selain sebagai hiburan, sabung ayam juga menjadi ajang untuk mencari cuan bagi para penggemarnya. Dalam era digital seperti sekarang, platform daring telah mengubah cara orang berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas ini. Salah satu platform yang semakin populer untuk bermain sabung ayam adalah Mpoyou. Mengapa Mpoyou menjadi pilihan terbaik bagi para pencari cuan dan pecinta sabung ayam?
1. Kepastian Keamanan dan Kredibilitas
Mpoyou adalah platform berbasis daring yang menempatkan keamanan dan kredibilitas sebagai prioritas utama. Mereka menggunakan teknologi enkripsi terkini untuk melindungi data pribadi dan transaksi finansial para pengguna mereka. Selain itu, Mpoyou juga bekerja sama dengan penyedia layanan pembayaran yang terpercaya, memastikan bahwa setiap transaksi diproses dengan aman dan lancar.
2. Ragam Pertandingan dan Taruhan
Salah satu alasan utama mengapa Mpoyou menjadi pilihan utama bagi para pecinta sabung ayam adalah ragam pertandingan yang mereka tawarkan. Dari pertandingan lokal hingga internasional, Mpoyou menyediakan akses ke berbagai jenis pertarungan ayam. Selain itu, mereka juga menawarkan berbagai jenis taruhan, mulai dari taruhan langsung hingga taruhan jangka panjang, memberikan pengguna kesempatan untuk memilih sesuai dengan preferensi dan strategi taruhan mereka.
3. Antarmuka Pengguna yang Ramah Pengguna
Mpoyou didesain dengan antarmuka pengguna yang ramah pengguna, memastikan bahwa bahkan para pemula sekalipun dapat dengan mudah berpartisipasi dalam berbagai aktivitas taruhan. Dengan navigasi yang intuitif dan panduan yang jelas, pengguna dapat dengan cepat menemukan pertandingan yang diminati dan menempatkan taruhan mereka tanpa kesulitan.
4. Aksesibilitas dan Kemudahan Bermain
Salah satu keunggulan utama platform daring adalah kemudahan aksesibilitasnya. Mpoyou dapat diakses melalui berbagai perangkat, termasuk komputer desktop, laptop, smartphone, dan tablet. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk bermain sabung ayam kapan pun dan di mana pun mereka berada, asalkan terhubung ke internet. Selain itu, Mpoyou juga menyediakan berbagai opsi pembayaran, termasuk transfer bank, dompet digital, dan kartu kredit, sehingga memudahkan para pengguna untuk melakukan deposit dan penarikan dana.
5. Layanan Pelanggan Profesional
Terakhir, Mpoyou dikenal karena layanan pelanggan mereka yang profesional dan responsif. Mereka menyediakan dukungan pelanggan 24/7 melalui berbagai saluran komunikasi, termasuk obrolan langsung, surel, dan telepon. Tim dukungan pelanggan mereka siap membantu pengguna dengan segala pertanyaan atau masalah yang mereka hadapi, sehingga memastikan pengalaman bermain yang mulus dan menyenangkan bagi semua orang.
Dengan kombinasi antara keamanan yang unggul, ragam pertandingan dan taruhan, antarmuka pengguna yang ramah pengguna, kemudahan aksesibilitas, dan layanan pelanggan yang profesional, tidak mengherankan bahwa Mpoyou menjadi pilihan terbaik bagi para pencari cuan dan pecinta sabung ayam. Bagi siapa pun yang tertarik untuk merasakan sensasi dan kegembiraan dari sabung ayam secara daring, Mpoyou adalah tempat yang tepat untuk memulai petualangan mereka.
submitted by Signal-Beat4468 to u/Signal-Beat4468 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:23 Signal-Beat4468 Mengapa MPOYOU Menjadi Favorit Pecinta Sabung Ayam di Tanah Air

Mengapa MPOYOU Menjadi Favorit Pecinta Sabung Ayam di Tanah Air
Industri sabung ayam di Indonesia telah menjadi bagian dari budaya dan tradisi yang kaya selama berabad-abad. Kegiatan ini tidak hanya dipandang sebagai bentuk hiburan, tetapi juga memiliki makna historis dan sosial yang dalam bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, popularitas MPOYOU sebagai platform sabung ayam online telah meningkat pesat di kalangan pecinta sabung ayam di Tanah Air. Ada beberapa alasan kuat mengapa MPOYOU telah menjadi favorit di antara para penggemar sabung ayam di Indonesia.
1. Kesenangan Tanpa Batas dengan Akses 24/7
MPOYOU menawarkan pengalaman bermain sabung ayam yang menarik dan mendebarkan tanpa batas waktu. Dengan akses 24/7 melalui platform online mereka, para penggemar sabung ayam dapat menikmati pertarungan ayam favorit mereka kapan saja dan di mana saja. Ini memberikan keleluasaan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya bagi para penggemar, yang sebelumnya harus bergantung pada acara langsung atau pertarungan lokal.
2. Keamanan dan Kepuasan Pengguna Terjamin
MPOYOU mengutamakan keamanan dan kepuasan pengguna dengan menyediakan platform yang aman dan dapat diandalkan. Mereka menggunakan teknologi terkini untuk melindungi data pribadi dan keuangan pengguna mereka, sehingga para pemain dapat fokus sepenuhnya pada pengalaman permainan tanpa khawatir tentang masalah keamanan. Selain itu, layanan pelanggan yang responsif juga merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang membuat MPOYOU menjadi pilihan utama bagi pecinta sabung ayam.
3. Beragam Pilihan Taruhan dan Jenis Pertandingan
MPOYOU menawarkan beragam pilihan taruhan dan jenis pertandingan sabung ayam yang memenuhi selera setiap pemain. Dari taruhan langsung hingga taruhan berbagai jenis, ada sesuatu untuk semua orang. Selain itu, mereka juga sering mengadakan turnamen dan acara khusus yang menarik, yang menambah keseruan dan tantangan bagi para penggemar sabung ayam.
4. Kemudahan Akses dan Penggunaan
Kemudahan akses dan penggunaan adalah salah satu keunggulan utama MPOYOU. Mereka menawarkan aplikasi yang ramah pengguna yang dapat diunduh secara gratis, memungkinkan para penggemar sabung ayam untuk mengakses platform dengan mudah melalui perangkat seluler mereka. Ini memungkinkan fleksibilitas dan kenyamanan yang tak tertandingi, karena para pemain dapat mengikuti pertandingan dan menempatkan taruhan mereka bahkan saat mereka sedang bepergian.
5. Inovasi Teknologi yang Terus Berkembang
MPOYOU terus melakukan inovasi dalam teknologi dan fitur permainan mereka, untuk memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik dan lebih memuaskan bagi para pengguna mereka. Dari streaming langsung hingga grafis yang menawan, mereka selalu mencari cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan keandalan platform mereka. Ini menjadikan MPOYOU sebagai pilihan utama bagi mereka yang mencari pengalaman sabung ayam yang modern dan menghibur.
Dengan berbagai keunggulan yang ditawarkannya, tidaklah mengherankan bahwa MPOYOU telah menjadi favorit di antara pecinta sabung ayam di Tanah Air. Platform ini tidak hanya menyediakan akses yang mudah dan aman ke dunia sabung ayam, tetapi juga memberikan pengalaman bermain yang mendebarkan dan memuaskan bagi para pengguna mereka.
submitted by Signal-Beat4468 to u/Signal-Beat4468 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:18 xoxefo3952 Wanita Simpanan Mafia Kejam dari APStory untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Katakan, berapa harga yang harus aku bayar untuk mencium bibirmu? Pertanyaan songong Zach dibalas oleh Evelyn dengan kekehan angkuh. Cukup dengan menyerahkan kedua bola matamu, balasnya. Dada Zach bergemuruh. Evelyn baru saja mempermainkannya. Seketika timbul rasa kesal yang begitu besar di balik rongga dada pria itu. Kau benar-benar tidak takut mati. Ia mendesis. Jika mati menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk terbebas darimu, maka bunuhlah aku! tantang Evelyn. *** Kehidupan Evelyn berubah mengerikan setelah diculik oleh dua orang tak dikenal. Ia dibawa ke mansion gelap dan penuh rahasia, dikurung di ruang tahanan, lalu dilempar ke ruang harem yang dihuni oleh wanita-wanita cantik dan seksi yang merupakan selir penghangat ranjang bagi para bangsawan. Semua berawal dari penolakan Victor—ayahnya Evelyn—karena tidak mau menyuarakan dukungan terhadap Zachary Muller, seorang calon pemimpin negara sekaligus bos mafia yang bersembunyi di balik topeng politik, sehingga Zach memperalat Evelyn untuk melemahkan Victor. Dalam upaya melarikan diri, Evelyn harus mendapati kenyataan bahwa dirinya sedang mengandung janin dari sang mafia kejam dan licik tersebut. Segalanya menjadi rumit ketika Evelyn berhasil kabur dan mendengar kabar mengenai kematian ayahnya di tangan anak buah Zach. Saat tahu Evelyn hamil, Zach terus mencarinya karena merasa telah menghancurkan masa depan wanita yang tak bersalah. Akankah Zach berhasil menemukan Evelyn dan bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya? Lalu bagaimana cara Zach memadamkan dendam dan kebencian Evelyn yang membara? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:06 AdministrativePool93 The largest Buddhist temple in the world is located in Indonesia. (Those oranges are monks meditating)

The largest Buddhist temple in the world is located in Indonesia. (Those oranges are monks meditating) submitted by AdministrativePool93 to megalophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:14 AC_Creatives What kind of python is this? Fell in love with it at the zoo but foolishly didn’t get the name in the picture. Figure it was a macklot or white lipped but not sure

What kind of python is this? Fell in love with it at the zoo but foolishly didn’t get the name in the picture. Figure it was a macklot or white lipped but not sure submitted by AC_Creatives to snakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:17 partypastor Unreached People Group of the Week - Malay people of Malaysia
Welcome back to the reformed UPG of the Week!
Gonna leave this here because reddit is still a massive pain these days and it is getting worse to do all this
I wanted to update a few posts every now and then and the Malay one is 5 years old now, so meet the Malay people in Malaysia!

Region: Malaysia

Stratus Index Ranking (Urgency): 91
It has been noted to me by u/JCmathetes that I should explain this ranking. Low numbers are more urgent, both physically and spiritually together, while high numbers are less urgent. The scale is 1-177, with one number assigned to each country. So basically on a scale from Afghanistan (1) to Finland (177), how urgent are the peoples physical and spiritual needs.
Kuala Lumpur
Sabah, Malaysia
Climate: The local climate is equatorial and characterised by the annual southwest (April to October) and northeast (October to February) monsoons. The temperature is moderated by the presence of the surrounding oceans. Humidity is usually high, and the average annual rainfall is 250 cm (98 in). The climates of the Peninsula and the East differ, as the climate on the peninsula is directly affected by wind from the mainland, as opposed to the more maritime weather of the East. Local climates can be divided into three regions, highland, lowland, and coastal.
Crocker Mountains in Malaysia
Terrain: Much of Malaysia is coast or rainforest. Its land borders are defined in large part by geological features such as the Perlis River, the Golok River and the Pagalayan Canal, whilst some of the maritime boundaries are the subject of ongoing contention. The two parts of Malaysia, separated from each other by the South China Sea, share a largely similar landscape in that both Peninsular and East Malaysia feature coastal plains rising to hills and mountains. Peninsular Malaysia, containing 40 per cent of Malaysia's land area, extends 740 km (460 mi) from north to south, and its maximum width is 322 km (200 mi). It is divided between its east and west coasts by the Titiwangsa Mountains, rising to a peak elevation of 2,183 metres (7,162 ft) at Mount Korbu, part of a series of mountain ranges running down the centre of the peninsula. These mountains are heavily forested, and mainly composed of granite and other igneous rocks. Much of it has been eroded, creating a karst landscape. The range is the origin of some of Peninsular Malaysia's river systems. The coastal plains surrounding the peninsula reach a maximum width of 50 kilometres (31 mi), and the peninsula's coastline is nearly 1,931 km (1,200 mi) long, although harbours are only available on the western side. East Malaysia, on the island of Borneo, has a coastline of 2,607 km (1,620 mi). It is divided between coastal regions, hills and valleys, and a mountainous interior. The Crocker Range extends northwards from Sarawak, dividing the state of Sabah. It is the location of the 4,095 m (13,435 ft) high Mount Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in Malaysia. Mount Kinabalu is located in the Kinabalu National Park, which is protected as one of the four UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Malaysia. The highest mountain ranges form the border between Malaysia and Indonesia. Sarawak contains the Mulu Caves, the largest cave system in the world, in the Gunung Mulu National Park which is also a World Heritage Site. The largest river in Malaysia is the Rajang. Around these two halves of Malaysia are numerous islands, the largest of which is Banggi.
Mogotes dot along the western edge of the range in Kinta District, Perak.
Wildlife of Malaysia: The wildlife of Malaysia is diverse, with Malaysia being a megadiverse country. Most of the country is covered in rainforest, which hosts a huge diversity of plant and animal species. There are approximately 361 mammal species, 694 bird species, 250 reptile species, and 150 frog species found in Malaysia. Its large marine territory also holds a great diversity of life, with the country's coastal waters comprising part of the Coral Triangle. Peninsular Malaysia holds four big cats: the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Indochinese leopard and also the clouded leopard. Another major predator is the sunbear. Large prey exists, such as the Sumatran rhinoceros, the Malayan tapir, mouse deer, barking deer, sambar deer, wild boar, and Bornean bearded pigs. Gaurs and Asian elephants can also be found. Lowland animals such as these also can be found at higher altitudes, along with animals specialised for mountain living, such as siamang gibbons, red squirrels, and lesser moon rat species. East Malaysia lacks the tigers of the Peninsula, leaving Sunda clouded leopards, sunbears, and Sunda otter civet as the primary predators. Borneo elephants are also found there, along with Bornean orangutans, Mueller's gibbons, macaques, proboscis monkeys, silvered leaf monkeys, langurs, and slow lorises. Marbled cats and leopard cats are smaller predators. Kinabalu ferret-badgers, Kinabalu black shrews, Hose's palm civets, and Brooke's tree squirrels are endemic to the mountains of Borneo. Other small mammals include mongooses and giant rats. 11,300 orangutans are found in East Malaysia. Other ape species include the white-handed gibbon and the siamang. Malaysia has 10 monkey species, divided between langurs and macaques. Proboscis monkeys, the world's largest monkey, are a langur species endemic to Borneo. Macaque species include the crab-eating macaque and the pig-tailed macaque. The Malayan tiger, a close relative of the Indochinese tiger, is endemic to the Malay peninsula with a remaining population of about 300 (250-340). Small cats such as the bay cat and various civet cats are also found. 1200 Asian elephants exist on the Peninsula, with another population existing in East Malaysia. The world's largest cattle species, the seladang, is found in Malaysia. Fruit bats are also found throughout the country, with a high concentration in the Mulu Caves. There are also the Malayan pit viper, king cobras, Dumeril's monitors, Malay water monitors, and estuarine crocodiles. The king cobra is the deadliest snake found, but it is rarely encountered. The reticulated python is said to grow up to 10 metres (33 ft) in length. Monitor lizards, almost 2 metres (7 ft) in length, are found in both halves of the country. They also have a ton of birds.
If it isn't obvious from this list, there are SO many monkeys in Malaysia :(
Indochinese leopard
Environmental Issues: The national statistics showed that the state of some of the Malaysian environment is rather stressful. Urban air quality, river water quality, deforestation, costal reclamation, and endangered species are just a few of the issues in Malaysia.
Languages: Malaysia contains speakers of 137 living languages, 41 of which are found in Peninsula Malaysia.
Malay, Baba Malay, Batek, Chitty Malay, Cheq Wong, Duano’, Jah Hut, Jahai, Jakun, Jedek, Kedah Malay, Kelantan-Pattani Malay, Kenaboi, Kensiu, Kintaq, Kristang, Lanoh, Mah Meri, Minriq, Mintil, Mos, Negeri Sembilan Malay, Orang Kanaq, Orang Seletar, Pahang Malay, Perak Malay, Ple-Temer, Rawa Malay, Sabüm, Semai, Semaq Beri, Semelai, Semnam, Southern Thai, Temiar, Temoq, Temuan, Terengganu Malay, Wila', Abai, Bahau, Bajaw, Belait, Berawan, Biatah, Bintulu, Bonggi, Bookan, Bruneian/Kedayan Malay, Brunei Bisaya, Bukar Sadong, Bukitan, Coastal Kadazan, Cocos Malay, Daro-Matu, Dumpas, Dusun, Eastern Kadazan, Gana’, Iban, Ida'an, Iranun, Jagoi, Jangkang, Kajaman, Kalabakan, Kanowit, Kayan, Kelabit, Kendayan, Keningau Murut, Kinabatangan, Kiput, Klias River Kadazan, Kota Marudu Talantang, Kuijau, Lahanan, Lelak, Lengilu, Lotud, Lun Bawang (Lundayeh), Mainstream Kenyah, Maranao, Melanau, Molbog, Momogun, Murik Kayan, Narom, Nonukan Tidong, Okolod, Paluan, Papar, Punan Batu, Remun, Sa'ban, Sabah Bisaya, Sabah Malay, Sama, Sarawak Malay, Sebop, Sebuyau, Sekapan, Selungai Murut, Sembakung, Seru, Serudung, Sian, Suluk, Sungai, Tagol, Timugon, Tombonuwo, Tring, Tringgus, Tutoh, Ukit, Uma’ Lasan, English, Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Hainanese, Hakka, Hokchew, Hokkien, Indonesian, Malayalam, Mandarin Chinese, Punjabi, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu. The Malay speak Malay
Government Type: Federal parliamentary elective constitutional monarchy

People: Malay in Malaysia

Malaysian woman
Population: 14,098,000
Estimated Foreign Workers Needed: 282+
Beliefs: The Malay are 0.1% Christian. That means out of their population of 14,098,000, there are roughly 14,098 believers. Thats about 1 believer for every 1000 unbeliever.
Islam was brought to Malaysia by Arabic and Indian traders many centuries ago, and the Malay people have come to embrace and ardently follow the Islamic faith. All Malay people are considered Islamic though levels of devotion to the religion are varied. Even those who half-heartedly follow Islam participate in the fasting month, and the Malay people of affluence will go on the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once if not many times during their lifetime.
The Malay have early roots in Hinduism and traces of this can still be seen in certain aspects of their culture such as weddings. For instance, the bride and groom will paint their hands with henna and will sit upon a platform for hours for the guests to admire.
Another divergence from Islam is the use of a bomoh (witchdoctor). Although Islam forbids the use of such a person, many Malay of Peninsular Malaysia will seek the services of a bomoh when they are experiencing a difficult situation or when they need some "magic." Also, they use bomohs for honorable or ignoble purposes. Furthermore, they consult bomohs in order to receive a blessing or a cure; or, on the other hand, in order to curse someone or get revenge.
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque in Malaysia
History: There is no definite evidence which dates the first Indian voyages across the Bay of Bengal but conservative estimates place the earliest arrivals on Malay shores at least 2,000 years ago. The discovery of jetty remains, iron smelting sites, and a clay brick monument dating back to 110 CE in the Bujang Valley, shows that a maritime trading route with South Indian Tamil kingdoms was already established since the second century.
The growth of trade with India brought coastal people in much of maritime Southeast Asia into contact with the major religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Throughout this area a most profound in influence has been exerted by India which seems to have introduced into it architecture, sculpture, writing, monarchy, religion, iron, cotton and a host of elements of higher culture. Indian religions, cultural traditions and Sanskrit began to spread across the land. Hindu temples were built in the Indian style, local kings began referring to themselves as "raja" and more desirable aspects of Indian government were adopted
The beginning of the Common Era saw the rise of Malay states in the coastal areas of the Sumatra and Malay Peninsula; Srivijaya, Nakhon Si Thammarat Kingdom, Gangga Negara, Langkasuka, Kedah, Pahang, the Melayu Kingdom and Chi Tu. Between the 7th and 13th centuries, many of these small, often prosperous peninsula and Sumatran maritime trading states, became part of the mandala of Srivijaya, a great confederation of city-states centred in Sumatra. Early during this period, the earliest known mention of the word "Malayu" was used in Chinese sources in 644 CE. Later in the mid-14th century, the word Malay was already recognized as a collective people sharing similar heritage, customs and language.
Srivijaya's influence spread over all the coastal areas of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, western Java and western Borneo, as well as the rest of the Malay Archipelago. Enjoying both Indian and Chinese patronage, its wealth was gained mostly through trade. At its height, the Old Malay language was used as its official language and became the lingua franca of the region, replacing Sanskrit, the language of Hinduism. The Srivijayan era is considered the golden age of Malay culture.
The glory of Srivijaya however began to wane after the series of raids by the Tamil Chola dynasty in the 11th century. After the fall of Srivijaya in 1025 CE, the Malayu kingdom of Jambi, Sumatra, became the most dominant Malay state of the region. By the end of the 13th century, the remnants of the Malay empire in Sumatra was finally destroyed by the Javanese invaders during the Pamalayu expedition (Pamalayu means "war against the Malays").
In 1299, through the support of the loyal servants of the empire, the Orang laut, a Malay prince of Palembang origin, Sang Nila Utama established the Kingdom of Singapura in Temasek. His dynasty ruled the island kingdom until the end of the 14th century, when the Malay polity once again faced the wrath of Javanese invaders. In 1400, his great-great-grandson, Parameswara, headed north and established the Malacca Sultanate. The new kingdom succeeded Srivijaya and inherited much of the royal and cultural traditions, including a large part of the territories of its predecessor.
In the north of the peninsula, the power vacuum left by the collapse of Srivijaya was filled by the growth of the kingdom of Tambralinga in the 12th century. Between the 13th to early 14th century, the kingdom succeeded to incorporate most of the Malay Peninsula under its mandala. The campaign led by Chandrabhanu Sridhamaraja (1230–1263) managed to capture Jaffna kingdom in Sri Lanka between 1247 and 1258. He was eventually defeated by the forces of the Pandyan dynasty from Tamil Nadu in 1263 and was killed by the brother of Emperor Sadayavarman Sundara Pandyan I. The invasion marked an unrivaled feature in the history of Southeast Asia, it was the only time there was an armed maritime expedition beyond the borders of the region.
The cultivation of Malay polity system also diffused beyond the proper Sumatran-Peninsular border during this era. The age avowed by exploration and migration of the Malays to establish kingdoms beyond the traditional Srivijayan realm. Several exemplification are the enthronement of a Tambralingan prince to reign the Lavo Kingdom in present-day Central Thailand, the foundation of Rajahnate of Cebu in the Visayas and the establishment of the Tanjungpura Kingdom in what is now West Kalimantan, Borneo. The expansion is also eminent as it shaped the ethnogenesis development of the related Acehnese and Banjar people and further spreading the Indian-influenced Malay ethos within the regional sphere.
The period of the 12th and 15th centuries saw the arrival of Islam and the rise of the great port-city of Malacca on the southwestern coast of the Malay Peninsula — two major developments that altered the course of Malay history.
The Islamic faith arrived on the shores of what are now the states of Kedah, Perak, Kelantan and Terengganu, from around the 12th century. The earliest archaeological evidence of Islam from the Malay Peninsula is the Terengganu Inscription Stone dating from the 14th century found in Terengganu state, Malaysia.
By the 15th century, the Malacca Sultanate, whose hegemony reached over much of the western Malay Archipelago, had become the centre of Islamisation in the east. As a Malaccan state religion, Islam brought many great transformation into the Malaccan society and culture, and It became the primary instrument in the evolution of a common Malay identity. The Malaccan era witnessed the close association of Islam with Malay society and how it developed into a definitive marker of Malay identity. Over time, this common Malay cultural idiom came to characterise much of the Malay Archipelago through the Malayisation process. The expansion of Malaccan influence through trade and Dawah brought with it together the Classical Malay language, the Islamic faith, and the Malay Muslim culture; the three core values of Kemelayuan ("Malayness").
In 1511, the Malaccan capital fell into the hands of Portuguese conquistadors. However, Malacca remained an institutional prototype: a paradigm of statecraft and a point of cultural reference for successor states such as Johor Sultanate (1528–present), Perak Sultanate (1528–present), Pahang Sultanate (1470–present), Siak Sri Indrapura Sultanate (1725–1946), Pelalawan Sultanate (1725–1946) and Riau-Lingga Sultanate (1824–1911).
Across the South China Sea in the 14th century, another Malay realm, the Bruneian Empire was on the rise to become the most powerful polity in Borneo. By the middle of the 15th century, Brunei entered into a close relationship with the Malacca Sultanate. The sultan married a Malaccan princess, adopted Islam as the court religion, and introduced an efficient administration modelled on Malacca. Brunei profited from trade with Malacca but gained even greater prosperity after the great Malay port was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511. It reached its golden age in the mid-16th century when it controlled land as far south as present day Kuching in Sarawak, north towards the Philippine Archipelago. The empire broadened its influence in Luzon by defeating Datu Gambang of the Kingdom of Tondo and by founding a satellite state, Kota Seludong in present-day Manila, setting up the Muslim Rajah, Rajah Sulaiman I as a vassal to the Sultanate of Brunei. Brunei also expanded its influence in Mindanao, Philippines when Sultan Bolkiah married Leila Macanai, the daughter of the Sultan of Sulu. However, states like the kingdom of Pangasinan, Rajahnate of Cebu and Kedatuan of Madja-as tried to resist Brunei's and Islam's spread into the Philippines. Brunei's fairly loose river based governmental presence in Borneo projected the process of Malayisation. Fine Malay Muslim cultures, including the language, dress and single-family dwelling were introduced to the natives primarily from ethnic Dayaks, drawing them into the Sultanate. Dayak chiefs were incorporated into the Malay hierarchy, being given the official titles of Datuk, Temenggong and Orang Kaya. In West Borneo, the development of such sultanates of Sarawak, Sambas, Sukadana and Landak tells a similar tale of recruitment among Dayak people.
Other significant Malay sultanates were the Kedah Sultanate (1136–present), Kelantan Sultanate (1411–present), Patani Sultanate (1516–1771), Reman Kingdom (1785–1909) and Legeh Kingdom (1755–1902) that dominated the northern part of the Malay Peninsula. Jambi Sultanate (1460–1907), Palembang Sultanate (1550–1823) and Indragiri Sultanate (1298–1945) controlled much of the southeastern shores of Sumatra. Deli Sultanate (1632–1946), Serdang Sultanate (1728–1948), Langkat Sultanate (1568–1948) and Asahan Sultanate (1630–1948) governed eastern Sumatra. While West Borneo observed the rise of Pontianak Sultanate (1771–1950), Mempawah Sultanate (1740–1950) and Matam Sultanate (1590–1948).
Between 1511 and 1984, numerous Malay kingdoms and sultanates fell under direct colonisation or became the protectorates of different foreign powers, from European colonial powers like Portuguese, Dutch and British, to regional powers like Aceh, Siam and Japan. In 1511, the Portuguese Empire captured the capital city of the Malacca Sultanate. The victorious Portuguese however, were unable to extend their political influence beyond the fort of Malacca. The Sultan maintained his overlordship on the lands outside Malacca and established the Johor Sultanate in 1528 to succeed Malacca. Portuguese Malacca faced several unsuccessful retaliation attacks by Johor until 1614, when the combined forces of Johor and the Dutch Empire, ousted the Portuguese from the peninsula. As per agreement with Johor in 1606, the Dutch later took control of Malacca.
Historically, Malay states of the peninsula had hostile relations with the Siamese. The Malacca Sultanate Itself fought two wars with the Siamese while the northern Malay states came intermittently under Siamese dominance for centuries. In 1771, the Kingdom of Siam under the new Chakri dynasty abolished the Patani Sultanate and later annexed a large part of Kedah Sultanate. Earlier, the Siamese under Ayutthaya Kingdom have had already absorbed Tambralinga and overrun the Singgora Sultanate in the 17th century. Between 1808 and 1813, the Siamese imposed a new administrative structure and created the semi-independent Malay kingdoms of Patani, Saiburi, Nongchik, Yaring, Yala, Reman and Rangae from Greater Patani and similarly obtained Rundung, Kupa, Tongkah, Terang while carving Setul, Langu, Perlis, Kubang Pasu from the Kedah Kingdom in 1839. In 1902, the Siamese stripped the political powers of all the 7 kingdoms of Patani following a planned revolt for independence against the central government. The coup de grâce was cultivated by 1906, when the Siamese redraw the border of the Patani territories and installed a new governance and administrative system.
In 1786, the island of Penang was leased to East India Company by Kedah Sultanate in exchange of military assistance against the Siamese. In 1819, the company also acquired Singapore from Johor Empire, later in 1824, Dutch Malacca from the Dutch, followed by Dindings from Perak by 1874 and finally Labuan from Brunei in 1886. All these trading posts officially known as Straits Settlements in 1826 and became the crown colony of British Empire in 1867. Additionally, the Straits Settlements would also encompass the Indian Ocean islands of Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands in 1886. British intervention in the affairs of Malay states was formalised in 1895, when Malay rulers accepted British Residents in administration, and the Federated Malay States was formed. In 1909, Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis were handed over by Siam to the British. These states along with Johor, later became known as Unfederated Malay States. During the World War II, all these British possessions and protectorates that collectively known as British Malaya were occupied by the Empire of Japan.
The twilight of the vast Bruneian Empire began during the Castille War against the Spanish conquistadors who arrived in the Philippines from Mexico. The war resulted in the end of the empire's dominance in the present-day Philippine Archipelago. The decline further culminated in the 19th century, when the Sultanate lost most of its remaining territories in Borneo to the White Rajahs of Sarawak, North Borneo Chartered Company and its lower Borneo vassals to Dutch East India Company. Brunei was a British protectorate from 1888 to 1984.
Following the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 which divided the Malay Archipelago into a British zone in the north and a Dutch zone in the south, all Malay sultanates in Sumatra and Southern Borneo became part of the Dutch East Indies. Though some of Malay sultans maintain their power under Dutch control, some were abolished by the Dutch government under the accusation of retaliation against the colonial rule, like the case of Palembang Sultanate in 1823, Jambi Sultanate in 1906 and Riau Sultanate in 1911.
In the late 19th century, Germany was aiming to gain a foothold in the Malay Peninsula. They have made a repeated request to Siam on acquiring Langkawi as a naval base, with a possible expansion to the islands of Butong and Teretak since 1899. The plan was largely derived under the scheme of the German Grand Admiral, Alfred von Tirpitz who envisioned Langkawi as a vital-base for Berlin's worldwide submarine cable network. Langkawi was perceived to be ideal, due to its deep natural harbour and a suitable geographical location, between the German Kiautschou Bay in China and its colonies in the Pacific on one side, and German East Africa on the other. The island is also desired as it can act as a point of assembly and restocking for its warship during the times of war. A foothold in Langkawi would also guaranteed a further commercial interest to German private investors to cater the needs of port, a coaling station and the future naval base.
In October 1899, Behn, Meyer & Co acting on behalf of the German colonial government approached the Rajah Muda (Crown Prince) of Kedah to lease the island for 50 years with the sum of 60,000 dollars, as the sultan was ill and unable to attend the meeting. By November 1899, the "Deutsche Uebersee-Gesellschaft" (German Overseas Association) was formed by the German trading and shipping company in order to provide loan amounting to 1,000,000 marks to the sultanate. Nonetheless, the plan has come to a major halt, as the application was dismissed by the Kingdom of Siam. The dismissal was largely derived from the Secret Siamese Treaty of 1897, that has required the consent of the British in order for Siam to lease its territory. The crown prince of Kedah was later summoned to Bangkok by Prince Damrong and was warned not to release any concession to other foreign powers without the agreement of Siam.
A further bid by German was allegedly occurred in 1900, when Germany was purported to have approached the Sultan of Trang & Palien on the possibility of acquiring Pulau Lontar, an island located north of Langkawi. Although this report was dismissed by Prince Dewawongse of Siam
The prospect of a German annexation of the northern peninsula and the potential of its involvement for a commercial canal or railway network across the Isthmus of Kra, posed a serious threat to the British economic interest and political dominance in the region. Severely alarmed, the British and the Siamese entered the Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909, partitioning the peninsula between the British and the Siamese jurisdiction.
The Anglo-Siamese Treaty attested that the Siamese to control the upper portion of the peninsular while the lower region was to be held under the British dominance. The British originally planned for the inclusion of Reman, Legeh and Setul under their dominion together with a cluster of northern Malay states. Nonetheless, they only managed to secure Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis under the agreement. The treaty also witnessed the state of Kedah being reduced the most, with Tarutao, Butang islands groups, Sendawa, Langgu and the principality of Setul were all being divorced into the Siamese hands, a similar fate was also followed in northeastern coast of Kelantan that was demanded to renounced their right on the Tabal district, including Sungai Golok and Sungai Padi; while Perlis lost its Pujoh district. Then-British controlled Federated Malay State of Perak however, saw an enlargement of their land area, with southern territories of Reman being transferred into the state and additionally Kelantan received Jeli from Legeh (which had been under Siamese jurisdiction since 1902). The Siamese then abdicated Tunku Baharuddin, the King of Setul, the sole Malay kingdom remained under Siamese territory in 1916. The treaty nonetheless, manage to seal the fate of the Malay states of Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis to retain a degree of their sovereign powers under the British colonial government, a legacy that can be witnessed today in the Malaysian administrative system.
Later during the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies, British Malaya and Borneo, the Japanese maintained a favourable relationship with the Sultans and other Malay leaders, this is partially composed to foster the trust of the Malay public that was generally loyal towards the sultan. Nonetheless, in a series of massacres known as Pontianak incidents, the Japanese assassinated virtually all of the West Kalimantan Malay sultans, including a large numbers of Malay intelligentsias after they have been falsely accused of planning an uprising and coup d'etat against the Japanese. It was believed that West Kalimantan took two generations to recover from the near-total collapse of the Malay ruling class in the territory.
The earliest and most influential instruments of Malay national awakening were the periodicals which politicised the position of the Malays in the face of colonialism and alien immigration of non-Malays. In spite of repressions imposed by the British colonial government, there were no less than 147 journals and newspapers published in Malaya between 1876 and 1941. Among notable periodicals were Al-Imam (1906), Pengasuh (1920), Majlis (1935) and Utusan Melayu (1939). The rise of Malay nationalism was largely mobilised by three nationalist factions — the radicals distinguishable into the Malay left and the Islamic group which were both opposed to the conservative elites.
The Malay and Malayness has been the fundamental basis for Malay ideology and Malay nationalism in Malaysia. All three Malay nationalist factions believed in the idea of a Bangsa Melayu ('Malay Nation') and the position of Malay language, but disagreed over the role of Islam and Malay rulers. The conservatives supported Malay language, Islam and Malay monarchy as constituting the key pillars of Malayness, but within a secular state that restricted the political role of Islam. The leftists concurred with the secular state but wanted to end feudalism, whereas the Islamic group favoured ending royalty but sought a much larger role of Islam.
Since the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia as a unitary state in 1950, all traditional Malay monarchies in Indonesia were abolished, and the Sultans positions reduced to titular heads or pretenders. The violent demise of the sultanates of Deli, Langkat, Serdang, Asahan and other Malay principalities in East Sumatra during the "Social revolution" of 1946 orchestrated by the Communist Party of Indonesia, drastically influenced their Malayan counterparts and politically motivating them against the PKMM's ideal of Greater Indonesia and the Islamists' vision of Islamic Republic.
In March 1946, UMNO emerged with the full support of the Malay sultans from the Conference of Rulers. The new movement forged a close political link between rulers and subjects never before achieved. It generated an excited Malay public opinion which, together with the surprising political apathy of the non-Malays, led to Britain's abandonment of the radical Malayan Union plan. By July, UMNO succeeded in obtaining an agreement with the British to begin negotiations for a new constitution. Negotiations continued from August to November, between British officials on the one hand, and the Sultans' representatives and UMNO and the other.
Two years later the semi independent Federation of Malaya was born. The new constitutional arrangement largely reverted to the basic pattern of pre-war colonial rule and built on the supremacy of the individual Malay states. Malay rights and privileges were safeguarded. The traditional Malay rulers thus retained their prerogatives, while their English-educated descendants came to occupy positions of authority at the centre, which was being progressively decolonised. In August 1957, the Federation of Malaya, the West's last major dependency in Southeast Asia, attained independence in a peaceful transfer of power. The federation was reconstituted as Malaysia with the addition in 1963 of Singapore (separated in 1965), Sabah and Sarawak.
Federation of Malaya's commemorative stamp issued in 1957. The semi-independent federation was formed in 1948 from nine Malay states and two British Straits Settlements. It achieved independence in 1957.
Culture: Typical qualification that all people groups can't be summed up in small paragraphs and this is an over generalization.
The Malay of Peninusular Malaysia are seen in many levels of society. There are urban Malay who are well educated and hold white collar or government positions, and there are rural Malay who may or may not pursue higher learning and typically occupy jobs such as farming, trading, and fishing. While rural Malay men often wear traditional dress such as a cloth wrap-around skirt, urban Malay men tend to blend into a western setting with their blue jeans, cell phones, and Polo shirts.
While many Malay are now building modern homes, there are still numerous traditional homes within the kampung or village in which Malay people reside. Traditional homes are large in order to have sufficient space for the extended family as custom allows for many generations to reside under one roof. Although the Malay society has undergone a number of social and political changes through education and urbanization, their value orientation is still very much influenced by community. The Malay are a very social people and dependence upon community is considered normal and healthy. Often families will live within close proximity to one another so that help from relatives is easily attained. Kenduri (or party) is a social occasion for an entire community. The Malay women will assist to the hosting home with the cooking and preparations.
Replica of the Malacca Sultanate's Imperial Palace, which was built from information and data obtained from the Malay Annals. This historical document had references to the construction and the architecture of palaces during the era of Sultan Mansur Shah, who ruled from 1458 to 1477.
Cuisine: Different Malay regions are all known for their unique or signature dishes—Pattani, Terengganu and Kelantan for their nasi dagang, nasi kerabu and keropok lekor; Pahang and Perak for its durian-based cuisine, gulai tempoyak; Kedah and Penang for their northern-style asam laksa and rojak; Satun and Perlis for its bunga kuda dessert; Negeri Sembilan for its lemak-based dishes; Malacca for their spicy cincalok; Singapore for their rojak bandung and roti prata; Riau for its ikan patin (Pangasius fish) dishes, gulai ikan patin and asam pedas ikan patin; Riau Islands for their sup ikan; Deli Malays of North Sumatra for their nasi goreng teri medan and gulai ketam; Jambi for its ikan mas panggang and tempoyak; Palembangese Malays of South Sumatra for their pempek, mi celor and nasi minyak; Bangka Belitung for its siput gonggong and terang bulan; West Kalimantan and Sarawak for its bubur pedas and ayam pansuh; Brunei for their nasi katok and unique ambuyat dish; and Cape Malays of South Africa for its bobotie, boeber and koe'sister. The main characteristic in traditional Malay cuisine is undoubtedly the generous use of spices. The coconut milk is also important in giving the Malay dishes their rich, creamy character. The other foundation is belacan (shrimp paste), which is used as a base for sambal, a rich sauce or condiment made from belacan, chillies, onions and garlic. Malay cooking also makes plentiful use of lemongrass and galangal.
Nasi lemak with sotong pedas (spicy squid), sambal chili paste, boiled egg, slices of cucumber, ikan bilis and peanuts served at a restaurant in Penang

Prayer Request:

Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)
Here are the previous weeks threads on the UPG of the Week for from 2023 (plus a few from 2022 so this one post isn't so lonely). To save some space on these, all UPG posts made 2019-now are here, I will try to keep this current.
People Group Country Continent Date Posted Beliefs
Malay (updated) Malaysia Asia 05/27/2024 Islam
Jewish Peoples USA North America 05/06/2024 Judaism
Jordanian Arab Jordan Asia 04/29/2024 Islam
Bouyei China Asia 04/22/2024 Animism
Arab Libyans Libya Africa 03/25/2024 Islam
Gafsa Amazigh Tunisia Africa 03/18/2024 Islam
Hindi South Africa Africa 03/04/2024 Hinduism
Arabs Iraq Asia 02/26/2024 Islam
Bagirmi Fulani Central African Republic Africa 02/12/2024 Islam
Gujarati Portugal Europe 02/05/2024 Hinduism
Western Cham Cambodia Asia 01/29/2024 Islamc
Yadav India Asia 01/22/2024 Hinduism
Thai (updated) Thailand Asia 12/18/2023 Buddhism
Bayad Mongolia Asia 12/11/2023 Buddhism
Bedouin (Suafa) Algeria Africa 12/04/2023 Islam
Aboriginal (Reached) Australia Oceania 11/27/2023 Christian
a - Tibet belongs to Tibet, not China.
b - Russia/Turkey/etc is Europe but also Asia so...
c - this likely is not the true religion that they worship, but rather they have a mixture of what is listed with other local religions, or they have embraced a liberal drift and are leaving faith entirely but this is their historical faith.
Here is a list of definitions in case you wonder what exactly I mean by words like "Unreached".
Here is a list of missions organizations that reach out to the world to do missions for the Glory of God.
submitted by partypastor to Reformed [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:29 JulieG350Jgs When Corrupt Immoral Soulless Men play "God"

For anybody that wants to understand a little more about the programs, I wrote this document to help people to get a better idea of what's going on.
We all need to address the illegal manufacturing of our weather with the house of commons geoengineering regulatory board, who are involved in these programs after the Paris accord was signed by all world leaders in Paris 12 December 2015.
The Paris Agreement is a "legally binding" ? international treaty on climate change, that again is an autocratic decision not democratic, I.e the powers that be made that decision for us without any consultation with the public whatsoever!
It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11 was held in Paris on the 12th December 2015, and entered into force on 4 November 2016 without your democratic consent!
This was to lead towards the eventual amalgamation of the nano technology/smart dust, to be integrated with our biology in order for us to be compatible with their virtual representation of our world in their new holographic technological system
Biotechnological organisms.
They do this with altering our DNA which = deoxyribonucleic acid, and more importantly our RNA = nucleic acid, which is present in all living cells that has structural similarities to DNA. Unlike DNA, however, RNA is most often single-stranded. An RNA molecule has a backbone made of alternating phosphate groups and the sugar ribose, rather than the deoxyribose found in DNA and is one of the message carriers to all functions in our chromosomes.
The role of mRNA is to carry protein information from the DNA in a cell’s nucleus to the cell’s cytoplasm (watery interior), where the protein-making machinery reads the mRNA sequence and translates each three-base codon into its corresponding amino acid in a growing protein chain, and by means of DNA/RNA and mRNA splicing they will integrate this technology into our biological systems.
How they do this is?
They do this by programmable nano chip technology that takes one piece of DNA/RNA/mRNA and replaces it with their programmable microchip/smart dust containing new carrier message nucleotides to alter our biology from organic to technological in order for humanity to be compatible with the new world orders virtual reality system.
I hope this explanation makes this unequivocally clear, and in my opinion why the Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering programs are of such vital importance to have a fundamental understanding of.
Part of the 16 page document I wrote.
GEOENGINEERING AN EXPLANATION Project indigo skyfold was devised and put into place by Dr David W Keith out of Harvard university in 1992, and funded by Bill Gates who contributed billions of dollars to fund the program, Dr david keith is an engineer by trade not a climatologist, so there, is an immediate conflict of interests ladies and gentlemen.
The geoengineering programs are an illegal atmospheric experiment conducted under the guise of lowering rising global temperatures due to co2 which is a complete and utter lie and the most misleading information ever to be released to the public, the programs are classified as above National Security, in other words deliberately kept out of the public domain, even though the programs have a catastrophic effect on the health of all biological life from the microbes in the ground soil to us, they do this by deploying a variety of chemicals, salts sulphates, radiological elements and heavy metals into the troposphere and the stratosphere to form weather systems and man made synthetic clouds to block out the Sun, this is called (SRM) (solar radiation management) and (CDR) (carbon dioxide removal) the scientific name for the program is stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI). the latest program put into operation on March 24th 2017 is called (Operation Solar Shield) (OSS) this latest program put forward by Dr David Keith is to cover the whole of the earth in synthetic chemical clouds all year round to block out the sun 365 days a year, irrespective of seasons and will have a catastrophic effect on all photosynthesis, not only on the land with all plant life, but also in the oceans with the plankton, the simbiosis in the ground soil is being massively disrupted as in the cyanobacteria which are absolutely essential for plant life to be successful, these bacteria are also known as cyanophyta, they are a phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis, and are the {only} photosynthetic prokaryotes able to produce oxygen; the name cyanobacteria comes from the colour that they are observed under a microscope ie green, as they produce their colour by producing chlorophyll the green pigment that absorbs light and energy from the sun, which is what photosynthesis is; as they take in carbon dioxide and in return provide us with oxygen, the cyanobacteria are also the nitrogen fixers in the ground soil, as in they also produce as a byproduct N7 nitrogen which is an essential element and ingredient for all plant life on the earth to be successful, as nitrogen is a natural fertilizer and provides all plant life with the essential ingredient for life to be successful.
These bacteria also hold the structure of the soil together and without them catastrophic erosion would occur and all trees would simply just fall over as their grounding roots would have nothing to adhere to as the structure of the ground soil would have been altered to significantly.
PHYTOPLANKTON; Phytoplankton are the plankton in the upper levels of the oceans worldwide,they are the most critical organisms on the earth and the most important in the oceans because they provide at least 60% of the earth’s oxygen needs and are the primary food source for 90% the oceans species, they also produce more oxygen than all plant life on the earth combined, they are also the base for almost every ocean food source, without the phytoplankton ocean life would be impossible, the geoengineering programs have eradicated 48% of all phytoplankton in the world’s oceans in the last 30 years! this is a truly terrifying percentage when you understand the amount of oxygen that they produce and how vitally important that particular percentage really is for all of us.
Phytoplankton also produce the required balance of oxygen in the ocean for all ocean species to be able to exist, fish and other oxygen relient species need a very finely balanced amount of oxygen in the water as in a specific percentage, and any disruption in that percentage can have a catastrophic effect on all ocean species that rely on oxygenated water, mammals such as dolphins and whales of course do not rely upon the oxygen in the water as they come to surface to take air, but if the levels of oxygen drop very much more, we will lose all ocean species and then the dolphins, whales, seals etc will follow with the eventual and inevitable collapse of all life in our oceans.
In the persistent chemical trails they are actively spraying the following; I will list the main nano particulates that are being deployed and the effect that they have on the body; They are spraying AL13 Aluminium, now this non-magnetic metal is in the boron group, and has a very specific effect on the brain as it causes autism, parkinsons, alzheimers, down syndrome, ADD/ADHD and [all] degenerative brain conditions without exception!
Coal fly ash which is extremely toxic and is also a known initiator of autism and all upper respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema, coal fly ash has the atomic number of 92 which means it is indeed radioactive and is also in the chemical trails, coal fly ash also contains s02 sulphur dioxide which is obviously a very corrosive element ie it corrodes the inner walls of the lungs,
BA atomic number 56 Barium is also in the chemical trails and has the following effect on the body; this element causes changes in the heart’s rhythm and electrical signals and causes cardiac arrhythmia, an erratic heartbeat which interrupts the electrical signals in the heart that lead to a fatal heart attacks, they cause elevated levels in blood pressure which leads to strokes, they also alter the blood sugar levels and production of insulin produced in the blood causing type 2 diabetes most definitively,
SR9 Strontium 90 is a radioactive isotope that has a half life, ie it stays radioactive in the environment for long periods of time and also in the human body, once strontium 90 gets into the body, it become concentrated in the bones and replaces Ca calcium and then damages bone cell and calcium production, let us not forget also the radioactive properties of this element, as in all radioactive isotopes cause mutations in the cells which then initiate cancer, the danger with strontium and strontium 90 is that they accumulate in the bones and cause Leukaemia, this is a fact that you all need to know.
L3 Lithium is also being deployed in the chemical trails in extremely large quantities, pharmaceutical lithium is used to calm patients with complex psychological disorders, ie it dumbs people down and decreases their ability to retain information and effects cognitive and motor skills therefore subsequently dramatically decreasing people’s ability to retain educational information at school, college, and university and also makes them much more compliant to any deliberate media narrative lie.
Lithium also causes cardiac arrhythmia an erratic heartbeat which leads to fatal heart attacks, and heart conditions are now the world’s leading killer, and there is a direct correlation to heart conditions and lithium. N02 nitrogen dioxide is also being deployed in the aerosols in th geoengineering programs,and has the following affects; significantly increases the risk of complex respiratory disorders as it inflames the lining of the lungs as in the inner wall and definitively and significantly reduces your lungs immunity to respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and again emphysema which is a long term progressive disease of the lungs which causes a shortness of breath due to over inflation of the alveoli (the air sacs in the lungs) the lung tissue involved in the exchange of the gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) is impaired or completely destroyed resulting in terminal and catastrophic lung failure.
Elemental Mercury and Methylmercury are extremely toxic to the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systems. The inhalation of mercury compounds as in mercury vapour does extreme damage to the central nervous system, the digestive system, the immune system, the lungs the kidneys the brain and can be fatal, both of these forms of mercury are being deployed in the stratospheric and tropospheric aerosol geoengineering programs as an aerosolized contaminant, you are breathing them in every single day.
Hexavalent Chromium 6 or CRVI is also being deployed in the chemical trails, chromium 6 is extremely damaging to the skin, nasal passages, lungs and the eyes as it significantly degrades your eyesight and damages the optic nerve and the retina, it also causes a wide variety of cancers in the body. Chromium 59 and chromium 60 produces long-term gamma radiation yet again multiple cancers are initiated.
The ionosphere is the upper level of our atmosphere which is in very close proximity to the magnetosphere which are the earth’s magnetic field lines which divert the charged particles and solar radiation from the sun around the planet and harmlessly back out into space, (there is a problem) the high frequency active auroral research programs as in the ionospheric heaters, (look up HAARP Alaska) it is an atmospheric experiment that has 180 antenna which blast one billion watts of low frequency radio waves, high frequency radio waves,electromagnetic frequency and microwave radiation up into the upper ionosphere and the magnetosphere, this strips the electrons from the nucleus of the atoms in the atmospheric gases and this then initiates ionized gas to occur ie Plasma, this plasma is recorded at temperatures of more than 10.000 degrees fahrenheit destroying our atmospheric gases and ripping a hole in the magnetosphere allowing deadly UVC X ray radiation to reach ground level, as our ozone layer has also been catastrophically compromised by this activity and there is a very large hole in the ozone now, 90% of the ozone gases are in the stratosphere and the remainder is in the mesosphere, ozone or O3 is our only protection from deadly radiation from the sun, the sun looks white now because uvc x rays are very bright and very hot, even short exposure to the sun now will cause you to burn and cause irreparable damage to your DNA, and cause epidemics in (all) cancers, this is the reason that we have now lost 66% of the worlds Bee populations, Bees navigate by ultraviolet light, and their brains are predominantly organised for visual perception of the environment and navigation, aluminium also affects the bees brain causing degenerative brain conditions such as Alzheimer’s to occur, they get confused and can no longer effectively navigate plus the uvc x rays blind the bee’s as they rely on ultraviolet light to navigate, the uvc radiation is so bright to them they are very quickly blinded, they are denying that uvc is reaching the earth’s surface but i have measured it at 55nm parts per billion on a very expensive piece of equipment specifically designed to measure uvc radiation, thousands of similar measurements have been recorded around the world, these insane individuals have deliberately ripped a hole in our magnetosphere to use the negatively and positively charged particles from the sun to propagate long range military radio communications for nato's ballistic submarine fleets radio signals find it very difficult to penetrate water as water is far denser than air, but in doing so, they have compromised the health of all biological life on the earth by exposing you, your children, your family and your friends to extremely high levels of lethal radiation.
The HAARP technologies can also blast that one billion watts of power up into the ionosphere and then blast that energy back down into the earth’s fault lines to cause earthquakes on land and earthquakes on the ocean floor to initiate tsunamis, take the indonesian tsunami in 2004, that particular event was caused by the high frequency active auroral research program in Alaska which killed more than 380.000 people and that ladies and gentlemen is mass genocide and nothing less than that and is all part of the united nations agenda 21/2030, they blasted 1 billion Watts of microwave radiation into the upper atmosphere then bounced it back down into the earth fault lines off the coast of Indonesia and the seismologists would not have had enough warning through the extensive network of sonar warning buoys to take the appropriate action therefore that tsunami was almost instantaneous, just before the tsunami struck the local populace looked up to the sky and saw an aurora taking place very much like the Northern lights, of course this is an impossibility in that particular part of a hemisphere you simply cannot look around the curvature of the earth to see the Northern lights.
What actually occurred was a false aurora and the reason for this is that the 1 billion Watts of microwave radiation excited the gas molecules in the upper atmosphere stripping the electrons from the nucleus of the gas atoms forming plasma, this plasma acted as a fake false aurora and this is a classic signature of that particular technology being utilised.
They can also initiate a volcanic eruption including a super volcanic eruption, which could put the earth into a nuclear winter for hundreds of years and could mark the end of the human race, the ionospheric heaters or haarp facilities are a weapon not an atmospheric experiment.
I will give a short explanation on how the Flu pandemics are deliberately spread as an airborne aerosolized pathogen, they do this by means of releasing trillions of Dessicated red blood cells and these are freeze dried red blood cells and are biologically active and contain the flu virus and other man-made viruses to infect the world’s populations with the flu or any other synthetic Lee produced pathogens to fund the Pharmaceutical companies flu vaccinations which are the backbone of the pharmaceutical industry.
Every single civilian Airline company are most definitely involved in the geoengineering programs and every single airline company, without exception are spraying persistent chemical trails over the united kingdom,europe and worldwide, every NATO country are being sprayed under the direction and control of the united nations weather modification directive, look up the Paris accord signed on the 12th of December 2015, every single civilian commercial aircraft has retrofitted nozzles directly positioned over the turbofans to deploy the chemical trails at specific geolocation coordinates which are programmed into the aircraft’s onboard computer systems and controlled by the pilots in the cockpit, the pilots are told not to speak of the programs outside of the industry and if they do, they will lose their flight status as a commercial pilot.
Please do not misinterpret this particular phenomena with a natural rainbow.
Below is a brief scientific explanation of the reasons that the chembows that you see regularly exhibit specific colours and why those colours are so dangerous to your health as each colour has a specific and individual chemical signature, (unlike normal rainbows). Very much like the ingredients of fireworks the chemical properties of the chemtrails also exhibit these colours in a similar way, let me explain; I will list the specific main elements and why they show specific colouration.
A salt is a chemical compound when an acid and base material neutralize each other, resulting in the production of new compounds where the elements molecules are bound together through what are known as (Ionic bonding processes).
Many of the salts in the chemtrails including the barium salts contain an (oxidizer) which include three main constituents " Nitrates, Chlorates and Perchlorates which exist in large quantities in the chemtrails.
Along with imparting Colour these oxides also produce more nitrogen as a by-product allowing more blue colour to be present in the spectrum.
The lighter colours that you observe in these chembows are predominantly Lithium salts like Lithium carbonate (Li2 Co3) and Lithium chloride Li1 , neither occur naturally in our atmosphere, slightly worrying really.
Lithium salts have the following effects, poor coordination, sleepiness, a ringing in the ears which can also affect your balance.
Pharmaceutical lithium salts are classified under the category of (Mood Stabilizers) ie Dumbing down; do you see this horror story unfolding Now?
there's more.
The deep reds you see in chembows are produced by the strontium salts primarily strontium nitrate (SR(N03)2 and strontium 90 carbonate (SrCo3) strontium 90 is the most radio active of all the radio active isotopes on the list of hazardous materials, and present in massive quantities in the chemtrails. Strontium in large quantities is extremely dangerous to your immune system and your dna, it causes irritation of the eyes, skin, throat, nose and lungs
The orange that you see is produced by calcium chloride (CaSo4.×H2o) calcium chloride causes complex respiratory diseases, asthma, irritation of the throat, mouth, and the gastrointestinal tracts (especially in children) ! a large enough toxicity build up of calcium chloride can result in multiple and terminal organ failure.
The yellows that you see are produced by sodium nitrate NaNo3) also known as cryolite, sodium nitrate damages your blood vessels causing a narrowing of the arteries leading to heart disease and heart attacks, which by the way is now the leading cause of death worldwide and the world's biggest killer!
The green that you see is created by Barium nitrate (BaNo3)2) barium nitrate causes muscle tightness especially in the face and the neck, anxiety, weakness, abdominal pain, laboured breathing ie shortness of breath, cardiac irregularity, cardiac arrhythmia, which is an irregular heartbeat, which can also lead to heart failure and strokes.
The blues are the result of copper chloride (CuC1) copper chloride causes a wide variety of problems as well including, a thickening of the skin which limits the amount of necessary vitamin D3 that can penetrate your skin from the sun, again this is a deliberately orchestrated and premeditated assault on your immune systems, it also irritates the nose, throat and the lungs causing coughing, wheezing and respiratory problems.
Normal rainbows are formed in a natural process where the photonic light from the sun causes the light to be refracted through the individual drops of moisture and causes the colours to be viewed, much like when light is directed at a prism, as the light passes through the individual rain drops the white light is separated into its compound colours, red, orange, green, blue, and violet; this process is known as dispersion.
A chembow may look beautiful but they are anything but beautiful, because the chemical signatures of the metallic particulates and the individual sulphates that produce these specific colours are telling you what you, your children, your family and your friends are breathing in every second of every day.
This is how they manipulate the world's weather.
These technologies work to augment at lower altitudes, unlike haarp (ionospheric heaters) How nexrad radar facilities work to turn natural weather systems and storms into biblical floods, hail storms and blizzards.
The constant rotational frequency of Doppler and nexrad radar works by stripping electrons from the air, very much like plasma which is the fourth state of matter in physics when the electrons are stripped from a gas it then forms into a plasma which then rises the temperature of that particular gas, or in this case the particular weather system.
The same physics occurs in the atmosphere when Doppler and Nexrad radar strip the electrons from the air accelerating cloud condensation therefore releasing latent heat which in turn forces water vapour into the higher stratosphere and troposphere where it is then locked up by Chemical Aerosol Hypernucleation (CNN).
CNN results in the formation of massive cirrus cloud concentrations at that altitude which strangely enough we all see everyday wherever we are in the world, strange that isn't it. These cloud formations are then bombarded by Doppler radar which then trap heat and sets up a massive warming feedback system.
This mechanism was devised by Dr Jasper Kirby if I recall correctly back in 2009 and was presented as a weather modification technology at CERN the large hadron collider in Geneva Switzerland.
There is some evidence to suggest that the high altitude active auroral research programmes worldwide, ie (the ionospheric heaters) are starting to implement these technologies to their current systems to disrupt the Weather patterns even further! to manipulate our weather systems on a much larger scale.
The implementation of these technologies leads to an enhanced formation of polar stratospheric clouds which will then heat the arctic in conjunction with seeding it with aerosol dumps to melt the icecaps and subsequently raise sea levels significantly which could cause massive devastation to all low lying cities worldwide.
Frequency activated nucleating chemtrails, these are activated by Nextrad and Doppler radar facilities, they have the effect to move cold air masses further south to initiate blizzards and catostophic hail storms that destroy farmers crops and cause massive disruption to our society.
We recently saw a huge snow storm in Africa (natural) (no) there is a large HAARP and Nexrad/Doppler facility in South Africa! This facility was responsible for that event. These Doppler and Nexrad facilities also affect the (Ridiculously Resilient Ridge) (RRR) This is the persistent region of atmospheric high pressure that occurs over the northeastern Pacific ocean and nexrad causes a disruption in the Weather patterns in this area.
The Ridiculous Resilient Ridge in the West is caused by (Warming Weather Modification) by low-frequency radio waves from ionospheric heater facilities, the result is a weakening of the clockwise rotation of the High Pressure Systems moving North and increases the strength of the Jet stream winds.
(The Terribly Tenacious Trough)
The Terribly Tenacious Trough in the east is caused by cooling weather modification by both Nexrad , Doppler and HAARP facilities, resulting in a weakening of the counterclockwise rotation of (Low Pressure Systems) moving in a southerly direction and therefore affecting the jet stream again! (do you see the pattern yet) The air masses encroach further North and South respectively causing massive disruption to our weather systems and our daily lives.
If they continue to utilise these unbelievably irresponsible programs there will come a time where the earth's weather systems will be completely out of control.
Civilian passenger aircraft.
All civilian aircraft use the high bypass engines which cannot produce a condensation trail. After reading through this short, detailed, factual and informative document i very much hope that you will be encouraged to do some further research as regards these insane programs, they affect not only the whole ecosystem, but the health of your family and the health of your children, the main components that i consider are essential in stopping these programs, are analysis of the data available to you in this document and online mainly in PDF format, an understanding of that data, an analysis of how the geoengineering programs directly affect you and your family, and the detrimental health effects to your family and to your (children) a plan of action in the form of written documents sent through the freedom of information act to the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC in house of commons. 2000 c.36.
google doesn’t even try and hide this 👀 all the information about geo engineering is there for everybody to see!
Barium and aluminium! It’s not a conspiracy when there are patents to all this 👇🏻
🚨Tornado & hurricane control device🚨
(Copied/Pasted from online science forum)
submitted by JulieG350Jgs to u/JulieG350Jgs [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:38 siderealscorpio_02 Going NC with family? Is this petty?

Hi everyone. I'm 24F. Currently living out of pulau Jawa. Anak pertama, dan punya adik 14M.
Backstory: Right after high school, i took a gap year mainly because my family's finance was not good at all. Mom had numerous debt after my step dad passing in 2015. So i worked ever since i was 18, dari serabutan sampe akhirnya gue bisa dpt corporate job thn 2019. Kuliah sambil kerja (awal masih dibantu nyokap untuk bayar UKT, tapi semester 3 sampai gue lulus it was all me). Dan dari kerjaan serabutan gue pertama, sampai sekarang, I have always tried to give something to my mom. Dari nominal kecil sampe lumayan gede gue selalu share as my thank you.
Singkat cerita, setelah sekian lama enduring all the passive agressive from my family (mom and brother), gue dpt offer di luar pulau untuk kerja dan gue ambil tanpa mikir panjang karena gue udah segatahan itu dirumah. Giving money is one thing, being eldest daughter is another thing. Nyokap gue dititik kalo ngobrol sama gue gajauh-jauh dari duit. I could talk about the anything with her it will end up to her lacking of money. Even gue udh jauh dari rumah, isi chat kita garing, gada tuh nanya kabar gue gmn/kerjaan gue dan ujung2nya bakal ngomongin duit. And because I know her, that's her way of asking money. She never explicitly 'asking' for money from me, rather she will be passive agressive, atau kode2 gitu loh. Gue pernah blg sm dia, kalo memang butuh, ngomong, gausah gaenakan, dan sebisa mungkin jika gue mampu gue akan bantu.
Tapi tetep aja, masih dengan kode2 itu, ditambah omongan dia yang selalu terngiang "Mama gabutuh uang dari kamu, ka. Mama cuma butuh kamu berbakti aja sama mama, cukup kok. Mama masih bisa sendiri kalo uang." Tapi gue gapernah dengerin dan gue ngerasa selama gue masih tinggal dirumah dia, gue harus bantu. Sampai akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk move out. I thought, this way it would be easier to say no, incase i do not want to give her any money (sorry gada uang/uang lg mepet abis). Ternyata engga cuy lol
Saat gue pindah, gaji gue memang naik, tapi gue jg merasa gue harus bayar rent + cost of living dll yang dimana walau bukan pulau jawa, gue juga harus nabung untuk masa depan gue. Gue tetep ngasih setiap bulannya, tapi nominal gue turunin sedikti demi sedikit. Tapi ternyata diluar allowance bulanan yang gue kasih ke dia, gue juga tetep ngasih ke adek gue. Lama-lama banyak yang dia minta, entah dari isi topup e-wallet. Belum lg adek gue minta.Januari kemarin, adek gue dengan bodohnya nabrak orang. Iya umur 14 tahun dikasih motor dan diberi izin, nabrak anak kecil. Untung korbannya cm luka ga sampe meninggal. Nyokap gue nelfon gue, laporan. Salahnya gue disini trauma takut dimintain uang, gue ada omongan bahwa maaf, gue gabisa bantu karena pengeluaran lg memang banyak dan gue baru aja kasih duit bulanan dia juga. Gue saat itu worry tp juga bener2 gabisa bantu + gue ngerasa ini jg kelalaian dia sbg ortu ngasih izin adek bawa motor. Dia sakit hati merasa dia cm pgn lapor tp gue malah bales gitu. Had a whole fight, sampai dimana dia ada omongan yang super nyakitin, kemungkinan gue tidak akan bisa memaafkan dia sampai gue mati nanti.
> She said and I quote "Kamu tidak malu sudah mengambil jatah kasih sayang papa adek kamu? Dia anak yatim kasian gada yang sayang. Kamu dulu saat kecil dapat kasih sayang dari papa dia harusnya kamu malu. Kamu baru bisa ngasih yang tidak seberapa itu jangan harap bisa membayar pengorbanan yang sudah diberikan oleh ibu kamu ini."
(Context: never met my bio father, grew up with my step dad, im grateful he was a decent kind man. Step dad died when I was 15 and my brother was 5. Knp gue harus kesannya ambil jatah? Dan gue tau, gue blm bisa kasih a whole house, tp pengorbanan dan pemberian gue 0 aja gitu dimata dia selama ini? Whew.)
Bulan ini, gue ga ngasih bulanan ke nyokap, karena sejujurnya gue sempet travel tanpa bilang ke mereka. Karena gamau dianggap gue ada uang banyak dan mereka minta lebih. Karena dimata mereka kalo gue bisa jalan2, ada uang lebih untuk mereka dong. Gue gamau ngasih kalo ga ikhlas. Tapi gue dikejar-kejar seakan gue ada hutang sm mereka. Sampe dikirim video tentang anak durhaka halus karena mereka anggep gue ada uang tapi gamau ngasih. Padahal uang gue beneran abis dan gue udh blg ke mereka tanpa konteks gue abis jalan2. But they still kode2 pasif agresif.
I've had enough, gue tau mungkin yang gue tulis disini ga cover beberapa tahun gue menjadi sandwich generation di keluarga gue. All the mental I've had to go through. And I know I sound so selfish to have a desire to cut them off completely over this matter. But truth is, ini resentment built up dari dulu yang memang baru meledak sekarang. P.S Nyokap gue gamau remarry lg krn dia males, gue udh kasih restu kalau memang dia mau nikah biar ada yang provide untuk dia selain gue. Karena gue juga cm anak, bukan the man of the family.
  1. Apakah wise kalau memang gue truly go NC?
  2. Karena posisi gue ga dirumah, gue cm ada foto KK dan copy KK. Is this possible untuk pecah KK
  3. Are there other necessary steps if I'm going to NC with them?
All the help and comment will be appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by siderealscorpio_02 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:13 Enouviaiei Gimana pandangan redditor disini terhadap orang yang rela/tabah ditindas pasangan? (Terlepas dari gender) Hebat? Bodoh?

Gimana pandangan redditor disini terhadap orang yang rela/tabah ditindas pasangan? (Terlepas dari gender) Hebat? Bodoh?
Saya nggak bisa mengkonfirmasi kebenaran postingan ini (karena itu identitas original poster saya crop) tapi postingan-postingan semacam ini sangat mudah dijumpai di internet, baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Jadi saya yakin cerita begini pasti banyak juga yang benar-benar terjadi.
Kalau menurut saya pribadi, ini sikap bodoh. Baca post begini tuh rasanya pengen bilang stop glorifikasi orang (terlepas dari gender) yang mau-mau aja ditindas pasangan. Kalau dari deskripsi anaknya, si ibu ini tampak seperti seorang pekerja keras. Kenapa malah bekerja untuk suami yang nggak bisa ngasih apa-apa? Mending kerja untuk bos yang bisa ngasih upah. Kalaupun si ibu punya kebutuhan syahwat mending masturbasi aja, gw ragu suami egois begini bisa muasin istrinya sampai orgasme. Otak saya betulan nggak nyampe.
Kalaupun pakai alasan klasik kasihan sama anak nanti jadi nggak punya bapak atau ibu, loh ya logikanya jelas mending nggak punya orangtua lengkap daripada punya bapak/ibu toxic. Bukannya justru lebih kasihan anak yang sampai curhat di internet gara-gara punya orangtua toxic nan mokondo begini?
Tapi tentu saja saya nggak tega ngomong langsung ke original posternya, takutnya malah nambah beban mental mbaknya. Kalau cerita ini benar, nggak mungkin mbaknya bisa memaksa ibunya yang sudah punya mindset begini 23 tahun untuk ninggalin si sperm donor. Jadi ngocehnya disini saja.
Saya penasaran, bagaimana tanggapan mayoritas redditor yang konon "nggak napak tanah" pada kasus semacam ini? Apakah mirip atau berbeda dengan di platform sebelah?
submitted by Enouviaiei to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 11:29 kelincikerdil Pola-Pola di Rumah Indonesia

Pola-Pola di Rumah Indonesia
Sadar atau tidak sadar, kita seringkali menemukan pola-pola (terutama bunga) seperti di atas baik di pintu, tralis jendela, hingga lantai di rumah Indonesia. Penasaran saja, bagaimana sejarah pola-pola tersebut? Terima kasih.
BONUS: penasaran juga, dari mana ya asal-usul pintu besi lipat seperti foto terakhir?
submitted by kelincikerdil to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 09:47 OkExchange2617 Mi scrivono da Whatsapp dicendo di avere Whatsapp sospeso...

Mi scrivono da Whatsapp dicendo di avere Whatsapp sospeso... submitted by OkExchange2617 to Italianscamads [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 05:42 higgsdominotop Higgs Domino APK Unduh Gratis 2024

Higgs Domino APK Unduh Gratis 2024
Higgs Domino APK adalah sebuah aplikasi permainan kartu dan domino yang sangat populer di kalangan pengguna ponsel pintar, khususnya di Indonesia. Game ini menawarkan berbagai jenis permainan tradisional seperti Domino Gaple, Domino QiuQiu, Poker, dan berbagai permainan kartu lainnya. Dikembangkan oleh Higgs Games, aplikasi ini tersedia untuk platform Android dan dapat diunduh secara gratis melalui Google Play Store atau situs web resmi.
LINK: Higgs Domino APK

Fitur Unggulan

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Cara Mengunduh dan Memasang

Untuk mengunduh Higgs Domino APK, pengguna bisa langsung mengunjungi Google Play Store atau mencari file APK-nya di situs web resmi. Setelah diunduh, ikuti langkah-langkah instalasi sederhana yang biasanya melibatkan pengaturan izin aplikasi.


Higgs Domino APK menawarkan pengalaman bermain game kartu yang menghibur dengan berbagai fitur menarik. Cocok untuk mengisi waktu luang dan bersantai, aplikasi ini menjadi favorit banyak orang. Dengan beragam permainan yang tersedia, bonus harian, dan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna, Higgs Domino APK adalah pilihan yang tepat bagi para pecinta permainan kartu.
submitted by higgsdominotop to u/higgsdominotop [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 04:32 Plane_Ad1463 Agen Bola Euro 2024 Winpalace88 Terpercaya di Indonesia

Agen Bola Euro 2024 Winpalace88 Terpercaya di Indonesia

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Awalnya beroperasi di kawasan negara Asia saja, nemun berjalan nya waktu Agen Winpalace88vip semakin di kenal semua banyak orang di penjuru Dunia. Pemain betting bola di Indonesia sangat percaya jika mempersiapkan taruhan di Agen Winpalace88vip.
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submitted by Plane_Ad1463 to u/Plane_Ad1463 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:34 xoxefo3952 Wanita Simpanan Mafia Kejam dari APStory untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Katakan, berapa harga yang harus aku bayar untuk mencium bibirmu? Pertanyaan songong Zach dibalas oleh Evelyn dengan kekehan angkuh. Cukup dengan menyerahkan kedua bola matamu, balasnya. Dada Zach bergemuruh. Evelyn baru saja mempermainkannya. Seketika timbul rasa kesal yang begitu besar di balik rongga dada pria itu. Kau benar-benar tidak takut mati. Ia mendesis. Jika mati menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk terbebas darimu, maka bunuhlah aku! tantang Evelyn. *** Kehidupan Evelyn berubah mengerikan setelah diculik oleh dua orang tak dikenal. Ia dibawa ke mansion gelap dan penuh rahasia, dikurung di ruang tahanan, lalu dilempar ke ruang harem yang dihuni oleh wanita-wanita cantik dan seksi yang merupakan selir penghangat ranjang bagi para bangsawan. Semua berawal dari penolakan Victor—ayahnya Evelyn—karena tidak mau menyuarakan dukungan terhadap Zachary Muller, seorang calon pemimpin negara sekaligus bos mafia yang bersembunyi di balik topeng politik, sehingga Zach memperalat Evelyn untuk melemahkan Victor. Dalam upaya melarikan diri, Evelyn harus mendapati kenyataan bahwa dirinya sedang mengandung janin dari sang mafia kejam dan licik tersebut. Segalanya menjadi rumit ketika Evelyn berhasil kabur dan mendengar kabar mengenai kematian ayahnya di tangan anak buah Zach. Saat tahu Evelyn hamil, Zach terus mencarinya karena merasa telah menghancurkan masa depan wanita yang tak bersalah. Akankah Zach berhasil menemukan Evelyn dan bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya? Lalu bagaimana cara Zach memadamkan dendam dan kebencian Evelyn yang membara? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 01:51 PhoebetheFirst Boycotting produk afiliasi, pengalaman mencari produk pengganti.

Jadi kan masih di suasana untuk tidak memakai produk yang terafiliasi dengan 'you know who'.
Beneran dibikin harus jungkir balik cari produk pengganti. Untungnya kita di Indonesia banyak produk lokal yang ternyata kualitasnya emang bagus, malah ada yang lebih bagus 😭. Jadinya malah fix bener2 pindah merk, padahal aku termasuk orang yang paling susah ganti2.
Cuman mau share sedikit pengalaman, n mau tanya juga, karena ada beberapa produk yang sampai sekarang belum nemuin penggantinya.
List produk yang aku pakai sebelumnya dan yang aku pakai sekarang
  1. Royco, ini aku ganti ke Indofood kalau ayam. Beneran lebih bagus dan cocok. Harganya juga lebih murah tipis.
  2. Bayfresh or Glade, pindah pake Stella atau Dahlia, sebetulnya belum sreg nih... ada alternatif lain gak?
  3. Lifebuoy merah, ganti ke Nuvo merah. Gak begitu suka karena baunya lebih menyengat.
  4. Oral B, ganti pake sikat gigi merk Bagus. Ini beneran iseng karena liat kok bentuknya lucu dan warnanya polos ngejreng. Dari kualitas sikat masih bisa diterima, tapi gagangnya keras.
  5. Shampo L'Oréal, diganti ke Makarizo, ternyata ini produk asli Taiwan lohh.... baru tahu.
  6. Lady Speed Stick, ganti ke MBK roll on. Ini menurut gw penemuan paling berharga, Lady Speed Stick itu deo pertama gw dan kepake sampai sekarang, sempet pindah ke beberapa merk, tapi nggak cocok. Sampai gw nemuin MBK.
Memang karena roll on kan basah ya, jadi harus nungguin rada kering dulu sebelum pake baju. Tapi beneran tahan lama, dan yang terpenting gak bikin baju bagian ketiak keras, karena nggak ada kandungan wax.
Harga jauh lebih murah dengan lama pemakaian yang sama. Biasa 60rb buat 3 bln, sekarang jadi 14 rb 🤣
  1. Body lotion, ini yang belum ketemu. Selama ini pake Vaseline, n masih ada stocknya karena emang beli ukuran besar dan banyak. Tapi sekarang persediaan menipis, dan belum nemu yang sreg.
Ada yang bisa kasih alternatif? Beberapa merk yang udah aku pakai dan ternyata nggak cocok.
Marina, Natur E, Vienna, Viva, Mustika Ratu, Scarlett, Herborist, beberapa produk Thailand tapi lupa namanya.
submitted by PhoebetheFirst to Perempuan [link] [comments]