Used 1960 seeburg jukebox for sale

June Recovery Challenge Day 1 Check In

2024.06.01 14:27 karatespacetiger June Recovery Challenge Day 1 Check In

Hello and welcome to Day 1 of the June Recovery Challenge, how are you?
Wishing you peace and all the success today and all month long, good luck everyone! :)

Today's check in:

Think of a scale from zero to 100 of how important it is for you to be in recovery. You can use the following chart as a guide:
Where are you on this scale?
What led you to choose the number you did, as opposed to a higher or lower number?

If you're just joining us today for the first time, here is some info about what we do here! :)

What the Recovery Challenge posts are:
What they are not:
If you're new to recovery or it's been a while, here are some "getting ready" posts, in case they might be helpful for you to set yourself up for success this month!
I have about 3 months' worth of daily material that I am rotating through for these posts so whenever someone joins, if they stick around for three months or so they will see pretty much everything I have to offer :)
**I believe in respecting individuals' autonomy over their body and recovery path, and I do not believe in nor am I qualified to be telling people what they should or shouldn't do regarding body size! That said, I try to keep the recovery challenges as a weight-neutral space because while some may be on a weight-loss journey (and it's everyone's individual choice to make), many (if not most) people in ED recovery either need or want to accept their bodies as they are regardless of current size, and so I try to keep the space as free of "thinner is better" messaging as possible.

if you have a slip and want to turn it into a recovery learning opportunity, here are some questions:
(you don't have to post your answers if you don't want to, but I do recommend writing or typing them out somewhere)
Copy/paste the following text into your comment to get a reminder from Reddit:
When you get your reminder, look here for a link to the next day's post :)
submitted by karatespacetiger to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:24 akworldservice How to Promote Your Blog and Achieve Growth with These Top 7 Strategies

How to Promote Your Blog and Achieve Growth with These Top 7 Strategies
How to Promote Your Blog and Achieve:
Ready to start a blog and establish yourself as an authority in your niche? Learn the top seven most effective methods for promoting your blog and gaining a steady stream of visitors. Find out how to earn money with your blog by using this guide. It talks about things like SEO and social media to help your brand grow and make more sales. Don't get lost in the sea of blogs, stand out and get noticed with these must-have promotion tips.
How to Promote a Blog: 7 Methods
. Having a blog is a fantastic way to get your brand noticed and share your knowledge. To make your blog successful, you need to promote it well and get lots of people to visit. Make sure to check your website thoroughly to make sure it loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and uses the best SEO practices for blogs.
Follow these seven super helpful tips to get your blog noticed by more people. You could end up with a bigger audience and even make some money!
  1. Social Media Marketing
There are lots of ways to get your blog out there without using social media, but using social media can really help your blog reach more people quickly. You can share your blog posts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get more readers.
But don't just share the link to your latest blog post on all your social media accounts. Make a good plan for what you post and when you post it.
Designing high-quality content for your social media profiles requires dedication and time, but in the long run, captivating content will motivate your followers to browse your blog.. Fortunately, there are various tools available to streamline this process.
  1. Email Marketing
    You might be surprised to learn that email marketing is still one of the best ways to promote your business or blog. Even though some business owners don't believe it, almost half of consumers actually want to receive emails from their favorite brands every week. That's a lot of people who are interested!
Here are some tips for using email marketing to promote your blog:
You can try using an email marketing service such as Mailchimp or Aweber to make a simple form on your website. This way, you can gather people's email addresses.
After that, make an email newsletter with interesting stuff that your readers will enjoy reading.
Sometimes, you can send special deals or coupons to your subscribers for discounts on things in your niche.
  1. Use Paid Ads or PPC
You can promote your blog without spending any money using various methods, but some methods may require a small investment. One of the quickest ways to promote your blog is through PPC campaigns.
The most popular PPC advertising methods are Google, Facebook, and Twitter ads. It is a pay-per-click advertising platform that allows you to target specific keywords related to your niche. With Facebook or Twitter Ads, you can create PPC ads to reach specific audiences based on where they are, what they like, and who they are. These ads will be displayed in users' newsfeeds and sidebars on computers and mobile devices.
  1. Build Connections With Influencers
Social media is all about influencers who have a big following. And guess what? Their opinions really matter to their fans. So, if an influencer recommends your blog, people will definitely pay attention and take action. You shouldn't just go and ask famous influencers to promote your blog. They probably won't do it unless you offer them something valuable.
  1. Write Guest Posts
Writing guest blogs can help your post reach more people and should be included in your marketing plan.
Doing a guest post involves three important steps. First, you have to find blogs that allow guest posts and are relevant to your topic. Then, you need to reach out to them and share your idea for a guest blog. Finally, you have to write a high-quality guest post. It may seem easy, but it actually takes a lot of time and effort, especially when it comes to contacting bloggers and writing the post.
  1. Use RSS Feeds
Want to reach more people with your blog? Try using RSS (Really Simple Syndication). It's a format that helps you share new content like blog posts, news, and podcasts.
Imagine having a magic button on your blog that tells your readers, "Hey, there's something cool here!" That's what an RSS feed does. It keeps your readers updated with all the awesome stuff you post on your blog.
  1. Publish Blog Content on LinkedIn
If you're into sharing blog content, LinkedIn is the place to be, especially if you're in the B2B world. As of October 2022, LinkedIn had a whopping 875 million users, making it one of the largest networking platforms ever.
What's really cool about LinkedIn is that it doesn't just let you share your blog posts. You can actually create a brand new post, give it a boost, and even keep track of how many people have viewed it. This makes it super easy to figure out the best times and days to share your content on LinkedIn.
Apart from making posts on the platform to advertise your brand, you can also publish blog content as a LinkedIn article. This will give you additional exposure and help you establish your authority in the industry.
Writing great content is just the beginning of having a successful blog. If you want more people to read your blog, you have to promote it. This article gives you seven methods to effectively promote your blog and get more traffic. But remember, before you start using these methods, make sure your blog is ready to be promoted.
submitted by akworldservice to BloggersCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:23 akworldservice How to Promote Your Blog and Achieve Growth with These Top 7 Strategies

How to Promote Your Blog and Achieve Growth with These Top 7 Strategies
How to Promote Your Blog and Achieve:
Ready to start a blog and establish yourself as an authority in your niche? Learn the top seven most effective methods for promoting your blog and gaining a steady stream of visitors. Find out how to earn money with your blog by using this guide. It talks about things like SEO and social media to help your brand grow and make more sales. Don't get lost in the sea of blogs, stand out and get noticed with these must-have promotion tips.
How to Promote a Blog: 7 Methods
. Having a blog is a fantastic way to get your brand noticed and share your knowledge. To make your blog successful, you need to promote it well and get lots of people to visit. Make sure to check your website thoroughly to make sure it loads quickly, is easy to navigate, and uses the best SEO practices for blogs.
Follow these seven super helpful tips to get your blog noticed by more people. You could end up with a bigger audience and even make some money!
  1. Social Media Marketing
There are lots of ways to get your blog out there without using social media, but using social media can really help your blog reach more people quickly. You can share your blog posts on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get more readers.
But don't just share the link to your latest blog post on all your social media accounts. Make a good plan for what you post and when you post it.
Designing high-quality content for your social media profiles requires dedication and time, but in the long run, captivating content will motivate your followers to browse your blog.. Fortunately, there are various tools available to streamline this process.
  1. Email Marketing
    You might be surprised to learn that email marketing is still one of the best ways to promote your business or blog. Even though some business owners don't believe it, almost half of consumers actually want to receive emails from their favorite brands every week. That's a lot of people who are interested!
Here are some tips for using email marketing to promote your blog:
You can try using an email marketing service such as Mailchimp or Aweber to make a simple form on your website. This way, you can gather people's email addresses.
After that, make an email newsletter with interesting stuff that your readers will enjoy reading.
Sometimes, you can send special deals or coupons to your subscribers for discounts on things in your niche.
  1. Use Paid Ads or PPC
You can promote your blog without spending any money using various methods, but some methods may require a small investment. One of the quickest ways to promote your blog is through PPC campaigns.
The most popular PPC advertising methods are Google, Facebook, and Twitter ads. It is a pay-per-click advertising platform that allows you to target specific keywords related to your niche. With Facebook or Twitter Ads, you can create PPC ads to reach specific audiences based on where they are, what they like, and who they are. These ads will be displayed in users' newsfeeds and sidebars on computers and mobile devices.
  1. Build Connections With Influencers
Social media is all about influencers who have a big following. And guess what? Their opinions really matter to their fans. So, if an influencer recommends your blog, people will definitely pay attention and take action. You shouldn't just go and ask famous influencers to promote your blog. They probably won't do it unless you offer them something valuable.
  1. Write Guest Posts
Writing guest blogs can help your post reach more people and should be included in your marketing plan.
Doing a guest post involves three important steps. First, you have to find blogs that allow guest posts and are relevant to your topic. Then, you need to reach out to them and share your idea for a guest blog. Finally, you have to write a high-quality guest post. It may seem easy, but it actually takes a lot of time and effort, especially when it comes to contacting bloggers and writing the post.
  1. Use RSS Feeds
Want to reach more people with your blog? Try using RSS (Really Simple Syndication). It's a format that helps you share new content like blog posts, news, and podcasts.
Imagine having a magic button on your blog that tells your readers, "Hey, there's something cool here!" That's what an RSS feed does. It keeps your readers updated with all the awesome stuff you post on your blog.
  1. Publish Blog Content on LinkedIn
If you're into sharing blog content, LinkedIn is the place to be, especially if you're in the B2B world. As of October 2022, LinkedIn had a whopping 875 million users, making it one of the largest networking platforms ever.
What's really cool about LinkedIn is that it doesn't just let you share your blog posts. You can actually create a brand new post, give it a boost, and even keep track of how many people have viewed it. This makes it super easy to figure out the best times and days to share your content on LinkedIn.
Apart from making posts on the platform to advertise your brand, you can also publish blog content as a LinkedIn article. This will give you additional exposure and help you establish your authority in the industry.
Writing great content is just the beginning of having a successful blog. If you want more people to read your blog, you have to promote it. This article gives you seven methods to effectively promote your blog and get more traffic. But remember, before you start using these methods, make sure your blog is ready to be promoted.
submitted by akworldservice to freelancing12 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 IMXASHIKNUR1 Sell Digital and Physical Products Easily with a Low-Cost LMS

In the world of online learning and selling, you need a platform that helps you sell both digital and physical products easily. A good Learning Management System can make this process simple, save you money, and improve customer experience. In this article I wrote what features to look for in an LMS and introduced a great option, EzyCourse.
Key Features of a Good LMS for Selling Products
Easy to Use
An LMS should be simple to use. This helps you create and manage courses and products without any trouble. A clear layout helps users find what they need quickly.
E-commerce Features
To sell both digital and physical products, an LMS should have:
Simple Checkout
A simple and secure checkout process helps reduce the number of abandoned carts. Customers should be able to buy products easily.
Marketing Tools
Marketing tools can help boost sales. Features like discount codes, promotions, and email marketing keep customers interested.
Reports and Insights
Good reporting and insights help you understand sales and customer behavior. This includes details about product sales, revenue, and customer demographics.
Selling Digital Products with an LMS
Digital products like eBooks, software, and online courses are popular because they are cheap to make and can be delivered instantly. A good LMS for digital products should have:
Selling Physical Products with an LMS
For selling physical products, an LMS should provide:
EzyCourse: A Great LMS Solution
EzyCourse is great for selling both digital and physical products.
Easy to Use
EzyCourse is designed to be simple. Its dashboard is easy to navigate, making it easy to create and manage courses and products.
E-commerce Features
EzyCourse has strong e-commerce features. It allows you to list products easily and manage them well. It supports different payment gateways for secure transactions.
Simple Checkout
EzyCourse offers a smooth and secure checkout process, which helps reduce abandoned carts.
Marketing Tools
EzyCourse provides marketing tools like discount codes and email marketing, helping you promote products and engage customers.
Reports and Insights
EzyCourse offers detailed reports and insights, helping you understand sales and customer behavior.
Selling Digital Products
EzyCourse is great for managing digital products. It ensures instant delivery, secure downloads, and content protection.
Selling Physical Products
EzyCourse integrates with shipping carriers for real-time shipping rates and tracking. It also offers tools to manage orders, print shipping labels, and handle returns. Automated customer notifications keep buyers informed.
In the world of online learning and selling, an LMS that supports both digital and physical products is important. Platforms like EzyCourse offer great features and are easy to use, making them ideal for businesses that want to streamline their operations and improve customer experience. If you can choose the right LMS, you can manage your products efficiently, save money, and achieve success.
submitted by IMXASHIKNUR1 to CourseCreatorsHub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 HiddenNinja01 Small business want to grow

Hello guys I hope everyone is doing well?
I have a handmade business which I have left running in the background and it is doing sales but I want it to become my main source of income. My profession is a Pharmacist but owning my own business is something I wish for.
This is my pages ^
I recently also tried other business ideas and the ai art stuck with me but getting quite a lot of backlash from people on etsy because if you say you use AI you are basically the devil.
So I am thinking to go back to my roots as this business has been grown completely organically with no advertising what so ever.
Any advice guys I would love to hear it from you :) I really want to escape the 9-5 workdays and would rather spend 10hrs a day on something I enjoy.
submitted by HiddenNinja01 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 Ok_Influence_1347 Should I Use Advantage+ for My Women's Lingerie Brand Despite Male Clicks?

Hey everyone,
I have a women's lingerie brand and I'm debating whether to use Advantage+ for my advertising. My main concern is that I can't exclude men from the targeting options. In the past, I've noticed that when men see ads for women's lingerie, they tend to click on them a lot, but these clicks rarely lead to actual sales or align with my advertising goals.
Previously, I've always used CBO campaigns with TOF, BOF, and MOF included. I've been reading that many people are seeing great results with Adv+, which has made me consider using it to improve my advertising performance.
What do you all recommend? How has Adv+ worked for you? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Ok_Influence_1347 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:12 Pure-Astronomer-6354 Eotech exps3-1 and Xps3 on sale primary arms

Eotech exps3-1 and Xps3 on sale for $659 and $79 off with using the save12 code. Just a heads up for anyone that's been looking to pick one up
submitted by Pure-Astronomer-6354 to NightVision [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:12 Slidebyte101 [STORE]: 🧧 --- Slidebyte's Ship Shop --- 🧧 (Main Store) Rare Ships, Unique Paints, Legacy Alpha Game Packs & Awards, Store Credit, Middleman Services, Account Liquidation Services, MSR Nightrunner, Free Hangar Fees Award, Subscriber Items & More 🛰

[STORE]: 🧧 --- Slidebyte's Ship Shop --- 🧧 (Main Store) Rare Ships, Unique Paints, Legacy Alpha Game Packs & Awards, Store Credit, Middleman Services, Account Liquidation Services, MSR Nightrunner, Free Hangar Fees Award, Subscriber Items & More 🛰
Greetings fellow Citizens o7! Long time backer and trader here.
I've been forced to condense the store to only the rarer items due to ANOTHER bug with Reddit's new UI that prevents me from editing the store pages to update. If you're looking for a CCU or something specific feel free to ask. If you're hesitant on a price also feel free to ask, many items are being sold on someone else's behalf so flexibility may vary.
Keep an eye out for "SALE" tags where the seller has decided to sell at a loss, less than market value or extremely rare / limited items.
-------------------------------------------------- ORDER PROCESS --------------------------------------------------
You will need to provide your Paypal email for the invoice as well as BOTH your RSI email & RSI name that the item/s get sent to.
Please familiarize yourself with CiG's gifting rules & ToS on their website.
Please understand that some of these items are in buyback and prices are subject to change without my knowledge. If this happens, I'll let you know, and we can reevaluate the transaction.
OC = "Original Concept"
obo = "or best offer."
OST = "Official Soundtrack"
LTI = "Lifetime Insurance"
Please understand that this is "not" my job, but I will respond as quickly as possible, usually within a 24hr period. Please allow a minimum of 24hrs for a response. Thanks for understanding!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IMPORTANT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
If you're interested in anything or have any questions about items, transfers, CCU chaining or Star Citizen in general, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message. Happy to talk about anything SC related!
If you're new to Star Citizen and thinking of buying a game package, feel free to use my promo code to get extra goodies, promotional ships & /or credits added to your account: STAR-YC6L-5ZTY
If you're interested in building a fun community, in need of an Org to join & folk to play with, feel free to check out ours: Crypteian State Syndicate [CRYPTEIAN]
  1. Game Packages / Ship Packs
  2. Stand-alone ships
  3. Unique Paints
  4. Store Credit / Armors / Weapons / Other
  5. Accounts: Space Marshal with Unique MSR Night Runner, OG Legacy Backer Accounts w/Hangar Fee Rewards etc. (Ask for details)
If you don't see something you're looking for let me know. There's about 3-4 pages unlisted.
Game Packages / Ship Packs:
Title: Notable Contents: Insurance: Total After Fees:
Arbiter Legacy Alpha Game Pack (JPx2) 325A, SC, SQ42, Legacy Alpha, Star Map, OST etc. LTI $169.20 (SALE)
Best in Show 2951 Hercules C2 Herc C2 + (IAE Leather Jacket & Unique blue / black BIS Livery) 10y $479
Best in Show 2952 Mercury Star Runner MSR & name reservation + ('52 Coin & Unique red / black BIS Livery) 10y $319
Best in Show 2952 C8X Pisces Expedition (x5) Pisces Expedition + ('52 Coin & Unique red / black BIS Livery) 10y $60
Best in Show 2952 Scorpius Scorpius + ('52 Coin & Unique red / black BIS Livery) 10y $299
Best in Show 2953 Corsair Corsair + ('53 Poster & Unique purple iridescent BIS Livery) 10y $299
Best in Show 2953 Vulture Vulture + ('53 Poster & Unique purple iridescent BIS Livery) 10y $209
Best in Show 2953 600i Exploration 600i & name reservation + ('53 Poster & Unique purple iridescent BIS Livery) 10y $569
Constellation Andromeda + SQ42 Legacy Game Pack Revel & York Hangar, PTV, 10,000 UEC, Manual, SQ 42, SC, Soundtrack, Star Map, Making of SC, Constellation poster, Cot, Work Bench, Fishtank Mk 1, Vindel, Oshi, Thorshu, Grey Ribbon Fish (Vario Vittas) 6mo $359
Digital Freelancer Legacy Alpha Game Pack (JP) Freelancer, SC, SQ42, 5k uec, Digital Engineering Manual, OST, Star Map, Legacy Alpha LTI $257.60 (SALE)
Lightspeed Legacy Alpha Pack (JP) Unique Origin Racing Suit, F7C-M (CCU'd), SC, SQ42, Digital Star Map, OST, Legacy Alpha, Etc. LTI $389 (SALE)
Next Generation Aurora Game Pack (JP) Aurora Legionnaire, SC, SQ42 etc. LTI $99 (SALE)
Pioneer Pack Pioneer, Greycat Estates Geostack-X Planetary Beacons, UEE Land Claim License Estate Parcel, Outpost Construction Material 10y $1099
Spirit Collection C1, E1 & A1 Spirits 6mo $455
Weekend Warrior Pack (JP) Model II Arclight Sidearm, SC, SQ42, F7C-M, 5000uec, Star Map, OST LTI $306 (SALE)
100i Foundation Festival Starter Pack (Warbond) 100i + Unique Limited Foundation Festival Paint, SC Digital Download 6mo $75
2. Standalone Ships:
Title: Notable Contents: Insurance: Total After Fees:
Apollo Medivac ILW Edition - 10y $310
Aurora Legionnaire 2944 (Original Concept) (JPx2) - LTI $69 obo (SALE)
Ares Inferno ILW Edition - 10y $280
Ares Ion ILW Edition - 10y $280
Archimedes P72 (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model LTI $49 (SALE)
Avenger Stalker (Original Concept) (JP) - LTI $79 (SALE)
Banu Defender - 6mo $220
Banu Defender (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model LTI $239 (SALE)
Banu Merchantman - 6mo $660
Banu Merchantman Anniversary Edition (El) - 3y $440
Blade - 6mo $300
Carrack 2949 Edition Carrack name reservation 10y $550
Carrack 2952 IAE Edition Carrack name reservation 10y $660
Carrack (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model, Anvil Manufacturer Shirt, Anvil Hat, Carrack Plushie, Name Reservation LTI $699
Caterpillar ILW Edition - 10y $363
Crucible ILW Edition - 10y $390
Corsair ILW / IAE Edition - 10y $275
Constellation Phoenix 2015 Anniversary Edition (El) - 3y $399 (SALE)
Eclipse Showdown Edition - 24mo $335
Eclipse (Fl) - LTI $330 (SALE)
Endeavor IAE Edition - 10y $390
Endeavor Hope Class (El) (Medical Bay & Hangar) 3y $509 (SALE)
Endeavor Biodome Pod IAE 2950 - - $115
Endeavor Collider Pod IAE 2950 - - $140
Expanse - 6mo $165
Freelancer (Original Concept) (JP) - LTI $140 (SALE)
F7C Hornet Heartseeker Edition - 6mo $234
F7C Hornet Wildfire IAE Edition - 10y $215
F7C MkII - 6mo $195
F7C-M 2943 Super Hornet (Original Concept) (El) - LTI $199 (SALE)
Fury ILW Edition - 10y $62
Fury MX ILW Edition - 10y $62
G12 IAE Edition - 10y $73
G12r IAE Edition - 10y $73
G12a ILW Edition - 10y $77
Galaxy (Original Concept) (Fl) Galaxy + Unique Concierge Protector Livery LTI $425 (SALE)
Galaxy Cargo Module - 6mo $80
Galaxy Refinery Module - 6mo $90
Galaxy Med Bay Module - 6mo $100
Gladius Valiant ILW Edition - 10y $125
Glaive IAE Edition - 10y $390
Genesis Starliner (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model LTI $459
Hammerhead (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model / Name Reservation LTI $729 (SALE)
Hurricane ILW Edition - 10y $235
Legionnaire ILW Edition - 10y $135
Liberator - 6mo $633
Lynx ILW Edition - 10y $70
Mercury Star Runner Fortuna Edition (MSR Name Reservation + Fortuna Livery) 6mo $300
Mercury Star Runner ILW Edition (MSR Name Reservation) 10y $300
Mule ILW Edition - 10y $50
Nautilus ILW Edition - 10y $825
Nox IAE Edition - 10y $45
Nova ILW Edition - 10y $120
Orion IAE Edition - 10y $720
Orion (Fl) Cutter Concierge Groundswell Paint ($430 melt) LTI $389 (SALE)
Orion (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model LTI $649
Perseus ILW Edition - 10y $750
Prowler - 6mo $485
Prowler (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model / CCC AVES Helmet LTI $479 (SALE)
Polaris IAE Edition - 10y $825
Polaris - LTI
Polaris (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model LTI $849 (SALE)
Railen IAE Edition 10y $260
Ranger CV IAE Edition 10y $42
Ranger RC IAE Edition 10y $42
Ranger TR ILW Edition 10y $50
Ranger TR IAE Edition 10y $50
Sabre ILW Edition 10y $195
Sabre Comet ILW Edition 10y $205
San'tok.yāi IAE Edition 10y $260
Scorpius ILW Edition 10y $265
SRV ILW Edition 10y $170
Storm ILW Edition 10y $100
Talon Shrike 6mo $130
Terrapin ILW Edition 10y $250
Terrapin Showdown Edition 24mo $242
X1 Force IAE Edition 10y $60
X1 Force (Original Concept) (El) Poster / Model LTI $65 (SALE)
X1 Velocity IAE Edition - 10y $55
Vanguard Sentinel ILW Edition - 10y $305
Vanguard Warden ILW Edition - 10y $290
Vanguard Warden (Legacy Original Concept) Model / Poster LTI $299
Vanguard Battlefield Upgrade Kit Anniversary (El) (Sentinel) 3y $35(SALE)
Vulture ILW Edition - 10y $165
Vulcan (Original Concept) (El) - LTI $219(SALE)
325A (Original Concept) (JP) - LTI $100 (SALE)
325A ILW (customized wood / leather interior and loadout) - 10y $115
400i Citizencon 2951 Exclusive Preorder Meridian Edition - 6mo $289
400i Fortuna Edition - 6mo $290
600i Showdown Edition (Exploration Module + Name Reservation) 24mo $525
600i Touring Fortuna Edition (Fortuna Livery + 600i name reservation) 6mo $510
890j (Original Concept) (GY) Poster / Model / Revel & York Hangar / Name Reservation etc. LTI $1800
3. Unique Paints:
Title: Description: Total After Fees:
Ares Lovestruck pink - iridescent $20
Aurora Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $10
Aurora Dread Pirate (Unique Legacy) (El) black / skull & crossbones $30 (SALE)
Aurora Military Paint - UEE Distinguished Service Skin (Unique Legacy) (El) OD green / grey $30 (SALE)
Avenger Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $12
Avenger Solar Winds steel & Red $12
Buccaneer Ghoulish Green green - iridescent $10
C8 Pisces Code Blue (Limited Concierge Exclusive) blue, white - iridescent $10
C8 Pisces 2953 Auspicious Red (Rooster) Red & Gold $8
Caterpillar Ghoulish Green green - iridescent $15
Carrack 2953 Auspicious Red (Rooster) Red & Gold $25
Constellation 2952 Auspicious Red (Monkey) Red & Gold $15
Cutter Groundswell (Limited Concierge Exclusive) olive & orange $10
Cutter Nightfall (Limited Concierge Exclusive) dark steel & teal $10
Cutlass Ghoulish Green green - iridescent $10
Cutlass Black Skull & Crossbones black, skull & crossbones $15
Cyclone Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $10
Defender Harmony purple/blue/green/red- iridescent $15
Defender Platinum Platinum - iridescent $15
Dragonfly Ghoulish Green green - iridescent $10
Expanse Stardust (Limited Concierge Exclusive) blue & black $15
F7C MkI Corin (Limited) olive & red $15
F7C MkI Ironheart (Limited) silver & red $15
F7C MkI Killian Blue (Limited) blue $15
F7 MkII Ironscale (Limited Concierge Exclusive) Black & Rose Gold $15
Freelancer 2951 Auspicious Red (Ram) Red & Gold $15
Fortuna 2952 3 Paint Pack (MSR, 400i, 600i) dark green - iridescent $45
Fury Leatherback (Limited Concierge Exclusive) olive, red $10
Galaxy Protector (Limited Concierge Exclusive) steel blue & white $20
Ghoulish Green 4 Pack green - iridescent $32
Ghoulish Green 7 Pack green - iridescent $55
Gladius Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $15
Gladius Solar Winds charcoal & red $15
Hammerhead Fortuna dark green - iridescent $25
Hawk Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $15
Herald Ghoulish Green green - iridescent $12
Hercules Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $25
Hornet Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $15
Hoverquad Lovestruck pink - iridescent $10
Ironclad Dauntless (Limited Concierge Exclusive) silver & black $25
Legionnaire Shadow Strike (Limited Concierge Exclusive) black $15
Liberator Condor Paint (Limited Concierge Exclusive) white, grey $25
Lovestruck Pack (Ares, Nomad, Hoverquad) pink - iridescent $30
Lynx - Moonrise (Limited Concierge Exclusive) silver $10
Mercury Star Runner Fortuna dark green - iridescent $15
MPUV Firebrand (Limited Concierge Exclusive) burnt orange $10
Mule 3 Pack (Limited Concierge Exclusive) - $15
Mule Ghoulish Green green - iridescent $10
Nomad 29511 Auspicious Red (Ram) Red & Gold $15
Nomad Lovestruck pink - iridescent $15
Nox Harmony purple/blue/green/red- iridescent $10
Odyssey Windrider (Limited Concierge Exclusive) white & black $30
Prowler Harmony purple/blue/green/red- iridescent $25
Prowler Ocellus green/red- iridescent $25
Railen Hyaotan (Limited Concierge Exclusive) dark $30
Redeemer Fortuna dark green - iridescent $20
Reliant Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $10
Retaliator ILW 2950 Pack blue & gold $20
Sabre Raven Ashcloud (Limited Concierge Exclusive) black & Gold $15
Sabre 2952 Auspicious Red (Monkey) Red & Gold $15
Scorpius Tiburon (Limited Concierge Exclusive) flying tiger teeth $20
Solar Winds 3 Pack - $30
Spirit Allegiant (Fl) white, black, red stripe $5 (SALE)
Spirit 3 Pack (Limited Concierge Exclusive) - $35
Spirit Crimson (Limited Concierge Exclusive) red & white $20
Spirit Intrepid (Limited Concierge Exclusive) olive, white, orange $20
Spirit Olympia (Limited Concierge Exclusive) black, gold - textured $20
Storm - Summit (Limited Concierge Exclusive) grey, white $15
STV Blue Steel (Limited Concierge Exclusive) blue, black $10
Talon Harmony purple/blue/green/red- iridescent $15
Talon Ocellus green/red- iridescent $15
Ursa Respite (Limited Concierge Exclusive) Black $9
Vanguard Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $15
Vanguard Fortuna dark green - iridescent $15
Vanguard Solar Winds charcoal, red $15
Vulture Ghoulish Green green - iridescent $15
X1 Auspicious Red (Dragon) Red & Gold $8
X1 Auspicious Red (Dog) Red & Gold $8
You Got Our Backs Electro Skin Hull 2013 (JP) unknown $60
Zeus Mk. II Concierge Exclusive Solstice Black, Grey, Gold $20
100i Invictus Blue & Gold blue & gold $10
100i Auspicious Red (Dragon) Red & Gold $8
100i Auspicious Red (Dog) Red & Gold $8
400i Auspicious Red (Dragon) Red & Gold $15
400i Auspicious Red (Dog) Red & Gold $15
400i Fortuna dark green - iridescent $15
400i Meridian (Limited Edition CitizenCon) Dark Steel $30
400i Penumbra (Limited Concierge Exclusive) Black, Gold Trim $30
600i Auspicious Red (Dragon) Red & Gold $20
600i Auspicious Red (Dog) Red & Gold $20
600i Fortuna dark green - iridescent $20
2951 Auspicious Red Pack Ram (Freelancer, Nomad) Red & Gold $20
2953 Auspicious Red Pack Rooster (Carrack, Pisces) Red & Gold $25
2952 Auspicious Red Pack Monkey (Connie, Sabre) Red & Gold $25
2954 Auspicious Red 8 Pack - Dog & Dragon (X1, 100i, 400i, 600i) Red & Gold $65
4. Armors / Weapons / Other:
Title: Description: Total After Fees:
Advocacy Tools (JP) Faction 9 Baton, E&I M34 Restraint System $80 obo
Citizencon 2951 Digital Goodies Pack (JP) 2951 Trophy, Arden Balefire Armor Set, RRS Fallout Knife $40
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmets Choice of Pink / Brown / Orange / Green / Purple / Teal $6
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Sinister Pack (all six helmets) $30
Normal Subscriber Items Ask Ask
Plentiful Salvage Space Globe 2015 (JP) $10
Star Citizen Digital Novella 2013 $17
SQ42 Digital Manual 2013 - $20
Game Universe Map Digital Star Map $7
Subscriber items being sold at a loss (no markup for fees):
Title: Description: Total After Fees:
C2 Hercules Starlifter Plushie (SALE) $4
Mandible Snowfly Helmet (Fl) (SALE) $4
"Igniter" Lightning Co. Weapons Pack (Fl) Atzkaz sniper & Yubrev Pistol (SALE) $8
"Venom" Lightning Co. Weapons Pack (Fl) Atzkaz sniper & Yubrev Pistol (SALE) $8
Neoni "Tengubi" Helmet (Fl) (SALE) $4
"Venom" Lightning Co. Weapons Pack (El) Atzkaz sniper & Yubrev Pistol (SALE) $8
Avenger Copernicus Paint (El) (SALE) $5
100 Series Sand Wave Paint (El) (SALE) $5
Mandible Snowfly Helmet (El) (SALE) $4
Store Credit Sales:
These store credit sales are Middleman sales for clients, so prices are firm.
The price for each transaction is 60% of melt value + $20 per transaction to cover each giftable host ships. Transactions will be billed independently & limited to 1 per day to stay within CiG's $1000/day limit.
Available transactions are as follows:
Ship: Melt: Total After Fees:
Hammerhead (El) $725 $455
5. Accounts:
- 2014 Space Marshal Account with Unique MSR Night Runner Paint, OC Buyback Ships, Unique Limited Subscriber Items (Big Bennys Machine, 2946+ Trophies Etc.) & Legacy Backer Awards (Ask for more details.)
Currently liquidating store credit & buyback ships to lower the price.
Current price including everything prior to liquidation is $2230. After liquidating the excess on the account, price will be reduced to around $1400.
Notable Original Concept or Legacy buybacks: Polaris, Archimedes, Vulcan, F7C-M, X1 Force, Connie Phoenix 2015 anniversary edition, Endeavor Hope Class, Banu Defender, Hammerhead
-2013 Original Backer High Admiral Account with Original & Veterans Backer Reward, Free Hangar Fees Reward, RSI Class II Test Pilot Space Suit, OC buyback Ships & Legacy Alpha Packages, Unique Limited Subscriber & UEC Items from 2013-2014, F7A Mk II Upgrade & Legacy Backer Awards. Open to offers (Ask for more details.)
Currently liquidating giftables & rare game packages from the buyback.
Current price including everything is $3616. After liquidating excess from the account & buyback, price will be reduced to around $2300.
See ya round the Verse Citizen...Greetings fellow Citizens o7!
submitted by Slidebyte101 to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 snustysleasel Best Place To Sell an Online Course Learnworlds vs Udemy vs Kajabi

The demand for online education has skyrocketed in a society going more and more digital. This is an incredible opportunity for educators and content developers.
In the world of online education, websites like Udemy, LearnWorlds, and Kajabi are well-known.
Every platform has a distinct combination of features that it offers, from powerful tools for creating courses and analytics to marketing and community building capacities.
Whether you’re an academic institution, a creative worker, or an enterprise, the range of platforms caters to varied needs. It is crucial that instructors are knowledgeable about the advantages and disadvantages of each platform.

Best Place To Sell an Online Course

This post seeks to give you a thorough overview of the most well-liked online course selling platforms, illuminating their features, costs, and course kinds that you may offer so that you can choose the best option for your needs and experience.


LearnWorlds is a feature-rich online course platform that enables instructors to design, market, and sell their courses. The platform has many features out of the box, like customisable certificates, an integrated social network, and interactive video.
In addition, it has several third-party tool integrations, the capacity to generate assignments and quizzes, and the ability to engage students with interactive ebooks.
LearnWorlds provides distinctive features, such as integrated social networking and interactive video, for course developers who prioritize interactive and captivating content. Student happiness and engagement can be greatly increased in this way, which is important for course success.
Course producers may offer a more comprehensive and organized learning experience with its configurable assignments, quizzes, and certificates.
Flexibility in organizing and promoting courses is also made possible by the platform’s broad third-party interfaces.
Important features include tasks, integrations, certificates, interactive films, and quizzes.
Get today Learnworlds

Advantages include


Selling points include business, technology, health, lifestyle, and education.


In summary, LearnWorlds is a great platform for developers seeking community development and involvement.
Knowing something is not only powerful in the digital era, but it may also lead to profitable commercial ventures. People all across the world are ready to learn, and your knowledge could serve as a lighthouse for countless others. Never allow hesitancy to stop you.
Take the step to create a course and you and the many interested minds waiting for your insights will discover a world of possibilities.
It’s time to spread knowledge, educate, and thrive!
Simply said, you’re in good hands with LearnWorlds.
Get today Learnworlds


Advantages of Udemy

Drawbacks of Udemy

Cost on Udemy

Udemy charges a revenue share of 63% on all other course sales and 3% on courses made through instructor coupons. It is free to publish free courses that include less than two hours of video. (Note: Mobile platform fees for sales of mobile courses, as well as processing costs from PayPal or Payoneer, are not included in revenue sharing.)
Why are you offering your first course on Udemy? due to the platform’s abundance of resources for developing and promoting courses.
For instance, if you’re not sure whether your video courses are up to par, you may send in a sample for evaluation.
You’ll receive comments on the audio and video, as well as equipment recommendations.
Additionally, Udemy offers a helpful Teaching Center with instructions on topics like organizing a course, shooting your first video, and other related subjects.
Udemy’s customized marketing courses can help if you’re having trouble closing your first few transactions.
Take advantage of site-wide discounts, have your course highlighted in their email blasts, or sign up for Udemy’s affiliate marketing program.
Udemy gets a cut of course sales; all of these programs are optional. The promotional channel you select will determine how much they take.
Because of the scale of the marketplace you’re competing with, it’s critical that you choose the ideal course topic and evaluate how it compares to other courses on the site using Udemy’s marketplace insights.
This function, which is akin to Google Analytics, provides information on a topic’s popularity on Udemy, search volume, and related keywords.
Additionally, you may view the quantity of courses that are currently available for a given subject, the category’s highest-earning courses, the monthly revenue earned, and the most effective channels for promotion (Udemy search, Udemy discovery, external sources, and paid ads).


Expert designers would benefit most from using Kajabi, one of the most upscale online course platforms.
Kajabi might not be for you if you are a novice or a small business owner.
On the other hand, this is the ideal location if you are an experienced designer looking to start an online academy. This platform even has Amy Porterfield’s endorsement!

Kajabi’s features


The ability to build webinar pipelines is an intriguing feature shared by all of the options.
It also has fantastic marketing options, like expertly branded messaging, because it caters to huge edupreneurs.
The cost is somewhat more than that of the other platforms on this list, but for some users, the attentive, knowledgeable support staff can make up for it.
They could have made the digital offering more varied for the price they ask by including some possibilities, such as vFair’s event gamification tool, but they don’t.
The website may seem overly technical because it was designed with specialists in mind, which may discourage novice course developers from using it.
Overall, it is a costly and comprehensive LMS supplier, according to its reputation.
submitted by snustysleasel to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:03 syny13 Sonos Ace tried at my local store

Sonos Ace tried at my local store
My “two cents”. Take it of course with the grain of salt, because i played with them for a really short period of time.
1.) Black is really not the color i would get. Smudges everywhere after few mins of use.
2.) Fit/Comfort was nice. Did not have an issue with my ears / tips touching the inside. (This is a common issue im having with headphones) On the other hand this tends to worsen after 1-2 hours of use so probably had to test this. They have a “good” weight to them, not too heavy not to light.
3.) Due to leather cups, they wont probably be a good choice for hot summer days. I had them on my head for 10-15 mins and i started to notice a warmth around ears. But this is probably expected due to leather material.
4.) Not sure if im fan of the side button. It felt kinda clunky, but it just might be a thing of getting used to.
5.) There were 5 songs in the demo (last picture). So u can listen to them on your current headphones and once u get Aces, u'll be maybe more ready to notice differencies between your pair and Aces.
6.) I know 15 minutes is not enough, but i must say that i was not blown away by the sound. Regarding the “bass”, i think it was kinda “muddy” by the default. Regarding the clarity it was nice, but again, was not blown by it. Surely it will take more than 16 mins to properly compare them.
7.) ANC and Aware mode were good, i dont think i have something negative to say about it.
Overall in the short period of time i tried them, they were nice, but i am not sure if 500€ worth of “nice”.
I'll buy them and want to test them extensively, with arc, different genres of music, but i think that they won't persuade me to keep them, and i'll end up waiting for some sale as always with Sonos.
I get it, that there is some form of “Sonos tax” with Sonos products. Someone obviously has to develop/maintain the app., but 500€ might be bit of a stretch. Maybe 350€ would be a good middle ground?
But who knows, i might change my mind once they arrive.
submitted by syny13 to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:02 hellosaturn June Buy/Sell/Trade

Are you selling any lolita items? Do you have a loliable store?
Post links to your EGL Sales Community post, shop link, Facebook sales album, or Lacemarket profile along with pictures of the items you are selling. You can also post buying and trade requests. Please use the following markers at the top of your comment so that others can easily tell what you are looking for:
DS for Direct Sale
WTB for Wanting to Buy
WTT for Wanting to Trade
Feedback from eBay, Lacemarket, or EGL is highly recommended.
We will follow the same rules as Lacemarket and the EGL Comm Sales. Absolutely no print replicas, and non-Lolita items will be removed at the discretion of the moderators.
lolita and the mod team is not responsible for any sales or trades that occur through the Reddit platform. We encourage all transactions to go through a sale platform such as Lacemarket.
submitted by hellosaturn to Lolita [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 AutoModerator Monthly Resale/Trade MEGATHREAD!

Welcome to TarotDecks' monthly resale/trade megathread which now takes place every 1st of the month!
Please read the full rules for resale here before posting.
Failure to comply with the rules will result in your comment being removed (and possibly banned from future threads depending on severity). The rules are in place as the best safety net we can offer as mods and not because I enjoy deleting comments. They will be strictly enforced!
KEEP RESALE TO THIS THREAD ONLY! Don’t even post comments linking back here in other threads. To keep a happy middle ground (aka not annoy the people who voted against this idea), any comment about resales outside of here will be removed. These posts will be pinned and announced on a weekly schedule making them easily accessible to everyone!

Each seller may have ONE main resale comment per megathread. You may add as many GENUINE decks to that comment as you want as long as they follow the following criteria:
Post a picture of your deck(s) for sale with a handwritten note that includes the date and your username. (Pictures will be valid for one month so no need to redo them if you need to repost next week!) Any comment without a verification photo of the item for sale will be removed.
To post multiple pictures to Reddit comments, please upload them to imgur or imgbb and link back to them in your comment. You can always reply to your own original resale comment, but they may get buried with buyer’s comments.
Reminder: Counterfeit decks are not allowed in Saturday’s resale megathread.
Tips on How to Spot Fake Decks!

Copy/Paste this description with your photo in your comment:
Remove spaces, edit the title, and insert your link to post the above as a nice link.
CONDITION OF CARDS/BOX: (SEALED/LIKE NEW(free of defects/marks)/MODERATE USE (note any defects here)/VERY WORN (note any defects here)/MISSING CARDS (note missing cards here)/SCRAP DECK)
CONDITION OF GUIDEBOOK: (LIKE NEW (free of defects/marks)/MODERATE USE(note any defects here) /VERY WORN (note any defects here)/MISSING PAGES (note which pages here)/WRITTEN IN/NOT INCLUDED) (Note: If your deck has a QR code, it is probably counterfeit and not allowed to be resold here.)
ASKING PRICE: (**Must include a price. Best offer is fine, but no bidding wars, please!**)
SHIPPING INFO: (Included? If not, price? How? (USPS, FedEx, Royal Mail, etc.) When? Where? (Your country only? Worldwide?))
AVAILABILITY: (FOR SALE/PENDING/SOLD) (Please update this accordingly.)


You may comment on however many decks you are interested in buying, but you must post a public reply to the seller on the megathread before DM-ing them.
Use PayPal Goods & Services for all payments or risk losing your money. Mods are not responsible for any loss you may incur from not doing so.
Don’t start haggling sellers over pricing. It’s annoying. Unless best offer is stated, assume that’s what they want for their stuff.
Please leave a small review for the seller once your item is received to help others find legitimate users. Even just a confirmation you received the deck is fine!

Did you read the rules that are posted here yet?
Okay… but if you don’t read them, it won’t make them go away ;) REPORT ALL SUSPICIOUS ACCOUNTS. PERIOD. We are expecting an uptick in new users due to these threads.

**Trading guidelines are more relaxed!**
Each trade may have ONE main comment per megathread. You may add as many trades to that comment as you want as long as they follow the following criteria:
Post a picture of your trade(s) with a handwritten note that includes the date and your username. (Pictures will be valid for one month!) Any comment without a verification photo of the item for will be removed.
Let’s try to keep trades to where they’re as even as possible. (indie for indie, mass market for mass market, fake for fake, etc.)

Each trader should pay for shipping (unless there is a huge difference in what you are shipping, then it’s okay to ask the receiver to help cover the difference).

LEAVE A PUBLIC COMMENT ON TRADES BEFORE MOVING TO MESSAGES. New, low karma, and/or bannned users cannot comment here. They can still message you, so be aware who is trying to contact you first. Report anyone breaking this rule to the modmail!

Please leave a small review for the seller once your item is received to help others find legitimate users. Even just a confirmation you received the deck is fine!

REPORT ALL SUSPICIOUS ACCOUNTS. PERIOD. We are expecting an uptick in new users due to these threads.

Reminder: Counterfeit decks are allowed as trades as long as they are disclosed.
Posting a fake deck without disclosing it is an immediate ban!
Tips on How to Spot Fake Decks!

Copy/Paste this description with your photo in your comment:
Remove spaces, edit the title, and insert your link to post the above as a nice link.
CONDITION OF CARDS/BOX: (SEALED/LIKE NEW(free of defects/marks)/MODERATE USE (note any defects here)/VERY WORN (note any defects here)/MISSING CARDS (note missing cards here)/SCRAP DECK)
CONDITION OF GUIDEBOOK: (LIKE NEW (free of defects/marks)/MODERATE USE(note any defects here) /VERY WORN (note any defects here)/MISSING PAGES (note which pages here)/WRITTEN IN/NOT INCLUDED) (Note: If your deck has a QR code, it is probably counterfeit and not allowed to be resold here.)
LOOKING FOR: (Try to keep your looking for to as close to the value of your trades as possible.)
AVAILABILITY: (Available/Pending/Traded) (Please update this accordingly.)


(Please note that the formatting for this post may change next week as I’m working everything out with it.)
Have fun!
submitted by AutoModerator to TarotDecks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 AutoModerator How are your sales? Monthly Sales Post for June 2024

Please use this stickied post (and only this post!) to discuss how your views and sales are going.
This includes discussion of trends in sales and views, as well being the place to share general suggestions on improving traffic during slow times.
NOTE: Please do not post shop names, shop links, or shop critique requests in this thread. If you would like advice specific to your shop, please read and follow the Shop Critique Guidelines linked in the sub rules and create your own post.
Any type of self promotion (including promotion of services for Etsy sellers) is also not allowed here. If you receive a private message offering or promoting a service from anyone posting in this thread, please mark the message as spam and notify the mod team.
submitted by AutoModerator to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:00 False_Extreme_2553 AITA for not being more considerate of my Mom's feelings

Myself and my husband used to live in another city where we owned an apartment but after having a child 5 years ago we decided to move closer to where we were brought up to be closer to family and so our child could have a closer relationship with their grandparents.
My mom and I were always close but since moving back she's been quite controlling and critical of me, my parenting and how I want to live my life which means around every couple of months she ends up telling me she will never see me again. She always comes back into the fold after a week or so on the premise that she wants to see her grandchild and so the cycle continues. My child doesn't know any of this is going on in the background, we try to keep things normal for them. It's very exhausting but we want them to have a relationship and I would never want to stand in the way of that.
So the AITA question - my husband and I kept our apartment and rented it out because we weren't sure if we would like moving home and also as an investment for our retirement. However with changes in the economic outlook we decided to sell.
My mom knew we were selling but I didn't go into detail in terms of finances or what was agreed because she has very strong opinions and likes to criticise so I thought best to avoid going into detail with her - after all it is our business, not hers.
The sale finally went through after some difficulties which took months. I let her know it had gone through and we had made some money which was great. She seemed happy at first and I said we would find a way to celebrate.
The next day I received messages saying she will never see me again because I was sly. She won't answer calls but I can only imagine this is because she didn't know the details of the sale. She says she feels unwanted and I can only imagine this because I didn't offer to take her on holiday or something to share the wealth but I didn't feel I could say that when I didn't know exactly how much money we would be left with after taxes, paying off loans and contributing to our current house. She suggested the money was for spending but I see it as a pot for ours and our child's future. I had thought we could go for a holiday with her as a thank you for all she's done for us over the years but now she has once again cut me off and said all this about me I am less inclined to. AITA for not involving her more or for offering her a share of the money? I didn't feel able to without speaking to my husband either but within a day she has disowned me for all this.
submitted by False_Extreme_2553 to u/False_Extreme_2553 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:52 nochance316 [FS][USA][TX] PRICE DROP + NEW ITEMS! AJ1 Fragment AJ5 A Ma ManiĂŠre Dawn AJ1 Patent Gold Toe AJ4 OVO/Drake Splatter Paint PEs Gucci Blue Cotton Tracksuit

Selling some more stuff! All items will be sent via USPS Priority Mail. I would like to keep this as a US-only sale but if an offer is good enough from outside I will consider it. PayPal invoice only. All sales are final. Tag and Timestamp pics below.
Open to all reasonable offers on all items and will provide discounts on multiple items.
Non-payments on invoices will be reported to the mods

Tagged Photos of All Items for Sale With Timestamp

AJ1 Fragment
Size: 8.5/42
Price: $70 Shipped
Description: Never worn! Bought from Qinmin a few years ago, unsure of batch. Beautiful shoe!
AJ5 A Ma ManiĂŠre Dawn
Size: Men's 8.5/42/Women's 10
Price: $70 Shipped
Description: Never worn! Y3 Batch. Great quality shoe!
AJ1 Patent Gold Toe
Size: Men's 8.5/42/Women's 10
Price: $50 Shipped
Description: Think I wore these twice. Unknown batch, got from Qinmin a few years ago.
AJ4 OVO/Drake Splatter Paint PEs
Size: 8.5/42
Price: $25 + Shipping
Description: Deadstock! Rare! Bought from a Weidian seller back in 2020, no clue of batch. I think it could use a bit more splatters versus the real samples I've seen but it isn't a glaring flaw. O_V_O Owls are on the inside of the back tabs (pictured). An absolute steal at this price!
Gucci Blue Cotton Tracksuit
Size: Top is small, measures 22.5" across chest and 25" length. Pants are small, measure 14" waist, max waist of 18", 30" inseam, and 41" outseam. Both fit more like medium or large.
Price: $35 Shipped for jacket, $30 shipped for pants, $55 Shipped for set
Description: Never worn! Great quality on both!
submitted by nochance316 to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:50 catlessinseattle Vent: CEO uses Customer Success as the Scapegoat

For context: Our CSM team isn’t responsible for
•Renewals •Upgrades •Confirming cancellation of an account. (Only the Account Manager can officially downgrade / accept termination of contract)
We are responsible for:
•Onboarding •Answering Technical Questions / Implementation •Escalating Bugs to Product (where product tells us to get fucked usually) •Frequent Training of new users on account •Ensuring customers know how to use the product •QBR / Business reviews to remind them the value they get out of the product
The CEO has made it part of our Quarterly Bonus KPIs to reduce churn rate for the non-enterprise plan accounts that we have nothing to do with.
Example: Client wants to leave because of budget constraints. Only sales can approve the negotiation to offer them new features or a decrease on their plan. Client doesn’t move forward, CEO blames customer success for not having a more “active line” of communication even though client expressed not wanting to be contacted by CSM again. He says they weren’t properly trained in the product which is why they didn’t get budget approval
submitted by catlessinseattle to CustomerSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:49 Delicious-Ad4875 Help Finding These Dolls?~

Help Finding These Dolls?~
Okay so - I used to have 4 of these precious moments dolls as a child that were gifted to me by my mother. They were unfortunately thrown out by my dad's partner growing up. These dolls were one of the few things I had from my mother so I'm desperately trying to get at least one back in my possession for memories sake.
They were soft cloth bodied with a plastic/acrylic head and yarn hair. There are tons of Precious Moments dolls but this specific line of 4 dolls were the only dolls with those exact qualities, it seems~ they're from a 4 doll release called "Girlfriends Forever" [see 2nd pic]
Basically these are the only 2 dolls I can find pictures of online - I know for sure there's also a blonde doll in this line (she was my favorite) and I can't find a picture of her ANYWHERE :( I reached out to the Precious Moments team but these dolls were released by a separate artist that I'm having some trouble contacting...
TLDR - If anyone has pictures of these dolls (especially the blonde one!) or has any for sale please get in contact with me!! ♡ Thank you for reading it means a lot!
submitted by Delicious-Ad4875 to preciousmoments [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 MuddyGeek Another post about choosing cordless tool brands

I'm getting analysis paralysis from looking at all of the tool brands, battery systems, sales, models... It's too much!
I have resisted buying battery tools because I don't want to deal with a bunch of batteries. I'm a weekend warrior and DIYer that works on rusty old trucks, home repairs, and occasionally builds something off my wife's honey do list. This time around it's repairing/replacing/adding onto our privacy fence. My 16 year old Milwaukee 12v screw gun made it through a couple panels. Sure, a new battery will help but I think it's a good excuse to buy an impact driver. And hey, I have other projects that'll benefit.
This is where my confusion comes in. The Milwaukee is the only cordless tool I own (that matters). I use air tools for the vehicles or corded stuff for wood working. I think it's time to bite the bullet and buy some cordless. I'm not brand loyal. I like to buy for life when I can but I've bought cheap before when I'll never use it again.
My local options are (ordered by distance) Harbor Freight, Menards, Rural King, Ace, Lowe's, and Walmart. No Home Depot for the Ryobi fans. So I'm trying to pick a brand that has some basic options (if I need to grab a battery compatible tool on a Sunday evening, well, you understand) and will last.
I've read through a lot of posts here, watched videos, read the articles, looked at the retailers, and I can't really decide. Ryobi is usually recommended for home users but that goes with a close Home Depot (over an hour away). I can get the usual brands like DeWalt, Milwaukee, and Metabo HPT locally. I'm also looking at store brands like Hercules, Kobalt, and Masterforce. With the sales, I can pick up an impact driver with a battery or two for $100-150. Some also have a drill or Kobalt is throwing in a free second tool of my choice.
submitted by MuddyGeek to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:40 Hufflebuff1 [SG] [H] AMD FX-6300 / Nvideo 970 build ÂŁ150 ONO

I have a desktop pc for sale as I no longer use it. It is perfect for 1080p gaming 30-60fps, general PC use and working.
The parts included are below
I am based in the West Midlands, might be able to drop off if local to me. If you need further pics/vid or information, happy to provide :)
submitted by Hufflebuff1 to HardwareSwapUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:33 Honeysyedseo $30K/Month on TikTok Shop? Here’s Exactly How to Do It

$30K/Month on TikTok Shop? Here’s Exactly How to Do It
$30k/month is TikTok Shop minimum wage
$1.1K Estimated TikTok Shop Commission
If I were starting from zero..
this is exactly what i’d do to get back to $30k/mo:
Hitting $1,000/days is easier than you realize..
  • 30% commissions
  • $8 per sale
  • 125 sales in a day
Excluding brand deals.. Excluding bonus payouts..
So here’s what sort of content we need to make to hit $1k/day:
First we need to learn:
  • How to Sell
  • Who to Sell to
Later we can get into:
  • Unique advantages
  • Ideal market types
  • Adjusting winners
Which makes things easier..
For now let’s focus on the big three:
  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationships
Here’s the real sauce..
  1. Rinse winning hooks
  2. Yap afterwards about the big three
Do the same thing on a LIVE after you post your video..
Now it’s impossible for you to run out of angles
Cleanse supplement? Here’s what you can talk about:
1/ Health
  • Losing arm fat
  • Losing chin fat
  • Getting a slimmer waist
The more niche, the better. You can even go black hat on this..
2/ Wealth
  • Feel more dialled in
  • Feel less of an afternoon crash
  • Being able to focus for longer
3/ Relationships
  • Feel more confident in bed
  • Feel less heavy in public
These are super random examples that I used..
But indirectly talking about the big three desires
is how you’re going to print $$$$
If you want me to dive deeper into this..
If you want to get started by tonight:
  • Get access to $1,500/mo worth of SaaS tools
  • A Full Course
  • A Community
  • A mentorship program
Plus so much more..
Join TikTok Syndicate now.
submitted by Honeysyedseo to eComEnclave [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:28 HMR2018 What are the questions you wish you had asked?

For those that bought from a dealership, new or used, what are those things you wish they would have covered, shown you, etc?
What questions came up later that were so important they might have made your first few trips far easier and more headache free?
My wife and I have been in the market for our first new travel trailer(I owned/lived in one in the 90s but it was far far far more basic than what's on the lots today). We have been in the market now 2 years and finally hit the point that this fall we will take the plunge to wait for the yearly sales slowdown to get the best deal we can. We are pretty sure what model we want, I'm just very very slow on any big purchase.
Any advice/constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by HMR2018 to GoRVing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:26 Scorpwanna Anyone own a Prop Replica of a Pulse Pistol?

If anyone is big into the prop owning stage of fandom, anyone of you out there happen to have a Pulse Pistol that was passed off as a direct replica from a screen used prop? Chances are, it's either from a mold taken from a prototype copy and not a close up screen used version. Recently going over the episodes again (the series is streaming 24/7 on youtube), I happened upon Infinite Possibilities part 2 and noticed something I had known before, but forgot until that moment. The Pulse Pistol used in the show, is wider than the prop replica you see for sale on ebay that's from a "screen used" prop from production.
Many "Cycles" ago when Farscape first aired, I was obsessed with the Pulse Pistol. I crafted one out of a solid 2x6 wooden board. I took screen caps of the Pulse Pistol for reference, and went over every detail I could. I had always wanted to have my own 1:1 screen matched replica version. Didn't get one until many years later off of ebay and it was labeled as a kit (meaning you fixed it up yourself, painting it etc...) and "taken from the mold of a screen used version".
I got the pistol out tonight when watching the stream with 150 other people and "boy oh boy", it's not even close to screen width accurate. This makes me sad. I suppose some will say, well they had 2 versions, a smaller one and a larger one. If you look at Exodus From Genesis, you see the width there, and you see the width in a bugs life.
Here's what I think actually. Take it with a grain of dirty salt. The ones that are sold as "screen accurate" is most likely taken from an early prototype stunt version, call it a "dummy gun". Just for looks in other words. While the real deal that was going to be closer on camera was the big guy. Anyway, yeah, several different versions from production, perhaps even a mold taken of one from a mold taken from one of a mold, over and over again.
Still going to be on the search for a more accurate and reasonably priced replica. *batteries not included*
submitted by Scorpwanna to farscape [link] [comments]