Lindsay marie


2020.02.23 06:59 LindsayMarieBrewer

A subreddit dedicated to Lindsay Marie Brewer, Insta Model, and aspiring pro race car driver.

2017.05.27 01:49 mitdraw Lindsay Marie Brewer

Lindsay Marie Brewer. Blonde Model. Aspiring pro race car driver. Please do not message us asking for entry, we won't entertain any of those requests.

2019.06.27 22:46 HyggeSmalls Beachbody Huns: MLM shillers posing as fitness "coaches"

Looking for the Joel Freeman & Megan Ewoldsen ‘cheaters and sleazers’ thread? Check out JoelFreemanEwoldsen —- Anti-MLM - Annoyed with all of the pyramid-scheming twat waffles who won’t stop harassing you in some way to join an MLM? You’re in good company! Join us here on HunSnark to snark on Huns and Hun-Adjacent Influencers!

2024.06.01 03:47 Kronkthebesthehe The 'Nice Athletic Girls'. Writing disasters or Overhated gems?

As I was seated on that toilet seat, calming my body with the relieving sensation of excretion, I was reminded of why the toilet helps many a person with giving off inspiration. I thought to myself, hey, why not do an over-the-top analysis on my favourite show Total Drama cuz why not? So yeah, here I am, writing this.
The ‘nice athletic girl’ trope was one that was birthed from the start of the series but only really popularized and mainstreamed and beat down by most fans in recent times. The general definition is that the female ‘de facto main character’ of the ensemble cast would be an athletic female who also happens to be ‘nice’. Some throw about the terms bland and Mary Sue, but I digress. Now personally, I thought I’d take a deep-dive analysis into the girls who qualify for this trope and whether or not they actually deserve to be labelled as such or if it’s harsh on them. I’ll be analyzing the writing per usual, since that’s my main fun off of this show and look at if this term holds water or not. Now, the characters I see qualify for this role are Bridgette, Zoey, Sky and Priya so those are whom I’ll be focusing on. I won’t count Beth because her ‘niceness’ is thrown into question and is not conventionally athletic, Gwen because she isn’t conventionally nice either and no-one from RR since I don’t feel like anybody there checks the appropriate boxes, Carrie comes the closest, but probably not, no. So let’s begin. Also do note that I’ll be mostly objective so no matter your opinions on them, I’ll remain impartial for the most part. Brace yourselves, this will be a long post:
Bridgette was the debut of this trope and while many exclude her from the discussion, she is athletic and nice and a girl so technically she fits the trope. I find it hilarious that Priya and Zoey compete in more episodes than her despite both having a season less and only being in 13 episode seasons. This indicates that Bridgette is not too good at the game. And well, she isn’t really that much. Let’s start with her Island representation.
Her main role this season was to serve as the ‘straight girl’, the calm presence to allow the other characters with more fun personalities to hog the spotlight, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna and Lindsay included. She forms a few inconsequential friendships with Gwen and Courtney which never get brought up again in future seasons and her main thing is hooking up with Geoff. Her challenge performances are decent. Her athleticism is shown a few times, coming when she did that handstand or jumped off the cliff. She was also shown to be a good cook and was generally a pretty helpful teammate and she had a few flitting moments here and there, but never gave off main character energy. The merge gave way to her other side, being the mediator between all the girls and their conflicts, probably because she’s easily the most rational of the lot. Technically, this does mean she’s more or less a supporting character the whole time, but someone’s gotta take that role. Her elimination also mainly serves to further the Geoff’s internal conflict and loyalties and also give Duncan his flowers as the most competent strategist of this season, his guys’ alliance managing to successfully pick off one of the girls, her, and yes Heather strategized too, but her strats were pretty weak let’s be real as she mainly relied on luck considering she was speedrunning turning everyone against her. Ultimately, she served her role till the end and that’s fine. Obviously her trope would be given much more relevance for her future iterations but that’s basically Bridgette’s run in Island, a glorified supporting character, kind of like Leshawna but less in your face and with a romance subplot too with Geoff.
In Action and World Tour, her relevance drops significantly. Action has her first boot after excessively making out with Geoff before appointing her as an Aftermath host where she continues to be a supporting character as her main role was to snap Geoff out of his Captain Hollywood arc while just acting as a secondary host. I’d argue Action was her least relevant season as well. For World Tour, she only lasts around 4 episodes and she’s mainly there to, say it with me kids, be a supporting character to someone else! Yay! This time to Alejandro, mainly to show off his ladies charm. She then has a smaller arc of apologizing to Geoff for trying to kiss Al, beefing with Blaineley and making friends with Bruno the bear but she’s just there to continue being the Aftermath host every now and then alongside Geoff.
Overall, Bridgette is a nice athletic girl, though one with very little relevance. She spends most of her screentime being a supporting character for other arcs and being the straightwoman to the other characters. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s poorly written, but she isn’t exactly a main character either. She serves her role, but doesn’t do much outside of it.
Zoey’s probably the most controversial of these four girls. Terms like bland, Mary Sue, Zoeys*e or whatever else is thrown around quite often. I can see why people don’t necessarily like her, but let’s look at it objectively to see if she’s worth the hate.
In Revenge of the Island, Zoey’s there to form one of the crutches of the main romance of the season. One of the factors that plays in her favor is how involved she is with a lot of folks, formulating a victim-turned-rivalry relationship with Scott, a romance with Mike, friendship with winner Cameron and a few throwaway relationships like her rivalry with Anne Maria and her ‘friendship’ with Dakota. Now, I’d argue that she doesn’t fit the trope completely this season, mainly due to the fact that she’s not too athletic. She’s seen as passive and struggles a lot in physical challenges. That’s not to say she didn’t have capabilities before Commando Zoey, but they’re too forgettable. Her first few episodes build on her relationship with Mike and give us a less dramatic love triangle between her, Anne Maria and Mike, technically a square since Vito feels like a different character, but whatever. We also see our main baddie of the season Scott begin placing seeds of doubt in Zoey, which blossoms in her distrust in Mike for episodes 8 and 9, pushing their relationship to their breaking point before Mike finally bests his alters and completes his arc. I do find her a bit hypocritical in saying she loves oddballs but is weirded out by the way odder Dawn, but I digress. She then has a full-on rivalry with Scott in which she emerges victorious, commenting that Scott really brings the jerk out of her, that jerk being Commando Zoey. This is where her powers are born and take over her body. She basically becomes unstoppable then, beefing with Chef and she could have easily booked a place in the finale, but she sacrificed it for no real reason as she could have went and won the challenge and then went back to save Cameron from Larry. Regardless, her arc is well thought out and despite a few hiccups, she went through multiple character defining moments, but managed to grow and make friends and understand the value of friendship or whatever sappy message they were conveying.
To be frank, Zoey is really good in Revenge and I don’t have much issue with her, as she fulfils her multiple roles, being part of the main romance, causing the downfall of the main antagonist and being the main support system for the winner of the season, pushing forward the themes of friendship over lone wolf stuff. (Sha-Lightning is way better than Cam though). Irrespective, it is All-Stars where her character turns confusing. For one, she gains all her Commando Zoey power-ups in normal form, even when she was shown to have normal physical traits when in normal form. However, she was a winner in this season, so did she deserve to win?
While Zoey won All-Stars, I’d argue the main female character for that season was Gwen. Gwen was at the heart of conflict and Gwen was the one who ‘grew’ and was meant to receive the arc. Of course, I believe it’s horribly executed since it makes Gwen look like a hypocrite and victimise her even though she wasn’t necessarily in the right most of the time. Regardless, this is the role that Gwen occupies, even if it's poorly written. Zoey on the other hand, is too passive to be a protagonist. People say she takes up too much screentime, but I’d argue she takes too little. Her thing with Mal isn’t even her conflict, it’s just Mike against himself once more. Outside of that, she has no major arcs, or conflicts or well, much of anything really outside of giving us that Duncan-Zoey crackship. Sure, she makes friends with Gwen but ultimately, it’s inconsequential to both girls’ arcs, as it doesn’t provide much of anything to either one. Zoey is basically the greatest challenge beast in the show, insanely winning four merge challenges in a row, including the finale, 4!! That’s insane and I personally believe other characters would have benefited more thematically from winning.
I don’t think she’s a Mary Sue, since she has characters who don’t like her and is too dumb to catch onto Mal somehow, but she is indeed a very passive presence. It’s hard to tell what her role here exactly is. Is she the female main character? No. Is she meant to help Mike overcome Mal? No, he overcomes him in his head. Does she help in pushing anyone’s arcs forward? Not really. On top of being infuriatingly oblivious to some people, she serves no clear role in the story and to be honest, if she didn’t have a nice voice and design, she could have very easily been bottom of the barrel. All-Stars doesn’t derail her, it just puts her in purposeless and fails to justify her stance as a winner. That’s why she is a writing disaster in All-Stars, not just for the opinionated reasons you’ll see other folks give on why they dislike this iteration of her.
Now onto my personal favorite to analyze, and probably my favorite of these four, Sky. Sky also gets a lot of hate, also due to her main relationship, which now I realize is a trait shared by all four of these girls. Regardless, Sky is the gen 3 iteration of the nice athletic girl. Her athleticism is given an actual background this time, where Zoey and Bridgette hadn’t had one, and Sky is naturally athletic due to her sister being a gymnast and her own dreams of being an Olympian one day which is nice enough. Out of four in selection, Sky seems to be the most competitive, sometimes even resorting to questionable decisions to try and obtain the grand prize. Let’s look into how she’s portrayed in Pahkitew.
Off the curb, she’s probably an early favorite for the win. She’s strong, athletic, rational, has good leadership perks and is smart too. She galvanises her unfocused team on occasion and I kind of wish they went with something of Sky vs Jasmine in leadership abilities since that had the potential to be interesting. However, Sky being overpowered required a distraction to get her eyes off the prize, and this is where our Hal of Total Drama steps in, Dave. (Megamind reference!) Ah, I have a lot to say about the genius behind the writing of Dave that is heavily underappreciated by the TD fandom, but we’re focusing on Sky right now. Sky and Dave, or Skave, is the perfect representation of how lack of communication can wreck a relationship. As good as Sky is at twirling in gymnastics and dominating physical challenges, kind of, she has a lot of other weaknesses that offsets these in the non-physical department, and the Skave relationship is the perfect way to display them while also giving her something to do. It always baffled me when people call Sky a Mary Sue, because she really isn’t, but then again, people tend to throw that term around way too cheaply. At first, it’s sunshine and rainbows for the new couple, Sky’s in love with Dave, but couldn’t get it through to him that she wanted to put that relationship on the back burner for the sake of the victory, and that was mainly down to a lack of trying to do so besides that one scene. The fragility of the Skave relationship was revealed and exposed in plot resistances, such as the healthiest love triangle in Ella’s unrequited crush on Dave and Sugar being Sugar. And technically Dave cheating on Sky with a bat, but alas. Things get to a heed when Sky’s lack of an assertive personality comes to wreck her whole thing with Dave as Jasmine comes through and begins to pressure Sky into ending it for petty reasons. To be frank, I think it’s a bit mean from Jasmine considering that they could have went along with the challenge and did well without having to wreck a blooming (Not) relationship but then again, I have a myriad of issues with Jasmine’s character, kind of, that should be discussed later. Regardless, Sky gets pushed to her limit by Dave in episode 9 and the two ‘break up’ and Dave gives himself the boot, now finally out of her way as a distraction and enabling a free run at the prize. Unfortunately for her though, Total Drama is a social game as well, and with Max and Scarlett and Jasmine and Shawn still around, she was forced to work with Sugar to get things moving, something she obviously didn’t like. Despite this, she was the mastermind behind the plan to trick Scarlett and nabbed second place in episode 11 even with Sugar weighing her down. Thanks to Sugar taking out Jasmine and then herself, her finale position was secure against Shawn… Only for Dave to return.
Now, Sky in the finale, is both very interesting and poorly written at the same time. Manipulating Dave by kissing him to string him along her little simp chain was a low move, but it helped in establishing that Sky has an obvious dark side and isn’t necessarily the sweet girl her predecessors Zoey and Bridgette were. Her relationship was thrown to the rocks though at the mention of Keith, her boyfriend who we can assume was probably pretty crummy to her considering she seemed somewhat nervous around him. Her lack of assertion bites her in the butt again as she didn’t have time to dump him, so now technically she cheated on Keith with another guy and roped in a boy toy for usage and now it’s all one giant mess. Regardless, it could have been saved with the right closure, but ultimately, the writing preferred to focus on the more happy relationship and gave them a closure, leaving Dave to well, die by Scuba Bear… That’s crazy.
Still though, Sky is easily the most multi-faceted out of the four mentioned in this trope bracket. Her morality can’t be summed up in a phrase and her motivations and actions are mostly understandable. Her role is to serve as the de facto main character. While some may point to her passiveness, unlike Zoey, she is passive in the sense that she doesn’t take action in her respective story arcs instead of not participating at all. Her lack of action is what pushes a lot of these plots forward, so in a way, her lack of action was the action that pushed forward the relationship action in her season. I think Sky mainly suffers from only having one season, so fans who don’t get this in-depth message can easily be left salty from the lack of closure at the end and might confuse her for a bad character which is a shame. Woo, that was a long one…
Now, I had already done a previous post on her explaining why I think she’s a bad character so it’s better if you give that a read because I won’t give all those reasons again, but I’ll run over them anyway and add to them too. Priya is a very different character from both seasons. In terms of the way she acts, her season 2 self feels very reminiscent of a Courtney than she does a Zoey, which does call her presence in this bracket into question, but whatever. Let’s just see what she has to offer.
Like Sky, Priya is also given a backstory as to why she’s so athletic. She had trained all her life for Total Drama and thus has a lot of athleticism. I’m not sure why her parents paid no focus to social game since that is a very major aspect of the competition, but whatever. Her main arc was having a friend in Millie, but Priya for the most part was well, a side character in Millie’s story. If we want to think about it, what exactly justifies her season 1 win? It’s a similar situation to Zoey where her role in the story doesn’t necessarily justify her winning. Is she the main character? No, that honor belongs to Millie, whom I have already explained why she qualifies as that in a previous post. Does she help Millie grow as a person? Well, she has a vague influence, but honestly, I’d argue that Millie doesn’t really take any real introspection in herself until Bowie drops the notebook. Sure, she says she’ll change and wrestles a croc, but that’s a different arc of Millie actually trying in the challenges instead of always being passive, not really her main arc, of not judging others because she’s no better than them. Does she push anyone’s arcs forward? You can make a case for Millie, but I’d argue once more that Bowie does more to that than Priya herself and maybe Julia but I suppose Priya can take some credit. All of this culminates to when we reach the finale and we have things tense, Bowie is sneaky, Millie is an underdog and the third is.. Oh, Priya? Dang, I forgot she was here. Julia, Millie and Bowie hogged so much spotlight, they kind of left Priya to dry and yet they still make her win and do a Beth.
In season 2, this is where things take a turn. Priya becomes less focused on winning the whole competition and becomes engulfed in her romance with Caleb… Oh boy… I’m personally not the biggest fan of this plotline, since I feel as if it’s kind of like the ‘arc’ she and Millie had last season, but this time as a romance instead of friendship. Obviously there are differences, but it’s nothing too major. The first 7 episodes, Priya faces little difficulty really and soars by. Sure, she was in bottom 2 in episode 4, but they were never eliminating her over Emma that round. It’s episode 8 when things take a turn and Caleb is exposed for ‘playing on her feelings’. At first, she’s sad, quiet and you can feel sympathetic for her… And then she just turns psycho. Oh boy, episode 9 is a piece of work. She just can’t stop crying and rages a lot and it feels as if her character took a complete 180 of the season. Now, I’m aware they showed some glimpses of angry Priya in the finale of season 1, but this does feel like they came a little too strong with it. We’d then get the worst handled plotline of the reboot seasons, as the relationship began flipping about from being ok to not ok to ok to not ok and so on. And considering how much of a disaster Julia was this season, the fact that they threw her into the mix and made every little thing they did bend to her will only added to the crapstorm that they piled up. For example, in episode 10, both Caleb and Priya take Julia’s relationship advice without much question. You might make a case for their naivete in relationships, but come on now, Priya had been tormented by Julia all of last season and knows how mean she is, where she was scheming on her even while she was crying and Caleb himself refused to join the MK-Julia alliance in the episode prior because he saw last season and knew how untrustworthy they were yet here he is, taking advice from her as if nothing was ever said. The flip floppiting continued until episode 12 and she is eliminated in the most predictable elimination ceremony in all of Total Drama. Oh boy, where to even start with this one.
Now, Priya in season 2 is actually meant to be taken as the main female character. Most of the drama occurs around her and her relationship with Caleb is a mainstay focus throughout the whole season, literally. She beefs with Julia, the main antagonist too which is another touch. However, the main issue comes with what do the writers exactly want to do with her? A main character is meant to be someone you should root for, yet for the 8-13 debacle of episodes, it never really felt as if Priya was to be rooted for. Priya and Caleb lack the sweetness of Bridgette and Geoff or Mike and Zoey and the subtle clever messaging of Dave and Sky. It was a relationship that had no real purpose. It didn’t further any character. All it did was turn Priya into a crazy Courtney and Caleb into a whiny muscular Dave. It never felt like either character grew or benefited from the other. It was only a source of drama, meant to feed Julia and make her better than she actually was and was more or less a pointless decision. This makes Priya a… Well, kind of a writing disaster of a character. Regardless of what you think of her, her character never gets furthered all that much, and I don’t believe she’s worthy to take the title of female main character in season 2. There really wasn’t one, since Julia is meant to be an antagonist and MK her lackey and that’s why this season fell flat, lack of clarity for roles. But hey, I digress.
Ultimately, I believe I have come to the conclusion that Sky is easily the best written and complex of these characters, even if some may find her bland. Bridgette isn’t much relevant, Zoey is too passive and Priya too aimless and these hold them back. Are they Mary Sues? No, none of them are, but they happen to have writing flaws engineered around them to cover them in this trope. So yeah, I'm heading off to put a sandwich on my ham.
submitted by Kronkthebesthehe to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:26 JaydenBuchanan Meet The Adderlys: a tierlist

Meet The Adderlys: a tierlist
[That tierlist is wrong in terms of Trent and Manitoba's ages-]
Age(s): (Geoff, Scott, and Bridgette are all 32, Sierra, Tyler, and Katie are 31, Dakota and Harold are 30, and Sammy's 26)
Geoff and Sierra's kids: Mike(19), Zoey (18), Jasmine (16), Shawn & Sky (15), Jacques, Josee, Duncan, and Izzy (14), Emma (12), Kitty (10), Ella (8), Lightning (6), Heather and Gwen (5), Tom, Jen, and Cody (4), Alejandro and Courtney (3), and Lindsay (2)
Dakota and Harold's Kids: Vito (17), Svetlana (16), Mal and Mike (14), and Manitoba (5)
Scott and Katie's Kids: Topher (14), Mary (4), Scarlett (3), and Ellody (2)
Sammy's kid: Trent (5)
Bridgette and Tyler's kid: Tyler (2)
Team Awesome: Jo (15), Gwen & Varian & SG (14), Chase (12)
Team E-Scope: Eva & Owen (16), Izzy's there but she's not in the tier and you know her age. Justin & Noah (9)
Jude (14)
Co-mayors: Beth and Bowie (29)
Law enforcement: MacArthur (31) and Sanders (30)
Not Included in tier: Vito's wife Anne-Maria (18), and kids [He asked for permission before this] Danika, Mitch, and Kacy (Age 1), Shawn's husband Trent (17), and kids [He, however, did not] Pyra and Nolan (Both 11 months, already talking and menaces-), Bridgette's daughter Brianna (9 months old), Gwen's 2nd grade friends (Gwen and Heather got moved up to 2nd grade): Leshawna (7) and Bridgette (6). Oh and them in the future but this post is already so long-
submitted by JaydenBuchanan to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:23 Pharmacy_Duck All Inside No 9 cast appearances in Doctor Who

I did a version of this list a couple of series back, but now the cast lists for the last two episodes are up, this should now be definitive. I've stuck to the TV series and its associated shows only, as going into audio series would be too much of a deep dive (but see the addendum).
· Reece Shearsmith: Sleep No More (as Rasmussen), An Adventure in Space and Time (as Patrick Troughton)
· Steve Pemberton: Silence in the Library and The Forest of the Dead (as Strackman Lux)
· Anne Reid: The Curse of Fenric (as Nurse Crane), Smith and Jones (as Florence Finnegan)
A Quiet Night In:
· Kayvan Novak: The Time of the Doctor (as Handles (voice))
Last Gasp:
· Tamsin Greig: The Long Game (as Nurse)
The Understudy:
· Jo Stone-Fewings: Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways (as Davitch Pavale)
The Harrowing:
· Helen McCrory: The Vampires of Venice (as Rosanna Calvierri)
· Sean Buckley: The Wedding of River Song (as the Barman)
La Couchette:
· Julie Hesmondhaigh: Kerblam! (as Judy Maddox)
· Mark Benton: Rose (as Clive)
· Jessica Gunning: Partners in Crime (as Stacey Campbell)
The 12 Days of Christine:
· Tom Riley: Robot of Sherwood (as Robin Hood)
· Paul Copley: Torchwood: Children of Earth (as Clement McDonald)
The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge:
· David Warner: Cold War (as Professor Grisenko)
· Paul Kaye: Under the Lake and Before the Flood (as Prentis)
· Trevor Cooper: Revelation of the Daleks (as Lilt), Robot of Sherwood (as Friar Tuck)
Cold Comfort:
· Nikki Amukka-Bird: Twice Upon a Time (as The Testimony/Helen Clay), TW – Sleeper (as Beth Halloran)
· Tony Way: Deep Breath (as Derek)
· Vilma Hollingbery: The Doctor Dances (as Mrs Harcourt)
Nana’s Party:
· Claire Skinner: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (as Madge Arwell)
Séance Time:
· Dan Starkey: recurring role as Strax, various appearances as other Sontarans, Last Christmas (as Ian the Elf), The Sarah Jane Adventures – The Man Who Never Was (as Plark)
The Devil of Christmas:
· Rula Lenska: Resurrection of the Daleks (as Stiles)
· Jessica Raine: Hide (as Emma Grayling), AAISAT (as Verity Lambert)
· Derek Jacobi: Utopia (as Professor Yana/The Master)
The Bill:
· Jason Watkins: Nightmare in Silver (as Webley)
Empty Orchestra:
· Tamzin Outhwaite: Nightmare in Silver (as Captain Alice Ferrin)
Diddle Diddle Dumpling:
· Keeley Hawes: Time Heist (as Ms. Delphox/Madame Karabraxos)
Private View:
· Felicity Kendal: The Unicorn and the Wasp (as Lady Clemency Eddison)
· Peter Kay: Love & Monsters (as Victor Kennedy/The Abzorbaloff)
· Bill Paterson: Victory of the Daleks and The Pandorica Opens (as Professor Edwin Bracewell)
· Kevin Eldon: It Takes You Away (as Ribbons)
And the Winner Is….:
· Noel Clarke: series regular as Mickey Smith
· Zoe Wanamaker: The End of the World and New Earth (as Cassandra)
· Fenella Woolgar: The Unicorn and the Wasp (as Agatha Christie)
The Referee’s a W\**er*:
· David Morrisey: The Next Doctor (as Jackson Lake)
· Steve Speirs: Aliens of London and World War Three (as Strickland/Sip Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen)
· Ralf Little: Smile (as Steadfast)
Death Be Not Proud:
· Jenna Coleman: series regular as Clara Oswald/ variants
· David Bamber: Mummy on the Orient Express (as Captain Quell)
· Tom Goodman-Hill: The Unicorn and the Wasp (as Reverend Golightly)
Thinking Out Loud:
· Phil Davis: The Fires of Pompeii (as Lucius Petrus Dextrus)
Wuthering Heist:
· Paterson Joseph: Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways (as Rodrick)
Simon Says:
· Lindsay Duncan: The Waters of Mars (as Adelaide Brooke)
Hurry Up and Wait:
· Pauline McLynn: Eve of the Daleks (as Mary)
How Do You Plead?:
· [see The Devil of Christmas for Derek Jacobi]
Last Night of the Proms:
· Julian Glover: The Crusade (as King Richard the Lionheart), City of Death (as Scaroth/splinters)
· Sarah Parish: The Runaway Bride (as the Empress of the Racnoss)
Merrily, Merrily:
· Mark Gatiss: The Lazarus Experiment (as Professor Lazarus), Victory of the Daleks and A Good Man Goes to War (as "Danny Boy" (voice) [uncredited]), The Wedding of River Song (as Gantok [uncredited]), Twice Upon a Time (as The Captain), multiple writing credits including AAISAT
Mr King:
· Annette Badland: Aliens of London, World War Three and Boom Town (as Margaret Blaine/Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen)
Nine Lives Kat:
· Sophie Okenodo: The Beast Below (as Liz 10)
· Daisy Haggard: The Lodger and Closing Time (as Sophie)
· Daniel Mays: Night Terrors (as Alex)
A Random Act of Kindness:
· Jessica Hynes: Human Nature and The Family of Blood (as Joan Redfern), The End of Time Part Two (as Verity Newman)
Wise Owl:
· Ron Cook: The Idiot’s Lantern (as Mr Magpie)
The Bones of St Nicholas:
· Simon Callow: The Unquiet Dead and The Wedding of River Song (as Charles Dickens)
· Shobna Gulati: recurring role as Najia Khan
Mother’s Ruin:
· Anita Dobson: recurring role as Mrs Flood
· Samantha Spiro: The Doctor Falls (as Hazran)
Love is a Stranger:
· Claire Rushbrook: The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit (as Ida Scott)
· Frances Barber: recurring role as Madam Kovarian
3 by 3:
· Lee Mack: Kerblam! (as Dan Cooper)
The Last Weekend:
· Sheila Reid: Vengeance on Varos (as Etta), The Time of the Doctor and Dark Water (as Gran)
Boo To A Goose:
· Siobhan Finneran: The Witchfinders (as Becka Savage)
· Mark Bonnar: The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People (as Jimmy/ganger Jimmy)
Mulberry Close:
· Vinette Robinson: 42 (as Abi Lerner), Rosa (as Rosa Parks)
· Adrian Scarborough: A Town Called Mercy (as Kahler-Jex)
· Katherine Kelly: Class series regular as Miss Quill · Angus Wright: SJAThe Vault of Secrets (as Mr Dread)
As an addendum, Sheridan Smith (The 12 Days of Christine), Hattie Morahan (Zanzibar), Nicola Walker (To Have and To Hold) and Siobhan Redmond (Nine Lives Kat) have all had recurring or regular roles with Big Finish.

submitted by Pharmacy_Duck to insideno9 [link] [comments]


[MEGATHREAD] GOSSIP GIRL SEASON 3 MAGAZINE POSTERS AND REFERENCES EP 1-11 submitted by amazingfluentbadger to mikesmic [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:51 blueishbeaver What's On - Thurs Fri Sat Sun (Mostly Fri-Sun) - Reconciliation Week - CHECK IT OUT!

Hello Brisbane!

It's National Reconciliation Week and apparently it's International Running Day or Week or something, I don't know.
Please take a moment to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which we live.
Heaps on. The Gig Guide will be posted tomorrow, meanwhile, enjoy all the city has to offer with this exhaustive list of fun shit to do. As always, I'm just putting together lists and some people really put nothing on their event pages. It's up to you to follow up and check out.
This takes a while to put together so please, donate to my PayPal. Or not. Up to you.
What: Practilonga (Tango Dance) Where: Alma De Tango Escuela at 45 Balaclava St, Woolloongabba When: Sat June 1, Every Saturday, 1800-1930 Info:
What: Balboa with Leigh and Lindsay (Swing Patrol Brisbane) Where: West End Uniting Church, 11 Sussex St When: Saturday 1015 - 1315 Info: $45
What: Aurora DrillDance Open Day Where: Coffee Club DFO When: Sat 1100 - 1300 Info: Aurora DrillDance Club is looking for members of all ages to join their Club. Come along to The Coffee Club at DFO to find out more.
What: Brisbane Swing Thing Picnic Where: Kangaroo Point Cliffs When: Sat 1300 - 1600 Info:
What: FUNdraising Family Night with CM Dance Where: Carina Bowls Club, 349 Stanley Rd When: Sat 1730 Info: Family from $25
What: Latin Dance Night Where: East Brisbane State School, 56 Wellington Rd When: Saturday 1930 - 0000 Info: Prepaid or CASH ONLY on the door $18
What: Broncos Dance Academy 2024 (5 to 17 years old) Where: TAFE QLD Mt. Gravatt When: Sun 0900 - 1100 or 1200 - 1400 Info: NB: This link didn't work for me, try other contact details on the page
What: Secret Roller Disco Sunday - FREE Where: King Street Rooftop Parking, 2 King St, Bowen Hills When: Sunday 1630 - 1930 Info: Skate hire $10
What: Zouk Sundays - Brazil Flood Relief Fundraiser Where: Paddington Hall When: Sun 1700 Info:
What: BLUE by Thomas Weatherall Where: La Boite Theatre, 6 - 8 Musk Ave, Kelvin Grove Synopsis and Tickets:
What: A Midsummer Nights Dream Where: Brisbane Arts Theatre, 210 Petrie Tce When: Fri and Sat 2000 - 2230 Info: Tickets from $25
What: Brisbane City Pops Orchestra Where: 41 Brookfield Road, Kenmore When: Sat 1400 Info:
New exhibits (freebies, too!) at Powerhouse:
What: The Sound Society Where: Roma St Parklands When: Sunday 1100 - 1400 Info: Free, Pets, Licensed
What: Brisbane Writer's Festival Where: State Library Queensland When: From Thursday Info:
What: Melbourne Long Weekend Photo Tour Where: 3 Day, 2 Night Melbourne When: Fri - Sun Info: $1250
What: Government House Open Day Where: 168 Fernberg Road When: Sat 1100 Info:
What: Chrome Street Fiesta Where: 11 Chrome St When: Sat 1500 - 0000 Info:
Museum of Brisbane features many free and ticketed events Check out what's on here:
What: Finger Knitting Throwdown w Annika Strand Where: Dome Gallery, L3 City Hall When: Sat 1000 - 1400 Info: Free, more info:
QLD Musuem Kurilpa
What: Australian Bird Series: Magpie Watercolour with Lesley Wallington Where: QLD Musuem Kurilpa When: Sat 0930 - 1630 Info: $190
What: NGURRUWARRA / DERNDERNYIN: Stone Fish Traps of the Wellesley Islands When: May to Nov Info: Free
What: Jurassic World by Brickman When: Until 14th July Info: Family from $84
What: Insect Agency When: Until 7th July Info: Free
What: Scrapbooking Workshop Where: Holy Spirit Anglican Church, 362 Algester Road When: Sat 0900 Info: $35 on the door.
What: Wire Wrapped Gemstone Cuff Class - SOLD OUT Where: 66 Deagon St, Sandgate When: Sat 1400 Info: $50
What: Perfume Making Workshop Where: Camp Hill Antique When: Sun 1100 Info: $25 RSVP on 0452599227
What: Care Kit Crafters Where: 147 Samuel St, Camp Hill When: 0900 Info: Craft Circle Volunteers
What: Open Mic at The Parlour Where: 209 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley When: Thurs 1900 Info: FREE
What: The Micetro - Sunday Funday Improv Where: BackDock Arts - 103 Brunswick St When: Sun 1800 - 1900 Info: $19
What: Bloodhound Comedy Gang Where: Bloodhound Bar When: Sun 1830 - 2030 Info: Free to book, reservations limited
What: Sophie McCartney - Tried & Tested Where: Brisbane Powerhouse When: Sun 1930 Info: $50
Sit Down Comedy Club - Tickets from $25 The Paddo Tavern - 186 Given Terrace, Paddington
What: The Mitzi Project When: Thurs 1900
What: Friday Double Feature When: Fri 2000
What: Lewis Spears - It's Over For You When: Sat 1800
What: Jacques Barrett When: Sat 2015
Big Fork Theare - Tickets start from $12 252 St. Pauls Tce
What: Cage Match: Improv Comedy Showdown When: Thursday 1900 - 2030
What: Friday Improv Show When: 1930 - 2100
What: The Scene - Student Graduation Show When: Sat 1700 - 1800
What: The Tuning Forks: An Improv Musical When: Sat 1900 - 2030
What: Group Mind - Student Graduation Show When: Sun 1700 - 1800
What: Get It Inya: Experimental Sketch Comedy When: Sun 1900 - 2000
Good Chat Comedy Club - Tickets start from $15 52 Petrie Tce
What: Annie Boyle & Friends When: Thurs 1900 - 2000 Fri 1900 - 2030
What: Scout Boxall - Get Into It When: Thurs 2030 - 2130
What: Kate Dolan - A Different Kind Of Unhinged When: Fri 2100 - 2200
Saturday Night: Woody: Judged 1730 - 1830 Damien Power and Friends: 1900 - 2030 Fergus Neal - Saves The World: 2100 - 2200
What: Speed Dating 2.0 Fortitude Valley Where: The Waterloo When: Thurs 1900 Info: $Tickets
What: Sing on Social Where: Lefty's Music Hall When: Thurs 1900 Info: $30
What: Meze & Mimosa Where: Babylon Brisbane, 145 Eagle St When: Sat 1100 - 1230 Info: Bookings Essential, from $70
What: Slipstream Brewing 7th Birthday Where: 94 Wilkie St, Yeeronpilly When: Sat 1200 Info: Some free stuff, some not free stuff
What: Brewski Presents: Tallboy and Moose Where: Brewski, 22 Caxton St, Paddington When: Sat 1200 - 2300 Info: Beer Promo
What: Wines that Define - Long Lunch Where: Tillerman Seafood Restaurant, Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle St When: Saturday 1200-1600 Info: $169 non-members
What: Reserve Wine Bar Tasting Where: The Reserve Cellar, 267 Grey St, Southbank When: Sat - 1400 - 1600 Info: Stroll in and have a sip. MMAD Vineyards.
What: Community Workshop: Bushfoods In Your Backyard Where: 260 Cavendish Rd, Coorparoo When: Sat 1200 - 1400 Info: Free, RSVP
What: The Latin Directory 1st Birthday Party Where: L2 315 Brunswick St, Valley When: Sat 1400 - 1700 Info: RSVP Tickets
What: Small Business Meetup Where: Brisbane Square Library When: Saturday 1400 Info: Free
What: Bowls for Books Where: Merthyr Bowls Club, 60 Oxlade Dr When: Sat 1500 - 1900 Info: $55
What: Voulez-Cruise - Mamma Mia Boat Party Where: New Farm River Hub When: Sat 1900 Info: ONE ticket left
What: The Real Drag Queen of Morningside Where: The Colmslie Hotel When: Sat 1830 - 2130 Info: $55
What: Sundays @ Reef: Music, Seafood, Drinks Where: 76 Skyring Tce, Teneriffe When: Sunday at 1400 Info: Book or Walk-In
What: Brisbears Sunday Social (LGBT) Where: Brunswick Hotel, New Farm When: Sun 1400 - 1700 Info: Inclusive event
What: South Brisbane Cemetery Cleaning Day Where: 21 Fairfield Road, Dutton Park When: Sun 0915 - 1200 Info:
What: Coffee and Conversations for Change - Climate Justice Where: Badminton Brew, 36 Badminton St When: Sun 1000 - 1130 Info: Oxfam
Free fitness classes are back at Southbank! Early morning and evening, program:
Brisbane Marathon is on - Watch out for Road Closures Many events sold out
UFC 302 Makhachev Vs Poirier A few places listed events for the match
Finn McCools - Valley Bunpin Bar - Sandgate Lord Alfred - Paddington Hamilton Hotel - Hamilton
What: Kootha Krew Brisbane Track Runners Where: Hoop Pine Picnic Area When: Thurs 0500 Info:
What: Rooftop Meditation & Mental Health Fundraiser Where: 15 Wyandra Street, Teneriffe When: Thurs 1730 Info:
What: Nobuo Takase 7th Dan Shiahn Open Training Where: 1 Herbert St, Paddington When: Sat and Sun from 0900 Info: Half Day, Full Day, Weekend pricing
What: Annual Onesie Park Run Where: Southbank When: Sat 0645 - 0830 Info:
What: Last Chance Obstacle Training Where: Centenary Playground, 79 Bellwood St, Darra When: Saturday 0700 - 1100 Info: Bookings Essential.
What: Yoga for Beginners Where: Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds When: Sat 1100 - 1215 Info: No pricing listed. More info:
What: Meditation for Beginners Where: Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds When: Sat 1245 - 1400 Info: No pricing listed. More info:
What: New to Water Polo - U10 or U12 Where: Yeronga Park Swimming Complex When: Sunday from 0800 Info:
What: Winter Races - Ladbrokes Derby Day Where: 442 Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton When: Sat 1600 - 2200 Info:
What: Dodgebow Public Event Where: Mt Gravatt Showgrounds When: Sat 1830 Info: Min 10yo Age
What: Electric Bike Brisbane Owners Where: 26 Douglas St, Milton When: Sat 0800 Info: Free, new attendees must register. Members only.
What: Social Volleyball Game - All Levels Where: QUT Health Clinics, 54 Musk Ave When: Sat 1630 - 1830 Info: $17
What: Brisbane Dawn Nav - Series 12 Bonus Road Where: Cheeky Bean Espresso Bar, 208 Montague Road, West End When: Sun 0620 Info: Read up on all the details here:
What: QLD Firebirds vs. Adelaide Thunderbirds Netball Match Where: Nissan Arena, Nathan When: Sun 1400 Info: from $19
New Farm Cinema
It's Such A Beautiful Day - QLD Premiere Sat 1915
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion Sat 1900
Aguirre, the Wrath of God Sun 1430
20 Days in Mariupol - Charity Fundraiser Sun 1400
Palace Cinema The German Film Festival is closing this week. The Spanish Film Festival is coming soon. Click here for more retro and special events:
What: National Theatre Live Where: Palace Cinema James St When: Screening Wed (1800),Thurs, Fri (1420) Info:
What: FREE LGBT Movie: Equal The Contest Where: West End Library When: Thurs 1800 Info:
What: Willy Wonka - Girl Guides Fundraiser Where: Yeronga Girl Guides When: Sat 1700 Info: Free entry, food and bev available on the night
What: Gravel Road Where: Dendy Coorparoo When: Sunday at 1700 Info: With live performance
What: Banff Mountain Film Festival 2024 Where: Powerhouse When: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat Info:
Vault Games, Queen Street are hosting a variety of games workshops this weekend
What: Lorcana - First Chapter - Starter Deck & Learn to Play When: Saturday 1000 $40
What: Lorcana - First Chapter - Sealed Event When: Saturday 1200 $90
What: Lorcana - First Chapter - Draft Event When: Sunday 1400 $70
What: Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - General Painting Week When: Sunday 1000
What: Board Game Nights @ Lucky Cat Cafe Where: 667 Ipswich Road Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Queensland 4103 When: Thurs 1800-2100 Info: 18+, Free Parking, Contact for info regarding bookings
What: Beer Garden Trivia Where: The Wickham When: 1900 Info: Pet friendly, register before the event
What: RuPaul's Drag Race Trivia Where: Newstead Social When: Thursday 1900 Info: Booking Recommended
What: AFL QLD Umpires Union Trivia Night Where: Westside HQ - 3 Clewley St Corinda When: Sat 1830 Info:
What: Dungeons and Flagons Where: The Alliance Hotel, Spring Hill When: Sunday 1400 Info:
What: Themed Trivia Sundays at The Hop and Pickle Where: 6e Little Stanley St, South Brisbane When: Sunday 1800 Info: BACK TO THE FUTURE! Bookings:
What: Orange Sherbet Boutique - Women's Fashion Grand Opening Where: 111 Bay Tce, Wynnum When: Sat 0900 Info:
What: Korean Colour Analysis - Grand Opening Where: Albion When: Bookings Only Info:
What: Succulent Backyard Sale Where: 9 Keppel St, Boondal When: Sat 0900 - 1200 Info:
What: Cherrie Baby Warehouse Sale - Baby and Kidswear Where: 46 Douglas St, Milton When: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun Info: Check for times
What: VRG GRL 2 Day Sale Where: New Farm State School, 188A Heal Street When: Sat 0900 - 1500, Sun 0900 - 1400 Info: BYO Bags, Cash + EFT, Nothing over $40
What: YOUKNOW. CLOTHING Where: 282 Wickham St, Valley When: Sat and Sun, 0900 - 2100 Info:
What: CARS AND FOOD! Quality Cars Brisbane 5th Birthday Where: 133 Sandgate Road, Albion When: Sat: 0800 - 1700 Info: RSVP Google Form, more info:
What: Rescue4Pets Where: Bunnings Keperra When: Sat 0900 - 1200 Info: Find a new 4 legged friend
What: Carseldine Markets Where: 532 Beams Road When: Every Sat, 0600 - 1200 Info: Corner Dorville + Beams Roads, Carseldine. ENTER from DORVILLE ROAD into Carpark
What: What We Design Markets Where: Coorparoo Square, 300 Old Cleveland Road When: Sat 0900 - 1300 Info:
What: Good News Lutheran School Fete Where: 49 Horizon Park, Middle Park When: Sat 1000 - 1600 Info:
What: June Markets at Polish Club Brisbane Where: 10 Marie St, Milton When: Sat 0900 - 1300 Info: Gold Coin Donation Entry (CASH)
What: Transforming Treasures - A Jewellery Affair Where: 101 Allen St, Hamilton When: Sat 0900 - 1500 Info:
What: Upcycled Market Where: 57 Skyring Terrace, Newstead When: Sat 1000 - 1400 Info:
What: Nundah by Night Where: Station St, Nundah When: Sat 1600 Info: $3 Entry, free parking, 120 Stalls
What: June Sunday Farm Day Where: 175 Hawkesbury Rd, Moggill When: Sun 1000 - 1230 Info:
What: Second Life Markets Where: 23 Glenelg St When: Sun 1030 - 1500 Info: Tickets from $15 for the whole day
What: Abbeville Street Community Food Swap Where: 8 Kingsway St, Upper Mt Gravatt When: Sun 0800 - 0900 Info:
What: Plant Empire Winter Market Where: 3/281 Station Road, Yeerongpilly When: Sun 0900 - 1300 Info:
What: Suitcase Rummage Brisbane City Where: Brisbane Square When: Sunday 1200 Info:
What: Her Wardrobe Markets Where: Mt Gravatt Showgrounds When: Sun 0800 Info:
What: Cameraholics Camera Fair Where: 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor When: Sun 0930 Info: $5 Entry, Cash or Card
What: Bardon Mayfair State School Mayfair Where: 330 Simpsons Rd, Bardon When: Sunday 1000 - 1500, Music and Drinks until 1800 Info:
What: Pagoni Fashion Show Where: 86 Bridge St When: Sun 1200 - 1500 Info:
What: Festa Italiana - Weekend 2 Where: Howard Smith Wharves When: Thurs 1600, Friday 1600, Saturday 1200, Sunday 1200 Info:
What: Ramen w Rina Where: echo&bounce When: Thurs 1800-2100 Info:
What: Winter Social Bottomless Brunch - Hey Chica! Where: Hey Chica! 14/315 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley When: Sat 1200 - 1400, Sun 1430 - 1630 Info: $90pp
What: Maggie's Bottomless Brunch Club Where: Maggie May, 84 Longland St, Newstead When: Every Sat, 1100 - 1300 Info: From $85
What: Bottomless Brunch @ The Wickham Where: Wickham Hotel When: Sat 1130 - 1400 Info:
What: Bottomless Brunch @ Covent Garden Where: 140 Boundary Street, West End When: Fri and Sat 1100 Info: From $49 - Bookings recommended
What: Anime Cosplay Night - Mt. Gravatt Street Food Where: Mt. Gravatt Showgrounds When: Sat 1600 Info: $3 Entry
What: Cars and Coffee Where: 32 Turbo Dr, Coorparoo When: 0630 Info:
What: Asian Street Food Cooking Class Where: Vanilla Zulu Culinary Adventures, Teneriffe When: Sunday 1000 - 1330 Info: 20% Code available
What: All You Can Eat Sundays at American Diner Co. Where: 1/318 Wardell St, Enoggera When: Sunday from 1630 Info: $35 w/ drink purchase
What: Eat Street North Shore Where: 221D Macarthur Ave, Hamilton When: Sun 1900 - 2045 Info:
submitted by blueishbeaver to brisbane [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:34 JakeClipz Personal Ranking of all TD and RR characters

submitted by JakeClipz to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:32 DidYouKnowImGinger Total Drama Character Tierlist :)

Total Drama Character Tierlist :) submitted by DidYouKnowImGinger to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:00 AutoModerator ON RECOVERY - Stories, advice and healthier perspective

Recovery from BDD might sometimes feel like a distant goal that seems, at times, impossible to achieve. But many people recover from BDD or learn to reduce the symptoms to the point where they don't play a role in their everyday life. Remember that a mental disorder is not a life long sentence but rather something that can be managed and recovered from.
Here we have collected a set of stories and advice on what recovery looks like and how others have gotten there.
Watch personal stories
Read personal stories
Professional advice
Healthier perspective
submitted by AutoModerator to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:39 Original_A Podcast Summary 05

Episode 05 Summary - no guest
Everything in quotations is something one of them said (or talking about what a third person said, it'll be clear though).
They talked about: - tammin: "can you (Lindsay) not ever be not honest? Is that a version I can choose like multiple choice?" 💀💀 - Tammin: "my narrative (as a child growing up) was like ' don't show your suffering ' " - tammin used to carry Xanax in her bra (edit: when working on pll) bc she was afraid of panicking/having panic attacks - she never took one though because was also afraid of it making her calm - tammin: "[...] I once took a Xanax and I actually got panicky because I didn't feel anxious." - started discussing episode 1x05, but went off trail for a while - Lindsay would absolutely leave someone if they cheated on her with an affair (this came up bc of the Ella & Byron storyline) - Tammin said she would probably be able to look past her husband cheating if it was a single incident, otherwise (with multiple incidents) she finds it difficult - tammin: "I think there's many loves of your life; many soulmates" - tammin: "the cheating is a symptom of something (in the relationship) that is broken." - Lindsay has never been in a healthy relationship - Lindsay doesn't know if she'll ever want children - tammin's transition from being a more selfish person to a more selfless one because of her kids - tammin's eldest daughter is a mirror of the best and worst of herself, tammin: "my second (daughter) is uncontrollable in the best way" - troian's husband being on the show, Lindsay thinks his character was a weird, random one-off character (Ezra's College friend) - about Ezra being weird af, they addressed him being an authority figure - Lindsay: "It's strange, the way he (Ezra) goes back and forth with a highschool student" - Spencer stealing Melissa's essay - Lindsay: "You're (Spencer's) whining out in several areas. You're copying an essay, you're sleeping with your sister's (boyfriend). She's so messy."- okay what?! Those two things are noooot comparable (and also wrong, thank the stars Wren didn't sleep with Spencer!) at all 🤢 - Lindsay thinks the writers didn't know where Spencer was going as a character (which is why she was "so messy") - Lindsay thinks they (the writers) were just trying to get from plot to plot in the most salacious/sensational way - Lindsay: "Spencer has an impulse control disorder, that's how they paint her in these first few episodes" - they think the show is more plot than character driven - Wren coming into Spencer's house drunk, Lindsay: "that was the stupidest scene I've ever seen 💀" - Lindsay: "they (Spencer and wren) at least should've kissed" how is she anti ezria but then?? - tammin mentioned Spencer's age (16) and Lindsay kind of changed her opinion? Lindsay (after tammin said the age): "🤢wren is written disgusting, he's just written gross" - tammin said Julian Morris (Wren Kingston) is such a sweet guy - Kate and the dinner storyline, Lindsay thought she was funny - Lindsay would hold an unreasonable resentment and be wary if she had a stepsister - Lindsay has a younger half brother, whom her dad abuse horribly (resulting in things like the half brother peeing on the carpet) - tammin likes the relationship between Aria and Ella - they really seem to like Holly Marie Combs, they think she's grounded, low-key and cool/down to earth. Lindsay was starstruck by her
Memorable/funny quotes: - tammin: "I think there's many loves of your life; many soulmates" - tammin: "the cheating is a symptom of something (in the relationship) that is broken." - Lindsay: "It's strange, the way he (Ezra) goes back and forth with a highschool student" - Tammin (about Lindsey playing some mobile app): "What do you have to do?"; Lindsey: "You literally match shapes together and get rid of all the things you're supposed to break on the level. 🤔"; "Tammin: Tetris? 😆"
submitted by Original_A to PrettyLittleLiars [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 11:01 AutoModerator Yolande Norris-Clark - AKA @bauhauswife - Week Of May 27, 2024

Yolande Norris-Clark, baby collector and pregnancy fetishist, is currently awaiting the orgasmic arrival of her latest spawn with @leeomfire, anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist with an apparent breeder kink.
Yolande is a fan favorite of Angela Sumner and Lindsay Marie Hillegas and routinely speaks out against clinical obstetric care.
Snark away, kittens! 😽
submitted by AutoModerator to HunSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 11:00 AutoModerator Angela Faith Sumner (AKA THE OG QUEEN WITCH) + Lindsay Marie Hillegas SNARK - Week Of May 27, 2024

Do not encourage anyone to contact anyone and do not discuss or post any communication that you may have had with either of these individuals. Keep it factual and as always, the HunSnark rules apply.
submitted by AutoModerator to HunSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 23:09 EmmalynRenato SFF books coming in June 2024

SFF here means all speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, alternate history, magical realism etc).
The following SFF books will be published in the U.S. in June 2024. Other countries may differ.
If you know of others, please add them as comments below. If I've made any mistakes, just let me know, and I'll fix them up.
The published book formats are included with each entry (mostly hardcover and/or trade paperback with the occasional ebook). This information is obtained from the isfdb website which lists one format type for each entry but mostly omits ebook entries. If it's a new hardcover and/or trade paperback book, it's very likely that an ebook is also coming out at the same time.
If you are using the Chrome browser, you might find the Goodreads Right Click extension useful, to find out more information on books that you are interested in:

(A) - Anthology
(C) - Collection
(CB) - Chapbook
(GN) - Graphic Novel
(N) - Novel
(NF) - Nonfiction
(O) - Omnibus
(R) - Reprint
(YA) - Young Adult and Juvenile
[eb] - eBook
[hc] - Hardcover
[tp] - Trade Paperback

June 1
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 30

Edit1: Added in horror books listed on Emily C. Hughes' blog that I didn't already have (tag #ehh)
Edit2: Added in books from the June io9 SF/Fantasy list that I didn't already have (tag #io9).

Previous "SFF books coming ..." posts have been collected here. (Thank you mods).

Main Sources
submitted by EmmalynRenato to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:43 merrilyrollinalong Merrily We Roll Along (05/22 Matinee)

Merrily We Roll Along (05/22 Matinee)
How did you get to be here?
My girlfriend and I had a visit to NYC on short notice this past week. We debated on what to see but made the decision to see Merrily for a second time (our first being last October). We absolutely loved it the first time despite some bad audience members and it was honestly our favorite show.
Until this past Wednesday.
This past Wednesday matinee performance of Merrily now stands as our all-time favorite live theater performance. We've been fortunate to see many shows together the last two years on Broadway, touring Broadway productions, and local theater too. However, this production of Merrily stands as the epitome of live theater.
We didn't get a chance to see Lindsay Mendez our first time attending, but the wonderful Jamila Sabares-Klemm played a terrific Mary Flynn. However, all the stars were aligned and everyone was in attendance this past Wednesday. Jonathan Groff, Daniel Radcliffe, and Lindsay Mendez individually are all wonderful performers but on stage together they are truly something special. They are true real good friends and it shines throughout in their performances. The rest of the cast was phenomenal as well.
The world can be such a strange place. Last than three years ago I barely knew who Stephen Sondheim was much less the breadth of work he completed. Now I can't help but mourn the loss of an incredible individual. This production of Merrily is the equivalent of hearing Moonlight Sonata and realizing you walked the Earth at the same time as Beethoven. It makes you so feel so incredibly insignificant and yet there is such a power to it at the same time.
Live theater to me is in many ways the last bastion of authenticity as various forces attempts to push AI down our throats in every capacity of our life including now in the culture we consume. The beauty (and tragedy) of live theater to me is the fact it’s ephemeral. The performance you see on stage will never be 100% replicated again the same way after you’ve seen it. It’s like the equivalent of seeing a shooting star. Unless of course that star was Hamilton on Disney+
Both times we've attended Merrily I have certainly paid more for tickets than I ever thought I would for a live theater performance but not for a moment did I doubt whether it was worth it.
I hope if you haven't had an opportunity to see the show yet that you get the chance to before it closes. Whether you get a chance or not to see this production, I hope you will get the chance to see something that will remind you of your love for live theater like this production of Merrily did for us.
submitted by merrilyrollinalong to Broadway [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 09:38 suckingvibrator420 Lindsay Marie Brewer - Racecar Driver

Lindsay Marie Brewer - Racecar Driver submitted by suckingvibrator420 to celebrityhairfetish [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 14:00 AutoModerator ON RECOVERY - Stories, advice and healthier perspective

Recovery from BDD might sometimes feel like a distant goal that seems, at times, impossible to achieve. But many people recover from BDD or learn to reduce the symptoms to the point where they don't play a role in their everyday life. Remember that a mental disorder is not a life long sentence but rather something that can be managed and recovered from.
Here we have collected a set of stories and advice on what recovery looks like and how others have gotten there.
Watch personal stories
Read personal stories
Professional advice
Healthier perspective
submitted by AutoModerator to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:53 Prestigious_Bag_6173 All The Moving Parts Tony Award Nominations Talk (Video)

If you're missing Theatre Talk this is a passable replacement, although I miss the always amusing Michael Reidel, Susan Haskins, Michael Musto, and Jesse Green.
Here Patrick Pacheco hosts a respectful show with guests Sara Holdren (New York Magazine/Vulture, Adam Feldman (TimeOut) and Jan Simpson (podcaster).
Based on their comments from the video, I made a breakdown of the Critics' Predictions from the video:
submitted by Prestigious_Bag_6173 to Broadway [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 11:55 King_Dinosaur_1955 60 Years Ago Today: "Come Wander With Me" premiered

60 Years Ago Today:
[Swipe left for more photos]
(See photos #1 and #2)
This episode was the last Twilight Zone filmed from the original series.
Writer of this Twilight Zone episode was Anthony Wilson. Wilson was the creator of the mid-1960s TV series 'Land of the Giants' and 'The Invaders', along with developing 'Planet of the Apes' for television in the mid-1970s.
Anthony Wilson full writing and story editor career credits -- text only
The song playing throughout the episode "Come Wander with Me" was created by Jeff Alexander (musical score) and Anthony Wilson (lyrics). Bonnie Beecher performed the song.
LINKS TO THE SONG -- Original and cover versions
"Come Wander With Me" performed by Bonnie Beecher on acoustic guitar -- audio only 3-minute YouTube video
The original song was used in a 2006 Dutch insurance commercial. RVS Insurance commercial 1-minute YouTube video
Live cover version of "Come Wander With Me" released in 2020 by the Netherlands band 'Pitou' 2-minute YouTube video
Longer cover version with extra lyrics by singer Sheng Moua 4.5-minute YouTube video
The song was used in the third episode of the Netflix miniseries 'Baby Reindeer'.
"Bonnie, Why'd You Cut My Hair?" early Bob Dylan song snippet -- audio only 1.5-minute YouTube clip
[Note: Read the backstory of this song within the description of the YouTube video while listening]
Bonnie Beecher rarely allows interviews unless it serves a greater purpose to inform and educate people about social issues. Here are a couple of of interviews, decades apart, where Beecher (now Romney) talks about her early relationship with Bob Dylan and their interest in exposing the conditions that Woody Guthrie (leader of the folk music genre which heavily promoted American socialism and decried fascism) endured locked in a psychiatric hospital during his final years of life. Guthrie died in 1967 at the age of 55.
Beecher / Romney interview from the early 1990s about Bob Dylan prior to visiting Woody Guthrie 1-minute YouTube clip
2019 interview with Jahanara Romney -- formerly Bonnie Beecher -- on her observations on Woody Guthrie's living conditions during his final years 22.5-minute YouTube video
Closing the folk music revival of the 1960s loop with this segue video on Woody Guthrie. The Life and Death of musician and activist Woody Guthrie 12-minute YouTube video
Personal observation: In a way, this episode is a representation of the quick rise and fall of the 1960s folk music revival. 'Mary Rachel' is a purist. She feels the music is personal and shouldn't be exploited for profit. 'Floyd Burney' is a hardcore capitalist seeking to milk audiences under the guise of sincerity. The music means nothing to him except as a way to cash-in and make a quick buck while popularity of the music style is hot.
By the mid-1960s, performers of folk music were turning on each other as being shallow exploitation artists. Woody Guthrie was attributed (according to Dylan fans) with saying "Pete Seeger is a singer of folk songs, but Bob Dylan is a folksinger". Meanwhile Pete Seeger was rumored to wanting to sabotage Dylan's electric performance at the 1965 Newport Jazz Festival saying "Man, if I had an axe I’d cut the cable right now. I really was that mad.” Paul Simon's song "A Simple Desultory Philippic Or How I Was Robert McNamara'd Into Submission" was a savaging of Dylan complete with a mocking vocal parody. As history reveals, everything changed when Dylan went electric. It was downhill from there. End of Personal Observation
(See photo #3 and #4)
Born Bonnie Beecher on April 25, 1941(now going by Jahanara Romney) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Beecher briefly dated Bob Dylan in early 1960 before Dylan gained notoriety. Some of Dylan's earliest recordings were taped at Beecher's home.
Beecher's television debut was in 1964 on "Come Wander With Me". Bonnie Beecher began picking up guest starring roles on a dozen series ending in 1968 on Star Trek's "Spectre Of The Gun".
On May 22nd 1967, Bonnie Beecher married Hugh Romney (known as 'Wavy Gravy'). The two helped form what was referred to as The Hog Farm which was the first hippie commune on wheels and acted as the security force at the 1969 Woodstock Festival.
"Saint Misbehavin' : The Wavy Gravy Movie" trailer
Both Hugh and Jahanara Romney are living (now in their 80s) and are maintaining charitable non-profits while still embracing their core hippie ideological beliefs.
Bonnie Beecher's full acting career credits -- text only
(See photo #5)
Gary Crosby was born on June 27th 1933 in Los Angels, California. The first child of Dixie Lee and world renowned entertainer Bing Crosby.
The Bing and Gary Crosby duet "Play A Simple Melody" recorded in 1950 became the first record to sell a million copies and became the first double-sided gold record 3-minute YouTube audio only (paired with the flipside "Sam's Song")
Gary Crosby started his entertainment career as a singer (along with his brothers bore by Dixie Lee), but Gary knew that he would never step out from under Bing Crosby's monolithic crooning shadow.
Of Gary Crosby's experience on Twilight Zone he told a reporter for Tele-Views in 1964 "this episode let me do a little bit of acting instead of saying lines and running for my life". Actors never got a pre-screening of their own Twilight Zone episodes. Gary continued in the same article "I'm waiting to see it. I'll either have pride in myself or run and hide out. I'm praying. But I think it came off pretty good."
On Gary's casting in this episode, director Richard Donner stated in a 1981 issue of 'The Twilight Zone Magazine' that "Gary Crosby's agent sent him in to us at a time when we were considering someone totally different. He had practically memorized the script before he came into my office. He did a reading for me that was so brilliant that I immediately said 'that's it -- Gary Crosby'. He's a very flexible, very good actor."
Gary Crosby's two longest acting roles were as a scheming bellhop on 'The Bill Dana Show' (1963-1964) and unhip, antagonistic police officer Ed Wells on 'Adam-12' (1968-1975).
Gary Crosby burnt down bridges with fans and the entertainment industry with his tell-all book "Going My Own Way" published in 1983. In the autobiography Gary revealed his famous father to be physically and emotionally abusive to his children. All of the salacious stories came out six years after Bing Crosby's death. Gary Crosby's career went ice cold after the publication.
(See photo #6)
Gary Crosby died of lung cancer in Burbank, California August 24th 1995 at the age of 62. It should be noted that two of Gary's younger brothers, Lindsay and Dennis, both committed suicide by firearms at the age of 51 and 56 in 1989 and 1991.
Gary Crosby's full acting career credits -- text only
(See photo #7)
Hank Patterson was born October 9th 1888 in Springville, Alabama. Patterson originally wanted to be a serious piano player by settled as a vaudevillian piano man to earn money.
Hank Patterson didn't start his acting career until the age of 51 (uncredited in Roy Rogers' "The Arizona Kid" 1939. Patterson quickly became a sought after character actor in dozens of Western films and TV shows. In the 1950s Hank Patterson appeared in a handful of science fiction movies in bit parts.
Hank Patterson appeared in a total of three Twilight Zone episodes: "Kick The Can", "Ring-A-Ding Girl", and "Come Wander With Me".
Hank Patterson's immortal claim-to-fame was as the hayseed farmer, Fred Ziffel, raising Arnold the pig as his own child on CBS' rural comedy trilogy 'Petticoat Junction' / 'Green Acres' / 'The Beverly Hillbillies'.
By the mid-1960s, Hank Patterson was completely deaf but extremely popular as 'Fred Ziffel' that the Green Acres cast and creators accommodated the impairment. A character Patterson portrayed from 1963 to 1971.
Hank Patterson died August 23rd, 1975 at the age of 86.
Brief Hank Patterson history and career highlights 2.5-minute YouTube clip
Hank Patterson full acting career -- text only
(See photo #8)
This was the last of six Twilight Zone episodes directed by Richard Donner. All six were shot in the fifth and final season of the original Twilight Zone run.
Donner stated "When we filmed that particular episode, I had just seen 'Sunday In Seville' and I insisted that the entire thing have that misty, backwoods look. We had so much smoke in the back lot that the fire department came out; and then the production department got mad at us because we'd lose shots when the wind would come up."
The grave marker for 'Floyd Burney' was a recycled prop from "Mr. Garrity And The Graves". Burney's name was put on the back of the marker while the front side (not shown) had markings from the previous production.
The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits frequently shared MGM lot locations and props. The bridge seen at the opening of the Twilight Zone episode was the same as The Outer Limits show "The Children Of Spider County". The guitars hanging in the wooden shack on the Twilight Zone are also seen in a pawnshop for The Outer Limits episode "Controlled Experiment".
Fifth season producer, William Froug, had claimed that he interviewed Liza Minnelli for the role of 'Mary Rachel' but she was too nervous. Froug had a consistent pattern of misremembering and/or misrepresenting the truth in multiple interviews about Twilight Zone. This bit of trivia can be described as "his truth" although there are no other records or personal accounts to verify that Liza Minnelli ever ventured into the Twilight Zone production offices.
submitted by King_Dinosaur_1955 to TwilightZone [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:25 SuperInkLink64 Half-Serious Tier List

Half-Serious Tier List submitted by SuperInkLink64 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:54 suckingvibrator420 Lindsay Marie Brewer - Racecar Driver

Lindsay Marie Brewer - Racecar Driver submitted by suckingvibrator420 to celebrityhairfetish [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:50 teensyweensyturtol 11 Shows in 7 Days! An extensive review of my week on Broadway seeing majority of the shows from the front row!

11 Shows in 7 Days! An extensive review of my week on Broadway seeing majority of the shows from the front row!
Hello! I wanted to come by here and talk about my recent time on Broadway a couple weeks back. This trip has been years in the making, but I was only able to make it happen this year as I thought I would go all out for my 25th birthday and celebrate being halfway through my 20’s in New York City. The last time I was in the city was way back in 2019 to which I squeezed 5 shows in three days. I’m from Washington State so it isn’t that easy of a trek, which is why I managed to squeeze 11 shows in a span of 7 days. I had four double show days, of which I loved. I prefer seeing shows from the front row because of the added immersiveness factor, not to mention just being so close to the actors that allows you to see and feel the show in a much more intimate manner. Most of the shows I saw on this trip were from the front row with the exception of Sweeney Todd. I go into ranking those seats towards the latter part of this post! Musical theater has helped me heal so much in the past and there wasn’t a better way of doing a “reset” than seeing shows back to back. I also wanted to utilize this post to disclose what I personally thought about each show I saw.
This will be a pretty extensive post so without further adieu, here we go!
Day 1
Hell’s Kitchen (matinee)
Thoughts: I came out of this show kind of realizing why it got the amount of Tony nominations that it got. It definitely caters to the masses as the plot was fairly easy to follow and my god were the actors STELLAR! Literal jaw drop when Shoshana Bean made her first entrance - a true icon in the flesh. I also wasn’t expecting to come out of this show crying as “No One” really got to me since I have such a close bond with my mom. Such a high energy show and it was the perfect show to start my week in the city!
Front Row thoughts: (AA106) I’m 5’9 and didn’t have to break my neck looking up except for when they were utilizing the very top most part of the towers downstage left. Good legroom as well.
Favorite Moment: Jade Milan’s debut as Ali! You can see the amount of support that the cast had for her and to think that this was her very first time doing it w/o any put-ins was beyond astounding. I was so honored to be in the house for her first principal performance!
Notable Mentions: Kecia Lewis - omg she is a star and I was blown away by how moving her performance was as Miss Liza Jane.
Stagedoor Experience: Not too large of a crowd and everyone was very respectful. Most of the ensemble came out to sign, but the only principals that came out were Jade and Kecia.
Other notes: This was a last minute decision and I regret none of it!
Lempicka (evening)
Thoughts: I was a lil confused ngl.. I personally just thought that the plot was all over the place but the cast was 10/10! I remember Amber Iman stating in an interview that they want the audience to NEED intermission and that's exactly how I felt after Act 1. I just felt like I needed room to breathe so I could also come into terms of what I just witnessed. I’ve seen several reviews saying that Eden was flat, but she was going all out on this performance.
Front (ish) Row thoughts: Second row on the aisle (B2) - cute lil interaction from some of the ensemble members. You also still get a full view of the stage. Only had to crane my neck up when they were using the topmost platform on stage.
Favorite Moment: Our Time gave me goosebumps. I like the big ensemble moments where you can literally feel their vibrato in your face!
Notable Mentions: Kyle Brown was on for Tadeusz Lempicki. ALSO Jimin Moon is so cute that is all thank u..
Stagedoor Experience: All the principals came out to sign plus a few members of the ensemble! Eden and Amber really took time with everyone.
Other notes: Love the quarter zip that they had available at the merch stand. Easily the most comfortable piece of merch from all the shows I’ve been to.
Day 2
Sweeney Todd - FINAL PERFORMANCE (matinee)
Thoughts: The energy in the theater for the final performance was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Everyone was just so excited and you could definitely feel it. Every seat had a reusable Sweeney tote bag as a token for the final show.
Seat Location & Thoughts: First row of the second mezz (MMEZZ A121) - Perfect view of everything. I was surprised that I could still see the facial expressions of everyone on stage.
Favorite Moment: Literally the entirety of the show! Sutton was such a comedic Mrs. Lovett.
Notable Mentions: Joe Locke!! Exceeded my expectations!
Stagedoor Experience: The craziest stagedoor experience on the trip. I believe people camped out for this closing stage door shortly after the performance began. Very crowded but everyone was mostly respectful. I believe only a few of the principals plus some of the ensemble came out to sign. Aaron, Sutton, and Joe did not.
Other notes: Aaron made a quick appearance at the stagedoor. Just kinda peeked his head out to wave and thank everyone for coming.
Titanique (evening)
Thoughts: I have never laughed so much at a show, but Titanique did just that! Dee was phenomenal! Very campy, kooky krazy!!
Front (ish) Row thoughts: Orchestra D107 - basically the third row but it felt like the front as there was an aisle directly in front of you that was used in the show. It’s also directly beside the spot where Celine makes her initial entrance. I got so much interaction from Celine in which at one point she sat on my lap and caressed my face!
Favorite Moment: The encore of MHWGO at the end of the show
Notable Mentions: Marcus Antonio and Anne Fraser Thomas were the absolute standouts for me in this show!
Stagedoor Experience: I highly debated stagedooring this show, to which I ultimately did but it wasn’t my favorite. I am really shy and the whole stagedoor was basically where the balounge was downstairs and it was mostly friends of the actors having their post show mingle with the cast. I was super shy to approach Dee and Lindsay. I ultimately decided not to interact unless they approached me, but was able to get Michael Williams to sign my poster and my program. Super nice dude and took the time to talk to me!
Other notes: It was a trek to get to the Daryl Roth from Sweeney. I didn't do any research to where it was but was a little surprised to find out that it was all the way by Union Square Park.
Day 3
Chicago (evening)
Thoughts: I’ve seen Chicago three times (the international tour circa 2014) in Manila but was late to all three times which meant I missed All That Jazz each time. Glad to say I wasn’t late and was finally able to see it live! Robyn Hurder fits the role of Velma and I really love how much she made it her own!
Front Row thoughts: BB106 - You’re right in the heart of the action. The stage was low enough that I didn’t have to tilt my neck all too much. Also the legroom in the front row at the Ambassador is very ample.
Favorite Moment: All That Jazz but also Razzle Dazzle
Notable Mentions: Max Clayton and Michael Scirrotto - I’m just in awe of how beautiful these men are.. hehe
Stagedoor Experience: Bianca and Max Von Essen came out to sign. I was able to tell Bianca how she was my first Roxie Hart way back and how much of an honor it was for me to see her again and now on Broadway!
Other notes: N/A
Day 4
Back to the Future (evening)
Thoughts: Probably the most tech heavy show that I saw on this trip. I had seen the movie for the first time on my plane ride to the city a few days prior and I think it was a good idea to approach the musical with the context from the movie in mind. They had obviously altered a few of the notable parts of the plot to fit the stage adaptation better but I felt like it worked pretty well. The special effects on this show were absolutely amazing. Casey Likes has such a great stage presence.
Front Row thoughts: (Center Orch A111) Absolutely loved being front row and center for such a tech heavy show. However, the stage at the Winter Garden was probably one of the higher stages on this trip. The only thing that really bothered me about this show was the audience etiquette of the family behind me who were obviously translating the show for their youngest daughter without trying to be mindful of those around them as they were conversing in full on regular speaking voice and not hush hush. I glared at them midway through act 1 but to no avail so I had to bring in an usher to talk to them at intermission to which it did nothing as this continued throughout the whole second act. All that aside, ALSO SPOILERS AHEAD: When it came time to fly the car out for the finale, it was cool to be in such close proximity to the actual robotic arm/mechanism that flips the car upside down over the audience. I got to say hi to Casey and Roger as the car was slowly going upside down!
Favorite Moment: Something About That Boy was such a cute act 1 finale and something about that song is so catchy!
Notable Mentions: Hugh Coles was a standout! Will Branner was also on for Biff at this show!
Stagedoor Experience: Jonalyn, Aaron, Katie, Jelani, JJ, and Casey came out to sign!
Other notes: N/A
Day 5 - My Birthday!
Cabaret at The Kit Kat Club (matinee)
Thoughts: HOLY FUCK! I’ve never experienced such an immersive theater going experience. From the shots of peach schnapps as you enter the theater, to how much they’ve transformed the August Wilson, I was gagged. I want to preface this by saying that I went into this musical completely blind with only the most recent west end cast recording to kind of give me a rough idea of the show’s plot. No regrets there. I guess I came out of that show feeling a little underwhelmed. I literally remember verbally uttering the words “thats it?” during the finale blackout. However with all that aside, the cast was absolutely superb. Experiencing Bebe Neuwirth in the flesh was sort of an out of body experience.
Front (ish) Row thoughts: First row of the new West Mezzanine (Mezz 4 Row A Seat 220). Don’t get me wrong, these seats were absolutely perfect with just the right amount of being so close to the action, yet being at a good distance away from the stage to take everything in as a whole. However, I was reading a few reviews of the west mezz prior to going in and had heard about the bias of performing towards the “real” side of the house. Here are my thoughts around that - It's true - there was a clear bias to performing towards that side of the house. I felt as if they were really only looking at our side because they had to. Don’t get me wrong, I could see their effort at performing and catering to both sides of the house, but you end up feeling a little disconnected as most of the numbers do cater to the “real” side of the house. All that aside, it was still a great experience!
Favorite Moment: When Sally initially gets introduced, she literally walks through the first row of the west mezz. I was a little shookt as the space was a little tight but she gets through to the other side witn no problem! I got a cute little moment with her as she momentarily complimented my outfit as she puts her hand on my face to pinch my cheeks!
Notable Mentions: The ensemble was absolutely superb and took the immersiveness of the show to another level! I would definitely splurge on stage side seating the next time I go because you get so much more interaction from them!
Stagedoor Experience: Eddie was the only one who came out to sign.
Other notes: I purchased the Pineapple Room upgrade and it was worth it in my opinion. There was just a bit of confusion earlier on in the experience. I was under the assumption that the Pineapple Room was its own lounge, to which it is! However, the thing that I didn’t realize (and it wasn’t really clear in the emails that they send you) was that the actual experience starts once they open the doors to the actual house as it’s a room that's off to the side of the east mezz. That’s where they seat you and if you were going solo like me, you get paired up with another person going solo. I got to share a full bottle of champagne with another gentleman who only had a couple of glasses. So in actuality I had a whole bottle of champagne to myself! The attendants were super nice! The room had three private bathrooms which were a luxury! No lines at all to go to the restroom and they were clean! The whole room also acts as your coat check, as you can leave your belongings in there but they do ask you to take everything back with you after intermission. Getting to the east mezz from the west mezz is a trek so you do have to be mindful of that! The attendants also found out it was my birthday and once I was back in the lounge during intermission for desserts, I had found a cute little handwritten note as well as a free bar of toblerone from them. I can confidently say that this was one of the highlights of my trip!
Wicked (evening)
Thoughts: It was nice to see the show that started it all for me! Being in the Gershwin was just such a special moment for me on this trip. Wicked was my introduction to musical theater and seeing it for the first time on Broadway was truly something really special to me. This marked my 5th time seeing Wicked after seeing the international tour cast in Manila years ago with Suzie Mathers as Glinda and Jemma Rix as Elphaba. MKM and Alexandra Socha were such a delightful pair and it was nice to see their fresh take on the role!
Front Row thoughts: (ORCH BB110) Wicked’s front row was TIGHT. Probably the tightest front row seat on this trip.
Favorite Moment: There's just nothing compared to seeing defying gravity happen right in front of your eyes. No matter how many times I've seen the show, it always feels like my first time whenever we get to that point.
Notable Mentions: n/a
Stagedoor Experience: Jordan, Jake, and Brad came out to sign.
Other notes: As much as I love Wicked, I truly felt like I could’ve skipped this and seen The Outsiders instead, but there isn’t anything like saying you’ve seen Wicked on Broadway! Also, the last time I saw the show was in 2014, but I was a little taken aback by Thank Goodness and how the platform Glinda stands in was just a tad bit off the center. I think I remember it being much more centered the last time I saw it, but maybe that’s just my mind playing tricks on me.
Day 6
The Great Gatsby (matinee)
Thoughts: It still boggles my mind that the only Tony nom this show received was for costume design. This show probably had one of the more elaborate set pieces that really draws you in. All the principals were really on their game and I have nothing bad to say about them and this production! The only comical thing I can say was how they did Myrtle’s death. I feel like they could’ve been a little more creative than how it came to be as it was merely a flail and fall to the floor moment. I think this was the show that I had high expectations for and I was not let down!
Front Row thoughts: (Center Orch B108) The leg room was ample and the stage was at a good height that it didn’t cut off the performer’s feet. My only complaint was how tight the seats were at the Broadway Theatre.
Favorite Moment: New Money had me gagged!!
Notable Mentions: We started with a full company but Sarah Chase was out of the show after intermission with Ryah Nixon stepping in for her. It was such a great experience seeing two Myrtles in one show! Ryah was great and props to her for going on at the last minute!
Stagedoor Experience: All the principals except for John and Sara came out to sign. I believe a couple ensemble members also came out. Everyone at the stage door was also super respectful to the cast as well as the fans. I was half expecting it to go the other way around as the majority of the principals have such a huge following.
Other notes: Was not expecting the gunshot to be as loud as it was. Like I can usually prepare myself for it, but this one shookt me with how loud it echoed in the theater.
The Notebook (evening)
Thoughts: Where do I even begin with this show? I wasn’t expecting for me to love this show as much as I did prior to seeing it and all the mixed reviews that it got. This show easily ranks as number 1 for the entire trip. I came into this without knowing anything about The Notebook like I had an idea of what it was but I’ve never seen the movie nor read the book. My only source of knowledge beforehand was about 5 songs from the cast recording and even then I couldn’t make myself listen to the whole thing because I wanted to see it with no spoilers. I’m honestly glad that I went in blind because it took me on such a wild roller coaster ride that I want to ride over and over again. I wasn’t really expecting myself to cry but I was sobbing by the end of act one and was even more of a mess by the end of act two. I was moved in ways I didn’t expect and they timed the comedic moments perfectly to counteract a heavy scene that just occurred.
Front Row thoughts: (Center Orch B106) I was expecting to get wet from the rain scene but it wasn’t really that big of a deal! I loved being front row for this show for the sole reason that Joy Woods belts My Days literally like a foot away from you. The stage was at the perfect height that it didn’t require any neck breaking.
Favorite Moment: I Wanna Go Back was the first song that made me cry out of the blue. I didn’t expect it as it kind of just happened. Another notable moment was during the finale when everyone was on the walk-around part of the stage and Dorcas was directly in front of me while I uttered the words thank you as I sobbed my eyes out. She replied with another thank you and that meant a lot. I thanked her for that moment when I met her at the stage door!
Notable Mentions: John Cardoza! Holy fuck can that boy sing!
Stagedoor Experience: A few of the principals came out to sign as well as the majority of the ensemble. It was such an honor for Mary Ann to come out and sign.
Other notes: I need it to tour already because I would pay good money to see it again live! I have no words to describe how much I’ve fallen in love with this show. I’m kind of just at a loss for words with how much this has moved me.
Day 7
& Juliet (evening)
Thoughts: Beautiful used to be my favorite jukebox musical, but this is now number one! Very pop-y as expected but the songs worked so well and just intertwined with the plot seamlessly. This performance was also Oliver Tompsett’s broadway debut! The energy in the house was electric and his first entrance was one hell of a moment!
Front Row thoughts: (Orch A108) I wasn’t expecting to say this, but this show probably had the best front row. I’ve heard of reviews detailing how high and close the stage was to this front row, but it worked in my favor due to my height as I was eye level with the stage. The seats were roomy and the leg room was ample. The only downside was some of the props hindering your view of the stage during two numbers in the show. That wasn’t a big deal and was honestly not a problem.
Favorite Moment: Roar gave me goosebumps but also That’s the Way It Is!
Notable Mentions: Literally e v e r y o n e
Stagedoor Experience: All the principals came out except for Ben and Betsy. Almost everyone in the ensemble also signed!
Other notes: Seeing those costumes up close was breathtaking. So much attention to details! Everyone in this show also smelled so good. Obviously being that close, you're able to smell fragrances but I'd just like to say that Betsy Wolfe smells like eucalyptus and mint which I think fits her personality! Hope that's not too weird.. SKJDFGHKSAJDGH
Front row rankings:
  1. & Juliet (Sondheim)
  2. Chicago (Ambassador)
  3. The Great Gatsby (Broadway)
  4. Titanique (Daryl Roth)
  5. The Notebook (Schoenfeld)
  6. Back to the Future (Winter Garden)
  7. Hell's Kitchen (Shubert)
  8. Lempicka (Longacre)
  9. Sweeney Todd (Lunt-Fontanne)
  10. Cabaret at The Kit Kat Club (August Wilson)
  11. Wicked (Gershwin)
Show rankings for this trip:
  1. The Notebook
  2. & Juliet
  3. Titanique
  4. Hell's Kitchen
  5. Cabaret
  6. The Great Gatsby
  7. Chicago
  8. Sweeney Todd
  9. Back to the Future
  10. Wicked
  11. Lempicka
If you've made it to the end, THANK YOU for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them!
submitted by teensyweensyturtol to Broadway [link] [comments]


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2024.05.20 14:00 AutoModerator ON RECOVERY - Stories, advice and healthier perspective

Recovery from BDD might sometimes feel like a distant goal that seems, at times, impossible to achieve. But many people recover from BDD or learn to reduce the symptoms to the point where they don't play a role in their everyday life. Remember that a mental disorder is not a life long sentence but rather something that can be managed and recovered from.
Here we have collected a set of stories and advice on what recovery looks like and how others have gotten there.
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