Happyface symbols

Hello, my name is Smiley...I am a universal and ubiquitous symbol of joy and cheer; please draw me and share your drawing. #18743YearsOfSmiley #happyface #smileyface #smileyfacechallenge

2022.06.15 17:08 Photographica Hello, my name is Smiley...I am a universal and ubiquitous symbol of joy and cheer; please draw me and share your drawing. #18743YearsOfSmiley #happyface #smileyface #smileyfacechallenge

Hello, my name is Smiley...I am a universal and ubiquitous symbol of joy and cheer; please draw me and share your drawing. #18743YearsOfSmiley #happyface #smileyface #smileyfacechallenge submitted by Photographica to u/Photographica [link] [comments]

2021.03.12 00:33 Nmey54 Happyface suing YGE is a big power move

YGE has completely screwed over the smaller companies and all the contestants during Mixnine.
Not only did they try to force the smaller companies into signing a new contract that would extend the groups promotions from 4 months to 3 years and if they disagree the project would be cancelled,didn't pay the contestants fees(transportationn,clothes etc) and giving the companies profit from the songs-all of which was determined in a contract that they made in the first place.
Happyface suing them was symbolic in the first place since they never had a chance of winning,not because their case was unfounded but because big companies can get away with a lot of criminal activities(don't forget that CEO that ran away from Korea,was wanted by Interpol,spent a day in jail,recieved a 2 year prison sentence only to be pardoned years later without a day served of the prison sentence).
They ended the statement with:
“More than to be compensated for all the damages we have received, this is a symbolic amount filed in our hopes that Korean popular culture, the home of Hallyu, will progress healthily without the overuse of power by large companies."
YGE brushed it off with calling it a misunderataing which wasn't that unexpected since they knew they were gonna win either way.
On one of the court hearings Happyface side stated:"We want to ask if they will also cancel the debut if the new, similar audition program 'YG Treasure Box' doesn't do well."
YG side responded with "That's not the point and based on the contract we believe it's a decision that could've been made in this case."
Ultimately of course Happyface withdrew the statemnt citing the apology they recieved from Mixnine producers but it was obvious they didn't have much choice.
Small companies and even idols have no chance of winning against big entertainment companies in Korea.
SM artist that managed to break free from their contract either had to find success outside of Korean entertainment or deal with being blacklisted from music and TV shows-the fact that a law against that exists(JYJ law) and companies disregard it all the time says a lot about the influence they have.
submitted by Nmey54 to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2020.08.25 13:41 GI0VANNI_512 Dreamcatcher's 'Break The Wall' is a modern Alt-Metal Masterpiece: A Song Analysis (OPINION) Comeback Special Edition, continued

Okay. Just when you thought 'BOCA' was fire, wait till' you hear the next track off of 'Dystopia: Lose Myself'. "Break The Wall" is the second song that comes right after DC's title track, and picks up the pieces from BOCA's intense ending. This song hits you straight up in the face with intense Alternative Metal music, and has no time to waste with that. It's very reminiscent with the rock/metal music of the 2000s era, bringing joy and nostalgia to InSomnias who grew up with that kind of stuff. I think this has been the hardest song that Dreamcatcher has reached, and even if they are a K-pop group, their concept that breaks boundaries somehow is what this song expresses, both musically and lyrically. Let's get to it, three things why this Alt-Metal Dreamcatcher track is a masterpiece:
  1. A Message of Hope ~ Just like 'BOCA', when you listen to the song along with the lyrics, it just gets much better. Despite the troubling vibe that the track gives, the lyrics intertwined with it is so uplifting for people. The way the lyrics are handled feels like it's someone reaching out to a person who's on the edge of his/her optimism, where everything just seems like a dead end, so that person chooses to hide in isolation, and become all alone for the rest of his/her life. This song wants to prove that person wrong. It him/her, and actually all of us that no matter how much bad life can get, it can also become better. It wants to reminds us that we have no business to the nasty things in life, that we have the potential to overcome those obstacles, no matter how big or small they may be. Realistically speaking, just like 'BOCA', this hits close to home too. Right now, as the world may become cruel to us, it doesn't always have to be that way. We grow up, we learn new things, and through that we'd eventually discover a part of ourselves that can break free from our own fears, doubts, anxieties that prevent us to reach our full potential. It makes us trapped, and the lyrics want to say otherwise; thus the title, "Break the Wall".
  2. An Atmosphere of Epic Proportions ~ Really great track in terms of its' musicality. It's one of the best Dreamcatcher tracks, if not, the heaviest of them all, potentially damaging the title tracks. If 'BOCA' was the groovy, hard beating punch track of Lose Myself, this one's the more emotional, painful and heavy one. The way the music sounds makes you feel like you're in this huge atmosphere, you're trapped in this huge cage, and as it restrains you, you can't do anything about it, overwhelming the heck out of you. This explains the very minor-sounding, heavily distorted metal guitar tone throughout, as well as the slow tempo of the song overall. Another thing I want to say about the music is that it actually portrays the more realistic side of things, about what's happening with the people that are harmed by hate; a sound of struggle... though at the same time, it makes us feel hopeful about things, because those hard hitting guitars feel like its' pushing us to pick ourselves up, being motivated to break through our doubts and fears of what's about to happen (you can feel this the most during its' chorus). If there's one thing here that I'm dying to talk about, it's about the voices. Oh, I want to talk about those distorted voices, because LEEZ and OLLOUNDER are just musical geniuses at this point. Yeah, it's a cool effect, but it's an important one to consider for the song. Remember what I said that the song is about being isolated and being left alone? I think those distorted voices represent just that. It gives the members' voices the feel of being different among the clear melodies that you hear in the track; it separates them from the track in a sense that makes them feel trapped, unknown or unrelated in the mix. Finally, when we go to the chorus parts (as well as the bridge), their voices are now heard clearly. Why? Because it's in these parts of the track expresses the feeling of reaching out to those who are stuck, that they want to give up hope to them; those clear voices symbolize freedom. Such a brilliant way to use vocal effects in a production. Vocal-wise, this song shows again just how much of a big deal the DeuKae members are. It's like, you throw in any genre of music on them and they just sing to it, they make it happen. They're that talented. I think Siyeon is the key to this song's magnificence, because her voice is suited for this kind of genre (not to mention that she likes rock music), just hitting those notes is a bliss. Last but not the least: Dami's rap. Man I should've wished that she got more lines to sing but it's still pretty much good. Why do I want to talk about this? Her rap line I guess, to me, added a bit of modern-touch to this song that had elements from the metal music of 20 years ago. I just like how it was able to fit in a part of the song without compromising anything, it's just... there. It also makes the song original, but refreshing, in a sense.
  3. No one really ever does it like them in the industry ~ I'm pretty much confident to say this about them. I mean, who the heck would want to have an Alt-Metal track in the world of K-pop? Unless the group's concept is dark and rooting for something different, I doubt we'd ever see something like that to happen. But not with Dreamcatcher. "Break The Wall" is one of those songs that breaks the mold in K-pop, but unlike 'Silent Night', this one just went all-out in the heaviness of its' music. It was able to become its' own thing while still retaining the Dreamcatcher vibe that we all know and love. This song is one of those things that just proves that there isn't really anything out there in the K-pop world that does this kind of production, and that just gives DC more edge, gaining the confidence that they need to keep continuing to do stuff like this. More power to Dreamcatcher, DCC, and HappyFace Entertainment; keep going at it! You guys rock, and may you have a lot of praises from a lot of Metalhead InSomnias! :D

That's pretty much it for this analysis, what do you guys think? Feel free to express your thoughts below.
submitted by GI0VANNI_512 to dreamcatcher [link] [comments]

2018.12.12 11:00 duvagin a (mostly) happy story of re-monetisation after being dinged for 'duplication'

so a couple of months ago my secondary channel which was sitting there happily generating me a small passive income got demonetised for 'duplication' :sadface:
i waited the month to re-apply for monetisation during which time i tidied up the channel a bit despite not knowing any specific reason why the channel was demonetised (and still don't) :indifferentface:
i re-applied for monetisation and within a month (i forget how long it took) the channel was re-accepted back into the partner program and re-monetised -- all those green dollar symbols appearing on my videos, check :happyface:
waited for some revenue generation above $0.00
waited for some of those 50K monthly views to be monetised views above zero
waited to CPM to register anything other than n/a
hmmmmmmmmm :indifferentface:
i know it can take time for this stuff to kick back in
start researching alternate platforms to monetise my video assets (a different story with another happy ending)
ok after another month or so i figure it's time to email youtube support to look into this because yes youtube is fun but it is also marketed as an aspirational lifestyle (which requires money yeah) and i feel youtube are not holding up their side of this agreement :disappointedcapitalistface:
aaaand within 24hrs the channel CPM has a value and a few cents has rolled in after youtube support innocuously check that ads are running on my videos (and send me screenshots to prove it) but with no real explanation of the previous ghosted state of the channel :ahwellatleastitappearstobefixednowface:
tl;dr - if your channel is getting thousands of views and monetised but not generating revenue and CPM is n/a then it's worth emailing support
submitted by duvagin to youtube [link] [comments]
