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Spell Token Daily - June 2, 2024 (GMT-4) 📖🧙‍♂️🧙🧙‍♀️🔮

2024.06.02 18:30 MagicThePuff Spell Token Daily - June 2, 2024 (GMT-4) 📖🧙‍♂️🧙🧙‍♀️🔮

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2024.06.02 04:49 brod333 Responding to Exion’s response pt 1

Exion has finally started to respond to my posts. It would be easier if Exion would unblock me and engage with me directly but they still refuse to do so. It would also be nice if they linked the posts they are responding to so anyone reading his posts can look up my posts. I made sure to do that for all his posts. In this post I’ll be responding to
For the list of parts in my series see
In this post, I will be answering and refuting the individual who keeps writing posts about me and comments every second he gets trying to "refute" me and "expose" me. I am only doing this because some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be fooled by this dude.
In his last post before he started addressing my criticisms he made it clear he wouldn’t engage with my criticisms. It’s only after the mods told him to either respond or they’d remove his posts, as can be seen here, that he started responding to me. Given those facts I find it hard to believe his reasons given here for responding to me.
He begins by discussing my translation of the word "ישוחח," which I interpret as "argue" or "put forth."
That’s not where I begin. There is some important context before that. The first part of my first post was about showing the general sloppy nature of his posts using examples which he acknowledged his mistake, are things someone who knows Hebrew would be unlikely to make, and which he later copied elsewhere without fixing the mistake. The issue of ישוחח is just one part of this.
Firstly, in Biblical Hebrew, verb forms such as Qal and Piel (often referred to as Polel in some grammatical traditions) are distinguished by their specific diacritic markings (i.e., vowel points and consonantal diacritics).
Nope. The difference between the Qal and Polel forms in this case are not just in the diacritical marks but also have consonant differences.
Since I believe that the Masoretes distorted the Old Testament by adding these diacritics to reach a deviant interpretation, I do not consider them at all. I read the Old Testament without any diacritics. This is something he has yet to understand
Again in this case it’s not just the diacritical marks. I also understand Exion rejects them and in my responses I give reasons why his diacritical mark suggestions don’t work.
He later argues that the ancient Christian manuscripts (such as the Codex Sinaiticus, Septuagint, etc.) must agree with my claims and not with the Masoretic renderings of the Hebrew text, a conclusion he bases on thin air. I ask: Why is that so? Can you give us one good reason for this conclusion? You can't! He says this only because he considers these Christian manuscripts as divinely revealed criteria and translations.
Note the Septuagint was written by Jews not Christians. I’ve also given my reasons for why those should agree with Exion. He ignores those reasons and then attributes different reasons I never said. I’ll repeat again, Exion’s theory that he’s stated multiple times is that when the Masoretes added the diacritical marks they intentionally added ones that change the original meaning of the text to cover prophecies about Mohammed and Islam. He then claims he is discovering the original true meaning of the verses. If this is true then pre Masorete texts would still have the original meaning. Also any sources from after the Masoretes but which weren’t influenced by them should still have the original meaning. Also any before Mohammed and Islam wouldn’t have the same motivation to hide prophecies about Mohammed and Islam.
The Masoretes could even have been influenced by Christians and their manuscripts,
This is a textbook example of an ad hoc assumption. An ad hoc assumption is when an assumption is added without any evidence to modify a theory for the sole purpose of avoiding falsification of the theory by some evidence. Since these sources that should agree with Exion don’t agree he added a new assumption without evidence to modify his theory to avoid falsification.
It’s also a problematic assumption. The Masoretes were Jews. Jews and Christians were split a few hundred years earlier and so didn’t really influence each other. For the Septuagint this was written even before Christianity. It’s so far before Islam and Mohammed that it’s extremely unlikely they were trying to hide any prophecies about them. It’s one of our oldest sources for the text making them a good source for how early Jews understood the text. It serves as an excellent source for testing Exion’s claims since if they’re true we’d expect, at least a significant portion of the time, they’d agree with Exion. If no one else in history, even before the diacritical marks were added, agrees with Exion then Exion is not speaking the same language as everyone else.
In other words, both Qal and Polel essentially mean the same thing.
Here is what Exion said previously, “Regarding the phrase "Who will argue...", an alternative rendering could be "Who will claim..." However, using the word "argue" may be more faithful to the original text, as it carries a connotation of "complaining" or "disputing" rather than simply making a statement or engaging in ordinary conversation. This nuance helps capture the intended meaning more accurately.”
They specifically note the nuance of the meaning ‘complain’. What they failed to notice is that meaning is only part of the Qal form not the Polel. Both their original and new dictionary citation show this. Since the verb in question is in the Polel form that meaning doesn’t apply. Both source clearly listed the two different forms and the meanings for both. Either this is another case of Exion not reading his sources properly or he didn’t realize the correct form of the verb. Either way it shows the general unreliability of Exion.
Thus, he has fixated on this specific word, insisting it is (without a shadow of a doubt) in the Polel form (because his Pauline forefathers said so)
Actually I insist it’s in the Polel because I understand the different verb congregations. It’s not just diacritical marks but consonant differences as well. A key way we can tell is that the final consonant, ח, is duplicated.
Let's see if the Polel form does anything to save him:
This whole section is a lengthy that follows completely misses the point. Here is the original discussion, Like back then his response misses the point. I go on to note how is translation depends upon connecting two parks of the sentence where the diacritical marks have a break. I asked given all the mistakes he’s made up to that point, with the mix up of the Qal and Polel being the most recent at that time, why should we trust him over the Masoretes. The idea was to show how Exion is unreliable and doesn’t know Hebrew so he can’t be trusted over Hebrew speakers. He doesn’t justify why we shouldn’t take a break at that section, we’re just supposed to trust him but with all the mistakes he makes we can’t trust him. Furthermore after adjusting his translation to accommodate the Polel meaning the next day he copied his post to this subreddit without making the same correction but leaving the mistaken Qal meaning.
I believe (if I remember correctly) that he translates it as:
Nope. I never gave my own translation for this verse. He could have just checked the discussion but instead he made another sloppy mistake where he misrepresented what someone else has said. The discussion is public for anyone to read it themselves and see I never said that.
He goes on to say that I quoted from a fictitious source, which is not true at all. I simply didn’t bother looking through my entire library to find a quote I mistakenly mis-referenced, mainly because the quote turned out to be quite irrelevant, and I don’t waste my time like that.
That’s just an excuse. After giving the original citation a few people tried and couldn’t find it. He was pressed on the issue. Finally after some back and forth he gave a new book name and new author. However, the citation still couldn’t be found in that new book. It was at that point where he just ignored any further requests for proving the source exists. This is the first time since then he’s acknowledged it. Given that course of events it’s strong evidence the citation doesn’t actually exist. Until he provides proof the citation actually exists we should take the citation as fictitious. Though even if the source does exist his acknowledgment of a wrong citation is still evidence of his sloppy work and unreliability with representing sources, something he does very often.
So, I will not bother to refute every single point of the old stuff that I’ve already conclusively answered.
He never did. For the issue about copying the verse number and making it part of the verse all he could say before is that it’s a minor mistake that I’m overblowing. However, as I note the error is not a minor one but actually requires several points of failure, some of which are hard to accidentally make. E.g. removing the space between the verse number and first word after copying takes intentional action. For the pronoun suffixes his response boils down to just claiming every single person who has ever translated it is wrong and he is right. He refused to give a general account of pronoun suffixes that supports his translation along with a source to back up his account. I on the other hand took a picture of my Hebrew textbook showing the full chart to prove he is wrong.
Regarding the stone God mentions that was to be placed in the Temple of God, he says that it is saying
Notice in this section of his response he changes his original translation to include the second instance of the word stone that he previously missed. This acknowledges that he was originally wrong and missed that word. He just tries to rework the translation have that second occurrence of the word stone while still referring to God’s stone. Let’s see if it works.
The next word is אל: This is taken as a preposition according to them, and it generally means "to" or "toward," and never "upon." It is used to indicate direction or movement towards something. While the following word is, again, a stone "אבן."
I deal with his simplistic view of Hebrew pronouns in my pt 2. Once again we have the same problem. The relationship between pronouns in Hebrew compared to English is complicated. The pronoun in my pt 2 analysis has 8 pages in the BDB. אל has 2 pages. For על, which we be relevant in a moment, it has almost 6 pages for the proposition part. It’s far more complicated than giving a short list and only limiting translation to that list.
Regarding אל the BDB under note 2 points out there is a tendency to use it interchangeably with על. For על it lists upon as one of the meanings. Exion goes on to argue the limited set of meanings he gives don’t make sense and from that argues אל should instead be taken to be God. However, when we realized prepositions are more complicated than he makes them out to be and that אל can mean upon this argument fails.
Here, "אל־אבן" would translate to "God's stone" or "stone of God."
Here is the chapter from my textbook on the construct relationship singular. Take the first example. The first word on Hebrew is סוּס which means horse. The second word is הַמֶּלֶךְ which means the king. The translation given is “the horse of the king”. The second page gives examples of how this is translated into English with a ‘s. Based on that “the horse of the king” would be “the king’s horse”. This example shows us if we accept Exion’s claim אל means God and this is a construct relationship then the translation would actually be “God of stone” or “stone’s God”. Exion has flipped the words in his translation.
Thus, the phrase "מטרם שום־אבן אל־אבן בהיכל יהוה" would be understood as "before placing a stone as God's stone in the temple of YHWH" or "before placing a stone, God's stone, in the temple of YHWH"
Actually with the correct word order we’d have “before placing a stone, God of stone, in the temple of YHWH”.
Or you could simply not take "El" as a construct state. In Hebrew, a noun followed by another noun can indicate possession without needing a construct state (i.e. the equivalent of adding 's in English). This is often called "smikhut" or construct form, but it is not always necessary to explicitly form it.
This is confused. He thinks construct state refers to a specific different form or the noun but the possession meaning doesn’t require that different form. My textbook shows that’s mistaken. Yes it’s true the possession meaning doesn’t require a different form, however it’s still called the construct state. This is evident from my textbook. It notes at the bottom of the second page the construct state is sometimes the same as the absolute state. I didn’t mean to say Exion was taking it as having a different form from the absolute state but was pointing out he takes the phrase as indicating possession. That’s why I said if we add the missing word at take the phrase as indicating possession we’d get “stone’s God’s stone”.
This is something he doesn't know because, well, who knows why.
As my textbook proves it’s him that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Explicitly contradicting your claim that it doesn't exist, but you didn't know that because you have probably never even read the entirety of the chapter to begin with. The Temple was already there. A stone was to be placed in it, God's stone, the black stone of the House of God, and not that it was to be built or built anew. This is why I even wrote the article, because the temple of God was already in existence. How you could have missed this, if you've read the chapter in it entirety, is very baffling to me.
What’s baffling to me is how someone can be so confident and condescending while being so wrong. Not only did Exion fail to research the historical context of the literature he tries to interpret, he failed to notice my summary of the history. Haggai gives explicit historical markers for when the prophecies were made. “In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came by the hand of Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest:” Haggai‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬ ‭ESV‬‬. This places the prophecy in 520 B.C. This was after the Babylonians conquered Israel (specifically the southern kingdom as the northern was already conquered), brought them into exile, destroyed the first temple, the Persians conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews back to Israel to rebuilt the temple. They started to built the temple but stoped when opposition arose. Haggai’s prophecies are about pushing the Jews to continue rebuilding the temple. You can read about the fall of Israel by the Babylonians at the end of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. You can read about the return to Israel in Ezra and Nehemiah (note the events in Ezra are before those in Nehemiah).
Exion mentions Haggai 2:3 to disprove me. This is another case of him misrepresenting his sources. Let’s analyze it carefully part by part.
"Who among you is left, who saw this house in its former glory?” The word former indicates it had that glory in the past but no longer has it. That is because the previous temple was destroyed.
“And as you see it now”. This calls to attention a comparison of the former glory with the current glory.
“is it not as nothing in your eyes?" This expresses the current glory calling it nothing in their eyes. That’s because the previous temple was destroyed and not yet rebuilt.
Also check out these verses: ““Thus says the Lord of hosts: These people say the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.” Then the word of the Lord came by the hand of Haggai the prophet, “Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins? Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes. “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. Go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and that I may be glorified, says the Lord. You looked for much, and behold, it came to little. And when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why? declares the Lord of hosts. Because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house. Therefore the heavens above you have withheld the dew, and the earth has withheld its produce. And I have called for a drought on the land and the hills, on the grain, the new wine, the oil, on what the ground brings forth, on man and beast, and on all their labors.” Haggai‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭11 ‭ESV‬‬. It’s pretty clear the previous temple lies in ruins and God is calling them to rebuild it.
This is why Jacob
Jacob lived long before the temple was built. His life is recorded in Genesis. There is a lot of history in between Jacob’s life in Genesis and the building of the temple in 1 Kings/2 Chronicles. Either Exion is completely ignorant of the history he is commenting on or he’s cherry picking which parts he wants to accept.
Lying and adding words to the Word of God to make it look like another House would be raised.
But that’s literally what happened in history. The first temple was destroyed and the later rebuilt. Again check out the books I mentioned for the historical background, especially Ezra which records the events during the time Haggai was prophesying.
The preposition "the" is not there before "Chemdat," while it is before "Goyim" (heathens), which makes sense because "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)" and doesn't translate to "The treasure of all the heathens (will come)," as they have it.
Exion takes the lack of the definite article before chemdat as indicating it shouldn’t be translated with a “the” as its indefinite. He then argues taking chemdat the traditional way doesn’t make sense without the definite article so we should instead take it as a name. This again shows he doesn’t know Hebrew.
Note Exion translates it as Chemdat of. He interprets it as possession indicating he takes the Hebrew as being in the construct state. I linked above the chapter on the construct state. The first page notes a noun in the construct state never has the definite article. Instead the the last noun as the definite article then the noun in the construct state is also definite, and if the last noun is indefinite then the noun in the construct state is indefinite. Exion also acknowledges the last noun as having the definite article. When we actually understand the construct relationship we see that while there is no definite article on chemdat it’s still definite since it’s in the construct form with the last noun having the definite article. This undermines his argument for why chemdat is a name.
The phrase "הגוים" (ha-goyim) translates as "the heathens,"
The BDB lists this word as meaning nations/people. Heathen has very negative connotations which are not necessarily implied by the word.
He then says He will fill this house, which they saw as nothing, with glory. The house already exists;
Again look at the historical markers Haggai gives and the historical books for the historical background. Also look at the passage I quoted from Haggai 1 which clearly mentions the current temple in ruins and God calling the people to rebuild it. The promise God is making in Haggai 2:7 is about the new temple being greater than the former.
Going back to Haggai 2, the 18th verse also confirms that the Temple already was there:
"Consider, please, your heart from this day and onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the temple of the Lord was founded, consider your heart."
This particular section is Haggai 2:10-19. By this time the Jews started rebuilding the temple again and had laid the foundation. Haggai 2:15 and 18 are parallel passages calling the people to consider the time since that work on rebuilding the temple was done. God then points to the blessing they’ve experienced since then. That is in contrast to the hardships listed in Haggai 1:10-11 that God says we’re because they weren’t rebuilding his temple.
Nevertheless, he is right about one thing regarding this chapter: it does not mention the new moon to new moon and the end of the Sabbath—that was in Isaiah 66. My mistake.
Yes it is a mistake and it is one of way too many to count where he messes up representing his source in some way.
the second phrase can be interpreted as an end (if we interpret "Shabbat" as "End")
Actually it can’t. I missed this in my post but u/c0d3rman caught it in his comment on Exion’s post. The definition Exion gives in his post is the verb “to cease”. However, “an end” is not a verb but a noun. His translation doesn’t match his own definition.
but it is Biblically and generally interpreted as "Sabbath."
Because as a noun it means Sabbath.
A literal translation of the phrase in the 23rd verse would be:
‎>שבת (shabbat) - "Sabbath"
‎>בשבתו (be-shabbato) - "His Sabbath"
‎>יבוא (yavo) - "it will come"
Putting יבוא as part of this phrase has 3 problems. First it breaks the parallel in grammar and idea with the previous phrase. Second the subject of the verb then becomes the sabbath but that’s not possible. The gender of the verb and subject need to match but sabbath is feminine while יבוא is masculine. Third Exion’s translation has יבוא translated twice, both as part of this phrase and as part of the following phrase. However the word only occurs once in Hebrew so it can’t be translated twice into English as a part of 2 different phrases.
I also explained how this phrase is an idiom in my first post. I referenced the BDB which explains how we know it’s an idiom and what the idiom means, which corresponds to the traditional translation. The verse is not talking about a sabbath coming to a sabbath or coming to an end. It’s saying the frequency that all flesh shall come to worship before God.
I’ve mentioned the BDB often as a source. For those unaware there is an online version where words can be searched, I’m mentioning this because unlike Exion I want to be sure people can easily find the sources I reference. If anyone has trouble finding any particular word I’m not sure how to link to specific words but I’m happy to take pics of my physical copy.
u/TheQuranicMumin you said “If he fails/refuses to do this, we will remove his posts for misinformation.” Can we agree already this counts as a failure to respond and consider his posts misinformation or do I really need to continue addressing his posts/responses?
submitted by brod333 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:36 midnightsun34 letting go

so my TF and i have been on and off for 4 years now. i have let go so many times - telling him to leave me alone, not replying, unfollowing on social media, blocking his number. i’m the chaser and at first i was constantly reaching out and expressing how i felt, until he told me that we just weren’t on the same page. for the last 3 years i have stopped reaching out first. he’s the runner and is so inconsistent which is why i’ve tried letting go so many times. he would randomly text me asking to hang out or seeing how i am and would call me at night and tell me how he feels about me and what he wants. by the morning it’s like all of that has changed and he’s different. i blocked him for months and literally the day after i unblocked him(i randomly started thinking about him and seeing all kinds of signs), he texted me. as of right now he’s asking to see me or when he can see me but the next week we don’t talk. it doesn’t make sense. i’ve told him how i feel and that he doesn’t even try and he tells me he’s not trying to hurt me. i feel like ive tried everything to let go and i cant. i want to meet up and talk but i doubt we would even be able to make and follow through with the plans.
submitted by midnightsun34 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:33 ohnostahp Could I possibly have NAR?

About three or so weeks ago, one absolutely random night I suddenly felt irritation in my nose and throat as if I was smelling smoke even though there was none around me.
At the time I thought maybe smoke is coming from the outside so I wrote it off as a singular irritation.
However, from that night on I have been having a very congested nose, sometimes runny and a very dry chesty cough that follows for a day or two. It seems to flare up the most in the evenings, especially the cough, and nothing helps. I had periods of fatigue, dizziness, brain fog too, but not persistent.
My nose gets blocked and then unblocked on and off again depending on which environment I'm in or if I'm sitting or standing.
I've never had allergies in my life and this happened very out the blue with no further symptoms.
I went to see my GP as I was getting worried about the cough - however all vitals came back good. Just one thing - very swollen inside of the nose.
He advised it might be sinusitis and prescribed a Mometasone Furoate Nasal Spray (UK) and antibiotics. I've been using the spray (albeit incorrectly as I've just found out on this page lol) but haven't touched the antibiotics yet as I doubt it is actually sinusitis. I have no fever, no cheek, forehead or head pressure - nothing. Just a blocked, runny nose, sneezing and the dry cough. And my nose insides do feel swollen, irritated and dry at this point - probably from all the blowing and nasal sprays (which I didn't know can actually dry it out more)
I've been going a bit crazy trying to understand what the hell is up. Thought it might be heart related even - but then I came across the definition of Non-allergic rhinitis and it seems to be fitting my situation the most.
Could it be it and is there any good relief for it in UK?
P.S. I have undergone a rhinoplasty back in 2019. Not sure if that could relate to anything so far later..
submitted by ohnostahp to nonallergicrhinitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:16 Due_Pop8764 my fp blocked me on everything, i don't know what to do

we havnt been "together" for a while (trying to work on the relationship). she lets it be known that she has dating apps and things like that or when she's talking to a girl which i've never really been upset about because ik we're not together.
i was stressed out about my birthday and i wanted to feel better about myself. prove im not a bad person. i flirted with this girl for one night and then i blocked her. me and my fp got into an argument on my birthday and said she'd block me i unblocked the girl again and did the same thing. i blocked her the next day.
a few weeks later she looked through my phone and found the messages. they weren't on the main page so i'm guessing she searched for it. she woke me up and asked what it was and i told her the whole truth. she was made that i didn't tell her but and said that i betrayed her and lied to her. I told her that i was sorry for not telling her but that i thought there was nothing to tell seeing as i had blocked her weeks ago now.
I was at work today and i came home to her telling me she doesn't want to do this anymore. she's blocked me on everything. i feel like i can't live on anymore and i have work tomorrow . i don't know what to do without her, she's been the only person that cares about me and now im just alone with nothing and no one. i've been crying since she hung up like 6hrs ago. i can't do this
submitted by Due_Pop8764 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:21 Abbey_Something As I predicted he would, Musk flooded my for you page with MAGA grifters and scumbags after the Guilty ruling

As I predicted he would, Musk flooded my for you page with MAGA grifters and scumbags after the Guilty ruling
He is such a man child. You can’t for one second tell me he is not doing this on purpose filling my for you page with people I don’t engage with and also have blocked and magically unblocked now.
I knew he was going to do this after the guilty ruling since now Trump has offered him a reward for his turning Twitter into a MAGA shithole. Tweaking the algorithm to drown out the anti trump comments to his pride and joy bigots, grifters and cult members who think that Trump can do no wrong and blaring thire undying obedience to the orange king
Also users boasting how they are donating to Trump By the shit ton.
I am now ASHAMED that I wanted a Tesla mostly because I liked Musk and trusted him and thought he was a smart guy. I will never buy a Tesla even if they are the only car company on earth. He’s nothing but a bigoted childish scumbag I hope to god I live long enough to see his companies crumble.
submitted by Abbey_Something to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:09 Ok-Accountant8637 Why Your Zelle Payment Failed

Zelle began as a popular payment platform to make quick transfers to friends and family; in the wake of P2P success, Zelle business accounts have become equally useful for instant, no-free transfers between customers, businesses, and vendors. However, many users have reported that their Zelle payment failed at some point since they started using the service.
If this happens to you, there’s no need to panic. Zelle payments may fail for many reasons, and easy fixes are usually available. In this guide, we’ll look at possible reasons your Zelle payment failed and how to rectify each situation. We’ll also shed light on possible repercussions of payment failures and offer guidance on recovering funds when they disappear despite a transaction failure.
Top 6 Reasons Why Your Zelle Payment Failed & How to Fix It
A red X above the front and back of a pink credit card after a Zelle payment failed.
Failed payments are frustrating, especially when action from the recipient is dependent on the receipt of your payment, as can be the case with P2P (Peer-to-Peer) payments. For instance, suppliers often won’t release stock until they receive a payment from you, and some contractors won’t start work until they receive a deposit. This can present a setback in stock availability or delay projects.
In some cases, securing a property, booking travel, or securing a seat at a conference is subject to receipt of a payment. If your payment fails, you may risk losing out to someone else who snatched the last available spot.
The first step to fixing a failed Zelle payment is understanding why your (or your customer’s) payment didn’t go through. Here are six of the most common reasons for failed Zelle payments—and what to do if they happen to you.
  1. Technical Problems and Glitches
As with any tech-driven solution, glitches and other technical issues can cause Zelle payments to fail. These issues might include server downtime, Zelle app bugs, or device or internet connection problems.
Server Downtime
The Zelle app depends on internal company servers to maintain communication between network banks. If Zelle servers are experiencing downtime, there’s usually nothing you can do except wait until Zelle resolves the issue on their side. You can check websites like DownDetector to see if there are any known outages.
Server downtime generally doesn’t last too long, as Zelle understands the impact these issues can have on its clients and reputation. Zelle thus aims to minimize server problems and sort out issues ASAP.
Application Bugs
If you’re using the Zelle app on your mobile device and experiencing payment failures due to a buggy application, try updating the Zelle app. On an Android device, open the Google Play Store, search for “Zelle,” and tap on it to open the app page. If updates are available for download, you’ll see an option to do so.
On an iOS device, launch the App Store. Tap on your profile picture, scroll down to “Available Updates,” and look for Zelle. Tap the “Update” button if available.
Device or Internet Issues
Sometimes, payment failures result from issues with your device or internet connection. Ensure your device has a stable internet connection, and try restarting it to troubleshoot any temporary glitches. Additionally, clearing your browser cache and cookies can sometimes resolve issues if you are accessing your bank profile in a web browser.
  1. Closed or Suspended Recipient Bank Account
The reason your Zelle payment failed could also be due to a problem on the recipient’s end. Zelle will decline your payment if the recipient’s account has been blocked.
In this case, the recipient must restore their account to receive payments from anyone. They will usually need to contact Zelle support directly to address the issue. If they enrolled through their bank’s app, they may also need to contact their banking institution to get the account unblocked.
Once Zelle (or the bank) reinstates their account, try making the payment again. It should be successful this time round.
  1. Incorrect Recipient Contact Information
Even if it’s just one incorrect digit or character, wrong recipient contact information arises as a frequent cause of digital payment failure. If your Zelle failed payment, check with the recipient to ensure you have the correct details.
Sending someone a payment request from Zelle is an easy way to ensure that the paying party uses the correct information. By issuing a payment request from the recipient’s side, the sender has to respond by authorizing the payment—instead of entering their details from scratch.
Zelle will decline the payment if you send a payment to an email address or mobile number that does not exist. However, if you send a payment to an incorrect mobile number or email address registered with Zelle, you will send money to the wrong person. As part of the user policy, Zelle will not reverse or refund payment once you have authorized it.
Always confirm that you have accurate recipient details. After successfully making the first payment, save the recipient in your profile to have the correct information for future payments.
New Recipients
If you are sending a payment to a new recipient, such as a supplier who recently signed up for Zelle, verify they are enrolled with the service beforehand. With US Bank, for instance, a purple “Z” will appear below the recipient’s name if they are registered with Zelle. This way, you’ll know you have the correct details.
A person holding their card next to an oversized phone, realizing their Zelle failed payment.
If the recipient is not registered with Zelle, they will get a notice after you pay. The notice will provide instructions on how to register and access the funds. They will need to do so with the mobile number or email address you sent the money to; if they don’t register within 14 days, Zelle will return the funds to you.
  1. Insufficient Funds
If you try to pay with insufficient funds in your linked bank account, the payment won’t go through. You will receive an automated error message; the notification will usually explain the reason for payment failure.
In this case, the fix is pretty straightforward. You must transfer more money into your Zelle-linked bank account to ensure enough funds are available. Once you have done so, try again.
  1. You Have a High-Risk Business
Zelle prohibits using its services for certain business types, often classified as high-risk businesses. This includes the sale of firearms and related products, pharmaceuticals, sexually oriented materials, gambling, cryptocurrency, and pyramid schemes, among others.
Zelle will suspend, freeze, or terminate your account if you are suspected of using the service for any prohibited industry activities—even if your business is legitimate. Most digital payment platforms and wallets, including Venmo, PayPal, Cash App, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, prohibit high-risk business transactions; however, all is not lost.
A merchant services provider can help find safe and convenient payment processing solutions for even the most high-risk merchants. They offer multiple payment methods, allowing your customers to pay in a way that suits them, and they won’t freeze client accounts since they’re equipped to deal with high-risk industries.
  1. You’ve Reached Your Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Transfer Limit
Every bank in Zelle’s network sets limits on the maximum amount of funds you can transfer. Limits vary by bank and can apply to daily, weekly, and monthly transactions. When registering your Zelle business account, it’s important to confirm transaction limits with your financial institution—and plan payments accordingly to avoid payment failures.
Zelle will decline the transactions if you try to make any payments over the transfer limit. In this case, you’ll have to wait until a new limit period starts. For instance, if your daily limit is $500 and you have already reached this amount, you’ll have to wait until the next day to complete any further transfers.
What to Do if Your Zelle Payment Failed But the Money’s Gone
If your Zelle payment failed but money was taken from your account, check the payment status. If the payment is “pending,” it means the recipient has not yet enrolled with Zelle. They will, however, receive a notification with instructions. As soon as they complete their registration, they will receive the funds.
On the other hand, if the payment status says “completed” but the recipient did not receive the money, contact your bank or Zelle ASAP. They can investigate the issue and determine the reason for failure if it is not automatically returned.
Before contacting your bank, ensure that you have used the correct sender details and have not exceeded your payment limits. Zelle payments are irreversible and cannot be canceled or refunded if you make an error. Furthermore, Zelle does not offer purchase protection.
Given these caveats, Zelle may not be the best payment method for transactions in which you’re not entirely sure of the receiver’s safety or legitimacy. Consider using a credit card instead when purchasing supplies or services from new vendors—this way, you will at least have some purchase protection.
Payment Methods for Success Beyond Zelle
Whether it’s a frustrated customer, delayed arrival of stock, or overdue wages, failed payments can cause many complications and have numerous knock-on effects. Although Zelle offers free and fast transactions, its limitations can make it less than suitable as the primary payment method for a growing business. Its lack of versatility and business integrations makes it time-consuming for business owners to manage their finances and offers little payment flexibility or security.
submitted by Ok-Accountant8637 to u/Ok-Accountant8637 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:55 fluoride-injex 🔧 Breaking News🔧- 5/31/24

🔧 Breaking News🔧- 5/31/24 submitted by fluoride-injex to Legendarywrenchsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:01 darkneferet99 I (25 f) found love declarations to his ex (30 m) on his computer.. what do I do? AITAH?

So essentially what the caption says, I wouldn’t have found any of this, but I was trying to replace his windshield and triple A wouldn’t cover it so I had to try and figure out his military bank information for a claim.
I thought okay he left his computer, phone and vehicle with me so he trusts me and I’ve never had any reason to not trust him. I’m a big believer on everyone is entitled to their privacy and he even has my phone password and has a Face ID if he ever needed to get into my phone so getting into his computer seemed like an okay thing at the time.
I looked up his browser to go to the banking site and it didn’t autogenerate. So I tried email, while scrolling I found receipts for $200 worth of flowers he ordered his ex the same night he came over crying to me saying he wanted me back. At this point I am ashamed but I did spiral.
I found a $2000 dollar purchase of diamond earrings he sent her, I found the google doc titled in her name of 19 pages of love declarations he’s made for her. I could get over all of this but what hurt me the most is he copy and pasted the first two paragraphs of the love letters he made for her and gave it to me for my birthday in April.
The other stuff was around the end of March he was using chat gpt to figure out a way to respond to her getting her flowers.
I spoke with his mom and she told me the ex in question is the type of woman to just unblock him randomly and give him the attention during the moment and when she’s done she blocks him again.
This happened back in February of this year, he ghosted me for a month because the ex messaged him saying she wanted him back. Before her plane even landed is when she blocked him again and came running back to my house.
I typed out a letter and I plan on giving it to him on his 8 hour pass along with the documents I printed off of proof I saw it all. I just don’t want to be the girl that’s the “safe” option or the rebound because his ex doesn’t return the affection. AITAH?
submitted by darkneferet99 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:56 darkneferet99 I (25f) have found love declarations on bf (30 m) computer while he’s at training

So essentially what the caption says, I wouldn’t have found any of this, but I was trying to replace his windshield and triple A wouldn’t cover it so I had to try and figure out his military bank information for a claim.
I thought okay he left his computer, phone and vehicle with me so he trusts me and I’ve never had any reason to not trust him. I’m a big believer on everyone is entitled to their privacy and he even has my phone password and has a Face ID if he ever needed to get into my phone so getting into his computer seemed like an okay thing at the time.
I looked up his browser to go to the banking site and it didn’t autogenerate. So I tried email, while scrolling I found receipts for $200 worth of flowers he ordered his ex the same night he came over crying to me saying he wanted me back. At this point I am ashamed but I did spiral.
I found a $2000 dollar purchase of diamond earrings he sent her, I found the google doc titled in her name of 19 pages of love declarations he’s made for her. I could get over all of this but what hurt me the most is he copy and pasted the first two paragraphs of the love letters he made for her and gave it to me for my birthday in April.
The other stuff was around the end of March he was using chat gpt to figure out a way to respond to her getting her flowers.
I spoke with his mom and she told me the ex in question is the type of woman to just unblock him randomly and give him the attention during the moment and when she’s done she blocks him again.
This happened back in February of this year, he ghosted me for a month because the ex messaged him saying she wanted him back. Before her plane even landed is when she blocked him again and came running back to my house.
I typed out a letter and I plan on giving it to him on his 8 hour pass along with the documents I printed off of proof I saw it all. I just don’t want to be the girl that’s the “safe” option or the rebound because his ex doesn’t return the affection. AITAH?
submitted by darkneferet99 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:20 FirstApricot1626 All bans on roblox

All bans on roblox
Section 1: Intro
Hi, today we are going to be talking about all bans on roblox. So we are getting to the lowest level ban to a high level ban, to the HIGHEST LE- Ummmmm. Read this to find out what im saying.
Section 2: Not too much of a ban
First off we have the in experince ban it is by far the lowest level ban, YOU DONT EVEN NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT, so when a dev of game bans you, they ban your account from the experince and you cannot join back, Next we have voice chat ban which is like if your above 13+ and you use voice chat to like you know what it will ban your voice chat. Your only banned from voice chat so yea thats not a big thing to worry about.
Section 3: The steps of account ban
After that we have Warning, now warning is by far the most common ban and I'm 60% sure that alot of us has experinced this(Even me lol) now when you get warned you can immedially reactivate your account, So yea not a big thing to worry about, But you gotta be careful what you do after this cause then you get 1 day ban, your account will be banned for 1 day and you cannot reactivate it until 1 day, 3 day ban is next, now it is similar to 1 day ban but longer, 7 day ban is here and yea preety bad but there is one ban that is alot higher level which is ACCOUNT TERMINATION! Now when you get terminated your perm banned and you cannot reactivate your account unless appealed(which has to be within 30 days)
Section 4: The bans are coming back for more...
Now yes termination is really bad but, Mac adress ban is here, now mac adress blocks your computer from going in roblox, roblox studio, roblox player and the website itself, A less common version is serial ban, So there is a serial inside your computer that helps you go in apps, When you get this ban it will block the serial from going in roblox, roblox studio, roblox player and the website itself. Now it is really bad but poison ban is here, Poison ban will get everyone connected activily playing roblox so when you get that ban, if you or your siblings or your friends were playing roblox, they would really get banned and it blocks those users from signing on Roblox but it doesn't stop you from logging in though, that's why you wanna have an alt account to play Roblox on btw.
Section 5: The most powerful bans of Roblox website.
Pretty scary but there is IP ban which lasts 7 days to 30 days, If you do severe violation then you will get IP banned. Now when you get IP banned if you have a bro or sis that plays Roblox and they are using the same network as you all of these accounts will be terminated. Every account in the same network will be terminated which is when they give you an router ban, error code 403 and once you get error code 403 then you will see the access denied page. Really bad but THAT IS NOT EVEN THE WORST BAN OUT OF ALL, the worst ban out of all is the Invalid credentials(perm IP ban) so when you get invalid credentials. All accounts on your network will be terminated, and if you get invalid credentials banned it will show error code 401, and for both IP and Invalid credentials ban you cannot sign in or log out until the IP ban is over(Perm Ip ban will only last until Roblox realized it was a mistake)
Section 6: How you can get bans
Now if you do something not too serious for the first time they will give you a warn or voice chat ban, If you do something not too serious for 2nd time or something serious for 1st time they will give you 1 day ban, if you get 3 strikes you get 3 day ban, 4 strikes for 7 day ban and 5 strikes for termination, If you do something really bad they will give you mac address ban, serial ban or poison ban, If you do something severe like said earlier you will get IP Banned, now if you create a new account and you try to speed run getting banned and do severe stuff like hacking into other accounts they will IP ban you which i don't recommend your more wanting to get termination on the account your speed running to get banned.
Section 7: Some Examples of deleted bans
There is also some bans like a 2 week ban that Roblox doesn't really do anymore(More examples: 1 month ban, 1 year ban, Custom ban) So yea,
Section 8: More about bans
You can get warnings for stupid reasons so like even if you follow the terms of service in Roblox they might still ban you anyway for example this guy got in trouble for saying hi
A person got banned for a day for saying Hi
So yea, Other people might also get you in trouble for example a person got banned for 3 days for standing up for himself
Why Roblox, Just WHYYYYYYYYY
And also my friend Alastor got banned for standing up for a newbie(Just 1 day and that was like 15 days ago). Don't worry about the no reason ban your more likely to get banned when you DON'T follow the terms of service
Section 9: When someone breaks the rules
You might be safe to kids but what if someone breaks the rules? (Examples: Swearing, Bullying someone, Trash talk, Spamming, Exploiting, Saying Adult content stuff, Dating, Giving links outside website, Hacking into other accounts) Report them and they will get what they deserve. If they do something that is not too serious(Example: Bullying someone, Spamming, Trash talk,) Most likely they will get warning or free day ban(Free day ban means like 1 day, 3 day or 7 day ban)
Section 10: False report
Similarly to section 9, If you false report you WILL get banned, So if you report someone for being annoying being annoying isn't in the rules list so YOU will get warned or banned or terminated depending on how many times you have done it. False reporting is when you report someone that they didn't do or reporting someone for something that is NOT EVEN on the list, so when you false report they can take in action(For example: When your like a legendary tiger in strongest battle grounds, Blade ball, Blox fruits or any of these combat games, and then you eliminate or kill someone in these games, then they could report you which is false reporting) You might get warned that is what i believe but you could get free day ban firstly IDK never saw image of someone getting banned for false report(Doesn't mean no one got that ban) What can happen is that you might get confused as an exploiter and get banned but that is really rare occurrence
Section 11: What you should do if someone does something annoying not in the terms of service
You might be wondering that, well to avoid getting banned you should block them, blocking them will stop them from communicating with you until you UN-block them. To unblock someone you need to go to privacy and then scroll all the way down to your blocked list(If your using roblox player or mobile then go to more and then do the steps of the computer one)
Section 12: Outro
So now we explained all the bans and how to avoid getting banned, your account should be safe now, You woudn't wanna get terminated on your main right? Well I woudn't cause your still using it. This would be a good reason you shoudn't try to get yourself terminated(But like i said eariler in the post there is more bans worse than that) Stay safe out there!
submitted by FirstApricot1626 to u/FirstApricot1626 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:29 ThrowRA__sj I (27F) am thinking of breaking up with my boyfriend (28M) because my ex best friend (27F) is immature and petty. How do I move forward?

I started hooking up with my best friend's brother about a year ago. My best friend and I were roommates for three years and best friends for about ten years. She at first incouraged the relationship, but then would freak out and send us rude texts whenever he stayed over. Long story short she ended the lease and our friendship and blocked my number and socials. I think it's important to mention that I was unaware we were ending the friendship, two days prior to moving out we had a long talk rectifying and resolving the friendship. We both agreed the fight wasn't worth losing our friendship and decided to move back it. So to later find out I was blocked was a complete shock resulting in confusion on my end. I don't know the main reason she ended the friendship but I do believe it was because I was seeing her brother and she hadn't found a boyfriend. I'm still not over the fact that I lost my bestfriend but thats an issue for another day lol.
It's been five months since we've moved out and the brother and I are dating. I thought alot about if I could date the brother knowing the awkwardness around the sister and I no longer being friends. I decided I could move past the issues with the sister and it wouldn't affect the relationship. I assumed we were all grown adults and sometimes friendships come to an end so there really nothing to worry about.. I was wrong.
My ex best friend friend has resorted to petty highschool style revenge. Between the constant unblocking and reblocking me to look at my page (I am public), I found out that my she had recently hit up a guy I was hooking up with for about six years (prior to the brother and I dating). To get all the questions you may ask out of the way; she knew about him - besides us being best friends for 10 years, we lived together so shes seen/met him a few times, she initiated it - she followed him and was sliding up on his pictures, no she does not see a future or has feelings for him - they never talked to each other besides a few sentences in passing and he has a girlfriend. I know all this as he told me since we have a weird friendship still.
To be clear I do not care who he sleeps with, there are no romantic feelings between us (strictly a friends with benefits relationship). I would only care if they slept together since she knew -to put it frank- hes mine (in girl code "off limits") and we've talked about him in that way many times. I know its very juvenile and stupid but this is the one way she would be able to upset me and "get back at me" for dating her brother.
With that being said, I think her action mentioned above and many others which I left out of this post showed me her true colors. I think shes a self centered piece of shit, trash that lacks self awareness. Ideally I would like to wipe my hands clean of her completely and not be involved in any of her petty revenge drama ..but unfortunately, I'm dating her brother so by dating him she'll always be in my life.
I'm not sure how to deal with this situation. I do have feelings for the brother but it's early enough in the relationship where I could cut ties and wont be a mess. I'm not sure if he's worth putting myself through the torture of her being somewhat in my life. What if this behavior continues? I'm also not confident that he will always be on my side if there were disagreements between us.
I don't know if I should explain how I've been feeling to him, end things and run, or stick it out and see how it goes...
submitted by ThrowRA__sj to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:32 ExternalCucumber4791 Aye tell Tharpe to unblock me

On the men I thought his page got deleted whole time they wishing this nigga happy birthday on dmvhoodnews shit and he tagged and Ian do nun to get block his ahh was funny 💔💔 @eliblattt tell ‘em unblock the kid 😡
submitted by ExternalCucumber4791 to TheCapitalLink [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:26 DocKnocker Fixed Up a Free Sony PS LX-510

Fixed Up a Free Sony PS LX-510
My first post in this sub. I wanted to share this in case anyone else is looking up tips on fixing one as I had a hard time finding info myself. Apologize for the long post but I like to be thorough.
My friend is moving and gifted me his father’s old turntable. It looked pretty rough, with a dust cover completely snapped in half and missing a hinge, and it had all these scuffs and scratches. He suspected it need a new tone arm drive belt, but didn’t know much else about it. I took it home since I was looking for a vintage unit and I love vintage Japanese tech. It turned on, lit up, and the platter turned so that was a good start, but no sound came from the stylus and the tone arm wouldn’t move. So I cracked it open to take a look.
Inside, there is a small motor attached via a tiny belt to a gear. That belt was stretched out so I ordered a replacement. That gear attaches to a wheel that had a string loosely attached to it. That string then went into the “guts” of the turntable behind the tone arm assembly, but I noticed some other wheels around which the string may wrap. I then found this online manual, and restrung the string. The string and wheel translate the motor movement to move the tone arm. Once everything was in place the arm moved, but reluctantly. Some dielectric grease got things moving more smoothly.
The big issue was getting the arm to drop. There’s a magnetic counter-weight in the tone arm assembly that, when it drops, it releases the tone arm which should then also drop. That didn’t happen for me, and I spent weeks trying to figure it out. I could found no vids or pics to help, but then I figured out it was missing the stylus cartridge! I ordered a P-style cartridge (and a pre-amp), and the weight from the cartridge is what drops the arm. I hooked everything up and it sounds great! I’m super happy with it and it is now my primary turntable.
How it work: When the stylus is in contact with a record, it moves inward (left) while the assembly is stationary. At the other end of the stylus arm is a metal plate that rests between and light and a sensor. As the arm moves left, the metal plate at the other end moves right and blocks the sensor. When the light is blocked, it triggers the motor to turn, which drives the wheel and string, which then moves the tone arm assembly a few millimeters. This moves the tone arm to the right, which then unblocks the light sensor, which triggers the motor to stop turning. This process repeats to the end of the record. Then, another sensor determines the record has ended, and the assembly returns to the original position and stops the platter from turning. There are manual controls for lifting/dropping the tone arm and moving the assembly.
There is also a sensor beneath the platter then detects the size of the vinyl (e.g. LP vs 45”). This tells where the tone arm should drop for the respective sizes. However, it does not like any transparency in a vinyl and will not auto play those. But, you can move the rubber mat to block the sensor and it will default to an LP size.
Impressions: I was very impressed with how sturdy the components are. The metals and plastics are all super thick and strong. But this thing was made in Japan in the 70’s so I guess that’s how they did things. Also, it seems over-engineered to the point of absurdity. I’m not sure what problem this was trying to solve, but that’s what I love about it. Nearly 50 years old and I’ve never seen anything like it. And I love bringing old things back to life.
submitted by DocKnocker to turntables [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:13 Spiritual_Meeting213 She's starting to unblock us to get attention back to her page

She blocked me about 2 months ago for making a video of her dancing sped up to that sound "Motto motto likes you".
Last night I was unblocked. She's clearly losing attention and needs her haters back 🤣
submitted by Spiritual_Meeting213 to BeckiJones [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:51 ptexpress Run and never look back

I heard you having sex with him when I went over to check on him in December. I left and blocked him. Didn't know who you were then. Didn't have a name or a face or a story attached to your sex noise.
An 8-page handwritten letter came in my mail a few weeks ago. He said he was in love with you the whole time he was also with me, blah blah. Because what better explanation for cheating than true love?
I knew about you when I was dating him. Not the part where you almost got back with him 3 months before and decided not to. But the part where he didn't want to have kids with you. He said he was open to having kids, just not with you. Because you were emotionally immature and couldn't get along with his kids. He said he loved you, even though you were none of the things he looked for, not pretty, not smart, not cultured, untraveled, you'd lived in Camden all your life.
You kept breaking up and getting back together. He made you sound like a person with no needs, no boundaries, and no standards. Like he was with you only because you were "easy." And that right there was the red flag I didn't lean into.
He wrote me the letter the same day he broke up with you, the day before he started his new job, right after taking you on that amazing in-between-jobs vacation. I unwisely unblocked and talked to him. It's 3 weeks later, and guess what, he's already in another relationship, with that woman who was a friend and client whom he texted a lot when I was still with him.
Run, Tricia, run, and never look back. He isn't the "almost right" guy and lost love of your life. He's just a psychopath who fakes love so well.
submitted by ptexpress to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:23 Electronic-Tart3381 Best VPN Software? – Detailed Reddit Guide

Seriously, all these diff posts on diff subs telling you about the best VPNs are getting out of hand. And I’m feeling like it’s all over the place right now. I’ve come across so many different opinions on this topic so far and I came to a point where I didn’t know what to believe and what not to believe.
So while I navigate this journey and try to find the best VPN for myself, I thought why not document my findings and summarize them in this post. Might help some of you out there. It’s gonna be a bit long, so if you’re looking for a quick ans: Surfshark was what I found to work best.

5 Best VPN Services According to Reddit

Surfshark – Best VPN Overall

Surfshark offers a variety of subscription plans designed to meet different needs and budgets:
Surfshark Starter Plan:
Surfshark One Plan:
It Includes a VPN service and an integrated antivirus feature for enhanced online security.
Surfshark One+ Plan:
It Includes a VPN, antivirus, a private search engine, and a data removal tool for comprehensive online security. All plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee, unlimited device connections, and no bandwidth limitations.
Surfshark is a comprehensive cybersecurity service that offers a variety of tools to protect your online presence. From VPN and antivirus to data breach alerts and identity protection, Surfshark provides an all-in-one solution to ensure your internet activities remain secure and private. With user-friendly features and a commitment to safeguarding your data, Surfshark stands out as a reliable choice for individuals seeking robust online protection.

Norton VPN – Best for Online Anonymity and Privacy

Keep in mind that Norton VPN bills you upfront for the entire year (starting at $29.99/year) rather than on a monthly basis.
1-Month Plan:
1-Year Plan:
Norton VPN can be purchased separately or included with Norton antivirus packages, such as Norton 360 Standard ($39.99/year), Deluxe ($49.99/year), and with LifeLock Select ($99.99/year).
Norton Secure VPN ensures online anonymity and privacy by encrypting traffic and protecting against trackers from ISPs and the government. It employs strong encryption, reliable tunneling protocols, and an effective kill switch for enhanced safety. While it retains about 74% of the original internet speed using OpenVPN and L2TP/IPSec protocols, it's not the fastest VPN available. With servers in 29 countries, it lacks specialized servers for optimal streaming and torrenting.

Avast – Best for Online Security

The pricing for Avast SecureLine VPN is as follows:
All plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Avast also offers a free trial: 7 days for Mac and 60 days for Windows, allowing users to test features like secure browsing, IP address hiding, and global content access without initial costs.
Avast SecureLine VPN is a service provided by Avast that encrypts your internet connection, ensuring your online privacy and security. It is particularly useful for protecting your data on public networks, preventing hackers and other entities from spying on your online activities. The VPN also helps to mask your IP address, allowing you to browse the web anonymously and access content that might be restricted in your region.

Betternet – Best for Geo-Restrictions & Censorship

Betternet VPN offers a free version and a premium version. The premium version provides more locations, better speeds, and up to five simultaneous connections but is relatively expensive. It includes:

The free version is limited to 500MB per day, suitable for minimal browsing, and requires no account creation.
Betternet VPN is a virtual private network service designed to provide users with secure and private internet access. It helps protect online privacy by masking IP addresses, encrypting internet traffic, and allowing users to bypass geo-restrictions and censorship. Betternet offers both free and premium versions, with the premium version providing faster speeds and access to more server locations. Its user-friendly interface and easy setup make it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise.

NordVPN – Best for Fast and Stable Connections

NordVPN offers three pricing plans:
All plans offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
NordVPN is widely regarded as a great VPN due to its strong security features, including AES-256 encryption and a no-logs policy. Based in Panama, it offers excellent privacy and has been independently audited four times. It consistently delivers the fastest connection speeds using its NordLynx protocol. Additionally, NordVPN excels at bypassing geo-restrictions and includes features like Smart DNS, split tunneling, and broad device compatibility.

What Is a VPN?

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that creates a secure, encrypted connection over the internet. It allows users to protect their online privacy and data by masking their IP address and routing their internet traffic through a remote server. This helps to safeguard sensitive information, prevent eavesdropping, and access content that may be restricted based on geographic location.

How VPNs Safeguard Your Privacy and What Are Their Limitations?

Using a VPN on personal and business devices helps protect your privacy by encrypting your data and keeping your online identity and transmitted data secure. However, VPNs do not protect against malware or phishing scams. They secure active online data transmissions but do not safeguard data stored on your device, so it's essential to use antivirus and anti-malware software and exercise caution with suspicious links and emails for complete protection.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, choosing the best VPN service ensures enhanced online privacy, robust security, and unrestricted access to global content. For businesses or personal use, integrating top-tier VPN solutions with platforms like Salesforce can safeguard sensitive customer data and streamline secure operations.
Seriously, all these diff posts on diff subs telling you about the best VPNs are getting out of hand. And I’m feeling like it’s all over the place right now. I’ve come across so many different opinions on this topic so far and I came to a point where I didn’t know what to believe and what not to believe.
submitted by Electronic-Tart3381 to software [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:56 KyleKKent OOCS, Into A Wider Galaxy, Part 016

Harriett The Spy AND HHH/Herbert’s Hundred Harem
They were comparing their stories about the weirder infiltration missions they’d gone on since they last spoke when there’s a knock on the door and it’s quickly opened before either can say anything.
“Sir? Ma’am? Update to the latest mess.” The Angla man says leaning in and holding out a folder. Harriett’s longer reach has her grab it.
“Good man, back to it soldier.” Herbert says as he hops off his chair. By the time the door is closed again he’s at Harriett’s side and standing on his tiptoes to read it over her elbow.
“Well... shit.” Harriett says as she sees the image of a gigantic slohb core with something clearly embedded in and infecting it. She reaches over to the flask and upends it to reveal the slightly larger than a pea piece of blood metal. A moment of compare and she curses again.
“Exactly what I was thinking. Where did she find it? Was it embedded deliberately? Some kind of experiment?” Herbert notes
“Hang on, let me turn the page.” Harriett tells him. “She found it and is reaching out to us because The Undaunted are one of the only powers she knows for a fact cannot be involved.”
“Alright, you just take a break. You got out of an infiltration like ten minutes ago. Have a snack. Relax, I need to prep a response to this.” Herbert says as he heads for the door. She follows.
“I’m no wilting flower. I know that Spire, have some infiltration experience there and friends as well. I can get you through the gang territories on the way down so we can help this poor woman.” Harriett says and Herbert nods.
“Alright then, you’re heading the mission. I’m going to scrape up all the support you need. So, what do you need?” Herbert asks.
“Several Doctors, at least one specializing in Xenobioology with at bare minimum a professional understanding of Slohb physiology. Several troopers that don’t mind cleaning and then standing guard. A transmutation Adept to re-purpose local materials for a sterile operating room to get that thing out of there and with sufficient skill to produce Null on demand finally a lack of interference from Centris authorities.” Harriett lists out and Herbert nods.
“Done, get started on your plan of movement. I’ll get it all ready.” Herbert promises her as they powerwalk through Intelligence and then Herbert dashes away as he calls to to people and barks orders. For the briefest of moments Harriett mentally compares him to a chihuahua but then realizes it falls short as this chihuahua can and will tear chunks out of things many many thousands of times it’s size. There’s a lot of bark yes, but the bite is exponentially worse.
She shakes herself out of the half second long reverie and gets moving again. She needs to draw up plans, review her notes for the area and plan a route all the way to the bottom of a spire, all the way down through nine levels where the gangs in power WILL be stopping the elevators to at least check the occupants and more than a few of them are stupid enough to stick a gun into the face of a soldier.
She normally doesn’t bother with the stupidity and madness of a bottom ten. Generally people that try hiding down there end up being shanked in the back alley by a bouncer after they tried to run out on the bill of whatever oiled up man-thong lounge they had spent half a fucking day in and racking up a bill large enough that Ticanped’s feathers would stand on end.
She had tracked a fucker down there five times in varying different disguises to find that exact scenario had played out. And that’s IF they survived long enough to get to the dickie bar. There was a different way of going around down there. Every square inch was basically gang territory by default, if you walk around like your shit doesn’t stink then you’re going to get it pushed in in the worst possible way.
There is a silence that stretches through the last conversation. Learning that the games she had played had been loosely based on actual wars had disquieted All Lady a little.
“Look the Wolfenstein games were massive exaggerations from the word go. You know how it is. Get enough time between a tragedy and someone looking to tell a story and you’re soon going to find something like a bunch of psychopaths who can’t fall asleep unless it’s to the screams of the innocent or some mad scientist with an obsession for switching body parts around.” Jurgen says and All Lady lets out a huff of air. “By the way how hard is that to learn?”
“How hard is what?” She asks.
“Well, that sigh. The air came out of your mouth... but you have no throat, no lungs. The part I’m addressing may as well be the tip of your finger or something. How long did it take to learn to mimic air respiration and air movement to that extent?”
“Oh that?” All Lady asks before laughing a little. “Simple enough when you know how to talk, and I was budded off my father knowing how to make those noises. Not what they meant, but that’s what’s childhood’s for.”
“I see, so... all Slohbs are born knowing how to manipulate their bodies, but now why they would want to?”
“Well, we’re born knowing how to keep ourselves alive and move, and smart enough to learn. However finer control is something that comes later. A newly budded little Slohb is adorable but can only make very vague shapes. Very rounded ones too. But there are grand masters of the art, shifters so skilled they can alter their colour and put in so much detail that you have to touch them to tell they’re a slohb, and of course there are even rarer girls who can change their external texture. You need high end scanners to tell they’re not what they say they are.” All Lady says before looking around at the cavern of blue slime that is her being. “Old dreams. Dead on the alter of reality.”
“Says who?” Jurgen asks.
“Common sense?”
“Well, good thing it’s not all that common now isn’t it?” He asks in return and she looks at him oddly. “After all, it’s common sense that a human over nine feet tall is suffering from terrible glandular disorders and lives a miserable life.”
She smirks after a bit.
“Oh do you now? Oh poor baby!” She teases him.
“Oh yes, poor poor oversized me! After all, one can only be larger than six feet tall if they’re sick in some way.” He says and she laughs a touch.
“Jurgen, let her know we’ve already put together a team to come help her. She’ll need to unblock the entrances if we’re going to help.” His Handler says and he pauses and thinks.
“Is something wrong?” All Lady asks.
“Well, you wanted to know if the Undaunted reputation is deserved right?” He asks and she nods. “Well they’ve already put together a team and they’re on their way. They request that you unblock the way in.”
“What kind of team?” She asks.
“Buddy, what kind of team?” Jurgen asks his handler.
“Three doctors, five troopers, two with medical training an Adept and an Agent.”
“Copy that. Miss All Lady we have three doctors, five troopers with two of them medics, an Adept and an Agent inbound.”
“An Agent?”
“Highly skilled, highly informed and often deployed in the field. Our Agents are stealth operatives mostly. If one’s deployed, then they’re likely trying to get the team to you with as little fuss as possible. So nothing wrong happens.”
“And they’re coming now? But I haven’t actually asked for any help!” She protests and he shrugs.
“You clearly need it. Not to mention I heard my handler curse under his breath when we saw whatever it is that’s in your core. No doubt it’s something concerning.”
“What was the first hint? That it embedded itself into me despite my merely examining it or that it’s caused me to bud thousands of times without ever successfully splitting?”
“Wait, that thing embedded itself into you?”
“I... I said too much.”
“Ma’am whatever that thing is, it has my handler so worried he’s not volunteering the information at the first opportunity. Normally getting him to shut up is the trick, right now though? Dead silence.”
“We can’t risk this information being intercepted.” His Handler states.
“And now he says it’s so dangerous he won’t risk it being intercepted. So whatever happened to you is understood well enough by my people that we’re basically scared of it and scrambling to do something about it right away. The more we know, the better we can help you.” Jurgen says and she stares at him before everything quivers.
“It... it was seven years ago.” She says. “I was just exploring the bottom ten. Being... well... being who I was then. I was basically slinging myself around along the ceiling. I can move in ways you solids can’t. Stretch out, grab some thing or suction up against it. Really easy, fast and fun. Then I bumped into something, something hidden. It seemed so harmless at first. A little dead drop place, whatever, take a look into it. If it’s bad report it to someone, but leave it alone otherwise.”
“It didn’t work like that though, did it?” Jurgen asks.
“No... it was... strange. It looked like a circuit board but made of the strange metal. A bit of my gel ended up on one of the circuits as I was putting it back and... it wouldn’t let go. Then it pulled and before I could sever that bit... it was in me and I fell. The impact knocked me out cold and I don’t know. It may have killed me. I woke up with two extra bumps, one of them badly damaged and with the metal inside.”
“... Do you think that...”
“That I might not be me?” She asks. “Sometimes. It was I...”
The gel starts to shift before moving in a smooth flow. “I am in control. I am the master of my fate. I am all. All is me. I am the lady that is all.”
“The All Lady.” Jurgen finishes for her and she nods.
“Yes. I... even now I am budding far too fast, and the bud is not going to break away. This is unnatural, wrong and vile. It needs to stop.” She says.
“Tell her help is on the way. They’re at level fifty and closing fast.”
“Help is coming, level fifty and closing the distance.” Jurgen promises.
“Okay, okay... this is faster than I expected. Or wanted, but it needs to happen it... what is this going to cost me?” She asks.
“Just uncover the entrances. I highly doubt anyone will want anything more. You’ve been through enough.” Jurgen says and after a moment he can hear things in the distance.
“Your teammates are reporting that the path out is clear now.” His Handler says.
“Alright then. Ready to go out and meet the doctors?” Jurgen asks reaching out his hand and after a short while a gel hand finds it’s way to his.
The elevator stops prematurely and is forced open from the other side.
“Well hello there now what are you little fish...” A snict woman begins to monologue as she forces the elevator door open and stops as she finds herself staring down a dozen high powered weapons. Harriett reaches a hand out and pushes her back and out of the way of the door before pressing the closed door button.
“We’re about to get another of those aren’t we ma’am?”
“Every fucking level down. The bottom ten of Xiona are a textbook no-man’s land and the reason for level one being off limits is who we’re out to help.”
“This job sometimes...” One of the Doctors notes.
“The hell did you expect?”
“Not an emergency surgery of an alien blob monster in the middle of gang territory.” The Doctor replies.
“Well jokes on you, you came from Earth to keep soldiers alive and study aliens. Well here’s an exotic alien metal, poisoning an alien woman. Let’s work with it.” Harriett states.
“I understand, I just don’t like it.” The Doctor replies.
“Why the hell were you placed on this team?”
“Because Doctor Gin here has point blank pulled of borderline miracles in the past. He just likes to complain.” Another Doctor says and Gin turns to give him the stink eye.
“Of course I’m complaining! Do you have any idea what can go wrong? I do! It’s horrifying! Not only is this a Slohb, a species with one of the most dense physical forms there are once you move past the falseness that is the gel they control. But not only that, this is a Slohb that has been poisoned by the item we’re extracting and may have created chemical or Axiom imbalances in her system that could kill her when the substance is removed! Going cold turkey on anything hurts for a reason people! To say nothing of the fact that the surgery chamber is going to be improvised and in the middle of potentially hostile territory and the patient is enormous to such a degree that she is potentially the biggest member of her species to ever exist! And in addition we are...”
“We get it.”
“Oh no, this last point is the most important. Because we are going to be operating under the effects of Null. Which while harmless to the vast, vast majority of this group, will still have effects on you Agent and on the Titan that the patient is bonding with. And that’s not even touching on the fact that Slohbs, which I remind you, is the species of the patient. That Slohbs have one of the fastest kill times in Null at three and a half minutes at absolute maximum! Meaning we have two hundred and ten seconds AT MOST to save this poor woman’s life without taking it ourselves! More likely we will only have a hundred and twenty to keep her in the safe zone, TWO MINUTES TO OPERATE!” He rants before huffing a bit and then slicking his hair back again. “So as you can imagine, I’m a little stressed.”
“Backing out?”
“Of course not. I don’t trust anyone else to do this right the first time. I’m just making sure you’re aware that no matter how easy I make this look that it is in fact, very very hard.” Doctor Gin says as he squares his shoulders and steels his expression. He along with everyone else then pull out their weapons as the elevator is stopped early again and this time there’s not even a monologue as the Horchka gang that opened the door simply raise their eyebrows, and then one reaches in to press the door closed button to send them on their way.
~First~ Last Next
submitted by KyleKKent to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:49 Unlikely_Soup59 need reassurance

So my last post was about finding my fiances dating profile account. I had him blocked and even packed all my stuff in our apartment. I ended up unblocking him to see if he had any reaction to me liking his dating profile app.
Five minutes after I unblocked him, he text me and asked what I wanted to do for my birthday (see previous post for all that bs). He obviously didn't see that I liked his dating profile. So I told him that I found his profile. He basically panicked, called me so many times, begged, cried for forgiveness. He said that he had the app for three hours 🙄 and felt so guilty that he ended up deleting the account. But like if he deleted it, then why TF did it pop up on my page?? He swears he didn't cheat. He swears that he felt so guilty and was going to come clean. Like what, was he going to tell me that he almost cheated on me on my fucking birthday (my birthday is this Saturday, yay me)??? ETA: he did let me go through the dating profile account and showed me everything, but I still feel sick over it.
Best case scenario, he was mad/hurt and decided that cheating would be the best way to hurt me, but couldn't go through with it bc of the guilt. Worst case scenario, he cheated and has probably done it in the past and is only sorry he got caught.
I'm just so incredibly hurt and confused. I'm so angry, I can't believe he would betray me like this. No matter how many times he has fucked me over, cheating has never even crossed my mind.
My sister and BIL have already said he is no longer welcome around them and that I'm making a mistake by giving him another chance with therapy. I feel like maybe I should have confronted him about the dating profile before getting my family involved. I honestly have no clue what to and I'm currently at work and can't think straight. My mind has been a mess over the past week & since creating this account.
Is this worth forgiving? I tend to see the best in people, believe people can change, and I have a hard time holding a grudge. I know that if I made a horrible mistake and blew up my life by doing something so stupid, I wouldn't want someone to give up on me without at least doing therapy. So I don't know if I'm being too nice about this.
submitted by Unlikely_Soup59 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:17 TruthfullyImNotSure Elizabeth Teckenbrock

Elizabeth Teckenbrock submitted by TruthfullyImNotSure to ElizabethTeckenbrock [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:40 ioaodifaosdif Coping with breakup and the urge to text them

I'll try to simplify this as much as i can. Basically my ex broke up with me 2 weeks ago, its been a struggle, i've lost 18 pounds in those 2 weeks, been having massive mood swings, got sick once (i'm assuming because i've lost that much weight) and ofc, i've been having urge to text them. You know, all that regular stuff.
So the summary is: We've been on pause for like 9 to 10 days once in the last year, im assuming because all of the stress and hard things she had to battle mentally. i've been miserable in those 10 days, drank everyday, gambled, blacked out, everything i could so that i keep my mind off of it, and then we came back together, and we were stronger than ever. and the relationship turned out very nicely, and so on and so on. we made "deals" that i'll try to pressure her less into talking about stuff and whats on her mind and what demons shes battling and so on but the counterpart is if i dont do that, that she should take some time ease in into the stress and then let me know when shes ready to talk and ask for help, support or just for me to listen in order to vent. oh boy was i wrong.
this time its kinda different. i would say that i became a bit dependant of that person, i did everything i could for her in order to make her life easier and less stressful, listen, help, and to some extent provide some advices if the same things happened to me. (i just realized i havent written how long were we together, about more then a year, and she broke up a week after our anniversary, after exchaning gifts and meeting me, she was on a trip and another one right after that so we havent seen eachother in 2 weeks plus.shes in her early 20's im in my mid 20's). so it came out of blue, i could feel something was off, i was stressed for at least 2 to 3 weeks prior to the brake up. she closed up, didnt want to talk about feelings, sex (even before that was off the charts but she said yeah dont worry its just a period it will pass, i dont want to force myself into having it ), so as i said i could feel something was off but it still came out of the blue. she was saying i love you i miss you and so on and so on, and a week before the breakup she just stopped, it seem'D like a routing for her to talk to me and see me, and she would avoid any kind of deeper conversations or convo about feelings whenever i initiated it. i gotta admit i told her about the agreement from before but she said yeah dw nothing is off you are just insecure and paranoid. The story is a bit long and i wouldnt like to share everything, but we ended on "good terms" i would say, like honestly, we hugged kissed and said ill be there for you if the hard times come, i even said ill be waiting for you. But the thing is, day and the 2nd day of the breakup she became so cold and distant that i started question myself if she even loved me, she admitted that she lost her feelings a month and a half before breakup and that she tried to fix herself and regain feelings without telling me. Not gonna lie, i was devastated to hear that, i even got angry for 5 minutes and started yelling over the phone you said im your person that you want everything with me etc and how could you lie, she actually said nothing. she didnt even say im sorry( i mean i dont expect her to be but ye), honestly i've given everything i have to this relationship and i kept giving and kept giving but nothing really seemed to matter. im not saying im a perfect person i have my own issues, im stressed constantly because of work regardless of her, and sometimes i say things that i dont mean before i think, dont worry im not insulting people, i said something like (i dont believe you at all anymore). anyways we talked couple of times after that ,actually up till yesterday, and its getting worse and worse, i have an insane feeling to text her, but here is the thing. she gave me enough breadcrumbs something like: I just cant be with you right now, i can see a future with you together, and kids and stuff but right now i cant be with you. not gonna lie i stalked social media since we havent blocked eachother, she got a new follower on instagram ( and following) at 5 am in the morning, she never waked up or stayed up that late while with me, no matter what. and yesterday the final straw broke when i saw her reposting really "promiscous tiktoks" like i got so hurt that i wanted to punch myself in the face for believing the "im not gonna even talk to any guys right now untill i sort this out" or i got alot of stuff to do right now i dont have time for that, but everything else said otherwise, actually i asked her to block me everywhere to resist the urge to talk because i feel like i have so much more to say and to fight for (although i realized 30 mins before writting this that i was the only one fighting for the relationship and i included her) she blocked me everywhere except the tiktok (she uses that the most, so i asked why didnt you block me here, she replied i forgot and i said do whatever you want honestly block everywehre or unblock everywehre, i've deleted all socials media anyways, i need a break), and she said okay. thats where it ends. keep in mind im a pretty rational person, i know good and bad stuff, but i havent been in the relationship for so long before her that i fell for her instantly, i connected and bonded, and she did in the beggining too, but idk, i could see everything with her. im just hurt and devastated. i dream of her every night, tho last couple of nights i dreamt of her with other guys and i wake up literally angry how could i fall for that (keep in mind i dont have any proof so im just assuming) it could be that the instagram is buggy, she had to study to stay up late and so on and so on. i still defend her from myself in my head, from the rational thoughts and whats good and not. so there is that.
I've started writing why did i stay as long as i did in this relationship, the goods and the bads about her, and i literally have a whole page of bad things and red flags and just 4 things why the relationship was good. knowing this i still dont know if i should text her im completely done and dont bother yourself im not gonna wait (attention seek basically, but also i want her to know to dont rise up the hopes of getting back to me, dont get me wrong i would take her if she came in the next 2 or 3 days back and if she said that she want to wrok with me this time on all the flaws of the relationship. HOW CAN I HELP HER FIX STUFF IF I DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG??? im talking about us exclusively and the relationship, not everything). Idk i want to kiss her and in the next second i wanna say piss off dont ever talk to me again.
what should i do, the talk was a bit longer, should i text her? I mean my mind is telling me not to just stay there and do nothing and focus on healing yourself but my heart is still with her although i knew i was putting in 110% to make this thing work out. im open to answer anything or any additional questions someone might have, and thanks for listening and advices, its gonna become even more rough after this
submitted by ioaodifaosdif to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 03:54 KidHumboldt Exciting New Updates and Features in PixelPlayground! 🚀

Hey PixelPlayground Community!
We have some exciting updates to share with you all! Since February, we've made numerous enhancements and added new features:
Happy pixeling!
submitted by KidHumboldt to pixelplayground [link] [comments]