Mobile scout de

Call of Duty: Mobile Spanish SubReddit

2019.11.28 15:46 Bogaso Call of Duty: Mobile Spanish SubReddit

Call of Duty®: Mobile es un videojuego móvil de disparos en primera persona desarrollado por TiMi Studios (Tencent Games) y publicado por Activision (en la mayor parte de los países), Garena (países del sudeste asiático y Taiwán), VNG Games (Vietnam) y Tencent Games (China, Corea y Japón). CallofDutyMobileES es el SubReddit administrado por y para la comunidad hispanohablante de Call of Duty®: Mobile.

2017.11.18 19:13 You can trust us - We're DeXperts !

Group dedicated to Samsung DeX and Mobile Computing in general.

2014.05.12 23:19 kc102 Pokemon Masters EX

A SubReddit for discussion of Pokémon Masters EX, a gacha mobile game developed by DeNA and Nintendo in 2019. This game is available on both iOS and Android.

2024.05.17 09:25 InterestingAge4865 #AudioBook_JeeneKiRah

पवित्र पुस्तक "जीने की राह" से जानिए कि कैसे देवता भक्त परिवार की सुरक्षा करते हैं। Audio Book सुनने के लिए "SANT RAMPAL JI MAHARAJ" पर जाएं।
submitted by InterestingAge4865 to santrampaljimahj [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:07 No-Patience2262 Ex compañeros de 4to q no lo superan

El otro día abrí mi facebook y se me olvidó desactivarlo. Cuando lo revise denuevo cache que tenía mensajes de mis ex compañeros de la media diciendo que nos juntaramos y yo como, "todavía no superan esa wea"?, no lo pase mal en la media, incluso, soy el que tiene más anécdotas por qué era el desordenado del curso, por ende lo pase bien, pero en el momento en que me entregaron el cartón, Chabela. Cuando entre a estudiar me di cuenta lo fome que era el colegio comparado a la vida de universitario, el trabajo y ser responsable es fome, pero ni cagando me gustaría volver al colegio si te webiaban por todo, además de que el profe jefe era un weon tan nerd que la plata para ir de gira de estudio la ocuparon pa ir a un patio de comidas y lo que sobró lo devolvieron, porque el panorama q teníamos se funó ya que iba a ir el, y era un wn adventista boy scout de 45 años, sin polola y sin hijos, para la convivencia de fin de año su mejor panorama fue poner de karaoke canciones de Jesús Adrian romero y marcela gandara. Penca la wea
Lo pase bien, pero fue una etapa, y soy de esos que cierran etapas y no quieren volver alli, por lo mismo no me interesa juntarme con aquellos "amigos" que a final eran solo mis compañeros. Se juntan como 2 veces por año me dijeron, pero no les respondi, yo con mis amistades y mi vida personal estoy a gusto para tener que ir a juntarme con desconocidos, la gente cambia en 2 años imagínate en 10 Po wn
Superen la wea xd ya no somos compañeros de curso jaja
submitted by No-Patience2262 to RepublicadeChile [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:41 Key-Squash-107 Hello, does anyone have an Amazon gaming code for cod mobile?

submitted by Key-Squash-107 to Freegamecodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:38 Key-Squash-107 Hello, does anyone have an Amazon gaming code for cod Mobile?

Hello, does anyone have an Amazon gaming code for cod Mobile?
please talk to me privately
submitted by Key-Squash-107 to FREEGAMEZCODE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:31 Academic_Acadia_8100 parions soort en ligne

parions soort en ligne
Paris sportifs en ligne
Les paris sportifs en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus populaires auprès des amateurs de sports et des parieurs en France. Avec la montée en puissance des sites de paris en ligne, il est devenu plus facile que jamais de parier sur une grande variété de sports, des matchs de football aux courses de chevaux en passant par le tennis et le basketball.
Les avantages des paris sportifs en ligne sont nombreux. Tout d'abord, ils offrent une plus grande commodité, car les parieurs peuvent placer leurs paris depuis chez eux ou en déplacement via des applications mobiles dédiées. De plus, les sites de paris en ligne proposent souvent une plus large gamme de paris et de cotes, ce qui permet aux joueurs de trouver les meilleures offres et de maximiser leurs gains.
Cependant, il est important de parier de manière responsable et de ne pas tomber dans l'excès. Il est recommandé de définir un budget de jeu et de ne pas parier plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre. De plus, il est essentiel de choisir des sites de paris en ligne fiables et licenciés par l'Autorité de régulation des jeux en ligne (ARJEL) en France pour garantir la sécurité de ses transactions et de ses données personnelles.
En conclusion, les paris sportifs en ligne offrent une expérience passionnante et divertissante pour les amateurs de sports, à condition d'être pratiqués de manière responsable et sur des sites de confiance. Que vous soyez un fervent supporter ou un parieur occasionnel, les paris sportifs en ligne peuvent ajouter une dimension supplémentaire à votre passion pour le sport.
Cotes et pronostics
Les cotes et pronostics sont des éléments essentiels dans le domaine des paris sportifs. Que ce soit pour les amateurs ou les professionnels, comprendre comment fonctionnent les cotes et comment établir des pronostics peut faire toute la différence lorsqu'il s'agit de parier sur un événement sportif.
Les cotes, également appelées cotes de paris, sont des chiffres qui représentent la probabilité d'un événement sportif donné, comme une victoire d'une équipe ou le nombre de buts marqués lors d'un match. Plus une équipe est favorite, plus sa cote sera faible, et inversement. Il est important de savoir interpréter les cotes pour estimer les gains potentiels et le risque associé à un pari.
Les pronostics, quant à eux, consistent à analyser les différents facteurs qui peuvent influencer le résultat d'un événement sportif, tels que la forme des équipes, les conditions météorologiques ou les blessures de joueurs clés. En combinant une analyse approfondie avec les cotes proposées par les bookmakers, il est possible de maximiser ses chances de succès dans les paris sportifs.
Il est recommandé de se renseigner auprès de professionnels du domaine ou de consulter des sites spécialisés pour obtenir des conseils avisés en matière de cotes et de pronostics. En comprenant ces éléments et en les utilisant de manière pertinente, il est possible de transformer sa passion pour le sport en une activité lucrative et divertissante grâce aux paris sportifs.
Bookmakers en ligne
Les paris sportifs en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus populaires ces dernières années, permettant aux amateurs de sports de parier sur une variété de événements sportifs en direct tout en profitant d'une commodité sans précédent. Les bookmakers en ligne offrent une plateforme simple et efficace pour les parieurs, avec des cotes actualisées en temps réel et une large gamme de choix de paris.
Comparé aux maisons de paris traditionnelles, les bookmakers en ligne offrent une plus grande variété de sports sur lesquels parier, ainsi que des options de paris plus flexibles. De plus, les utilisateurs peuvent parier à tout moment et n'importe où grâce aux applications mobiles dédiées ou aux sites web optimisés pour les appareils mobiles.
Les bookmakers en ligne offrent également des bonus et des promotions attractifs pour attirer de nouveaux clients et fidéliser les joueurs existants. Ces offres peuvent inclure des bonus de bienvenue, des paris gratuits et des promotions spéciales pour certains événements sportifs.
Cependant, il est important de choisir un bookmaker en ligne fiable et sécurisé pour garantir une expérience de paris agréable. Il est recommandé de vérifier les licences et les réglementations en vigueur, ainsi que les options de paiement disponibles et le service clientèle proposé.
En conclusion, les bookmakers en ligne offrent une expérience de paris pratique et excitante pour les amateurs de sports, avec une variété de sports, des cotes actualisées en temps réel et des promotions attrayantes. Il est essentiel de choisir un bookmaker réputé pour garantir une expérience de jeu sûre et sécurisée.
Stratégies de paris
Les stratégies de paris sont des techniques utilisées par les parieurs pour augmenter leurs chances de gains lorsqu'ils misent de l'argent sur des événements sportifs ou d'autres types de compétitions. Ces stratégies varient en fonction des préférences et des objectifs de chaque parieur, mais elles visent toutes à maximiser les bénéfices potentiels tout en réduisant les risques de pertes.
Une des stratégies les plus populaires est la gestion de la bankroll, qui consiste à définir un budget spécifique dédié aux paris et à ne jamais le dépasser. En fixant des limites strictes, les parieurs peuvent éviter de perdre trop d'argent en cas de série de mauvais pronostics.
Une autre stratégie courante est le value betting, qui consiste à identifier des paris dont les cotes proposées par les bookmakers sont supérieures à la probabilité réelle de l'événement se produisant. En repérant ces opportunités de value, les parieurs peuvent maximiser leurs gains sur le long terme.
Certains parieurs préfèrent également suivre des tipsters, des experts en paris sportifs qui partagent leurs pronostics et analyses. En s'inspirant des conseils de ces professionnels, les parieurs peuvent prendre des décisions plus éclairées et augmenter leurs chances de succès.
En résumé, les stratégies de paris sont essentielles pour quiconque souhaite parier de manière responsable et rentable. En combinant une gestion rigoureuse de la bankroll, le repérage des value bets et des conseils avisés, les parieurs peuvent optimiser leurs chances de gagner et profiter pleinement de l'excitation des paris sportifs.
Bonus et promotions
Les bonus et les promotions sont des éléments incontournables dans l'univers des jeux en ligne, que ce soit dans les casinos, les sites de paris sportifs ou les plateformes de poker. Ces offres alléchantes permettent aux joueurs de profiter d'avantages supplémentaires et de maximiser leurs chances de gains.
Les bonus de bienvenue sont parmi les plus populaires et sont souvent proposés aux nouveaux inscrits. Il s'agit généralement d'un montant d'argent offert en bonus sur le premier dépôt effectué par le joueur, souvent accompagné de tours gratuits pour les machines à sous. Cela permet aux joueurs de découvrir les jeux disponibles et de commencer à jouer avec un capital plus conséquent.
Outre les bonus de bienvenue, de nombreuses promotions régulières sont également proposées aux joueurs fidèles. Il peut s'agir de tournois avec des lots attractifs, de cashback sur les pertes, de bonus de recharge ou encore de programmes de fidélité récompensant les joueurs les plus assidus.
Il est important de lire attentivement les conditions liées aux bonus et aux promotions, car ces offres sont souvent soumises à des exigences de mise avant de pouvoir retirer les gains générés. En respectant ces conditions, les joueurs peuvent pleinement profiter des avantages offerts par les bonus et les promotions et augmenter le plaisir de leur expérience de jeu en ligne.
submitted by Academic_Acadia_8100 to u/Academic_Acadia_8100 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:28 WaspHater43 O que é que acham disto? (Abertura de vários "clubes masculinos" às mulheres)

No Reino Unido, um famoso clube "só para homens" (The Garrick Club) mudou de política e passou a aceitar mulheres.
Na América, os escuteiros mudaram o seu nome de "Boy scouts" para "Scouting America" para apoiar a inclusão.
Mas, ao mesmo tempo, as escuteiras americanas recusam a abertura e dizem que as mulheres só trabalham melhor com outras mulheres.
Aqui está um post que explica o assunto. O que é que acham?
submitted by WaspHater43 to portugueses [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:08 Analog-Digital- Fold 3 - Android 14 - UI 6.1

Fold 3 - Android 14 - UI 6.1
I never get OTA on my unlocked T-Mobile Fold 3, why ... ?
So I use Odin and flash it myself
I downloaded the Firmware was a 7.8GB and you extracted 9.6GB
Took about 15 min
Phone feels snappier but it's a new FW of course
Now let's see what Battery Life brings ... 🤔
submitted by Analog-Digital- to GalaxyFold [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:00 r-nasa-mods New NASA postings as of Friday May 17, 2024

Supervisory Management and Program Analyst


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
You will serve as a Supervisory Program Analyst in the Resource Management Division within the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) at NASA Headquarters. In this position, you will oversee analysts in the execution and formulation of SMD's budget and provide expert analysis to ensure the effective use of resources in the accomplishment of SMD's strategic objectives.

Electrical Engineer (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-12/13
Goddard Space Flight Center
You will serve as an Electrical Engineer managing Facilities Engineering Projects assigned to the Engineering Branch of the Facilities Management Division within the Management Operations Directorate.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-13
John F. Kennedy Space Center
The position of Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerospace Flight Systems, in the Flight Dynamics Branch of the NASA Launch Services Program, requires experience in software coding practices for commercial launch vehicle providers and applicable industry and government software standards. These skills are employed to support requirements development/verification, independent assessment and analysis, process monitoring, and technical interchanges with launch service providers and spacecraft customers.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Test (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Langley Research Center
You will serve as the Center Range Flight Safety Lead assigned to the Uninhabited Aerial Systems (UAS) Operations Office of the Research Services Directorate overseeing the safety of the City Environment Range Testing for Autonomous Integrated Navigation (CERTAIN) at the Center and for other UAS locations where NASA conducts UAS flight operations.

Administrative Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-11
Langley Research Center
As an Administrative Specialist supporting the Administrative Support and Analysis Branch (ASAB), you will be responsible for a wide variety of analytical, human resources, administrative, and associated management support services for the organization(s) to which assigned, and you will conduct analytical studies requiring the identification and resolution of issues and problems of administrative support functions.

General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
You will serve as a Technical Management Engineer advising on, coordinating, monitoring, maintaining surveillance over, supervising and/or performing a variety of technical managerial functions of aerospace and aeronautical research, development, design, test, and operations efforts.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerothermodynamics


Grade: GS-14
John F. Kennedy Space Center
As the fluids analysis technical lead in the mission analysis division of the Launch Services Program you will lead a team of highly technical fluid dynamics engineers to perform a variety of analyses with the goal of ensuring mission success for NASA's missions. You will be responsible for the timely completion of fluid dynamics related analyses and actions.

Program Manager


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
As the Branch Chief for the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (ODEO), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility (DEIA) Branch, you will oversee and lead several core functions to include: 1) DEIA Program Management, Implementation, and Assessment; 2) Special Emphasis Programs and ERG Engagement; 3) DEIA Data Analytics and Reporting; 4) Diversity and Equal Opportunity Reports; 5) Reasonable Accommodation Program Coordination and Oversight.

Supervisory Equal Opportunity Specialist


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
The ODEO Branch Chief for the Equal Opportunity and Program Branch within the Policy, Programs, and Analytics Division, oversees and leads the program management of NASA's external compliance and adjudication programs, as well as policy and compliance functions of NASA's anti-harassment program.

Supervisory Financial Management Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Goddard Space Flight Center
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is seeking individuals to fill multiple positions as Directorate Resources Managers (DRM) and/or Deputy Project Managers for Resources (DPMR). These positions supervise and manage a staff of resources professionals who support projects at NASA. They serve as senior advisors to project/program/directorate leadership in all areas related to resources and business processes.

Research Chemical Engineer, AST, Aerospace Polymeric Materials (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-12/13
John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
As a Research Chemical Engineer with the Materials and Structures Division, Ceramic and Polymer Composites Branch, you will develop polymer-based materials for aerospace applications that support projects addressing both traditional NASA technology strengths and emerging materials for new applications, including thermoplastics development for exploration, advanced high-rate processes for polymers and polymer matrix composite through the understanding of material chemistry and process controls.

General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Selectee will serve as the Lead for the System Management Team within the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) and Human Surface Mobility (EHP) Systems Engineering and Integration (SE&I) office. You will be responsible for leading a matrixed team of system managers for systems that are cross-cutting across the EHP elements, such as communications, navigation, environments, power, logistics, etc.

Supervisory Information Technology Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
As a Supervisory IT Specialist (Office Chief), within the Networks and Telecommunications Services (NaTS) Service Line, you will be responsible for establishing modernization policies, procedures, schedules, resources, and security of the systems that deliver IT services. You will manage a team of highly skilled specialists in integrating, operating, securing, and planning of enterprise and mission network systems.

Supervisory General Engineer (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Goddard Space Flight Center
This position serves as Head of the Planning Office with immediate responsibility of directing, coordinating and reviewing the planning for the Center's construction, modification, maintenance, and repair activities at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This Office plays the lead role in developing tangible justification and advocacy for design and construction funding from NASA Headquarters. The work involves the gathering and developing of requirements that define projects.

Mechanical Engineer (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-12/13
Goddard Space Flight Center
As a Mechanical Engineer with the Facilities Engineering Branch, you will serve as the junior Mechanical Engineer for all facilities at the Greenbelt campus of the Goddard Space Flight Center. You will support the Lead Mechanical Engineer and Engineering Branch Head in overseeing all campus mechanical system design and construction projects to include high and low pressure steam, chilled and domestic water, compressed air, HVAC systems, and specialty lab requirements.

Lead Budget Analyst (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
As a lead Budget Analyst, assigned to the Office of Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), provides the overall planning, integration, expertise, and analysis of budget operations as well as all aspects of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) to include the formulation, presentation, enactment and/or execution phases of the budgetary process. Is responsible to lead other analysts in the execution of their duties.
submitted by r-nasa-mods to NASAJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:22 Soli1-1 Spațiu depozitare bagaje Aeroport Otopeni

Salut. Voi avea în curând un layover destul de lung în aeroport în Otopeni (8+ ore), știți să fie locuri de depozitare al bagajelor pe undeva prin terminal, sau eventual lockere? Am văzut ca ar fi lockere în gară de nord de la RoMobility, dar aș prefera ceva în Otopeni dacă există :). Mersi pentru răspunsuri
submitted by Soli1-1 to bucuresti [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:13 chairlord56 Opposite job of SAM?

Hello! I've been on a pretty big hiatus from xiv for a while, and I was wondering which job I should play!
Instead of telling you random facts that may or may not help, all I want to ask is, what is the opposite job of samurai?
The reason I'm asking this is simply because my best friend and I ALWAYS play opposite things in videogames, and he mains samurai! Though he also likes reaper.
For some further context, he tends to play highly mobile and high damage classes with low defensive capabilites in most games we play. LS in monster hunter, mai natsume from blazblue, scout in deep rock galactic, hunter in destiny 2, etc.
I tend to play the opposite of those things. Heavy/slow things with good defense or high damage and high health. Stuff that I play are heavy bowgun in monster hunter, grapplers in fighting games (tager from blazblue), gunner in deep rock galactic, titan in destiny 2, you get the picture.
There's a certain dynamic between us that I'm fairly sure exists in xiv, but im just not sure what tbh.
submitted by chairlord56 to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:04 Key-Squash-107 Anyone give away an Amazon gaming code from cod Mobile?

Anyone give away an Amazon gaming code from cod Mobile?
submitted by Key-Squash-107 to AmazonPrimeGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:52 KGSGOGGLES I just got a Bradly does anyone got any tips on how to use it and what to modifications I should get first

I just got a Bradly does anyone got any tips on how to use it and what to modifications I should get first submitted by KGSGOGGLES to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:38 ParkingBee1509 Trade

Melodic Techno
  1. Ivory - Identity
  2. Ivory (IT), Tal Fussman - Labyrinth
  3. Shinedoe - Phunk (Beswerda Edit)
  4. Scenarios - Resilience (andhim Remix)
  6. Yulia Niko - Higher (Emanuel Satie Remix)
  7. The System w_ Right Here, Right-1
  8. Adam Ten - Kepler
  9. Adam Ten - Magic Circus
  10. Rhye - 3 Days (Adam Ten Edit)
  11. Adam Ten - Cold Summer
  12. Solique - Heat Of The Moment
  13. Solique - Mood In The Jungle
  14. Pumped Up Kick - Foster The People (Notre Dame Edit)
  15. NOTRE DAME - Think about
  16. Notre Dame - Frankenstein
  17. Notre Dame - Ritmo del Mundo
  18. Mind Against - Love Seeking
  19. Eagles & Butterflies - ITALO
  20. Yotam Avni - Island Hopper (Frankey & Sandrino Remix)
  21. Toto Chiavetta - Acqua (Original Mix)
  22. Jimi Jules - Palpitations
  24. Rüfüs Du Sol - New Sky (Colyn Sunrise Remix ) 6A
  25. Lil Yachty - I've officially lost vision (Tim Engelhardt Edit)
  26. Massive Attack - Teardrop (Antony Toga Remix)
  27. The XX - Fiction (Eagles & Butterflies Remix)
  28. Mind Against & Aether - Black Museum
  29. Imperieux - Agani
  30. OPUS III - It's A Fine Day (Aera's Finite Edit)
  31. Schneider TM, Kptmichigan - The Light 3000 (Aera Private Edit)
  32. Selim Sivade - Don't Speak (Original Mix
  33. Kevin di Serna - Amapola (Toto Chiavetta Remix)
  34. Ditian - Save The Love
  35. Colle - Thoughts (Original Mix)
  36. Colle - Something to Believe (Original Mix)
  37. Coeus - ID
  38. Santiago Garcia - You In The Sky (Original M
  39. Tiello - Triton
  40. gleb filipchenkow - Toxico Love
  41. Yet More - Don't Let Go
  42. Yet-More_-Assayag-Look-At-My-Ass
  43. Echonomist - Ikaros
  44. Echonomist - Lullaby
  45. The Prodigy - No Good (Start to Dance) (Joe Mattei Edit).mp3
  46. Simian Mobile Disco - Caught in a Wave (&ME Remix)
  47. Animal Picnic - Martini
  48. Animal-Picnic-Santiago-Garcia-You-Are-Around-Original-Mix
  49. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Ivory Head Underwater Remix)
  50. Ego-Maria-T-Mapper-Native
  51. Luke Garcia, Th3 Oth3r ft. Strings Bit - Citara (Original Mix)
  52. Luke Garcia, Th3 Oth3r ft. Strings Bit - Lira (Original Mix)
  53. Rebuke Und Off The Meds Along Come Belter Underspreche Experiment
  54. Dan Сroll - From Nowhere (Ame Remix)
Afro (keine)
  1. SOMMA, YUMA - All 4 U
  2. Lazare - Not Control
  3. Ankhoï - After All Night Shift
  4. Ankhoï - Sandiya
  5. Ankhoï - Cloud
  6. Ankhoï - No Sleep (Original Mix)
  7. Key Notez - Your Love Ain't The Same ( Maz Remix )
  8. Amy Winehouse Back To Black ( DSF Edit )
  9. Donna Summer - I Feel Love ( VXSION Edit )
  10. Collé - Kupata feat Nes Mburu
  11. FCL - It's You (Alex Wann Remix)
  12. Mwaki - Zerb ft. Sofia Nzau ( &Friends Remix )
  13. Time - PACHANGA BOYS ( Roy Rosenfeld Private Mix )
  14. Moojo, Demayä feat. Arkadyan - Desperado (Besh Remix)
  15. who is he - bill withers (victhor remix)
  17. Francis Mercier, Frigid Armadillo, Luedji Luna - Uiara
  18. Nico De Andrea - My Everything (Bohemian Extended Remix)
  19. Yamil - Amonunde
  20. Yamil - Cotonú
  21. Yamil - Nimbe
  22. Marten Lou - Better Days
  23. Camelphat - What a Day (Marten Lou Remix)
  24. Luchii - Vertebrea (SOMMA Remix)
  25. Folamour, Amadou & Mariam - Voyage (Antdot remix)
  26. Guapo & Peaty - 6pm In Casablanca
  27. Juan Yarin - Sun WLimiter
  28. KURA - Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix)
  29. Peaty, Soldera - Niafunke
  30. Ajna & Jamiie ft Nomvula - ID DEMO NEW
  31. Alok - Yawanawa Sina Vaishu (Maz Remix)
  32. QUENTRO & Tuna - Soro Soke
  33. Raffa Guido - Preguntas
  34. PEATY - Ouda
  35. Peaty - KILOSA
  36. Chouja - Nyu Bi Woni
  37. Ah Ya Alby (Ajna & Samm Edit)
  38. Rockin Moroccan - All that she wants
  39. Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix)
  40. Cloonee Wade - Mi Amor (VXSION Remix)
  41. DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix)
  42. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (DSF Edit)
  43. Marasi - Sweet Dreams
  45. Joris_Voorn,_Matthew_Dear_Homeland_&ME_Remix_Jinadu_Vocal_Edit
  46. Maz,_Bakka_BR,_Berimbouse_A_Hora_é_Agora_Ft_Rafa_Unreleased
  47. Raffa Guido - Yo ma Love (Original mix)
  48. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (DSF Edit)
  49. Liva K - True Story
  51. Candi Stanton - Hallelujah Anyway (Larse 2024 Edit)
  53. Cesaralina [Darmon Edit] ( Montrouge Remix )
  54. Naomi Sharon - Definition Of Love ( Alex Kósh Remix )
  55. Cheb Khaled - Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix).wav
  56. Maz, APACHE, Maxi Meraki (feat. Tabia) - Nothing On Me (&ME Edit).mp3
  57. Harry Styles - Sign Of The Time (DSF Remix).wav
  58. Janet Jackson – Together Again (Rampa Edit)
  59. Lemon Glow - Beach House (Marten Lou Remix).wav
  60. Frank Ocean – Lost (Beswerda Remix).mp3
  61. Moojo, AWEN – Giant [Master].wav
  62. Adassiya - Sa Ansa (Alex Twin Remix)
  63. Anastacia - Left Outside Alone (DSF Edit)
  64. Dennis Ferrer - Hey Hey (Da Capo Dub)
  65. Caiiro, Moojo – Here We Are V1 Master.wav
  66. Bob Marley - Is This Love (DSF's Believe In U Edit).flac
  67. Reamonn - Supergirl (DSF Edit).mp3
  68. Chris IDH - Sunray
  69. Da Capo Ft. Toshi - New Sun (Original Mix)
  70. Uncle Waffles - Tanzania (Rampa Remix)
  71. Drake - A Keeper (Moojo Remix)
  72. Marten Lou - Radiohead 40
  73. Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix)
  74. Omah Lay & Naomi Sharon - Push ( BLK Remix )
  75. Sanba Yo Pran Pale (&ME Remix)
  76. Samm (BE) & Ajna (BE) - Move V2
  77. Brandy - Almost Doesn’t Count (&ME Edit)
  78. Da Africa Deep - Humans (&ME Edit)
  79. Mano, Ajna - Bottom
  80. Samm & Ajna - A Frenchie Thing
  81. Ajna (BE) - Astro
  82. Alex Wann, Soubeiran, Nes Mburu - N’Gele
  83. Bun Xapa - La Mezcla
  84. Keinemusik - Muye (Enoo Napa Remix)
  85. MoBlack, Santiago Garcia ft. Yung Wylin - Good Energy
  86. Moojo - Swing My Way
  87. Samm & Reyou - Mama Hoekanda
  88. Ilanga - Masšh (&Me Edit)
  89. Masšh___Adam_Port_feat_Ninae_All_I_Got_Original_Mix
  90. Rui Da Silva - Touch Me (Peace Control Remix)
  91. Franc Fala - MoBlack, Benja, Franc Fala - Yamore (FF Master)
  92. Downstream - MakeÌ_z, Life on Planets (Lazare Remix)
  93. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Marten Lou Remix)
  94. Cher - Believe (Super Flu Remix)
  95. Drake - Get it Together (VXSION Remix)
  96. Feid - Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Edit)
  97. Antdot & Maz - Corpo e Canção
  98. Maz - Ndaciii
  99. Maz (BR) & Antdot - Run (Original Mix)
  100. Samm (BE) - Troy
  101. Innerbloom - RÜFÜS DU SOL (Dennis Louvra Remix)
  102. Samm & Maxi Meraki - Everybody Get Up
  103. VXSION, Peace Control - Back To Life
  105. Toto - Africa (Rampa Remix)mp3
  106. Unkle - Only You (&ME Remix).mp3
  107. Chris IDH – 7Nation.wav
  108. Naomi Sharon - Another Life (DSF Remix).wav
  109. Abra - Feel (&ME Remix).wav
  110. Pablo Fierro – Kababo (Unreleased Edit).wav
  111. Future & Tems - Wait 4 U (Mont Rouge Remix).wav
  112. France Gall – Ella, Elle L’a (Rampa Edit).wav
Only vinyl
  1. Toto chiavetta _thank you in all languages (vinyl edition)
  2. Auggie - Kithanda
  3. Ego Maria - Anarchico
  4. Ikaro Grati - Yan Bapala
  5. Oyuki - Desaparecidos
  6. Sobek X Colossio - Tatras (Vinyl Edit)
  7. Trommer - Metalized
  8. John Talabot - Machine (John Talabot's Synthedit
  9. echonomist _overseas
  10. eri _lapsed technology
  11. olaaf stuut ft marlon penn _run_ (toto chiavetta edit)
  12. Agoria - Remedy (Frankey & Sandrino Remix)
  13. leafar legov - Alone
  14. The Alan Pearsons Project - Sirius (Innellea Remix)
  15. Tocotronic - Die Unendlichkeit (Roman Flügel Club Mix)
  16. Kavinsky - Nightcall (Dixon's Private Edit)
  17. Pergola ft lygdamo _rockin' in the free world
  18. Eliot Sumner - After Dark (Dixon Edit)
  19. Machine (Bodi Bill Version Dixon Edit)
  20. Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance (Dixon Edit)
  21. Batongo Equation 2
  22. CV - Fish Liquor
  23. Khidja-Haetrin-John-Talabots-Late-Remix
  24. Little-Dragon-Thunder-Love-Mario-Basanov-Vidis-Redo
  25. Nils Frahm - Peter (The Drifter Edit)
submitted by ParkingBee1509 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:23 Own_Tailor9802 It is a sin to speak frivolously

hello. I'm Rosa Pennitt, a 33-year-old computer engineer from the UK, currently working in London, and I've come to realise that there are many students living the dream I've always dreamed of, in a country far away from London, called South Korea.Having been to South Korea, it's been an amazing experience and I have nothing but praise for the country.Growing up, my family didn't have much money. I had to take out student loans until I graduated from university, and I managed to graduate by applying for jobs on campus, working part-time at the library, and getting some government funding. If I was very good, I could get a scholarship, but I wasn't that good, and I was accepted to the school I applied to first, so the scholarship was very hard to get.
I've been working in the field of computer engineering since then, and I've had a variety of careers, and I'm currently working for a company that works as a team. We build and maintain software and hardware, such as developing new programming and building a server room for a project, and I'm working on the hardware side of things.
Recently, a project with a large company in the UK was successfully completed, and all employees were given time off, and we were all given generous holiday pay, so everyone was encouraged to go abroad.I always like to go to new cultures and experience new things, and this was a pretty big project, and we completed it ahead of schedule, so we were given a long holiday and generous holiday pay.
I have a friend named Lily, who I've been hanging out with in my neighbourhood since I was a kid, who is now settled in Korea and working as a lecturer at a university there.
When I told Lily that I was going to take a long leave of absence and was considering staying abroad, she asked me to come to Korea at this time. She always talked about how much she liked Korea, and I was curious about Korea, so I said yes.
After finishing the project, during the few days when I had to go back to work to complete various paperwork at the company, my colleagues had all made travel plans to different places, and I mentioned that I was going to go to Korea this time.
I was taking a break from work, grabbing a cup of coffee from the vending machine and relaxing in the waiting area when he approached me and asked me, "Are you travelling to Korea this time? How many days are you going to be there?" I wondered why he was so interested, given his negative comments about Korea.
"I'm going to Korea for about two weeks, and my best friend from childhood is a professor there, so I'm thinking of getting her help."For some unknown reason, Richard, who had been talking negatively about Korea, didn't let my story go.
"Korea is just a subset of Japan, its culture is not as good, its development is not as advanced as Japan's," he said in one short sentence, which was very offensive to me.I didn't stand still either. Lily, who lives in Korea, has told me many good things about Korea and how it is better than the UK, and her examples were specific and she didn't seem to be lying, so I had a positive opinion of Korea, and even though I haven't been to Korea yet, I found Richard's comment very rude.
"My friend Lily has been living in Korea for four years, she knows so many good things about Korea, and she often tells me about the excellence of Korean culture, so Richard, on what basis do you talk about denigrating other countries?" Richard seemed confused by my unexpectedly strong words.
He hesitated, then said, "I don't know because I haven't experienced it myself, but I find it hard to believe that Korea is good, because I'm going to Japan next time, and I'm sure I'll have a better experience there than in Korea." I didn't want to get into another argument with Richard, so I just walked away.
I thought he was just a low-level person who was talking bullshit and tried to move on, but his words kept coming back to me.No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't understand what he was saying, and I regretted coming back to him without giving him a proper response.I should have just stood my ground and shut him up! But I felt that going back and arguing with Richard now would only give him an excuse to fight me and put me in a worse position, so I had to suck it up and let it go.Of course, during my trip to Korea, Richard paid a heavy price for his remorse, but I'll tell you about that in a moment.
I had to get over the offence, and the day finally arrived to board the plane to Korea.Before I left Korea, I had come to think of it as a minor disagreement.Getting on the plane to Korea was exciting and anticipated in itself.Meeting Lily at the airport, reuniting with her after so many years, and welcoming her to Korea, I could see her relaxed and content with life in Korea.
With her guidance, we began our tour of Korea, a truly exotic country, a whole different world, and I could see why she raved about it.
The roads were clean and well-maintained, the public toilets were almost always clean everywhere you went, the food was delicious, and there were plenty of experience zones where you could experience the amazing cultural industries that Korea has to offer. I also visited several of the country's large shopping malls, which were all beautifully designed and built with an eye for aesthetics.
On my tenth day in Korea, I had fully adjusted to the time difference and was soaking up the Korean atmosphere that I was hoping that time would pass more slowly.
Lily insisted that we go to Gwangjang Market, which is one of the most popular spots for foreigners, but she said that even if you don't go there, you can find all the food sold at Gwangjang Market in other places, and to be honest, vendors who charge foreigners unfairly have been in the news recently, and when I saw the news, I thought that I had been victimised many times.
Lily didn't want me to go to Gwangjang Market because she said that it was the place where even Koreans are unfairly charged. However, the atmosphere of Gwangjang Market was very different, so I convinced her to go to Gwangjang Market after promising her that I wouldn't buy anything at Gwangjang Market, but just watch.
As expected, there were quite a few foreigners at the entrance of Gwangjang Market, including many Europeans and Americans, but also many people from other Asian countries besides Korea. Lily was disappointed because she said that in Korea, most of the prices are scouted and 99% of the stores are transparent, but there are some merchants who take unfair advantage of the market and ruin the image of Korea.
I was surprised to hear Lily's story because unlike other European countries, Korea is a country where foreigners don't have to pay more for goods and food, and where prices are set, so I was surprised to hear that there are places in Korea where people who do this kind of dirty business.
From a foreigner's point of view, Korea is a country where people are not perfect and there will be people who behave badly, but from a foreigner's point of view, Korea is a country that has been transparent in its consumption, where you have to eat expensive food at the gwangjang market, where you are treated unfairly, but where you have paid very honestly everywhere else. If it weren't for Lily, I would have been a victim of such a scam here, and I felt that such injustices shouldn't happen anymore.
Although I didn't buy anything or eat anything here, I felt that the atmosphere of the Korean market was different and there was a lot to see. Lily also wanted to buy things and eat food here, but she emphasised many times that we should be satisfied with just looking around.
After walking slowly, we walked back towards the entrance of the market and saw a familiar figure in front of us, which I almost recognised as Richard, who hadn't shaved in a while, had a scruffy beard, and was dressed in a plain outfit, standing still on the side of the road, looking at his mobile phone.
Actually, Lily knew about Richard, because when I was in Korea, a colleague of mine, Richard, told me that there was a person who said that Korea was just a subordinate country of Japan, that it was culturally and economically backward, and Lily was very upset about that, and she asked him if he had ever been to Korea or Japan, and she was very upset to hear Richard's bullshit. She made me understand from the very beginning that what Richard was saying was complete bullshit, that the United States was a subsidiary of the United Kingdom.
I told her that there was Richard, the characterless man I had told her about.I was surprised, and she was very surprised.If he was going to Japan, why is he here? I approached him cautiously.I looked at his face and silhouette several times to make sure it was him, and then I was sure it was him.Dear Richard, are you lost? Can I help you? I didn't ask him in an aggressive way, but in a friendly way, because you have to be careful and friendly to get what you want.
Richard was very surprised and smiled at me, very happy to see me. I introduced him to Lily, who was next to me, as a friend of mine who lives in Korea, and although Lily had already heard about Richard, this was her first introduction to Richard.
Richard arrived in Korea this morning and said that it was his first time here and that he couldn't get used to the different atmosphere from Japan. I asked him if he hadn't just been living in Japan and was going back to England, and he made an unrecognisable fat face. I knew something was up right away. I suggested to him that if we hadn't already eaten, we should join him for a meal, saying that it was a great coincidence to meet a colleague in Korea and that we must have a lot to talk about.
I wanted to take my time to hear Richard's story about why he came to Korea.I didn't want him to give away the fact that he had hostile feelings towards Korea, that Lily and I knew, and that he thought very badly of it.Slowly, as I listened to his story, he relaxed and began to tell me that he had actually had an unfortunate experience in Japan.
He said that he was walking down a busy street in Osaka, and he wanted to go to a bar by himself, but he didn't know much about Japan, so he was wandering the streets, wondering which bar to go to, when he was approached by a Japanese man who was smiling at him. At first, he didn't realise he was a tout, because he didn't look like a typical tout, he wasn't dressed in fancy clothes, he just looked like an ordinary office worker.
Richard said he was looking for a pub nearby, and the tout said he knew of one, and led him to it, where he drank contentedly by himself. He said he enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, the lack of people but himself, and the small Japanese-style bar where he drank at his leisure.He said he drank as much as he was satisfied with, and when he asked for the bill to pay and leave the bar, he realised that he had been charged a ridiculously high amount of money.8 The bill was for about 10,000 yen, and it was very expensive, including the tax, and it even included the drinks and snacks that I didn't drink.
He said that he could never pay, but they wouldn't let him leave because they didn't understand him or didn't speak English.
When Richard insisted that he couldn't pay, and shouted that he was going to call the police, they started to bring more empty glasses to the table where he was sitting, and even brought some dirty plates as if he had already eaten the appetisers, and threatened him.
Richard said that he was able to get out of the situation after settling the bill for 50,000 won. After being scammed in Japan, Richard quickly lost interest in travelling, and the next day he went to another place, but there was nothing in sight, and he said that he couldn't bear to think about what happened yesterday.
He said he came to Korea not because he liked Korea, but because he just wanted to get out of Japan, and I came to think that it was a very good thing that we didn't let him enter Gwangjang Market.
Lily and I comforted him, and then I took him around Seoul with me for the rest of the next few days, showing him the conscientious, clean, and friendly side of Korea that I had seen, but also the incredibly developed side of Korea.
Starbucks in Korea is like a place where a lot of people are working on their laptops, doing their work, a little bit like a school library, and it's very quiet, and then Richard and I saw two Korean students, who were programming and coding, and they were struggling with something.
Richard and I, who have already endured a long period of bumps in the road in our careers, could tell that they were trying to solve a task set by the school, and at the same time, we were curious about what they were building and what they were doing.Richard first said to the Korean students, "I'm actually a working programmer, and I'm here to help you because you seem to be stuck and not making progress.
I sat down with the two Korean students, and we had a chance to talk about things.They were freshmen in college, and I didn't have much to offer them programmatically, but I could tell that they had a really great vision and were working very hard.It's kind of creepy to talk about the conversation with them, so I won't go into details, but I felt like I was seeing myself in the past, because I was in a very similar position as a college student, struggling financially and having to study.
I talked to them about the programming industry and gave them a good vision of what they could do if they tried hard enough, and I also remember giving them a dessert to end the meeting.
It was very meaningful to have the opportunity to interact with these students and not just go back to Korea as a tourist.
After a few days of enjoying Korea, he even arranged for me to fly back to the UK with him, as he had been travelling alone in Japan and had been victimised by a scam, so he was very emotionally distressed and relied on me as a colleague.
So at the end of our time in Korea, I said goodbye to Lily, and he said goodbye to Lily, and we were sitting next to each other on the plane, and we were heading back to the UK.
And I asked him a question, do you realise now that before I went to Korea, you said that Korea was a subordinate country of Japan, that it was a very flippant thing to say, and that it could have hurt a lot of people?" I said sharply and firmly.He said he had nothing to say, that he thought he had been punished for what he had said, and that he had been thinking about what he had said the whole trip, and that he was grateful that he had said it now.
Richard acknowledged that his comments were very flippant, saying that he had never been to Korea and had never been to Japan, but that there was no reason for him to think that way."I was very quick to judge Korea, and after travelling around with you and experiencing it firsthand, I realised that I was wrong. Richard's sincere apology softened my feelings towards him, and I actually thought he felt the same way, because when the three of us were travelling around Korea with Lily, he would often say things like, "I really like Korea," "Korea is amazing," and "I didn't know that before, why didn't I know that before?
Richard's flippant remarks were very wrong, but I also felt that he was not a very human being when he reflected on his experiences in Korea and Japan. If he doesn't make flippant remarks again, I think he would be a good colleague to work with.
After returning to the UK, the project team came together again, each with their own wonderful experiences, and talking about them was like travelling the world indirectly for a few days, and I heard a variety of stories, and Richard was the loudest, and it was funny to see how loudly he said he loved Korea.
He promised not to say anything rude, so he didn't tell me about his scam in Japan, but I don't know if it was because he was ashamed of what happened to him, or if he decided not to say anything bad about other countries.This was my travelogue about Korea, and I would like to write about it again if I go to Korea again in the future.
submitted by Own_Tailor9802 to u/Own_Tailor9802 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:34 sir_engr 27 [M4F] LF my prospect! I described myself honestly and accurately. Hoping for one message

Hi everyone!
I'm 27, financially stable and no jowa yet. I haven't tried to put myself out there that much. Medyo brave ngayon since anonymous. I wanna date someone that will accept my imperfections. I wanna feel kilig ulit sana and spend time with someone ulit.
• cosplayer. i have a very nice portfolio for this. (alr scouted by GMA one time sa isang segment nila)
• I also bike a lot. sobrang bet ko mag travel
• also, travelled a lot pre-pandemic (overseas)
About you:
yun lang need ko. let’s get to know each other na agad.
goodness. see you on my DMs!!
Edit: Please introduce yourself!! how am I gonna reply sa mga “Hi” at “hello” lang 😭
submitted by sir_engr to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:28 illikesandwiches My mom almost beat my ass when I ask her to get me Warzone Mobile🥲

My mom almost beat my ass when I ask her to get me Warzone Mobile🥲 submitted by illikesandwiches to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:17 DarkFourze Almost a full TOTS team, need a TOTS RW!! Fingers crossed I get to pull Messi 😆

Almost a full TOTS team, need a TOTS RW!! Fingers crossed I get to pull Messi 😆 submitted by DarkFourze to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:51 CaveMaths Super sub or exchange fodder?

Super sub or exchange fodder? submitted by CaveMaths to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:42 businessnewstv How to get a free business bank account for your real estate development business in 2024

Importance of a business bank account

A business bank account is of utmost importance for any real estate development business. It provides a dedicated financial platform to manage the company's finances, transactions, and investments. Having a separate business bank account ensures that personal and business finances are kept separate, which is crucial for accurate accounting and tax purposes. Additionally, a business bank account offers various benefits such as access to business loans, credit facilities, and merchant services. By utilizing a business bank account, real estate development businesses can streamline their financial operations and establish credibility with clients, investors, and financial institutions.

Benefits of a free business bank account

A free business bank account offers several benefits for real estate development businesses. Firstly, it provides a secure and separate platform to manage financial transactions, ensuring the integrity of your business funds. Secondly, it enables you to easily track and monitor your business expenses, helping you maintain accurate financial records. Additionally, a free business bank account offers convenient banking services such as online banking and mobile banking, allowing you to access and manage your funds anytime, anywhere. Moreover, having a dedicated business bank account can enhance your professional image and credibility, demonstrating your commitment to running a legitimate and trustworthy real estate development business. Lastly, by keeping your personal and business finances separate, a free business bank account facilitates the process of turning your passion for real estate development into a profitable business venture.

Choosing the right bank for your real estate development business

When it comes to choosing the right bank for your real estate development business, it is crucial to consider several factors. One of the key factors to consider is the availability of business registration services. Having a bank that offers business registration services can greatly simplify the process of setting up your real estate development business. These services can include assistance with obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, registering your business with the appropriate authorities, and providing guidance on compliance requirements. By choosing a bank that offers business registration services, you can save time and ensure that your real estate development business is set up correctly from the start.

Step 1: Researching Free Business Bank Accounts

Understanding the features and limitations

When it comes to understanding the features and limitations of a free business bank account for your real estate development business, there are several key aspects to consider. First and foremost, it is important to recognize that while a free business bank account can provide cost savings, it may also come with certain limitations. For example, some free business bank accounts may have transaction limits or require a minimum balance to be maintained. Additionally, it is crucial to evaluate the level of customer support and online banking features offered by the bank. This can ensure that you have access to the necessary tools and resources to manage your real estate development business efficiently. Overall, understanding the features and limitations of a free business bank account is essential for making informed decisions that align with the specific needs of your real estate development business.

Comparing fees and charges

When comparing fees and charges for business bank accounts, it is important to carefully evaluate the options available to ensure that you are getting the best value for your real estate development business. Different banks may have varying fee structures, including monthly maintenance fees, transaction fees, and overdraft fees. It is crucial to consider not only the cost of these fees but also the services and benefits that come with the account. Additionally, it is advisable to inquire about any potential hidden fees or charges that may not be immediately apparent. By conducting a thorough comparison of fees and charges, you can make an informed decision and select a business bank account that aligns with your financial needs and goals.

Reading customer reviews

Reading customer reviews is an essential step when considering different options for your real estate development business. By taking the time to read reviews, you can gain valuable insights into the experiences of other customers and make informed decisions. When it comes to finding a free business bank account for your real estate development business, customer reviews can help you identify the best options. By reading reviews, you can learn about the features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of different bank accounts, ensuring that you choose the one that suits your needs. So, before making a decision, be sure to read customer reviews and gather as much information as possible.

Step 2: Meeting the Eligibility Criteria

Legal requirements for opening a business bank account

Legal requirements for opening a business bank account can vary depending on the type of business and the jurisdiction. However, there are some common requirements that most businesses need to fulfill. First, you will need to provide proof of your business's legal existence, such as a certificate of incorporation or a business registration document. Additionally, you may be required to provide identification documents for the business owner or authorized signatories. This can include passports, driver's licenses, or other government-issued identification. Finally, you may need to provide documentation related to your business's tax status, such as tax identification numbers or proof of registration with tax authorities. It is important to consult with a legal professional or financial advisor to ensure that you meet all the necessary legal requirements when opening a business bank account.

Documentary evidence needed

Documentary evidence needed

Meeting the minimum balance requirements

Meeting the minimum balance requirements is a crucial aspect when it comes to opening a business bank account. It is important to find a bank that offers flexibility in maintaining the required minimum balance. Square Banking, for instance, provides an excellent solution for real estate development businesses looking for a free business bank account. By meeting Square Banking's minimum balance requirements, real estate developers can enjoy the benefits of a reliable and cost-effective banking solution. With Square Banking, you can easily manage your finances and make transactions securely, ensuring smooth operations for your real estate development business.

Step 3: Applying for a Free Business Bank Account

Gathering the necessary documents

To successfully open a free business bank account for your real estate development business, it is crucial to gather all the necessary documents. These documents will not only verify your business's legitimacy but also provide the bank with the required information to assess your eligibility. The specific documents you will need may vary depending on the bank, but common requirements include proof of business registration, identification documents for the account signatories, business licenses and permits, financial statements, and tax identification numbers. It is advisable to contact the bank beforehand to ensure you have all the required documents and to avoid any unnecessary delays in the account opening process. By diligently gathering the necessary documents, you can streamline the account opening process and start enjoying the benefits of a free business bank account for your real estate development business.

Completing the application form

Completing the application form is a crucial step in obtaining a free business bank account for your real estate development business. This process requires careful attention to detail and accuracy to ensure a smooth and successful application. It is important to provide all the necessary information and supporting documents to demonstrate the legitimacy and credibility of your business. By completing the application form accurately and thoroughly, you can expedite the approval process and gain access to the numerous benefits and services offered by a free business bank account. RPA business opportunities are a key aspect to consider when completing the application form, as they present potential avenues for growth and expansion in the real estate development industry. By highlighting RPA business opportunities as a key keyword, we can provide valuable insights and resources to readers interested in exploring this lucrative sector.

Submitting the application and waiting for approval

After submitting the application for a free business bank account, the next step is to patiently wait for approval. This process typically takes a few business days, during which the bank will review the application and verify the provided information. It is important to ensure that all the required documents and forms are accurately filled out and submitted. Additionally, it is advisable to maintain open lines of communication with the bank, as they may require additional information or documentation. Once the application is approved, the bank will send a personalized email notification confirming the successful opening of the business bank account.

Step 4: Setting Up Your Business Bank Account

Activating your account

Once you have successfully completed the application process and your business bank account has been approved, the next step is activating your account. Activating your account is a crucial step to ensure that you can start using your business bank account for your real estate development business. To activate your account, you will need to follow the instructions provided by the bank. This may involve visiting a branch in person or completing an online activation process. It is important to carefully read and follow the instructions to ensure a smooth activation process. Once your account is activated, you will have access to a range of banking services and features that will support your real estate development business.

Setting up online banking

Setting up online banking is a crucial step in managing your real estate development business. It allows you to conveniently access and monitor your business account with no fees. With online banking, you can easily view your account balance, track transactions, and transfer funds between accounts. Additionally, online banking provides a secure platform for managing your finances, offering features such as bill payments and electronic statements. By setting up online banking for your business account with no fees, you can streamline your financial operations and ensure efficient management of your real estate development business.

Ordering business checks and debit cards

Ordering business checks and debit cards is an essential step in managing your real estate development business. With a free business bank account, you can easily order checks and debit cards that are customized with your business name and logo. This not only adds a professional touch to your financial transactions but also enhances your brand identity. When ordering business checks, ensure that they have all the necessary security features to protect against fraud. Additionally, you can also opt for debit cards that offer rewards or cashback programs, providing additional benefits for your business. By having these essential financial tools in place, you can streamline your payment processes and effectively manage your business finances.


The importance of a free business bank account for real estate development

A free business bank account is of utmost importance for real estate development. It provides a dedicated platform to manage financial transactions related to your business. With a free business bank account, you can easily separate your personal and business finances, ensuring transparency and accountability. Additionally, having a business bank account allows you to build a strong financial profile, which is crucial for obtaining loans and financing options for your real estate development projects. Furthermore, it enables you to track your business expenses, monitor cash flow, and streamline financial operations. In the competitive real estate industry, having a free business bank account is not only beneficial but also essential for the success and growth of your real estate development business.

Choosing the right bank for your specific needs

Choosing the right bank for your specific needs is crucial for the success of your real estate development business. When it comes to marketing efforts, it is important to consider a bank that offers specialized services tailored to the unique requirements of your industry. By choosing a bank that understands the intricacies of real estate development, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are supported by the right financial tools and resources. Whether it's providing competitive interest rates on business loans or offering innovative online banking solutions, a bank that prioritizes the needs of your business can help you maximize your marketing efforts and achieve your goals.

Taking advantage of the benefits and features offered

Taking advantage of the benefits and features offered, obtaining a free business bank account for your real estate development business can be a strategic move that can greatly enhance your financial management and streamline your operations. By opting for a free business bank account, you can enjoy a range of advantages such as low or no monthly fees, convenient online banking services, and access to specialized financial products tailored to the needs of real estate developers. Additionally, having a dedicated business account can help you maintain a clear separation between your personal and business finances, ensuring transparency and facilitating accurate record-keeping. With a free business bank account, you can take control of your financial affairs and optimize your real estate development business for success.
In conclusion, Square is the ultimate solution to power your entire business. With Square, you can sell anywhere, diversify revenue streams, streamline operations, and manage your staff. Get paid faster and sign up for Square today to experience the benefits of a comprehensive business management platform.
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:41 businessnewstv How to get a free business bank account for your interior design business in 2024

Understanding the importance of a business bank account

Understanding the importance of a business bank account is crucial for the success and growth of your interior design business. A business bank account provides a separate and dedicated financial platform for all your business transactions, ensuring that your personal and business finances remain separate. This separation is essential for accurate bookkeeping, tax compliance, and financial transparency. Additionally, having a business bank account enhances your professional image and credibility, as it demonstrates that you take your business seriously and are committed to maintaining proper financial management. Furthermore, a business bank account offers various benefits such as access to business loans, credit facilities, and merchant services, which can help you manage and expand your interior design business effectively. Therefore, it is imperative to understand and prioritize the importance of having a business bank account for your interior design business.

Benefits of having a free business bank account

Having a free business bank account offers several benefits for entrepreneurs starting an RPA company. Firstly, it provides a dedicated account solely for business transactions, ensuring separation between personal and business finances. This separation not only simplifies recordkeeping but also helps in maintaining transparency and credibility with clients and suppliers. Additionally, a free business bank account often comes with features tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses, such as online banking, mobile banking, and integrated payment solutions. These features provide convenience and efficiency in managing financial operations, allowing entrepreneurs to focus more on growing their RPA company. Lastly, having a free business bank account can enhance the professional image of the business, as it demonstrates financial stability and commitment to proper financial management. Overall, the benefits of having a free business bank account are invaluable for entrepreneurs embarking on the journey of starting an RPA company.

Key considerations when choosing a free business bank account

When it comes to choosing a free business bank account for your interior design business, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. One important factor to consider is the specific needs of your business. For example, if you run an auto parts website design business, you may require a bank account that offers features tailored to e-commerce transactions. Additionally, it's important to evaluate the fees associated with the account, such as monthly maintenance fees or transaction fees. Another crucial consideration is the bank's reputation and customer service. You want to ensure that the bank you choose has a solid track record and provides excellent support to its customers. Lastly, it's worth exploring any additional benefits or perks offered by the bank, such as online banking capabilities or integration with accounting software. By carefully considering these key factors, you can find the perfect free business bank account for your interior design business.

Researching Free Business Bank Account Options

Comparing different banks offering free business bank accounts

When it comes to comparing different banks offering free business bank accounts, there are several factors to consider. One important aspect to evaluate is the effectiveness of their email campaigns. Effective email campaigns can greatly enhance communication between the bank and its customers, ensuring important updates and offers are delivered promptly. By utilizing well-crafted email campaigns, banks can provide valuable information and resources to their business account holders, helping them make informed financial decisions. Additionally, these campaigns can serve as a platform for banks to showcase their latest products and services, providing businesses with opportunities for growth and expansion. Overall, the effectiveness of email campaigns is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a bank for your interior design business.

Exploring the features and limitations of each option

When it comes to selecting a business bank account for your interior design business, it is important to explore the features and limitations of each option. One crucial aspect to consider is business compliance. Ensuring that your business is compliant with all relevant regulations and requirements is essential for long-term success. By choosing a bank account that prioritizes business compliance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your financial transactions and operations are in line with legal and ethical standards. This can help you avoid potential penalties or legal issues that may arise from non-compliance. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully review the business compliance features offered by different bank account options and choose the one that best suits your interior design business's needs.

Reading customer reviews and ratings

Reading customer reviews and ratings is an essential step in evaluating the credibility and quality of a business. By examining the experiences and opinions of previous customers, you can gain valuable insights into the level of satisfaction and trustworthiness of the interior design services provided. Effective marketing strategies are often reflected in positive customer reviews and high ratings, indicating a strong reputation and customer satisfaction. These reviews can serve as a helpful guide in making informed decisions when choosing an interior design business for your needs. By clicking on the highlighted keywords, you can explore specific examples of effective marketing strategies employed by reputable interior design businesses.

Eligibility and Documentation

Determining the eligibility criteria for opening a free business bank account

Determining the eligibility criteria for opening a free business bank account is an important step for any interior design business. It ensures that the business meets the necessary requirements to qualify for a free account. One key factor to consider is the nature of the business. For example, businesses involved in real estate marketing may have specific eligibility criteria due to the unique financial transactions involved. Additionally, the business's legal structure, such as whether it is a sole proprietorship or a registered company, may also impact the eligibility criteria. By understanding and meeting these requirements, interior design businesses can take advantage of the benefits of a free business bank account.

Gathering the necessary documentation

To open a free business bank account for your interior design business, you will need to gather the necessary documentation. This includes providing identification documents such as your passport or driver's license, proof of business registration, and proof of address. Additionally, some banks may require you to submit financial statements or tax returns to verify the financial stability of your business. It is important to note that different banks may have varying requirements, so it is advisable to research and compare the offerings of different banks. One option to consider is Square banking services, which provide a convenient and user-friendly platform for managing your business finances. By choosing Square banking services, you can take advantage of their innovative features and seamless integration with other Square tools. With Square, you can easily track your transactions, receive payments, and access valuable financial insights to help your interior design business thrive.

Understanding the verification process

Understanding the verification process is crucial when it comes to getting a free business bank account for your interior design business. The verification process ensures that your business meets the necessary requirements and follows the proper procedures. It involves providing relevant documentation, such as proof of business registration and identification, to the bank. Additionally, the bank may conduct background checks and assess your creditworthiness. By understanding and complying with the verification process, you can successfully open a free business bank account and enjoy the benefits it offers.

Opening a Free Business Bank Account

Contacting the chosen bank and scheduling an appointment

After selecting the bank that best fits your interior design business needs, the next step is to contact the chosen bank and schedule an appointment. This is a crucial step in the process as it allows you to discuss your specific requirements and ensure that the bank can provide the necessary services. When contacting the bank, it is important to maintain a formal tone and provide clear and concise information about your business. Be prepared to answer questions about your business structure, financial statements, and any additional documentation that may be required. Once the appointment is scheduled, make sure to arrive on time and be prepared with any necessary documents or information. Remember, a free business bank account can provide numerous benefits for your interior design business, such as simplified financial management and professional credibility.

Completing the application form accurately

Completing the application form accurately is crucial when applying for a free business bank account. In order to ensure a smooth and successful application process, attention to detail is of utmost importance. By providing accurate and up-to-date information, you increase your chances of being approved for a free business bank account. It is essential to double-check all the required fields and ensure that the information provided is correct. Additionally, make sure to attach any necessary documents or proofs required by the bank. By following these steps, you can expedite the process and obtain a free business bank account for your interior design business.

Providing the required documentation

To open a free business bank account for your interior design business, you will need to provide the required documentation. This includes documents such as your business registration certificate, proof of address, identification documents, and any other relevant legal documents. These documents are necessary to verify the legitimacy of your business and ensure compliance with banking regulations. It is important to ensure that all the required documentation is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any delays or complications in the account opening process. By providing the necessary documentation, you can establish a professional relationship with the bank and enjoy the benefits of a free business bank account for your interior design business.

Managing Your Free Business Bank Account

Setting up online banking and mobile app access

Setting up online banking and mobile app access is an essential step in obtaining a free business bank account for your interior design business. With the convenience and accessibility of online banking, you can easily manage your finances and make transactions from anywhere at any time. By setting up a mobile app, you can have the added advantage of accessing your account on the go, allowing you to stay updated on your financial activities and make quick decisions. This seamless integration of online banking and mobile app access provides you with the flexibility and control you need to efficiently run your interior design business.

Understanding the account fees and transaction limits

Understanding the account fees and transaction limits is crucial for managing your business finances effectively. When it comes to custom design businesses like yours, it is important to consider the specific account fees and transaction limits that may apply. These fees and limits can vary depending on the bank and the type of account you choose. By understanding these details, you can make informed decisions and choose a business bank account that suits your needs and helps you save money. Additionally, being aware of the transaction limits can help you plan and manage your cash flow efficiently. So, take the time to research and compare different banks and their account offerings to find the best fit for your interior design business.

Monitoring your account regularly and reconciling transactions

Monitoring your account regularly and reconciling transactions is crucial for the financial health of your interior design business. By staying on top of your account activity, you can identify any discrepancies or unauthorized charges promptly and take appropriate action. Regular monitoring also allows you to track your business expenses and income accurately, ensuring that your records are up to date. Additionally, reconciling transactions helps you maintain accurate financial statements, which are essential for tax purposes and obtaining financing. To effectively monitor your account, consider using online banking tools that provide real-time updates and alerts for any unusual activity. By taking these proactive steps, you can ensure the security and stability of your business finances.


The importance of a free business bank account for interior design businesses

A free business bank account is of utmost importance for interior design businesses. It provides a secure and separate space to manage financial transactions related to the business. With a free business bank account, interior design businesses can easily track their income and expenses, make and receive payments, and maintain accurate financial records. This not only helps in maintaining transparency and accountability but also facilitates the smooth operation of the business. Additionally, having a free business bank account allows interior design businesses to establish credibility and professionalism in the industry. It gives clients and partners the assurance that the business is legitimate and trustworthy. Therefore, it is crucial for interior design businesses to have a free business bank account to effectively manage their finances and enhance their reputation in the market.

Choosing the right free business bank account for your specific needs

Choosing the right free business bank account for your specific needs can be a crucial decision for your interior design business. With numerous options available in the market, it is important to consider certain factors that align with your requirements. One key aspect to consider is the account fees and charges. Look for a bank that offers a free business bank account with no monthly maintenance fees or transaction fees. Additionally, consider the convenience and accessibility of the bank's online banking platform. A user-friendly interface and robust features such as mobile banking and easy fund transfers can greatly enhance your banking experience. Another crucial factor to consider is the bank's reputation and customer service. Opt for a bank that has a proven track record of excellent customer support and reliable service. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose the right free business bank account that meets the specific needs of your interior design business.

Maintaining good financial management practices

Maintaining good financial management practices is crucial for the success of any business, including an interior design business. By implementing effective strategies and staying organized, interior designers can ensure that their finances are in order and that they are making informed decisions. One important aspect of financial management for an interior design business is understanding the costs associated with running the business, such as overhead expenses and project-related costs. Additionally, it is essential to keep track of income and expenses, maintain accurate records, and regularly review financial statements. By doing so, interior designers can have a clear understanding of their financial health and make necessary adjustments to achieve their business goals.
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2024.05.17 03:33 50kopeks Get Tested?

A few months ago, when I was newly postpartum, I had some terrible pain and went to see an orthopedic doctor. He diagnosed me (de quervains tenosynovitis) and gave me instructions for healing, sent me home. Later I looked at my online chart/patient notes, and saw he had written “likely ehlers danlos syndrome.” I know zero about EDS, so I googled and read about symptoms and they mostly seem very vague and like I might be experiencing something, or I could be just in the range of normal (stretchy skin?! What is that??). There are several other little issues I have that I could maybe attribute to EDS? Things I would be happier to not live with, but are not debilitating. The doctor did measure my joint mobility, which I guess is what he based his observation on, but when I do the tests myself I don’t quite see it…
The point of this is: should I get tested? When my GP saw this note, she recommended I get officially diagnosed, but at that time with the new baby I had too much going on and wasn’t interested. Now that things have settled a bit, I wonder if there is any value in testing/diagnosis? If I do have, it would be a mild form, and I’m not sure that there is any treatment that would make my life better. What’s the value in a diagnosis?
Thank you all for sharing any perspectives and opinions!
submitted by 50kopeks to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:22 EJC28 Cowboys 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 29 - Tyler Guyton, OT, Oklahoma:
NFL: The Cowboys bolster their offensive line with a player with the versatility to play either tackle position thanks to his athleticism. Guyton's elite traits could make him the next great Dallas O-lineman.
CBS Sports: B. This is a move that has been predicted by a lot of people. He played right tackle in college, but can move to the left side. This fills a major need.
ESPN: You never want to be forced into taking a specific position in the draft, but the Cowboys almost had to come away with an offensive lineman in the first round. By trading with Detroit, the Cowboys cost themselves a chance to take center Graham Barton, who is more ready to play right away, but Guyton plays a premium position at tackle. He will need time to adjust to the pro game as well as likely a new position after starting just 15 games at Oklahoma with 13 coming at right tackle. Replacing a legend like Tyron Smith at left tackle would be difficult for any rookie but patience might be the biggest key when assessing Guyton as a rookie.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: CBS asked him to stop writing letters to bring back AIRWOLF.
Round 2, Pick 56 - Marshawn Kneeland, DE, Western Michigan:
NFL: Demarcus Lawrence turns 32 in a few days, so taking a pass rusher whom many evaluators believed would be a top-50 pick makes a lot of sense. Kneeland caught my eye in Mobile at the Senior Bowl with his effort, natural strength and mass as a strong-side rush prospect. He's not ready for primetime yet, but Kneeland is a very intriguing player and a smart value pick here.
CBS Sports: B-. Big-time tester who might be just scratching the surface of how good he can be around the corner. Doesn’t quite play to his workout but works the edges of OTs very well. Shows glimpses of countering ability. Just didn’t ever dominate in the MAC. Roll of the dice.
ESPN: While others see running back and linebacker as a need, defensive end is a need too, especially when factoring in the departures in free agency of Dorance Armstrong and Dante Fowler Jr., and with DeMarcus Lawrence in the final year of his contract. Kneeland had 13 sacks and 28 tackles for loss in his career, but never topped more than 4.5 in a season.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Tried to fight The Most Interesting Man in the World when he was 7.
Round 3, Pick 73 - Cooper Beebe, OG, Kansas State:
NFL: I'm shocked Beebe lasted this long. To me, he's one of the most bust-proof players in this draft class, even if it's at a lower-priority position. But Beebe is a perfect fit in Dallas, where he can compete for a starting job eventually and provide strong depth inside. He could even be tried at center, if needed.
CBS Sports: B+. The reconstruction of the OL continues in Dallas. Older, super-experienced guard-only who’s rarely out of position. Athletic limitations are obvious. Low center of gravity gives him quality anchor. Smart pick here despite minimal upside. High floor.
ESPN: With Zack Martin potentially entering the final year of his time with the Cowboys, Beebe can be seen as a future starter at guard. There are some who believe he can play center, which is a need for the Cowboys even as they profess faith in Brock Hoffman. At Kansas State, however, he played every spot but center, although he saw time there in practices. He has the credentials as a two-time Big 12 Offensive Lineman of the Year.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He once farted so bad, everyone started looking for a body.
Round 3, Pick 87 - Marist Liufau, LB, Notre Dame:
NFL: Liufau was one of the last players on the cutting-room floor of my final top 100 list. He uses unusually long arms and rare burst to blow up his fair share of plays, but Liufau might be best off as a special-teams demon until he can refine his craft more as a linebacker.
CBS Sports: C+. Hair-on-fire off-ball LB who gets the expected results with that style. Many missed tackles. Many highlight-reel hits. Showed he can cover underneath. Plays faster than his workout. More build up speed than pure burst. Ball skills are lacking and can be easily baited by play-action. Plus blitzer. Fun add here but overaggression hurts him at times.
ESPN: The Cowboys signed Eric Kendricks in free agency, but linebacker was still a major need even with last year's third-round pick DeMarvion Overshown coming back from a torn ACL. He started the final 25 games of his career at Notre Dame and had 44 tackles, six tackles for loss and three sacks. He was a pre-draft visitor to the Cowboys, which has been a precursor to the team selecting players in recent years.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Still upset about the Pluto thing… I mean is it a planet or dog?
Round 5, Pick 174 - Caelen Carson, CB, Wake Forest:
NFL: With the drop-off at corner, I thought Carson might go a round or two earlier than this, but I am guessing his size and durability questions knocked him down a bit. Carson isn't an elite playmaker but could vie for nickel and special teams duty.
CBS Sports: B+. Smaller outside CB with just enough quicks to scoot inside if he needs to. Instincts are there. Quicker than fast. And some stiffness appears on film when getting out of his backpedal to change directions. Sound tackler. Not a standout trait type but does everything well.
ESPN: The running back wait continues, but Carson was under consideration by the Cowboys at pick No. 73 when they took Beebe. He did not record an interception in each of his final two seasons and had just three for his career, but he had 42 tackles, one tackle for loss, eight pass deflections, a forced fumble and a fumble recovery last season. With Trevon Diggs coming off a torn ACL and Stephon Gilmore currently unsigned, cornerback was a need for the Cowboys even if they had re-signed Jourdan Lewis.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Knows 87 different birds species the Jack Daw is his favorite.
Round 6, Pick 216 - Ryan Flournoy, WR, Southeast Missouri State:
NFL: Flournoy was surprisingly present at the Senior Bowl, besting several bigger-school corners and consistently catching short and intermediate passes. His speed might be undersold, but Flournoy might be close to maxed out as a prospect.
CBS Sports: A. Big, chiseled vertical threat who makes it a nightmare for DBs to corral him once he gets the ball in his hands. While he’s not incredibly sudden, he is a horse in space. Back-shoulder skill is there. Love this pick.
ESPN: The running back wait continues as the Cowboys go with Flournoy, who performed well against better competition at the Senior Bowl. He is older, turning 25 in October, he caught 118 passes for 1,823 yards and 13 touchdowns in two years at Southeast Missouri. The Cowboys have CeeDee Lamb, Brandin Cooks and Jalen Tolbert as their top three receivers and have a role for KaVontae Turpin and like Jalen Brooks' ability. Martavis Bryant ended last season on the practice squad and will have a chance to show if he can recapture the ability he showed in Pittsburgh before a series of suspensions. At 6-2, 205 pounds, Flournoy has the size the Cowboys like in their receivers.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Pick 216! Quick, call someone in Cleveland and let them know.
Round 7, Pick 233 - Nathan Thomas, OT, Louisiana-Lafayette:
NFL: Thomas was a high school tight end who has successfully shifted to left tackle in college, which is probably where he'll be tried in the NFL. He's an unrefined product but has enough upside to invest in here.
CBS Sports: A. No-nonsense power blocker with serious girth and starting caliber length to stay at OT in the NFL. Not a high-level athlete but wins with initial quicks and a deft utilization of his length to get into DL’s in a flash. Recovery want-to is there. One of my favorite blockers in the class.
ESPN: At this point of a draft, it's about traits. At 6-5, 334 pounds, he was a two-year starter. This is the third offensive lineman the Cowboys have taken, but the first on Day 3. The Cowboys have used picks on the final day on Richards, Waletzko, Ball, Matt Farniok and Tyler Biadasz since Mike McCarthy took over as coach. Only Biadasz, a fourth-rounder, developed into a starter. Thomas could have some position flexibility as a guard, too.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Once mused that death is just another path, one that we all must take.
Round 7, Pick 244 - Justin Rogers, DT, Auburn:
NFL: Rogers is blocky and stiff, but he's tough to move in the run game and could make it as a run-stopping interior defender.
CBS Sports: C. Classic block-eating nose tackle. Knows how to handle doubles and will occasionally make a play against the run. Lacks the burst, length, or hand work to win routinely up the field.
ESPN: Defensive tackle is a need. The Cowboys lost Johnathan Hankins in free agency and Mazi Smith, their first-round pick last year, did not produce much as a rookie and is coming back from shoulder surgery. A seventh-round pick does not prevent the Cowboys from looking at a veteran defensive tackle. Rogers is 6-3, 346 pounds, so he would have the size to help the run defense. At Kentucky and Auburn he had 94 tackles, seven tackles for loss and three sacks.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Odds are he has a reddit account and posts on cat subs.
submitted by EJC28 to cowboys [link] [comments]