Epsom salt fungus

I can’t find anything to help me. Suggestions please.

2024.05.19 19:28 kmd1112 I can’t find anything to help me. Suggestions please.

I have a history of chronic UTIs. A year ago I was prescribed a post sex dose of antibiotics that I took for about 6 months which was my longest period UTI free. After I stopped taking them I was UTI free for 3 months until I got another one. In between the UTIs I suffer from burning and urgency symptoms all the time. It’s really messing with my quality of life. Sex makes the burning a lot worse for a couple days after. I’ve been tested for STDs and yeast infections so that’s ruled out. These are all the things I’ve done that have not helped…
I’ve tried: - pelvic floor PT - increased water intake - decreased water intake - bladder training - Azo (did nothing but caused kidney pain) - d-mannose - cranberry - diet changes - baths with epsom salts (makes things WAY worse) - heat/cold
I’ve seen a urologist who completely dismissed my symptoms outside of my positive urine cultures and he wants to do a cystoscopy before he’s willing to discuss anything else with me. I’m really not sure that’s the right move for me and I don’t think I want to have that done so a urologist is a dead end for me.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
submitted by kmd1112 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:42 moneypowergloryy Is Epsom salt safe to have on skin for long time?

For a longsleeve top, I’d like to soak my fabric in an epsom salt solution for it to form crystals, the theme of the party is ocean. Anyways, I was wondering whether it be safe to wear that on my skin for a longer period of time, I wouldn’t want to get a rash from it.
submitted by moneypowergloryy to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:33 chriswhoppers 1,500 Volt Solid State Battery

Hello, I been playing with this idea for a while, but here is a video that gives a small idea of what we are doing.
The tools will be:
55 gallon copper drum, which can hold 173,000 grams of the salts, but under compression and due to thermal expansion we will say it can hold 150,000 grams. Large screw going through entire drum. Just enough tap water to saturate. 80,000 grams Rochelle Salt. 40,000 grams Epsom Salt. 20,000 grams white sugar. Unspecified amount of Pyrite filings, but the rest should be filled, so around 10,000 grams.
Recipe: Mix all the substances together. Add enough water to saturate. Heat the mixture till there are no air bubbles and its like puddy. Pour mixture into drum. Put screw into center of mixture in drum before it solidifies. Measure volts after the mixture solidifies.
Results: the battery he showed gave an output of 0.7 volts with 70 grams of material. We can then do the math and see that 150,000 grams of material should produce 1,500 Volts by dividing the grams by 100, because of the 0.1 Volts per 10 grams, which gets the 1,500 Volts. According to some sources, this battery should last 25,000 years, but I doubt it. If you take into consideration thermal expansion enough, it could be possible.
Some flaws in other experiments show that over the course of a few years the copper cracks and falls apart due to the vast pressure.
submitted by chriswhoppers to MaterialsScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:18 33Freya 25 days to go

Was SO TIRED all day yesterday but had tons of energy playing guitar and singing at a 2 hour gig last night. It felt great. Today I fly across the country and refuse the free fabulous food and booze that comes with travel. They will get my fizzy water and tea for me :) I know what I will say (I'm on a very strict eating plan). I'm bringing Epsom salt with me to soak, NutriAlign electrolyte mix to consume, and I'll be using the fitness center and getting my 10k steps in as usual. Hello day 6!
submitted by 33Freya to 30DayFast [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:12 panpandesu California- Person dropping off things in our house.

Hello! I thought I will check here and see what we need to do.
Two months ago, a doordash person stopped by the house and deliver a small bag with a small stuffed toy. We didn't order anything.
Last night, at 3 am someone dropped off a tv and a bag of light bulbs, used notebook with ripped pages, cocoa packets, and epsoms salt. Again, we don't know this person.
We have a ring video footage of him from two months ago but this guy was wearing a mask and a ring video from last night as well from afar. I have his license plate and the video footages. Not clear enough to see his face.
We don't know this person and we believe the person might be the same person. I'm scared of my safety honestly. We moved here last year and don't know anyone.
We called the cops and gave him the plate number. They advised us to put the stuff by the curb.
submitted by panpandesu to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:36 matto89 Eli5: breastfeeding, how does warm Epsom salt bath unclog milk duct?

submitted by matto89 to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:21 Minti_Loves_Cats Two of my bettas have died in a month from dropsy. Please help me

I’ve had two bettas die in the past month from dropsy. For both it came on quickly and treatment (Kanaplex- I tried epsom salt, but he started acting weird so I took him out) didn’t help- I didn’t try to treat the second one that got it because I caught it too late, and also because he had a massive tumor in his stomach- stomach was always huge from day I got him and he had an inability to gain weight. Both died within two weeks of contracting disease.
Info on both fish-
Both had heater and filter, 78 degrees. Both had large amounts of live plants. Tank sizes were both five gallons. I fed them 6 pellets of Bug Bites every day, fasting every 2 days since both had bloat problems. They both got weekly 30% water changes. Both lived with shrimp, who they seemed to not eat. No tankmates besides the shrimp and a bunch of MTS. Water was good during both of their deaths- Reddi had 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 5 nitrate, iirc, and Daffodil had 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 10 nitrate- I found Daffodil rather late, which may have contributed.
Extra info- Daffodil was a rescue from someone who could no longer take care of him- I think he was a Petsmart fish. Reddi was brought by me from Chard56 on Aquabid. I had Reddi, the first victim, for a year, and Daffodil, the second and the one with the tumor, for about 3/4ths of a year. Reddi also had many small tumors on his finnage, and constant bloating issues that didn’t seem to be curable by fasting. Both had fins longer than their body and spent a lot of time stagnant- both had trouble swimming and reaching the surface. I have since decided to no longer buy halfmoons as a result. I still take them as rescues from people who can’t take care of theirs, though.
What am I doing wrong? Please tell me. I’m terrified.
submitted by Minti_Loves_Cats to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:46 little-Context46 Can Fibromyalgia cause a prolonged muscle cramp?

This is a weird question that my MIL asked after a muscle in my calf tore while I was walking. Long story short I had this Charlie horse like cramp in my calf for almost a week. It was really bad while I was at work and I had planned on soaking my leg in a warm epsom salt bath. Unfortunately as I was leaving work I stepped backwards with that leg and as soon as I put pressure on it I felt and heard a pop and then burning pain. My coworker heard it as well and thought that it was my knee. The doctor's at the urgent care were stumped because they've o ly seen athletes with this injury. When explaining what happened to my MIL asked if it could have all been caused by my fibromyalgia. Her theory is that I've pushed to far since I've been working through my flare up to get things done at my house. That my nerve pain transformed into the muscle cramp from hell until it snapped from the tension. Is that even possible?
submitted by little-Context46 to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:38 stinkspiritt Disability and solo travel experiences

First I’ll (35F) acknowledge that on the disability spectrum I am quite privileged: I’m ambulatory, don’t need mobility aids, I make decent money so I can afford more supports, etc. However, I don’t see much in this sub on this topic and thought I could post some of my tips and experiences to open a discussion. I would love to learn about what others cope with and how they manage. While I do work in the disability sphere as an OT (occupational therapist), which helps me navigate, I’m by no means an expert on disability and travels.
I started solo traveling around 2017 after a breakup. Personally my biggest struggles are POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), fatigue, muscle tone / pain issues, and a previous brain injury / craniotomy. I take regular daily medications and use a CPAP. I used to joke that it isn’t a u/stinkspiritt solo trip if I don’t fall and face plant in public, but I think I’m breaking that streak (fingers crossed). Some things I like to do / started to do:
  1. 3 Ps of Energy Conservation: Pace, Plan, Prioritize. This is an OT thing and most important for me. Try and space out my day with rest breaks and take naps if possible. Prioritize what is most important for me to do that day and what I’m ok with skipping if I start to feel poorly. Slow down! Actually I’m trash at that, but I’m working on trying not to do everything all at once.
  2. Make sure my hotel is near public transit, or research good ways to get around that isn’t all walking. In Vietnam I loved their Uber motorbike app (can’t remember what it’s called).
  3. Listen to my body, and not feel upset or disappointed when I need to rest. Rest is great. Additionally I try not to be hard on myself for not doing everything. I do what I can and I enjoy it.
  4. Be mindful of my nutrition: I don’t know about you but I can get caught up in the excitement and suddenly it’s end of day and I only had breakfast. I also get a little queasy with travel so it’s easier for me to skip food. I’m in the habit of forcing myself to stop for food at regular times, which honestly brings my appetite right back. I also make sure to have plenty of water and started traveling with my stainless steel insulated water bottle.
  5. If available I like to take a hot bath to soak the muscles. I was spoiled in Japan by picking up some epsom salt packs at the convenience stores.
  6. I regularly do a yoga stretching program from a creator I follow on YouTube. I also try to add some of my PT exercises as well.
  7. I started journaling lately to help me remember all of my experiences better.
  8. I am trying to regularly bring my CPAP. Every trip I want to leave it, but it’s worth it I know. I cannot justify $1k for the mini travel CPAP, not yet at least.
  9. Schedule some self care if possible: I got massages like every other day in Vietnam and Cambodia, got a manicure in Kyoto, etc. good way to force me to sit down.
  10. Breathe: a good deep slow breath when feeling overwhelmed.
It seems like a ton of pre planning but I actually don’t plan much. I usually figure out my itinerary day of. Maybe I could do more if I planned ahead more, but also maybe I’d have more disappointment if I plan and that day I don’t feel well and can’t do it? Not sure.
Any other disabled travelers here? I would love to hear about what you do to adapt and where you’ve been able to visit!
submitted by stinkspiritt to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:29 No_Potential_1846 Balding on behind?

Balding on behind?
My pig (Latte, 4 years) recently lost her cage mate around 2-3 weeks ago and I'm worried she's losing fur from stress and wanted to get a second opinion.
The oval indent on the fur on her back as always been there(owned her since she was two months), but the balding below that closer to the bum is a recent thing (I noticed it maybe two days ago when giving her an epsom salt soak for an inflamed foot). I don't think it's ring worm since none of my other pigs have it (caged separately since they're all boys) and I'm not sure where she'd get it, I read that it could be an overiane issue but she has no balding issues anywhere else.
She has a normal diet (kale, sweet peppers, spring mix, spinach, collard greens, parsley), I've been watching her weight (between 1280 grams and 1300), she's been eating her hay and drinking water, so I'm wondering if this is self inflicted due to stress of being alone?
I have a singlet boy I'm getting looked over to schedule a neutering soon so she can be housed with him but now my only concern is that this is a sign of her declining and that I need a quicker solution to her solidarity.
submitted by No_Potential_1846 to guineapigs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:42 Top-Substance-454 Red skin on foot surrounding weird feather, help

Red skin on foot surrounding weird feather, help
My poor silkie rooster keeps holding this foot up while standing still. When I pick him up he shakes this foot as if it was shivering. The feather looks like it's lodged deep inside. I pulled at it and a little bit more of it came out but I stopped in fear of hurting him further. What can I do to help him? I put some ichtoxyl on it and plan to give his feet an epsom salt bath tomorrow.
submitted by Top-Substance-454 to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:32 Short-Interaction-34 Getting off Pristiq - post to hopefully help others.

I’ve been on Pristiq for two years. The first year I was on 25 mg(I know that seems low, but I’m really sensitive to medication so that’s where my doctor wanted to start me).
When I first started the medication, it instantly helped me with my depression and anxiety, which was something I really needed at the time. After about a year I felt like the 25 mg wasn’t working as much so we decided to up to 50mg. I’ve been on 50mg for the past year.
Fast-forward to today, last week, I decided that I wanted to start my journey of going off. The real reason I wanna go off is because I’ve started to feel really numb and really out of touch with my emotions. If something bad happens I don’t really react and the same if something good happens.. I’ve felt so meh..
I’ve also gained 20 pounds on Pristiq with no real lifestyle or diet changes. It hurt when my Psych told me that the weight gain was probably just due to aging… btw I’m only 27. I don’t think it’s normal to gain 20 pounds in two years between the ages of 25 and 27 if you’ve made no lifestyle changes..
When I talked to my Psych about going off she wasn’t very supportive. She told me it would probably be better to transition to another medication as going off of SNRIS has been known to be challenging. This is something I wish I would’ve known when I first started the medication. I guess I never really thought that going off could ever be more challenging than what it felt like before I was on.
The original plan was to reduce from 50 to 25 for 3 weeks and then 25 to 0.
The main symptoms from going off, I’ve had really bad stomach issues rushing to the bathroom basically accidentally almost pooping my pants on multiple occasions.
My head has hurt and it honestly just felt like a really bad hangover, Psych wanted to stay on the 25 mg for 3 weeks before trying to reduce down to zero but after reading through hundreds of Reddit threads, I decided to just go to 0 mg three days into taper. I know this is gonna get a lot of backlash but from what i read it seems the tapper from 25 to 0 is horrible so i wanted to just push through. I also know im strong enough to handle it and id rather not extend how shit the 25 to 0 is gonna be.
I’m on day six now and I’m feeling a lot better. Here are a few things that have really been helping me. I hope posting this helps other people because none of this information was accessible to me.
  1. Prioritize sleep I’ve been trying to sleep at least 10 hours a night and that really seems to help.
  2. Exercise as much as you can that’s been really helping with the headaches the nausea and just overall feeling better mentally.
  3. I’ve been tracking all my calories and not eating any processed foods or carbohydrates other than fruits and honey. I’ve been prioritizing protein focused meals, and trying to drink tons of water. Also drinking electrolytes.
  4. I’ve been taking a bath every day with Epsom salts and baking soda. Baking soda helps naturally remove any toxins in your body. Make sure to keep water with you because sitting in there for a while sometimes I get nauseous.
  5. Because your brain will probably feel really out of whack I make a list every day of just five things I need to get done. I’ve definitely found that my brain is constantly rushing with new ideas and a lot of the time I feel on the brink of crying for no reason? The tears don’t really come out but I think this might be good? I’m hoping I can finally have emotions again when I’m out of this withdrawal period. Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, I refer back to the list of the five things I need to do and just focus on those .. that’s really been helping me get through it.
  6. Having some type of bubbly water has also helped me with the nausea. I have been drinking the energy drink Celsius and just sipping on it throughout the day it seems that the caffeine and the bubbles have helped me be able to have some type of energy and focus. I don’t drink the whole thing at once, but instead just sip on it throughout the day keeping it cold in the fridge.
Anyways, those are the main things that have been helping me. I know that it’s really hard when you feel like you have to get off of antidepressants and you remember how challenging it was before them but I’m praying for all of us and I know that will get through it. 🤍
submitted by Short-Interaction-34 to Pristiq [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 Elusive_FloatyThing I feel useless

I type this while sitting in a shallow bath with half a bag of epsom salt. Im 25 and Im mourning the life I had before all this BS started. Im mourning the future I was so dead set on achieving. I feel like I am useless and a failure. I have so much spoon debt i’m surprised the factory has not yet filed a lawsuit. I have diagnosed fibromyalgia as well as si joint dysfunction. My doctor referred me to massage therapy but I have some traumas that complicate me actually going through with that, because the thought alone makes me want to rip my skin off and turn inside out. She is currently on maternity leave and not back until next month. My quality of life has gone downhill tremendously, Im slowly loosing my job that I love dearly but aggravates my pain. I feel like a failure in that aspect, as me and my partner are struggling financially as it is, and Ive lost hope in how successful claiming disability will be. He is so caring and accommodating and loving, always trying to get me to relax and minimize what i do, but i have a restless soul and cannot to save my own life do nothing. I could work 24 hours a day and still feel like i didn’t do enough. My toxic perfectionism and my logical mind are constantly at war. I feel as though I am quickly driving myself to an early grave. Im tired of constantly being in pain. I find little enjoyment out of anything anymore because of my stupid body being in stupid pain all day to varying degrees of severity. I miss the life i had before.
submitted by Elusive_FloatyThing to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:17 Top-Substance-454 Red skin on rooster's foot surrounding weird feather

Red skin on rooster's foot surrounding weird feather
My poor silkie rooster keeps holding this foot up while standing still. When I pick him up he shakes this foot as if it was shivering. The feather looks like it's lodged deep inside. I pulled at it and a little bit more of it came out but I stopped in fear of hurting him further. What can I do to help him? I put some ichtoxyl on it and plan to give his feet an epsom salt bath tomorrow.
submitted by Top-Substance-454 to chickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:06 Ok-Grapefruit9757 Infected ingrown nail. Bad enough for ER or can it wait for an appointment with my GP next week?

21F. I have chronic ingrown toenails on both sides of my big toes. This flare up is particularly bad. The pain is excruciating. I’ve soaked it in hot water with epsom salts and put polysporin on it but the pain feels oddly deep (?) and severe despite this. The redness is also concerning me a bit. I don’t have a fever or anything. Can this wait for an appointment with my GP next week or do I need to go to the ER? No urgent cares around and it’s a long weekend so I can’t see my doctor until at least Tuesday but most likely later than that. Just don’t want to go to the ER unless I absolutely have to. Picture in comments. Thank you.
submitted by Ok-Grapefruit9757 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:31 joylynnwhatever Meet Enzo

Meet Enzo
My fiancé works on train platforms in Philly doing outreach and he found this guy a few days ago sitting on the stairs, pretty sickly looking, missing a few toes and super malnourished so naturally I rode my bike to it and brought it home.
He’s being given antibiotics and Epsom salt foot baths each day. While sitting atop my work bench he cooed for the first time and is preening himself so I know he’s starting to feel better.
Due to his missing toes he’s very unbalanced and can’t perch normally so idk if he’ll be able to be re-released and successful. He’s a very handsome boy.
submitted by joylynnwhatever to pigeons [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:46 pekin_palace What's hurting my ducks?

Hello, I am a first time duck owner in Middle Tennessee and I recently had 2 ducks injured while on my pond. Ones toenail broke and was bleeding for hours, the other had a wound on the back of his head that he ended up passing away from (maybe it was shock). Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening? I want them to be able to stay on the pond during the day and go in their coop at night.
I'm really not sure how the one duck died, he was an almost 8 week old Blue Swedish. I have been letting him and 5 other ducks (2 pekin, 2 runners, and 1 other blue swedish) out on our pond since they were 6 weeks. I leave them alone frome time to time and check on them every hour or so. I went to check on them and when I called them in to eat, the one Blue Swedish did not come over. His head was resting on his body and he was just floating in the water, barely moving his legs. I got in the water and pulled him out. I picked up his head and noticed some brown liquid around his neck (probably blood and water). I put him on the ground and called an emergency vet (it was Sunday), they said I should bring him in, it would be $175 just to see what was going on then they'd go from there...not really what I wanted to hear, and they were 45 min away. He had a dime sized section of feathers missing on the back of his neck, it didn't look deep it was like it just grazed his skin. It wasn't bleeding anymore. We figured we should just wait and see how he was since it wasn't bleeding (maybe not the best idea, but I didn't know what else to do). He tried to walk around and seemed to want to get in the water again. I thought he should stay put on the ground but he was persistent and my mother thought it'd be ok if he went out. He was on the water for a couple minutes, then he started acting weird and kind of twitching, then his head flopped over in the water. We jumped in the pond and scooped him out. I said we should go to the vet, we all got in the car and I was carrying him wrapped up in a towel. We were only a minute down the road when I checked his heartbeat and I couldn't find one. It was maybe an hour after we found him injured. (And I had just checked on them an hour before then and all seemed fine)
The pond is maybe half an acre, there are fish and turtles in the pond. I'm not sure if there are any snapping turtles, but maybe. The ducks like to hang out under this little willow tree, it's kinda like a bush almost. There are red-winged blackbirds that like to hang out in that tree, but there are no nests in it. There are hawks and eagles that fly nearby, but I've never seen them fly over the pond, just vultures.
I'm not sure what could've hurt him. Could it have been another duck? I was pretty sure the blue swedish was a boy and I think one of the pekins may be a boy too. I know males fight eachother, but they were raised together and I've never seen them get aggressive.
After all that...yesterday one of the Pekin was laying out of the water and I noticed some blood on the side of her head by her ear. I thought the same thing had happened to her. I picked her up and sat down with her. I noticed her middle toe nail was almost completely gone and it was bleeding a lot. I looked up what to do and put some gauze on it then got a tub with water and hydrogen peroxide and put her feet in it, she was not crazy about that and wouldnt stay in it. I decided to put her inside in a bathtub and poured some hydrogen peroxide on her foot. We saw you can put cornstarch on the toe to stop the bleeding. We did it several times and she was bleeding on and off. I filled the tub with warm water and epsom salt and she liked that. We had guaze and kept pressure on it when she wasnt in water. After about 5/6 hours, she had stopped bleeding. I put her back in the coop with the others who were very concerned about her and sectioned her off with puppy pads below her. She's doing find this morning, no blood and the toe looks ok. She is eating and drinking normally. I'm not sure if any of the pad of her foot is missing, I would say a little more than half her nail is gone. She'll be 8 weeks tomorrow, probably about 7-8 pounds. I'm not sure how she could've caught the nail one something, or if something bit it off.
I feed them in the morning around 7am, after letting them out to the pond. I feed them throughout the day and they eat when they're hungry. I have a cup of food that I shake to call them in and I give them dinner in their coop (8x12). I have a 3 gallon waterer that I leave in the coop over night and clean it out each morning (they go through more than half, they spill a lot too). During the day they drink from the pond. I know I'm probably doing a lot wrong.
After the one died, I put some probiotic and electrolyte powder in their water to help in case they were stressed. I put some NuBiotic Oregano oil in the Pekins water to help prevent infection as well as the probiotic and electrolyte powder.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Should I be doing anything differently? I thought if they were older than 5 weeks they'd be fine on the pond, they're quite big now.
Any advise would help! Thank you!
I acknowledge that Reddit is not a substitute for veterinary advice.
submitted by pekin_palace to duck [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:05 Baileysandchocolate The circle of Dani

Dani's usual antics as a general list as I'm sure others who have been following her for years as I have, will see patterns being repeated over and over.
In no particular order.
ER, admitted, mean drs, peen, refusal of Psych referral, big mad, meltdown on bathroom floor, father being roped in, intestinal failure, rapid called,
With a few diversions along the way for the scenic route and to take the heat off from other angles - behavioural health course, job, social work, nursing and wanting to teach others about her tubes and buying all the supplies and then dropping out.
Best cat mom ever and look at the cats - just look at them but don't mention actual vet care for them as can't afford it but needs crap for herself, parents are totally looking after them while she vacations / is hospitalised and sorting out their bowels.
Doing meds, referral for tests that have been done many times before, can't do feeds, repeat doing meds several times a day. Big sip of tea, red bull etc
Rearrange the room, bookcase, medical closet, so much peen
Dying her hair, #mania, Ulta haul, Temu, books - all the books
Boyfriend, definitely real, friends who come for the weekend but are definitely real as she spent most of the time they would have been visiting on live from the bathroom.
Booktok, buy some books, rave about how nice the covers are and never actually read or review them
Tubes - loose, need changing, balloon burst, need button not dangler, want TPN, need dressings to showcase central line with a white paediatric line.
Tank tops - boobs and tubes, hospital blankets that probably had its own viral ecosystem by now, pack with Dani for the hospital, don't need formula as need to get dad to visit to bring it so can make someone visit so can cause a deterioration while he visits
POTS which is definitely real guys and has nothing to do with passing out/ falling asleep on lives about 20 mins after slamming a pharmacy worth of meds into her tubes, it's totally nothing to do with meds, totally safe to drive even if can't hold head up on live
Femoral port - did you know she has a femoral port? Sneaky scratching of groin and sniff
Lying to dr's and hospital staff on many different levels especially how she wasn't live and it was paused
Falls - definitely caused by POTS and the bins and landing on the same wrist in the same position in quick succession needing "emergency" surgery
ShoweBath - only when not recommended such as wounds recovering from surgery is best time to marinate in as much stuff in the bath as possible (epsom salts, bath soak)
Now for the wheelchair arc as she wont be able to push it very far due to lack of upper body strength and hauling it and out of the car is going to be difficult anyhow
Newest arc is POTS on Live where people get concerned and emergency services are called for a welfare check...I believe I saw it somewhere about 4 times in less than 48 hours but Im not 100% sure on that. . What have I missed?
submitted by Baileysandchocolate to DaniMarina [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:13 Novaria_Orion Treating Fungus / parasitic algae questions

For a while I was quite sure one of my shrimps was berried, but today is looking more like it’s that feathery green fungus (don’t know the name). I’ve been researching methods of treating, and I already have aquarium salts and plan to do salt dips for my shrimps.
I have four shrimp (relatively new from Petco) in a small but stable tank. Only one is showing signs of infection/ parasite. The tank is flourishing with microfauna and some good algae, I’m aware that the treatments for this parasite will affect the algae and maybe even plants in the tank.
Is it necessary to treat the tank? If so, will something like hydrogen peroxide or the aquarium salt also kill off my copepods and ostracods? Since it’s a small tank I’m afraid the live plants might not withstand salt but I don’t know if I could separate some of the microfauna, treat with light salt, and then treat the tank with hydrogen peroxide and let it regrow some algae before adding back in the microfauna? Or would all that upset the whole balance anyways? I plan on upgrading this to a larger tank at some point but I’d really like to transfer the ecosystem and microfauna if at all possible.
Also, in the future, is it feasible to quarantine new shrimps long enough to tell if this stuff shows up before adding to my main tank? How long would be good?
Do I have to be careful about cross contamination to other tanks with this as well? I have a betta tank and another small shrimp tank which doesn’t seem to have issues yet, but I haven’t been particularly careful about using the same tools until now.
submitted by Novaria_Orion to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:11 Napoo_ Green fungus infection

Hey y’all, I’ve always lurked in this subreddit for advice but I now need some help. Does anyone know how to treat Green Fungus on cherry shrimp? I have 5 cherries in my 20 gallon and I noticed that what I thought were eggs on one of my females was actually Green fungus. I was not aware of the infection and I was hoping to get some advice on how to treat. I’ve heard about “salt dips” but am unaware of the process and the risks. If anything has any form of advice please let me know! Thank you
P.s. i just bought the shrimp less than a month ago
submitted by Napoo_ to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:02 Ahunteriwillbe Hey all. Need help.

I have a big abcess on my inner thigh. I cannot get it to pop. I've tried baths with Epsom salts, a hot compress, meds. Nothing. Can anyone recommend anything? I can barely walk.
submitted by Ahunteriwillbe to Hidradenitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:09 badbiscut [English > Spanish] Can someone translate this to Spanish please

[English > Spanish] Can someone translate this to Spanish please submitted by badbiscut to translator [link] [comments]
