"princess nozomi"

Luca993's Live Review EP9: μ's Go→Go! LoveLive! 2015 ~Dream Sensation!~

2020.07.29 21:10 Luca993 Luca993's Live Review EP9: μ's Go→Go! LoveLive! 2015 ~Dream Sensation!~

Hi, and welcome back to Luca993's Live Review. Today we are taking a look to μ's 5th GoGo LoveLive! 2015 dream sensation!
DISCLAIMER: Everything you will read is based ONLY on personal thoughts, I do not intend to belittle any person / live / song. I love Love Live and I will do everything in my power to get more people to love it. Everything you will read is written by me, so, I apologize in advance if there are grammar errors, I will try my best to use my B2 English as better as I can. If I will take some inspiration from the internet, I'll make sure to include the link to the webpage. That said, enjoy LLR
μ's 5th GoGo LoveLive! 2015 dream sensation! Is a live show that took place in Saitama Super Arena on January 31st and February 1st 2015. you cam find more info and the set list here. I will review extensively day1 and the different songs performed in day2. I will also include the final mcs of day1 and day2. It's going to be a pretty long one, so get ready!

The audience is HUUUGE. The VA are presented one by one with the anime girls.
Sore wa bokutachi: the costumes match the ones in the anime, the calls from the audience are REALLY loud. The girls are beautiful though a little tension can be seen by their not totally smooth dancing and singing.
Bokura wa ima no naka de: The girls are starting to relax singing a song that they are used to. Their vocal increases a lot. Once again it makes me realize how much they have grown and improved during the years.
MC: Usual stuff, self introduction, costume show etc. (the audience is huge, and when everyone changes colour is beautiful to see)
Music S.T.A.R.T. : the tension is totally gone, the calls are loud, nothing to say, flawless
Yume no tobira: beautiful lyrics, beautiful music, beautiful costumes, all is right. Good job to the cameraman for always including the video of the songs in the background when it's possible
MC: they explain the story of yume no tobira (referring to the second and third episode of season two, where the girls go in the training camp in the mountains and they split to find inspiration for the song)
Takaramonozu: one of my favourite SIF songs, I'm happy they decided to sing it live, and also they jumping on the carts while driving around Saitama Super Arena dancing with ponpons is funny and beautiful. Like the song
Shangri la shower: Another song from SIF,now they are in the middle of the audience, and the echo is really loud, Nanjolno almost falls down from the cart as soon as it starts to move XD. Other than that, the performance is good.
MC (KotoHonoUmi): they talk about how Honoka has became the council president. And they talk about their real school life. Entertaining. Then costume show. Then they talk about Okinawa (in the anime)
Love wing bell: The arena turns yellow, and like in the anime, Rippi is dressed like a bride and the other girls are dressed as grooms. Rippi is beautiful, I always get emotional while watching this son, the flashbacks from the anime hit me right in the feelings, I'm so happy again that they decided to sing this song. One of the best for this show for sure
MC (3rd years and 1st years): Rippi gets emotional as everyone is showing support to her. Again they refer to the anime, as they improvise a wedding march to come back to the main stage
Dancing stars on me: All the girls are wearing Halloween costumes, I really like Nico's, like a cat (though it was better on Rin!?!?) and Kussun's like a witch. The song is melodic and I like it
MC: they talk about their costumes ( Kotori and Rin as princesses, Hanayo as an angel, Eli, Umi and Honoka as pirates, Nozomi as a witch with Nico and Maki her familiar cat and bat, I think, i'm pretty unsure about Maki)
Moggyutto love de Sekkin Chuu: I won't repeat myself again, this song is sweet as pure sugar, and if you don't know is better for you if you go and listen to it XD
Colorful voice: Finally a new song, as the name says, it talks about the colors representing each girl. Good, although since it's like a “introduction” song, I would have put it at the beginning of the live.
Eternal friends: (Printemps) A song about friendship (heh, of course), I love the lyrics, talking about friends having to part ways and remembering about the good times spent together. It gets kind of melancholic but it's perfect for Printemps.
MC: they show their costumes (really “fuwa fuwa” as they say), Emitsun leaves the stage, rejoins immediately, and they talk about printemps “concept”, as three maidens. And the songs talks about friends, school and all that school girls usually do.
Nightingale love song (Printemps) A huge bird cage appears in the screen behind,the song is relaxed and enjoyable, in sync to what they explained previously in the MC. Their voices is delicate and right for the song.
Aki no Anata no sora Tooku (Lily White): Their costumes are beautiful, I really like all three of them. The song talks about love and knowing each other's feeling. They are singing with the classical “ice cream mic”, and in the base of the mic there are some white lily's, a touch that makes the difference. These kind of microphones magnify their voices, that are, of course, amazing
MC: They talk about LW getting into melancholic melody, and they ask some questions to the audience. How the people came to see the live, if they enjoyed LW performance, who before coming to the live has climbed a mountain (!?!?!). They teach to draw a heart with the penlight to the audience during futari happiness
Futari Happiness (Lily White) relaxed song again talking about love, as they climb on the carts the cheers and the echo becomes deafening, but it's so good to see those girls “sailing” in a blue, pink and yellow sea of lights. The song is really good and I like it. Though I have to notice that no one is “drawing hearts” as they taught earlier.
Trouble busters (BiBi) and of course, the “noisy ones” are here.. to make some noise! Good rhythm, although the lyrics are not something to take note of, they appear on the carts with huge pistols (smoke guns). As they reach the centre stage, the lights go darker and the costumes are light up in LED with their colours on the profiles. Fun song
MC: The costumes turn off and the girls try to recharge it with “BiBi power”. Very hilarious that Maki reacts with “Nani sore? Imi wakannai” and Eli responds “hen yo!”. (referring to this, I don't remember the episode) To recharge the power, they have to do BiBi calls with everyone. In the end the costumes light up.
Fuyu ga Kureta (BiBi) It starts more seriously than the last song. Although it seems a little weird to hear BiBi singing a calm song, it works and I like it. Especially a song about love from BiBi. But it sounds so good XD
Kaguya no Shiro: Again, I can't get myself to like this song, I'm sorry. The costumes are really good, resembling a Yukata.
Datte Datte Aa Mujou: Fire effects light up the stage, electric guitars starts playing, I love the choreography, as they rotate the folding fan in sync. Good song.
Snow Halation: Although after all those fire on the stage, it's time for SH. All the stage turns blue as a sweet BGM is played while the girls changes costumes. Most of the cyalumes are now white, as it's now intuible from the BGM that SH is starting. Before the song is played the anime part (S2ep.9) where all the girls are thinking why are they singing this song. Touching moment. The costumes are matching the ones in the PV. I won't be saying if it's good or not, it's flawless in every way. The switch from white to orange is immediate. Good job audience! (big cheers)
Wonderful rush: again, a classic for them, perfect.
MC: They hype up the audience for the next song. And pretty well actually. Even I feel hyped XD
No brand girls: of course, jumping, hai hai hai and Oh yeah! I love this song. This time they didn't even teach the dance to the audience, as everybody knows the moves and this time all of them are participating
Kira Kira sensation: I like it, the beginning camera shots are perfect. I already analysed this song in the previous live, so I will just say this song really reassumes those girl's feelings.
ENCORE: the calls are loud, no doubt they heard it also from outside the stadium
Start:dash: Needless to say, this song sung in the school uniform is flawless and it inspires me every time! NEXT!
Happy maker: The choreography is AMAZING. They truly are Happy Maker. I like this song. As they get on the carts, the audience is, again, really loud. I recommend this song if you feel sad.
Oh, love and peace: Again, if you are sad listen also to this one (live is better). I think this song (after sunny day song, of course) reassumes school idols the best. Love and peace. That's what they are.
Dreamin' GoGo: a song about freedom and chances to be taken: inspiring. I like it!
Announcements: Movie, sale of the “best album vol II”
Final MC:
Soramaru: She had really fun and she does a last NicoNicoNi
Yurika: “only today can we gather everyone. Audience and members. This moment is unlike any other”. She is happy to be here
Kussun: She talks about her birthday being the day after (see day2 for more), she thanks everyone for their support, she thanks the staff.
Rippi: They had to prepare for long time for this live, and seeing that it went really well makes her happy.
Nanjolno: also her remembers how much they worked hard for touching people's heart, but also remembers how much those people get her moved.
Pile: Thanks everybody, and thinks that this union between the members, the supporting staff and the audience is what makes Love Live true.
Ucchi: She is happy to have performed as Minami Kotori in this huge stadium, and then she quotes a line from kira Kira sensation:”This miracle is right here and now, Everyone's feeling led them to this place”. And she mentions that she dyed her hair like Kotori's
Mimorin: Everybody had a power up, she then thinks about the first live and how they didn't think they could fill a stadium like this.
Emitsun:she is speechless, she is happy and her heart is full, she feels blessed (big huge cheers)thanks the audience for letting them come back to Saitama.
Last song: Donna toki mo zutto: Perfect ending song, nothing else to say.

DAY2: The set list changes quite a bit, I won't take in consideration the song already sang during day1 (except one XD)
Bokura no live, kimi to no life: aaah, I missed this song in day1. Every live without this song feels like “incomplete”. As soon as the first notes of the song fills the audience, huge screams and cheers. I love it. Also played as second song, “the song of our beginning” is perfect
Natsuiro egao: The wide shots of the stadium jumping as the girls are singing, the rhythm, the song, the cheers, the summer. Although I'm in vacation on the Alps, for these 4 minutes is almost if I can feel the marine breeze. Good
Shiawase no smiling (Kosaka Honoka): Beautiful costume (reminds of Happy party train), lyrics on point on Honoka. Although I prefer Hajimemashite as song.
Zurui no magnetic today (Maki & Nico): or as I like to call them “the troublemakers Tsundere” I love those two singularly, and singing in couple this song is fantastic. Oh fun fact, the drawings that appear on the carts while they are singing are made by the seiyuus themselves.
Kurunn Miracle (Hoshizora Rin): It's a pity that this song is done before Love wing bell, as the lyrics are talking about Rin being a “new version of herself” and “being happy with a skirt on”. Rippi's voice is good and I love it
Storm in lover (Eli & Umi): Introduced by fire and trumpets, personally I think two of the best voices of μ's are singing this song, and that makes me really happy. I absolutely love this song, I could listen to it day and night.
Moshimo Kara Kitto (Tojou Nozomi): delicate song, Kussun's voice in the beginning is trembling a little, but as she sings she gets better and better. The best thing is the absolute silence from the audience. In my opinion, this is the highest point touched by Kussun, and I'm so happy to see her on her birthday singing this solo song. Almost gives a feeling of a piano bar.
Suki desu ka (Hanayo & Kotori).: Dressed as housewife, they do the famous sketch “welcome home, do you want dinner? Or would you like to take a bath? Or would you like...” I think this song is a bit out of context. I don't like it.
Susume tomorrow (2nd years): The calls from the audience almost cover the girl's voices. The song is flawless and beautiful as the lyrics.
Dancing stars on me: This time the finale is different. Instead of coming down, the platform on which they are dancing, leaves Kussun in the centre really high up. Her face is getting more and more confused.
MC: Kussun is lighted up alone on the stage. Emi: “Guys, whose birthday is today?” everybody: “Kussun's!” “Happy birthday” the face of Kussun turns from panic to cry when she understands what is going on, all the arena and the remaining eight girls sing “happy birthday” as Kussun descend and a huge cake is brought up on the stage. At this point Kussun is seriously in tears. As they unveil that the surprise was a success, they reveal that they decided to do it during her solo rehearsal. Nanjolno suggest that everybody hold their cyalumes up and Kussun should blow in circle, who is been in the direction of Kussun should take the cyalumes down, resembling a giant birthday cake. The effect is simple but still amazing. Her aspiration for this year is “not to catch any colds”.
Soshite Saigo: good song, good rhythm, I like it.
Encore for day2 is a little different:
Bokura wa ima no naka de: in day1 it was at the beginning
MC: They talk about how much the girls matured in the anime, and how the LL finals resembles the stage on which they are. As they hold the LL blade (cyalumes done for LL I guess) they ask the audience to wave with them as they sing Sentimental StepS
Sentimental StepS: Impressive choreography, done by just waving the cyalumes with the audience. I like the lyrics and the song. Talking about becoming adults.
W-encore: Like day1 encore until the MC
Announcements: like day1 and new live in the winter. (no title and location, but we know it, and I'm starting to feel nostalgic now)
Final MC:
Soramaru: (she has teary eyes): the concert went by really fast, and she remembered many times when she was almost to tears. She then thanks all the love livers and the staff.
Yurika: she points out the steps forward that μ's made, and thanks the man who put the screws on the sliding platform. She is happy to have done this live.
Kussun: She starts crying as she thinks back at her birthday celebrated in this stadium, “a birthday like this probably only comes once in a lifetime, that's why it's been a really wonderful day” (her smile is so pure, so cute)
Rippi: She remembers how much time staff and μ's worked for this live, and she thanks all the supporters. And a huge applause to the staff
Nanjolno: She talks about how difficult it was to put down the rehearsal schedules as everyone got slowly busier and how the rehearsal were “difficult and tough times”. She was really tired at the end but she kept on dancing. As everyone applauds she gets emotional but she manages not to cry.
Pile: she remembers the first times singing at Blitz, they didn't know how many people there were. This time she knew and she was really surprised. Also she is used to sing solo, and she now is happy that such a large number of staff and supporters are there helping them out.
Ucchi: “Love Live it's fun!!” (Huge cheers) she remembers then that as she was starting her career as a V.A. She only had this role, and thinking how many people love Kotori and Love Live makes her really happy.
Mimorin: She says she is happy to have met everyone, and she says is quite difficult to remember all the lyrics of so many songs, but she is happy that this live is gone without a hitch.
Emitsun: “Thinking about the time when LL was started, This scene today, really seems like I'm inside a dream. I still wonder if I haven't woken up yet. There are a lot of things that I still can't believe even now. Yesterday, having the nine of us sing the lyrics of Kira Kira sensation, We've been led to this place by everyone, it's a story we've brought to life together. This place, this moment today, has made me realize that all over again. In such a large stadium, we even managed to celebrate Kussun's birthday. It's really thanks to a lot of people that I have so many memories of Love Live granting my dreams” (huge cheers and applause) then talks about the announcements. “with the happiness of this continuing story and our gratitude towards everyone, here's a song for everyone:
Aishiteru banzai (piano version): The emotions starts to overflow as this simple but amazing song is played. As everyone's starting to sing with the girls, their voices becomes one. The camera job is amazing, capturing every emotion on each girl. Amazing shot of Soramaru who starts tearing up as the camera is on her, you can clearly see the tear falling down and her trying to wipe it. This is what I call “true emotions” in fact there is a big applause at the end of this.
Donna wa toki mo zutto: as the song begins Emitsun and Ucchi are in tears too. They hug during the song, and it's so wholesome. As feathers falls down on the audience, everyone is moved.
Before leaving the stage: Everybody is shouting “arigato” really loud, there is a really big applause as the girls leave the stage.
MY THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS LIVE: Oh, wow! So many things to say! I'll start form the beginning, seeing those lights in such a big audience is a shock. I get what Emi said in the last MC. Yume no tobira's lyrics, and the girls explaining how the song came together in the anime are a strong point of this live. Love wing bell made me emotional, I don't know how Rippi managed to remain calm until the end, I would have got overwhelmed by emotions. I guess she knows how to do her job XD. I liked the unit song of day1. Snow Halation with the introduction from the anime, beautiful. But I think the best comes with day2. Finally we get to hear bokura no life and Natsuiro Egao. I missed those songs. For the solo/duo songs I would like to point out again Kussun's Moshimo. Getting to sing this song on her birthday. I think there's no better present for her. Also the beautiful party for her, I think she will never forget it. Good job μ's. The last MC is pretty short, and I usually like long last MC. But this one is perfect. Because Aishiteru Banzai can express all the words and feelings they didn't have time to say. This is my favourite song of this live. Piano, μ's voices and the audience singing with them. If I was in the audience, I bet I would have cried from the beginning to the end (and it happened watching the live). To be honest, this is the second time I watched this show, and the first one didn't hit me like this. I thought it was just an average live. But with this re-watch, I find this live amazing. Oh, if I didn't screw up, in this live μ's sung almost 30 different songs. Just imagine remembering all the lyrics. Now add all the choreography for each song. My best praises to μ's, I guess being a Idol is not all fun and games. And we all know what next live will be. There will be more tears and melancholy. I have to get ready and prepare myself, try not to get too emotional there.

See you next Wednesday for another episode of LLR!
submitted by Luca993 to LoveLive [link] [comments]

2017.02.20 00:17 Krazee9 [Rewatch] So Ra No Wo To/Sound of the Sky Episode 7

Episode 7: Crickets Chirping: Offerings to the Deceased
Wiki entry for EP7 (Warning, contains spoilers)
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/SoraNoWoto/
MAL Entry
Last year's thread
First rewatch thread
Episode Link
Episode 1 Link
Episode 2 Link
Episode 3 Link
Episode 4 Link
Episode 5 Link
Episode 6 Link
Episode 7 Link
Tomorrow's thread will be up rather early as I have something to do in the evening, probably around 4-5PM Eastern.
As I said yesterday, this is my favourite episode, and there's one quote from this episode that resonated with me the first time I heard it and that I've remembered ever since. I've got the entirety of that scene, what Filicia says, below, with the particular part in bold.
Hey, Rio. Earlier, you were asking what the point of it all was. When I was the only one who survived, it was all I could think about. Why had I, alone, survived? What did it mean?
And then I realized... that there is no inherent meaning in this world. But isn't that wonderful? It means that you can find your own.
And I've found mine. The point to me being here... I want to keep those children from suffering like I did.
In Japanese, courtesy of GrimdarkRose
Transcribed to Romaji:
Ne, Rio. Anata saki, sekai ni imi ga aru no ka tte itteta wa yo ne. Datta hitori ikinokotte watashi mou zutto kagaeta wa. Naze watashi dake ga ikinokottandaro. Sore ni donna imi ga aru daro tte.
Soshite kizuita no. Kitto ne, kono sekai ni imi nanka nai no yo. Demo sore tte suteki janai. Datte, nai nara, jibun de katte ni mitsukereba iinda mono.
Soshite mitsuketa wa, watashi wa. Watashi ga koko ni iru imi yo. Ano ko tachi ni wa, watashi mitai no omoi wa, zettai ni sasetakunai wa.
This quote has never left my mind, since the first time I watched this I've always remembered what Filicia said to Rio. I feel it's one of the most powerful quotes in anime.
This episode is arguably more important than any other episode in the series. We learn about Filicia, why she's where she is, and why her command style is what it is. She wants to protect the girls from the true horrors of war, the horrors she experienced on the front of Vingt. It's quite obvious that her experience left her with PTSD and survivor's guilt. While she's in the subway station after falling through the ground, she questions why she was the only one to live. Even later to Rio she admits that she still sometimes questions why she was the only one to live.
This episode is also incredibly important for worldbuilding. This is the first time that we hear that the world is dying, and what remains of mankind is but a remnant, destined for extinction. We learn that the oceans are bare of fish. We see the flashback to "the old times," and rather curiously, we see a pair of black wings in the reflection of a building's glass as numerous Takemikazuchi tanks attempt to kill... Something. Evidently, as our JSDF friend says, they failed... Or did they? That will be a question to be brought up again later.
We also finally learn the identity of the mysterious blonde woman from everyone's flashbacks, she's Princess Illya Arcadia. That itself raises some questions as to what she was doing with Rio when Rio was a kid, but be patient.
This episode pretty much kills the "Military K-On" idea. K-On, for all the fells it had, never had the girls go to war and have all their friends die in a fiery explosion.
Here's today's artbook excerpt, it contains some storyboards and images for the opening theme.
There is no "find the things" today. I just want to you watch the episode, and think about what it means to you, what impact it has had on you, and whether this was something you expected from this series.
Tomorrow we will be watching OVA episode 7.5. I'm not sure if there's a legal way to watch it aside from owning it, as I don't think Crunchyroll has it, and last I checked Nozomi Entertainment took down their So Ra No Wo To videos from youtube (they used to have the whole series up on there). Either way, you will all learn why Noel is best girl.
submitted by Krazee9 to anime [link] [comments]

2016.10.26 01:45 BanjoTheBear Should You Watch It? Fall 2016 Edition

Summer 2016 Edition’s Thread
(This season marks the two-year anniversary of this thread! Yay! :D)
Hey, /anime! Banjo here.
Another season of anime is upon us, and people are currently asking themselves the same question: What is good that is out right now?
This situation is where I and my “Should You Watch It?” thread come in!
Essentially, for many of the airing shows, I have seen the first three episodes and have made a judgment call for people looking to pick up those anime or not. In order to help streamline the process, I have created rankings to help with both clarification and ease of use.
To reiterate, this is the “three-episode rule” at work, meaning that these conclusions are not infallible. Yet it is a simple, early indicator for how the rest of the anime will generally proceed.
Whether you put stock into such a rule or like my view on the matter is entirely up to you. However, as a means to get the community involved and to have has many views about a particular anime as possible, a section is included entitled “Another Perspective.”
For each anime, I have acquired a few words (with the users’ permission!) that look at the anime from a different angle (often in opposition to my own thoughts!) in the hopes that you can make a more informed decision about picking up a specific show or not.
As always, this is just to help people figure out if a particular anime is right or wrong for him or for her. If you or anyone happens to disagree with my judgements (or the others), please voice your own perspective below. The more varying viewpoints that are had, the stronger the conversations will be, and therefore the better the decisions can be made.
No more rambling! Let us start my "Should You Watch It?" Fall 2016 Edition!
Here is how I rank the shows and what each ranking means:
Drop It – do not bother watching it now or ever.
Consider It – watch it if you enjoy the genre, or try it out once it is completely done airing, but, even then, you may not like it and forego it.
Watch It – should be enjoyable for most anime viewers to watch as it airs or at least enjoyable enough to watch to completion.
Must Watch It – if you are not watching this as it airs, you are seriously missing out.
Using this system, you can just quickly check out each show's "ranking" without having to read every little detail that I put for each one. I will be going through these alphabetically with MAL links as well.
(NOTE: Due to timing issues, the following anime are judged based on their first two episodes and not their first three episodes: Fune wo Amu. Apologies! :3)
(NOTE: The “Another Perspective” quotes received total permission for usage before being written here!)
3-gatsu no Lion
Must Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Almost everyone has experienced struggle, and Rei of 3-gatsu no Lion is no exception. This anime has a somber tone that isn’t just there but is something one feels. It's felt from the characters: their personal, emotional moments, their heartfelt reactions. It's felt from the visuals: the feinted and varied coloring, the contrast between light and dark. It's felt from the themes themselves: the importance of family, the prevalence of hardship. All of this says nothing about how fun and awesome Akari, Hina, and Momo are, the symbolism introduced through shogi, and the musical touches here and there. In other words, this one marches ahead of the pact with relative ease.

Another Perspective, courtesy of IHatloWomen:
“3-gatsu no Lion follows the solitary life of Kiriyama Rei, a 17 year old professional Shougi player. Right off the bat it's easy to tell he struggles with himself and life, however it's not void of passion and purpose giving it a light yet melancholic feel. A bit of a pushover, polite, mature and immature, he's a likeable character with great monologues that remind me of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, and there is great potential for character development. This is something I look for in every season, something abnormal in the normal, very lax, serious, and lighthearted. In one moment we're presented with ponders on mourning, in the next a typical overenthusiastic rival providing comic relief. While there are a few clichés that would preferable not to see rehashed, it still feels very fresh, especially how our main character is introduced to the side characters. The Shogi part of the series seems a little pointless so far, like an excuse to tell the story instead of a tool in the story, much like Chihayafuru. I'm hopeful for a treat, (it feels that way so far) I've not yet been bored, it looks absolutely fantastic and I'm loving the music. Please give this a go, even if you have no idea what Shogi is. You'll be pleasantly surprised.”
Consider It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Classical music has always been an (ode to) joy for many people. ClassicaLoid understands this notion, bringing about a marriage (of figaro) between anime and the geniuses behind the classics. From Beethoven to Mozart, from Chopin to Liszt, their so-called “Musik” turns their (toccata and fugue in D) minor shenanigans into crazy, over-the-top performances. The anime has yet to establish an enticing plot, and the characters, while apparently reminiscent of their historic counterparts, won’t receive any (nocturne in E-flat) major (Op. 9, No. 2) development anytime soon. Still, if one is simply looking for a bit of fun and a whole lot of classical music, his or her dreams (of love) have finally come true.
Another Perspective, courtesy of Cacophon:
“What do you get when you put one soon-to-be ex-homeowner together with three musically aspirant freeloaders? Well, if one of those happen to be the overly eccentric, occasionally perverse Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and one other is the brooding, perfectionist edge-lord Ludwig von Beethoven, you get ClassicaLoids. After three episodes, I'm not really sure where the plot is going. It's been an over-the-top comedy at its bright moments but there's equally dim moments where it falls into either flat or just confusing territory. There are these extended musical performances that play out like your stereotypical what-is-wrong-with-Japan Music Video, where at least one character has undergone a transformation sequence but these almost seem meaningless. It's being directed by Fujita Yoichi, director on just over 100 Gintama episodes, so maybe that's part of this slow burning start. If I can credit them for nothing else, they've done a great job of capturing the essence of their historical figures and using it to create comedy, but... As of right now, I can only give a luke-warm recommendation toward it and say that if it resonates with your interests, give it a shot.”
Another Perspective, courtesy of Durinthal:
“Did you know that Beethoven was obsessed with making the perfect gyoza and Mozart was a pervert? Well, one of those is a lie, but they're both true in ClassicaLoid. Kanae, an average teenage girl, inherited a music-themed mansion from her grandparents but two masters of the craft are already living there and causing trouble.
ClassicaLoid is an affectionate parody of the titans of the classical world, an exaggerated send-up of the composers often seen as stodgy by modern standards. Sugita's take on Beethoven does well to capture a sense of tortured genius, but his specific focus on gyoza makes it absurd rather than serious. Chopin takes the virtuoso's known reclusiveness to an extreme as a hikikomori and Liszt is now a flirtatious buxom blond, a nod to the mesmerizing personality and stage presence of the real artist.
Most of the show entails playing the characters off one another for humor with Kanae being the one sane person present. The first episode also has a few heartfelt moments nestled within the comedy, a theme sometimes seen in a few of Director Yoichi Fujita's other projects: Gintama, Binbougami ga!, and Osomatsu-san. We've only seen the smallest hint of a real plot so far (Bach's menacing presence is tempered by wearing sunglasses with his wig) but as the series runs for 25 episodes it's taking its time on character introductions.
If you ever thought classical music would sound better in the form of J-pop, you should definitely give it a shot. I won't claim that the show is a masterpiece or even the best anime of the season, but if you're looking for a comedy with weird characters this is worth trying.”
Flip Flappers
Must Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Many people have lives filled with monotony, a sense of not knowing which direction to take next. Enter Cocona, a girl whose life (appropriately enough) gets flipped upside-down with the help of her newfound friend Papika. For in Flip Flappers, a dull moment does not exist as each new world in Pure Illusion switches personality. Yet there’s so much more. Their duo represents a strong bond with lots of contrasting traits, potential growth, and a fun dynamic. The shrouded plot ups the intrigue. And best of all is the art: its beautiful colors, slick animation, and a charming style amplify the designs, prettiness, and general wonder. Alongside a theme on the emotions that drive people forward, it needs no help in flapping to the top.
Another Perspective, courtesy of Karmic_Thread:
“Flip Flappers is probably the dark horse of the season. It comes from studio 3Hz, whose two only major works consist of Dimension W and Sora no Method, so it's a studio that still needs to prove its worth and form an identity. With Kiyotaka Oshiyama at the head, who directed Space Dandy 2nd season's episode 5 and worked as animator in other several projects, Flip Flappers seems to be a step in the right direction due to its creativity and delivery, taking all the advantages of being an anime original. I will try and spoil as little of the plot as I can, since part of the experience consists of the main story and factions revealing themselves as the characters grow.
The covesynopsis tells us that we're going to watch two girls going on a lot of colorful adventures while they search the "Shards of Mimi", and while that's not far from true, Flip Flappers also contains a coming of age story with strong focus on identity development inside a high voltage magical girl package. It doesn't rely on conventional narrative hooks, or huge expositive texts regarding ideals and complicated concepts or premises, since it prefers to convey all of this through one or two extremely meaningful and central lines of dialogue per episode, and visually through symbolism and shot composition. Said point leads us to talk about art and animation: it's great, the animation/motion itself isn't as polished as one would want, but it compensates with its great sense of style, being arguably on the same level of something made by Imaishi or Ikuhara, with a tone that's reminiscent of both because of their use of metaphor, stylized animation/art and bright color palettes to convey a story with more serious themes.
Its premise allows for a lot of crazy settings that make homage/reference to Ghibli films, and other pieces of media like Alice in Wonderland, Star Wars, Dragon Ball Z, Mad Max and PreCure up to episode 3, at the same time remaining relevant to the plot, character and themes of the show and each individual episode's focus. The way Flip Flappers manages to convey its ideas with subtlety while also being so crazy and over the top taking the advantage of being an original work is just masterful, and makes it one of if not the strongest show in this season.
Its over-the-topness, presentation, and the lack of a strong plot/premise right from the start may shy away some viewers (it's a really "anime" anime), but for those who aren't turned off yet this show is a must. All the previous points that may be a negative for some are also a big part of what makes it stand out. Tl;dr: Flip Flappers is the anime equivalent of riding a roller coaster on acid trying not to lose your way, and truly deserves your attention.”
Another Perspective, courtesy of TaiBoss:
"I am not exactly sure how to describe Flip Flappers. People like to compare it to Trigger shows like Luluco or to Gainax's classic FLCL. However, having seen neither of them, I cannot really describe it that way. What I can do is describe it without such comparisons: Flip Flappers is one of those few "fun before plot" shows, that are not "So bad, it's good.", hell, I think Flip Flappers is one of best written shows I have seen in recent time, simply because the team around Yuniko Ayana, script writer for such shows as Kiniro Mosaic and Humanity Has Declined, actually abides to ‘Show, Don't Tell.’.
On the surface, Flip Flappers is the story of the goofy, fun loving Papika and the serious, down-to-earth Cocona as they repeatedly enter a fantastical world (worlds?) called "Pure Illusion" and the fantastical adventures they have there. But it's also so much more, simply because behind all the colours, the excellent animation and funny moments, there seems to lie a world that is crapsaccharine. As it turns out are the fragments that Papika and Cocona are collecting, the things creating the Pure Illusion in the first place, much sought-after- both by Papika's superiors and by their (maybe) adversaries. And so, by the end of episode 3, you begin to realise that below this whole sugar bowl lies a web of lies, betrayal, conspiracies and cruelty. And you start understanding that everything you've seen so far all followed a consistent in-universe logic, one that is not spelled out to us as a giant off-screen monologue over minutes and minutes, but one that is given simultaneously, piece by piece, to both Cocona and the audience. And so far, that's not much, but even those few scenes already give a lot of room to speculate and to discuss.
Flip Flappers is, to me, the fight of idealism vs cynicism, and how something that seems good doesn't have to be good, and vice versa. It's a treasure chest full of possible interpretations, from the plot to the characters to the world itself. It's an anime that is fun and allows you to turn off your brain, but doesn't insult you should you try to use it anyway.
But most of all, it's the wacky adventures of a goofy girl and a serious girl. Because such duos always make for the best comedies."
Fune wo Amu
Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
In Fune wo Amu, the cast have one goal in mind: create the best dictionary to the best of their abilities. Above the words and the definitions, though, rests the animation, for it’s a treat to behold. The walking of characters, the moving of their hands, and the subtle shifting of their eyes all have a fluidity, a believability that gives the anime a greater sense of realism and “action.” While the optimistic tone makes it difficult for the story to build real drama, and the characters themselves are not exactly the most interesting people, a recent (read: second-episode) event as well as its adult-oriented target audience give the whole package a lot of potential to embark on a great passage.
Another Perspective, courtesy of JexInfinite:
“From the two episodes that have aired so far, Fune wo Amu has provided a thorough introduction into what looks like an inspirational drama. This show is about a sector of a book company that is creating a new dictionary. Since there have only been two episodes the plot has not developed very far, but the all-adult cast all have distinct personalities, like Majime's reserved quirkiness, and Nishioka's straightforward and outgoing attitude. The art and animation does not stand out, but the voice cast is high quality, with Kamiya Hiroshi and Sakurai Takahiro as the main characters.
What makes Fune wo Amu stand out from everything else this season is its maturity of execution. The themes are not dark, the plot is not tense and exciting, and the art style is not visually stimulating, but this show wastes no time with anime tropes or pandering. It gets to the point, which is making a dictionary and finding the most accurate and concise way to define words, in a respectful manner (towards the viewers). In more coherent terms, this is a show that you would not be embarrassed to watch if your grandparents walked in; in fact, they may join in.
I would recommend to watch Fune wo Amu because it presents characters like real people, has delivered an introduction for a believable and realistic narrative, and promises an inspirational story where characters will grow as humans.”
Gi(a)rlish Number
Must Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Cynicism abounds in Gi(a)rlish Number, an anime focusing on a rookie seiyuu (Japanese anime voice actress) named Chitose. Her constant inner thoughts – often of a mean or vitriolic nature – make her quite the hilarious person to follow. The harsh, behind-the-scenes look at the industry in general – with its rushed material, not-so-friendly people, and disrespect towards the creators – ups the satire the story has adopted. It even has some early development in its characters, brewing feuds, and disaster on the horizon. Combined with its strangely likable characters, the bits of cuteness, and those moments filled with cringe, the entire offering needs no he(a)lping hand.
Another Perspective, courtesy of randomdudeman12:
“Girlish Number is the dark horse of the season for me. The basic idea is cute girls doing cute VA things, but it's so much better. Chitose is a VA who's recently finished school and is looking to get into the industry, the only issue is that her personality (and talent) is terrible underneath that cute girl facade. Her reaction faces and mean words get a hearty chuckle out of me most of the time.
The other main reason to watch it is for Watari's writing. Watari is the author behind the Oregairu light novels and he also wrote the Chiba siblings in Qualidea Code. This series is filled with cynicism and meta humor, both of which Watari excels at. It's funny and depressing to hear cute girls talking about how trash light novel authors are, but they're not wrong. Moments like this keep popping up as we laugh about how terrible the reality of the industry is. I'm also almost certain that Watari's (or his close friends) experiences served as a basis for most of the humor. After the trainwreck that was Qualidea code, I could totally see him taking inspiration from that production disaster.
I can understand that this show won't be for everyone. I wouldn't recommend it if you don't like characters who are full of themselves, or if you don't have a decent understanding of the industry. I can also assure you that there will be some minor drama later in the series, so if you weren't a fan of the drama in Oregairu, you won't be a fan of it here.
To sum up, if you enjoy industry-deprecating humor, and are fine with a cute girl protag who has the personality of a 3DPD, then you'll love this anime.”
Another Perspective, courtesy of Crabspite:
"Gi(a)rlish Number’s central hook is its focus on depicting the animation industry. The show, however, seems mostly interested in being a satire, focusing more on the farcical nature of the industry and the author’s own frustrations towards it rather than portraying a realistic environment, with mixed execution. Its commentary, while at times insightful, seems too simplistic and clumsy to make any sort of biting statement. Luckily, however, the show does a great job of supporting those elements with very solid characterization and dialogue. The show has considerable strength in the characterization, having a well-rounded cast that, while not great people, are not great people in ways that are charming, relatable, and multi-faceted. (Chitose makes such good faces, it owns) The way the characters personalities and underlying ideology bounce off each other is a joy to watch, and this in conjunction with the show’s views has already lead to some interesting character drama. If the show succeeds to use its premise to challenge and develop its characters, it could definitely end up one of the best shows of an already stacked season."
Hibike! Euphonium 2
Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
The members of the Kitauji High School band return for Hibike! Euphonium 2 as drama continues to swirl about them. Reina is still a cute, alluring person. The subtle touches in the art demonstrate finesse and care. And the yuri moments (while incredibly frustrating due to the wishy-washy-ness) are more than welcome. The problem? Kumiko. For two reasons. One, she’s not much of a character anymore. Her time to shine was last season, so, this season, as the plot takes precedence, she loses relevance. Which leads to two, her involvement. Each of her interactions are almost always purely separated. It makes the narrative feel empty, as though nobody else is involved in the drama until Kumiko just-so-happens to run into them while alone. Granted, she is the main protagonist, so it makes sense that most everything revolves around her in some form, but it has happened enough times to be as noticeable as an out-of-tune euphonium (or maybe a drumbeat).
Another Perspective, courtesy of zhongzhen93:
zhongzhen93 takes off his yuri glasses
“Hibike is back to vow us with more band drama, with the prime focus going to the seniors this time around as the band prepare to face off in another competition.
In a medium where expressions are usually over-exaggerated , Kyoani are champions in conveying them subtly and realistically. Take our new senpai,Yoroizuka for example, she comes off as emotionless as Nagato Yuki as first, but you quickly realise she's full of insecurities as any other teenager (with the PTSD), only she's just less capable of expressing them, she is stilled brimming with them on every single frame. Extend this to every other character and you have Hibike. Perhaps the greatest testament to that attention to detail is that even ribbon-senpai really grown on me.
Watch Hibike not just for the Sol Drama, but for the genuine human beings in it.
zhongzhen93 put his yuri glasses back on
Mother of god it might as well be a yuri adventure time this season. Barely 10 seconds in we already have hand-holding in it, what an utter blasphemy! The latter half one the first episode is just non-stop yuri and hand-holding! Kumiko's ruby red passion just goes well so with Reina's sapphire blue. I am going down with this ship as HARD as I went down with Haruhi's.
zhongzhen93 switches to a magnifying glass
There's no surprise that Hibike is gorgeous, but I want to give special praise to the summer atmosphere in episode 1.From the strong summer light is reflecting off the surface is ever present, to the slow and tuneful harmonies that comes with a band, right down to the slightly tired expressions and voices. Everything meshes so well to making it feel a lazy summer afternoon, it feels almost nostalgic like sipping hot chocolate on a freezing winter morning. Whether it is the freezing morning of December 16th or sweltering heat of August 17th, Kyoani excels in using visuals and soundtrack to make you feel as if you’re suffering along with the character.”
Another Perspective, courtesy of kaverik:
“Hibike Euphonium S2 vigorously follows the very same ideas it presented in its first iteration, so if you liked the first season there is no reason no to pick up its continuation. However, it's still thematically shallow for its potential, and tries to pull out The Big Drama out of nowhere with pacing of a lame snail. While trying to be dramatic and serious, it constantly teases you with light yuri which immediately ruins bits of the mellow mood. That being said, the real problem of Hibike Euphonium is that there is really nothing that stands out and makes it above other slice of life anime, except Kyoto Animation's production quality. It feels like the anime tries to manage several things at once - be reasonably dramatic, rather cute, with comedic sections, portion of fanservice and at the same time stay intelligent - but fells short almost everywhere.
There was a small hope second season would change something and highlight only specific parts of its story. Unfortunately, the anime is still fairly unfocused and just all over the place, where simple problems are being scaled to the size of an indian elephant. Hibike Euphonium stayed as an epitome of "eye candy" - it's pretty, moderately fun and ultimately forgettable.”
Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Keijo!!!!!!!! puts the “butt” in “buttload.” Nozomi, Sayaka, and many other women compete in the popular sport known as “keijo” where booty reigns. As their behinds are pushed upfront, the ecchi material transforms from measly extra goodness to a literal narrative element. While their glutei maximi (yes, that’s the plural) are the obvious focal point (and oh are they ever), the awesome abilities, the very fun characters, and the tenseness in the action make those muscles even firmer. It’s not complex, and it’s not thought-provoking, but its derrière is one entertaining experience.

Another Perspective, courtesy of AlienWarhead:
“This show is what happens when you add Shonen sports insanity to the butt battle mini game from DOA Xtreme. That means girls are trying to knock each other in the pool with their boobs and mainly butts with the intensity of a Kuruko's Basketball or a Hajime no Ippo match. However that also means lots of fanservice because it's about girls in swimsuits, if you don't like that, I'm not sure if this show will change your mind. Some of it is funny, makes things more energetic and it can add to the hilarity of the sport because it feels the show is using a form of booty martial art. Also the characters seem good and are not there just for fan service, the main character Nozomi is a joy to watch because of her energy and enthusiasm. Overall this a fun and energy fan service show that can be really hilarious like Food Wars because of how the Shonen Sports tropes are applied to something that isn't Shonen Sports.”
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Drop It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Koyuki has always dreamed of being a magical girl. And in Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, she finally gets her wish. Although, as she and the other magical girls quickly discover, it is not all sunshine and rainbows. The show’s darker tone is hinted at from the get-go, and, indeed, the show moves down that path with due haste. The characters are cute, but that’s about as much as it has going for it. A lot of them are boring due to lack of focus, the plot rarely shows the lot actually being magical girls, and the importance of it all just doesn’t exist. The designs of the girls are pretty and the online hub-world creates a cute contrast with the real world, but it’s not enough – no matter how many candies are retrieved.
Another Perspective, courtesy of pittman66:
“(Minor Spoilers that are unfortunately unavoidable and nature to the show) We’ve had a more varied amount of premises that magical girls have crossed over with the last few years. Madoka Magica introduced magical girls to the thriller genre, Symphogear introduced idols and music like Macross has done with mecha, Nanoha Vivid series has moved towards the sports genre, and now this season with Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku (Magical Girl Raising Project) we are going into survival genre similar to The Hunger Games/Battle Royale.
While I wouldn’t go as far to say it’s a strong series and that it certainly has its flaws, I find it an enjoyable one with some magical helpings of cuteness, suspense, plot twists, predictions, magical girl equality, and an interesting view for the other characters. The series goes around the cast giving their own small views of life and alliances they’re making which is a nice change from other similar media. The first few episodes balanced out the lighter and darker aspects, although seems to be moving exclusively to the darker side now. Background art, music, animation, and the little action that has been seen are also done well. Having the actual girls range in both age and even gender is amusing, but most of the fun is the prediction on who’s going to survive, be taken off next, and how. You’ve got your variety from the lazy NEET, the traditional magical girl who does it to help others, the ultimate trap, mysterious ninja girl who we know little about, there’s probably at least one girl for any fan to get behind and eventually see their demise.
If I were talk about its flaws that may deter from watching, death flags come fairly obvious, the pacing can be a bit odd for some important scenes and gloss over some key details, and the characters on a whole don’t get enough time in order to have some kind of relationship, so it’s less being able to relate and more hoping your favorite girl survives.
If interested, get some popcorn, join in on the predictions, and sit down for an enjoyable magical girl series that probably won’t leave too much of an impact by the end of it.”
Consider It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Occultic;Nine takes on just that: the occult. Ghosts, spirits, and other phenomena, while once thought to be impossible, are slowly becoming more than just a fairy tale. The artistic direction is cool, the slight horror aspect is intriguing, and the general mystery of the whole story makes one wonder where it all will be headed. Unfortunately, the anime itself is surrounded in controversy. Extremely rushed pacing has led to unnecessary confusion. An over-the-top character design has become a distraction. And the first two episodes had been pulled from legal streaming sites for some time without much explanation. It has all created a negative vibe for this quirky show. It may have ninety-nine problems, but being uninteresting ain’t one.
Another Perspective, courtesy of cinnmarken:
“Occultic Nine is an intriguing show, a supernatural mystery based around an ensemble cast with some fun interplay. It’s one of few shows that I wish more people were taking a look at this season. In essence it follows the lives of 9 different people who are all in some way tied into a rather strange mystery. The 9 characters make up our principal cast, and they are all connected in some fun ways from what little we’ve seen so far. Now I know that some of the viewing public here on anime was probably turned off by the rapid-fire dialogue of the first episode, and in response I would like to let you know that the 2nd and 3rd episodes slow the pace down considerably and spend some more time with some of the other characters’ backstories and providing some more information. All in all the show is presented incredibly well, with an interesting cast and an intriguing mystery that seems like it could go some really neat places. I would go into more detail but I feel like that could kind of spoil the surprise for the newer episodes.”
Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+!
Drop It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! returns for a second season, yet it is performing poorly. The anime has chosen to focus on each of the three main girls thus far, which is nice, but that simply takes away time from the more important relationship that Ui and Hayato share. Furthermore, variety remains low in the ecchi-ness, and the same can be said of the cute and comedic moments. Arguably, the only reason to even follow this one is for the occasional (uncensored) titillating scene. Beyond the boobs and the butts, though, nothing else stands out as a plus.
Another Perspective, courtesy of AniMonologues:
“Okusama ga Seitokaichou Season 2 is exactly what you should expect from it. It's a short series full of crazy hormonal teenagers doing ecchi comedy shenanigans. Its comedy and sexuality both come from its romance elements, and they blend pretty well. If you haven't seen this show because you haven't seen Season 1, it's not long at all (maybe 2 hour run-time full) and worth the ride. I may not be an ecchi fan, but this one is special.”
Shuumatsu no Izetta
Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
As the forces of Germania threaten to invade the borders of other countries, Ortfiné Fredericka von Eylstadt moves to save both her land and her people. All the while, a certain red-haired witch makes her powers known. Thus begins Shuumatsu no Izetta, an anime with fantastical elements like gun brooms and blood magic. It also contains a lot of realistic warfare: trench fights, aerial assaults, and the brutality of war itself. The main duo, Finé and Izetta, are also fine leads. The former is stalwart in her convictions and meaningful in her words. The latter is sincere in helping and strong in power. They may not contrast all that much, but, together, they make for a formidable duo. It’s not a very deep show, it doesn’t contain anything immediately impressive, and the unnecessary sexual content gets in the way. Nevertheless, if one wants to see a princess lead and a witch dominate, then look no Führer.
Another Perspective, courtesy of aniMayor:
“Consider It... cautiously. There's a lot to like about Last Witch Izetta: the faux-WW2 plot is a familiar but under-used setting, they show the full intensity of the warfare, the plot and world-building get going right from the start, and a witch battling Nazi tanks/planes with swords and anti-tank guns is something you probably haven't seen before. So far so good, right? However, based on the three episodes released so far, there are already numerous hints that this may not be the plot-focused action romp you expect it to be. As heroic as most of the main cast is, there is not much depth in their characterization, and the script so far shows no interest in establishing complex motivations or relationships. It also appears that the titular Izetta is headed towards a very sexually objectified role (at least in the show's presentation, if not the plot). So, if the WW2-setting witch battles are intriguing to you, by all means watch this show... but steel yourself for the possibility that the invasion plot and action scenes will be awkwardly paired with sexual comedy, stupidly sleazy costumes, and various ‘otaku-bait’ cliches no matter how badly that detracts from the tone of a serious WW2 invasion plot.”
Yuri!!! on Ice
Watch It
Banjo’s Perspective:
Blades. Fancy music. Spinning. These details are just a few of the elements that make up ice skating, an Olympic Sport known the world over. And for Yuri of Yuri!!! on Ice, ice skating is both his life and his obstacle. One of the best traits of the show is its embracing of homosexuality: It does not shy away from a struggling skater’s passion towards his luminous, perfect idol. The complex animations for the skating performances are likewise welcome. And the story and its characters are primed for future development. The only aspect getting in the way is the intermittent comedy. It’s often overly silly, creating unwelcome dissonance with the more serious moments. Nevertheless, this one is far from skating on thin ice.
Another Perspective, courtesy of TheHaruWhoCanRead:
“Yuri!! on Ice is not yaoi. It's not shounen ai. And that's why this story about a male figure skater realizing he's in love with his idol, also a male figure skater, is so great. I mean, it's also true YoI is really well-written, beautifully directed, superbly acted and that the soundtrack in particular is phenomenal. But what makes it remarkable is that it's the single most blatant, up-front and unapologetic depiction of a male/male romance I've seen so far in a mainstream anime.
And yet, romance is not the focus of YoI. Have you ever said 'I wish there was a story where the characters just happen to be gay'? Or 'Gay content is fine as long as they don't make a big deal about it'? You were talking about Yuri!! on Ice. And if you really meant it, here's your chance to see something amazing. We're genuinely off the edge of the map for gay representation here, folks.”
Final Totals
Drop It: 2
Consider It: 2
Watch It: 5
Must Watch It: 3
Banjo's Top Three Picks:
1 3-gatsu no Lion
2 Flip Flappers
3 Gi(a)rlish Number
Banjo's Beginning Awards:
Strongest First Episode: Gi(a)rlish Number
Character with Highest Potential: Yuri of Yuri!!! on Ice
The Underdog: Fune wo Amu
Best Girl of the Season: Akari of 3-gatsu no Lion
Sequeliest Sequel: Hibike! Euphonium Season 2
Rockin' OPs:
“ClassicaLoid: ClassicaLoid no Themed” of ClassicaLoid; those paintings!
“History Maker” of Yuri!!! on Ice; déjà vu!
“DREAMxSCRAMBLE!” of Keijo!!!!!!!!; More Sayaka booty, woohoo!
Jammin' EDs:
“FLIP FLAP FLIP FLAP” of Flip Flappers; Cocona’s so scared!
“Vivace!” of Hibike! Euphonium 2; instruments over sweets!
“Fighter” of 3-gatsu no Lion; he’s basically Jesus!
(All OPs and EDs were provided courtesy of /AnimeThemes. Go check them out! :3)
And that is it! As always, I do not drop anything myself; when I complete the anime here, I will be reviewing them in full. But that is for another day. For now, I am appreciative towards any and all who perused what I have written.
Also, a huge thank you goes out to everyone who gave me permission to use their thoughts here in my post. Doing so has improved this thread tenfold, and, for that, I am truly grateful.
I hope that the community continues to enjoy this Fall 2016 anime season to its fullest! :3
submitted by BanjoTheBear to anime [link] [comments]

2016.08.30 08:51 HinamizawaVictim [CAN][Selling] Manga, Manhwa, Anime, JRPGs - Including OOP Stuff

My List - Pics
Light Novels:
Single Volumes:


(Last Update: October 31, 2016)
I've been continuously pruning my collection for the past year or so. Help me get rid of some!
Prices are in USD, before shipping costs. I'm willing to ship anywhere in the world, but be advised that shipping anything across an ocean can get a little expensive in Canada. Please ask for a shipping quote if you're interested in anything!
I also have some rare and OOP titles available for sale, with prices that reflect what you see on the secondary market. Just in case you're wondering why some things are relatively expensive.
Some other things to note:
Without further ado...

Manga/Manhwa/Light Novels

Single Volumes:



JRPG Video Games


Trade List

submitted by HinamizawaVictim to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2016.01.15 15:27 maxdefolsch [Spoilers ?] Any obsessive LN readers to help me with a precise timeline ?

Hi !
I was thinking about how to do a chronological rewatch, so I began to research the chronology of the whole thing. I want it to be as precise as possible, and as canon as possible, which means I want it to be based exclusively on the light novels and not the anime. Indeed, in the few timelines I found I noticed mistakes in the dates because some scenes and details are omitted in the anime, for example.
The problem is, almost none of the novels have been fully translated, and I can't read Japanese at all, so it makes checking everything quite difficult :/ that's why I'm hoping I'm not the single most obsessive fan to frequent this subreddit.
Here's what I found by checking the few partial translations of the novels on Baka-Tsuki :

About the year

There's an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing towards the year the main story takes place in being 2006-2007. It's all but explicitly confirmed.

Before Koyomi Vamp

Disclaimer : unfortunately, this section will be far more vague and less precise than the other ones. This is due to the fact that years are often referenced by saying "X years ago", or in relation to the age of a character or the school grade they were in, making it difficult to know exactly when something happened. I tried to include sources as much as possible to give you an idea of the context, but keep in mind that's it's possible that some of these events are in the wrong order because of the lack of precision.
Year Month/day Event
Y - 599 ~September 20src Birth of
Y - 5??
Y - 5?? src
Y - 5?? src
Y - ~400 Kiss-Shot arrives in Japan after jumping from Antarctica. She lands in a lake, making "rain" on a nearby village suffering from drought. She's then revered as a god by the villagers. She meets an oddity killer named Shishirui Seishirou. Some time later, the Darkness appears because of Kiss-Shot not behaving as a vampire, and swallows everyone in the village. It almost eats Seishirou entirely, leaving only one hand, and Kiss-Shot escapes with it by jumping back to Antarctica. The Darkness doesn't follow her because jumping like this was the action of a vampire. After landing, she bites into Seishirou's hand to revive him as her first servant. Seishirou, after discovering what happened to the villagers and Kiss-Shot's true nature, curses her and tries to commit suicide by leaping into the sunlight. He's reduced to ashes and leaves behind the demon sword Kokorowatari.src
Y - ~30‑35 Birth of Gaen Izuko
Y - ~30-35 Birth of Oshino Meme, Kaiki Deishuu, Kagenui Yozuru and Teori Tadatsuru
Y - ~22 Birth of Tsunade Mayoi
Y - 18 Aprilsrc Birth of Araragi Koyomi
Y - 18 July 7src Birth of Senjougahara Hitagi
Y - 18 Birth of Oikura Sodachi
Y - 18 Birth of Tsubasa (family name unknown)
Y - 17 Middle to late May Birth of Gaen Suruga
Y - ~15 Seishirou's ashes come back to the town and cause North Shirahebi Shrine to collapse
Y - ~15 The Occult Research Club resurrects a corpse, who becomes Ononoki Yotsugi
Y - ~15 Tsubasa is taken into custody by her new parents and gains the name Hanekawa
Y - 15 End of Junesrc Birth of Araragi Karen
Y - 15 ~July A phoenix implants itself in the Araragi mother as her future child
Y - 14 Beginning of Aprilsrc Birth of Araragi Tsukihi
Y - 14 June 3src Birth of Sengoku Nadeko
Y - ~13src Mayoi is taken into custody by her father and takes the name Hachikuji
Y - 11 May 14src Hachikuji Mayoi dies in a traffic accident
Y - ~8src Tooe gives the Rainy Devil to Suruga
Y - ~8 Suruga's parents die in a traffic accident
Y - ~7src Senjougahara's mother joins a cult
Y - 7 ~Aprilsrc Suruga uses the Rainy Devil for the first time to run quickly
Y - 7 September Transformation of Episode into a half-vampire
Y - 4src Kanbaru meets Senjougahara for the first time
Y - 3 ~Septembersrc Kanbaru becomes captain of the middle school basketball team
Y - 2 ~Marchsrc Senjougahara is assaulted by a cult member
Y - 2 ~March/Aprilsrc Senjougahara meets the Crab
Y - 2 ~Aprilsrc Senjougahara moves with her father
Y - 2 July 15src Class meeting about the cheating in the math exam, Sodachi is voted to be the culprit
Y - 1src Kanbaru joins the high school basketball team
Y - 1src Kanbaru learns about the Crab incident, tries to help Senjougahara, is rejected

First/Second/Final Season, from March 25 (Koyomi Vamp) to April 21 (Suruga Devil)

Date Arc Episodes Date  Koyomimonogatari arc  Episodes
March 25 - April 8 Koyomi Vamp Kizumonogatari I-III
April 11 - April 12 Koyomi Stone Koyomimonogatari 1
April 29 - May 8 Tsubasa Family Nekomonogatari Kuro 1-4
May 8 - May 9 Hitagi Crab Bakemonogatari 1-2
May 9 - May 10 Koyomi Flower (001-004) Koyomimonogatari 2
May 14 - May 15 Mayoi Maimai Bakemonogatari 3-5
May 23 - May 28 Suruga Monkey Bakemonogatari 6-8
May 29 Koyomi Flower (005) Koyomimonogatari 2 (end)
June 11 - June 13 Nadeko Snake Bakemonogatari 9-10
June 13 - June 15 Tsubasa Cat Bakemonogatari 11-15
June 19 Koyomi Sand Koyomimonogatari 3
July holiday (July 17?) Koyomi Water Koyomimonogatari 4
July 29 - July 31 Karen Bee Nisemonogatari 1-7
Early August Koyomi Wind (001-004) Koyomimonogatari 5
August 14 Tsukihi Phoenix Nisemonogatari 8-11 August 14 Koyomi Wind (005) Koyomimonogatari 5 (end)
August 20 - August 21 Mayoi Jiangshi Second Season 7-10
August 21 - August 23 Shinobu Time Second Season 17-20
August 23 - August 24 Shinobu Mail Owarimonogatari 8-13
August 21 - August 25 Tsubasa Tiger Second Season 1-5
August 25 - ~September 4 Tsubasa Tiger (end) Second Season 5 (end)
Late September Koyomi Tree Koyomimonogatari 6
October Koyomi Tea Koyomimonogatari 7
October 24 - October 25 Ougi Formula Owarimonogatari 1-2
October 25 - October 26 Sodachi Riddle Owarimonogatari 3-4
October 27 - October 28 Sodachi Lost Owarimonogatari 5-7
October 31 - November 2         Nadeko Medusa Second Season 12-15 November 1 - November 2 Koyomi Mountain Koyomimonogatari 8
December Koyomi Torus Koyomimonogatari 9
December Shinobu Time (end) Second Season 20 (end)
January 1 - February 1 Hitagi End Second Season 21-26 January 14 Koyomi Seed (001-004) Koyomimonogatari 10
February 13 - February 14 Yotsugi Doll Tsukimonogatari 1-4
Soon after Yotsugi Doll Koyomi Seed (005) Koyomimonogatari 10 (end)
Late February Koyomi Nothing Koyomimonogatari 11
March 13 Shinobu Mail (beginning)              Owarimonogatari 8 (beginning)
March 13 Shinobu Mail (end) Owarimonogatari 13 (end)
March 13 Koyomi Dead Koyomimonogatari 12
March 13 Mayoi Hell Owarimonogatari S2 1-2
March 13 - March 14 Hitagi Rendezvous Owarimonogatari S2 3-4
March 14 - March 15 Ougi Dark Owarimonogatari S2 5-7
March 16 - March 18 Koyomi Reverse Zoku Owarimonogatari 1-6
April 9 - April 21 Suruga Devil Hanamonogatari 1-5

Off/Monster Season

Unfortunately, Nisio stopped caring about giving precise dates after Zoku Owari, so the dates from then on are a lot more vague, often deduced from indirect information, and sometimes contradictory. Also this post is years old and not up to date with my latest research so probably don't use this info, I really need to remake it.
Date Arc Episodes

Short stories

Date Arc Story
Y - 4 Hitagi Throwing Short story 17
One year before Suruga Devil Rouka God Short story 22
March 26 Kokoro shite Short story K5
March 26 Doushite Short story K4
April 7 Hito toshite Short story K1
April 8 Douka shite Short story K2
May 8 Hitagi Hermit Crab Short story 30
Soon after Hitagi Crab Hitagi Dish Short story 29
Unknown (soon after Mayoi Maimai?) Mayoi Name Short story 32
Unknown (soon after Mayoi Maimai?) Mayoi Ghost Short story 33
Unknown (soon after Suruga Monkey?) Suruga Speed Short story 35
Unknown (soon after Suruga Monkey?) Suruga Velocity Short story 36
June 18 Tsubasa Song Short story 5
Unknown (Sunday, between Suruga Monkey and summer vacation?) Hitagi Buffet Short story 1
Unknown (Sunday, after Suruga Monkey, summer?) Suruga Court Short story 3
Unknown (before Mayoi Room) Mayoi Castle Short story 11
August 15 Tsukihi Eternal Short story 6
August 15? Karen Arm-Leg Short story 7
August 16? Hitagi Neck Short story 8
August 16? Shinobu House Short story 9
August 20 Mayoi Room Short story 2
August 24 Yotsugi Stress Short story 27
Unknown (after Mayoi Room, summer?) Nadeko Pool Short story 4
Unknown (before Nadeko Medusa) Nadeko Mirror Short story 13
Late October Ougi Travel Short story 20
January Hitagi Salamander Short story 16
Unknown (during Yotsugi Doll?) Tsubasa Lion Short story L1
Soon after Yotsugi Doll Hitagi Figure Short story 15
Unknown (between Hitagi Figure and Koyomi Nothing?) Shinobu Figure Short story 23
Before Araragi's graduation Ougi Reflect Short story 34
Unknown (at least after Koyomi Reverse?) Koyomi History Short story 26
March 27 Soshite Short story K3
After Araragi's graduation Tsukihi Brushing Short story 25
Y + 2? Mayoi Welcome Short story 28
Unknown Tsubasa Board Short story 10
Unknown Hitagi Coin Short story 12
Unknown Shinobu Science Short story 14
Unknown Suruga Palace Short story 18
Unknown Yotsugi Future Short story 19
Unknown Suruga Neat Short story 21
Unknown Karen Brushing Short story 24
Unknown Sodachi Mirror Short story 31
A date in bold means it's confirmed, either by being directly mentioned in the novel, or by being deductible from known facts.
A date in italics will probably be confirmed later, when the anime comes out or when someone translates the LN.
Basically, everything in bold should be 100% confirmed and if asked I should be able to quote the novels to prove any of it. So my goal here is to have every precise date in bold, and as few non-precise dates as possible. But to make progress here, I would need someone who can read the novels to help me find the dates specified and deduce as much of the timeline as we can.
Anyone here with too much free time ? D:
Check out other informative posts I made !
submitted by maxdefolsch to araragi [link] [comments]

2014.11.30 17:09 Therra_nolleo fanfic muse RPG character page! sorry if this is annoying and to LONG...(part 2)

one of the 5 high general of the science army, and Gran Axia's No.1 gunslinger! Eli is a respected and respectful general, a very smart and diplomatic woman despite her young age, she is well known for making near-to-flawless battle strategies and for being an "ice princess" on the battlefield. she is known to have no mercy toward any who have done wrong, her guns are named Boreas the right and Frigo the left respectively, both being able to shot out cold bullets to the enemy at 2X the speed of sound. upon hearing the start of the mass gem hunt Eli doesn't want to be left out, she searched for those gems with the help of thousands of soldier and researchers through out the lands, but she could find none, her boss gave her a good scolding upon this matter and told her that if she couldn't find those gems she's fired from being the general, no downgrades, no punishment, just fired. later on Eli manage to get an info that a large number of gems are held within the same area and by the same group (Honoka's gang) Eli immediately starts her move to retrieve those gems from Honoka, but she constanly fails, she tried everything, from all out attacks to a one on one duel, but she always seemed overpowered by Honoka's gang (which has been boosted by the gems) in the end Eli was desperate enough to use the method way she hated the most, stealing the gems, and surprisingly it worked! while Honoka's gang was asleep, she snuck into their camp and stole all 7 gems from them and gave them to her boss. but upon hearing her boss's true plan she decided that she has done something VERY VERY wrong, the night before the leader of the science path decided to destroy the magic path and the nulls, Eli snuck in the heavily guarded gem chamber and took it back, however she was found out at the end and attacked, she barely managed to escape in the forest where Honoka's gang found her fainted near a river after washing her wounds, after Honoka's gang cured her, Eli decided to join Honoka's gang to stop the nulls and the mad leader of science once and for all, upon making her resolution Eli found the second to gemstone there is, The Diamond of ice element, the gemstones that enhances her cyrokinesis (ice bending) and allows her to transform her bullets from cold steel into real freezing diamonds, a bullet made of diamond that could freeze ANYTHING upon contact when the bullet was shot at a high enough speed!
"you have cleared your heart and mind from the doubts and problems of this world. now you shall shine like a true diamond! take me on your journey and let us cleanse this world of filth and wrongs with the cold ice of justice!" -meeting quote from Diamond to Eli
my thoughts on the character: OK, gotta admit Eli was the most FUN character to make in this whole entire story! from her background story to her powers and abilities, the whole concept of Eli's character development was fun and exciting to create, and she's also on my top 3! inspiration for Eli's character: Noel Vermillion from Blazblue
Childhood friend of Eli and a great self proclaimed and proven "love doctor" she was famous throughout the land for being a science descendant who could understand the mysterious concept of "love" she has been in many TV shows as guess star and she also has a weekly TV program herself, "through the lens of pure love" was the name of the TV show, and it was a great hit! but even though Nozomi has such a public publicity and popularity, she hid but one truth that only Eli and herself knew, she was secretly a necromancer, yup! an undead specializing doctor. she was secretly doing a research on how to rise the dead, how to manipulate the dead to make them into a reliable army to destroy the nulls and the magic path! but soon after hearing that Eli left the army to join Honoka on her quest, Nozomi quickly followed but was not allowed by the leaders of the Science path, she tried to rebel but at the end she fell under capture and was sent to the dungeon for causing trouble in the midst of chaos between the 3 forces. Eli however remembered Nozomi and wanted to ask her to join, but when she couldn't find her, Eli got suspicious and started to investigate, after some thorough investigation she knew that Nozomi was being held at the dungeon, and quickly went to the rescue Nozomi from the dungeon with the help from Honoka's gang, later on as they escaped the prison the last gemstone was found by Nozomi, the amethyst of dark element. the stone gave her full access to umbrakinesis (darkness bending) as well as REAL undead summoning, she could summon various types of monster to fight under her command, starting from undead skeletons, warriors, animals, reptiles, to even undead dragons, angels, and demons! her death scythe wielding ability is also a strong part of her fighting skill despite being a magic based combat user!
"for the longest of time you have shrouded your true self within the dark, you fear that others would despise you if they were to know who you REALLY are...well, now, fear no more child, for I, amethyst, shall grant you darkness beyond darkness! you shall no longer hide your true self from your enemies, rather, embrace the darkness within you and let your enemies fear the TRUE you..." meeting quote from amethyst to Nozomi
My thoughts on the character: Nozomi was a true masterpiece character of mine in this story, she has that Yandere vibe that I Love and my fav RPG weapon of all, the death scythe, she was the last of the muse to join in Honoka's group but is also one of the strongest characters, with BADASS abilities to summon upon the dead, she is my dream female RPG character. inspiration for Nozomi's characer: Inferno Elza from Brave Frontier game
Maki is a freelance elite sniper who works for neither paths, she's a calm person who thinks rationally and smartly before doing any of her works, she has done countless amount assassinations throughout her life and she never misses her target, known as "the burning bullet of hell", she's a hunter that every criminal fear, but that doesn't mean Maki's not taking any order that criminals gave to her! as long as there's money she'll do any job and she'll do it good without fail. but as emotionless as she could get, the truth is one, she was BORED with life! killing is the one thing that she did best, and she sticks with it, she has no other interest but her job and surviving the chaotic world until its ends, until one day she was assigned to assassinate Honoka by the orders of a criminal gang who's chasing after the gems, without any further questions Maki did the job, but much to her surprise, Maki's bullet didn't even put a scratch on Honoka! (cause of her Topaz gem) Honoka quickly find where Maki was hiding and took her down, later on Umi starts interrogating Maki for information, Maki sat down quietly with no words coming from her mouth, Umi was losing her cool, but just as Umi was about to wreck Maki, she said this "I failed..." adn repeated it countless times again, it was a new sensation for her, the feel of lost was a whole new concept in her life, she was finally able to break free from the paradox wheel that is, eat, sleep, and kill. after regaining her sanity Maki had a serious chat with Umi, and at the end she decided to join Honoka's gang in hopes of new adventure waiting for her, new enemies to fight, new areas to explore, and everything new to her! later on she found her Gemstone, Ruby of the fire element, the stone that grants her pyrokinesis (fire bending) and evolving her normal bullets into burning ruby bullets (the opposite of Eli's freezing diamond bullets) these bullets fires at tremendous speed and accuracy! with the effect to instantly burn anything in contact with the bullets, the Ruby also grant Maki one of her assets, her night vision! as a sniper seeing the enemy is everything, so the Ruby gave her the night vision ability! allowing her to see clearly at night! also later in the story Maki was given the Garuda Knife by Rin the blacksmith for physical protection and close quarter combat
"your passion for adventures and discovery burns bright and hot! I like it! please let me accompany you onto this "new world" of yours, I promise to be a great help for you all! anything wrong with our journey, we'll just burn them all to the ground! from now on, we're running straight towards the "new world!" -meeting quote from Ruby to Maki
My thoughts on the character: I find it hard for me to describe Maki's scenario without making her seems like a retarded seal, (those constant "I failed..." sentence) but to tell you the truth I wasn't trying to mock Maki (she's No 2 on my list!) its just a bit hard to describe her! think of it like this, you're whole life only consist of 3 things: eat, sleep, kill. then one day you found out that in this life, that you could actually fail in what you're supposed to be living for! and now you wanna see the rest of the world behind that eat, sleep, kill door! I hope it made sense, if not then I'm sorry to the Maki fans for offending our red headed tsundere princess. inspiration for Maki's character: Sinon from SAO2
submitted by Therra_nolleo to SchoolIdolFestival [link] [comments]
