Nangi aurat ki photo

Aajkal ki randiyaan Goa mein daru peekar aadhi nangi hoke chudne jaati hai. Aahhh iss saali ke kapde phaadkar din raat chodhna hai

2024.06.01 13:20 ryuki124 Aajkal ki randiyaan Goa mein daru peekar aadhi nangi hoke chudne jaati hai. Aahhh iss saali ke kapde phaadkar din raat chodhna hai

Aajkal ki randiyaan Goa mein daru peekar aadhi nangi hoke chudne jaati hai. Aahhh iss saali ke kapde phaadkar din raat chodhna hai submitted by ryuki124 to Nasband [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:30 AkitaScripts [F4M] Your Girlfriend Learns About Your Abusive Family [TW: Self Harm and Suicidal Ideation] [Worried/Comforting VA] [Patching You Up] [Trauma Bonding/Sharing Pasts] [Kisses & Cuddles] [I Love You]

Trigger Warning: This script contains mentions of self harm and suicidal ideation.
This script holds a special time that occurred years ago, meaning yes, it is a true story. I had a friend who dealt with abusive parents, as such he went as far as to even move to my house to get away with them. Sure, we weren't dating at the time, but we were close with one another (and kinda acted like we did). Even though he no longer lives with me, we still keep in touch. When writing this script, I ended up getting emotional and nearly teared up, but I got through to finishing it. Also yes, this is in line with the story involving the first few of my scripts.
As always, go ahead if you would like to use this monetization-free script under crediting my YT Handle @"AkitaScripts".
Synopsis: You and your girlfriend have been together for about a month, yet she has never visited your house nor has she ever met your parents. One night, she gets an unexpected visit from you. When asked about what’s wrong, you shrug it off and refuse to look at her. She begins to worry, and worries even more about the truth you’ve hid in your house…
(It’s a rainy night. The stars are covered by the dark clouds. Your girlfriend, the VA, is in her room, listening and humming to one of her playlists, studying for the next test. She barely hears the door open, and a faint voice calls out for her.)
VA: (hums along to one of the songs in the playlist, unaware of whoever was calling her downstairs)
(Suddenly, the door unlocks and opens, and you walk in, holding two backpacks on your back and a pile of clothes, damp from the rain, covering a majority of your face except for your eyes, as if you were crying minutes earlier.)
VA: (turns around) Chloe, I’ve told you so many times- oh hey, babe! (takes off her headphones) Here, lemme help you with that.
(The VA gets up in an attempt to help hold your pile of clothes, but you turn around.)
VA: Hey… oh, do you… need to take the bookbags off?
[muffled pause]
VA: What?
VA: Oh okay… (helps you take one of the bookbags off) Why did you bring two? You only carry one around at school...
(You don’t respond, and just take the other, putting it somewhere in her room)
VA: (places your other bookbag near it) Babe?
VA: Are you okay..?
VA: You can put your clothes on my bed… but stop dodging my question. Are you okay-
VA: Okay, geez… sorry for upsetting you.
(You drop your clothes on the VA’s bed, and sit down next to the pile. The VA closes her bedroom door)
VA: (sits down next to you) Is everything alright…? You’ve never acted like this before.
VA: Grumpy mood, I guess? Here, hold still, lemme ki- (attempts to lean in to kiss you, but you turn your head away)
VA: (gasps) Did you just… reject a kiss from me?!
VA: You’re not mad at me, are you?
VA: Then if you’re not mad at me, what’s wrong?
VA: (moves closer to you) Can I at least hug you?
(You shrug your shoulders.)
VA: Is that a yes or a no? I can’t read shoulders unless they have angels and devils on them.
(You don’t say anything.)
VA: I’ll… take that as a no. Do you want me to get you anything downstairs? Food? Water? Maybe some popcorn so we can watch a movie?
(You shake your head from side to side, signaling a no.)
VA: Do you want me to go back to work? I do have this test to study for...
[quiet pause]
VA: Babe, speak up.
VA: Well, if you don’t want anything to eat or drink, and you don’t want me to go back to studying… then what do you want me to do?
VA: You want me to stay here with you?
VA: Hey. (reaches and holds your hand) Look at me.
(You refuse to look at her.)
VA: Babe. Look at me, I’m talking to you.
(You look away from her.)
VA: Babe..? (leans in closer to wrap her arms around you)
(While still looking away, you try to flip over one of your shirts in the pile to hide something… red.)
VA: Hey… what was that?
VA: What do you mean “nothing”? Something was clearly in the pile.
VA: No, that did not look like a bug. (reaches and leans over to grab the top shirt from the pile) Lemme see-
(You try to move the pile away, but she grabs the top shirt from it)
VA: Hey… don’t try to move it. (sits back down and unfolds the shirt) Hm, it’s all damp from the rain, and there’s… (stops and looks at the red smudge on the shirt)
VA: (turns to look at you, while you’re still looking away) Babe… What is this?
VA: Stop lying to me, this is not ketchup. It doesn’t even look like it… (looks closer, and catches a strange smell from the stain) It smells… off..
(You continue to look away from her, not saying anything.)
VA: Babe… is this… Is this blood?
VA: What do you mean, you fell down? How did you… when did… (turns to you) Look at me.
(You refuse to look at her)
VA: Babe… please, just…
(The VA turns your head to face her, yet you refuse to fight back. The VA just stares at you, speechless, seeing the red cut on the side of your face.)
VA: Babe… (gently combs the side of your hair) What… What happened?
VA: Babe, your “falling down” excuse isn’t gonna work again, tell me the truth. What the hell happened?
VA: (speechless) W-What?! You… you got cut..?!
VA: Babe… how… who… why… Are.. are you still bleeding..?
VA: Are you injured anywhere else..?
(You roll up your sleeve to reveal a massive bruise on your arm)
VA: (drops her jaw in shock) Oh my gosh.. Okay… (gets up) Stay here, I’m getting a first aid kit! (rushes out the door) And don’t do anything while I’m not in the room!
(You overhear the VA talking downstairs)
VA: (faint) No Chloe, he’s not fine! Where’s the first aid kit?!
VA: (faint) Yes, I can take care of him! I know what I’m doing! I don’t need you to do it! You’ve already done your job for years, so I can handle it!
(footsteps approach the door, and the VA steps back in)VA: (under her breath) Gosh, I just wish she would leave the house…
VA: (talks to you) Yeah, I got the first aid kit.. Here, hold still.
(The VA begins to clean off the blood from your face, but you flinch away)
VA: Hey, stop flinching, babe! I know it stings, but it’s not gonna hurt as much.
VA: I can’t just put a Band-Aid on it and call it a night. I have to apply iodine onto the wound and clean it before it causes an infection. (wipes off the blood) There… Now I can apply the Band-Aid. (unwraps a Band-Aid from a small box)
(You give her a weird look from the type of Band-Aid)
VA: What? (looks at the Band-Aid) Oh, it’s a Disney princess one. Yeah sorry, it’s the only one in the box.
VA: You’re not gonna look stupid! No one’s gonna look at you! And plus, it’s not like I’m gonna post a photo of me patching up my favorite boyfriend! (playfully pokes your nose)
(You give her a stern look)
VA: Okay, I’ll shut up! But I promise, it’s not that bad! (gently applies the Band-Aid onto your face) There! Wasn’t that bad?
VA: Don’t worry… it’ll be better by tomorrow… now for the bruise on your arm. Just… um… (blushes)
VA: No, you don’t have to take off your shirt, but… if you want to…
(You unhesitantly try to take off your shirt, but your arm still hurts)
VA: Okay.. you’re actually doing it… um… do you… Do you need me to help you?
VA: Sure, here… sorry if I… gosh, I’m sorry, I’m having intrusive thoughts right now.
(The VA helps you take off your shirt, exposing the bruise and revealing another on your back)
VA: Oh my… (speechless) I thought it was just on the arm, but no, it’s on your back too?!
VA: Okay… be right back, Imma get some ice..! (leaves the room)
(Once again, you overhear the VA talk downstairs)
VA: (faint) Chloe, stop asking if he looks hot without his shirt on! He’s my boyfriend!! Stop messing with me about it! Just… where’s the ice?!
VA: Yes, I know it’s in the freezer, smarty pants!
(You hear her footsteps approach the door, and she walks out. When she sees you, the VA starts blushing again.)
VA: Yeah, I’m fine… I’ve just… I’ve never seen you shirtless before… Anyways, here’s the ice. (gives you a bag of ice) Apply that onto your arm, and I’ll put this onto your back.
(The VA sits down behind you, and helps put ice to cool down the bruise on your back)
VA: So… do you… Are you okay with telling me what happened..? Because you weren’t like this earlier at school today.
VA: It’s something you’ve never told me..?
VA: Your… parents?
[long pause]
VA: (listens) Wait.. really?! They… they hurt you?!
VA: Is it your mother or father that does it?
VA: Both?!
VA: And… How often do they do this..?
VA: They hurt you almost every week?
VA: Okay, emotionally, I understand, but… have they ever… physically… hurt you? Like with what’s happened tonight?
VA: Sometimes?
VA: When… When was the last time they’ve physically hurt you like this..?
VA: Wait.. (puts down her bag of ice) 6 months ago?!
VA: That’s… Isn’t that when we first met?!
VA: Wait, so lemme guess… you were out of your house… all because you didn’t feel safe in there with your parents?
VA: Oh my… oh my gosh… (in a sorrowful voice) I… I didn’t think… that’s how you felt back then… (looks at you) Why… Why didn’t you tell me about this..?
VA: You didn’t want me to get involved..?
VA: Well babe… I don’t care if I get hurt in the crossfire… I just… I want you to be okay…
(You slowly start crying)
VA: Hey, hey… (wraps her arms around you, and kisses your cheek) It’s okay, babe… It’s okay… (continues to kiss you and play with your hair to calm you down, whispering to you in a soft voice) It’s okay… I’m here for you… I’m here…
VA: I’m sorry they had to hurt you like this… beating you up, yelling at you, cutting your face-
VA: They… they didn’t cut your face..?
VA: Wait.. (holds your hands, shocked) You tried to cut yourself..?!?!
(You don’t say anything, but you turn around to hug her, nudging your head into her chest)
VA: Hey, look at me babe.
VA: No, I’m not mad at you, babe. Just look at me.
(You look up at her)
VA: (gently rests her hand on your cheek) Please… (a tear rolls down her eye) Don’t you ever try to hurt yourself like this… I don’t care that you almost tried to harm yourself, or hell, even fucking kill yourself-
VA: Still, don’t you dare do this shit, babe.. I’m serious. Look, if you actually went and ended it all… I… (hesitates) I don’t even want to think about it… I can’t even think about living forward without you.
VA: Okay, first of all, Chloe and I are not related, hence we’re not sisters, and second, living in a-
VA: Wait, you didn’t know? I thought Chloe told you.
VA: Okay… um… how do I explain this..? (breathes in and out) Chloe is… my caretaker. Or… guardian.
VA: No, I don’t have parents.
VA: They… (sighs) I don’t usually like talking about it, but… I’m willing to tell you.
VA: For starters… My father abandoned me, and my mother passed away when I was just born, so I was adopted by someone. He was… really uncaring… he wouldn’t even take care of me, and would always just yell at me… Chloe, on the other hand… she raised me like she was a mother, but she wasn’t legally my mother, nor did she want to be an actual one… so she legally became my guardian.
VA: It’s fine… I just… I miss my mother. I always visit her grave on my birthday, and it’s really the only memorable thing I do on that day.
(You wrap your arm around her waist, and lean in to kiss her)
VA: (sheepishly smiles) Thanks babe… (rests her head onto your heart) Hey.. I forgot about the ice… it’s melted by now… (raises her head back up) Are you still hurt from your arm and back?
VA: Alright… you can… put a shirt back on.
(You reach over to grab a new clean shirt to wear, and you put it on, with the VA helping you a bit)
VA: You’re welcome, babe.
VA: Yeah… What is it?
VA: Y’know… I actually haven’t thought about that… I’ve always wanted real parents, and you… never told me.
VA: You’ve always wanted siblings..? Wait, you’re an only child?
VA: True… you’ve never told me you had a brother or sister… and neither did I… but I guess Chloe’s kinda like my sister.
VA: You… consider me… to be your “sister”..?
VA: I do act like it, but… (smiles) I’m happy to be your “sister”... bro.
(You chuckle, playfully punching the VA’s shoulder)
VA: Hey..!! Okay, I swear, I won’t ever call you “bro”..
VA: (leans in to kiss you) Deal. (smiles, and lays down on your lap, looking up at you) But seriously… no matter if we were related or dating or just friends… I will still, and always, will love you. (gently holds your hand, prompting you to play with her hair) And look… if you need any help from anything… from school, to your abusive parents, to even annoying Chloe…
VA: Yes, I annoy Chloe too sometimes, but I still love her. Anyways, like I said, if you need help from me to destress, or if you just want to lay down with me for another sleepover date, I’m perfectly fine with it.. I’ll be here for you if you break down or cry, and I’ll be here to pick you back up, hold your hand, and walk down a rainy road with you. I’ll always be by your side, babe. I’m not just doing it to make sure you’re safe… (wraps her arms around your waist) I’m doing it for you… and it’s because I love you. And I will not stop saying it.
VA: (smiles, and gets up to lean into you) You’re not just my boyfriend… you’re with Chloe as part of my family… (reaches out to play with your hair) But please babe… don’t ever try to hurt yourself ever again… okay..? That worries me a lot, so please… don’t ever try to scare me like that.
VA: Good… I don’t want to lose you…
(You pick her up, surprising her)
VA: Woah, hey..!! (laughs) Let go of me!!
(You let her go, but she falls on top of you, with the two of you landing on her bed)
VA: (smiles and laughs) You okay..? I didn't accidentally land on and hurt your arm, did I?[pause]
VA: Okay, okay, that’s good… (spreads out her arms above your head)
(The two of you lean into each other to kiss)
VA: Hm? (looks at you)
VA: (smiles, and leans in to whisper) I love you, too. (gives you another kiss)
submitted by AkitaScripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:26 Used_Home8653 Councelling mein photo wahi lagegi application form wali?

Bhai merena kaan cover the neet ke photo mein aur ab gaand phat rahi 90 % face ki to koi bata sakta hai kya karu Baal lambe hi hai waise hi wapas set karalu jaise pehle bahut mushkil se ite number aye hai selection ke liye.
submitted by Used_Home8653 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:13 watchgyanhindi Which watch is better 🔥

Which watch is better 🔥
Kabhi socha hai ki watch brands apne movements ka calibre, make aur specifications ko chupate kyun hain? Unka kya reason ho sakta hai clarity provide na karne ka?
Photo mein jo watch hai woh Michael Kors Jetmaster hai (sub 20k price tag) aur likha hai 'Japanese Movement'.. Bas itna hi..
Ek chhota hint: Bhai, agar woh movement ke baare mein bata denge toh phir tum unse puchoge na ki itni average movement ke liye itna kyun charge kar rahe ho?
Full video here:
submitted by watchgyanhindi to WatchgyanTribe [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:49 AwesomeGeekyGadgets Top Father's Day Gift Recommendations - Save Up to $168 with Discount Code "SUPERDAD10"

Top Father's Day Gift Recommendations - Save Up to $168 with Discount Code
Father's Day is just around the corner, and finding the perfect gift for your dad can be a challenging task. Whether your dad is into tech gadgets, enjoys outdoor activities, or has a passion for music, SchwayShop has selected some fantastic gift ideas that will surely make his day special. To make your gift-giving even sweeter, use the coupon code "SUPERDAD10" at checkout to enjoy a special 10% discount on our top Father’s Day picks. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show him how much he means to you while enjoying great savings!

Stay Cool, Stay Powerful

Looking for an exceptional Father's Day gift that combines practicality, innovation, and a touch of cool? Consider the KiCA JetFan 2 High-speed Air Blower, a compact, multifunctional powerhouse that your dad will absolutely love. Engineered to impress, this high-velocity air blower reaches speeds up to an astonishing 101,000 rpm, ensuring performance that can handle virtually any task—from quick drying hair after a morning workout, to inflating camping gear, or blasting away dust from hard-to-reach places. Not just versatile, the KiCA JetFan 2 is also the best cooling gear for the summer. Its robust build and powerful air flow make it an essential companion for those hot, uncomfortable days, providing a refreshing breeze with just the push of a button. Its multiple functionalities make it a top-notch choice, whether your dad is tinkering in the garage, cleaning the car, or just needs a quick cool down.

Health at the Fingertips

Gift your dad something as unique and dynamic as he is - the AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring. Sporting a sleek design, this powerful accessory is more than just a stylish piece of ring; it's a compact fitness and health hub on his finger. It keeps track of vital health metrics like heart rate, body temperature, sleep quality, and blood oxygen levels, ensuring your dad stays on top of his health game effortlessly. Beyond health monitoring, the AMOVAN Halo enhances daily convenience by controlling his smartphone remotely—switching music tracks, flipping through presentation slides, or even snapping photos from afar. An especially standout feature is its life-saving SOS emergency assistant, which activates by simply touching the ring for 8 seconds, providing peace of mind for him and the entire family. This Father’s Day, show him how much you care with a gift that keeps him connected, monitored, and safe.

Dive Into Adventure

If your dad is a marine life enthusiast, prepare the ultimate gift for the ocean-loving dad: the Qysea FIFISH V-EVO OmniView 4K 60 FPS Underwater Drone. Perfect for explorers who cherish the deep blue, this state-of-the-art underwater drone delivers an unprecedented view of the aquatic world, capturing stunning 4K 60 FPS video that brings the vibrancy of the ocean straight to him. With its powerful OmniView capabilities, he can effortlessly maneuver through water, exploring coral reefs or sunken ships with ease and precision. Its robust design ensures durability in diverse underwater environments, making every dive an unforgettable adventure. Whether he’s a seasoned diver or a marine enthusiast who dreams of the depths, the FIFISH V-EVO is more than a gift—it’s an entry ticket to a majestic underwater world. Elevate his marine exploration this Father’s Day with a gift that keeps on giving, thrill after thrill.

Retro Music Delight

For the dad who holds a treasure trove of classic CDs and cherishes music from the golden years, the SYITREN R300 HiFi Audio Retro CD Player is the ideal Father's Day gift. This beautifully designed player marries the aesthetic of yesteryear with high-fidelity sound technology, ensuring every note and nuance of his beloved tracks is crisply and perfectly rendered. Not only can he spin his favorite CDs, but the R300 also includes modern features such as Bluetooth connectivity, allowing him to stream contemporary tunes or podcasts directly from his phone or tablet. The unit’s vintage look, complete with tactile buttons and a wood grain finish, makes it an attractive piece that fits seamlessly into any room's decor, evoking a sense of nostalgia while delivering exceptional audio quality. Gift your dad the SYITREN R300 Retro CD Player, and give him the joy of high-quality sound and a trip down memory lane this Father’s Day.
Father's Day is the perfect occasion to show your dad just how much he means to you. Celebrate your father's uniqueness and all the joy he brings into your life with a gift that perfectly matches his personality and interests. Make this Father’s Day memorable by choosing a thoughtful and inspiring gifts from SchwayShop. Click today to secure the perfect present with 10% OFF and let your dad know just how cherished he is. Happy Father's Day!
submitted by AwesomeGeekyGadgets to u/AwesomeGeekyGadgets [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:44 tlrnsibesnick 240531 M2MPD Twitter Updates With Ni-ki - M2 Film Behind Photos (Artist of the Month)

240531 M2MPD Twitter Updates With Ni-ki - M2 Film Behind Photos (Artist of the Month) submitted by tlrnsibesnick to enhypen [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:28 InternationalTry2562 Nenu na aadhar card o love story madhylo geddam 😬

Story starts on 16-10-2023, thats the date of my passport expiry. Renewal is easy peasy as psk is near by ani anukunna. Chinna problem (taruvata chirigi chetta anta ayyi chapa kuda ayyindi lendi) passport meeda clg address undi adi home address ki mariste saripothadi verification kuda ekkada aipothadi ani anukunna. Address proof kinda aadhar card petdedam dani meeda address update chedam (no other options lendi) ani decide ayya - this is my takshana karthayam ani fix aayya
My attempts for aadhar card address updates and begining of our love story
1 Flirting : All updates process went smooth, anni formalities ayyayi, kani aadhar meeda addhar update avvaledu - reason na photo meeda nen sign cheyaledu anta, mistake of bank people nannu sariga guide cheyaledu.🙄
2 understanding: Malli bank ki vella, reason edi chepparu, ok take it easy anukunna, malli update formalities chesam, esari photo meeda sign kuda petta, anni double chesukunna. Esari ayipoddi anukunna. Kani lede.🤔
3 proposal: updated aadhar card intiki vachindi, address chuste all perfect, flat no, street name, city pincode anni, kani flats peru lede 😫. Postman ni adiga ela techaru flats peru lekapoyina ante me daddy telusu babu naku annaru, bank ki velli adiga, wtf ani, how the hell annaru, koddiga brain storm chesa, taruvata enduku bokka anipinchindi, malli apply chesam
4 commitment: bank customers nannu inka employee anukovadam modalupetaru, esari aadhar update inka bank lo aapesaru vere bank ki vellandi ani annaru😩. Cut cheste vere bank veelu sir meeru bank statement istunnaru for proof adhi aapesaru eppudu meeru gazetted officer dagara signature teskoni randi annaru. Ok easy peasy anukunna
  1. Obsession: everything is perfect now, gazetted officer, signature dorikindi, bank ki vella, esari ma relationship ki breakup chepedam ani, bank employee checked everything, “sir ekkada…..” ani start chesaru, ee tone vinagane ardam aindi ekkado bokka petta ani. Next 1 minute aame em chepindo ardam kaale, malli adiga, sir ekkada photo meeda signature face meeda varuku vachindi edi avvadhu annadi😭😭😭
Na dagara unna photos ayipoyayi, eppudu photos digi, again need to apply, eppudu geddam tho photo digamantara leda clean shave aa? 🤔 geddam tiste look baguntada enduku malli geddam kavali ante one week agali…
The story continues break up chance vastundi antara??😬😬😬
submitted by InternationalTry2562 to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:36 dicksharpner Ek aurat hi aurat ki sabse badi dushman hoti hai

Ek aurat hi aurat ki sabse badi dushman hoti hai submitted by dicksharpner to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:54 Dazzling-Argument613 Koi meri randi dost ki photo download karke mujhe black mail karoge ya dham ki doge... telegram pe call karke dham ki do, gaali do, gandi gandi baatein bolo, mujhe rulao aur saza do mujhe berehmi se..meri dost ki photo reddit pe upload kardo gandi gaa liyon ke saath. Tele ID: Fagboy25

submitted by Dazzling-Argument613 to DesiirlInsta [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:21 limitlessblaze This post is for all the people who will be successful one day…

Since this is my favourite sub and I feel more closer to the people here than anywhere else, I wanted to tell you something heartfelt. As a senior or as big brother, you can choose to take or ignore this advice.
Abhi you all are young and working hard to make your career and be successful. Don’t stop. Keep working hard. Win over failures. Everything will change soon BUT jab kabhi bhi bade aadmi ban jaoge na bas ek cheez ka dhyan rakhna. Yahi ki andar na ego mat aane dena. Degree badi hogi lekin insaaniyat se bda kuch nahi hota. Never ever stop being humble. Paisa, shohrat, daulat sab aa jayega lekin jab jaoge duniya se kuch bhi nahi bachega. Ye jo Zindagi hai na bht halki phulki si hai mere dost, bas zimmedaariyan bojh ban jaati hain.
Spend time with your parents, smile without any reason, eat good food, take that trip you wanted, help poor and needy people, be kind to them. Dekhna kaise unki ek smile tumhare andar changes layegi. Asal ameeri ye hoti hai. Ghar bangla gaadi toh sab le lete hain, tum bhi loge ek din jald lekin bas wo guroor ko apne se bada nahi hone dena. Remember from where you started, from where your parents started, what sacrifices you and they made.
Maanta hun tum kahoge bolna aasan hai and all but trust me life is what we make it. Bhul jayenge log tumhare marne ke kuch dino baad. Bas photo latki hogi ghar mein aur tab wo daulat kuch bank accounts mein reh jayegi bas kaagaz ban ke.
Jis din tumhari kitaboon ka bojh halka hoga, zindagi bhaari ho jaayegi.
Bas yahi kehna tha. Haar mat manna. Lage raho. Sabr aur shukar. Aur ek sher tum sabke naam :
Sabr ka raasta mushkil zaroor hota hai lekin
Sabr Krne walo ki manzil bohat khoobsurat hoti hai
submitted by limitlessblaze to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:00 Swatisani A sher a day

A sher a day submitted by Swatisani to urdupoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:59 Swatisani A sher a day

A sher a day submitted by Swatisani to Urdu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:49 PinkieFire (Almost) Every time Faker has used a skin!

In professional* matches: Redbull 2023 (T1 vs NNO)
Asia Games 2018 (Korea vs Saudi Arabia)
Worlds 2016 (SKT vs SSG Worlds Finals)
LOL Champions Spring 2015 Preseason (SKT T1 vs HUYA Tigers)
LCK Spring 2015 (SKT vs IM)
All-star 2014 (FNC vs SKT Invitational Group Stage)
Other: He also used Surprise Party Fiddlesticks in practice tool to celebrate his 25th Birthday on livestream in 2021! The clip of this makes me irrationally happy -
Battle Bunny Riven (He used the skin during a solo queue match in 2013/2014 during a live stream where he played against a Zed player. Unfortunately there isn't any video/photo evidence of it) He did respond after saying he had selected the skin by accident because someone had playtested before on his account using the skin. sure, man~
Let me know if I've missed any! There were a few that were alleged but upon further research, I wasn't able to verify / or it seems like they were probably false leads or misremembered instances:
credit to u/Hardyparker & their thread on the league subreddit, as well as Caedrel's comment sections for most of these!
submitted by PinkieFire to SKTT1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:51 psquareonline First and last post here .Agar time de sako to padh lena.

Belonging from a lower middle class but haven't lived like that. Father used to provide things way beyond the limit and I don't have a good relationship with my father. He was abusive but not now. But for family he sweats blood. And to be honest I feel very happy when I see him becoming soo much happy with my little achievement. He put around 1.6L in coaching after the 10 results. Jo sabka badhiya hi hua tha . And my jee journey began.
11th corona me Ghar baithke sab logarithm basic maths skip kiya thinking aata hai just like every aspirant does and when trigo started fumbled up and tabse sab maths choot gaya till date. 11ke end se padhai shuru kari and half 11th complete kiya except mechanics moles wgers chemistry me and basic maths.
12 me it was all good in my coaching. Phir batch shuffling me sab bigad gaya and I lost the track again. 2023 me first mains tha,ruined it. Ruined boards for xam 89.9%. 90% and above pe gown ke saath photo milta. I don't give a shit about that par papa mummy bhot zyada khush hote. Mains second attempt kharab Gaya. Advance ka registration kiya par diya nahi kyu bhot dard gaya tha.
the best and worst year of my life. Was in relationship with someone but she broke up as I couldn't give her much time and wasn't there with her during her tough times. Which is justified. I was all alone in my home. Not a single friend. And when I'm telling this I really mean I didn't have anyone. Started gym. Got obsessed with that. Overtrained and ate less to lose weight got hospitalized. No friends came to see me. Aate dekhne agar dost hote toh, par koi tha nahi. All alone hospitalized tha fir wahan se nikla and I went into severe depression. Visited a psychiatrist and started taking anti depressant pills. Which was nothing but it made me sleepy and I stopped consuming it cuz my studies were getting hampered. Fir mains aaya first attempt me 95.8%tile I secured thought ki kuch to miljayega. Fir second me padhne ka man nhi hua to 93 aaya. Started studying for advance and advance hogya and I calculated the marks I don't think I'm reaching even 100. It's around 85-95. Kuch bhi college nahi mil raha ab dhang ka. And drop year ke baad koi bhi tier3 jaane ka man nahi h.
Started thinking ki clg join krke ntu nus k liye apply karunga but fuck wahan pe 90% se above lete h. Sat exam k liye socha but extra curriculars are zero due to this jee shit. I don't know about kya krunga. 9 se dekha tha IIT Bombay ka dream which still shatters me. I think iss attempt me mere dono advance attempt khatam ho Gaye. I FEEL LIKE GIVING UP. THOUGH I'M NOT THAT KIND OF A GUY. BUT AUR NAHI HO RAHA MUJHSE.
And agar koi help krna chahe to please batana ki Mene register kiya tha 2023 me but exam dene gaya nahi. Is there any chance I could write advanced next year? And comments me kuch bhi advice drop kr skte ho
Your fellow jeetard
submitted by psquareonline to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:53 frubblegirl Reddit Meetup 2.0 (Vote)

[biryani aur conversations itne tasty the ki photo he lena bhul gaye Virsa mein
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submitted by frubblegirl to Amravati [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:24 astrobabag Is Yantra Se Vashikaran the Right Choice for You?

Is Yantra Se Vashikaran the Right Choice for You?
Vashikaran yantra is one such magic that is used to control and dominate the energies of a particular person or an object. It is one form of ritualistic magico-religious process in which the influence of the super natural powers is experienced. In it any person or thing is used mechanically for arousing the desired interest or passion. Yantra saral geometrical design hai jo me aur chintan yogya purtakal me devi-devta ya graho ki vartman ka kisama karta hai. Yeh sanket drishya roop mein unki shakti ko samuchit karne ka kam karti hai.
Yantra Se Vashikaran
Vashikaran yantra ka nirman vashikaran ke ek mahir tantrik se hota hai kyoki iske andar tantra-mantra aur sampootan ke liye vishesh vidhiyan hoti hain. Svayam sabhyantra yantra ko kiya jata hai aur uski visheshtayen bhi visheshta prayog ke madhyam se ki jati hai. Nam ke anusar yantra bana hui hoti hai jise kisi vyakti ko vash mein karne ka prayatn kiya jaata hai. After that the special worship and offerings of flowers and incense are offered on that Yantra for getting power in the form of strength. After this, it connects with the individual through the vashikaran yantra, which is in the form of a network and seems to have an influence over him or her.
Yantra Se Vashikaran karne wale prabhav ke kai roop hote hain:Vashikaran yantra se karne wale prabhav ke kai roop hote hain: - Kisi ko apne pyar mein pagal kar dena is a very beautiful and lovely Indian movie which have released in 2003. - To call wife/husband back - I was told Kisi ka dil jaldi phislanaa which translates to change the heart of someone fast; however, the wittingly mischievously humorous songwriter turns it around playfully to mean that the heart of someone had quickly grasped the song in question. - In the sambandho P. 494 it has been stated not to allow the discharge of louses. - In the field of buying and selling of cars, to achieve success
Its also used some relative object of that particular person for making him control by the Yantra Vashikaran Vidhi like his hair, a piece of cloth, Photo, Pan’s spit etc are used to envelop it and thus, these all forms the sanskar Yantra as one part. And thus, the students and the sadhak are directly worked with the help of this sutra.
Yantra se vashikaran nishchit roop se asardar sadhan hai magar aapko ise samasya ko samajhne ke liye sahi tarika se karna bhi lazmi hota hai. Even if it is to blame a mistake as well, it can only fall on the subject of it. Yeh ek bahut jayada mastigay pratishthan ho jata hai aur isliye ye ek bahut gambhir prayog mana jata hai aur iske liye siddh tantrik ki margdarshna leni chahiye.
To control someone by using Yantra Vashikaran, there are certain occasions which are very beneficial, like Amavasya, Purnima, Sankranti, Grahan, eclipse etc. During this period the effectiveness of the Yantra is much quicker and the person who is using it gets success as well. But it is not a humiliation at any time, rather it is a acceptance for improvement , to improve some relation or to fulfill a desire.
Some of the people also try to make any yantra with amulet also, use any idol or statue in the yantra form. But this can do harm or it can act as a side effect also as it is wrong to do aisa karna. Before going for the construction of an Asli yantra, always take suggestion from some known tantra gyata and perform the task according to the instructions.
Yantra is a kind of sadhan which awakens, summons and relates to the adrishya shaktios, providing them support to fulfill their work efficiently. If you want to fall in love with someone or want to conquer someone’s heart then Yantra of Vashikaran is highly successful. Its impact can be felt as light from a butter lamp which is placed in a plate of mud, like we can only sense in darkness.
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submitted by astrobabag to u/astrobabag [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 09:30 Freddy_Birdyy Chemistry mein NTA ne marwa diya

Mere centre waale gadhe, ullu ke patthe nikle.
Gaon ki gali mein, gande naale ke paas wale, Najafgarh ke chote se school Holy World School mein tha.
Sirf location kharab thi toh bhi chalta, MISMANAGEMENT inti zyada
Inke paas koi CLOCK nahi hai, na invigilator paper ke beech mein time bata raha tha 🤡
Saalo ne paper 10 min LATE diya at 10:10 am. Invigilator ko paper ki duration aur timing khud nahi pata thi. Humse puch raha tha ki 2 ghante ka paper hai kya ? 🤡
Saalo ne koi GHANTI tak nahi bajayi, kab paper shuru hona hai, kab khatam. Question Paper dene ke baad yeh bhi nahi bataya kab seal kholni hai, aur hum paglo ki tarah wait karte rahe 🤡
Invigilator ke paas glue nahi thi. Jab usse mili, usne paper ki duration mein hi humse photo chipakwayi aur admit card bhi paper ki duration mein hi collect kiya 🤡
Inn sab ke baad, usne ek extra minute nahi diya. Maine OMR par answer mark karne last ke liye chode the. Invigilator ne koi indication nahi diya ki 5 min mein OMR collect karna shuru karega. Bus EKDAM SE CHEENANA shuru ho gaya
Meri seat first row ki 2nd bench par thi, maine itni koshish kari, par atleast last ke 8 Q ke Ans nahi mark kar paya, woh kameena cheen kar le gaya 😡
Doob gaye mere number 😭. Ab English aur GT mein yeh log kya karenge soch kar darr lag raha hai
submitted by Freddy_Birdyy to CUETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:19 uskapatisirfmerahai No peace of mind is possible in their chidiyaghar

No wonder not a single soul is happy in their whole baraat sized family:
  1. First of all crowd... oh my god... their house is literally like rail ka dabba. People, more people, more and more people...people people everywhere. People sleep on the floor, eat and drink in plastic disposals. Nobody can have even a little rest at any hour of the day because koi na koi shor macha hi raha hoga. One cant sleep peacefully even at night because tab bhi adha kunba jaga hua rehta hai.
  2. Bullying, more bullying, more and more bullying. With limited resources (read Saba ka paisa), there is unhealthy competition among rest of the free loaders to do chaatam chaat of the queen bee and pull each other down. Everywhere there is jealousy and vileness.
  3. Fakeness, fakeness and more fakeness, ... and that too from their own blood relatives. Kisi ko pta hi nahi hota ki saamne wala jo pyar aur care dikha raha hai wo kitna genuine hai. Pati-patni (shoaib-DKI ho ya Sunny-Saba), maa-beti, maa-beta, nani-naati/naatin, mausi-bhanji....sab ek dusre ko fake pyar dikhate hain. This is so chhi... especially husband-wife and ki itne close rishte hain... par inke in rishto me bhi milawat hai.
  4. Nobody gives a damn about DKI and papa ibrahim. Pta nahi kya paap kiye hain in dono ne, jo 100 logo ke kunbe me in dono ke liye koi nahi khada hai. These two are the loneliest people on the entire planet of maudaha.
  5. Unhealthy lifestyle...eating junk whole day. Messed up daily routine. Aur India ka adha plastic to inke ghar me hoga.
  6. Shitty men of the house. Nalla is a bad husband, bad father, and a bad son. There i said it. Is aadmi me koi khoobi nahi hai. He cant think of anybody else but himself. To the top of that, one has to see his crappy face all day at home... kaam dhaam pe jata nahi. Ghar me pada rehta hai. Sunny ki freeloading pe to kuch na kaha jaye to kam hai but atleast wo driver ka kaam to karta hai.
  7. Saba ko jhelna to bhai apne aap me ek misery hai. Ye aurat behudapan ka epitome hai. Koi ek quality bta do iski. Duniya bhar ki jitni bad qualities ek aurat me ho sakti hain, un sabki potli banake uparwale ne isme bhar di hain. Upar se iski nithalli maa... sara din bethe bethe kursi todti hai.
  8. Ladka ladki me itna partiality to bhai aaj ke jamane me koi nahi karta jitne ye foohad log karte hain. The difference is so stark... between nalla and saba, between rehan and riza.... to the point that kon sofa pe bethega kon jameen pe bethega ye bhi gender pe decide hota hai.
This khandan and their house is full of gandgi, literally and figuratively both. And nobody can convince me otherwise.
submitted by uskapatisirfmerahai to JanabMadamIbrahim [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 Cheap_Development_99 Need urgent help or I might die

Bhai m direct baat me aata hoon .„kal mere pass ek new fake insta id se MSG aaya hello.then I replied phir usne bola ki usse mere gf ke baare me baat krni h ..and then he said he have photos of us .or bhai merko lga jhut bol rha h phir usne ek photo bheji (intimate photo) or bhai vo photo meri Google photos me h.Or usne bola uske pass videos bhi h ..or usne context bhi dia sb shi bola usne ...or mene photos and videos Aaj tkk kisi ko nhi bheji just mere Google photos me h (even my gf don't have those) phir bhai usne 30k mange videos delete krne ke wrna bol rha viral krr dega ..uske pass most probably mere Gmail ka access hoga kyuki or khi vo photos nhi h. Ab usne 7 din ka time dia h 30k krne ka ...Bhai koi kuchh help krda wrna m mrr jaunga or m nhi chahta meri wjh se meri gf ki zindagi khrab ho .Google ke activity or login status me bhi sirf Mera hi device dikha rha h..or m Mera phone bhi kisi ko nhi deta. Toh bhai kuchh smjh nhi aa rha usne kese nikala sbb... Bhai koi jldi se kuchh bta do wrna mrr jaunga yrr. Or mujhe panic attacks bhi aate rehte h ..toh bhai itna me nhi seh paunga .
Update on the situation - I told everything to my elder brother .and after checking each and everything he is (now me also) suspecting a distant relative . As the accent of the person and that relative is same .or kal hi usne bde bhaiya ko call Kia tha usko paise ki jarurat thi .coincidently jitne paise usne bhaiya se mange h utne hi uss blackmail karne waale ne mujhse maange h .ab aage dekhte h kya pta chalta h. Kyuki abhi direct blame kr nhi skte .
submitted by Cheap_Development_99 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:56 APXH93 Crazy fast long-term multi-use laptop

Hi, I need a laptop for CAD work, engineering, programming, running local LLMs/ML, data analysis, light gaming, and audio/music production. I really want an intel i9 13-14th gen or ryzen 9 7-8000. I also would really like the body to be aluminum or some kind of metal rather than plastic. My girlfriends MacBook has got me envious. I like the MSI creator M16 HX, and says it has a metal frame, but I cannot verify this anywhere. Size is not really important to me. I almost bought the Asus zenbook pro 14, until I learned that small laptops like that are throttled down to avoid overheating. I'd rather get my money's worth out of an i9. I'd also like to have at least an RTX 4050, and would also like switchable integrated graphics for battery use. Sorry if all of this sounds ridiculous I have never bought a serious computer before. My budget is $2,000-2,500. Thanks for your help!
Sorry, edited w/ helpful form:
Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. Please do not use USD unless purchasing in the US:
USD $2,000 best but $2,500 OK
Are you open to refurbs/used?
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life?
  1. Performance
  2. Build quality
  3. Battery life totally not important
  4. I don't really understand laptop form factor. No idea what an ultrabook is.
How important is weight and thinness to you?
I would like a light and thin laptop but I'm totally unwilling to sacrifice performance for it.
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A.
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run.
FreeCAD, Fusion360, KiCAD, MATLAB, LM Studio, Reaper (music production) and for gaming literally just Halo 1 on steam. I program in python, I'm learning C and I almost exclusively use Ubuntu.
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want?
I really only play Halo 1 right now but let's face it when I get a face-melting fast laptop I'm probably going to play other games a bit too. I don't know about settings and FPS but I want a great GPU for AI stuff.
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)?
I would really like a metal body but it's not totally necessary. I would definitely buy a plastic laptop with great specs for the price. Maybe a thunderbolt 4 would be good? I'll probably get a docking station so whatever is needed for that (I just found out they exist).
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion.
I'm basically looking for a desktop that can be easily transported. I don't care about battery life or portability. I've only ever had hand-me-down cheap crappy laptops with fried batteries so it will be amazing to me to have any battery life at all. I'm doing a lot of research so I can end up with a laptop that will last me many many years. I do some pretty nerdy stuff and constantly run into things my computer just can't handle.
submitted by APXH93 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:04 Apprehensive-Air379 My second attempt at a kids game.

My second attempt at a kids game. submitted by Apprehensive-Air379 to ComedyCemetery [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:02 Apprehensive-Air379 My second try at a kids game.

My second try at a kids game. submitted by Apprehensive-Air379 to ComedyCemetery [link] [comments]