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I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

2009.07.07 15:00 noroom I Took a Picture: Give and get feedback on photography

A subreddit about photography techniques and styles. Post your work here to ask for critique, or browse the submissions and learn how photography techniques are achieved.

2008.07.25 22:22 Shirts

Shirt Talk Style Fashion Advice What to Wear Show Off

2016.02.22 08:47 rhizaee Random Acts of Lush

A subreddit for granting Lush wishes! This subreddit is a randomacts sub for Lush Cosmetics products. A great place to ask for something you've been lusting after, trying something new, or just meeting and conversing with fellow Lushies.

2024.06.01 16:11 witchingxxhour How to fix leak?? Help!

How to fix leak?? Help!
Moved my 5 gallon betta tank yesterday, drained all the water and saved it in buckets. Put the tank flat on the bottom of our van, got it to the new house and set it back up and everything seemed good. Woke up this morning to half the tank empty and on the floor. Seems the bottom seal got damaged? How do I fix this?? I don’t want to have to start all over and replant everything:(
submitted by witchingxxhour to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:11 TwilightFlowers new survival realm

Survive & build from you're imagination
a realm designed just for you!
Spawn Kit
and more!
Don't forget to join up today!
Join the realm for more info.
Realm code - 5M2_qL8wk3Y
submitted by TwilightFlowers to MinecraftRealmClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:11 No-Cockroach5475 What if you made a Pokemon Legends game?!

So yeah…I like the Idea of there being Multiple Prequel Pokemon games set in other regions in the Pokemon universe. So I’m gonna think and Show my thoughts on it.
If I were to make a Pokémon Legends game it would be set in Unova and it would be during the 40s/50s and 60s Era. (It’s around the 40s and 50s but the Eras would mix somewhat.)
The Protagonist would Be part of a Detective group who are trying to get rid of Crime across Unova and stuff like that, There main targets are the Delinquents and Hooligans who cause Trouble in places they shouldn’t be and other stuff.
The Evil team would be inspired by the Outsiders book and it would be a group of Greasers and Gangsters who are not 100% Evil and are nice people but dislike the police and are only trying to make a living and are trying to take down the Pokemon League and the higher ups because of how they are treating some of the people in Unova due to how they look or there social status.
The game would also have some things based on real life events, But sense this is a kids game some things would need to be toned down somewhat. (Like Racist cops or Segregated areas and other things.)(Not saying that they cannot talk about it, It’s just that the game isn’t rated T for teen.)
Also I like Historical fiction stories and I feel like seeing people from different Eras and how they are treated will give the players more into how we should do our research into history and we may find more interesting things that we may have not known about.
So yeah, These were my thoughts and how would you make a Legends game in the Region of your choice?!
submitted by No-Cockroach5475 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:11 Cloud_N0ne Mod to connect all settlements without needing a provisioner at each one?

I've tried mods like Global Stash and Connected Home Plate, but they don't seem to work for some reason.
Essentially what I want is to be able to store all of my scrap at Home Plate, and then access that scrap for building at all my other settlements without needing to set up provisioners.
submitted by Cloud_N0ne to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 IShitMyselfNow Wharfedale Diamond 220 speakers - bass drivers broken?

I bought a pair of used Wharfedale Diamond 220s off eBay for cheap to replace my front speakers (Wharfedale DX2 satellite speakers) in my 5.2 setup.
I've hooked them up to my Denon X2700H and it seems like the bass driver in both of them isn't working. The treble driver seems to work as I get only the high notes, which are very quiet and distorted.
I've tried:
single wiring using the gold plates single wiring using speaker cables as jumpers bi-wiring re-wiring them with brand new cable changing the AVR's impedance to 4ohms (to match my other DX2s) connecting the cable only to the bass connectors (no sound was produced) 
I've tried running Audessey but just sets the levels to max and crossovers to 240hz. Which to me just confirms my suspicion that the bass drivers aren't working.
Is there anything else I could try? Is it possible they both broke in transit, or is it more likely they were sent broken? Is it possible I broke them? I don't have the volume on high ever, and I'd assume that my DX2s would be the ones to break in that case.
If they are broken, is it more likely that both drivers are broken, or have become disconnected?
Any help is very appreciated, thank you!
submitted by IShitMyselfNow to audiorepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 Able_Comfortable2126 AITAH for wanting to send my sister to jail…

Backstory: I (43f) and my sister (38f) have been close our whole lives. Enter her husband, we will call him Psycho, (39m). They met at work, and I am responsible for their relationship, I suggested they would be cute together, and she ran with it. They went from dating to married in a matter of 2 WEEKS!! He immediately moved in with her, and my mom, uncle, grandma and my niece (8f, her daughter from a previous relationship). Almost immediately he started to change and show his narcissistic, controlling, conniving, dishonest ways. He repeatedly stole things, one of the first being a starter for my moms car. She bought one new, he returned it, kept the money and went to a junkyard to get a used one that didn’t even end up working!! This was the point I said enough, I was done with him, AND her until she left him. I wanted him out of my families home, the sooner the better. My mom ended up having him evicted after he stole money from all 3 of their accounts, he was also arrested for CDV against my sister for choking her and hitting her and for illegal possession of a FIREARM. My sister said she was DONE and getting a divorce. He was in jail for awhile because he had warrants for child support. Turns out, the whole time he was in jail she was using my families bank accounts to talk to him on the jail phone. Eventually he was released and literally the day he was, she was back with him. My mom refused to let him come back into her home so he lived in his truck at campsites etc. She would often disappear only to text me here and there about him hurting and abusing her. This went on for awhile. Psycho AGAIN stole money out of my families bank accounts, that my mother had recently had to completely change. Another warrant was issued and he ended up going back to jail for the 2nd CDV charge against my sister. He was in jail for a few months, again we found out that my sister had been talking to him on the jail phone on my families dime the whole time. He ended up bonding out of jail, my sister dropped the charges and she somehow convinced my mom to let him MOVE BACK IN!! This was right before the holidays last year (2023). I explained to my mom that I would not be bringing my family, (husband, 2 daughters and 2 sons), to her home while that Psycho was living there. This caused a lot of friction between me and my mom. Thanksgiving passed, then came December when my 92 yr old grandma passed away. My mom was upset that I wouldn’t budge on allowing my kids to come over there so she wasn’t speaking to me. I found out my grandmother was in the hospital on Facebook. Thankfully I was able to go and say goodbye to her, she passed away peacefully the next morning. Christmas came and went, still no word from my mom or sister. I did have my niece over occasionally who would tell us how much she hated her stepdad and how awful things were at home. She would cry and try to run away when she had to go back. Through a mutual friend of mine and my mothers, I found out that things were steadily getting worse. Psycho was starting to get physical again with my sister, constantly arguing and fighting with her. March 26th comes, and I get a phone call from my sisters friend. My mom had passed away. She had a heart attack, and died instantly. My heart was literally broken. I hadn’t spoken to my mom since before Thanksgiving, all because of that MF’r. It took awhile to get back to feeling somewhat “normal” after that, I am still struggling with depression. I did speak to my sister, but it’s not the same anymore. I don’t think it ever will be. Right after my mom passed away my sister and Psycho had a huge fight. He got in my Uncles face, almost put his hands on him, but didn’t. He ended up leaving for a couple days. He came back and almost immediately started fighting with my sister. It wasn’t long before it went way too far. He ended up hitting my sister straight across her face with a 2x4. Knocked one of her teeth loose, beat her all over and also hit my sister’s friend with the 2x4 for trying to stop him. He took off. Cops were called, but this time THEY brought the charges on him because of what they had witnessed, (blood all over the wall, my sisters face, her friends head, and the fact this ALL HAPPENED in front of my 8yr old niece!!!!!!) So basically she can’t dismiss these charges, the state is pressing them. He ran for about a week, and was finally found and arrested. He is currently still there. He has a 25k bond for 4 different charges and both of them have a NO-CONTACT order. Finally, to my dilemma. Currently, my Uncle, is the only person paying any bills at their home. He is on SSI and has a very limited income, barely enough to pay the mortgage + electric & water bills. My sister does not work and considers her EBT her rent payment, which BTW does not include my uncle. My mom and grandma had always handled the bills, so this is all new to my Uncle and I have been doing my best to help him. I took him to his bank the other week, and we found out that my sister had been using cash app to send herself and her friends money, and also found more jail call charges. The bank lady helped him shut his accounts down and restart them with new account numbers, and a new debit card. I told my Uncle under no circumstances was he to let my sister have his debit card or account numbers. He promised me he wouldn’t. Now, the first has rolled around, new set of bills are coming due and I am getting ready to help him with his bills. I have a bad feeling that when I take him to the bank we will find out that she has somehow found a way into his accounts. I know for a 100% fact that she has been talking on the phone to Psycho. Just so we are clear, I have 0 problem sending her to jail for stealing from my uncle. She is an adult and if she wants to continue to talk with that psychopath, she needs to pay for it, not my disabled uncle. I would really appreciate any advice. Am I the a-hole?
submitted by Able_Comfortable2126 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 master_apprentice37 W: Runes+Silver Scarab H: Ask

Got a new character I’m setting up in prep for the DLC, looking for rune stacks and the silver scarab to make farming for gear easier. In exchange I’m willing to mule or I can provide items from one of my other characters as needed
submitted by master_apprentice37 to EldenRingTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 spencewatson01 Hopper Referral Code for Carrot Cash!

You need to get on this Hopper deal! I've done a lot of referrals but have never seen anything this good.
Start by downloading through this link for $25 off hotels:
Then invite everyone you know to download your link and get $50. This is the great part: The referrals stack! If you get 100 people signed up that book a hotel (actually not that hard to do), that's $5000 that you can use for flights, hotels, cars or homes!
This deal isn't going to last!

Download now:

#Hopper #Referral #Code #Invite
submitted by spencewatson01 to Referrallinks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 moxiedoggie During training, landings were the scariest…now as a 200 hr ppl takeoffs are the most worrying

Before I knew anything about how to fly a plane, I never took the aircraft for granted. Thus never worried about the takeoff, it was easier than landing, and the biggest variable was my own skill set which was all over the place. If anything the failure rate of an engine was lower than the failure rate of my own skills.
Now, I’m much more confident in my own skills, that once in the air, I really don’t worry at all that I could safely get the plane down if something happened.
However, takeoffs have become more stressful, as it’s the one part of flying where I need full trust that the engine will work as expected, and my skills may not matter as much if I get an engine failure at 100 ft AGL with only trees below me. Not a lot that any good pilot can do in that situation. Anyone else feel this way?
Once I push that throttle forward on the takeoff roll, I basically am thinking let’s hope this engine has what it takes to get this plane off the ground…I feel like I’m putting a lot of trust in an inanimate object, taking a massive chance where if something goes wrong there’s not much I can do, but once I’m up to like 700’ the worry goes away and I know if something went wrong my skills could save it.
submitted by moxiedoggie to flying [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 artpostermaybe Where do I even start?

It's been 3 weeks now. I know it's all raw and everyone tells me it will get easier. And I wanted to make a post here and write up all the ins and outs of what happened, why I really blame myself cos I was the only one who could've stopped it, etc. I have been calling the helplines and tryna cope best I can.
But I loved him, and he's fucking gone. My entire life was intertwined with his. He told me there's other soulmates, and I know there's people out there I will love with my whole heart but we were both very isolated. I don't get close to anyone, not really, I have ASD and so did he and we would game for hours a day together. Now there's this big empty void, and I cant do any of my hobbies and music and TV cos we shared it all. There's this huge empty space.
Sleep is hard. The grief does come in waves more now. I hate how isolated he was, I feel alone in my grief. His parents dont get it and I have to try to bring his mother peace when I can't. I'm devastated he left me. I know he loved me, his own pain was just too much. Mornings are hard, it can take me 2 hours to get out of bed. It's hard to continue with any of my normal life cos why does it matter now? He was the one good thing in it.
I feel I am developing PTSD, flashbacks to it all. I know he didnt want to hurt me. But god, it hurts. I wanna go to some IRL support groups, but they run once a month and I worry about being toxic to others (making it all about my grief) or others being toxic and dragging me down.
My life isnt gonna be the same, and the permanence and trauma is really setting in, like no matter what this will hurt forever, just hopefully gradually hurt less. And I will grow into someone he will never meet. There's so much we will never do. So many regrets. So many things I should have suggested/offered to stop him doing this.
How the fuck does this ever get better?
submitted by artpostermaybe to SuicideBereavement [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:09 BeannePickles WealthSimple Code - 📈 New users get a $25 sign up bonus. Start Trading Stocks or Crypto! 🚀

Join Wealthsimple and get a $25 bonus when you sign up with my referral code: FVA0OW 🙌
submitted by BeannePickles to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Chickensareegg Just lost all my data. Gone for good?

I have a "new" 3ds xl, and have had it since being a small child. Don't know why they called the "new" series that, but it's got the little right joystick nob thingy. I had A LOT of data on it, including smash bros, loz ocorina of time and Majora's mask. I also had a Majora's mask theme for the homepage, as well as a whole bunch of street pass. All of this info was on my micro SD card. The Nintendo network id on the 3ds was from the previous owner, whom I never knew as I bought it at a garage sale. Today I took the micro SD out, and factory reset the 3ds to remove the Nintendo network id, because I didn't have the password or any means to obtain it. When I set the console back up after the reset, I put the micro SD back in, but the only data from the micro SD that is going back into the 3ds is the photos. I know that the games are on the micro SD, and I figured out the reason they won't go back on is because they were associated with the network id to prove they were purchased by me. I have no way of re-linking the network id to this 3ds and desperately want my games back on it. Is there ANY way I can force the 3ds to download these games back onto it? I am willing to do whatever it takes, even if it requires hacking or modding it.
submitted by Chickensareegg to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Visible_Confusion109 AITA for not liking my husband's possible promotion?

Hi all,
My husband works hard and is good at his job. He's one of those people who busts his butt to try to do well, but is often overlooked for promotions and opportunities. He finally has a boss who is trying to work him up through the pipeline.
He works corporate office for a large retailer with a reputation for treating employees well enough. They've done some scummy things I'm not fond of, and I personally don't trust them, but overall it's a good place to work. I do feel he could get a better job elsewhere if he wanted to, but he doesn't want to, so that's fine.
A new position is likely opening soon that would put him into a supervisory role that he's actually pretty likely to get if he wants it. It would be a $20k raise (he currently makes $80k), though he'd lose his ability to collect overtime. Hours would be longer, and he'd unofficially be on call kind of always.
It would involve mandatory travel, and this company has been known to send people to other countries for 2-3 months at a time. For the current project, he'd be traveling about every other week, for up to two weeks each time, though just nationally. The travel schedule also counts your time on the plane as your day "off," so he'd really lose out on weekends.
I'm...not interested in that life. I've had numerous coworkers (granted, all women with kids and busy lives) who have had nothing but bad things to say about life with a traveling husband. We don't have kids, but have a lot of pets. I know they're not the same thing, but it is a lot for one person to manage every day. Plus there's just the household responsibilities, yard work, maintenance, etc. We're looking for our first home, and it will have to be a fixer upper because we can't afford much in our area. The number one thing my coworkers have complained about is how the burden of everything falls on them for the majority of the year, even when their husband is home.
I'm not going to be the person to prevent my husband from doing something he wants to do, but his reasoning so far is solely the money. He doesn't enjoy traveling, and his current position is the first time he's had a job with good work/life balance. He also is not someone who will set boundaries with the company, and will do whatever they tell him to do. If he has to suddenly pack up and leave, he will do that, regardless of what we have going on, holidays, etc.
He is also easily overwhelmed and overworked, and he has allowed it to negatively impact his mental health numerous times in the past. I think this position would contribute to that again.
I suppose I just don't think $20k is worth such a dramatic change in both of our lives. While he'd be making more money, he'd also be devaluing his time with the amount of hours he'd be expected to work.
I don't want to try to manipulate his decision or prevent him from doing it. I'd survive and we'd figure it out if he takes the job. But I also genuinely don't want him to do this.
submitted by Visible_Confusion109 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Monarch357 Ficnapped: A Warm Gift

Memory transcription subject: Sare, Yotul Rebuilder Date [standardized human time]: January 31st, 2136
I pulled the hoodie tighter around myself. It had only gotten colder over the past few days; I’d taken multiple chances to thank Gavin for his gift. Every time I passed the human, I saw a grin spread across his face, and I felt something flutter in my stomach. I managed to keep myself composed enough as he joined me in the vegan line once again.
“You actually like this stuff?” I asked. I gestured to the rest of the extraterrestrials in the line. “I don’t think any of us do.”
He shrugged. “It’s different, at least. Two months of ham and cheese sandwiches does something to a man.”
I stared at him for a moment. He looked at me with a soft gaze and a slight smile, and I found myself admiring his eyes and the way his beanie-formed hair draped over them. His expression morphed to confusion, however, and he waved his hand at me.
“Earth to Sare? Are you… looking for something?”
I realized I’d just been standing there staring for a solid twenty seconds and I flushed deep green, pulling my scarf over my face. “I- uh, I’m alright, yeah! I’m just-” I wove my paws around futilely as if I could speak with them. I gestured for Gavin to move ahead of me in the line, and he let out a small laugh as he walked past to pick up his meal. I followed shortly behind him, my face burning.
Today’s meal was some emulation of venlil cuisine. It was… alright, for something made by non-venlil chefs, but I’d had better in Earth’s vegan food. Gavin, however, seemed pretty excited by it.
“As long as I’ve worked here, I haven’t had much alien food.” He took a bite from his meal and continued speaking as he chewed. “Not bad. I think I prefer yotul food, though,” he said, musing as he looked off into the distance.
I piped up excitedly at that. “I could make you something!”
“You can?” he asked, genuine intrigue in his voice. “What could you do?”
There really wasn’t a lot of even human food available to cook with, let alone imports from Leirn that I was familiar with, but I felt like I needed to repay Gavin with something, at least.
“Uh-, well, there’s a type of salad back home I might be able to make with stuff here. Um… I don’t think it’d be very good, but-”
“Ah, don’t worry about that. Anything handmade is great if you put your heart into it,” he said, his tone reassuring and a smile on his face. I absentmindedly fiddled with the drawstrings of my hoodie as he took a few more bites from his lunch; a few moments passed before he looked at me and flushed a bit, then quickly finished his meal. I stared off into the distance, nothing in particular on my mind as I ate, but I saw Gavin hurry off to the administrator’s office. I downed my food and followed him with a brisk walk.
“What’s the rush?”
He looked me over for a moment before letting out a breath I couldn’t tell he was holding. “There’s still a lot of work to do today, y’know? It’s going to be cold tonight, and besides, it’s New Year’s Eve. I gotta get my work done quick so I have tonight free.”
We both paused for a moment. “What do humans do for the new year?” I asked.
“Normally, the tradition is to set off a bunch of fireworks- oh, those are like little explosive things-”
“There’s some great firework shows on Leirn,” I explained. “We’ve got ‘em too.” I could show you some hung on the tip of my tongue, something I deeply wanted to say but held myself back on.
“Oh, sweet! Anyway, yeah, that’s the usual thing, plus some typical family gathering and partying, but, uh… I don’t think anybody here could handle fireworks right now,” he continued, his expression trailing into something morose I couldn’t quite read. “But really, first and foremost, it’s about spending time with people you care about.”
“Guess we got that in common, then,” I added. “Where I’m from, it’s summer during the new year, so during the day, we spend time at beaches, usually, sometimes going on trips to somewhere cooler the day before. I’m not religious myself, but followers of Ralchi have a sort of traditional bonfire past sundown for the new year that most people recreate.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Yeah…” I mused. “Haven’t done anything like it in a while, and it’d be nice to spend a night around people I care about again…”
Gavin just looked at me.
“Nothing,” he said, quickly perking up. “C’mon. We’ve got stuff to do today.”
I nodded, and he led us off down the road to the suburbia we’d been cleaning up the past few weeks. Some other workers from the camp had tagged along; from chats between them, the peacekeepers in charge had directed anyone wanting a lighter day for the new year down this road.
I jogged a bit forward to catch up to Gavin ahead, only slowing my pace as I stepped to his side. He glanced at me for only a moment before offering a hand to hold, which I took. I felt my tail beat against the asphalt below us a few times before I got my heart under control.
“What’re we doing today?” I asked after a comfortable silence.
“Cleanup, mostly. UN wants this place cleared of debris for rebuilding.”
“That sounds… impossible, honestly. There’s just so much wreckage,” I said, a sense of exhaustion already creeping into my voice before we even got to work. I sighed. “I’m not sure I can do this.”
He shrugged. “Even if it’s impossible, why not? Maybe we won’t clean out everything, but we’re still cleaning out something, and that’s better than nothing.”
“I just… I don’t know. How’s it better than nothing if we can barely make a dent in all the garbage?”
“Well, look at it this way. A hundred thousand people used to live here-” he waved his hand in a wide arc over the townscape around us- “-and maybe we’ll never see more than ten grand again. But so what? Even if we only get five thousand people back in these houses, that’s still infinitely better than zero. You know?”
“...Yeah. Yeah, I guess I know.”
Gavin smiled. It was a warm grin, an expression I never wanted to see end, and a smile spread across my own face. “You feeling better?”
He put his arm around my shoulder in a quick hug that I reciprocated. “Let’s get going, then.”
Some of the group hung back to direct the debris-moving vehicles down into the deeper wreckage, but most of us, Gavin and myself included, focused on the smaller things; as inconsequential as it was, the light labor and simple repetition of shoveling up garbage felt rather therapeutic.
It didn’t take too long before a sort of pessimism started again. By the time a few hours had passed, my arms ached, my legs felt sore, and while seeing what we’d cleaned was encouraging, it felt dwarfed in the face of the mountains of concrete dust and shattered debris that still coated the town. I sighed, taking a seat on some of the more solid debris, feeling my tail sweep up loose dust. Gavin glanced back at me before setting down his own tools and taking a seat as well.
“This sucks,” he said after a few seconds of odd, semi-comfortable-semi-awkward silence.
The human nodded as if we’d just made some as yet unknown revelation, then let out a short laugh. I did, too, my laugh lasting perhaps a bit too long before I felt something crumple and a few tears slipped out of my eyes.
“Still gotta do it, though, y’know?”
I glanced back at him. Afternoon light glinted off the tears forming in his own eyes as he looked at me with a small smile of his own; despite the wetness accumulating on his cheeks, he took the chance to wipe my eyes with warm, gentle hands. I pressed at the tears on his own face and he flinched back, muttering watch the fur under his breath. I snickered a bit at his reaction.
“Still gotta do it,” I said. He nodded in response.
“But you don’t gotta do everything.”
“Yeah. Something’s enough,” he said, his voice trailing off as he looked over the areas we’d cleaned from a tiny portion of the city sprawl. The sound of machinery and the occasional working song echoed off the concrete and asphalt as we watched our comrades work in silence.
Even under the cold of the late day, the something had kept me warm, and before long, we’d reconvened at the headquarters for dinner. Unlike the morning, however, Gavin went for the human food line, and I opted to follow him.
“...Can you even eat this stuff?” he asked, pointing at the (at this point, comedically predictable) ham-and-cheese sandwiches that the cooks were handing out. One of them mirrored his sentiment, cocking their head and looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
“I… think? We weren’t cured, so it won’t kill me. Probably.”
He shrugged. Two sandwiches came, and he rifled through the bag at his side for an anti-allergy injector. “Don’t be stupid,” he said, tucking it into his pocket for quick access.
“This whole idea is pretty stupid,” I commented.
“Be… only a little bit stupid.”
We laughed as we sat down. I set my sandwich down and watched Gavin pick up his and take a bite, staring at him in fascination before realizing that this probably wasn’t something to be particularly fascinated by. Still, it was a pretty novel experience, nonetheless; I didn’t eat meat, and for the majority of my time on Earth, any meal time was separated between those who did and those who didn’t.
I took a tentative bite of the sandwich, which, thinking about it in a vacuum, is a rather strange way to think about one’s dinner, but I was certainly nervous in the moment.
“It’s… interesting,” I said, both meat and dairy decidedly unfamiliar tastes to me. The most familiar part was the saltiness, but this felt less like the mild flavor of roasted root vegetables and more like shoving seawater into my mouth. The texture was perhaps the most familiar part, albeit still strange; it reminded me most of Rinsan fiberfruit, but its taste made it surprisingly hard to swallow.
“‘Interesting’ as in… ‘good’?” Gavin asked. “‘Interesting’ as in ‘you’re not experiencing anaphylactic shock right now’?”
“I wouldn’t say good, but I don’t think I’d say bad or trying to kill me either,” I commented after forcing down another bite.
“You don’t have to finish that, you know.”
“I’m committed," I retorted. It wasn’t inedible, at least, and the newness of the experience alone made it worth it.
After washing the flavor down with a copious amount of water, Gavin and I decided to get some rest a bit early; the winter sun had already crept low to the horizon and the work of the day set in. We could squeeze in a few hours of rest before seeing whatever festivities had been set up for the new year. My quarters weren’t too far from the canteen; if nothing else, the UN at least had the resources for all of us to get individual rooms, albeit small ones. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Some indistinct time passed before a small snore woke me up. This wasn’t uncommon, given the thin walls of the pre-fab shacks we slept in, but I craned my head up to a lump on the floor, rather than a particularly loud sleeper elsewhere waking me. It took me a second to resolve it in the dark, but their large stature and ruffled hair meant they were a human, and the guess came naturally: Gavin.
He’d brought his own blankets and made himself a nest on my floor. My half-asleep head thought it wouldn’t be too bad; I bundled up the pillows and blankets from my own bed and tossed them on the floor in a disorganized heap, even worse than Gavin’s pile, and dropped onto it. He shuffled, grunted a bit, and turned over on his side, putting a reassuring arm over my shoulders. We both fell back asleep in that comfort almost instantly.
What finally woke us was the sound outside. A general din of activity grew loud enough to make it into my room, and Gavin rose before me, shaking my shoulder to wake me up in turn.
“Think it’s almost time,” he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stretched, standing on his feet and reaching the ceiling before offering his hand to pick me up. I took it and he led me by that hand forward, out to the people gathered.
The gathering wasn’t too big, but it was a hearty one, nonetheless. It was a mixture of humans, venlil, yotul, and the occasional other species assisting in the city, gathered in circles around campfires dotting the street and camp we lived in. I pointed one of the fires out; it was ringed by predominantly yotul, and I recognized the new year flame structure familiar to Leirn. One of the yotul there noticed us and waved us over to take seats with them.
Gavin sat near the fire, and I laid over him, my head resting in his lap as the small campfire burned in front of us. A quick glance around showed that we weren’t the only ones inching this close to the fire; my mind flashed back to memories of Leirn, of watching ceremonial bonfires burn and singing songs of home and history, even after the Federation arrived, and I felt myself start to tear up.
I don’t know if Gavin saw, or felt, or even knew at all, but I felt a strong hand rub the side of my head, scratch a bit behind my ears. I flinched a bit on instinct.
Gavin stammered a bit. “Uh- you- um, that alright?”
He resumed, and I felt my eyes gradually flutter closed to the sound of the fire crackling and a breeze blowing, his other arm wrapping around me. The night should’ve been freezing, but I felt the warmth of something stronger than cold wind and a dark night.
There was a brief bit of pressure on the top of my head. I picked myself up and planted a kiss in return on his cheek, laying back in his lap, his arm tightening closer around me. Three short words were all that remained.
“I love you.”
submitted by Monarch357 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 plbjr123 2018 Honda CRV EX code P0302

All the dash lights were cycling two weeks ago on my 2018 CRV EX with ~157k miles. About a week prior I noticed that upon first start of the day the car seemed to idle rough for a few minutes until warmed up. I took it in to the dealership and they said needed new fuel injectors. $1600 later upon receiving the car back from dealer I noticed the rough idle was still present. I contacted the dealer and before I could get car back in all the lights illuminated on the dash again. I changed all the spark plugs and cleared the codes but a permanent P0302 code is still stored. I am currently back at the dealership and now they say it may be a blown head gasket because the coolant reservoir was low but coolant was blue. I am really questioning the dealership as I would have thought they his would have been noticed when fuel injectors were replaced. They are now doing a compression test but again I am skeptical of the dealerships results as they have misdiagnosed some things prior. My question is would a blown head gasket cause a P0302 error code? What is the likelihood and what steps outside of taking to another shop should I pursue?
submitted by plbjr123 to crv [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 LowMinute4756 Meet Bruce Brimacombe: A Pioneer in Entrepreneurship and Green Energy

In the realm of entrepreneurship, there are those who simply follow trends, and then there are visionaries like Bruce Brimacombe, who create them. With a career spanning over three decades, Bruce has left an indelible mark on the business world, particularly in the realms of technology and green energy.
Seizing Opportunities
Bruce's journey began in 1983, where he cut his teeth in the fast-paced world of securities trading. However, it was his keen eye for emerging market opportunities that truly set him apart. In 1999, he made waves by launching an internet computer company that quickly skyrocketed to over $16 million in sales within its inaugural year, setting a new standard for success.
Bridging the Digital Divide
By 2002, Bruce had shifted his focus to the nascent field of wireless internet services. Recognizing the need for connectivity in remote areas, he became a pioneer in providing high-speed wireless internet to communities previously underserved by traditional DSL or cable connections. Bruce's efforts not only bridged the digital divide but also paved the way for greater inclusivity and accessibility in the digital age.
Championing Green Energy
In 2005, Bruce embarked on his most ambitious venture yet with the launch of Goe3, LLC. Driven by a deep-seated passion for environmental sustainability and energy independence, Goe3's mission is to lead Americans toward a greener future by bringing innovative green energy products to market. Under Bruce's leadership, Goe3 has emerged as a trailblazer in the green energy revolution, catalyzing positive change and inspiring others to join the movement.
Looking to the Future
As Bruce looks toward the future, he remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability. With Goe3 at the forefront of the green energy movement, Bruce welcomes investors to join him on this journey of growth and impact. Together, they can build a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.
Connect with Bruce Brimacombe
Ready to learn more about Bruce Brimacombe and his groundbreaking work in entrepreneurship and green energy? Connect with him online:
Join Bruce Brimacombe on his journey of innovation, impact, and sustainability. Together, we can build a brighter, greener future for all.
submitted by LowMinute4756 to bhproxy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Ok_Zone_7635 An expierment to send something in the past would break reality

Say a bunch of scientists are at a Los Alamos-ish research facility in the desert.
They have set up a platform and surrounding the platform is a contraption that can send an object into the past.
This platform is under constant surveillance
The first test is a wooden box with the number "1" spray painted on it. They spray paint the number right before the test.
It is 12:00 pm and the scientists want to send the crate back to 10:00 am. Two hours into the past.
Say it is successful.
That means that two hours before the test they would have seen a wooden crate spray painted with the number one.
If that's the case that means there are two crates at 10:00am. One spray painted, the other not spray painted.
Say the scientists don't send the yet-to-be spray painted box back in time. Instead, they wait two hours and send the already spray painted box back in time.
This would cause a paradox because the spray painted box had no origin point.
Or say they receive the spray painted box and decide not to go through with the expierment in two hours.
Would the box disappear?
Would their agency dissappear and the universe FORCE them to complete the expierment?
Just sending one object back in time would cause all manner of meta physical problems.
submitted by Ok_Zone_7635 to timetravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 kimdavis357 Differences between original mixtapes and Trilogy

Every single difference I recognized between the original mixtapes and trilogy. I’m a music producer so I recognize these random mixing differences pretty easily, I also know basically all of these songs very well. Let me know in the comments if I miss something. The most noticeable and/or well-known differences are listed at the top of each song description.
House of Balloons (Mixtape 1)
High For This (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: punchier and louder drums
VOCALS: slightly louder and clearer
What You Need (original)-
Has the sample intro before the song from Aaliyah’s song “Rock The Boat”
INSTRUMENTAL: Kick drum is slightly louder
VOCALS: Have slightly more reverb
House of Balloons (original)-
Have more effects making them less clear
Louder with less reverb
Also they’re heard just slightly earlier in the song, like barely off beat but not necessarily enough to be considered off beat, it’s hard to even tell(I forgot the musical term for it, something to do with measures or intervals).
Also some parts of the vocals are not pitch corrected as well as they are on trilogy
The “woah” sample part is slightly louder than the actual beat
The sample has more reverb and is quieter
Sub bass is louder
Glass Table Girls (original)-
Has a little more reverb
Also has a weird clicky sound that is slightly offbeat that is mixed out of the trilogy version. It’s in the end part of the loop that plays the whole song, if you know what I’m talking about then you understand.
Slightly quieter until the “la la la” part where they are louder but then they duck down quieter when he starts harmonizing after it
The Morning (original)-
Slightly louder guitar with less effects
Perc/hit that you hear in the first verse is louder
During the first verse you can hear the guitar build up, it has more reverb until the beat drops
The kick drum after the chorus is much louder
The synth in the back during the chorus is quieter
Slightly less pitch corrected
Some of his adlibs/harmonizations are louder
Wicked Games (original)-
the guitar is louder and has less effects
have distortion
are much louder
vocals on chorus are less pitch corrected
The Party (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: the 808 is much louder for some reason lol
VOCALS: louder with slightly more distortion and reverb
The After Party (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: once again the 808/bass is very loud, I rarely ever see it played this loud in songs lmao
VOCALS: have more distortion and are louder
OTHER: The transition to “coming down” at the end of the song isn’t as clean, the volume of the wind sample isn’t the same as the start of “coming down”
Coming Down (original)-
Anime sample from “Fate/Stay Night” at 3:13 that isn’t in the trilogy version because it couldn’t be cleared. It plays a looped part of it throughout the rest of the song after 3:13.
VOCALS: barely louder
Little to no differences with this song.
Loft Music (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: quieter and honestly better mixed drums
Virtually no other differences other than his harmonizing on the back half being slightly louder
The Knowing (original)-
slightly quieter lead guitar that’s in the intro
beat is definitely not as loud
the bass sounds slightly off-key at some times
Louder distorted guitar that plays when he sings “I know everything”
VOCALS: louder with less effects and aren’t fully pitch corrected
Thursday (Mixtape 2)
Lonely Star (original)- Louder sample at the start of the song (“yes all I can say is yes”)
Louder arpeggiator bass throughout the whole song
quieter and have more delay effects
pitch corrected slightly less like most of these songs
Life of the Party (original)-
Louder and more distorted guitar sample
louder drums
The chorus has a random guitar lead that plays one note the whole time that you can’t really hear on trilogy
quieter and have more chorus effects but sound clearer because they probably aren’t as eq’ed as the trilogy mix.
His harmonizations aren’t as deep.
Thursday (original)-
the lead pluck sound you hear is more harsh and louder.
the bass is also louder
VOCALS: louder and have more reverb and distortion
The Zone (original)-
vocals that loop the whole song are quieter and mixed in more
Sub bass and drums are louder.
Delay effects on vocals are louder and the vocals in general are quieter.
Drake’s vocals have more distortion, are eq’ed to be higher and have less pitch correction. I fucking love this song lol.
The Birds Pt 1 (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: snare drums and bass are louder
VOCALS: louder
The Birds Pt 2 (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: louder guitar
VOCALS: louder
Not many differences in the birds pt 1 and 2
Gone (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: deeper and less punchy bass
VOCALS: much quieter
Rolling Stone (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: intro distorted guitar has more bass
Basically no other differences, Thursday doesn’t have many
Heaven or Las Vegas (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: very slightly louder bass.
VOCALS: slightly louder as well
This version compared to the trilogy one is basically the exact same thing like most thursday songs
Echoes of Silence (Mixtape 3)
D.D (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: more explosive drums
VOCALS: quieter
Montreal (original)- Literally no differences besides the drums being louder (this song is so fucking catchy holy shit it’s so good)
Outside (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: quieter drums
VOCALS: louder
XO (original)-
I always found this funny, in this version it doesn’t sound like he’s saying “xo” on the hook. It’s sounds like “ech- o” i swear to god you cant hear him pronounce the “x” im convinced he’s saying “echo” on this version lmao.
strings in the intro are louder but then get quiet in the actual song
drums are louder
VOCALS: louder Transition to The Host is slightly less clean
The Host (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: sub bass is louder
VOCALS: slightly more distorted
Virtually nothing else
Initiation (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: the kick is way louder in this version for some reason
VOCALS: when his vocals are transitioning between octaves (when they go up and down and all that with the pitch), it’s less clean
They are also louder with less basic mixing effects, they sound kind of flat here
Same Old Song (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: the sample vocal in the back that’s pitched up is mixed differently, has less reverb and is quieter
Literally no other differences besides louder drums. Juicy J’s outro is still as dope as it is on trilogy
The Fall (original)-
the bass is much, much quieter
the drum break part at the start is higher pitched
VOCALS: much louder and more distorted, they sound a little more like they did on house of balloons
Next (original)-
INSTRUMENTAL: drums are quieter
VOCALS: louder
Not too many differences
Echoes of Silence (original)-
VOCALS: louder and have louder delay. Good thing the volume was lowered in trilogy bc it sounds way better on there for a song that has this type of melancholy and acoustic but dark energy to it. I fucking love this song it’s so sad man wtf
So most of the differences among these songs have to do with volume/mixing effects but most of them have louder and more distorted vocals. It’s mostly really volume automation but it makes a huge difference. Thank you if you read this far, let me know if I missed anything.
(This is a repost of an older post that I had saved before the person had took it down in which they talked abt some differences they found between trilogy and the og mixtapes)
submitted by kimdavis357 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 Wailful7 Can an evil twin intercept data after I disconnect?

My school had a staff only WiFi network that someone had figured out the password to, so every student naturally started using it. Once the staff figured this out, they deleted the network. Now no one knew this because a student had set up and hosted an evil twin when the original had been deleted. I know this because one of the hosts friends had told me and shown me. I know they can intercept data if anyone was connected, but if I go home and I’m on my home network, can they still intercept it? Very curious
submitted by Wailful7 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 DerekDamian App Development Novice

There’s this small disposal company that just started a year ago and I believe an app where you could set up appointments as well as payments could be a great idea for them. They are currently doing appointments and payments through text and in person and it takes forever. Could you guys give me some advice on how and where to start?
submitted by DerekDamian to computerscience [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 Vivid-Squirrel679 Smac Vs Sharp

Yall want smack to loose so bad. But he cooking sharp hoe ass Fake ass watch he be wearing and Adam bought his apartment he can’t even afford a good set up for his streaming room and crib free !!! He pimp white bitches look at the bitch he caught a charge with
submitted by Vivid-Squirrel679 to BackonFigg_2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 North_Grass_9053 My Xbox Controls my husband’s Xbox?

My husband and I each have an Xbox set up in our game room. His is on wall A and mine is on wall B. Both plugged into separate outlets and separate TVs.
I turn my Xbox on by pushing the button on the console and it will turn his Xbox on. If I walk over and turn his off with the button it will sometimes turn my Xbox off. It’s the same if we use our controllers.
We have the “HDMI-CEC” settings unchecked and google wasn’t much help. Advice?
submitted by North_Grass_9053 to xbox [link] [comments]