Appositive worksheet middle school

✊🏽Today should be declared a national holiday! Today is the 99th birthday of Malcolm X, a worldwide icon of Black liberation and hero to all oppressed people fighting to be free.

2024.05.20 00:35 Prudent_Bug_1350 ✊🏽Today should be declared a national holiday! Today is the 99th birthday of Malcolm X, a worldwide icon of Black liberation and hero to all oppressed people fighting to be free.

✊🏽Today should be declared a national holiday! Today is the 99th birthday of Malcolm X, a worldwide icon of Black liberation and hero to all oppressed people fighting to be free.
Before his assassination in 1965, Malcolm X fearlessly advocated for militant resistance in the face of the brutal white supremacist regime ruling over Black America. He was an avowed opponent of imperialism and a supporter of Palestinian liberation.
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Photo of Malcom X]
[Bold Uppercase] Declare Malcom X’s birthday a national holiday!
[Photo of Malcom X]
[Bottom right corner: of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo and the url]
Image 2
[Bold Uppercase] Donate Today Donate to the only campaign fighting for a better future—a socialist future. We can’t do it without you!
[Photo of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia]
$Donate at
[Bottom left corner:]
[Bottom right corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image Source:
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new wars and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia
“The people of the United States have a historic role to play in building international solidarity. That means as we wage our struggle, which is class struggle in this country, we have a role to play in the liberation of humanity and saving the planet.” -Claudia De la Cruz
Vote Socialist 2024 website:
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument:
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to
Liberation News:
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School:
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY:
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to WorkersStrikeBack [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:34 Excellent_Tear_3223 I’m so fucking pissed that I’m not popular

I’m in a British school year 9 and I am actually so annoyed that I’m not popular in my school, I see all these Snapchat stories of all these girls in my school at the beach, group of 8, absolutely gorgeous(there’s always a token ugly one) all wearing bikinis,doing balloons,drinking,out with boys/boyfriends just everything I wish I was doing with them, I’m in a group of four girls 13-14 we’re not necessarily the weird people but were definitely not popular so pretty much in the middle, they’re great friends I guess just I wish they wanted to all do the stuff I wanna do, Millie’s a maned(Scouse slang for masculine girl if it wasn’t clear)Heidi’s a little shy she’ll drink but she won’t do drugs or smoke which I respect, and the last one my best friend poppie who was very popular in that group about two years ago but has since gone a little emo? Gothy? Idk but I love these girls to bits I’m not pointing blame at them for just being themselves just sometimes I wish I had friends that wanted to do stuff like that
submitted by Excellent_Tear_3223 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 Prudent_Bug_1350 ✊🏽Today should be declared a national holiday! Today is the 99th birthday of Malcolm X, a worldwide icon of Black liberation and hero to all oppressed people fighting to be free.

✊🏽Today should be declared a national holiday! Today is the 99th birthday of Malcolm X, a worldwide icon of Black liberation and hero to all oppressed people fighting to be free.
Before his assassination in 1965, Malcolm X fearlessly advocated for militant resistance in the face of the brutal white supremacist regime ruling over Black America. He was an avowed opponent of imperialism and a supporter of Palestinian liberation.
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Photo of Malcom X]
[Bold Uppercase] Declare Malcom X’s birthday a national holiday!
[Photo of Malcom X]
[Bottom right corner: of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo and the url]
Image 2
[Bold Uppercase] Donate Today Donate to the only campaign fighting for a better future—a socialist future. We can’t do it without you!
[Photo of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia]
$Donate at
[Bottom left corner:]
[Bottom right corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image Source:
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new wars and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia
“The people of the United States have a historic role to play in building international solidarity. That means as we wage our struggle, which is class struggle in this country, we have a role to play in the liberation of humanity and saving the planet.” -Claudia De la Cruz
Vote Socialist 2024 website:
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument:
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to
Liberation News:
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook:
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School:
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today:
Party for Socialism and Liberation
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY:
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut:
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism:
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions:
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy":
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements:
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor.
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:28 yepvaishz We gon' take these boys back to THIS school?

We gon' take these boys back to THIS school? submitted by yepvaishz to Hiphopcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:28 mellothegamer_69 Any advice/tips for long term subbing at middle school (intervention specialist)??

Hello! I'll be subbing for the rest of the school year for an intervention specialist at a middle school starting tomorrow (5th grade). I'll be subbing for the last 8 days of school.
I've technically substituted before, however, it was only for whenever my cooperating teacher was absent and therefore I was the main/only teacher in charge. I completed my student teaching this past semester at a elementary school (grades 1-4).
I would greatly appreciate any advice and tips y'all have for substituting at a middle school. Especially for special education. I already reached out to the teachers for schedules/sample lesson plans of the person I'm subbing for so I can somewhat know what to expect. Thank you in advance!!
submitted by mellothegamer_69 to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:27 ShoulderCrafty2014 Needing some advice/help

I 20 questioning, have had problems with gender since i can remember. i live in a small town in alberta, extremely conservative city, family, and environment. i came out as lesbian at a very young age, maybe 12? very shortly after is when my gender dysphoria had begun. i had thought a lot about my childhood and how i had acted, my interests, the way i would dress. even when i was so so tiny it was always hot wheels. spider man and toys intended for little boys. the movies and shows i liked. even my friends had always been boys. my entire life i was very uncomfortable with my body and not only others perceiving it, but myself as well. i would wear hoodies throughout all of elementary and middle school in the blazing heat because of how i felt in my body. to this day i refuse to wear shorts or skinny jeans. i have gotten better with wearing shirts but i feel the most comfortable is men’s large shirts, despite my build being quite petite. i had came out as trans when i was 13, i had asked to be called a new name and to be referred to with he/him pronouns. i kept it a secret from my family due to fear of a bad outcome or to a bad reaction. i had made a post eventually on my instagram stating i am trans and that i wished for everyone to use the terms i’m comfortable with. it had gotten to my parents and immediately things went south. i had been told to delete the post, i wasn’t allowed out of the house, allowed to go to school, see my friends and had all my electronics taken away. they scolded me and told me it was a phase, that is was not the truth, and told me i will regret telling people this. they were angry and they had told me i am a disappointment. after a few months it had all slowly been forgotten. everyone went back to referring to me as she her, my birth name and i had began building a relationship with both my parents again. still being uncomfortable with my body and who i was, i had done what i could to try and force these feelings away. when i had my first girlfriend, before we started dating she had been my bestfriend for years, she had always told me she was straight despite my attempts at starting something more than friends. one thing lead to the next and we did end up together. it was extremely toxic, she had cheated on me with boys, many many many boys. it sent me back into this mindset that i was disgusting for being who i was. i felt extremely envious towards the boys she had liked, “why not me” was always the thought. and it had always went back to because i’m not a boy. why cant i be a boy. i wish i was a boy. we ended things and it continued to my next relationship. through both relationships i had many sexual problems. i hated being touched, i hated being seen. i had to top always and using a strap felt so euphoric. through the years i had always felt not okay with my gender. fast forward to 19 i am about to move in with my 3rd girlfriend. we had been talking for years, i love her so much. we were having some issues very early on in the relationship, she began having feelings for a coworker, a trans man. it broke my heart and it felt worse than when my previous gfs have had feelings for cis men. i was so jealous. and a lot of it had to do with the fact he is trans. i no longer hold resentment towards her, it was a long time ago and we have resolved our past issues, now better than ever. but there are still times i think about him. how i wish i could be like him. i have recently cut my hair, a lot. and it feels so so good because i was never able to when i had lived with my parents. i have been researching a lot about testosterone, and surgeries i could get. i have came to the conclusion that i am going to be talking to my doctor about hrt. i believe i am trans masc. i’ve always been very masculine, but i don’t know if i’m a trans man? i very much could be but i have a lot of past trauma that may cloud my judgement, and i am dealing with some denial. i haven’t told my girlfriend yet and i am nervous to, she is so accepting and i know how much she loves me. it’s just nerve racking. i’m nervous about starting t and having physical changes because i see my family pretty often. although i want those physical changes so bad, i’m worried at putting my relationship with them at risk again. i am on cipralex (lexapro) so i’m not sure if t will interact with that. and i don’t know much about the side effects, such as nausea or headaches or anything. i’m worried a lot about how i will be perceived by my friends (a lot of them being the same friends i had when i had came out as trans the first time), perceived by strangers or people i know. i’m thinking about either gel or shots, but i don’t know a lot about pricing either. i’m not sure what is and isn’t covered by healthcare and i’m not sure the steps i have to take to begin hrt. i know this was a lot, i’m just looking for some advice and help with everything i’ve talked about.
submitted by ShoulderCrafty2014 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:23 Clean_Comparison8426 Regrets after prom

Okay, this is a pretty stereotypical situation I suppose. So, I'm a sophomore in hs, and it was the 1st year I decided to go to prom. I know it's usually a seniors only thing but not at my school. To be fair, the atmosphere was lame as no one was really gathered on the dancefloor so even dancing was awkward between a small group of people crowded in the middle.
I've never danced before, but I decided to say fuck it and actually enjoy myself for once. Issue is, I've danced with one of my guy friends, a girl got it on tape and I got to see the videos afterwards. And honestly it's so embarrassing?? It's keeping me up right now as I'm writing this, and I've been thinking about it for hours on end.
I just feel like yes I had fun in the moment, but someone having evidence of me looking so terrible when dancing and arguably cringe makes me incredibly anxious.
What should I even do? Pretend it never happened? Accept the cringe in my mind and try to sleep?
I don't know, I just feel really really bad. I know I've gotten judgemental stares, and I ignored them. I tell myself I don't care about what others think but in a way it's moreso me being embarrassed about myself. I don't know how to explain it.
submitted by Clean_Comparison8426 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:19 AwkwardOakTree This is my venting post. Absolutely no reason to read it, I'm typing this to look back in the future.

This girl, I've noticed her for the first time in middle school. She caught my eyes, yet remained a stranger in her own world. Something about this girl felt different about others. I rarely saw her speak or act, simply minding her own while on the way to school - which overlapped with mine. Even there she was not to be seen by me, mostly due to us being from different classes. Still, I recall seeing her on very few occasions, like field trips. I was not in love nor had a crush, though that was the time my curiosity began building up, wanting to know more about this girl.
It's an unexplainable feeling, really. Back then, I already got to recognize the sensation of romantic love, both its warmth and burden. Thoughts inside my head merely kept signaling, "I want to get to know her". Eventually, realizing we were still total strangers, I had no other option than to mind my own. This continued till the end of 9th grade.
Enter Highschool. Everything changes - new classmates, teachers, syllabus, higher pressure and what not. I didn't decide what to make of the new reality during the first few days, I simply rolled with it. Then came our first math class - to give some context, where I live, your level of math education is determined by 3 levels, with students from each level being grouped in separate math classes. As it turned out, that very same girl and I were grouped together in the same class.

From that moment onwards things accelerated. I began noticing her more thoroughly as time kept going. It may sound weird, but I remember even dreaming about her once, despite us not even speaking to one another. I don't know what was it with me, an infatuation, perhaps ? I still didn't feel it with her, but I like to believe (or maybe those are my delusions) I felt a certain connection: that girl kept to herself, had a composed mindset, she focused on reading books and was on her phone before the teacher got in - despite always being surrounded by her own wonderful friends. Coupled with her short height, I couldn't but think how cute she looks.
One day, at math class as usual, sitting at the table in front of me, this girl did something unimaginable to my head - she turned her sit around to face me, and abruptly exclaimed with a smile - "did you know that our little sister's, [x] and [Y], are best friends ?" - we had a very brief chat about it, including one of our past sudden altercations, by the end of which she turned away and got back to minding her own. This was.... a lot shocking to me than a third party would expect...
Till that point, in my opinion, life seemed very predictable, unimpressive and disappointing. I was the social loser who didn't get to make strong bonds past kindergarten, so I didn't have real, true friends - just a few buddies I seldom chatted with. Coinciding with moving to the city I live in now before starting Elementary, I was pretty much doomed to be lonely, so from then on I never imagined to socially amount to anything extraordinary, much less to speak with another female (which has always been more intimidating). Now, this girl whom I wished to know and was too enclosed to talk to, broke the endless time barrier to inform a small piece of information. To say this moment was a change of pace is an utter understatement. Talking to one another gave me a clearer insight as to who the girl is - as composed, focused and quiet as she was, I could sense in her angelic-like voice and the way her vocals switched a hidden enthusiasm, an undiscovered encircling joy. Her voice signaled that she was truly interested to speak with me, and despite trying to stay composed, I felt as if she planned this conversation sometime ahead out of shyness to construct an abrupt small talk. Her character made me for the first time consider if I fell for her. She was a somewhat shy, introverted person with joyful attitude, and overall seemed like a kind, positive gal, simply too quiet to present it to anyone at once. But I was stunned not just for her character - she was gorgeous. Talking to that girl and formally facing her for the first time made me notice things unnoticed before - her enchanting, glistening eyes, her beautiful dark blonde hair, the humble little ears and nose, including the overall shape of her face. I barely kept myself composed as we responded to one another due to all this shock instigated by understanding who she is, and learning we were - in a way - related (not biologically ofc). Felt like forever, yet lasted less than a minute.
Of course, I began pondering about her reason to reveal herself as my little sister's best friend's older sibling. Two days later (and another month after), that girl repeated the first event: turning herself around to face me, then striking out a conversation revolving around our little siblings. By the third altercation, getting more smitten by her after each one, my interest in her peaked.
Here's what felt fishy: Us not amounting to anything but strangers meant this girl could chat solely about something seemingly as unimportant to HS students as familial bonds. I should also mention that by this period half a year has flown by. If so, why would she bother herself to say these things ? Maybe she just cares for our sisters' friendship ? That still wouldn't explain the timing...
Perhaps I'm deluding myself, but my something is telling me she's fond of me. And I think I'm starting to actually like here back the more I think of her. Sharing the same class with her gets me out of bed every morning, and the first sight of this girl feels like being showered with roses. I cherish every glance I get at her because of the warmth it brings to my soul.
I wish I were right about her feelings towards me, however this is where the letter must leave the reader at a cliffhanger. I don't know if she likes me, thinks of me as I have of her. Nor do I, nor her, have the courage to ask each other due to our mental struggles. Looking back, I think it's my fault. I should have attempted to chat with her myself instead of letting her initiate ever chat, it would explain why she gave up on trying. She was braver than I, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe I really did let an opportunity slip, but that's a revelation to come. Best wishes, your fellow HS student.

submitted by AwkwardOakTree to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:19 SCoolYuh How to improve my ECs over the next 2 yrs?

Hi, I am a rising junior who is interested in applying to med school (leaning heavily towards MD-PhD but want to get more research experience before I commit so I’d love to hear advice from both the MD-PhD and MD perspectives) in 2 yrs and was wondering if anybody had any advice for me to improve my app. I would love to improve my ECs as much as possible, whatever I can do through reasonable sheer effort
GPA is currently 3.86, but I wanted to mainly focus on ECs since I’ll put in max effort into the MCAT when the time comes and I’ll get whatever score I get
Research: - 1 semester (120hrs) in a basic science lab where I independently did experiments that my grad student asked me to do. Generated data but no pubs or posters (done with this activity) - 1.5 years (1100hrs) in very similar collaborating lab in basic science and I very independently worked on a part of grad student’s larger project. Repetitive in the sense that I did the same type of experiment over and over. Expected middle author on the paper which was a collab with the first lab. 1 poster at school symposium. This project is almost over and will join a new project soon (ongoing activity) - 2 months (40hrs) in a bioinformatics lab. I am just beginning to learn R programming and statistics so I can’t say much right now but I will get a project once I’ve learned the foundations. (I’m also planning on picking up a math or data science minor to strengthen my math/coding skills over the next two years of college) (ongoing activity)
Clinical: - 6 months (120hrs) as a volunteer in a private practice clinic where I take patients vitals and perform other tasks to help keep the clinic running (ongoing activity) * I prefer to not add any more clinical activities since I want to focus on my research while being able to keep a longitudinal commitment to the clinic. The clinic has the opportunity to grow and gain increasing responsibility but I’d love to hear if taking vitals is considered enough patient interaction for MD-PhD and MD
Non-clinical Volunteering: - 1.5 yrs (150hrs) as a volunteer GED math tutor in an underserved community (ongoing activity)
Shadowing: - 12 hrs surgical specialty - 6 hrs cardiac ICU
Leadership: - Peer mentorship and a leadership role (not e-board), both in the same research-focused school club (32hrs, ongoing activity)
Extracurricular Activities (miscellaneous): - 6 months (115hrs) as a shadowing intern in a translational/clinical medical research in a lab. Got exposure to research with human subjects (done with this activity)
Honors/Awards: - A couple school-level research awards
submitted by SCoolYuh to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:18 ChickenNuggetsM0m House of contention

I finally did it. I announced that I want a divorce. My last straw, the event that solidified that I need to do this, he got verbally aggressive, threw and broke stuff in our home, forced the room door open with a butter knife when I was trying to get away from him and called the cops on me trying to get me arrested in front of my child. We’re in NC which means you cannot file for a divorce until you’ve been separated for a year. You’re not legally considered separated unless you reside in different homes. The thing is I have a child (not his but he’s raised her since she was a baby) who is established in the area and in her school. I told my STBX that I think that we should get to remain in the home since my daughter is still in school AND all of the family pets (2 dogs and 1 cat) are all the sudden mine (he threatened to take them to the pound if I leave and informed me he hates them all). He’s flat out refusing to leave. He makes more than me and because he keeps his finances 100% separate (has since he ran off with the entire savings account in 2021 when I first tried to leave) and has made me pay for his taxes (and more than my fair share of the bills) since he somehow doesn’t get enough taken out. For reference I am the one who has an additional $410 in taxes taken out biweekly since I did the worksheet based on dual income. He refused to do it because he wants to keep as much of his check as possible (I on once caught him claiming 7 dependents) which caused us to owe almost $7k one year which he also won’t pay for. Threatened to quit his job so he wouldn’t have to pay taxes... he has way more in savings than me. I’ve done the math and I can afford the home. I can even afford another home but would need to get my name off the current loan. I worry if I leave before I get my name off that he’ll maliciously tank my credit by refusing to make the payment. I suggested if he was refusing to leave, he could buy me out (we have a considerable amount of equity). He tells me that his lawyer told him that’s not a thing... Mine said otherwise. If he buys me out I can actually afford a decent house vs one that needs a lot of work. He’s refusing to do anything around the house and everything now falls to me (including picking up after him). He stays holed up in our room while I have had to move to the guest room which is downstairs and away from my daughter’s room. I’ve tried to remain amicable so that my daughter has some sense of normalcy but he’s making it so hard!! Last night he didn’t come home until 1:45am reeking of cigarettes (daughter and I both have asthma) and stumbling up the stairs. He woke the dogs up which subsequently woke me up so I got no sleep. He is making me so uncomfortable. I don’t know when he’s coming or going. He’s refusing to talk about anything and just seems to want to try to punish me and make life hell. I just want away from him… he’s being so childish and unreasonable. I can’t afford a lawyer and paying for everything else. I don’t know what to do… I feel stuck all over again.
submitted by ChickenNuggetsM0m to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:14 Alana2234 AITA For Not Being Happy About My Friends Relationship/Pregnancy News

I'll try to keep this as short as possible but no promises and no this isn't a jealousy thing or anything like that. I'm in a happy relationship with plans of a family so I have no reason for any of that.
So my friend who I'll call S (25f) and I've known her since middle school is have her 2nd baby. I (25f)found out from my mom cause she was afraid to tell me since she knew how I would react. Now we don't talk and if we do it is once in a blue moon. Only because I don't have children of my own yet and she is busy with my niece and her family and no issue with that. In fact I feel I would be a distraction or a third wheel cause we no longer connect like we used to and it just isn't the same. We're not kids anymore and we both just drifted apart over the years.
Now to the reason I'm not happy about the news. When she met my niece's father it was through Playstation, we were both 20. I didn't understand it back then but it was whatever, I just told her to be careful cause of the platform. Well they talked and online dated for a while. They were in these app communities together, just anything to stay in contact and it was all hearts and rainbows. I was still skeptical of it but I didn't say anything but I soon started to notice things I didn't like that S was doing and saying. I noticed she was lying about her home life, saying rude and mean things about her mom, lying about her education, and saying she has various mental illnesses and disorders. It was what made my decision to distance myself a bit easier but we still hung out when we could since we were best friends.
Fast forward to her bf J visiting. He is a cool guy. Nerdy and funny but also shy and a bit awkward. When I met him he didn't seem to out of place but I knew he was uncomfortable being there and felt out of place but because he loved S he just dealt with it. Well that visitation led to him dropping everything he knew to live there. He had family back home who needed him but he gave it up. I soon learned he was manipulated and guilt tripped into staying and a few months later S was pregnant with my niece. Well their relationship soon started to deteriorate after that. They both started fighting and a couple times it got physical, he didn't like being in a constantly dirty home and it smelled like cow poop, her house was like a zoo since she owned about 15 to 17 animals, and he struggled to find work or anything stable too which made things more difficult for him.
When I talked to him, he told me he wish he took my advice when I told him to go home or else he won't leave, I said this to him when I met him. He ended up getting the middle finger from his family cause he wasn't there when his grandfather passed away and he was supposed to take over his farm and all that too. He asked me what I thought and I was honest, I told him that since a child is involved leaving would just make him look worse as a person but it's still an option, I also told him to stay for his daughter but do what's best for him mentally and physically in the porcess. I explained to him that he can be apart of her life without being with S. I told him to own up to his choices and be responsible. This was the last time I saw S, my niece and him.
Fast forward to now and they aren't together but they live together and raise their daughter. Which I'm happy they found a middle ground for raising my niece. However S is with another man who she met online as well. He is a good guy and definitely more outgoing and kind but she somehow got him with the same tricks that she did when she met my nieces father, exclude the mental illnesses. How do I know? A close family member told me when I asked about it all. So to be clear I'm not mad about the child news cause that child is gonna be born into a loving home since her family is huge and they are amazing but it is her I'm mad and disappointed at. It's her being manipulative and shady and tricking these men into staying and being with her. It's her lying about herself and making herself into this person she isn't. It's her not growing up and not trying to set a good example for her daughter by trying to better herself. I'm upset that after the years we haven't spoke to each other she hasn't changed one bit or learned from the past.
In the end though it isn't my business, my relationship or my life and I really shouldn't care. I just worry for her. We grew up together and are like sisters no matter the distance or how long we haven't spoken. I love her and want her to be happy but I don't want her to achieve that by manipulating someone else cause it will eventually backfire in the future. It's wrong and it's messed up as well and these are things I've said to her before but it doesn't stick. However, all I can do at this point is just stay in the back and support her and hope that things don't repeat itself. It's too much mental capacity to get invloved anyway and I have my own life to worry about. I guess I just want to know if I'm an asshole for not being happy for her and more or less indifferent to the whole situation. So Reddit AITA?
Any questions just ask me and if you're here to be rude and say rude things then keep it to yourself.
submitted by Alana2234 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:11 Resident-Zucchini550 I don’t want to be mature

I get told I’m mature for my age ranging from classmates, teachers, and older people. I always stop and think “Am I really mature or is it because of the things I experienced?”. When I was kid I knew that Santa wasn’t real and other folk tales or things parents would tell children,(i know some kids also knew that) I acted like I still believed because it made my parents happy. It made them think I was still their little girl. I started to doubt my belief in god at an age that I should’ve been excited because the tooth fairy was coming. I would feel feel embarrassed waiting in line at stores because I felt like everyone was judging me, I felt like I was burning up. At that age I should’ve been focusing on making loom bracelets begging to go to Chuck E. Cheese. The moment where I could use my hands to do something I was put to do house chores, something my older brothers didn’t even do at my age and at their current age. But as my mom always says “why make them do it when they obviously won’t, he’s a boy”, I was a little girl. I get told to focus on myself when I complain but for some reason they can’t seem to focus on what they’re doing because they always stop to scold me. I had to be a grown up when my older brothers were still boys. Every day when I left to go to elementary school I would feel sick to my stomach because I would always think “what if someone robbed my mom?, what if she’s dead?, what if someone comes to my school and kills me?, what if my family died?” It was always a what if. I shouldn’t have been thinking of death at my age. I remember when I sometimes would cry on my mom’s lap because I was scared she would die, I don’t know why. Death was always in my head, it followed me around. It was a reoccurring guest in my home. I would act clueless in front of adults to make them gush over me but, I was disgusted at myself for doing it. My brother would show me gore like it was a silly cartoon, I watched and never said a thing. I don’t know why he would show me things like that, I was just a girl. I knew my dad and brothers were lazy, so I did the housework, tried to learn how to cook(I don’t know how I was let close to a stove at 7),and got straight A’s(and b’s) from elementary to middle school. But I’m a girl so it’s in my blood to do things like that, i wasn’t acknowledged. “How can I possibly be tired at fourteen” is what I would think. I would think the same at 13,12,11,10. I’m not enough and I know that, I’m a disgusting person and I know that, I’m a stupid failure and i know that. I hate being a therapist to my friends I get disgusted when they cry. I get disgusted when they do anything. I sometimes cry, I don’t know if it’s fake or real. I cried when my cat got ran over but a few minutes later I was on my phone and I later went to round table. I love my cat though. I cry but for some reason I don’t feel anything when I do, I just wipe my tears and get over it. I act like an adult and I get told to stop, I act like a girl and I get told to stop. I don’t want to be mature, why did I grow up fast. I want to run around and get my knees scraped, I want to play tag with people at school.
submitted by Resident-Zucchini550 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:11 Vanillabean322 When childfree people complain about children and expect to live in a childfree world

To start with, I don't have children. Nor do I want them.
Second of all, I don't like childfree people who complain about children and expect to be in a childfree society.
I've seen childfree children who complain about children and are just super nasty to them, as in like the kind of insults I'd expect from a middle school girl, not a grown-ass adult. You insult children yet you sound like a middle schooler who hasn't learned what empathy is. Also, you were once a child once! Why do you absolutely destroy children for mistakes YOU also made? Shouldn't you have a bit more compassion for them? Sure, screaming children are annoying but you did the same thing, and how about instead of complaining about them to people online/at home, you blame the parents for not taking care of their child. Most of the time they aren't even trying to be annoying. They just were disciplined correctly. It's not their fault they weren't taught how to behave correctly.
The same goes for childfree people who seem to want and expect a childfree society. I've seen videos of grown woman recording a child (without consent) crying on a plane and saying, "kids under 7 shouldn't be allowed on a plane." Like, first, don't do that. That's really nasty. Second, why don't you question the parent instead of the kid? And third, why do you expect ONLY adults/teenagers on a plane? It's public transportation, not a high school or an adult-only party. Anyone is allowed, and just because you don't like children doesn't mean they have to stay home. The world is not going to bend to your wishes. Young people exist, get over it! Now, if a child is being annoying and obnoxious, I can understand that, but sometimes you just have to deal with it. Is it frustrating? Absolutely, I've been on a plane with a crying kid, but you have to move on. Crank up your headphones, ask the parents to quiet their kid down, etc. Expecting children to be out of sight at all times is a ridiculous demand and screams entitlement.
TLDR: People should have more compassion for children. Also grown adults need to stop recording crying children on public transportation and start questioning the adults who aren't taking care of them.
submitted by Vanillabean322 to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:10 BubblyPalpitation606 What can happen to me?

I had returned to school after 3 years because of Covid and got my first phone. I was 13 at the time and was just entering grade 8 middle school. I was addicted to my phone back then and used it constantly and met some bad internet influence. After a few weeks, I had a slight argument with my friend over text where the internet influence told me to use the n word. He had said that it was just a swear word like all the others so I had used it believing that there was nothing else to it. My friend knew however and decided to take a screenshot. We’re now in grade 9 high school, moving to grade 10 where around 3 months ago, brought back up the image. He had given it to around 3 other people who had shared it with a few of their friends. I recently saw on the news from a few years ago that many high school students had their admission rescinded or were facing expulsion for saying something similar and it going viral on social media. I am worried that this could happen to me because I could be in a similar situation as then in a few years and have been stressed about it for the last few months.
submitted by BubblyPalpitation606 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:08 Every-Journalist8674 AITAH for telling advices to my friend

First of all english is not my first languange so sorry for any gramatical mistakes.
So I (16F) and my best friend (15F) know each other since the start of middle school. And at the start of the year she met a boy in her PE class and he dmd her (some says as a joke some not we dont really know). They start speaking but at first only on insta never in school. Then he start ignoring her then respkea to her. That Go on until now when hé start to say he is « serious » but i am hearing he want to Go around girls this summer so it’s weird. While this story I was alaways advising my friend but she never listen to me so it started to piss me of because I was dealing with my own shit at the time (still am). And every Time I talk about the situation she start to tell shit on my exes so pissing me off even more. We talk less and less and today I sent her a message saying that I wasn’t angry at her but just piss off by this and everything and she start telling me that I talk like shit and that I hurt her feeling and other people says that to and that she just can tell me to stop because it’s my « personality ». So I tell her to just say when im being mean because I want to change and she just left me on read and when I call her out she say that I just want to fight with her and that she doesn’t know what I want her to say. I just tell her that an « ok » would have been enough so she tells me ok and change the lock screen of our conversation from heart to plain. I am in the wrong ? Pls I just need advice her birthday is in two weeks what do i do ?
submitted by Every-Journalist8674 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:07 jwjody Recommendations for a "coming of age" graphic novel

My son is 11 and turns 12 in October, and he starts middle school in the Fall. He likes to read comics but not books so much. I'd like to find a coming-of-age graphic novel that is kid friendly for him. I read bout All Summer Long and he might like that. But I wanted to get some recommendations from people rather than just see what google returns.
submitted by jwjody to graphicnovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:06 BubblyPalpitation606 What can happen to me?

I had returned to school after 3 years because of Covid and got my first phone. I was 13 at the time and was just entering grade 8 middle school. I was addicted to my phone back then and used it constantly and met some bad internet influence. After a few weeks, I had a slight argument with my friend over text where the internet influence told me to use the n word. He had said that it was just a swear word like all the others so I had used it believing that there was nothing else to it. My friend knew however and decided to take a screenshot. We’re now in grade 9 high school, moving to grade 10 where around 3 months ago, brought back up the image. He had given it to around 3 other people who had shared it with a few of their friends. I recently saw on the news from a few years ago that many high school students had their admission rescinded or were facing expulsion for saying something similar and it going viral on social media. I am worried that this could happen to me because I could be in a similar situation as then in a few years and have been stressed about it for the last few months.
submitted by BubblyPalpitation606 to Universityadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:01 LongAccident8939 It keeps calling out to me

Hey, this is my first post ever but I’ve been watching your channel for a good 5/6 years now and decided to share some stories.
I (18 yo female) have always had some connection to the paranormal. My great grandma was a psychic. She could tell when people were going to die and would speak to relatives not knowing they had recently passed (she was blind), stuff like that. I’ve never had anything that extreme happen to me but there’s definitely been some blur between the paranormal and the normal in my life.
Getting on with my point, I think something is attached to me. The more I think about it, I believe it’s been with me for a while. I’m not sure what it wants but with what’s happening recently, I don’t think it means well.
My first encounter that I remember with it was when I was around 6 or 7. I was up in a room we have in the attic with my brother and my grandma. They both were headed down but me, being the stubborn kid that I was, wanted to continue playing on the carpet. They decided to leave without me after some bickering. As soon as they closed the door, everything went eerily quiet. I was admittedly scared but I decided to stay so I wouldn’t look stupid to my older brother.
I don’t remember what it was since it was so long ago, but something got my attention to this little crawl space we have in that room. I was watching it when it started banging like someone was trying to escape the crawl space. It didn’t take me long to haul ass out of there and in the process falling down the stairs like a tumbleweed.
My life has been filled with little experiences like that sprinkled around but recently I’ve started to feel it manifesting. One day after school, for example, I was walking home with my friend past a heavily wooded empty park. As we were passing it, I shit you not, I felt ice cold chills run down my body as if I had just taken a plunge into an unheated pool. This middle aged man’s voice whisper-yells “hey!” through the trees. It was the kind of “hey” you would assume predators use to lure you in, sounding happy yet sinister. My friend noticed I had stopped and asked what was wrong but I just grabbed her arm and hurried her along. I told her about it later and we’ve been actively avoiding that park like the plague.
I wish I could tell her that it’s not just at the park, though. It’s been following me. At work there’s been numerous occasions around 6 in the morning where I’ve had something ask for me to “come here” from the freezer MIMICKING my coworkers voices. Then as I’m about to open the door, the said coworker walks into the room with no recollection of ever asking for me or being in the freezer at all. It’s even been in my school. Once in my ceramics class, I was washing glaze off of my hand when I felt one of my classmates presence behind me. He usually goes over my shoulder and whispers “what are you doing?” to scare me; so when I heard it ask, I was fully convinced it was my classmate. Imagine my surprise when I turn around and that classmate is sitting on the opposite side of the room, facing away from me. The part that makes my hair stand up the most is that my classmate is taller than me and there was a shadow hovering me as if he was standing behind me.
I’m sorry for making this so long I just needed to get this off my chest. Anyways thank you so much for reading and if you have any advice it would be appreciated <3
submitted by LongAccident8939 to spoopycjades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:54 Commercial-Mango6866 Pregnant at 14 AND 16??!

How is this possible 😭
submitted by Commercial-Mango6866 to bitlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:53 Careless-Wish-4563 Which seems to be my preference?

I’m a black woman. I’m 19.
In my final year of high school, I was very attracted (squealing in the hallways type attracted) to a 1/2 black 1/2 white boy who looked something like this:
I had a crush on another 1/2 black 1/2 white boy (dark brown eyes, very light - almost white - skin, though I actually don’t think that was a factor in the attraction) from 9th-10th grade who was a little above average. But I was no longer attracted to him by 11th grade after he became average looking. He was also an atrocious person, which of course was a factor in the attraction fading.
My 11th grade boyfriend (December 2021-March 2022) looked something like this: and
I am no longer attracted to my 11th grade boyfriend, although I recall that when he first pulled down his mask I was certainly attracted to him. Beforehand, I wasn’t sure. He also proved to be a bad person (disrespected my sexual boundaries multiple times.)
The darker skinned black boy in the middle is someone I would go out with if I liked his personality/if he approached me, I like his hair:
I also subjectively find the guy in The Beach Boys music videos to be very cute, like “oh that’s my dream guy” type of cute:
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submitted by Careless-Wish-4563 to sociology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:53 North_Elevator7171 B and S weird ass friendship rant lol

I’m in the middle of season 4 right now. Does their chemistry get better? Don’t get me wrong, I love the show but I wish Serena and Blair were more compatible as friends. It’s easy to think that Blair is so jealous and Serena is the sweet one who doesn’t wanna step on any toes, but she is sometimes just as toxic to her. They can portray Blair as mean and bitter, but hell- I’d be too. Serena did one of the craziest things you can do to your friend.. sleeping with their boyfriend, let alone one that you didn’t even lose your virginity to yet. They don’t trust each other. I thought it was odd since the very beginning, when Serena left for boarding school but didn’t even tell her apparent best friend anything? I’d be at her house every day hounding her parents if my bestie disappeared likeee.. but Blair was LOVING the absence 😂
submitted by North_Elevator7171 to GossipGirl [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:49 SeaBakeOctopi Just need to vent

I will start with I am not the best teacher. Yes I have flaws. I forget something’s because rules constantly change. I really try to pull my weight but also have fun with the kids. I teach middle school. With a flip of a switch it goes from fun to serious. Kids know this. Passing time I will joke with the kids and make sure they aren’t doing anything bad. In the classroom it is business casual.
I found out the second to last week of school teachers have a problem with my personality. They say I am too loud. I am thinking “dude, do you not see the smiles on their faces when I call them by their name to say have a nice day? Do you not see them hurry out of the bathroom to get to your class when I stand in the doorway saying “move it or tardy in the office”.” For Pete’s sake calm down.
Students approached me this year to dress up like an elf because I am the shortest teacher. I said sure. So I did. And that upset some teachers.
Instead of approaching me like an adult and saying “hey, we appreciate your enthusiasm, but could you take 20% off the top?” I would be heck yeah brother! I got you. And I would button that behavior right up. Instead they went to the principal who had to pull me in on a Friday to tell me that some teachers have a problem with me. But couldn’t give me specifics. Like okay. What do you need to correct? I was given little detail. Now I am moving classrooms across the building to “sub due” my personality. I am being moved from my grade level hallway to another hall way that is not my grade level. And told this is not a personal attack. Meanwhile I am thinking “yeah okay, and the sky isn’t blue.” The principal did say that they did not have a problem with me. That my high energy in the hallway was good for the students and tardies go down when I announce they have 30 seconds left to get to class if they are in the bathroom.
It’s fine. I’ll move hallways. But I am not dressing up for assemblies again. I am not volunteering to help anyone. I am not coaching, hosting clubs, anything. It will be a drab year next year.
I was asked to decorate the hallways for the seasons this year. I did. Not again. I will have my blank walls because I don’t want to offend other teachers with my personality. I just wish they could have talked to me instead of making me feel like less of a human and a crappy person.
That is my rant.
submitted by SeaBakeOctopi to Teachers [link] [comments]