How to set up email templates in groupwise

Digital Projector Help / Purchase Advice & News

2012.03.11 19:20 ajsmithjr Digital Projector Help / Purchase Advice & News

The place to search for projectors, ask for Buying Help or Setup Help, News about upcoming releases, and technological advancements. Rules: #1 No racism. CCC in this sub stands for Cheap but Can afford Crap, any illusion to saying CCC to disparage another community or race will result in a ban from here on out. #2 All projector talk is welcome here even the cheap stuff. But like don’t post or push spammy products. Will result in a ban from here on out. #3 Just be cool man

2014.06.17 03:15 Respectfullyyours A subreddit to help you identify artists & works of art...

A place to find out if you have a lost masterpiece or if it's just a garage sale treasure! Please see below for submission guidelines, sub rules, and related subreddits.

2011.01.01 18:54 52 Book Challenge

A subreddit for the participants of the 52 Book Challenge (one book per week for a year) to discuss their progress and discoveries.

2024.06.02 18:50 TopPomegranate4432 Profile Pensions - free £50 Amazon voucher when you open or transfer a £1,000 pension

Profile Pensions is a pension provider and is offering a free £50 Amazon voucher to anyone who signs up via referral and makes a deposit of at least £1,000 OR transfers over a pension with at least £1,000 (free to transfer). The £50 Amazon voucher arrives within 30 days of doing so.
How to get your free £50 Amazon voucher:
  1. Sign up via my referral link here + enter your email
  2. Click on the link in your email and fill in your details. Your National Insurance number will be required
  3. Answer questions to determine your portfolio and risk level (I chose Adventurous in hope of a higher return in the long-term, but you can choose Cautious, Conservative, Balanced etc)
  4. Deposit at least £1,000 (you have to message them to make a one-off deposit), OR transfer across an existing pension of at least £1,000, OR set up a direct debit for the full amount and cancel it after the funds have been received by Profile Pensions (this is what I did). When the first direct debit payment was taken, I cancelled it through my online banking so the second payment wouldn't be taken the following month
  5. A month after paying into the pension, you'll receive the £50 Amazon voucher via Profile Pension's referral partner Mention Me. These exact steps worked for me in getting my voucher!
My experience: I signed up via referral, made my deposit and got my £50 Amazon voucher a month later by email through Mention Me. After I cancelled the direct debit to prevent a second payment being made (I still have my original deposit in there), I received a call from my Profile Pensions Advisor out of the blue, asking about the direct debit cancellation. It wasn't awkward or pushy but perhaps expect a call if you do the same! Regardless, I'll be keeping this pension for the long-term, so you can rest assured that we'll both get our bonuses whatever the timeframe.
submitted by TopPomegranate4432 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 EmbarrassedScreen242 Would any firm pursue a class action suit?

This seems it would have class action written all over it, bit then again, i have no idea what om talking about. But if you have a minute, please read. About a month ago I came across an advertisement for software that can trade stocks using ai and te user just simply sets basic to advanced limits and then just let thos bot take over. I did some research online and read lots of enthusiastic and encouraging reviews. Read feom various sites and well written by experienced traders, I was sold. I paid $880 and was gonna earn quick wealth. The next day I received the welcome emails and a download link. Having difficulties with the download, I had buyers remorse and for some reason I just assumed they would refund my $ since I never downloaded it. Not a chance! No refunds, never! So in poking around more, I found there are thousands of pissed off people who not only lost out on the purchase costs of their software, but most rode it out for awhile and lost 10s of thousands. The software doesn't work. Then I read about how all the positive reviews are "bot" generated and their presence is everywhere the companies name is written, on all platforms. The deeper I looked and rhe more I listened, it seems this is likely. There is much more to this story and I'm more than willing to tell of some crazy communications I've had with many, including the CEO of XXX??? Software and a cease and disist letter I have received... In just looking at yhe surface, you could only imagine what anyone could do to promote a product with fake, automatic ai generated reviews and comments and online conversations and ...not just a few, but saturated everywhere. AND at the same time, these bots did everything possible to remove all negative feedback, everywhere(I wrote 3 honest, negative reviews, 2 of them were immediately flagged and removed, and the 3rd I had to put alot of effort to keep it online)
Now that's gotta be breaking some laws and regulations. I'm in an online group with 940 other pissed off suckers wanting their money back and discussions on how to stop others from getting infected by this bs. And everyone of them would sign up for any type of payback. What do you think?
submitted by EmbarrassedScreen242 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:29 Bj747 A must for guys.

I’ve been on SA over the years and always met the most incredible women on the system. All my SA friendships as I call them have all been highly successful and long term. For various reasons things ended over the years but in all cases to this day I receive emails from my friends asking how I’m doing and letting me know what they are doing in their lives. My friends know I was always the best I could have been. Always respectful. Always caring. And always sensitive to the needs of my friends. I never had to be asked for anything as I knew them so well I could anticipate their issues in life. I was always there for them. And always there for advice and yes wonderful fun times. For a social experiment I set up a female profile looking for a sd even though I’m a guy and had the most frightening experience doing it. I saw guys write the most idiotic things. Saw photos which were down right stupid and insulting to anyones intelligence and how could they ever expect a decent and real woman to respond. I developed an appreciation for what women had to go through on seeking and quite frankly felt badly for what they have to go through in order to find a little financial assistance. So many men must never have had a mother or sister. My suggestion for any man going on SA, you should sign up as a woman just to fully appreciate what women have to suffer with reading. Truly frightening. I always had wonderful long term arrangements and feel it is because I’m a caring guy and sensitive to the needs of others. Nobody is above anyone in life.
submitted by Bj747 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 ApostleLeeWoo Peace, Peace...No Peace

Peace, Peace...No Peace
Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!
~Peace, Peace…No Peace~

I make my apologizes for not sending a message this past week. Our electricity went out Saturday night and did not come back on until Monday.

Matthew 10:34 KJV
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Brothers and Sisters stop trying to make Peace with those who Oppose The Word, for they are Your Enemy, they are God’s Enemy. Too many of you have lost sight of this, that you have been taught to Compromise The Word with a New Definition of Tolerance. There are those who have Taught, that to Show Godly Love, in this Season, in this Time, means that The Word, The Scriptures need to be Re-Defined to Include Fleshly Sin. This is an abomination!!!

2 Timothy 4:3 KJV
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

The First Commandment is to Love God with ALL of Your Heart, ALL of Your Mind, ALL of Your Soul and ALL of Your Strength, this is the ONLY Acceptable Life that Jesus will Accept.

Matthew 7:21 KJV
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 22:37-38 KJV
"37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment."

Mark 12:30 KJV
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment."

The Second Commandment is to Love Your Neighbor AS Yourself and it is in this Commandment that you have Over Written The First Commandment.

Matthew 22:39 KJV
“And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

You spend so much time trying to figure out how to get people into a church, to help them in their times of need, by Peace, but do not hold the Standard that Jesus comes first. Too many of you participate in Helping Others, but in that Help, Jesus is not present in Your Actions nor in Your Speech to those who need to hear, all because YOU wish NOT to Offend any person, but you are willing to OFFEND Your Savior!!!

Do you NOT Understand that All Men, All Women, All Children of age, are The Enemies Of God, unless they have Accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, then and only then are they NOT Your Enemy, but are now Your Family, Your Brothers and Sisters!!! This also includes members of Your Fleshly Families.

Jesus has said in so many words, that He has come to Forgive Us of Our Sins, to Wash Us Clean in The Spirit, to have Overcome The Enemies Of The Flesh, to Grant Us into Heaven…IF, IF, IF WE Keep His Commandments, which is to Do The Fathers Will On Earth AS it is In Heaven!!!

Matthew 10:35-39 KJV
"35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

Too many of you Honor your children above Jesus, not willing to Stand Upon Jesus Commandments. You are NOT Willing to Break Ties with members of your own household in Keeping Jesus Commandments, but are willing to Compromise, Adjust, Manipulate, Believe False Doctrine for Your Own Fleshly Desires!!! Too many of you Accept the Life Styles that Your Children have made, believing them to be Saved By Grace, but they are not! Do you not understand the Mockery that YOU are doing???

Do any of you NOT Understand that God Is Unchangeable, He who Created All Things is the same from the beginning before time unto the end of all time! God The Father, Jesus The Son, The Holy Spirit will NOT Accept anything that goes against The Fathers Will, in which, has Fleshly Sinful Desires of any kind!!!

John 10:30 KJV
“I and [my] Father are one."

John 5:30 KJV
“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

John 8:28 KJV
“Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am [he], and [that] I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things."

Hebrews 13:8 KJV
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

Luke 22:42 KJV
“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."

Oh, as a side note to those who Believe that Jesus and The Father are the same PERSON, THEY ARE NOT!!! This has been a False Teaching!!!

Too many of you Cry Peace, Peace when we are at war!! Let me explain to be At War, yet Have Peace. When The Father said to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, He was not saying that you make any Compromises to His Will. For example, I have a Neighbor whom I have been witnessing to for 15 years, who will not Accept Jesus. This neighbor has some very expensive medications that he needs to take, a week ago Saturday our power went out and was out until Monday. On Sunday I went and bought Ice to keep our food and medicines cold, I gave my neighbor some ice, this is Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, but he is still My Enemy, Our Lord Jesus Enemy!!
Another example. My children I have Not Talked to in five years, because they believe in lies more so then The Word. I on purpose separated myself from them because of this, yet I long for them almost daily. I do pray for them daily and not just them but to the fourth generation, every day. But until they Repent and turn from the lies that they believe, they are my Enemy, I will not Compromise The Word for a Relationship with them. Unfortunately that this is, this also includes my grandchildren.

There is No Peace, My Brothers and Sisters we are at War with the Enemy, make no mistake about it. The only Peace that we can obtain at this point in time, in this season, is the Peace that Jesus said He would give us that The World, The Enemy, cannot have!!!

Philippians 4:6-7 KJV
"6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Now also Understand this. We are NOT at War with The Flesh as against Man, but are at War with anything, anyone who Opposes The Fathers Will. It is what is Inside of a Man, Woman, Child, their Spirit that is against God, whom is Our Enemy. Our Brother Paul explained it in this manor…

Ephesians 6:10-13 KJV
"10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Understand this, that The Flesh is Ruled by The Spirit, so, as The Spirit Is, so does it Manifest in The Flesh, rather Godly or Ungodly. This why Jesus said and what our Brother James says…

Matthew 7:15-20 KJV
"15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

James 3:12 KJV
“Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so [can] no fountain both yield salt water and fresh."

Now, with that being said, a Good Person can go to hell! The difference between a Good Person and Ourselves is Jesus and His Blood that has Cleansed us unto Redemption. Too many of you think that because a person Acts Good, that they are Good, but You Weigh things according to The Flesh and not those things that concern Jesus.

I have No Peace with The Flesh, but in The Spirit I have Peace!!! Walk as The Children Of God and Not as The Children Of The World!

We can have Peace within ourselves and Walk in Obedience to Jesus, knowing that not everyone around us is Our Brother or Sister, but could in fact be Our Enemy as they are Jesus Enemy. Our, God’s, Enemy tries to Steal, Kill and Destroy Our Peace with Jesus, do not let him!

Jesus, Our Savior and Lord said…

Matthew 10:34 KJV
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Amen and Amen!!!

Email: [](
submitted by ApostleLeeWoo to Acts_Of_The_Apostles [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:06 mimajneb A love letter to the Kindle

In an age when Amazon is swallowing up the world and facing backlash (on a number of fronts) the humble Kindle increasingly stands out. Don’t get me wrong, Kindle's closed format and Amazon's antagonistic actions toward competitors and libraries are despicable, but I'd like to put that aside and focus on the hardware for now.
You see, the Kindle might be my favorite piece of consumer electronics hardware—and one of my most satisfying purchases—ever. Why? The Kindle is everything my various iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and MacBooks are not. Let me explain.
It has long life I’ve had this same Kindle Paperwhite since 2013 and it's just as good as the day I bought it. Just as fast, looks just as good, and works just as well. Software updates arrive silently and never seem to slow things down. It's never been deemed too old to update and as far as I know, it’s running the latest version of Kindle's software. Indeed, it’s great that I don't really know and don't have to care. Can't say the same about the iPhone 5s, iPad, and Macbook I bought the same year—all of which long ago stopped getting updates.
It's made to be used I’ve dropped my Kindle countless times and routinely thrown it into a bag without much concern before heading out the door. It's not just that it can take a beating but that it's designed to be durable with materials that can absorb some neglect. In that time I've picked up a small scratch on the screen that I can't even see while reading and the plastic, soft-touch body has a few dings and scuffs but they hardly detract from its appearance.
It's quite freeing to own hardware that isn't precious. I've never considered putting a case on it. My six-months old iPhone 12 has more damage and looks worse than my 7-year-old Kindle even though I treat the latter fragile bird. Apple's products somehow resist the usually attractive effects of patina which might make them feel more alive and organic. While materials like wood, cloth, and leather become more attractive with age, Apple's hardware designs made of glass and coated metal seem to wear imperfections like scars of disease, cutting your heart with every glint.
It inspires no envy The worst day as the owner of any Apple product is the day the next new model comes out. Suddenly over the course of a 60 minute keynote your stuff becomes old and obsolete. This is no question, by design. I couldn't tell you how many new Kindle models have been released in the last 7 years. I've certainly heard about them, compared them to my 2013 Paperwhite, and decided not to buy them. And I don't feel bad or like I'm missing out. I shudder to think how many Apple devices from 2013 are in the trash today.
It's doesn't care what I do Sure my Kindle can connect to Goodreads to share progress and asks me to write a review after I finish a book but those are humble asks in today’s world. Try using your iPad without network connectivity or without an iCloud account. Heck, last year a whole population of developers on MacBooks couldn't work because of a network glitch on Apple's developer servers. My Kindle doesn't care if I'm on wi-fi, never nags to sign-in to anything, and isn't trying to coerce me to use social features. If I never connected it to web again, I could happily keep reading the books I have and even load new ones outside the ecosystem via USB.
It's content to do one thing The Kindle has one job: reading books. It never pulls me away to read a notification, doesn't beg me to look at what someone said on Twitter, and it isn't trying to trick me into using it more. It's not even showing me ads (to be fair, I purchased the ad-free version) or suggesting more books. Just like my toaster isn't telling me the weather or suggesting other kinds of bread I might be interested in. And that's the key: it's an appliance.
I've gone through spurts where I prefer real printed books and set the Kindle aside where it happily waits until I come back—often with the battery still charged even. It's not sending me texts or emails say, "You know, you haven't read a book in awhile." My Kindle doesn't need me and isn't trying to manipulate me.
You can imagine all the things it could to: check Twitter, manage to-dos, show me my calendar, check email, organize my Amazon wishlist, suggest products based on my reading, etc. I have to imagine those ideas, and more, have come up inside Amazon HQ so hats-off to whomever said "no" to them.
The Kindle is a rare beast in the world of consumer electronics and I find it increasingly hard fit it into Amazon's apparent values. It's not so hard to imagine that it was born when Amazon was a different company but that doesn't explain why it still exists or why it's still good or why Amazon seemingly isn't following Apple's consumer products model. Lord knows everyone else is. My friend Dan's washing machine is even gamifying his wash cycles!
The Kindle stands apart from Amazon's ethos. Even more so, it stands as a rare example in the entire consumer electronics industry as a single-purpose device that is durable, meant to be used, non-invasive, un-precious, and refreshingly off the gear lust conveyor belt.
It's not perfect but it's my favorite.
via Jason Zimdars
submitted by mimajneb to u/mimajneb [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 FounderFolks Growing a $1M+ Moving Business

Steffie here from Founder Folks, with a recent story I did with Daniel White from Bigger Better Movers.
Here is his story of how he started and grew his moving business.
Name: Daniel White Company: Bigger Better Movers Employee Size: 20-25 Technology Tools: Housecall Pro, Gusto, GroupMe, Upwork, ActiveCampaign, Zapier, Social Media Revenue: $1,000,000+ Founded: 2017 Website:
Introduction: I am in the moving and transportation business. Bigger Better Movers provides residential and commercial moving services for customers throughout Oklahoma. We have two physical locations in OKC and Tulsa and provide services ranging from packing, storage, labor only, on site relocation and interstate moves. All services are available for both commercial and residential customers.
Prior to starting my moving company I was in the insurance business. I sold property and casualty coverages, mainly auto and home coverages to families in Oklahoma. I sold that business to try my luck in the tech space. I lost bad. My worst entrepreneur moment! During that time I also acquired a brewery called Mustang Brewery thru an acquisition with an investment group. I have bought, sold, and flipped commercial and residential real estate since 2017 and Also just started a Property Management company called People Property Solutions.
The Inspiration Behind Bigger Better Movers From my past experience I learned that I preferred service based businesses over product based businesses. After losing big with my tech company in 2017 I knew I had to pivot and find a new way to create revenue. I considered my network and my current skill set. I considered businesses with minimal risk and low start up cost. Being in insurance most people I knew were somehow involved around a real estate transaction. Lenders, Realtors, Insurance agents, Restoration companies, Roofers, etc. Everyone had something to do with real estate. I just needed to find out where I fit in. I ended up trying my hand at moving. It was something that nobody liked to do, an industry that needed improvement and something that could pay well if I could dial it in.
From Idea to Reality It happened relatively quick. Since I needed to find a way to create revenue I quickly form the legal structure. EIN, LLC, Etc. Prior I did have to come up with the name and ensure the name and domain was available online. Once secured and the legal formation was complete I created a business plan, organizational chart and mission, vision and purpose statement to give us direction. The original funding came from a few assets I had sold and credit cards to get started. I sold my first job before I ever had a truck. I had to make a quick purchase to complete the job.
Attracting Customers Through HomeAdvisor, Groupon, Google, word of mouth/referral, in-person visits to apartments, realtor offices, etc.
Overcoming Challenges in Starting the Business COVID, inflation, interest rates, interstate regulation - There's no formal training or classes to learn interstate transportation regulation. Hiring employees, creating a culture, and getting people to buy in.
Costs and Revenue Staff, insurance, and fuel.
Revenue used to come from one source: just moving. Now it comes from storage, moving, material, and middle mile transportation contracts.
A Day in the Life I always put myself first. I wake up around 7:30 - 8 a.m., check in with my operations manager, and do a quick overview of dispatching operations. Then, I proceed to the gym to work out and have a healthy breakfast. Meetings and office work usually take place after 12 p.m. for me. Emails are not a priority throughout the day as most are not money-generating activities, so I respond most often after 6 p.m. when the day-to-day pace slows down.
The Vision for Bigger Better Movers We will have 3 locations. OKC, DFW, TULSA. We will have physical locations in each equipped with 100+ storage units, full retail stores to purchase material and our dispatch location on premises with all of our trucks and field team on site.
Guiding Principles for Entrepreneurial Success Do the things that need to be done when no one else is watching. Be authentically you! High level operators can tell the difference and generally will steer clear if you're not authentic. Keep a great network of motivated, influential people. They will push you to get from where you're at to where you're trying to go!
submitted by FounderFolks to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 UnDead_Ted For It Is Written

For It Is Written

Today's Verse

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) - However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him.

1) Design

  • But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
  • That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

2) Develop

It is written/What the Scriptures mean:
The word is trustworthy and true (Rev. 21:4)
What no human mind has conceived/Entered into the heart of man:
This phrase suggests that the wonders of God’s plans and blessings are beyond human sensory experience. No one has seen or heard the full extent of what God has prepared. This emphasizes that even the human imagination or understanding cannot fully grasp the greatness of what God has in store. It transcends our thoughts and expectations.
Things God has prepared/Hath prepared:
This part highlights that these extraordinary blessings and plans are specifically for those who love God. It underscores the relationship between God's love and human devotion.

3) Actions

What actions develop the story in this verse? What is happening? To whom?
To understand the development and context of the story in 1 Corinthians 2:9, we need to look at the surrounding verses and the overall message of the chapter. Here’s a breakdown of the actions and the narrative flow:

Context of 1 Corinthians 2

  1. Paul’s Preaching and Message (Verses 1-5):
    • Paul begins by reminding the Corinthians that when he came to them, he did not use eloquent words or human wisdom. Instead, he preached Christ crucified, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit so that their faith would rest on God's power, not human wisdom.
  2. God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit (Verses 6-8):
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with God’s wisdom. He explains that God’s wisdom is a mystery, hidden and destined for the glory of believers. This wisdom was not understood by the rulers of the age, for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified Jesus.
  3. The Verse in Question (Verse 9):
    • Here, Paul emphasizes the incomprehensible nature of God’s plans. He quotes from Isaiah to highlight that what God has prepared for those who love Him is beyond human understanding.
  4. Revelation Through the Spirit (Verses 10-16):
    • Paul explains that God has revealed these things to us through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. Paul goes on to say that the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned.

Actions and Development

  1. Paul’s Humble Approach:
    • Paul’s decision to preach not with persuasive words but with the Spirit’s power sets the stage. This establishes the foundation that true understanding and faith come from God’s power, not human intellect.
  2. Contrast of Wisdom:
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with divine wisdom. Human rulers and their wisdom failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, which led to His crucifixion.
  3. Quoting Isaiah:
    • Paul quotes from the Old Testament (Isaiah 64:4) to illustrate the greatness of God’s plans for believers. This quote emphasizes the hidden, glorious nature of God’s promises, preparing the audience to understand that divine wisdom is revealed by the Spirit.
  4. Revelation by the Spirit:
    • Paul asserts that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s wisdom to believers. This revelation process is a crucial action that develops the understanding that spiritual truths are discerned through the Spirit.

What is Happening and To Whom?

  • To the Believers in Corinth:
    • Paul is addressing the Corinthian Christians, encouraging them to seek God’s wisdom through the Holy Spirit rather than relying on human wisdom and eloquence.
  • Revelation of God’s Plan:
    • The key action is the revelation of God’s plans and blessings to believers. This revelation is something that no human sense or understanding can grasp, but it is made known through the Spirit.


In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul is explaining that the amazing things God has prepared for those who love Him are beyond human comprehension and can only be revealed through the Spirit. The actions developing this story include Paul’s humble preaching approach, the contrast between human and divine wisdom, the quoting of scripture to illustrate the point, and the ultimate revelation by the Holy Spirit to believers. The recipients of this message are the Corinthian Christians, and the overarching theme is the reliance on spiritual wisdom over human wisdom.

4) Outcome

What is God saying to you today? How can you apply this to your life?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9, the message God conveys is one of profound hope and assurance. The verse reminds us that God's plans for those who love Him are far greater than anything we can perceive or imagine. Here’s a personalized reflection and application of this message:

God's Message to You Today

  1. Trust in the Unseen: God is encouraging you to trust in His plans, even when you can't see the full picture. His blessings and purposes are beyond your current understanding.
  2. Hope and Assurance: God is reassuring you that He has prepared wonderful things for you, which should fill you with hope and confidence in His love and promises.
  3. Dependence on the Spirit: The verse emphasizes the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding, rather than solely on your own knowledge or human wisdom.

Application to Your Life

  1. Cultivate Trust and Faith:
    • Action: Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to help you trust in His plans for your life.
    • Reflection: Reflect on past experiences where God’s plans turned out to be better than you could have imagined, reinforcing your trust in His providence.
  2. Embrace Hope and Joy:
    • Action: Whenever you face uncertainty or challenges, remind yourself of this verse and the promise it holds. Let it be a source of comfort and motivation.
    • Reflection: Keep a journal where you note down moments of blessings and unexpected joys, as reminders of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
  3. Seek Spiritual Wisdom:
    • Action: Make it a habit to read the Bible and seek understanding through the Holy Spirit. Join a Bible study group or find a spiritual mentor who can guide you in your faith journey.
    • Reflection: Ponder on how God’s wisdom has guided you in making decisions that aligned with His will, and how you can continue to seek His guidance.
  4. Share the Message:
    • Action: Share this verse and its message with friends or family members who may need encouragement. Be a source of hope and reassurance to others.
    • Reflection: Think about ways you can demonstrate the love and wisdom of God in your daily interactions, serving as a testimony to His promises.
By integrating these actions and reflections into your daily life, you can live out the profound truths of 1 Corinthians 2:9, experiencing the fullness of God’s love and plans for you.

Verse Thoughts....

  1. The Limitations of Human Understanding
    • The verse underscores the limitations of our sensory and intellectual capacities. Our eyes, ears, and minds cannot fully grasp the depth and breadth of God's plans. This invites humility, acknowledging that God's wisdom and knowledge far surpass our own.
  2. The Promise of Divine Revelation
    • Although human understanding is limited, God has chosen to reveal His wisdom and plans to us through His Spirit. This revelation is not something we achieve through our efforts but is a gift from God, showing His desire to be known by us.
  3. The Depth of God’s Love
    • The verse is a testament to the extraordinary love God has for those who love Him. It suggests that the blessings and plans He has for us are not only beyond our comprehension but are also crafted out of His deep love and care for us.
  4. Encouragement in Uncertainty
    • This passage provides immense comfort during times of uncertainty and doubt. It reassures us that even if we cannot see or understand what lies ahead, God has already prepared something wonderful for us. This encourages trust and patience in God’s timing.
  5. Inspiration for Hope and Faith
    • Knowing that God’s plans are greater than we can imagine inspires hope and strengthens our faith. It reminds us to look beyond our current circumstances and hold onto the promises of God, who is faithful and loving.

Practical Applications

  1. Trust in God's Plan
    • In moments of uncertainty, remind yourself of this verse. Trust that God’s plans are greater than what you can currently see or understand.
  2. Seek Spiritual Wisdom
    • Regularly engage in prayer, Bible study, and meditation to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to reveal His wisdom to you.
  3. Maintain Hope and Positivity
    • Let this verse fuel your hope. When facing challenges, hold onto the assurance that God has amazing things prepared for you.
  4. Share the Encouragement
    • Share this verse with others who may be struggling or in need of encouragement. Help them see the greatness of God’s love and plans.
  5. Live with Expectation
    • Live each day with the expectation that God has wonderful things in store for you. Approach life with a positive and hopeful outlook, grounded in the promises of God.

Reflective Questions

Q-1) How does recognizing the limits of your understanding change your perspective on current challenges?

1. Promotes Humility

  • Shift in Attitude: Acknowledging that your understanding is limited fosters humility. It helps you realize that you don’t have all the answers and that it’s okay to seek help from others and rely on God.
  • Openness to Learning: This humility makes you more open to learning and gaining new perspectives, which can lead to better solutions and personal growth.

2. Encourages Trust in God

  • Dependence on Divine Wisdom: Understanding that God’s wisdom surpasses yours encourages you to rely more on His guidance. This reliance can bring peace and assurance that you are not alone in facing your challenges.
  • Faith in God’s Plan: Trusting that God has a greater plan helps you to have faith that everything will work out for good, even if you don’t understand how at the moment.

3. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

  • Letting Go of Control: When you accept that you don’t need to have everything figured out, it can relieve the pressure of trying to control every aspect of your life. This reduction in stress can improve your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Focus on the Present: You can focus more on what you can do now and leave the unknown future in God’s hands, reducing worry about outcomes that are beyond your control.

4. Enhances Patience and Perseverance

  • Long-Term Perspective: Recognizing your limits helps you to see challenges as part of a larger process. This perspective encourages patience and perseverance, knowing that understanding and resolution might come in time.
  • Resilience: It builds resilience, as you learn to trust the journey and remain steadfast even when immediate solutions are not apparent.

5. Improves Relationships

  • Seeking Support: Realizing you don’t have all the answers makes you more willing to seek advice and support from others, strengthening your relationships and community.
  • Empathy and Compassion: This understanding fosters empathy, as you become more aware of the struggles everyone faces, leading to more compassionate interactions.

6. Inspires Hope and Positivity

  • Belief in Greater Good: Trusting that there’s a bigger picture that you might not fully understand can inspire hope. Believing in God’s good plans for you can bring a sense of optimism and positivity, even in tough times.
  • Focus on Growth: Challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth and learning rather than insurmountable obstacles, leading to a more positive and constructive approach to problems.

Practical Steps to Apply This Perspective

  1. Prayer and Meditation: Regularly spend time in prayer and meditation, asking for God’s guidance and peace. Reflect on scriptures that remind you of God’s wisdom and plans.
  2. Seek Counsel: Don’t hesitate to seek advice and support from trusted friends, family, mentors, or spiritual leaders. They can provide insights and perspectives you might not have considered.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and focus on the tasks and decisions you can make today. Let go of the need to control or worry about the future.
  4. Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, prayers, and the ways you see God’s hand in your life. Reflect on how past challenges have led to growth and blessings.
  5. Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude, regularly acknowledging and thanking God for His presence and the ways He has guided you through challenges in the past.
By recognizing the limits of your understanding, you can approach current challenges with a more grounded, peaceful, and hopeful mindset, trusting that God’s greater wisdom and plans are at work in your life.

Q-2) In what ways can you seek to deepen your relationship with God to better understand His plans for you?


1. Prayer

  • Consistent Communication: Make prayer a regular part of your daily routine. Use this time to talk to God, share your concerns, and listen for His guidance.
  • Varied Forms of Prayer: Engage in different types of prayer such as adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. This variety helps in developing a well-rounded relationship with God.

2. Bible Study

  • Daily Reading: Commit to reading the Bible daily. It’s God’s Word and the primary way He communicates His will and plans.
  • Study Groups: Join a Bible study group. Discussing scripture with others can provide new insights and a deeper understanding.
  • Meditation on Scripture: Take time to meditate on specific verses or passages, reflecting on how they apply to your life and seeking God’s revelation through them.

3. Worship

  • Personal Worship: Spend time in personal worship through music, singing, or other forms of expression that draw you closer to God.
  • Corporate Worship: Participate regularly in church services and community worship. Being part of a community of believers can strengthen your faith and understanding.

4. Service and Ministry

  • Volunteer Work: Engage in service opportunities within your church or community. Serving others helps you to live out your faith and can provide clarity on your purpose.
  • Ministry Involvement: Get involved in ministry activities. This allows you to use your gifts and talents for God’s glory and often reveals His plans for you through your service.

5. Spiritual Disciplines

  • Fasting: Practice fasting as a way to seek God more intensely. Fasting helps to focus on spiritual needs and seek God’s direction.
  • Silence and Solitude: Spend time in silence and solitude to listen to God without distractions. This practice helps you to hear God’s voice more clearly.

6. Guidance from Spiritual Mentors

  • Mentorship: Seek out a spiritual mentor or advisor who can provide guidance, wisdom, and support as you navigate your faith journey.
  • Discipleship: Engage in discipleship programs where you can learn and grow under the guidance of more mature believers.

7. Reflective Practices

  • Journaling: Keep a spiritual journal to record your prayers, reflections, and any insights or revelations you receive. This helps you track your spiritual growth and discern God’s patterns in your life.
  • Retreats: Participate in spiritual retreats where you can withdraw from daily distractions and focus solely on your relationship with God.

8. Reading Christian Literature

  • Books and Devotionals: Read books and devotionals that help deepen your understanding of God and His plans. Choose literature that challenges and encourages you in your faith.

9. Community and Fellowship

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or home group where you can share life with others, pray together, and support each other’s spiritual growth.
  • Accountability Partners: Establish relationships with accountability partners who can encourage you, pray for you, and help you stay committed to your spiritual goals.

10. Attending Conferences and Seminars

  • Christian Conferences: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops that focus on spiritual growth and development. These events can provide fresh perspectives and renewed inspiration.


Deepening your relationship with God is an ongoing journey that involves intentionality, discipline, and openness to the Holy Spirit. By engaging in these practices, you create space for God to reveal His plans and guide you more clearly. It’s through a committed and growing relationship with Him that you can better understand His will and purpose for your life.
Q-3) How can you remind yourself of God’s promises during times of doubt or difficulty?

Scripture Memorization

  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Scripture MemorizationEnd
  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Q-4) Who in your life could benefit from hearing the message of this verse, and how can you share it with them?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives.
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:End

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives. It invites us to live in a state of awe and trust, knowing that God’s plans for us are far beyond what we can imagine. By embracing this truth, we can navigate life with hope, faith, and a deeper connection to God’s Spirit.
Let's Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your incredible love and the promises You have given us. As Your Word says, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." We are in awe of Your plans, which surpass our understanding and imagination.
Lord, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the assurance that You have great things prepared for us. Help us to trust in Your divine wisdom and timing, especially during moments of doubt and difficulty. Remind us that Your ways are higher than our ways and that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
When we face uncertainties and challenges, let us find comfort in Your promises. Strengthen our faith so that we may walk confidently, knowing that You are guiding our steps. Help us to be patient and to wait on You, trusting that Your plans for us are good and filled with hope and a future.
Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your peace and joy. Open our eyes to see glimpses of Your marvelous works and our ears to hear Your gentle guidance. May we continually seek Your presence and be sensitive to Your leading in our lives.
Lord, we lift up our loved ones who may be struggling or feeling lost. May they also come to know the depth of Your love and the greatness of Your plans for them. Use us to be a source of encouragement and hope, sharing Your promises and love with those around us.
We surrender our worries and fears to You, trusting that You hold our future in Your hands. Thank You for Your faithfulness and the assurance that You are always with us.
In Jesus' precious name, we pray.
submitted by UnDead_Ted to TheDailyDose [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:11 Zealousideal_West_19 Make Sure Your Customers Are Wearing Protective Clothing While Riding Your Jet Ski's

Make Sure Your Customers Are Wearing Protective Clothing While Riding Your Jet Ski's
Comfortable Customers Are Happy Customers
Jet skiing is an exhilarating water sport that offers the thrill of speed combined with the beauty of the open water. However, like any adventure sport, it comes with its own set of risks. One crucial way to mitigate these risks is by wearing appropriate protective clothing. Whether you are a seasoned rider or a first-time renter, understanding the importance of protective gear can make your experience safer and more enjoyable.
Why Protective Clothing is Essential
  1. Safety from Falls and Collisions:
    • Falling off a jet ski or colliding with another object can result in serious injuries. Protective clothing, such as wetsuits and impact vests, provides a layer of cushioning that can reduce the severity of injuries.
  2. Protection from Water Impact:
    • Hitting the water at high speeds can feel like hitting a solid surface. A wetsuit can help absorb some of this impact, protecting your skin and body from bruises and abrasions.
  3. UV Protection:
    • Extended exposure to the sun while on the water increases the risk of sunburn and long-term skin damage. Wearing UV-protective clothing can shield your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.
  4. Hypothermia Prevention:
    • Even in warmer climates, prolonged exposure to water can lead to hypothermia. Wetsuits and other thermal clothing help maintain body temperature, ensuring you stay warm and comfortable.
  5. Sting and Bite Defense:
    • Marine life, including jellyfish and other stinging creatures, can pose a threat. Protective clothing can serve as a barrier against stings and bites, preventing painful and potentially dangerous encounters.
Essential Protective Gear for Jet Skiing
  1. Wetsuits and Dry suits:
    • Wetsuits are made from neoprene and provide insulation by trapping a thin layer of water between the suit and your skin, which your body warms up. They are ideal for moderate water temperatures.
    • Dry suits offer a higher level of insulation and are designed to keep you completely dry, making them suitable for colder water conditions.
  2. Life Jackets (Personal Flotation Devices):
    • A life jacket is non-negotiable when jet skiing. It not only keeps you afloat if you fall off but also adds a layer of protection against impacts. And here in Florida it's required by law for all drivers and riders.
  3. UV-Protective Clothing:
    • Rash guards, long-sleeve shirts, and leggings made from UV-protective materials help shield your skin from the sun. Look for clothing with a high UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) rating.
  4. Gloves:
    • Jet ski gloves provide grip and protection for your hands, reducing the risk of blisters and injuries from prolonged handling of the handlebars.
  5. Footwear:
    • Water shoes or booties offer protection for your feet against sharp objects and provide better grip on wet surfaces.
ALOT of our customers are newbies and first timers. Most have no idea how hot it is on the water or how quickly they can get sunburnt, especially under an overcast sky. It's just good ethics to prepare them for it with solid info and suggestions that will make their day more enjoyable. For us we send out a "What to expect" email once a customer books with us. And it details what they should or shouldn't bring, as well as a weather forecast for the day of their rental if not too far out. Technically speaking it's also a great opportunity area for us to make some add-on sales.
submitted by Zealousideal_West_19 to JetSkiRentals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:07 No-Kaleidoscope-6885 Let's talk about Activision support and how terrible it really is

It blows my mind that a billion dollar corporation such as Activision does not have a good support system for people who have actually been hacked now I don't know if anyone knows this or not but there has been a huge security breach and people are being hacked left and right. My guess is these hackers are taking control of accounts and throwing them on the black market for people to buy so they can cheat on them and not have to worry about their own accounts. That's just my speculation I could be wrong
I got hacked on May 30th by a person connecting a battle net account and removing my email and unlinking my steam leaving me completely in the dark. Mind you I've had this account for 16 years so back in 2019 when they started doing Activision accounts in order to play the game. All I did was set up the account hopped on modern warfare 2019 and started playing I didn't set up a two-factor authenticator because well it was new and I didn't know how easy it was to get hacked through the Activision account back in 2019.
Now what really confuses me is when you switch emails on the Activision account you should get a confirmation code through your email. Cuz I tested this once I made a fresh account. well I never received this All I got was an email stating a battle account has been linked to my call of duty account and Bam my steam account was unlinked and my email was no longer linked to my Activision account. So I don't know if the hacker also had access to my actual email and my Activision account and just went through my email got the code deleted the email and emptied the trash and deleted all the evidence so that way I wouldn't see it. And was able to connect a new email to that Activision account.
Needless to say when I got hacked I was at loss for words and reading on Twitter seeing how many people were experiencing the same thing in the last two weeks made me feel hopeless I would ever even get my account back and even if I did my account would be permanently banned from someone hacking on it.
Well I got extremely lucky because what I did to get my account back was I filed a complaint through the better Business bureau. I read online that if you were to file a complaint in combination with filling out a ticket through Activision on the website that was your best odds of getting your account back quickly. Now this is important I heard that if you go through the recovery link on Activisions website this isn't enough and they are slammed with those. But if you go through a different route where you say you have trouble with a battle pass purchase they are more likely to get into contact with you quickly because well you know Activision and how greedy they are and want to make sure customers are happy with their purchases through their store bundles.
Once I did that there is a ticket below with a yellow symbol that you click and you can fill out a paragraph and I basically stated instead of me actually having an issue with the battle pass purchase I really just needed help getting my account back from a hacker that unlinked my email and my steam account. In return after following a complaint Activision was very quick to help me out.
Needless to say I got my account back now my only issue is I'm having to fill out another thing through Activision's website because I connected my steam account that was unlinked on my old account and linked it to a new account so that way I could play call of duty and wait for the process of getting my account back. Well here's the thing you can only unlink and then link a steam account once every 12 months. So yes I got my account back but now I have to wait for a response from Activision to unlink my steam and link it back to the account that I got back from the hacker.
Activision really needs to bring back a live chat and they really need to bring back a phone number that you can call to talk to a live agent. I don't know why they got rid of this. It's insane that a billion dollar corporation does not have a good support system for hacked accounts.
I'll end on this I have seen countless people on Twitter saying they are now permanently banned and Activision doesn't care who got banned on it if it was the hacker or if it was you that account is gone.. there is basically no chance of you getting that account back. me on the other hand I'm very very lucky that nobody played on that account after they hacked it. If I wasn't able to get my account back so quickly I'm sure the account would have been sold off to a hacker and the account would have been banned and I would have been shit out of luck Best of luck to anyone who has been dealing with this. If You're confused on the process reach out to me with any questions
submitted by No-Kaleidoscope-6885 to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:58 MayorOfAlmonds Our mortgage payment for June 2024 just doubled (Advice needed)

We have a 30 year fixed interest mortgage through a credit union, and June 2024 is the start of year 3 on the mortgage. On our May 2024 statement from the credit union, our scheduled payment for June 2024 was supposed to be $2,164.17. We have auto pay set up so that the payments are just automatically taken out of our checking account each month. Our autopay is scheduled for June 3rd (tomorrow).
On June 1st (Saturday), the Credit Union added an additional 2,164.17 onto our June amount due, bringing the total payment for June to 4,328.34 (double what our May statement said it would be). A note on our mortgage amount due on the credit union app says "HQ created entry for PastDueAmt of 2,167.17". I didn't see this until today (Sunday) and they're closed.
We have never missed any payments, so I'm assuming it's due to an increase in property taxes or insurance, but last year they told us far in advance and it wasn't a huge difference. The credit union isn't open today, but we will most likely get overdrafted tomorrow.
Is it common to add this to your monthly payment the day before it's due without communication? If so, does anyone have any recommendations for how I can better forecast the changes? I checked and confirmed we never received any letters or emails about it in advance of them just changing the amount due on June 1st.
I'm really hoping it's just an error but I have a feeling it's not. I'll try calling first thing tomorrow morning hopefully before the autopay goes through.
submitted by MayorOfAlmonds to Mortgages [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:57 tomgweekendfarmer About to fire employee for first time.

I'm a first level supervisor in an office setting. I supervise a team of 7 QA professionals for a software company. I'm about to fire one of them.
I hired this person in 2019. Within 8 months they had been 'promoted' from coding to qa. I though I had found I future rock star.
It all started in 2021. Thier eoy performance review i mentioned that they're missing some administrative deadlines and it's important to meet all deadlines. He'd developed a tendency of working on only things he found interesting.
This started to improve but as soon as I stopped leaning into it he works return to his normal. Their performance review in 2022 wasn't much better. You're really good at the things you want to do, but you really need to be better at not letting things go late.
2023 rolls around in 6 months had to do 1 on 1 meetings to address specific issues that were wholly unacceptable. The first he broke our company wfh benefit regs by attempting to wfh for 12 days in 1 month. His limit was 5. (My fault for not nipping it right there but I'm trying to empathize with the person).
Second, his 2023 performance review was overall negative. No raise and a few areas that required "immediate" improvement.
Well, that didn't stick. In match of this year he had a formal write up for straight up ignoring some work he pulled before leaving for a2 week vacation. Be broke about 4 company and department SOP policies.
Now, he set himself up to be given his final warning after I had a meeting with the staff from another dept ( our cafeteria). He'd been chronically showing up after they close and expecting to be served. Then, he would get snotty and dismissive toward them. The staff called him out 3 times before coming to me. This warning is for blatant disregard for company policies and being rude to fellow employees.
The kicker. The day we were going to administer the warning he calls in sick. Our dept policy is for associates to email our text their direct and next level manager when calling off. It's relatively new policy but it's something legal had us implement.
So, now the warning is likely being upgraded to a full on dismissal. My manager is done playing the little games where as he described he's breaking policy just enough to be annoying, but with the new allegation from our cafeteria staff I think it's over.
Yall have any advice for how to open the meeting. Thinking about just saying, "alright, effective immediately your employment has been terminated. Well escort you to your cube to collect your belongings." I don't see any benefit in saying anything else.
submitted by tomgweekendfarmer to managers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:39 powerpopdrummer Don't Know Where to Start

I have questions on an issue with UPS. I don't what to break any rules of this sub so I'm not sure where to begin. Bottom line, a personal item of mine...highly collectible and not replaceable...was lost by UPS. I'm not believing the results of their "investigation". The wording seems very scripted, like a template. I honestly believe my item is in a UPS warehouse somewhere with a missing or damaged label. But I can't get anyone at UPS to help me. Any calls I make go to a call center, seemingly not in the United States where I live, and where my item was being shipped.
Again, this is my personal property. The item in question is a very rare musical instrument (a drum to be specific), that I shipped as part of an entire drum set from my home in Florida to North Carolina, for a Scotland based band to use on their North American tour. Their tour ended in Los Angeles. All of the drums were shipped in professional Humes and Berg road cases. The cases have straps with latches to keep the lid secured to the case. In an abundance of caution, the latches were secured with tie wraps. The tie wraps would need to be cut in order to release the latches. I purchased all the return labels for the 5 cases and sent them to the venue manager in Los Angeles, where he attached the labels to the cases. I paid for UPS pickup of the packages (cases) from the venue. Four of the five cases arrived safely to Florida. Unfortunately the case with my floor tom in it did not.
The first thing I need help with is determining whether I am the sender or the receiver of the missing package/case. Reading through this sub, it appears UPS' contract is with the sender. What criteria determines who the sender is? The person who paid for the labels? Or, the person at the point of origin for the shipping? In this case, the venue manager. I should note, I received two confirmations from UPS when I arranged for was confirmation that I arranged and paid for the pick up of 5 packages. The other was confirmation that 5 packages were picked up. However, one of the packages was never trackable. When I tracked it, I kept getting a notification that the item was ready for shipment but UPS hadn't received it yet. However I got the notification from UPS that 5 packages were picked up? I also confirmed with the venue manager that all the packages were picked up.
So I started a lost package claim. I had to do this over the phone, because the online form doesn't work if the tracking does not show the item in UPS custody. All I have is the confirmation from UPS that 5 packages were picked up. Well, the day after I reported the lost package I checked the tracking number, and received the following heartbreaking notice: All merchandise is missing and the empty carton was discarded. UPS will notify the sender. I literally almost passed out when I read this. Then I read the words closely. "All merchandise is missing" can that be? It was secured inside a road case? "The empty carton was discarded" wasn't in a carton, it was in road case. The only way for that case to be empty is if someone cut the zip ties and removed the drum from the case. This isn't a poorly packed cardboard box...or "carton". There is one additional note that reads: UPS will notify the shipper about the damage. So if I am to believe what I am reading, they are saying the professional drum case was damaged? Where is the burden of proof on this? The way these cases are made, I can not believe this unless I am shown photos. Also, "UPS will notify the shipper". Who is the shipper? I have not heard anything from UPS on this. All of this information is coming from what I see when I check the tracking number.
There is one more piece of information that just doesn't add up. I mentioned this package never showed that it was in UPS custody. There was never a delivery date or scan made. Yet, the results of the in investigation show the "damaged carton" was in Greensboro, North Carolina. How could the case get from Los Angeles to Greensboro, N.C. without showing up in tracking? It just doesn't make any sense. None of this makes any sense. I am despondent and powerless here. I honestly believe the case is sitting in the Customer Service Center in Los Angeles and no one at UPS is trying to even find it. I believe they are just giving me a formulaic answer to close this case and not compensate me for the loss. This is not some piece of merchandise I purchased online. This is my personal property that can not be replaced. They stopped making these drums in the mid 1970s. It is vintage and collectible.
Can anyone here help me? These drums were picked up from Teragram Ballroom in Los Angeles, zip code 90017-2362. Seeing as the Teragram Ballroom is only a half mile from the UPS Customer Center at 950 Blaine St, Los Angeles, CA 90015, I'm guessing that's were they were taken after being picked up. Does anyone know how to reach a caring human at this location? I am absolutely desperate here.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for caring.
submitted by powerpopdrummer to UPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:09 ericscottf Need help - how do I change accounting platforms and preserve data?

Hi all,
I hope this is the right place to get help.

In early 2013, I started my small business, and we used a company called workingpoint for our accounting software. The landscape was a bit different back then, and it seemed like a good choice. Well, fast forward 10+ years, and the platform is in hospice. There have been so many outages and nobody there responds to emails, parts of the system are breaking, it really seems like it has weeks, maybe days left till it is totally down for good. I need to get off of it, but the thought of moving all our data is driving my anxiety up the wall. I've been meaning to get to a different platform for years, and just keep putting it off. Thanks to massive family issues (brain cancer for my wife, debilitating nerve pain due to a herniated disc for me), we extended our taxes this year, and i'm scared to death that the system will die before we get to file and we'll be nearly completely screwed.

We are a very small business, we need software that does inventory tracking, quotes, invoices, bills, purchase orders, packing slip printing, etc. We don't have employees - just 2 partners in an LLC, so at least no payroll, etc. We have about 6000 invoices/quotes, 6000 bank entries, our general journal shows about 16,200 entries.
I'm looking at xero, zoho, freshbooks. sage. open to any other recommendations. I'd like to keep costs down to below 80/month.
The question is this - how do I get my data to the new platform? I can download all my invoices in CSV from the current platform. I can download all my banking transactions. I can download all my bills. All these files are separate and unrelated to each other. So a paid invoice has a bank transaction associated with it.... but not once I download the separate CSV files, then it's all unrelated. I can manually download my general journal, 1500 entries at a time... maybe this is the way?
The various platforms I'm looking at will let you bulk upload data, you download their CSV template, adjust your data to match and upload, but that doesn't allow for relating the various things to each other. How do i get that to work?
I did speak with a rep at zoho and basically told them we'd go to their platform if they would transfer our data for us 100%, but i think the language barrier kept the rep from really understanding what i was asking for - he told me they would do it, but i did not get a good feeling that we would get what we are really looking for. Also, he insisted that this would require the highest tier of membership, which is way more than we need, and it was unclear if we would have to keep that indefinitely or only short term.
I'm also open to find some expert to just pay to do this for us, but I don't know who to ask or where. I asked our accountant, who just does our taxes, but they're a very large firm, mostly uninterested in doing it for us, and will only take us to quickbooks, which I don't want to go to. they also wanted a lot of $$$ for it.
Lastly, if I can't find any good solution soon, my plan is to manually add every single entry for 2023 and 2024 by hand, at least so we can get our taxes set and go forward from there. I'd really like to have all of our history and data in the new platform, but maybe getting at least the bare minimum to survive will get my anxiety down. and at least we'll have the CSV versions of our data so we are safe as far as laws surrounding data retention for 7+ years.
Can anyone here advise on how to go about doing this, or where to find some expert to do it for us?
Thank you!
submitted by ericscottf to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:58 StuckAtTheComma The screw up doesn’t matter, the bounce back does

First off shit happens. It’s part of being a DJ, inevitably somehow in some way you will fuck up. It happens to everyone, if it’s happened to you before you know what I mean. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, congrats. However, eventually it will and that’s okay because even though we are superheroes behind the turntables, we’re still human and humans fuck up, but luckily it’s not (always) the fuck up that matters, but how you rebound. I’ll share a story from a recent wedding, where I had a fuck up but was able to recover from it.
We all know as DJs there’s one part of a wedding you do not fuck up, and that’s ceremony. Quick backstory, it’s rained every single weekend for the past month and a half here in my city and usually it clears up by ceremony time however, this day we had to go rain plan. I set up my usual ceremony rig evo 30M powered by a battery that plays Bluetooth off of my iPad. I use this for processional, introductions, and recessional as well as the audio for the officiant.
Everything was going according to plan, processional music was playing, guests were filing in and it was time to start the ceremony, the officiant makes his way to the altar to give his welcome and I switch from Spotify to the djay app (I usually use Spotify for processional and the Dj app for introductions and recessional because sometimes I need que points) and await his que to begin ceremony.
Officiant gives me a nod, and I hit play to start the intro music for the groomsmen… no sound comes out. I try hitting play again still no sound. I check all my volume levels no sound. I’m still connected to Bluetooth & I still get a signal from Spotify however I don’t wanna play any music other than my intro music because it’s time for ceremony. I try to stay in the moment mentally, realizing I have a connectivity issue with only a few seconds to fix it before the guest start to notice. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting, still no sound. I try again, still no sound. I wanted to avoid walking up to the speaker because it was situated not far from the wedding arch (thanks rain plan) However, after two minutes, I make the decision to walk up and now attention is fully on me as the guests have noticed the prolonged silence.
I tried recycling the speaker’s power twice, still no fucking sound. Now frustration and a bit of panic start to set in as the guests have all noticed me trying to fix a problem. Thankfully, the wedding planner took it in stride and had the groomsmen start walking down to the altar, even though there was silence. Seeing this happen did two things. First off, professionally, this is one of my worst moments and it mortified me, on the other hand it gave me a second to think. I took a deep breath and counted to 10 to refocus and think of a quick solution. Sometimes when you’re in the heat of the moment and a screw up happens staying mentally present is key to overcoming the situation.
I conceded that the Bluetooth was not gonna work, luckily (for me) we had to use the rain plan so the ceremony was on the dance floor next to my main setup. I quickly airdropped all of my ceremony files to my laptop, and loaded them in Serato and continued the ceremony (without any other hiccups thankfully). All in all it was the longest and most embarrassing 7 min of my DJ life. The planner and couple were curious, not furious about what happened, but were just happy I fixed it 😅. I knew I had to play my ass off at reception to try and erase everyone’s memory of what happened and I indeed gave them a show, which brings me to the point of this post.
Mishaps and fuck ups are bound to happen in life as a DJ, but it’s not what defines us. In times of adversity stay diligent and level headed to overcome your obstacle and once the moment passes, show everyone exactly why you got hired in the first place.
Today I opened an email from the groom and he had nothing but nice things to say, mentioning they, as well as their guests had an amazing time. He even gave me 2 new leads (2 of his groomsmen are currently shopping wedding DJs) so everything worked out well. However for me the best part of his email was his omission of my screw up. That moment had the potential to spoil their big day, but the bounce back overshadowed the fuck up.
Sorry for the long post… tl;dr - be cool and don’t panic, we all fuck up
submitted by StuckAtTheComma to DJs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:53 TheStoryBoy Wife has been using her Annual Girls Trip as an Annual Hall Pass. Part 1

My wiife (Gwen, 31F) and I (Robert, 33M) have been together for 11 years and married for 8. We have a set of 4 year old twins (M/F). Our relationship the last 3 years has been spectacular. We spend at least one night a week together on a date, sex is regular, we discuss everything, have long intimate conversations, and financially we are hitting full stride, both of us have growing careers. It wasn't always this good, but never has been bad either. We have grown up together. We had a lot of the typical couple issues early on and throughout our 20s. But each challenge just seemed to bring us closer in the end.
That's what makes what I found out 2 days ago so much more devastating. My wife has been cheating on me.
Every June, my wife and her best friend, Scarlett, take a girls trip. It's been a tradition they've done since they were 18. It's nothing crazy, they usually just pick a nearby touristy town and spend the weekend shopping, or laying by a pool, or doing spa treatments. Nothing too over the top. She has this year's trip already booked and it's in just a couple of weeks.
The other day, I was looking at our bank account app, and it wanted some mandatory info verification for privacy sake. I clicked the button and it went into 2 step authorization. Clicked okay and it said it had to send me a code via text, but it's my wife's phone tied to the account. I begrudgingly got up and went and found her phone. I would normally ask but she was napping and I didn't want to wake her. I picked the phone up and hit for the code to unlock since it obviously wasn't going to recognize my face. I know the pin it's the same thing she uses for everything.
Once unlocked she has Snapchat open, and there's a message from her bff in the chat. It says, "Are you really going to go through with it?" A sense of dread washed over me. I really had no reason to feel this way, but something about the question just felt so off. I thought hard about how my wife would respond, and typed back, "Why wouldn't I?" Scarlett responded, "I'm just saying, 2 guys at once is pretty intense."
My heart dropped, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Knowing I couldn't keep the charade up I stopped responding and began looking through the Snaps. There were 2 guys I vaguely recognized as being from my wife's past. Unfortunately, it's Snapchat, so when I clicked on them there was nothing there. I went into her phone deeper. Nothing in her texts or email. I look through a oddly named folder and in it is Whatsapp. Here are the messages I was looking for. Her messaging with her old HS boyfriend (Donald 31M), making plans for their upcoming "girls" trip. No smoking gun, no sexts or pics, but definitely flirty. Definitely making plans to meet at the hotel, and definitely planning on him bringing his college roommate, who was also my wife's 2nd boyfriend (Jon, 32M).
I couldn't believe she would do this. I was also wondering how long this has been going on. There are not a lot of messages, but I could tell that this won't be the first time Donald has joined her on the "girls trip." I knew since Scarlett would figure out that I sent that last response, I had to confront my wife when she awoke.
When she finally awoke, some gruelling 45 minutes later, she immediately picked up her phone. She didn't even notice me sitting in the chair in the corner of our room. After looking at her snaps, and sending a few back to Scarlett she finally put 2 and 2 together and realized I had been on her phone. She looked over and finally noticed my presence. Her first words, said in a very aggravated tone, were, "Did you go through my phone?"
Before I could even get a word out she starts laying into me about invasion of privacy. I became immediately engaged. How dare she blame me for anything. I tell her I know she is cheating, that she's talking to Donald and Jon, and that her and Scarletts trip is just a cover. At first she tries to deny everything. Tries to gaslight me. Telling me I'm reading too much into the messages, that she is just catching up with old friends and knew I would act like this, that's why she didn't tell me they were going to get lunch. It was all bullshit.
I got so mad this whole thing devolved into just screaming and yelling. I told her I wanted a divorce, and she said, "Really, you're going to throw away over 10 years over a couple of nothing texts." Implying I was the one throwing things away, made me see the darkest red, and I said what I knew would get under skin the far more than anything else, "I'm not the one throwing it away you stupid cunt."
Now I knew this would drive her crazy. She HATES that word. She even gets upset when TV characters say it. I've never seen her that mad but it worked. She totally flipped and screamed at me that she "Does this for us." I was mind blown by that statement, but she wasn't done. I'm paraphrasing from memory but basically she just raginly started spouting off everything:
"WHY DO YOU THINK OUR RELATIONSHIP GETS BETTER EVERY FUCKING YEAR, I DESERVE THIS. It's my free weekend, it lets me handle all the bullshit from the year, resets me. If you can't understand that that's your problem. So fucking what if I'm crossing some lines, are you not fucking happy. We have it great, and all it costs is me getting one weekend a year off. (At this point she softened a little but kept a stern tone). I get it, your pride is hurt, but it has nothing to do with you, this is for me. You can have a great life, I just need this once a year, and you need to make peace with that. We have a good thing going, don't fuck it up because you're mad now."
I couldn't believe what I heard. I felt literally woozy in that moment. My chest tightened. This woman was out of her mind. I didn't say a word. I left the room, went to my car and headed for my brother's house. When I arrived I just texted my wife "I'm at Mickey's, please dont message me, I need time."
I've been hanging out here for 2 days just under the guise of generic marital problems. She has texted me each morning asking me to come home and talk. I responded both times "not yet." I don't know what to do, I've never been hurt so badly, or so callously. I love her, but this is too much, I plan to go back home tomorrow and try and sort this out. I don't see how we ever come back from this.
submitted by TheStoryBoy to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:24 Grouchy-Extent9002 MIL rant

I’m sure there a lot of people who think they have the worst MIL, and I’m one of them ! This is a (long) rant and also I’m looking for some insight and advice bc I truly have no idea how to interact with this women.
Just a quick run down : I have been told she is bi-polar and unmedicated. Only 2/5 of her children talk to her. She has no relationship with her other grandchildren or great grandchildren. Twice divorced, 4 different baby daddy’s, home wrecker- her last husband was very successful and when they divorced she went for all he has and now he owes her I believe 300k a year … and She is notorious for making a scene.
When I started dating my now husband he always told me his mom and how she’s bi-polar and nasty and unpredictable and will probably end up hating me at one point bc she hates her sons partners. So I immediately was skeptical of her and wanted to spend as little time with her as possible. The first few times I met her it was brief and went fine. There were a few weird times like we were at her house once when I was pregnant and I was napping in the guest room and she came in and accused me of going through her closet. Or she fed our dog people food and then told me to clean the floor bc he was so messy. Or when one of her sons was accused of SAing his own daughter she called her own granddaughter a whore.
When I got pregnant My husband had said he never wanted her to spend a lot of time with our son so she doesn’t ‘sink her claws into him’ and just being generally unpredictable. She was surprisingly really excited for our son and it made my husband feel like she has changed, he thought after all the shit she has done and in her old age she has changed and convinced me she has as well. He said she doesn’t have much time left and I should give her a chance. I was open to the idea, especially bc my family isn’t much involved and if she wanted to love our baby then I would let her.
I’ll start with the build up of events. When our son was born they thought we would have complications so I gave birth at the children’s hospital and he was in the NICU for 4 days. We had our dog with us and my dad was watching him but had to go back to work and we didn’t know how long we would be in the hospital so we asked my MIL and she said no bc he has too much fur so our dog slept in our car for 4 days. Then we got home with the baby we would FaceTime her. She told us, via FaceTime, our home was too cold. It was not, it was well over 70 and we had a fireplace that was always going. It was December in the mountains and I hate being cold, the house was not cold. My MIL emailed her ex husband (who really hates hearing from her) telling him our house was too cold and he needed to call us and make sure the heat is on. So he calls us explaining she emailed him and we need to turn the heat on. The heat was never not on, I can literally pull up on excel our heat use. Anyways. My MIL wanted to see our son but we lived in the mountains and it’s hard to travel in the winter so we met her somewhere kind of in between. She got us rooms at a really cool hotel and there was hot springs and I was 6 weeks PP and excited to soak. So we go down, we get our rooms and ours is bigger than hers bc there is 3 of us including a baby. She immediately wanted our room and we couldn’t really argue bc she paid but I mean with a newborn we could have really used the extra space. Things were going okay. She was really excited but something I found really off putting is she was walking around the hotel saying it was her baby then introducing my husband as her son and when you totally ignore me. She kept saying “my baby” “my baby doesn’t cry when he’s with me” “everyone loves my baby” I told my husband its weird and he ignored me. She continued to blatantly ignore me or talk over me. I felt frustrated and again told my husband who said I was being a selfish only child. So my husband and I go to soak in the hot spring that was 2 minutes away from the hotel. Our son is asleep, has plenty of milk (my supply was strong then) and everything he could need. We really enjoyed ourselves and it felt so good on my body to soak in the hot spring. We went back to the hotel and knocked on her door. She open the door with our son in her arms and backed into the corner. She started pointing at me saying I’m a drug addict and she is taking out son and we will never see him again. I am absolutely shocked and sit down bc I can not register what is happening. My husband goes to grab our son and she steps back and he now has to tower over her demanding our son and takes him out of her arms and hands him to me. Unfortunately my reaction in this was freeze, I stood there in shock and she ripped my engagement ring off my finger that she gifted me as an heirloom and we left. We cut off contact and my husband said he has seen her do some fucked up things but that was insane. I was 6 weeks PP with a newborn, a first time mom, I felt traumatized. My milk supply dropped after that and we kind of struggled emotionally with what just happened. A month and a half later our dog who was only 2.5 was struck by a car in front of us bc a tourist was driving too fast. Another traumatizing event and my milk supply then dried up and I was really sad about it bc I loved nursing. I was then 3.5 months PP and all of this has happened. We ended up leaving our home after all that in search of a new chapter.
By Mother’s Day my MIL had reached out to my husband apologizing which I guess was a big deal bc she has never apologized to anyone before. To me, it was literally the least she could do and I’m not celebrating her for having a human emotion. She then offered to buy us a house. Okay I know what you’re thinking - what ?! She offered my husbands inheritance early if we wanted to use the money to buy a house. It was a pretty appealing offer given we were looking for a home in the worst housing market ever. But obviously I’m so skeptical and do not think it’s a good idea to accept this from her. My husband says she’s old (79) and probably dying soon so we should just accept the offer. But then we would have to open up to her seeing our son again. I hope it’s understandable how uncomfortable this all makes me feel. We talked to a friend who is a real estate agent explaining our circumstances and honestly we asked if she bought the house outright and her name is not on the title or deed or anything except the fucking wire transfer she would never be able to take it from us. So we took the offer from her and bought a house and it was really easy bc we bought the house outright.
I definitely knew the repercussions of this and it got weird fast. She started just showing up at our house unannounced, then would be offended we weren’t ready for her or hosting to get standard. It would be like 10am, still in pj’s about to eat breakfast and she would show up and criticize how we looked and call us assholes. Always telling me what my baby likes and doesn’t like, giving age inappropriate gifts like lollipops and toys for 5 year olds. Every time she leaves she makes a comment about taking out baby. Expects us to host and cook for her but she never eats. She bought a house down the street but didn’t tell us till after the fact- then later pulled out and lost all that money.
Anyways, so my husband invited her for thanksgiving and he told her it will be lowkey, we aren’t doing a big meal just an easy lunch and relaxing. We have asked her to please let us know when she’s leaving so we can expect her, she lives about an hour away. Well she didn’t, she showed up around 9:45am- my husband was out running errands and I had just put the baby down for a nap. I was not dressed, hadn’t eaten yet and still had to tidy up- all things I usually do when it’s nap time ! So I answer the door already annoyed and she is dressed up and said “what you weren’t expecting me?” Yes I was, but I thought I’d have a heads up ! Then she asked where the baby was and I said he’s napping and she said why is he napping when you knew I was coming !! 1. Morning naps are crucial 2. I didn’t know when she was coming but that doesn’t matter bc baby’s nap schedule is #1. She came in and i said I’m going to get dressed real quick, baby is asleep in his room please do not wake him up. So I got dressed maybe took me 2 mins and I opened my bedroom door which is across from the nursery and I saw my MIL in my babies room playing with him, she smiled and giggled at me and left his room. My baby is now obviously up and I’m so fkn annoyed. So I brought the baby out to the living room to her and continued to brush my teeth, do some dishes and eat breakfast. Now I admit at this point I was so annoyed and didn’t know what to do bc if I expressed that I knew she would lose it and if I didn’t say anything so would lose it. So I chose not to say anything and continue on with my morning as I do when the baby sleeps bc that’s my time to get ready and clean. Finally my husband came back and as soon as he walked in my MIL lost it saying I’m so rude and nasty that I haven’t spoke to her for an hour (she had been there for 15 mins) and she’s concerned about our baby who is so out of it and not smiling (he was woken up from a nap he needed). She denied waking him up then got mad at my husband for not defending her waking him up. I said he’s teething we were up all night and she said I always have excuses. She then left and as she was pulling out of our driveway said to me, “now I know why your mom doesn’t love you”. I have a difficult relationship with my mom, that one cut deep. So she left, from her arriving to leaving was maybe 30 minutes. Then my husband was furious with me, that I should have just played the game bc it’s so much easier than actually dealing with her. She proceeded to text my husband saying I’m a horrible parent, my baby is only happy around my husband and we set her up.
The most common advice I get is suck it up she bought us a house. Of course I’m grateful but I can not act normal around her and I hate when she’s around my baby. I don’t know what to do, I’ve considered this being a deal breaker and leaving my husband. I have tried to play along but I simply can not and it makes me uncomfortable and I’m worried about the safety of my baby.
Edit : thank you for reading through and giving me insight, I really appreciate it.
submitted by Grouchy-Extent9002 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:21 polyphonic_peanut It All Starts in Childhood

I am trying to get to the feelings and experience of myself as a child.
It's actually quite sad how the template for how i've lived as an adult was set so far back, and how I keep re-running the same cycles.
I hope that in finding that childhood in my memory, I can give myself true compassion as an adult, and so dissolve the patterns that are still holding me down.
I am looking back ...
That little boy feels like he has to carry the can for others. He takes on their burdens. He feels responsible for their health and safety.
There is constant tension. There are frequent moments of chaos and overwhelm.
He has to be on alert for signs of danger, and to run to stop it. His ears are pricked. He is in one room but listening to the sounds of people elsewhere. He is testing the air for a forthcoming catastrophe. He is ready to run to stop it or to help with the fallout.
He has to give in with others' demands and wishes. He has to appear like everything is fine. He has to falsify his outward expression to people closest to him. Constantly.
Why? Because his care-givers scare him, reject him, shame him, gaslight him, ridicule him, ignore him, belittle him when he expresses his wishes, preferences, his inner experience, his needs.
He is highly distressed but he has no one to turn to.
His feelings and authentic expression are suppressed. The feelings build and build. Occasionally they rise to the surface in huge outbursts of anger, causing harm to people around him.
He is disgusted by his parents, frustrated in their inability to change, to listen to him. He tries to stop their self-harming behaviour. He tries to get them to improve like he is doing. He is irrate with their lacking. He shows his aversion. His mother calls him a control freak. Just like his father. He feels this is true.
He feels sorrow, shame and guilt for his behaviour. He tries to make amends. He arrives with his olive branch. It is not accepted wit the same grace. Sometimes his attempt to make amends are flatly rejected or make no impression on his parents. He feels his mother is scared of him, walking on eggshells like she did with his Dad.
He learns further to suppress his feelings. They build and build again, but this time there is nowhere for them to dissipate. He is locked into a state of anger and stress that he finds hard to release. His heart pounds in his chest. He is pale with stress. He is scared of what this is doing to his health. His mother dismisses his health fears, and he turns to medical encyclopedias to find answers. Alas, there he finds more things that could be wrong with him.
He becomes fearful of so many things besides his health. He is highly phobic. Anxious. Panicking. He finds little to no comfort in telling his care-givers. They are distant, bewildered, annoyed. His fears are dismissed. His parents look scared of him.
With his peers, he feels this sense of being an outsider, different, strange. He is teased and bullied. He finds comfort and pride in being the care-taker of others. He stands up for those less fortunate.
As he grows older, he spends lunch times and breaks alone in the music room.
Feeling hopeless about getting support from others, he escapes into himself.
He finds both a thrill and a soothing quality in his reflection. On his own. Safe. In the hallway or bathroom mirror. He admires himself - his appearance, his abilities, his capacities - and it feels so good. He remembers the compliments of others. He imagine he can get better and better over time. Better than others. He plans to work on himself further.
He learns to become self-reliant for his emotional and psychological wellbeing.
With no ability to influence change in others, he finds comfort - and escapism - in changing himself. He reads academic psychology and self-help books to find answers. He goes for long walks in order to think through his own puzzles. There is comfort and safety being in his own thoughts like this. Away from people.
He enjoys the feeling of improvement, in his body and mind. He works more and more to figure things out and resolve his own issues. There is even a thrill of that eureka moment when he lands on a solution. When he takes his inner achievements to his care-givers or peers, they show no interest, they belittle him, or appear confused. Or scared again.
He loves music and is seen to be good at it after he takes lessons. He enjoys it when is able to show off on stage and receives applause. He stands out from others. It gives him a feeling of warmth. A glow. But he is envious when others receive that applause instead of him. He begins to compare himself with others. He secretly judges their efforts harshly, noticing their faults and feeling happy or relief when they appear. On the surface, he remains very friendly to them.
He uses his imagination to feel good about himself.
He imagines a future where he will be successful. It feels safe in that future. It feels easy. It feels free. He dives into those utopian visions, where he is one of the elite. Respected. Given opportunities to flourish, to demonstrate his abilities. Where he is truly appreciated. Listened to. Seen.
submitted by polyphonic_peanut to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:49 seocoin Sending emails triggered from ClickUp

I’m stuck and would really appreciate any input or advice any fellow ClickUp users are implementing. For background, we’re a digital marketing agency with 24 users attached to our account. Our onboarding template which not only creates the space but lays out the first twelve months for the new client. It’s damn sexy, if I do say so myself, although my wife says sexy and automation don’t translate to her.
My question is about how you’re automating emails to be sent out? For example, on certain days a task should show up for the account manager. Ideally, they’d enter a tag or trigger an action that would request an email be sent to the contact/client. ClickUp doesn’t support outbound emails, so we looked into GoHighLevel, but we can’t cc people, or even have the account manager notified if the email was sent. We’re using zapier and on the fence about
What am I missing? Any thought? Thanks in advance
submitted by seocoin to clickup [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:47 Junior-Parsnip-1155 A blessing that hurts

My ex and I recently broke up after being together for a little over 4 years. We get together right before the pandemic and it was the first real committed relationship for us both. And I quickly became so in love with her. She had a beautiful smile and gorgeous brown eyes. And she seemed nice and genuine. As I got to know her better over the course of our relationship I loved her more deeply than ever. But our relationship had many challenges. I learned early on that she had childhood trauma stemming from abandonment issues (her father left during a traumatic time in her childhood). And before we dated she had experienced a sexual assault that she was just beginning to recognize that happened. So, for much of the beginning of our relationship I had to work through overcoming her trust issues. Which wasn’t easy, especially as she appears to be a fearful avoidant. And for the last couple years of our relationship we stopped having sex. At the time I thought it was solely because of her sexual trauma but looking back I realize that it was a multitude of things surrounding difficulties with intimacy. Even with all the trust issues and intimacy issues I still stayed because I believed in her and I believed in our relationship SO very much. And I just loved her more than I ever thought that I could love someone.
Now, after our first year together we decided to do couples therapy. She had started seeing an individual therapist and so had I. I believe she suggested couples therapy. So we did it for 2 years. Our therapist was wonderful and really helped us out during some difficult times. We learned ways to better communicate with each other. We decided that we were good to start handling things on our own in early 2023 so we stopped couples therapy. We had just officially moved in together (although we had been living together since late 2020). And we felt that we could tackle our problems together and move forward with creating our life together. But sexual intimacy was still a major problem. Even with therapy we couldn’t talk about it, much less try anything. I was the one who kept bringing it up mostly because of my anxious attachment style in response to her avoidant attachment style. It wasn’t that I was trying to have sex like every day. I was open to whatever sex looked like for us and I just wanted to explore that with her. And honestly it wasn’t really just about the sex. I just wanted to feel desired and seen. I had even gotten a personal trainer and transformed my body to try to be sexier (to no avail).
Communication was never easy between us. I felt like I was walking on eggshells around her throughout most of our relationship. Early on she would shut down and so there was a lot of stonewalling. She had difficulties validating or even acknowledging some of my deeper emotions. I could bare my soul to her about something I was feeling in our relationship and she’d just stare at me and maybe say “okay”…and then that was it. She got better near the end of our relationship on certain topics but it was still there.
I think things started taking a wrong turn last year. I was still frustrated about our lack of sexual intimacy and the fact that it was always a problem whenever I tried to bring up the issue. So I told her that if we continue to struggle in this area that maybe we should consider going on a break to figure things out. I think I was at a point where I was really struggling with getting my needs (overall not just sexual) met, much less acknowledged, and in bringing up the break it was me trying to call attention to me not feeling good in our relationship. It completely backfired and triggered her abandonment issues. I never had the opportunity to delve deeper into what the break could be because she shut down. And just knowing who she is, I can’t blame her for shutting down. As a result of that conversation she decided to start seeing a sex therapist. I don’t know how much it helped her because after like 3-4 months she paused those sessions indefinitely. She had started a new job where she had pivoted to a new career (which I helped and supported her in this transition). We ended up doing a few sessions with our couples therapist again and our therapist brought up EMDR as a potential way for my ex to process her sexual trauma. My ex did try to do it and had set up sessions for April of this year. But she also changed jobs again this year (bigger pay check and a better company). And I think sometime within the last 6 months of our relationship she decided that she didn’t want it anymore. She had started getting into fitness and transformed her body. She got her dream job. And it feels like our relationship was just the ugly stain on a brand new picture.
We broke up because I wanted to go back to therapy. At some point her libido increased (I guess) but she stopped being sexually attracted to me. I was venting to a friend of mine and she mentioned that maybe my ex had lost attraction for me. I of course had to find the right time and question for my ex to confirm and she did (which also hurt). I brought up returning to therapy to try and figure it out again because I also realized that had a crush on one of the fitness instructors she saw weekly at her new gym (she was taking a class he taught). She doesn’t know this but I had a deep crush on one of my coworkers like a year ago. We worked on different teams and rarely saw each other. And I knew that I had “feelings” for her because I was projecting the qualities that my ex didn’t have onto her. So I knew that crushes can be a sign that something needs fixing in your relationship.
Anyway, as soon as our couples therapist emailed us back with her availability my ex panicked and “broke up” with me that same day. I was completely blindsided. And she was still unsure because she walked it back and said maybe we could try a break. We then met with our couples therapist where we did break up officially break up because my ex wanted to find her own happiness and date other ppl to see if she could be happier outside of our relationship but also potentially find a relationship that’s “easier”.
That hurt me so deeply. I felt discarded and abandoned. And as we separated our household (she moved out) I found out that she was posting erotic stories on another chat on this platform and had a NSFW profile pic with her bio saying her DMs were open for fun exchanges. And I know she’s following her gym crush on IG. It’s like damn now I know the reason why we really broke up.
I am in a better place though. Not being with her and living on my own again has felt like a weight lifted off of me. But my heart still hurts bad. I loved her so much and I would have done anything for her. I just wish that she had appreciated me more in our relationship. And expressed how much she loved me because I don’t feel like she ever truly did. I wish her the best though. And I know I’ll be fine and find a partner that will love and appreciate me the way I deserve.
submitted by Junior-Parsnip-1155 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:44 JBStroodle Some kind of password has been added to my Yubikey and I don't know how. I don't believe I added it, but how can I remove it.

Prolog: I purchased two YubiKey USB/NFC 5's a couple of years ago because I felt I needed some extra security on my email accounts. One YubiKey sat permanently plugged into my PC and the other on my desk. They work on the exact same set of of accounts because the 2nd one is merely a backup if the first one goes Kaput. I think I've only used them for 3 or 4 email accounts and that's it. However, recently I was forced to add a 2nd factor to my GitHub account so I figured I would use my YubiKeys, but when I went to register them it was asking me to set up a password for them. This is a non starter for me, at this point I'm sick of being harassed when trying to login to things. I'm paying for a password manager, I paid for these overpriced tech trash dongles, and I'm not ALSO going to be typing in pins and passwords to get into a site. It's out of control at this point. So I begin looking for a solution for this because I didn't have to add any pins or passwords to use my YubiKeys for my email so I shouldn't need it for GitHub either. I downloaded and installed the YubiKey manager application. After a bunch of googling I concluded that it was the FIDO2 interface that was causing this password requirement. Maybe GitHub defaulted to this protocol, so I disabled this interface, and viola I was able add 2 passkeys to my GitHub account without requiring a pin or password.
So fast forward a few days, and I was curious about the TOTP integration that YubiKey had. I downloaded the iOS authenticator app. However, when I scanned one of my keys, I got an error about requiring a password followed by a password prompt. This only happened with the YubiKey that I kept plugged into my computer. I've spent some amount of time using the CLI tool ykman.exe and rummaging through forums to figure out what the hell happened. I've discovered that they are 2 or 3 password/pins that can be set for various things but its just not documented very well and I don't know specifically what password this particular error message is about. I really can't see how I accidentally set a password for this thing, but I suppose its not impossible. What password is this error message crying about, and is there a way to remove this password without nuking my passkeys? To my knowledge my passkeys are non-residential and are regenerated at runtime off of a hardcoded master key burned into the device. If there isn't a way to get by this problem. how do you reset the YubiKey?
submitted by JBStroodle to yubikey [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:08 marblehead-photos 3 Wordpress sites on same server using same theme but one is 6x slower than others (ping/keyword search)

I would really appreciate some suggestions on how to troubleshoot this site speed discrepancy...
I have 3 different Wordpress sites - one for work; two for photography. All use the Avada theme. All hosted on MDDhosting with their Plaid Elastic 4 plan (shared with 4 core CPU, 4gb memory, 2 TB bandwidth, 25gb NVMe disk space). The oldest and largest site has been in existence since 2010. The others came on within a few years of that. I've always known that the biggest site (W) was slower than the other photography site (O) and the work one (A) based on GTmetrix, etc.
I recently had home internet issues and found a program called Uptime Kuma to monitor my network from my Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi. As part of that, i connected to each website via ping and keyword searches. The big site (W) pings at 1884ms with keyword searches (make sure text on page even if site/server down but pingable) are the same 1877ms. Both O and A ping at 377 to 459 ms.
W uses 8gb of server disk space due to years of uploading photos in various resolutions and switching how I sell images with plugins likely jamming up the space.
A uses 3.3gb but most of that is email use; O uses 1.7gb
I tried to disable all plugins on W and got as low as 700ms at one point with that move.
Also tried to match all settings in Avada Options between O and W but that made no difference.
I have since moved the bulk of my forward facing site to PhotoDeck which is very fast and have a redirect on W to move to the PhotoDeck homepage. I still maintain W for Wordpress use for individual products as well as my old blog posts.
Again, if anyone has suggestions on how to find the culprit for the slow ping, I would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by marblehead-photos to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:08 FancyInvestment397 ICECasino Review (Canada)

ICECasino Review (Canada)
ICECasino was launched in 2021 and is already a hit amongst players in Canada. The wide choice of games and the staggering welcome bonus of C$1500 and 270 Free Spins are some of the reasons why.


ICECasino was founded in 2021 and is highly regulated. The platform offers over 2000 games from all popular slots to live casino games. The casino excels when it comes to the high level of bonuses and promos it offers to its new customers and its already existing clients.

ICECasino Review

How we tested ICECasino

We at Canada Casino have expert casino players and tech gurus who scrutinize every casino we review. All of the online casinos we feature audit-specific factors that are important for players when choosing a new online casino – from anything to safety, best offers and ease of use.

ICECasino licensing, safety and trustworthiness

Founded in 2021, ICECasino is pretty one of the newest online casino platforms. Since it operates in Canada as well, it has to follow the mandatory licensing requirements from the highest gaming authorities that are recognized by their efficiency worldwide.
ICE Casino has been indeed licensed by acclaimed Curacao Gaming Authority under the registered company Brivio Ltd. Being licensed means that the authority in check makes sure that ICECasino has regular audits. Audit companies such as eCOGRA are some of the most trusted companies that perform such tests, and the latter secure that none of the games within the online casino are rigged, and that finally, you can set your mind at ease that you’re betting safe.
Your data is also safe – thanks to a high-end SSL encryption that data protects all the players’ personal information.

What makes ICECasino safe?

ICECasino is safe because it follows all the necessary regulations that are needed for any online casino to operate in Canada. In that regard, ICE also features an especially dedicated page for Privacy Policy in the foot menu.
Like any other top casino in Canada, ICE operates through an RNG system that ensures that winnings are random and not rigged. RNG stands for Random Number Generator and operates with the same logic as a normal dice – meaning that when dice are rolled, the outcome of the result is random and this is what makes the game fair.

Safety is a top priority for ICECasino

ICECasino’s license is top-acclaimed. All the encryptions are in place, and all the necessary audits are there to ensure the fairness of games. ICECasino got you all covered for safety

Similar Online Casinos Canada

  1. Just Casino - Best game variety
  2. Lucky Dreams - 4,000 €/$ + 300 Free Spins
  3. Golden Star - Best for new games
  4. Boomerang - Best for customer service
  5. Jeet City - 100% Bonus up to C$300

Welcome offers and Promos – Claim your Bonus at ICECasino

The best online casinos invest in their players – having solid ongoing promotions, as well as attractive welcoming packages, are elemental into what makes players in Canada choose one online casino service over another.
What about ICECasino? We definitely can’t complain – pretty far from it.

One of the highest Welcome Bonus we have came across – C$1500

Well – we have reviewed hundreds of casinos with good welcome bonuses – but to such an extent as ICECasino, it’s rare.
The casino welcomes its new players with a staggering welcome bonus that can go up to C$1500. The welcome package also includes Free Spins – not just any normal amount, but 270 Free Spins in total.

The wagering requirement for the welcome package is x40 – which is neither too high, nor too low. The minimum bet required to activate the welcome bonus won’t cost you much – it’s as low as C$10.

ICECasino Free Spins Offer

As already mentioned above, part of the welcome package includes 270 Free Spins. That is a huge number of Free Spins – also definitely one of the highest we have come across.
The wagering requirement for the 270 Free Spins is also that of x40.
The welcome package for both welcome bonus and free spins however can only be claimed within 5 days from the day of registration – this is low compared to other casinos who generally have a 15 to 30 days time window for players to claim their bonus

Cashback Bonus upto C$2000 at ICECasino

If the welcome package wasn’t good enough, the cashback bonus is even better. What we mean in casino terms by ‘cashback bonus’ is the return of lost funds by the players’ activity within the week. This type of bonus is calculated by a very specific type of bonus wagering calculator.
To see if you have any cashback, go on the ICECasino website and click on ‘Available Funds’. The cashback bonus claims you back up to a total of C$2000.
The wagering requirement for Cashback is as low as x5.

Promotions and Tournaments

ICE online casino also features a monthly Drop and Win featured by provider Pragmatic Play – the campaign features C$500,000 in cash prizes per week.

Staggering bonuses and offers at ICECasino

We think that the bonus, promos and offers are some of the best in Canada when it comes to ICECasino. The wagering requirements for each bonus are also very decent. We would suggest however for the casino to extend the days when the casino bonus can be claimed as 5 days can be too low.
Though the casino features no VIP Program, ICE is loyal to its customers with its numerous promos and campaigns featured on a monthly bases.

How to Register a new account with ICECasino

Registering an account with ICECasino is a walk on the park – or more like a jump – as it takes less than a minute to sign up.
You only have to put in your email address and password. Even faster? You can sign-up in just one click through your Twitter, Facebook or Google account.

Registering an account at ICECasino is one-click away

Rather than just having the usual email and password sign-up process, it’s also very convenient to have popular social media sign-in options that happen in just one click.

ICECasino Payment methods

Payment methods are also crucial when doing a casino review for Canada. All top casinos are considerate towards a good range of payment options that cater to all players’ needs.
This is was ICECasino features for its payment options:

Good payment methods. Can include crypto

Overall the payment methods fit the needs of casino players in Canada.
With such an interactive platform offering high-end services, ICECasino can benefit by including cryptocurrency as a payment option.

Games you can play at ICECasino

This casino never ceases to amaze as the platform features over 2000 games – including slot games, table games such as Roulette and Blackjack, Live Casino and Game Shows.

Recommended slots you can play at ICECasino

ICECasino offers games powered by a total of 25 top game providers – including big names such as NetEnt, Microgaming, Quickspin and Pragmatic Play.
There are thousands of slot games to choose from – featuring some of the best slot titles including Jungle Gorilla, Starburst and Book of Kingdoms.

Exquisite live dealer table available

Table games remind us of land casinos and the classic table games we see so much in movies. These were revived in the online world through the Live Casino experiences.
ICE features all the favourite table games including Blackjack, Baccarat and Craps. All-time favourites include Live Baccarat, European Blackjack, Mini-Baccarat, French Roulette and American Roulette. Most live casino games are powered by top providers Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play.

Game Shows you can play here

For now, ICECasino features no Game shows. Maybe something to be considered within the pipeline?

Game Providers

We’re mentioning some of the top providers for ICECasino:
  • Slots Providers – NetEnt, Yggdrasil, Red Tiger Gaming, QuickSpin, Betsoft, Thunderkick, Habanero, BoomingGames, Push Games, No Limit, Relax Gaming, Top Trend
  • Live casino Providers – Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play

Wide array of slots and Live Casino Options. No Game Shows.

The platform features one of the best slot choices in town – with more than 2000 slots from where to choose from. Live Casino is also given a top priority in ICECasino.
There is room for improvement when it comes to offering other table game choices such as Craps and also by including Game Shows within their portfolio.

Here’s How to withdraw your winning money from ICECasino

You have landed some winnings and you are ready to withdraw – the epic moment of the online casino gaming experience.
Withdrawing your money from ICECasino is fairly easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide that will walk you through.

Step by Step guide on how to withdraw from ICECasino

  1. Log in to your profile
  2. See that your KYS check has been processed sucesfully
  3. Go to Payments and choose Withdrawal method
  4. Choose your preferred Withdrawal method
  5. Insert the amount you wish to withdraw and press confirm
  6. A window pops up to advise that transaction has been succesfully processed
A step-by-step guide on how to withdraw from the casino you are reviewing.

Other important informations to know when withdrawing.

Minimum withdrawal is more than fair where players in Canada can withdraw from a minimum of C$20. The maximum withdrawal can go up to C$30,000.
In-depth details of withdrawal amounts and procedures can be found on the website’s Terms and Conditions page – found in the website’s footer menu.

Withdrawal process at ICECasino is simple enough

The withdrawal process is easy with no hidden surprises.

Customer Support

Customer Support is part of the deal when you sign up for a new casino. These are all the contact possibilities offered by ICECasino

Customer care offers the most popular contact options – 24.7 chat and email – so that’s good.
The languages featured on the website do also offer a good range – featuring English, German, French, Finnish, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Hungarian.
The page however lacks a proper FAQ page – this can facilitate queries by players through a few clicks and searches.

Ok but there’s room for improvement

ICECasino offers all the basics for contact support – the 24/7 chat and email. The wide choice of languages featured is also a plus. However, there’s room for improvement through the possible inclusion of a detailed FAQ section within their website.

Responsible Gambling

Though the games mention playing responsibly, ICE Games does not feature a specific page on Responsible Gaming. Though this is not required by law, we would nonetheless suggest it to make the service more inclusive of all the aspects of gaming.
We at Canada Casino have a dedicated page on Responsible Gaming and how you can set targets, plan your budget and do strict timeframes can help you focus and not get carried away by the gaming experiences.


When ICECasino decides to excel, it excels. The platform is one of the most highly interactive we have ever encountered. Also, the platform offers some of the best bonuses and promotions when compared to other online casinos in Canada.
We suggest that the Casino includes an FAQ section and also add cryptocurrency to their payment options – to add a further plus to their service.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]