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2024.05.19 20:55 pythonmine Inspiration From Video Games

Alright men, what I'm about to say is very important. The title was a misdirect so that the women won't read it. This one is for the men. Be quick to listen (James 1:19) and pray for wisdom and discernment on this.
(For the women reading this, I know some of you play video games too, but I was hoping to deter most of you and meant this in jest)

Now is the time for action. You've been made docile by a fallen world that fears an Almighty God. You have bitterness because you've been under death by a thousand cuts by the enemy. They've told you to be afraid, to fear masculinity, that those will gossip about you, that you should be timid, etc. All the while this is used against you as weapons of the spirit. The Church grew quiet and many left for a broken world.

However, we serve the God Almighty. Our small battles pale in comparison to the physical battles faced by our ancestors. David as just a teenager when he faced Goliath. He stood out, unabashed and took down the fiercest warrior in battle. He knew who was on his side and God had given him the abilities needed to accomplish it.

1 Samuel 17:45-46
Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand
Many of you are living in self doubt and lack confidence. This is the work of the enemy. Pushing you to accept defeat, for he cannot defeat the living God. I call on you brothers to stand up and fight for your lives depend on it. No matter your circumstances, you have a calling to serve your God with your whole heart and your body. You have an opportunity here that you cannot see yet.

We're called to serve God with everything we do. While you remain single, use your time to serve the mission of bringing men and women to Christ. Your careers should honor God and you can use their fruits to donate and serve God. Think of yourselves like farming resources for the kingdom. We each have a calling and gifts. (Romans 12:3-8) Pray that God show you what those are and how to use them.

There has been a shift in this country. A spirit of depression which has fallen on this nation. The loneliness epidemic afflicts all men, Christian and non-Christian alike. We have the power to defeat it, they lack such capability. They are calling out for help. There is a great calling to help these men return back to the church once again. We must use our singleness to our advantage and rekindle faith in a fallen world. We can be examples to the depressed of how good God is and how great God is. Do not let yourselves be conformed by this world. (Romans 12:1-2)
Train yourselves physically and mentally at this time. Break free from lust and flee sexual immorality. We need to present ourselves as a living sacrifice to God.
Our enemy is not in man or woman, but our battles are of the spirit. Those that are afflicted will persecute you, pray for demons to be cast away from them. Pray for boldness as well as wisdom and discernment on all that I've said.
submitted by pythonmine to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:55 NorthbyFjord 26[M4F] UK/Anywhere – Looking for the one

Hei, hi and hello!
I’m Onsie Onsfjord or Fjord feel free to call me whichever is not mind to me.
I’m a 26-year-old English Norwegian who’s mainly lived his whole life in the United Kingdom and graduated from university with a degree in Computer Networks and is now working as a DIE for the NHS (Digital Infrastructure Engineer).
Caught you off guard with that job title acronym huh? Yeah, trust me when I first started it had me in fits of laughter, but you get used to it after a while.
So a bit about me; - I’m an introvert and tend to avoid public crowds, events and such and just try to vibe with friends on a nice game of anything (which you’ll see below) - I’m an avid IT nerd and will most likely remain this way for my whole career as IT is my education and career at this point - On top of IT you guessed it I’m also a very big avid “gamer” I mainly play PC and PS5 games with my current interests being in Helldivers 2, Star Wars: The Fallen Order, and Jedi: Survivor amongst a few other things like WoW, CoD, SWTOR and so on. - I love learning, whether it be history, game lore, languages, cultures, etc. You name it, and I’ll probably be interested in it (Trust me, you give me a flag of any country, and I’ll be able to tell you the country’s name and political structure. - I’m also an avid book reader and you’ll most likely see my shelf full of different manga from all types of genres, I don’t particularly watch anime, I mainly read instead because I find it more “interesting” for better or not. (Not that I'm opposed to watching it) - I’m trying to learn to cook myself but not very good at it as my most recent attempt I ended up giving myself food poisoning so it’s sufficient to say you will have a big gamble if you’d like me to cook ha-ha. - I do watch football from time to time and do support a few clubs from around the world (mainly northern Europe, the UK, and the US) feel free to guess if you’d like! - I’m currently on a VLCD and have lost about 2 stone within 1 month which I’m super super happy about.
In terms of looks and such I’m what an average 26-year-old would look like who is 6’1/6’2 with a picture on request.
Please don’t judge too much as I’m still working on improving myself.
What am I about? I’ve always made it a goal to help, care for, and support those close to me, whether it be friends, old friends, or the equivalent of my family. They’ve been there for me, and I’ll go hell and back for them as they’ve stood by me through thick and thin, even through the loss of other close friends; they’ve picked me up and brushed me down and set me straight to which I will always forever be in their debt and have helped them being.
Whilst I’ve been shot and backstabbed by many of those who I thought were close to me I just try and see the positive and avoid the unnecessary drama and arguments as life is just way too generally short for that kind of stuff and we should all get along with each other in my mind.
What am I looking for? I apologize if this comes off as really picky - Someone in the realm of the US, Canada or Europe - Someone between the age of 20 to 28 years old - Someone who has an interest in IT, manga, gaming, and such (It’s easier to talk to people with the same interest I’ve found though you don’t need to work in IT at all) - Just be a kind honest individual who I can back and vice versa. Be there for each other.
I am looking for a monogamous and serious relationship and not a friendship, however, I’m fine with starting out as friends whilst getting to know each other etc.
The end? Well, I’d like to say that this was the short and sweet version of myself without giving much more away about me but hey hopefully you’ve stayed this far and if you have, I have a very small simple request for you!
If you do decide I’m someone you’d like to get to know and all of that stuff then when messaging me, please make a somewhat attempt of an introduction (I’m not asking for the mass of paragraphs or anything) just a hi, your name (doesn’t have to be your real name), where you’re from, how old are you, what you do, hobbies, etc and we’ll go from there!
Low-effort chats & messages will be removed also, so I know that you’ve made it this far please put your answers to this question (wrong answers don’t matter, it’s what is attempted counts)
“I was born in the winter on a remembrance day, which day was this?”
Take care and hope to see your message 😊
submitted by NorthbyFjord to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:55 azarrising New DM for new players, and I created a problem

Weird one for you all. At the beginning of my campaign I thought it'd be funny to make every bartender the party meets Gygax. They're all new to DnD and have no idea who Gygax is in real life.
At first they thought it was a Nurse Jenny from Pokémon type thing, but no matter which Gygax they met, he always knew their names, even though he'd admit they never met before. I just thought it was something funny to throw into the world.
Players began thinking he was some type of god or some other super powerful type being. Each of these Gygaxes would say they've never met a different one, and that as far as they knew, they were the just a regular human.
Here's where the real problem began, 2 years into the campaign and I introduced a city map that had three taverns, and the party has intentionally ignored all hooks in order to get these bartenders to meet. So much so, that a player who said he doesn't want his character to have in game sex or a love interest, convinced the party that if he became a consort to the ruling queen, he could persuade her to throw a festival with a bartending competition and force the three Gygaxes to meet.
I know I let this happen, but they were all so intent on making them meet, I didn't want to shoot it down. However, I was not prepared to have anything happen when they met. On the spot, I had the three Gygaxes compete, before they met each other, then they came face to face to face, and there was an earthquake, lightning struck the three, and they all disappeared. The two returning to their taverns with no reflection of the earthquake/lightning/teleporting, and the losing Gygax hasn't reappeared.
I feel like there could have been something more epic as a result of them meeting, but I wasn't prepared. What can I do with the missing Gygax?
submitted by azarrising to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:54 ambieanne Twilight-core Brandy lookbook

Twilight-core Brandy lookbook
Guess who’s procrastinating again!! Idk what inspired me to do this, but as a lifelong twilight book and movie fan who literally grew up in the Pacific Northwest with my dad due to a custody arrangement… I’d consider myself an expert. I don’t have a ton of earth toned stuff and I was kind of in a hurry so this could’ve been better but oh well!! The bonus pic at the end is me in a brandy fit on my birthday trip to Forks last year! I had just gotten back into it again.
In doing this I thought long and hard about who in the Twilight universe would wear Brandy. Certainly not Ms. practical Bella Marie Swan-Cullen. I don’t think she’d wear it even if she found it at the thrift store, but she would definitely get her picture taken by an employee and inspire the brand’s aesthetic. They already sell a floor-length khaki cargo skirt for fucks sake!!!
Alice probably shops at free people and Anthropologie when she’s not wearing designer, and Rosalie literally wouldn’t be caught dead wearing Brandy. It’s far too inexpensive. Angela might, but I’m leaning towards no.
That just leaves Jessica, and I think she would absolutely wear Brandy. She would also post Brandy collections on Depop with no intention of selling any of it back when that was a thing. She’d also make her mom driver her to Seattle on the weekends to get a massive haul and then stunt on all of Forks High School come Monday- because she’s SUCH a downtown girl. I have to go be productive now but I’ll try to upload an image with item names later tonight.
(Quick last note- I 100% understand where people are coming from with the inevitable overconsumption comments. However this is just a snapshot of my wardrobe which I assure y’all is no bigger than the average person’s. I’ve been collecting Brandy stuff on and off for 10 years and currently around half of it was obtained secondhand. I sell or donate all clothes once I’m done with them for the next person to enjoy.)
submitted by ambieanne to BrandyMelville [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:54 kmtm603 anyone familiar with this card reading method?

anyone familiar with this card reading method?
hi everyone! my mom’s side has passed down this style of cartomancy for the last ~5 generations since the 1800s in ireland. i want to figure out its origins + gather the meanings of certain cards that my mom and i are unsure of. i can never find any info online so i’ll explain the spread:
round 1: querent shuffles the whole deck and selects 21 random cards, places them face down and makes a wish. the reader takes the pile and splits them into 5 piles- “to yourself,” “to your house,” “to your wish,” “what you least expect,” and “sure to come true.”
round 2: same thing but 9 cards split into 3 piles.
round 3: same thing but with 7 cards and 3 piles.
rounds 4-6: querent shuffles the entire deck and splits it into 3 piles face down. the reader flips the piles and reads the 3 visible cards on top.
a lot of the card meanings are also different than typical online interpretations. for instance, the 9 of hearts is a woman’s wish come true, the 9 of diamonds is a man’s wish, 2 of diamonds is shocking news, 4 of spades is a two-faced person, 10 of spades is a jail or hospital visit, etc etc. i don’t wanna list all of the meanings because my mom told me it’s a family secret lol. there are also certain combinations that have silly rhymes, ex. 2 kings and a jack is an old friend back, 2 jacks and a king is a cop coming, etc.
the only thing i can find that is remotely similar to this style is an excerpt from a 1919 novel called The Hills of Desire (screenshot attached). it mentions the exact names of each pile in my family’s style (except there are 3 additional categories that my family doesn’t do). it also specifically mentions the 2 jacks/king and the 2 kings/jack rhymes that i just wrote about. i can’t find anything about the author himself (Richard Aumerle Maher) except that i’m 95% sure the book is from ireland based on the characters’ names and slang. if anyone has ANY info on this method i’d love to hear!
submitted by kmtm603 to Cartomancy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 mattdagiant Tucute AFAB Enby who wishes she was MTF

I'm a binary transman and my best friend is nonbinary, we'll call her Sophia.
When we first became friends, Sophia told me she's nonbinary. We met through a friend who knew me before I passed so Sophia knew I was trans from the start. I live in one of the most conservative areas of a very liberal state so while I've haven't had many issues transitioning, I don't actually know a lot of trans people. Looking back this was an invasive question but I generally was looking for a way to connect with someone sharing my experience, so after a few months of knowing her I asked Sophia what her plans to transition are. She looked at me funny and said she didn't want surgery or to start hormones, or to change her name. I dropped the topic and don't really bring up trans-related stuff since.
However Sophia still enjoys bringing up "trans" stuff. She talks about non-binary culture (usually from tiktok or old tumblr memories) and """compliments"""" my masculine traits by pointing out how trans they make me. The thing she's said that struck me as the most odd was a couple months ago she brought up her only source of "dysphoria", saying she was "so envious about missing out on being a teenage boy." I asked Sophia what she meant, and she said skipping out on class, sneaking girls home to bang, being in on locker room culture... Sophia said she would have been most happy if she was a teenage boy who transitioned into a woman as an adult. I had no idea what to say so I just said I couldn't really relate to that, and the conversation ended.
(A bit of context, we're both AFAB. My doctor jokes that I'm a very by-the-book transman, I've legally changed my name and gender, present masc, been on HRT a while and have top-surgery scheduled late this year. Sophia wears dresses and skirts and high fem clothes that accentuate her figure, has shoulder-length pink hair, goes by her birth name and she/her pronouns, and economically and socially could easily transition if she wanted to. Being queer in a conservative area and in a career dominated by men, I've learned to make friends with people despite our clashing beliefs so this stuff isn't any deal-breaker to the integrity of our friendship. Sophia's a great friend, we talk everyday, but she has a crazy concept of trans-ness. I just don't have anyone to rant to this about irl.)
submitted by mattdagiant to truscum [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 Expensive-Science150 I 27m am considering breaking up with with my girlfriend 25f of 5 years. What do you guys think?

My girlfriend and I have been together for five years. Alcohol has always played a large part in our relationship. We drink together a lot when we hang out. We met in college. I’ve had problems with drinking in the past particularly in social situations. Lately (over last year maybe longer) my binge drinking has improved slightly and my behavior while drunk is better albeit not perfect. She tends to get very angry when she drinks to excess and this manifests itself in poor behavior towards me such as attempting to make me angry or jealous or in one case hurt me pretty badly by cutting me with a piece of a coffee cup she threw at me (lots of bloods still have scar.) I know I am not blameless in this as I like to drink with her and can be irritating. I had previously told her (after the cup incident) that if she ever hurts me like that again our relationship will be finished. About two weeks ago we were apart all weekend and she drank with her parents and called me. We got into an argument regarding how we would deal with a potentially bad kid if we were to have one (we don’t have children.) she insulted me called me names and yelled at me.
This weekend I had to work at night on Thursday and I had taken off Friday to go to her school so she could work on my teeth for 8 hours. She is studying to work in the dental field so she uses me for her lab classes sometimes. I drove the four hours (they sent me to work on a job far away it’s been hard on both of us) and slept for about two hours then went to her class. She expressed gratitude. I was tired from working at night and driving so we were not intimate this weekend which I think upset her. We then attended a wedding for one of her family friends. I don’t really like parties as I feel uncomfortable around lots of people but I was happy enough to go for her. The evening was going ok, we were both drinking, and I saw her with another man and for some inexplicable reason didn’t like what I saw. I’m usually not like this, looking back on it I had no reason to feel this way and I regret it. She is a very loyal girlfriend and these feelings were unwarranted. She seemed to catch on to what I was feeling. Later in the night I had terrible gas and I farted on the bus back to the hotel, i tried to hold it in but I couldn’t. It stank terribly and I was ashamed. The whole bus commented on it and I admitted to it as I felt it was obvious to everyone who did it. We get back to the room and she is upset about the fart and starts berating me. I am remorseful about the fart and apologized profusely both during the bus ride and to her privately at the hotel. She is having none of it, she’s very upset. She then tells me she wants to have sex with me as we haven’t done it all weekend and haven’t seen each other all week. I am not hard when she says it, when she figures this out she begins to berate me worse. She questions my sexuality (I’m heterosexual) calls me rude names for coward and mocks me for what she perceived as jealousy towards her and her friends at the wedding service. This is not helping the not being hard thing and I’m not particularly driven to have sex with her because she has hurt my feelings. I am utterly humiliated at this point and feel very bad. She falls asleep. I leave the room without waking her and I drive back to the hotel that work has for me near the job (4 hours drive.)
I arrive at where I live during the week to about sixty missed calls and texts from her asking where I am and if I’m alive. I take the worst shit of my whole life and sleep for a few hours (I’m still exhausted and have been all weekend.) then I tell her I’m not sure I want to continue our relationship because of her actions towards me the previous night. She’s upset but understands. She is now apologizing profusely and begging me not to break up with her and swearing to stop drinking entirely. I believe she will do that for a while at least if I asked her to. I told her I’d like time to think about it.
I really love this woman and we have many good times together I don’t want to end our relationship. I feel very conflicted about it. She’s usually very nice and polite (my family loves her.) we only argue like this when we drink and she has promised to stop drinking entirely. That being said, I know I am not perfect but I also know I don’t deserve to be treated the way she treats me sometimes and I resent her for it (degrading me verbally and the time she cut me.)
I would like to hear other people’s opinions on my situation. I am lost and feel alone with this. Should I work with her to help her change even though I know it’ll be a process in which I will likely suffer more while she works to change? Should I end things with her despite her promise to be better?
TLDR my 27m gf 25f is very great but becomes mean sometimes when she drinks (verbally/ physically.) I need advice on what to do.
submitted by Expensive-Science150 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:51 KaiTheGSD White German Shepherds

Let's learn about the genetics surrounding white German Shepherds (WGSDs for short) and White Swiss Shepherds (WSSDs for short). However, we start with the genetics, let's talk a bit about White Swiss Shepherds and white German Shepherds, as well as their similarities and differences.
WHITE SWISS SHEPHERDS (WSSDs): What is a White Swiss Shepherd? White Swiss Shepherds are a seperate FCI and KC recognised breed that descends from white German Shepherds, made after white wasn't allowed back into the GSD breed standard. The first White Swiss Shepherd stud, named Lobo, was born in 1966 and was later exported to Switzerland along with other white German Shepherds from the US and Canada.
Lobo was owned by a woman named Agatha Burch, who also imported a female from the UK called 'White Lilac of Blinkbonny'. It was Lobo, White Lilac, and the other imports brought into Switzerland that are considered to be the foundation of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog, though Lobo and his progeny are the most recognizable. A club for the WSSD was founded in 1989, and gained FCI provisional recognition in 2002, and was later definitively recognized in 2011. The breed was also recognized by the Kennel Club (not to be confused with the AKC, UKC, or either CKCs) in 2017. A large portion of WSSDs, however, haven't been outcrossed to WGSDs since the making of the breed and since the registration of four of Lobo's offspring in the Swiss Stud Book in the early 70's, although that is starting to change (which will explain a bit more further down).
Today's White Swiss Shepherds look different from most white German Shepherds. The biggest difference is that WSSDs, as any breed, have their own breed standard. And this standard is different from the GSD standards. The WSSD breed standard calls for a look that is more similar to the older GSDs. They don't have such sloped croups, their rear legs aren't as exaggerated as in GSDs, they have longer backs, and more rectangular shaped bodies. Their feet also need to be oval-shaped rather than cat-shaped. WSSDs can also be a bit bigger than GSDs. WSSDs can come in short coats (also called stock coat) and long coats and both of these variations can be shown without any added faults. And of course, only white coats and black noses are allowed in WSSDs. Snow noses and more cream shaded coats can happen in the breed, but they are not desired. The desired look in the breed is a snow white dog with jet black skin, nose, and brown eyes. So in general, the WSSD breed standard calls for a wolfier, "old-style" GSD kind of appearance.
White Swiss Shepherds are stacked in a four-point stack and unlike German Shepherds, there are no working lines or show-lines in the breed. All dogs are just White Swiss Shepherds and can participate in any sport or show as their owners wish. Any nose colors that aren't black would be a disqualification in WSSDs, but so far only a small portion of WSSDs have been found to carry liver. That being said, no liver litters have been born in the breed and with how highly inbred the breed is, breeding livers would result badly.
Temperament wise, White Swiss Shepherds tend to be calmer and more level-headed than German Shepherds, but there are exceptions with a higher level of drive.
Most White Swiss Shepherds can been found in Europe. A way smaller amount of breeders can be found in non-FCI countries like the US, but they can be difficult to find. As such, WSSDs have an issue with COI as a lot of these dogs are very inbred. And even though no issues can be seen now, continuing to breed WSSDs to only other WSSDs could bring upon the end of the breed. To stop that from happening, the ''borders'' between WGSDs and WSSDs have gotten lighter and some breeders are introducing new white lines to the breed.
WHITE GERMAN SHEPHERDS (WGSDs): What is a white German Shepherd? White German Shepherds are German Shepherds that are, well, white. They aren't a seperate breed from the typical German Shepherd, except for in the UKC where they can be shown as a variant of the German Shepherd or as their own breed, the White Shepherd.
And with the fact that WGSDs are GSDs, they can vary more in appearance than WSSDs. As with any other German Shepherd, WGSDs can come from different lines like American show-line, Czech working line, West German show-line, etc. And of course, as German Shepherds, they have the same German Shepherd breed standard. Although in the biggest kennel clubs, white is either a fault or a disqualification. The UKC is the biggest and only kennel club that allows white GSDs to be shown. The German Shepherd breed standards may vary depending on the location, but in general, German Shepherds tend to be smaller than WSSDs, tend to have more sloped croups, and more exaggerated rear legs. The biggest difference between WSSDs and WGSDs is the color variety. WGSDs can come in many shades from a golden shade (Often called champagne or biscuit) to pure white. Due to white only being a masking gene, WGSDs can also have liver, blue, isabella, etc pigmentation. They can even be piebald or panda and with the panda, have blue eyes. But most commonly, pure white, black-nosed, and brown-eyed WGSDs are seen. White German Shepherds, like any other German Shepherd, are commonly stacked in a three-point stack.
German Shepherds tend to be more energetic and driven than White Swiss Shepherds. White German Shepherds also don't really have COI issues like WSSDs as there are many different lines they can use for their breeding programs, non-white GSD lines included.
WSSDs and WGSDs: To recap, what's different in the two breeds? White Swiss Shepherds tend to look longer, be less exaggerated, and look more natural. White Swiss Shepherds also tend to be more docile than German Shepherds. White Swiss Shepherds don't vary in color as much as white German Shepherds. White German Shepherds tend to look more similar to GSDs (because that's what they are) not WSSDs. White German Shepherds can come in different shades, can come in liver, blue, isabella, panda, piebald, etc. Due to both breeds being different, they both have different breed standards. WSSDs are stacked in a four-point stack in shows, while WGSDs are stacked in a three-point stack.
So, what's similar in the two breeds? Both have similar features as they were once the same breed. Both share the same ancestry, and both come in mostly white coats where yellow shades aren't preferred. In both breeds, snow noses are not desired.
However, even though these two are seperate breeds, breeding these dogs isn't as easy as it might seem at first. This is mostly because WSSDs are a seperate breed in the FCI, but not in the AKC or UKC. As such, all WSSDs are seen as WGSDs in the US. That being said, a WGSD wouldn't be seen as a WSSD in any FCI country. As such, if a WSSD and WGSD had puppies, they could be registered in the AKC and UKC as GSDs, but if a WSSD and WGSD had puppies in an FCI country, they'd be seen as mutts that don't belong in the German Shepherd or White Swiss Shepherd breed. They would also likely be seen at mutts in the KC, so it is a mess in general. What makes the breed situation for the WSSD even worse is that currently, some WGSD lines are getting introduced in WSSDs in hopes to add to genetic diversity. That in itself is great, but it also breaks down the already wonky border between the breeds.
So in conclusion, unless they're at the extreme ends of the spectrum, you won't be able to tell apart a WSSD from a WGSD just by looks. You can tell the breed by their pedigree and by the breed they're registered as. And in the US, the line between the breeds doesn't really exist so unless you're breeding FCI registered WSSDs to other FCI registered WSSDs, your WSSD and it's offspring will most likely be counted as WGSDs or just GSDs.
GENETICS: Now, the fun stuff. The white German Shepherd and the White Swiss Shepherd are called white, although the correct term for their color is recessive red. Recessive red is located on the E locus and looks like this: ee. Recessive red makes a dog's body covered in phaeomelanin (Phaeomelanin is the red pigment of a dog. It doesn't color the dog's skin or affect their eye color, it just affects the red fur of the body). Recessive red comes in different shades from deep red (in Irish Setters), yellow (in Labradors and Golden Retrievers for an example), to white (like in White Swiss Shepherds and white German Shepherds).
If a recessive red dog is bred to another recessive red dog, then they can only produce recessive red puppies. If a recesive dog is bred to a non-recessive dog, then the color of the puppies will be determined by the other colors that their parents carry. So some puppies can be white, come black and tan, etc.
Every recessive red dog has another pattern underneath all of the phaeomelanin. That's why golden retriever mixes can be brindle or WSSD mixes wolfsable or any other color that they carry. Take my white GSD, Yōkai, for example. Underneath all of the phaeomelanin, he is black and tan. Recessive red can't come in any patterns, but can have panda over any other true white over it, as panda is a dominant gene and not recessive. Recessive red dogs can also have different skin, nose, eye colors depending on their eumelanin color.
HEALTH: There are no health problems associated with the white masking gene.
IN GERMAN SHEPHERDS: Recessive red naturally occurs in the breed and wasn't introduced by crossbreeding. As it is a recessive gene, it can similarly pop up in litters just like blue and liver. White is probably the most popular of the nonstandard colors, and their coat color doesn't impact their temperament at all.
submitted by KaiTheGSD to germanshepherds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:51 2cool4ashe "The woman wanted to fuck the bee." A meme post about the Bee Movie (2007) in /r/memes gets abuzz when a redditor is downvoted for going against the meme hive mind.

The Bee Movie was released in 2007, with the main character, Barry (who is a bee), being voiced by Jerry Seinfeld. The plot is about Barry discovering that humans have been stealing and eating bee's honey for centuries, so he pairs up with a human florist named Vanessa to sue the human race for mistreatment and exploitation of bees.
During the week of the trial, Barry has dinner with Vanessa, when her boyfriend, Ken, shows up and basically accuses her of cheating on him with Barry, the bee. This scene has Ken infamously yelling, "Are there other bugs in your life???" when Vanessa explains its not like that. She also breaks up with Ken here and spends more time with Barry throughout the film, essentially making Ken the bad guy.
This brings us to the meme posted in memes, titled: "The older you get, the more you understand he was rightfully angry."
[The meme says, "When you were dumped for a literal insect but you were still viewed as a villain:", and shows Ken making an incredulous face]
Let's start with the main comment that spawns lots of memey replies: (commenters will be appreviated C1, C2, C3, etc.)
Main: Nah, bro should have left all of that shit behind. The woman wanted to fuck the bee. That's not someone you would want to associate with. C1: These hoes ain't loyal C2: He should have joined, then they could have a beesome. C3: bzzz bzzzzzzz bzzzzzzz "What's that buzzing? Do you have a vibrator on?" "Nah, I am being fucked by a bee" o face C4: is still around Edit: yup sure is. Also very nsfw in case you really needed the warning for a subreddit called honeyfuckers.
Among the memes is one user who seems to get massively downvoted for their take: (this user will be nicknamed 'Mega' for clarity)
Mega: at what part of the movie did she ever show feelings for Barry? C1: When she started ignoring her human BF for a fucking bee. Mega: no she was busy with a big lawsuit, thats why she was a bit distant to him, and she broke up with him because he tried to light a sentient being on fire C2: + ratio Mega: i mean im not wrong, at no point did she ever show romantic feelings for Barry C3: They co-own the flower shop at the end, they went on picnics in the park together, she’s flirty with him, I just think you’re really bad at social cu- oh yeah, this is Reddit, my bad Mega: yk that was a dream sequence right... C3: 1. Yeah my bad, small detail but the picnic is a dream sequence 2. Why do you have such ready knowledge of small details about a shitpost of a movie yet don’t see the clear romantic relationship of the characters C4: some people call it autism. Mega: ablest C5: don't worry; we're two peas in a pot Mega [to C3]: i fully admit that Barry has a crush on her, im just saying its a 1 sided crush, a crush that Ken doesn't even know about and from what we've seen of the movie doesn't have enough evidence to come to that conclusion (at most maybe just a suspicion) edit: also i have this information since we actually studied the bee movie in my philosophy class since you can draw parallels between the Bee's situation and capitalism and you can draw the outcome of the lawsuit to if we just switched to communism (basically a critism on both sides) and during me watching it i realized how wrong the internet was about Ken since before then it was a while since i seen that movie C6: Ok now you're just intentionally trying to be a caricature of the reddit meme, and it's clear you've been putting on a show this whole time C3: snort while you were out studying at school snorts again I WAS STUDYING THE BEE
A user points out to Mega that a certain scene in the movie was removed for some countries:
C1: Fun fact, [the scene where Ken tries to light Barry on fire] is absent in certain releases. Mega: huh, that helps explain why people overwhelmingly side with him C2: So what if he did, its a fucking bee. Would you break up with ur partner if they stood on an ant?? Mega: if the ant had the same intelligence and sentience as a human and overall is just a human in an ant's body and i know this very well then yes i would break up with them since they willingly tried to commit murder C2: It is not murder to squish an ant Mega: thats if it was a normal ant, sure there isnt any laws saying "dont kill bees" but morally with how bees are portrayed in the film killing Barry is still a really bad thing C2: But at the time he was trying to kill the bee, nobody knew that it was so intelligent and able to communicate. The bees golden rule was not to interact with humans so the man had no idea. All he saw was a regular bee flying around his home, and considering he was allergic to them and a sting could kill him, him trying to kill the bee wasn't actually that outrageous. Mega: your talking about the 1st time he tried to kill Barry, im talking about the bathroom scene where he was aware of Barry's intelligence and even had a conversation with him
One redditor suggests Mega is projecting due to a similar life experience they had:
C1: I am taking this out of the air here… But it seem to me very clearly that there might have been some similar situation (hopefully not with a bee) in your life, and admitting she was indeed wrong would make it relate to your situation and admitting you might have been indeed wrong in flirting with that person or allowing them to do so … but yk, just making a lore here in my head… only way that it makes sense that you are so affected by a joke about a kids movie Mega: yeah your defo taking this out of the air, and im just saying that OP's joke doesnt work since thats just not what happened in the film, he might have an argument if that one picnic dream sequence wasnt a dream but it was and otherwise it was just a 1 sided crush on Barry's end C2: It's fucking BEE MOVIE it's not that deep my guy. You were definitely cucked at some point and this clearly hits to close to home. Mega: lot of assumptions here C3: You're way to invested in the relationship of an animated bee and his equally fictional woman girlfriend.
Lastly, a redditor links the picnic sequence in the movie:
C1: https://youtu.be/3LWSfasjuAs?si=WrwynQY1DgeYfHth She fucked that bee
Reminder the thread is still ongoing, so there is plenty for you to go through yourself!
submitted by 2cool4ashe to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:51 VisualSearch7224 God, please forgive me 🙏

Well, my ex fiancé broke it off with me about a month ago. We had talked for over a decade on social media, breaks in between with others, but always found our way back to one another. Finally he came to New York to visit, my good god did we fall so in love. I never fell so hard in my life, it was magical and beautiful. We swore we would marry one another soon. That we would never stop loving one another or give up! We talked everyday, all day!I felt for the first time in my life I had found my perfect person!
He said the distance was too much… and we should end it here, move on. It was out of no where, no signs or anything. I had spent all this damn money on a passport and was about to book tickets to go see him! I was fucking pissed! So, did some digging and found out that he had went back to his ex a month before but never had the stones to tell me! I saw pictures of them holding hands at a concert, of course this was someone he said to never worry about. I felt my heart sink and my blood pressure rise. How stupid of me to believe this man!
Fast forward to last week, I got a little buzzed on some wine and set my tindr (premium, I know so cool) to his city! Long story short, I matched with his first cousin… one that does not know who I am. We have been talking for a week now and he wants me to come visit and is really into me…. I do not love this cousin, nor want to really even see him. I want to have his cousin like me just enough to show his family pictures of me! Oh what I would not give to see my ex fiancés face when he sees that it is me!!! The shock, the horror, the heartbreak! Maybe even faint, I would really love that! Haha
Yes, wrong, cold hearted and fucked right up! But I truly love this for me. Revenge is a dish best served cold and unfortunately I am not above it! What is wrong with me? Will god forgive me for this? I wish I could stop, but I cannot until the mission is complete….
submitted by VisualSearch7224 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:50 angghern human libraries

This space should nurture knowledge of our communities, rights, our resources, laws, anything on how to thrive in a system meant to make us more codependent on it. We must begin locally and unite globally. We all come with our own experiences, knowledge, and wisdom. This is a time to find those that want to connect, want to learn, grow, and not just maintain the docile drowse that the collective has been under.
As our realities come to harsh conclusions of our ruling class, it is imperative that we have local support systems and contingency plans in place. As totalitarianism, fascism, and far right religious extremists are on the rise, the resistance must evolve with it.
The time of peace is a distant distorted memory. This is the time of aggression, of liberation. The wheel of fortune, turning. History once again rhyming the same tunes of destruction. The revolts, pacified with colorful miseries, no more.
Class solidarity will not just materialize, for it does not serve the party of capitalism. Community is the next step. The spontaneous armies the people can manifest frighten the ruling class; they see how we care with complete abandon. How we defend the humanity they are attempting to erase.
The way we stare into their shame filled eyes and see their true faces and allegiances. They detest the way we dissent, the way we deviate from the narrative they've invested billions carving for our control.
We, together, as communities pose a threat to the codependency that has been nurtured and weaponized by our overlords. Therefore they divide us and distract us with consumerism, culture wars and identity politics while the real criminals loot our labor profits.
If we are too busy destroying each other, we will never realize all the ways in which our suffering is similar and discover the true enemy and it's caretakers and that they are not in distant shores but homegrown.
The revolution will not be televised with the raw cuts. It will be sanitized and romanticized to side with those who write the history books. We have no allies within previous generations, no one is coming to save us.
Being informed is a first step to unifying the proletariat for liberation. So come human libraries, share, pay it forward, and resist the blind loyalty to the status quo. We must not rely on our oppressors to teach us how to dismantle the system that we are continuously being fed to.
submitted by angghern to insertglobaliberation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:49 Certain-Compote [SF] Post Scarcity

Lights out. Lights on. Lights out. Lights on. Vincent strained to keep his eyes open. Indeed, it wasn’t him blinking, it was the sun. It flickered mid day.
He was jobless again, and was trying to take his mind off it. He’d left the apartment, which would soon not be his, to get away from its suffocating evocation. Eventually his mindless sauntering led him to a nearby park, where he found a soft patch of grass to lie in, and perhaps just die there.
The allure of fresh cut grass in the sun had attracted others as well, but everyone was quiet, thoughtful. The recent AI revolution had put many in the same boat as him. It had been something spectacular, at an unprecedented rate the productivity of mankind soared, dwarfing the industrial and digital revolutions. In a mood of euphoric optimism, it enveloped the planet as a swarm of fruit flies with viagra.
In the beginning, managers and mid-managers were ecstatic, finally they would have the type of workers they dreamed of, ones who didn’t moan and complain about every poorly thought out decision they made. And with them gone, a huge useless drain on profit would be removed. Money would be redistributed, recognition at last, with them taking a major chunk to match their exceptional qualities, their uniqueness among their peers. AIs only needed electric power after all.
Of course, that was all a managerial fantasy, and following a brief time of delusional bliss, they themselves got promptly replaced or simply removed. For the people higher up in the hierarchy, who kept their jobs, it felt like removing your socks after a long trek.
The optimists claimed that this was the long awaited transition to a post scarcity society, utopia in the making. Reality, being a pessimist, had other plans. Wealth discrepancy deepened, and suddenly most societies found themselves with two castes: the wealthy, people who still had income and money, and the destitute who had nothing. The penniless made poor consumers, so business stopped catering to them. Governments were already designed to represent the rich anyway, so they lacked political power as well. They became outcasts, people left to die in the streets. They couldn’t even rebel effectively, since soldiers were getting paid, which made them partial to the upper class, and civilians going against modern military forces was somewhat iffy.
In a spasm of altruism, the elite figured that starvation of more than half of the population would be inhumane. Therefore bread and potatoes became free, which fit nicely well below the 1.3% of global GDP that went for charity. Some of the affected wondered whether that was some sort of a cruel joke. They felt like the roach being kept alive as food for the wasp’s progeny.
Since getting laid off, Vincent dreaded his eventual transition to the outcast class. He had not found a job in time, and now he was being evicted. Not much he could do now but join one of the sprawling tent cities, but luckily, he already owned a tent having bought one for just such an occasion.
These new cities, built within the old ones, were slowly becoming their own authorities. It started when people formed gangs to raid large grocery stores. These soon went out of business, since the stratum they served had perished. The stores that remained, that sold to the rich, had big enough margins to afford armed guards, so the gangs had to become larger and tougher. As history teaches us, government is an euphemism for the biggest bully in town, and these gangs were growing into big bullies themselves. Eventually, they started to refer to themselves as tribes, separate entities from their origin countries. And you didn’t want to meet tribesmen when you were going home at night.
The original administrations made several half hearted attempts to suppress these new states, but what was it supposed to do? Kill what it claimed to be its own citizens? Ultimately, citizens who couldn’t afford to consume or pay taxes were not desirable ones, so they gave up.
Vincent was self aware enough to know that he wouldn’t make a good tribesman. He was soft, pudgy, and often out of breath. As the main source of wealth for these people was raiding, he wondered what niche he could fill, but he avoided thinking about it too hard.
And now the sun was flickering. How unfortunate it would be, he mused, if it turned off one of these days, but he knew it wasn’t that. He was surprised to find out that it saddened him it wasn’t.
The remaining governments had their coffers empty in the end, since the populace paid politicians directly, bypassing them entirely. In a new plan, one of managerial cunning, indeed one that only a government clerk can come up with, they decided to block out the sun. Then they would sell sunlight as a service; it was the new SAS model. Proponents of this plan argued that obviously they deserved sunlight for free, but they were not so sure about the tribal riff raff that beat them senseless when they met on the street. The rich didn’t care, because it was a small fee, and hey, the money would go toward fixing the parks. It could even fix climate change!
Since there was no opposition, the decision was made, and the project undertaken. At first, people could hardly believe their reality. Such was the case with Vincent as well, he had indeed forgotten about it until now. A myriad of small robotic satellites were launched with reusable rockets, each with its own AI and at all times connected to a massive computational center via relays. There the monumental computation of where each robot should stand was made, so that any unsubscribed person would get shaded. It was akin to a Dyson swarm, but unfortunately, on the wrong celestial body.
And there it was, the last sunray to ever touch him; it blinked out. Vincent looked up, and saw the sun as in an eclipse with only its corona visible. Unhappily, he brought his gaze down, and examined the other lawn loafers. Nearly the whole place was in the dark, but two people had their own personal god rays. The chosen ones glanced around nervously. Death stares shot back at them. They left in a hurry. Vincent walked home depressed, while a robot shrouded him from orbit.
It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness.
Months passed, and Vincent found himself the third wife of a tribe chieftain. It was the Sunset Boulevard tribe, named after the street it had occupied during its inception and not after recent events. The area was now almost permanently shaded, and vegetation had completely died out, but humans found ways to persist. Even in darkness, people managed and found things to put value in. Food, water, and shelter had become precious, while electronic gadgets lost all meaning. Vitamin D supplements were the unofficial currency.
Being the third wife had its benefits. It provided uncommon security, and his chores were simple. He had to keep the tent in order and take care of the chieftain’s many children, who were from the man’s other wives.
Vincent had come to accept this existence, which his past self would’ve found intolerable. He fell into the routine of his new life, and the days strung along, but change was inevitably brewing again behind the curtain.
It turned out that blocking large portions of sunlight made the climate go haywire. Giant planetary superstorms became a thing, and the Atlantic was consumed in a never ending hurricane of continental magnitude. It effectively cut off the Americas from Europe, which miffed the rich a bit. Although travel was restricted, they still found their lives largely unchanged, an infinite stream of AI generated entertainment and whatever else was left for money to buy paved the way to a lifetime of hedonism.
For the tribesmen life grew rougher: winters were colder, springs rainier, and summers gloomier. But people persisted. Among them, Vincent had recently become a grandmother. His new routine created distance between him and his old memories of the world that had been, a dream is all it was. As life became harder, and food became scarcer, and the planet itself grew more hostile, his chores expanded to consume more and more of his time. They left him with no time to think or reflect on what was and what could’ve been. Oddly, his present situation fulfilled him, and at the end of the day, when he lay on his roll-up bed under the rotting tent roof, he fell asleep happy.
Conditions worsened across the globe, and officials started to argue that maybe they’d been wrong in removing the sun from the poor. Perhaps, it was said, the divine disagreed with SAS. Such voices remained a minority however, because neither clerks nor politicians were prepared to separate themselves from the sweet cash inflows it produced.
Tsunamis drowned the coasts, and it rained debris from humankind’s abandoned cities across the world. At last, twilight shone over the rich as well. Their assets were submerged and ruined, but they still had money to spend. And where there’s demand there’s supply. Luxurious underground bunkers, offshore platforms, deep sea hotels, and offworld apartments were hastily constructed with the poorly understood technology of days past.
Relentless, time marched on, unperturbed by humanity’s plight, and Vincent lay on his deathbed after a long, long life. A coup had ousted the chieftain, and he no longer had the same status, but was largely left alone to his own devices out of respect for his former husband. The tribe had migrated high up on the Rockies to evade the boiling ocean. He’d even managed to convince a woman to be his wife in his later years, and had a couple of children of his own. Presently, they all sat around his disintegrated roll-up bed, in his rotting tent, and a woman he barely recognized held his hand, and a young man held a palm over his shoulder. The deep sorrow of a final goodbye lingered in their eyes. He tried to remember where’d he’d come from and how it had all begun, but his aged brain faltered.
He closed his eyes for a final time, and while his mind dissolved, one thing remained clear to him. As people drowned in their underwater havens, suffocated underground, and their bones grew weak and their flesh rotted in space, he was here, happy, with his family.
submitted by Certain-Compote to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:47 Orbpondered Powerful dream interpretation and a few questions about bast, Druidic practices and pathways.

Hello everyone, I’m just wanting some direction or to hear your thoughts. I grew up with a pagan mother, so I had always been introduced to various spiritual practices other than Christianity. My mom finds solace with the Norse gods, however I feel I am just now getting a grasp as to who I feel drawn to. as of late, I’ve been interested in the aspects and path of druidry, however I feel as though the Egyptian gods, Bast in particular calls with me to work with her.
I do not have a particular altar for her, although I am currently taking the steps to build one for her. I have at least two statuettes of her, and various pins of golden cats with that somehow made their way to my collection through the years as gifts or by luck of finding them.
Cats have always been a part of my life, ever since I was young they were my absolute favorite. I had always been drawn to their beauty and fierceness. When I was about 13 one of our cats had kittens and I was drawn to one in particular- now that I am an independent adult she is with me throughout adulthood and she is my familiar. She was the small black runt kitten and I just knew she was mine. Her name is Lenka.
This dream was before any of my interest in working with the Egyptian gods- although I wonder if it kicked me off to my calling. I am just now exploring the depths of the dream, as since I was 18 I’ve been working tirelessly to build a foundation for myself and my home.
The dream begins with me waking up at the foot of this pool shaped like an Infinity symbol. Now that I research further it resembles ouroboros, or some sort of hourglass.
The edges of the pool look to be a rough golden color. I’m on one side along the edge of darkened water. It looks like charcoal has been dumped into the water and it’s murky. On the other side is this bright, tropical water- glowing like one of those Fischer price fish scenery toys. It glows and refracts like crazy and there’s plenty of colorful, tropical fish swimming around.
Where the smallest point of the pool is and where the two waters meet they’re split perfectly, I can see the shadow of a large sea creature like a pleosaur swim past the border.
Along the edges and bordering the pool are these beautiful and plentiful lush ferns, monstera, palms, various tropical plants. The sky is a deep purple, it is vast, serene and filled with tiny pinpricks of stars. The air is warm, moist and slightly thick but not uncomfortably so. I think I was in the middle of an oasis, the entire place felt sacred.
I start getting up from the pool edge and I’m wearing some loose clothing and jewelry, I have water sticking to my skin and I feel warm.. content.. peaceful. I look to my left and see a golden pyramid- about 8-10 feet tall at most.
It’s beautiful, I walk towards it. From this my perspective changes to third person, and I envision myself laying my hand flat against the surface of the pyramid, it’s cool, solid and moist to the touch. I then rest my forehead and nose against the pyramid and from there- I wake up.
I had never felt such serenity or peace and I feel as though a message was sent to me for me to remember such a vivid dream in detail.
I’m sorry for such a long post, I have just never felt so drawn and confused by such power and I’m not sure what to interpret from it and would appreciate any guidance.
Is it possible to give offerings and devote myself to the goddess Bast while still practicing druidry? Would that be taken as offensive?
submitted by Orbpondered to Kemetic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:46 RetroNumanox Lumas fine art gallery, specialists for high-quality art, now also promotes and sells AI art worldwide in collaboration with reputable artists. AI Art = Art

Lumas fine art gallery, specialists for high-quality art, now also promotes and sells AI art worldwide in collaboration with reputable artists. AI Art = Art


Enter a realm of unlimited creativity: welcome to the innovative world of AI art. Discover the revolutionary approach that uses today's technologies to realize tomorrow's visions. A new form of creativity – between artificial and artistic intelligence. Explore creations that transcend the ordinary! AI ART: ARTISTIC INTELLIGENCE
Art out of this world: In his original AI-generated works, the artistic figure Slender O’Kenoshi creates the parallel universe within a parallel universe. He creates a holistic concept that merges fiction and reality and brings on a new aesthetic entity. Instead of fighting it, Slender O’Kenoshi teams up with what other photographers tend to consider a threat: Artificial intelligence accompanies every step of his process, an artistic synthesis, from the re-invention of the artist himself through the artificial character based on an AI-generated biography to the virtual virtuoso compositions inventing a new world. He engages entirely in what others use supportively, becoming a part of the story he is telling. While conventional photographers create stories with pictures, Slender O’Kenoshi creates pictures with stories.
Artistic intelligence: Steve Glashier is familiar with visualizing the world - both as a photographer and as a filmmaker. In his avant-garde, exclusively AI-generated works, the entire creative process is based on the artist's imagination and creativity. Instead of merely depicting the world, he builds his own - and thus helps building a new, much-discussed artform: promtography. Instead of capturing things, in promtography it is all about allowing full bent: virtual image creation knows no boundaries, but instead it confronts the artist with the challenge of going beyond the limits of the imagination and channeling or taming it.
The equation that photography is merely a mirror of our living world has become obsolete at the latest since contemporary art. Meaningful art does not imitate: it creates. Notable photographs do not only depict the actual state, but they change it. In this sense, Steve Glashier uses digital image production in the form of text-based, generative artificial intelligence as a design tool – to elevate his conceptual thinking to a new level that leads to artworks that do not only portray reality but expand it. It offers him new forms of expression for his passion for storytelling, enhancing the space for his ideas to unfold ad infinitum. The more precise the commands to the AI, the more artistic the results.
Artful contrasts melting together in the evening sun: cold stone bathed in warm twilight; earthy colors that play around cool water surfaces. Modern aesthetics of clear lines and straight surfaces, interrupted by the sweeping shapes of classic vintage cars. A deserted ambience that is at the same time brimming with personality: Sophia Winter's aesthetic creations exude an irresistible, luxurious charm. Behind the glassy pool surfaces, however, lie sophisticated creations that go into depth: Her series is a sensual study of society. Under her artist's name, the sociology graduate from Los Angeles explores the spirit and lifestyle of California from an aesthetic point of view. Socialized in a society ruled by innovation, the artist has been inspired by her immediate environment not only in terms of her subject matter, but also her technical approach: Using complex AI tools, she succeeds in giving visual expression to her socio-psychological observations. Free of judgement, yet with a critical eye, her works reflect the zeitgeist in a world characterized by glamour and progress.
The artist uses digital tools, which are usually used to generate a touch of surrealism and realize parallel worlds, to create astonishingly photorealistic impressions – in an environment illuminated by the Hollywood’s glow and dominated by the pursuit of perfection. In this way, she subtly integrates a meaningful friction between a real illusory world and generated reality.
What if ...: Tom Baker has set himself the challenge of posing this question – far beyond the boundaries of the superhero cosmos. Tom Baker is not an artist, but many. He is the sophisticated concept of a creative collective that combines a cultural-theoretical approach with a creative one. After configuring a personified algorithm who gave himself the name Tom Baker, they jointly explore the limits and possibilities of artificial intelligence under his pseudonym. Using state-of-the-art technology, they create art on a meta-level that addresses the human fascination with superhumanity – illustrated by a superhero fascinated by everyday life.
Tom Baker's avatar is designed to continuously tap into sources of information and autonomously acquire data. Or also: “Developed to self-develop.” A dynamic concept that consciously rejects the idea of completion and thus positions itself critically against the concept of 'completion' as perfection. “The expression of ‘attaining something’ is also misleading. It idealizes the arrival, the cessation. But in terms of living, movement is essential. Moving people, moving things. That is the difference between art and administration. Art knows no closing time, but it is also immortal.”
submitted by RetroNumanox to aiwars [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:46 EverhardWriting I was asked to shoot a bear for 5000 dollars

I never believed in monsters, but the events of last week made me question those beliefs to a great extent.
The job seemed pretty simple at first: some people saw a strange creature in the woods and the mayor of their little no name town was willing to pay me for taking it down. He offered me 5000 dollars for shooting what was probably just a mangy bear, I’d be a fool for turning him down. Besides, he even paid me half of it in advance AND offered to lend me the keys to a private bungalow near the forest, to make my stay more comfortable. It took some time for the keys to arrive (postal services be damned), but after about a week it was time for me to head out. I packed my rifle, ammunition and some clothes and got in my truck. This would be the job of a lifetime.
When I arrived at the town, there were no signs of life. I chalked it up to it being 11 PM on a Tuesday, but even so, you’d expect at least a few lights to be on, right? Nevertheless, I continued driving until I reached my “home” for the coming few days.
The bungalow was small, it looked more like a cabin. Then again, I wasn’t here for a vacation anyways, I was here to work. As I tried unlocking the front door, I noticed it was already open. Strange, I thought to myself, but nothing unusual. It’s not like you’d have to worry about people breaking into your house in a small town in bumfuck nowhere.
Once inside, I threw my bag on the floor and plopped down onto a chair. It was a long drive, and I was tired. After grabbing a beer from my bag I began to mentally prepare for the days to come. Tomorrow, I would visit the mayor and ask for any leads of their “creature’s” whereabouts, after which I would spend the remainder of the day scouring the forest for any tracks. If my hunt wasn’t successful by then I would simply try again the day after. Easy job, easy plan and easy money. I finished my beer and decided to go to bed.
That night, I was awoken by my stomach’s inability to digest alcohol. I rushed to the bathroom while vomit started to work its way up my throat. Sadly, I was too late, and now the bathroom door was covered in beer and the half-digested sandwiches I had the day before. I cussed for a while, thinking about how stupid this whole situation was. Sure, my body had not been the same since the accident, but I never had trouble drinking before. After sitting there for a while I went searching for something to clean up my work of art. A thorough inspection of the bungalow led me to a closet, where I finally found a mop and went to town on my stomach’s content.
I was humming a little song to help lighten up my mood, but when I heard someone humming back to me from outside my whole demeanor changed. I quit cleaning immediately and snuck over to my backpack. As soon as I did that, the humming stopped and was replaced by a man’s voice.
“Sorry… Didn’t want to startle you there… Buddy!” the mysterious man said, with no discernable emotion in his voice.
I sat in silence, loading my rifle while I listened to the man outside. Sure, it was no bear, but random people hanging around your place in the middle of the night rarely spell good news. I waited for him to start speaking again, but he did not resume talking, no matter how long I sat there in silence. An hour had passed and still he had not said a word. I figured it was probably just a local drunk that found his way to the cabin, heard me hum, hummed along like a merry drunk guy would and then left because why not. Drunk guys do what drunk guys do. After coming up with this rational explanation, I went to sleep again, thinking about how weird that whole situation had been.
When I woke up in the morning my stomach pain was gone. I got out of bed, packed my stuff and headed to my truck. I noticed the scratches on the truck almost immediately. I remember thinking that it must have been that drunk guy from the night before and that I would make him pay for this if I ever saw him again. Angrily, I got in the car and drove over to the town hall. On my way there, I once again noticed the lack of people in the street. The road being empty on a Tuesday night made perfect sense, but not even one person having to drive to work on a Wednesday morning? That’s suspicious, and it should have been one of the many things that should’ve made me reconsider the job. My car needed a new paint job though, and even then, I’ve always been a stubborn bastard. As I drove, I thought I saw someone move behind a building in my rear view mirror, but I didn’t get a clear view of the person. I felt happy to see that there actually were people in this town, so I continued my drive.
When I got to the town hall the first thing I noticed was the broken window. That drunk guy must’ve vandalized more than just my truck, I thought at the moment. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door, which was open, and entered the building. Upon walking into the entrance hall I was met by a rotten smell. My vomit would’ve been all over the floor if it hadn’t been for my little adventure yesterday, that’s how bad it was. It smelled like a mixture of dead animals, fermenting plants and rotting milk. I considered turning around and leaving right then and there, but I decided to at least try to talk to the mayor, to find out what was going on. Curiosity killed the cat, I thought, but I was no cat. Stupid as I was, I didn’t bother going back to the car to get my rifle. What was the worst thing that could happen? Against better judgment, I went to search for the mayor.
When I found him, his body was lying on the floor, completely dead. He was missing an arm and his face. His torso had been ripped to shreds. His office had been completely ruined too, with random office supplies and some antique vases lying scattered on the floor, along with a picture of the mayor and his wife. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I heard a familiar voice coming from the hallway: the drunk guy from last night.
“Hey… I know you’re in here somewhere… Dude,” he said, his voice still as monotone as before.
His footsteps were heavy, growing louder with every step as he got closer and closer. Along with his footsteps, the sound of something being dragged across the floor could be heard. I even heard his breathing, heavy and labored, as he neared the mayor’s office. Suddenly, all of the sounds stopped. I knew he was right outside the door, waiting for me to make a move. I just sat there, regretting my choice of not taking my rifle with me. Then I realized something. I realized that I’m a 6’3 foot man who weighs 250 pounds and also used to be a boxer in his younger years. I got up with my fists ready to throw some punches and decided to make this man regret screwing with my car. I could hear the man scratching at the wall as I neared the door.
“Found you!” he yelled, his voice sounding more guttural than before.
I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as my aggressor knocked me to the floor, followed by the warm sensation of blood flowing out of my wound. I remember thinking that the bastard had stabbed me.
The man jumped at me before I was able to regain my balance, forcing me to roll to the side to avoid him. That’s when I noticed that this “man” wasn’t a person at all. At the moment, all I could see was something vaguely bipedal, hunched over a bit and covered in long black fur. What I thought had been a knife were actually a set of long claws on each hand.
The creature began to turn towards me, and I took this as my sign to move. I picked up a vase that was lying next to me and threw it at the monster, hitting it straight in the head. Then I got up in an instant and booked it. As I was running, I could hear the creature following me closely behind. Its roars became more and more animalistic with each passing second, clearly enraged from my attempt to fight back. I practically jumped down the stairs, nearly breaking my legs in the process, after which I continued my sprint towards the door. Without thinking twice I just busted through the surprisingly weak door.
Once outside, I noticed more creatures coming at me in the corner of my eyes. Filled with adrenaline, I ran to my truck, got inside and started the engine. That’s when the creature from earlier came falling down in the parking space right next to me. The bastard had jumped through the first floor’s window. When it got up, I finally got a good look at the thing. The thing that I heard it drag across the floor was its tail, and the things that stabbed me and scratched my car were the massive claws on its hands. Yet the thing that got me the most, the thing that will forever haunt my dreams, was its face. Or, to put it in better words, the contorted face of a man, plastered over its head. It was the same face I saw on the mayor’s picture.
I stepped on the gas and floored it. While driving, I noticed more and more creatures started to give chase, each one wearing a different face. I drove as fast as I could until they were all out of sight and I had left the town. Even then, I did not drop my speed, probably committing multiple traffic violations as I drove. But I did not care. The stuff I saw there was way above my paygrade, and I wanted to get as far away from it as possible. I drove for hours, only stopping to tank my car.
This incident happened a few days ago. Currently, I’m still in the hospital, waiting for the wound in my shoulder to heal. The doctors say I’m lucky that I can still move my arm. Sure, I’m happy to be alive, but life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows for me. I’ve racked up more debt than the 2500 dollars can pay and as if that wasn’t enough, men in black suits have been interviewing me ever since I got here. So if you’re reading this, please just remember one thing: if some guy offers you 5000 dollars just to shoot a bear, stay away. Because there’s no way in hell those things were bears.
submitted by EverhardWriting to everhardwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:46 RedDevil_Forever [Post Match Quotes] Ten Hag on United’s worst finish in PL: "It's not good enough by far. Although we had less than 60 points 2 years ago, 58 points, 8th is the worst performance. It's the truth but we should have done better. We know the reasons behind, but it's not the right moment to go into it"

Erik ten Hag

'It is not good enough'

Manchester United boss Erik ten Hag, speaking to BBC Match of the Day:
"We changed something at half-time, and after that we had more control. In the end the win is OK.
"We swapped our sixes from the sides, left and right, that was important. We had a lot of problems defending Joao Pedro in the first half but then we had more control and we were better on the ball. You see the goal, it was a movement in behind. The first half was too static."
On Manchester United’s worst finish in Premier League:
"It is not good enough by far. Although we had less than 60 points two years ago, 58 points, eighth is the worst performance. It is the truth but we should have done better. We knows the reasons behind, everyone knows, but it is not the right moment to go into it. It’s not good enough."
On Saturday's FA Cup final: "Talking about all the things we had to suffer this season, it was good to bring players back. They worked hard, desperate to play the final games of the season and especially the final next week. We get options and hopefully we will have a g week and everyone is on board. We will put a comp team out and we will fight for the cup."

Ten Hag says he has a "luxury problem" with players returning from injury. Refuses to say whether he'll continue with the 4-2-2-2 as seen against Newcastle & Brighton, or if he'll go to a 4-2-3-1 with Hojlund. "You need not only 11 players in a final. You need also a bench"

Via Official Website
"The first half, we were not 100 per cent in control. We have seen that. We had to face some chances from Brighton but, after half-time, when we changed something in our way of play, then we got more control. We were better defending, the organisation and pressing, and also kept the ball better and got movements in for the ball behind where, in the first half, it was too static. What did we change? We swapped our no.6s [Kobbie Mainoo and Sofyan Amrabat] from the side, left and right, that was important and also, in the right side, we had a lot of problems defending Joao Pedro in the first half. After half-time, we got in control and were better on the ball and had movements. You see with the first goal, we got movement in behind."
"We had to win this game. Of course, for our belief. Of course, we also need the points for the rankings but it was not in our hands. We want to lift our levels. We've got players returning and it's important they're fit for the final but also to return to some patterns. I think it's clear to see that, once we had players back in their positions, when we have original defenders available, again our levels are increasing."
"It's difficult but we've talked before over this and it was a very tough season for us. We know it's not good enough, by far. Simple. There are reasons but, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. It's United. You have to finish higher and this is not good enough. We know the competition is tough. We have 60 points, two years ago, it was 58 and were sixth and, now, 60 and eighth. But it is not good enough. We're disappointed."
"They are amazing. I don't know what to say. There are no words. If you have a season like we have had, and they stick with us. In the good times and the bad times, and we have to pay them back. We have the best fans in the world. I mean this. We have to do everything to give the a trophy next week and also, for the future, we have to perform better."
"It is about making overloads in midfield and, from there on, he is a very good runner in behind, he can do it from left and right full-back. He can attack from there but also in the centre areas and on wide areas, by bringing crosses in. He is a player who has developed as a full-back, and not as just as a full-back, but also as an inverted one too. I think his development has been very good this season and we are very pleased with him."
"This season, especially in the backline, in the second half of the season, there were so many injuries. Especially in the centre-half positions and the left-back position. All the time, we have to adjust there and make compromises that were no good for our level. No good for the results. Everyone has seen this. It's good we go into the cup final and players are returning, they are desperate to return. We have one week to be 100 per cent fit and put out a competitive team for the cup final. I'm sure we'll get that."
"It's fantastic. A cup final. Such a great event. As a kid, you want to take part in this and get a look at it. Everyone is really excited to lift this cup. We still have a good opportunity, going to the final is a huge achievement and, if you're in a final you want to win. It's all about trophies and we have an opportunity to lift the cup. It's all about winning trophies and, as a result of it, we need to be in Europe and it is our last opportunity."

Roberto de Zerbi

"We had a lot of chances to score especially in the first half as well"

Departing Brighton boss Roberto de Zerbi, speaking to BBC Match of the Day: "It was a tough day, a special day. I finish one of my greatest experience, in terms of the relationship, it has been one of the most important experiences of my life.
"We did a great job, especially in the last season. In the first half of this season, we gave our best and gave every game our best. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost. We have to be proud of this group of players over the two seasons."
On today’s performance: "We had a lot of chances to score especially in the first half as well. First part of second half, we were playing in the same way we closed the first half. But when you made mistakes in the last part of the pitch, it can happen against these big teams to lose the game and concede the goal."
On why he is leaving Brighton: "Listen, we didn’t find the agreement to move on. We talked together at different parts of the season, I want to keep my way. I know very well what I want to do and I know I am a coach and I have to accept the policies of the club.
"I have no problem with the club or Tony [Bloom]. I have to say thanks to Tony and his family, and Paul Barber, and his family because I can’t forget what they gave me. They gave me an incredible chance.
"They give me the possibility to know incredible people, to play and to work in the Premier League, to play in the Europa League. They gave me the opportunity to know this club, this city, these fans and for that I cannot forget. I have to say thanks."

Quotes via BBC
submitted by RedDevil_Forever to reddevils [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:45 Juzabro Forge of Darkness Chapter 4 Summary

Chapter 4
Location: Glimmer Fate
POV: Faror Hend
No rain on the plains in Glimmer Fate. High black grasses make the area extremely hot. Faror Hend is patrolling the edge of the Vitr Sea with her cousin Spinnock Durav. The shore of the Vitr Sea is devoid of life and the breeze coming off of it stings the lungs. The liquid of the sea dissolves almost anything it comes into contact with including stones. Spinnock is sharpening his Hust blade on a stone that has been worn away by the sea. His blade is very old and therefore does not sing. It's new to him, but has been passed down for generations. A third rider in their party, Finarra Stone, was scouting the shoreline out of sight. Nothing lived this close, so it was safe to go alone. Today the Vitr is calm, but recently it has not been and storms had resulted in its claiming more land for the sea. The sea is expanding. Eventually it will come to the border of Kurald Galain if they cannot find a solution. The Tiste have no idea what the source of the Vitr is and how to stop it's expansion. Tiste scholars are also unwilling to consult with anyone outside the Tiste.
Faror Hend is extremely attracted to Spinnock Durav, but their houses are too close in relations for her to act on this attraction. Plus she is betrothed and older, although these would not be a barrier to her. Faror thinks of a line from a Gallan poem, "The ground is bare and hard / and will hold all secrets / and the sky cares not / for the games of those beneath it." She desperately wants to act on her lust, but so far has kept in control. Faror is a big Gallan fan. Spinnock seems to know how his cousin feels and teases her.
POV: Captain Finarra Stone
During her patrol of the Vitr coastline, Finarra finds a carcass. This is puzzling as she has never seen one this close to the sea. It appears to have come out of the sea itself. The corpse is huge with scales and a tail. But a lot of the body eaten away by the Vitr. The head and neck were missing and the top of the torso appears chewed. Very few Tiste had ever claimed to have seen a dragon, but this could be one. However, those legends all had them with wings and Faror did not see any evidence of wings on this beast. A breeze brought the stench to the horse and this caused it to back up a few steps making noise. At this the stump where the neck should be lifted. The creature begins shuffling towards her. With an unbelievably fast lurch it closes the distance and swipes at Faror and her horse with two arms catching the horse with both swipes. Faror finds herself tumbling through the air. She lands on her shoulder and breaks something. The beast is still again after decimating her horse. She decides to head for flatter ground to make better time back to her party. She is the daughter of Hust Henarald and possesses his sword. Her biggest threat now were the naked wolves that roamed Glimmer Fate. Faror contemplates the meaning of dark and light and the impossibility of either without the other. She also says that Mother Dark had been a mortal Tiste woman before embracing darkness. While Finarra is contemplating, something screams at her intending to freeze her with fear. Finarra mortally wounds it as it streaks by.
POV: Faror Hend
Hearing the screams of the wolves and no sound of their prey, Faror fears Finarra is the prey. She has not returned and it has been too long. Faror decides to leave Spinnock at camp and go to investigate. He tells her to be careful and he doesn't want to lose her. She responds by saying that he has many cousins. Faror can hear at least a dozen wolves and knows that it is likely that Finarra is fighting by herself without her horse. Thinking of Spinnock's face, she attempts to replace it in her mind with her betrothed, Kagamandra Tulas. A Tiste who the war had made gaunt. Tulas was of a low house and was under the command of Vatha Urusander. This alone would not have made house Durav attempt a betrothal. However, in the war he had saved the life of Silchas Ruin and by doing so had earned the favor of Mother Dark who would reward him by making him the head of a new High House. She thinks that the war stole Tulas's ability to love anything and she is not sure she can love him either, but she will try.
Eventually she finds the place of the wolf attack. There are many dead wolves. The fighting is over, but she does not see Finarra. She thinks further down the trail she will find wolves eating her corpse. Finarra comes out from behind some boulders. Faror begins to speak, but Finarra tells her to speak softly as something has walked out of the Vitr. Finarra chastises Faror for beginning to follow the path through the grasses that would have led to her death. Faror discovers that she had almost welcomed it. Finarra was tracking whatever had walked out of the Vitr when she came upon Faror. "Small footprints, puddles of Vitr pooled in them" She tells Faror that it is their duty to track it.
POV: Finarra Stone
Finarra in a lot of pain from her shoulder and wolf bites, contemplates the look she caught in Faror's eyes. One that told her she was seeking death. She thinks the cause may be Faror's betrothal to a broken man that may be incapable of love and being in close proximity to Spinnock who oozes it. "Spinnock Durav had been pursued by women and men since he had first come of age. He had learned to not give up too much of himself, since those hands reaching for him desired little more than conquest and possession." Finarra has also caught Spinnock's adoration of his cousin turning in to something else. She knows this kind of torture between them will ruin them. She contemplates how to fix the situation. Transferring one might work, but also thinks of another more sure answer.
POV: Faror Hend
Faror and Finarra are both on the back of Faror's horse. Finarra is unconscious and Faror is having a difficult time keeping her on the horse. She thinks about Finarra only being a few years older than her, but already being a battle veteran. She realizes that the wolves she found were not the ones killed by Finarra, but those of the someone that came from the sea. Faror makes it back to the camp. They treat the unconscious woman's wounds fearing infection.
POV: Spinnock Durav
They had burned away the dead flesh and infection on Finarra's leg hoping they got it all. Finarra has not woken up and is fevered. Spinnock outlines their options whether to stay until Finarra wakes up or to try to transport her as is. Faror informs him that Finarra wanted them to track the stranger from the Vitr. Faror tells Spinnock that Finarra needs a healer and soon, but they also need to track the stranger. Faror will go after the stranger and Spinnock will take Finarra to the outpost. Spinnock follows orders, but now there is a coldness between the cousins.
Following the trail she had discovered the previous night, Faror Hend found several more wolf corpses all killed with savage blows. The path she now followed, if kept straight, would lead directly to Kharkanas. Eventually she comes to a clearing and finds a fair-skinned, blonde woman clothed only in a scaled wolf hide over her shoulders. Everywhere else was sunburnt. She appears young and has no weapon, which is curious considering her roughly cut hair and several wolf corpses. Faror says she means no harm and asks if she is an Azathanai. To this the woman responds, "I know your language. But it is not mine. Azathanai. I know that word. Azat drevlid naratarh Azathanai. The people who were never born." After a few questions that the woman cannot answer, she tells Faror that she recalls nothing not even the sea she came out of or her own name. Faror tells the woman that she will escort her to Kharkanas to meet with Mother Dark and gives the woman a Tiste name until she can recall her own. The name is T'riss. Upon hearing this the woman smiles and says, "I am “born of the sea”. Faror asks if she will walk or ride with her. T'riss says that Faror's horse looks useful and she will have one too. She turns to the grasses and conjures a horse out of them. It seems that it's weight is too much for the grasses used. Looking at Faror, T'riss then conjures clothes, lance, and a sword out of the same grasses. This scares Faror because it is god-like sorcery. "‘Mother Dark.’ T’riss smiled. ‘That is a nice title.’"
Location: 3 days out from Neret Sorr
POV: Sharenas Ankhadu
Sharenas likes the heat. She tans nice unlike most of her cohort. She hates the cold and remembers her time in the campaign against the Jheleck unfondly. She is the commander of her cohort. Her sister and cousin, Infayen Menand and Tathe Lorat, are greatly renowned in the legion and being related to them saw high expectations settled onto Sharenas's shoulders. Her relatives are not currently with the legion. Hunn Raal and Osserc are in the vanguard and Ilgast Rend was not happy to be with them. He questions whether or not Urusander knows what Hunn Raal is doing. Osserc backs up Raal and so Ilgast drops the inquiry. Sharenas thinks Osserc is lying when he says his father knows of and approves this expedition. Sharenas thinks, "Hunn Raal is honourable. He knows what he is doing, and he knows, as do we all, that what he is doing is the right thing to do" She thinks Osserc is impulsive and has a thin skin, but Hunn Raal keeps him from making brash decisions. 3 cousins of Hunn Raal also accompanied them. Serap, Risp, and Sevegg all sleep with Hunn Raal, but their second cousins so it's not illegal. The last of their party is Kagamandra Tulas. He is forbidding and dangerous and hadn't spoken since their departure. They are heading towards the Warden outpost where Tulas's betrothed is stationed. Sharenas asserts that every woman could see that Tulas is dead inside and left his soul in the war. That he longs for death. She contemplates that once Urusander remakes the Tiste into a meritocracy, that arranged marriages will no longer be. Ironically because Tulas had given so much in defense of the Tiste he would be a prize as a husband. She pities Faror Hend and her future with this man. However she considers that Faror, just days after the betrothal, signed up with the wardens to get herself as far away as possible. Sharenas is very interested in witnessing the meeting between Tulas and Faror. She resolves to help Faror out of her predicament although it is only for her own amusement.
POV: Ilgast Rend
Ilgast does not like Hunn Raal or Osserc, thinking the former vain and arrogant and the latter nothing like his father except in appearance. Ilgast does not approve of all the debauchery that his fighting had bought for the Tiste. He thinks that Urusander has lost the plot himself. It wouldn't be long before the legion rebelled under his indifference. He would love it if Draconus was put in his place, but fears this would result in great bloodshed and does not want that. He also knows that if Hunn Raal is allowed to lead the legion in Urusander's absence, civil war was assured. "In a world of blood, everyone drowns". Ilgast is disappointed in Sharenas, thinking she would be wise enough not to fall into the wake of Hunn Raal. He feels he is in the middle of this brewing conflict being of a major house and also a cohort commander in Urusander's legion. Hunn Raal thinks he will help him convince the wardens to join his cause. However, he knows Calat Hustain will not join Hunn Raal. He is far too loyal to his own house. Ilgast remembers when Mother Dark was just a Tiste woman until she found the Gate. "Darkness was many things; most of all, it was selfish"
submitted by Juzabro to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:44 EverhardWriting I was asked to shoot a bear for 5000 dollars

I never believed in monsters, but the events of last week made me question those beliefs to a great extent.
The job seemed pretty simple at first: some people saw a strange creature in the woods and the mayor of their little no name town was willing to pay me for taking it down. He offered me 5000 dollars for shooting what was probably just a mangy bear, I’d be a fool for turning him down. Besides, he even paid me half of it in advance AND offered to lend me the keys to a private bungalow near the forest, to make my stay more comfortable. It took some time for the keys to arrive (postal services be damned), but after about a week it was time for me to head out. I packed my rifle, ammunition and some clothes and got in my truck. This would be the job of a lifetime.
When I arrived at the town, there were no signs of life. I chalked it up to it being 11 PM on a Tuesday, but even so, you’d expect at least a few lights to be on, right? Nevertheless, I continued driving until I reached my “home” for the coming few days.
The bungalow was small, it looked more like a cabin. Then again, I wasn’t here for a vacation anyways, I was here to work. As I tried unlocking the front door, I noticed it was already open. Strange, I thought to myself, but nothing unusual. It’s not like you’d have to worry about people breaking into your house in a small town in bumfuck nowhere.
Once inside, I threw my bag on the floor and plopped down onto a chair. It was a long drive, and I was tired. After grabbing a beer from my bag I began to mentally prepare for the days to come. Tomorrow, I would visit the mayor and ask for any leads of their “creature’s” whereabouts, after which I would spend the remainder of the day scouring the forest for any tracks. If my hunt wasn’t successful by then I would simply try again the day after. Easy job, easy plan and easy money. I finished my beer and decided to go to bed.
That night, I was awoken by my stomach’s inability to digest alcohol. I rushed to the bathroom while vomit started to work its way up my throat. Sadly, I was too late, and now the bathroom door was covered in beer and the half-digested sandwiches I had the day before. I cussed for a while, thinking about how stupid this whole situation was. Sure, my body had not been the same since the accident, but I never had trouble drinking before. After sitting there for a while I went searching for something to clean up my work of art. A thorough inspection of the bungalow led me to a closet, where I finally found a mop and went to town on my stomach’s content.
I was humming a little song to help lighten up my mood, but when I heard someone humming back to me from outside my whole demeanor changed. I quit cleaning immediately and snuck over to my backpack. As soon as I did that, the humming stopped and was replaced by a man’s voice.
“Sorry… Didn’t want to startle you there… Buddy!” the mysterious man said, with no discernable emotion in his voice.
I sat in silence, loading my rifle while I listened to the man outside. Sure, it was no bear, but random people hanging around your place in the middle of the night rarely spell good news. I waited for him to start speaking again, but he did not resume talking, no matter how long I sat there in silence. An hour had passed and still he had not said a word. I figured it was probably just a local drunk that found his way to the cabin, heard me hum, hummed along like a merry drunk guy would and then left because why not. Drunk guys do what drunk guys do. After coming up with this rational explanation, I went to sleep again, thinking about how weird that whole situation had been.
When I woke up in the morning my stomach pain was gone. I got out of bed, packed my stuff and headed to my truck. I noticed the scratches on the truck almost immediately. I remember thinking that it must have been that drunk guy from the night before and that I would make him pay for this if I ever saw him again. Angrily, I got in the car and drove over to the town hall. On my way there, I once again noticed the lack of people in the street. The road being empty on a Tuesday night made perfect sense, but not even one person having to drive to work on a Wednesday morning? That’s suspicious, and it should have been one of the many things that should’ve made me reconsider the job. My car needed a new paint job though, and even then, I’ve always been a stubborn bastard. As I drove, I thought I saw someone move behind a building in my rear view mirror, but I didn’t get a clear view of the person. I felt happy to see that there actually were people in this town, so I continued my drive.
When I got to the town hall the first thing I noticed was the broken window. That drunk guy must’ve vandalized more than just my truck, I thought at the moment. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door, which was open, and entered the building. Upon walking into the entrance hall I was met by a rotten smell. My vomit would’ve been all over the floor if it hadn’t been for my little adventure yesterday, that’s how bad it was. It smelled like a mixture of dead animals, fermenting plants and rotting milk. I considered turning around and leaving right then and there, but I decided to at least try to talk to the mayor, to find out what was going on. Curiosity killed the cat, I thought, but I was no cat. Stupid as I was, I didn’t bother going back to the car to get my rifle. What was the worst thing that could happen? Against better judgment, I went to search for the mayor.
When I found him, his body was lying on the floor, completely dead. He was missing an arm and his face. His torso had been ripped to shreds. His office had been completely ruined too, with random office supplies and some antique vases lying scattered on the floor, along with a picture of the mayor and his wife. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I heard a familiar voice coming from the hallway: the drunk guy from last night.
“Hey… I know you’re in here somewhere… Dude,” he said, his voice still as monotone as before.
His footsteps were heavy, growing louder with every step as he got closer and closer. Along with his footsteps, the sound of something being dragged across the floor could be heard. I even heard his breathing, heavy and labored, as he neared the mayor’s office. Suddenly, all of the sounds stopped. I knew he was right outside the door, waiting for me to make a move. I just sat there, regretting my choice of not taking my rifle with me. Then I realized something. I realized that I’m a 6’3 foot man who weighs 250 pounds and also used to be a boxer in his younger years. I got up with my fists ready to throw some punches and decided to make this man regret screwing with my car. I could hear the man scratching at the wall as I neared the door.
“Found you!” he yelled, his voice sounding more guttural than before.
I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as my aggressor knocked me to the floor, followed by the warm sensation of blood flowing out of my wound. I remember thinking that the bastard had stabbed me.
The man jumped at me before I was able to regain my balance, forcing me to roll to the side to avoid him. That’s when I noticed that this “man” wasn’t a person at all. At the moment, all I could see was something vaguely bipedal, hunched over a bit and covered in long black fur. What I thought had been a knife were actually a set of long claws on each hand.
The creature began to turn towards me, and I took this as my sign to move. I picked up a vase that was lying next to me and threw it at the monster, hitting it straight in the head. Then I got up in an instant and booked it. As I was running, I could hear the creature following me closely behind. Its roars became more and more animalistic with each passing second, clearly enraged from my attempt to fight back. I practically jumped down the stairs, nearly breaking my legs in the process, after which I continued my sprint towards the door. Without thinking twice I just busted through the surprisingly weak door.
Once outside, I noticed more creatures coming at me in the corner of my eyes. Filled with adrenaline, I ran to my truck, got inside and started the engine. That’s when the creature from earlier came falling down in the parking space right next to me. The bastard had jumped through the first floor’s window. When it got up, I finally got a good look at the thing. The thing that I heard it drag across the floor was its tail, and the things that stabbed me and scratched my car were the massive claws on its hands. Yet the thing that got me the most, the thing that will forever haunt my dreams, was its face. Or, to put it in better words, the contorted face of a man, plastered over its head. It was the same face I saw on the mayor’s picture.
I stepped on the gas and floored it. While driving, I noticed more and more creatures started to give chase, each one wearing a different face. I drove as fast as I could until they were all out of sight and I had left the town. Even then, I did not drop my speed, probably committing multiple traffic violations as I drove. But I did not care. The stuff I saw there was way above my paygrade, and I wanted to get as far away from it as possible. I drove for hours, only stopping to tank my car.
This incident happened a few days ago. Currently, I’m still in the hospital, waiting for the wound in my shoulder to heal. The doctors say I’m lucky that I can still move my arm. Sure, I’m happy to be alive, but life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows for me. I’ve racked up more debt than the 2500 dollars can pay and as if that wasn’t enough, men in black suits have been interviewing me ever since I got here. So if you’re reading this, please just remember one thing: if some guy offers you 5000 dollars just to shoot a bear, stay away. Because there’s no way in hell those things were bears.
submitted by EverhardWriting to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:43 Heavy_Ad_5216 Irritated with my long friend behavior, am I wrong for it?

i had meet my friend lets call her ( A ) at around grade 3 and we have known each other for more than a decade, recently around three years ago, our school decided to some change in our syllables and unfortunately we were the test class, due to this, we got shuffled at grade 10. we were so devastated but when we into the different section of class, she had some classmates with her while I was alone but that was fine. for a year and half I didn't know people's name that much and didnt really talk to anyone but my old group of friends. in grade 11, a classmate introduce themselve to me and we started to a talk a little. my old friend took a notice of it but didn't say anything, a few days later, when the food break started as I was keeping my books back into my bag, my classmate asked me a question about something real quick, my friend A saw me (we have big window in classes that any one can look through) she got a bit mad( I don't know how to describe it) but she asked me who it is was. i told her it was one of my class mate then she told me that I was always talking to them and she started saying that I'm her new friend and that how I will leave her. i reassured her that I won't because she was my friend for a long time. she hesitated at first but later accepted it, slowly I also stopped talking to that class mate now once again I was alone in my somewhat new class. before the summer vacation we had a school trip in which my teacher adviced us all to stay together or she would to complain to our head teacher and I saw how strict our head teacher is so I decided to stick to my class when my friend A saw me with my classmates that I sticked to for safety she got angry at me, later at the School trip,when everything seemed eased out, I went to her call to her to join with trip. she refused and told me she was not interested and then at the end of trip my other old friends told me how A was mad at me. i tried to explain to them but they wouldn't listen. the whole summer vacation she didn't talk to me and all of a Blue, she cooled down and we started talking again it wasn't as same as before but hey at we were back together. i was a little bit surprised how she lost her cool but I didn't mind. in the end of grade 11, another group of classmate invited me in their group because they saw how alone I was in the class and we went together good pretty fast. at least I had someone to sit with and talk in class. my friend A again saw me with another batch of classmate but I think she didn't say anything but that's what I thought. As usual in the food break I went to meet with her and again she complained how I started to leave her and all that nonsense once again but this time I told I couldn't do anything because they sit beside me and plus can I really tell them to change their seats because someone that they don't know is uncomfortable that someone sits with me? obviously I can't. with all the final exams got done. grade 12 started and once everyone got shuffled with the subject that they chose. unfortunately now me and friend A are not in the same class but we can see more of each other now instead of seeing each other in food break,, we could see each other every other class. remember the new class group that I was in they also got shuffled into different section of class so every here and there I visit them but my friend A got more angry when ever I talked to them and she would bring the same thing that I always talked to them. now listen I get you get jealous when your friend is excessively talking with someone else but this is not it this is how are you chat that happens here and there. and do you want to know the worst part she also have friends that she talks to but she wants me to have no problem with them but see I have no problem with them but if you are getting mad at me talking to someone else but you are doing the same do you really have right for something like that? i told her what was the issue with other new class mate that got shuffled that I used to talk to, she told she doesn't like them , I was like why? she told me they changed me. i asked her how? she took a time to answer that and she brought one of my old classmate to answer that. she told me I became a 'bit' straight forward...... wow really? not only that now she is trying to put a restrictions on me by saying that I can only talk to them once a week for maximum of 5 minutes (no joking, serious ) and she was indirectly saying that I have to tell her where I'm going in school to make sure I'm not going to them and I will not leave. this behavior is irritating for me and I'm actually losing trust and interest in her because of this obsessed and overprotective behavior. I get you don't want to lose me all but this is too much. so fellas is this valid?
LSS : I've been friends with A since grade 3, but our classes got shuffled in grade 10. A became jealous and upset when I started talking to new classmates in grade 11 and continued to accuse me of abandoning her. Her controlling behavior escalated in grade 12, imposing restrictions on how often I could talk to others. This overprotectiveness is causing me to lose trust and interest in our friendship. Is my irritation valid?
submitted by Heavy_Ad_5216 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:42 Sonicboomer1 Every “defining performance” for every Doctor ON SCREEN so far. (In my opinion.)

Every “defining performance” for every Doctor ON SCREEN so far. (In my opinion.)
(This ranges from one scene to entire episodes.)
After seeing negativity aplenty recently I wanted to take a moment to celebrate my love for Doctor Who and each of the main character’s wonderful performers.
1: A moment that truly shows William Hartnell’s chops as more than the miserly old man he portrayed, a speech of warmth and bittersweetness in a lovely point of believability amongst an era of cardboard backgrounds and the Zarbi. William Hartnell truly was the Doctor, he absolutely loved the role, he loved the fans, he loved that moment in his life and you can see it in his performances even as he flubs his lines and tried to keep going instead of slowing down. Here though, you see his absolute best, which is iconic for a reason.
2: One of the most impressive performances of the entire sixty years, where Patrick Thoughton masterfully conveys both the Doctor and a complete opposite sort of character in Salamander in a creative and unique story.
3: Pertwee’s best story in my opinion and he carries it through expertly from start to finish, absolutely selling the tremendously dramatic stakes, with some of the best cliffhangers ever, one of which pictured where you can see his top notch acting as he faces the terror of being surrounded by soldiers and idiot scientists that won’t listen to his warnings of imminent destruction.
4: You might find more expert comedic performances from Tom Baker, like City of Death, than any moving sorrow, powerful anger or abject terror, however Genesis of the Daleks showed he’s more than the witticisms and quirk that make his Doctor so beloved and he delivers the moment in a grounded and understated way that works.
5: Possibly the greatest Doctor Who story, certainly voted as such multiple times and a surprisingly captivating and devastating performance from Davidson from start to finish in an otherwise less-dramatic early 80s, coming to a crescendo with one of the better regenerations.
6: A showcase of how Colin Baker was absolutely right for the Doctor, even as the programme began the process of collapsing around him, denouncing his own people in a farcical trial against himself. Despite the turbulence, Colin only ever got better and deserved so much more than the doomed destiny he found himself stuck in.
7: The perfect capture of 7’s character, cunning and manipulative with defined layers to Sylvester McCoy’s performance as he sells a facade of betrayal to his loyal companion, far departed from the clown-like early writing of the character, in a good story with many cogs turning. An actor acting acting. And good acting. A hard task that Sylvester does effortlessly.
8: A showcase of tragedy as we see how amazing Paul McGann’s Doctor is on screen, only for a brief moment, as he delivers a minisode so brilliantly people are still saying he deserves his own series 11 years later. Having played the Doctor for a very long time on audio, you can see how much he has become the character and he certainly deserves more opportunities to show it visually.
9: One of Nine’s (many) best episodes, where he delivers every emotion, absolute fear, to mocking laughter, to terrifying fury, to bitter melancholy, to honest repentance at the end, all conveyed in what might be my favourite performance of any Doctor to date, from my favourite Doctor of them all.
10: Everything from “get out of the way” from the Master to “I don’t want to go” from the Doctor may just be the best television I’ve ever watched and ever will. I’ve watched objectively some of the highest-rated series there is, so I know what objective quality is. However, nothing has ever made me feel more than the ending of the End of Time. And feeling is what creative art is all about, truly. David Tennant is voted for in polls for a reason and this performance is a massive part in it. He and Bernard Cribbins performed the finest scene in the history of Doctor Who for me.
11: Not one of my favourite incarnations but despite that I respect Matt Smith’s excellent ability and when he got to show it, he shows he’s absolutely the Doctor, the best example of this in my opinion is convincingly conveying the burning emotion of 1000 years of every type of memory of the character being wilfully offered to a greedy deity. It would go to The Angels Take Manhattan, however I have a lot of problems with that story so the emotional performance isn’t as impactful as it should be.
12: I’m not on the hype train many are with the Capaldi era (sorry) but that’s due to Moffat’s show-running than Capaldi’s performances, which are obviously among the best in the series and he has many to choose from, perhaps more than any other Doctor, however I believe The Doctor Falls is his most mesmerising. (And should’ve been the Twelfth Doctor’s last story.)
13: A vastly unpopular era, with perhaps not a lot of moments to work with due to Chris Chibnall’s confusing characterisation and writing, however the Thirteenth Doctor’s final moments were beautiful, from sitting on the Tardis watching the Earth turn, to regenerating at Durdle Door, and Jodie Whittaker defined her Doctor well with “blossomiest blossom” and “tag you’re it”, a lovely end to what most consider a dark time.
14: David Tennant had three episodes to not only sell that he’s not just doing the same thing again, but also to match the absurd levels he reached previously and he did, in Wild Blue Yonder when his face uncharacteristically shows it is not 10 again, as he outpours honest emotions that retroactively improve the previous era’s controversial decisions and series arc. On top of that, also playing a villain like Troughton where you can see the venom, the emptiness and evil in his eyes in the same episode. Seriously, seriously marvellous.
15: THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE (And very, very likely will.) However, the entire episode of Boom is one of the most challenging acting scenarios any Doctor actor has ever had to face and Ncuti Gatwa has proven doubters wrong early doors by playing it to such a standard that you truly believe every second of the terribly razor-thin margin for error, how much of a tragedy it would be if that face died already, how much agony and guilt he selflessly feels for Ruby and the rest of the soldiers he doesn’t even respect for dooming them carelessly and the pure control and intelligence he displays despite being restricted from action altogether. An all-timer performance and a great episode.
submitted by Sonicboomer1 to DoctorWhumour [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:41 Psychics4U_net 902 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING: Discover the Life-Changing Secret Behind 902 Angel Number!!!!

This complete guide on 902 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING is brought to you by psychics4u.net. For more valuable information, insights and resources, visit: http://psychics4u.net/
902 angel number meaning is completing your life purpose, being social, having great relationships and searching for a spiritual meaning. It is assembles from the root numbers 9, 0, 2 so let`s break it down:
Angel number 9 meaning: when repeating represents being connected to the world. Understanding that you are a part of much bigger system than a single person is the most important point. Although you are unique and having specific dreams, missions and goal you also aware of the fact that you need to work together with other people, nature and the law of the cosmos.

Therefore angel number 902 suggests that there is a part of you that love to be around people, going out to socialize and organizing parties or events. If you find yourself the complete opposite, for example you prefer to be busy and stay at home, watch TV, play computer games or read books, consider going out more.

Hence, one of the basic meanings or messages of this specific number is to be more connected to people. The angels are trying to tell you that if lots of people like friends, family and colleagues will be around you it might change your destiny in a very positive way. New events or situation which you never imagine will be open for you.

Angel number 0 meaning: is the most special angel number of all, zero symbolize a completion, endless cycle and most important a huge potential. The basic meaning denotes you have a great set of skills, with these tools you can manifest everything you want. Sometimes life is rough, we don’t see the light in the end of the tunnel and we falsely believe we can not achieve something we really want. So if you keep on seeing zero or to be more precisely angel number 902, you should trust yourself.

Ignore other people’s opinions because some of them will bring you negative energy. Stay closely only to those who charge you will positive vibrations and inspire you to success. The number zero indicates that you will close a circle, for example if you had a certain task, than if you will be focus on the right action you will be able to complete it successfully.

As an omen for infinity cycle, number zero is at the center of 902 angel number. So your major focus should be on endless actions. This is not a good time to rest, being lazy or procrastinate things you should execute. The angels are sending you an obvious message to wake up. After you will complete the main goal you will be able to rest and reaping the wonderful rewards.

Angel number 2 meaning: number two is all about balance, harmony and cooperation. This is one more reinforcement which indicates you need to be more connected with people. Although number two suggests romance, relationships and marriage, it can also be a sign for cooperation at work, hobbies and other kind of mutual benefit activities.

Two is also a number of decisions. 902 angel number meaning is a big choice you will face in the near future. It might be something very important that will have direct influence on you life path. So in the next few days don’t reply or rush into conclusion too fast before examining the facts. Also don’t worry because the angels will guide you through the journey.

Number 2 is the signification of duality, so remember that there are no mistakes, there is no right and wrong, no black or white and no good decision or bad decision. Even if you will make the incorrect step, you will have a second chance to fix it in the future. The error will be the lesson which will turn into knowledge and great wisdom. Connected again to guardian angel number zero, you will complete the task successfully and the things you have learned by the way will be your new skills.

902 angel number significance

902 angel number significance is related to reassurance. The guardian angels wants you to know, they have been listening to your prayers, they know what you have been dreaming of at night and received vibrations of your wish and prayer from the heart.

You are going to receive it but there is still hard work a head of you. Soon, there might be unexplained coincidences and to be more exact, encounters with new people which you never met before. These people will open doors for you and will redirect the path or the road to a different place, so don’t be closed minded, be willing to listen to new ideas and opinions.

A word of caution: not everyone you are going to meet will be a messenger from god or an angel, there are people who don’t know about it nor believe in 902 angel number significance. So don’t let them to be time wasters, distraction and energy takers.

Another obstacle that might be right on the road is people who want to hurt you. Thus be carful who you listen to or associated with. Look at the warning signs they are there and remember, the angels are watching from the skies, if there is any assistance need, they will do something.
One more critical aspect of 902 angel number significance is your inner voice. If you want to success in real life you have to have a goal and a plan, but also to be complete with yourself. To be sure by 100% about the desires and to be willing to put whatever effort is needed along the road. If you are hesitate or don’t know exactly what you want the opportunity will go away. It might take months or even years until you will get a second chance to spot and act upon the next opportunity.

Develop your intuition and be much attuned with gut feelings, most likely they will never be wrong. Spirituality speaking, the vibrations we are getting from the universe manifest themselves as feelings and emotions inside our body. If we can open ourselves to listen and decipher those messages we can actually speak with the collective subconscious and gain more insight about the future like real psychics.

902 angel number symbolism

902 angel number symbolism is also about not comparing your self to other people. If you will open your heart to get the message from guardian angels, you might be more popular among the social circle. In this position you will find some struggles, not every one will like you or want to be with you and some will be more successful than you.

For example other friends and family members might already have good jobs, bought houses, have been married and are having children and are going to vacations or travel to distant places every few months. The angels want you to know that this is not a race.

Don’t compare your self to what other have or don’t have. 902 angel number symbolism reveals your path, you have unique mission and tasks you have to do, focus on them. Friends, family and enemies has different destination and it should not be mixed or juxtapose.

Also remember: life is not equal to materialism, in fact all fancy stuff and material objects are not the main goal. You might not aware of it right now, but in the end you will realize that spiritualism is more important. Objects, assets and possessions will not make you happy in the end of the line. So if you want to be really fulfilled than pursue happiness with the small things in life, go out to nature, eat good healthy food and do daily mediation.

Don’t live in fear or self doubts, the negative energies will bring bad outcomes. If you will continue on doing it you will attract only misfortune. The world we are living in has its own rules and phases, there are good times and bad time, 902 angel number symbolism is about knowing how to navigate through the rough times and in addition how not to ruin your good fortune.

902 guardian angel number

902 guardian angel number is a representation of everything is going to be OK. The guardian angels want you to success because you are a part of the bigger picture. If we zoom in, we will discover that every life is unique on its own, but as we are connected spiritually there is a higher reason for what is happening on earth.

For an example if something good is happening to you than other people you don’t even know will be benefit from your action as well. This concept is also true in reversed. If and when you feel lucky, you have the feeling that everything is going on according to your wishes it is not a mere coincidence, and it is not only because you have better karma than anybody else. The good fortune is also a result of other people devoting their life to a definite cause, and as a side effect you will enjoy it as well.

The same thing is true backwards, if you are living around people who are participating in evil and harmful activities, than for sure it will have negatives implication regarding to you. You will not be able to claim that you are different from them, staying around in silence is like being a part of it. In the end of the day, active or passive acts are the same when it comes to responsibility.

Guardian angels want you to know that number 902 means protecting yourself from evil forces. They want you to know that they are on your side, but you also have responsibility, you have to guard yourself as well.

Sometimes you are being tested, a specific problem is not actually an obstacle, it is just a trail or a quiz to see if you are ready for the next level. For instant, let’s say someone is walking down the street and see a homeless man or a woman sitting on the sidewalk, asking for a small charity from the pedestrians. If someone will give him or her few dollars even if they don’t have lots of money or even it is just small symbolic amount, it signifies that the monetary energy is working excellent and this person will get some kind of reward.

Money is like water, it should flow back and forward without any blockages. Many people around the worlds want to with millions of dollars in the lottery. They tried every trick and system to guess the right numbers but it didn’t work. Because they have never took the time to check their karma. To find out if something is blocking the good energies.

902 angel number spiritual meaning

902 angel number spiritual meaning is all about being united. Being links to your soul, to the spiritual world and to other people around you, especially family and friends.

Regarding spiritual meaning, you are encouraged to reveal what is the purpose of life. You can start learning about these matters in many ways such as reading quotes from ancient books, biblical verse and scribes, grow an interest about the origin of psychics phenomena like astrology chart and zodiac sign.

All of these will be best explained by a guide, master or guru whom you trust. This person can help you to gain knowledge about the fundamentals of spirituality. Remember that spirituality is not an exact science, there are subjects or interesting topics that can not be explained only by logic or calculation. It is more about feelings and intuitions.

If we take a closer look at angel number 902 we can see a great chronicle path. 0 is the start, 2 is the first two steps in your spiritual journey and 9 means almost completing the mission. These are important phases which symbolize the exact moment of struggles.

At first you will be clueless, you will not know what to do or which direction to choose. However after the first step the horizon will be clear as the sun without clouds. Few steps a head the clouds will fill the skies and you will have serious doubts regarding your choices. From there everything will be smooth until you will reach one level before the end. You will want to quit and go back to your old life. Don’t let all your hard efforts to be a waste of time, endure the complications and you will reach the final destination.

902 angel number in love

902 angel number in love is a good sign. First and foremost the number 2 symbolizes couple, man and a woman in love who wants to share their entire life together. If you are single it usually predicts that soon you will find your soulmate or twin flame. Therefore a good advice is to start go on dating. You are encouraged to register to dating websites or apps, as friends and family to introduce you to potential life partners and just be out there doing what you love or good at and the angel will send nice opportunities.

For those who are already in a relationship, 902 angel number in love predicts a good progress to the next level in the mutual connection. It can take many forms such as engagement, marriage, having kids or just moving to live together at the same house.

Sometime 902 angel number indicates other kinds of partnership like business cooperation or having platonic relationship. It is a wonderful practice to say yes and welcome those correspondences as it has many benefits. Furthermore falling in love takes time, it doesn’t always happen from first site or in one day. The fundamentals need to be built slowly and surely.

902 angel number twin flame

902 angel number means you are on the right way to find your twin flame. The angels are whispering you to forget past relationships. Give a chance for a fresh start, if you want things to be different this time, you have to change something. You can not be the same person you have been in the past. Invent yourself as a better version when it comes to personality, traits and characteristic. You know better, you have experience so use it.

After eight which is Virgo lucky number, number nine is about almost completing the cycle and number 0 meaning is endless opportunities and being complete with yourself. These are powerful indicators that soon you will meet a twin flame. The reason it didn’t happened till now was because you were searching at the wrong places or wasn’t quit ready for a major event which will entwine your soul with another special person.

902 angel number and 903 904 905 906 909 numbers

902 angel number is also associated with: 900, 901, 0903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908 and 909 on an energetic level. So if you see those numbers as well or instead of 902 the messages are pretty much related to each other but it might have few variations.

Important: if you are ignoring 902 angel number when it repeats itself several times, you will probably see other sequences like 903, 904, 905, 906, 909 trying to grab your attention.

903 angel number meaning: is almost the same as 902, but because it has the number 3, it amplifies the need to be in front of a crowd. Maybe you would like to be a leader in the army or political party, maybe the path of your career should include management or you can also express yourself as a famous artist.

904 angel number meaning: because it has the number4 inthe end it means you will have to work extremely hard in order to be happy. Don’t let this fact to discourage you, on the contrary, it will only motivate you to carry through the mess and obscurity. Furthermore it suggests you have lots of responsibly, so you are not doing it only for you but also to others who are relaying on you.

905 angel number meaning: the number 5 adding to the interpretation an aspect of freedom. You will learn how to use wisely all the resources around in order to have free lifestyle. I can take a form of self employment, creating small home business, living frugal next to nature, travel the world and take care of the environment and animal kingdom.

906 angel number meaning: number 6 is related to money and assets. Everything that related to career, work, finances, occupation and business will brings you huge success. If you will choose this path you might be very happy. But while you are stockpile money don’t forget the spiritual elements of life as well. Don’t become something that you are not. Remember the history, where you come from and what is more important in life than materialism.

909 angel number meaning: this angel number has double 9, it denotes more weight on the spiritual aspects of life. You might have a life changing event, it can be bad or good but for the long run, you will see that it was necessary as a part of spiritual development.

Important 902 angel number sacred signs

9: natural personality traits and values which are good example to others, leadership and a good heart who wants to help people in anyway and at all cost like a saint.

20: there are some secrets that will be reveal to you by guardian angel, you will not see them right away it will take some time. It also might predict a new relationship and special connection with soulmates and twin flames.

29: in numerology dictionary is about being smart, having great wisdom and sharing knowledge. It’s a sign you should be a teacher, guru or spiritual guide in the career path. Solving problems is not a big issue for you especially when it comes to mathematics and logic, but you can be sure that the angels are on your side if you will need their guidance.

90: numerology meaning is idealism and specific point of view. You already know who you are and how you want to live life. Everything is so clear and all that is left is just to go according to the plan.

92: those who keep seeing the number 92 supposed to have high developed intuitions and psychic power. The angels are sending messages to direct you to use it for good reasons. You have the power and need to learn how to control it and when to use it, don’t waste your natural gift on things that doesn’t matter.

209: is an omen to work together. You will not accomplish most of your challenges by yourself. You will need the help of others as well. The angels will come but you won’t see them in person because they will send messengers. In fact those agents won’t even know they have been sent to help, it is your secret mission to spot them.

290: your wishes and dreams are going to be granted, everything is going according to the scheme. Consequently have the confidence to complete your journey. The karma is on your side, if you have been a good person the future is looking very promising.

902 angel number can be seen repeating itself in many occasions during the daily life. Here are few examples to help you spot it: phone number, bus plate, urban zone, calculator, converter, zip code, clock ring, birth date, birthday and many more.

Moreover it can be revealed at any place or any country. Many people reported 902 angel numbers at Quebec, Russia, UK, USA, Philippines, Japan and Korea. And in different languages as well: Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, English and Nepali.
submitted by Psychics4U_net to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:40 -dreadnaughtx How to know if you have mistyped

Some notes of mine...probably going to eventually put some of this into my book, which will cover The Enneagram as a whole plus insights I have from being a netizen for so long...
How to know if you have mistyped
The quick, functional version. Based on approximately 18 years (and running) of down-to-earth enneagram experience, which includes more hours than I can count reading about the types online and in literature, watching videos, including most canonical texts, some familiarity with all the popular sites, teachers, and groups, plus spending excessive time in small online communities exploring and discussing the types (e.g. “echo chambers” as I like to call them), including years spent on my own stuck in mistyping and/or analyzing the cultish dynamics that The Enneagram community attracts. If you can’t handle it or don’t understand it, that’s likely not my problem, but an issue arising from your own biases, limited experience, and struggling with the challenge of integrating what I have decided to share with you.
So, before you have a knee jerk reaction based on your own biases, please understand that this is good-faith information that has worked for me, my intentions are good and my experience is my own and it’s valid, so no petty retorting or pseudo-debating is going to change that. I put in the time and made the mistakes, so others won’t have to. This is intended to help people. I suspect there are others out there who have mistyped, but not for the reasons you may think. If the information doesn’t work for you, then set it aside. Suffice to say you’ll be confronted with plenty of that in your life anyway (but I’d try to take this seriously first, because I think it holds potential value for people other than myself).
I do need to warn you that some entry-level logical reasoning ability is needed to really understand what I’m going to share. If it doesn’t make sense to you or you disagree, there’s a pretty good chance that you haven’t understood it fully. Basic education might be needed to understand some of the more advanced logical concepts at work, such as the idea that any given Type X has many different manifestations, and our presumed ability to understand and recognize a type externally is impacted by how we filter our perceptions through our bias of how we believe that type will appear.
Some manifestations are going to align with and confirm our biases about the type, we’ll call these XB (B is for bias, so XB is our bias of how we think type X *should* appear, if we have a bias about that, which is subjective to the person making the call externally), but some won’t – some will align more obviously with our biases of another type altogether. i.e. X->XB, but also X->YB, X->ZB, etc.
This helps us to understand how the underlying Core Type can appear differently on the surface and our bias factors into all of it. E.g. if I come along and quickly say “well this guy here is clearly a Type 8,” and it’s based on the fact that to me he “looks like an 8”, we know there is at least some bias in play (because I don’t know him to truly be that type from the inside)…but I can still be correct, biases can be true sometimes -- assuming I am correct here, then in reality, this is because he’s a case of Type 8->8B. But to another person I might say “well this lady here self-types as 5 but doesn’t seem 5 to me, she seems type 9”. We have to take into account we could be looking at a true case of either 5->9B, or 9->9B. Assuming I’m wrong, then 5->9B would explain how my biases are leading me astray from the truth.
The Enneagram is an interdisciplinary system, it relies on both logical and mathematical elements, as well as spiritual and psychological ones. So not everyone is going to be able to use it effectively from the start. Advanced philosophical and logical knowledge and innovation can be useful in understanding it.
A few questions to consider:
1. Are you happy, healthy, etc? Relatively speaking.
Simple question. Accurately typing yourself should make your life better, and it should only get better over the long term as you understand your type more deeply and apply that self-knowledge to your life. Maybe there’s an initial shock point where you’re upset or coming to grips with your type, but eventually it should pay off as offering a helpful look into your own motivations and behaviors. It’s a kind of way to truly control your life from the driver’s seat, rather than being stuck in the passenger seat (with someone else at the wheel, god forbid).
If you’re just playing out the “shell-like”, superficial role of a non-core type, rather than getting to the core underneath (that’s one reason why we call It the “core” type), you’re going to neglect yourself on a deeper level. It will result in cognitive dissonance as well, causing imbalances in various places, since your core type is still having a strong impact, albeit in a less conscious way. Now if no type works for you and you feel you need to reject the whole system, that’s fine.
But if you’re going to use it, then at least make sure you’ve identified your dominant type properly, as evidenced by the self-knowledge and corollary benefits it offers. Even if every single person in the world says “you have your type wrong”, but you’re happy, sleeping well, healthy, kicking ass in your daily life, achieving your goals, dreams, etc., – then you can be pretty sure you’ve got your type right, period. The faceless masses can, unsurprisingly, be wrong about their views of us.
2. Did you arrive at the typing on your own, and can it stand up to others’ willful, unwavering contradictions, arguments, and denials?
If you were pressured into typing or retyping yourself a certain way or persuaded to stay with the same type even as you thought other types might be more accurate, you could easily have mistyped yourself. Now if you are being partially held in place by others’ validation of your type (especially those in an online community who don’t know you personally), then what you’re probably looking at is a kind of mind-control cult structure. I.e., you’re being subtlety brainwashed and manipulated via fixed ideas in exchange for feeling a sense of belonging and validation about your type within the community. You could easily have your type wrong in this case.
Of course, if you quickly buckle under peeexternal pressure when you naturally start to think of other types as possibilities when looking at your life and The Enneagram, you know there are some manipulation factors weighing on you and keeping you attached to a certain type that could easily be a mistype. In these cases, look not only at what people are getting you to do, but what not to do, which is potentially retyping yourself. It means they’re trying to keep you in alignment with their superficial ideas of you, keeping you constricted and in chains psychologically and spiritually (a slave to their egoic ideas).
If you had mistyped yourself, being open to retyping would be essential for advancing your own insight, and if you can’t even be open to that, then there’s no way you can be sure you haven’t mistyped. And it’ll be hard to break out of it if you feel like you need others’ validation, because all it takes is a few trusted, bad, or misguided influences to keep us locked into mistypes. Not everyone is going to validate our self-typing for us, even when it's accurate. Always there will be haters, hecklers, and trolls online. Our spiritual truth shouldn't be affected by those miserable people.
Don’t let others’ stereotypes, biases, gaslighting, irresponsibility, poor ethics, and bad faith influence you and get in the way of a happier life. Online interactions should come second to your real life, and if one of the only ways your type manifests is via online validation, that starts to shed serious doubt on the accuracy of your typing (especially if your core type and instinct is one of the more frequently gaslighted/gatekept in the broader online Enneagram culture).
3. Have you honestly considered every single type for yourself, across different resources and from different angles, over time?
If you haven’t done this, there’s no way you should be convinced you have your type right. Without that certainty, you’ll struggle to understand yourself and type yourself accurately. You need to understand the entire system anyway. There’s no way you can understand one type without knowing the rest of them. And obviously you need to really consider all the options deeply and rationally, consulting many different texts, in order to get a comprehensive picture. I’ve mistyped at least a couple times, and both were before I really allowed myself to open my mind about the types. I latched onto a description within the first year or two studying The Enneagram and clung to that without considering the alternatives, because I had identified with some aspects of the type but not the deeper fixation. While it’s possible to accurately type yourself from early on, also make sure you do your due dilligence and learn about all the types in full scope, and confirm that you have your type right as you do that.
4. Do you know the main online Enneagram cultural biases, stereotypes, and “rules of thumb” that amount to sophistry? So you can look out for them and set them aside?
These can be pretty quickly summarized, which tend to be some variation of beliefs that: everyone is mistyped by default, self-typed 8s are really Type 6s or sometimes 3s (they just can’t see it), many self-typed 5s and 4s are really 6s or 9s, people mistype as 8s because everyone wants to be “the strong one”, true 8s are extremely rare and even “unicorns” (the true-to-life presumption being that 8 is a superior type to be gatekept and treated like a club), people over-SX-type themselves and most people are actually SX-last, etc.
So when many people go to a popular “typing service” or “typing expert” and are all given the same or extremely similar typings, I find that suspicious and not a reliable way to type. If it works for you, do it, but most of us would disregard those suggestions anyway because they aren’t based on a sufficiently deep knowledge of us needed to move beyond merely projecting their own biases. We might be better off just guessing randomly at what our type is, given how these others’ biases keep them locked into certain patterns of identifying a type for us.
And all of these I mentioned are largely just “status quo” assumptions, they aren’t based on any actual research or hardcore data, they’re mediocre generalizations at best. They amount to echoes in the echo chamber that just get propagated because no one wants to question them. While it’s true that 369 are traditionally known as “primary, relating types”, somewhat more adaptive and chameleonic in their nature, and they’re overall (probably) somewhat more common than the “secondary types”; while it’s true that the sexual instinct is probably less common than the social and self-preservation instinct, of course depending on specific population; while it’s true that people do in fact mistype and there is some truth to these ideas and reasons behind how/why this occurs, nevertheless, these guidelines shouldn’t be exaggerated and applied in an unbridled way, according to our whims and agendas, and used to apply massive generalizations and stereotypes to anyone whose text/video/content we interact with online. This would amount to lazy thinking and turning off our brains, and facilitating even more toxic, robotic, programmed social dynamics – exactly what The Enneagram is trying to wake us up from.
5. Do you realize that your type can only be truly confirmed and known with certainty by you?
There may indeed be some of us, experts, amateurs, aficionados, etc., who are skilled at recognizing a person’s type based on limited data, but this amounts to mostly just an educated guess and should only be done with a low confidence interval (should not be accepted blindly without in-depth confirmation from the person). At the end of the day, it would take a direct, experiential knowledge of your childhood, from your own shoes, to really see and verify your type and its formation accurately. Because the dominant type is developed in childhood, it “belongs to us” in a privileged and specific way. Someone else coming along and seeing us as an older child or an adult and telling us which type we are based on their superficial experience of us filtered through their own biases and perspectives isn’t going to change who we are on a basic level.
We go through many stages in life and take on many different superficial appearances, some of which can serve to obscure our core type (especially in light of this conflating variable of the observer’s bias). Also keep in mind, although we have a core type, we have other types active in us as well. The Enneagram covers the full spectrum of human behavior, and one reason why secondary and auxiliary elements and dynamics like the lines of integration/disintegration, the wing, trifix, and instincts were developed was to express, identify, and map how some of the other types interact with our core type. With all of that in mind, it’s not farfetched to see how we can strongly identify with a type that isn’t our core, while still failing to develop to our fullest, Enneagramically-informed potential.
Good luck to you in your journey of typing yourself accurately and applying that knowledge to your life so that you can be happier and healthier.
Thanks for reading and good luck. Sorry I don’t have time to get to comments. You can see quite a bit of time is tied up in writing this stuff so I don’t have the time for all comments maintenance. I do appreciate you reading this and I hope it helps someone. I want to make sure the book is interesting, original, and covers unique truths I’ve learned personally rather than just echoing what others have said.
submitted by -dreadnaughtx to Enneagram [link] [comments]
