Maths worksheets for pre school

Law School Subreddit

2009.10.29 18:32 ucslug Law School Subreddit

For current and former Law School Redditors. Ask questions, seek advice, post outlines, etc. This is NOT a forum for legal advice.

2010.04.26 01:08 serious_demilune Dentistry

Discussions and links of interest for dental professionals on all things dentistry. Questions and stories from patients should be redirected to askdentists.

2012.02.28 19:16 feralparakeet Advice for getting into graduate school

This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and have advice to give.

2024.05.20 05:51 Flashy-Wafer-8318 Extremely Confused Student

I am having a huge epidemic in my life. I think I am making a huge mistake in my life. I am 17 years old and I want to be great. As of now I got into first year engineering and going to start in September; I was always like unsure of what I wanted to do, because of this uncertainty I just decided to do engineering. Now this decision is also backed up by my skills and my past. I have been doing design projects since I was 11 years old. I enjoy doing it you know. I am also really good at designing things (also very good at math and logical thinking). These skillsets kind of pushed me to decide engineering as a career path. Now I recently was getting my teeth cleaned and I was talking to the dentist and he was telling me how he only had to do 2 years of undergrade and like 5 years of dental school (residency included) to get good pay and have time to spend with his family. This prompted me to read some reddit post on a day in a life of an engineer and they all are more or less miserable. While as if I read some miserable dentist stories they all complain about insurance or work environment, not the actual job. Lets be clear here. I am not changing career paths because someone told me a good lifestyle while cleaning my teeth but I always considered the bio route. The medicine route was an option for me but the time aspect just did not entice me enough for me to make a move on it. But as I discovered that majority of engineers aren't too happy with their jobs I am now really thinking about going to dental school. So as of now I am going to email a bunch of dentist and ask if I can shadow them and email dental school and ask how I can fulfill the admission requirements. I wanted to give as much information as needed for you fellow redditors to formulate a respond to. Please let me know what you think of this and we can always PM if you do not want to comment here!
submitted by Flashy-Wafer-8318 to DentalSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:43 Minute_Show5511 NEW MUSIC, UPCOMING ARTIST: MIA ESTELLE

Mia Estelle is an upcoming artist from Wisconsin. Production caught her attention in early high school, and while her friends went out to the lakes of Wisconsin, she stayed in, trying every plug-in on Logic Pro.
Her music stems from a patchwork of emotions like love, nature, and navigating early adulthood. Based in Stockton, CA, the heart of Mia’s work is the freedom and late nights spent in overpacked houses, the grass and the earth.
Her new single "Want From You" is coming out THIS FRIDAY. Drawing inspiration from the “Indie Sleaze” era and influenced by the styles of Sky Ferreira and Indigo De Souza. “Want From You” exudes a captivating blend of indie electro production over the lyrics of an emotional breakup. Produced in her dorm room, there is a DIY ethos meticulously honed over five months in Logic Pro. Originally conceived on piano, it blossomed into a vibrant composition through the integration of MIDI synthesizers and electro-R&B drums.
Before her new song comes out you can pre-save her song with this link:
Check out her already released songs on her Spotify, Mia Estelle, and stay tuned for new music. Checking out her songs and looking forward to her new releases would mean a lot to her and the team behind her. Thank you!!!!
submitted by Minute_Show5511 to DiscoverMyMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:40 QuantumZeff Surface Laptop 5

Surface Laptop 5 - 15", Black (Metal), 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD
This is the laptop I bought earlier this year for school. I was curious if there are any pre-built files associated with this laptop for dualboot? I'm very slightly literate when it comes to computers with many failed attempts on different laptops. Kinda lost hope for a touch screen hackintosh (preferably opencore)
submitted by QuantumZeff to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:34 sandersmom What would you target GW, American or Umd

1380 sat (taking again) 4.12 gpa 9 AP (projected 4 grade) Eventually wants to go into corporate law so maybe looking engineering, math, physics minor
Good Ec’s Didn’t cure cancer or start a non profit but his as good
600 hours of service Two service based clubs Tutor
About 10 awards, state, regional and school. (Academic club 4 personal medals) team placement.
Fbla 2 in state
Presidential medal for service
Commendation from local senator
Leadership roles in clubs.
Rounded interests. Chess club. Academic club. Choir. Select choir. Fbla. Stock market club.
Oos for all.
Originally wanted Georgetown and Cornell but after SAT realizes it’s a far far far reach.
submitted by sandersmom to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:29 Mean-Pepper-5183 AITAH for ignoring a guy as I feel scared and freaked out but also feeling bad for it?

I (F) met this guy on a dating app 2 days ago and just from our 10 minute conversation on the app he had told me he found my Instagram then shortly added my Snapchat account, I began speaking to him on Snapchat and I began getting a very weird feeling.
Barley a day after us knowing eachother he proceeded to tell me what schools I attended from pre-K up to High school and I don't have any of this information on social media so I was confused but he said he recognised me from a Instagram photo of my high school.
He has now been texting me 24/7 and sending me multiple tiktoks telling me that I'm giving too many mixed signals, although I've known him for 2 days and respond to his messages only every hour or two. He also reminds me alot of my abusive ex as he has already began to threaten me and get very annoyed if he sees me reposting things on tiktok whilst he is on delivered.
I know it is wrong that I find some comfort in it as he reminds me of my ex but I don't know what to do and want to get rid of him but I cannot turn to anyone in my family as they will jusy say im being dramatic and to ignore it.
It is now 4am and he has been spamming my phone from 12pm, I know I will be told to block him and I do but he makes multiple accounts and I do not have any clue how he has found my phone number as I never give it out to anyone. I feel slightly scared but also feel bad for ignoring him as maybe he could have good intentions but not knowing how to show it in a normal way.
So please tell me Am I the A hole?
submitted by Mean-Pepper-5183 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:15 Brack_234 Teaching is my dream job, but I've been told teaching in the U.S. will make it almost impossible to provide for a family. Is it possible for me to live in another country to teach so I can live my dream and provide for my future kids?

This is going to be a long post, and I don't know if anyone will have the answer for me so I plan to do my own research as well, but I figured it would be a waste not to ask others online just in case someone is able to help.
Context: (not necessary to read but I thought I'd tell my story in case someone is interested)
I am 19 years old in the U.S. , and have just finished my first year of college. Currently I am pursuing a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering, because that was the highest paying job that sounded interesting to me in high school. Growing up, my dream has always been to be a teacher. I would love nothing more than to turn around and share the knowledge I've studied up to this point with as many other people as I possibly can, and to have an effect on their life for a long time after I say goodbye to them. Around my freshman year of high school, my mother went back to college and got her degree in education and began teaching 6th grade math/science. Through her, I have found out about the painfully small salaries and the awful mistreatment of teachers here in the states. Even today when I ask her about how work was any particular day, she never has anything good to say about it. She tells me that her job has become a glorified daycare, as many parents of her students try to report her and make her lose her license when their children come home with F's on report cards (these children do not do any of the work my mother gives them, that's why they have F's). Because of these reasons, I chose to give up my dream of being a teacher and pursue something that would be able to provide more for myself and eventually the family I hope to start. I am the third generation of my family here in the U.S., and my family is originally from Scotland and Poland. With this, my mother recently brought it to my attention that it may be possible for me to pursue my dreams of teaching and still provide a good life for a family, but in another country.
The Problems:
As much as I would love to pursue the dream of teaching once again, there are a lot of questions that pop up when I consider the idea. For starters, what country would I attempt to go to? I have family in Scotland, and my mother tells me they are very open to the idea of meeting me and supporting me, and still consider me family even if we have never truly met. Is Scotland a good country for trying to teach and start a family? Or perhaps another country might be a better suit for me to look at?
How would I market myself to a school overseas? My whole life my test scores have always been 98th/99th percentile in the country, but does that matter to someone in a different country? Should I switch degrees to education? Maybe there is some kind of program I am unaware of looking for people to come teach?
I suppose this falls under the question of where, but am I going to be despised if I emigrate to another country? I have seen some people voice their opinions that they absolutely hate the idea of an American couple purchasing land in their country and living there, as it may push out someone who is native to the country but perhaps not as well off.
I don't expect anyone to have an answer for me, as to me this seems like a pretty niche problem. I plan to do my own research but if anyone knows anything they think may help me, please don't be afraid to tell me. If I haven't given enough details, I'm more than willing to give more if it will help you help me. I don't use reddit too often, so I may not even be putting this in the correct place, and if so I'll gladly move the post to where it should be if someone tells me.
If you've read this far, thank you for taking the time to see my story, and even if you don't have any advice for me I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to even consider it.
submitted by Brack_234 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:05 ebrandrew I'm 18, but I've had chronic sinusitis since I was 9. If you're feeling hopeless, here is my story and advice. I may even have a solution.

When I was 9 years old, I came down with a bad cold during a ski trip, and after recovering, I was left with chronic sinusitis. For the second half of elementary school I was clearing my throat and blowing my nose excessively every day.
Then when I was 14 I got an adenoidectomy, a turbinate reduction, and clarifix, which basically eliminated my post-nasal drip, congestion, and excess mucus that caused me to blow my nose 20+ a day. Then after a year, the clarifix stopped working (it only works for around a year), and my congestion and excess mucus would slowly creep up again, although no where near as bad pre-surgery.
The surgeon also told me that I had acid-reflux that trigged my sinuses and recommended a diet change as well as these acid-reflux pills to take before every meal. My then 15 year old self didn't have the discipline to follow his suggestions and my sinus problems were only 50% eliminated because of it.
I'm currently 18, and following a recent cold that really spiked my sinusitis symptoms, I've been motivated into taking action again to resolve my sinus issues. After having changed my diet (cutting out everything sweet, spicy, sticky, oily, sour, and acidic, and I mean EVERYTHING), as well as eating no later than 4 hours before bed, and at least 8 hours of sleep, I would say that all of my mucus-related problems are now about 75% less than before my surgery, but the congestion is still there. Everything counts. And nothing alleviates/aggravates your symptoms more than your diet. My diet entirely revolves around soups, rice, veggies, and clean meats.
I've also met with an ENT during my recent sinusitis spike following the cold, and after taking a look in my sinuses, she found that everything was structurally fine with no abnormalities, except that my sinus passages were smaller than average. A balloon sinuplasty to enlarge them is on my mind.
I've also began meeting with a Chinese acupuncturist. I used to meet with her several years back, before my surgery, and although she could somewhat alleviate my symptoms, it was never significant. She had also never met with a patient with chronic sinusitis. She told my mother after my latest appointment (5/14/2024) that after dealing with my symptoms, she began looking into more acupuncture points for the sinuses. After her research, she says she began to use this point on a lot of other patients (I had stopped meeting with her at this point), which she says has revealed a ton of positive results. She does this one spot, on the upper left and right sides of my nose, and she inserts the needle from above and into the area of congestion. Apparently it also activates the tear gland connected to the sinuses or something like that. Hurt like hell the first time, but in acupuncture, if a pressure point hurts a lot, that means the part of the body it's connected to is not functioning properly. That's why they insert needles into the pressure points that hurt you, specifically, the most. In the past 5 days, my mucus-related problems have been 95% - 100% resolved. Congestion is still there, but I am hopeful that further treatments will help, as I've only had 2 appointments since the 5 or so year-ish break. If not, I'll see an ENT for a balloon sinuplasty. The acupuncture has also significantly helped with my sleep quality and energy levels, which I believe have been severely negatively affected because of my chronic sinusitis.
Basically, the acupuncture only REALLY works after you've resolved the structural sinus issues. Also acupuncture may take 2+ sessions for results to kick in. Results will become permanent over time as your body adjusts to the temporary post-treatment improvements.
oh and lower your body-fat levels because that will reduce your overall inflammation, which is what sinusitis is: the inflammation of sinus tissues. Exercise regularly and incorperate cardio. A little cardio goes a long way.
TLDR : Fix your diet & sleep, meet with an ENT to fix structural issues, and meet with an experienced acupuncturist (preferably highly-rated and Chinese) if you think your issues are immune-system related.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in comments or dms.
submitted by ebrandrew to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:54 TorontoRap2019 AI for math tutoring - Academic misconduct?

I am taking online data-research classes (basically math classes) this semester. The professor's teaching style isn't great. However, using AI tools to tutor me has helped me understand concepts better by breaking them down and connecting them with my pre-existing knowledge.
However, I would like to know if I am accidentally committing academic misconduct. It should be noted that the professor has stated we do not use AI for assignments and quizzes. I am asking because I want to be mindful of using AI, and I do not want to get academic misconduct, especially given that we are living in the golden era of AI right now.
submitted by TorontoRap2019 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:50 xliteAmv How to land swe interns

I am senior in high school going into CS/math haven’t decided, I know python and web development. What’s the best way to land internships.
And what’s the best majors for a job in FAANG - waterloo math coop (target school) - t2 university but a CS course
submitted by xliteAmv to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:42 Affectionate_Fly621 My alcoholic parents [F50] [M50] have neglected me my whole childhood and now I’m [F23] it’s still the same. Thoughts?

I [F23] moved away from home to different country (australia )since i was a teenager, now i’m married with a toddler.
I was born and raised in Vietnam. I didn’t have the worst childhood, It was bad but not the worst, I was actually spoiled they gave me everything i wanted but from my memory i spent half of my childhood with a nanny. My parents would go out drinking with friends, benders, .. i would wake up upset next to my nanny knowing my parents didn’t come home the night before. When i was in pre school i had a competition out of town , when it was over i remember walking to the front to look for my parents and none of them were there while the other kids were getting picked up, i stood there alone for a good 10 minutes and my teacher offered to take me home and 10 minutes later they showed up, turned out they were drinking with friends somewhere , i had to come with them and they made me sit at a separate table to wait. As a kid it felt terrible. All of my birthday parties were theirs , they would drink with friends till off their head and it was never about me. Travelling, i loved travelling, but yes of course they would also be off their head every time we traveled, and guess where i had to be? either at a separate table or in a hotel room alone. I spent most of the time staying in so i never got so see or experience and anything. Looking back it hurts my heart so much because i would never do that to my kids . Years later there was one time when i was in primary my mum forgot to pick me up from school and i had to walk home.. she was drunk and there was no apology whatsoever. When i was in year6 ( 12 years old) i was locked outside until 12am because my parents were drinking somewhere, I called them multiple times but they didn’t care so i had to ride my bike to their drinking spot, i was so angry that i threw my bike on the side of the road and my dad slapped me in the face twice in front of their friends for ‘embarrassing’ them, he then took me home and grabbed me by my hair and continued to beat me up. I don’t think i remember the exact amount of time they abused and neglected me when they were drunk
Now i have my own family in a different country, I don’t see them as often anymore but we still have a good relationship. They wanted to visit us and I tidied up the place for them, planned the week as i wanted to show them around ( they’ve never been here before) I was very excited because i missed them . On their first day here i took them out for lunch, when my family and I showed up there was 2 of their friends (who are also Vietnamese but live in Australia) sitting at the table, so there wasn’t room for us we had to sit at a separate one. Family lunch was ruined as i expected it to be bonding time between us. My parents then decided to leave with them to go out drinking. Like on your first day here? Seriously? My toddler was so sad because she really wanted to spend with her grandparents and they knew that but they didn’t care, they wanted to prioritise drinking with friends first. I had a go at them saying that they were selfish , inconsiderate and unappreciative, and that they should’ve not put their friends first over family since we see each other once every couple years!! All of a sudden it felt like i was my younger self once again getting neglected, resenting my parents. They then got angry at me wanting to book a flight home because ‘ they don’t enjoy it here’ . I haven’t spoken to them since and apparently they’re actually leaving tomorrow. I don’t think i was wrong for being upset with the fact that they chose their friends on their first day here? Thoughts?
submitted by Affectionate_Fly621 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:41 North_Bullfrog_346 AITAH for not waking up early for my test

i live in asia and we dont have saturdays off, i came back from school on saturday and my mom told me to go to the gym bcz i had missed it earlier so i went and met my friend amd enjoyed and i came back at night and went to sleep. On sunday i woke up and my mom sent me to my dad to the orchard for breakfast then i came back and took a bath and my mom sent me to go buy some meat, i went to two different stores which are really far away from each other, then i came back home and my dad called me to bring him lunch and so i did then i came back dad had told me to get some petrol for a machine and i did it again. After that i came back home and then my father told me to get some pesticides for the orchard and so i did, my mom saw that I'm getting annoyed and told me to get it and then she will take it to the orchard. Now it was 5pm and i hadn't done anything.Now i started doing my project which i completed till 8pm and i wrote some home work too until 9. I have exam tomorrow of 4 subjects and i haven't done anything and i just looked at two of my books to get some idea and my mom told me to sleep early and i did. i woke up at 4:15 and prayed until 4:30 and i was preparing for 1 sub until 5 am and i had a headache then i overslept and woke up at 7:30 my mom is now cursing me and telling me it's my fault and mom is yelling at me and saying other kids do their house work too and I'm not the only one. my dad came and told me and said yesterday is past you have to study now. According to them i have to prepare for 3 subjects in 1 hour and two of them are language subjects and 1 is math. She keeps coming in my room and insulting me. So is it my fault ? aitah ?
submitted by North_Bullfrog_346 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:37 Left-Discussion2470 Double edged

Hey guys/girls it’s me again just wanted to get one final big take before I make my decision. So I’ve been dealt two hands and I’m struggling to figure out which one to take. Quick overview of me I’m an SEBS student, Bio major, going to Rutgers New Brunswick and I’m dorming. On one hand I retake my math placement test (after getting a 30 on the first try which is equivalent to Intermediate math) retake the test and hopefully get placed in pre calc or calc and prolly do really badly after hearing how atrociously difficult it is and ruin my GPA or on the other hand accept whatever class Rutgers think is best, don’t retake it but having to basically restart by taking algebra then pre calc then Calc and having that refresher when supposedly all this time could be used to take more important classes like a Calc and more time will be spent on more required classes for a bio major. Which hand is better??
submitted by Left-Discussion2470 to rutgers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:36 Minute_Show5511 New Upcoming Synth-Pop Artist: Mia Estelle

Mia Estelle is a fresh and exciting artist to look out for. Born in Appleton, Wisconsin, Production caught her attention in early high school, and while her friends went out to the lakes of Wisconsin, she stayed in, trying every plug-in on Logic Pro.
Her music stems from a patchwork of emotions like love, nature, and navigating early adulthood. Based in Stockton, CA, the heart of Mia’s work is the freedom and late nights spent in overpacked houses, the grass, and the earth.
Coming out with her new song "Want From You" THIS FRIDAY. Drawing inspiration from the “Indie Sleaze” era and influenced by the styles of Sky Ferreira and Indigo De Souza. “Want From You” exudes a captivating blend of indie electro production over the lyrics of an emotional breakup. Produced in her dorm room, there is a DIY ethos meticulously honed over five months in Logic Pro. Originally conceived on piano, it blossomed into a vibrant composition through the integration of MIDI synthesizers and electro-R&B drums.
For now, before her song comes out, here is a link to pre-save her song in the meantime.
Saving this would mean a lot not only for her but for the rest of the team behind her.

submitted by Minute_Show5511 to synthpop [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:27 ResponsibleFarmer663 What major will lead to a career that utilizes my interests?

Hi all, I'm currently choosing which university program to commit to and have narrowed my options down to a Medical Science degree (think pre-med with specializations such as pathology, neuroscience, pharmacology) or a business degree from a prestigious university. I've always been extremely intrigued in branding, neuromarketing, and the idea of coming up with my own product and speaking to it to a room of people.
Now, being pragmatic, it's not as if a regular business degree will immediately make me a CEO. However, consulting and creating better strategies and marketing schemes for other companies seems like work I can thrive in and do well in. Perhaps I can even start a company that provides marketing strategies for other companies.
On the other hand, if I choose a pre-medical pathway and eventually end up in medical school, I can continue to hone my interest in marketing and business on the side; with the hopes of eventually starting a health-technology company or any other type of company. That way I really wouldn't have to work under anyone, as I'd go from residency to my own firm, while working on health-tech through medical school and then on the side of my job.
I'm naturally better at public speaking and group work; it is what I do best and what I enjoy. Medical Science is more exam-based which turns me off; however I figure I can just find clubs that are project based and require public speaking.
I'm unclear on what path to choose, and although I know that none of the greats were stopped by a college major, I really want to choose well. I really really want to thrive. I know this sounds naive, but I would appreciate any help I could get.
submitted by ResponsibleFarmer663 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 WRWEQ California University of Sciences and Medicine (CUSM) vs Creighton Phoenix

Greetings, Reddit pre-med community. I have the privilege of choosing between two exceptional programs emphasizing health equity and underserved medicine, but I need help deciding. I recently got accepted to CUSM from the waitlist. A bit about me: I am passionate about pediatrics but very open to exploring other specialties. I'd love to pursue my residency in northern CA so that I can stay close to my support system. I intend to head into medical school with as much of an open mindset as possible. The COA for each school is very similar, but I received a $10k discount from Creighton (Magis Scholarship). I tried my best to gather as much info as possible from current students from each school to create this pros, neutrals, and cons list roughly ranked by personal importance. If some of you are students at either of these schools, please share your thoughts, too! My main question is how much does name recognition matter? Thank you for your assistance, and have a wonderful day!
  1. More research emphasis with the opportunity for graduating with distinction (MD Scholars program)
  2. NBME exams after each block and in-house tests for labs
  3. Integrated holistic curriculum with case-based learning facilitated closely by faculty (student-driven)
  4. Medical Spanish weekly seminars that follow the same case learned the week prior (I want to become fluent)
  5. Student bodies and faculty are very supportive, mainly due to the open office policy and regular 1-1 meetings
  6. Option for early clerkships in Year 2. It can be used as a flexible professional development period after year three if I want.
  7. Grading system pre-clerkship: P/F
  1. Less known with a lower reputation nationally
  2. Clinical grading is H/HP/P/F
Creighton Phoenix:
  1. More well-known
  2. Integrated holistic curriculum with green and gold tracks and case-based learning
  3. Proximity to Phoenix Children’s Hospital
  4. Finding community outreach opportunities are no issue (100% of students participate)
  5. Magis Scholarship Recipient (one-time $10k award)
  1. Primarily in-house quizzes (NBME quizzes for a few units + exams)
  2. Research is not much of an emphasis here
  3. Scorching summers (I do very poorly with heat)
  4. Far from my support system
  5. Grading system pre-clerkship: H/P/F
submitted by WRWEQ to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 Careless_Pollution37 Help Me Decide - Input Appreciated!!!

I'm currently in the middle of one of the most difficult situations that I have put myself in: whether to stay in my accelerated BSDO program or transfer to another institution and go trad. On one hand, for this program, the requirements are lower such as MCAT and GPA requirements, would graduate a year in advance, and have a guaranteed seat in med school. However, on the other, I would be going to a more well-known pre-med college (CWRU, Emory, and or Tufts) where I may have the chance of better opportunities to medical schools. My reasons for transferring are mostly just the nearby resources/opportunities for pre-med students, the research opportunities that my R3 institution, a more diverse student population (it felt very isolating sometimes), and a more attentive/supportive pre-med/admin population. Though I know DOs are highly accomplished, I'm worried that I may not have as many doors open to me as I would like- esp with being a younger age student in med school and PDs with DOs in competitive specialties.
I know this has been a rambling in itself, but I appreciate all input and perspectives.
submitted by Careless_Pollution37 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 DueReporter6824 I'm currently a Rising Sophomore/Junior in a weird predicament, looking for advice moving forward.

At the very beginning of my Freshman year, my mother and grandpa passed away. [sorry for the dramatic cold open!] I was struggling a lot that first semester, and while I was getting through the classes, I wasn't doing great at them. Not as great as I know I could.
By second semester, I ended up transferring into online classes, where I basically gave up, and dropped all of them. After that, I applied to a tiny private College-Prep liberal arts school and that's where I'm at now. It's nice, they lean heavily into having everyone do focused college-like Humanities classes and Arts. The summer before I started attending, my father also passed away. I hadn't been living with him, my parents were divorced and he wasn't in a position to take me in, but that still sucked.
Now obviously, having an entire semester of Fs on my transcript is problematic. Another issue is the fact that the school I currently go to doesn't actually do GPAs. All our grades are basically written as narrative evaluations, and since very few schools do that, it's hard to find resources outside of the web of my own school. If a College were to request a GPA, our school would be able to provide one, but that's basically a matter of the Principal reading through my evaluations, and determining roughly what they would be roughly equivalent to if I was at the nearby public school.
All of my evaluations have been absolutely solid, I'm fairly certain I would have straight As. In addition, while attending I did take a virtual French II class over the summer, Japanese 101 and Biology 101 at nearby Colleges; I have an A in all of them. I'm sure if I requested a GPA for my regular classes, I would have mostly As. I have taken Calculus I [AB], but I'm awaiting my AP score. Calculus AB/BC are the only AP classes my school offers. For what it's worth, I got a 1350 on my PSAT 11.
My goal is to go into Math. I plan to take Calculus II/BC and Engineering next year, and also Linear Algebra in the fall off-campus [which I will likely be eligible for, just need my AP score]. When it comes to colleges, I really don't know what is reasonable for me to even shoot for.
I'm in a weird nebulous position where I was supposed to graduate next year, but failed so I'm behind a year, but also have enough credits to graduate next year anyways as a Junior, if I wanted to. I've thought about it, but I don't know if that's what I should do.
I have had conversations with my principal, and I think they recommend I take the extra year simply to offset the Fs from those online classes from before I transferred. My principal jokes that now is pretty much the only time in my life where it will be beneficial to be an orphan, and I think that's probably kinda true. I had to pick myself up and take initiative for a lot of the things I'm doing, and I have constantly excelled since moving schools. I have been living semi-independently, juggling between houses [I haven't lived with my legal guardians in ~2 years, but they're still present]
When my principal was in High School, he attended Telluride for the summer, and now has the opportunity to 'nominate' students for it, and he plans to do so for me in the Fall. I'm thinking of doing that, it sounds great.
This Spring I applied for PROMYS, and although I think I did well on the application, I unfortunately, got rejected. Of course, I knew that was a reach program so I didn't expect much, but now my summer's free! There's always next time.
I also thought about simply applying to a few absurd reach schools in my Junior year (Hail Mary), since technically I could be eligible, and if I end up getting rejected from them, then I would still be fine. I could just go ahead and do my Senior year, after having gained experience with the College admissions process.
I'm also somewhat aware of QuestBridge, and that could be a good option if I went that route this Fall; if I'm eligible for the match, apply for what looks good, and if I match, then free money! If not, then try again next year with a stronger background. From my understanding, finalists for that tend to be high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds. I'm certain I fall under that umbrella. Only one of my parents graduated High School and went to College, however, given that my mom's culinary degree probably hasn't impacted my life much in about 3 years, I've been told there may be room to argue I'm a "first gen" -- No idea if that's true.
All of this is to say, I don't really know what I should do. I hope I described my situation well enough for you to get a gist of my predicament, if anyone has advice, I would appreciate it. Although I feel like I'm in a very unique situation, I'm sure there's someone else who's been in a similarly-shaped boat on here.
In the meantime, I need some rest. I have to move out soon, I'll be taking French again online this summer, and I'll be starting two independent studies in Game Design and Novel Writing; I would like to get a job with my city's public library soon, because I've been an intern for my school's library this year and that seems like a nice transition. Probably try and take the SAT in August... also need to learn how to drive.... well, I have a busy summer.
submitted by DueReporter6824 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 SpanishLearnerUSA My Latest Find: You can take Khan Academy courses (math, etc) in Spanish!

Someone asked me what I am going to do when I am comfortable with my Spanish level and am looking for a new challenge. I said that I'd like to continue revisiting things that I quit in the past. My big regret in life is that I tend to give up on things too easily. Learning Spanish will satisfy one regret. Next, I was planning on learning to play guitar (quit after taking a bunch of lessons in 7th grade) and actually understand high school math. My claim to fame is that I never did one homework assignment in high school, which obviously wasn't good for my mastery of mathematics.
I was thinking about my goals today and realized that I could learn those things (math and guitar) in Spanish. I then thought that perhaps I could start right away if I could find online math classes. Sure enough, Khan Academy has Spanish versions of their math classes.
I just logged in, changed my language in the settings, and signed up for their algebra class. I figured I'd start with a class that should be easier.
Has anyone tried a Khan class in Spanish?
submitted by SpanishLearnerUSA to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 E-duo I think I might probably be gay

Let's just get to the gist to it. There's this boy, who we're going to call glasses. We both have fourth period math together with each other and sit right beside each other. We sit in groups of four in the class, and our table is centered towards the back of the room. Every day I had to help him with his work because he has trouble with understanding the lesson we're in. It's not like I'm a super smart student, but at least I understood the material. It wasn't a big deal for me. His grades overall for math and science are terrible. It's not a secret, the teacher has even made jokes before in the class about his grade. Everyone else at our table was pretty much the same way, so I felt bad that he had to sit with all of us.
I'm not sure how we got on the topic, but at one point, I was basically doing his work for him because he said he didn't understand anything, and in all honesty, I don't think he even was trying to do it. He had to have had some knowledge about what he was doing though, because when he finally did his own work, he would get every answer wrong. That didn't stop him from making dumbass remarks, using his phone to look up the answers to the questions, and watching tiktoks on his phone. The only reason I would have been helping him out, is because it makes the class more enjoyable. If you're just sitting there by yourself, the class can be really boring. He has this habit where he would just say the most randomness statements. For example, once we were in the middle of doing an assigned online lesson, he just randomly turns to me, and tells me I'm gay. He has no filter on his mouth. I don't pay him any attention, as I have never felt attraction to a guy.
Not saying he's ugly or anything, he's pretty average looking. I've seen worse looking people. He's got this nice taper haircut, and looks good when he keeps it freshly trimmed, he wears those clear glasses, and has a pretty nice big nose. Not in a bad way, but a good size, and shape. I don't think I've ever seen him without a black or grey hoodie. I'm pretty sure he has an addiction. He has a pretty average body too, a little skinny, but it suits him. It's not like it's bad or anything. I don't judge anyone on their looks. We're both about the same height, with him being about an inch taller, maybe? His personality is probably his most unique..? Interesting? attribute. He's not one to hold back from sharing his thoughts. Sometimes I have to put up with him making fun of me and my personality. Sometimes in a playful way, but I have a few traits that can be picked on. One thing that is probably his biggest flaw is his over confidence, and the fact that he thinks he's the best at everything.
He's constantly bragging about things. He's the kind of person that makes you want to punch him. Not the worst thing in the world, but not the best. When we first started having conversations, it was pretty casual and chill, but then it escalated into him getting to the point of being aggravating. He would say the stupidest stuff. He would make fun of the way I looked, my clothes, how tall I am, and just the way I spoke. I'm not a super social person, so it's not that hard to make me uncomfortable. But still, when he wasn't annoying me to the point of begging the teacher to move my seat, I could have some decent conversations with him. He wasn't all that bad. He just didn't have the filter between his brain and his mouth. That's something I respect about him. It's a good trait to have. He's the type of person that will always be honest, and won't sugar coat his words. Even if it might be considered offensive. We'd have a lot of occurrences when he would say something funny. I can't even count how many times he made me smile, and even laugh. I was never embarrassed or ashamed about laughing. Not once.
I can tell he likes the way I laugh. Whenever he gets me to laugh, he'll be staring at me with this big grin on his face. He doesn't hide the fact that he wants to stare at me. When he says something funny, and he gets my attention, he'll give me a smile. It's not a forced one, it's natural, and I can tell that he genuinely means it. Sometimes I'd feel him looking at me and I'd catch him staring. It was usually a quick glance, and he'd turn his head away. But I could see him looking. At first I was confused, but I eventually got used to it. I'm not going to lie, it does make me nervous. I don't like being stared at. It makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable. But I never told him that. He was probably just trying to get my attention.
He's got a very strong sense of humor, and a lot of the things he would say, even the most serious and inappropriate things, are actually really funny. The way he speaks, and how he carries himself, I can tell he has a lot of self confidence, and a big ego. He's not afraid to show it either. It's almost like a form of self expression. It's hard to explain. The way he expresses his personality, it's something you have to see. The funny thing is, he's not even a good student. I have no idea why he was placed in a class that was obviously above his grade level. The only reason he's probably passing is because the teacher lets him goof off. The way he talks and acts, I'm pretty sure the teacher knows that he's a big distraction to the class, and doesn't want to have to deal with him. So she gives him the benefit of the doubt. I have no idea why he even cares so much about his grades. He always talks about how he doesn't care, and that his grades don't matter. The thing is, his behavior shows the opposite. Every day he'll come into class, and sit there waiting for the teacher to finish instruction, and when we began to work, he asks me if I can help him. Sometimes he'll just copy my answers. I've never said no, and have always helped him out. I've tried giving him hints and suggestions about the material, but he just doesn't listen.
It's not like it matters to me anyway. If I'm not helping him, he'll ask another student. He's a real pain in the ass, but I don't blame him. If I were in his situation, I'd be the same way. He's not the best student, and probably one of the dumbest kids in the school. The funny thing is, is that he acts like he's so much smarter than me. Like he's better than everyone else. But he's not. He's just a stupid, annoying kid who's not very smart. But he tries. And that's what's important. So once again, we're sitting at our table, doing an assigned lesson, and everyone else is talking to the table mates or doing their own thing. I'm pretty sure the teacher was helping out other students who was stuck on a question. We were sitting right next to each other. I was doing my work, while he was on his phone and had barely even began the assignment. That's when I felt a hand rubbing up and down my thigh. I was wearing some heavy baggy jeans, and could feel his hand moving up and down. I looked and stared at him while removing his hand. He looked at me with this knowing grin, and turned his attention back to his phone. I couldn't even concentrate at that exact moment. He was just acting like nothing had happened. I could feel my heart beating fast and my face was hot. I don't know why, but it was.
A few more minutes went by and the hand returned to my thigh. I tried shaking it off, but he wasn't having it. He wasn't letting go. So I gave up and left his hand there. I couldn't even finish the problem I was on, I just sat there letting his hand rub up and down my thigh. I looked over at him, and he was just staring at me with a grin on his face. His hand was just gently rubbing, up and down, up and down. Then he stopped, and he slowly removed his hand. He turned back to his phone. I don't know what I was thinking, but I reached my hand over to his thigh. I didn't look at him, and just placed my hand on his thigh. It was a pretty firm squeeze, and he flinched slightly. It was almost as if his entire body stiffened. I practically froze up since I forgot to do the whole rubbing motion. It was probably the most awkward moment of my life. It wasn't the way I wanted to react, but my body did what it had to do. I started slowly, but firmly massaging his thigh, and could feel him starting to relax. His eyes were glued to his phone, and he wasn't paying attention to the hand that was rubbing up and down.
Eventually, I removed my hand as the end of class was nearing. He and a few other students started standing up and gathering their things. I remained in my seat, as I felt a slight stiffness in my pants. My heart was racing, and I could feel my hands starting to get sweaty. I wasn't expecting anything like this to happen. It was awkward, but I had this.. lustful feeling in my stomach. As I sat there, he went on the other side of me and slyly pressed his crotch up against my shoulder. I could feel heat radiating from his body. It was obvious why it was so warm, and I knew what was happening. It was a weird sensation. It's hard to describe. I could feel the heat from his pants on my shoulder. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough to get me really flustered. I was starting to feel a little anxious. After that, the bell rang and everyone quickly gathered their belongings and left the room.
It was a weird feeling, and I couldn't even focus in class. I could barely think straight. I couldn't even finish the lesson we were assigned. I didn't know what to do. I was just caressing another guys leg. What was even worse was that the guy I was caressing, was the same guy who was always making fun of me. I was starting to panic. Was it wrong to have done that? Am I going to get in trouble? What if he tells someone? The only reason why I did it was because I was curious. What if someone saw us.
I'm really confused and I don't what to do. We've only have a week left of school, and then we'd have summer break. I want to ask him for his number. And I don't know why I want it. To talk? Hang out? Something else? What do people usually do to have fun with people like him? Should I ask him for his numbers?
submitted by E-duo to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for something genuine with great conversation. Long term ideally.

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for something genuine with great conversation. Long term ideally.

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for something genuine with great conversation. Long term ideally.

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]