How can i get furniture money from welfare

How To Get There (Philippines)

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2009.08.28 00:43 designfan Interior Design (Interior Architecture)

Interior Design is the art and science of understanding people's behavior to create functional spaces within a building. It is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants and are aesthetically attractive. Please read the rules before posting :

2011.12.27 16:50 Hulde Colorization - The colorization of old black & white photos

[/Colorization] is a subreddit that is dedicated to sharing black and white photos that you have colorized. Colorization can be very time-consuming but the results are often amazing. We offer information and experience on how to colorize old photos.

2024.05.20 00:30 violethavoc For those with difficult introductions, how many re-introductions have you had to do?

Open to advice as always but since I’ve been through this before, I’m mainly just curious to see if anyone can relate to this scenario or if I need to start thinking of other options (that I really do not want).
I’ve posted in here before about introducing my older cat, MaryLouise, to the younger one, Lenore (both adults with 2ish year gap). After a 4 month introduction, and a week-ish reintroduction after that, the past 8-ish months have been in relative harmony. They play with each other a lot less brutually than they used to, MaryLouise will often go up and start grooming Lenore, they’ll sleep right next to each other, they’ll both cuddle with me, they’ll eat side by side without fighting, etc. I do believe they genuinely like each other.
Unfortunately, today I fucked up when I accidentally stepped on ML’s paw. She screamed, I yelped cause it startled me, and she immediately ran straight for Lenore and proceeded to chase her while yowling and clearly wanting to harm her. I managed to wrangle ML and put her in the office for a couple hours. When I got back home I tried to release her with some treats to peace-make, but she immediately went for Lenore again. I’ve seen this happen before and know it means they need a reintroduction, especially with how fearful Lenore was to ML’s smell after Fight Round 2.
Just because I’ve done this before, I do think they CAN be reintroduced okay (the second intro went way quicker than the first). I also left a voicemail for the vet to get em both a little gabapentin (ML has been on it before but had been weened off it for like the past 6+ months?). Maybe it was my mistake to think ML could ever go unmedicated, even without another cat involved in the mix, due to her own anxiety/instability from whatever life she had before me. It’s just so defeating to have to go through this a third time, especially knowing it’s my own fault. I definitely wonder if I made the right decision of the second cat. But even the vet seemed impressed when just two weeks ago, I brought them both into the office, and they were totally fine!! Even after being poked and prodded for bloodwork, ML didn’t attack Lenore either at the vet or at home.
Maybe I’m just looking for a “your cat needs meds” or a “I had to introduce my cats 8 times, it’s normal”, I don’t know. I’m just trying my best for them and need a better safety net for when stuff like this happens, and the knowledge this too shall pass without the word “rehoming” brought into the mix.
submitted by violethavoc to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 Interesting-Chart607 Suggestion of places to buy decent crockery near Gurugram

I have recently shifted to Gurugram currently staying near cyber city so as a normal person would require few things even after having a good rental that is full furnished.
Need suggestions where to get decent priced and quality crockery like plates , glasses , mug etc and some basic furniture too (for furniture would require bill proper as my company has some compensation over it)
Also how to bring it back to main places where I stay like first time moving out of your city , you realise transportation is a hassle and no vehicle in a new city can be a challenge specially if you are used to having one for most of your life.
submitted by Interesting-Chart607 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 Ready-Candidate-6371 Short Story Critiques wanted

I am basically brand new to creative writing, having not written anything since I was a teenager. I've recently felt a spark to start writing again. I'm hoping for some honest critiques so I can know what I have to improve on. What do you think? Are you interested to read the rest or is it awful? Thank you!!
This is an excerpt from a short story. For some context, the MC is living in modern times, gets lost while driving home, her car dies and she ends up walking to look for help. She winds up here...
"Words escape me as I take in the woman in front of me. She is dressed in a floor length navy blue gown reminiscent of sometime in the 17th century. My eyes shift behind her… a fire is lit in a hearth. Next to a window on the far side are a table with two chairs. And seated in one of them is a man, who by this point is beginning to stand up and make his way to the door as well. The way their faces looked when they saw at me was similar to how I imagine my own must have been. Pure, undiluted confusion. I shake my head and tried to find words. “Who are you?” Demanded the man as he approached. “I… I’m lost.. I.. my car broke down a couple of miles down the road.. I just need a phone so I can call for help..I..” I spluttered. “Are you okay, miss?” The woman asked with concern in her face. “I’m not sure, to be honest.” Their gazes shift from confusion to concern to suspicion as they take in the sight of me. While they are dressed for a renaissance faire, I’m sporting a thigh length floral print dress with a denim jacket. “Who are you?” The man demands again. “My name is Millie… I work just down the road at the James River Elementary School… I’m just trying to get home. Do you have a phone I could use, please? I need to call for help.” “Phone?" He glances at his wife, motioning for her to move away from the doorway, "Miss, I haven’t a clue what you speak of…” Who on earth doesn’t know what a phone is? I can’t be so far out of town that I’m talking to people who are that out of touch. I begin to explain but think better of it. “Miss, please come with me..” He dons a long brown jacket over his off-white cotton shirt and steps out the door past me, motioning for me to follow. Something about following a strange man, wearing historical clothing, down a dark path through the woods feels very wrong at this moment, but I don’t see a way out of it. So I follow for several quiet minutes until we come upon another building, slightly larger than the house we just came from. This one also has a thatched roof, with smoke billowing out of a chimney. The man opens the door and holds it for me, motioning me forward. I go. “Good evening, constable…” He says to a man seated at a wooden table. He has a piece of old looking paper and a feather quill in front of him, along with an ancient looking mug. This is all beginning to feel like a fever dream. I’m almost too confused to feel the fear that continues to build inside me. “Who is this here, Thomas?” He says to the man, eyeing me with suspicion. “She just showed up at our doorstep. She’s been mutterin’ on about needin’ help… talkin’ all kinds of nonsense about something called a…” He turns to me and says “What did you say, miss…?” “My car broke down a few miles down the road… I walked here, I can’t find my phone, I just need some help getting home…” I say with urgency. “All I need is to make a phone call and I’ll be out of your way…” “That was it.. phone? See, speakin’ nonsense, sir. I figured it best to bring her here.” The man, Thomas, says. “I see.. I see.” The constable rubs his temples as if exasperated and stands up, the chair scraping against the wooden floor as he pushes it back. “I’ll take it from here, Thomas. I thank ya. You’ll best be on your way.” At that, Thomas turns on a heel and walks back out the door the way we came. The constable takes a firm hold of my upper arm and leads me to a barred cell. “What is this?” I demand, beginning to panic. “Miss, I will not take the chance of witchery here. It’s my job as constable to keep the citizens of Jamestown safe, and I intend to do so. You’ll stay here til the morning, when Justice Stoughton will see ya.” He had a thick accent, English I think. It was like a light bulb in my mind suddenly flashed bright. The lack of traffic, the buildings, the historical clothing and weird speech… the confusion when I told them I needed my phone. Either at some point from the time I left work until now, I traveled back in time to early Virginia… or I’m dreaming. I resolve that the only thing that makes sense is that I’m dreaming. And I’d like to wake up now. At some point in the night, I fall asleep. As I sit leaning against the cold wall of the cell, the adrenaline from the evening wears off a bit. I can’t help but feel utter exhaustion, which eventually gives way to sleep. Several hours later, I wake with a start, confused about where I am. My body aches from sleeping sitting up. I glance over to the window and notice that the dark is giving way to dawn and the birds are beginning to sing. I rub my eyes, hardly able to believe that this nightmare hasn’t ended yet. I hear footsteps approaching. The constable fumbles with a set of large keys as he searches for the one to my cell. Once he manages to unlock it, he sets a piece of bread and a metal mug on the floor near the door with a clunk. I didn’t realize until this moment that I am absolutely ravenous. A crusty piece of bread off the floor doesn’t sound appetizing but at this very moment I will take what I can get. I reach over to retrieve my fare. I quickly eat the bread and take a gulp from the mug."
submitted by Ready-Candidate-6371 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:21 Admirable-Golf-5146 M 24 UK - Small Business Owner

Hi I’m Joe, I live in England (south), looking to talk and explore with anyone near and far. I run a small business by myself and love it. I also love the outdoors, cooking, baking and fishing.
I have one cat, one car and one brain cell. Would love to chat to anyone near and far, I reply quickly and could text all day.
If you get this far in reading please tell me your favourite movie and why. Anyone is welcome to chat but looking for girls romantically.
For all the girls who reads this far I apologise about the men on this app and how Pervy they can be.
Bonus points if from England, double points if from Surrey :)
If you can say a little bit about yourself and a attach a photo that would be very helpful but not required :)
submitted by Admirable-Golf-5146 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:54 ICantRead123456 My neighbors are disgusting and im so fucking sick of it

Context. I live in my bfs apartment. Its an upstairs/downstairs duplex. We live upstairs. And this isn't a normal apartment this is a house that some guy bough and renovated to be 2 apartments and rents it out on fb marketplace. He does long term rentals so my bf has had his apartment upstairs for 7 years and ive lived here with him for 2. The way you get into our apartment is you enter through the side door and theres an area everyone has access to and you can go down a short flight of stairs to get to the basement where the washers and dryers are (we own our own set ourselves and the other set is technically communal but that's gross) if you go upstairs you hit another landing with the neighbors back door and bathroom door and another starcase that leads to our front door. And since this is a renovated regular house a lot of the rooms dont make a lot of sense. The downstairs apartment doesn't have its own bathroom technically. The bathroom entrance is in the stairwell. So they have to completely leave their apartment and go into the shared stairwell to shower or use the toilet. So the downstairs neighbors use the stairwell as much as us despite them having their own front door at the front of the house.
Our landlord kinda sucks. He doesn't really upkeep the property unless someone complains. I dont have his number cuz technically im not on the lease and my bf doesn't want to bother him with trivial stuff cuz technically he could kick us out if he wanted to. My bfs lease says no pets and any people that move in must be added. The landord knows im here, ive met him several times. And he knows i have a cat. He raised our rent by $25 a month because of my cat but he never said anything about us not being allowed to have him. And I'm pretty sure its because I've personally done pretty much all of the upkeep inside the house. Im an extremely clean person. A clean freak if you will. And messes and shit make me anxious af. When i moved in we had different downstairs neighbors and they used the stairwell as kinda storage. Mountains of boxes and shoes and toys and shit stacked along the walls. It drove me nuts. But i couldn't do anything about it. When they finally moved out i completely cleaned and decorated the stairwell. Used my own supplies and bought the decorations myself. Spent hours scrubbing the walls and floors and cleaning out the window frames and shit. The decorations arent much, just a couple fake houseplants, but i figured with some decorations in the stairwell whoever moved in next might be detered from using it as storage. All in all cleaning and decorating the stairwell cost me about $150ish and a couple hours of labor. I didnt mind it at all though because now it doesn't make me anxious af when i walk into the building. And the landlord loved it and thanked me and his wife thanked me.
In the year, maybe year and a half, since the first neighbors moved weve gone through like 3 or 4 people downstairs. We hated most of them because they were loud af at all hours. One used to blast music at like 2am. There was one we really liked at first. A couple the same age as us who were pretty cool. And we hoped they would last a while but after the first week they started fighting constantly. Screaming at each other in the middle of the night and shit. They didn't even last the whole first month before they broke up and the guy left. And the chick had to leave cuz she couldn't afford the apartment solo. That's when we got our current neighbors. We've never spoken to each other and im not even sure who actually lives there cuz there's always people coming and going and I've never consistently seen any one person there. They kinda creeped me out when they first moved in cuz they had their back door open (the door that leads into the stairwell) and i was in the stairwell to go outside and smoke but got distracted on my phone for a second and one of the guys stood in the doorway and staired at me with a weird look on his face till i left. But after that i never saw him again so i dont think he actually lives there. They're pretty quiet so we didnt mind them at first. But then they started leaving their trash in the stairwell. And ig they don't have an actual trashcan for their bathroom or bedroom cuz it would be like fast food bags filled with used toilet paper and shit like that. And they would leave the trash there for days until i would take it to the trashcan outside. And i got sick of that pretty quick and tried a couple times to knock to talk to them but noone would answer so i left them a note that wasn't mean or bitchy or anything i basically just said the stairwell is communal and ive been taking their trash outside for them but they need to start taking their trash outside. And they did. But they would leave in on the ground literally next to the trashcan instead of inside it. And the wind would blow their trash all over the back yard (the back yard is our yard and the front yard is their yard) so id still be cleaning up their trash constantly. But i never had to bring it up to the landlord cuz i was outside one day when he was at the next door house (which he also owns and is split into 2 apartments the same way as ours) and he asked me if it was us leaving our trash on the ground cuz he was sick of having to clean up trash before he could mow and i told him no its the downstairs people and that they do it a lot and were leaving it inside but i was sick of cleaning up after them too. Ig he said something to them cuz they started putting their trash somewhere else. Idk where though cuz we only have 1 outside trashcan and I've never seen them use it. But problem solved right? Wrong. Im pretty sure they've been just piling their trash up in their house cuz not to long after that i saw a roach in the stairwell. I lost my shit and killed it and my bf saw it and said it wasnt a roach and convinced me i was being dramatic. Then i saw one in our apartment. And i caught it under a cup to show him and he finally believed me. So we had to sink a bunch of money into buying shit to prevent more from coming into our apartment. Caulk for cracks in the walls, outlet covers, drain covers, door sleeves. That kinda shit. It was one and done though so he didnt want to bother the landlord with it. And it's been months and i havnt seen anything else, even in the stairwell, so i think the landlord found out anyway and said something or they just decided to do something themselves.
Now they've lived here a while and have gotten comfortable. I had to buy an air freshener for the stairwell because they go and take giant disgusting shits and turn the stairwell into a gas chamber. And they've started using the stairwell to knock dirt off their carpets and shit and they just leave the dirt on the ground. So im constantly having to sweep it up myself. And my bf keeps blaming me for the stairwell smelling like cigarettes because he knows i smoke but i go outside and close the door so ik its not me and i was confused for a while how it could be me until i caught the neighbors one night smoking in their kitchen with the door to the stairwell open so all the cigarette smoke drifted into the stairwell. I've started leaving the windows open in the stairwell to clear out the smoke. But its cold at night still and the neighbors keep going and aggressively closing the windows cuz its to cold ig.
And none of this is my responsibility. I shouldn't have to constantly be cleaning up after them. It's not my house. The stairwell is communal the landlord should be cleaning it but he doesn't and since i dont want to constantly have to look at messes and shit i end up having to do it and im so fucking sick of it.
submitted by ICantRead123456 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:22 THROWRA495738393 How I (24M) can get over my (25F) girlfriend’s past?

My girlfriend and I have known each other for 5+ years, we met at work. We’ve had a bit of an on again off again relationship, and we had a year long break about 6 months ago. Our relationship started approximately 5 years ago.
To keep a long story short, we started dating and afterwards she revealed to me that she slept with another of our coworkers. This destroyed me and I had an incredibly difficult time dealing with this. I think past partners are no big deal, but typically they’re faceless entities. This guy I knew personally, we all worked together on a regular basis. At this time, her and I still worked together, but this guy had left the company. Time passes, we’ve been together for about 2.5 years, we no longer work at that company, we don’t work together, but still dealing with other issues. Ultimately, we broke up, and after about a year decided to get back together (messy, I know), for the most recent time. However, this time she revealed to me that she had slept with another coworker all those years ago. This just reignited all the insecurity and anger from the first guy, on top of now the second guy that we all worked with. Not to mention I explicitly asked her if she had any history with him and she lied to my face for years.
Finally, I ask, how can I deal with this? She was remorseful and we both love each other, but for some reason this eats away at me. I know she’s had other partners, as have I, but the lying and the coworkers just bother me relentlessly. Any advice as to how to move forward?
submitted by THROWRA495738393 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:16 AndhisNeutralspecial Respect the main cast (Friday Night Funkin')


Yes, that's his actual name.
Strength - Steps on a plank with enough force to dislodge it and hit Daddy Dearest in the balls - Catches Girlfriend after she gets pushed off her speakers by Pico - Can apparently use his microphone to attack people - Can severely beat up normal people - According to PhantomArcade, if he fought 200 rabid chihuahuas with an oversized fish, he would slam the fish down and turn them all to paste
Durability - Gets thrown into a wall - Gets punched into another wall with enough force to break a mirror - Recovers from his skin being clawed into, and being shocked, causing lightning - Survives Senpai disintegrating everyone in the background of the game
Other - Pretty fuckin' stupid, as he apparently can't register danger, except for lightning, which bothers him - Despite this, he still has some degree of street smarts, eg: knowing how to deal with a gunshot wound. - Can be revived after death, if Girlfriend does... this.


Durability - Gets pushed off her speakers by Pico - Survives Senpai disintegrating everyone in the background of the game
Other - Can revive Boyfriend by doing... this. - As a demon, can change parts of her body


Strength - Cracks a Tankman's helmet and kills him, by hitting him over the head with his Uzi - Pushes Girlfriend of her speaker - Punches Darnell repeatedly - Breaks through a small wall of rubbish bags
Durability - Survives a small explosion, but nearly dies - [Limit] Dies to a knife thrown by Nene - Can take punches from Darnell - [Limit?] Randomly...dies? I don't know.
Skill - Swings his Uzi around while killing Tankmen, with no misfires - Perfectly times a bullet, and ricochets it off Nene's thrown knife - Dodges a knife thrown by Nene - Various showings of acrobatics while running from Nene
Speed - Outruns Nene

Daddy Dearest

Strength - Punches through a TV, and swings it around - Punches Boyfriend with enough force to break a mirror - Implied to be able to beat Monster in a fist-fight
Durability - Shortly Recovers from being hit in the balls with a plank - Gets various sharp objects stabbed into his head - Accidentally stabs his hand
Other - Has a gun, more specifically the Browning Hi-Power - Able to seal Boyfriend's soul into a video game - Sneaks into Boyfriends house - Has a Boyfriend voodoo nendoroid - Engulfs his own fist in flames

Mommy Mearest

Strength - Grabs Boyfriend with enough force to claw into his skin
Other - Can generate lighting - Turns Boyfriend into a figure - As a demon, can change parts of her body


Strength - Repeatedly punches pico
Durability - Takes multiple punches from Pico - [Limit?] Spontaneously just dies, I suppose
Other - Can improvise small explosives with Spray paints cans and a lighter. Although he can run out


Strength - Throws a knife with enough force to kill Pico - Can throw knives hard enough to stab into concrete
Durability - Takes a blow to the head from a metal staircase
Speed - Keeps up with Pico - Various showings of acrobatics while running after Pico
submitted by AndhisNeutralspecial to WhoWouldWinWorkshop [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:47 FalconWingedSlug 23[F4F] Anywhere - Hoping to find my forever?

Hi there, this will be a bit long. I appreciate you reading it all lol :)
What I’m Looking For:
I’m looking for someone to make a connection with, and hopefully become something serious and last forever :) I want someone I can give all of me to and share my life with. I can talk to you about anything, and just fully be myself with and don’t have to hold anything back. Someone I can share my deepest thoughts with, and most unhinged parts XD. And they also share with me all of them. I’ve always dreamed of being fully known and understood by someone. Someone loving me for all of me, and loving someone for all of them. I have a world of love to give and want someone I can shower in it. I’m a hopeless romantic, after everything I’ve been through I still choose to believe true love is real and I’ll have it one day.
I want something that will truly last forever through anything. “Ride or die” is such a cringe term to me lol, but that’s what I’m really looking for. I have an unshakable loyalty when I’m committed to someone. My love is almost unconditional when I’m locked in.
Only message if you’re sure looking for something serious.
Do not message me if you ever ghost people If you’re not feeling it I would appreciate you telling me.
A little bit about me.
I’m a INTJ 5w4, and personality wise, I’m like 2 different people lol. Emotional and logical. I can be really sweet and wholesome. Supportive, the kind of person that will always be there for you. I’m also extremely affectionate both physically and with words. I’ll always talk about how much you mean to me :) But I also can be a quite overly logical jerk lol. Best of both worlds I guess. When I’m comfortable I can be really goofy and loud, and give crackhead energy, but in the beginning I’m really quiet and reserved. I try to be positive and nonjudgmental, while also being very strongly opinionated XD.
I also can be pretty dark. I have a good mixture of being wholesome and dark lol. It’s weird
I’m a contradiction but I love that about myself. You shouldn’t message me if you’re easily scared away, I am a pretty eccentric person generally lol I can ramble about weird/random stuff, and be pretty extra sometimes. I can talk in a kind of unfiltered way. I don’t want to have to hold those things back lmao.
Important tidbits. * I have a fear of abandonment and anxious attachment style. * I am obsessive and clingy when I fall for someone. (Not in a crazy way) lol * I am left leaning on most things. * Strictly Monogamous * Agnostic atheist. * I have BPD, we can talk about what that entails * In college for accounting * I have a pretty dark humor XD
Looks wise: I’m black, 5’2, very masc presenting, I have a short haircut and dress masc. I am def plus size, but definitely not like huge lol and currently losing weight as well :)
Interests: Gaming, true crime docs, horrothriller movies, I love all kinds of music. Particularly R&B, rock/metal, and Kpop though XD. I watch a lot of YouTube and tiktok. Working out/going to the gym, as I’ve recently started a new fitness journey. I’m kind of huge homebody tbh, wanting to get out more and have new experiences.
Who I’m Looking For:
Looks don’t matter much to me. You can be fem or masc.
Personality wise: I like a lot of different personalities. Some important traits though would be having emotional intelligence, Someone patient and caring. Also having a good logical side is very very important to me. As I said above I’m pretty affectionate and clingy so I’d match best with someone also like that lol. You can be introverted or extroverted. But too extroverted won’t be a match.
Age 22 to 40. I am from Chicago in the US, but I would love to talk to women from anywhere. I’m open to relocate anywhere gay marriage is legal lol
Thank you for reading all of this. If you’re interested please message me a little about you. :)
submitted by FalconWingedSlug to lesbianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:32 BusyBrokeMommy Why I’m here!

Why I’m here!
To who ever may come across this! This is not supposed to be taken so seriously!
I know we live in a world of Mom-fluencers and fashion instas and skincare “experts” but that’s not what I’m trying to do here. Recently (actually not-so-recently) I’ve been feeling asthough it’s hard to find genuinely good reviews and information on products and routines from most of the mainstream social media platforms. And it’s questionable if the reality of such products and routines actually work for woman who live less financially lucrative lifestyles (such as myself).
I know I’ve spent more money than I should on products and clothethat I questioned weather may or may not be worth it! I’ve scrolled through Instagram looking at other woman’s lives and thinking about how whatever routine they have would never be attainable for my lifestyle and it just feel like I’m forever chasing this sense of accomplishment that will never happen.
It’s 2024 and we all know social media is fake, however what I love about Reddit is that (I feel) there is still a bit of genuine human to human connection and guess that’s kind of what I’m looking to get out of this!
No bullshit & honestly just a fun outlet for me!
submitted by BusyBrokeMommy to u/BusyBrokeMommy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:59 No-Gain-3268 MHRT degree certification and license with a criminal record?

Hello so I spent a lot of time Geting in trouble and being in and out of jail I had built some what of a criminal record with like 5 felony's and bunch of misdemeanors it took me a while to get my shit together I used to be in addiction and a majority of the crimes I committed were either because I was under the influence or to get substances but now I'm sober on the straight and narrow I Evan got terminated from probation early because I was doing so good l've been out of jail for 4 years, I go to tattoo removal to remove the tattoo off my face and a anti religious one from my neck, l've built a good credit score I got my license and a car in the same week.I really like helping people and being a example off how you can turn your life around no matter how bad you've messed it.I really would like to work with people with mental health issues and possibly a case manager because l'd like to advocate for people.I wanted to know if going to school to get MHRT degree or certification is worth it with my criminal record?
submitted by No-Gain-3268 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:53 Lord_PanDA_ 3+ Ways to Screen Mirror Mac to Samsung TV With Troubleshooting Tips

3+ Ways to Screen Mirror Mac to Samsung TV With Troubleshooting Tips
I had some trouble screen mirroring my Mac to my Samsung TV, but after a lot of self-tests with my MacBook Pro & Air, and the 43-inch Samsung TV, I found some effective solutions.
Here are three ways to screen mirror from a Mac to a Samsung TV, plus a few troubleshooting tips.
Full article here:
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images for each method, I recommend checking out the hyperlink under the method's name.

1. Utilize the AirPlay 2 Feature

Verify if Your Samsung TV Supports AirPlay 2 First, check if your Samsung TV supports AirPlay 2. Most models from 2018 or later do. You can find your TV’s model number in the Settings menu.
Enable AirPlay on Samsung TV Go to Settings > General > Apple AirPlay Settings and turn on AirPlay.
Screen Mirroring a Mac Make sure your Mac and Samsung TV are on the same Wi-Fi network. On your Mac, open Control Center, select Screen Mirroring, and choose your Samsung TV from the list.

2. Use an HDMI Cable

Connect HDMI Cable Plug one end of the HDMI cable into your Mac and the other into your Samsung TV.
Select HDMI Input on the TV Use your Samsung remote to press the Home button, go to Source, and select the HDMI input.

3. Use a Streaming Device

Apple TV, Roku, or Fire TV Stick If your Samsung TV doesn’t support AirPlay 2 or your Mac doesn’t have an HDMI port, use a streaming device. Ensure the device and your Mac are on the same Wi-Fi network, then follow the device-specific steps shown in the article to enable screen mirroring.

Troubleshooting: Why Can’t I AirPlay From My MacBook to the Samsung TV?

1. Basic Solutions
  • Make sure your Samsung TV model supports AirPlay.
  • Check that both devices are on the same network.
  • Reboot the AirPlay function on your TV.
  • Move your Mac closer to the TV.
2. Internet Connection Problems
  • Reboot your router by unplugging it for 30 seconds.
  • Forget and reconnect to your Wi-Fi network on your Samsung TV.
  • Switch your router to the 2.4GHz band if 5GHz isn’t supported.
  • Try a wired Ethernet connection for better stability.
3. Create a New Apple Account
  • Sometimes the issue might be with your Apple account. Try creating a new Apple ID and see if that helps.
Screen mirroring your MacBook to your Samsung TV is straightforward with the right approach. Use AirPlay 2 for a wireless solution, an HDMI cable for a direct connection, or a streaming device if needed.
If you encounter any issues, check the troubleshooting tips and ensure your internet connection is stable.
What’s your experience with screen mirroring your MacBook to a Samsung TV? Let me know in the comments below!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixSamsungTVs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:22 Reasonable-Figure300 My past situationship roped me into helping her cheat, but that’s not what I’m really annoyed about

I (21M) have recently got back in contact with a girl (20F) I was really close with at one point in my life. It ended pretty badly, about 2.5 years ago, after 3 years of on and off type stuff, but about a week ago her name popped up and I figured it had been long enough that we could catch up and it not be weird or there be any emotional stuff.
We got to talking and after a few days, it got a bit flirty. Nothing crazy, but it was comfortable so, you know, why not? She was giving me the same energy back. I don’t really trust this girl after the way she hurt me in the past so I made it VERY clear early on that it was just flirty chatting, nothing more, and she was fine with that.
Aside from the flirting we spoke about a lot of things…her ex, my ex, our relationships that hadn’t worked out, why she was still working the same dead end job she had been since 16 even though she had qualifications in engineering, lots of things about her life both past and most definitely currently.
Fast forward to last night and we’re talking some more and I realised she kept disappearing. When I’d ask ‘what’ve you done today?’ she’d say ‘I’ve been out’, which is kind of out of character for her. Like I said we were super close to the point where I can read her like a book, and every time we’ve spoke since getting back into contact there’s been no evasiveness until I’d ask about her day.
I’m no idiot, and I know her well enough to know she was hiding something from me so I asked her straight up ‘what aren’t you telling me’ and she told me that she’s seeing someone. I asked ‘is he your boyfriend?’ She replied ‘kind of’.
I was more concerned with getting a straight yes or no, because if this guy is her boyfriend and not a situationship or something I’ve been unintentionally homewrecking for the past 3 weeks. She told me they broke up but she’s been seeing him again a lot recently but doesn’t know how she feels about it because me and her started talking again.
She told me he’s really controlling and it was nice for her to feel free again for a bit. I used to be a support worker for victims of abuse so I understand why people go back, but that’s even if it’s true and she’s not exaggerating as a form of damage control, I really don’t know.
I’ve tried to advise her and help her, in amongst the flirting we’ve had some really serious conversations about her life stagnating. She’s never looked for another job even though she’s hated hers for years (since 16), refuses to go to the gym because she’s scared of people, won’t eat more than 1 meal a day even though she knows she’s getting to a dangerous level and keeps going back to this abusive guy cos she’s scared of being alone, and the only thing that might change one of those things is her latching on to me rather than Mr control freak, which she admitted herself.
I feel slightly guilty for getting annoyed about it but it’s so frustrating trying day-in day-out to help someone who says they want your help but refuse to take even the smallest step. I feel a bit hopeless, and I don’t want to cut her off again but if it keeps draining me like this I don’t want to sacrifice my own happiness to help someone unwilling to accept the help she’s asking for.
She’s got no healthy coping mechanisms at all and every day I’m trying to at least start getting used to the idea, asking if she’s eaten or just chip away at that social anxiety so she starts working out and meeting new people, but I also don’t want her to attach herself to me because I don’t feel that way about her at all, emotionally anyway, something I’ve communicated to her multiple times in the past few weeks, and knowing I’ve technically helped her cheat even though the guys an asshole doesn’t make me feel good at all.
I care about her a lot, and I just see the potential she has, I know healing is a process, but it seems like the only time she’s willing to do anything is if I tell her to do it, all she says when I ask her what she’s been doing for 3 years I’ve not been around is ‘just nothing haha’ or ‘I don’t know’.
She won’t talk to her friends cos she’s the ‘happy friend’…but she’s never even tried talking to them, she’s just bottled it all up and then as soon as I’ve appeared again she’s dumped everything on me and it’s a little bit draining, on top of the dragging me into her messy relationship by not telling me about the other guy straight away.
Yeah, pretty crazy, and idk if that all even makes sense I’m sure you can grasp how messy it is from how all over the place that story is. There’s so much more to it but yeah, just needed to get it off my chest.
submitted by Reasonable-Figure300 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:29 Fit_Dealer2326 Why goes my stuff keep getting wider?

Why goes my stuff keep getting wider?
I’m teaching myself how to crotchet with YouTube videos… ( I have only cried 8 times in the last month) and I don’t understand why my stuff keeps getting wider as I go. As you can see from my pic I may be getting better or it is because I used a different pattern and different yarn or an amalgam of all those reasons. How do I fix this issue? Also how do I make my final row look like my initial chain row? It bus me they look so different. Please help! I would like to redo my mother’s scarf I made her for Mother’s Day because it is just well awful! It is the epitome of “it’s the thought and work that counts”.
submitted by Fit_Dealer2326 to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:25 Background-Coffee850 Photos from iCloud windows don’t sync to iPhone after upgrading to iCloud+

I recently switched from an android phone to the iPhone 15 and transferred all of my Google Photos to iCloud using my windows pc. I downloaded all pictures from Google and uploaded them to iCloud using the iCloud app for windows. I can now access all 16.000 pictures using iCloud Photos on my pc. However, syncing all 16.000 to the Photos app on my phone is not working.
I’m pretty sure this has something to do with the initial 5 GB limit of iCloud storage. Right now, about 4.000 pictures are uploaded to my phone which is about 4.17 GB of data. I already bought iCloud+ for 50 GB, but now the rest of the pictures won’t upload. On iCloud pc, it still says that only 4.17 GB of iCloud storage is used and it doesn’t say that it is still uploading pictures, the uploading has stopped and I can’t get it to start up again.
Does anyone know how to resolve this so the remaining 12.000 pictures will upload to iCloud? I already restarted both my phone and pc, and logged out and in of my apple account on my phone (I don’t want to risk doing this on my pc as I’m afraid the 12.000 pictures will be lost). Thanks a lot!!
submitted by Background-Coffee850 to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:10 Ramada___ Art Galleries

I am a British guy who recently got married to a girl from Lahore. I will be visiting in September once she gets her visa to come back with me to the UK.
Can anyone recommend a good art gallery? I would love to see the differences in art between the east and the west.
Also any tips on how to handle the heat? In the UK a hot day is considered to be something like 25 degrees.
submitted by Ramada___ to Lahore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:42 HolidayFuture6507 AITAH for not defending my mother?

Backstory I come from a 2 parent household with one older brother, and we had to travel for my grandmas funeral.
Everything was going well flew in the same day of the funeral so everything had a set schedule. My other grandma found out we were in town so my mom decided to have us all visit for 5 minutes despite having a set schedule. When we left my father mentioned how rude it was that we only stayed 5 minutes despite this already being established in the first place.
My older brother who loves drama decided to join in saying how rude she was to her mother despite doing nothing wrong. My mother than makes my father turn the car around to make us go back to visit her since my father and my brother were making her feel awful. She asks them if they want to go in and my father declines and so does my brother because he said that “he can’t go in because she has dark energy” despite him not being religious or spiritual in any sense. I decide to go in to make my mother feel better and they decide too as well since I decided to. We visit her for a little longer, and my brother than decides to talk about how my mothers “torturing him.” Happily she doesn’t speak good English and is hard of hearing so she doesn’t hear him.
We then go back in the car and my brother continues to instigate and it gets to a point where my dad gets irritated. He than asks my father to “hit him so he can end himself.” He’s not actually suicidal he just does this for attention. On the same trip he drops the bomb that he’s going to be moving back in, and I just don’t want my mother going through his bullshit, so am I the asshole for not standing up for her?
submitted by HolidayFuture6507 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:04 Suspicious-Whole-691 Need help

This is something i might be responsible i should have never belived them but anyways
There is company name nation express they sell dsc , pan card , irctc services
I took dsc from them after 5 months their sales team called for a lead
They had a lead they want to close on behalf of me i need to buy dsc stock they will sell it to that lead and i will get profit
What they did
Fraudulent Company Alert: I strongly advise against making any purchases from this entity as they are implicated in fraudulent activities. They consistently provide false assurances regarding refund processing without fulfilling their commitments.
They solicited my involvement in a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) lead without my prior consent. Assurances were made that they would manage the lead and compensate me accordingly. Subsequently, transactions totaling ₹4350 were initiated on February 16, 2024. Shortly thereafter, an additional ₹8,000 was requested for DGFT DSC, followed by another ₹24,000 on February 17, 2024, under the pretext of customer demands. Upon completion of these transactions, an additional ₹10,000 was demanded for file charges. On February 19, 2024, a request for ₹15,000 was made for a DSC token.
Despite complying with these requests, a further demand for ₹15,000 was made for an additional 50 tokens, which I declined. I insisted on a refund, which they initially assured would be processed by March 20, 2024, yet failed to materialize. Subsequent promises of refund by March 27, 2024, also proved to be empty.
My communications regarding this matter have included discussions with Vijeta at 9310054975 and Juli at 8882763652.
What i want to do is make their sales rep life hell with constant calls
Also this is a b2b txn and they are based in delhi so how can i file a case on them
Their website:
Other people complains :
submitted by Suspicious-Whole-691 to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:01 BarKey9078 Formulas

 I've worked at subway altogether now a total of over a year. Not consecutively, I've had some bumps in the road but I generally like this job despite some of its downsides. I enjoy making customers happy with a great tasting, good looking sandwhich. Even giving them a laugh or two on their way through the lines to pass the time. However, when I started back most recently, everything changed. Seeing all of the sandwich names being changed and barely tweaked has brought some difficulty to my calibration period of adjusting to everything new. (I last worked for subway before now about 5 years ago.) To the main reason for my post, if this applies to you, your subway franchisee or the management they've chosen to hire or just have filled in by subway please let me know what or how you've dealt with it. We're you trained to follow formulas as though you're a non-sympathetic, sandwhich making machine? I remember being taught to kind of base amounts of meats and cheeses strictly as they are what we charge more for, that makes the most sense to me as those are often times more expensive than any of the rest of our stock. I have been forced to get anxiety by my district manager who breathes down my neck about "only put 6 olives" when I had a customer just tell me explicitly they wanted a LOT of olives. Not to mention another question that I have regarding our 6 and 3 amounts on the formulas. What do you do if you get pieced ingredients that in no way add up to 6 pieces or 3 for a 6 inch? I honestly have always even now based my amounts on veggie side on the actions and language of the customer. I typically start small and allow them to express when they want more of something and give them the same light amount until they have enough to satisfy them. Fellow subway employees and also subway managers, do you prefer making customers happy which not only increases the likelihood they expand your clientele in turn helping your local franchisee? Or is it supposed to be about the exact amounts and no more? Which sometimes might cause you to recieve negative feedback on your store losing 1 customer and a potential 9 more from that? I know this is a long post with many questions but anyone who actually takes the time to read this please let me know what you think. 
 Most recently I've seen why strict limits can and do get set, example being a customer who had a ham and cheese footlong wanted a MOUND of olives and had me make them swim in mayo and olive oil. It is a regular who gets the same thing every time and I charge him for the double cheese he gets and everything else like that but that's only one example I've noticed customers in my area like to absolutely drain our sauces more rapidly than I can even comprehend. My example customer literally had half a squeeze bottle of mayonnaise on his sandwhich, if I had done the 3 strips and ask, confirm method i would have been standing there asking them if 3 more strips was enough for 10 minutes based on the amount of mayo in that sandwhich. (Just a side note expressing that I can understand certain limits being more strict than others, but not for everything is my intention for answers in regard to my questions) 
submitted by BarKey9078 to subway [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:36 ThatOneDeafKid Septic overflow problem

I don't know much about septics, so I'm going to try to information dump to get a more accurate answer. I will list as many septic specs as I can at the end.
So we recently bought a property that was listed as having city sewer, but after purchasing, we found out it indeed has a septic. It worked fine but we didn't know when it was last pumped and could occasionally smell a rank smell, and we werent sure if it was us or not so we decided to have it pumped. The dude shows up and finds the lid, but the porch stair rail was set with concrete on top of it. He broke it up, pumped the septic, and put it all back together. Now according to the previous owner, he pulled the wrong lid, but I don't think that's accurate. He did end up pumping the full septic amount which was 1250 gallons. Another guy told me they should have opened 2 lids and pumped both sides, which this guy did not, but I don't think he needed to. It looks like there's 3 doors total and the next door also opened into the first tank I believe.
Everything was fine for a couple weeks, then my wife did 4 consecutive loads of laundry and we noticed where the lid was that water rose from where the lid was. That was concerning, so we thought we'd let it dry out and it'd be okay. Well it keeps happening now even with a single load of laundry or when people spend slightly to long in the shower and we don't know what to do. I called a septic guy out who showed up a bit before he said he would, inspected the property while I was still asleep, and then left. When I called him he said the septic was functioning normally. I'm not sure how he determined that without digging it up or anything or inspecting anything inside, but the drain field does indeed to be functioning as the grass above it is very clearly still growing thicker than the rest. I did find out one toilet was constantly draining into the overflow, and I fixed that. That was about 4 days ago that I did that. There is also a very slow drip from one faucet that we have yet to fix, but it is very slow.
So to be clear, I'm trying to get everyone to conserve water usage right now so it can have time to drain out. There are currently 5-8 people living here. It's a range because some of us go back and forth between this and the old property that we're still trying to fix so we can sell it, and some of us will be there for weeks at a time. 2 of us are in an RV that is connected to a clean out into the septic. It seems like no matter how much water we conserve, it will still happen. It's not backing up into the house, we just see a small puddle from above the lid, and then it drains. If I dump the RV tank, I can dump my black tank (about 35 gallons) no problem, and then my grey tank (about 40 gallons) a little later and it will stop flowing, then water pools up above the lid, after a few min the water above the lid will drain, and then air will glug into the RV drain line slowly draining the rest in.
Now before we had it pumped, we had no issues besides maybe sometimes there is a slight wiff in the air. I could actually dump my black tank on RV and refill it 4 times, then dump the grey tank consecutively, while people are doing laundry and such with no issues. I did this before I knew it was septic and we didn't have any issues. After the pump, it seems to be overflowing as it wasn't before, when it was apparently pretty full and hadn't been pumped for a while I would least 4-5 years I think.
So for the house, it's a 4 bed 2 bath house, has 4 sinks, laundry, 2 toilets, 2 baths, and a standing shower connected to the septic. I also currently have m RV hooked up to it and my wife and I live out of that for right now. There is 8 people total.
The septic is 1250 gallons, double compartment gravity system. It has a 2 way clean out, not sure if that is relevant. There is no electronics of any kind. It was installed in 2009.
Drain field is 200 feet of 8 inch graveless pipe in 2 inch wide trench.
Soil type is listed as fine sandy loam and texture class is Ib. IDK what that means.
My questions are, are we just overloading the septic or is there something else going on? We are currently trying to conserve water where we can.
How much water per day can a septic of this type and size handle?
What can I do to mitigate this problem or fix it? I've tried calling more septic guys out but they seem to be giving me the run around.
Is there anything else I should list or anything else I should know?
Thank you for reading and for your time. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by ThatOneDeafKid to septictanks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:33 Imaginary_Catch_3777 none of my family showed up to my final choir concert.

honestly, i’m disappointed, but not surprised. i’ve cried so much i’m just numb. i’m a sophomore in high school who’s been doing choir since 6th grade. i’m not doing choir for my next two years of high school, because i want to focus more on my education. Tonight was a show called Spectacular. It’s when all the choirs sing (regular choir and show choir), seniors are recognized and alumni come to sing a song together. i live with my grandma cuz my mom is a POS. i told her about Spec and how it was my final grade for the year. I had to be at school yesterday from 3:30 to 9 rehearsing and then i had to be at school at 6 and the show started at 7. i told her i was leaving to go to school and she was like “i might not go with all these kids.” my cousins, 10 and 6 were over and she basically didn’t want to drag them out the house¿ i said “ok” turned around slowly and left. honestly, i don’t know what i was expecting. A chunk of me knew she wasn’t going to show up but a part of me was hoping she did as well. Me and my choir class worked so hard throughout the year and i’m so proud of us. it was a stab in the heart, because it feels like she doesn’t care about how hard i worked and how much stress i got put under. after i performed, i got off stage and checked find my. when i seen that she was at home, i almost let out a tear but i had to pull it together. tonight was so emotional.tonight was the last night i seen my senior friends, and ill probably never see them again. i kept composure until i got home. i walked straight past my grandma and went to my room and sobbed. she asked me what was wrong when i walked in the house. she knew what the issue was, and she knew her not showing up would make me upset but she still chose not to go. idk yall, it feels like anything i do and how hard i try, i still end up getting disappointed and im sick of it. and this goes for my whole family. i’m always two steps behind them, supporting them in the things they do but when it comes to me, i never see anybody standing behind me to give me their support. i’m done trying for people who don’t try for me. i can’t anymore.
submitted by Imaginary_Catch_3777 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:33 MrDarkSavage1 Blepharitis caused cornea scars

Blepharitis caused cornea scars
So I’ve had Blepharitis on and off for a few years now and it’s never been too bad until the last year I’ve noticed my vision in my right eye getting worse almost like astigmatism and I went to the eye doctor which I go about 2x a year anyways and he said I got scars on my cornea possibly from the Blepharitis so I want to know if I can reverse this and how to take action asap to clear it for once and all this is super unfortunate and being young I don’t want to lose my vision or let it get worse as i already had bad vision
submitted by MrDarkSavage1 to Blepharitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:16 geopolicraticus Scientia sub specie illuminatatis

The View from Oregon – 289
Re: Scientia sub specie illuminatatis
Friday 17 May 2024
Dear Friends,
In the past several newsletters I have discussed the lack of a science of science, and some of the ramifications of this absence. Another consequence of the absence of a science of science is the selective way in which science develops, and this in turn leads to Danilevsky’s philosophy of science, which acknowledges that science can be different in different social milieux. In other words, science is relative to the scientific community that practices science. Kuhn comes to an analogous conclusion, though for Kuhn it is the diachronic relativity of science that emerges from a history of scientific revolutions triggered by model crises and paradigm shifts. Kuhn’s work continues to be debated, are there are significant differences of interpretation that keep alive the controversy as to whether paradigm shifts are rational or irrational. (Why not both by turns?)
Danilevsky presents us with the prospect of the synchronic relativity of science, in which paradigms differ not down through historical time, but across ethnic communities. This strikes at the heart of Enlightenment universalism, but, as I have tried to argue in these newsletters, Enlightenment ideology is not intrinsically scientific, but for a time Enlightenment thinkers made common cause with the sciences as a way both to advance their interests and to fight the common enemy of traditionalism. But scientists themselves have so completely internalized Enlightenment ideology that, even if the Enlightenment can abandon science, scientists cannot abandon the Enlightenment. That science is the same, that it must be the same, for all who practice it, seems to be an unspoken presupposition of science practised sub specie illuminatatis.
I don’t know of any analytical philosophers who have taken up Danilevsky’s argument, even if only to refute it. Nor do I know of any analogous arguments, though my knowledge of contemporary philosophy of science is far from exhaustive. The closest we come to Danilevsky in the mainstream of Anglo-American analytical philosophy of science is the debate over Kuhn’s philosophy of science, which evades some of the most troubling aspects of Danilevsky’s account. But in the absence of a science of science, we cannot definitively exclude Danilevsky’s account, just as we cannot exclude the role of personalities in the development of science (the focus of last week’s newsletter), nor can we exclude the possibility of alternative sciences that explain as much of the world as our familiar sciences, but which are largely disjoint from the familiar sciences. This latter possibility is related as an anecdote in Eugene Wigner’s “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences,” which I have quoted many times (though, strangely, apparently not in these newsletters, as I searched back several years just now and didn’t find this quoted, though I could have sworn that I have referenced this so many times my readers may be tired to hearing of it).
Another problem potentially soluble by a science of science: every special science undergoes its own crisis in its turn as it is forced to recognize that it cannot define either the object of its research or the fundamental theoretical terms it employs. There was the crisis in the foundations of mathematics, the crisis in physics, the crisis in psychology, the replication crisis (which falls hardest on social psychology, but which leaves few disciplines unscathed), the crisis in cosmology, and no doubt further crises yet to come. Some of these crises resemble each other, suggesting analogous structural problems within the sciences, while other crises seem to be highly specific to a particular subject matter (as with the crisis in cosmology generated by diverging measures of the Hubble constant). Further research into crises may reveal a deeper commonality, or may reveal each crisis to uniquely supervene on the objects of knowledge distinctive to each science.
The above assumes that a science of science would foreclose upon these troubling scenarios we would prefer not to contemplate. I think we can safely say that we have excluded some unwelcome scenarios for science, and this implies some rudimentary foundations of a science of science, and I think that if the project of a science of science ever came about, i.e., if it ever became a scientific research program on its own—or perhaps a meta-scientific research program—it would gradually foreclose upon the paradoxes of science, excluding them one by one, first taking care of the relatively simple problems, and then moving on to the more difficult ones. We don’t yet even know what the hardest problems are, or what they will be, when we earnestly turn toward formulating a science of science. It is all terra incognita to us.
In the absence of a science of science, however, we do have something to go on, and that is the record of the most successful special sciences, which, through their utility and fruitfulness, have provided a model for the other sciences to follow. And follow they do. A successful scientific discipline spurs imitation in the other special sciences, with the methods and the research program and theoretical structures copied. Science, then, has recourse to analogy. Later sciences are constructed along the lines of earlier successful sciences, and with good reason. The successful sciences have resolved many or most of their problems, and their methods have proved to be a successful way to derive knowledge from the empirical world.
But analogy itself is a theoretical problem. It has no standing as a formal principle of reasoning, and empirically it forces us into the kind of metaphysical speculation that most scientists hate—reflections on the uniformity of nature and such like. If nature is uniform, then a scientific methodology for the investigation of nature can be uniform, and we can know that it is (or will be) as effective in one region of experience as in another region of experience. Proof of this, however, is a metaphysical proof, and not anything scientific in the usual sense.
I should not belabor this idea of the absence of a science of science without acknowledging that it was, of course, the traditional idea that philosophy was the science of science, or, more narrowly, philosophical logic as it was elaborated prior to the mathematization of logic, that was understood to be the science of science, or, as it was also commonly known, the theory of science. Many logical works were called the theory of science, as, for example, Bernard Bolzano’s four volume Theory of ScienceWissenschaftslehre—which was completed in 1837, but the first complete English translation of which did not appear until 2014. In the meantime, between 1837 and 2014, logic, philosophy, and science all underwent rapid growth, and even, we could say, directional growth, that took them in a developmental direction of elaboration that was not anticipated prior to this time.
We can imagine a counterfactual history of logic (and of science) in which logic developed linearly, and did not experience a sudden growth along with a sudden realignment, gradually converging upon the ideal of a theory of science imagined by logicians like Bolzano. While mathematical logic transformed both logic and mathematics both, what was lost in the elaboration of mathematical logic was its connection to this traditional function of logic as the science of science. Moreover, the internal integration of logic was lost, though, it must be observed, other forms of integration appeared as logic was reconstructed analogously to mathematics.
Lately I have been thinking how, with the advent of mathematical logic and analytical philosophy, theory of meaning and theory of reference bifurcated, and with this bifurcation the inverse relationship between the two, explicitly recognized in traditional logic, was lost. Traditional logic asserts that as intension expands, extension narrows, and as extension expands, intension narrows. Intuitively it is easy to see that this is the case: a highly definite meaning applies only to a very few referents, while a generic meaning applies to a great many more referents. But with the development of mathematical logic and analytical philosophy, the theory of meaning and the theory of reference developed in different directions.
What happened? The whole of Western civilization was redirected and realigned by the industrial revolution. Some years ago I wrote about how the industrial revolution essentially hijacked other developments that were already taking place, and which therefore did not have the opportunity to come to a natural fruition because industrial change was so rapid and so catastrophic. I called this the preemption hypothesis (and gave it a further application in Late-Adopter Spacefaring Civilization: The Preemption that Didn’t Happen). We can understand preemption as a more generic historical process in which one historical process that is aggressively expansive overtakes another historical process that is slower and more gradual. An invasive weedy species of cognition expands universally and crowds out endemic species of cognition, driving them to extinction, and leaving us with a philosophical monoculture and its attendant disadvantages.
The kind of industrial civilization we might have gotten had the industrial revolution been an industrial evolution instead of a revolution, unfolding over millennia, as it is likely that the development of agriculture developed, would have been dramatically different. And the industrial revolution spawned revolutions in every adjacent sphere of life and thought. The preemption that was the industrial revolution can also be seen at work in intellectual history, and even in aesthetic and spiritual history. Science and philosophy began to transform early, more or less defining by themselves the advent of modernity when science and philosophy were modern but economics and industry were not. However, with the industrial revolution, science and philosophy were given a new and more violent spur to further growth and realignment.
These redirections and realignments of science, philosophy, and logic are vivid illustrations of the kind of selective development of science that Danilevsky imagined, though he thought of these selective developments in terms of their being embedded in cultural-historical traditions. Western science was embedded in the Western cultural-historical tradition (though Danilevsky called this the Romano-Germanic cultural-historical type), and when this tradition changed due to the industrial revolution, the science (and philosophy and logic) changed along with the tradition. Had the change been given an impetus in a different direction, or had the change not happened at all, science and its adjacent intellectual activities would look rather different today. I will not deny that change would have been much slower, but qualitatively different change might have had unprecedented impacts on history. Obviously, in the present context, what I am thinking of is a tradition like the logic of Bolzano being developed gradually, perhaps over hundreds of years, until it becomes the genuine science of science the want of which we feel at present.
It is ironically reflexive that we cannot exclude the possibility of a counterfactual science, based on a counterfactual logical tradition that grew into a mature theory of science, precisely because we lack this same theory of science. We also cannot prove that our rapid progress in science since the industrial revolution might stagnate for want of a proper theory of science, and due to the cognitive monoculture favored by rapid progress, nor that a counterfactual science, based on a counterfactual logic, might ultimately overtake and outstrip the rapid progress of science after an industrial revolution. It may be the case that, when a civilization experiences a rapid and violent industrial revolution, the accelerated rate of change cripples the other institutions of that civilization, and inevitably leads to both industrial and scientific progress eventually grinding to a halt, because the rate of progress was unsustainable. We could call the two implied scenarios of scientific and industrial development the tortoise scenario and the hare scenario, where slow and steady wins the race.
Best wishes,
PS—Last Wednesday I hiked up Dog Mountain again (previously in a PS to newsletter 239 I mentioned hiking Dog Mountain on 31 May 2023, almost exactly a year ago). This time I didn’t go all the way to the top, but I went as far as the Dog Mountain Lookout, which is a viewpoint over the Columbia Gorge just short of the top. Spring is one of the best times to do the Dog Mountain walk because of all the wildflowers.
PPS— The new number of Isonomia Quarterly, Volume 2 Issue 2, is now available, which includes a new essay by me, “The Coming Coeval Age” (a PDF version is also available). I plan to also record a video about this for my Today in Philosophy of History series. As with my recent big history paper, “A Complexity Ladder for Big History,” this essay for the Isonomia Quarterly isn’t specifically about philosophy of history, but it does have some interesting implications for history that I will explore and elaborate.
PPPS—I have finished listening to the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. This is a classic I have skimmed many times but have not previously read through word-for-word. It always feels good to have the experience of the whole of a classic to better understand the references generated by said classic. Often we think of stoics as being distant and even possessed of an inhuman degree of self-control, but I was surprised by the repeated references to sociability in the Meditations. There is a pervasive sense in Marcus Aurelius of going along to get along.
Immediately upon finishing the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius I started listening to How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius by Donald J. Robertson. This is not exactly a commentary on the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, but a kind of exposition, both filling in the backstory to the life of Marcus Aurelius, as well as the life of the author, and showing the relevance of Stoic philosophy in the present. This book is about twice as long as the Meditations themselves.

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