Ferrets and itching weight loss

Expert Advice on weight loss

2013.10.04 05:03 woodswiki Expert Advice on weight loss

Weight loss has become an incredible part of our life and hence to know about the tips and tricks in it becomes significant. This subreddit is dedicated to those who are looking for weight loss tips, quick weight loss techniques and healthy natural weight loss products.

2013.05.10 01:38 DarkSareon Beginner Fitness

A safe and open space for Redditors to post their questions and thoughts about fitness training.

2020.05.12 02:59 imafitmess PetiteFitness

This is a sub for petite women to come talk all things weight-loss, weight-gain, and fitness. Post your progress pics, workout routines, rants about TDEE, and more!

2024.05.17 13:06 Organic-Reception-96 2 tips to keep you focused on weekends....

Ever notice how your weight-loss efforts seem to go off track over the weekend? You’re not alone! Weekends can be a minefield of temptations, but they don’t have to derail your progress.
Here’s how to stay on track and keep moving forward:

1: Stay Active: Go for a hike (or walk), join a dance class, or even go on a family bike ride. Don't lose momentum with the physical activity you've built over the past week.

2: Plan Ahead: Know where you're going (family BBQ, mall, event, etc.), and if you have to, prep your meals and snacks in advance. It'll help you stay consistent with your eating choices. Can't prep ahead? Be mindful and kind to yourself if you have a treat or two.

Stay focused, and remember: every small step counts towards a healthier you. Got any weekend tips you'd like to share?
submitted by Organic-Reception-96 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:05 LadyYaeMiko I (25F) broke up with my bf (25M) because he started bread crumbing me.

Disclaimer: Please excuse any awkward English it’s not my first language. I will be summarizing my experience in a 7 month LDR.
We met on a dating app last fall and we instantly clicked. He lived in a city 3 hours from mine and was just there to visit his siblings. On his last day in my city he asked for us to be exclusive and to try doing LDR. I was very hesitant on this because he has a demanding schedule (med student) so I thought it would be difficult to maintain one. But he reassured me it could work out and I really liked him so I gave it a shot.
3 months in and the relationship was perfect. He came to visit me every 2 weeks and we would spend the weekend together. He would take me on a shopping spree and we would eat at all these lovely restaurants. It honestly felt like we weren’t in an LDR.
Once we reached 4 months (end of the honeymoon phase haha) I started to notice some things that began to bother me:
  1. his communication drastically began to decline. We use to talk on the phone for hours once a week while also texting throughout the days but then it just became exclusively texting and no more calls. When I confronted him about this he told me it was because his schedule changed and school became more demanding. He warned me about this before we became exclusive but I had became so attached to him and use to our old routine it was hard on me to adjust.
  2. He forgot to wish me a happy birthday. I had reminded him 2 weeks prior and he had said he had it saved on his calendar. He doesn’t care for birthdays but I communicated with him that I cared and would appreciate the acknowledgement no gifts or anything like that just a message. He apologized 2 days later and told me he had an exam that same week so he wasn’t on his phone at the time.
This is when I began to realize he isn’t able to prioritize me and med school at the same time anymore. I assumed he had lost interest and when we met up afterwards he began to look more and more stressed / worn out.
  1. 5 months in is when I began to identify the bread crumbing. Bread crumbing means he began to show inconsistent interest in me aka emotional abuse. He was taking longer and longer to respond to my texts. I noticed he was also more active on Snapchat while he left me waiting on delivered. I was being ignored and it honestly hurt. I never confronted him on this because I didn’t want to look crazy for essentially monitoring his snap score lol please do not do that it’s not healthy.
  2. Whenever he did respond to my texts they would be lengthy and of course med school was always the reason for the delays. I do believe it’s a valid reason but at the same time it’s an easy excuse to get away with not having to answer me.
  3. 6 months in I mentally began to mourn the loss of the relationship before the break up officially happened. We talked about our future together and moving in together so it was a very hard time for me. I didn’t want to be with anyone else but him but I felt like I was the only one that cared enough to keep trying to make the relationship last and work.
  4. During month 6 I became more distant. I use to reply almost instantly to his texts so when he noticed the change he began to increase his efforts in communicating with me (aka more bread crumbing).
Note: I did communicate with him twice on my expectations when it came to our communication and the relationship as a whole. I felt like I was very vocal on my needs and he simply refused to meet them despite saying he will try multiple times.
  1. With bread crumbing you do not know where you stand in the relationship and that was my current issue. Month 7, I asked him if I could come to his city for a day and speak with him face to face. I wanted to end the relationship in person out of respect. He told me he would let me know when he was free. I gave him a timeline and I told him I must see him by the end of the month or this wouldn’t work out. I didn’t want to drag it out anymore than necessary.
Well, he never told me when he was free in time so I took that as a sign that he was unwilling to try to rebuild our relationship and texted him that it would not work out and thanked him for the memories we shared.
I will say he did show signs of depression but was in denial about having any mental issues. I do believe med school started taking a toll on him because a lot of the hobbies he loved to do he stopped doing them and he began to lose weight. He didn’t seem like he cared about much of anything anymore including me of course.
I wanted to share my story to let people know if you ever feel unsure about your relationship please trust your gut. I was in denial about it for a long time despite the signs being right in front of me. Your time is precious and the worst thing you could do is waste it on someone who doesn’t give you the bare minimum. Thanks for reading and good luck to you all.
submitted by LadyYaeMiko to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:59 thedoomofdamocles Absolute Beginner Gym Guide

I know there are already guides on this subreddit, but I wanted to create one for the Day 1 beginner, someone who doesn't have any knowledge and even lacks the motivation to make the gym a regular part of their lives.
Yes, diet is important, but I believe that muscle growth is more dependent on what you do in the gym than on what you do outside it.
However, my suggestion for the first few days is just to acclimatize yourself to the gym. Start with the treadmills or the cycles. Maybe try a weight machine just to see how it feels. Make yourself feel like you belong in the gym and then you can move onto the workouts.
A lot of people get frightened of the gym because of how much there is to learn and do there. So rather than explaining the use of each exercise, I thought I’d just give a couple of sample workouts. 3 days a week is a good place for an absolute new inductee to start since most new members may not yet have the dedication or commitment to go to the gym 4,5 or 6 times a week. The program is a full body template so even if you skip day 3, you will have hit most muscle groups at least once just by doing Day 1 and Day 2.
I have two versions here, Lower body dominant and upper body dominant. You can select based on preference but as a general recommendation, based on current day beauty standards, most men would prefer the upper body and most women the lower body versions of the program.
Each exercise is to be performed in sets and reps. Reps are how many times you need to be doing a particular exercise in a particular cycle. Sets are how many cycles of them you need to do. So, if you have 2x6 for squats, that means that you squat six times, then rest a couple of minutes, then squat six times again.
Rest time suggestions may vary but I’d suggest 2-3 minutes on average to start.
The programs are below:
~Lower Body dominant version~
Day 1 Goblet Squats 4x6 Dumbbell Shoulder press 4x8 Lat pulldown 3x10 Leg curl 3x10 Dumbbell Bicep curls 3x12
Day 2 Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 4x8 Dumbbell Bench press 4x6 Seated cable row 3x10 Leg press 3x10 Cable Triceps extension 3x12
Day 3 Assisted pullups 4x6 Dumbbell Lunges 3x12 Chest press machine 3x10 Leg curl 3x12 Dumbbell Lateral raises 3x12

~Upper Body dominant version~
Day 1
Goblet Squats 4x6
Dumbbell Shoulder press 4x8
Lat pulldown 3x10
Cable Triceps Pushdown 3x12
Dumbbell Bicep curls 3x12

Day 2
Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 4x8
Dumbbell Bench press 4x6
Seated cable row 3x10
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3x10
Cable Triceps overhead extension 3x12

Day 3
Assisted pullups 4x6
Dumbbell Lunges 3x12
Chest press machine 3x10
Dumbbell Hammer curl 3x12
Dumbbell Lateral raises 3x12

I’d suggest following this routine for just the first 4-6 months and then moving onto a routine with more sets/reps/exercises.
We all know how to improve our diets. Increase consumption of meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, lower fat dairy, etc. and decrease consumption of fried/sugary/overly processed foods.

That’s how one should start. Yes, all of us want to lose fat and gain muscle. But unless you’re overweight, you don’t necessarily need to start with a cut/calorie deficit. You can take advantage of a phenomenon known as body recomposition. Since your body is detrained/undertrained, you can currently lose fat ~and~ gain muscle at the same time. This phenomenon is easiest to access when you’re an absolute beginner so I’d suggest just cleaning up your diet and focusing on your workout. You can try to get onto a bodybuilders diet and supplement routine once you’re a bit more experienced.

The final points are about patience and sticking to the basics. The journey takes time, years even, but that’s a good thing. You’ll look better today than yesterday and even better tomorrow. I’d suggest not being in a hurry to get there.
Stick to the basics. There are no magic pills, magic exercises, magic routines. The exercise routine I’ve mentioned above isn’t special, they're just one option of many. Weight loss and muscle gain are all about consistency and intensity. Be there every day and progress every day, whether it’s increasing weight, reps or improving your form. In no time, you won’t recognize the new version of you.

submitted by thedoomofdamocles to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:55 UniversalHerbalist Fasciculations - leg twitching

Anyone else have these fasiculations (constant 24/7 mini leg twitches) in both legs.
Literally every dr and specialist I have spoken too hasn't a clue. They simply brush over the fact my legs have twitched like this 24/7 for 5 years.
For me it feels like its a big obvious physical symptom, and could lead to some answers.
I understand this is a ALS symptom, but the neurologist says no. Even though I have severe muscle wastage & extreme weight loss. I've dropped from 100kg to 72 kg. And have cognitive decline too.
Anyone else suffer with this? Did you learn anything about them? And did you manage to stop it?
submitted by UniversalHerbalist to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:54 Carbon554 You just gotta trust the process!

Stats: 27M, 5’4 SW: 170 lbs, CW: 148.6 lbs.
This isn’t my first weight loss journey. I actually made it down to 132 lbs last year in October before i gained back upto 170 lbs during the winter.
So i am down 22 lbs again from 170 lbs to 148 lbs. The reason i am posting this is because i had been in a plateau for the past 2 weeks. I was counting my calories down to the oil i cook my food in and i was stuck at 152 lbs for the past 2 weeks. It would be like i am 152 one day and then 151 and back to 152.5 lol. I was like i am literally in a caloric deficit, how did i gain a pound? i knew this was just weight fluctuations but i still felt frustrated and on tuesday i had to pull back really hard from having a cheat day because i was sick of eating less and not losing weight for 2 weeks . Well on Thursday i weighed myself first thing in the morning and i weighed in at 149.6 lbs! This morning i weighed in at 148.4. So thats 4 pounds down in 2 weeks which equals my goal of losing 2 pounds a week. I havent changed the calories or anything. I am definitely expecting another plateau for 3-4 days atleast because there’s no way i am gonna drop a pound everyday but this is for someone who is sure that they are in a caloric deficit and not losing weight. Keep going and you will break the plateaus.
submitted by Carbon554 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 Throwaway_27228 Too ill to appear?

I was thinking last night about possible reasons for the edited photos and the AI video...
a) She's dead b) She's not present c) She is refusing to appear d) She is too ill to appear
We have seen plenty of speculation about a,b & c but d got me thinking.
It is widely suspected that Kate suffers / suffered from an eating disorder. What if something at Christmas (a hard time for people with EDs) triggered an episode / relapse and her sudden weight loss led to a drastic change in her appearance? This could possibly explain her reluctance to be photographed / filmed and possible use of editing and AI to 'keep up appearances'. An ED like Anorexia is very hard to treat and takes a massive amount of time and will to defeat. There is no timeframe for how long recovery can take and when serious, can lead to organ failure and death.
More and more I think about it, the more I think she could be seriously ill with it. It would certainly explain the complete image blackout and due to Princess Diana's struggles with the same thing it would be a PR disaster for the RF and maybe they've used the threat of the big C hoping the public and the press would respect it more?
submitted by Throwaway_27228 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 Throwaway_27228 Too ill to appear?

I was thinking last night about possible reasons for the edited photos and the AI video...
a) She's dead b) She's not present c) She is refusing to appear d) She is too ill to appear
We have seen plenty of speculation about a,b & c but d got me thinking.
It is widely suspected that Kate suffers / suffered from an eating disorder. What if something at Christmas (a hard time for people with EDs) triggered an episode / relapse and her sudden weight loss led to a drastic change in her appearance? This could possibly explain her reluctance to be photographed / filmed and possible use of editing and AI to 'keep up appearances'. An ED like Anorexia is very hard to treat and takes a massive amount of time and will to defeat. There is no timeframe for how long recovery can take and when serious, can lead to organ failure and death.
More and more I think about it, the more I think she could be seriously ill with it. It would certainly explain the complete image blackout and due to Princess Diana's struggles with the same thing it would be a PR disaster for the RF and maybe they've used the threat of the big C hoping the public and the press would respect it more?
submitted by Throwaway_27228 to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:45 IAmPlankMan ADHD meds - weight loss experiences

Hi all!
I just wanted to hear from others who experienced weight loss when taking medication, and any longer term impact it had on their health.
I've been taking medication for 33 days and my appetite has evaporated. Having failed every diet to-date, Im taking full advantage of my absent appetite by restricting calories (but i eat healthy foods, take supplements and feel really good in myself). So, in those 33 days I've lost 12k (19 stone to around 17 stone). I appreciate this is far quicker than recommended but I'm alright and check in with my GP who's happy enough.
I did want to hear from others though, whether they experienced something similar, whether they pursued weight loss and perhaps ran into issues down the line that were physical or psychological.
submitted by IAmPlankMan to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:44 AdInteresting2401 Diagnostic and Non-Diagnostic Symptoms and differential diagnoses - A dermatologic perspective (2023)

Diagnostic and Non-Diagnostic Symptoms and differential diagnoses - A dermatologic perspective (2023)
MCAS differential diagnosis includes a large number of medical areas, conditions and disorders: infectious diseases (severe viral/bacterial/parasitic infections, septic shock, acute gastrointestinal infection), gastrointestinal (food intoxication, VIPoma, gastrinoma, irritable bowel syndrome, eosinophilic gastroenteritis or esophagitis, inflammatory bowel disease), cardiovascular (endocarditis or endomyocarditis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, aortic stenosis with syncope), endocrine (pheochromocytoma, carcinoid, medullary thyroid carcinoma), neuropsychiatric (anxiety/panic attacks, vasovagal syncope), cutaneous (different kinds of urticaria and angioedema, drug related pruritus/rashes, rosacea, vasculitis, atopic dermatitis). Furthermore, differential diagnosis should take into consideration two conditions where there is a chronic systemic elevation of MC mediators without MCs undue activation, namely histamine intolerance (HIT) and hereditary alpha tryptasemia (HαT) (see below). A complete physical examination, combined with a detailed patient history and laboratory assessment of specific markers, can help exclude these conditions [137].
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 Upstate-walstib Friday Metrics: Day 150: 51.8 Pounds Lost, 22.19% of Body Weight) - I am not a fan of 10

Friday Metrics: Day 150: 51.8 Pounds Lost, 22.19% of Body Weight) - I am not a fan of 10
Happy Friday all. Here are my weekly metrics. This is my second week on 10mg and I have had a lot of nausea. I'm really hoping this week my body adjusts. Beyond that I don't have side effects so I guess I should just count myself lucky.
Progress continues steadily. As I get closer to goal I will need to have patience as I expect the loss to slow. I am happy with my body as is other than remaining abdominal fat. I haven't been this weight since 2015 and I really feel so much better in my own skin and so much healthier.
Warm weather has finally arrived so I hope you all enjoy a little sunshine. Get out there and walk and enjoy your week ahead.
submitted by Upstate-walstib to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 Striking_Swimmer4932 Week 2 finished

F27 CW: 136kg SW:143kg Dose 2.5mg
Well wow, I’ve managed to lose 4kg this week which brings my total loss to 7kg in two weeks. That’s a stone!!! I can’t believe it, I’m in awe. I never ever thought I would be able to lose this kind of weight so quickly and more importantly so easily. I have always always struggled with diets and never ever been able to stick to them. This is changing my life so much I’m in shock. I feel so much better and so much more in control with not just food but all of my impulses! Excited to see what the third week brings.
One of my little goals is to be able to fly without a seatbelt extender, I fly on Tuesday so I’ll see how much further I have to go. But I think my goal of no seatbelt extender by June is hopefully doable!
submitted by Striking_Swimmer4932 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:35 AshleytheTrans Just need to share my excitement for a sec, thanx!

I'll probably be starting HRT in a couple weeks! I'm so excited!!! I still haven't found my true voice yet, but I think my vocal feminization is coming along pretty good! If I can figure out a few more tweaks, I think I'll have a good starting point to start refining!
I'll also be going to get my makeup done for the first time. I've obviously been having pretty bad dysphoria all around, but I think this will help me see the bigger picture of what I'm working towards. And hopefully some of the dysphoria will start to lessen as I continue to exercise and start seeing progress on my weight loss.
Sorry, just had to gush, I'm just super friggen excited and had to just scream it out! :D
submitted by AshleytheTrans to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:33 DammitDaddyPig TMI - a period rant

So weighed myself earlier this week and I'd put on weight - strange, figured I was retaining water and moved on with my day. Later on, discovered I'd been blessed by Aunt Flo once again. Had a bit of an "aha" moment and prepared for the dreaded Crimson River of Pain.
Lost the weight by the next day, but my god, my period symptoms are all over the place. I'm far more emotional, sat for an hour silently worrying that my husband doesn't love me any more (he wasn't doing anything, he was pottering around, making dinner and chatting with the kids. Normal day to day stuff) and feeling really grumpy about nothing. And the cramps! I started doing strength training 3 times a week and going for an hours walk a day, but I haven't done anything for 3 days because the cramps are awful.
I'm 3 months out. First period was the day of surgery (pro tip, if you feel like you may actually be dying of blood loss and panic-call your husband from the hospital, remember they put you on blood thinners and that's why the bathroom looks like Carrie had a field day), second was more crampy and maybe a bit heavier than usual, but this time my hormones are all over the place and I feel like I did when I was a teenager.
Is this what periods are gonna look like for me now? Did you notice any changes? I feel really naive because I really didn't think that my stomach had anything to do with my reproductive organs, but bodies are weird.
submitted by DammitDaddyPig to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:31 sherin_thomas Exercising postpartum

Hello! I searched the sub and couldn't find anything related to postpartum weight loss. I just wanted to know, if anyone has any experience, how to start exercising postpartum. Will home workouts help in losing weight or do we have to join a gym? Any suggestions/ideas for someone to restart exercising postpartum.
submitted by sherin_thomas to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:22 Turbulent_Scene_7372 Evolve Weight Loss Medications

Evolve Weight Loss Ltd offers effective medications tailored for your weight loss journey. Our solutions are designed to help you achieve your goals safely and sustainably. Find the right Evolve Weight Loss Medications for your needs today.
For more info: visit Website: https://evolveweightlossltd.com/product-category/weight-loss-medications/ Phone: +14123015953 email: [sales@evolveweightlossltd.com](mailto:sales@evolveweightlossltd.com) Address (UK): 57d Heming Road, C/O Nhm Accounts, Redditch, United Kingdom, B98 0DH
submitted by Turbulent_Scene_7372 to u/Turbulent_Scene_7372 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:22 -cosmicglitter Dog Weight Maintenance

Hello everyone! I've tried to keep this post as organized as possible, I am sorry if it is too much or too little and am happy to correct it as needed.
I am concerned about the upward trajectory of my dogs weight and am looking for advice on what more we can adjust to keep him healthy!
Species: Dog
Age: 6
Sex/Neuter status: Chemical castration in March 2024 ( decision for aggression issues after adopting him and trying to train his behavior for ~2 years )
Breed: Not fully known, his previous family thought havanese/chinese crested mix, we think maybe maltese mix of some kind.
Body weight: 7kg
History: Before chemical castration it was difficult to keep him on a regular food schedule, he was picky but he maintained a healthy approved weight ranging from 6 to 6.5kg - vet was happy with this weight. At the time of his castration, he was 6.3kg - this was maintained across about 2 or 3 weeks at the time and is a good representation of his usual weight. After chemical castration, his focus on food skyrocketed so that he began to gobble down each meal - we broke his meals into smaller parts and began measuring more exactly, starting with 35g per meal. He now eats four small scheduled meals a day, using a puzzle feeder to slow him down.
Clinical signs: Idk if this is a clinical sign but I'll put this here. His weight has been slowly climbing. He is now 7kg, and his waist line is filling out and his ribs are less easy to feel.
Duration: 3 months
Your general location: Norway
Additional Info:
Side view: https://i.imgur.com/iaPdgvD.jpeg
Top view: https://i.imgur.com/4Kgm7do.png
Cute view: https://i.imgur.com/vnWOsap.jpeg
His fur is a little longer than we usually keep it now, too, so I'm not fully relying on visual indicators in noticing his weight gain this month.
submitted by -cosmicglitter to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:19 VivaDeAsap Is it worrying that I’m becoming afraid of candy?

Okay so I’ve been on my weight loss journey for quite some time now. And I’ve made a bit of progress.
I’m trying the calorie counting thing and it’s going okay I guess.
So far the most sugary stuff I consume are soda:Pepsi and Coke cause they contain like less than 220 calories.
Now I have a sweet tooth and I love chocolates and candy bars and etc but every time I pick one up and check the calories for even a small bar it’s always over 550 and I’m just going to put it down cause I feel it limits my options. As a result I hadn’t had candy for weeks.
Except today I was given 5 (only five) Oreo cookies and when I punched them into loseit, it gave me around 260 kilocalories. But when I finally checked the pack and did the math 5 cookies totaled to 930 kilocalories. I was devastated. Just like that a large part of my budget was chopped off and meaning I had less options.
I will be going to the gym later so hopefully I will shed off around 300-400.
I was wondering if this was considered a normal experience for many or if I’m overdoing it on my end.
Please any advice will be appreciated
submitted by VivaDeAsap to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:18 Host-Fast NuviaLab Keto: Digest Better, Slim Down Faster! Revamp Your Digestive System and Embrace Weight Loss with NuviaLab Keto Embark on a transformative journey towards weight loss and enhanced digestive health with NuviaLab Keto, a meticulously crafted multi-ingredient... Learn More ! Click the site icon

submitted by Host-Fast to drugst0re [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:04 Exact_Razzmatazz3612 Metformin - my experience

Hello everyone, I’m 34 years old and was just diagnosed with PCOS about a month ago. I also just found out in diabetic. I was able to conceive two children (not easily). In hindsight, I wish I knew I had PCOS back then…I had my second child in February 21 and through a lot of work was able to go to my pre pregnancy. I have been 5’5” and 150 for as long as I can remember.
However I had a tragic loss on May 22. That was a stressful time in my life and I ate and ate. I am pretty active but the weight gain kept up. I tried all my old diets about a year ago and nothing worked. I could be great all day and exercise but then binge whatever carbs, sweets I could and many times Uber eats. So here I am in January, 30 pounds heavier than I ever was. I get a therapist I try a diet. Still not working or losing weight - but helpful in other regards. Last month, I demanded an appointment with an RE. I am so glad I did. I cannot have another child but he was still so thorough about everything. I have been on metformin for three days now and OmG, I haven’t craved a sweet. I cannot remember the last evening where I didn’t crave sugar. I have been EXTREMELY careful with my diet / no sugar no gluten no dairy so I don’t get sick and I take extended release at night with my dinner. So far no symptoms and whatever was making me crave sugar like a literal addict has stopped. I hope to lose the 30 pounds without a GLP-1 but it’s not off the table. I go back in two months. Sharing this to help.
submitted by Exact_Razzmatazz3612 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:58 pelolover Zep trickling back in...

Now that Zepbound is trickling back in it's bringing up questions:
1) For those fortunate enough to get both, how will you use it? Combine compound and Zep? Hold Zep and use compound first?
*Hoping ES will be shipping my 3 month supply of 5mg. I'm on 7.5mg compound and thinking about using the 5mg pen + 2.5mg of compound.
2) For anyone that has combined Zep and compound, any side effects? Difference in weight loss? Did you take both in the same day?
3) Once Zep/tirzepatide is removed from shortage list, will FDA still allow compound pharmacies to make it? Seems like there are quite a bit of posters able to secure the compound before the shortage. So hoping no impact, especially for those where compound is cheaper OOP.
submitted by pelolover to compoundedtirzepatide [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:54 ellem1900 Is losing by weight ok if I’m already overweight? Should I be concerned?

I gained 8 pounds by 10 weeks. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around then and I’ve been trying really hard to eat healthy and be active to manage blood sugar levels. I also got my metformin dosage increased. I just weighed myself and I’m down about five pounds, so I’m only up three pounds since pre pregnancy. This means I’m losing weight. I was already about 15-20 pounds overweight, should I be concerned about the weight loss? Any tips to avoid losing too much more weight?
submitted by ellem1900 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:53 dalo3at_dxb Not loosing weight on 5mg

Not sure if anyone had this experience as I haven’t seen anyone talk about it. But I’ve been on monjauro for 2 months now, I’ve taken my second shot of 5mg this week and I’ve noticed that my weight loss is extremely slow during the week and a day before my shot day I would gain 1.8 to 2lbs. Basically gaining back what I lost during the week.
I don’t think I need to bump it to 7mg as I haven’t even finished my first 5mg box. So not sure what’s causing this odd weight gain.!
Slowly starting to give up and scared I won’t loose any weight on this medication
Please help :c
submitted by dalo3at_dxb to Monjauro [link] [comments]
