Make dirty pictures

A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

2008.01.25 05:07 A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.

2008.01.25 01:31 Reddit Pics

A place for photographs, pictures, and other images.

2018.08.01 16:46 mattreyu Faucets that are terrible

Posting pictures of faucets that make you go "WTF?"

2024.06.02 20:10 According_Anywhere76 Using the road - which lane to take exiting on this roundabout??

Using the road - which lane to take exiting on this roundabout??
Question - Which lane of the third exit (pic 6 & 7) should a car take, if entering the roundabout from the right hand lane in the approach shown in picture 2?
Picture 1 - The roundabout in question
Picture 2 - The approach. Two lanes entering the roundabout
Picture 3 - Entered the roundabout now, and there are two lanes. This picture shows just passed the first exit from the approach shown in picture 2.
Picture 4 - The second exit ahead. Though a little difficult to make out, the left hand lane continues around the roundabout.
Picture 5 - Clearly showing the second exit, and the left of the two lanes continuing around the roundabout.
Picture 6 - Third exit ahead.
Picture 7 - The third exit, showing two lanes.
submitted by According_Anywhere76 to drivingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 Fakamada_ Games good for backseating

Me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship and have played alot of games where I play and she watch over discord. We have played all the dark pictures anthology games, The Quarry, Detroit become human and one of our favourite ones was Atomic Heart. She gets to decide alot of decisions wich makes it feel like we play together.
Now we need help with finding some more games to play that is similar to these games. Would appreciate all tips that we can get !
submitted by Fakamada_ to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:09 Sufficient_Rent_2154 Build A or B for PG, run 1v1-5v5

Build A or B for PG, run 1v1-5v5
Need advice on which version of this build to make. First picture A, Secone B.
submitted by Sufficient_Rent_2154 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 NatureWellness How to manage this behavior?

Our FS9 has been with us a year and we are in the process of adopting him.
Last week, FS went outside to play. It’s normal for him to play in the woods next to our house and around the houses in our neighborhood. He usually does a good job of staying within voice range and responding when called. Unbeknownst to us, but known to our children, one of the neighbor families was out of town.
FS plays with their son a lot and is very familiar with their house and belongings. My partner went to check in on FS, and found him playing on their property outside. He had maybe been outside an hour. FS showed us a pile of coins that he “found in the woods” and had placed in a pile. Approximately $5, mostly quarters. FD took the coins home.
I got a phone call yesterday from our neighbors. They have just returned home after being gone. They had left their front door locked, but it was unsecured when they returned. Their back door had been closed and secured, but was now open. They had left interior doors in their house closed that were now open. They had left lights off, that were now on. The doors open and lights on were to the pantry and in FS’s friend’s room and some main areas. Their tools were scattered around in disarray and some toys were out. A juice box was abandoned on their deck. There was a box of matches from the parents’ bedroom missing, found outside right next to their house, all burnt up with burnt leaves/twigs.
There are ways to enter their house when the door is locked, FS was aware of those via his friend. They suspected that FS may have been in their house, because it looked like a child had played with toys and tools and matches, and they know that FD enjoys those at their house.
I asked about the coins that FS had found. Our neighbor did some investigation, and found that her son is missing some of his change. She sent a picture of the sorted and stacked coin that he has, where it is clear that some of the stacks have been knocked over and rummaged. It looks like most of the neighbor’s money is still there, and some was grabbed.
We have not talked with our son about this yet, trying to figure out what to say and how to prevent this from blowing up. We live in a very small town, and our neighbor have decided that they do not want their children to know, because it would make their children feel unsafe.
This is not the first time that FS has stolen small quantities of money: he stole my credit card once and has stolen small amounts of money from my wallet and purse and car… at least 4 instances. I no longer keep any cash at all.
This is not the first time FS has stolen and played dangerously with matches. He has played with matches inside our house and we now keep all of our matches secured.
This is the first time he has invaded someone’s house.
The neighbors are pretty calm and kind about it right now. They seem to feel that he needs to know more about boundaries and are consulting a trusted firefighter about fire starting behavior.
What ideas do you have about managing this behavior?
submitted by NatureWellness to Fosterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 Psychadelicrob I think it's stupid that cap 2 gets the same pay rate as everyone else.

Now I'm not usually one to complain, but damn I've been with cap 2 for 5 months and I don't know how some of these guys stay there for years. We get paid the same as everyone else, yet we have to unload a hot ass truck, get dirty asf in the process and on top of that we get bitched at for not finishing the truck by 4 which is impossible at my store... our unloader sucks. We also have to pull a shit ton of pallets after lunch for overnight, downstack pallets for them, and if they're mixed they literally bitch at our team lead for it. For example we put department 71 and 74 together because they're right next to each other, but nahh the stupid coach wants everything "separated". It makes it so much easier for us to put things that are close to each other on 1 pallet instead of 3 different because it helps us get done on time and it's literally easier that way lol so dumb. I forgot to mention that we have to stock overnights totes during the day too which we also get bitched at if we dont finish on time.🫠 Our coach also pulls one of us to zone everyday which doesn't help but whatever. So In conclusion, we have to do all of this bullshit for the same pay rate the cashiers make, the people in the deli make more than us. 😭 I'm about to start looking for another job and put my two weeks in, I cannot stress it enough, that being a cap 2 slave really sucks. What're you're thoughts about being a cap 2 associate if you are one?
submitted by Psychadelicrob to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 paalolav Updated pedalboard

Updated pedalboard
Old board as second picture. I split the signal from my Petersen tuner (using its DI out) and send a clean signal to the second C4, which is more or less used as a Spectrum filter, so that it can process dirty overdriven sounds and respnd to my playing. Did a reharsal for a gig today and this setup really responds to my dynamics when playing.
submitted by paalolav to basspedals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:05 sniffysloth [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation / Slide Deck / Pitch Deck Designer ($15 / slide)

You receive: A beautifully designed PowerPoint presentation in .pptx format, or in your preferred format (Keynote, Google Slides, Prezi etc.)
I receive: $15 / slide or whatever your budget is lmao
Service: PowerPoint Presentation / Slide Deck / Pitch Deck / Business Presentation / Corporate Presentation Design (6 years of experience)
Price: $15 / slide or whatever your budget is lmao
Payment method: PayPal
Contact: [Email me at]( or DM me (I would prefer NOT to use Reddit chat, which is a different thing from Direct Message (DM). It's very buggy. Most of the time I don't get the message / notification.)
Hi, I'm Ace. I'm a presentation designer and illustrator. I have 7 years of experience in presentation design and 9 years of experience in vector illustration. Check out my portfolio ( to look at some of my past works!
Feel free to email or DM me for other questions / comments.
What is needed to start the project? How does it work?
Send these to me at []( :
  1. Your plain PowerPoint presentation with clear content for each slide (This can just be plain text or handwritten drawings, charts, graphs or diagrams. I will visually enhance it, restructure, and put in royalty free pictures, custom charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations etc. Check out my portfolio's "More Samples" section ( to take a look at what my past client sent me and what my output looks like.)
  2. The Deadline (date and time on when you need the final presentation)
Optional assets: Your preferred style, brand kit, color schemes, template, pictures, anything that can help me deliver what you want. Without a preferred style, I will default to my usual minimalist, clean, flat, vector corporate style similar to Facebook's Allegria style. (See my portfolio for samples)
I will give you a confirmation email and an invoice for 50% downpayment. After I receive this payment, I will start the project. I will send you the first few slides and ask for your feedback, to make sure that I am heading in the right direction. You will receive the final presentation on or before the agreed upon deadline.
When do I get the final file?
You will receive the final presentation on or before the agreed upon deadline. I would prefer a deadline that is at least a week away. For more urgent projects, please let me know immediately.
Can I request for revisions?
Yes, I can accommodate a maximum of 2 rounds of revisions. I really want to avoid these revisions, of course, so in my first final file, I will make sure that each slide is perfect.
Can you add animations to my slides?
Yes, please add a comment on the specific slide that needs an animation.
What other services do you offer?
I can make vector illustrations and logos. I can also vectorize any raster image. Basically, vector illustrations have flat color, solid edges, and can scale to any size. When you zoom in or scale them up, you will not find pixels, you will find clean and sharp edges. Some artists who use this style/format are Kurzgesagt and Olly Moss. This YSK post explains it well.
submitted by sniffysloth to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:04 Ok_Administration_23 The dating app playbook. What worked for me internationally and locally in USA.

This is an old screenshot from tinder from when I was traveling 2 years ago then coming back to USA. I posted this a week ago but deleted it after cause the girls faces were showing and some of them you could find on google lens lol. They would have been pissed. I have a girlfriend now I've been with for over a year. I'm banned from tinder cause I was trying to help my gf with IG followers using her pics so we better get married cause I'm fucked for life now on that app 😂
Out of the countries l'd say I got the most attention was definitely Thailand and Philippines. Although I never went to Philippines just changed my location to check out the talent. The hottest girls I matched with are in Colombia and Miami though. Long story short. This post is for anyone who just may need some extra advice on how to really get going on dating apps. I went through the worst break up of my life. Low confidence, low self esteem. So bad I left usa 2 months after. Then got shredded in Thailand training Muay Thai every day. And met a lot of women. I'm very picky so I didn't hoe around as bad as you'd think. Cause I'm used to vegas women with phat asssses and boob jobs and shit. BUT the confidence I gained over seas and attention followed me back to USA and was still meeting a decent amount of women upon return. I'm gonna break down what I did.
  1. Buy the upgraded plans on both tinder and bumble. I know it's pain but I was paying like $150 a month for both. But I was able to match with the hottest girls and get their attention that way. My current gf I met on bumble and she has 500,000 followers on IG. She never would have seen my swipe on her profile had I not purchased the super likes on bumble.
  2. Use professional modeling quality photos. I can't emphasize this enough. I had a photo shoot done when I was in Bali, and that shoot increased my matches exponentially both in USA and overseas.Unless you got a fuckin Ferrari, and post that as your main picture. You guys gotta remember, women are swiping just like you are. And first thing they gonna see is your photo. So use your BEST photos. And add a couple interesting photos. I train Muay Thai and love to travel so l had a couple of those as well and they make good conversation pieces. Shirtless, at the beach, in swimsuit, gym, etc.
  3. Tinder is supreme. I got 10 times as many matches on tinder than the other apps. You're gonna run into a lot of flakes, fake profiles, girls trying to get you to their OF, etc. but especially INTERNATIONAL tinder is the best. Hinge Bumble is good in USA for finding girls who more probably have their shit together. And I've noticed the hotter ones on hinge actually. But that's in USA. Just my experience. Tinder is also good for just making hot female friends, and those are good to have in case they have friends as well.
  4. Instagram. My IG only has like 1100 followers. So I'm nothing special there. However a lot of these girls will want to make sure you are real and not a creep or catfish. So you're gonna want to make your IG look somewhat cool. Travel photos, fun photos, hobbies and the same modeling pics you used on the app. And they also want to make sure your not entertaining others hoes haha.
  5. Photo editing. I actually take professional quality photos of women so l'm used to editing photos now. But every fucking girl on those apps edits their photos. So we have to also. Don't make yourself look ridiculous. I just make my body more defined and clean up my face a bit but you can tell it's still definitely me. There's a shit ton of apps out there so just pick your poison. Be careful of girls though. I got catfished 5 times. And one had a double chin that jiggled so much I could not stop watching it on the date. She was about 20 lbs heavier. Maybe more!
  6. Matching. Once you match. Obviously flirt. Or say something funny to relate to them. For example when I was browsing Philippines I used this SAME JOKE on every girl. I'd say like "hey you can join my gang, my sinigang!!" Sinigang is a popular food in the Philippines. They all laughed. Stupid shit like that.
  7. Try and get in shape. I was in the best shape of my life when I was single. And so my photos were on point. I had a few guys message me here on Reddit asking what my profile looked like and I showed them my hinge that's on pause. And I was in pretty decent shape back then. But hey man we are all human. It's not like we all have the time to do that regularly. I definitely do not walk around like I do now the way I did in my photos but I have a gf now.
Feel free to ask me any questions. My girls out of town for the month so I got free time. But I probably won't be on Reddit much when she gets back. And like I said this is mainly for anyone just looking to get back on the boat again. I was down bad after my break up. But you'd be surprised how fast you can bounce back.
*Also these same principles apply to dating apps in USA. I came back and the same attention followed me back to USA and was still meeting women regularly. That’s why I’m posting this here.
submitted by Ok_Administration_23 to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:04 JakeTerry7777 How do you forgive yourself for things that you did in the past?

Hello Reddit.
When I was 19 I accidentally sexted a 15 year old girl without knowing her age, and it was foolish of me because I thought she was of age since she was on a anonymous 18+ website and I sent her a nude pic that was taking a while to go through
After she told me she was 15, of course that’s when my nude picture finally came through. It made me freak out because now it made it seem like I was a pedo who knew her age and still continued with it. I deleted the chat immediately and left the website.
I feel guilty and horrible because I really did not know she was 15, and now it’s making me feel guilty and eating me up inside because there would be no way to defend myself since the nude pic came through after she said she was 15 I’m worried cops will come and arrest me any day/anytime because of what I did. (She never sent me any pics and she didn’t know my age)
I learned my lesson and won’t sext again, but how can I move past this?
submitted by JakeTerry7777 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:04 abhiprakashan2302 Characters for a Fantasy Series

Characters for a Fantasy Series
I came up with these characters completely on the spot. Ofc I made a bunch more of them and tried to make a whole fictional world out of it all, so here’s some attempts at character design.
The story is about a team of five warrior princesses who fight evil monsters and corrupt people in and around their respective kingdoms. These five ladies are all friends and allies.
Each of their kingdoms are (heavily) inspired by real-life cultures and historical eras. In the case of the first three pictures, the characters are all obviously inspired by/based on Ancient Kerala.
The first pic is of one of the five princesses and her family. The second one is of a bride from one of the religious traditions in her kingdom, the third one is a portrait of one of her royal ministers and his family. The others are all portraits of her friends and their families, friends/royal ministers and the last one is an arch nemesis and his anti-heroine ally.
If anyone feels weirded out by the ample frames of these women, trust me- I’ll try improving on them ASAP.
submitted by abhiprakashan2302 to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:03 Zeddblidd The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)

2024-216 / Zedd MAP: 94.58 / MLZ MAP: 96.54 / Score Gap: 1.96
Wikipedia?wprov=sfti1#) / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
I don’t know how all of you have approached your movie collecting - I’m willing to bet you’ve got more than one way to plunge into that particular rabbit hole. One of my favorite ways is through stray memories of films watched when I was a kid.
It’s often fragments of scenes, maybe a name of a star, but often we’ve had very little to go off of. I recalled a green car ripping through a San Francisco street ((shrug)), a little digging, and a couple bucks later and I had Bullitt playing on my tv.
That led to another to favorite collecting method: the targeted approach - that’s how this MGM 3-Film Steve McQueen set came in… The Thomas Crown Affair / The Great Escape / The Magnificent Seven.
From IMDb: A debonair, adventuresome bank executive believes he has pulled off the perfect multi-million dollar heist, only to match wits with a sexy insurance investigator who will do anything to get her man.
Now - James Garner had literally nothing to do with this film but he did have an interesting relationship with Steve McQueen - he was McQueen’s next door neighbor. In Garner’s biography, The Garner Files, he gives us a less than flattering view of McQueen - now I’m paraphrasing here - but Garner said everything was fine at first, in fact, they had similar cars and would race each other home from the studio.
“Racing” turned out to be crucial - McQueen lost a role to Garner - the lead in Grand Prix - apparently “nice neighbors” turned into constant tension, regular garbage over the fence, and shitty relations. McQueen was a “mans’ man” and didn’t take losing out well… according to Garner at any rate.
That comes in here - McQueen is Thomas Crown… a no holds barred, wrangle and wrestle you to the ground, hyper smart (of course), humility is for suckers, take no prisoners, business tycoon. If Garner’s right, this role was right up Steve McQueen’s alley. Thomas Crown sells a building to a group of men who, once the papers are signed, make a few jeering comments about getting a piece of the pie off Crown. He turns and, looking at them flatly, replies, “You overpaid.” and makes a quick exit. Take what you need from there.
What do you get a guy like Thomas Crown? How about a massive felony? ((Hold up - cocky businessman commits a felony? Seems like I was just reading about something like that… hmm, no matter.)) He crafts the perfect plan (he thinks), no detail left unconsidered. This may be a heist film but the heist itself only takes up a precious few minutes total.
Enter the beautiful insurance investigator, Vicki Anderson (Faye Dunaway) - every machoman’s undoing (naturally) is a woman but she’s simply not what Crown was expecting - of course she’s a looker (smart as a whip), but she’s confident and aggressive. She’s upfront about zeroing in on him as the heist mastermind. Anderson leaves the criminology angles to police, she’s pressed psychological profiles to net her man.
McQueen and Dunaway have incredible onscreen chemistry and Norm Jewison’s direction was very up to the minute for 1968 - lots of cut screens, quick edits, and attention paid to sound engineering. While most people associate youthful rebellion, hippies, and drug culture when thinking about the late sixties, there was a much wider culture thriving (over the age of 30… you know, hippies said you couldn’t trust anyone over 30?) - they’d have loved this motion picture.
Not saying a hippie couldn’t enjoy this one but if I had to choose between frolicking naked amongst the trees of Golden Gate Park and watching a rich businessman get richer by committing a felony when I was 18… just saying.
((Happily contemplating naked frolicking))…
Anyway around it - a good film that plays to McQueen’s strengths. Was he actually the delicate snowflake Garner writes about? Who’s to say, but the whole notion of McQueen and Garner racing to get home I find interesting - who did it better? Well, I’m gonna find us copies of two films that just might put the dispute to rest. Garner’s Grand Prix - a few years down the road McQueen gifted the world Le Mans - neither Mrs. Lady Zedd or I have seen either, sounds like head to head screenings are in order.
500 Movies is always up to the task, just hope my wallet is too :]
Movie on.
submitted by Zeddblidd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:03 LCartella1999 HELLO :D

Looking for someone you can roleplay with AND talk with and become besties with?? I’m here!!
My name is Krissy and play Clarinet. I have about 6 years of roleplay (I’ve been miscalculating and only just realized so if you see 3 years on my other posts thats why) and have done everything from fandom to creating my own worlds! I typically roleplay original characters and prefer world building with my partner. I like playing multiple characters because it makes it more fun than sticking to one. I’m fine for any type of relationship whether that be straight or LGBTQIA+. Dm me if you’re interested! I’d love to get to know my new bestie ^ I’d prefer if you are around 17-19 :) hope someone is interested In my request <3 I do fluff and stuff like that but not much dirty stuff.
I don’t like to write that much however I do fast responses. Here is what one would look like ——— Hey! Nice to meet you -he shook their hand with a smile- ——- Obviously that was hella short but you get the gist. I’m able to change my format as well and write longer if need be!!
P.S. here’s a list of my fandoms if you’re into that kind of rp!!
(!) for my current fandoms (please dm for more fandoms! I cant post em here for some reason idk why but I have like 30 more)
-Naruto (!) -MDZS (!) -countryhumans -HOB/TGCF (!) -Genshin -MHA/BNHA (!) -Eddsworld -Gravity Falls (!) -SK8 the infinity -Undertale -Assasins Creed -Once Upon A Time -fnaf - NCIS
Look, im gonna be honest I would really just like a friend. We all have our issues, I know I have mine, but that’s okay because no one is perfect. I consided myself a decent enough person. I’d like to become friends!
Reasons you should friend me! 1. Im nuts 2. I’m good at listening 3. I’m a straight ally (bonus points) 4. I like dogs- :D
Thats enough reasons -3- I’m EST and from NY in the USA by the way. Have a good day/night!
submitted by LCartella1999 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:02 officialmilfhunter25 Need cleaning tips for a horrible room

Don’t know what else to title this as lol but my room is absolute garbage. When you see the typical my rooms so dirty and gross, it’s not as bad as my room usually. Which not trying to one up, because no one wants to live in filth. My room is what I can describe as near hoarder level, and I don’t know what to do anymore.
Let me give some context, so I don’t just come off as lazy. I’ve always struggled cleaning, when I was younger things would get thrown away if it got too much. Or my dad would just clean it himself without giving me much a heads up. He’d just come in and clean, so i didn’t get a good set teaching for how. And due to the throwing away and also moving a lot because my dad was also military. I am terrified about throwing things away, I’ll keep items that I don’t need because I feel they have a memory attached. Or maybe I’ll still need them in the future, or maybe it’s just cute and I don’t wanna see it go.
On top of that I suffer from depression quite a bit. I went through a break up of two years in April. And now I’ve been struggling to try and pick up a job. And I’ve been sitting in my room, making attempts to clean. I literally have so many trash bags full of trash. But it never gets clean, and I’m at the end of my rope. I will always face the wall because looking at my room makes me break down. And I feel like it’s spiraling out with me, I’m too scared to have someone come in and help me clean because judgement. But my room feels like a garbage pile and I’m a rat sitting in the middle of it.
I need tips, advice, encouragement, just anything to help push me. Because I don’t know how much longer I can live like this. Please any advice will help
submitted by officialmilfhunter25 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:02 Powerful_Peach1322 Dating

I am 25 (F) dating this guy who is 25 (M). I was staying over at his for the weekend. He’s dated a lot of women whereas I don’t have that much dating experience. I have a lot of my firsts w him. It’s hard to do anything with him that he’s not already done. I was at his place and While I was trying to find a book to read on his bookshelf I found a polaroid picture of his recent ex along with a card with a beautiful message on it. I do understand having pictures on the phone or having a past. He has multiple pictures (even intimate ones) with or relating to his exs on his phone. It does affect me a lil’ as I don’t have any pictures of my ex on my phone or haven’t kept any memories of people I’ve gone out with. This particular card and picture just make me think what if I am just another experience, “a new notch on his belt” cause the card mentioned a few things which I thought how he was just with me. It makes me think that he is the same way with every girl and that I am nothing special for him. I don’t know what to do. Can someone please give me some advise please.
submitted by Powerful_Peach1322 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:02 SexxxMelaneexxx Similies

Illuminating Insights with Similes**
A simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as." It enhances descriptions, providing vivid imagery and aiding readers in making connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.
  1. Classical: "O my Luve is like a red, red rose / That’s newly sprung in June." - Robert Burns, "A Red, Red Rose."
  2. Modern: "She dealt with moral problems as a cleaver deals with meat." - James Joyce, "Dubliners."
  3. Modern: "The water is as clear as crystal, reflecting the vibrant colors of the fish like a living kaleidoscope." - Travel blog post.
Tips for Creative Writing:
Questions for Exploration:
  1. How does a simile differ from a metaphor in terms of structure?
  2. Can you think of situations where a simile might be more effective than a metaphor, and vice versa?
Additional Resources:
Creative Writing Prompt:
Step 1: Choose a common object or experience (e.g., rain, laughter).
Step 2: Compare it to something unexpected, using "like" or "as."
Step 3: Craft a sentence incorporating your simile.
Example: Laughter echoed through the room like a chorus of joyful bells, resonating with warmth and delight.
Remember: Similes add layers to your writing by drawing parallels between familiar and unfamiliar concepts.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:02 Beautiful_Shine1190 I don't want to talk to my sister until she breaks up w her bf

Oh boy, where to begin... So my sister started dating this guy, let's called him Derrick, three years ago. Only a month after they started dating, she moved from Asheville to Charlotte into his apartment.
Derrick has a child from a previous relationship. After the kid was only one year old, he found out it wasn't his. He kept acting like a father anyways.
The child lives in Asheville, but his job is in Charlotte. He would drive back to his parents house every weekend to take care of this child... and he continued doing this for the first year of his relationship with my sister.
One year in, they already were fighting a LOT. He never did what he said he was going to do, and he drank heavily. He started drinking before he left work, with his coworkers. By the time he got home, my sister was an afterthought for him. He also would watch porn on the way home so that he could get turned on to have sex with her as soon as he got home.
Also, my sister despises children. She is not allowed around any of the kids in our family without supervision because she is so mean to them.
So after about a year of dating, they got into a fight and she kicked the apartments emergency exit door open from the outside, and then they got kicked out of the apartment.
They moved into a house in Charlotte, and then shortly after, also rented a house in Asheville. She started going back with him on the weekends to care for the child (who was 5 or 6 at this point in time).
A few months go by and the kid went to a therapist and told her how mean my sister was to her, and then my sister was no longer allowed around this kid. Th
Meanwhile, Derrick, is a full on alcoholic and starts buying pills at work. The first time he met my parents was thanksgiving and he wet the bed, peed multiple times in the middle of the night on the carpet, and walked into the living room when everyone was still awake in nothing but boxers... All because he drank too much. This man was 29 years old at this time.
After a few weeks from seeing the therapist, the child said she was lying to everyone and that she did like my sister.... Very very suspicious. So my sister was allowed around her again.
My sister did all of the cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry and worked two jobs. They would take her car back and forth to Asheville every single weekend for two years. She eventually got a new car, and two months after having it, they got into a fight and she kicked the windshield out WHILE DRIVING.
He never paid for any of the work on her car, and it currently needs about $3400 worth of (work, tires, brakes etc.)
He lied about how much money he was making also. He said he was making $160k/year, at grease cycle as a manager... But his job is literally cleaning out grease traps. The most those people make is like 60-70 starting, there is no way he makes that much.
He has never had a bill in his name. His parents pay for everything for him, phone, car, etc. His job paid their rent in Charlotte because he had a kid in Asheville. I'm not sure who paid the rent in Asheville. They both lie a lot.
So easter comes around this year and the kid visited them in Charlotte. She accidentally let my sisters cat out a few times, the kid has horrible boundary issues btw. She is not the smartest either. But very sweet.
My sister yelled at the kid to GTFO, and so derrick took them to a hotel and broke up with my sister the next weekend.
I had to do a wellness check on her and drive from Raleigh to Charlotte on the day he broke up with her. She said she was going to end her life.
I took her and both of her cats back to Raleigh to stay at my house with my boyfriend and I for a couple weeks.
I drove her back to charltte the next week to find an apartment, and then we went back to Raleigh for another week. Then we went back to Charlotte the next week to move her in.
It was a lot. This is not the first time she's been in a toxic relationship. It's been a lot.
After everything we (my partner and I) did for her for a month, driving back and forth, taking care of her as if she was a child, feeding her, talking with her, giving her space to mourn her horrible relationship, etc, I found out that they got back together this last week. It's been about a month since she has moved into her apartment, and they got back together???
I am livid. It feels like there's nothing I can do to get through to her. We grew up seeing my mom in very toxic relationships. She literally tried to drive her ex off the road with us in the car. I learned at 16 that I would absolutely never tolerate any screaming or fighting. I knew if I put the work in, I could have a great career, great relationships, great life etc. I used my trauma as fuel.
She is repeating our childhood all over again.
It's triggering for me and it brings me into a bad headspace and after this, I just don't think I can keep talking to her. We normally chat on the phone a few hours several times a week. And I would just tune out the BS. She constantly complained about the kid and would say things like "our relationship would be great if the child just wasn't in the picture" AS IF HE TREATED HER WELL. it's crazy.
AITA for not wanting to talk to her until she gets some help??
TLDR- basically it's a toxic relationship and after helping her get out she got herself back in. What do I do?
submitted by Beautiful_Shine1190 to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 poncecatchemall RepWeidianSneakers Member Guide and Rulebook: Read Upon Arrival and Before Posting!

Hello, and welcome to RepWeidianSneakers! Whether you’re a long-time member or someone new who just straggled in from one of the other replica subreddits, this recurring post will serve as an introduction to or reminder of the subreddit rules. This group runs in several key ways that may be different from other groups to ensure we maintain a high-quality group where well-informed replica buyers can engage in constructive conversation regarding the best batches for various shoes, batch flaws of popular and commonly purchased batches, and QC posts of new and old products alike.
Please do your best to stay up-to-date on the latest subreddit rules and cultural norms in order to make sure that your participation in the group is in accordance with how we run things here! All sub rules are visible along the side bar if on desktop, and under the "About" tab if on mobile. We appreciate your attention and diligence to subreddit policies, and hope you enjoy your time here!
The following rules will be outlined in the following ways:
  1. Most Important Rule of the Sub
  2. Post Formats (QC, Find, Help Me Find)
  3. General Subreddit/Reddit-Wide Rules
Rule #1: Sneakers from Weidian, TaoBao only
This one should be self-explanatory - QCs for shoes purchased from overpriced middlemen are not allowed on this sub. I understand that many users value the input from members in this subreddit specifically due to their reputation and credibility, but we want to keep this sub as pure to its purpose as possible.
Additionally, when users ask for recommendations on where to purchase, make sure to provide links to Weidian or TaoBao stores, and not middlemen. Middlemen sell Weidian/TaoBao products at a markup for convenience, and sometimes by false batch names or identities - always focus on the actual product. Do not post your middlemen pairs asking for batch identification either, as that is not the purpose of this group.
As of June 2024, the group will allow direct shipping from known Weidian sellers from the community, as they are offering competitive prices. Please do not bring overpriced middlemen from other groups into this ecosystem, as it will be called out for all community members to see, in order to ensure that everyone gets the best prices possible for their purchases.
Rule #2: QC Post Title Guidelines: [QC] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name} and Find Post Title Guidelines: [FIND] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name}
When posting your QCs or Finds, use the following format: [QC] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name} or [FIND] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name}. Example: [QC] 400¥ FK Batch Travis Scott x Jordan 1 High OG Mocha from A GDJ Supplier
The Group Automod comments on every single post in this group with a reminder of this title format. If your title does not include each of the necessary components in the brackets above, please be proactive and repost with the correct format. If you don’t delete the post, a moderator will, and that or repeated infractions may result in a temporary ban from the group. This rule exists to ensure the group is easily searchable to help make researching batches on your own as streamlined as possible.
Please also ensure that you use the correct QC type, using the Agent flair for agent purchases, and the DIRECT flair for pairs purchased with direct shipping from Weidian sellers.
The automod may filter your post if the post title format is not followed. If your post is incorrectly filtered, it will be reviewed by a moderator and approved once they see it. Please be patient.
If you post with a title or caption asking if the pair you purchased is actually the batch you purchased, you must:
  1. Include reasoning as to why you think it is possible that the shoe is not what was advertised. Acceptable reasoning includes specific characteristics of the shoe (leather cuts, wings logo placement, colors, etc) that differ from known pairs, different production dates from known pairs, sellers with recent history of bait and switch, etc. The most important part is to include some sort of reasoning. Posts without reasoning will be deleted, as these posts are typically made from newer members to the replica community, and the posts lead to unnecessary fearmongering and damage to seller reputations.
Rule #3: QC Posts need W2C Link:
If you are posting a QC, make sure to post the W2C link. If the listing link is dead, please post the link to the store where the shoe was purchased instead. No W2C link will result in the deletion of your post!
You are welcome to post Weidian links, TaoBao links, or links from any shipping agent.
Rule #4: Help Me Find Post Title Guidelines: [HELP ME FIND] {Shoe Name} + Picture of Shoe
If you are hunting for a certain pair, your post must fulfill 2 key criteria:
  1. Your post title must include the Full Shoe Name and Colorway of the shoe in question. For example, Jordan 1 High Chicago, Dunk Low Kentucky, etc.
  2. A picture of the shoe in question must be included in the post. This makes it easier for users to identify and help find the pairs.
If either of the two criteria above is missing, your post will be deleted. This rule exists to reduce the number of repetitive “Help Me Find” posts, as a user will be able to search previously posted “Help Me Find” posts for the shoe they want.
Example Title: [HELP ME FIND] Jordan 1 High Chicago
Rule #5: Find Post Title Guidelines: [FIND] {Price in Yuan} {Batch} {Shoe Name} from {Seller Name}
Okay, so you’re on WeChat, and a seller has posted a new product. You want to be the first one to post about it on Reddit, so you rush over and make the post. Great, pat yourself on the back. Just kidding. Don’t just stop there - put some thought into the post. How does this new find compare to other products on the market? Do they have potential? You don’t have to be an expert QCer, but give your general thoughts. In short, were these worth finding? The hope is that with this general subreddit policy, it will encourage people to post high-quality finds and reduce clutter from low-tier finds that don’t add much to the group.
Additionally, there has been an increase in posts from Seller Accounts and Redditors collaborating with sellers. This group does not exist to be a seller billboard or onslaught of promotional ads. If you repeatedly spam low-quality finds on the group, you will be banned. Sellers must message the moderator team prior to posting to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship between the subreddit and the sellers.
Rule #6: Be Respectful of One Another
Please be nice and courteous to one another. All rules of Reddiquette apply. Your membership in this subreddit is contingent upon your overall Reddit activity, not just limited to this subreddit. To put explicitly, this includes but is not limited to: harassing or disrespecting others in other subreddits, posting hate speech of any kind, or spreading misinformation. Any violation of this will result in the banning of your account and any alternate accounts you may be known to have!
Rule #7: No Cussing
In line with the previous rule, no cussing on the sub, please. Often, on the rep subs, the only time people are cussing is to insult one another, spread misinformation, or speak illy in general. For this reason, an AutoMod is in place that will regulate posts and comments on the sub. Your post/comment will be deleted and you will receive a message alerting you if this happens. Bonus: Mr. Frosty can't post or comment without some sort of explicit language, so this simple rule (and the accompanying AutoMod) keeps the sub safe
Rule #8: Support Your Statements with Evidence
Essentially, cite your source. Let's avoid being like other rep subs where people make up rumors or decide their opinions without any research or evidence.
If you comment saying a batch is the best or better than what has been posted, show us why. Link reference posts, rep vs retails, QCs, etc. Show, rather than tell, us why what you're saying is correct. If your statement is a good one, this shouldn't be difficult. As above, don't default to name calling if you can't support your statement. It is okay to have a well-informed opinion - it is not okay to have an uneducated opinion that you spread as fact.
If you run into issues with a member or members in the group that are not participating in this group norm, please tag a mod, and the situation will be handled accordingly.
If you are a member who is frequently participating in the group without doing the appropriate research, spreading objectively false information as shown from prior reference posts, or spreading newbie misconceptions even after being informed otherwise, you may be removed from the group. The spread of misinformation is not allowed in this group. This statement will be specifically referenced in your ban message if you are banned from the group, and ask why.
Rule #9: No Price Bashing Without Explanation
Price bashing comments without an explanation are not allowed in this group. If you are going to comment on a replica product that you believe is overpriced, include reasoning with an explanation, otherwise, you risk being permanently banned from the group. If there is a better or comparable batch, with an emphasis on comparable, drop the link. If you are simply going to complain about the price, please keep the unhelpful comment to yourself.
For people posting the pricier purchases, it may be helpful to leave a comment explaining why you chose to purchase that particular batch over others on the market. This typically helps dissuade lower-quality commenters as long as your reasoning is valid.
Rule #10: Discussion of Replica Packaging (boxes, tissue paper) or Passing Legit Check Apps is Frowned Upon
Discussion of replica packaging (boxes, tissue paper, shoe inserts) or asking if a shoe is able to pass Legit Checks/StockX/GOAT verification is frowned upon in the community. If you choose to wear replica products, that is your own choice. However, discussing topics that are IRRELEVANT to you wearing the shoe on your feet such as the above mentioned topics can result in a permanent ban from the group. There is no need for your replica to pass ACTUAL legit checks for you to wear them.
Rule #11: No User-to-User Selling Allowed
No user-to-user sales are allowed in the group. Do not attempt to sell your regretted purchases in the group. The group is not responsible for any sales done in the group between members against subreddit rules.
Rule #12: No Legit Checks
This is a group for replica sneakers purchased using agent avenues. This is not the place for legit checks or retail discussion outside of posting retail references.
Your Legit Check post will be deleted, and you will be temporarily banned from the group.
Rule #13: No Memes/"Fire Up the Rep Machines"/Interest Check Posts/WeChat Verification Posts
This group aims to be a research-focused subreddit. It prides itself on providing the most objective information possible. Please keep the memes or satire posts in other subs. This includes meme titles or captions such as "how fast do I need to walk" or "fire up the rep machines." These posts add little to no value and are often unoriginal anyway.
Any use of meme titles will result in a 14-day temp ban as previously announced, as will repeated infractions of posting other memes.
I understand that you may want your WeChat verified in order to communicate with sellers or see their WeChat Moments. Please utilize your own personal network to get your WeChat verified. If that fails and you have no other options, there are other subs for WeChat Verifications. Please do not make these posts here.
Your WeChat Verification request post will be deleted, and you will be temporarily banned from the group for 5 days.
Rule #14: Weidian Sellers - Reach out to the Moderator Team BEFORE Posting
As the group grows, more and more Weidian sellers would like to enter our community in order to interact with customers more closely. In order to ensure that each seller can provide useful content to the group, and not useless advertisements, please contact the moderator team through Mod Mail to discuss next steps. In your message, include the link to your Weidian store and your WeChat ID. Failure to do so will result in the permanent ban of your account and Weidian store from the group.
RepWeidianSneakers x Seller Cooperation Guidelines outlines all guidelines for sellers in this group to adhere to in order to interact with the community.
In short, you will be asked to:
- Avoid promotional ads that do not help the group learn more about a product. Posts that are allowed are replica vs retail comparisons, batch comparisons, stock information, and "New Find" posts for products that either: have not been posted yet or are cheaper in your store than the previously posted Find post.
- Collaborate with the moderator on popular posts or reviews that would benefit the group. The seller and the moderator will be in frequent communication regarding the needs of the group, and how the seller can be a positive member in the community.
- Host giveaways for the group are an option if sellers want to go above and beyond to gain the good spirits of community members.
- Sellers cannot make fake accounts to upvote their own posts, post fake QCs, or downvote other sellers. Sellers also cannot block community members that offer valid criticisms on their posts, such as commenting on low-quality or overpriced products. The moderator will handle these situations to ensure the actions done are fair on all sides. Making fake accounts will result in a permanent ban and blacklisting from the group. Do not do it.
Rule #15: No Seller Ads
Self-explanatory. This especially applies to lost middlemen posting their fake QCs to try to gain business. If you are a member and see this, please report the post. If a post receives enough reports, it is automatically removed and sent to the mod queue. This helps keep the group clean through community effort.

Lastly, this Group is Not Meant to Be a Direct Line to u/poncecatchemall
Please reference his guides and resources (to be updated in the near future) for answers to most commonly asked questions. He does not read chats asking repetitive questions, and mod mail is not meant to be used to ask specifically him questions, so do not use it for that purpose.

Thank you in advance to everyone for following the sub rules and for keeping this sub a great, high-quality sub to be a part of. If there are any rule addition recommendations, we are always open to suggestions.
submitted by poncecatchemall to repweidiansneakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 TalboGold Mom bought me this 5,000 computer I told her to sell it. I like games.

Mom bought me this 5,000 computer I told her to sell it. I like games. submitted by TalboGold to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 a-cactus-undefined AITAH for suggesting my roommate go to therapy?

I've (M21) known Kenny (M21) for almost three years now and we've been living together for a little over one year with a friend of his, Steven (M21), from high school.
We were all planning on going our separate ways this July, since I graduated and they want to get a different house. I've been the "manager" of us three since I'm the oldest and have had the most experience in a shared living situation that's not with parents or in a college dormitory. I always took care of bills, fixed broken appliances, and cleaned when no one else took initiative to do any basic maintenance. We also have some sort of inspection coming up that the management company we're leasing under was pretty vague about, and since we did inherit the house in an extremely subpar state (I know, we should have taken care of that when we had the chance), I was pretty nervous about the house being up to standard.
I've spent the past couple days cleaning because I was incidentally planning on being out of town from literally now probably until the inspection happens later this month, and I wanted to do my share so my roommates wouldn't be left to take care of everything. While washing the carpet stairs, I had made a mental list of things I wanted to get done, but I wanted roommates to participate too just so I could make sure they'd be set on a good path.
I really didn't want to micromanage, but I've especially had problems with Kenny just not picking up after himself. He never seems to accept responsibility for things. For example, he's the only one who's used the stove pretty much all year, but it's always filthy. I've repeatedly asked him to clean it, but he never does. He's taking summer classes so I'll give him that, but all he ever does is play video games. I'm honestly tired of feeling like I'm the only adult in the situation and I would have liked to not be responsible for other people.
So when I was washing the stairs, I asked Steven and Kenny to help me clean and I'd take some money off the bills they owed me. Steven was reluctant but I knew he'd be able to be convinced. Kenny, however, immediately got defensive, saying he already does stuff and that he's busy studying. Him studying is a lie... I could clearly see a video game on one of his monitors and a movie on the other. He didn't say he was taking a break from studying, he said he "could've been" studying, as if to say "you don't know what's going on, F off." I wasn't buying it. I told him that he could at least be doing something productive, but he said he doesn't want to overwork himself. I get that, but sweeping for two minutes is not in any way "overworking" oneself. He then again brought up the fact that he does do stuff around the house, so I brought up the stove again. He said he's been in Vegas the past week so it couldn't be his fault that it's dirty, I said that it is his fault cause I had been asking him to clean it for a couple months at this point. He then mentioned that it was clean when he left, so I told him that it's because Steven wiped it off after using it once, which Steven was there to back that up.
So that's when Kenny exploded. He got out of his seat, yelled at me, pushed me, and put his hands on my throat as if to try choking me but at the very last second restraining himself (keep in mind even though I was clearly upset I had not raised my voice). He didn't hurt me, but Steven pushed him off of me and I said "what, you're gonna strangle me now?" To which he replied "Yeah, and it'll be worse if you don't shut up."
It could've been the heat of the moment, and it probably wasn't a good time to bring it up then, but I told him that he really needs therapy of some sort. I absolutely didn't mean that as a diss, I genuinely think him putting his hands on me like that is a cause of concern. I even told him that I could give him my therapists number. He then went off on a rant attacking my character, saying that everyone thinks I'm weird and I think so highly of myself despite living a "loser life." I wasn't offended by any of it, and like I said, I probably should have avoided kicking the proverbial anthill by mentioning therapy, but this seemed like another unreasonable response and could even come from something deeper. I didn't say anything past that, but I can't help but think he has some stuff that needs to be figured out. I don't want to overstep any boundaries so I won't push it any further, but AITAH for bringing up therapy? Or for anything else mentioned?
P.S. This isn't meant to belittle Kenny or his personality. We have different interests, hobbies, and lives, but I think him and I are a lot more similar than he thinks - especially when it comes to our personal problems and insecurities. I will say, however, for the next two and a half hours, he was still playing video games and not studying.
TL;DR: my roommate almost strangled me and I recommended he see someone, to which he also did not take lightly (I honestly don't know how I could make this any shorter without leaving some details out)
submitted by a-cactus-undefined to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 tvk21 Can someone remove the AC please

Can someone remove the AC please
This is my favorite picture of my kitty but the air conditioner makes it ugly. Also, I hope the free snoo flair means I'm broke lol
*this is a screenshot because I don't know how to get photos from my Google photos to my phones photo library, idk if this effects anything
submitted by tvk21 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 fuckkroenkeanddemoff What causes violent crime to increase or decrease?

One commenter in another thread mentioned crime back in the old days, I'm guessing the depression, which was quickly countered with something like "Your narrative is bullshit, it was there."
So a quick and dirty googling indicated that crime rose initially, but dropped after 1934. There's plenty of speculation as to the why and validity of it of it (crime stats were mostly local and not as reliable then), but it didn't support much of a correlation.
Additionally, the late crime spike of the 60's was not accompanied by a major economic slowdown.
So what really causes crime to increase? Liberals will tell you poverty and gun access. Conservatives will counter with breakdown of family units, drugs and all things Kim Gardneresque.
Both of these could be true to varying degrees. I used to lean conservative, but I've sworn off political allegiances. Jeff City has plenty of batcrap crazy, as does Springfield, IL.
I'm not interested in a political debate or a spouting of narratives, though I'm sure I'll get plenty of that on reddit.
I'll speculate that crime happens due to a number of reasons, but here are a few.
  1. Broken window theory has been devalued, but I'll still say there's something about a well kept neighborhood vs. one that looks like crap. Burglars always say they look for easy pickings. Predators pick off the weak. If a neighborhood shows that nobody cares, bad stuff is gonna happen.
  2. I'll keep pounding the drum for tree lined city streets. They supposedly reduce crime consistenly by something like 7%, and just feel safer. I was driving through NSTL, and one stretch of blocks had almost no trees. Buildings weren't terrible, but something felt a little off. Then I found a few blocks of shade, and it just felt safer. I don't know why, but I noticed. This should be a non partisan solution, right?
  3. I've also read that blue tinted streetlights have a similar calming effect. How expensive would it be to tint our streetlights blue? Who would find it politically offensive?
  4. I can't remember the book or author, but just Google age demographic trends or something and you'll find him. The guy runs a hedge fund based on age demographic research. He originally learned while working in advertising that age demographics matter. Example given was Honda motorcycles sold like crazy until 1986, when sales started dropping. Eventually he figured out that there weren't enough young single men to keep buying up the high speed death rockets. Which leads to the dangers of testosterone.
Testosterone is great. It makes men strong and horny, two things critical to human survival. Unfortunately, it also makes them fight and do stupid things more. This is great if you need them to charge an enemy in war, but bad if you want a peaceful city. I say this as a former young man who did many stupid things that could've made me a career client of the justice system. Young men do stupid things, including violent crime. There were a lot of young male boomers by the late 60's. Lots of violent crime is usually traced to young men. Sad, but I'll say likely true.
Anyway, what do you say, St. Louis? We love our crime posts here. Please keep it evidence based, even if only lazy googling based. Or just do what you usually do on reddit. Have a great weekend everyone!
submitted by fuckkroenkeanddemoff to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 whiskeybottle306 Help ID'ing acans?

Help ID'ing acans?
Trying to make an Acan garden, but I understand there is the peaceful Micromussa Lordhowensis and the aggressive Enchinata. However, I have not found anything online to help me differentiate between the two. Also, I think 4th picture might be a Favia. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It seems the coral in the 6th picture has been stinging the 3rd and 5th picture when I had them in a trio together. I am wondering if the 2nd and 1st picture will also sting (since they look similar), but I have kept those in isolation.
I might just bunch the ones that look similar together if all else fails and see what happens.
submitted by whiskeybottle306 to Reef [link] [comments]