Christian women s banquet games

A place for gamers who also happen to be women, probably

2010.01.05 04:34 A place for gamers who also happen to be women, probably

A delightfully polarizing term for women who game. This is a community space for ladies to hang out, talk about gaming, and game together. We also discuss topics around women in geek culture and debrief about experiences that occur as a result of their gender. Or you know, just post some bad ass makeup tutorials inspired by video games. We like that stuff here! Folks of all genders and identities welcome to join discussions here! FAQ -

2019.04.17 22:58 LuriemIronim When Anatomy Attacks

People improperly drawing women, be it manga, anime, cartoons, comics, video games, or graphic novels. Whether that is anatomy or having them way too sexualized, that’s up to you. Mendrawingwomen has a Discord now!

2018.11.15 21:29 BanVideoG*mes

Welcome to BanVideoG@mes. The only way to win is to not play!

2024.05.09 00:22 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recs for highly competitive and interactive games? I’ve enjoyed settlers of catan and smash up because of the level of influence you can have over other people. I enjoy wingspan and small world as well but I don’t like how it’s unclear who is winning until points have been co

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:21 piss_cube I’m breaking inside

Nothing I do is ever good enough for my mother. I work hard at school and I do everything she asks for but it’s never enough. She just sits at home all day watching TV or chatting on the phone with people and then calls ME lazy when I rest on my bed. In addition, she’s a crazy conservative who hates women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, etc.
She’s also a total hypocrite. She complains about me not doing enough but doesn’t allow me to do chores such as doing the laundry, cleaning, etc because she doesn’t trust I’ll be able to do it well enough. She refuses to pay for a lot of the things I need and tells me to “use my own money” but she doesn’t want me to get a job. Since she wouldn’t allow me to get an in person job, I started a side hustle of testing games for money (which doesn’t give a lot of money but at least I can get $20 a day) but then she made me delete the apps because she said “it could be a virus” when she knows literally nothing about computers, phones etc.
Any advice on what I can do to make money so I can move? I’m thinking of maybe doing art commissions…
submitted by piss_cube to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:21 ThrowRA_Initiative85 How can I (22M) embrace and “feel” affection and intimacy for my partner (23F)?

I (22M) have been dating a (23F) for approximately one month now. We have progressed fairly quickly and we have found to be very well matched for one another. We have incredibly open communications and share very similar core values and principles which I consider a great basis for a relationship.
Last night we had oral sex. Being my first time, I thought I would have lasted a few seconds. In fact, I struggled so much I had to finish it myself. In some ways, I felt guilty that I was thinking of her sexually (which is crazy) and felt like I was taking advantage of her, even though she made the offer (without me asking) and progressed it.
I appreciate that it is early in the relationship, but I feel that I should have butterflies in the stomach, and uncontainable levels of excitement when I see her. I feel like I shouldn’t be able to think straight when we are intimate and be completely absorbed in the moment. In reality, I feel removed from the experience as though physical intimacy is purely a capability of the human body rather than an emotionally stimulating one. I can quite easily think about housework, chores, my to-do list and work during acts of intimacy.
I really enjoy physical intimacy and touch and feel safe and comfortable with my partner, it’s just that I really struggle to feel the passion of it.
I’ve identified that the source of issue is a combination of:

1 - Growing up in very much a “tough-love” and hardworking household where perseverance and compromise are considered key to one’s success. Parents never really showed love for one another (it appeared forced when they did) and separated 6 years ago (dad lives interstate).

2 - Working full time since high school as a business analyst/administration role where objectivity, consistency, a clear conscience and lack of emotion are key to success. And working in these environments not because of enjoyment, but because of the job stability and the financial security they bring.

3 - Having been on the receiving end of many rejections from women and therefore expecting it in advance.

The combination of these factors mean that I have become very good (in fact too good) at not feeling emotional, even in circumstances where I feel I should feeling something (where others are feeling happy, upset, excited, etc.). In fact, I’ve trained myself to feel consistently indifferent because it means I’ve able to be better manage disappointment, criticism, fear and failure, but therefore unable to embrace excitement, novelty, thrill and affection. In other words, I’ve become very good at having a clear mind free of emotional distraction and vulnerability.
Earlier in the week I communicated my difficultly in feeling and my partner said she was very understanding and is willing to support me. I have reassured her that she is doing absolutely everything right, I trust her entirely and she is perfect for me (which I truly believe).
I am reaching out for advice on how to embrace my partner and develop feelings for her. I know this will progress naturally, but perhaps there’s things I can do (tips, tricks, mindset) or my partner and I can do to support this in happening. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by ThrowRA_Initiative85 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:21 JohnnySnarkle 100% Strategy for GTA 3

So I thought to join the GTA 3 subreddit and ask for advice and didn’t really get much help since it’s not so active. But I’m currently working on 100% the HD trilogy and I decided to just go in order of 3, Vice City then San Andreas. I’ve gotten to the 2nd island so far and having no issues but I’m just curious if anyone that has 100% GTA3 any advice what I should focus on first while going through the game and like what things they essentially did first to make it easier to get to that 100%. Like I’ve done some of the vigilante stuff and all the phone missions in Portland as well the ambulance and taxi stuff I’m just worried that if I just start plowing through the story that I’ll have a harder time doing the other stuff since you essentially become wanted with all the gangs in LC by end game. So if anyone has any strats on how they got through the game and got that 100% I’m open to any suggestions and advice.
submitted by JohnnySnarkle to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:21 sundayooz I will be 21 next week and I’ve never had a boyfriend.

Really hoping I’m not alone with this.. But I’m a 20 year old woman who has never been in a romantic relationship. I have went on dates, I’ve had failed talking stages, I’ve had sex- but I’ve never had anyone advance into actually wanting me. I have a decent personality. Obviously there are things I could work on, just like everybody lol. I like to gift give, I like to cook, etc those are my two main love languages. I have a lot of heart to give but have never gotten the chance to actually give it. People often say women can’t be alone or women just have to stop having “high standards.” My standards aren’t high at all. And on dating apps I swipe right on a variety of guys. I live in East Texas (very conservative and majority white region) as a black girl, so my chances of getting a serious guy were obviously lower than other girls from the start. Two of my peers from school even have babies, a few are engaged. (Yeah they kinda do stuff like this early in the south lol) And honestly it’s so heartbreaking. I’m honestly just so lonely and I feel so humiliated that I have no serious relationship experience. I know there’s a male loneliness epidemic, but I feel like there’s also a loneliness problem for the more “undesirable” women too. I can’t move to a bigger city at the moment because I can’t afford to live alone. But yeah. It just sucks. My birthday is next week, I’ll be 21, and I’ll be celebrating alone with no friends or no partner. I always thought by this time it would get better after high school and I’d have somebody.
submitted by sundayooz to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:21 reddit_warrior_24 i want to play sniper support

Without getting flamed or reported.
Why you may ask? Well I see the other team picking it as a four, even as a five, and it works for them.
I've only used it as a support twice but its kinda lackluster. very good in lvl 1 or 2 in harassing, but once the enemy groups up its totally useless.
Sure the enemy picks jumping heroes on the pick phase, but i'm hoping my team could pick jumpers/counter jumpers too.
There have been games where i'm the pos 4 or 5, and our enemy support is sniper. Since games become really long, I have to itemized against him. since he becomes a core on his own. i do successfully destroy sniper, but when i itemized against a support, i see my own cores not being able to handle the true enemy carries(like fv ).
TLDR: sniper rarely works out when its on our team, whether core or support, but we really have a hard time when he is on the enemy side. When he is a core, they have 4 initiators/protectors, when he is a support he becomes a true core due to the game length. Supports usually pick first in my games(meaning its my teams' core's responsibility to prepare to counter this cancerous hero along with void/pl/pa. ). Unfortunately they usually last pick heroes that are bad against him or cant jump sniper. Suggest me a support hero that can obliterate this old guy without relying on my team, while being able to "support" as well
P.S. I'm just bored. I have this hero perma banned with necro(so that my team won't pick and we wont have to deal with them.)
submitted by reddit_warrior_24 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:20 RgAgdasha1030 What’s a game where you liked it so much, you played every obscure title/expansion in the franchise?

submitted by RgAgdasha1030 to u/RgAgdasha1030 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:20 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recs for highly competitive and interactive games? I’ve enjoyed settlers of catan and smash up because of the level of influence you can have over other people. I enjoy wingspan and small world as well but I don’t like how it’s unclear who is winning until points have been co

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:20 TigerNet-dot-com Clemson women’s golf advances to NCAA Championships

Clemson women’s golf advances to NCAA Championships submitted by TigerNet-dot-com to tigernet [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:20 StoryLord444 The Mirror Game

Have you ever heard of 'The Mirror Game'?
Picture this, tucked away in the dark corners of online forums and whispered conversations, there’s a story that sends chills down the spines of those who hear it. It's the legend of the Mirror Game, a spine-tingling ritual that folks talk about in hushed tones, claiming they've come face-to-face with its dark mysteries.
So, here’s the problem, the Mirror Game ain’t no walk in the park. It all kicks off innocently enough with a regular ol’ mirror, but what follows is anything but ordinary. If you’re brave (or foolish) enough to give it a shot, you’ll need four sleeping pills apparently, they’re key to the weird stuff that happens next.
Once you’re all set, it’s time to dive in. You start by whispering some ancient words, the kind that make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. They say these words wake up the mirror version of you, bringing it to life in a seriously spooky way.
At first, it’s subtle a flicker here, a shadow there. But as the game goes on, things start to get real creepy. The reflection in the mirror starts acting like it’s got a mind of its own, giving you these bone-chilling smiles and gestures that feel way too real.
But hold onto a crucifix, because the Mirror Game isn’t all fun and games. The deeper you get, the scarier it gets. Some say the thing in the mirror starts getting downright nasty, like it’s trying to trap you in its world. And let me tell you, the folks who’ve been there and back? They’ve got stories that’ll make your hair stand on end.
If you’re smart, you’ll steer clear of this one. But if you’re feeling brave, just remember: once you’re in, it’s tough to get out. And even if you do manage to escape, you’ll never look at a mirror the same way again.
Here is one story of a teenager who played the mirror game, yes it's real and it's not very popular yet, but it can be proven it you play it yourself but I beg you don't do it, I'm not gonna explain all the steps for people's safety, but I'll mention a little.
In the shadows of an old church, hidden away in a forgotten storage room, a teenage boy stumbled upon an ancient tome that would change his life forever. The weathered pages were adorned with strange symbols and cryptic writings, most of which were in a language he couldn't decipher. But amidst the Latin passages, he found one page written in English - a page that would lead him down a path of darkness and despair.
It was February 20th, 1967, when the boy and his three friends gathered in his attic, drawn together by the promise of forbidden knowledge. With trembling hands, he recited the incantation from the book, each word sending shivers down his spine. As the final syllable fell from his lips, a hushed silence enveloped the room, broken only by the faint sound of his racing heart.
Following the instructions laid out in the ancient tome, they positioned two mirrors opposite each other, their reflective surfaces poised to capture the unseen. With bated breath, they waited, watching for any sign of movement in the mirrored images that surrounded them.
And then it happened a subtle shift, a barely perceptible movement that sent a chill coursing through their veins. One of the reflections moved, its head tilting ever so slightly in response to the boy's invocation. In that moment, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly presence, and the boy knew that they had awoken something beyond their understanding.
What followed was a descent into madness, a nightmare from which there was no waking. The once bright-eyed teenager became consumed by darkness, haunted by visions that tore at his sanity. His friends, too, were not spared from the horrors unleashed by their reckless curiosity.
In the end, the boy's mind could no longer bear the weight of the secrets he had unearthed. In a moment of desperation and despair, he took his own life, leaving behind only a journal detailing the horrors he had witnessed and a warning to those who dared to follow in his footsteps.
And so, the tale of the Mirror Game became a cautionary legend, whispered about in hushed tones by those who knew of its dangers. For in the shadows of the unknown, there are forces beyond our comprehension - forces that should never be disturbed.
The point of the game is to try and survive until it becomes less hostile and turn back to normal, and that's how you know you survived, sometimes it can trick you into thinking it's back to normal to get you to let your guard down it's a very dangerous game, and they do have the power to switch places with you, but I can't help but wonder how many others felt victim to this.
The only way you'll know, if you see how they are acting, you'll know, you'll know because they're not acting like themselves, perhaps if you play close attention you'll see they are imposters.
Here is some Google search results about the mirrors.
What happens when you stare at yourself in the mirror for too long?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
Why shouldn't you sleep with a mirror next to you?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
What is catoptrophobia?
Someone with catoptrophobia will have an abnormal and irrational fear of mirrors that results in fear, anxiety, panic and distress if they see a mirror or think about seeing a mirror. Negative thoughts and feelings are likely to be further exacerbated if they see their own reflection in the mirror.
there is a psychological phenomenon called "mirror movement illusion" or "mirror touch synesthesia" where individuals perceive their mirror reflection as not moving in sync with their own movements. This can occur in conditions such as mirror-touch synesthesia, where individuals experience a merging of visual and tactile sensations, leading them to feel the sensations observed in others, including their own mirror image.
All these things are what I explained in the story, they try and tell people they are crazy and have a mental disorder, but that's not the case, when you hear about strange things in the mirror, or odd mirror movements like your reflection not acting right. or recordings of it, that's the thing I'm warning you about, do not play games with it, and don't try to communicate with it, because the second you do any of that, it's all over.
And if it's too late for you, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from anything that is reflective, do not fall asleep near anything that is reflective, cover anything reflective if you can, it could switch places with you, and you could be trapped, I don't know how to reverse it, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from the mirror game, do not tempt the creature in the mirror.
the entity in the mirror is very self aware of you, and I promise you, you do not wanna play the mirror game, do not try to trick your reflection to make your reflection to act unnaturally in the mirror, do not try to trick your reflection to messing up it will harm you, this is my warning share this warning with everyone you love, family friends cousin's Brothers anyone, or if you feel like your loved one is in danger, or you saw your reflection not acting how it should, cover your mirrors do not sleep near any mirrors do not go anywhere that has reflections, (DO NOT) play the mirror game, at any circumstances.
submitted by StoryLord444 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:20 texas-is-the-reason A little nostalgic today with the summer weather

Today where I live it’s a very nice day outside, the perfect temperature to remind you of fun summer times from your past. I was feeling a bit nostalgic and was just wondering..
Anyone else remember when having $20 in your pocket on a Friday/Saturday night was more than enough? You could split a case of beer and a bag of weed and still have some cash leftover to pool together for a late night fast food fix. If you didn’t want to party like that, there was probably a live show down the street for $5 or $10. Or you could just go get some really good street food. Or go to a baseball game for $7 with a standing-room only ticket. I dunno, however you had a good time, $20 felt like you were king for a day.
I realize the reasons for this, but I was just thinking it’s a bit ironic when we had no jobs and went out a lot we had the money we needed and now that we all have jobs and stay inside more we can’t afford much of anything.
Anyway, I’m really an optimist; I think personally for me and my millenial chums the best times of our lives are still ahead of us. But I just wish I didn’t need $300 in my pocket to regain that $20 feeling from the ‘00s (and early ‘10s).
submitted by texas-is-the-reason to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:20 byngcbc Stone in halab(Aleppo) upon which the blessed head of imam Hussain a.s was placed.

Salam fellow Shia Redditors Does anyone have any source to read about the story of the stone on which the blessed head of imam Hussain a.s was placed in Aleppo in a Christian church, and it is said to have marks of blood till this day?
submitted by byngcbc to shia [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:19 StoryLord444 The Mirror Game

Have you ever heard of 'The Mirror Game'?
Picture this, tucked away in the dark corners of online forums and whispered conversations, there’s a story that sends chills down the spines of those who hear it. It's the legend of the Mirror Game, a spine-tingling ritual that folks talk about in hushed tones, claiming they've come face-to-face with its dark mysteries.
So, here’s the problem, the Mirror Game ain’t no walk in the park. It all kicks off innocently enough with a regular ol’ mirror, but what follows is anything but ordinary. If you’re brave (or foolish) enough to give it a shot, you’ll need four sleeping pills apparently, they’re key to the weird stuff that happens next.
Once you’re all set, it’s time to dive in. You start by whispering some ancient words, the kind that make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. They say these words wake up the mirror version of you, bringing it to life in a seriously spooky way.
At first, it’s subtle a flicker here, a shadow there. But as the game goes on, things start to get real creepy. The reflection in the mirror starts acting like it’s got a mind of its own, giving you these bone-chilling smiles and gestures that feel way too real.
But hold onto a crucifix, because the Mirror Game isn’t all fun and games. The deeper you get, the scarier it gets. Some say the thing in the mirror starts getting downright nasty, like it’s trying to trap you in its world. And let me tell you, the folks who’ve been there and back? They’ve got stories that’ll make your hair stand on end.
If you’re smart, you’ll steer clear of this one. But if you’re feeling brave, just remember: once you’re in, it’s tough to get out. And even if you do manage to escape, you’ll never look at a mirror the same way again.
Here is one story of a teenager who played the mirror game, yes it's real and it's not very popular yet, but it can be proven it you play it yourself but I beg you don't do it, I'm not gonna explain all the steps for people's safety, but I'll mention a little.
In the shadows of an old church, hidden away in a forgotten storage room, a teenage boy stumbled upon an ancient tome that would change his life forever. The weathered pages were adorned with strange symbols and cryptic writings, most of which were in a language he couldn't decipher. But amidst the Latin passages, he found one page written in English - a page that would lead him down a path of darkness and despair.
It was February 20th, 1967, when the boy and his three friends gathered in his attic, drawn together by the promise of forbidden knowledge. With trembling hands, he recited the incantation from the book, each word sending shivers down his spine. As the final syllable fell from his lips, a hushed silence enveloped the room, broken only by the faint sound of his racing heart.
Following the instructions laid out in the ancient tome, they positioned two mirrors opposite each other, their reflective surfaces poised to capture the unseen. With bated breath, they waited, watching for any sign of movement in the mirrored images that surrounded them.
And then it happened a subtle shift, a barely perceptible movement that sent a chill coursing through their veins. One of the reflections moved, its head tilting ever so slightly in response to the boy's invocation. In that moment, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly presence, and the boy knew that they had awoken something beyond their understanding.
What followed was a descent into madness, a nightmare from which there was no waking. The once bright-eyed teenager became consumed by darkness, haunted by visions that tore at his sanity. His friends, too, were not spared from the horrors unleashed by their reckless curiosity.
In the end, the boy's mind could no longer bear the weight of the secrets he had unearthed. In a moment of desperation and despair, he took his own life, leaving behind only a journal detailing the horrors he had witnessed and a warning to those who dared to follow in his footsteps.
And so, the tale of the Mirror Game became a cautionary legend, whispered about in hushed tones by those who knew of its dangers. For in the shadows of the unknown, there are forces beyond our comprehension - forces that should never be disturbed.
The point of the game is to try and survive until it becomes less hostile and turn back to normal, and that's how you know you survived, sometimes it can trick you into thinking it's back to normal to get you to let your guard down it's a very dangerous game, and they do have the power to switch places with you, but I can't help but wonder how many others felt victim to this.
The only way you'll know, if you see how they are acting, you'll know, you'll know because they're not acting like themselves, perhaps if you play close attention you'll see they are imposters.
Here is some Google search results about the mirrors.
What happens when you stare at yourself in the mirror for too long?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
Why shouldn't you sleep with a mirror next to you?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
What is catoptrophobia?
Someone with catoptrophobia will have an abnormal and irrational fear of mirrors that results in fear, anxiety, panic and distress if they see a mirror or think about seeing a mirror. Negative thoughts and feelings are likely to be further exacerbated if they see their own reflection in the mirror.
there is a psychological phenomenon called "mirror movement illusion" or "mirror touch synesthesia" where individuals perceive their mirror reflection as not moving in sync with their own movements. This can occur in conditions such as mirror-touch synesthesia, where individuals experience a merging of visual and tactile sensations, leading them to feel the sensations observed in others, including their own mirror image.
All these things are what I explained in the story, they try and tell people they are crazy and have a mental disorder, but that's not the case, when you hear about strange things in the mirror, or odd mirror movements like your reflection not acting right. or recordings of it, that's the thing I'm warning you about, do not play games with it, and don't try to communicate with it, because the second you do any of that, it's all over.
And if it's too late for you, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from anything that is reflective, do not fall asleep near anything that is reflective, cover anything reflective if you can, it could switch places with you, and you could be trapped, I don't know how to reverse it, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from the mirror game, do not tempt the creature in the mirror.
the entity in the mirror is very self aware of you, and I promise you, you do not wanna play the mirror game, do not try to trick your reflection to make your reflection to act unnaturally in the mirror, do not try to trick your reflection to messing up it will harm you, this is my warning share this warning with everyone you love, family friends cousin's Brothers anyone, or if you feel like your loved one is in danger, or you saw your reflection not acting how it should, cover your mirrors do not sleep near any mirrors do not go anywhere that has reflections, (DO NOT) play the mirror game, at any circumstances.
submitted by StoryLord444 to Creepystory [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:19 No-Mess-114 My (25 F) ex-boyfriend (26 M) told my sister I was ‘the best woman he ever met’ - what does he think?

Sorry, English is not my first language, also all names have been changed. I (F25) am currently in a very happy and healthy relationship of 4 years with my boyfriend Tom (M25) and we live together since 3.5 years. This just as background info and to say that I don’t consider getting back together with my ex at all. Now to the story: My little sister Anna (F22) was out partying with friends a couple of weeks ago when she saw my ex-boyfriend Matt (M26) at a bar. Anna recently had a breakup and we had a wine-night where I told her some of the stuff that went wrong in my relationship with Matt which eventually led to our breakup. So back to the night at the bar, Anna saw Matt and her drunk self decided it was a good idea to confront him. She basically said that it’s so unfair what he did to me. She then went on and said “But forget about her for now, never do that to a girl ever again!”. In our language the way to say “forget about her” is equal to “screw her”. So his response was “No, not ‘screw her’ - she was the best woman I ever met in my life!” The conversation ended there. And I am confused why he would say something like that about me?! We live in different cities now, haven’t spoken or seen each other in the last 2 years. He is apparently in a relationship, I am too.
About our history: We started dating very young, he was my first boyfriend and we met after I transferred to another school because I was bullied. I built all my self esteem on him (big mistake), we both had our first sex together, been to prom, went on family vacations together etc. 3 years into the relationship I found out through a friend of mine that he cheated on me multiple times. I confronted him, we had a break, he swore to never do it again, I believed him and we got back together. Half a year later I (16 at that time) went on a school trip for a week and when I got back we spent an amazing weekend. Then on sunday night he (17) told me we couldn’t see each other next weekend because he was gonna go to a soccer match of his best friend (F16), then go to her place to shower and then go out with her. I had a bad gut feeling because he spent a lot of time with this friend and still I had never met her. So I straight out asked if he was in love with her and he said yes. That was the end of us and they got together 2 weeks after. Of course he cheated on me with her while I was on my school trip. It destroyed my self-esteem entirely and I spent years not liking myself, the way I looked and thought something must be wrong with me. From then on, he initiated contact again every 2 years until 2 years into my current relationship when I told him I was in a happy relationship and had no time and energy for his games. He then blocked me everywhere. And now he said to my sister I was the best woman he ever met. I really don’t get it, can someone please help me figure out what goes through his mind?
submitted by No-Mess-114 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:19 StoryLord444 The Mirror Game

Have you ever heard of 'The Mirror Game'?
Picture this, tucked away in the dark corners of online forums and whispered conversations, there’s a story that sends chills down the spines of those who hear it. It's the legend of the Mirror Game, a spine-tingling ritual that folks talk about in hushed tones, claiming they've come face-to-face with its dark mysteries.
So, here’s the problem, the Mirror Game ain’t no walk in the park. It all kicks off innocently enough with a regular ol’ mirror, but what follows is anything but ordinary. If you’re brave (or foolish) enough to give it a shot, you’ll need four sleeping pills apparently, they’re key to the weird stuff that happens next.
Once you’re all set, it’s time to dive in. You start by whispering some ancient words, the kind that make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. They say these words wake up the mirror version of you, bringing it to life in a seriously spooky way.
At first, it’s subtle a flicker here, a shadow there. But as the game goes on, things start to get real creepy. The reflection in the mirror starts acting like it’s got a mind of its own, giving you these bone-chilling smiles and gestures that feel way too real.
But hold onto a crucifix, because the Mirror Game isn’t all fun and games. The deeper you get, the scarier it gets. Some say the thing in the mirror starts getting downright nasty, like it’s trying to trap you in its world. And let me tell you, the folks who’ve been there and back? They’ve got stories that’ll make your hair stand on end.
If you’re smart, you’ll steer clear of this one. But if you’re feeling brave, just remember: once you’re in, it’s tough to get out. And even if you do manage to escape, you’ll never look at a mirror the same way again.
Here is one story of a teenager who played the mirror game, yes it's real and it's not very popular yet, but it can be proven it you play it yourself but I beg you don't do it, I'm not gonna explain all the steps for people's safety, but I'll mention a little.
In the shadows of an old church, hidden away in a forgotten storage room, a teenage boy stumbled upon an ancient tome that would change his life forever. The weathered pages were adorned with strange symbols and cryptic writings, most of which were in a language he couldn't decipher. But amidst the Latin passages, he found one page written in English - a page that would lead him down a path of darkness and despair.
It was February 20th, 1967, when the boy and his three friends gathered in his attic, drawn together by the promise of forbidden knowledge. With trembling hands, he recited the incantation from the book, each word sending shivers down his spine. As the final syllable fell from his lips, a hushed silence enveloped the room, broken only by the faint sound of his racing heart.
Following the instructions laid out in the ancient tome, they positioned two mirrors opposite each other, their reflective surfaces poised to capture the unseen. With bated breath, they waited, watching for any sign of movement in the mirrored images that surrounded them.
And then it happened a subtle shift, a barely perceptible movement that sent a chill coursing through their veins. One of the reflections moved, its head tilting ever so slightly in response to the boy's invocation. In that moment, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly presence, and the boy knew that they had awoken something beyond their understanding.
What followed was a descent into madness, a nightmare from which there was no waking. The once bright-eyed teenager became consumed by darkness, haunted by visions that tore at his sanity. His friends, too, were not spared from the horrors unleashed by their reckless curiosity.
In the end, the boy's mind could no longer bear the weight of the secrets he had unearthed. In a moment of desperation and despair, he took his own life, leaving behind only a journal detailing the horrors he had witnessed and a warning to those who dared to follow in his footsteps.
And so, the tale of the Mirror Game became a cautionary legend, whispered about in hushed tones by those who knew of its dangers. For in the shadows of the unknown, there are forces beyond our comprehension - forces that should never be disturbed.
The point of the game is to try and survive until it becomes less hostile and turn back to normal, and that's how you know you survived, sometimes it can trick you into thinking it's back to normal to get you to let your guard down it's a very dangerous game, and they do have the power to switch places with you, but I can't help but wonder how many others felt victim to this.
The only way you'll know, if you see how they are acting, you'll know, you'll know because they're not acting like themselves, perhaps if you play close attention you'll see they are imposters.
Here is some Google search results about the mirrors.
What happens when you stare at yourself in the mirror for too long?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
Why shouldn't you sleep with a mirror next to you?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
What is catoptrophobia?
Someone with catoptrophobia will have an abnormal and irrational fear of mirrors that results in fear, anxiety, panic and distress if they see a mirror or think about seeing a mirror. Negative thoughts and feelings are likely to be further exacerbated if they see their own reflection in the mirror.
there is a psychological phenomenon called "mirror movement illusion" or "mirror touch synesthesia" where individuals perceive their mirror reflection as not moving in sync with their own movements. This can occur in conditions such as mirror-touch synesthesia, where individuals experience a merging of visual and tactile sensations, leading them to feel the sensations observed in others, including their own mirror image.
All these things are what I explained in the story, they try and tell people they are crazy and have a mental disorder, but that's not the case, when you hear about strange things in the mirror, or odd mirror movements like your reflection not acting right. or recordings of it, that's the thing I'm warning you about, do not play games with it, and don't try to communicate with it, because the second you do any of that, it's all over.
And if it's too late for you, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from anything that is reflective, do not fall asleep near anything that is reflective, cover anything reflective if you can, it could switch places with you, and you could be trapped, I don't know how to reverse it, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from the mirror game, do not tempt the creature in the mirror.
the entity in the mirror is very self aware of you, and I promise you, you do not wanna play the mirror game, do not try to trick your reflection to make your reflection to act unnaturally in the mirror, do not try to trick your reflection to messing up it will harm you, this is my warning share this warning with everyone you love, family friends cousin's Brothers anyone, or if you feel like your loved one is in danger, or you saw your reflection not acting how it should, cover your mirrors do not sleep near any mirrors do not go anywhere that has reflections, (DO NOT) play the mirror game, at any circumstances.
submitted by StoryLord444 to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:19 First_Adeptness_8397 Wife going on a church retreat , I’m not invited because I’m not part of a Bible study group ??

So about a year ago, My Wife found a TikTok group that was a Bible study group fast-forward to now she’s known them for about a year. She does Bible study every Wednesday and she recently just found out there is a Bible study retreat in Georgia in the woods about an hour away from Atlantaand she wants to go, but I’m not invited because I am not part of the Bible study group with that being said am I being overbearing by thinking it’s absurd to let her go in the middle of the woods with people she met on TikTok, man and women that will be at this Bible study retreat in the middle of the woods? if this is a faith-based Trip, I don’t understand what the problem is with me being able to go just because I’m not part of a Bible study group is not a great excuse for me and now we are fighting back-and-forth about her going , I need answers .
submitted by First_Adeptness_8397 to Bible [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:18 WhatTheHeckingHeck12 Help me find a Kpop song - I’ve been searching for a decade!

Does anyone remember a Kpop song around 2013/2014 or earlier, it’s by a boy band and it has the words “again green light red light” and “1234 the light is green” in Korean? It’s a slow song and the MV had the boy band almost in empty streets like at an intersection? I’ve tried everywhere and recently all the results have been overtaken by the green light red light song from squid games and this was wayyyy before that. Please help me be at peace!!!!!
submitted by WhatTheHeckingHeck12 to kpophelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:18 GettingComps May Bonus Offers and Promotions from BetOnline

New players can enjoy a variety of promotions and player benefits throughout the month of May at BetOnline! These promotions include deposit matches, risk-free player prop, risk-free live bet, and more. If you haven't already tried your luck at BetOnline then right now is the perfect time. Learn more about each promotion below!

Visit the BetOnline Promotions page if you would like to view a list of all active promotions. Click here to join BetOnline and begin wagering on your favorite games right away!
submitted by GettingComps to betwhale [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:18 Bookslap [Primal] [Leviathan] [FC] Pandamonium est. 2004 [PVE] [Work-Life Balance] is recruiting!

Who is Pandamonium?
Pandamonium is a member-driven MMO gaming community with a core value of inclusivity. We are comprised of a richly diverse collection of people from all walks of life, including many marginalized groups, who are committed to having fun. At our center are real life and online friends who have been gaming together since 2004. Our goal is to provide a safe environment free of drama, where all members show each other mutual respect. Our age range spans 18 (minimum) to 70's, with our average age in the late 30's.
We have an active presence in New World, EQ2, Palia, and WoW, so if you also play any of those games, you’ll have extra friends to hang out with.
What is our structure?
We provide a range of opportunities to interact with the community. On a weekly basis we have multiple scheduled events including treasure maps, mount farms, and deep dungeons. Curious about a new bit of content or looking for some leveling companions? We also group up for roulettes, Eureka/Bozja/Zadnor, ocean fishing voyages, PVP, seasonal events, and more. Whether you're new to the game, returning, or a veteran, we pride ourselves on supporting the interests of our members and having a good time while we're at it.
What are we looking for?
What do we have to offer?
Feel free to reach out to any of our FFXIV officers with questions. Lots of information is also available on our website,
submitted by Bookslap to FFXIVRECRUITMENT [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:18 StoryLord444 The Mirror

Have you ever heard of 'The Mirror Game'?
Picture this, tucked away in the dark corners of online forums and whispered conversations, there’s a story that sends chills down the spines of those who hear it. It's the legend of the Mirror Game, a spine-tingling ritual that folks talk about in hushed tones, claiming they've come face-to-face with its dark mysteries.
So, here’s the problem, the Mirror Game ain’t no walk in the park. It all kicks off innocently enough with a regular ol’ mirror, but what follows is anything but ordinary. If you’re brave (or foolish) enough to give it a shot, you’ll need four sleeping pills apparently, they’re key to the weird stuff that happens next.
Once you’re all set, it’s time to dive in. You start by whispering some ancient words, the kind that make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. They say these words wake up the mirror version of you, bringing it to life in a seriously spooky way.
At first, it’s subtle a flicker here, a shadow there. But as the game goes on, things start to get real creepy. The reflection in the mirror starts acting like it’s got a mind of its own, giving you these bone-chilling smiles and gestures that feel way too real.
But hold onto a crucifix, because the Mirror Game isn’t all fun and games. The deeper you get, the scarier it gets. Some say the thing in the mirror starts getting downright nasty, like it’s trying to trap you in its world. And let me tell you, the folks who’ve been there and back? They’ve got stories that’ll make your hair stand on end.
If you’re smart, you’ll steer clear of this one. But if you’re feeling brave, just remember: once you’re in, it’s tough to get out. And even if you do manage to escape, you’ll never look at a mirror the same way again.
Here is one story of a teenager who played the mirror game, yes it's real and it's not very popular yet, but it can be proven it you play it yourself but I beg you don't do it, I'm not gonna explain all the steps for people's safety, but I'll mention a little.
In the shadows of an old church, hidden away in a forgotten storage room, a teenage boy stumbled upon an ancient tome that would change his life forever. The weathered pages were adorned with strange symbols and cryptic writings, most of which were in a language he couldn't decipher. But amidst the Latin passages, he found one page written in English - a page that would lead him down a path of darkness and despair.
It was February 20th, 1967, when the boy and his three friends gathered in his attic, drawn together by the promise of forbidden knowledge. With trembling hands, he recited the incantation from the book, each word sending shivers down his spine. As the final syllable fell from his lips, a hushed silence enveloped the room, broken only by the faint sound of his racing heart.
Following the instructions laid out in the ancient tome, they positioned two mirrors opposite each other, their reflective surfaces poised to capture the unseen. With bated breath, they waited, watching for any sign of movement in the mirrored images that surrounded them.
And then it happened a subtle shift, a barely perceptible movement that sent a chill coursing through their veins. One of the reflections moved, its head tilting ever so slightly in response to the boy's invocation. In that moment, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly presence, and the boy knew that they had awoken something beyond their understanding.
What followed was a descent into madness, a nightmare from which there was no waking. The once bright-eyed teenager became consumed by darkness, haunted by visions that tore at his sanity. His friends, too, were not spared from the horrors unleashed by their reckless curiosity.
In the end, the boy's mind could no longer bear the weight of the secrets he had unearthed. In a moment of desperation and despair, he took his own life, leaving behind only a journal detailing the horrors he had witnessed and a warning to those who dared to follow in his footsteps.
And so, the tale of the Mirror Game became a cautionary legend, whispered about in hushed tones by those who knew of its dangers. For in the shadows of the unknown, there are forces beyond our comprehension - forces that should never be disturbed.
The point of the game is to try and survive until it becomes less hostile and turn back to normal, and that's how you know you survived, sometimes it can trick you into thinking it's back to normal to get you to let your guard down it's a very dangerous game, and they do have the power to switch places with you, but I can't help but wonder how many others felt victim to this.
The only way you'll know, if you see how they are acting, you'll know, you'll know because they're not acting like themselves, perhaps if you play close attention you'll see they are imposters.
Here is some Google search results about the mirrors.
What happens when you stare at yourself in the mirror for too long?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
Why shouldn't you sleep with a mirror next to you?
In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.
What is catoptrophobia?
Someone with catoptrophobia will have an abnormal and irrational fear of mirrors that results in fear, anxiety, panic and distress if they see a mirror or think about seeing a mirror. Negative thoughts and feelings are likely to be further exacerbated if they see their own reflection in the mirror.
there is a psychological phenomenon called "mirror movement illusion" or "mirror touch synesthesia" where individuals perceive their mirror reflection as not moving in sync with their own movements. This can occur in conditions such as mirror-touch synesthesia, where individuals experience a merging of visual and tactile sensations, leading them to feel the sensations observed in others, including their own mirror image.
All these things are what I explained in the story, they try and tell people they are crazy and have a mental disorder, but that's not the case, when you hear about strange things in the mirror, or odd mirror movements like your reflection not acting right. or recordings of it, that's the thing I'm warning you about, do not play games with it, and don't try to communicate with it, because the second you do any of that, it's all over.
And if it's too late for you, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from anything that is reflective, do not fall asleep near anything that is reflective, cover anything reflective if you can, it could switch places with you, and you could be trapped, I don't know how to reverse it, the best thing I can tell you is to stay away from the mirror game, do not tempt the creature in the mirror.
the entity in the mirror is very self aware of you, and I promise you, you do not wanna play the mirror game, do not try to trick your reflection to make your reflection to act unnaturally in the mirror, do not try to trick your reflection to messing up it will harm you, this is my warning share this warning with everyone you love, family friends cousin's Brothers anyone, or if you feel like your loved one is in danger, or you saw your reflection not acting how it should, cover your mirrors do not sleep near any mirrors do not go anywhere that has reflections, (DO NOT) play the mirror game, at any circumstances.
submitted by StoryLord444 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:18 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] Any recs for highly competitive and interactive games? I’ve enjoyed settlers of catan and smash up because of the level of influence you can have over other people. I enjoy wingspan and small world as well but I don’t like how it’s unclear who is winning until points have been co

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:18 Noodles-Ad5617 Freedom in being a non-Christian

I have been married 20 years. Up until last year identified as a Christian. It never really sat right with me but I followed my husband‘s beliefs. After reading Zealot by Reza Aslan I knew for sure there wasn’t a God and that it’s all manufactured by humans. I said something to my husband about my feelings on the subject one time and not I just fake it when he talks about God. Anyway the point I’m trying to get to is, my husband thinks God told him that the world is going to end this year. I just needed some where to tell others that religion can really mess with peoples heads. Thank you for letting me vent.
I felt amazing the day I realized and accepted I was an atheist.
submitted by Noodles-Ad5617 to atheism [link] [comments]