Link clicker proxy

Cookie Clicker

2013.08.11 17:13 ReubenMcHawk_ Cookie Clicker

A subreddit for the popular cookie-clicking game.

2008.11.22 00:38 Netflix

Unofficial Netflix discussion, and all things Netflix related! (Mods are not Netflix employees, but employees occasionally post here).

2016.02.09 18:55 n0cks Clicker Pirates: Idle Game Subreddit

Subreddit dedicated to the new idle game Clicker Pirates.

2024.05.20 05:24 TheChewyTurtle Ironclad Vanilla [SMP]{Whitelist}{6YearOldMap}{HermitCraft Style}{No Map Resets or Spawned items}{DynMap}{1.20.4}{BalancedCommands}

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Ironclad Vanilla has updated to 1.20.4
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Minecraft Version: 1.20.4
Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server that strives to maintain a thriving community. Our staff works non-stop providing grief/theft prevention as well as technical and community support. We deal with issues professionally and do not abuse our powers. Never worry about your progress being lost due to some griefer ever again!
Ironclad Vanilla follows a trust system for trading, and players usually use diamonds as money. The spawn has a few public trading post that you can set your own trades up in, or you can make a shop with all kinds of merchandise!
Ironclad Vanilla is more appropriately known as a Semi-Vanilla server because we allow access to some commands, but we do so in a more balanced way. All commands that give you any kind of advantage cost in-game money. Players must earn money through playtime, chat-games, or voting.
We don't give our donators items, and in all actuality we don't give anyone items. Everything you see on Ironclad Vanilla was made with resources collected on our maps. Nothing is spawned in. Donators however get cool commands that allow them to glow, ride pets, and chat in color!
The map will never, ever, be reset. This means that you have all the imaginative freedom that you want in creating the most amazing builds and structures without ever worrying about it being lost. Map downloads become available every few months, so you will have forever access to your builds!
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[1] GRIEFING/STEALING - ANY destructive behavior will NOT be tolerated! You are given ONE warning and that warning is the rules you agreed to when you joined the server. Our wonderful staff will catch any player that steals and/or griefs.
[2] CHEATING - Use of any resource pack, mod, or hack client such as (Nodus, and auto clicker) that gives you an unfair advantage on the other players are NOT allowed! If you are unsure if a mod is allowed ask! Using the world seed to find ores or spawners is considered x-raying here and is not allowed. Duping and Exploiting server bugs is considered cheating.
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As of May 6th, 2024
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[Mod] Lag_Monster
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[Mod] GarbyEXE
submitted by TheChewyTurtle to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:52 2manyminis Rampart Wolverine Tank Proxy? Leman Russ, Chimera, Royal Dorn?

Rampart Wolverine Tank Proxy? Leman Russ, Chimera, Royal Dorn?
New recruit here, looking at some more affordable tank options and quite proxy friendly. I was curious what people think of the Rampart Wolverine Tank and which vehicle it best aligns with - Leman Russ, Chimera, or Rogal Dorn?
Every time I look at it, I keep seeing bits of each but since I don’t have any of the actual models to do some measurements, I thought I’d ask what my fellow guardsfolk think?
Not looking to spam or anything but it seems foolish to not have at least 1 or 2 vehicle options in faction so I’d very much appreciate your opinions!
submitted by 2manyminis to astramilitarum [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:32 IngwiePhoenix My experience with Kubernetes, as a selfhoster, so far.

Late last year, I started an apprenticeship at a new company and I was excited to meet someone there with an equally or higher level of IT than myself - all the windows-maniacs excluded (because there is only so much excitement in a Domain Controller or Active Directory, honestly...). That employee explained and told me about all the services and things we use - one of them being Kubernetes, in the form of a cluster running OpenSuse's k3s.
Well, hardly a month later, and they got fired for some reason and I had to learn everything on my own, from scratch, right then, right now and right there. F_ck.
Months later, I have attempted to use k3s for selfhosting - trying to remove the tangled wires that is 30ish Docker Compose deployments running across three nodes. They worked - but getting a good reverse proxy setup involved creating a VPN that spans two instances of Caddy that share TLS and OSCP information through Redis and only use DNS-01 challenges through Cloudflare. Everything was everywhere - and, partially still is. But slowly, migrating into k3s has been quite nice.
But. If you ever intend to look into Kubernetes for selfhosting, here are some of the things that I have run into that had me tear my hair out hardcore. This might not be everyone's experience, but here is a list of things that drove me nuts - so far. I am not done migrating everything yet.
  1. Helm can only solve 1/4th of your problems. Whilst the idea of using Helm to do your deployments sounds nice, it is unfortunately not going to always work for you - and in most cases, it is due to ingress setups. Although there is a builtin Ingress thing, there still does not seem to be a fully uniform way of constructing them. Some Helm charts will populate the .spec.tls field, some will not - and then, your respective ingress controller, which is Traefik for k3s, will have to also correctly utilize them. In most cases, if you use k3s, you will end up writing your own ingresses, or just straight up your own deployments.
  2. Nothing is straight-forward. What I mean by this is something like: You can't just have storage, you need to "make" storage first! If you want to give your container storage, you have to give it a volume - and in return, that volume needs to be created by a storage provisioner. In k3s, this uses the Local Path Provisioner, which gets the basics done quite nicely. However - what about storage on your NAS? Well... I am actually still investigating that. And cloud storage via something like rclone? Well, you will have to allow the FUSE device to be mounted in your container. Oh, were where we? Ah yes, adding storage to your container. As you can see, it's long and deep... and although it is largely documented, it's a PITA to find at times what you are looking for.
  3. Docker Compose has a nice community, Kubernetes' doesn't...really. So, like, "docker compose people" are much more often selfhosters and hobby homelabbers and are quite eager to share and help. But whenever I end up in a kubernetes-ish community for one reason or another, people are a lot more "stiff" and expect you to know much more than you might already - or, outright ignore your question. This isn't any ill intend or something - but Kubernetes was ment to be a cloud infrastructure defintion system - not a homelabber's cheap way to build a fancy cluster to add compute together and make the most of all the hardware they have. So if you go around asking questions, be patient. Cloud people are a little different. Not difficult or unfriendly - just... a bit built different. o.o
  4. When trying to find "cool things" to add or do with your cluster, you will run into some of the most bizzare marketing you have seen in your life. Everyone/-thing uses GitOps or DevOps and includes a rat's tail of dependencies or pre-knowledge. So if you have a pillow you frequently scream into in frustration... it'll have quite some "input". o.o;
Overall, putting my deployments together has worked quite well so far and although it is MUCH slower than just writing a Docker Compose deployment, there are certain advantages like scaleability, portability (big, fat asterisk) and automation. Something Docker Compose can not do is built-in cronjobs; or using ConfigMaps that you define in the same file and language as your deployment to provide configuration. A full kubernetes deployment might be ugly as heck, but has everything neatly packaged into one file - and you can delete it just as easy with kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml. It is largely autonomous and all you have to worry about is writing your deployments - where they run, what resources are ultimatively utilized and how the backend figures itself out, are largely not of your concern (unless Traefik decides to just not tell you a peep about an error in your configuration...).
As a tiny side-note about Traefik in k3s; if you are in the process of migrating, consider enabling the ExternalNameServices option to turn Traefik into a reverse proxy for your other services that have not yet migrated. Might come in handy. I use this to link my FusionPBX to the rest of my services under the same set of subdomains, although it runs in an Incus container.
What's your experience been? Why did you start using Kubernetes for your selfhosting needs? Im just asking into the blue here, really. Once the migration is done, I hope that the following maintenance with tools like Rennovate won't make me regret everything lmao. ;
submitted by IngwiePhoenix to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:05 HazardousBusiness Hexblast mine Sabo help

I looked on Poe ninja and found a hexblast build making way more damage than mine at my level. I noticed they had a few items that seemed to be in a few builds, malachai's loop, badge of brotherhood, gravens secret belt and ralakesh boots. I had already worked into the hexblast build with sandstorm Visage, profane proxy and a curse on hit ring.
I found the gear on the market (on console) and have switched over to most of the things, still working on the cluster jewels, the adorned and the regular jewels.
My dps went up so much, and my survivability went way down.
My charges all show they're at maximum, except the absorption charges, that says 1/9. Is that correct? Is there an action I need to do to start some sort of mechanic for the fear I swapped over to?
I haven't been able to find a build guide or video for this version of hexblast mine Sabo with the added gear and having petrified blood in the mix.
When I can make it to the map bosses, they melt so fast.
Did I just switch my character over from something that could sort of run maps to something that is just supposed to show up to kill the map boss?
I don't have access to a PC. So can't get you a POB.
I do have a minified Poe planner link. Some of the stats and resists aren't accurate though.
Could someone point me towards a build guide or build video so I can try to understand this build now? Thanks!
submitted by HazardousBusiness to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:26 xttuen Super VPN Proxy - Proxy Master v3.6.5 (Premium)

Super VPN Proxy - Proxy Master v3.6.5 (Premium)
Name: Super VPN Proxy - Proxy Master
Version: 3.6.5
Credit to Telegram Channel ->
Mod features: ◉ Premium Features Unlocked ◉ Ads Removed (Except credit) ◉ Full Multi Language ◉ Apk Fully Optimized ◉ All debug Info Removed ◉ CPUs arch: arm64-v8a arm-v7a
Download Link:
submitted by xttuen to ModforAndroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:24 UnluckyForSome Moved my public-facing projects to the cloud - safest way to publicly self-host anything?

So after a few years self-hosting a few hobbiest websites on my Family NAS, I noticed I wasn’t properly finishing or publicising them because at the back of my head I was thinking: if this gets popular and I end up with 1000’s of hits, I don’t want some hacker to figure out a way to nuke my Photos/Games/Media/DockerApps etc

I was always super careful with security, I don’t know how a hacker could find my IP address through a reverse-proxied cloudflare-enabled domain, but maybe?
Seeing people on here get their systems encrypted etc have probably freaked me out a little too much, plus there’s the “NEVER PUBLICLY HOST ANYTHING ON YOUR NAS” crowd, so i’ve decided to just host all my static pages on Cloudflare Pages, and i’m in the process of learning AWS for the more complex bits I have

Was this a good idea?
It would still be nice to be able to host, say - a 2GB file on my Synology still, and be able to provide a safe public download link on one of my websites - is there a good way of doing this without reopening my ports?
submitted by UnluckyForSome to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:59 chrisrauh Aeon Flux (1991) is a masterpiece! Anything else like it?

I’ve just realized the 90’s 30min season of Aeon Flux is on Paramount+.
I’m finally watching the whole season in sequence - it was hard to catch them live back in the day and I never heard of the dvd release - and it’s an animation art masterpiece.
A lot of people know about it but very few have watched the season. It’s def worth it.
It’s hard to express how deep the story can go with so little run time. The setting is incredible, the german expressionist megastructures, the misterious soundtrack, the ambiguity of plot and character plus the sheer genius creativity of Peter Chung.
So now I’m wondering if there is anything like it to cure the post-season blues and follow up with?
— Edit —
Collecting the suggestions (no particular order but the ones I already watched recently, are from Peter Chung or had multiple people suggesting on top and less consensus on bottom):
People: - Peter Chung (Aeon Flux creator) - John Rafter Lee (voice of Trevor Goodchild). Also voiced the vampire Meier Link in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (English version of VHDB because that’s how it was originally written and filmed), Reign the Conqueror, Jason Wynn in Spawn, also narrated China Mieville’s books, and other audiobooks. - Enki Bilal (comic artist) - Gene Wolf - China Mieville - Genndy Tartakovsky (Primal) - Egon Schiele (painter)
submitted by chrisrauh to television [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:50 theswillmerchant The Great Serpent, The Formless Mother, and The Blood Star

The Great Serpent, The Formless Mother, and The Blood Star
I believe that the Great Serpent of Mt. Gelmir and The Formless Mother are related through Red Glintstone and The Blood Star. The nature of their relationship is unclear at this time, and although I have a theory I will not make any claim of certainty. Still, I think there is strong evidence that they share some significant ties to one another, and these connections lead to some interesting questions/observations about the nature of the Outer Gods.
Before I start I should acknowledge that:
  1. This game’s lore is often purposefully obtuse and it’s extremely difficult to say anything concrete.
  2. While mechanics and lore interact really well in Fromsoft games, sometimes a mechanic exists because it’s fun and cool, and not because it reveals some deeper truth about the story.
  3. I am not an Elden Ring Lore expert. I am also not a real life anthropologist, historian, writer, or anything else that would give me any real insight into these games and their lore or themes. I just think this stuff is neat.
Red Glintstone and The Blood Star
With that out of the way, let’s begin by talking about Red Glintstone. Most of the information about it comes from a few items, The Staff of the Guilty and Alberich’s Set. The Staff of the Guilty is a staff wielded by Thorn Sorcerers, found in certain areas of Liurnia and the Mountaintops of the Giants. The Thorn Sorcerers are criminals who have been punitively blinded with briars, and placed into servitude as soldiers under the Fire Monks. An excellent video by SmoughTown (which I will reference heavily from this point on) goes into much greater detail on the nature of these aberrant mages.
Alberich’s Set is the clothing of Mad Tongue Alberich, a former servant of the Roundtable Hold and heretical sorcerer. Most players will encounter him when he invades on the ground floor of the Roundtable, however his set is acquired from the Roundtable’s physical counterpart, the Fortified Manor in Leyndell.
The Staff of the Guilty reads:
“A heretical staff fashioned from a smoldering, withered sapling that turns the blood of sacrifices pierced by it into glintstone. Similar to hex magic.
Sorceries are scaled with faith rather than intelligence when wielding this staff which enhances Thorn sorceries in particular.”
Alberich’s Set (specifically the robe) reads:
“Mad Tongue Alberich's robe.
Set with red glintstones said to be formed by the blood of sacrifices. Strengthens thorn sorcery.
Alberich was an aloof yet disturbed heretical sorcerer said to have been driven mad by jeering tongues during his service to the Roundtable Hold long ago.”
What we learn from these items is that Red Glintstone is a form of Glintstone created from the blood of sacrifices. This is an odd property for any type of Glintstone to possess, since all other sources of information surrounding Glintstone imply that it is heavily related to the Stars and the Primeval Current, not something as terrestrial as blood.
The beginnings of an explanation for this come from the descriptions of two spells, namely those used by the Thorn Sorcerers and Alberich himself. These spells are called Briars of Sin and Briars of Punishment which read:
“An aberrant sorcery discovered by exiled criminals. Theirs are the sorceries most reviled by the academy.
Wounds the caster with thorns of punishment, sending a trail of bloodthorns running over the ground to impale enemies from below

The guilty, their eyes gouged by thorns, lived in eternal darkness. There, they discovered the blood star.”
So the Blood Star seems to be a celestial body that appears to the guilty after they are blinded. Again, SmoughTown’s video goes into great detail on this topic, but the brief summary is that it is an entity in and of itself, as many stars appear to be within Elden Ring’s cosmology. It is also the source of the astral properties necessary for a stone formed of blood to function as Glintstone. Through a combination of faith in this entity, bodily sacrifice, and this specific variant of Glintstone, aberrant magic can be wielded.
Another possible mention of the Blood Star, though less direct, comes from the description of the Great Stars weapon:
“Huge bludgeon with three stars at the striking end. Though primarily a striking weapon, the stars' spikes cause blood loss.
A blood-stained star is an ill omen, a fact not lost upon those against whom this weapon is brought to bear. Landing attacks slightly restores HP.”
The phrasing of this “ill omen”, along with its ability to restore HP, will become relevant later.
The Formless Mother
A logical leap that many people have taken when researching these topics is to assume that the Blood Star is in some way related to The Formless Mother, the Outer God that bestows blood-related power to Mohg and his followers. At the risk of sounding repetitive, SmoughTown again explores this relationship, noting their similarities mechanically (the fact that magic from these sources causes the Hemorrhage/Blood Loss status effect) and thematically (the fact that both of these entities seem to seek bloodshed, demanding sacrifices explicitly or wounds generally). He does however say that there are enough differences in the information known about these figures to cast some doubt on them being one and the same. I agree with this, however I do still believe they are related in a way that I will discuss after mentioning the other source of Red Glintstone present in the game.
The Great Serpent of Mt. Gelmir
In the war ravaged landscape of Mt. Gelmir stands Volcano Manor, home of Praetor Rykard. Within this fortified castle’s prison town are the Man-Serpents, the results of a blasphemous breeding process who patrol and defend against intruders. And one particular man-serpent wields a staff, the Gelmir Glintstone Staff.
“Staff with a forked tip, embedded with red glintstones. Enhances lava sorceries.
The Man-Serpents of Mt. Gelmir draw from faith in addition to intelligence to enhance the potency of their sorcery.”
Once again we see Red Glintstone used in a spell catalyst, and again it imbues this tool with properties reliant on faith. For further detail, we need to look at some of the aforementioned Lava Sorceries that are enhanced by this staff.
Magma Shot reads:
“One of the sorceries developed from the magma of Mt. Gelmir. 

After discovering the ancient hexes of Gelmir, Rykard, son of Queen Rennala, brought them back into practical use as new forms of sorcery.”
These sorceries are ancient, originally practiced by the adherents of a pagan religion that worshiped the Great Serpent of Mt. Gelmir. The timeline of events is not explicit, but it is a reasonable assumption that Rykard's incorporation of these hexes into modern sorcery was a component of his adoption of the ancient Gelmir religion, and his worship and great sacrifice to the Serpent.
In addition, the practices of the Gelmir Pagans provide another tie between Red Glintstone and ritual sacrifice. The Serpent-God’s Curved Sword says:
“Curved sword fashioned in the image of an ancient serpent deity and tool of a forgotten religion practiced on Mt. Gelmir.
Formerly used to offer up sacrifices, this sword restores HP upon slaying an enemy.”
These sacrifices are likely the source of the Red Glintstone used to channel the magic of Mt. Gelmir.
The Connections
Red Glintstone, through its presence in the Gelmir Glintstone Staff, Staff of the Guilty, and Alberich's set, ties together the Thorn Sorceries, and by extension the Blood Star, with the Gelmir magics. If you agree with the idea that the Blood Star and the Formless Mother are also related, then this also bridges together the followers of Rykard and Mohg. But Red Glintstone is not the only commonality between these factions and practices.
In no particular order:
Both Gelmir Sorceries and the Staff of the Guilty mention “Hex Magic”. Along with this being a nod to Dark Souls 2’s magic system, this language seems to distinguish these schools of magic from other Sorceries or Incantations. In particular, it groups both of these into a class of magic deemed heretical by current magic practitioners.
As mentioned above, both the Gelmir Religion and the Blood Star explicitly mention sacrifices as a source of their power.
(Credit to u/rukh999) All of the concepts/factions mentioned here share the theme of Heresy. Rykard and the Gelmir religion are "Blasphemous". The Briars and the Blood Star are tied to "Sin". As for the Formless Mother, the Bloodboon Incantations reads:
"Sacred incantation of Mohg, Lord of Blood.
Thrust arm into the body of the Formless Mother, then scatter the bloodflame to set the area ablaze.
The mother of truth craves wounds. When Mohg stood before her, deep underground, his accursed blood erupted with fire, and besotted with the defilement that he was born into."
Given the fact that the "underground" referenced here is likely the Shunning Grounds, a place for the outcasts of Leyndell, along with the explicit usage of the words "accursed" and "defilement" it is clear that the Formless Mother deals in these same themes.
Both Thorn Sorceries and many of the skills of the Formless Mother require a tithe of the user’s blood to be paid. Thorn Sorceries and the skills Seppuku, Bloody Slash, and Blood Blade deal damage to the caster in addition to their enemies, incorporating the thematic idea of sacrifice into gameplay mechanics.
Again speaking mechanically, both the Formless Mother and the Great Serpent offer their adherents methods of healing via combat. The Blasphemous Blade, Serpent-God’s Curved Sword, Devourer’s Scepter, Taker’s Cameo, and Rykard’s Great Rune are all holy artifacts of the Gelmir Religion, either from the ancient era or from Rykard’s. Critically, they all confer the power of healing by defeating enemies, or simply by attacking them in the case of the Blasphemous Blade and Devourer’s Scepter weapon skills. While there are a few other methods of achieving this effect scattered amongst the factions of the Lands Between, one of the most notable practitioners is Mohg, who uses his Sacred Spear to heal himself with his Bloodboon Ritual. It is worth noting that one of the only other ways to achieve the effect of healing via combat is with the Great Stars, providing another possible tie between these groups. Here I will acknowledge that this line of reasoning does not include the Greathorn Hammer, Butchering Knife, Assassin’s Crimson Dagger, or Malenia’s Great Rune, the other notable examples of this type of mechanic. For those curious, I believe that Malenia’s healing is at least partially explained by VaatiVidya in his video on the topic. Vaati is a small up-and-coming lore channel and I’m sure the little guy could really use a like and a sub!
Perhaps most significant though are the Recusant Finger and Bloody Finger items. These items, bestowed to the player after joining the ranks of Rykard and Mohg’s cults respectively, are functionally identical tools that allow invasions of other players’ worlds. Both are used for the express purpose of spilling Tarnished blood, and I do not believe it is a coincidence that they are related to the two demigods in question.
Given these threads connecting The Formless Mother, the Blood Star, and the Gelmir religion, what is the nature of their relationship? There seems to be a developing theme of "Similar but Different" as if these groups are warped reflections of one another. In my opinion, these cultures and practices share some kind of common ancestry. Again, while I don’t feel confident enough to state it with certainty, I will provide a possible explanation informed, ironically, by the Greater Will.
A Star Bearing a Beast
Most mentions of stars in the game’s text come from sources that are associated with the Glintstone, the Astrologers, Raya Lucaria, Astel, etc. However there is at least one mention of a star that sheds some light on their relationship to Outer Gods, the description of Elden Stars:
“This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree.

It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.”
It’s worth noting here that a topic often discussed by lore enthusiasts is the voice of the narrator in item descriptions, and the fact that it seems to change between items and vary in its reliability. For instance, rather than saying anything with concrete certainty here, it reads “It is said
” implying there is something apocryphal about the information. It is also worth mentioning that this description in particular is infamous in the community for muddying the waters on the nature of the Elden Ring, inscriptions found in Farum Azula, the timeline of the Lands Between, and many other topics.
Still, if we take this description at face value then it seems to imply that some stars, along with being entities themselves, are within the dominion of Outer Gods, and can be sent to the Lands Between “bearing beasts”. In the case of the Elden Star, a safe assumption would be that the beast in question is the Elden Beast, of frustrating boss fight fame.
Another item that relates ephemeral Outer Gods to corporeal creatures is the Twinbird Kite Shield:
“Shield featuring a vividly painted twinbird.
The twinbird is said to be the envoy of an outer god, and mother of the Deathbirds...”
Once again a presumably physical beast, the Twinbird, is said to be the envoy of an unnamed Outer God. If these two items represent a trend, then we can assume that Outer Gods have the ability to install “Beasts” in the Lands Between. The reason for this is unclear. They may be sent as sentient weapons to fight in proxy wars. It’s also possible that they are intended to be physical manifestations of the Outer Gods to spur worship. Thanks to the existence of the Two and Three Fingers, the Fire Giant, and Malenia, there is no shortage of evidence that the Outer Gods either require avatars in the Lands Between to communicate for them and exert their will, or at the very least prefer an indirect relationship for unknowable reasons. Regardless, it leads me to propose a theory:
The Theory
The Formless Mother, an Outer God, controled the Blood Star. This star was sent long before the current age to deliver a beast to the Lands Between, and this beast was the Great Serpent. Whether simply due to great expanses of time, the dominance of the Greater Will and the subsequent shunning of other Outer Gods, or some other reason that is left undiscovered, the link connecting these entities became faded, if not severed entirely. As a result, their once cohesive goals and principles diverged. The wounds craved by the Formless Mother became the sacrifices of sinners offered to the Blood Star, and the sacrificial practices of the Gelmir worshippers no longer satisfied the Serpent, now driven by world consuming avarice. These once merged forces were now fragmented, fated to fade into relative obscurity. Each sought new adherents in the sewers below the Erdtree, in the mountains overlooking it, and in the sinners exiled from it. The faithful of each deity created their own manner of worship, similar but different. This process can be observed in countless real world cultures who share common ancestry but diverge into discrete civilizations or religions. I believe that this explains the overlap between these seemingly disparate factions, while also accounting for their clear separation. Fromsoft has proven time and time again to be a team obsessed with the layering of culture and the echos of half-forgotten history, and I feel that this is yet another example of this theme.
I will say again that I am far from certain of this, as obviously there is no direct evidence of the Blood Star being "sent", or that every Outer God manifests a Beast. The Outer Gods are difficult to interpret at the best of times, and making generalizations about them is often unwise. Still, I believe strongly that some relationship of this type exists between these groups. I hope that with the DLC looming we may be given more information about the ancient era of the Lands Between and the various religions and cultures that existed prior to the dominance of Marika's Golden Order, but knowing Fromsoft I think it’s likely we’ll get more questions than answers.
If you’ve read this entire thing then the toilet seat is likely cutting off the circulation to your legs and you should stand up, but I greatly appreciate your time. Please let me know what you think of this theory, or if there’s anything you think I’ve misinterpreted or left out entirely.
submitted by theswillmerchant to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:21 Virtual_Habit_7888 [Article] Hemodynamic Management in the Prevention and Treatment of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

doi : 10.1007/s12028-023-01738-w
submitted by Virtual_Habit_7888 to Scholar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:50 Elgatee Smartlink not smartlinking: Shouldn't it "just work"? And how to solve it if not

Alright, so I watched this tutorial on NavLinkProxy, and it seemed rather simple. In my case, i have placed the link, the Left at the bottom, and the right at the top. I made sure the link is Left to Right only and used a NavModifier Volume to make sure there was no NavMesh on the escalator. I expected to just work, but the AI doesn't seem to understand it and goes for another, much further path.
submitted by Elgatee to unrealengine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:52 MoreMotivation This is the hardest Elmo has ever worked in his life

This is the hardest Elmo has ever worked in his life submitted by MoreMotivation to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:52 tareekpetareek Brightcom is probably going to be delisted from the stock exchanges. A fun read from last year about some of its accounting shenanigans

Brightcom is probably going to be delisted from the stock exchanges. A fun read from last year about some of its accounting shenanigans
Original Source: (my newsletter Boring Money. If you like what you read, do visit the link and subscribe to receive future posts directly in your inbox)

The standard way for a company to make a profit is to produce a thing at some cost, then sell that thing at a higher cost, and pocket the difference. Another, if slightly frowned upon, way of making a profit is to not worry too much about what your company is producing or selling. Instead, at the end of the quarter, you can pick up your financial statements, take a pen, put some nice numbers under “revenue” and erase the numbers under “expenses”. On paper, the company’s making a profit either way.
The risk, apart from running out of money, is that the company might get caught. This month, Brightcom Group, an ad-tech company, got caught. [1] Here’s a SEBI enforcement order describing the stuff Brightcom did, and one of the many things it did was to show profits which didn’t exist.
Some intangible assets are under development
If your company buys, say, a truck, the standard way to account for this expense in your books is by dividing the cost of the truck by the number of years you expect this truck to last, and then adding this number to your expenses every year. This is slightly weird because you do pay cash upfront for the truck. But still, it’s useful to not have to call it an expense just for the first year because it is an asset that lasts many, many years.
If you buy a truck, account for it the standard way I described above, but then the truck meets with an accident and gets trashed the next day? Then that’s it. You have to now account for the full expense of the truck in one go and can’t split it into chunks every year.
In short, as long as an asset is “alive,” you can split its expense into chunks and account for each chunk every year. If it’s “dead,” you have to account for it right away.
Modern accounting is surprisingly thoughtful and there’s a weird in-between “alive” and “dead” that it allows for. Instead of buying an asset, if you’re building it, your asset is in some sense neither dead nor alive. So you can just, umm, add nothing to your expenses until you figure if your asset is actually dead or alive.
Brightcom was spending a lot on salaries, marketing, and stuff, but it didn’t want to show these expenses. So it decided that it wasn’t “spending” but instead “investing” in building an asset. From SEBI’s order, here’s Brightcom’s CFO:
.. if we launch the Content Optimization product in 2014, we keep upgrading it on an annual basis and the relevant expenditure is recognized as addition to Other Current Assets / Intangible Assets Under Development / Other Intangible Assets based on the product development status of each product.
Brightcom was building software and this software would eventually be an intangible asset. But, until Brightcom could figure whether this asset would eventually be dead or alive, it didn’t count any of its expenses as expenses, instead put it under an “intangible assets under development” category. This way, the company could show a nice profit because all its expenses were apparently assets. In all, the company hid â‚č863 crore ($100 million) and showed a profit of â‚č440 crore ($50 million) in 2020. If its expenses had actually been counted as expenses, Brightcom would’ve shown a loss of â‚č428 crore.
Asset’s dead but it’s not an expense
One problem with showing your expenses as an “asset under development” is that this asset can’t be under development forever. At some point, depending on if this asset is dead or alive, you have to account for your expenses in some way.

 Or not. If your company makes any money, you put those figures in your profit and loss statement. This is simple and straightforward. But accounting isn’t simple and straightforward. If your company makes money, but it’s not a result of your actual business, then you can’t put it under the P&L. Instead, you have to account for it under a separate subheading called “Other Comprehensive Income”.
The idea behind this new sub-head is that the company's P&L is supposed to reflect its actual ability to make money. If you hold a lot of dollars and the price of the dollar goes up (or down), your company didn’t really do anything to make that profit (or loss) so you’d put it under Other Comprehensive Income and not in your P&L. So stuff like this wouldn’t affect your profit, on paper at least. [2]
Yes, of course, Brightcom recognised the â‚č863 crore loss that it had hidden under “intangible assets under development” by categorising it as Other Comprehensive Income. SEBI wasn’t excited about it.
Sell your stake but keep quiet about it
If a company is doing well, its founders don’t usually sell stock. So if a founder sells some shares, they have to tell everyone about it by regulation, because it could be a sign that things aren’t well.
There are three entities that need to know if a founder sells stock:
  1. The company itself, via its registrar and transfer agent (RTA)
  2. Depositories that hold stock on behalf of investors
  3. Stock exchanges

1 and #2 are important, but they’re obvious. The company has to know if its founders sell stock, and so does the depository that actually moves the stock from one account to another. #3 is how the rest of the rest of the world gets to know. A founder sells some stock, files a disclosure in a stock exchange, the exchange updates its records and screams out that this has happened, and that’s how public investors know.

In March 2014, if you had asked Brightcom’s RTA, a depository, or a stock exchange about how much stake its founders owned, they would’ve all said, “about 40%”. If you asked them again in June 2022, the RTA and the depository would say “about 3.5%”, but the stock exchange would scratch its head and say “18.47%”.
That’s because Brightcom’s founders—primarily CEO Suresh Reddy, his friends and family—sold their stock but didn’t inform the stock exchanges. Here’s what they said when SEBI asked what’s up:
The difference is due to shares of the promoters being pledged. One of the condition of pledging shares was that the shares would be transferred to the account of pledgor, however, the beneficial ownership and the voting rights of the shares were with the promoters of the Company. Since the promoters were the beneficial owners of the pledged shares, therefore, the same was being shown in the shareholding pattern in the name of the respective promoters.
Man, I’m just some dumb guy writing about finance every once in a while, and even I know that if you pledge your shares as collateral to get a loan, you don’t transfer ownership. You just inform your depository and investors about it, and you still own the shares. Reddy & Friends transferred some of their shares to someone else (that is, sold them) and decided not to inform the stock exchanges. Then they used pledging as an excuse and everyone had different answers about how much stock they really owned.
How much money they make tho
When a company’s stock price shoots up in a short period of time, and there’s no concrete reason for it to happen, in all likelihood, it’s a scam. The management of the company may or may not be involved, but it definitely helps if they are.
Last month, I wrote about Sadhna, a company that SEBI charged with running a pump-and-dump. The founders owned a lot of shares, they spread some false news, the share price shot up, then happily sold their stock to naive investors, and made a profit. If you see Brightcom’s share price trajectory without knowing any of the company’s other shenanigans, it might seem a similar story. The stock price was around â‚č3 in January 2021. By December, it was at â‚č117. 40X in a year is definitely not normal.
In a pump-and-dump, it’s important for those running the fraud to own shares before the price goes up. The fraud that Reddy & Friends are accused of, which I described above, was of selling stock and hiding the fact that they sold it. By early 2021, they had in fact sold 80% of their shares and it’s only later that the share price started going up.
But wait, here’s more from SEBI:
It is noted that during FY 2021- 22, BGL [Brightcom] had made preferential allotment of equity shares to 79 allottees and raised Rs.836.38 Crores. Such allottees included 4 entities which subsequently became part of Promoter Group. By virtue of the same, the shareholding of the promoters and promoter group of the Company now stands at 18.47%, as on December 31, 2022.
In 2020 and 2021, Brightcom sold a large chunk (almost 15% stake) of shares to a group of investors. [3] Later, Suresh Reddy—who had been selling Brightcom shares all these years—became a partner at these entities that had just bought a large chunk of stock.
It’s all a bit confusing but here’s what I think happened. In late 2020 and early 2021, it had become apparent if you called yourself a tech company, investors would push your price up. The finer details didn’t matter. Brightcom, of course, happened to be an “ad-tech” company. So there was a decent chance that its share price would go up (or it could be made to go up, there are ways). But since Reddy & Friends had already sold nearly all of their shares, they needed to buy more shares so that they could sell them when the price went up. But they couldn’t buy them directly—because how would they justify selling shares so soon?—so they got some proxy investors to do so on their behalf.
As expected, the share price did go up. A lot. Around the same time, SEBI started investigating the company because of all the shady stuff it had done over the years. If the proxy investors were to sell this stock now, SEBI would definitely catch on, it was already investigating them! So instead of selling any shares at crazy high prices, Reddy instead came out with his association with those proxy investors so that the total founder ownership would go back up to the exact amount expected [4] by the public, that is, 18.47%.
It’s possible that Reddy & Friends made some profit but SEBI says it needs more information to be sure about just how much it would be. It would’ve been easier to know had they also run a pump-and-dump for good measure.
[1] Technically, Brightcom got caught earlier when SEBI actually started investigating. But it’s just this month that SEBI put a nice document out with whatever its investigation found.
[2] This “Other Comprehensive Income” should be a small number. If it’s a huge figure more than your actual profit, there’s usually something fishy happening.
[3] Brightcom didn’t directly sell shares to the group of investors. Instead, it issued warrants. What this meant was that the investors had the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares from the company at a fixed price at a later date. This was a good way for these investors (who are now part of the founder group) to not risk too much money buying shares in case the price went down.
[4] Reminder, the reason that the public expected the founder group to own 18.47% was that they hadn’t informed the stock exchanges when they had reduced their stake.
Original Source:
submitted by tareekpetareek to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:52 tareekpetareek Brightcom is probably going to be delisted from the stock exchanges. A fun read from last year about some of its accounting shenanigans

Original Source: (my newsletter Boring Money. If you like what you read, do visit the link and subscribe to receive future posts directly in your inbox)

The standard way for a company to make a profit is to produce a thing at some cost, then sell that thing at a higher cost, and pocket the difference. Another, if slightly frowned upon, way of making a profit is to not worry too much about what your company is producing or selling. Instead, at the end of the quarter, you can pick up your financial statements, take a pen, put some nice numbers under “revenue” and erase the numbers under “expenses”. On paper, the company’s making a profit either way.
The risk, apart from running out of money, is that the company might get caught. This month, Brightcom Group, an ad-tech company, got caught. [1] Here’s a SEBI enforcement order describing the stuff Brightcom did, and one of the many things it did was to show profits which didn’t exist.
Some intangible assets are under development
If your company buys, say, a truck, the standard way to account for this expense in your books is by dividing the cost of the truck by the number of years you expect this truck to last, and then adding this number to your expenses every year. This is slightly weird because you do pay cash upfront for the truck. But still, it’s useful to not have to call it an expense just for the first year because it is an asset that lasts many, many years.
If you buy a truck, account for it the standard way I described above, but then the truck meets with an accident and gets trashed the next day? Then that’s it. You have to now account for the full expense of the truck in one go and can’t split it into chunks every year.
In short, as long as an asset is “alive,” you can split its expense into chunks and account for each chunk every year. If it’s “dead,” you have to account for it right away.
Modern accounting is surprisingly thoughtful and there’s a weird in-between “alive” and “dead” that it allows for. Instead of buying an asset, if you’re building it, your asset is in some sense neither dead nor alive. So you can just, umm, add nothing to your expenses until you figure if your asset is actually dead or alive.
Brightcom was spending a lot on salaries, marketing, and stuff, but it didn’t want to show these expenses. So it decided that it wasn’t “spending” but instead “investing” in building an asset. From SEBI’s order, here’s Brightcom’s CFO:
Brightcom was building software and this software would eventually be an intangible asset. But, until Brightcom could figure whether this asset would eventually be dead or alive, it didn’t count any of its expenses as expenses, instead put it under an “intangible assets under development” category. This way, the company could show a nice profit because all its expenses were apparently assets. In all, the company hid â‚č863 crore ($100 million) and showed a profit of â‚č440 crore ($50 million) in 2020. If its expenses had actually been counted as expenses, Brightcom would’ve shown a loss of â‚č428 crore.
Asset’s dead but it’s not an expense
One problem with showing your expenses as an “asset under development” is that this asset can’t be under development forever. At some point, depending on if this asset is dead or alive, you have to account for your expenses in some way.

 Or not. If your company makes any money, you put those figures in your profit and loss statement. This is simple and straightforward. But accounting isn’t simple and straightforward. If your company makes money, but it’s not a result of your actual business, then you can’t put it under the P&L. Instead, you have to account for it under a separate subheading called “Other Comprehensive Income”.
The idea behind this new sub-head is that the company's P&L is supposed to reflect its actual ability to make money. If you hold a lot of dollars and the price of the dollar goes up (or down), your company didn’t really do anything to make that profit (or loss) so you’d put it under Other Comprehensive Income and not in your P&L. So stuff like this wouldn’t affect your profit, on paper at least. [2]
Yes, of course, Brightcom recognised the â‚č863 crore loss that it had hidden under “intangible assets under development” by categorising it as Other Comprehensive Income. SEBI wasn’t excited about it.
Share this post so that Boring Money can move from “asset under development” to P&L
Sell your stake but keep quiet about it
If a company is doing well, its founders don’t usually sell stock. So if a founder sells some shares, they have to tell everyone about it by regulation, because it could be a sign that things aren’t well.
There are three entities that need to know if a founder sells stock:
  1. The company itself, via its registrar and transfer agent (RTA)
  2. Depositories that hold stock on behalf of investors
  3. Stock exchanges

1 and #2 are important, but they’re obvious. The company has to know if its founders sell stock, and so does the depository that actually moves the stock from one account to another. #3 is how the rest of the rest of the world gets to know. A founder sells some stock, files a disclosure in a stock exchange, the exchange updates its records and screams out that this has happened, and that’s how public investors know.

In March 2014, if you had asked Brightcom’s RTA, a depository, or a stock exchange about how much stake its founders owned, they would’ve all said, “about 40%”. If you asked them again in June 2022, the RTA and the depository would say “about 3.5%”, but the stock exchange would scratch its head and say “18.47%”.
That’s because Brightcom’s founders—primarily CEO Suresh Reddy, his friends and family—sold their stock but didn’t inform the stock exchanges. Here’s what they said when SEBI asked what’s up:
Man, I’m just some dumb guy writing about finance every once in a while, and even I know that if you pledge your shares as collateral to get a loan, you don’t transfer ownership. You just inform your depository and investors about it, and you still own the shares. Reddy & Friends transferred some of their shares to someone else (that is, sold them) and decided not to inform the stock exchanges. Then they used pledging as an excuse and everyone had different answers about how much stock they really owned.
How much money they make tho
When a company’s stock price shoots up in a short period of time, and there’s no concrete reason for it to happen, in all likelihood, it’s a scam. The management of the company may or may not be involved, but it definitely helps if they are.
Last month, I wrote about Sadhna, a company that SEBI charged with running a pump-and-dump. The founders owned a lot of shares, they spread some false news, the share price shot up, then happily sold their stock to naive investors, and made a profit. If you see Brightcom’s share price trajectory without knowing any of the company’s other shenanigans, it might seem a similar story. The stock price was around â‚č3 in January 2021. By December, it was at â‚č117. 40X in a year is definitely not normal.
In a pump-and-dump, it’s important for those running the fraud to own shares before the price goes up. The fraud that Reddy & Friends are accused of, which I described above, was of selling stock and hiding the fact that they sold it. By early 2021, they had in fact sold 80% of their shares and it’s only later that the share price started going up.
But wait, here’s more from SEBI:
In 2020 and 2021, Brightcom sold a large chunk (almost 15% stake) of shares to a group of investors. [3] Later, Suresh Reddy—who had been selling Brightcom shares all these years—became a partner at these entities that had just bought a large chunk of stock.
It’s all a bit confusing but here’s what I think happened. In late 2020 and early 2021, it had become apparent if you called yourself a tech company, investors would push your price up. The finer details didn’t matter. Brightcom, of course, happened to be an “ad-tech” company. So there was a decent chance that its share price would go up (or it could be made to go up, there are ways). But since Reddy & Friends had already sold nearly all of their shares, they needed to buy more shares so that they could sell them when the price went up. But they couldn’t buy them directly—because how would they justify selling shares so soon?—so they got some proxy investors to do so on their behalf.
As expected, the share price did go up. A lot. Around the same time, SEBI started investigating the company because of all the shady stuff it had done over the years. If the proxy investors were to sell this stock now, SEBI would definitely catch on, it was already investigating them! So instead of selling any shares at crazy high prices, Reddy instead came out with his association with those proxy investors so that the total founder ownership would go back up to the exact amount expected [4] by the public, that is, 18.47%.
It’s possible that Reddy & Friends made some profit but SEBI says it needs more information to be sure about just how much it would be. It would’ve been easier to know had they also run a pump-and-dump for good measure.
[1] Technically, Brightcom got caught earlier when SEBI actually started investigating. But it’s just this month that SEBI put a nice document out with whatever its investigation found.
[2] This “Other Comprehensive Income” should be a small number. If it’s a huge figure more than your actual profit, there’s usually something fishy happening.
[3] Brightcom didn’t directly sell shares to the group of investors. Instead, it issued warrants. What this meant was that the investors had the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares from the company at a fixed price at a later date. This was a good way for these investors (who are now part of the founder group) to not risk too much money buying shares in case the price went down.
[4] Reminder, the reason that the public expected the founder group to own 18.47% was that they hadn’t informed the stock exchanges when they had reduced their stake.
Original Source:
submitted by tareekpetareek to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:52 tareekpetareek Brightcom is probably going to be delisted from the stock exchanges. A fun read from last year about some of its accounting shenanigans

Brightcom is probably going to be delisted from the stock exchanges. A fun read from last year about some of its accounting shenanigans
Original Source: (my newsletter Boring Money. If you like what you read, do visit the link and subscribe to receive future posts directly in your inbox)

The standard way for a company to make a profit is to produce a thing at some cost, then sell that thing at a higher cost, and pocket the difference. Another, if slightly frowned upon, way of making a profit is to not worry too much about what your company is producing or selling. Instead, at the end of the quarter, you can pick up your financial statements, take a pen, put some nice numbers under “revenue” and erase the numbers under “expenses”. On paper, the company’s making a profit either way.
The risk, apart from running out of money, is that the company might get caught. This month, Brightcom Group, an ad-tech company, got caught. [1] Here’s a SEBI enforcement order describing the stuff Brightcom did, and one of the many things it did was to show profits which didn’t exist.
Some intangible assets are under development
If your company buys, say, a truck, the standard way to account for this expense in your books is by dividing the cost of the truck by the number of years you expect this truck to last, and then adding this number to your expenses every year. This is slightly weird because you do pay cash upfront for the truck. But still, it’s useful to not have to call it an expense just for the first year because it is an asset that lasts many, many years.
If you buy a truck, account for it the standard way I described above, but then the truck meets with an accident and gets trashed the next day? Then that’s it. You have to now account for the full expense of the truck in one go and can’t split it into chunks every year.
In short, as long as an asset is “alive,” you can split its expense into chunks and account for each chunk every year. If it’s “dead,” you have to account for it right away.
Modern accounting is surprisingly thoughtful and there’s a weird in-between “alive” and “dead” that it allows for. Instead of buying an asset, if you’re building it, your asset is in some sense neither dead nor alive. So you can just, umm, add nothing to your expenses until you figure if your asset is actually dead or alive.
Brightcom was spending a lot on salaries, marketing, and stuff, but it didn’t want to show these expenses. So it decided that it wasn’t “spending” but instead “investing” in building an asset. From SEBI’s order, here’s Brightcom’s CFO:
Brightcom was building software and this software would eventually be an intangible asset. But, until Brightcom could figure whether this asset would eventually be dead or alive, it didn’t count any of its expenses as expenses, instead put it under an “intangible assets under development” category. This way, the company could show a nice profit because all its expenses were apparently assets. In all, the company hid â‚č863 crore ($100 million) and showed a profit of â‚č440 crore ($50 million) in 2020. If its expenses had actually been counted as expenses, Brightcom would’ve shown a loss of â‚č428 crore.
Asset’s dead but it’s not an expense
One problem with showing your expenses as an “asset under development” is that this asset can’t be under development forever. At some point, depending on if this asset is dead or alive, you have to account for your expenses in some way.

 Or not. If your company makes any money, you put those figures in your profit and loss statement. This is simple and straightforward. But accounting isn’t simple and straightforward. If your company makes money, but it’s not a result of your actual business, then you can’t put it under the P&L. Instead, you have to account for it under a separate subheading called “Other Comprehensive Income”.
The idea behind this new sub-head is that the company's P&L is supposed to reflect its actual ability to make money. If you hold a lot of dollars and the price of the dollar goes up (or down), your company didn’t really do anything to make that profit (or loss) so you’d put it under Other Comprehensive Income and not in your P&L. So stuff like this wouldn’t affect your profit, on paper at least. [2]
Yes, of course, Brightcom recognised the â‚č863 crore loss that it had hidden under “intangible assets under development” by categorising it as Other Comprehensive Income. SEBI wasn’t excited about it.
Share this post so that Boring Money can move from “asset under development” to P&L
Sell your stake but keep quiet about it
If a company is doing well, its founders don’t usually sell stock. So if a founder sells some shares, they have to tell everyone about it by regulation, because it could be a sign that things aren’t well.
There are three entities that need to know if a founder sells stock:
  1. The company itself, via its registrar and transfer agent (RTA)
  2. Depositories that hold stock on behalf of investors
  3. Stock exchanges

1 and #2 are important, but they’re obvious. The company has to know if its founders sell stock, and so does the depository that actually moves the stock from one account to another. #3 is how the rest of the rest of the world gets to know. A founder sells some stock, files a disclosure in a stock exchange, the exchange updates its records and screams out that this has happened, and that’s how public investors know.

In March 2014, if you had asked Brightcom’s RTA, a depository, or a stock exchange about how much stake its founders owned, they would’ve all said, “about 40%”. If you asked them again in June 2022, the RTA and the depository would say “about 3.5%”, but the stock exchange would scratch its head and say “18.47%”.
That’s because Brightcom’s founders—primarily CEO Suresh Reddy, his friends and family—sold their stock but didn’t inform the stock exchanges. Here’s what they said when SEBI asked what’s up:
Man, I’m just some dumb guy writing about finance every once in a while, and even I know that if you pledge your shares as collateral to get a loan, you don’t transfer ownership. You just inform your depository and investors about it, and you still own the shares. Reddy & Friends transferred some of their shares to someone else (that is, sold them) and decided not to inform the stock exchanges. Then they used pledging as an excuse and everyone had different answers about how much stock they really owned.
How much money they make tho
When a company’s stock price shoots up in a short period of time, and there’s no concrete reason for it to happen, in all likelihood, it’s a scam. The management of the company may or may not be involved, but it definitely helps if they are.
Last month, I wrote about Sadhna, a company that SEBI charged with running a pump-and-dump. The founders owned a lot of shares, they spread some false news, the share price shot up, then happily sold their stock to naive investors, and made a profit. If you see Brightcom’s share price trajectory without knowing any of the company’s other shenanigans, it might seem a similar story. The stock price was around â‚č3 in January 2021. By December, it was at â‚č117. 40X in a year is definitely not normal.
In a pump-and-dump, it’s important for those running the fraud to own shares before the price goes up. The fraud that Reddy & Friends are accused of, which I described above, was of selling stock and hiding the fact that they sold it. By early 2021, they had in fact sold 80% of their shares and it’s only later that the share price started going up.
But wait, here’s more from SEBI:
In 2020 and 2021, Brightcom sold a large chunk (almost 15% stake) of shares to a group of investors. [3] Later, Suresh Reddy—who had been selling Brightcom shares all these years—became a partner at these entities that had just bought a large chunk of stock.
It’s all a bit confusing but here’s what I think happened. In late 2020 and early 2021, it had become apparent if you called yourself a tech company, investors would push your price up. The finer details didn’t matter. Brightcom, of course, happened to be an “ad-tech” company. So there was a decent chance that its share price would go up (or it could be made to go up, there are ways). But since Reddy & Friends had already sold nearly all of their shares, they needed to buy more shares so that they could sell them when the price went up. But they couldn’t buy them directly—because how would they justify selling shares so soon?—so they got some proxy investors to do so on their behalf.
As expected, the share price did go up. A lot. Around the same time, SEBI started investigating the company because of all the shady stuff it had done over the years. If the proxy investors were to sell this stock now, SEBI would definitely catch on, it was already investigating them! So instead of selling any shares at crazy high prices, Reddy instead came out with his association with those proxy investors so that the total founder ownership would go back up to the exact amount expected [4] by the public, that is, 18.47%.
It’s possible that Reddy & Friends made some profit but SEBI says it needs more information to be sure about just how much it would be. It would’ve been easier to know had they also run a pump-and-dump for good measure.
[1] Technically, Brightcom got caught earlier when SEBI actually started investigating. But it’s just this month that SEBI put a nice document out with whatever its investigation found.
[2] This “Other Comprehensive Income” should be a small number. If it’s a huge figure more than your actual profit, there’s usually something fishy happening.
[3] Brightcom didn’t directly sell shares to the group of investors. Instead, it issued warrants. What this meant was that the investors had the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares from the company at a fixed price at a later date. This was a good way for these investors (who are now part of the founder group) to not risk too much money buying shares in case the price went down.
[4] Reminder, the reason that the public expected the founder group to own 18.47% was that they hadn’t informed the stock exchanges when they had reduced their stake.
Original Source:
submitted by tareekpetareek to u/tareekpetareek [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 tareekpetareek Brightcom is probably going to be delisted from the stock markets. A fun read from last year about some of its accounting shenanigans

Original Source: (my newsletter Boring Money. If you like what you read, do visit the link and subscribe to receive future posts directly in your inbox)

The standard way for a company to make a profit is to produce a thing at some cost, then sell that thing at a higher cost, and pocket the difference. Another, if slightly frowned upon, way of making a profit is to not worry too much about what your company is producing or selling. Instead, at the end of the quarter, you can pick up your financial statements, take a pen, put some nice numbers under “revenue” and erase the numbers under “expenses”. On paper, the company’s making a profit either way.
The risk, apart from running out of money, is that the company might get caught. This month, Brightcom Group, an ad-tech company, got caught. [1] Here’s a SEBI enforcement order describing the stuff Brightcom did, and one of the many things it did was to show profits which didn’t exist.
Some intangible assets are under development
If your company buys, say, a truck, the standard way to account for this expense in your books is by dividing the cost of the truck by the number of years you expect this truck to last, and then adding this number to your expenses every year. This is slightly weird because you do pay cash upfront for the truck. But still, it’s useful to not have to call it an expense just for the first year because it is an asset that lasts many, many years.
If you buy a truck, account for it the standard way I described above, but then the truck meets with an accident and gets trashed the next day? Then that’s it. You have to now account for the full expense of the truck in one go and can’t split it into chunks every year.
In short, as long as an asset is “alive,” you can split its expense into chunks and account for each chunk every year. If it’s “dead,” you have to account for it right away.
Modern accounting is surprisingly thoughtful and there’s a weird in-between “alive” and “dead” that it allows for. Instead of buying an asset, if you’re building it, your asset is in some sense neither dead nor alive. So you can just, umm, add nothing to your expenses until you figure if your asset is actually dead or alive.
Brightcom was spending a lot on salaries, marketing, and stuff, but it didn’t want to show these expenses. So it decided that it wasn’t “spending” but instead “investing” in building an asset. From SEBI’s order, here’s Brightcom’s CFO:
.. if we launch the Content Optimization product in 2014, we keep upgrading it on an annual basis and the relevant expenditure is recognized as addition to Other Current Assets / Intangible Assets Under Development / Other Intangible Assets based on the product development status of each product.
Brightcom was building software and this software would eventually be an intangible asset. But, until Brightcom could figure whether this asset would eventually be dead or alive, it didn’t count any of its expenses as expenses, instead put it under an “intangible assets under development” category. This way, the company could show a nice profit because all its expenses were apparently assets. In all, the company hid â‚č863 crore ($100 million) and showed a profit of â‚č440 crore ($50 million) in 2020. If its expenses had actually been counted as expenses, Brightcom would’ve shown a loss of â‚č428 crore.
Asset’s dead but it’s not an expense
One problem with showing your expenses as an “asset under development” is that this asset can’t be under development forever. At some point, depending on if this asset is dead or alive, you have to account for your expenses in some way.

 Or not. If your company makes any money, you put those figures in your profit and loss statement. This is simple and straightforward. But accounting isn’t simple and straightforward. If your company makes money, but it’s not a result of your actual business, then you can’t put it under the P&L. Instead, you have to account for it under a separate subheading called “Other Comprehensive Income”.
The idea behind this new sub-head is that the company's P&L is supposed to reflect its actual ability to make money. If you hold a lot of dollars and the price of the dollar goes up (or down), your company didn’t really do anything to make that profit (or loss) so you’d put it under Other Comprehensive Income and not in your P&L. So stuff like this wouldn’t affect your profit, on paper at least. [2]
Yes, of course, Brightcom recognised the â‚č863 crore loss that it had hidden under “intangible assets under development” by categorising it as Other Comprehensive Income. SEBI wasn’t excited about it.
Sell your stake but keep quiet about it
If a company is doing well, its founders don’t usually sell stock. So if a founder sells some shares, they have to tell everyone about it by regulation, because it could be a sign that things aren’t well.
There are three entities that need to know if a founder sells stock:
  1. The company itself, via its registrar and transfer agent (RTA)
  2. Depositories that hold stock on behalf of investors
  3. Stock exchanges
1 and #2 are important, but they’re obvious. The company has to know if its founders sell stock, and so does the depository that actually moves the stock from one account to another. #3 is how the rest of the rest of the world gets to know. A founder sells some stock, files a disclosure in a stock exchange, the exchange updates its records and screams out that this has happened, and that’s how public investors know.
In March 2014, if you had asked Brightcom’s RTA, a depository, or a stock exchange about how much stake its founders owned, they would’ve all said, “about 40%”. If you asked them again in June 2022, the RTA and the depository would say “about 3.5%”, but the stock exchange would scratch its head and say “18.47%”.
That’s because Brightcom’s founders—primarily CEO Suresh Reddy, his friends and family—sold their stock but didn’t inform the stock exchanges. Here’s what they said when SEBI asked what’s up:
The difference is due to shares of the promoters being pledged. One of the condition of pledging shares was that the shares would be transferred to the account of pledgor, however, the beneficial ownership and the voting rights of the shares were with the promoters of the Company. Since the promoters were the beneficial owners of the pledged shares, therefore, the same was being shown in the shareholding pattern in the name of the respective promoters.
Man, I’m just some dumb guy writing about finance every once in a while, and even I know that if you pledge your shares as collateral to get a loan, you don’t transfer ownership. You just inform your depository and investors about it, and you still own the shares. Reddy & Friends transferred some of their shares to someone else (that is, sold them) and decided not to inform the stock exchanges. Then they used pledging as an excuse and everyone had different answers about how much stock they really owned.
How much money they make tho
When a company’s stock price shoots up in a short period of time, and there’s no concrete reason for it to happen, in all likelihood, it’s a scam. The management of the company may or may not be involved, but it definitely helps if they are.
Last month, I wrote about Sadhna, a company that SEBI charged with running a pump-and-dump. The founders owned a lot of shares, they spread some false news, the share price shot up, then happily sold their stock to naive investors, and made a profit. If you see Brightcom’s share price trajectory without knowing any of the company’s other shenanigans, it might seem a similar story. The stock price was around â‚č3 in January 2021. By December, it was at â‚č117. 40X in a year is definitely not normal.
In a pump-and-dump, it’s important for those running the fraud to own shares before the price goes up. The fraud that Reddy & Friends are accused of, which I described above, was of selling stock and hiding the fact that they sold it. By early 2021, they had in fact sold 80% of their shares and it’s only later that the share price started going up.
But wait, here’s more from SEBI:
It is noted that during FY 2021- 22, BGL [Brightcom] had made preferential allotment of equity shares to 79 allottees and raised Rs.836.38 Crores. Such allottees included 4 entities which subsequently became part of Promoter Group. By virtue of the same, the shareholding of the promoters and promoter group of the Company now stands at 18.47%, as on December 31, 2022.
In 2020 and 2021, Brightcom sold a large chunk (almost 15% stake) of shares to a group of investors. [3] Later, Suresh Reddy—who had been selling Brightcom shares all these years—became a partner at these entities that had just bought a large chunk of stock.
It’s all a bit confusing but here’s what I think happened. In late 2020 and early 2021, it had become apparent if you called yourself a tech company, investors would push your price up. The finer details didn’t matter. Brightcom, of course, happened to be an “ad-tech” company. So there was a decent chance that its share price would go up (or it could be made to go up, there are ways). But since Reddy & Friends had already sold nearly all of their shares, they needed to buy more shares so that they could sell them when the price went up. But they couldn’t buy them directly—because how would they justify selling shares so soon?—so they got some proxy investors to do so on their behalf.
As expected, the share price did go up. A lot. Around the same time, SEBI started investigating the company because of all the shady stuff it had done over the years. If the proxy investors were to sell this stock now, SEBI would definitely catch on, it was already investigating them! So instead of selling any shares at crazy high prices, Reddy instead came out with his association with those proxy investors so that the total founder ownership would go back up to the exact amount expected [4] by the public, that is, 18.47%.
It’s possible that Reddy & Friends made some profit but SEBI says it needs more information to be sure about just how much it would be. It would’ve been easier to know had they also run a pump-and-dump for good measure.
[1] Technically, Brightcom got caught earlier when SEBI actually started investigating. But it’s just this month that SEBI put a nice document out with whatever its investigation found.
[2] This “Other Comprehensive Income” should be a small number. If it’s a huge figure more than your actual profit, there’s usually something fishy happening.
[3] Brightcom didn’t directly sell shares to the group of investors. Instead, it issued warrants. What this meant was that the investors had the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares from the company at a fixed price at a later date. This was a good way for these investors (who are now part of the founder group) to not risk too much money buying shares in case the price went down.
[4] Reminder, the reason that the public expected the founder group to own 18.47% was that they hadn’t informed the stock exchanges when they had reduced their stake.
Original Source:
submitted by tareekpetareek to IndiaInvestments [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:18 petgame-enjoyer reefslider... REAL!!!

reefslider... REAL!!!
this toy is available on japan proxy sites! if anyone is interested i can post a link to it! mine was ~$100 with shipping and it got here really quickly! its really high quality, there are seperate chambers for each fin, the body, muzzle, and saddle, making it so if one part gets punctured the whole toy won't be out of commission entirely. definitely not suitable to carry an adult's weight in water, but its a super fun and cute decoration!!
i want to take it to the beach, but im worried a kid will think its eyes and face are scary xD
submitted by petgame-enjoyer to Splatoon3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:56 TheWholeF-NShow There’s a Pixeldrain Bypasser out there, makes pixeldrain downloads a lot better by removing the limits

Discovered this on good ol rin ru.
it’s made by the dude over a (which is a pretty good site btw)
You put the links you want on it, and it automatically converts them into ones without any limits
I used it for ghost of tsushima, worked pretty well and finished quickly.
the guy that made it said on the cs rin ru thread that the downloads speeds may get locked to a very low speed but it will go back to being fast quickly. (you can find the thread yourself pretty easily btw, by searching up pixeldrain on cs rin ru)
for me, the download on Jdownloader 2 got locked to 1mibs,after 5gb on the download has been reached
to fix it, i just disabled the download and reenabled it, which made it to back to a 40 - 50 mibs download. once it happened again, i did the same thing and yup, it went back to being fast.
this is way less of hassle then having to use proxies, i pretty much recommend it. i wonder if something like this could be made for 1fichier

submitted by TheWholeF-NShow to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 an0nym0u56789 FriendProxy

Great show. One of my all time favorite series.
I really thought the scene with Emma Stone and the middle aged woman friend proxy was hilarious. Can anyone find that scene online and link it for me to share with someone?
submitted by an0nym0u56789 to Maniac [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:34 Tesa_Tesanovic1988 Wellbeing as New Gross Domestic Product

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been the standard measure of economic growth since World War II. It is widely believed that accelerating economic growth as measured by the GDP will translate into improved living standards. However, this view is being challenged with the argument that it is better to focus on measures of wellbeing than GDP because, despite robust economic growth over the past several decades, there are still millions of citizens living in poverty.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been the standard measure of economic growth since World War II. It is widely believed that accelerating economic growth as measured by the GDP will translate into improved living standards. However, this view is being challenged with the argument that it is better to focus on measures of wellbeing than GDP because, despite robust economic growth over the past several decades, there are still millions of citizens living in poverty.

Besides, GDP measures perpetual growth, which is unattainable. Because GDP is an outdated proxy measure of economic growth, wellbeing, which is a multidimensional approach of measuring the most important aspects of people’s life, is gaining popularity.

Perpetual Growth

Stagflation is simultaneous economic stagnation combined with high inflation. In the long run, economic growth is dependent on two drivers; productivity and labor (Dolar). Productivity is affected by multiple factors. Improvements in many facets of productivity growth have decreased or reversed since the global financial crisis. The foremost factor is the demographic crisis of western countries that threatens the growth of GDP. Developed countries have experienced deceleration of working-age population, stabilization of educational attainment, and expansion into various forms of production. Furthermore, labor reallocation from less productive to more productive sectors has decelerated since the global financial crisis. Besides, radical disruptions to education and income losses are likely to affect human capital negatively. The waning demographics of western countries imply that acceleration of productivity growth is needed. The McKinsey Global Institute projected that 80% productivity growth is required to mitigate the effects of changing demographics (49). This projection is unlikely to be achieved given the dwindling working-age population in western countries. On the contrary, productivity growth is likely to continue decreasing because of the significant changes in the demographics unless the working-age population begins to grow again.

Perpetual Growth

GDP as a measurement is very outdated because it does not measure wellbeing. It is a statistical tool used to measure how well the economy is performing. However, it neglects important factors that determine the wellbeing, such as inequality and environmental services (Gallup). GDP as a proxy measure of economic growth ignores certain aspects that do not involve monetary transactions, does not assess changes in human capital, does not discriminate activities that enhance welfare from activities that reduce welfare, does not account for cultural difference, and omits the environmental costs and rates of depletion of resources (Giannetti et al. 14). The Measure of Economic Welfare is one of the alternatives for a gross domestic product as it measures consumption in the economy as a proxy for economic welfare. It adds up the benefits of goods and services consumption and subtracts the costs associated with the consumption, such as environmental pollution, providing a picture of economic welfare. Other economic welfare measures were developed after the Measure of Economic Welfare, such as the Index of the Economic Aspects of Welfare which incorporates environmental costs in estimating economic welfare (Giannetti et al. 15). Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare is an index developed to account for the current environmental issues while addressing the long-term ecosystem and natural resource sustainable use. More indices were developed with recent ones such as the State of Global Well-Being, the Better Life Index, and the Global Well-Being Index measuring a myriad of aspects of wellbeing. The Gallup Global Well-Being measures the behavioral economics of gross domestic product growth. It estimates the percentage “thriving,” “struggling,” and “suffering” of individuals in different countries and regions (Gallup). The indexes focus on the percent thriving in at least elements of wellbeing such as purpose (liking what they do), social (supportive relationships), physical (good health), community (liking the surrounding community), and financial (managing economic life well) aspects.
One in six adults worldwide are considered thriving – or strong and consistent — in at least three of the five elements of well-being, as measured by the Gallup-Healthways Global Well-Being Index. For example residents of the Singapore score quite low at the 19%, while New Zealand leads in Asia – Pacific with 67%.
The Gallup Global Well-Being measures have opened up new opportunities to study issues that affect people in different communities around the world in ways that GDP would not. For example, life satisfaction aspects of the Gallup World Poll data have been exploited to measure inequality in the distribution of subjective wellbeing (Gluzmann & Gasparini 2). Measuring inequality in subjective wellbeing might be complementary to the various approaches aimed at computing unfairness in a society because it may in some way have benefits over the usual income inequality measurements. Some perceived income inequalities may arise due to personal choices if all constraints are observed thus cannot be considered unfair. A case in point is when two individuals facing similar opportunities make different choices. One choice might lead to a better, healthier lifestyle while the other subjects the individual to poverty. Free choices resulting in socially acceptable income inequality should not be regarded as unfair. The assessment of subjective wellbeing is less likely to be susceptible to such differences. Under evaluation of subjective wellbeing, differences in perceived happiness may better estimate social unfairness rather than income unfairness (Gluzmann & Gasparini 4). Gallup World Poll provides data that can be used to compare wellbeing in different countries. It cures one of the most significant problems associated with compering inequality across countries and regions, namely, the generation of homogenous information. The poll poses the same question across all countries in all areas, which significantly reduces spurious differences in estimating comparisons. This reduces sources of measurement error significantly. It is noteworthy that people may not interpret and answer the standardized questions the same in different countries, leading to additional errors. However, the advantages of estimating subjective wellbeing and its rising popularity imply that improvements in the measurements will yield better results.

Technological Revolution

Usually, information and communication technologies are considered a key driver of economic growth and productivity. Different reviews indicate that technological effects tend to be positive at the organizational level (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [UNCTAD 34]). However, it has been reported that productivity tends to drop as economies entrench technologies in every sector. In other words, the rapid digitization of economies has not translated into strong productivity. On the contrary, productivity growth appears to have stunted over the past few decades, with the slowdown more pronounced in developed countries and also in developing countries (UNCTAD 34). This is a productivity paradox because as technological advancement and use have increased, productivity growth has decreased, which is contrary to popular expectations (Remes et al.). The digitization of economies into digital economies has thus far not translated into increased productivity. The paradox in the digital economy is attributed to different reasons. A more pessimistic perspective considers the technological effects on productivity as having fewer impacts on productivity growth than the revolutionary technological advances of the past (UNCTAD 34). A more optimistic view links the slow growth of productivity to the time lags between the time the technologies are introduced and the time actual effects are felt (European CEO). As a result, more visible impacts on productivity will occur when technologies are adopted widely within the economy. An additional contributing factor to the productivity paradox is the difficulties associated with measuring the digital economy. The slow growth in productivity might be explained by the lack of proper recording of technological activities in that in overall GDP estimation. Consequently, the proper measurement would be reflected in increased productivity. In developed countries, demographic factors associated with the aging population are also linked to the slow growth in productivity (UNCTAD 34). Therefore, the productivity paradox related to the technological revolution arises from multiple factors.

Quality of the GDP

Measuring economic growth in purely quantitative categories diminishes the significance of “high-quality growth.” High-quality growth encompasses increased technological self-reliance, significant production and welfare transformation, the establishment of a comprehensive safety net for the citizens, enhancement of quality healthcare, education, and employment, and reduction of inequality across regions and various demographic characteristics (WĂ€rtsilĂ€). It reflects a policy change that focuses on investment areas that guarantee increased productivity, such as production, consumption, healthcare, and education (Pfeffer). The concept of high-quality growth is being advanced by China to reorganize the economy in a way that focus on increased domestic consumption and investing in productive sectors to drive the overall economic growth. For example, after decades of heavy investments in infrastructural projects and the manufacturing sector, the country realizes that roads and bridges are not productive but rather facilitates productivity. Policy change to shift investment into more productive sectors of the economy might bring sustainable economic growth and wellbeing. At the sectorial level, administrative job control is one of the main factors impacting the health of the employees (Pfeffer). The return of line of sight to the work, workplace flexibility, autonomous fusion teams, fluidity in work practices, and organizational health can elevate the personal wellbeing of the employees. The functional organization provides an environment with less stress caused by micromanagement demands from the employees. Therefore, wellbeing is a product of economic policy at the national level and the contribution of the private sector in nurturing the wellbeing of employees.


The failure of GDP as a measurement proxy of economic growth is less effective in contemporary society. It assumes that an economy will experience perpetual growth, which is a difficult achievement. Even where economies have experienced phenomenal growth over the years, the economic expansion failed to transform the lives of millions of citizens. The technological revolution also has been unable to expand the GDP as it was initially believed despite the fact that the significant impacts technology has had on society. It led to the conclusion that GDP has limitations as a measure of economic growth because it does not account for the non-monetary aspects that matter to people. As a result, new indexes such as the Gallup Global Wellbeing have been developed and are experiencing rising popularity due to their ability to compute wellbeing. In particular, the estimation of subjective wellbeing creates opportunities for improved measurement of social inequality. Furthermore, the realization that wellbeing is important to citizens is supporting new ideas of measuring national economic growth. China’s shift to the assessment of the quality of economic growth indicates a paradigm shift where countries focus on national statistics that reflect their economic realities.


Dolar, Veronika. “Why stagflation is an economic nightmare – and could become a real headache for Biden and the Fed if it emerges in the US.” The Conversation (2022). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
European CEO. “Giving a voice to the digital revolution’s silent majority.” (2019). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
Gallup. “2014 Country Well-Being Rankings.”
Giannetti, Biagio F., et al. “A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage ecosystem functionality.” Journal of cleaner production 87 (2015): 11-25.
Gluzmann, Pablo, and Leonardo Gasparini. “International inequality in subjective well‐being: An exploration with the Gallup World Poll.” Review of Development Economics 22.2 (2018): 610-631.
McKinsey Global Institute – “Global growth: Can productivity save the day in an aging world?” page 49
Pfeffer, Jeffrey. “The overlooked essentials of employee wellbeing.” McKinsey Global Institute (2018). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
Remes, Jaana et al. “Solving the productivity puzzle.” McKinsey Global Institute (2018). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
WĂ€rtsilĂ€. “Going beyond GDP: China targets a new path to growth.” (2021). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.

Paul Lalovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice

Tesha Teshanovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice
submitted by Tesa_Tesanovic1988 to Open_innovation_model [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:33 ZealousidealDoor101 Poem of sorts on awareness

Anyone who has been highjacking, invading Reddit in efforts to get me to break NO CONTACT and react poorly. ( Which I did at times). Since you still refuse to comment below on my post yesterday to get everything out in the open in public forum. Dox me, expose me , rant, call me names, etc. All welcomed yesterday on the post. Here's your chance again. I am not ever going back. No CONTACT means NO CONTACT. If don't want to expose or be exposed via educational purposes platform simply respect the NO CONTACT. Comment below 👇 Your former relation to me, and your name and what you have been doing. If you don't know me personally and are an unwitting flying monkey please reveal yourself by first name and who you have been defending through your stalking by proxy. Btw my name is Gabrielle Cook. See link for education on family Mobbing : In the comments. I am expecting no one to comment below to actually do as a ask because they seek to due me great harm covertly. Just like I stated in my post yesterday. Come on now. Prove me wrong.
submitted by ZealousidealDoor101 to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:10 LowRefrigerator4290 my ball clicker

my ball clicker submitted by LowRefrigerator4290 to scratch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:40 ZealousidealDoor101 đŸ‘‹đŸ€— đŸ‘‹đŸ€— Hello.

Anyone who has been highjacking, invading Reddit in efforts to get me to break NO CONTACT and react poorly. ( Which I did at times). Since you still refuse to comment below on my post yesterday to get everything out in the open in public forum. Dox me, expose me , rant, call me names, etc. All welcomed yesterday on the post. Here's your chance again. I am not ever going back. No CONTACT means NO CONTACT. If don't want to expose or be exposed via educational purposes platform simply respect the NO CONTACT. Comment below 👇 Your former relation to me, and your name and what you have been doing. If you don't know me personally and are an unwitting flying monkey please reveal yourself by first name and who you have been defending through your stalking by proxy. Btw my name is Gabrielle Cook. See link for education on family Mobbing : In the comments. I am expecting no one to comment below to actually do as a ask because they seek to due me great harm covertly. Just like I stated in my post yesterday. Come on now. Prove me wrong.
submitted by ZealousidealDoor101 to u/ZealousidealDoor101 [link] [comments]