Women who casturate men

She breasted boobily down the stairs.....

2017.10.03 05:38 NicoleMary27 She breasted boobily down the stairs.....

A sample of how men who create films, books, TV, and graphic novels characterize women. (Plus memes, shitposts, and meta once in a while.)

2014.11.04 00:59 canadianvintage Free Sewing Patterns

For sharing free sewing patterns. We love seeing your finished products and hearing your experience in creating it. Only links to completely free patterns or instructions to self draft patterns may be posted. No paid/premium patterns allowed. Pattern requests must go in the weekly thread.

2020.05.24 02:21 enigmaticHOE Sugar Baby Only Forum

A safe discussion space for women who are part of in-person sugar relationships to come for advice, safety tips, or to vent. No SDs, clients, or random men—they will be permanently banned.

2024.05.20 05:50 Sure-Yellow-9185 I prefer the gender I'm not involved with???

Hello fellow bisexuals! 24F who (hypothetically) prefers women currently dating a 21M. Since dating him, I've found myself missing women A LOT and questioning whether I'm a lesbian. The problem is, when I was dating a woman, I didn't feel connected with her and felt less attracted to women in general, prompting a multi-year phase of exploring and acting on my attraction to men. I'm wondering if this is a "grass is greener" situation, or maybe I actually like neither... Is this normal? If you've experienced this, what are your thoughts?
submitted by Sure-Yellow-9185 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:42 Nix2233 Colin’s arc in s3

I believe there is a purpose Colin’s arc in s3 and I think it is beautiful.
I am seeing so much Colin bashing happening online at the moment and it makes me really sad because it is clear to me that this season is showcasing how both he and Penelope are accepting who they are and not falling for who society tells them they should be.
In s2 when he would share his stories, no one wanted to hear them so this year he comes back and he keeps people guessing. He learned ways to get peoples attention and keep them guessing.
He has been repeatedly called a BOY in both seasons if I am not mistaken. Even by the woman he fancied and cared for. ( I would cringe every time it happened). Women and men speaking over him and his feelings / his beliefs.
He is choosing himself clearly and that is shown in episode four and I believe it will continue to progress in the next episodes.
The brothel scenes are meant to feel icky / fake because it is not the real him.
What if he was made to not like himself and now he is owning it?
One of the questions that I am asking myself is if as viewers it is easier to have empathy for Penelope as a woman than to have it for Colin as a man?
When he expressed vulnerability and his values he was put down as a boy both by Anthony and Marina.
Even Penelope was trying to tell him what to feel in s2!
I do agree that the first round watching it felt like there was a lot going on but watching it a second time there is SO much that Luke Newton is expressing. It is SO amazing to see ALL that he was able to express without words .
I feel really bad because he is receiving so much hate online and I think his work is so nuanced and deserves recognition and I feel bad because everyone keeps talking about the ick.
The ick makes sense because as women we don’t connect just with a pretty face but I just feel that is part of the story and Colin is not empty. He is one of the most romantic and heartfelt out of all of them. This is his journey too of liking himself and self acceptance too, not just Penelope.
These are my two cents. I am seeing so many posts of wanting to see him grovel and beg to a point where it feels like a lot of people wanted him to be punished.
submitted by Nix2233 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:36 H3R4_214 DM ignores party members’ trauma for an insensitive plot.

WARNING FOR: cults, real life cults, child sexual abuse, brief transphobia, child loss.
This was around a year or so ago, so I was freshly 19 at the time. I was an experienced player already, having DMed and been in several campaigns throughout high school, but I no longer had time for longer campaigns or the planning that comes with them. To solve this, I joined a local game guild that hosted weekly one-shot nights. I was fairly close with a few of the regulars since I came almost every week during the summer.
The main players in this story are DM—a guy I had played with once before, a generally good storyteller who specialized in Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu—and Friend—an older woman who I had played with several times before and was fairly close to. Friend was very close with DM, and actually introduced us in the first place. Now, onto the game in question.
We were playing a modern realistic setting in the city most of us were from. I knew the story would involve a mysterious cult, and prepared myself, since I knew that it would touch on some sensitive subjects for me. For a bit of context, I’m a cult survivor in real life, something that was majorly traumatizing for me. DM and Friend both knew this, though I hadn’t gone into much detail about it. However, I’m usually fine with cults in ttrpgs, and sometimes I even enjoy them, since it’s very cathartic to take something painful and turn it into a beautiful story. That, and I deeply trusted Friend, and Friend trusted DM, so I trusted him too.
Well. It turns out that the cult that we’d be going up against was a real life cult that practiced in said city. Meaning, DM would be roleplaying as a real life group that has done real life crimes. That caught me a bit off guard. Maybe I should’ve expected it, since it was a “realistic setting”, but I had hope nonetheless. Friend and I exchange looks immediately, but hey, we both trust that DM will handle this tactfully.
He doesn’t. The game starts with us approaching a few members of the cult to gather information before the plot starts. The DM takes this moment to describe in detail that there was a child with them, and how that child was bruised and cut on their legs, and how afraid they seemed, going on to describe the rumors of how the cult abuses children. These were real accusations leveled against the real cult. There was even a scene of the adult members talking to the child badly, fully roleplayed out. The scene goes on for far too long, and it hits me so much harder than I expected, especially since it was incredibly realistic. He hadn’t given any trigger warnings, or even mentioned that this would be a part of the game.
I barely remember the following scenes of investigation, since they were mostly just conducting interviews and investigating a disappearance related to said cult. Apparently, I had a thousand yard stare through most of this. Friend kept trying to check on me, but I don’t even remember it happening. Graphic child abuse was not something I had predicted, and I was honestly half-in-half-out of focus for a bit.
Eventually, it was decided that we’d have to infiltrate the cult by posing as prospective members. We arrived to the location, and the party was split into men and women, since only women were allowed to get close enough to what we were hoping to find. My character was meant to be a transgender man, since that’s what I am, and most of the players were also queer in some way so it was normal for us. Unfortunately, this meant that my character would have to present as more feminine for this portion, so that he’d get mistaken for a woman and brought in. I tried to push back on that idea, but we were running low on time and I was really not present anymore.
I’ll be very vague about this section because it’s bad. There was more child abuse happening at the cult compound. There was sexual abuse happening at the compound. My character was singled out as the most “faithful” and targeted as a prospective member. There were implications about what might happen to my character. Thankfully, Friend—who I noticed at this point was also looking very unwell—mentioned that a storm was rolling in IRL, so she wanted to leave early to beat it. I jumped at the chance to also leave.
Friend and I leave the store and sit outside to wait for our rides to get there. It was at that point she confessed to me that she had experienced child loss, and had previously specifically told DM that she didn’t want to play games with graphic harm to children. He hadn’t warned her either, and she was upset about it too. At the time, I felt so dramatic and ridiculous for being upset. Sure, roleplaying child sexual abuse in the context of a real life cult is horrifying, but I also should’ve expected this or should’ve been more vocal. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone at all, since I could’ve guessed that I might be upset by the subject matter. Still, hearing that Friend had also previously communicated boundaries and was ignored made me feel a bit more justified in my anger.
We both eventually got home, and Friend had a long and apparently nasty conversation with DM. His excuse was that he was going through a hard time of his own and just wanted to have that cathartic release. I don’t love that it was at the expense of two people’s triggers that he was aware of previously, but at least I can understand the impulse. I get it, kind of. I’m still conflicted. Was I really just being sensitive?
submitted by H3R4_214 to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:31 12_22_23 They really hate that we can change sex, don't they?

I originally posted this with a throwaway but the automod ate it. So I'll just post it with my main account. Whatever. I'm kind of disgusted with reddit at the moment anyway.
This post is long so tl;dr you'll get masses of downvotes on reddit if you dare disagree with the line that sex is immutable. Even though it isn't. And it's not only rabid transphobes who will downvote you for it.
(Disclaimer: I'm writing from the perspective of a trans woman who has medically transitioned, mostly about trans women who medically transition. I suspect that most of the below applies to trans men who medically transition too if you flip some of the terms, but at this point I'm going to shift back into my lane, stop speaking about trans men, and let them speak for themselves.)
There was a post on atheism on Friday made by a trans person who had been hurt by something transphobic that Richard Dawkins had said. Cue tons of gaslighting in the comments claiming that what he said wasn't transphobic (it was) and mass downvoting of people criticizing Dawkins or supporting trans people. People pointing out that medical transition can change your sex were predictably also downvoted despite it being scientific reality. There were no counterarguments: just slurs, bigotry, and accusations of mental illness. For self-proclaimed atheists a lot of them sure like to cling to disproven transphobic dogma, and for supposed materialists they sure like to cling to metaphysical woo when it comes to biology.
"But chromosomes!" "But gametes!" They're both irrelevant in an adult human who has undergone gonadectomy. Brain/behavioral sex, hormonal sex, and genital sex are far, far more important (and they don't all need to line up in order to classify someone as male or female). But many people stubbornly cling to chromosomes and gametes. Why? Because we can't (yet) modify those in trans people to match their acquired sex. (We can make gametes and gonads N/A and that doesn't seem to be an issue for them with cis people but mysteriously it's not good enough when it comes to trans people. Actually it's not a mystery: it's just transphobia.) They're desperate to have some sort of defense no matter how ridiculous and flimsy for continuing to treat us badly and not treat us as our acquired sex.
(The next two paragraphs are about my experience personally and not all trans women.)
My chromosomes are probably XY. (You probably won't get done for speeding on I-95 but you'll still see someone who has been pulled over by police every twenty miles or so.) If I'd been able to click my fingers and change my chromosomes when I began transitioning then it would have achieved nothing for me. I'd still have needed HRT and SRS to treat my dysphoria. I'd still have undergone gonadectomy, rendering what my chromosomes are and what gametes I would have produced moot. Transphobes would have found some other justification for being shitty to me. If they claim otherwise then they're lying. Perhaps they'd latch onto my "socialization" ignoring the fact that trying to socialize a female brain as male doesn't produce a male brain: it produces a traumatized female brain. Perhaps they'd simply leap straight into spiritualist bullshit and insist that the magical sex fairy declared me male and that can never be changed. It doesn't matter because they're not arguing in good faith.
My brain/behavioral sex has always been female. I simply repressed it for a long time because I grew up in a hateful environment. Additionally, without going into gory details: pubertal testosterone didn't do everything it was supposed to in me. One more datum in support of the theory that some trans women have busted or wonky androgen receptors. To describe me as "male" now or even to say that I used to be "male" is incorrect and ignorant of biology. By the way: if someone would have described me as "male" before I transitioned despite my brain/behavioral sex being female but they wouldn't describe me as female now despite my chromosomes (probably) being XY then they're being intellectually dishonest. (They also almost certainly wouldn't describe the sex of a cis woman with naturally elevated testosterone as "male".) At this point most of the factors that go into determining my sex are female, one is N/A, and as previously discussed chromosomes don't matter because I'm not a fetus. Therefore I'm female now. End of discussion.
(End personal stuff.)
There was also a comment about how outing oneself as trans to every Tom, Dickhead, and Harry in the medical profession can lead to worse health outcomes for trans people because of bigotry, incompetence or ignorance leading to checking for the wrong things, trans broken arm syndrome, and incorrect reference ranges being used leading to false positives and false negatives. Of course it too was downvoted and lots of cis people bleated about how trans people supposedly need to come out to every medical person they meet. Hey dumbasses: I can't get testicular cancer any more and I'm effectively already taking treatment for prostate cancer, but I can get breast cancer and I need to watch for female heart attack symptoms. I don't have low testosterone: my testosterone is right in the middle of the female range. My medical risk profile is similar to that of a cis woman without ovaries or a uterus, and treating me like a cis man for medical purposes would be malpractice. But at least they got to be supercilious toward trans people while giving them bad advice that could result in them being maimed or killed. They can sleep well tonight. It must be nice not to have to be an amateur expert in your own healthcare in order to prevent the alleged real experts from fucking you up.
There was a post in AreTheStraightsOK yesterday about trans people, and one commenter stated that trans women can become female. It was downvoted. At this point I'm not even surprised that so-called allies want us to have some equality but not too much. They want us to be their token trans person to help them virtue signal in order to win online arguments and out-woke their frenemies. Oh aren't they so enlightened and tolerant referring to their trans woman friend as "AMAB" instead of "a man" and "they" instead of "he" as long as she behaves? They love the power of holding our identities over us, refusing to use the correct pronouns for us if we displease them, and misgendering us with AGAB terminology then crying "but it's just reality!" when called out on it. Yes I was "AMAB" and that has no relevance to almost everyone's interactions with me now. You (referring to these "allies") were a screaming little pissbaby when you came out of the womb. Are you still one? Should I bring it up whenever I talk about you?
And just to touch on the 'Queers for Palestine' idiocy and its members claiming they won't vote for 'Genocide Joe': those people would rather virtue signal for people who would execute them by throwing them off buildings than perform a real and meaningful action (vote Democrat) to help trans people in their own country avoid what would await them under a Trump presidency and a Republican-controlled congress. Who needs enemies when you have friends like those? (Of course they're silent about what's going on in Yemen, Sudan, and Myanmar.)
I won't be their good little trans token who will smile while they misgender and missex me in a politically correct way, tell lies and falsehoods about my biology, or condemn me to a Trump presidency so that they can stay in their handlers' good books and not feel slightly icky.
(I'm going to add a disclaimer before people who don't medically transition bite my head off. Here goes.)
I know not everybody wants to or can medically transition. I grew up in a poor household with bigoted parents. It sucked. But I needed to medically transition and I've made big compromises in my life in order to be able to transition: I left academia even though I would have liked to stay, I decided I wasn't going to have kids, I don't take vacations away from home, and I accepted a job with long hours, slightly dubious ethics, and a 24/7 on-call rota in order to afford medication and surgery. Medical transition ranked slightly after food and shelter in my personal hierarchy of needs. Not everybody has the same opportunities that I did. I hope I've demonstrated how important it was for me to medically transition, though.
If you want to medically transition and you can't then I feel for you. It is an extremely unenviable position and I know because I was in it for a long time. I hope you're able to medically transition soon. If you don't want to medically transition then that's great! Please don't try to hold back the people who do. Describe yourself as the sex you were assigned at birth if that works for you but don't demand that I do the same for myself.
submitted by 12_22_23 to honesttransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:30 StalinPubes how do i stop being terrified of other queer people?

i posted on this sub a long time ago about being a lesbian femcel. well, that hasn't changed. but i'm moving near a larger city soon, and it seems like time for a fresh start. recently, i've realized how paranoid/scared i become around other queer people, how i instinctively avoid those spaces and feel fearful on dates, as if i'm sitting across from a Stasi officer. i suspect it's one of the reasons why i'm a femcel. part of it comes from early exposure to toxic queer spaces online (post traumatic tumblr disorder 🙃) + my fears being confirmed by dating experiences that range from mildly annoying to actually traumatic. i sort of expect every queer woman i meet to police or scold me, unable to chill or take anything with brevity, though i realize i may be projecting my negative experiences. i don't feel this way about gay men or trans ppl btw...v neutral about them
to offer a mildly annoying example: i once dated someone who'd sulk and pick fights with me for not rounding up to donate at the CVS checkout
it seems that having queer friends, or showing up in those spaces, is how other women who date women tend to find love. and this is my last resort (i can't stomach another dating app). but it's like i have a mental barrier holding me back. the few times i tried going to events or whatever, i didn't feel natural there & struggled to connect with people, despite making friends easily in other contexts. also find Zoomer queer culture horrifically alienating (i don't even like the word 'queer,' but i feel oliged to use it because everyone does now) on top of my paranoia/baggage. and the laxity around monogamy & the idea that "queerness" means perpetual rebellion or whatever...i'm too trad for this shit!!!!! my ideal situation is to be in a relationship with a normal person & abdicate from engaging any form of queer community but that'd take a literal miracle. idk what to do and it all just makes me v sad :( i feel like this wasn't the life i was supposed to have
submitted by StalinPubes to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:26 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Island for Honeymoon

Maldives Island for Honeymoon
Maldives Island for Honeymoon Imagine being whisked away to a secluded island paradise, where crystal-clear turquoise waters stretch as far as the eye can see and the soft sand feels like a warm embrace beneath your feet.The Maldives, with its breathtaking beauty and serene atmosphere, is a dream destination for honeymooners seeking a romantic escape. But what makes this collection of islands truly special?Well, let's just say that it's not just the stunning landscapes that will leave you awe-struck.So, if you're curious to discover what makes the Maldives the perfect choice for a honeymoon, then join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems and unforgettable experiences that await you in this tropical haven.Key TakeawaysThe best time to visit the Maldives for a honeymoon is during the dry season from November to April, when the weather is pleasant and the sea is calm.Luxury resorts and overwater villas in the Maldives offer a unique and luxurious accommodation experience, with breathtaking views of crystal-clear waters and the option for private pools.The Maldives is a perfect destination for water activities, with opportunities for snorkeling, swimming, kayaking, and more. Overwater villas provide privacy and seclusion, with some offering glass floors for underwater views.Honeymooners can engage in romantic activities such as underwater dining, sunset cruises, traditional spa treatments, and exploring local islands. The Maldives also offers a diverse range of Maldivian and fusion cuisine options to indulge in.Best Time to Visit MaldivesThe best time to visit the Maldives is during the dry season from November to April, when the weather is sunny, the sea is calm, and the opportunities for water activities and beach relaxation are at their peak. This is the perfect time for a romantic honeymoon getaway on this stunning island paradise in the Indian Ocean.During the months of November and December, the Maldives offers pleasant temperatures and lower humidity, creating an ideal atmosphere for couples to unwind and enjoy each other's company. The clear skies and warm temperatures make it a delightful time to explore the pristine beaches and indulge in water sports like snorkeling and diving.April is also a fantastic time to visit the Maldives, with its warm temperatures and clear skies. The calm sea provides an excellent opportunity for underwater activities, where you can discover the vibrant marine life and breathtaking coral reefs. Imagine swimming hand in hand with your loved one, surrounded by colorful fish and stunning coral formations.One of the highlights of visiting the Maldives during the dry season is the chance to stay in luxurious overwater villas. These private accommodations provide a romantic and intimate setting, allowing you to wake up to the gentle sounds of the ocean and enjoy breathtaking views right from your room. The resorts in the Maldives offer world-class amenities and services, ensuring that your honeymoon is nothing short of extraordinary.Luxury Resorts in MaldivesAfter exploring the best time to visit the Maldives for a romantic honeymoon, let's now dive into the world of luxury resorts that this stunning island destination has to offer. The Maldives is renowned for its lavish accommodations, and honeymooners are spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting a luxury resort that will provide an unforgettable experience.Below is a table highlighting some of the top luxury resorts in the Maldives:Resort NameLocationJW Marriott Maldives ResortVagaru Island, Shaviyani AtollVeligandu Island ResortNorth Ari AtollCoco Palm Dhuni KolhuBaa AtollAnantara Veli MaldivesSouth Male AtollConrad Maldives RangaliRangali Island, Alifu Dhaalu AtollEach of these luxury resorts offers exclusive overwater bungalows with private pools and breathtaking ocean views. They provide exceptional amenities, including private butlers, all-inclusive packages, and indulgent spa treatments to ensure a truly pampering experience.What sets the luxury resorts in the Maldives apart is their romantic and secluded atmosphere, making them the perfect choice for honeymooners seeking an intimate and stress-free escape. Many of these resorts also offer unique experiences such as underwater dining, sunset cruises, and stargazing opportunities, adding a touch of magic to your honeymoon.In addition to providing luxurious accommodations and experiences, these resorts have a strong focus on sustainability. They strive to provide an eco-friendly and elegant setting, ensuring that your honeymoon experience is not only memorable but also environmentally responsible.With their unparalleled beauty and top-notch amenities, the luxury resorts in the Maldives create the perfect backdrop for a romantic honeymoon that will be cherished for a lifetime.Overwater Villas in MaldivesLet's talk about the incredible overwater villas in the Maldives.These villas offer a unique and luxurious accommodation experience, with breathtaking views of the crystal-clear waters right from your room.Not only do they provide direct access to the sea, but some also feature glass floors, allowing you to marvel at the vibrant marine life below.With exclusive amenities like private pools and personalized services, staying in an overwater villa in the Maldives is the epitome of privacy, luxury, and romance.Villa TypesOur journey through the enchanting world of overwater villas in the Maldives begins with a glimpse into the diverse and captivating villa types that await honeymooners. These luxurious accommodations offer the perfect blend of romance, seclusion, and breathtaking views.Here are three types of overwater villas that honeymooners can choose from:Overwater Bungalows: These traditional thatched-roof villas exude a rustic charm, with their wooden interiors and cozy furnishings. They provide direct access to the crystal-clear turquoise waters and offer a peaceful retreat for couples seeking privacy and tranquility.Villas with Private Pools: For couples who desire ultimate indulgence, there are overwater villas that come with private pools. Imagine relaxing in the warm water while enjoying panoramic views of the ocean and the white beaches. It's the perfect setting for a romantic dip or simply lounging in the sun.Modern and Sleek Designs: If contemporary luxury is more your style, there are overwater villas that boast sleek designs and modern amenities. These villas often feature glass floors for underwater views, allowing you to witness the vibrant marine life beneath your feet.Whichever type of overwater villa you choose, rest assured that honeymoon packages in the Maldives cater to every couple's desires. From thrilling water sports to mesmerizing snorkeling and diving adventures, the Maldives offers an unforgettable honeymoon experience in paradise.Water ActivitiesAs we immerse ourselves in the world of overwater villas in the Maldives, let's now dive into the thrilling water activities that await honeymooners in these enchanting accommodations.With direct access to the crystal-clear waters, you can snorkel and swim right from your private deck, immersing yourself in the vibrant marine life that surrounds the Maldives islands. Imagine waking up to stunning views of the ocean, watching colorful fish swim by from the comfort of your villa. Some overwater villas even boast glass floors, allowing you to observe the underwater world without getting wet.If you're seeking more adventure, water sports like kayaking, paddleboarding, and jet skiing are readily available, offering an exhilarating experience in the beautiful surroundings. And when you need to cool off, your overwater villa may come with a private pool, providing the perfect spot to relax and take in the breathtaking ocean vistas.The Maldives island resort truly offers an unforgettable honeymoon experience filled with unforgettable water activities right at your doorstep.Privacy and LuxuryImmerse yourself in the epitome of privacy and luxury as you step into the world of overwater villas in the Maldives. Here, honeymooners can indulge in an intimate and romantic setting that's beyond compare.The overwater villas in the Maldives offer a range of luxurious amenities that are designed to provide an unforgettable experience. These amenities include:Private Pools: These overwater villas feature private pools, allowing couples to relax and unwind in complete seclusion, surrounded by breathtaking views of the turquoise waters.Glass-Floor Panels: Experience the wonder of the underwater world without leaving your villa, as many overwater bungalows offer glass-floor panels that allow you to observe the marine life beneath you.Retractable Roofs: Enjoy the perfect blend of indoor and outdoor living with retractable roofs, allowing you to soak up the sun during the day and stargaze at night.In the Maldives, luxury resorts go above and beyond to cater to the needs of honeymooners. From private butlers to all-inclusive packages, every detail is taken care of to ensure a stress-free and unforgettable honeymoon experience.While the Maldives can be an expensive destination, there are options available for different budgets, making it accessible to couples seeking a remote and romantic getaway.Romantic Activities in MaldivesExperience the epitome of romance in the Maldives with a range of unforgettable activities that will leave you and your partner in awe. From underwater dining to sunset cruises, the Maldives offers a plethora of romantic experiences that are sure to create lasting memories on your honeymoon.One of the most unique and mesmerizing activities in the Maldives is underwater dining. Imagine being surrounded by the vibrant marine life as you enjoy a delicious meal together. Many resorts in the Maldives offer this extraordinary experience, allowing you to dine while gazing at the colorful coral reefs and exotic fish.Another romantic activity to indulge in is a sunset cruise. Hop aboard a luxurious boat with your partner and set sail into the horizon. As the sun begins to set, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of the Maldivian landscape. Keep your eyes peeled, as you might even spot dolphins or sea turtles, adding a touch of magic to your experience.For a truly relaxing and rejuvenating experience, indulge in a traditional spa treatment. Many resorts in the Maldives offer spa services that incorporate local ingredients and traditional remedies. Let the skilled therapists pamper you and your partner with massages, facials, and body treatments, leaving you both feeling refreshed and revitalized.To add a touch of authenticity to your honeymoon, explore the local islands and immerse yourselves in the culture and natural beauty of the Maldives. Try the traditional Maldivian cuisine, stroll hand in hand along pristine beaches, and take in the breathtaking sunsets. Embrace the laid-back and luxurious atmosphere of the Maldives, where every moment feels like a dream.Maldivian Cuisine for HoneymoonersAfter immersing ourselves in the romantic activities of the Maldives, it's time to tantalize our taste buds and embark on a culinary journey through the vibrant and flavorful Maldivian cuisine for honeymooners. The Maldives isn't only known for its idyllic white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters but also for its unique and delicious food offerings that reflect the rich Maldivian culture.Fresh Seafood: Being surrounded by the Indian Ocean, it's no surprise that the Maldives boasts an abundance of fresh seafood. From succulent grilled fish to mouthwatering lobster and prawns, honeymooners can indulge in a variety of delectable seafood dishes. The chefs at Mirihi Island resort prepare these delicacies with expert precision, ensuring that every bite is a burst of flavor.Traditional Maldivian Dishes: To truly experience the local cuisine, honeymooners must try traditional Maldivian dishes. Some must-try dishes include Garudhiya, a fragrant fish soup, and Mas Huni, a flavorful combination of tuna, coconut, and spices. These dishes provide a true taste of Maldivian culture and are sure to delight the adventurous foodie.Fusion Cuisine: The Maldivian cuisine also incorporates flavors and techniques from various international cuisines, creating a unique fusion of flavors. Honeymooners can enjoy dishes that blend Maldivian spices with influences from India, Sri Lanka, and the Middle East. This fusion cuisine offers a delightful twist to traditional dishes and showcases the culinary creativity of the Maldivian chefs.With its good and affordable rooms, the Maldives isn't only a paradise for honeymooners but also a food lover's dream. After indulging in the vibrant and flavorful Maldivian cuisine, honeymooners can also treat themselves to Ayurvedic treatments or explore the historical sites that the Maldives has to offer. From the stunning natural beauty to the delicious food, the Maldives truly has it all for a memorable honeymoon experience.Budget-Friendly Honeymoon OptionsFor honeymooners looking to make the most of their budget, there are several options available in the Maldives that offer a perfect blend of affordability and luxury. One such option is the Hurawalhi Island Resort, which not only provides stunning views of the Indian Ocean but also offers fantastic resort offers for honeymooners. The resort is known for its impeccable service and attention to detail, ensuring that your honeymoon experience is nothing short of extraordinary.One of the highlights of Hurawalhi Island Resort is its spa treatments. Imagine indulging in a couples' massage while overlooking the turquoise waters of the Maldives. The resort's spa is designed to provide a serene and relaxing atmosphere, allowing you and your partner to unwind and rejuvenate after the wedding festivities.If you're looking to spend some quality time together, the resort boasts a beautiful swimming pool where you can take a dip and soak up the sun. The pool area is surrounded by lush tropical gardens, creating a tranquil oasis for you to enjoy.Another budget-friendly option is Milaidhoo Island, which offers a range of affordable accommodation options without compromising on quality. The resort is nestled on a private island and boasts pristine beaches that are perfect for romantic walks and sunset strolls.When planning your budget-friendly honeymoon in the Maldives, consider looking for all-inclusive packages and meal plans offered by resorts. This will help you manage costs while still enjoying the luxury and beauty of the Maldives. Additionally, keep an eye out for deals and promotions offered by resorts and travel agencies, as they often have special offers that can help you save money.Scuba Diving in MaldivesAs we delve into the world of scuba diving in the Maldives, newlyweds can dive into a breathtaking underwater world filled with vibrant marine life and unforgettable experiences. The Maldives is renowned for its crystal-clear waters and diverse marine ecosystem, making it a paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts.Here are three reasons why scuba diving in the Maldives is a must for honeymooners:Explore a vibrant underwater world: The Maldives is home to an abundance of marine life, including majestic manta rays, gentle whale sharks, and colorful coral reefs. Dive beneath the surface and witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The Baa Atoll, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is a particularly popular diving spot known for its rich biodiversity.Unique dining experiences: After a day of scuba diving, couples can indulge in unique dining experiences. Imagine having a romantic dinner underwater at one of the Maldives' famous underwater restaurants. Surrounded by exotic marine life and the serenity of the ocean, this is a truly unforgettable experience that adds a touch of magic to any honeymoon.Year-round scuba diving: The Maldives offers ideal conditions for scuba diving year-round. The warm, clear waters provide excellent visibility, allowing divers to fully appreciate the beauty of the underwater world. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, there are dive sites suitable for all levels of expertise.To start your scuba diving adventure in the Maldives, you can fly into Velana International Airport and easily access the many resorts that offer scuba diving alongside other honeymoon perks. Resorts like Soneva Jani provide luxurious accommodations and top-notch diving facilities, ensuring that your honeymoon is both adventurous and indulgent.Sunset Cruises in MaldivesEmbark on a romantic sunset cruise in the Maldives and be captivated by the breathtaking beauty of a Maldivian sunset. Picture yourself sailing on a traditional dhoni or a luxury yacht, gliding across the serene Indian Ocean. As the sun begins its descent, the sky is transformed into a canvas of vibrant colors, painting a mesmerizing backdrop against the crystal-clear waters. From the deck of your cruise, you'll be treated to panoramic views of the picturesque Maldivian atolls and islands, creating a truly magical experience for you and your partner.To give you a glimpse of what awaits you on a sunset cruise in the Maldives, here's a table highlighting the key features:Key FeaturesDescriptionBreathtaking SunsetsMarvel at the stunning colors and reflections on the tranquil sea.Scenic ViewsEnjoy panoramic vistas of the Maldivian atolls and islands.Romantic AmbianceIndulge in a memorable evening with your loved one.Immerse yourself in the romance of the moment as you sip champagne and watch the sun gracefully dip below the horizon. In the midst of this idyllic setting, you may even be lucky enough to spot sea turtles, gracefully gliding through the blue waters, adding to the enchantment of the experience.To enhance the romantic atmosphere, some sunset cruises in the Maldives offer the services of a private chef. Imagine savoring a gourmet dinner, specially prepared for you and your partner, as you bask in the warm glow of the setting sun. The combination of exquisite cuisine, breathtaking scenery, and the company of your loved one creates an unforgettable honeymoon experience.Spa Treatments in MaldivesWhen it comes to spa treatments in the Maldives, we're in for a luxurious and rejuvenating experience. The resorts offer stunning ocean views, providing a serene backdrop for relaxation.Incorporating traditional healing practices and natural ingredients, the spa treatments here promise to indulge us in unique and holistic wellness experiences.Luxurious Spa ExperiencesIndulging in luxurious spa treatments at world-class resorts in the Maldives is an exquisite way to pamper ourselves and enhance our honeymoon experience. Here are three reasons why spa treatments in the Maldives are a must-do:Traditional and Holistic Therapies: Immerse yourself in the rich local culture and experience traditional massages, holistic therapies, and wellness rituals that use local ingredients and natural remedies. These treatments aim to rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul, leaving you feeling completely relaxed and revitalized.Overwater Spa Treatments: Picture yourself enjoying a massage while overlooking the breathtaking ocean views and listening to the soothing sound of waves. The tranquil atmosphere of overwater spa treatments provides the perfect setting for relaxation, allowing you to truly unwind and connect with nature.Underwater Spa Experiences: Take your spa experience to a whole new level by trying underwater spa treatments. Imagine being pampered while surrounded by the enchanting underwater world, with colorful marine life swimming by as you indulge in luxurious treatments. It's a truly extraordinary and unforgettable experience that combines wellness with the beauty of the Maldivian marine life.Enhance your luxurious honeymoon in the Maldives with these spa treatments, and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.Relaxation and RejuvenationEnhance your honeymoon experience in the Maldives with the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation of luxurious spa treatments. Immerse yourselves in the tranquil and serene atmosphere of this tropical paradise, surrounded by white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters.The Maldives is renowned for its natural beauty and is the perfect destination for couples seeking a truly relaxing and rejuvenating honeymoon.At the various honeymoon resorts in the Maldives, you can indulge in traditional spa treatments that utilize local ingredients and traditional remedies. These wellness activities and rejuvenating spa treatments are offered amidst the picturesque surroundings, allowing you to unwind and reconnect with your partner.Many hotels in the Maldives offer luxury amenities such as private butlers and over-the-water villas, providing the perfect setting for relaxation. Immerse yourself in a range of spa treatments, from soothing massages to holistic therapies, all designed to enhance your honeymoon experience in the Maldives.Allow the serene atmosphere and the expert hands of the spa therapists to melt away your stress and rejuvenate your body and mind. Experience the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation in the Maldives, creating memories that will last a lifetime.Traditional Maldivian Spa TechniquesImmerse yourselves in the rich heritage of the Maldives as you discover the captivating world of traditional Maldivian spa techniques, offering a truly authentic wellness experience.The Maldives is known as one of the best honeymoon destinations, and its traditional spa treatments are a testament to its reputation. Here, the island offers a great place to relax and rejuvenate, with a range of unique spa techniques that highlight the island's cultural healing practices.Indulge in specialized massages like 'Bondibai' using coconut oil and 'Dhiggiri' using warm herbal pouches, providing a soothing and invigorating experience. Experience the rejuvenating effects of body scrubs and wraps infused with local elements like sandalwood, papaya, and sea salt.And don't miss the opportunity to enjoy traditional baths infused with aromatic local herbs and flowers, creating a sensory and truly relaxing spa experience. Discover the healing properties of Maldivian traditional medicine, including herbal remedies and holistic therapies designed to restore balance and well-being.The traditional Maldivian spa techniques are a must-try for couples looking for a unique and authentic wellness experience during their honeymoon in the Maldives.Packing Essentials for MaldivesWhen packing for your honeymoon in the Maldives, it's important to bring lightweight clothing such as swimsuits, shorts, and T-shirts for daytime, along with essential items for snorkeling and noise-canceling headphones for seaplane rides.The Maldives is a tropical island paradise, known for its crystal-clear waters and pristine white sandy beaches. It offers the perfect getaway for couples looking for a private and romantic retreat.As you embark on your honeymoon adventure, make sure to pack the essentials for your stay in the Maldives. Lightweight clothing such as swimsuits, shorts, and T-shirts are a must for the warm and sunny weather during the day. For women, an optional sundress can be a great addition for a romantic dinner on the beach, while men can opt for a nice button-down shirt. Don't forget to pack flip-flops for the restaurants, as going barefoot is common in the relaxed beach atmosphere.Since the Maldives is renowned for its vibrant marine life, snorkeling is a popular activity among visitors. Be sure to pack essential items such as lightweight water shoes, an underwater camera to capture those incredible underwater moments, and extra plastic bags for wet clothing. These items will enhance your snorkeling experience and allow you to explore the colorful coral reefs and swim alongside exotic fish.When traveling to your chosen resort in the Maldives, seaplane rides are a common mode of transportation. To make your journey more enjoyable, consider packing noise-canceling headphones. These will help you relax and block out any noise during the seaplane ride, ensuring a peaceful and stress-free start to your honeymoon.In terms of makeup and hair products, it's best to pack minimally. Many accommodations in the Maldives provide hair products and blowdryers, allowing you to travel light and embrace the island's laid-back vibe that embraces natural beauty.Cost of a Maldives HoneymoonThe cost of a Maldives honeymoon can vary greatly depending on the resort and accommodations chosen, ranging from $2,500 per person for a modest resort to upwards of $12,700 for one night in the luxurious Conrad Rangalis underwater suite. With such a wide range of prices, it's important for couples to carefully consider their budget and priorities when planning their dream honeymoon on this idyllic island.Here are three key factors to consider when it comes to the cost of a Maldives honeymoon:Resort Selection: The choice of resort plays a significant role in determining the overall cost of a Maldives honeymoon. Luxury resorts, such as the Conrad Rangalis, often come with a higher price tag due to their exclusive amenities and top-notch service. On the other hand, more modest resorts can provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience at a lower cost.Honeymoon Perks: Many resorts in the Maldives offer special perks for honeymooners, which can add value to the overall experience. Complimentary spa treatments, private dinners on the beach, and romantic sunset cruises are just a few examples of the perks that couples can enjoy during their stay.Timing and Planning: Budgeting for a Maldives honeymoon involves considering not only the cost of accommodations but also meals, activities, and transportation. Traveling during the off-peak season can provide lower rates and fewer crowds, making it a strategic choice for couples on a budget. Additionally, opting for all-inclusive packages or meal plans can help set and manage the honeymoon budget effectively.When it comes to planning a Maldives honeymoon, taking into account these factors can help couples make informed decisions and create a memorable experience without breaking the bank. Whether it's a luxurious escape or a more modest retreat, the Maldives offers something for every budget and every couple's dream honeymoon.Hidden Gems in Maldives for HoneymoonersAfter considering the cost of a Maldives honeymoon, couples can now turn their attention to the hidden gems that await them on this enchanting island paradise. The Maldives is known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life, making it the perfect destination for a romantic getaway. Whether you're looking for secluded beaches, unique dining experiences, or unforgettable adventures, the Maldives has it all.One of the best hidden gems in the Maldives is the opportunity to explore private islands. Imagine having an entire island to yourselves, surrounded by turquoise waters and white sandy beaches. These secluded islands offer the ultimate privacy and tranquility for couples seeking a romantic escape.Another hidden gem is the chance to dine underwater. The Maldives is home to some of the world's most famous underwater restaurants, where you can enjoy a meal surrounded by the breathtaking marine life. Imagine savoring delicious cuisine while colorful fish swim by, creating a truly unforgettable dining experience.For those seeking adventure, a sunset cruise is a must. Hop on a boat and sail across the Indian Ocean while spotting dolphins or sea turtles. The golden hues of the setting sun combined with the playful marine life create a magical atmosphere that will stay with you forever.Indulge in unique spa treatments using local ingredients and traditional remedies. The Maldives is known for its luxurious spas, offering a range of treatments designed to relax and rejuvenate. From soothing massages to invigorating body scrubs, these spa experiences will leave you feeling pampered and refreshed.And of course, no honeymoon in the Maldives would be complete without staying in an overwater bungalow. These luxurious accommodations offer direct access to the crystal-clear lagoon, allowing you to swim and snorkel whenever you please. With indulgent amenities and breathtaking views, an overwater bungalow provides the perfect setting for a romantic and unforgettable honeymoon.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhich Part of Maldives Is Best for Honeymoon?For a honeymoon in the Maldives, the best part to consider is the one that offers romantic resorts with private villas, pristine beaches, underwater adventures, sunset cruises, and spa and wellness retreats.This destination is perfect for couples seeking a luxurious and intimate getaway.Whether it's exploring the vibrant coral reefs, indulging in couples' massages, or simply enjoying breathtaking sunsets, the Maldives has it all to make your honeymoon truly unforgettable.Is It Worth Going to Maldives for Honeymoon?Going to the Maldives for a honeymoon is definitely worth it! The pros include a remote and romantic atmosphere, luxurious amenities, and stunning white-sand beaches.You can enjoy romantic activities like underwater dining and sunset cruises. The best time to visit is during the dry season from November to April.Luxury resorts offer a range of accommodations, from beach villas to overwater bungalows. Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting nearby villages.While there are alternative honeymoon destinations, the Maldives offers a truly unforgettable experience.How Much Money Do You Need for a Honeymoon in the Maldives?When planning a honeymoon in the Maldives, it's important to consider your budget. There are budget-friendly options available, with prices ranging from $2,500 per person for a one-week package at a modest resort.However, if you're looking for luxury, prepare to spend upwards of $12,700 for one night in the Conrad Rangalis underwater suite.To manage costs, consider all-inclusive packages, traveling during the off-peak season, and looking for deals and promotions.Don't forget to indulge in local cuisine and explore must-see attractions during your stay.Which Atoll Is Best for Honeymoon in Maldives?When it comes to choosing the best atoll for a honeymoon in the Maldives, there are several options that cater to different preferences.If you're looking for romantic resorts, private villas, and overwater bungalows, North Malé Atoll is a great choice. It offers stunning views, pristine beaches, and plenty of water activities like snorkeling adventures and sunset cruises.Additionally, you can indulge in fine dining experiences, making it the perfect setting for a memorable honeymoon.ConclusionAs we bid farewell to the Maldives, our hearts are filled with irony. The remote paradise that stole our breath away, with its white-sand beaches and swaying palm trees, will forever remain a cherished memory.The luxurious resorts, indulgent spa treatments, and romantic activities made our honeymoon truly unforgettable. Despite the cost, every penny was worth it for the intimate moments we shared.The Maldives, a hidden gem in the vast ocean, offered us a slice of paradise that we'll forever hold dear.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:11 Petrostar The OG Emperor was much more hardcore.

The OG Emperor was much more hardcore.
The OG Emperor
I recently re-read the description of the Emperor from Rouge Trader, The basic are the same, but small details that make me like this version much more than the modern incarnation.
"So, the Emperor emerged from long hiding, creating the Age of the Imperium over ten millennia ago in a series of wars now remembered by none save their victor. His rule has been a long and harsh one, for there is much at stake - the life of humanity itself. The strain of his constant vigilance has taken a heavy toll upon the man that was once human, for now his body can no longer support life, and his shattered carcass remains intact only because it is held by a spirit itself sustained by the strangest of machinery - ancient artifacts constructed by the Emperor in an elder age.
It is ironic that this creature, whose will extends to over a million worlds, is now unable to leave the life-giving machinery of his imperial throne, unable to so much as lift a shriveled finger or twitch a shrunken eye. The living carcass of the Emperor is immobile, held fast within the bio-machine that sustains his spirit. The mass of this machine is contained within the imperial palace; room upon room of twisted technology, pulsing with a life and will of its own - living, breathing, reproducing and writhing like a giant, mindless organism. Held within this perversion of science lies the Emperor himself, or rather what now remains of his carcass, the seat of his omnipotent will."
He is not confined to the throne due to injury, but rather because he continues to serve Humanity.
And the details of how the Astronmicon works are much more dark.
"To provide a mental signal throughout human controlled space would not be possible to any ordinary psyker. However, the Emperor is no ordinary psyker - his powers go beyond those of mortals. Even so, the strain of transmitting a continuous signal would prove far too strenuous, and he merely concentrates his powers on directing a signal created by others. These are the imperial servants known as the Adeptus Astronomica, psykers whose bodies and souls are leeched of energy. This energy is projected by the mind of the Emperor in the form of the psychic beacon known as the Astronomican. The sheer quantity of mental energy is vast, and only the mind of the Emperor is sufficient to handle so much raw power."
Of course the are also Psykers used to sustain the Emperor, but they aren't merely used to power the machinery. The Emperor literally eats their souls......
"The fate of the Adeptus Astronomica is a sad one, for their efforts soon reduce them to empty husks of bone and dry flesh. Many die every day. They are not the only psykers who are asked to make the ultimate sacrifice, for the Emperor cannot eat as men eat, or drink fluids or breathe air. His life has passed beyond a point where such things can sustain him. For the Emperor the only viable sustenance is human life-force - soul - and he has a great and insatiable appetite. Nor will just any human suffice for this purpose, for the soul-donor must be a very special person in their own right, someone with psychic powers. The Inquisition scours the Imperium in a tireless search for emergent psykers, individuals too vulnerable to be left alone. Some of these men and women will be recruited into the Adeptus Terra (especially the Adeptus Astronomica and Adeptus Astra Telepathica) but many more will serve their Emperor in a more gruesome way. Given up to the weird machinery that surrounds the Master of Mankind, their souls will be gradually leeched from their bodies to feed the Emperor's spirit. Hundreds must die in this way every day if the Emperor, the Imperium and humanity are to survive.
It would be simple to think of the Emperor as an evil corruption of nature. Yet, as the Adeptus Terra teach, the sorrow and slaughter that feeds his divine corpse is a trifling price to pay for the survival of the race. Without the Emperor there would be little space travel and no protection in a hostile universe. Left uncontrolled, the emerging race of psychic humans would become the unwitting vehicle of humanity's destruction. For there are many foul aliens which not only feed upon the life-force of other races, but which use that life-force as a means of opening portals in warp space, infiltrating populated planets via the poorly protected minds of inexperienced psykers. The Master of Mankind knows that to protect his race he must survive, must live forever if necessary, or until such time as psychic humans have evolved sufficient strength to withstand the dangers they face. If thousands much endure pain and death for his sake, how considerable must be the agony of a creature whose body is all but destroyed, whose mind is encased inside a rotting shell and whose every thought is enslaved to the task of serving his race. "
I like this version of the Emperor alot more.
submitted by Petrostar to HorusGalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 ScientistGlass284 An excerpt of an argument I had with a guy on r/shortguys

An excerpt of an argument I had with a guy on shortguys
Somehow these incels on shortguys don’t understand why women don’t want to date them 😂
submitted by ScientistGlass284 to IncelTears [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:43 BrainMarshal Q4W: Why didn't "Ooh La La" take off in the USA?

What’s paid dating, you ask? Well, it’s pretty simple. It’s guys paying women to go on dates with them. On Ohlala, male users create profiles and, once they’ve been verified, they put out a date request specifying the time they want to meet and the price range of what they’re wiling to pay their date. All active female users in the area are then informed about the potential date and are given 21 minutes to respond if they’re interested, making the entire process significantly faster than conventional dating sites. Once a woman has accepted a date request, her profile picture is revealed to the guy and they can have a private conversation in order to determine the parameters of the date. One of the things they discuss is the final price, which they log with Ohlala before meeting up in real life.
This would have been a boon for Female Dating Strategy types but also for any woman who wanted to be compensated for her time. I wanted to invest in this company but they never took off. I'm wondering if it was because the app was unfairly characterized as an escort service?
When it first launched, Ohlala was immediately dubbed an escort service. Yet Poppenreiter is quick to distance the company from that reputation.
"Ohlala is not an escort service and will actively tell its users to not be promoting any illegal activity," Poppenreiter told Mic.
At the bottom of the page it says "Escorts are not welcome!"
So if another app came that had men put up payments for dates and you were explicitly assured you were not obligated to fuck him or do anything you didn't want to do and there were no refunds for him, would you sign up? What if it vetted men with a criminal background check?
submitted by BrainMarshal to PurplePillDebate [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:39 makko007 Men talk substantially more than women

I’m a student journalist. I’ve interned for papers and magazines, which naturally requires me to interview a lot of different people.
95% of the time I interview a man, he will ramble and boast about himself for each question. Most of the time, the “answer” isn’t relevant to what I asked and he will talk over me if I attempt to steer the topic back.
I appreciate each person who volunteers their time to help me with a story; however, I’ve had to scrap countless interviews with men that focused the conversation entirely on themselves and (I promise I’m not exaggerating) their life stories. No matter how I phrase a question or how many I ask, they’ll talk endlessly about topics irrelevant to the discussion.
Outside of what I do for my major and work, I have this problem in public social settings too. It’s common for me to get stuck in a conversation with a man (strangers and acquaintances) who will talk forever whether I contribute to the discussion or not. People tell me to “just cut them off and politely end the conversation” and I agree, but that’s kind of hard when many men will speak over you or talk so extensively without pause that you can’t get a word in.
In my experience, this so rarely happens to me with women. They’re usually good at reading if you’re in a talking mood or not and dial down when they notice you stop contributing interest to the conversation.
Anyway, to wrap this up, I’m not writing this as a “gotcha” post to men. I don’t hate men; I think a lot of them mean well, and many are pretty cool. I just find it ironic how women are stereotyped to ramble a lot when my experience is the complete opposite. And while most of my friends are women, my closest friend is a man, and he’s told me that he struggles with this problem as well.
submitted by makko007 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:29 Atrus20 Had a wild conversation/argument with a transmed on Twitter today

I was arguing with an extremely self-hating transmed on Twitter earlier. Alongside Blanchard nonsense, she seemed to genuinely believe that restricting knowledge of trans people and gatekeeping whos allowed to be trans actually made her safer. Her logic is that she's deep stealth and is afraid that greater trans awareness and acceptance would make her more clockable to the average person which would ruin her social life and job prospects and would need to uproot her life and move to somewhere else and start over. Pretty much deep deep internalized transphobia.
On the one hand it was really sad to see someone internalize transphobia to such an extent despite being trans herself. On the other hand, she's against gay marriage, says NBs and trans men aren't real (all trans men are ROGD which means they're not actually trans), and says that eugenics is good when it works... which kinda instantly destroyed the little sympathy I had for her. 😕
She also claimed that any trans woman that transitioned "late" (ie during puberty or later) were AGP and not actually trans like HSTS trans women like herself 🙄. If you did not display signs of dysphoria so strong that your parents had to take you to psychiatrist who diagnosed you with gender dysphoria as a young child you were AGP and not really trans. And remember, she's against increased knowledge about trans people being disseminated to the general population, especially children. Basically you or your parents are supposed to just magically know that gender dysphoria is an actual thing w/o any prior info about it so you get a diagnosis early and get medical treatment for it pre-puberty.
I'm also AGP because I transitioned late and my lack of knowledge that prevented me from seeking help early was just a story I made up to justify being agp. (The trans gods were just supposed to beam the knowledge of GD to little kid me and just didn't feel like it I guess smh) and I'm actually only sexually attracted to women despite my saying otherwise (I'm bi/queer) and the only reason I'm currently dating a guy was not due to any actual attraction to him, but because it affirmed my gender (meta-attraction).
It was certainly an... enlightening... conversation 😒. Blanchardite transmeds truly are wild people. Not sure how she didn't shatter every bone in her body twisting herself into a pretzel to justify how I and most other trans people aren't valid.
Sorry for the book. I just had to share it because I'm partially in disbelief at how crazy someone can be. Like logically I know people be crazy, but actually interacting with them left me doubting that it really happened and thinking I may have hallucinated it all.
submitted by Atrus20 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 KellyfromLeedsUK Men who are attracted to different kinds of women are more likely to be friends, study finds

Men who are attracted to different kinds of women are more likely to be friends, study finds submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Adam seeking Eve

I need to preface this by saying that I am not interested in having a back-and-forth in the comment section. If you are interested in speaking with me, kindly message me in DMs.
I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
Age gap is not mandatory. Don't be put off contacting me if you are closer to my age.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to be a virgin.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings, or have undergone any kind of surgery that affects your reproductive organs (reassignment, colpocleisis, FGM, tubal ligation, etc). I am not a doctor, so I don't know every situation that could require surgery. If you've had to undergo surgery or medication because of circumstances beyond your control, please let me know; I'm willing to hear your side of things.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to defer to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to Christianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 holobiota Can anyone recc LGBT friendly self defense classes?

Hi! I'm new to the thread so my apologies if this is an unwelcome topic.
Would anybody reccommend an inclusive, encouraging self defense/martial arts school or instructor in San Antonio? I would especially appreciate reccommendations from other LGBT people who have felt supported in these spaces.
In a few months I'm going to be moving to San Antonio with my two friends, who are both trans women. We want to all take self defense classes together, but they're very shy ladies. They're both closeted and would most likely be presenting as men. I would hate for them to get discouraged from the attempt by an instructor with too much of a sexist or macho teaching method. (I'm not sure how common that is. I've just seen some teaching styles that appeared very extreme and degrading.) Statistically, they're very likely in their lives to need self defense skills, so I want them to have a good chance.
They could probably handle it fine even if an instructor had a more aggressive teaching style, but I feel very protective of them, so I figured I'd ask anyway. Thank you all for you help.
I also appreciate politeness in response to this: "snowflake" comments are sadly expected, but unhelpful LOL.
submitted by holobiota to sanantonio [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 iknowwhatsmissing I'm a magnet for size queens... help!

I know I'm not setting any records, but if you believe statistics (I really don't after the last few years) I'm average or slightly above.
Cool, my doctor and scientists are happy with my size, but my issue is that firstly, women seem to consider average/a bit above average to be outright small, and secondly despite not being a height, enthincity, appearance, attitude, or anything that would indicate I'm setting records, somehow I'm an absolute MAGNET for size queens who not only tjink above average is small, but they want really big. As in, I meet women who have actively and repeatedly pursued men who are, or they think will be, huge, and used things like patterns of body types, ethnicity, and if online sought dkpics to narrow down partners, and if a guy isn't big or huge they dont get a shot (or a second, if they already went home with the dude and their hopes were wrong).
This all comes out through subtle comments, I think at first they try to be fine with it because im a reasonable looking and generally decent and interesting guy, but over time resentment seems to build and things start being said months into dating and it becomes clear they have wild preferences (which, yes, I've clarified, to make sure I'm not just insane, and these women's experiences ARE mental, they think a 1 in 10 size is small, 1 in 100 is average, and 1 in 10,000+ is more like one in 5.
This is absolutely killing me, especially as just like everyone here will probably do, people will invalidate my experiences, say it doesn't happen, it's super rare, I'm just unlucky, few women care, big ones hurt, blah blah.
How can I possibly navigate dating or relationships when I feel so worthless and only attract women who resent me in the most intimate way, but initially hide this and it doesnt come out until I'm invested? I don't have a type, age group, anything, I don't consistently meet women in the same ways or via apps, the last two have been through interests, prior to that it was a dating site and prior to that it was a mutual friend, the only consistent theme is that they all seem to be very unhappy handling an average thing, despite other aspects of sex being great.
submitted by iknowwhatsmissing to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Christian man seeking Christian woman #Washington #Online

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to have no mileage.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to submit to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:20 SavingsConstant6390 Ppl r going to disagree

Why do women always treat me like crap? I think I do everything the opposite of what society tells me to do… being the nice guy doesn’t really pay off lol. No matter what woman it is that says they like u eventually they just lose interest and on to the next man. Like I’m some source of entertainment in their brains… I just don’t get it. You may have seen previous posts of mine I never had a gf yes… I can’t even get friends and I have had way worser experiences with women over men just talking to “generally speaking”. Why is this women? Do u just get bored when a guy shows u to much attention? And the problem is it’s not like it’s only some women like this… it’s all women guys they all eventually get bored of u when u show them ur interested. The quote treat them like a celebrity and they’ll treat you like a fan is so true and relates to me so much even tho I don’t idolize women… I still get treated like I’m some fan for showing interest i officially gave up on dating I’m really sick and tired of all of women’s bs excuses and lies that they like attention and complain about not getting loved… when there r so many guys out there that just want a loving relationship and marriage… ik for a fact they do because I met a lot of guys like that but we never get a chance lol so pls everyone stop spreading lies to us guys saying we will find love eventually. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I wish I was born in a generation where technology isn’t involved and maybe then I would have my dream of actually meeting someone who loves me for who I am but honestly guys we r hopeless out here. Yes I agree with women too I’m not a misogynist by no means. A lot of guys suck and are horny and lustful but with that being said… there is a lot of guys out here like me who just want to love on a woman for the rest of our lives… I genuinely don’t understand why no one in this world thinks like me because women find me crazy like I’m some sort of monster when I speak about feelings… needless to say I genuinely believe I’m destined for no hope and no love but atleast I have God… no friends, no lover, no loving family but it’s cool because God is all u need remember dat ppl. Much love to all of yall out there and God bless I was just speaking what was on my mind ❤️
submitted by SavingsConstant6390 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 Careless-Wish-4563 Do mixed race men have an easier time in the dating world than monoracial black men?

Particularly light skinned mixed race men. As someone who grew up in an area with a low black population, I did notice in high school that the mixed race boys in my grade who were above average were more likely to be fawned over across the board (by people of all backgrounds - by the black girls, by the white girls, by girls of other races) in comparison to the darker black boys who may have been above average.
I’m curious about this. I have noticed that mixed race women (once again, particularly light skinned ones) have an easier time in the dating world than monoracial black women.
submitted by Careless-Wish-4563 to AskSocialScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:13 rabbi420 Question for Married Bi Men

So, bisexual men who are in a long term relationship with women… How do you satisfy the part of you that want to be with people other than women?
I’m bisexual, married to a woman, but I have needs, so I’d love to hear some advice. Asking in earnest.
In advance… Thank You.
submitted by rabbi420 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 Yellowbone95 Why do men judge women who have casual sex?

Men do it too! What’s the problem?
submitted by Yellowbone95 to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 not-cool-bro my workplace seems very inappropriate

i say seems because it does feel weird but i guess i don’t fully grasp it until i tell my family about it and they say it’s not okay. idk if i minimize it internally or what.
but anyway for context i am a 21 year old man. my manager and coworkers i work directly with are all 50+, all women. there are other employees as well who are not like this but i don’t work directly with them. but basically one of the people i don’t work directly with is a woman as well, she’s a few years older than me and for whatever reason my coworkers all think we’re in love or something. really she’s just the only person there who is normal and we are friends.
they always say wildly inappropriate things. like i got a tattoo on my outer thigh and there was a conversation leading up to this but essentially one said that the girl would’ve liked if i pulled my pants down to show her.
they all say stuff like we’re gonna get married or that we’re flirting with each other all the time. and today i had the day off and my manager was talking with a coworker and then my friend. my friend told me about it right after but since i wasn’t there i don’t know exactly what happened or what was said but apparently they somehow got on the topic of me working out and my coworker said that i showed her my biceps and told her to feel them and she told them they were as hard as rocks. this never happened. never have i shown her my biceps or even talked about them. like yeah i know that can be considered a compliment but it feels so weird that she would just make that up and tell other people that? like wtf.
idk it just makes me wonder what kinda disgusting shit they say when i’m not there and when my friend isn’t there to tell me what was said. and there have been so many times they have said stuff about me and her when she isn’t there and i immediately text her because it just feels so wrong. to talk about someone behind their back period, but especially given the type of stuff the say and the fact that i’m the only young male there and they are all older women. i’m not saying it would be okay if i was older or they were younger or they were men. idk it is wrong no matter what
i don’t even wanna go to hr because they are garbage. i have seen it firsthand they would do a whole investigation to say they found nothing or they would just transfer me to a different location instead of addressing the problem. i’m looking at other jobs for this reason along with other personal reasons but i am having trouble finding something that seems like a good fit. i haven’t been looking for long tho.
idk if i’m posting this for advice or just to vent or what. or just to tell a story. idk. thanks for reading if anyone actually did read this
submitted by not-cool-bro to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:02 Character_Fudge_9961 My dad is gay and I’m the only one who knows about it

This situation is far more complicated and has been years in the making. If you want a rundown, I’ve put a TLDR at the bottom. I truly just need a space for me to type out my story and possibly maybe hear similar stories if anyone can relate. This is an extremely long post, and there’s a chance I ramble, so just as a warning
I’ll give some background before I say my case: I (22F) have been suspicious of my dad (50M) for the better part of my life. I have diagnosed anxiety and for the most part, I’ve thought my ideas and skepticisms on the matter as just intrusive thoughts. My dad and I have l always had a weird relationship. It doesn’t change how much I love him though. Even as I sit here today, I can’t in good conscience say I hate my dad. I love my dad. Even in his bad moments and questionable behaviors, hes my dad and usually my biggest of supporters. I think because of his bipolar nature it makes this situation so hard.
My mom and dad have been married for 25 years. Like I said before, they have four kids, both come from strict Catholic families, and share the same group of friends. On the outside, everyone can tell my dad loves my mom. He worships the ground she walks on, splurges on expensive gifts for her and is pretty openly affectionate. My mom, however, has never been vocal on her affections, inside and out of the house. Honestly, I can see how this affects my dad. Over the years, they’ve gotten shorter with each other, dad lashes out a bit more (something I’d say to remember as you keep reading), and will disappear into the night after a harsh argument.
I’d say this is where I start to get weird feelings on him. We all have a joint Life360. All of us, including our parents, can see where we are at all times. I’m fine with this, given at the time of this starting I was 20 and in college and I understand why a parent would want their kids locations. When checking the app, I started to notice my dad’s location being off at weird intervals of the night. If you have Life360, you’d know that it will tell you someone’s location has been turned off. Naturally, I’d ask my dad and he’d laugh it off saying his app was screwed up and he wasn’t sure why it was doing that and then 20 minutes later his location would be back on. Whatever, fine. The locations would only turn off around 11 P.M. on random evenings, usually when he was in town. He’d still throw the excuse that it was because he was just flying and airplane mode screws up Life360 (which isn’t true btw).
Anyways, I guess the meat of this story starts December of 2022. Dad’s anger is at weird levels. He’s arguing with my mom more and turning off his location. Me, being stupid, accused him of acting weird a few days before Christmas. Naturally he gets defensive and starts to say things like I’d never cheat on your mom, how could you accuse me of things like that, my phone is just wired. I’d argue back that I never accused him of cheating, just that he’s weird. That didn’t help my case. This is where his true character started to show. Threats of I’d cut you off from college (they pay for my schooling, car and phone), yelling at me for not showing respect for him, how he’s done so much for the family. After this argument I’d see him deleting no name contacts off of his phone after a conversation. I brought this up to my mom, and she tells me it’s probably work so I drop it. If my mom’s not worried why should I be.
After Christmas, we fly north to visit family since we’re the only ones down south. During our trip, he’d take my grandparents car (with their permission, these are my moms parents) to run errands for the Christmas parties that will be happening over the next couple of days. Once again, every time he’d go out his location would turn off. The tipping point for me was when he said he was going to fill up my grandparents car with gas. They live 5 minutes from a gas station. We had a reservation in an hour with his dad that we cannot be late to. My dad knew this. He was gone for an hour. Location off. He’s not contacting anyone, including my mom, on where he is. When he gets back, 5 minutes after when we were supposed to leave, he tells us all that there was an accident at the gas station and they needed him for a witness support. I shoot him down asking why his location was off and why he didn’t tell anyone this in front of my siblings, mom, and grandparents. They all laugh like it’s a joke but once I look at him he’s fuming. He tells me to get in the car so we can get to dinner.
Once we all pile in for dinner he screams at me, once again repeating the things he said before Christmas and how dare I accuse him of anything in front of his in-laws. When we finally parked the car and started to walk into the restaurant, he screams at me in the parking lot. My cousins and grandfather are standing outside watching him berate me in public. I’m 20 years old and he’s treating me like I’m 5. He told me he was going to stop paying for school and my rent this upcoming school year to teach me a lesson. I have never seen my father like this before, and true to his word, I paid for the first two months of my Spring 2023 school year. After some convincing from my mom, my dad texts me in March to not worry about the rent. I think after this is where I truly realize what’s at stake and what more I could lose if I try something like this again, and I never once verbally said he was cheating to anyone. Besides I had no proof.
In between this period, my mom and I have a huge heart to heart. I confess to her that her relationship with my dad is not something I view healthy, and I’m fearful that my marriage one day will look like theirs. I tell her I think she’s treated unfairly behind closed doors and she needs to step up for herself. She agrees but once I bring up divorce, she laughs and says she’d never in a million years consider that. She’d never get a divorce, and she kept reinforcing that. My parents are super Catholic, so I’m not surprised by this statement, but I feel like this paragraph is important to note.
Jump forward it May 2023. I’m off for the summer, in a limbo between end of the school year and starting my internship, so I’m back home. One evening my parents and I are watching a show in the living room. How we are all positioned makes it that my dad is in front of us. During a commercial break while my mom is getting water, my dad takes out his phone and starts texting, however it’s not on iMessage. It’s on Grindr. The only reason I know it was Grindr is because I have a few gay friends at school and I’ve seen some of their messages before. Honest to god, I’m shocked and paralyzed in my seat. What I’ve been suspicious about for the past half of the year is true. Just not in the sense I thought he was. Excusing myself to my room I go to recollect myself and reach out to two of my closer friends about the situation.
Over the next few months when I visit home, I start to document any instance I see him on the app or turning off his location. I have multiple videos of him texting people on Grindr. I’ve started to hint to my mom that something isn’t right and made out loud comments how weird dads been. Since last May, I’ve told my younger sister (F19) about my dad and showed her some evidence. She refuses to acknowledge the behavior and does not want to do anything about it. We’ll joke about it sometimes behind closed doors but when I bring it up to her today about telling my mom or talking to my dad, she gets fearful and thinks it’s stupid to do.
Which leads us to today. I am a fresh graduate from college. I’ve moved back home and am looking for work. And I know I’m being extremely selfish to everyone in my family for withholding this information. After countless talks with my therapist, she thinks it’s wise to not tell my dad or mom what’s happening, at least currently. Since I have been actually cut off from my dad and my mom has expressed that she doesn’t want a divorce and can’t really be bothered to look into the situation more, my therapist and a few of my friends agree to wait until I’m financially independent and moved out of the house. I think about telling my parents everyday what I know. But then I think of me, and my three younger siblings (the youngest is 13) who are still living at home, and the fact my mom is financially dependent on my dad. And I think the worst part and it makes me feel awful for even typing this, but it feels a bit easier to cope with this because my dad is exclusively talking to men. He’s not cheating on my mom with other women. My sister and I over the holidays looked to see if he had any of the other dating apps and we found nothing.
Honestly, a lot of you all might have read all of this and may still think I should tell my parents asap. Or question why I’m still waiting. I think I’m scared. I think I don’t want things to change. I don’t want to be blamed at or remembered as the daughter who ruined the **** family. I know it’s my dads fault and it’s not on me, but I’m scared I’ll truly lose my dad if I bring this to light. I’m scared my moms life will be flipped upside down forever. I’m scared my younger siblings will resent me for ruining our family and their cushy life will be lost.
I just needed somewhere to write this all down. I needed to get this off of my chest while I sit in my childhood bedroom. I’ve never felt more trapped and guilty in my life. It’s easier to forget that this is happening while I was at school, but now that I’m home, it’s harder to ignore. If anyone has any similar stories I’d love to hear them. There’s a lot more I’m leaving out so if there are questions I’ll try and answer them.
TLDR: was suspicious of my dad for cheating back in 2022 based on some behaviors and was cut off for two months when I asked what was up. Now I know he’s gay and is cheating on my mom and has been for maybe years. Mom doesn’t seem to worry/care about his behavior and Dad is still creeping around. Now that I’m back home the guilt of not saying a word to either of them is building up but I’m scared I’ll lose my family.
submitted by Character_Fudge_9961 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]
