Plumbing symbols

Do Not Fight Monsters: Chapter 3

2024.05.29 09:14 Aeogeus Do Not Fight Monsters: Chapter 3

First Chapter/Previous Chapter
The birds chirped loudly outside and woke Tamara from her sleep. At first, she tried to ignore them and hugged her goose feather pillow hard, but it was pointless. She opened one of her eyes, and her pupil immediately contracted so much that it became paper thin.
While awake, she was in no position to get up; her body was far too cold. Tamara extended her arms and spread herself out on the bed, slowly absorbing the heat from the sunbeams that poured through her window.
As she lay there, she used this time to think.
“Why was it taking longer?” Tamara mumbled half in her head and half through her lips. When she was young, she was adamant that it took half the time; Tamara would ask her mother when she got up.
Slowly but surely, she absorbed more and more heat so that with each passing minute, she became more alert until, finally, she felt uncomfortable, and her skin flushed. It was time to get up.
Tamara slid out of bed and propped herself up; she swayed from side to side like a sapling in a breeze, her eye half open and made her way to a chest of draws. She pulled off her white nighty, shivered slightly in the chilly air, and then rummaged around for a tunic.
“The green one?” she asked herself; she shook her head, “Not today.” In the end, she settled on a crimson top and crawled into it.
Apart from a few hair accessories, this was it. Apart from Samuel, no one for miles wore more than one article of clothing. Besides the drawers was a small table with a chair arranged on the top were several items, a hairbrush with several bronze hairpins, and a collection of small stones; her favourite was a clear, shiny green one all fat at one end which ended in a sharp point at the other. A stack of papers with several writing supplies was at one end of the table.
There were also several figurines carved from wood. They were all gifts from Samuel, but the one she loved most was a terrible attempt at a Lamia; this was the first present she had received from him.
She picked up her hairbrush; she had no mirror. In fact, Tamara had no idea what a mirror was, but she did not need one and began to brush—every time she woke up, her hair appeared as though she had been struck by lightning.
Tamara ran her fingers through her hair, ensuring that she had removed all knots and that her hair was smooth. The hairbrush was placed back on the table, and a few pins were picked up. She took her hair and carefully wrapped her hair into a bun. When she was done, she gave it a few pats to ensure it was satisfactory.
Leaving the table, Tamara took a few moments to make sure she had not forgotten anything. Her room was pretty sparse, just the bed, the table and cupboard, with a small chest underneath the window; it contained several things she no longer needed but did not have the heart to throw away. Lying by its side was the same leather pouch she had used yesterday, but she would not need it today.
She turned around and left the room, gently closing the door behind her. To her left was another window, and to her right a hallway with one other room beside hers. She listened in as she passed the door but could hear no signs of life.
“Mum must be downstairs,” she thought.
At the end of the hall was a set of stairs; a faint but broad mark was visible leading down to the bottom, made by Tamara’s and her mother’s tails. Tamara added to the stairs wear, and as she reached the bottom, Tamara heard, “Finally up?”
The warm, smiling face of her mother, Pancha, was the source. Pancha was a Lamia with the same golden scales and hair. Her face was similar, except that her eyes were hazel instead of emerald green. Her hair came down to her shoulders with two plaits on one side. She wore a purple tunic with the same diamond pattern on the chest.
They both stood in the kitchen. Pancha was in front of a large metal stove beneath a window. The reason was twofold: firstly, they did not have plumbing or a boiler, so all hot water came from the stove, and secondly, it was warm. Tamara sat at the table in the centre of the room and began drumming her fingers on the wood.
“Would you like a drink?” Pancha asked.
Tamara nodded and replied, “Yeah.”
Pancha returned to the stove and filled a clay cup with hot water.
“What flavour, mint, orange, apple?” Tamara stopped for a few moments as she considered her options.
“Umm, apple, please” she answered.
Her mother carefully placed the cup in front of Tamara; there was a fine haze of steam drifting from the water, and floating inside were several slivers of apple peel. She blew on it and took a small sip; the flavour was subtle, and if she had not seen the peel, she would have thought it was plain water.
Pancha sat down opposite her daughter with a similar cup in her hand, except this one was brewing orange peel. This daily ritual was designed to add the last bit of heat that the sun did not provide, and as far as Tamara knew, every Lamia and Cicindeli in the village did it.
Outside the window, a new sound was overcoming that of the birds; it was the unmistakable sound of chatter of people.
“What do we have to do today?” Tamara asked Pancha. “Well, first, we will meet up with Odalinde and Handus in the market.”
“Why not the town hall?” Tamara interrupted.
“Because it’s too warm today,” she replied, “then we will wander about town and ask if anyone has any problems, and after that, we have the last few hours to ourselves.”
Pancha was the representative of her race just as Odalinde was for the Boreray and Handus was for the Cicindeli. They made most of the executive decisions for the village. The last major one was two years ago when Handus called for everyone not to kill Samuel on sight. Tamara was expected to take over from her mother when she was older, just as Pancha had done for Granddad Eesa.
The last few drops of water were gulped down, and the cups were given a quick wash in the sink. The stove was put out, and a small puff of soot dirtied Tamara’s face; she wiped herself down with a washcloth.
They left the kitchen by another door, which led into another hallway. To the left was the sitting room where Tamara and Pancha would spend their evenings and entertain guests. Straight ahead was one final door; beside it was a coat rack with three hooks; the two closest to the door had thick, heavy coats; the third remained vacant.
As Pancha tried to close the front door behind her, the hinge tended to jam a bit; Tamara walked into the middle of the street. Right in front of her house was the home of Mrs Caltha, Mr Davin and one of Tamara’s best friends, Becanda. The house was two stories tall, made from solid wood, usually oak or mahogany, and covered in a waterproof paste to stop the rot from setting in.
In the distance, Tamara could hear a steadily growing noise; this was the market where people met and conducted their business. Tamara felt a tap on her shoulder; she turned to see her mother smiling at her and holding out her hand. Tamara took it, and the two of them headed toward the crowd.
A few streets later, they entered the market, which was packed with Lamias, Cicindeli, and Boreray. People moved from stall to stall, picking up items they needed and chatting with their friends, which was to say, everyone. They ducked and weaved through the crowd, trying their best to avoid the dozens of people who wanted to spark up conversation.
Ahead was a series of benches arranged in a circle; several people were sitting on them talking, but no sign of Handus or Odalinde.
“Mmm, those lazy snails aren’t here yet,” stated Tamara.
Pancha turned to her daughter and said, “Don’t talk about other people like that; it’s very bad.” After which, she smiled and let out a slight snigger.
Pancha and Tamara sat down on a free bench and took the time to enjoy the peace, if not the quiet. People walking past would stop to say hello, ask how they were doing and now that they knew they weren’t late, they could indulge them. Pancha was busy talking with a turquoise Cicindeli woman called Lupita, so Tamara decided to take a little walk.
“Don’t go far!” Pancha called out.
“Yeah, I know” she replied.
At the centre of the bench circle was a giant sundial. It was scarred, carved from granite, and had been here long before Tamara was born. She ran her fingers over the stone despite the warmth of the sun beating down upon it; it was cold to the touch. It was indeed a magnificent thing, beautiful and providing a valuable service, which was a shame because hardly anyone ever noticed it, let alone used it.
Tamara remembered the story her mother had told her: around seventy years ago, there was a Cicindeli man named Lamuel. According to the tale, he was an inquisitive soul, always asking questions and hardly ever satisfied by the answers he got.
One day, he asked, “Why do we only have names for three times of the day morning, midday and night time?” “What about all the bits in between?”
After which, he divided the day into fourteen bits and built this sundial to display them.
However, despite this monumental effort, the only thing anyone had ever said about it was that it was a pretty statue.
As Tamara remembered the story, she also remembered the moral her mother had taught her, “Don’t put effort into pointless things.”
Tamara felt that the story taught two different lessons: people don’t like change, and they never notice a good thing when they have it.
The shadow cast by the gnomon pointed at the second marking on the stone, but there were no symbols, letters or numbers. Until Samuel showed up, they did not exist.
She did not know how long she had been staring at the shadow when someone behind her said, “Seen anything good?” Tamara turned around to see the smiling face of Handus.
Handus was the representative of the Cicindeli. He was a tall, well-built man with deep crimson hair, and the chitin on his arms and leg was the same. Today, Handus was wearing a deep purple tunic; on the chest were five circles stacked on each other.
Just behind him was another Cicindeli, a young man with the same crimson hair wearing a butter yellow tunic with the same pattern on his chest as Handus; his name was Tide, and he was Handus’s son.
“Good morning, Mr Handus,” Tamara said with a smile. “I was just thinking about Lamuel and why he made this,” she added, pointing to the sundial.
“Yes,” replied Handus; he paused for a moment, deep in thought and then continued, “I never knew Lamuel; he was before my time, and I won’t even pretend to understand him, but if I believe there is anyone in this village that can, it would be you.”
“What do you mean?” Tamara asked, a little confused.
“From the stories I have heard, you and Lamuel are a lot alike. You constantly ask what no one else even thinks of, and you always, always try to find your own answers,” Handus clarified.
Tamara was quiet for a few moments until she had a big, broad smile and said: “thank you, Mr Handus.”
Handus nodded and walked over to Pancha while Tide followed behind. She liked Handus; he always knew what to say and was incredibly wise, almost as wise as Samuel.
Now that she had been distracted, she could no longer focus on the sundial, so she headed towards her mother.
“Do you know what is taking Odalinde so long?” Pancha asked Handus.
“Well, if I know her, she will be fussing over Ezra and Wacey,” he said with a chuckle.
Tamara sat down beside Pancha; as she did so, Tide looked at her; he gave her a warm smile and said: “hello, Tamara.”
Tide was fourteen years old, fairly tall for his age, and carried himself with a quiet dignity; when she was younger, Tamara had found this annoying, but gradually, over time, she had come to respect it; it also did not hurt that he was easy on the eyes.
She smiled back and replied, “Hello, did you have a good morning?”
The four of them talked for several minutes, discussing mundane matters, when they were called from behind, “Sorry that we’re a little late. Wacey refused to put her dress on.”
The group turned around to see the flustered face of Odalinde. Protruding from the sides of her head were a pair of cement-coloured horns curling around once in a graceful spiral. Her hair was a gentle gold, only slightly curled and tied into a short ponytail, which was unusual for a Boreray.
Covering her chest was a thick blanket of fluffy golden wool that grew in such a way that it almost resembled a swim top. This wool also appeared on her forearms and lower legs, ending in cloven hooves.
Unlike the Lamias and Cicindeli, Boreray did not wear tunics; instead, whether male or female, they wore a skirt that came down to their knees. Today, Odalinde was sporting a white number, and on its hem were two triangles arranged parallel to one another.
Behind her trailed two others, a girl named Wacey and a boy called Ezra. They were twins and Odalinde’s children. They had the same wool as their mother and a pair of tiny horns on their heads. They had started growing when they turned six and, in the past year, had steadily gotten bigger.
They wore matching dresses, a deep shade of amber with a green symbol on their hems. “I don’t want to wear this dress; I want to wear the green one!” Wacey exclaimed, stamping her hooved foot on the floor.
“Well, tough, and don’t you even think about taking it off, or you won’t get any juice!” Odalinde replied sternly. Wacey said no more but had a deep scowl on her face.
“Well, if that’s all sorted, perhaps we can get started?” Pancha said, smiling at Odalinde.
“Yes, well, let’s begin,” Odalinde replied, clearing her throat.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you like what you've read so far and want to know where it's going you can find the complete story by following the links below.
If you do decide to read ahead please leave a review or rating, every single one helps immensely, and helps me keep doing what I'm doing.
Also the e-book will be at a reduced price until the last chapter is published on reddit.
submitted by Aeogeus to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:21 wabisuki NSV FAIL!

TLTR: This, is a story of survival.

Sundays used to be my "ME" day.
It was the one day of the week that I refused to do anything. I made no commitments to anyone. If I felt like doing something, I'd do it... and if I felt like spending the day laying in bed counting the cob webs on the ceiling (sounds oddly reminiscent of my last date), then that's exactly what I would do. I had no guilt and no regrets.
At some point in my adulthood I lost my "ME" day.
Relinquished to family illnesses to take on the relentless role of primary caregiver until death. And when it's over, you spend another few years creating sufficient chaos in your life to ensure you never have time to be still... all while desperately trying to find yourself again.
Well, by the end of 2023, I finally found my fat sorry ass.... and I didn't like her.
Long story short, 2024 kicked off the first chapter of my next captivating saga - the narrative for which is yet to unfold. But, if there is anything I'm certain of, it will have drama, conflict, mishaps and adventures.
On the tails of ringing in the New Year came a new elixir called 'Mounjaro', and with it, a recommitment to positive lifestyle practices. Things like... cooking my meals at home, more mindful eating, getting more than four hours of sleep, being a little kinder to myself, and giving myself license to hope. I'd like to say exercise too, but cut me some slack... I'm still a Work In Progress. I'll get there... eventually.
As I've shared in my previous post DOWN THE SKINCARE RABBIT HOLE, skincare has become one of my newest excellent adventures. I am more lubricated head to toe now than a Mack truck. With this new found interest in skincare I've found a quiet solace at the start and end of each day, pampering myself with all the potions that have transformed my bathroom counter into what is now a mini chemistry lab.
The road back...
Lurking in the back of my mind has been this desire to officially reclaim my Sunday "ME" day. I haven't quite managed it yet, but I feel like I'm almost there. One of the hallmarks of my past life was the Sunday bath - a symbolic way of closing off the week with a almost-too-hot-to-tolerate soak in the tub to cleanse the week away.
I have a shower every morning, but I haven't had a bath in years and years and years. Partly because I didn't have time but mostly because I got too fat. The logistics of getting in or out of a bathtub for someone who is morbidly obese is next level anxiety. Add to the mix a sore knee, sore foot, sore hip and that newly acquired menopausally rotund mid-section and it's all just a disaster waiting to happen. My entire existence these past few years has been almost solely focused on remaining upright and on my feet at all times - because if I went down, there was no guarantee I could get back up again.
So I've been waiting....
Having dropped 47 lbs since starting Mounjaro, I am finally now back in historical bath time territory. I was going to save this moment for some time in June but since it was Sunday, and I have a new bathtub I've never had the pleasure of soaking in yet, I decided today was the day for a bath!
It seemed like a great idea at the time.
I got into the tub with relative ease and dropped in at low tide. One thing I'm not 100% sure of is if the overflow drain is actually attached. The last thing I wanted to end my day with is finding out the hard way that the overflow isn't plumbed in and then having to deal with the inevitable insurance claim from the suite below.
Anyhoo.... there I am with my Budda Body FINALLY taking a bath! Another Non-Scale Victory in the making!! How exciting!! Just don't make any waves!
Then a moment of panic....
WHERE IS ALL THE WATER? It was just here!! The tub was filling up nicely and then out of nowhere half of it just disappeared on me!
Did the bathtub spring a leak????
Did my foot hit the drain and unplug it????
My heart is racing... my eyes scanning for clues.... my ears tuned for the sound of trickling water.... And then I see it... my body had created a dam - a water tight dam! And when my weight shifted, all that water that was in front of me, had suddenly flow through to the back of me.
There's no leak! I'm just still really fucking fat!
But at least that's not an insurance claim. And so we sit. And soak. And marvel at how much better my legs look under water than above water. Today is a good day. I'm finally having a bath!!! But as with everything in life... all good things must come to an end. Once I reached pruned status and the water had cooled, I realized it was time to leave this sanctuary of liquid velvet.
Suddenly I realized that while I wasn't too fat to get into the tub... I may still be too fat to get out of the tub. It's hard for me to put into words just how things unfolded from there. But if you can imagine a walrus stuck in a bathtub, panicking while it tries to roll itself out and over the edge - because that sore knee and sore foot and sore hip that I mentioned earlier were having none of it. Panicked Mad Walrus Stuck in Bathtub would be a suitable headline to describe the chaos that ensued.
I will live to see another day and I didn't even have to call Search & Rescue to come and get me. I did sprain my finger though. I am probably the only person you will ever know that sprained their finger trying to get out of a bathtub. Needless to say... my next bath is scheduled for sometime in 2025.
Not all Non-Scale Victories are a success.
submitted by wabisuki to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:56 MirkWorks Excerpt from Lacan on Love: An Exploration of Lacan's Seminar VIII, Transference by Bruce Fink (Love Triangles)

Freudian Preludes
Love Triangles
One might wonder whether anything in psychoanalysis could better illustrate what Lacan calls the “symbolic order” - an order characterized by language and structure - than love triangles. Freud devotes several papers to discussing the kinds of love triangles in which specific groups of neurotic men and women, whom he refers to as obsessives (or obsessional) and hysterics (or hysterical), all too often find themselves entangled. We shall see to what degree what we learn from this subsections of the population is applicable to human beings more generally.
Obsessives in Love
There are certain men, Freud tells us in “On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love,” who are incapable of falling in love with a woman unless she is already involved with another man. A woman is uninteresting to such men in the absence of this formal, structural, symbolic condition - a condition that obviously harks back to the Oedipal triangle where, right from the outset, boys had a rival for their mothers’ affections in the form of their fathers (and/or siblings). Freud indicates that such men need to feel jealous of and have “gratifying impulses of rivalry and hostility” toward the other man, the man who was already involved with the woman before he came on the scene.
Men who love in this way often end up having a whole series of triangular attachments proving that it is not the particular women they fall for who are important but rather the structural situation itself: a situation including a woman who is already “taken” and the man who “possesses” her. Should the woman in question leave her boyfriend, fiance, or husband, the triangle collapses and the woman is no longer of any interest to our lover, who can no longer fancy himself an interloper or invader of the other man’s territory. It is only the continued impossibility of the situation - the enduring hopelessness of ever possessing the other man’s woman - that keeps him interested; as soon as the obstacle to possession disappears, so too does his love for her.
This is an obsessive configuration insofar as the obsessive’s desire is always from something impossible: to attain an unattainable status (e.g., perfection, omniscience, or immortality), to complete and uncompletable project, or to possess what he cannot possess. In saying that the obsessive is characterized by an impossible desire, Lacan goes so far as to add that his desire is for impossibility itself. A relationship with a woman is not in and of itself appealing or gratifying enough to our obsessive: it must be mediated by a living, breathing, third party who renders his quest unrealizable, allowing him to go on dreaming “the impossible dream” (as the Broadway musical Man of La Mancha put it).
This third party may be no older than our lover, even if older men are the most enjoyable targets of his rage and shenanigans. The obsessive is most intrigued when the Other man is clearly designated, in socially recognizable linguistic terms of the historical era and culture, as having an official status as a boyfriend, lover, partner, fiance, husband, or whatever the other terms of the time and place may be (for example, mignon, favori, “favorite,” or even “servant”). Yet even when the third party simply is someone who occasionally hangs around the woman (actually or virtually), having some sort of nebulous, vague, undefined relationship with her, our obsessive can often imagine that he is far more substantial than he appears to be or than he lets on - that is, that he is a genuine father-like rival.
Although it may appear outwardly that our lover is captivated by another man’s woman, it is the Other man himself who is of libidinal centrality to him - for it is the obsessive’s competition with this Other man that gets his juices flowing, so to speak, that gets him angry or stirred up, feeling, by turns, inferior or superior to him. Consciously he believes that it is the Other man’s woman who fascinates him; unconsciously it is the battle with the Other man that fascinates him.
The ostensible goal here seems to be to defeat this man (and get his girl), just as one wished, but failed, to defeat one’s own father back in the day. Perhaps at age three to five, the young would-be father slayer felt he knew what he would do with the prize of such a glorious victory (he would be with her always, cuddle with her, and take his father’s place in the conjugal bed with her); but at age 20, 30, or 40, he no longer wants her once he wins her, should he ever - whether accidentally or inadvertently - win her.
It should be kept in mind that, although such obsessive love triangles are currently most common among men, they can also be found among women, many of whom are hardly strangers to obsession.
Let us turn now to hysterics and their triangles.
Hysterics in Love
There are certain women, Freud tells us, who are especially attuned to any expression by their beloved of even the slightest interest in another woman (the prime example he gives is that of the witty hysteric in The Interpretation of Dreams). Should he seem to appreciate, esteem, or compliment a woman he knows from work or some other context and express this in even the most tepid of terms, a chain reaction is set off: our lover becomes jealous - sometimes insanely so - and insistently inquires about this woman, seeking to discern what her beloved could possibly see in her. (Just as certain women are no strangers to obsession, certain men are no strangers to hysteria, and one can thus find such acute attunement to expressions of the partner’s interest in another in both men and women, in heterosexual and homosexual couples alike.)
The question that spurs the female hysteric on is, according to Lacan, “How can another woman be loved?” - in other words, how can this man, who professes to love me, find something to love in another? He claims to be well satisfied with me and yet along comes someone who is nothing like me and he finds plenty to praise in her! This proves that I am no longer the be-all and end-all of his existence - I must find a way to reclaim my rightful place.
“How can another woman be loved?” might be more colloquially formulated as, “What’s she got that I ain’t got?” Perhaps if I study her carefully and get to know all about her, I can fathom her secret, plumbing simultaneously the secret cause of this unsuspected desire in my beloved.
It is not terribly difficult to discern a parallel here with the little girl’s question: “Why does Daddy love Mommy more than me?” (after all, he shares his bed with her, not me, and he talks with her about my misbehavior but not with me about hers). What does he see in her? What can she give him that I can’t? One of the classic answers is a baby, explaining at least in part little girls’ interest in baby dolls, which they imagine to be babies they have had with Daddy.
Just as a little girl may observe her mother to learn how a woman must walk, talk, dress - in short, be - in order to attract Daddy, the hysteric becomes fascinated with the infamous “other woman” to learn what she must do and how she must act to captivate her beloved. Her fascination with this other woman at times goes so far as to easily surpass her interest in her beloved.
Women who can charm her man (and perhaps enchant other men as well) sometimes become so intriguing to the hysteric that the man himself becomes secondary - no more than a vehicle, vertex on a triangle, or traffic sign that points her desire in a certain direction. She begins to emulate there alluring women. Without thinking about it in most cases, she finds herself becoming like them in certain ways, even in ways that are of no interest whatsoever to her partner. She may well become fixated, for example, on clothing, hairstyles, and body shapes that are not attractive to him and that even turn him off.
Women’s preoccupation in recent decades with a look that has been fostered in the media by fashion designers and photographers for the most part - skeleton-like thinness - has rarely, if even, been appreciated by the kind of men who are actually excited by women. A vast swath of the current female population seems to have come to believe that, since such undernourished women were finding their ways to the covers of magazines, men must find such boniness glamorous and attractive, failing to realize that the fashion industry has long been dominated by men who are not especially attracted to women (and who are often even disgusted by the mature female figure, especially insofar as it differs from a prepubescent boyish figure). Men who are sexually attracted to women, like the husband of the witty hysteric in Freud’s early example, generally prefer fuller, more feminine forms to boyish figures.
Try as a man might to convince a hysterical partner that, although he finds certain women in their entourage vaguely interesting in one way or another, he is not turned on by their thinness, she may nevertheless latch onto their shape as something to imitate - after all, can he be trusted when he says he does not find that appealing? Perhaps he is just saying that to mollify me. Isn’t that the most obvious, visible difference between them and me? Perhaps he does not know his own mind and will find himself inexplicably drawn to me if I become thin like them. In any case, it is not the specific qualities or personality traits of the other woman that are so important to her; what is crucial is her structural position as someone who finds a way to elicit a desire in a partner whose desire may well be experienced by the hysteric as flagging if not altogether dead.
Now what happens if the hysteric’s love triangle collapses? Recall that the obsessive who inadvertently succeeds in break up the Other man’s relationship - or who witnesses the splitting up of the couple through no doing of his own - suddenly has no more use for the woman of his purported dreams than a fish for a bicycle. Unless there is a chance of her getting back together with her partner, in which case the regular intervention of the former partner can fuel the obsessive’s continued interest. What happens if the hysteric’s partner loses all interest in the other woman? Will the hysteric feel triumphant at having bested her rival? Perhaps momentarily, but it is likely that she will seek to discern an interest in yet another woman on her partner’s part, failing which she may go so far as to introduce a new woman to her partner in the hope of eliciting a desire in him that she may then explore.
For when there is no desire in her partner to excavate, she feels that he is dead - and then she might as well be too. Desire is, as Spinoza tells us, the essence of humankind, and we must ever be looking for something or engaged in a quest of some kind. Just as the obsessive must always have a rival rendering his desire impossible, the hysteric must always locate a desire in her partner for something outside of or beyond herself, suggesting that he is dissatisfied or suffers from a lack of satisfaction. If he wants something it must be, as Socrates would have it, because he feels that he does not have and longs for it. It is not enough if she detects a desire in him for something he does not have in a realm that does not involve her - work, sports, hobbies, or the like - for he will still be dead as concerns herself. If he does not have, or no longer has or expresses, a desire for something that involves or otherwise concerns her - as is very often the case, especially when the relationship has gone beyond the initial stages of infatuation - she may attempt to incite one in him.
It should not be thought that her goal, in detecting or eliciting such a desire in her beloved, is to satisfy him - to help him obtain, for example, whatever or whomever he wants - for once satisfied his desire would disappear and she would need to begin the whole process anew. He must continue to be wanting - feeling deprived of something - for it is his wanting that gives her a project and place in his life.
She may consciously believe that his wanting troubles and frustrates her greatly, and that she would like nothing more than to be able to give him precisely what he wants (were such a thing even possible, but more on that later). Yet were she to do so, there would be nothing left to be desired, for him or for her. And a life without desire is to be avoided at all costs, for it is tantamount to nonexistence, death.
Hence, should she like nothing more than to give him what he wants (and it is not always clear that she does), she must frustrate this tendency in herself; she must resist her own temptation. She must frustrate her own want and leave unsatisfied her own desire. This is, in part, what leads Lacan to view the hysteric as characterized by impossible desire.
Note that the parallelism between obsession and hysteria is not absolute: whereas the obsessive is ostensibly interested in another man’s woman, but is actually engrossed in rivaling with and undermining the Other man himself, the hysteric ostensibly seeks to divine the reasons for her own man’s interest in another woman, but is actually more interested in unearthing the secret of femininity through this other woman so that she can become like her, thereby becoming the very essence of Woman. The obsessive wishes to defeat and replace the Other man, the hysteric to study, imitate, and become like the other woman - at times to the point of virtually falling in love with she whom the hysteric believes holds the secret of her own femininity.
Moreover, the obsessive does not select as his rival a man who seems to catch the fancy of the obsessive’s pre-existing girlfriend or wife (his choice of a partner would then have been possible, not impossible), whereas the hysteric’s quest involves the very woman who seems to catch the fancy of her pre-existing boyfriend or husband (or even father, as in the case of Dora, where Dora becomes fascinated with Frau K. who is the mistress of Dora’s father).
The Oedipal connection seems clear enough in both cases: in his rivalry with his father for his mother’s affections, the boy undoubtedly attempts to grasp what his father has that he does not have that makes his mother prefer his father to him (the ability to earn money, physical strength, social status, a larger penis, a sense of humor, or whatever the case may be, assuming she does prefer his father to him) and may well strive to become a man like his father, if not more of a man than his father. The girl, in her rivalry with her mother for her father’s affections, similarly attempts to grasp what her mother has that she does not have that makes her father prefer her mother to her.
Although an obsessive may at times adopt a couple he encounters (to serve as parents, as it were) with whom he has no prior connection, and insert himself into it, in the majority of cases the man in the couple is already known to him - either as a friend, boss, or colleague. Indeed, he might never have paid a moment’s notice to the woman in the couple had he not been in some way taken with the man.
This friend, boss, or colleague morphs into a father-like rival for the obsessive, just as the other woman noticed by the hysteric’s male partner becomes a mother - or sister-like rival for the hysteric. The obsessive is perhaps more likely to compete directly with his rival and the hysteric more likely to emulate or model herself on her rival, but their situations are similar in many respects. In both cases, while the desires of which they are aware revolve around someone of the opposite sex, the desires of which they are unaware revolve around someone of the same sex. And in neither case is much satisfaction found - or, rather, satisfaction is far more likely to be found in the rivalry with the person of the same sex than with the person of the opposite sex.
submitted by MirkWorks to u/MirkWorks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:07 tab_rick Top 10 Best Bathroom Sinks in 2023

Top 10 Best Bathroom Sinks in 2023
Navigating the myriad options for bathroom sinks and finding the best bathroom vanities with ample storage space can be an intricate endeavor. We are committed to simplifying this process for you. Join us as we explore the top 10 bathroom sinks of 2023, shedding light on their distinguishing features, exceptional advantages, and market-leading attributes. Together, let’s identify the sink that flawlessly marries elegance and utility for your living environment.

What is the Best Bathroom Sink?

The ideal bathroom sink is a complex interplay of personal taste, spatial limitations, and design objectives. However, there are universally recognized qualities that contribute to a superior bathroom sink.

Ease of Maintenance

Effective household management necessitates reducing the time allocated for bathroom sink maintenance. Premium sinks are designed for low maintenance, featuring stain-resistant properties and ease of cleaning. Materials like solid surfaces are advantageous due to their smooth surfaces that effectively repel common bathroom stains.

Diversity in Sizes and Styles

A one-size-fits-all approach is impractical when it comes to bathroom sinks. Your choice will be influenced by spatial considerations and aesthetic preferences. Below are some standard sink dimensions:

Sink Type Size (in inches)
Drop-in Sinks 20-24
Undermount Sinks 19-22
Above-counter Sinks 15-20
Cabinet Sinks 24-48
Freestanding Sinks 18-30
Wall-hung Sinks 20-24

Drop-in Sinks

Commonly known as top-mounted sinks, drop-in sinks are favored for their straightforward installation process. These sinks are inserted into a pre-cut hole in the countertop, with the rim sitting above it. This configuration offers a contemporary look and serves as a practical solution for settings that prioritize both aesthetics and utility.

Undermount Sinks

Undermount sinks are affixed beneath the countertop, delivering a streamlined and modern appearance. Preferred for minimalist settings, the lack of a rim simplifies cleaning and eliminates the possibility of debris accumulation.

Above-counter Sinks

Also referred to as vessel sinks, above-counter sinks are positioned entirely atop the countertop, serving as a striking design element. Available in a variety of materials like solid surface, ceramic, or copper, these sinks offer businesses an opportunity to make a visual impact.

Cabinet Sinks

Combining storage and sink into a unified structure, cabinet sinks are perfect for those requiring additional storage for toiletries and other essentials. These sinks often come with soft-close drawers and are crafted from diverse materials such as hardwood, engineered wood, teak, and plywood, delivering both functionality and style.

Freestanding Sinks

Freestanding sinks, including freestanding vanities, stand independently, not requiring a countertop or vanity for support. These sinks are particularly well-suited for spacious environments aiming for a refined aesthetic. Made from high-quality materials like solid surface or porcelain, are both durable and low-maintenance. Their design flexibility allows them to serve as eye-catching focal points when complemented with stylish faucets.

Wall-hung Sinks

Wall-hung sinks, sometimes referred to as wall-mounted sinks, are designed to maximize floor space in compact bathrooms or powder rooms. They are directly mounted to the wall, often featuring built-in faucet holes and a small ledge for storing toiletries. Crafted from robust materials like solid surface or stainless steel, wall-mount sinks ensure lasting performance.

Multifunction Design

The quintessential bathroom sink should surpass mere washing capabilities. It should epitomize a fusion of convenience and advanced utility, taking into consideration the available space in the bathroom. Features such as integrated storage solutions and adaptable faucet hole configurations are essential to cater to a broad spectrum of plumbing prerequisites. The strategic inclusion of overflow drains is indispensable to counteract potential water spillage. During the selection phase, it’s paramount to juxtapose these functional nuances with sophisticated aesthetics. Facets like soft-close drawers and innovative shelving solutions augment the sink’s multifaceted utility. It’s also vital to appraise the spatial dynamics of the bathroom to ensure an impeccable integration.

Superior Materials

The material pedigree of a bathroom sink is instrumental in ascertaining its enduring appeal and resilience. Options span from the perennial sophistication of porcelain to the stalwart resilience of stainless steel and copper. It becomes imperative to select a sink that is impervious to stains, adept at handling thermal variances from hot water, and exhibits unwavering durability over extended periods. Whether one’s inclination is towards a cutting-edge solid surface sink or a vintage wooden basin, the chosen piece should resonate with both utilitarian needs and refined aesthetic inclinations. Such a choice guarantees a harmonious amalgamation with the overarching bathroom decor while ensuring a lot of storage for quintessential items at an affordable price point.

Solid Surface Bathroom Sinks

Dive into the realm of solid surface bathroom sinks, a pinnacle of modern bathroom design. These sinks are meticulously crafted from a unique blend of high-grade resins and aluminum hydroxide powder. This combination results in a pristine, pore-free surface that marries aesthetic charm with functional utility. Notably, the use of premium isophthalic resin ensures the sink remains resistant to yellowing over its lifespan.

Key Features of Solid Surface Bathroom Sinks

  • Seamless Design: These sinks offer a seamless, ultra-smooth finish, enhancing aesthetics while ensuring optimal hygiene due to the absence of crevices for bacterial growth.
  • Countertop Integration: Their ability to merge flawlessly with solid surface countertops provides a cohesive, modern look, perfect for businesses aiming for a streamlined design.
  • Heat and Stain Resistance: The fusion of top-tier resins with aluminum powder grants these sinks remarkable resistance to stains and heat, making them ideal for busy bathroom settings.
  • Good Durability: Constructed for longevity, solid surface sinks are a wise investment for establishments looking for enduring solutions.
  • Eco-friendly: Their extended lifespan ensures sustainability, reducing frequent replacements and lessening environmental strain.
  • Mold and Moisture Resistance: Solid surface bathroom sinks, being non-porous, effectively combat high humidity levels.
  • Swift Installation: Solid surface sinks ensure a smooth and quick setup, reducing construction time.

Maintenance of Solid Surface Bathroom Sinks

Maintaining these sinks is straightforward. Their non-porous nature wards off stains, and a quick wipe with a damp cloth paired with a mild detergent is all it takes to maintain their pristine look. Simple and hassle-free.

Stone Bathroom Sinks

Stone bathroom sinks, meticulously crafted from natural materials such as granite, quartz, and marble, are synonymous with luxury and elegance. Their inherent beauty, derived from nature, ensures that each sink stands as a unique masterpiece, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any bathroom.

Key Features of Stone Bathroom Sinks

  • Distinctive Aesthetics: Whether it’s the intricate patterns of granite or the sleek finish of quartz, each stone sink narrates its own enchanting tale.
  • Robust Durability: Owing to their natural constitution, stone sinks offer unparalleled durability, making them a prudent long-term asset for establishments.
  • Heat Resilience: These sinks demonstrate commendable resistance to elevated temperatures, ensuring they remain unscathed from hot tools like hair straighteners.

Maintenance of Stone Bathroom Sinks

For stone bathroom sinks to retain their pristine condition, consistent and appropriate care is paramount. Periodic sealing is vital to ward off stains and maintain the sink’s sheen. For daily upkeep, opt for a mild, pH-balanced cleanser and steer clear of abrasive agents that might mar the surface.

Acrylic Bathroom Sinks

Acrylic sinks are the unsung heroes in the world of bathroom fixtures. Lightweight, affordable, and available in a myriad of designs, they’re a popular choice for many businesses.

Key Features of Acrylic Bathroom Sinks

  • Lightweight: Acrylic sinks are easy to handle and install, making them a favorite among plumbers and contractors.
  • Easy Installation: Their lightweight nature means they can be installed quickly, reducing labor costs.
  • Good Impact Resistance: Drop something heavy? No worries. Acrylic sinks are designed to withstand impacts.
  • Affordable: On a tight budget? Acrylic sinks offer a balance of quality and affordability.

Maintenance of Acrylic Bathroom Sinks

Acrylic sinks are a breeze to maintain. A simple wipe with a soft cloth and mild detergent will keep them shining. Avoid using abrasive cleaners as they can scratch the surface.

Porcelain Bathroom Sinks

Ah, porcelain, the classic choice. Known for its smooth and glossy surface, porcelain sinks have graced bathrooms for decades. Crafted from vitreous china, they’re a symbol of elegance and sophistication.

Key Features of Porcelain Bathroom Sinks

  • Smooth and Glossy Surface: Porcelain sinks have a lustrous finish that adds a touch of luxury to any bathroom.
  • Resistance to Fading: These sinks retain their color and shine for years, ensuring they look as good as new even after prolonged use.
  • Hygienic and Easy to Clean: The smooth surface of porcelain sinks means there are fewer crevices for dirt and bacteria to hide, making them a hygienic choice.

Maintenance of Porcelain Bathroom Sinks

Maintaining porcelain sinks is straightforward. A gentle cleaner and a soft cloth are all you need to keep them in pristine condition. Regularly rinse and wipe to prevent mineral deposits from forming.

Fiberglass Bathroom Sinks

Fiberglass sinks might not be the first choice that pops into your mind, but they’ve been making waves in the industry. Known for their impact resistance and lightweight nature, they’re a practical choice for businesses that prioritize functionality without compromising on aesthetics.

Key Features of Fiberglass Bathroom Sinks

  • Impact Resistance: Life happens. And sometimes, that means accidentally dropping a heavy object into your sink. With fiberglass, you’ve got a buffer. These sinks are designed to absorb shocks, reducing the risk of cracks or breaks.
  • Lightweight: One of the standout features of fiberglass sinks is their weight—or lack thereof. This makes installation a breeze, especially in spaces where a heavy stone or ceramic sink might be impractical.
  • Temperature Sensitivity: Now, while fiberglass is a champ in many areas, it’s a bit sensitive to extreme temperatures. It’s something to keep in mind if you’re in an environment where hot tools like hair straighteners might come in contact with the sink.

Maintenance of Fiberglass Bathroom Sinks

Taking care of a fiberglass sink is pretty straightforward. Regular cleaning with a non-abrasive cleaner will keep it looking spick and span. It’s also a good idea to avoid exposing the sink to high temperatures for prolonged periods.

Stainless Steel Bathroom Sinks

Stainless steel isn’t just for your kitchen. Over the years, stainless steel bathroom sinks have gained popularity, especially in commercial settings. They’re durable, resistant to corrosion, and offer a sleek, modern look that many businesses crave.

Key Features of Stainless Steel Bathroom Sinks

  • Lightweight: Much like their fiberglass counterparts, stainless steel sinks are relatively light, making them easy to install.
  • Resistance to Corrosion: One of the major benefits of stainless steel is its resistance to rust and corrosion. This makes it an ideal choice for high-moisture environments like bathrooms.
  • Affordable: If you’re looking for a sink that offers durability without breaking the bank, stainless steel might be your best bet.

Maintenance of Stainless Steel Bathroom Sinks

Maintaining a stainless steel sink is simple. Regular cleaning with a mild detergent will do the trick. To prevent water spots, it’s a good idea to wipe the sink dry after use. And if you want to keep it shiny, an occasional polish with a stainless steel cleaner will have it gleaming like new.

Composite Bathroom Sinks

Composite sinks are the unsung heroes in the world of bathroom fixtures. Made from a blend of materials, often including granite or quartz combined with resins, these sinks offer durability and a unique aesthetic appeal.

Key Features of Composite Bathroom Sinks

  • Good Durability: Composite sinks can withstand the rigors of daily use. They’re resistant to scratches, dings, and can handle high temperatures.
  • Compatibility with Surrounding Materials: One of the standout features of composite sinks is their ability to blend seamlessly with various countertop materials, be it granite, quartz, or even hardwood.
  • Various Styles: Whether you’re going for a modern look or a more traditional vibe, there’s a composite sink out there that’ll fit the bill.

Maintenance of Composite Bathroom Sinks

Composite sinks are relatively low maintenance. It usually only needs regular cleaning with a non-abrasive cleaner to keep it looking its best. For tougher stains, a gentle scrub with a soft brush can work wonders.

Cast Iron Bathroom Sinks

Cast iron sinks are like the grand old dames of the bathroom world. They’ve been around for ages, and there’s a good reason for that. With their excellent stain resistance and easy-to-clean nature, they’ve earned their place in many a bathroom, be it in a chic boutique hotel or a bustling business center.

Key Features of Cast Iron Bathroom Sinks

  • Excellent Stain Resistance: Ever spilled red wine or dropped lipstick on the sink? With cast iron, there’s no need to panic. These sinks are resistant to most stains, ensuring they will stay in pristine condition even after accidental spills.
  • Sound Dampening: One of the lesser known benefits of cast iron sinks is their ability to insulate sound. So no more loud echoes when you drop something in the sink.
  • Easy to Clean: The enamel coating on cast iron sinks makes cleaning a breeze. A simple wipe with a damp cloth, and voila! It’s as good as new.

Maintenance of Cast Iron Bathroom Sinks

Maintaining a cast iron sink is straightforward. Regular cleaning with a mild detergent will keep it shining. It’s also a good idea to avoid using abrasive cleaners as they can damage the enamel coating.

Copper Bathroom Sinks

Copper bathroom sinks are a unique and intriguing choice for businesses looking to blend aesthetic charm with functional benefits. Known for their natural antibacterial properties, these sinks offer a distinct advantage in terms of hygiene. Crafted usually from a single sheet of copper and often hand-hammered, each sink is a unique piece of functional art. Over time, copper develops a patina, a natural layer that not only protects the material but also enhances its aesthetic appeal. This evolving characteristic makes copper sinks a living, changing element in your bathroom design.

Key Features of Copper Bathroom Sinks

  • Antibacterial Properties: Copper sinks are pretty amazing for a few reasons. First, they have natural germ-fighting powers. Studies show that copper can kill almost all bacteria it touches, which is a big deal for places like hospitals where cleanliness is super important. This special antibacterial property sets copper sinks apart from others.
  • Unique Aesthetic: But that’s not all! Copper sinks have a unique look that’s both old-fashioned and modern. The warm colors of copper and solid brass add a fancy and sophisticated feel to any bathroom. Each sink is handmade, so no two are exactly the same. They might have different textures and shades, which makes them special. Over time, copper develops a beautiful aged look, sort of like an antique.
  • Good Durability: And guess what? Copper sinks are tough too. They’re made to handle the wear and tear of everyday use. Copper doesn’t easily corrode, so your sink will stay looking good and working well for a long time. Unlike other sinks that can crack or chip easily, copper sinks are built to last.

Maintenance of Copper Bathroom Sinks

To keep your copper sink looking its best, you need to take good care of it. Avoid using harsh or rough cleaners because they can remove the natural patina that forms on the copper surface. Stick to gentle cleaners to preserve its beauty and functionality.

Concrete Bathroom Sinks

Concrete bathroom sinks have gained prominence as a fashionable selection for contemporary bathroom designs. Known for their robustness, versatility, and industrial aesthetic, these sinks are highly favored by businesses aiming to elevate their interior décor.

Key Features of Concrete Bathroom Sinks

  • Design Flexibility: One of the most significant benefits of concrete sinks is their adaptability in design. Unlike mass-produced sinks, concrete variants can be tailored to meet specific design requirements, offering a wide range of shapes and sizes for individualized style.
  • Exceptional Durability: Beyond their aesthetic appeal, concrete sinks are engineered for longevity. The intrinsic strength of concrete renders these sinks highly resilient to common forms of damage such as cracking, chipping, and general wear and tear.
  • Heat and Stain Resistance: The natural heat-resistant properties of concrete make it an excellent material for accommodating hot items like hairstyling tools. Additionally, when properly sealed, these sinks demonstrate strong resistance to stains from everyday bathroom products, thus facilitating easier cleaning and maintenance.

Maintenance of Concrete Bathroom Sinks

While concrete sinks offer numerous advantages, they do necessitate more frequent maintenance compared to other materials like porcelain or stainless steel. Regular sealing is essential to guard against water damage and staining. For daily cleaning, the use of a mild, non-acidic cleaner is advised.

Why Choose Solid Surface Bathroom Sinks?

Solid surface bathroom sinks have emerged as a top choice for homeowners and designers alike due to their seamless integration, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Here is a list of solid surface bathroom sinks you can find out:

Dimension Rating
Durability ★★★★★
Aesthetic Appeal ★★★★★
Maintenance ★★★★★
Customization ★★★★★
Cost ★★★★☆
Eco-friendly ★★★★☆
Installation Complexity ★★★★☆
Mold and Moisture Resistance ★★★★★
Fire-Resistance ★★★★★

KKR: Supplier of High Quality Solid Surface Bathroom Sinks

KKR stands as a paramount figure in the realm of solid surface bathroom sinks, with a distinct focus on OEM and ODM services. Their unwavering dedication to precision, innovation, and superior quality is evident in every sink they produce, striking a harmonious blend of refined aesthetics, exceptional functionality, and enduring resilience.
Every creation from KKR is a testament to their dedication to masterful craftsmanship. Crafted using premium-grade resins and elite aluminum powder, their sinks boast a lustrous finish that not only captivates the eye but promises sustained performance over the years.
For enterprises aiming to curate a cohesive and opulent bathroom ambiance, KKR’s offerings are unparalleled. Their sinks are ingeniously designed to integrate flawlessly with diverse countertop materials, from quartz and granite to hardwood. This versatility empowers businesses to tailor the bathroom ambiance, aligning with the sophisticated tastes of their clientele.

Expertise in OEM and ODM Services

KKR’s prowess transcends mere product fabrication. Their OEM and ODM services are a reflection of their profound industry insights and adaptability. Whether you’re a brand with a vision to craft sinks tailored to your specifications or in search of a collaborator to conceptualize and produce a distinctive product range, KKR’s expertise ensures your aspirations are brought to life with precision and utmost professionalism.

Excellent Capabilities for Solid Surface Products

Renowned as a vanguard in solid surface bathroom sink manufacturing, KKR’s expertise in producing superior solid surface countertops is unparalleled. They are adept at delivering products endowed with attributes like warp resistance, color retention, innate sheen, and a flawless finish. As an industry trailblazer, KKR presents an extensive array of customization avenues, encompassing dimensions, designs, hues, sink and faucet configurations, and choices in rim, backsplash, contour, and surface finishes. With an unwavering commitment to quality and client contentment, KKR further enhances the customer journey with an exhaustive after-sales support system.


Navigating the diverse array of bathroom sink choices, encompassing solid surfaces, gleaming stainless steel, and avant-garde composite designs, can be intricate. Yet, with judicious selection and the backing of esteemed brands like KKR, enterprises can assuredly procure products that not only elevate their aesthetic appeal but are also engineered for longevity.
Allocating resources to pivotal elements of business infrastructure, such as bathroom amenities, necessitates collaboration with industry frontrunners. KKR, leveraging its OEM and ODM expertise, guarantees that your capital is channeled into a seamless fusion of aesthetic finesse and unwavering functionality for the long haul.
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:23 Ill_Coach_8436 Drawing Techniques

Could anyone help me in providing study material for the following syllabus. Thank you.
  1. Drawing Techniques
2.1 Drawing sheet: Types, composition and its essential component
2.2 Suitable scales, site plans, preliminary drawings, working drawings, as built drawing
2.3 Theory of projection drawing: perspective, orthographic and axonometric projection; first and third angle projection
2.4 Drafting tools, equipment and software
2.5 Drafting conventions and symbols
2.6 Topographic, electrical, plumbing and structural drawings
2.7 Techniques of free hand drawing
submitted by Ill_Coach_8436 to IOENepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:42 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Lampasas Tx

Best Things to Do in Lampasas Tx
Best Things to Do in Lampasas Tx Welcome to Lampasas, Texas, where adventure awaits! Join us as we uncover the best things to do in our charming town.Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the Hanna Springs Sculpture Garden, explore the natural beauty of Cooper Spring Nature Park, and cool off in the historic Hancock Springs.But the fun doesn't stop there! Discover Colorado Bend State Park, the World's Largest Spur, Lampasas Murals, and the exquisite Texas Legato Winery.Whether you seek outdoor adventure, culture, or relaxation, Lampasas has it all. Let's embark on an unforgettable journey together.Key TakeawaysLampasas offers a variety of outdoor attractions, including the Hanna Springs Sculpture Garden, Cooper Spring Nature Park, Hancock Springs, and Colorado Bend State Park.The town is known for its natural springs, which provide opportunities for swimming, picnicking, and outdoor activities.Lampasas has several landmarks and historic sites to explore, such as the World's Largest Spur, Lampasas Murals, Keystone Square Museum, and Lampasas County Courthouse.Visitors can also enjoy wineries and tasting rooms, delicious food at the Lampasas Drive-In, comfortable accommodation at the Best Western Plus Lampasas Inn & Suites, golfing at the Hancock Park Golf Course, and learning about the town's history at the Lampasas County Museum.Outdoor AttractionsLet's explore the outdoor attractions in Lampasas, TX. There are plenty of things to do in Lampasas that will satisfy your desire for freedom and adventure.One must-visit outdoor attraction is the Hanna Springs Sculpture Garden. Located in Campbell Park, this garden is owned by the City of Lampasas and was inspired by local artist Nancy Gray. It was dedicated on July 8, 2005, and features stunning sculptures created by three talented artists.Another outdoor gem in Lampasas is the Cooper Spring Nature Park. This 25-acre park is committed to preserving soil and water resources while providing sustainable homes for native birds and butterflies. You can take a leisurely stroll along the walking trails, relax on the benches, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Don't miss the historic spring and the flowing Burleson Creek that add to the park's charm.For a refreshing dip, head to Hancock Springs. This outdoor attraction boasts a large pool with waters flowing from a cool spring. It's the perfect place to relax and unwind. In addition to the pool, there's a multipurpose room, playground, picnic area, and volleyball court, making it a great spot for the whole family.If you're up for more outdoor adventures, make sure to visit Colorado Bend State Park. Located in Bend, Texas, this 5,328.3-acre state park offers campsites for overnight stays and a range of activities. Explore the Gorman Falls, take a dip in the river for fishing and paddling, go on cave tours, and hike and bike on the scenic trails. It's a nature lover's paradise.Lampasas is also known for its natural springs, where you can enjoy a refreshing swim and relax in the nearby picnic spots. The natural beauty of these springs creates the ideal setting for outdoor activities.In Lampasas, there are plenty of outdoor attractions to explore, each offering a unique experience. Whether you're into art, nature, or simply want to relax, Lampasas has something for everyone. So, pack your bags and get ready for an adventure in Lampasas, TX!Landmarks and Historic SitesWe can explore the many landmarks and historic sites in Lampasas, TX. One notable landmark is the World's Largest Spur, located off Highway 281. Standing at an impressive 10.33 meters tall, 6.44 meters long, and 2.65 meters broad, it was accomplished by Leah Caruthers and Abe Caruthers on February 3, 2017. This colossal spur was created to increase tourism in Lampasas, Texas, and serves as a unique photo opportunity for visitors.Another fascinating attraction is the Lampasas Murals, created by the volunteer group Vision Lampasas. These beautiful murals depict the history and culture of the area, featuring subjects such as boots, wildflowers, wildlife, historic buildings, and local music icons. Each project required over 1,000 man-hours of dedication from the volunteers, resulting in stunning artwork that adds vibrancy to downtown Lampasas.For those interested in the town's history, the Keystone Square Museum is a must-visit. Housed in a former plumbing and sheet metal shop, this museum has been run by volunteers since 1976. It preserves period artifacts related to Lampasas' history and offers an engaging indoor activity, especially on rainy or cold days.Another landmark that showcases Lampasas' rich history is the Lampasas County Courthouse. This historic limestone courthouse, dating back to the late 19th century, is the third-oldest functioning courthouse in Texas. It stands as an iconic symbol of the town and is a place where visitors can immerse themselves in the town's heritage and appreciate its architectural beauty.Exploring these landmarks and historic sites allows us to connect with Lampasas' past and appreciate the town's unique character. Whether it's taking memorable photos at the World's Largest Spur, admiring the Lampasas Murals, or delving into the town's history at the Keystone Square Museum and County Courthouse, these attractions offer a glimpse into Lampasas' vibrant heritage.Wineries and Tasting RoomsOur first stop on the winery and tasting room tour is Texas Legato Winery, located at 2935 FM 1478 in Lampasas, Texas. Here, you can indulge in a delightful wine tasting experience while enjoying the peaceful ambiance of the vineyard. To entice you further, here are three reasons why Texas Legato Winery should be on your must-visit list:Family-Owned and Operated: Texas Legato Winery is a family-owned and operated establishment that was established in 2002. The name 'Legato' represents the gathering together of family and friends, reflecting the warm and welcoming atmosphere you can expect when you visit. This winery isn't just a business, but a labor of love that has been passed down through generations.Highly-Rated Wines: The wines produced at Texas Legato Winery have garnered high praise and recognition. From crisp whites to full-bodied reds, their selection offers something to please every palate. Whether you're a wine connoisseur or simply enjoy a good glass, you'll be impressed by the quality and craftsmanship of their wines.Tasting Room and Vineyard Views: At Texas Legato Winery, you can savor your wine tasting experience in their charming tasting room or on the scenic patio overlooking the vineyard. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding landscape as you sip on your favorite wine. It's the perfect setting to relax, unwind, and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into each bottle.With our taste buds tantalized by the fine wines at Texas Legato Winery, let's now move on to the next section to explore the delectable food and dining options that Lampasas has to offer.Food and DiningThe Lampasas Drive-In is undeniably a must-visit spot for food and dining enthusiasts in Lampasas, Texas. This family-owned and operated establishment holds the title of being Elvis Presley's favorite food spot. As you step inside, you'll be greeted with a warm and inviting atmosphere, reminiscent of the classic American diners of the past. The menu at the Lampasas Drive-In is filled with delicious options that will satisfy any craving.One of the standout items on the menu is their famous burgers. Sink your teeth into a juicy, perfectly cooked patty topped with all your favorite fixings. The flavors meld together in a mouthwatering explosion that will leave you wanting more. And don't forget to order a side of their must-try curly fries. These crispy, golden delights are the perfect accompaniment to any meal.But the Lampasas Drive-In offers more than just burgers. Their menu also features a variety of other classic dishes, including hot dogs, chicken tenders, and sandwiches. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty meal or a quick bite to eat, you'll find something to satisfy your cravings here.In addition to the delicious food, the Lampasas Drive-In also offers a nostalgic dining experience. Step back in time as you enjoy your meal in the comfort of your car or at one of the picnic tables outside. The friendly and attentive staff will ensure that your dining experience is enjoyable from start to finish.AccommodationWhat are some convenient accommodation options near Lampasas attractions? Here are three options to consider:Best Western Plus Lampasas Inn & Suites: This hotel is a recommended choice for its close proximity to Lampasas attractions. With comfortable and modern rooms, you can expect a pleasant stay. The hotel also offers excellent customer service and great amenities to enhance your experience.The Inn at Lampasas: Located in the heart of Lampasas, The Inn at Lampasas is another convenient accommodation option. This charming inn provides comfortable and cozy rooms, perfect for a relaxing stay. You'll also appreciate the friendly staff and their commitment to ensuring your comfort.Lampasas RV Park: For those looking for a unique accommodation experience, Lampasas RV Park is a great choice. This park offers spacious RV sites with full hookups, allowing you to enjoy the comforts of home while exploring Lampasas. The park also features amenities such as a swimming pool, laundry facilities, and a clubhouse.No matter which accommodation option you choose, you'll be able to enjoy the attractions of Lampasas with ease. From the outdoor beauty of Hanna Springs Sculpture Garden and Cooper Spring Nature Park to the historic landmarks like the World's Largest Spur and Lampasas County Courthouse, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this vibrant town.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Annual Events or Festivals Held in Lampasas, Texas?Yes, there are annual events and festivals held in Lampasas, Texas. These events bring the community together and offer a chance to celebrate local culture.From the Lampasas Spring Ho Festival, featuring parades, live music, and a carnival, to the Lampasas County Fair and Rodeo, showcasing thrilling rodeo performances and agricultural exhibits, there's something for everyone to enjoy.These events are a great way to experience the lively spirit of Lampasas and create lasting memories.What Are Some Popular Hiking Trails Near Lampasas?Some popular hiking trails near Lampasas include the trails at Cooper Spring Nature Park, Colorado Bend State Park, and Gorman Falls.These trails offer scenic views, opportunities to explore nature, and a chance to immerse ourselves in the beauty of the Texas Hill Country region.Whether we're seeking a leisurely stroll or a more challenging hike, these trails provide a great outdoor experience for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.Is There a Visitor Center or Tourist Information Office in Lampasas?Yes, there's a visitor center in Lampasas. It serves as a helpful resource for tourists and provides information about the city's attractions, events, and local businesses.The friendly staff at the visitor center can offer recommendations on the best things to do in Lampasas, such as visiting the outdoor attractions like the Hanna Springs Sculpture Garden or exploring the historic landmarks like the World's Largest Spur.Can You Recommend Any Unique Shopping Experiences in Lampasas?Sure!Lampasas offers some unique shopping experiences. You'll find local artisans and vendors at the Lampasas Farmers Market, where you can discover fresh produce and homemade goods.For a different kind of shopping, check out the Keystone Square Museum, housed in a former plumbing and sheet metal shop, which preserves period artifacts related to Lampasas' history.These shopping spots provide a chance to support local businesses while immersing yourself in the town's rich heritage.Are There Any Guided Tours Available to Explore the Natural Springs in Lampasas?Yes, there are guided tours available to explore the natural springs in Lampasas. These tours offer a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of the springs and learn about their significance.Led by knowledgeable guides, you'll discover the history and ecological importance of these natural wonders. From refreshing swims to relaxing picnic spots, the natural springs in Lampasas provide an ideal setting for outdoor activities.Don't miss out on this unique experience during your visit to Lampasas!ConclusionIn conclusion, Lampasas, Texas offers a wide range of activities and attractions for all interests. With beautiful outdoor attractions like the Hanna Springs Sculpture Garden and Cooper Spring Nature Park, there's something for everyone to enjoy.The town also boasts a rich history showcased in landmarks and murals. Visitors can explore the historical sites and learn about the town's past.For those who appreciate fine wine, Lampasas offers delicious wine tasting experiences at Texas Legato Winery. Visitors can sample a variety of wines and learn about the winemaking process.Overall, Lampasas is a charming town that has so much to offer. It's no wonder that 80% of visitors leave feeling inspired and rejuvenated. Don't miss out on exploring this hidden gem for yourself.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:43 LordXamon Vanilla-friendly mod recommendations. QoL, performance, retextures, and more!

Let me share my 3000h of modded wisdom with you, my fellow vanilla comrades. My attempt here is to provide you with as many as possible improvements to the base game while keeping the style, balance, and content as vanilla as possible. As they say, when it works the best is when you don't realize it is there. I guarantee you that after playing for a while with these, you will no longer be able to tell what's from the base game and what's not.
You don't know how to mod? Maybe this very basic guide will help. Please, note that many mods come with options to tune up your experience. It is recommended you give them a look.
You can find the steam collection here. Be aware that some of these mods require the DLCs. You don't have the DLCs? Just don't use the mod.
Minor changes
Major changes
Atmospheric changes
Bonus: comics! And the occasional animation. I noticed newbies aren't aware of these, so I linked the profiles of all the artists I could remember. Sorry if I missed someone. u/daleksdeservevictory, u/AzulCrescent, u/AetherealVanguard, u/ATTF , u/Aelanna , srgrafo, u/Fonzawa, u/Ivancmedia, u/zyll3, u/meto30, u/AeolysScribbles, u/cavalier753, u/GABESTFY, u/VectorData, u/arxian, u/Nguyenanh2132, u/sorrowful_dance, u/meto30, u/-desdinova-, u/truffli
submitted by LordXamon to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:11 tab_rick The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Most Comfortable Bathtub For You

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Most Comfortable Bathtub For You

The Value of Choosing the Right Bathtub

The bathtub occupies a crucial role in our homes and is frequently thought of as a calm sanctuary. It’s not simply a place to get clean; it’s also a place to relax, think, and find comfort after a long day. Given the wide variety of forms and styles on the market, selecting the most comfortable bathtub may be a painstaking process. The decision should not be made carelessly because the ideal bathtub may greatly improve bathing comfort and promote well-being.

Knowing Bathtub Shapes and How They Affect Comfort

The comfort of a bathtub is significantly influenced by its form. It affects the quantity of water the tub can hold, how it fits in your bathroom, and how one’s body lays inside of it. The soaking experience is directly impacted by the geometry of a bathtub’s form. For instance, oval and slipper tubs are popular options for people looking for a pleasant bath with back support because of their gentle curves, which offer a natural recline that supports the back and neck. On the other hand, unless properly created with ergonomic considerations, square or rectangular tubs, with their clean lines, may give a more modern style but may influence comfort.

Type 1: Oval Shape Tubs: The Classic Choice

Oval tubs have endured because of its timeless shape that works with a variety of bathroom aesthetics.

Advantages of oval shape for relaxing

In particular, oval bathtubs are linked with comfort thanks to their shape. Its delicate contours let your neck and back naturally recline, encouraging a calm posture. Oval bathtubs are safer since they don’t have any sharp corners, especially in homes with kids. Oval tubs are favored by 37% of homeowners, which reflects their lasting appeal, according to a Houzz poll.

Situational recommendations for oval tubs

Oval bathtubs possess versatility and can seamlessly complement both traditional and contemporary bathroom aesthetics. They are particularly suited for spacious bathrooms, where they can serve as a luxurious centerpiece. Additionally, smaller versions are also readily available to accommodate compact spaces, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a comfortable bathing experience in smaller spaces. Oval baths are an excellent choice for couples seeking to share their bath time.

Type 2: Round Shape Tubs: Embracing Circular Comfort

Round bathtubs are a representation of luxury and space and provide a distinctive bathing experience.

The advantages of round tubs’ roomy design

There is plenty of space to sprawl out and unwind in a round tub because of its form. After a stressful day, they are a wonderful way to unwind. They are an excellent choice for a protracted, leisurely soak due to their vast dimensions. 41% of bathers, according to an MTI Baths survey, prefer a longer soak, which is possible thanks to the huge water storage capacity of circular tubs.

Ideal situations for selecting a circular bathtub

Larger bathrooms and rooms with lots of space are ideal for using round bathtubs. They provide an impression of grandeur and elegance and act as a lavish focal point. They might not be the greatest option for small bathrooms because of their size. If you have enough space, a circular tub is a terrific option for anybody looking for the most comfortable bathtub because it may greatly enhance the bathroom’s aesthetic and comfort level.

Type 3: Corner Shape Tubs: The Ultimate Fusion of Luxury and Practicality

Corner baths are the ultimate in elegance and functionality for the discriminating homeowner who refuses to compromise. Why settle for the mundane when you may upgrade your bathing experience even in the most intimate of settings?

Why are Corner Tubs the King of Space-Saving Designs?

Corner tubs are more than simply bathtubs; they are a fashion declaration. They are cleverly designed to slip neatly into nooks and convert even the tiniest bathrooms into luxurious retreats. Consider creating a spa-like sanctuary in your own home, replete with built-in seats and the relaxing embrace of whirlpool jets. For individuals who like bath time rituals, these tubs provide plenty of room for your favorite bath toys, books, or perhaps a glass of wine. It’s more than simply a bath; it’s an experience with all the bells and whistles.

Choosing the Ideal Corner Tub: Aesthetics and Functionality

When it comes to corner bathtubs, it’s all about creating your own little hideaway. To guarantee a flawless fit, consider the size of your bathroom as well as the peculiarities of your plumbing. Dive into the universe of design options, from the classic beauty of the triangle shape to the modern flare of rounded corner bathtubs.

Type 4: The Unique Charm of Drop-In Shape Tubs

Drop-in bathtubs offer a unique blend of practicality and aesthetics, delivering a modern look and a relaxing bathing experience.

Benefits of installing drop-in bathtubs economically

Regardless of the tub’s form, drop-in tubs are often less costly and simpler to install than standalone tubs. Due to its placement inside a deck or similar pre-designed surroundings, this type of tub may effortlessly fit into the bathroom’s decor. An integrated drop-in bathtub, like the sort of tub, is the ideal choice for homeowners who are constrained by space but yet want to enjoy a high-quality bathing experience.

When designing drop-ins, take aesthetics into consideration.

Like acrylic tubs, drop-in tubs come in a number of shapes, allowing homeowners a choice of ornamental possibilities. Add stunning tile work or a distinctive deck material to them to create an amazing bathroom focal point. Because of the many different design options, drop-in tubs, like the acrylic tub, are a popular alternative for homeowners searching for a modern and comfortable bathtub solution that also preserves water temperature.

Type 5: The Elegant Slipper Shape Tubs and Their Appeal

Slipper baths provide a stylish and comfortable bathing option with its distinctive high-back design.

The advantages of ergonomic slipper baths

The high-back design of slipper tubs, which provides exceptional neck and back support, makes them among the most comfortable bathtub alternatives for long soaks. They are well-liked by those seeking a lavish bathing experience since they have a historic allure and make the bathroom seem sumptuous.

Maximizing the slipper tub in your bathroom

Because of its unique style, slipper bathtubs may draw attention in any bathroom. Bathrooms with a vintage or classic design in particular benefit from their old-world charm. When placing the slipper tub, make sure it is in the middle of the room, with one side of the tub featuring a slope for back support and the drain on the other side. It might be placed next to a window for a serene view or in the center for a striking effect. Add vintage fixtures and dim lighting to it to make it more appealing.
Modern slipper baths strike a balance between design and use by having a traditional look with modern comforts. If you’re making your very own private retreat, a single slipper bath is ideal, has a drain on the opposite side, and only has one side with a slope for back support.

Type 6: Square Shape Tubs: Modernity and Minimalism

With its distinct edges and crisp lines, square bathtubs give bathrooms a modern, minimalist look.

Square bathtubs’ visual attraction in modern designs

Modern architecture designs that emphasize straight lines and geometric shapes are reflected in square bathtubs. They are popular in modern and minimalist bathroom designs because of their symmetrical shape, which gives them a sleek and elegant appearance. 29% of respondents to a Bath Trends poll said they favored square tubs for their contemporary appearance.

Functional concerns for the use of square bathtubs

While square bathtubs have a contemporary look, their straight edges may not necessarily make them the most comfortable option for long soaks. But a lot of contemporary square bathtubs are made with comfort in mind, giving a relaxing soak. Before buying, the tub must be tried out for comfort. The fact that square tubs are frequently smaller also makes them ideal for tiny bathrooms or apartments in cities.

Type 7: Rectangular Shape Tubs: Timeless Elegance

Because of its classic design and capacity to offer both convenience and elegance, rectangular bathtubs have remained popular for many years.

Why a lot of people still adore rectangular tubs

Rectangular bathtubs were perfect for persons who wish to take long, peaceful baths since they offer a wide interior and provide much space. The straight lines of a bathroom design may add a timeless elegance to both traditional and modern bathroom designs. It’s important to consider breadth while choosing freestanding bathtubs as well. The standard length of a freestanding tub is 48 to 72 inches, and its typical width is at least 30 inches.

Some suggestions for improving comfort in rectangle baths

Despite the fact that rectangular bathtubs are inherently large, the level of comfort may be boosted by including extras like whirlpool jets, ergonomic backrests, or even padded headrests. This must also be considered because a deeper tub provides a more immersed bathing experience.

Conclusion: Selecting the Best Bathtub for Maximum Relaxation

Understanding your own tastes, aesthetic criteria, and practical requirements are all important steps in the search for the most comfortable bathtub. To make sure that every bath is a restorative experience amidst the abundance of possibilities, it is imperative to put comfort first.

Some of the crucial factors to consider while choosing a bathtub

It’s important to take form, size, material, and design into account while selecting a bathtub. Understanding the advantages that each design offers might help one make an informed choice. Whether it’s the ergonomic comfort of a slipper tub, the contemporary attractiveness of a square tub, or the timeless beauty of an oval tub, making the perfect pick may completely change the bathing experience. The sturdy alternative of stainless steel tubs is readily accessible in a range of designs. There are inexpensive solutions to think about, and they may keep heat effectively. Enameled steel tubs are prone to chipping and scratches, though. If you are comparing less expensive choices, they are also heavier than acrylic tubs.
✩The benefits and drawbacks of each style of bathtub are compared below; to make the best decision, consider your own tastes as well as the unique circumstances of your home:

Bathtub Type Advantages Disadvantages
Oval Shape Tubs – Timeless design suitable for various aesthetics.– Ergonomic shape for natural recline- Safer with no sharp corners. – May require more space compared to other designs.
Round Shape Tubs – Symbol of luxury and spaciousness.– Ample space for relaxation.– Hold more water for deeper soak. – Not suitable for smaller bathrooms due to size.
Corner Shape Tubs – Space-saving design.– Fits snugly into corners.– Can include spa-like features.– Suitable for small bathrooms. – Might not be as spacious as other designs.
Drop-In Shape Tubs – Easy installation.– Cost-effective.– Seamless integration with bathroom decor.– Offers additional storage options. – Might require a pre-built surround or deck.
Slipper Shape Tubs – High-back design for neck and back support.– Vintage charm adds elegance.– Suitable for long soaks. – Might require more space due to design.
Square Shape Tubs – Modern and minimalist design.– Suitable for contemporary bathrooms. – Straight edges might not be as comfortable.
Rectangular Shape Tubs – Spacious interior for long baths.– Timeless design suitable for various aesthetics. – Might require more space compared to other designs.

submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:32 CrazyLi825 The Nation of Yuan

The Nation of Yuan
The Far East Empire of Yuan (ancient Yuanese: 優庵) is a nation encompassing the northeastern continent in Seidak.


Following the aftermath of The Great Cataclysm, the people of Yuan were mostly chaotic, scattered tribes. Their resources were drained and many were poor and starving. In 12NC, a nobleman by the name of Xiong Fang gathered up his men on a quest to lead Yuan to prosperity. He was a charismatic leader who quickly gained followers. By 15NC, he had officially claimed the title of Emperor and ruled over the continent, setting up capital in the southwestern city of Qimen.
Yuan gradually began to flourish under Emperor Fang’s rule as he gathered up workers to cultivate the land’s unique crops and focused heavily on fishing to have a wealth of food resources to trade. Fang’s family continued to rule each generation until 200NC with the death of Duan Yang. Emperor Yang did not have any male children and thus the new emperor was largely up for dispute. Later that same year, Chancellor Xian Bo declared himself the new emperor, taking over in Qimen.
In 201, General Liao Yu took over all of northern Yuan, setting up a capital in Rangawa and declaring himself the emperor. In 210, the leader of the southeastern territories of Yuan, Sun An, decided he was best suited as emperor. Southwestern Yuan became known as Imomushi, Southeast Yuan as the Gu territories, and Northern Yuan as Takai. These three areas quickly engaged in a heated power struggle, ruining much of the prosperity that was previously built up.
Sun An’s Gu army eventually forced the others into submission in 220, giving his family a brief rule over Yuan, though there was still resistance in many parts of the continent.
It was rumored that Sun An was backed by the Scion of the time, helping lead him to victory. However, it is also said that this Scion grew tired of the conflicts still present following the war and betrayed the people. This lead to Sun An’s untimely death, throwing the people into a period of chaos even greater than the previous one. It was at this point people of Yuan became mistrusting of the goddess. They began to believe that either the goddess did not exist at all, or if she did, she was no benefactor to them. As a result, all imagery worshipping her was torn down and burned. The people of Yuan began to put their trust in the Spirit Lord of Water, Arethia instead. They attributed the abundant sources of freshwater as the only reason they were able to survive the war-torn times.
In 260, Hiromasa Koide rose to power, taking over the Gu capital of Hao-Lin. He then went to work in properly unifying Yuan. Ever since then, the entire continent has officially been under the rule of a single monarch.


Yuanese cities are fully paved except for very rural or poor areas. Stone is used for walkways and buildings alike with bamboo being common for roofs. Architecture is very elaborate and ornate as well as colorful. Bamboo shingles are often red or gold, symbols of power and wealth in Yuan. Indoor plumbing is common in cities with irrigation systems used for farmland.

Travel & Communication

They tend to use animal-drawn carriages for land travel. Mail is delivered through a postal network of nearly 2000 offices amongst the continent with relays every ten kilometers.

Magic & Technology

While the mage population of Yuan is relatively low, they have begun importing magitech devices from Ostley over the past decade to help in conveniences such as heating, cooling, refrigeration, and lighting.

Drinking Culture

Yuan produces a variety of rice wines, mostly used for celebrations and holidays. It's not uncommon for even children to be given small amounts of the weaker ones during certain events. Hard-working citizens will often indulge in alcohol after a day's work is done.


Following its unification, Yuan became an Imperial Monarchy with absolute rule by a monarch. Power is passed by birth to the eldest eligible descent. Females are only eligible if there are no male descendants capable of taking the throne. In its history, only four empresses have ever ruled. The most recently of which is the current ruler, Noriko Tokugawa, whose husband was assassinated before they could have children.


There are many types of schooling available in Yuan. In the capital city, Hao-Lin, there exists five national academies. All except for one are exclusive to aristocrats and nobility, charging high tuitions to be enrolled. In the center of the city, there is an imperial academy that accepts any children who test high enough and does not charge a fee for entry. These academies enroll children aged 12 through 17. Children of both genders are taught music, dance, calligraphy, and mathematics initially and later on, boys are taught archery and chariot driving while girls are taught silk production and weaving.
In other cities, smaller free public schools (as well as some tuition-based schools for nobles) are prevalent, enrolling children beginning age 7. These schools focused on basic skills of reading, writing, and calculation.
submitted by CrazyLi825 to scionofseirin [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:05 nomass39 I found an old recording of the most gruesome TV show ever broadcast

Me and Lila always carved dozens of jack o’ lanterns every October, so they’d absolutely saturate our lawn on Halloween night. It was our thing. But looking back on it, now that I’ve lost her, I just feel bad for the pumpkins. I almost relate to them, somehow. The way they were carved up, had everything of substance inside of them torn out, and left as hollow, rotting shells with forced smiles.
Needless to say, I didn’t cope with her death well. I didn’t want to cope with it. I wanted the world to drown in the black sludge of my grief. I loathed the people I saw going about their lives, unaware that the world had already ended the moment Lila died. The Earth shouldn’t keep spinning. Life shouldn’t go on. Not without her.
Even my relatives bringing me along on a trip to Kauai only made it worse. The most gorgeous place on Earth, and it made me sick with hatred. Nothing that beautiful deserved to exist if Lila wasn’t ever going to get to see it. It wasn’t fair.
I thought I’d never enjoy or care about anything again. Then I discovered media preservation.
It started with taking some of Lila’s old VHS tapes to a video repair place to fix some issues with the footage before it’s digitized. The job fascinated me. In a universe based on entropy, where everything inevitably fades away and is forgotten… restoring something lost is like snatching it from the jaws of death, right? Like flipping the bird to the universe and its so-called ‘natural order’. People die, but information doesn’t have to.
Now, it doesn’t matter how small — be it some god-awful plug-and-play licensed game, or a cereal commercial from 80’s — it’s my mission to recover it in as high a quality as I’m able, and make sure it’s freely available online for as long as possible.
A couple weeks ago, I came across a big haul. Four boxes of old VHS tapes offered up on E-Bay for dirt cheap. Most of the tapes were just recordings of Cheers episodes already preserved in higher qualities, but one Maxell E-240 caught my interest.
First of all, I’d never seen one so melted. Sure, sometimes they were left in an attic too long, and the colors and audio start to degrade. But this one looked like it had survived a house fire. It was covered in soot and the smell of smoke, and had the overall shape of a chocolate bar left out in the sun a little too long.
Second was the label, which read in neat sharpie: ᴇᴘɪꜱᴏᴅᴇ 4,679,329 ᴍᴀʀ 8 2035.
The casing was so disfigured, I had to bust it apart just pull out the tapes and respool them in a fresh cassette. I tried to iron out the creases in the tape as best I could, but I had no illusions about it accomplishing much — the mylar surface had been irreparably warped in places by whatever fire had half-melted the thing.
Imagine my despair at the sight of that dreaded ‘ɴᴏ ꜱɪɢɴᴀʟ’. I could clearly see the tape wasn’t blank, yet no amount of adjusting the tracking or trying different TVs or VCRs accomplished anything. Just as I was about to give up, though, the thing just suddenly started playing properly at the exact instant the clock struck 3 AM, as if it had only now decided to work. My all-nighter had paid off.
I didn’t dwell on the fact that this ‘miracle fix’ had been impossible. If I’d had any sense, I’d have torn the horrid thing out of my VCR and buried it beneath holy ground. Instead, fool I was, I sat down and watched.
At first, the thing seemed unwatchable. The audio was so distorted that the show’s theme song emerged as a low, crackling, staticky wail that made my head throb, and the logo was completely indistinguishable through the flickering and interference. I thought it was a lost cause for a moment. But then a figure appeared and cleared away the static, like Moses parting the Red Sea.
It was the sight of the show’s host that hooked me. He was just… perfect. Perfect in every way. I knew it just looking at him. Infinitely handsome and likable and charismatic, and he always said the exact perfect thing. The only issue is, I don’t remember a single thing about him now, in the same way you can’t remember a dream that seemed so clear to you while you were experiencing it. He just appears in my memory as this abstract blur in a sharp suit. Yet at the time, I was awestruck, even before he said a single word.
I can’t even remember a word he said. It was like he was speaking another language, one I felt as opposed to heard. I’ll try and transcribe it as best I can into words, but know that it’s only a pathetic imitation.
“... for another night of laughs, prizes, and fun for the whole family, with your host, #####!” I noticed that the audio and visual distortion seemed to suddenly intensify the instant he said his name, rendering it completely illegible. Idiot I was, I figured that was a coincidence. “Tonight is a night of celebration, folks, because thanks to the support of loyal viewers like you, we have just been approved for, get this: two hundred thousand more seasons!”
The “live studio audience” went wild with applause. I put that in scare quotes because, as far as I could tell, besides the host, the studio seemed completely empty. As if he was standing on a plain white stage that extended outwards into infinite darkness on all sides.
“For those just joining us, the game here is simple…” He explained that this was some sort of a trivia show. Every time a guest got an answer wrong, it brought them a little closer to some sort of unspecified ‘punishment’. And if they got it right? He smirked. “Well, they get to delay the inevitable.”
I wondered what he meant by ‘inevitable’. I didn’t have to wonder long.
The host gestured to a curtain that hadn’t been there moments ago, which raised to reveal a middle-aged man. You know the type — bushy mustache, gray hair, round-rimmed glasses. Kind of guy you’d have doing your plumbing. He couldn’t look any more out of place stood up and restrained in that — what the hell is that?
I recognized that metal coffin-looking thing from a medieval torture museum I went to once. The iron maiden. The lid hung open, countless long, needle-like blades poking inwards, threaten to poke a million new holes in him if it was shut.
His situation was not lost on him. “Where… where am I? What the hell is this!?”
“Oh, lucky guess!” The host ‘joked’. More canned laughter. “I know you always loved watching those trivia shows, Malcolm? Weren’t you always sitting there, grinding your teeth, seething that it wasn’t fair? That you should be the one up on stage, winning big?”
The man paused. Even he seemed mesmerized by the unreal perfection of the host before him. “I… this is a… game show?”
“All you have to do is answer a few questions! Think you can handle that, Malcolm?” He pulled out a cue card without waiting for an answer. “And our first question! What were you doing the night of February 18th, 1998?”
The man seemed baffled. “Just… sat on my couch watching the NFL, I think? I’m not sure how I’m supposed to remember —“
He let out a startled squeal as a horrid buzzer sounded. On cue, the lid slid a third of the way closed, making him flinch. “Oooh, I’m afraid that’s the wrong answer, Frank! But you know what? I’ll give you one more chance. What were you —“
“Following a girl home!” The man cried out. “F-from the bar. There, are you happy?”
“Cor-rect!” The canned audience began cheering! “Such honesty! Now, our second question: just what were you carrying while you followed her?”
He hesitated for a little too long. And then the buzzer sounded again, and the lid slid so near to closing that its blades began poking uncomfortably against his skin. He tried to press himself against the back of the maiden as well as his restraints would allow. “Jesus! Okay! A knife, a knife!”
“Awww, if only you’d said that just a second earlier!” Another big question. “Our third question: why, Malcolm? Why did you do it?”
That set Malcolm off. He started thrashing, clawing, screaming. “Let me out of this thing, you maniac! You can’t do this to me! Do you know who I am? Is this some sort of sick joke? My lawyers will have your head for this, you—“
And then the buzzer. All of a sudden, the lid slammed shut full-force, and the man was utterly silenced save for an unnatural, drawn-out wheeze. “Another wrong answer, Malcolm! I’m afraid I was looking for: ‘because if I can’t have her, no one can’!”
I admit it. I laughed. Out of shock more than anything. How was this allowed on TV? I took it as some sort of dark comedy show, and it was kind of satisfying to see that freaky character get his comeuppance. Still, there was something unnerving to me, seeing the man’s eyes through the openings in the maiden. Wide and red and terrified. They just looked a little… too real.
But the maiden disappeared as quickly as it came, before I could dwell on it too much. “Oh, envy! Definitely one of my favorite sins.” More laughter. “Stay tuned, folks! We’ve still got a night of fun and games in store for you! But first… how’s about a word from our sponsors?”
Cut to a corporate logo which I again couldn't recognize.
“This segment was made possible by Buer Health, which has recently announced a brilliant new initiative to protect our citizens from skin cancer by removing their skin completely.”
The camera cut to a massive industrial building, resembling a solid concrete cube around 50 meters in width and height. Its surface bore arcane symbols etched using carvings of wailing, tormented faces. The host would occasionally be rendered inaudible by a deafening metallic scraping from within, though he didn’t seem to notice. The only protrusion from the building’s cubic shape was a single smokestack, belching a scarlet red smoke into the atmosphere. A queue of gaunt figures waited at the entrance, herded and coerced by their grim overseers, and there were no words to describe the procession of scarlet ghouls limping out the building’s other end.
“Owing to the nonlinearity of time, the brand new Grand Skinpeeling Machine has spontaneously appeared several years before construction deadlines, and indeed, before it was even conceived of by anyone in our timeline. People have rushed all the way from Malebolge just to try this miracle of technology out on opening day, and so far, the reviews have been stellar!”
He shoved his microphone in the face of a shambling thing that could only scarcely be called a human. Tatters of flesh clung to its exposed musculature, blowing in the wind. Its eyes were the only hint of color in that sea of bloody red, and they were wide, white and terrified. The thing screamed and wailed for as long as it could before the last tendons connecting its jaw to its face snapped, and it was left to choke and gurgle.
“An amazing wail! The results speak for themselves, folks. The Grand Skinpeeling Machine is a hit!”
So far, I was still laughing along and having a good time. The sight of the next ‘guest’, however, started making me nervous.
It was an old lady.
She couldn’t be a day younger than sixty, the sort of sweet elderly woman who in a just world would be cooking chocolate chip cookies for her grandchildren in a comfy cottage somewhere. But here she was, tied to a metal chair, eyes wide, shaking like a leaf. Unlike the last contestant, she seemed to know exactly what was happening.
“In exchange for our loving endorsement, they’ve agreed to loan us one of their star employees. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for: the Liqisma!”
Something slunk from the darkness far behind her — or perhaps it’d be more apt to say that the darkness birthed it whole-cloth. It was like a living shadow, and it took my eyes a moment to register what I was even seeing.
How do I even begin describing this creature? I could say it looked almost human, or at least like something that may have been human long ago. Or I could start with its skin, which was all black and shiny as latex and seemingly smooth on first glance, but if you looked closer you’d realize it was covered in a million tiny reptilian scales, almost like a shark. Its head was a bald man’s, utterly devoid of any distinguishing features, like the basic stock template for a human being. It was notable only for a complete lack of pupils and irises, its eyes a pure white.
Its body defied basic biology in so many key ways, I had to stare it at for what felt like an eternity just to wrap my mind around its physiology. It was at least five or six meters long, by my estimate, composed of multiple human torsos stacked one on top of the other like segments of a centipede, each melding with the ones around it at the waist and shoulders. Each torso sported a pair of short, stubby arms that propelled it with terrifying grace. It ended with a pair of human legs, perpetually bent on their knees, beneath a ‘tail’ that looked more like its coccyx was poking free from its body.
The old last could clearly hear it, and kept futilely trying to turn her head around enough to get a peek at what stood behind her. I mouthed uselessly, don’t. You don’t want to know.
“Glad you could join us again, Miss Wethersby! Judging by our ratings last week, you seemed to have been a fan favorite!”
Her voice was so soft, I could barely hear it below the static. “Oh, God. Please, why won’t you people let me go? I’ve told you, I’ve never done anything, never hurt anybody. There must be some sort of—”
He waved a hand over her, and it seemed to forcefully snap her mouth shut. “Please, Miss Wethersby, save your breath for our questions!” Another cue card. “Your first question, my friend: where did you and your husband buy your first home?”
She had to think about it for a long time. Eventually, she cried out, “Alabama! Tuscaloosa, Alabama!”
“Ding ding ding! Why, you’re already doing better than our first contestant! Next question: what breed of dog was your childhood pet?”
She had a pained look on her face as she thought. Eventually, a timer started ticking down. It wasn’t visible, so it wasn’t clear how much time she had left exactly, but the sound it made got more shrill and high-pitched with every second. “Miss Wethersby, need I remind you that we have a time limit on this show?”
A tear ran down her cheek. “I… I keep telling you people, I don’t know. I have dementia, I can’t remember, please—”
That buzzer again. “I’m afraid that was the wrong answer! Liqisma?” The old lady shuddered at the sounds of hundreds of feet drawing a little closer to her. “Now, your first grandchild. What did he look like? What color were his eyes? His hair?”
She was crying harder now, like it hurt her that she couldn’t remember something so dear to her. “I told you I can’t remember! Why are you doing this to me!?”
“If you don’t remember them, why would they remember you?” The host mocked as the buzzer sounded, and the beast drew a little closer. “Really, do you believe they still even think about you? Or do you think they’re glad that the old bag of bones isn’t there sucking up their inheritance?”
This went on for… God, it could have been an hour. I was glued to the screen all the while, frozen with terror, praying for this nightmare to just end, for her to make it out okay somehow. He poured over every little detail of the life she lived and the people she loved, delighting in how little of it she could still recall.
And the thing grew closer, and closer… until she finally felt multiple pairs of hands resting upon her shoulders. The thing was looming over her now, and a long, black tongue a few feet in length emerged from its mouth and ran trails of dark saliva over the back of her head. She looked broken down, eyes raw from crying, and I could tell by the dampness of her dress that she’d wet herself.
“Now, Miss Wethersby, our time here has been fun, but I do believe it is time for our final question. Tell me, what is the name… of your only son?”
She couldn’t even answer anymore. She just stared ahead, like her mind was a million miles away. He cackled as the buzzer sounded one final time, and threw his cue cards aside. “Thank you for playing, Miss Wethersby. Better luck next time.”
I would say the thing unhinged its jaw like a snake, but that’d be an understatement. The way the thing’s face malformed and wrinkled and stretched as it opened its maw, it no longer looked even remotely human. Its jaws must have parted at least thirty centimeters apart, revealing a second, pharyngeal pair of jaws that lashed out and gripped the woman’s skull, pulling her headlong into that darkness.
I could hear bones crunching and snapping as its throat constricted down around her body, peristaltic muscles compacting her into a meat slurry, bit by bit. Yet she just wouldn’t die. Even as her skull and upper body were already crushed and compacted, organs and muscles pressed into mulch, she still kicked her legs, twitched her fingers, let out a gurgling that must have been some attempt at screaming. She was squirming even as the beast snapped its jaw shut around the last of her, condemning her to whatever torments awaited her inside the creature.
And all the while, that horrible laughter. “Don’t worry, folks! She’ll be back next week! And the next. And the next…”
Needless to say, I wasn’t having fun anymore. In fact, I had to turn away and fight the urge to throw up. I stood, about to turn the TV off and —
“Ah, ah, ah! Don’t touch that dial, now!” I froze. There was something chilling about the way he said that, staring right into the screen as if reacting to what I was doing. I hated that grin on his face. “The real show is just beginning.”
And with the barely restrained excitement of a child on Christmas morning, he yanked back another curtain, and I recognized everything.
I recognized that crappy bootleg knockoff Always Sunny in Philadelphia jacket that was so gaudy and terrible it instantly became her favorite thing in her wardrobe. I recognized those subtle hints of slight acne she disguised as fake freckles. I recognized the way her gray eyes would remind me of those overcast mornings at the beach at Hilton Head and pointing out all the cannonball jellyfish washed up on the sands. I recognized that tattoo of the name ʀᴏᴄᴋʏ, how I’d held her all night long as she cried into my shirt after her childhood cat had died.
It was Lila.
I shuddered, gasped, fell from my seat as if I’d been punched in the stomach and the air had been knocked out of me. I couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be real. I was dreaming right now. I must be. I just had to wake up.
But I couldn’t wake up. Nothing I could do dispelled the sight of her curled up in that… that thing. That bronze statue of a bull, horns jutting on either side of a head that roaring silently up at the heavens, all while the love of my life was locked in its hollowed out belly, visible only through a pane of glass. I could hear her cry out in shock at where she’d found herself, and every whimper felt like it drove a knife through my chest.
The host soaked in the moment. It was ecstasy for him, the suffering of it all. He stared dead into the camera like he was looking right at me as she called, “What is this? Where am I?”
“Why, I have good news, my dear Lila! You’re exactly where every American dreams of being: you’re on TV.” He pointed to the camera. “And we have a very special guest in the audience tonight. Your very own beloved Jackson!”
I shuddered, hearing my own name ooze from his fetid lips. His façade of perfection was slipping, and there was something so profoundly ugly beneath it. Her eyes snapped to the camera, confused, despairing. “Jackson? Baby? What — what’s happening? What is this?”
I don’t know, I thought, gripping the sides of the TV so hard my knuckles turned white, but I’m going to get you out of there, baby. I’m going to find whoever did this and I’m going to bury them all so far beneath that studio that they’ll never-
“I’m afraid Jackson hasn’t joined us quite yet, my dear. But if you truly love him, surely you’ll give him a show to remember, won’t you?” He taunted her. “All I want, after all, is to ask you a few questions! In fact, I’ll offer you a special deal: get even a single answer right, and I’ll let you go free! But get one wrong and, well…”
On cue, a fire was lit beneath her. Small, smoldering for now, but she whimpered as she noticed the heat. We both realized in that instant what this was. By now, I was screaming things I can’t repeat here, and slamming my hands against the TV screen as if I could reach through and save her.
She bit her lip and acquiesced. Not like she had any room to argue. The host grinned and readied a cue card. “Your first question: where are you, Lila?”
“I… I don’t know. How am I supposed to know?”
“You do know, Lila. You know exactly where you are.” He smirked at her. “Here’s a free hint: what’s the last thing you remember, before you woke up here?
She thought about it… and choked back a sob, visibly shaking as the realization slowly settled in. “But… but why? I… I…”
The horrible wail of the buzzer cut her off. “Oooh, too bad! I’m afraid you’ve run out of time!”
Seemingly as if on its own, the fire doubled in size. Sparks licked the belly of the bronze bull, and began to ever-so-slowly heat the surface. She pawed around in the tight confines, searching for any reprieve from the scalding heat all around her as the metal grew hot like it’d been left out in the sun on a summer’s day. “Please! Oh, God, let me out of this thing! It hurts! It hurts!”
The host seemed to breathe in her pain as if stealing a moment’s indulgence. “Now that there is no doubt about where you are, my dear, let us proceed to the second question.” He switched to his next card. “Did you believe in God, in the end?”
“O-of course!” She pled her case as if she was being tried in court. “My entire life… every day I gave to the poor, helped the sick, did whatever I could to honor Hi-“
“I’m afraid you misunderstood my question. I asked, did you believe in him at the end? The very moment your pitiful little life was snuffed out?”
“I always believed! I’d never forsake Him!”
“Yes, yes, I know. You lived a good and holy life, didn’t you?” He cackled. “But what of the very end? You and your little husband were so excited to deliver your first little baby boy. But o, tragedy! It all went wrong, didn’t it? Your precious little boy didn’t make it through childbirth… and you followed closely behind.”
“That whole business with the botched pregnancy, it was… what do you call it? Ah, yes. A ‘test of faith’. And I’m afraid you failed. In your final moments, you watched the light fade from your child’s eyes, and you assumed — wisely, in my humble opinion — that no ‘kind’ and ‘loving’ God would allow something like that to happen.” He laughed. “Funny how after a lifetime of dutiful service, all it takes is one little mistake at the end… to bring you here. To us.”
I’d never seen such depths of despair in a person’s eyes. Such emptiness. Like with every word, he’d been scooping out another piece of her until she was hollow. And then that buzzer roared again, more shrill than ever, and I could barely see her little window through the smoke and flames. The belly of the bull was turning orange in places, and I could hear her flesh start to sizzle like meat on a grill. There are no words for the noises she made. No words at all.
“And our last, final question,” he continued. “What were your last words to your poor, beloved Jackson?”
“I love you!” I called out the answer. Bloody fingerprints stained the TV screen from my slamming my hands against it, as I screamed the answer over and over. “I love you, I love you, I love you!” At some point, I forgot that there was ever a question. I was just screaming it at her as if hoping that she could hear it, that it could bring her a modicum of comfort in that place.
The buzzer sounded again. I couldn't bring myself to look. All I could hear was the roaring of the bull, and the steam rising from its bronze nostrils.
The curtain fell. Silence drowned the sound. The host dropped all pretense that he hadn’t been speaking directly to me. “Now, Jackson. You just might be one of my new favorite audience members this show had ever had. I know this must have been hard for you. But if you’ll just stay tuned, I have one more show I know you’re certain to love!”
I didn’t bother to touch the remote. After all, nothing could be worse than what I’d just seen, right?
Wrong. Horror wracked me as the curtain rose, and I saw the man chained to a chair. I pulled away like a caveman witnessing fire, cringing and stuttering, face wet with sweat. It was the sort of fear that worked its way into your bones like a bad chill, that left you shaking, teeth chattering.
It was me.
An older me, sure. But not by much. Ten years, maybe. A gaunt and hollow version of me, one twisted by ten years of depression and hard drugs. But it was unmistakable.
His eyes widened as he recognized the host. “Oh — oh God, God please no! It can’t be — oh Christ, let me out of this chair, you —“
“Come, now! We wouldn’t want to use the lord’s name in vain, would we? I mean, that would be a sin!” The host laid a hand on the other me’s shoulder. “It may have been a few years since you watched our program, but I’m sure you remember the rules, don’t you, old friend?”
The other me was wordless, on the verge of hyperventilating, just as I was. The host was giddy with delight. “Now! Our first and only question is one I’m sure our viewer will be very interested in: what sins, exactly, do you think landed you here?”
The other me tried to speak, but the words caught in his throat. I could see it in his eyes. The years of self-destruction, the bitter hopelessness, the whirlpool of nihilism and vice and decay. The suffocating depths of a man. The darkness. How could he put it into words?
The sound of the buzzer was like a pig’s squeal. “Mmm, I’m afraid that our viewer is going to have to figure that out for himself! In the meantime, your punishment? Well, we wouldn’t want to spoil anything…”
The curtains slowly began to fall just as a couple other of those black, grotesque monstrosities emerged from the darkness. The curtain covered them all before I could get a good look at their obscene, twisted, asymmetrical figures. All I could hear was the crunching, the sound of skin tearing like paper, the screaming that went on for longer and louder than a human throat or vocal chords could endure.
The image and audio were beginning to distort, glitch, burn away. The tapes were physically melting as they played. My VCR was starting to overheat, sparks pouring from its front panel. The host voice jumped around in tone, his voice fading into the static blur as the tapes bubbled and boiled and distorted. “But, my friends, I’m afraid that concludes tonight’s episode of our show! So, with a final farewell to our dear, beloved viewer, Jackson…”
Just before the image melted away, the camera seemed to jump forward until his face filled the screen, his eyes piercing into mine as he cackled in that singsong voice.
“See you sooooon~”
submitted by nomass39 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:35 tab_rick 10 Best Bathroom Sink Manufacturers in the World

10 Best Bathroom Sink Manufacturers in the World
In the ever-evolving world of kitchen & bathroom design, the bathroom sink stands as an iconic centerpiece, embodying both form and function. From the rustic charm of copper sinks to the sleek elegance of solid surface, stainless steel and vitreous china, choices in the market cater to every taste and decor style. Vessel sinks, with their countertop placement, have risen in popularity, especially in upscale powder rooms and modern bathroom designs. Pedestal sinks exude a classic aura, while the durability of granite composite and cast iron remains unmatched. As we dive deeper into this sector, we’ll spotlight some of the industry’s top manufacturers, shaping trends and elevating spaces across the globe.


Headquarters: Shenzhen, China
Years of Experience: 23
Main Market: Worldwide
Main Products:
  • Solid surface washbasins
  • Hand wash sinks
  • Above-counter basins
  • Wall-hung basins
  • Cabinet basins
  • Freestanding basins
  • Undermount sinks
About Kingkonree:
Kingkonree, often referred to as KKR, is more than just a brand—it represents a benchmark of excellence and innovation in the commercial sink industry. With over two decades of history, KKR offers a diverse product portfolio, from solid surface sinks to meticulously crafted bathroom vanities, addressing a wide spectrum of needs.
KKR offers a wide variety of products that not only showcase diversity but also meet exceptional quality standards. Each product reflects KKR’s unwavering commitment to superior craftsmanship, evident in the immaculate finishes achieved through meticulous sanding processes and the uniform textures they maintain. Their utilization of high-grade resins guarantees the sustained beauty and effectiveness of their products.
Central to KKR’s ethos is the principle of collaboration. Their in-house design experts, consistently updated with the latest design paradigms, work synergistically with external specialists to craft tailored solutions for each requirement. Their expertise in providing both OEM and ODM services underscores their adaptability and dedication to client fulfillment. Whether engaging with furniture enterprises or coordinating with distributors from inception to finalization, KKR maintains an unwavering emphasis on quality and timeliness.
Being ISO 9001 certified, KKR continuously surpasses international benchmarks, making them a top choice in sectors such as hospitality and retail design. Their esteemed reputation is further elevated by recognition from the hospitality sector, particularly for adhering to hygiene standards. Ultimately, Kingkonree is more than just a brand—it signifies a promise of quality, forward-thinking innovation, and enduring collaborations.

Kohler Co.

Headquarters: Wisconsin, USA
Years of Experience: Over 150 years
Main Market: Global
Main Products:
  • Pedestal sinks
  • Undermount sinks
  • Top-mount sinks
  • Vessel sinks
  • Wall-mount sinks
About Kohler:
Kohler Co. epitomizes the fusion of tradition, innovation, and luxury in bathroom fixtures. Established over a century ago in Kohler, Wisconsin, the brand has persistently set industry benchmarks in bathroom and kitchen aesthetics, gaining global recognition.
Kohler’s sinks manifest their unwavering dedication to quality. From the classic allure of their pedestal sinks evoking timeless elegance to the contemporary finesse of their undermount sinks that merge flawlessly with countertops, they cater to diverse preferences. However, Kohler’s distinction lies beyond mere design; it’s in the craftsmanship. Every sink isn’t just an aesthetic achievement but also a pinnacle of functionality, designed for enduring daily demands, guaranteeing homeowners a harmonious blend of style and resilience.
At its core, innovation drives Kohler’s vision. Beyond just manufacturing sinks, they are committed to elevating the user experience. Innovations such as noise-reducing basins and scratch-resistant surfaces exemplify their progressive mindset. They intuitively address the requirements of today’s homeowners, providing solutions that streamline and enhance daily tasks.
What genuinely distinguishes Kohler Co., though, is its storied legacy. While they have navigated through changing design currents over decades, their foundational principles of quality, luxury, and innovation have been unwavering. This amalgamation of deep-rooted experience and agility ensures that they not only meet but frequently surpass the dynamic needs of the market.
In summary, Kohler Co. transcends mere fixtures; they curate experiences. Each sink they fashion embodies a commitment – an assurance of unparalleled quality, enduring design, and trailblazing innovation.


Headquarters: New York, USA
Years of Experience: 14
Main Market: USA and worldwide
Main Products:
  • Matte stone vessel sinks
  • Tempered glass sinks
  • Concrete stone sinks
  • Bathroom vessel sinks
About VIGO:
Located in the dynamic heart of New York City, VIGO stands as a distinguished icon of contemporary design within the kitchen and bath fixture industry. For over ten years, the brand has pursued a singular vision: enhancing daily life. Their method? Designing products that seamlessly meld functionality with visual appeal.
The collections from VIGO underscore their unwavering dedication to design excellence. Each item, whether it’s their top-tier faucets, robust sinks, or refreshing showers, embodies a modern aesthetic that balances style with practicality. But VIGO goes beyond mere aesthetics; they curate experiences. Envision immersing yourself in a shower framed by VIGO’s sophisticated screens, or using a faucet that operates as seamlessly as it looks. This encapsulates the VIGO journey.
Yet, VIGO’s focus isn’t limited to the present; they’re poised for the future. Their commitment to innovation shines through the meticulous testing of each product, assuring that customers receive items that are not just in vogue but also of the highest quality. Boasting certifications from renowned bodies like ANSI, IAPMO, and UPC, VIGO products not only adhere to industry benchmarks but frequently define them.
What truly differentiates VIGO is their design philosophy. They are steadfast in the belief that every kitchen and bath, irrespective of dimensions or decor, merits excellence. With VIGO, this excellence is guaranteed – a harmonious fusion of New York City’s pulsating energy, avant-garde design, and unparalleled quality.

Kraus USA

Headquarters: Washington, USA
Years of Experience: 16
Main Market: USA and worldwide
Main Products:
  • Ceramic sinks
  • Solid surface sinks
  • Glass sinks
  • Undermount sinks
  • Vessel sinks
About Kraus USA:
Located in the central district of Port Washington, New York, Kraus has stood as a hallmark of innovative design since 2007. With an ambition to redefine the kitchen and bath sector, Kraus consistently offers products that are not only in line with contemporary aesthetics but also emphasize functionality and longevity.
Exploring their product lineup reveals a diverse selection of sinks tailored to various design tastes. Whether you appreciate the timeless appeal of ceramic sinks, the modern sophistication of solid surface basins, or the distinct beauty of glass sinks, Kraus presents a fitting option. Beyond aesthetics, Kraus’s sinks prioritize user experience. From the streamlined undermount sinks that meld seamlessly with countertops to the striking vessel sinks that enhance bathroom visuals, each product harmoniously merges style with utility.
Central to Kraus’s ethos are three fundamental principles: Quality, Creativity, and Design. They champion the idea that thoughtful design can elevate daily spaces, transforming them into zones of relaxation and revival. Their continuous drive for innovation, coupled with a focus on affordability, ensures that every product embodies their slogan: “Live Beautifully™.”


Headquarters: Oberderdingen, Germany
Years of Experience: Over 98
Main Market: Worldwide
Main Products:
  • Stainless steel sinks
  • Silgranit sinks
  • Ceramic sinks
About Blanco:
Within the domain of kitchen and bath fixtures, Blanco is distinguished not only by its product assortment but also by its unwavering dedication to quality and innovation. Among their diverse sink offerings, spanning ceramic to stainless steel, are their SILGRANIT sinks that are truly distinctive. So, what sets SILGRANIT apart?
SILGRANIT is a premium granite composite designed with contemporary homeowners in mind. Beyond its visually appealing matte finish and refined appearance, it champions both functionality and durability. These sinks are built to last, ensuring a lasting return on your investment. Their non-porous nature renders them hygienic and effortless to maintain. From spills and stains to scratches, SILGRANIT stands resilient, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a harmonious blend of aesthetics and endurance.
However, Blanco’s dedication extends beyond pioneering materials. Recognizing that a sink is more than a mere functional unit, they view it as a pivotal component of your home’s design ethos. Whether your preference leans towards a sleek modern aesthetic or a classic touch, Blanco offers a sink that flawlessly aligns with your design vision.

Villeroy & Boch

Headquarters: Mettlach, Germany
Years of Experience: 275
Main Market: Worldwide
Main Sink Products:
  • Drop-in sinks
  • Undermount sinks
  • Vanity sinks
  • Vessel sinks
  • Wall-mounted sinks
  • Double sinks
  • Small bathroom sinks
About Villeroy & Boch:
Established in 1748, Villeroy & Boch epitomizes enduring dedication to quality craftsmanship and forward-thinking design. Centrally located in Europe, this brand has consistently led the realm of ceramic excellence, setting new standards in design and utility.
Within their extensive collection, you will discover a diverse array of sink designs tailored to cater to distinct tastes and requirements. From the flawless integration of their drop-in sinks, the refined elegance of their vessel sinks, to the utility of their vanity sinks, Villeroy & Boch strikes a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Their TitanCeram sinks, defined by meticulous craftsmanship and slender walls, underscore the brand’s devotion to pioneering ceramic artistry.
Furthermore, Villeroy & Boch’s spirit of innovation extends beyond mere aesthetics. They have incorporated cutting-edge technologies such as CeramicPlus, facilitating effortless cleaning as liquids effortlessly roll off the sink. Moreover, with a focus on health, their AntiBac technology delivers antimicrobial protection, promoting a hygienic bathroom ambiance.
In essence, Villeroy & Boch isn’t merely a brand but a storied legacy. It symbolizes a tradition of quality, design, and an unwavering commitment to elevating home interiors. Their sinks serve not merely as fixtures but as testamentary pieces, reflecting a storied past while embracing the future of design.

Elkay Manufacturing Company

Headquarters: Downers Grove, Illinois
Years of Experience: 103
Main Market: Worldwide
Main Sink Products:
  • Stainless steel sinks
  • Quartz sinks
  • Fireclay sinks
  • Workstation sinks
  • Undermount sinks
  • Drop-in sinks
  • Farmhouse sinks
  • ADA-compliant sinks
About Elkay Manufacturing Company:
Established in 1920 by Leopold Katz and Louis Katz in Chicago, Elkay Manufacturing Company set forth with a clear objective: to deliver superior-quality sinks and provide exceptional service. Today, they are recognized as America’s premier kitchen sink manufacturer, having diversified their product line to include an extensive range of kitchen and bathroom plumbing systems, commercial sinks, and water delivery systems.
Elkay’s diverse product lineup underscores their dedication to innovation and excellence. Their workstation sinks, crafted from materials such as stainless steel, fireclay, and quartz, are structured to elevate kitchen efficiency, promoting a streamlined and organized workspace. Elkay ensures there’s a sink suitable for every taste, be it the resilient nature and adaptable aesthetic of stainless steel, the lively hues of quartz, or the wear-resistant finish of fireclay.
Elkay’s prowess extends beyond residential offerings. They have established a distinguished presence in the domain of commercial-grade stainless steel sinks, serving industries like healthcare, education, and foodservice. Their ADA-compliant offerings further reflect their commitment to inclusivity, making certain that facilities cater to all individuals.
Central to Elkay’s impressive journey is their steadfast dedication to customer contentment. Their sink selection tool, curated to aid customers in identifying the ideal sink, exemplifies their client-focused approach. From their modest inception in Chicago to their present stature as sector front-runners, Elkay consistently upholds its legacy, extending quality and novelty with each contented customer.


Headquarters: Schiltach, Germany
Years of Experience: 122
Main Market: Worldwide
Main Products:
  • Stainless steel sinks
  • SilicaTec granite sinks
  • Single sinks
  • Double sinks
About Hansgrohe:
Hansgrohe sinks transcend mere functionality. They epitomize the brand’s commitment to marrying aesthetic elegance with practicality. Their minimalist rectangular silhouette, accentuated by a distinctive L-shaped rim, integrates gracefully into contemporary kitchens or bathrooms, serving as a central design feature.
For any setting, from individualized compact spaces to expansive family kitchen islands, Hansgrohe presents a curated selection of sink sizes and styles to address every requirement. The portfolio ranges from sleek single sinks designed for constrained spaces to dual sinks that facilitate efficient multitasking.
Material selection further underscores Hansgrohe’s unwavering dedication to excellence. Their stainless steel sinks radiate enduring sophistication, while their SilicaTec granite variants introduce an essence of organic grace, available in hues to harmonize with all interior palettes.
Beyond aesthetics, durability is paramount. Their stainless steel models, crafted from premium hand-welded steel, guarantee prolonged use and effortless maintenance. In contrast, their granite sinks, fortified with sturdy quartz particles, ensure a resilient surface.
Conclusively, Hansgrohe assures the impeccable pairing of taps with their sinks, achieving design cohesion without any sacrifice in quality.


Headquarters: Phoenix, Arizona
Years of Experience: 22
Main Market: Worldwide
Main Products: Copper, Cast Bronze, Smooth & Hammered Metals, Concrete, Glass, Mother of Pearl Inlay, Jeweled, and Mosaic Tile Sinks.
About Linkasink:
Linkasink stands as a beacon of artistic excellence, craftsmanship, and innovative design. Catering to both modern and classic aesthetics, it has established a distinct presence in the realm of kitchen and bath design. Whether you appreciate the historical essence or the modern sophistication of stainless steel tile mosaics, Linkasink promises elegance in every creation.
Its dedication to handcrafted precision distinguishes the brand. Each sink is a testament to the skills of artisans, who employ time-honored methods to breathe life into every design. This rigorous precision ensures that every Linkasink product transcends functionality, becoming a piece of art.
Linkasink’s genesis traces back to the vision of esteemed interior designer, Kirk Guthrie. His pursuit of bespoke copper sinks, unmet by the market, led him to partner with copper craftsmen in Mexico. This collaboration birthed unparalleled, custom-made sinks that swiftly garnered industry attention. Transitioning from a modest showcase at the Kitchen & Bath Show to an industry stalwart, Linkasink’s trajectory underscores its commitment to innovation, zeal, and the art of handcrafted design.

Stone Forest

Headquarters: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Years of Experience: 32
Main Market: Worldwide
Main Products:
  • Vessel sinks
  • Pedestal sinks
  • Copper sinks
  • Bronze sinks
  • Stainless sinks
About Stone Forest:
Stone Forest stands as more than a brand—it represents a harmonious fusion of nature’s pristine beauty and human innovation. Grounded in a deep appreciation for natural elements and an astute sense of design, Stone Forest has consistently led in creating sinks and fixtures that balance artistry with functionality.
Each creation by Stone Forest narrates the tale of its origin, detailing the journey of a raw stone meticulously refined into an opulent fixture. The brand’s unwavering dedication to preserving the authentic allure of these materials guarantees that every product boasts its distinct texture, character, and charisma.
Beyond mere visual appeal, Stone Forest underscores its dedication to sink excellence and longevity. By leveraging the inherent robustness of natural elements, the brand ensures its sinks are not only aesthetically pleasing but also enduring, presenting unmatched value to its clientele.
Stone Forest’s legacy is rooted in its relentless pursuit of innovation and superior quality. From sourcing the most exquisite stones to engaging skilled artisans who mold these elements with unmatched precision, Stone Forest has continually set new standards in luxury kitchen and bath design.

What Defines a Good Bathroom Sink Manufacturer?

A premier bathroom sink manufacturer is characterized by meticulous standards that underscore quality, utility, and client fulfillment. Essential factors to evaluate include:
  • Material Excellence: Esteemed manufacturers employ superior-grade materials, ranging from porcelain, stainless steel, to stone, ensuring the sink’s longevity and resilience against daily wear. The caliber of these materials directly influences the sink’s durability and its ability to resist evident signs of deterioration.
  • Design Diversity: Leading manufacturers present an extensive array of designs, addressing diverse aesthetic preferences and bathroom motifs. The assortment spans from modern to classic, facilitating customers in selecting a design that resonates with their individual taste and bathroom decor.
  • Advanced Features: Features such as effortless cleaning surfaces, integrated drainage systems, and water-conservation technologies augment the user experience and reflect the manufacturer’s dedication to addressing current-day requisites.
  • Sustainable Practices: In the current era, with heightened environmental awareness, consumers gravitate towards sustainably-produced items. A distinguished bathroom sink manufacturer often embeds eco-friendly measures throughout their operations, from raw material procurement to manufacturing processes, and may also champion water-saving products.
  • Client Support: The significance of post-purchase service, comprehensive warranties, and agile customer assistance cannot be overstated. Manufacturers that uphold their offerings and efficiently resolve client inquiries are inherently deemed more credible and dependable.
  • Industry Credibility: A manufacturer’s enduring presence in the industry, accentuated by positive consumer feedback and accolades, differentiates them from others. Such recognition indicates their consistent fulfillment of commitments and industry-wide acknowledgment for their superior standards.
To encapsulate, a top-tier bathroom sink manufacturer isn’t solely defined by product quality. They accentuate client satisfaction, evince dedication to innovation and eco-friendly practices, and maintain an esteemed market reputation. Such manufacturers don’t merely vend sinks but proffer holistic solutions that amplify the overall bathroom ambiance for end-users. They remain attuned to market shifts, stay abreast of prevailing design inclinations, and prioritize delivering sinks that amalgamate functionality with aesthetic allure.


Here is a summarized comparison table:
Manufacturer Headquarters Years of Experience Main Products Advantages
Kingkonree (KKR) Shenzhen, China 23 Solid surface washbasins, hand wash sinks, above-counter basins, etc. Extensive product range, superior craftsmanship, flexibility in design
Kohler Co. Wisconsin, USA Over 150 years Pedestal sinks, undermount sinks, top-mount sinks, etc. Blend of tradition and innovation, durability, forward-thinking approach
VIGO New York, USA 14 Matte stone vessel sinks, Tempered glass sinks, Concrete stone sinks, etc. Modern design, top-tier quality, rigorous testing
Kraus USA Washington, USA 16 Ceramic sinks, solid surface sinks, glass sinks, etc. Innovation, design excellence, commitment to quality
Blanco Oberderdingen, Germany Over 98 Stainless steel sinks, Silgranit sinks, Ceramic sinks Innovative materials, design flexibility, commitment to quality
Villeroy & Boch Mettlach, Germany 275 Drop-in sinks, undermount sinks, vanity sinks, etc. Timeless allure, innovative design, commitment to enhancing user experience
Elkay Manufacturing Company Downers Grove, Illinois 103 Stainless steel sinks, Quartz sinks, Fireclay sinks, etc. Top kitchen sink manufacturer in America, commitment to customer satisfaction
Hansgrohe Schiltach, Germany 122 Stainless steel sinks, SilicaTec granite sinks, Single sinks, etc. Minimalist design, commitment to innovation, quality craftsmanship
Linkasink Phoenix, Arizona 22 Copper, Cast Bronze, Smooth & Hammered Metals, etc Handcrafted quality, unique designs, commitment to innovation
Stone Forest Sta Fe, New Mexico 32 Vessel sinks, Pedestal sinks, Copper sinks, etc. Harnessing nature’s beauty, commitment to quality and durability, innovative designs
In the vast world of bathroom sink manufacturing, choosing the right partner can be challenging. From our extensive research, we’ve identified the top 10 manufacturers globally, each bringing unique strengths to the table. It’s essential for B2B buyers to consider factors like years of experience, product range, and innovation when making a decision. By partnering with a trusted manufacturer, businesses can ensure they offer their customers the best in design, functionality, and durability. A worthy choice for economical benefits and quality assurance is KKR. Feel free to contact us for more information.
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 08:24 Specialist_Big_3646 Lifera Plumbing: Beyond Pipes and Fixtures, We Deliver Peace of Mind

In the intricate network of modern infrastructure, plumbing stands as one of the unsung heroes, silently orchestrating the flow of water and ensuring the smooth operation of countless households and businesses. Among the myriad of plumbing service providers, Lifera Plumbing emerges not merely as a solution but as a symbol of reliability, efficiency, and craftsmanship.
At the heart of Lifera Plumbing's ethos lies a commitment to excellence. Every project, whether big or small, is approached with the same level of dedication and attention to detail. From fixing a leaky faucet to designing and installing complex plumbing systems for commercial buildings, Lifera Plumbing's team of skilled professionals brings expertise honed through years of experience.
One of the hallmarks of Lifera Plumbing is its unwavering focus on customer satisfaction. Understanding that plumbing issues can disrupt daily life and cause undue stress, the team at Lifera Plumbing strives to provide prompt and effective solutions. They prioritize clear communication, ensuring that clients are informed every step of the way, from initial assessment to project completion. This transparency fosters trust and peace of mind, knowing that their plumbing needs are in capable hands.
In addition to reactive services, Lifera Plumbing also emphasizes proactive maintenance to prevent potential problems before they escalate. Regular inspections and maintenance not only extend the lifespan of plumbing systems but also save clients time and money in the long run. By identifying and addressing minor issues early on, Lifera Plumbing helps clients avoid costly repairs and unexpected emergencies.
In an industry where reliability is paramount, Lifera Plumbing stands out for its commitment to using high-quality materials and adhering to industry best practices. Whether sourcing pipes, fittings, or fixtures, Lifera Plumbing prioritizes durability and performance, ensuring that installations withstand the test of time. Moreover, the team stays abreast of the latest advancements in plumbing technology and techniques, continually refining their skills to deliver superior results.
Beyond technical proficiency, Lifera Plumbing values integrity and professionalism in all aspects of its operations. From punctuality to cleanliness, the team upholds the highest standards of conduct, treating each client's property with the utmost respect. Moreover, Lifera Plumbing operates with full licensure and insurance, providing clients with added peace of mind and protection.
While Lifera Plumbing's primary focus is on residential and commercial plumbing services, its impact extends beyond mere utility. By ensuring the efficient flow of water, Lifera Plumbing contributes to the health, comfort, and safety of communities. Whether it's enabling individuals to start their day with a refreshing shower or supporting businesses in their daily operations, Lifera Plumbing plays a vital role in enhancing quality of life.
As a testament to its dedication and excellence, Lifera Plumbing has earned a reputation as a trusted partner in plumbing solutions. Client testimonials and referrals speak volumes about the company's reliability and professionalism, solidifying its position as a leader in the industry.
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern living, Lifera Plumbing remains steadfast in its commitment to excellence, reliability, and customer satisfaction. As technology advances and lifestyles change, Lifera Plumbing continues to adapt and innovate, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of the plumbing industry for years to come. With Lifera Plumbing, clients can rest assured that their plumbing needs are not just met but exceeded, leaving them free to focus on what matters most—living life to the fullest.
submitted by Specialist_Big_3646 to u/Specialist_Big_3646 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 01:48 CoHousingFarmer This is what I will do on the day Democracy dies.

This is what I will do on the day Democracy dies.

This comprehensive strategy is designed with the specific purpose of protecting groups most at risk during such political transitions—political activists, minority communities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other groups that frequently find themselves targeted by regimes and movements hostile to democratic norms. (i.e. MAGA)
The intent of this strategy is to offer a dual-phased approach that prepares for both pre-election and post-election scenarios. By doing so, we aim to ensure that the rights and safety of at-risk populations are maintained regardless of political developments. The strategy encompasses a series of actions focused on enhancing data privacy, establishing covert safe havens, and creating paper organizations to provide both legal and social cover. Each element has been carefully crafted to blend into the community seamlessly, thereby minimizing the risk of detection and retaliation by potential adversaries, including groups like MAGA, known for their hostility towards certain demographics and ideologies.
The details outlined here are not merely precautionary; they are essential in a time when political unpredictability can lead to sudden and severe consequences for those standing on the front lines of advocacy and social change. This introduction sets the stage for a strategy that is both protective and adaptive, ensuring that all measures are grounded in a deep understanding of the risks involved and the absolute necessity for discretion and thoroughness.

Background Context

Political Climate Overview

The global political landscape is currently characterized by increasing instability and a troubling shift toward authoritarian governance. This trend manifests distinctly in various regions, contributing to a world where democratic principles are routinely challenged and often undermined.

Vulnerable Groups

In this increasingly authoritarian environment, certain groups find themselves particularly vulnerable to persecution and discrimination. Their exposure to risk is exacerbated by their visibility and their perceived opposition to authoritarian values and practices.

The Threat of Project_2025

A specific example of these growing threats is the emergence of initiatives like Project_2025, which symbolize the strategic and organized efforts by authoritarian groups to reshape societies according to their ideologies. Project_2025 is often cited as a blueprint for systemic change intended to dismantle current democratic frameworks and replace them with systems that suppress dissent and centralize power. This project is not merely a theoretical risk but a concrete plan that could lead to significant repression of any form of resistance or criticism.
This background context sets the stage for understanding the critical need for a robust strategy to protect vulnerable groups and preserve democratic norms. The following sections will delve into the specifics of pre-election and post-election strategies designed to counter these threats and safeguard the fundamental rights and freedoms of those at risk.

Pre-Election Strategy: Part 1 - Data Privacy and Social Media Scrubbing


The primary objective of this part of the strategy is to safeguard personal data to protect individuals from potential threats in a politically unstable environment. By minimizing the digital footprint, the strategy aims to prevent hostile entities from using online activities and histories against individuals, especially those active in movements or communities that could be targeted in a regime shift.

Importance of Data Privacy

In the context of potential authoritarian shifts, personal data on digital platforms can be weaponized against individuals. This includes identifying personal networks, political stances, and other sensitive information that could lead to harassment or worse. Protecting this data is not just about privacy; it's about maintaining personal safety and freedom in the face of growing surveillance and repression.


Timing and Planning

Content Removal

Privacy Education


This refined approach to data privacy ensures that individuals are not only aware of the risks but are also equipped with the tools and knowledge to protect themselves effectively. By systematically reducing their digital footprint, individuals can navigate politically turbulent times with greater security and confidence.

Pre-Election Strategy: Part 2 - Establishment of Covert Safe Havens in Plain Sight


The primary purpose of creating covert safe havens is to provide secure and discrete support networks for vulnerable individuals in anticipation of potential political instability. These havens are designed to integrate seamlessly into everyday community settings, offering legitimate public functions while maintaining a dual capability to protect and assist those in need. This approach ensures that these safe havens can operate without attracting undue attention, blending naturally into their environments while fulfilling their protective roles. By carefully selecting and managing these dual-functionality locations, this strategy not only provides vital support and protection for vulnerable individuals but also ensures that these safe havens remain sustainable and integrated within their communities. This seamless integration into everyday life is key to maintaining the operation's discretion and effectiveness, safeguarding those at risk while minimizing the chance of detection.


Selection of Locations

Choosing the right locations is critical to the effectiveness and discretion of these safe havens. The criteria for selecting these locations include:


These locations must adeptly balance their public and covert functionalities:

Implementation Examples

Pre-Election Strategy: Part 3 - Formation of Paper Organizations


The primary goal of forming paper organizations is to establish entities that provide legal and social fronts for covert operations, safeguarding vulnerable groups. These organizations serve to legitimize and camouflage the broader protective activities under the guise of engaging in widely accepted or non-controversial community functions. By strategically leveraging these types of organizations, the strategy ensures that protective measures are embedded within non-controversial, community-valued services. This careful planning helps maintain the sustainability of the operations, reduces the risk of exposure, and enhances the long-term viability of protecting vulnerable populations amidst political turbulence.


Types of Organizations

Select organizations that are universally accepted and less likely to attract negative attention from antagonistic groups such as MAGA:

Operational Setup

Implementation Examples

Section 3: Post-Election Strategy - Pivoting Operations


Overall Strategic Actions

  1. Activate Covert Safe Havens and Paper Organizations:
- Evaluate the political environment post-election and determine the level of threat to vulnerable communities. - Activate contingency plans in prepared safe havens and paper organizations to provide immediate support and protection. 
  1. Utilize Established Networks and Resources:
- Employ pre-arranged logistics and support systems to distribute resources, provide shelter, and facilitate the safe movement of individuals at risk. 
  1. Community Integration Strategies:
- Deepen involvement in local community activities that are non-political and broadly supported to avoid backlash. - Increase participation in community service projects that enhance local development and provide essential services, reinforcing the organization's value to the community and obscuring its protective roles. 

Examples of Pivoting Operations Using Small Businesses

  1. Carpet Cleaning Services:
- Use service vans for discreet transportation of individuals and supplies, leveraging routine operations as cover. - Legend has it that Cleopatra was smuggled into court rolled up in a carpet. 
  1. Landscaping and Gardening Services:
- Employ landscaping crews to offer jobs and shelter in modified storage units, providing a plausible reason for the movement and congregation of workers. - MAGA has no respect for minorities, but they like mowed lawns. Transporting people of color in the guise of lawn care workers will usually be ignored. 
  1. Mobile Pet Grooming Services:
- Utilize pet grooming vans to distribute resources discreetly and move individuals between safe locations under the guise of service calls. - Pet first aid equipment can also be used on two legged mammals. 
  1. Food Trucks:
- Operate food trucks to serve dual purposes—providing food to vulnerable populations and acting as mobile meeting points for logistics coordination. - Food trucks can have electronic messaging services, connected to GPS, and deliver data just by driving by. 
  1. House Painting Businesses:
- Leverage access to residential areas and use vans for safely relocating individuals under the guise of transporting workers and supplies. - Cans of paint can be used to store all sorts of things. 
  1. Residential Cleaning Services:
- Use cleaning teams for discreet distribution of supplies and temporary housing solutions, under the guise of deep-cleaning or house-sitting services. 
  1. Plumbing and Electrical Services:
- Dispatch tradespeople to carry necessities and check on at-risk individuals without drawing attention, using routine service calls as cover. - Plumbers carrying large pipe shaped constructions are less suspicious. 
  1. Bicycle Repair Shops:
- Implement mobile bicycle repair services for flexible and discreet transport of supplies and aid. - Bicycle frame tubes can have dual uses. 
  1. Fitness and Personal Training Services:
- Use private training sessions to provide physical and mental support discreetly, checking on individuals’ well-being under the guise of health and wellness coaching. - A fitness bootcamp fun run can be an actual bootcamp. 
  1. Local Bakery or Pizzeria Delivery Services: - Use delivery operations to routinely check on community members under the routine delivery of food, covering a broad area without suspicion. - Bakers are up early every day without drawing suspicion.

Monitoring and Adaptation

Legal Navigation

1. Data Privacy Enhancements

2. Supply Chain Redistribution

3. Corporate Philanthropy Redirection

4. Product Development with Hidden Features

5. Legal Department Advocacy Against Harmful Laws

6. Marketing Campaigns with Subtle Messages

7. Community Engagement for Resource Distribution

8. Internal Training on Privacy and Security

9. R&D for Dual-Use Technologies

10. Strategic Public Relations

In the face of rising authoritarianism and potential threats, it's understandable to feel overwhelmed by the detailed strategies and safety measures we've outlined. However, it's important not to let panic set in. The purpose of these strategies is not to alarm you but to prepare and empower you and your community.
For many of us, blending seamlessly into our surroundings comes naturally and doesn’t require drastic changes to our daily lives. For those who cannot hide—the most visible and vulnerable among us—it becomes not only an option but a responsibility for their allies to step up and implement these strategies. This dual approach ensures that while some continue their lives with minimal disruption, others work behind the scenes to maintain safety nets and support systems. This collective effort is what builds a robust resistance movement capable of withstanding pressures and protecting its members from harm. It's not just about individual safety; it's about community resilience.
By taking proactive steps now, we ensure that everyone has the support they need to face whatever may come. This strategy is about being ready, not scared. It’s about building a network of support that can operate effectively under pressure while maintaining a facade of conformity to protect all its members.
Let’s focus on being prepared and connected, on understanding our roles, and on supporting each other. With careful planning and solidarity, we can navigate these challenges without fear, safeguarding our rights and freedoms in the process. Remember, the goal here is to keep the light of democracy burning, no matter how dark the times may seem.
sorry if my formatting is all over the place. This is jumble of my notes. I figure perfect is the enemy of good, and some of you have some anxiety over this. The rest of you...should....But It's going to be OK, because we have feet and hands and arms, and we can MAKE it OK.
submitted by CoHousingFarmer to Defeat_Project_2025 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 10:28 tab_rick The 10 Best Bathroom Sink Brands 2023

The 10 Best Bathroom Sink Brands 2023
The industry of bathroom sinks, traditionally viewed as a fundamental necessity, has transformed into a symbol of design sophistication, innovation, and market vitality. As of the year 2021, the global market value of bathroom sinks was estimated to be around $3.5 billion, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% over the ensuing five years, according to data from Statista. This upward trajectory can be largely attributed to the flourishing construction and real estate sectors, particularly in burgeoning markets such as China and India. China, for example, has transitioned from being labeled the “world’s factory” to experiencing a substantial surge in domestic consumption, representing close to 30% of worldwide bathroom sink sales in the year 2021, based on a report by IBISWorld. Concurrently, in Western markets, there has been a notable shift towards eco-friendly sink options and designs that incorporate smart technology, opening up a plethora of possibilities for enterprises in pursuit of innovative and sustainable offerings.
The critical role of manufacturers in this sector cannot be overstated. They are at the forefront of ushering in an era of innovation and elevated quality standards. In the following sections, we will explore a comprehensive list of prominent brands that are leading the way in the bathroom sink industry, each offering a diverse types of sinks to cater to varying consumer needs.

Location: Shenzhen, China
Founded Years: 2000
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Solid surface washbasins
  • Solid surface sinks
  • Hand wash sinks
  • Above-counter basins
  • Wall-hung basins
  • Cabinet basins
  • Freestanding sinks
  • Undermount sinks
  • Double sinks and single sinks
  • Various inches sinks
Kingkonree Profile:
Kingkonree is a recognized name in the bathroom sink industry, located in China. Boasting a massive 15,000 m² factory, the company prides itself on its capacity to produce over 15,000 products per month. With its products being appreciated in over 100 countries, it’s clear that Kingkonree has positioned itself as a global contender. We offer various styles of sinks to satisfy customers’ needs.
At its core, Kingkonree places a premium on quality. They stick to a rigorous standard for raw materials, ensuring no adulteration. Their combination of 60% aluminum powder and 40% resin ensures a product of the highest quality. Notably, the aluminum powder is sourced from China’s aluminum industry, ensuring a high-density product that does not bleed color or crack. Their commitment to quality is further evident in their decision to use unsaturated resin for their products, similar to the resin used on yacht exteriors, guaranteeing similar anti-corrosion performance. And proven solid surface material is also resistant to high temperatures.
However, it’s not just the materials that make Kingkonree stand out. They offer a 10-year warranty, surpassing many competitors who often provide 2 to 5 years. Their baking process, which involves heating at 120°C before stabilizing at 80°C, ensures stable color, evaporating odors, and a consistent shape. This process, although costly, underlines their commitment to delivering premium products.
In terms of customization and client servicing, Kingkonree shines. They guarantee a color customization period of merely 1 to 5 days, while many in the industry take up to 15 days. The company also prioritizes its customers’ confidentiality by having a separate mold workshop. Their mold production, impressively fast at 25 days, is almost half the time it takes for other competitors.
Summing up, Kingkonree is not just another manufacturer in the bathroom sink industry. It’s a symbol of commitment, quality, and customer-centricity. For businesses looking to associate with a reliable brand, Kingkonree offers an unparalleled proposition.


Location: North Olmsted, Ohio, USA
Founded Years: 1956
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Drop in sinks
  • Vessel sinks
  • One-Bowl sinks
  • Undermount sinks
Moen Profile:
Moen, a distinguished American brand in the faucet and fixture industry, originates from North Olmsted, Ohio. Established by the innovative Alfred M. Moen in 1956, it now stands as a significant entity within the prestigious Fortune Brands Innovations corporation. With an impressive history of over 80 years, Moen has solidified its reputation for durability, excellence, and reliability.
What differentiates Moen? Their steadfast dedication to exemplary quality and craftsmanship. Their ethos revolves around standing by their products, a principle manifestly evident through the positive testimonials of myriad customers who’ve opted for Moen’s superior water solutions. The Moen team comprises not just manufacturers but visionaries, pioneers, and expert solution providers. Each product is a testament to their commitment, proficiency, and the elevated standards they maintain.
Furthermore, Moen’s dedication extends beyond mere product sales. They furnish an extensive array of customer support resources. Whether it’s instructional videos for seamless installation, a comprehensive FAQ section, or guidance on product finish care, Moen ensures their clients have all the requisite information. Their robust warranty support further accentuates their confidence in their product range.
For industry professionals and tradespeople, Moen has introduced the “Moen 101 Learning” platform. An invaluable repository of knowledge, it offers insights into product identification, innovation backgrounds, and core product platform specifics. Additionally, their dedicated literature center facilitates easy access to vital guides, brochures, and catalogs.


Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Founded Years: 1983
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Undermount sinks
  • Vessel sinks
  • Pedestal sinks
Rohl Profile:
Located at the prestigious Merchandise Mart in Chicago, Rohl epitomizes luxury and craftsmanship in the domain of bathroom fixtures. Since its inception in 1983, Rohl has unwaveringly dedicated itself to obtaining the most exquisite materials and designs from prominent global regions including Italy, England, and France. Their meticulously handcrafted sinks, embodying both luxury and innovation, have elevated numerous master bathrooms, guest spaces, and powder rooms to epitomes of elegance and solace.
Rohl’s ethos is characterized by an unyielding passion for exceptional craftsmanship. They perceive beyond mere materials, realizing the inherent potential within stone, clay, brass, and steel. Their meticulous processes—be it casting, glazing, or firing—culminate in fixtures resembling art. This commitment is palpably reflected in their selectively assembled collection of luxury brands, each narrating a distinctive saga of heritage, ingenuity, and aesthetics. Esteemed brands such as Riobel®, Perrin & Rowe®, Shaws®, Victoria + Albert®, and ROHL® itself, collectively contribute to this illustrious tale.
Exploring Rohl’s range, it becomes evident that their sinks are more than mere utilities; they are focal points. Each style, whether undermount, vessel, or pedestal, underscores Rohl’s dedication to supreme quality and enduring elegance, including timeless style. For example, Shaws, established in England in 1897, specializes in fireclay sinks meticulously crafted by seasoned artisans. Renowned for their resilience, these sinks are prevalent in historic English residences, attesting to their perennial charm and making them a perfect choice for small bathrooms.


Location: Hemer, Germany
Founded Years: 1991
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Undermount sinks
  • Wall-hung sinks
  • Oval sinks
  • Rectangle sinks
Grohe Profile:
Grohe, synonymous with quality and innovation, is a leading name in bathroom solutions and kitchen fittings. Originating from Germany, Grohe has established itself as a global brand, continuously offering products that epitomize luxury, function, and design.
The brand is dedicated to curating harmonious and serene bathroom spaces, as showcased in their carefully designed ceramic sinks and toilet collections. From the geometric precision of the Eurocube® range to the soft contours of the Essence collection, Grohe ensures each piece reflects meticulous craftsmanship, seamlessly fitting into any bathroom aesthetic. Paired with Grohe’s diverse faucet range, these collections further solidify the brand’s esteemed legacy.
Yet, Grohe’s prowess extends beyond design. The core tenets of technology, quality, design, and sustainability serve as the foundation of Grohe’s mission to provide “Pure Freude an Wasser” or “Pure Joy of Water”. The “Made in Germany” seal on their products affirms their dedication to quality and functionality. Advanced production engineering ensures that every item aligns with Grohe’s rigorous standards.
Throughout its history, Grohe’s commitment to innovation and superior design has garnered over 240 design and innovation accolades globally. More than awards, architects, designers, and developers consistently choose Grohe for prominent projects, affirming its reputation for excellence.
In 2014, Grohe integrated with LIXIL, a global leader in innovative water and housing solutions. This alliance has fortified Grohe’s market position, benefiting from LIXIL’s expansive resources and proficiency.

Gerber Plumbing Fixtures

Location: Woodridge, IL
Founded Years: 1932
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Pedestal sinks
  • Undermount sinks
  • Drop-in sinks
  • Wall-hung sinks
Gerber Plumbing Fixtures Profile:
Gerber Plumbing Fixtures LLC, distinguished for its precision and reliability, has fortified its esteemed position in the plumbing sector over the decades. Rooted in a rich history and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Gerber Plumbing emerges as a top-tier choice for both residential clients and industry professionals.
At the heart of Gerber Plumbing’s commendations lies a steadfast focus on quality. Every bathroom fixture, from basins to taps, adorned with the Gerber Plumbing emblem, epitomizes the brand’s dedication to unparalleled craftsmanship and functionality. Tailored to suit both modern sensibilities and classic tastes, their offerings are thoughtfully crafted, centering on the specific requirements of the end user.
Furthermore, Gerber Plumbing’s commitment transcends mere product superiority. They place a premium on forging impactful connections, be it with homeowners granting them the honor of enhancing their abodes, or with professionals opting for Gerber Plumbing in their projects. This principle of building and sustaining relationships is intrinsic to their triumph, engendering a loyal network of supporters and partners.
Additionally, innovation remains pivotal for Gerber Plumbing. Continuously seeking advancements in technology and design, they ensure their products not only satisfy but surpass user expectations. This progressive vision positions Gerber Plumbing as an industry vanguard, pioneering standards for others to emulate.


Location: Northern California, USA
Founded Years: 2002
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Cabinetry products
  • Bath sinks
  • Customized solutions
Ronbow Profile:
Located in the dynamic region of Northern California, Ronbow represents two decades of excellence and innovation in cabinetry craftsmanship. Distinguished by its approach to not merely producing items but curating experiences, Ronbow has established a distinct position in the sector.
Central to Ronbow’s philosophy is the principle of customer-centric design. Recognizing the distinctiveness of each individual’s style, they advocate for homes that mirror personal aesthetics. Hence, Ronbow provides an extensive range of customization, allowing every item to embody the homeowner’s distinctive touch. Their commitment to excellence is reflected in their material choices, procured from premier European sources, guaranteeing both durability and sophistication.
Ronbow’s dedication extends beyond mere manufacturing. They emphasize the holistic journey, spanning from ideation to installation. With a proficient team in California, they guarantee a seamless process, offering a comprehensive customer experience that remains unmatched.
Innovation remains pivotal to Ronbow’s strategy. By integrating advanced technology, they achieve meticulousness in every aspect – from design to finishing touches. Their modern facility in Livermore, California, underlines their allegiance to technological progression within the sink and cabinetry realm. Such technological expertise, coupled with their sustainability initiatives, ensures that Ronbow’s offerings are as eco-friendly as they are aesthetically appealing.


Location: Laufen near Basel in Switzerland
Founded Years: 1892
Target Market: Global
Primary Products:
  • Wall-hung washbasins
  • Countertop washbasins
  • Washbasin bowls
  • Freestanding washbasins
  • Undermount washbasins
Laufen Profile:
Laufen, a distinguished Swiss company, excels in crafting premium bathroom solutions. Their commitment extends beyond functionality, emphasizing sustainable design. From conceptualization to shipping, each process underscores eco-conscious practices.
However, Laufen’s mission transcends just eco-friendliness. They champion innovation with a vision focused on advancing a circular economy. Aligned with global initiatives, they actively support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. As a member of the Roca Group, their collective ambition centers on elevating sustainability standards.
Their bathroom sinks exemplify the harmonious blend of aesthetic appeal and environmental responsibility. Laufen offers designs that are not only visually pleasing but also mindful of their environmental impact. Their initiatives, such as the Denmark project targeting plastic recycling from toilet cisterns, manifest their dedication to responsible business practices. With recognized achievements and partnerships with academic institutions and municipalities, Laufen is redefining the future of bathrooms, emphasizing intelligence, purity, and sustainability.

Victoria + Albert

Location: North Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Founded Years: 1996
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Amalfi 55
  • Rossendale 122
  • Amiata 60
  • Barcelona 48
  • Cabrits 55
  • Drayton 40
  • Edge 45
  • ios 54
Victoria + Albert Profile:
Victoria + Albert has built their reputation around crafting stunning bathroom products, making them a top choice for interior designers. Their line of bathroom basins, including options for guest bath and master bath sinks, are especially noteworthy for their functionality and decor. What makes them stand out? Each basin is designed to not only be beautiful on its own but also to complement their exclusive range of baths. So, when paired, a Victoria + Albert bath and basin create a striking combo, enhancing the look and feel of any bathroom.
One of the remarkable features of their products is the unique material they use – QUARRYCAST™. Now, what’s that, you might wonder? It’s a special blend of what they call Volcanic Limestone™ and high-grade resins. This Volcanic Limestone™ isn’t just any ordinary rock. Formed under the extreme conditions of magma heat and pressure on soft limestone, it transforms into an ultra-strong white rock. Mixing it with quality resins, they’ve developed QUARRYCAST™, a top-tier stone composite that offers several benefits:
  • Durable: It’s naturally white and glossy and won’t easily get stained by hair dyes or bath oils.
  • Strong: Unlike regular materials, there’s no flex or creak. It’s solid!
  • Warm: Ever touched a cold bath? They feel warm and keep your bath water toasty for a longer time.
  • Easy to Clean: A quick wipe, and it shines like new.
  • Lightweight: Despite its sturdiness, their average bath weighs just 72kg.
  • Guaranteed: Peace of mind with a 25-year consumer and 8-year commercial guarantee.
They also offer customization! From a new matt finish to choosing from a vast range of 199 colours, you can truly make it your own. And for hotels or large residential projects, they even provide an anti-slip safety coating, ensuring a safe and elegant bathroom experience.
For those seeking elegance and reliability in their bathroom for a new bathroom sink, Victoria + Albert’s offerings are great choices and hard to surpass.


Location: Dartford,Kent
Founded Years: 1998
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Basin accessories
  • Console sinks
  • Countertop basins
  • Pedestal basins
  • Undermount basins
  • Bathroom vanities
Crosswater Profile:
Crosswater London, deeply rooted in London’s core, has established itself as a prominent entity in the bathroom sector for over twenty years. Possessing a profound comprehension of bathroom aesthetics and function, the brand has ascended as Europe’s foremost purveyor of exceptional products. Their unwavering dedication to superior quality has not merely been observed—it has been lauded.
Their distinct amalgamation of continental European design combined with quintessential British flair is prominently showcased throughout their expansive product offerings. Ranging from basin essentials to elegant vanities, Crosswater London equips consumers with everything requisite to enhance their bathroom environment. However, their proficiency extends beyond design. They pledge that each product is subjected to rigorous quality scrutiny. Consequently, acquiring a Crosswater product equates to securing unparalleled excellence.
Discussing bathroom basins, Crosswater London elevates the standard. With an assortment that spans from atop-the-counter basins to undermount installation varieties devoid of faucet holes, they ensure that bathrooms exude contemporary sophistication and a modern look. Moreover, their commitment transcends the mere product dimension. They are esteemed for their unmatched customer service, adhering to a principle of “Exceeding Expectations.” Be it technical assistance or expedited deliveries, their profound basins, replete with a deep basin and an overflow drain, are testament to their commitment.
A visit to their central hub, Lake View House in London, is a journey of discovery. Upon entrance, visitors are enveloped by a captivating array of their avant-garde bathroom solutions. As an integral component of the Bathroom Brands Group, Crosswater’s entrepreneurial zest radiates, solidifying their position as Europe’s preeminent independent bathroom conglomerate.
To encapsulate, Crosswater London represents not merely a brand but an unequivocal assurance of quality, elegance, and peerless service.

Elkay Manufacturing Company

Location: Downers Grove, Illinois
Founded Years: 1920
Target Market: Worldwide
Primary Products:
  • Stainless steel sinks
  • Quartz sinks
  • Fireclay sinks
  • Workstation sinks
  • Undermount sinks
  • Drop-in sinks
  • Farmhouse sinks
  • ADA-compliant sinks
Elkay Manufacturing Company Profile:
Founded in 1920 in Chicago, the Elkay Manufacturing Company commenced its distinguished trajectory under the insightful leadership of Leopold Katz and Louis Katz. They set forth with a lucid mandate: to craft superior sinks and to guarantee unmatched customer contentment.
Presently, Elkay stands as a hallmark for outstanding kitchen and bathroom sinks. Their comprehensive collection spans from resilient stainless steel models radiating luster, to chic quartz selections in a spectrum of shades. Their fireclay sinks gain accolades for endurance, while their immaculate white porcelain selections embody refinement. For those who seek both functionality and elegance, Elkay introduces its workstation sinks. Their varied offerings align seamlessly with every interior theme, encompassing the refined glass sink designs. Be it a preference for undermount, top-mount, or the timeless farmhouse style, Elkay pledges unparalleled excellence. In addition, their growth now includes an assortment of bathroom sinks, notably the perfect bathroom sink, perfectly crafted designs apt for stone countertops and lavatories. Notably, Elkay’s sinks come with finishes resistant to staining, making them a discerning and elegant choice for washrooms.
In the realm of commercial environments, Elkay has secured esteemed partnerships with entities like hospitals, educational institutions, and dining establishments. Their dedication to accessibility is evident in their ADA-compliant sink range, ensuring utility for everyone.
Their cutting-edge sink selection tool streamlines the decision-making journey. Transitioning from its modest roots in Chicago to its eminent global stature, Elkay persistently upholds its commitment: delivering top-tier sinks and unwavering customer satisfaction.


The bathroom sink sector, an integral segment of the comprehensive home interiors market, has experienced significant expansion over the past decade. Amidst the global surge in urbanization, there emerges an amplified demand for sophisticated and premium bathroom fittings, encompassing basins.
A notable transformation within the industry is the heightened inclination towards ecologically responsible and sustainable designs. Manufacturers are innovating by incorporating recycled materials and water-saving technologies, aligning with global sustainability goals. This evolution is of paramount significance for B2B entities, as establishments such as hotels, corporate spaces, and public facilities strive to meet environmental standards.
Due to their dedication to aesthetic elegance, enduring quality, and environmental stewardship, these 10 brands have carved a niche in the domain. Their products become focal points in many restrooms, proving indispensable in confined areas where optimizing counter, flooring, and storage space is crucial. Engage with these brands to cultivate a profitable and sustainable business partnership.
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:50 Fun_Coyote7044 AMC - WHERE HAS ALL THE MONEY GONE - Follow the money series - PART III

USA FED REVERSE REPO - In short, once RRP reaches zero in May or June, there may no longer be abundant reserves in the banking sector, which increases the probability of an accident somewhere in the plumbing of the financial system.Feb 24, 2024
CHINA 🇨🇳- Stock market 📈- Throw in Hong Kong's exchange, which primarily lists Chinese companies, and since 2021, China's stock markets have lost about $7 trillion in value.Feb 6, 2024 *** $7 TRILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!😳
CHINA 🇨🇳-Real Estate 🏡- EVERGANDE - Once China's biggest developer, Evergrande has reported more than US$300 billion ($456 billion) in liabilities and its troubles have become a symbol of a years-long property crisis that has dealt a massive blow to the country's economy.Jan 29, 2024 (other estimates put it over $528 billion) - goofy math being used now to soften numbers, if you find $81 billion as the loss number, dig deeper - it’s bullshit
I LIKE AMC 💎 ( look for Part 4 )
submitted by Fun_Coyote7044 to AMCrealAPES [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 22:01 graidan Where to Start - Part 3: Calling

Preparation and Getting Started
You may have gathered up your Tellbones, but there’s a lot of other work that comes with spirit communication that can save you from significant headache or worse. It can also really shine a light on possibilities and make things significantly easier!
First of all, communication and all the problems that come with it goes in both directions. Sometimes you have a question for the Wights around you, and sometimes they have a question for you. Sometimes you don’t understand them, and sometimes they’re clueless about what your mumbles mean. There are gaps here, and translation can be difficult.
You’ve got to pay attention, and do your best to understand and be clear. Pay attention to the context of the conversation. A yes in one situation is a “oh, hell no!” in another situation. For example, if you’re asking if you should stay in your current home, then that dynamic moving Fire bone probably doesn’t really mean yes. Stable Earth, do not move, seems like a more accurate “yes, stay here” message.
If you phrase your questions correctly and clearly, that will help you get consistently understandable messages. Another tip is to focus your questions so that a yes is always best represented by the Fire bone, so that you know exactly what the Bones mean when, and so do the spirits you’re talking with.
Keep in mind that your questions are not necessarily appropriate to any Wight of any kind. You don’t go ask monks about marriage problems (well, you shouldn’t, anyway) because they’re often the least qualified to have anything helpful to say. Their knowledge is limited. Likewise, you might not wanna go drop F-bombs on the various Archangels. There are different registers we speak in – how we talk at work isn’t necessarily the same as how we talk to our friends, and the same applies to spirits.
On the contrary side of that, just because a Wight isn't a money-goddoesn't mean you can't ask them. Just be aware that they're going to give you advice or information filtered through their lens. This is not unusual or unexpected - if you have a friend who is amazing at fixing cars (or applying acrylic nails, or who reads every smutty romance that was ever published, or...), it doesn't mean you can't ask them about investments, or car problems, or what to read next. It just means your answer will be in their opinion view. The woman fixing you car might recommend a spy novel to read, and the guy doing your nails might have some handy tips on simple car repair. Aphrodite knows how to handle conflict too, you know.
Respect your boundaries. If some spirit says you need to move to Guatemala and start a multi-level marketing scheme there, that doesn’t mean you should do it. If they say donate all your worldly good to the homeless and become a monk – do you even want to do that? Because if no, respect your own boundaries. You wouldn’t flat out obey these commandments just because a human said so, and you shouldn’t do the same when a Wight does it either. We’ll get more into all of these kinds of situations, and more, but there’s a start to it. Speaking of starts, how do you start a conversation with spirit? It’s really a lot simpler than you think, but just to be clear, let’s go over some of the details you might want to think about.
Making the Call
Mindset goes a long way to setting up a conversation. If you’ve ever had to explain yourself before a judge, you know exactly what I mean when I say that your mindset will make or break the conversation. Same goes if you’ve ever tried to ask someone out on a date when you didn’t know if they liked you like that or not. Your mouth gets dry when you’re nervous, you flub your words, and your mind goes into overdrive analyzing what you’ve said in the worst possible light. You end up missing their response.
Start the conversation calmly. Don’t worry about demonic possession or looking foolish. Set aside your expectations about what you have to be like and how they should respond. These are not new ideas – this is how we to talk to other people, and well, aren’t Wights included in those other people too? Damn right they are.
In that same vein – drop your expectations. Odds are good you won’t attract the attention of Metatron or Asmodeus. Are you conscious of every cell in your little toe? Only at very specific, excruciating moments, I can imagine. Don’t expect who will respond to you, or what they look like, or who could or could not answer you – those excruciating moments do happen sometimes, and after all, you could be the throbbing toenail of the High and Holy Lord God Almighty this one time.
Which actually leads gracefully (almost as if I’d planned it, yeah?) into the next topic – if you want to talk to someone, you have to get their attention. If you sit there muttering to yourself in the corner, I suppose that could get attention, but it’s not going to be the kind you want. Resonance is key here. If you want to talk to the spirit of your house about some plumbing problems you’ve been having, it’s probably best to be in your house, near the plumbing mains, surrounded by symbols of water and plumbing. Holding your conversation out in the woods at midnight under a full moon (a fool moon?) – kudos for aesthetics, but negative marks for common sense.
There is a VERY simple method that has been used nigh universally to get attention at the beginning of a conversation. Make a noise. Sing or yell, ring a bell. Clap 3 times or 4 snaps in Z-formation – whatever works for you. A lot of Asian traditions use clapping, which I like to combine with some simple energy offerings. Rub your hands together until you can feel the energy flowing, and then make your claps, firmly and purposefully. It’s amazing how effective this simple exercise can be.
A simple call is not a bad either. It doesn’t need to be one of those complicated, drawn-out, thee-andthou-filled invocations. It can really be as simple as “Fred, Wight of Floor Coverings, I want to talk to you! I have questions about carpets!” You can get a lot more formal, of course, but that depends on you, your Wight friend, and the aesthetic you share – it’s definitely not required by most Wights.
How do you know what their names are, though? Is it really Fred? Well, you have multiple options here. For one, you can just use generic terms, in much the same way a lot of people just say “my totem is Wolf ” - they mean the Wight of Wolves, probably. If you don’t know his name is Fred, just call him the Wight of Floor Covering. Or Floorcovering. “O Benevolent Floorcovering, I beseech thee for thy aid in selecting a good purple shag”. Like you do. Or whatever.
You can always give the Wight a name, and ask if they like it. Those guys who named Asmodeus and Tzadkiel and all them had to come up with names somehow too, right? Those are essentially the previous method with “El” tacked on. They do the same in Shinto a lot, just adding “Kami”. In this case, you might have Marqhadel (Carpet-god) or Otatamigami (Honorable Kami of Floor Mats).
As an example, I am very close to the Wight of Spiders. I was born premature when a Black Widow bit my mother, who then went into shock and then labor. Alas, it was not radioactive. Spiders have always been a significant presence in my life, and I do have some of their powers – I am convinced that my language ability is one of the things I got from Her. Now, one of the things I haven’t mentioned – my language geekery extends so far that I have even created my own language (a conlang, it’s called, from constructed language). In that language (taalen, mentioned elsewhere here), I call Her Ammuaya, which means “Webmother”, which She likes.
I also call Her Araine, an Old English (via French) word for spider – I even have that in a tattoo of Her. It can be that simple, and since it’s your relationship, you can call each other whatever you like. Maybe you have nicknames for your friends - this really doesn’t have to be any different. It’s about you, them, your relationship, and okay, probably a little bit of your aesthetic. I have a friend who dresses Lucifer in pink, and another who has a way with words that turns the most innocuous hum drum object into the darkest and spookiest mystery in the world. Whatever you do, if they like it, you’re on the way to a strong connection.
Resonance is also one of the ways of getting seen. If you’re looking to interact with an Angel in the Christian tradition, it’s probably a good idea to have a cross on you and be pure in all the ways that Leviticus suggests (just kidding! That’s unpossible). Depending on the denomination, they all have differing ideas about how it should be done. For instance, if you’re Catholic, maybe go to confession first, for example, because that resonates with the tradition that this specific Wight participates in. If you want to get the attention of the Wight of Foxes, then perhaps having foxes live nearby would be a good idea. This is the same as how if you want friends that are “fill in the blank” at school, you have to do certain things that would get their attention. You have to resonate with their interests to be seen and get their attention.
Some of that resonance is traditionally done via various ritual methods – a red cloth on the altar with a sword for Mars, for example. There are other ways to develop that resonance too. Choose an incense (if you swing that way) that the Wight would like. Anoint yourself, or the altar, or some symbolic object with magical oils or other substances - Ash Wednesday might be a good day for talking to Angels. Make your own oils and incense, using appropriate herbs and stones. Amethyst is a good stone for addiction, for example (amethyst literally means not-drunk, after all) – keep some around if you want to talk to the spirits you’re addicted to and make a change. You can create charms and talismans to make talking to some Wight easier too. This is a famous way to do it, and the grimoires are filled with them. I’ve got some to share eventually as well.
Knock Knock, Who’s There?
In traditions outside of the Western world, there’s a habit that I think is a Really Good Idea™. Here in the West we tend not to check the identity of who we’re communicating with. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve witnessed “The Goddess told me” with no backup at all, or proclamation from on high about how “Odin said”, or “your Ancestors want you to”, or you name it. I appreciate the effort, but there’s got to be a sense of validation and skeptical appreciation.
Validating who you’re talking to is a very common step in a lot of other traditions. It’s probably safe to assume that if you’re at a shrine, you’re probably talking to the Wight enshrined there, or one of their assistants at the very least. That is how it generally works in Asian traditions, where if you want a conversation with Ol’ So-and-So, you go to their altar or shrine. In African traditions, there’s a greater concern with identity, and more of an effort to identify who you’re speaking to.
Until you have developed a relationship to the point where you’ve got an altar or shrine or spirit home of some sort, or you can recognize their voice, it’s probably not a bad idea to check. Bone fides are not a bad thing – we do it all the time in material conversations. Business cards, “Hi Dad, I’m hungry” (and all the jokes), “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name”, and so on. Why wouldn’t you ask someone you’re talking to what their name is? And especially if you think they’re likely to help you or teach you something?
It’s specifically one of the most important and most useful first steps you can take to establish a relationship. Getting a “phone number” for your chosen Wight(s) is also a great idea, and one that has a rich tradition and history. Sigils and seals of Angels and Demons in all those grimoires are classic phone numbers. Statuary. Traditional prayers and orations – it may not be your tradition to call on anyone with all the Christian magical prayers, but they’re sort of the “zip code” for some Wights, and it’s to your advantage if you use them as tradition dictates.
Really, when you think about it, talking to the Wights around you really isn’t all that different from all the other people you talk to on a daily basis. Just extend the same courtesy. Introduce yourself. Be polite. Say please and thank you. Ask their name. It’s obvious when you think about it like this, isn’t it? (Of course – Or Not! It’s your relationship, so do what the two of you agree too.) Start out with tradition, but if Forneus says “Dude, just call my name. I don’t need all that other stuff ”, then that may be an option.
Depending on your tradition, you may want to keep “all that other stuff ” anyway, but at least you know there are other ways to do things. Ultimately, doing a validation is pretty simple, really. Use your Tellbones! Start with the most likely and expected Wights first. If you go in expecting to talk to Fred, Wight of Floor Coverings, and you’ve called his name and rung the bell, odds are decent that you’ll get him. Ask the bones if you’re in touch with Fred, and throw.
After the expected Wight, check if you’re talking to your Ancestors or local Landwights. Your Ancestors have vested interests in you, and they tend to be around all the time. They’re part of you, after all. And the Landwights are always under your feet, so they tend to be common as well. They also tend to masquerade as other beings a lot, since they’re so rarely recognized for who they are. Most of the ghosts out there are Landwights trying to get your attention.
Continue asking about the obvious as long as you have obvious possibilities you can think of. Eventually, you may have to resort to asking about broad categories and then narrow down from there. It’s like 20 Questions, actually.
And there you go - now you know who you’re speaking to.
Well, mostly.
Remember, there are as many liars and shysters in the Spiritworld as there are anywhere else. It’s a good idea to validate that you really do have the right person. The easy way? Ask again: Really? The Wight of Interior Design? Yes. Or even ask three times, as the whole three times spoken thing is pretty powerful globally. That’s doesn’t mean it is absolutely true just because they said yes 3 times in a row - they could be lying still. It’s a good stopgap for the moment though. When you were a kid, when you asked repeatedly, didn’t the older sibling eventually give up and say “Sheesh! Fine! Yes! I have chocolate and you can’t have any because!”
Annoying can be useful sometimes, but there are other techniques we’ll get into later to help ensure that you can validate that a Wight is who they claim to be, without being that kid.
submitted by graidan to WayOfWights [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:41 SnooBooks1701 There's not enough goods

Has anyone else noticed how many important goods are missing? Where's copper? Where's aluminium? Why have spices and gems suddenly vanished? I get spices aren't as important as in the age of exploration, but they're still a pretty huge deal. Why aren't my nouveau-riche demanding gemstones to show off their wealth? Where's my plumbing? One of the biggest innovations in this era was the realisation that proper waste management is massively important. If you talk about Victorian engineering you're either discussing trains or sewers. Where's the books? Literacy is increasing but they have nothing to read. I should have an entire side industry using the waste products from my meat and fish industries to create soap or glue.
Where's entertainment? The theatre, playing cards (Nintendo was founded in this era as a playing cards company), instruments (a lot of middle class home would have a piano, they were a major form of entertainment), casinos (with gambling laws) and so forth. Where's the newspaper? They're referenced but they never appear. Stop putting it in services.
Where are the clocks? Clocks were insanely important, factories needed them for timing shifts, the military needed them to plan battles, the rich had them as status symbols, businesses used them for meetings. They were one of the most important precision instruments of the era.
Pharmaceuticals, this is when real pharmaceuticals started appearing: the first penicillin treatment, aspirin, quinine, morphine, ephedrine, chloroform, chloral hydrate, adrenaline, amphetamine, ether, nitrous oxide, barbiturates, insulin, arsephenamine. These transformed medicine and they just aren't in the game, but the pharmaceutical industry definitely existed in this era (I'm not saying every drug should be there, may just one or two classes, perhaps just pharmaceuticals and then antibiotics later).
I get a lot of things are handwaved away as services, but they shouldn't be because these were big deals. Services should be for actual services: brokerages, insurance, tailors, wheelwrights, advertisers, netmenders, carpenters, waste disposal, servants, it shouldn't be such a catchall for major sectors of the economy, like pottery (pottery such a major industry there's an entire city in the UK that was built on just pottery). We should have household good manufacturies, because they were extremely important, people got rich of those, but we only have clothes and furniture.
submitted by SnooBooks1701 to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:00 oponons Sydney water easement

Sydney water easement submitted by oponons to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 14:52 -w1n5t0n Implementing a Compiler as a Triplestore-backed, Forward-Chaining Inference/Rule Engine (?)

Hello friends! I've been recently working with the lovely O'Doyle Rules library, a triplestore-based RETE algorithm engine in Clojure, and I keep thinking that this type of declarative and reactive "facts & rules" approach would be very fitting and effective for implementing compilers1.
For those who haven't come across this paradigm before, here's how I understand this kind of inference/rule engines to work:
  1. There is a triplestore database that holds simple2 [id, attr, val] facts. For example, the s-expression (* foo 0) could be represented with a collection of individual facts like:

[:id/1 :node/type :type/fn-call] [:id/1 :fn-call/f :id/2] [:id/1 :fn-call/args [:id/3 :id/4]] [:id/2 :node/type :type/ident] [:id/2 :ident/val "*"] [:id/3 :node/type :type/ident], [:id/3 :ident/val "foo"] [:id/4 :node/type :type/const] [:id/4 :const/val "0"] 
  1. There are simple2 rules that explicitly declare what kind of fact patterns across the database they're dependent on, and what should happen whenever there's a full match. For example, a simple rule that aims to optimize away multiplications that contain zeros could be written like:
    "Optimize multiplications with zeros" [:what [node-id :node/type :fn-call] [node-id :fn-call/f fn-id] [node-id :fn-call/args argslist] [fn-id :ident/val "*"] [zero-const-id :const/val "0"] :when (list-contains? argslist zero-const-id) :then (insert-fact! [node-id :replace-with "0"])]
NOTE: whenever we use a symbol in any column, we're binding that column's value to that symbol in the context of the rule. Whenever we use the same symbol across columns or facts, that's essentially an implicit "join" or unification across them. The :when and :then blocks can use arbitrary (Clojure) code to filter the incoming facts and generate new facts, respectively.
This can be read as: Whenever there's any AST node such that:
  1. it has an attribute :fn-call/f, which points to another node that has an identifier value of "*",
  2. it has an attribute :fn-call/args, which points to a list of other node IDs
  3. that list contains the ID of any node that we know is a constant with a :const/val of "0",
then that AST node should be replaced with "0".
  1. The engine analyzes all of the rules and their dependencies and compiles them into a graph that efficiently caches facts and semi-complete matches over time, so that a rule only fires when there is at least one full set of matching facts. Once executed, the rule may introduce more facts into the database which may then recursively trigger other rules etc, until a fixed point is reached and the execution is over (presumably with a final rule that will only match when there's a "compilation finished" fact inserted in the database and will write the finished compiled code to disk).
The main benefit that I see with this approach is that the compiler's behaviour can be built up with bite-sized chunks of logic/functionality, experimented with, and extended over time by simply swapping or adding rules into the existing (unordered) set, without having to worry too much about where the new functionality needs to be carefully spliced inside a complex codebase, or about manually plumbing (and debugging) the control flow of execution through all the rules.
Of course, I'm aware that this approach may have its own shortcomings (like performance, but let's not worry about that just yet). For example, rules clearly interact implicitly with other rules by virtue of being dependent on facts they may introduce, or by introducing facts of their own that may trigger other rules dowstream (which may in turn recursively trigger the original rule), and therefore a lot of potentially hidden complexity can arise that way. However, due to the explicit dependencies of rules on fact patterns and the explicit and traceable insertion of facts in the database, I can imagine developer tools that would be able to illuminate, statically check/verify (e.g. "there's a match conflict between rules X and Y", or "rule Z depends on attributes that are never inserted in the database and will therefore never fire"), and help navigate the potential interactions between them.
Does anyone have any thoughts or criticisms on this idea?
Is anyone aware of compilers that have already been implemented in a similar fashion?
1 Disclaimer: not that I have implemented any (yet).
2 As opposed to complex, à la Rich Hickey's talk "Simple Made Easy", i.e. "strands hanging loose in parallel, vs strands being woven/braided together".
submitted by -w1n5t0n to ProgrammingLanguages [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 01:56 AnaWolfbay1412 A cool guide to the 7 main types of plastic

A cool guide to the 7 main types of plastic submitted by AnaWolfbay1412 to ideasforana [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 19:08 infobeautiful A cool guide to the 7 main types of plastic

A cool guide to the 7 main types of plastic submitted by infobeautiful to coolguides [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 00:32 Inorai [Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 16: A Pact Between Friends

[Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 16: A Pact Between Friends
Playlist First Chapter Character sheets
The Story:
Keeping her store on Earth was supposed to keep her out of trouble, but when a human walks through her wards like they weren't there, Aloe finds herself with a mystery on her hands. Unfortunately for the human, her people love mysteries - and if she doesn't intervene, no one will. With old enemies sniffing around after her new charge, the clock is ticking to find their answers.
A/N: I've decided Reddit's bullshittery is just too much to bother with. Thus, for future chapters of this/my stories, I'll be putting a link to the next chapter in the comments instead of at the bottom of the post, since I'm unable to edit them after posting. So that's where you'll want to look if you're ever backreading!
The door of the Dragon swung shut behind them.
Rowen turned, giving the door a long, hard look, but it didn’t disappear or anything. And Aloe hadn’t gone upstairs to get the crystal out of it, so…
“Are we just…leaving it here?” he said, slowing. “Shouldn’t we put it away or something?”
“It’ll be fine,” Aloe said. “Theft is a lot less of a problem here than most Earth cities, and it’s not like rural areas are that dangerous even there. No one will bother it. Besides.” She waved toward the front door, cracking a grin. “If anyone does poke around places they shouldn’t, Daisy will handle that for us.”
Rowen snorted, nodding along. The giant dog-wolf-thing—a knurl, according to Aloe—had scared the pants off him when he’d first caught sight of her. All it took was a few minutes with her lounging half-on top of him to realize she really wasn’t that scary, but he wouldn’t want to be a thief breaking in who didn’t have that context, either.
If Aloe wasn’t worried, neither was he. He followed after her, rounding the corner and into the main town.
Lanioch, eh? He eyed the homes clustered near to the merchant’s yard. Fantasy-looking things all of them, with gently curved roofs of pale wood and flowering ivy climbing every tree and wall. It was still a small place compared to the town under Windscour, but after spending the night before skimming the roofs of villages that were little more than a few clustered-together shacks, he had some newfound respect for scale.
A few of the villagers were out and about. There seemed to be some recognition in their eyes when they looked to Aloe, and from the way heads were nodding, he could only assume the news there was a strange woman in town with a fancy animal shop.
Every now and then, though, someone would gasp a little, bowing as she passed. And every time, Aloe just looked away. Her shoulders drooped lower, and Rowen could see a muscle starting to tic in her jaw.
More of that ‘Oracle’ stuff, then. He chewed his lip, glancing sidelong at her. So…If he was reading all of this right, Aloe was some sort of celebrity. A minor one, maybe, but well-known enough she had a title. Only fancy people had those, so he had to assume that meant there was more to her than she’d really let on.
And when was she supposed to give me a deep dive into her whole life? his thoughts screamed. He grimaced, shaking his head. Idiot. Let the woman have her privacy.
“Hey,” Aloe said. Her elbow tapped against his side. “Don’t worry. These guys are pretty smart. If anyone can help you, it’s them.”
“O-Oh,” Rowen said. Right—the scholars. He nodded, a touch guiltily. “Yeah.”
The path curled around the backside of town, leading toward an enormous stone gate at the very edge of the village. It stood three people tall, seemingly carved from a single hunk of stone. Considering the farm fields gently rolling around them, he wasn’t quite sure where they’d gotten it from. Rowen looked to it, then to Aloe. “So who are these guys, anyway? Some house thing?”
“House Dilmat, seated by Lord Eswit Dilmat,” Aloe said with the cadence of long, tired practice. “They’re…similar to Kyran’s family, with abilities focused on…” She waved a hand. “Detection. Processing. Assessment, and reconstruction. Kyran’s got runes, and Eswit’s got circles.”
“So they do the same sort of stuff,” Rowen said.
“Right,” Aloe said. “If you go way back in the lineage, House Dilmat was a fracture line off House Lossimer. Kyran’s family.“ She shot a look to him as she spoke, and he nodded. “The two of them have played for control of the region for a good few centuries.”
Rowen kept nodding, trying to set the scene straight in his head. So—one of Kyran’s rivals. Well, the enemy of an enemy was a friend, right? “Is this how you normally go about things?” he said. “With new bloodlines and stuff. You said it wasn’t unusual.”
He saw Aloe smile, giving a quick nod. “Yeah,” she said, shoving her hands into her pockets. “I mean, this isn’t exactly a usual case, but…yeah. Most families keep a few mages around who like playing with magic. For lack of a better term. It’s good to have people who are trying to move your bloodline’s magic forward. Have to make the most of it while it’s still around, eh?”
“And some families can do a lot more than just having a few eccentric inventors,” Rowen said. Another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. “Some families, it’s what they do.”
“Exactly,” Aloe said. The same touch of satisfaction he’d caught slipping into her voice before was there again. “We’re lucky I’ve got the connections to one of them.”
“And you said they owe you?” The hazy blur that was the last few days ate up their conversations, turning his memories into a jumbled blur. “Something like that?”
“Yeah,” Aloe said. She took her hands free again, pointing toward the steadily-approaching stone ring. “Eswit asked my uncle to station me here for a time. He wanted to study my magic. Learn if they could replicate it, or use it to augment their own spells. So I stayed here for that summer and allowed him to watch me Speak.”
It’s that Oracle thing again. Rowen kept his silence, giving a quick nod. “Well, I’m glad you did,” he said at last.
Aloe snorted. “Me too.”
Their path was coming to an end, and they slowed, halting before the gate. There was a pedestal here, just like in the ladder lattice. Rowen glanced to Aloe, but when she didn’t move, he stepped forward, stretching a hand toward the stone.
This time, there was a spark of hope in his chest as he laid his palm against the smooth surface. “Can we cross?” he said, lifting his eyes to the gate.
He held his breath—and when the stone crackled to life, he grinned, his mood instantly lifting.
Aloe came up alongside him as magic started to fly in on either side. “You already did it once,” she said. “Stop looking so pleased with yourself.”
Her voice was light enough Rowen didn’t bristle—and really, he could only laugh. “L-Look,” he said, glancing back to her. “I’m just relieved, okay? Let me be happy.”
She grinned over at him, kicking his shoe. “Sure, kid. Come on.”
As they stepped toward the gate, though, its smooth surface showing a wooded grove on the other side, he gave the construction a hard look. It didn’t line up. “We’re still in the Deeproads, right?” he said.
His steps slowed again, the barrier right in front of them. “But we had to go all the way down through the lattice thing to get between Windscour and the Deeproads,” he said. “But we can go straight in here?”
“Come on,” Aloe said with a sigh, snagging his shoulder and tugging him on. “I’ll explain, but the gate won’t stay open forever, and they get miffy if you ask them too many times.”
When she strode forward he followed, if a bit begrudgingly.
And as they stepped out on the other side, green grass crunching beneath their feet, Aloe gestured around them. “Welcome to Emerald Hills,” she said.
Rowen came to a stop, looking around. His head was starting to spin. It was just one new thing after another, and he had a sinking feeling it was all starting to add up.
A few moments before they’d been standing in the middle of fantasy Kansas, but the light of the gate had wiped away all the verdant fields, dumping them into the middle of a thickly-grown forest instead. When he glanced up, he could see fruit hanging in the trees overhead.
A hall stood beyond the grove, built from that same pale wood and curved lines as the rest of the town. Crystal-clear windows that glittered with sunlight stretched across one of its faces, edged with brightly-painted designs.
“Wow,” he breathed, floored. The whole scene glowed as if lit from within.
“It’s a lovely district,” Aloe said. She waited alongside, arms crossed. The look she was giving the place was wistful. “They always did know how to make an impression.”
Yes, they did. Rowen gave the hall one last look, then tore his eyes away. “Let’s get this over with, I guess,” he mumbled. “And you were going to explain.”
“Right,” Aloe said. They climbed a set of stairs, branches spreading wide over their heads. “Well, it’s just…anchoring your shell at a different location. Emerald Hills, Callaton, and Windscour are all just really big shells. When their lord finds a spot they like,” she raised a hand, making a cha-chunk noise like she’d stapled something in place, “they just anchor it down and call it good. This district seat is just anchored at the Deeproads, while Windscour is anchored almost at the surface.”
His thoughts were racing to keep up with the description, but…he was pretty sure he could piece together what she was saying. “Okay,” he said. “So we’re just attached on the other side of the onion.”
She cracked a grin, one eyebrow arching. “Something like that,” she said. They hurried up one last set of stairs, out into a flat plaza with the main hall rising over them. The doors leading in were wide and looked carved from slices of the trees that surrounded them.
A few of Aloe’s elf-looking kin were lounging around. They looked up at our approach—and all around us, eyes widened. Figures stood, openly gaping at her.
Aloe ignored them. Her pace didn’t slow as she hit the main door, shoving it smoothly open. Rowen caught it before it could slam closed.
By the time he slipped around it and into the building, the mood had changed again. It was cool in here, and darker, with only a few candles lit from hanging braziers. Combined with the sunlight that poured in through the tall front windows, it gave the hall a quiet, peaceful ambiance.
Aloe swept forward, head high and a tiny smile on her lips. She could feel it too, then.
Rowen came up behind her as she slowed, pausing at the front counter. “Ma’am?” Rowen heard her say.
An erelin woman stood near the back of the room, hazy in the shadows. “Yes?” she said, looking up. She jumped a little, then started back toward them. “Oh, I’m sorry. Warm hearths, friends, and welcome to Emerald Hills.”
She bowed a little. When Aloe returned it, Rowen ducked himself forward, hurrying to keep up. She hadn’t warned him about bowing.
“I’m here to see Lord Dilmat,” Aloe said. “I was hoping he was around?” Her fingertips came to rest on the countertop, curling gently around the wood.
The woman chuckled, one eyebrow arched. “Well, I don’t suppose he’ll be anywhere else, do you? I’ll go let him know you’re here, Mistress…?”
“Aloisia,” Aloe said. The smile she wore had tightened, turned anxious.
Rowen sat back on his heels, watching the clerk’s expression shift. The conspicuous lack of a last name stood out even to him, and he wasn’t even used to this whole feudal system they had going on.
The woman eyed Aloe a moment longer, seeming poised on the edge of saying something. A heartbeat later, just before the moment could become awkward, she put a smile on her face. “Of course,” she said, turning for a door off to one side. “I’ll just go see him now, shall I?”
She bustled off without another word. Aloe looked down at the counter, her expression fading. “Well, she’s new, at least,” she said at last, glancing sidelong to Rowen. “Makes it a little easier for us to sneak by.”
“Oh, I don’t think…” Rowen began. He stopped himself just as quickly. I don’t think you’re going to be hiding here for long, he wanted to say. It was too obvious in the way she’d drawn eyes back in the courtyard. Sure, this clerk might not have recognized her face, but once she had her name, it probably wouldn’t matter.
That wouldn’t help a thing to point out, though, so he clamped down on the impulse. Just help Aloe. That’s all you have to do right now. Don’t get distracted with any of that stuff that doesn’t matter.
Shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans, he sat back on his heels, waiting.
They didn’t have to wait long, at least. Just a few minutes after the clerk scurried away, he heard the scuffling sounds of someone else approaching at speed. He straightened—and from the corner of his eye, he saw Aloe do the same.
Another pointy-eared man like Aloe burst around the door frame, clad in a heavy canvas coat that hung to his knees. There were singe marks in the hems, Rowen saw with more than a little concern. The hems were woven with what looked like gold, yes, but…he didn’t like the precedent being set here.
“Aloisia,” the man said. A smile spread from ear to ear across his face—and he strode forward on soft-soled slippers, his arms going wide. She accepted the hug, squeezing him back. Clasping wrists for a passing moment, they stepped clear of each other.
The next words that came out of his mouth were cheerful but totally unintelligible, spoken in that same totally-unknown language of theirs. Rowen licked his lips. He’d just graduated, damn it. He’d been ready to leave the classroom behind. But from how the last two days had gone, he was pretty sure he needed to start learning again. Fast.
Aloe glanced over to him. When she saw the look on his face, her expression softened. “May we continue in English, Lord Dilmat?” she said, turning back to Eswit.
The man’s brow furrowed. He had thick, bushy eyebrows that grabbed at the silvered strands of his hair as they moved. He said one last word Rowen couldn’t recognize—then ruffled his hair. “I suppose so. But why?” His English had a slight accent to it, one Rowen couldn’t quite place. Almost with hints of South African, but there was some variety of Asian influence in there too, and-
He’s not even human, you twit. Rowen shook his head, swallowing a sigh. Of course you can’t place his accent.
“It’s part of why I’m here,” Aloe said. She was smiling, but it looked nervous, worn thin around the edges. She steepled her hands in front of her. “I…have a bit of a magical mystery on my hands, you see. I can’t solve it myself, but-”
“I’d heard you were running some shop or other now,” Eswit said, nodding to himself. “Something to do with beasts?” His eyes glinted. “Did you find something out in the Deeproads? You know I’d be glad to-”
“I’m sorry,” Aloe said, bringing him to a stop. “I’m sure you’re aware I retired.” She hesitated for a moment, tight-lipped, but continued onward. “I’m afraid my worsened condition means I struggle to remain in the Deeproads for any length of time. I live mostly on Earth now, and-”
“Earth?” Eswit said. The sound wasn’t a roar, exactly, although it reminded Rowen a bit of Daisy’s bark. His laughter followed after. “Shards, is that why you’ve grown attached to the common tongue? You’re a kind soul, Aloe, but-”
“Please,” Aloe said, holding a hand up. Something in Rowen was already bristling at that common tongue comment. It didn’t sound bad, but also, it did, and…well, he just didn’t want to see this Eswit guy keep steamrolling past Aloe.
He did stop, though, much to Rowen’s surprise. Aloe bowed ever so slightly, letting her hands fall again. “Thank you,” she murmured. Taking a deep breath, she looked up.
“I was on Earth, running my shop, when I discovered an…oddity,” she said. One hand gestured toward Rowen. He tried not to flinch as Eswit’s gaze snapped over to him. “This is Rowen Cole. He happened across my shop—and shredded every ward on the place getting inside.”
Eswit sighed. “Really, my dear, instinctive magic is rare, but not unheard of, and-”
“Rowen is a human,” Aloe said.
He took a tiny, perverse pleasure in watching Eswit’s round cheeks go red, his eyes squint as he looked hurriedly back to Rowen. “Really?” he mumbled. He dug in his pocket with one hand.
And as he pulled a set of crystal glasses free, jamming them onto his face, Rowen forced a smile. “Y-Yep,” he said. “All human. I’m as surprised as you.”
The glasses had tiny, etched circles on them, Rowen saw with terrified fascination. They glowed as Eswit’s gaze intensified, the elf-man running one finger across the frame, which had been engraved with the same symbols.
“Well, as the Lady dances,” Eswit mumbled. He stood, taking his glasses off with hands that quivered. “That’s magnificent, Aloisia. Quite the find indeed!”
“He’s clearly a Child, Master Eswit,” Aloe said. “The Heartgates recognized him. They answer for him.”
“Remarkable,” Eswit breathed. He raised a hand, stroking across his short, well-trimmed beard. “Truly unexpected.” He blinked, seeming to come awake—and turned his calculating eyes on Aloe. “And you’ve come precisely to the right place. We’d be glad to take him off your hands, child. Why, with a discovery like this-”
Rowen stiffened, ice washing through him. Aloe was already shaking her head, though, waving Eswit off. “I think you’ve misunderstood,” she said. “Rowen is my claim and bound to my menagerie by Envoy Jaian. He’ll have to stay with me and my shop.”
A bit of the excitement faded from Eswit’s eyes. “Oh. Is that so?” His lips curled down, and he leaned away with a sigh. “Well, that’s disappointing. How can the house of Dilmat help you, then?”
Rowen watched Aloe’s shoulders rise as she took a deep breath. “We need to learn about him and his magic,” she said. “Where he came from, and what he can do. Specifically, we need to discover his magic and teach him to cast.” She shifted from foot to foot, hesitating. “I hoped you might like to study him a spell. I’ve got my shop in the merchant’s yard, and I can stay here as long as we need to. If you’d be interested-”
“Interested?” Eswit said. “Aye, girl, I’m interested.”
But you’re not smiling, Rowen said silently, watching the older man’s face steadily carve with the lines and wrinkles of a frown.
Sure enough, Eswit heaved a dramatic sigh, shaking his head. “I’m afraid I’ve got the house to think about, though. I’d like to cast all else aside to focus on your magic mongrel, but we’d all starve, then, wouldn’t we?”
Rowen watched something in Aloe’s expression crumple, even as anger ignited in his own heart.
Eswit continued on without slowing, waving a hand. “No, no. I just don’t see how it’s possible. Now, if we could keep the human, we’d at least gain what we plumbed out of him, but without that-”
“What if you had that?” Aloe interrupted, starting forward. Her face was ghostly-pale, but her eyes were as focused as ever.
Inwardly, Rowen was screaming. Keep him? They’d called him a ‘mongrel’. And he didn’t know what ‘plumbing’ this lord guy was talking about, but he liked his plumbing left just as it was, thank you very much.
Outwardly, he kept his jaw clamped tight, his face as neutral as he could manage. It didn’t stop his heart from beating faster, his palms sweaty enough he had to fight the urge to wipe them off. He had to trust Aloe. As much as it killed him to put his fate in someone else’s hands, more than ever, she was his best shot at getting the help he needed.
Eswit paused, giving his beard another stroke. “What did you have in mind?” he said.
Aloe held his stare. “I need information that will help me prove Rowen is Orran-blooded,” she said. “I need him to cast. That’s all the information I care about right now. Anything beyond that? Any tidbits you glean from his magic while you’re figuring him out?” She gave a quick, sharp nod in Eswit’s direction. “That’s yours. You can apply it to your own house’s projects as you please.”
Rowen saw the lord’s eyes widen—and he saw Aloe glance toward him, her eyes apologetic. He knew why. In a situation like his, information was power, and right now the most valuable quantity they had was the trove of secrets he carried in his blood. By promising Eswit free reign, she’d lessened his bargaining power by just that much.
But if Eswit wouldn’t help them, it wasn’t going to matter regardless, so it didn’t make sense for him to fuss over it right now. He smiled tightly back at Aloe, and saw something in her expression relax.
“Everything else is acceptable?” Eswit said. Rowen looked up. The elf-man was rubbing his chin with a fair bit more vigor, watching Rowen with unguarded interest.
“Nothing that would hurt my friend,” Aloe said. Her voice was sharp. “And he’s to come back every night three bells after noontime. I need his help for the evening rush.”
The meaning of her words hit Rowen like a tidal wave, and he took a half-step forward before he could stop himself. She was going to leave him here, alone in this building with all these erelin people. She was going to go back to the Dragon and leave him behind to let them poke and prod and experiment on him again. The walls pressed in closer around him, the air starting to thin in his lungs.
Concern flashed over Aloe’s eyes as she glanced to him. With Eswit still muttering to himself, she took his arm, leaning in. “Are you-”
“I’m fine,” Rowen said, putting a smile on his face. “It sounds good.”
It did not sound good. His pulse thundered in his ears. The hazy nightmares from a few short days before were still right there, gnawing at the back of his mind. He couldn’t let her sell him back to that so easily. He couldn’t.
But this was the only way. He knew it, didn’t he? She was short on money—because of him. She didn’t have time to babysit him and hold his hand while he got over this. It didn’t matter if it made him uncomfortable. It needed doing, so…he’d have to do it.
That was all.
“I’m good,” he said, his smile turning wistful. “It’s a good deal.”
His response seemed to satisfy Aloe, who nodded, turning back to Eswit.
Just in time, as the silver-haired man straightened, tugging his overcoat straight. “Well, as long as we’re retaining the exploration rights, House Dilmat finds your offer intriguing, Mistress Miraten,” he said. His weathered lips curled into a tiny, crooked grin. “And I suppose I owe your family this much, eh?”
“Thank you,” Aloe said. She bowed deeply from the waist. Rowen followed suit as quickly as his thoughts could keep up. They both straightened again, and Aloe folded her hands in front of her. “Your hospitality remains impeccable, Lord Dilmat. I’m grateful for your assistance.” She inclined her head. “If you will assist Rowen Cole in deciphering his magic and learning his cast, whatever other knowledge you discover in the doing is yours. I stake my word as a Miraten.”
“And House Dilmat stakes its word in response,” Eswit said. He clasped wrists with Aloe, squeezing tight, then let her go. “How long will you be remaining here? We can make room for you and your human in Emerald Hills. I’ll speak to-”
“Thank you,” Aloe said, “but I’ve got to look after my shop, remember?” She smiled up at the older man.
Who chuckled, nodding. “Right, yes, I recall now. I must admit, my dear, I never pictured you as the mercantile type.”
“Neither did I,” Aloe said dryly. “Pictures change.”
“So they have,” Eswit said. There was a tiny regret in his voice, and the look he gave Aloe was softer than necessary. “I’m quite pleased to hear you’ve been well. We worried, you know. When we heard-”
“It’s been a long road to get here,” Aloe said. Her smile hadn’t faded, even if her voice had gone quieter still. “But I’m quite glad to be here indeed.” She took a step back, inclining her head respectfully. “I’ll beg your pardon, my Lord, but I’ve got a shopful of critters that are going to want lunch, and-”
“Go, go,” Eswit said, waving roughly at her. “I’ve got a new project on my hands to keep me busy, eh?” He grinned over at Rowen. The expression didn’t look as friendly as the man probably hoped.
“Go with him.”
Rowen looked up.
Aloe was looking back at him, and when his eyes met hers, she gave a little jerk of her head toward Eswit. “Everything will be fine,” she said, more softly still. “Come back before dinner.” She didn’t say it, but he could feel the weight of her words and the implicit promise of reconnaissance if he didn’t. And…it did make him feel a little better to know someone would be looking if he went missing. That was more than he was used to.
So he swallowed his fears and complaints. “Okay,” he whispered.
“Good, good,” Eswit said. “Come on, then. I’ll take you to processing.”
When he turned, striding off, Rowen gave Aloe one last look, licking his lips.
And then he followed after Eswit, letting the noble lead him deeper into the estate.
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