Brazzers account -download -torrent

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2008.09.08 03:52 redditbay: buy, sell, swap, exchange

Currently closed due to blatant disregard for the rules. We may re-open at a later time with a restructuring of the subreddit. Do not message mods to request to join the sub, we will not approve or reply.

2010.02.27 05:23 Meades_Loves_Memes r/teenagers

teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions!

2024.05.26 04:58 Neat_Gate_1324 The fight is over…

So as some of you may know I am the account owner of Brazzers and well the fight I have against YouTube I’d like to announce that I’m probably banned and my bots are still up maybe.. BUT Youtube is also banned and so are some other bots such as Burger King… and 7up but that’s fine I died knowing that YouTube is down with me FUCK YOUTUBE
submitted by Neat_Gate_1324 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:43 Background_Deal_9267 Part 2 - My Timeline on Porn Addiction Recovery

Read part 1 first!
On the ninth day I reached a point in which I saw that it was possible to take back your sexuality after a sexual trauma experience and I tried that, so I watched porn (Regular classic stuff) and... It sucked, I felt bad, had lots of PTSD and I felt like shit during and afterwards. Even though I had my wife's support, my therapist approval and healing as a purpose... I felt really bad.
These days are hard, really hard because your body is suffering from a lack of serotonin, endorphins and dopamine and you have to get those from other sources like exercise, laughter, doing something you love and keeping yourself healthy both in body and mind.
Apparently this time is where most people relapse but I was lucky to only have a slip-up (Slip-Up: A small lack of discipline, meaning taking a beer but not getting drunk for alcoholics or watching a sexy model on Instagram for 5 minutes but not watching porn nor masturbating for porn addiction). I dealt with it, cleaned my social media and got better.
(PS. You have to delete X/Twitter and Telegram, let me repeat that, YOU HAVE TO DELETE X/TWITTER AND TELEGRAM!!!! You have to! Those things will never let you get clean, there's no exceptions here, you have to! Even if you X account is all about football or videogames and nothing else, it doesn't matter, delete it!)
I'll post the rest on part 3.
submitted by Background_Deal_9267 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:33 Chaotic_Boots Does anyone else get told this after the divorce starts?

Context: I(M) was with my stbx (F) for 12 years, I'm mid divorce, it's surprisingly amicable, no one cheated, we fought like a world war and realized that we just can't communicate anymore and we were both miserable, I left and it took us a little over 2 months of separation to sit down calm enough to figure shit out but it went well. We nailed down all the financial and custody agreements without lawyers, and we both have a borderline unhealthy level of distrust for the legal system and are terrified/disgusted at the idea of involving lawyers so we were both relieved. I'm not going to be great off financially for a bit, but neither of us will be destitute, and our disabled son will be well cared for, which is the outcome we both wanted. So I'm really happy about that.
The reccuring advice/comment I keep getting is that I need to go start banging a bunch of women. The ink on the paperwork hasn't even dried yet, and yeah I wasn't exactly getting a ton of affection while married but why does everyone in my life keep telling me that I need a ho phase? I feel like I did that plenty before I got married. Is it like... Normal for a divorced Dad to start just being a manwhore? I've heard I need a hot boy summer, a ho phase, to go be a manwhore, even by my bloody step mom (no Brazzers) told me I needed to manwhore around. Wtf man
Dudes I'm 35, I've been married since I was 22. I got married before even tinder existed, and online dating was still for losers and weirdos. I have no idea how to use the apps, I don't really have any desire to because of the horror stories about how toxic they are, but even going out and meeting women seems exhausting. Like I've been hit on and a few women have slid into my IG DMs, but I'm living with my Dad right now for the first time since I was 17. Even if I wanted to, what lady in their right mind is going to be cool with coming back to my parents house? I'm not going to fuck some chick with her parents in the other room, I'd expect no woman would want to do that either. Idk I feel like I'm too old for that shit. I do want to get laid, but juggling a bunch of women right after I finally got rid of the last one without even the privacy of my own place just looks exhausting.
Edit: I am basically asking if anyone else has had a bunch of people tell them this, not struggling with a decision, I have no desire to go be a ho, and I'm not gonna. One of the best parts of being divorced is I can do whatever I want instead of having to take someone else's opinion into account.
submitted by Chaotic_Boots to Divorce_Men [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:36 Neat_Gate_1324 How do y’all change the color of your profile?

Tryna fit the atheistic since i’m the REAL brazzers offical account 🙏
submitted by Neat_Gate_1324 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 22:56 Melodic-Bathroom-211 Probiller refund request

I recently took advantage of a trial for brazzers for only $1.50, there was an option to add a second service for and extra dollar or so, I added that too and cancelled as soon as I paid so that it didn't charge me for a month after. I recieved the cancellation confirmation for both services in an email that I have since deleted, but I can still see on the website that neither of my subscriptions have been renewed, and I don't have access to the site. However, on April 30th, I recieved a charge from probiller (the payment site that brazzers uses) for $63.37, and then on may 1st I recieved another charge for $63.83 also from probiller. I didn't notice until the second charge, as I don't check my bank app often, but once I noticed I sent an email to probiller about it, and showed them the proof of the charges and the proof that my subscriptions had been cancelled. In response, they sent me two bot emails saying my subscriptions have been cancelled, and I will have access until the end of May. I don't have access to the services because my subscriptions were cancelled, so I sent another email to the account linked to the cancellation emails, and they still haven't responded since Sunday. I don't want access to my accounts, I'm just trying to get a refund as $126 is a lot of money to get wasted on nothing. Is there anything I can do from here without having to contact the bank, as I am not 18 and would prefer not to do that.
submitted by Melodic-Bathroom-211 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 05:34 Background_Deal_9267 This list will help you

  1. DON'T SHAME YOURSELF!!!: Shame is the way this whole thing works, it activates the cycle.
  2. UNDERSTAND THE CYCLE: •I. You watch porn. •II. You feel amazing and have a rush of serotonin and emotion. •III. You finish and then you feel shame, embarrassment and low on your regular life because now you are low in serotonin. •IV. Because you are so low, you look for things to reactivate your emotions (even if they are negative emotions), these can be negative things like horror, violence, gore, angry people (real or fictional), lust, sexual content, hate, or anything that activates strong emotional responses. •V. Because of these negative emotional reactions you feel bad, sad, stressed, anxious, etc. So you look for something to take the edge off, something to reboot you, to take you away or to make you feel better. •VI. You end up looking at porn and masturbating again and you repeat the cycle.
  3. TALK ABOUT IT!: This addiction lives in secrecy and shame, if you never talk about it with your friends, family, partner or anyone then it's very likely you'll fall back down the dark spiral. TALK to someone, be accountable, even if you don't go into details, just, talk to someone.
  4. UNDERSTAND THAT PORN IS A DARK SPIRAL THAT ALWAYS GO DOWN: When you are a PORN addict then everything becomes porn. Family = Incest porn. Friends = leaks and fakes porn. Celebrities = Onlyfans subscriptions and leaked content. Violence = Violent porn. Animals = Zoophilia. Older people = Elder porn. Younger people = You know what. And so on and on... I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating but nah, it goes bad, it goes dark, it goes worse and worse.
I was lucky enough to quit porn the first time I found a dark site, I always thought it was a safe hobby while I was on the light side of Brazzers and sites like that but oh no... It goes down the dark spiral as times goes by whether you want it or not.
  1. YOU MUST LEARN ABOUT THE PSYCHOLOGY OF IT: Porn addiction is not just porn addiction, theres trauma there, there's damage, suffering, neglect and other stuff that you must learn about and work through. Oh and it's absolutely forbidden to say the dumb lines of "Therapy doesn't do it for me" or "Therapy doesn't work on me" because that's bullshit and you know it.
  2. BE NICE TO YOURSELF: Don't mek yourself feel worse, just don't.
  3. SHOW GRACE, KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS AND SUPPORT: Here's the thing, think of the first time you saw porn. You were probably a kid right? Now, what was happening in that kid's life that was Soo much that he found refuge in porn? What was happening around him, to him, or with him that porn was a safe place? That sucks right? You were just a child, why did you had to use porn to feel better? To feel safe? To escape? Now, if that kid (which is you) where to come to you and tell you that he's a porn addict, if he told all the things he has done (which is all you have done), all he has seen (which you have seen) of he came to you and asked for help because he wants to be better, to quit porn and finally be happy. If that kid asks for your help, would you shame him? Would you tell him he sucks? Would you hate him? Scream at him? Tell him he is a monster?
No... Of course not. You would cry... Because here is a little kid asking for help and he... YOU deserve that help, you deserved better, you deserved SO MUCH BETTER! You were just a kid, and now, here's your chance to help him, to help yourself, to be the guardian you needed, the help you deserved. So show this kid some grace, some kindness, some forgiveness and some support. Okay? Show yourself some of that.
And so yeah... I have lots of things I would like to say... So many tips and break throughs and ideas and stuff in general but this post is already super long. But I hope it can at least help some of you out.
Good luck out there. Don't give up. Do the work.
submitted by Background_Deal_9267 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 06:54 thoughtsobitch What is ECHST. net ?

My boyfriend is saying that it’s just a subscription for brazzers. But what I think is he was paying for cam girls or to jerk off with someone live. Does anyone know what a subscription to Brazzers would be charged as on your bank account?
submitted by thoughtsobitch to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 05:44 FiggyMint Please tell me I did the right thing.

Trigger warning: child abuse, sexual assault, sexual trauma, violence
Incredibly disturbing please don't read if you were sexually abused ot will be triggering.
I decided to break my no contact with my ex. She wanted to remain friends. I told her I wanted no contact. I had to tell her off. The pain was devouring me. The sadness was only getting stronger until I embraced my anger towards my ex partner with undiagnosed BPD.
My ex manipulated me into telling her about my extensive childhood sexual trauma. She wanted details and naively I gave to many. She used them to manipulate me into unknowingly helping her to normalize sex around her daughter.
My ex and I are transgender women. My ex's daughter has an Ipad without parental controls on it. My ex found her watching videos on Brazzers and told me. At the time I thought she was informing me about it to help her prevent it from happening again. I now know she was trying to gauge my response.
One night my ex got extremely handsy with her daughter on the couch next to us. She was choking me and trying to expose my breasts with her next to us. As I tried to fight her off she kept saying stuff to the effect of don't worry about it and she's not paying attention. My ex was not listening to me say no and continued to choke me because it lowers my inhibitions. She wanted me to be compliant but I fought her off and went into the bedroom. She came in after putting her daughter down to bed and was we fooled around. My hearing is diminished during sex and I keep my eyes closed. Her daughter came in multiple times. Each time I made sure we stopped but I didn't know she was there as soon as my ex did and she didn't stop until I freaked out. Later that night her daughter was standing over me while I was sleeping and I almost kicked her because she scared the hell out of me.
My ex gave her daughter access to a shared google photos account that contains porn my ex and I made together. She logged into the photos account when we were broken up. Her daughters mother found her watching our videos and masturbating. When my ex told me I was distraught and tried to help prevent it from happening again. I urged my ex to implement security measures like child safety software. I was powerless to prevent it from happening and wanted to ensure it never happened again. The shared photos folder was supposed to be safe but she gave her access to it. I've hated myself ever since. I feel exposed, ashamed, and used.
During my ex's final split I searched her phone and computer. I found messages to a guy with an nude picture of my ex with digital iPhone stickers of her daughter covering it. When I saw it I broke down. When I asked her about it she had absolutely no answer. It was literally I don't know. I contacted my ex's mother and her ex wife as soon as she was moved out of my house away from my mother and I. I had to keep silent in fear for my safety and my mother's for 3 weeks and it was killing me.
Each of these things happened with months in between. I was manipulated and gaslit into believing my ex just kept making mistakes. After seeing the picture and talking with friends, family, my therapist, my ex's exwife, and mother I see that each incident was linked together. I could only see singular events that hurt and disturbed me. I couldn't see the full picture until getting away and processing everything that has happened.
Now that I have I feel an extreme amount of hatred for my ex. This is just one series of the most dispicable things she did. I broke NC and told her off ensuring she can't forget that I hate her. I found so much liberation in confronting my abuser. I knew she wouldn't sit back and take it. I knew she would respond.
I learned that her ex wife altered the custody agreement and she isn't in contact with her daughter. I feel defeated. I know I did the right thing but my ex knows my weaknesses. She knows I never had children because of the abuse I endured and the fear that I couldn't prevent what happened to me from happening to my child. She crafted her manipulative response carefully.
She is gaslighting me and trying to hurt me by making me think about how I have hurt her daughter. I know I hurt her daughter. She used me to normalize sex in front of her. I refuse to believe that I hurt her daughter by informing her family about what has gone on. She's trying to make me question myself so I regret what I did. It has kind of worked.
My day was side tracked by reaching out to my support network and asking them to validate my actions. I sadly need to be reminded that I did the right thing. I broke up a family and know that I had to. I know that I needed to. I hate that I didn't see it sooner and prevent what has happened. I hate that I am here asking you to tell me that I did the right thing. Please tell me I did the right thing by telling my ex's daughters mother everything you just read. Please!
submitted by FiggyMint to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 14:44 PareZaCigare Ex best friend stalker of 3 years

So pretty much my old best friend has become my stalker unfortunately. We were like brothers but unfortunately due to his crazy family they suggested him to get away from me. At the time I was 24 and he was 30.
(2020)First started with some fake profiles messaging me on FB asking how I am and sending racially abusive messages calling me a halfcast (original language wasnt english but closest translation).
That was contact one
(2020)Contact two was A Photoshopped photo of me on a Muslim imam giving a speech. Under the photo giving personal details and abusing me and family my employment and pure lies about my life with my ex partner.
(2021) Contact 3 Then this maniac Photoshopped a photo of my ex partner being railed by my best friend on a couch and I was looking through a window.
(2021) Contact 4 After that he decided to go after my friends personal profiles and Photoshop a Brazzers logo in the photo of the both of us. Then started messaging my friend but he ignored it.
(2022)All of this were done through fake Instagram then fake Facebook profiles. Even using my uncle's name as one of the profiles lol
After this happened I threatened with police and it seemed to die down a little.
Someone must of helped him make all of these fake profiles because they must be linked to new emails and mobiles to be created unless someone here can explain how they are done?
Meanwhile this guy ends up in jail for breaking and entering someone who assaulted his mother giving him a holiday of 1.5 years jail.
(2021/22)I would comment under local league football posts and from these kind of accounts I was attacked. Told to kill myself, I should die in a massacre and so on. While in jail he would have a phone commenting on profiles.
The person I think who is behind this I see sometimes through community events and I think that would trigger him into god knows what.
2 days ago I receive a photo of a black *ick in my inbox calling me Dickman. And for the first time ever I responded with. I feel sorry for you, times have passed and time to move on.
I'm feeling it's time to go to the police and explain the situation ( I live in Australia for reference)
Why is he going after me? Will it stop? Will the police encourage or discourage him ? Can the police find him at all
Thank you
submitted by PareZaCigare to StalkersCaught [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 14:36 PareZaCigare Ex best friend has been stalking me for 3 years

So pretty much my old best friend has become my stalker unfortunately. We were like brothers but unfortunately due to his crazy family they suggested him to get away from me. At the time I was 24 and he was 30.
(2020)First started with some fake profiles messaging me on FB asking how I am and sending racially abusive messages calling me a halfcast (original language wasnt english but closest translation).
That was contact one
(2020)Contact two was A Photoshopped photo of me on a Muslim imam giving a speech. Under the photo giving personal details and abusing me and family my employment and pure lies about my life with my ex partner.
(2021) Contact 3 Then this maniac Photoshopped a photo of my ex partner being railed by my best friend on a couch and I was looking through a window.
(2021) Contact 4 After that he decided to go after my friends personal profiles and Photoshop a Brazzers logo in the photo of the both of us. Then started messaging my friend but he ignored it.
(2022)All of this were done through fake Instagram then fake Facebook profiles. Even using my uncle's name as one of the profiles lol
After this happened I threatened with police and it seemed to die down a little.
Someone must of helped him make all of these fake profiles because they must be linked to new emails and mobiles to be created unless someone here can explain how they are done?
Meanwhile this guy ends up in jail for breaking and entering someone who assaulted his mother giving him a holiday of 1.5 years jail.
(2021/22)I would comment under local league football posts and from these kind of accounts I was attacked. Told to kill myself, I should die in a massacre and so on. While in jail he would have a phone commenting on profiles.
The person I think who is behind this I see sometimes through community events and I think that would trigger him into god knows what.
2 days ago I receive a photo of a black *ick in my inbox calling me Dickman. And for the first time ever I responded with. I feel sorry for you, times have passed and time to move on.
I'm feeling it's time to go to the police and explain the situation ( I live in Australia for reference)
Why is he going after me? Will it stop? Will the police encourage or discourage him ? Can the police find him at all
Thank you
submitted by PareZaCigare to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 05:15 FiggyMint I dated a true monster

Trigger warning: child abuse and sexual trauma
I hate my expwubpd. I want to stop having feelings about her in any regard because it's not healthy for me but it's not possible for me to yet. My ex like so many pried the my childhood sexual trauma out of me. She wanted details and I wish I didn't give them to her. She has a daughter and used her daughter as leverage against me. I never wanted children due to fearing I couldn't keep them safe. She knew that about me and used it all against me.
Her daughter and I got along great. She's an amazing kid. I feel so bad for her and hope she will be okay. My ex convinced her daughter to start telling me she loved. I experienced maternal feelings for the first time in my life. My ex used those feelings to keep me in the relationship.i recognized this early but felt happy building this family together.
Then I get a text message saying her 7 year old daughter has been looking at porn on Brazzers. I felt disgusted and tried to help devise a way to prevent the kid from getting to websites like that. It fell on deaf ears. A couple months later we were all watching movies on the couch. My ex kept trying to feel me up and expose my breasts. I kept her from doing it and told her how upset it made me.
A couple weeks later my ex and I were fooling around after 1am. We thought her daughter was asleep for hours. Apparently she wasn't and she kept bursting in the room. I tried to keep my ny ex off me but she was persistent and kept working me up. Finally she stopped and went to sleep. We fought about how she should have stopped and I hate myself for not being able to stop her sooner.
A couple months later I am yold by my now ex her daughter was caught masturbating to our porn. I still feel sick about it. I did everything to keep our pornography locked away from and hidden. We used a shared google photos folder and it wasn't accessible on her daughters devices. Until my disgusting ex logged into the account on her daughters tablet. I told myself she did it by mistake. I convinced myself it had to be a mistake. I want it to be a mistake but I know it wasn't.
My ex was using me to groom her daughter. She used my sexual abuse history as a weapon to devastated me and keep me in the relationship. Everything I told her she used as a way to keep me from seeing what she is. I hate myself for not seeing her for what she is sooner. When I finally went through my ex's phone I saw messages to guys from dating apps where she's flaunting her daughter. Messages with a nude picture of my ex covered in stickers of her daughter. It makes me sick.
I have come close to ending it all because how deep this stuck me. I was groomed and raped as a child. She was using me to normalize sex and I don't know how to live knowing that. I told her ex everything. I pleaded with her to keep their child safe. She has all the evidence I gathered and said she will protect her. I feel like if me having to go through what I did keeps her daughter safe than I am glad something good will come from it.
I did all that I can but now so know how to go on. I feel mortally wounded. Like I am slowly bleeding to death or dying from a slow poison. I don't think I can keep going like this. I hate my ex so much and want her to feel the pain she caused me but know that's futile. I hurt so much and just want it to stop. I now feel like I wasted my life walling myself off from ever having children. Experiencing being a parent has devastated me. I can't have children and now wish that I had. I hate myself so much and just want to get this out so it can stop living alone in my head. I am tired of suffering in silence.
submitted by FiggyMint to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 13:02 kelliroberts How do you build a "brand"?

Been on Onlyfans for a while, but still don't feel like you've got much of a brand? Let's talk about it.

Brand management is my area of expertise, and it's something I'm extremely passionate about. So I'm so happy to help you with this!
First of all, congrats on taking the first step to building your brand - which is realizing you need to do something, it doesn't just happen.
Tip 1: Your name is your brand, so you need to make sure that you use it every chance you get. The easier you make it for people to find you, the easier it will be. Don't switch up the use of your name on different platforms. If your name is SuzyHo on one platform, it needs to be SuzyHo on all platforms, even if you can't have the same (@)handle that doesn't mean anything. You still can type in your name at Suzy Ho, even if you have the (@)suzyho on on platform and (@)suzhox on another.
Use your name, your full name each and every time. Don't abbreviate. Don't be cute with nicknames or funky characters. Spell your full name out each and every time.
Tip 2: Use other platforms. Take advantage of things like Pornhub, xvideos, TikTok, and other platforms to let people know who you are. Just remember rule #1.
Tip 3: You may not be a famous porn star, but it doesn't mean you can't nominate yourself for awards like them. Almost all the award shows have clip artists or social media artists categories. By the way, to them, you are a clip artist, as in you make video clips (not full movies). If you webcam, that's even better because there are lots of awards you'll qualify for in that category.
Don't worry about winning. It's all about that nomination. That nomination gets your name out there (YOUR NAME/YOUR BRAND) to hundreds of websites promoting that awards show. Now you are getting your name out there, and you know what that means? You're building that brand, girl!If you aren't sure which awards show to watch, check out and read AdultIndustry.News to find out when award nomination submissions are open. Again winning the award isn't the goal, it's just getting that nomination. That's how you get your name out there.
Tip 4: Invest in PR. You may not think you have anything to issue a press release about but you'd be surprised. For as little as $50 a month, you can get stories about you written and sent out to all the relevant adult industry sites. Check out For $50 a month, you tell them the basic idea of what you want to promote about yourself, and they'll do all the work. No hassle. No drama. It's insanely simple, and you won't beat those prices.
Here are just some of the things you can issue press release about:

It all goes back to the mathematics of OnlyFans.

Log into your OnlyFans page, and click statistics from the menu. This will load your earnings page. Now click the date so that you can adjust it. Don’t select “last 30 days”; instead, select last year (2023). Look at your total earnings for the entire year and write that down.
Divide that by 365 to get the amount you earn per day on average. Now write that down because we'll circle back to it later.
Now go to where it says "REACH" (the one just before FANS and click on GUESTS (you want guests not users). Write that down.
Not click FANS and select TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS and write that number down. Now, divide the number of guests that visit your page by the total number of new subscribers you have.
Now take the total amount you earned, divide that by the total number of subscribers you had and you'll find out the value of each subscriber.
Let's look at it written out using my friend's account.
For the year last year, she made $64,108.65 for the year of 2023. That means she made about $176 a day. Her goal is to make $250 a day. So how does she get there? How does she make an additional $74 a day?
We are going to do the math to figure that out!
If she had 2400 subscribers last year and 39,484 visitors to her page (subscribers divided by visitors) tells us that she gets 1 join for every 16 visitors who hit her profile page.
We know that earnings/subscribers tell us that each subscriber to her page is worth about $27. So to make her goal she'll want about 4 new subscribers per day.
So to get 4 new subscribers per day we simply do the math. 16 visitors = 1 new join. 16 * 4 = 64.

That means to make her target goal she needs to drive about 64 new people to her OnlyFans profile page per day.

A long and complicated way to get to that simple answer, but now the question is, how does she get 64 new people to visit her OnlyFans page? She can invest in marketing or work harder at social media (this is the one I highly suggest) and social media has been known to draw in the best traffic. But she can also help by spending that $50 a month for PR.
Let me show you why that matters. When a company issues a press release about you, it goes out to all the major players, AVN, XBIZ, etc. Those companies post the story on their websites and then they tweet about it. Now just look at the traffic these guys get.

And that's just for of the 50+ (maybe even more) websites that will get your press release.
So yes, you want a story about you on these websites. You want them talking about YOU even if it's just a story about you posting a new video for Christmas.
It's all about building YOUR BRAND and getting your name out there.
Because once you do the math you realize to make more money you don't need as many new visitors to your profile page as you might have first thought.
Of course your numbers will vary from my friends page (in the example above). They may be better or worse. The point is, you have to do the math to see exactly what you need to do to make your goal.

submitted by kelliroberts to adultcreatortips [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 18:43 Tenant69_ [2300+ Product Sold] Pòrn Accounts at Cheap Prices with Replacement Warranty. Brazzers/Bangbros/Fakehub/Mofos/NaughtyAmerica/$100 Loaded Onlyfans Accounts and Many More. Accepting Paypal Cryptos Cards CashApp

Buy Pòrnsites Accounts at Cheap Prices with Replacement Warranty. Buy your Private Pòrn Accounts from my Automated Store- CLICK HERE
submitted by Tenant69_ to NFTsMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 18:41 Tenant69_ [2300+ Product Sold] Porn Accounts at Cheap Prices with Replacement Warranty. Brazzers/Bangbros/Fakehub/Mofos/NaughtyAmerica/$100 Loaded Onlyfans Accounts and Many More. Accepting Paypal Cryptos Cards CashApp

Buy Pornsites Accounts at Cheap Prices with Replacement Warranty. Buy your Private Porn Accounts from my Automated Store- CLICK HERE
submitted by Tenant69_ to NFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 02:44 Old_Resource_4832 Type me for your free brazzers account [not clickbait]

. Tell me about your internal experience of yourself. What makes you, you? //this is actually kind of hard to answer since I don't really sit down and do much introspection. I always feel like I'm busy doing something, going on autopilot. Kind of just doing one thing and moving on to the other, going on autopilot. From this trait, most would categorize me as hard working and stubborn because I'm like a robot. 2. You just had a really good day. Describe it. It can be a real recent example or an aspirational one. //I flew to Canada to visit my husband. He can't come back to the United States because he over stayed in America. Whenever we get to be together I can let the autopilot off and just relax. I feel the autopilot function coming back on with him but it is so easy to turn it off. We do fun thjngs; like go to the aquarium; museums, restaurants, or build forts and watch movies. 3. If someone is upset with you, what is the typical reason for it? Give a recent example.
Im very blunt. I have communicative pragmatic disorder so I dont understand when I CAN or am ALLOWED to say something. I've come to accept that tbe things I say or the questions I ask someone can be taken offensively or inappropriate, which makes me kind of scared at work.
  1. What are you like when you're stressed? What are your coping mechanisms? Give an example of a recent stressful situation and how you handled it.
Im argumentative as FUCK. I usually drink; play games, exercise. All of this is on autopilot btw. I kind of feel 'lost' in tbe process. I had tumors removed, but when I found out they were tumors I went to the trader joes near my apartment, bought white wine and triffle chips, bitched to the cashier about my tumors. And went home and played jazz.
  1. What pushes your buttons? What makes you angry? How does your anger manifest? Can you be openly angry with others?
Incompetence from others or when they try to understand my emotions. I get really upset when others do that. Its...quiet? Its like my anger is more like a shit list. I kind of shut down and isolate when I'm at mad at someone and people have to lure me out. However if that person im mad at says something stupid to me I kind of tear into them.
  1. What’s your deepest fear? Why is that your fear? Probably my husband and I not getting his legal issues sorted, my tumors coming back, failing financially in life and getting nowhere.
  2. What types of memories cause you the most shame? What feelings cause you the most shame? What is it about them that causes you shame?
Getting fired when I was 19 for saying something inappropriate at work. Im worried it will happen again even though I'm 27 lol. It was actually really traumatic because most people including family scolded me so constantly for it.
  1. What is your relationship with pleasure? What gives you pleasure? Can you have pleasure when you want it, or do you have to earn it?
I really like pleasure hehe. Drinking, sex with my husband; cooking, jazz music, books, games. Playing with my cats. Lifting weight. Hitting my macros. I cant have pleasure when I want it like when im at work.
  1. What’s your relationship with authority? Think both abstractly and with specific authorities in your life, possibly your parents, boss, religious leader, doctor, or government figures? Are you an authority?
Not an authority, i feel like I lack the drive to that and want to be left alone. I make mistakes at work sometimes and my manager never stops harping on them. It brings down my self confidence and I get why she does it, but I legit have adhd so im convinced the only thing I can do is minimize these mistakes and interactions with her in general.
Im kind of sensitive to wording and tone too where if I detect any kind of disrespect I won't do what you say. I'll argue openly with my boss or family too. Same thing goes for inefficiency.
Never was one for religion. Briefly intrigued with Islam but most people in there were homophobic and as a gay man, I found the hypocrisy of the people a turn off.
  1. When your mind wanders, what are you thinking about?
Sex. Food i want to eat. Things I want to accomplish.
  1. You have a big decision to make. Describe how you decide what to do.
I just jump. Too much thinking. If I do think; ill weight the benefits and do the best decision.
  1. What’s your biggest flaw?
Probably my anger 💀.
  1. What makes you special? (Or, if you don't feel special, what at least makes you different from other people?)
The autopilot bs i was on earlier. 15. How much of your mental energy is spent on thinking about each of the past, the present, and the future? If I worry about the things I do or say; a lot. If j worry about the future, a lot. Hardly ever do i worry about the present unless if I feel threatened.
  1. You unexpectedly find yourself with a whole weekend with no obligations, and everyone else is busy. How do you feel about it? What do you do?
Depressed. This happened once and I wanted to kms 💀. I moved into a new apartment an hour away from my family and was so bored.
  1. What’s your personal vibe/style/aesthetic? How cultivated vs natural is it, and how much time do you spend on it? Do you turn it on and off?
Either dressed up super nicely and macho or look like a homeless dude. Depends on how I feel.
  1. Which of the following is the most like you? Explain. A) I know what I want, I go out and make it happen, and people won't stop me. B) I am content to be on my own and not draw too much attention to myself. C) I have to be responsible and dedicated, and I put others’ needs first.
A) its just easier. I hate feeling encroached by others needs I guess? Like I will help my husband and family ans friends, but j will get my stuff first you know? I usually have money saved up on the side for this scenario. I also studied like a dog in school to get good grades and gained so much weight because I never exercised then lol. I become obsessive over my goals.
  1. Which of the following is most like you? Explain. A) I dislike stress and negative vibes, and I may try to distract myself from my problems. B) I have strong feelings, get worked up easily, and am not afraid to show it. C) I don’t like to let my feelings show; they get in the way of being efficient and logical.
All of it oh geeze. My emotions are private; I try to run away from bad feelings; and I can get emotional easily.
  1. Which of the following is most like you? Explain. A) I look to others for feedback and guidance and am willing to be flexible when needed. B) I am always aware of how things could be better, and I’m disappointed that they are not. C) Deep down, I am afraid people won’t give me what I need unless I make it worth their while.
B, im very critical of myself and others.
submitted by Old_Resource_4832 to EnneagramTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 19:24 Haritha1212 Get Any Premium Account For Very Cheap Price !!

Get Any Premium Account For Very Cheap Price !! submitted by Haritha1212 to CHEAP_DADY [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 00:53 MouthfulofSalad You're Gonna Make Me Cry

You're Gonna Make Me Cry submitted by MouthfulofSalad to howardstern [link] [comments]

2024.01.11 03:16 NotagoK I used to work at an online porn payment processor

I used to work for a company called CCbill, and we processed credit card payment for "premium" porn subscriptions. We handled payments from the most basic of basic porn sites up to Brazzers and Backroom Casting and the like. I can tell you that most of my time was spent troubleshooting subscriptions to "lower quality" porn sites with content I'd never personally search out.

In terms of "how many people are still paying for porn?" It was literally hundreds of thousands. We had people who repeatedly signed up for 3-day trials, and we had people who were paying $30/mo every month for the last 18 years - and they have several accounts all with similar billing history. We had our annoying "regular" callers, but I can say that on the topic of the "custom" content, our cam sites we processed for were far and away the most profitable. For example we had one site that was owned by someone in Israel that received 7-figure payouts from us weekly...the amount of money spent on tokens for cam site was ABSURD.

So yeah, wanted to share for a little money info.
submitted by NotagoK to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 10:15 soccermom11221985 My husband’s (m32) lustful eye has (almost) destroyed our (f30) marriage

My husband and I have been together for 12 yrs with 3 beautiful children.
In 2022 I gave birth to twins via c section that required me to have a blood transfusion shortly afterwards. It was a pretty traumatic birth experience. My 1st child I delivered naturally without meds but my c section was so much harder to recover from and go through.
4 or 5 weeks pp, I used his phone one night to put on shushing music for the babies (he was asleep). Some notifications popped up on Instagram. I usually don’t snoop but they were about recent posts from girls I didn’t recognize. I looked at his feed and there were tons of women in gym wear, bikinis, etc. His search history was several women as well (well known porn stars or insta models). I was so confused because I had seen him on insta before and never saw him looking at these things. It was then that I realized he had a second insta account for “working out” that he was using to look at. He also had looked at graphic images on Reddit.
I confronted him about it, he lied, eventually realized I saw everything and finally acknowledged it. I told him how it made me feel, that if he needed me to help him get pleasure I could do so if he asked (we were not intimate during this time but I would offer BJs which he willingly accepted).
As the weeks, months even, as time went on he still had this separate account. Notifications popped up and I admittedly fixated on checking if that’s what it again was. He promised to delete the account or stop looking and that never happened.
The next thing was the email notification. A notification from brazzers about a subscription. I found out he made the sub 3 days before I was to give birth and that he had had the account for almost 5 years already (this was upsetting because he knew from the get go how I feel about him using porn and for me personally I’m uncomfortable with it).
This continued for months. I felt he was more sorry he got caught than how it made me feel worthless, disrespected, etc. He continued on with the insta and kept looking. He deleted the secondary account but was now using his primary. I lost trust in him completely because of the constant blatant lying. He refused to talk about it and always made me feel like it was my fault I had a problem with it despite how I explained it only added to my struggle postpartum in a time where I’m completely emotional, vulnerable and adjusting to my new body.
Almost a year since finding out, I then found he had a separate Snapchat account. The images or whatever he had saved were password protected. Multiple random women were trying to add him. He never accepted and there were no other conversations but he had some sort of conversation with his ex a couple years prior via Snapchat a month after we got engaged. It was the only time they talked but I could not see what the convo was about. He lied about all this despite physical proof as well.
During this all, we were still intimate regularly. I never withheld intimacy in any form. I still loved him despite all the hurt.
It’s now been almost 2 years. After a year I stopped looking at his phone or searching to find things. I admit it wasn’t right of me to snoop and that’s why I stopped. I was also tired of the constant gut punches every time I found something and I knew he was started to just get better at hiding things.
After everything idk if he’s hiding stuff still. I now struggle with a very distorted self image, low self confidence, feeling worthless or used even after we are intimate because he will disengage and later scroll his phone. He rarely spends time with me because he uses work or being tired as an excuse a lot but he has time to play video games or scroll social media.
While he is a great provider for us, I can’t help but feel so unhappy. I am still dealing with the after effects of betrayal trauma I guess you could say. I try so hard to heal. I would like to go to therapy either alone or as a couple but he says we can’t afford the cost. When I try to communicate how I’m feeling or if I’m having a hard day with my self image, he does not want to talk about it and complains that I’m not “over” everything that happened already and that he doesn’t know what more to say besides “I’m sorry.”
He says if I don’t get over it or can’t we just need to divorce. To me that signifies that he doesn’t really care or love me because who would give up on their spouse that easily.
For me it hits such a nerve for a couple reasons:
  1. This occurred when I was in my most vulnerable, emotional, depressed state post partum
  2. The blatant lying to my face
  3. Unwillingness to communicate and shifting the blame to me.
  4. My dad struggled with porn addiction which led to an affair (my mom informed me of this about a decade after it occurred) & I am fearful of the same happening to my husband
I know it could be “worse.” He says it’s not like he was physically cheating with anyone.
I also feel like I trusted him so fully when I was pregnant and this betrayal has changed everything. I feel like I don’t really know him at all and he has changed.
It still comes up maybe once every 3-4 months but I get constant reminders and flashbacks throughout each month. We fight because I am hurt, he doesn’t know what to say, we eventually don’t talk about it but then the cycle starts again.
How do I go about truly healing and rebuilding my self worth?
How I break this cycle and move forward in repairing our marriage?
tl;dr: My husband’s (m32) lustful eye has (almost) destroyed our (f30) marriage
submitted by soccermom11221985 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2023.12.29 11:11 Tenant69_ [2300+ Product Sold] Porn Accounts at Cheap Prices with Replacement Warranty. Brazzers/Bangbros/Fakehub/Mofos/NaughtyAmerica/$100 Loaded Onlyfans Accounts and Many More. Accepting Paypal Cryptos Cards

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submitted by Tenant69_ to AmazonDiscounts [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 02:03 cturtl808 Pornhub owner to pay victims $1.8m in sex trafficking case

Pornhub's parent company has agreed to make payments of $1.8m (£1.42m) to the US government to resolve allegations of profiting from sex trafficking.
US officials said Aylo had "[turned] a blind eye" to reports that women were deceived and coerced into videos appearing on the site.
The charges stem from its hosting of content and accepting of payments from a third party, Girls Do Porn (GDP). Aylo said it "deeply regrets" hosting the content.
According to court documents, Aylo continued to accept money from the GDP channel even after it was aware of sex trafficking allegations from some of the women appearing in the videos.
The women said that GDP coerced them in to having sex on camera and lied about how the material would be shared.
Aylo, then known as MindGeek, settled with 50 women out of court in 2021. It owns other popular sites such as Youporn, Brazzers and Redtube.
According to the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, "Aylo received money that Aylo knew or should have known was derived from the GDP Operators' sex trafficking operations".
There were more than 400 victims in total, and in 2021 GDP producer Ruben Andre Garcia was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for coercing women into appearing in sex videos.
Later that year, the women won the rights to the videos they appeared in and Garcia had to pay $18m to them in restitution.
The most recent settlement with Aylo is known as a deferred prosecution agreement, which means the company has agreed to be prosecuted if it breaks the terms of the deal in the next three years. It can be monitored by authorities and assessed on factors such as its moderation policy, content screening and the amount of resources it puts in to filtering out illegal videos from its sites.
"This deferred prosecution agreement holds the parent company of accountable for its role in hosting videos and accepting payments from criminal actors who coerced young women into engaging in sexual acts on videos that were posted without their consent," United States Attorney Breon Peace said in a statement.
Mr Peace added: "It is our hope that this resolution... brings some measure of closure to those negatively affected." In a statement given to media outlets, Aylo said that while GDP provided signed consent forms from the women in the videos, Aylo did not know they were obtained under coercion.
It added: "Aylo is not pleading guilty to any crime, and the Government has agreed to dismiss its charge against the Company after three years, subject to the company's continued compliance with the Deferred Prosecution Agreement.
submitted by cturtl808 to NotADragQueen [link] [comments]

2023.12.22 14:01 CONQUER66 My Arms Are Gonna Be Swole

My Arms Are Gonna Be Swole
I'm gonna be Swole, Bro!
submitted by CONQUER66 to BikiniBottomTwitter [link] [comments]