Knife plans


2014.03.11 01:57 otp1144 1


2012.07.25 23:04 Noobicon A place for knives

**The first rule of KnifeClub** is to talk about KnifeClub! Bring a friend! This Subreddit is based off of knives with a few changes. There will be multiple moderators not just one all powerful mod. Rules will be fair and opinions will be listened to. Feel free to engage in discussion on anything with a blade. Show off recent purchases or ask for advice.

2012.03.04 21:28 chip16 Knife makers and fans welcome

The world of Knifemaking

2024.06.01 16:11 Haunting-Band-2763 Hazbin Hotel - E3S1: Scrambled Eggs (Genderswap)

(At Hazbin Hotel, the cat is sleeping at the sofa, until it hears a hammer sound and sees Charles at a stair in the front of a banner above the entrance door saying "Happy First Week, Miss Pentious")
Charles: That looks perfect! (Screams excitedly) I am so excited that Miss Pentious is staying at the hotel!
Vagner: Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with her weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago.
Charles: Well, I haven't seen her try to pull any of that here.
(The cat runs from Miss Pentious pushing a giant ray gun)
Vagner: What the hell is that?!
Miss Pentious: Oh, hello, purple male. It's my new invention: the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents.
Charles: What? Why?
Miss Pentious: Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense they're planning to kill me. But when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh, the new parts of my machines are here!
(Two boys enter the hotel with a bunch of box in a cart)
Oddie: Sign here, please. (Gives a clipboard and pen to Miss Pentious, she signs it and give it back) Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase.
Vagner: Carmine? As in Carmillo Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?
Miss Pentious: Uh, of course. He's the top weapons dealer in Hell.
Vagner: Okay, well, that stops right now. (Gets the kart with the boxes from Miss Pentious)
Miss Pentious: Hey!
Vagner: You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel! No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice beacause they they want you to feel welcome.
(Miss Pentious looks at the bar Hisky and Angela give her the middle finger and Niffter smiles and laughs creepily to her)
Miss Pentious: I have my doubts.
Vagner: Well it's true. You have to trust us.
Miss Pentious: But I don't.
Charles: Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?
Vagner: Not before we lay some ground rules: no more building weapons, no more plotting against the other guests and you need to get rid of these things.
(One of the Egg Girls shoots a laser at the roof and breaks it)
Vagner: Ah! What did I just say? What did I just say?
Miss Pentious: What? Not my little Egg Girls! They do my evil bidding for my.
Vagner: Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?
Miss Pentious: Yes?
Vagner: Then, no more eggs!
Miss Pentious: Alright, eggies. You've got to go. I (Sniffs) can't keep you anymore.
Egg Girl #1: Okay, boss!
Miss Pentious: No, don't resist, this is how it has to be.
(The egg girls follow Vagner and Miss Pentious cries sterically with Charles patting her)
(Alice is seen eating a dead deer with fork and knife in a table in the middle of a swamp)
Vagner: Alice!
(The screen moves showing the swamp in a room and Vagner at the door)
Alice: Do you mind? I'm in the middle of breakfast.
Vagner: Pentious' eggs are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them.
Alice: Oh! Well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!
Vagner: Humanely!
Alice: Um. Well, that's a lot less fun. But I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today. (Leaves her room)
Vagner: Great! (See the dead deer) Oh, this is disgusting.
(At the looby)
Charles: Hi, guys! Thanks for coming! It's been brought to our attention that there maybe a littleeeeeeeee tension at the hotel!
(Miss Pentious grabs Niffter and prepares to shoot him, but Vagner gets her gun)
Vagner: Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here.
Charles: We think that this group could really benefit from...(Jumps in front of a lighthing background) Trust exercises!
Vagner: Trust exercises! Oh, shit! (Falls butt down on the ground and Charles gets him up)
Charles: Vagner, we rehearse this. (Sighs) We're doing trust exercises!
Hisky: So, um, what's with the whole, uh...This?
(A stage is seen behind Vagner and Charles)
Hisky: I'm not about to put on some show for these fuckings chumps!
Angela: Oh, I will! (Puts her legs in Hisky's) But it's cash up first. And I know that one afford me.
Miss Pentious: Gross! I'd think of it, spider!
Vagner: Right, let's get started. Charles?
Charles: Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you'd know better about how to build it properly.
Vagner: What? Uh, I don't know I'm qualified to...
Charles: Oh, come on! It'll be easy, I'm sure you can handle this.
Vagner: Yeah, um, sure. I can handle this, no problem. (Inhales) Alright, so we are starting with trust falls! Each of you are going to share something vulnerable about yourself and then fall backwards while the rest lf the group catches you, got it? Who wants to go first?
Charles: Ooh! Ooh! Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me!
Vagner: Alright, get on up there!
(Charles gets in the stage)
Charles: I...I love you guys. Like, really love you! (Turns around, falls backwards and Vagner catches him)
Vagner: Got you!
Charles: That...Felt...Good! Angela, why don't go next?
Angela: Fine! (Goes to the stage)
Vagner: This time everyone needs to catch her, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you!
Angela: Well, something about myself, huh? Well, how about this? I love to lick...
Hisky: I swear to fuck if you say pussies!
Angela: Lollipops, ya sicko! Get your head head of the gutter! (Falls backwards and Hisky catches her) But ya know? Pussies, too. (Hisky drops her) Ahh! Alright, new girl, you're up.
(A spotlight shines on Miss Pentious)
Miss Pentious: I don't want to leave without my minions! Nobody catch me. (Falls backwards and Vagner, Charlie and Hisky catch her) Damn it!
Vagner: That's great. Wow, you're slimy. Good job. Uh, Niffter? (Niffter runs runs past him and gets in the stage)
Niffter: Sometimes, I kill father bugs in front of their children as a warning to others! (Falls from the stage, everyone backs away and he falls face down in the ground) Yay! Pain! (Gets up, goes to the stage, falls and repeats it) Hehe, pain!
(Charles and Vagner walk away)
Charles: I don't think this really working the way we hoped. Maybe, we should...
Vagner: Honey, you have to trust me here. I got this, okay? I'll figure something out.
Angela: If you're in the market for some ideas, I got just the thing for some trust building.
Vagner: (Sighs) What do you have in mind?
(In the town, Alice is seen walking with the Egg Girls)
Egg Girl #1: Oh, boy! What's the plan, boss?
Egg Girl #2: I like your suit.
Egg Girl #3: What are the antlers for?
Egg Girl #4: Can I touch your staff thing?
Egg Girl #5: Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell.
(A tall woman appears in front of Alice)
Zestia: Hark, Alice. How fare thee this day?
Egg Girl #1: Who's that boss? Want me to ruff her up for ya?
Alice: Follow in silence if you value your shells! Greetins, Zestia!
Sinner #1: Ahh! Holy shit! (Falls backwards)
Zestia: Ah, the weather did become fine this day!
Sinner #2: Oh! Uh-oh! (Hides in the garbage)
Alice: Indeed! Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!
(A demon screams, covers her in gas and combustes her in flames)n
Zestia: If our luck doth hold. I do reveal in the screams. How art thou? (Walks with Alice) It's been an ages since thou hath graced us with thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to...Holy arms.
Alice: (Laughs) Oh, I just took a well earned sabatical, nothing serious. Though is fun to keep everyone on their toes. Ha ha!
Zestia: (Chuckles) There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the prince and his flight of fancy. Tell me, how does thou fall in such folly?
Alice: That is for me to know. But please, do guess, I'd love to hear the theories!
Zestia: (Chuckles) T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alice. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm.
Alice: Coming from someone as ancient as you I take that as quite the complement!
(They walk into an alley, pass through a security cam and Alice statics it, the girls get in an elevator and Alice prevents the egg girls from entering with her staff)
Alice: No, no. I have a very important task for you: stay here and guard the front until I return.
(The Egg Girls salute Alice, the elevator closes and goes up)
Egg Girl #1: Oh, look, Frankie is up there!
Egg Girl #2: We have names?
(In the top the building, the elevator doors open and Zestial, Alice and Frankie get out of it, Frankie sees a blck eyes man and a blue skull woman saluting and a dinosaur guy come ou of an elevator and all of them enter a room with a table and chairs and Frankie hides behind Alice, the black eyes man see her, she waves at him and he smiles showing his teeth and she hides scared, and a man appears at the end of the table with the delivery boys from later)
Carmillo: Welcome, Hell's sovereign overlords. I invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with a new extermination schedul. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact. (See Zestia sitting at his side) Zestia, so good to see you my friend.
Zestia: Encanted as always, Carmillo.
Carmillo: Alice?
Alice: Yes, I know, I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering.
Carmillo: Not really. But welcome back in ay case. (Snaps fingers and Oddie gives him a clipboard) This year's extermination was brutal. Far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. With the Angelic Legions returning twice as quickly, I think is prudent that we...
(Veener quicks the door and everyone looks at him)
Veener: (At the phone) Yes, I've got it handled, Vix. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. Ha ha ha! Yes, I know, they're all a joke. (Laughs) Thank you, Vee. (Kisses) Kisses, darling!
Carmillo: Nice of you to join us, Veener. Will your colleagues be joining?
Veener: No. They have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag that thinks he's tough shit. I'm here to represent.
Carmillo: Charming. (Veener puts a poop filter on him) So, as I was saying, we need to discuss...
(Veener raises and shakes his hand)
Carmillo: Yes?
Veener: On the subject of discussion. (Throws an angel head in the table)
(Everyone gasps)
Alice: Ooh! Tasty!
Carmillo: Where did you get this?
Veener: We found it during the extermination day. If these holy rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The girls and I have come up with a full assault plan...
(Everyone hears sipping noises, and look at Zestia drinking tea loudly and she puts the cup in the table)
Zestia: If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war, with such meagre proof. Thou art far more foolish than I be thought.
Veener: (Scoffs) "Meagre proof"? It's a dead fucking exorcist! I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive! You're going blind, old woman?
Zestia: We know not how this perished. Mayhaps it was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing might, they purge all of Hell for ding an uprising.
(Everyone mutters in agreement and Veener looks to Carmillo worried)
Veener: Oh! I get it. So grandma is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?
(Zestia gets angry)
Veener: Oh, what's the matter, fossil? To senile to make a real power grab for...
Carmillo: (Singing) You better show some respect! Check your behavior! No one speaks too Zestia that way! Did you expect us to sir baxk and rake your insolent brazen display?
Veener: Haha! (Singing) You've got it twisted! I'm not the one who needs a attitude! Maybe you missed it, but I'm that #Bitch and I will do nothing else then what I please! Woo! I'm the backbone of the Vees! Mad that I acted respectless? Well, it's 'cause no one could respect this. Sorry group attendin', since when are overlords too scared to fight? You're long past trendin'. Sorry, bae, but I ain't swipin' right. You lost your relevance.
Zestia: We can't act without more intelligence!
Veener: Ugh, no wonder I'm so respectless. I could eat you lot for breakfast. You and the Vees are inane and uninformed, Smug wannabes, who don't heed when you've been warned!
Veener: Oops! Did I strike a nerve? 'Cause when I brought out the angel's head, couldn't help but observe that your wrinkled face was turning red! And why are you avoidin' war? That's what the guns you sell are for. Thanks to my being respectless. One thing I'm starting to suspect is. You know why this angel's headless. Do you have a disclosure?
Carmillo: This meeting's over!
(Everyone stare at the boys)
Alice: That was a productive meeting!
Veener: (Normal) Hmmph, fine. Safe travel back to nursing home, fuckers! Kiss my ass! Hahaha! (Leaves the room)
Zeezo: What the hell? We literally just got here.
Oddie: Father?
(Carmillo walks away and Zestia follows him and everyone else leaves the room almost staping on Frankie, and Alice see Zestia and Carmilla enter another room)
Alice: Well, that's interesting. You little egg creature. I have a job for you.
Frankie: Oh, yes, boss.
Alice: Follow them.
(Frankie salutes and enters the other room, back to Vagner, Charles and Angela)
Vagner: Angela! What the actual fuck?!
(They're seem in a sex dungeon)
Angela: No activity requires more trust them BDSM, baby. No bond stronger than those formed through bondage. That's their motto. (Points to a poster)
Charles: Angela, love the enthusiasm. But umm, uh...Hmmmm...
Vagner: What makes you think anyone would be into this?
(Hisky purrs with a mister messaging her)
Hisky: Ya know, I...I don't hate this.
(Niffter appears holding a stick)
Niffter: I'm ready to punish some bad girls. (Giggles)
Hisky: Uhh...Nevermind, I-I'm out. (Gets up and walks away)
(Misters surround Charles)
Charles: (Laughs uncomfortably) Okay, hello there. Hi. Um. Hm...(Vagner drags him away)
Vagner: Ugh, can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angela. This is disgusting.
Charles: It's no big deal, Vagner. You know, maybe I can just help, uh...
Vagner: No. I told you could trust me. And I'm not gonna let you down. I just need to teach them the way I was taught.
(In a tower roof)
Charles: This is how you learn to trust people?!
(A lot of demons are seen fighting in a bettlefield)
Vagner: (In drill sergeant style) There is nothing stronger than a trust between comrades and arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men! You...(Grabs Miss Pentious)
Miss Pentious: Wait, wait! I can't fight without my minions...(Vagner throws her off the building)
Vagner:...Are gonna survive together! Miss Pentious: AAAAAAHHH!
(Vagner turns to Angela)
Vagner: And you...
Angela: Don't you even think about it...
Vagner: Are make this hotel work! (Vagner throws grabs and throws Angela off the building)
Niffter: (Excitedly) My turn, my turn!
(Hisky get out of the roof, Vagner grabs Niffter, but Charles catches him)
Charles: Vagner, no!
Vagner: This is the only way they'll learn, Charles.
Charles: No, it's not. There are other ways. It just take time.
Vagner: Time we don't have. How many exterminations will have to gone by before these idiots get their shit together? How many times we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway?
Charles: Vagner...
Vagner: I took charge today and it all went sideways. I'm suppose to make your dreams a reality. I'm suppose to protect you. I'm suppose to never fail you. (Leans on the edge of the terrace)
Angela: I blame you for this you crazy bitch!
Charles: You didn't fail me, Vagner...You're not...
Vagner: If I can't help you, what's the point of me?
Charles: (Gasps) Vagner, don't say that! You do so much! It's...
Vagner: I'm sorry. I'd like to be alone for a minute.
(Charles turns away from Vagner and see Angela grabbing Miss Pentious in her back getting in the roof and Angela throws Pentious in the ground)
Angela: Made it.
Charles: Let's go home, guys.
Angela: Ugh! I just walked up all those stairs. (Grabs Miss Pentious and pulls her following Charles)
(In Carmillo's office, he pulls himself a drink)
Carmillo: Ay, que barbaridad. (Drinks from a bottle)
Zestia: Carmillo, what troubles thou? Loosing thy composure is unlike thee.
Carmillo: (Sighs) It's nothing, Zestia. Really.
Zestia: The felled angel...'Twas by thy hand, was it not?
Carmillo: Let's not talk abou it. (Walks away)
Clarence: Dad, maybe she should know.
Carmillo: Nobody should know. (Sits in his desk) I did what to do. I am not discussing this. (Zestia puts her hand in his shoulder)
Zestia: (Singing) What weighs on your soul, old friend? I implore you to share the load. If it was thou who slew the angel, why not let your strength be known?
Carmillo: (Singing) I always thought, that I would keep blood off my face. But when that thing attacked, I had to act, to cross that line and keep them safe. But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war and who's to say who'd survive the fray? I might lose the ones that I was killing for! So I! I'll be your keeper! (Hugs his sons) Do whatever it takes! I'll make the mistakes! I'll keep you safe and keep this secret!
(Meanwhile, Vagner climbs the outside of the hotel)
Vagner: (Singing) When I saw your face, you made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place and it felt so good to be understood. But there's so much I wished that I could say. So I...I'll be your armor, do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes, I'll spend my life being your partner.
Carmillo: And I don't know what we might face, But I know I can't replace you so I'll do anything to save you!
Vagner: And I will try to make your dreams come true!
Vagner and Carmillo: Whatever we go through. I know I....
Carmillo: I'll be your keeper
Vagner: I'll be your armor!
Carmillo and Vagner: Whatever it takes!
Carmillo: I'll make the mistakes!
Vagner: I'll make the mistakes!
Carmillo and Vagner: Whatever it takes!
(Meanwhile, some of the Egg Girls are dumpster diving)
Egg Girl #3: Ooohh. This smells like fun. Ooh, I love garbage.
(Frankie get out of the elevator and Alice stops her)
Alice: So, what did you hear?
Frankie: First, the old woman w-was all "you're not yourself, you're the one who killed the angel" a-a-and the he was all (Singing) Whatever it takes!
Alice: And then what was that last thing?
Frankie: He killed the angel?
Alice: Interesting. Let's keep this between us, shall we?
Frankie: You got it, boss!
(At the hotel, Vagner finds Charles at the hotel)
Vagner: Hey.
Charles: Hey.
Vagner: I'm sorry I got so crazy today.
Charles: No, no, I'm sorry. I'm put pressure on you. We work as a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier, but we'll figure it out...Together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them.
(In the sitting room below everyone is laughing)
Angela: And then when that buff girl started beating the shit outta you.
Miss Pentious: Ha ha! Yeah, with the desmembered arm. Yes, that, was, particularly unpleasent.
Niffter: He he. I liked that part.
Hisky: Well hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ. You did okay, new kid.
Miss Pentious: Really? Oh, well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumblr today. (Laughs) And, uh...Thank you for pullinh me out of there. (Angela staps her back)
(Everyone laugh and giggle, the girls stop, but Niffter keeps laughing manically)
Vagner: Well, how about that?
(Alice returns)
Vagner: Alice. Failed to get rid of the eggs, I see.
Alice: Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful.
Vagner: Why don't you give them back to Pentious?
Miss Pentious: Really?
Vagner: Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons.
Miss Pentious: Ahhhh! (Hugs the Egg Girls) My eggs! Yeah. Oh, it's so good to have you back. Now go clean my quarters this instant!
Charles: Maybe things will move faster than you think.
(In Pentious' room)
Miss Pentious: Ah! How was your day with Alastor, my minions?
Frankie: It was awesome, boss. I went to this meeting and there was a knife guy, an old lady and a dinosaur.
Miss Pentious: Umm. That's nice.
Frnkie: And the knife guy killed an angel. And I was not suppose to be talking about it.
Miss Pentious: Oh, I'm so sure and maybe you'll meet martians tomorrow. Bit now it's time to sleep. Good night, Eggies. (The egg women sleep over her and they all go to sleep)
(The end credits start playing)
submitted by Haunting-Band-2763 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 Ancient_Touch Need help removing places to visit

So the Japan trip is finally coming out of the group chat. Theme of this trip is experiencing Fall Foliage, and timeline is 24 Nov to 8 Dec. Yes, there is plenty of time lol. After adding bunch of places, we have realised that it's not ideal to keep it this packed so need advice on what to remove and if missing something really, can add it. Once we have the places, then can think of creating an itinerary.
So here is the dump from google doc:
General Plan: Osaka - Nara - Kyoto - Kanazawa - Tokyo

Fall Foliage Spots

( M - Momiji, G - Ginkgo )
Osaka Area
Kyoto Area
Around Tokyo

Food Places

Places to visit


  1. Asakusa
    1. Sensoji Temple - Tokyo’s oldest temple
    2. Kaminarimon
    3. Nakamise Street
      1. Menchi Katsu - Food - Iconic
      2. Asakusa Pudding - Food
    4. Dempoin Street
    5. Hoppy Street (food)
    6. Kappabashi Street (knife)
    7. Sumida River
    8. Tokyo Skytree
      1. Food in Skytree town is popular
  2. Shinjuku
    1. Kabukicho
    2. Omoido Yokocho
    3. Golden Gai
    4. Shinjuku Gyoen
    5. Don Quijote - major discount chain (might go to other location if this is packed)
  3. Shibuya
    1. Bronze statue of hachiko
    2. Shibuya Crossing and Shibuya Starbucks
    3. Shibuya Scramble Square
      1. Shibuya Sky
  4. Meiji Shrine & surroundings
    1. Yoyogi Park
    2. Harajuku
    3. Takeshita Dori
    4. Omotesando
  5. Akihabara
    1. Mandrake
    2. Radio Kaikan
    3. AmiAmi / Koto
    4. A-stop
    5. Lashinbang
    6. Kanda Myojin Shrine
  6. Koto City
    1. TeamLabs Museum


  1. Fushimi Inari Taisha - Iconic Tori Gates Pathway
  2. Kiyomizudera & Higashiyama
    1. Kiyomizudera Temple
    2. Kodaiji Temple
    3. Yasaka Pagoda
    4. Yasaka Shrine
    5. Maruyama Park
  3. Kinkakuji & Ginkakuji Temples
  4. Ararshiyama & Sagano
    1. Togetsukyo Bridge (picnic spot)
    2. Tenruji Temple
    3. Bamboo Grove (Early Morning)
    4. Monkey park
    5. Sagano Scenic Railway
    6. Hozugawa River Cruise
  5. Starbucks
  6. Nishiki Market - Kitchen of Kyoto - Dinner
  7. Famous for Matcha - Nana’s Green Tea
  8. Pontocho - Night
  9. Kamogawa River


  1. Namba
  2. Dotonbori - famous Glico sign - Lunch/Breakfast
  3. Osaka Castle - Foliage
  4. Mount Wakakusa
  5. Shitennoji Temple and Tennoji Park
  6. Shinsekai
    1. Try Kushikatsu
  7. Umeda Sky building
  8. Doguyasuji Shopping Street
  9. Kuromon Market - Osaka’s Kitchen
  10. Hozenji Yokocho - Food - okonomiyaki
  11. Abeno Harukas
  12. Midosuji Shopping street - Food
  13. Try okonomiyaki and takoyaki


  1. Kenrokuen Garden
  2. Higashi Chaya District
    1. Shima Tea House
  3. Omicho Market
  4. Nagamachi Samurai District
    1. Nomura-kei
  5. Kanazawa Castle


  1. Todaiji Temple
  2. Nara Park
  3. Kofukuji Temple
  4. Isuien Garden
  5. Kasuga Taisha
Yes, its a lot for 2 weeks but it's currently a dump of information so reduce it a lot. Thanks!
submitted by Ancient_Touch to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:32 Grey-Jedi185 [PS4] H: Meat Week Plans W: 15 Leaders or 50 Cobalt or 75 Violet Flux... Also have Wasteland Hunter Backpack Plans 30 Leaders or 100 Cobalt or 150 Violet Flux

[PS4] H: Meat Week Plans W: 15 Leaders or 50 Cobalt or 75 Violet Flux... Also have Wasteland Hunter Backpack Plans 30 Leaders or 100 Cobalt or 150 Violet Flux submitted by Grey-Jedi185 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 Grey-Jedi185 H: Meat Week Plans W: 15 Leaders or 50 Cobalt or 75 Violet Flux... Also have Wasteland Hunter Backpack Plans 30 Leaders or 100 Cobalt or 150 Violet Flux

H: Meat Week Plans W: 15 Leaders or 50 Cobalt or 75 Violet Flux... Also have Wasteland Hunter Backpack Plans 30 Leaders or 100 Cobalt or 150 Violet Flux submitted by Grey-Jedi185 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:45 NicDays Encountering Wild Hogs During Night ALONE in the forest

If you were walking through the woods at night ALONE, with only a fishing knife, and you heard wild boars around you - what would you do?
So I live in Sweden and I very much like nature and camping although I haven't camped a lot in my life. Last evening I drove out to a big forest intending to hike, camp and fish alone.
I've only been afraid of bears during camping, but bears doesn't live in southern Sweden where I live so I thought I had nothing to worry about except possible psychos (I've watched some scary hiking/camping videos on youtube lately).
After 2 hours of hiking through the forest, it was around 11pm and very dark. I hadn't found any good place to place my tent. I was using my flashlight on my head. I had to go inside of and go through a fence area / yard with cows and ONE BULL in order to find the camping place where I had set up a tent with a buddy 3 years ago. Back then there were no cows there.
I have no idea of what encountering cows and a bull is like - ESPECIALLY during night time. The sign said to go around the cows, not through the heard. So thinking that this is safe beccause of the sign, I began walking inside the cow area... After 30-50 meters I stopped. I never saw any cow, but I heard one walking or something nearby. I became very unsure and headed back to the fence opening... I looked up how dangerous it's to enter a field of cows and BULLS. And I immiedetely got out of the fence area.
My plan was to go back to a viewing area of the sea and camp there on a plank of woods just for the night and then continue hiking to my past camping place and fish the next day.
As I was putting on a long youtube video as background noise to ease my fear of going through the dark woods alone, I heard two sticks sharply break arund 10 meters away from left. I wasn't that scared, but I shut the video off and began hiking back with a fishing knife in my hand just in case.... My first thought wasn't that it was a wild boar - strangely enough. And I didn't think it was a human since there was a lot of dense bushes etc around me...
After a short couple of minutes, I suddenly hear a couple of grunts to my right, 2-3 meters away. The sheer fear running through my body - I've never felt anything like it. Adrenaline pumped and I breathed heavily. I did not stop, but kept on walking at the same pace - hoping that it would not attack. I remember my mom said she saw wild boars crossing the road once (from a distance) and she said she screamed and ran away (which you shouldn't do).
I've only researched about bear behavor and attacks before, NEVER wild hogs - so I had no idea what to do if a boar charged me. I had no idea if there was piglets around. I know that a mom bear can be very aggressive if she has cubs, so I presumed that was the case with wild boars as well. I've only got a fishing knife on me. I know they know about my presence because of the light and the noise I'm making while walking.
I continued walking, still very frightened. A few minutes later I hear some animal noise from my right that sounded like a piglet grunting or something - but from a distance. Maybe 10-15 meters away.
I was afraid that a wild boar would charge me from behind, but I didn't have the balls to look behind me except once. I felt like the guy from Avatar when he's alone in the woods on Pandora during night. I tried embrace the fact that I need to be very aggressive and stab and battle a wild boar if it would charge. Thinking that it was my best bet since I didn't know anything about their attacking behaviors or how strong they really are. Now, having looked it up, I know you should try climbing a tree if you can, if a boar attacks you.
A while later, the beaten path turned a bit to the left, and my flashlight struck an animal 10 meters infront of me, which immidately ran away. I think it was a small wild boar but I'm not sure. I only saw a glimpse of the behind and right back leg.
Shortly after that I had to hike up a very steep trail for a few minutes. My heart was pumping and I was breathing heavily - partly because of the steepness but also my adrenaline. I just wanted home. I thought to myself "Home. Home.... In my bed. Why did I have to go here alone during night time?".
I eventually completed the steep trail and now finally entered the small car road (with no street lamps). I had hiked through the woods before while trying to find a good camping place, but walking on the car road felt much safer and more time efficient as well. I was still afraid though, and still held my knife. Cars past me twice. When a car came, I stepped aside and hid my knife. It's illegal in Sweden to carry a knife - and I don't think strangers seeing me in the middle of nowhere walking on a small road during a friday night with a knife is gonna do me any good.
I was so so grateful when entering my dad's car I had loaned. While driving, I thanked God out loud for being alive and being unharmed.
If you were in my situation, walking through the woods at night ALONE, with only a fishing knife, and you heard wild boars around you - what would you do?
submitted by NicDays to CampingandHiking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:56 Wonderful_Gazelle_10 Well, fuck, how did I fall for it all again?

Long triggering post ahead. Also religious trauma, domestic abuse...maybe?
I'm nearing 38, and I'm just realizing that the man I married when I was 30 is rather abusive. I just need to share this. I need to write it out. I need to confirm that I'm not crazy. Or if I am, please correct me.
My dad is a pastor in a conservative Christian cult. Not only is the cult abusive, my dad was/is abusive. My mom was both a receiver and a perpetrator of abuse. Mostly emotionally and mentally. There was, of course, corporal punishment which I consider abuse. My brothers got beat a lot. Often by my mom. But they preferred to abuse me emotionally and mentally because I really can handle pain, it's my brain that is weak.
My dad will get mad about something and just take over the whole house screaming and throwing a fit. He would threaten us and just go absolutely bizerk. It could be because of something else he was mad at, or because we ate all his ice cream or some other food that he wanted but didn't say he was saving for something. He would make weird rules or decide we couldn't do something like see a parade because "the gays had taken it over." (Not pride, just this local parade). We never knew when he would be cool and when he would be volatile. My mom was similar, but she'd scream at us when we asked for help with school (homeschool) or go on about how nobody ever helped her...I did.
It's always kind of confused me because my dad and mom would point out other people both in and out of the cult and say that they were so abusive or cruel to their kids. They were correct about these people. But the implication was always that my parents were good somehow. I fell for it for a long time.
In college they diagnosed me with bipolar II. About 3 or 4 years ago, I found out that not only were they wrong, they didn't even follow proper clinical procedures for diagnosing such a thing. About 3ish years ago, I was diagnosed with PTSD.
When I met my husband he was cool. He was the first boyfriend I had that wasn't mean or degrading. He brought me coffee just because or soup when I was sick. It was fun and cool. I felt like a real person for the first time ever.
But, he would get upset about something at work and he'd threaten other people. Like one time when we were dating, he was mad about how work went and then started about how he wanted to beat up this random bicyclist who was driving by. When I reacted, he just said he was kidding and acted like I was overreacting. My dad did that a lot too. Said something horrible and then screamed at me for not being able to take a joke.
He does this all the time. He gets in these rants about whatever he's mad about. It's rarely something I did and the anger is rarely directed at me exactly. But he takes over the whole house. And one time he was in the kitchen, and he had a knife, and he was stabbing the air repeatedly while yelling about how he wanted to hurt his managers.
Then, I have to soothe him, and calm him down. And it's the poor him show.
He's also gotten violent with my small dog. Usually just scary and threatening, but sometimes violent. My dog used to love him, now he's scared of him.
At first I thought I was just being sensitive. And when he gets drunk, or starts acting like this and I get upset it's all, "it's because of how you were raised. You're upset by the fact that I'm snarling and muttering to myself because of your hupervigilance."
And he also will condem abusers. As if he's not one.
I think it is abuse? Am I just over sensitive. My parents would say I've never been abused.
Anyway, I'm leaving in a week. I'm going to teach in a different country than my husband is. The plan is to work separately for the school year and then after a year reevaluate. He kind of pushed me into this. And I didn't want to be separate at first. But now I don't think I will want him back.
I've not even told my mom about the issues, just that we would be teaching in different countries. She already had that disapproving look. Like she knows I'm a sinful, worthless wife. And that's one thing I've told myself to stamp down my unhappiness. I don't even believe that stuff anymore. I know what they will say when (and possibly if) I divorce my husband.
Anyway, is this abuse? Am I just some entitled woman who is too selfish to allow other to express themselves? That's what my husband says, that he has to walk on eggshells and that I'm not letting him feel anger. Or he oscillates from "poor me, men are only allowed to feel anger and now that's all I can express" to "why are you oppressing me".
I don't even know where I'm going with this. I guess an outside perspective from other C-ptsd friends would be nice.
Edit: I'm just pissed at myself for marrying my dad in sheep's clothes. Or maybe I am just a bitch.
submitted by Wonderful_Gazelle_10 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Newnan Ga

Best Restaurants in Newnan Ga
Best Restaurants in Newnan Ga Welcome to our guide on the best restaurants in Newnan, GA! We're here to take you on a mouthwatering journey through this charming city's vibrant food scene.From the smoky delights of Meat N Greet's barbecue to the sizzling steaks at Texas Roadhouse, we'll explore the menus that will make your taste buds dance.Craving pizza? Fabianos Pizzeria has got you covered. And for those seeking a taste of Asia, Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar will transport you to flavor paradise.So join us as we uncover the culinary treasures of Newnan!Key TakeawaysMeat N Greet offers a unique and diverse menu focused on barbecue and smoked meats, but may have limited options for vegetarians or those with dietary restrictions.Texas Roadhouse is known for its high-quality steaks and family-friendly atmosphere, but wait times can be long during peak hours and the noise level can be high.Fabianos Pizzeria serves authentic Italian-style pizza with fresh ingredients, but the menu may lack variety for those looking for a broader range of Italian dishes and the service can be inconsistent.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar is highly rated and offers a chance to explore Thai cuisine and sushi, making it a popular choice for those looking to try Asian dishes in Newnan.Meat N GreetWe absolutely love the diverse and unique menu at Meat N Greet, focusing on barbecue and smoked meats. Located in downtown Newnan, it's a must-visit for meat lovers. The restaurant offers a wide variety of flavors and options that will surely satisfy any craving.As you step inside Meat N Greet, you're greeted with a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The rustic decor and friendly staff create a charming and laid-back ambiance, making it the perfect place for casual gatherings and family dinners.The menu at Meat N Greet primarily focuses on meat dishes, so vegetarians or those with dietary restrictions may find limited options. However, for those who appreciate the flavors of barbecue and smoked meats, this is the place to be. From mouthwatering brisket and pulled pork to succulent ribs and flavorful sausages, there's something for everyone.One thing to note is that some diners may find the prices on the higher end, especially for larger groups or families. However, the quality and taste of the food make it worth the splurge. Plus, the portion sizes are generous, ensuring you leave satisfied.If you're not sure what to order, we highly recommend trying their jumbo-cut wings, El Diablo craft burger, and signature cocktail drink, Everything Floats. The Moscow Mule is also a crowd favorite.Texas RoadhouseThere are many reasons why we love Texas Roadhouse. One of the standout features of Texas Roadhouse is their commitment to serving high-quality steaks. Their steaks are seasoned and cooked to perfection, ensuring a delicious and tender dining experience. Whether you prefer a juicy ribeye or a mouthwatering steak and shrimp combination, Texas Roadhouse has options to satisfy any steak lover's cravings.In addition to their top-notch steaks, Texas Roadhouse offers a lively and family-friendly atmosphere. The restaurant is known for its vibrant ambiance, complete with occasional entertainment like line dancing. It's the perfect place to gather with friends or bring the whole family for a fun and memorable lunch experience.However, it's important to note that Texas Roadhouse can get quite busy, especially during peak hours. This popularity can result in long wait times, so it's advisable to plan accordingly or make a reservation if possible. Additionally, due to the lively atmosphere, the noise level in the restaurant can be high, which may not be suitable for those seeking a quiet dining experience.Fabianos PizzeriaWhy should we try Fabianos Pizzeria for a delicious Italian-style pizza in Newnan, GA? Here are three reasons why this cozy and casual restaurant is worth a visit:Authentic Italian pizza: Fabianos Pizzeria offers mouthwatering Italian-style pizza that will satisfy any pizza lover's cravings. Their pizzas are made with fresh ingredients and come in a variety of toppings, allowing you to customize your pie to perfection. From the classic Margherita to the specialty Mrs. Fabiano pizza, there's something for everyone's taste buds.Cozy and casual ambiance: Fabianos Pizzeria provides a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, making it the perfect spot for a casual dining experience with friends or family. Whether you choose to dine in or take out, you can enjoy your pizza in a cozy setting that feels like home.Popular dishes to try: In addition to their delicious pizzas, Fabianos Pizzeria offers a selection of other Italian dishes that are worth trying. From the hearty lasagna to the savory calzone, there's a variety of options to satisfy your Italian food cravings. And don't forget to save room for dessert! Aunt Maria's Tiramisu is a popular choice that will leave you wanting more.La Parrilla Mexican RestaurantOne of our favorite Mexican restaurants in Newnan Ga is La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant. La Parrilla offers a wide range of authentic Mexican dishes that are sure to satisfy any craving. From traditional tacos and enchiladas to sizzling fajitas and refreshing margaritas, they have it all. The restaurant has a vibrant and lively atmosphere, perfect for enjoying a meal with friends or family. The staff is friendly and attentive, ensuring a pleasant dining experience.To give you a better idea of the menu options at La Parrilla, here is a table showcasing some popular dishes:DishDescriptionCarne AsadaGrilled marinated steak served with rice, beans, and tortillasPollo con QuesoGrilled chicken breast topped with cheese sauce and served with rice and beansEnchiladas VerdesChicken enchiladas topped with green sauce and served with rice and beansChimichangaDeep-fried burrito filled with your choice of meat and served with rice and beansMargaritasA variety of margaritas available, including classic, flavored, and frozen optionsLa Parrilla Mexican Restaurant is a great choice for Mexican cuisine lovers in Newnan Ga. Whether you're looking for a quick lunch or a leisurely dinner, their menu has something for everyone. So, if you're craving delicious Mexican food in a fun and lively atmosphere, be sure to check out La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi BarAre there any vegetarian options available at Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?Absolutely! This restaurant offers a range of delicious vegetarian dishes that are sure to satisfy any palate.Here are three vegetarian options you can enjoy at Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar:Vegetable Pad Thai: This classic Thai dish features stir-fried rice noodles with a medley of fresh vegetables, including bell peppers, carrots, and bean sprouts. Tossed in a tangy and flavorful sauce, the Vegetable Pad Thai is a crowd favorite.Green Curry with Tofu: If you're in the mood for something spicy, the Green Curry with Tofu is a fantastic choice. This dish combines creamy coconut milk, fragrant Thai basil, and a variety of vegetables, all cooked to perfection. The tofu adds a satisfying protein element to the dish.Avocado Sushi Roll: For sushi lovers, the Avocado Sushi Roll is a must-try. This roll features creamy avocado wrapped in sushi rice and seaweed, creating a delightful combination of textures. It's a refreshing and light option that's perfect for those seeking a vegetarian sushi option.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar offers a diverse menu that caters to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Whether you're in the mood for Thai cuisine or sushi, you can find a variety of flavorful options to choose from. The restaurant's commitment to providing vegetarian choices ensures that everyone can enjoy a satisfying and delicious meal.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Vegetarian Options Available at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?At Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar, the vegetarian options may be limited.While Meat N Greet primarily focuses on meat dishes, they may have limited choices for vegetarians.Texas Roadhouse offers a lively atmosphere but has limited vegetarian options.Fabianos Pizzeria excels in pizza but may lack variety in other Italian dishes.La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant's vegetarian options aren't specified.Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar offers a chance to explore Thai cuisine and sushi, which may have vegetarian options.Are Reservations Required at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?Reservations at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar may not be required, but it's recommended to call ahead, especially during busy times.Availability may vary, so it's best to check with each restaurant individually. Keep in mind that popular dining spots tend to have longer wait times, so making a reservation can help ensure a more seamless dining experience.Do Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar Offer Takeout or Delivery Services?Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar all offer takeout or delivery services.You can enjoy the diverse menu and unique flavors of Meat N Greet.Savor high-quality steaks at Texas Roadhouse.Indulge in authentic Italian pizza at Fabianos Pizzeria.Experience the flavors of Mexican cuisine at La Parrilla.Explore Thai cuisine and sushi at Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar, all from the comfort of your own home.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options Available at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?At Meat N Greet, there are limited gluten-free options available. It's important to note that Meat N Greet primarily focuses on meat dishes, so their menu may have limited choices for those with dietary restrictions.Texas Roadhouse offers a variety of steaks, but their gluten-free options may be limited.Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar don't specifically mention gluten-free options on their menus.Are There Any Vegan Options Available at Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar?At Meat N Greet, Texas Roadhouse, Fabianos Pizzeria, La Parrilla Mexican Restaurant, and Garlic Thai Cuisine and Sushi Bar, there may be limited vegan options available. These restaurants primarily focus on meat dishes or have a limited menu variety, which may not cater specifically to vegan diets.However, it's always a good idea to check with the restaurants directly to inquire about any vegan options they may offer.ConclusionIn conclusion, the restaurants in Newnan, GA offer a diverse range of cuisines and dining experiences that are sure to satisfy any palate. Whether you're in the mood for barbecue, steaks, pizza, Mexican food, Thai cuisine, or a sophisticated dining experience, Newnan has it all.So don't wait, grab your fork and knife, and embark on a culinary adventure in this charming city. Bon appétit, y'all!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:38 Thebardofthegingers Hey guys is my bro being a dick here?

I know this accounts been inactive for several months, that's related to this post. Recently my brother 18m has become increasingly deranged over my use of prayer beads. It started a year ago when I suffered a nearly fatal accident and while in the coma got a vision for our Lord telling me that I must live. Afterwards I woke up and devoted myself to being Christian in the way christ intended. In this I got really into prayer beads and healing crystals because I still suffer from chronic rib pain as a result of the accident. My brother was, to say the least, unenthusiastic about my conversion especially since he is a firm catholic who thinks I delve too deep into idolatry. I have tried to convince him otherwise and to accept christ onto his heart rather than the gay pope but ever since we had that conversation he's been increasingly malignant. First he took down the healing Rune poster I had placed in our shared bathroom to help me achieve communion with Christ. He says that he didn't but I found its remains in the recycling. Then I discovered my crystals slowly disappearing which has disturbed my sleep and my spiritual well being as I find evil spirits are attracted to me by my faith. The last straw happened yesterday. I had spent the last few months building a naturalist shrine to God in our backyard. He was sabotaging my the whole way, first he broke my clay tablets I was casting while I was inside hiding from the heat. Then he switched the wood I was using for scaffolding which led to the shrine collapsing which fucking sucks. Finally on the day of completion I knew I needed to please the lord with some kind of ceremony. I read from my holy scripts i had written while possessed by the holy spirit. I originally planned to cast a copper statuette of christ (lacking facial features ofc, i hate idolatry which is another sticking point with my brother) however I knew he would probably ruin it in some way so in my passion I turned to our animals. We keep multiple animals, some for eggs, milk, honey etc and others for fun. I grabbed the nearest Rooster which was a black one called Guy Fawkes who was my brothers second favourite (how was I to know? Like seriously who keeps a list?) And then ran to get a kitchen knife. I'll admit I messed it up a bit, the knife I grabbed was one of those serrated ones because I thought it would be better for sawing through the next bone but it just mangled the neck. Worse still it didn't kill it so I tried to bonk it a few times on the head but it refused to shut up so I had to unceremoniously slam it into the outside wall of our house a few times to finally shut it up. Safe to say it was hardly a serene sanctification of the shrine. Anyway my brother discovered the shrine and more importantly Guy Fawkes and had a fucking fit. First he smashed the shrine which a sledgehammer which I thought was a bit mean, the shrine didn't do it. Then he ran into our room and started throwing all my prayer materials, healing crystals and other vital ingredients out the window. I ran in at thar point and we got into a heated argument. He was mad because I killed Guy fawkes, I was pissed he was disrespecting my faith and honestly I was sick and tired of dealing with his shit so I went to the stables and stayed there the night, it's fine my dad knows my fondness for equine companions so he built me a little hut right next to it. He left early today for his sheep shearing job and I found the holy scripts thrown into the wood burner along with the posters, crystals and hand carved figurines. Honestly I just wanna know from you folks if he is being the asshole here?
submitted by Thebardofthegingers to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:36 EXP_EffeTitanium Waltham Masonic Pocket Watch - Help

Waltham Masonic Pocket Watch - Help
Hello there. I am here to share a pocket watch I just stumbled upon and planning to buy, but have no clue about its origin and history. I have done plenty of research and didn't find a similar piece.
The description says, translated with google: "PR1CE TO BE AGREED - I WILL EVALUATE SENSIBLE PROPOSALS
For sale is a particular original WALTHAM pocket watch, size 12s, which is very rare to find as, in addition to having Masonic symbols on the dial and the rotary seconds disc, it also has its box marked Waltham, in excellent aesthetic condition, and the chain in theme with the knife for opening the case. The watch was produced in the year 1928 as per the dating of the serial number 26,567,837 printed on the movement marked Waltham U.S.A. Royal 19 Jewels. It has the case marked Philadelphia Watch Case Co. – Gold Filled – 25 years – 14K, with the serial number 10.146 imprinted. Winding takes place via the crown as well as resetting the time. The glass is mineral without scratches and the dial, in white ceramic, is immaculate without cracks, "scratches" or repairs, with three wonderful symbols depicting the characteristic Masonic symbols. On the dial there are Arabic style hour numbers as well as in the seconds disc. It has the glass holder ring and the rear case lid that close perfectly and the hinges are toned and work perfectly, with very slight and imperceptible signs of aging. The watch case is highly polished and the movement, in excellent condition, is very clean and keeps time perfectly. The hands, blued and made of steel, are in excellent condition. The measurements are: case diameter 44.20 mm., with crown 50.20 mm., with ring 56.20 mm., thickness 11.60 mm., weight 54.10 grams.
Chain length approximately 35 cm; knife length approximately 6.5 cm."
Thank you for your help!
submitted by EXP_EffeTitanium to pocketwatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 Gold_Incident_108 Knife was too sharp lol

Knife was too sharp lol
Hi! I'm new with pileas and I really love my plant! I want to share it with my boyfriend, so I decided to propagate it by cutting a leaf. I saw on youtube how to do it, I took a sharp knife to cut a leaf with a little stem. When I was cutting, at the start I had to put a little more pressure to it but then my knife glided down far too much as I planned.
I want to ask if this couses any trouble to the plant and should I do something to prevent that or am I overreacting as a new owner of this little guy lol I feel so bad.
Thank you!
submitted by Gold_Incident_108 to PileaPeperomioides [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:59 YukiteruAmano92 There Will Be Scritches Pt.180

Previous Interlewd XLI Next First


---Fnurfar’s perspective---
---2710 Terran Calenda3 years BF---
All six of my paws desperately scramble against the slick pavement of the Prosperity back alley as I flee for my life!
Pursuing me… is a monster!
His species aren’t meant to be sprinters!
They said if it came to a chase, I just needed to quickly get out of his line of sight and keep going and he’d not be able to keep up!
I skid around a corner and steal a glance behind me, seeing two furious eyes moving towards me so fast that they seem to leave streaks of emerald green behind them as afterimages!
The Fury is so close on my tail that he’s almost certain to catch me now!
It would be laughable how much my… ‘employers’ had underestimated him if it weren’t so terrifying!
Youve got a Terran with you! There should be no issue!’
Yes, that idiot mercenary they hired almost had me going with his smug, arrogant proclamation that ‘Big=slow! Slow=dead!’ as he idly showed off his little knife tricks!
My confidence lasted up until the very moment I saw the one we were supposed to rob!
[20cm] taller than the skinny mercenary and looking like he could easily weigh twice as much, the man was a Hunt damned beast compared to the one who was meant to protect me from him!
I think Flynn reassessed his cocksure attitude as well because, rather than waiting for me to have an opening like we agreed in the [fucking] plan, he just drew a knife and tried to stab the monster to death!
An extremely poorly calculated risk!
There was no competition!
This juggernaut dealt with Flynn as easily as Flynn could have dealt with me!
It took him a matter of seconds to dispatch my accomplice but that was a matter of seconds where he was distracted enough that I was able to snag what we had been after… not that it makes any difference now!
Just as I hear thundering footfalls coming up on my left, powerful fingers impact the space between the bottom of my neck and the top of my top shoulderblades.
I’m slammed into the ground… but not killed
I can feel the power contained in the iron grip around my neck…
I know that decapitating me would be as simple as deciding to close his fingers but, as I wait for death to come, it doesnt
Instead, the hand slides up my shoulders, gathering the loose skin and lifting me up like a kit in her parent’s mouth…
The first thing I’m able to see is the monster’s flat, booted feet, followed by a pair of long thick legs, then a chest and left arm covered in a loose fitting, buttoned shirt, patterned with vertical and horizontal lines.
The red fabric of his top disguises the bloodstain from the wound he got from Flynn, just below his shoulder. However, the nauseatingly metallic smell of it absolutely fills my nostrils!
The final thing to be revealed, as my feet hang more than [a metre] from the ground, is a face… the scarred skin a pale beige, the white, calcite teeth bared in a furious grimace, copper coloured eyebrows tilted downward in the middle over a nose, wrinkled with anger, and emerald eyes, burning with rage!
His shoulders rise and fall, in time with panted breaths he sucks in and out through his gritted teeth, putting me less in mind of a person (or even an animal) catching their breath after exertion and more in mind of some hulking piece of machinery from the Steam Age venting its pressure!
The Terran extends his pallid skinned, long fingered, furless, pentadactyl left hand to me, stained with the ferrous blood that’s run down his sleeve, and growls “Sample!”
No…” I breathe, terrified.
GIRL! I AINT fuckin’ PLAYIN’ with you!” he snarls, curling all but his index finger and jabbing it towards my snout “You’re gonna. GIVE. BACK. what you. FUCKIN’. STOLE!”
Youcan take itfrom my corpse…” I defy, clutching my exhausted, trembling pawhands to the front of my jumpsuit.
Effortlessly, his free hand comes forward, batting my four aside, before pinching the top of the stasis vial and pulling it free, with there being absolutely nothing I can do to stop him!
He holds up the tube, in which is visible a small plant with a rosette of frilly black leaves and through which can be seen a frozen impression of the room it was in when it was stasised, demanding “You’re really willin’ to die for this!? For corporate espionage?!… Why the fuck’s this matter to you like that?!?!?!”
“I dont careabout the plantat all…” I answer, defeated.
His face twists in a sneer as he asks “Then why tell me I had to pry it from your cold. dead. hands!?”
Becauseif I come backemptyhandedtheyre going totorture my husbandand sonand make me watch!… If I dontcome backat all… maybe theyll let them go!” I pant in answer.
His face falls blank… but I can tell that is not because he’s no longer angry!
Instead, his redoubled rage has gone from white hot to ice cold as he leans in and demands “Whosthey’?”
---2715 Terran Calenda2 years AF---
One!?” demands the sceptical, lutrine, Nvar man, one of six listening to my story for the first time (along with the two friends who’ve heard it before), holding up a webbed pawhand and extending a single finger “You’re trying to tell us that one Terran dismantled the entire Giluspri Sisters’ Syndicate, overnight!?… Simply because you told him a sob story about them holding your family hostage!?”
“I did say you wouldn’t believe me(!)” I smirk, lifting my drink to take a sip.
“You’re damn right I don’t believe you!!!” he sneers “It might have been a little more believable if you’d made it a team of a dozen or so Terrans that were guarding this thing but one!?… There’s no way it took a single individual a single night to root out and entirely destroy an enterprise that Prosperity’s government had been hunting for nearly [2 decades], even if that individual was a Terran!”
I place my drink down on the table and turn the palms of all four pawhands to the ceiling as I say “Believe me or dont… that’s exactly how it happened!”
“Hmmm… Don’t know ’bout ‘exactly’…!” comes a familiar voice from behind my head, in the next booth over.
I freeze and straighten my back.
The friends and audience in my booth are looking past me, curiously, but, from their faces, it doesn’t look like they can see anything.
I stand and slide out through the gap between the table and Nafnarl’s footpaws.
I turn right and am immediately able to see that the booth next to us is occupied by a mixture of Terrans and some much smaller humanoids with green skin.
I keep going, rounding the partition to reveal…
“By the Hunt! Victor?!” I exclaim, seeing the man sat with his back almost exactly to where I was sitting, next to another tall, slim humanoid with blue skin and four arms.
His copper hair is much longer, his face isn’t as scarred and isn’t wearing the disgusted sneer that characterised so much of the time he and I spent together but… there’s no mistaking it!
The man turns his head, smiling, before standing up to nearly twice my height and extending a palm to ruffle the fur between my ears, saying “How’s it goin’, Foxy? You look a lot better ’an you did last time I saw you at least(!)” gesturing with his other hand up and down my less skinny and less visibly scarred body.
“Never mind that, Victor! What are you doing here?! You didn’t tell me you were coming back to Prosperity!”
He smirks “Yeah, sorry Foxy… It’s a loose lips sink ships kinda deal… Just thought I’d show my friends here the bar you brought me to celebrate after everythin’ was done that time… Didn’t think I’d actually run into you here!”
I stare up at the man, agog, for a few moments before reaching up with both my left hands and closing them around his wrist.
He allows me to drag him back to the head of my table.
“Nafnarl! Gfurnaf! This is him! This is the one I’ve been telling you about for the last [5 years]!” I say to my two Graufna friends before turning to the rest of the table to declare “Hes the man who took down the Giluspris! He’s Victor ‘Cuddles’ Taylor!”
With mirthful bemusement, the Terran raises his left palm to the table to smile “Y’alright guys!” before his eyes scan the faces and his expression goes concerned. He turns to me and asks “Your hubby alright, Foxy?”
I bare my teeth (I hope friendlily) and answer “Fnarnulf’s fine, Victor!… Fuffarn too! This is just a girl’s night…” gesturing at my two friends “…or… it was(!)” gesturing over the four men and two women, of four different species, who joined us to hear my story.
“What did you mean by it not being ‘exactly’ right?” queries Lunvo, the same sceptical Nvar who voiced disbelief before, still looking sceptical (not that I can blame him) but at least impressed by the fact that the ‘con’ has an (imposing looking) Terran stooge now(!)
Weeeeell…” Victor frowns down at me, mirthfully “…the way she described me dodgin’ that knife attack, she made me sound almost psychic(!)… In reality, she and this guy werent as smooth as she seems to think(!) The fact that I even got nicked by someone I was payin’ as much attention to as that is a bad reflection on my reaction time!… Also, she kinda made it sound like I went into their headquarters with a gun in one hand and a lit plasmasword in the other(!) As I recall, I gave ’em all a chance to surrender and come quietly and it were only after they, shall we say, indicated a lack of interest in that option that my weapons first cleared leather!… Oh! And what was with all that comparin’ the way I pant to ventin’ steam engines, Foxy(?!)”
But…” starts Muan, a nervous tolypeutine Wne woman beside her Wno husband, Kmuw “…you don’t deny it was you and you alone who brought down the Giluspris?… Without help?”
The pale skin of the Terran’s flat face performs a complicated scrunch as he considers the question before answering “Don’t know ’bout ‘without help’… I had Foxy here for showin’ me the way, after I’d done a lotta convincin’… and, once I’d taken care of ’em, local law enforcers came to take the survivors away… Aaaaand… I probably didnt actually manage to kill or capture every last one of ’em… just gutted its power structure enough that the rats fled the sinkin’ ship(!)”
“Why are you calling her ‘Foxy’?” asks Lunvo, four eyes narrowed in suspicion “‘Fnurfar’ is the name she gave us!”
The large man shrugs his shoulders “I didn’t get her name until we came here to celebrate… she didn’t trust me to give it… Had to call her somethin’, so I called her Foxy.”
“Hmmm…” responds Lunvo “…I’m not buying it…”
Victor raises an eyebrow “You ain’t buyin’ me givin’ her a nickname(!?)”
“I don’t believe any of it! The whole story reeks of the fanciful!”
I bare my teeth and slam my paws on the table before snarling “I don’t care if you question my honesty, Lunvo, but this man saved my husband’s life, my son’s life, the lives of dozens of others, freed me from effective slavery and freed this planet from its largest criminal syndicate! I will not have you questioning his integrity!”
Lunvo cowers away from me, despite the table separating us.
I feel a large, strong hand on my shoulder.
I turn to see a smiling face.
Eeeeasy there, Foxy… ’Preciate the defence but there aint no need to get heated over it!… ’Specially not when there’s a really easy way to sort this out…” he looks up at Lunvo and asks “Lunvo, was it? Could I ask you to look up the front page of the Prosperity Chronicle from the 3rd of September, 2710?… I think you’ll see a picture of me shakin’ hands with your governor at the time…”
Previous Interlewd XLI Next First
Dramatis Personae
submitted by YukiteruAmano92 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:23 limmbuu Final Hostel Checklist


Patiala has extremes of both summers and winters. So keeping in mind that,
Laundry will be available twice a week, for example, Tuesday and Friday. Clothes you give on Tuesday will be returned on Friday.




Things in Bold are very important.
Most of the items in this category can be procured from COS.
NOTE - Keep the important original documents with you and their photo copies as well. Might need them even after the admission process is over
Passport size photos: Keep at least 20, you'll need for new SIM, bank account etc.
Old newspapers, and plastic carry bags can always come handy.
That’s a long enough list, I guess. May the coming days get you the branch which you desire. I look forward to meeting you on campus.
submitted by limmbuu to ThaparUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:05 elguafels H:pepper shaker/brahmin grill/megalonix torso(x2)/butcher knife/bloodied chef outfit(x2)/alien plans W:Offers

submitted by elguafels to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:13 Ok-Promotion-6703 My girl best friend was an popular person but then i found how she became popular

It started as a fun weekend getaway. Emma, Jake, and I had planned a camping trip in the remote woods, a place where cell service barely existed. We were desperate for a break from our daily grind, a chance to unplug and reconnect with nature. Emma, who was strikingly beautiful with her flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, had insisted on this spot, claiming it was untouched and serene.
The first night was perfect—stories around the campfire, laughter echoing through the trees, and a sky full of stars. Emma's laughter was infectious, and her radiant smile made the night even more magical. But things took a dark turn the following morning when we found our supplies ransacked and strange, crude traps set around our camp.
"What the hell?" Jake exclaimed, examining the remains of our food. "Who would do this?"
"I don't know," Emma replied, her blue eyes wide with confusion. "This doesn't make any sense."
At first, we thought it was some kind of sick joke. But when Jake triggered a trap that nearly impaled him with spikes, we realized this was no prank.
"Jesus, that was close," Jake said, his face pale as he backed away from the spikes.
"We need to get out of here," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
Panic set in as we tried to find our way back to the car, but every path seemed to lead us deeper into the forest. It was as if the woods themselves were conspiring against us.
"Emma, do you have any idea where we are?" I asked, anxiety creeping into my voice.
Her blue eyes narrowed as she surveyed the area. "I swear, I thought I did," she replied, her beauty a stark contrast to the terror unfolding around us. "Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way."
That was our first mistake. Alone, I stumbled upon a camera, hidden but running. It was live-streaming. The screen displayed a live chat, viewers commenting frantically about our every move.
"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I muttered, my heart pounding as I pieced it together—someone was watching us, orchestrating our terror for entertainment.
Desperate to warn the others, I raced back to our meeting point, only to find Emma standing over a bloodied Jake. She looked at me with wide, manic eyes.
"It's for the views, Alex," she said, her voice disturbingly calm. "People love seeing raw fear. They believe they're watching you end your life, but it's me. It’s all me."
I stared at her, horrified. "Emma, why? We trusted you."
Her smile was cold, devoid of any warmth. "Fame, Alex. This will make us famous. Can't you see? This is bigger than us."
"You're insane," I said, backing away slowly. "This isn't fame, it's murder."
Emma's expression turned to one of mock pity. "Oh, Alex. You always were too naive."
"Emma, we need help. Jake's hurt," I said, trying to reason with her.
Jake groaned, clutching his side. "Alex, don't waste your breath."
But something in Emma's eyes shifted. She looked around, suddenly uncertain. "No, this can't be happening," she muttered. "It was supposed to be perfect."
I seized the moment. "Emma, look at yourself. You're losing it. We need to get out of here."
Her grip on the knife faltered, and she looked down at Jake, then back at me. "I... I didn't mean for this to happen."
"Emma, put the knife down," I urged, my voice gentle. "We can still make it out of here."
For a moment, I thought she might listen. But then she shook her head, her eyes wild again. "No! This is my moment!"
She turned and ran into the woods, disappearing into the dense foliage. I rushed to Jake, helping him to his feet.
"We have to move, now," I said.
With Jake leaning heavily on me, we stumbled through the forest. The sounds of Emma's frantic shouts echoed in the distance, growing fainter as we pressed on. Hours later, we finally emerged onto a road, a passing car screeching to a halt as we waved frantically.
"Help us!" I called out, and the driver quickly dialed for help.
As we waited for the paramedics, Jake and I sat on the roadside, exhausted but relieved. "Do you think she'll find her way out?" Jake asked.
I shook my head, unsure. "I don't know. But I hope she does. She needs help, Jake. Real help."
Emma was eventually found, delirious and lost, babbling about fame and followers. She was taken to a psychiatric facility, her channel shut down, but the videos were already out there, shared and re-shared by thousands. People debated their authenticity, some calling them the most brilliant horror performance ever, others demanding justice.
I never went back to the woods, and I never spoke to Emma again. But the scars remained, a constant reminder of how our obsession with online fame turned a trusted friend into a monster.
submitted by Ok-Promotion-6703 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:28 Brief-Brush-1779 What a turn of events

So this might come out a little sporadic but I'm typing as it the conversations come out. Also on mobile apologies for format. Also I've tried to talk to them about my wife's feelings about being here but they brush it off and said well suck it up.
So after struggling to keep up with rent our landlord said to have 1300 by last friday or be gone. We had no way of coming up with 1300 in 5 days (she told us the monday of that week). So we told her we would be gone so we started packing. Called my parents to see if we could temporarily move in with them and they said yes, it should be noted they have spent the better part this year pushing to have me, my wife and our daughter move in with them rent free. My wife and I are both pretty private so the thought of living with other people was too much even if it was family. Being our only choice I had to reach out, we spent monday afternoon through Wednesday night packing our home of 3.5 years. They came down thursday and we started loading the truck (just my wife and i) while they kept our daughter busy. After the truck is loaded and they have our mattress and a few other items loaded in their truck they take us out to eat, we then take the truck to the storage unit, unload and make our way to their house 2.5 hours away.
My parents and I have a semi strenuous relationship, being they like to control and guilt trip me since I'm a only child and my dad is now disabled. Their on fixed income. My wife and I spent the better part of the next 4 days applying for jobs through various job websites. It's been fine up until Tuesday when we head 45 minutes away to the nearest town with staffing agencies. We fill out info and were told to wait for a call. That was about 3 or 4 hours, knowing we did all we could we headed back. We get back to my parents house(really a trailer on some land) the first thing out of my moms mouth was "yall are back already. I figured you would make a day of it" mind you we've been applying online to anything and everything but so far no calls. As I've already checked the jobs in town (as small as it is) only accept online applications, it's not like we could fill out paper ones and et hired on the spot. My wife and I spend the rest of the day in our room still applying for what we can find. My parents want us to sit out in the living room with them, we do for a little bit until it's time to put our daughter to sleep.
Wednesday comes and it goes pretty much like tuesday, along with the sly comments when we get back, except this time we head another 30 minutes away to another town and we have a interview set for this coming monday.
Thursday comes and we dont go out because we've already hit the staffing agencies even remotely close to us, which any job we get requires up to a hour of driving one way. Now this trailer is hoooot and the ac doesnt work all that well on our side so my dad and I take a window unit out of his work shed and fit it in the window of our room. All that was said before we spent half a day getting to this point was any extra electricity we use we would pay the difference, that was fine with me. My parents are older and get cold easily so setting the ac temperature to 78 is normal for them but again the ac sucks on our side and we're sweating our asses off the previous nights.
Meanwhile they have been pressuring us to spend our free time in the living room to watch movies with them, while they have their faces buried in their phones and not paying any attention to anything else.
So now its Friday, exactly 1 week from our first full day out here. We're down to 1 vehicles right now and the engine temp gauge starts going out as we ran into town for baby stuff. We make it home and I noticed I missed a call from my mom. I call her back and she asks where we are at, I said we just got back because the car was acting up. " well I thought yall would he out applying for jobs" I said again we've been applying for jobs for a week now. "Well you need to figure something out soon especially since your car is messing up". So then I spend the next 4 hours helping my dad around the property and listen to him complain that we've been using too much electricity with the window unit and they cant afford a $500 electric bill. We've kept the ac at 70 and it barely comes on with 2 fans going. We have a 2 year old and she doesnt need to be sweating in her sleep. I say ok and try to move on. After taking a shower and laying down to rest I get up and grab some leftovers from the previous night. Now before I continue I should mention that when I was still living at home while my wife and started dating, my parents would ambush me after getting home with 2 or 3 hour discussions on how my behavior is unacceptable. Meaning me going out with my girlfriend at the time, now wife and walking through the park after work or going on a date on our days off. This continued until we moved in together. Even me moving out was a problem when I didnt want to take towels and cookware with me because we already bought some. They always guilt trip me into helping them with something. Now after a 1.5 years of my wife and I living together my parents lost their house(my mom didnt tell my dad until a week before they had to leave) she knew for a while but never got a job or asked for help. So my wife and I got 1k each loans from work to help them move(which they have paid back) but then spent the next 3 days helping them move 20 years worth of living 2.5 hours away.
My wife has tried to get along with them but they just rub her the wrong way with comments, behavior and attitudes.
But now we have a kid so I feel compelled to go out there as often as possible so they can spend time with their grandchild.
Now cut to friday(yesterday now) and I'm heating up leftovers. As soon as I set my bowl on the table they come sit down, oh joy another round table discussion. They start off with how we sleep in too late(9 or 10am is too late I guess) we dont spend time with them, also a lie because we spent 6 hours in the living room the day before and they barely acknowledged us, we dont seem to be doing anything. Also a lie, coming straight from their mouths, they dont believe we have been putting any effort to find a job since we dont do it in the living room and tell them watch what yall want we're putting in applications. I cannot make this up. How I have to ask if they need any chores or anything done around the house to help out. Also a lie because I ask do you need help with dinner, do you need help with cleaning up, and my dad has been asking for my help for every little job he wants to do around the house. I may be your child but I'm not a child. They dont like how we sit in our room, for maybe half a day, I've spent more time doing shit around the house or looking for a job than I have spent chilling with my wife and daughter. How we dont seem to have a plan and their not going to be paying our way, now mind you they've been hounding us to move in, we have to find jobs, shit doesnt come by easily anymore. One thing they kept saying before was yall dont have to come in the living room with us, you can come and go as you please, that was bullshit. As far as places reaching out to us for interviews it's only been 5 business days since we've been here, between the 2 of us we have nearly 150 applications out and nearly all of those are 45-1.5hrs away. We do have 2 interviews set for monday.
So they wait until I've sat down to eat since I've been busy all day and haven't eaten to ambush me again with a talk. They love to control me by guilt, before it was fine because it was just me dealing with them since my wife refuses to play their games but now your trying to do this shit in front of my wife and daughter.
Side note I told my mom not to feed our daughter with her spoon the night before, " well we've been doing you just havent been here to see it" and continued to do it. I started to raise my voice but my wife shook her head no.
Where did all the promises before go to? Why is it now we're just lazy bums sleeping all day(lie). I have a plan, I know what I need to do, as I'm telling them this I get the "dont be so defensive"line. I'm not being defensive, I'm telling you we have interviews set and applications out, it's a waiting game. Anytime in that discussion I say something that disproves what their saying they turn it around to well that's not the point that's exactly the point, what I said proves that your talking out your ass but you sont see it that way. Earlier in the day for the 3rd time in 2 days they berate me about the extra electricity. Why offer to have a window unit put in if you sidnt expect us to use it. We're not talking 60 degrees 24/7. 70 at night(which is still hot in the room but bearable and off during the day.
Also my wife doesnt feel comfortable eating around people, so really the only time she eats is dinner at the table(mandatory apparently) or if I bring food in the room, with my parents behavior its makes her uncomfortable to be out in the living room(where the spend nearly all day) to grab a snack. I get it, your in someone else's house you dont want to dig around the fridge. So now my wife is barely eating.
I've been trying to keep a relationship going for the sake of my daughter but this shit is the last straw. I feel like your trying to drive a wedge between my wife and I(like they've been trying to under the guise of have we want to spend time with yall but making sly comments to piss us off) my wife is ready to leave and I'm with her. I cant do this game with them anymore.
Yall offer help with one hand and have a knife in the other. Everything has strings attached to it.
Over the years my dad has giving me some thing she doesnt use anymore. A old laptop (by today's standards but usable) Xbox one which I still use A old digital camera Old tablet with cracked screen Set of battery powered drills(heavily used) These are the only items they bring up and ask if I still have them or I sold them. They are all in storage, I should know by now any gift will be used against me later on by accusing me of selling them.
So now I'm on reddit after my wife and I talking about the entire week, 1 week, 7 days of being here. Until she fell asleep about 1am. I'm still up pissed off and typing this. I'm not sure what to do, we talked about gettig 2 checks and getting a pay by the week hotel to get out of here quickly or try to deal with it for 2 months until we save enough to rent a place(security and at least 2 months rent)
I'm ready to ghost them and move on, my behavior is suddenly a problem when it doesnt involve them.
Side side note, for our daughters birthday we decided not to do a party and just the 3 of us go to zoo. We had a blast, lot of laughs and pictures, it was a great day until my dad took offense that he wasnt invited. Nobody wss invited because it was the 3 of us. But again everything has to be about them.
So thank you if you made it this far, I may add more as it comes to me but this is the basic idea of my situation.
submitted by Brief-Brush-1779 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:20 Moax224 H: plans ( Brahmin backpack, Nuka shank knife, Ogua hunter outfit, plastic fruit bowl, rotted ground meat plushie ) W: caps

throw me a number and we can negotiate
submitted by Moax224 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:05 rydetsky H: Meat week + other plans W: Caps / Cobalt flux

Will take caps untill hit max cap.
List of plans:
-Brahmin Grill (3 pcs)
-Bloody Rug (3 pcs)
-Bloody Curtain Door
-Blue Devil Plushie
-Cattle Flour Billboards (3 pcs)
-Cave cricket tube
-Chally The Moo-Moo Backpack
-Chally The Moo-Moo Mask
-Enlightened lantern
-Fossilized Megalonyx LA (4 pcs)
-Fossilized Megalonyx RL
-Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie
-Grocery Cart Grill (3 pcs)
-Gulper Rug
-Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman
-Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman (2 pcs)
-Meat Bag Stash Box
-Megalonyx Display Rack (3 pcs)
-Nuka Shank Knife (2 pcs)
-Ogua Hunter Outfit
-Paddock Gate
-Pink Brahmin Plushie
-Peppino Pig Plushie
-Plastic Fruit Wreath
-Plastic Fruit Bowl (2 pcs)
-Pepper Shaker Plan (2 pcs)
-Punty Pig Plushie
-Rib Plushie (2 pcs)
-Rotted Rib Plushie
-Rotted Steak Plushie
-Salty Tenderizer Mod (2 pcs)
-Steak Plushie
-Spicy Tenderizer Mod (3 pcs)
-Super Mutant Tube
-Swarm Of Flies (2 pcs)
-Taxidermy Mutant Hound (3 pcs)
-Travelers Wagon (2 pcs)
-Wilber McPigg Plushie (3 pcs)
CRAFTED READY (in vendor so ask if i have it)
-Fossilized Megalonyx LL
-Fossilized Megalonyx RA
-Fossilized Megalonyx RL
-Fossilized Megalonyx Skull
-Fossilized Megalonyx Torso
submitted by rydetsky to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:46 kevinvong99 H:Plans/Flux/Leaders/LL3 W:Fixer V/50/25

Plans: High Capacity Backpack Mod Vintage Water Cooler Weenie Wagon Ultracite Calibrated Shocks Pepper Shaker Nuka Shake Knife Wasteland Hunter Backback
submitted by kevinvong99 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 Dodgers99 H: Extra Meat Week plans. W: Dr. Bones and Dinosaurs

H: Extra Meat Week plans. W: Dr. Bones and Dinosaurs submitted by Dodgers99 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:05 Shvdow3 Pov of a spectator

 l often wonder what it's like for someone to care, like actually care...for someone to call me not because they need something, but because they miss my presence...l've never been anyone's favorite person and it feels like a knife to the chest when ur favorite person just see you as an opportunity, only called when your needed, if not who cares. I feel like it's my fault because no one wants to genuinely be around me. I'm the person ppl forget they made plans with, ppl seem fine w/ not rembering my birthday, I can't talk to anyone about my feeling be they don't want to be bothered, I'm not even good with making online friends, or there’s just somewhere else they rather be…. In a world with so much different types of love, I haven’t experienced any: parental, familial, platonic, romantic…nothing..I feel nothing (except resentment and it’s a shitty feeling to live with) The advice I get: "be good on your own." And I can, but I don't see the point in doing it, l've done it since I was a kid until now to just make it though the day and I honestly don't want to do this anymore, I don’t want many more days...l feel like a spectator, I watch other people be happy and have friends, boyfriends, a close family, a job...what seems to just happens for others doesn't happen to me no matter what or how hard I try... I try so hard and I can't help but think "what's wrong with me". The past few years all I could think that if I wasn't so scared I wouldn't be here anymore (I’ve gotten close in the last 2wks) and I wound be stuck with this heavy feeling in my chest, that ppl told me would fade away now... instead I want to fade away...there is just nothing to look forward to, but who would I tell that to, who would care. 
submitted by Shvdow3 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:32 Antoo1 H: meat week plans W: meat week plans I don’t have to complete collection

I’ve had some pretty terrible luck and ended up getting a bunch of duplicates for the event so I’m wondering if anyone else met a similar fate and wants to trade for plans.
Looking for these meat week plans: bloody grill, Brahmin grill, ground meat plushie, fossil display rack, rib plushie (no rot), and steak plushie (no rot),
Meat week plans I have to trade: bloody curtain, cattle flour billboards, chally backpack, decoy duck, flamer, meat cleaver, meat tenderizer, nuka shank knife, pepperized mod, peppino pig plush, plastic fruit bowl, rotted steak plush, shishkebab, spicy mod, wastelander backpack
submitted by Antoo1 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:28 GoggleBobble420 Relationship issues?

I am assuming this is trauma related but I always feel really insecure in my relationships with people. It doesn’t take much to make me feel not wanted and internalize it and hate myself for it.
This morning I tried planning a group activity with some friends this evening and we sort of half planned something but I didn’t hear confirmation. I ran into them a couple hours ago and found out they planned something different and I had been left out. I think it’s because they wanted to continue a show I wasn’t already a part of but I couldn’t help but blame myself for it.
I had to walk off my emotions but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The more I thought about it the more I felt like I am a broken, unwanted freak and I should just hurt myself. I thought about taking a knife and digging deep into my skin and about how I’m a monster that should have just been aborted. I wanted to shoot myself. I’m calmed down a little now but I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel like I spiral like this so fast and it leaves me hurting for days after. I constantly need reassurance that I am wanted around and even then I have doubts.
What is wrong with me? Am I alone in feeling this way? I feel like I am just broken with no hope or cure
submitted by GoggleBobble420 to CPTSD [link] [comments]