Diarrhea with cramping abdominal pain


2020.01.22 23:42 weesson MALSyndrome

Median arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS) is a Rare and under diagnosed condition in which the median arcuate ligament presses tightly on the celiac artery and the nerves in the area. People may experience abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, slow motility in digestion, and more. Share your experience or facts on this condition!

2020.06.26 16:34 spergthrowaway90210 Smasyndrome

a support group for people suffering from superior mesenteric artery syndrome, or Wilkie's syndrome as it used to be called. Smas is a deformity of the stomach which occurs when the fat pad resting between the superior mesenteric artery and duodenum is lost, causing the artery to constrict the stomach. Common symptoms of SMAS consist of: -unexplained/extreme weight loss -chronic abdominal pain -vomiting/diarrhea -lack of hunger -pain when eating or even laying/sitting in certain positions

2016.07.19 18:55 /r/Loperamide

An open community for discussing all things Loperamide & Loperamide related.

2024.06.02 20:52 meow937491 serotonin syndrome? [TW: mention of suicide attempt]

hi everybody, i’m new to this subreddit and wanted to get some opinions from you people here.
i’ve been on sertraline since mid-march, and i’ve had my dosage upped quite a bit since then. i (obviously) started at 25mg and i am currently up to 125mg. i was on 100mg for a little over a month and recently had my dosage upped 25mg after a recent suicide attempt (the attempt plays a part in this)
i’ve been on this new dosage for 3 days now, and i started feeling side effects yesterday. i told the person who handles my medication that i think my dosage might be too high, as i’ve been feeling side effects since yesterday afternoon-ish. he said that he’ll call my doctor and just begin giving me 100mg instead of 125 for the time being.
i was wondering if it could possibly be serotonin syndrome? and if so, should i ask to be brought to the hospital? i’ll leave a list of my symptoms below:
• dizziness • fast resting heart rate/irregular heart rate • dilated pupils • twitching/shaking • sweating • diarrhea • headache • fever symptoms • feeling like i’m going to pass out • nausea (i haven’t thrown up at all yet but i feel like i may throw up soon.) • abdominal pain (not constant pain, rather on and off pain. i recently went through the earlier stages of liver failure due to my suicide attempt and haven’t had abdominal pain up until yesterday/today, which is why i decided to include this.) • hot flashes • chest/throat pain • general weak feeling in my body
also as a side note, my symptoms worsened yesterday after injesting caffeine? i am unsure if that has anything to do with it either but also including this to be cautious.
any help would be appreciated! thank you all.
submitted by meow937491 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:45 Johnny_Hamcheck Forgive me if this isn’t allowed but Anxiety is killing me

I went to the hospital about a week and a half ago for persistent dull cramping in my upper right side like where the livegallbladder is. I was initially worried I maybe close to cirrhosis of the liver. Note: I have a fatty liver and type 2 diabetes that I wasn’t controlling until then and high triglycerides. They did an Ultra sound to check for gall stones, etc. came back that gallbladder was fine liver was fatty and enlarged which I’ve known as being a big guy. Well they thought they seen a cyst on my pancreas on the ultra sound but doctor told me that it could be a shadow or just something weird going on. They did a CT with contrast to check behind and said they didn’t see anything on the Pancreas but found swollen lymph nodes and enlarged spleen.
Follow up with my doctor and they put a stat order to follow up for the lymph nodes thinking maybe lymphoma. But my stomach problems got put on the back burner. I am seeing a Hepatologist in about 2 weeks but I got no answers for this. My AST/ASL were high but I’d say slightly elevated compared to some I have heard. Everything else in my blood work was pretty good other than my A1C being a 12 bc of uncontrolled diabetes.
After the hospital and doctor however, I started having more pain all over my abdomen even in the lower left side towards like intestines and everything and some back pain somewhat everywhere but more towards middle/upper right and it’s kind of a burning sensation. My bowels started with diarrhea with yellow in them and like a light brownish/green/yellow with undigested foods in it. I have been getting my blood sugar under control and a lot of the pain has improved to where it’s more rare than anything. My back has been tight lately but I think maybe because I just stress so much about it. My bowels have improved to become more solid but still that color and they float a little bit but then sink.
Idk again I’m sorry if this isn’t allowed but I’m just consumed with it and wondering what anyone thought about the ultra sound and CT scan and what anyone thought about the symptoms???
Note: this all happened Thursday after I ate horribly Wednesday night. After my visits symptoms got a little worse (could also be my anxiety) then once I started getting sugar down it was getting and has been getting better.
Extra Note: I’m 25 years old and Male
Anything is appreciated everyone❤️
submitted by Johnny_Hamcheck to pancreaticcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:42 yourjoyfriend i’m really tired of living this way

i just really need to get this off my chest and somewhere other people can see and validate what i’m experiencing. i’m 21 and when i was 15 i went through years of diagnosis and doctors visits - ultimately no doctor could conclusively tell me what was wrong. they pinned ‘amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome’ to my chart and, after years of being devastated that my life felt taken from me, i embraced it and tried my best to cope. but over the years i’ve presented with worsening, and new, symptoms. i no longer feel my diagnosis is accurate and i want so badly to find out what’s truly going on with me.
when i was 15 it started with headaches. migraines, dizziness, nausea. i woke up and struggled to get out of bed, one morning i fell to the floor before i could make it anywhere. i had general muscle weakness and fatigue, every part of me seemed weak, even my bladder was incredibly sensitive. i saw many doctors: a neurologist, rheumatologist, and did many therapies including physical mental and biofeedback. for a while i did begin to feel better, physical therapy seemed to help, but when covid hit everything just got worse.
my symptoms have exacerbated this past year, i’m basically bedridden now. i wake up, hobble over to my desk, sit until i can’t straighten my back any longer, and then lay down. i feel constant malaise - brain fog, dizziness, heavy eyes. my fingers cramp up and lock, joints feel sensitive and tight lots of the time. i can’t ever fully relax, every part of me feels in constant pain all of the time. i used to teach music, but i had to quit a few months back after it became too painful to keep playing - not to mention i’m struggling with CPTSD and neurodivergence.
it’s like no one is listening to me. i recently saw an adult rheumatologist who just sent me to get bloodwork and then left me a message saying nothing was wrong. he tested me for several autoimmune diseases including arthritis - all of which came back normal. the only thing that seems off in my bloodwork are elevated WBC and RBC counts. i told him i was concerned that these blood cell counts are elevated, and he hasn’t responded. trying to get in to see a neurologist is looking to be a six month wait minimum. meanwhile, i’m out of a job and living with family full time. i don’t know what id do without them. disability keeps denying me for lack of evidence, but no one will diagnose me. i’m just at my wits end, any advice or support you may be able to share is appreciated.
submitted by yourjoyfriend to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:40 DrKoalii Do I have a Hiatal Hernia??

If anyone could give advice or experiences, it would be really helpful. I don’t even know what to do anymore. For context I’m f24
I haven’t been able to keep any food down for the last 4 months. At the beginning I made diet changes but still no improvements. Went to the ER for fluids and they did a CT, bloodwork, and urine analysis all came back normal. Put me on pantoprazole and sucralfate. The pantoprazole helped with my acids reflux but, other than that, no improvements with my nausea or vomiting.
The GI did a lower abdominal Xray to check for bowel obstructions, which was normal. The EGD (endoscopy) showed mild GERD and some inflammation in the stomach, otherwise normal. Biopsies from the endoscopy to check for H Pylori and celiac disease came back normal. Gastric emptying study came back normal. Upper GI study or barium swallow study came back normal.
I’ve lost about 45 lbs in the last 3 months. Im nauseous everyday and vomiting everything I eat. I can’t exercise let alone walk up the stairs w/o getting tired. I get chest pain after I vomit, feel like something is stuck in my throat, quickly feel full after eating a few bites, bad acid reflux, upper abdominal pain, high heart rate, and have trouble breathing.
I don’t know what to do anymore. I dont understand how I can have all these symptoms and all these tests are coming back normal. I don’t even know how to proceed at this point. Is a HH still a possibility or should I go a different direction? Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?
submitted by DrKoalii to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:39 X0023 Can filtered water be a cause of IBS...?

I'm a vet and was recently asked by my client about her own interesting case of ?irritable bowel syndrome. (veterinary medicine doesn't really have IBS though)
Consent gained to ask here.
She (22F) has 4/5 years Hx of intermittent upper abdominal pain, bloating +/- reflux +/- soft stool. The trigger seems to be any home-filtered water (e.g. Brita UK), whether she knows it's filtered or not. It's so specific that she's fine with milk or commercially or mass-filtered water like tap water or bottled water.
No known PMHx or allergies. Body height ~170 cm. Does not appear over-/ underweight. Mentation normal. Her dog is 3yo and doesn't aggregate any signs of ?IBS. She recently saw the GP; bloods unremarkable. She was prescribed omeprazole 20 mg which improved where reflux occurs.
Is filtered water an aetiological agent of IBS? What condition/ disease else might be the cause in this case? Psychological?
submitted by X0023 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:24 ProgressHefty7625 IBD without diarrhea and only constipation?

Hey y’all i hope all is well. As the title states i (35m) rarely ever have diarrhea, but have chronic constipation. Symptoms also include vomiting, constant nausea, abdominal pain, lack of appetite, feeling of bowel fullness, gas, bloating and the other day i had a bit of bright red blood in my stool. My calprotectin level is 1300, and am low in vitamin d. These have been going on the past couple years but have been getting progressively worse. I am getting a colonoscopy/endoscopy in the upcoming weeks but i guess the wait is the hardest part. I am just concerned about CRC but can IBD be marked with the D? Thanks
Tldr: Can IBD be without diarrhea?
submitted by ProgressHefty7625 to IBD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 Yeah-Yeah-Yeah-Yea New Trek Emonda extremely uncomfortable, tips/trics anyone?

I bought a brand new Trek Emonda (2024 model) in march, and its extremely uncomfortable. I was wondering if there are more Emonda users that have the same issues I have.
Ive ridden many bikes, from cheap ones to expensive ones. Ive ridden races, and ride three/four times a week also in winter time. Ive ridden more then a decade on race bikes now. I think I can be called a 'experienced rider', if one can say that of himself.
When im about 20k into a ride I get cramped feeling in my lower arms, which extends to my fingers going numb. Common issue in cycling. So I did some fore/aft modifications, lowers my seat a bit, tilted my seat backwards. No change. Emonda has 100 stem, which is sorta short imo.. im used to ride 120 stems so I swapped it. Did some more modifications fore/aft, no change. I now also find myself experiencing pain between my shoulder blades and neck. I usually ride between 75/100k. When im done, my hands are white/blueish from the pressure. Its horrible and extremely painful. I tried gloves, extra bar tape, different handlebars (ergo), nothing.
I love the bike, its beautiful. But im about to toss it into the sea and take my three grand loss.
Before you ask:
My Emonda has exactly the same geometry as my previous bike, with exception of the head tube which is 1.4 cm shorter. I think that is where the problem lies but I dont know how to fix it
Can anyone collaborate this? Does anyone know how to modify this in a way that I can ride (somewhat) pain free?

submitted by Yeah-Yeah-Yeah-Yea to TrekBikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 Proper-Rich-1651 my MA experience, mostly positive!!

I've read most of the stories on here to prepare myself for my own MA and would like to share mine.
First of all, I'd like to preface by saying that I tend to overreact during any kind of medical procedures/sickness but tried my best to stay grounded during this whole process. I do not regret my decision and actually woke up this morning feeling A LOT better than I expected.
Found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks ago, May 20th (?). MA at 5 weeks 4 days. Pills were from AidAccess (great process, relatively inexpensive).
I took the 1st pill, mifepristone, about 30 hours before the misoprostol pills. Mifepristone did nothing except a tiny bit of bleeding! I went to the gym later in the day, and fell asleep just fine.
30 hours following mifepristone, last night around 9pm, I took 800mg of Ibuprofen & placed 4 misoprostol pills under my tounge and sat in bed for 30 mins. I experienced a slight burning/tingling sensation under my tounge and around my mouth but that is apparently normal. Slight tingling sensation in my fingers and toes for roughly 10 minutes, scared me a little bit but I figured it would stop and it did.
Then, the fun began. While the misoprostol pills were STILL in my mouth, cramping was almost instananious. This was different than I expected because most people didnt experience cramping or bleeding for an hour or so after swallowing the pills. I had some discomfort, moving around in the bed with a heating pad to distract myself. Not to mention, I got the chills pretty bad. Full body shakes, teeth chattering, even with the heating pad. Again, wasn't expecting that so it was a little scary but okay. My boyfriend compressed his body on mine and it helped a lot. this lasted for about 30 minutes and then I calmed down. The cramping was manageable for the most part, but the diarrhea came quickly. I had diarrhea the whole time which was so much fun! :)
Its been about an hour later and the pills are swallowed at this point, the shakes are gone, and the ibuprofen has kicked in. The bleeding starts and there was a lloooootttttt. Clumps came out everytime I went to the bathroom. It got to a point where I was like okay.... how much bleeding is too much, ya know?? I stuck through it, hydrated, ate snacks and scrolled through socials.
There was a moment around 11:30-12am where my body was able to completely relax. I was really hoping I could sleep at this point, but no. The shakes came back, butthole cramps left and right, had nothing more to purge but blood, and was getting kind of breathless at this point. I went from toilet to bed, floor to bed, bed to toilet, back to floor and bed. It was a hot mess. The cramps were so bad and I felt like I couldn't really do anything about it because I didn't want to overload my liver with pain pills. I checked my temp intermittently, no fever, but sweating and chills from the stress and anxiety (im assuming). At one point, I felt okay and extremely exhausted, so my boyfriend massaged my lower back as I went in and out of sleep. I found myself waking up by catching my breaths, which was a little concerning. It was almost as if my breathing was manual, rather than automatic. This passed as well and around 2:30am I finally said "fuck it im going to sleep." He made sure I drank a good amount of celtic salt water before sleeping, and I think that helped a lot. I slept a solid 8 hours without interruption and woke up this morning with a normal amount of blood on the pad and no more poops :)))))
I am pleasently surprised with my experience, I wasn't expecting it, but I do not regret it in the slightest and I don't know what I would've done without the help of my SO. Also, I don't reccommend googling things when you're in this painful state because I think it caused my anxiety and stress to increase. Thanks for reading and allowing me to share my story~~
submitted by Proper-Rich-1651 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:54 mattonium Cramps from Cipro/Flagyl?

Hi all. I’m having a flare (I haven’t had one in a year) and my diverticulosis is mild. I had the typical symptoms with a mild fever and went on Flagyl/Cipro. I started feeling better over the next few days and the fever went away but now I am getting pretty bad cramps, almost like gas pains.
My question to all of the experienced people here is can Flagyl/Cipro cause gastrointestinal issues? My fever is gone.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by mattonium to Diverticulitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:39 Pretty-Aardvark-7037 1 day away from 8wpo!!!!!! I never thought I would get here

I had a total laparoscoptic vaginal assist hysterectomy. Kept both ovaries. I remember breaking down at like 2 weeks post op. Crying! Saying I'll never feel normal. I'll never be able to do things I used to. It felt forever away but now it feels like it was yesterday. I just want everyone to know that you will get there. No matter how far away it seems, it will happen. I still have some abdominal pain like cramps if I do to much. My doctor said that was normal and will take some time to go away. Got to get my abdominal muscles back strong again. Every little thing I do that I haven't been able to do for the past 8 weeks, I celebrate! Like I took a bath yesturday and I vacuumed a room! I went grocery shopping today and carried up groceries!! I just celebrate to myself. Sing a little song or giggle with a big grin on my face. Keep your chin up you'll get there
submitted by Pretty-Aardvark-7037 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:23 clarity_for_you Advice to best advocate when having to go to the er

Before any of you say "the er isn't for chronic pain" I KNOW this but due to my endo, I get very painful ovarian cysts that have history of rupturing which is an emergency and my flares can get so bad I can't walk, eat or function and I'm vomiting which can cause life threatening issues If left untreated but anyways back to original thing. How do you best advocate for yourself when it comes to pain, medicine and the treatment in the er? I unfortunately almost always get the usual "it's not that bad, it's just cramps" "drug seeking" "only can give Tylenol unless something comes back abnormal" or sometimes im completely dismissed and discharged without a thing done cause all they see in my chart is the word chronic and it's like they immediately stop caring. it's so frustrating and honestly very sad and I don't know how to properly advocate without making things worse or possibly making them think im being argumentative or hard to work with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
submitted by clarity_for_you to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:10 River_Steel First period since starting T

So I’m 2 weeks on T, and I started bleeding a week and 2 days ago. For context: I have PCOS so abnormal cycles ARE my normal. The first week-ish was pretty chill, relatively light flow for me but then the last 3 days have been nearly unbearable cramps, super heavy flow, and passing a lot of clots/uterine wall lining and generally I just feel like death unless I’m in a hot bath or under my heated blanket. This is the most painful period I’ve had in years, is this normal for those of us with PCOS on T? Or even just for the first period since starting in general? I’ll also gladly take suggestions that aren’t, heating pad and ibuprofen or midol because I can’t afford to miss work over period pain
submitted by River_Steel to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 jmct16 A structural approach to abdominal bloating and distension with therapeutic options to be considered [2017]

A structural approach to abdominal bloating and distension with therapeutic options to be considered [2017] submitted by jmct16 to IBSResearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 divine9108 My Period Started Almost 2 Months Ago

My Period Stared Almost 2 Months Ago, Help!
To start off: I'm 22F with irregular periods that aren't painful (rarely no cramps at all) and last usually 7-10 days as-well on epilepsy medication that never affected me for years.
My period has started in April 7th, it's already June. I've told my doctor (F) about my worries about PCOS, endo, and other things and she simply brushed it off as "normal", and not risk the incision surgery for endo because "they might not find anything", so she prescribed me with Norethindrone. It's s already been 2 weeks since I started taking the pills, and it simply started to get worse. It started to get heavy, now and then I get cramps, i've had to switch from regular to super+ to NOW ultra tampons and that doesn't help much either since I have to change every 5 hours max.
What do I do??? I am scared, and even though I might want to have kids of my own someday, I don't care about my uterus anymore if it means my health is more important to me.
submitted by divine9108 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:52 Known-Comedian-2450 Serum sickness

I'll give info on my experience and the potential experience on xolair - Dec 2023 caught covid and took xolair - end of Dec 2023 chronic hives started- took max zyrtec and benadryl at night - 1 burst of high dose steroids after er visit for lip and eye swelling - Jan 20 2024 placed on zyrtec, pepcid, montelukast, dapaone [max dose] - Feb 18 2024 started 300mg xolair - hives more persistent - painful neuropathy to feet starting March 1 2024 - March 4th hives at its worst dapsone stopped burst of high dose steroids x4 days - March 5 high grade fever at night rigors, no appetite - over next 2 weeks high grade fever every night of 102-104f with increased weakness - March 14 2024 admitted to hospital for fever of unknown origin, elevated liver enzymes, systemic inflammation - over 200 blood tests, 2 bone marrow biopsy colonoscopy, endoscopy abdominal biopsy, mri and CT scans ALL NEGATIVE - March 2024 everything back to normal
I was worked up for everything under the sun. Family and I researched everything about so the meds I was on and we came up with an article regarding serum sickness with XOLAIR. It became part of the differential of diagnosis. However most of the Dr's were skeptical except my Rheumatologist. Then this well an allergist finally said she wrote a case study on this risk of awe sickness!!!
Has anyone else had this experience?
submitted by Known-Comedian-2450 to urticaria [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:51 Known-Comedian-2450 Xolair serum sickness

I'll give info on my experience and the potential experience on xolair - Dec 2023 caught covid and took xolair - end of Dec 2023 chronic hives started- took max zyrtec and benadryl at night - 1 burst of high dose steroids after er visit for lip and eye swelling - Jan 20 2024 placed on zyrtec, pepcid, montelukast, dapaone [max dose] - Feb 18 2024 started 300mg xolair - hives more persistent - painful neuropathy to feet starting March 1 2024 - March 4th hives at its worst dapsone stopped burst of high dose steroids x4 days - March 5 high grade fever at night rigors, no appetite - over next 2 weeks high grade fever every night of 102-104f with increased weakness - March 14 2024 admitted to hospital for fever of unknown origin, elevated liver enzymes, systemic inflammation - over 200 blood tests, 2 bone marrow biopsy colonoscopy, endoscopy abdominal biopsy, mri and CT scans ALL NEGATIVE - March 2024 everything back to normal
I was worked up for everything under the sun. Family and I researched everything about so the meds I was on and we came up with an article regarding serum sickness with XOLAIR. It became part of the differential of diagnosis. However most of the Dr's were skeptical except my Rheumatologist. Then this well an allergist finally said she wrote a case study on this risk of awe sickness!!!
Has anyone else had this experience?
submitted by Known-Comedian-2450 to xolair [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:50 Known-Comedian-2450 Xolair serum sickness

I'll give info on my experience and the potential experience on xolair - Dec 2023 caught covid and took xolair - end of Dec 2023 chronic hives started- took max zyrtec and benadryl at night - 1 burst of high dose steroids after er visit for lip and eye swelling - Jan 20 2024 placed on zyrtec, pepcid, montelukast, dapaone [max dose] - Feb 18 2024 started 300mg xolair - hives more persistent - painful neuropathy to feet starting March 1 2024 - March 4th hives at its worst dapsone stopped burst of high dose steroids x4 days - March 5 high grade fever at night rigors, no appetite - over next 2 weeks high grade fever every night of 102-104f with increased weakness - March 14 2024 admitted to hospital for fever of unknown origin, elevated liver enzymes, systemic inflammation - over 200 blood tests, 2 bone marrow biopsy colonoscopy, endoscopy abdominal biopsy, mri and CT scans ALL NEGATIVE - March 2024 everything back to normal
I was worked up for everything under the sun. Family and I researched everything about so the meds I was on and we came up with an article regarding serum sickness with XOLAIR. It became part of the differential of diagnosis. However most of the Dr's were skeptical except my Rheumatologist. Then this well an allergist finally said she wrote a case study on this risk of awe sickness!!!
Has anyone else had this experience?
submitted by Known-Comedian-2450 to urticaria [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:50 jedipatronuses Two poached eggs one week post flare

I had been on liquids only since late last Sunday. So one week. Diagnosed Tuesday. Today one week later for the first time I had two poached eggs. One hour later cramping and diarrhea.
How do I know if this is diverticulitis still flaring, the effects of antibiotics, or my gut just so sensitive?
I took the Augmentin 4 days. Horrific diarrhea. I've been taking Culturelle with it too. Doctor said I was okay to stop it and was actually considering not giving me anything initially.
submitted by jedipatronuses to Diverticulitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:48 jc4081 Intestinal infection?

Hey, so, about a week and a half ago, started getting light pain in my lower abdomen and light pain in my sides. My bowel movements were normal, but then the day it started happening, had a mucus moment on the 3rd movement and wiped pink. Also, felt slightly tired/slightly light headed and a feeling of phlegm in my throat but it's very light with no cough and nothing ever comes up.
From then on, until about Wednesday of last week, it went from dark green, to light green, then brown again. Still had light cramping (to get a better idea, I can still go to work and be active and do everything, it just feels like it's in the background). One night though and into the next day, my lower back started to hurt.
Saw the doctor Wednesday and he said it sounds like I have a minor stomach bug. Went home, mind eased, until I had another pink mucus discharge. Mind you thre isnt a lot, it's lie the slightest fart and then it wiped pink. Tripping out over the past couple days. My Mom passed away from liver cancer recently so anything like this scares me to death.
Went for dumplings and had orange hot sauce with radishes, next day had an orange stool, then two loose light brown movements. Then today it's been all brown, and at work I had a BIG long healthy one but it was yellowish brown.
Went over a friends house and watched the fight (ufc 302) and ate a bunch and drank booze, went home, went to sleep. Got up, had two regular bowel movements, light brown.
I guess it's my fault for looking online too much and freaking myself out, but any insight to what's going on with my stomach? Going to a follow up appointment tomorrow.
submitted by jc4081 to FODMAPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:40 GoodCommunication378 On the fence with starting Dificid

Hi all. I’m new posting here but not new to C Diff. I had it 12 years ago, treated with Flagyl and went on with my life. A couple of weeks ago I took Augmentin for a suspected infection (cat bite) and also took Florastor 2x per day. I stopped the antibiotic early because I was worried about reinfection. The day after I stopped I had cramping and diarrhea until nothing left, upped my Florastor, and noticed stool improvement each day. For about 3-4 days I had more formed stool but was also eliminating pink mucus that can best be described as raw chicken. :/ That also improved but my stools are still yellow (but formed), and today I noticed a bit of pink mixed in there. I had a GI appointment on Thursday and he agreed to prescribe Dificid (which I now have) without a stool test (since I had no diarrhea I could not produce one). I decided to go ahead and get a test done but had to add distilled water to the mix. Still waiting on results. My symptoms seem so much more mild than most on here so I hate to take this medication until I know for sure I have a positive toxin test. I’ve been eating a pretty bland diet, yogurt, kefir, protein oats, chicken and vegetables. I’ve lost about 5 pounds which is normally impossible, but I usually eat a pretty protein-heavy diet so that has changed and I’m definitely eating less. I feel mostly normal aside from the light yellow stool and today the pink. Has anyone else had similar symptoms? Could this be my gut recovering from the Augmentin without being C Diff? Thanks so much!
submitted by GoodCommunication378 to cdifficile [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:31 mxphxtz Wanting to Change Clinic/PCP

(I'd posted this in another subreddit, but figured I'd post it here too! :) )
Content Warning: mentions of menstruation, intercourse, bodily pain.

I never thought I would reach the point of wanting to leave my clinic and change PCPs. I've been using the same self-proclaimed 'gender affirming' clinic ever since I first came out to my medical team when I was 16.
Finding that clinic at 16 was a major shift and made me feel good about myself. I'd found my voice and finally felt heard after my family denied my transness for so long. My team was great, but as a young trans boy, I couldn't yet detect the bullshit.
I turn 21 in less than a month. Over the past five years, I've experienced turnover from my first PCP & now turnover with my second at the end of June. My team isn't as great anymore. My last PCP was a man of color, very down to earth, and validated my medical experiences. He left my clinic when I was 18.
My current PCP being a cis, white, gay man, I've never felt understood. And there is a nurse who's also apart of the team who's a cis, white, older woman who often speaks over me when I'm voicing a medical concern. Whether it's speaking over me or diminishing my medical experiences, I'm often leaving my appointments with a weird heaviness. As he was informing of his near departure, he made sure to let me know that the nurse I dislike will still be there, and honestly, that's way more of a reason to make the switch to a new clinic.
As of now, my main medical issues are chronic joint pain (I've had for years), lower abdominal pain when being intimate or solo-intimate, and consistent breakthrough bleeding. I'm currently on T (four years), but T has not been able to stop the bleeding on its own. So, then I was put on DEPO. Now, I've been prescribed a pill that aids in stopping blood flow (although the blood still flows, so..).
On Wednesday, my team decided I need to get a pelvic ultrasound done and potentially physical therapy for pelvic floor (again), and I'm over it at this point. I'm honestly tired of not feeling heard. I've voiced wanting to get a hysterectomy a few times in the past, but because of how young I was when I brought it up, it was taken with a grain of salt.
I've stated on numerous occasions that I don't want to have children biologically, and that I would much rather yeet all of my innards to no longer have to deal with obnoxious recurrent episodes of my boxers getting ruined and pain in my lower regions. I want to be able to enjoy intercourse again.
I guess, my biggest concern: With the clinic I'm currently with, there are so many branches of the same clinic and hospitals all stemming from the same company that makes PCP referrals and recieving meds a LOT easier. All of these are under the same system, so if I have issues, I can be directed to a specialist fairly easy.
There is another clinic in my city, specifically geared towards LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC people. I've gone to this clinic a couple of times to get checkups and testing, etc. Even gotten my T from there while my main clinic had a backorder. I still get my prep from this second clinic.
I'd love to make this switch, but I'm worried that if I had another concern, like for example, needing to see a rheumatologist, I don't think they would be able to direct me to a specialist because this is a much smaller, nonprofit clinic that primarily specializes in LGBTQIA+ medical endeavors.
Of course, I can call tomorrow and ask about this, I just wanted to talk about it and get some support. Thanks for your time!
submitted by mxphxtz to TMPOC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 East-Following5057 Is being sick affect chances of conceiving?

Is being sick affect chances of conceiving?
Today is peek day, yesterday i went to the hospital for vomits and diarrhea, I received via IV zofran, decadron, and pepcid, got out at 10pm, had to go back again at 1 am for extreme abdominal pain received another round of zofran, pepcid, this time they added morphine, and they did a ct scan with contrast, basically i had a bad stomach bug, but do yall think all this meds will affect my chances of conceiving?
submitted by East-Following5057 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]
