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2024.06.02 17:50 Whjee i hate github rule

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2024.06.02 17:46 TechnoSyndrome Step by step guide for getting the Super Mario 64 DS Analog Hack running on Steam Deck

I originally posted this in the main SteamDeck subreddit and it immediately got removed. Had initially gone to SteamDeckEmulation and saw it was dead, but I see this is a much more active community. Wanted to share the process to playing the Super Mario 64 DS Analog Hack on a Deck so other people can play this version as well, it took some effort to figure out how to overcome a few hurdles.
  1. To start with you're going to need to patch your ROM using the patcher that can be found here (This is only the patcher, you must provide your own ROM):
  2. Next, download the emulator onto your Steam Deck from here:
  3. In desktop mode, add DeSmuME-VS2019-x64-Release.exe as a non-Steam game to Steam.
  4. Right-click it in your library, and select properties. Click compatibility, and check Force the use of a specific Steam Play Compatibility tool, then select Proton Experimental. This will allow the game to launch.
  5. Launch the emulator once, and then insert your patched ROM into the Roms subfolder created in the folder DeSmuME-VS2019-x64-Release.exe is located in.
At this point we need to configure the emulator. If you'd prefer to just use my preconfigured file, download this file: and then place it in the same folder as DeSmuME-VS2019-x64-Release.exe, overwriting the previous version if necessary. Read further below if you want to know the specifics of the configuration used, or if you would prefer to configure things yourself, otherwise jump to the Optional Remappings section.
  1. If you would prefer to configure things yourself, launch the game in your library while still in Desktop mode. Go to View> LCD Layout, and select Horizontal and Top first (default).
  2. Go to View > Window Size and select 3x.
  3. Go to View > Screen Size Ratio (L:R) and select 1.5 : 0.5, as well as Center Vertically. The screens will now be oriented as large as possible within the Steam Deck's resolution, with the gameplay screen larger on the left and the touch screen smaller on the right.
  4. Go to Config > Slot 2 (GBA Slot) and click on it. In the drop-down menu, select Analog Stick. The Analog Stick will already be configured to the left stick, so don't touch any of the values.
  5. If we try going to Config > Control Config at this point the emulator will crash, so you will need to enter this part manually. Go to the folder the emulator is in, and open desmume.ini in Kate or your text editor of choice. Below the Height=28 line at the bottom of the [Console] section and above the [Slot2.Analog] line, add the following lines for vanilla DS mappings using the face buttons and shoulders. If you would prefer to use the triggers, Left Trigger's value is 32810, and Right Trigger's value is 32809. See the Optional Remappings section below this for optional button mappings to make things more natural/better match the N64 controls.
    • [Controls]
    • Left=32772
    • Right=32773
    • Up=32774
    • Down=32775
    • Left_Up=0
    • Left_Down=0
    • Right_Up=0
    • Right_Down=0
    • Start=32783
    • Select=32782
    • Lid=0
    • Debug=0
    • A=32777
    • B=32776
    • X=32779
    • Y=32778
    • L=32780
    • R=32781
    • AllowUpAndDown=0
    • KillStylusTopScreen=0
    • KillStylusOffScreen=0
  6. Be sure to save once all text is added.
Optional Remappings
While the above mappings will get you the exact control scheme used by Super Mario 64 DS, players familiar with the N64 version will find certain aspects awkward. First, by default the L button in SM64DS centers the camera, and the R button is used to crouch/long jump, the opposite of how they're mapped in the original game. I prefer to swap these to match the N64 controls, as well as using the triggers rather than the shoulders, making it so the crouch/long jump is performed with the Left Trigger, and the camera recenter is on Right Trigger. To do this, change to these values:
Those are the values I use in my ini file. If you would prefer to swap the normal L1/R1 shoulder buttons instead, reverse the mappings shown for L and R in the list above.
Two remappings I would recommend making inside the steam controller layout editor are swapping the Steam Deck's X button to mirror the Steam Deck B button, and mirroring the D-Pad onto the right stick.
Buttons > X > B Button The DS's Y button's only use in SM64DS is running, which is not necessary with the analog hack. By swapping the Steam Deck's X button to mirror the Steam Deck's B button, the button to the left of jump will be the attack button just as in the N64 version, and you will be able to comfortable press both buttons along the natural top-left to bottom-right diagonal orientation of your thumb. You could then remap the Steam Deck B button to something else if you wish.
Right Stick Camera
Joysticks > Right Joystick Behavior > Directional Pad. R^ > D-Pad Up (Repeat for all four directions) This is a control layout tweak I think everyone should make. The D-Pad in this hack controls the camera, but it also still acts as a d-pad in certain menus, so altering the right stick to mirror the d-pad is better than mapping it directing in the emulator ini. The camera is inverted in SM64DS just like in the original game, so if you would prefer an uninverted camera, map left on the stick to right d-pad and vice versa.
That should be everything, assuming I didn't forget anything. You'll have to manually load the ROM each time, and unfortunately we can't remove the toolbar as it's needed to open the ROM on each boot. There also doesn't seem to be a way of increasing the internal resolution in this offshoot of the emulator, so the game will be 240p blown up 3x. Either use the Steam Deck touch screen or the mouse function whenever interaction with the touch screen is required. (Although you can often navigate these with the d-pad, select, start and A buttons)
Hopefully someone will find all this useful, I tried to go into as much detail as possible just to be as beginner friendly as possible. Configuring this stuff can be a pain when you're not super tech savvy.
submitted by TechnoSyndrome to SteamDeckEmu [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:43 RSPS_317 SnowRSPS - 3X Monthly Discord Shop & KillFeeds 1000+ Players in our Daily Giveaways Free Daily & Hourly AutoKits Lookup SnowRSPS on Rust Console Community Servers Leaderboard Events & more
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submitted by RSPS_317 to ServersRustConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:37 Ok_Mechanic_5958 chat, is he interested in me? me (F20) him (M26) “first date edition”

I met this guy at a local asian restaurant that my friend recommended me to go. I was good friends w one of the servers that workes there because we worked together before she got into that place. She is a middle aged sweet lady and is often very supportive about everything and evryone. She often posts photos of the restaurant and the food to advertise it to the public. Whenever she posts something, I would often see this cute guy that are one of the chefs at the resto and i instantly knew he was my type.
One day, I finally decided to kinda give it a shot and go to the resto in person. I dragged my friend to go there w me and just hanged out. As usual, the lady was so happy to see me and I even met some people that we previously worked together that now working in the said restaurant (I was also close with them). From time to time they would always approach our table and say something funny which ig (caught someone's attention) .. it was a brief moment but i was able to meet the other staff and him too.. we even had a group photo together for my lady to post later on facebook lol. i was casual about it and everybody was friendly and we parted ways.. not until me and my friend saw the guy (the chef) again when me and my friend were waiting for our uber ride..
we had another brief interaction w him and ge invited us back for dessert but we had somewhere else to go but promised to comeback again another time .. ig a few weeks later, i suggested the resto to my parents and we agreed on eating there .. saw him again but we just said hi and didn't speak too much since it was busy, but so and so i caught myself giving glances at him and i knew he did the same thing. my parents really liked it and said that they will comeback again which made me really glad.
another time (a few days later), i was from work when i suddenly felt like going there again.. this time, i sat down to where his station is at.. the bar area and while he was working, we were kinda talking in between and was asking each other questions. At the end of the night, he asked for my number and if i was single to which i gave him my number and said i was indeed single. he asked me out and i said "yes." (i also found out that he was 26 .. 6 years older than me.. which i don't mind) my lady friend even told me that he's been asking about me and my phone number ever since i came into the resto.. she reassured me that she did not gave my number and honestly she was real for that..
atleast we did it naturally and got each other's numbers and we texted each other.. everything was short and brief tho.. we are both busy people.. i have 3 part-time jobs + in college + do sports so i always have something to do in any time of the day and he works there full time too and work long hours like i do.. he's a mechanic and loves engineering so he does like a bunch of stuff on the side that keeps him busy too. i've always been so awful w keeping up w ppl but whenever he texts me, i was DOWN so bad.
although i don't always have anything to say but i try to attempt on talking to him and be natural abt it. finally, i had free time (this is after a week) and we kinda made plans to meet at a local noodle place for lunch.. for context, he lives like an HOUR from the restaurant that he works (i live 10 mins away) .. the noodle place was like atleast 40mins away.. in my head i was like DAMN that's far. and for us to just meet for a couple of hours, i was under the impression that he really wanted to get to know me.
I was glad to meet him, been very casual about it but he definitely a very shy person up close. (ig when u work at a resto, u become a complete diff person cuz he be acting diff now lol) it was obvious to me that he doesn't know how to talk to girls and he def got no rizz.. during ig (the date?) we would ask questions and mid convo we would ran out of things to talk to and would like stare at each other and awkwardly laugh.
i try to maintain eye contact and listen to him but his voice is so soft (w all the background noise) i can't hear him sometimes and i awkwardly would ask him to repeat it back what he was saying. we got into the conversation about previous relationships and i learned that he don't have any experience. which it doesn't surprise me (for context, i always had bad experiences w relationships and i was honest about it too.. he was genuinely curious about it and was hesitant of asking me but i've addressed some issues about my previous relationships and the things that were importance for me that i consider / what im looking for in the relationship)
tbh, i was mostly talking for the both of us. i'm an introvert and obviously he was too but I TALKED TOO MUCH AT THE TIME and really really over shared..
i was worried that it might turn him off.. we even fought for the bill and agreed that he would pay and i get the next one.. we sat there for almost 3 hours but it was clear to me that he is very hesitant and cautious about me.
I had basically explained my whole lore to him and i feel like i still don't know anything too much about him other than like small superficial things about him. i didn't eat much and had to take home food too lol..
we decided to leave the resto but i had enough time before i had to go to work so we again, sat down outside and try to talk again.
in brief moments there was an awkward silence.. and we tryna figure out questions that we want to ask to each other but could not come up w one so it was definitely was awkward.
again, i would stare at him and just admire his features. his straight bangs, his face.. he wasn't very conventionally attractive and he's definitely one of the nerdy guys and loves geeky stuff but that side from him was enough for me to like him. even tho he doesn't say much .. although i had this strange feeling that he was not really interested in me but i really wanted to get to know him. idk what happened but he finally had the courage to ask VERY personal questions.
(for context, i am asian and immigrated in the US for 2 years now so i was really raised w traditional conservative grandparents.. he was born in the US , although his parents are asian, he does not speak his language very well and i could tell that he is very westernized.. also his parents too)
so naturally, i was shocked when he asked me my viewes about sex and my comfort level about getting physical. he even asked me how far i have gone to my previous relationships to which idk, was hesitant at first but replied truthfully that i do not have experience about it.
AGAIN, i'm still so confused that he was able to form that type of question and ((we even got to a point about healthy masturbation and stuff??)) like sorry,
I WAS GENUINELY BLOWN AWAY cuz this MAN, almost knocked our table out when he saw me walking in the restaurant.. HE WAS NERVOUS.. he definitely have that nerdy appearance that gives hime that innocent look. he doesn't talk to girls and previously never gone far w a girl..
he CANNOT even form a question without mumbling and pausing for like 5 minutes (looking stressed, defeated or pressured) ..
and i tryna constantly reassured him that it's okay -- so pls tell me that I AM NOT CRAZY.
and plus, like i said before.. he is very hesitant through and through.. i think he was like overthinking it tbh .. he addressed that there will be a time that we had to part both ways since he wanted to venture out more w tech/engineering..
to which i reassured him again that i was willing to work things out somehow and i was okay w it since i am also have similar plans in nursing + traveling (im currently in college and he's already out of college but he is still trying to find work relating to his degree, com sci) ..
very hesitant that even if i asked for his socials.. he was stalling and forgot about it after he said that he would give it "later.." but never did:( (turned me off tbh)
overall i was so down for him at first but it ruined my mood for the rest of day.
he was nice enough to drop me off to work which is like (20 mins away) which i feel so bad for letting him drive that far.. but ya, it was still a letdown.
i was so distracted throughout my shift and i kept on checking my phone if he texted me but never did.. for context (this was YESTERDAY) i had to text him first after my shift and we were on and off about the replies and he left me on delivered after he said he would stay up late that night..
i ended up not sleeping cuz i kept overthinking it.
i would love to tell him my feelings about this and see what would his response be you know, that first date definitely shattered me. so far, my previous relationships went pretty bad and i shared this to him also.. my partners would often over sexualize me and other people .. and that left me very uncomfortable. (that is why i felt the way that i felt about his questions) he is not very consistent with a lot of things and it just opened a lot of hidden traumas for me w my exs.
*chat, im sorry if this was very long and personal and i fear that he will find this post but i just really badly needed a second opinion.
i wanna know from the guys, is this normal? is it normal to ask a girl on their first date about sex? how about texting, i know we all can get caught up with life and i really understand that or atleast i try to but is the quote "if he really wanted he would" really true? (i mean he drove for such a long was so i think that was enough for me that he was yk, DOWN.
but the HESITATION, is it normal? i really appreciated his honesty there but was it really necessary to convey those things at a first date? (we're talking about potentially "trying" make it work here even if we both know that we would eventually live different lives together more than what we are now.
WAS THAT CONVERSATION TOO EASY FOR US? i genuinely wanted to try but he's been giving me mixed signals. maybe because he'a shy and really don't know what to say and i get that but i'm genuinely concerned, WAS HE TRULY INTERESTING IN ME? (could u even tell that after a first date?) did i pressure him too much?
I legit wanna know guys.. pls tell me ur thoughts and opinions.. i really wanted to know coming from a person w experience w serious non-toxic relationship. pls help me:)
submitted by Ok_Mechanic_5958 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:25 RSPS_317 [USA NEW YORK] SnowRSPS - 3X Monthly - Discord Scrap Shop - Autokits - NEW Rust Console & Rust PC Servers - Lookup SNOWRSPS - Better than Wonkaland & Others -
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submitted by RSPS_317 to ServersRustConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:12 SupZee SMB/NFS Share Upload speed super slow. Win 11

Hey Guys,
I'm frustrated af, I don't understand why my SMB Share and for test Purposes NFS Share (same Server) is just uploading at 11 MB/s but downloading at 90mb/s (Server is connected with 1Gb/s to Router, MTU 1500), SMB3 Multichannel is activated on the Server
If I'm testing the connection with iperf3 to the server with 10 Stream I'm getting 950 Mbits/s and with one just 97 Mbits/s.. So I'm thinking that there is something wrong and from the Server Iperf3 the same results, so the Connection is 1Gbit through Wi-Fi.
If I'm uploading the same file through my PC to my Raspberry 5 to the Server which is mounted(same connection to the Router as the Server, CAT 7) to the same Server. I'm getting 90 MB/s write speed but through the RPI5 I don't want to always upload my files.
Are you guys maybe have a solution or tip what I could try. Is there a way to upload with multiple streams to the Server?
I searched so much, but each time I hoped this one command I found will help, but didn't. I set in the PS also the setting that SMB Multiple channel is true, didn't help, SMB v1 is deactivated so with just the NFS share it's the same speed. Link to Screenshots of Iperf3, Upload and Download
Win 11 Pro
Wifi: Killer(TM) Wi-Fi 7 BE1750 (connected to Router through WiFi with a Connection speed of 1.8GBit/s
submitted by SupZee to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:09 Ace-0f-Spades_ How do you mod on Minecraft bedrock edition on the steam deck?

Normally on Windows, if I were to download a mod/addon or world it would be a .mcaddon/.mcworld file and I would just be able to open it and it’ll automatically download as a mod/addon or a world, whatever I’m downloading at that time.
On steam deck when I download one of those file types, it shows up as a zip file. Then I just do what I usually do, upload them as a non-steam game and try to open it and it just doesn’t work. I tried forcing proton on it, and still nothing.
I use Minecraft bedrock launcher to launch Minecraft so I don’t know if it’s even possible to mod with the Minecraft bedrock launcher I know it’s possible to mod with java (lunar MC or Polymc or whatever they’re called ((theyre many for java)) but I’m starting to lose hope with Minecraft bedrock.
submitted by Ace-0f-Spades_ to SteamDeckEmu [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:08 lilianminx Last three non-gold!

Wow wow wow. Due to some very kind folks on here and a lucky pack today, I now only have three non-gold cards left. Three!
My sends are taken up by gifts to others on here. That being said I have slots that open up on June 8th. I know, that's absurd. Haha. So I'm asking for fellow gifters to consider helping to close out my first album ever.
The three cards I need are...
I'm so close!
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
IGN: Lil
(Avatar is a fish underwater)
submitted by lilianminx to u/lilianminx [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:07 krossome AITAH for miswording a message?

Hi all to preface this is discord drama that is the equivalent of being told you're worthless.
I, 24M, have been dealing with this since yesterday. Two users (mods, both 18+, not too sure about their age roughly my age) started to criticize me over things that I said, to the point they started to drive really hurtful things down against me, and as someone with Autism, I can't quite process the things they're saying to me, and I broke down this morning.
It all started yesterday, when I posted saying the owner of this server (who has an internet community, and makes music, would finally surpass 1.5 million streams on a song. User 1, a discord moderator of this group, said it already has. I half joked (which they didn't receive well), saying the following, "I may or may not have reached out to my social media audience (I also make music and run a local radio station's jazz program) for some help getting there."
User 1: "Somehow I highly doubt that made any perceivable difference outside of the standard trend unless you are hiding 100k followers in a magic hat or something." That hurt.
Me: Whatever dude. Even if 1 person clicked on the link, I wanted to help get there since she expressed interest in hitting 1.5 million. Why are you downplaying everything I do? Or negatively criticizing my choice of words?
User 1: 100% choice of words, Here you try to down play its always appreciated to share the music with others, but the way its worded here implys a humble brag that you were the reason it reached that number or at the very least a large part in that.
I understood where he was coming from, but his choice of words didn't help me there. It seemed to me that he was putting his foot down saying me and my audience don't make a difference.
User 2 joins in and says the following:
User 2: My favourite thing is watching people not pick up on your jokes. And just automatically assume you're an asshole.
Me: Didn't appear to be humorous to me. I guess I must add a gif to express emotion.
User 2: Nah he doesn't have to express emotion for you to see his jokes lolol
Me: I suppose I must, otherwise I get criticized by someone I'll never meet.
User 2: I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about User 1.
User 2: Everyone I've ever talked to about him always asks me why he's an asshole when most don't even bother to get to know him not my fault y'all can't put in the effort to understand his humour or how he expresses himself.
Inbetween this eruption and this point, I wrote a message congratulating the owner on surpassing 1.5 million streams. I intended to mean well with my message but it went out like this:
Me: 1.5 million streams on Song Owner!!! So incredible to see how what started as me watching funny TikTok videos became watching a fully fledged musician. Super happy for you, congrats!
User 1: I mean thats kind of dismissive, the music came first and has always been the main goal I understand the underlying compliment you are going for, but it comes off weird how you describe the journey in that way as if Owner was not a fully fledged musician before this?
Me: Your interpretation is it’s dismissive and weird, because I worded it in the way that I found her videos before I found her music.
User 2: You worded it as an absolute rather than an objective experience you had such as "Incredible that I found your tiktok videos and learnt you were an amazing musician" there is plenty of other ways you could have worded it, but the first interpretation that jumps out from the words used is that is was a linear transition from the videos into finally becoming a musician. (not quite what I said, but go ahead)
Me: My bad.
User 2: Everyday I wake up in Ohio.
So that happened. I objectified what the person was saying, and that I didn't word it right.
Then this happened. I bought Yeezy Pods back in February, and wanted to express how cool they were. This is what unfolded. God I hate this part the most, because it was so out of left field and so hurtful, being Jewish myself.
Me: My Yeezy Pods showed up. They are fucking sick.
User 3 (will be all users not associated with the core drama, just other users): 🤨
User 2: Ew
User 3: Interesting.
User 2: "I guess we see who loves antisemitism now." WHAT (they change my server name to Antisemite)
User 3: the only thing sick about yeezy pods is how i be throwing up lookin at em
User 2: *funny gif*
Me: *Curtis Payne you a hater gif (can't link it)* in all honesty, it's better to love something than to hate it. not a supporter of antisemitism, i was kidding.
User 3: Funny joke hahahahhahahaah yeah no. Muppet
Me: Yall got pressed over shoes. Crazy world we live in.
User 2: Yes because I'm actually pressed. Crazy how people just assume things all the time. Womp womp.
Me: the immediate response, no tag necessary. (they responded immediately)
User 2: OMG I'm on Discord.
Me: #chronicallyonline, kidding of course.
User 2: You're the one who changed your name. (back to my original name) Who's pressed now?
Me: The joke is over.
User 3: Bro at least have the balls to remove the joking lmao
User 2: I got the chronicallyonlinebitches tag for a reason.
Me: (responding to User 3) Can’t, every one gets triggered if I don’t add intent to the messages I send. (I was fuming at this point, very hurt and my perspective of Owner and their community was permanently changed).
User 3: Nah cus lowkey itd be funnier if you weren’t joking at least then you’d have grown a pair.
Me: I may misword something that they disagree with, and they’ll use that to their advantage to assert their dominance over me in the argument. (I intentionally placed 'dominance' to indirectly prove my point about miswording things).
User 3: Bro no one gives a shit about dominance.
User 2: Image saying: "things an unfuckable douche canoe says"
Me: Why are you calling me a douche canoe?
User 2: Omg you think I'm dominant? I'm riding that high for the next week. And this toke I'm about to take.
Me: go for it. I wasn’t talking about you.
User 2: I'm gonna anyway. Already beating my shmeat. Tho if you're talking about User 1, hes gonna waste that high. He's autistic and doesn't find joy in it. 😂😂😂 I wonder if I fumble my sentences he'll use it too.
I broke at this point, I sought vengeance and took no prisoners.
Me: I was talking about User 1. I shared Owners song, said I did in here, User said that I didn’t make a difference. I put a message in Owner's letter channel saying something “From tiktok videos to being a fully fledged musician” and congratulating Owner on reaching 1.5m streams on the song she made. User 1 called that message dismissive and said I wasn’t considering Owner was always a musician. I started out watching Owner for non-musician tiktoks then Owner started making (publishing) music. I hate having to make long overdrawn statements like these, but since you guys are fucking with me, I’d 🤓 too.
User 2: I mean she was a musician first? I don't see what's dominating about that statement. *gif of wall of text*
Me: I misworded it. I used to watch the non-musician tiktoks first before I listened to her music. (didn't misword it, see the wall I posted above.) I can’t misword anything without a discord mod saying umm actually.
User 2: Because you're expressing incorrect information otherwise. You saying Owner did TikTok before her music would throw off others, especially the younger ones who don't fact check. Two it discredits Owner's work prior to "blowing" up on TikTok. Just because it's your perception of events doesn't mean it's the truth. You expressed it as if it was such, Owner's TikTok came first then the music, which isn't the case. People are allowed to correct others and at least two people who have corrected you on things AREN'T mods. You aren't the only one being corrected on misinformation or being an ass.
Me: This whole thing could’ve been dismissed entirely by understanding that’s not the intention I intend to express, both the Yeezy Pods and congratulating Owner on Song. Now I tread carefully here in particular because you guys ruined my whole perspective on this community. What you call misinformation, was me trying to say from making tiktoks to publishing music, I’m proud of where Owner's gotten. I’m sorry, but wouldn’t you react similarly to how you treated me? I'd get fucking banned I fear.
User 3: But the point is Owner was making music before tiktok.
Me: great, you got your point across. I don’t even feel comfortable saying anything here anymore.
User 2: No because I'd realize I'm doing something if I'm being talked to? And yeah I'm gonna be fuckin grossed out you're buying Yeezy? He's a fuckin antisemitic piece of shit??? Why would you support his shit??? That's weird af. I'm allowed to have opinions on brands and shit? User 2 forbid I have an opinion on a terrible person and their brand.
Me: I bought them because they were $20.
User 2: User 3, I guess you'll have to publicly execute me for my crimes of opinion. IDC if they're free?
Me: If you have nothing nice to say to the person, don’t say it.
User 2: It's still supporting his brand one way or another and that's weird af. Womp womp.
Me: I could express my opinion on each of you and get fucking blasted into the sun over expressing my opinion if you disagreed with it. The rules are one sided then.
User 2: Idc if you blast your opinions about me. I myself aren't gonna ban your ass over it. I'm not sensitive about shit people say about me. Also I didn't call you antisemitic I said you love it (why the name change then?) Two different things. I have not expressed my opinions of you at all, nor will I. It's not my fault you can't handle some things being said. Maybe say you have triggers or traumas with it and people would slow down? (ironic)
Me: However, quite the contrary to popular belief, these two instances of communal discourse, do not reflect any changes on my opinion towards you folks. (me trying to divert the hate against me for buying $20 shoes. User 2 changed my name back to "Antisemite", I changed it back immediately.)
Me: responding to User 2's last sentence: They never have and never will. They claim I’m bullshitting them, to be weaponizing my traumas against them in an argument.
Do I have to release my medical documents /s where I was abused throughout my childhood which permanently affected the course of my development, so making music and confiding in someone of popular culture would be therapeutic? (sarcastic about the documents, although I wasn't for a time, but that was a long time ago in a different instance)
User 2: Dammit you shit on the carpet
Me: It never ends.
User 2: No one wants your fuckin medical documents first of all (missed the /s i appended after medical documents I see...)
Me: So I'll just shut the fuck up.
User 2: Second of all don't weaponize your traumas for the sake of this argument. (I thought I could express that I'm sensitive to these interactions, and that they'd slow down, but point proven again, it's bullshit to them.)
Me: I “love antisemitism” and I spread “misinformation”. I’ll never express a personal view nor opinion on anything ever again.
User 3: i mean most antisemites will also say "im just joking" when they say something like that.
Me: If I say an unbiased statement about anything and receive backlash from it, I will not respond with emotion.
User 2: Yet User 1 is expected to say he's being sarcastic or joking to spare your feelings? Seems unfair. You come at him for a half joke because YOU can't tell and now you expect people to not do the same?
Me: Regardless of if you claim I’m suppressing your opinions, or weaponizing my traumas for the sake of this argument, after being told it might trigger me, so people would slow down.
User 2: You specifically throwing out what was done. You could've been vague. You could've said literally anything else. Going into specifics is just going to upset people. Especially since this in GENERAL.
Me: Expressing your opinion or views of another person where it hurts others isn’t necessarily something to say to everyone.
User 2: Not the place to dump the laundry.
Me: Not the place to claim someone loves antisemitism either User 2. Or say me sharing a song made no impact User 1.
User 2: Uh yes it is? It's a general topic taught between the ages of 10 and 18.
User 3: when you literally make the statement? you placed it in the domain of conversation?
User 2: User 1 didn't say it didn't make an impact.
Me: It was nice mod, who saved the day and clarified that it made a difference to share it. regardless of how many people came to heed the call (785 people to be precise heeded the call. didn't say that last part at any point.)
User 2: Once again User 1 didn't say it didn't?
Me: I’m not replying anymore. I’m not able to get my point across.
User 2: User 1 I guess to appease the court we have to publicly execute you on the grounds of *looks at tiny paper* Specifications. (User 1 appeared from the shadows and started typing)
Me: “any perceivable difference” his words. done. (I haven't replied since.)
User 3: I stg half the time I come in here theres beef and I cant tell if its satire or not.
User 2: I know User 1's words? Idk anymore I'm too high for this.
User 3: That's gonna be me in like 20 mins
User 2: You date a man 2+ years, bear his furchildren and people think you don't know him, his words or his feelings.
User 3: skill issue.
USER 1 APPEARS REPLYING TO "any perceivable difference"
Exactly my words, in response directly to your words about beg hitting 1.5 million and how you used your social media to "play a hand in it" ("for some help" but sure put words in my mouth to direct your 'dominance') your words mate, I made a critique on the nature of your comment and the words used based entirely around the meaning and context of both that message and the dear Owner one. The words used make you sound like a self agrandizing prick with an ego the size of a collapsing star and and your pride consisting of a similar density. I would hope I was entirely wrong about the intent of the messages you sent because otherwise it builds a character perception of you that ain't all that flattering. You do you bud but just as I get critique for the way I phrase things as being insensitive you will get criticism over the way your words paint a story of an event. (How was it in any way that I'd get blasted into the fucking sun over this?)
Oops way too long
User 2: Damn User 1 hit the second tower (I'm from New York, it's in my bio on Discord). Now it's funnier.
User 3: lmaaaaoooo
User 2: Long and the short of it, grow a pair and word things better like everyone else has to, or chew rocks and realise people form an opinion of you from shit like that, and then deciding to announce you support a controversial figures shit incidentally or not feeds into that personality. Me I don't hate you by any stretch but it's harder and harder to take you seriously.
Now this is all here. I haven't replied, and will not reply anymore in this community unless I'm directly contacting the Owner through the server. I'm exhausted and the day just got started. Gonna go to sunday service with my friend's family since I care about them more than this whole situation. I'm emotionally destroyed. They treated me nicely, complimenting my music and my contributions to support Owner in their endeavors, however, clamped down because I'm an antisemite over buying Yeezy Pods, and I spread misinformation because I misworded/failed to properly display my intentions, and got snapped on over sarcastically pointing out that nobody else does.
Redditors I apologize that it's even got to this point, but AITA? I think I am after what they've said to me, I am typically one to follow the herd because it leads to less interpersonal conflict.
submitted by krossome to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:05 Ok-Operation-2368 Mullvad much slower than two months ago

Mullvad much slower than two months ago
Per title. First image is from April, second from today (June), and the third with Mullvad connected to London also from today. Does anyone know why this is? Noticed my internet speed has been much slower with Mullvad turned on for more than a week now and it's quite frustrating. Anyone have any advice?
submitted by Ok-Operation-2368 to mullvadvpn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 CoDEvents Call of Duty League (2024) Major IV Qualifiers Week 1 Day 2 Official Discussion Thread

+ Matches

Minnesota RØKKR vs. Seattle Surge (15:00 ET)
Minnesota RØKKR - Seattle Surge
Game 1 (TBD - Hardpoint) Minnesota RØKKR - Seattle Surge
Game 2 (TBD - S&D) Minnesota RØKKR - Seattle Surge
Game 3 (TBD - Control) Minnesota RØKKR - Seattle Surge
Game 4 (TBD - Hardpoint) Minnesota RØKKR - Seattle Surge
Game 5 (TBD - S&D) Minnesota RØKKR - Seattle Surge
Boston Breach vs. Los Angeles Thieves (16:30 ET)
Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 1 (TBD - Hardpoint) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 2 (TBD - S&D) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 3 (TBD - Control) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 4 (TBD - Hardpoint) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 5 (TBD - S&D) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Atlanta FaZe vs. New York Subliners (18:00 ET)
Atlanta FaZe - New York Subliners
Game 1 (TBD - Hardpoint) Atlanta FaZe - New York Subliners
Game 2 (TBD - S&D) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 3 (TBD - Control) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 4 (TBD - Hardpoint) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Game 5 (TBD - S&D) Boston Breach - Los Angeles Thieves
Las Vegas Legion vs. OpTic Texas(19:30 ET)
Las Vegas Legion - OpTic Texas
Game 1 (TBD - Hardpoint) Las Vegas Legion - OpTic Texas
Game 2 (TBD - S&D) Las Vegas Legion - OpTic Texas
Game 3 (TBD - Control) Las Vegas Legion - OpTic Texas
Game 4 (TBD - Hardpoint) Las Vegas Legion - OpTic Texas
Game 5 (TBD - S&D) Las Vegas Legion - OpTic Texas
  • + Streams
  • + Group Standings
Pos Team Series % Maps % Streak
1st OpTic Texas 1-0 100% 3-0 100% 1W
2nd Los Angeles Thieves 1-0 100% 3-2 60% 1W
2nd Minnesota RØKKR 1-0 100% 3-2 60% 1W
2nd New York Subliners 1-0 100% 3-2 60% 1W
2nd Seattle Surge 1-0 100% 3-2 60% 1W
6th Toronto Ultra 1-1 50% 5-3 63% 1W
7th Los Angeles Guerrillas 1-1 40% 5-5 50% 1L
8th Atlanta FaZe 0-0 0% 0-0 0%
9th Boston Breach 0-1 0% 2-3 40% 1L
10th Las Vegas Legion 0-1 0% 0-3 0% 1L
10th Miami Heretics 0-1 0% 0-3 0% 1L
12th Carolina Royal Ravens 0-2 0% 4-6 40% 2L
  • + Weekly Schedule
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
SEA 3 - 2 TOR LAT 3 - 2 LAG MIN - SEA
MIN 3 - 2 BOS LVL 0 - 3 TOR BOS - LAT
CAR 2 - 3 LAG MIA 0 - 3 OPT ATL - NYSL
  • + CDL Rosters
ATL Atlanta FaZe BOS Boston Breach CAR Carolina Royal Ravens LVL Las Vegas Legion
USA aBeZy USA MajorManiak USA Clayster USA Attach
USA Cellium USA Priestahh USA FeLo USA Gio
USA Drazah ENG Beans USA Gwinn USA Nero
USA Simp MEX Snoopy USA TJHaLy USA oJohnny
LAG Los Angeles Guerrillas LAT Los Angeles Thieves MIA Miami Heretics MIN Minnesota RØKKR
USA Estreal USA Ghosty ESP Lucky USA Accuracy
USA Fame USA JoeDeceives ESP MettalZ USA Standy
USA Flames USA Kremp ESP ReeaL FRA Lynz
CAN Diamondcon ENG Nastie USA Purj CAN Gunless
NYS New York Subliners TEX OpTic Texas SEA Seattle Surge TOR Toronto Ultra
USA Skyz USA Shotzzy USA Huke USA Scrappy
USA Sib CAN Dashy BEL Abuzah DEN CleanX
FRA HyDra AUS Pred FRA Breszy ENG Insight
  • + Our Discord Server
For IRC real-time event discussion, join our Discord server by clicking here! Discord can be used via your browser or downloaded as a stand-alone application. For more information see here
submitted by CoDEvents to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 Hviiiid I have updated my addon and website that shows warcraftlogs for your entire raid at once!

I have updated my addon and website that shows warcraftlogs for your entire raid at once!
Hey guys!
I have updated my addon + website combo to all versions of wow!
check it out at: &
Download the addon and click on the minimap icon, to generates the link for the website with your version, server, region, the current raid and your entire raid group automatically inputted.
Example of ingame addon window
Click search, and see the entire raids logs for the given raid
Example of the guild
For players with multiple roles, it defaults to the one with the highest average score, but you can still see logs for all roles
Check it out, let me know if you have any ideas for changes or features
Thanks y'all
and for the nerds :)
submitted by Hviiiid to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Simple_Philosophy_61 etrecheck report - no major problems and still not working correctly

Hey all! I'm attaching what Etrecheck told me for my computer analysis but it looks like there are no major problems. I have plenty of diskspace etc because from day one I've kept everything on hard drives as I'm a photo editor and I use a lot of space for images/downloads/etc.
My computer specs are here:
From what I can gather online, my computer is just "old" and can not keep up with Photoshop, Cricut etc apps. BUT even when I'm not running those apps, my computer is slow AF. I can only open Photoshop by itself and never with the internet open as well. It crashes constantly and I have to manually turn it off and on where it sometimes just freezes till it randomly turns on again later on in the day. I have no idea what to do about it and to be quite frank, I don't have the money to buy a new computer. We are living off of one income with kids at the moment and we are getting ready to move across the country so funds are limited. Anyone have any advice on what to do? I'd have no problem buying the $18 pro clean up but it seems like there isn't anything imperative to "fix."
Thanks so much!
EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.5 (68049)
Report generated: 2024-06-02 08:26:43
Download EtreCheckPro from
Runtime: 5:59
Performance: Below Average
Problem: Computer is too slow
Major Issues: None
Minor Issues:
These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.
No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.
Clean up - There are orphan files that could be removed.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. These files could be old, incompatible, and cause problems. They should be reviewed.
System modifications - There are a large number of system modifications running in the background.
Low performance - EtreCheck report took an unusually long time to run.
Limited permissions - More information may be available with Full Disk Access.
Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future.
Hardware Information:
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019)
Status: Supported
iMac Model: iMac19,2
3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5 (i5-8500) CPU: 6-core
8 GB RAM - Upgradeable by an Apple Authorized Service Provider
BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR4 2667
BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR4 2667
Video Information:
Radeon Pro 560X - VRAM: 4 GB
iMac (built-in) 4096 x 2304
disk0 - APPLE HDD HTS541010A9E632 1.00 TB (Mechanical - 5400 RPM)
Internal SATA 3 Gigabit Serial ATA
disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
disk0s2 [APFS Fusion Drive] 1000.00 GB
disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 1.03 TB (Shared by 6 volumes)
disk2s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (387.18 GB used)
disk2s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (2.16 GB used)
disk2s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (1.24 GB used)
disk2s4 (APFS) [APFS Container] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s4s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s5 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (1 MB used)
disk2s6 - Update (APFS) (11 MB used)
disk1 - APPLE SSD SM0032L 28.00 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x2 NVM Express
disk1s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
disk1s2 [APFS Fusion Drive] 27.55 GB
disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 1.03 TB (Shared by 6 volumes)
disk2s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (387.18 GB used)
disk2s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (2.16 GB used)
disk2s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (1.24 GB used)
disk2s4 (APFS) [APFS Container] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s4s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (10.26 GB used)
disk2s5 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (1 MB used)
disk2s6 - Update (APFS) (11 MB used)
Mounted Volumes:
disk2s1 - Macintosh HD - Data [APFS Virtual drive]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data
Fusion drive
Used: 387.18 GB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot
Fusion drive
Used: 2.16 GB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s4s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /
Fusion drive
Read-only: Yes
Used: 10.26 GB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s5 - VM [APFS VM]
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM
Fusion drive
Used: 1 MB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
disk2s6 - Update
Filesystem: APFS
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update
Fusion drive
Used: 11 MB
Shared values
Size: 1.03 TB
Free: 622.17 GB
Available: 893.20 GB
USB 3.1 bus
Apple Inc. - FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
HP - HP OfficeJet 8020 series
USB 3.1 bus

Interface en0: Ethernet
Interface en1: Wi-Fi
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge
Interface en4: iPhone
System Software:
macOS Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)
Time since boot: Less than an hour
one notification
6 notifications
Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
System Integrity Protection: Enabled
Antivirus software: Apple
Unsigned Files:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/
Executable: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/
Command: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode ifneeded
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
Executable: /Applications/Canon Utilities/Inkjet Extended Survey Program/Inkjet Extended Survey
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Apps: 10
Kernel Extensions:
[Not Loaded] SystemAudioRecorder.kext - com.Perfect.Driver.SystemAudioRecorder (Wondershare Software Co., Ltd, 1.1.0 - SDK 10.9)
[Not Loaded] EPSONUSBPrintClass.kext - (Seiko Epson Corporation, 2.7.3)
[Not Loaded] ms_ntfs.kext - com.iboysoft.filesystems.ms_ntfs (Chengdu Aibo Tech Co., Ltd., 4.5 - SDK 11)
[Loaded] ufsd_NTFS.kext - com.paragon-software.filesystems.ntfs (Paragon Software GmbH, 15.11.839 - SDK 10.10)
[Not Loaded] BJUSBLoad.kext - (Canon Inc., 10.75.21 - SDK 10.8)
[Not Loaded] CIJUSBLoad.kext - (Canon Inc., 16.0.10 - SDK 10.9)
System Launch Daemons:
[Not Loaded] 44 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 183 Apple tasks
[Running] 174 Apple tasks
[Other] 3 Apple tasks
System Launch Agents:
[Not Loaded] 23 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 200 Apple tasks
[Running] 202 Apple tasks
Launch Daemons:
[Running] com.adobe.acc.installer.v2.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-02)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.adobe.acc.installer.v2
[Running] com.adobe.agsservice.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-01-04)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/AGSService
[Loaded] com.citrix.ctxusbd.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Citrix Receivectxusbd
[Loaded] (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Executable: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon
[Other] com.iBoysoft.ntfshelperd.plist (Not signed - installed 2019-09-22)
Executable: /Applications/iBoysoft NTFS for
[Loaded] com.paragon-software.installer.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2020-03-31)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.paragon-software.installer
[Loaded] com.paragon-software.ntfs.loader.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2023-09-21)
Command: /sbin/kextload /Library/Extensions/ufsd_NTFS.kext
[Running] com.paragon-software.ntfsd.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2023-10-02)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Paragon Software/com.paragon-software.ntfsd
[Loaded] (Not signed - installed 2020-08-03)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
[Loaded] us.zoom.ZoomDaemon.plist (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2024-04-01)
Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomDaemon
Launch Agents:
[Running] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-02)
Command: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/ACC/Creative Cloud --showwindow=false --onOSstartup=true
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-01-04)
Command: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/agcinvokerutility -mode=logon
[Loaded] com.adobe.ccxprocess.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-12)
Command: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud Experience/CCXProcess/ --openAtBoot
[Running] com.citrix.AuthManager_Mac.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /uslocal/libexec/
[Running] com.citrix.ReceiverHelper.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /uslocal/libexec/
[Running] com.citrix.ServiceRecords.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /uslocal/libexec/
[Running] com.citrix.WebLauncher.plist (Citrix Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-06-17)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Citrix ReceiveCitrix Workspace Workspace Launcher
[Running] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2019-09-24)
Executable: /Applications/Epson Software/Epson Low Ink
[Loaded] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2021-10-14)
Executable: /Applications/Epson Software/EPSON Software Software Updater Software Updater Agent
[Running] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2019-10-03)
Executable: /Applications/Epson Software/Event
[Running] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2017-10-19)
Command: /Applications/Epson Software/Epson Ink Replenishment --pmaalaunchd
[Running] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2019-08-18)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/EPSON/ScanneScannerMonitoEpson Scanner Scanner Monitor
[Other] (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Command: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode ifneeded
[Running] com.paragon-software.ntfs.notification-agent.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2023-09-21)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Paragon Software/
[Other] com.wdc.WD-Discovery.plist (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Command: /Applications/WD Discovery/WD Discovery --autolaunch
[Other] com.wdc.WDTrashObserver.plist (Not signed - installed 2020-03-31)
Executable: /Applications/WD Discovery/WD
User Launch Agents:
[Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-01-04)
Command: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AdobeGCClient/agcinvokerutility -mode=scheduled
[Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2024-05-22)
Command: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleUpdateCurrent/ --wake-all --enable-logging --vmodule=*/components/update_client/*=2,*/chrome/update*=2
[Not Loaded] (Not signed - installed 2023-12-06)

[Not Loaded] (Not signed - installed 2023-12-06)

[Running] com.leapfrog.connect2.lflauncher.plist (LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. - installed 2023-04-16)
Executable: /Applications/LeapFrog Connect
[Not Loaded] (Not signed - installed 2015-02-12)
Executable: /Applications/Canon Utilities/Inkjet Extended Survey Program/Inkjet Extended Survey
User Login Items:
[Not Loaded] (Canon Inc. - installed 2022-09-12)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Canon Utilities/Digital Photo Professional 4/Digital Photo Professional
[Not Loaded] CIJSUAgent (Canon Inc. - installed 2020-08-03)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/Canon Utilities/IJ Scan Utility/Canon IJ Scan
[Loaded] HPPSDrMonitorHelper (App Store - installed 2024-01-13)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/HP Diagnose &
[Running] MessengerHelper (Facebook, Inc. - installed 2024-05-24)
Modern Login Item
[Loaded] MessengerLoginHelper (Facebook, Inc. - installed 2024-05-24)
Modern Login Item
627 apps
75 x86-only apps
11 unsigned apps
App Extensions:
Finder sync extensions:
Adobe Content Synchronizer Finder Extension - /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Sync/CoreSync/Core
Safari extensions:
Webex - ~/Library/Application Support/WebEx FoldeAdd-ons/Cisco WebEx
PayPal Honey - /Applications/PayPal
QuickLook Previews:
EtreCheckQuickLook - ~/Downloads/
com.etresoft.etrecheck4 *.etrecheck
Internet Plug-ins:
o1dbrowserplugin: (? - installed 2015-12-11)
googletalkbrowserplugin: (? - installed 2015-12-11)
AdobeAAMDetect: (Adobe Inc. - installed 2024-05-02)
Time Machine information is limited without Full Disk Access
System Load: 1.98 (1 min ago) 1.99 (5 min ago) 1.51 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O usage: 3.93 MB/s
File system: 20.58 seconds
Write speed: 723 MB/s
Read speed: 1430 MB/s
CPU Usage Snapshot:
Type Overall
System: 4 %
User: 7 %
Idle: 89 %
Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
EtreCheckPro 16.26 % (Etresoft, Inc.) (12) 14.88 % (Apple)
Storage 13.98 % (Apple)
WindowServer 4.80 % (Apple)
kernel_task 2.48 % (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location) (12) 1.29 GB (Apple)
EtreCheckPro 698 MB (Etresoft, Inc.) 244 MB (Apple)
Safari 178 MB (Apple)
Creative Cloud UI Helper (Renderer) 131 MB (Adobe Inc.)
Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
Process Input / Output (Source - Location) 108 MB / 2 MB (Apple)
apsd 115 KB / 563 KB (Apple)
rapportd 376 KB / 108 KB (Apple)
mDNSResponder 228 KB / 138 KB (Apple)
Messenger 103 KB / 19 KB (Facebook, Inc.)
Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location) (12) 8 (Apple)
WindowServer 5 (Apple) 3 (Apple)
Storage 3 (Apple)
photoanalysisd 1 (Apple)
Virtual Memory Information:
Physical RAM: 8 GB
Free RAM: 40 MB
Used RAM: 5.93 GB
Cached files: 2.03 GB
Available RAM: 2.07 GB
Swap Used: 0 B
Software Installs (past 60 days):
Install Date Name (Version)
2024-05-23 macOS 14.5 (14.5)
2024-05-23 MRTConfigData (1.93)
2024-05-29 XProtectPlistConfigData (2195)
2024-05-29 XProtectPayloads (135)
Clean up:
/Applications/WD Discovery/WD Discovery
Executable not found
/Applications/WD Discovery/WD
Executable not found
/Applications/iBoysoft NTFS for
Executable not found
Diagnostics Information (past 60 days):
2024-05-31 18:14:28 - High CPU Use (3 times)
First occurrence: 2024-05-31 15:55:38
Executable: /Volumes/VOLUME/*/W**************k/V******s/A/X*********s/c*****************************c/C******s/M***S/c*************************t
2024-05-31 07:21:34 photoanalysisd - High CPU Use (2 times)
First occurrence: 2024-05-28 09:14:55
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PhotoAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Support/photoanalysisd
End of report
submitted by Simple_Philosophy_61 to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 RSPS_317 SnowRSPS - 3X Monthly Discord Shop & KillFeeds 1000+ Players in our Daily Giveaways Free Daily & Hourly AutoKits Lookup SnowRSPS on Rust Console Community Servers Leaderboard Events & more
3X gather 3x loot 3x stack
ALL BP's with Custom Recyclers
Discord Shop Points System with hundreds of items
Live Killfeed synced to Discord & Ingame
Daily Giveaways
Free Hourly & Daily Kits
Monthly Leaderboard Events
Fast Crafting & Cooking
New 3.5K Map size
No Active staff ingame to prevent abuse.
(We only have discord staff)
Join SnowRSPS to enjoy our Free Hourly Auto Kits & more! Rust Console Edition
Join our Rust & Runescape Private Servers - 1200+ Players in our Discord - Lookup SnowRSPS on Google - Custom RSPS & Rust PC/Console Community Servers - Open 24/7 - Daily Holiday Events - Best Oldschool RSPS in 2024 - Free Starter Kit in Discord

rustconsole #rustxbox #rustps4 #rustpc #snowrsps

submitted by RSPS_317 to ServersRustConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:42 Nice_Distance_7492 All items have disappeared

Today, I tried to change my server to a fabric server so I could download some useful mods,and idk when it or why, but I came back onto the server, and everything out of my inventory, and all the storage blocks disappeared.
submitted by Nice_Distance_7492 to Shockbyte [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:42 NZ_I3east Google Wifi Gen 2 - Custom DNS result in false/inaccurate Internet Speed Test Result?

Just for context I have a 100Mbps internet plan using a modem in bridge mode connected to my Google Wifi Gen 2. When I run the "Test Network" it always use to return me result of Download: ~100Mbps and Uplad: ~40Mbps rather consistenly.
However recently I have been experimenting with using custom DNS server eg. AdGuard. When I switched to the custom DNS server I noticed all of a sudden my internet speed seems to cap at Download: 60Mbps. This was strange because I never thought that DNS impacts overall bandiwth. I then go on to my mobile device and run an internet speed there from a browser, and strangely enough I had Download: 100Mbps.
After playing around a while and trying to dig out further into the matter it seems the "Test Network" result is highly dependent on whether I used "Automatic" or "Custom DNS". Neither seems to impact the actual bandwith that is delivering to my devices.
Is this a bug or have I got some misunderstanding on what "Test Network" actually means.
submitted by NZ_I3east to GoogleWiFi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:41 Ancient-Spaceman4k Welcome to Rebirth

Welcome to Rebirth
[Incoming Imperial Transmission]
🚀 Welcome, space adventurers, to a galaxy far, far away! Prepare to embark on an interstellar journey as we bring the Star Wars universe to life in our very own Space Engineers server. But hold on tight, because we're about to add a twist that'll make even the most seasoned smugglers grin from ear to ear!
Here, in our cosmic corner of the universe, we embrace all things Star Wars with a sprinkle of cosmic diversity. We promise epic battles, daring expeditions, and enough excitement to make the Millennium Falcon blush. Whether you're a seasoned Jedi or a quick-witted scoundrel, you'll find your place among the stars in this motley crew.
So, join us as we launch into a space odyssey that combines the action-packed spirit of Star Wars with a dash of mysterious cosmic vibes. It's the ultimate cosmic blend, where lightsabers and otherworldly tech coexist, and the Force and the universe's secrets intertwine.
-We have custom in house mods and are the ONLY server to offer the SWSE mod pack on a live server, truly the forefront of not only the Star Wars scene, but Space Engineers as a whole!
We have our own planets, Weapons, armor types(That work with weaponcore.), more then 700 non-armor blocks and upwards of 2400 total modded blocks!
Wiped may 2023
(Disclaimer: I am not part of the admin team. I just like the server and have played there since 2022. This is a repost of thier advertising the keen discord)
submitted by Ancient-Spaceman4k to spaceengineers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:26 sad_everyday NotHermitCraft [SMP] {1.20.4} {Whitelist} {Java}

What is NotHermitCraft?

a Vanilla Survival Multiplayer Server for Java Minecraft 1.20.4!
We are a family friendly, community-driven server established in 2019. Inspired by HermitCraft to play Minecraft the way it's supposed to be played, together!
All kinds of players, of all ages, from all over the world! Coming together to create something beautiful. Looking for more members for a long lasting experience with limitless potential and a great bunch of people.
Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist. Players can join with no mods installed but Simple Voice Chat (2.5.12) is highly encouraged!

HermitCraft inspired

Season 4(ever)

Previously we started a new season when the Hermits did but have now opted for Season 4(ever).
This season intends to be around for a very long time. We'd like to create a full, rich and immersive world with purpose, lore and passion. Instead of starting again, again. Even though we've already begun, there is plenty for you to do. Not just in terms of mining and crafting, but also with minigames, events, roleplaying, and more!
In the season that never ends, it's a great place to leave your mark! There's lots to take part in and there's also people eager to take part in your ideas.

Apply to join!

If you're a fan of Minecraft, HermitCraft and epic fun times - This is the server for you. What are you waiting for? Get involved! Be the community! (invite:
submitted by sad_everyday to McServerAdverts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:26 salzgablah Metadata in Plex

I'm migrating the youtube-dlp downloads from one Ubuntu VM to another Ubuntu VM on my unraid server. Running the below shows the original VM (1) has youtube-dlp version 2024.03.10 and the new VM (2) has version 2024.04.09.
yt-dlp -- vsersion 
I'm using the same user, pathways and download script on the original and new VM's. My issue is that the metadata does not show up in Plex for items from VM 2, only VM 1.
I'm using the same bash script for both VMs.
/home/use.local/bin/yt-dlp --playlist-reverse --download-archive /home/useDocuments/youtube/downloaded.txt -i -o /home/useDocuments/youtube/"%(uploader)s/%(playlist)s/%(playlist)s - S%(upload_date>%Y)sE%(upload_date>%m)s%(upload_date>%d)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s" -f bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a] --merge-output-format mp4 --add-metadata --write-thumbnail --write-info-json --embed-metadata --embed-thumbnail --batch-file=/home/useDocuments/youtube/channel_list.txt
Files downloaded from both VM's have the season and episodes as expected, but VM 2 files don't pull the name and description in Plex. Looking at the XML info in plex, VM 2 files are missing the detailed Title, summary and other metadata, just has generic info. If it's pulling from the same download script, why is it omitted?
Any ideas on settings to tweak on VM 2?
submitted by salzgablah to youtubedl [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:26 sad_everyday NotHermitCraft [SMP] {1.20.4} {Whitelist} {Java}

What is NotHermitCraft?

a Vanilla Survival Multiplayer Server for Java Minecraft 1.20.4!
We are a family friendly, community-driven server established in 2019. Inspired by HermitCraft to play Minecraft the way it's supposed to be played, together!
All kinds of players, of all ages, from all over the world! Coming together to create something beautiful. Looking for more members for a long lasting experience with limitless potential and a great bunch of people.
Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist. Players can join with no mods installed but Simple Voice Chat (2.5.12) is highly encouraged!

HermitCraft inspired

Season 4(ever)

Previously we started a new season when the Hermits did but have now opted for Season 4(ever).
This season intends to be around for a very long time. We'd like to create a full, rich and immersive world with purpose, lore and passion. Instead of starting again, again. Even though we've already begun, there is plenty for you to do. Not just in terms of mining and crafting, but also with minigames, events, roleplaying, and more!
In the season that never ends, it's a great place to leave your mark! There's lots to take part in and there's also people eager to take part in your ideas.

Apply to join!

If you're a fan of Minecraft, HermitCraft and epic fun times - This is the server for you. What are you waiting for? Get involved! Be the community! (invite:
submitted by sad_everyday to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:26 sad_everyday NotHermitCraft [SMP] {1.20.4} {Whitelist} {Java}

What is NotHermitCraft?

a Vanilla Survival Multiplayer Server for Java Minecraft 1.20.4!
We are a family friendly, community-driven server established in 2019. Inspired by HermitCraft to play Minecraft the way it's supposed to be played, together!
All kinds of players, of all ages, from all over the world! Coming together to create something beautiful. Looking for more members for a long lasting experience with limitless potential and a great bunch of people.
Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist. Players can join with no mods installed but Simple Voice Chat (2.5.12) is highly encouraged!

HermitCraft inspired

Season 4(ever)

Previously we started a new season when the Hermits did but have now opted for Season 4(ever).
This season intends to be around for a very long time. We'd like to create a full, rich and immersive world with purpose, lore and passion. Instead of starting again, again. Even though we've already begun, there is plenty for you to do. Not just in terms of mining and crafting, but also with minigames, events, roleplaying, and more!
In the season that never ends, it's a great place to leave your mark! There's lots to take part in and there's also people eager to take part in your ideas.

Apply to join!

If you're a fan of Minecraft, HermitCraft and epic fun times - This is the server for you. What are you waiting for? Get involved! Be the community! (invite:
submitted by sad_everyday to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:25 RSPS_317 [USA NEW YORK] SnowRSPS - 3X Monthly - Discord Scrap Shop - Autokits - NEW Rust Console & Rust PC Servers - Lookup SNOWRSPS - Better than Wonkaland & Others -
3X gather 3x loot 3x stack
ALL BP's with Custom Recyclers
Discord Shop Points System with hundreds of items
Live Killfeed synced to Discord & Ingame
Daily Giveaways
Free Hourly & Daily Kits
Monthly Leaderboard Events
Fast Crafting & Cooking
New 3.5K Map size
No Active staff ingame to prevent abuse.
(We only have discord staff)
Join SnowRSPS to enjoy our Free Hourly Auto Kits & more! Rust Console Edition
Join our Rust & Runescape Private Servers - 1200+ Players in our Discord - Lookup SnowRSPS on Google - Custom RSPS & Rust PC/Console Community Servers - Open 24/7 - Daily Holiday Events - Best Oldschool RSPS in 2024 - Free Starter Kit in Discord

rustconsole #rustxbox #rustps4 #rustpc #snowrsps

This community has over 10 Rust PC servers and now Rust Console servers, also a discord server wear you can buy things with SnowRSPS scrap to get stuff in the servers they also have 18x server discord is Better than Wonkaland Rust & Other Servers. We have a website, they don't.
submitted by RSPS_317 to ServersRustConsole [link] [comments]