Wherever you go haas lyrics

How To Get There (Philippines)

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2011.07.11 05:43 TitaniumShovel Bo Burnham

We are a community devoted to the musical comedian Bo Burnham.

2017.07.19 01:55 mrgalkon Stay in the game wherever you go.

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2024.06.02 16:56 Big_Iron_Cowboy Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

12 And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the passover lamb, his disciples said to him, “Where will you have us go and prepare for you to eat the passover?” 13 And he sent two of his disciples, and said to them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you; follow him, 14 and wherever he enters, say to the householder, ‘The Teacher says, Where is my guest room, where I am to eat the passover with my disciples?’ 15 And he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready; there prepare for us.” 16 And the disciples set out and went to the city, and found it as he had told them; and they prepared the passover.
22 And as they were eating, he took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” 23 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. 24 And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. 25 Truly, I say to you, I shall not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
26 And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
submitted by Big_Iron_Cowboy to Christendom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:54 mikey_hawk Are there any resources for any of us to get together?

I have to say, I'm really frustrated. I just had a peek at my last 20 or so Facebook posts and they're all about wealth inequality or Gaza. Essentially no likes.
I know what I'm doing. I know that if I post pictures of travels or food like I did 2 years ago then I would win the algorithm and get likes. I don't want that. And there's something so disgusting about data harvesting that I don't want it to collate and profit off my human existence any longer. It's crap. I like being on the algorithm's s*** list because if you aren't, it means you're milquetoast and benign.
I post these things because of the impending and present state of emergency I believe we're in. Even if it has little impact, at least there's a record.
Problem is: these are friends and acquaintances from my hometown or wherever. A few would probably go as far as to call themselves "Social Democrats," "Democratic Socialists," or "Socialist Adjacent." Many more I can get to agree with me on particular ideas. I have one friend (half a world away) who is a straight up Communist (yes, I know the term is misused, but you know what I mean). He doesn't even have a problem with dictatorship while I'm more hopeful for an anarcho-syndicalist society or at least an ensured democratic process better than the Soviet Union's in a society in which labor owns production.
Point is, I'm basically an outcast. Irl I have almost nobody on my wavelength to talk to. I know there are people out there. I know a huge portion of Gen Z harbors opinions I had 20 years ago. I know there are people of all ages who feel similarly. Why do I never meet them irl? I do vanlife and I've been hanging around Reno because I keep getting work for Burning Man camps, but I've done searches such as "CPUSA meetups in Reno" and there's never anything.
I get that part of it is that liberals co-opt s***. Pretty sure my Dad thinks he's a socialist, but he's about as fervent a Biden supporter as one could be. He actively campaigns. So I'd be skeptical of any gathering that claims it's socialist. But I'd try it! I can't find anything.
I tried getting involved with Extinction Rebellion once, but it sure peppered in neoliberal language. I might have judged it too harshly. Probably try again.
Anyway! My question for you is this: are you guys connected to socialist groups? Are there any resources for how to get connected?
I'm tired of being someone yelling into the internet. I want to be effective and nobody can be truly effective on their own. Help me out if you can.
submitted by mikey_hawk to LateStageCapitalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:53 Bulky_Addendum2043 jetlag inspired london race across london

me and some friends are planning to do a jetlag race for some fun just wanted to get opinions on our map, finish/start, rules,challenges and shop please do enjoy the read and any advice would be great
London eye
The map
15km radius of london eye (for reference in the west will be wembley,Ealing and brentwood, south is wimbledon, bromley, crystal palace, east is city air[port,greenwich,woolwich, south woodford, and north we’re looking at tottenham, finchley, edmonton)
Challenges and rewards
  1. Penalty shoot- You need to visit one of the many london stadiums of this website(https://www.santosfootballplanet.com/articles/these-are-all-21-football-stadiums-in-london/) and take a team photo in front of it. This will grant you 50 coins if completed
  2. Take a flight- Go and visit London city airport taking a photo at the entrance of the airport with your teammate and make sure to have the airport sign in the photo. This will grant you 100 coins if completed
  3. Race the tube- the train on the circle line from mansion house to cannon street is runnable. 1 teammate must do this run while the other waits for him to arrive. If the teammate running doesn't make it back in time the other teammate must leave the train with both his and his teammates belongings waiting for his arrival to then commence the 20 minute challenge forfeit. This will grant you 200 coins if completed
  4. Big Store- London has many flagship stores for many companies and many famous stores. You and your teammate must visit one of these shops and take a photo by making it obvious which store they are at. The list of valid stores are- Harrods, Hamleys regent street, lego store leicester square, m&m store leicester square,microsoft experience centre oxford circus, nike store oxford circus. This will grant you 50 coins if completed
  5. Train circle- take a journey onboard 5 different tfl trains/tram the lines include (central,circle,district,Elizebeth,hammersmith and city,overground,waterloo and city, bakerloo,jubilee, metropolitan, piccadilly, northern, dlr) This will grant you 100 coins if completed
  6. Too Hogwarts- Go to London's king cross st pancras station and find platform 9 and 3 ⁄ 4. You and your teammate need to take a photo with it. This will grant you 100 coins if completed
  7. Maze runner- Go to the barbican, put a blindfold on one of your teammates, guide him somewhere into the barbican untie the blindfold and they need to guide you and himself outside of the barbican. After he has guided both of you out of the barbican this challenge will grant you 1000/n (where n= how ever many minutes it took to get out of the barbican) coins if completed
  8. 96m- go to Big Ben and 1 member of your team needs to take a photo with it but you need to get the entirety of big ben in shot of the photo. This will grant you 100 coins if completed
  9. You’re under arrest- Break an American law. Very simply, just breaking a stupid American law that is not illegal in the uk. Only one of your team has to do this.This will grant you 100 coins if completed.
  10. Not 1 but 2. Visit both Westfield White city and Westfield stratford. Take a photo that shows the sign of the 2 westfields. This will grant you 400 coins if completed
  11. Chug jug- buy a can of soft drink (up to you) and find a way to finish the entire drink in 60 seconds. Only 1 teammate has to do this. This will grant you 50 coins if completed
  12. Spider Man's final battle- in spiderman far from home the finale was set at tower bridge. Go visit tower bridge and take a photo showing parts of the bridge and a reaction as if you’ve seen spiderman.This will grant you 200 coins if completed
  13. Old school- travel from 1 station to another without using any form of maps. No physical maps, no online maps and no asking people for help. This will grant you 200 coins if completed
submitted by Bulky_Addendum2043 to JetLagTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:51 generallyheavenly One for the boys (who got discarded)

Hello eveyone, especially guys in a similar situation to myself. I'd like to share this song with you. I'm not much of a breakup song kinda person but I've been listening to it a lot and it's like Marina is directly talking to me. I guess our situation is somewhat common.
It's called "Better than that": https://open.spotify.com/track/3IDXUp8ZsVGdc54j5MOTWZ?si=wRWLSTJQRNKrusTzAKDhbA
Here are the lyrics which I'm sure will resonate with some of you as well.
**You're just another in a long line of men she screwed
Just another in a long line of men she knew And yeah she did, yeah she did what she wanted to do
Like all the boys before
Another dream come true
It's a power, it's a power, it's a power move
And while I'm not quite sure what she's trying to prove
They all say she's got low self-esteem
So, why is she looking like a cat who got the cream?
But you, you can do better than
You can do better than that
I know you've been feeling sad
I've got no right to be mad, mad
But you can do better than that
And I know that you're not to blame
You just got caught in a game, game
But you can do better than that
Better than that
Better than that, ooh-ooh-ooh
Better than that
Better than that
Better than that, ooh-ooh-ooh
She's the apple of everybody's eye
With an angel voice
Devil in disguise
Got a sour face like a poisoned fruit
That the boys can taste 'til they're out of use
And she'll network 'til her dreams come true
Even if it means getting into bed with you
Everybody's friend, does it ring a bell?
I know a little too much but I'll never tell
But you, you can do better than
You can do better than that
I know you've been feeling sad
I've got no right to be mad, mad
But you can do better than that
And I know that you've been feeling down
You're always out on the town, town
But you can do better than that
Better than that
Better than that, ooh-ooh-ooh
Better than that
Better than that
Better than that, ooh-ooh-ooh
Well, I guess it's just what humans do
Hook up with other people until it all falls through
And when it's over they go out and try and heal their pain
Hook up with another lover, do it all again
I'm not passing judgment on her sexual life
I'm passing judgement on the way she always stuck her knife
In my back ever since we were starting out
Suspicious from the start, I always had my doubts about you
You can do better than
You can do better than that
I know you've been feeling sad
I've got no right to be mad, mad
But you can do better than that
And I know that you're not to blame
You just got caught in a game, game
But you can do better than that
Better than that
Better than that, ooh-ooh-ooh
Better than that
Better than that
Better than that, ooh-ooh-ooh**
submitted by generallyheavenly to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 throwaway4fem A simp to Ashley and her family. [Chapter 2]

My next chapter. I made this one a little "spicy", but the following chapters will probably get back to your regularly scheduled simping. Aw, poor Davey, lol
I made my way up their steps and into Ashley’s bedroom. It was far from my 1st time here at this point. I’d often be called over to “hang out”. At the best of times, this involved me down on my knees, rubbing Ashley’s tired feet or painting her toenails as she controlled the conversation. Mostly just her venting about her day, sometimes about some recent party she went to that I was never invited to. Or just tidying up as she relaxed on her large bed and played with her phone or watched tv. I loved any opportunity to be around Ashley. Plus her room had an electric energy to me. I could take a deep breath and smell her very essence through the air. Not to mention the perks of being her little “simp”. Last time I was over I found a loose stay hair on her pillow as I was fluffing it up after making her bed. I was able to sneak that little strand of hair in my pocket and take it home. OMG, I lasted for weeks with that being my main source of masterbation material!!
Tonight I was actually hoping for a quick cleanup. Between this, helping Mrs. Smith and Ashley’s homework, time always seems to get away from me and I spend the next day dragging myself like a zombie. As soon as I walked in her room, I knew I would be a while. Ashley has many great qualities; tidiness isn’t one of them! She had old plates of food sitting on her desk. Chocolate wrappers just tossed on hr floor. Her clothes! She had a mix of worn and dirty clothes thrown about and hanging off of every chair, banister, and littering the ground. I’d have to inspect each item to confirm if they were clean or dirty before finding the appropriate place for them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her hamper with bra dangling out. It must have been worn. And I could touch it. Maybe even get a chance to smell it! I felt myself get hot and got those same butterflies in my tummy.
"There you are. What took so long?" Ashley had removed her makeup and decided to make herself more comfortable. She changed out of her trendy day clothes which still followed all school guidelines, which included form-fitting jeans and a slight midriff-baring top, that had a swooping neckline to show off her chest proudly, though they needed no help showing off. Her body often even had some teachers drooling. Those sexy clothes were gone now that it was just us. Now she wore her grey sweatpants, her socks and an old cami top. I know the look wasn't "sexy" but knowing she had removed her bra and only a thin piece of fabric separated us was almost too much to think about. Butterflies in my tummy again.
"Oh, i'm so sorry, Ashley! Your Mom just a-asked me to help with some, um, washing up, in the laundry room after."
"See! Her and my Dad complain about me not doing my own chores, but then she goes and has you scrubbing dirty underwear like some 1950's bimbo housewife! It's because she doesn't wanna do that gross boring shit either! And can you believe my Dad!? Building character!? Like, really? And another thing- Oh, Davey, didn't you hear? My mom gave the okay. You can start on my room.” She gave me an expectant look and I took the hint and grabbed my cleaning spray and rubber gloves.
"Here, start here-“ She remained standing but pointed at a stain with her socked foot. "I spilled some soda I guess and it's like, sticky or something."
"Y-Yes Ashley, right away!"
And I got started cleaning the disaster of a room as Ashley finished venting and then relaxed at her desk. "I'll help in a sec. Just want to check insta 1st..."
Off I went scrubbing and dusting and tidying and primping and promping the teenage girl's room while I was for the most part ignored. I’ll save the boring details of scrubbing and tidying up a teenage girl’s bedroom. About and hour or so later, my fingers ached and my back was starting to hurt from being bent over so much.
"Okay, I think I pretty much got everything in a place your parents would approve, um, Ashley?"
She was now relaxing on her bed, reclined against the pillows. She was still over the sheets with her laptop on her stomach. I remember thinking how it must be hard to see the screen over her rising chest.
"What's that?" She looked up from her laptop for the 1st time in maybe an hour. "Oh sorry, I was messaging with Ryan. I must have got distracted".
Ugh, Ryan. Classic jock jerk! And of course her on again off again boyfriend. Honestly these days he mostly just treated her as friends with benefits. I have no idea why she puts up with him! He's crude, rude and just flat out doesn't treat her like the princess she is!! I have had her cry on my shoulder more times than I can count from this brute, but then the next weekend she is behind the bleachers sucking his cock!! Yuck, hard to imagine my sweet, confident princess getting on her knees for some brute! It's only a matter of time before she realizes she actually prefers sweet and caring types, and then maybe she even finds them sexy, and would even get down on her knees for someone like, like m-"
"Davey! This room looks great. What would you say to a little reward?"
Remember when I said the lines were blurred in the relationship. This is one of those blurred lines.
"A, r-r-rreward? You mean like-"
"OMG, look at your face. I really am too good to you, aren't I. God it's been what, a couple weeks since I let you eat me out, huh?"
"Uh, yeah, um, uh, yes, it-it's been um, yea, uh 3 m-m-months now, um, uh, A-Ash-l-ley..."
"Wowwwww, aw, that's a long time for you. Yea, I was gonna hop in a quick shower before bed, it was a long day. But then I started talking to Ryan and well, now I'm in the mood. Plus, you really, really deserve it. Just look at this place." she gestured to her now sparkling room. "You have been SO sweet lately. Anyway, nothing crazy. Just kinda want to grind one out to help me sleep, you know?"
"Oh, uh, um, y-y-yes, th-thank you-u, I- I, uh, um yes, I unders-s-stand Ashley".
"Good boyyyy. K, in you go". She got under the covers and held the blanket up for me to crawl in. She pulled her sweatpants down, and then threw her underwear off the side of the bed. Under the dark heat of the covers, all I could see are the most beautiful golden tan and toned legs rising out of her ankle socks, and climbing until they met the most perfect, tight and perfectly trimmed pussy. When I got close I could smell her excitement and I could see a slight slickness by her folds. She must have been getting wet while talking to Ryan, ugh, yuck!
"Here!" she said as she ripped the covers off me temporarily blinded by the light. "Open!"
Instinctively my body naturally obeys any command from her lips, and I opened my mouth wide. A second later I saw her reach for a tube and she squirted it in my open mouth.
"It's lube. Swish it around to warm it up for me. Plus it’ll get your tongue all extra slippery.” I obediently opened my mouth wider and stuck out my tongue as she took one hand and grabbed my face, squeezing my cheeks slightly to push open and out my lips into a dramatic ‘O’ shape with my tongue hanging out. I tried not to imagne what I must look like. With her other hand she squeezed the bottle with an undignified glorrp right into my mouth. I gently swished the off-tasting, gloopy mess around my mouth as Ashley instructed. "Mmmmmmmm, that's hot. That's gonna feel so good. K, ready?"
I tried to mumble something back, but warmed lube only crept out the side of my mouth. Luckily I think it was rhetorical as she threw the blanket down on top of me as I began gently licking. Just like that I was in heaven. She tasted of natural feminine juices with a slight hint of the day’s perspiration. My poor Ashley must have really had a long day! Her moans and grinding of her hips urging me on, as well as her little comments of direction here and there.
"Mmmmmmmm, slower. Flick it. Higher. Oh yes, Ryan. Mmmmmmm, fuck. Oh Ryan, Oh Ryannn, mmmmmm”
Ugh, really, him?
It was only a few minutes before her 1st orgasm. I could feel her thighs gently tighten with a delicate moan. I guess she changed her mind about a quick cum, as when I went to get up for air after her 1st release, her hand roughly grabbed my hair by the scalp and re-positioned my face so it was firmly mashed against her pelvis.
My aching erection was painfully pushing against my bikini bottoms and pants. I could feel my poor little penis throb and starting to leak. It was so hot seeing her as she took out her vibrator and pleasured herself as I licked wherever there was space around her movements. Desperate to please her and be useful. This was my chance to impress her, I thought as I licked so hard it ached. It was so cute seeing her comments getting more intense as she got more lost in her own pleasure.
"Fuck yes. Lick me, slut! Uuungh, deeper, I SAID LICK DEEPER! Oh fuck, yes, bitch, just like that. Fucking lick right there. Now lower, LOWER, SLUT”
Sure, I've heard the names the other kids call me at school. Simp, loser, cuck, her bitch. But who else but me gets to see her in these most intimate of moments when she really loses herself.
After another 10 min her thighs clamped down on my head. I could no longer hear anything, I could barely breathe and was trapped in a conjuncture of her sweaty flesh, lube and natural juices. Just as I was preparing to tap out, or succumb to her body, she relaxed. I heard the sound of her vibrator switch off.
Next thing I knew, the sheets were ripped off and I felt the flat bottom of her somewhat sweaty foot on my forehead, pushing me away as I desperately tried to get 1 more glimpse of her most intimate area.
“Mmmm, that was nice.” Ashley rolled off the bed. Still in a daze, I had the most amazing view of her golden, toned ass cheeks. “Well I’m off to shower and then I need some sleep. I’m beat. Did you enjoy your little treat, Davey? You owe me one now!” she said with a wink. "No problem having my history homework done by tomorrow, ya?"
I went to confirm I’d stay up late but my sore and achey tongue just flopped out of my mouth with a “Yeth Asthley. Thatth no pwobrum".
Ashley giggled as she walked out of the room. I watched her butt cheeks bounce as she called over her shoulder “rinse your mouth after you finish whatever my mom needed. That lube stuff might be toxic or something. Can’t have anything happen to my little puppy. But it feels great! I’d get used to that lube taste."
My heart swooned as I drifted downstairs before I continued my night of drudgery. But nothing else mattered. Ashley was happy with me. And she must be satisfied with my oral servitude! She wants to keep it a regular thing!!! She must have really loved it. You know what they say, 1st comes love, then comes marriage!!
submitted by throwaway4fem to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:42 yebrent Troubles makes a strong debut becoming Ren's 39th most watched video in less than a month!

Sorry for the delay in sending out this monthly update to the Ren YouTube Charts. I actually just returned from Brighton and the UK (Liverpool, Edinburgh, Wolverhampton and Bristol). I was visiting from California to see meet up with friends new and old and see a bunch of King Gizzard shows. King Gizz's final UK show was a special acoustic set at The Brighton Dome, which The Big Push also played as one of if not their final shows: The Big Push — Lonely Boy (Black Keys), Paint it Black (Rolling Stones): (Brighton Dome, 9/9/2022)
Before and after the show, I stumbled randomly upon Bond St. and a few other spots not too far from the Dome that looked familiar, including the location of the live Jenny and Screech street performance down a graffiti coated alleyway. I found a few other familer spots after the show walking down to the water, but didn't have a ton of time in Brighton before heading to Heathrow the next day for my flight home. Look forward to visiting again.
Every Ren solo, collaboration and The Big Push video is now included in the Ren YouTube Charts. Bookmark this resource for going way down the Ren rabbit hole.
Changes to the top 50 for this past month:
Ren - Power (Official Music Video) moves up to #19 with over 4 million views.
Ren - Genesis moves up to #21 with over 3.6 million views.
Ren - Murderer (Official Music Video) moves up to #23 with over 3.2 million views.
Ren - Su!cIde (Official Music Video) moves up to #27 with over 2.8 million views.
Ren - Illest Of Our Time (Official Music Video) moves up to #28 with over 2.7 million views.
Ren - Right Here, Right Now (Fatboy Slim) moves up two spots to #34 with over 2.3 million views.
Ren X Chinchilla - Chalk Outlines (Official Lyrics Video) moves up one to #36 with 2.3 million views.
Ren - The Hunger (Official Music Video) increases two spots to #38 with over 2.1 million views.
Ren - Troubles debuts at #39 with over 2.1 million views!
Debuts to the Ren YouTube Charts:
Ren - Troubles debuts at #39 overall and at #14 in the Ren solo chart with over 2.1 million views!
Ren - Troubles (acoustic) debuts at #67 in the Ren solo chart with over 100k views in a couple of days.
Also, Ren Life Story Chapters playlist link has been added to the top of the page.
YouTube viewer milestones:
Ren - Violet's Tale (Official Music Video) now has over 7 million views! It becomes the 11th video to reach this milestone.
Ren - Money Game Part 3 (Official Music Video) now has over 6 million views! IT becomes the 13th video to reach this milestone!
Ren - Power (Official Music Video) becomes the 20th video to reach 4 million views!
Ren - Loco (Official Lyric Video) and Fire reached half a million views.
Ren - French Song (Ft. Romain Axisa) passes 200k views.
submitted by yebrent to ren [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:03 greekcanadamomma Chapter 1 inside chapter 4?

Chapter 1 inside chapter 4?
I received a chapter 1 card inside my starter deck from chapter 4... has this happened to anyone else? I'm very confused!
submitted by greekcanadamomma to Lorcana [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:59 Pixelsaber [Rewatch] 3,000 Leagues in Search of Mother - Episode 27 Discussion

Episode 27 - Fiolina in Tears
Episode aired July 4th, 1976
◄ Previous Episode Index Next Episode ►
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Note to all participants
Although I don't believe it necessitates stating, please conduct yourself appropriately and be courteous to your fellow participants.
Note to all Rewatchers
Rewatchers, please be mindful of your fellow first-timers and tag your spoilers appropriately using the anime spoiler tag if your comment holds even the slightest of indicators as to future spoilers. Feel free to discuss future plot points behind the safe veil of a spoiler tag, or coyly and discreetly ‘Laugh in Rewatcher’ at our first-timers' temporary ignorance, but please ensure our first-timers are no more privy or suspicious than they were the moment they opened the day’s thread.
Staff Highlight
Michiyo Yasuda - Background Artist
A Japanese animator and color designer who worked for Toei Animation, A Production, Nippon Animation, Topcraft, and Studio Ghibli. The third of six siublings, Yasuda grew up in an environment that fostered her interest in the arts and which encouraged her to pursue her own dreams. Her parents divorced when she was fourteen, and her father passed away of illness a year afterwards. She graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan Shakujii High School and immediately joined Toei Doga in April 1958, ignorant of the exact requirements of the job but preferring it over other job opportunities for women. She joined the finishing department, and was first credited as a tracer on Puss in Boots. There she also established a strong professional working relationship with Isao Takahata, Yasuo Ōtsuka, and Hayao Miyazaki, and would join A Production with them after leaving Toei Doga. Her first time being in charge of color selection on the entirety of a project was on Future Boy Conan. Studio Ghibli’s shift to digital coloring tools was, according to Mamoru Oshii, at her insistence. Yasuda died on October 5th, 2016, aged 77. Some of her notable credits include Whisper of The Heart, Howl’s Moving Castle, My Neighbors The Yamadas, *Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, On Your Mark, Only Yesterday, Lucy-May of the Southern Rainbow, A Dog of Flanders, Devilman (1987), Anne of Green Gables, Castle in The Sky, Panda! Go, Panda!, Samurai Giants, Angel’s Egg, and Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, among others.
Daily Trivia
The version of the opening shown in the DVD release is actually the second version of the opening. The original lacked subtitles for the song lyrics, and had differences in the staff list. It was changed close to the midpoint of the series, and was used in earlier episodes for rebroadcasts of the show.
Screenshot of the day
Questions of the Day:
1) What do you make of the new play based on Marco’s journey which the Peppino troupe is workshopping?
2) Peppino has acquired a blunderbuss pistol. Chekov’s Gun or amusing character prop?
It was a really good feeling.
submitted by Pixelsaber to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:49 LilacTeaBag [M4A] [F4A] A Will-o'-The-Wisp Boy / Girl Chases You [Cute to Menacing] [Fantasy] [Chase] [Forest] [Mystery] [Suspense] [Fantastical Creatures]

~First of all, some information about the script :~
I'm open to monetization as long as I receive credit. Minor adjustments to the script for recording are okay, as long as they maintain the original meaning. Adding sound effects or music isn't required, but it can enhance the story's immersion. The key is ensuring the listener understands the plot. My scripts are adaptable to any speaker or listener (A4A, M4A, F4A). If there are any uncertainties, feel free to ask for clarification.
Since English isn't my first language, please notify me of any errors in the script or story structure.
Context :
After a hard day's work in the village, you decide to head home, but it's already dark. Orientation isn't your strong point, and you're having trouble finding your way home. Suddenly, you meet a strange young boy/girl who offers to help you. You accept, without knowing that this will lead to your downfall...
Estimated audio length : 1200-1300sw, 7-15min
[The scene unfolds at night, with the Listener returning from a long day's work in the village.]
[Night atmosphere, the Listener walks but can't find his way.]

Speaker (hesitant) : Uh... um...
Speaker : Hey there ! Are you okay ? You seem lost...
Speaker (confused) : Oh shoot, did I startle you ? I... I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to !

Speaker : It's just that you seemed lost... and... I thought I could help you !
Speaker : Oh, you're coming back from work but seem unsure of your way home ?

Speaker : What a hassle... But I can try to find the right path with you.
Speaker (chuckles) : By the way, you do look exhausted haha. If I may ask, what do you do for a living ?

Speaker : Oh, a farmer !
Speaker (enthusiastic) : I see, you've come to the village to sell your produce.
Speaker : I understand your tired look better now; it's a demanding job.

Speaker (cheerful but urging the Listener) : All the more reason not to linger here, come on, I'll help you get back to your farm !

Speaker (realizing, suspicious) : Oh... haha, you're right... you haven't told me where it is yet...
Speaker : I... I'm listening.
(Listener explains)

Speaker : I see, so from what you're saying, your farm is towards the northeast from here.
Speaker : Well, lucky for you, it's your lucky day because I know a shortcut !

Speaker (cheerful) : Yes, indeed! We can go through the forest, it'll save us some time !
Speaker : And don't worry, I live right in the midst of the woods, so I know it like the back of my hand ! You can count on me !
[They start walking into the forest]

Speaker : So, do you live with other people on the farm ?
Speaker : Oh, with your parents and siblings ! It's a family affair then.
Speaker (thoughtful) : It must be nice to live surrounded by people... I'm a bit envious...

Speaker : Me ? No, no, I live alone. It might seem a bit lonely like that, but I assure you, it's fine.
Speaker (thoughtful and "innocent") : Actually, I had a few friends who would come to visit me sometimes... but they always ended up disappearing...

Speaker (recovering) : Oh by that I mean they just stopped coming to my house ! Maybe it's because I live away from the village...
Speaker (sad) : It's rather rare for people to come visit me.
Speaker : Especially since I work from home, so I don't have much opportunity to interact with people.

Speaker : Uh, my job... um... I'm uh... a cultivator of medicinal herbs.
Speaker : Yes, that's it, I grow and harvest rare and special medicinal plants that I then turn into natural remedies.
(Listener seems intrigued)

Speaker : I'm passionate about the benefits of nature and decided to live in the heart of the forest to be close to my crops. My work is unique and unconventional, but it's somewhat similar to yours in a sense.
Speaker (a bit hesitant) : Of course, I understand some might find me a bit... eccentric. Living alone in the heart of the forest and working with herbs might seem a bit unusual to some people. So, I don't hold it against them for not coming to visit me much.
[They continue their walk]

[They keep walking]
[Rustling noise in the bushes] (Listener recoils)

Speaker (concerned) : Oh, what's wrong ? Did you hear a noise ?
Speaker (amused) : Don't worry, there are a lot of animals here ; it must be that.

Speaker : Or maybe it's... Oh no, I shouldn't talk about it.
Speaker (feigned) : No no, I wouldn't want to scare you further, let's not dwell on it.

Speaker : Alright, I'll tell you...
Speaker : I've heard people say that in this forest, they've seen several small light beings wandering around at night.
Speaker (continuing) : They would hide in the bushes to avoid being spotted, and then when the time was right...

Speaker (closer to the Listener) : ... They would leap onto unsuspecting travelers to capture and abduct them.

Speaker (amused) : Haha, if you could see your face now !
Speaker : Hey, don't look so anxious! It's just children's tales. I've been living here for over 100 years, and I've never seen anything like that !
(Listener wonders)

Speaker : Oh, uh... When I said 100 years, it was a joke haha... Just... just to emphasize that I've been living here for a while.

Speaker : Wondering where my house is ?
Speaker : Hmm... we can't really see it from where we are ; it's... um... on the other side of the forest ! Yes, that's it, it's more towards the west.

Speaker : We should pick up the pace ; it's getting darker.
[They walk]

Speaker : I see you're struggling to walk, are you okay ? Do you want to hold my hand ? Maybe that'll help...
[Speaker takes the Listener's hand]

Speaker : There, hold on to me. Don't worry, we'll be out of the forest soon. I'll look after you.
Speaker : Hmm ? What did you say ?
Speaker : My arm is glowing ?
Speaker (stammering) : You... you must be mistaken. My skin is perfectly normal haha. You must be really tired to see such things.
(Listener insists)

Speaker : I assure you, my arm is entirely ordinary.
Speaker : Hey hey, let's drop the subject. So don't insist.

Speaker (cold) : Let's continue. We need to walk faster.
(Listener struggles to keep up)

Speaker : Faster, we must venture further into the forest, still.
(Listener decides to stop)

Speaker (surprised) : Hey ! What are you doing!
Speaker (more annoyed) : Can I know why you're stopping ?

Speaker : Do you feel like we've gone too far into the woods ?
Speaker : No no, this is the right direction.

Speaker (colder, controlling) : Besides, given your condition, I don't think you're capable of thinking straight.
Speaker : You should trust me and let me handle this...
Speaker : Keep walking... Follow me...
(Listener refuses to move forward)

Speaker : What ? You refuse to go further ?
Speaker (becoming mocking) : What's the matter, my little farmer ? Don't you trust me ?
(Listener recoils and lets go of the Speaker's hand)

Speaker : You're rather naive, you know... Following a stranger like this isn't very prudent.
Speaker (threatening) : Who knows what might happen to you now, it's night, and we're alone here...
(Listener panics and recoils)

Speaker : Ohh... Are you afraid of me ?
Speaker (more sinister) : You know what, you're right to be afraid. Because I'm not what you think.
[Speaker removes his cloak, fabric rustling]

Speaker : As you can see, I'm a will-o'-the-wisp, a creature of the woods.
Speaker : And from the beginning, my goal wasn't to help you get back home but to lose you in this dark and dense forest. Now that you're in my clutches, there's no escape for you...

Speaker : It's truly unfortunate that it ends like this for you...
Speaker (taunting) : Oh, it's too late to regret now, little farmer. You've already crossed the line. Now, you must face the consequences.

Speaker (amused) : Admire the shadows of the forest ! Look around you...
Speaker (more amused, more deranged) : Can you see them ? These are the souls of imprudent humans like you.
Speaker (more threatening) : You're mine now. Accept your fate and prepare to vanish like the others.
(Listener panics)

Speaker (mocking) : Haha, it's hilarious. I've rarely seen someone so foolish !
Speaker : I noticed you had some doubts about what I was telling you, but you still followed me ! Humans are truly foolish...
Speaker : Oh, you're trembling like a leaf, you're so pathetic !

Speaker (approaching) : So... What are you going to do now ?
(Listener tries to escape) [Sound of footsteps]

Speaker : Oh, so you choose to flee ? How predictable...
Speaker (amused, deranged) : Run, my little prey. Try to outrun me, haha.
(Listener keeps running)

Speaker : Haha, you forget that I know this place like the back of my hand. You can try to escape, but you'll never leave this place...
Speaker : Keep running as much as you want. You'll eventually exhaust yourself.

Speaker (merciless) : You can tire yourself out, but I won't stop until I catch you.
Speaker : Haha, go ahead, fight for your life.
Speaker : The more you struggle, the more the forest will devour you.
(Listener struggles to run)

Speaker : Oh, look at you ! You're out of breath. Do you really think you can make it ?
(Listener hides in a bush) [Sound of rustling]

Speaker : Oh, I see, you want to play hide and seek now? What a great idea, haha...
Speaker (threatening) : The more you hide, the more I enjoy it. But remember, I'll find you no matter where you hide.
[Speaker walks slowly through the forest]

Speaker (distant voice) : Where are you, little farmer ? You can't escape me, you know...
(Listener holds their breath, hoping not to be discovered) [Speaker gets closer]

Speaker (pretending to search) : Come out, come out, wherever you are. It's not fun if you hide too well.
Speaker (pretending to search) : Hmm... maybe you're behind this tree...

Speaker (approaching the Listener's hiding spot) : Or perhaps behind this one !

Speaker : Ohh... I know...
[He approaches the bush]

Speaker : Right here ! Haha, I found you !
[The Speaker abruptly tears the branches of the bush, revealing the terrified Listener.]

Speaker (with a cruel smile) : Did you really think you could escape me ?

Speaker : I got you...
[Speaker grabs the Listener, preventing them from escaping]

Speaker (tightening his grip) : Now, you're mine.
Speaker (whispering in the Listener's ear) : Welcome to the eternity of the forest, little farmer. You'll never leave here...
[The Speaker laughs sinisterly, his voice blending with the whispers of the surrounding shadows]

Author's note : Characters going from cute to threatening scare me.
submitted by LilacTeaBag to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:46 Star_Gamer3726 Here it is, my 5193 word essay analysing Will Wood's 'Suburbia Overture / Greetings From The Marybell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally'. Enjoy. (once again not sure of the tag, let me know if it needs changing <3)

(note to teacher: you made a mistake by having one of the prompts be “what are you interested in”, get ready to experience the true power of an autistic hyperfixation. Warning for,, kinda vulgar lyrics? They’re important in the context of the song and it's actually really interesting. I swear I PROMISE I'm not insane.)
I will be analysing Will Wood’s song ‘Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Marybell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally’. which, for simplicity, most fans refer to as simply ‘Suburbia Overture’. This song is the first on his first solo album entitled ‘The Normal Album’, which came out in July 2020.
This song, in the most general possible terms, is a criticism of modern suburban life, how it is advertised as “the perfect life”, and how this advertising is incredibly false unless you fit the picture perfect standard that these facets of society seem to require.
The song itself is split up into 3 distinct sections, “Suburbia Overture”, “(Vampire) Culture” and “Love Me, Normally”. I'll be tackling each section one at a time in order to properly break down what each means, what different analogies they use, how they all relate to each other and the intended end result of the song and the message it intends to convey.
Let's begin with ‘Suburbia Overture’. This section of the song uses a lot of analogies that compare suburban life to a warzone, the first line of this section being “white picket fences, barbed wire and trenches”. This section also focuses heavily on the concept of the nuclear family, and it often literalises the term and uses analogies based around radiation and nuclear warfare. Such analogies can be found in lines such as “the snap crackle pop of the Geiger, camouflage billboards for lead lined Brookes Brothers”. Now there's a couple of terms that require definitions in this line. The first of course being “the Geiger”. A Geiger counter, which is what this lyric is referring to, is a tool used to measure levels of harmful radiation. This, paired with the concept of billboards advertising “lead-lined Brookes Brothers” when lead is a material used to deflect radiation, and the knowledge that ‘Brookes Brothers’ is an American vintage style clothing brand, this line really paints a picture of a seemingly post apocalyptic/post nuclear war but still consumerist and capitalistic suburban society. The last line in that verse is “buy now or die”, which ties back to the concept of safety equipment being advertised on billboards, while residents of this town have no choice but to buy the products. This all relates back to the hyperconsumerism that plagues our society, and runs particularly rampant in middle to upper middle class neighbourhoods. The very same neighbourhoods that are often referred to as “suburban”
In the second verse of this section there are a lot of hard hitting lyrics that to me really show that this perfect idealised life is far from perfect or even good, so we will work through them one by one because I feel that they all deserve proper analysis.
The first line that i want to point out from that verse is the line “takes a village to fake a whole culture” which is clearly a rip off of the phrase “it takes a village [to raise a child]” but it also references the fact that usually suburban towns are incredibly monotonous in both residents and architecture, and so it takes the collective effort of the entire population of the town to pretend that there is an actual culture to it.
The next few lines I'll speak on all come in quick succession of one another, essentially blending them into one line. “Your ear to the playground, your eye on the ball, your head in the gutter, your brains on the wall.” So let's break these down. This line is easily split into 4 distinct phrases, and all of these phrases have a few things in common, which I will point out later.
“Your ear to the playground” is a play on the phrase “ear to the ground” which essentially means that the person with their ‘ear to the ground’ is attempting to carefully gather intel about something. Someone having their ear to the playground simply reinforces the idea of this suburban “paradise” being. Not as paradise-y as one would hope, seeing as the people who use playgrounds most of all are children, so this line is demonstrating that the picture perfect life that this suburban town offers is actually corrupting children so young that they are still on the playground. The next phrase is “your eye on the ball” isn't a play on anything and is in fact in itself a common phrase. To have your eye on the ball means to be entirely focused in and paying attention to something, and not allowing anything to divert your attention. Given the last line this line very well could be another reference to the corruption of the youth and the idea that their every day play has already been tainted with the hostilities of modern life usually reserved for adults. Following this is another well known saying “your head in the gutter” which, as most know, someone whos head is ‘in the gutter’ is someone who will see some sort of innuendo or otherwise vulgainappropriate meaning in something that was intended to be entirely innocent, leading to others in the interaction telling the perpetrator to ‘get [their] mind out of the gutter’ And finally, in my opinion the most hard hitting phrase in this set, “your brains on the wall” which is clearly in reference to the notion of ending your own life with a shot to the head, which would lead to, well, brains being on the wall. These last 2 phrases come in stark contrast to the seemingly picture perfect life that suburban towns offer and advertise, the concepts of suicide and perversion are not concepts one expects to see or hear when imagining this idealised form of life.
There is one main similarity in each of the 4 phrases, that being that each phrase has some body part being on something else, your ear to the playground, your eye on the ball, your head in the gutter, your brains on the wall. This similarity almost offers a body horror aspect to the song, which when paired with the concept that this is written about a seemingly post nuclear apocalyptic town presents an interesting idea of possible mutation, but i'll be the first to admit that may be a little far fetched. However that's not the only similarity that these 4 phrases share, another is the fact that they are all directly, or only slightly modified versions of already well known phrases, a similarity that is found in many lines over this entire song, through all 3 sections.
I want to analyse a few more lines before we move on to the second section of the song.
This next line comes directly after the previously analysed line, and it goes “home is where the heart is, you ain't homeless, but you’re heartless” Sticking with the theme of using already existing and commonly used phrases, “home is where the heart is'' is once again a phrase that you could likely find as a cross stitch hung up on the wall of any of the homogenous houses you could likely find in this idealised suburbia. But what Wood is saying in this line is that home is where the heart is, and that while people in this town may not be homeless, they are certainly heartless, meaning that they in fact don't have homes. They have houses. Rows upon rows of houses that all look the exact same in the horrifying monotony that is suburban living.
Following this line is the lyric “it's the safest on the market, but you still gotta watch where you park it”. These lines seem to be in reference to buying a car. The car being the "safest on the market" is likely in reference to the fact that it may have a lot of safety features. But this is immediately negated by the fact that you “still gotta watch where you park it” meaning that the safety features could be a reason that the car gets stolen, rendering all the safety that those features offered useless because in the end it made the car and the owner less safe.
In the third verse of this section, you immediately hear the line “so give me your half-life crisis” which partially is a play on the term ‘mid life crisis’ wherein which one realises that they may have wasted their life up till that point and they're already halfway through, but the use of the term “half-life” instead of ‘mid-life’ is very intentional, as the term “half-life” can also be used to refer to the half-life of an isotope, which is the amount of time that isotope takes to lose half of its radiation, which ties back into the theme of radiation that we see mentioned a lot in this section.
Later in the same verse is the line “if it's true that a snowflake only matters in a blizzard”, which is interesting in a few ways, first, it brings up the idea of a singular individual means nothing on their own and that they only matter when they’re part of something larger or a larger group, but i also think that the use of the terms “snowflake” and “blizzard” instead of something like ‘raindrop’ and ‘storm’ is very intentional in the fact that snowflakes are known for being individual, none are alike, every single one is different. So saying that a snowflake doesn't matter unless it's in a blizzard is yet another hit at individuality, essentially implying that in this town individuality means nothing and is essentially rendered useless.
The final line in this verse is “everybody's all up in my-” repeated thrice, and on the third time the sentence is finished to say “everybody’s all up in my business” and before the word “business” can be finished its overlapped with the beginning of the chorus, the first word of which is a very loud “SUBURBIAAAA!”. I believe this is reminiscent of the fact that in towns like this, everyone cares so much about what everyone else is doing, they’re all so interested in everyone else's business, and i think that sentiment being stated and cut off by the word “Suburbia” is essentially saying that ‘this is the norm, this is just Suburbia, this is how it works around here.’
After the final chorus of this section, in the final verse, you'll find the line “chameleon peacocks are talk of the town” which particularly interests me because if you know anything about chameleons or peacocks you’d find that they seem incredibly different as animals. Chameleons blend into their environment in order to stay safe, whereas peacocks are known for parading around bright colours to make themselves look better, but if you think about it the term “chameleon peacock” actually makes a lot of sense, a person who blends into their surroundings in order to make themselves look good. This sentiment seems to perfectly describe the homogeneity of the people that live in these perfect towns, they're all the same, they blend in with one another in order to make themselves look good, or perfect.
Another line heard shortly afterwards is the phrase “he cums radiation”, rather vulgar, I grant you, but it's important because it is yet another literalisation of the phrase ‘nuclear family’. It could also be a reference to the general toxicity of this societal norm.
The final line in this section of the song is “the dog bites the postman, as basement eyes dream of a night at the drive-in, with an AR-15”. Which is another use of juxtaposition, intended to cause a kind of whiplash in the listener and reinforce the idea that while in this place there is scenarios that would happen in a hollywood movie esque picture perfect neighbourhood, like the dog biting the postman, there's also horrors that lurk below the surface. (although clearly not TOO far below.
Now let’s move on to the second part, ‘(Vampire) Culture’.
If you listen to the song, you’ll immediately be able to recognise where ‘Suburbia Overture’ ends and ‘(Vampire) Culture’ begins, due to the insane juxtaposition between the two. Where ‘Suburbia Overture’ is soft and sort of reminiscent of the 1950’s, ‘(Vampire) Culture’ is loud, jarring and grotesque, complemented with much raspier and strained sounding vocals compared to ‘Suburbia Overture’’s soft and melodic ones. The tone for this section of the song is immediately set with much more graphic lyrics, the very first line of this section (after the opening scream) is “i dropped my eyeballs in the bonfire, we fucked on a bed of nails” which absolutely sets the scene for how different this section will be to the previous.
This song immediately jumps into using cannibalism as a metaphor, with the first line after the jump start opener being “I caught kuru from your sister, and I'm laughing in jail”. While this line is written to sound like the concept of catching an STD from an act of adultery, Kuru is actually a disease only found in human brain tissue, meaning that you can only contract this disease by eating a human brain.
This use of cannibalism as a metaphor is used again immediately after in the line “smell those screaming teenage sweetbreads on that 4th of July grill”, ‘sweetbread’ is the term used to refer to the pancreas and thymus gland of an animal, usually a lamb, but in this particular case it is in reference to the human teenagers that supposedly lived in The Marybell Township, or a least they did before they were dissected, cooked and served at a neighbourhood 4th of July barbeque hosted by the same people that were once referred to as their neighbours.
This line adds an interesting level of patriotism to the song and criticism of how America utilises patriotism and their love for their country as means to justify harming the youth, however a 4th of July neighbourhood barbeque is also commonly associated with white picket fence gated community America, which ties us back to the base criticism of that style of life and how it is seen as the “proper” and “perfect” way to live. These cannibalistic sentiments are followed up with the line “smile and wave boys, kiss the cook, live laugh and love, please pass the pills.” which brings us back to the repeated use of commonly known sayings being taken directly or modified only slightly to remind the listener of the setting were in, that being a seemingly 1950’s era tight knit neighbourhood.
Phrases like “live laugh [and] love” or “kiss the cook” are both phrases that could easily be seen in a setting like this, especially “kiss the cook”, as this is a phrase commonly associated with aprons worn by grillmasters at neighbourhood barbeques, not unlike the cannibalistic 4th of July barbeque that this particular neighbourhood seems to be hosting. These phrases being immediately followed up with a sentiment such as “please pass the pills” serves to entirely undermine the pleasantries that, until a moment ago, seemed to be plastered all over the faces of the people living in this fictional town that Wood has created. I think that final phrase brings the listener back to the realisation that not all is right here, quite the opposite in fact, and drags them from their momentary paradise. Circling back very quickly to the phrase “smile and wave”. I felt the need to point out that this phrase has been used for centuries as a way to say “stop talking and act normal” which once again reinforces that these people are pretending to be something they’re not in order to fit in.
We enter the next verse with the repeated phrase “it's only culture”, after that line is repeated three times we hear “sulfur, smoke and soot”, which could either be a reference to how dirty and disgusting the ‘culture’ is, or it could be a different way of saying that this culture and the people participating are going to hell, as per the common phrase ‘fire and brimstone’ and the fact that sulfur is another way of saying brimstone, and smoke and soot are both byproducts of fire.
The last line of this verse and the first line of the chorus blend into each other, so I’ll speak on them both.
First, the last line of the verse. It goes “you cocked and sucked your lack of empathy, pulled the trigger with your foot to prove you've got-” Putting aside the clear innuendo, this line refers to the idea of ending one's own life with a long shotgun. According to the media, by the time the gun is cocked and the barrel is in your mouth, you're not able to pull the trigger with your hands due to the length of the barrel. This line instead presents the solution of pulling the trigger with your foot to end your life.
So this person “cocked and sucked” the gun (cocked the gun and put the barrel in their mouth) before pulling the trigger with their foot to prove they’ve got-
And here's where the verse blends into the chorus.
Because the first line only consists of one word.
The person who was shooting themselves with a shotgun only to prove that they bleed. Which is where the title of this section comes in. (Vampire) Culture”. This section seeks to portray either the people in this culture or, the more likely option, the culture itself, as metaphorical vampires, who aim to destroy those around them. This knowledge makes the next line “didn't they want your blood, so why apologise for being blue and cold” make a lot more sense. After all, if these culture vampires have drained you of your blood, is it not their fault that you’re now “blue and cold”, as bodies tend to be if they lack blood flow. However if you look at synonyms for the words “blue” and “cold”, you could also interpret this phrase as meaning “sad and apathetic”. A sad and apathetic person doesn't seem to be the kind of person this ‘culture’ seeks to enlist however, and so one who is “blue and cold” is shunned as an outsider. What Wood is getting at is that if this culture is the one who made you sad and apathetic, then you should not apologise to it for being so.
The next verse is short, and like the previous one, also blends into the chorus in the same way, by having the last line of the verse cut off right where the chorus would finish the sentence with the word “blood”. However in this verse, there's an interesting line. “It's only culture and it's more afraid of you than you are of it”, which is a sentiment usually used by adults to attempt to subdue a child's fear of something, usually insects. However it's interesting in the fact that it brings up the idea that this culture that has caused so much damage and harm is actually incredibly fragile, and would, in theory be very afraid of the concept of the individual, because if this ‘culture’ is only being held together by the silent agreeance that everyone will simply pretend, then the idea that there is people who refuse throws the whole idea into jeopardy.
This line is followed up however, by the line that blends it into the chorus. “Go on drink that-”, clearly intended to be finished by the first line of the chorus, making the full line, “go on drink that blood”. This line is in reference to the phrase “drink the kool-aid” which essentially means to pledge your undying loyalty to something, a concept, a person, a god, etc. and it derives from an infamous mass cult suicide where over 900 people drank poisoned Kool-Aid and subsequently died for the cult. It is not a far cry to believe that this event and this phrase is what the line is referring to, as it's something that Wood has referenced in other songs, so it only makes sense to believe that this is what he means here.
After that chorus we move on to the bridge, which begins by listing 3 pairs of names, all famous or semi famous, and each pair being similar in one right but opposite in another, the line goes as follows; “were you Nabokov to a Sallinger, were you Jung to Freud or Dass to a Leary”, so let's break down these pairs one by one.
First “Nabokov to a Sallinger”, these names belong to Vladimir Nabokov and J.D. Sallinger, both authors who wrote famous books that both surround the theme of innocence, but in very different ways. Nabokov’s book “Lolita” is a story told from the perspective of a grown man about his sexual obsession and attraction to a little girl, and his desire to ruin her innocence, exploring the theme of innocence in a grotesque and frankly horrifying way, which is in stark contrast to Sallinger’s book “The Catcher in the Rye”, which explores the topic of innocence through the main characters desire to preserve their little sisters innocence, and in that desire displays hesitancy at the idea of sex themself. Both books explore the topic of innocence, however while one seeks to preserve it, the other seeks to destroy it, two sides of the same coin.
The next pairing is “Jung to Freud”, meaning Carl Gustav Jung and his mentor Sigmund Freud, who once again are similar in one right, but opposite in another. Jung and Freud both had theories on the nature of the human mind, but where Jungs was all about the concept of spirituality and how that ties into the collective unconscious, Freud's approach was much more focused on the individual unconscious and the concept of sexuality.
The final pairing is “Dass to a Leary”. both psychologists, both at the forefront of the ‘Harvard Psilocybin Project’ (before they both got dismissed from harvard entirely following controversies around the project) Richard Alpert and Timothy Leary were both psychologists and eventually authors who studied the effects of psychedelic drugs on the human mind, and while they were co workers they ended up with pretty conflicting views. Dr. Richard Alpert, who apparently ‘died’ and was ‘reborn’ as spiritual guide Ram Dass, centred his teachings heavily around the concept of living in the moment, (in fact his best selling book, written in 1971 was titled ‘Be Here Now’) and he believed that psychedelic drugs were not needed and that a permanent version of the same effects could be achieved through meditation. Whereas Dr. Timothy Leary advocated heavily for the use of psychedelics, believing that LSD specifically had great potential for therapeutic psychiatric use.
All of these pairings and examples utilise the concept of duality and speak on how every coin has two sides, which can easily be tied back to the idea that the picture perfect suburban life is just one side of the coin. This idea is then reinforced by the next line, “were you mother, daughter, subject and author?”, The use of the word ‘and’ here shows that it's possible to be two sides of the same coin at once, just like how this town, which is perfect on one side of the coin, is still terrible on the other side of the coin. The line is stating that it's possible to be both at once.
The very last line in this section is; “you don't make the rules, you just write them down and do it by the book you throw around”. This line combines a few relatively well known phrases. The first being of course ‘i don’t make the rules’, which can have two distinct meanings. The first is to express a kind of sympathy for someone being punished, and the second is to absolve yourself of the blame for that person being punished, a sort of ‘don't shoot the messenger’ situation.
The ‘rules’ that are likely being referred to here are the societal norms and expectations forced upon people who reside in these towns, the standard for ‘perfection’.
However, following this sentiment up with the phrase “you just write them down” is essentially saying that while it's not the fault of the people in these towns, they didn't create the norms, they still enforce them. They expect everything to be in line and perfect at all times, they follow these ‘rules’ to a T, and they shun and punish anyone who doesn't fit the standard and/or refuses to follow these ‘rules’, which is where the line “do it by the book you throw around” comes in, doing something ‘by the book’ means to follow rules strictly and to the letter, nothing out of line, and to throw the book at someone means to punish them as severely as possible, usually used in the legal sense to mean punishing someone for their crime as severely as the law will allow. So in all, the lyric “you don't make the rules, you just write them down and do it by the book you throw around” ends up meaning ‘you didn't create these norms but you still enforce them by following them to an absolute T and punishing anyone who doesn't.’
With that we enter the third and final section of the song, entitled ‘Love Me, Normally’, a title it shares with another song on the album, but of course this song is partially meant to serve as an overture for the whole album, meaning it shares some similar lyrics with lyrics from other songs on the album, so sharing a title isn't all that surprising.
The first lyric in this section is “do you know the difference between blazing trails and slash and burn?” which is another instance of duality in this song. Trailblazing or being a trailblazer means doing something no one has done before, paving the way for other people to follow in your footsteps, it comes from the literal act of creating a trail in the woods for people to follow, usually by creating notches in trees or setting small fires, hence ‘blazer’, as blaze is another word for a fire. However “slash and burn” is a method of deforestation that involves cutting down and burning a section of forest to create a field. Both examples include using fire to change something, but where one is seen as progress and positive, the other is negative, and seen as a means of destruction. Once again, two sides of the same coin, innovation and destruction.
This is followed up with the line “going against the grain and catching splinters”, which is a line i particularly like because while it is something that literally can happen, if you run your hand along wood in the opposite direction to the grain, you're more likely to get a splinter because you're essentially pushing your hand against the chips of wood, but it also is another metaphor for the dangers of not being the same. Going against the grain in this instance means daring to be different, not going the same way everyone else is going but instead the opposite of that, and in this example splinters are the consequences one would face for being different, especially in a setting like this perfect town, where everyone is the exact same as everyone else.
A little bit later you hear the line “well Lot he had his lot in life, Job his job and i guess you’ll too, and die”. Lot and Job are both figures found in the Bible, whose names both share spelling with common English words, but are pronounced slightly differently.
Job, from the Book of Job, was a man that was tested by God, made to suffer to test his loyalty, his ‘job’ was to believe unendingly in God and see Him as always correct no matter what.
Lot, from the Book of Genesis, was a man who went through a lot, and the phrase ‘my lot in life’ is a phrase commonly used by people to write off/explain why they don't have it as good as others, they say it's simply their ‘lot in life’.
The end of this line “i guess you’ll too, and die” i believe refers to the fact that everyone will have their own job and their own lot in life, and then everyone in the end will die.
This theory is solidified by the fact that the next line is “The Lord looked down and said ‘hey, you're only mortal’” which is a play off of the phrase ‘you're only human’. Wood himself said that the phrase ‘you're only human’ has always felt weird to him, he says, “cause like, of course I am, aren’t we all? How is that fact supposed to help? I still feel bad. What does being human mean to you?”. He follows this up by saying that the idea of God saying "hey, you're only mortal" offers the same kind of sentiment, but in a “cosmically condescending” sort of way.
The following line reads “giveth and taketh away, till things come out a certain way, leave you wondering when they might go back to normal… leave you wondering why they can't have just been normal”.
This line presents a sort of hopelessness in the realisation that things are constantly changing, nothing is any more ‘normal’ than anything else, there's no such thing as ‘normal’, which is an overarching theme found throughout the album. Once again bringing back the fact that for all intents and purposes this song is an overture for the rest of the album.
To conclude, ‘Suburbia Overture’ is, in my opinion, one of the greatest criticisms of suburban, middle class, gated community, nuclear family life i've ever seen, it highlights the problems in that life and showcases how this kind of lifestyle in its incredibly rigid and restrictive standards is incredibly harmful to the very concept of individuality, because the expectations and unspoken rules set in communities like this and the widespread idea of forced normality seeks to crush any individuality before it even has a chance to blossom.
The use of metaphors and phrases that are well known and are likely to be seen in settings such as this gated community suburban town that Wood has created really paint a subconscious picture of what this community looks like, the use of duality, how every story has another side, and how nothing that is seemingly perfect from the outside is actually perfect on the inside.
Will Wood is an incredible lyricist and the fact that he was able to cram so much symbolism and such a powerful message into a song just over 6 minutes long is genuinely incredible.
Thank you for listening to my/reading my autistic hyper fixated rambling, i hope i didn't melt your brain too badly.
submitted by Star_Gamer3726 to willwood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:33 linnieistired does someone have a cat i can hug please 😭😭😭

does someone have a cat i can hug please 😭😭😭 submitted by linnieistired to simsfreeplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:32 shaggy_x How do you do your weekly shop?

Do you stick to one supermarket and buy everything in there? Click and collect or delivery? Or do you scour the cheapest using comparison apps such as Trolley and hop around to wherever specific items are cheaper ?
For me, I am normally a Tescos shopper and generally tend to do click and collect. Occasionally during the week might need a small top up either at Tesco or Aldi
I tried Asda deliveries which I think is generally the cheapest overall supermarket on comparison with Aldi, but I found for the odd thing I still went to Tesco or Aldi which I knew were cheaper for certain things I buy.
Then when you physically go into a supermarket you get enticed in buying more than what you need so i stopped and now im back to Tesco C&C again. I tend to use Clubcard points for various stuff so at the moment I think that’s my best option although clubcard rewards aren’t as good as what they used to be.
I find doing the full weekly shop at Aldi is a PITA because of stock issues so I always have to go back to Tesco’s for the odd stuff I couldn’t find at Aldi.
I’m just curious what do others do and why? Does it save you money?
submitted by shaggy_x to UKFrugal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:32 NectarineGold5194 You’re 15, you receive $100; how are you spending it in one day?

You have a cool older cousin who will drive you wherever you want to go. Gas is free. Your parents don’t give a shit as long as you don’t burn down the house.
submitted by NectarineGold5194 to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:20 Bacterial_Sizzle Kansas City Shuffle - RK Tweet Analysis

Kansas City Shuffle - RK Tweet Analysis
Is it possible that the Kansas City Shuffle refers to the meme movie itself?
The Signs arc seems to be central to the meme movie. We have 5 Signs memes in a row, which doesn't happen anywhere else. Narratively, the Signs theme is central to how we choose to interpret the meme movie. Are we meant to see a hidden meaning? If so, there are all kinds of "signs" we can follow - we have GME logos pointing in different directions, Run Lola Run suggests there might be three separate narratives, there are pauses and rewinds and multiple references to going back/forward in song lyrics. There are many more "signs" and hidden messages we can chase trying to find meaning.
There are some pretty wild hidden meanings that can be found. Example: In the Chickentown meme (May 16) we see a horse with a blue #3. The date of this Tweet was two days before the Preakness Stakes. Horse #3 was Catching Freedom. Is it a message? Or maybe the message is something about the Triple Crown races, which require three year old horse to win the Kentucky Derby, then two weeks later win the Preakness Stakes, and then three weeks later win the Belmont Stakes. The "test of the champion" is the Belmont Stakes, on June 8th this year. Is that the message? It's totally unclear.
There are countless hidden meanings that can be found and rabbit holes to go down when you're looking for signs. The deeper you look the more you find and the less clear the message becomes. BUT WHAT DOES ALL OF IT MEAN? The signs are unclear. They are *literally blurred* in the crop circle meme.
This is the misdirection for the Kansas City Shuffle. Everyone's looking for signs. We expect "the con" - the hidden message. But really, the trick is something else. If we choose to ignore all the "signs," the message may be very straightforward. We can just watch the tweets in the order they came out in and take the most basic meaning. We start at the gamer go forward meme and we're just going up.
I previously posted a lengthy theory of how we can make 3 narrative arcs like in Run Lola Run, but I may be changing my view. I'm now working on trying to understand the narrative if we ignore all the signs.
submitted by Bacterial_Sizzle to GME [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:18 ImM3llow 26 [M4F] USA / Anywhere / Online. Free Golden Retriever energy BF, let me love you❤️

Edit: DO NOT message me a simple hi or hello, with no information about you, Put some effort in to your message like i have, come on. Day+Attempt#201
Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read, I know its long, I know - I know. But its worth the read, Trust me. I appreciate you immensely.
Here's a bit about me,
My name is Jay, I live on the East coast of the US. I'm looking for love - like everyone else on here.., but you may not believe or even be doubtful that I've never had a GF before with me being 26, but its true. I'm simply just not willing to "be with" just anyone and I'm very picky. I want us to be a match, more than just have similar things in common.
One thing I have always been told is that I'm a "Real Catch, I'd be extremely lucky to have someone like you" - WELL THEN TAKE ME. I'M FREE. LOL.
About me:
Physically -
~I'm a semi-tall guy, around 5'10.
~I'm thin but muscular.
~I have dirty blonde/ brown hair.
~Changing colored eyes.
~A voice nice enough to melt all your safeguards and get right into your heart and weak spots.
~I do not have any tattoos or piercings. Though I would like to get some eventually.
If you'd like to see a picture of me just ask and I'll show you - IF I may see you as well, I simply just don't want a picture of me out there for anyone to see.
-If there's anything else you'd like to know just ask.
Otherwise -
~I do have 3 pet bunnies I would be more than happy to show you, they are extremely cute.
~I'm a very honest and down to earth guy.
~I'm very patient and easy going.
~I'm very curious and inquisitive. I will try to ask everything I can to learn all about you haha.
~I'm Very VERY Kind & Caring, I will probably ask how you are feeling a bajillion times a day, simply out of care for you.
~I can get pretty clingy, and will always want your attention and to be talking with you. If i have someone im interested in i wont want to talk to anyone else🤷‍♂️
~I'm very trustworthy - you can confide in me, and entrust your deepest secrets and I wont tell a soul.
~I'm a HUGE hopeless romantic, im old fashioned and will always try to impress you.
- I'm, a BIG softie even though I may look a smol bit intimidating, but I'd do just about anything to see you smile or laugh. And yes.., I do mean anything.
~I'm a big goof - I will get up to some silly shenanigans ALL the time, I will crack dumb jokes and send you memes and tik toks just to make you happy, even if its from across the room I'd wait to see your reaction lol.
~I'm extremely loyal, and would never even think of cheating.
~I will cook for you, and clean up too, even around the house, I'm very self productive and don't ask for much. Just don't forget to kiss the cook.
~I'd also love to just cuddle up and watch a movie or read a book together, anything to get us closer. Id try to take you out on dates whenever possible haha. I have a million SUPER romantic date ideas I have but have never had anyone interested enough in me to take out. Here's your chance ;)
~I will always want to share stuff I find interesting with you, and try to share every moment of every day with you. I'm not looking for someone who can only talk for a small amount of time, I want someone who's willing to put in all the effort I put into them back into me, it goes both ways. If I'm "with" someone you are my TOP priority nobody and nothing else would be. You would be the only person I'd truly want to talk to, so rest assured I would NEVER cheat, even more so because no one is interested in me - Hence why I'm here hahaha.
I'm sure there is more to me than this snippet but I cant think of more at the moment haha, so get to know me and find out more about me.
Some of my interests are: Engineering- I'm a nerd. I admit it. I love being technical and hands on, I love building things. All kinds of things, from furniture, machinery, and reverse engineering anything I find. I love learning how things work and trying to improve things.
Music - I prefer music with a very fast pace, or with some very meaningful lyrics I can relate to. I love to sing along to music and songs that have a deep meaning behind it I can sympathize with makes it all the better. Some bands I like are: Bad Omens, Beartooth, Demon Hunter, MIW, I9K - The list goes on. I'm a bit of a metalhead unfortunately.
TV Shows & Movies - I love watching shows, and I'd love to stream some shows and have some E-dates with you, to get to know you, or if you are close to me, maybe we could do it in person. Some shows I like or more of the Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Comedy, Action, stuff like: National Treasure, Halo, BattleBots, Rick and Morty, AHS, Anything Marvel or DC, The Witcher, Wednesday, The Sandman, The Magicians, The Umbrella Academy, ETC.
Gaming - Yes yes I know, Basic guy likes basic stuff. But gaming has been a thing for me since forever. I know most of you wont care or want to hear that, but I'll leave out the specifics on this part unless you are interested in that, MEGA Bonus points if you are.
Here's a lists of Cons to dating me-
~I'm not Ryan Reynolds. Disappointing, I know.
~I will fight you on what goes on pizza lol.
~I'm not rich.., Yet.
~I can't pronounce Worcestershire.
~I'm slightly forgetful, but with good reasoning.
~(Not really a con but- some might disagree) I still have ALL of my firsts, Do with that what you will c:
~I've got an endless pile of love and affection and no one to give it to! What a dilemma! Help me fix it?
Other than that I'll save the rest for a bit more of getting to know each other.
Here's a bit of what I'm looking in you:
~Preferably someone with lots of free time, and loves to chit chat. I'm seriously not interested in getting 1 message a day. Though I understand people get busy, I personally am not willing to try to learn about you and form something with 7 responses a week. Effort gets reciprocated and I appreciate the time you put in me.
~Physically: -I’m not personally attracted to anyone who’s “curvy/ chubby”, I apologize. Not a shallow thing, I just dont have the attraction chemical in my brain for that, I’m sorry. -If you’re shorter than me, thats a plus to me. -I love dimples, if you have those when you smile, bonus points 😊 - I’m not sure what else to put.., but as for nsfw wise find out😂
~I'm a sucker for a different accent other than American, and if you have an Posh English accent you have already won my heart.
~I'm also only really looking for someone within the ages of 18-35. I don't want anyone old enough to be my mom lol.
~I'd prefer (But not a must) people NOT on the other side of the world, as other time zones SUCK. I don't expect to find anyone who also has never had a boyfriend either, but that would be a real plus. I also don't mind a LDR, but I don't want that forever. But it gives us time to get to know each other.
But as for attributes I'm looking for in you:
~Someone who is above all else very very Loyal and would never cheat.
~Someone who is Honest, and will tell me the truth over a little white lie.
~Someone who is Kind & Caring, who'd constantly check on me, and accept me for who I am & help me improve day to day.
~Someone who is trustworthy, and I can count on to keep my secrets safe, or even just help me remember things.., I do tend to be somewhat forgetful.
~Someone who is very Patient and wants to see me succeed and will help me do so, just like I would help you. Even if its small day to day things, I would appreciate your company ANY time.
~I want a partner who is Affectionate, can reciprocate, and loves to snuggle and talk about their day, and what their interests are, and what makes them happy.
~Someone who can admit they get clingy or overprotective is a bonus.
~A partner with good communication is key, if something wrong we have to be able to talk about it.
~A partner who likes to game with me or at least watch me play would be a plus but not a requirement.
~Someone with a good sense of humor and like to joke around, I am a big goof after all and I love to joke around. Sending memes is always appreciated and good to cheer people up too!
~I'd prefer someone with the same music taste, but not a requirement, Plus if you wouldn't mind if I send you love songs occasionally that's a bonus, or sending me some back haha.
~Being willing to voice call is a must, Texting forever is not the way to go. I have to know what your voice is like haha, later on we can video call if you are comfortable with that. I prefer chatting on Discord because Reddit messages of any kind I'm sure you know are unreliable and sucky in general. So please send me your discord if you have one :)
~I would LOVE to see picture of your pets if you have any. Bonus points if it includes your beautiful self haha.
I'm sure there is more I'm looking for but I cant think of it right now haha, I will have to edit this when I think of it.
Please tell me about you as an opener! I told you a good bit about me, now its your turn haha.
Tell me some things like -
~What's your name?
~Where are you from?
~How old are you?
~What are your hobbies / interests?
~What about my post interested you?
~Where is my TV Remote?!
~Selfie? Pet pics?
~Hit me with your best joke or meme :)
~What's your favorite candy?
I'd LOVE to get to know you, and see where things go.
But yeah, I know it was long I'm sorry haha. Send me a message and lets get to know each other! :)
submitted by ImM3llow to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:15 Difficult_Map_9762 Just stay where l'm at? With everything

About to just up and walk out of that place. Grab my jar of Working Hands cream and with a song in my heart, maybe even on my tounge, 🎶 take this job annnd shove it 🎶 bid my farewells to basically no one and move on. Plenty of people I'd miss, we don't see one another outside of work so it wouldn't exactly make a difference if I said goodbye or not, so yea maybe just quit and leave without an explanation. Even though I've offered plenty of explanations as to what....worried that this job is going to put my run of stable months into jeopardy.
🎶 this must just be like living in paradise and I don't wannnna go home🎶 if you say so, Mr. Lee Roth. It's a good song though, put that one on loop a few times yesterday at work. Attempt to balance the scales a little. But that particular tune is double-edged, in a way. Mostly because I could add in my own lyrics "this job really sucks ass and I wannnna go home, grab my hand cream exit stage left alonnne". I'm so tired of working with other people. Not saying I'm perfect, but I certainly try to work as a team and keep things fair. Been at this job for over 2 1/2 years, steady full-time and I've never been written up for anything. Friday, I called my boss out. Again. She was sitting and talking with my coworker for a half an hour, while the rest of us were working. Something about a hamster, how my coworkers fiance wants her to get rid of it, ya know important work related stuff as she sits in a chair sipping on an iced coffee. So I said something to her, my boss, and she said that they were only there for 10 minutes and they were working while talking. Oh, right, I'm imaginig things, again. Silly me. Get tired of it, tired of where I've put myself in life.
And I guess that's when and where other thoughts can slip in, like just quit take the summer off or something and maybe enjoy where I'm at now. But this city is boring and I'd probably just end up sitting around with my thoughts, which could then lead me back to....this must be just like living in paradise. Life is really good right now. Calm and quiet. But that job is triggering me.
Not exactly sure what to do with myself. Now that I'm here, continuously stable. Every day seems a little more....funky-fresh copacetic. Just not sure what to do with this, stay "healed" and don't change much, or look to head into a new direction in life, look to the future. But there's something that's still here and as much as I'd like to expand on it, cannot. In summary, I have looked at the future and it's me leaving...oh well.
Hadn't listened to 80's music in forever while at work. David Lee Roth with paradise, Tina Turner strongly stating that we don't need another hero, Tears For Fears suggesting that everyone wants to rule the world, Phil Collins telling Billy to not lose his number, and so on. Pretty crazy what year it is, the 80's were kinda a while back. Still feel like a kid in a lot of ways even though I've breached 43. So that's kinda cool?
submitted by Difficult_Map_9762 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:11 Mullin_Pangolin “Alchemy” ties it all together, the core symbolism of TTPD colors? (part 1)

First, Happy Pride! I love this community so much! Thank you guys for maintaining this space, be it commenting, posting, moderating or lurking. We have something so very magical and precious here :) I do not take y’all for granted. Take this post and every other as my gratitude:
To understand why she chose this word as a symbolism (bc I refuse to believe it was just a vibe and somewhat random metaphor), I read up on it on wiki a bit. As usual, at first it was just a jumble of information that seemed largely irrelevant, but hey, something’s jumped out. I’ll be dividing this into three parts. Part 1- general intro of core concepts and connections to Taylore, part 2- the symbolisms of the four steps of alchemy, part 3- other symbolisms related to alchemy. Then we’ll see how it ties in to the meaning of the titular song also.
The main aims of alchemy are similar across cultures, to 1- transmute base metals into noble metals, as in silver or gold; 2- create the elixir of immortality; 3- create a panacea—cure for all ailments. Alchemists believe they can achieve these by purifying, maturing, and perfecting certain materials.
The core concept of alchemy in the west is to do this through the Magnum Opus, the “Great Work.” It’s believed that it results in the perfection of human body and soul. This is where the connections to Taylor’s songs, works and potential symbolisms first start to come in for me.
Magnum opus
Magnum opus is a process of elevating a primary starting material through steps, until you create the “philosopher’s stone.” It’s original process is a bunch of lab processes that involve chemical color changes, but has since been used to describe personal and spiritual transmutation, a model for the individuation process, and as a device in art and literature (this I haven’t delved in much).
Individuation has many meanings, but I found two to be especially relevant here. 1- in philosophy, it’s a general idea of how a thing is identified as an individual separate from anything else. This includes how a person is distinct from other elements and other people. 2- in analytical psychology, it’s the process of an individual self developing out of an undifferentiated unconscious. A psychic process of integrating things that make up a person’s mind into a well-functional whole. We can see how all these things alchemy has been used to describe are immensely relevant to Taylor’s story, right? It’s all about forming your individual identity.
The starting material - prima materia or first matter
This is the formless base of all matter, similar to chaos. It’s said that it is impossible to describe directly in words, and instead everyone “concealed it’s true name” and used similes to approximate it’s properties and nature. Since it has all the qualities of elementary things, they used absolutely everything to describe it (really. Truly random things look it up) 😑 Sort of like…like how she dances around the queer in her songs? Uses everything to describe it—upwards, downwards, backwards, sideways, every which way but directly. And hey, get this, the concept of this prima materia is sometimes attributed to whom? You already know, babe. Aristotle. Guess we know now what part exactly of Aristotle’s theories she knows.
The end goal - the philosopher’s stone
Also known as “the tincture” or “the powder.” A mythic substance that can turn base metals into gold or silver. Alchemists also believed that it could be used to make an elixir of life that rejuvenates and Immortalizes. It symbolizes the finest perfection, divine illumination, and heavenly bliss.
Other Properties
Heals all ails. Consumed by diluting a small part of it in wine. Can create perpetual burning lamps, transmute common crystals into gems and diamonds, revive dead plants, create flexible or malleable glass, create a clone.
Guys, guys. Is it just me or have all those things mentioned above already been more or less included in Taylor’s art? The drugs, the wines, the front porch lights and burning lamps, the bejeweling, the red rose from frozen ground in the lakes, the Midas’ touch in champagne problems, the twins and parts of herself in antihero. And being able to mold glass, that would be awfully convenient for someone trapped in a glass closet, wouldn’t it? Okay these could all be coincidences I’m fully aware, but wow the possibility is there.
The stone’s appearance - the colors!!!
Two varieties, white and red, white being a less matured version of red. White makes silver and red makes gold. The red stone is often said to be orange (saffron colored), red when ground to powder, but in its solid form, an intermediate between red and purple, transparent and glass-like. Okay these colors are pretty significant in Taylore…they symbolize Karma and queerness, and red the intensity/passion of romance. (And I dunno if there is any substance to this correlation, but wines also have two varieties of white and red, rosé in between.)
Sometimes Alchemical authors suggest these are metaphorical descriptions and expresses its appearance instead with an emblem of the bodies of a man and woman inside multiple geometric shapes, meaning a divine union of feminine and masculine principles. Can’t imagine Taylor’s using that obscure symbolism, but it does represent pretty well the acceptance and harmony of femininity and masculinity often found in queer people, I’d say.
The four steps of The Magnum Opus - Colors!!
Nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, rubedo. Oh this gets really interesting.
Each step corresponds to a color, with the last two steps sometimes being combined to one, the second to last seen as only the transient.
Okay, what? Does this not fit with our theories of the countdowns and color themes of her albums? TTPD was white, the Anthology black, Karma orange, TS13 lavendepurple bc queerness/coming out. If you look at the TTPD and anthology backwards as suggested in the Manuscript, then these four corresponds to the four steps of alchemy. If true, we are currently in the albedo step, going towards citrinitas. Oop, that would also fit in with the vinyl variants colors? Black to gray to white to a little tint of yellow mixing in? Or disregard the yellow part, the four variants are still a process of black to white, in the original track order, from The Black Dog to The Manuscript. Let me also enter this: “the rubies that I gave up” in Maroon. Does she mean the failed rubedo process? She gave up the last step to achieving her full self? Or does she mean she gave up a lot of chances to show her true self, in lyrics and in public? (I have another theory on this but it will have to wait a bit.)
The tentative conclusion here—is Taylor using the alchemy process as a metaphor for her process of coming into her own as her full self, queer identity and all?
Yeah. Yeah I believe so. The question is how much and how deep has she embedded all this in everything?
submitted by Mullin_Pangolin to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:06 throwaway4fem A simp to Ashley and her family. [Chapter 1]

A re-post since my last one was accidentally deleted.
My 1st time writing like this. No where near as good as the others here. But thought it would be fun to try! And now, the story of a simp...
"It's not fair, mom. Why is Dad pushing that I have to do my own chores when Davey wants to help!!"
Ashley Smith stood in their suburban family's living room with her hand on her hip and the most adorable pout. She is a senior in high school this year and the most beautiful woman in the world, well, to me anyway. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm David Pousey. Same grade as Ashley, and hopelessly in love with her since 8th grade!
What started as a crush has really blossomed into true love. I'm just uh, waiting until that's reciprocated. But I can't rush something like this. Ashley is GORGEOUS. 5'10", long brunette hair, perfectly tan skin, and thin but with the most perfect breasts that draw stares and envy wherever she goes. I used to be tongue tied and have butterflies in my tummy from being in the same room with her. Well, I guess I still do. But I’m getting better!
There were times where I would be so nervous I couldn't speak.That was until I won her affection that fateful afternoon she "forgot" we had homework due:
I took my assigned seat in class 5 minutes before the bell rang. By some miracle I was assigned the seat directly behind Ashley. It was maddening to be so close, I could smell her perfume/scent. That alone would often have me close enough to the edge where I would run off and take a “bathroom break” after class. I somehow was able to get good grades by excess studying, despite spending most classes daydreaming about wedding bells in chapels. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Smith has such a nice ring to it!
"Shit. I completely forgot the assignment was due today. I went over to Jason's last night and totally spaced". Ashley was talking to her best friend, Jessica, before class started.
"Yea, I bet you 'spaced', spaced those legs out real wide" Jessica said with a wink and a laugh.
Ashley giggled back. "Seriously! Miss Stevens is gonna totally flunk me. My dad is gonna kill me"
I mustered all the courage. This was my big shot. I had sat behind these 2 all year and never managed to make a peep. This was it. The moment that changed everything.
I stuttered out, "You, you, uh, um, oh excuse me, uh, you can have my h-homework..."
They both looked back at me, as if just noticing I was sitting there for the 1st time.
"Hi, h-hi, A-Ashley. You can um, you can take my essay. I actually have a good average in th-this class, so 1 assignment is no b-bother. Really".
Jessica's signature grin crept across her face. "Your just gonna give her your homework? Her name isn't even printed at the top, idiot".
Ashley just sat there taking me in. She looked at me after Jessica's question , waiting how I would answer. She had the most adorable furrowed brow.
"I, Oh, I, um, have it saved on my flashdrive h-here. I can run to the school library and update the names q-quick, um, you know, if you want me to?"
Jessica put her palm to her forehead and could no longer contain her contempt with a slight laugh and a groan, “Oh god… where do you find these guys, ash?"
Ashley's questioned look morphed into 1 of pure relief. "Aw stop it Jess! He's being sweet. That would be great, uh, Daniel, right?"
"It-It's um, uh, D-David."
"Oh right! That's it, Davey!
I cringed inwardly. I didn't like that variant of my name so much. Coming from her mouth it didn't sound so bad though.
Ahley looked at me with an expectant look. "Well, you know class is starting soon..."
Jessica leaned in. "Yea better scurry off, simp. The library is across the building."
There was no defending me from Jessica this time. Ashley just looked at me and gently nodded along.
And with that, I of course flung out of my seat and went to run to the library. Of course, in my flustered state, I tripped over Ashley's bookbag as I was leaving and tumbled to the floor. The whole class laughed, maybe Jessica the hardest, but not my Ashley. I looked up at her from my position on the floor, and she just smiled and shooed me off with her hand. But she did it with a smile and a nod. It may have been mixed with pity, but it made me feel like no matter what happens, no matter the humiliation, or sacrificing my own grade to help hers, it was all going to be okay. As long as Ashley was happy, it was all worth it!
And that day started our friendship. I was always at her beck and call. Somewhere along the way I even managed to suck up to her and blur the lines of our friendship, no, we weren't in a "relationship" exactly. Actually, pretty far from it unfortunately, from a classic boyfriend/girlfriend. But something else entirely. But if I play my cards right, she might start seeing me as boyfriend material, then maybe, even husband material...
"It's BULLSHIT!" Ashley blurted out.
I was ripped back to the present. Ashley argued with her mother in front of me.
"Language, young lady!"
Ashley's mom, Mrs. Smith, was another knockout. At 45, though her hair was lighter, she pretty much just looked like an older version of Ashley. She had gained a slight “fuller" look in her older years, but to me it was as if it pretty much only padded only the most desirable areas. It was very clear that I guess a large bust runs in the family. The whole family included them, their charming and confident father, Mr. Smith, and Ashley's sister, Liz, who was a freshman in our school. While Ashley and I were 18.
"You know how your father is, dear. He's just old fashioned. He grew up doing his chores, and now he wants you to build character by doing them yourself."
"Building character, Mom? Seriously?" Ashley and her mom would sometimes get into small arguments like this, but it was never serious. They had a playful, sisterly energy. But I never knew what to do when I was over during one. When I felt weird or awkward, I found the safest bet was to just stand off to the side with my eyes down until I was called.
"Plus, you KNOW Davey loves this shit. You should see him when me and Jess eat lunch at the cafeteria! He jumps as soon as Jess snaps her fingers and Davey throws everything out. The practically sweeps up our crumbs! We don't even have to lift a finger! It’s awesome. Plus he loves it!"
My therapist says I'm a people pleaser. I'm working on it.
“He does not ‘love’ it, young lady! The poor thing is scared half to death of your little partner in crime. He’d probably eat your trash if Jessica gave him a stern look!”
“No, it’s true Mom. You love cleaning and shit, right, Davey?” Ashley looked over at me expectantly.
I started to mumble out a response of “Er, well, I love being helpful to-“
"And he's so good at it too!" Ashley cut in, now addressing her mother. I guess my time for contribution was over. "You saw how he got that stain out of your blouse!"
Mrs. Smith addressed me for the 1st time, "Oh, I have to thank you for that Davey! Honestly wine on a white blouse like that! I thought it was destined for the trash! But all it needed was 40 minutes of being locked in the laundry room with you, and you showed that stain who's boss!"
"See! What's the point of me doing some stupid chores if Davey can do it anyway, and I'm no good with that maid stuff anyway!"
I could tell Ashley was winning this arguement. But I wasn't thrilled about trying to be helpful for her referred to as "maid stuff".
"Oh alright", Mrs. Smith relented. "But don't tell your father! Have Davey HELP you with picking up your room. And I do mean HELP. I don't want to have the poor thing on his hands and knees in there while you kick your feet up!"
"Yayyyy, yes Mom! I promise!" She ran over and gave her a quick hug. It was a sweet moment. I usually keep my eyes down, but looked up just in time to see them embrace. As they hugged I saw the slight shifting in their breasts as they smooshed together in their hug. I shifted in place as my small erection pushed up against my bikini brief underwear.
"Thanks Mom!" Ashley walked toward the stairs as she called over her shoulder "Come, Davey!"
Almost as if a trance I went to follow her upstairs at her command when Mrs. Smith called me back. She was now sitting on her expansive sofa with her feet up and sipping a glass of wine.
"Davey, make sure my little brat of a daughter actually helps you this time! I'm not trying to raise some slob!" she said with a smile.
"Oh- oh,, um, yes, Ma'am. I-I'll be sure to um, well, yes Ma'am, Miss Smith, Ma'am.
Mrs. Smith chuckled, mostly to herself.
"Such a sweet boy... you know between you and me there's a few more items that need tending to in the laundry room. Don't tell Mr. Smith, but it would be great if I had someone to really put some effort and elbow grease into cleaning those more annoying stains. Nothing major; just some of Liz's soccer shorts, grass stains, Mr. smith has some stains on his underwear I’d rather not touch, oh!, and there was some smudge on one of my tops, not sure what. And seeing as you are here and really you have quite a talent for these domestic things. Honestly, you're going to make some nice man a very nice housewife someday!" Mrs. Smith said with a hearty laugh.
I played along and gave a slight laugh at my expense. "Yes, of course, Mrs. Smith I'll um, I of course can um, help, in any way".
I was hoping to get back home at a normal hour tonight. My parents both work long and late hours, so they are never home, or are sleeping in their bedroom, so they won't notice my absence. But since doing the majority of Ashley's homework, mine has been getting a little neglected. And the thought of getting a decent night's sleep sounded soooo nice. I never realized how much being at someone's constant beck and call would drain me. Oh well, I guess I'll be scrubbing away in the Smith family laundry room instead!
"Such a sweet, sweet boy" Mrs. Smith said as she sat and looked at me shaking her head. It was almost a mix of pity, disbelief and amusement. "Okay, off you go now! I don't need Ash getting mad at me that I kept her little loverboy all to myself", and with that she smiled and looked away, looking to see what was on tv. She was done with me for now.
I scurried upstairs nervous I had spent too long downstairs and Ashley would be upset with me.
submitted by throwaway4fem to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:05 Kaamos_666 Financial Security Anxiety

How do you deal with this? 34m here. I carry this burden since I graduated from university. I hold an engineering degree and I’m a company office employee in Turkey. I don’t earn high but okay compared to many people. My parents were government employees. So I never had to worry about job loss or financial insecurity when I was growing up. Now that I work for private companies I carry this burden of uncertainty with me wherever I go. I constantly save and sometimes invest. I even bought a very small flat of my own albeit with my parents support and it’s not in the best neighborhood. My friends go to holidays abroad etc. And I skip all these to prefer long term financial safety. But this anxiety manages my life, instead of the opposite. Am I overreacting?
submitted by Kaamos_666 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:01 ibid-11962 Inspirations and Interactions with Other Media [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #9]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused specifically on [the writing process](). This installment will focus on Inspirations, including Christopher's idea process, specific inspirations used, and some comments about other properties. The next post will focus on Worldbuilding and Promotion.


Coming up with ideas
Do you have trouble coming up with new ideas? They don't fall out of trees, but it takes me so long to write a book that I usually come up with at least one or two ideas over the six months to a year that it takes to write, edit and publish, if not longer. So they keep accumulating. One of the reasons that I really like having a world to play in for a long time is that the longer I spend in a setting, the more story ideas suggest themselves because you get to know the characters so much and you get to know the implications of the magic in the world and the culture. [1]
What is your inspiration process like? I read a lot of books, I watch a lot of movies, and I make sure I have time to stare out the window and do nothing but daydream. And all of those things continually give me ideas for stories. [20]
Inspiration can come from anywhere, but good stories and good music will actually give me the proverbial tingle up the spine. And basically nothing else in life does that. So I'm always chasing that high. And that's really the inspiration. And trying to replicate that both for myself and for my readers. [33]
I get my inspiration from the beauty of the world itself, from every book and movie that I watch and read, even the bad ones, sometimes especially the bad ones. I get my inspiration from meeting folks like you who have so much energy and enthusiasm and from thinking and talking and listening to music. Everywhere can be a source of inspiration. [36]
I listen to soundtracks when I write. I can't listen to anything with lyrics because it's too distracting. But my biggest source of inspiration is simply the environment in which I live. The mountains around my house look like the mountains from The Lord of the Rings. If I have no experience with the things I write, the descriptions would probably not be as good. You have to look around for inspiration. Photos, visiting places… that which just comes out of your head ultimately has its limitations. You can do a lot, but it helps creativity if you can base it on your own experiences. [23]
You have an idea, you have a spark of thought. Do you jot it down and leave it? Or do you immediately delve into it? It depends on the idea ultimately and it depends how much of it I have. But I always write something down because I have forgotten story ideas in the past, which sucks. So the instant I have something that I think is interesting, I write it down. I won't write most of these because I don't have the time but I write them all down. I have a file here with 140 pages of story ideas, 19,147 words. I try to write it down. If I have a sense of more of the story than the initial thing, then I'll write that down. Then mostly I just let it sit and I think about it while I'm working on other stories. [28]
Executing ideas
Would you rather lose a mental battle against another author so he could steal your ideas? Or give away your true name to your literary agent so he could control you? Wow. I trust my agent with my life. But I'd go with the first one, lose a mental battle, because honestly, ideas are cheap, execution is what matters. You could take every single idea I would have and give it to Brandon Sanderson, or any other author, and their execution would be totally different than mine, and vice versa. And quite honestly most authors wouldn't want to write the ideas I have, they have their own ideas. So that seems like the least perilous of the two options. [17]
When have the greatest flows of creativity happened for you? Whenever I know what I'm trying to write in terms of the scene, I understand what it's doing for the characters and who the characters are. And it all clicks together. And I don't have to sit there, banging my head against the keyboard trying to figure any of that out and then I could just work on writing it. Are there times where you have to bang your head against the keyboard? Or do you just get up and walk outside and just walk away from it? You need to do some of the head banging on occasion just to get past the tough stuff. But you also have to recognize when you're not making any progress and then it's better to step away, move physically in order to get your brain to move. And learning when to step away is always a challenge and has taken me a long time. [34]
What do you think about the idea that when we're asleep, our minds or souls wander off and act unbeknown to us and perhaps ideas aggregate which may lead to us waking up in the morning with sudden ideas, realizations? I think it's a very common occurrence. The whole point of creativity is that you connect two or more things that are seemingly unconnected. That's what a metaphor is or simile. "Her love was like a red, red rose." It's not literally a rose, but you're connecting two things to make a point. So when you sleep the barriers in your mind sort of descend and it's much easier to connect things. And there does seem to be some indication that if you are trying to solve a certain problem or working on something in the back of your head that your subconscious, whatever the hell the subconscious is, this older more instinctual part of the brain, continues to work on the problem even while you sleep. There have been multiple instances of scientists and inventors, engineers, who have actually thought of the solutions to their problems that they're trying to solve while while dreaming. So it's a known phenomena. And it's something that I do try to take advantage of. Sometimes I will think of things I'm trying to solve right before I go to sleep. The trick is you can't do it in a way that stresses you so that it keeps you up. So don't do this if it's going to keep you up. But it doesn't stress me to think about what I'm trying to figure out with the writing. So I'll think about that as I'm falling asleep and a lot of times I'll have a better idea in the morning or a better sense of what path to pursue and sometimes I'll actually dream of a solution. ... There's also some very solid research that says that if you're trying to learn something, whatever that something is, put in a couple hours of study, practice, whatever it is, and then you need to sleep in order for your brain to consolidate that knowledge. So if you pull an all-nighter studying, you're not going to retain the information very well. But if you were able to sleep even for just three hours, it allows the brain to take that temporary knowledge and encode it in more permanent memory. And that seems to be a very important part of the process. [19]
Fantasy Inspirations
How much has Tolkien influenced your writing, if at all? I wouldn't be here if not for Tolkien. I'll be honest with that. And I think there are a number of other contemporary fantasy authors that were equally as influential on me. But they wouldn't exist without Tolkien either. So Tolkien's the foundation that so much of this genre rests upon. [33]
Which dragon in literature do you find to be the most impactful as an influencer on stories that came after it? Historically, you'd have to put in for St. George and the Dragon, the dragon from Beowulf, Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent from Norse mythology, Tiamat. Of course, then there's all the Asian dragons as well. And all of those influenced the authors that have influenced us, Anne McCaffrey, Ursula Le Guin, Wizard of Earthsea. Vermithrax Pejorative. [30]
What was the inspiration for how you approached the dragons in your books? For me it was a whole mess of fantasy that I read. Lord of the Rings, of course, with Smaug. The Pit Dragon trilogy by Jane Yolen. Dragon Singer was the first Anne McCaffrey book I read, and that got me into the Dragon Riders of Pern series. I still have a soft spot for Dragon Singer. The Wizard of Earthsea series. Raymond Feist's Magician series. As well as I think the Millennium series by David Eddings. A lot of others. Beowulf, of course. Tad Williams's Memory Sorrow and Thorn, which has some really impressively dangerous dragons in it. [30]
From just the first book and the second I can see how heavily Christopher was 'influenced' by George R R Martin. The part about the swords being imbued with spells to keep them sharp and the dragons growing forever isn't borrowing. It's downright plagiarism. I, uh, have never read GOT. Started the first book in 2011 and bailed when Bran was pushed out the window. However, Tolkien and Dragonriders of Pern were certainly big influences. [R]
Did the way Eragon and Arya ended remind you of the way Will and Lyra ended in His Dark Materials? In love, but unable to be together. Completely unintentional. I didn't read His Dark Materials until I'd already written Eragon (and plotted out the whole series, including the ending). I won't lie though: I love bittersweet endings, and Pullman wrote one of the best ones. [R]


How do you go about naming all the places in Alagaësia? Well, these days I tend to think about where the name is coming from with the internal cultures of the land. So is it an Urgal name? Is it an Elvish name? Is it a Human name? Is it something else? For the human names I'm often drawing from established cultures, Germanic cultures, Scandinavian cultures. But I have a lot of invented and established things within the world itself. So it just sort of depends what I'm writing and how I'm doing it. The nice thing is because I've created various invented languages for the different races, that gives me a good starting place for the feel of some name that I might be creating. [12]
Where do the names in your worlds come from? Some are puns, Eragon is Dragon but with an 'e' instead of a 'd'. It also means an Era Gone By. Saphira is from Sapphire. The names also come from historical names: Germanic, Northern influences or were made up by me based on the rules from my world. For example, Murtagh is Irish. [23]
Name of Names
Does the ancient language have a canon name? I know it's never said in order to keep the mystery feel, but out of curiosity, do YOU know it? Or is it something that does not even truly have a name for you? Yup, I do have a name for it. Not sharing it with anyone, though. :D [R]
World of Eragon
What is the "World of Eragon"? Well it encompasses the entire Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance), as well as The Fork the Witch and the Worm, Murtagh, as well as all the other projects that I hope to be doing in this setting, whether books, games, or other things. And the reason we went with "World of Eragon" instead of something like Alagaësia is because Alagaësia is hard to say and hard to spell, and some of the adventures the characters will be going on actually go beyond that land. So World of Eragon it is. Also I'm rather fond of that Brisingr symbol in the "O" there. It felt appropriate for the character, for the world, and like I said, I like it myself. [Y]
What would you say to introduce someone to the World of Eragon? Well, it's the story of a young man who finds a dragon egg. And the dragon and Eragon, they go on a series of adventures and there's duels and dragons and battles and villains and romance and all the good stuff a story needs. I think it's fundamentally a good hearted series. I don't really like to write stuff that's like super super grim. It definitely is a good place to start if you're getting into epic fantasy and you're a slightly younger reader and then as you go along with the books, adult isn't really the word, but they get more elaborate and epic as the series progresses. I was learning as I wrote the series and so I tried to put all of that learning to use with each new book. [12]
What is the difference between the World of Eragon and other fantasy series? The fact that I wrote it and not someone else! There are definitely references to other works, because I love reading about elves, dwarves, magic and dragons and I wanted to write about them. At the same time, there are some unique aspects. I believe that my magic system is unique in the fantasy genre and I have unique races such as the Werecats, Ra'zac and my slightly different take on Dragons. It's a mix of familiar and really new things. [23]
George [R R Martin] and I invented the name Arya completely independently. We talked about it: he was trying to come up with something fierce and warrior-like … I was thinking of an aria in an opera. [R]
I was today years old when I realized "Eldest" refers to Murtagh. And Roran. [T]
Me, a weeb, reading Shruikan as "shuriken" Where do you think I got the name from? Shruikan is just 'shuriken' rearranged a bit (and with the 'e' changed to an 'a'). [T]
Do Well Then
Am I the only one who ever realized that Du Weldenvarden sounds like Do Well Then, Varden? You are not. [T]

People, Places, Things, and Scenes

Does the character Eragon resemble you? Initially, yes, a lot! But the more the story progressed, the more my hero experienced his own adventures. The common point that remains between him and me is that we both like to ask each other questions. [4]
What are the commonalities that you now still have with Eragon to this day? Curiosity. Eragon is very curious about the world and wants to understand it and learn, and that's definitely something I still have and still pursue. Probably a willingness to tackle big adventures and projects, even knowing it's going to be a huge thing. And then maybe a basic sense of optimism, all things considered. [19]
Eragon's journey appears to me from the beginning to the end a quest of research of identity, of self-discovery, the "Who am I?" question. Did you put yourself through the same examination Eragon and Saphira did on Vroengard while searching for their true names? And do you have an idea of what your true name will be? I think that identity and character and figuring out who you are is one of the central things of adolescence. Because you transition from a child to an adult and figuring out what sort of an adult you're going to be, and how you fit into society and how you're going to function as an adult once you have agency and power versus a child who usually doesn't have a whole lot of agency and power. And so that's why writing about adolescence to me very naturally becomes writing about identity and who you are. And yes, it's something I have spent a large portion of my life thinking about and figuring myself out. I think I have a pretty good idea of who I am and have had a pretty good idea for a long time. If you asked me to guess at my true name, I think I could come pretty close. [19]
Do you think emulating your characters’ actions is a necessary part of the writing process? It’s definitely not necessary, but it can be helpful. Having personal experience with a particular activity is always a plus. Failing that, books, articles, and YouTube can be a decent substitute. Given that I write about spaceships and dragons, there are somethings that I’ll never be able to encounter in real life . . . but, hey, that’s what our imaginations are for! [10]
Beor Mountains
I drew a map and it was like the western half of the current map. And I thought, well, this gives me everything I need. But then I was like, "oh, I want to visit this location. I want to visit that location." And pretty soon I realized I was out of space. So I didn't want to spend like days and days drawing another map because I wanted to keep writing. So I took another sheet of printer paper and put it next to the first one, and I quickly scribbled in some mountains in a giant forest. And I was really lazy. I did this in like 15 seconds, 30 seconds tops. And I was moving so fast that I made the mountains huge. And I looked at that and I was like, well, wait a minute, what if they actually were 10 times bigger than the normal mountains? And that's how I got my Beor mountains. Also, I'd read an article about the mountains in New Zealand being 10 miles high if it weren't for erosion, given their rate of upheaval. That also contributed. [34]
You grew up in Montana, is it true that the valley where Eragon comes from is based on that? Yes. There is even a mountain in the valley that is as high and the same shape as Tronjheim, the mountain where the dwarves live. And I looked at that and thought: hm, what if that was a city? You can take things from everyday life and recreate them in something. [23]
Roran and his chapters have a good bit of biblical allegory. It wasn't intentional, but I read a LOT of Biblical stuff growing up. Make of that what you will. [R]
Forging of Brisingr
One of my favorite parts of the Inheritance Cycle was the forging of Brisingr. Tell us about the research process you used in order to construct such an intricate and detailed scene. I've done a fair bit of metalworking myself. I built two forges as a kid. I credited in the back of Brisingr two different books I have on Japanese sword making, both of which I referenced pretty heavily because they were relevant, since Brisingr is made for meteorite steel and there's various reasons for using the Japanese method on a western-style sword in that book. So I did some research but I also had a fair bit of practical knowledge and that was helpful. That scene actually was even longer because if you know your metalworking you'll know there's definitely some things I skimmed over or condensed and it was just because the scene was too long and my editor said, "look, Christopher, just summarize or say it was magic. You've got a magic elven smith, let her use some magic, move it along a little faster. So I was aware of the things that I had to skimp over a little bit, but no, that was one of my favorite scenes to write and I think that came through since so many people enjoyed it. [34]
Is this [Japanese dorodango] what Orik's earth rock was based off of? Of course. [T]
Burrow Grubs
Trauma is an element that's always been a part of these books, but it's been talked around and mentioned, up until I think the burrow grubs in Inheritance. That one is rude. They're bad. I won't lie. They came from a nightmare. That literally came from a nightmare. I shared it with the world so that it's out of my head and into yours. But when I write about something, I stop thinking about it. After it's done, it purges it from my brain. [11]
I need to know how you came up with the burrow grubs because they've always freaked me out. Bad nightmare. [T]
Inheritance Climax
Was there a particular experience in your life that suggested to you that it was ultimately through compassion and empathy that Eragon will vanquish Galbatorix? No. It was the result of sort of a long chain of logic while writing the books, and a lot of thinking I've been doing about violence and responses to violence and when it's appropriate to use violence. Part of the chain of logic was the fact that I just got sick of writing sword fights. I wrote a lot of sword fights between Eragon and Arya, Eragon and Murtagh, and of course, Roran's hammer fights. So resolving the entire series's conflict just through a physical confrontation felt inadequate. There needed to be a moral component to it. One of my own criticisms for myself here is that I feel like I failed to do that with Roran in Inheritance. There really should have been a little bit slightly deeper resolution to his storyline and his confrontation with Barst that taught us something new or resulted in a change in his character. Roran's character is a little different than Eragon's because he's already grown up in a lot of ways and thus is not resolving the same issues, but a good arc, a good journey, would have reflected on what was happening with Eragon and Galbatorix. So how Roran defeats Barst in some ways should stand in contrast to how Eragon defeats Galbatorix. Maybe it does, but that's something I would have spent more time taking another look at were I to do that now. But again with Eragon and Galbatorix, just one more sword fight was inadequate. So much of the story with Eragon involved him paying attention to the lives of the ants and learning about the different groups in Alagaësia, the Urgals, the dwarves, this and that. So all of that played into this decision to have him defeat Galbatorix in that matter. And with all of that, the fact that I really didn't want there to be some obvious way of defeating Galbatorix. Galbatorix isn't stupid. He protected himself in all of the ways that one might think of protecting himself, and he's had a long time to think about that. So it needed to be something that was non-obvious. Non-obvious and yet inevitable. [19]


Which of the fantasy creatures/races did you most enjoy writing about? I obviously love dragons. Before Murtagh I would have said the dwarves because I think they are funnier than the elves, although I enjoy writing about the elves too. But the dwarves are more earthly and interesting and human in their own way. [21]
Who is your own favorite character anyway? Saphira. I used to say Eragon right after that, but nowadays Murtagh is number two. That said, I feel most connected to Brom. Because I'm also getting old and starting to get some white spots in my beard. [21]
Which of your characters would you bring along with you to a deserted island? Saphira, because she could fly me off the deserted island. [34]
Which place in your Eragon universe would you like to live in the most? Probably with my dwarves, because they live in these 10-mile high mountains. And I love mountains and I have a beard like a dwarf these days. And I think the dwarves have more fun than the elves. [2]
Which fantasy world would you like to live in? Middle-Earth can be a nice place to live in some places, especially Hobbiton. I wouldn't mind living in a Hobbit hole and writing my books there. [23]

Interactions with other media properties

Getting into Fantasy
I got into sci-fi and fantasy because of a magical creature. My parents had a lot of sci-fi fantasy in the house, and I wasn't particularly interested in it at the time. But when I was around eight, my grandfather was taking me through a bookstore. I saw a book that had a knight in full armor without his helmet, holding a spear, facing off with a giant scaly humanoid, dragon-like monster. And at eight years old, all I knew was that this was the coolest book cover I had ever seen in my life and that this therefore must be the best book in the world. And so I begged my grandfather to please, please, please, buy me this book. He wasn't entirely sure about it, but he bought it for me anyway. That ended up being The Ruby Knight by David Eddings, which I took home and I read as fast as I could. I got a little concerned as I got near the back of the book because I was getting through the pages and then there's only this many pages left. I started to get this weird feeling that somehow the author couldn't end the whole story in the number of pages that were left. And sure enough, when I got to the end, I discovered that this was the middle book of a trilogy. Yeah, I wasn't always the brightest kid. So I finished that and immediately said, "well, I need to know what happens". So I went to our library and I read all the David Eddings books they had. There really was no internet back then, so I didn't know what to read next. So I'm standing in the library staring at Eddings, "E". What do I read next? Well, two shelves down from "E" was "F" and there was a giant book called Magician by Raymond Feist, which had a dragon on the cover. And I thought, okay, well maybe that's good. It's got a dragon, the same magical creature. So I checked out that book and I read it and it was pretty awesome. So I read everything by Raymond Feist. And then I go, "well, what do I read now?" And well, a couple of shelves down, there was a book called Mossflower by Brian Jacques which was the prequel to Redwall, so I read the entire Redwall series. And wasn't too far from Brian Jacques to Anne McCaffrey, and there was the Dragon Riders of Pern series. So I basically worked my way through the library, just chasing the covers with dragons and talking animals, which is not the worst way to set up a reading program when you're ten. And that really transformed my life. And I just absolutely fell in love with reading in a way that I never really had before. [35]
Anne McCaffrey
Is it awkward though, sitting here between Dragonriders of Pern, the original series about Dragonriders, from a beloved author who was nice enough to give you a blurb for your first novel, knowing that you sort of borrowed the whole Dragonriders thing? Oh, not at all. Absolutely shameless about it. And McCaffrey was kind enough to give me not just a blurb, my first blurb. So funny thing is I did kind of repay her in the most roundabout way. I was touring in Spain and found out that her books were out of print there. And I talked them up so much that they ended up reprinting the entire series in Spain and I blurbed her books in Spain. But you know, it's a small market so it probably doesn't count. Right. No, I would say not. [31]
Star Wars
I was homeschooled and raised in a very rural environment in Montana. I had no access to the internet and stuff. I literally had not heard about Star Wars all the way up until I was 14. And it was referenced in the movie Space Camp. And I said, "Why are they saying 'Luke use the force'? What does that mean?" And my dad got this horrified expression on his face. Like he had failed as a parent, and so we watched Star Wars the next day. [5]
Star Trek
The problem with Lost is those seasons are full length seasons. I mean it's like 23, 26 episodes. It's a huge commitment. My wife watched Next Generation for the first time a couple years ago, and each season is like 24 or 26 episodes, and it's a big commitment of time. And that's part of the problem getting into something like Battlestar Galactica or something else. [21]
Deep Space Nine is the best Star Trek, because they actually managed to take the Ferengi and turn them into interesting, well-rounded, deep characters, which you wouldn't think, and not just the Ferengi, but other aliens, which the other Star Treks didn't manage to do anything like that, I think. [29]
The Prisoner
The original Prisoner television show is the most prophetic piece of science fiction in a lot of ways because it deals with loss of privacy and individuality, the strength of the individual against the system of government. And the cool thing too is that I think The Prisoner is definitely an auteur piece. It was written by Patrick McGuinn who also stars in it and he also directed the majority of episodes. And it directly follows from his earlier series Secret Agent Man. When that show ended he was at a party and there were some governmental officials and someone asked him, so what does a secret agent do when he retires? And he said, I don't know, you tell me what does a secret agent do when he retires? And the bureaucrat just kind of goes, well we take care of them. And that was kind of the beginning of the concept for the show. A lot of people hate the ending. I actually quite like the ending but there's a sense of absurdity to the show as well that I think is very well suited for the nature of modern life given that although we live in a Heinlein future in the sense we have rockets taking off and landing vertically as God and Heinlein intended, at the same time, we live in a very strange modern life and Philip K. Dick captured that, but I also think the prisoner absolutely did. So if you haven't seen The Prisoner, I can't recommend it enough personally. McGuinn had some really strong philosophy driving it underneath. He was a very religious man, actually very similar to Gene Wolfe, both Catholic. And that drove a lot of his beliefs and approach to the material. [21]
House of the Dragon
I'm not necessarily a fan of the way George R R Martin writes. House of the Dragon pretty much started with a bloody scene about a young mother who had to pay for the birth of her child with death. My wife was just heavily pregnant, I turned off the TV and didn't look back. But there is no arguing about the quality of Game of Thrones and the enormous cultural impact of the series. All respect. [18]
Dragons Love Tacos
I've had to read Dragons Love Tacos to my son more times than I care to remember. Look, dragons do not love tacos. Dragons love some of the things that go into tacos, like cows or maybe sheep or goats. But dragons do not love tacos. And this is sheer slander upon the whole race of dragons. [14]
They'll probably like the ground meat that sometimes goes into tacos, but no, dragons don't eat tacos. Come on. [34]
Video Games
What was the first game that you played where you thought, I really love games? Crystal Quest. If anyone remembers that. Old game that was on the Mac Classic. I got up to level 99 on that or something. It was insane. But, yeah, Myst, Riven especially, the Marathon series, Mass Effect trilogy. Loved Control recently. I've spent way too many hours playing Far Cry 5 because it's set in Montana and looks exactly like Montana. And there are some similarities to things in that game, to actual real world stuff, which is kind of weird, but it's cool. I don't know. Too many games to list and they're all awesome. [26]
I played a lot of classic Mac games, we're talking about like on the old Mac Classic, so things like Crystal Quest and Starship Mono and things like that. And then later on, when the computers upgraded, I loved the Myst series, so Myst and Riven. My friend had a PC, so I got to play the original Doom and Wolfenstein 3D and all of that. On the Mac, I loved the Marathon series. That was a huge influence on me with storytelling. I'm really excited that they're rebooting it or doing a sequel to the Marathon game finally over at Bungie. So the Marathon trilogy. Unreal Tournament 1999 is still the best shooting game I've ever played in a lot of ways, a tournament game. So yeah, all that stuff definitely had an influence on me. [12]
All of my gaming experience was computer games, video games. One that had a huge influence on me was the old Myst series. Personally I love solving puzzles, so that's the first thing. And also the concept of the series, especially with the second game, Riven, it's all based around people writing books that create new worlds. And you get to go in them and solve puzzles and understand how that world works. And that just tickled every single part of my brain back in the day. [26]
Now, funny thing with Spyro is that the company that made the Spyro games actually worked on the Eragon video game back in the day. Now, I've never played the Spyro games, but my wife is a huge fan of them, and I like Spyro. Proper number of legs. The wings are a little small, though. But sheer force of personality, and at least Spyro's not a dog dragon. [13]
What do you love about Mass Effect? I like the RPG elements, but I like the universe. I like the setting. I like the fact that really their big jump is they assume the existence of this element zero that if I'm remembering it correctly, allows for all of the technology. And then they don't break the laws of physics past that. They assume there's one break from what we know and then explore that. But I love the setting. I like how much blue they use. No, seriously. And if I'm remembering correctly, one of the planets in Mass Effect actually is the planet from Dragon Age. So they've tied in their two different franchises, which is cool. I have so many wonderful memories with the characters and in the world of Mass Effect that in some ways it was almost like a Star Wars experience for video games. [21]
There's great aliens in Mass Effect. I seem to recall Wayne Barlow, an artist, creating a cool book with some aliens in it. [29]
My favorite game these days is Minecraft. If you put a gun to my head and told me I can only have one game for the rest of my life, I'd pick Minecraft right now. If you go to my YouTube channel, you can see my storage system, which is mechanized and can store every single item in the game, either in shulker boxes or bulk storage or chests. It's mechanized. If you're familiar with the Hermitcraft series, they actually invited me on the server as a guest at one point. Scicraft, I got to tour with them. I built a machine to kill the Ender Dragon with one arrow. I love Minecraft. The problem is I could spend so long playing Minecraft, I will never write another book in my life. So I haven't played it in six months. But I really want to update my storage system. So we'll see. [26]
You went almost a decade from the time that you published Inheritance to the time that you published another book that people cared about, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. What were you doing during this time besides Minecraft? Have you seen my storage system in Minecraft? I have, it's pretty solid. It's not just solid, it's like I built a computer in Minecraft. Honestly, I could have written another book. I was going to say, imagine if you had written a book instead. What was I doing in those ten years? Well, I suppose I was just relaxing on my giant pile of money. Plagiarism pays, nepotism pays, I was just relaxing, enjoying life. And then I decided that I should probably, pay tribute to a lot of the sci-fi games and movies that I enjoyed and pluck up a bunch of pieces from them and paste them all together and put out a new book. And that was To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. That's fantastic. Absolutely. And you know what's even better? It won Best Sci-Fi of the Year over at Goodreads. I'm starting to wonder if you might be a pretty smart guy. People have said that on occasion, but I don't really believe it. Yeah, I wouldn't either. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't. [31]
Who wins in a fight, Kratos or Eragon? I'm enormously fond of Eragon and he does have magic at his disposal, but we are talking about a man who literally killed the Greek pantheon and then the Nordic pantheon. So I hate to say it, but I think Kratos has it here. Not to mention that technically his son becomes the Midgard Serpent. [30]
Who would win in the fight? Eragon or Anne McCaffrey? Not the dragons, the author? Well, look, Anne McCaffrey gave me my first blurb. I kind of have to go with Anne McCaffrey there. [30]
[Rebecca Yarros:] How would our dragons interact with each other? I think your dragons would consider Saphira a bit soft. But I think Saphira would rise to the occasion. She's more humane. Like she's more human. She has more like a softness to her, as where mine are superior jerks. Well, I think also she's trying to be nice for the nice little squishy humans around her. And if she were stuck with a bunch of dragons who weren't quite so nice, she'd probably go a bit more feral. [33]
What would Eragon's signet be if he was in the Fourth Wing world instead? Probably something with fire, firebending essentially. The first spell he ever used was Brisingr, which was fire. So probably something with fire. I think that that seems appropriate. I could come up with something more exotic, but let's face it, Eragon's kind of basic. So it's going to be fire. [33]
I assume Roran would have carried a 45-70 govt in a different timeline. He absolutely would, if not a 45-90 or even a 50-110. [R]
What Taylor Swift song do you feel most represents each character? I’ve never listened to a Taylor Swift song, so … How is that even possible?? You must not have listened to a radio in the last decade. You would be correct. That is actually insane. What kind of music do you listen to? I love classical. However, mostly I listen to movie & game soundtracks while writing. And when not writing, I've had enough music, so don't listen to stuff. I can't listen to anything with English lyrics while writing. Messes with the words in my head. Nothing while lifting? Heh. Heavy Metal. Amon Amarth. That sort of thing. [T]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:58 Similar-Profile6713 AITAH for not wanting to build a relationship with my future mother-in-law

I (female 28) and fiance (male 30) have been dating for three years engaged for one year. We are both from the Caribbean. My fiance has a very small family. It is just him his mum and his little brother. I have a great relationship with his brother however, building a relationship with his mother has been very difficult. My fiance’s mom is a very judgemental person but that is just her as a character from the first day I met her the first words that came out of her mouth was “oh my God you are really pretty is that outfit from Primark but you look really nice”.
She has often made passive aggressive comments about the way I dress the way I look and my weight. when I came back from holiday with my family. The first comment she made when she saw me after three weeks away in sunny Jamaica and Miami, was “oh my God, you’ve put on so much weight you look much bigger”. This isn’t the first time she would make comments like that about my weight or how I dress. I would also like to point out that my fiance‘s mum has a very high-quality taste when it comes to fashion she would often buy and wear a lot of designer clothes such as Louis Vuitton,Gucci, Chanel and many more brands.
I have bought this up to my fiance saying how I feel disrespected by the comments his mum has made about me how I dress and my appearance he does bring it to his mum and defends me but she just says I didn’t mean it like that. I love her. I love how she dresses and it would just get dropped very quickly. I have also brought up to my fiancé that there are times when I come to the house and I say hello to her and she ignores me and there’s times that I’ve gone to give her a hug and she backs away or doesn’t return the hug. therefore I decided she must be somebody that doesn’t like hugs so I just say hello to her even if she doesn’t say hello back. However, my fiance Mum said to my fiance that she finds me rude because I don’t give her a hug when I see her and I explained to my fiance that I always do.
But fast forward to present I am now planning for the wedding. My fiance Mum has had a lot of opinions on my wedding. I want to just add that my mum and dad are not very fond of my fiance’s mum as she has also made passive aggressive comments around them.
For example I threw a surprise party for my fiance for his 30th birthday his mother didn’t want to be involved in the party planning as she said she wasn’t sure if her son would want a surprise party because he’s not that type to like parties. I know my fiance and he would love something like that and he did love it as he stated that was the best birthday celebration he has ever had. His mother wasn’t very happy with that comment. But whilst she was at the surprise party that was at my house this was the first time my parents were meeting my fiance Mum and brother. my mum was about to serve the food at the party and coming from a Caribbean household we always have lots of food when having parties and we usually give people paper plates to eat their food from , as we were catering for about 30 people at the party. The first thing my fiance Mum said to me was “ I need a proper plate and a proper knife and fork. I am not degrading myself by eating on a paper plate” Other people were around and they just gave a weird look. But I just brushed off the comment and said to my fiance Mum I’ll be happy to get you a plate and a knife and fork. She then followed me into the kitchen. I then said to my mum, can she grab a plate for me? My mum being the sweet person she is went to get my fiance‘s mum one of our nicer plates from our China set. My fiance Mum then turned to me and said “ what your mum doesn’t have any clean plates in the kitchen?” my fiance‘s mum would often make rude comments like this to me however she didn’t realise my auntie was also in the kitchen at the time and my auntie turned to her and said “she’s getting the plate for you now why don’t you just wait” My fiance‘s mum looked shocked as she wasn’t expecting my aunt to be in the kitchen. My fiance‘s mum, quickly tried to mask it by saying “oh I was just joking thank you so much for getting me the plate.”
From this encounter that my family have had with my fiance’s mum and the overall rude comments that she makes about me my family are not very fond of her and how she talks and addresses people overall it can come across belittling and rude. My fiance Mum always backs herself up by saying it’s a Caribbean thing we just talk like that. However, I am from the Caribbean and so is my family and we do not speak to people like that we talk to everybody with respect especially when we are in other peoples homes.
A couple months after that My mum and dad then decided to throw me and my fiance an engagement party at our house. My mum and dad warned majority of my family of my fiance’s mums behaviour as coming from a Jamaican background a lot of my family take disrespectful comments very personally . They already find my fiance Mum to be rude and my parents had to speak to a lot of them before the party just to ask them to not react when my fiance‘s mum says something disrespectful as they wanted the engagement party to be something positive for my fiancé and I. However that didn’t stop my fiance’s mum for being disrespectful to nearly all of my family members and friends but other than that we had a great time at the party. Fast forward to the day after the engagement party my fiance and I were opening cards from our family and friends. A large proportion of the party was my family as I said before my fiance has a small size family. as we were opening the cards there was large sum of cash in a lot of the cards in total we had a little bit over £600 from all the cards.
The plan was to open a bank account and store the money in there to go towards any other wedding funds. as we were opening the cards my fiance’s mum called my fiance and said to him make sure you bring back the cards and the money .
I found this comment to be weird and I asked my fiance why did your mum ask for the money? He said I’m not sure. Maybe two days after the engagement party, my fiance had called me and said the engagement money has gone. I then said to my fiance wtf where is are money? Did you miss place it? He said no my mum went into my room and took our money as she said she needed it urgently. I was absolutely livid. I couldn’t believe that she went through my fiance’s room looking for the money and stole it.
I was so mad at my fiance for not saying anything to his mother I had to then call her and tell her put the money right back. She tried to argue with me telling me she needed the money urgently and it was a family emergency. She needed to send money to someone in the Caribbean. This caused a huge problem between me and my fiance and I told him he needs to stand up for us or else I will do it then spoke to his mum about the money and she gave it back. When I sat down with her and spoke to her about how upset I was over the fact that she took the money, she said to me you are clearly not someone who is not family orientated I don’t care what money I have or where it’s comes from if my family needed it I will give them the money if I go to my sons room and I see £20 sitting on his desk if I want it, I will just take it and now I know if I was laying dead on the street I wouldn’t call you for a pound cos I know what you are like with money.
I cannot believe that this woman turned it on me making it seem like I was crazy for being upset with her for stealing our engagement money. I had enough of this and I said to my fiance if he doesn’t start sticking up for me and our relationship I don’t see a future.
My fiance was very apologetic and said that he will start sticking up for us as he knows this is wrong but He said his mom has been taking money off of him and his little brother from when they were children any birthdays money, big events or any money he would get from family his mum would just take it so he was so used to his mum taking money from him that he didn’t see a problem with it. I have made sure that moving forward with this wedding that all financial costs are done by me and my side of the family.
my mum has stated that she does not want my fiance ‘s mum involved in any of the wedding planning as she’s very judgemental and rude and does not trust her with money as she’s afraid that if we ask her to book something that she would take the money and use it for herself.
My fiance‘s mum has been very vocal about the wedding she has said I want this wedding at my Catholic Church or I won’t be happy . I am born again Christian I have a church that I have been going to since I was born. My pastor has known me from birth and has been an active person in my life and has always been there for important mild stone in my life. I have always told my fiance that I want my Pastor to do the ceremony. My fiance agreed and said he wants the wedding wherever I want the wedding as he couldn’t care less whether it was in a catholic Church or a normal church.
My fiance and I picked this beautiful Riverside garden club venue for the wedding that we decided we were gonna have the ceremony there as well as the reception. My fiance’s mum was not happy about this and said that if it’s not at her Catholic Church, she is not gonna come and I should convert to Catholic religion.
I said I would absolutely not be converting and this is the decision that we have made as a couple and if she doesn’t want to come that’s on here. My fiance spoke to his mum and said to her she needs to start respecting our decision and she then apologised and said I just want this for you as it’s important to get married in a church, especially as a catholic but I respect your wishes. Which I know was bullshit. She only said this because my fiance was visibly upset with her and was cold to her for a little while. Because she is so negative about the wedding I do not involve her whatsoever in anything to do with the planning.
I just recently had a long conversation with my fiance and I expressed my feelings about his mother and I decided for my own mental health and from speaking to family, friends and speaking to a pastor about this as it’s gotten so serious it has made me feel so depressed at times as I really love my fiance and if it wasn’t for his mum, our relationship would be so perfect as we literally have no issues. Anything we argue about is always to do with his mother. So I expressed to my fiance that I do not want to have a relationship with his mother until I see some change in the way she treats me. As she is so judgemental and doesn’t respect boundaries. I do not feel safe to have a relationship with her.
She has asked my fiance if I would like to go out to dinner and overall meet up with her more often just her and I. I told my fiance I would absolutely not be meeting up with this mother on my own any encounters I have with this woman I want my fiance to be there as I do not trust her. My fiance Said he is fine about me not having a relationship with his mother however I can tell from his facial expressions that he really wants me to try and have a relationship with her.
So am I the arsehole for not wanting a relationship with my fiance Mum?
submitted by Similar-Profile6713 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:54 Scrapbooklove Self care page

Self care page submitted by Scrapbooklove to scrapbooking [link] [comments]
