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2024.05.20 01:13 Dangerous-Giraffe723 Mystery Knife

Mystery Knife
Found this knife in the sand on a beach in Long Island today.
Although unlikely- if anyone has an idea of the brand of knife this could be, that would be really cool. Thanks!!
submitted by Dangerous-Giraffe723 to knives [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:13 Ohshitz- The reality of divorce just hit me

(This is really long)
We havent filed yet due to money, but it will happen. For most of the marriage ive just been easily frustrated, irritated, not a partner to him. It really went downhill after buying our dream home (i paid for it with inheritance) . But the last 3-4 years have sucked the life out of me. We both have been shit to each other, emotionally distant, resentful, given up; me more than him.
We’ve always been opposites. Im an introvert who is selective who im close with (i have only 3-4 friends). Im not a type of person who socializes a lot since marriage. I barely call friends. Socializing (and life in general) makes me feel on the outside of the circle. Too much socialization wears me out.
Now he’s the opposite. He makes friends at the drop of the hat. He could socialize every day, which does mean drinking, sometimes a lot. He’s a hyper, loud person who dismisses feelings, crosses boundaries. Ive never been the first person he discusses plans with. He does that with others THEN tells me after its a done deal. So im in a forced to socialize situation or be the bitch who tells him no and he should tell his friends no. We are even talking big vacays. I have to beg him for “us” time.
I never felt emotionally safe with him. He does not understand depression. He does not understand being tired a lot. He does not understand alone time. He does not understand low (now zero) libido. He knew about my depression from day one. He tries to cheer me up. But if we are having a fight, he has said some crushing things you do not say to a depressed person. (Youre unstable, etc). Things a spouse or a parent should never say. If it were s friend? Id tell them to f off and not be hurt. But my husband? Its like a knife to the heart. Anything else like libido? Its up to me to fix it like im defective and doing it on purpose. Ive had every test under the sun. Its just who i am. But its also because he non stopped complained about sex and has cheated our entire marriage. He refuses to admit it. But i have tangible proof.
Hes lazy and adhd with chores. Fun comes first and i barely had any help. Im so overwhelemed that i can no longer to the housework top to bottom in one day like i used to. There are weeks/months where i dont fold, put away clothes. They are clean, but i just put them in a clean pile. And if i started to get mad that he didnt help, he would protest and say now hes not doing it at all.
He does have moments of bullying, harassing, wearing down style of arguing until he gets what he wants. He told my therapists that its right to do because it works. Over time i became disgusted by this behavior. His way of listening to feedback is to deny the behavior or flip it to how i am. Yes i get frustrated easily and zero patience. But thats after 23 years. And ive been struggling with everything like tasks, organizing, being proactive for years.
We have a son. He’s the only thing we are 95% on the same page. But he has some verbal/personality actions where i felt we needed to get our son into therapy. He has a hot cold relationship with my husband. My son and i are very close. This makes my husband zealous. Always has. But he does love him to death and is a good father. Hes just a low emotional mature adult and its hard.
Yesterday was the first time ive heard him fine and encouraging a divorce. Im the one that has said it many times. Yelled it. Been cold, distant, etc. but looking at old pics made me realize that everything we did together, i was always irritated by him. Either cutting me off when talking to our friends, drinking a LOT, being dismissive of people’s feelings/boundaries…including our son. I just couldnt fully be happy in the moment and now, all of those fun, special happy times are gone. Our son isnt a child/baby. Hes a teen. More independent. Will eventually move and have his own life. I know my husband has talked and more with women. Escorts have been involved. He denies it but i have proof. And i know his excuse will be the dead bedroom and my resentment where he has received zero intimacy.
So it hit me this is it. He will carry on with dating. Is getting our dream house. Will do whatever he wants with nobody saying anything. Company over daily. Pool parties. Wining and dining, treating another woman super special (hes good at it). Essentially living a new life in happiness.
Ill be in my own new home. Alone.being aware that im not like everybody. Having fun and feeling it is hard for me. I dont really socialize. I dont want to date because im afraid to and with no libido and im not affectionate, no-one will want to be with me. I just feel that i have never been “normal”. Life has been realllyyy difficult for me despite love, a son, meds, therapy. My mental health and how i am gets in the way and it always has. He says i can change. But i cant force a libido. I cant wish depression away. I cant remove my wants in a relationship…i did that the first 10 years, thus me becoming more irritated/angry with him over time.
Im going to be divorced, small/newer home, and pretty much alone. Like severely alone physically and mentally.
And yes that does mean suicidal thoughts. Its not because of him. Its strictly because im hyperaware i dont fit in. I cant fix these things. Some people shouldnt have been born. I really believe that.
He said he will never desert me, always be here for him and he will always love me. I told him his new whomever would not want that and doing so is truly unnecessary. I wanted this divorce. I couldnt be who he wanted. I couldnt feel joy. Dont even think about me. There really is no point to waste his energy.
submitted by Ohshitz- to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 Suitable-Wrangler480 I feel hopeless

I realize what I am about to say may sound pathetic to some and I am okay with that.
I had a really good job at a large corporation in Cincinnati for 9 years, until I didn’t. I was an administrator on the Treasury Team and worked remote.
My husband and I made the decision in 2022 to foster and accepted a placement of two children. When you foster your not really offered a whole lot of help once the kids come and one of the kids was a newborn. When I first accepted the placement I requested info on FMLA, because I had just picked up the baby from the hospital and I needed time to bond with this new blessing. My manager immediately started docking my pay, and would cancel my meetings with HR, long story short I was told I was unable to file for FMLA. I had many issues with my manager over the years and she had had many issues with a lot of people, she was not a very nice woman. Because of that reason, I ended up leaving and for the next two years was a stay at home mom until my kids had to go home, which was this past October.
Fast forward to today, I have a new baby that was born in December. We live in a county where the property tax was raised this year 22% so my mortgage went up quite a bit. I need to find a job, I’ve applied EVERYWHERE. I really need a remote job because of personal reasons. Daycare is expensive. I am a really good worker, I had tons of above and beyond awards, I graduated from Miami. I have good credentials, I have a lot of experience I just need a chance to prove myself.
I would never normally do this but I am begging someone to be compassionate and give me a chance. I literally need a job that is balanced on family life, I know not everyone thinks fostering is great, but I love my kids (fostered and biological) and would do anything for them. I am just asking for someone to give me a shot. I know I have a little gap in my work history, but there has to be some remote or at least some positions available.
Please no mean comments, I am not one to ever ask for help, and I also am not asking for a miracle. I am just trying to do my best and thought what the hurt would be in asking. Thanks.
From a worried, but hard working empathetic mom🙂
submitted by Suitable-Wrangler480 to cincinnati [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 Black-kage I really hope Oda emphisize in the religional aspect of Celestial Dragons lore

One of the things that bugs me about One Piece is that majority of their villains are just evil and they know that. Unlike Naruto whose majority of rogue gallery was trying to change their world for good.
Final Saga in particular is different. We see that World Goverment named the Shichibukai's clones as "seraphims", the celestial dragons claim to be gods, the Celestial Dragons were pissed at God Valley's people because their island named implies blasfemy alll the christian aesthetic that is around of Kuma and know the faith Giants, bucaneers and Skypeans have on Sun God.
In case of Celestial Dragons it could be different. What if the original 20 indeed shaped One Piece world as we know (placing the crazy amount of water, creating the redline, the calm belts and setting the weird magnetic stuff of the islands) but also what if they set clones in the non-sinked places but didnt have the technology to program them like Seraphim?. Reason of why the World Goverment is the way it is. It would improve greatly the Celestial Dragons because they see humans as mere cattle. And their cartoonish evil would be justified because they are indeed the gods of One Piece world.
But whats about marines. There are hints that marines could split. A good example is the Dragon-Akainu relationship set up as well SWORD. But I think that in order to make that set up work it should be emphisized the divine/religion aspect of Celestial Dragons. Why do some marines stick with Celestial Dragons? Because they fund marines? Marines could funded by tax payers. Keeping the overall WG estructure without Celestial Dragons. So why would they root for Celestial Dragons? The answer could be religion.
We already saw this with Lucci and Greenbull. They root with Celestial Dragons because they believe they are the gods of the world. We saw that low ranked marines said Saturn "holy form" rather than see Saturn devil form as something evil.
In the same way. Joyboy, the sun god Nika was the first pirate in the world. The problem is that majority of pirates seem to be rapists and thieves rather than adventurers.
Imagine being a person in One Piece world and having to choose between slavers who are the gods shaped the world and the a god who was indeed the first criminal in history but advocates the freedom of people.
I know many of things in this posts are theories and assumptions but if Oda really emphisize in the religional aspect of Celestial Dragons lore he could improve them as villains and make hyphotetical marine civil war deeper. He could pull the best antagonists out of the Big Three. Out of the traditional shonen.
submitted by Black-kage to Piratefolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 Lunn-O Why I Can’t Get Behind the Railroad.

Apologies for the long write-up. TL;DR at the end. Some spoilers.
Just picked up the game again recently after never having completed the MQ before, and I just don’t get the railroad:
I’ve completed a playthrough since. On a new one now, and I cannot get behind the RR. I’ve seen a lot of debates on this and wanted to share my 2 cents and get feedback. Trying to mainly focus on the RR here. Here goes:
1.) My first introduction to them felt overly-hostile. Even more so than any other faction. I understand their secretiveness is paramount for them. But even though I follow their trail, discover their oh-so-secret password, and walk in, they’re immediately all “Wtf are you doing here?” Oh and also “Agree with our message (that, for me, was not aforementioned anywhere) or gtfo (or die).” Seemed over the top for a group of hobos who I could wipe out by sneezing—especially when they’re the ones sending out invites. You learn that not even all members see directly eye-to-eye with Des, but it’s an ultimatum for the player?? Even when they learn that the SS is invaluable to them, possibly even their saving grace as they haven’t done diddly without us, it’s nothing but ultimatums. (This is more an overarching problem of all factions, but still more than others imo)
2.) They should NOT be a main faction. There seems to be a gray area of the real “goal” of the main quest: the Future of the Commonwealth or the Future of the Synths. I look at it this way:
The SS’s life is in our hands. Roleplay is up to the player ultimately, so do as you please. But the game will narrow down to who has the most control in the end. And the RR is NOT a reasonable choice outside of rp’ing. Reason being that they clearly don’t care. Not about humans, not about clean water, not about quelling the violence spreading through the commonwealth. They want and should have zero control over the area. So, in the scheme of who has control, WHY are they an option?? Should’ve been a subfaction at most. Their progression doesn’t make much sense, either. They show themselves to be incompetent strength-wise at most times, then boom. They have enough firepower to take out everyone else full-force. Didn’t feel like they really built up the strength (especially bc of Bethesda making you do all the work for whatever group you join). They feel rushed. I commend the allusion to the actual Underground Railroad, but it’s a slap in the face to its realism. They are not even remotely the same there, so I can’t compare their rationales either.
3.) Prioritization of Synthetic life over Actual life. I know we all have our own opinions of Synth=Human, but objectively, they are not. Their memories, personality, and affinities are forged on a computer. They are not born the same, raised the same, or functioning the same. The body may be the exact same as humans for Gen3, but their “lives” are an illusion (when they are “born” anyways. They show examples of them forging their own path afterwards, but again, their reasoning begins from lies), and they don’t have all the same needs. Objectively, the RR is no better than the Institute in the aspect of playing God. The hypocrite, DiMA, does make a valid point in this—broken clock is right twice a day, right? Anyways, it is a noble cause to believe all conscious life shouldn’t be enslaved (or any life for that matter), but what’s better when you only have two choices?
A) To create/foster fake lives, mind-wiped or not, and hope they fit in at the party (while ignoring the potential consequences)?
B) To force/help make the partygoers more agreeable/inclusive? (Basically the other factions, but they have other problems/agendas too)
Also there’s the fact that a non-wiped synth is sent into a crappy world that their liberators are doing nothing to improve, and wiped synths get the same but live a fake life that would crumble if they knew the truth. And their liberators know this, so they don’t tell them. The RR is perpetuating the institute problem in doing this (minus the planned killing). No sentient being should be living lies constructed by others. And I understand that the mind-wipe(essentially assisted suicide) is optional, but at that point, they are still only perpetuating the synth problem of the institute. If the synth wants to die, just kill them. Don’t put more synths out there to suffer just hoping it turns out okay.
Would love to hear other’s thoughts as I haven’t seen my exact opinion reciprocated yet.
The Railroad is hard to get behind (FOR ME) because:
1) Overly-ideological and give many ultimatums even though their not in a position to. 2) They are too narrow-minded to be a main faction. 3)They perpetuate the Institute problem.
submitted by Lunn-O to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 yesrushgenesis2112 UFL Week 9 Immediate Power Rankinga

As always, vibes from watching games and nothing more:
UFL Week 9 Power rankings 1. Stallions: what is there to say? Adrian MVP incoming. 2. Battlehawks: they won’t all be easy wins, and this one was too close for comfort. But DC was literally fighting for its life, so I would have expected a close game even with McCarron in. Wilkins ain’t it long term, and I’m not sure if he’s even good outside of the legs, but he stood up to the challenge today. A weaker 2, but 2 nonetheless. If McCarron is out long term, expect them to drop. 3. Panthers: this team is getting hot at the right time. Can they overcome a Stallions rematch when it matters? 4. Brahmas: it somehow seemed both easy and hard against Arlington, but they took care of business. Still feel they’re a bit worse than Michigan currently, especially with how close Arlington kept it at this stage in the season. Seemed like both teams were working hard to both win and lose. But who cares, on to playoffs. 5. Defenders: Elimination stings, but they played one hell of a game. A disappointing season ended today, but I don’t think it’s one to be ashamed of if coaching changes come. The team has talent. 6. Arlington: Every team below them, and they themselves, should have a new coaching staff. But Arlington worked hard to lose this game too, that shouldn’t go unstated. I guess they also worked hard to win, but it was not to be. 7. Houston: Johnson deponendus est 8. Memphis: Oh what could have been with competent talent scouting and coaching, especially for the Oline. Instead we got weeks of a cooked Case and even less inspiring play elsewhere, and this week was no exception.
Edit: how can it be that my phone did not catch the title typo when it autocorrects when I don’t want it to the rest of the time???? Sorry people.
submitted by yesrushgenesis2112 to UnitedFootballLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 infinite_b0ner [28/M] Seeking to meet a wonderful partner for a long-lasting relationship!

Once upon a time, there was a lonely guy named infinite_b0ner. He sat quietly in his room, contemplating the meaning of life. Why is life filled with so many mysteries? Do aliens exist? Why am I without a loving partner? That latter question made him stop... He turned his chair towards the window and looked out towards the distant lands. A long sigh left his breath as he saw the petals on the flowers slowly drift down, noting it as an imagery of his own life where the petals represent time cascading down a path of no return. Time was passing and he felt so goddamn lonely. No individual would look him into his eyes and say, "I love you, infinite_b0ner..." Instead they watch him with disgust. They look at his name and say "wtf are you?! Get away from me, weirdo." Mr. B0ner closed his eyes in the moment when those memories of judgement came rushing through his brain. Sort of like when the blood rushes to his... "NO! It's too early for that," he thought to himself. He murmured, "People consider me a dirty beast. I shall not think of such thoughts anymore. I've got to free myself from that identity." He stood by the window as the sun began to set, leaving his eyes closed as a smile slowly took over his sadness. “Nah, this name is too funny. I shouldn’t change myself for others. I shall wear my name proudly and the right individuals will come and accept me for who I am.” infinite_b0ner stood proudly in that moment before sitting back down at his computer to visit this subreddit. “It’s time to make a post and find an amazing, caring person to join me on my journey to be the best, like no one ever was.”
Now onto my info:
What I am crossing my fingers for:
I think that's the gist of who I am and what I am searching for. Obviously, there is more about me that I can share, but I feel that I should reserve that for our conversation as we get to know each other more! So feel free to message me if you're interested. :)
Thank you for reading and I hope you have an amazing day!!
submitted by infinite_b0ner to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:11 Crafty-Potential802 Latest Meraki Update MX 18.211 - breaks a lot

This rolled out early this morning PST and has caused a nightmare for us. Thank you Cisco for considering the CDN long weekend. Some sites which we could ICMP or RDP to, stopped.
Seems like the update pooches rulesets. We've been working on this all day, open ticket with Meraki 3 hours since this post, no response yet.
Reverted to old Firmware on our switches, yet no love.
submitted by Crafty-Potential802 to meraki [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:11 wthrihrdlyknwhr Former Partner wants a Rehire

I am a former partner, working as a barista back in 2020-2021 during part of my undergraduate education. As a grad student in a new state, trying to make ends meet, I’ve been half-heartedly applying to local stores for a few months now. I [F23] recently quit a small chain food service job for Numerous reasons— regardless, I’m really in need of a stable source of income.
I’m disabled, but have an incredibly strong work ethic. I often push myself to the point of exhaustion and even past it, but am learning to slow down a bit and listen to my body to avoid burnout. A majority of the 8 some-odd stores around me (a college town) are hiring, and for the past three weeks, I’ve been doing all that I can to ensure I don’t let another opportunity pass me up. Sure, other jobs exist, but I miss being a part of something bigger, classier, and in a company that genuinely cares for its employees.
Barista jobs began to pop up as students left town, but I’ve really been eyeing the handful of Shift Supervisor positions that opened. I admired, but was intimidated by, the role back when I was a 19 year old sapling. Now, with more years of work, life experiences in general, and a great deal of personal growth, I feel that I could really serve the company well. While a barista, I was told by my manager that I narrowly missed POQ two separate times. Trying to prove myself to my peers and to myself, that fact really disappointed me. I think, however, that in time, I’ll be able to surpass my past performance— and won’t be nearly as driven by such external validation. As long as the team is happy, I’ll be happy.
OKAY blah blah, get to the point, OP— I applied for Shift at my nearest store, went in and semi-jokingly asked how desperate they were for someone to fill the role, to which they responded, ‘pretty desperate.’ I’ve called a few times trying to catch the hiring manager, finally reaching them last Monday (13th). I was informed that I would receive a call back to schedule an interview by the next afternoon. I hadn’t heard anything by Wednesday, and stopped in to have a drink and decompress after a long semester. I did ask if the manager was by chance free, but alas, luck was not on my side. They did assure me, through the grapevine, that they would call me later that evening. It’s now Sunday, and I’ve heard nothing. All of this said: what should I do? Would it be rude to ask for a yes or a no? I am in need of a job to pay my bills, but I feel so inconsiderate being such a nuisance trying to show that I am available for an interview at any time convenient for the manager. I have not yet even received a denial email, in the case that you ask.
TL;DR— former barista (at 19) wants (now 23) shift position, manager said they’d call to schedule an interview by the 14th, it is now the 19th. what do?
submitted by wthrihrdlyknwhr to starbucksbaristas [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 ev3rm0r3 New patch and plants with "rising unemployment"

I can't beat the problem, can't get the populations on any planet or habit happy that long, there are either too few jobs or too much crime. Tried alternate governor traits, buildings, needs, armies, I just can't figure it out. All of them have that red suitcase icon. Tried in a game that was 500 years long. I had 190k+ of every resource, 3k+ a month coming in, straight up trade capped so I was not out of work, had a megastructure in every system, it was just stupid. And yet, unhappy job populations every every type. And the ingame help is useless to his issue.
submitted by ev3rm0r3 to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 Stiles-Micaiah Optimizing Performance for Horizon Forbidden West

I made this comment for a steam thread, spent a few hours stress testing configs on windows. And just when I figured it was put together enough to post steam reloaded on my phone and I lost the post 🙄 I really need to stop putting so much effort in the comments. The thread was mostly full of rage bait anyway. So I figured I’d post it here, I’m sure someone out there could make use of it. At the very least it populates Google with performance related discussion. And hopefully helping someone. Feel free to criticize or offer a different experience with your hardware. In a perfect world this post and the comments will be the last stop anyone needs to start bustin machine heads 🫵😎
My System Configuration: - CPU: Intel i7 10700F - GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070 - RAM: 32GB - Storage: Gen 3 NVMe drive
Performance Observations: - On Manjaro Linux with X11, I achieved a consistent 50-80 FPS at 1080p on very high settings with FSR. - With Wayland and HDR enabled, FPS ranged from 40-70 but experienced random crashes, also with FSR. - Switching to Windows 11, FPS improved to 70-90 on medium settings at 1440p, but fluctuated between 10-100 on high settings at 4K with no clear cause for the variance, with DLSS.
DLSS vs. FSR: - Both were tested; FSR performed slightly better on Linux, while no significant difference was observed on Windows. - DLSS did not significantly improve performance during a recent test.
Performance Tips: - Use Exclusive Full Screen: Essential for Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), allows refresh rate modification, and generally enhances game performance. - Disable VSync: Unless your display lacks VRR, avoid VSync as it's inferior to VRR. - Prefer TAA/SMAA over DLAA: These settings can offer a 10 FPS boost, although DLAA provides superior visual quality. - Enable Nvidia Reflex: This feature significantly improves input during frame drops, effective even on Manjaro.
VRAM Considerations: - High and very high settings may cause VRAM bottlenecks. My system could reach 60 FPS at 4K on very high settings, but not consistently, suggesting possible memory dumping issues. Idk what you need, but it’s not 8GB…
These insights are based on my personal testing and tinkering. It may not be the most thorough testing. Namely I should’ve done more testing with Manjaro. But I spent so long trying to get HDR working I didn’t play with the settings too much. But I hope my experiences can assist others in optimizing their gameplay experience for Horizon Forbidden West. Enjoy the game!
submitted by Stiles-Micaiah to horizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 Anxious-Catch1672 First time trying to record my electric kit please help

I’ve been drumming for quite a long time, I got a pretty cheap electric kit recently because I’m moving into an apartment, I got using it down pretty well it’s not very difficult. But I’ve been wanting to try recording it as MIDI so I can edit the recording after as well as change the drum sounds because the sounds that come automatically loaded on my kit aren’t great.
I don’t know the terms for all this equipment very well so bear with me, I know next to nothing about music production and recording. I have an alesis command x, I have a windows laptop, I don’t have any DAW so if someone can recommend one (preferably free or cheap) that’d be really helpful, and I bought a FORE midi to usb interface (I know it’s not the nicest ever but I’m on a very low budget and wasn’t totally certain if it would even work.
So, with the equipment I have, how the hell do I go about recording my kit as midi so that I can change drum sounds after recording? As detailed of an explanation as you can give is greatly greatly appreciated, I am horrible with tech so I need lots of assistance here.
submitted by Anxious-Catch1672 to DRUM [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 makeshiftm0nument 21f hoping for some long-term friends

hi!! i just ended a long shift at work and i’m currently unwinding and listening to some music. i love meeting new people and really would like to chat!! if we get along well, we should totally be friends >:)
mention your a/s/l so i know u read this!! please be 20-25 :) also just a heads up that i am queer so i hope you’re okay with that lol <3
submitted by makeshiftm0nument to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:09 slc717 Do you tidy before your cleaners?

We have had the same cleaning crew come biweekly for the last 2 years and they are great. The lead woman who comes to our house doesn't speak English fluently so I communicate via text with the owners (and pay the owner directly via Zelle). Clutter is a big trigger for me, and I work from home so generally like to have the cleaning crew in and out by tidying up the toys and putting away dishes, etc before they come. Last week I flew out for a biz trip the day they came and my husband was the one to let them in. I got a text from the owner saying that they had noticed the dishes weren't put away, and there were toys everywhere, so it took them longer to clean. I've had a long weekend traveling with my family, so maybe I'm extra prickly, but it rubbed me the wrong way a bit. So I guess I'm curious, for those of you who have cleaners, what is the general state of your house before they start cleaning?
submitted by slc717 to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:09 Ill_Recognition9464 How do I heal my sexual repression and lack of individuation?

Hello Jung reddit, I'm a 23 year old male trying to figure myself out and become my own person. I don't know much about Jung yet but I've always been interested in him and his perspective has always clicked with me. Anyway, my biggest gripe for a long time has been my obsession with having sex and intimacy with women.
I wouldn't call myself hypersexualized at all, probably the opposite. I've always feared that I might be asexual because I seem to lack a "drive" to escalate and have sex with women despite wanting their intimacy and touch. As a kid (like 11-12 y/o) I remember trying to force myself to find women attractive, googling things like "hot women" and trying to figure out what every other guy sees. I think I did this out of fear of being broken or different, and I think that fear is what drives my need for sexual validation to this day.
Another thing is during my teenage years I thought I might be transgender, I was always envious of girls for their appearance and perceived privilege. All the things that a normal guy might find attractive in a woman, for me it turned into envy. I didn't watch porn, I found it gross and off-putting, I only fantasized about becoming a girl. The allure was looking like an attractive girl, inheriting their privilege and power, and also it was the embarrassment of being "forced" to act a way I would never act normally. I also fantasized about hypnosis and mind control for the same reasons.
I occasionally still feel envious of women's looks, or their clothes, or their behavior, but I think this manifested from how repressed I was about everything as a kid. I was always afraid of being inferior, afraid of being judged, and afraid to do anything that would get me scrutinized. I was the black sheep of my hyper-critical family. I could never dress how I wanted to, do what I was interested in, or make "stupid" mistakes. I always just tried to copy my brothers and fawned as they bullied me.
So as a result I never developed myself that much, especially in sexual development. Recently though, I've been doing the work I never have as a teen and trying to shed my concern for what other people think of me. And I've been exercising. I think it's working because for the first time I'm actually starting to feel a normal heterosexual sex drive. And I don't know what to do with it. I'm terrified of being broken, of never finding intimacy and of dying alone. I'm envious of other guys that can achieve intimacy and I don't know what I'm missing in myself to not achieve that. I've read the notion that you must integrate your sexuality as an aspect of your personality, and not something to be ashamed of, and while I agree, I am stuck on it. I'm still terrified of rejection, of being a creep, of having these "gross" sexual thoughts, and of my weird "kinks." While I'm working to be proud and not care for other's judgment, exposing such vulnerable parts of myself would feel like death.
submitted by Ill_Recognition9464 to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 Certain_Fig1741 What's going on?

What are all the changes going on? GM says we're gonna have a team meeting from all the changes that are being made next monday but refuses to elaborate more on it. Also, he said the meeting will be 3-4 hours long before we open, so we will be coming in at 5am and still have to work our normal scheduled shifts. No one else in any other stores know what's going on, and no other associates know either.
submitted by Certain_Fig1741 to petco [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 yeebmachine Overstayed my Tourist Visa - ADVICE NEEDED

So I have a peculiar situation - about two years ago, I was in Germany for a year between studying and an internship. Long story short, the company I was working with that was supposed to take care of my visa never took care of it, so technically for the duration of my internship, I was working illegally and I ended up overstaying my tourist visa (I'm from USA) by like 4 or 5 months. Upon leaving, I went through customs in Iceland, and again, long story short, they luckily let me slide after a long and arduous battle with the customs agent. So after all of that, I made it back to USA just fine, nothing but the entry and exit stamps in my passport. I am looking to return to Germany to do some traveling, under a tourist visa again, but I am worried about the stamps in my passport and lack of work/residency permit to account for that time period. Do you think this passport situation would cause any problems upon entering/leaving the Schengen Region for a vacation? Any advice or anyone else who has found themselves in this situation before, please let me know what the deal is.
submitted by yeebmachine to germany [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 booweezy 2015 AC issues

AC doesn’t blow cold. Replaced the filters, got Freon professionally topped up, and tried the magnet on the AC flow sensor. It worked for a little bit after the refill, but only intermittently. Mechanic wants to go exploring but I’d like to see if anyone else has had that issue first. We have about 95k miles on the van.
submitted by booweezy to Sienna [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 Different_Revenue29 I Need Advice

I will do my best to explain the situation as easily as I can. Background: I am a 22 year old nanny for 2 children (9moB & 4yrG). I have been with this same family for 3 years (since G was 1) and I’ve been paid the same wage. (Before NB was born, I got paid $40/day) I get paid $80/day. My schedule is roughly 7am-5pm (50hweek). I am paid by the week (NOT hourly). There are pros and cons to our set up. Pros: steady paycheck ($450/week) and they are generally nice to me Cons: no overtime pay, occasional overnights (without extra pay: WEP), weekend events (WEP), and their dog&cat(s) sitter (WEP). Before, I was fine with how things were going. I used to nanny NK in my home before MB had NB. MB (and I) agreed that it would be easier for me to come to NF home so NF wouldn’t have to bring all of babies stuff every day. They gave me a raise of +$10/day so I now get paid $90/day for two NKs.
Few examples of situations: I am a people pleaser and the biggest pushover in this industry. DB has made me cry numerous times with how he speaks to me. MB is aware of it and apologizes on his behalf. (DB is friends with my HB so it makes it hard for me to talk to my HB about what goes on) DB and I butt heads but are generally cordial with each other. MB and I are very close and text often. Lately, MB has been upset with me. Reason(s): 9mB is BF and he won’t take bottles for me. MB came home and asked about how much he had (offered 3 bottles and only drank 4oz total for the day). LO spits BM out or screams if he sees the bottle. (MB suggested I take him to her work once a day to feed him… her work is 40 mins away) NF left for a 1.5 week trip to the beach and asked me to pet sit & I said yes. While NF was gone, I deep cleaned their home, organized, did the laundry, and watched over their pets. I was not paid for my work. (To be fair, they didn’t ask me to do anything that I did- only to check up on their pets so it’s not fair of me to be upset that I wasn’t thanked or paid for the cleaning) MB was upset about me organizing and MB has every right to be. Looking back, it wasn’t right of me to organize in-sight items without approval from MB or DB. When MB told me this, I started to cry. I started to cry because of the guilt I felt about what I had done. MB moved everything back prior to me coming over. (MB asked me to come over (weekend) to help her organize) I ended up telling MB that I think I should go and I left.
Issue(s): 1. Daily/weekly tasks don’t bother me (unappreciation from NF does bother me) -Tasks: care for (2) NK, empty 2 cat litter boxes, let their dog out, dishes, laundry, and overall home cleanliness/maintenance) 2. DB being verbally mean to me 3. MB taking me for granted & isn’t as kind to me anymore
My question: Given the background provided, what would you do if you were me? (Am I overreacting?) I don’t want to quit, I want change. (Remember, I am a people pleaser so I can’t bring myself to outright say anything strong… please be nice. I’m in a very fragile state of mind right now)
TL/DR: Long hours/days, low pay, NF aren’t kind to me anymore, I don’t want to quit because I love my NK, what should I do?
submitted by Different_Revenue29 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:07 Yert8739 The Accessories Planogram

Has anyone ever looked at the stuff in the Accessories planogram and thought that we should call it the All Things Tacky planogram instead? Tacky hats? We got 'em. Furry journals? Got that too. I want some earrings and bracelets but not made from anything real, I don't think I deserve nice things, do you have anything like that? Do we ever!
What's this stuff even doing in a retail store? There's only two places this kind of junk should be sold: flea markets and Pakistani owned convenience stores sandwiched between the glass case holding the vape cartridges and the other glass case with all rhino themed sex pills. The only thing screaming "I was made in a sweat shop by a nine year old!" louder than this planogram is the equally tacky socks they send so much of throughout the winter months.
Everytime I look at the stuff I just think "Wow, the planet had to suffer so this cheap garbage no one wants could be made" and I get very sad. Then I have to remind myself that making this garbage gave someone a job and because of that they had the money to come to my store and by something so then I could have a job and money and go buy something from someone else's store so that they too could have a job so then they have the money to go... You get the point. And then I become even sadder because I realize how locked into this system of making shit that no one wants or needs or asked for but we make it anyway so there's a reason to work people which let's us pay them so they have the money that feeds the unstoppable machine called the economy. And because of this unstoppable machine we're never going to change our ways and instead continue to harm the only home we have so little Jill Stevens down the road can look at a BIC ink pen that someone stuck a hideous fake flower to and say she doesn't want it. And then I start thinking "How long have I been in this restroom? I definitely don't feel like I need to take a shit anymore, when did that happen? Holy shit! I've sat here so long that my legs went numb. I really gotta stop posting shit on Reddit concerning my thoughts about work. I better get back on the sales floor so no one starts complaining they hardly see me"
submitted by Yert8739 to DollarGeneral [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:07 DolandMan67 How PFH actually works?

Hey, I do voice over commissions, I’ve discussed with a bunch of friends and people I work with to get to the point that I’ve finally started charging PFH, $200/PFH to be exact, but the issue is, all of my commissions have been at most like 3-6 minutes long, like lines for someone’s small project or meme, should I be charging some other way? Or should I stick with PFH and just math it out and charge $16 for 5 minutes etc.
submitted by DolandMan67 to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:07 OkRegister4270 I am a graduate student. Do any of you have advice for how to best handle my professor?

Hi! So, at the end of this month, I will be entering my third semester of graduate school for a masters degree in counseling. While I am not yet certain what population I’d like to work with after licensure, I do know that I really would like to stay in academia as long as possible. I hope to one day earn a doctoral degree, become a professor, and I also have an itching desire to do research.
Until my first semester of graduate school, I’d tried and failed twice to get involved in some research. In October, however, a new professor in our program sent out a survey asking what topics us students might have interest in researching. I responded, and within a week, she’d reached out saying she had a project in the works she believed I may be interested in.
We met that same day, decided it was a good fit, and for the next couple of months, we’d meet regularly to brainstorm and organize a plan. She’d often take it upon herself to recommend to me books, podcasts, literature journals, etc. that pertained to my topic of interest; she seemed very involved and excited, and I was ecstatic because I’d been dying to do research.
Then, as Thanksgiving and winter breaks started up, her communication with me began to stifle. She’d not respond to emails I’d sent (even if she’d initiated the email conversation), and meetings became fewer and farther apart. I chalked this up to us all breaking for holidays in between semesters, certain communication would correct to it’s original frequency once Spring semester began. But it didn’t. I worked constantly on this project, excitedly so. But I couldn’t get her to communicate with me- unless SHE wanted to. She’d not respond to my requests for meetings, bail on whatever meetings we actually did plan (this was always last minute, too). She would ask for my work to proofread it, promising to have it reviewed by our following meeting. Yet, by the time I’d show up again, it wouldn’t have been looked at by her. Just a general losing of interest it seemed.
I completed everything last March, and I finally did get her to look at it. She said it was good, and she told me to contact our university’s IRB Director to make certain I’d filled out the correct application form. When I reached out to him, he expressed interest in my research and told me that he would take it upon himself to look into more IRB information for me. By the time this semester was over earlier this month, I still had heard nothing from him, even after reaching out to clarify where he was on progress. I expressed this to my professor, who said that she would try to arrange a meeting with him to build a rapport and start some communication about research with me and another one of her students. However, on the last day of the semester at around 8 PM in the evening, I received a message from my professor asking if the IRB Director had ever gotten back to me. It was as though she did not remember that I had told her weeks prior that he did not answer, and obviously, she made no effort to meet with him.
In that same email she also offered me the opportunity to work with her over the summer. No specifics were given other than she is going to be doing inclusion trainings at different spots around the campus, and she thought that since my research pertains to those with different abilities, that I might want to join. She definitely was overly flattering in this email, mentioning how she was bragging about me to others around the university, and how she thought that my level of “expertise” would be greatly appreciated in this endeavor. As always, I responded very thankfully. I told her that I still had nothing back from the IRB Director, but I would love to join her on this inclusion training thing. I ended the email asking if and when she might like to meet in person so we could discuss further both topics.
It, once again, has been weeks, and I still have no response from her.
I think that I feel really in the dark and confused. I am not sure what a normal time frame is to be expected to wait on professors. I know that she is very busy, and I know that she is involved in a lot of different things, both professionally and academically. I know that my research is probably on the very bottom of her list as it truly is an extracurricular thing on her list of stuff to do. I am trying to be patient, compassionate, and understanding, and I am trying my damnedest to be thankful that she is interested in doing research with me at all.
That said, I have had this pile of research pre-work ready to submit for approval for months now, and the reality is that it’s just collecting dust. I also feel stupid that I’ve allowed myself to get my hopes up at the idea of working with her on something that is so important to me around campus over the summer.
Am I being melodramatic? Like, is this how professors work? Should I express to her how I feel? In reality, I’m a bit scared to do that as I do not want her to feel disrespected at all.
Any advice that any of you guys had would be more than appreciated!
submitted by OkRegister4270 to GradSchool [link] [comments]