Jonathan taylor thomas marriage


2019.12.25 06:52 JonathanTaylorThomas

This is a community about the actodirector Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

2011.02.24 21:23 Complextro

A sub genre of 'electro'. This music is complex, hence the name, with artists producing basslines/leads that are very intricate sometimes involving 8+ different synth sounds per 2 bar loop. This subreddit's exists, not as a strict genre, but rather a place to share a similar type of electro house with one another.

2024.06.01 15:59 rugbykickoff Match Thread: Bath vs Sale - Premiership

Comp: Premiership
Venue: The Recreation Ground
View TV providers, weather info and previous results
London Paris Jo'burg New York Sydney Auckland
15:30 16:30 16:30 10:30 00:30 02:30
Bath Pos Sale
Matt Gallagher 15 Joe Carpenter
Joe Cokanasiga 14 Tom Roebuck
Ollie Lawrence 13 Sam James
Cameron Redpath 12 Robert du Preez
Will Muir 11 Tom O Flaherty
Finn Russell 10 George Ford
Ben Spencer 9 Gus Warr
Beno Obano 1 Bevan Rodd
Tom Dunn 2 Tommy Taylor
Thomas du Toit 3 James Harper
Quinn Roux 4 Cobus Wiese
Charlie Ewels 5 Hyron Andrews
Ted Hill 6 Ben Curry
Sam Underhill 7 Sam Dugdale
Alfie Barbeary 8 Jean-Luc du Preez
Niall Annett 16 Agustin Creevy
Juan Schoeman 17 Simon McIntyre
Will Stuart 18 WillGriff John
Elliott Stooke 19 Ben Bamber
Josh Bayliss 20 Ernst van Rhyn
Louis Schreuder 21 Raffi Quirke
Orlando Bailey 22 Luke James
Miles Reid 23 Ben Curry
submitted by rugbykickoff to rugbyunion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:28 LovecraftianKing I've read everything I could find. Everything. I need some new recommendations, please!

Below, I am posting the list of everything I've read in the last few years, organized by author. Please, help me find something new. An author I don't know, a fresh take on an established subgenre, an exceptionally well written piece, something I just missed somehow, or a unique story/perspective I haven't seen yet. I've been on a bit of a sci fi kick lately and want to come back to horror. I'm currently reading Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons and Fairy Tale by Stephen King. Should be done with both pretty soon. Your recommendations will be added to my queue! Thank you in advance!
Author Title
Agustina Bazterrica Tender is the Flesh
Alex White Alien: The Cold Forge
Andrew Shanahan Before and After
Ania Ahlborn Seed
Anne Rice Interview with the Vampire
Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand The Fountainhead
Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Bram Stoker Dracula
Bret Easton Ellis American Psycho
Brian Hodge The Immaculate Void
Brian Hodge I’ll Bring You the Birds From Out of the Sky
Brian Hodge Skidding Into Oblivion
Brian Hodge The Darker Saints
C. S. Humble All These Subtle Deceits
C. S. Humble The Crusade of the Black Cross
C.S. Lewis The Magician’s Nephew
C.S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis The Horse and His Boy
C.S. Lewis Prince Caspian
C.S. Lewis The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis The Silver Chair
C.S. Lewis The Last Battle
Carlton Mellick III The Big Meat
Carson McCullers The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Cassandra Khaw Nothing But Blackened Teeth
Catriona Ward The Last House on Needless Street
Charles Bukowski A .45 to Pay the Rent
Christopher Buehlman Between Two Fires
Christopher Buehlman The Lesser Dead
Christopher Buehlman The Suicide Motor Club
Christopher Buehlman Those Across the River
Christopher Covello HowExpert: Guide to Obstacle Course Racing
Christopher Golden Ararat
Christopher Priest The Prestige
Chuck Palahniuk Fight Club
Chuck Palahniuk Lullaby
Cixin Liu The Three-Body Problem
Cixin Liu The Dark Forest
Cixin Liu Death’s End
Clay McLeod Chapman Whisper Down the Lane
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 1 to 3
Clive Barker Imajica
Clive Barker The Damnation Gam
Clive Barker The Hellhound Heart
Clive Barker The Thief of Always
Clive Barker Weaveworld
Clive Barker Coldheart Canyon
Clive Barker The Scarlet Gospels
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 4: The Inhuman Condition
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 5: In the Flesh
Clive Barker Books of Blood Vol. 6: Lord of Illusion
Clive Barker Mister B. Gone
Cormac McCarthy No Country for Old Men
Cormac McCarthy The Road
Dan Simmons A Winter Haunting
Dan Simmons The Terror
Dan Simmons Summer of Night
Danielle Vega The Merciless
Dave Pelzer A Child Called “It”
David Duchovny The Reservoir
David Foster Wallace Infinite Jest
David Goggins Can’t Hurt Me
David Goggins Never Finished
David J. Lieberman You Can Read Anyone
David Seltzer The Omen
Dean Koontz Darkfall
Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Edgar Allan Poe The Raven
Edward Lee Teratologist
Elan Gale You’re Not That Great
Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights
Erich Maria Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front
Ernest Cline Armada
Ernest Cline Ready Player One
Ernest Cline Ready Player Two
Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls
F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby
Franz Kafka The Metamorphosis
Fyodor Dostoyevsky Crime and Punishment
George Orwell 1984
George Orwell Animal Farm
Gerald Brom Lost Gods
Glenn Beck Common Sense
Grady Hendrix My Best Friend’s Exorcism
Grady Hendrix We Sold Our Souls
Grady Hendrix Horrorstör
Grady Hendrix The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires
Gus Moreno This Thing Between Us
H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds
H.G. Wells The Invisible Man
H.P. Lovecraft The Alchemist
H.P. Lovecraft At the Mountains of Madness
H.P. Lovecraft Azathoth
H.P. Lovecraft The Beast in the Cave
H.P. Lovecraft Beyond the Wall of Sleep
H.P. Lovecraft The Book
H.P. Lovecraft The Call of Cthulhu
H.P. Lovecraft The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
H.P. Lovecraft The Cats of Ulthar
H.P. Lovecraft Celephaïs
H.P. Lovecraft The Colour Out of Space
H.P. Lovecraft Cool Air
H.P. Lovecraft Dagon
H.P. Lovecraft The Dunwich Horror
Herman Raucher Maynard’s House
Hideaki Sena Parasite Eve
Hunter S. Thompson Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
J. M. Barlog God of War
J. Sheridan Le Fanu Carmilla: A Vampyre Tale
Jack Ketchum Off Season
Jack London The Call of the Wild
Jason Arnopp The Last Days of Jack Sparks
Jay Anson The Amityville Horror
Joe De Sena The Spartan Way
John Grisham The Firm
John Langan The Fisherman
Jon Robson The Psychopath Test
Jonathan Janz Exorcist Road
Jonathan Janz Exorcist Falls
Jules Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 0.5: The Hospital
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 2: Safari
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 3: Hellifax
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 4: Well Fed
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 5: Make Me King
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 6: Mindless
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man: Prequel
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man: 2nd Prequel
Keith C. Blackmore Mountain Man 7: Skull Road
Keith R. A. DeCandido Alien: Isolation
Kristina Streva The Inked
Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterhouse-Five
L.I. Albemont A Haunting: The Horror on Rue Lane
Lauren Beukes Ungirls
Lee Mountford The Demonic
Lee Mountford The Mark
Lee Mountford Forest of the Damned
Leo Tolstoy The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow
Mary Doria Russell Children of God
Mary Higgins Clark I’ve Got My Eyes On You
Mary Shelley Frankenstein
Michael McDowell Cold Moon Over Babylon
Michael McDowell The Elementals
Mitch Albom Tuesdays with Morrie
Neil Gaiman American Gods
Neil Gaiman The Ocean at the End of the Lane
Neil Gaiman Coraline
Nick Cutter The Troop
Nick Cutter The Deep
Nick Roberts The Exorcist’s House
Patrick McGrath Asylum
Paul Tremblay A Head Full of Ghosts
Peter Straub Ghost Story
R. L. Stine Red Rain
Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451
Rex Stout The Golden Spiders
Richard Laymon The Traveling Vampire Show
Richard Matheson A Stir of Echoes
Rick Poldark Primordial Island
Rick Poldark Return to Primordial Island
Rick Poldark Cryptid Slayer
Robert Browning Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
Robert Louis Stevenson Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Robert Masello The Night Crossing
Ronald Malfi Black Mouth
Ronald Malfi The Night Parade
Ronald Malfi Come With Me
Ryan James Girdusky They’re Not Listening
Ryu Murakami Audition
S. E. England Father of Lies
Sara Gran Come Closer
Scott Kenemore The Grand Hotel
Shirley Jackson The Haunting of Hill House
Silvia Moreno-Garcia Mexican Gothic
Stephen Graham Jones The Only Good Indians
Stephen J. Dubner Freakonomics
Stephen King The Shining
Stephen King Doctor Sleep
Stephen King It
Stephen King Everything’s Eventual
Stephen King The Stand: Complete and Uncut Edition
Stephen King On Writing
Stephen King Hearts in Atlantis
Stephen King Salem’s Lot
Stephen King The Mist
Stephen King The Dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger
Stephen King The Dark Tower 2: The Drawing of the Three
Stephen King The Dark Tower 3: The Waste Lands
Stephen King The Dark Tower 4: Wizard and Glass
Stephen King The Dark Tower 5: Wolves of the Calla
Stephen King The Dark Tower 6: Song of Susannah
Stephen King Insomnia
Stephen King The Talisman
Stephen King Black House
Stephen King The Dark Tower 7: The Dark Tower
Stephen King The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole
Stephen King Pet Sematary
Stephen King Quitters, Inc.
Stephen King In the Tall Grass
Stephen King The Dark Half
Stephen King 11/22/63
Stephen King Under the Dome
Stephen King Rage
Steven Pressfield Gates of Fire
Sun Tzu The Art of War
Susan Hill Dolly: A Ghost Story
T. Kingfisher The Hollow Places
T. Kingfisher The Twisted Ones
Tess Gerritsen Vanish
Theodore Sturgeon Some of Your Blood
Thomas F. Moneleone The Resurrectionist
Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native
Thomas Harris The Silence of the Lambs
Thomas Harris Hannibal
Thomas Harris Red Dragon
Thomas Harris Hannibal Rising
Thomas Olde Heuvelt HEX
Tom Wolfe The Bonfire of the Vanities
Truman Capote Breakfast at Tiffany’s
V. Castro Goddess of Filth
Vladimir Nabokov Lolita
Walter Tevis The Queen’s Gambit
Washington Irving The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
William Peter Blatty The Exorcist
William Peter Blatty Legion
William Shakespeare King Lear
submitted by LovecraftianKing to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:22 LyndsayLiptak31 Rock Legends

Rock Legends submitted by LyndsayLiptak31 to FuckImOld [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 JPAnalyst [OC] Deep-dive into the data on felonies and impeachments for every U.S. president in history (chart)

[OC] Deep-dive into the data on felonies and impeachments for every U.S. president in history (chart) submitted by JPAnalyst to u/JPAnalyst [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st
Disclaimer: Some of these events have unknown June dates. They are identified with a '*'
1974- The Jacksons play their 6th of seven nights at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada
1977\* - The Jackson go back to Sigma Sound Studios in Philidalphia to record their new album, Goin' Places, with Gamble & Huff
1978\* - The Jacksons record the Destiny album in Los Angeles after recording song demos at their Hayvenhurst home studio
1979 - The Jackson perform at Milwaukee County Stadium (closed- 2000) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on their Destiny tour
1979 - (June 1 -3) Michael, Quincy Jones & Bruce Swedien complete the recording & mixing of the Off The Wall album Westlake Studios in Los Angeles.
1979* - The Jacksons start recording the Triumph Album.
1982\* - Michael would come across a studio demo produced by John Barnes and request a meeting.
In an interview with The MJCast podcast, John recalled their first meeting:
“Michael said I heard you can make your own sounds and play them. How many sounds can you make? And, I responded, ‘How much time do you have?’”
The meeting lasted a few hours and was the beginning of a friendship and musical partnership with Barnes being hired as a core member of Michael Jackson’s team. Their partnership would continue until Michael's passing in 2009
1984* - Michael meets with other supporters of Camp Good Times, a non-profit organization founded by parents of children with cancer, in Malibu such as OJ Simpson, Dustin Hoffman, David Soul, Neil Diamond & Richard Chamberlain
The first Camp Goodtimes event would be held in Vashon Island at Camp Sealth in August of 1984. Ninety-three children, cancer patients and siblings attended and twenty-five American Cancer Society volunteers, who staffed the camp along with the summer staff at Camp Sealth
1985\* - Michael starts rehearsing for an upcoming 3D science fiction musical short film named Captain EO to be shown exclusively at Disneyland and Disney World. Francis Ford Coppola will direct and George Lucas will produce the film
1986\*- Michael & Corey Feldman go to Disneyland . Michael is seen for the 1st time wearing a surgical mask in public
In Moonwalk, he says he was initially given a mask by a dentist to keep germs out after having his wisdom teeth pulled
1987\* - Michael shoots the “The Way You Make Me Feel” short film at Skid Row, Los Angeles. It was directed by Joe Pytka and choreographed by Vincent Paterson & Michael. It featured Tatiana Thumbtzen & Latoya Jackson
1988\* - Michael Jackson : The Legend Continues is released on home video.
1988 - Michael sets another record as the first artist ever to have three albums with US sales of more than six million copies each as Bad & Off The Wall were both certified 6x platinum by the RIAA
1989\- Michael goes back to Westlake studio with Matt Forger and Bill Bottrell. He meets Brad Buxer who will work with him until 2008. Together they work on new songs for a compilation named *DECADE 1979-1989
Quincy Jones is not part of this project. "Black Or White" and "Heal The World" are among the first songs worked on.
1991 - David Ruffin, a member of The Temptations, dies of a drug overdose
It was found that Ruffin was peniniless and Jackson contacted Swanson Funeral Home in Detroit to make arrangements to cover a large portion of the June 10th funeral costs. He also sends a heart-shaped arrangement of carnations to the New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit with the note, "With Love, from Michael Jackson"
Jackson was a big admirer of The Temptations. He would not attend the funeral ceremony to not divert attention from it (it was however reported that he did attend but in disguise)
1991\* - The Sun publishes leaked pictures from a photo session of Michael by Herb Ritts. It had been rumored that multiple photographers were battling in out to shoot Michael's new video & album cover. Steve Meisel, Bruce Weber and Herb Ritts had been in the running to give Michael a new "sexier" look
1991* - Michael enlists the help of producers L.A Reid & Babyface for his new album, which deeply upsets Jermaine who is also working with them.
Jermaine is quoted in the tabloids as saying:
"I could have been Michael. It's all a matter of timing, a matter of luck"
1992*- Michael rehearses for his new tour & shoot the video for “Who Is It”
1994\* - This summer Heal The World Foundation, in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District, "I Have A Dream Foundation", "Best Buddies", "Overcoming Obstacles" & "California One To One", provide 2000 children with tickets to see Janet Jackson, the L.A. Laker Jam and The Beach Boys in concert
1995\* - Issue #2 of History Magazine reveals that Travis Thomas, a 5-year old boy who suffers from cystic fibrosis, wished to meet Michael.
“One evening, we were watching TV and Travis hadn’t eaten for a couple of days. He was on TV”, the boy's mother recalls, “and we came across the American Music Awards and Michael Jackson… Travis sat up and wanted to eat… He said, ‘I love Michael Jackson, Mama!”
His wish comes true in June through Jackson and the Make A Wish Foundation.Travis and his family, along with 20 other seriously ill children, spent a weekend at Neverland Ranch and were allowed to roam around the compound’s private amusement park.
Travis’ mother:
“The love this man has on his face when he is with these special children is unbelievable. He is one of the kindest and most gentle men I have ever met"
1999 - Michael cancels his participation in the Pavarotti & Friends Charity Concert in Modena, scheduled for tonight.
Jonathan Morrish of Sony Music issues a statement informing the media, that Michael will not be performing due to the illness of his son, Prince:
"Prince suffered a seizure early Saturday due to a high temperature. This is the third seizure over the last year"
He added that the concert meant so much to Michael but,
"he is an artist like the others, but also a parent"
and that he waited until the last moment to cancel because he was still hopeful about making it. Michael is reportedly constantly at Prince's bedside
2000\* - Concert promoter,Marcel Avram, sues Michael for breach of contract for the Millenium Concerts and asks for $21 million
2001\* - Michael hires Marc Schaffel and they create a new company,Neverland Valley Entertainment, with a common bank account.
2004\* - Randy Jackson fires Bob Jones, vice president of MJJ Productions since 1987, after discovering that he is writing a tell all book on Michael. He also stops paying Marc Schaffel.
2005 - Trial Day 64
Michael goes to court with Katherine, Joe & Randy. Judge Melville gives the Jury the rules of Jury Deliberations
2005\* - Michael allows visits from fans inside his home while awaiting the verdict. They're impressed by his generosity given the circumstances
2007 - A glittery jacket once worn onstage by Michael, his MTV Music Award for "We Are The World", as well as gold discs for his album Off the Wall and the Jackson 5 single "I Want You Back", all sell at an auction in the Hard Rock Café in Las Vegas, Nevada. The total raised from the sale of Michael related artifacts at the auction is reported as $1-$2million
Michael's bullet proof vest
Sculptural prototypes from the movies E.T. & Alien
2007\* - Michael, Grace and the kids leave their Las Vegas house and fly to Middleburg, Virginia. They check into the Goodstone Inn, a 640-acre estate of open pastures, for a summer vacation. They are welcomed by Raymone Bain.
2007\* - Michael “Brother Michael” Amir Williams is hired as Michael’s new assistant.
2008\* - Michael and producer Neff-U start working on songs at 'Thriller Villa', his 2710 Palomino Lane home, in Las Vegas. They work on a new version of “A Place With No Name”.
2008\* - Late in the month, Michael's duet with Akon, "Hold My Hand" is leaked online. Michael is devastated
Longtime recording engineer, Michael Prince, who was working with Jackson at the time “Hold My Hand” leaked, recalls:
“He was truly upset when the song he did with Akon leaked. He would just get this sad look on his face like, how could this happen? Because 20 years ago this would not have happened. And somehow everybody in the world has a copy of it. And that really upset him because he liked that song a lot.”
Akon gave a detailed account of the events surrounding the leak during an appearance on Tavis Smiley’s PBS television show in January 2009:
“Me and Mike did this incredible record called Hold My Hand and the record is amazing. Phenomenal. And the concept was that this would be Mike’s first release off of his new album, and then I would stripe it on my album – on my following release. That way we could have the outlets open for everyone to be able to receive the record. You know, Mike came up with this brilliant marketing launch for the record. You know, he’s the best at launching a record.”
Akon continues:
“He’d have the whole world paying attention in two minutes… And before we could get to that point, the record got leaked over the internet. And we got over 15 million downloads on the song for free. So we couldn’t [release it]. You can’t at that point. Everybody already has the record. But in a way, you gotta look at it like… that’s just a gift to the fans.”
2008\* - (Late June) Michael hires Dr Thome Thome as his new manager and president of MJJ Productions. As a result of a financial reorganiation of the Neverland Valley Ranch, all of Michael’s personal belongings have to be removed from the property. Dr Tohme contacts Darren Julien of Julien’s Auction House
2009 - The This Is It team leaves Center Staging for a bigger place : The Forum in Inglewood, California.
2009 - (June 1-11) At Culver Studios in Culver City, Michael shoots “The Dome” Project which consists of seven works:
  • “Smooth Criminal” (Jackson inserted into classic 2D black-and-white film noir chase sequence)
  • “Thriller” (3-D movie starting in a haunted house with a ghostly image of Vincent Price, then moving into a graveyard where the dead awaken)
  • “Earth Song” (3D short film featuring little girl who wanders through rain forest, takes a nap and dreams of the splendor of nature, and awakens to find the natural world has been devastated)
  • “They Don’t Care About Us” (a/k/a Drill, 2D film in which a sea of soldiers march in unison; 10 male dancers replicated hundreds of times)
  • “MJ Air” (3-D movie in which a 707 jet pulls into the frame; hole was to open in screen for Michael Jackson to enter; jet flies away)
  • “The Final Message” (3-D movie of a little girl from rain forest embracing the earth)
  • “The Way You Make Me Feel” (2D theatrical background featuring male dancers fashioned as historical construction workers.
2009 - Michael goes to Dr Klein’s in Berverly Hills with Blanket.
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:34 ExpressGlobe24 T20 World Cup 2024: Full agenda, match dates, companies and layout, squads, locations, and live streaming information.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule: Here are the full suit fixtures, dates, venues, squads, and live streaming information for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup, which will take place in the United States and the West Indies beginning June 1.

T20 World Cup 2024

Everything You Need to Know The ninth ICC Men's T20 World Cup will begin on June 1 in the United States and the West Indies (June 2 in India).
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 5, 2024
For the first time since its establishment in 2007, when India was crowned champions, the event will feature 20 groups spread among four organizations in the first round.

Here is an overview of all you need to know about the T20 World Cup 2024:

Format, Groups, and Seeding

Four companies from five groups will compete in a single round-robin style in the league stage. The top two teams from each university will advance to the Super Eights. If the top eight teams from the T20I format advance to the Super Eight, they will be grouped mostly based on their predetermined seedings, regardless of whether they finished first or second in the league stage.
The league-stage firms include India, Pakistan, Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
Group B includes Australia, England, Namibia, Oman, and Scotland.
Group C includes Afghanistan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and the West Indies.
Group D includes Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nepal, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.
In the Super 8, the groups will again be divided into agencies in a single-spherical robin league, with the top two groups from each organization advancing to the semis.
The predetermined seedings for the Super 8s are:
Group 1 includes India (A1), Australia (B2), New Zealand (C1), and Sri Lanka (D2).
Group 2 includes Pakistan (A2), England (B1), the West Indies (C2), and South Africa (D1).

Venues of T20 World Cup

The United States

New York, Texas, and Florida will host sixteen matches within the United States. Eight of these disputes, including the highly anticipated India-Pakistan conflict, will take place in New York.

West Indies

Six Caribbean countries will host as many as 39 matches. Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago will host the video games over three tiers of the event. The final performance can take place on June 29 in Barbados.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule:

— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
June 1: Match 1: United States v Canada, Dallas – 06:00 AM IST (June 2 in India) (07:30 PM Local)
June 2: Match 2: West Indies v Papua New Guinea, Guyana; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 2: Match 3: Namibia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 3 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 3: Match 4: Sri Lanka v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 3: Match 5: Afghanistan v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (June 4 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 4: Match 6: England v Scotland, Barbados – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 4: Match 7: Netherlands v Nepal, Dallas; 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM neighborhood)
June 5: Match 8: India v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 5: Match 9: Papua New Guinea v Uganda, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (07:30 PM local)
June 5: Match 10: Australia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 6: Match 11: United States v Pakistan, Dallas – 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 6: Match 12: Namibia v Scotland, Barbados – 12:30 AM IST (June 7 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 7: Match 13: Canada v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 7: Match 14: New Zealand v Afghanistan, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 7: Match 15: Sri Lanka v Bangladesh, Dallas; 06:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 16: Netherlands v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 8: Match 17: West Indies v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 18: Australia v England, Barbados – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 9: Match 19: India v Pakistan, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 9: Match 20: Oman v Scotland, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 10: Match 21: South Africa v Bangladesh, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 11: Match 22: Pakistan v Canada, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 11: Match 23: Sri Lanka v Nepal, Florida; 05:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 11: Match 24: Australia v Namibia, Antigua – 06:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 12: Match 25: United States v India, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 12: Match 26: West Indies v New Zealand, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 13 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 13: Match 27: Bangladesh v Netherlands, St Vincent; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM nearby)
June 13: Match 28: England v Oman, Antigua – 12:30 AM IST (June 14 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 13: Match 29: Afghanistan v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 14 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 14: Match 30: United States v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 14: Match 31: South Africa v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 15 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 14: Match 32: New Zealand v Uganda, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 15: Match 33: India v Canada, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 15: Match 34: Namibia v England, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 15: Match 35: Australia v Scotland, St Lucia – 06:00 AM IST (June sixteen in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 16: Match 36: Pakistan v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 16: Match 37: Bangladesh v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 16: Match 38: Sri Lanka v Netherlands, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 17: Match 39: New Zealand v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 17: Match 40: West Indies v Afghanistan, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM local)
June 19-24: Super 8s
June 26: Semifinal 1, Trinidad – 06:00 AM (June 27 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 27: Semifinal 2, Guyana – 08:00 PM (10:30 AM Local)
June 29: Final, Barbados – 07:30 PM (10:00 AM neighborhood)

T20 World Cup 2024 squads

Group A T20 World Cup

India: Rohit Sharma (c), Hardik Pandya, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant, Sanju Samson, Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohd. Siraj. Reserves: Shubman Gill, Rinku Singh, Khaleel Ahmed, Avesh Khan
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
Pakistan: Babar Azam (c), Abrar Ahmed, Azam Khan, Fakhar Zaman, Haris Rauf, Iftikhar Ahmed, Imad Wasim, Mohammad Abbas Afridi, Mohammad Amir, Mohammad Rizwan, Naseem Shah, Saim Ayub, Shadab Khan, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Usman Khan
USA: Monank Patel (c), Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, Corey Anderson, Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, Nitish Kumar, Noshtush Kenjige, Saurabh Nethralvakar, Shadley Van Schalkwyk, Steven Taylor, Shayan Jahangir. Reserve Players: Gajanand Singh, Juanoy Drysdale, Yasir Mohammad.
Ireland: Paul Stirling (c), Mark Adair, Ross Adair, Andrew Balbirnie, Curtis Campher, Gareth Delany, George Dockrell, Graham Hume, Josh Little, Barry McCarthy, Neil Rock, Harry Tector, Lorcan Tucker, Ben White, Craig Young.
Canada: Saad Bin Zafar (c), Aaron Johnson, Ravinderpal Singh, Navneet Dhaliwal, Kaleem Sana, Dilon Heyliger, Jeremy Gordon, Nikhil Dutta, Pargat Singh, Nicholas Kirton, Rayyankhan Pathan, Junaid Siddiqui, Dilpreet Bajwa, Shreyas Movva, Rishiv Joshi. Reserves: Tajinder Singh, Aaditya Varadharajan, Ammar Khalid, Jatinder Matharu, Parveen Kumar.

Group B T20 World Cup

Australia: Mitchell Marsh (c), Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins, Tim David, Nathan Ellis, Cameron Green, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Mitchell Starc, Marcus Stoinis, Matthew Wade, David Warner, Adam Zampa. Travelling Reserves: Jake Fraser-McGurk, Matt Short.
England: Jos Buttler (c), Moeen Ali, Jofra Archer, Jonathan Bairstow, Harry Brook, Sam Curran, Ben Duckett, Tom Hartley, Will Jacks, Chris Jordan, Liam Livingstone, Adil Rashid, Phil Salt, Reece Topley, Mark Wood.
Namibia: Gerhard Erasmus (c), Zane Green, Michael Van Lingen, Dylan Leicher, Ruben Trumpelmann, Jack Brassell, Ben Shikongo, Tangeni Lungameni, Niko Davin, JJ Smit, Jan Frylinck, JP Kotze, David Wiese, Bernard Scholtz, Malan Kruger, PD Blignaut.
Oman: Aqib Ilyas (c), Zeeshan Maqsood, Kashyap Prajapati, Pratik Athavale, Ayaan Khan, Shoaib Khan, Mohammad Nadeem, Naseem Khushi, Mehran Khan, Bilal Khan, Rafiullah, Kaleemullah, Fayyaz Butt, Shakeel Ahmad, Khalid Kail. Reserves: Jatinder Singh, Samay Shrivastava, Sufyan Mehmood, Jay Odedra.
Scotland: Richie Berrington (c), Matthew Cross, Brad Currie, Chris Greaves, Oli Hairs, Jack Jarvis, Michael Jones, Michael Leask, Brandon McMullen, George Munsey, Safyaan Sharif, Chris Sole, Charlie Tear, Mark Watt, Brad Wheal.

Group C T20 World Cup

West Indies: Rovman Powell (c), Alzarri Joseph, Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Shimron Hetmyer, Oshane Thomas, Shai Hope, Akeal Hosein, Shamar Joseph, Brandon King, Gudakesh Motie, Nicholas Pooran, Andre Russell, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario Shepherd.
New Zealand: Kane Williamson (c), Finn Allen, Trent Boult, Michael Bracewell, Mark Chapman, Devon Conway, Lockie Ferguson, Matt Henry, Daryl Mitchell, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips, Rachin Ravindra, Mitchell Santner, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee. Travelling Reserve: Ben Sears.
Afghanistan: Rashid Khan (c), Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Ibrahim Zadran, Azmatullah Omarzai, Najibullah Zadran, Mohammad Ishaq, Mohammad Nabi, Gulbadin Naib, Karim Janat, Nangyal Kharoti, Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Noor Ahmad, Naveen-ul-Haq, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Fareed Ahmad Malik. Reserves: Sediq Atal, Hazratullah Zazai, Saleem Safi.
Papua New Guinea: Assadollah Vala (c), Alei Nao, Chad Soper, CJ Amini, Hila Vare, Hiri Hiri, Jack Gardner, John Kariko, Kabua Vagi Morea, Kipling Doriga, Lega Siaka, Norman Vanua, Sema Kamea, Sese Bau, Tony Ura.
Uganda: Brian Masaba (c), Simon Ssesazi, Roger Mukasa, Cosmas Kyewuta, Dinesh Nakrani, Fred Achelam, Kenneth Waiswa, Alpesh Ramjani, Frank Nsubuga, Henry Ssenyondo, Bilal Hassun, Robinson Obuya, Riazat Ali Shah, Juma Miyaji, Ronak Patel. Travelling Reserves: Innocent Mwebaze, Ronald Lutaaya.

Group D T20 World Cup

South Africa: Aiden Markram (c), Ottniel Baartman, Gerald Coetzee, Quinton de Kock, Bjorn Fortuin, Reeza Hendricks, Marco Jansen, Heinrich Klaasen, Keshav Maharaj, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada, Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tristan Stubbs.
Sri Lanka: Wanindu Hasaranga (c), Charith Asalanka, Kusal Mendis, Pathum Nissanka, Kamindu Mendis, Sadeera Samarawickrama, Angelo Mathews, Dasun Shanaka, Dhananjaya De Silva, Maheesh Theekshana, Dunith Wellalage, Dushmantha Chameera, Nuwan Thushara, Matheesha Pathirana, Dilshan Madushanka. Travelling Reserves: Asitha Fernando, Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, Bhanuka Rajapaksa, Janith Liyanage.
Bangladesh: Najmul Hossain Shanto (c), Taskin Ahmed, Litton Das, Soumya Sarkar, Tanzid Hasan Tamim, Shakib Al Hasan, Tawhid Hridoy, Mahmud Ullah Riyad, Jaker Ali Anik, Tanvir Islam, Shak Mahedi Hasan, Rishad Hossain, Mustafizur Rahman, Shoriful Islam, Tanzim Hasan Sakib. Travelling reserves: Afif Hossain, Hasan Mahmud
Nepal: Rohit Paudel (c), Aasif Sheikh, Anil Kumar Sah, Kushal Bhurtel, Kushal Malla, Dipendra Singh Airee, Lalit Rajbanshi, Karan KC, Gulshan Jha, Sompal Kami, Pratis GC, Sundeep Jora, Abinash Bohara, Sagar Dhakal, Kamal Singh Airee.
Netherlands: Scott Edwards (c), Aryan Dutt, Bas de Leede, Kyle Klein, Logan van Beek, Max O’Dowd, Michael Levitt, Paul van Meekeren, Ryan Klein, Saqib Zulfiqar, Sybrand Engelbrecht, Teja Nidamanuru, ⁠⁠Tim Pringle, Vikram Singh, Viv Kingma, Wesley Barresi.

When and where to watch the T20 World Cup 2024 on television?

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule: T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule: Here are the full suit fixtures, dates, venues, squads, and live streaming information for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup, which will take place in the United States and the West Indies beginning June 1.

T20 World Cup 2024

Everything You Need to Know The ninth ICC Men's T20 World Cup will begin on June 1 in the United States and the West Indies (June 2 in India).
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 5, 2024
For the first time since its establishment in 2007, when India was crowned champions, the event will feature 20 groups spread among four organizations in the first round.

Here is an overview of all you need to know about the T20 World Cup 2024:

Format, Groups, and Seeding

Four companies from five groups will compete in a single round-robin style in the league stage. The top two teams from each university will advance to the Super Eights. If the top eight teams from the T20I format advance to the Super Eight, they will be grouped mostly based on their predetermined seedings, regardless of whether they finished first or second in the league stage.
The league-stage firms include India, Pakistan, Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
Group B includes Australia, England, Namibia, Oman, and Scotland.
Group C includes Afghanistan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and the West Indies.
Group D includes Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nepal, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.
In the Super 8, the groups will again be divided into agencies in a single-spherical robin league, with the top two groups from each organization advancing to the semis.
The predetermined seedings for the Super 8s are:
Group 1 includes India (A1), Australia (B2), New Zealand (C1), and Sri Lanka (D2).
Group 2 includes Pakistan (A2), England (B1), the West Indies (C2), and South Africa (D1).

Venues of T20 World Cup

The United States

New York, Texas, and Florida will host sixteen matches within the United States. Eight of these disputes, including the highly anticipated India-Pakistan conflict, will take place in New York.

West Indies

Six Caribbean countries will host as many as 39 matches. Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago will host the video games over three tiers of the event. The final performance can take place on June 29 in Barbados.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule:

— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
June 1: Match 1: United States v Canada, Dallas – 06:00 AM IST (June 2 in India) (07:30 PM Local)
June 2: Match 2: West Indies v Papua New Guinea, Guyana; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 2: Match 3: Namibia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 3 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 3: Match 4: Sri Lanka v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 3: Match 5: Afghanistan v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (June 4 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 4: Match 6: England v Scotland, Barbados – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 4: Match 7: Netherlands v Nepal, Dallas; 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM neighborhood)
June 5: Match 8: India v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 5: Match 9: Papua New Guinea v Uganda, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (07:30 PM local)
June 5: Match 10: Australia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 6: Match 11: United States v Pakistan, Dallas – 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 6: Match 12: Namibia v Scotland, Barbados – 12:30 AM IST (June 7 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 7: Match 13: Canada v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 7: Match 14: New Zealand v Afghanistan, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 7: Match 15: Sri Lanka v Bangladesh, Dallas; 06:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 16: Netherlands v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 8: Match 17: West Indies v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 18: Australia v England, Barbados – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 9: Match 19: India v Pakistan, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 9: Match 20: Oman v Scotland, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 10: Match 21: South Africa v Bangladesh, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 11: Match 22: Pakistan v Canada, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 11: Match 23: Sri Lanka v Nepal, Florida; 05:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 11: Match 24: Australia v Namibia, Antigua – 06:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 12: Match 25: United States v India, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 12: Match 26: West Indies v New Zealand, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 13 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 13: Match 27: Bangladesh v Netherlands, St Vincent; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM nearby)
June 13: Match 28: England v Oman, Antigua – 12:30 AM IST (June 14 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 13: Match 29: Afghanistan v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 14 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 14: Match 30: United States v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 14: Match 31: South Africa v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 15 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 14: Match 32: New Zealand v Uganda, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 15: Match 33: India v Canada, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 15: Match 34: Namibia v England, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 15: Match 35: Australia v Scotland, St Lucia – 06:00 AM IST (June sixteen in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 16: Match 36: Pakistan v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 16: Match 37: Bangladesh v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 16: Match 38: Sri Lanka v Netherlands, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 17: Match 39: New Zealand v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 17: Match 40: West Indies v Afghanistan, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM local)
June 19-24: Super 8s
June 26: Semifinal 1, Trinidad – 06:00 AM (June 27 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 27: Semifinal 2, Guyana – 08:00 PM (10:30 AM Local)
June 29: Final, Barbados – 07:30 PM (10:00 AM neighborhood)

T20 World Cup 2024 squads

Group A T20 World Cup

India: Rohit Sharma (c), Hardik Pandya, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant, Sanju Samson, Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohd. Siraj. Reserves: Shubman Gill, Rinku Singh, Khaleel Ahmed, Avesh Khan
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
Pakistan: Babar Azam (c), Abrar Ahmed, Azam Khan, Fakhar Zaman, Haris Rauf, Iftikhar Ahmed, Imad Wasim, Mohammad Abbas Afridi, Mohammad Amir, Mohammad Rizwan, Naseem Shah, Saim Ayub, Shadab Khan, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Usman Khan
USA: Monank Patel (c), Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, Corey Anderson, Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, Nitish Kumar, Noshtush Kenjige, Saurabh Nethralvakar, Shadley Van Schalkwyk, Steven Taylor, Shayan Jahangir. Reserve Players: Gajanand Singh, Juanoy Drysdale, Yasir Mohammad.
Ireland: Paul Stirling (c), Mark Adair, Ross Adair, Andrew Balbirnie, Curtis Campher, Gareth Delany, George Dockrell, Graham Hume, Josh Little, Barry McCarthy, Neil Rock, Harry Tector, Lorcan Tucker, Ben White, Craig Young.
Canada: Saad Bin Zafar (c), Aaron Johnson, Ravinderpal Singh, Navneet Dhaliwal, Kaleem Sana, Dilon Heyliger, Jeremy Gordon, Nikhil Dutta, Pargat Singh, Nicholas Kirton, Rayyankhan Pathan, Junaid Siddiqui, Dilpreet Bajwa, Shreyas Movva, Rishiv Joshi. Reserves: Tajinder Singh, Aaditya Varadharajan, Ammar Khalid, Jatinder Matharu, Parveen Kumar.

Group B T20 World Cup

Australia: Mitchell Marsh (c), Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins, Tim David, Nathan Ellis, Cameron Green, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Mitchell Starc, Marcus Stoinis, Matthew Wade, David Warner, Adam Zampa. Travelling Reserves: Jake Fraser-McGurk, Matt Short.
England: Jos Buttler (c), Moeen Ali, Jofra Archer, Jonathan Bairstow, Harry Brook, Sam Curran, Ben Duckett, Tom Hartley, Will Jacks, Chris Jordan, Liam Livingstone, Adil Rashid, Phil Salt, Reece Topley, Mark Wood.
Namibia: Gerhard Erasmus (c), Zane Green, Michael Van Lingen, Dylan Leicher, Ruben Trumpelmann, Jack Brassell, Ben Shikongo, Tangeni Lungameni, Niko Davin, JJ Smit, Jan Frylinck, JP Kotze, David Wiese, Bernard Scholtz, Malan Kruger, PD Blignaut.
Oman: Aqib Ilyas (c), Zeeshan Maqsood, Kashyap Prajapati, Pratik Athavale, Ayaan Khan, Shoaib Khan, Mohammad Nadeem, Naseem Khushi, Mehran Khan, Bilal Khan, Rafiullah, Kaleemullah, Fayyaz Butt, Shakeel Ahmad, Khalid Kail. Reserves: Jatinder Singh, Samay Shrivastava, Sufyan Mehmood, Jay Odedra.
Scotland: Richie Berrington (c), Matthew Cross, Brad Currie, Chris Greaves, Oli Hairs, Jack Jarvis, Michael Jones, Michael Leask, Brandon McMullen, George Munsey, Safyaan Sharif, Chris Sole, Charlie Tear, Mark Watt, Brad Wheal.

Group C T20 World Cup

West Indies: Rovman Powell (c), Alzarri Joseph, Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Shimron Hetmyer, Oshane Thomas, Shai Hope, Akeal Hosein, Shamar Joseph, Brandon King, Gudakesh Motie, Nicholas Pooran, Andre Russell, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario Shepherd.
New Zealand: Kane Williamson (c), Finn Allen, Trent Boult, Michael Bracewell, Mark Chapman, Devon Conway, Lockie Ferguson, Matt Henry, Daryl Mitchell, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips, Rachin Ravindra, Mitchell Santner, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee. Travelling Reserve: Ben Sears.
Afghanistan: Rashid Khan (c), Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Ibrahim Zadran, Azmatullah Omarzai, Najibullah Zadran, Mohammad Ishaq, Mohammad Nabi, Gulbadin Naib, Karim Janat, Nangyal Kharoti, Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Noor Ahmad, Naveen-ul-Haq, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Fareed Ahmad Malik. Reserves: Sediq Atal, Hazratullah Zazai, Saleem Safi.
Papua New Guinea: Assadollah Vala (c), Alei Nao, Chad Soper, CJ Amini, Hila Vare, Hiri Hiri, Jack Gardner, John Kariko, Kabua Vagi Morea, Kipling Doriga, Lega Siaka, Norman Vanua, Sema Kamea, Sese Bau, Tony Ura.
Uganda: Brian Masaba (c), Simon Ssesazi, Roger Mukasa, Cosmas Kyewuta, Dinesh Nakrani, Fred Achelam, Kenneth Waiswa, Alpesh Ramjani, Frank Nsubuga, Henry Ssenyondo, Bilal Hassun, Robinson Obuya, Riazat Ali Shah, Juma Miyaji, Ronak Patel. Travelling Reserves: Innocent Mwebaze, Ronald Lutaaya.

Group D T20 World Cup

South Africa: Aiden Markram (c), Ottniel Baartman, Gerald Coetzee, Quinton de Kock, Bjorn Fortuin, Reeza Hendricks, Marco Jansen, Heinrich Klaasen, Keshav Maharaj, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada, Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tristan Stubbs.
Sri Lanka: Wanindu Hasaranga (c), Charith Asalanka, Kusal Mendis, Pathum Nissanka, Kamindu Mendis, Sadeera Samarawickrama, Angelo Mathews, Dasun Shanaka, Dhananjaya De Silva, Maheesh Theekshana, Dunith Wellalage, Dushmantha Chameera, Nuwan Thushara, Matheesha Pathirana, Dilshan Madushanka. Travelling Reserves: Asitha Fernando, Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, Bhanuka Rajapaksa, Janith Liyanage.
Bangladesh: Najmul Hossain Shanto (c), Taskin Ahmed, Litton Das, Soumya Sarkar, Tanzid Hasan Tamim, Shakib Al Hasan, Tawhid Hridoy, Mahmud Ullah Riyad, Jaker Ali Anik, Tanvir Islam, Shak Mahedi Hasan, Rishad Hossain, Mustafizur Rahman, Shoriful Islam, Tanzim Hasan Sakib. Travelling reserves: Afif Hossain, Hasan Mahmud
Nepal: Rohit Paudel (c), Aasif Sheikh, Anil Kumar Sah, Kushal Bhurtel, Kushal Malla, Dipendra Singh Airee, Lalit Rajbanshi, Karan KC, Gulshan Jha, Sompal Kami, Pratis GC, Sundeep Jora, Abinash Bohara, Sagar Dhakal, Kamal Singh Airee.
Netherlands: Scott Edwards (c), Aryan Dutt, Bas de Leede, Kyle Klein, Logan van Beek, Max O’Dowd, Michael Levitt, Paul van Meekeren, Ryan Klein, Saqib Zulfiqar, Sybrand Engelbrecht, Teja Nidamanuru, ⁠⁠Tim Pringle, Vikram Singh, Viv Kingma, Wesley Barresi.

When and where to watch the T20 World Cup 2024 on television?

You can watch the live telecast of all the T20 World Cup 2024 suits on Star Sports Network.

How to live to move T20 World Cup 2024 suits?

You can live movement the T20 World Cup Group Stage fits on Hotstar.
Get the latest updates on IPL 2024 from IPL Points Table to Teams, Schedule, Most Runs, and Most Wickets at the side of live score updates for all matches. Also get Sports news and more cricket updates. Here are the full suit fixtures, dates, venues, squads, and live streaming information for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup, which will take place in the United States and the West Indies beginning June 1.

T20 World Cup 2024

Everything You Need to Know The ninth ICC Men's T20 World Cup will begin on June 1 in the United States and the West Indies (June 2 in India).
— BCCI (@BCCI) January 5, 2024
For the first time since its establishment in 2007, when India was crowned champions, the event will feature 20 groups spread among four organizations in the first round.

Here is an overview of all you need to know about the T20 World Cup 2024:

Format, Groups, and Seeding

Four companies from five groups will compete in a single round-robin style in the league stage. The top two teams from each university will advance to the Super Eights. If the top eight teams from the T20I format advance to the Super Eight, they will be grouped mostly based on their predetermined seedings, regardless of whether they finished first or second in the league stage.
The league-stage firms include India, Pakistan, Ireland, the United States, and Canada.
Group B includes Australia, England, Namibia, Oman, and Scotland.
Group C includes Afghanistan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and the West Indies.
Group D includes Bangladesh, the Netherlands, Nepal, South Africa, and Sri Lanka.
In the Super 8, the groups will again be divided into agencies in a single-spherical robin league, with the top two groups from each organization advancing to the semis.
The predetermined seedings for the Super 8s are:
Group 1 includes India (A1), Australia (B2), New Zealand (C1), and Sri Lanka (D2).
Group 2 includes Pakistan (A2), England (B1), the West Indies (C2), and South Africa (D1).

Venues of T20 World Cup

The United States

New York, Texas, and Florida will host sixteen matches within the United States. Eight of these disputes, including the highly anticipated India-Pakistan conflict, will take place in New York.

West Indies

Six Caribbean countries will host as many as 39 matches. Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago will host the video games over three tiers of the event. The final performance can take place on June 29 in Barbados.

T20 World Cup 2024 Schedule:

— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
June 1: Match 1: United States v Canada, Dallas – 06:00 AM IST (June 2 in India) (07:30 PM Local)
June 2: Match 2: West Indies v Papua New Guinea, Guyana; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 2: Match 3: Namibia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 3 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 3: Match 4: Sri Lanka v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 3: Match 5: Afghanistan v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (June 4 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 4: Match 6: England v Scotland, Barbados – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 4: Match 7: Netherlands v Nepal, Dallas; 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM neighborhood)
June 5: Match 8: India v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 5: Match 9: Papua New Guinea v Uganda, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (07:30 PM local)
June 5: Match 10: Australia v Oman, Barbados – 06:00 AM IST (June 6 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 6: Match 11: United States v Pakistan, Dallas – 09:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 6: Match 12: Namibia v Scotland, Barbados – 12:30 AM IST (June 7 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 7: Match 13: Canada v Ireland, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 7: Match 14: New Zealand v Afghanistan, Guyana; 05:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 7: Match 15: Sri Lanka v Bangladesh, Dallas; 06:00 AM IST (June eight in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 16: Netherlands v South Africa, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 8: Match 17: West Indies v Uganda, Guyana; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM nearby)
June 8: Match 18: Australia v England, Barbados – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 9: Match 19: India v Pakistan, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 9: Match 20: Oman v Scotland, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 10: Match 21: South Africa v Bangladesh, New York; 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM nearby)
June 11: Match 22: Pakistan v Canada, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 11: Match 23: Sri Lanka v Nepal, Florida; 05:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 11: Match 24: Australia v Namibia, Antigua – 06:00 AM IST (June 12 in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 12: Match 25: United States v India, New York – 08:00 PM IST (09:30 AM Local)
June 12: Match 26: West Indies v New Zealand, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 13 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 13: Match 27: Bangladesh v Netherlands, St Vincent; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM nearby)
June 13: Match 28: England v Oman, Antigua – 12:30 AM IST (June 14 in India) (03:00 PM Local)
June 13: Match 29: Afghanistan v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (June 14 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 14: Match 30: United States v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 14: Match 31: South Africa v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 15 in India) (07:30 PM neighborhood)
June 14: Match 32: New Zealand v Uganda, Trinidad; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 15: Match 33: India v Canada, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 15: Match 34: Namibia v England, Antigua – 10:30 PM IST (01:00 PM Local)
June 15: Match 35: Australia v Scotland, St Lucia – 06:00 AM IST (June sixteen in India) (08:30 PM Local)
June 16: Match 36: Pakistan v Ireland, Florida – 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM Local)
June 16: Match 37: Bangladesh v Nepal, St Vincent; 05:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (07:30 PM nearby)
June 16: Match 38: Sri Lanka v Netherlands, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (June 17 in India) (08:30 PM neighborhood)
June 17: Match 39: New Zealand v Papua New Guinea, Trinidad; 08:00 PM IST (10:30 AM local)
June 17: Match 40: West Indies v Afghanistan, St Lucia; 06:00 AM IST (08:30 PM local)
June 19-24: Super 8s
June 26: Semifinal 1, Trinidad – 06:00 AM (June 27 in India) (08:30 PM nearby)
June 27: Semifinal 2, Guyana – 08:00 PM (10:30 AM Local)
June 29: Final, Barbados – 07:30 PM (10:00 AM neighborhood)

T20 World Cup 2024 squads

Group A T20 World Cup

India: Rohit Sharma (c), Hardik Pandya, Yashasvi Jaiswal, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant, Sanju Samson, Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, Mohd. Siraj. Reserves: Shubman Gill, Rinku Singh, Khaleel Ahmed, Avesh Khan
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) June 1, 2024
Pakistan: Babar Azam (c), Abrar Ahmed, Azam Khan, Fakhar Zaman, Haris Rauf, Iftikhar Ahmed, Imad Wasim, Mohammad Abbas Afridi, Mohammad Amir, Mohammad Rizwan, Naseem Shah, Saim Ayub, Shadab Khan, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Usman Khan
USA: Monank Patel (c), Aaron Jones, Andries Gous, Corey Anderson, Ali Khan, Harmeet Singh, Jessy Singh, Milind Kumar, Nisarg Patel, Nitish Kumar, Noshtush Kenjige, Saurabh Nethralvakar, Shadley Van Schalkwyk, Steven Taylor, Shayan Jahangir. Reserve Players: Gajanand Singh, Juanoy Drysdale, Yasir Mohammad.
Ireland: Paul Stirling (c), Mark Adair, Ross Adair, Andrew Balbirnie, Curtis Campher, Gareth Delany, George Dockrell, Graham Hume, Josh Little, Barry McCarthy, Neil Rock, Harry Tector, Lorcan Tucker, Ben White, Craig Young.
Canada: Saad Bin Zafar (c), Aaron Johnson, Ravinderpal Singh, Navneet Dhaliwal, Kaleem Sana, Dilon Heyliger, Jeremy Gordon, Nikhil Dutta, Pargat Singh, Nicholas Kirton, Rayyankhan Pathan, Junaid Siddiqui, Dilpreet Bajwa, Shreyas Movva, Rishiv Joshi. Reserves: Tajinder Singh, Aaditya Varadharajan, Ammar Khalid, Jatinder Matharu, Parveen Kumar.

Group B T20 World Cup

Australia: Mitchell Marsh (c), Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins, Tim David, Nathan Ellis, Cameron Green, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Glenn Maxwell, Mitchell Starc, Marcus Stoinis, Matthew Wade, David Warner, Adam Zampa. Travelling Reserves: Jake Fraser-McGurk, Matt Short.
England: Jos Buttler (c), Moeen Ali, Jofra Archer, Jonathan Bairstow, Harry Brook, Sam Curran, Ben Duckett, Tom Hartley, Will Jacks, Chris Jordan, Liam Livingstone, Adil Rashid, Phil Salt, Reece Topley, Mark Wood.
Namibia: Gerhard Erasmus (c), Zane Green, Michael Van Lingen, Dylan Leicher, Ruben Trumpelmann, Jack Brassell, Ben Shikongo, Tangeni Lungameni, Niko Davin, JJ Smit, Jan Frylinck, JP Kotze, David Wiese, Bernard Scholtz, Malan Kruger, PD Blignaut.
Oman: Aqib Ilyas (c), Zeeshan Maqsood, Kashyap Prajapati, Pratik Athavale, Ayaan Khan, Shoaib Khan, Mohammad Nadeem, Naseem Khushi, Mehran Khan, Bilal Khan, Rafiullah, Kaleemullah, Fayyaz Butt, Shakeel Ahmad, Khalid Kail. Reserves: Jatinder Singh, Samay Shrivastava, Sufyan Mehmood, Jay Odedra.
Scotland: Richie Berrington (c), Matthew Cross, Brad Currie, Chris Greaves, Oli Hairs, Jack Jarvis, Michael Jones, Michael Leask, Brandon McMullen, George Munsey, Safyaan Sharif, Chris Sole, Charlie Tear, Mark Watt, Brad Wheal.

Group C T20 World Cup

West Indies: Rovman Powell (c), Alzarri Joseph, Johnson Charles, Roston Chase, Shimron Hetmyer, Oshane Thomas, Shai Hope, Akeal Hosein, Shamar Joseph, Brandon King, Gudakesh Motie, Nicholas Pooran, Andre Russell, Sherfane Rutherford, Romario Shepherd.
New Zealand: Kane Williamson (c), Finn Allen, Trent Boult, Michael Bracewell, Mark Chapman, Devon Conway, Lockie Ferguson, Matt Henry, Daryl Mitchell, Jimmy Neesham, Glenn Phillips, Rachin Ravindra, Mitchell Santner, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee. Travelling Reserve: Ben Sears.
Afghanistan: Rashid Khan (c), Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Ibrahim Zadran, Azmatullah Omarzai, Najibullah Zadran, Mohammad Ishaq, Mohammad Nabi, Gulbadin Naib, Karim Janat, Nangyal Kharoti, Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Noor Ahmad, Naveen-ul-Haq, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Fareed Ahmad Malik. Reserves: Sediq Atal, Hazratullah Zazai, Saleem Safi.
Papua New Guinea: Assadollah Vala (c), Alei Nao, Chad Soper, CJ Amini, Hila Vare, Hiri Hiri, Jack Gardner, John Kariko, Kabua Vagi Morea, Kipling Doriga, Lega Siaka, Norman Vanua, Sema Kamea, Sese Bau, Tony Ura.
Uganda: Brian Masaba (c), Simon Ssesazi, Roger Mukasa, Cosmas Kyewuta, Dinesh Nakrani, Fred Achelam, Kenneth Waiswa, Alpesh Ramjani, Frank Nsubuga, Henry Ssenyondo, Bilal Hassun, Robinson Obuya, Riazat Ali Shah, Juma Miyaji, Ronak Patel. Travelling Reserves: Innocent Mwebaze, Ronald Lutaaya.

Group D T20 World Cup

South Africa: Aiden Markram (c), Ottniel Baartman, Gerald Coetzee, Quinton de Kock, Bjorn Fortuin, Reeza Hendricks, Marco Jansen, Heinrich Klaasen, Keshav Maharaj, David Miller, Anrich Nortje, Kagiso Rabada, Ryan Rickelton, Tabraiz Shamsi, Tristan Stubbs.
Sri Lanka: Wanindu Hasaranga (c), Charith Asalanka, Kusal Mendis, Pathum Nissanka, Kamindu Mendis, Sadeera Samarawickrama, Angelo Mathews, Dasun Shanaka, Dhananjaya De Silva, Maheesh Theekshana, Dunith Wellalage, Dushmantha Chameera, Nuwan Thushara, Matheesha Pathirana, Dilshan Madushanka. Travelling Reserves: Asitha Fernando, Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, Bhanuka Rajapaksa, Janith Liyanage.
Bangladesh: Najmul Hossain Shanto (c), Taskin Ahmed, Litton Das, Soumya Sarkar, Tanzid Hasan Tamim, Shakib Al Hasan, Tawhid Hridoy, Mahmud Ullah Riyad, Jaker Ali Anik, Tanvir Islam, Shak Mahedi Hasan, Rishad Hossain, Mustafizur Rahman, Shoriful Islam, Tanzim Hasan Sakib. Travelling reserves: Afif Hossain, Hasan Mahmud
Nepal: Rohit Paudel (c), Aasif Sheikh, Anil Kumar Sah, Kushal Bhurtel, Kushal Malla, Dipendra Singh Airee, Lalit Rajbanshi, Karan KC, Gulshan Jha, Sompal Kami, Pratis GC, Sundeep Jora, Abinash Bohara, Sagar Dhakal, Kamal Singh Airee.
Netherlands: Scott Edwards (c), Aryan Dutt, Bas de Leede, Kyle Klein, Logan van Beek, Max O’Dowd, Michael Levitt, Paul van Meekeren, Ryan Klein, Saqib Zulfiqar, Sybrand Engelbrecht, Teja Nidamanuru, ⁠⁠Tim Pringle, Vikram Singh, Viv Kingma, Wesley Barresi.

When and where to watch the T20 World Cup 2024 on television?

submitted by ExpressGlobe24 to u/ExpressGlobe24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 milb_bot 05/31/2024 Daily Minor League Pitcher Standouts

Yesterday's Standout Pitchers

stats for games since 04/22/2024

AAA Standouts

Sem Robberse 6 IP 4ER 9H 6K -- [RHP, 22, INT - STL] - [F] [T] 43.2 IP 4.58 ERA 1.18 WHIP 8.8 K/9 2.7 BB/9 3.2 K/BB 16.2 K-BB% 0.8 GO/AO
Will Dion 3.2 IP 2H BB 5K -- [LHP, 24, INT - CLE] - [F] [T] 27.2 IP 6.95 ERA 1.47 WHIP 7.9 K/9 3.3 BB/9 2.4 K/BB 11.4 K-BB% 1.0 GO/AO
Sean Burke 3 IP ER 3H 3BB 8K -- [RHP, 24, INT - CWS] - [F] [T] 3.0 IP 3.0 ERA 2.0 WHIP 24.0 K/9 9.0 BB/9 2.7 K/BB 33.3 K-BB% 0.0 GO/AO
Max Meyer 4 IP 3ER 3H BB 7K -- [RHP, 25, INT - MIA] - [F] [T] 20.2 IP 7.13 ERA 1.73 WHIP 12.5 K/9 4.5 BB/9 2.8 K/BB 18.6 K-BB% 2.7 GO/AO
Carson Seymour 3.2 IP ER 5H 2BB 7K -- [RHP, 25, PCL - SF] - [F] [T] 27.2 IP 6.29 ERA 1.95 WHIP 9.6 K/9 5.6 BB/9 1.7 K/BB 8.9 K-BB% 2.4 GO/AO
Lael Lockhart 5.1 IP 3H BB 7K -- [LHP, 26, INT - DET] - [F] [T] 13.0 IP 7.62 ERA 1.85 WHIP 10.4 K/9 6.2 BB/9 1.7 K/BB 9.4 K-BB% 1.6 GO/AO

AA Standouts

Chase Petty 6 IP ER 5H BB 3K -- [RHP, 21, SOU - CIN] - [F] [T] 31.1 IP 3.47 ERA 1.25 WHIP 9.0 K/9 2.6 BB/9 3.4 K/BB 16.9 K-BB% 1.4 GO/AO
Mason Barnett 5 IP 3ER 4H 3BB 7K -- [RHP, 23, TEX - KC] - [F] [T] 31.1 IP 8.1 ERA 1.77 WHIP 11.9 K/9 3.8 BB/9 3.2 K/BB 18.8 K-BB% 1.3 GO/AO
Tyler Guilfoil 6 IP 2ER 3H 7K -- [RHP, 24, TEX - HOU] - [F] [T] 33.0 IP 3.82 ERA 1.06 WHIP 7.9 K/9 3.5 BB/9 2.2 K/BB 11.8 K-BB% 0.9 GO/AO
Braxton Ashcraft 6 IP ER 3H BB 7K -- [RHP, 24, EAS - PIT] - [F] [T] 37.1 IP 2.67 ERA 1.05 WHIP 10.7 K/9 1.7 BB/9 6.3 K/BB 24.7 K-BB% 0.8 GO/AO
Nick Krauth 7 IP ER 5H BB 5K -- [RHP, 24, TEX - TEX] - [F] [T] 32.1 IP 5.05 ERA 1.59 WHIP 5.6 K/9 4.8 BB/9 1.2 K/BB 2.0 K-BB% 0.9 GO/AO
Hunter Dobbins 7 IP 3H BB 8K -- [RHP, 24, EAS - BOS] - [F] [T] 29.2 IP 4.93 ERA 1.44 WHIP 10.2 K/9 4.0 BB/9 2.5 K/BB 15.7 K-BB% 1.2 GO/AO
Andrew Alvarez 5 IP ER 2H 2BB 6K -- [LHP, 24, EAS - WSH] - [F] [T] 41.1 IP 2.41 ERA 1.02 WHIP 9.0 K/9 2.4 BB/9 3.7 K/BB 18.5 K-BB% 1.4 GO/AO
Aaron Brown 6 IP 2H BB 6K -- [RHP, 25, TEX - HOU] - [F] [T] 22.0 IP 4.09 ERA 1.23 WHIP 9.4 K/9 2.0 BB/9 4.6 K/BB 19.8 K-BB% 0.6 GO/AO
Jake Eder 6.1 IP 3H 2BB 8K -- [LHP, 25, SOU - CWS] - [F] [T] 38.1 IP 3.31 ERA 1.31 WHIP 9.9 K/9 3.5 BB/9 2.8 K/BB 16.6 K-BB% 0.7 GO/AO
Carlos Pena 6 IP 2ER 3H BB 6K -- [LHP, 25, EAS - DET] - [F] [T] 28.1 IP 5.44 ERA 1.46 WHIP 7.4 K/9 5.4 BB/9 1.4 K/BB 4.9 K-BB% 0.9 GO/AO

A+ Standouts

Thomas White 4 IP 2H 2BB 6K -- [LHP, 19, MID - MIA] - [F] [T] 4.0 IP 0.0 ERA 1.0 WHIP 13.5 K/9 4.5 BB/9 3.0 K/BB 23.5 K-BB% 2.5 GO/AO
Drew Gray 4.1 IP ER H 3BB 5K -- [LHP, 21, MID - CHC] - [F] [T] 21.2 IP 3.4 ERA 1.51 WHIP 9.8 K/9 7.2 BB/9 1.4 K/BB 6.5 K-BB% 0.8 GO/AO
Matt Wilkinson 5 IP 2ER 4H BB 8K -- [LHP, 21, MID - CLE] - [F] [T] 10.0 IP 4.5 ERA 0.9 WHIP 14.4 K/9 0.9 BB/9 16.0 K/BB 38.5 K-BB% 0.9 GO/AO
Henry Baez 3 IP 2ER 4H BB 5K -- [RHP, 21, MID - SD] - [F] [T] 28.1 IP 5.44 ERA 1.35 WHIP 10.6 K/9 2.9 BB/9 3.7 K/BB 19.2 K-BB% 1.0 GO/AO
Manuel Mercedes 5.1 IP 2ER 3H BB 5K -- [RHP, 21, NWL - SF] - [F] [T] 33.1 IP 4.89 ERA 1.15 WHIP 7.9 K/9 2.4 BB/9 3.2 K/BB 14.2 K-BB% 4.0 GO/AO
Michael Morales 6 IP ER 5H 4K -- [RHP, 21, NWL - SEA] - [F] [T] 36.2 IP 2.73 ERA 1.35 WHIP 9.0 K/9 3.5 BB/9 2.6 K/BB 14.3 K-BB% 0.8 GO/AO
🔥​ Owen Wild​ 6.2 IP ER 4H BB 8K -- [RHP, 21, SAL - TB] - [F] [T] 10.2 IP 4.41 ERA 1.37 WHIP 10.6 K/9 2.6 BB/9 4.0 K/BB 19.1 K-BB% 0.8 GO/AO
Will Sanders 4 IP 2ER 4H 3BB 7K -- [RHP, 22, MID - CHC] - [F] [T] 27.2 IP 2.32 ERA 1.1 WHIP 10.6 K/9 4.3 BB/9 2.5 K/BB 16.0 K-BB% 0.6 GO/AO
Logan Henderson 4 IP 3H 7K -- [RHP, 22, MID - MIL] - [F] [T] 6.2 IP 1.45 ERA 0.97 WHIP 14.5 K/9 2.9 BB/9 5.0 K/BB 32.0 K-BB% 0.1 GO/AO
Patrick Reilly 5 IP 2ER 2H 4BB 6K -- [RHP, 22, SAL - PIT] - [F] [T] 29.2 IP 4.32 ERA 1.37 WHIP 11.1 K/9 6.2 BB/9 1.8 K/BB 12.7 K-BB% 0.4 GO/AO
Lucas Braun 5.1 IP 2ER 8H 2BB 7K -- [RHP, 22, SAL - ATL] - [F] [T] 39.2 IP 3.67 ERA 1.22 WHIP 9.6 K/9 1.8 BB/9 5.2 K/BB 20.5 K-BB% 0.8 GO/AO
Ryan Harbin 2 IP ER 2H 5K -- [RHP, 22, SAL - PIT] - [F] [T] 5.0 IP 3.6 ERA 1.6 WHIP 18.0 K/9 5.4 BB/9 3.3 K/BB 30.4 K-BB% 1.5 GO/AO
Bryce Hubbart 6 IP 2ER H 4K -- [LHP, 22, MID - CIN] - [F] [T] 25.2 IP 7.86 ERA 1.63 WHIP 9.6 K/9 3.6 BB/9 2.7 K/BB 14.4 K-BB% 0.5 GO/AO
🔥​ Eiberson Castellano​ 5.2 IP 2ER 5H 2BB 13K -- [RHP, 23, SAL - PHI] - [F] [T] 27.1 IP 4.98 ERA 1.48 WHIP 11.6 K/9 4.0 BB/9 2.9 K/BB 18.7 K-BB% 1.9 GO/AO
Cooper Hjerpe 4 IP 3H 6K -- [LHP, 23, MID - STL] - [F] [T] 26.0 IP 3.46 ERA 1.04 WHIP 13.2 K/9 4.2 BB/9 3.2 K/BB 24.1 K-BB% 1.1 GO/AO
Roman Angelo 6.1 IP ER 4H 2BB 7K -- [RHP, 24, NWL - ARI] - [F] [T] 17.1 IP 4.21 ERA 1.17 WHIP 9.5 K/9 3.2 BB/9 3.0 K/BB 17.1 K-BB% 1.3 GO/AO

A Standouts

Josh Knoth 5 IP 2ER 5H 2BB 5K -- [RHP, 18, CAR - MIL] - [F] [T] 22.2 IP 4.86 ERA 1.44 WHIP 11.4 K/9 4.9 BB/9 2.3 K/BB 16.7 K-BB% 1.2 GO/AO
🔥​ Santiago Suarez​ 5 IP 3ER 3H BB 10K -- [RHP, 19, CAR - TB] - [F] [T] 28.0 IP 8.04 ERA 1.46 WHIP 9.6 K/9 1.0 BB/9 10.0 K/BB 22.1 K-BB% 1.1 GO/AO
Barrett Kent 6.1 IP 2ER 5H BB 8K -- [RHP, 19, CAL - LAA] - [F] [T] 35.0 IP 4.11 ERA 1.26 WHIP 11.6 K/9 2.8 BB/9 4.1 K/BB 23.3 K-BB% 1.0 GO/AO
🔥​ Jarlin Susana​ 5 IP H BB 9K -- [RHP, 20, CAR - WSH] - [F] [T] 23.0 IP 7.43 ERA 1.74 WHIP 12.9 K/9 6.7 BB/9 1.9 K/BB 14.7 K-BB% 1.8 GO/AO
Cesar Lares 5 IP 2ER 6H 2BB 6K -- [LHP, 20, FSL - MIN] - [F] [T] 31.1 IP 2.32 ERA 1.19 WHIP 9.5 K/9 2.0 BB/9 4.7 K/BB 19.5 K-BB% 1.0 GO/AO
Jesus Rivero 4 IP H 7K -- [RHP, 21, CAR - MIL] - [F] [T] 20.1 IP 7.61 ERA 1.39 WHIP 13.4 K/9 5.8 BB/9 2.3 K/BB 18.5 K-BB% 0.6 GO/AO
Denny Larrondo 6 IP ER 2H 2BB 6K -- [RHP, 22, CAL - ARI] - [F] [T] 25.2 IP 2.14 ERA 1.39 WHIP 11.4 K/9 6.1 BB/9 1.9 K/BB 13.2 K-BB% 0.5 GO/AO
Grant Taylor 4 IP 2H BB 7K -- [RHP, 22, CAR - CWS] - [F] [T] 12.0 IP 1.5 ERA 0.67 WHIP 14.2 K/9 0.8 BB/9 19.0 K/BB 40.9 K-BB% 1.4 GO/AO
Blake Money 5.1 IP H 6K -- [RHP, 22, CAR - BAL] - [F] [T] 25.0 IP 3.24 ERA 1.32 WHIP 9.4 K/9 2.9 BB/9 3.2 K/BB 16.2 K-BB% 0.9 GO/AO
Jose Gonzalez 6 IP ER 5H 7K -- [RHP, 22, CAR - TEX] - [F] [T] 25.2 IP 1.79 ERA 1.11 WHIP 10.4 K/9 2.1 BB/9 4.8 K/BB 22.3 K-BB% 0.6 GO/AO
Wardquelin Vasquez 3.2 IP ER H BB 6K -- [RHP, 22, CAR - CLE] - [F] [T] 15.0 IP 4.2 ERA 1.53 WHIP 11.4 K/9 4.2 BB/9 2.7 K/BB 16.9 K-BB% 1.1 GO/AO
Brian Edgington 5 IP 3ER 6H BB 10K -- [RHP, 25, FSL - CIN] - [F] [T] 32.0 IP 5.06 ERA 1.56 WHIP 10.1 K/9 2.5 BB/9 4.0 K/BB 19.3 K-BB% 1.2 GO/AO

Rookie Standouts

Enniel Cortez 4 IP 2ER 4H BB 7K -- [RHP, 18, AZL - MIL] - [F] [T] 14.1 IP 7.66 ERA 1.49 WHIP 12.8 K/9 1.9 BB/9 6.7 K/BB 25.0 K-BB% 1.7 GO/AO
🔥​ Trevor Harrison​ 5 IP H 7K -- [RHP, 18, GCL - TB] - [F] [T] 17.2 IP 2.09 ERA 0.81 WHIP 11.0 K/9 1.0 BB/9 10.5 K/BB 29.2 K-BB% 1.1 GO/AO
Jacob Bresnahan 4.1 IP 2ER 4H 8K -- [LHP, 18, AZL - CLE] - [F] [T] 15.1 IP 4.77 ERA 1.13 WHIP 13.7 K/9 1.8 BB/9 7.7 K/BB 31.2 K-BB% 1.2 GO/AO
Omar Victorino 4 IP ER 4H 3BB 7K -- [RHP, 18, GCL - NYM] - [F] [T] 12.2 IP 8.11 ERA 2.13 WHIP 11.1 K/9 10.3 BB/9 1.1 K/BB 1.6 K-BB% 1.7 GO/AO
Enrique Segura 6 IP 3ER 3H 2BB 7K -- [RHP, 19, GCL - PHI] - [F] [T] 27.0 IP 4.67 ERA 1.15 WHIP 9.0 K/9 2.7 BB/9 3.4 K/BB 16.8 K-BB% 1.5 GO/AO
Irving Cota 4 IP 2ER 2H BB 9K -- [RHP, 20, GCL - NYM] - [F] [T] 6.0 IP 6.0 ERA 1.5 WHIP 19.5 K/9 3.0 BB/9 6.5 K/BB 37.9 K-BB% 0.4 GO/AO
Bryan Bautista 4 IP H 2BB 7K -- [RHP, 20, GCL - BAL] - [F] [T] 15.1 IP 5.96 ERA 1.66 WHIP 10.7 K/9 3.6 BB/9 3.0 K/BB 17.1 K-BB% 0.6 GO/AO
submitted by milb_bot to DynastyBaseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:58 Routine_Bobcat_4853 Is Taylor more in love with the idea of love or love itself? Does TTPD show her desperation for love?

A lot of people in this sub talk about how Taylor jumps from relationship to relationship with full speed. As we know she went through a dying 6 year relationship with Joe and IMMEDIATELY jumped into one with ratty as told by fresh out the slammer. I think this is probably because she had already mourned joe while in the relationship. But then she even immediately started talking about marriage and babies with ratty. Yes he love bombed her I know but it’s probably because Joe didn’t want that and she was desperate for it. But what I find most interesting is how Travis plays into all of this. She describes her situationship with her and Matty as a manic phase that made her literally want to die. But she only had a month and a half break from being with him until she started talking to Travis.
Wouldn’t you want a break from love after 6 years and then a trainwreck situationship? How can all of your feelings for one person you were with for so long (even if the feeling were mourned) and then someone you convinced yourself you were in love with be relinquished in just a month and a half? Is it because she is desperate to find the one? Does she genuinely love travis or does she just love the idea of love and being in love. I like her and Travis together btw. I think they have genuine chemistry and I think you guys are very harsh on their relationship. She seems happy and I am happy for her but it’s just how do you get over 2 people so quickly that the first guy who shows you interest your immediately with for 9+ months now. Maybe she’s just better than me and I’m projecting. Maybe she can get through things easily I guess but idk…
submitted by Routine_Bobcat_4853 to SwiftlyNeutral [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:54 starry_waters are either of these real?

are either of these real?
sorry to be annoying but I’m really bad at identifying folklore signatures since they’re so different from her current one!
submitted by starry_waters to TaylorSwiftAutographs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:07 MermonkeyEerieOnSea Welcome to Eerie-on-Sea!

Welcome to Eerie-on-Sea!

Welcome to Eerie-on-Sea, where nothing is as it seems!

Based of the book series "The Legends of Eerie-on-Sea" by Thomas Taylor, Eerie-on-Sea has any and every adventure for you! Just visit Herbert Lemon and Violet Parma and they'll tell you about all of their adventures! Would recommend reading all 5 books as we will have spoilers.


-No swearing.
-9+ community, just like the books recommend
-Eerie/Cheerie-on-Sea (+ Book Trailers & towns aspiring Eerie-on-Sea) ONLY
-Respect each other!

Places in Eerie-on-Sea!
You can also search up "Map of Eerie-on-Sea" to see more clearly

Just remember... legends can have a little BITE in Eerie-on-Sea...
submitted by MermonkeyEerieOnSea to Eerie0nSea [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:29 lobbylurker This is weird, right?

(Using fake names as that is not the point of this story)
My FIL’s name is John Luke and he goes by Luke. My husband’s name Luke James and he goes by James. My FIL has been married twice. He has a son and a daughter from his first marriage, and my husband is his son from his second and current marriage.
My husband’s half brother’s name is Thomas…. Or so I thought. We were eating dinner with Thomas one night when I saw that his official name badge from work said “Luke.”
I waited until I was alone in the car with my husband to bring it up but pretty much immediately I was like, what the heck? You and your brother are both named after your dad and have the same name? And this hasn’t come up in the ten years we’ve been together? My husband doesn’t find it weird at all though! He doesn’t have the answers to my questions but idk if it’s stranger if my FIL or MIL originally proposed the idea to name my husband Luke after already having a son/stepson by that name.
submitted by lobbylurker to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:12 vTDimes Defense help

Defense help
Any idea how I can improve my defensive lineup? Not sure if I should switch up where I have some of my players. I feel like I’m getting burned way too often.
submitted by vTDimes to MaddenMobileForums [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:21 vale_ee do you think the same? I had never heard this take before

do you think the same? I had never heard this take before
ok I was on insta and I saw this... 😭😭😭 hello? what does this have to do with age? ofc I had to put my comment ( is the 1st one of the second slide) cause the video was comming of as shady against those women that married idk how to explain.
Fortunately they were more people in the comments saying that swifties actually are the ones that make Taylor’s music and work insufferable and talking abt her white feminism so I am not alone in this.
Do you think the same that the girl on the video? I don't really get why age and marriage has to do with that HAHAHAHA
submitted by vale_ee to SwiftlyNeutral [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:12 BettyBerlin [QCRIT] Query: Baldwin & Berlin, Upmarket, Adult, 130K

This is my first attempt at a query so apologies for any egregious missteps! Let me know if I'm on the right track?
Dear Agent,
While the beatniks were taking over Soho, the rest of the literati were sticking to the old-school glamour of Zairo’s Bar - one-time Hemingway haunt. When two writers meet on a fateful evening, they set in motion a love which will span years, continents and half a dozen marriages.
Christopher ‘Kit’ Baldwin is old-Alabama-money with a gift for the gab; and Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Berlin is the daughter of a minor lord, with an eye for characterisation. Together, they make magic.
As their stars rise from the West End, to Broadway to Hollywood, Betty tries to resist the married Kit - afraid to jeopardise their working relationship, even as they keep falling back into bed together. Eventually, Betty gives respectability a shot; marrying a big-time movie producer and Kit marries another woman.
A decade in, their timing – at last – clicks and they take their relationship from an open secret to marriage. There follows a couple of years of bliss – but at a cost: their writing, usually so taut with sexual tension and excitement, falls apart.
BALDWIN & BERLIN is an upmarket novel complete at 130,000 words with multiple POVs. Its glamorous, mid-century setting will appeal to fans of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, while exploring themes of creative partnerships tangled with love, which grabbed readers of Lauren Groff’s Fates and Furies and Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow.
Baldwin & Berlin is my first novel, which began as a short story during my Creative Writing Masters at the University of Cambridge. A communications professional, I am a Brit living in Bermuda, with an Australian husband and a murderous elderly cat, in a cottage by the sounding sea.
First 300:
Years after the fact, there is a photograph published in a special edition of LIFE magazine. Those who pick it up invariably find their eyes drawn to one picture in the centre spread. It takes a moment to reconcile their faces, their full names to the famous double act that was Baldwin & Berlin.
Her face is too small for the sunglasses she wears. The sharp angle of her chin juts out below the frame, doll’s mouth set off by the expanse of black glasses and wide dark hat. One hand up by her eyes, blocking out the sun, the other flopped over her bent knees, book in hand. Everything about the pose seems calculated, from the cross of the ankles, knees together to protect her modesty whilst tilting her chest towards the camera: the defiant upwards slant of her jaw.
He is laying back, hands folded across his flat stomach, eyes narrowed against the light. Hair and skin tone nearly matching in sepia tones: golden boy. There is a slight sneer, it seems, on his lips, though it may be the beginnings of a word. Paper sprawled messily across his lap.
There would be no mistaking the photo for now: there is a heightened glamour about it that no clever lighting or computer programme could hope to reproduce. A kind of confidence in their manner not found today, with no concern for the creases in their swimsuits, the occasional wrinkle of fat. There are no forced smiles here: a photo of those who were always posed.
The abused manuscript that lies in his lap is the final draft of the last script from Baldwin & Berlin. You can’t help but think that had he known, he might have treated it with a little more respect. But how was he to know that after twelve years of success and laud and honour, the game was up?
submitted by BettyBerlin to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:38 AlphaBettyPersketty The Death Penalty in Idaho

There are currently eight people on death row in Idaho.
Thomas Creech has been on death row for over 48 years.
Gerald Pizza Pizzuto Jr has been there for 38 years.
Timothy Dunlap, 32 years.
Robin Lee Row, the only woman on death roe in Idaho, 30 years.
James Hairston, 27 years.
Erick Hall, almost 20 years.
Azad Hahi Abdullah, 19 years.
Jonathan Renfro, heading towards 7 years.
Since it was reinstated in 1976, only three people have been executed with those executions happening in 1994, 2011, and 2012.
By the end of this trial there will be 9 people on Idaho's death row.
By the end of 2025 there will be 10 people on death row in Idaho.
I cannot see any of these executions going ahead, and I doubt that if any DID go ahead that Chad will jump the queue.
Unfortunately, the law is on the side of the inmates on death row to make sure that everything is above board. There are multiple levels of appeals that are granted, and even after those are exhausted, there are still further avenues that the state, counsel and the guilty person will explore before any executions take place.
There have been very few people who have waived all their rights to appeals and have volunteered (yes, that's the term they use) to have a speedy execution. Coincidentally, the first in the modern era of capital punishment was a guy in Idaho, from what I've read.
Will Chad get the death penalty? I feel he will.
Will Chad died of natural causes 30+ years from now? Well, set yourself a reminder to check this sub circa 2054; I think he'll be alive and kicking on death row.
The only way I see him rejecting the appeals is if all five of his kids turn their back on him. Emma won't do that.
submitted by AlphaBettyPersketty to LoriVallow [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:27 RedsModerator The Reds defeated the Cubs by a score of 5-4 - Fri, May 31 @ 02:20 PM EDT

Reds @ Cubs - Fri, May 31

Game Status: Final - Score: 5-4 Reds

Links & Info

1 Friedl - CF 5 0 1 1 0 3 2 .167 .265 .200
2 De La Cruz, E - SS 4 0 0 0 1 3 3 .244 .343 .434
3 Candelario - 3B 5 0 0 0 0 2 3 .218 .295 .413
4 Steer - 1B 2 1 0 0 2 2 1 .219 .338 .385
5 Fraley - RF 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 .278 .333 .357
6 Stephenson, T - C 3 0 2 1 1 0 0 .250 .325 .419
7 Martini - DH 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 .200 .243 .352
a-Fairchild - DH 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 .222 .313 .374
8 India - 2B 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 .224 .343 .316
1-Hurtubise - LF 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .219 .316 .250
9 Benson - LF 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 .201 .304 .420
b-Espinal - 2B 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 .202 .261 .303
Totals 31 5 8 5 7 12 14
a-Struck out for Martini in the 6th. b-Homered for Benson in the 7th. 1-Ran for India in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Benson (11, Assad); India (5, Neris). HR: Espinal (3, 7th inning off Smyly, 1 on, 0 out). TB: Benson 2; Espinal 4; Fraley; Friedl; India 2; Martini; Stephenson, T 2. RBI: Espinal 2 (17); Friedl (3); Martini (21); Stephenson, T (18). Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Steer; De La Cruz, E; Candelario 2. SAC: Espinal. GIDP: Fraley; India. Team RISP: 3-for-11. Team LOB: 7.
FIELDING: E: Candelario 2 (5, fielding, throw). Outfield assists: Hurtubise (Madrigal at home). DP: (India-Steer).
1 Tauchman - DH 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 .266 .370 .395
a-Wisdom - DH 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .218 .302 .436
c-Madrigal - PH 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 .221 .280 .256
2 Suzuki, S - RF 4 0 1 1 0 2 2 .258 .318 .417
3 Bellinger - 1B 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 .260 .323 .458
4 Morel, C - 3B 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 .200 .305 .380
5 Happ - LF 3 1 1 3 1 0 0 .223 .326 .383
6 Hoerner - 2B 4 0 1 0 0 0 3 .256 .342 .364
7 Swanson - SS 4 0 1 0 0 1 2 .206 .279 .321
8 Crow-Armstrong - CF 4 1 2 0 0 0 1 .246 .299 .361
9 Gomes - C 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 .154 .173 .244
b-Busch - PH 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .241 .335 .446
Totals 33 4 8 4 4 5 18
a-Popped out for Tauchman in the 7th. b-Walked for Gomes in the 9th. c-Grounded into a forceout for Wisdom in the 9th.
BATTING: 2B: Swanson (5, Ashcraft); Suzuki, S (6, Díaz, A). HR: Happ (6, 2nd inning off Ashcraft, 1 on, 0 out). TB: Crow-Armstrong 2; Happ 4; Hoerner; Morel, C; Suzuki, S 2; Swanson 2; Tauchman. RBI: Happ 3 (24); Suzuki, S (19). 2-out RBI: Happ. Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Bellinger; Gomes; Hoerner 2. GIDP: Morel, C. Team RISP: 2-for-12. Team LOB: 8.
FIELDING: Pickoffs: Miller, T (Fairchild at 1st base). DP: 2 (Swanson-Bellinger; Hoerner-Swanson-Bellinger).
Reds Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Ashcraft 4.2 5 3 3 2 4 1 83-47 4.76
Cruz, F (W, 2-5) 1.1 0 0 0 1 0 0 22-13 3.86
Moll (H, 3) 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16-10 2.70
Sims (H, 8) 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 0 16-11 3.86
Díaz, A (S, 11) 1.0 2 1 1 1 0 0 19-11 5.91
Totals 9.0 8 4 4 4 5 1
Cubs Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR P-S ERA
Assad 5.1 5 2 2 3 7 0 98-56 2.27
Smyly (L, 2-3)(BS, 1) 1.1 1 2 2 3 3 1 32-18 5.06
Miller, T 1.1 0 0 0 1 1 0 31-18 2.33
Neris 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 0 20-12 3.15
Totals 9.0 8 5 5 7 12 1
Game Info
WP: Assad; Smyly; Neris.
HBP: Suzuki, S (by Ashcraft); Gomes (by Ashcraft).
Pitch timer violations: Smyly (pitcher).
Pitches-strikes: Ashcraft 83-47; Cruz, F 22-13; Moll 16-10; Sims 16-11; Díaz, A 19-11; Assad 98-56; Smyly 32-18; Miller, T 31-18; Neris 20-12.
Groundouts-flyouts: Ashcraft 6-3; Cruz, F 1-2; Moll 1-1; Sims 2-0; Díaz, A 1-1; Assad 4-2; Smyly 0-0; Miller, T 0-2; Neris 1-1.
Batters faced: Ashcraft 22; Cruz, F 5; Moll 3; Sims 4; Díaz, A 5; Assad 22; Smyly 8; Miller, T 4; Neris 5.
Inherited runners-scored: Cruz, F 3-1; Miller, T 1-0.
Ejections: Cubs manager Craig Counsell ejected by HP umpire Brennan Miller (9th).
Umpires: HP: Brennan Miller. 1B: Derek Thomas. 2B: Brian O'Nora. 3B: Chris Conroy.
Weather: 76 degrees, Partly Cloudy.
Wind: 7 mph, R To L.
First pitch: 1:20 PM.
T: 3:05.
Att: 36,281.
Venue: Wrigley Field.
May 31, 2024
Inning Scoring Play Score
Bottom 2 Ian Happ homers (6) on a fly ball to left center field. Christopher Morel scores. 2-0 CHC
Top 4 Tyler Stephenson singles on a line drive to right fielder Seiya Suzuki. Spencer Steer scores. Jake Fraley to 2nd. 2-1 CHC
Top 4 Nick Martini singles on a line drive to center fielder Pete Crow-Armstrong. Jake Fraley scores. Tyler Stephenson to 2nd. 2-2
Bottom 5 Ian Happ walks. Yan Gomes scores. Cody Bellinger to 3rd. Christopher Morel to 2nd. 3-2 CHC
Top 7 Santiago Espinal homers (3) on a fly ball to left center field. Jonathan India scores. 4-3 CIN
Top 9 TJ Friedl singles on a ground ball to left fielder Ian Happ. Jacob Hurtubise scores. 5-3 CIN
Bottom 9 Seiya Suzuki doubles (6) on a line drive to left fielder Jacob Hurtubise. Pete Crow-Armstrong scores. Nick Madrigal out at home on the throw, left fielder Jacob Hurtubise to shortstop Elly De La Cruz to catcher Tyler Stephenson. Seiya Suzuki to 3rd. 5-4 CIN
Team Highlight
CHC Ian Happ's two-run home run (6) (00:00:29)
CIN Tyler Stephenson's RBI single (00:00:19)
CIN Nick Martini's RBI single (00:00:27)
CIN Jonathan India's sweet sliding stop (00:00:31)
CIN Santiago Espinal's pinch-hit go-ahead home run (3) (00:00:28)
CIN Graham Ashcraft strikes out four against the Cubs (00:00:43)
CHC Seiya Suzuki battles the sun to make the catch (00:00:29)
CHC Tyson Miller picks off Stuart Fairchild (00:00:12)
CHC Javier Assad strikes out seven against the Reds (00:01:11)
CIN Reds cut down tying run at the plate (00:00:28)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
Reds 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 5 8 2 7
Cubs 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 8 0 8


Division Scoreboard

STL 0 @ PHI 0 Warmup
PIT @ TOR 07:07 PM EDT
CWS @ MIL 08:10 PM EDT
Next Reds Game: Sat, Jun 01, 07:15 PM EDT @ Cubs (1 day)
Last Updated: 05/31/2024 06:27:28 PM EDT
submitted by RedsModerator to Reds [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:19 NumerousEye3 Trade Advice. Puka and Goedert for Pitts and a 2025 1st.

12-team SF 1.0 PP1.5 TEP
Give: Kyle Pitts + 2025 first
Get: Puka Nacua + Dallas Goedert
Starting 10:
QB: Jordan Love
RB: Jonathan Taylor
RB: Isiah Pacheco
WR: Amon-Ra St. Brown
WR: Jaxon Smith-Njigba
WR: Ja'Lynn Polk
TE: Kyle Pitts
Flex: Josh Downs
Flex: Rhamondre Stevenson
Superflex: Drake Maye
submitted by NumerousEye3 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:17 vsc_vsc Seeking Pastiche Stories of the Lesser-Known Holmes Cases

Hello fellow enthusiasts of the great detective,
I find myself captivated by the cases of Sherlock Holmes that were merely hinted at by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. These brief mentions have left me yearning for more, and I am on a mission to discover if there are any adaptations or pastiches in any form of media—be it books, video games, radio recordings or transcriptions, films, or any other medium—that delve into these lesser-known adventures.
Should you know of any such works, whether they are widely available online, purchasable, or even rare finds (for which I would appreciate a link), please do share. I am eager to immerse myself in these narratives and explore the depths of Holmes’s undocumented exploits.
Your knowledge and assistance would be greatly valued!
Here’s a list of some of the cases that piqued my interest:
I have been beaten four times – three times by men and once by a woman (FIVE)
“And the catalepsy!” … “It is a very easy complaint to imitate. I have done it myself.” (RESI)
Since I ran down that coiner by the zinc and copper filings in the seam of his cuff... (SHOS)
... a slipshod elderly woman (STUD)
One morning a young girl called, fashionably dressed ... (STUD)
...letters... from a fishmonger... (NOBL)
...letters...a tide-waiter… (NOBL)
There is Arthur H. Staunton, the rising young forger... (MISS)
…the Abbey School in which the Duke of Greyminster was so deeply involved (BLAN)
… facts as to the death of old Mrs Harold, who left you (Count Sylvius) the Blymer estate… (MAZA)
Hopkins has called me in seven times, and on each occasion his summons has been entirely justified... [GOLD, BLAC and MISS are three], the other four are narrated anywhere? (ABBE)
...the rascally Lascar who runs it has sworn to have vengeance upon me... (TWIS)
I believe that my late husband, Mortimer Maberly, was one of your early clients (3GAB)
…Inspector MacDonald… Twice already had Holmes helped him… (VALL)
Some (?) of my most interesting cases have come to me this way through Mycroft. (GREE)
... in the St. Pancras case, you may remember that a cap was found beside the dead policeman... [“Is this your case? No, my friend, Merivale of the Yard, asked me to look into the case”(consultation)] (SHOS)
... a gray-headed, seedy visitor, looking like a Jew pedlar... (STUD)
...the most repellent man of my acquaintance is a philanthropist... (SIGN)
…The (first) affair of the second stain… (YELL)
...Holmes refused a knighthood for services which may, someday, be described. (3GAB)
I was once able to do him a professional service… His name is Sir James Saunders (BLAN)
… cases … through… old fellow students. The third of these was that of The Musgrave Ritual (MUSG)
…the robbery in the train de-luxe to the Riviera on February 13, 1892. (maza)
when the stand fell at doncaster (sixn)
When Mrs. Turner (not Hudson!) has brought in the tray… (SCAN)
Wainwright (Thomas Griffiths Wainwright, died 1852, was a real-life criminal) was no mean artist (ILLU)
…the compete life history of Miss Minnie Warrender (MAZA)
The detection of types is one of the most elementary branches of knowledge to the special expert in crime, though I confess that once when I was very young I confused the Leeds Mercury with the Western Morning News. (HOUN)
Vipers in the Good Old Index (SUSS)
the case to Monsieur Dubugue of the Paris police (NAVA)
Fritz von Waldbaum, the well-known specialist of Dantzig (NAVA)
A Commission from the Sultan of Turkey political consequences neglect (BLAN)
Old Baron Dowson hanged - what the law had gained the stage had lost' (MAZA)
Mrs ETHEREGE whose husband you found so easy (IDEN)
Lord Backwater and st simon (The Noble Bachelor and Silver Blaze)
Mrs Fa(r)rintosh and the Opal Tiara (SPEC)
Count von und zu Grafenstein saved from murder, by the Nihilist Klopman (LAST)
If this paper remains blue, all is well. If it turns red, it means a man’s life (NAVA)
...the most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning three little children... (WINN)
Colonel Dorking and Violet Miles, after Miss Miles refused to pay (CHAS)
“There was the case of Von Bischoff at Frankfort last year. He would certainly have been hung had this test been in existence. Then there was Mason of Bradford, and the notorious Muller, and Lefevre of Montpellier, and Samson of New Orleans. I could name a score of cases in which it would have been decisive.” STUD
“Then, of course, this blood belongs to a second individual—presumably the murderer, if murder has been committed. It reminds me of the circumstances attendant on the death of Van Jansen, in Utrecht, in the year ‘34. Do you remember the case, Gregson?” STUD
“My practice has extended recently to the Continent,” said Holmes, after a while, filling up his old brier-root pipe. “I was consulted last week by François Le Villard, who, as you probably know, has come rather to the front lately in the French detective service. He has all the Celtic power of quick intuition, but he is deficient in the wide range of exact knowledge which is essential to the higher developments of his art. The case was concerned with a will, and possessed some features of interest. I was able to refer him to two parallel cases, the one at Riga in 1857, and the other at St. Louis in 1871, which have suggested to him the true solution. Here is the letter which I had this morning acknowledging my assistance.” He tossed over, as he spoke, a crumpled sheet of foreign notepaper. I glanced my eyes down it, catching a profusion of notes of admiration, with stray “magnifiques,” “coup-de-maîtres,” and “tours-de-force,” all testifying to the ardent admiration of the Frenchman. SIGN
“Yes, the ally!” repeated Holmes, pensively. “There are features of interest about this ally. He lifts the case from the regions of the commonplace. I fancy that this ally breaks fresh ground in the annals of crime in this country,—though parallel cases suggest themselves from India, and, if my memory serves me, from Senegambia.” SIGN
STUD The Case of the Grey-Headed, Seedy Visitor, Looking Like a Jew Pedlar
STUD The Case of the Old White-Haired Gentleman
STUD The Case of the Railway Porter in his Velveteen Uniform
STUD The Case of the Slip-Shod Elderly Woman
VALL The Two Successful Cases of Alec McDonald
VEIL The Abbas Parva Tragedy
3GAB The Killing of Young Perkins
DYIN The Murder of Victor Savage
EMPT The Death of Mrs. Stewart of Lauder
MAZA The Death of Old Mrs Harold
MAZA The Forged Cheque on the Credit Lyonnais
Additionally, I'm keen to delve into stories that explore the lesser-seen sides and personal dimensions of the characters in Holmes's world, such as:
In general, I welcome any well-crafted work that remains true to the characters (not OOC or anything similar) and reveals a hidden facet of their lives, as long as it is referenced in some way within the canonical tales. The more these stories enrich the lore with authenticity and depth, the more I will cherish them. :)
EDIT: while I thank everyone who spent their time with this, I feel compelled to specify that I DO KNOW THE SH PASTICHES World and I don't want you to waste your time writing about cases like the Rat of Sumatra or others: focus only on the ones I mentioned here, which are the ones I couldn't find anywhere, or on other stories that tell hidden tales as I said in the last paragraph Thank you all anyway :) Also, don't forget that you can suggest movies or stg similar too✌🏻
submitted by vsc_vsc to SherlockHolmes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:31 Depressed_Dick_Head Disappointed That My Faith is Lumped in With Bigots

***DISCLAIMER: I know that not all Christians are this narrow-minded and/or bigoted (most are usually super subtle about it, and there's a good handful that are allies to the oppressed like those in this sub). I also am not writing this to (tone) police anyone that have been hurt by the Church or by Christians and am whining about them being hurt, but to express my disappointment and to reconcile with my Christian Faith***
This is part of why my faith crisis happened and how I'm currently trying to reconcile with my Faith because I have seen how God has worked His wonders in my family by blessing us with incredible opportunities and providing us with the strength to get to where we are. God's wonders and what Jesus has done on the cross made me commit my life to Christ and want to please Him. I thought that growing up in a Christian household and doing all the things that good Christians (especially Christian women) should do such as dress modestly, not have pre-marital sex, read my Bible, and pray so that I can be close to Christ would not ever let me go astray and ever have a faith crisis, especially if I was on fire for God.
In 2020 during the discourse and conflict regarding George Floyd's death and the growing intolerance towards anti-Black racism, there was so much division going on. As a person of color (I'm Indian, not Black), I never would've guessed that of all people CHRISTIANS would be against spreading awareness and fighting for the end of anti-Black racism in America. People in my Bible Study, family, and content creators I've watched (because I wanted to develop my faith) would be really dismissive about the struggles and issues faced by Black people in America and say something along the lines of "just trust in God and your problems will be solved" and be really critical of political groups working against anti-Black racism. I thought that this was common sense to want to not allow anti-Black racism or racism in general to flourish and there are CHRISTIANS that think POC are asking for way too much for wanting justice and racial equality and will dismiss them, even Christian POC, with Christian-sounding platitudes to hide how bothersome they find their efforts like "your identity isn't in being Black. You're much more than that, your identity is in Christ".
This of course majorly screwed with my mind, like how is not wanting racial justice for all people Christlike?? This ugly truth about the history of Christianity and present-day Christianity reared its head more and more when I looked back at the misogynistic and sexist things I've learned growing up that were under the guise of "The Word of God" and it's ugly consequences including the abuse of women and girls in the Church. The head reared more when I saw how Christians spoke about the LGBTQ+ community. As a Straight person before my faith crisis, I've heard these comments before and have said and thought these comments myself until I had relatives that came out to me because they trusted me and some came out to me but not to their homophobic Christian parents. This of course contributed to my faith crisis and made me rethink my position on homosexuality and transgenderism (using the literal definition of the word (related to being trans) not as a word being used in the way that conservatives and right-wingers use it to say that being trans is an ideology and a choice) being a sin.
Hearing about major L's that have made the Christian Faith look bad to others like the sexist graduation speech made by Taylor Swift's boyfriend's teammate (Harrison Butker referred to Taylor Swift as "my teammate's girlfriend" even though most people would probably know who Taylor Swift is better than they know who Harrison Butker is), Project 2025 being effective to all states if Trump gets elected in 2024, and more. Despite all this, many conservative Christians think that people are deconstructing because they want to sin without guilt and/or have sex outside of marriage, when it's because of the bad fruit the theology has produced.
They are hostile towards many minorities and vote for policies that make people live how they want them to live, making the lives of Americans much harder than it already is (Project 2025) and wonder why people are deconstructing or leaving the faith or why non-Christians have a negative outlook towards Christianity/Christians.
I've just been hating how narrow-minded people and bigoted people tend to be Christian and how they tend to be Christian, because I don't want my Faith to be associated with them but here we are :/

submitted by Depressed_Dick_Head to OpenChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:24 lostinJahSauce Defense positioning

Defense positioning
just built Minkah and pulled Thomas from a random this morning. once I level them up is where they are good? or should I switch my safeties / LBs around a bit?
submitted by lostinJahSauce to MaddenMobileForums [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:23 Mental_Potential_678 a deeper look into the myth of Cassandra

a deeper look into the myth of Cassandra
"Cassandra" is on surface level about Taylor warning everyone about either Kanye or Scooter and not being believed, just like the Trojan Priestess Cassandra wasn't believed when she told the people of Troy about her prophecy.
Delving deeper into the myth of Cassandra reveals another layer of meaning:
Cassandra got her gift of prophecy from the god Apollo, who gave it to her in exchange for her hand in marriage. Cassandra then rejected him and revoked her agreement to marry him. It's speculated that Cassandra never intented to actually marry Apollo, but wanted to trick him into giving her the gift of prophecy. Apollo tried to take this power back from Cassandra after her rejection, but wasn't able to do so anymore.
This whole scenario immediately reminded me of the "She ghosted, but kept the castle" scene from the Bejeweled MV. Like Cassandra, Taylor 'tricked' the general public/music execs into believing she was straight in order to achieve the 'prize' - which would in this case be huge success and fame. She dangles marrying a man in front of everyone's eyes (in her lyrics, by parading her relationship with Travis publicly) but will ultimately ghost, but keep the castle (the fame, power, success)
Unfortunately for both Cassandra and Taylor, this does come with a huge price. Enraged by Cassandra's deceit, Apollo cursed her: No one would ever believe any of her prophecies. Her cursed gift from Apollo became an endless pain and frustration to her. She was seen as a liar and a madwoman by her family and by the Trojan people. Because of this, her father, King of Troy Priam, had locked her away in a chamber and guarded her like the madwoman she was believed to be.
Cassandra being locked up by her own family and specifically her father is very telling to me, especially with these lines:
The family, the pure greed, the Christian chorus line They all said nothing Blood's thick but nothing like a payroll Bet they never spared a prayer for my soul
This is directly about Taylor's own family in my opinion and how they bar her from speaking her truth - just like Cassandra was - for money.
submitted by Mental_Potential_678 to Gaylor_Swift [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:01 JPAnalyst Analysis of all U.S. presidents by the number of impeachments and number of felonies (scatterplot)

Analysis of all U.S. presidents by the number of impeachments and number of felonies (scatterplot) submitted by JPAnalyst to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]