Varathane floor reviews

Regular Car Reviews

2014.01.27 17:44 Varryl Regular Car Reviews

This is a subreddit for fans of Regular Car Reviews on Youtube.

2009.09.11 17:57 n00utkast Movies, Gaming, and other projects by Unfair

The latest project is BestEdit, a movie fan edit site. Past projects include the UnfairReviews and UnfairPlus/Cutting Room Floor channels on YouTube, as well as several microreview sites such as ShortReviews and TruthInGaming.

2014.07.02 16:35 eviljelloman Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game fan sub

This is a subreddit dedicated to the [Plaid Hat Games]( title Dead of Winter - a meta-cooperative, post-apocalyptic, limited resource, hidden objective, zombie survival board game designed by Jonathan Gilmour and Isaac Vega

2024.06.01 13:26 Sweet-Count2557 Athama Palace in Male, Maldives

Athama Palace in Male, Maldives
Athama Palace in Male, Maldives
Escape to Paradise at Athama Palace: A Luxurious Hotel in Male, Maldives
Price Level: $
Hotel Class: 0
Welcome to Athama Palace, a luxurious hotel nestled in the heart of Male, Maldives. This exquisite property offers a truly unforgettable experience for travelers seeking a tranquil and indulgent getaway. With its stunning ocean views, pristine white sandy beaches, and world-class amenities, Athama Palace is the perfect destination for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you're lounging by the infinity pool, indulging in a rejuvenating spa treatment, or exploring the vibrant marine life through snorkeling or diving, this hotel promises to cater to all your desires. The spacious and elegantly designed rooms provide a sanctuary of comfort and relaxation, ensuring a restful night's sleep after a day of adventure. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Maldives and let Athama Palace be your ultimate tropical paradise.
Amenities of Athama Palace in Male, Maldives
Athama Palace in Male, Maldives offers a range of amenities to ensure a memorable and enjoyable stay for guests of all ages. For families traveling with children, the resort provides a variety of kids activities to keep the little ones entertained. From arts and crafts to outdoor games, there is something to suit every child's interests. Additionally, Athama Palace boasts direct beach access, allowing guests to easily soak up the sun and enjoy the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives. Whether it's building sandcastles or taking a refreshing swim, the beach is just steps away, providing endless opportunities for relaxation and fun.
Contact of Athama Palace in Male, Maldives
Majeedhee Magu, Male 20139

Location of Athama Palace in Male, Maldives
Pictures of Athama Palace in Male, Maldives
Tips for Staying in Athama Palace
Try Novina hotel near Seagull café. Individual and dorm rooms available Tip is you don't choose this place if you want a good room No lift. So elderly people should ask for a room on the 1st floor. Younger travellers will be happy with the 3rd floor viewing the main road. There's so much to see! Try to avoid rooms in front of reception, noise may disturb you
Reviews of Athama Palace in Male, Maldives
Book Athama Palace Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:17 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.8

I banked the fire and stared into the golden eyes of Beatale before I crept into my makeshift tent.
I still had my auric vision running and couldn’t help but notice the thin silver cord that ran from me to Horse. Firming up my aura, I reached out with my hand and grabbed it. I could feel the nearly imperceptible vibration between my fingers as I used my mind to probe at the thread. I could feel a bright spark of intellect, a light at the end of a tunnel. Pushing with my mind, I slid down the thread until the spark grew larger and eventually filled my inner vision with a hazy white light. Horsey thoughts nudged at me curiously.
I slid into the haze and immediately lost all sense of direction. If it wasn’t for the silver thread, I’d have no idea how to exit this shifting white fog. Horsey thoughts got stronger as I followed the thread while the haze thinned and cleared to reveal an endless prairie of green grass. I found myself standing before a naked man wearing a horse mask and I stared in shock. It was obviously me wearing a cheap costume horse mask — there was no mistaking my tattoos.
“What did you expect?” Horse neighed at me. “I am you and you are me and we are all together. Goo goo ga joob.”
Horse made a shooing motion with his hands and I accelerated backwards through the white haze and slammed into my own body with a gasp. I stared at the tarp overhead for a long minute, processing this new revelation. Horse was a part of me, a piece of my spirit. Whatever psychic stuff I did with that silver cord lead me into a house of mirrors where I got to look at myself pretending to be a horse. I can’t even deal with that right now.
Rolling into my blankets, I dropped off to sleep.
-=- - Welcome to the Dreamworld - Included in the Psychic Skills pack, the Inner Sanctum is your psychic domain. It is the mental fortress that you must secure and maintain to defend against psychic and spiritual assaults. All of your neurosis and fears are symbolised in this realm and must be defeated or subjugated before you can become master of the domain. Good luck. -=-
I banished the pop-up and looked around. I knew I was asleep, but everything was just as real as when I was awake. I was breathing, I could feel the floor under my feet, and if it weren’t for the pop-up, I would have sworn I had been teleported. The room I was in resembled an oversized luxury prison cell, maybe a thirty foot cube. No windows. Rough stone walls with thick mortar. Large brass wall sconces were set directly into the stone and suffused the room with a warm, golden light provided by glowing rocks. The stone floor had colourful Persian rugs tastefully placed. A high plaster ceiling was painted with a rendition of Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’, depicting me as both Adam and God.
There was a comfy sofa in front of a large screen television that hung from one wall and an ornate grandfather clock ticked loudly in the corner. It was currently 10:08 PM. Another wall was a floor to ceiling bookshelf, stuffed with books of varying sizes. The third wall was covered with pictures and I could see at a glance that they were images from my life. The fourth wall had a thick riveted steel door on the right side, a full sized mirror on the left, and a computer workstation in the middle.
The picture wall was my first target. A few were quite large, nearly life sized, while others were tiny prints no larger than the palm of my hand. Scenes of my life were displayed in each one. The largest was me riding Horse with a shit-scared expression, shooting at a pack of wolves. Others were smaller, each with different frames. Some ornate gold or silver, others plain wood, a few wrapped in briars or barbed wire. Nanny Ramsey holding me as a young child. My dog Jean with a red ball in his mouth. My parents, screaming at me. I turned my attention to the books. Books are safe. Books don’t judge you.
The sweet, musty scent of a used book store filled my nostrils as I drew close to the honey coloured shelves. Hundreds of volumes filled the wall from floor to ceiling, with a ladder that could be rolled along a rail to access the top. I smiled at the sight. I had always wanted a library like this. I pulled a book at random and read the title, “Confused Fantasies about Joseph Harris, part XXIV of the Middle School Years”.
I slid the book back onto the shelf. Let’s see what’s on TV.
The remote was a slim, futuristic looking affair with a minimum of buttons. I pointed it at the television and moments later the huge screen came to life and presented me with a simple menu for movies, divided into six categories: Happy, Surprised, Afraid, Disgusted, Angry, and Sad. I scrolled through the offerings for a minute, reading the titles and reviews about the movies of my life. It really bothered me that there were so few selections in the Happy section.
The number of Sad movies increased by one.
I walked over to the mirror and noticed there was a small sticky note pasted to it. “Astral Realm. Experienced users only.” I shoved the note in my pocket and stared at my image. Sturdy black boots, black denim jeans and shirt with mother-of-pearl buttons, deep brown gun belt slung at my hip, red bandanna and black felt hat. All I needed was a pencil moustache and I would look like the stereotypical villain in any spaghetti western. At that very moment I decided to grow out a goatee. I’d rather be mistaken for a bad guy than a victim.
So how does this astral realm thing work?
The mirror appeared to be nothing more than a mirror. It was cold, smooth glass surrounded by a wrought iron frame, and reflected my image. I didn’t necessarily want to go walking into danger, but I wanted to know how it worked. I pushed and prodded the glass in frustration until I noticed my image grinning at me. I jumped back in surprise and it doubled over in silent laughter.
“Hilarious, dude. You got me,” I huffed. “So how do I get in?”
My mirror-self tipped his hat and stepped to side.
I reached up to the mirror again and my hand passed through, vanishing as if cut off. Okay, just a quick peek and we’ll explore the rest of the room. I stepped through and the world shifted around me. I was standing back at the campsite. My body was insubstantial as a ghost and the tarp was a wisp of substance running straight through me. Non living things don’t seem to have much presence in this realm. Glancing down, I saw my sleeping body rolled up in the blankets, a thin silver thread running from it to me, and another thread running to Horse.
Looking around, I surveyed the campsite. My astral vision seemed to be on and had an unlimited range. I could see the life all around me, the distant forest was a sea of greenish-gold, grasses and brush nearby glowed with spectral light. Tiny ghost insects scurried while ghost mice nibbled at whatever ghost mice nibble on. Ghost seeds and ghost insects, I suppose. I turned my attention overhead and gaped at the sight of a monstrous serpentine spirit flying through the inky void. I dropped back through the tent and rolled inside my body. That was plenty enough for now.
I rolled through the mirror and landed flat on my back, staring at the fresco on the ceiling. Vinnie-God winked at me and Vinnie-Adam grinned. Climbing to my knees, I brushed non-existent dust from my trousers and watched mirror-me doubled over in soundless laughter.
“Hey, laughing-boy!” I yelled at him. “You’re like the guardian or something, right? You got it covered?”
Mirror-me stood and saluted with a smile, then gave me two thumbs up. A moment later, his face took on a serious expression and he wriggled his right hand in the ‘maybe’ motion. Then he pointed at me, tapped his wrist, and then a finger to his head.
It all depends on how fast I learn stuff, I guess.
Two thumbs up and a winning smile reflected back to me.
A large cork board was mounted to the wall over the computer and a small note was pinned to it. “Note to self: Don’t fuck with the Elvish womens.”
The computer screen featured a screensaver of me as Vitruvian Man doing callisthenics over the words ‘HumanOS’. I tapped the spacebar and was rewarded with the sound of powerful fans kicking to life as the computer emerged from sleep mode and prompted me for a password. Should I assume it’s the same as the password on the computer I pawned in my previous life?
Password: *******esi
I was rewarded with a sweet R&M desktop and a couple of icons. System, NeuralNet, My-Tunes, My-Movies, My-Office.
System was just what I expected, lots of .dna files and other confusing scariness that allowed me to tweak my physical body and mental state. My-Tunes was a collection of every song I’d ever heard and My-Movies was a collection of every movie I’d ever seen. Not that I’m complaining, but it would have been nice to have “My-Games” so I could play RDR. My-Office was a clone of the popular software by a similar name. I have no idea what I’ll ever need a spreadsheet for in this world.
NuralNet opened up a search engine called Me-Seeks, featuring a familiar blue guy.
I typed in “beer” and several thousand results were displayed, anything I’d ever read, heard, or watched about beer, including how to make it. This right here made the price of admission totally worth it, access to an exact copy of everything I’d ever read, and I was a voracious reader. Sadly, most of the stuff I read was futurology — solar panels, electronics, biotech advancements, quantum computing. The material for steam engines, blacksmithing, farming and the like, were slim pickings. That’s okay though, I could still reproduce the Gutenberg press, the cotton gin, simple internal combustion engines, and basic batteries along with some sketchy knowledge of metal alloys, acids, bases, and other things I had read over the years. All that wasted time watching “How Things Work” was finally going to pay off. I copied a few likely money makers to My-Office, saved the file, and exported to my Notes, just in case they didn’t exist on Aerth.
A popup covered the screen.
📱 [New Upgrade Available!] 📱
🎉 Enhance Your Experience with the Latest HumanOS Features! 🎉
🌟 Features Include:
🔥 Special Offer: Only 2000 credits for version 2.0 or 5000 credits for version 3.0! 🔥
[Upgrade Now ✅] [Remind Me Later ❌]
Apparently I could upgrade myself, which reduced the cost of using my Utilities while providing other minor benefits. My Utilities would level up as I used them, which would increase their battery cost, so if I didn’t keep pace with an update to the OS they could become prohibitively expensive to operate.
Stupid pay-to-win world.
So, do I pay 2000 credits for version 2.0 or 5000 credits for version 3.0?
I selected version 3.0 and klicked [Install]. After watching it download the update, it popped up another screen that asked if I wanted to update now, or wait until Midnight for the mandatory update.
I selected [No] just as the grandfather clock chimed 10:30 PM. I wondered if time ran slower in here, because it seemed like I had spent a lot more time on the computer than 15 minutes. Walking over to the imposing steel door, I noticed a bronze key with a thin chain in the lock. There was another sticky note on the door. “Subconscious. Please keep the key with you at all times.”
That’s not scary at all, is it?
I unlocked the door with a loud clunk and pulled it open to reveal a bedroom straight out of some royal castle. I could tell immediately that it had seen better days. The tapestries on the wall were frayed and fading. The canopy over the bed had a few holes in it. A thin layer of dust covered the mantle of a small fireplace set into the wall. There was a window letting in bright sunlight and I moved over to look outside.
I was on the third floor of a keep surrounded by the walls and turrets of a modest castle. A castle that had fallen into serious disrepair. Did this represent the state of my inner mind? One tower was shattered and the curtain wall under it damaged. The lower bailey was full of litter. I could see a few soldiers walking around the allure, keeping watch.
I have people in my subconscious?
Someone behind me cleared their throat.
Whirling, I discovered a familiar old man standing in the door of the bedroom. What was left of his hair formed a white halo around his head, his face was unshaven and covered with several days of growth. He was dressed like a poor and tattered manservant, but carried himself with a dignified air.
“It’s nice to see the master at home,” He said with a proper English accent. “There are many matters that require the master’s attention.”
“Uh, sure,” I said, hanging the key around my neck and tucking it in my shirt. “And who are you again?”
“Your personal manservant, of course” he said with a slight bow. Walking over to the steel door, he pulled it closed and it locked with a solid thunk. “Master should always keep his inner sanctum closed. One never knows if something nasty will creep in.”
“Thank you, uh, Woodhouse. I’ll remember that,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. “So what needs tending and how do things work around here?”
He smiled and beckoned me with a white gloved hand. “If master would be so kind as to follow me, I’ll introduce him to the staff and explain the duties and obligations of his domain.”
I’m 99.9% certain that everyone here is just me wearing a mask, so I shrugged and followed Woodhouse out of the bedroom and into the rest of my subconscious.
Five minutes later I was on the ground floor and seated on a shabby throne with the cast of a popular —and probably very copyright protected— animation in front of me. Woodhouse was the head butler and my personal manservant. Pam was the cook and demanded that I start importing sugar and alcohol before she was shushed by Woodhouse. Carol was a maid. Krieger was chancellor and Cyril was the steward. Archer and Lana were in charge of security. Ray was the marshal in charge of everything from the stables to the blacksmith.
I stared in disbelief at the motley crew kneeling in front of me. No wonder my inner mind was in such shambles. I was overcome with an irrational sense of anger at myself.
“Arright, listen up,” I barked, my voice echoing around the room. “I swear to God that I will fire every single one of you and hire circus clowns to replace you if you keep fucking things up. No joke. Circus clowns, got it?”
I ran a hand over my face as Ray pissed himself. “The only reason I’m not putting a boot in your asses right now is because I realise that you’re aspects of me, and the people you represent are pretty damn good at their jobs when they give enough of a shit to actually do them. As a team, you’re dysfunctionally fantastic and always seem to come out ahead no matter the odds.”
Heaving a sigh, I continued. “Things have changed and I need to get my shit together. I’m going to need every one of you to pull your weight and help me help you. Get back to your duties, I’ll meet you one on one later.”
My subconscious caretakers scurried out of the room.
“I’ll have one of the maids tend to the piss,” Woodhouse assured me.
“Never mind that,” I snapped. “I honestly had no idea my mind was such a shit show. I’m very disappointed in myself.” I pictured the Angry, Sad, and Disgusted counters on my personal movies clicking up. “Show me what needs to be done and let’s get started.”
During Woodhouse’s walking tour, everything clicked into place. This was some altered version of Bodiam castle, a location that was on my bucket list of places to visit. The royal council room, located behind the throne room, contained a “living” tapestry on the wall that showed the castle and surrounding land in real time. The castle was located in the middle of a small lake, and a single wood bridge led to the mainland. A small town surrounded the lake and a wall encircled the town. Outside the wall, the land was an irregular patchwork of forest and field, with a stinking swamp to the south. The entire “kingdom” was maybe ten miles across, surrounded by impassable mountains with innumerable creeks that fed the lake which drained into the southern swamp.
“Zombies are the problem, sir.” Woodhouse said, as I surveyed the living tapestry of my mental domain.
“Zombies?” I prompted.
“Yes sir, Zombies” Woodhouse continued. “Nasty bitey things that come in from the mountains and harass the peasants. They’ve gotten especially worse over the last few months. The soldiers do what they can, but they seem to have lost all motivation. Probably because they haven’t been paid.”
“And who pays them?”
“Typically chancellor Krieger is in charge of financial matters, although Steward Figgis has taken over the duty, sir.”
“Then let’s make Figgis our first stop.”
“Very good, sir.”
The office of the steward was run by Cyril Figgis, who managed the kingdom in my absence. It was overflowing with paperwork and charts, books and scrolls piled high on every flat surface. Cyril was desperately attempting to tidy things when Woodhouse and I walked in.
“ majesty,” Cyril stuttered, bowing low. Scrolls fell from his overloaded arms, spilling across the floor. He dropped to his knees and scrambled to gather them up. “I didn’t expect you to visit so soon. Please forgive the mess, housekeeping has been slacking…”
This was the guy who ran things while I was conscious.
“Shut up, Cyril” I said. “You’re responsible for everything in this office. That includes keeping it organised and tidy.”
“Y..yes milord.”
“It’s my understanding that you’re in charge of making sure everyone gets paid. So why aren’t we paying people?” I asked.
“We’re nearly out of Fuks, your majesty. I’ve been saving them for emergencies.”
“Fuks,” Cyril explained, pushing a pile of books off a large chest and opening it. Reaching inside he pulled out two small bags and emptied them on top of his cluttered desk. “Gold and Silver Fuks, the currency of the kingdom. I can’t maintain the kingdom when I have no Fuks to give.”
Behold the subconscious kingdom of Vincent J. Carter, it runs on Fuks.
“So how do I get more fuks?” I asked, examining one of the coins. It had an image of me on one side and symbol on the other that could be interpreted as “peace among worlds”.
“You kill the zombies, your majesty.”
Of course I do.
Woodhouse and I left Cyril’s office and headed towards the office of the chancellor where Krieger worked. It seemed that Cyril took over financial matters when Krieger became erratic and proposed luring all the zombies into the city and setting it on fire. Not sure how that corresponds to my own self-destructive behaviour, but I’ve had some dark thoughts over the last couple of months and I’m sure they’re reflected here.
Krieger’s office was much neater in comparison to Cyril’s, but it wasn’t by much. Shelves lined the walls and were filled with an array of questionable items, including a still snapping zombie head in a jar. While the office of the chancellor was supposed to be in charge of financial matters, it looked more like a dodgy rummage sale.
Krieger was launching sword blades at a pig carcass when we walked in.
“What exactly are you doing?” I asked, standing in the doorway.
“Hm? Oh, your majesty!” he said, turning around and bowing deeply. “I’m testing a new invention. It’s a spring loaded hilt that shoots sword blades. Very useful for our soldiers.”
“Stupidest idea ever,” I snapped. “I hate everything about it.”
“Okay,” Krieger said, tossing the hilt into a nearby pile of junk. “But don’t blame me when you need to shoot a sword at a zombie and don’t have one.”
“So why aren’t you managing the financial affairs? Collecting taxes, paying people, stuff like that?”
“Because the population has declined so much none of that matters?”
“What do you mean?”
“Wellll, the population represents things you care about,” Krieger said, going into lecture mode. “And the zombies and other monsters are real or imagined problems in your way. Since you don’t care about too many things the population has shrunk to just what’s needed to keep everything running on the bare minimum of fuks. And since you don’t seem to have any long or short term goals, there’s no need to kill off the zombies and get more fuks. Everything is fine just the way it is.”
“No, it’s not Krieger” I said, grinding my teeth. “My mind is in a shambles. It’s a joke. I want it fixed. No, I want it better than fixed. I want it improved.”
“Oh! I’ve got just the thing for that!” He said, digging around in his pockets, “It’s a spring-loaded hilt that shoots swords!”
Pam and Cheryl were hanging out a gallery window jeering at Archer and Lana sparring in the inner courtyard.
“What the hell are you doing!” I snapped
They whirled in surprise and then dropped into deep curtseys.
“Your majesty!”
I took a deep breath, trying to regain my centre. “Get to work cleaning this place up. Find a room, clean it, and move on to the next. Start with my bedroom, then the throne room and the council chamber, then everything else.”
Cheryl spoke up. “Can’t do it. We got no fuks to clean with.”
“You need fuks to clean?”
“Gotta buy stuff,” Pam said. “Cleaning supplies, food. You wanna eat, you’re gonna have to spend some fuks.”
“Talk to Cyril,” I ordered. “Tell him I said to get you supplied.”
They ran off in the direction of the stewards office.
I watched Archer and Lana bashing each other enthusiastically through the window.
Several minutes later the sparring couple stopped and bowed when Woodhouse and I stepped into the inner courtyard.
“Your majesty”
“My liege”
“Enough,” I said. “If you have enough energy to smash each other, you have enough energy to smash zombies. Tell me what I need to know so I can start gathering fuks.”
Archer shrugged and spoke first. “You just kill the zombies and other monsters. They drop fuks.”
“Anything special about the zombies?” I asked. “Are they fast? Do people get turned into zombies when bitten?”
“Nope,” Lana said, resting her wooden sword on her shoulder. “Most of them are slow shamblers and just need a good wack to the head to kill them.”
“Some are special,” Archer interjected. “Occasionally you’ll have some fast ones, or those that need holy water to kill. They’re just bad memories, figments of your personality that need to be eliminated. Some are worse than others.”
“The zombies are bad memories?” I asked, imagining all the bad memories that I had.
“Memories, thoughts, insecurities, metaphysical mumbo-jumbo,” Woodhouse supplied. “They are endless, but constant vigilance can keep them under control.”
“So let’s get started,” I said. “Lead the way.”
Lana and Archer lead me up to the parapet over the front gate where I looked over at the dozens of zombies milling about aimlessly in front of the entrance to my mind. Pulling out my gun, I began to pick them off, easy as shooting fish in a barrel. The crack of my spell pistol attracted more zombies and I dispatched them with ease until no more were left around the gate. As I fired each shot I could feel some sort of existential energy flowing from me, draining some hidden reserve.
“Gather up the Fuks,” I commanded. “And Lana?”
“There’s no excuse for this. From now on, I expect the walls to be clear of all zombies.”
“Yes mi’lord,” she said, giving me a small bow.
Turning to Archer, I shook my head. “You’re obviously my personal narcissism, so just try to stay out of Lana’s way, or better yet - try to kill more zombies than her. If you think you can.”
Archer scoffed. “No contest. I took top marks in sharpshooting.”
“That means I should expect to see results by tomorrow. I look forward to it.”
Archer looked panicked for a moment then smiled. “Sure, I can give you results.”
Turning back to Woodhouse I said “Show me what else need attending.”
Woodhouse led me through the town that represented my mind, pointing out each business that had fallen into disrepair, suggested others that needed improvements, and additions that would benefit me. In the distance, I could hear Lana and Archer shooting at the crowd of zombies and with each echoing shot I felt a tiny bit better about everything.
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:03 No-Marionberry-6769 Tineco Floor Cleaning Solution for iFLOOR

Tineco Floor Cleaning Solution for iFLOOR
Elevate Your Cleaning Routine with Tineco's Floor Cleaning Solution for iFLOOR
Introducing the ultimate cleaning companion for your iFLOOR: Tineco's Floor Cleaning Solution. Specifically formulated to work seamlessly with the iFLOOR series, this cleaning solution ensures superior cleaning results on all hard floors. Say goodbye to stubborn stains and hello to pristine floors with Tineco's innovative floor cleaning solution.
Why Choose Tineco's Floor Cleaning Solution for iFLOOR?
  • Designed for iFLOOR Series: Formulated to perfectly complement the Tineco iFLOOR series, ensuring optimal cleaning performance.
  • Powerful Cleaning Action: Effectively removes dirt, grime, and stains from hard floors, leaving them sparkling clean with minimal effort.
  • Gentle and Safe: Safe for use on all sealed hard floors, including hardwood, tile, laminate, and vinyl, without leaving residue or streaks.
  • Fresh Scent: Leaves behind a refreshing scent, keeping your home smelling clean and inviting.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Made with biodegradable ingredients, Tineco's Floor Cleaning Solution is environmentally conscious and safe for your family and pets.
Key Features:
  • Easy-to-Use Formula: Simply fill your iFLOOR's clean water tank with Tineco's Floor Cleaning Solution and let the iFLOOR do the rest.
  • Streak-Free Cleaning: Leaves floors streak-free and shiny, enhancing the appearance of your home.
  • Long-Lasting Performance: A little goes a long way, providing multiple cleaning sessions per bottle.
  • Convenient Packaging: Available in convenient sizes, including refillable bottles and larger containers for extended use.
  • Trusted Brand: Tineco is a leading brand in floor cleaning technology, known for its innovative products and superior performance.
Customer Reviews:
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Make cleaning your hard floors a breeze with Tineco's Floor Cleaning Solution for iFLOOR. Click here to learn more and purchase yours today!
submitted by No-Marionberry-6769 to BestToBuyUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:57 Bl00dy_R0se Endless Despair

I don't even know where to start so I'll start at the beginning of the latest episode. This probably won't be short so buckle up for the ride. I don't know what else to do at this point aside from cry myself to sleep all the while slowly dying a financial death. My life is in ruins and no matter what I do I can't seem to fix it.
In this latest event my home was flooded by my neighbors upstairs. For context I live in a condo unit with people above me and below me. The unit above me shower and washer dryer water ended up going in-between my walls and flooding my flooring in my home. The remediation company tallied an estimate of about 45k in damages. They did the initial work of gutting my home, then told me they needed to be paid before they continue. Ok fine no big deal that's why I have insurance right?
Well I reach out to my insurance and then I can't get ahold of anyone, then I get a message that they will send an inspector, the inspector comes out, i explain what was impacted, and then he leaves. Weeks go by and I'm not getting anywhere, no answers from my insurance.
I'm living in a hotel at this time and spending money like I apparently have money to blow, never spent money like that before, nor do I have it, and to top it off I don't live in a cheap US state. So hotel fees, pet fees, food from eating out everyday etc, In 10 weeks I'm out close to 40k.
The hotel is something out of my nightmares, it's the cheapest one I could find that wouldn't limit my 3 pets. So to paint a picture, the paint is peeling off the walls, the bathroom has a moisture and likely a mold problem, the door to the world has a 2 inch gap, and the reviews state that it's where criminals go to hide from the police.
So all the holidays go by including my birthday, during this time I tried to get some kind of movement on getting my home repaired. But it's just not happening. Insurance is giving me the run around telling me to talk to my HOA, I do that and my HOA tells me it's not their problem. All the while it's not my fault either. So I tried to go and have the unit above me fix it but they say my insurance needs to go after them. I'm stuck in this endless loop.
Ultimately on my birthday the HOA denies my claim, I tell my insurance and they turn around cut me a check for 14.5k minus my deductible of course. That's it, they wash their hands of me and I'm balling my eyes out in an IHOP because that doesn't cover anything. That won't cover repairs, it won't cover what I'm out for loss of use, I'm just f*cked. I rejected the check and told them that's not adequate, but instead of listening to me they just turned around closed my case and sent me a survey.
So I pivot I can't live in this hotel anymore I'm going to be homeless if I don't do something quick. So I do the repairs on my own, I know how to do the repairs, I did them already 3 years prior when I did some renovations on my home. I'll just do them again, I took vacation from work for 2 weeks and busted my butt, to make the place kinda liveable.
At the end of the two weeks the walls were up, I had a working toilet, kitchen sink, and bathtub. Can't use the shower since the walls aren't totally sealed but if I'm careful I can at least bird bath it.
Since then I've installed the flooring started painting and get the stuff in the house organized to a point that it's starting to look like home again.
I ended up taking more time off work to get it done in time for a home inspection, my lender wanted to see my progress, my goal was 85% and it paid off! I'm there at the 85% mark, but it's all been out of my own pocket, my own energy, and life blood.
I've tried hiring 4 Attorneys at this point and have been turned down because they want more money that I don't have to fight a case they tell me it's not worth their time.
So I've got the remediation company that the neighbors hired to mitigate the damage coming after me for payment. I've taken as much as I can out of my 401k to cover all these new expenses that I shouldn't be having to pay and my insurance just not caring.
I'm drowning in what feels like a river of despair, I'm happy my home is almost done but the majority of the work left is tiling my bathroom putting up the door that was there etc. So still bird bathing it until I have more time off to do the tile.
I just want to give up and surrender, I'm so tired mentally, physically, and emotionally that I'm depressed to the point that I can barely function. I am talking to a therapist because my mind started to get too dark, since I can't seem to get help for something i didn't create. I pay my bills on time, I have insurance but none of it matters, I'm not rich enough to sue which means I'm just going to have to eat this, but I shouldn't have to. I shouldn't have my life ruined because of a busted pipe that doesn't even belong to me......
What do I do? Do I try and keep finding an attorney ? Do I keep trying to work with my insurance company?any advice is appreciated, I'm sorry for the sob story I'm just at my wits end and needed to tell someone before I lose my mind completely.
submitted by Bl00dy_R0se to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:29 Low-Entropy Fischkopf Top 148: All tracks by Fischkopf Hamburg listed, ranked, and commented

Here it is. Every track that was put out by the label Fischkopf Hamburg, from all records they released. Listed, ordered, with a little comment / short review / description added to each one. Note that the "chart" concept might be a bit misleading here: Essentially, we love *all* Fischkopf tracks and think they are great. So, if a track is at number 101 or 124 in this chart, this does not mean it's a bad track - to the contrary! It's all good stuff (but some is a little better ;) We just thought the charts format would be a good idea; to present the label's catalogue, increase awareness of its music, and give somewhat of an overview of the material the label released. (And some of the comments aim to be in the typical tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted attitude, and style of the 90s hardcore fanzines)
More info about Fischkopf Hamburg can be found here:
But let us begin:
1.Taciturne - Phenprocoumon
very inventive hardcore techno track. a good example of the kind of music Fischkopf Records released. commodore amiga hardcore sound. uses broken, unusual rhythms, not typical 4/4 hardcore techno sequences. very noisy and abrasive. at the same time, a "far eastern" ambient melody is used in this track, which is very calm and soothing. this creates a very interesting clash between the harsh, abrasive elements, and the calm melody.
2.Auto-Psy - Oxyde
A legendary track made by Stella Michelsen. Hardcore Techno. From France. Industrial. Raw. Surreal. Manipulated vocals. Ambient elements. Immortal.
3.No Name - Latex
Aggressive Overture produced by Poka Michelson. Extremely unorthodox. Noisy. Close to avantgarde music. Glorious.
4.Fields Of Defacement - Urticated
Acidcore. Experimental. Project by Lasse Steen. Unusual sound. Hypnotic melody. Very Techno-like.
5.Christoph De Babalon - Babylon 90210
Dreamy. Futuristic. Sci-Fi. Jungle, Breakcore. Done on an amiga 500. By a producer from Hamburg.
6.Amiga Shock Force - Keep Your Enemies Close
By cult producers from germany. Not really hardcore techno. Almost soft, calm. Use of breakbeats. Commodore Amiga sound. Digital, lofi, sizzling. Very good.
7.Cybermouse - My Dorectives
Proto-Doomcore techno track. Very unusual. Entrancing. Techno-style. Drone that gets modulated throughout the track. Mid-tempo. Use of loops. Creates a surreal feel.
8.Eradicator - You're Lieing Pig
The only breakcore track on the "Agit Prop" LP. very lo fi, very thin sound. strange sound fx, bleeps, almost videogame-like sounds. overdriven breakbeat rhythm running throughout the track. sparsely used other elements such as distorted guitars and an aggressive vocal sample. great work by Patric Catani under his "Eradicator" alias.
9.Fields Of Defacement - Bang-Bang (Live In Hamburg 96)
Live recording. Brutal. Acidcore. With gabber and general hardcore elements. Entrancing. Exalted. Shows the power of a hardcore techno live performance.
10.Taciturne - Mourning
Probably the best known track by Taciturne next to "Der Toten". was included in Manu Le Malin's "Biomechanik" compilation. Use of ambient sounds next to a midtempo, industrial hardcore techno drum. very minimal, very few elements, not even hi hats snares or other percussion apart from the drum. crispy noisy 8 bit commodore amiga sound. legendary track.
11.Eradicator - Thou Shall Kill
one of the best tracks on the agit prop LP. fast beats, guitars, synth, noises, and a strange vocal.
12.Cybermouse - Overreacting
electro beats. non four-to-the-floor rhythm. commodore amiga sound.
13.Monoloop - Underwater Trumpet
very interesting. unique early breakcore. drone, ambient sounds mixed with hard and rough breakbeats. very surreal, futuristic. this track could only have been produced in hamburg.
14.Auto-Psy - Neutron
experimental merciless distorted ambient hardcore techno.
15.Burning Lazy Persons - If The Truth Be Known
very brutal. one of the hardest by burning lazy persons. guitars and fast beats.
16.Orderly Chaos - Melt Away Love
pure ambient track. interesting, repeated melody. wonderful track.
17.No Name - Control
one of the most classic and most fierce hardcore tracks. if you haven't heard this one, you are missing out!
18.Mathey Olivier - Residential Volume
heavy and loud drums, noises, funny intro.
19.R.A.W. - Cold War Memory Nightmare
great, great early breakcore. interesting use of sounds and "melody". also a good but haunting cold-war feel.
20.EPC - Where Do You Go?
perfect hardcore track, with radar / space-transmission like sounds. very industrial.
21.Fields Of Defacement - Attached
one of the most bittersweet dark and disturbing melodies in hardcore techno. set to arrhythmic beats and fragile manipulated percussion.
22.Eradicator - Titan
included on the 90s hardcore cd compilation "mururoa test 1". truly experimental hard electronics.
23.Amiga Shock Force - Psycore Pt. 1
slow intro. amiga computer sounds. hissing, noisy, overdriven. surreal feel.
24.Taciturne - In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi
samples the chuch of satan. non 4/4 beats. slow, distorted, noisy. dark and scary.
25.Trash Enemy HQ - Pestilence
truly interesting track. acid sounds. very dark and epic melody. no real hardcore beats and rhythm. close to industrial.
26.Eradicator - Brujeria
perfect bloodthirsty "e-de cologne"-style gabber. shouts and heavy metal guitars.
27.Christoph De Babalon - Pleased With Being Alive
one of our favorite christoph de babalon tracks. pure future and cyberdelic feel. a true classic.
28.Taciturne - Der Toten
the one and only fischkopf track that became a real "hit". was in high demand in the dutch gabber scene and ended up on countless compilations. as you probably already know this track, I don't need to describe it here :-)
29.Cybermouse - War Is Hell
maybe the most brutal track by cybermouse. early speedcore. very minimal. anti-war message.
30.M.C.P. - Overload 30303
arhythmic hardcore inferno
31.Auto-Psy - If
when i played this track, a guy once asked me "what kind of terrorist music is this?". good description!
32.Eradicator - M.C.P.
samples the movie tron. genuine 90s experimental hardcore.
33.No Name - Ydroid
Slick and without mercy.
34.Taciturne - Haematopan F
hardcore to blow your teeth out.
35.Cybermouse - Gulp
also one of cybermouse's most hardcore tracks. midtempo bounding 909 next to acid sounds.
36.Christoph De Babalon - I Own Death
the first track on his fisch 12". long, long intro. then it unleashes its full force with distorted breakbeats and a powerful melody.
37.Eradicator - Used Against Us (Remix)
Experimental gabber, ambient intro, rough sound, metal guitars. Juno hoover rave sounds. Murderous, nasty, and epic.
38.Auto-Psy - Escape
one of the most outstanding "hardcore" tracks ever. a symphony of drones, fx, noises and bassdrums. over seven minutes.
39.Burning Lazy Persons - Hyper Bitch
an early speed record. brutal and shocking.
40.No Name - Koma
so psycho, so evil, so mean. can you take it?
41.Auto-Psy - Go Out
a submarine is out of control, explosions shake the vessel, metal clanking is heard, and people scream in terror. then the sounds fade out into the cold dark blue depths.
42.Monoloop - Underwater Feelings (Live Alone Mix)
one of the most interesting tracks on this ep. fake live act. ferocious early breakcore with sophisticated production values.
43.Monoloop - Underwater Feelings
very sweet, very relaxed ambient sounds, mixed with hard breakbeats. pianos, water splashing, whales' whistling.
44.Amiga Shock Force - 24 Hour Connection
another true amigacore classic! ruthless and heavy.
45.Cybermouse - Datenvernichtung
comparable to early french noisecore. nice and evil.
46.Taciturne - Phenylephrin-Hydrochlorid
everyone knows "mourning" and "der toten", but this one is great too. proto-doomcore with a haunting drone, then gets faster towards the end.
47.Eradicator - Worringen
Heavy track with pounding steel drums, noisy synths, screams, everything you need.
48.Eradicator - Fucking Bitch Called Walker
Is that patric screaming? Menacing uncoventional hardcore gabber techno.
49.Cybermouse - Noishead
Early noise hardcore. The noise treatment for hardcore heads.
50.No Name - 01100010
didn't the german dance act "das modul" have a similar track title? but this one is hardcore, for sure!
51.Cybermouse - Adrenalin Structure
first track of the first fischkopf release. epic. was first released on an commodore amiga diskette magazine. not 4/4 hardcore, but wicked and strange electro sounds.
52.Monoloop - Chill Out
breakcore madness in between being chilled (as indicated by the piano) and being killed (as indicated by the screams).
53.M.C.P. - Overload MS 50
very aphex twin like, great experimental hardcore.
54.EPC - Autoplasie
Noisecore for your mind!
55.Burning Lazy Persons - Frd
a hammer coming down on your skull.
56.P. Server - Wires (Break)
a recording of audio wires that have been broken?
57.Fields Of Defacement - Uptight
melancholic melodic hard core tech-no?
58.EPC - R 624-2
Techno chopped up and turned into noise. Very analogue feel.
59.EPC - Persistance
Oh what a beatiful noise!
60.Eradicator - I Cum Blood
Evil experimental gabber insanity.
61.Auto-Psy - Ovoide
first track on this great ep. sounds that invoke the images of a runaway train accelerating straight to hell.
62.Auto-Psy - Andropose
the tranquil intro might give you the impression it's time to relax now, on this ep. but then the beats hammer on.
63.Eradicator - Destroy It Yourself (Remix)
March into hardcore disturbia..
64.Taciturne - Liquid Theatre
strange ambient intro. cult track.
65.M.C.P. - Overload RZ-1
hardcore machines got out of control and force people to dance to their death.
66.Auto-Psy - Clear
"null... null... null..." when i put on this record for the first time, i totally fell in love with this sound and all that followed.
67.P. Server - Ratings (Terror Unit H.Q.)
cool monotonous acidcore track.
68.M.C.P. - Overload Sigma
mental gabber up your cranium.
69.Amiga Shock Force - Sex, Mord Und Kunst
one of the fastest tracks of its era. hyperfast beats next to crazy rap samples.
70.Taciturne - Boys Don't Cry (Revisited)
robert smith would be proud!
71.No Name - Black Dream
help me. i hear voices. they are distorted. just as the drums.
72.No Name - 0.Vin .I
slowing down a bit. but not one bit less relentless.
73.Mathey Olivier - Easy Recording Aera
the last track of the last official fischkopf release. going out with a bang! and it's good-bye.
74.No Name - Kamasutra
i wonder what kamasutra technique inspires one to produce such devilish hardcore from hell like this. but then, it might be better to not find out.
75.Eradicator - Us Against Us
not as good as the revisit, but great nevertheless. tough experimental gabber.
76.Amiga Shock Force - Violent Geisha
mix between breakcore and early speedcore with an amiga feel.
77.Burning Lazy Persons - Poisoned Radio Wave
ooh, painful audio signals and overly distorted hardcore drums. i'm luving it.
78.Eradicator - Streptocock Gee
one of two true breakcore tracks patric catani did for fischkopf. excellent!
79.Taciturne - Praxis Dr. Fischer
Legendary drone-speedcore track. Doctor Fischer has the cure for you! Just go to his praxis.
80.Monoloop - The Dreamer
already a foreshadowing of the "ambient-breakcore" on fischkopf 13. epic!
81.Burning Lazy Persons - Garden Of The Permanent
this is crazy!
82.Burning Lazy Persons - Nakano Shit
man, this is some of the roughest hardcore that i ever heard.
83.EPC - Infectious Properties
these sounds bash right through your skull.
84.Fields Of Defacement - Found & Lost
Stones and flowers on the ground We are found and lost But love is gonna save us
85.Burning Lazy Persons - Fake
"die maschinen die maschinen die maschinen"? whatever. this machine kills!
86.Eradicator - Impulse To Destroy
the other "oversize" track on the agit prop LP. fierce drums and percussion. plenty of noise.
87.Eradicator - Distorted
Very distorted indeed! Fantastic.
88.Eradicator - Split Wide Open
Powerful radical hardcore with acid elements.
89.Burning Lazy Persons - Catastro
The overdose of noise and drums.
90.Taciturne - Krach-Aran-RMX
Now this is just krach! But a good one.
91.Eradicator - Cologne Boring M.F.
Hyperfast mental metal hardcore madness.
92.Orderly Chaos - 45m
The so real dark ambient experience.
93.Burning Lazy Persons - Kone Kane Dayone
a very very wild ride.
94.P. Server - Pulley
excellent lasse steen production. has some rave elements.
95.Amiga Shock Force - Mass Appeal Madness
one of the most "poppy" tracks on fischkopf as it samples james brown. crazy hardcore gabber.
96.Jean Bach - Tausend Stimmen
very crazy and over the top track by jean bach. heavy distortion.
97.Eradicator - Destroy It Yourself
Sepultura samples, weird noises, gabber drums - perfect!
98.Christoph De Babalon - Promise, Broken
total future psychedelic breakcore.
99.Trash Enemy H. Q. - Braintraining
noise and distortion with a painful sound without drums or anything else.
100.Taciturne - Avarie De Machine
made up of sounds of heavy machinery? great!
101.No Name - Message
we got the message and the message was clear.
102.No name - Help
get on a hardcore trip faster than light.
103.Eradicator - Starving
epic ambient intro.
104.No Name - Start E·nd
it starts and ends in torturous hardcore agony.
105.No Name - A
"a" total french insane techno track.
106.Monoloop - Second Trumpet
in style similar to the other 3 tracks on fisch 13. has a heavy jazz feel.
107.Shangoe - Army Of Darkness
interesting breakcore out of hamburg.
108.Eradicator - Agitprop Troop
interesting noise experiment.
109.Eradicator - Forkboy
early speedcore track. guitars and hyperspeed drums.
110.Taciturne - Dexpanthenol
riots of noise, distortion, and brutality.
111.Monoloop - Drum Da Style
stylish early breakcore.
112.Mathey Olivier - Second Transmission
mad scientist hardcore.
113.Mathey Olivier - Well Done!
the acid sounds from outer space invade the second part of this great french hardcore track. well done indeed!
114.P. Server - Epigraph
lasse steen delivers with this great dark acidtechno track.
115.Taciturne - Krank
total "kranker" hardcore!
116.P. Server - Plunger
all power to the 303!
117.P. Server - Psave
legit 90s acid hardcore. rough production values, almost as if mastered from cassette tape.
118.P. Server - Dispatching
hardcore up your acid!
119.Fields Of Defacement - Dark.R
the 808 gets the full-on distortion treatment.
120.Eradicator - Enter Three Witches
one of two "oversize" tracks on the agit prop LP. on four-to-the floor beats. ambient outro.
121.Eradicator - Widerstand
noisy agit prop sounds!
122.P. Server - Banging Happening
123.Fields Of Defacement - Corkscrew
Wonderful monotonous hardcore without bleeps or melodies.
124.Amiga Shock Force - Shoot 'em Breax
A perfect early breakcore track. Hip hop and guitars.
125.Cybermouse - Obstreperous
Very experimental techno / hardcore track. Acid like sounds, great use of percussion, and a sci-fi feel.
126.P. Server - Metal Disposition
acid gabber brutality.
127.Burning Lazy Persons - "R"
vicious nice and nasty track by nawoto suzuki.
128.Burning Lazy Persons - Dorami De Onanie (240 Vers.)
faster onanism.
129.Johnny Ego - Untitled
again an interesting hamburg breakbeat track.
130.Orderly Chaos - Pine
painful sounds and pure ambient.
131.R.A.W. - Sudden Death
the other r.a.w. track from the otaku compilation. impressive as well!
132.EPC & A.N.T.I. - Sharpomatic
noisy hardcore with a total "piss off!" attitude.
133.Burning Lazy Persons - Dorami De Onanie
onanism will give you a mental disorder that allows you to create wonderful nasty hardcore tracks like this.
134.Burning Lazy Persons - Fish Tenpuraaaaa
fish fried well, and served for this solid hardcore dish.
135.Burning Lazy Persons - Mongolian Chop
typical nawoto suzuki. mental and dangerous. awesome.
136.Burning Lazy Persons - Niko Niko Satujin Dan
ooh I'm freaking out.
137.Taciturne - Boys Don't Cry RMX
the original "remix" version. i'm also lovin' it.
138.Taciturne - Evil Dead
a kick straight to the face.
139.P. Server - Intensioner
wonderful acid techno.
140.Eradicator - Liebe Und Verbrechen
very strange and surreal gabber track.
141.Monoloop - For The Lord
monumental, experimental and exceptional breakcore with a runtime of over 7 minutes.
142.Burning Lazy Persons - Rotter…damn
funny piss take on rotterdam hardcore. includes a piano, but not in a typical happy gabber way!
143.Burning Lazy Persons - T.C.H.C.
nasty and nice.
144.Monoloop - Kills Again
a track to die for.
145.Monoloop - Free Man
noone is ever free. except the experimental hardcore resistance! (or, in this case, early breakcore).
146.Taciturne - Nightchildren RMX
lullaby of terror for the night children.
147.Taciturne - Mo Punk RMX
do you feel lucky, punk?
148.Monoloop - She's A Lion
early breakcore from hamburg
So, that's it! Over and out. Did you like our charts? Let us know!
submitted by Low-Entropy to TheHcTechnoOverDogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:03 No-Marionberry-6769 dreame H12 PRO Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner, Smart Floor Cleaner Cordless Vacu...

dreame H12 PRO Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner, Smart Floor Cleaner Cordless Vacu...
Discover the Dreame H12 PRO: The Ultimate Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner and Smart Floor Cleaner
Are you tired of juggling multiple cleaning tools to keep your floors spotless? Meet the Dreame H12 PRO Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner, the revolutionary smart floor cleaner that combines powerful suction and mopping capabilities in a single, cordless device. Whether you're a busy parent, a pet owner, or someone who simply values a clean home, the Dreame H12 PRO is designed to make your life easier.

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submitted by No-Marionberry-6769 to BestToBuyUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:37 mermaidtailsxo I dislike my new manager

I work at a bank (supervisor) & got a new manager in February & everything was fine at first. We got along well, laughed often, got to know each other, & I actually enjoyed her company.. however, she is a needy, VERY co-dependent extrovert while I am an independent introvert who is a team player when I need to be. Our personalities & management styles do not mesh well at ALL. Ever since she got to my branch (I work at a bank), I have sat in her office by her side training her from head to toe. And she wanted my 24/7 undivided attention which I gave to her as long as I could.. until MY work & deadlines started falling behind.. so I asked her if I could possibly be out on the floor more to check my emails & associate with our customers & she took that as disrespect. She also said she feels like I have not been helpful when her & I both know I have done everything I can to help her succeed. I ran my branch flawlessly for 3+ months alone with no manager & one full-time staff member after my other manager quit (she quit because of pay, we actually got along well). New manager is aware of how well I ran the branch alone before she got here, it was expressed to her by senior management. Her first month here, our branch got audited for the first time in two years. I led us to a perfect audit due to my fine attention to detail in reviewing dual-control documentation. She had no part in the perfect audit but took credit for it, & the auditor looked back on things from 2 years ago that my manager wouldn’t have even been able to find in our branch. This new manager is sloppy, has messed up all of my neatness with any and everything in the branch, & makes the same mistakes everyday even after I tell her to write down the correct info. She is incompetent & it takes her 1 hour to do a 5 minute task. She doesn’t know how to run a branch, & lately she has been making comments to our full-time Member Service Representative about how I’m so rude to hehim & how she’s going to “put me in my place.” He told me this because he can’t stand her & wants her gone, she is making him uncomfortable in the branch because she treats him like he’s 2 years old. She is also a micromanager who wants her fingers dipped in everything, even if it does not concern her. She is always up our behinds, all day everyday. I don’t understand. Is she threatened by me?
There’s a lot more to the story but basically I don’t know what to do. Do I ride it out in hopes that she leaves first or I get a position somewhere else? Do I cut my losses & leave to another institution? I have spoken to her on four different occasions willing to compromise. I told her I don’t like sitting in someone else’s office all day, I need space but I’m still always there for her when she has questions. She didn’t like hearing that. Each time we’ve discussed our issues it has gotten worse for me & more awkward everyday. I went to HER boss (I called him behind her back because I can’t take this anymore) & he admires her because he’s the one that hired her, so he didn’t take my concerns that seriously. He was surprised to hear that she was struggling with basic daily tasks, but he said I should appreciate a manager who wants to be involved/hands on. I don’t know what to do. I LOVE my job, my customers, my employer & the branch I work at, but I HATE my new manager!! Thank you for any advice you may have.
submitted by mermaidtailsxo to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:31 CheesecakeRedVelvet AITA? What should’ve I done differently? Screw RNs that only care about covering their butts

Just wanted to share cause I don’t know how to feel about the whole thing. Intern here about to finish a medicine prelim year.
-One of my patients was scheduled to get X medication that has a hold parameter of HR <50.
-RN messages me asking if OK to give bc HR has sometimes been in the 40s. I review telemetry, minute by minute of the past 6 hours and HR has been in the 50s, just in one brief occasion like 46.
-I put in the order OK to give, and then check Epic and the charted Heart Rate is… 40 🤬 after literally spending 10 min with RN showing her how it’s been >50 99.9% of the time.
I feel like the only damn thing she cared about was covering her a** trying to make it look like the MD is stupid and ordered sotalol for someone with a HR of 40. 🤬
With all due respect FK. nurses that act like that. AITA for being pissed? Should I have handled this differently?
submitted by CheesecakeRedVelvet to Residency [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:53 GuiltlessMaple Best 380 Magazine

Best 380 Magazine
Welcome to the world of 380 Magazine, where we bring you the latest and greatest in entertainment, lifestyle, and technology. Our in-depth product reviews and roundups are designed to help you make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced world. So sit back, relax, and let us guide you on your journey to discovering the best products out there.

The Top 6 Best 380 Magazine

  1. ETS Group Glock 42 9-Round Extended Magazine - Experience superior functionality and durability with the ETS Group Glock 42 9rd Mag, featuring extreme impact resistance, a translucent body, and compatibility with aftermarket floorplates.
  2. High-Speed 9mm Magazine Loader for Efficient Reloading - Boost your shooting speed with the HKS Magazine Loader 380, the ultimate 9mm magazine loader for effortless, double-sided, and rapid reloading in just 18 seconds.
  3. Walther PPK 380 8RD Extended Magazine - Experience unbeatable precision and durability with the Walt Magazine CCP 380 8RD, a top-rated, high-quality extended magazine designed for the PK380.
  4. Extended Magazine for Walther PK380 Pistol (8 Round Capacity, Stainless Steel Finish) - Experience seamless shooting with the Walther PK380 8RD Mag, offering an 8-round capacity for 380 ACP chambered firearms, in a sleek stainless steel design.
  5. Stainless Steel 32 ACP/380 ACP Guardian Magazine (6-round) - The Marlin Model 80 Magazine is a versatile 6-round solution, available in stainless steel for both 25 NAA/32 ACP and 380 ACP Guardian models, featuring a flat floor plate and available with both standard and finger extension bases.
  6. Graphis Journal 380: Inspiring Designs & Creativity - Dive into the world of creative masterminds with Graphis Journal 380 – a quarterly treasure trove showcasing today's best designers, artists, and architects.
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🔗ETS Group Glock 42 9-Round Extended Magazine
I recently gave the ETS Group Glock 42 9rd Mag a whirl, and I have to say, it was a game-changer. The first thing that stood out to me was the magazine's extreme impact resistance. I dropped it a few times during my testing, and it held up like a charm. The creep-resistant feed lips also made a difference in terms of reliability.
One of the highlights for me was the translucent body, allowing me to see the count and type of rounds at a glance. It's a simple yet effective feature that makes it easy to manage your ammo. The compatibility with and aftermarket floorplates is also a big plus, giving you more flexibility when it comes to customizing your weapon.
However, there were a few things I noticed that could be improved. For example, the magazine sometimes takes a bit of effort to load the last round, which can be a bit frustrating. Additionally, the fit and finish of the product seemed slightly less polished than some of the other high-end Glock mags I've used in the past.
Overall, the ETS Group Glock 42 9rd Mag offers solid performance, reliability, and customization options. It's a great choice for those looking for an affordable yet functional alternative to the factory Glock mags.

🔗High-Speed 9mm Magazine Loader for Efficient Reloading
I recently tried the HKS Magazine Loader 380, a handheld thumb-operated speed loader that claims to make pistol loading fast and easy. As someone who isn't a fan of sore fingers or fatigue, I was intrigued to give it a go.
Immediately, I noticed the sleek design and how user-friendly it was. The magazine alignment was a breeze, and I didn't have to spend much time figuring it out. The speed at which it loaded magazines was impressive, with 15 rounds in just 18 seconds. I appreciated that it worked for both single and double stacks, and I didn't experience any finger strain while using it.
However, there were a few negatives that I discovered during my testing. The first issue was that it wasn't compatible with all firearm models, which made me question its true versatility. Additionally, shipping costs seemed to be quite high, which was a bit of a letdown.
Overall, my experience with the HKS Magazine Loader 380 was mostly positive. It made loading my magazines simple and painless, and I enjoyed not having sore fingers afterward. But there were a couple of drawbacks, like its compatibility with specific models and high shipping costs.

🔗Walther PPK 380 8RD Extended Magazine
I've been using the Walt Magazine CCP 380 8RD for quite some time now, and I must say, it has been a reliable companion in my daily life. The high quality materials used in its construction make it both sturdy and sleek, which I appreciate. One of the most notable features is its perfect fit with my CCP, ensuring durability and reliability that you can't find in other brands.
However, there's one aspect that needs improvement, which is the viewing holes for the magazine's capacity, making it challenging for right-handed shooters to check the rounds. But overall, the Walt Magazine CCP 380 8RD has been a trusty partner, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an efficient and durable magazine for their CCP 380.

🔗Extended Magazine for Walther PK380 Pistol (8 Round Capacity, Stainless Steel Finish)
As a Walther PK380 firearms enthusiast, I recently had the chance to put the 8-round stainless steel magazine to the test. The sleek finish not only adds a touch of elegance but also ensures a smooth operation and easy reloading. However, the magazine's stainless steel construction can be quite cold and awkward to grip at times, especially when wearing gloves.
One downside I've encountered is its compatibility with certain Walther pistols. I tried using it with my older Walther P22, but it did not fit snugly in the magazine well, resulting in a loose and uncomfortable firing experience. This might be something to consider if you own an older Walther pistol, as it may not be the most compatible option.
Overall, the Walther 8-round stainless steel magazine for PK380 firearms offers a reliable and durable option for those who own this popular handgun. While it's not perfect for every situation and pistol model, it's certainly a valuable addition to any PK380 owner's arsenal, as long as you pay attention to compatibility.

🔗Stainless Steel 32 ACP/380 ACP Guardian Magazine (6-round)
Last week, I found myself in a situation where I needed an extra magazine for my North American Arms 380. I decided to give the 6-round Marlin Model 80 Magazine a try. To my surprise, this stainless steel magazine perfectly fit my. 380 ACP Guardian. It's compact and easy to carry when I need an extra round.
The flat floor plate design makes it simple to load. The magazine features a sturdy spring that holds the rounds in place securely, ensuring they won't get jammed when I need them the most. One thing that did stand out a bit negatively was the size – the magazine is designed for a capacity of six rounds, which limits its efficiency compared to larger-capacity options. However, if you're a North American Arms 380 owner and need an additional magazine for your gun, this one is worth considering.
As I used it, I began to appreciate the convenience and reliability this magazine brought to my gun. I ended up ordering a few more to ensure I was always prepared for unexpected situations. With a smooth operation and a good feeling in my hands, the Marlin Model 80 Magazine is a reliable addition for anyone looking to enhance their loadout.

🔗Graphis Journal 380: Inspiring Designs & Creativity
As a lover of all things art and design, I recently got my hands on the Graphis Journal 380. This quarterly publication has been a refreshing addition to my reading routine, and the moment I opened it, I was drawn in by the stunning visuals.
Being a fan of photography, I was particularly impressed by the quality and range of images featured in this issue. It's rare to find a magazine that provides such a comprehensive look at the creative minds behind the lens, from well-known names like Henry Leutwyler to promising new talents.
One of the highlights for me was the deep dive into the work of Armando Milani, a renowned designer who has made a significant impact in the world of advertising. His insights and explanations of his creative process were enlightening and inspired me to think differently about my own work.
However, the content can be quite dense, and some of the articles may be a bit challenging to fully understand, especially if you're new to the field of design. Nonetheless, it's a small price to pay for the wealth of knowledge and inspiration that this journal provides.
In conclusion, if you're a design enthusiast looking to keep up with the latest trends and stay inspired by the world's creative powerhouses, the Graphis Journal 380 is a must-read. It's not just a magazine, but a visual feast that will keep you coming back for more.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our guide for 380 magazines! In this section, we'll cover the essential features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when choosing a 380 magazine. We'll focus on the product category as a whole, without mentioning specific product picks or external resources.

Important Features of 380 Magazines

  1. Capacity: One of the most important features to consider is the magazine's capacity. 380 magazines typically hold 30 rounds of ammunition, making them suitable for various applications, such as self-defense, hunting, and target shooting.
  2. Material: Durability and reliability are crucial factors when choosing a 380 magazine. High-quality materials, such as steel or polymer, can withstand wear and tear and ensure consistent performance.
  3. Construction: The magazine's construction should include sturdy materials and secure connections. A well-designed latch or release mechanism is also essential for easy loading and unloading.
  4. Compatibility: Ensure that the 380 magazine is compatible with the specific firearm model you have. Different manufacturers may have different design specifications, so confirm compatibility before purchasing.

Considerations for Choosing 380 Magazines

  1. Price: While quality should be your top priority, budget may also play a role in your decision. Higher-priced magazines may offer better durability and performance, but there are affordable options that still provide reliable service.
  2. Brand reputation: Reputable brands have proven their products' reliability and are often backed by customer reviews and industry experts. Research the brand before making a purchase.
  3. Availability: It's essential to consider the magazine's availability, especially in case of emergencies or when purchasing spare magazines. Check with local retailers or online marketplaces to ensure availability.
  4. Maintenance: Understanding how to properly maintain your 380 magazine will help ensure its longevity and performance. Consult the manufacturer's instructions or online resources for guidance on cleaning and lubrication.

General Advice for 380 Magazines

  1. Always inspect the magazine for signs of wear, corrosion, or damage before use. If any issues are found, replace the magazine or have it repaired by a professional.
  2. Store your 380 magazine in a cool, dry place to prevent corrosion or damage. Use a case or storage box designed for magazines to keep them organized and protected.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the proper loading and unloading procedures for your specific 380 magazine. This knowledge can help prevent accidental discharge and ensure safe handling.
We hope this buyer's guide has provided valuable information for understanding the features, considerations, and general advice for 380 magazines. By taking the time to research and choose a high-quality, reliable magazine, you can ensure optimal performance and safety during your shooting activities.


What is 380 Magazine?

380 Magazine is a comprehensive guide and magazine dedicated to the 380 ACP (380 Automatic Colt Pistol) caliber handguns. The magazine provides in-depth information, reviews, and comparisons of various models of 380 ACP handguns, making it an essential resource for enthusiasts, collectors, and gun owners interested in the 380 ACP caliber.

Who is the target audience for 380 Magazine?

The primary target audience for 380 Magazine is enthusiasts, collectors, gun owners, and those interested in learning about the 380 ACP caliber handguns. This includes both beginners and experienced gun enthusiasts who want to expand their knowledge about the 380 ACP caliber, its history, features, and various models.

What types of articles can readers expect in 380 Magazine?

Readers can expect a wide range of articles in 380 Magazine, including:
  • Detailed reviews of different 380 ACP handgun models
  • Guides on how to select the best 380 ACP handgun based on individual preferences
  • Tips on shooting, maintenance, and gun safety for 380 ACP handguns
  • Historical insights and background information on the 380 ACP caliber
  • Comparisons of 380 ACP handguns with other popular caliber handguns
  • Interviews with experts and professionals in the field of 380 ACP handguns

How often is 380 Magazine published?

380 Magazine is published on a monthly basis, providing readers with consistent and up-to-date information on the 380 ACP handgun caliber.

Is 380 Magazine available in digital or print format?

Yes, 380 Magazine is available in both digital and print formats. The digital version allows for easy access and can be downloaded in PDF form, while the print version is a physical copy that can be purchased and mailed to readers. Readers can choose the format that best suits their preferences.

What is the subscription price for 380 Magazine?

The subscription price for 380 Magazine varies depending on the format (digital or print) and the duration of the subscription. Readers are advised to visit the 380 Magazine website or contact customer service for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

How can I access past issues of 380 Magazine?

Past issues of 380 Magazine can be accessed through the online digital subscription service, which grants subscribers access to a comprehensive archive of past issues. Readers can also purchase individual issues in PDF form on the 380 Magazine website or through various online retailers.

How can I submit content for 380 Magazine?

We encourage our readers to submit articles, reviews, and other relevant content regarding 380 ACP handguns and the 380 ACP caliber for consideration in future issues. Please review our submission guidelines and send your content to the appropriate email address or through the online submission form available on the 380 Magazine website.
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2024.06.01 06:47 WarmyPoop Indigo Park Chapter 2: Who Lives Under The Sea? (My COMPLETED Plot Prediction)

Guys I know this WON'T happen because it's related to fanfic but uhh...
At the start of the game, we came across a advertisement video on Finley the Sea Serpent plush until it glitched at the end, appearing Salem in less than 0.5 seconds.
Chapter 2: Who Lives Under The Sea?
We go down the stairs and we are in Oceanic Odyssey filled with tanks and 3 different aquarium tunnels. You can see a statue of Finley the Sea Serpent in the middle of the aquarium just like the other mascots, except Lloyd or Salem. You will find a Rambley holding a trophy collectible as you explore. We came across Rambley and said "Hello there and welcome to Oceani(qaptrg)c Odyssey! This place is full of watery wonder, so let's DIVE in and SEA what awaits for us in this LIQUIDISING adventure! I will get fired from saying jokes on you :(. Anyways go to the middle tunnel and find Finley's Cave, where he lives." We must go to the middle aquarium tunnel but it won't open, so we went to the electrical power storage. We came across a Finley hat collectible in there. We pick up gears to open the gates of the first aquarium tunnel. As we continue on, there are ketchup splattered with flickering lights until someone threw a weird tonic at us and make us fall asleep.
We're in a dream where we are in our gaming setup and we're streaming and reacting to 4 gays playing UNO until an anonymous account donated us $2.99 and said "You should go to Indigo Park" and spamming the message to us over and over and over again in the chatbox. This makes Ed (the player) traumatized as he shuts down the PC. Then, a stupid creepy Salem face jumpscare pops out of the screen and the dream ends.
We woke up again in the Aquarium to find Finley's Cave and came across a guard office blocked our way and came across a note saying "We are being tortured by them". We used our critter cuff to let us through and we're in the middle of Oceanic Odyssey. It's really, REALLY massive, and a bit demolished that we can see the sky from the roof. We can see Finley's Cave in a gigantic aquarium. For some reason, there's a lot of medium-sized purplish pink slimes glued by the walls or floors scattered around the place, touching one will result immediate death. Rambley appears at a 7 foot tall TV and said Rambley: Ugh, I forgot how messy this place is, like whoever created this whole flipping gooey-j(lotipgA)unka will get sentenced to life behind bars. Anyways, we need to clean this up before Finley goes ba-
Finley: What happened here...?
Rambley: Oh hey Finley, so uhh.... we're having a chat hehe, yyyyyeeeaaahhh.
Finley: Is this... a human...?
Rambley: Of course he's a human. I just want him to have fun in the park, plus he's a NEW registered staff!
Finley: Rambley, I have known you in over a century... and you give me this? These mortals put us in cages just because they think we want to "kill" the tourists...? How pathetic.
Rambley: Uhh, I know how you feel but, he isn't the bad guy, he's just tryna know the park well. We're just wanted to restore the park and bring happiness to it. Plus, I don't recognize him being here in this place, he's new here and he wants lore, like one of my favourite people, Matthew Patrick. Can you tell him about what causes the park to shut down? Because I forgot.
Finley: Ok fine. Hey you, if you wanna know lore about my seashell collec- I mean about the park, would you clean out all of this purple goo? It's kinda disgusting. Go to the left tunnel and you'll find a big storage room. Find a device that can really destroy all the slime stuck in everything. Good luck, or you won't be always longing forever.
We did what Finley told us to do and we go to the big storage room. Rambley shows there and said "We made it to the storage room! Don't celebrate too early, because it's actually dark, and there will be red scorpions which are life-thre(ytjwxlra)atening. Just be careful grabbing the vacuum with a large sack. Anyways good luck!" We went into the darkness but good thing we have our flashlight ready to go. There's couple of jumpscares where a army of red scorpions marching quickly, touching them would kill you, and a Salem plush immediately falls down and scared us (related to Poppy Playtime C3 in the Home Sweet Home, you get jumpscared by a Catnap plush). Even worse, the plush is a collectible. We made it into the dead end of the storage area and we found an indigo vacuum with a very large sack, which sucks only slimy objects because the vacuum has very high pull when activated that even 20% of Oceanic Odyssey would get sucked by this vacuum in 10 seconds. We quickly ran all the way back but someone mysteriously said "You think you're clever, don't you?" and exactly when I said that, we fall into a rope trap and we're hanging above the floors fainted. Few hours later, we woke up tied at the roof in a random full-of-witchcraft room and we see Salem the Skunk said this:
Salem: "Heh yeah, this should be the RIGHT ingredient. Oh, you're awake, little oogway. I'm Salem the Skunk. By the way, you won't be getting out in my place. You're gonna be terminated of what fleshy idiots like you do to me, always commanding a freaking raccoon, a lion (which I'd better stay away), a parrot who likes to CANONICALLY crash on me like I was a bowling pin, etc, to LEGITIMATELY kell me! I used to be an antagonist, but I'm WAY more evil than that. I started getting as much air as possible then I started farting the whole park, cuz I'm a skunk of course little oogway. Now my eeevil recipe is 88% complete, I still need to cool it down from the big cooler full of skeletons hanging on the roof. You, don't YOU make any noise or movement, I'll be watching you flesh by flesh."
Luckily, we escaped by pressing left click 50 times. We explored the witchery room with shelves full of potions and books. The metal door is locked and we need something to get out. Even worse, there's a 3 minute timer ticking before Salem comes back, so we gotta hurry. We come across a paper on how to make a gallium potion(which only breaks metal). We need a zinc potion (orange), 2 metal bars, and a magical potion (purple). We found all the ingredients and a small cauldron which we carry to the table. We mix the ingredients and we got a Gallium Potion. We threw it at the metal door and leave a giant hole. If you did this perfect timing, Salem will find out that you're escaping so she will chase you in an hallway. You will find a Diamond Lloyd Plush during the chase scene. You will find an gray rope that's barely visible, exactly like the rope you fall into, which you jump on it and Salem got tied up one foot. We can hear her said:
Salem: Aaauuuughhh! You won't get away with this, little oogway! Get me out of here RIGHT NOW! Ugh, FINE! You absolutely win. I'll let you slide this time, but you don't know where I put the vacuum! Hahaha, hahahahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
'gets hit by flashlight'
Salem: Oww! That freaking hurt dude!
Wait! Before we leave, the door shut down and we go to the door to find a cuff button. Inside the door, there's a lot of lore about Indigo Park that said:
"What's going on? Why is the biggest bird attacking people? What's wrong with the lion? Why is this happening?"
"My dad won't let me play with the birdie 😭🦜"
Then, we found a FinleyZooka, which is literally overpowered against evil mascots. We used our critter cuff to head on Finley's Cave and talking about what happened to the device to Finley and Rambley.
Rambley: Welcome back, new staff! How's it going?
'5 seconds later'
Finley: What? Salem stole the vacuum? I thought she was inside the jail inside the top room, maybe she somehow escaped.
Rambley: There's a jail room in the top floor? I didn't even notice that because there's no TV in there.
Finley: Yeah. Anyways, I told you to go to the storage room, which is the left. You got caught by her. You reverse-psychologied her and you came out of the top room. Which means the vacuum is in the right room, and it's EVEN DIRTIER than the main section. That's where the mother slime called "Blobgalola the Blob", who is twice the size of YOUR size, is the one who produces these yucky purple goo.
Rambley: Just be careful, new staff. We believe in you.
We head into the right room where the vacuum was protected by purple slime minions and Blobgalola, but we got distracted about an arcade game called Finley Frenzy. This game (much like Rambley Rush) shows Finley worried that somebody stole his seashell collection, so Finley decided to find out who really stole it from him. After the parkour, He saw Salem with a scuba suit on and commands the purple slimes to attack him. Luckily, we won, and just like Rambley Rush, the game suddenly glitches and fades out. We're back in the game and we came across a parkour and jump over the disgusting goo. Each jump gets harder to jump unless you're smart enough. On there, we Blobgalola generating purple blobs. Suddenly, she sees us and tries to chase us, but out of nowhere the red scorpions invade her gooey skin and fused to make a slime/scorpion monster.
The monster is after us and we came across a Lloyd Mask collectible and an BIG ammo for our FinleyZooka while we're running from Blobgalola. We jump across the parkour we came earlier and we came out and we shut it down, locking them in the room. We left them and tell the two that we got the vacuum with a large sack. We returned to Finley's Aquarium and said:
Finley: Ah, yes. You got the vacuum. Quick! Start removing all of this disgusting blobs. I'm tired of smelling them, even if I'm in the aquarium!
We carefully started removing all of the purple slimes glued in the place and we managed to do it. Finley was so happy that he's excited to tell the player what happened to the park.
Rambley: So are you gonna tell us what causes the park to shut down?
Finley: Yes. The reason why the park has shut down because the scientists used to make experiment-
Salem: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, little Oogways. Did you think I was dead??!
Rambley: Uhh, who are you? Did you go to the bathroom?
Finley: So you're the reason why my place is so messy. WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!
Salem: Just like I said every time, I'M A SKUNK! Skunks are evil! It's my role to be an EVIL character, right?
Finley: What's wrong with you? We're not in a show or something. Can you just stop all of this fatherless plan?
Salem: I don't care, no-limb face. I DON'T F(eidjthakxf)ng CARE!
Rambley: My digital ears!
Finley: What did you say to me??!! I'm gonna end your life once and for all!
Salem: Slimes and Scorpions! Invade this stupid ahh place with no REASON and MERCY!
The player fights the slimes and scorpions using the FinleyZooka from earlier, and it literally kelled a lot of them with just one shot. You must stay away from them because you get jumpscared by them and resets the ENTIRE boss battle, so you gotta be strategic. The reload of the bazooka is 10 seconds, which is so long to reload. The minions progressively gets tougher every ammo you shot. And it all leads to Blobgalola/Scorpion fusion you ran from it in the right room. It takes 3 shots to eliminate her. Once you done that, Salem would say:
Salem: Nooooo! My minions! They didn't take over! Whyyyy??!
Finley: Hey, staff! Place your bazooka at the watchtower nearby and blast the final blow on the furry!
We found the watchtower and quickly placed the FinleyZooka on it and we automatically hit Salem! But Salem said:
Salem: Nah, I'll backup my ejection.
And she has a secret backpack this whole time in her jacket and flew away, breaking the glass from the rooftops and the blow exploded. Little did you know, the FinleyZooka is capable of destroying soft objects, so if the area around it is hard, the area won't get destroyed unless if there's a soft object. If slimes and scorpions skin are soft, they are gone, reduced to atoms.
Rambley: Phew, everything's clear now, except for the roof and ripped off walls but it's fine. I can see your facial tracking is celebrating the wonders of joy. You made it so far that I don't even know what the future will be. We did it, we restored Oceanic Odyssey.
Finley: Thank you, new staff. I really appreciate all your hard work and effort you did. And thank you Rambley, for being known you in an hundred years.
Rambley: Thanks, Finley! How's your seashell collection going?
Finley: It's ok, Rambley. Wait! Look behind you!
Rambley: Is that... Lloyd? RUUUUUN!
I promise this is the final chase scene, but we get chased by LloydFord L. Lion and we go to the top room (where we kidnapped by Salem) and there were bunch of random numbers in the walls. Suddenly the gate shuts down and we came across a door with a password lock. We quickly used the random numbers on the lock and the door opens. We see an elevator slowly closes as we run faster. At the perfect timing, we escaped the lion. And we ascend the floors and came across a very large office with a TON of security cameras. You can see an information kiosk at the office and a Rambley plush sitting on the chair. We came across a note that said "If you are reading this fast enough, I'm watching you this whole time" and almost immediately, we get knocked out by ??????? (related to Garden of Banban 2 where we got fainted by Banban as we get the note). After this, the song "Rambley Review" starts playing, ending Chapter 2: Who Lives Under The Sea?
Did you guys enjoy my WHOLE plot prediction in 10,887 characters long? Or are you just hate reading it?
submitted by WarmyPoop to IndigoPark [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:44 Count-Daring243 Best 380 Extended Magazine

Best 380 Extended Magazine
Welcome to our roundup of the top 380 extended magazines on the market. If you're a gun enthusiast looking to expand your magazine collection, then you're in the right place. In this article, we've compiled a list of the best extended magazines for the 380 caliber, ensuring that you get the most out of your firearm. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of firearms, you'll find something that suits your needs in this roundup.

The Top 15 Best 380 Extended Magazine

  1. ETS Group Glock 42 9-Round Extended Magazine - Experience superior functionality and durability with the ETS Group Glock 42 9rd Mag, featuring extreme impact resistance, a translucent body, and compatibility with aftermarket floorplates.
  2. Diamondback DBAM29 380 Extended Magazine with Finger Extension - Diamondback DBAM29 FNG EXT FDE - Versatile 17-round finger extended 380 magnetic spare magazine for a reliable and safe shooting experience on the range.
  3. US Palm AK30R 7.62x39mm 30-Round Magazine in Black for AK-47 - Experience unmatched reliability and affordability with the US Palm AK30R 30-round magazine, featuring a self-cleaning polymer follower and a durability that stands up to any test on the range.
  4. Walther PPK 380 8RD Extended Magazine - Experience unbeatable precision and durability with the Walt Magazine CCP 380 8RD, a top-rated, high-quality extended magazine designed for the PK380.
  5. Durable Springfield Hellcat Magazine Extension for Improved Grip - Upgrade your XD(M) 45ACP Compact shooting experience with Springfield Armory's X-Tension magazine sleeve, providing a secure and comfortable grip with your high capacity magazines.
  6. Increase Hellcat Magazine Capacity with KRISS Mag-Ex Kit - The KRISS Mag-Ex Kit 2 extends your Glock magazine's capacity with precise manufacturing, long-term reliability, and durable, lightweight construction, perfect for those seeking enhanced performance and efficiency.
  7. Adjustable Retention Magazine Pouch for Alien Gear - Experience ultimate convenience and security with the Alien Gear Cloak Single Mag Carrier, featuring customizable retention and cant angles, durable construction, secure locking, and proudly made in the USA.
  8. 8-Round Stainless Steel Kimber 1911 Magazine - Upgrade your Kimber 1911 Magazine with the Ed Brown 848 45 8 RD Stainless Steel Finish, featuring a steel follower, heavy duty spring, and secure 8-round capacity for unmatched reliability and ease of maintenance.
  9. Stainless Steel 32 ACP/380 ACP Guardian Magazine (6-round) - The Marlin Model 80 Magazine is a versatile 6-round solution, available in stainless steel for both 25 NAA/32 ACP and 380 ACP Guardian models, featuring a flat floor plate and available with both standard and finger extension bases.
  10. Shield Arms S15 Magazine Upgrade with Easy Access Floor Plate - Upgrade your M&P Shield S15 magazine with the Shield Arms S15 Magazine Extension, featuring unique easy access floor plate, index cuts, and 12 coil plus power spring for added rounds and functionality - proudly made in the USA.
  11. Architectural Record Magazine 1-Year Subscription - 12 Issues - Architectural Record Subscription: Stay ahead in your field with 12 issues of industry insights, innovations, and essential strategies.
  12. Graphis Journal 380: Inspiring Designs & Creativity - Dive into the world of creative masterminds with Graphis Journal 380 – a quarterly treasure trove showcasing today's best designers, artists, and architects.
  13. 21° Extended Capacity Magazine for RYOBI Nailer - Boost your productivity with the RYOBI 21° Extended Capacity Magazine, providing an extended runtime for framing projects and offering ease of installation along with compatibility with the RYOBI PBL345B framing nailer.
  14. PMAG +5 Extension for Magpul 380 Magazine - Boost your 380 pistol's capacity with Shield Arms PMAG +5 Extension, featuring easy access floor plate design for swift maintenance.
  15. RIDGID 21° Extended Capacity Magnetic Holder for Nails - Ridgid's AC102EM21N extended capacity magazine dramatically increases productivity on the job site, holding two strips of nails and made from efficient magnesium construction.
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🔗ETS Group Glock 42 9-Round Extended Magazine
I recently gave the ETS Group Glock 42 9rd Mag a whirl, and I have to say, it was a game-changer. The first thing that stood out to me was the magazine's extreme impact resistance. I dropped it a few times during my testing, and it held up like a charm. The creep-resistant feed lips also made a difference in terms of reliability.
One of the highlights for me was the translucent body, allowing me to see the count and type of rounds at a glance. It's a simple yet effective feature that makes it easy to manage your ammo. The compatibility with and aftermarket floorplates is also a big plus, giving you more flexibility when it comes to customizing your weapon.
However, there were a few things I noticed that could be improved. For example, the magazine sometimes takes a bit of effort to load the last round, which can be a bit frustrating. Additionally, the fit and finish of the product seemed slightly less polished than some of the other high-end Glock mags I've used in the past.
Overall, the ETS Group Glock 42 9rd Mag offers solid performance, reliability, and customization options. It's a great choice for those looking for an affordable yet functional alternative to the factory Glock mags.

🔗Diamondback DBAM29 380 Extended Magazine with Finger Extension
As a lover of outdoor sports, I recently needed an extra magazine for my Diamondback DBAM29, which I use for hunting expeditions. This replacement spare magazine did the job perfectly. It's just as reliable and robust as the original one and its finger extension made it far more comfortable to load, especially when hunting under challenging conditions.
However, being a novice with spare magazines, I noticed it was a bit pricey. Not to overemphasize, it's not the most affordable magazine. Despite that, its durability and top-notch performance make it worth the investment. I would recommend this spare mag to Diamondback owners who want a reliable backup for their gun.

🔗US Palm AK30R 7.62x39mm 30-Round Magazine in Black for AK-47
When I first laid my hands on the US Palm AK30R magazine, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical. The price seemed reasonable, but would it live up to the hype? Little did I know, I was about to embark on a truly remarkable journey with these mags.
From the moment I started using them, the quality shone through. The low friction self-cleaning polymer follower made loading a breeze, while the unique waffle and tread design gave me that reassuring US Palm touch. But the real star of the show was the reliability - even during rapid fire, these mags performed flawlessly, and that was when I knew I had stumbled upon a winner.
However, no product is perfect, and I faced one minor issue: the fit on my AK-47 receiver required a bit more pressure than usual. But it wasn't a deal breaker, and with a quick search online, I discovered this was a common issue with AK mags.
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by the US Palm AK30R magazine. It delivered on its promise of reliability and was priced so well that it didn't break the bank. If you're in the market for a high-quality AK mag, I'd certainly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Walther PPK 380 8RD Extended Magazine
I've been using the Walt Magazine CCP 380 8RD for quite some time now, and I must say, it has been a reliable companion in my daily life. The high quality materials used in its construction make it both sturdy and sleek, which I appreciate. One of the most notable features is its perfect fit with my CCP, ensuring durability and reliability that you can't find in other brands.
However, there's one aspect that needs improvement, which is the viewing holes for the magazine's capacity, making it challenging for right-handed shooters to check the rounds. But overall, the Walt Magazine CCP 380 8RD has been a trusty partner, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an efficient and durable magazine for their CCP 380.

🔗Durable Springfield Hellcat Magazine Extension for Improved Grip
Recently, I tried out the Springfield XD(M) 45 ACP Compact magazine sleeve, a helpful accessory to keep in your gun. It's designed particularly for those using high capacity magazines, creating a firm grip between the magazine base plate and the pistol grip. It fits perfectly with an XD(M) 45ACP Compact, which I thought was great, as I didn't have to worry about stability with my larger magazines.
However, the experience wasn't flawless. The product came with some setbacks too. The sleeve seems to be of higher quality than its price suggests, but the company's customer service was less than satisfactory. Unfortunately, they charged and shipped the item despite a same-day cancellation, causing a small inconvenience. I also noticed slight difficulties in fitting the magazine sleeve onto my XD(M) 45 ACP Compact, though I could work it it out eventually.
Despite these drawbacks, I feel that the benefits of the Springfield X-Tension magazine sleeve outweigh the negative experience I had with the company. It provides a solid grip and stability to an often-unnoticed aspect of shooting, making my experience with the XD(M) 45 ACP more comfortable. Overall, it's a product worth considering for XD(M) 45 ACP Compact shooters seeking a more stable experience with their high-capacity magazines.

🔗Increase Hellcat Magazine Capacity with KRISS Mag-Ex Kit
As someone who appreciates precision and durability in their firearm accessories, I was excited to try the Kriss USA Magex2 Extension Kit. The extended baseplate, outer sleeve, and spring all came together flawlessly to provide a boost in capacity for my factory standard Glock magazines.
I must say, the lightweight reinforced composite construction made it a joy to handle, and the 30-round capacity truly made a difference in my shooting experience. However, I noticed that it was incompatible with reduced capacity 10rd magazines, which could be a potential downside for some users. Overall, the Kriss USA Magex2 Extension Kit delivered on its promises, and its long-term reliability is truly something to be admired.

🔗Adjustable Retention Magazine Pouch for Alien Gear
As soon as I started using the Alien Gear Cloak Single Mag Carrier, I was impressed with its durability and secure locking system. It gave me the freedom to adjust my retention settings and angle for the perfect fit, no matter my carry method.
Living in America, it was great to know this product was made right here. However, I did notice that the mag pouch was a bit heavy during longer outdoor activities, and sometimes would shift slightly in its position.
But overall, I've been really happy with this purchase and can confidently recommend it to others looking for a reliable and customizable mag carrier.

🔗8-Round Stainless Steel Kimber 1911 Magazine
These Ed Brown 848 45 magazines have been a reliable addition to my collection. The stainless steel finish is a nice touch that adds a touch of class to the overall design.
One big positive for me was the fact that the magazine tube has been lengthened to accommodate the 8th round while still maintaining the original ultra-reliable follower design. However, one minor drawback I've noticed is that it can be a bit tricky to load the 8th round, but with a bit more practice, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.
Overall, I'm quite happy with my purchase and would definitely recommend these magazines to fellow 1911 enthusiasts.

🔗Stainless Steel 32 ACP/380 ACP Guardian Magazine (6-round)
Last week, I found myself in a situation where I needed an extra magazine for my North American Arms 380. I decided to give the 6-round Marlin Model 80 Magazine a try. To my surprise, this stainless steel magazine perfectly fit my. 380 ACP Guardian. It's compact and easy to carry when I need an extra round.
The flat floor plate design makes it simple to load. The magazine features a sturdy spring that holds the rounds in place securely, ensuring they won't get jammed when I need them the most. One thing that did stand out a bit negatively was the size – the magazine is designed for a capacity of six rounds, which limits its efficiency compared to larger-capacity options. However, if you're a North American Arms 380 owner and need an additional magazine for your gun, this one is worth considering.
As I used it, I began to appreciate the convenience and reliability this magazine brought to my gun. I ended up ordering a few more to ensure I was always prepared for unexpected situations. With a smooth operation and a good feeling in my hands, the Marlin Model 80 Magazine is a reliable addition for anyone looking to enhance their loadout.

🔗Shield Arms S15 Magazine Upgrade with Easy Access Floor Plate
I recently had the pleasure of testing out the Shield Arms S15 +5 EXT Red, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. The unique easy access floor plate made it a breeze to access the spring and follower without removing the extension from the magazine body. The extension body itself featured index cuts, which added a touch of precision to the already impressive design.
Machined from billet 6061 aluminum, the S15 +5 EXT Red boasted a well-crafted, high-quality build. The Type 2 anodized finish added durability and a sleek appearance, making it a standout accessory for any S15 Gen 2 magazine. With its addition of 5 rounds, the Shield Arms S15 became even more versatile for those high-stress situations.
Not only does this extension fit most aftermarket flared mag wells, but it's also proudly made in the USA. The 12-coil plus power spring ensured a smooth and reliable magazine performance, and the added rounds were a real boost in confidence when I needed it most.
However, there were a couple of minor cons. At first, the installation process was a bit tricky, and I had to consult the user manual for guidance. Additionally, the design could be a little more low-profile for an even stealthier look. Nonetheless, the Shield Arms S15 +5 EXT Red proved itself to be a top-notch upgrade for any S15 magazine enthusiast.

🔗Architectural Record Magazine 1-Year Subscription - 12 Issues
Architectural Record Magazine has been a staple in the architecture industry for over a century and I've recently subscribed to it. I've been thoroughly pleased with the content it provides, offering a well-rounded mix of design inspiration, professional strategies, and the latest industry news. The magazine is filled with striking visuals, detailed articles, and practical tips that are genuinely helpful in my everyday work.
However, one downside I've noticed is the occasional repetition of topics or articles. While it's great to have in-depth coverage on certain topics, it can be a bit redundant when the same subject appears multiple times in a single issue. Despite this, the subscription still offers a wealth of valuable information, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone in the field.

🔗Graphis Journal 380: Inspiring Designs & Creativity
As a lover of all things art and design, I recently got my hands on the Graphis Journal 380. This quarterly publication has been a refreshing addition to my reading routine, and the moment I opened it, I was drawn in by the stunning visuals.
Being a fan of photography, I was particularly impressed by the quality and range of images featured in this issue. It's rare to find a magazine that provides such a comprehensive look at the creative minds behind the lens, from well-known names like Henry Leutwyler to promising new talents.
One of the highlights for me was the deep dive into the work of Armando Milani, a renowned designer who has made a significant impact in the world of advertising. His insights and explanations of his creative process were enlightening and inspired me to think differently about my own work.
However, the content can be quite dense, and some of the articles may be a bit challenging to fully understand, especially if you're new to the field of design. Nonetheless, it's a small price to pay for the wealth of knowledge and inspiration that this journal provides.
In conclusion, if you're a design enthusiast looking to keep up with the latest trends and stay inspired by the world's creative powerhouses, the Graphis Journal 380 is a must-read. It's not just a magazine, but a visual feast that will keep you coming back for more.

🔗21° Extended Capacity Magazine for RYOBI Nailer
I recently tried the RYOBI 21° Extended Capacity Magazine, and I have to say, it's a game-changer for my framing projects. It holds two full strips of nails, allowing me to work for longer without interruptions. The extended capacity is a lifesaver when I'm tackling larger projects. I particularly appreciate the bottom loading design, making it quick and easy to install, and the compatibility with my RYOBI PBL345B nailer.
However, it's worth mentioning that this is a consumable item and may require frequent replacement. Additionally, the operator's manual is included with the purchase, but I wish there were more installation instructions available.

🔗PMAG +5 Extension for Magpul 380 Magazine
As a gun enthusiast myself, I recently tried out the Shield Arms PMAG +5 Extension, and I must say, it's a game-changer for your Magpul PMAG magazines. The ease of access this extension offers is remarkable - no more struggling to remove the extension from the magazine body.
You can quickly reach the spring and follower without any fuss. However, the only drawback I encountered was the slight difficulty in fitting the extension onto my Magpul PMAG, but once it's in place, it works like a charm. Overall, I highly recommend this product to those in search of a reliable and easy-to-use magazine extension.

🔗RIDGID 21° Extended Capacity Magnetic Holder for Nails
One sunny day, I decided to try out the Ridgid 21° Extended Capacity Magazine on a construction job. This little beauty holds up to two strips of nails, making my daily work so much easier. Made of strong magnesium, it was a breeze to install and I was up and running in no time.
However, there was one minor drawback. It is compatible only with Ridgid's 18V Brushless 21° Framing Nailer. But hey, that's a small price to pay for the convenience and increased productivity it provided on the jobsite. This sturdy accessory comes with a warranty, and while misuse and normal wear and tear aren't covered, I've got my fingers crossed for smooth sailing with this reliable addition to my toolkit.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide section for 380 extended magazines. In this guide, we will be discussing key features, considerations, and general advice when it comes to selecting the best 380 extended magazine for your needs.

Important Features to Consider

  • Capacity: Determine the capacity of the magazine you need. Standard capacities range from 7 to 10 rounds.
  • Durability: Opt for a magazine made from high-quality materials for greater durability and longevity.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the magazine is compatible with your 380 firearm model. Check manufacturer specifications to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Weight: Consider the weight of the magazine, as it may affect overall firearm handling and weight distribution.

Additional Considerations

  • Price: Set a budget for your magazine purchase and compare prices from various manufacturers and retailers.
  • Brand Reputation: Research the reputation of the manufacturer, as it may impact the quality and reliability of the product you are considering.

General Advice

When shopping for a 380 extended magazine, it is essential to choose a reputable manufacturer or retailer. Ensure the product is in good working condition and has been properly tested before purchase. Additionally, consider investing in protective cases to store your magazines and help maintain their condition.
In summary, when looking for a 380 extended magazine, consider factors such as capacity, durability, compatibility, and weight. Set a budget and research the manufacturer's reputation, and don't forget about the importance of proper storage and maintenance. With these tips in mind, you'll be well-equipped to find the best 380 extended magazine for your needs.


What is a 380 Extended Magazine?

A 380 Extended Magazine is a type of ammunition magazine designed to hold a larger number of. 380 caliber rounds. This extended magazine typically holds more rounds than the standard-capacity magazine, providing shooters with increased firepower.

Who needs a 380 Extended Magazine?

People who need a 380 Extended Magazine are typically those who use. 380 caliber firearms and require a higher capacity magazine for extended periods of shooting, hunting, or self-defense.

What are the benefits of using an extended magazine over a standard magazine?

  • Increased capacity for more rounds
  • Reduced need for frequent reloading
  • Extended shooting time during emergencies or self-defense situations

What are some recommended brands for 380 Extended Magazines?

There are several reputable manufacturers that produce high-quality 380 Extended Magazines, such as Mecgar, Winchester, and Walther. Research and choose a brand that suits your needs and preferences.

Are there any safety concerns when using an extended magazine?

When handling or using an extended magazine, it is crucial to follow basic firearm safety rules and ensure that the magazine is properly seated in the firearm. Overloading a magazine can lead to improper functioning, which may result in accidents. It is always best to consult with a firearms expert or follow the recommendations provided by the specific magazine manufacturer.

Can I use an extended magazine with my existing firearm?

To determine if you can use an extended magazine with your existing firearm, first check the firearm's specifications and compatibility with an extended magazine. Some firearms may require modifications or an adapter to accommodate the larger-sized magazine. Consult the firearm's manual or contact the manufacturer for proper guidance.

How much do 380 Extended Magazines typically cost?

The cost of 380 Extended Magazines can vary based on the brand, capacity, and features. Prices typically range from $20 to $40. Be sure to compare prices and quality before making a purchase.

What is the best way to store a. 380 Extended Magazine?

Store your. 380 Extended Magazine in a secure, cool, and dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Consider using a magazine pouch or protective case to prevent damage and ensure the magazine remains in good working condition.
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2024.06.01 05:22 amorealty 530 Howard Street Soars: Bayhill Ventures' Ambitious 71-Story Residential Tower Proposal

Bayhill Ventures, a new San Francisco-based real estate development and investment firm, has announced plans to undertake a groundbreaking project that could reshape the city's skyline: the construction of San Francisco's tallest residential tower. Situated at 530 Howard Street in the southern Financial District, the proposed tower is set to soar an impressive 71 stories above the bustling streets of downtown San Francisco. This ambitious endeavor represents a significant milestone for Bayhill Ventures and marks the firm's bold entry into the city's competitive real estate market.
Rendering Courtesy of Pickard Chilton
The proposed location for the tower, nestled within the heart of San Francisco's vibrant Financial District, offers a prime setting for luxury residential living. With its proximity to major corporate headquarters, world-class dining, and cultural attractions, the tower promises to offer residents an unparalleled urban lifestyle characterized by convenience, sophistication, and access to a myriad of amenities.
If realized, the 71-story tower would not only stand as a testament to Bayhill Ventures' vision and ambition but also serve as a defining landmark on San Francisco's ever-evolving skyline. With its sleek, modern design and towering height, the proposed tower is poised to make a striking impression on residents, visitors, and passersby alike, cementing its status as an iconic symbol of the city's progress and innovation.
In addition to its impressive height and central location, the proposed tower is expected to offer a wealth of luxury amenities and upscale features designed to cater to the discerning tastes of today's urban dwellers. From expansive floor-to-ceiling windows offering panoramic views of the city and bay to state-of-the-art fitness centers, rooftop gardens, and concierge services, the tower promises to redefine the standard of luxury living in San Francisco.
The proposed residential tower comes at a time when the demand for housing in San Francisco is at an all-time high, driven by factors such as population growth, job creation, and the city's status as a global technology hub. With housing affordability remaining a pressing issue, particularly for middle- and lower-income residents, the addition of new residential units is seen as a critical step towards addressing the city's housing shortage and promoting inclusive urban development.
The proposal for San Francisco's tallest residential tower has also sparked debate and controversy within the community. Concerns have been raised about the potential impacts of such a towering structure on the city's skyline, character, and livability. Questions regarding shadow effects, wind patterns, and neighborhood compatibility have prompted calls for thorough environmental reviews and community input.
In response to these concerns, the development firm has emphasized its commitment to responsible development practices and collaboration with local stakeholders. The firm has pledged to work closely with city officials, community groups, and design professionals to address any potential impacts and ensure that the project enhances rather than detracts from the surrounding urban fabric.
Bayhill Ventures has highlighted the economic benefits of the proposed tower, including job creation, tax revenue generation, and the revitalization of underutilized urban spaces. The project is expected to inject new vitality into San Francisco's downtown area, attracting investment, tourism, and business activity to the region and contributing to the city's ongoing economic growth and prosperity.
As Bayhill Ventures' proposal for San Francisco's tallest residential tower progresses through the city's planning and approval process, it represents a significant milestone in the firm's trajectory and a pivotal moment in the city's urban development landscape. The project has the potential to reshape San Francisco's skyline, redefine its architectural identity, and contribute to its ongoing evolution as a global metropolis. With its bold vision, innovative design, and commitment to excellence, Bayhill Ventures is poised to leave an indelible mark on the city's skyline and solidify its position as a leader in San Francisco's real estate market.530 Howard Street Soars: Bayhill Ventures' Ambitious 71-Story Residential Tower Proposal
Bayhill Ventures, a new San Francisco-based real estate development and investment firm, has announced plans to undertake a groundbreaking project that could reshape the city's skyline: the construction of San Francisco's tallest residential tower. Situated at 530 Howard Street in the southern Financial District, the proposed tower is set to soar an impressive 71 stories above the bustling streets of downtown San Francisco. This ambitious endeavor represents a significant milestone for Bayhill Ventures and marks the firm's bold entry into the city's competitive real estate market.
submitted by amorealty to SFApartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:34 EliteAdventuresT Discover the Magic of Muir Woods and Sausalito

Embark on a personalized small group tour to explore the ancient redwoods of Muir Woods, the charming coastal town of Sausalito, and the panoramic views of Marin Headlands, while enjoying exceptional customer service and a seamless logistics experience.

Introduction to the Muir Woods and Sausalito Tour

Embarking on the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour offers an immersive journey through the natural wonders and cultural gems of the San Francisco Bay Area. This tour has garnered a stellar reputation for providing visitors with a well-rounded exploration of some of the region's most iconic destinations. From the towering redwoods of Muir Woods to the charming coastal town of Sausalito and the panoramic views of Marin Headlands, this excursion promises a rich tapestry of experiences that cater to diverse interests and preferences.
One of the key attractions of the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour is its ability to combine nature, culture, and history seamlessly. For instance, visitors can witness the ancient coastal redwoods in Muir Woods, some of which stand over 250 feet tall and date back 800 years, providing a glimpse into the rich ecological heritage of the region. Additionally, the picturesque town of Sausalito beckons with its artistic community, waterfront dining options, and Mediterranean-style architecture, offering a delightful contrast to the serene redwood forest. Furthermore, the panoramic views from Marin Headlands showcase the rugged beauty of Northern California and provide insights into the area's military history during World War II.
The convenience and accessibility of the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour make it a popular choice for tourists looking to maximize their time in the Bay Area. The tour's positive reviews and high visitor satisfaction rates attest to its ability to deliver a comprehensive and enjoyable experience for travelers of all ages. Whether it's exploring the ancient redwoods, indulging in the artistic ambiance of Sausalito, or admiring the coastal vistas from Marin Headlands, this tour promises unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for the natural and cultural heritage of San Francisco.
Click here to explore this tour now.

Muir Woods: Ancient Redwoods Experience

In Muir Woods, visitors are greeted by a majestic forest populated by coastal redwoods, also known as Sequoia sempervirens, a species unique to this region. These towering giants, reaching heights of over 250 feet, create a canopy that filters sunlight to the forest floor, fostering a tranquil and serene ambiance. The peacefulness of the redwood forest provides a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of urban life, offering a sanctuary for visitors to unwind and reconnect with nature.
Beyond their sheer size and age, the coastal redwoods in Muir Woods play a vital ecological role in supporting a diverse array of plant and animal species. The thick bark of these trees serves as a protective layer against wildfires, while their towering presence creates microclimates that support the growth of ferns, mosses, and lichens. The interdependence of flora and fauna within the redwood ecosystem underscores the delicate balance that exists within this ancient forest, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to preserve these natural wonders for future generations.
Visitors to Muir Woods not only have the opportunity to marvel at the grandeur of the redwoods but also to immerse themselves in the rich history and cultural significance of the area. The Coastal Miwok people, indigenous to this region, have a deep connection to the land, and their presence is felt in the valleys of Marin Headlands. Exploring Muir Woods offers a glimpse into the intertwined narratives of nature and humanity, providing a holistic understanding of the redwood forest's ecological importance and cultural heritage.

Sausalito: Charming Coastal Town

Sausalito, with its scenic waterfront and artistic community, offers a charming contrast to the ancient redwoods of Muir Woods. This coastal town is renowned for its Mediterranean-style architecture, colorful houseboats, and panoramic views of the San Francisco Bay. Visitors can explore the town's quaint streets lined with galleries, boutiques, and cafes, immersing themselves in the vibrant arts scene that defines Sausalito's cultural identity.
The artistic spirit of Sausalito is palpable in its numerous galleries, showcasing a diverse range of works by local and international artists. For instance, the historic Industrial Center Building houses studios and galleries where visitors can interact with artists and witness creative processes firsthand. The artistic community in Sausalito fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation, making it a hub for artistic expression and cultural exchange. Additionally, the town's annual art festivals and events attract visitors from near and far, further solidifying Sausalito's reputation as a dynamic and creative enclave.
Sausalito's culinary scene is equally enticing, with waterfront restaurants offering a plethora of dining options that cater to every palate. From fresh seafood to international cuisine, visitors can indulge in a gastronomic journey while enjoying stunning views of the bay and the San Francisco skyline. The fusion of art, architecture, and culinary delights in Sausalito creates a vibrant tapestry of experiences that captivates visitors and leaves a lasting impression of this charming coastal town.

Marin Headlands: Panoramic Views

The Marin Headlands, with its sweeping vistas of the Pacific Ocean, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the rugged coastline of Northern California, offer a visual feast for visitors on the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour. The panoramic views from this vantage point provide a breathtaking glimpse into the natural beauty and geographical diversity of the Bay Area. Guests can witness the interplay of land and sea, marvel at the engineering marvel of the Golden Gate Bridge, and appreciate the untouched splendor of the coastal landscape.
Aside from its scenic allure, Marin Headlands holds a rich historical legacy that adds depth to the tour experience. During World War II, the headlands played a crucial role in defending the San Francisco Bay Area, with remnants of military installations still visible today. Visitors can explore these historic sites, gaining insights into the area's wartime significance and the resilience of the communities that once inhabited this rugged terrain.
A visit to the Coastal Miwok valleys in Marin Headlands offers a cultural immersion into the indigenous history of the region. The Coastal Miwok people have inhabited these lands for centuries, leaving behind traces of their presence in the form of petroglyphs and shell mounds. By exploring these valleys, visitors can appreciate the rich cultural tapestry that defines the Bay Area, connecting with the land's original inhabitants and gaining a deeper understanding of the region's indigenous heritage. The Marin Headlands, with its blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural relevance, encapsulates the diverse and multifaceted appeal of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tour Details and Options

The Muir Woods and Sausalito tour offers a range of details and options to cater to the diverse interests and preferences of visitors. The tour company specializes in providing small group tours, ensuring an intimate and personalized experience for guests. This small group setting allows for meaningful interactions with knowledgeable guides, who share insights and stories about the landmarks visited during the tour, enhancing the overall experience for participants.
In addition to standalone tours, guests can choose from a variety of combo options that combine the Muir Woods and Sausalito experience with other attractions in the Bay Area. For example, combo tours that include visits to San Francisco City, Alcatraz, or Wine Country offer travelers the flexibility to tailor their itinerary to align with their interests. These customizable options allow visitors to create a comprehensive and well-rounded exploration of the region, ensuring that each tour is unique and tailored to individual preferences.
Rates for the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour vary based on the chosen options and inclusions, with prices ranging from $79 to $239 per adult. These pricing options cater to different budgets and preferences, making the tour accessible to a wide range of travelers seeking a memorable and enriching experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. Furthermore, the tour company's commitment to providing a personalized and enjoyable experience underscores its dedication to ensuring that guests have a seamless and immersive journey through the region's most iconic destinations.

Tour Experience and Inclusions

The Muir Woods and Sausalito tour promises a comprehensive and enriching experience that goes beyond sightseeing. In addition to guided walks through the redwood forest, visitors have the opportunity to explore Muir Woods at their own pace, soaking in the natural beauty and tranquility of the surroundings. This free time allows guests to connect with nature on a deeper level, fostering a sense of appreciation and awe for the ancient redwoods and the unique ecosystem they support.
The tour provides insights into the ecological importance of the redwood forest, highlighting conservation efforts and sustainability practices aimed at preserving this natural wonder for future generations. By learning about the challenges and successes in protecting the redwoods, visitors gain a deeper understanding of the delicate balance required to maintain the ecological integrity of Muir Woods. The tour's focus on education and awareness enhances the overall experience, empowering guests to become stewards of the environment and advocates for conservation efforts.
The knowledgeable guides on the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour play a pivotal role in elevating the visitor experience. These guides not only share fascinating stories and historical facts about the landmarks visited but also create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere that fosters meaningful connections with the surroundings. By weaving narratives into the tour experience, guides bring the sites to life, offering a more immersive and memorable journey for participants. The personal touch and expertise provided by these guides contribute to the tour's positive reviews and high visitor satisfaction rates, making it a standout choice for those seeking a deeper appreciation of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Transportation and Logistics

The transportation and logistics of the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour are carefully planned to ensure a seamless and comfortable journey for all participants. The tour includes transportation by luxury coach, offering guests a relaxing and scenic ride through the Bay Area. The luxury coach provides a comfortable and spacious environment, allowing travelers to sit back, relax, and enjoy the picturesque views along the way.
Additionally, the option to return to San Francisco via ferry from Sausalito adds a touch of charm to the tour experience, allowing visitors to savor the beauty of the bay from a different perspective. The ferry ride offers a unique vantage point of the San Francisco skyline, Golden Gate Bridge, and Alcatraz Island, enhancing the overall journey and providing a memorable conclusion to the day's explorations. The convenience of transportation options, including the luxury coach and ferry ride, adds value to the tour by offering diverse modes of travel that cater to different preferences and interests.
The departure times for the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour are scheduled to accommodate various schedules and preferences. With morning and afternoon options available, guests can select the timing that best suits their itinerary, ensuring flexibility and convenience. This thoughtful approach to scheduling allows visitors to optimize their time at each destination, maximizing their exploration of Muir Woods, Sausalito, and Marin Headlands. By providing comfortable transportation and flexible logistics, the tour company aims to enhance the overall experience and create lasting memories for all participants.

Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews and testimonials from past guests highlight the exceptional quality and value of the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour, underscoring its popularity and positive reputation. Many visitors commend the tour guides for their knowledge, professionalism, and engaging storytelling. For example, one reviewer mentioned how their guide shared captivating narratives about the history of Marin Headlands, adding depth and context to the tour experience. The guides' ability to connect with guests and provide meaningful insights enhances the overall journey and fosters a sense of appreciation for the destinations visited.
Reviews often praise the tour company for its attention to detail, seamless logistics, and commitment to sustainability and responsible tourism practices in the Bay Area. Guests appreciate the thoughtfulness that goes into planning each aspect of the tour, from transportation arrangements to guided walks and free time for exploration. The tour's dedication to providing an enriching and eco-conscious travel experience resonates with visitors, inspiring them to engage with the environment respectfully and mindfully. By prioritizing sustainability and responsible tourism, the tour company sets a standard for ethical travel practices and demonstrates a commitment to preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Testimonials highlight the exceptional customer service provided by the tour guides, adding a personal touch to the experience. Guests often mention the guides' friendliness, professionalism, and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure a memorable trip for everyone. This personalized approach to guest interactions creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere that sets the tour apart from other travel experiences. The positive reviews and testimonials reflect the tour's dedication to customer satisfaction and its ability to create meaningful and lasting memories for all participants.

Booking and Reservations

Booking and reservations for the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour are made easy and convenient through the tour company's online platform. The user-friendly booking system allows guests to secure their spots in advance, providing peace of mind and ensuring a seamless planning process. Travelers can browse available tour options, select their preferred dates and times, and make reservations with just a few clicks, simplifying the booking process and streamlining itinerary planning.
The tour company offers flexible booking policies to accommodate changes in travel plans and ensure a hassle-free experience for visitors. Guests can make adjustments to their reservations if needed, providing greater flexibility and convenience for those navigating evolving travel schedules. The tour operator's commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in its responsive and accommodating booking procedures, which aim to provide a stress-free and enjoyable journey for all participants.
Additionally, recommendations for booking early during peak seasons are provided to guarantee availability and avoid disappointment due to limited capacity. By planning ahead and securing reservations in advance, travelers can ensure that they have a spot on the tour and can look forward to an enriching and memorable experience. The tour company's proactive approach to booking and reservations underscores its commitment to providing guests with a seamless and enjoyable travel experience, from start to finish.

Unforgettable Memories Await

The Muir Woods and Sausalito tour stands as a beacon of exploration, offering visitors a gateway to a world of natural wonders, cultural treasures, and historical insights in the San Francisco Bay Area. From the ancient redwoods of Muir Woods to the artistic charm of Sausalito and the panoramic views of Marin Headlands, this tour weaves a tapestry of experiences that captivate the senses and ignite the imagination. By embarking on this journey, travelers can immerse themselves in the beauty and diversity of the region, creating lasting memories and forging a deep connection with the landscapes and narratives that define the Bay Area.
The allure of the Muir Woods and Sausalito tour lies not only in its scenic beauty and historical significance but also in its ability to offer a comprehensive and personalized experience for visitors of all ages. The tour's blend of nature, culture, and history provides a multifaceted exploration of the San Francisco Bay Area, allowing guests to delve into the region's rich tapestry of stories and landscapes. Whether it's marveling at the ancient redwoods, strolling through the artistic enclave of Sausalito, or gazing upon the rugged coastline from Marin Headlands, every moment on this tour is an opportunity to create enduring memories and deepen one's connection to the natural and cultural heritage of the Bay Area.
Click here to book this tour now.
Exploring Yosemite in Style: Private Hummer Tour 2024 Guide
Discover the Southwest: An Exclusive 3-Day Tour
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2024.06.01 04:23 amorealty Tips for Finding Rentals Near the University of Tennessee

When searching for apartments near the University of Tennessee (UT), there are several tips to keep in mind to ensure you find the right fit for your needs:
  1. Start Early: Begin your apartment search well in advance of your desired move-in date, especially if you're looking for housing before the start of a new semester. This allows you to explore a wider range of options and gives you time to secure a lease before spaces fill up.
  2. Research Neighborhoods: Familiarize yourself with the neighborhoods surrounding the University of Tennessee campus. Consider factors such as proximity to campus, public transportation options, safety, and amenities like grocery stores, restaurants, and parks.
  3. Utilize Online Resources: Use online rental listing websites and apartment search platforms to browse available apartments near UT. Websites like, Zillow, and allow you to filter search results based on your preferences, including location, price range, and desired amenities.
  4. Check University Resources: Many universities, including UT, have resources available to help students find off-campus housing. Check the university's website or housing office for information on rental listings, roommate matching services, and other helpful resources.
  5. Consider Roommates: If you're looking to save money on rent or prefer the social aspect of living with roommates, consider searching for apartments with multiple bedrooms to share with friends or other students.
  6. Set a Budget: Determine your budget for rent and utilities before starting your search. Keep in mind additional expenses like security deposits, application fees, and potential parking fees when budgeting for your new apartment.
  7. Attend Housing Fairs or Events: Universities often host housing fairs or events where students can meet with local landlords and property managers to learn about available rental properties. Attend these events to gather information and ask questions about apartments near campus.
  8. Visit Properties in Person: Whenever possible, schedule in-person visits to apartments you're interested in. This allows you to get a sense of the neighborhood, see the apartment layout and amenities firsthand, and ask questions to the landlord or property manager.
  9. Check for Amenities: Consider what amenities are important to you in an apartment, such as laundry facilities, parking options, proximity to public transportation, and security features. Look for apartments that offer the amenities you value most.
  10. Review Lease Terms Carefully: Before signing a lease, carefully review the terms and conditions of the rental agreement. Pay attention to details such as lease duration, rent payment schedule, pet policies, and any restrictions or rules set by the landlord or property management company.
By following these tips and being proactive in your apartment search, you can increase your chances of finding a suitable and affordable apartment near the University of Tennessee that meets your needs as a student or resident.
When embarking on your apartment search near UT, it's crucial to consider factors beyond just proximity to campus. Take the time to research the various neighborhoods surrounding UT Knoxville, as each offers its own unique atmosphere and amenities. Whether you're looking for a lively urban environment, a quiet suburban neighborhood, or something in between, exploring different neighborhoods will help you find the perfect fit for your lifestyle.
In addition to considering the location of the apartment, think about your transportation needs. If you plan to walk or bike to campus, prioritize apartments within a reasonable distance from UT. Alternatively, if you rely on public transportation or plan to have a car, consider apartments with easy access to bus routes or parking facilities.
As you narrow down your options, don't forget to factor in your budget. Determine how much you can comfortably afford to spend on rent each month, taking into account other expenses such as utilities, groceries, and transportation. Be realistic about your financial situation and avoid stretching your budget too thin.
When evaluating potential apartments, be sure to inspect the unit thoroughly to ensure it meets your needs and preferences. Pay attention to details such as the layout, size, and condition of the apartment, as well as any included amenities like appliances, flooring, and storage space. Don't hesitate to ask questions or request repairs or upgrades if needed.
Consider the overall vibe and atmosphere of the apartment complex or building. Are the common areas well-maintained and inviting? Is there a sense of community among residents? Take note of factors like noise levels, security measures, and cleanliness, as these can significantly impact your living experience.
If you're planning to live with roommates, be sure to discuss important details upfront, such as rent distribution, household chores, and house rules. Establishing clear communication and expectations from the beginning can help avoid conflicts and ensure a harmonious living environment.
Before committing to a lease, thoroughly review the terms and conditions outlined in the rental agreement. Pay close attention to details such as lease duration, rent increases, security deposits, and any additional fees or charges. Make sure you understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant before signing on the dotted line.
Once you've found the perfect apartment, take the time to familiarize yourself with the surrounding area. Explore nearby shops, restaurants, parks, and other attractions to get a feel for the neighborhood and discover hidden gems. Building a sense of community and connection with your surroundings will enhance your overall living experience.
As you settle into your new apartment near UT, consider getting involved in campus activities and organizations to meet new people and make the most of your college experience. Whether it's joining a club, attending sporting events, or volunteering in the community, getting involved on campus can help you feel more connected and engaged during your time at UT.
Lastly, don't forget to prioritize self-care and balance in your life. College can be a busy and stressful time, so be sure to carve out time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's taking a walk in the park, practicing mindfulness, or spending time with friends, make self-care a priority to maintain your overall well-being.
submitted by amorealty to TennesseeApartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:00 KapuKirill r/Malaysia Writer's Server - Sundry Scribes June Issue

Greetings, everyone! Wow, time sure flies. It's already the third publishing month of Sundry Scribes! This month, we have five entries, the highest amount in a single month that we have so far. If you enjoy our writers' work and wish to have your work be read by others as well, join us with the link below! Without further ado, let's proceed.
This month, our entries are: a poem on accepting misery, a poem about dementia, a review of Hi-Fi Rush, a spooky short story about secret floors in Malaysian buildings, and an analysis of The Color Purple.
The Right To Be Sad by OctoSlender
A poem I wrote once, an attempted capture of being miserable and being okay with that.
Demon Sure by Leon Wing
An instance of dementia, where they step on a sharp object, walking across a room. They forget the names or words for objects, things, sensations. So, they extemporize, picking words closest in sound.
Of Passion And Joy: A Review of Hi-Fi Rush by Rayleigh A Love Letter (Game) To Video Games
Hi-Fi Rush is my new favourite game of all time and one of the best video games ever made. As such, to celebrate this wonderful work of art, I produced this rich review, sharing my love for the game. It is mostly spoiler-free and contains spoiler warnings for any story beats I do mention because I hope it can also convince more people to give this game a try.
Containment Floors: A Malaysian Urban Legend by Teejay
Investigative journalist Sarah investigates the mythical fourth floors of Malaysian buildings and why nobody ever talks about them.
Chains and Expectations: Alice Walker's The Color Purple by TunderBaka
An analysis on the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker, on its protagonist, Celie's relationship and reaction to the expectations placed upon her in her life

That's all, folks! We hope you'll check back in next month for more new and exciting works!

Sundry Scribes is a writer's collective and program for Malaysian writers, by Malaysian writers. Writing is difficult and publishing even more so, especially alone. This program aims to bring the works of local writers together and build a supportive community among like-minded peers. What Sundry Scribes offers is a fun and free space for literary expression and community-wide support without the daunting challenges of self-publication.
Each month, the works produced by members of Sundry Scribes will be published on Medium, Malaysia, and Malaysia Discord Server. In the future, you can expect to find this publication on a large number of other platforms (as we grow with your participation). Anyone can read the varied works produced under this collective for free, where topics range from media analysis, short fiction, personal stories and beyond.
Sundry Scribes accepts submissions from any Malaysian writer, as long as they abide by the program's rules and guidelines. Ultimately, the program is meant to serve local writers of all skill levels in order to share their unique voice and reach a wider audience with all the benefits of community participation, feedback and support.
Join the Malaysia Writer's Server now to learn more about Sundry Scribes, submit your work, or get a sneak-peek at works in progress. The server welcomes both writers and readers alike, encouraging them to discuss the craft of writing and any creative work, such as novels, video games, manga, etc. Additionally, weekly events are held there, so join and check us out!
submitted by KapuKirill to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:55 TheHoneyBadger11 Avoid Linden at the Rim

Short version: Linden does next to nothing about security, and as such cars are broken into and/or stolen on a regular basis. All the while, Linden does nothing to fix up their security.
Long version: Below is mine and my wife’s experience at Linden at the Rim. I post this as a warning for others, as Linden had two major issues:
First, the lack of safety protocols relative to crime. If you look at reviews for Linden, you will see many people reported vehicles broken into and/or stolen at the complex. My wife's vehicle was stolen from Linden at the Rim last year about two or three weeks after their gate broke again (more on that later), and according to the police, eight other residents at Linden reported having their vehicles broken into on the same night my wife's car was stolen. On top of that, I recall mornings where I would walk outside and see smashed car windows. Despite all of the incidents, very little to no effort was made by Linden on the part of safety and security that we could see or were informed of. We did not see any cameras installed within the complex to monitor the parking areas; we did not see any kind of courtesy security patrols (in several responses to theft-related reviews, Linden claimed they had a courtesy officer on-site available whenever, but neither my wife nor I ever noticed them, nor were ever made aware of them, nor did they put out any kind of PSA to residents after our break-in); and the gates were broken/open frequently (to this last point, Linden responded that they work to get the gates fixed as quickly as possible, but the gates stayed broken for several more weeks after the aforementioned break-ins). In spite of the lack of safety/security at the complex, there are frequent complaints about cars getting towed from the complex because the owners did not use Linden's parking system to pay to have their cars parked there. My wife and I can verify this, as we frequently saw tow trucks in the complex towing away vehicles. I mention that to say: if Linden has the resources to pay for tow trucks to come and haul cars away if they are not paid-to-park/registered in their system, how do they not have the resources to beef up the security in that complex?
Second, we were nickel-and-dimed on fees. A week or so before our lease at Linden ended, I called the office and asked for a list of things to take care of before we moved out. The person we spoke with said that they did not have any kind of checkout list, but just to make sure the apartment was tidy and to patch any holes with caulk (or verbiage to that effect; general language of the state of the apartment, nothing specific). My wife and I spent about an hour cleaning our apartment. We vacuumed and mopped the floors; we dusted the blinds and windowsills; we wiped down the pantry, cabinets, fridge, and freezer; we cleaned the bathroom; everything we could think of. A couple of weeks after we moved out, we got a bill from Linden and found out they charged us a $75 cleaning fee. When I inquired further as to why they charged us that, they sent us photos they received from maintenance. Looking at the photos, nothing stood out as to why they charged us $75. When I inquired further, their response was "we did have to send cleaners to wipe down cabinets, ceiling fans, there were crust/crumbs in the pantry, we also found a yellow stain by the tub/toilet floor, blinds were dusty in the bedroom/living room. We did charge the lowest we can charge for cleaning which resulted in the $75 cleaning fee." First, we did wipe down, scrub, and dust as best as we could. Second, all of those items they said were “wrong” would not add up to a $75 charge to take care of. Third, we were never given a checkout list to go off of, so we had no idea what they were looking for in terms of "general tidiness" of the apartment.
If these were not bad enough, their response to bad reviews is lackadaisical at best, including to ours on Google, which looks like it was AI-generated.
submitted by TheHoneyBadger11 to sanantonio [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:53 Gloomy_Ad_9368 My DIY build (WIP) - TPS Coils + Latex + SLAB cover

I'm nearing the finish line on building my first DIY mattress, so I'll share my thought process and how I got to this crazy seeming point, then share what I've ended up with (so far). You can skip the preamble if you just want to get to the action without the back story.
  1. I stayed in a nice hotel on a business trip, slept great, came home and realized "wow, my mattress really sucks!" Kinda doesn't matter what my current mattress is, but if you're curious, it's a Layla that I bought 5 years ago. Apparently the fact that I had it for 5 years that means I got my money's worth ($964). So it cost me ~$200/year for a mattress that was never more than "okay"
  2. I started the stressful process of researching mattresses. I was on the verge of pulling the trigger on a $1700 Nolah mattress when I stumbled on this video about pocket coil quality.
  3. After watching that video, I started trying to find a mattress that has Texas Pocket Coils in it because that video convinced got me worried about the leaning effect of other coils.
  4. My search for texas pocket coils didn't turn up much in the way of mattress companies (they don't tend to disclose their components). Instead it ended me up on Reddit DIY threads.
  5. After pricing out the components on (coils), / (latex on top of coils), and various enclosure options, I priced out my build at around $1200 for a mattress that'll be at least as nice as the $1700 Nolah. That means i can make up to $500 in "mistakes" of fine tuning what kind of foam i like before i'll have hit the price point i was willing to pay for a "take it or leave it" mattress.
  6. As a bonus, I expect those springs to last at least 15 years, probably 20. Even if my latex layer breaks down in 5 years, or if my preferences change, I can replace just the latex and my "per year cost of ownership" will still be much lower than if i have to replace the entire mattress again in 5 years.
Bottom line is that I'm going to have the best coils on the market, combined with (from what I can tell) is the best latex you can currently buy, for less than the price of a pre-built mattress with components that are *probably* optimized for profit, not longevity.
Now for the part people care about: THE BUILD!
First, the all important stats: I'm 6'0" and 185lbs, more muscle than fat, but not a roid monster by any stretch of the imagination. My wife is 5'2" and 145lbs. We both sleep mostly on our sides, with some back sleeping. Maybe 80/20. From a preference standpoint, I prefer a softer bed because I have problems with shoulder pain, and waking up in the middle of the night with tingling in my arms. My wife prefers a bit more firmness than me, but still in the medium-medium firm range.
Ok, that was more preamble, but really, let's talk about the build. I'll include the prices currently listed on the various websites, but we all know prices move around some over time.
Here's what I'm sleeping on tonight:
The finished mattress is a King, the coils are 2xTwinXL, the latex sheets are both King size.
8" QuadCoils (15.5g) from Texas Pocket Springs (Firm sides): $495 $445.50 (10% off when combined with 8")
3" QuadMini from Texas Pocket Springs: $420 $378 (10% off when combined with 8")
2" Soft Dunlop from Sleep On Latex: $235
2" Soft Talalay from Latex Mattress Factory: $374
15" cotton/bamboo cover from Sleep like a Bear: $276
Total: $1708.50
I know what you're thinking: "I thought you said you priced out your build at $1200??" Well, yeah... The stuff I originally priced out was cheaper than what I ended up with. AND, I'm going to make one swap that will knock off $200, bringing me down to ~$1500 (so I can still feel good about not getting the Nolah).
I read all about how Dunlop and Talalay are different, and Talalay is softer, and blah blah blah, but honestly, I can't tell the difference in firmness between the 2" of SOL dunlop and the 2" of LMF Talalay. Save yourself the $140 and just buy the SOL latex. Also, the LMF king size sheet is actually two pieces of TwinXL that they fused together, which left a pretty noticeable seam/bump. I can feel it through my SLAB cover, through the sheets. It's not bad enough to keep me awake at night, just kinda... lame for one of the most expensive sheets of latex on the market. The SOL piece is a continuous king-sized sheet of latex.
So I'm returning the Talalay, and going to try out the 4lb viscoplush memory foam from Foam by Mail. $138 for 2".
Total: $1473 + $45 return fee = $1518
Those of you who haven't already gotten bored and moved on to a shorter thread are probably thinking "I don't care how much it cost, how does it FEEL?"
I tried to be a scientific about it, within the bounds of my wife's patience. The first night, I slept on the QuadCoils + QuadMini + 2" SOL, with no mattress cover. If I was a 100% back sleeper, I'd have stopped right there. It felt great on my back, and I absolutely love how the QuadMini feels. Coming from a solid foam mattress, the bounce feels really nice, and it's the right amount of pressure relief and support. BUT... I'm mostly a side sleeper, and 2" of SOL didn't provide enough softness for my shoulder to sink into.
The 2nd night, I tried just the 8" QuadCoil and the 2" SOL. I didn't expect to like it, I was just curious. As expected, it was way too firm for my liking. I told myself I'd try again with QuadCoil + 2" SOL + 2" Talalay when that layer arrived from LMF, but... I didn't. So I can't speak to that configuration.
3rd night was back to the 8" + QuadMini + 2" SOL while I waited for the LMF order to arrive.
A few days later, the 2" Talalay arrived. Still no mattress cover (or bedframe) at this point. Just the layers stacked on the floor with a fitted sheet over them.
8" QuadCoil + 3" QuadMini + 2" SOL + 2" LMF. My wife thinks it's perfect. I think, it's really great, waaaay better than what I had before, and definitely the nicest mattress I've ever owned. BUT... I really want to give those shoulders something to sink into. So I'm going to swapping the 2" LMF with 2" memory foam. My wife hates the "sinking in" feeling of memory foam, so it's entirely possible I'll end up with foam on my half and another piece of latex on her half to match the height. If I do that, I'll cut my foam in half, and order a TwinXL 2" soft dunlop from SOL for her.
Let's talk about the cover: When you need a 15" cover, there really aren't a lot of choices. The TPS guy (Matan) recommended a stretchy cover, so I ruled out anything quilted, and I think that left me with 3-4 options. I picked the SLAB cover because I'd read positive things in other reviews. Now that I have it, I don't have much to say about it, good or bad. It was a royal PITA to put on, but that might be true of all the covers when you're trying to wrangle 11" of springs and 4" of latex by yourself. The cover is nice, but I think that's another area I could have saved some $$ and not noticed the difference.
As others have noted, the bed definitely "firms up" when you put all the layers in a cover. The advice to "test all the layers without a cover in case you want to change the thickness" is kinda tough because what you feel without a cover is so different than how it feels with the cover. I think my advice would be "buy a 15" cover and 15" worth of stuff, then swap out layers if you don't like how it feels"
Cool factor: When it was just the coils + 2" of latex, the mattress felt like it wasn't retaining any heat at all. It was so much cooler than my old mattress that I actually turned the thermostat up 2 degrees (I live in Florida, and it's summer time). With 4" of latex, it's retaining a little bit more, but not much. Still way cooler than my all-foam. I'm definitely a bit worried that I'm not going to like the heat retention when I swap for the memory foam, but I gotta try it for my whiney shoulders.
Is the QuadMini worth it? I've seen this question on various threads, and definitely one person who feels strongly that it's not worth it. My opinion is a strong YES. I love how it feels. The price was barely more than what you'd pay for 3" of medium dunlop at SOL, and it really gives the mattress that "high end" feel. The coils retain less heat, provide great pressure relief, and...going a bit PG13 here... the bounce is fun.
How's the motion transfer? Basically none. Seriously. Someone else posted there was 0 motion transfer and called out for it, so I'll just say "basically 0". In the movies when the girls/guy wakes up in the morning and their partner is gone, I've always thought "that's total BS, there's no way they wouldn't have noticed the person get up. Well... this morning my wife was gone when I woke up, and I was completely unaware of her getting up. I thought memory foam was supposed to have low motion transfer, but this is better. I think it has to do with the way the coils are engineered. The isolation factor is really impressive.
Do the TwinXLs separate? I went with twin XL on both coil layers for a few reasons: 1) it's cheaper 2) I care a lot about the motion transfer, and figured having the the king split might help a bit 3) It's WAY easier to assemble solo when I'm not wrangling 42sqft of coils in a single sheet. 4) Matan assured me that once the cover was on, with 2+" of latex on top of the QuadMini, everything would hold together with no slipping/gap
Correct on all counts! You'd never know I had TwinXLs under the latex.
I'm sure I could think of more to say, but I've probably rambled on long enough. Happy to answer questions in the comments though.
Special thanks to u/secretlyyourgrandma and u/jessuckapow for sharing their experience! My build is basically just a slightly softer clone of what jessuckapow built.
submitted by Gloomy_Ad_9368 to Mattress [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:38 ThinSet3 It’s been a year…

A year ago today I showed up to one of our favorite restaurants expecting to finish a talk we’d started a few weeks prior. I’d barely sat down before I was told “I’m not gonna waste your time. I’m breaking up with you”. It was unexpected. I wasn’t given a reason. There wasn’t a discussion. I honestly don’t remember much short of not wanting to implode on public. I can’t even remember the table we were at.
Two days later he’d say he was open to working things out and that no matter how things ended up he’d always be around to support me and to think about it as our relationship reshaping instead of thinking of it as a loss.
Day three I would drink 4 bottles of wine, binge the entirety of Evangelion and pass out crying on my kitchen floor.
The next day he’d move all his stuff out of the apartment. Id picked out a two bedroom in anticipation that we’d move in together after his lease. He’d leave after telling me he was just thinking some stuff over and that he’d be ready to sit down and talk soon. He didn’t even shut the door when he left and I sat there expecting him to come double check everything and give me a hug or a goodbye or something. I never used the second half of the apartment after that. I kept all the stuff he’d given me in the second bedroom and kept the doors shut. I’d periodically go into the bathroom over the next few months because it still smelled like his shampoo and I remember feeling gutted when the smell eventually went away.
I didn’t know you could have withdrawal symptoms from losing someone. I didn’t know grief could carry physical symptoms. I’d stop eating somewhere in everything and about 5 days in when I bothered to try I wouldn’t be able to hold anything down. I ate soup for like a week. In the first month I’d lose 45 pounds.
I’d be put on medical leave and sent to Dallas to be around my support system because I had nothing in Houston and being in the apartment all day by myself wasn’t healthy. On my way to town I’d drive north and give shadow to a dude that lived upstate and rescued Nordics. My mom told me not to do it if my motivation was salvaging the relationship. But I blamed shadow for a lot and couldn’t keep him. I’d eventually regret that immensely along with a bunch of other stuff.
“Soon” turned into 3 weeks. And when he finally bothered to respond to me, we had a genuinely productive talk over text about how we both made mistakes and how we both missed each other. He said it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to meet and talk. He suggested we make lists of things we liked/appreciated about each other so it wouldn’t devolve into feeling like w e we’re blaming each other for anything. He gave me days he was free. I told him I had nothing else to do and only asked to be kept in the loop.
He’d start ghosting me before the end of the week. We had always had really good communication. We always kept each other in the loop. We both understood that we hated the hanging anxiety of being left in the dark about things. We were always so in tune. He’d never once ignored me let alone actively avoided me. When I confronted him about it and expressed how I felt hurt that he’d blown me off, he’d leave me on read.
No contact started a few days later. I’d go to Dallas, drink to much and breakdown so bad I had to be carried back to the car. I’d stay up until 5 am that night and write out a text message so long it compressed into a pdf when I sent it. He’d read it and tell me he couldn’t “fix” things and I needed to learn to walk on my own which just made me feel even more invalidated than I’d already been made to feel.
I’d wish him happy Fourth of July when I got back to town and my text would bounce back green. So I’d panic. And fire off another massive text that would eventually go through because his phone was just updating. And he’d get mad at me about all of it and how he’d “been trying to be nice but he was over it” and how “all I’d done was trauma dump and critique how he’d handle the breakup”. I was just trying to voice my needs and feelings. While still trying to respect that he’d wanted space.
We ran into each other at the same restaurant the next week. But hed ignored me and the text I’d send until I left. He said he didn’t hate me and just wanted space. It was only supposed to be for a week or so. But we wouldn’t come in contact again until I asked for my apartment key in September because I thought I was going to lose my job.
He offered to give me my key in person and I said I’d like that and an opportunity to talk. I’d gone 4 months without any explanation of how we’d gotten there. I didn’t know why. I didn’t know what I didn’t wrong. I didn’t know if he ever planned to talk to me again or associate to any degree. He blew up on me when I said I just wanted to know why he threw me away. That pissed him off and he unloaded on me. Blamed me for things I didn’t even know were issues and then stonewalled me out of any discussion because “those were his feelings and I could accept them or not. They weren’t up for debate”. His feelings were valid, but they didn’t change the reality that a lot of his issues were based on assumptions he’d made that I could’ve clarified if I’d been given the chance. He said I’d never been supportive when he’d needed it despite telling me how grateful he was for my support when he was going through his own breakdown. I bent over so backwards to be supportive that my pcp warned me I needed to take better care of myself and my own needs shortly after I moved. I regret asking for my key back at all. He made me feel horrible.
I’d have a suicidal episode a couple weeks later that I only talked myself out of because I couldn’t logic a way to do that wasn’t painful or that didn’t risk the safety of others. My doctors would tell me they wanted me in an IOP I couldn’t afford both in time and money. There’d be new medications. I’d agree to get my brain blasted with a magnet everyday for two months.
I’d enter probation at work and HR would eventually step in after finding out that my supervisor had failed to support me in my role almost the entirety of the time I’d been there. Finding out he’d called me an idiot infront of our technician and periodically thrown me under the bus in meetings helped. We went through and entire work action plan to retrain me for the by then three roles I was being made to cover which was all irrelevant since my supervisor went back to ignoring me after things settled down. He’d later tell me in my yearly review that he tended to ignore my emails because he didn’t have time for my stupid questions and that I needed to figure things out on my own.
I’d run into him with a group of people I’d never met some time in October when I finally decided to try to re-enter the gay scene. They’d point me out, get up, and leave. I’d go back to my car, cry on my drive home and begin a really toxic relationship with sex that’s probably broken my capacity for intimacy.
At the end of November he’d thank me for the birthday gift I’d send him on my birthday without realizing what day it was but that’s pretty much all he’d say. I’d move out of the apartment in November and try to reach out again because I’d found some of his stuff and got caught up in my feelings. It wasn’t an essay but it was thorough and honest. I told him I still loved him and I missed having him in my life. He’d leave me on read.
He’d block me in March when I’d reach out one more time to tell him I’d been thinking about him a lot. Because he lied when he’d told me he’d always be there to support me. He said he wanted me to be happy and well. But he broke me in a way no singular person or event has ever managed. I’d done my best to be supportive when he needed it, and when I finally needed reciprocity he’d take all the life jackets and push me into the ocean telling me I needed to learn to swim on my own. I drowned.
The whole time I’d be physically alone. No dog. No partner. No local friends. A job so toxic I burned vacation time just to avoid going. An apartment that I only used to sleep because I hated being there by myself. I’d lose pieces of myself I didn’t even know existed until I realized how much of a husk of a person I’d become. I’d cry almost every day. I still cry a lot. I still fall into memories while I drive around town. I still miss and love him. Or at least a version of him that used to exist.
I’m alive. I’m “making progress”. I’ve made friends. I have a new job. A new apartment. I’ve traveled the country playing pokemon. But I drag myself through life mechanically nowadays more than I live it. I’m still sad. I constantly wrestle with feeling like life is pointless and struggle to motivate myself to any kind of endgame. I’m not suicidal but I periodically feel like I’d rather just cease to exist. I had to disclose to my therapist how nonchalant and casual those thoughts have gotten. But I really am trying. I’ve been trying this whole time. It’s just been hard. I’m not experienced in grief. I’ve never been abandoned. I wasn’t prepared for any of this.
I still come to the same restaurant. Part of me does it out of habit at the paint. Part of me still wants to run into each other. But a bigger part of me doesn’t even know what I’d do if we did and another is terrified of being blown off and ignored again. He’s made me feel like a non-entity. I could never treat him the way he’s treated me. He was my favorite person. He’s turned into the most devastating experience I’ve had to endure. It isn’t fair and it makes me really sad if I sit with it too long. I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again and that makes me sad too. It’s probably the single biggest thing I struggle with now. I know the relationship is over. I acknowledge he’s no longer the person I fell in love with or the friend I’d known way before that. But letting go is hard and I don’t know how to shut him off. It’s like holding a black tarry mass that keeps spilling over and I can’t collect it all to put away so I just sit there in it and suffocate. It’s been a year. I don’t feel “better”. I just feel gutted out and numb. Like this is just who I am now.
I still don’t know how we even got here. It’s been a year and he never told me. He couldn’t even respect me enough to grant me closure. How fucked up is that…
submitted by ThinSet3 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:37 ThinSet3 It’s been a year…

It’s been a year…
A year ago today I showed up to one of our favorite restaurants expecting to finish a talk we’d started a few weeks prior. I’d barely sat down before I was told “I’m not gonna waste your time. I’m breaking up with you”. It was unexpected. I wasn’t given a reason. There wasn’t a discussion. I honestly don’t remember much short of not wanting to implode on public. I can’t even remember the table we were at.
Two days later he’d say he was open to working things out and that no matter how things ended up he’d always be around to support me and to think about it as our relationship reshaping instead of thinking of it as a loss.
Day three I would drink 4 bottles of wine, binge the entirety of Evangelion and pass out crying on my kitchen floor.
The next day he’d move all his stuff out of the apartment. Id picked out a two bedroom in anticipation that we’d move in together after his lease. He’d leave after telling me he was just thinking some stuff over and that he’d be ready to sit down and talk soon. He didn’t even shut the door when he left and I sat there expecting him to come double check everything and give me a hug or a goodbye or something. I never used the second half of the apartment after that. I kept all the stuff he’d given me in the second bedroom and kept the doors shut. I’d periodically go into the bathroom over the next few months because it still smelled like his shampoo and I remember feeling gutted when the smell eventually went away.
I didn’t know you could have withdrawal symptoms from losing someone. I didn’t know grief could carry physical symptoms. I’d stop eating somewhere in everything and about 5 days in when I bothered to try I wouldn’t be able to hold anything down. I ate soup for like a week. In the first month I’d lose 45 pounds.
I’d be put on medical leave and sent to Dallas to be around my support system because I had nothing in Houston and being in the apartment all day by myself wasn’t healthy. On my way to town I’d drive north and give shadow to a dude that lived upstate and rescued Nordics. My mom told me not to do it if my motivation was salvaging the relationship. But I blamed shadow for a lot and couldn’t keep him. I’d eventually regret that immensely along with a bunch of other stuff.
“Soon” turned into 3 weeks. And when he finally bothered to respond to me, we had a genuinely productive talk over text about how we both made mistakes and how we both missed each other. He said it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to meet and talk. He suggested we make lists of things we liked/appreciated about each other so it wouldn’t devolve into feeling like w e we’re blaming each other for anything. He gave me days he was free. I told him I had nothing else to do and only asked to be kept in the loop.
He’d start ghosting me before the end of the week. We had always had really good communication. We always kept each other in the loop. We both understood that we hated the hanging anxiety of being left in the dark about things. We were always so in tune. He’d never once ignored me let alone actively avoided me. When I confronted him about it and expressed how I felt hurt that he’d blown me off, he’d leave me on read.
No contact started a few days later. I’d go to Dallas, drink to much and breakdown so bad I had to be carried back to the car. I’d stay up until 5 am that night and write out a text message so long it compressed into a pdf when I sent it. He’d read it and tell me he couldn’t “fix” things and I needed to learn to walk on my own which just made me feel even more invalidated than I’d already been made to feel.
I’d wish him happy Fourth of July when I got back to town and my text would bounce back green. So I’d panic. And fire off another massive text that would eventually go through because his phone was just updating. And he’d get mad at me about all of it and how he’d “been trying to be nice but he was over it” and how “all I’d done was trauma dump and critique how he’d handle the breakup”. I was just trying to voice my needs and feelings. While still trying to respect that he’d wanted space.
We ran into each other at the same restaurant the next week. But hed ignored me and the text I’d send until I left. He said he didn’t hate me and just wanted space. It was only supposed to be for a week or so. But we wouldn’t come in contact again until I asked for my apartment key in September because I thought I was going to lose my job.
He offered to give me my key in person and I said I’d like that and an opportunity to talk. I’d gone 4 months without any explanation of how we’d gotten there. I didn’t know why. I didn’t know what I didn’t wrong. I didn’t know if he ever planned to talk to me again or associate to any degree. He blew up on me when I said I just wanted to know why he threw me away. That pissed him off and he unloaded on me. Blamed me for things I didn’t even know were issues and then stonewalled me out of any discussion because “those were his feelings and I could accept them or not. They weren’t up for debate”. His feelings were valid, but they didn’t change the reality that a lot of his issues were based on assumptions he’d made that I could’ve clarified if I’d been given the chance. He said I’d never been supportive when he’d needed it despite telling me how grateful he was for my support when he was going through his own breakdown. I bent over so backwards to be supportive that my pcp warned me I needed to take better care of myself and my own needs shortly after I moved. I regret asking for my key back at all. He made me feel horrible.
I’d have a suicidal episode a couple weeks later that I only talked myself out of because I couldn’t logic a way to do that wasn’t painful or that didn’t risk the safety of others. My doctors would tell me they wanted me in an IOP I couldn’t afford both in time and money. There’d be new medications. I’d agree to get my brain blasted with a magnet everyday for two months.
I’d enter probation at work and HR would eventually step in after finding out that my supervisor had failed to support me in my role almost the entirety of the time I’d been there. Finding out he’d called me an idiot infront of our technician and periodically thrown me under the bus in meetings helped. We went through and entire work action plan to retrain me for the by then three roles I was being made to cover which was all irrelevant since my supervisor went back to ignoring me after things settled down. He’d later tell me in my yearly review that he tended to ignore my emails because he didn’t have time for my stupid questions and that I needed to figure things out on my own.
I’d run into him with a group of people I’d never met some time in October when I finally decided to try to re-enter the gay scene. They’d point me out, get up, and leave. I’d go back to my car, cry on my drive home and begin a really toxic relationship with sex that’s probably broken my capacity for intimacy.
At the end of November he’d thank me for the birthday gift I’d send him on my birthday without realizing what day it was but that’s pretty much all he’d say. I’d move out of the apartment in November and try to reach out again because I’d found some of his stuff and got caught up in my feelings. It wasn’t an essay but it was thorough and honest. I told him I still loved him and I missed having him in my life. He’d leave me on read.
He’d block me in March when I’d reach out one more time to tell him I’d been thinking about him a lot. Because he lied when he’d told me he’d always be there to support me. He said he wanted me to be happy and well. But he broke me in a way no singular person or event has ever managed. I’d done my best to be supportive when he needed it, and when I finally needed reciprocity he’d take all the life jackets and push me into the ocean telling me I needed to learn to swim on my own. I drowned.
The whole time I’d be physically alone. No dog. No partner. No local friends. A job so toxic I burned vacation time just to avoid going. An apartment that I only used to sleep because I hated being there by myself. I’d lose pieces of myself I didn’t even know existed until I realized how much of a husk of a person I’d become. I’d cry almost every day. I still cry a lot. I still fall into memories while I drive around town. I still miss and love him. Or at least a version of him that used to exist.
I’m alive. I’m “making progress”. I’ve made friends. I have a new job. A new apartment. I’ve traveled the country playing pokemon. But I drag myself through life mechanically nowadays more than I live it. I’m still sad. I constantly wrestle with feeling like life is pointless and struggle to motivate myself to any kind of endgame. I’m not suicidal but I periodically feel like I’d rather just cease to exist. I had to disclose to my therapist how nonchalant and casual those thoughts have gotten. But I really am trying. I’ve been trying this whole time. It’s just been hard. I’m not experienced in grief. I’ve never been abandoned. I wasn’t prepared for any of this.
I still come to the same restaurant. Part of me does it out of habit at the paint. Part of me still wants to run into each other. But a bigger part of me doesn’t even know what I’d do if we did and another is terrified of being blown off and ignored again. He’s made me feel like a non-entity. I could never treat him the way he’s treated me. He was my favorite person. He’s turned into the most devastating experience I’ve had to endure. It isn’t fair and it makes me really sad if I sit with it too long. I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again and that makes me sad too. It’s probably the single biggest thing I struggle with now. I know the relationship is over. I acknowledge he’s no longer the person I fell in love with or the friend I’d known way before that. But letting go is hard and I don’t know how to shut him off. It’s like holding a black tarry mass that keeps spilling over and I can’t collect it all to put away so I just sit there in it and suffocate. It’s been a year. I don’t feel “better”. I just feel gutted out and numb. Like this is just who I am now.
I still don’t know how we even got here. It’s been a year and he never told me. He couldn’t even respect me enough to grant me closure. How fucked up is that…
submitted by ThinSet3 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:36 molehillmini [ENTRY] "Myths AND Legends" by Aimee Stewart - Ravensburger 2020 1000 pcs

Wonderful feel of linen texture on puzzle surface & entire original larger box. Almost no dust! Excellent softclick fit, only 3 false fits. Beautiful image!
Have wanted this one since it came out! Bought on Amazon 3/13/2024 $29.99 from England. So excited to do for this "Monthly Theme - Fantasy"!
Love & have all but 3 of Aimee's, some are too brightly colored for me. I call this style of her puzzles "Bookshelf".
Really enjoy fine details across several hobbies. However . . . this puzzle image should have been a 2000 or 3000. This 1000 was not enjoyable, but it is only available in 1000.
After having some problems sorting by characters, stone & shingles, books, banners & colors, I put the lid behind an 8" x 11" 2x page magnifier. There is a 6" x 8.75" poster, but it is almost uselessly too small.
Bought a pair of 2.50x magnifier Bluelight glasses at Walmart for $9.97, they helped better than the page magnifier. I highly recommend getting a pair for puzzling! Wish had found & gotten a pair sooner. If you do not need the magnification, they have just the bluelight protection at same price.
Used my new LED floor lamps each side & under cabinet LED bars suspended above.
Sad to see all but 4 of the characters' faces/heads are cut across. Some details I did not see until I finished it on the final rub & stuck my nose close.
Took me almost 14 hrs over several short sessions instead of my usual 10 in 1 or 2 sittings. Let it sit on my board too long between sessions that I finally push-marathoned it so I could post it.
I was only able to get a good start on Aimee's "Fantasy Toy Shop" 2019 1000 pcs. It is the one I should have done! Will finish, post & review later. Am really enjoying her original "large room/yard with crowded items" image style.
But now I am wondering if I will enjoy her other "Bookshelf" puzzles in my stash.
submitted by molehillmini to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:35 sweet_peonie The Duffey / Other North Loop Apartments

I am about to apply for an apartment at The Duffey, but read a scathing review on their facebook page. Looking for anyone else who has a similar or opposite experience. Finding a quiet apartment in a smoke-free building are the top two essentials for me, and due to the concrete floors, the price point (my assumption is that professionals pay these prices), and talks with the leasing manager, I thought this would be the spot. I'm also looking at north loop so I can walk to work and take the light rail to some classes at the U (I've lived in NYC, and the walking life is the life for me). But this scathing review said that the building is full of party kids who have loud parties on the weekends, and that you can hear people through the walls even on a quiet day. If it is true, any alternative suggestions? Or if you've lived here and have had a better experience, I would LOVE to hear from you. Thank you!!
submitted by sweet_peonie to TWINCITIESHOUSING [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:30 Regbrack Brutally honest review of 7 months treatment

Check my profile for how my acne looked prior to treatment and how it looked 5 months into treatment (significant improvement), there is no picture of my body acne now, but I can tell you there is not a single pimple anywhere on my body now 1 month after finishing treatment. This post is a brutally honest review of this drug and the side effects that it had on me, I am very appreciative of this drug and I would do it all again if I had to endure to the suffering and trapped feeling that acne causes someone.
For anyone looking for a testimony, I took isotretinoin starting September 2023 until the beginning of May 2024, I finished accutane 3.5 weeks ago around. I was on 20mg/day for the first 1.5 months, then 40mg a day for the next 5.5 months. For a brutally honest review of this drug, I took it for moderate to severe papulopustular acne on my body, not my face. When I stated taking the drug I noticed results immediately, and my skin and lips became extremely dry, more so at 40mg. At 1.5 months my skin had been breaking out on my face where it never did before, and my skin wasn’t getting better so I bumped up to 40mg/day and noticed my body acne reducing significantly again and no new pimples on my body, but still breaking out on my face up to about 6 months in. Then, I never got a single pimple basically for 2 months so far, I’ve had the odd small pimple that lasts two days and barely noticeable.
Overall, I am glad with treatment and I can take my shirt off in public and swim, I used to cry knowing that I couldn’t escape my skin, now I have perfect, glowing skin.
However, I began to experience chronic fatigue on 40mg/day and I still experience this after treatment. I go to the gym up to 5 days a week and it is hard to be hungry, it is hard to find the energy, and it is hard to be motivated. I feel ‘less youthful’ and tired, my body feels like an old body when I stand up my collarbones are stiff and crack, I sometimes lie on the floor and just fall asleep at 8pm, sometimes even just 3pm. My body feels old and I wonder if this will extend to permanence, and if this will worsen with age. Other than this, I have other side effects, I did however notice that while in bed I could last hours and hours, I couldn’t finish sexually, though there was a bright side to this and it seemed to disappear after ending treatment.
I am happy with the result of the drug given I no longer have the body acne I had, and given I go to the gym 5 days a week for 5 years I am happy that finally I can show the results of my hard work. However, my body feels old, I feel tired, and my body isn’t the same, my youthful energy is gone. I am still glad with treatment, and i wouldn’t wish acne upon my worst enemy.
submitted by Regbrack to Accutane [link] [comments]