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My Experience Post-Botox (From Day 1 to 5 Weeks Later)

2024.05.20 07:06 BBarros1111 My Experience Post-Botox (From Day 1 to 5 Weeks Later)

Hey everyone, this sub helped me so much with figuring out about this condition and eventually helping me find a doctor that would give me the botox treatment, so I wanted to give a full detailed account of my experience to help anyone else in the beginning of their journey!
So for some context I am 21F and for as long as I can recall, I’ve never burped. My parents tell me I had no issues burping as a baby, so somewhere in my early life I lost the ability to burp. I can remember having symptoms for many years now, but it’s only been in the last few years of me starting college and getting into my intended career field when this condition started to really affect my life negatively. My biggest symptoms were the gurgling frog noises, painful bloating, and painful hiccups.
I found out about this condition probably a year or two ago, and then finally after one particularly embarrassing experience with the gurgling noises I finally decided to try and start the process of getting the botox procedure. For more context I’m located in the state of Georgia and have Kaiser Health insurance.
So in December 2023 I saw a Primary Care Doctor in order to get a referral to an ENT. Thanks to this subreddit I knew how important it was that I saw an ENT and didn't get referred to a GI doctor. During this appointment I initially didn’t bring up RCPD because I had a feeling my doctor wouldn’t take a self diagnosis seriously. However after discussing my symptoms, (which she had a hilariously confused face when I explained my symptoms and exclaimed “Wow I’ve never had someone come to me with this issue before!”) she said she felt like it was likely a GI issue. So after hearing this I decided to bring up that I had done some online research, which she actually was incredibly receptive to and even encouraged me to share what I had found. I explained to her RCPD and watched her google the condition right in front of me, and after reading some webpages she was in agreement that this is likely what I had, and changed my referral to ENT!
On January 9th 2024 I had my ENT appointment, which was pretty straightforward. My Primary Care Doctor wrote in my referral about RCPD, so the ENT’s I met with had researched the condition before my appointment. They performed an endoscopy on me to make sure I didn’t have any other issues that could be causing my symptoms, but everything came back clean. Since they found no other issues that could be causing my symptoms, they were in agreement that I likely had RCPD. However the Kaiser ENT told me that they don’t perform the Botox procedure through their system of healthcare hospitals/offices, so they’d be writing me a referral to Dr. Andrew Tkaczuk at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA. Even though I already knew about Dr. Tkaczuk through this subreddit, I’m glad I went through these 2 appointments with Kaiser first because it made the process of getting the botox procedure covered by Kaiser Insurance basically automatic.
On February 21st 2024 I had my first appointment at Emory with Dr. Tkaczuk. Once again this was pretty straightforward. I got another endoscopy which once again came back clean. He made sure I didn’t have any issues with acid reflux or heartburn, because in his experience the botox procedure can make those conditions worse. He also let me know that he’s performed this procedure over a hundred times now and never had any complications. I think he mentioned only having to redose maybe 3 patients when their first dose didn’t work. He did warn me that he mostly uses the botox procedure as a cure to bloating issues, as typically most of his patients don't go on to be world class belchers, but instead can burp just enough to relieve their symptoms of bloating and gas build up in the body. After going through all of the risks and potential side effects, I got the greenlight to get the botox procedure.
On April 12th 2024 I got my Botox procedure, and everything was incredibly easy! I showed up to Emory Hospital at 1pm and got taken back to pre-op by 1:30ish. I was not intubated since I am young and the procedure would only take around 30 minutes max, and they made sure to protect my teeth to prevent any damage that the instruments could cause. I underwent general anesthesia (Dr. Tkaczuk explained that he’s more comfortable doing the procedure under GA since the injection site is so close to vocal cords and other things that could be easily damaged if done under local) and was injected with 50 units of botox. I woke up and went home after the procedure with only a very minor sore throat. Dr. Tkaczuk warned me that I might not have any relief of my symptoms until 2 days after the procedure when the botox would likely begin to take effect. For the rest of my procedure day (Day 0) I only had a minor sore throat that eventually had gone away by bedtime.
Day 1 Post Botox Procedure I woke up and immediately drank some Sprite and Dr. Pepper, and luckily had no issues with any slow swallowing. I wasn’t getting my hopes up that I’d have any micro burps since I wasn’t 2 days post-op yet, but turns out I had nothing to worry about! Only a few hours after waking up I had my first micro-burp during a sneeze, and it only got more prevalent throughout the day. I naturally am a bit of a Dr. Pepper addict, so I was consuming fizzy drinks all day. The Dr. Pepper and Sprite gave me some occasional micro-burps, but eventually I drank a fizzy drink called “Guarana Antarctica” (A Brazilian soda similar tasting to Sprite which can be found at Brazilian grocery stores or Publix!) and that drink caused my burps to increase like crazy, so if you’re looking for a drink to induce your burps maybe try that! By night time I was practically micro-burping after every sip of a drink and even let out some quite large and quite nasty tasting burps. I also had at least 3 burps where I could feel acid come up through my nose a bit, which was definitely unpleasant but weirdly nice to experience because it told me that the procedure did its job! However all these burps were 100% uncontrollable. I did find that it was easier to get them out by turning my head to the side, but some just naturally came out while I was talking and I had no control to hold it back (I accidentally burped right in my aunt's face while talking to her!).
Day 3 Post Botox Procedure I started to get some very minor slow swallow side effects. I only experienced it when eating certain foods and luckily not with liquids. It didn’t really make it much harder to eat, I just had to wash down my bites with a drink every so often to make sure food didn’t get stuck in my throat. But otherwise my micro-burps continued as normal, but still were quite involuntary and I still didn’t have much control over them.
2 Weeks Post Botox Procedure not much has changed. I can still burp quite frequently, some sounding like loud real burps but most are just small releases of air. My slow swallow has pretty much gone away, sometimes I still need to chase some large bites of food down with liquid but it's not as bad as it was in the beginning. One thing I’ve noticed that is kind of annoying is I cant drink anything if I’m not sitting up completely straight, and if I lay down too quickly after sipping something the liquid will come right back up! I assume that my esophagus is just kind of always a little open right now which is causing this. The other day I did have what I’d consider a “burp attack” after drinking some Chick Fil A sweet tea. I was in class and literally could not stop burping, which was great for practice but none of these burps offered any release. I’d let out a burp but still feel like there was air trapped in my chest. This only ended after I stopped drinking the tea and drank some soda instead, overall it was pretty weird and so I’m curious if anyone else has experienced something similar. But so far I haven't noticed any painful bloating which has been great! I’ve explained the condition and procedure to all my friends, so whenever I’m hanging out with them they all encourage me with my burps which has been quite funny.
3 Weeks Post Botox Procedure my slow swallow symptoms are completely gone, and I’m experiencing full and natural burps when appropriate instead of small micro burps constantly through the day. I’m pretty sure I’ve learned how to burp at this point, but its hard to say until the botox really wears off. However I recently started experiencing a new and unpleasant side effect, which is throwing up a little bit in my mouth when I bend down too quickly. It’s only happened twice so far, but its very unpleasant, but I’m not super concerned since it’s likely just due to the muscle still being always slightly open. Another side effect is very jarring and painful burps that go up my nose after drinking soda. It’s really hard to describe but I’m sure anyone who has experienced it knows what I’m talking about. I’ve asked my non-RCPD family members if this is a normal thing and they all say that a burp like that happens very rarely, so I’m thinking it’ll go away soon.
5 Weeks Post Botox Procedure and all of my previous side effects have gone away! My burps are natural and happening at normal times still with the occasional burp when I sneeze. No more acid burps with soda, no more minor throwing up in my mouth when bending down. I was supposed to have a follow up appointment with Dr. T this week, but due to some scheduling conflicts I had to cancel it. However I’m pretty sure he would have given me a clean bill of health, and at least in my opinion I can pretty confidently say I’ve been cured of RCP-D! I’m pretty sure it’ll be another month or two before the botox fully wears off, so if something major changes I’ll update this post. But I think at this point it’s safe to say all of my side effects are gone, and my body has stabilized to its new normal!
Overall I am incredibly grateful for how easy this process was for me. I’m so thankful that I never dealt with any doctors not believing in my symptoms or the condition itself, and the fact that the botox kicked in so quickly and I had minimal side effects! Thanks for reading if you made it all the way down here, I hope this helps someone with their experience!
submitted by BBarros1111 to noburp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 Content-Following202 WDID if my boyfriend would rather jerk off than be intimate with me?

So my boyfriend 25M and I 22F have been together for almost 4 years now and recently I have felt like he is loosing attraction towards me. I don't know what to do so I'm coming here for advice.
We met on tinder summer 2020, we met just to hook up but continued to hang out and ended up dating after about 1 week or 2. I had to go to another state for college but we continued to be together, I would drive to see him every other week (about a 3 hour drive) and would stay with him. Everything was good and we had intimate time often.
We figured out quite quickly that his love language is quality time and mine was physical touch. He has never been much of a touchy person so that was something I had to get used to.
Fast forward two years we both have graduated and now live together in his hometown. I love it here, our home, our life here. He has a great job that pays great and I am very grateful for him because without him I wouldn't be able to afford this life. I love my job (I am a teacher) but it gets stressful taking care of children all day. He worked very hard to get to were he is now so I am very proud of him for it.
I do most of the cooking, we split the cleaning and chores around the house. Yes we have had some disagreements over the years about things but we have always been able to talk it through and work something out that works for both of us when we have had a long week.
We have very good communication skills in our relationship so I have never felt like I can't talk to him about something that's been bothering me. So when it comes to this I feel like I have tried so much I am just tired of talking and ready for fixing.
About a year ago I caught him talking to another girl, she blew him off but from what I understand (parts were said on Snapchat and the rest were on messenger) he just wanted pictures and she wouldn't send them. I was gone back to my hometown for a week. I called often but he didn't talk much. Hes not much a talker on the phone so I didn't think much of it, so when I got home and I saw the messages (he left his phone open in the bathroom). The next morning I confronted him and he said he was lonely and missed me. I told him that I need to talk to him and even FaceTime but he was always too tired or not in the mood.
It took about a month to get through that but I still feel alarms going off in my head when I see him on his phone late at night or closing out apps when I walk in the room.
I feel like that was the start of me feeling like he was looking interest in me. Sexually anyways. He was always loving it every other way, I felt comforted and cared for which I didn't get while growing up.
For the rest of the year it was good, we went on weekly dates, spent time together talked through emotions when we'd get overwhelmed or was having a hard time mentally because of stress. I love him and I always felt like he loved me.
But we still were not being intimate. When I would try he'd say he was tired from work or just not in the mood. I would try to get him in the mood with massages, dirty talk, foreplay, lingerie etc. But it just didn't do anything. I found a pattern that he'd only be in the mood in the morning on Saturdays or Sundays.
When I would bring it up he'd say he didn't realize that's what he was doing and he was sorry for making me feel like he wasn't attracted and that he loves me very much and he just doesn't have much of a sex drive because of the medication he is taking or work has been a lot. He was also getting his bachelor's online and that was also taking a lot of energy from him. I always understood.
One Friday when I got home I did the cleaning, I cooked and served him before he had his weekly gaming night with his friends I tried to get him in the mood and I was shut down like always. "I'm too tired and I just want to relax and get the game ready for tonight." Is what he said. So I left him alone, I had a good night by myself with dessert some wine and get up the bathroom for a bath.
Before I got in the tub I realized I forgot my robe in our bedroom, so I got on a towel and went over to get it and when I opened the door I found him in bed jerking off to some porn. Which I found out later that he doesn't watch porn on sites he comes on Reddit.
"I'm sorry, I forgot my robe!" I blurted out after I stood in the door a second stunned because I have never walked in on him before. I hurried and got my robe before sprinting out the door back into the bathroom. I heard him yell I love you and something else but I shut the door before I heard.
At first I laughed because it's embarrassing to be caught and it was just funny to be honest. Then I started crying, I felt like I hadn't cried in so long from how hard I cried. It hurt. To only be touched, kissed more than just a peck, once a month. It hurt more than I realized.
I understand that its easier to just take care of it yourself, I'm no one to judge, you know yourself best and there is no shame in that. And sometimes yes sex can take a lot of energy. But to be shut down every time, it wasn't like I was asking all the time like I'm a horndog, it fucking hurt.
After a few hours in the bathroom I finally went to bed and he was sound asleep. I felt like I was being dramatic, like I was crazy and I needed to get over myself.
The next day I explained how I have been feeling. How it feels like I'm just someone that comes home and cooks, takes care of things and then we sleep in the same bed.
He said he didn't notice this and thought everything was going good. I have brought up how little we have sex before and it was always the same answer. I told him that yes everything has been good, but I just don't feel like your attracted to me anymore, how we used to have sex weekly, more than once a week. After that we had more conversations and had intimate times more but still limited, I took what I could get.
It was still only when he'd be in the mood but still I felt like it had to have something else to get in the mood, like he'd only be ready after being on his phone or if his office/bathroom for a while. Or right when he'd come home from work. I still felt like I couldn't get him in the mood.
Lately at night he has been going out to the living room before bed saying he was too hot in the room, which I understood because he gets hot easy and I get cold so I always have multiple blankets. We sleep with separate blankets for that reason, which other people said is weird for a couple but I'm fine with it as long as I get my blankets.
As more of a joke I asked him if he goes to the couch to jerk off and then come back to bed. He said yes sometime. Which again hurt. I'm right here! What do I have to do to get some dick! He said he didn't want to lie and say no but he also didn't want to hurt my feelings.
I just don't know what to do anymore, I just want him to look at ME and see something he wants. I want him to want me. I want him to see me and think how sexy I am and want me. Am I not good enough? Do I gross him out? Have a done something to make him not want that from me? I am chubby, but he said he likes chubby girls and I never felt insecure about it till all this...What do I do?
submitted by Content-Following202 to whatdoIdo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:03 ReasonBeneficial4834 Hinge date applies for a job while on date

i met this guy on hinge and he seemed like a chill vibe. Based off of his photos he seemed to be someone i would be attracted to. dark complexion, medium build , introverted, and kind of nerdy. We had matched, exchanged numbers, and developed somewhat of a connection but nothing serious. we had mutual interest like video games, and x-men comics. i wanted to get to know him better outside of messaging and asked him if he wanted to see a movie. he responded with “i would love to, but i am currently not working and wouldn’t be comfortable with you paying for your own ticket on the first date.” i found that commendable, and understood that it was currently hard to get a job in our city at the moment (Toronto/GTA AREA). as we continued to talk he became eager to meet me in person, and asked if we could go on a walk. i agreed, but he proposed that we meet him somewhere five minutes away from his house, which was a 30 minute drive away from mine. i expressed that i didn’t feel comfortable doing that because i didn’t see the difference in paying for my own movie and paying for my own gas there and back to see someone for the first time. he also didn’t offer to meet anywhere in between which i would’ve been fine with. for context he told me he didn’t drive or have his license. he agreed with my sentiments and apologized, so we met somewhere in between the both of us. we walked around a local mall for an hour and i told him where to meet me. he had a little bit of trouble but we saw each other and embraced each other with a hug. he then pressed me for not giving him better details on where he could find me but i never thought anything of it. if i’m going to be honest i expected him to look different. firstly he lied about his height, which didn’t make any sense to me but whatever i don’t care for height. i also noticed his hygiene was off. he had insanely cracked dry skin, peeling lips, foam in the corner of his mouth, and an insane amount of build up under his long finger nails. i ignored it and just continued to walk and talk. i notice he couldn’t hold a conversation for his life making it very awkward but i sympathized with him, as he could’ve been nervous. time goes by we’re just walking, window shopping and then he asks for us to go get patties. we went to the patty shop, i bought a patty and he bought one. he noticed the hiring sign, and while on the date he filled out an application for that job. while he was filling out the application i was planning an exit in my head out of this situation. i found it a bit awkward and maybe rude to do so on your first date with someone. i didn’t say anything and then we went home. i went to my car and asked if he needed a ride. he said no, i drove here. at this point i wanted a gun to shoot my self. he had already told me he doesn’t have his license so i was confused how he drove here and why he wanted me to drive all the way to his end of the city if he could drive. i confronted him and told him i thought he didn’t drive. he told me its his dads car and he just takes it sometimes. we then hugged and went our separate ways. the next day he messages me talking about the kind of relationship he wants and tells me he just wants a sexual relationship but nothing serious. i was thinking of a response as this was random and we never had this convo or any conversation like this before. but as time went on i couldn’t think of a reply and ended up ghosting him. do you think i was justified in my actions, or should i have made a better effort to come up with a response?
submitted by ReasonBeneficial4834 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:50 kartvee This entrepreneur buys a gas station for his wife’s baby shower

This entrepreneur buys a gas station for his wife’s baby shower
If you’re interested in growing your wealth, starting a business, or living a truly rich life, these six tips can help you do it the right way.
He didn’t buy a bed until he got married. And when his wife was pregnant, he wondered, “How much does a baby cost?” Today he owns ten gas stations and even a building that houses the Wells Fargo bank.
The farther down this page you read, you’ll understand how you too can buy gas stations and banks.
More importantly, you’ll start to feel, think, and act like a wealthy entrepreneur.
A wise man once told me this:
I remember these words like it was yesterday…
And I like what it means. But I had one problem though.
I struggled to understand the specific principles that wealthy people used to think.
So tell me something…
How did you buy your first car?
Did you buy it cash down?
Or, did you borrow money? Took an auto loan, perhaps?
Let me tell you a little story.

Buying my first car.

Over twenty years ago, I bought my first car.
And everything happened so quickly…
A car salesman stopped me at my office lobby. He asked if I was interested in buying a car. And he handed me a pamphlet.
It basically said that based on my salary, I was eligible to take an auto loan.
The promise that I could drive a brand-new car in ten days was too tempting.
So I gave in. I signed up for an auto loan.
And in less than ten days, I had this shiny new gray-color car!
It had power windows, an electronic steering wheel, auto-dimming rearview mirrors, and all the bells and whistles. Smart move, right?

Hold on to your horses!

Smart move or not, I’ll let you decide after you’re done reading the rest of this post.
Recently, I’ve been binge-listening to some of the backdated episodes of a podcast I LOVE.
And I bumped into a very familiar name.
Syed Balkhi.

The millionaire teen.

I first heard of Syed long ago in 2006 when I started blogging. But little did I pay attention to what he did. All I knew was that he had a website called WPBeginner.
It was a blog about WordPress for people who built WordPress websites or plugins. I liked his content and spent a lot of time reading his blog posts as I was building WordPress websites too.
Syed is in his thirties today. Which means he must’ve been in his early teens in 2006!
In about eighteen months of starting WPBeginner, he made his first million dollars in annual revenue.
And ever since, he’s grown his business, Awesome Motive, big time by acquiring other WordPress companies.
If you aren’t familiar with WordPress, it’s a CMS software. Content Management System, in short.
It’s a software that supposedly powers 40% of the internet. But that’s not the best part. Here’s what is:
Syed’s company today owns ~60% of all WordPress businesses.
I call this the Balkhi Domination Disc.
Put simply, Syed’s businesses power 24% of the internet.
This is HEWGE!
Okay, another story…

The gas station story.

At some point on the podcast, Syed goes…
Offset expenses?
I was on a run while listening to this, and almost tripped when he said that.
Okay. Take a deep breath. I did that too…
Coz from this point on, it’s PURE GOLD.
And here goes the first and biggest lesson in wealth creation…

Tip #1: Every time you need to buy a depreciating asset, invest in an appreciating asset.

Syed says he learned this lesson from his mentor when he was thirteen or fourteen.
The best way to understand this is to loop back to my opening story…
When I bought my first car, I paid the monthly installments using my salary.
But when Syed’s mentor bought his Mercedes, he didn’t spend money from his savings. Instead, he decided to invest money in real estate. And he used the returns from that real estate to finance his shiny new Mercedes.
When Syed’s wife was pregnant with their first son…
He followed the exact blueprint.
He knew the money one would need with a baby birth – hospital charges, medicines, diapers, toys, and everything else!
So instead of spending money from his savings, Syed used the lesson he learned from his mentor to cover the cost of raising a baby – he bought a gas station!
It didn’t just give him the money to pay for the baby shower and childbirth. The gas station would continue to generate a steady flow of cash every single year.
Darn! Why didn’t it ever strike me before?
Mentor, baby! I’m glad to have found one in a podcast!
Okay, let’s look at the next one…

Tip #2: Build a recurring revenue business

In a content business, you turn email subscribers into paying customers. But Syed calls them just re-occurring revenue. The revenue occurs every time someone on your list buys something from you.
A new customer pays once. And unless you sell them something else, you aren’t going to make bank. The only way your business is going to see revenue trickle in from that customer is when you sell to them again.
The solution?
Build a recurring revenue business.
Syed regularly invests and acquires other WordPress software and tools businesses. This allows him to cross-sell software and tools to existing info product customers.
Of course, you can build recurring revenue info products too, using memberships and subscriptions – but Syed didn’t get into that on this podcast.
So yes, using revenue to acquire new businesses is a great idea. But how much should you invest?
Syed has stuck to one principle:

Tip #3: Heads I win, tails I don’t lose much

Syed learned this principle from his friend Monish Pabrai.
In his book The Dhando Investor, Monish talks about the Patels of India. He describes how this relatively tiny subset of humanity from eastern India went on to own most of the motels in the United States.
According to Monish, one of the biggest reasons why the Patels have been successful in business is because they always have followed this principle – heads I win, tails I don’t lose much. So what does this mean?
Let’s look at it with an example.
Assume the intrinsic value of a certain business is $1,000,000, and you buy it for $700,000. What you just did in that transaction is what he describes as a “heads I win, tails I don’t lose much”.
Because let’s say you did a great job with the business and the intrinsic value went up – you win!
But just in case you didn’t do much with the business and the intrinsic value dropped by $400,000, you only lose $100,000.
Heads you win, tails you don’t lose much!
This is wild!
At this point, I was fully invested in listening to this conversation. And I was just getting restless thinking…
“How can I buy a business on the cheap?”
And it just felt like the hosts heard me!
Let’s look at the answer to my question.

Tip #4: Identify “mismanaged gems” to compound at high double-digit

Back in the 1990s, my uncle built an empire buying distressed real estate properties. And it wasn’t easy. Every time he bought one, there was a lot of work to be done.
From litigation and dispute issues to structural issues, he was usually handed a mess. That’s why they were called distressed assets – thankfully, my uncle had the wherewithal to turn them around.
Mismanaged gems are different.
Syed describes mismanaged gems as good (online) businesses with some limitations. These could be in the form of having limited revenue streams, limited target audience, or something else.
Let’s look at a couple of examples…
  • Let’s take an online business where the creator isn’t aware of the different ways to monetize their business. You can acquire this business for $15,000. You use your Facebook Ads skills to sell $20,000 worth of info products and instantly increase the revenue.
  • If an online business has been running only using word-of-mouth marketing, you can acquire it and use your email list to instantly grow the business by exposing them to a new audience.
Here’s how Syed puts it…
“A business might only be thinking about monetizing from one angle. They’re not thinking about it from a full perspective. So I can look at it and say well yes this is the current revenue today, and I’m getting a bargain on today’s revenue. But here are my contracts that I have with so many different partners and vendors and such that I’ll be able to unlock extra revenue here, here, and here. So I turned this business that has one revenue stream to having like multiple revenue streams. That’s how you take something that was doing like no revenue to or very low revenue to having five eight ten million dollars in revenue.” – Syed Balkhi

Tip #5: Leverage the Ecosystem effect

If you’re starting a business, look for an ecosystem. What does that mean?
Syed’s entire online business is built around the WordPress ecosystem.
But there are many other software platforms like WordPress that have an ecosystem. Look at software like QuickBooks, Google Chrome, or Xero. These software platforms are built like an ecosystem, allowing developers to build plugins and extensions.
Most of these plugins and extensions are sizeable businesses in and of themselves. So if you’re starting a business, you’re better off starting one inside an ecosystem.
Starting a business inside an ecosystem exposes you to massive opportunities. You can grow your business through acquisitions, and cross-selling, amongst many other ways. And this also helps you compound over time.
Related Post: Speaking of selling, I think you’ll find value in this episode on The Launch Plan podcast about the F-Word that stops clients from buying your products.

Tip #6: Go from creatooperator to capital allocator

This one is an advanced idea. If you’ve done well with your business and have some cash in the bank, this one’s for ya!
Essentially what Syed says here is that you have one of two choices:
  1. You can choose to build a business from scratch, or
  2. You can acquire an existing business and multiply it.
Obviously, this is an advanced tip. But great business owners don’t master capital allocation overnight. While there are some common traits between the two, it’s a skill you need to build.
I haven’t bought a business so far. But I’m very interested in this. You’ll likely see me writing more on this topic in future posts.

Bonus ‘Rick’ Tip: Don’t be in a hurry to get wealthy

Have you heard of Rick Guerin?
If you haven’t, no worries. Neither did I – until I listened to this podcast.
Rick Guerin was Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger’s third business partner at Berkshire Hathaway.
Huh? Really?
I couldn’t believe it either. A third partner?
So looked up the interwebs for proof.
It turns out to be TRUE!
Here’s how Monish Pabrai describes what happened to Rick:
Rick was just as smart as Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. But he was in a hurry. And that’s the bonus tip!
That’s a wrap! Enjoyed reading this?
  1. Join the convo in the comments below.
  2. Get my posts in your inbox every week. Just look for a subscription box somewhere around this post.
  3. Watch the full episode by clicking the play button below (or watch it on YouTube).
Here's a link to the full post:
submitted by kartvee to MyFirstMillionPodFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:47 nasir_ran The All-in-One Champ: Why You Need a Compact Camping Survival Kit

The All-in-One Champ: Why You Need a Compact Camping Survival Kit
You're deep in the backcountry, the sun dips below the horizon, and a shiver runs down your spine. Maybe you forgot a headlamp, or perhaps a sudden downpour has dampened your fire-starting supplies. Suddenly, having the best survival kit tucked away in your backpack seems pretty appealing, right?
Well, fret no more, outdoor enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the world of all-in-one camping survival kits. These pocket-sized powerhouses pack a serious punch, offering a range of essential tools to keep you prepared for the unexpected.
Why Choose an All-in-One Kit?
Let's face it, lugging around a bulky survival kit isn't exactly ideal for a weekend camping trip. That's where the beauty of all-in-one kits lies. They're compact, lightweight, and often surprisingly affordable, making them a fantastic option for:
  • Hikers and Backpackers: Every ounce counts on the trail, and these kits provide essential survival tools without weighing you down.
  • Casual Campers: Enjoy the peace of mind of having a backup plan, even if you're just on a quick camping getaway.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Keep one in your car, at home, or even in your office for unexpected situations.
What's Packed Inside the Champion's Belt?
The contents of all-in-one kits can vary, but some common essentials include:
  • LED Flashlight: Because darkness shouldn't stop your adventure (or ability to find your way back to camp!).
  • Fire Starter: From flint and steel to magnesium rods, these tools ensure you can get a fire going, even in damp conditions.
  • Whistle: A universal distress signal that can be heard over long distances.
  • Glass Breaker: In case of a car emergency, this tool can help you break free.
  • Compass: Never get lost with a trusty compass guiding your way.
  • Paracord: This versatile cord can be used for an astonishing number of tasks, from securing gear to creating shelters.
  • Tactical Survival Multitool: A one-stop shop for pliers, screwdrivers, and other handy tools.
Beyond the Basics:
Some all-in-one kits offer additional goodies, like:
  • Emergency Blanket: Stay warm and dry in unexpected situations.
  • Sewing Kit: Fix a ripped tent or mend a tear in your clothing.
  • First-Aid Supplies: Be prepared for minor cuts, scrapes, or insect bites.
Finding the Best Survival Kit for You
With a plethora of all-in-one kits available, choosing the best survival kit comes down to your specific needs. Consider factors like:
  • Size and Weight: How much space can you spare in your backpack?
  • Features: Does the kit offer the tools you're most likely to need?
  • Durability: Choose a kit made with high-quality materials that can withstand the elements.
The Final Whistle
All-in-one camping survival kits are a fantastic way to be prepared for anything the outdoors (or an unexpected situation) throws your way. Compact, convenient, and packed with essential tools, they offer peace of mind without the bulk. So, the next time you head out on an adventure, consider adding an all-in-one kit to your backpack. After all, it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! Now get out there and explore – safely!
Check it Now
submitted by nasir_ran to BuyWhatever [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:38 Jagtom83 The SDA is pushing the government to change bargaining laws to stop employers from secretly sidelining unions to push through deals behind their back after beauty giant Sephora rushed through a non-union agreement for more than 600 staff which the FWC found was “unfair and capricious”

The SDA is pushing the government to change bargaining laws to stop employers from secretly sidelining unions to push through deals behind their back after beauty giant Sephora rushed through a non-union agreement for more than 600 staff which the FWC found was “unfair and capricious” submitted by Jagtom83 to LaborPartyofAustralia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:13 AdamAT09 Ice & Dark Green UV Protection Sunglasses Xo Habeebti Swey Collective

Introducing the XO Habeebti ice & dark green sunglasses, a timeless style companion that effortlessly elevates any look, whether you're heading to the office or hitting the town. These shades boast unmatched versatility, making them the perfect accessory for all your daily adventures. Slip them on and spread the love with hugs for all your habeebis and habeebtis.
Crafted with meticulous care, each pair of glasses is hand sculpted from premium plant-based acetate sourced from Mazzucchelli. We've reinforced them with custom high-end hardware to ensure top-notch optical clarity, uv protection and long-lasting durability. Plus, every sunglass purchase from Swey Collective includes a branded leather hard case, a soft microfiber pouch, and a cleaning cloth because we believe your shades deserve the royal treatment.
submitted by AdamAT09 to u/AdamAT09 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:03 paranoid_garl Getting to a hostel after midnight, is this a safe walk for a solo female?

Getting to a hostel after midnight, is this a safe walk for a solo female? submitted by paranoid_garl to Dublin [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:56 FrontBlunt222 Came home to my apartment this morning to find my bedroom like this

Came home to my apartment this morning to find my bedroom like this
Worked from 3:00-11:00PM last night and then just headed to my girlfriends house after to stay the night with her. Woke up this morning and headed back to my place to feed my cat and hang with her a bit before heading back into work today. My bedroom door was shut which was strange because i do not shut it since my cat’s food/water is in my bedroom and her litter box is in the my laundry room which is connected to my bedroom. I open my door to see my room in this state. My bedroom destroyed and the ceiling caving in/with these huge watermarks and insanely huge water damage to the ceiling of my bathroom. 2 fans and a huge dehumidifier running. Had not received a call/text/email or anything to alert of me what had happened. Called the emergency maintenance phone number and they informed that a pipe bursted in the apartment above me and had so much water come down into my apartment that it was leaking into the apartment below me. Luckily my PC and TV are unharmed but my bed/bedding/side tables is ruined. The worst part is they left my cat in the living room with my bedroom door shut with no access to her water or food or litter box for hours and i wouldn’t even have known if i hadn’t decided to go by my place before work. The leasing office is closed on Sundays so did not even get to speak with anyone about how they’re going to handle this situation. I told them about the leak when i first moved in 10 months ago because i could see mold/water spots in the ceiling above my shower and all they did was spray the mold (killed it for a short period of time but soon started coming back because they did not fix the leak). My apartment is essentially inhibitable because get ceiling looks like it could cave in and as well the mold that’s going to form. Going to the leasing office first thing in the morning but just feeling sad ):
submitted by FrontBlunt222 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:43 Count-Daring243 Best Casual Green Dresses

Best Casual Green Dresses
Discover the perfect blend of comfort and style with our collection of Casual Green Dresses. In this article, we've handpicked a variety of dresses that cater to all tastes and occasions, making it easy for you to find your new go-to outfit. Whether you're heading to a picnic in the park or a casual dinner with friends, our selection of green dresses is sure to have something that will impress. So, get ready to elevate your wardrobe with our top picks in casual green dresses!
In this article, we'll be discussing the top green dresses available on the market. This compilation offers a wide variety of options, from simple and elegant designs to bold and daring styles. You'll find an array of dresses with unique features, such as off-the-shoulder necklines, ruffles, and even floral prints. There's something for everyone in our collection, making it the ultimate guide to finding the perfect casual green dress.

The Top 9 Best Casual Green Dresses

  1. Green Tiered A-line Dress for Women by INC International Concepts - Introducing the Inc Women's Tiered V Neck A Line Dress in Green Size Small - a versatile piece perfect for effortlessly transitioning from work to evening wear, featuring a self-tie belt at the waistline and a ruffle skirt.
  2. Green Maxi Dress with Trendy Hem and Neckline - Maniju's Emerald Green High-Low Maxi Dress is a stylish and elegant choice for a night out, featuring a trendy apron neckline and a hidden back zipper for a seamless look, perfect for making a bold statement on the go.
  3. Casual Green Front Twist Dress - Cupshe Army Twist Sleeveless Mini Dress - Dark Green: A captivating blend of edgy and chic with a woven scoop neckline, front twist detail, smocked waist, and X-shape silhouette made of 100% rayon, perfect for casual outings and stylish nights out.
  4. Summer Empire Waist Dress with Pockets - A versatile and stylishly comfortable green knee-length dress with pockets and an elastic waist, perfect for casual, party, vacation, work, beach, or holiday occasions during summer, spring, and autumn.
  5. Universal Thread Women's Midi Green Slip Dress - Showcase a stylish and relaxed vibe with the Universal Thread Green Midi Slip Dress – perfect for brunches and casual date nights.
  6. Lulus Sleeveless Twirl Wrap Dress in Emerald Green - Embrace the charm of the Lulus My Whole Heart Emerald Green Long Sleeve Wrap Dress, a twirly, floor-length gown with a self-tie cinch and chic front slit, perfect for any special occasion.
  7. Women's Dark Green Long Sleeve Dress with Pockets - The DB Moon Women's Casual Long Sleeve Dress offers a comfortable and stylish experience with its lightweight, soft, and stretchy fabric combined with a versatile and flattering design, perfect for casual occasions.
  8. Green Belted Maxi Dress by Cupshe - Experience pure elegance with Cupshe's In the Groove Emerald Belted Maxi Dress, boasting a flattering belted waist and luxurious ribbed velvet fabric for captivating grace and style.
  9. Versatile Women's Long Sleeve Boat Neck Pocket Dress - Unleash your casual elegance in Themogan Women's versatile, knee-length boat neck swing T-shirt dress featuring a trendy forest green color for effortless style transition from work and beyond.
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🔗Green Tiered A-line Dress for Women by INC International Concepts

I recently had the pleasure of trying on the Inc Women's Tiered V Neck A Line Dress in a lovely green shade. I must say, this dress has become a staple in my wardrobe for those days when I want to effortlessly transition from day to night. The self-tie belt at the waistline not only adds a chic touch but also highlights my figure, making me feel confident all day long. The tiered ruffle skirt falls gracefully to a mid-calf length, adding a fun and flirty touch to the overall look.
One of the standout features of this dress is its ability to seamlessly take me from my office desk to dinner with friends. The V-neckline provides just the right amount of sophistication for the office, while the ruffles and self-tie belt add an extra edge for a night out. I also appreciate the green color, as it's versatile enough to pair with various accessories and shoes.
While there isn't a whole lot to dislike about this dress, I will say that it may not be the most ideal option for those who prefer a looser fit. The self-tie belt helps to define the waistline, but those with broader hips may find the fit slightly less comfortable. Additionally, the sizing may run a bit small, so be sure to consult the size chart before making a purchase.
All in all, I absolutely adore the Inc Women's Tiered V Neck A Line Dress in green. It's the perfect piece for those looking to add a touch of femininity to their wardrobe while remaining both stylish and versatile.

🔗Green Maxi Dress with Trendy Hem and Neckline
I recently got my hands on this fabulous Emerald Green High-Low Maxi Dress from Maniju, and it has quickly become my go-to piece for events and gatherings. The moment I tried it on, I fell in love with the apron neckline - it's a trendy twist on a classic maxi dress style.
The high-low hem adds a touch of flair to this already stunning ensemble, making it a show-stealer at any event. The hidden back zipper ensures a seamless finish, while the adjustable spaghetti straps provide flexibility in fitting.
Overall, I feel confident and stylish when I slip into this emerald green beauty, and it's definitely a dress I'll be wearing time and time again. The only downside, if I must pick one, is that it might be a little too showy for some low-key occasions, but that's easily forgiven considering how fabulous I feel when wearing it.

🔗Casual Green Front Twist Dress

I was thrilled when I came across the Cupshe Army Twist Sleeveless Mini Dress in my favorite color, Dark Green. As a fashion enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for unique pieces that stand out in a crowd. This dress does exactly that with its intricate front twist detail, smocked waist, and X-shape silhouette, making it a perfect blend of edgy and chic.
The first thing I noticed about this dress was its high-quality fabric. Made from 100% rayon, it's not only comfortable to wear but also drapes beautifully on my body. The scoop neckline adds a feminine touch to this otherwise bold design.
One minor issue I encountered was the sizing. I usually wear an M, but I found it to be slightly tight around the waist. I suggest ordering a size up if you're unsure about your sizing.
Overall, the Cupshe Army Twist Sleeveless Mini Dress is a great addition to my wardrobe. Its unique design and comfortable material make it perfect for both casual outings and more formal events. I highly recommend giving this fashion-forward piece a try!

🔗Summer Empire Waist Dress with Pockets
I can't say enough about this versatile army green dress. The moment I pulled it out of the package, I could tell it was made from high-quality fabric. It's 95% Rayon and 5% Spandex, giving the exact right blend of comfort and flexibility. I just love the way it hugs my figure without being too tight. The empire waist is really flattering and helps define my waistline. Plus, the dress has pockets - a feature that's always a winner in my book!
One of the things I appreciate most about this dress is how versatile it is. I've worn it casually with a pair of flats and I've dressed it up with some high heels and statement jewelry for a more formal occasion. It washes really well and doesn't lose its shape or color. I've even worn it to the beach and it worked perfectly with a pair of flip-flops and sunglasses.
One minor negative is that the model's photos are a tad misleading, as the dress feels a bit longer on me than what's shown in the pictures. However, it's not a deal-breaker for me.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with my purchase of this army green dress. It's comfortable, versatile, and fits me perfectly. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a comfortable and stylish addition to their wardrobe.

🔗Universal Thread Women's Midi Green Slip Dress
Lately, I've been loving the Universal Thread Midi Slip Dress in green for those relaxed weekends spent brunching with friends or unwinding on date nights. This little number is incredibly comfortable, as it's made from a lightweight fabric that glides effortlessly over your body. The scoop neckline adds an extra touch of flirtiness, making this dress super versatile.
Pair it with flats for a laid-back vibe, sneakers for a casual look, or even wedges for a dressier feel - the possibilities are endless! . Plus, the green hue adds a pop of color to any outfit. It's a wardrobe staple that's perfect for any low-key gathering.

🔗Lulus Sleeveless Twirl Wrap Dress in Emerald Green
I recently purchased the Lulus My Whole Heart Emerald Green Long Sleeve Wrap Dress in size medium, and I have to say, it's my new go-to dress for special occasions. The moment I put it on, I felt a perfect blend of elegance and comfort. The emerald green color adds a vibrant touch to any event, while the long sleeves provide a modest yet stylish look.
One of my favorite features is the self-tie cinch, which adds a distinctive touch to the overall design. It's perfect for those moments when you want to feel a little extra glamour. Plus, the front slit creates a sassy appearance that is sure to turn heads.
However, there are a few things that could be improved. The polyester fabric has great movement but can be a bit warm during summer events. Additionally, although the wrap bodice is stunning, it does require some adjustment to ensure the perfect fit.
Overall, I absolutely love the Lulus My Whole Heart Emerald Green Long Sleeve Wrap Dress and would recommend it to anyone looking for a unique and stylish evening dress. The twirly skirt and self-tie feature make it a standout piece that is sure to be a hit at any event. Just remember to keep an eye on the fabric's breathability and the wrap's fit for the best experience.

🔗Women's Dark Green Long Sleeve Dress with Pockets
I recently had the pleasure of sporting the DB Moon Women's Casual Long Sleeve Dress, and let me tell you, it's quickly become one of my go-to outfits! This lovely green dress is not only stylish but super comfortable too, making it perfect for any casual occasion. The fabric is a wonderful blend of polyester and spandex that feels incredibly soft against my skin. Additionally, it's lightweight, breathable, and has just the right amount of stretch to allow for freedom of movement throughout the day.
One of my favorite features of this dress is definitely the hidden pockets - so practical and convenient! The round neck and elastic waist add an extra touch of comfort, ensuring that I never have to worry about fighting with an uncomfortably tight waistband. Plus, the elastic waist seam helps keep the skirt from dragging down the bodice, strike a perfect balance of fit and looseness.
Machine washable and hand washable, this dress is not only easy to care for but also boasts numerous care instructions to maintain its pristine condition. With low temperature water and a gentle wash cycle, you can keep this dress looking like new for many wears to come.
While there aren't any immediate drawbacks to this dress, I would love to see a slightly wider range of sizes available. However, that hasn't stopped me from wearing it regularly and receiving numerous compliments on its lovely green hue and casual, easy-going style.

🔗Green Belted Maxi Dress by Cupshe
I recently decided to go for a night out with friends and I was in a desperate need of a dress that would make a statement. As I was browsing through the Cupshe collection online, I came across this In the Groove Emerald Belted Maxi Dress. The color was lovely and the belted waist looked so flattering! I ordered my XS size and it arrived just in time for the occasion.
As soon as I tried it on, I couldn't believe how comfortable and stylish it looked. The ribbed velvet gave it a luxurious feel and the surplice neckline added a touch of elegance to it. What I loved the most was the self-tie sash belt, which allowed me to cinch in my waist for that perfect hourglass figure. Plus, with short sleeves and a flowy silhouette, it was the perfect blend of casual yet sophisticated.
Another great thing about this dress is that it's super easy to care for. It requires regular washing, making it convenient for daily wear or special occasions. The only downside I noticed was that it's made of 95% polyester and 5% spandex, which may not be the most breathable fabric for very hot weather.
Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase and would highly recommend this dress to anyone looking to elevate their style and make a statement at their next event.

🔗Versatile Women's Long Sleeve Boat Neck Pocket Dress
I recently got my hands on this lovely green dress, and believe me, it has quickly become a staple in my wardrobe. The Themogan Women's Casual Long Sleeve Boat Neck Knee Length Pocket A-Line Swing T-Shirt Dress in Forest Green is perfect for any occasion.
The first time I wore it, I was pleasantly surprised by the comfort level of the stretch jersey material. It's so soft and light, making it perfect for warmer days or evenings out. I find myself reaching for this dress as often as possible because it's just that comfortable!
One of the things I love most about this dress is its versatility. On weekdays, I pair it with a blazer and some cute flats for work. But on weekends or when I'm traveling, I throw on a pair of sandals or sneakers and some jewelry to dress it up a bit. Plus, the pockets are an added bonus – they're perfect for holding my phone, keys, and wallet while I'm on-the-go.
As much as I adore this dress, there's one minor downside: it tends to wrinkle easily. To keep it looking its best, I've had to invest in a good steamer or iron. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, but it's something to keep in mind if you're considering adding this dress to your collection.
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with my purchase of the Themogan Women's Casual Long Sleeve Boat Neck Knee Length Pocket A-Line Swing T-Shirt Dress in Forest Green. Its incredible comfort, versatility, and stylish design make it a must-have for any busy woman's wardrobe.

Buyer's Guide

Casual green dresses are versatile pieces of clothing that can easily be dressed up or down for various occasions. Whether you're attending a backyard barbecue, running errands, or simply lounging around the house, there's a green dress out there that will suit your needs. However, finding the perfect casual green dress can be challenging with so many options available. To make your shopping experience easier, we've compiled a buyer's guide detailing important features, considerations, and general advice about casual green dresses.

Choose the Right Fabric
The fabric plays a significant role in determining the comfort, breathability, and durability of your casual green dress. Opt for natural fibers like cotton, linen, or rayon for comfort and breathability. These fabrics are lightweight and perfect for warmer climates. On the other hand, polyester blends offer more structure and can withstand frequent washing without losing their shape. Consider each fabric's pros and cons before making your final decision.

Consider the Silhouette

Casual green dresses come in various silhouettes, from flowing maxi dresses to tailored midi dresses and shorter minis. The right silhouette depends on your personal style and body type. A-line dresses are universally flattering as they cinch at the waist and flare out towards the hem, creating an hourglass shape. Wrap dresses are another option that accentuates the waistline and offers ample coverage. Shirt dresses provide a more relaxed fit, making them ideal for laid-back days.

Pick the Right Length

Casual green dresses are available in different lengths, ranging from mini to maxi. Minis can be suitable for warmer weather or more casual events, while midi and maxi dresses are great for adding elegance and keeping cool in hotter climates. Ensure the length of your dress suits your personal style and comfort level. Additionally, check local dress codes if attending an event to ensure your dress meets any requirements.

Accessorize Appropriately

Casual green dresses can be accessorized in numerous ways to create various looks. Pair your dress with neutral-colored sandals or sneakers for a laid-back vibe. Dress it up with heeled pumps or wedges for a more polished appearance. Add statement jewelry like bold earrings or a chunky necklace to elevate your outfit further. A stylish clutch or crossbody bag helps carry essentials while maintaining the overall aesthetic of your ensemble.

Take Care of Your Dress

To prolong the life of your casual green dress, follow proper care instructions. Hand-washing is ideal to prevent color fading and fabric stretching. If machine-washing is necessary, use a gentle cycle and cold water to maintain garment quality. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as these can damage clothing materials. Lastly, always hang your dress to dry to preserve its shape and prevent wrinkles.


What is the best type of fabric for a casual green dress?

Cotton, linen, and chiffon are popular choices for casual green dresses due to their breathability and comfort. Each of these fabrics has unique qualities, so it's important to consider personal preferences and the specific dress style when making a decision.

How can I find a green dress that suits my body shape?

Body shape plays a significant role in finding the right dress. A-line and empire waist dresses are usually flattering for most body shapes. Additionally, consider the dress's length and sleeve style in relation to your height and personal style preferences.

What type of accessories should I pair with a casual green dress?

Neutral-colored accessories, such as gold or silver jewelry, complement green dresses well. A matching clutch or handbag can also enhance the overall look. Shoes, on the other hand, should be chosen based on the dress's level of formality and personal style.

How do I care for a casual green dress?

Caring for a casual green dress depends on its fabric. Generally, cotton and linen dresses should be machine-washed on a gentle cycle and air-dried to prevent shrinking and maintain the fabric's quality. Chiffon dresses require more delicate care, such as hand washing or dry cleaning.

Can I dress up a casual green dress for a more formal occasion?

Yes, you can dress up a casual green dress by adding statement pieces like bold jewelry, structured handbags, and high heels. Layering with a blazer or cardigan can also elevate the overall look, making it suitable for more formal events.

How can I determine the right size for a green dress?

To ensure a proper fit, it's essential to check the size chart provided by the retailer. Measure your bust, waist, and hips, and compare these measurements to the size chart to determine the right size for a green dress.

How do I choose the right green color for a dress based on my skin tone?

Your skin tone plays a significant role in choosing the right green color. Those with cool-toned skin may find olive, emerald, and forest green more flattering, whereas those with warm-toned skin may prefer lime, mint, and green-yellow hues.

What should I look for in a casual green dress to ensure it's comfortable and stylish?

  • Choose a dress made from breathable, comfortable fabrics, such as cotton, linen, or chiffon.
  • Ensure the dress has a flattering cut or design that suits your body shape.
  • Consider incorporating versatile neutral or complementary-colored accessories, like jewelry and handbags, to enhance the overall look and elevate the dress's style.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:39 oh_nothing_haha I'm so tired of professors not doing the job they are paid to do

I feel like I've made way too many posts on this subreddit and I swear I'm generally a very positive and forgiving person, but some professors are really frustrating. I understand that professors are people too and have lives outside of teaching, but this is also their literal job. I shouldn't have to email them or a department head multiple times because they aren't doing their job or following through with what they said they would do. I shouldn't have to go to office hours because they won't respond to emails. I shouldn't have to text other students repeatedly because the class is so incredibly disorganized and confusing (and other students have texted me multiple times about similar things, so I know it's not just me). I shouldn't have to wait months to get grades on assignments. (Although I do have one incredible professor this semester and I'm so grateful for that.) okay, rant over.
Edit to add: I'm at a community college, so teaching is their main/only job.
submitted by oh_nothing_haha to CollegeRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:36 Ok_Beautiful_1557 My wife isn’t who she says she is….

I always thought of my life as fairly ordinary. I work for an embroidery hat company, crafting custom designs for sports teams and local businesses. I take pride in my work, and it pays the bills. My wife, Autumn, is the love of my life, and we have a teenage daughter named Aurora. She's a bit of a stoner and tends to ignore her parents, but I chalk it up to teenage rebellion. I never thought anything sinister lurked beneath the surface of our seemingly normal life.
But I was wrong.
It all started with small, almost imperceptible changes. Autumn seemed distant, her eyes less warm, her touch colder. I convinced myself it was just the stress of daily life getting to her. One evening, I was working late on a new hat design for a local baseball team when Autumn walked into my home office. She smiled, but there was something off about it—something I couldn't quite place.
"Leighton," she said, her voice sounding slightly distorted, "you need to take a break. You've been working too hard."
I nodded, grateful for the interruption, and followed her to the living room. We sat in silence for a while, the only sound being the hum of the ceiling fan. I glanced over at Autumn, and for a split second, I thought I saw her skin ripple, like a stone dropped into water. I blinked, and everything was normal again.
"Hey honey, you okay?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Of course," she replied, her smile returning, but it didn't reach her eyes.
I tried to shake off the unease and focus on spending time with her. But strange things kept happening. One night, I woke up to find Autumn standing at the foot of our bed, staring at me with an intensity that made my skin crawl.
"Autumn? What are you doing?" I whispered, my voice trembling.
She blinked, as if coming out of a trance. "I... I don't know," she murmured, climbing back into bed.
The next morning, I was in the kitchen making coffee when Cameron, my neighbor and best friend, knocked on the back door. Cameron and I have known each other for years, and he’s always been a solid sounding board for my worries.
"Hey man, you look like shit," Cameron said, handing me a beer even though it was barely 8 AM. "What's going on?"
I sighed, taking a long swig. "Something's off with Autumn. Last night, I woke up and she was just standing there, staring at me."
"Maybe she's sleepwalking or stressed out," Cameron suggested. "Women are complicated, man. Just talk to her."
I nodded, but deep down, I knew this was more than just stress.
One night, I had a long phone call with my Maw Maw Debby. She's always been the wise matriarch of our family, offering advice that was usually spot on.
"Maw Maw, I think something's wrong with Autumn. She’s been acting strange, and I swear I saw her skin ripple."
"Leighton, sometimes our minds play tricks on us. But trust your instincts. If something feels wrong, it probably is."
Her words lingered in my mind as I hung up the phone. I decided to confront Autumn directly.
"Autumn, we need to talk," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "You've been acting really strange lately. Is there something you're not telling me?"
She looked at me, her eyes flickering with that eerie light I'd seen before. "Leighton, there's something you need to know," she began, her voice trembling.
Before she could continue, Aurora stumbled into the room, eyes bloodshot. "Hey, can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to watch TV," she mumbled.
"Aurora, go to your room," I snapped, more harshly than I intended. She rolled her eyes and shuffled away.
Autumn took a deep breath. "Leighton, I'm not who you think I am."
My heart pounded in my chest as I watched her skin begin to shift and change. Her flesh turned pale and sickly, taking on a greenish hue as if decaying before my eyes. Her eyes, once warm and inviting, now glowed with an eerie, otherworldly light.
"Autumn, what... what are you?" I stammered, backing away.
Her mouth stretched unnaturally wide into a sinister grin filled with razor-sharp teeth. Her limbs elongated and contorted, moving with an unsettling grace. From her back sprouted grotesque appendages that resembled twisted, gnarled branches, each ending in a razor-sharp claw.
"I am an entity from another realm," she said, her voice now a chilling whisper. "I took this form to blend in, to live among humans. But I can no longer maintain the facade."
I was frozen in place, unable to comprehend the horror before me. "Why... why did you choose us?" I managed to ask.
"I needed a place to hide, a family to observe. But now that you know the truth, I can no longer stay."
As she spoke, her hair, now resembling writhing serpents, hung in matted strands. Wisps of shadowy mist emanated from her body, and the air around her grew cold.
"Leighton, I'm sorry," she said, her voice filled with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "I never meant to hurt you or Aurora."
Suddenly, Aurora burst back into the room, her eyes wide with shock. "What the hell is going on?" she screamed.
Before I could say anything, Autumn's monstrous form began to mimic Aurora's appearance. In an instant, she looked exactly like our daughter, down to the last detail.
"Aurora, run!" I shouted.
But the real Aurora stood frozen, her eyes locked on the creature that had taken her mother's place. "Mom?" she whispered, her voice trembling with fear.
The entity turned to me, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. "Leighton, you need to understand. I may look like a monster, but I still have feelings. I care about you and Aurora."
I shook my head, unable to process the nightmare unfolding before me. "You're not Autumn. You're not my wife."
The creature's eyes softened, and for a moment, I saw a glimmer of the woman I had loved. "Maybe not. But I tried to be."
With that, the entity transformed into a shadowy mist and vanished into the night, leaving Aurora and me standing in stunned silence.
In the days that followed, Cameron tried to help make sense of it all. "Man, that's some messed up stuff," he said, shaking his head. "But you gotta move on. For Aurora's sake."
I nodded, knowing he was right. But the memory of Autumn's transformation haunted me. I couldn't shake the feeling that she was still out there, somewhere, watching us.
One night, as I was tucking Aurora into bed, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Dad, do you think Mom will ever come back?"
I hugged her tightly, trying to hide my own fear. "I don't know, sweetie. But we'll be okay. We have each other."
As I turned off the light and closed her bedroom door, I couldn't help but feel a cold shiver run down my spine. Our lives would never be the same, but we had to keep moving forward.
For now, we lived with the chilling knowledge that the world was far more terrifying and mysterious than we had ever imagined. And somewhere out there, the entity that had taken Autumn's place was still lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to return.
submitted by Ok_Beautiful_1557 to TheDarkGathering [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:32 squatsandthoughts Passed! 3AT - Took it at home & Here is my advice for actual learning/mastery

I took my exam yesterday (May 18) at home, and I found out today I passed 3AT! I did not believe I was going to pass. I absolutely thought I had failed and was planning on when to take the exam again. Like others, I thought I would share some of what I did and some recommendations especially if you are taking it at home. Of note, I used to work with college students and teach them how to improve their academic skills (not memorizing but mastering material, not freaking out at an exam, etc) so I wrote this with academic coaching in mind.
Things That Helped Me/My advice:
I hope this helps someone out there. Sorry it was long but glad you made it to the end!
submitted by squatsandthoughts to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:32 khajiithasmemes2 Fermi Paradox - 1.

Memory Transcription Subject: Arthek, Governor of Venlil Prime, Hoobyist Archaeologist.
Date [Standardized Human Time]: Servers Unresponsive - Time Unknown. ——
I couldn’t lie and say that the Federation was perfect, to say so would be arrogant, but I believed it necessary. The natural state of things, that all of the Empathetic Species may join paw in universal brotherhood. I knew of its rightness from the day I could comprehend morality itself. I cherished the knowledge that our myriad species were destined to come together, for it was natural. I fostered deeply the revelation that the universe was a pasture and the myriad species that made up our humble home was one herd, all brothers. I had devoted my entire life to its continued existence, out of love alone.
I wished that I could add nuance to my zeal, but I could not. In my heart, I knew it was an irrevocable truth. All species shared one origin. This wasn’t unprovable like religion, or some deeply held superstition. It was a studied fact. Embedded deep within our conscious lay dormant memories. Flashes of warm light and white shapes. Large beings that towered over us, their features unidentifiable as they took one knee and encouraged our distant ancestors to toddle towards them. These fragmented memories of long dead predecessors were shared by every species we had come across, save for the Predators.
We don’t know much about those towering mirages that swaddled us when we were so young. All we know is that they loved, and their love could only be mimicked by us. Proof of this was found in what little we could find of their existence. They called themselves ‘Men’, and they controlled the Galaxy uncontested far before us. They were the first sentient species to exist. They made us, they showed us kindness, and through that mandated that all species - save for the intruding Predators - were bound as one large family. No words had to be shared, the memories we had would suffice.
Therefore, we forever walk in the shadow of these Men.
I hoped to walk closer than any other. I couldn’t call myself anyone particularly interesting. A few years spent as a judge had begun my political career, jetsoning me into the office of Venlil Prime’s Governor. It’s hard to believe it, but here I stood - on a platform of common good. I followed what I believed to be the example of the Men, for I had dedicated my tenure to public housing, support systems for the destitute, and protected their vision by expanding the Extermination Offices - causing me to boast the highest treatment rates in years.
Between boorish meetings and politicking, I savored my favorite hobby. I was an amateur archaeologist with a small collection. Mostly pottery shards from pre-uplift times, some old cups, and the likes. Hardly anything special, or I’d say so if not for a prized artifact of mine. A small piece of Mankind, characteristic of what few pieces of evidence we found to their existence. A plastic bauble, once white and yellowed by age. It didn’t seem all that interesting, it was shaped like a primitive rocket ship. Undetailed save for dirt stains and sun-damage.
But if one looked closely, there remained some detail still. Ancient symbols, faded and almost invisible to the naked eye. But with enough analysis, they could be seen as clear as day. Strangle circular symbols, indicative as a possible writing system. They were clear, ‘CCCP’.
It was a child’s toy, a bauble. And yet I still wondered what that could possibly mean? Was my assumption true, and was it writing? Was it a learning tool for children? Perhaps windows for whatever astronaut laid inside to peer through. All I knew is that I laid eyes on a device once held by Men, in the shape of the very devices they used to transverse the galaxy. Before now, I thought I would never see more. That this plaything was the largest I’d see, the only living testament to that ancient species, who existed so long ago … But I was wrong.
The small spacecraft rocked too and fro, myself strapped in and practically bouncing from anticipation. The news had reached my ears fast, that an astroarchaeological ship had made the discovery of the century. A spaceship, older than Venlil Prime itself. One that only could have belonged to men. I needed to see it, to view pre-history with my own eyes beyond trinkets and rusted tools. And here I was, being shuttled to the larger craft which stored it.
My singular companion, the Pilot, cast me a sidelong gaze - quizzical at my demeanor. I was a grown Ram, bouncing in my seat like a pup. The pilot, a scraggly farsul who evidently had hygiene as a fifth or seventh priority, let out a low chuckle at the sight. I had a reputation, admittedly, for my idealism and generally … pupishness. Still focused on his screens, he spoke with a raspy, low voice that strained my ears to hear.
“Excitable, huh?”
I chuckled idly in response to the question, my ears as erect as could be in an effort to hear his thin voice. “How could you be anything else at a time like this?”
The pilot responded to my chuckle with one of his own, a ominous growl that sounded more like a grunt than any laugh I’ve ever heard. “Discovery of the century, huh? I never got all the fanfare ‘round these guys … Every twenty-odd years, we find some old piece of steel or plastic or something else, and the experts squeak ‘Man-made! Man-Made!’ Then … Well … Suddenly all of the really cool stuff gets pushed to the back of the shelf, Y’know?”
His pessimistic comment affected me not, as I drummed my paws on the sides of the seat, “It’s proof. You know we all-“
“Remember?” He cut my speech short, “Yeah, yeah … Just remember, we don’t even know what men looked like. All you Federal bigwigs like to praise them like they’re gods, but you don’t know nothing about them. What they were like, why they made us, what they ate … “
He paused, resting his head against his seat’s headrest, casting me the most rancid, speh-eating approximation of a smile I’ve ever seen.
“You ever considered that maybe God’s a predator?”
I remained silent then, opening my mouth open and closed again, unsure just how to respond to such an accusation. This pilot was not someone I liked, at all. I ceased showing any forms of excitement and awkwardly sat, containing my anticipation as the sight of the Astroarchaeology ship came into view.
We’d find proof that this pilot was wrong. There was no way a predator would go out of their way to seed so many worlds, create us, and give us empathy. They hated all of that, for they lacked all of those things. He was full of speh, and I knew it.
A twinge of uncertainty momentarily cracked my lifelong zeal as we began to pull into the ship’s bay. History would be made today, one way or another. For better or worse, I’d be here to see it firsthand.
submitted by khajiithasmemes2 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:28 Big-Golf4266 Am i missing something with PVE or?

have they literally added nothing... like actually nothing new.
the idea that they were / are charging for this is insane considering it doesnt look like this should've taken any time at all for them to cobble together, from what i can tell literally all they have done is change the AI spawns on the maps, sectioned it off from the live version and then started trying to charge people for it
it was scummy enough charging for it but seriously unless im missing something this looks like genuinely a months work at most? its so insanely lazy. the same braindead AI, re-skinned rogues / raiders for the PMC's... horrifically bad scav / pmc interaction (some times they seem to fight but it appears scavs only react once shot by AI pmc's)
zero pmc - pmc interaction, pretty dogshit spawns and terrible roam AI. absolutely zero changes to the economy which i dont think BSG really understands the ramifications of with a zero wipe economy...
hell the pmcs are SO reskinned that their items are still FIR despite the fact that they're supposed to be pmc's and thus their gear shouldnt be FIR.
even if they'd only spent 6 months on this shit it could be leaps and bounds better, at the moment it feels really bad... because of how the ai works in conjunction with how the ai spawns / moves you have this weird dichotomy of knowing you're absolutely safe in certain areas but then also in other areas knowing that if at any point any pmc gets any form of LOS on you they'll just snap on to you.
there's no fun dynamic with the AI, there's no feeling like you're outsmarting them or getting the better of them... its just dropping them as soon as you see them or running the other way. thats the only meaningful interactions with them... its so painfully obvious that you're just playing against poorly done AI
dont get me wrong im happy with the challenging aspect to it, the game should be challenging. but its not a fun kind of challenging because there's absolutely no permutations in how you interact with them. its just engage in combat and see if you get headeyesed before you kill them...
for instance you cant go into factory, head up to the offices, make your way to the rafters and silently creep around up there and then get the drop on the AI, taking one out, only to dart away behind cover breaking LOS and have them lose you.
all the AI have eyes on the back of their head so you dont really have any interesting dynamic. its just boring to fight them.
i think the spawns are the worst part though. i mean seriously how hard would it have been to have them spawn in the normal locations and then roam like normal players?
and dont get me wrong, im not even saying bsg should've put the time in to make the PVE good, honestly i don't think they needed to work on PVE at all... i mean especially considering i dont think bsg could possibly compete with a certain other PVE mode that exists...
but then that just makes this all the more scummy, the more i play the more its such a blatant and abhorrent cash grab. the ONLY thing thats good about it is that its at least more engaging than offline raids, so i guess its a good way for people to learn maps.
oh but you only have 25 minutes in raid, so good luck trying to comfortably learn the bigger maps and good routes on them because well... you dont have enough fucking time. So many puzzling decisions with this one. im really looking for someone to give me a new perspective on this, because i really cant any part of this that looks like it was made with effort and good intentions lmfao.
submitted by Big-Golf4266 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 HinoueKanyoshi Object anchor issue

Object anchor issue
When the number of speech bubbles in the same Word document is greater than 1, the Word document cannot display the object anchor normally.
submitted by HinoueKanyoshi to Office365 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:59 Negative_Cut_8387 Broken At First Sight (2)

Audio log
Patient: Mina Paraan
Medically Recommended Therapeutic Journal
Entry 64:
I've made a mistake. After the incident, I failed to make my report to the Galactic Council. Because I was hospitalized, they had commissioned someone else to meet with the human ambassador. I should have seen it, the new products at the market. They are coming...
Entry 68:
I saw one of them down on the street from my apartment...well not them personally. I saw the wave of red wash down the street. It was following traffic so they were probably in a vehicle. They are already here...on my home planet. It is already too late.
Entry 74:
My therapist thought they would try to help me get past my trauma from the incident. They brought a human to the building, I guess as a form of exposure therapy. To bad for them I could tell the human was in there just by looking at the red glow of the windows. The brightest was next to my therapists office. I cancelled the session for today.
Entry 75:
The Peace Keepers came by my apartment today. Asked why I didn't go to my therapy session. Told them I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get anyone else sick. They bought it and wished me a quick recovery. I can't keep doing this.
Entry 81:
I've asked the therapist to set up a meeting with the ambassador. I was quite rude to him, fainting like I did. He must think of me as terribly weak. The meeting will be held in a weeks time. I hope I'm doing the right thing.
Entry 82:
What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? Why would I do this? Am I insane? Of course I am, I'm seeing a psychiatrist. These humans have so much potential for violence that it fills entire buildings with that thick red light. But something keeps bugging me. What were those shadows swimming in the red?
Entry 83:
I've been thinking more often lately about my psychic ability. Am I really seeing the potential for violence like the rest of my kin, or something else. I did some research on some of the other species in the council. The Tar'sha, a silica based species has no predators, no enemies, are the calmest and most patient I have met. And yet, after I met the humans, I'm starting to see more red. Particularly from the rocky outcrop coming from the crown of their heads. Did I not notice this before or is it new? Why am I only noticing it now?
Entry 84:
It happened again. I was at the market getting more of those Peechees I like, with the fuzzy skin. I saw a red pond spreading towards me. So I quickly paid for my fruit and ran home. The strange thing is...I didn't see the human that was the source. They would tower over us, coming up to their knee as we do. Which begs the answer. Where was the red coming from, if not a human.
Entry 85:
I woke up this morning expecting to eat a peechee for breakfast, only to look outside and see red...everywhere. Like a light mist but it was prevalent everywhere. I at first thought someone had messed up on the cloud seeding, and asked a neighbor. They looked at me confused and I realized they couldn't see it. Only I could. I've realized that what I see when I look at people isn't their potential for violence like I thought...I don't know what I am seeing anymore. All I know is that while it was here, attached to the different species, there wasn't much. A few drops here and there. Someones claws tipped in red. Horns glowing a bit brighter. But now, whatever this is, loves the humans. It travels with them, where-ever they go. And it is getting stronger the longer they are here.
Entry 86:
The red has thickened to the point I can't see the buildings across from me. Then there are the shadows. Great behemoths floating in silence. Quick little ones chasing after each other. They don't seem to see me. But then, I haven't the courage to enter the red ocean. I can still hear the traffic down below, so I know the world hasn't ended. I called my parents to see if they were okay and if anything weird has happened around there. Mom said they were both okay and it was perfect weather to do some gardening. I'm glad they are healthy and doing well. Now, what about me...
Entry 87:
It's tomorrow. What will happen to me? Will I be swallowed by the red, or what's swimming in the red?
submitted by Negative_Cut_8387 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:57 HinoueKanyoshi Object anchor issue

When the number of speech bubbles in the same Word document is greater than 1, the Word document cannot display the object position normally.
submitted by HinoueKanyoshi to MicrosoftWord [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:52 Hayate-kun 60 most-viewed ASMR videos published on YouTube last week (2024-05-05 to 2024-05-11) [Discussion]

No eatingslimekinetic sandmagnetic ballsstop motion cookingnoisy reaction/comedymarbles<2 minuteanimatedchiropractic

Views Channel Video
483997 LunaRexx ASMR ASMR I’m on Top…of you! 👀 (personal attention, asmr for sleep)
475431 Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル 【ASMKU100】こどもの日♡ノエル先生がおこちゃまなキミをあまやかしつつお耳の掃除する♡【白銀ノエル/ホロライブ】
452438 Lowe ASMR ASMR With My Family | 1M Special
440861 Latte ASMR Energy Cleansing & Face Coloring For Your Sweet Dream💫 ASMR
376458 Macoto ASMR まこと。 [耳舐めASMR] 消す前に必聴。脳とろ凄い♡温度感じる音圧たっぷり凄技♡Ear Cleaning, Ear licking, Mouth sound, Tingle, Sleep【Vtuber】
332052 benio店長 / ASMR屋さん 音はいいのに顔がうるさすぎるASMR
324570 Patra Channel / 周防パトラ 【ASM2時間】脳ゾクゾク!最高に眠れる耳かきとマッサージ。凄く気持ち良い睡眠誘導。カリカリ/吐息/耳奥にくる/ Brain Tingling for Deep Sleep 2Hr【周防パトラ】
302824 benio店長 / ASMR屋さん 【ASMR】耳かき&マッサージ+癒しトリガーたっぷりLive🥱💚(3h,囁き,オノマトペ,スクイーズ,ぬいぐるみの音,中国式耳かき,ホットタオル,ゴム手袋 etc…)
271624 Mol ASMR. ASMR español roleplay para dormir heladería
263388 Nanou ASMR ASMR - Doing Your MakeUp With A Noise Canceling headset!
262198 Tingting ASMR [ASMR] Doing Your Wedding Hair ~ Chinese & Western Styles
257661 HAACHAMA Ch 赤井はあと 【 ASMR 】癒しましまし永眠💭Ear Massage/Sleep Whispering/KU100【ホロライブ/赤井はあと】
255801 Jojo's ASMR [ASMR] High Stakes Blackjack
250187 FrivolousFox ASMR ASMR Verbal Rainstorm🌦️ ~ (‘TicoTico,’, ‘Swoosh,’ Hand Movements, Fluffy Jacket, etc.)
228271 ASMR BlueKatie ASMR 頑張る君を寝かしつけてあげる❤︎ 耳かき/耳マッサージ/マウスサウンド
226351 Gentle Whispering ASMR Crown Chakra Hair Treatment 🌟 ASMR 🌟 Crystal Comb, Massage, Hair Brushing
224039 [ASMR]nara_나라 ASMR(Sub✔️)스파이패밀리 요르의 아냐 재우기 미션/ 함께 잠들기,토닥토닥,수면케어
223499 Gentle Whispering ASMR 🌼 Shh...It's a Secret - Cozy ASMR Mother's Day Present Guide 🎁
221887 Nanou ASMR ASMR - Inaudible Whispering!
206446 Nanou ASMR ASMR - Satisfying Lid Sounds To Help You Sleep!
202455 ASMR Wan ASMR Fast At BOXING ARENA🥊 & 5 Differences Place with Mouth Sounds 👄
201873 Luna Bloom ASMR ASMR 1 or 2? 🩷 Perception Tests 🩷 (Eyes closed halfway through)
199115 ASMR Glow ASMR Ear Cleaning: Deep Relaxation Experience 🌌
198283 anna dreamy ASMR você VAI DORMIR com esse ASMR | Sono Garantido 👍😴
196871 ♡Necoma Ch.♡猫羽かりん 【けもりふ】 【KU100/ASMR】ご主人様の弱点を執拗に責めてくるっ♡いじわるメイドの耳責めASMR♡【音圧、密閉感、高音質】EarCleaning,Mouthsound,Whispering
192268 ASMR Cham ASMR Japanese Onomatopoeia Trigger Words for Deep Sleep😪💤 (hand movements, cupped whispers)
191646 Whispering Willow ASMR ASMR Wooden Skincare & Makeup for Sleep (layered sounds, pampering)
189503 Real Person ASMR by August ASMR Hair Styling, Make-Up Application & Clothing Adjustments 🌸 Getting Ready For The Ball | Ep 2
185761 WhisperAudios ASMR ASMR - ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAM 2024
182434 Amouranth ASMR Is this Relaxing? | Amouranth Massage ASMR
182350 TomASMR ASMR IN HOTEL (In Seoul)
182320 Lizi ASMR ASMR Dr Lizi Checks Your Cranial Nerves at Home ~ Soft Spoken Medical RP
180291 FredsVoice ASMR [ASMR] Imperial Officer Fixes Your Wounds
174680 Mol ASMR. ASMR español comiendo para dormir dulces argentinos
173711 beebee asmr Mouth Sounds ASMR ( wet/dry ) Nail Clacking, Mic Triggers, & Light Triggers
169025 Coromo Sara. ASMR Hypnotic ASMR Sensitive Triggers for Instant Sleep & Headache Relief ❤️‍🩹✨ (Personal Attention, etc)
165471 ASMR Anil Çakmak ASMR Mini Face Cup Therapy On Young Customer | ASMR Sleep Massage IN Real Barber Shop
162872 Diddly ASMR ASMR Why Aren't You Asleep Yet?
159010 지읒asmr 지읒asmr} 이 손톱 소리 중 니 취향 하나는 있겠지.
148057 MamaYunya Your Tomboy And Milf’s Special Ear Lick Surprise! 👅👂🏻ft. @DudeThatsWholesome
146766 beebee asmr ASMR Holding the Mic, Further Away From the Camera ASMR | Clicky Whisper Rambles, Mic & Mouth Sounds
146566 ASMR Rebecca ASMR Visual Triggers to Help You Sleep 🧠💤
146386 Calamity ASMR ASMR scratching your scalp between your itchy braids 💜 (hair play roleplay)
142401 Relax Han ASMR ASMR 100년의 역사를 가진 도쿄의 바버샵 마사지 | Tokyo Barber Shop massage with 100 Years of History | Part 2
140350 ASMR Bakery ASMR Sound Explorations | New & Rare Triggers (No Talking)
140257 ASMR KALI Je te chuchote tout doucement jusqu'à ce que tu t'endormes ~ ASMR pour dormir
139702 Arbmeis ASMR Limpieza energética, toco tu carita & masaje craneal
139496 HeyHelen ASMR АСМР Засыпай За 15 МИНУТ 😴 ГИПНОЗ ВИЗУАЛ Многослойный ШЕПОТ 🥱 ASMR VISUAL TRIGGERS 15 min SLEEP
137108 Akasi ASMR [türkçe asmr] ışıktan hoşlanmayanlar için ⬛️
133452 Carm ASMR [ASMR] 脳力値の変更 ロールプレイ
133117 Lowe ASMR ASMR Top 10 TINGLIEST Trigger Words
131932 Real Person ASMR by August ASMR Face Framing Spring Hair Styling 🌸 Perfectionist Hair Adjusting + Flower Placements
130758 Dr. T ASMR EVERY ASMRist Wants One Of These Satisfying Machines (ASMR)
130137 ASMR KALI Scratching & Brushing pour ceux qui adorent ça ! ASMR pour dormir
129564 ASMRmpits ASMR Spit Painting Ourselves! With Different Objects ( mouth sounds [collab w/ Jaxi ASMR] )
128951 Keara’s ASMR Giving My Neice The ASMR Tingles ✨
124589 Alexandria ASMR ASMR Mean Big Sisss does your prom makeup 🫶🙄💋
submitted by Hayate-kun to asmr [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:45 seigneurcafeviet Am I the gay bully? Or being gaslit?

For context, I am Vietnamese, and work primarily with the expat staff. I am one of only two gay men in the office, but I noticed that there are things that would be considered microaggressions. The expat staff often forget that I am Vietnamese, and often say disparaging and condescending remarks about Vietnamese people and culture, furthermore, the other gay man (an expat) joins in.
Whenever I say a retort about how expats behave, I am told that I am being toxic and hostile, and that it is fair criticism. It is always many against one. It has come to the point where I distance myself and keep my head down, but it seems like the other gay man is using this to his advantage. Sometimes, the other staff are talking, and the other day someone mentioned a sassy bottom, and the other office gay said: "the only sassy bottom here is seigneurcafeviet". This has become recurring like I am blunt of every gay joke.
I don't know if this is normal in Western gay culture to bully or belittle fellow gay people, or am I in the wrong for being sensitive or trying to defend my culture.
submitted by seigneurcafeviet to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:33 x100139 A Crossout Fan-fiction The Ravaging, Chapter 1: Signs of Danger

Alright! Look, listen…this here story is somethin’ I’m not too keen on sharin’, mainly because I ain’t got too much to say about it all but, also, because it’s more a flashback of something from my ravaged brain. Due to it being from my ravaged brain, I ain’t to certain it’s a real memory or something implanted to make me a more sympathetic type person. Either way, if you ask me to explain who I am, it might start like this: A long, long time ago…
18 years ago…
The icy clash of shattered glass mixed with the shrill scream of twisting metal as the crushing weight of the cylinder bared down on the old car. First, its hood crunched down to pop the headlights, and to make the fenders press and slice into the tires, tires already flattened by time and now made completely useless. Then the windshield crackled and the cabin crumpled. One rear tire still inflated suddenly deflated as the load of weight popped the sidewall to release a long, loud hiss. The rest of the car’s windows were missing already and, as the conveyor fed the last of the junkheap in the crusher, Alex looked on in satisfaction.
“Didn’t think we’d get that pile finished before sundown!” Alex said as he reached up to pull off his hat and wipe sweat from his brow. As he let his foot off from one actuator on the ground and, also, he let go of a large handle that sprung back into place. As he did so, the large crusher came to a slow grinding stop. When the glass settled and all was quiet, he pulled off his gloves and breathed a sigh of relief.
“You want me to get the truck?” Little Alex, his young daughter asked, her high voice came from behind to surprise her father.
He turned around with a jump. “What in the?!” He was startled, not just by his little girl, but by the fact that she was in the wrecking yard at all. “Who let you back you here?” he looked around before looking to his girl. “You know you’re not supposed be back here, LA.”
The little long-haired brunette did not shy away as she used her thumb to point over her shoulder, back at the door. “Mom said I’m big enough to be back here,” she smirked.
“Listen…” he knelt down to her, eye to eye and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. “Where the truck is at…” he nodded in that direction, over her shoulder, but was careful to keep eye contact. “And…out around the side-yard with Butch and Cassidy…yes…you’re big enough to be back there. But, look,” he pointed to a sign that said ‘Hardhat Area.’ “Signs like that are important and you need to pay attention to things like them.” He stood and took off his hard hat and looked at it as he continued. “LA, when your mom or I say the phrase ‘back there…’ well, it’s what we say when we go behind the office…it makes things easy for the customers to understand. But, you’re old enough to know the difference now, so, let me show you something.” He took the hardhat and placed it on little Alex’s little head. “First thing’s first: you’re gonna’ need one of these.”
“Are we going to get the truck?”
“Not just yet. You need to learn about the signs of danger back here.”
Only a few minutes had passed before the two found themselves standing at the back door entrance to the office. LA could hear her mom faintly talking with a customer up front, and started to reach for the doorknob, but Alex spoke up to say, “Hey, take a look at this.” LA stopped and turned to look. There, covered in years of grime and smudged with all manner of grease and oil, an assortment of signs had been nailed to the wall, adjacent to the threshold. “Have you ever noticed these before?” he looked to LA as she scanned the signs and slowly nodded. “Have you figured out what they mean?” Again, he watched her slowly nod. “Okay…” he raised his head in curiosity and pointed to a Hardhat sign, one that resembled what he had pointed out earlier near the crusher. It did not have any of the wording, it only had a little black figure of a man with a bright yellow hardhat, all surrounded by a thick bright-red circle. It did not click with LA, and Alex could see that. “Here, let me give you a hint.” He reached out and took the hardhat from her head and put in on his own, making sure to take a step sideways, just right enough to be in the same view of the sign so that LA could visually compare them.
She gasped with realization and a smile. “You need a hard hat!”
“That’s right!” Alex said excitedly as he bent down, grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up into his arms. Even being nine, LA felt as light as a leaf in Alex’s muscled arms and, with one arm, he held her close as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He was about to point to the sign about needing to wear gloves in the back but, just then, he caught the scent of something unwelcome and, with his free hand he pointed to another sign. “What’s this one mean?” He asked as he scanned the area.
LA looked at it with concentration on her face.
The sign had what she knew to be a cigarette on it with a huge red circle that crossed through the cigarette. She crooked her head in slight recognition and pointed at it, “I’ve seen that at the diner, but…”
Alex found what he was looking for, and, with a smile and raised brow, he nodded. “That’s right. Do you know what it means though?” Trying not to break LA’s focus, Alex wiggled off the glove of his free hand and began snapping his fingers towards Jim, a man standing towards the back of the room.
As Jim looked up, a cigarette dangling from his lips, Alex’s face became stern as he discreetly motioned about the cigarette.
LA thought about it and, finally, shook her head to make her pony tail lightly whip and tickle against Alex’s neck, bringing his attention back. “What’s it means, dad?”
“It means No Smoking,” he said just loud enough for Jim to hear, looking at him one more time. “Cigarettes are bad for many reasons but, back here, they can set things on fire.” He watched as Jim, dejected, snuffed out the little fire-starter. He looked back to LA, then, the sign and pointed out a couple more items. “There’s lots of things back here that can hurt you. Corrosive stuff. Electrical things…you remember what happened in Robocop 2, when Murphy grabbed that electrical box?”
LA’s eyes went wide. “His name was Alex, too!”
Alex let loose a roaring laugh. “Yes! But you’re missing my point…remember how he got fried?”
LA nodded with her eyes growing even wider.
“Well…I don’t want THIS Alex fried!” He bopped her on the nose with his index finger. “You understand?”
With a giggle and a smile, LA gave a short little nod.
Hoping she understood, Alex turned to make sure Jim had really put his cig out but found no sign of the man. He set LA down, turned and opened the door and, in an instant, he saw the orange flick of firelight flash up. Not wanting to hurt LA, but it was all he could think to do in such a short time, he kicked her in the butt to send her sailing up the hall.
LA tumbled to the floor as thunder and orange light slammed the door closed behind her, throwing off the Employees Only sign that skipped across the floor to a stop at LA’s feet.
Present day…
When I woke up, the Crossout was well underway but enough about me, that’s a story for another time…right now, we need to get to the real story of things.
It all started when…
submitted by x100139 to u/x100139 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 discodiscgod Vice White Elephant observations

Just started another rewatch of Vice and have a couple of observations and theories.
1.) Kind of odd Archer and Lana were interrogated together while everyone else was alone. I assume it was just a plot point so they could do the escape.
2.) Cyril is a shitty lawyer. Ray, Pam, Krieger and Cheryl getting mislead by the fbi with the immunity thing makes sense. Seems like something the attention to detail loving Cyril would have picked up on.
3.) The “he” Mallory calls is often assumed to be the president. I checked and the attorney general has oversight over the FBI so that is another option. But since we know that at the end it turns out that was actually the CIA it also could have been the head of the office of Inspector General. Them being the cia also kind of makes sense why they had the makeshift storm ninja uniforms without fbi on the front.
4.) No debate that Mallory made the deal with the cia to sell coke. But, Archer is the one who reveals the coke to everyone else and asks “What are we going to do with literally, not figuratively, a ton of cocaine”. Mallory must have told Archer at least something about the plan. Some people think Archer didn’t know despite slater calling him out at the end of the season. I suppose that’s still debatable but Archer shows he knows a lot about other cia operations and I think Mallory would have needed Archer to help push things along. I’m sure she left something out but my take is Archer had some previous contact with Slater and Holly.
Thoughts? Other than that I watch too much Archer..
submitted by discodiscgod to ArcherFX [link] [comments]