Percocet hair results test

Is this a syohillis chancre ?

2024.05.20 00:49 farmerchip1900 Is this a syohillis chancre ?

Received unprotected oral sex where my testicals were also in the persons mouth about 3 weeks ago. A few days later a large red pimple like bump appeared on my testicle. It kept getting a little bit bigger over a few days. During a long hot shower I popped it and a bit of blood came out. It was a pretty big “open pimple” afterwards for lack of a better term. A few weeks later while it’s a lot smaller now, still looks like this. Getting tested this week but wanted some piece of mind. I’ve also had issues with ingrown hairs in the past a few times.
submitted by farmerchip1900 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:49 No-Put-2172 It’s a beautiful color but it’s not on the Nitrite chart…

It’s a beautiful color but it’s not on the Nitrite chart…
Can anyone tell me why my Fritz Nitrite test doesn’t even match any of the colors or in a range of colors on the chart?
I’m doing a fishless cycle and on my last day but the Nitritr keeps coming up bright magenta.
submitted by No-Put-2172 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:45 Jessawoodland55 Just came home from a 3 day off grid test

I've been trying to learn to make meals with no refrigeration required, learn how to bathe properly with limited water, and test how comfortable I am with my kit. All in all it was very successful. If anyone has any tips for me on the below, I'd love to hear it!
Breakfast (eggs, pancakes) and lunch (tuna and pbj) are easy with shelf stable foods, dinner is harder. I made bean soup with ham hocks one night and tacos with chorizo the other.
Im officially 100% comfortable bathing including shampooing my hair with one liter of water, which was my goal.
With my kit it's funny how you always come up with something that you reallyyy wish you had. This time was a brush to clean under my nails.
submitted by Jessawoodland55 to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:44 Electronic_Crazy8122 framebuffer read/write timing and rtl logic

I need to access and "do stuff" to the pixels in each from of video coming from HDMI RX then pass the resulting pixels/frames back through to HDMI TX.
I currently have the most basic setup working: HDMI RX > HDMI PHY > HDMI TX ip cores from xilinx. I can see that there's an "AXI Stream Video" interface that gives the raw pixels as TDATA in RGB888 format, and I can do simple things like grayscale conversion or other things to the pixels that don't add a lot of latency, and pass the TDATA resultant back to the HDMI TX (via test pattern generator pass-through which supposedly helps clean up timing).
But what if i want to do something that takes significant amount of time, at a slower clock rate? first i was thinking that's just two axi stream FIFOs (one to convert from ~300MHz axi stream video clock to some slower clock with appropriate fifo depth, then one from from the "slower" clock domain back to the fast clock). Then I remembered that the bare metal example can automatically setup and configure a framebuffer read and framebuffer write core, and since those use PS-connected DDR, I have access to a lot of fast memory. I had read that, even though the IP core settings don't show it, the framebuffer can only hold 32 frames at a time, and therefore the "stuff" i want to do needs to happen with a clock that is at slowest 1/32 the pixel clock, which is roughly 300MHz for 4k.
My goal here is to do stuff to pixels or frames or whatever and have everything "end up" back into a valid frame with correct timing. Startup or buffering delay isn't an issue, i just need the ultimate HDMI TX output to be running at full 4k speed. It should help that I really only need to be working in grayscale, but i haven't found a way to "force" the HDMI RX sink to be grayscale such that my original video source (for now just the HDMI output on my laptop) outputs packed Y8 format. but i don't think HDMI even supports that so I've just been doing a direct, clockless RGB to grayscale conversion (it's a formula that converts the 3 8-bit colors to a single 8-bit value, which is copied out to all 3 pixels, resulting in a grayscale image that's in 24-bit packed RGB888 format; i.e., the resulting 24-bit pixel value is just R=G=B, the calculated 8-bit value)
anyway, I know there's a video timing generator ip core, but i was thinking the hdmi tx core handles all that already, and i just need to provide a "valid" axi stream video input.
any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Electronic_Crazy8122 to FPGA [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:43 moveitf00tballhead Need advice about new horse

I have two QH geldings who have been living together for four years. They live out in a 3 acre pasture with a very very large run in shed. They get along great…one is the clear dominant horse and the other is very comfortable being the submissive one.
Three days ago we purchased a small pony mare for our daughter and the mare is living in the same pasture with my two QH geldings. The mare and my dominant QH seem to get along fine. My submissive QH will not stop harassing her, chasing her very aggressively with ears pinned back and exiling her from the run in shed. He is constantly biting her back resulting in a lot of hair loss on her back. She’s is not aggressive back… she just runs away and squeals and try’s to avoid him.
I do know that they will need time to adjust to each other but I can’t help but feel that I have set this poor pony up for a lonely life. She sleeps along the tree line alone since she isn’t allowed into the run in. She stays on one side of the pasture while the two boys are at the other far end. I wanted to ask for some advice. Is there anything I can do or do these things just sort themselves out naturally. I’ve only even owned geldings and I’m new to the mare ownership life. She has a wonderful personality and I’m worried she will not be happy here.
submitted by moveitf00tballhead to Horses [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:43 Impressive_Tart_8363 [1 YOE] Current Software Engineer looking to get a position in a major city

[1 YOE] Current Software Engineer looking to get a position in a major city
Hi, I currently have about 1 YOE and even though I am very thankful to even have a job in this current market, I desperately want to move to a major city in the usa. I've been applying for a little bit ~300, and have gotten only 2 interviews. Any advice would be very appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by Impressive_Tart_8363 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:42 SealEnthusiast2 Does SAMDUMP2 still work for Windows 11?

Hey y’all, I’m asking this question on here since the internet is not turning up any results here.
I have a windows SYSTEM and SAM registry file exported onto my VM that I’m trying to extract password hashes from. I’ve been testing SamDump2, but it doesn’t seem to be working as intended (I know my password. When hashing it with Windows’ NT/LM algorithms, the results aren’t matching with what SamDump2 is giving me).
My question is - does SamDump2 still work for windows 11, and if not, what’s a tool that works for that version?
submitted by SealEnthusiast2 to hacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:42 Fragrant-Holiday-929 Billed for something I didnt consent to?

I went to see my obgyn last month for a regular exam and he suggested that we do the Pap smear also because I was due and had it exactly three years prior (same doctooffice.) I said okay since it made sense to get it done. this is all covered at 100% with my health insurance. When I got an email to sign in to see my test results for the Pap, I see that unbeknownst to me he ran three other tests - chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis. When I looked at the test three years prior, it was only the Pap test that was run, like I had asked for then and like I had asked for this time. I then get a $25 bill with a description stating "IGP, CtNgTv, rfx Aptima HPV ASCU" which I'm assuming is for those three tests..? I understand they may have ran it because they may have assumed I should just do it routinely but this is very annoying considering I never wanted it nor did I think I need it and am now stuck with a bill for something I didn't want or consent to. Had he asked me if I wanted to get tested I would have said no. Can anyone clarify if they know what that description means and/or what are my options?
submitted by Fragrant-Holiday-929 to CodingandBilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:40 mobiusdixxx My ex '24F' and I '27M" broke up months ago. Why do I still hurt/care? And how can I move on?

I ‘27M’ and my ex ‘24F’ had been dating for a little over a year when she broke up with me 3 ½ months ago. This was the result of a gradual deterioration of our relationship which culminated in a complete breakdown of physical and emotional intimacy.
For context: this was my first serious relationship, and my ex was the first person that I introduced to my immediate and extended family.
Although there’d been issues throughout our relationship, which I would describe as being due to my poor communication and time management, coupled with my ex’s expectations and unwillingness to compromise – or as my friends/family said: my ex’s controlling nature and immaturity – (she also comes from wealth and is incredibly spoiled) the deterioration really began following an incident at a Thanksgiving in October (Canadian).
During a game of cards, my ex got excited and made a mistake with the rules, my brother ‘25M’ quipped that ‘it was a good thing that she was pretty” which made her angry. She threw the cards at him, stormed off, and slammed the door. This whole thing went down in front of my extended family. While I understand why my ex got upset, her reaction upset and embarrassed me.
This and other behaviour throughout the weekend caused her relationship with my family (particularly my parents) to cool and all communication between my ex and them ceased. It’s worth noting that while my parents understood why she was upset they were offended by her actions.
Later when I tried to talk to her about it, she got defensive and couldn’t understand why I was upset. She expected an apology not only from my brother (which I think she was owed), but also from my parents because she felt iced out.
At this point it’s important to mention that my mum has stage 4 lung cancer (which my ex was aware of) and at the time was having a tough time with her illness and didn’t have the capacity to respond to the situation. I know this doesn’t excuse my parents’ role in the situation, it’s important context as there were other limiting factors at play.
Fast forward a couple of months: Christmas is coming up and nobody is willing to come to the table and all parties dig in their heels… my ex doesn’t want to apologize for her actions, my brother doesn’t want to apologize for his comments, and my parents don’t think they owe her an apology for icing her out at all… This whole time I’m trying to resolve this (although my communication wasn’t great) and I watch this situation take on a life of its own… as a result, my ex doesn’t get invited to Christmas which upsets her even more…
Honestly, whose right or wrong is irrelevant at this point, suffice to say that I was in the middle, which caused me a great deal of stress. I tried to speak to my ex about how I was feeling but my ex wouldn’t acknowledge how the stress was impacting me… I gained a ton of weight, I had heart palpitations, and I stopped sleeping. I just needed someone to acknowledge my feelings, but she wouldn’t/couldn’t, and I felt completely alone and helpless.
This whole time my ex got more and more upset about the lack of progress and kept pressuring me to fix the relationship between her and my family… I get that it’s my family, but she took no imitative to try and resolve it, either on her own or with me (which I think would’ve been the best way to proceed), she just expected me to handle it on my own.
I tried to reiterate that my mum wasn’t doing well with her illness and was doing more tests, and I needed more time. She didn’t care. She was upset at how long it was taking, I get that, but I can’t control the other parties… I finally get my parents to agree to a sit-down meeting, and I spent days prepping for it, however, a day beforehand my ex bailed, and I went into the meeting alone. Afterwards, she wanted to know what we talked about, to make sure I had stood up for her…
Yet two days later she told me that she wanted to go no contact for a week, that this relationship was too difficult… a week later she called me and told me she loved me, missed me, and wanted to talk. The next day when I went to meet her at her place, she had all my stuff in bags at the door. She kicked me our of her apartment, and I sat in the hall and cried while I waited for my ride. While I sat there someone, probably her, called security on me and I was escorted out of the building, and I was left on the curb with all my belongings… This was the last time we spoke.
There were other factors at play, like how my ex’s roommate ‘25F’ kept getting involved in our relationship and making comments (following her own breakup). Or that it’s highly likely that my ex has BPD. Or how my ex got upset that I rejected her approaches for sex three times right before we went no contact (as she has violated my boundaries and wouldn’t acknowledge that she had or how uncomfortable she had made me). But the story I shared really captures the heart of it: a lack acknowledgement of my emotions, and my boundaries.
I just feel so stupid. There were so many red flags going into it, and so many things that I didn’t like… but I tried so hard and doubled down. Convinced that if I just cared a little bit more, that somehow it would work out. In hindsight, I know I got taken advantage of, I spoiled her, I paid for everything, I did whatever she wanted, I dropped everything I was doing when she called… I gave up some much to be with her… I sacrificed my school, my work, my time, my goals… and then she just kicked me to the curb. Her feelings always seemed to supersede my own, and I took a back seat. Not to mention that she threw out the remainder of my belongings when I asked for them back.
So, it leads me to this: why does this still hurst so badly? She didn’t treat me well, and I was so unhappy for so long. Why am I so stuck? I can’t get her out of my mind. Is this trauma bonding? If it is, what can I do? I feel like I completely lost myself over the past year. Part of me just wants to talk to her, but I know she wants nothing to do with me… and part of me knows it won’t do any good…
submitted by mobiusdixxx to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:33 Ravefia HAIRY GIRLS (help me)

I love using Reddit to promote hairy girl content! Does very well here HOWEVER I am looking to branch out and wondered what other platforms you do well on?
I’ve tried Instagram but it usually results in “ew gross there’s a hair on it” type people subscribing who don’t want to buy extras and there’s not really a way to advertise that I cater to that niche without breaking guidelines. So I’m curious what other platforms you do well on and how you promote it <3
submitted by Ravefia to CreatorsAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:33 Local_Zombie_93 Blood test results help

Hi l'm trying to understand. CA 15-3 138 U/ml. CA 27-29 158 U/ml. CEA .7 ng/ml. Quick back story. Breast cancer back in 2009. Pneumonia. X-rays. Water in lungs. Biopsy of the water in lungs. Cancer cells were found. Doc thinks breast cancer again. Labs were done these are the results. Does it looks like the cancer has spread? PET scan and DEXA scheduled in 2 weeks. Trying to ease my mind.
submitted by Local_Zombie_93 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:32 Fit-Lingonberry-4730 Took ISC Exam today

Today was the last day of this test window and took ISC. Who else took it today with me? Good luck to all of us waiting for the results ✋️
I believe Uworld has prepared me well. Finished MCQ in an hour and fifteen minutes. Be careful on the timing, the TBSs take time to read and understand what is required with many exhibits. I think I bombed the last one due to timing issues. This is all even though I had enough time because I managed to finish MCQs fast. Wondering 🤔 for many this exam was a breeze...
My advice; know your SOCS inside out and DBMS like Relational Database and SQL basics....I think the rest is manageable, from my experience.
All the best 👍 REG is next for me...
submitted by Fit-Lingonberry-4730 to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:29 1DMod TTPD is Referencing Black & White Movies/Old Hollywood, NOT Stages Grief

TTPD is Referencing Black & White Movies/Old Hollywood, NOT Stages Grief
Taylor Swift’s new album The Tortured Poet’s Department is referencing old black & white films, not the stages of grief. This can be seen in so many of the posts that have shown up on this sub, connecting the songs, the tour visuals, and the lyric videos to old black & white movies. As I have believed since my first listening, TTPD is about the entertainment industry (specifically the toxic aspects of it)and not about specific romantic muses. There are many references littered throughout, but another mod and I are working on something that discusses my very fav reference…so this post won’t reference the best of all the references imo.

Black & White Films

There has always been debate about if Taylor comes up with easter eggs on her own or if she sees what fans are saying and rolls with it. I think she did the latter with the concept that TTPD was referencing the stages of grief. If you’ll remember, she never said that’s what she was intending, she just created some playlists and Swifties rolled with it and declared that that’s what the colours meant the entire time. What if it wasn’t? What if the colours of the albums and the poses on them were referencing old Hollywood films, predominantly black & white ones? What are black and white films comprised of? Black, white, grey, and sepia.

The Eras Tour in Black & White

We can see this reflected again in her presentation of I Can Do It With A Broken Heart at the Eras tour, referencing Gentleman Prefer Blondes…but black and white…with a silver and a gold version… I am writing this post for u/rott-mom, because her comment made me want to swish it off my mental desk so I can think more about the wild connections I’ve been seeing between my fav gay men and Taylor. This is a comment she posted that caught my attention, with Reddit‘s misogynistic censoring accounted for.
This video is a great discussion of the possible connections that link even further to old Hollywood and TTPD.
Taylor is leading us all to these things, in my opinion… And by us, I do actually mean gaylors…because much of the connections I’ve made will not be seen by Swifties/Hetlors. They are directly related to closeting, Morality Clauses, Lavender Marriages, and the fact that the “golden era of Hollywood” was also the dawn of massive homophobic closeting on a national level - James Dean, Cary Grant, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, and soooo many others.

Lavender Marriages

During the Golden Age of Hollywood in the 1920s, queer actors and actresses were only able to achieve success if they curtailed their authentic selves and tailored their image to meet the expectations and demands of the film studios. For queer preformers, that most often meant that they would need to be closeted and to marry a individual of the opposite sex.
Studios and management companies would be aware that some of their biggest stars were queer and would go so far as to have actual weddings to quell what they considered unsavory rumours — this is where the term “lavender marriage” came from. They actually closeted two queer celebrities by marrying them to one another! The widespread belief is that lavender marriages are no longer as widespread in the industry, though many — particularly queer historians — have their doubts about this.

Morality Clauses

Lavender marriages were a solve in part for “moral clauses” issued by big studios at the time. The clauses, first introduced by Universal Film Company, permitted the company to discontinue actors' salaries "if they forfeit the respect of the public.” The kind of behavior deemed unacceptable ranged widely from criminal activity to association with any conduct that was considered indecent or startling to the community. The clauses exist to this day — Harry Styles was explicit regarding the immense relief he felt when he left his One Direction morality clause and entered into a less restrictive (but still present!!) morality clause in his solo career.
(Yes, I did just copy/paste from our Wiki. I wrote it, I am allowed to.)

Screaming Colour?

The Fortnight music video is entirely in black & white, with the only pieces that are in screaming colour being the lesbian pride flag, the gay men’s pride flag, and fire. She‘s burning down the old ways, allowing colour to come in…and the colour is gay and lesbian, sunset and night. Similarly, in a landscape reminiscent of an old western film (cowboys 💅 and culturally subversive), we get them surrounded by the white script pages, written by the shadowy individuals old hollywood forced into closets…it’s with the blinding fire of white flame, blue flame, and red/pink/orange flame, that the scripts are burned…with the only other scene with colour in the video being that of Taylor standing in a room where their forced act - their stunt - is burning up around her…liberating them all.
The concept of shadow figures in music videos represent the closeted self, hidden lovers, and the shadow self (Hi Peter!) that follows one around in hopes of reattaching can also be found in Harry Styles’ works. Similar to how I've been revisiting old Taylor stuff with a muse free perspective, I've been revisiting Harry and Louis' stuff through that lens in order to see additional meanings. While I do believe that Louis is represented by the shadow man, I also believe the shadow represents Harry's hidden (queer) half, his literal shadow self - cut off from him and sent to the sidelines as a result of being forcibly closeted by the entertainment industry. Here is a wonderful post on how Peter is about Harry Styles
I also think it’s worth noting that in black & white films, the makeup women are wearing is wildly and freakishly colourful - it needs to be to show up ”normal” on film. If this was shot in a traditional manner, Taylor is wearing green lipstick in this shot. She likely looks wildly colourful, but in a manner that would be considered grotesque by those who don’t understand.
Similarly, this shot is conversion therapy…but also pulp science fiction. As someone who is a devout horror lover and has written on the topic of horror as one of the ultimate sites of subversive discourse around race and misogyny, this is next level iconography. What is grotesque in this? Is it her femininity, her masculinity in a female body, her orange/white/pink/purple essence, her face, her curly hair?
In conclusion, there is no conclusion. This will be followed up sometime this week with another post that has u/premier-cat-arena and I very excited…we haven’t started writing it tho 🙃
submitted by 1DMod to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:28 bart_y My Owala Experience

TL;DR. I bought an Owala Bottle for $35 last fall, took a small drop out of an open car door, tiny ding, stopped insulating, reached out to Owala, got nothing but a run around by every level of their customer service. Out $35 and a functioning product.
I purchased my 32oz Owala Free Sip in September of 2023 at a local Walmart. I have long preferred to drink water cold so I have owned a wide variety of bottles and tumblers over the years from many manufacturers. I bought the Owala knowing nothing about the product or their "color drop" marketing strategy. I found the lid system to be interesting and innovative, and the product appeared to be well made. So I picked one up, and was quite satisfied by its overall performance.
Fast forward to April 2024, I am putting some things back into my (non-lifted) F150 pickup after an outing, including my Owala bottle. I placed it on the bench seat while I put a few things down in the bed. I walk back to the cab, my son gets in the back seat and knocks if off the bench seat, rolls onto and across the carpeted floor, out the door and onto the parking lot surface. I pick it up and there's a small ding and some very minor scratches to the paint. I don't think anything of it the minor damage to it, the ice I had added over 24 hrs prior had long since melted.
I get home a few hours later, and put some ice and water in the bottle. After about 15-20 minutes the exterior of the bottle starts to sweat like an ordinary, uninsulated glass. Probably an hour or so later, most of the ice I had put inside had already melted. Usually I could get at least a good 12-14 hours before ice would completely melt away if I repeatedly filled the bottle during the day. If I put some ice and water and just left it it wasn't uncommon for it to keep the liquid cold for 20-24 hrs.
I fill out the warranty form on Owala's site, expecting a company advertising a lifetime warranty and selling what appears to be a well made, quality product, having no qualms over replacing a bottle that isn't doing what it is supposed to over such a minor mishap. I, and any other reasonable individual understands that sometimes a company's product doesn't perform quite the way that it should.
But, I guess I was expecting too much from Owala. Within a couple of days, I received a boilerplate "we are sorry, but our warranty does not apply to products that have suffered accidental damage"
OK. If I had driven off with the bottle on the roof of the car, it fell off, got hit by another car, or thrown off a cliff, I'd see their point. They aren't running a charity. But a small drop from less than table height?
I call Trove Brands, Owala's parent company, hoping to get some resolution there. They look up my warranty ticket, and automatically give me the same "Sorry, but..." response. I ask to speak to a manager, and none is available. I ask to have my call returned when one is...and as you can see where this is headed, I never get a call back. I try again the next day, this time I am at least permitted to leave a voice mail for the "manager". Again, call not returned.
Fast forward a couple of weeks (I'm not going to waste my time on vacation trying to deal with a non-responsive company) and I try again. This time, I finally get a manager on the phone. I spell out what happened.
"I'm sorry, but accidental damage is not covered...." Oh boy, here we go again.
(Following is paraphrased, of course)
I ask the manager "does Owala test their products for expected mishaps?"
"Yes we do."
"I am correct in reading that Owala warranties their products for manufacturing defects? Is it possible that the issue I experienced is due to a defect in the product that resulted in a failure of the product where it should not have failed"
"Yes, we warrant against defects, but we cannot foresee every possible situation, and unfortunately in this case cannot warranty your product"
"So basically, what I am being told, is that Owala doesn't stand behind their products. That a minor ding, less than 1/8" in diameter, from a fall less than the height of a normal table, is enough to render it unfit for the purpose it is sold for?"
*Crickets for about 30 seconds* Then the "manager" goes into regurgitating the warranty policy again. I stop him mid sentence.
"So you are marketing your product as a premium product, and are charging a premium price for it, but it can't stand up to what should be a foreseeable mishap by your product engineers?"
"We cannot foresee every event, and cannot warranty against accidental damage"
Same basic exchanges go on for another 5 minutes or so, I ask to speak to his boss, who of course, is not available. I offer to wait, and get the explanation that "he's training new employees and will not be available today". Exasperated (and that's being kind) at this point, I just hang up.
Take this as a warning to not buy an Owala unless you have $30-40 to burn should you do anything to the bottle that happens in everyday life. You WILL NOT get any resolution from their customer service, just endless run arounds and a lighter wallet. Buy from a company that doesn't try to hide behind legalese when someone has a problem with their product.
submitted by bart_y to owalasucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:26 MohawkM Upper-body vascular disease?
I'm a male in my mid-30s. For context: I'm not overweight, however I'm quite sedentary (working on this). I've taken prednisone infrequently over the past year in connection with a GI problem. This may have worked out to an average of 15 mg to 20 mg, single doses, twice or thrice a month. The prednisone is no longer needed and has been retired. I also take finasteride as a prophylactic measure against androgenic hair loss at 1.25 mg per day. I'll be reducing this to 1.25 mg every two days, so a 50% reduction.
Notably, I do have varicose veins on my legs. They're not severe, however they've resulted in a pretty significant number of spidesecondary veins.
I have started developing prominent blue veins all over my chest in addition to telangiectasia. The photograph I've attached clearly shows the telangiectasia on the side of my chest, however the camera fails to capture the intensity of the blueness of the larger veins. They're mostly on my upper-chest and the sides of my abdomen. The telangiectasia seem to be branching from the blue veins, perhaps due to reflux. This is both alarming and cosmetically unappealing. I've arranged for my hormones to be measured and estradiol was 147 pmol/l with total testosterone at 29 nmol/l (free is 391 pmol/l). Progesterone is < 0.6 nmol/l.
I haven't yet undergone bloodwork to assess the health of my liver -- this is a major priority. It's my understanding that this sort of thing is typically associated either with estrogen excess and/or liver disease (fatty, cirrhosis, etc.) I'm in the process of trying to arrange consultations with vascular surgeons/specialists and further bloodwork (as mentioned), in addition to reaching out to my gastroenterologist about my liver.
First question, what comes to mind as a potential cause? What are these sorts things usually associated with?
Second, can lower-extremity venous insufficiency, or varicosed veins, translate into issues impacting the upper-body?
Third, might this indicate thrombosis or something of that nature?
Fourth, can corticosteroids cause this type of thing in and of itself?
Fifth, is my estradiol level higher than one might expect? I assume this is related to DHT inhibition and higher-than-average testosterone levels, and therefore, greater aromatization of testosterone into estradiol. Should I have estrone measured as well? What bloodwork would be worth undertaking beyond what's planned?
Thank you for your time and any help that can be offered. This has greatly diminished my QOL as it's definitely harmed my appearance. I'm developing telangiectatic lesions under my eyes and on my cheeks as well, which is very disturbing, and my response to PDL/VBeam hasn't been great.
submitted by MohawkM to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:26 putinhuiloo 2006 dodge charger rt stall

2006 dodge charger rt stall
My 2006 dodge charger rt randomly stalls. Usually on slower speeds. The throttle body, yellow engine light and low oil pressure light comes on and engine cuts off. Once you put it into neutral you can restart it and continue driving until it randomly stalls again. All dash warning lights vanish once the car restarts. If it stalls during faster speed you can pump the throttle and it starts up the engine again. Sometimes, it stalls a few times a day. Sometimes, it runs perfectly all day. I brought it to firestone mechanic to get diagnosed and they kept the car for 3 day. The mechanic could not locate the problem for sure. He said he went thru all grounds, checked the harness and connectors. Everything that basically came in his mind. He recommended trying to change the sparkplugs because apparently with this model if a sparkplug fails then It can cause the pcm to reset. I changed all 16 plugs tonight and also swapped out the throttle body for a new one. Also changed both egr line gaskets. Still stalls. Anything ideas what it could be before I spend €600+ on a new pcm? I would greatly appreciate any ideas or suggestions on how to fix this problem.
submitted by putinhuiloo to Dodge [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:24 putinhuiloo 2006 dodge charger r/t stall

My 2006 dodge charger rt randomly stalls. Usually on slower speeds. The throttle body, yellow engine light and low oil pressure light comes on and engine cuts off. Once you put it into neutral you can restart it and continue driving until it randomly stalls again. All dash warning lights vanish once the car restarts. If it stalls during faster speed you can pump the throttle and it starts up the engine again. Sometimes, it stalls a few times a day. Sometimes, it runs perfectly all day. I brought it to firestone mechanic to get diagnosed and they kept the car for 3 day. The mechanic could not locate the problem for sure. He said he went thru all grounds, checked the harness and connectors. Everything that basically came in his mind. He recommended trying to change the sparkplugs because apparently with this model if a sparkplug fails then It can cause the pcm to reset. I changed all 16 plugs tonight and also swapped out the throttle body for a new one. Also changed both egr line gaskets. Still stalls. Anything ideas what it could be before I spend €600+ on a new pcm? I would greatly appreciate any ideas or suggestions on how to fix this problem.
submitted by putinhuiloo to mechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:24 NomDeiX Cleared SIBO with Rifaxamin but still having symptoms?

Cleared SIBO with Rifaxamin but still having symptoms?
I'm wondering if anyone is/was in the same situation as me where clearing SIBO didn't help with all the symptoms. I firstly tested positive for Hydrogen SIBO in January as below
Afterwards did 1x round of Rifaxamin followed by 6-7 weeks of strict low-fodmap diet and reintroduction of food, afterwards also on artichoke and ginger prokinetics and PHGG sunfiber. During Rifaxamin had typical die-off symptoms, felt a bit better for a week but afterwards the symptoms started coming back. Also during the low-fodmap diet, I had severe fatigue which disappeared after I stopped with low fodmap. Main symptoms are gas and burping. The gas then results in abdominal pain and discomfort as well. I retested couple weeks ago and received these results (now did the standard hydrogen and methane test + separate hydrogen sulphide test):
The hydrogen & methane test came back negative. The hydrogen sulphide test came positive because 'Peak concentration: 26.8ppb (Normal is <25ppb)' However I am not sure how reliable this is, especially given that this concentration lowered over the course of taking the samples. The symptoms of gas that results in bloating and abdominal discomfort still persist. I am now trying to get a test to test for sifo.
submitted by NomDeiX to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:23 DontKnowSam Looking to apply to my local wastewater/reclamation plant. Confused between to different positions.

Hello all, I'm a younger guy looking to get in with the city as an Operator in the wastewater plant. However, there are two different positions and I'm not sure what the differences are. Maybe someone can explain. I should mention I have 0 experience working with wastewater or public utilities, but have worked seasonally for the city last year so I have a foot in the door. So I'm not sure which would be a better fit. The water reclamation position has a higher salary range and pay more to start, but looks to have more responsibilities.
First position: "Water Reclamation Facility Operator I"
Second Position: "Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator I"
Desired: Class A or B license
I'll probably apply to both but maybe someone here can differentiate what I'd be doing and the expectations between the two? The waste-water (second one) seems more manual labor heavy, and desires but doesn't require a CDL? Any advice would be great.
submitted by DontKnowSam to Wastewater [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:19 Soninetz WhatConverts API Integrations: Unveiling the Power

WhatConverts API Integrations: Unveiling the Power
Looking to streamline your data tracking? WhatConverts API integrations offer a seamless solution for businesses seeking efficient and accurate data collection. By effortlessly connecting various platforms, you can now consolidate your data in one place, saving time and eliminating errors. Whether you're drowning in scattered information or craving a unified system, WhatConverts API integrations provide the contrast you need for organized and effective data management. Say goodbye to manual data entry woes and hello to a streamlined process that boosts productivity and accuracy.
Useful Links:
  1. WhatConverts LifeTime Deal
  2. WhatConverts Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize WhatConverts API for Enhanced Functionality: By integrating WhatConverts API, businesses can streamline their processes, improve data accuracy, and gain valuable insights for better decision-making.
  • Start Integration Efforts with a Clear Plan: Begin the API integration process by defining clear objectives, understanding your specific business needs, and ensuring seamless communication between systems for optimal results.
  • Explore Diverse Integration Options: Investigate the various integration options available with WhatConverts API to choose the most suitable method that aligns with your business requirements and technical capabilities.
  • Leverage Integration for Business Expansion: Maximize the potential of WhatConverts API integration to fuel business growth, enhance customer engagement, and drive revenue by leveraging the integrated data effectively.
  • Monitor Performance and Adapt Strategies: Regularly monitor the performance of your API integrations, analyze data insights, and adapt your strategies accordingly to maximize the benefits and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
  • Stay Updated with WhatConverts Features: Keep abreast of new features and updates from WhatConverts to ensure that your API integrations are optimized for efficiency and effectiveness.

Benefits of WhatConverts API

Enhanced Marketing ROI

WhatConverts API integrations can significantly enhance marketing ROI by providing real-time data on lead generation sources, enabling businesses to allocate resources effectively. This integration allows for accurate tracking of marketing campaigns, leading to informed decisions that maximize returns.

Streamlined Lead Generation

Integrating WhatConverts API streamlines the lead generation process by consolidating data from various sources into a single platform. This consolidation eliminates manual data entry tasks, saving time and ensuring that no leads are overlooked. Businesses can efficiently manage leads and follow up promptly, improving conversion rates.
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Data-Driven Decision-Making

Getting Started with API Integration

Account Registration

To begin the API integration process, start by registering for a WhatConverts account. This step is crucial as it provides you with the necessary access to initiate the integration.

Obtain API Credentials

Once you have successfully registered, the next step involves obtaining your API credentials. These credentials serve as the key to unlocking seamless data exchange between WhatConverts and your systems.

Follow Documentation

To ensure a smooth and successful integration, it is essential to follow the detailed step-by-step documentation provided by WhatConverts. This documentation acts as a guide, outlining each stage of the integration process.

Exploring Integration Options

Integration Categories

WhatConverts API offers a diverse range of integrations to streamline your marketing efforts. From CRM platforms to analytics tools, there are various categories available.

Google Ads Integration

Integrate seamlessly with Google Ads using WhatConverts API to track and analyze your ad campaigns effectively. Monitor conversions and optimize your advertising strategies.

Facebook Ads Integration

Enhance your marketing campaigns by integrating WhatConverts API with Facebook Ads. Gain valuable insights into the performance of your ads and improve targeting for better results.

Call Tracking Capabilities

Utilize WhatConverts integration options to implement robust call tracking solutions. Monitor inbound calls, track conversions, and attribute them to the right marketing channels.
Useful Links:
  1. WhatConverts LifeTime Deal
  2. WhatConverts Free Trial

Maximizing Business Growth

Building Sales Funnels

Integrate WhatConverts API to streamline and enhance sales processes. Connect lead generation tools for seamless data flow.
Enhance customer journeys by integrating WhatConverts with CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot. Automate lead management for increased efficiency.

Optimizing Landing Pages

Utilize integrated tools to optimize landing pages for higher conversion rates. Implement A/B testing for improved user engagement.
Create personalized experiences by combining WhatConverts data with website analytics. Tailor content based on visitor behavior insights.

Measuring Marketing Performance

Track marketing efforts across channels using WhatConverts integrations. Analyze data to identify top-performing campaigns and channels.
Implement attribution modeling through integration with Google Analytics. Gain insights into the effectiveness of each marketing touchpoint.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, integrating WhatConverts API can revolutionize how you track and optimize your business performance. By leveraging the benefits of seamless integration, you can streamline processes, gain valuable insights, and propel your business towards exponential growth. Take charge of your data and harness the power of WhatConverts API to unlock a new realm of possibilities for your business.
Ready to supercharge your business growth? Dive into WhatConverts API integration today and witness firsthand the transformative impact it can have on your operations. Harness the potential that awaits and elevate your business to new heights with WhatConverts API at your fingertips.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of integrating WhatConverts API?

Integrating WhatConverts API allows seamless tracking of leads, conversions, and marketing efforts. It provides real-time data insights for optimizing campaigns, improving ROI, and enhancing overall business performance.

How can I get started with API integration for WhatConverts?

To begin integrating WhatConverts API, sign up for an account on their platform. Access the API documentation to understand endpoints and authentication methods. Follow the step-by-step guide provided to set up the integration efficiently.

What integration options can I explore with WhatConverts API?

WhatConverts API offers versatile integration options such as CRM systems, email marketing platforms, analytics tools, and custom applications. Choose the integrations that best suit your business needs to streamline data flow and enhance marketing strategies.

How can integrating WhatConverts API contribute to maximizing business growth?

By integrating WhatConverts API, businesses can gain valuable insights into lead sources, customer behavior, and campaign performance. This data-driven approach enables informed decision-making, targeted marketing efforts, and ultimately drives revenue growth and business success.

Is it possible to customize WhatConverts API integrations for specific business requirements?

Yes, businesses can customize WhatConverts API integrations to align with their unique requirements. Tailor data fields, reporting formats, and integration workflows to ensure seamless communication between different systems and optimize data utilization for specific business goals.
Useful Links:
  1. WhatConverts LifeTime Deal
  2. WhatConverts Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:17 llotuseater How often for hearing tests? Odd congenital loss

Hi there! Hope this is ok to ask. I’m not asking for a diagnosis. While we don’t know what’s caused my hearing loss, we know I have it.
I am 25f with moderate bilateral hearing loss of congenital origins. It’s mostly in mid frequencies so I wear hearing aids to help me comprehend speech. I have conductive and sensorineural loss in my right ear and sensorineural in my left. My hearing loss fluctuates during tests, which sent me to the ENT who found nothing. I had MRI and CTs to check for SSCD but came back clear. However during one test where she puffed air in my ear (I don’t know the test, I believe it’s one to test for fistulas), I got a severe vertigo episode lasting for 5 days and have had vestibular migraines (undergone extensive vestibular testing) ever since.
I received nothing from the ENT about my odd loss as focus became managing my new debilitating vestibular migraines, but my question is I’m not sure how often I should be getting hearing tests as previous focus has been on more urgent issues.
I live in australia and am unsure if the full extensive hearing test I would need at the audiologist is covered on Medicare or if it’s just the 20 minute test. I can’t afford it to not be free at the moment so that will factor in when I get it done too.
I’m just wondering, since it’s been almost 2 years, should I be getting tested yearly? I have only discovered the hearing loss when I was 22 and it has been a roller coaster since then, so I’ve never asked! When I was told I had hearing loss, it was every 2 years. But then it was discovered my hearing loss was more abnormal than it should be, and it all got more confusing.
I also don’t know if I should be pushing for further info from my ENT regarding the cause of the conductive component of my hearing loss. Last I was there the next step to rectify my vestibular migraines and work out what was going on was surgery since imaging resulted in nothing (very understanding this is not the scope of audiologists, so absolutely fine if no one has info on this).
Thanks again for reading. I’m a complicated case and feel like I’ve been thrown around the last few years not comprehending what’s happening to me and now the simple question of how often should I be tested is out of my brain. I should mention it’s not been established if my loss is progressive or not. My hearing fluctuates during the main beep test, I would imagine it would be more complex to determine progression.
Thank you again. I know this ended up being a ramble instead of the simple question it was meant ti be. I am just so confused as to what I should be doing for my hearing loss as it’s more complex but I don’t have money at the moment to seek an answer myself. If the comprehensive test ends up being free that’s my answer, I’ll just do that haha. I’m also interested if anyone has any random insights on my case!
submitted by llotuseater to audiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:12 WeirdViper Friday Night Smackdown Month 5 Week 1

Katana Chance vs Natalya
Results: With the recent release of her tag team partner, Katana now finds herself going solo, with a big test with the veteran Natalya. Natalya controls the early part of the match, her experience clearly an advantage. In the end Katana manages to pull off the win after hitting an impressive 450 splash
Winner: Katana Chance
We get a short hype video for Giulia, showing she has been dealing with some injuries during the IC title tournament recently but now is fully healthy and coming for gold
We cut to Julia Hart backstage and Skye Blue approaches her
Skye: Hey, where is Karmen at?
Julia: Didn't she come with you?
Skye: No I haven't talked to her all week I thought she was with you.
Both women seem confused and go off together to look for their ally Karmen Petrovic
Sasha Banks is in the ring and introduces her returning friend Bayley, once Bayley is in the ring the duo talk about how they are back together to reclaim the Women's Tag Team Titles and lead that division.
As the pair talk suddenly "Secrets" by Robert Quickenden begins to play, and out walk the debuting tag team of Killer Kelly and Masha Slamovich, known together as MK Ultra.
They get in the ring and just as they are about to speak they rush Sasha and Bayley attacking the pair. After a brief brawl, officials and referees run out and separate the two teams.
Rhea Ripley vs Skye Blue
Results: Rhea seems to be on a mission to take out some anger after being screwed over in the IC Title tournament as she is all over Skye. Skye Briefly gets the upper hand but Rhea takes back over and delivers a huge Riptide for the win
Winner: Rhea Ripley
New Intercontinental Champion Liv Morgan is backstage with Dominik Mysterio, when suddenly they are approached by Dakota Kai
Dakota: We have known each other awhile Liv, never knew you were such a coward and need someone like Dominik to help you win
Dominik: Hey do not talk to Liv that way, show her some respect
Liv: It's ok Dom, Dakota I simply did what was needed to get what I deserve, if you have a problem with that... do something about it
Dakota: Get what you deserve? that is an interesting phrase
Dakota then slaps Dominik in the face and walks off, Dominik holding his face as Liv stares down Dakota
Alexa Bliss vs Zelina Vega
Results: Zelina & Dakota recently agreeing to put their tag team goals on pause and agree to both get back into singles action, and Zelina is in a big spot against a decorated former champion. These 2 go back and forth and in the end it is a sneaky rollup with her feet on the ropes that gives Bliss the cheap win.
Winner: Alexa Bliss
The Women's Champion Tiffany Stratton is in the ring with the Tag Team Champions Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez, they start to cut a promo about still holding so much gold and how they are the dominant team in WWE
When suddenly, "Toxic" begins to play and out walk Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne, the trio known for their time in NXT get in the ring face to face with the trio of champions
Mandy: It has been awhile since the 3 of us have stood side by side, but we are back together and we are ready to run WWE just like we ran NXT, and there is nothing anybody ca--
Mandy gets cut off as some strange music begins to play, the lights cut to a dark red colour, as all 6 women start looking around. The big screen then cuts black then in gold lettering we see "The Revolution Is Coming"
This stays for a few seconds before the music stops, the lights return normal, and all 6 women are looking around the arena as if expecting some kind of run in.
Smackdown ends in a pile of confusion and speculation
submitted by WeirdViper to RedflamesBookingNow [link] [comments]